PITTSBURGH GAZETTE -.PUBLI6DED BY WHITE 2 C 0..-- PITTSBURGH WEBSESDAT 310i1NING, OCTOBER 25, 1854 ToAdveriiftem—N;iin,r tdmEdltcated Mooing for Priitindbtablialam•ntmt.• Lked on Sunday. hodetin. th , n• nntinesto appears ttut paper*. Plandsp naornintorill plaamalnd the In Wore Gig) elect. on eaturd.r. • illi.Pinabergb Weekly Gnmette.—Tba 'extend - re 'circulation of mar Aiy 6szL< areal to our businemmin a sone. iratralile 614,130 f Making their brunroma bonen (kiryirsodation la between four and Sae thousand. lanabkk alums: aivary merabint, manoMoteror and shop-keeper Warlarri licamaydranim and Eastern Oblo. Advance ayments.-.-nereafter no sub .lol.lost will be taken for. the bailY or WeehlY•blffettel owilessy pip:cent le made In advance. Whenever, the 'inns is op to Which the subscription is raid, the paper will be bw.rialY" • goDPed, unless the subscription is re., br adiano, payment. , All transient wdrertllin.c. Of . every desniptlon, will be require:l to. be paid In ad vance. Tbe only. eat:option" will be where special month, Ito or yearly contrneti aro made. • retatdaw 4tadlnc Motteioo earb.peme, of !Ito Pape t:l==MM= We take ttiisincide - of notifying those who re .tnit totes by mail that we can no langer•receice the notes et the Indiana and Illinois State Stock Batiks-, T 147 are not current in this city, and :ice - hinnot 'eel/them except at a ruinous shore. CONXTELY 710:11 . 119-FOIL CITY. 1[09110.3.5 • Every body cannot live' in One country, how . errs , desirable . it may be to poisess the enjoy ments of n country home, and this renders it 'necessary. to establish large parks for the health and pleasure of those whose residences are con fined to crowded, street, and brick walls. This . want has been 'most shamefully neglected in . American -rities, where the opportunities have - :been especially .great to hare..secured these 'cheerful brea th ing places forrecreation and ex: odcise. The peogly of Enron, unuirstind this matter better. -London andfflarit have provided. -ataple. accommodations of this kind, while New —.York and Philadelphia have neglected them:neara Iy altogether. . The high appreciation of the people for . Talks.; and shady walks and public - gardens, shows how deeply the 'lore of. nature in her motd. beantiful forms is j imrdanted. Edo ' cation and refiuement increase the - power and .; force of this natural sentiment, and no city which. neglects to provide in some form' ftir this want of oar nature can expect to acquire and retain an enlightened and polished -society. Men will endure confined houses and close streets and hot pairemeritt, for the:. ' purpose .of ranking `money, but they will go elsinwhernto Pend In Paris the people live much out of doors, and 'lin:London the immense parks are thronged with tined/sands of the population, of all clasies. Out of door recreations are moreicomlnon in Europe than in America, and the love r of towers and trees, of music and art is much stronger, and the amount of. happiness thus conferred on the •poptilation cannot be estimated. • Country homes for city business men have been common is England for the _last century. . The anchor-ha of Lonoon fortwentyMiles in every direction are studded ‘ with rillan and =Sal cot tages, preiinting most ettormirigtr.enes of home • comfort, nintl rendering the landscape most lore. ly to' ilse eye ti:hl Cheering to thcitheart Since the era of Pnilronds, our own country has rapid . ly sulopteethin mode of relieving the tedium' and annoyances-of a city life. The people of Boston. the Athens of America', were the first :tixerrnbmee the fatilities pzesented by railroads • for'the.enjoprrent of-a country residence.. The business men there Whose families reside in a sulinrban residence it many thou- . sands, composed °Lail classen.from the humble citizen - to the princely merchant, and they-have' nutdothe ouviront. of Boston the most beautiful ':'and captivnt'mg of ... ;any city in America. It is supposed that twenty thoosintA e rsons pass to and fro on the railroads, front the city to these country homes, • The people. of New York are rapidly imitating this example, and the sir ' • rotunlieg region, as well is the banks of the 'Hodson river, are dotted with the cottages and - .of tier business, - citizens to the distance of nifty or_sixty miles. in - : Per own city ofßittsbcugh, if she is to' hate a n: prosperous and brilliant career, must- make' her innines in, the country. No American city has lust attractioni Within and more attractions nittrout We hare no park, and there is no like ! Illoind of any, unless one is sieured somewhere • beyond Oakland, which would- be too far off for - the great mass-of our citizens to enjoy. Alleghe by has . ground for a respectable park, but the . ob stacles in the%Way of its improvement-seem al mast insninsountable. The coal smoke will also always prement - any park in the immediate stein - its of the 'city from be6ming a clean and taste - ful place of enjoyment and recreation. • ...Withall these draribackt I, Pittsburgh possesses . attractions fora Icealtinful and comfortable home • 'unrivalled by sayeity in the country.: She pee- • sesses three large and beautiful rivers. and is inn-rounded on tier" , hand /3y hill and 'dale, af fording an amount of romantic :and beautiful scenery nod equalextbyThe et:Tirol:us of any city ' in America- In these ralleis and on these Hills ' . suet est , atAliA her honirs., .:111 the city,. proper she may have her workshops and her. bu • • siness houses. __Tier social life must he in 'tile • 'country. - rwil of late, want of access to countryre treat!, except:in one or - two adjacent litertions,, was an insuperible ban to the establishment of homexiit the country. This difilculty.his been • measurably removed, and will become less every year. Already we hatra our east and west rail ; • raids, affording :access to most charming country retreats. One of them gives acr.ess to the fine country- - between thelity and Braddock's fields, 'affording room for houses for thousands of inhabi tants, smith° oftie; keeps along the banks of - the being:Kra rfihie for. twenty-five miles, affording almost innumerable sites, possessing the finest scenery: f In a short time the cinseining Alle gheny Valley - 71111,e - opened - up for city homer by.vbe competion of the Allegheny Valley Rail; - road'to Kittanning. The rallies of the Monouga beta and the Youghiogheny - will afford a vast '.4numbei.of most splendid sites, as noon. on Oen, .Laiiiner finishes - this terminus - of the noble work he Las undertikcu.— In a short - time, also, the lovely and romantic valley of Ghartiers Greek wilt tie tineessible by means of the Eitesibearille - and the Char-tiers Taken altogether; I -2-- where can be - forma for variety, beauty, health . nod scenery such n vast extent of country, monde -• _accessible to u large city 'by Itsilroads! fifty -thonsand . people can thus reside within half an hour, 'of. Pittsburgh, enjoying all the comforts and degghts of a charming country-residence. : We bear a reader say, • I 'thisls all very well to talk-aboVt s'ery pretty on piper, but can it, be _ monied i is the plan for homes in the eountry for'City - businesemen, feasible!" We not only believe - that the ideas hero roe bee , realized; hat . that they xi U be . . They mast he, if Pittsburgh is to tato her proper pesitien among the cities of .AMerics for social and intellectual life.- It is only munition of time, aria our object in these articles is to hasten the day - of its achievement. We firmly believe that, the plan foi houses in the .:.-country for city Lupien's pen is entirely feast :, ble:and in the next article on - this "subject we ; -P Will coinmenco to give some hints for its ar.com- . ,/I,l"Pcnt, The New .York Couriir and Epguirer dogs not appear to outer Barnum's last sehernerrith sny . gre et degree of favor It says Mr. Bar4nen:a ,Autobiom.aphy is now in the markegoving to a disagreement between some of the parties enga7 ged in the. preparation of it. Ito says of it in his prefect will he Been that. I hero not covered up my co-eallePhombugs,' but have giv en at;fillaccoont even of ouch ethernet as 'Joiner - Beth/Abe •Peejee mermaid,' and the •Wooley lltirse,' while I treat that I have displayed no mare,tban an honest pride in remounting the his tiny of the American .Ifusenta and General Tom Thimlo We =Mot see any object to be obtain ed bY;the publication of snob a book, extent the °f'4‘ petty Curib6tg and tiutihitd- IyneeMS a !official:it motive for the issuing of an Phy 'daring the.liTetime*:4 l6 iath°F " ' This - era ,of,/tarnam's hambagging is aborit over, This autobiography is the - last - etfait; anal will prove ,a Wharfs: . . Wathiur his limed a proclamstiaa'desig - - ,:. alfwg- Thaxaday,--Notuaber m -a. day ,of mad IL/ai.COAD BRIDGE- —Notwithstanding the late A GREAT PrLLIIILLNG linnt..—Nleszn. Apple ness of thi MUM, seine time in August, when tou Co.; f New York, hare ;published a new the .ettntractint commenced the•pieis of the 011ie est:Live of this Esgfish and American books in and Pennsylvania itatlronei Bridge across the Al: I their ttoeic.' The number of authors named in they have, niaele,istotdahing firdgreal. 1- the catalogue is 4',773, of whom I,:iO3:are Amer- Foxr of the ,piers..those in the 'deepest water. iota. The number Of _female authors is 2.91, o f hate been brought above • low - water mark, one whom 146 are American. The aggregate num of them, in fOurteen feet water, is twenty feet tier of works epecitied is 8,211, acorof volumes, It, or pis feet above low water =or. This taking only ooe copy of each work, 19.451. The. I is the height it is intended to leave them during most expensive work is lloefnagni Collection of the winter. They till that be oat of danger in Paintings, price $l; 09. The greatest collection fieshets and etrongrunning ice, and be in a good of authors, in one set of hooks, is "Chalmers' conditia, to he completed early neat season.— British pouts,"—containing the works of 148 If the Writer continues low and the weather as . authors. The Most profusely illustrated work is faSorable as at present, the two reufaining piers the -Illostrated London News," containing over Will also be 'got in, and raised main feet above - 1.1.909 spirited engravings. The longest cocain low water..' The abutments, being altogether, ,ued work is the ••Annual Register,' which has above low water line, can be prosecuted at any been puhlished, without interruptlcn,for the long time when the weather will' permit. The con- period of 95 years. Thu greatest variety of tractors certainly deserve great credit for their , editidas of any authors, is of -Shakspeare." The perseverance amidst the discouragement, incident most. ealeabie English author-is Shake peare—then to, On late si c kly season, I Byron-and Moore the third! Of American nu- It is now rendered pretty certain that the , thorn--cssayists, Irving; hititorians. Bancroft. bridge can be, and donlitless will be, finished ',poets, Bryant. The greatest number of any next season, and the connection of our eastern 'American work sold by the Appletons is •,Ben- and western railroads in this City completed.— The importance of this connection cannot be gainiayed 'When the fact is consideretrthat the expense of transhipment of passengers and freight now atcpunts to Fire Hundred polio, per dry. 'This cdrtainly justihes the Company in prosecuting with energy the means' of intimate connection, mid shows that it will he absolutely nocessery to enable it to compete with success with the earieus roads which will soon come in t, competition with it. T'he immense trade and travel on the Ohio and Peansylvarda toad shows plainly, also, that it will need all the room it now has in Allegheny, in addition to oil the facilities it . will derive the connection, to enable it to do the busincts pressing upon it On cne day last week there were loaded fitight cars moving os the road, three quarters of a yule utbuyth, roachinl as far'as from tht Federal street Ata tion to the outer Depot Great 'ffifficulties are now experienced for want of room;nnil this gives rise to almost innumerable 'complaints from ship pers an d . cOnsigisees, who cannoeget their busi ness dispatched with sufficient expedition. As other western connections are in rapid progress of completion, and freiplit is accumulating to -to embrace the first opportunity of transhipment, there islint little prospect of relief anti% greater facilities are provided than the present narrow iimits,:howerer ample they dere thought to be at We understand thatit is contemplated to build a double track bridge; with side-walks for foot passengers on the outside, which will most prob ably be left free. The Allegheny Valley road, it is understood : have adopted the Pennsylvania gauge, 4 feet inches, which is also the gauge of the 'Pittsburgh and-Connellsville road. The track - will to so laid down, that tire cars of the several eastern roads, and of the western road, can pass to and fro, thus enabling them to use all:the space for transhipment which can be ob tained on both sides orthe riser. lain will give greatly increased facilities for the transtiotion of -the immense business to pais through, and to be transacted in, this city. For our part we do not believe that the immense business which will be dOne py Railro'ads in this city and vicinity; with in five years fromthis time, htik entered iirth the conceptions of the most sanguine„; It will then be seen tharany rivalry which has existed about the-place where Railroad business shall be trans acted was unfounded,, as the question will be, not what space shalt be. occupied, but where space can be found to be occupied. Tar. Garsut Accuse EXPEDITION.—This en peditiont consisting of the brig A droner under the command of Dr. bane, sawed in June '1553, and still remains out, nothing having been heard from it since August of the same year. The Advert - ea has entered upon a different field of exploration from the Britizth ships, they having gone up Lan caster Sound, while the American vessel has en deavored to penetrate to the unknown regions beyond Smith Sound, which opens, farther up, iutolltiffin's Bay. ,it was the design to take the Ship as:far us practicable in 'this direction, then to send out a party during the winter, with a light boat capable of being used either on ice or in the water, laden with provisions, tube follow ed by a fresh party from the ship in the spring, fresh, and prepared to prosecute the exploration with great. vigor through the summer. All the British ships having 'retainer', this American ex -pedition is now the cialy one left for the explora tion of the Antic regioni, or to search for the lost Sir Jobe..Franklin and his crew. — Dr. bane has been left entirely free to protract his stay in the Arctic regions at his pleasure, andwhether be returns . soon or late, he certainly will not re turn so long as anything that he can do remains undone.. Onto STATE TAI6.-.--TIAs cams off at Newark,. last week. Twenty thouand persons, it is sup posed, were ,. in attendance on one day. The ex hibition was poor in vegetable Productions, and in the produce of the Dairj, owing to the drouth. There was also - a phoc show of Flowers lalhe mechanical and fine arts, and in Horses, Cattle, Hogs, etc., the exhibition was pretty fair, though hardly equal to former y9tra. Pickpockets were thick on the ground, , and Imlay pennons were eased of their pocket books. - "Nosr.,,so soott AS Tu . 4o MY RIVZIALICS."— !kt the medical banquet which come off in Cov ington Kentucky, on Friday evening last, all the sentiments, except one, were enthusiastically re sponded to. That one wag " The President of the United States." {Then it was announced, there *as a profound silence, Noline offered a response and no one was even called on. • At length the band struck up "©ear the track for old Kentucky,." and a burst of applause came trim eve* part of the bongo. Is it not painful to ciaitemplate that the diatinguished . otEce of President of thisnxent country should have fal len into such bad repute° :tie disrespect Vr'am'cer tainiy desigland to the office, but it was impossi ble to separate theuface from the. individual who now. occupies Aniesos.—Our townsman, Bishop SIMPSON, is slow in Washington, D. C., and the following desCription of his pulpit eloquence is from stetter addressed to the Daimon? '5413 ---- ssWekley chapel wai, ;this morning, thronged with a large audience.. ,The ministers present., were the. Be r t Bishop ffimpron, Rev. Henry Slis ear, Rev: Mr. Hawk isnd the preachers of the station, Mein& Brown and Jembield. Bishop Simpson :arose and Onnounce his text from the 14th chapter of Romans. part of the 7tli verse, For none of us !tooth to hiessdf." His theme was, what ix the great object of life I with se,- 'eral other interrogatories- iu connexion. The bectiolence of God to maxi was' briefly and beau tifully Illustrated in surrounding nsture,Zhe pro , ducfs of the earth, the masons, S.c. : liis next view was that the whole pee of mankind is one great family, bound together and dependent upon each other; by ties strong and inseperable. As artizans„methanics,ploughmen, aro-diggers, laborers othwyers, no man could boast of Rule pendenze. The text inculcates lore to the whole hurion /orally. Philanthropists and heroes were 'maimed of the world. Washington lived not to •himselL The Bishop's remarks on Washington were delivered with eloquence, and when he said, .ire conclusion, •thisnsmo, shall ever ascend as s beacon light of liberty," difficult repressed feel . lug was; appsrent. Passing an, the speaker mid the great centre of the social system is the cross of Christ. This part of the sermon - was delivered in a strain of surpasibsg grandeur and sublimity. In conclu sion, the Bishop did not inquire whether or not his bearers belonged to the church—but in the most 'comprehensive view, he would ask are they: living to themfelveal':Bancestly and philanthrop ically dial° enforce the duty of good will to all -'s-votive benevolence—the prompt and unceasing performance of which would produce- the happy results of- ever blessing and being blessed. • • The ceremonial of laying the. cornet-stone of the kietropolitan Methodist Episcopal Church to morrow afternoon at half past three, wilfbe at tended by an immense concourse of citizens and' visitors. The Masonic, fraternity will be out in We shall. doubtless hate, a. fine specimen Of western eloquence and .power to the speech of tha„Rev. Bishop Simpson. . .Itrrinam—John D. Derives, Esq., who has for many years been the aistinguhthod editor and publisher: of the 441°EoUl Journal, :ito4 the proprietor of the , largn printing establishment connected therewith; has sold out his entire in-. toreit, and retires; we hope, with a ,handsome Aenny.l. _ ' jper.Thrr yellow'fever shows no signs of abate ikent at 'Atignsta, Tier, - were* four deaths sad ttirenty.three , as new sues ported. , - - ten's Thirty:Years',"—,of which upward of 50,-. 000 weui , sold before publication. This giTes some faint idea of the literature of the age, and how much there is to'learn in the short lifetime of a man. Corna - v Fain.—The stock and manufactured articles foe exhibition. were placed within the enclosure yesterday, and the Fnir will open to dny. It will be the finest ever held here, not ex cepting even the Slate Fair of mat fall. The display of everything will he magnificent.: As the weather premises . to be propitious we have no doubt the attendance will be large • llonSk or Itarroc.,—A, notice in our alhertis ing columns - announces a meeting to be held in behalf of this institution tn . -morrow night, at Masonic Ilan:, We trust it may answer the pur poses for which it has been called. gar The following Communication in from an old and Much-respected friend, on whose state ments the utmost reliance can he placed. Dr. Fitch is now in this city, and those especially concerned can hare an opportunity of ascertain ing for themselres the mode of treatment and the grounds on which he predicates his promises or expectations of relief:— SALEM: 230 of 106,month, 1854. D. N. WHlTA:Rprpecied Friend :—Learaing that Dr. 11'. N. Fitch is about to-commence a course'of lectures in your city, and belie Ting thou art always willing to make known through the columns of thy paper such truths as may be of importance to- the community ; and knowing; also, that any facts connected with the causes or curability of Consumption cannot cease to be of interest while that terrible scourge continues td afflict our land: as we. know this to be the case, perhaps it will contribute to the relief of -suffering humanity to communicate n few facts relating to Dr. Fitch's success inatreatiug Pul monary diseases, come of which base come un der my immediate attention and others are well attested. . - Dr. C. M. Fitch lectured In this place in the oth month last, and at that time prescribed for a large number of patients, with many of whom I anracquainted, and -in nearly every instance which has come to my knowledge where he gave 'any decided encouragement the patient has re ceived very great benefit, and also in come cases where he gave but little. Doe case, a little boy, whom I saw tact week, Irma ofilicted with a bad cough for nine months previous to his parents applying to Dr. Fitch, and was entirety relieved by his prescription a one month. • • • - --. The daughter of my neighbor bat two doors from me had suffered with a cough for a long time, and her general health declining, Dr. Fitch also prescribed for her, in, the 6th'month last nerd she is now entirely welt' Another, - a friend a mine, who consulted him' at the same time and to whom he gave but little encourageMent. Las received the most decided benefit fromhis prescription, and the re,lt is more than n erfti ends could have anticipated. Ii er daughter also cocooned him at the same thus fur a severe cough free. rhich she hod suffered a long time without obtaining relief, but is now entirely cured. - David tkattergood. of this vicinity, conAclled Dr: Fitch in New York, a year since, at which time ha was in a greatly reduc ondition, suf fering from night-scoots, grea debility and raising quantities of thick, h er,. matter. and his voice so weak he could not c eak above a whisper. His cough has been entirely relieved and his strength restored to that he has bees able to attend steadily' to his business- ' John Denline, of gelineville, has also been ctlred of consumption. Thu daughter of a mer chant of Hanover in this county, whoa consulted Dr. S. B. Fitch in New York, has also re...vived great benefit .and, I understand, is nearly as tluite well. A could enumerate many other cases hut wish to condense as much as poselblt, and presume these 'are ' sufficient: and if thee should deem this worthy on insertion in thy columns, no doubt it would-do a favor to the sick and an act of justice to C. 11. Fitch, who has spent -so much timo- io r the investigation of those diseases. and :who. by his correct diagnosis and soccessful 3re:time:it, is acquiring an enviable medical rep utation. Tby friend', 11. C. B. erry tiorcc. Prrr.rnou, Oct. 24, 18:,4 !fem., Zhu,. —Sirs, with. your permission I wish to state a few Cuts to those who contem plate goinete Kansas, and those in favor of es tablishing freedom in that Territory. I shall leave thin phase next Friday morning with a par ty for KILIIII.I, and all wishing to go with me will make application between this and Friday morn ing. I shall ha mast happy to give all the in formation possible in regard to our Movements. We go to Kansas for the pu rpose of building up a free and prosperons I extract from our circular the following: Rao[red,. That we, the runlersimmd, do hereby form ourselves into-a society, to be known no-the '•AIF.:IIICAN SETTLEMENT COMPANY," for the purpose of settling a county in aid of making Free Stair by locating a large tract of land, in the Territory of Kansas and founding thereon e City, with a municipal Government, which shall hove the literary, serial and civil privileges of the old States, riot—Free Schools,. Free Library, Lyceumir,. Reading Room, sPrinting Press,. Churches, &c.. Cy. The general plan of the Company is to secure miles square of.ground, and to form upon it a county settlemenbcomprising about 1600 lulus of 160 acres ; cud in their midst to ley out an el egant and spacious city of three miles square, divided into plots varying In size from two to eight ordinary city lots. Said city to bare in its centre,. Park; containing eighty acres, also oth er Promenades and Pahlie enclosures for orna ment and pleasure- The Stock of the Company been divided into shares of soi Each share represents a mem ! bership and one City Lot, Erich Settler is anti Lhel to one or more city sheivi,-viceording to 'the', amount of his subscriptino. border to avoid Speculation and to enrich settlers,tlie num ber.of shores have been limited, and"":riolperson will be allowed to subscribe for-mord ,tlian thus peeping the immense - and incalculable rice in the proporty, wl rmast accrue;; - within the hands and to the benefit of thevtrigina 1 pir meets. The locating !.Committee. hare already gone upon the grouritl,=;irLich however had been prentrusly wnr k e4. as a greataite,by Mr. George Walterand Mr. 51Sz. Green who ate personally acquainted with the country. • It is siteated is the most luxuriant part of theTerritoryeiand for other valuable renlansAp n choke spot. ' Mew°. H. Stebbins, the General Superintend ent-if this Company, fiow .at Kansas, will lend all his assistance and information to the parties, 04 they arrive uptn the giound. Parties will not , probably be called upon by Government to pay for their farms in less than thiee years. The great favor with which the ”ttomestetul Bill" is teived, giv-s strong hopes that nothing will be required from them ',be 'settle mpon their' round; but In any case, It will be at the hied 'government price. Donation Books have already_ been received; for the formation of a Free School and Territo rial Library: For the satisfaction of those who' feel' inter. este:Pin this subject, we would Mato that many amanita settler], have already located themselves upon the pure, free soil of KOllOO-9, and Irefully trust that the next year will add at least 100,000 strong rotes for law and equity. I shall bo most thankful to receive contribu tions of books for -the foundation of n free li ltrarrin'Coutiell City. • C. ALBRIGHT. SPEC • 9:1144004:,! FAMILYYLOErIe. Bost brands constant . IT an lund, and for Ws Illintesnlo end 'WWI br • NIVAnArt„:I ILERSTINE*OI.93 wad 95 Yzont • TNr,) ICE TO, • SUIPPERS.--t 7 Thit Canal CoMmlttlonert hating made ornmKtment with ILIL Co. to Lout. our owl totC4 from Johns totro, it. aro Demand to any fetish' to hod from Om Esstpm duct ow loretolOrc D. LEECII /I CO. Pittrbotab. eatsfoot OR--ro eale at KEYSER'S, 110. wad rtseet. uhlorlde of Limo for sale at K 'BERl3.l4olraoi Anat. _z Tablas' Venetian Liaament for sale at narrzra 110 Wood stmt. ik O...GRAFF, isuCcieAstti , tto J.. S. Dit , .mll Cb.) Ogleel2A Mcond strAd.Pitetbargb,AAWA, ft, AA L, cb^pAAA. 'Arial.' er PAAa., ..anti. cot Malls on Mad. Algh e.w Pim )71 Mclane's Vermilt.—AN remedy ever 11111 , 41,4 has bent so succvsful oath. great .worm med oftr. 3riarts. arbn tut; us. 4 a harel,,, squal l)" ag‘adahed and delbaded at I[4 - .dertal es,,ra7 sad eff,aer. To panlah 47 thn tnsthrtonials Ita 1511 tplarac, vs must thntsfern amt. , nt ou,elves rah a bentabstrart nta few of them. Japhrt r. Alien. r.r gate a dn... t,,. r hdd oLLartJlt brought Amy N'S worms. lie ci”tio.r &Fro to thr pater rhild. Mai hroultht 'ass, hd ralLiad .Otte. In stout I! haws. A qersabur, tun rut', y r .p.„,,,, un .ty, ga.e clald os,e tea spounhd. and she hissed 177 Next rovvru iv, on repetition rdth r d orw . r h"," r ad 113 morn. annathan Ifnualnuatt,el tent Union, Pert count, is write , that he It nnatao to "uPPIf the dea and, as th panne in hi, ncighberhc.l ear, after a trial of the qtLere that ann. isequil to Dr. McLane'. .• • . Mears. D. t J. W. Co!tot, ..r Wlnetteeter. la. happened Wt spring to got acme of this Venn!fuge. After eeillo: a far bottles. the demand becaMe no .vat for It itat their ego• - g eras 3000 cabana..l. They nate that It hie rrodoe ed thi best effect .bererir used. and le eery moats among the people. 119.Purrhavers %W. 1.. careful to ark for DR. m•c.txra CELEBRATED VERMIFLGE, and take none elm AU other Yertnifugna In wroDartaan, ate w,tkoea Ur . m. isne'r Verinduge. al. hie nelehratod Liver Ptlia, ran now bo had at LC reepectablr Drug tztores In the United Btates and from the wile pmprletav imlNG nßovir.tm pfl.d*lrS Burvetraore to J. Rudd I Co. Itiml stay. JOHN C. BASES & CO.'S TRITE MEDICINAL COD LIVER Olt, Prep4ed expressly for their sales for Medic lost use. J. C. B. A Cu. hoeing cunloyed an assent at the Fisheries to superintend tha hienufeeture of their Oil; Le eurea tha public that it b mewed with the sweetest ore from untie but fresh and healthy Hee, All Oil sold with their eignature will be found to be of ancroll tne quality. end can be retained in the moat del. Seale stomach. It V extanal eel, emPlOred bath in private and lbwrotal prsetle, and well deeerrea the attention of Invalids, a• • remedy mon valuable than any yet dlseprend, fr.t eon aumption or pulmonary alTecalona JOIIN C. BAG gn /1 • , Na. tau North 21. t„ Phile4elyhla. For sal, by all to Prin ci pal Ihogehita. ,IT-Grorla-wrel Chest . Protector,' fur sale at IiEY..i.gR'ST: 100, tiw.l garnet. i • TED STATES LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITY AND TRUST COMPANY. vinc4DELPH/A. CLUITERkD *PIM. 28, 1359.—0nam Putetrutt. CAPITAL-3250,000. Old R. an-neve Mira and nu [ erns. PhdadelPS , . OITICERS OW TIM UOME BOARD AT NIILADKLPOIA DIELCVMS : Stapben R. Crawfurd. IPaul Goddard, Baur. W. Tingley. George Ambrinoe W. Thump., iLa.ron.a Jan.l, 4 Plcavane James Deiverma William M. Godwin, !Withal:3 1111Coa.. MW=t16532111 Mr, Avid...et—Anther.. W. Th . n . m . Matuval Emenner.—Pitteborgh.Tam ' es Wilb" ' M. U. Allegheny City IL It lin D (4011 * (17'i.AaNOLD, A geat, nthl7 TY Fourth street. Pittsburgh 50 gross INl'Lane'e Liver Pills and Venni- Inas f, MA low .t 10EYSER'S Pecs Rom 140 Wood I A Physician s opinion of my Braces.— DR. L USE.edltor of theChambere&trg Transcrlnt,,under date of Sept le. lab& In oreaklng of three Brace, Itair . frlend..l)r Geo. o KESSEtt, submitted to our in auertlon a eery Roe speelmenof the .. Washington Rotten der Deane." manufactured mud sold by him at the name( of Wo tt et. sod Viola alley. Pittaborgh It ranee ad mlrahly the uttrpoicae for ahleh It le Intended, Islltht sod nay. and &Itrgether free from the ohmellona attached to the[Any other Brame In general nee 't an excellent Noe Vend, while at the same time, It preserves the shoal. dentin . healthful pnaltlon. without at all reetralolog the natural moremento of the body. The Dr. will send them by mall, (nee of 1.0101.. m au y ran of the Colon. From the Pittsburgh Daily Dispatch. Feb 1 5.1812.1 Mar CHM txralocus.-1 1 .unmillt lissem—Am Exert tam Attrimr--PPROOR Who have we.tuired a atmping Dn intim. by folinseing a a...lent.) . nomtnatint , nills.Terrlenee great relief by the men of the 'Washington Suspender Dram. - made and sold I.y Dr. If F.ll. l Ek, cslrner of Woretsilt. and Virgin alley.. It answers for a bra". and ...Inter, tSr weight of panialnono I. an placed as to evntinuslly tend to bring ihe shoulders to their natural position. and extend ths chest. We purchased one moms time anpt and hare been so pleased slit It. that Ins umullcltol live It a gratia Women. hundreds of whorl aro annually imuml by the ree:ght of their rtionanti 'skirts' should also Pr ll . lll . the. 'braces. De particular in proeuring the kind mentioned.. many of the braces sold are humbUira :From the Plttsburch Dirtnitch. Feb. 4,10 l I ihiTellavlow worn one of Dr. Keyser's WashingtonPhu& der Braces, until It Is no looc.r fit hw reirrloi, we feel per fectly competent to dlecourie upon Its meets. tlf urltur It, the weight of the rental ions eh:, In throwing beck the shoulders and eispandlng the aim, ',ldle It anew',) eras purpowi euspendera. No one whu le - ittizoteelioulderwe or whose occupation le eidentary ran shard to be wlthaut one of thew Imams. Women an.tulrl• whose health Is so often Injured hF the welghtof their undergarment. Should wesr thm. Ws bane tried several Linde, hut none mem at all to the “Wastinuton." and we wlrl, i.there from our experience. S , 11 sad retail .t the Drug Stara etOmrt. 11 Here, No. 141.1. .ma flood et. wad Virgin law err,- nt gur,ort.cr, p.mly prs.J. PIL. Imps. ta.tle 5tua1p,..2,44.u.1e5r0 rin=gl HARDWARE LOGAN, WILSON & CO., Beg to cull the attention of Buy-ere to their aitengive awl, of HARDWARE MID SADDLERY, • eraaprising um of 1.13., must cnc ,, D l, . Ytortv.n4 In tt. muptrY. RECEIVED NY RECENT 11110.31 EUROPE. awl whieh they otyr • , :y the c,wt fas.rahle, )1,- ebut.to cnit. Eeut :W ETA their lutereet Deve.eted their HART/WARE at • 3 :4.2f4V.•47 Heal the Eat.—Men of liberal erluentb.n at the . present day. devnt• am their talents to therms: the means whereby thar may Orion?.amm painful male tl.e •hich assail the human frame.mote Them it nu cnblor than that. of Mairtur the Mek. nonsiterinz the nual4wiess &armee W which man la Kahle. and which mar canes him to drag eat • prutmetAwnife , 11*trem. or .uddenlr Int him oft In the bloom of hi...44mm and u.fulnal. tt e ohould at...fully alma upon weary means of muntorarting their dreadful effert, at...awing ammo's! of MAN iogptn hap Pine.. In Mume rue. whore the Liver or the Ptemarta Is the cause. e* would 41.thly recommend Dr. 113m1lan.l's immnan Bitter, prepared by hr. C. 31. am tem. Nn lane 4 ttill lid. aMmts higher than them ilitMrs. sod to Mow who am mrfrring "man the horrors. ict ludigeetion we Pay they are Um ant4ote Sold In Pittsburgh. by PLP.311303 DROP.. Prime. CO at. Alm. pm.al. by OW. R. k,'N ISE/1 r 110 Wood acreet. aai?-2a , O • To Physicians of Pttsbuign—Phy,i ma. 0,0 UPO alcoholic Donors In cholera. ahnuld tirrr IVoLfol Smalstam Aromatk aelanapy• lorpteforeoce W ohr other etisulaus. 4ead what the Craolog Exoree• and Ilnatort Poo cf lta art tqe. • .. [lmes the Nee Yoh rapt"... LOA. TA (eUndes the head of 'llemviettu.. an9IP Ito D'f`aD4l adotons: the Boston Poet af.../ menet lth. fim the nalololl mmosendatory entire oftin/Yros Mete/sue of the StinAdiin Beeete,gps Y s remedy Mr amt., We should be eorry to my ere ma asp mere pug of as article of air/Walk drink. and omseciall, din article we hare used, but/this Wog/ mmsamt44 hr to many hundreds of AI. Arian. to • puce sod • h01.M., me/dlolue must base nu doUbh•leistuee as s augers medicine. La immetuntiminr tit,. of tea lion. to Stank to these Mom. its • Mittn/CYt. the cholera. It check, diarrhoea and 01/enters - inatinse thmut fin ate moment. but leases the system weak and baltated Whitener se • eulatetuta is • true rented, fbr die;/me, ehouLl be es.), and house we give toe hostels Poet of Feder, reedit for the foliott)... °Run miasta—Not • pence elm 147, need ti'Vdieettehei. dam S./eh/met/pa. dosing the warm mem.. sma.ljed with the •liniem• mut tiov sale of It bas bran twice of mach, yin; the haat SISMITIOOtty.... during to; 11” , ./ 0 ... 1 .., WC" Sold wholeen://atol small at Dr. ills'SnEß'S Drys Store No. 14n. Wood et. /mid* en A. A. CA 10211311 $ BRO., ' Corner 4th' and Smithfield els., PITTSBCSGII; 'PA., /AGENTS !t State Mutual Fire & Marine INSURANCE COMP4NY . OF HARRISBURG. CAPITAL 8350,000 Gii - sird Fire and iffarinelasurance OF I•dIILADELPIUA; LAPITAL $300,000. INSURANCE COMPA AT OF TIM VAIZEI - fi - - • F YIRUMIA Capital $OOOl OFFICE PEN A. 081111 AN 2 CEC0.0 4 1 , PIITSCIPSOII AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $800,000• -.mire A. A. CARRIER. &dr. ARNOLD &.217dr 14.7ACTVIE113 0/ Chilson Furnaces, Wro't Iron Tut4lg • AND VITTLVO GENERA/4'. For Warming and Venidation Bagings ' A. it W. will nintraet fur Warming and V.a.roe , -; hi lfgoastfor flog Wet...Sipes or a:ding's Forrivo. Churn.. Saisnia, Unpaid', Sartori., Ungat llousro. Court limner Jail llotols. Dwelling*. No. 215 Marian. el.. Pittshorge Indigestion andliver uompunt Cured Br KIEWO PETROLY.IIII.-14.1 tin fdllowing lett. from Mew. 0. Dickerson. a itlisnowa, rr a Ong,. Ala. S. M. Kira—Dear 01n—Slyeelf and Wifeha4s4 horn [. , st ro tli o ( tronefltted bi the nn of yolgetroleu4a l l t r id. 4,1. s u m '! ,0ti 0 gr.,1 1, ..:1 4 }1i.r.a tr io thT: place, and ..., oil nag people am aileetki with indigestion and RI, Iriarion of the liver„ the sidon of inyee lf _ d. Ilk. before taking g.11;r14.1.41. i t .rthrtgl:. 'jc ntil ' sintr li ! that fall.. of the etognoh wblai to distresses the dr. wee relieved, andil hare Celt hoghlWe of It slow that in.. Sir wife weenier/reit.. from a amnia nee Of the finer, whieli had been of anaral lawn Mad/44 to• tha inis of ro. Petroleum. Sold by S. IL KIER. Canal Bage, HEYSER. where. Dr.:west. and flatlet. Dealers seerf. !Pagers advertising Petroleutn Mir.] tied Da Pont POWder.-- , -Evcry r misty Rifle itiVder. lei .11 ells lAniite• aleoi7 an loinel laid Tor sal. Ow:a l.l,{iissine.lo lots telieilt chslierr, as hvorstaierme. /Ow D. %%C. BLDWFldattLlotaztzt. o. H IMIES, RABE & Cu.. SUCCESSOR TO A. IL HOLIWES & BROTHER, Naium.scioarns or SOLID ECM. VICES, lIAMIIERED IRON AX • LES, CROWBARS, SUBURB. ALAT , Cr' TOCKS, ?ICES, Timber, Mill, Totmccii & Cotton Screw., shafting osier ' E ST and Bridge Bolter, with Thread and Nate complete, PITTSBURGH, PA.,.. Waxman, No. 31 wan rr.. sin.= 11157 Mt, moss WAR wart wsza2.lo.• --- - Ease and • (26,msora—T,10 Confmuttar. idiort.4 frOn. P.tith alto the BO to the poetatai dupe of eh* Ilood.po's now hat Ws gots7 on the bO,O, so ovoid ano A sat Itt tact • tool Bat owls kb. OM Wood at. asau M. 0041.111. A CARb - I hi't4t the pleastire to announce to those et. holt hmt.rte ohu¢edn.ewith their Caeore and te e„ treed§ and the etailler.eu , rellr. that. luelete ste.rt tame re•urne.Cfrnra the k'e,t with • ler, and s.re STIPERIOR.STOCK OF GOODS FOR - THE FALL TRADE. am prepared to co ply all order. on better tern. than Mrtnerly In einnaequener of the Immenaiiintlux ofTionde fee the mutt few months lore burdenell the Mete= muA e, 'maid the distrust releatiett initho credit system. reer lynyinmant advents:tee w rite:red ash balers: and bmice I have been enabled to ere plunk.. my Goo. at a Larnalliantiant on their actual value. Mt prier:ion of plain Cloth! mid Cavalmeres onatirmiee every rode. from the tarmaer and toner auniitantli I bled adapted to the wants of labering men, to the tineriraal Its. imitable fir gentlemen of fvhinn. &mond which are Nem^ Incapable of being Surpassed ha the character of the tanterial and rinhanes aita Zolsh . - . iy fancY cdrmnrise diremlty of odor— green. olive armor, Inclelbie Irmo& dark and Ilaht brown. °llea brow - n.. 10, color, and rariour Abide. of blue. )17 . fanct Caeelmeree number fort,. ...Mamma pattern. Ly reetleom are of Silk- Woolen, Veleet_ddiblh and cm bro:dercd Cloth, comprlalnx the different ntrlce now In fa , Mlon veortment of Cravats In unmtally lar,m .1 ration,, ell lately Imported. AI &van/meat of BOYS' CIA)T,IIING promiee. much more extensive selection than usual. In mnwentlent* orthe large variety of material that I have with whieh to ant.. ply It. MR. GEORUE ARMOR. who holds a dtstlnKuishe4 rank In tin ond'eniion. and u,doi n .ndstl.nitn - the favorof Pltlebural,rst initmrintend the enttln¢ ID partnn.nt Ills "numerous frleudo will sdeLer rernaniber lu nue. I Pattrr inyvelf that I .hall be able In furnlah Purnuenta sultabla for all risme, fitted up In aurh a run anand nn auelt Lerma as shall dtaann all unnPutit.l.. a .• d I would tharefore Fund( a all (Pao all who pru not voided to an y partlenlar Loupe. IL( olio,: SD/NEI:. No an %Via.] at. Palpitation of the Heart. Nert.tl , e'er, Liver Complaint. N•dtralitia and !Ilea aro alkndlev.l and cured in atnincredlble abort *We of tlme, by (=art.'. Snanlah !Mx., the great ton. le and torpor of the blond. It multi:dna not a particle of Mercury, Opium or any noaintta perfectir harm. low and ho. cured mom than'tlre bnndred Noes of dls ear,. We ran only refer tha reader 14 the ; nertitcwkw.••few of which may be found In another Mum., and all of whirl are detailed Ip full around the bottle. It Is the =tate.t of all Spring and Fall Median., .d Pommes . cane over the blood truly rom.ltable. • See advertlennent. .21.1mdlw8 Pleare publi.h the following extract from • Clr.vl•r or the !Ja.. inrurance (InapanvAj /krVvrd l'lhrennaltitm of this notwithstanding the mar alderahle lo.eee of thd pmt two months. I. sound: thoomd- M 1 Marini, with a mrperlable ourMuc tho ,C Mll,llll, .lo not hare a dollar 1. , any Bank or other I nmlturl.m.• will. a Lamm balance lu meth at our cyatitlu Hank. iud err,. Moo no• ontrtandlng will be promptly paid at metunl r.r 6.n, our Inmatmonta in lends. Mocks , and wortgaeo Dom.r , largo Waimea duo and It ha murmur trammisaloo hunt Agony.," //MIN 11.1.1‘1.. LUC.) Fitillir iROTHERI3, ouccznou iv J. WHOLESALE DRUOGISTS, NO. CO WOO!) STItErT rfrrsveßwt • PA. Propridlevsol brLa.n..seelebno...l Vormituye. Live/ ke Citizen's Instiranee Conatry of rittsburgh U, D. KIM). Prend , nf NASUEL L NAY-.111:LL. S•ey ==i MMT= Eg—isseltr.s BULL AND CARO 4) oy Tug P ANP RIEJSRS. AN D. TRIBUTAIII ES ST lnsun~ n Loss isnn.t P... ALSO apuxnaf O.i priD.v . the SBA and NLA ND NA1"10A and TE.ASSPOR TA T 10. N. 01711X,015: It D. King, Wm Lnrlmet, Jr. Wm. Ratml.,}l... I!. Ki..r, Fommel Rea. W. Bingham, Bobert Dunlap.), Jam F. I.lllvortl, B. Ifsa•bo.cmb. .Vramix Feller', lease IL Prunnek. J. SclmonmaYnr. Haller IBilmt., , Wm. B. noon. • John Nhlaton. FALL VAMII.11):IiS. McCORD & CO.'S HAT STORE, D R E .q .1 II A; r.. WIDE-ATV AKE HATS LADIE? Riding Hats and Siloves, NELSON'S rms . ? 111EMIUM DAGUERREOTYPES STRF:ET. . • • • • • - • • • • fIITIZENS AND STR.tICGERS - uho wiab Atain sermrate, sriatir and Ilarllir Ilkama.at a ray mo.derstr price, .111 :Ind It hr thrir Mterrrt to all tba aril karat. r•tattlehmeat whet , . entire a:l.:action Ir anarantird e or w. harp made. Ilartnor an. rdth• lac .•t •nd art arran•ad Mae mad Skr I tett rrrr rAn rtruelat ti the purpose. with I.arment• at the mart r J,...rfulkizul.artd hartntr•th,tat thrratrm at tiardarrew trldrit.ao no, praetleal ttr tta relebrated Haas. mortals dmphts and Nov hart. Mr d: !tatter, I.lmardr to 1,a1.1., to alt , I the p•tnar or the Art. • •tt 1.. al ladurrradrarr. , Ia emu kith has nem, tern •oprama.l. Itootn...ren and operating In sit ....s.thrxr. In :m r'elork • AU to 0 o cick. r. marmd• PITTSBURGH Life, Fire & Marine It:mai-lance Company; OFFICE 55 FIFTH STREET, MASONIC HALL. PI2TSIIURAII, PA. lic JOS, J& .4,M. CILLMS-I A CUProN, Secretary. . . This Company makes every , Insurance al. rert4l.ll,l tt.cr cnonert.vl VIM LI Ve: KICKS Ito.o.init Hull and Carp Risk.. ria tie. Ohio ood toznoii•ni rlrrn awl tributaries. son Morino Mirk. ono. oriollS against Loan Sir Damage by Fire. And ogionuit. Ili, Porno of Lilo Nu lona Inland No.-I.Mo osoi frono,rtation. Yolieloo iniord at lbw invost ratoo constinnot oith afar Si. all partioo. . . - DIRUT`P,II: J.mr• P. Ron, , Wm. S. Mayon. estnns.l3lrtluskrz. • I Jam... b. 31r0111. Wtlllsm Ph 1111,4, . I A kraal., Bradley. John Scott, ' I Jrho F , fiterton. Joroph P. OW.=M. D, 11 ,, ,... „ 17 . rt::,..p it rs . r ;.c.„.. Arm. lnlan Mr.rlple, 11 1 Rm. P. Jnhnrton, I Mrong Count', ..,,,, rlarrhall. ' 11.•ratto N 1.., Kittanning. Gt.'s, S. ereldstt. i Hiram mows, U. 5..;. mr2,131. I P,r , t rosy , yrs , ' fir , ~ .4., ^ - --- Hydromagen Cork Soles j.t rre'd &Da or yak. it, KEYSER'S. 140 Wm.] rtr t. qkr.ll.lE-1 , -On Tuesday. Oct. 24th. by the Its, NIY:Vst Oyu., 11. , R11 Al h El.! ZABETII danz Pty. of 111. IM taw'. Exi. NEW AD V ERTIZSENIENTS DR. C. M. FITCH LIE 114 BILOADWA S. NEW 111E.K. ILL pi Lt oN deliver LectureN, on `h°" cants, P. , "” L"rl7l - "ar &T, otnos To ladle. and aanlleinen on ?don ay*n TUeadar V , an• I ov. Oet,ser Lid and 2111. and to the ladies the after n'lV.col....grrurenOc.L.:4l.?l;dl.lll. UC.JITCII will U. at thy Cllr Boer! Pittab'ur b. Vu.. fr.. Monday. Ore. rot, until ealderdar: Na.. IFeb •her. b• torry be mogul lied on Pulmonary Coamanptinn. ;sib ma. {{ ,4 jPPer dwalr.• of lb. cheat: al., filrestmeh.limnrbi i,vialpapapaler repair lrenplainta. and all other diorama '"" tesartra yn relensly. a repairman. An opportauity will be afforded to all who may require them to mee Dr. N. O. Irltett's celebrated Patent Ab dominal Supporter. ro for ....knees °I'M.. bark. 1.11100 0f the Vowels. te..tpol general debility: also. P. S. Flteh 1 Co. • boulder IltaPr InbeLhas Tube, and other 'maroon,. phPb may he required. Putions who may consult Ur. Fitch. tuar Pattlone correspond With PtOn In Pew York Without further ex pense. and all who dualso to err film ara molested to call as rally poesible. as further ealtagalln.7lpl,lpde the Maribillty Ide lengthenlng his mi.,. Le:ture torommeum et half past three. and half past 7 o'eloelt. P. M. maiStd• - Ad g' vertise tithe Omiu - Inuses. TOR THAN THREE TIIOUSANI) au:wirnd rtinncere ride DAILY the Mini.urn run dlfln nal 4 h FROSI LA WitIOICEVILLE. ntl PIAIETERY. KAILILONDDEtnea,. and 511ARPKBURGII. prtIUPWCAA CAM/A, bandentnely planted printed hotly framed .d (about five by .I gbt or ten Mae) niII be invrted at the following . rate. the aft veldt. (4).144n f rani. lee pay Ina thereat arra. leffn or • oinktle rant .1 we omy Dear. sr..uo f 5 W F.. (mu, ha each 1.100 11,00 14,00 For oto• •vh HON One Cahl..) 8.0 4 10,00 For nunln ne.ry "tavibus.fritrh... •45 1.2 L o ;!ltrer i g . t r u d ta i pe . ehatigtal at LiMe , par lag 0, 4 1,1f1 . 1,F. ItlittrZTlON rylinea ally or, that this 01 'DOertl•lotoff.r. mat ot?por II totIlt.1 for 01.1" “ t' l2 11 14)1t1'. ` h " . " Sit'Persons drArotteofeontractltty Ina.. • line .g drrued .1)311.111t21 ADVERTISINt.I." st the attlar of the Exe•telor Oenutbst• Fllll t.low 04 at the Uallf Dtsrateh Milne, Third at. ..-24..aterkt - .. . J. T.Jori,lTolw Joll,l 'Excelsior Carriage Factory. • OLIF,STON, BROTIIIRS 1 CO., practi or OW. oqd Belmont sta.. an ' rtern ' lr woe tsiontinteigkitr,Wart n yri= Baggage Cam te., undo In all their varlohn.mme, with Wigirtffkittget:inithill''‘Vd9rEtt:h uue/vh In Re denied In on the mei ntatoonable, term.. They p1.,,vath,"4,117°,1117a7.17i117.1=7: - . tir,1:11,17.,1.1°,1111%'17.1,-7.";!" - "$1 , ` n I. W E3Tr.jt, Vonetiap Blind m... l .sAnn.Nt , t House of Refuge. FOR the purpose of bringing tide impor taut Institution before the subtle, ofed Elelng the macaw tar o bettor Ides of Its value and KOP•rtsfoce , • anielff. 4 ol ' ;.l_l4l ': 2l t lten ' 4l ) . "° "la' co KETuEltrukE, EnCutoodent of lb. House orannase l'hllselelthl sane- 'qp.irpkascl. .01 sleet of lb. Roo. Ilefpnent WZOorn 01.. sod Rex Moos. 01.11.LIER.te PARSAVA E l II y id4foss ;R. (experiencemort mp orisons of lb. subl.f. sold the t•lent and of the Shooters., ere trust, .111111 the EX& Exorcises to summarise .1 half iiastseven. Adlnholon fro, J. K. MOORKEAD, KEA KEY MAN, najnefd L. It. LIVINOSTON. Com. keno e, Garden and Limber Yard for Sale or Relit, ' • IWILL either rent or Nell the Lease of err four years frOm the lot of Aorli next, of the Ilouo and Gordon whore now reside, elthor with or wi th out the tomboy Yard. Pnowoution Oren hantrillatoly, ALSO. • weir ol CMS Yol3lll{ well broke CAITII46 110110.11.- %The are lards I• 1•. LSO,. decd Carriage. for Atha. one or two hors. JAMELI ltOittlAN, ooWddlOtd/ Wth awl. bank of the Alle•bouw Meer _n r . STEIIMILOA'E OWNERS,--Wanted to hi • stemi a kDaor real setatot Will lot wt!to. ttnidire Of 0e2.54: Tit° , l AWWIIOOB. 75, 4th et. A. MASON A: CJPhave just received • m w•d orw•rdo of 40 woro noes of Wow Good.. g-Ign;Walnt:zgArntlllrstpl. 0111. Nom• Tory rich and dash able oolortof Wrench ed. sow; P•rsmettwo. Wool De 1.12,14 We.. With • asters' aw . 12;4 " 11Plingol: d o=gZetIli 11044 :gala natl. BOORS AND TRACTSTITARTIii. PLMIEII. at Darlion'sßook Awn, d&wrp4 (;curt. towr Athr TbeOnn oilitaint, 76 contr.' dhoti Samna to Little Ch ldtan. 'Aiewitin flow Stands otT owe with Gal, hart; W A hiendly ier to • Young Maw ,Fine at the 'l ongue; Meditation. ow liod's nena; an Works d Weyg Keelarn piawitioh, authentie nurative; tome tho lablo: To so Ohl Roy to bring op Mid.= Inv mut Db. a the Soul most Mr; To an pid Anson lobo boo who.* 17; Wilt; ' • col* Sapp 4 of Hardware. -IllY. T p S • , 1 Markt-,t.. near 4th, • hmli H Sheerll•tra r•-•rriatt 40,1 Anc M•irn Fzr,i4 Fire Irmo to wt.,'ant r• - mllert ar...!,v t v t k F .r. Mut Nl.Stworrq - . rheffi.Ll E2,-/ssid. • ', , • , - Executor's Sale _ , / that beautiful Cut tho renldet,er of AbrahaL It.n,burgh. d otth.eribrr ellen far eon preolinea I.lent lard. In ni sbi.th 'data ol bulldln;re.hereon. vie A farce hero. Carrlaae/lpo.,Sh taint; the paws nroperlallote. E.. 10. n,e deo-Aunt n the sold Anrabato Horbar . al.. .10 Mr the payment of de to • rhlldreo. A lon,. t o eat of a roneitlavable north o of ha tn-ulor• nu.t toreie. those d ca tc, call t , n the •oNscriber. TII ..,:,,ItadtmeS of .ttsbello, 100 E IoCRIS. .. o .. 1 i. • , i N.file,...tion fur thirteun,llirectors to serve ' A ti 1 . • - .. r :I s r)7.7;41:3.1*. Y. ,4:fZ. : '' . i 4ll s iZ a wen " tt h e ' c r . '"'ki crf t o \ ..... and 3 I'. It. ,21 , 1 d JAI' It. SIIAtitA '. CAsh Betz ur Pritanna t. ot. 2UID,Ik. AN uleation fit thirteen 1) moon o% A, Ilanithe ensuing )tar. . a 1 be be at the e a lit ouse. on SIONDA Y. tixer.V.Pttf day of No ember neat:, teeen the Anat. - W . O A. M. and O P SI. , r]l-did . k.IALTSIiettGAt'ADI•I3I ANI Pi.:1%1 k •11 SCSI . AHY• il enmanmar their neat Arvin. ST .. S 1:5 . .11A Y. Not. lat, under the enuerri• on and Instrlte-, 1,..1 of the pn.ent Pilbeinal and Inetruetart, For Cat. alognes. addres. te34-.lt•P It. K. SteCREA. See', rilif E W,Oitit7§ OF Till. REV...W.I4IA)] A. JAI', of Argyle chat.-1. Bath. contarielna tnAt,t,'''' n`'' heretofun. preeented to lb. American pubile . In, 5.,1., . ror ..b , br 6ivs KAY I • Co. 55 ir,...,1 0 _,‘ I.'OR $•2000--Al'arlo of '.1•2. acres or Lana, A situated on Wolf Run. In Ileaver county, .1 milee\ to. low Beaver, 10 acres of •hfch ere cleared. rosin there on are two Dwellitug linum and ..hunt luu hearing Fruit Triv.r. There is afro i ...xl.country Iltird Hill, 30 by lb ft.: three stnries !Ogle a Ith arm. of P Op, there are M mut machine. buck wheat huller, and rolling screen. tm. ! Ft ' te ' t r i h' aC l e l a . ttf . u d n e d s e s gttiZn ' n7l ' Vn . :l7ln .'"d 1. - „:°.71°.7.. superior qualitr t ot Potters'elay:\ The ntmve s plare It situ t'l'aistlir'grta T."R. T..% t,,,,(a1,"..",a,..L.;.,,:t.t-,:i on'. ... Terme. one mirth In hoed, nee In thrce anturai i tutements, with interext. \ B. MeLAIN A MtrN. ITCEI ON CONSU3ll'iflON=.tils Lee. htiRII , .III the trees of the Lunkr. Tut MUSA.: rueeen .tirn and mare of Pulmunare Conn= Mu. Anthtna. and 1.',.....es ,4 the lleut...n the law. or Avlßeeltr. and on the nh.de of nl,eeervitaa Male and Female fettith. brssart, n 0 Sheldon Eitel, In I rul.iqr_no, for rah , re ., :. KAY A C0..14, Wood et. • -- NDIANA AND ILLINOIS MONEY will tn. cocci cad at .5 per cent. dler fu ount r Ilpeka and SCso i . Inner ar the .'lloan Mad:Store, al Wood .4 • .111 , ell hnk,. and staticnery. as low as ran be had ))u the rite.' nn Up. Mg, an Itenrourlcr to cell at AT tt'tnd atraCi. Pittehurah. SAMI' Y.I. P. Inay Fhlt. —•- - 1 UST rood at the corner of Wood ayl 6th me., arkerel, In bide.. babe., vsztersiluo: kith(: So I do do • do do d• • ' • Salmon In 1.14 n. and glOte: 1. .1 to If.. rang , very Caw/ Codflah. The above are of thin Fall'n'eattching. and gut ng l '. preaaly for (amity u.e. A. Pfett.l.lllll. • • ti • ' en G ot a le N r handsome L e tir ' xplg of it tt . ; 6 „;. A m°7,.." l 4' , an Cloth anat.. to gale: Los, Invite the atoltim i l o of thr . Ugh". Des LIEESE-500 tog, prime W. R. Cutting 114:nejunt ree'dang for nate O' IIE4RP 11. COLLiNtrig.. g.IIIIII3IKS. ENGIASII DAIRY I'HERSE h 4,1 end Cr nahrby lIENRY 11. Cl./ILINE I 'l3 UTTER-2 bbla. packed Butter 'iust rev'd and for tale lIKNRY If. I'.LLINg. r pASTILEs DE i'ARIS, the best and most reharate.l artlrle nog In use. for th• tun. of Brno • ri.ltis and other Caesar. of the throat. They are pant , - ularlr r.nded to tolnlater• and other blic areal, erg 1 Oro.rec d by 14 J11:1. pu center Diamond and ilarirt .trews. 111OULDER BRACES—I- bovo recd a 1 - 7 large and On, anaortment of Shoulder Drage,. Tian. noting a}oal article ran alga, praggre . the,o mlt rifiItANTLS IN TIIE — .AR(.'TIC REGIONS— . O,Ll.o r ne' r *retie Journal: Kane', Grinnell Expedition: Imeries and Adventures In the Polar Regions: ranuell'a Polar tkea and Sitseria. for sale by cv,25 L, 11. B. BOSIVIIIITII A CO., 42 Market et. Pl` LIE A'IltiCAN CONTINENT, a narra tire or dlareved 7 and adventure, by litab Murray. Y. ILL. C. with than of recent exploring expoditio.a I, the Cr,. J. T. Wilenn. I - L H. 114/Stypirri t i.ou. di I b t y ~ (k.):11S— , I o„. 01 5 ,I,oz. : extra arel far . sale LIGGETT. TIMOT HY SEEI)-3Ureedre , and for sale b, • , ne.2.;• BELL LIGGETT. - hi , AY-36 balm ree'll and fore ale by nev., BELT. L LIG.IFTT. 113 RIME A Cl(r.A.ItS--.No 1 Prin t ei n e, Ilernani. la.nlxeors, New Empress. Open. I..fitla I.un,dad and other chub,/ brands. Our sale. wholesale sod mull. by J. W. NITABLAND. 142 Ltherty rt. 3 i; doo eats ABoi , ply .*l.hntti " ICEANIE 265 anion, hart rt.' . i-5.) bk. large III(led No 3 Mackerel; ^A no vnII.T 'Ao ‘, In du: 1 5 drums Codfish. No. tat reed andl dm ro or esd by a24J1)1L2 WATT LW. ~,2 OLE LEATHER-1000 lodes New York •od Baltimore Solo Leather In afore and t ddiala'ny J. (IRAN? _ . 0 0 . f i ., )C1 .. ./ !;INK LlNl...• , l 4 in sT , , t i , ,) r ‘s e a rd‘ 21. CASES FRENCH CAdLo. I ,SKI N ) S IL, n l 1 tt d d.a % d e r gale hr m o J. GRANT 11)WhV. CASE FRENCH KII'S (oyerau . I do Jn do (Delon A 11..,;( in store and for gale by • tiIIANT MOWRY. !lILiOZ. COUNTRY CALF SIONS in I ante and for war by J. iIItANT molyny. SS IGNEE'S NOTIC F:.—Whorea tflittO ph- AL ft. Elliott. by deed dated Oct. 241. Mit. has an ilimAndlieut to the undersigned. hoe the be of his es.rd. Orr.. node, to the siren to all persona" indeided tonaid Kiliott to inalt• hurihrthste pitylriect. anti tr. tirtas haring claim. tomtits.. him to present diem. duly antbentleatell, fv wettlement. 'P. R. MeCON NELL ' Pittsburgh. Ort inet. larli)01 t WILLOW „W ARE—Plain and varniatnel Closes in nest. different x, .lo with handle.: Knife TrayalCediar and -painted Chun, Buckets. Keelera and 6o It Market lia•tety; Mar ren Cans. !end orit 'Haste.. to.. Ar., for sale at great It mlueed pried, to ober out theJast sraeon at haled,. et. J. I.V.,MetAI: LAND. 1.4 1 11.E5H PF.AC'IIES-112 ransFre.h. Peach ' a reed this day and for kaje b- J W IIrEAILLANIi.Ory. Liberty st. Ai‘IIES.II SALMON and Lobsters, Fepared . Wm. Undorwi.l a Co, Dolma, out on in dons of .. e ad, for eale by • J. W. WPM; LAND. I 4 L0A10. , .—A. A. Mtuton .t Co. have juot onenad an elegant and extend., assortment of dolt, Satin and Select Cloak, with the Wheat styles of Trim mins arZ.l 110 N NETS—A. A. Ma.ol kCo. are daily • / c.pening tholatett and . tilhall'Lltshionattle Patin au'd eivottitonneta Their utortment•ootnarises utalraids of id, Hundred llonnets.uf all qualities.' 043 I/ONSET JP -•lltruby A Ilurchfield ba're just reed a handsome inmate:mot of Bditirt 'Maeda and Velret h bL oho, Einbroldeml Scarfs and Cashmere Stadia Nurttreast eorner 4th and Market ata - new I.'INE WRITE WOOLEN YARNS—The th, r aS, tatt:, Pea ri‘e.ll;!l i r, l ' ay by Exprea.a. and ' Vfl h bo sold iieUral tri; reteumnp Atorr of •• . PRANK VAN blith n^ , ri No. 83 Market. at . t CENTS' YUAN !MENU 0000 S ajtvxye ILX on hand at Nn. llarkkt it. oel.l FRANK VAN 1/011tl.i. t lORLNNE OR ITALY, by -.Madam° Lo l aX `l` V 4 '9' "yt 2i. 2 K4l ' - t i by i ssdt ACON SIDES-4000 Ibirve'd nod for rAle lf,fhtrVEF 1/11.11411t711. R UTTER-25 kga. packed (Ind jars do CP K.. I, he aale by SI!lIVE111,DILWORTII, IRE AicS-10(LhuFk. v ft4r a pNe \ rIR T111:1VOILTII. Li - NT RA BRUSSELS CARPEY , --Just rc `l ailed mune pyr and \ best:lON' ytttyrun of .11.1cy' itruim4Y. by . - \ KOIONSON CO., qppoyitsitelbelltyr. vESP Pate r : i :C . 7i k p n e.try d .