Cairn: of Qualm= lizsaiods.--Before Judges ?Marti Boggs and ed w i In the cue of the Commonwealth vs. Prudence Wed/ey; indictment assault and batten', whi ch WAS reporied yeateiday, a verdict of not guilty Yeas rendered and prosecutordirected to pay the Coon. ' re; Phillip Grossman; indictment .""it • anti battery, on oath of David Adams. Verdict guilty, &lid - the defendant recommended to the mercy of the Court. , Sentenced to pay a fine of $lO, and ordered to be . conunitted until the sea. tetice *is complied with. Com. vs. Andrew 'Woods and Charles Miller; indicttientiareeny on oath of 13atithel Gormley. The prosecutor le a lawyer. residing in Allegheny ' City, and the defendants, it was charged, went intonom sad took a valuable gold watch hie iroperty from the mint:4 piece. The watch was afterwards found secreted where the defend anti had hid it. Verdict guilty,' and prisoners remanded for sentence. re Hebert Hewn; Indictment assault and battery on oath of Mut. Fitsbaugh and others. The parties reside in Birmingham, and the of fence was trival twits nature: Defendant found guilty and sentenced td pay a fine of $5 and the Casts. - 001:11.. , Te. Stephen Sather; indictment assault and battery with' intent to kill, on oath of C. C. Seely. The Particulars' of thin case are fresh in the memory of our readers, and ibis therefore nuneceasary to publish' the testimony before.the COUrt. It appeared that Saber called at Seely'a drinking house on Market street, and without provocation commenced to hurl stones through the window; Seely went to the door, and remon etrated with him, whenhe drew a pistol and fired at the prosecutor—the charge ids leg. _Seely then armed himself with a revolver with which he ationck Barber on the hack of the head, ns, the latter was retreating Up the street. A verdict of.guilty of swank and battery was ren dered, and theldefendant was reminded for Eel, • . fence. COm. int. Catharine Bergey and'Elizabeth Dor sey; indictment of assault and battery, .on oath of Sarah Birch. Verthet guilty, and defendants sentenced to pay the costsand a nue of cents Com. es. Thomas Duke; indictment, assault and battery, on complaint of John B. Kegley.— The jury returned a vim:blot of not guilty. Coin. es. John S. Begley; indictment, assault and battery, on oath of Thomas Duke. The jury returned a verdict 'of guilty. A motion for a new trial was made by defendant's counsels. mom.' ye. John Ilelntne; 'indictment larceny. Defendant plead guilty, and was remanded for sentence. Coin. as. Bernard Callahan; jndietment, as sault and . battery , Defendant was found guilty, and sentenced to pay the omits . of prosecution. , Cover .A.D.lotrakra.—Judge hleCittre• yester day evening adjourned the Court of Quarter Sessions until next Wednesday, for the purpose of 'alfording the country jurors an opportunity •to - vote on Tuesday next. The Court. cf Common Pleas will be in session this morning. Mu. Pltsrr, the Book Auctioneer, has arrived 'end'aill cotnmence on, Monder,tvening next at Davis' Auction Rooms ;tha sale' or a very large etocic of choice new books.- _ - - THE Rey. : Wm. Collier, pastor of the First lifethcalist-Protaitant Chutich, Fifth street, has limited in this eitrAwl wilt preach to-morrow et half pastlfro'cloolt. . , - • Amaumeasn Blyriay.- 2 -Jokn MaHenry-was committed to_prison yesterday, byhtayos Vol:, ingefault of bail, on a charge or assault - and battery,. Preferred against' him by James Ido7 Pitiu,tarrioir..—Thoae who intend to rote for a Prohibitory Liquor Law on;Tucsday hezt can be Aide with tickets free of charge by calling at Ald: Steel's office, on Fourth street. DIVORCE Casa.—An application was made be fore Judge McClure 'yesterdny by Mary Ann Har rison for :a .direrce from her husband, Wm. H. Harrison. Canse--desertion. • A. Canis was issued yesterday for the arrest of :John Duncan, who is charged with defaming the character of Mrs: Needy Urn. /DIED-ch. the oth Inst . MARION COWAN; relict °LIR.. Rakinlnnt ronn,. Eng.. In the 64th year of her age. The *lends of the demean! witll.. lease attend the finer al a 62 debar TIM nit, from ber-late to Ideate, Rlnth rt., treat Raithfoold: • _ CARPETSOIL CLOTHS, &c. Wtne. Oß • McCIAINTOCK & BROS. aro no* uorti..estantly melyln . &their ELock 'of Carpet of thowi lt irahut to tumlih ' llVelra...l::g .I.ny a the i t Howes, haring Imported and relectat our stock front ti?. Nat Factories nod with Stuck cars. Our dock menial:net the lancet and but ata,lea, and at Molly to Ira ablest h a out great !natters:menu to oar' dead, and encLontern Our aback connate in part of the %Mow- C:id Pile Carpet.; ' • Tarestry dcg Ernasela dos • : • Threeo2ll do „ • - • 0 1M i g k ru at . i r aanol-nceten lakl. Damaak Trnltian, TwllleJ renitlan, ind Plain Teultlan Carpets. 4:4., eta, 34 and 24 all. Rag and CottonCarS..• ..& Cohn 134. 64, 44 and 3-4 wide; Ebert Cth AVIA 12 to 24 feet. a, anew and elegant styles, *Mahn* sillont to any shun Velvet. Manila Tufied and Brunel. - Rona and Main Pheapektn. AdolaLl. Minot. Jute and Coco Mat.. • Atao—lfrlcet end Cloth PL. Clover% &abound Plano .and Table Cavern Etalr Itoda Table Linen, End: and Lin. Sisoklazl4llll4 China lidattltur„, Woolirn Floor Dawn of all 4lrha and rtyka Linea and W.Z. Ormab Oaths. Grwm Rairrima On Tr.l.lWent Window Riad.; Gold • Border ultallooarent dbada, Carpet. Binding. 4 rrbutoloscs or Window Shad.. and all other moods *many found In =Store. We ask nodal attestant. to our oust ho ot Velvet. Itrussela and ingrain Cat eta, labia ore of nmer/or quality wad az low 12 prim as ran Le pur. Nair 6. The atiamer Canada arrived this morning m oor s Oct. with LiverpOoldatea to the 25th, being one weekdater. Her news is interesting. Eight thousand . men , of the. Crimea expedition by land, have marched towards Sebastopol. • _Liverpool Markets—Friday.--.40tt0n.--The sales for the week were 36,000 balei ; Orleans fair 6} ; Middling 61; Upland fair 6 ; middling 6; demand moderate, prices in favor of Layers. Floor —Western canal 31s 6d; Ohio 34s 6d Corn, yellow and white 361. Wheat 956_410c. . The Canada brings no news of the. Arctic Which sailed on her regular day. The news is important. The Petrel steamer put back to the Clyde in a damaged condition. There were five deaths on board. 'The San Jacinto is at tizinthampton. it is officially announced by the French and English governments that on the 14tb, 60,000 men landed at d upin SbastEopuop tonTah and ra i n mm o e r d t a r te etyn maedrch to Varna wherethere are 14,000 more Frenchmen. - The . Russian fleets bed again run in Sebas topol, and Part of the allied 4ficet atirivd. It was stated from Constantinople that e the Czar had, at the last moment, assented ito terms nod a steamer was dispatched to postpone the lauding, but at the last advices it bad not reach ed the fleet. This statement was,. however, not confirmed. • Larrai.—lt is decided that neither Sweborg, nor Cronstadt shall be attacked this season.— The French Baltic fleet returns to France. It is reported that the batteries oti Odessa again bombarded Anapa, and Kerach is closely bolckaded.• The evacuation of Moldavia is now complete. Guyon to recalled frOm Asia. Greece makes submission to the Porte, and of fers a treaty of Commerce. ' The rupture with Persia is officially contradic ted. Spanish affairs are unchanged. Sou:num.—The ministerial crisis is over, and the ministers remain. a The brokers' circulars report Cotton as dull and prices easier but not quotably lower. There is but little Speculative demand. Mobile fair 6, middling 56, upland middling 5; stock 887,- 500 bales 'ding 585,700 American. Breadatu generally firm with upward tenden cy. The brokers lay Flour advanced 26 and Wheat 4d. Corn la 6d. Richardion's circular quotes white Wheat at Os Oil@lOs; red 8s 9d( 91. Western Canal Flour 29s 6d @3os; Balti more and Philadelphia 81s 6d(g)B2s ad; Ohio 38s 6d®3se. Indian Corn 84a ®B7s. Frovh3ions.—Gardinees. circular reports Beef as unchanged with limited bu.sinesa doing. Pork unchanged, limited Balm. prices a trifle higher. - Lard, the Bales of the week were 200 tons at 525, holders demanding an advance of prices; advert cod 6d. Money Market.— Consols 05i. In American stocks a fair business is doing; U. S. sixes, bonds 1868, at 1060107. PUILADELPLCIA, Oet.. 6.—The Canada's . advices are favorable for fireadstuffs, and have caused more firmness in the market, but there is very little doing. Flour is held at $8 per bbl; no export demand. The only transactions making are small lots for home consumption at the last quotations: Rye .Flour and Corn Meal riot in quired after; no sales havetranspired. Wheat scarce and in better demand; 8000 bush disposed of at $1,40(i)1,621 for Inferior and prime red, including very superior White at a price kept secret; in demand at $l,lB. Corn not so Shan dant, yellow 70@S0. Whiskey, demand limited; small sales at 41®42. _ ' PIIILAIDELPIIIk, Oct. 6.—A dispatch, from Bridgeton, N. J., says that on Thursday night about 7 o'clock, a man named William Carey, a resident.,of Melville, N. 3., whilst returning home from Philadelphia , ,en foot, and within one milb of home, was chat and obbed, and lett ly ing -on the road where he was found, in.a dying condition.— The persons who attacked him are supposed to bare been Frenchmen. One of them - is described as having on a cap and the other a low crowned bat. .NERr YORE. Oat. O.—Stocks unchanged; money stringent, 12 to 15 for short-first clans and 7 for call loan 4 Long Island Railroad 28; Michigan Central 881; Reading 751; Morris Canal 91. Cotton firm. Coffee firm; transactions ' Sogar firm, transactions moderate. Molasses unchanged; a limited business; Orleans 20. Tobacco firm. Flour firm; sales 9000 bbls. good Ohio at $7,25057,50; Southern itrigular; sates 2000 bbls. at 37,25@58; (klieg° 89,25. Wheat, holders demand 'an advance; mixed Southevn $1,521; Othinsee held at $1,80®51,83. Corn a trifle highei; sales 53,000 bush. Western mixed at 76€;77; yellow and white 80®82. Whiskey, a shade lower; Ohio sq. Pork a trifle lower— sales .18,000 bbls. Meratit , $12,43(:)812,50; primeat $11,25®511,871. Beef a trifle easier; dull; repacked Chicago at 150151; whole Bogs in , demand at 607. -Lard dull, _ Crsctartsw, Oct. G.—Floor better, closing firth at $0,75 with sales of 700 bbls. Provisions dull, prises nominaL Whiskey unsettled; prices range from .301 to 31. Sugar still active at full prices, stacks now very light; holders ask an advance. No' change in Coffee and Molasses; demarid mod erate, . ,Ssles.4oo bush oats at 45. The river is falling slowly. Weather clear and warm. rpoßAcco--.1 hlid. Leaf Tobacco for sale br se% lt OOLLINN • PARED PEACHES-3bble. in prime or jj,_ der. for role by IL DALZELL Jt 1111NESE-50 h is • prime just rend arid sal nr • • 0e29 • IL DALZELL & Co. tWI kDOW 7 GLASS—:-All sizes' of .the Bellerernon brands, htraabsby ern , IL DALZELL aCO. Giffir.olcirir gross Baker a den ‘j 'nine Cott Liver Oil, ieedby FLEMING. . `r~ ~s; ... , . . _ . Anievirogit ADvERTBE ILENTEL - i PHILADELPHIA. ADVEHTISEMESTS.. From Wm. U. IteDoFFit Adv , rtislnS Minna Wo. 10: .1 , ...i1l C.F....NK & CO.'S ADTEATISING ROUSE, Nassau ttroct.Nirr Fork. ' . ....11171'11 THIRD .S7T,PHILADELPITIA.. IVIE EID MEaI EN Ieg : I : Z.: E . C b 0 . . y ..1 1.1 . ' . 1 . 7. . it s eer' huitsL. tr . := 1.1 .1 e.7.1.1 '8 1.,fil .. it "lit rtirilar s .I.l=l, %Prat. i rVecle4li.ll . 7oarrV elation. eta Cots. with WI particular/4.m0- be had on application. • tiataton GENTLE3fEN'3 Fine dr , Ad7Californi a etlut to tio 'd re e a l l ' i) t r . nZ't i l l r ' i%. ". .i.t!e:l i Net t :t h rn i e • t 11 . 00 . -Orders tent by mail, encletiog the money. or by mono., 0111 be T. , , , roptl i y m attended to b}' Votreesi occx. t i: j "O S ' catrr4V*VeLl' 17e's w ri Pork . NEW YORK AND CA LI.FORNA • STEMISITIF LINK. (vlO TII2 0 et20102.1 . tamers 00110 AM or NICAILMMA. POGPIIII7OII3. tTusHROUGH IN ADVANCE OF THE AT AIL. The only Line giving Til TICKETS. includin • Isthm enoseing. Tim NORTHERN',TAIL OF. TOE KEST. PSOMITLIEUS. all fiat claw double engine steamships, will lease New York on the nth and oth mtil Month , ( eacept that when Moto de/a On 0 . 0 9. day,Saturday previous will be sailing day.) mons:al:on bhttle d hicaragne Transit Heaps, tominaut twtilzerTilgs ENOitl'EZ, DJLAIVPUL.THAViTACIfints ofa 4 will leave Fan Juan dot Sud, the Pacific terminus of Tranlitt: Route. for San Fronde:* on the arrival of Uhl Pmeengsm. For further informatiozwiAlss monnAN, se=tilm 6 of Green.dale'Tl4 N. U. — tkonnsenOng on the lith of October. the of sailing will he changed to the 12th andirth of each month. 'When these dates fall do Sundiye the Ship. will lasso on the Monday following. There will nu Steamers OD the 10th of Oetoto, 'moved Door Sprat*. rtl RIGGIN'S 1R AN DRI 100 R SPRING, • with the new latent method for adjustingand reg.- u a Inalluipower. [snow universally admitted to be the newest. elroplest and meet effective Spring In use. The power non be graduated. Or Instantly taken off. At pleas ure—nmant deelderatum inning the enamor mouths.— SOU hr moat Hardware Dealers in the Union and Canada. VW Trade eusolled by SIMARD P. TORREY. • atellmn _ _ Demist., New York. • - Childs & Smith, No. 149 Pearl Street,.York, MPORTERS WINDOW CORNIbES, 'BANDS AND PINS. Orders from thn Trade In New ork or at a distance will be promptly attended tn. Also, eMatantly on hand, Wonted, Silk and Cotton DAMASK.COIID_,B TASSELE,GI3IPS, tc.. WINDOW ISTI,U)EB and TRIII.II/NUS, all of which they over at nnestly redriceck pricier. au2.1....1r0n • • _Worlira Fair Preroinme, ITZE MEpALS m Have been awarded to the very elegant and ...Parlor PIAN FORTES rj XIIIBITED by the subscriber • • .a et the CIII3TAL:P ucs. In metkip almeannovineentent they would "k°l I this OPtortunity to return their thanks to theltnusnerons friends for the extensiee and liberal pat ronage heretofore extended to them , andaseuro them that no Was Shaul be epered to sustain the flatteries rePtita . Lion already attained. In order to meet the greatly lo !Teased demand for their Inetrumente, the? halo added l'. err to their manufacturing facilities, which they trust •ill enable them m future to promptly meet every de— mand. Also. =hand an assortment (Avery superior Alkil.ODE '"llloMlVlrTdßitallZr. 6(1 N (0.4.m.i.g St Niches.. thief.) N.D. — Pneniumevere awarded bY the dmeeiree tufa to their MAWS five years in suneession. an.72.omis A dO.Ss,6tb 4 WM. H. 1101tSTMAN & spss,' f•I .NORT/1 711 Ili D STREET, \\ i • PIIILADELI'II lA. , • i 'Manufactory Fifth and Cherry Stretts. , I JMIE attention of - Wholesale 'Dealersiii SO- United to a Wu oftnclinf tbe artlclti undernaentign all nt Ix 111 , A net of outo•cn man at factartnr imitgiatls3n. Karina the largest manufacturing utuniittnucht of" ils I slat. fail., Uri itcd Stat... ott rAciiiiikv are cm.ophle for Um excAtuton cLawrflar with winch are mar 1.,e racurcd. ~. LadiutDrus Trim:A/Copt, •\, eltrtditt Diana. yt„ \.‘ '• , Ventricut Mir. 't Trinalcii74''' . . /Witty, Wets, dr.4„ • - , • Cbtriat.c Dry Good!, . 7agrul i kart• RtgaZia and fianu r ibtfc, of to"./7;105.5.HP/134, 4.1‘42 tt of Masons, Odd haw& wad other-Purterni tin. _ RyLea 81.01 lank, Sewing wad &ming Sole clitudt Car -- 14\ 31artlincs. ......_ • - .ll.yle's Spool Ste' - FOR SEIFIWO AIW SEWING kICRINRS. \ IlliiiS well known S ilk wn4 inittolgeetl to the r la i r l ialruallirleir ' a r k portal ".6.l' ort:l l liatt tiCtt' .old bY It as watTanteeennal to tbe t best Italian: theepoots'ion- Intato u morn so the anal Skean and is elegantly put' up hosesoflstools. doses spooLe esekt..l'he dues eon 6600 ad The Silk me for Sewing Mao nes Is oat spools of one nonce each. and to those who use Os" Machines, Wier only 'wry respect neemeary to say that Ms artiele itapfeel to the "r 1 .. fat . ~ For sale by the Sole Agents foi• t}l United Stater,.% WM. 11. .1101164IANN A SONS,. s • ... 11...., ' .0 110R8TAI . , ~. AgiVitallitar►l taltdFri'i'L , 8 Malden Laise New fork. • . , FLOOR 'OI74LOTHS!\ • A LER 0 ec s' , , H• 0 Y\T, 15 C 117712171 ALLEY,: PiI:ILARELFErI4.• 70 John and 20, 31 and 83 Elea! ate., N. T., Offer to the Trade, on favsrahla terms, a ftal otook of k'.LOOR ',OIL. CLOTHS,44, 54, 64, 74:,..3 4 and 104 nada Also, \ TABLE 0.11: CLOTHS, Of •• • Amirlean and Germaninanafaetnre, 4.4;64, 64 and 4 aide, tram:and to aadure any elhaate. A 1.,, STAIR OIL, CLOTHS, 13, 15,18 and W. wide. Alen, RNA AIRL ED ' OCAIIVA 0 . Of the very tart =satiric/um Also,. 812E= OIL Clel)T118. Of their own rnanufacture.4,.6 sad 8 moan wide, ofilear and Landing Patton together lath\ a stock of lighter ZOO. 12. 15 and 18 feet nhte, all of '.ableh are offerednt ovent Market Prior. \ att74mo RICHARD NOBBIS it s ,SON, • N RRIS LOCOUOTIV.E. WORKS, Bag ill ,l ßeZvtf enth &red. nbene Rearood, P I77 LADELP,II44:: "FACTURE LOPOMOTIVES' ex . M_;"' re:, 1it1d 0r .1 , 144,% 4 111 4 4117, the brat Tools mpecially adapted to their Vastness, they ean execute orders very promptly, on nameable terms . . and librral credit. Bowling and wormoor T/Telt fethiehed oneetalso.Wronghtlron Workof any description. aolnamc Watches, Jewelry', S il ver-Ware had va, ted Goode. \ 1,. E. bALDWELLdcpo: 140 etioAnut . Philadelphia, Inverters and Dentifictorsia ' , otter an ett.ittelve,stork of goods In Ooth and DIMS. at triode, at. prima 11 etche. mede In London; Liverpool and Dwit.- erland, tut most prominent workmen in the World. t g oili P suo, r l4 .:ar.itilitg, ( l43; ' ,7,ll744ll. l g4 Spoon.. end evet7 article madr. to Silver for table ferrite Dtrauger. visiting the city ame Invited \> call Andrew:nine Dr themselves. - • •jr•Didtoo To Shoe Dealers. BARRETT, Boot A Shoe nannfiniturtn.; • 61 Me bathtbathPhflodergiißt. \ alernye on hand and conetolu2Menn-. 11 factoring anextheill7MOClDaent olden MintiOned an, cigraw Daltern 110,2 s do dm O cilla' $ Lea th er! and Iturkin Walking imam Dore do do; Ladle,. French and English Lasting tialteng Kid and Marmon Bdots anti and Shoes. and every description of Make and..o3l}drast fthoes. In *Mitten to hie shoes. be le conetently eteth nite r - gtoting every variety of Dente' and Bore' +Baiter thetsittge r o lent, to which ha...invites the sped./ attention of mann. . aenne C. EVA E \\ No. 21. North Fourtb,St FEILADELPIIKA, Feet, • BOOT, SHOE AND GAITER UPPER \ MANUFACTURER. do • • deeeriptionmf. linnen reedy fitted ihr thetas; dangly an head and Dr rale at the lowed mien.' French, English and Ainerissa, KID, ( I ,',A LI SKIN, PATENTLEATICER; AND BERTON& jeladleta Phrenological dabutet. (fit:. FOWLERS, , WELLS , & CO., Is l / 4 ,14, e5,,..a! Phrenolftlate and Publishes. \ '24111 Arch lik meet, Wow Seventh, Philadelphia. fur all works on Phrenology Phygiolol7. Water Line. Stagnetlsm and Phoiwrra, . Dhg. wade ode end retail. at New Yore arm. , \ Pent* atonal malt: silos, with chart; and full tr . ,. written de...citations of ehariata. 414 and evening. Catat free. la lye • . .1 : : 7.1k . . ~, SIXTY DAYS', PASSAGE. '':,', Pioneer Line of Monthly_ Packets, X CARRYING TRE MUTED RYA TEE: Ada.* , The follon log Shlial have sailed: , . 1 Bervone. 41W ton., . 1 .17 86AI 1 G.0 ,,, L , Mt0u1a.11 1952. 953. Atananso ,100 tons,Ada Lod/ Franklin„9oo tnns,Ang 11952. Eaph,4;lso ton., Sept Dhoard. 1.400 to 0tt..'53. 952.. l Owen 1 500tnus, Oct. 1952) 1653. Leg° i'''' '' N.".. Sorry°, 1.440 tons, Dee., 1342 pr,PIX tons. Danaher, Botraore. 1.300 tone, Jan.. -18. U. 1941. Albert Rankine. P.& 1841. Eutaw... lAO took iluthilt'iga :Invade, 1,06 tons. Mai. 19a3. 1554. 1 _ , . • , , Orerfa 1.000 tons, 311 arch Gertrude, ,000 tor , h Jali• /854. 2Weervai 8,00 tone. Ara '531 . - i The Ships of thin Una ara fitted with Etiltribre• Patent Ventllatora and enrrr Franck? MaralleLlie.Boata. The new and magnitkv.ot 011oPer . 8610 i'LliL•o3 SCUD, 1.2 la Tona Ragister. W. u. n.u. sun., .iii ...t.d the .. oertrode" ...Med.:oath Ship or tbla Line, and Dill 1 1•11 tor Melbourne, Austral* . On the 20th of Septeinber. The ELTING SCUD to ballt on the. most approved mod- Irn prlollpler and,ls coodderad - t !..0 . be a perfect tandel of o Iron ha r il h no it t ore. st at e r' rrol ID Der thrai.lx,llll. roe In Ttue."42=r4h=4,%;,•,:iallzt limited o'mb-of For freight or penman. snit on board. nt . Aar 10 East hirer or to . ....._ CaION. Ara _ 116 Wall street, Yew Tort a PARTLY, CI ENERAL COMMISSION FACTOR.- ‘3lilVlll attend to the pardmee and side of Berottand:M. Real estate. tn. and the n r emthatione . 1111th Notes, Mort "ra2d aihttlease = Mho donee ehd thle a Pig Metal and Meow. From Jong covalence In this do- Ferment, BM hoped stlefeetlon will be given to Pother* Men who may favor him with their hosinem. °Moe. No. DO Hand ert, between Liberty and Penn eta. - D T Allm a er c'' ',. , liItzt3711:01 0,... Bushell thaleary d Co.'Seth). !Innen A Co. . Palm.. Mona it Co. Nichols:et t Payne.. Alm. Lundahl. ' CO. B• 11 ° , til 9 l7ll ‘ l;ortte. . • . Alex. Stott. John afethdden, Richard Bard, . Wen. Latham. John anthem .... B.• Wm , raulps. R. Hartley, N. o. . Craig, Airc Miltenbmiter Fresh Arrival of Fall God. AGAN tft ALIL are just receiving their ohm. von Goods. to .blob they invite the attention eustonews,and the trotdis fo seneraL The goods . bare been seleoted with wratt care, and ttin be odd Ls low as th r :g i. ea; ye:teenaged inthe city . Thelystoekomdets, in of the following:— Plal b balm • *oche MeV; longterm. vita " • Bay State ell Thinet " Ntrired " rice " • Cleahmerellbawhn Lapin's nombesitton Chintz. and Cling , learn f r o:trkable Manna* • Fine C:shoterer, Etahrokletietc Canton Cloth; °loses and licsiery; Pasucaltas, all adorn • RlbbonW • With ell grader and mime LUPINS PRRATH Maki. NM, at the very lowest prise; with an excellent assert snout of/ionesketsplan Goods. oat • - bete swot neustitmNe• ii f/iSfket " -- - - - ZINC PAINT'S... OHR THIRD CIIRAPRR THAN WHITICLEAD. AND PRISE FROM ALL POISONOOB QUALITIES. HE - NEW JERSY ZINC COMPANY harlitt paella. enlarged their w0r ,. % and brimmed denr! i thei . r SUPERIOR Y . IAr/f/Trra,, . gdlard,,T, IN OI D L A to emorted berod erirme of from 23 to 600 pound.. T oLo hel4lArl: ZINO. ' whirr:Ai dry, ftroo wed In 'WI. la warranted PUKE and unintrreepal for end werforee A method aeration hes treently.been.dimovered, v4vlT.eaelles irraz i t: n witneri==te tia k t t i m newt their a t i Ziii . ts wirths Iltatittet to &Or etberAli the market. • Their Brown Title Paint. ithleh la told et a N OT primen can only to =Me from the floe Ores from lsm, Is - tom well known for It. protective qualities when applied to Iron or other 'retail* earthees. Their Stone COlOt Paint peewee ell tbehropartiee of Brown, end la Oen agreeable color for minting ,Cottagea. D' reti °U4' Uridlot= ac.. by th Wholemeal. Paint Delon and Importer m Q .. ktiditentmk. N. W. cor.loth a Market . I *NEW BOOKS BY REV. JOS. SMITH; D... r.i.oitnullton.e., - ,.flat., a talsutit s of Weatent . its erst reeorr: or t Jamul, SmitZirir • Arse d =l.. Just reed and tor sale JOHN S.DAVIBON,_ _ Bri Market street, near Youth. • The trade as and single copies sent br ma. to rpRE ENTERPM&S .131.ALLERy;. • gult, L ltb IRAs now OpUl tor the roospUon or visitors and euatoroers. • The attention girths nubile le dilated ltscentrat Motion amnia room. and et:Tutor feeilltlee to for the hroduction otittletlo and litelikst Daguerreotype.— lliateslide or the beet quality used. and prior :nest class settuael Children taken Ina law soeoride to the beet etylo of theart. Cell and examine spechnona Notice to IthiPPers. 6c;in , TlMOhio and Vonnter , :: lLLl , • r„.n.i. ICZNZtit ed i o irr:4 l prheriA n t: erliatilhe loc=teeetitrr ,drac ;i ' M t t'sgszoirmiZ Uses 11001 ibreardlm 6 r o sod 40 c ,, D u Der 100 rIT wattrioc.-1-..utt. ',lt. fur the three eletee v _et ..... .. t. PIT Pit crattitiiMissi.—fra Liverpool lord Philadelphia .Eltesuruilirp Compagy OTICE,-The 01 0 PHELADEPIIIA. N Idvarpool, BATURDAY,Zridttemaer, leased of Mb bertambor as prorlouey ad SAMUEL 13311211,troltai Rpzititibtuti4L, - made 410 SAMMY PittaVolkb. "DARM.FOR :SALE. of 132 'acres, situate on de Yousaledtotor 'meet sten Masao sommld 20 Men tag any; BO acres lnc good este at mina 'edam, 60 Optima bottom land; reminded la . Umber odd dell roamed. , :a two story brick Poem. laras trams been edit Maim bosomed:A; alto, sultabla oucltlidelga— Apple, sod Naar created. =aboadane• of othsr true trees Ain,ieii;a b all e gart n . l b i t t itt i o . Olt sod t a rmgilmPlero T erde • y . abl. Beal mat. acts, Mat:- VEGANT- DRESS ' A. Ma Ist eza i i , or v ircelpt afasir s id im eti iteh I t 4catais Zs Zio; York. at sert Ira Qua etar.ll: eta ellkx • • Id end fltitpid as ad ' Amung do Geo de Itldt, • Wand KII,-45,dered, Pleld .4atiii.s " . .t,eki ~e,r. 40. do. Plaide. bled ,11‘,m1.•'Ir' , u te sad ' ad uthstiuuld nCtd ism , ViILEATTEST LUSINSIN PiTTSBIII4III IL! typocaatis . ... amens,. Be petits; ±s t. Ip t. ' 04i; • 1:1 i " 11 31. CESTINCJILL-k CO.'S aDVETitIsING 1221;7 IatILLST, NCR TOCIC. And, As. 10, Slate lOW, /Won. Co are issnts west ingneatial and largest u„. uctr4arrelal Parrs both in the United gdates I * NEW YORK tiyERTISEIKENTS. I Th='"llfi.V`—Lii":,i7sr\k","'llTkir'sub"* Stl•ol.l)l.,,yr_AUß, &e. -11 RUNO. EiSSER B ORN& CO. (ate C. 31naret t l7t h ergt=78 .4' a'n 'e k , . 44 2 Malden Lana 21.• CLOTIIIEIte. "; & CO., \Extensi ve Detail giothieur tabllehmnt. 441 !headway. lee es thms market a 6001/4. ipOWEN, 31c1VA& CO. imr iteariesn and ForeignE2 c; ECOTTENET &CO., _ ifiZTEIN & lIONIG, 104iberty', attit Ice ced.r.t., cm:Trinity Plato. iptor4.+•\ n. erten Silk.. tr.. • GAMES •OWEI4, 15 BroadSo k Impoilei of Dram; Trimmlngs, Okapi and Frinkas, 51k Crikato, I Mitt; sold Silk Goods ganendir. • a • \ lIENNEQUINCOT — iiii - portere f TSB. PR ENCII GOODS. BROCID: stIAWLV,UOI3B tolg BAREGFZ, ft., 60 Broad street :jaw 11ROBINSON& CO., No. 187 BrOitslway, c...rioportmni and jobbers of Lee Goa* Se. Embroideries, Roam, Won* rtmois, - posORN, SCILLIEPER & ILAARAUSi Porters of German and Belgian Broad Clothe. BB* lesien An. Ma SO Ernbanere rises.: `‘, I ALCMANK - 01INSTAIMN, Importer of 1..) Slam. Shawls. Laces and Earbroklerles and Ts , ilAti . llir 62 roadway. !elwth. , . . DETER D. MULLEN, Reporter-of French IL GOMM] utd Bobo Dry Ooodo, &ohm Velvets Mari na, Shoodo,Woolson, de., No. 33 Braid street, New York. p13.1y.. OBISAAT BROS., 40 John street; Im- Darns of Ladles DRUB TRIIINDIGH; Balls, Wool, 10% Tassels, &Monk Stan. Loa, am NT o MElitit do ?d.AIDHOFF- Manufacturers f Fashloliabl. Dress and CloaliTetrocilngs Mores. ps, Miscall% Buttons, &c., No. 24 Dey stmt. iol3-17, aAtCII dr. 7 YALE7 ------ Imorte re and Jobbera, or BILK and.YANCY Dant 001 ) 8 ,gunerally—No. 78 t - B. ICATeit W"Wau,n, ettre Lnporton of tiontlantanY Fundahlnir Good& and ufacturers of Stdrtai ORN M. 'DAVEBS,, JONES & CO., .1m- Wairat i Uam rel islel.4,M4=,rtL3i.`". Q .-- SYEARLELNI & CO., No. 69 Brobilwsy atesso i° 'l,i= o r •L'w ,FROIJOH HOLT HAVEEN. Not 92 and 9,1 Liberty strant—linprmes itsrenh.Erig, and Gelman Mks, Ribbons, Velvets, Volt lot Hardoako. Woolen, otwrorydaacrlption. OERTAIN RRItLDY ., • tjSE the L itre:lean Mustang \Linhnent in • Rhannlitlatn..ltralsen. Barna, Epralna: Cuts. PUor Som attaotnal our. for RIG external ;•tomlda.Lola of MUM Or 'alma]. 8. W. Westbrook. °Menai wig' natorlsnd proprietor, 304 Broadviay N. Y. TZXr • ..aaousaasorrnaa. LBURNEY, No. 34.9 Broadway, thi oldest ••• and uto4..Pnulr• 'l!!;abilalimmt-i. the Il aito/ sopl3-ly • I W.-, ORR, and-En Designer graver on tfd tjtv("*"'" n ci i ntru s rasus n at u thi . , VDWARDS, SANFORD Foieign worded E o o no N frm lamlopdwrtaay. Goodiind Psokagoo of the world. Agei:ot, In rel3-Iy, Pittsburgh. Adams co. ntacita,oon4 AND 11091Eter. , NQELMANN & po, 93• William street, Finley 0e, 4 .. Button; Cotton and Woolen H t zdar i k . ',viinombrorr r f Arhonefli Wl andtjolnn2l4. \ fun= AliDwaats.. imams. ,tI.I4,RLESim ILTCO„..s23laiden Lane, ZraZimit Orna,FantlyetVglairt foraftthe and lent', Lind Ir f orkrtags. ate. iil94 „ FLU, ke \LV:•• W. CORNELL, 135 and 143 Onttm t. Plaht and Ornamental Irm Works. „ tun, puss ke. TrIbMPSONAROESLER, No. 14 Maiden tiee” ,I % "' ' D.Terneu,et i gli'ar e . af eene"4 nor, ma PITRNACE23, ke. AVID CIILVERAInventor and Patentee) 6Y L7t? stmt. manufacturer and donaarortnolonle 111•11. 14untseen. Register% Y.:methane?". se. MIAUOVIns. • NEW.hlit INDIA RUBBER CO:, 59 mrat j ura... N. Y ., Si i nallertntnnen ., ,,. and Wboleiala WM inn ' Ms, Ha Han. Tom an.,7re. pubb't }k"i06.747' itl4Y DAVENPOIiT, John street, z t . and boiler lo Ong demolption o . i o Potent Robber latai* , ,..or Rotor COirg E IC)NINDIA -/ W0, 1 ; . 4/ john' *L. mate *Ulan& of Robb er Clothing. 4 .2otds. latides. to 4 Cant* Dom *2.00 to $O,OO eibeh. b64-17r Leaner ELAI3IIO mum. mum& PATEra kADIES' YrASTIC SKlRTS,jlinigh's • Patent—P. HAM. 31 Berth* etreette the Home, New Yerit;msoutteterer of ths spine- Ott and deetretee snide: tn6llt7ste • a LlGllrrititila RODS. A M. QUIMBY & SON , Dealers in. ..„ • DAOLDNEDIr AND MACUINR TOOL& V, , CIIENCK'S MACIINERY DEPOT 62 SOourtlaad gteaeL Maehillier And Machin Too l, `, MIISIOAL rt. STEUSLENTS. ' iARGILL & CO., 47 MaidennLea' e, Guitars, 4v h ili 4 t . assirkosa Bram loitrox*ta, and Shines; L'IERDENAND ZOGBAUM CO., No. •97 :I: Malden Lana, Importon of TWO," Gutzon, _Aorooto ono. Strings, Row Instramonto, • vaulAtoxP _ _ PIANIST= TIN Aiiiiakenraiwist. . FORGE HODGETTS, No. .158 . .Williant et, Noor Tort, Wbokralo Manntheturer and WPor Too rut , Corfu Um. Bleak Mhos. awarded . Zino sal Iron Goods, Jte.. In Wu awarded the' rominso at the Nur Tort Curial Palace. ia27-r • PAPER WAREHOURE, . • . . eI • YRITS W. FIELD /, CO. 11 Cliff. Otreet, XjLaparttas said Wholume Dealorinlna Oermau and Huelva PAPERAquag evarralms raper ManutsetturramsatatiaLL', OIINCIN, LEWIS & _BARTOW, N 0.161 ' Wird= etreet-4 great Variety of PAPER Ito Boot ee era. Stational, Priters, BookUndge, Itanthaturenr. and 'Leathern= rarnerang PALNT OOLOR ntarturavrusasa VI AINBOW COLOR WORKi L. ig h E ; 3°ln 1t 1 414W Tor/5 Psxie sod : CE SALAMANDEB, 'SAES, Ocata"•DatllaftLoci sad Cron Ham ROBIOSN% . • . • ' TOYS AND-FANCY GOODS; • • . m a: %r i g 23 Ll AIILRORDU & CO., 54J- Maideux lane , laber,tj spset4mporters of TOYS , • Tl4B, FOR FLOOK., ANA CHIMNEY TOM L '':•,., , . . \-- , • \ , • ', XILLER, COATS $ 4 YOU LE, No. ?79 Pearl stxort, Knanutli , Til kw es, Oarnltirk Cblzioni =bore matorto.U.Moto,l .. • • WINDOW GLASS. . . tyrs, ao. . .. i. II -L . POILLON .t ~ Li:Torten of . Frißilth Coach sad Ifladastallaw—No. 34 DarollY L - . .110PKINS & BROTHEES,Importer• of ~Tat• Fft•sO Wludroa Glaar,'No. 6T Parday.itteet,li• PLATFORM S C ALES • • . 414 dal kwu ti=orti=el"if „ . V ta go •-• NICS /WO • -- - • No. OS Nato,, rITORGE O. - I.I A Wegottatist of Bari.= Notes, Bowie; Mortairea. sad other aria. Na 68 Wall Meet New York. Gloartuttleetlo; Rxressects 2 =lsylo Est, _inters 11..estOr, New Yorlk Messrs. Page a .4:aps tanker; LOW. , W JACKSON & SON, of the late. firm or W. * N.Jackwa.* Sign, On toand landar Itaken, 24,3 Prot! st., end 6031316*.d6my, No. York. hal* tonytantlT on bud mty variety of , Grater 1111.1 , 11,0 den Alsoechgar and__Nosso Ocratiux Saver Grates. Whole mama. ' lel2lyr ULL LENGTH CRYING A. LAUGHING BIWA idno,_4l great varier of India Rubber Doll sada and Tom a/I of whirl are Ow more beautUhl than than of othre materials, times dura ble. - For Bale by the Fen and a ce Dealershu ndred thronahnuimore. the 'coun try.. Nada only by the New York Rubbor l 3 Malden Lane. N. T. un anClanie Great Excitement in New York. PIANOS AND MELOLSONS .POR DASD'. UnORAOE WATERS, the. great - 7slusio' and pnekerette own., Ste Broadway, New York.bon, g to stove a lergea r i . ent. with hie antomers, tette er than gay It to the of WaU treet," to, ridge seaside amens to made b 'to Stan l b. present Mott ma:mangers Icenconsa amortznegtat elegant and war natal Banos and -Mekdkrans at a lugs Mammlino Adam prim, for auk. aisartmont annfelseaos from UM* or the laziest enduing adobrated Boston Men. nfestorlegabes. three of several Mlle best New York Mn. ken, intlnding betatlftd and ninth. Madrid lbws V. guns Boaz Naomi Yantory. sad Melodeons of Um best Bostonafew Wen, Mn York and }BMW matey V h .totria;= .. nnttl selerns i. =t i e tej d ad pi tt titurleat ..ilt Mr?t,Li.A.-'rellate= aaa on the bed tonna , linste mat nod b l y rosit t pket psid.ig_, awl blot Catalogues of eleandsenienbe ansetatt Drier of Mamialdeledecouvand =skid bOgruangsga. ftessedai-to ft.e'er GREENWOOD numwon,777 NEW RRIOIVON; BRAVER (10... PA. - illtrinniera01111011: or this inatilutiio batbent•out MONDAY. tb• • otiontb ottat !wok aro tb• U Nri IttlaittomiAltrit U. : N. 68 kolk Mood,' Patiltukip ha t , 7, fair:ten of G. & L 43oe's.troziyrigid;-: NEEDLES -Agents for the Amid °demisted - wiskizer ureteric Bei tket;iesirso • -- - - - Dainnum dr. •-, • ..tonst4 - ' NOTICE D . N.- ; i.OTICE-Tlie lite firm of Wick Loa baybA i beindlitobred by the dipath at John I) on the the boolnete aid Arm *I/1 be Va .r l Ithe i nxitUWal sx ode s oAlta.sarnfj=swd :be late tho of Wlek • Noe Lis day at . oomated with blot WILLIAM MEANS and HARAIION A., corner fo cwiT w a Oron th sol o h o u to r n p te b e o o o k f l c e o t% nt h at o t.dhneit th -W1220 co. ere' \ Wordadd tbnodr t a nont n and \idy 01 =ANDLE24. MRCVS c CO. \rie oontinnante nttbe patronage so extended to the Loh, exin. \ • . LEM. May 24. 104i—ro= • ... . IHAVE this day tatatsed the interest et,' Jaeoph Difirorth In 8 DILWORTH & Oli o . _ .._, !Ammo will bo oontliruVr ohl ta ß ikStoood so., under tbo rtTlo of 811rI e rik, rDII, Ist, 1884. \ ~ ' '°.RN-B`3"WWITE. .. . PO-PARTNERSHIP—Ws . iStio this diy iv.i.i.rflve-J— i. he ttezfrombusthendlti W.lllealxttott l a tt* "n"I " " - wAstuNoroN wcumrocK.• - . ALEXANDKR 111rCLINTCICli. ''' rittA.,lo4l,l47l4,lls764.lii3l'CUlVrWaL Al EMOVAL--J & W. % .ItAA \ bsTe• °red \xwto Na. ;t WattastultaPtalt eta.lpittat.= Pa. • CO - PARTNERSHIP hi 431'ioi—-------"--The tak • derstattoi . tamale day thrmed aeomettmoshiglte • the tomagotka of the Whogal• and Ra.. 11 1472;000,hl .thasimm, nods th e ttm rot' HAGAN .1 ABU` at ANL. • Market.'! C'k,"!"4B7: . A. J.. niaisr. N°.!fe ,E - A,!l,4l,_ve.Bliutattrest_ 1 P..2.1 !, Rcpt .r. Ice IRd m o=r at t b lra .o ce r d s tan. ..... r' itTatM L '24ls, 1654. 7 ?. k i !4 -" l r ' k s b A. LeiNG Ned.; Bell and Foutk;. • • dm! and Gas Altai: Indta aficidkat to their dusk andaland, lir es rkata, Isdodd ta and• otbar :lA., ge k tr a tl 0 ra,4l/1= r i lmeasko m bn: aisda g gi! tot,, and kt, maid/U.l*Na weal constanttr n a n band. ifa • ' ' WM. A. IRWIN% 4EAL EStATE \ OFFICE, No. _B7 Front - rtfuet. ho ok l'orti\Matket; nester In Lake Man- P OV;i1. &O. cnal•troartr_kondld and dad_ • STILAW,OI.I43-143447 - • . • THOS. Nri WHITE Nt 00.-No: 41. Sontit2d 11, 7 *Itckld Pl: 4 ' 2w ans.a.massartrosnail.3 APEX. PRAS& E ••. " 0111amental \piistere.ri:. Joan the Word .Arkom r.LogEivz. • - PE GLASS WO • : •.• jrze,( Q, )RENZ & lthipificturini • 'at all Waded? 'VIALS, BOITLES. - skid WINDOW . d 3 Water and 86 'rant ft:meta N.r.ll:—Partfaular attentlan , lndd to add alaelaftWididW GlaaaNad what. moulds - P.! Bcdtlia and pa 4;!, dab= Vahuible -Real Eil k a to for'llalek THAT-very desirableiVrt-T, )00.1441- 41411710 %rar t irrOtlitil d Alit INUS. two en borlthrleld rieenDiadbrllLii= benzin., Watchmaker. - Jewelem,' nied as • " • corner, rxmeriled bv .h• owner ma • CoOpetiallarr. 'lMaUta. 13tore and Dwelling. mid the one on Edith . tat peony by e.. W. deriders as • barber edam and`d Thia riVoirise ' o c Alrolrg': &tilt" bw 'ttlrika` ft:4l; th;eali n ti , ir i x . rwligolre % we : lill(111t.Ei t 0 1143. L.„ A.. lam determined fo d ell VI din get anything like e fedriirim, thla hi to give emir* tonicy - pawn tic having claim or dein.. rbotri. eornv ,rl:t.rmis K` 7 " 9 :=VatiTrarld the rmelittlir't le UMW" Notice to Shwas, . “N. aid after August 3d notreight wiTh Medved it the federal Knot Station of the OW • mums. Railroads shipment. alter the kw of I °Woo P.M- Bilis Lading mast Whin:dad Into th• 11•11. : dm behalf 7 o'elook,.p. J. , A. BEA. 1 NEW ESTABLISHMENT. ( • ' :OEN I.AUGHLI2I _ MERCHANT , ss 'II:I[AS commenced biaineoti at No. 39 Mx- Ireo=f=rn: .rood LPltst—ty•Ye pieta and extensl7 ywortment °firer,. drecroalow woo.. for •gentlemen ear, including ell the moe* sole. and rinallease, which he le prepared to znekirme, to order, In the nowt • arldonable ertyke end in thetert ire• nem Harlan. hadlarge expatenon tae bn_rincia, he confident at jeirloS rota. l'wtigtotk." 14"2.' frkrode to nth and examine his deck. a 7.4 f • IiiiIISSOLUTION . OF • PARTNERSHIP 4 Th. Ana of taVELY & PAYTO , N . 1 11, 441 a tier Ali , so Ted by %oaths' walnut. Ws hare a-Maio , Um Groan.? Y.tabilabment, 2 , 16425 S LAWS/ at.. to mt. J. W. tdcFAIILAN D. who will °outlaw tha bushes., sud:l4 • hereby authorised to Wiest all aoottutts doe to us uottba mottle all elsaust a wit t a us. • - ,J01.12, , i .14.TELY. r ? August 2nd, , '" J. wa.aONPAXION - . , \ .---.-s- Jaiies.W.,lle,Fitlitiidil-, • ' . WHOLESALE 4k RETAMDEALER DI i . \ ' ..IBILLY, GIOCERILV.::;: - , - ...., ' Teasar.uits, Pickles, Spioes;.Pretseree" 1., • .... . \ WOOD AND MUDD W WARE, . .. '..,. Danirtie Nouse Fundihing Grood4 .- : . .• ' ‘ , - No: 61 Lijieity'lltrett; litliburgli.::s' , ',:- .._ . j A. BROWN, would mostreUpeothdly In*" ou ifit!':4l tul,l:4l ti=onii7jrP4 '4" . Vat plata mortutant of Velltlitl BUM; A . . Vat 1 . :r. i m a , lho , tora are mods Meade?. In the beat , etyky wareautott. , . to my to Ow Oultod Ststax"llllr - Mluda attf bar • ;without thwaht or a mew &him - 'llayfru bthea. abe atoeh, , t; .t ao 'and wood xof the :Cabinet Ataattey MoCiollaM, lam named t o Amdahl th i r outtouwaw ma wall as the " public - at • lama, with ID Math Ihm, Alma: u0. , 5 wood awe, MU • ' • • - BOONE, HAREAUGH BOONE, • gENERALCOMIESSION MERCHANTS Dealers 121 Wool, Froiiii.Wialleo and pprOons, . . HAI:MAWR & BOOMS, rBAY ARD INC} 'COMMISSION 1 4BR:;' men Wogargra o x i tt lof.gszt et..Foarth street, h " 111 en work ~nrr naa , • \• TNAANSURANCEL:.COMPANY;-Thili; ford. Con Chartered 1819. " • " . - CAPITAL STOCK 11300,(ft .. 1 • " THOS. K. RILA u C c l o Preeldant.. A 4 2 T. TRainaaK. Diana • , Ebenenrr • 'Samoa' Tudor' N.. A. Matador • - Edain 0..54tz : RobaraLTA ler. , Pratt, 1 John .L....Boinvell, Austin annual. • *lke A:Ntalla. 4nalua S. hlargus. 'L. • tan Era and Inland, Risks Lanai ficann. tannaßT GAORAIR IL ARNOLD. Aaant, - .1. 1 417 \ - A.. 47 Fourth strata. PlttabangßW. •:--Canal Warehouse to Let.' "s; MIHE large Warehouse at the cornerorTeitin • 1 / 4 , X sad Warne .0. 4 odisid fts. Seat; au resssailds Sera= %Fdessedowstseniatinscllsteliametzaitathi, sm.7llldf -", - .2411.167 Fourth stmt.' . - LOT IN .TEMPER.ANCEVIIALE-' • \ HALF.—Frotatbegl fret on Widnitt it on the math . , l p ao utir being newly settled. le .erstraietse:tlesdy: •\ • Lots for s o, 41: Camerce and Brady sts" and osi s pao*. ; era lialne e so tag; and IrEU be Aor t a ItrAr d eg7teral pma. Far parr=ert Vol:.‘"T.'110". milTif . • \ Marketer.. b tonna Ed an Linden Lead -Company of Wisconsin. .r ruts Omorators of this Com i ry have' tint tiIeVICINISVOIM Foneth_the U t ah :4h, anent pamphlets otalltil4 Chester,Geelosteal Stamm &aeon b•Obtland IR pixels! deslohts Inconnstion relative to the Company. Anil DAVID WCANDLEIS *rm . Am A. comic :VOANDLESS, MEANS k 00., (euteetk sore to Wid k' MAt'aodlona -WholetAlt. Orooliv mkt Iron. Nal. West. Cotton Yana, AO4 Fitt ,Il y 1" analtetwot comer of Wood sod :Virstsit _ - Penn Cot ton Ml* Pitt.bnrgb. ' -'• - ,•- KENNEDY, - CDILDS, it CO ,' Miniffiii . ~Nan d iVal.l.i.74-41n .0 10 .0%- -' - ''' : • ,pegall t r.OloolmmOWlsg' • • • \---,;::',. I : 2••_. . PlertyMe onsi Sub, • •-•• -' I ' 1• • . ",, . Rape OW dos sod : • •' • ' & el i na i rbteP 6 •lll - 1 11" It a litStn" • Valuable Property for Babe -rfHOUSE sitnaukudo • N orth-Hies ' o ofthw known artinolinfp7W Or toronti9.l4 t it rt./ Wino sad lir 6" orr AZ= ement. Soma 'owl *Our tea a Co • Jrzotr ", • . aro. p_WrrultdarwoodAi. AIIIABLE FARM - ;FOR SASS: V In North F.T.ta ini - Allectzt coOkathic, .norsillw silt and ZS.. Iles from thong wi ll s 214Zgir at tb• Nobles:Gant . station. macaw 4 07427 N all and feared sod in IS WO ot,steof etativatin:. Tins tallnown ,. .. Darn.are a • comb:win Oho dwelling bona: with . 4 4 ham Stahl.. atone atill7botue, Smokirboos• and out-bulkUn As. . Mary aa, orchard ..0? chairs, fruit °learn= kinds- .Tha, rain I. 7 4,11 7 rabalat b 7 17,11igt= t A" le. g : ch aa.n h; . 41114.. QINIA MANTRACTURED:_TOBAC-::- \ oR:-84 Wimps:old 4 - 'Shea fectrw taa.k aid 8 bee. tte.ketoe 10w beteLtewheew • • b do Bonin k, Wyatt's 1(11445 du leweelbwere '34doT. L. Aloorel 10w - 30 do IL Intl. stet . • • •10 butts W . Joha' toot s &gee t. d .pteadm . • `•-• -„ - 7 bee. P. Letwhe stoundr, - Jas. Wartmeieloe. . The &bare tovolosa dltroct nolo - the tosatdeetanest • . end will be mold at Eastern_ Week hT • . • *"' • Welt 114.11DY.,10:e68 .8,01, - 80 *ln Wstarat.; . It I DSINESS' WANTED-41M - and', the th 6 settless drab *dirt...truthless man in iiittesh Int an ntsrest In •Ws business. Emil:Ono! TROn..WOODS, TO, IARGE BUILDINfi.LOTI3 FOR. fiALF&, Within 20 NOWA* walk of Ma r ine . , tor CR titettr P 1""M. 641171PtIlirltiel3VM sA TATEDN' STAND- FOR SALE-Al* we:lwte rrib. be=enuitarbit twit:lEll mothairrux. Arra r to SAMMY - 4 1 0 R SALEL-A superior Farm- in :Beaver munet t palies from DOUISOCO kr' 1= -2 k . la rar4Tatt i titUgleoAni t . 04 4111.4 ao etna-of cps( on It. -10..Sttnilporiiratit - - - • NEW BOOKS foitaleby L. 18 . .4tatr i atzr_i --:-.catuvrirgraej°7Blflir. 7!=. - wasetthihr Uarland. -- 7 - - LAWM,R, iclTAli RODS of all vane and its lt~ 10-atr-- 1, 1r: • • ntinsiiiti, AA•t3F4TII-:01) storivitwa tor by Ls. anuntiatxu-sivaia rne 30D • _The peresefermof, P•ww t Oleo onaribietarram 60 6 ,2, , • !`!"'!~ ~~ =, : ;': ~. \ [ \ 1\ • ! \