=:: Oitoratak:-.4'he mods for Saturday ishOlit eta fatal eases, the majority of widolt were of Bevend 6 ,1 ,0 stOoding• Frest.-4 delftretire - .. fire 00naltd 13, 4 lidentheeder- &bent fire o'clooi on fisturdaybse ithoSAY which Mailable paper manufactory, 4 , SSW mill and .throe dwellings were consumed.— The fire broke 'out In thop:per mill, which stood . ; I :4lfarailoi Ferry Lane and the. Ohio river. acar, ! the boundary line of Allegheny city and 1 ', 143 "Zed by James Howard & Co., proprietors of a paper store on Wood street. The •milL.with the entire maohinery, AI large lot of pattern blacks, recently imported from New York, and' about 410000 worth of paper was destroyed. The flames next 'seized upon three frame dwellings adjoin "and from thence spreadto s valuable saw thill; mined by.. T. dr. A. Patterson of Allegheny, which stood* ' , Short •ffistinee from the paper manefoetory. Both the dwellings and mill were I mummeed, - together with abont;$1000 worth.: of lumber which lay mattered around the latter; building. • . ; • Howard i 4 Co',., loss will'reieb $lB.llOO. The km is insured in the DelewarolAutual for $3,1300. and in another office in this city, the name of which ye have forgotten for SIBOO.. The dwel !Lige shereferred to wore occupied by persons . employed in the mill, 'and were also owned by 'The If ; Paitereons' ion exceeds $B,OOO. ..t . ;Thai hate no insurance, Laving permitted their Policy to !expire some six weeks ago. The ke was occasioned by a spark falling in the roofof the.paper mill. It might have been esollY dilitiliggillked, ‘ when first discovered, if a supply Of , water , could be bad; brit there was none nearer than the river, and the supply from thia.llooToo wai t too limited to hoof the slightest iise - iii airestiag thiprogress of the flames. BaO - 1331170 , Alit eny Co, Pa.. ) fie t. 27th, 1854. f .D. N. Werre, oi.. Dear ' Sir.—Permit mo through the cohrmzit of your paper, to make a short but plain sta*eat of the circumstances - connected with the lia3rment or fifteen hundred 1 dollars for the lons of my stoic and dwelling" and ' their contents by the Quinn Insurance Company, of Jamestown, Mercer Co., Penna. Immediately after the 10E8 I notified the See xvitsci et my. Lasti r 'and hi by return mail, an swered me, informing me that cue of tie Dino- , tore of the Company would call upon me at an 1 early day and investigate •my lose. Boon after I receiving the letter, the pinata; called and Las- ; log gathered the facts as near as possible, return-1 ig, to the Office of the Company end laid the pa-1 penbefore the Executive Committee, which, ba l ling been examined, my claim was accepted ittifull by the • Committee, without a dissenting i voice, and I uoithave received thniult payment thereforodeeM it a duty to myself and to all owners of picket'', who _wish to get an inn - 'ranee thereon as well as an act of justice to the Company to make this statement through your columns so that all who feel interested in such clatters may: know the manlier of conducting bu. ;Itlisas by that Company, and their promptness ' and willingness , to pay: all , fair and honorable .lossei.wlthout I would reCeinaMend. the Union Insurance dompauy to the public, generally believing it to be a good, safe and reliable Company, and cue in which they.need not fear to place confidence.— As a proof of it I would say that t have insured my new store audits contents In the Company to the full amount which they will take upon it._ Retrpectfolly yin". - Mumma or Cutlass ov Alantatmit —A call hissing been given on Friday, at nutobar of citizens promptly assembled at the ; Market House in the , evening for the purpose of= forming an associa tion to tellers the trouts of, t the suffering poor of -Ole city, daring the' approaching winter. • ' Themeeting was organized by electing Robt. ..ltakmatb; Esq., Chairman; and Dr. Reed, Beare - :The object of the' Meetinifhaving - been dated hr the chairman, hewas followed by Rey. Dr-Bitick and Dr. Dale, who urged the necessity tif .previdltig intmediate relief for the sick and destitute, and also of firming a' plan for relief Awing. the winter. The latter spoke in terms of praise of •the ,labors of the Lathes Benevolent 'Society; who have for years relieved .the most :liimaing wants of the poor, and. are familiar . with their localitiei and recommended co-oPera don, as far as practicable, with them. Ou motion a committee of two from each ward - was appointed to draft o Constitution and By lain for the government of the Ansoeiatian.- 'rho following gentlemen 'were appointed:— Dr. We, /Ur. Dr. Blank, L. Viihnarth, H. P. Setwarts,-11, H. Davis, James Weandless, ,Jas. A. Beed, E. Ashworth. On motion of R. H. Davis, the committee And etizeos generally, were requested to meet with the Ladies' Amaxiation at their anniversary, on Thursday evening next, at Excelsior Hall . Oa motion, the meeting adjourned to re .as-, ' , Moak ft the ciao/ the oommitteia Errairritztr men, a majority or whom wereus: ) lites of Irektuh were naturalised in Judge Ma „Clure's Court, on Saturday, • . . -- Tits Ckrionis Tax ,of .the Criminal VOOrt, Comminioes alio morning. . . : • . . . Dtscsaaaro.—The maa.Tonee.arrasted for Jerre .rty, on .Fritlay, yam tlischarged, for:want of art dense; oh Saha...Jay, by the Mayor. r .:%/111110W/OLD ABSOcurps- met. on nautrusy night,„ind heard the reports from Bit ward cam . aulttees, - from which - it appeared that there'were four deaths in theuity daring the day and three new oases. The association has iinpOrtaut buai netts to tranaact to-night, and a full attendance of the members is requested. . STOLEN—Erem the subscriber, frotel . ohs of the dtablea abbe like Peruses on Saw tol=t4Beldwakber 24th. a Lawn whin hear...dart bey blank 9 yea. old—one able hind knees swollen, and owe Mee beef syllt. soother owns recoSeeted. • Takeo el the sense time, two eats of barmen (81destrapa and A reward of $lO will be paid lbr the hone; orE4O Ar hone and thief. - •• • Two' or three dere beim the abate hone one stolen, .theee was • hews gm brew 'stolen from Catdsh sad we =ppm them both to be together. • - f as2ll9teldratttl • MARY ALBERT. gSTRAY.: ^ame to the residence ; -- - ' a the soloTerla., ill 'llool.d. TR., llbOit ti 4 st of Iteptoala, & mat rod sod white Cow ' • Ida car. Shoawader old. Tim oow basket p o • r tat sad hem In n rop oe ha right ar.. T h e ." l " , to tom torward.J.ll/Tt property, !AY =WWI 1. 6.1= 1 . away. or 'be tau to crowd or sott.lind to Ism. • MUM. WOODS. . . &index TA.. illestoir Co.--.M. ,3 ts - Notice t LETTERS of Administraticm on tilt Estate' ornAltllBl. IL; J boos OHNSTON. late ottaa.ltr of Pitt. tough. add. tutting nmattod to .. otttilmosot. "j aild all talobtodlo • •to =No imatodtoto paymen to . ottltwOLS - • ' - arrow of Markot ssulla it.. • • .-$5,1)00 - REWARDS '..•;•:;-` Jr. mars AL - nob= AND. Lorton. PEE great original French pri3parations— •'.. tiiror tha,sate, okay, mg pessoanent • r... of Mgr URINARY ORGANS, :• • talthotit lb. last rat:dation to dist, drinks, ST•Osimet or ebapare m nopilentkni to hasittes•- . • .. ihrnitt U.4l3.itt PREPARATIONS - U... now bent betas the sutati for tits pint 6 yeitrs. and bant become so wail and 1.07.0617 imonatiost. they, do not Tomsk* say *Lhasa. =dm They ham hem mod by thousands Um ..sountryi and bays mid= ' beess= ibi tit =Ms Um most stubborn mom. Al h there ate n many compoonds which stli OOSIT 0 1 gamed .6o _ nubile ander tits mole of Mixture. m i m ed SPe . Mika tames us the Ooloasanonotime that halm mar which will imam to thoomboit • o rei,.. Po•tir. •••••," rtho astr=bia hista tinTinedimil '-- vortS sadAti o ndiesly of• • ETABLE NATIME; . , • ==b apowerfld, gents . = not Gloat in the pte etausandnas. Thai intro invaded by am of [OM and most odelastedistamal IlsYskiima to Pmts. gur m s rams of study sad expiates:a, and mom thaw teat into the, tisdtad SW" boas •••otad mon mann of moult _num and *him of Joon ganding. • the Amil °lbw modtdmi . of tbellod mar Wald tO tba • • Tim extrior6i oo7 rimmes• of if. saws intidota and iztost r. degAm a tso the ft! that th saws of thole immedients, sn P r&n. ' he ' Anon. In .5055 they awaits_ opats the. patient. Th. AnUdots. op : 01sjiatirri p ir m a=talris=r1 of lb. dist . tar sod irritation, on=, •,117, ...weans o•Ndrottetif fl.T.c.as any Other of •,.. 61GROV 3 .NLYERALSwhIth form tOo psinain• in ohm matority alba lantettoos bow ioas t aalutdsli *Jam thruway ..preealbed hy ih • a _ • " MOZB AND lIWOMRS . • . - vital add& ear • cities and towns ore lohated., It tan bwed with askrtyas mild lo Its oporatten, mut 1 ..... , Isits It , IslolnttO k Anglo hostasou to ' Psoduse the lewdsuudataaut edeet - . ' . W. faka Wee' otteklal retoPfstendknousW deafly* tin pa nth. etedlstoes do Dot speak fhe i.beves : . home atoll smith, thaw 'Our °West fa to notify where - , Loyola to bad. sad the proprietor atualroell SOY MY.= '- • to yste=t atolktaisthaa them for use core of tbe atm* t otem o lbehiturs of fr ff Mph . - They are up to looks. -with disastrous oeeootpe , - - -• strauS tha n dutthtte at $l. sod au Lake at fd du 6: - .7: - per bora. - thke bottlo teats tau, dor.- Many base teak Yoe ylattlosdess,ose rosophleta ofetiaJo twaathta dare: hru osithleatea at ,• , =L a . They eau be obtaloat of Um Moods, Ltd ars e g "W W11 1 . . . • , .....fuguttad .al- T., Pllfau to Lb e neplta. of - , - IPagot IP= tft Okstal IleselptiVer lIIIROT Ageaterby the Ilulted States and Cousdph - No Wu= orders c rizar stdrespot k I•ftudyal Depot Sao .: .'.' . emi I. 7 =f,b, whotaagalt7l4•ll. br YLEICINO ' 11.=% 00 Wool at. and by Amadeu u ,..,,,,b.... , thaeoustfr . . 3.24.3t0w8 . .. . . • .:,-' •'-•• . • Admbastratcsr's Boum ' - •• . .-- 11-IETTERS.of Admitustration on the estate JAI on). A.Barr. at 11000.13 . Cltr, Idsed, 11... d... um 1:. .gesoted .0 Lb. undetaintal al persona • knowing theta - n ' 'Rim top, ond llibted to told oo titom toto on .I.outotei slomd lOm toake lot, 4 • .. aN dynt. 01l = mann - taws at the ouWootbore oars, r a I:II7EPEOTYPES--You eau' 'save time awl avowWirollos CAROOS, No. 16, 4 th irt, aad • bielant man of pninvelf, pat np In Ws hr aria • Paren+thndren brothere. adders - and OSSA% Saps Smith e)knr, tar ;lir rid .tto My health oilendsz. Rooms open andrinvolus. la all. jrnnwng & rbium '-- MINING GOO - . lois on hand a)arg• , .. _. . . pwar, '4 11;tTat ... 0 ... , ,- 011-1,1111. - •: ' , MYDRAtruo "CEMENT for. Cie VO tenus, ,N' 4rmastee.....iros.felimive gag 1,;441401141! l .3 4.FFI '' 1,-7 . , .... 7 .f.' :, ..;;. - i= r :4 4.4 0 . ... 444 .*. 1 ..4, 14 1 4 r,t:.....-='%.,..- . :',-,+,,i,, , A,...:.,...4.,• - ,... .'7.1.,..-.4,1i.,,,,,.‘,-1,, t,',*•..-'‘-?''', ..-,:.,e,,alfskt—a, . k.t.t",'-',,,'''',..,.4i,47.,,,,',--k,--,7,-... aa 3; i:iic 7 :• - isQUBLY , : .. "I - i4V - Z) , A41%._..:415.. - , ..1'' . .4 . ''Z''''' .- -..-,-,,-7-..1•74.7.4iZzW-.1.,.4-'4.."'.(4'-".,4.-'''4-.4"V‘411N4- ' ''' .... 4:44 . 1044 .0 .‘ 5 7. .. 4 ' 4 A 4 ‘"i - . .- - . ''''' 6 ~ !.., p 4 - , '• '.Y-..1 •, _.` , Q1 .4.. .7.W4t-AA-lili P . ~ ., , 1ty,....?..P,- . - - 1... 44 r .,,,.. ..44.5 , ..`.. , - ~C 4. : , ,,,W...t.E44. .4......1 , : , . .:e4MW ,, . ,.. "WcV.1 1 .;!) , t , ..... - . '--V.,:tifO''.l ''' . . '•.• . - • • I - BY . -TELEGItAreII.. ! COMMERCIAL. Oalsatte,i3ept. 2)-- .ThistiattierCiriziba "r """Tr'h j arrived with Mete° dates to th o lp t h . L aw ta-zoaay.—W.ll. 'B?ova, r. P.—WK. Itmcwarr. Count BOIMIOII I'Angaet,lllll KloOtited 'col- the 1• , t11 it n" ' - o = o . fwunumi. T- lather dereitia of the innovate misreported. PITTSBURGHaLtAKETS. There la nothing tazooerning Alvarez Itinbidtt i ,thr- • Astetvetasy ;fibs Meiioati Lega tion is among the passengers on the OrisibiL A terrible ateern occurred on the coast col Tex its on the 18th. It raged four days and destroy ed. an immense amount. Several vessels and many lives were lost. Matagorda was totally destroyed; except three houses. The crops of cane and cotton are nearly destroyed. . Accounts froni Brownsville, 16th, state that the revolution is gradually progressing. It is reported that Monterey Is in the hands or.the Patirnuruu;6ept3o.—Flom sales only in small lots for borne oonsumpliou at $808,25 Tor good retailing .and extra brands; shipping- brandspoininallyait the lowest figure. Nothing doing in Corn meal, and rye flour quiet; sales. of the fodder 'at $4. Not much Wheat of-' faring, msrket very dull; sides 'BOOO bush. at $1,50g51,00 for fair and prime red, and $l,lO lbr prime 'white. I. Eye scares- at $1,15051,18. Corn dull and Jolter; sales 8000 bush good south yellow at 802 e, add 1000 bnik fair quality at 80. Whiskey firmer; sales icrbbls at 42®43. Nsw Yuan, Sept .30:-A police'officer nomad JitliC6.CahHl was shot dead at 8 o'clock this mor- Ilitift while attempting to--arrest, some burglars. Three men Were arrested on suspicion. A private despatch from Bong Kong dated Jo ly, 22d, says that ComModore Perry arrived there. &mon was quiet. Chinese familia were leaving. The Diocesean Convention brdloted four times .without a choice yesterday, when they took CI recess until, seven o'clock. ..On the last ballot the vote stood as follows : Vinton 185 ; Potter .186;.Haight 84 ; ihri others were scattering. Now Tose, Sept SO.--Capt. M'Leary, of the bark Mary Norris. from Glasgow, reports that on the 18th August, in let 53, long. 16, he saw the. ) 44... bull of a l'rgo iron vessel painted blank with red bottom, ap utly Clyde built with three or four compartm nts; the wood.warkwas entirely bernt. He sent men aboard Who reported !teeing her ma chinery. Next day be saw a full-lemale figure head 7 feet high, has a wreath on the head, gilt stripes on dress, with hands extended. Their im pression is that it is the City of Glesgowelett the City of Glasgow bad nefignreatad suolths des, Bosron, Sept. 30.—Thomas Casey wee °demi tad in the jail yard, atEast Cambridge this" mor ning foe the murder of 81r, and Mrs, Taylor, at -Natick, 18 months ago. Ho made 'xo speech and dig/har . d, showing signs of, life .48- - mlnutes attar the dr op MLLTIMIIME,• Sept.- 29.--The Archbishop - of Baltimore, has summoned the Prelates to Pro. vinnial Council to open - at the Cathedral on the Stlisif November.. The province embraces Bal timore, Philadelphia, Richmond, Pigsburgh, Wheeling, Brio and Savannah. DETUOrrr, Sept. 29.v—Lord Elgin and suite ar rived.to-day. Ho was received by the kayos. and I Council and escorted to the State fair. dinner was given at the NationatHotel in the afternoon by -the'Conamon counciltind prOminent citizens Gen. Cass left tide city this _morning to stump Loutsviite, Sept 80. The steamer Malta 'mink in the Ohio river near Padneah.i! One cab.' iu~and 20 or qo dock passengers ate supposed to. At the municipal election W. B. Shepherd was elected :Mayor by 950 majority. Shepherd was .not known as a: candidate until this morning and it is supposed to be a "Know Nothing" riotory. , Cisommn,. Sept. 30.—flour firm , moderate demand at $6,5n3.56,60. - ' A sale of 600 bush. Rye at $1,12.. Nothing done - in Prorisions.— Whiskey :10, a litie_demand. Linseed Oil 75c, Cheese firm at 10c., sales 800,boses.' Groceries attire at.. full mites. — • - ' The iirer is falling. ,Weather warm and cloudy. • , New :Toast, Sept...3o.—Stocks quidL Money unchinged. Brie 44; 11.. Y. Central 91k; Clare land and Toledo 69. Cotton unchanged, moder ate demand. Pollee firm' Sugari: firm, trans!. actions moderate. blohiasee Unchanged. Flour firmer, sales 6600 bids straight State; good Ohio $707,25; Southern unehingal, sales 1800 bush. Wheat, nothmg doing. Corn opened heavy but. - improved at the close;-sales 63,000 bush west ern mixed at 75i ®76. Lard oil heavy at 75. Whiskey, sales COO bbls Ohio 424®42/. Pork dull, with decliningleadenoy. - Beef unchanged. limited sales at previous rates. - Beef hams 18. Cnt Meats Unchanged.' Ahniumcs for 1855. • FORN EL MELLOIt," 81 Wood'. st., Pitts Ninth, mill piblab, on the 1141 of Auatot.l.o44. the erell known maim w Ahnensca, Air 185.%_ealculeted SANFORD C. HILL.I4p., and lbr - ronny years published by Dir. Luke Loomis, of thle under the name of ^Loomis' Almanacs." The perks consist of • . • Thlte .11listsaPA Alimmoc ' Has Magathva Alosexac; • - American Perenere Almanac- ,- .12=keer g ss r atcan i r . tiz=neljgal w as. , == In tbe abort:se:dee for Itl3. _ ...hinter, end others ere bere ofthe tz . ezulkrned aindost or dosen.end by atIe JOON IL 2dELLOR. 81 Wool et. ROOKS y ,I3O.3ICS--The Queena - - Of England - belatad; • cloe 3l3a tta atti of lierm7 tb.Etb. by .110. Wickland: car, of-Que. lairsadaeaT Memoirs ontstroDaylelb. bY sun Drbeer: Smyrame Jneptabs. , bylVll•La Normand; Mary glll.ll of Boatts, by bib. &men Marl/ Antotbetta, _by Madiunii Gamoa, for BOSWORTLES 00, 82 Market yt. liEwßoor,s-TO.COUNTRY DEAI t ERS , Clemmta. Stands; sad Zook .Buyars inmersDri e inta-dbm, M time. aMcnind • trash Meek alma aid standard trorincla liclisolnr, brienor and Literature. Bibles and Pram Booke„of of We. Me d 1 acid prism. American and xngUats Libraries. o. , nntryr C. amen. Students acid 'lambert "111 be toppliad an term. Book boyars generally am inritod to Mil before pumdundug. ' • JOLLY &DAVISON, ;._ se l 2 • : - .. ea Market rt. mar Itli et. MOSHE PAPER—Assorted oolong, for Con -1 falterenr no. kr.m,%,„,i, Aaci...A.L , :ROUSE IN. MANCHESTER, =ROW it 4 ono Mulben7 K.. for eCe bT 6 4 • 8. CUIRLIYNT t 80N. 140.3 c rt.. • . a nsTILEVit, from our far - tarfiinother lot of those nticrior law priced "robio, Stand Lod Homo ; of diff , avot ohmst ea low Erfeeoul 007 0 tho Im oortordfoofotw kt e ho r e i ty: Ws I nvlta lho s i tautko ofa4l.47ikrmir=ul._, CREAP BUILDING- -.LOTS -TOR SALE ,—d good Ties, each biehig • front et 24 ft. 00 Obi A l l t htfLo y ey Wm the eator ii, doz:. 4 32o . deirp to . 1, and gm • , • .• 1 • H. ELBERT BON, too& ' " ' • Rea Lac. Asada. 140. Id et. , NMI). STATES . .DISPENSA.TO Y j-Ttoinow•ditionof Wood L'llsobeo Dliplandor vs DUbllobed. and Mr Ws try KAi & - CO., Si Wood at. "DOLL BRIMSTONE-16001be. 'net reed sadftcr WA by r7R. R. k OLIVE OIL-4 Op! •jnet, •ree'd and for • . • wel • •R. B.lllliLlifht 90,- 10 Min BUS. BARLEY WANEED—. Th. blithettnwrket price will b. paid for goot=lintur. at oar Wiladra. „ Bp. 93 and 96 Yrotrt stmt. below mutt; A 0). 0201.3 arr • • riICHEAP PARAVFORSALE, , congstink - .fleo.no, WeiterstlArebed titsrat44 f.ult. The Um trent Is well watered sod ofttood quality idtnated 7 EWAN Itma llstWastsw VI.. now- Ws- roost aiding to Senatelon. him $1.400, toss's pimento. • Alm; • Twat Winds ow • tatls zom /trues:sty on tbs . Morssatown t0.771•111s. of4oo 142 4 ./. 209 Asered. m iced ha =tit let bnrbnod. Poi sts . l , lrs oftb• bet b a farms ul 6 FOR SALE—ilHouse end 2 Lots ismer, °good at a great tafaalo, Malabo of • udatf • • I • THUS. WOUDA laatb EGGS -6 bbls. this day read and for sale by ' au2 I LIENItY IL COLLINS.," 60BBLS:ZOSIY in store and for talo'by au2.6 R. E. EMLLMIS a co. MOULD OANDLES-30 bolos Mould Coodfoa. bola of 24 ma oisaufetotorod Sfy La ea t India toarkot. tot Foto by if. 11. SUTTON. JGGS-3 hbls. fresh Eggs just. ree'd and ler sae by , MAY II: ODLLINI3. SEED WllHAT—Velvet Top '.._'. Mabitili; : 'Oress4l4. , 31.41tarranoan;uut. Iturnazt, &wale by .... ~• at. n. enllwz,. f.: P.AStitiOS-4 tons nes'a ' Holloti __ ware,: tasolo aCoc&ntrytari,ceobe . l. .. by_ wBM & co , . • sul9 • , R. = • . Id IRON-lOU tens tshadi leuratiee. hat MA" for A 10 • 14 • Swann ataLwownt: sid4 • Nos, 130 and ISI beaona Gram lawn; Ilehntitched 'or/ linl Erob'd:Llneupurt Ountaiddio; lorooi isoortinook of 401400 Exotooklorloo. • • 0016 • • _ A. A. mAsox 00. " TUBED PEACHES-4 bblo. in store fo li .1. or, - LB. CANrIELD. iriiiROBIEVREEN--10'esses andskegs l)tbr se: by - J. 5131100811 AM A CO. BBLS EPSOM SALTS for sato by ay nut , J. sottoommurst 00. ; VVARRANTIThe bilihestepriym 'cash Framatx,b7 aul Y gl " "e P7luth"gikVlAl4llBksu, ItIILSALUM on and for salo by sun •:- ' minx° BROS. LS BRICK HOUSE FOR 400 - DOLIARS-- Tor sale a brlek dwelling hausa..of rOosio pad ks vo t. • . with • lot 26 ft hoot on Artliors st., 7th Trard. door. swoon sad Dillo tow, grOpo sinew ge. Torsot ID Lassa. Wane. ot 100 • you., S. ouriirAimT DRY APPLES -- 1 bble. Dry App foe ow. meta MaCIANDUSL *WS Ca TENTY-FIVE ACRESOKOALIAND; nnr thiss...nrtuPwookra. —, 1.1111 Seat, at the falla or nab Creak, trith s"" h r eLUo l." ' m 10 • at ftw — Le. O ew • tartan l,r, • &OVUM , = N.l a 40, t HEC KER'S FARINA :4 brig. fresh Ferha Ike isle by • sail W. Ws: prime for eS,lft V INEa e-, 141-3 1 - montyll.coLunerk B—Wo have reed and .ntotNamnbsG-uYn, Matti PEgfl.L CrtPei. 11oundai Vacts, ooiwa « MAAON ON a. rah st• pßzialus - -MEP =3 , lb ace•_ll•l4l4Eltbesped bmpelletpir wwWwWw w _ 4 .. t . - , 411 T to the latti Arm. D. SIVA/ALM& . May 24. 18.54,—m527 , NOTICA F,--All persons are hereby .varned .ot. to boy:o tortitio DUE BILLIbrELOOD. drawn D 7 A. Dockhout hoar of Ttomoo flyttuo, and datod AlltoDetty Clty. Apell Dk11161..0 the ram has Dom :loin bY add' Thorns. Elottitt: I rZt•ttorDra• MONAD 5P111668. IiRAVE this day'd the interest of Joerph Dilworth in DILWORTH & e Lemnos, will be continued at OW nand, N. 180 , ty4la &mond et., under theet_yle of SHRIVER DLL r Lk. 18S4. - + JOHN &DILWORTH. - PARTNERSIIIP—We hare Ws day associated emneleee In the Carnet bO4llll/12. at Na associated the tertceiteld p to date .from the drat day OtJantlal7 tut, and the bush.~ to be conducted under the name and arm of W.tdcelltdoeit k Brothers. italivr,,...rrox novaaNToCK. 4 1 412 r,r pitizsar: • • Pitt/buret, Nay /5t,1834..rmy13 \ . -- - RREMOVAL--T./a W. s have rem,- to Nos. 74 Woter mid 90 hoot Eta, rlttetnl79l4ll PCL—PARTNERSHIP,'IVOTICE.—The nti: Ij dereilirried hare thla__day *dined st eislokrtneraltlk he the transaction of the Whoteenle and Renal Dry Goode *dines:. =der the Linn of lELtInIt t AUL, at Non Market and 8 'Colon streets. • . - - , • A. . rtia.tx, . slat( DANTIId Aillt. OTICE—I hair) sold.m) interest in the boldness of Long... Miller k Co. th S. A. Long, .11P, th Jno. Pl=rl.ll continue at the% old_ stand..prt p r Front rt. I r recommend the leiknrarilk t "Krilfgr.iku'lr.2ith.lB.s4.7 • s. ........... . _ -ano. ratline. A. f.iffiid F011k • dorsFitters, kirk. ittektion to their etoek so dellere. Ihneketk Pendant.. end' other a:toren-- We fit up houses with steam martian, make brass antilop of all kiwis to order, tarnish lietlroad puma nod tank kW tin and keep antiwttritlon•roetaloonetantiron hand NEW ESTABLISHMENT.. \ \ 7 JOHN- LA.IIG/CLIN, LIM.ERC HANT • TAILOR:\ AS - aizmintrkeed business . at N0.,•39 Mai; ke. street, between Second mid Third streets H• Just re . celzl from the Importers and manufacturers • \ 0004. .tor styles and qualities, wok: be Is prepared to m atl a modern ke Up -order, to the mt 4 sablormble styles and In the best man- \ nor. Ealingb aripsexperience MIAs bustnesm be Dials confident of eft entire astisfaction...lle , invites bls friend- to all and examine Ids aul7-tf ISSOLOTIO OF PARTNERWP— The firm of LAVATX & PAXTON le thle 41W die ttAt\ ell i ed by unroll moo We have dispomed of our en tire Oreeery.Yetabllahme t, No. 286 Iltenty Id, to J. J. W. Medi:LLANO. whe continue thi boalnitie, end to hereby eatberlsed to eollee all eceounte doe to an sad to settle all claims agelnat oz. ' JOHN LOVELY. • Adel Let F 1124.1564. .., J. WILSON PAXTON. • . • James W. ftarjand, ,WHOLESALE & RET L DEALER IN . • FBMILY esoctsas, -.- • • Teas, Fruits, Pickles, Spites, Preserve.,- , WOOD AND WILD° W\WASIC, ANti t - ‘, Donledie Rouse Iliredehenk Goode, No 265 Liberty -Street, 'Pittsburgh. - I A. - B - ROWN„. would most roped:My ill. the public thst ha Jones on I=4 hhe stead on it, wertaide of the Diamond. Alleshs.riavy, mute plot. assortment of YettliJan AIM; Venithto ma are made to order, In the beet • Kyle, warmated. equal to ear the bolted States. Hie Blinds can IK removed without the aid of a screw driver.. Ha j og=t i he stock, togs, and wool of the Cabinet ot hammer t3leClelland,tam ' , roared td forniabotheir old customers se well as the public at large, with averrthlui In. theft' line. Agency. h0.,6 Wood Mew; . BOONE, HA/MANGE & BOONE, firENKRALCOMMISKONMEROZIANTS, Dealers In Woo; Moo; Produce and Provision; No orth Wet. stree; Philedelloht;., HABBEINIX.&.BOONEB,,, ORWARD iNG CObIRESSJON BEER • . IMANTS,DeaIIen. In Wools and Produce : Grail kinds O..No,Llbortr street. Plttebornb. ~nrh27-Ird `SCOTT, Dentist, Fouith stieet, doors wee of .31astat. • o,llles houis q,. --- FL 9 at., to r. u. AIII(Ork warranted. "ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, Hart-'\ T i in gairr n a l Locic rE g a at t. . . ••. T 11613. A. AMU - IMM 21/0214*7. Troths' B. .er•e. DI2SCI IXI SbM eneser ue Fliers Samuel Tudor, \ N. A. Dolts] Ward. Woodbridge, Roland Atatba . rl• - j rreVrtTry l e; \ Edgilti . ltiple ' W \ Robert Dneu. . • Joint L. Donnell, l A LI :g Du . u t P last4 \ Mike A. Turtle, \ P-vw Jay.ll..tdorgest., sarPolletes on Fl?e 'j ard 'Mnd Risks tensed on &eon bin terms, by GE O R3E E. ARNOLD, Agent, ' i 0144, ' ' N0.,47 Fourth street. ' , Web • • • Cai - 1 WaretLotwe to Let. THE large Warehouse at the corn( Riot Wiyno as. la ollO*l for rent on '-ems. Pcommosion glyou In:m.4l4Tel,', v ir l Ikll ADY 1 N0.15T Yoe Ir R RENT—A' comfortable- , • Mune, containing 8 rooms. In zeal anise, ng, Carriage Musa, Coal liouse and oat , with 2 &ciao( rich Land, all planted with Fruit ,Trees, and nerdy all timing apples. peaclui y °chant Actor. covered with Crane Vines. ' flahlen. Lc., aitrotted In Pitt toliiiship,l3i es trona ..._ Omit Hours. Rent moderate. to those who would take good care of the property. Enquire of , \ desl ' 1 . . JOLLY WATT: Li bettr at. —,.._,....._. eitak . .— gs-2:iji \ ' New Goode New .Goodsl 'HAGAN, 9 _A 11., , \ No. 91 Miiiir Baza. ' , , !IRF: now receiving their Third supply otA. . - 1 !lumina Goode, comprising the newest Mid mart - \ eintlhal style. of , s ~ . , • ~ 2."‘j oeZ , itgh=suu. s \ , \Cemaanes, Plain Poen DeBol% \ , Wrench Lawns. Embroiderloo,.. i Parasols and Barnet Ribbons. N i Alio, a few eholoe Bilk and Applique Alakitliba. Out rbeing entirely new, the Ladles an rely mini getting • newest styles ea well es the best quality of Gads at ry low, rim. air Bernanbar the Iron Front Balkh:4. No ii Malta Moot. s 7 rrr IN TEMPERANCEvTT '— '• ,Atituatrivotter ea.—. Vl' IN TEMPERANCEVILLR. FOR • 4,4ll , 4l , Prenting 28 feet on Walnut st" on the oolitli ...tiololf i ta lot of Slew IL Phillips, and running hook to • 10 foot ay lido lot ts well eituatedi and the title. la Tetaperaamille being newly settled, a warrantee deed will be itl7o. Terms min Apply to L , - JOSEPII KNOX. Attortuy at , \Lo for Sale or lease. y• NUMBER OF BUILDING, LOTS, Oa .; - liraddoekleornmeroe and Brady ata; and on-'Penna. TIMM.. Thera Lots are eligibly situated for Dwelling or • bushed honees4nd will be sold•low messy terms or will be leant for ten can or WSW may amt tho.. 11400 therm or partleVara, enquire of, • E. D. GA A3l, myli-tr • \ • Mutat sg, b tweengd and 41b. Linden Lead, Company Of Witocomin. \ RAF, , Corj)orri‘oro of this '•ConipaaV have acnt ,. lM i s lbeeab=en to'the' Carr Stork, i '7l t *ourtt - 77t7EIttabur oar a fgh, etheitr A. X= coa C tlralt:i Chatter.Geoloitkal Hareem ie. eau be • - -7harttee &thing len:met/on Wailes to the CeinDeu7. ' lIMO 11174311.:::,..JL ItrANDLESS, MEANS & C O., E • (GUMS' nrAw_ to Wick & MeCnitdleaki Wbolasti Grown, . InVron, N&1.1.4915at, Cogon Y 16.11, sad r i armftetweekpnerialt, c9rner of Wood sml Irettig _Penh Cotton \ _ NNERY, CEIILDS C 0. ., Manta.° tomes of— .. Alm A No. 1 hesvy { - 3 Syestlk * nis sal isah . Cox 4 . " \ nne of all Aso sal ainimpalopc -• left At tb, narlinui Store clLAilio • Wel= * Woo& nree wID him attoutica., , " \ f 8 &17 • ' , Tarktg) W E have juserodi igmEttilng tsb l*T p i oV rp p Tt o l s r c Li I,a=k theposchac ear/EH "•• Viiluable4loperrty for Elare. \ HORSE eitiiated on the Nokia -East \ ertnriesAmsmo.d,l.uct knOwn Undsire ase \ll b 414 lota. one htlitid .r . c