HOME MATTERS. Cnounta.—The new cues reported from this I c disease,_ yesterday, Crandan) Were few in num ber, and in most instances they yielded easily to mediital treatment: During the day, however, f .. a number of deaths ' occurred; but they wore ' - New Tone, Sept 19. principally cOnfined to those who toOk ill on:don; Tim steamer Atlantic arrived with Liverpool day. We conversed with numerous phialciana, : date . to the Gth. yesterdity;eome Of whom have a very extensive . ..- Brown & Shipley report the sales of Cotton at practice, and without exception they assured us i 1.'0,000 bales ; sales to speculators 2000 and to the disease had lost that virulence which eliarii exporters 2000. AM qualities have slightly ad tithed it when it it firet broke out, and was fast' eon — , ceu demand moderate, prices In favor of abating.. We hare reason to believe this to be buyers. the cue ourselves, mid unless the rain which fell 1 Richardson reports Breadstuffs as heavy since last night helps to increase the mortality, there is the lest report, but the market improved at the every reason to hope for a speedy abatement of (cleat. Wheat—white, 8631. 3s 6d. Ohio Flour the disc . -We give below a. list of the fatal 31s, demand moderate, prides in favor of buyers. cases whi 11 occurred yesterday: • . Chart Boyle, Pennsylvania Avenue, Mary firm - Stith moderate sales to the trade at 52s Cd. Barnes, nett street; Richard Bratthson, Lib- The unconditional refusal of the proposal of arty etre ti Fifth Ward; Mrs. Adams, Mercy the four powers by Russia has been confirmed. Hospital; Isaac Brunbaugh, Pike street; Father of D. Boa 011, Fifth Ward; Alexaldei-Bothwell, , 1 McHenry quotes Lard, demand fair, holders , A cabinet council Wei held at Vienna immediate. ly on the reception of the reply. • I . " te r y iee t t M " ' ' Banmrk P nns- Avenue ; i Petted T T b h c e m, S to w 6l e en d a i : s t h ems e n n ti d fpr d eotem u srstrthtietniillthii Baltic. te i rs 3o. w e e were Mrs. Clar Kings alley; Joseph C pples, Straw berry all 'Edward Cassiday, , Eighth Ward; r 4 I unchanged. —Colwe priatii. at Journal o ce, 3d•street; has not yet been dismantled. i Sarah . Mc ughlin, Meeker et ; John Davis, Affairs on the Black Sea and the Danube are Pipetown;'John Hales, • boy, Mul ern alley; a . I boy, namedbunn, Pike street; Tit es Ewing, sr , 1 Prince Albert and the Kings of Portugal and Tunnel street; Henry,Gotzman, Giamoncl; John 1 Belgium are with the Emperor Napo I leon at Bo- Gross, Agnew' court, Locust Street ; Wm. . Hale, 1 toga° camp. Pride street; C. C. - ,Heller, a prisoner in the jail I Queen Christina is reported to be insane from from Indiana toirnship, died et Mere Hospital, whither ho had been sent on Monday ; . child • 1 of'-excitement. Tl i eßaltie steamers continue recconnoitering I Johnson's, tobacconist in the Fifth Ward; child 'the he n of Finland. of Leon, hatter, on. Liberty , street, near Cherry The news that the Russians blow up Gustove -alley; a woman at Bernard McGinnis', Second Tern is copfirmeil. street; ---McKee, Prospect street; Mrs. Moore It is still doubtful whether the Black Sea ex ! wife of Robert Moore, merchant; Smithfield et; pedition will operate against Sebastopol or Ano --Moore; known as "curly" Moore, Byerly's „ a. conrk Ms-s . Murphy, - Marshall's row, Carson st; r s nothing from JaMes 3lchlaneman, Seventh Ward; There i Menge, The Belgium ministry will withdraw their res- Liberty street; daughter of Miller, locksmith, iguation. 498 Penn street; child of M.. Bailey, Wayne et: - Madrid is quiet. Christina quitted under es ' Adam •Metzar, between Row tad Fry street.; cort of cavalry on the 28tb. Her children have David McVey, laborer at Mardis & Co's; Ben- arrived in England. jamin O'llalleran, Bycrly's co t; Mrs. Pepe, cossrs.srisorts, 29011 The siege artillery Bryan'a court, Fayette street; m'l Patterson, belonging to the French army had arrived. chandler at Mr. Wilsons, .4th street; Wife of All the Turkish men of war on the coast of Story, bricklayer, Virgin lley;''J: Stark, piano maker, fith street; Cherie Strobel , Cherry ~a The Duke of Cambridge is at Ventiliek, still Asio.are put in requisition for .Varna. alley; . Saunders, Congress street Mrs. i n di egosed. Smith, Congress street; Mrs. John Tieson, Quarry The Russians have Captured another vessel street; Eliza Sane Turner, 2.d stieeti German Which they have carried into Sebastopol. at at the foot of Ross streit; '--" Welden, General Guyon Lae been placed in commando s at the foot of 6th street; child at Wilkinson's, 4th the Turkish army in Asia. Idustapha Pectin i street; and a German tailor at Donnelly's court, i n Penn street; child of Mrs. CodY, High street. The disg r ace. rtillery hail embarked at Varna, and the The deaths, as published, and we have spared troops were actively preparing. no pains to render oar daily notices as -accurate Brown & Shipley report the prices of cotton us its poseible, show a total of 828 fatal cases of easier but not quotably higher; Orleans fair 61, eurred cholera w thinre last six days. Of these-300 00- middling Al; Mobile fair 6, middling 5 346; Up proper, and city prop!..r, and the remainder land fair 6, middling 5/. is Allegheny and the neighboring borough of Mackin's circular nays breadstuffe opened Birmingham • heavy but improved at the close. Flour, West ern Canal 26s 9d0275; Baltimore and Phila. 28s; Ohio 28.10305. British wheat is selling freely ' at Bs®Bls for white, and 7sfa\l's Oil for red. The weather is favorable,for agricultural purposes.— New wheat of very good quality has reached the market. Drown A. Shipley, report wheat -as having de- dined 6s and flour le; Baltimore 27a 6d0285. McHenry quotes bacon as having declined 2s' to 4s; shoulders 245; mess pork difficult of sale at 400e.465. Lard 520 6d. Groceries unchang ed; market quiet. Yellow corn 355(335.1 6d, white 85set,36s, mixed 31s 61, Frac.—A fire broke out in a irame stable on Point streei,, , near Duquesne Way, on Tuesday morning, and spreading with unusual rapidity, several two story brick buildings-were destroyed before it was ortinguished. The dwellings were occupied by Patrick Cary, Thomas McDonald, Francis Maguire, Patrick Finn, Mrs. Campbell, John Burns ; F. Sticks, John iiarage, William Goodenoff and Mrs. McCauley,"the joint tosses of whom will not reach $5OO. J. P. Ross, Esq., owns the buildings; he has no insurance. The fire is believed to be the result of occident APP4IXTMENT.-9. M'ShrTy has been of.- pointed temporary-collector of tolls, at the:Ague. duct, eke Wm. Spinne, deceased. NEW Daror.The work of• erlting the new freight depot of the Pennsylvania ailroad is be ing pushed with great vigor., The building is one of the most capacious of the kind in the country, covering as it does an avou'of 78,370 square feet. It is now nearly half finished, and it will be ready for occupation some time this Patin Accinsar.Win. 13. Handy, baggage master 'on the PeMmylianis railroad, lamped off the eleven o'clock train on Monday, near Woods' Brewery, Liberty street. He fell and in attempt ins to throw himself clear of the track, his arm was caught by the wheels; and broke in several . places, drawing him so neaettbe track that the pedestal struck him on the head, badly !rum nag hie sknlL He died about ten o'clock the same cvouing. Thin remains were sent to Phila delphia (his bite residence) on the 7 o'clock pas senger train this morning. 7',arourn or Rserscr.—At a Re sting of the Eagle Fire Company, bold at their Ball yester day morning Ist-take action . in regard to the death of their late fellow member, Jens W. Dna -USE,- the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted: , Wagarasi„ It has pleased th e Almighty to take from tuaorigalus„ our late fellow member. &nitre, - That while we sympathise with his roiourning7.family,,,who miss from the home eir ele. an ever happy face- ' and en honest and feel inilleart, we can point them to his many manly deeds during life, and to his merits as a friend. Revoked,. That as firemen are the better able. to judge him es it ftreman, active, energetic and noble. We - can judge him too, as brother, and as son; and while we grieve with those, whose hearts were - nearer Ids, we will treasure up the memory of his deeds and try to emulate them. , ' . ' Resolved, That ai a token of respect for oor departed frlendore will wear the tusnakbadge of incoming for the term of.thirty days. HENRY lIAYS, President. Jinx W. CliAlll3llll3, Seify. VALUABLE THEOLOGICAL WORKS La M --- ter" YOUnit Chrbtlans.l.se. • • • orbeehymmetileal ittruetura of lieripture, or Eleripture . Parallelism ezemplifie,L. _.-_,. - • ' MeHarrow's Dist of the Feresaloa Church. ' . . .• 1 . - Ilt i trra"SlCS al . th° Phtic"'"... . ' • . '' De Weties on the Old Testament. .. Cummings' Worksamplete. : altull,V=7,6,Lri, I. full. It:lard.. Hebrew". . l'fltssch Christian Doctrines. • • ' ileagessibern on the Vahns. -• . O.' Ilensmenberg's tlmistoios7.. - , • Oinhausen's tbmaseataries on the New Teitammt. Muller an Sin. , - liagmbeek's His of Church Doetriosa • - Haw:Mrs . & liin t 4 rola ! Fmallith edition. &Intuit 1 ,111 a '... . • • --"AgMir'a Ansi ear sbraw sad Greek Lealootti. , - ,‘ es, Spanand Arabic raiding iP3OOllf, with interlinear translations and pronunciation. Busters eladestiesl history. • Carter's new books, with unman= other minable Eau, iish works st. on Theology,' at , DAVISON'S Wok • Store. OS Market ' - sel.2 flOuD CAS IN VESTMENTS-- ‘,4 30 Shams Bank of Ilttibusolo - 40 " Mao and P.M:Mood: H.V.thsa. o lll;ri e f4M, 'o f - Pitto's Sin name Joiarsooo • LO " ' Itoekland 11101044 . • • . 1:3000 Allortomy 4.11. Coupon Boodx • : • • r 0000 LILT littsburgh . do. solT A. WILILICNS t CO, 7L itb at. NRAT 'OOTTAGE FOR aki-Plesi t*Voil ltnat th. Mlle "te_th.t saws. Theta:we contd.. 6 raw ass wide hall. Into 12 ft. oelilum A 1... two gamer kitet:na. • Tots sum. dab ha tront_wood well of enter, with pump, awl boom, 040* an. Th. house le onne and oninsleotlT weranged. The lot Ll= ft. frost IV DO sleep. Triee.12,409..5e.- Terme msdeXtown bT tag wai: et thel Newts Of floe. 140.24- sel2 . e. CUTHBERT 88ON. HORTICULTURAL EXHIBITION,—Fa•' mil, Mavis for ask a* - W. W. Wilson's, Ina R.N. k Eon% and Jason Warthog.% • 1+12,3t. . • HENRY WOODS, Prealdiiin.. F • . 0.11 splendid Country , Itesi dear" on - the Ohlo River. ad)ohang the Room &Alle nde, on the plant rood, at Wood • Run. • There I. E wren earned vitt, j erpl :w rgn, Crir . and t bn itrt t e oLee. All Intend dWta tool/. : Rh 4f to e =cantateht, L It le adored kne. Eteddn, of Robert Dern rad, on the premien. or of eel def. THOS. WOODS, 74 Tooth Street. ACHANCE - FOR BUSINESSFoi sale, YU! most. fixtures and good will of a °mushy Store, te 8 mile. from the dLr, with the atom and dwatllotg hBB,atthleeZtregest beam, 2n. ~12 - • : 15.0IITIMRT 80X. LW. Met. lILACK ieo!rl pee:Black Saks; of crreviettb: and grgd*. A olendla arUel. A. A.IIAMON W. lIIIARAMATTAS---100 pcs., all colon., ittst Ned; • very . mirky ankle, wAI eb 375; 'b's WC mel2 A. A.MASON .t co. RLOCK PLAID SILIC.&— Jut ree'd afew vea; *fib* Om much adisdzedsllk.A. all tweellent ..13 . . - A. A. lIABON t CO. BARK FRENCII'OIIINTIES--We have tug reedit few pm of tin, Abort. Ana new styli. .. sal: -' .A. A. 31ASON & CO" •23. 6111 et. - I UPIN'S FRENOII.3IERINOS— ,,,,eAt 76 mut* tter rand. st • ' - 1 _ 11A(121t 2 ALL, No. 91 Market street. AN it ABL hue receited a lamatifal ■ sawrtNent of Etiipl I gind Figural ird DE LA AWS • thole.. of Flowed utd Strimd DEM MEL oad respectf y roLLdt . di from the ASTILE SOAP—'2sbit. juat ree'd and fur Ll br . 7 R. EL BELLZRB t OG SALAD OIL=2O cases ree'd wed for sale by - ErLLEILS k 00. ..ge= tee an. or 600 by'ear A. a. ext.ums a co. Q.PTS: TORPENTINE.-30 UM& lust redd and for Isla Or . op. OSIN-200 bbIB. bright No. 2 Rosin to video and Orr we Id JOHN WATT *co. ripußecco-75 bie. Ws and e B's Tobacco brande,” Arriving AAA RA Al by N A MIN WATT A 00 4 N0.20A Liberty h. ' i_m:ll.4i=ml;l AMILE, POTATO ic TURNIP PARERS.— 12 dos= a these xuDerkry toidatoes,rated to pars 4 14 , 14. 1 r *". - ”^ The tag . 9 . Z. 15/ . - AND, No.l Wood at. SUPERIOR PIC.u.LING :VINEGA.RZZ Warranted free hem delrterkets drug., sae made from Cbamposow Crab Cid". "Trout...lL a one role. .r•h l 4l,,Vit ju gg i t. ‘°l Pe h irge 4 = l ,. Yl T IVlLfsjost reed sod kw sok lo lostaimm solt . br 9.13 WI. IL 911r10 . 1r. or, wood atutrroet de. superior 9 Tear old RT. AIZT..ri head re 1.17 lib..oUttro b i 20114411. the Wit,. Biome 4.4,,,atizdu YmmatL FLANNELSBIarphy &Burch Wive ree4 lbo uses, Viz of IbialboT Ardrabla geolt. of Pus vrk , mialf Ms* "101' daT a " 1 . 4 4I'V-40u110:1,10100*, . , . • - • - 4-• -.ifV/Vo• ' • liMil LATEST FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL GP THE ATLAIMIC New Yons,Sept. 15.—The steamer Atlantic reports most severe weather. She hadher star beard, peddle box, cut-water carried away. Samuel Nichols, one of the editors Of the Sun day Mercury jumped from the City Railroad Car last night ; the wheel went over him and he died of his injuries,. But faint hopes, were entertained this morning of Bishop Wainwright's recovery. LATER. roan PCZETO CARELIX—AII sorts of provision were scarce. The Revolution was over and the castle was fall of prisoners. ' The packet ship Yorktown arrived at quaran tine. Twenty one deaths from Cholera had oc curred on her passage. IVASIIIMITOX Cirr, Sept. 19—John Barball, Clerk for a number of years in tho Land Office, died,ltis supposed of cholera; Has morning.— He had returned from Pittsburgh a few days since. CmCAGO, Sept 19.—Ft:drink Cunningham, an Irishman, stabbed it policeman, Caspar Hanel who had arrested him, killing him instantly. New Yonw.—Flour unsettled, better grades bare decline .25 cents, the steamer's news 'tad depressed the market and prices ore weaker; sales 4250 bbls good Ohio at $8,75e8,94 Southern, sales 2000 bble, at $8,87®5h,12; Whiskey a shade , higher, Ohio 41. Cotton mar ket favors buyers, a fair demand Wheat dull with a declining tendency; Corn itpened baby ant and closed heavy; sales 80,000 bash western mixed at 806'82 ; Mess Pork better at $ 24,254 $14,00, prime-unchanged, sales 1800 bbla Beef unchanged, a moderate demand; Cut Meats firm; Lard higher nt 10.26,01}; Lard Oil dull at 80 084. Pima:mm.lm, Sept. 19.—Flour dull; shipping broads freely offered at $9; no export demand and thaonly 'sales reported are small lots for re tailers at $9 @SO:7S. Rye Flour and Cornmeal, nothing doing. Wheat, rather more offering but market dull; prices favor buyers; sales 4000 bush. at $l,BO for prime ,Sonthern and Penna. red, and sl,Bo®sl,oo for inferior and prime white. 'Rye, nothing 'doing. Corn dull; sales 1000 bush. ycllow. at 88; afloat. Groceries, but .little doing. Collbe, Sales 4300 bags Rio just ar rived. Whiskey, a steady demand; limited sales at 42. Curets - saw, Sept 19.—Flour unsettled; sales . 1200 bbls at prices ranging from $7 down to $6,60, closing dull at the latter figure. 'Whisky closed dull at 29,4. Sales 600 bbls Lariats - pri vate terms, and 150 bids ditto at 10c. , . Groceries .unchanged. . Weather wet and cool. FIRST RATE CLOTHING, for men and bovo,nf superior Ins!mial and votionsnehlr, now on M CIIMERT, 74 Wood M. We study to Dwane , , WrANTED-7-Three clever men to complete • colon of porthamrs on tha haodoomost toeNtlon on Ath af.do of &..t Llberty,.. • Binh offoro are seldom toad. of • • TIM. WOODS. . 2S b oo . - YO pp rtroet. AVARRANTS--The highest price In cash v v wails given for . Fittaborgb sod 611.nheny yrsrmits.tr sun _. • B. ?CLAW BON. IfUSINESS WONTED—SISOO' and the' the manias elan metier badness min err ogee! te. an If In a safe budneidt_lthqatee of - 50264. t • • -T/100LAVOODS,7 . 6, -4th it, TAVERN - STANTP-FOR SALE—AL five ja.l a tmmod lein ar st tbo g bollrg . y otand In e tbo t er i alow' haring 11 months to raw Apply to 8.411/11: 80N_ JLARGE BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE— Within V) minutes Irak of rho env for 71250 etch.— =A "' I' L W‘l ' nreili n tllrgtl i hri. e it se rt. • aREEN PAPER, for Window Blinds, glar y/A ro l al•=r 1. "': d ang d '' 4111"0174112Eir EW- BOOKS ; NEW BOOKS,..4det. reed N• this daj. by arm* the Antericsis 'Weak' Practice tench" by JO.e. ast4 Warm no , Amerkan Eclectic Uhrecosatory, by John Kim Eclectic Prunes of Medicine by Nairtcns a - thr Bale br •KAY OIL db Weed it: 'WENCH GINGHAM marked, down 6 16 JL: eo Per yd.. at A: A. MASON &C 0.% 25, 6th A. IYfs FAILMSO Building' Lots, sittt;• - Mated '6llegbmy City, rare 'header depot, for ale a *2.4403.1f you pref. a Yana we earl aril an b. 10. or 100 acres or g 00 4 .11.1, la an Izo r pronag t arlshbort t ood at as aero, n" ellillVAT :AWL° Are- • BRICK HOUSE ,FOR 400 DOLLARS- Far sale • brick dwelling hap" of 3 mane and a eel. Ith • an d f 3. front on Artidard st.. 7th Ward, ben daps peach plum tram, zap. ripe. It. Tonne dX) In hand. balanae at 100 ► year. B. CIITECIMT • SO.'. VALUABLE, FARM FOR .SALE:—' Stub • , vtad in North nyoUs To. diksa.nt t ,10 mil. trom the city end 2.3‘n flee from the Sterobetmite railroad. at the ltioblestown Btation, contains 40 sone, alleteared and tanned and,in •high stateofealtl,atin. 'The Immo'. ments are a oomAirtable dwelling Your with 8 room,, 'Bun, Stable. Stone 31111ohonee, emokahostse and other ne r g i tt= ia T n a d r Iff n a: orrbWl g u ettolen eeLeMek IN menu. and the while ninestan be eatll74u r tarated. It IN dtuated Ina good neighboetood, ..,OOIOOt to obvert, mill, school. kr. APO/ to ne l3 • - MeLfilDi 80. Y. •. NEW BOOKS rec'd.by.:ST, Bader,. Federal std Tie bony oit Hand T logs gad CrayO Ilk - Rohn of the Notleeir bin Mono' oar Are. by Dee . W n ßoogar. y.ortrsits. Sunny hiaroorle.ofFor•lgn L•llrs. IL D. Row.. • ' Old Rochdale, or Historical Sketch.. of West.rn Peon tylr..rds,• by Her. E.S. Smith, D. D. li Typos of .okiniL honied new ad. • , Ilou.ohold Word, for boys and girl., by 1/ Laity Dale. •.-btray Loaves frma itrT Load Ilawthoroc's tiow Jureall• Llbrir • y; 22 roll, with frorh amply of Lamp Lighter. Pattpbar Paw.. Bayard Taylor'. views atbot, El Dorado, Fern' Lames. 2.1 Wl* and other works. A flesh stook of . Sunday • selb PEiiiirlS-204 bags to anise for solo by sal • !HALM DICK= t CO. --- - BO9K • -BOOKF,Ne* edition of 'Nodes Vat . l brjta " . , • ' j°l t -76, e m to br ., as'wooa et: NEW BOOKS for sale by Read, '7f4,. fast'' Lire' of Emytnt daiotlita; •- • • .' • Voimg Mtn's Doak - ' • • ... • Cu lT.' l°V.° l4 ll l,Trer *ik ;sitibleel • • Aclvlci Yang/ Wu: -, • - Didr.'s Future eistol B ' nn f Lamsrttmen Hply Ion& J. L. BEAD, , ith TIM4Y 7 Y. SEED---100 bus. prima" nr Timotby Seed reed andule ( se , G, A. 2 A. MADANZ, 114,2 d si• jiACON—Has and Shoulders readtuid to A.. A. A. McIIANE. 111.24 AL- • Alta,-20 firkins No. 1 Lard:to mire for RA vale by sls A.- A A. WHAM/. Tr/24E DRAFTS, Prontiseory "Notes and J. BIM et Xitlaang• an be arsotlated 'II Mb et/ moll:. •' D. MeLAIN A SON. • itte.WSLLING MUSE OR tiALEititimied an nabloaan et" Allatihat war Um Et. 131•12 street alkiet; well &min t, ed. yttraa as ttur war, ~.i.....prtvadmercamtat•Onle•at : : MILUID INK—A puperiorjutiele.of Writing imA Ctiftbilt inkViIMNAVANIg&-41.0 COMMERCIAL . _ OOMII/TiEL OF ARBTFILATION of the 13,1114 pfTes.tg for Smbwiabcr.—WM. F.—o. IV. Y. JotOt, Jaa. Coam., 11 - 34. It. Exu:su. REVIEW OP TUE PITrEBUROLt MARKET. For the moo: