EMIRS PITTSBURGH GAiETTE . BY irmrs PITTSBURGH: WMINGISDAY MORNING, SEPT. 20, 1804-2 . • • Nebraslut Suite Ticket. , „Eon oovsarioß, SkitES - POLLOCIC; Or 21011ritIMBEILLA3;D COOSIT. POS CL AL, commisslorrEn,. .-• . GEORGE DARSIE; Or ALLECIIILLNY COUNT!. FOR' JIITHat OF SIIPAEILE COURT, DANIEL M. BNISER; or. YONTGOY;ILT COUNT! County Tioket r , ".• • 'ixmassma—tlrrimrnacr. - DAVID BlTOlClB.llttabargb: • 0. oil:hitter WILD: BlNVRNSON,Plttatairtgh. • I k g HYBT ILCABNAIM Birmingham I,IOEIN 3. MIRA Vanillas, • JACOB cirlY YinUT itynnarma,. . • • ' ‘ ‘.!..l'•, '.101L9 est Dear. • • , DENBY WOODS. Pittalmrab , • ALES. mar. JAMES IL GLOM. Rm.. atC2 h ae j*srgs . S..4NO ° N. Plttaborgb. NUM MI , or rixat. . JAMES KELLY". Wilklor, JOHN NPREE.Ulrrolosharo. : JOHN BROWN. Row. :., Ml—. • Adrerthion.—Neither the Tditorial Rouen 11pr.Pri6iitIzZglabilataneitof the Dolly Casette, are opened on Bunchy ' Azrekiterenwhodeldre their notice, to Rippe.: • litho *alit on,liatulay tainting, will Dlesseht ad them ht 'lmifor• b Gel**. ea Batletday. • SSl.Plttsbureln Weekly Gazette.—The extensive alretdatkut of oui Woe/4,0.We offera - to our businessmen s mash &sheltie medium of making their busin.e. known Our eireulalon la betweenfoar and eve thousand. reschlna &moat every merchant, Inanniketneer and shop-keeper In Wooten Worlaylvanla, and Eastern Ohio. f. Matter on each %moo of this Pamir ..,Advanoe:Payments.—nerenfter no 'sub ierhitkiallll betaken, for the Daily or Weekly Gazette. walme,,partneut• Is souls In advance. Whenever the *kiwis up tO trldedt 'the sobserlption L paid, the paper willhe tura:tat . dy stopped, unless the nabscriptlon Is re. hewed hy advance payment. dll tran.lent advertising, *ternary 'desetiptlon," will tie required to be paldiln vanes. • The only exception, will be where medal month. ly or Yearly wiattssete are made. sephilaw • Fasepay.--Wherens, it has been sigiiified list le lithe wish of • lam azolnapootable yortloh ea* eaoupanits. Weida to roneart with teeeLner of the two *Kim •Ost w. should officially deslgatts and sof .P.rt s a'oerrolo di/ raj the Duryea or“general raatlug. bumill- Vein end myer," as as humble and devout acknoaledg• latat ormer dependence upon Almighty God, ,the Creator sod Priserver of the unlveree. and car hop...that • Ile witr. la Htr Idea magi. bleu the. earth, and, • raveling oar ausistretehrbith Hie hand tothe preeerretiois or Ills ar people lima all calamity. and creedal! to etay the proittme orgestlhnte. among am This. therefore, is to Mee plibliiinotice, that THURSDAY, the :let of BePturauo itantas recontatensled by as m o proper day, when the oti.ittiburgla and Allegheny. shrtalming Cram all jiitiettly timolpyrnentt, should repair to their severd Oxon of wratelp, and ho the full ecottrltkno of their bouts, mat. humble coukadott of their sins,. and supplicate ten bit tags ofoltended %avea against all Immediate sad future organ Of tribulation.' • Givenander oor hands and wads this lath day of Sept A. D.. 11154. at Our respective Wilma, In the cities of Pitta n. burgh and Allegheny. FORD. R. VOLT, - Majored Fitistaugh. - WIL ADAMS. Edayoe of Allegheny. , . Our wacky nf.thie morning will coptain the three lettere of. Dr. liawthorne on cholera which have been much inquired for. For sale at the :45OUnterj. TUE EPIDEMIC. ,The deatha yesterday were quite numerous, . but. not so much so as the day before; and the pervading impression was that the crisis of the visitation-had passed. A feeling of partial re lief was experienced and a shade of ebeerful ,ma was apparent on almost every face. A ,heiry, shower fell in the evening; but whether • for the better or worse -we cannot say. - The sanitary Measures taken have doubtless contributed to a , faiorable change. In the sixth ward, which, although healthily located, suffer iniiittamely [from the epidemic, there were no new oases. heard of yesterday, and this result, following the general - purllication' enforced by the tannery urinate, restored confidence and cheerfulness to the citizens of the arard, and af forded general gratification. A continuation of similar labor begtua in other Wards will doubt • less eventuate in the extirpation of the disease, sofer as it is induced' by outtreudunoleanliness. do not wish to raise false hopes or delude oiiilriaiders with: Imsubstantial assurances ; but • trusting to theimproved aepeit worn by affairs yesterdai,we shall permit ourselves, at least, to look forward with a lighter heart and :augur as early eapspe from the incubus now weighing as dowis. • We hope to be pardoned by our readers for the iparieneas of the contents of to-day's paper, bOth iathe small amount of die news given and tbe - odltcvial. Several of our hands, frightened tit t.tot eholera, have taken to the woods, which temporarilyatrtails our supply of matter; and we have found It next to impossible to write tin der present.circrumstances. Indeed, we cannot think our patrons expect it of us; and if the, do 1!e feet that they should not. We throw Cur itelvis on theirkind Indulgence; and . as there is lOW I prospect of an early escape from our troubles, we look for ward to a cheerful resmitip __ don of Our labors, in a day or two, with nothing toSthiturb - or annoy us. BIIM.-4 correspondent sends us some sug - inane' shoat the best method of preventing Mine row rmaingat large. We are well aware , of the lacirnretdences resulting from the non-ful, Aliment of the city ordinances on this subject,and partike of the general dislike to the habits of, the astiMiti kr ..guestion; but we must bCperinitted to Say in theirbehalf that they are the best scar etagere 'of our 'eadly-neglected streets and con -7 milers of s snit quantity of ga . rbage that would 1 otherwise become, productive of noxious exhale-, llenra,. So ter* as the city in unable • or tin. ;tilling to chin ibis streets properly—(and we are charitable enough to belieVe that it proceeds tnerefrorditusbllity than unwillingness)—it seems to us thetit is prudent to let the 'voluntary SCSI , engem do the neglected work as 'far as they are able. It is an unirelcome remedy, we admit; but as it is the beet whieh ollers, is it wise to refuse luxe the streets to breed disease and pea. ymixomr.—The fall returns from Vermont * give Rcyce, the, &Ili-Nebraska candidate for *Minor, 27i508, and Clark, Nebraaka, 16,124; Majority for Royce 12,1170. That will do, very well ' the Senate 2l Republicans are chosen and 2Nebrastals ; to the _Rouse, 150 Republi.. oo liel?reUlcal!and 8 Know Nothings. . lamsois.—The "Ripublkanparty" in the Third Diongrestdoing District held a convention at Illopmington on Thursday last, and Jesse 0. Nor- Vim was nominated for re-election to Congress.-- portinui , great trouble about the adoption of a party name, and finaDy ; the good old name of Whig was repudiated, and the new (angled name of "Bepal:4lam" substituted, so that nil Anti-Ne- Loucks and mati-elarcry men could meet on the same platform. St. Louii LoinsSepta/lean. ' Why does the Republican consider the name chosen in this instance.as "new fahgled," when it his inferred it as its own cognomen ? "Re inblkan" - name as old as American liberty, ad 'Ma:tilled by the struggles of our early his ._ tOry Yozz.--The deaths in Now Ytirkinst. 'Weeic Fere 681, .431' iwbloh 128 were frim Chol ens: For the year; the total is 21,795 since Jan. ./st;;; against 15,478. for, the same period last year. 'The total deaths from cholera within the same time were 2,180: in 1849, to the samo po rlod; the number wea 4,974: r---,15 . 07 1 1.—The certi fi cate of election in. the Ist - potsgrasitionat district in lowa has been given to We iielFaskii candidate, but this result was by rejecting the rote of (Area counties; By Vdirplan, If practiced in other plaCes, it would be perfectly easy. to defeat any man obnoxious (to the rahsrn -jadies. Ur. Clark wilt undoubt ' rAirooitent pard.right to a.sast- of the family of the late General Taylor oceupied the White House are dead the 71141216 General, his wife, 'lds 'daughter, htni. IlLssousd Col. Bliss. .31rs. Fillmore and her /laughter, are she dead. , • . The above paragraph is going , the rounds of press. The 'National ear says there is et least on e error in it. /des. . . _ • . Duu is not 'dead. Bo far from It, obo.woo but In flue bialtb, and w,:th her rioter , biro. ITood,. wee on a'vigt to Wa7.bington. . . . • _.,_,--• . • • tptA-.I:4;A,JA ;44,444441;t.. • - • - •. ' - • • - ' • ‘" g;MZMM= Among l e.m ,3 , melancholy events of th.. preN .- ailieg °tale is , the death 'of Au tB. tinalt; sq., who was yesterday followed to tite grant -by meliir .sincere friends.", Hr. Saw yer was a young lawyer of much &pit, and had a wide circle of attache!' friends, .to whom be 11,1 endeared himself by hiS amiability and ge nts' kindness of heart. At the primary elections held in Cincinnati lost Saturday, G. IL Pendleton was nominated far Congress in the first district, over Mr. Diri. ricy, the*sent;ntember, and W. J. Groesbeck in the second. Mr. Disney claims that he was de feated by fraud, and threatens to run on his own hook. - _ . Preen the N. 0: Picayune, Sent. 11 The Ir/alg mad American Mot In New tlrlennn. We regret to state that our city has again been the scene of a disgraceful riot, which we fen; has or will result fatelly. It is difficult to got at the origin of the affair, but as near as we an learn it arose out of the arrest and alleged brutal treat ment of Mr. Henry T: Sherman by some wateh nen, on Thursday night. On SaturdaY night, at a late hour, some of Mr. Shermal's friends, hear ing that an attack upon his house Was Meditated, proceeded up Tchoupitilas street, anti t rile there so tacked or were attacked by some we hmen and their Scientist. Accounts differ as to who Were the aggressors, but all agrie that the watchmen.' v: era drive:l , off, and a number of shots werefirod, Vet nobody appears to have been, seriously hurt. The next morning the following silly report was iliced upon the police books by Lieut. Webb: "A gang' of about fifty or' sixty men, armed, end headed by some respectable and well-known Americans, firing at the watchmen, chasing them olitheir beats, springing lids° rattles, and trying, to attract them into theicerowd." Yesterday considerable excitement was meal f.sted, the affair having assumed the appearance ef a conflict between the natives and the Irish, and knots of men Were seen at:ending about the streets conversing. After night, a report gained irculation' that the armory on the Corner of St. Charles - and . llevia streets was to be attacked by the Irish, and very soon a crowd of three or four hundred min assembled in an about Lafay ette Square; with, the avowed intention of pro tecting the armory from attack. About 11 o'clock, a umber of these men marched in proecsaion up Tchoupitonlas street, and when near St. Mary's Market the firing again began, but it is impossible for us to learn v.ho commenced it. The Trish occupied the market and a beer garden in the vicinity, from 4:th of which places a considerable firing was kept up. Several persons were badly, and we e.ar, fatallY wounded. Among the latter was a man named Gilpatrick, who was shot in the head near St. Mary's market, and watchman Monahan was badly wounded in the left. side. Neither of these parties arc expected to live. In addition, Lieut. Webb reports that officer Mc- Mahon was shot and Slightly wounded, and, sev eral others seriously. Mr. Ortimel, one of the firth of Leeds & Co., ras shot in two places while walking quietly with a friend in l/clord street, one of the balls striking him in the mouth, and seriously injuring Lim. Recorder Summers, we hear, was shot at several times, but was not touched. Lieutenant Hand reports having taken a double barrelled shot gun from Stephen O'Leary, ex-chief of Pe lice, near St. Mary's Market, by order of the Mayor, 'and carried it to the Watehhouse. ". • MrGreen, the gentlemato'Who was walking with Mr. Grinnell, was shockingly beaten by an infuriated and savage mob. Neither of these gentlemen had anything to do with the riot, but were attacked without the slightest provocation. The neighborhood in which these excesses oc curred is surrounded on all sides by the lowest and most filthy groggeries, which are the resorts by day and night of crowds of lawless men, most of whom go habitually armed, and when their 'passions are inflamed by the detestable compounds they imbibe, do not hesitate to use their weapons upon any one who may be obnox ious to them. The mails continue to furnish cold cOmfort for the famine makers, either as regards the crops at home or abroad. The 'crops in England and throughout Europa generally prone to bo unusu ally abundant. Tho London Times, in a leader on this subject says : ' "From this harrest to the next there can be no doubt that the difference in the price of wheat compared with that of the precious 12 months will be at least 20s. a quarter in furor of the public, which, on the whole consumption will amount to a boon of twenty-five millions of pounds to that body on wheat alone, besides cor responding relief in other grain. Even the cost cf the war sinks:to a trifle compared with this bounty from the skies , and notwithstanding all the lavish expenditure incurred, we now stand better prepared for war by some twenty millions than a twelve.month ego." The Greytown affair, according to public re pert, is to verify _the dictum of the poet, by ac celerating& general and.final settlement of the long-standing Central American difficulties.— That affair was 'evil' enough and `small' enough Certainly, and if the Secretary of State has managed . to turn his own error to any good ac count he will prove himself very clever or very lucky, and we shall be willing to give him full credit for it, besides having our confidence :..trcngthened in the philosophy of the pcet. The story we allude to is found in the following let ter of the intelligent Washington correspondent of the Journal of Commerce: WmatiNoroN, September 15 I have reason to believe that the Central American question is about to be settled betieen - the United States and Great Britain in a:manner mutually satisfactory. The Grey town affair ban tarred the good purpose of expediting an adjust ment. The principles of adjustment are agreed open here. As Mr. Crampton is a shy diploma t:st, and was greatly annoyed at the exposure of the treaty which he made with Mr., Webster, (which exposure was the cause of its failure,) it to be hoped that the particulars of the new project will not be prematurely divulged. Of course the British Government is yet to be con sulted on the subject of the.project. The inter. este of both governments require a speedy ad justment of the subject. Of comes the timing meat will include an indemnity for the destruc tion of property of British subjects at Greytown. Pram the Mllwaukb Tlr 31STRODIST CLIVRCH ox SLAVSRT.—The annual conference of the M. E. Church in this state, at their recent session in Janesville,' passed the following among othei resolutions on stare- . . 1. That one opposition to slavery in nil its .forms, was never more-decided and ancomprom. Wag than at present. •2. That:we regard the Kansas and Nebraska bill passed by our national legislature at its re cent session, as an alarming exhibition of the Orme power, surpassed in atrocity only by the fugitive slave law oT 1850. 2. That we deem it our duty as minister* of the gospel to preach nzainst slavery as against other violations of religion and humanity, and in every other proper way to labor for its removal from the church and thiworid. • 4. That. we affectionately incite our people to co-operate with us, by *their prayers, and in the use of the elective franchise, to effect a repeal of the fugitive alive law, to prevent the further ex tension of slivery, and to secure ita.final extir pation from. the -nation. Now Iroan, Sept. IG.—The Protestant Epis copal Provisional Bishop of this Diocese, .1. M. Wainwright, D. D., is very low of the typhus fe ver. lie was rather better this morning, but is ball in a critical situation. We learn from the Scioti Gazette, Unit Mr.. Itzinbridge, of Koss county; Ohio, sold, a few days ago, a quan;ity of corn in the field at thirty. !:r: dollar: per acre. It was booghtby some gen tleman from Kentucky. 'This is doubtless the highest price exery paid for standing corn in Ohio. "INJURY 70 THE Rica CILOPL—In addition to the particulars already given, wo learn that thedam ago to the rice crops in South Carolina has been as great as in Georgia. The fields on Combahee diver were six feet under water, In many places, and the crops along that stream and the western branch et the Cooper river have suffered greatly. The damage was , immense -also on the Carolina side of the Savannah river as far up as Laurel 11111 and Bernal:de landing. The salt water was carried up to those points, and all the cut rice was floated off. Toe injull , to banks alfd canals boa been great throughout South Carolina.—So rannah Republican- CuozonA iR Spnixarnu.D.—Tho Chicago Press, of yesterday, says: ~W e regret to learn that the cholera has again appeared at Spring field. - A letter received in this city , yesterday from a prominent citizen from thei.capital says, that ,during the thirty hours, tutting Monday morning last, soma nine or ten fatal cases had occurred.. We trust our next advice!' will be of n more favorable characte'r.' Gen. Ball, of Zanesville, the present able 'Rep resentative in Congress from that district was, re-nominated, by acclamation, at the-District Convention at MoConnoluille, on Wednesday last. This teadeserved compliment no will be elected by a sweeping majority. ' Caleb Cushing.'s process for "crushing out Free MP'don't work at all in -New England. Since the publication of his letter four States— New Hampshlre, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Maine-that cut their Presidential rotes for Gen. Pierce, hare 'roniejled out" the. Dough-faces who attained the Debreake swindle. . • FROX JUT letter. from Key ,tfeet, doled"l3th inst., steles 'while the city Wei: fill , iron the yelbyieteeer the men at,ther adllter7 het:- r ' ;reeks; wire infretillg teirt9e [tea the ammo; With 'et!. or two tireeptlewe..larttle tioldiere hid been attacked, -end westly.,.enellrl"ed 'whole lumber hid 'died.. I, . .--.• mrm=mw_ll!=mtwo !"11.1 tbe BrOwnarllie flag f 1:4 inst. 'Thelexidas Imarreetion. , .. . ...P.-sontraalltoorer.B.trralst—Tun IsamuLars Vltiollioutd-We are in possession of reliable information from the camp of the insurgent army, which states that there had been another - bloody engagement between theinsnrgents and the government forces before the city of Victo ria. From what we can learn it seems that Gov. de la Garza was beseiged in Victoria by a regu lar• force of 2,000 men. The beselgers, Confiding in their discipline and vastly superior numbers, charged the breastworks, of the beseiged with thoughts of an easy victory. The numbers with in the breastworks were smallin comparison to their assailants—numbering, all told, not °reed ing 6 or 700 men—but they were buoyed with a determination found in the sacredness of their muse and met their enemies in the true spirit of freemen. Three differeht charges were made up on the triple entrenchments, and each time Was the enemy repulsed with heavy losi. The in surgent statement estimates the lose in killed and wounded, on the part of the enemy, at 400, and we are told that the officers of the regulars themselves acknowledged a leas of 160 men. The fight, we are informed, continued for three days, when, on the night of the third day, the insurgents, having exhausted their ammuni tion and being out.of provisions abandoned the city. This they were allowed to do without op position, takingwith them all their artillery sive two pieces of heavy calibre, which could not be (removed and which they spiked. In these en gngements some eight or ten officereare said to ' have been killed or • disabled, . and among the killed the gallant lieut. Col. Lnmadrid, of the regiment of Tres Villas. The loss on the side of the patriots is said to have been very trifling.— This whole affair occurred before the junction of the forces at Victoria with those that leftithis frontier to their assistance. The latter never reached their friends until after the fighting was over; but they are now united, however, and our informant assures us that they feel theaselves competent to cope with any quantity of hireling rho, which- their tyrant masters may send minst then. Their new auxilliaries took to hem a good supply of the much-needed ammu nition, and it is confidently predicted by those who ehould know that they will noon be in po • session of a stronghold in which they can laugh to scorn a protracted siege of hireling minions. So elated were they nt their recent victories that they declare that they care nothing for all the regular soldiers on this side the mountains. BALTIMORE, Sept. 18.—The Southern Mail of this morning brings New Orleans papers of Tuesday last, containing details of Mexican news to the Ath inst. The Mexican papers claim a great victory over the revolutionists at Victoria. The Trait d' Union aIItIOMICCH that colonization from France is proceeding rapidly. Four vessels are either already arrived or immediately ex pected at Vera Cruz with immigrants from Havre. A largo number of Spanish troops had arrived at Vera Crux rind two thousand Swiss were short ly expected. Senor Angel Iturbide,ono of the eons of the late Liberator, has been named as Secretary of the Mexican Legation to the United States.— Ills brother, Col. Augustin de Itorbide, has been appointed Aid de Camp to Santa Anna. A decree was issued on the 18th %it, suppress ing the thirteen active squadrons of the army. On the 111th a decree was issued commuting the sentence of death against the insargent pris oners at Guayamas to teci years' imprisoninent, with the exception of Count. Boulbon and those who excited or headed the revolt. The other prisoners are to be tred according to the exist ing laws. WASUINGTOS, Sunday, Sept. 17.—The state ment that our. Government has received from Mr. Soule iaformation that the new rtginte at Madrid - hive agreed upou terms for the sale of Cuba to the United States, is utterly untrue up to the present hour. TheGreytown bombardment question, 113 be tween us and Great Britain, will be settled soon, together with the whole Central Ainerican ques tion; and the Administration' i 9 likely to reap substantial laurels by the settlement. WARIIISCITON, Saturday, Sept. 10.—The Star says a special messenger had arrived at Wash ington with the first communication from the British Government to the Minister here, rel ative to Greytown. Tun. Casentas TlLEATY.—RatiGeations having been exchanged between Great Britain and the United States, at Washington on the "9th; the Reciprocal Canadian Treaty is now in operation as far as it relates to Fisheries and Navigation. The armed craisers fitted out last spring for the fishing grounds hare all been withdraw* Our fishermen can now take their mackerel along and up to the British shore, and ilaTO also the privi lege of landing to dry awl cure them. But the Agricultural Produce and other arti cles enumerated in the sebednle will not pass the frontier duty free, until the Canadian Parlia ment pass laws repealing the present imposts.— That this will be done during the present ces sion, there seems to be no doubt: but bow long it will be delayed,_ it isimpossible to predict. Ail. Ere. Journal. THILDZSIGNS Or CrUR GOYEILICIIZAT 03t SAN Do nusco.—The Rev. Mr. Judd, an American Mis sionary at,Port-au-Prince, writes a letter to the Detroit Christian herald; exposing the true char acter of the proposal to officially recognize the Government of San Domingo, notwithstanding our refusal to recognize that of Hayti. Be says there are not fifty whites in all Domnica besides the Catholic priests. The object of the plan is to introduce a elaveholding colony from the United States, which will then be protected by the United States Government from the If:diens, and it being once established there, to annex the Western part, if not the whole Island as a Slave State. The Hon. henry M. Fuller has received the Whig nomination for Congress in the Twelfth District of this State. Ills Democratic opponent is the Hon. Hendrick T. Wright, whom he once beat in the same district Richard Mott, of Toledo,.was nominated yes terday at Defiance, as the Independent Aati•No braska eanditate for Itcpreeeolati•e to Congress, in this, the Fifth Congressional District of Ohio, now represented by Hon. A. P. Edgerton.—To/e -do Blade. The Washington Globe, which is usually cau tious in its statements, says: "The treaty an nexing the Sandwich Islands to the United States, we are assured from good authority, is now at the State Department." SPECIAL NOTICES 'Tape Worm cured by Dr. Klame's Cel- GMAT. VICLIMCCE. •TA attain tidy In this city testifies that after using Dr. 111!banefe Vermiftute, Joh, mooed • UP" worm ten It:wheal.= and b. no heal fatirm In nootomeaillog It to gears person articled with Verniß ►s, in has OPlnien, it far excels sem7 other remedy now in s nit. The name of the WIT, and further partientars..n be learned by .11los on Mrs. Mantis. Manhattan place. or L L Then% Drag girt, oorner of Ruts. and Monroe its. int.Parchasers wM berarefol to alit Mr DR. 3BEAtire CELEBRATED VERIIIYUCE. and take acne else. An other Vermlfage& Ia comparbur& are worthies& Dr. BC Lane's Verratitage. alto hie celebrated Liver Plllr, can now be had at all respectable Drug Store* in the United Mies anti from the eole proprietor& MEWED BROTITERR, sal6-4terß Bummers to J. MAI t Co. Weed Amt. M. Bay's Antidot and Lotion. calebrat ed thronnhott the land as t only relicble preparations ever Invented for the enre'ot a• Diseases of the Urinatj Organs, Piles, and Female Coniptaints. • . mk , The greatruaress theseestraordlnM7 Mitildnldastiave ways metsith 1n eating -tbe above complaints, has rim reset' again, Proprietors themselves. ma ylig nothing the thouvauds of Indltiduals who have been permanently mired by their use. We would ware i. tt=iibUe that they are not mars "patent husanigi, eomyo .01.17 1.11. but arepreyared by i thorough Chemist, ith the most chola anil mire Ingredients wbSelt can be Memel, and are Intended to do good. But one tell is required aeon. virtos all that inch Is the tact. They an put nil in bottles, with- full dlreetions atimenna Hying them, the Antidote at $l, and the Lotion at 50 et& Pee bottle. - One bottle lasts ten day!, Maar have been entirely eared In tiro or three day& ' • Invented be M. BALLY, PlaysHsi to the lloep tai o Du* end prepared by DllltOelt 00., General Agents era the Dulled State. and Canedee. to whom 'Weeders mnstte 'addressed. Principal Depot, OS Broadway, .eoenev'Oiand at., New York. Bead in Pittsburgh, wholesale and' retail, by ?MEMO mos., fenaemn t. J. Kidd & C4)No.11!0 Weed it: Wheel. tag. J. U. PAT:Mt/30N A 00.. sad by Dritabite • ivory where. • . . J•234mr214. HE NRY I.O.RivIi - oe • PLLINIS, commrssioßni A EßonArur, CIIEEVE D , BeTTEW, No. 25 And street, Pittrsburgh. • MoCORD . It. CO.'S HAT STORE, D 12583.11478, WIDE-AWAKE Mira, LADIZS' *ding" Hats andS% Gloves, LIMY CA _ Corner Wood and Illth Streets. swam N'Olintock's Family Blediaives.We theattnatlen of hoods of tbailaisLatut others, to thud TorUsement on the fourth MU of thew 'sizable ninny 33mpty Packint .Boxes.—A largo lot of 'trona bawl Paettos Bono for silo ottoap at Dolt KWlrttall. 140 Wood it. ,N ORRIS LOCOKOTIVE , WORKS. , frAstpU4 LiLsth Ali, 4Spova the.,/laurpott, r . arfamoma ENGAGED for mu ears exclanyely in ' 4.tai s mrattnn:. ~ .ze. . l ...,n o r f u t i mwt. l Wrtiln ig •Wy - ti - inn al sti of .. . . - .E . ,--, . , # 0•1 1 4 • Auk , Please publish the following extfaet Cram a Circular ef the %Etna hvaran-r (Anopi.jity* 13E9. E. AENOREk it. "TheiandMon of Ltda . notalthstanding the cow sidcrable lames of the put tan month.. Is sound, lhecapir till is whole, with a raspoclable sarplus. the Company di not owe • dollar to Bank or other Inetitutiont with a largo Wan , e in cash at our ereditin Bank, andeyery Lou now outstanding will bo promptly ptddst maturity or be. forecnur invostruents id lonthr, Stocks and meagre% es toed Four iliendrrd and" rvirty 77Ionsond Dato rs. lds Imge balances due and in the rouse of transmission from /Wants." • sell More Proof to favor of Myer's Frost Wort or Bock Rose; IL the Rock Rose Company:— Mrssits.—A Medicino under the name of Mitre Aldred rlf Rock Rote, her recently found Its wily Into thin mantra. and from the newepaper socoura (es. commendation) I was Induced to make a tail of its heal log properties In the ease of my wife, who bad for arms been laboring under a disease known by the name of Scrofula. Its prominent irteptoms were open ulcers In the throat, enlarged parotid glande, dimmed condition o the mucus membranes of thehaad, and to that extent i many times he mold not breathe except when the month was open, there being no mews through the nostril,. with many other painful symptoms that otter attend this eremite aim= happiness and life. I believe It Ii the opinion of the medial faculty generally, that this deism Is the Ibundation of almost every ease of Conanmption that fell deatroyer, that canine to the grave annually' its tens of thousands. Mr wig. has taken threekadtleW. and It hes restored her to perfect health, healing all the ulcer♦ refacing every gland to Its original else, and removing from the lunge &difficult reeniration, orbreathirtg, which, at times, wee painful. In my elpiolon, It due to the medicine and Its Inventors, to may, at least In Scrofula there Is no specific that ran equal it. Yours, with esteem• WILLIAM FLOYD. Sung. 3 Physician. Norfolk, Et. Lawrence Co., N. Y., Feb. 17, 1864. - SALT RHEUM. OR Tel TER. This Is to certify, that after having used Myers' Com. pound Estrut of Reek Rom for the Felt Rheum. withomn- Moe semen, I would elorerely recommend ft... 0 the best article in nee, to all who are troubled with the like com plaint. IRA WALKER. llorton, !larch 27,18A2. DE9P6PSIA. . A. B L. Myra:—Dearlr—l have =Send ftir a long time from Drepepels; and it rile. me great pleasure to Inform you that, after uelutrone bottle of your Oomporind Extract of Rock Rom, I received so moth te‘elit that I can cheerfully recommend It to any.. thm *Meted, u %ming •valuable medicine, and (the beet. I ever used.— Tema, truly, ELIAS PIESPONT, corner of Grand and Oliver streets. SICK ITEADACIIE. Tide certifies that ono of my daughter. hue wen en eted to periods of Slek Ileadarhe and Vomiting for mome ream—that come of the attacks wens very Nears, andwere almost cure to follow extra exertion. Hearing of the beneficial effects of the 'Mock Rose" upon others otmtlerlr srae induced to gurcheite a bottle. From the osenmeneement of her using It, (rennet weeks nine.,) she ham been free from this dletraring complaint. Ilor gen eral health has improved and Is now good, and we attrile uto this desirable result' to the nroimrtin Imparted by a inereltni Providence to tide eeduable penetration. New liaien.Jan. 2, RODNEY BURTON. ERImrKI.,43 This wilbVertlfy that I have for 31,1114 angered with the most obetinate klryelpelle, which. It wonted tome, noth ing would cnro. I arm finally Induced by my Mende td attend the Medical Clinique, of New „ Dr. Knight nreserligd the fit roger Kock Hose, which nee me Immedi ate mulct, and eared me of a Karam from which I never expected to recover. .1. JONES. Southington. Cann.. Dec. )861: ' Fold wholesale and retail at the Drug Stottiof Dome 11 K o pper, N 0.140, corner Wood et. and Virgin alley. ' afiraffin of the Golden Mortar. auThlliertl Enlarged or Varicose Veins, West Rana Jour," awe Wse Assts.—l would respectfully In site the attention of physirlans, and the nubile genera/17 to my assortment of Elk Melo Stockings. Knee eggs. Ankle s ocks and bandages for the reUel and cure of Vie wee reßedarged Veins. Weak Anklet, Weak 'Knee Joliette and the 'snot. appliances need In the cure of diseases re nulling outward enpreet- Awl also keep every variety of Truism. Body Beau Supporters, Shoulder Beam. and to /hot all kinds of .uno banked appliances used Intim one of arms. 35.0. IL KETSFIC.IVUIaeaIo BrnSWlet. g aort .th e g ..No. nod tirein HARDWARE LOGAN, WILSON & CO., Beg to cull the attention of Buyers to their orterniveStook of HARDWARE AHD SADDLERY, comprising one of the mart eompletemortroente in the CD =am ItECEIVED BT BICENT PACKSTB FROM EUROPE. end which they eta. on the most Womble terms, Iler cheats going Eut nlll Bud • their Intend promoted 0 baying their lttPDwAltl at No. 32 Wood .tr Pittsitarthr (4 Downs ewes 00050. aial llama eri.irdlrell PEARL STEAM MILL. CANAL BASIN, ALLEGIIENY, NYAR TIIE ItAILEOAD STATION. •-•- - .Families will bo supplied with our various sriow. of MEIJI GROUND ITAIJR. by leaving their Jewett the or Li our hotel at LOgart Wileon a n dit Woal atreet, or Braun Ratter. corner of Libertylt. Clair sta. Pittsburgh: 11. P. bulwark, or J. T. ilaturlo. Druergiete. All. bent. Floor will be d ull Irma to famine. Ineltber of the rifle.. Terra.. CASIL ou delivery. 1.243 DIITA-N. EItIiNEDT t CD. ARNOLD & WILLIAMS, SWIVriCITIMS or Chilson Furnaces, Wro'l Iron 'Mine AND FITTINIffiENTMALLY; For Warming and Volt/7414m of Buildirtscs. A. t W. Irin ODDWIIet ktr Watming SRA PoutiloUogi by Maas Or Not Water, Moo or CiAllson'o Yorssto.Cboselook. Bebools, Ilorpttals, Factotim limn Nooses. Court Nona* Jai Rotate or Dwelling.. No. ZS 'Market et.. ri.x.emich A. A. CARRIER & BRO., Corner 4th and Smithfield ate., . PITTSBUII,OII, PA., .4oz.vm State Mutual Fire & Marine INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARRISBURG CAPITAL 5350,0,00. Girard Fire and Marine insurance 1, A OF rIIILADELPIIIA; , 44 CAPITAL 8300,000. INSURANCE COMPANY OP TER E4/.LEY OF VIRGINIA, . WINCIIESTER, VIEGINIA; Capital 8200,000. OFFICE PENNA. INSURANCE MU, PIITSBUERR: AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $860,000: -Gamfb A. L CARRIERfeer. JOHN O. BAKER a Co.'s TRITE MEDICINAL COD - LIFER OIL; Prepared expressly fer their sales for Medic i...lase. .1. C. 11. & Co. haring employed an agent at the Fisheries to superintend the manufacture of their Oil, aa sures the public that It 14 prepared with the greatest tare from none bat fresh and healthy liver, AU Oil mold et Ith their eignature Pill be !Quad to be of unossaigne quality. and canberetained lqthe mold del. Irate atom art. It le extenelvety employed both to whale and llonital practlee; and aril deserve, the attention of herallde, remedy more valuable then' soy yet dlsmereted, liV foe eutoptlon or pulmouuy steetlOne. JOAN C. BAEHR. 4! Oa. Ka 100 North 9d et.. rbilactelphla. Fur mar b 7 all the priocipalDroarlsts. '1,17.453:041k1r1eT A Secret for the Ladies—How to pic ot,e beauty-Ikm% ose Chalk. Lilly White, or an, add Mantled cormetke, to conceal a bad ce sallow conspieskek .1 If you would hero the roses brought back toren, elm*. eker; healthy and traneperent skin. wad lite and Maar Untmitb re antem, t a bottle of Cotta') Span =thus. and take It ageording to dlisotkass. It does not taste duke es well as your sweettnestsc bat Ira* a few dors you do not Sod your/width and beantyrrstaing, your step elastic and vigorous, and the whole system re freshol and Invigorated Ilk, a Spring morning, then your case is hopeless, and all the valuable earthiest*, we pos se/4 St for naught. It Is the greatest pallier of the blood known; is perfectly harmless, and at the samsaltne Igor really ellkelaus. Fee advertisement. sulildmdtieT . HOI,MES, RABE & CO.. AI:CCM/3EOR TO A. 11. HOLMES & BROTHER, IitANOTAMATEII Or SOLID BOX VICES, RAIIMMED IRON AX LES, CROWDAES, SLEDGES. MAT TOCKS, PICKS, Timber, Mill, Tobacco & Cotton Scion% artitow wodratlvs.firr JO hinny, Car sud Bridge Bolts, with Thread .and Huts - complete, PITTSBURG 11, WALIIIOIII4II6. 81:WOOD IT., DITIrSIN Yaurt uo !mom mar All work warranted. mh8l•t! Duna =KM COCITILIi =taxa 'FLEMING BROTHERS, • • voc=o.3 iv J. KIDD • COa. WHOLESALE DRUG ISTS • tto. GO MOOD irrntrr • zurrauukon;.l.4. p lattonof Dr. 11(14:1447alebrstiod Vevaltose.Line L. G. GRAFF, (succestior to S. Dk orl irorth Ca.) OMR 1.90 Smand. stmt. P.lttitsro, Maim! ibioda. CIMPO.ft All .. 1 . 1 1•24 I,‘“ mire usialty. cow Walt on. Ann& Alia, ask r morn STATES LIP EINtiITRANCE, ANNUITY AND TRUST COMPANY. _ • - P.I7IL.AMPIIIA. ORARTERNO APRIL 26, 1860.—OsuinA PiaiSTOIL OiLITVAL-4 ,250 000. Offlee come r ind auntie Ign7tS. rlofkuleplid OPPIOERS OP VIE OMR 130ARD:AT PIELLADUPIIIA 15 . 444 . 81'1117 44 . ,_ • pion, LIIIITSIM ( v senb Ykaorke4, .7.19np5pri774.4. pro = m oedwin, 17susam /1,1140... htedrat— i rmbreni W. Tho Akdiad Bazsdacr—PlAtoborigh. J. 11, XXLmh X, p. • Allegheny City, t o t.Marri, x 3L ARN D., war E 0 74 Italia 47742417 - - Medieine Chests of every kina for sale OWar than they out b. 1M elsembers. at ICEYSEDI Dm ,Dterr.l4o Wood stmt. ,ul4 - • -150 nee, Quinine for sale at GEYSER'S tattoo stmt. , - Dul Pont Powder,-,Every Tariety, Rifle tithing and Dtuting Powder, In 'an die vicarages alwir On hand &a for Ada h' Maanstni, In , tote to lint I'n thorn, on favorable tenni. Ahollakty ?nor. ' ' • . D. W . Q .DIPAPLIa illaindaattnaearAnt. • ' t Dirmi .. 1 • 51 / Aunt exert, Plttabonda i . . _ . 50 grope l'tt'Lano's Liver Pills and Vermi-1 11ola pg. low at Kriaatrii Drag Stare;l4o Wood ESSO 'and Comfort—The ;,Confonnator MOl booked from P 6214 queer 1 , 131 U the Rat to - the smilax shave of. tlieliasd,fio a farwlist toY awy wthe fragl. saeldaua .4k mat. It ilia imail Hai asYla-Rie at 71 Wood sf.. . . *WNW .111r;VOIXILAR, Y F bra i ds .constant,*on bantoutd Ibr iniblaNdP 111 4111010 Dr natialisj w.ananmracattraziovisrlas Wiceition and liver vomptaiaCured ICIERSPETROLETIM.-ILoad thitfolltorfor; fetter from Dm. 0. Inelrorroo, Minimu' fn Oremm: Ma. IL M. Sara—Dear wifehavitig been wrath busefitted by the too of your Petroleum, I wish to have you rend ae a box of tat, or three down bottles. I an, the Congregational Minister in thls place, and several of Mr Wade are affected wlyr bullgestlma and an Mention of the liver. the .same of_ myself and ' , rife, before taking yo h y px.yr.OLVII3.I, Ott HOWL OIL. We took several bat t.oor three euh—atortt a year and half am and we have never enle,Tod m t o health fa years as ere have Rote that time. I had no taken a aingie,bottle better that fullness of the otomach which so Watteau,* the dye. peptic soar relieved. and i haveTelt nothing of it since that time. wife was also relieved from a chronic Musa, of She liver, which bad been of several years standing, by the use of your Petroleum. Sold S. M. KIER. Canal Basin, OP.O. lISTBEP,' 140 Wood sk; and Tenurgiata and Medicine Dialer. every, lettere. I Pavers advertising Pet:Meant copyj oat% _ _ PROTECTION INSURANCE „C OMPANY, OF S RTFORD, Osyttal Stock, Annea HA l Premiums anxt N Western Fupd. ILO. ENUORF , OR 9OO AIED OO 1825. Policies of Insurance issued at all times on the most fal °rabic terms, against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, OR TER PERILS OF NAVIGATION By GEORGE E. ARNOLD. Amt., uth16. , 15.3 fl3I or PittsburfaundAlloshearCo. .Or. Morse's Invlgoraqng Rlivir or OORDIAL.—If It Is Inquired now thli great restorative accomplishing each extraordinary cures, women only reply that In the Arabian herb that forma Its =Mad ingredient bars been blended by the Omnipotent Phydclao, • larger amount and greeter varieties of curative propertme than he heretofore been imposed tont:let In abondreddliferent ar Wee of the pharmaeopecia. A whole medicine chest of remedies, so to speak, gems to have been combined ILI this herb; and In the ELIXIR or CORDIAL we hare their eon oentrated mance. It Is the.effect, however, not theca ass with which adore to deal In the practical application 0 the medleide. The victims of dyspneda are mired, th nervous are relieved, the half paralysed resume their activ _By, the currant from headeiche are tormented no more the weak become viguroms, the tint of jaundice leave. thr complarkes of the bilious. the deprerwal In %delta bodge buoyant, the 'tick In almost to every condition of dise.u . derive immediate benefit from the on, of Dr. here's In vigonetheg Mixt, or Cordial. Thew Lots. supported by [ mefragable moot, are presented to the iettention Of Int• aide,. who as verify them by • single bottle cf.the modi eine. The Cordial le pot up highlyeoncontratenate pintbot: ties. Price three dollars per bottle, two for five dollars, six: foitirelve ddlarn 0. IL RINO, Proprietor, DM Broadway, N. Y. Sold by Druggists throughout the Dotted States, Cana dee mad West Judie*. ileum] Agents In Pittsburgh—Pleming Bros., corner Wood and Fourth streetr, and Oro . If. Keyser. corner Wood street and Virgin alley. Also, by J. P. Inswing. Allegheny PITTSBURGH • Life, Fire & Marine Insurance Company; OFFICE 55 FIFTH STREET, Ati9NIC ULLL, PITTSBUIIIIII, PA. JAMES S; 'rocky; Pritident ClLlalZa A. COLD], &caftan . . • This Company makes over Insurance ap pertaining toor monected with LlFmaim. • - Also. sictlost lull and Cam Blake, on the Ohio sod Slivalasippi riven and tributaries, and Maxine Maas gen eral'''. And against Loss or Damago by Fire, W And against the Peril. of thy Sos and Wind Navigation "' &ll9 n re=rt ' ebe lowest rates eondatent with esfety Ulan Parties. DIMTOILIC Wta. 8. Haven, James L. Mt(1111. Alataoarr Bra Won James S. noon, Sonselhletioraan, William Phillips, John Ikon, Joseph P. Gassam, IL D. JohnbleAlpin, Wm. F. Johnston, Julies Marshall, om SSls .& lde Po t emir II • • • John Fullorkm. • Robert alway, • Ale:ln:Woe Itovnoldn, Ann etrong•Connty. Horatio N. Lee, Kittanning, osT fat Hiram C• 0 Stl.l owe, vex. Citizen's InmanCo Comyy of eittsburgh. • U. D. RING, Pruitt/IL. 8.431 URL L. MA RBIIELL, WIG OFFICE. 94 WA TER. D BETWEEN MARKMAN'' , 'WOO STRASKTS. 11111.1,181.1RFS DULL AND CARGO' IIIBEB ON TII RIO AND MIBSIBBIPBI RITR.RB, AND' Turammums sir 1111tetI against Lass or Ihrsiwatby _Ay, ALSO s na artirul TRAN the perils te'BR.A and 2 , 74.4.1%D MIFIGATIOA SPORTTION. • DZIMCIOLI , n. D. l lO , . W. Dulmer, Jr. Wm. y, " 8. M. Rio; Runnel ten. Wm. igham, Robert Danlap, Jr. John 8. D li narth. 8. llsrbstugh, • . Immo redsoek, Frauds Fellers, S. Seboonmaker,, Welter Bryant, Wm.II. Um. John Eatnto9.- NIASON'S FIRST PREMIUM DA GUER RE OTYP E S . OLD I , OBT 071110E . IITIRINO. TITIDD STREET. iTIZgNS • AND STRANGERS who wish Gto auto aocurata. artlitle and Ilio-Ilke Ilkanaa,st :LW. moderatet Pn= It t s t' r to 'i t! t noarantlodt, t 7 . : d hat i r i t Mario one °Teo, I" atr "" ltT • the purpose, wlt7h ?min d t:lents tta "r aToii, vo It i gl=l.l d arilegittrat z l„, pra: d.. 4,11... and Wow York. Mr..Neflatters himself to in able to &fork, natoce—nr of thq Art, a Arlo of Daguerrootrora, either Wooly or to groups, which ba. borer boon innnamed. ttfanns open and operation In all iroothera fr .o4l B' ..T elook X. 1,0 6o'doott, The Germans have produced some very excellent remedies fur eatiotts diseases. Among which may be swilled Iloogatur • Celebrated Blttmf,• kw sale by C. M. .lockwn—and wed with resoarksbla mew in Lim Cetnpitint, Drtycpels. renw• It.reand a general derangement or tire stomach. i t h• &mfrs. Mow!. h .y. of thisaisdirino , "W• roe! eonvinee,t, Abet to the use of the German Mt ten thspatlent don not bonne debilitate*, but constant ly otos strength and visor to the frame—w Ihrt worthr of consideration. The Fitters are pleasant Is d Z an 4 in moll, amine, be 'administered under thr stenos.. to the tent delicate vionmeh. Indmlthei used by all pernns with the most perfect safety. it would he well Ibr thowerho an much affected In the nervous *Totem, to P.M.n with one tes-epoonthi or Ins, and iinpudir CreaMe. We speak tam •sperlence, and •re„ or non , Pr0t...0.4re. The nona,Thr and whit.. have united in re contmending the Unman Bitters...and to the anlicted, tro moat cordially advise their nee. 8010 In Pltlsblultlc. by SLEMLNO BROd. Dynirdeta EO Wood it. Moo, fbr +baby GEO. KAYSER, 140 IYood •uvet.. 41,442•0/0111 DIED-62 ?needy. Sart 19th, et 8 o'clock, A. 11, MN. ET GOTTS3LANN, Tsverakeeper In the Diamond. The friends of the family ere respeetfolie *ailed to et tamd his Amend this eft.raoork et 2 o'clock, hem his late residence. Ile did not die of chokes, bet of bit old sick -0.1111. NEWAD V EICrISLIVIENTS =:==2Zl .. . PallDri Soak Pug Stock. k. tic LA. DELL, toartli and Arch eta., PhllAdelphla- will he Able to offer Aztrw intlorameots willComstrf Brum thli tall. As their kof Goods tw wm7 full, sod terwalcu 'moo the N o . Tort sod !th;L:row. Astr rwelvl.• VoU aortomntl i. A Shawl.; Plannalcr! . • ' Now Illikg lfresseh Itsiloor Aluallow , WAnlPliklAit Table &Arc . . il i a=rier. Illshllohc . , - • Sally lathe exam of loaport•Uou Wilts, AA. s: wr dull la Irr i = r pt Ofilwerf.o44, from *Amnon. ' BYRE a LANDELL , Four% and A roh sta. Poll.lelphia. 'terms imomme. nod price. low Amoral:lly. IIKAIMIIA . Tod Toys! and Fancyooodli, JOHN DOLL, Importer, .5..90.10ra Ikheven Arch d Sae*, PA,l264,paia, 4 GIST reo'd a large assortment of To and hoar v t i ttkin. h u rt jej4NB Rat Born, lbrt eirePN altar &UT.. .:Sor= torXDo hem ew, Halm and V0n.154 to ld _ Tin, Wo,l and Onalpadtion. all of width will be 03142 wholetal• and Mall at WI SO. Nina. • ••20.2.1nni" ; IVOTIOE -Sealed P. 01 by claw of lb* nbleryli t=l ny s se= trae u n= Jen. trier bony, enrols etc. ate littabarnb e 7e the posala grill bo reed tried Cbiamltta• of the Pitt* toad, notil 6 P. 3d... on Wl* . of the Ferry :lmina am Monongahela Kilo . 0 pro. Information, mph., of t stmt. &Amu. MlUtaM:=3 4 UNDRIEB--100 bl 20 Mid. N.O. Bagar; ntscori 42 , 16.66, ke 1I 10 do k i .mood Twin dor, 6 do tio , orsl Leaf do; - 13 tiV,.°o.?..rdrrbi dro butoold a dly'o,Cialk do otar ds[ • do palm Iknp, 3: 11:.12.d,k 4 (0 do Alogid • wollol Sokg I a, do (111to•Traospnentda 10 do 111111.617 6lndoir • • lb dos. Ka MO (Wren , : 10 d !Amon • 006 4. RloOodorj Van Ula; 10 do lkgasyr• *Jail dce. beaaso tiradvd do: 10 dos. Sod Made 0. alolas '23 EAU ettetta Y. l ow T 1: 3: To ttfod:Vat last Teal 40 catly Asa do d 0 da 40 do suredo prim Aram To; 10 bsA 10 do 11loga A Mole:: . . . 1 680 6006,610466.11 Vara 11010616 10 lbece 1116001061.6 1 : 3 : V•61,4.43= .... I bid. Noland% . • do Clorm do fol - 1 1 do Cram Tun r. 30 mots Coat* tod 27) 1 • toe Y.dttsAdt:tuilot. do '1.11,...21.K g%l2Ear MO do Amorted riaui t Rm 'tiioij & U 2 Wood Oren. Q BEMS. MACKEREL AT AUCTION— Iy O. rr,idai nadot. Zd 2 o'clock_ at Ile ' On aarr. Rooms con= or 15 cod awl 12tt KM, •UI be odd, 2i) LW. ideckere..ll.od .flids• Rad Y. M. DAVIS Amt.,. VALUABLE FAItAt. FOR SALE.—T.o enbecrlbar oA.i fbe eale hls firm on the Northern Turgplke, user Matra Townjo OM county. It costal. 117 aeree.-90 none domed, and Ne ree/dt,erell Mahan .1 and watered. Lloseetope and Roue Coal of the bunt atennule bury throughout the whole term. 'no buildings and Improvement. aro In good order. and of • qualit suitable. This y farm hi 13 miles from the city, 6 mtlen from the nearest Mattlle on the Central railroad and about the atm Maumee from the nearest natio. on the Allegheny Valley railroad. and •1111:ei Old low and on easy term.. Apply on thentendeos to_• • WILLIAM TuonnioN, CO 60 M.V14021 XQLICf. Attorney), dr19411.1` •• • N. N et.. Pittsburgh. -0 A it D Extensive Stook of line Stationery. YBIOXLN7S7RATOR SALE. AND 01 JAWS KELLY. DEO'D. Oo Monday Morning, 25th inst., at 10 &ca., 'WILLBE SOLD, AT No. 9 Commerce st., v ronsastabis. sn the stock (atheist.; lamer X.U.y try order or tae ihamlaistratn. axoprielog over tornaty thownod growl or MU Nos of tilt flora sad_ most alp WcTiN __ rWVlVA.,....__lllsolt Tat 44:44rIPLZ. o rt cartrbttr :IT :A cornstry itarekorprn aria partkoJars ‘ll.l rartrbol lo prloW cats. loaner, sod tar stock krrarlorl for ersminwor. day. D.A.MItO sale.' M VILA& O. ACKEY. dr.lo4td Armin. rr. Adminblntor's Notice: THE undersigned ha taken out Lettori of Aamialstaktion tivo . rest , " of WM.. litelmrt, I*.u. of Dow TovraAlp,daed. parsons ladobtool to add :VW will can apo wittd4 tho sun. and than hula/ aid Wat.wnljpicorat liana far teptU.amuat. poltotrtleT Y. D. PENDLES. Ado Y.. nau Tp. :n: : Cow:ndty to Society.. 411 / 1 3; Tor Western rennsylvriaa, New Tort. Pltra an. Eutern Ob 10, vill bs bold ta T v Usbargb. oa tra &I, l i. t.b.. 6tb, and :s. l3 dm of k. = Ll ' is f agr larr'zaskalget=ralllel Wort, O=grrii ......Pdaled al I.ltall o ff E Ye Avitul• r.i.ir fs t i=a b i a , %land:Wary, coma P rea at.. and Cadre al .r,weirre .It mum alai addreiril la O. P. Werra, •limo,* prompt attlagamettt , n , as Pcm. to SS ars gar • Par v acr u rteatakspa and Lyn aookark rt. 1"' n .2 1 ,4 1. i t/tvr , MIN (Witte nor 1 Wu sad at, yATE 41preaus, 1 Mire, i=bw , M7M7 • • • :THE, Haimitiariest • :„...;,\„' I : O *ELL ,3I ASON'S , N.EWIFORK-. , • 'IS Bbi. nwir. ''•- ri COXTEINS NEARLY LIDO PIECES: \ .die the most extemaro mileetion of the kind ever 'lnh ibited. There are TUNES OP 120 METRES, " • MOM: TITAN TO ANTIIBtIB. .4 ether Set Plems. besides nuMe[ol l / 1 Chants. •In THE'i SI!fGEW- Nel[ool DEPIETMENT,' which is more exteissin and complete than 1..7 . elmlla work, theM are ' • 340 Ex He —anises, Rowels, Glfiej, and an entirelytiew feature, entitled • . \ MUSICAL NOTATION IN A NIJTSIIELL, win be found moot *n1016161. SHORT schooli. \ In connection trifle nearly all the tunes \ , nrsrutaityrAr, INrEar.vvEs \ are prietedi and, In wine ems. secompanimads tirroa • oot.. The =mai! of the Irv , ' , Trztit resembles Meld • • •• • CARMINA. SACRA \ •• •'• • In It a general eharseteristnn, se being 8!..118 , ..tt0." .ble .d durable. Price lu New York, 57,50 Bee dun. ref/. t - Teachers and Leaden of Choirs can Dave earn. elniile copy sent for essuilnatkrn br maB, partiald, on re Ittyur us GO mute. Pnblllben by , MASON BROMISM, \ M Park Bain, New Inrk:L - B. B. musssy k CO., 2.0 Cornblll, Beten. p4lll.3kl43twilt Engno\rattie. • QIIORT.HORNS di'DEVONS, the to two but breed. to the world are puramed it • border and forwarded to any part rf America, by Mr. (b)% V AN: Land Agent of-Lando. .Manor, near Barnetable. Deem:whim win= residermeit will be °berm od le to the antra of the Dean breeding dietrict and withinnfew hours by railroad of the home of the Short Hope , 31, 0. was regularly bred to aterfaultare. •odhaa ha 30 y nuu experhmee In the gelation and tramming'. ...retook fur partite; resident In various parte of Ireland— has been aeurde.ll7 premium. by Agrkultural gaieties for cattle and atm , op bad by himself—bee been selected m o Judge et Cattle Exhibitions on 13 different occesions. and gentlemen In America confiding their orders to Men may expect have;them well executed. Terme 2ti per amt. on the purchme. with triveling petme Paidomd all permeate made before the Cattle am ppe.L Refinances In America to Mr. Charles Mama& 47 N. Para et., Baltimore, or Mr. John McDonald., Coving ton. Ey. lIMIL Amerlcaul •• ee16.11/1 A Chance to Make Money. P , •• - ROFITABLE.AND:IIONORABLEEU PLOYMENTI—The aulawriber L &drew of barfly! an Agent In eselleouniand Town lath* Union. • 11 taw Hal of from b to $lO a wlll to required, sad anything, like an efficient, encrget am make rrOM a to a 5 per , day;—indeed some of tbmAgente employed am reall sin a . twice that mm. Erery information will I: fr alren by ad (fwetawe WM. A.EIN LER. ee12.7. tkrr. 601, 7h o adelph Portal:lee. • „N OTICE--Straved or stolen from thrt residence of the Sislweriber. near Lowolfeill 10, on Satonlay, Sept. 11th,1564, ons Mack log a pony, about 13 hands high, and had ou \ her two [narks by which she maybe known.. She had a*ardars•- moat on the off olds close by the flank and the.halr hod been taken off the huh of the near ova She is • &heat 15 L'"111.1","1,.`,T 1 ..i,r -- 0,°211 1 .TV YttfeVrt:7l l l.ntl'r: relber or Cobb ' en eie=be, In Lowellelne will be 1 • Hy resweolr7wdl. JOHN SCOTT t* Le.ethue, Matmins Co ., Ch ~, Duff 'aCollege. CC LASSICAL and :Mathematical Depart; went. Monts and Tema per revalon .ot 20 acelts,N, Parable by the Cl ai n t o in advance, Regular day Clan In Latin, tlevek, .31athamatIos. „an. \ 9 to 12 a. re. and 2 to 40. 0, Evening In atattlek motto, 2 t090. v. $2O. French and Ocratart, 9to 12 A. It ~ and to 4, and 7to 90,1 t. t2O. Ladles Mai in Math. mantle, Wodneaday 4 to 6 v. v.. Battuda7 9 to 12a. mr. 1110. No pains or o pet nay be !roared to maka Ulm depart.. men, of the College worthyo nat./nag. 1,017 • P. H f AYDEN, k„. Principal. (AROCERIES-;43.0 butpq, choice ai7rted,. .biands TTobao.l I • ' half ebestx Y.ll. and 0. P. Toof • • ' , ' •• Irgi catty lus. , do do do do: • 420 '4° g.....-- 'tic. M. Pimento; . ~,... at taus pp.: 5 ego. Mazdlla alld liert . ,.l jsdlty2 . , s p... -6 o bids Clovem t 0r0thg.. " ,„ .. 7, 9 =4 4 n 0d f is.t. by r.l 4 81(11P ER L DILWALTII,I3O A 132, 24 51.. ~ i y IME-50 bbls. fresh for sale ipr EU son HENRY .COLLINS.s. ROOKS, BOOKS—JournOy to Control Af flea. by Bayard Taylor; Legends of Laconia; Isabel (*rollton, by Knelled Glen. A fel. cope/Bud reed and an saln .% CO, ad Wood at. IVILIFFLIN ON RAILWAY . CURVES— SAMNA of Location or modasoflikveribing rtal " I lrftin C 9; nigainitra=4 tb.. selD - • : CO, Waidet:' • ITY PROPERTY FOR SALE , - Dwell ing Maw of MIL 4 rooms, ffpLMd attla sad collar. Clot is 20 by 90 ft, slttiated on tot at., near Grant: \ A welt tialsbod house on Witte st.orttb lot t'g Mtn. Wt. A &let Flows an 6th st, with lot 27 ft twat bylooll. 1 3 14 3"7 Ih hr "o H ome on d iitod told .. others In various la:attar:a, and on easy terms: \ want • boner, farm or bolbling lot, the plata ta Is at the Real Estate Ogee of Doll : 8 CDTUflgltT !EON, 'P,LET—Firest • floor of a - good - EweEin 00. ou 111.4. 4,0(2 paikm. dining room. Web oallar,st $l2 per mantb.' Inl9 01:11/ULEtT ISON. 140. 8d it. YUlit IC SONS' tOINIKIROg 4tl,t— b t : few casks ofthis eolebrated Al, Ihr Web y the F oldox.;by • 11. SUTTON. Na 12 Weed Pt. -•- • • i . CI, HUFF— bbta. Gaerrtt's Philaqlph Nep--- , - rzri AMON. No. I 2 Wkd st. lk t 9 U ---- I WrijOODS-9thate ren'ut an 1 Vret n..i.: ku.A •lane assortment arinnantis • giallo i llin.t.ii - • Duet Until& nii pm Prartstt &tor poi 4 IlrisAism PArekettg , , V ik" DlZa V.l* Lyons. ClotluC . SlornmAl a, Ad: selfil A. AU SON A 01. ..AA EGGS -4 bble. Tee and forenlo,br - I eel 9 MAY / LVTAINI F Fish, Trout, &c., ft) eally no • array u. VIIEESS-179 Imot for sato by \. . • • a..) .19 . 17337er u. co Al OURN I N G GOODS, HOU il w i 1.11.1300D17-ILsoan RAM leatejontree''d s lame mess of the stove nods, to vt.1.1. ther tante the Ono of their eantenen and the nubile . , r... , QUAKER Undershirt/ an. ' 1 ` LWe 1.7 CAMBIUM 74 Wood at. Nt. thane '. ne - I mode. .. rltihtlififfli--A. A. Mas on et . CoV , se 17i V ii r "h2 trl eV. 4 all A.4l.DZWllleir New .tile finer FVee Trimior . \ • .. . :,. :. ^ •••• Mb= a • • “ •• Y7l Galloon dm • ' • Velvet Frlngen Velvet Iluttoon • . Mullah dm . Mak Teimentagg jail der flair anew ',SUPERIOR WWI' k SPRING WAGON AS AIUCTIO7I- Oa deader afternoon. Pent-let__,b WAGO N 3 Dein*, at the Cenomeletal Fan Roones.mmer of Whod asd Mlh eta. will be MC oanotrpnlerr open top Dow, and one ratetsalla oselsorps egrlariVssoig, mode to Or der. of heat material..._ sel7 P„ Y. DAVID. Awn. L ITAPI,I.I & FANCY DRY GOODS, 44 - , AT AUCTION-On Wediendir_oporotax. Rept.' Ihtty et 0 ednek,. at the Clonoternial Pal. room. earner Of Wend not eLth Reda will t. .Id without reserve, to glom • cowl eat, a team] seentment of anannahh, Foreign and le DrY Uooda. among w Mtn an m e a nt Poe cloths, estlnetht ..o . eandenneet bleached ant brown stdrtioan and .b.. lost, fel. Rana de • ' Cohan; flotba. idpmut /Inert: Duworht 1 / 4 70,47 ••• •• I denver, 'elven, Mtn. gearboxes, Matte. 'Lawn; • • • hoeftur. &Meek .ineek sUk blinnlosst patent thread.ldet onanuty of lota lnnen lota ea , • . . V I , +, 11001(8. BOOKS--Lite of Sir dance Mack litoen 2 vole. ' mbn Works. I won; . • . Lord Ilehonn alstory of Etilnd, 2voln . ' Denee °end Roth and Igen • •___ _,' I. Nellie Itendalreenean R suborner'. Nat.lllohoril Appleton'. Popular Library. ea voter • Arrelda iL anre=hiter: letorr 10 .17 "tu 7 IL a nostvi r r ll at ea Illiiikei at oTHE Natural History or the Sacred Seri , toms sgull Ovid. to 00n...u - zooloer. thostrstnl,,r ante of tame hundred colored engraving., the wunle arraneed ead_wtittne hem the beet and mat modern us. ihotltleal DY W. 4 Bleknell. 4 vols. laso.. • • sorr . . A. s. BOSIVOIIiII i 01 MURPHY BURCHFIELD have j iWC - g:r4 . 4 mi ► rg k .gl" l ,!,B=ribTl Trend h Melina so lere e% per yard: T=Tetripeal agured; laldx • -• withi,TcLuz= • larVgaTAX.d slug sod Orleans Clang Yreach Ernlnoldes,•Tery lam • sortmenli !kw Cum.truniall morrtmkat Mut /retch Ch, • Bluk Doeskin cUreearta Tattl i = at Al' iler ' a= "M"lr r &A l = its. - *t. LINSEED 0 10 bble. jest reed by N. IL. "di* We es . mum BM.. SUP. CIABONXID - 86trac:400 kegs bag. aed Ibr We by : "Ctich j I ARRY'STRICOPHEROUAIr—S. mess on 1 band awl freadator .. W.M. IMO& i ONET.ISQAPB-!-25 geoid : onband 4i II solo . • we • ^ = MN° BEOL VAPORATINO DIBOEB-100 various olio on band sad Ihr Webs ?MING BROS. N..E k IV BOOKS=-Fashion and Famine, to. Mrs. Ann B. Stevan.. In 1 val. lbw; .' . of Varian., by J. B. Janos. 13.1 velliaelt : Idlam ladle'. Now Maaelpl4 Bs gentian, let A . 2 use. • Mr ooplas of the &Love Just vre'd and kr We by Nle • • - KAY 411 CO. 11l Woad et. KLEGANT. DRESS bOODS.—:-A. A. Ma,- .0 a On. des atm In yaoelpt otiorira mod of rich Goods, all Waded •Itd Mad Ws* dB id* "." ld BOd Park, at leo than coot aka dorms:no, compridlog Mc!: Black ilirtudd Sake do Piald aad rtrlacd /cc do Browla doF• • .. . . • do Gm de Illdo • et . . Cam.* fillia--lkdored. lUld . 241 E11117.4 13ila • do Pots .• Ikl.r. do do Broods and ilaured; Pa& 1 erinow, Ow do Plaid; "'lt'd Warned grid de isloog Cos French 0 WSW.= lad C.Writms • poi* A eIIEAP EOM' FOR SALE • cc;ivaistiiii g..°Z.T.t1f"" 4 ;.r.u....dV.V1,71.49..nt, - IrttitUkted 7 entice from . tularttutt. Vs., ow ths laik4lng to Bruceton. 1 1100. In ow ps.ymett A 1.., •Ihm mt.(' on. 0311. from 9rue.too, on tb• llontootolro toroplko. of 4tXl ti arw, wed. 1. gogog i n t r i = . ll:aittitr of W. perm. mld d . CUTIIIIERT & PON, 1 ,9.1 it. L'NGLIEILE PUTTY—Ia . casks just tec'd pa nu tit. • • !lELVANO BMOC T LAOKBERRY BRANDY.-3 quitter ca*. of ltd. sllyertaartkls so blatdy tscononscded r Dysordes7 and viardans. Jan ses'd sod ra oak, by tar cask i rdlon a boat * Rood and , U. aUTTONa.. It SALE;--A Goo Farin On Chostiors Cr.t.oontaltkas• well looltroYed, oalf 0 la fra• VI. • gtod ammo boom satl !DJ imf: the bout of If K. my. It to offered 1 bsvo • Prla BArbtor th the oetcrhhtlo• offil7 nambar of farm, country mats, boom.. sod lol s kiob .0.1, Imo elm to toy ortlo Cab to boy v i z .11 Ind onetfbed WC. A Amowortalout Orr 6. on eelotf , - - 1110fL W lei ltb et. EIBROID.ERIES--A. A. Mason' /c OW . • m ar . l7l4 , = ,.avw god inplecalldlot_Oltso.t ...4 aatl l .l4aleaCdlsSiereq, Embralmo& Bodt imA Vamtrrte CM embetta "ad Wad_i+. Umbria II dinjlslacmw. sad Whit.. ki.." ), 1.4 La. ' =Jam .wasv !ad lasaitAnza • Mall az:. II • 111DILF8-- lar Plain Gras ig s,Linen; tg Hemstitched i v ex d wg i tzs t se worlislikt, sir A. A. MASON WRENCH MERINOS- A good srtiole wo if sass at Ma ell t. MOON t COM iOIIBE AND LOX 9ti su rottr e rtihmort.gu m •• . • • otr — , 7 - — .tri 5c5.75•1747, . \ • \•,. • - . • - \\!). \:\ Ti e :MO ER GREAT SALE. OF ARTSVDILOGER T. 110CECLSTEB. 111,1AYEIIIIDOUnt. rt., October oth tad 10th, 1854. TiIE hiitaski bidders, on the days above named. and noon the , 1 reemiesa, Leo h.ndr, Ipo, Duals and-leava of gproand. with mural bolitUna. Ae.. In tbe Retarder. Bear r t.lg 3 tPenna They will als j r k" 7,ntee Yr : t, lease far terto7of poem valuable coal lands. stone I quarries. bad. of Bre ela .Iran are. &a , near the Borongh. and convenient bUtO meal, _rivers and rail ! ' The Terms tg . ,„ !will he At dawn, . fo ens darn yeara,',A; throe t interest lad per cent:, per.annom; A deduction Of 6 per,omt. will ha made 114. frotept payment of \ the Mineipal, dam in ongs, two and Bide wins at t ' th A e same timalgtarryina. hauling and laying too or thousand Of atom: Br making, or far making and flag: cm* Ilion of build. , ing brick. and for making Onetotilloo of Ore brick; Co re. 1:60.112jC10,000 etibln yards, of akrM in euttiniudearn and dDlrrg np greets; and far loradingt, garbing Lad laving , 0000 mapartidal yards dill& landing: also, for tha opt &marts. thrtnabiti an I ..fhor.,the mater mail ork 'allAte above otreczlty.r.Llffni,.?.l cardada 7 t b i n , ll. l dingt r agnedian \nrit d !rl, perfect title* \ Plats and Maps o r the p;o r pc:t m. , and &sedition! Of the nu t _oniatry, do, may- be had by, application to nay of Mowing named mantle/ors: I.Wr tesPos r.ve reddeoces or places of tosalnem. as atom; Serval!. Pladmi4 l awingre end specification with rofsr acted to mow. Ma a. e., de • reattind aa above. Ilia to exhihltal at the oMoq of thdC.o7nPen.T. In Bembitater, I tha dared Oetaber, : In addition! to the octothCaillactOrT Tam 03.. t Bach asterchine Shop. Ream mil* /M., now being e r ected in stach aster. arrangements, are - already la program. Por the erection of half • dorgna ether - mean gettablishe meat., to be driven by ate Tr. Also , an extensive Peng- Inmy. salami Churehes _ ti llotel. UP= ths hill. but `anti the railroad d t and steamboat latent. , These improvementa. with‘the contemplated early emit elation of the Cl ement and \ Pittsburgh railroad bridge anon the mgluth of Beaver, Into Rochester, and the no &newt denof , and Platte attachments. es also liberal and Tedve Improvement i of the Public landings and streets the Borough countlt, and %location, at thia place , oftwo or more ertensire Mal ye forshipplng coal down this Ohio, will Insure am:Airman of lireigi times at Roth. enter, and reciulrean Immense arno n t of labor foryeari to It is oilier . ..tad thit all the italic ed, proprietor., with many of their friends and associatea. \Yenta the East, will be present at the above ale. la October.: - M. T. C.,(lo 3 ULD N ltoetrter, Beaver Co.: Pa., , JOTIN TIIO IPBO. ,L `CV k JOHN L. NEWBOLD. , Philadpiptda., • WALBRIDO&N. BTEPILEV D. DILLAPB.. ORIGEN TA .Ii DLNHUBOH,f Symms" IC T. . . BY STETTRSIBOY , t'BROGORIF,.. • BUORANAWSIVILARF. Off SET -- XONTEMORE'D}i.• 11 Ql$1' FRIDAY, 20Elt Septomber,lB.s4, at the Auction . awaken llnehanater calks SODA ABU, reeelred direct from the JorrW rel/lng CbamlealWorkaliiewessile-uponayne:, • iCertl6eatse of tests will be Jaren at the rale. \ .• sel6 , 7td Walt Amer) STEVEYSON k BROODEN.... • FANCY' CHINA STORE, 65 WOOD STREET, - PITT3DCROI!, JUST ImporteilAnd now open a full wort ,ctientlYzencli and Enelleh Gilt and White and 'White and Colored Stone Chine; Common Ware milt*. ble.for eon ntry trade. •e16.1m IL IIUUSINSO];, BOOTS . ?ec WHOLESALE \AND. RETAILS JANOS . \ ROBB. fs9 MARKET and O\ Union sts.„ 311 door I from th e Market House 'Pittsburgh...mid intbra has just peed hi. P:Usirk . o4 l l32: Allinitieg • , varieties. His Stock I one of 410s:tont' ever opened In '.111.1 city and sorirreces everything irorn by the ladles of V i r i lVslehls.aelrj: , :sk. and Boston; s ad he trusts eannOl at_ has Well. Oran in selecting 'the eto j ileest goods. ail of which be warrant. • \ le also continues to msonfaettuw,sollseetorbre; all ',Ws ‘seiiptlmts of Boots and Shoes. and from his long eines/. s.e crone .10 years to business In this ' It Is. he trusts. sedent gnarsatee that thaw. who fa •• him with their . Padirreairs. will be fairly dealt with.. , sold Iligkorman for an Iron Works Wanted. JXQLLERMAN competent' to Ant& Iron. ixeivorimmrilanuretingra , Iteiewtory Sale 'of 'Property' , ' TirE tot - vv . , —, On reivrrh at., iwiajreen, • ..51arket and rear. Wog In front CO It. and extend , log bath 85 0,4 \ more or lent.with the traildlno thatcon , Mnotedawill to Offered kw sale by "tape mirth:al, on BAT• ola i ntl qz 3. 4 WP T, r taltie 4 li tP. ,_"'"•,'^'"l'"", Wenn. will be Made known at trme of pale:, sel2tst. , \ CABZETS.\ OIL CLOTHS, Ac. - ' MoOLTINITOCK .t, BROS. are now V V %eonstontir ireeiring their gigl stoek of -Carpet log, 011 . 41 atm 800, Watt, kn. 0n which we Invite the at tention et those crUhl.ft. to fornithlthtels. Bioamotwde, or Hoorn& hitting Imported and minded our Mork from [he .l best reciatim and with ninth are.. Otu• atcek consists of the newestand h r a t stile*, atilt , . Muffs \ rcdrd A r a, L'l. 41:.,1. o:rusa" c OpOrts in= Ftre follow. r u er th fentzvito a m ,,,LAv, \ _, I ". 717`;'Y 'l, \ , , , a ..,,!:Bil' 0.1; .i•.\ . 1 .14.. `Mao—Switehllaid.:Porowak ce nt i n, Twi t -4 end Plain Venitiante4w. ts, est, 4-3;44., sod 2-4 at ar, nag k i" ti.gfOri =ln n , •I r ri,...d-4, 4 ' 4\ ,nll - 3-1, wide: 1311 C et On Clo th &oral4in% tint:wide, of new, iT v elcimnt striae. , 1 4 , 1 . . al mit tp r .17 4,11 , Z=, a wain *Veltl76.l:llCrogilrarn. sad Cool :a...1 Plano and bla Cam. Stair Rods, Tabin Linen, \ f''t and Un-_ en tlenkluir, Com, tinsmith arritthina slat.st lkorlku I. laa l ltan o taall Widths and Style; Linen anA Worilen tireetr A lluff and O t il h 'rnu . iiiketnnt W i indow shiiiec Gm. 1. 'ler WI \ dia : =Ces, and al they t too ladlo d a 0.8 . 4 t (Rent \ e oak wreelot ilr=si to ur . otiv a ii ire isPcdtwthin OftVeirrd. Mune, and dildWn alive ) is, atm nrnotnnpmwmuillty_and as lirs.th t ree ss _fen be P.` ~ 2-7“., u 2146'1,'1.'07f.,144t:, \ V4' „I'wll`,3/744"":;rocP"reTBrInCrsr ,140,31_7, .. - . . '", ',. :\ •:%; AGENT \ - ..,..:z For Selling aid , Ituyi* , Pater t altightii... ,1111£ aubscritier, , having • learned from his l.terso u ni Irlai.Pateptre and with whams who' wore dead sons to toll Most \Hi to fur, Mks. IL:Moths; Stat 4 &e. as ,vrell es with, tit ers who Irish to forrehese inlet tights. that ad &Feat to‘traniwet that kind of bad. nem ortis mesh welded hart, hall dedernoned to devote his time and his obit/flea to the oZ:ei of thogoebripay de • Ple emplor Lim.' dging himself to at folly to an ti.attera o i,.' tnasted toVelm.. he oonoludiky \ s.OnrWti the pobilos‘to the followiig torthnordsi eta tit. the citizens of l'itte. • harsh. An, . i, ,' ~ ••, , - iOB.E. .9 It.:F.ATIxi. \ _ .MO SE - . , -i . , F ong rasa. ,ttiist,l7ll.lB.`el...:, The subSiribris have long halt:acquainted with Ur: , Moves Y. Eaton,wnd have no hesitation Ls reoenuronsdirag : hint to all who ;day wish to tontiloy hia *nines, as a gut; too of undoubted integrity. and iruloihtigmblaindustrf,l o , elpiesereitione t svevyreliartee.pleif: ke.44_iii . ~. --- , \ tic " .. = 1; 1 / 4 - ,A. . K1.r4=1), "r7 . - -- yr. 11. lila, \\ \ 11. Childs A kP- .' t.\ ~ ife. it. Friend: • ~• \ i grantor Se ro.. " : PEARS' 311LLS \ FOR RENF.Theee, • anlashla e•d oarY non FLOORLYO lint. 74 and , • , MILl• curbed. arelaow for not low ha lam Freund • • • torsintand ornharkhla In another bineeer. Shook • hare one of {ho brotters,rowera lc the coontrl,. it:gar t ille th. 2 aileirlf carer n. ltZ i" drektml.,-4 • 0. et Lock of thy Lanai," and the Plttaburgh ital.,•- • land Woad. '.Thom la In ozneroplatkni WO haobarly !toweled) and white built. a rainmad from Dar lots. to Ina peer, whleh will make tharcaurnuoloatlon to thy Mill good the_roar throns. \nth SIMI: la. eery desirable locatkne hr senior shoda, maod of matt, dnlot .A • • g.zdbirrhtobrnaaa.liof • iMil pWir gliiiii!r:a, .01 do :,:r10..u..0 v a nif tVelrnn . P=. as thoy us drterminaktorrnt avAbtorreanah lore *arr.. , \ DA t hISL HUT, 1.. Spear a Ulna, Coloratura Oio. L' . . .ileldrran s filth' d'orrT,lkeirtreoo.,_Pann'a, or 0 "7 \ . . , . J. D.ITrUART. s • . ‘ IledonLlns, Pltlabarkoh v. AU `4 , IISTRAL--thie, of the - bet \Hair Nirir ii. h aatral=tltitiLVlV. i ;EXTRA AIIILT \''OEFESSEr FitiOtkOa. 0: haul *ash. by ~ . , •',.. \ 4. • Ir.BILA:: \ .- • • • raplehr . . N - . \.:: .., :-.., 1 /4.Waterat. • 1 .1 , 102.5 fos4 rh ne Rice arrinn JOLn mnd.fm C;iftl3P StoD • .AWB7.:-20. \ Rai, • 0 fe d — e — o ' . t. jr-Pm.gif-. 6 - - c-N "a 1071.4 WATT 200. . •lITALL PAPER2O boa and formic - 7i ; v Y. intauldoo ariltertlon Of Payer Mutat% ',helm ' Ml= i X• „( tPsolrirtiMd r iioi ' r b ,. ard‘f=Tr flwr7 riar glared sod mamma: all I no • earlooa,acyle Oft'looinit• ood neon. ouch ea vairoloncd.Oak. • din.* Marble. M..hr‘sOY, Waloot. it, , ,,, ...king , .itoother an earcolsoant that cannot be excelled In quality. quantity 1 or low prier, by any hoax Worn orthe Alloahony. Mourn !Ws. Prkwa t. tv . front 100 . 4 . r t U ,, , eriona do 1 ,, ,, , , , &Amo ln r o[4. 14.• nonmeta usur l] r turned to I . .1.1 • • - WO P 11.611 Mar et. 1 : 0 I' vv -I BEEN. PAPER, for windoic. , blhidet) 14 . IA ad aalluoglosaln for eal•hy Tlslo:ih.P.l - \ 'BRANS. -.130 bask. Small WEute Benne in sttessatfreslasbr.. . ULLA I.IQ9EIT, del{ . ‘ • • • TOMMor ot. • RUNS +l:9 bb4. Whit!! 10r7r107 - . 4.1 *125 IIcC4NDLYSES. HEM. .t co. W 1 NDOW CURT. Ani.gra gs i g: uuMlh, by • bbTs. ' ••lke aidelatir lu ritas BANB-50 bbi.i.m.o white for saJo by mow , • - . A , 4‘111.1.D. • 031.F • THINO NEW—FIoOd rind Field, or TAW of liattlegi on Loa . lAA ha , Lt w.s. Meal, A. I 4 Nests of &ilium, kir . J. /11! Jamie. Term Leave 4th supply. Elder Ague% or Calmat Ut IPostgatad Afkga. Vor .""4 f*"")14 65'" letielry?2,. ° 4% - .., .Ti!! ... clustreed bt • • ... & . _____ OTENTlCifela:NOTrillill'll.- colebrnteil lasad esaltettnxl Tobarm.-ICcally bon/ or this Btaprrke. Tobarmr Ude day need and for Ma try wl{. • . %M.N. BUTTOWNG. 12 Wcrxt.stayet. O LD "MAOLORY" COGNAC' BRAND](: • One lAlt pipe qtto l ,ba k o. Web:me , Ct)L7r , Diaz. b the ' ''' 'dar " t n ' m tottlo st%e new tl.tior l rx: 4 7,114 4"4 NUTTON, VOR'f WLNES of various brazils and quai l silts no. riadvien dlnet Ina tn. taw** O nr WM. U. roans. Nn.12.1f Ind tn. rMW . FOR SALE, of 132 iterei,l situate as tbstveekte.steer_suee.4 mike shoes WA... soo end Di h a t n* die; Mance in • mod dais et cal* ' . u o ° , 6 ° a. diokedimber mid well wedded A two Midi ho a harn eith atom, boadhenta imitable out= fr ii i r— A pule and Pau h orchard with abundance of other teem of choice dualities. Nice 130 L.r 1141 . 0. lamas our aim, can to had de dock and famine imokineuielii Mi nable horarVowel dotting Ltd Thpueblng Mathlngr. *a— lit)] C• mid id:prima H. CUTIIIIFhe A hoe, •• aeli • Real Edda Arta. .140„.1.1 VIRGINIA MANUFACTURED TOBAG. 014 • x'-84 bons Daniell. 11.1neo o. est bluff sod rte.. 4.. .4 0 has. 114tchoft 10R• ' $ $O O . 6do Horan 111 . 411.'s 10 ' d6 J0u .. 4 . /two4 24 do T. L. ktoon 10e. $0 . room Crooptoteo 4 OM • •' A. 1. 10 bw.t s tuNao , ratm • 7 by. P. Loots mond.; 26 bog. Jot Warroz4l. - The eve, Invoke. Iwo diva as o 4 trona 0roro," and will to fold 74$1.orttirto , 4 \ • ,014 ILAILDY, fr 00... $ll WWI _ ROOK 9, BOJK 8--Tho 121143=1\0t ExtOtud Vategt B Mi lu Zil• elik4 itti 4 lanai • LLII. of Qom% Elltabo by So Q. , ; \ )I...i,'A A4Vl l .l . ,l4bblehai4 \ Visle Anan t ettt.,_b A.S. BOOM° a ler /co, st— • PriliE Am "cianMeecellantu j. LAI • go, br rroddo Wood • IL 12 . 7 ('COUNTRY 'EAT FOR.SPIT A beau tifel Connle7 Nest, ebeetiaree .‘• the !!‘r,. oe ask mall= vsnia, Tor rist.• • Nv- - =s; east. C IAYING'. GADSe hoial . Metal gul hasid far 110!", low? " came % "1 / 4 **,32 Wool K; \ AucTION ifALk P M. DAV TS, Atiatioheer. asks Rams. corner ineOUSEHOLD &IiTiCitENVIIRNITI7RE 'At AtletlON.,--On \ \ nu ock. at the ..ad..e. T :c I INAV I ,. 4 . Mil"' " ' -s, eroacft Garcia . wnt Gould.* MU . Alip o t • o ll • \ l en i o , byrhonsehtdd toad kttchaolarunorn nada hu been in au but %abort titan. corutudno-ourm a top pao. .. at attiVAl l , l J'Xi ma tt&Wat=ttgari= 4 r e :42740 1 1 b1113d t . ALre s zsgi t z boo r . , ~, ..,,,,,,, to.i tt . . , \ , nalltstatotAr ta — laden and ro , ,: .sou oil et eau , and oueurnau. _coup ' oda 0, - , \ .kitehen final larg cooking %anti/ail*. \• .. , , ‘,. , Alao-upartor ' refrikesalap, - hat to,l ut Oh thou ',' Woo, an. ...11 1-- ~-'' • • Lit- DAYPa. Ataten \ • ,-n.--.---- , „ , . -,....1.,.._. LI ALE OF- STOCIKS - AT , AUCTION-On 179 Pridai arenintnliept. 2211., at T. 4: O'cloek_. at thn It* , cbadta , Ktahugo. ith it-; lel. t. told, for cam ' , Strout \ ' \ =shares Dank of Pittalouttit 0 do Kacbaake Batik ...BUnr. - • ' ,' \'', \ do 10 do.. 11ancheater Savhl , 73ana Stoc. -.., '. • ' . • 10 do \ , •Pittaleg; Oil. and tdrrillo Tel Stoat • ',, ~t.,.-, , ', 30 do \,, Monongahela Nay. . • 22 do ' both Aplerleall )11014 . 1( Co. • • dot-- •,, : . in. do Ohio and Pa. Itailnuad , i, do ' . dot •- '. , . . 10 do Citizenelturount• N. 4 ° ‘- ' 01, ,,.;. - i y pp do Waatern do .. , /.4f. DAir 414ieti". ;• • • ~ . , groclaanation..,N - ' •:. ' . - \:, •_ I ' ' '\ Y virtue of \ precept under 'the. inu3dr, Of w m a t , meciae;DrosidentOt the Mart ed , Ccennott cue, In and for Um 6th Judtdat district of ten4anla, \ ' and Justine of the (bort of Dyer nod Ternalner., tor. \ a jai Delivery to and \ for add Muria, Ma limn , Dodge nod flebriel Adurie„Eos, Asocial* Judiesee a the \ • same °Minty. Mend for the onunty of All•gbanudated the , ‘,. Ojth,day of Angust,ln trek year or our lord dos time \ and eight hundred and fiftylbur, and tome dlreded, Ihr • '', holding a conrt of Dyer sad Terminer and (lenater 4ail . \ Delivery, at the Court Mum to the dty of eittatmeen.eh - the Monday (I/October, at Id o'doelt, --, A. 11. , --- -- ".„ I, • Public notioe Is hereby given tO all/rurtineeet tha sm - (simmer and Constables of the county of Allegheny. that • - • they be then. vid there, e in their Droner leuentisswhei W* rt ! 1 11 e a " ;= ' ,A u X!v i e 11%ms *"u ld u lt i* tO l it a k e l l s p rot I' o th er It. • ' _ tofdarre,in their behaltappande be - done-end also them . • • hat will prwrente the nrWaers that mow an, or mar M \ In the jMI of mold county of. Allegri, to be Men and there to promeute against them u an' be lust. , - -• Gavin ander my hand do Pittsb ~ t his 30th &int lzu . sl i ir t kr y t . s tn ye4r rf :, 4 a ml-1.,.... i. e . , ol e r ... =d a eht ? T ux: --, \ - auSI . IVA. ALMAILL:Itherill. - , Fiak's Pasant Natalie Burial Cases. Kort protecting and preserving"the dead. - '. Sur _arty to ant, and also Ibr traasporting Tbnproprie are preyared to sonia tivontbin arta *Witt silo undertakers =Co:hers to supply trini ittVit la t mirtneAry. b = * 431:24 cy?yW W .. ~ ' IIX- . K W 4 U oOn W rt or attt _ Pl On k i= , iflyn Woof 6. 0 . 34 .4eng r Min na Lnut atvl. t = Iratrt. ' 4 ° ;t u- al. huprovel feel Furniture xnannamtured And no at rasonable rices LT (seal..lllg_ 4.4 W.T.M ULURUI. 111 - 14 - E Ir' \ M qS I C—S elec t e d by' lenry Klet4r, I Perso ka nally, In the mann tidos; &Just reed by toms' Ou BIiNGS-T Wild Weal-Mow, by M 4.lrarde. Tlie Ward , eraserood duett. by St. ei vv. . Oh, , Summar Mara' Barchada by Wort*. The •1e I=arosees u irs: Sang and itusztatt, by Abbey. FIANO LT -he Fars 11 Wets, to the Lottiot o Amnia, , with Sullidn's portrait. hl Ju do. nks,. \ The The Erenizrenla Fe 1: 1 . {Fooll. \ \ b 7 Fie Love Chase Bch . et lA. y near. .., +„ , The COollf ,ne Cut* \L Ltuntwi Haman Lonna he.ite . Dr W .... 1- ' \ '• is Oertcandree: n ans..b.Y LLG/oyee. , The Angler's Mks. by P. Si N _ \ The Velma Polka. by 0. • rt. , \ Ilakll r t1ii..1411 14rVat. r Ptg:ttare, N 0,301. 34 \ Valuable 'lm llsr Sale: \ sa lzrty 135IIRSUAN to to ordor ol the 'Orphans • Court ofpheny County. t rine draw at ,- \ rata sale s nal twa to Susan O. tkehran. deed. afar that oe n Lon .71 Oftllnd alt t o iu ths 81:th , t 'Ward of the city of Pittabarer. neat 136 in the .plan \ b., ; .4...i atm/titian home= the ham of iftme7 n and.rohn \ Irwin: Seatrining on am eouthtuddly enner.ofloor and Franklin ate, thence exiendinnting alp linst. \ "tette:our. as IL tole& No.rwounlin depth rraldly. lath. 128 It. to Decatur on whirls untr=the , :r . ruire • . a ia hovabkh \ \ Id . ,y o b a uil s MiaTf ` .l. rh11 1 11.7 Tett \ Orill u . Sod :bum bare bent coastantly nen . to 'mat .ill ten .f rr uon ta bu nit adthr. t = o the a presen v o.orr,..tto t t:if tl . ra ci n r.l Paid uibb ilt in br gi tn : Ar rni ta y set; ,\ \ AI,o-.t Iran mo at wed troundMof I ll.litna ar4l * :l t s . alsty l 12ffa t e r reur Market °' lloure. L. 4: MDRINGTOK% sept dtBU.ep Ler of 8 0. Cochran. dee AJOTIOII EXTIIAOItD t..RY,--Tito Tar. gest and cheapest stork 0(00048 sect ern* NOM. lIIN ran be annul at 1100111Y.It 4 F 11111111413 Mogen& \ and Retail Clothing Store. NO. IMS Lilmkty tr.. .1 tvtroon.nr write OUP ... 1 .. .T. " 4 the eltleeee si.- \ roil Eta esti and examine our stock of fur the , 0 sod Winter trade-titan uunbarras. Te• Or Orourons4 ing and furnishing goods In sadists and= A . .li.rb StYhm. "\ Teo Fronds hare Ni herdtvena r Ins the =stern markets, on advantageous donna authst or blond nothing to saying that we can .00 Faisal WMT,,Vrtti r r o liZtrtut".l. • =t,,t,vr e r.: played competent workmen to attend truatrastness, and \ in tVii=sit 6 ' rn i rat to faritlat6 e. 00000 tyk17. 11 Call harder . sod ,15000 e pa yourselves. No oba4e Solvinig gltloestr lbaneniber the=llivaClothim o Nu.= Ll►y . \ I .. _\ , EDMOND WATTS, \-' \ .11.NROJIANT TXILOR,; -\ , rjbuit receiving Mara Stryek t4f Merchant \ When thuds for_apileuntits noir. \ Intt r iirwr=Mir i njint i Vtoi t at ina , r to fr i" ' \ Q7,1.;K5i £3f.a.S-Ti . . tstree l' a voi4l73nora' 1 1 :il - !booted Glen , \ rhg r iltk: • ' A. A. ALAZON a LX3. 4 21i. rrth Tea, Tea,' Tett, .1 TT\ ....4 'receirbio from New Yorke tv einzas TEA „ . .. oltddit • Clanyokler;, (Monis ang English Pre4kPl arnah tuye beeirWriDe l k. lectefl, 11TIQ *ill be 14 es asor, pltleprbol or : feisit'faikitarciioSertith t: • OR RALF.,-).6 - '134 , 158-, or - - Lostpc% even urmirAzdinizaii Eut - late=a even the onktthlheihottd thatllltantstorn t ' IVEW!.6 7 OLA.I4I) HOUSEKEEPER-: ,, -Thii ti l r B ?il Virrolde i rlS tee'd i end Ihr k ielo hr. : ... t - I NEW BRIOUION , BEAVER CO., PA,., Tim Stimmer \ - 1-u-sionk,of. this Institution' • 'WM cootirgnee On WONDatie let or MVP*. • , ortarauof tivitiou Aga Vet+ Wpm thr maga • . New arlibtos...airral.lsss4-saorregTTOWN /IND. • i k 6ll/1 V Ith i i en t Li gh t P. •• • • MLLE uncle:saga ir engsgS4 t i •- busi di : 117 2 , VVIIIi ` 7.2411:11. 4 ..V.? - = st.ractive effects °MO:aging. Ifs . weve itugzosgt appnwed mud' of %taps, vyX e t an . a . ta a va li goo Ll r er. sold or I. tn. elLts