The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 02, 1854, Image 2

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    - •
--Our Detnoccatio opponents make - a
great ado tor , receive no favor from the peoplein any guar- TRUE 31.EDICINAL COD LIVER OIL, e the Raßrocd Padockipato
..—............PU8LLYWG) BY warn a. co.--...._.... 1 07.4 P the denial M . .., their 'candidate for Can .511,11117.1%.11.ArE1rf474ir snor e
Tears e ' x ' clusiveltrin
Canal • ter. Douglass Sneaked home to Chicago, the oth- I Prepared expressly for their sales fur Mello--I ra the manufacture of thedsninvrs. have rs,entir
..,. ICc L l nmisisioner i thal he is a Rniaw Notiiing. In 'et III" afraid to meet his constituents and would I tato tua. J. C. D. k Co. b ar i ng emPloYed au agent at the ; and n
enlarged. by additions of las, building,
i i and numerous xturee and tools, whial ..di enable the
PITTSBURGH:. •-• - I f nue piper of yesterday, notwithstetiadbm the] not s t biri, them until able to rally eoctod'him i I . l , ,, ,, h . twir th :to• =Psintent the autuatiature ofth Is OIL as i tmrietora to ferm uL. l%
...,,d with ie; 4e.patc.l, soy dneuiption 01
that Pnhlte it be prepared with the gnistest care ;
no r o totiver4 on
FRIDAY MOANING, SEPTEMAER 1, 1854. , e ...r of Mr. Mott, we re-asserted our convic t I for defence the rowdies who alone era eapab:e ' froci none imt fresh and healthy liters. incnAnn NORRIS I sox. -
_ All Oil told with their Agents:re will bro found lo be or ;;,„,, n. ,,,, ...a. ',Twos, ~,,.. 5.,..;,....s mum;
I Eta that he is connected in some form or other ,of appreciating his esurse. Mr. Senator Atchi
unusual Sue quality' and ma be retained in th e meet del. FLETBIING BROTHERS,
wi 't that body. To this opinion we still cling, ' son appears to have uo better luck in Missouri. r ote atomach.
(scocnosot to J. rum ! (1..)
al'. .ough it is not in our power, to give the ref- i He has been allowed to return home without one t IL 111 ' , AC:Lai - 01T e1.11 1 .3 , d beth to Private and Bo;ratat WHOLESALE •DILUGGISTS,.
practier. and well desert,. the attention of intalip. as a
aO. ain our possession which lead us to such n word of greeting or kindness from the people NO. CO WOOD STREET.
; remedy more valuable than mu' Yet diumthred. nu con ' - PITTSBURGH, PA.
conclusion. - l of that State; and, as his political race clopes,the , , ompt i oo ".peuneo.„..,,,,„eint., • Proprietorsof Dr. hi' Lane's Celebrated Termifuge. LIVE,'
An examination of Mr. Mutt's letter shows it , way to oblivion gradually opens before him.— 1 _ JOHN C. BAKER a co., Piac-" _ _
No. 100 North 24 st- Philadelirlds. ' M'Clintock ' s Family Medicines. — We
to have been very adroitly worded to avoid di;, The Si. lotus Net. says: For ear by all the principal Druggiata !el7-Ganda . ..lcl
TOctriette. i The letter of Mr. Bonham, to which Gen. Atchison was induced to believe that be 1 - call the attention of heads, of farnibes,and others. to thaaa.
1 _. tertlsement on the fourth raise of there valuable FamilY
would be greeted at Weston and Platte City with ; HOLMES. RA.BE & CO . • m.d...... •
Be replies, Says it is rumored in certain political ' 1
afurftib Boarish of trumpets, and held himself SUCCESSOR TO • -
i circles "that you are connected with a secret
in readiness to the demadds of the occasion. He 1
, association, organized for political PurP °3 " , I prepared to ~ revert to his political acts during :
commonly called Know Nothings." Mr. Mott, , the past Congress" and "submit his conduct to' , MANUFACTURERS 07
r the impartial adjudication of his countrymen." 1 SOLID BOX VICES, HAMMERED IRON. AX- ' Indigestion and Liyer uomplaint Cured
lin answer, says: But ! LES, CROWBARS, SLEDGES. MAT- iBY KIER'S PETROLECIBL-Bead the following letter from
"In reply, I have to say that I am not con -1 TUCKS, ' . Bet. O. Dickman, a 'Missionary In Oregon , '
ns cted with a secret association organized for 1 PICKS,
i ?la. S. lii. Elan-Dear Sir -Myself and wlfehatlng been
political purposes, commonly called Know Both
-lo and that I have never made any promise,
afart, or request, to be admitted as a member, or Timber, Mill, Tobacco A Cotton Screws,
Shafting < fi , ' Mchinery, eatly i s se by the am of your Petroleum, I wish to
haw, post send um a box of two or throw, doted bottles. I
am do. Congregational alininer in this place, and ravers'
ared inaction
Car and Bridge Bolts, with Thread and Nuts gtraTTP,?:,,.._, IL ' ? oarVyhaeralarenr, and an
la k i o g
1 given the least intimation that I would do so.— complete, i your PlTitoLt;cm, OR ROSIE on.. We tools several hot
' 'file only political membership to which I eonfm, 1 tlea-Forii or three each-about a year sods half ago, and
PITTSBURG H, PA., I We have never moo_yed so good health for floors as we have
Sir that of the Democratic party of the union,' IV asonoort. No. 51 Wool. es., nervosa Filth eau Stamm ia7.ll:l., Urn e ;.' l l, b l l ,TlA,, Ittt e lg':„ l '''" l a„, l ll7.,
ea - All work werranted. mh3l-tf Phalle use relieved, and I bate felt nothion of It Mom' Cast
PITTS.I3I_II-tki-H. ; Clore. Sly wife wad SIIDO relieved from a chronic; disease of
I the liter, which had been of enteral yruaatandiug, by the 1
Life, Fire & Marine Insurance Company; I mi t ,,Y l ",;. u y:ll' . llE‘i . Canal Bashi; GEO. R. KEYSER.
OFFICE 65 FIFTII STREET, I ; 140 Wood all- and Druggist. and Siedlolne Iscolere every,
MASONIC HALL. PITIBBUROII. PA. ; where. - I Papers advertising Petroleum c0P7.1 tts ,
JARF.S, S. MOON, Pete -Went. I
threat. A. COLTON, Secretary. 'Anti - Nebraska Meeting.
This Company makes every Insurance apt i A Mass, Meeting of all who are opposed to
pertaining to or connmted with Lino RISES.
Also, against Bali and Cargo Rielm e on the Ohio and 1 the Nebraska Bill and to the National and State Adminia-
Sllssbuippi rivers and tributaries, and Marine Risks ff. , ' Orations for.their support of that measure, will be held in
emit,. the yard formerly. known co Ilroadhursit's, in the rear of
And against Loss or Damage by Fire,
1 the American Hotel, on Penn street, near tho Omni. on
And againat the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation I
ariportation. ; Tuesday even' rig. September nth, at 23,1, o'clock.
d Trans
Policies Imolai at the lowest rates oomisterit with min, ; lion. Jame. Pollock. the antl.Nebrasko candidate for
loftyperm,. Goternor, will he present and address the meeting; and
addreues mar oleo i.e expected from Col. A. G. Curtin. of
; Centre, Morton Malichaell, and Win B. Read, Dios, of
; Philadelphia, and others.
Citizens of all parties are cordially Invited to attend.
,larbllll,lus4 4at!...Nebnuolui. SW. Ticket.
408 oovEuxort,
07 A.T.r.sonsrr corsrr.
t— - or xorrooicoar cotrarr.,
County Ticket., -
DArwrm.,„nzmi, •
. ViT I T.NSoN T klttskargh,
rt. CART: A . l Btradnglum.
'401e4 mysr. v:Thau.s. •
.J l / 1 1508 eini;Tha.r
!SORB AtA * O LL. K~et Ik.r
. .
tr.LNE.T WOODS, Pittibureb
.T.LII29II,OLIMK. ilpyc lit.CListr
;AIMEE. 7.L.LKM, rittabscrist.
JOHN B R O W N . Ron Birmingham.
t 3. To AdVertbserm—Neltber On EdltoMal Room
nor bintluglistablishnmtorthe-Datly Gasette.sre opened
on mins:: instmmuntsvrbodestre their not! aes to appear
n Miniver Mt llondarnornt g,wlR pass band them
NOM, a o'cloolt; on sedidar.
hal..Pittaburgis Werfkli Gazette.—The extensive
alrenhation or nor Weedy Candle offers to oar businessmen
• most desirable medluin of making their businese known
00r circulation le batsmen fon; and lire thousand, reaching
slosnet every merchant, mannfacturer arid shop•keeper in
• Waren Pennsylvania, and Eastern Ohlo. •
Advance Payments.—Hereafter
Do suti
aarlptbn will be taken Ihr the Daily or Weekly Gazette.
wale= payment Is toads In advance. Whenever the
time la up to which the subscription Is paid. the P.Mr
will be lirnutably stopped, nnlese the subecrlptlon le re
newed by advance payment. &II transient advertlains.
or every deeciption. will be required .te be paid in ed-
Vane& The only eseeptiona will be where spacial
or yearly contracts are mad, sect:day
Itiondlon Matter on each page of tub Pope 4
ease.—Our subscribers will observe: , a notice
standing at the head of our columns, stating
that no subscriptions are now taken or will here:
after be taken, unless the money is 'paid in ad
- vanes ; and that all papers will hereafterbe die
- continued when the time for which they are'paid
"expires. In order to carry out this system thor
°uglily and effectually it becomes necessary to
"notify alt parsons in arrears for subscriptions
that on the frst of October next every subscriber
•• . then in arrears will be etruck from our list. As
this resolution has been arrived at after mature
,-, consideration, and is in accordance with the im
proved system which we intend hereafter to put--
. „sue, it will be . strictly lived up to. We give this
timely noticetit:li no one may have a right to
complain.if their pepers arc stopped. Lest some
old and good, but careless subscribers, may
. • fancy that they will be made an exception to the
general role, we begleive to assure them that we
" cannialte . no exceptions. If we were to do so the
whole planwoullfail. We should have adopted
, Oda plan long ago but were restrained by our re
. gard for many oxoellent men, whose names have
. - been long on our books, and who are able and
llog to pay, but who strangely neglect these little
',. matters greatly to Our inconvenience. Justice to
ourselves will no longer permit utt to allow this
system of credit to continue, and we shtillrigidly
to our resolution. We have founi,it more
expense and trouble to colleotinxmll sumo duo us,
scattered at distant points, over a wide extent of
• . country, than they are worth, and as we think
- . 'OW subteribere will like better to read their own
:patter than . Ours, we shall insist for, their
,good and ours, that they shall hut:after enjoy
-that pleasure. Another benefit will arise from
this plan. Subscribers sometimes eoraplain that
7 _ theft papers are not stopped when the time for
' , -they, , pay expires, an that they are un
led into debt. There will be no room
tbathereafter.. If we suffer a paper to go
time it will be .our bun. We shall suf
fer no stibearibers to get in debt to as and if we
through oar own carelessness, we shall not
theta accountable-for it.
adianco payments which we have
' 7 • adopted,- is strictly pursued by all the best es
• • ' ;be adopted by all - that wish to escape a sickly
. - —,,existenceasid in early death.' It haa become ne
, eessary frem theitteat extent of ground covered
; - and the wide diffiatin of newspapers extending
in our own ease to nearly every State in •the
Ifisloti, and to the4ncreased expense of their
- publication. The ittbsMiber to a large newspa
: per , awl: an ours , pity* but a small part of the
•:,:siirpense of ,the .sheet'aritich tir:egslim such a
Maas Of varied intelligence: Freqtiently the price
of subscription dees little more than ply for the
white paper on which the intelligence is printed.
Although our. listis large, the receipts from sub.
scriptions do not pay the - cost of publication by
. very many- thousands of dollars per annum.—
. When taarticle ie thus put so cheap, very much
below cost, I, It not fair to demand that the nio
. •
nay. shall' be paid in advance, thus saving the
;.. ' publisheralleoest of collection, and from losses
fruit delinquents. Besides, we are compelled to
ply as.we go. Oar hands. and the-paper maker
must have their money promptly; and we some
timei find it difficult to meet their requirements,
,___,,,yatiltonr books are burdened with debts due us
" 77-7 "':? - seattered all over the country, but which for im
mediateuse might as well be in the Dead Bea.
• We think we have sufficient reason for the
' course we intend to pursue, and have sufficiently
indicated our intentionof abiding by it for no one
to be deceived, and we feel confident that we
• hue not one fair and candid • man among our
read: ire but will approve our decision. Re
=pier, the last day on which any paper will
be sent to .delioquents, the BOW day of the
iimentmoiat of,September.
Pottlics.—The Whigs of'Dela
:Ware ecianty.have nominated John M. Broomall
far Congress, James J. Lewis for Senate, and
Tboatut E Maddock for Assembly. •
..Iri fichuykill comity the Whig ticket is as
loinn ' Congress,James H. Campbell; Assembly,
Jobe B. McCreary, Themes M. Potts. There is
a proposition pending to get up a compromise
**et With the Native Americus, end should .
Hiiisunceed.the ticket will be elected.
The..Wbigs of Itifilin county - have
sated Elijah 'Morrison for Assembly.. Mr. M. is
also the Prohibition candidate; havingbetri nom
fatted by ties teMperinee convention two weeks .
Zia *VIA of Cumberland county have noml
: Meted Molutgomary Donaldson . and Qeerge W.
Criswell for Assembly. No nomination witemade
for Congress., . •
In Ch ounty the Whigs have nominated 1
? T. M. Broomall, of Delaware, for Congreis; Hen- I
ry, S. Evans, of West Chester, for.tbe Stale Sew.
fty end M. A. Hodgson. Wm. Downing, and
Di. I: Pennypsolrer, for Assembly.
Wiens ..county, Alex. McConnell bee been
ponthiaHted for sir-election.
the - Whip of .Dauphin bug nominated 60h.
Saikkel for Congress, Samna Landis and Lot
liiiistresser for Assembly, and David Taggart
lolt-the.Benati. •
' •
Taxes initca train inn Ditourn.—The fol
lowing remarks of a correspondent of the Ameri
can, on trees which have stood the into unexam.
pled drouth, will interest many of our readers:
My lawzris upon high ground—a light clayey
soil; the evergreens have been flourishing re
markably well for seven 'years, and have tot
been watered once this season.
The laurels, river and mountain, are all dead.
Spruce pine, eta dwarf box, much wilted.
White pine, suffering; no growth lately.
The following stand this extreme dry weather
"exceedingly well: American arbor titre; giant
lion; cedar, procured from the wbods or nursery;
American holly; Scotch fir; evergreen honey
suckle; and above" all, the .towering :Norway
PprOCO: I woald. plant more of the last dinning
other tree. -
k'or hedge; the waxberry and privet far cm -.
meat stand well. Gooseberry and sweet briar,
with roses As., cannot, be depended upon, they
,will never tarn cattle, clip theta no much as you
choose, and are euffering now severely. My,
Osage orange hedge, is just on the Greensburg
turnpike, covered constantly:ith" dust; yet it
stands fresh; mud_ green r how it 'shakeit off the
duet eve nightis to me, a mystery. it defi e s
on if. if well clipped ever, four or five
resolution 1
OWL I linter . % to everything else; perhaps
The PeentylveMen; itiMtking of the resolution 1 ltssitigle : defect:holds that it does not put out
about the Enaw.Thithingeadopted in the Whig very early in the spnog
Ckntietttitto . phltt. L a r ahooe ,
. 164arior, for , sipt.iiber,
Ivry .
= oWil do think it impossible to put together the
ato hand :, : . , • - •Septum-
bee of words, and expreis less mean- , and finely ,itabelliehed number, has
'- _, '''. .. ' ,. ' •. l ,l3s isin g, s th il eti m the resolution offered bi .Dr. Burnell . C 411 1..
int nu Intended have iny binding effect.", ; Pr,aitt Anthea
• Garati o .Faahknip ? tcf
'The letter of Henry 8; Mott on the Mute anb, bar, s Teryfine number, containing a great Amu.
jest rel" en -Infuntely leis meaning, and is : bar' of cute; end , a vast amount of nuttier on
that f shlostable subject/3 sled promptlY: - Conne
,thehent - cd2TtlllePeeitnemor l!'ointless!'!'s . ;
Hoc. James Pollock, the anti-Nebraska eon.
ditLte for aoternor, will arrive in city on
Timidity next, Sept. 6, In the train wldelf is due
Lae. at ono o'cloolt in the afternoon.
:'r:-Waio Burs Coxxtrwirt—This body will hold
tweeting here on the 6th inat., and the 'taken
,7 -- -'memberi Ite , ezpected to 'arrire in the afternoon
grain it one o'clock me that day. The meeting,
WWI be beld lit 'the Monongahela liouse.
It is said that there are at least two, and it
may be there are more, secret associations,
having the same object and end in vie!, only
me of which Is "commonly tailed "Knott Noth
lags." These different orders, it is said, have
lately taken steps to unite, and it is probable
that in some quarters they bare already united.
Mr. Moit may belong to the '• United Sons of
America," or the '•Shanghais," and his letter of,
denial be literally, though not morally, true. It
should be observed, also, thlit he does not say
' that he never did belong to the Know Nothings,
or was never connected with them, but that he is
net connected with ithetri. Ile may have joined
a local association, and-ivithdrawn his member
ship, and can thus , literally say he is not eon
nected with them, *bile he is in spirit nod reali
ty as much a Know Nothing as over. Ile says
he never " made any proinise, effort or request
to be admitted." All that may be literally true,
and still he may be essentially a Know Nothing.
ft.miark, too, that Mr. Mott says he rovfee,eo
only to a membership with the Democratic party.
It is commonly reported that it is one of the
distinctive characteristics of the order never to
confess to a. membership. Ask a man on the
subject of belonging to them, for infornaitioo,
and the reply is " I don't know."
We bare no desire to do Mr. Mott any iujus
tioe, but we wish the truth to be known. For
the purpose of securing the foreign and Anti-
Know Nothing vbte.of his own party he endea
vors to convey the impression that ho has no
connection in anz jape or form with Know-
Nothingism, while Ei must know that there is the
very strongest assurance thot .he will receive
the Know Nothing veto of the State,, and will
consequently be elected. Is it fair, is it just,
thus to deceive the people! The Saul result will
show that we are right
If Mr. Molt had been honestly opposed to
Know Notlaingism he would have taken occasion
to have spoken in tones of reprobation of their
principles and modes of action. Nothing of the
kind escapes his,pen. In as few words as pos
sible he endeavors to make the impression that
he is not a member, and hopes thus to secure the
entire vote of his own party, which is engaged
in dew:toeing the Know Nothings every day,
while at the nine, time he is triumphing in the
assurance that is secure of the Know Noth
Onto.—ln the Columbus Congressconnl district
the tuiti-Nebraska men have selected . Sansuel Gal
laway of Columbus as thet candidate. The dis
triat is at present represented - 1;y the odious Dr.
Olds. 3.1 r. Galloway le artillented and eloquent
urns, and Will be triumphantly elected.
The S! Louis Republican, n pro-ainvery Whig
print, advocates the election of Doaglass demo
crats to Congress frOm Illinois, in preference to
the Whig and anti-Nebraska nominees. We pray
to be saved from contact 'with each whiggory as
that of the Rgutlican.
were grieved to bear of the death of this old
and respected eleiren..Out first acquaintance
began with him iteme•twenty-five
~years agn,
When we were both employed as printers, in the
Pitaurgh Gazdie establishment ; and from that
time to this we have always found him Ida
hearted, honorable and Consistent, both is. a
Mend and a citizen. For several years be was
engaged in the printing business, awl at one
time published a'paper called tbe - . Daily 71 . 174138.
Of late years he had been in the Tea businees.
lie take the following notice from the American
of yesterday afternoon:
The telegraph of yesterday afternoon brought
us the very melancholy intelligence of the death
of Alexander Jaynes, fesx. of this city, at Har
per's Ferry, - Virginia Ho bad In the course of
erection some extensive Iron works in that neigh
borhood, and nearly ready for going into blest,
and.was on there superintending the work. We
have not learned tho nature of the disease by
which he has been fells suddenly stricken down..
We must deeply. repeat, in common with this
community, the loss of a most excellent and
useful citizen—ati'dPright, humane and honora
ble man.
' •
Big family were advised by him on Friday last
t--this day-week—of his being unwell—a pain in
the head to which he was-subject ; but no fur
ther advice reached thenjf its progress until
the fatal intelligence of yesterday. He leaves a
wife and live children to mourn his untimely cut
tiog off.
By advices received this morning we learn
that his remains are on their way to this-city fo'r
interment, and will thrive in the course of to
- -
Tun Nrstusns TEST —Wherever tue Nebras
ka bill IS unpopular the democratic press strives
to make it appear that it is no testof orthodoxy,
is order to prevent the disaffected fromdropping
off. Senator Douglass, however, is oat disposed
to encouragelhis sort of skulking, and his organ
at Clecago thus raps 'its weak brethren over the
"The Democratic Prima of yesterday says that
certain newspapers and certain members of Con
gress have assumed that the Kansas and the Ne
braska bill is to be henceforth a tort of party fe-
alty, and links triumphantly how the right war
.acgairedeoprercaibe •
The Press is not the only paper among the tru
ants froni the Democratic side which makes use
of this shift to palliate their secessioe. The
question is easilyanewored by simply citing the
lirashingtoti Union, acknowledged as the National
ersan of the Democratic party, which expresses
its views upon_the orthodoxy of the Nebraska
cud Kansas bill as a tat, in few but oomprehen
sive words." •
The extract from the Washington Union here
referral so is a follows:
"The Nsbrasko Bill is a tot of or
thodozy. The majority hash spoken, and ie this
country the majority. must he obeyed. •It Is not
necessary that any Administration sbonld soy
what is or what is not p. test of faith.; but the
will of the majority of the Deinocratio party is
no less potential in making 'a:principle a test,
nad in constituting that principle an article in
the Democratic ore ed."
"The beet Mid schemes of maie *ad meta
Owls oft *glee,"
As Burns says. At Weston, nu one was seen but
an urchin or two, mute to see the steamboat, and
the distinguished gentleman was forced to re
strain his feelings with the agreeable assurance,
however, that it would he "all• right" at Platte
City. At the landing of the latter place, they
arrived, the Vice l'resident ready to unbosom
himself to his applauding countrymen. lint he
was again disappointed. No one was there to
receive him, and was compelled to take his
traveling bag in ono hand and his cloak on his
shoulder, and “go•it
Fro. the Boot Advertiser. 300 t.
,Extenolvo sw•lodllots.
Last week it was reported that the firm of l
Piukhara, Adams & Co., commission merchants,
No. b Central Wharf, had stopped payment. It
has since been discovered that they have been
engaged in extensive swindling operations. It
appears that being involved beyond their means
of payment, they yurchnsed quantities of flour,
liquors, tobacco, cigars, &c., under pretence
that the purchases were made for certain par
ties in New Bedford and other places. The
firm peesented gcsel references, and the goods
were delivered to tt uclunert to be carried to such
' places as the purchasers directed. In most
cases the order was given. to have the goods de
livered at the Providence depot, directed to par
ties in Nose, Bedford. But one truckman, who
was about to take a load of flour directed to a
firm in New Bed lord, casually remarked that
the °niers were to 'take it to the Lowell depot.
This led the seller to suspect that all Was not
right, and he ref eked to 'deliver the flour. Au
investigation was made, which resulted in find
ing r. large quantity of flour purchased by Pink-
Adams fe. Co . of other dealers, and direct
, eil for New Bedford, stored in the freight house
of the Lowell depot, with the New Bedford di
rection obliterated. Some of the sellers were
vile to identify their prdperty and. reclaimed it,
lint others were his fortunate. the purchases
made of them having been sent to parts un
known. •
On presenting their bills at the counting room ,
of Pinkham, Adams & Co.. the presentees were
informed that Mr. Adams was out of town, and
the bills could not he paid until his return. The
whole amount of goodkifittlined, it is thought,
will not fall short of $'25,000, sail perhaps will
far emceed that ,11131.
After tho discovery of the fraudulent transac
tions, the senior portnese of the firm were not to
be found for a time, tint on Monday, Deputy
Sheriff Coburn arrested I Frank H Pinkham and
Andrew H. Adams, on tite suit of several of the
sufferers, and in defeat of bail be committed
them to jail, but Mr. Pi klam has since obtain
ed bail. Mr. loan Quincy Adams, one of the
firm, has net been arrested.
Since his erre-% Mr. Pinkham states that be
wee abeent frem the city during the treneactione
• • -
referred to, being on a visit to a sick brother in
Buffalo, N. b.; that his first knowledge of the
operation was through a telegraphic dispatch.
pod that immediately on . the receipt of it, he left;
Buffalo fi.r this city. This statement is not gen
erally believed by the creditors.
On Saturday, a large quantity of imported ci
gars, purchased in the saute mariner as the flour,
was Blind Stored in Ctn., street.
Among the principal sufferers by these-Iran
dolma transactions, are 31eisrs. Chenery & Co.,
18 Imng wharf, John Grace & Co.; 59 Corimer
cial wharf, William Thwing'& Co., 14 Central
wharf. B. C. Clark & Co., 63 Commercial wharf.
Larkin & Stackpi,le. 48 Commercial wharf, .Enx
on & Brothers, 9 Commercial street, William E.
Humphrey & Co . 50 Commercial' street, Brad
ford Macomber, 182 State street. and others.
Tuxtla licann CD Fa CillLN BOUM , run
KANSAS :—The second Kansas prrty from Mos
nechusrtts (with twenty-fife from Now York)
reached this city Lost night about eleven o'clock.
They were three hundred strong:. New Eng
land, whyb has given millions of :her bons and
thinghterg to the great West, never sent out a
Moresturdy ; apt Of men, nor one haying a more
holy mission. They ifin plaCe their mark upon
the political, intellectual wd social character of
Kansas. Involuntary servitudecen find no reots
ing place where ouch men rule. And that they,'
and others like them, will rule Kansas. is be
coming every day more and more apparent. An
over-ruling Providence will frustrate the wicked
-designs of the Propagandists, and render them
subservient to the cause of Liberty atel-Jtastese.
It was very gratifying to wanes, the interest felt
by a•largo number of our citizen, on the arrival.
of these three hundred-freemen. 'A meeting had
been called early in the evening to make arrange
ments for their reception, and a large crowd re
mained together until 14 o'clock to bid them
welcome. The interview was deeply interesting
and impressive. The purpose of their mission,
and the gratifying euthooiasna with which they
have entered upon It, could sot fail to awake
emotions,, which found expression in befitting
congratulations. The meeting—held hi the large
parlor of the Delet - an House—wan continued un
til after midnight We have seldom witnessed a
more interesting reunion, or one heater calcula
ted to awaken the zeal of the patriot There
was real sublimity in the spectacle prevented by
these three hundred men, leaving their old New
England honien for the Far West, in order to
rescue a vast territory from the sin and curse of
Slavery. Never was there a more holy crusade,
or one pregnant, with more glorious results. All
honor to the nvit'le men who given their hands
and their hearts to the holy work.—A/bany re.
Journal of Yortsrday.
Tur. Ramaoari.—The grading and bridging
of the Allegheny Valley railroad between Pitts
burgh and this plaice is fast drawing to comple
tion. , The viaduct acmes the mouth of Crooked
Creek—said to Iso a splendid piece of workman
ship—is finished, and that tterceia the' onth of
the Kiekiminitav is in a very forward !data. The
ties are being delivered at many points on the
road, and the work generally progresses at a
eatinfactory rate, considering the stringency in
the money market.—Kitianiny Free Pren.
Kleme's Celebrated Liver Pills are
reeked .mats the popular retnedke Of kt:eitay. That
It wlUenn LiretComplolut, eick-Inaklache. and drspepel►,
le mow beyond n doubt_ Read tb. following teetimonY
iron a well known lady and gentleman of our °yen city:
?taw Yau, Auguita,lBsß
Hr. and Mr,. Wllliamr, fn. to Pe”nth et., teatlfr that
they hare,toth born sugaring with the Dyer oenltdolot , for
about flee years during-1 , 114h Vote they hare spent
large truannt of money and teed many retoodtre, but to no
purpose. distally. IDifSl'Lasie rills, they par.
chased four boxes. which theytook aomdlogto the dhne•
Lbw ao e each Lou: and nowpronoltace•
Klan paler ly cured ut that dlatreselos diorite*.
Purchasers will be careful to ask. for DIL
OF.LEDRAT,ED LIVED P 11,04 and take none el. There
ars other Pllbk worportlng to be LITor Pills, now before
the pnblim also, his Celebrated Versolttura. can nowt. hod
at all respectable Drug Stonw In the United Statue deo,
tbr de by the role luraprlatork, FLEMING DROTHER.B.,
eetd.d&w:l4 Socropors to ].Kidd k Co.. CO Wood St
. As I hare disposed of ray stock in trade,arui.
amsodttently declined Matures, u br as it effects myself.
1 with to Intimm my friend► and outman, tbat 1. bare
made arrangements with •
S. STONER, No.Bo Wood Streot,
W col for him, and u.l hod him Mock a Teri Road ono. I
can assure those shorn I bar. been to the bablt of Ignobly
tog, that tbolr want, In tho Anne or Clothing can be pet
In over/ Particular to thole °nitro aallafactlon.
an17.2•1111i GEORGE AIIIII)11.
Syringes—A ergo asprtment of Self-ht-
Jectlag and other Ihrtoree, for eels at N.EIMEWB. HO
Wood street. soli
50 ozs. Quinine for aalo at KEYSER'S
110 Wood street. salt
Du Pont Powder.—ETery variety Rifle
Iltsullaglkardar, In all alsa package* agar
on band awl far tale tram Magazine, la lot. to loft Par
thaws, on favorable lams. Also Salbtyfaao.." .
D. W. 0. IA DWELL. Manallieturers . Agt,
au bloat stoat. Pittsburgh.
_ _
Medicine Chests of every kindfor side
ow* , than Moan bo bad shewhere. at ICEIMETt'S Dris
htotr,l4o Wood areal. ant{
CHARTERED APRIL 26, 11350.-01. M. PLUM , ".
CAPIT2SO 000. •
Nu, S. Zeornerqf 274rtt and Mardi she*, rhaadslaAio
Rohm TE; Cramfbrd. M Pad R. Goddard;
Th George APllsnry,
W. Lawrence Johnston.
Jacob L. Florernes Jams. Deveroux. •
Win= Oodwi ,n • WMI=3II4S/4
Prnentna--ptsphso Cr . ,•
ri.premed—Autbnwro W. Thar=
Hatacca Erantaser—Plttsbergh.- mei U. Willson, IL De
• Alleatunks Clty. it, IL MoNH. D. •
cipao OLD. Avail,.
Inh/ 7 ' ' •74 pithstreet:Pita snwith
oommistaxo C II A N T ,
lii;:g s :l " a " : s ;r l t 4l"6"ll :,Pitti r, burEll •
James S. Roo". . Wm. S. Haven,
estestild kleClurkon. Jammi ID Mot/111.
Wllliam Phillips, Alesondi , r Medley,
John Scott, John YuHorton,
Joseph P. Oassam. M. D.,1 itobert Galway, . - -
John Mehipin. Alexander nms
eoldi, Arni• , - - --- ------ • -------
Wm. P. JAlmaton, stronenunty., DlED.—ilit Fridoy P.M.. with August,MAßY ELLEN.
James Morehell. i 11° " 41° " Le ' kitth ''' g ' daughter of ROT. J. J. ILIKI E. J. McElhinny. aged 3 )eon,
G Stowe , George S. Bolden, liiram Sle, Bearer.
myl.Z-Iyfe „ Wort eoPY 11tH! fist oulJ 3 months end 14 dayo.
- - On Thin...WT. M., 3111 August, ALICE JANE, daugh
ter of lier. J. J. and E.J.MeEllthiny, aged I year, 6 mouthy
and 10 day..
DIED—On Augurt 8018, at Tunnel Pinnace, To.. Mr.
ALEXANDER JAYNES, of this city. The funeral will
take tame this Li o'clrck. from hlslnte residence
oo Rom .0. and proceed to the Allegheny Cemetery.
A. A. CARRIER & 13R0.,
Corner 4th and Smithfield eta.,
Stale Mutual Fire & Marine
CAPITAL $350,000.
Girard Fire and Marine Insurance Co.
• C A PIT&I. $300,000.
A. A. CARRIER. Bee'l.
Capital Stock, Annual Premiums and ,
Western fund,
r$ 170001 . 00 G,
114,011PORATED 1e25.
Policies of insurance issued at all times on the
most favorable terms, against
OFAII.01: F.. ARNOLD. Agent,
mh16153 rIA.Fr For FittehnralurldtaleahMr .
L. G. GRAFF, ksuccesemr to J. S. Dil
worth t CA.) Mew 130 Secand *treed. Plitobarsh. AprAff,
Lfooord .I)..arder tholyany. All ♦arlotles of Powdar. to gay
uantilt. cow untlf on band. All. Nafatr Fuse. .01
Beg to call the attention of Buyers to their
tostenilve Stock of
coroorlodaa one of thernoet complete assorttrente 1p 11 %
sod whlnh they offer on the mod favorable terms, flerf
tO,.ete going East ..tu nee their interest Mallet...l by
blyylifir their fIaRDIR SAX at
tt l'orliegritt O r r . RO SSurigasvi.....
More Proof in favor of Myers Frost Wort or
Kock [Lou
MEN sit,. —A Medicine under the [Larne 01
M e tre Eerroct neat Rue. ha. smoutly hanil thl .01
isto this cocotte). and from the newspaper aossunt thane
mendatlanll was Indotol to maks . trial or Its heal
lug properties In the eaan of my wife, who hat fir learn
been laboring' undor a gnaw. known 'by the name of.
Scrofula- its kroollugut at DIOUte. ape& 'Woos la
.the throat, eulsetiota Dl plauWalinontred eulnaltiou of
the mug. menathanes of thethset. and to that natant
malty titths she coal not breathe ezetht When the mouth
woe open. there thing no palwage tdmintith the ...tins
with many other painful eyelid.= that otter attend ads
month-. of human lupploaw aril nG. Ikullwre it Is the
oplOk.o of the medical faculty gerteratlY. that thin dbfean
Is the tmodealon l alount ovary es" Caugutoptlou
that tell destroyer, that canine to the a...WIT Its
an of thouseada air wilt ban taken three bottle. nod
It has restorol her to perfect health.hthllng ail the ohne.
mincing every load to la oitslool lobe. awl renaming
from the hinge • rthliculg relpiestion, or breathing, which.
at times, was painful. In my opinion, It Ls due trt the
medirine and Its Inventors. La Nrilt at least to BMWs
there In no sweat, that can Sinai It, Yours with esteem
trILI.IAtI 111.01 D. Roth t Physician.
Norfolk, SI. Lawn:use Cra.N.T.. yeTa It. Dm.
ml. Is to certify. this% otter -Using used 3lreete 0000'
pound Extract of Rock. Rom:nether Salt Misuse, ulth
14,‘ • $41.,X•11. I would elneerelr rreourtunud it. an the hen
ankh, fn IT., to nil alan are troubled with the Otto
pi let. IRA WA txtrt.
Denton. Marell
B L. Alyrre.—Dear Elr—l have rufertel - for a Nthg
lime froth Dys.urpslrc and It glees the rent pieltsule to
lolthen Teu thia,anvr ud.s, one botee ofjour CthacerthA
Extract of Ruth Roes. l vccelecll so emelt be,eflt that 1.
ran cheerfully recomrecul it to any owr thus ellyrted. as
Imlng s valuable medklrie. sod Etbe hod I aver rered.—
Semi - , truly. ELIAS PIERPONT,
pother of Grand and 011eys 'trod.
. - •
Shit certilles that one of my daughters ham bite
jected to periods of Pick tioadache and Vomiting ha some
yeast—that some of the attacks wen my terrors, and were
almost' sun to follow extra erantion. liessing ci dm
be nolicial egrets of the .liack Ron.' spoil others similarly
afflicted. I -at induced to 'nachos. a bottle. From the
commencement of bet using it. (lateral weeks 510 e..) she
ham been free from this distratting complaint. Her am
oral tuqatb ham Unproved sod is now good. and we *atilt
eta this desirable remit to the propertlso imparlod by •
witrailnlPrnsidince to this rolosigemplustSon.
Note Ilavepdan.2. ItSR 110D:MY BURTON.
Thls will certify that 1 bare for rears .I.lllered with the,
most obstinate Eryeipel.M which, it tope - non,:
ins Would cure. T woe fithilly induced by my friends to
attend the Medea' Mabry*. of Sew Dann. Dr. Knight
Meecribed the Syrup of Rork Run. whith fiery me humedb
ate relief, and cured mg of • disease from whith I wren.
•a peeled to recover. J. JONES.
Southington. Conu. Deo.
Bold 'holm). and retail at the Drug Elan Of amtc• Fr
Keyser, N 0.140, corner Wood st7luid Virgin el r.
sarsia. t,ftb. odh*en
_ -
Ease and Comfort.—The Conformatitr,
laud, impaled from Pule. exactly stilt* the Vat to U.
peculiar chap ef the !lead. BO • new hat Ls aa COY u. be
head ...Auld one A neat et sad a goad list may b• had
Cl 77 Wood .t. a029-tf M. DiIIiOLAS.
Enlarged or Varicose Veins, Weak
, liirse Joan, awn Wan Amtigg—l would inspecthilly to
rite the attention of physlcisne, and the publia gotierell7
to stig assortment of Bilk Meath /Stockings. Knee Cogs,
Ankle Enoks sad bander* far the Mod and me of Teri
ciaie rt Esdarited Yens, Weak Ankles. Weak 'Anse Joint*
sad the carlow appliansoe and In the care of-dhows to.
oiching anteard support.
also keep eruct variety of Trams. Doily Duets
Sopportw. Elignalder Broom L and In fact all kinds of son
honical appliannse awl In the owe of dimes
aEO. 11. 1[11111:11, Wholeaslo Druggist. '
nib's 4 ..11 1411, cor. .1 e,e A hs la
M. Bally's Antidot and Lotion. °debut
ad throughout the lure u t 'only reliable ProPoroflo. l
ere? Wu:l[U Off flo cure of
Direases of the Urinary Organs, J° lee, Female
11111 great rumen these extraordinary Ned!cluing have al•
ways met with In curing , the above complaint.. hat intr.
prieed' own the Proprietors tiitaleires; saying nothing ci
the thousands orindividual. who hare been potm►nontl7
amid by their 'we. We would assure the MUe that they
tre not mere parent howboge, compounded widely to
but are prepared by ► thorongti Motile, with the meet
choice and rare logredlenti which= Le obtalned,:and
ars Intended to do pot But one tottlit rolidred to coo•
vines all that such Is the fact.
They are put up In betties, with Cult diractloniloworinca.
tiring thorn, the fl. and tberLotion at SO etes
per bottle. OWI bottle 'bets ten days. Many hare been
enthwly cured In two or Um,. days.
Invented by IL BALLY,--Phlidolan to the UMW.' o
NAB, and Prepared by DUDDY k CO., General Agents for
'the United States and Canadas. 'horn all orders mirstbei
addressed. Principal Depot, 4DS Broadway, aqua Onurd
at., New York. -
sold In Pittsburgh, wholasaleanS rota% by FLEMING
Totes., (e.... 0.1 to J. Eldd kelp No, TO Wood et: Mont;
Dm J. 11. PATTERS ON & CO., said br Mused. .ray
where. reTi
Mizell's Insurance Comp.,' 01 rittsburgh.
ft D. KING. Ne•sided.
WOOD Arier.Ery.
niti * Kt u sWitisMi ';L'IV"KitiiNLVATA3I I .I
baschius - '
1:1.40 Wm. larlamr. Jr.. •
r , . lifor
ttirt D ar B. li.
•p, Jr, •
lam Panniek,J.ieb=tr,
..WIIMr Erma. i
chlison Furnaces, WrollrouTublee
. - for Worming and Yeneslestiim of .13u1k
1. a M. *lll amt[ n **Mandl's sad VOnilhdat by
Sewn fff **Wait PIMA aggbibUllealthlSCO.
P:0411IW11._ 4
Psols4l(o44l;lllabfak.ooat Ma ,
410 1 P9P II PAI II 3 0 1. P *OP 14,MMAWItt
50 gross WLtine's Liver Pills arldaVermi
co for ittle low at KETV.IIS Drng Store. 140 ,W0t , ..1 t
fithileSTßlVß OFFICE,
Yierearenli, 0.12, IS5e.
• the following named ponemo bare filed amounts of
their several mtions u administratoniiixecutarsand guar.
dinno. .d that sand amounte will be presented to the
phases' Court, In and foe !aleph.) County. for conformi.
tio¢and allowance . ou MON DAI the iM day of October,
A. D.,1504 , '
Account of Richard Corms, ndruinistratre. Le of Adam
Cowan, deed.
el Account of]..ll.ltobb.Aitolniatrator,da, of Nanny Jfa
Portend. deed.
Aomunt of Joe. 11. Robb. adminlotrator. to., of Jamox
Darrab, deed.
Amount of. John McCloskey executor. ta, of John
Young.... deed.
Aeohnit of Mrs. Jane Weible. admit:Ll...llx, dc..of
Adam Weible, deed. '
Account of John Block. adminlotrator. da, of David
Muck. deed.
Account of A. S. Bell, Req., administrator, to of John
Finney. deed.
Aecountof Iles. Chas. Thorn. executor, tr. of John Fife,
Amount of Richard Bud. admlnotrator, he. of Alexan't '
lean.. Pee 0,
Account of Robb,-EN. adostalotrator, de. of Rea •
John Tassey. deed.
Account of John A. Lippert.. administrator. he. of Peter
Dintg, deed.
Account of William Loam., administrator, Se of Robert
Barlow. deed
Account of Jam. )leDonnell. exec..% de of Thomas
O'Connor, deed.
400001 of Wm. McGee. executor. lc of Mary Sande.
klv d.
al Ar...vurit4 Clark, pdcatedotrator, le. of Thog
Ciark. deed
11.1 amatent of Jame, 10arter, •Imirdstrator. Le. of
Ilerf limper, deed.
Final amount of Mary HarrOwmilth
of Samuel flarroimunith, deed.
' nod! acomot crfJohn Wright, ae lux administrator, to.
of Dr. Jmeph W. Whitakor. deed
final accont of 11-.bert Robb, 'Cm., acting executor, to.
of Std.:. J. u Moreland, deed.
Final account of Adam 1111.1 .41 John Wilma, adontn
lotratoraka of Snow. McCoy. 4.'4.
Final amount of Jo.nh Piettermei administrator cgs%
toot. an 4.e. of Jam. thaliam, deed.
Poem. of John Aids..and Eillabeth Whitfield, ad
ministrator. to. of Gem,. Whitteld. deed.
Amount of thtbortuo Hem itton cud oolto
oxecutors, to of Woo. tisend ion. 4161.
Account of Jam. iictilhermy nod ,ion. 0. Minis, exec,.
fora /te. of Llijah doejl.
Account of Wm. Morrie. 'and Philip 10. r, esu otora
to. of itugh Thousermt deed
ofAnsount of O. ft helmet, adtainistrator cum test. an. to
John U.. Boma
!Lamont 00 Aaron Weedy. admiettator, So. of William
Long. deed.
A.ouut of W. R. Doti% acting executor, 40. of Jan.
Johan., deed.
Amount of Al. Bentte end Vauban. z•vtl,asemltors.tee
of A r,drav Begs', deed.
Amount of Ch.. Ands., Wm. e, ilorard sod Doge,
Campbell. ailusintstrators. So. of Jolas Dona.,
Account of hiaritsrat Maguire and John Maguire. exec ,
Cams, to of Mich.l Maguire, dec'd.
Am.. of *anima Stewart, sonielog m0m...t0. of
Moms; liiddleowartb. deed.
E r e
prat. acworint of LAwls C. 3...N0t:A, ono of the eicco
torn. 4t. of James C. Maguire, deed. _
Separategnuof Wm. A. Ifeetuire. ono cf Morose..
tio. od egui A.
Separate ananstit of P. C. Kuno...tor the ex- •
mom.. of Jas: doed.
Arstammust of Mary AlleabottiDneel..edoulnlotratell.
m text. an. lof Men. Buse.. deed.
Boom] amoun e. t
•if Went, firlfree, ILltol
co ulttrator, Aa Of I
%Mewl Matt. deed.
• Pappleemoniat account of It,. Jam. Carettsenx acting
el l
Ar_ ante... May. deed,
!Supplemental Bey.,. mmunt of Samuel ate a art. et.
. S td Ac. ofJobn deed,
Yang .4 dletrehutlre .coo, e of X. 1. Core. oduclrels.
try., de, of William dom.. deed .
Amount of Anode !Strom. and UtILO.N.O Praset. tectttors,
Theme. • of TIMM ROVILIf.. deed.
Plaid ,count of 011.0 EMMA. f. uarillan of lexandor
Mel. Woes. minor Eels of Dr. lion. C. Italy, deed.
Final mown. of Lathes Emma. guardian.' 0. C- 110.1.
xdont hell of Dr. idea C. Bt.. deed.
Amount of .lotin Moran , . Amaral.. of liOnoro I
intol .10ned. minor b.. of Al. 'ion..
deed, •
Amount of Or. D. Reynold,. gwardlue of minor het. of
Jane. Paster. deo'd.
Amount of Wm. 11. William., drmrillew of Bd. , holm
of ltenr, Ernelit. Hoffman; dou'd
Account of Jobn Witoon. guardieu ofJomsph M. Wiliton,
atertander .
Wilson - and Wax Wilooti. mime Retro of
Wm. WU..
Amount of Samuel Larne. Imnislin. of . o io o o Wars or
Wm. O. Pollock 11..e'd
.I..2.2trLt.ttvr3 ALEX. RICOARDhON.
ii - 111 . Will attend to the porch.. end mle of Iterchandloe.
Futatm... and the re...W.lmi of Ulla Nolen, Mort.'
aaintet, and the collaellon of mon.. 4c- ,
epeeist attentton will ho valid to lb.. donne and RAM of
Pig Metal and IlMeaso. From hoin experience in tide do.
Plotoiml. it lo honest satbifaction nil lo Orou toi3O.nowe
Mon woo luny favor him with thee busineso. t to, No,
• 11.1 oh, boles. Ilbirty awl Delia itll.
D. V. Ilor.n t Co,. Slather t Dilwortb.
R. & W. Thoekey, Panootk, Slitelacll A co..
Hmt,AIL .yethan. t C.,.. Halley. Brown t Co, ~
Palmer, Henna& Co., irlstoloon 4
LatighLin. Y. G. Bailey.
F. Lorena
Wm. Dilworth. I.V2N,D. MoC4d.
John McFadden. Dr. W .
Win. Addl",
Wm. Philtr,
Blehard Itard, It. II Hartley,
Wol.buimr ,
John Batopool, a/to. Milt...lmre..
11. Darlington.
v or North raiismon and Federal et , Alleaneny Cl it
• he .temively manufactures eery denertationvf
of Ilse twit meterlal.and by the be. eiorateep,
Ell• has also openeda WahI:ROLM in the St. Charles buil4 ,
lays. on lienlert above St'oed" whore he h u atlrevent
♦eery fair stock of vcrt. lwitbdally additts..) to wbloh
ho Melt. attention snit critinal exarnination,lselltin'tooll
nent—fiven bit mail:well ram. to Lathier.\ hie eatemi.,
Wee, the material and *orb men 'mislay., stk le dnith
of hie wort—he atertet be competed •Ith' lo be Kn.
Hest. liertain JOUS 1301.711,10 r
. .
Board of Trade.
PILE regular Monthly t
Meeting dr t \ Arl-`
44. lira * 2 og i nZ e lt b g d . " Ii s AVO,V 7. ;
Board of Trade and Merobantat,
rkN Election of Officers for the ensuing year
wal be Inild 000 ram, on Otb.
on the hours of •d 5.r. \ •
-- W.O. ilAvaNwy.
, Omer IrA it zrag u altz=itxr&O 3 .,1
tors bass tblsaar &slam] a Mildend n e u.
""'riiiiiiliZr.C2l}sl2gr b a'Ltr.ln.7l.3l\lith
troZ o rdssterri stosettolltsrs so 1mr,14 at Ls" orN7.
Ulark flostsp. , SS. Ai Sat , Pres
NEW IVIUSIG- 1 ,5, elected by Ilenr •
Mmonlly, la the eastern alibis, andj
PONtritTrillhi j ond Home, I' Mr.. A. •
The Werrl r Paso, dnett, br ' St. Wore
Oh, Summer Mom, undo. by tleroott.
Um 4.44 isratere 0 son Song end Quartet' ,
Evening—a Isentlfa hoolt—hr Yr Ant. '
Old joary—boog anaChorna—ny AV urg. '
Yew Dele, do
PIANO—The Farmren Vets. to the Ladlu
wits, Jralleres .t.: I/Y . 411111m.
Th.t CLTNINTZ 'Pt bit„
ErlinvlliaN l Vfx , ° N t •
Love Chase &Motile illy Denver.
Tice Cause; tae thtoo—telehrated Ilse
Dance' Sr Waran. I ,
La, Ommtadree. Nat tic St. Motor..
The Author's. enlks, b Wallets.
The. Veteran 1101k5..0
at., ohm of the .4/olden:Ulm.
A Lw..lYB .11&L1A8LF4.7.-:Dalnp
a-17:XaD d ynrcz.tp_' i LIV/ro i tt l irilr ,
staid notlem..palo. watt spa& breath. Bard stj
Itching nf Um now, 700. gond not hesitate to
It 11. A. tabnestoek's Voralfoto. This Wash:
will destmr all worms lb Um system, !Way In
ICS To the bowels In a plasma condltloo.. : 14
Cu' ststoment: ,
NSW Yost. Web. May l/153.
Tbls Is to certify: that rave two bottles of D.A. Falun.
toek's Vs:Palate to aelald of Was, sla yeses old. and she
waned seyeralworms. Om of them wasalout Afiree
to length: i no theretno rolowormad It to the publican'
-the e'et
. remeat ter
.ter uteri.
IVW. arelari s`.
Preto:Wand sold by 11.. A. YAP IIaTOCA A 001 omom
oriink and seq. - - ..14awr
r 0 FRAME HOUSES and a large lot o
groand, boelOg .front of tel ft on the brow of Mt.
sehWaten, by 164 , deep she, gt I lot In the yea.—
' tWe
Wat.. NEU
. _Tolnaradjd,. Arr inaNcontelnlngs I i ht rooms, an In
ordat-12,C00.1000! In hand, the slam§ lo three
yearly payments. sera 8. CU MUM:LT 80N...
Fr2.—Acgr.ris IVPst a tio l n i a the t Throe& hare
.RThleberilb - ther KAM= 7 The. of I t t 111 . 007 it"
lit ..R.l: •
, 'ATTON'I3 Intim Disciask6:
• k .
ivse. roixi•
Wham .do Cloinek do do Mink nee
y.dd by . ..• J 6& FLEMING...OOr. Dimond i Marlot
S., t,.- Green
mtedga NB icri T
AT 'ROCHESTER. BRAYER COUNTY,. rA.. ! For Selling and .11r03g . Patent Bights. =
(lateher9th and lOth, 1854. •. I Fir HE subscriber Lavin - c leated' from his P Id. DAVIS. Auctioneer.
rc'E'Cbef ...I:id &kr Rowas. vont, Wood and 701.4. drat
under will selli,to the highest 1 li 'nth Pitmen.. o.c Ottb Pa." .h. . __—_._
the weer deans. to soli Patent Inaba the .Cities. Counties. 1 __...— ___—__=. •-_-_, __
bidders,..on the MM. inure named. and noon • sur no. 0 n... . 0 , 00 ,,,,, otoio l o h to of
. 0
prvudaes. hen hundred Lots, Iltorkt. Viands cod .4CII/ of ! „ n o nig ", t ,„, o 0r ... to tp:roll000, thet w...t or bi.i. , RPIIANS' COURT SALE OF A PINE
groan& with several handbag, de— In - the Berowah qf i ........ m ,". r l .
„an.; hers, has &Wrenn:Ml to deiote his 1 COUNTRY SEAT.—On Wednesday evening Sept 7th
/Wee , r,
tore Penn , They 11l 111.0011. or time and his abilities to the service of those who may de- ,atl ei o'clock.. the:lad:mots' Eahange. ith;t... will be
lease horn of years. tome valuable coal lands, stone oh . o .„.0„ k,„. ; abr. weeably to adman/mat by enter of Thce.Daviseas
anomie, beds of tire clay, iron ore. de , near the Borough , ri ,, de „, nhy ra ir t o „l ow s h amm y „ o n i„ o tt,„ o rrel .. ft„ ~,eo &kirk 'Arabella StatendedelddlieWc that Way ea
, , touted to blm , he concludes by referring the public to , liable Lod &A.M. CnuntrY Beat, egruunti-therasic.nts.
and coavenient to the canal. rivers and railroad,
The T•rrp , Sal , will be I.; dn.'' , 'in .no V'''. '• l ' . the followlerg testlmordst of a few of the cititeas of • Pitlab rorthe into Abtallautilptithr. , • , v-,
two leer , . 'g to three year, mi th c e nt . est at . pee cent. I nwoo., an.
Ter annum. Add uction of d per c will be mode fur , 110SF.S P..EATONt 1- ‘ - :Toe hropatybmost lir eltnatddl is Wilkina To .,
prompt payment of . the principal, due In one. two and • , onthe south Ode of ilkinstarg and Pittsburgh Turn-
Prrianner.a. August Fah, ISSt. i pikk . and 'cabin/thew : rodeo( the W . L.Utinstmeg stem. a
three year.
Bid. will le eceived, at the same time. for quarrying, m Tb o „ s o rgri„ o b.. .„, l l7 . ‘ „r o lre n ooi n tou art.nster io
pp. ted wit rpp h odi Str oo . ! I the Pa..
pp. R.R... i.. .."" •
..„-•• - 1 - ,, , ,..-: .. .. u ........—... t
,‘, .. ii . t.i. ,,. ~..
M u ro li a " l ' lrg ' ,Yrf i o;nerkin ' g r a i n i rlaytn h a ' 7 l reno r' llrion " o ' . f r iul u ld- '; bt....L'l . o V...t n .: to %•l'b oecloi t.l7 . .filog cl b o t r ooo ler o m o as iod a ..t gere- 1 = ftcl ... to ilf etlotm ptclo . ),o 4F . / th
b laßLbt . i dk o bluterme ohopm ll o ones opoip beic tp. k
ing ' , AO , end co , ...wog 0". milli'm ''''' en 1.1. A, "' r r* " •In whose exertions rfery reliance mar be plank ' we orehard at young frnit twee. theabberr. Vilma, de
morlug 10.000n1.1c yards .(mane. In cutting dawn and
~ n ., r ..„„ cl. nor ,. on , p,,,,,,,,
w lie m vll Lo le 1 . 1.2 ‘ fi1 . 1... I, ...„,,,Ito n
o bt m ciaz . . Jr.. , This /sone alba Inert•dedirable Ines now for sale. bola
Spfill superficial yardsof Ohio landing; all°, for thn Immo. w. ,,,.... 1 .• i . en our of ateasse ak all times by railroad and tarapike.
11.Chlids d• Di, erm, at tale.. A. plc* esn be seen,and aryforther In
Mate erection Of twenty amen tenements, furnishing all j... 6 W00d ,' ....
the materials and labor. ` N. Holmes d Soo, formation Oven at the Odes ram P. M.DAVIS, r,c,.
Kramer k Rehm.
For nor imd 'all the stove job, one half will be paid In . r..• ionn H..rri...lld.
ash, as the work progresses. the remaining battle lot. 00 ., 44 ,.
armed , or banding, at auction cash taiees; perfect titles,
Co Rooms, corner efWooj
I , * ~ ,,,,,,,,r '11'.1..f.."'" Item " la. St. Peter's Parochial School for Girls and 1 T r i:strig'4llo be n' Al a large ordiretkM of Thekerked,
Plats and maps of the propert ; and dentriptiolue of the
...rasing auntry , to.. may le had by &splint:aloe to . Boya. , . Historical. Poetical and Mbearliancerns book, among nhisitr
••will hs. to red choke standard. Library •editlona a the
..Y "' h. tbil.wlog '"' m"Pr i ewm " '''''"ftriwr WILL be opened on lgonday, Sept. aaa a a a d a b a ,,ao ,flaabora,aphauttetainuranepoakatteta a,
tire residences or platen of twines, we shown below,
Burroy, pl., drawings and specification, with refer. V V the Sunda School Room of Si. Peters Chard , . ' tiolo Bonk, Bleak Bost , •Hetw. nErtoltWeJe tt. S t . 4 -
enetetabor, materials. On. • to, required as above. Wil be corner of Grant and Diamond Oa ' ICa Wrillog Paper, together with • easel *tan s tan k o f
seat I ELM. DAVIS. Such.
catdbito ,et the Olken( the Company. In Rochester , after Ter.& is end SS per quarter. Latin add French extra. 1 Stalationery _
theist ear of October. For amebas and father Infiirmation, application may be
In addition to the mammoth Car Factory; Foundry, Ma- made tette Rector of the Church. Ile , E. 111. I - adv....
cNine Shop. Steam mills, de, now being erected in Roeb- No, G 7 Grant st., and to Dr W. Varian, Oth et., near Trin . t.
crier. a dements are already In progress. • fur the ty Church. an24.lwd•
erection ofrialf a dome other mamVactarms atablb.h.
eats, to le driven by seam Alm, an extensive Sam-
roay. several Chinches; and a magnlfeent Hotel. UpOO the
hill .hut near the railroad depot and steamboet landing.
- These Improvements, with the contemplated early com
pletion atter Cleveland and Pittsburgh railroad bridge
across the
of 'er. into Rochester. and the sw
earers depot and no tionattachment. as also liberal and
1111provamontq of the public landing. and streets
by the Boroughcouncil. and tber inestina. vet tide Piave,
of two or more eaten... cool yards. for shipping coal down
tbe Ohio, will insure a continuance of body Omer at Ror.h
est,. nut require an immense amount of labor for year. to
It 'sabre:hal thetmil he undersigned.propristors. with
ray of their friends a d• asarlates, from the Eat, will
berprosent at the above le. In October.
M. T. C. 0 GILD Rochester, Beaver Co.. Pa.,
.101 IN THOMPSON. Wakefield. It. 1..
.101 IN L. NEWBOLD. Philadelphia.
sepl-td _
TIIE Forty-seventh Session will begin. on
MONDAY, 'October 9th;1854, and and on theist or
ro l h, 1656.
Printiploa and Practke of 'Surgery—N. R. Smith. M. D.
Chemistry and Pharmacy—W.N. A. Alien, M. D.
Principle and Practice of Medicine—Dartincl Chew, M. D.
Anatenny and Pbyaloloo'—,feeeph. Roby, M. D.
Ohetetrica—hichard R. Thorn.. M. D.
!detrain Medics and Pathological Anatomy—George W.
Miltenberg M.
Practical An er,
otomy—ii. D. Fmith, M. D.
Clinical instruction at the I:tannery, belonging' kith)
Uolvemity. and containing onebundred andlifty_ beda•
Peen tor tho LecturoalDk, Matriculation DSc, SS; • Grad
uation fa, WM. E. A. AIKEN', M.D., Deno.
11...Satiny's] Intolligenwrend Union copy sesames.
and send hills to Deem end ell otter papers to which a
...hod paper Is sent, will publish to tte amount. of . sLand
charge Dal. Patriot. seplC2w
iv ILL open on and after . Monday next,
trj .
.n 1-I ,. ehnntl varle,l aPortment
t UP•th eltratis, 'Palmas and
Lupb**llual Slertnoon.C•alunere.end Mon, do:Uhler,
du Ikantaxinea. TII,IIiNI Cada and Mid,:
atrired, narred, and plain SHIM
French Chintare. brebroiderlea and Laces, and a -eneral
aorturent of ladier Fall and. Winter Deere Goode, pm ,
chlured recently at the Anclion es!. In New I me, at•a
p•eat reduction from reenter price. These Auction bales
being unprecedented:the quantityexhibitedteingteurn
aUy largo, and the quality eery auperlot—geode were sold
al ruinous ascriboes.-
Pittsburgh., AngurdliL 16.11.--4eplAw
(Morning Post rosy wreka.)
Fish's Parent Natalie Burial eases.
F°}'protecting and preserving the dead,
for ordinary interment, end also for transporting
t Ise
TM , tootirlelnfg em prepared to make favored./ armarte
meat. .11k undortakert and ottrirs to sOppir them br.
Pitopire to be soon at warehouse No.lo reem
IL. and at manufactory, turner ..iltan nod Oilers street.,
mum the 'Cater Works,Pittsburgh.
Also—tieep mustarttly no hood Firs Proof Fame( eetT
superior it uelit en. 1:loomo lam :Mitten. ornamental
Iron !tutting, t , ettess. woo and other hoof work. end
Improved Fohool Furniture utimufactured Anil mold at
reasonable orb,. tir isoplidtql & IV. T.3I'CLURCi.
Ladies Class in Mathematics.
MENT OS MIFF'S COLLEGE. Ladle. are taught
.41¢thes. Mectentary. DentrirGee and Ana
lytic...l Geametet, Trigtemme7. Memansilon. Linear Par
.T, euherical Prolection 11114.1.4 and Ehadmr., Le.
The. elms 1. de.igu ed plitteip r for teachers and mins
red students, and .ill be eengned tu Methetuatlcs Mum.
• Moon- Wedneetay, Itoto 4 WO P. M: Sato:Aar, rmm. fl
11312 A. M.. I . on.o—slo pOO 6001.100 01 20 uteiodraYeme
in adsarges. P. HAYDEN, .t_ 31,
peul Profeuter of Mathematic..
iIY 'virtue of a precept under the bands of
IT ra. D. McClure. president of the Meat of Common
re, In Sail fie the sth Judicial district of l'osylrania.
and - Justleeof the Court of Oyer sad Terminer. and getter
el Jail Dqlleery and far said District, and Willlam
11ceigs and Gabriel Adams. Eons.. Associate Juigeps or tbe
mine errunty, (nand ler the county of Alleseheny, dated the
.7.otb Say of Angina_ to the year of our lord oar thon►
sod eight hundred and fifty-four, sod to ma directed. for
holding Court of ryes and Terminer and rieneral Jail
irellerry, at the Court House In the city of Pittsburgh, on
the 14 )lenday of October. at /0 ellock, S.A.
Voting notice It hereby vireo to all Jestlresof the Peace.
Coroner and Constables of the county of All. ben that
r.l they t w ords, d there, In their pruntr persons.trith their
inquisitions. ea-ambiance. sod other re
ineirihnincre. to do those thins, which to their respective
eilleers. In their behalf amnion to be done—And also MM.-
that will proGecUte the pritmer• that one are. pr .mar.
In the mil of raid sunlit, - of Allegheny. to 1. t. then and
there to proserntybitathrt. them al shlatto just
(liven under my baud In Pittelinrish. this 35th day of
Ausust, In elm year of our Lard, one thou:tad Sight hue.
timid soil Mly-tour, and of the Cionthirdorealth the 75th.
null - Whl. 51A0.11.1.: .
. _
• Administrators' Notice.
ALL pare , ond interested • will please tike
make that Letters of Adadoletrath a on the Estate
of-Le nt Cress. Sr., late of Smith Fayette tasegehlts. Alle
gheny Co.. deed-. bats, Imen duly gvented by the its dolor
amid 00,517. to the undoes/geed, \ 1111Utuss 11rClean and
!Idled Ores: all per=ndehted tegall estate I r ra l,r .
1 :4-cip.:.'s t tlife th re714ttenve. in x msk tit s tirZtietu:oalltp,. In
mad MosselYs nr to Me 6141 Edward s Grego. at Ids plexe`ot
Ismlisere In the city of Pittsburgh. without dehsr, and all
persons haring <Wass or demands against mad effete
am ',guested to preventthesame, properly authenticated,
43 one or other of tee said administrators. wit boat delay.
\ WILLI/OA ma. , LEA - S. ..
.s ADA AAA littAXlCf. ,
cultrwr.s Admletnttors et 'Mei 0 roe g. dee'd.
amity poet rlpy 0 times a kly and °barge Gasette,)
.---.- -1 ...-......-- _..-....,-.
wm. A. irtWIN s
EAL i.STATII 0 - FENT, No; 'T Froll:t.
pti, stn.& Ist door from Marks t\ Dealer In Late Man;
to Ore. Ply Irma. An. Coal pre
` y bought and Mid.
400 . 14. r lifer. Mr, ale ids fat* on - the iissallUmst
Summit*, mar Mourns Town, to tide county. it constedne
117 aonse-e7O antes dearest, and the meld*. well Costumed
r.&....•=1 , .. nuzg.'711.11„,z,711.-;:brut 'kg,.
r talr tzp t i Z myroltero r tt. aro 43 the
s43r, .0600
ID iarM 11.,12 ones foam the city. d Milts from the.
n Statists on tin Central railroad met about the time
stletan drum theigtearmt • 140.110 gp the All-shear Salley
, , o n and • 111 h *Ail low AndLptt early tortna Apply
an the nulme to .; A (ILIAC TllollPdirs.
''.. salt s \...Fr i. . 1 - i . itti=b.
-1 %UNE 'Olt .Sf,rIVITIER-11441 IT FL Sadler.' Al
toe - cto \ ~ \ Marti . , tto, Usabattah . V., dimmend_
the Northwest Amen Si ' !Vim,. 8...01 .7 ..a. AN
C. Abhors Th
bn e:; , lttles , sil, t : Nile aul i t,.,...91,,,, ,, t r. .:i
V"4 .7.41.n.= molin‘gtAsns-Singn , t3M, .4; Deafly
: . 0 1. 1 . 4 1 112 . 1 6 el ti rtalt r a u t tathe 'T Ve l ett ""* .eetzigt :
r them and Ns; The Oman Mettle, Aluanstisbeng'The rid
\ _4lllFr:ThLBut 556060 Ihroatt atqahle: tbanett. Ifxrark
I ,4 o.tirEdOrVEl d il CWl3.l l itt :4 7rr t jer &Darla
titemeornleaUtti °litchi:at ne r ieeted; futhlons troitt-
R.MA Illadratlo • (hum ed W. \.ftrcsil. .to ad of
User stritearessogi • slaw's , leever; 44114reh's Drelteeev
-- - ---
Q,iIiASTISII) . .E i I.IBROIDE.I4ES.,-llngaii.k
ko Awxa.. in xt.qt...t....\,, hos oieinteg one of the
lamest stet met retitutartthent of rroneh sod Aut.
trete tleoteetteeitt evil tiered to O'er tit', The eoeste;;,
la wt.. aeleiletne \
Bea tiro Iterghrltteeoet et ~ , k
' ' lt \ S.
\I ' ‘ 1 64 . Chl twit ^
. ,
Together with 6, tlortto , -mortmeta L ot tton.tor: - :
t d_iptr A. . - , , , , ~..,
C P tir•te l LV ( ihV i a S tdif7tt S . A ß ....2t e Zi t 2.
c\ r
.loM r '"" h " 4 W" \ h'lr4 filkl i tsB 9 . t
.PLIW .'. ...\
...., , , ' t "
\ LL
• , * Qt7—:-Ot,
• ,
ri;.own'ulabure-ctuTe;. and
of %pmettrorotitiartdo, beILISMI4I4IAC,,
PPTZA r i t t : , Nitrate of San
`i4vt. Potash, .14anzarliot0011 Ihulatie Acid.
',Sitl-.9ods; In stoniand Itusla• .
—Mtiinby ALTlnteldeldhavolimi\thig inorning. one
CSKII mote "nktilib Long. Cloth g st, 13% et& p.n.
yd.; attic.,
, Vdpg... Wow. warnnteernil nag: alai, English
ind Awe uts, Mons do I,4ltiegjilsok lidtkei end to
rhnnotho .I.lnds of non good.. nog:ponds opentsur dank
0 BB I LS on html
• V\ "Provisions,
11FAMS, Sta!§and
■ - do •
Iron Cirr 81.4 Orval num
Lard 011, lI*L ktralnTO,tor
SeWO Eichoo • ' \\%,
~,pon • gRia.CT SMOOT, On Young Loultm., o MON
bapt.l2th; at, No. 09 Want U. *be branchna
a thorough I.:ngllsh education, may adrautagegUtarr
mimed; oleo, branch and Italia, • ' '
171.. A tow pupils' can ha acoopouodatod with warm \) \ ,n
the • • 0u26.21,0. s„.
'.( maim,
• ", • Cooper's . "'anted. • • \\,
Tecontoi4oclatlons am trot Tato\ workmen on teams
trarrrlo. nom to . • \ .I.D.
rara.•?t • • Dula;
are al
. th otillartu
ou rea Your
minister to
▪ ote rootsdr
t WI., a m
al Mr. Mar-
raild fbr /clear • iu22 FLEMING
• IL" ttive reed. - AA;A, MASON *CO
N.EW. 'await ANS-14e live just ree'tt ,.. 49 .
auz rese,;lllll mortar-a ot diorVt7 r a t iN a .00:\,
-LL 1V09.!, 4AINES- c —We have no
6. l ' 9l9 ". P uVr e - " eUerstiVa72(l l ., ° /. 1,61111 . •
For mile cation darollthir ben" arcennrand a rel.
. - elltt a lot PAM front on Arthur" 5t.,..7tb Ward, bog
deep: preen acid glum trees, grape vines. to. Tome
In lewd, balance at Inn a rear. B . * OUTIIOBIIT 80. .
Within 20 minutes 'laid the stir for IMO
__4~ eea v rly p. manta
RIGIC:BALiii Farms of -• =3' _acres, eneh,
FOR SALE-2 pleasantly situated Dwell.
ajidamT atae *amyl ltnaromt lets. attend
Van' 'Apply at tit WIN'S, at Water wt.
WANTED,—Fitro tols sore. im_
Conronteili,to *nitro:ll stiktfosh tirc
. su"! in are Dri btem. 1 •
comnk odikt , =ul t. aws
10.... b bare
wolVtialoosionadddr istro*
• suW- 110nr, si.ate
Carriages forliale.
ILE. utuiersignetthru; Justreceised
Irma the East,
the A l IJUSE, eitusted neer Two Mile RUN betweeni l ias
burgh I lawrenieville. • oplendid assortment or Ichkies
of every dm:lotion, and will ow:Minn. to melee reolar
ly, new •nd eenond-hand CARRIAGE 2, SULKIES. HUG.
Ce., whieb he willeell on Um eery lowest terms flo
cash. hid Melee years' pesetSom In the busineel.
end , with hie weU known fsellel in the rant, be Wean
Mmes!, in putting down all competition.
Those 'debit,: If , &Thar, are respectrally Invited
14:1:11,Ti n prompt attention P.M Tej&M....M...r
ift/PIA. Itnrlndherr74l .1011nrat ortaTir..
br NT e
LB L a t i., I N bT E_DMA(INESIA on
PIO Bawl and for sole by. FLEMLNG BROS.
0110 LBS. TARTARIC ACID for gale by
(s.a.manr. _to J. ICldd 00.,1 44PoRocIC
for tale br A. M. IrECRLEIf A CO
t9 (N) Canal Bub., Liberty et..-No.
FRESH ARRIVAL—Hagan &Ahl, No; 91
Market et, have reed I 1 chafes lot of alaln: Oblorcd
111 wool DoLaines; do Do&mai, half en* do dart colored
Slerrbnack and Cocheco Calicoes, with an excellent wort- ,
merit of gray rack Plannla. We are elcsing out our -Tie,
sum Lew us. Benner and ALI armies of soutane, anode at
cost, an 2.5,
61TAIII. RODS of all siz a ,at
.25 W. MeCLINTOCIL S BROS.. 112 Muket
Intyrst MATS!—An assortment .of Cocoa,
131t.ted in Belpre Tp..11 - aabingtos comae, Ohio. 16
m bah). %whale. Opt oath the foot of Illsontothseutt
Wand. contaie 5 scree. Whir Improsed, on which' taw
erected s Volans Dwolling HOMO, together with OATS room.
op hi good .tyla Mao, Pr 1.20 6/113.2 1•17.3. corsred
whit fruit Lathe ebokwet kind. sod good seisibborhood.
fors store. Price $750, or will exchange for lot. In or ,
about the cif, Atadr to B. McLAIN t SON. 21.5 th .1.
i E ItSEY POTATOES-560 bus. for Bale by
to onVii J. a W.LI: Ea, 7& Water at.
I_l WILLIAMS' Select School, corner of
i 5 ,, Ferry nod Moth sta.. Is nog In maim
angina gOth, IgSLI,Ir
........_.-. ...-... • -.:_-....
. ..
NJ -Good sweet cooking Rabin!, Sc per lb.;' ,
- . MR. for or hunch . do . , 100 der; L.- -
needless ' do, MO dct L .
Best vial Itr, in lams.. 3104edg
Boxes containing 6 Ike., 761 i PDobag, at , '
. u2s,
MORRIS S PATTON. In the Dimond.
Ahl, gll Market Jost reed per •KstiTti,
smother sapplr of Aus brotaarles, et= , •
Exabrolderad Collsrr
EMbr igggtiegr Chlsoitetts,
with • large tot of Jaeonet C 011.., at eery tar prices.
1 4 NOR SALE-12 acres of ground, near Bum, \ I
Liberty, adjoining the moony . of Mee*. Joyce &
ralr, 4 nem of whieh are in a boantifal grove, in. which
Wo Ln ul ' r lia,T" ring.
and the eugdfnany •riner. It Igabonc Id minutes walk
front the railroad depot, 11.bieLAIN & SON, 21,5 th ac.
VRESII ROUT, BUTTER for foie by \
1 J. IV,..IIeVARIAISI),, (late Lovelykaztonr)
.2) - . 285 Liberty street.
Ni - • nkTOOL RNob
—, 0 outs ply kilt=
• lng Yarn, grey - and writ,
leen ruts a vly 111.1141ns Yam; grey and whlte.
lop We. Tarte ringt,r do, receiving' an eQOII4IIN
erect and far roleby 31cYJIllbAh:11, 2w.Liaertr er:
TcrEw ItiOßK , Yhe 'Genitalia and Agrierr'.
uornoataklun esplanatory netts, and
selected, by an ndmirer of the rimless, for sale by
stu. 'lb hwoirrs t OJ.. 8211ask0
VSEFLES.—Tike abooribere offer for sate.
(NIL their Igo& of Mples, harneen s end wagons at Johns.
When and Cohemaugh Venoms. The Nuke aeo young
and hell broken to harnerd, The wagons havelron
stet the harems In hoodeepate. hphlratthe team of the
enbserr s ere, Water at:or NG. Rimy. jobnethern.
au3l e • \ RUST .4,3IATTIfEWO,
IV . OR ^ ALE.-6 =Yet; a Lund In q 84perip . r etatiration, on Lentiaisidagant boon,
froutiog oalba Ohio river, at,X 04
'b" i f" .nwt'
A to-6 maga at Wood's It Mr. , , E.othut a
linagardao s ouighlob Isom of LIN! , ,
It jaa .... l.o4arlaljit \ ll . l . ll . k x , 401 ,
Lana. - Binary a \ oc: \
ataklaa T110.9, , la, ath -
Moep from Mr.
ode br
\ll7W --T . 'fine;
d qtropg.
adowi7'le \ pio ix t . t . act
110 T BLAST ItINGS. I 4 Eet; \Vdittßilfete;%
far sale by wen \ RIMt 341.0MRW$L
lIRE 3 r I UNI SILEEV.-3 ,costa 'heap
sErrEmBER. \ \ \
t:ALTA irogreor v , 1 \
`MitrlV *4 l 43 e. 148t111%. -4
AY~vA.EviciNg'cuzsis.=l , age .ciii:hcalS ,
11 a vary Kai eisortment or Nedkir . catasts,.•lll4.l•l6
Y Urd r e 1 1,1= 14 . 1 :11'algii.1 s 4=4
m e 'beibre purchwitig ebewheto. 11.111110,.%*
60:11 cor. of the DlamosaikubaLutstath ,
4 BROW 'ROOT.-100, vertßair!
L tondiv Arrow Root .reed tble *
A fresh' a:putt of those celebrated Utheerel mss,
'rend direct tune the SWUM by • ‘ JOS. FLEMING.
oil o,r. at the Diamond. and Markettet.•
LL. ROSSA-41tsitroit hands large usertutekd of ure]
I....ezzore for rue4l , leal purpeacs. , not. alebnag saved.
article can always procure it at JO*. FLEM/NQ'S.
, au3l' tor. of th e Diamond and Market sr.
L 'stitiata on Bank Lano,,Allmbanrelty,bavlaa •
.hoot of 30 teat. extending back 310 neon On a lley. The
gosera trttrulita=g3f 0 O
Itoritnd ne den
roe ; i a a j b tA i B. tithe.
ADO, an3l et k 0
„ .
S cka: (.!: Hams,. a prae
d. b - y
- TWIS T 6 IVBACCO.- 7 50 1;ega13,..1,.6 •
jus reea D T
• '
au3 t
1. zwaxviat a DILWORTH.
111110E15 tak !primajuat'.nxed
and for sale 511111,V811&
liiiißatTyopSitE.—Cfne - heavy draft
Ilereti,s yams °Wilkie - isle by . 4:1 . 0 'WATt CO,
►oSlLiberty street,
TUxPENTINE.- 1 -2.5` bble. Spto..Turperv
sad fta. male br .
TArts) OIL.-10 bble.' , Burkha l idc'ErNci.l.•
Laid CHI just ned and Anna. br •
man e. - J. isctioWouximk co.
INSFmi) OIL-15 tilde. Linseed Oil for
Li soh
BLIND TRIMMINQS and\ Fastenings at
aul.4 WiIteCLUTOCIC • )311094 112 Maiket st
bay) ••• Comx•
ors to Wiek4 ILAYEsalldsea litiOleal• 'Groom
organ iron, Blw.CottonYarns, and Pittsburgh
'Mon./tat/vs Wl'./3". ore" of Wool suit Maw
14tobargb, Ps •-•
II barcink ried • .ourtmmitorMackTlp
wool Mks of very Ant stilept 44 Mack Broamio. au3o
itl LL' arrive in a few' daytc \at Morris &''
',NPatton's, in %ha Illmenni. ':" \ . N.,
31.0tfee sttietJTZ l •Halsnni ,
. ,
•,600 - .ooollnuns a ott Z
Ounum IT, • \
wholesuil SoltPaanitrxLr:rhgroarn " i Ib tb I iTT. 'odor Lath
~ O ial t PAON'S, In M Diad v
~ ,,..
PRINTS, antlrelkient tograther h aa%
t gnat Mho and , of dark G
irnt reaNt br anlo .A. A. MASON *ANL. 26. •
APIOLDEN SYRUP-r-12 bbhi. D. Harris, &
lug sobithb day irogt and for ale
1 - 2 w
ONDS WANTED;—SII,OOO 'worth of ,
Mottgag* Bond, irtntod t far al 'ire of
lf i c: E vsa umu aoka r : i r t z
7 ,74 ng viati t r .2 *
maw, w. 301 Beam •
Needle Worked wily% • White BMW. rubboasv,
Black Ittepaer, tubuons, wit Tartans other ankles.. New
Goode rdIN be goading daWy for liswdek or two at
sirN,ottb-tuteocner fourchluel Market streets.
15011,iiiTIG - ;Tire an fOr
4.111. CAN YIELD.
Ms. for eke b .
J. woid
SALT -S ALT 450 Mile. No,:l Allegheny Salt for'.
vet Top:
E. U. l i n!? ifri7it t r
N 0.1211 Ood
BEANS. 7 20 bblp..Wln . e Beans far sale.
-lUr ua . Mali% MI the . MlLmakt Weida ritternirdi
and Ilegbany, gang In tAriv . tag villages of WM,.
4 "` 8 ''•7 7 llrel^.Rorbellm. New Wanton and cr
dale. 'A largo
anomie,' to Inmt In good MIX
_ . PI !lying from ad toiratiNgitltearlo,
BrlSilf Pr BOOKS .4ust recd
m- \ s E tba AmorkenEdectle Practice
tide akt
e l TA. Alftelear.l.Ee_ jeritla
, Arg„.=,
.b7=TEkrirell.lerWiar , KAY aa,
D" APPLES-10 b Dry Apples
sale .:CA N DLES/J. MEAN 8 CO.
la TO LIES of the,mture _ and 1 4 a rn .
attrrstrielaarligzt . ra ,* l4 ° 4Z
pcs.gooLDFJOIERGR of iho most
fuebionible eolori. Just need bt diOrem, by •
. /1.45.0N,A CO.
soMASONA COzhaTe_jr4t ieefd en as
4 imr.a.nt or tvhieti Ms'
f ealialicid Mars."' but mma, , \ sizZa
irVE, sari now opi6ning upwazde °flag :
• awe and &grab% -styla of
will be sold asnumally kw& •A. JIM. . ;
ItA,Ess •• '`
isiabr u.s 4.4o.g mbst4 - 1 6 inAitte.
im s imatoadgi .mma i lm
Fan akl.---461"---14 7l Beakßwek°
M1129„ ' , ; .,- A tki11,, “ 416 ' 14 0 246 45
. -;
• \
I•• , rta PLATED WARGi O4 'WAN% '. l kla -4 *-.. Fri ' • • '
I morning. Peptembor lot, at ten o'Clotla.'at No. 'Marko
• ot., near 4th et., will be void a larga , alnd ,, driaant Amo
i meta or Painted China tea sate and table warsf:tett
• - rade* W
: Wren. Plated and , brlttanla castor, and • Mir.
.1 splendid china and Bohemian mbar. , llieL . .
rant dish., and silo board amet a, .
seg auk itlAss de- , •
1 ranters, Az.: las. tram table cuttan ntarnle.7en.
Gotta and Data table _ IFSIt; to, te4 lame! and
eandalabnw with wt Ow dh a •ossal Weed
want Of other useful and ornart es, Ao ntleb \ •
tho ?rat attention of honteketar and bore lA,. \
pert uly aalldted. • 1 1
This collectlonta of the latoot st, an. lost rytutlittea ~
anal , ' '.. P t. /1118 2. L.ueLL • \
Tall - 7TEE WAIIII-0. , gat , u 0,,,,,/ •
_eptata 9th l g t 3 0'01.14 on the prendsea.'ol b. ,AdA
r .
by order alto Robb, ran, Trustee of IttreA A . Mn, '
bon, 0 o Efuodred tad Potty- Building. turn o varloue \
sites, 'olubtg thokAla 11 I . 4 .l. d i tßuVel,:k C' \
ta l
Mann and a laterealdenee o oak., in: t Thin
proper: Is within a fear minutes nalkof Omen rt our,
and alne of ornabuse. pastes the panders bone' offer
inn y Indooententa for profitable law:mentor ma
otta and thorn oilcan and Plo.wat ir7la... •
Palepooltlvely without room, ~ , . V. ,'
Torras, ono-third . wit , taddoi in. toe ,an d two Tars, . .
' with Intend. Plans canto had at the Wear...a 1
• . , P. DAVIS.. net.
Pioneer 'Line of lifonthly Packet! , , \
"VretallorrlitTiltilf.tra.efalliark k ,' \ '
/Zero's< t 1,300 ton., Jutn .Tolt Wangest24 o o tone. J , \
Apaalonnkts,l,4,2oWans,dng Zat2. 3 5n0nai,59250..A '
Ocean F.apte, lAN tons,SePt. Triroar4a 1.460h;na. Oct. " \
1862. .. Won Med, 1.6:10 tuns. `Soy., \
Omen. /.500 tons. Ile
a, 1533. ~ \ ,
8 0 ,..., 4 1,450 tens, Ilea, 1614. Chrth4se.9oo tons.D.m.ber. \ \
Baltiniore, 1.900 t 0.., Jan.. .11143.
M.% . f Albert ^tali t on., , JRS4. , . \
Eirehresa, VAS) tons. Minh. "Inehtis4 /.04 Mar. \ '
Orryws less. tow. Gulfra t I,:i. lope, Juir.
it.d.. i t,
Mewed 8(KI 'AB& Ar i lig ia. .2
The Slips of lbw ne are that with , Hnershes Patent 4 r'
Ventilator. and out! Yrancls' Ifetille LIIII-Dests
The new and masa' tlesot C li pper ShIp.EL.IIOO SCUD, .
1,713 Tons Register. W. It. Rams. Master. wilt erweent tea LI
"Clertrude" as Atatteenth Ship of this Llltsjand 1,01 eall
far 2telbowne, Australia. • o
, • On the - 20th of Septemier. i
The BLTING SCUD rebuilt ou the most arsiesed mat.
2 . ,ri., , 1= t d Is coAldered to be a perfect modal of
enw t4 e the flu.t ed foatee"Ellp'b' drain I bn T°o In
0141 \
secure 000050 withont delay. as only 4 l'hrdted sh ould
of lit and 30 Clibin paswroten Rabe taken.
Tor treisht or passagn, apply' onboard, at Pier 1 East
River. es no
~,' ' R. W. OLMER(SV ‘
F. 7 "' : .. 12015'0 etritet.2fitts Talk.,
— Eteertion:.
_ .977 , F.17.0 , :qmrnwssmun , a" 1 3 °-
Au r at 161 h, ISM. .
PHE Stockholders ' ,of. the \Pittsburgh Gas
...? , -9 1 r3" baebi - tonne! tba, Atutuel Meet.
r gaL ° 4. t r , LT three ' "1'
tb:Compaiir:in the Qtr of Vlthilmitth. en tbeFirst Mao- •
de."' efSeptetelot next. between the home of We and .
o'clock, B1:1 \ of that del. - .•v 141•31 , \ Z. hi• OIiTOSTY,
1 07.estrainiter College
Spdogaf Btterleief , ek \
iLL re.riken on September4o„l Ladiea
T.T v ti l = f rMT=7. ,
..7 " r thc"" t •
—..T‘Tdr.r from the leopraeoototrf v o, and
Dvyils `Wi'd"..;:r 1,1 '4g71471,1r4
tae< nisi
and iseibllaltfiaot." •
Jam pran, L. A, Griot, VT. Jas. NINO,
46tro Rutin gs, fl Murdoch:lf. XL:Papal P.m , . UM'
Tr Wolfe. 8. A. Storret. 31. A% "..-mr21.14.1
A..lireiopapet - Office
Rare -CAoace for Praderr6r
RE Proprietors of th e .?• '
~ / . 0 r, ....1 0 =¢ to dltrpoiaar
AZ are all Inn, and AIL tan gptalltrf and m. ine Th eentatel` ,
oppartnotty tardy mat with to mole* to lb* newsman \ '
laminas, ..Itte"attrurisa la firmly atiataltledl Laelnit
been In sureamfel w e triti f yeer At{eq f, , :g h l is town.
l l iffl uut t :;4 1 10 1"b1:e4 +In d. 254eartritIto Xdmb nor
who la Maeda of lap the egtaelataapatts goad igent,
For tattbae particular, application tan bartoade
pram-Mora-at theta Mena manse al natal *0 swbel.ll.
eseata, Alltror Mtn ot!tynall.
_ .
Very Desirable Town Lots; On ~ QukLoto \ 1
for Sale..:: 7 -' -.7•-;',' :' •''
11.1-ilie"-.l36mtigli.:of 'Llikrobe; ifoiiinorAilna
Citill. aim OS .ludineg the Poniolmilla Stall-
. roa
. Iteigiele c C l iNclinsrls!A to *. t acserelee .1
204'1n lnls thrlelog town. near t.isadthr WorkVy
at akr prim. - . Also,' arrant e love . awl". forth., On*,
Lots, containing Leonel to .10 under.tenci. Ilrebairq.,
les, working toen.garlenera, to.orill Awl proStstha em, , ,,,!
friMtPr , d 11,V. , ~, ! TrAll. 4 , ..i.kih0r..-.0. d . 4 ../.. I
Only .momoiecoortoin:e.Oi.'evelta Tesrlf.,'. 'S. sivenOnthe * balanee. Zocialrgegt '-r
a141441nd . \ '''' ' ..:4). surrna&N. LaArobe. Vs.
- - ----
, , - ... - -Seminary for Bal .'7a .- . -• ',
s. 11..,,,,,, 41.thand 0.44.,.....s. k (6'0.1 mi.. •••
..,,EA.141, SESSION, of - this win,.
Oar... 00 MONDAY &opt. 4th. lila Um &Ain of ,-
, ion will to resaravd btilikonts.tirifeks awl 110-
\ Thom sni ten months in iturA!±npnitie.Te,r: - -
'Ow number of p 9,11.. iteljyd; taw bole inn au mitud
tutu ceder elantn •m- sums Nonnarmall* mile alter An.
rut 131.111.21 64 Inert/A.oft si Eebnol. , .0*25.-isrd•.
\ - 'Valuable' Real Watwforliale.______
p a.T.'Ary dealmble propetty,Autuategg__
\ . .2th... r m. awn ....s Bmithlgd, ate!, rotr
t x tiTYlAß dw •Nat d ally . tor STO rd dr a LAzamt
brrter, Watobeaskere lard 4unntlere, - onoNmr-otbor, the
comm. nocented by dm owner as I.ooneettionery, Ilona,
/Wm +ea
end tbs one on Steth Meet, mounted
by &W. Bandere *a s barber saloon WI . threllbm. WI
trirgferor D=e l l gible 4 7=W.L. 1- it
ll*. , -.For ter= hirer enq - - 2 . ,: : . #,A,11A. .
\ tle deer and In hale. . - .1, A... ..t,
~ s I= vtetarmined to WI VI as get •may Ilk. 11:
re PO* this I. to ktre notice to env mom or mem
brolitur ellaina or awes, ebarge or obarges twantE me, to
Lrr d ant the one to Moot the earner of Otrttr and Smith
roedbtgtsr4anl43tmd " I'l - 4CIRI b iI IIA AR RA.I°7
lyoa...sia,g-L4Viteret of land, adjoining.
AllizbentCHT: zitre•Vbireatri. If edled for moos:
iztakamr= cc ernl a utr j a s le. 4.4lreztert
.•"a ' , 56 Amnia st:
: „pit superior Farm in Bearert
1 / 4 .....ty.3%.11:1 , 40.0urbmt.......5.aa mon a=
. - 1 1 13artj t i.TAICAZIV T ,=nvz
80 of cool cor.on I. °trefoil 14o.,,leoquire of
•o.t:ef 1 • • THOS,S4". Th. 4th at
1 6gse ati • 4,5 rt. :e
-watekoffared se* mkt ULiffAln
_olla* of
\ Tam W00D.% 75, 4th at.
, _
VOR treantlfulOotititry Seats, - on .
`NW, 4th shoot r054,th[4414 of Ebitlrty.' .Tbly
an ccoite_ and ougbt to T. ',cured thos4
,141411 • delliztitra4movn4Y7 ,
4th s
~ . ‘akt" ,Til t b,
this air Pied hr CHHESE
AN - Rl' OnbEg4- •
Liu ri'BXS. CAVXILE - 841412akitY:ltore and
fay pile by. SELIZIL94
P 4 l l BALES laQuciintrE . R9Oriii44 tore and
.44t 4414 by - au2S, ,
...&..\ - Kasusrts & co.
dI3I)LS. ROBIN - 1u atom and 'for stile b yFl2s R. E? p. *M.
n on
Oandlor washy R. 11: MILLERS CO.
.00A1 - WORKS
rotc ISALR-24 acres or intlerlor:
view:go:Lon the Monongahela Rhotr• short dletaneerabot•
Monongabelheity, together with 'Ur...arta and
other necessary gator., in good oraf Wear:ling on, the
ered twinges on an extenalve scale, andel* a free vula of .
the Wading at the river for boatiode:The !sin of malls.
live Net thick and otavarrrr sozriegingility. gent farther
Tqatseuhm, apply to- E. r.-. 19. Attorhey at Lag, No,
1144th skor to THOMAS ffiCrildilth,•llo. 185, lat.
.2 RIOA•PA: H:IitiSTOOK-4/3\rhAres for
atNo. il. laid., • A.ATILVSS &Co. .:•
VirtMESSOTA slutretc,
of thlvdcalrOlo dook tamale. .A.1M.5t1 . 115 I CO. 4 ,
VRESWALACKERVX—No. alargi; 111 bail
.11: 161 s. reed this day' I.II4XLT *Watt.%
ma • - • 2651.1barty stripla.
,k ,, c.R SALE, oil the Chartiors R. 4.,
ZlSceee of Coil Liutth oaf blainflelih- it Is the
to steins erre. of oral • gualoth—lt
roars than me esk for It Ibr the coal glans. liL ti li barseSoli n".
to au au In the coal bue/selm )eeulrs oT
sohti- - ,11103.1•00D13, TS, .
lart ANll3}4.A,Motti6o'or, 6 thous
• • and dollatZulti dgb th i !
°sl"r " `b• ath Matt.
gab, of - • --MI
gfil - TCUIS•—•2S DrT i atb . 3 l .; •
• 20 bus. Dry Nucleon :=0 `Am • .7 EPIUX
I\ by p r y. et ! ..,,11,0 need st.ll_lltpupy by
312811'S“ drumwontit.
riEWLOT--;No* lot-of Dewier*, Bold Ptio4,`
a r a mer e nmE.putrtzt T cti ar ?ftritia
d 4, ".•,-
zuwei: Used br Dia - C .
bY Ql,ll.lr2's***. PH...lbtraVVBMX:2l;k
tR o E
tsA M T B
.AaßndG A
n I N
is 7 non; offered
i b n a tic
at n. r tuln L no n N . 4 ft. la n o ounW ,
I =ntrtrVor thre l
rtfilon‘l n itis $ benll764s:trUld for
man rnr4rr.'
ADDIT to an= - 71. , 31 4 1 1 N -, gox.
0NL,8400. for the goof! *114: lieense'and'
extureitoreniltesVTarezt. Mal 1. tne ety
litant nu ere re ntotnn. B. IreLnl PI t sox..
- -
'',OSIET FLANNELS-;-Teti V3IN -whiter
zed and Meek Waxed Dowel. Ylannele, teem the man.
bum, kw We low. by
. .
new Mona Dorelllo Mao, fast aomplotocl. orate
arol arsollar ‘ oltfttrd XL ,- Warlsington. a ohm * .
dlatanar from the lnelinal Plain., The lot b .100 ft. front
or. atO 11. ea, by. 204 deep on •10 ( 1 ... 1 1.5. r/lts
ieft SI.,Z
Tarn. MY.; :Wrong In enutbot• pleasau‘reianies
Irell;to examine as sacra
rpHEShateholdbrafin the Pittsburgh Min;
~.?t• IbuosM= l ,
3 , Y.Ollllrritspuous bar% r. 016.1 tb•t
• Ann.! - of mkt llamaital. —I. Id "
igessorit.wirtut. .inx TBUlNDAYA r bfrteMbo hS e "Lb. at
aTMA , III.' . .
Iry . August Mth, 31131; = = - . .
it: ,
111 ARE --01; ANCE,:AVINEB.'k-4ror
trivr,L-0 4 e.'unu;rrial
and rum "lam starc , Junt*'..a.
higaii. aim% saigagier, stigOtia.tgiagtilessaat
liatiaik- &bon* ant. fags W .
&sreigionat ning mid la
ligawaig mit.' lb* *tam- mike...* b.,
c.nout amdolair • Waft:giber par
sloplan. mart*, .11e. , 04:4W.1i:00N..1.10041 at. *-
. SSOOzL;A HOUSalit All — iiieny
•• •
- VEIN - etzAmy: FOR :BALE A Ove
f- iihirokuum lath* timemlicia6u* tutu . eity.-capre
. 4
• \I \
- . -3=\ •