The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, August 09, 1854, Image 2

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• . or oitsormy corm.
or xonmaommar cotrin
Allegheny llc=tY Whig Ticket,
DAVID PX1131112, Pittsburgh,
*nuns% 95t0 turrittcr,
samuz.v,A.ruitviANor, of Butler
Wu, E. PUIVENSON, Pittv!rtirb. •
r i ertgaTILAN I S!.. Pgrmluichstn
, • SOM.( J. MPS& Versailles,
JOHir HAOILL, W e il Deer.
lISNBY irt=htsburgh
max of I'M COMM,
ALFA. 111LANDE, Rots
' • Jamsg B. OLSNIy UDD r se. czar.
JAM Z. 7LANLVIN,PIttiburgh.
p _nuccvnas or 0003.:
JOITN tiVICEF., Birmingham,
BRO)VN. Ras.
Advertloors.—thritbur the Editorial !Looms
itor Prlngurcltatabllibrocatot the Daily Crasetle,ant opened
on Snnandr.;..dtmorancuarrhodadro their noUces toappear
n taw PaPer"on Ittonday muting. .11l pima hand tharn
kofore o'clock. on Saturday.'
halalltultgret Weekly Gosettie.—The extensive
simulation of our Reidy Career offers to our bush:teem.
a most desirable midi= or making their bullpen known
Onr circuislia•n le between lb= and geothermal:la, teaching
almost every merchant,
,triantifecturm and shopheoper
/Patent Penne/Ivan* and. Eastern Ohio:
se.dlas Muter, on each vase of thin Palm!
Anzonnantsr.—Congresa has at last ad
journed, and the coantry wi I breathe easier for
•'"a . few months: As all hope had long since van
'robed that any good could come from that quer
- ter Which• the President would not vein, and as
there was no telling what enormity it- would
not ;conuit under Executive. influence, the
country fa relie'ved by the knowledge that it is
safe from further dangerous , legislation until it
~..Lae-time to consider of the means necessary to
:•be taken to the evils the Government has
ende.avorecl.-to faeten upon us
This Congest' lute rendered itself famous for
its reckless , extnivaganee aria eta base ardmervi
. envy, to -Executive influence: We talk' of a free
govertunent, and yetnot one bill has been passed .
and' 'become a law which has not been Bug
- 'seated and sustained by Executive influence.— '
..For all practical_ purP,oses, Franklin Pierce
~might as well be the Autocrat of the country,
forliet poetesses and exerts the sole power. Not
ParWcle ' of- legislation that he opposed has
lucceedlied,'while tots of fearful - enormity, which
',the people of the North And the South either
's • hated; feared, or - dreaded; have become laws by
• One of the wors t things which can Willie free
people is
to lose faith in their system of got-ma
-Math The people of this country are fast cons-.
ing to this condition through the outrages com
mitted by (kn. Pierce and the Congress he has so
much under his control. Patriotisizi prompts all
true men to approve of the acts of their govern-,
tient, but it is utterly impossible for an intelli
gent Americen„ citizen to approve of such out
- rages as the Nebraska bill, the ten Million bribe
to Santa Anna, the Greytown outrage, the veto of
the indigentinsane bill and otherects which cause
the cheeks of a true American to mantle with
shame. It is the delight of every citizen to speak
well of his country and his govenizaent, and to
contrast them with the errors and follies of other
. ...lipids, and he feels wounded and mortified when
he is compelled ,to condemn where he feels he
ought to have the gratification of approving...
To . see the American fiag desecrated to ignoble
purposes; the - American navy prostituted to acts
of unmanly outrage and cowardice; the Ameri-
Can army turned into n police Or slave-catchers;
the soil dedicated to freedom devoted to the worst
• • forms of human slavery; the most benevolent
'and beneficent measures ;rejected, and the most
:objectionable sanctioned—these wrongs and out
rages, all qui result lif less than one, year's ad
' Ministration of tiYen. Pierce, cause the patriotic
heart to mourn for his cothitty, and the brow
to blush with shame. They oA -- ge ... mte, and right
too, that deep, heartfelt loathing which is
felt for the incompetent and unworthy man who
has arrived -at his exalted station not through
his own merit or capacity, but by the power of
party Will and party fanaticism As ',Mg ea
there is a man left to honor and respect our coun
try And our institutions, there will be ono to ex
ecrate the of Franklin Pierce, and to de
,. nounce the miserable Congress Which permitted
itself to be dictated to by so weak and besotted a
partisan; who has not been able to rise above
the fool region of a low political demagogue.
This is, harsh language, but truth warrants
its use. We respect the office of President of
this - great - nation, but we detest the man who
boo covered it with eo much Ignominy.
. The Daily National Era has been discontinued,
the publisher haring contracted to issue it only
' until the expiration of the session of . Congress.
Re says that it has entailed upon him a loss of
four or fire thousand dollars, which we are sor_. ry to near: . The Era has been of great service
during the prolonged contest on the slavery gees
tion, and there is no doubt that its exposures of
faits and its ability to bring to this notice of their
oottstitucias any dereliction from duty on the
part of professed anti-slavery Congressmen. bare
contributed immensely to the benefit of correct
- principles in Congress. The . Weekly Enn is con
tinned, as usual, - and is afforded at $2 a year to
. eingleaubleribers, and $1,50. in clubi.
Pin Bout Convaartcrs.--By reference. to the
uB in our advertising columns, it will be seen
that st'nee Boil Mass Conrention ban been call
ed to meet* Harrisburg on the Seth inst.
CklnlOC , iNi : an of the Dalb , PitUlnugh
. • • - Wesmvroxorv, Aug.' 7.
The insult offered the President on Saturday
bY i'drntiken fellovr, is regretterl and condemn-
The man first asked the President to drink,
'tag he wu 'leaving the capitol after the close of
tiffs day's 'sitting, having been engaged in signing
Orrlds declinlng,,, the' person commenced
talking and gesticulating in a very nide manner,
.." " and threw a boiled egg at the President, which
• struck hanon the, bat.. c rhe assailant was taken
lute custody, but at the request of the l'Awldent
iris diecA4sgetl
. The man war' from South bar
, . These things are not common among ns. In
.. deed; there is no proof that the Inebriate knew
that 'it was the President to whom he offered the
affrent. Rut though not common,such attempt
, e l indignities upon the chief magistrate are not
unprecedented. Gen. *Jackson was assaulted
considerable violence by a Mr. Randolph,
• whom-he had Amassed from his situation of
Paso in the nosy, for default. Mr. Adams, if
• lee he hid left the Presidency, was assaulted at
400 r of the House:of Representatives, by a
'deepentdo on tho mere score of his hot Southern
blood Itis for ilia credit of theeountry that acts
:::-:of.this kind; though not unknown, are In?. and
newer occur without Incurring the contempt of
- Though legislation has stopped, debate contin
; nee brisk in Congress, though we hope to hear
...Ilia lad QVICiv - daY. On Saturday Richirawn
declared his opposition to the President ori.the
--Bl ur and Harbor bill,•at the loss of which, lie
pretends infinite 'distress.. The secret of Mr.
itiohardsOa's 'ooncern - cowdats in this, that he is
afkilti tie veto will deprive him' of his'seat in
• -tot:1041e. It Is sus easy way of getting 00.,_
Illdwilison; it gill be remembered, was the lead
es la the'linna" on the Nebraska infamy. After
-" the inunago of that . bill he - visited Mots and
onto back with tho imPortantannotrocementtbat
be.slia . ul4 re-elected byr 4000 majority: it e
begins to apprehend that that majority may bo
tint'down otntelcbirebly below zero; and when the
of - Alf : 11401y truth is brought home bible °mimic
tioa with aleOtion return; be will pater- ble
etolbyattributiug 9e result to"Yrinit
etelide te, , '.P4be./.'; 1 ! 1 * 1 °B 1 /
/dB ttthoidom and the'North.
• ••••••••-,lt
rrg3 '
' • -
r‘ 771 ' ,1 4 1 ; . ?V'A..r- , g
"A$ ``',s•=t RA.•`-' l .'t! •
- - - •
1 The highest rote in the Ifouse.yesterday show
; ed the presence Or 21 members` and the Senate
exhibited an equal paucity.of members.
Ido riot intend to crow over the North Caro
lice election. —Perhaps Clingmanand Badger
arc not exactly fair specimens of North Carolina
Whigism In 1854. But lam sorry to say that
though they have their personal peculiarities, I
fear they are no worse than their compeers in •
their hostility to freedom and their fanatical ha
trul of the north and her free institutions. It is
raid that Dockery is elected over Bragg, thereg•
ohm admirdstrationnominee of the democracy,
and that the whigstave obtained a decided con
trol of the legislature. A defeat of the adminis
tration-any where, north or south, is a matter
for congratulation, because it divides and weak
ens the party of slavery, and tends to break up
the meet despicable coalition ever formed; but
so far as regards any sectional question, I do
not know the Locofoco, north or south, that I
would not as lief see in the Benateas Badger and
Clingman. I hope there may bb some chance
for Mr. 'Mangum, who with somet faults had yet
a touch of nationality and moronity about him.
But if the State has gone anti-administration,
as rooms almost certain, it is a terrible rebuke to
the party and the men in power. The Nebraska
infamy was concocted for, among other purposes,
the consolidation of the democracy at the South,
and the extirpation of the Whigs. North Car.
line had almost lost its character of a Whig State,
having twice in succession elected Reid, cousin
in law of Douglass, governor, given a majority
for Pierce, and now having a majority of Demo
crate in Congress. The first effect of the anti
slag specific neemli therefore to have been to
"crash - out" administration Locofocoism and
restore Whig ascendancy in a State in which
sham democraci lia — s — been rampant fOr the lust
tsar years. What will it be at the North?..
rich harvest of public contempt awaits the base
betrayers of liberty and repudiators of compacts.
It is remarkable that the Union has heard
nothing from N. C. but has very important in
telligence all the way from Spain! Yes, the of-
Mist gazette hears nothing about so paltry an
affair as the loss Of efitate at home, but publish
es tr thgreat minutia some humbug story abotit
' (ho escape of that old harridan, QuoenChristina,
a matter of no consequence, if true.
It is also gratifying to perceive that the Union
is preparing its friends for the loss of every con
gressional district in ,Missouri, and the substi
tution of Whigs and Bentonite! for regular Loco
These are pleasant preliminaries. I only hope
events will verify the worst possible apprehen
eions of the organ.
The Senate have condensed all the nominations
of the President except about a dozen. Soft Shell
Postmasters and Collectors in New York. -They
ware rejected through a verypaltry spite, which
will react with considerable force upon the ad:
ministration, by exasperating its present Soft
Shell partizans. The effect of these bickerings
will be to_perpeinate and aggravate the divis
ions.of the Democracy in New York and make
the Whig victory an easy ono.
Mr. Wheeler, ono of the ' new charges to Cen
trdAraerica, was Secretary to sign Land Patents
for / the President. His office and salary will be
annexed to that of S.: Webster, E.sq:, who will
thereby be able tosport a turn out as smart and
dishing as any of the cabinet. There has been
same talk of a resignation on Sid's part by way
of a etrike for higher wages, but the necessity
for that extreme measure will now be obviated.
The President is not going north this season.
Ile retires for recreation to Old Point Comfort
in a few days. Well, that is decidedly appro
priate; and if at the end of his term he take up
,his residence for life in the samiregion, it will
rot be so inconsistent with the eternal fitness of
'things' as to excite the grief of the nation.—
There is great Kropriety in people Jying down in
the beds which they base made. Isms.
WA81112107 . 03, August 7, 1854.
Congress is not only adjourned, but gone, ab
tulutely left the place. This is consoling. The
• country is now comparatively safe for four
months, less one week. What a relief it must
be to the public to 'learn that the exertion* of
the administration to get that extra tea millions
for Fillibtisterism at largo failed, failed with a
dead failure. How many San Juane might not
have been bombarded on that ten millions ?
How:many arsons at home and abroad commu
ted? How many "Jamaita niggers" murdered
in Cold blood?.How many Harlin& avenged,
Congress is bad, but it has not eank_to that
loWe'r deep which hugs dishonor to ite bosom
from'choice, adopts as its own and commends as
chivalrous and brave the massacre of unoffezni
ing men, and tie burning of unresistinifowns.
That is left for the Richmond Enquirer and
the Washington Sentinel, peculiar organs of
Virginia - chivalry and of this administration:-;-
Congress, I rejoice to say, gave no sign - of ap
proval, but called for the ram received them in
silence, which is ominous of contempt, and re
timed to entrust one 'cent to the 'discretion of an
Executive which could enaburage or tolerate
such acts.
But. Congress is gone, and now the books may
be made up. The people's verdict upon its
character and doings is about to be_pronuanced.
I will not anticipate it; but will rather caution
our friends , to receive first reports of Whig tri
umphs with great caution. We may take useful .
lessens from the Democrats, who have generally ,
the patience and prudence to wait for the count.
. The noire from Europe continues provokingly
unimportant. The French and English alliance
against Nicholas has been so far the 'most mag
nificent failure of the century. It will bri a
thenie for comelituis and caricaturists, not for
the historian. Our feelings as interested spec
tators have become interested, and we demand a
fight. -Why the combatants. do not fight is the
question. -The heroes of the allied fleets and ar
mies should remember that all men must die,
arid that if slain in bsttle , they will not expire in
their beds. It is much to be doubted that they
areafraid of coming to a premature end. If a
muf holds' forth the promise to the world to find
glory and reputation at the cannon's mouth, be
ought to do it, or perish in the attempt. This
alaggishrtesie In war is positively worse than the
stagnation of peace.
• What England and Franco =canoe wish to do,
would puzzle the most sagacious; but that Ras
-813 is determined never
to surrender the provin
ces she has seised, 'Whether The war continue or
erase, and that Austria - is hey ally and accom
plice, are facts now fully developed. , •
The revenue of the last Ewa' year wail about
$78,000,000, of which $ 66 ,000,000 7113 froth
customs, and $7,000,000 frotrrthe lauds. The
IZter source of Thyme will tio a good deal im
paired by thee . operation of kradtation
bill. The receipts from epstonts have - nol di
mlnlshodwith that rapidity observed daring the
month of -June. The receipts' for itdj,'lBs4,
were nearly as greet as during the eame'month
lest year. . The balance In the treasury ia now
$ 25 , 000 ,000.' -'' '' . , i: Sumas .
.; • For the DOT Pittsburgh Csatte.
Da. LACUSXOun.—The action of-Cloy.'Bigler
io pardoning Dr. Lachenotir, one of the Easton
conspirators; is another deed which must greatly
injure him In the estimation of ail his upright'
constituents; and is a fair specimen of the jus
tice meted out by one who has the boldness to
',elicit the votes of honest 'then. No sufficient
OXCIUM can possibly be framed by - Bigler or his
friends for this wanton violation of justice. A
jury of twelve men after three weeks patient
hearing of evidence, speeches, At., pron - enn......^- 4
him guilty of trying to defraud, a weak aid int
becile old man of his Money: be wasaccordingly
sentenced and fined; but he is pardoned by Big
ler and his , tine remitted, by which meritorious
notion a scoundrel is turned loose, and the Corn
monirealth robbed of $2.500, the amount of the
fine. Since the. Governor of the State has the
power. thus to trample on the just sentences of
our Courts, it behooves all who are desirous for
the eiOltaie of the community, to select a Geyer-
nor:Diwho* they can place conAdonce - as a man
of integrity and justice. Will the people unite
to support &Mum who is fast , becoming not:miens
far his injustice and anderhind dealings? Will
.'they' moment to prolong the power of a man who
hal grossly abased that Porte, and ahows himself
mach More influenced by personal interests than
by a sense of duty ? • Nohis own party will re
pudiato him. Why demi "not Gov. Bigler give
some .reason for disregarding the swamies Df the
- Court? ,Simply because he - bas no, reason that
will justify his, onduct. The Peg and E r efonWill
denim. concoct some ingenious esonle,tattho .
twain .gheeitelty of these :papers will pr u :e et a
Abele eat itses.from:biiviekany great weight.
ItUlifie'hatthot:4• i tOnlo*
stlie ere* ainy:3lo4LonxtteecOjest/
ruon Cs:LWOW litt.
ing of the butt steamers, with the mails for the
Bast, disastrous conflagrations have occurred in
various places in the State. That most of the
conflagrations with which we have been recently
visited haiiinot resulted from causes purely ac
cidental, does not admit of doubt. The incen
diary is abroad, and almost every portion of the
State can exhibit traces of his foul mission. The
recent fire in Sacramento reveals the horrifying
fact that not only was the conflagration origi
nally the work of the incendiary, but while the
flames were reducing to ashes block after block
of costly buildings, and while the groat mass of
the citizens were engaged in the unequal conflict
with the devouring element, persons were found
in an attempt to fire those portion of the city
which were till then uninjured. On the morning
of the 9th lust, a telegraphic dispatch announced
the total destruction of olle-of the,most thriving
and beautiful of our mountain towns—Minnesota.
Here the total less was estimated at $52,000,
and only three houses remained to mark the
On the following night an alarming fire broke
out in San Francisco, but fortunately by the al
most superhuman exertions of our Fire Depart
ment it wee checked before much damage bad
been done.
On the 10th instant, Columbia, a populous and
flourishing town in Tuolumne county, shared the
fate of Minnesota. Property to the value of a
half a milli= of dollars was swept away. Hero
the vengeance of the people would have been
wreaked upon tho incendiary, had ho not been
hurried away to Sonora.
On the following morning, one of the largest
fires which has occurred in San Francisco since
the great fire of June, 'LI, broke out in the low
er part df the city, and before three hours had
elapsed, three wholO squares had been laid in
ashes. • Had the wind been high, San Francisco
would in all probability, for the third time, dis
appeared before the devouring element. The - fire
raged in close proximity to where three of the
noblest steamers on this coast were lying. The
Yankee Blade, the Brother Jonathan, and .the
Sierra Nevada, lay stranded, and had not theilre
been checked in its devastating career, they too
would have been swept away. The loss was On:
timated at $280,000.
Scarcely had the smoke of the burning embers
cleared away,-and-the excitement died out, than
the news was telegraphed that Sacramento was
in flames. On the afternoon of the 13th, a fire
was discovered in a frame building in the centre
of the block bounded by 3d, J, 4th, and K streets,
which spread in ell directions. Nina whole
squares were burned down, and also the Court
Rouse, occupied by the Legislature at its last
session. Water had recently been introduced
into that city, and bad it not been for this, a
smouldering heap of ruins to-day would mark
elle Bite of the ..Levee City." The total loss by
th:s five is estimated et $400,000.
At San Jose,- BCDiCift, Marysville, Grass Vol
ley, Diamond Springs, and In almost every city
and town in California, the incendiary has been
at work, and-there lens disguising the fact that
at. the present moment - there aro a bond of
wretches in our midst engaged in a systemtaii
attempt to raze our cities.
The total lose which has been occasioned by
the several fires which have occurred throughout
the State, may he safely set down at- two mil-
How and a half of dollars.
POLITICAL—The political cauldron Is at pres
ent boiling over. Elections for delegates to the
State Convention for tbe nomination of two
Congressmen and a Clerk of the Supremo Court,
have been held by both parties throughout the
State. The Democratic party of this State Ls at
present hopelessly split. That there will be two
conventions--two distinct party organizations,
and two tickets, does not admit of a doubt. In
consequence of the divisions in the democratic
party the whigs are confident that they will
carry the State. More unlikely things may hap
pen. ' The anti-electionists will hove an over
majority in the Democratic Convention
if no formal split takei place.
brans Nrwa—The news from the mining re
gions during the last two weeks has been as
cheering as ever,• and on all sides it has been
conceded that the mines arc generally doing as
well as they did in '4O and '.50. The wheat and
other crops throughout gm Btate present a most
promising appearence, and in many districts the
harvest has already been gathered. lied it not I
been for smut, which is supposed to have de
troyod the craps inseme localities fully one-third,
the yield would have keen unexampled in the
world—and in some places as high as seventy
fire bushels to the acre have been realized.— r .
Notwithstanding the leases from the smut, wo
have in all probability raised more breadstutfs
this year than we can consume ; and the only !
disadvantage which we labor under, Is proper
facilities for grinding into flour. In San Fran
claw a great depression at the present moment
is felt . In the money market, p tense acute of
theinsane course pursued by shippe sa...tbe
East, who will persist In thrusting on us times
as much at everything es we can 'possibly con
sume. The warehouses at present literally groan
with the weight t't commodities for which no
market can be found,, and none of wideb will re- I
elite expenses. It is calculated at the present ,
time that we have more goods of all desenptions
stored, than we can possibly consume In the next
nine months,
Go= to Otinuort.- , Considerable excitement
was createtlyesterday (14th installl the or
rival of the steamer from Oregon e newe
of tho discovery of gold-at Port 0 In such
1 ,
quantities that the miners were realizing no less
than fifty_dollars per day. Parties have already
organized in this city to start for the new dig
gings, and on Monday the emigration to Oregon
will cot:mance. If it should tern out that gold
exists in any eon:Womble quantities in Oregon,
California will be greatly benefited by the with
drawal of the numbers of persons who now wan
der about our streets in search of-employment,
and who, in consequence of the desperate state
of their circumstances, are ready to commit any
atrocity. The conviction of the existence of gold
in large qtunititim on the Cascade Range is be-
coming more and - more strengthened every day.
A rich lead mine has also been discolered near
St. Helen's./
. .
... __.
• Dr. 'McLane's Liver Pills,—When 'the
Pravda.? adds landnable remedr Mudded it of the
Inventor, there du no medicine which deserved the name
for tinned of 'Lira and Bilked Compleints, notwith
standing the greet preralems of then dismay in the
Brad States. In the Eolith end {Vat particularly. where
the patient 1. frequently . unable to obtain the con led of
e reedier physkien, some remedy was cduired, st one
a* end effectueloca4 the operation of which' mold In no
wise prod preeudkial to the constitution.' • This bridled.
ire supplied by Dr. ki`Land LiferpW. , ea de been premed
In every instance in width it lea beds tral. Aided bee
' Oda, not a eolited Instance ha der ammned la which
its Weds bare been lid caltme, The invention of an ado •
add bad distinguished physician, it has nothicigJa C 0.,.
mon with the dad nostrums imposed upon the pcitelke
by shallow remenders to the fondled at. Experience de
now purred. band • doubt. that Dr. 111'Letud PI l L the
bast nmedY aid diddled Pot the Linn Complaint.
Portliness will be careful to elk Oa DR. PPLAIIVIS
CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS. and Wks none en.. Tiers
ere other PR* porrortinglo be Lifer Pills, now
the pubilu also, hisTelebrated Termites% can now be hod
M all respectable Drug Stores let the United Staten shn,
for ale by the sole toroorktors, ?LEMING Damns,
sUledkault laiteseers to ].Kidd k Co.. GO Wendel.
Families will bo Supplied with,our various
trrarks of FRPIAII ORODNIFFLOCIR, by leavina their or.
dere at Abe MW, or in ow bores at Lupin, Wilson A Co.s,
Wood street. or Braun At Ileiter, sore= of Liberty end Pt.
Clair * oblv PRirjuljiibt U. P. Sobwartn, or .I. T. Worts
— iforryirdltritgeTreti to families In either oitlUt dtlea
Terme. CASH cm delivery.
Pill a• of Dr. M'Lane's C.l.Wated Tertairnite. Lim
wmtatßoca nal "RD.
C)N glirostaro Rust,
IN O i r) )1 s o
aPORALED 1825.
'olicies of Instmmoo burned at alltitnee °Tithe
most Invoreble terms, against
.thiva3 no' . s9PAliftAXVltettra.
C?ritiAnsß,7.lle'Ril ha ve
~a4l~. A. XIIOL.So BRO.
3t41110/AOlll/12211 Or
Timber, Mill, Tobacco lc Cotton Screws,
sistrossasomaremfor sairsatow,
Car and Bridge Bolts, with Thread and Buts
• • complete,;
• PITTSBAIRG if; PA., .-
wisiugars., No. 31 Woo D —ii., immix pan 4mi , 133033
• afirA.ll poet visrantild. • Waif .
aumazarD APRIL 26„ IUo.-Cu poßrfram.
tetra ' CAPITAE-4250,000. --;
& zamwerkimaid q..B7lpithvag, PhiksdepPdts
eniwtor,i.Balti •
„:=sigra 6..
Z .i livsided—Aza t
vesabp 1*.014 AI. D 4 •
',441.41s 91?.31.111tREV8. WOUVAgte.'
• •
.Prepared expressly for their sales for Medie
anal use. • J. CiILA- Ce• heelnz maple:m(lin welt' et, the
Flaterieli In ropetintend the manuSteture of their-OIL es
igen. the publicthatitle emend with the greatest eats
from none but fresh and healthy lirera.
All 011.1.1 with their ale-nett:lAL will be-found to be of
unusual flue quality, and eau be retained to the most del.
lento stomach. ' • =
It is eaten/Wel; employed both to private and UMW , '
praellee, and well deaerves the attention of tnralida , sea
remedy more •almble than • anY yit dlrmvot , * for c* , 3
enroptien or palMonarY sßrotinny
No. 100 North 24 et, Philadelphia.
Per ealeby all the principal Droggleta jel743mdawfeT
Great Cure of Rheruaatista.—ltielfd i
ton of the Richmond Republican, of Dm 24,1 2, say that
Carter's Spanish Mixture I. no on.* median t -
They had a man to their press room who an aillete d .
with violent Merertrial Rheumatism, who was ntinually :
complilidng of miser* In his book, limbs, an jobs* hie .
j .
eye. had !acme feverfeh and matters., tack ...ellen. threat
sore, and all the enoptoms of Rheumatism, combined with
licrofula. Two bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture cured
him, and to an editorial notice as above. they bean teed
mony tolls wonderful grad &Tents, and nay thole only ro.
Bret ht, that ell Su ff ering with diseases off he hloOdare no
aware of the existence of mocha medicine. They cheerful
ly recommend It. One their oertificate and notice in fru
amend the tattle. • jylB.lmdkeT
. ...
1_.. 1 to obtain an accuiste, artistic •nd Dfc-lik Ilkemess, at
We't,l Viermtrrif=iiittiVriNitiLthee their
= (lA%
I:rprrat I., , , l . 3 4tagir d e . m . it o d d e. s fa i lo one of the
situated fur the purpose. with instrolents f tr r rro,°i
mpowertnlklnd,and hrivin l iid l ogrd giaystemo Dag:term
y; .I.:io,l%mrrhir:lx, mit.. egVir t"tratilito
offer to the patrons of tho Art, it style of Daguerreotypes,
either singly. or In groups, which hoe never been surpassed.
rjßooms open and operating In •ll weathers, from 8 o'clock
.n. to 0 o clock. r. is. roaDdairT
peg to call the attention of Buyers to their
ostonolre Stock of
compr ia u i r 0 . 0 of the most complete - aceoctmectela the
mad which they offer on the most favorable term, Mer
&ante laving East will and their Intemst promoted by
buying their HARDWARE at
No. 44 Wood stir Pittsburgh,
GI DOORS sacra rostir. two Mow.) feldrd/tog
Enlarged or Varicose Veins, Weak
Haw Jams ..orn Wun &ouzo-4 would respectfally In
rite the attention or physicians. sod the public generally
to ray essertment of Silk Muth, Malaga, Knee CAM.
Ankle Backe and bandages ter the rebel . ..a cure of 1 . .4
wee Iv Enlarged Vet., Weak Ankles. Weak 'knee Jninta
nod the various appliances used lo the ewe of ikeelldef rn
oohing cotoard Bowen.
tan elm keep seer: It.rlstf of ThuWs. 'Boar Bra.
pbouldek Brzook, and la Stet all kinds of ta •
banleal Applianc' well lathe onto of disease.
3 KO. U. KEYSEE, Who Wale Detmeet...
roh29...ikerS No. 149. oar. Wood EL end Vireo /Wee.
IrClintock's Family 'Medicine:L-15'e
011 the attention of boa& of hohlhEE,end othere,lo the 44
eptieemeet.,h, the thee% rage of them veluablo Family
Arid Produce liericrunr,
No. 25 Wood street, Pittsburgh.
Corner 4th and Emit Wield sts.,
State Mutual, Fire & Marine
CAPITAL 8350,000.
Girard Fire and Marine Insurance Co.
CAPITAL $300,000.
wixtutweir, VIROLNIA:
Capital $200.000.
Ater ALA. CARRIER. Feet.
Ballro Antidot Lotion. celebrnt
ed thrum:boat. the lattd es t %MIT relleLle arnerethate
eyaf ;gyrated be the cure a
Direase, of tiae Urinary Oryquo, i'Per t wut Friade
C ' Ante .
She wrest enema these extraordinary Medicine; hare at.
araya met with In curing the above complaints. hoe
prisad' even the Proprietors therasetres, saying nothing of
the thsusanda of Individuals who here been pertneeently
mired by their tea. irenould ware the nubile tbet,they I
are not mere ;vim! humbugs. quppoundd.o.iTto. 411,
but arepravered by • thorough Chemist, with the mood I
el!alee end rare Ingredients aehlth gen to obtained. uld I
ate Intended to do aood. not one *eel to required to eon
rime all diet such le the feet:
They we pot wan betties, with full illeactiosisassemPie
hying them. the Alitidote at sad the Lake .at SO els.
par One bottle lasts tea dal.
otithwis itiert4 1p two c.a. threestari..l
11Wreatod by 31. iimmt phyocisz itOpital
Pasts, and. prepared by MIMI *Oa, General Aces', tit
the Vnitmi States and Catuidas. to whom ell order, mot be
Principal Nrbt, tss wookt..r. 0 , 11.? On*
et., Nair York.
5..V4 In Duoburgh. whole/140.d ret.lL L 7 FLEMING
itOi! ! . (fueoeoan. to J. fildd k Co.) No 03 Wood W.; Whod
tog, J.U.PATTERSON 4 . 01)., and by DrOlogiso, oTrp.
whoop. • _ . •
soi, 4 4.cri .4etll. end. awry the Railroad, r}hod Am
N OAGED for 'soapy_ years e.r.ciniovelp in
its toaoidnetnre LOCOMOTITM reently
eaosktinahlyealasi.4. braddltkep Lula ininonip
so 4 tmmero. II: Lures and etiAbl• tes
=yrs tv m. o luan Inch t.. den. , ll.
L. G.GRAFP • ----
tancetzeor to J.
+artb& Ofike / :30 ?wand strut. rgtib3L ARAthr.
Ilazord itnetkr Clomr.Y. Ail rarlsMs (Troy rr, f¢liy
usatity. am t. hohd. Also. Mar Flue. '
Ease and Comfort.—Tho Conformator,
lately ltoverie4 from Pub, exactly salts tho Ilat to the
peculiar shape crthe IleatLeb wra het le so easy on the
heed uanold one A neat tit Hit mar hod
• r Wood W. DOUGLAS.
Life, Fire it Marine Insurance Company;
nu,soszo HALL , rrirEn6 I Ron.r4:
'JAW S. 400. V, Pruniiral.
Can= A Comm. ezlsvoirr.
This Company makes every Insurance Sp
portalnlogi one connect.' with LITE
ittinnttria.e.lbt.rwm MßES.
M ziltricks:,%!
And against Loss or Damage by Fire,
And against the Perils or thwt3N , and Inland Nichistkal
and Transportation. .
Policies Issued at the loweettates consistent wtth
to talacties.
a' tl D d i er .hAV ll , l4k 2l
John Puntrton, e
Hobert Galay, -
Akmuuter Itornohli, Atm.
Wong County
ratio e . Lastiltanning,
-ear t ra wir , • . tr. - •
Jame. P. Iltxm.
John Boot!
lornhltAdlora's M.
%m. v. Jdinsion,
Jana 'Marshall,
t er sger . 4 ll4 lTont taw!
Indigestion and Liver Compiaint Cared
.BY MU% PIITItOLEOII.-11m1 the teem
Rev.O.Dlekernon, •Wow! In Omen:
Mt. B. U. Kma—Dmar alit—Mseelf and wile having hem
• yftew r
nkt! the
ig &Tr d'"wrbeltrlret to
am the Cattrregatignal Minlemtin thin place, and wend
of me people are iited with indlamtbm mad an inaction
of the Ilter, the MUM of meld( and IMP, before
taVnP Tra tl3.Oßl" 'leili .a fire!
rtee 1 mindal rc. end
et e ha rha n ni n earr I r g d ad a lo g rt t arArse r l=ji " tetig
mat 11:11nem of • fiteni•Ch go mdiremes the der .
Vge IVA? red, :01 Lt u t a zie I f Lzth ora it , l u nzelba4
the whi bed been Ittereral totre .landing, by - , the
new qtycrcePetrolennt. : • . •
Solite. ionEM Canal 080.gaYar.11.
140 Wend 0, iensidlite and Medicine every,
where. Payers attrertlainit Itetrelinmaaoptr,l • •orti6
ERN, No. IU. wood mrsd, ass dam from first strist, INtts
burgh.--Day snd Isr. and C/Nrest Pais* Bisht and'
Tim, Nsedusgs Obis, S t oc k s, Easto sn
n d.Western Val
Mil& sod Prsmimary Notoc aim Odds oast OA Tlosi Do.
posits of Par sod earmat Moser; imd tlniand
Nubs Melts Ihr Stu Comnxi,•(esab
Capital. $110,000.) and Raw. InuuNcs MOUS
Du Rot Powder Every variety • Rifle
Maya sod
.Diu b Powaer, la 01 alalr allekaaell alwar
CM WOW sag for rale from klogarlao, In kt. to soft pin
cameo,o arrorablo.torrar. &Air - Yuma
1): W.O, WIDIVET.T,, Maaallicaurrre
lo)741.1A • , .104 irmt Moot. Pnloburab.
xerohorracke or
Chllson Furnaces, Wro't Iron Tubing
For Wart*, and Andllan'an of Building: l
A. t W. Mlll retarget fur Winoln4 and Youtilotfair by
Stow or Rot Water, Woos or Chlismer Furtive. Chnnins,
&hoots, WAWA% tortorto, Croon Novae, Coartitioser
Jail /Wai t or D..Wnga. No. 421 MarAot at. Plitobfwth
Mee Insurance Campy rittatbutsh.
PAL' are: 11=11.1., i.
0 FilGir, 04 MA AsesKar Alva
41 - RtifandailitrvlNllDNlVEMßli
ap1Etih,m,7„..,0441:4 g 344
11. D. Kin _ trtnilArldar, Jr.,
Atlrity. R.M.
Av bt par.
r Br:rairt.. ar. B. Ullys, • •
Aiesined writer, Amoy, Bali:. "priden
tinware his emotion iapde. ate raw fent and
u m well& adopted the Mei plan; Cheep tea and oe,
0.. irr. poalee p. ladnee draining. Baptista Pee* lb
poen/Los dale* rest and *Wag; drains swallowed hire
k t np...fters prier. Indlgestion,endtteatconalttonwhlsh
I. tumid a weak or lerltable etoptaeb, on:statute a aloes,
frolital sewn of *Well. lits_lenledlese 4414_ tpda.
Inn% Of 11 , 144106, la . tanUraltotint the letuestimi 6 , 4 the
dleposltietan welded annnbOn• I. a grater to 'limit. to
derange thatdradatkni of the train; and tho za m a t i yiid.
Ai m I. Amy?' people WIIO nit Sinnigint Int 'lndlgistlo4
may needy get renal from UnnanPrn anininn Biktenit
sold exeltedralr In tbleeenullt .br DT. 0.11...!hu1ua; hld.
Ire. st. ; ; Philadapb*, ai,tta meats. ••
we lu
het ll
ea w
Dr. Morse ' s, livigoratmg Elie it or ' : Free Deinocratic State Convention. i AUSTRAL _, 4
_, 4 .
cmunku—ir It laltrqUired nowt great naturalise le •, AT a meeting of the Free Democratic State i SIXTY" DAYS' PAS64.GE: ."
, ) ,..,„, ) , u , u. , bb .. g tech es,traepneary'eures, we roe oat, reply '
,:‘,. Central Comriattee,beld InPhiladelphla. A ugust the Pi o n e erLin o f jP i r thy p —r---------
~:-.,,,,• ! 1 e t r.11 7' . g,.'".U.,,.." m mm ,... 84 ,111. 1 ,..: 0t , 0 ,.. bo ' i .,,,,, . t . -MI I,A Ci rite CA'rEED sr SES\WAILL. ' ,th . . , ...mia 54 Z1A,R........" - . , 111 .°' god FiGA ' erne
P \N,I) A V IS, AUe,ti eueet.
that In then re-Man herb thst.s , mns Its cardinal ingredient i,. ______e_.on nckefs ..,
ham beCia bianded by the Omnipotent l'hysiclan , a larasr ; lia . iersint ' rth on titer%tls ' eiy of Augnet. lost, to
In Thefellowing Ships have salted. A . N, - - - ' ..:_ ---
arrainut and greater varistlee of ensiled properties than ! the trolley and date of the arm Democratic: arty In the r y t h t l -
be heretofore been . ..pooled to moo in ahundrreldliferrnt I tn:cot political crisis, unless there eheuld gl a 'people's 7 R"Tal - 3 °`) otuc ,- .1. 5,- .. lex? , ifoo r, JOT,. t., cTI Is. 1,/ 0 ICE--will
.besold for ao•
' ' ' 0 'N T - --
nr lies the pltrmampecia. LA whole medicine cheat of J Wia4l..rg e e ... " Ag ,T,,,,,x,r,--1,11,,,,,,,x, in °f ; Enaminendar,l,4oo tons..tugllartir Fa:attire MI tani,Aug '•
1 t r° BBl 8 11 °8 • 8 I t 8 11 . emjwirn. to pa'y s•e.,r' ea
852_ 185.1 i rodf. the I,tholay o 2e. toeye. - 0• - sc --
remmilee, so to wreak, merat to have boen combined lu th ie :ty and elsewhere. vaLIC4II/I.oill that time, in - win event : C 0.,..„ ay, e y, y Lyn t oe , F.,r, r .dy 4,p, ',,,, ~.,' , _.., ,• the mmercial sale, moron :erof W r a t ses„ 'l,.
herb; and In the ELIXIR or CORDIAL we bare their eon. ! the teed Deemer, eon s
asee en bj e at the time and place 7 leiJa -. ' Sept. ' - ,(lecc7n C..ieed - . te T o i'-'41 , ,.., ' " a t"' mdiad go mei-lons to =. thou the
- W - 7,,,''''''.
' • -
centrated warns, It Is the effect, howenr, not themes° :
with Which we have to deal In the , practical application o II
ysul'iTh''oittmro'Pf'Yr:viVajlte's'T'Rlontl:S:ta.'dlerth'o'-nne'f*srt'ltdy 11 ,1; rsreron:iu n : ' riff I:,W
1)47 : i"' ''22l 'l\r, '' '';'" i'''''.
the medicida. The vletimil of dyspepsia are cored, the J and united action on the part of thms, who desire to inter. ', - Mi r ' 113(Xl I°oo ' '' '' '' l .ol„.,..t p',y.h.,„ jy . ,..u . ! g;,;,.....::‘r . .v-i-k.r. •.. , - --------..--,
cannons Irb relieved, the hairparalysed resum e ty. e h. ud. h. I.:egneet,:aßtoo,,r,,,yettgnetr,rminhum,a6llTente.op. , tap:Vara. 14103 lona March, .11 - gtrineare, I,OIP th star 2 boxeecontahrlng apparitne for a pistol gallecy.ertark. Ls '
.: sort \ lad IV, U. Potithani:Cietwit , dr i L t •) ~, r , - •
RY, the saftetuns fawn headache am tormented no mere on everrt rend of freedom to ally% this gatherin d gend 1 er„.. ,P 4 31 one ye arch. Gertruch. I,eoo ton \,,,,, . bo ~ r ., , rt
the weak beam e vigerrous, the tint of fanadice leaves the thueatrangthen the bands 01 the Independent men or all - - D , 53.' . - --ot.
M - 1854". ' '' - -:''' : m - vy •C ‘ Pll• l 4ttalniflib... ‘ "' . "....""4: Sher..
complexion of the beton* the depressed in eldrits bream 1 rt r o l Z.l.TX . n o ' r B l4:lll B .,?;,, , th i turr.g=3.,..b , nt . AT:arrs7, MO tone, April, '53. . _ ' .. 2. Porter bottlea.
R the skk. In almost in every
of of &semi , give
t o la atly marmot
W i t. th e F ' -al'?ere. ' v,,. 1 , b ' "I F ° M•th'..l.l°. sole' tt-t• wi1b i g,... , —,.... P. rot 1....,uk.-7.*.ij:giimg,,k!t.el7-Agt,-.
derive Immediate benefit from the nso of Dr. Borse'e in I cantle partxusay decide upon. Wit. It. TROIIA`r.Ch'.9. •', T 3 new iil7lp * ill NCI: '• I
en d fa iham d es, irked roorto4 B..l l ll7Am:rub. -:‘, •".
vl.Torating Milt or Cordial. ' These facts, mpported by V'itliVghlriSAtra: t :,irate _ • .0,13 Toms Register. W. IL Bonin C l i pp er
will succeud tb . ! trunk nuts rtg clothier. kaPPMed mark. Morgue%
eul . •itertrode OA INghteenth Ship of this Line, and will 'llaky4 je2o '", P. XI. DAVIS, Awl. •
rrefragable Proof. are Piestented to. the attention of Insa -- -- --,-- '' -
_.____ _
Bide. who ma verify G.. PT a single bottle of the melt Valuable Glass Works for Sale. . far Niethoorne. Australia .
On the 20th of September. 1 Q., UPERIOIt MERCILA&T AND GRIST ..
duo. The cordba I. put. or;vgbly.,;.at..t.ed.i. IVIIE Executors of Dlarcus Black late eft
, The FLYING SCUD Is built on the moat approved mod- I -1 MILL-ADJOURED INtICORBTALE--On :
ties. Prim three &perspire bottle, two for five dollar., etc 1_ Carroll Township, Waehington emmty, Pa, will of- i eru principles and Is meld:lend to be a p e rr ee t mo m o r • ursday, Arnaud tblth, at S a o clock. Fr. XI on the bread. '
Mr twelve dollars. ''- 0. It, 111N0, Propri,toe , far at public sale, ' ' Marine AreldUctore Theirs who desire a quick run to ' m ;win be sold by order of Mrs, Very tis, Adminire
. 102 Broadway, N. 1. On Monday, the 14th day of August; 1854, . ono or lb. fin est cot r.le , t.CliOvr Ships evorboll...hould 7 tratrix of the Iste Jas. 11. Darts, deed, tat ',table piece
Sold by Druggists throughout the United Stator,. Cana th.74lo,llaiee I _edeable heel Estate. toultr. . . : seenre pawn, without delay. no only e limited nnmber •of land. situate on Chartlers Creme. four Ors from Pitt*
r of let e nd '
. s.l . Cabin me:enters 5111 be teikso. • burgh . . on theldeubenvilleTurn elite Road In Robinson and
ins and west Indies. SS FACTWII, ou Dry ken, krenn m • NAU-
General Agent! In Pittalmrgh-Fleming Be-,,, corner .1.00 ,'' to which le attached to Aertisof Land, more nriens. : 1 d r ,. 0 .,, r ,.' 0 re .. 1 1 8 0 M m lmmr4 ll, oludY on huani. at Pier' 10 East Chsrtli'm Towneldish multaintng.four ate and emote .
It. W. Catokaos. t ` worn ,on which to erected a first rate Ma haft Grist
Wood and Fourth. etruets; and Gee . it, Keyser, earner with eubetantial DU ELLIN° 110LSES,TNN 1.41 COTS , du , 0 , ,
no Wail street. New York. . - Juh In go. order, ramble of turning 'a 1891 , mm:sof
Wood struet and Virgin alley'. Alen, by J. P. Fleming, for the acrmalmoriallon of there employed at the Works.— j .._ _ •
Fleur day.with a Store Roma. Derelling t .llatios,CUrner
Allegheny CD' , , talldve Th e 1 . 4 . 4 esiondsln Stone Carl and Limestone. and in- i C ifEESE 50 has , prime IV. 11. Cheese re- ' Shop. :Shelia. de.
I ci T,t h c , th il , l s oz , nt r,.. aln . e , forr ,m p s al . r , ll ,t orra h‘d„ . titre",
,- -- 4--- eludes about 10 Ammer Valuable Bottom Land. situate on i
1 celvinii this day by Rail:cad and tor tale ha
T. I ' IT ,T IA '' a C° " 112 ' ' '' .4 ' 4. : sr, ae. , alth stora*elor 20.000 bustrele of entity. witleh I ce .
Myers Extract of Rock Rose, an invalu- it'a.r. ri s 7 .ls7:lo2"g b .Troggi r!,t..';<`..i..."',7,', 1 a. b a r ,a t in''. JI:;1
able Remedy for all dommenteto the manufacturer or capitalist*. a safe and I S
desirable investment
T. „ TT "
~. CO , best,iu th e county. to whkh Is added ample ber.reNow."
1 UGAII-7,5 'Mids. prima N. O. Sugar in' MIIVVILIViIIir oast 01,00 t), The water moor i* anion the .
store, and for sale by
TEA — IS.IpoRTED ! ...._ ',. `Va c n u e" A ghbv ui r' d itnal b l ar e b r ir'bly innpr.,..,l moougtis\ her , \ tin
Scrofulous Diseases, Indigestion, Chronic and .ai t - 1. 9 0 t10rt , 0 foreNollifrortrty will be exhibited at 1 .
Acute Diarrhea, Dowel Complaint or Dyeerdery, Bib '• Zo i te r the.R.V/e ' qt,lLl " A * l:B BL,ICK, Deed. , VliN EST OOLONG
Wesbren Penurrylvanis for wheat, ishing ensteiMork
loos Disease* Cutaneous Eruptions, Liver Caere
.t rrjr , che: mid will too held en the premiere, commencing I 1 Lae
.° lus t reeeieed a small lot of the velebratad te a : !Di adman! of 50,000 tmisheis. /11111 oar ale more ll t kal
Ik.P. AL afraid day. when term. will. be made '• x is. CHOP Oolong Tea. This 'fen le exceedingly fro- y that-,„. eo. ,
plaint, Chronic .d Acute Itheumathere. Mit known by Jul( ti .1( ERR. I grant, a a very delleate,jesearelm flavor, sal so highly r A ali,3 B „l',l,r Brl flr ith 8 re. 4 ,_ r 818rke ". M. 81' . \
Rheum. Sick limulache. Canker. Naming - CYRUS BLACK . firhed In China that but little of it inbrought to this no , rh ea ; a.b.11.1; g v, ,, P .- 4 , m .r . ..... , tb. m.-ek. to.,
1 , 14111 • the ums will cation kin,
Sore Mouth. and General Debnlty; J S. 3101111ISON,
rev 1
half chests enmorlslog the whole importation this i whotsides nr th brencl T rue on thi rd 1.
ang-Std Executers of Marmot Black. deed. ! season. TM° woo wiah a redir
ff"e ls .7t .:A k . h. sir 1.11 1 11'1,1'. I ' 4 . 4,,. 5 .....88 7 11.0 e f - eorB ;ft% late '- rest. ' --e•-•--"' '. '
And as a Pam:ser qr• the Allomf, is unameicd.
-- ; to give it a trial jY2S.
. -. • - • th SI.DAVIS. Auct
rm. the New Haven Palladium . Locust GroveSemmary for Young Ladies. ,
Wa.Frosi Wort or rook Rosh-A medil. .under thew 1 1 STA BLISIIE Din IK
53, in connection with
r tILUID INK—A saperior article of Writing ' 9 4 , "iiiiyi - 17 t ; , ":.." --- o.r;it ,,,,;•,,•,..t.'t t...
• 1 4 , • taxi t.: , .. DRY ut/o/ir - Al:
tle of "Rock Itice,” made from &Manta Gast name, Is hav Ji - l i t
rho Pretestant Epl pel Church. ~ ,a i n db C opying inke, notnuracrunni bz C. 11. cirtli, an . ... c _ riox _ oti _ ,
iy29 KAY A t,O 55 Rood et 8 ..
.. •4 rnmslottoortaar. ans.. 100, st .„ 23 \,
Inc a great run In this vicinity for its curative propertlee a dealer's of thls Institution is to smite the sun! ad •.r lc
.„. . ---- o'c att. at the tbeComineryalblrcles-roorns,coner.orlf
The cry or'hittaek,.. so truly applhable to at lerter iNte half 0 1.8 M. g”, °f"° ottrartiva home, with the essential featurm liTo ARGAINS.--We are now altering our , and Fj,th stmett. will be so d; an *asortlnent at 11 , 6110116.
f a thorough and enticed School.
hle, staple and fumy Dt7Onocli. among oblate art caper
of the medicine, of the day. esmant be iostlY olidied to It. heath:n.3 mllmtrom Pittsturrgh, Pa, Is atone,: plcas• foment clock affirm Watches, rich and (editorial:le •
- JJ.wcirn (rem 10 to per . 81 iml o w form er mle`.- fl dri o l c in lo tott ' b ''W eethage '" ,itirt " ln ii k "l prir ß dr y , itteulaelPar brin t44"4 :tea, "4 ''
the Rock Roo*, for it bas "made Its mark" in thle'elty In ant sod healthfuL
ant leat 41 ,, me:11 .7, than the rame quality of
severed coma, to the relief and cure of waterers, When other The nee:re:Won will begin nnIVEDNESDAY.Sept.2OO,
remedies base failed-and what le quite remarkable, name n' t ‘ l l l '" l ti n'fr lll tr ATa ' l 7"k ti , vbe Led 1 c .,,, °Ma mountains: All for
ri r efalr her com " PariSo blid r n an t rig Vemilm, ms l'Mnt."....l3rme"%r4irk, w hdlo:"4. .hol 'i rV l44 •u l' octl ' acce Un ttil \ •''
erode beet physicians do not hesitate ton peak very.fasom- lion to the Rector,. in! r e.
11. llalat I ; are Rile s-pu will be convinced of tbe tact,
calling at 51 boo . , 1 9 1. 21h 1 ;,,,, Mi lI t Z f Arg:trt.. 4, 18
~ ...!i m r 8 •' 188 :1 1 •GX of
bly of the command. The certificates °Mous ate not fate 88 ''' 348 'T ' I Itteburgh, Pa. • Market en. jade . ROOM , JoweirT BM. , .._. ..7 ----' . - '5 1.. hi-DAVIS. Ittht.:. \
(Weekly J ournal and Vieltor copy.l
m, hot hum highly respectable persons. most of
when, S e
er welt known to tie. The matturecturer Webs, well
known to was a gentleman who would not be engaged In
a hntabug, or to deceiving the ,pubile in any wayc-Plal•
ladihns. , •
Wechoerfally endorse the &bore, haring .witnred ita
good elfeet °amain" on pulmonary and scrofulous com
plaints. We believe it la the twet compound for cOldn and
couglub extant. The Rock llosohasiong been kntrstaa
plant atm, medical Acton, and it. prepatation 4'Miter-
Intended by • gentleman of ability and charm:Let; in this
oily.— V. IL Revistor.
Nrr 'Mate, D. 20, 1821.
MIA la to urtify that the notlce of the Rock 1102, meth•
Ana publlalled In our raper In connection with one from
the Palladium. no not only uneollclted, but no, wdtle
by the editor of hie own judgment andobeerratlon.
Pamanftru omca, Now Aaron. Dec. 22.1011.
This will certify that the favorabla notice be the mod,
tine known es the 'Week Roee," was voluntary teatime..
Mal. Induced by the writer's knowhelao of the curative of
recta of the article In certain macs, as well as by the moor .
able opinions which other', well known to lam, bad es
Premed of It: and furthermore, the article was written with
cot par or the promise of nitymetit, or the knowledge of
the manufacturer. BABCOCIi LI1)1AN: ,
This wonderful medicine & last gaining rw Itself am..
tarn,. which no other medicine can bock a The plant,
/trek Rose. Is used and recortmended by many eminent
phylielans crone country. Hear what J. 11, Thompson. or
Phlladelptda awn . 1 hare praseribed It'ln bad eases or
seraph., patients at Kills Liconital. Hi• arimear at.
trotted the /attention of senior ph yetrbaus no report. the
Following remarkable case of lib' to Swelling or the right
hip. Io r.brusr7. 1844. The lad was 7 years old. and had'
the dims. ibr 3 year.. the bone was dislocated upwards,
and outwuds. There two • largo opening on the hip lead.
tog to the bone. Into which I could thrust mT eager. I
counted 9 ulcera. Ile had been under placid physicians.
•ho hod gleen him op. I ordered a decoction of linek.ltore
—ln too days hi., night sweats ceased, I than ordered a twr,
spoonful of Enna neer., three lima • dor. Thirtd , nloe'
day, after he was cutlet:ly wall.
Fold wholesale and retail at the Drug Stire of Georg; 11.
Keyear.No. 14n, corner Wood st and Virgin slier.
lifirSign of the Golden . Mortar. jyttdawli
Mx&ilamlim No. Boo Fourth duet
seye td• Dr..IIcLAXER CELEBRATED VER.vrina}::
Nur Yoga Hit' 15, ISS2.
t3,A chill ofoloe showing synirtoint of worms, I ease
It a bottle of lii. Iletarw's Caleleatat Vertelhinc.,thicie
brought away a bunch of worms. numbering. I should
about thirty. The child was very ask during the
operation, but is now well and hearty.
Mr.. Ertel.; Nu IS Arratte It writes. under 'date of Au
gust 10.18:4andeat hshad been troubled with luau.
for more than a year. nd that she Uric onriattle of Dr.
Melauleei C•latasted Tersollhaw, 01.Ith brought away
from her over three hundfud worms. bin and Mile. She
nok Wien" Innwelf to La eatlnly Dec from digs...
Mn. linggina• Berman woman. rending at DM luting
ton street, nye, that after pitng nue vial of 3lSLane's
ebreted XermUligalehe award two large taro onrmx
The glans certificates manedl from turtles well known In
this city. If there ere any who, they boo, the
names and addressee, and can with& themselves by re,
sonal Inquiry.
tf9.ontrebniers nal be eareinl to ask for DR. 3DLANDIi
CELSDILLYED 1 - RILAIIITGR. and taro 141,12 C elm All
other Vertnittorth onoperthrn. are , reethleta. Dr. 31••
Lthe' r s teriniDnire. .Lo to. celebrated Liter Tills, can non
I. bad at all re:lnstable D.; Stares in the Milted Staten
and tram the sale pethilasone"
miptu p Dranints.
in=B dl. SUM,[III In J. liidd W and ittreet
MAILEIED—At Lotidonderry. Ireland. on the I.Bth SW!
the Rer. Goothe Sudtb, Mr. WM. GERVAISrEIITTICK. of
Ode city. to Mho ELIZA SANE, danolther of Mr:ander
Ltheboy, Pte. , of the former place.
Tueslar morning. the Pthl Inxt. oy G.m•om p
Linn. M. MART 11., vV nriohn T. Whitten, In the 21.1
rear arbor aFe.
The Mende of the Family ion rrepothtUr at
t." hor 6 . 1 ".* day. at 2 n'eloek. P. M.. Dom the
residence ether htwhwd. \o.l Chlweil mt., Elath Ward.
wrintMENIS a TIM CITT OF PrrTS-oClo.qt
'woe Arantx
thrtams. 4d.40.
Cholorsinfautom-.. U .....
flmall Pox..-
ialooplog Cough
Yerer '
At/void. - 0
Congtstion of grain ...... 0
rif=fitrz7o.iio;eii...= 0
I,4ftmotl;o/ Lpust•:-•
c...umaption -
or pm awry: tnems Kris,
Under I year
Penn I •to
oJI to? -
• no to in
By order of ttre Board of Dada:,
• Physlelan Boarder Health.
Administrator's Notice. •
:N.OTICE is hereby given thit Letters of
h s O ttigt i t , rtiine esz a ,;:v . , tE, the subeeriber
peramm kno7elng I h.untel en In of
dlted reall ail otbl
late rue prutuetnt to mate tmtnedlate payment. and MI
travlng.elalms to peanut them , lug y a V i tetaatted,
tor settlement
autkAlten - " elcCuidlesa Tp.
11. Mlle. Hunt's Patent ktnbe Wheat Mills,one of the
}wet In toe, arranted, Anode et the Heed and Implernent
Warebnaxo, 4U. 6th et.. by . JAJI.K4 WAIWILOP.
a is. rotor Of Mh ohaf firohtry for
etca'oPro ßoys; etTe the Gaol Hower.
InaTILE FALL SESSION of this School
(41=11014. on MONDAY, Sept, 4th. and the dollop
notion ..W be. named 07 mash.. thins and Mc-
There ate ten months In the /tendon:le Jenr. 4
. 41 ' 19 , 711t . hetrmlirit: i irralte.i. and Vasa ' aro dil il tied
In tn.. enter ofapplienthoss whisk mar ns mod. :no Au
g? 04 Llbertssta or at Mettool: : - aanywde, •
Stray. Cow
CAME tt, the ahstriber, itiffiin
ib•%/I. l p o gf ,„ Jall o bu th t. small red b an I
on :di bens loot legible. ebour roa trbl4,.ituTl.
mended to come ft.rWILIA. 111111r11 property, 0 come.
load take her . evray. er w il l be diromeed of Ming to
law. • • AWN:tern'. - .10111.: O. MU, AU in Tp:
To the Clergy. • •
n.ELIEVINGVIhat Intemperime and Irsi
annoy are alarmingly on theinerenso lithoeetdtlec,
nod knowing them be enormous evlia wide Would
errestal or aba4e:llf pound*. the underpinned request the
clergy Of the different heelch Pitteburgh. Allegheny
end cletni.y, to meet et ecture Ikon of the Fine
Probyterlan Chetah, I. Pi tte bulk, on TIICLUIDA Y-Wce.
UT.ner a 6
Zki4V.1114,!.%t{00 what to Dnc i.
bntbna"". to
PAIrcrIP TWA "'am" . log
, • • • t!, COOKE, Neter . Coininon
JOtt • Churc, Allegheny City,
Valuable Pena for . Sale: •
WILE undoipignod ie comtoilled to sell his
■ TOM, fantail:dot stoat ONE lIIINDIIED ACRES, on
-amount of hie wife being Omen bed with the country.—
Ile moved here from the.anOtt and bought, for a. roans.
neat home. •
Pall..Faretts sitaitak on the Ohio hirer. In Ilrookemon-
IT, I IL, about two ranee below Itombnsille, Ohio.. The
to b It wee nine thousand dollars. Any mrson•
wishing to LW • inaod bolas in .the uountry . do well
by railing to see it mom ea it minnot Mil to please. The
buildings snot Mick, and lk is now a gri r maritit. ,
Vi l t i ll ' arOlTONeeki; chia...4, T V two siokri l i t to i rs r
0 W Mtkitertiser and 4111 bo th °Mee.. , •
httenbenville Herald. • •
r HE subseriber lost, on the '24th of July,
tem littl.ollolYlN from the ateldonco hie
on he plies of Wm. Sample, both 7to Near' old.. wlll
horns, W.bittleolet and brown rod eeete. Any hereon who
to roam badt, Cr Orli • rolOna.• 00th- whom they
ate onlawftdly detained or SON,. will melte the
• Wwfel
4 1 .0 ttu 11°u. crh!"'l'?"'".l,l;greltllXtlrgili..
l'4.i' I at, ne t he Eta ht. l'aul'etYhurolt
lliNga'yCtlat.r. Ant.
'('!OLDEN SYRUP-121118. 1), ilarris& -
use Sons this as: - roo'el and rap ma* by •
att2 WM. U. SUTTON. N 0.12 wood ge.
BOOKS just roc'd b Express: •
Our 'Honeymoon and o th er Mtn by
from f ouch,
a t 'nflutnal.ll . .untratlnne, by' T. TleClenao. -• ' .
American cottage Builder.. Autos of 41(4103 0. plans god
j i l o tetltitne h ltom $7193 to WWI IttAtotme fro aha pm.
,0 A ali*. - . . . . -
tiotaidt of res4.llo, o ladieellaratiat Op Aug...
pr 7A Phr.
for Auguat.ptice A) eantc. '., '. ' • - ' ,
: 'Witt '.-
do o
• lo do t , T, ..ggi,:••.,..,•... ~ ~.
anion `
• Moline of Aft.' ' Cull at the Cheap Stor• or
nod . . ' •. B. 11. LAUFFER, Fr Wood et.
k I rAR 111 Rog Township. for;isate, 0 1,2
' • mare from th e tit'', Zit nodes Man Zandman Colour.
atm nlng 100acrea. about 66 timed. and balsam wad: ,
ad with drat rata timbal 13 acres claatural invading two
MOW 'Applr to B. DPLAI2t 41 BCdf4 V, Ilk at. .
rit SALB--Aanperior Hansa and La on
Ain 6 iota on tl3a conut e rof Front .
• • 1 tot on trona ER+ twain Mato ana ram.: •
-41 ons sicSoanota-• -
; 9¢ lots In CbjILIRDIL Mt the 1115mongstiela;Ilver.
la aeroa t tLiat and anal aa
. I , iontn . rol,•nn? an
" at t ,ras aupialor natl.:hen tagoad.iniiin 140
ofnoodiandlas =ln. 'hart eannabladll
finr of unaroport eov r. nu' '40141= A1er,,...n4 !rid
a th xr , :t. /Law!, r.,,Tuontoite,--74tr-
Loetu3t Orove Seminary for - Young ad.
PrHE next sesbion of this School will begin
Two W EDNE S DAY, on Sept. 03th, and continue Forty-
Day Puplle from the city are ,cortreyed to - and from tha
• •
Grove in an ageltisive Omnibus.
Circulars may be obtained at the gtore of Mr. George It.
White. on Market Ft, and at Mr. Mellor's Wood Ft, or
on application to the Reetr,r. Per. WM. 11. CI,AIiKP,
nue ltd [Joann' a Pont ormy.l PitiVorghatt.
T SON & CO.,
(IN the North-West corner of and
JP Montganugy streets, in the Borough of Houlnsnion,
Penne.. in which so nen) Ranking b slum la to t be done.
DeArrs on Phlladerphia, l'lttburgh ‘ ,4e„ Le.. ninny, fur
Collectiona made at the ynnolpal solute in the Pat
ted Mates.
Money received on deposit. payable on dertund. without
Intereen also, fore 0.9 and 12 months, payable with rea
sonable rake a/Intoner thvr on.
y . jku R. Joloyon, Win. lurk. and ire. AL /lora
of , 111,1ayaburg. Paz A. P. Warm (A M
'. art. ilia Gorr*
Jr... Piahrr. Wm P. Orel:son, John Jame.;
Guqn, and Go,- Garragaux, Huntingdon. Fa
. __Huntingdon. Jul/ 7th,
Assessment Notice.
TIIE Stockholders or the Pittsburgh
tug [`Ammar sr)llehhras, barsbl itotillsd that
ameensant t o (fly(lstsrs , µax h.a4.baa. tsvislaa
the stack of said estaPaaT.BaYsh , s Ra.Ptsamor _
sal M. E. ARNOLD. Tram
a. bon.
ABLANK CHECK, N 0.1.34, on N. Holmes
Sons. haring been mislaid or stolen from us Ole
the nubile are esutlemed sgslnet t9ktnß ;my Checks
eigned bf um, numbered as above, or which may hare been
attend from said number. Yl/lISYTII t CO.
Pirtnburgh. Jnlr Slat. nut-lwd
Notice to Shippers.
r V and after August 3d no freight will be
Jr reeelred at the Federal etreet Elation orthe Ohio sod
Penna. Ilailmad for ehlrment. alter the hour of o'clock,
I'. M. lIIU. Lading must be handed Into the /freight OF
Ace before 7 o'clock, P. Si. J—A. It HAREk.
au2tf Freight Agent O. t P. It. R.
. A m ottgaga &Inds wanted, fur cand, Endtdre of
TIIOS.IIyOODS. :a, 4th st.
ROL 14,.16.1iFojiniVde4namp,:irtzTza
3"4"4,:t 1 1 - I.liiif':
L!`" . KT:g• "11.100
GGS-4 bbls. frost', this day roc d for sole
lALL LLME--100 bble. recd and
..LA n• min by au9 HENRY ILCOLbIB9.
PEARLS --13 esks. just recdand for sale
by an 9 lIL'NitY IL COLLIN&
.—.2fr) tar. rem,' for r } ln A T . HENRY R. COLLINS.
LARD -:-.No. 1, in kego, jtot roadand for
salphy- nut) •ISE.vRT ti. COLLINS.
100 Wlnte ~Fish, Trout, Sal
l: men, dn, reed and for nails br HENRI' IL COLLIN&
VikrANTED—i Salesman who understands.
the halal! Dry 0.4. I:twiner, and en°. furnish
...tiFfw‘nry rearta,, Apply at Marian Ft. an 7
flswEuo CORN STARC.II-5 has. just re
mired and tor FAN ny ang W. A. 3fcCLIIRO.
CKE.It'S FARINA-5 buf. fresh Farina
j for sale by anB W. A. 3.IcCLURG:
1) ICE•FLOUR--3 hxs. pure fresh ground:
I_4, Ric. forinle tar aqs u . A, -11=c9.119.7.
I.IFAR.L SAGO, 'Apiece, for sale by
X au4 W. A. MCP.IMO.
, •
Lem Lemon:• '
Strnerberry, kr.., Le, Su flovor.
log Teo Crean, Bl•no Mango, Puddinuo, • ay , for wale bF
nS W. A. 3let'LUliil.
fold continue to keen an usaortznout of the genu
ine l'elsh Flannels, .n de:dr:ago on account of their on
erlglaialdo 4,:bus4tri,oaloo,;2l,!..l.e.asaort.rznt 05..10,07M
Wbite , Flannols and gald lkinwat:do. , P 7 ', ' nr% ‘,,
ir 1 0FPEE-40I.ige Rio aoffeo In stoic and
k,, , for aalo by uul '
_k . , 1 1 4 11 1.tA 17 611*00- ,
i - TilitiXlFllAlbal es in otorofor 'alo
, In' nog ,S
• :,. ITAII.I3AVOII L. ab
U L ACON—e, bble. Bacon Sides in Store arid
LP far "ale bra soy • 8;114.1t1MCG11 & CO. \
(.10AP-20 bxe. Phila. Soap in store and for
1 , ..7 sal" bT au s 8: 1/ARBACCifi R CO,
.13441 . 45 , —.15 caoh in store and for sale by
trb - NS AND`OR.WIS just recd per,
Adams Co.'s Runt's, at . 1101111.18 k P,STPON . g.
te_lanlonyPlLtsfarglpLatld Yedatai ll,ll lbs?±Ry:____ .
W.i!LL o fat.E a r s. --tis!..•iec'd e'
assortment ftoitt.
per flanglnat. PAlladelpltla 3.l.ltfacture. I'ha miter.
r=trall intlih""'...lllgs."l4frug.'4°3lirtZt!"
110[bALL PAPER—Extension; \ with, beauti:
match larder, and other,rarlethe. reed and far
,Ae TIIO3.
UST RECO, front our faetary,\ *pother lot
or tboarlMPOtiOr low taioed Niand and Bureau
.f;PWltetsale oldthliff lTr: 74i lr Fart.part.4:lll4 retsetorlfonliler;
aO7 J. C 11. PIIILLIPS, 11,45:31arket street.
riNwo ROUSES FOR SALE -- $2,800 for 26
e.ep, with rat a li a s n ot t :74iii t fli2,ll " ' "" P eel "
AP • alio, a frame house of a TI711158:r".
. .3. (3.7141 . 3..3T 4304140, '2,4'PL
VOR SALE OR.RENT-4 rtinaa.hlorise
ht . asef nd L tZ t iP,t uat'd .;11,1 d Ac ssi I". ' ,;t u a An nty c 4 ' l!
lar. bake oven and hydrant.i . 'itant:gt po.,r ambrith.‘ Price
$5OO. s o . l _ 11,!511,A 2, d NON, 21; Atha,
11ACAEREL--lit bbfri, and half bbls; - IFo.
is 3 large Nara.loaly elton . Mr Kale .• • •
tv. 11 , N N. 1e 0.12 Wood at. _
"ale by
, Ali S--4 l'il Florida an 'Seed Cigarsi .
• 3it do do Cuba . gin • ,
a ull' 3 31
31 TrIr. P EVON, N 12, tt l7
the rehoration of the Feet of nines sad Cattle.—'
anatar=d r ol d f rd i =d i ttl i udihregseVlllTA l l"
:e nk tir etu n g / _aut ro githtir..r.T:atxt_w d nru'A with
liegranes,•nramorto Leo skin, sows, sou Seth wound..
037 1.V1:0 " b o mir g o l iaTt.9gr rn ial i e' lth" t horough. 4ll.l3'‘tb'
. • • R. E. BELLI:11 it CO., to Hood at.
P. B.—The °lament Is warrabted to cure.. I,tua
DICE-10 tea, • nom geriying on coiapign
ye., meat lir e ISSIAH DICKEY aseo•
WCOULDERS-15 hbds. in e \re
r Wolper to close the lot. I. DICKEY it CO..
. 9111 IER 11103 LETERS=2ffrosajust rood and
1.- for We by - out . FLEMING hObo.
au4 hllO9.
01111 113 8. Mt/START) SEED in
eioJlg_ store =Mtn; nolo be . FLIMINO . OIIOS.
fIOAL LAND FOR SALE-80 notes a Coal
itland, on the Monongahela Meer; ti of mllo from
tst and ado:lining the Cool Works of . C.
meen. It 'ff"1"1
" 1it.T.Vv°641.511."4"1
11,Y7 T,111,7 s tirtr ane § t X,V y ;ii r d " P d on
on two krey.
hr., 6 2 ,m., with 1
lemma. The lar open, twit InWiso whin].
toaVPly r a
Q o DA:ASigiioiciostii 7 ;6lllForeigii7i — n - 1714; re ,
being monnfootnrod and Morrie.. for
ANGANESE„ Foreign and Domestic,
vyji. Sal Soda, Nitrate or Soda and Cb!oxide Or Lithe. lu
itoro and for .alo by nEs to:yr, OLYDE d pm
II A ll= ofss cre e, situated cm Wolf Run; collet be,
low Dearer. ton of which aro Cleared. Er' acted there..
on aro two comfortable Dwelling Ileum and a aneg cour,
try Grist .11111 80 by 40 feet, two etude, high, with all the
required running gear, smut machine, buckwheat Lunen,.
two nin ot4 stoney, Or. The property . contains velum
et bituminous and cannel coal, and 4 imperial. quality of
Wien' C 1,,, .
aui Price 1000, Potmontr oncr• ltonoirr
bIeLA k
ctiO - PAIUN.E4 .1 haveSlll this day as-
Existed With tae, aon GEOME 51cLAIN, wad
w continue the Real listate. Stook and RLYI Reeker bum.
nen. at the °Monad, Zi0.211. Fifthtinde the 'tame sad
ettle uf: It. hlelatllt • D
rittourab. *-- i
I attitlit..lBsl
AVE 20 pER CENT—Hereafter I al !hell
= Herpo:, Putnam; Grokint.' (lodes. Riddmtn'a - er,' and
_rankleehe'a Ghtelte imm T tplately tkpon thelyntrival, at_
Reza i=mitNmitlieentried=nr relltltg
.11. 1 1Ve. gltrgebu tn. dt e v " Itt°
them I sell. Should IMII anything letithini "
treAkr . _ 9, .. k rypmz - zr,„r i ntb!-K' 4 &t . k'r s +,
from Vase, a wilt hot divot. dehthi 4eren hell LAI.
Pee lona gum ?be month otinguntley 5 e
LA ita. When It
Mrd i etr: twlTy! t " 4 ^"TIS.
tea, to auivo i for tabby
4 BATHERS-95 ska ivatorofurgaloby
_ 18414 n DIQ&EYI W.
4181N8—.40 bb;. fresh bunch:. on - con
itsfiusest ste ut. br 184LIA1I DICKEY & co.
10 =KUL
urloo lbs. on onsionmv ani - , on iikiimon
n do o
clo d° '
it NicZwr..lncol."4inu
IUTNAM'S 31ONTIELY for August, pet
reed a U. S. 1109 WORTH & co.. S 2 Market st.
V.11,51.1.1{-100 Edda. Superfine Flour, and
SO do too _ _
do. t reektred
.1Y23 k A. 31e 114, 241 rt.
and foa sale by
YE FLOUR.-10 bblB.
,Haur, rued and for role by
Or— A. A.
• --4 A LE. Two bonding lots. hating together front of
41 fret 10 Ineber, on this lisahlngton Turnpike. 1 1 10 feet
In dentb. Will t, mold $lO barge!. Errinho of
Ir-'2 B. 3.IeLMS. _l. sth 01.
PEARL ASH.-10 casks Pearl Ash,
wore fOr Redo by , IyM 11. DALZELL t Go. •
VIEW FOR SALE—".acre of groom!, with a dwell
-2.3 feet rinare, containing eight rooms, well vulted for •
a public or private residenee,frolt treexin abundanceoonl
every thing. in excellent order. The property le eitoated
two xxilee aid of Deer Creek. and Immediately op
mite Vorner'• Stgtlon of the Alleaeny Valley Railroad.—
Pelee low and tolinaager-ea.7. Aria/ lc.
If, 51cLAIN i .U,Gth at.
LA by the original, only into and genuine Liver Pills.
armor Cam. Ohio Co., V., March 26. 1849. •
Arr. EY. 11.5.11m—Dear .Bin—l think it duty I owe to
rs,;ut e i n4ilh , edubil&gerkerall t y. tost+Lte that love beg d it
that an &Wear farm= a r k 4 which so d
low state. Mating be
your celebrated Liver Pals ter
loafer sale by& ft. Sharp, West Li berty, and nommn&
ed to me by I , BY phi* ciao: Dr. E. eolith. I oonelnded to
give them fair trial, one boo und
them to be lust what t h e y are ti t hereconismudedbest
Liras Pills ever used. and after taking 4 boxes, I find the
disease hos entirely left me, aad I am now perfectly well,
Itespeetfully yours, D. IL COLEMAN.
Kcsr Lzusgrr, March 28, 1649. .•
lem Lift that am personally acquaintee with Mr. Cole
man. and an boar testimony to the ,out
of tha 11,b011;
ea:Linage. A.'. SHARP.
TO TIIII•PMILIC—rill 011/10n1TalkC
Pillsare prepared by It L. Seller,. and having his name to
Mack war upon the lid arm&
o r e hs. and his alguathre on
thopanddewrapyher—all others Onottsefeits or Barr /mi.
Wont. SSIJ vit. W.. pr etorss"
. Pittsburgh, Vs..
And for aide by Druggists generally: Sy=
EMI-ANN lIAL SALE—A. A. .31n50n75;
t C. will, cor Thuredar. July trth, over the hedestes
their Berea.. Sleeves, Chellis. Poplins. Dei alnee. de... at;
animmenee reduction from natal rates,. and at w great ,
enceinte from cost of importation. \ ' jy27
bikeLOTll—`lso doz. nssod ' sizes of
muzoil Cloth. Table et‘nd and Ilmemi Wee.. of differ
ro! /x 7 3 l Z r e=4 l . °7 ' .u— T e tri t. .mar , s7
vLOOR OIL CLOTHE 2 0 00 yds. 3\ 4,5; 6
and 84 Floor Oil Cloth of ctle styles, lust' red
fmm the Factory' .1 for sale, w !male and retail. a. the
Warerotins, 'll4llarket ! t. If. PITILLIII..
Ql, ESII-ANNUAL SALE A. A...• Mande ‘ 7 •L''
k. - . ill
1 Co. w dose oat their stock of I stem- and alai, at,
one third e s s than mom/ mite*. '
A. MASON $5 CO. Yugo
• all their French Chin res. rare
7an worth :Zs. ,
4-t. A. MASON & CO. will el
t i,i.inr„kteilliirt7"q.Whit.u°`4°
. \
Id. Inc 447 rd . nt A. A. 3:13.90N . A 0n.% 23,
bOTS & FAR:il:.:§BuildirTgWts,
- tenl in Ant:The:lTC*. annr I3e noun Annot,
1 at ....nn nann, ori 3-nu I.refer a knraa .n mynah Fon ,
of /V am of groat land: i i l , L on in:owing nnyub i or in,
Irk 3. '''''.' "4 TANILITIVIAbrit)ThcAretA.
\ --,--
A IVA will sell Ate balance of 6ur light, Cali,
r r enen at 3 •cid 4 onnti err to r.s tban els, ununfl
inc.. N . .i F 27 . A. AL -5 / 4 50:i A CV. 23. 344 et, ,1
GGS=42 itia reed ftriceo . 4 sale
-124 ix= \ , x.„231. Liberty' m:
L'‘,ktESti BEDFORD WATER-25 'lbis.
U oak sad mullfrry reed thls - dar direc
Markoo Eke.
epilogs, br JOS. fIarAIINO. cot. Dia 1 and et st. •
`LI tang Dwelling Iloive, witti‘ neartr of 'nn aerior
groOrld, od. Tine st..ath Ward. • Ike ocrottnd Is well We ,
...gad, and eoutalosktolowsklnds M (red t tree. and Rape
Met. Prim $1.1130. balkln conotry 'propertr or goo 4 or
11111i1411,4111Ma maattlketori, ALPS'
jrai \ IL 3 elk it.
110 BEY'S, LADY'S gooK. -for Aukun,
reed and for Ws of 8:B. LAVEPER, 87 Wood st.
X xvrk DOLLARS--A\ Frame House of five
egrVprZ.T. m viartiv".7t,V rig' %Tit:a:a l l:.
et- and not Gm front the *met Moue. Terme moo.
80:1,140,td et
iriLOSING out Summer Stock of Men and
.1-6 1 ,V . 4. 1 E rvZ:Zre oa anteing vt deeds rediteeTpd l S
WISS 311 - MLIN--.Plain and figured: far
dremes and mantillas. he, iniassortratp: ....etsee et
I,tore or Jr 2.5. mental: a eurtetnettam.
ALULLS . da NANSOOKS.--Strlped and
boom and etrliad; White
in;m4 :clod. U it% of mun kuotlfui trriliiinifFlzir
this erlebratra Brandr. cure . .or Dpsedery. 0hm
,,,te.P211,1114117,t0r ant
71712 No:l2',lnleirWooLaailgr=rit.
f IVLA.CAEREL—L,arge No; 3 \Mackerel, j
Muusehusetts inspeetion Ibldaud hdfdo,
end Mr fele . W. if, strrrox,
, ir22 No. 12, 'cored vroxt 4.1 Frain stn.
Ij o__ Ix‘ . 3X,ko3l,oltY - COUR - A° IMAM,
amal s unantl i t,N4 this superior brardof Chap
/leo 24 1thly, Tlnt.g. ' *meal. by the_pllotipr trot-
Us, W.U. 8 'TTON. Z.. 12 Wool Street,
`(LLD MONON?.. e .
Ihr Balkh,. the b leo orimdlt. bll
JrZI /.11.81/TTON N 0.12 Wood at
WINDOW STIA,DES--A. complete aveoril
air's. f 47 :thtc r itoYan t o l e vi vola *Tit' of d'ff"'"?;
No. 116 Market n, . iftgl J. kH. PHILLIPS.
2Q Q 0 YDS. T.fiIt,NSPARENT, Green
en e tr<ften i eur i o n si C l.2l rre v aiZ d Veott L a g
rett a ll, at the Oil Cloth Wareroon \a, No•i/Galyt i e t t i b s.
/RICES2S PER ACltituated in Moon
to.i.hin, of q mile frozatba Oldo river, oftweita
-wwkaleptile, onntalsdna 114 atreat:s O width are Wer.
M. an dad 1111.Wn The imitroremetata =Lehi et a small
,It.oweßee.;n•Latz,ettgliab:o=tele.l;tai, ltit.ll7lsl:4,ll.atir
itch '..biant than latT the amount we eat for the whole
Owe. Tetwea tett *t APplr • ,14 MoTE.ATNA
i T2T.:
T TO PUft — T6
.A/1g 18 5 5 tc
est thera . PtUaifMrtf'tkrsOTlbigAg. f tnar
the dart
.r DiSe b D~tl/rbtly E WE
, .l .h
Ll 3. TARTARIC ACID lot aalo,by
18.6, to J
15 asA.a.
8 7— SA L SODA,OIE hand and 'Or
Lira ' FILMILNG ano
itBI74SIT Cat, pure, in store and
rocsa , .7 \ fir 211 nEstyso nnos.
Blitg - a - ,ATT --- . Br •
ACK, assorted;- for
rule n:01 , 41 • FLEMING DAS.
'01:1RE LIQUORS-, 1 .I.Aso on band a largo
liAarsortment of fen Liquor.. for medicinal tnnes.
il'irangg,s=el=tignat= 1=:: Orel;
above Mown, who
eat, .elawys be phlalqed at ' , ,
Jt__: .. _ ..v -jos: FLEN112,12,1 , 0r. Died./ Market,[.
4 CO LATIOT7&.thp principiil English
ZILTra thins of the Son ood frriptares. -, The Old Tes
tament, Ire the translations oftn. AVOW the BM
ows, the lie an. and present a therlsea version; the
New Testa., t, nom ifielliis,',RO' es. 'the liTemes, the
. lie:mean. the I , os:id anthottspd ve on hy Gilbert Oaks
ifold, with .an historbed 0000000 of,,tho lingllall sersiens
Ind of the more Ver t lidd i, and tditle.e.‘,.An.ll 1R . ,,,,,f.
A t,
" CVoootloolA.4°ll)Vsodril '4 l .lt;'`Mi" it' - ' ro b e
(Ir ). r • . . . ..,....,..r_ 7 l. et.
IlllTltlAfßilitiTablibil.ritiLit 'hit
JlWoll6—Dratit&i,Tils oifythe-anitiA elaiwribr land
=32enarrer ildelei—NlM ' 6iiiii . 3!S , :lii
eh 3111. liiii Men 312. 4 ,
lu sdider Kirw Tdedwritlifest—tineli Calibre' • eili.-.l'lneh
519, lineh 31. T es of e' sollablii fee Tee
Romies,Nards, Cisterns, 2 ,o, makin g . ihe. most Amide
dratnaste In nse , Pamphlet*, mailed to applicants. eon.'
Mining all inforMation. and temples may to re,. Id- the.
Weed liarehonwe. 47 311th stayer,. _ JAd. W,tit.Oitr._:
• A .—____: .• A. 11A§6..,\! if'.
& L
.c. - ili dell oia their:
- ii.. ,;•.Ilhole stock of Carasolsatlireduellen of 33 Pert[.
. ICE-20 te.l3. prime Ifia for bale by
Actv Numilt co.
_3 bblEc A d voi .
vah an gocni• order
JUSt mfd and lor Wetly lIENRY4II. COLLINS._
MEM) • Ai -=.• • vol t . no Artie o
imrt . e c rr aN t..b.e . oo o avol • vir:tp;
ICE FLOUR —lOO lbs,- supetior Eno
Rout reed b.r . Ria
• .
large assortment of mei , and handsome etyleitot.Pa•
nUneejost ree'd at the Waal Parkes Warehouse. 0. SO
hustet sued, between ad sad 4th stalngesale
ILI Moro Frame' Dlrlog . aid, Lot, ' )111.8her0
CRT; iltuatod oa An tt:oontaloa mom bake oven. hy .
t i , o. For- An
err cheep, as the owner - Tithes to
tem tke el tr. j _ Notollblibio.y.Lbth at •
ROTS' CLOWlNGl4—Tilelllo4,‘.eollloete
.PArllt a tb:Vr k c%ZilirtZtagt
Wrodat. - Wo stnly Lo pima. 'Ciao:ate katorosys
. nabbed= innate aqua 'to semi.% am &watt., It 'em'
In rood =lbw :a. Orritnikf.n. flo 4 i
__lliLm4mji hanoigoitanasyzA
" . 7111 - tk . A . i . " tr, 4 , 1 7, ,P , !, A-Agart,.‘
i tc.. --- .4', A LNIL , 'A ' 'A`A. Al
~.,,, ., ~ ..‘„,,..... ,, ,4 4.,..."..„,,,, , :i.,„,,,,,,.t.. , 1 7
. .
\ 4
~,,•••..", -* ,•00":4,06..twiw:, 4 ";,vivi. ,,,A ,,, : , ,,,,, ,,- ,
\, •••.,', - -`'fir, tslt6%.-Wite:,,S,LtV Vi ,,g, •-1
4V &, ,'.2.**4
iLL Clem Id attatd-.•4lttn,
street. °malts trochee-tie llotel. twine. a front or de gest
en Man it. and extending tack detteet to Walleoest.. on
Lich le erected a large well finished twesto
ry... Veldt
Dwelling Houle, with k , Stable lend .other ImprOme,
Tarim one-sixth cash, $l.OOO on let Uprtl. I Mb, natio,
at any time not exow,ding 0 years. with Interest, payable
annually, secured by bond and mortgage.
wag P. )I:,DAVIS, Anctr.
fresh ground Rye
3loßUill. U4,:4 et.
TlOlt —Will bo !mid ot public mutton. et the All.
ghee,. ArsenaL of 10 o'clock. P. M.. on dotardar, the 19th
lost. the *diming artie es.ll=
810:45 611211ket fllntr, \ 2 odad4 \ ue \
20 822 tide
\ 7 Ilmer ch It
160 pistol . 3 turning 4 9
M 1.7 00 P. tact iron oemn \ 64 614 4adeld"ol1M
dar \
0,00 do wrought Iron \ 0 carpenters \ rotlillon
2 carpenters' ~doer,\ 4 hatchebn \ \ ~ •
2 band ,zero \ 7 bench hammer; - \
:!candlestiskic . 1 sledge tb% •
7 bench eity \, '..1 hand lathe. •
4 baud • . 4 drawing kol
14 augreK -,
1 bread out \ 1 rasp; , \
1 felling do: 2band sown \
' 1 coopers' do; 2 drongbt brasea, \
DT order of 1.t.1% J. RodrelUNOommandlng. '
au9 \ , • . P. 91. DAVIS. Anetr. \
COUPON BONDS—On Thunder awning, August 10.
o'clock, at the Menton:de' Exchange, dth st.,, will be
sold, without. reserve, forwash Dar fund., by archer of. Exec
-1600 Ames Pittsburgh *lre ComPwur B tdAr
'620 do Bluff do O.aad Pa. do -. oo ` diX
road:: do
~ :n .do - Erehanse Bank ... do data ,_ ~ \
\ 2 (buy= Bonds. County of Allegheny *LOCO eaen.
\ 2' do do City orrittsbure - IAOO •-+
Itoff's College. -
Clastdeal and liratbematimd Depart,'
ment °fads Instlfirtion glint. re-opened on MON-
A, Angnet 21st. Laognages. Matrunnatka and the
bight' Engltah branch. Ell he Young men can
here procure a thorough course of thumbed and Mouth&
Studio.. No pans nor expense will be, scared to make
thin - no eat of the thUr w ge worthy or, patronagia , -
d o e r f f. v 'at'd eT 4""'l 2°'
-- initPDVl, o l,hot "P.
3031 got orMathematial and Closest Language.
'RESII MACK_EREL--No. 81arge, id ball"
bbl 3. reed day by LATZLIT k PASTO2I -
au4 2115 Liberty strait
IN FIVIBOOKS at , Davison's Book Bt r ore, EtS•
Market rt4nbar 4t.t. ' • _
mi,..„....... on Romanian: Fashintr and Fame
hot Igrfroa of Vraldnirham. by Agnes Strickland: Lee.
[urea Aretntaetant and Painting. by Ilasklar Hamblea
/k ix.,
lin Ito dt Elul , vast and prevent, by „ Ttaanorm• .Tbe . \
Iron Co 'war a tual Mary Ooydene
Handbook of U very,' Blogranhyt it onny.• Ilentoln 6 t * .
Foregn.Lande, by . ra.Stonts Magdalen iteportert, aldory
alrAof the Sellob Mrti,
1 4 , go ft b . fglor oft Margarlii./alt
te n tlni f l u attn " t py Y • More i7:;11; Irte 1 1 Ono ' P. '
n-la ' •Th httr al Al' tII d Abroad: S r
\ - ''''''. IT '' a
h ' I? Storm an
•Cu I st r
tMiry thne rd .... An , . fi u.- oTniai.• ?..., •
ilidt'ATA'n.tilioorT..-%.,%• "th-itue octi, —la
and o• yeti ! Ad f . l3, l!;k7dhaleond BO I OI " %lao, '..
a10: 4 67 Zottle9r Eabblk School Moyle. '
ALA-p\ti •the C r hartiors , Valloy R. R.
:kr,. • OtCoal4vd. nesuytlcroflelLL tho key
log oto3,Coo7fers.l to market, It' Is Worth
motetancy mak (writ or. the. all Mono. gtla
"iftrftr,er Ti [o4, TooDs7s, st
' AZ Tiro honeys .P.S2d 4 aezr4 , l' land Idiolning the Itoz.
o ast
1 ougnelltocheeter„ fifer con ty, Pri.: vne et the how.
is • lice eom.forseb me he one and a half \ eteeka
tiltth. Thentbar , le two story stone bhura. / 8 n, l ;de
`.l%;ed ft onr. eolankintnn4 mom and rct.. Jar kitchen nittk
0...1 lief trat..qatthe dm
i.,ven, , etable' a
I cuall;: t,
1. si,,,..LULl,mhsg;Ti 5ity1.g;t0.174470.i,
1 tZrt ft o tai). and Y. .. 4. in, - a
.rlply to D. 3lebrinl , '.
• INI1 NI EIV 00, Kg y xpra , .., - rom Itarpers
, - .. 7 a.dwk.b• bland \NoNtesitri- A..llaola. \ ,
, el k'sthe.Tentheinne• er laquenee Shopllfled,enthret, •,
ing a edmarehetudee system otinstencilni. for the sin Am.- \
1 inane orthe voleeand for:dlanbenient in 1Y."6 .0 t0n , art
ocpaldle._speaklna, br . ll abll 4 ll4neett. .. \ ,
iVtitli=lir, , rza ' ,l•Lv,.. by\ . ,
\, , .,,, J . I....READ:II,ith it. \ ,
will, yo\ sireat \ aptfliime \- aild a t '
i a snake en Tau •
..n ..nel .' 4 ','"h 4 etitrlr tiTErgiva maker N, \ •
enarge rl,n4 ' , sow& ,74 Wand et.. : , ," nl. ' \
1 „•,- iRsT CLASS 1- TUrYTl7l.iii - 131 7 fTi — s and \
a - boTO.ndePted ro the mason. surerVoeing Mt at &eat
Ir reduced IVOta Itt CILESTEIVp, 74 II nod, et., Re,stady - 's
BEANS -100 bYe: in More loafer sale by:
Iliarphr A Direhdelt bees reetan asiortmite t of the,
a ea geode. al therarknes gldtbs. Also. 'Mullen slid \
eta Clothe `GToilir al= \
tweet kinds. and houeekeeping good. generallp. Our as
'rtern'esme" p llav,z d h gt l 4 , l l""lll.l"7ll " e. T ml \
' " We hue still u han ta=le et les of La Deng-
es. Tissues. Ae:whleil d we are o/( ring at
...=1) . bop
prior,, to close( out. - j 1.16 . \
01 Ingiilatgzmyszatttile., =TN' gilig 7
r r oll
( view
I 1 1::IIZZ!'dl b
" A Idil=lo d AI AeAilW \Za?i4T' ltr4lVlrlg?gti on, Vf with mine, modern et Cr., silt. door. -
?t" nfb--- rtralletirtses', gel,i,. o"don
,r.o' klel orde r
on t kllthßrJ • .. Dm2l t.'
lIONEY,-7.1 bble, in store foveale by • • \
. 1 .11-J-1/ 5 • \• - IMIA/ 1 MAZY k 'CO; \
CLAY-100 bble.. Coolpfe \Pot My
L reed and for kale kr .. .1. DC 11 00:01ASCR & CO.
PEARLS-4 casks in atm and fold 'slob
...1. jog& • '\. .• S. IIAILDAVOLIkk CO. :- ', •
\-35E.M1 - ANNUAI) SALE—A. A.. , • -* lntivii & i •
I Co. aro cluing out lUD stook ofllonneti. Shaulesuld
setillasue an human,* „cedoetker In intro. • lc=
t-iaANNUAL \ SALE4-Silks, • In;• - ne,
e, Ike, We see nor cloirkurout all Our stock a
-Drees() al a reduction orkont Wes 60 Durant. .. \
- Diet . \ A. A:IdABON & cu.., 24.6 th et'
Q Q. }34
m g-- N soooy
& 00.'ni 2k, em M ot
e.l. \
P' iVgtrtrr? da
rpm- \
glarltlltrlilsK "it"
92isisLLIe27 A. A.ADeinit
UGAI Ihbds.prnTa7O.
Sugar . oe rd ..
kju onsignmuut ihr Rile kne lar \ V ', • - \
• . - ,2th. ii
____' LITC11180:1 ig„00. •
4.ZUNDBIES 7 76 half ahesta And Bllc.
01 , 'Nu! aobre.Orane•.a.TdLapoq •
kr silo /Oa Vr u r d \.
CI.OOD PAWCFOR. SALR;,pf 43 , sorith
u good tram home all rum. lad 'entlar, lk 4 hunt \
POrCh, • iiood Ming Wuxi,. with doubt, barn an . - mudde,
uszon utud, oml-oldb, sad good garden,. as ortholuf..vgb
a ttc w o dnu a rt,.. l . 4lPotr'n, • Jaliirt e irstui" 3 ?"'faindu i nsFlt .
s l ,boo. Te=a) 0 I hm , F balm:100n • 2 sa343\ • \
u 2 near/441435e £gts,
41 74NSIGS-41 this. da,tm'cl and \TO' •
4 bT au2 • HENRY IL 4 30.11.1.\ S. \
S----CIAP7-1 and
for WI) Irr HEN RI , M. 00Lt,INS.—:
1-IX-IdAPFALIST luinde•sioinirrst
are Valma Band and llortasner. City and Cannti , ,Cannan
iTeatl'lrreritti I t n ' TaT ' Al h a47, P nr: attnir.
;4°l ' 7
v.rth Am.a?"‘d youLtv rEy. nizAtsly:
L 29 etudv.v,--Bumig.,,Cslo..-Ni„. stock..
,n. Ix .
i ljpGllMS'rmackci Dricopaid, in par. filling.
1 tor old Aidiavad mdfoondn, 3leslran and :sin.niali
nrri. Crown* and Aro Franc ob..
;br ' • •. ..,:,
. • ' .11:10. KIM,. COth. !Una and 114. Zrohor. ".
LASIPB.I.ACK-0) bids. ass% common;
id bbla.L#irsoatitos: r. ,bl,:s. 1t011134 . , . %., ,
10 do pawl. Itaerse. kr lode by ' ~ • i;,.
4111 • .• ..:. • .r. scu Kin ooxuA i ixi.
porAL vmuNistt--io bbla. aswried for
kJ .debt :Icimonbißpatz.:4.7o.
ir:ii — PllESt--10 his: for raleby
( 1 1111031 E UREEN - -14 ea-sai and S . kegs
,A,) for We J...I9,yOONUAIC no.
,to lIBLS:EPSISSI SALTS for a:dolir
I - .1. sonoonliAnan a cn:
Aufra t. gthreed
B tscrwirm
IstrousAa * C. Abbot 4
e r
Th4,la. I" Mot c_tr ri"l be
I:Trunk-ant', OssoblinK now*
I r n OtrmanT• MU. poureny.ontpli R rh.V . i2,741,
4:ZA Litt? NToi &ALI 4.114. '
Ill unrations, h fun4k . 7.r bY6I/4,04. "I,llmirtt.'"e4ii
clatir appeamuce ! • • - \ • .31
Atouors FII , tnat OFLERT-41
a srgaLnioaizivtwtA.7,zira;a t vig= uatoltsexudviao.
1ta.,t103.01,it fra.ll/1,1144,14=r0n:14„g
'and ype met tf ga. rico IN za *st. lltlortn
.4 egel4l,4 Vaa t "a n A 4 l; 1 4 1 1T li ! . G.4uri
.. 3111111:'
M(UNE 4 1,11 VATEZ—A.: fresh supply of
"•4. . 47 4 161 ktairiit 131 02 ilAttett !Mei
IifA hNESIA,' - friallly. rise paied
shirrs on band at \j JOS. 11,11511N0
~; ~-r-...::.:,
big), e.itta erenra ChCe.6o for