',;:.PITTSBURGEI GAZE wit* of Azoasialtichordson, of Nod§ Mow. ;Mom, doithOo qiimfor soloimoo of inhaling cidoieform idol Wisteria by a doctor for the purpose of extracting a tooth. It luiabeenstated thata shock of electricity will wecoreenpersonin this sitaittcm, but it wee not tried bide present cue. • • r • birrOS BribZ TRADZ—The IlostonAtlas mates that:the lexi.and shoo trade - cf that city and vicinity onwards tp between this:ty sad for, InfllkagoOrdolliziloomuilly- saldto him doubled within aft' , 7eats::: o 4lsl l #2e4di ona Arm alone; last Year,scionnted '• • ToXodi Carrte.—.lt , is estinatted 41ot:between' seeenand eight thoranzaioottioriio:Cow on their way to Lnlifornia* frcen'Texas.;illio Itaft.intold'O - Tenn ayj they,hareebough -- • cutyvii or TODACCO Ls AsairJUl.-4tllppe4rk • from a report meetly. model* Lirehtliepoleon; o„, the e i twa i on o r Algeria; that the Calibration of tobacco has increased withior the' year treat 1,005 hectare* (the hectarn is sl more „two acres) 02,277, harini droll:ricer than dein' , " led; sad , lieter initd(ntic4, the - mumps of.Afge- Iris b rtroartable'for qtuiity. BOOKS; NEW-YORK. _ Its upper Ten-and Lower XEMoni - Er GEOR:tIE'LIPPAI6,- Allioreirirei Ar rhthglaeaadhlihusralkT.lNOlsestoro: . ..gdoeakm "The Quekerralty,^Nt Ma le the lietietalt ono entrrterr by . IbligOoth 1111.1 Wit .11unokl soon Of rusdroestit rhos the ecoolurneentonat to the Ned. Shea ohs Um toad Dome Comte* Mout* CNN to, or The likodselog 7ow, ere I , l* ender the , haNwsoloh• will be equally Osseo! with Ude NOlll4 realm win Cud this the sod telearthut Work thla hoe bee mot NMI. the P V/s g otigdgriatlVZ/Z-4101 , 14214) a tYiNTT, nod bower Maim Nasal-14Am wUlbe sweetly NSW& ed with thlo new wok. Theirtellehte Adtsr Wag twilit Verb lab Of WO* .Eceitt.it thataete. .4=U WS • storprterdltthe Neurad ke It should sued tanker Un lethufa Chiblzk—Timg„ Noe mrk .2b ke And best work,. Mat 110Vel means =dr to reel to be ooreetly apooeiged. erwersultug it, It Is name .s o.L iS. belkrar It will be Imporedblo our prom who commegrees Wawa*, Where It oil no. New fang tharrl„, *. own Taipp.ra, V. • guinea Itiesnarel moat thrintugtoterreet—elea MAI miming beau eartunourett. you ' , hill dt uy all night tkrtak Wag we naia a• 4l 7 XT.bYtt JO AWL Peat. hamitimetr boacl. VA to IM.TerrUn, to otk Por.leem by Ik:eke:ors throughout ta. trotted eters". A Deem ropyly ao real 'tau' A GO, Pittabargh. uthiew y ATTSBUBGEL MUSICAL LlitictAßY, - at n. scam:am% Unita §tbre s ; ca Sherth • at; • ivar By the meld sanitise endemic tester dlr. a Modal taverr Is ausidend a matter aftuaeidtf among our Knuth' The daily incruse of new yteldicittoom . 12 Pbj ttt :c ette Ams" -- 'wh - ItAmg:tmara"ltt: tae—Escheet=ber tebeTant Me&UntitW tale Iker the unto! thm biome ea nutty' tezakel Oranci- SIMMS itthen1011•“0 ataktaltiothe: slant aided vo4 an and ein have than otteint they "'littler:et cam, tifthettui often as titer Ilnd tr convenient: no=e itSziceaiBl.7o4 - talc Mudeaaemuty the "the oren, tont euhenibera CaRO Alamo stock o so of the Wove Much van. alimin be on baud. jel3 u. ECUSONDIIII. NE: BpOKS--Dr.. Smith's "Ilistoiy or 4 Sasen sad I. ts,23oama, bri. J. Thomas t 11 , 113 /tuaalsas. Udiatratak. ... . ell Ynl Oamland, Wird On . :,.‘h• A . -1 --. ..:: ' :.•; 13.0..1 Missed? Reeelpt liickirt M Maws Ilsotin,K_ S. stlosal as.' *dale 17 JM a. 1... Its AD. Apold Build Ems. 4dt d. LATE- PI7BLICATIONB at Davison's, 65 Dr. Alaaaadß , hr hie eon.' 44.Ales3a - rotrt Thu Wastes*. at .Welscper No, our prosent and Jahn* Dazdel. a model for most men. hr . Dr. Booth, of Dew Or leens,a worse of lettorea- : - • Verakearse, second sortek• • ' • The Parish Side. a better lacolithan elthern " • Carter's new Books (*.Youth, Tin e unity Side or Els& ar Shia 'Mabel Grant. (Marker. nftasa; !The Wood Cutter Alex fnde ander on lon. cheap - ed. St2Sl hma] of ktiesloce, or Sketches of Foreign Miseloni the Preet ah rolae terlea 4oUoChurch. by her. J. C. korrie, mho 'lli I'eemtdm E1.1114M lbflaVytiCS7Zabat: • Dtuamt ,. s . 3ffraeles and ParUres. 4a., Abend/asset Verat i ßrinr ' n l Yeed • IfyrtYen laW by Myrtle,* better book than The Whltudnd Women:: • - • • Dry o s t taillaa : ,f tr . rifetrrof..Fs.lDOira . (hobs, by leo stencotune and tha wed. taii4s, akotclue of Dblaaand axon/SO Woad t b. " l4 - . . J.S. DAVISOS.os mar...rest. G - 0 LLARII.-,-'s.lT:,Ttlit: 11018441=MtaeRcitungunit - FROM LOUIS , D'ISHARL'S; Chemie* astel'Etcumse= AM4mbres, thi'onir In= anw. plulov Ocaupotmd4. affiewraig==fr _the wanner= Mebratsi ve. Beltails• le If. =get MIT' in mat of the lewopese Me" • -late we Melted &Woe aes leteadal ware rapeolatty for thifee of oar Fulmer / 41111114111ALTId bare nod there over lb. hm of Ws mighty soemtrr. Ideatbag With Vest lamas maw them; war offer It to the emerlem IAMB: twain; twits Bahr esaffiarhel rood ir..l virtue must be knurl .• LB A BURN BENLIIDIC YOH • . • - tem sad Airu . l)=, Sick fleedftetl ...4 fsedealsy dear awl foal eosin Breath, tuffdeeesat taste to the month. after fatter ar weeping. lad tostivenew, essafew sew ..•:... . eat kw of *earths.. ef, drawl* , ' • Dam saa mai of Minas TEM uvan.ou irrox . _ut la to Yaw ' wafts . s . l t= d r i ewarid be . _ am, twos me of anteet epeetn, or ether Wawa of _alselwada a t r iws many lastaataf= r et t et, iwinda seamy V iir di t iViMe Ata S .L AVVac e rt r nris TH sly oa of Dbustaaw DrefeeternCholieMbeeerelforlit sal the navy - ugpiers,t !wm S dmill* • - aftifiagsgfir- •Aa:=‘,.',.."°'‘”r•Plii‘i aun t. .. . , 111164..liest,rjr.,—Dier, Skillickaiiii2LaL • hartbilp talealariAb a dtlesa onto slam of %no WO, sad jierrcies basthiebet a roam sod hate spent tam no:WM* of donut orderto aired s cork but e so lopw Ana Wink ett - Wog ' attlf roar." miatl'Asouta' or Ram tut 134 MasreM mir oat db ri= n &y . :esi4Vi n eedn abandon ricam3,o4 a toilllbc, oar stadia:Hi I Illetad4.7l; -.' , . ....: .. .:.-..': , •.';,'.', D. 0. W90+ , 6%;" ; • •' P1inin5i1....d;c24•1116.1. , Mx. ENSF „. .sr ,a , .7 r .-Deerr Ai:AO amnia Umtata art dam to ntairustendl24 „Low Malawi Illitma- Ltariar end fbr woo Um& Irl los, arappr tlks,mattal allemodea sad in Nit b at=ener of 2k• Cretan. I non ea. eta ming but en, toil.* einyeins e. reigraingeselie. L UligtNe . ' - CIFICOLV3 WOMB. • -• NI teL I . . ~ 1 .1 n . Lige laze, stilt t : e l MI a , t . art. ti t „ . .;. Mee Unatini Blitne. ipicre of you) Nine emus i = . I=nr i zZ .4,,, avt i ntw Tan, 1r= „ 0 . 011.1ay rOUVl6lloPsetrally • Mr riff` . • : .•.- • • ii..atiolt=4: . , et.l.lller 801TR11 . 11.11 0 11 Baton* lad i11ut . ... . • gbenlitii I ba wzg nutine,to greet at east awe Um ttu 11111161=.3.114,7 U. your sae. . NUJ be refunded. : ; ' DI:31.111 , 1PAOIL a. - - Dm sag gieeninalryini . . . , Ow. d end Loon eel Nit* at. Mae. tp 3../... l ialLt niu rrOt X: gibu.Dr.fien. U. . Mem, moment Byxbers. nail J. gebactenaltin A On. Pitts. large . ../ . rtbid6pr b... "“2 ll. l 7 Jaen . P • lee n. 0 .n 1, fte........ eeLnWtera I s'4 : &t • o r if wool Dffsa...tivos 46.-WeV.K.ved. ..02: • 4 . . . A. 11 OM. 23.1 th et. BEANS --100: bble. null white Bean; for webs * .te2 L e. CAN YIELD. PlBll-30 bble. White Fish: 60 bu i . u 60 half 2 K 12 t: ge. d 3 rhetrrel •Pi 60 do 0 do by fblas. rAtieJsztet, =Ake J. A cAyrrinailst REAMS -100 . bus. small white in store for NU br DALZZLL a 00. - - - - - - WM SUMMER DRESS GOODS—A. A. IV Yemen a Oa. ar• nmi•les another =Nay of Bummer Dna Om d... tompristo moo ver7 deb. bow ATI4o• of Ms. a ttL Dort nd Sanks•A plyg ••• man 4kr-; •1•121 m la 1:14• ole. rge 419• al" • rusostami sir t or•••• 11EILAGE DS LLINES— : SOO pieces fine P. ,, thrratrittb!*tizsay. t- 500 84019 NITRATE pODA;, II mks Alba MIA MaO011•INK " tel 11"4"jbr Q e AR-60 Ithda. 6 . .(itiagar . d . MAPLE SUGAR & MOLASSES-7 kegs t' meg " IbiWtr Ar. rill ).a 44.11VCIA;te. Br,BOAPPLELkirld,!nd and jut up „.`„. co 3-4 bbis, fresh_gut just roced and q Ibr br ral imitlf catunn: • • "t 4/ "PIL 8 •a baud's O: vwsSestißrt.alsiotudkaatmef ••• 42•24 • = 1.2 . 4 . 2 . U•2..0; ES. •2•••. EZ4IS: CaStba, 11 ". k 2 visite, lay It • "1"0 51171ier.1/4" • thiD22oloo4 22. AVAPICAGARACSINES, Ictortuned to tot Sic* ototmt otho grj r. "MO 0 411 =111114ES, wikirioted to cut oarary--.....?!treararateef kdrMVOmamm ;X: Mieoft Co. eu tial .4u n.u., vas. mixtf r r 188 PAREII,--20 tizu.n. - Iwo . .a. scnoontAithita tio — 's • *"- HUM • --- r • • 14106 T IMPORTANT ..VINCRINCZMENT; B:l32aetn°ol PILOT. J-ititEd iffaiunocs. From - the' Phatele4hlia' Medical College. t ri imr-2e4 raz nzsrpar p• "or A ipilig rzarcurif • t x --- .101#14:4NK Tus_rstonanos et, rpm andaraignaot June the. pleseu'reouin7 fmniee. the pubihr that they bare Mao stunen Comte with the =Went traftwas(4Alied Mcil,lNTOCti hi. Do or Phlladelphis, known for more thin a smarter of - atotary seat.. we or tholaroatiort, Et.l4l)tio,lemliii,w ert otltelldoe and linigory country min Each" thalfalwhen or. 1:10 Malmo, itutitd grif ., rafieh"ef •' gales a:SAMMY alliDDI120:11 thereiror k .bleb NAi,e ant cep to *d.eoP tlidlateter kri.Jaaari«troe genire: ne.. ' , ad:jihad-to tho malt prolahost dloatooo. Tam reatrilies embrace some of the mosenduable disconniee alanl emabluationeenr Ineenribr the mowei dimeas; Thel ' b.. 111 4: tbs. mot profoind Investigation, wad mo_ ammlt.,nd th e aroma towlaultatiszaottotaaotmaro AlWarst filtisidans °rte. age Each remedy la Septchaly adapted lo aereeparektarnviena af Mama In oecordatio, with tWetlhe4 ~Pia Rieeedaelaiedied eektge. La& of these anstediee hire been tried, implores% via enelli periested, in the worm of a long, active mid Addy nos. awful prietlee, not only in Philadelphia, but threarbout um? llbetant sectleontof the &outer whieh hii gnat .hh be.xt.t.ung. ..*:tliesr,boeisasl tQ "salts In Dr. Dietabstoek's own Wade, 'whits pub , Moe on ender hls tultlon, In the . Collogioaf.YbuotSam.:,o4l* tow Pittadetd. andAseethere.' . _ - then nen Progennsed ormatcarM' Shia Is to= n th a at v kalvo li alanal In lin lutes a 7;gmiish........hrisyriltaWitytoftdP"pro r aroar Mom forpopul areco r use. Thar are such IMF hare hem] the hg Sa .ri their mmendlogir cent in elar • parts ,x7/44 of the eOuntl7.. iaduntnewts h;rtlils step rogrounertma one piths mon st% i. st *Abet the de mand let cep nunedies has temens so torooat mai, -moat a: MO. sums; se to make rikr=o r ritzTe , :agrpaVr r ,A.boulltai of-my seteedlormadd heft many =?tope Lit s i et stp. : " IN n e g% r e s e d= , b i t e e b e t ag= led Monist easile of W. hemby.'wlem to Alasune thelmam I I._ I l ly of In the ataxia sha ZM 11 CA . ...5t.7),, Promo., a A Aim...v.48.1.0min Phllada.rbikge.4.3lWl. glare Arra i ld n a g ns of the 1411adelpbla %opal, id - - ley; late member of the National Medical on; -„inever of the Philadelphia edge tlenietn, member of the adlecol;hl= l, oMkge of Philadelphia; threes Predderst and of Atudonty and lan in Car tleton tiodleal chArsrmorrt and elm late ,am„ of Anatomy and Ph dewy Nwtehlre Diedicatlnstk Rltteaeld- etc... .• - •: • We misdels:may mat.ru.sua4uvit Denthi f tb: Meat lineage whieh exists for the inixedactinsor a elms of poxf and Wish:dm:odor maliciees which may he man MatlY adootedt tato Wally me itact_awurea.t. AZ OVA tae of e Orgasm. alibelngthe legitimate PrOdeleaotugef Saner. &arced .I!lesserinne. Noortnanent Is needed 'to psovetbilialootams anperlatitYilsuch • clue afr.maeeomthedaugciva, cotopoanda that ma dotty puffed tufo notice by isnomot and muldese men, mid: Mr tho puree, of ouelablas theorta at the expense of the tires and health* , their [Wax bangs , tie trent 'eontl deafly la the amd,. Moor the eninnaccdtr to seamen ln Ibis elhat to exiles* he. Unwind' pulitsWen 'fiwoclarie try taring searedhl teruni to the Wooten thdoehichem: ,brept the tint neater reasediee of the eerie,, and which comitrime soma of the matt minable madam ore disarm sada' the ?Waal minis/ht. ettnatan,ta& yoa or : say 'Wpm hisinds are sufferers, on no time Inotmeuetts the aid of ttiOtstatediait aunorda of oho dolt by *MUMS: izitiethunit*ltaluth at OM* IteidkeilleaSe era Moat 02 tb Y. oar appeal .attnatloa :to_tho tint a *Ol4 as batagatorticonositty dotooadod, MALL moos moatßl- —TECTORAL SYRUP, Tots bteallible Syrup. which Is entireirie in Its enarontion. has been employed with wmanfel emcees for mop years In the emu( dlerasee of the Am PeaLtolanin -Loma. The most eomountellm M of that aro= am bentstin end Ltffaunsaties Um own* Membrane which lime the air tobeeof the windpipe sao bacon For asayorthaseleruss of dine" whether shoyoli i, l4 . l uetre *Pea ea Cheek Miring df the rimed, Sco w Wet senr rh T 4 /X t 4 u 4sce," qr i st=t i g g i d4 depaytla j tl=% . attended with the hamdest results. _lt isrecommended as am of the best and paint medicines !Or all toms ed Anew Ale Laudassense et, Pint in nay :hap, id aye PRI - - fang..cent mug colds and irritatkos of the throat m it is y Sot children: no la our changeable climate. .should be Withoot tido nit reet which. if taken on the lint sysolskom of add, would. , dpres3 many en Ware, Ittaaohltia mai o, PAW tom ilatastanatioa. , , at.daara or • , 1 2 5 ,f c=: AND WitOUPINti SYJUGIII REMEDY. Them terribly islo,esisug anew. ore relleted in an Imo paralleled degree by this purely vegateble medielna, which has been brought 'CO menthes slowly in the muse yrorsr w iMmey . . Gb" 7 "' ; r e, gi n e et re l e e mPleVi it PRICE Dote.. 60 amts. - DIAItILIKELtCOADIAL AND CIIOLIMATILRYIN '/Veneters gore fir Dietrbw„ and, Visaed is tine, f=lo =tem Cholera &tab= mat Asiatic •le.n. This p lion eta arra mum Wenn. Ihartheenn and In raator4 . J. l 4l th. litu t ay and Cholera Infantuut it Widen remedy. Full dl- miaow Pro ZS and 60 ceotellik far the ettee.T Of 2 ashilltelfat or Sim Dim .m,rin &any, Not Rbeettn, Itch. Ringworoe, az- htenstsbase Dioneer znatato Ithae„...ETll white Sweater. unite or dwelled Neck. Tunesta abr. Renonstie DfanseeßvMrvy.VhE Chronla She r so=a. Gout. n ilkensratr dlnessit li alt arise Iran a Primary d la tie. ;At.; =Visa alteration of the Seetethmeand ersomal pa. of the laced. Porthls pos, tin Tomo Aim.. Ihrsiworbiett cambium tho ou• of ontoiaaatato reasellea salted to the dimmed elate atlas systme,will be bead woudettedly edientive -MCC. f Pint Bottles' Tt tn-Z T EP.E/1" ?lUn:a• 1111Dnummta. or. illardersa dbmstiam mar Oa sailed Um laktioual Damn ordsaarie. /to 'symptom ars hemisaq aiddlstavesionosumme kreavitits illmoomor visioa.vlth mato. .or bebm 7 6 Er. addax of tbs nada* • Wham. taming sad do gAc i ons dismorosa... 1= the montO; or Irtalocallar tr of Mmibialg - masa or Maims ilooti r b .te.astatnr.,==a ,44 .74l.vatz at stenumtre ..gT beartberre ealn or Odom of the ladomma, raaterveim • Sam of these mmotom. appear in Dy.popsisoad sometimes OA mum mama ho. A au d. M.St .* AO. rims time. ova& dthrerant times. Past those Protein • MAWS ow* lad astoer..= modition th,o* sm . *km thslarne ave. an t oa d s, i.* inrodima. videhtla VatsablOalmn . ad Takao til 0.t114. tioa vit The Vwdobis . Has essmaber• •re mad. maim.; or Was* Jtatiallifema Plll., arboreal* ruseettord. Orate lires arobrescolarlyaliebatved. llaclabe s tatad a omdellmOsakermodr.i Pala/1., 11.11.1 I==.l " / reeateas ematirmtima for to. curate Ebelima 11mo Oota,ami 11enualide ithautestlo Diseavv— ,omodyls °awed with the 61060.3 t avoliteam - It Oa. earl mod ostaudrar and Is os roar a BeIIITIO fro Daman thoarorld Lbw mar. moa.. r MCA, yra,...irmlgApcLLlzuzsm. hthalltde7iF;7ln37p7:l7,lorrall:e7aToral rheu matic. or neotral e de Nina terelllnea ..111f meek, saints atter Tanta pain le the beat erellnibe. It aterdalsonesellef but c d = Woe tae the stomach and abdomen. as • =enter Irritnt. It M Mule. Mt. In all more where an external atimulant is nerelent— rger.... Mrirrn lurrur.r. • :Met eionlimt and rideable ternedrao be need both Intansally and entareully. for the reile_f ef ram. nearrna acne ea rezone. e. In Phrorter. lathe Cet,htlicte. es In the Fide, Pates In the Pare. Weendeto P.J . where. , I er Man& rains In Use Stensarb, Serena, Le w ee ‘ 14 ,,.. It Redden 'attests, efOolk. Mona Call btonei at Or. It sin Immediate niter. PlaCe." per nos• TO. IIkYYDR epDf7Py tt.ll FEYTDATDA • metn..attest, and has r. been ne wswn anil exte i ge rriezda nt rlit=r marring melealleeD aids rawly dm wen trled to Um Palled found a sraarro en La ea asp bane ono be altltiad to that ova. onsmalem este sent. diseases, where bootee an sensation, end to all twee ofj d omaration et etrln g tb and want of rwrente to wUble pond innenlarly enbcaclata Pal= Per Dot . • • ; 41....:xnart.tru.s PUDGATITD PIUS; ' ltama ',wet ommr.o. and n il It., painfelroinlts mites Hadmbe, Inselnees, Itkk P ea, end ail Londe= emnoarmed andertioVere . PIM Ir.^ Lon Zere i arckat il meeded, theft s Os em me g • Aiiiwkk.te viands/ .11111, ; l er Barr ZS rerlyirwmelitM wed ldaramb.i.ridz it rnm 7rinakesma 7 .W, 7" ins t ivar'"••4=ri t r,94,l: r.: l 4l=Xn u r•A n 7, 6 2Trag t rit ta t 'dared Mama: or bowelg nt .4one/him alai.esdneed edoola set.. Thew Ptila Utak. tit th. n M ... af Mikan and Teflon, or . other 1.111 .alli r 7rZ a l MI atm attack ; Dehlies.Th Cents.' tee ...td...natar ismsPreirdeterehm MDr. /Mere TeClintock's Parnfly weeld rmwerd row elate to the public., that In hie monseion Y Mapes/Mg Chendst, for nearly IDlemi ream pad: ittelna etkb time h a b oa b e e n ertlenly ontooeted erlth the NM ellarroserdj end mdebliabreenta le this .eountrr, he by bad non e * t cooed= to he and prepare tba pmerlatleres et the suet , =load physictena'aniong whom be would mats Dr. Mott Dr. Patter, Dr. Frands, Dr. Cbemanag Dr.-Tleses, Dr Whittaker; Di. Dchinldt, Dr. Mem% Di...Allmon, Drs. .Whittaker; and Yourm. Dr. Deala. Dr. Green, end many others in the eitr of. Yew York. 'Ttue expethoen thee analliid ettalkeltlen to thallab .ate "Mb anthetencer bathyal tetathat mamma, cemith. es taftg4ta2l4llo sa to imam , • humoai.o dhanthal Son In =lon .UL their lalleint therthenthat *thee, an the Itemonntle astatineofethuthery and Ittnorana oberw in, la Ina of proper knoniedga In OM Unto, th•re the b. 4 Ingredient. may nentrailml and derthey meth otbarr,ar amlt In • manta.. Malay latthrth mad contras' to It/ lama*" deals. It Is with plow:a* *bertha. tat Im tallthe that am pmealytione ate, Ja.ass thelnica 114 only oompoted of the mat ratable medial spate tonna to, met thhitoally employed by. aar beat praeU Ureters to the treatmart 'or the errand eilmasee far which they an Interaded. farther are tamlaneal In socia aecaste proporthrea, to rotation to theft thateleal the alearloal escte. as to mare the althloment of Moe amen 'zeniths of their power and *Selena. In eonelation, he wlll only 044 pe bletha, that ha tan refer trith madman te *Pio put maw. .• hl. $ l /...1.w t. tho public that thee great mouth.' a In hl. Mode will tor rottakepy pre:penal IA atria Ibtecalanee nlth the tereacrli• tias of thelr Settogthtithl originator. • ALEX.CIISTIStAX • omfue, nwto Vat Y. wk. qf rt. &bare .11.11einft Taal b moestrad. at whaloaaa ca mall, - • • • A- C1.7803fA3 & 00, Bala Prnalrtor, ?,. _.., _,/ lio: 233 ta,,r4e,,,,..,i 1att.,...;.: za-ig,,,....lustaivitsriiiap:bo2l.:_laells %' • • I,s4vlnj 6 taut arcattelat ./' Lbv ' :TAT g.t."'„,,A*Mel.t lim , , k t . ~..;,,.,41 . ,ii •-; , ;116:..r........rtzindt.41 I; .16 .... .. 647111 May rock 1;-..nb...tair sx '; . .F,t . 4 . - , .. ~ Zand.Vir,arraute, Beal Zitate lircoorifik.f-i! r,....0 ... , the State of illinals. nivlamigned, late of Piste b, I.'. INT.4.e.li=,min..- '.., . I.,,„Ctend e 1 k r, r 1 11.4 Warnorta lowa 'TR .. ...1t • .:' . ' allAiti...i.: ''''. , ~• ... i'at,rde=2*l4 .44047/1/1.., . f.'b.-1"..,' grILIVE 01 1 , - - /CPCUINIaNAIsr - WO, ',: el - • • br wa4 or critta*,heysiaci. . - ' — ifeii 'elk' •-• ' -u•-• . .1 14 iiiitib7 ii ji).!R 0dek.1'f...,''.........,{ ,4 . 41-4 ,N,..N 4- Iltt .. • . . . .\ ' ~.. : ' ''.., . , 3 : •7‘1 :. 27. t,, ... .. - . .. •• 4 Z . • -, .... ~... :. ~.. ..' . 2.. ,. :, ... :. ii:i.:",4olktir .. r , ..-.,:. - e ,Y •••••• •- v. V;!..; ' ,sk:4 . v it4V-t4. 1 :74 , A.-- . ' \." \ A • ' n== mom I