The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, June 22, 1854, Image 2

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' '
TFLUESDAy iscoamicch; .22.0g51,
Ot 14011111UX1112,4A 1111 COUSTY.
"„07 itorroolnritY COCHTT.
Allegheny : County Whig Ticket,
oJArt'i t ti": 6- carC7gr07.60 . ..
IT E. TETMMI, l'lttsbusgh, •
R. It. CARRARA rf, Ratinalnybase.
il l jghalilagt 4ll**
WOODR, Pittibwtb.
tunti or snit corms.
JADIE4E. YeA t 4:7N, littabtosb
ArtMr.tir'. Lt
JO IN 11•KYJS,;131rErdiZzo ,
billaittialsargh Weekly Gazette.—The extensive
etrailation of out Melly Garetle offers b. our businessmen
• mat desirable Medium or making their business known
Our ekenlatkrn is betnein four and thonsand, reaerdnir
almosterery merchant, !manufacturer and &honk...v.? in
Weston& Pe onsyleints. sod Eastern Obta
To To Advertloem—Delthor the Editatiol Ikams
noy p Ulm Entatalthammt of the Daily Gosetto, aro opened
on a y. MrYzonel:oiwhodoolsol their notice-lit° arm:
In paper= I.T.ogda7 =raiz. oral Lbws hand them in
begirt b o'ckek. on patardoy: •- - • . .
Reading Manzi' on ench earn of Hite PFlper
The !heeling Gazette endeavors, by contiast
lilt the receipts of the Bellmore & Ohio hood,
for Mayorlth those of the Pennsylvania Mad,
to thew
,that the former is the best located . , road
of the two, and that Wheeling to a Much better
pointforreiching the West than Pittsburgh is.
This receipts of the 13. & 0. road wire $365,-
775 ; those of the Penneybonda road were $297,-
188. The Gazette, however, forgot to Odd that
the Pennsylvania road is only 266 miles long,
while the Baltimore &. Ohio road is 381 miles in
length. 'There is more than enough in the odds
to make the difference. ' -
But the Gazette is disingennoas in attempting
to create the Inipression that the heavy receipts
of tho Baltimore road are owing to its oilmen
tion with the west atWheeling. It admits that
tkope 'receipts were mostly.for freight,' and Well
it might, as the following table,,showit% thq Dlor .
b.wr ti,, , ,,g 1 1 and way .pao.eugerS carried on
r‘l , way tra.,4 abundantly
shows: '
1676646 ' ' Thrmilt. War. TotaL
New —..: 76..00 1.073,777
1•.. 1410004 1,003,730
Baltll7 •)13 ...--.- 11318 116.242 17711.5er2
‘l,lO n 636 onl X6n16.......--149.262 33.543 1114,760
..... 132.139 321.371
71L•mili , o 6 , 73 Hart P;717 321.037 W6.064
T.ert Mut* ono Riehmonl4l. 31.160. • Kim. -
31n, , ,,me1..... ? .±3nu1.41 , 1 , 1;•••• 0-800 64 9 00. 10.732
Prom this it will be seen that the Baltimore and
Ohio carries but one passenger for five carried
over the Pennsylvania road; and this is farther
derozaotrated by the receipts of theroad for May,
of which $318,172 out of $565 775-- was 'feu;
freight. •
But was the freight yielding, this revenue car
ried from Wheeling to Baltimore? A glance at
the table of the road's tonnage will' show
that. it was not. The haavy item in its
tonnage is the coal carried from Cumberland to
Baltimore... Without that material item, the re
ceipts of the road would be ha:Testi indeed; and
if' it depended for its revenue on the through
freight obtained at Wheeling, it would be still
more barren. - According to the offoafal statement
the receipts for coal carriage, for May, amount- . ,
ed to $180,900; deduct this from $318,172, and
we have $187,272 as the revenue of the road from
other freight; and when its other Theal 'traffic,
which is very heavy_ between Baltimore and
Cumberland, is deducted, it will be found that
the through freight f;om Wheeling paid but -a ,
{mall portion of what is loft after deducting the
coal returns. The Pennsylvania road, it must
be 'remembered, cathins rely little coal. •
' Aa abetter evidence of judging of the mine and
Importance of the two roads than that cited bythe .
Gazette we natty mention that Pennsylvania rail
iced stock, the par value of which is $5O, is eel
, ling in Philadelphia at S4G,-while Baltimore and
Ohio eke:tele, the par value or which is $lOO, is
telling in . Baltimore at $56.
Ldrarr.—A case of murder has just been tried in
Lexington; Ky. . The • circumstsice"; as • they
were proved on the trial, were as follows.—:-
. '
Charles Cashing, the deceased, was emplihed in
' - a confectionary store. d i About dusk, on the eve
,. . • ning of the 29th December last, Mrs. Weigart,
the'veife of Win. Weigart, came into the store to
nuke a purchase and stood leaning with berated
on the show ease, waiting for some one to nt
' .., tend to her, with her Liao towards the street—'-
. Cushing was in the , hick room of. the store,
' -where 'several other yoringsrien were Present,
I • and went , out to attend to her. Presently het
i-> retained greatly agitat e d_ And: alarmed , saying
that he li ed insulted -a truly, and she would ac
['• , - °opt no apology, and had gone to inform her
1 ; ~ husband. The mode of insult was, supposing
I, . her to` be another person of his acquaintance,
her back being towards him, be had put his hand
on tICT shoulder, and said, ..Sow are you, Prey
t 7 'I" :'A difficulty tieing immediately expected,
.•- • - ,'IS pistol was given to Cushing by one -of the
. _. -young men present, when soon after Weigart
' . tame into the store, and firing between them im
--- viediately commenced. 1 Cushines pistol went
--. off, but not in the directionof Ms adversary. Wel
' • mart jumped upon the counter, and fired two or
three shots,, the last oe which proved instantly
; ; ... fatal: The Cate tame up on rho 14th inst.und was
efaaod the follot. ieg day, The prisoner wad tit
: ..1.
,tand4,rltacrerti . ei ti . by
Wickliffe, his
defended by able counsel, Messrs
.. u
; .. ley.). A cerrerporident .of the Louisville Times
'-- • isrvffe
Samisen,s ister end . - mother,
o Wool. .
• gives the following - description of the closing
scene :
The argnmente were clo‘ed about .6 P. M.,
and the ' ury - retired to their room. And now
' came a moment of painful suspense, not only for
. ' 'the prisdner and his relatives, but for the com
' month at large: Lexington IS so frzioto •
famous, for its long list of 'unpunished
_murders' or
. ~
that great 'excitement' was manifested to know
. - - Whether this would add one more to the horrid
• citegOry. , " Speculation and surmise =high as to
the' result Some few believed ho would bo con
- Tided and others that he would be aegnitted, but
. . by far - the larger number believed that the jury
the conclusion of their. deliberitions:—J . We, of
, w yein o n isl repi d a eL . th ic e , rthifietn,d,..sia.
saidhim gri”uweryilety,haocf,aem.7utirdreembreenienroht.wlidee
second Oegice, and send him to the penitentiary,
-• or thilt they would be unable to agree. - To the ,
surprise of all, the. jury returned in about twen
ty udnutes, and, while the audience were wrap
, .. ped in the most agonising suspense, - the foreman
stood in breathless Silence, while the clerk read
. , the Jury, And the prisoner' znilty , of reorder, in:
* the fret degree." . - • •
Then followed a scene which beggars descrip
,lion, and which Gad grant 1 may never again
witness., • The prisoner, entirely overcome, let
his head fall on • hie breast; while his wife, his
.I.sister, end his mother giro real° their anguish
in heart-rending screams. Sv wife threw her
. eel!' upon his neck, and exclaimed passionately, •
•!oh, why did fdo this! why did I do this:" and
. '
"Oh, how could those men find him guilty, when
they have faudlies I , Oh: I will die." The
screams-gradually subsided' into Bobs of grief
and anguish,-while the Mournful, harrowing
• iti . ..Komi& attlizted judge, jury, bar,
.and spectators.
It is now over, and the rendition of that- Ter
diet is the death-iyariant of the only white man
a ' who his been convicted hero for, years, ILIAD 7
E,.. years. And while we regret the necessity which
1 called for the interposition of the, law, we feel
- - that the jurors hero discharged their duty to
:I.": theirled and tq their fellow men, have •vindita
if:ted;the majesty of the law, and in doing So; have
....:1- • takenthe first step toward removing the foul i
--- black itahlitrin our • corporuto mutation and
; ~,,,, e • ":, ran is - Cheek silicas , this horrid spirit of re.
sod anger which has caused so much of
tCie:JrinOd. of "ola citizens to flow. like water.—
Thoigh - iirri good.eiSizen desired to see the
g'....... „ DST* ettanted, yet were there so Malignant
' ' ' - NIP Fejolio. gAbls punt matk's misfortune.
P :. Two things art; eatia 4 Mble in this result. . The
~.. ' --. fret It , the Osage ti-phblio opinion wrought in
Df", ,:. ' • Kinstocki;; the 'Lorin or public indignation
- .;*t . g roadnirtint of tholVard ease. .Rentuereould.
k.g. -.
no leiger,hiatnthe hidliniot reftiluichr i1Ai
....2-?-i-: • . whole iountly. , : Thei second is, this young man
- 1.P.;,..'': . ... Weigart tilts -talteilltidettin to the-smocking per
redid sentiment Pi revaithig In - . that State,
i. - •
ic' '. -;' . - • - -- .
- .
- • • -47 •
- '
se .
• --- 4 " • -
especially Lexington, eicry Insult must. be
wiped out in Mood. lint for that;sentiMent ho
would hare demanded OW explanalion - and apolo
gy, which would have been fively granted, and
two lives trawl, and a world of misery prevented.
Theimost guilty ind wretched of the party is the
L cMiLeppy wife, who refused to receive the hirable
apologies of the alarmed and agitated Cushing,
end who 'taller husband to the scene Of daugh
ter for which ho is pow to suffer death, to satisfy,
the demands of insulted, justice: If :she over
can hereoft,er know one moment's peace, except
that which is derived -fremw Divine sourseoche
is not worthy the name of womne.
Oca Tr.tsonspritc Barrow:l.—The telegraphic
report? sent to the press in Pittsburgh, and to the
'Weit, ftinn the agent in Philadelphia,aro almost
universally a day behind the publication of the
occurrences in Philadelphia. A . synopsis of the
news and telegraphic reports sent to the Phila
delphia press, and published in thoie papers, is
sent instead of being for Warded in time to
appear here consecutively with its publication in
the eastern press, as was "the case in thoSearlier
management of the present arrangement. For
instance, we give , to-day, ti telegraphic despatch .
of a Gra which took place in Philadelphia on
Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Why was not
that intelligence transmitted on Tuesday evening
Instead of Wednesday afternoon' The reader
may inqiire why this evil is corrected.. The
reason is this. No one paper , is able to -employ
agents, and pay for despatches, alone: The
press is obliged to combine, .to club together, to
secure the benefits of thetelegraph to its read:
ern.. Tho centre of this combination is New York,
where has the most ability. The dis
tant 'prepuce which receive despatches are,taxed
to a Certain' amount, according to their ability
'and the, benefits received. The despatches, sent
West, are under the charge, of the agent in Phil
adelphia, and are transmitted to Pittsburgh, Cin
cinnati, Louisville, St. Louis, and, other points.
Now this whole:Western prea has beenmadoto
suffer for months back, owing to the neglects we
speak of ixtPhiladelphia, and it isthigh time that
EOM unity of . action was Ind to protect the press
of the Westfrom the injury ipfilcted upon it from
the carelessness, inattention, or' wilfulness of the
agent in Philadelphia, whose duty it is to trani
•Mit despatches to the_Westens papers...
The Pranry/sanian devotes an article to anathe
teething- Washington correspondents. It has
, now coma to pass - that contemplated schemes at
Washington cannot prosper on account of the
impossibility of keeping them secret. These
Washington correspondents let the facts out, with.
.no feelings of mercy toWarda the schemers,ond
hence they are sorely balked and thwarted. We
do not wonder that tho Pam sylrgnian dislikes the
tell-tales; but that which promote Ito condemna
tion must naturally eiact the approval of all those
.who love open-dealing.. , ,
We gave an extract, yesterday; from the Balti
more Sun's correspondence, about a new_ party.
_The following is expirmatory:
The `•new party" which has been organised_,
among meMbors and outsiders' professes, as I
dnderstand, to have "no object but 'to promote
emigration of free laborers to Klillsll9 and 'Ne
braska. .The association here is only a breath,
it seems, of o very extensive organization. ' It is
Said gratin the State of New York two hundred
thin:mond:Niers have been raised for this object.
It will probably be a 'good speculation,. and - the
stock will pay; not oily In politics; brit in the
I internal value of the new land, which will be
"monopolised by the patties. It i. 4 now Said that
on the other hand conilderable effort has -been
made to send settlers into K 011411.9 from the Mare
holding States.
-The Washington correspondent of. the Philo.
North. American says ~ •
The FClibusters are . becoming bolder as their
organizutionprogresses. Their agentsandrepre
setitatives openly defy the President to execute
the neutrality laws. They boast of the number
of their recruits, and of the other means they
possess for the successal invasion of Cuba. They
laugh at the proclamation as a trick equally well
understood and concurred in by Quitman, Pierce,
and Slidell. There is no longer any doubt that
Quitman beads the forces whichare In the course
of assembling at Bound or some other
oonvenientpoint on the gulf. If the government
were sincere in its denunciation of his scheme he
would be immediately arrested.
CAMPIMI.IIII3t.—We do not mean the religions
ism which passes under that name, but'apolitical
ism which afflicts a portion of the Democratic
party of this State. The Harrisburg Union, one
of Govenior Bigler's supporters, thus accounts
forlthe defeat of. Vara, ,the Democratic candi r :
date for Mayor of FlulaclelpliM:
alone, as all others who' adhere to teat fatal ism,
will, in their turns give up the ghost."
As it is notorious that Bigler, of all men in the
State is, and for a long time has been, afflicted
with that same disease, in its most malignant and
loathsome -form, the above declaration of the
Union is an acknowledgement that all hopes of
his re-election'are at an end. -
Gor. Bigler was tho mangy who secured Camp
bell a place in the Cabinet, and Las stood by his
fortunes, through, thick andthin, aver abice.r—
Ile has got to:encounter, therefore, UM bitter
anti-Campbell feeling, not only of Philadelphia,
but of the §tate; for it win be remembered that
when Campbell ran for Judge he suffered in near;
ly'crery county from . the feeling aroused against
. •
BACILD Our.--Governor Bigler will net - Edam p
the State; that is certain. It was at first boldly
announced-that , he would; then that it was hoped
be wouldi but now his organ at Lancaster as=
sures thb public that he will not. That paper
says Bui Democrats selected him for - other par
poses than traversing the State,' "drinking bad
whiskey and begging votes," and trusts he "will
stay at home and attend-to the interests of the
BtatM" . but the hints thrown out in sundry di
reptions seem to indicate that ho will put his
declaration to stump it on the ground that his
"physicians have advised him not to expose his
health in that way. It probably was this medi
cal Adrian to refrain from stump speaking and the
excitomeota ottbe caucus, on account of his
health, which originated the rumor of his with.
dreamt 'from the contest altOgether. '
Bifir The Crawford Pa. Democrat says that the
Whigs and Free Boilers of Crawford are about
. to unite. — We are glad to hear it. We hope they
will unite wherever they can. Let the .fusiou go
on as rapidly and as completely as possible. The
Whig party is' now a Northern Anti-Slavery, ,An
ti-Nebraska party, and the r e s hould be a cola
. .
pieta union of all tho elements opposed to slavery,
VEnnorr will hold a Maas Convention of.all
opposed to. Slivery extension at Montpelier on
the 4th of July. It is highly probable that the
Whig State Ticket will ho adopted, end its sup
port placed on the,broadest grounds of fidelity to
the unchanging principles of. the. State which
never made a slave, never recognised one; -and
never surrendered an;innocent man lute, life-long
There has been n great desire, expressed by
men of all parties opposed to thoNebraskt per
fidy, to hold a groat delegated or Mass Conven
tion of ilaiiiaple in this State, represen ting pore
ly and solely opposition: to the Nebraskti - nutrngo
andtho ferther extension of Slavery.. -Tier* is
no QffiCiai Authority to call such a convention:* or
ittroutd have taken place ere this. Wo - trust, •
however, that some 'men of .standing, in all the
Parties, will undertake to lend the way. . . .
.Tns Telegraph announces that the two mind
pal Railroad lines in 'Ohio have disagreed upon
their Sum Mer arrangements between Cincinnati
and Buffalo, andthe thoroughfares have been re
duced one-half--to $4 from city to city, including
steamer on the Lake, instead of $B. We have been
aware for more than a weak past thattbeaego-
Hations betwech the different parties were tend
rug to this result, but up to the present an
noundement by telegraph from Cincinnati; there
was reason to hope . that the difficulty would be
compromised.. Thotirties to it are the Cleve
land and Columbus, Columbus and Xenia, and
Little Miami, on the ono hand, and the Cincin
nati, Dayton and Hamilton, and Mad River and
Lake Erie roads on the . other. They moved to
, gether last season, at liberal rates to all parties,
I the. Sandusky route Tanning- 40 and the Cleve
lied 80 /4 'cent. of the through_passengF busi
nem. This year, owing to some new division'of
the steamboat interest on lake' Erie, the Cleye.
land managers are unwilling to have the boats of
the Sandusky line mite Cleveland-46e passen
gers from Cincinnati .on the Bandusky route be
ing brought to that ,pointerver the jiinetion-track.
of,the Cleveland and Toledo Road—and bare
armor:tingly arranged with the: two: New-York
linecnot .to ticket Cinchatatileumeemeta te , go
by, any other boats than theirown to Cincinnati:
:Tina, we hear, Vas tbet mato ;Anse eff , ,,theaplit:
Vie gum* falinfortiulate,Whoever.- may be be.
fanit, end for of Ohio Railroad -aecnri;
ties,; 'could-not hirtbeim worse timed— Most of
the Companies interested in thetwo routes are
'-juat net dividing - Doti mg but stick. dividends
even the ifferveland and Columbus, we bear, will
pay WI of their next dividend in new Stock—
and if they go to cutting each other's throsts,they,
will soon fail to make these. 'To be enre, the
value'of what is called the through passenger bu
siness on railroads, has hitherto been over esti
mated in comparison . with the freight and local
traffic, but the effect of cominencing this sort of
war is'all the same. 'The spirit of reckless com
petition when once roused, tall scarcely stop at
one branch of business. Already the Dayton
and Sandusky people are nutting cheap arrange
, Manta to divert part of the -Fasten . ptmeeffge r
trade over the Pennsylvania lines, by using the
Ohio and Indiana Road from its intersection with
the Mad-River to Crestline, and thence over the
Ohio and PennsylianM Road to;Pittsburgb, tick
eting through from Cincinnati. to N'ew York via
Philadelphia.-;-.Y. Y. runes. , ,_
.oorresooniknee of tholDsllT pittsbritL Giq.etto.
WAsmiarox Crrr, 311110 19
. .
Illness brought on by „exposure to the Budden
heat,' together with the absence of news, has
catmed a suspension of my labers for a day, and
will necessarily renoll'abbreviate this communi
Mr. Houston, of Alabama, of the Committee
of Ways and MelMs, WM presented a new tariff ,
bill, which is certainly the most perfect realise
tionef free trade theories yet proposed In Con- 4,
gross.. The sliding scale of 1883 brought down
the duties at the end Of nine years to the dead
level of twenty per cont. That process of level
ing duties and dispeising with - proteetiou went
, on nine .years, at the end of which time the coon
'try was found to be in fully as flat a State as the
tariff, Prom that abyss of ruin the country was
rescued by the glorious Whig tariff of 1842 which
was made expressly for protection, and fully an
swered that noble purpose. No State was more
benefitted by . that policy than Pennsylvania,
which under t he, operation of that great measure
.attained a degree of prosperity which all the ad
versities of subsequent Tears hive not diminish
ed. The principle of the tariff of 1842, which
was protection to the industry of the people, was
continued in that of 1846, though the details were
not. So well adapted to that object. The National
industry has been raised under the last law,
partly because the gold of California has man
teracted the "dangers of overtrading.
Mr. Robbins, of Pennsylvania; dissents. from
the scheme of ,be majority, and. submits a bill
substituting a twenty-five per cent rate fei that
of twenty per cent in the majority bill. These
rates in botlicases cover iron in all its states, and
all foreign mannthothres. -No regard whatever
ligiven in either bill to the migration so often
ada that the diats on iron should be levied upon
the average price of the three or five preceding
• The majority bill, which is thereal democratic
production, is a great deal worse than the terri
ble tariff ,of 1833, when at its lowest point in
184, for then the twenty per cent rate covered
every thing; but the new. bill provides for the
admission of sixty-six millions of dollars worth
of merchandise of the years' imports, at fifteen,
tea and' five per cent, or at no duty at all. It is
for the people of Pennsylvania to reflect whether,
as the 'former free trade tariff brought' theta to
the verge of union, this worse . one, so far na
oncerzis their interests; can be enacted without
inflicting upon them the like sufferings.
In my judgment this will prove as bad anissrie
for the sham democracy as the Nebraska bill.
The House to day passed the- bill changing
the period for the annual assembling of Congress
[rem the.lst of December to the 'lst of 'Nevem
.ber. The change,. perhaps is n good ono. It
will lengthen the second session of each Con
gress from three to four mouths, and . will give a
month of pleasant Weather in the fall for legis
lative labor, at every session
This action of the House, probably disposes of
the mess question. The House will not nog
touch the Senate's resolution for adjournment
from July to October, but will insist on Its own
proposition of an adjournment rine she on the 16th
of August. .
It is believed now that the Homestead 'BM will
be passed, but will be vetoed.'-..Justus.
rrtask the baton Tneell
A 313 SCICIDI or TUC Mannents.—The village Of
=rill; in Blackstone, Mass., was the scene of=
a terrible tragedy On Saturday night. -We learn
the following particulars of the affair:—A man
named Alasendcr Hewitt, of intemperate habits
and as Is supposed excited by liquor, bad a quar
rel with.his wife, which resulted in her quitting
the house from fear for her life.. She entered
the house of Mr. Orrin Brown,. a - neighbor stud
an estimable citizen, and claimed his protection,
which he accorded to her and instantly looked
the door to prevent the entrance of her husband,'
who was in bet pursuit and "soon .reached. the
house. lie demanded his wife, and Mr. Brown
went to the miaow to speak to hire, shen Hew
itt drew a revolver with which he had prOvided
himself, and shot gist in tiro beid, the ball pass
ing into the forehead and killing him instantly.
The wife,..Mre. Hewitt, was in the mom at the
thise aid passed the window In an attempt to fly
from tbe house. As she Reseed her husband
fired at her but the ball missed its aim.
Mrs. Hewitt then attempted to escape by a
backdoor, but just as ohs reached en embank
ment of earth, he camettp,and seized her by the
arm. Ho then held her nt arm's length with one
arm, drew hie, revolter sod shot at her twice,
one ball passing throng% the head and the other
lodging there. Hewitt then fled to th.' woods and
remained there over night Oa Sunday morn-„
ing he left - the woods and came back to the scene
of the murder, where he was immediately taken.,
into custody by the officers. He stated to them
that ho was perfectly willing to be taken as he
had - Swallowed a dose of-strychnine, and could not
pssibly live but a few moments.. He was shortly
afterwardi Seized with convulsions and. died al--
' mast instantaneously. He elated to the officers
that the murder of his wife was premeditated,
from motives of jealousy, but not that of Mr.
Brown; that he wenttoProvidence last week and"
procured the poison with which to kill ,hlntself
after tie bad killed. Iris wife. Mrs. Hewitt was
alive at last accounts, but could net possibly long
surdas. AD inquest was beingiteld on the betty
of-Mr. Brown, amidst such, excitement. — Mr.
Brown leaves .a family. wbo were present In the
house at the time of the murder.
_ _
. . _
Ilewitt was n scythe plater by trade, and when
not under the infleence of liquor, of industrious
habits. He leaves four Small children ' who , by
the expeated death of the mother will ome or
phans. Mr. Brown was employed on the Provi
dence and Worcester Railroad, and had Idst re
turned from his week'swork to spend the Sabbath
with his family. Bit childrett aro two boys, one
ten and the other twelve years of age It is also
stated.thst Mrs.'llewitt . was a drinking woman.
.•. . .
Hormonal:tan Vostrows.—There 'is finite a
'number of celebritie . s sojourning among us. The •
summer season generally brings to our city did%
tinguitiked characters from all porta of the world,
and we are gratified to, learn that they find the
metropolis and its hotels ranch more magnificent
than they had anticipated Prince Paul,of War-
Walburg, Count Wedgentois, of Germany; ex-,
President Cchallos, of Mexico; Mr. Steckel,
Marge d'Affairs of Russia, and a number of oth
er distinguished visitors from Peru, Chill; and
Europe, are now at the Metropolitan Hotel, and
their:levees in the droning roam are quite a
feature. Prince Paul of fiturtemburg is one of
the most celebrated travellers of the age. Helms'
Jest returned from California and South America,
and Is nod on lila way to the East Indies. lie la
brother to the present reigning Duke of War
temburg and cousin to• Queen Victoria. Ex Pres . -
'Wont Mballos_ of filer : leo has with him about
twenty of his most - faithful adherents, who Orie
l), believethat the star of their cblefwill be soon
again In the ascendant. They are anxiMuily
awaiting the course of events in Mexico, and the
contest going on between Santa Anna and Alvi7
rez.--N. Y. Iferald.
111 fLi Ai El num o (QM
Dr. - Itelaude Liver Pills. --When- the
proprietor of !hit InesinableeramodY Paratared nof the
inventor, there was no medicine which deemed the name
tor thecae of Ideerandiallioceeompbants. notwlthitand.
his the great prevalence. of these Cesium In the Unibid
States. In the South sod West particularly.- Wheeilder
patient Is frequently =Ws to obtain the sertisoe of • NV .
sitar phyaelan, some remedy sou repared, at once Nate
and effeetual, and the operation ewhleh could In no wise
prom praudkial to the constanilon.' Thls medicine is sup.
Idled by Dr. Meignet Idrar Mt% Mi hes bean Proved in
.tray instance fn which It has bed a test, Nosy' boner
Wei, not a solitary latter= sees (ITV cteurred In which Its
effects here been hasuiosia rho Intention 0(50 educated
end dieting:dated Sphysittai. It hai . nothiell in COMM=
with the tooth bostentni imposed neon the enhile_ l 'd dud _
10f intender' to the medical art: ErPrarmer nene
peered. beyond a doubt, that Dr. litelansli Pill U the best.
remedy seer proton 1 for the Lira tosciplara, ,
Durehusat tali be went to ;ask for Da. IlDiotrirs !
ODLEBRATED LIVED PIMA. and take none idib. There
are atlas-MIL, twsseting to b. lever - Plll4 neer before
the walla also, his Oaebrated Versatus% GUI DOWb.
St ill rtepectalie Drag Stotts b Os Vatted Shame .
Ibr oda bY the sot. groprietass. PLEMING'IMOTIDSIUL
hated&wdl Sneeessori to]. Elddlt Co.. DJ WOod
Pont 2"0,11/dAr . .--ETOIT. variety. alas
mb44 lap% inuthur rovor, bum .Dagelaps
- on band' sad to Ws from Itagmlno. 49 . 1411.9imit put
ammo.= framable Grail.- boo Badyna&
D. W..(1.-DIDWUJ.:. IfatE tdoetimmo,
adf.4lf. r irq mit. PlDsbrintl.
_ .
aiNw.%ffiu,s,.:.a,&a..:§4,,MEMffig' •
JOBItc , BA4BE & oo:s
Piepared'eipresaly for their sales for Medi
c J B.t oo.bming olsdoied.n Wad at the
yrtmeete. eeiraterLeteed the meaufeetuni of their Ott. 1r
suns the public that lt eleessed with the mated we
from now hut fresh AWL healthy therm ,
All 011 rold with their almratme win be forma to tes' or
=anal fine tttuditT, and ante :leaned In the molt del ,
It Si ettenalraly employed both In printer and Malta
practice; arid well dererres the attention of invalids, Y•
remalr more nimble thera-anT Yetrilmerered. for con.
gumption airedincenu.y aderticem.
• .101 Vi C. 8.111.151 a c 0.,.
100 NeittrZi at. Philadelphia.
For talrbr MI the principal Drceratrta jelr•Cmdlw*T
Invalids recovering from the effects of Fe
ier, Batons Dlsetwes, or continued Cameo afoul . lamb wal
and aerial's Spanlett Mame the only remedy yitilthirta
reetwethelr dneoplog constitutions. expel all id hatters
roan the Wood. exelte the Ileer to a prompt Val healdby
action, sad by Its guile properties, restore Mt patient - to
Warn only my TaY Mule bottle is worth sit
the - weeelled Paresteillase In existence. It; mutable no
tleverary, Opium, or any other ~orlon or ladaentnre drug
and er.n be given to :the youngest Infant without hegira
• tton.
floe the tertftlostoo Of leozolerfal ewes around thebottle
.Mora than !lea hondreeperetats In the dtr of Itlohntodt
eon testlfrto ltlfftood effects.
Bee adrertiseinent.
to °buts inn seettrstootrtlatto and 116,11ke llkettesoott
va. %/taw Prtziabtud it trirtudttitg
le truer/totted. or no ehorge nude. [eying hying one of the
Inmost son boot weaned Sid e and Sky I hate orer ens.
Amsted fur the purple*, with Instruments of the moat
powerful klud.and havlntielrd
VP,Elll,lrirortarMr Y . tertc , r ' s himself t bnted rietrin
oner to the reams of the Art, s style of Dognerrootrnee.
either singly or In groom, which hem serer bees
(Meth and operiUng In sllneithers, from 8 o'clock
Lao. to 6 o'sleet,..r. sh •
Shoulder Braces and abed Expanders.
"Bo particular in procuring the kind men
From the Pittsburgh Dent Diteetth. Feb. 241853.1
dA MOIL= AMlCLL—Persons who bore &centred a
s wpi n g p o dueo, by following isedeotary ocoreatlou wlll
espertence wrest allot by the nee of the .Westdonton
Suspender Biwa," =de and sold by On Klan t, corner
of Wood street and Ptredo alley. It answers fora br..o
and anspendere, thnwelght ether rautaloone taw ptsdid
as to continually tedd to bring the shouldersto their nat.
oral written, sod expaud • the chest. We. Purchased we
some time ago, and hare been or plowed with It that's.
nusolletted ware It ...lair gr l,lo * •
Women, hundreds of whom are annually lejuted by tle•
weight of enormous . skies," should aim procure tbs.
braces. Be parUeuler In procuring theklud =oilmen, as
many el , the knees mold are bat:SW.4'. _
Sold wholeeale and null at the Drug Store of peons
Keyser, No. lie, wren Wood .t. and Vtrgin alley.
:firSig - daft!. Cloidan Mortar.
N. St.—lnigi keep Trams, Supporters, Slie.Psons. ELM'
tie Stockings and all kinds 0 aclanital nonlloooeg
Cristadoro's Excelsior Hair Dye.
For ages the trbours eodesoryred in vats
The,halr, without worehlem the fame, to stain—
Tried this:sour:lm .d that. bot Ind:lnning the hue
They withered the bale put all art to renew. •
Ton may burn your wry! trams a blank or a brown.
DatNatn» the callteriied tint .11 &sewn:
And, berjrdoes dried up, you will soon be appalled .
Dr nodblg roar of boated =Mum babL
Long years, so wo4o said, the mutest:nalyd In rein
A dyes:lMo. ca.tieor limn, to obtahr-
A: luta Imortnorie—that, plead= the heed,
To a brown.or a blank would trattaftwm gray to red,
times 'tssif or:X.l4lmed that tbe end sue achieved; '
Dot the elm shook their head. thoeghtbalbollsblothived,
And to mdta of advortieensent, Amid aud pod,
Oftacb husaba; the publlo full won had enough.
At length, 'twos but lately, 'Eurekers they - • •
The want so lonnfolt had 84 length been M. 0.&
A dye was announred.lll3, ha etumsbn tbo-hlms
The holy did not woreh—the annyoneement was true. -
In an Instant, o'er kw. allured, sandy or red.
Woo a black or .brown the rout exquisite.
Thedmmes:Sere nornisimllnst.dol destroy.:
The pores of the wale with no PlZMOlltiftreeliyeek
No odor nopliounnt the liquid Rue own
:odor var never one moment In deubt:
No ehameleogehanyvto morels sod
E'er rendered the ladles "not fit to be awe— •
Instanter, the Gut:that you asked Gm was therm
Like the darkneu . that follows the Ilubtulog's slue. •
What a triumph Wes thhd bow tinitldlno weot forth
To the East, to the West, thro' the South thou' the North,
MAO Sehmor. and Fashion with enontion asetalm
On their tableti inscril. the dlaorrerees name,
And declared thit no noetrim the place could soDPIY •
Of theirumemse:Moto's Esselalor Dye!
Soldwhofinde and retail, at K EYSEWS, 140 Wood it,
Jet Slot of the Golden Illorrar
Caidtai Stock,linnnal Premiums sad Western rokl.
Policies of InAuranceissued at all times on the
Most favorable terms, against
01 Till
• (nouns E. ARNOLD. Agent ‘ l
for Pittientreland ktlegbans
inblV63 . 7ig
Indigestion and Livek uomplaint Cared
KIERSTErnOLF.I3 51.—lbeivi the adloalna letter from
• her. O. Dlelarreen, s SlbisionerY In enr , dt:
In. 8. ..IL Kine—ilear Slr —Myeelfaxid withhartng teen
meetly hructitted by the nm of year Petroleum. I whit to
hen Ton fend me • homer too or three down bottles. 1
am the tlenxrettetkosel Illoirter In Ude Mee, end pecan]
onny people ere *Slated with indleeellon end an lneetkai
enhancer. the am. of conalf and et*, hedge
your PhaIcOMITM, OIL ROCK OIL. - We took awes
tia—two or three mob—clout • year and It half NM. IMI
.0 bac. h....Ai...Ted to pad health Ihr a cLas we hart
'goon Minima. had cot tekett.• lin e bottle bidets
that Wine. of the etennith which ao the 4so.
peptic wee Tolland, and I tom Pelt mating alit idnre that
Male. LT effaceu aloe renewed from c chronic &hem of
• the line, which had been °newel reads atending, by the
Mold ley E..' IL MR. duel Basin, 010. 11. ItSTS10:10.
ILO Wood at, end Drought* and Medicine Omen arm
where. - trepan sdeartiatnarPetroiceun celle
--- -
.s*.iko area.. PAlodditkP
B NOACIED ma i ngi t enrs excluiusely
manntilettne of lure month
a b , ilgwAr.l,==
nrontittort to Itonlea, with doopterb, tiny doorrittion of
LoOootothat, on 111mant =Wt. • •
oelo . :opus & sos.
Familia& will be supplied with our- various
grader nr.VP.EqI GROUND learbur thetr
dent the Da or In oar bona at,Logan, vr awn' a *Oh
Weed Wad,. or Braun k Mawr. 000000 et Liberty and it.
Calr Oa, .bomb. &Roan., or .1. L3=4 4 .
tiMll A ailirred to fatelllaa !neither at the eftlat.
Terms, CARR co aalbrary. •
0440 . • ••. BRIAN. 111MNEDT a 00.
NtIYPICE.—The undersigned, Frederick
I... Lathe Arm of LogeoWifa Ca 3 and Thew
wart, of Umtata Wu of ' Lied a On. ktra
etyleti r =AZ %WARTA Om. o tbe purpose of
otanufactroin_g iron and Nana, and lard taken the war.
bowie No.ol Water etreet.tetneen Warr and abort streets,
wberithey bare en hand an awortment of the v arlet ke of
Iron and Nene, whleh they °deft age en aernmincalating
'goggle. They respectfully pandEDER a theILK oatr on anT,ane of the
LOn .•
74nbcr,:blill, Tobscao & cotton Same,
SWSonny end Pant s fur Machincty, ..
Car and Bridge Bolts, with Thread awl Bute
complete, -
Wastonato. No. 31 WOOD R n 380luN Tan OXD / 1410000
!?'Ail work warrants& - m631-tir
amain= APRIL "AV 1860.-4340 M Prarains. •
• CAPITA-64260;000.
Orwe K.arner qf Third L
aold Mama Orals, PhikutelAta
lalfela• as:
Ptephrts Crltltitird, •
~ r aultl. tioltaitrd,
W. Ti q. . Darns MlDarl• • •
Ambrooo W. Thompson, • Lawrence Johnows,
JanobL. Marasco. • ", Jaws Dolmas; - .
William M. Onants: (WM= WK. ,
Fraidar.—Stopbos 14.•Ctssford. . . :
Via •Itantent—Ambrene W. Th 001.1,111.
• Maiiad•lfaraniner—Pittabnrsb, Jams U. Wllloan.ll. D.;
Allegheny' CUT, 11.11. Mowry, M.D.
Walt 74 fourth Hard. eittobsrgh
ESN and Comfort.—Tho Conformator,
lately. ImpnFtet (tom Patter exactly Mlle the Mkt to Abe
beadier chaps of the Wad, so a new bet Ie se tier en the
heed•ae an old one' A host At tied a toed net may to had
at 77 Wood et. • • stal-tt •- W. DOOOl4B.
- - -
Life,. Fire & Maxine komminee Company;
• - • JAMES 119019, rr'sgidint.
'Maui A. Oasoeiheeeetary.
• This Company mnkes every Ineurance
pat.ini.a Woe ',mended nith Linh RISKS. • .
Alen. meshed ~toll and Woo Elskeoin -.the Ohio- end
ghtelselppl rim s neid tribotneine. end Marine Illeksgen
, Ana rikoinst LOlll3 or Damage by Fire,
And nosiest - the Peelle of the Be. stid Inland Navigation
loTielVai l 'nl i Titio twos.
mall Mon t
snmoull Id caveman,
Ptnllll4. , •
Ws. Y. Jon '
James Marshall. .-1 -
g6b 4 k'ld?6 - ite.' vii
Ladies Fang' FaTs.
/6 CO. would most respectfully
mite thotateatton ladle, to Mar lam and .I=o4l
stook of 7/ANOY. IttrBB, pow opening, toodotitus In Part
Sable. Mao MAI% Fitch. lords. Cottakto, 81bodia Sqatr
pd. Book thrill:, Otos% Cower and dimes Minn Magra.
Vietatina4 MOWS Cul% WNW- do, corm Wood sad
Beg to the attention of Bums to their
wascimultem of*. nos bomputo anonmenurili
andwbsch Sbry &won 'be llsodtaan.W tatak Star.;
tlatcavtai.3o4-DW.1411 fled. P.Wisktalult Arcalbiod
-7 .. - Pittaaro,
vraa MATZ.) Ibl4ydarsti
litiiietimukram l to zienz•---Thor* - i - e s 1: • ' - '''' ,, liiiittantliroti t t ,\ .'
' -r, . ?
, rim la tiro oecapimayof James 31cetillvaitl'enet st., lid ITEM ' di ll - hi , •• -. It- ,4'' t,..A Boon '
un igri viagdentn
'Joining' thaYardorthe• auteriesta Hotel , from the lit u, • • . d a hu , ma n ., I,,,,,,biji oth i cith
Amilansuing. April . .t tar. atm. , Icahn t t a urgers Magazineg Nerupayesvele., - durretoftee ruth
, plied bydm. that his subscelpthm /lit has \ been transfer ,
The best - evidence that - can be luidtweli `" o l,,t. t ' ,"rwrgif it.. l i gn e. ittt f
1: 11 'n"2, : 1 7 4 .
Lite.r "l. ). '' , 6 :
hl Severer the silk:edam:Amor DbettaddsClanaisißlidere, atter; and ato are ilso authorised to ailiset7 i fogres dee
portersd bylir.C.3LJa"...kaOras the unprecedented demand'. ca,,laiff,_- 1 . 14 . . •-.- • -. \ • .• ..
thr them from all parts of• the trialoru and although Own , ,j1:4 4 12r ended to the establishount of the
may be many cornyoundigrepared and represented es be - i Wear. Itustel=lllllguish them
Ins worthy of . liberal patronage. let ere red mustriind , .., itn° 4l "" Of the "Y• ~..",._......°E0 -„_.,0 1. 1- •
to remark,. that the vut . number of I.utirneidals w ith . ri „, b OJ . z ) l ac `rnr• - •"" .. ...... "...Mad
which the 'worthy dotter tiss boon honored. by rem= o uric . • ' -
\ \ ''
the Meted character laid respectsbilitY, who Ruud It nee : All persons who have subscriled far klagasines criWeaeol
envy to hare nostuse to his preparation, is testimony ,„„P"Mt; l L:i t. ,, r tlV l =Un,,. "•• •lli tt" . "
suffldently conclusive, that emote effectual preparation,..
the 1 the awn of Market: The customers of tts late Thirst at
almost isemedlete relief Of those afflicted witlatbst direful i Litsrary ' Depot.. and the publie gourally, are tesms
ouladr.dYnewds, his never bon discovered. ,' • ' • 1 cail.atliatualao oar otul
general toliiittiV=2
Sold ill PitUblag. by ;masa DROB 2 .thttif= 1V w :17,;,...__ .. ...4 zi ..
~ ,g, eg gr . gg ,
~.h eyg coeiata iwu ntl s g r a& trod.
R 6 ,.
CO Wood rt. Also, sale br I . l *o- I LE.STIi Ilig it ,..
. 1 . . s I
strut. • , • ,e- . .: •. - le/ 0 7- . . liookseuers r a
Husionua,Oth at., use Mutter,
`.l.lttibnagit, done 23.18 Cd. •1 41 . 31 . t - •
d or Various Veins, Weak'
Km J oh Wulf. ASMII.—.T. 11 . uld resPeetltdl7 In
rite the a teutlon of physkisets, and e peddle general!!
tom! mat of Silk I:WU° 8 nem Knee Care,
Ankle and bandages for the Wand rum of fart
emote god VeinetVesk Ankles, Weak Knee Joint,
end the as appliances mai In Mos= of dleessni eV
pdringontwardaaypott. -> __
/gin shm keep every .verletr of Trusses, 'Body Bram
and In bet all kinds of me
with which we have to deal - in the practical application o I
the teethed& The victims of amends are ...Id, the
narrow ars Toliered, the belt paralysed resume their wily
ity, the tailored tram heel-who are tormented no more
the week bemmie vigorOtur: the thabotjavaulice 1611•611 the
complerien of the biliaaa, the decreed in spirits become
buoyant, the sick in alined In emery anadltlon of disease
derive immediate' beret Dom the we of Dr. Dories In
Worsting Ellett or CordiaL Them Gleba ennead.' by
brrefragable mot. are preeented to the attention of,lnva
Ads, who can verifP them by single bottle of the medi
vino. The Cordial lewd Ire highlyetheentrated, lopintbot
ties.. Price three dollars par bottle, two Par five dolls" nix
Ow twelve dollars. - C. U. RING, Proprietor,
. .
102 Broadway, N. Y.
au lin v lrci t sta throughont the Maned States. pins
Gomel Agents in Pielebtargb—Pleming Dew. owner
Wood and lioerth street', and Geo. U. Doyen.. minor ,
Wood *tweet and Virgin slim • Also, by .1. P. Fleming;
Allegheny CWT.
Sellers'- VerMiihge.—"Ttie bent prepara.
/tint Pkazwit, Fa., Oet. 4,184 T.
Mr. R..F. Botkrs:LOf four Vormlfugo, I eau sof ultboot
hositation,thst, having used it extensively In ray practice
for the Last !bur or po yearej think It decidedly the bes°
feetedutkos of the kind uhich I lure nor knowledge. it.
thought have heretofore coed the nreparatlon of several
Aber =headmen. • Youth an.
, .
D. COOOll, W. D.
Prowed .ad .old by R.T.. EZUEB/3 Jt co.. 37 Wood at.
.old dnutirlda mrnaralli. '
The President nod Directors of this Compa
nr mystnui der declared a Ditidewl of Throe Dollars pet
&are aporttise Capit.4Btock.valable to the gtockhoadors
or their kttal ratreeentativos, os. int! after. Welder. 111 2
12th hut. BASII3EL 1.14121111ELy
Je17 , 34(e. • Eecretary.
Citizen's Insurance - Coniry of ratsbnigh.
. - ILA. NINO. Prerldest. r -,
OFF/C4r, , 0,4 ir.lre.R. .41'11 - ET.N• ALt1i.U.7.4.N0
ifir /num souimet Loss or thrsuive by - Pm. A f. 6 %,
ru:tad, ShiestW t:A
std /..7.1.NL , X.A VIGATIOJ9
.—.. .
. ~
. .
11.D.V3 . - "
.. , •
R. WMltAzimer,l,...
• Wm. el', M. Mar •
Samuel A. —i
Wm. Illusmm, _ •
llosert DuolSPare -John S. mlwrmo.
S. Blubaugh. llsaeleSellere, -
1... 1C Pm meek. .L Sebonumaksr.
Waller Brll.l. J. ' . W.. IL'llare.' '' - .
COMMISSION A I:. l it . 0
11 A lc - T
And Pruduce Ue UT
No.'2S Wood !Street, Pittnbargh.
Hernia, eir Rupture of the Bowels.—There
are thouaaada of persutimbo are afflicted with s Angara
of the Dowels metro pay little attention to the diesels mall
tbo bunla isms. strusulated, rhea in all probability it I
mar be tan lats. llow important It , is then, for *ll those
eufferttoi hom any . forsu °P . /butane Gabe Dowels.. tO it
at tau opal Dr. KEYST.It, at his Wholesale Drug ftm.
or.rnor of Wood at. sod Virgin alley. and procure a Tn.
VD retain the protuding torten or tbe baneka_ Dr. ger
te,r baguettes lath of tbe Drut More Trutsos' arm
ePPlled. andurranted to sirs satisfaction.. Ile - also: has
every satiety of Truss that Yen*aa vamp and 4 saw
te Snit tbe ennui Grocery .• tomeal of the article.
I alanteep envy kfekd of revporkee. Thsfil ifrumr,
rory fkusileves, Max* Stocliags Str entargedulus, and all
kinds at toectuleal appllanoes nand In the cmet of dimes
I would respectfully invitathe attention albs pnblk I.
an strand Trim Ax Children. artakb invariably streets
main a vary abort Um.
N. 11.—I also keen on band and for de a Lege work .
roue of Shoulder Itraese of the moot iropmeed kind, that
baseborn urn with se much gatistactlon by hundreds of
persons tattle and out of the city.
DR. KEFSEr3 DRUG STOOE 471:C5.1 DErpr.ear
e'er of Wood strut sad Virtu tf0.140.• sign of the
Gold. Wear. , Jel24.lsT •
Y'Cliatock's Family Xediciies.—We
call the sttentlast of bee& of fkattaiemed others. to Mead
eettLeteant oa the both Imo of 0 . 9 . » 3 " 14.
(raccaswas to t. V 1 T m.
Pnoei.t iot Dr. WiarkesOdetested VarsaLfugs. LIM
earner 4th and Smithfield tbs.,
State Mutual Fire & Marine '
CAPITAL 8350.000. .
Girard Piro and Mane Iniursume Co. •
CAPITAL $300,000.
Capital- 8200,000.
j.A . A. A. CARRIER. Sedy.
Chibon Furnaces, Wro't Iron Tubing
. .
‘ - . -aim Irrrnvo GENERALLY, ..
FOP WU rill . fill ernd Vintitation of Buildings.
. , .
-.14 W. arta contract tor Warmitur sad Vsatllatlng hr
Stamm of Bat Water. Pips. or Mimes Furnace. Churches,
Schools, nurplials.'Pacturisu;(lreau Ileum, Curt [louses
Jails. notch, or Direlllngs. N0.:5 Haricot st.. Pittsburgh
SRS. N 0.115, Wand 'trod. ane dour @amtrat stilted. Pitts
burgh ..8127 mi. null; Per: and Current Sands. Sight and
Ttme Sultanas, 03th. Stocks, Sanborn and Wend= Time
and Prondann7 Notes; allow ter ttnt on Time De
posal of Par and , Carrent Money; and Insue Fin and.
Koh. Pakten Or . Um Am bum= Constar. (rook
Capital. $170,000.) end ROTAL In evatinat °Wm; (Canna
Y • W I • • i LAU As
N. 13. BATOL
c h nICE on Fifth street, opposite the Court
!M I AMI:i t :A.IO6 ,174:Li t tr - u" "b," l g'L, m t° l - ,,, r 4;
relating to the proentintret Patenta. ae. A Jo lr..Nitd
toa ACKENEL-.-20 1.,1)1s. No. 3 M a ss.
and .1 11 T bLs. No iy aiime 11.4. Igstlon.
i02:4 . - - corner Wo od .4 ' , mit mi..
IRE CRACKERS-45 big: Chinese Fire
Crockenifor We low by - IV; U. SUTTON,No.II.
• eT:.' • mt. Wood satreont sta.:.
iplGAlttar-Cubai Cuba andSeetl,Fluioa .
Soed,ll•3ll3panlsh tad Common, 111 aio h 7
, W.ll. SUTTON, No. 1. w0!..12.1..
ro. „ 8,, - ,_,..ncres ot' liine, -- iiiiiea .
1 Mouth of Dorlltiaton: DO urea clearril; orood o 00611;
toe Stems Homo. attd ai lorlo .•11 , k ; 2w ar.s ,
an othrod at the • ptr
ure. a rliftlf ac 4. Lot to Ooklood, 00 C harlotte K. It
Is • twentlllll lot. to It oat of bk. (Wolf. Duo Improve
moot, It Is °Sera: 50 tbn tor prko of POD. Fnoulto of
no. • Alto, ell owl trot toy 'lnkster, ten doorrtptlono of a
{toot 'snot/ of Frown?. TllO6. WOOItS,
-.1eT.1.1m — 16 fourth ot:
7 0 4— 0 R SALE -3 Lote on Permn. 'Menu°, m
.11 frost Of Mall:mos s sact 4 Lots at Ow Junction of
lb and Wsbyln 0.44 SI" • luso .vorlaty of obrup lots
throusb4bo lity. It you utast scar Stud of proyony for
botnaluat moldy* of j 024104 TUOB. W00018.73.4th of.
Wm. B. ITurn.L . '
Mexapler Bradley, , •
Johtt Yullertoo. '
/Whitt thilway. • •
Al•mandsr Remolds" ; dim,
Poratto LtejSittanlitnit
litrat4 Stow% awn..
; Art.loarbA, Pitith da l lllr . ,....rt s trorptint m e=l..24 wrieg
Journal for Jtmer.
•n. N th rtglahltale or. • Thn above tan no'd ind
pr eats by • Jon. & & LAUTYX& 87 Wax% .t.
griATS ANDCORN-400 bus. Osta at De
'"""' wcllN'ouol4AVLstku'Abipuy.
:LOUR -200 bble..Extra Family Flour just
ns'd sad An sal& br • ' ' T. Ln•rxx a cu..
N 0.112. 24 st.
IMEBE-200 ha. prime W. R. Choese
Joss reels's. Ong* r i.Lnns 01.
QUiIAR--100 htbu t pritis N. 0. Salk , in
1:1 1 Mors sad fbraslet7 r.I4TTLE & 0CL.113.24 •
AcoN-2.0,0001br.:8w0n mum ; -
. Thu. 00, IL% 114
.' saitsw :r .. 1 •00111 tlemetr t iamilid of
th. wio tool 140.14 oq• muo Wow-Um
euure a e ,toh goiserelonw4go of idikti
0 panadact TR. infa sd attl F=drortth luit•
Agar froai; p&p lir Wiz
to . : a.% vo lop,
ri.,rtn. mit eg rmiimu
is. :7= r eszt=
NOV " Ua 6 'I.
milirsteo4. - 11.1sli °6l. 01.1
h.., .„„, ....; omputy ilea ts masts/ • 'emu
.01 all 1.: the kw price or STO gm 003141 , 4 Eked
ha 03.1, In unnast p•rtomo l, APP= L g . iN•
pm Airrnt
Ice. Cream, Strawbarriezoto• , \
Teachers and friends of the Sunday
Pawl Übe nth it to 8t Panto' etrombs (goboone) ass
m u irls.ttests=l u d . rtt . re a litd e l a ,...o t T t l=
Mar p tsar Invite all 'orb° ans friendly - to the ethyl
the orooseft win Distracted toe:tending tase sew'
nose of Ur* retroL
Motet. 23 rent., to be bad at We. Hellas Unite - sdAros
boot flu Towhee& and at the door, • • /OAR s•
SUNDRIES --75 balfebesta LIE. and Blk:
T.s • •ta buOranCebs Tamar,-
• Ibo ham Rio Coder •
• 140
In utml and
••• • •all• 1 .7 • haa • •T. LIT/Li t 178.,11.2. 24 strest.
SER, ITholitsale
-. Wood Et.. and Nirgin Alloy.
vigor:aim Elixir, or
od tkol• Oda past reiterative iv
rdloary mum. we can mar rePl7
MO forma its amdloal Ingredient
Omnipotent Physician. larger
ot curative mope:tsar than
mite min bi abundreddifferent
Is -Aube!, utolletn• chat Of
Polars been combined In this
• 0011 DIAL we have their eon.
offertatarierver.uot theaters
tad on Third greet; Mote 3mltheeld. , Stbe hceeto le
eranged with hallwd pardon, dining roots and W.
ebse, 4 chambers, hat soots with hot sue cold Instep
goad miler, gas to t4aes. to k a rt tenni zall
the Kul Estate Mee, Na 140,
ER:SONS DETERMINED to .hare . a home
tbotrown, aro mquettod to coll and look at Om Dlmo
on 'fount WambtrngtotL Lots of 50 ft.front try 1110
florn. ialllng V 1.50 .o each. Sermon, 5 . 33 In band.
Wa t n. In month
ab ly
ova pm...n uterms. of 45. ADDIS woo. ft lon
wan • lo t, on the •
1.21 , . uo. 3e st.
:40 IitNERS "ANTED pp
onooot :ti r roWfopty to
.1.21 •
VORSALE.-46 - ,000 Good
53 Shares North .
ectora lands bought awl sold by
errrr.mrs letirmtraCtOo t
Pittsburgh. .10.0 1C41854.
§EED MJCKWIIEAT.-41.1 bus. \ paw",
( est rewired wad for skis by •• • • au. wpozoin •
WO it SALE—The cheapest 300 sorOitor coal
1 0o th. libroortabeis rimy '
the you
mint • bingo, row Ito than Erman • , •
ye: I • mous Iwo 7 . 14.11 b it. .
ACRES of land 14 'mile from the Ohio
river, mar Base. Ludlam 63 ma`m of It %wider
with otstard mid • °Lbw Imouts. 1411
tits awl under It rmerwaL ." ti ht intrunely low
min. Zama° of 111011A3 OUDS, 76,4 th iitiL
4aFINE country seat offered for eale;it is 12
sato of Improred I. 65 the Ml.hrolin• Md. . 4 .
ottful !Ist he Dalee leomf. Ewan, Of • -
l4reo 111031ABNOOD:linOltb st.
QUGAR--40 hhds. prima N. 0.
10 I bbd elArlfLed. ne'd per IL
coori =Jewet4 for oda Pr 7. 1 lalrfelll Rows oo
. . .
TOBACCO. -31 kegs Kentucky 0
.2? th """`"""" m r t i.lVMSot? Ob.
LORA LYNDSAY; or Paasagoa an
Rgentfal Ws. by Dir5.11,...11. Ob
A W eoplinn hid so-
JCR Ed. by rapraar , sack**. nig er RAY ACM
tiemems immortal., • •
411609 reea
. • • dd. Jo.t kil
iNiir • . •4111tItiall. DILITO Mt 00:1
D RY FROIT.-4 hbds Drs Apples. ,
I de do
• Vl aeb . N Appies.
Pas ;dolor: SltilVi t st tarrriiiii a m.
77 Alt D-15 kge. No 1 Lard, Jost *ea and
og ek br trpt; icivottlita CO.
LACK LACE ..SoARIPIL--Muriqsy. &
Baretateld have reeds • ha. Met Uwe Sorb and
Td 4 at low pekes She . • ..4•13
L"PSOM SALTS-46 . Yids. fast - tied: And
fur ale hr . aol It. IL SCALENE AOOl. •
REAL ESTATE. Artuutlentof• Let of Onaund. Routs
anon the Wawa. nese the tinethrWendeurner. wen ob.
/ninth' tba proeertr of the Late .Inhn sith • tenet
of 3 , 1 feat and extending lark tn h t
Alt. On
mall let •reeractant twe Erick llntaetrmith attetulve
hsek tetUllngs. oneuplad oath. City lUD an 4 Slebutrais
Etebanae. AI., • spienahl Snick Dania. 'nth tut. hae.
Inc • trent on Stroud met lent: and estandlen toet *a
feet. ken.... the -Deaver Howe.' • The ahere• .111 le. af
-4,4 ust lb. neemub.t Fvtale tele. on. TUESDAY. JAne
ant.. at W.
Tema way. Ellin InolDlantable. Yur_paitlenll42. apply
• . CHILDS. ec • •
Sea • . SI.AteI.UN.SII.Stb et.
•rit SALE-200 ions of prime ..Land; on
' th• elmetleeeat Rh.r. me male htles tletiohnebe
tit Ohle. . Ws Iteefeelld ADM sad ellenid vim . senr...
Fetelzep! • ygMblta _ MAL it:oolP . A.DbAltb St. .. .
. i , , ~. riTsnimaii.fauft CIIMPANY.,-1
. mnA/a4 et the Ptetkbebl.n alb.. Inttaberdb Thu*
_peer erlll be held at the Beek lee Mem. 012 • TUN&
DAY. Jeoltlo4h. at 10 'ebek. A. Ito take belle* Alt the
•=l , : r =elh o ristl i by
j th i n Seat lem:leletaletioreer .
. OLV D. btAlLLY.abthry.
I E I -100 bbbr. 'for . •
I: 7 J ea
Tar sa. htfiy±
igen Amor/ .wasuam.
GOS- 7 3 — b1;17. &egg:111(71i/ real; 7,1T0
1.4 .1.23 T PALMS.
Atilt Pests Meet and our Macon at 1101111.18 i PO.
to the Dternond. • • .
Fire:trate llama, and ne
gbetWere. LN and Gt:11 114
Fig. first, without bare. T. • . • .
Three le no hater Meat In thetnti. We guarantee Mt
round sat perfeg orreturn the money LI Miriam tainted
tamer, Federal et.. Allegheny. is 'receiving
needy of Lkekuftelkorery. • Mittel recently
111 NOV Truk. Phtlacialphhenua Baston. , • • • •
WALL PAPERS—S. Sadler. Allo-
Rh. r. I. feral, In; al:wailer for cf fic• P.O. P.
mtiernr. xnei sin of etumr , IT4I
Window titudvy Dana ertuts. ar m`
.. tcoak New
c!ct an! ie.M)
NidiftbiEmr• BOOKS; reed •by • Sadler,
tu AtewNnn
r P•rirh or Anna Wet Parker sal People. '
The Pariah Fide. Illhatrated;
• ahlel, a modal Mr "yam' atege '— - • •
Mats the Beat et Beth Werdg.
liars. eV*
last velum% •11.2 1 114n7 cum war
rablimUcaus, from (late% Ilikapsta. esrlet®. mid IL
N. Unice. '
IV UP; Cha amte• Pialsdnlptd• Lofton Sin=
"Ptoa Ar Dim de
.1 45 31"*"'*- ' 11" 7: Mee Lao.
pitifsToN & MERRILL 9 . E TRACT 01
. jaTicairlat.
AVALL PAPER—A fine assortment. of low
IV vekee PAM irdndin • lost ne'd and dd biß
. T 103...PALNISR.6811arInd
flub 1 9 91719 alma soasudirlare m. pie IT
i• 9 • • TIIMPALII.
1N LIND . PAPER.—A great ca.
Ylet7 Of am lion 4 stsks, witb irjaari and ate•
gaud anew. isko by • • TUO.S. ( WELL .
SALC-2.1nal choke lota. rlthaar on Ohio lana. limb
Malay =door, to • *4 IL &Wound dlrectly opt.
vt ,. la
a. r t ry at: Jal Ls , norr prid n atod s, !:: good ardor.--
Lama Il •
ls R. EtitILLEZTIL MN. 140,Td r . r. T .
wrswv -- arADEs--A laFp stock. of
'imagism' Window Dadra, consadlot of Gotha , .
algr. Boom* aad tartaa.lo pkttorror. or do an/ oil an
tra, for tab abotroakt and Wall ot the Oa Cloth Wu:a
roma. Km Ila Market at • • • 1. *IL PUILIPS. • •
fikILCL)TEL —7OO yds. 4-4 Transparent
°UV and Moth, Mor Modal, ehadiaJost reed ftm th•
Irrttor7 sad for rah,mituteral• arld retail, at tli• Oil Caoth
Waren:ma 110 Marlit J. IL Ptlllutt.h..
jtEDUOTION •IN PRlCES—ltiu . rphy I
. Ilaroltdeld flan "ifeDAF MI their Urge nook of
unman Dresatlooda L and may others artielea at related
Aniloar fornen out oar hummer nook to - malls
roomfbr our early Fall Punbale. wa hays touted dons
prim VERY LOW, to Insure prompt sales.
We would name as • mere intlonalon of Ideal wa in
doled, that n 0.,, aellint Soh% Ito. 4 ad Moan Congqeeaa
T. Boomer Fa& Mk. horn 44 to 3
The tatter ankle heretofore mkt at 51.441. French Lamas
eIM grade reduced from 44 to 25e, to.
adiea aled other hams will do well to MI taffy, 113.
Plum. North.Foet miler 411, and Starkststa. .
UNDRIES-4 bble. Lard; . • _ • „
1 eon U hue= 16•116rnt •
105 Norio Man.. tom latallo_g front otratoer Altoona.
0r sale by jolo DICKEY a OU.
'd dim./ from rrnorl., 20Criltd. tor*. ' Orlul Plum!.
47./ Y
le Ne w th:3 3 naR
6to. *m.0.... T (1V and) collorlom Woods Run, 110
old mad. It !told very low and divided lo iota or
from 6to 16 , an 11. Thole itkidriir t• Pardo , . • t'nr•D
home on amok* of • AVNAD WOODS. •
JelS.Wa • No. 13 Fourth street
D RY •PFAbigs 7 :lo -- bbli. Pry Peaches:
lip 30 do • lb" Appitslbrildit
' • • Jobe ' • • 111NRY WLLI t . .
VARED PEACIIES-15 :boa lirinut...Netv
4oner Yr ash by : . • 'PIM OILLIM •
B o
1.. "in r iaVifoltints.'Z
INDIA WASH SILKS, at Low Priaes.-10.
E. tr. w
p.r a t totzr2 s ra,......=.4:l lb! tr is rAVl
L.l ' Vt.4. at tat!ata far tsunt, • • •
J.% •
- __L___-__As . arwr a AUIICIItIt6IJI.'
Lit • N.t aria cannot 110 Om st f tsreeti th is dam sal f
Curtain Elaturva. Duff en and Iluif Ckitla
sod Wind Ilitrunloini and nuit Mak of creel. derrerin
on hand and nusli by. W. 11cOLINTOCK DRU 3
ILI Itarirat at..:. 1.
ambit protorts of 40 Root, on It. Lantern Toro-
Maya at tin donr, and othet Impnwestioos. ' WAN.
CZU S Is ham!, balsam all 3. 3 sad l rnri. • • ••
B. CUTIILIELT a ti0N,143, 34.5. 1
S. m ki,ELITUS--30
IRBY PEACIIES- 69 sacks crime halves
_Jur 'grids by MI R.,I7ALZIRLL OD.
INEN GOODS—Murphy ,kl 3 nrehfleld.o*_-
kW. mows. Cruti. kluell meting, .
num* monfor Doom and Minting LI.Im, . treed. is,
fanmen and boye woo. Dthls, Ulm L•ww• Our
.• klyt•
~ • • trait. th• nal of •11 1.7
gaitin LBEL BACON'art raid end. for,
aLw . oile , by euxum. DILWORTH ROO. •
• Mi. 114-10 bb* and 'Oleg, No. lin oto •
• and *josh trt •• : 11111t111634 MAYOR= k CO.
• :V. • 881 : SZ:Fino Sett+lain.
Await mild Ihrial Masai*
.413 oil MI/W? M
P= " Ctior
at Dna.. wad Maar Tvaniale.
Ocolf., Wag ratansinrand varied It• 1.4144 . •
do nillta favor as witits esIL 11 At. AN A AIM.
1.5 ls al 111.011•6. t...
: .:: ':: ' ..:•:: ••••• 1' 5. '.....: ':%:•-• .'-., :.\. i \ : :*•`:' ,. •:: -. .* ... 1 : .j;'';'•• \ :::::;'''.. ,. ;•..":::: ,. .......'..\;\: -. , 4 :4„.....: ~,
V.. ,..\
. . . ....-,,-!: • !-...• . '..-..•::-.. s:•-•: . ........ \ \ ......:',.;." :...?...- ..-.'....... •
~::....:...\ '-',:..., \•• A ..
17-i.. :••Ft -, , : 4;-ivrA. , :::-. -M. 43 ;* . -',;: . : .%.*.4§l;;::..;....ittlll*ToirtriaVg.::\ .
• - ZINC Pt'Y'4 \
o .. .7m n m z ia' ,t,s4 O lA ant ha t!ffit
E NEW- JERSEY' 1:)0 ANY•sr, t , 6.4 tegiotia
lie 'to' meats - tfr.
daraWtgair M./WOW - PAM RY,, and OB.OIIND
IN Of LOLL%morbid package,. of from 23 to 000 potoodd
Wan DRY, ha barrels °MO wands aseb. .
"lob warm MO. which Li .1 , 1 dry or iptatad
b drarraotod 1184 and coSdWfard bog
A wallop-I
CI at anmaration b. l rem* Man Mama&
mbLe elublartto• Comma', to *plant thatt yeah. ,
tam and ea In tba ked, thr tar ratahk ttota.- , -
La Wpm:lt/lab paints •11.1 I. maul. to 011.4
ala i One Pala; arbkh tined:6ml M team;
and cam 004 be awls tram Dab Zloo Oamm Tram thne.lararm.
la nor mai blown :cm Itkprobmtht• mriba LP
plimsl to bop Wm. tarladi.. • '
noir Btaa• Color Imdett pmeassed thi mambas of
the Damn. apd to of an adavaddo molar Ihr palattat 'Coo.
tam i lapots.Dtd.troftllo"ltrklroa. ' " •
on /Itatral Wow thelema .
RENCII Itltata
• • • trbolaalr Pilot Ombra Mod I
aD72-dtardotS N. W. am, 10th Marlrot ,Ph I,
,- Great Semi-Annual Blue of Carpets.
.No. 111 *gaup sraw. 1127913021 Ca LI. , '
it t, tVING Olinuilenced our &debt Cirpo ti 4,
1 - Oil Coil 4....w0 bare
'lmam to nano to;
our ndp and ~ the Wile Vigor., no alit. ii t. .
ro ' aggstio:s. " ‘To 11 . sr . tolnro 2 l7kb llotalh. •
flown -N. Ptetsobcods. to c•ll =I ttro Isnot. NMI •
test stock Ir.: a It. mouuboor.. w. an ost.n.hast
to 9•11 chasm thin con beg ... nrrhased Ibl m oun 11L . t . 1.W0 ...,
r ' FV.l t trat Pile C.Aor, DirollT Ywal k tn .- C*4 . 1
. - Tru.'"'""`"t I. `"E z i .. 2 ....
Anbusoon iltnnwla • dcr. 4 colßooten _ ...• . dole
Kan lenpalsl3l . l7' Ifni Unt *Ad Itoli f , 1341
itumnn• . do . do, nod Tufted Rowe, -
EaLiTypai d i ' n ' en' •tc; (eb:=l:,°=r;uh,A.
...p...._ .., -
E i t r . 7, ' •
• - •',,,„, i . • : a. ;a i i rtsia and tabloCcrien.
2 Ze a a r elo t ttd;34,.4l . : s tua ,( B ll .,,ai s= 8
v , t i t .
do. FlUdn;Ttin u Lt ' : te.: Hiving
I'A t he la=t eat bot
Itotk In. tae u esterss.ket. to V .. .. T... .LWles=2r t..
• ;:4
sir Llnatr. 'Ail
A. .AktAii - s* IrfC:ik •
~.3101;IWAPK.9§4:**:: ,
:'• - OF'DRY GOODA; -‘, -`•
.4)*ThOiediy. June I.sth. 1854.
41.114 7 1,1•4 1 .,"".4. 'th!. "'•
rR SALE--10 lie:4'4)(l=d on iticcom.'
wating to6s, Let IJlxrkr,
wear cadral BallToarl Sad nao ite4.4k
INIV BALE—A neat;`; email" Farm 0.115 .
ju serif. D miles below the CIO'. W RObthieli
an the °plosives. It is * Onixtgal Icestlos 4=:
band, and IN offend very I. Eaqalse of
Jsl4-lm. . .11:1011.481TOODS,Th, 41tP11!;,v;
tog from 30 otaya Uses*
a.._._7 WILMS IPA tissolk*of 311.111 , 1. No. 11, Oth PL.
la good 2 storFick - Hots".
• 4 roma. with m , Liat. ma ocliaMtt
M) tnr 11.. "4 %, hr i.144 an .. 11108. "A*. gal8 15 . 4th SC
:••• • Ailmlniitrators' tattoo_ ,
w tiEREAS Lettoro of Adminiftration t o
the Taloa. of 3011N.D. WICK. Ista of Alloghoor
county, doc'd torrotoro fronded to the Mibeefilmr*.o
Pr t y l ent. sod thaw s'ebaTut tt
cl 'W oo do ,
oascolo "grand ' the estate of sold dmodent mike
Wm..% tboosmo wlttorat • 201 DI BISSELL,
2,1110( bila
jel =i•
.. •
/1. of di Foreign klbsiosui of lbs P b.C • ....1
. .0.r . ... ,
. le
saps showing sealertut„ 'sod of
Minions sosonzonersogellsed by JobuTro7eFs.
.. .
76 4,1kw.4.. 2,1 eoloins oL, LA/ tele:l l XL .'
Pastors Family, • new azierbesatbbi atom ''' lax '.
. Tbe eon, • • • otbers Just saki by Berms. let •' • ..
JoIS DA% • I :411 Bookstoe, CS Mutt: 131. nese Stn.
2 or 3 Lot. ea Diamond
lotromiEntltdield and Gnat st 4., for &&it
11) Woe glt". .1byoll• of p.tOS.WOODS.
WAVERLY' ',NOVELS, - complete in 27.
*Ol4 sbo. 12 a* and 6 vd.- boffi2d itsioso
soillataar ml• 67 \ KAT a on r no wow/a.,
400EBLS;L6ErISVILLE.LEHE for sale .
law or -.l4l6teet kW. REl,7lWatarit, •
on SALE-15 clove. of Land -on. • amour :
weanWwWw4i tisane *bre edjoWilat• Zan Liberty; bi
- tlw Ratsaltsllnts4 ana Irrawlwitnn, Plank PwwW.
•••,•• cRORERT BAILEY. :
Q COAL "FARMS, 30 gooo Farms, 20 How-
T) ti and Ulf" 15d Lasla dlkeent locatlonot In le tit
Iptmod 41r z god
op t= i ta s anr i T .p e
I MAraii . V an also a
T 11147 11178. 0703. 0:41.1111nlan 16.4 W .
BLOOMS 3}t Napier landing
/toil itrr IT. S. ttrintman Ibr .alo Dy '
111 /ACKEREL- 1 ,50 bbls. new . .. 119,' 3 gam) ,
Lbi-' , .q.• rI 4 A" 15i. s
sod ur sae by O. .*. ..•
ILOUI3O blaskPOliphint's • E.and
Itite, Thar is aars for.eaSebt JOWCWAITAIDOL. ,
.iiiol,4o:t2oEns.llt. 11; linuit'aLE 8e
smck;vr sale
is . .
Rj'A. Cutting_
pant n.
lIINESE-1100 p
.) fur We hr
liraTigES OF TUE, lIU. AN TEETR-=1
fhliar r itt= 4 l Pima,. adm Ihuiari
• twk ax, t, ilth . t. L n 4 lphottnellon awl
Jeo Ih. Wade-
ENTAL .SURGERY.- Priiiiiples and'
Pranks ontentallnitaw7,b7Cbsgi AIWA*. b tro. Yee br %AY au-ad Weed
1.,11 • Math' Or I. nt.
MS. • • '3101t11111.11PAITO9'IS„ la me •
‘TO.I MACK rnEL, 12 1-2 cla. pet fib., at,
jA MMUS & PATTON'S, la Um Dimond.,
11 est Riles.®. optima. 421221=671.741Wead
jest ne'd at J. 41 CILESITIVE. Mika! aL'..
via. lAA • 'vs
stylesl=444std4.l_l4lln true&
with promptems4 44 Casumill. 14 weed at-
COATS—Wi 10014100 attaatkon of nadtdiXt
thls arntla. Tao Eno& tue narraated In remain is
all kindsotantber. and mrlattld arsternroar.l* Mk
tor India Ratan and 011eluth Wararnarar,
art rt. , J. •H. PHILLEM
RKIPB--30 dos:lndia Robber Whips,'
tto sad tale:11011W
dp_ ARDEN ffYllll.lOl.—A. fine lot of gnu,
Brlttuds 'ad ths Cll=ll i arri o. necejer
GRIN CRADIVA enperloe lot ~of
ilmlaCtadles.lpi• ale low.bY
• thnnu 'Wu hlgh. to tab br um aithi
• Z. tt.
• P•l2
BBLS. CASTOR oru•puri, 'port ;to
antra RIZ br • nXNIIIB BIM •
1038. EMERY, assorted. in store card
e) foranisby Jets . noun SRO&
I ATS-4500 bin. in atorn far see try
to •
sa • - . ' \ ONES. tiaGert. '
VORN , MEAL—A frog' euppix..promtd
117 r e ‘" 1 9g•th.bbi-2r= "&orre....
:14 w n Stioll):4;estimosnirrmsw
114 A coN—aoce
.sad Hams
%IP nura rea bi goo try .:r niuye morn% •
—ISURPIIT • & 11011)11/16LD tin tonr e °poi •
Bunt rot nines vatknii Muds of Mato Onto Its Urine
• " • Etittinilansit do.
Hung Gni cripid
'2" E3iiilnrit=tlll
Alsci.•Whltirroislt 1301 Crigi d• Pszt., plan cad
WM- !•111 •
I ' •
00L--Cluth for, Wool br.,
• . • VON lIONNHOPSI e W tartrillit•
Bwrzr SCENTED'. HARM ,8N1.117-
The hoes...Akio of Shehd =nibs tee: boo Ito. reed
sell . • JO& XLSXING. ser.Dlsileseel & /Least K.
I.JERFUMERY—I hive on hand a very
hap law* el Peehueerr, German. Pees& exel two
sad et every &ecliptic,. Thom violates Perfeohee7
4e well he sell sad ezzadre /elm Ware_ pulabs,gai
elsewhere. ..JOS. V4E.11.M. sae. DLVt Motel Y:...
_ .
BRANDY -1. task br thei flout Coe.
nr — intirWil 4 - leae ' of SOMADO.
INRBAL WATER-Y7oniarp , 3teACupt
aT U&u. Lkk i~/~ N►4tllao
_... 3~a.'~litFot_
jig i nsW. Vat y . 116 Yoe
40 as. iiay Forks% 0 maw Cral4" , .
ZW7 841 larb.74 , w 0 41 1 3,Wg
qtircit • COUNTRY- kinvTakiNs
stare *rah by OItANT ItORAT,
91th SIZES
pt. Is dorm Re oils by 4 .010.1 1 1110W1EL. , 1
= Llbett at.oPmdt• =Owed of WauL•
Vol tIP • innLnn adar
ad by T. D 1121112021,20, nag 01•AkuustAt00. by
UMNIti 11. - 0101.11112. 20 Wood irt..
baoojtlo bbda ; Kama, -
~y~y~,NMe aa^R ~.'~AhdiEtiuuL
eLIM fq . e1i.... ____ J.tI~II~LLII
U ja M l 4 ,_ :: C t. 7 . : la ,
ita Dxll4*g . • : Ott
$01721.1-4-b. Aitifte(i
A16E618-40. bxs.
Le ink.* , J•l7 /lAMB Milt tat
Darn so Eater fir emetrf.pall/
• Vlty, raT dbanaM/ whoa
• • • 13114•00 Wylie
r int
ef .01artortzAsoi.7711.--"Wusini
sunk. gory arkft Malang sad doubts. ••
ipmehimhams% theassiznal trail
inter to slat Maw • atl
A Ap • ti ,
• •4•••
1131r4.0411-0)0 butt
. Ihied Petiebee.Abi
milk*/ -. .1,161 3.1U110-
• 44 UGAR-10 Mule. Xi 0- Burr radio MAIL
:Li- aides' 63 ibx nu es
WO — RES 10B.13ALE -near Henning,
• Willi StElJava the 0.1 •Ps. LA; luta
Lt bens ilmactoir,llo • a .....
VISLINIMM:44;Iitt i r
1 00 M u. 11m ' .AtitwigfliCobS
. •
\• \. "s. 2\,•\
... •• •
• P. M. DAVIS, *CS:mem
saat.sano. ciem e r . mu end/
ROPol oll 44oSPRlrhalwr
"i4 liera'6 47 2l %) 24"a7Lk: griei g g'
ErUINCit tom: 41.0 - 11W1 4 •? ,
zAtemil) .114 T,t. : it r i—dat ••
mango& TM " 1 ....." . " • 94 maser- •
dal 'Alm- raOIOS . 99 ssle 9, \
, ,k.a
..J yyot
tit. slam
ill_te. maliVoin Du arajailrntitt WI t illw sad •
arftd 1.4.41 0 z ,
=,,,,,,,t l vez:,TF . s.,timy ek gr ‘ut i, = ..,..„ .
m tuna osttr. talk•V‘r9__Ft "lu toPirstthsts •\ \ 1r r
Ofesshiss Wow/mum
! <-- A SBiritior 8 SALM 9r , vALualsorrv- , . \
1.Rai1i.T.t.,..714...f.ti4.1,v,, s ... tg \ `‘
tet asderotelst. Ilesdhrt. Ass= c , r 19. 19 4 4 Tr011,.. ~.
° f l oNTOt ik trt i'l V U oi .4 .0 tiLL 2 b a r ' ll.r. 4 =' ' . \
1111 the 711. 4.lar Als...„gr. at• • I
•Ad .zumelsw Ilb rata. LIO ..t , riali !
iLt <rioted • totaveolvot 1 Oats tatiOni I hr , ...Y
Also. Lot No. 1131 . 1:boutos Iron* tif iblaLiegal s • ! , :i ,
.b Ward, Isqr. a t orT4 Rona xi&
fh. oa th• not RI loft Om cual at. a nd estop& \
og butt 100 seClross stler.,to ohTsb is ell 9 Sed 9 VIP .. • '
storL .. ,
40... lit sod 61, to ells onkel Tot tbs Writ
a Am,. basing cosh 6 Post of TO soOssocetes , • .
it— osesPlies.Arcooe, itottsalsodles tos6 ft. 6 h. 6.6, , .
6.6. 6 , No.. st .3td - LIL le leso of tour of arrartaaa 669- a.
gau 036111111.61 9 Tro 9 T or b° ft.t. \
ags . asa aswattosamat 120.- , S,••
soss—Onolbtol tomb. rotdot lit=sl r o. r 9 fTZ s.
st sod 11 itkontbs. villa lotanol.,
tootiguteee Ow modem r• 01 . DIA Ate,-
TOOKB it, COUPON !BONDR . •• s •
ezo9unds, lalaA* -
..o atom rttfret:X. Male • 7 ,11 ' . . f . '.1: 1- ;
Ar 1.2=1, I" , I L iga.XSVIZ:.• \
2 ItzllWltoll C6. 4*:416a .:
431 _ /Dune. ray 'murk. i.kbidopuigk:\
'., A Home for Sale at Public Awithamit : :A't,
TIE subscriber, who ie shout ta.sieliiiiirg z . , . •
a dr= will WI at Pabile a eatees:ewthe 81PM411111.. . !..-: : ....
an LTI.III.DAY. Jane lath. 3 &Weil. I' it.. bis broweit •••.:N
Teikt.lMA 11 mass Ilcia co dm DirmLembsaa S. •, ‘.
arid Liewitantae Plank Mei The muses V
ota baww , vans liallaltreawpwaefe WOa
4 1441, a meow v
-. ~ ,
bballes wellare. caletaa• barna. A. '
r.wwt b hare caw 4 at Ow • ,• • • ‘' •
wt •Ith th=lo D the alt twee let lbwV a atm- , • -
imagism etas with mat • me- •
wail of good watar; aleq a. rata wait, . : • •
. wall amitiJ pampa iee tee maws boa tam oared la . .-
make the Owe &Heats. Patiewloa minis liweiattetelt , —
She terse. which will be Übare3. wl3lbe able amine t
glee ciliate. Vor farther meth...d em abst te mare= the prem. -' ....
as U.Sweett • •01.. W e P lansiwebema -• •
4 -10.414 4 -.., .- i •.. NIL mum= ~..
ra the Exhib ition of the ledttstry et tttt . . ,
! -v.: opin . ..en day and erardna..(eamvi etiii-,..-', ,
u r e. t o egt
r tzto .1,1.. i,,, t
tler r , v i s f.,......u... _
will b. Ise from athatettona alit the • arD ma a
Nr. , the 1=41 .. a0 s ‘ lanon
th, :lath enkL - ..'...
• ittermaLloam and haproromeat=le mthltl4olllMlCra e :
elegant and Mtereatina neminamth of MaGnriMPOra rravy - . A ,
tynarterarthe *ari. ..'.., ..
The Neal an beamtmet is nen oomp_lrt._ Quits • ..,
tante atinatero„ !additional and ratrbyat llernie D.1.M.,...,
am In egetate. and am Mad a piece in a liser troths La
evictor. Oallarf is dim* teitscei totnifehneee.. , . _
ase valtent•le in the Wedqpnetalenthera .: . -
The kkalptare,thiettib=ona =WY. o'er ii = c a .
marble. molter tam ran. mein of then nide, ' ' '
of ezatdattereerNatheaddle - Ne.M.there WM ale en '""a'! -
lancedatian! teleretatzejeMembi tbr the -.. ••
.iertheese• choke Malbactiota Of Antique liter ---
. • ars on of Um mmat'Callibrnla o , 4arTres ildeit. In Ite -,,,...
natl. tbreetodOodeinet Uctrutred Veer II Igh. meecolror,• • - :^e.
I.:latrine /mita and Is estireated tram i . .%
the met Intern al e abr. ' s, lo to tall Wee .......".1 . . .
themsend yearn him_ .. ...inenal led in the •Ael Va 1., , ,,..:. ...,. ' '
aeebelt:DarAltodethcr, the Or ril .- 1. inethesa at. this mese ett, ..*: :t ,•'. •
mole arteries of a nand, weal end lostretire ;theme.. ...,
than can be • misdeed an errand days math prom -: ~,-. • ,
Vodka. and lame ant anzasentallow ...T tr.
)" .. 1 / 7 1 , .j i& ''''' t OMlnere et Mande n - liima ai.ste: t- • • % • • I
tar rir eryttar Palms even . mambas, altemeoe - sted .7 minjr. - .:, . .. • ;
. , Aseaciation reart• tem at a UM& Neal. coding. • ' --, ''.- \ ' •
one .oared emu... =Me mlidreet tr. emdeit - - `- .- ... ,
ter th e met metal awl ralnabie Vareation or r.. • ,...•
phich thall have been patestad oreeemal In the .a. Pe' , ,-• ," • '.. •\. 00. Martha th e yea clod net the Met day of Penna.', • .:..,--
-bir mu, 0n1 . .y that th e oath •threntios or Wan., 6. 4. V7',, • : ,
.Iferehera="4 ro=man
~, ." 1 "'... . , 1 . °11'" ..... . ' ,1 ' '.. • .T,.-i . ........ "I
.., :dd. • Gold Neat WirIIIIC MIO anemone dollars. of me......i1•k - ..;i...- ..,
littel. *et to caala. the Artist, whose. mark, hoeing we • • ,k,3,' -1:,...i.',..e
I trththil , e. ha tire thretal twee Marten the Mama menthe , 4... , '.' V. , . '
elating on the drat day of Perember mat= dad.. ;....44 * 1 - i
iel; 11 , 1•1+1. et te aa; 4 °A.4. ti
t. th.t. e: l'..';',' '''.
" S: ' ,l
vitae In
the .
Wheel departmeate et arm eet ,;,..... •
eta potent
ma t te
ter rarmetre.etthin the yeas. and Y. .4 . 1
exhilnteet la lbw thystal Valera aadoramth.lhall-..bee eV , ' ..,- . ' , I
pa , lgedrocert worthy clench tmlant,Mentateltre team \ - ..''. ' !
adjudged mat ealleint as albreald., .. , ., ._ , , .
4th. Vire Mathis. meths one
md 'dollar! each, or , ,
their _equivalent In te or ce.l If
ti tame dm - - '..
artists erbons marks com endeared. tell ever, ...`,..
bp the Pahme, end anted thud. e afore.
. shall be 4.llllnrant , scads a nab Ellettoolim -.• ,-
net after the anoetemetkcat ma seeneel.. , . . , .
• ' The aided and mod repoctable . Jere. or i arcm that nth , . . ..
. be erderted thall be *amain ted to einem critically theme-
arid ankle. athilitenand eared tho prism me
;The threcton ellt yawed ea duty. a. yramiembe Se
enrh J.. 1 an/ ears. end hope to be able to annamare Ye, ~..:
appulatmeta.cna or heft* the area day afJanee tM,.......a. . s- I
Mroclatten nal ILIAD la 'Jae Alareedtkm. see'. .a , ' , . • - , \Li
diptransa to the eridlatemer Inventory et or s tut.-.., •
rlrtreUnallksionalle eitide there math ~v
t 1,. . .. ,
ardcar. which
.teev ani n..=Tg;:= / ..';.e.'
• BMW.. VH=e-...,. 6 calelketore.... .y;'..,r,i •.. _
• witted.*
• 1.0.-hre s W.A. Nee mama, attendance dry anal,
.. e,..1
• and the etineateustta awed ha protecting
ed. tad the Ameee di sclethas acceutolellity soreetqe.4l •
Munn. to seek attlatee. .-.‘'...,‘ .
~...11.11 tanthrells• caeca ae.:Mlas 1 , 1•4 at the stand mei' s. r . • •
tee Maor• /lathe Palace hi a Maftd 11 antenna' rtethelV---- , '
Minot be perMithed-te tentelnetharca of any Its. 1abamy...... , --i , •
No chocksaleee. end Menem Yr itelanitinieitint thaw. 4.• .-.. . •
‘tkeet. '-jeld•lntd.. , . re 2. BANN Ulfeileethent.• i... , ' , ..' ''. "..'
, \ ' DruswelitAl - Plastertr,_._, ...,-,
•v‘,.....r..efa.i.otamd)..cus.-... • ~- :- :,• _
WORItEW-MbitiOA' — iia - S - YlVOltiiiicie: gf ':.
Ati,t a tt==!'l,l2,: -B „,L*Wri.t47,':' - :
batidlaaa. 11. pompon> Islas IkeadilaVrermattaml s . - .1":
bin all yaw =galore talyeeralograt•-liammiri thra•S••••• —..-.
tdl i. rioters' WYE. • Poray•isidittnok Cu • 4 •
..0744 , - - It L. T. It st...haloar Ma k, - .'--
) .OTIOF.---The . paxtutirship . herstaforp Ant- , , .-*•-
• betW(beevreati Jo*: Btili•noasly -aged Jae: IT -Iltstr..:: .:-.
aithweeor ;auto. th• Yip* of If D? (011 1 / 1 11 1
ST. M . LIti. hy Ws day
~ .I.IyrAZI O t z metal "eno r n t n .
,• .
dam atm. Irli Dmoo L b Jea. 14.1rayralt ' i t ' ll? conth..4-thir i . =; --- • —, n - .
= i 3. 4 .- . 4 4 8 y
hod% Alla MIL i • C
1 5 I,w4 .a. .inpar at • saalart 'tho ; 2;,.;
, allitaDootatel. • and an a.k.a. auttactiklte ,:''
WT. all &eta da• the Otte,_ and ppan mment
~, ~.,,,.,., V
14 "tdi gk i Va . ,! * ° . ! . '.
~.-.. JAVA l i Viavj t V: ::,.,-,,,, ;•4
~ - 1., ritriZslilil IQ irordiin t;6i in, 3 jateirmill:
plasma 10 rayatundwagrth• one tirsajlo,tst paiy•
otrerrhosds Sad .1•• potdic la moral... . • ~-• ,
. .
The • 2 ,
Rom max EA ma. Ker Pfr34.loDvbe.n It
mu ed witestryys,4osn,tob• -of 1.1.
...torn by i• MILLE E. cLuti; Yap.
Amu brtatroi widower Os above 171581 y bdureefr..
tot Irart moan oryload.•• tyke reduced to 75 eta. Pub
7b.bed sad Itolutte by • • JULIA !dr11.014 -- •
W • , , Wood Btroot.
reerottdo axe ba Mum , . toy7l •
/MomslCllrses,.n ',..
'Reabo•VAAar t " .4 !• , Lt mi r:..1:. ..•.!".;,
•• =ki h n t is . , . Z4l l
fo o tm en . * •. . -,.. ...: Pars.:'!vr.. ,, , ~......4 .! .
.Kr Pciiisica lii i itrr4oM inblA '. - .'.
Of 14 ^.4 As oectaa a lIIRSL .4.2t,""` .
~,,_t i ±y__: . .: • • NA. 47 Yount' Acce.t.'pi
; 7 :17'1 - " anitiouse
lute Wiroh mai, at the corner : of klatA ' imp" . Wt. ht atiresed
* 11Arso ,
a. In Puma rami.-.N:?:;
jl 4 -1 0118ALE.—A neat Cottage .n! 1.2° aoiaiiin'A
smote& 'nth 401 and and on l - °ET 3 1•StrItano : ., ;..4,t
fr°l r, 4Us on lEanr-In..l=l:ll b nabsp• .•' F.
olLteil*Vi4"69.67'.."' ld '." .. --,' ‘ ' l4 ',' .
Ano„ 30 saes onnnOt• Gloms Win. inn., to la. *O4 ...,... ,
nlortown Plank hood, nattni •Us .ensw ot &be lo nand. ...-,.
I = t loia nn Vnianjat. : ADl . al;* Tl 4 - On
iairsM• as Neer Int !memo sad alane, 1n.. ..
Abe, ono of lino tent. Mous on Nan tt. • 11l li t•thatikt :-.L... , • L.,
.trrl 0:1:11 1 1,4 ° ...1
. "'" 4 ..„,„'''''''=""•.• 4 4
..... ..w.nbir..• , , • ,
.•i....• VILli•O 0f.Z41 ' .. . lOU and Each unlld , ' L I -1 ,
portsyy, as say Goe Ell ••• WO • oa.4.andl inot • lot tit.. , • . \
•=rorg= gl =l * Th .. ,_ '. = a 7tEr 4 rln d •
. of . .1111-115 .. • :• - zaws.lTOOlnk, 44. Ones . . '. , , s, :
r=ILSAW.7;A:•bro .tiory retina floe, .
- 4.4 Ikapikeo kiiisists kt... Laccui .L.,' at, /' .:,.. ..
.1 ~ ,V JMN•totl°l:4 i :. ;';.,,.. •
.... , • \ Mu
K w it,
..• - ~ •-,.."-•• ••• \
OULD respottfatty vill the atte,it - hijy - ar,..: , \
.31 ,r Soutttera tad WetUm Llextbsitto to_WAO Mot .•.,S7
: „
(tartlaps, nAgtott lAtiftet Tram von.k. 11/E7C... nlOlO. .. :
• estrtaget ay. bola ban too best coatenu tot 4 writ= ~ •• . \
thlpt =ld =Oat Ma *to papert64 , ._.m.• Ito 0.1.4 Ile. .. • s
Amt.. wismat Mt Iron. to to Work,* to aoto toattaltmot . , ..- •,
1i..1111 uw Uolon.. The som•rs a kili.A.l=tba lb* '.. ".!
pest Inmate In At MU eitsrof ,
==.l atm 72 az kovvmd t grorklW , •
tortiol _ Ica .o,t. 're • -• alt sad umathaill; ~AWA V atO Anitta Ult. AU. ~...
q¢t if
r tr E
ja.... it im mi ika. ers ..... ign ..„
ficAu tit u.a t ir diri t.,llk. - 413s r,
bunch • lArrnkrovilly: IA amm.,,,,,,,A,- -- st
.04 ,
gown Cionii•Lkis.solw t ennu........
Uvow And attood-thotil Alltlatifo A traiK, :
i ii . i,... . pi* /kik eta eta ata tip Inn 'Amen =zi -
amt. lariat b.w . tww/Tw...„00w wownow hi, tu ',;
i rut. mrar&;--,nw. ~..4.tic... 9.0..... - ;
v nos mtattteg k=rt ....:14Wj.. halt 1,..4
- 4 11Z7r4rotopt Att•aUlta mai to male
tyrim,ll4, , , lagownai ' . ifitio a - 4% w ', •..
ILIV MTH-. ROSES 'MOON 'lrr ,;,I,'.
, i • JUNK la gado% se ot rww. .b,......
lh d.ll, :41124Zaillt NC. It ititiKallgVittW:
t. C fr
Imo OA Atilt too: = 1."1,, ~....4 4
0 1 / 42. :4 &Oar etyma
.., A4c,acip•O . :
pm-4ft*, - - • ""°°"'" 4. -
....._, ' - ,,,T00L WORIS,7 — '
: utuitiimuY Fi Rs" , 4. 14 IBRIIiir Bp,:
- R au- /Me x., ~ ~
AMEN of olar -;,-; ka ina a "... i moo
am._ 'Pi ) - 4w r•____, "4.1
I . 06411 ' lint.Clask atiW7 - 77 - -. , r. ' .
& am
rsableribeis kit Icavelo info rm itin,,
fart...m. :... r... ~.t. 4r),0. 4 , LUtrtyairtst. ),
'‘ • - lkitieg — Z4kWEL=:` -•
:Jet 11 WAINS—Irs NA ta, thionadia
....___insumr_ . ,___ as! piewelk,_
imi amm_strewo,.,
• "41.7""rgairair.
' 'via
11 Um "'
'll.—'',l4Alll74r f
Wirth % lk 111:41; .44
4 2
*1.4. " 10 tatt
MCltarir 'MI
IrIMXS-45000 MAO* Nitwit&
, at4g. sad tar We IT' 4,44, ima,m1,13,4304,,
• , -
; -
2 .
sz,..'. ;\
\ 1. ‘...
. \
\ \