ItTSBMORGAZEtTE. .40IILIBUYD BY VialltAk PITTSBURG-H: :wain STATE Timm.. JAMES POLLOCK; 'Of XORTUUMBZULANID COUNTY. roxI."CANAL • GEORGE Di 1114,1 E;- ,- cormszaultxrlcommn FOR "JQDUE CiIIIIPREMN COVET, 'MINER; . or Nompanitwr, gileghenny Comity Whig Ticket. DAVID BITOIIIII4 eimpuraiL. OSSInILT !WEN' MN Sae Trit22o. AOxJO6 EHT Z. HUSE. Serii POLIAOH =44"1 :100 Ilitibirert. lr 'WOODS. W. Plttthurilt. ' . JAMLI D. GLENN. tipple SI. Clair, :AMPS R. kaNzins, rtcuburge. 'JAMUL kigiLir - HirkbOi. JOHN HOEHN. }HrtsOnsbAm. JOHN;BROWN. Rom. , tah.Platalurtts -Weekly' .13itmette.:—Tho extensive strailatiou ot oar I&rkXp G. attars to car Wahiawa= it•met dotbablo medium of ambito; tbdr budnoto known Out etroulatius jt botiolottuor and Ave Om:mud, nualtur stoma ilottbaskt; manufacturer tad ittop.lietout Irentru renutylraula, and Sagami Oldo. . . IdWrisliitTeTthiericL4altiter iti. Satt.wilootas ear Petatiagiatilathasentatto Dap Gartikokri opened as lnth whodednthdr Wotan to wear tbe viper on *III hand pea In 3400 4 er‘eb:leee eCtide piper. °MCI Omo Art. PENNOTLCASIA R. It Co. • • • ' Pittsburgh, 'June Zd 1854. ascelpts in May, 1854 $81,238 21. do •do ~ 1 853 _ 47 367. 88 Izerolioe $83,870 .sp 11,O011iito in Moittiontho of 1854480,549 68 dd 416 1858:- 185,842 26 Annals's"; W' Eng. and 13up'dt: . yat. E. SuuNSON, ES9.—lt has been assert, ed' in some quarierr that this gentleman, Who has been nominated on the Whig ticket as a candi date for the Assembly, -is a Democrat or Locofo. ea; sad some unit rebid Democrat and agrari an.. ' Nos! the fact of a-mart hating been a Dem- ciOit, St tie 4200 to come . on the ~PLig plot(o=m would, make no difference to no We: welcome Ida* brothers who will join roe ill defeating the atiraboms dealing of the slavetdigarehy. But it — may tie an'weit to vet the unatterright aa'regards §temeneon. ' lie ha never hem a member of the DenMeratie party; and in as far from being an agrarian -and leveler assay man in the coin . annuity, his brothers have been Whig; ,:ania he joined the Fieeseil party. and since then he Lae usually voted with the Whigs on State issues andlinnicimil elections. He does not hold apolitical prinplothat _ has not been euderscd by the Whig State and County C'orrien dens. lie has long been nn-aisle and eloquent . , advocate et the Homestead principle in regard to ouo public leads, and this has given rise to the slander that he entertained agrarian sentiments. This Principle was records:ea by the Whig State Convention, and new he stimuli, in regard to pe - nth:al faith; fair and Equare on the Whig plat form ready' to do-battle for the principlea_pro zonlgett He has always been a friend to the doc triee of Priteetion to Home Labor, and being a hfeChinic and . Working-Man himself, he has struggled to elevate and sustain the, labeling classes-by promoting home manufactures, self 'rellinCeotad free public lends for the actual settler:.' This mech. for 31r. Stevenson, as an act of. personal jnatice. As a member, of the Preesorparty, - nominated by - the Whigs as an act 'of' et °ciliation and union in - - the great work of eppbsing Slavery, we shotild have sup- ported . hun just the sane had be been a mem ber of tho Democratic party ell his life, before he united himself with the Iteesoilers. Had Gro. ILIDDLII "or die. 'W. JACIi/lON, well „be . known Democratic Freesollers, e n o mi na t e d inatead of Stevenson, it * would have been OH the same to us. , .We care nothing about a man's _political antecedents, so ho is heartlly with.= non, end willetand !with us shoulder di,ishoulder, iri stemming die tide or slavery propegilll66.- 7 'We Bay to 14 freemen Of the free States, "come with us—we are fighting over ther battle of lib- erty, of human rights. : are willing to icy .'wide all minor considerationsWhichhave sdivid ed ws . politica ll y , and to meet as. brothers, as Peranylvaplazoi, as ',freemen, to withstand the aggression of the Slave4ower. .IThenlisis bat e:lls fooght, sued victory shalLinve' perched upon oar banners—when we can proclaim that WO are fred from the respoinibilitiesand the on ernastnents of likens:Ty-4f we have any miner political differences Worth contendlig &boat, we will then fall backbite our Original political ele mentsvand - Contend for the success oferri views, wliea asitteris or hit er will not affect our rights as. citizens, Or oor obarsiters meo.." prefetaions eanbe more kollowandlatincere than.those now made by the. Itatitoorstio press at the north , in behalf of "law and alike." -Their hOrroi of mobilw inclioston Is'lMeause _the mob Is against, instead - of with them. Circinnitames alter eases. The early esistence of t4ocofocoism7 proper, was marked by on niter defiance. of law and or der., Those whom political recollections go back for.enottgh Will be able to call to mind the loro fooo mob which attacked the flour wanhouses of New York - and emptied therti of theircodtents. Those were days when "loci:itemises!' was in its cradle, and in its then ;iroadolterated form it - distinguished itaalf by IMOSorts to mash what it Was pleased to teim.P monopolies" with mob _ Mb= Thomas W. Darrarrayed himself against tke lairs of Rhode Island and endeavored to sub vert the constituted authorities of that State, ha received the general endorsement and sympathy of the democratic party. "Law and order" were then terms which stunk in the nostrils of loco fascism. ' Di the tilt , days of abolitionism it was a corn soon practice to mob Ito isdherimts, stone their houses, eack.their - dweilhigs, burn their -hind tare, and treat theiti with ail the indignities of which a mob is capable. In this very city of "Boston Wm. Lloyd Garrison was-led through tbe idreeta with a halter around his neck by men of sitiki#eig' - ProiertY, end a''remideer nteeting of Which ho wee witness was broken tip and aliperred by it ' mob. 'Where was the voice of the .democratic press, theid Was it on the side of law and order! .We rather think not. When Loiejoy was shot down in cold blood, in Illinois, for hie property and the right offrea utterance through the press, did-the dem opratio party_ frown upon the deed! ' NOt that we are au*, of And was not lossejey's life of as much Tido° as Batchelder's? When Amos Kendall was Polimaeter and the country was under unbridled democratic • rule, the =Lila, in Tarlac's parte of the country, were broken open and their contents committed to the flames by infuriated mobs. ishat then? . Did Amos Kendall, did the democratlo national administration, did the democratio party step in to the support' of the violated laws?. Not at all. • - Ames Kendall, acting under the direction of a • democratic President, gave his eissition to the laWlesa spirit then prevailing, and the democratic .' party sustained him. We quote, as . appropriate to the prevent time, the, following epratet.from sloth's of bison the subject: • !giro) net or direction of mina; offibLl or pri-• -ate, could I bo induced to aid knowingly in giv ing circulation to papers of this description; Cab - aeon 7spera] directly or indirectly.. W o we as obrvation- kale-laws, IltIT A lIIOUTIL oat To rem CONTICTITITA union -we Live ? and if the fornierbeperverted to destiny the railer, IT Is.. PA TIIIOTIAN To.Dz!zzaAßD.Talot." - . . Ilere the' broad principle is laid down that the ;public Sentimint - of orty community is of 'higher obligation than the lair, and Is to be fol. lowed implicitly-01nd this principle would not • pax, ciliWlre tato Itos,lonffiots,butwouldrender 'en l's3tritive,Edirk Law a dead let t er abnost •1ncb2,44. Porthiin ground:- It Was . good deconcintio dociricio tten—but, circum.shinees ate! . • To - annie nearer Lome, In might-Spitanua x ~s (riiipietio own- fi ts 4 coy jeloilicerPat, On, Bare lOat ;, aid it daril)to the ETgtere, auk 03 0 41 , 1 , 9 ifetneditio sympiithy ams the . elde and order. stilt nearer, le as put in eridence * llie felmringrextrant feom a late speech made by 11C.'sTniell in the U. S. Senate: One thing is eeitain, that, in &lite" of all! your Statytcr, your Collecton, your. Minhals, ytar - Anny and liaiy;lf the revolutionary stand ard is once.beisted itt•Cuba, and: maintained for a few alten,*eaks;tartadministration can prevent 'our citizens rushing te the Seene in such rum ben as will kitten Its triumph. 4 democratic Presider4 - tetiadd aot audio. do Jo! 'u speech. met the approval of the President, through bus I organ, the Icalhington Union, and wadduly 'iriOisod by the Pittsburgh Post - It ; Was a wanton proclamation that, in a certain aontingency,-the President would willingly see the laws set at- defiance width he has sworn to support' Itsfuseleis to addrice the late prods.. • nation of the. President against fdiibuateiWn; the 'contingency named .by :Slidell has not yet occurred, and hence it is safe and prudent to lane a - . proclamation against marenders not likely to, tumefied. But when that 'contingency dam occur, we ' here the highest: democratic au thority for saying that. the President will not desire to see the laws of his country enforced.— And-this is the party now Mating stint " law and Order r I But we need not stop here., While the mob in Boston was in progress, the President's organs In Washington, with his understood sanction, were using thelhest efforts to provoke a mob upon . Senator Sumner for the purpose either of taking his life or driving him from the city. :We might go on and multiply instances, brit it is tanecessary. The fact is patent to alf-o-tiser Tars of 'events that the Democratic :rem and headers never object to when it le on their, side. It is only when their .ox. is gored that they change their tune. Their-natural sympathies being With slavery' and n 0113301 1, arty they cannot endure populardenionarations on the side of freedom. Let no not be misunderstood. We do not vin dicate popular violence when it-is on our side,— Two wrongs never make one right, nor any number of wrongs; and all the violeneo which Loeofocia havelieretofore justified or approved cannot juatlfy an. imitation of their . pernicious example. Bat we do think that a party which has defended and justified and winked at out rages beside which the Boston mob is but a trifle, and endeavored ton imulato others equally flagi tious, basks particularly knavish and hyporSiti cal in striving to make capital out 'of an act of violence which was wrong in their eyes only be cause it was not in their favor. . }::5177,707'20 We leave the people of Boston to make their own vindication; and doubtless they can present many facts to show that the South had no right 'to ask at their hands, the humiliation to which they have been subjected. They , probably re member the case of - Judge loan; one of their oven fellow-citizens, who went to South Carolina to argue, bribe - United States Court, the consti .nitionality of a law" or that State which oppress ed the colored citisens of MasSachusetta. He did not go, as. Settle did, to carry a colored men out of Charleston, but shiply to bring to an is sue a grave constitutional question, involving the rights of men, and he Wits mobbed, and not only him but his daughter with him: and those chivalrous Southrons were nothing loth to put in jeopardy the life of a venerable man and his female companion fur the sake of defending their municipal laws' in favor of slavery. The same treatment was accorded to Mr. Hubbard, who visited - New-Orleans on a similar mission. If .Charleston and New Orleans claim the privilege of mob law to defend slavery, the crime of Bos ton is it - least not greater than theirs. We ven ture tosay that there is not a city in the South ,that would permit a scene to be enacted in its streets against slavery such ashes just occurred in Boston in its favor. Slavery never hesitates to resort to a mob in its own defence, nor does she regard human -life- of any value; if deemed necessary to take it, as witness thebrotal threat of Foote, uttered on 'the Boor of the Unitedi States Senate, that if John P.Hale - would visit Mississippi, be would help hang him on the tal lest tree be could find. • - 114. The Louisville Yemeni is becoming ex cited and alarmed tit the muttering thunders beard all over the North, andit rushee most earn est appeals to thiifree States to exercise the air tied, of 'forbearance and patience'. It says : South having done a foolish thing from which it can derive no.good, the North, there is reason to fear, will now do a wicked thing, from which only.evil can result to all. The future is dark and gloomy, and the old pacificatory of the republic are in their tombs. May a merciful heaven watch over and protect our country.. Why did not the vile traitors - and trobbeia in Congress think of the consequences before they proceeded to consummate their selfish conspiracy? They *ere warned of the tionsequeructs, but they treated all warnings, end•ell protects, even those of thonsand4 of elergyraen, with contempt and siorn. On their heads, then, lie the consequen ces of their villainy. We are ready for.the con sequences of opposition Manch outrages on civil and political right, letit lead where it may. the language of- that - noted conservative sheet, the blew York Courier, we Mal not atop la eovat Mt lost! TOVNG ,les's CHEISTUL3 ABSOCIATION.—The young meet of Pittsbwgh, who are members of the various Evangelical Pri,teslant Churches, lave Organized an Association; whose - objects are to "bring into contact and brotherly inter course the young Christian men of Pittsburgh and vicinity; exhibiting to themselves and others theft number and strength; affording facilities for mingling of mind, iriterchange of view's and feelings, and thus libendiling . sentiment, and furnishing to each other Christian sympathyand support," and - furtherf, to extend a friendly and Christian sympathytojrnany, men who come to the city as strangers seeking employnient, tending to them the hand of sympathy and 1 friendship, forewarning them of dangers, Offer- • ing them the privileges of a good library and reading room, 'writing them to the Rouse of God, and directing them to proper loaiding housed:- and thus endeavoring as fonts possible to coun teract the adverse influences of city life to the formation of a consistent,Christioncharkter.—' All young men, between the ages Of , slxteen and forty, who are members communion in any Evangelical Zburch, may become active members of the Association; and' entitled to' all Its privileges, by signing the Constitution, and paying ono dollar onneally. - The Association has s=orted under the happiest auspices, and fair Prospects, and promises to be of great usefulness; A Reading Room has been opened on the corner Of' Third and Market streets. cior hearty good wishes go with the Christian YOung men of Pittsburgh In this en tlrPrize! BOatRT - ,AIVER6A.2I) BILOTBERS, New York, whoa publications always •possess a moral and religione 'character, hare bald . on:our table seer al works, lust Issued frout att. prclifio . pans: The printing and - binding of these works' , are excellenti as befit* books of the right *tarp. The works are as follows: - Dmitri, a Model for liking'gen., A series of l:cane:es t delivered to a Young Men's Chris tian rlaaociation, in New Orleans, by Ker. Scott, D. D. These Lectures are of a higbij pop-. ober, practical and instructive character, breath ing a pure and vigorous and caleu lated to prepare therein:Lir tri.betUe in the World for the truth, and the faith once delivered to the 2, Thi: Waud-Cultir of L ddmon; and thc; get of &liana, Or the Bufferinp of the Walden ses. -By ,the anther al ~ Mortdrig and -Night Watches." . These are tick . deeply:lute - reeding re ligions itetier,-ctiicettited to interest the minas of children; wino thoi *tire ;egad itapreteloo.'. . . - 8. Jihad Grant.. At Highland Story. By Ran. &It H Ballantine.: 'Tea la !mother bealdiltd llghane talk, sad so lathe following. , anti. ere--ridttatry and Hon esty. Adopted tram the Frenteh Porehittr by Rev. T. TrHavergeld,.D.,ll • lteatoi,of Hod-' dington; okordotie. • ••••• "r• :•• noie.plesiant and by I. B..pailso. /dulcet street whore may be found all of Cartres work __ . ,_ - .1.1.1. 5 :?-., ~ " •- • :1 1111211 ArASONON Vskirorter; OR !iii::7llW : .7. iu An y .. i.:-: ; zir anut,, * __ . Gas):Ltr,Ot. BP.DavittE. Tower, :1 - a r.:... -I , ocw A - MANG AND . *gird.l , liread, A.,,M.,:1i4w 't rk : publishedtip 1 0 3illl i i itt4 -413 ; i- ALE I,Ai . e; DainerEntgeiS it . Co: The aim or this little CHEESE, BUTTER, SEEDS, work has been to make Grammar an agreeable , ~.... „,.. ......'" d ? V . l.'. G...... 1 / 3 * No. -.:.) Wooa street, Pittsbt intelieiblisi exrcise, instead loading the Me- . iris ''. mory with terms which the pupil cannot compre- . : L a di es p as — s — w p a s s. bead. We think the effort has been successful ....MTGE]) CO. • would most ly and that this Grammar will be a successful can- urn., the attention of Lathe, to their large._ _.onnelate. D, p.”1,,,.1 gwek..-...-...-- .. .... -.. &late fur public favor. . 'stock of 'VA:MY Irtlitti, now opening. econprleling in Dart • ...Dividends an mid- -..—...-................. ' 'Sable. Moo Martin, Vitell, Linz, Carmine, £ll..erian Beta- i i e Liro2luntl , 1r'rr a : = " ...1 7 . 77" - Itis an amusing fact, tlutt the initials of the 7,..,____L nark m nr th4 " t • C 'onT ' 8."'" W o o Box , ' k.Z111:1. 8.A.......::: ...._._..:= Volseaalr OWN Bona. re., curvet Wood and indi g ilr..lDeroeitora on !tan . r.. , ----- - four Congrcsarien from Ohio, who voted for the ; 1 ;7." t• —• . .................. Nebraska bill. spell dogs,. Disney, Olds, Green, - 1.1"-- Shannon.—Sgringfield Pep. Derangemeittof the Liver, is one of the most common, ail well as the moat thrtdidable of dlecuce known to ltetrinurPhyliciane It had for years attract ad the closest attention of the medical tigteity In all parts of the. United Pales, andyet iotba time of the Olson try of Dr. IVLarie's gnat Specific, it was almost beyond the resell of medical alit., Thousands had perished witheot 'arms luterarellef, and although thotuanda may Yet be &Weed to ftel the direful effects of this most complicated disease, his now, thanks to the resirosito of Dr, 'Thane, most completely brought within the mope of medleal dm trOk The preprletorsof the Liver?illa feel contdeut that they otter a remedy, whltithu been fully tested by time and "aids has utter failed ammo= when fairly tried. ?orchestra will be careful tout for DIQVI..A.NE'S OgLNERATED LITER PILLS:' and take none else. There are Other Mils; purporting to bi livei rills, now beihre the publig aiso, Ide.Cebhntd Verinifoge, cm now be . had stall respectable Dreg Stores!. the United Etateg fur salt by the tole. proprietors. YlANilliti 1160Ti1ERS. je*.diteuß Suomenms to J. nbu 'A co.. CO Wood st. ODIC. 1100 K TABLE. SPECIAL NOTICES • Du Pont Powder.—Every variety Rine Mining andillasting PosrdOr. In ell iI pact:sae. &luny on hand and for rule from Maurine. in lota to enit Per awns". n &rumble tanni. Alm Panty Pure. D. W. C. 111.DWF.LL, Stanulleturers. no7-42:C. U. /tont 14.reat., rutamna, • For Bronchitis, Throat Diseases, Hack- Cocait, and the ideas of Imprudent cue of Stemma.— No niciliclue Lea crer Leen dlscoverrd wbieb has effort.' well cures is Csiter'S Stuuthlt Mixture, Throat diseases M. 1.36 4 1 1. sallration, Meeting Gush, Draw-Mal iitTeetiour. Lirer Disease, Neural:Oa and Rhos, tuatism...have all been relieved •.ad coxed lu a wonderful rearkuor,'l,:r the great prattler of tho blood. Carter's Span lob Mixture. The e►%oflli: T. IL Ilatiou *lone abould minify any rho doubt. Call on tbo agent and gnomic * Pamphlet -containing cam, which will astound you. NELSON'S FIRST PREMIUM DAGUERREOTYPES. POST OFFICE lIIILIDTNO, EID STREET. u rrizmis - AND STRANGERS who wish to °Mita an ultimate, arthdle and lift-111m likenem,at it ' ffatell "'" VV:itrl i i " S t IV " th la o Is guarantied. or no charm. made. Having ono of the big imd best arreogrel Side and Sky I ights ever atrueted Au tire matelot. with inetrununta atlas 000011 rfalklnd,►nd Sorb ng e :adopted the system of Daguerree ng:MllMl pm. iced y the relebreted Recta of Phila. 11 phimand Nen 1: ock. 31, F. natters Memel( to be side to odor to the paid.. 4.1 the Art, PtYla lleguerreetymva, either Monty or in groum which has neverbeen envimmed. Hoot. open. Ind onastins in all weathers, hem h o'clock A. mi. to 6o clerk. P. M. man-danT • Arnold & Williams. lEATING AND VENTILATING IVARE lTOUSE—Manderturern of Chi:am'. rornmea, EATING Iron Tubing, and titthm far Steam. Gas or 'Water, 2.5 Market atm... kittaborgh. W. here du our Fttroseee, Patterns. to, to Messrs. ARNOLD 8 WILLIAMS, et= we euntinny etwoomeodto the wetrotege of the lext , luare SCAM. ATKLNSON t OILELY. I:tplivv:Alv,4lm4 FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE CO OP PZINNSTLT.ILNIA. RANCII OFFICE—Corner Fourth and Smithfield strerts,Pittsbargh. CAPITAL, 12.50.00 e. Do P. , Rtabserford. Dsuphlu Lb.; P. C. Sedreick, Ilarrisbar,e Samuel Jones.. Philadelphia; A. Wllkin; Dunker. Pittebtrmin A. A. Carrier. Pittsburgh: A. J. (Inlets, Ilarristmrie S. T. Ames, HAZABLITTI= Robert KUL; cub. Co. John 13. Rutherl'oni. Unirehlo Co. JOHN P. ROTIV.RFORD, President. A. J. °MUST. Secretary. A. A. CARIU PM, Actuary. The earns Company will lcsurr ar atast perils of gra and gland navigation and trangpatiationi abo. oo biladiaga .ld vnecehandive in city ar country, at 1.,.0,0 t. rat.. eon, atent Nth safety. -Polk-fru limo,' on &mann, anuses. Labor pernetcaLlr. ar Gar • turn I/ram sioiturly 11.64 • Cnstaiiitfz Zxcelsior Hair Dye. NATURE EQUALED BY ART!! For ages the frisson. endeavored rain The hair.. without scorching-the Ake, todain— Teed this nostrum and that, but in chancing the hoe They withered the hair past all art toren.w. Toe may burn row gra) treats a Mach or a brown, Dot Nature the tnutcri.ve4l tint will disewn; And.ladJuices dried rm. you will ode he entailed Dr dueling Toni. IU treated cranium ba.14.. Long reds, as we've add, the craft struggled in vain A dyeerithout caustic. Wee, to obtain— A fluid Innocuotie—that, pbund on the had,. To • tereveen or a hisch would tranerorm grai to red, Many times 'tea. procialmed that the end was mehleveh But the wise shook their head, thenth the !polish Wisc.!, Am! In vita of advertisement. Placard and Tod. °r each humbug the public twit won bad emugh. At llength,Kwas- hot latelr." tiger cried; The want so long felt hadn't length teen aupedieet. &dr. was annonnod. that, In changing the hue, The ‘ balidid not .comb—the announcement wan trans In an instant' o'er keg. Altered. randy or red. Was • black or a - Ignore the most vuoilsite. 'lri— na three were neurishal Oostende, &Strayed; The peeved the sealp with no pigment were doled; No odor unpleasant the liquid gars out; The color was never one moment In doubt; Nochamelener dung *to purple and green rig rendered the laltat "oot lit to he wee— Itudanter,the tint that you asked foe was there. Like the darknees that tilt., the tighthwe. gum. 'maw. • izigimpb vu tute how the tiding. tee-diorite To the the Wed, thro' the South thro'the Nord, Until Science and }'.chino with common arcialet On theirdshietiloterlbed the divorder's nat., And declared that en eosin. the Ode nod soppli Of theft own Calstanoare Earthier Dye! Bolde:acidotic and retail, al HErgrfrd. 1401 eed st, jet Sign of the Unidern Manse Shoulder Braces and Chest Expanders "Be particular in procuring the kind men tinned, u maar a Mc Itrzem sold an humbugs:. Irrom rho rtttAntrAh Daily Diamtch. Feb, 24.15531 AS EiCLILISSI Assieut.—Pernma who hare sountred a eteepinx pa4ion, by fblloning aseden Easy occupation alit experience great relief by the nee of the "Weahlosten anspardor Drice,” !pule and many Dr. RESSE/1„ corner or Wood Meet and Virgin alley. lt =Omen pa► braC• and suspender!, the weight of tbe pantakertie le en paced .to tdritinually tend to bring the sbeeddets lo their nat. oral position, and espend file chest. We purchased no. wine Dine .go, and hare teen an pleased with It that we unsolleited g... it a .. putl . gratis. Women. hundreda of whom are annually Injured by the weight of enoraoue • "akirts,'• ellould also procure these beans. -Di partleniar In procuring theldnd mentioned... many of the braced sold Ind humbug,. 52.1d4h0100n1a and reta➢ at the Deng Store of Georg* U. If.afac.No. 139, ecnntT Wood at. and Virgin 0107. AO'Slam of the Golden Mom.. 8.--I al. keep Truro*, Supporter+, Pile Prop+. Elsa tie Stoektuteurui vl kit& erhankal appllinem H A RP W E LOGAN, WILSON & CO., Beg to call the attention of Buyers to their rztatslve Stock of - HARDWARE AHD SADDLERY, compriAng we cf the Inept oomDtate wottr...ut•la the oniatitab =CM - ED DT RECENT PACKETS 111031 STROP, end whkb they Ole .m the gust removals terst, chants going gut - find their litetast brUtuntad by buying *bait 11.1111)1V AIM at No. 571.W00d sir Plasbars bt t 3 LOOS* moors eniSt. Rum Licasa-1 in-174,114 Dr. M on o. Invigorating Pivir or OORDIAL.—If It is inquired bow this meat restorative to locornplishlng mad, extraordinary corn, are ema may reply that to the Arabian herb that forms Its cardinal logredkmt have been blended by the Omnipotent Physician. a larger amount and greater varieties of enrativevroperism than had heretofore Lean supposed tomlet to a hundred different ariklee of ths, pharmacopeia. Atria* medkine duet of - ---- ramedlos, Po to speak, germs to have been combined in tills herb; sndba the ELIXIR or CORDIAL ere hey. their son. PITTSBURGH , i asninue ..tens.: It le the dbet, boomer, not themes. Life, Piro & Marine Insurance Company' with which re hare to dud in the Mailed laPPllmtion 0 OFFICE t,5 FIF7II STRATI% . I the nicelleide. -Zee arletinis of dyspepela are Maul, the j BUBONIC HALL, PITPBDI/11011, PA.'• • Demme am retleved. the half paralremi resume their sale I - JAMES rtilgox; Prattled. 4 lir. tn. Outlaws from headnithe are tormented no more i cw ,, , ,,,,,,,j,.,,,,,,,, . fi..,,,, .7 , . . . ~. the "mak beams vigorous. the tint .ofjainutlce lea's the' nth, c om p nn y m i,k„ ever y b ig u rance u p,. ei riii P irdeii of the hi 11..., Me . drnieei r d in *trite broniie 1 Turtaining toot onnucted wttbLIPA MBES. bac/rant, the etch in shawl in siert condition of disesoo I Also. akainst Mil and Cargo Illsks,Vin - the OW , nod &airs thor.rt.t. beuett from tho o. of Dr. Ideree's lia Mbulsellald Aram and iriimiaulee. sod Marine Risks. 411.• ~.: I rally . Adoration Malt •or annual . frets , "P 741.4 ." . And nzninst I,olui or Dftrtintli by FirOj. in ' f " P44. P""' '''''''''''''' l “ thr ' ll "' " in ' s l And lumina - the Perlis Of tho Sea 'arid nalis.4. Ids, who mu Tail, them by a Slagle bottle of the meth . ~,,,11, , ,,,,,pr i m, . . . , . cimn The Cordial Is put rAp blably concentrated ,I la plst bat , Policies (mod at the lowest rate, conalstinalnitti Wlty tles; Prinethros &Almoner Wale, too for eve dollars, slit l wen Wrier. maitemsM _. Di heirs &Darn ' O. 14 itltiOgProinielor, l J .., i t nr ,„„,. wm. 6.14„..., , IX.' trOodwar. N.Y. , Fanned Plegurlian,' • 1 Jaynes D. Alsol/1, , 'Sold br Drugglnie IhroughOutibar Coped Brutes. Cana ; willism Pidilliu, ' - Allordeulnadler, . dm and `Cot ladle. i John Scott,. Joh Fullerton, • rceoph P. Gomm, 11. 1.1.. linberS Galway, , &loner.] Agents In Pittsburada—ilenolng Drat, corner . John mar , . Liwudar D.cssillt,' A*. ICubd and Vonsth streets: and Gen. - H. Keyser. corner ~..,, P. ~, .. j.... Wood . tre a t and Virgin ails, Also, by J. P. Fleming. , 3"••• .-,Qirir-• strong County, Allegheny Citfl . Jal2-1w arms - a . • l Moreno' N. beettanning, . _. "g;e l oir eS'id .Post , r) , 1 r , 1r1e7 2 17- 4, 134. n., . Especial Notice to. persoas using Cod LITER om-ortui nstralbet Ruling each sitkegot ooo ii .tik Yeas % Toppleln /Minima fee • regular MOT or their genuine COD LITER OIL, put op In Pint bottles, would reepoetrully Invite the atm:akin of the, glebilo to an essoniaationot the article; being fully perseade4 that for purity and freemen from istteld taste or moll, It Le one. Tbeni lawn no Cal Liner Oil In thlileenutry en• I pater, Itettuel, to the above. Hundreds' of bottles have been sold, and Oren unlimited matlegielkm. • In llwartl• ; alett Cod I.lTer Olt per E.l taking It should be careful to n' obtai altinnino aildelo sod ono .ftne front • rancid tastei ; es and noel, its rfileesere greatly enhanood by Its feting seeeptibleko steniach and not predigingiissna—Durf ty and • pleasant taste mate It more rowdily taken up by the lacteal, and absorbed Into . the blood, and thereby In causing theliehnessiof that gold tieing atone and heal log fraprersion to every organ through twhkb It pasisia.— gold by•, o)24.ljitirllt, N. 141), •• ; ' ma ''' . • Lige oll4GVegTrinir.• UNITED STATES LIFE INSURANCE, A14111131TT,2,1.ND Tolcoman. - I . IIIIITIMIT APRIL.2O. 1160.-Guilin PLAl=n3 l . tro, a a L Ai rryarni 221. rhikaaih fa OMOZELS OP TUE 11031 M BOARD AT PECILADYLIIIIA .Vll l i . Z"" b ".- • P""li k eii h r d ; Ag/toe =sceJob"gaza, .11: 71 C111., =111'1 1 :-' • RsosiGue—Prb , rgh. Zn . n.s IT4 Rlliiithiok t * bung* Xedloit allthisitatitton othadi Of titaraal"na . 90=4 •"viraintotteittpitairtik 'Oise of lEi»talai6L ramny P!ffSIZ "" :~, i err." ... . If you are rack, the probability is that the ' - . 1 t 61.1,787 :Lb root of your suffering is In the stomach. From n Weak . ritt.bontb. Juno 6tb..18.54.—d3t ' /MIN D. SCULLY. cuhler. stomach proceed dyspetwls. I.Otoor. 0r1tr0.0.7 ii the - , asidarspaajsundlee, headset., nausea, bodily wean... • The Ellgheli BoOk. Mre. _ ..,._ . 4 dlamessof sight. heartburn, Portico...43..ostory, and ai rj : —Subscribers having now cotleteu Legion of other tormenting discuses. Indigestion , prodoe : t • air edvang i vuents for the itu=tallo Doo is of ne ets e ea thin blood. and therefore destroys the strength and vtir ' thi k I ! ' I lVe• jut ' '.._ _ Ir: . Vele will he ftpuld • l' Ulustall or of the system. To restore the tone of the stomach, and I