rP/Mft 4 4.JA 4 lte..ll:fill ' 44rir;..WOM PITTSB.ORGH:: FRIDAY 31ORNLNG, DIAT2G, 1854. !MUG STATE TICKET. FOR GOVERNOR, JAAIES, POLLOCK; or JcOadrouXERRLUD cOtnerr. • FOR 0.04 CO,NipEGEIONEIt,.., GEORGE-DARSIE; OP ALttprtErr covieir. • FOR lUDGE.OF SUPREME COURT, .DAAIME M. SMYSER; • A•rPlit.inrsi 'Weekly- Cistutte.—n• exteastirs sinsalidiarof one Middy Oasille Owl, tome trosineate, 1 .0111. dethat4lll6lollllll2l of raking Utair buskin known Our elltinguke Is letwseaFmrand 11e. tbestiand,r.ching ...;,;stood entry mathsat, .01. , MAKUMT and shopteeter in freskria PoslosTlnsaiti..d not.ni Ohio. ` ea. v. Adrartiseive—Nellber the Vittoria 'Roma apr prthismoutatthadieutgtl4 Lady audit, aro awned $.l“, Aanavactosvbo4o4.• ibeirnotis.toappeu to ate Woe OIL aorolay miciroltar.,oll pima bud them lu• btonb o!‘lootif ois &tailor- • . • t oiriorne. DAILY PAPER eau he Ottawa al! u Il on eulthDela street, woe the Post Mee. litiftungs' thatior rim . vote!, seam of this piper Anti-Masonio County COllTen tion - :-TherlVEitge sad Anti-Malone of Allegheny UOnaty..nal inert on SATURSIAT, the Zith der et -May Init.; at the lanai pleats of balled primary meetings, to atter reapectire electbm Dittrieta. In the Tbarnehlta. . rept Att. la 3 o'clock. P.M., to irljimmi at t. detect. P.M. ' ' Ini the liorougha and Pitt Tonnthip, id 3 o'clock, Wands • • ' to adjourn at 7 o'clotit P. M. And In the general ea 12 Weloca. 3f.. to adjoin... at 7 ridetai,. P. 1.1.. ➢ the elee Oen In the 'Wards to to br ballot; each o f the election -Pieta to attar{ tiro Deletate• to a Ononty A:konvention, to be beld:at tbe Court Mow, no IVSDNEADAY.the alit day • • ca d s -at Itkoklock. A. ht. to nominate stroked to be •.- partutthe' ensuing October electket. lip Sfax ICeen~erur OCTIMI36.—Wo give extracts, tc;..day.; from a few of the lending Whig papers, shOwing the spirit in which the passage of the . Nebraska Eatery. through the House is received. These papers no denbt represent the voice of the people, and the feeling thus exhibited will 'felt succeeding elections. It is eyident. that one thought is , uppermost in all quarters, - .shat ti the fusion of the cod-Nebraska sentiment of the North into one harmonious patty. Great sattificesof minor differenceit, and of feeling for this purpose, brready to. be 'made. The only „,tpaistient Is, hose out the a soba m o st judicious. , ty, hisittglit about . We hope acme way will speed besdaviseti for this purpose. . . Aa mialysis of:the vote; on the 'final passage of the tin shows that there were for the bill, 95 If exit the freeStites and CS from the slave States. it, 1)2 from the free States, and 8 from the eerie 86, There were 190Doutoorata 13 latter from C.SP4Viht'AiK ttrrii; but riot one Northern -Whig. . . • Southern' Whigs voted against the hi% and 'two . Southern Demoernts---one crow Missouri, aad one triun Virginia: Tan Ectarsa or 4rts Scs.—An launder eclipse of the sun T will take place to der, ,'commencing . • at 4 o ' clock the afternoon. It will be visible over the whole of .North 'America, the northern part of South America, the north-eastern part of Asia, - nod the extreme north-western part of • .; Europe. The central path - of the eclipse, :where will be exactly annular,is 'part of the Terri- Miles of „Washington and Minnesota, of Penton eeree bland, of Cenatla :treat, and or the States of Michigan, New York, 'Vermont,. New .Hemp shire,- Maine and Massachusetts. It will appear exactly • annular at Prescott, Canada West; Og . xletudulrg. , N. Y.; Addition, Middlebury, Iteebee , ter, -- Royalton and Norwich, Vermont; Hanover, Lebanon, GrafteniSandbornton,ollmenton,Roch ester and Doter, New Hampshire; South Ber : :wick 'and Yet-1,141in.. At Pittsburgh' the sun hare the appearance of a now moon. Tim ..,. Beaton Atha contains the following interesting information and suggestions, in regard to this Magnilicent natural phedomenan: The Pr-11RM will where centralor . nearly so, bb what latMesl by astronomers austußar, that is . , in consequence', of the Mean being onPriday next in that part ,of her orbit theyfost .ragote 'lrons the Earth, her diaineter wM.apparently be less than that of the Sun, which will accordingly be reduced to a Ring, In the sublime. total ob ' sentattoti"..-which occurred in New _England in jihe 1800, the 'Moon was very near the Earth, and therefore her, „apparent diameter was so much larger than that of the Sun, that the • latter was :entirely covered about five minutes. The varia; • - lion in the distance of the Moon from us is about . ne4iglith of the whole, or 30,000 miles. - Odd the sky be clear 'at the time of the phenothenon, , observers cannot, be;,toti. 'careful about viewing it except through glosses so deeply' Colored that they will protect perfectly , the eye frouiTtheeffeet of solar light Ind heat. In con ,' sequence of the want of sufficient:caution in this respect, at the time of the lasivery large eclipse 'in this vicinity, Feb: 1831,' the • Sight of many persons sras so much injured as to be seriously afternards, or even at the ration of many Months: . • - She best glasses for the purpose are the dark est of those which usually accompany a 'telescope or,seattant, but a piece .pf window pane, free .fristn - yeins, and rendered scia/ock (not browned) the 'smoke 'of a lamp; that the sun, - seen ' rough it; IQ appear Yithout scintillation, will ; very well answer.. Where the eclipse Is annular an opera or spy-glan; with its Small lens, or that nearest the po,'ldackehed in this:manner, will lie found ray 'useful for observing - the forming and breaking of the ring, the, phenomenon at . lending yhieh 'are generally highly beautiful. • Even :When the obsetrration is greatest, much diminution of the light is not to be expected, or net tore than ih a cloudy day: 'Mars is the on; Ay 'planet that can possibly be seen, and ,at the 'Ur ofshe greatest obicuratbin, its bearing ; - will be about South by East: and its latitude :6°. • Sirius, the brightest of the Stari will bear shout . : Southwest; at an elevation of nearly 20°, but It is not probable that either can he foandyritheut . the ald of a telescope,' , . , 'The list of the nob? ethiMies visible here in the course of the next. 47,years, was copied from the catalogue of between 1580 and 1001, publish ' ed in the American Alamein° for 1831; a volume now but seldom met with. By thiwilstitappeririKthat although the eclipse' ~. ortlept. Wee be immlar ln New Eng land, it will be less interesting than that of Fri -. clay - next; as its beginning will take place before instriae; and the ring will form soon after, when the sun ib quite low. It also appears that the duds* orths moon will in these 47 years twice - -pus over end produce oral-eclipses, - rit c In August, 1869, rind's' May;79oo, but that in the Middle and New England States there will not be a total otoonratlon of the-sun before the end of century, Uil perhaps not until a. mach later period. - central; or very - nearly central. solar any pin; IW:indeed of rare. occur- At the city of Purls only only' lakes place. 123 years between 1767 and . 1900, and gb in Boston we have beeti more favored _ Paris, the phenomenon in the century and putter between..l776 1961, and perhaps. ay more years,. occurs here - but four times: cif In the anrialutobseurations of April 2, May 26, 1851; end September 28, 1875; that which was total; on June 16;:1606. ipse - of February 12, 1831; wan also 'unit tantucket and at Chatham, Cape Cod, but .sewhere in New England. rem computations, the results of-which are particularly given -helow, it appears "that ith of:the antral' eclipse of the 26th of irst enters 'upon the earth in the North Ocean hear the Caroline Wands; in lat. of about 62-2 deg. North; lon: 197 West; thence Wing a nortievcatiterly , direction; it touchea our itoitinent near Ca pe Flattery in Washington Ter, imam tbinci rant. over N r ancoirer's British Oregon. Minnesota, Isle . itoiaTe, Lake Sicperior, • Canada - West, New York, Vermont, —New' 'llloilPshire:' and Maine, . to: the 'Atlantic, where it leaves the earth itilat - of about VI deg. : loit :62 deg.;-bating in. cola. -21 sect, the • -time of its continuance thereon, 'run over 1451 ."-- degrees of longitude, and - 46 of latitude. •." moreover,' amities that A:he:duration. of -*Wring; where central, in - Waahlrigton Territo .l.l7l-111 fear Ind - a half minutes, (which is nearly, Its longest darstiOn at any place.) and in New. York and New England,somewbatlest Burn fain' Idtliongh the zing la aliont-ten"secOnds trondcr,' an the -Malan,* between . thellies of the north fen end southern - l'imits-bf the ' annular phase . about thirty - miles greater' in - the northeestern. than ' . ll. 41 0 • northwestern part of theßnited , . ;:- 'Sur FAR/ONa Par—ipise up the ghostiesti.i. piutosttre 'fete - reTintis ua , st'' the spttplet eouunemonttlitti 'the deruise s uf tine yhose Are I.i* e x tre me ly short=.• • diatel asti **Mr dab. lbe xmowar "'bit ;.was, Uartiqkillirr". :XXXIT , X . XXXCX TX Soma Cittult.nti.-41k active uP . in Abiftka . jot waddr,AChlii been it tliktenttil tonintittee.; 1101,413 g tile ' ;4stire' L toppression of the sals'ana , nuinufacture. . . . - etrietteitasitn . thinker-by lair. This stria con ;f";ittoietiiini!Stutuatii-itatlontsts upon-the eonetita:. nfteul : /tpere!alitipto 4rekklatute ono the, trial 0": : MEM ,!,,r':`.i..i...- . , - * . ;i_'_Z:::;l-. OT 1 1 19*2120/tEar COUNTY ere irere 65 Democrats - voted but 2 porn the free States, Sony -the Northern, Deniocrats From the moment the Nebraska bill passes— if it ig W rousaL-4114 politics of the country will to placcd upon a new footing. The interposing 'partition of cdiapromise being removed., lila very and Freedom, in other words, DospOtirm and Democracy, wilfetand.face to face for a des perate and deadly struggle. The .commenee ment of this war will be the act of the slarehol tiers. It is iii vain to sot up. Mr, Douglasa and .31r. 'Pierce, and the Northern - mercetiories in their pay; as its aothore. +Mercenaries, whether In politics or War, arc never principals, and are the anthers of nothing. , They. act and. fight for somebody else; and for some object dear to some. holy, else .In tidi ease these tractors to .Free-' 'door and the North act for the - aleveholdera and in the expectatiin of. being paid by..the slave holdersi or, to speaiwith , .more exactness, .Mr. 11 .egleesl and Mr. Pierce :00 while, all, the subordinate northern traiiirs/ook, it them, ex pecting at their hanilsins generale of merce naries, the payment and rewards for which they have - stipulated, and which southern favor will itis calculated, put it . bite the ; power of those arch-traitors to giant. The passage of the.Nebraska`bill'enn then ho ,regarded in no.other light:than as a declaration br,war by, the shareholders against the North.- AillAtqa doeliumtiott of war wall • attended, by "omit very aggravating airoamstancas. Advantage Islllloo.beanthken the treachery- of a nom: be; of northernßeprasentatives to patch from' the of the North . A great eraot of territory, "yielded.tip Jo. tlicm:47, zotemo , compequistr, nd apetk which :Ahvbare evertiondly reckoned. as enelr own, It a Ivry cosi mottertocosotoeiree a war, oipeolallylootweeo Tattles's* loogazneo-. tally hostile thele-tdese and Trincipletiae the erietoceitie slavebaltionreflie South and the re- Publican ft:entail or the North: It jam cast not 4 . l 4* . e ir°4 en . .4 l ePart agile reiendeer pep" antr, heenneeh to pritrefik.thic4 4 eeklee frowbr4okinit- 0 4.4r0re- Dim •IIoito: end a vac etwo Poguiti to raestab 'll*li Pogkr botittif.o two beilliOriuk Para** not en easy ig 111 7: Yagth's Pol4iice,o3ot) I(opldwm. , to,mminoo`4o 41 neelitddera -tenni - =;= ?:4' PALOX"WASUCfMM. "Correspo*trce of the ihilly - rittaturah can tle. N. , `" ; , r.s r *5- -, : , 1 1 4511$311:1701t, 3111.11k7 °m i ca fiehhia ms letter * „yenterdt4be- - ts - ris the Ilkinal constamiatien Of tha Nehrtilla ti truth, anl'saw that thi . contialietir practically over; - I retired-nick-of. heart, not ithing to , witnew the petrel:rill:a et' the crime.' Pennsylvania will bear the dishonor and disgrace of lining furnished the greatest number of votes behalf.. Eleven ` democrats -gave it-the sanction of their names I trill not add.to their de-tUtabie nntraiety bitraragthern: Welittyefiefialleit the bcgienlig of . evil days, thodiwirkelx!political swindlers, felons in sen timent and bbickgamils tri' manners - dictate the . policy anition ;when private treachery far , niehes the incentive to public crime ; when-pee. eooal dishOnor in the pass-word to political station No Whig from a free State , betrayed his con stituents or forfeited his pledges to freedom. - But of the . 113 in the, affirmative the northern de moCirmy furnished 43, mere chars a third of the whole.- Those noble and honorable men fro:lithe South, the Whigs of Tennessee; North - Carolina and Lonisituut, who voted - with - the cause of free.: dom and good faith to the end, should not be for ', goties i. They. were - true to their country; their pledges and themselves..- - Mr. Benton, though .not whit, deserves praise amlhonor. Twenty-four hours has elapsed, feeling of Millen, indignation is aB that appears on the surface. But great events are breeding on both. sides. I feel, for the fret time in my experience, that we 'have teached the state of war. The scene wbich'we have just gonethrough, in to. us idisastrousand most lament-dile defeat—to'our enemies it is a great victory. nut , we nut only at the beginning of the war. . •, To : Mght largeprirate iweating:of ; Anti-Ne; braski Whigs 'was held for Consultation. The gravity of the crisis Ina felt en all hands. Mr. Parker, of Ind, was called to the chair: - The de bate was long, calm and earnest . It was resolv-. .. ea that nt the appropriate time an addivistishoild be issued to the free Stater. to committee ap pointed at former meetings to actin defence' of Northern rights was empowered,, if it saw tit, to eorresphnd with Mr. Benton. This . I think was 'an error, bat care be taken that it shall lead . . . to ao .bad consequences. To be effectual, this unast.be a movement of the free Btates for free dom and their turn equality in the Union, or their - . '•common defonOO intl general *elfin" out of Great care and caution xlll bo required in our future proceecilisj. • Pirtica meetings stiould.be arobted.'7 The Mont leidena efforts sheriddbornade to Induce the sincere Gemocratic :opponentaoCthe,enormity,justfinisiml to unite . , , . _ with ns. The issues presented by the emergency are not for a day nor - for:a party.' Our plan of action must riciesaarily be sectional. .otir action; too,' must be pcsitire There :do .need of a protest. We Must have protection from fu ture attacks which we know to be Meditated:— We suppose the people to be fully informed upon all the issues. If they are, and if their repro bation of them la as deep end, enduring as we believe it to be, our best course would be-per imps to wait for spontanebus expressions of their opinions and desires. Thefirst greet , ' object should be to unite the North.„ We are no longer Wings and Democrats; we ire all Horthent free men assailed by the fell spirit of Slavery. We are driven to the wall. Within a few years the best mei 'Of the'North, the most conservative and patriotic may be :panting, fugitives • seeking cOncealtnent;.and...asylrun, or pining exiles in other leads. •To Make our defense effectual it maybe necessary that we shall now , enter upon some great ernes...rye movement up on'Slavery, similar, in object at 'least, to her leading move. meats against ns for tho last twenty-Ave yearn. I What that movement ahould I will not as inine to day, for I cannot forciee what the pub lic mind wil bear. . . . But We Faust have combination among north ern men..., Of course those among us leho. bare aided in'tiM repeal of the Idissoari eompaettamt he-considered kopelemly deluded. or Corrupt. We can have no felloreldp . iithltern:: Bat of 145 northern representatives hitt. 44 hetraied their Unit, leaving 101 true men. ~ Butvre know that most of , the former misrepresented their constituents. They will 'be disgraced and. re jected.'" We should labor to cement - our. Connec tion with those democrats who acted ,cordiedly. against the bill to the end.— What we' want is a sacral northern league for the. defence of the north from the assaults of slaievy., If to secure this safety it shell he found necessary to attack the BOuthr even to crush shivery. eat of existence, we convince the north of that necessity, and devise the means to do it, • Denglaig with the fury °fa blind bull, is rush ing along to the development of his plum, To day he brought in a resolution fel...recognising the independence of Donlinlenthe 4MM-repub lic on the eastern end of the of Ht. Domin go.. ' This is a beginning !eyelids' the really:mien of the scheme 'of the Charleston : Convention wtdchweito annex the whole of the West Imlies. - Dominica is a mulatto state which revolted some twenty years ago against the regular government of the Island, and has been the continued object of fillibustering desigas since the new theory of slavery expansion was inaugurated. The ob ject Is to establish a protectorate over Dominica, and to extend it by, thegradual conquest ,of . Hayti. Mr. Chase announced his purpose of • 4iSamising the. resolution, and a noun contest may be expected over it , Juirics. TITS 'BLACK LIT OF !FEAITOILA The followingst list or the :Represents . tires from the Free States who voted for the repeal of the Mistouri Compromise eta its final passage: Xmxr:.dhwes Nor.lLurtesinut—lisny , Onmecncta—Coll hkeemmll. - • IVmrlomr.—Thay..W. Conseuhum. rranels B. Cuttleii., Peter &nee.; Jam Tweed. Illrem Waltreiden. Wm. A. Walter.. Mite Welsh. Theo. IL . Wesehmok.‘4l. ' • • Nor Jitunt4....3movl LIIIT, Rearo - TalL • i b gasiirt.rsAissuitiel A. Bridget, John I_ Dawson, Thos. D. florenee. J. tilanr7Jours. Wm. H. Kurtz, Jon. McNair, Ass i rsolter. J. Robbins. I.`hrlatlan 11. 41 Straub, n: L Witte: Ilenthiok R. Jr., Wright-11. Omo—Dart T. , Dhuer, Fred. W. Green, Moon D. Olds, Wilson Shannon-4. • ,-- , . .Stiettiosa —Samuel Clark, David Sttairt...2, ism sal—John O. Davis. Cyr.. LDenham . Norman FAIT, Wu, 11. English, Thomas A. flembleks, James IL lane, Smith Miller-7. • Imams—Jam, C. Ulm Willis Allem:Wm A: Rich .•lmrs—Berobvir,D, Timm, " CAL/roma —Sill ton O. Latham, Jas. IL lkikruiratlz.2. TOTAL , ••••Fartyr.goeir =AMR* TUC DECLULATION ItiAn',4llefore 'the. pas sage of the' NebraAti, hill, iho New. York Tribune held tho followingbuiguage, which ie. now iterat ed byhtoxlredsor.thonsands of rotes ho the North ern Statem. Rfrrnat War with Maetry Is now the rallying cry or Northern 'Freemen : 1:21=1 , L-' provoking a contest in which they have so much G• noel really en little to gain unless, in deed, they imagine that the political traitors of the North are . a - tair specimen ortith . *l-hetta peep*, and that having net themselitts up to play the...*rosirkeiowt tauter, the only.centest at the Nati ts. beateforth: , to be a competition to sei miritheir fivist.. 'Let us assure them that in this retpect they are mistaken. The politicians . at: represent -themselves. not 'the people of the North. 'The passage of the Ne braska bill will, and must be, regarded oat of Washington, as precisely what we have already -stated—a declaration of war on the part of the slnvebolders against the northern sections of this Unidn and its most cherished feeling*, institutions and principles. Let those -who have chosen to commence this - war take the responsibility of alt its consequence*. From the moment of the passage of the Nebraska bill such n war will ex ist. Where it win ea wito can sell? • The Suprenie Courtof Pennsylvanialtas revers ed the decision of the Court below in the case of Appall Ts. the Pennsylvania Railroad Co.* The plaintiff was a passenger in the defendant.'n cars from Philadelphia to Dlargan's coiner. The train should have stopped at the latter place, hut some defect in the bell-rope prevented the conductor from making the proper signal to the engineer, •who therefore went past, though at a speed some what slackened on account of the switches which were there to beerossed. The 'plaintiff, seeing himself abirat . to be au:rieden, jumped from the platform of the car; and was, seriously hurt in the foot. He brought this action, and the jury with the'apProbatiot of the Court below, gave him fifteen hundred dollars in - damages; On op peali. Chief Jnitice BlaCk; delivering the opinion of the Supreme Court: TIM remark that life and death should not be weighed against time, is true, and the plaintiff should hive thought of it when he set his own life en the hazard of Such nleap for the sake of getting to the ground a feet seconds earlier. Lo comotives ore not the'only things that may go off too fast, and railrOad accidents are not always rodyteed hy the misconduct of agents. A large proportion of thorn' s caused brthereckles.sness of passengers. This is a great evil which we would'net willingly encourage by allowitiga pre .rniuin on'it to be extorted from companies. How ever Wel the behavior of those companies may sometimes be, it Viould not be corrected by ma ting thetik pay for faults not their own. 'The Court should have instructed the jury that the evidence,' taken altogether, or even excluding that for thi defoAce, left the 'plaintiff without the shade: of :Cease, -' Judgment reyersed and ran.fa. dr. it award • IL N. AVlNlt'Prlttiliiel 'tattle Itt Ward Public SehoulA, • Pithborih L a validate for the otllts of Supriotetulent PublleSchoras fur Alkattemeromity. mylSll.tatje. DITOR. N. P. tflO PSAIN, AUDIT of llinlgham. rill be a candidate for County Auditor, Subject to the decision of the Whig Convention. • [Dispatch copy . ] rayllaikwteS CANDIDATE FOR THE LIIGII34.TURE Thous s.iviLcsos. of the Mgt Went, Allegheny, la a candidate te the State Legleilature, before the Whig Conveatlon. . , mylikikate Ittlhr Inyeelf Whls• and Ant.l-31sedole Party et Alegi:war County. as a candidate the etemloatlou, to rep regent, the oountr lek the State 1,4,44 U -ore, .d if uomlwt ed . sitd elected, mill cadaver Weer,. the public with &tat ty: to - 3:4-te . d.trwS JOU:: 111•ELLIENTY, of Sheller Tr. _ • . , w.u.:(v.usox. P.p orSuuth Pittsburgh. will be n ran,l olata Cut the State Legislature, subieet.to the deaglun of th Aotb3l*.ionle pod Whig elPla Ear Conveulion. 5nr17.4.11.4hr21.•T JO.WIt .7011NSToii, of North faxette Townshl;:ir be a. 4:att.:IMMO - for the nointootion for the Legialgto tidied to the dal•ien of the Whig Coontt Coorentiou. soyl3 ."- - ITE3.ltifif rAiTi the aL i 171 ireTiVii the . _ - .Prom Canal. be amodldata for the Legisla re. sub ject to the IMAM) of tbe Whig Coomutloo of thls co;oty. mtlollleilaT An Ktxg Drell:mu. • • • COUNTY LCONATOSIOnit: CHARLES Clt AlO. of the Citf of. Pittsburgh, sill be a candidate betbre the Inds Convention forCnunty Comets . terlathatte JOIN BUIIOUP. Epl„ot Ihkirone Borough. 'dß tie • candidate Worn the Convention !or County Own ' • whisloter. myl6,lhirtr, Cul. JAMES a GLENN, otUpper St. Clair townoldpi will ben cstuildate before the. Whig Convention for County .noyn.d.tortoT ifiTthi•l.744 - be a candidate brine the' 'Whig County Convention in County ConozolagiOner. soy;klarite Wittta.E.tzt—Plesso .nounoo tha imme Of OEO. W. IRWIN. orthei4torough or Loterestoevillo, for nomtnr non to the aka 111 County Votouttmlouer, sohjoet to- the dodsolots of the Whig and Anti-Ntasonie Contention. and oblige rays-ditrtel3 XANY WHIGS. Int. N. 111111CILFIELD, of I'i:eldest Township, I. a eau dideththe efnee of C.l . Jongy Commleelonerombjeet to the decision of the AuthMasonle era Mhz Gtheention. myl-ththterr • • lint/ne.-From the numerous solieitation — i friend* sad feloarlitlzette, I offer tnysolfse a candi date gm - the office .of Mawr., *abject to the" decision of the Conrentban, to beheld onthe3lat day of 31ar tezt. • ' • ALEX, Menai/MON. Ilttatrorgh: April 3, 16:4.-114.1.1kwt<1..2 - 301 IN PIDSTY:II. orlhadgdo town abla, m Lo.• CUL* La llegirter, Lela. the Mfg- Oonventkru In .1 WILITLYPORSYTII2 WI candidate Aa theolffice of keg. later befon the Whig Qttireatlon " aplS4a IT3L . PERKINS Is a candidate for the adze of Realm belbre the Whig Cberenthin. • _ 1731. 11. VAN KIRK, otElbabeth tkannalt. Iva nand. defednv iteticterott the caning Whig Convention. ~ IL .1. - LSIIONIs a aratellata for the . oftlact of Reember Ibielbq Whig Conventlom. apl2-te Wcoas IA a eandklide for the paralnalkttt Wr keg CM= OF . TICE COURTS. JOll3l HORNER rill be a catentate - tears the antl llssoale sad Whiz Coorinstkoa lor nomittetlon to the oaks Of Cie* Of the Courts. ALEXANDER JUL...ANDS mill Lea candidate tor the a tee of Clerk of the c.a., makes to the &def.. of the Anti-Mum& aml %Mg Convectlca. ahl2-terd• --- SA-1117EL FAIINLertn,II le • artell.Sate Ste the atm o Itemoder beet. the Whist C onvention- ' son • JOIIN, 'MAGILL; at iVed Doer Totrubtp. 4 .0.4b1 to or nu:tonics oT rowerder, bore V* Whiz _Ccariantloa. SPECIAL NOTICES. Medioule.— celo. Lratexlbaa Dr.Alclane's Tap:drag. Lemma that It la ye nailed as thsonir SPealtio earl Olt aorta, Yarn WIIII.OO/. never kg, without a anpply tt It. At this mason tartka lacy, whin warm are egtroableanai mad ft.:gam/Yr rata. among ataitttea. Parents shoal 4 be watthfah and .on Ord aptearinds of thcaeltistresaingsseptome which warn as altheirpreaenea, at ovum apply this ponetirea and etagr elms remedy. Nek are exonident that It only. regattas a trial to convince all that It riehly.taerits tba prairie that 'bare been lavished. amp It. It. Ii sate ald Volumes or cettlAtates esa Le produced. atom lag Its seat enectital virtnes.' -' , 1116.1hunliseris be careful to sat [or lIIL &MANE'S CELIniIIATKI/ • VERAIII , VOE."and toe none eler. AU other Vernal% gen. in enntharberti. era worthies. Dr. M . Verngfaco. also CC Wanted Liver Ma. cannon 14 had et all rapectable Drug Stores in the Molted Dineen rnd trout the sole proprietors.- . : •111107111 MS: IIetNIKHII 10 J. Kidd & (h. Wood etreeL Girard 'Fire and 2farine InaursiOe Co. - OF PLITLADELPOLI: 9 IV. YEILT , C ,, PITTSBURGII- - AGENCY, name,. Faun:lb, and ,Elinlthield. /treats. _CAPITAL, Inascrcan,- , Wm. • it. Padn,J. PARA arr. IC A. Cord. Paul 'Marlow, E. M. Lar4..1.-1.4 Elataticen, Thomas 11. SIII-cb.ll, Mammal .7nuna IL Outo!luir, Thomas Crave°. Wm- 11. dorm, F. D. Hannan, A. Hart, Phillip F. lin rd...r, Wm. P. !Iselin., Alex. that D.A. Yuman Sheinard,, JOEL JONILA. Preal. A. d. WRIT, Will Insure Maim. or Woollen .1141,rfes, Tesiala Cameo, L utria l i ° Tratgto l" . dise mul """Ingt=rir -- -Warehouse, ere., torseni.'--The preiaises nos In the oecupaneyotJamei .11eCulle. an Penn et., eel joining, Melts:if or the Ameeinen front the let o Aoiitensultur. Apply et lids dace. •mbla it Do. Pont Powder.—Evori voriety Rifle MlnJon and toutiosi Powder, in all al= paekanee sinew 'on Land and for rode from Magasine, le late to eon. per &Alarm on &ramble term. Alen BeGir Vine. D. W. C. OlDWELL.Maiirdheturenr Ant., reran 144 Front street, Pittebarah. SHRIVES DILWORTH & CO., - WHOLESALE HROOEUS AND ,COSEHISSI.OH, . • . Niis.l3o and 132 Second, street,. Latoteen Wood odAd rutt s tanbli te to r i e d lot i =tr Lem e ttl e T t s:k i Baum sortfyr%stre mt. amt. to which no InslL thnottntloo ortbe . dt7 trade; Jal.2-tmdk... Especial Notwo - , to persons using' Cod OIL-'The subeeriter haring .made artsagements old! Ntutr• roppiela knouipoon for a regular voUPIT of their genuine eon Lltalt OIL. vat pp 10.-pint totdleu,. mould relmeetfullylarite the Attention ofttie pabili to an eis4dantlo of the article, being folly thquiided that gm. 'purity 004 freituesifinin ninth' tote or coal, it to , one. Raided. • Than Is lane ou Cod Uwe, Ott in thlo sonata su perior, Mutual, to the itiorre. nundredirof bottles have 'hone eabd, sad given Partesied itthemetlon. the arti cle oftiod Linz Oil, persons trilitOit It tOtOold t. meld to obtain • Oleo tot article 04 me free from a rithebt taste and erriell, od its el:Lague griattir enharasni y it. taloa ieeiptable to the itrialsch Pisa not ptoduelaif assiparb, tying • phissittit tide book* it mare veiny - taken apt*, tbeleetesia mad aboditeliltdd6 ' the bloat and ;. thereby in 1 .sweats dame/mot tliattlahlitivituro tatieud best• . lug hapreainato emery togas through Mishit poseea.,- - 8.14 by - • : rot:Reandries. lanailimns, Hack -ia Cora; Lbil eha able otllerendeai BO ot.AlerearrrNo modifies tee ever been discovered aid& ban effected inch masa se Cubes Bpardah Mixture. Ural &mos pedaled** sallvellonabentlat Calash, Mallettlal Affealoneddver *Nees" Neuralgia and Shen, taidlen, beenell teal relieve* sae erred la a wonderful mow, by p. pea 4 , 94 . 1kr ot ths blood. Carter's flpan Ttui tint alb:3. !Luz... 7 idoni about! iiilafy gay mact&Onbi.' Cdt tbsigeni Ottatar paziphia taitidahgecantrdttlieloditli ELME CANDIDATES. REGISTEEL ==2l ~~ft Yea'-~.r ~.,.w..w.~ 't+cs~+~~~:.rS~. •• -• • ANOTHER LARGE SUPPLY Op i NORRIS LOCOMOTIVE WORKS iirIitiIARUFiBERCOMES----Anewlef;,pcm-I DRESS er 001)S &_;kavi &gilt three! , alert, th e 1ma,..1, rk 7. d. i p.;,c, .uti.. ..I , * e5 ,,, ..z• P.a . ..d 1.. i Chfllt. of Ole. 7Wri ' IV, rec d 1:..0 lode at the India :Aber Depot...bm 116 • i -- --, AT -ECURPHY 41 . .2111WEETEWS Ea 4 'the erten) r IS/Caltfrlrge, hareem tie ; :------ 4. L-.--•°"1! J . a iLP " I"' I .... F LINGAGED: fur num) , -ears osclusivelv in 24" ....., _ _ . 1 We hare, iMt completed ihe opening of our „7 4 °,r‘;..1„'ea`i'lgtr, 44, ..11=ii,gar, ttio..bun, ,, %: ram eupply kir Ode Springer Naw-poor.s. oar ...irt- otli4coio to re m _ ,rie.b our, drop o.r deser " lptlmi of IRMO or di& ) eo , . uloodo. reihoiii;lliintillse, Mantilla 0 , 0 th., ''''' .. 7'` . ' ... " 1 ". i , illas, Crepe and other Spring ShawLL, Danger. TIMM". lIICTIARD NORRIS k SON. Uressadlone. Lawns, ke... layers; extensive. Including new PEARLSTEAM KILL, - I styles of warm and desirable goals; also, kik:?ek BOYS' i CANAL ' BASIN, ALLEGHENY, WEAR ; Lime assortment. and all the variety of IloslertY.. NEAR TILE nALLNDADITATION. and Monet suitable for the stenos, ' ' ' i Faarflies will be onpplied_ withour .varioue It la lively that buyers End so large and choke a stock prudes of FRESH GOIOUND FLOUR. by liaritur their or• of goods to whet from sulate In the re-_son as eau nee, be dere at the 11.1.11. or in our Loxes at 1•01011. Wilson .t lb.'s, Inuedit Our establottenent. and all will find It their later. Wood street, or Braun k Reiter, corner of Liberty and St. rot to cell with:ls. bIUItPIIT k. 1 3 111C1IFIELD, Mar stu. Pittsburgh; 11. F. Schwartz, or J..T. Sample, f Drugglate. , Allegeny. • .. • ter= 'Lek North Fret earner °rub & y e s:. • , Flour will bedellerred to Ihrilllles Ineither of the title. Terme, CASH o, dellrety. fate BRYAN. KENNEDY & CO. Shoulder Braces. Should you be stooped mad troubled with Ileclang eouglaßaln Lathe breast, side or back. Or soy of those symptomi arising therefrom:•7...lll Understand ma when limy that a Shoulder Druo Lesign and oftentimes permanently cure these • Dangerens harbingers of pulmonary consumplien. Seery one is aware elan advantage such a iimagalY vo.essae fn itrahetatning and Bringing the body to a natural podtbm— itemember this all who desire an meet form. A. full cheat and aped.. lu.M.• Call at Keyser's, 110 Wood street, whore Le l Ever ready to fit all agog and conditions with Smolder Bran of the best ind latest fashions. : [rrn the Pittsburgh Dally ./ilMatel). rob. 21, • AN •Elexticrr Aariete—Pomm who hare accusimd steophm remition, by following a sedentary occupation will experience groat relief by the Mo of the . Washingion Buipandor Drage," made and .1d by Dr. KEYSER, corner of Wood street and Virgin alley, It answers to. brace andeaspendere, the weight of the pantaloons Is so VA 'Medi as to continually tend to bring the shoulder a a „lr nat ural Posithm, and orimndttho chest. We purrda.l one some time ego, and base teen leo pleased with it that se unedieltad gore it a "pelf" gratis. Women, hundreds °inborn ore annually Inlturod by the weight of enormous V . lltlrts," abould aim prong* them, brece. r4p4rtieuta r in procuring the kind asoutkond many of tho braces solder* humbug.. . • [From the PI tlxburgh Dispatch, Feb. 4, 1564.1 ffirllarlng warn ono of 11r. Berm's Washington Shoal, der Braces, until it Is no longer It for emir.., we fiiel per fectly onnpetent to discoureu upon its merits. ur ming it, the weight of the pantaloons aids In throwing bark the shoulder. and expanding the chest, voile It answers emery purpose of suspenders. No one who is “stoop.shouldered' or whose occupation is neat ntary, con orford to bo aithoe t one of the. bilge& Womenand wirhi, Whose health Is too often injured * the weight of their undergarments, should wear Main. We hare tried several kinds, but none ',corn at all equal to tho . Waahington," and we wlahothers to pront horn our experience. &Id wholesale and retell of the Drug Store of tieorgo IL 'Kerner, No. 140. corner Wood st. and Virgin SarSigu of the Bolden Mortar. ' N. B.—l also keep avert warleir of Truism. SlipPortres, laxly nraces, Pile Props, kinetic Stocking', BuintonnuT Bandages m72.1.45rT Jes Fancy Fars, . M'CORD & CO. would most respectfully nelte tha attention or Ladlos to their Lary° and amnia* stook of FANCY FUltit, now opening, oornnehirnt to Part Salle. Stone Stettin, Fitch, Lynx. Carmine, Siberian Squir rel. honk blartin, 17ettett. Coney and Stran'itDoirtn Altars Vietorinem, Miasmal. Cuff.. Was. de.; eerier Wood and Fifth Wald, HENRY H. COLLINS, FORITAItuIN ME G D • COMMISSION ANRCHANT AND IVIIGLEAALIi DEALER-IN CHEESE, BUTTER, SEEDS, FISH, Altl Plea Wee Generally • • No. 25 Wood Street, JriL . C. M LOOMIS. Or the la R te firm of 'Curdr Si Loomis, ' WHOLESALE DEALER IN BOOTS AND SHOES 59 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. Je1341.7•59 HARDWARE LOGAN, - WI LSON & CO., Beg to call the attention of Beyere to their ostecoireStook of HARDWARE AND SADDLERY, comprising one of the Moid complete arcortments In lb. RECEIVED UT RECHNITACKETS FROM EUROPE, al:Lauri:itch they oiler on tho moat favorable tennu Mery chants going gnat will And their intent nromoted by buying their HARDWARE at Nd /1/2 'Wood err , . t4inoon anort Enlarged or Varicose Veln:s, .Weak ilitiqr - ;10.75 AND would ri.peutidir lo rtli the attention of physkiana and the palls generally. to my 'assortment of Silk Madly Stockings. Knee .osPe. Ankle Pocks and bandage, ar the rebel' and eure of Tad cow re Ealarspel Veins, Weak Ankles, Weak Knee Joints and the elisions appliances need lo the en. of Cason ra. oaring outward suPpnet. Arirl Oho keep evert resists Of ?Ma sa • Rods Wrist Supporter., Shoulder Wares; and In WA all kinds of tee 4uff 3l . l aPPSanees tuawl bathe ewe 01 disease. GEO. It KEYSER. Wholenale Drutigfat; anh=daneff N0.140. ow. Wood et. and l'lrufn Alley. xiquileF,...---The undersigned, Frederic*. - 'Arena, of the inn offorrnaNterllnfsk.Co.and Th os. htenut, or the lot. firm of Stewart. d bare Shia do y termed a tfoinartnerehha under game and attire or LOR.ESit, ' aiI:MAST A CU. - ler the Napo. of manufacturing 1000 and ?fella and hare taken the ware hewn No:61 R ater etrreabetooeulfeerr Mort ennots. where they bare an hand an eeenettneut lea .Ironand Nana which they offerAr sale Una forma T h ey respeetrallr eolleit the inf or the Rebate. YR ADEIICdr Seinitt THOS.. S o UMS!. 7. A H. HOLIVIE - 88c,B119.; MANCTACTURIRA OF - SOLID BOX VICES, lIAM3IERED WON AX ;LES, CROWBARS, SLEDGES. MAT TOCKS, PICKS, Timber, Mill, Tobacco S Cotton Screws, addling dad leysfiw mum.amr.. Car and Bridge Doha, with Thread tit:al Nuts • complete, - . • • PITT,SI3IIIt it, PA., w.itrocss, No. 31 WINM, 2., lICTIWISX Taw axo SscoNo Sir - All wort warm:awl. mlt.ll-tf ARNOLD &WILLIAMS, MTV= or • Chilson Fuinaces, Wro't Iron Tu bing • AND TITTLNO GENERALi.r.. • For IVa_rmbry and Ventilation of Building:. A:'& IV. will contract o, Warming and Ventilating by Steam or not Water. Pipes or Milton's Voinue. Cit umbra, Samba Ilospita/a,' Factories, Onion lioutoa, Court Motel Jails. Ilotsla or ThroU 'no, No. ^3 ]locket littaburab roar 11.00100 • .. 034, T0 1 .1411.[X1N0. FLEMING BROMIDES, (emeaseaas ,ro WIIOLESALE DRU GG ISTS, iYOOD STREF:T; PIZTSBURGH: RA. PA/prtettve or Dr. 11tanell Celebrated Varmtfeae. Liter li '? Lc ' • • Dr: llorse's nvvoratint, Elixir' or CORDIAL—If It brinentred bovr-thls gmat matoratle e emomplleblna snehextraordlnary cum. We tan war reply that la the Arabian herb that forme its rardlnat Ingredient have been blended by the lhanlpotent l'hjenten, $ larger amount and vest.. Vrtliel.trta of curative propertres hum had heittnewe been nurpotetl Wrest In &hundred different etudes of the pharrnaeoprele.•. A ti-hole reed:rine cheat of remedial. m toliteetk, - Mettle to haw been numbined In this herb; "and 1u the MIMI: or CORDIAL weltiv• their ertn eoutrated Lemons. /t In the erred., however. not the more with which we have to deal In the Tracheal application o the medlcide. The dells., of dyspepsia., are. rued, the remove are relieved," the halfparelyead r srnotheir emir itr: the snivelers florcheadeere' are torMented no more the wealcheeorne vlanions;thwile Oflaundlie, leaver the complexion of h./ billow, the depressed inopleite Income buoyant, the AA lu.olotord In every condition of dimmer derive homedlato Windt from the nee ofhr. Memel. In. vlgnratlng E li xir Cordial. Them free. 'supported by Irrtfragshlo proof. are prereuttel to the adientlon of lea Ida. who ran verrithem by a Wails lartila of the mail rine. TheCoedial Line NTT highly concentrated, In plotted ties. Prim three dollars per bottle, too for Ave dollare,•lx .for twelve dollars' C: ItINCR Protector, - • 172 Broastway. N. Y. Bold Ll._ Drogginfo throughout the States. Cans dart and Wert /miles. General Agent. In Pliteburnh—Flonlng,Dios, corner Wood and Fourth 111.0eir .and Oleo. IL Kinter. corner Wood strict and Virgin ober. • P. newton, AlleghanY City. - Arnold & Willi A' , l u 'l s N . 0 kal/yNTJaIiti•WARE (II:Bt% UN Milt ' lIES.Wo have Nola our IFurnaoes, Patteras, do., to Messrs. ARNOLD dr.. WILLIAMS, whom via edrAlalty rcoommatltO,tba patrousoo of the public. tor6-len fa SCA ISR, - ATISISSON & °RELY. UNITED STATES LIFE EfirSIIRANCE. - ANNUITY. AND. TIIUST COMPANY. • .. • PIIILADELI'IIIA. : ~ CI7,ARTERED.APRIL O. 18:10.—Cutiica PLaprtutt. - . CAPITAL-4250,000.: , .., • fijnee . S. A a• rw.V.Thinl and Maraca grata PhuoaclPAl.• OFFICERS OF TERRORS BOARD AT PLULADELPIDA • • litatotoec: I , Steihon R. CrawFard, . . t!attl B. goidard. l'.l.l 7. l l M4plon';'- ' LITAI:Jga.n. Jacob L. Florence. amcaDo,c r „..,,„ -William at. tialolu, • • WWI.= AVEco. Prolictott—Steuhen It . , rituOn.d. , . . ries ittlident—Atobroc W. Thompam. I Nedied Eausiner—Plttsbcrh. Jamett IT. WlRcoo, U. D. Ait'SbnY•C47.ll7 Ilitant M.D. Amt, - .kohlr .:' - ' - , 71 Fourth Aloof, rut aburith • Indigestion and Liver Coinplaint Cured BY:IC LEIt'S the AdJolting letter from R6T:O. Dickerson, a )Ileelonery In Oregon: . Ma. B. Ktri—Dear ldr:-31yeelf and elfohaelatt iern tr a y r .vrd e re tibt he s t!? 7410rg 11:07 o.t nert flut o wngregationsfaatnEnrr rn thin 'lace, and seeeeal 12 , rry . sea allket he V r eXhjlelazetled en d Inaction ar, 111` . . S E, l P:'&l7;eoSi we hive never enjoyed Jeo otd,healllt Va/eats wo bow, elanthat time. I hod not taken a single bottle before Ibnttotltwaaf. the r tin tohahlehoo dletrevees the dye. Me t ! w t4 ' Va , and I trentifortta4gt Anteeibff ora " oforeeral yeeavatandlne, by the ' Sold bl 8, )(MIL Canal Mein, i}l{o.' TT: I{ glifillft. LIU Weed it. and Draggiat. sad Aledklee theta,every, . I Payer, adrarthdng Iletrolelank,l74 0e..43 M'Olintock's Family NeOicines:—We all thematic.. orn.dr or ramthe L and ahem to tb. .t TeribMlkat on the *WU , 7.0 of tbeat nhabir . Pixatir . , NELSON'S MST PREWIDI .DAVITIEVILEOTYPES, POST OFFICE HUTIDING, TIMID entan. CITIZENS:AND. STRANGERS-who wish to obtain an accurate', artistte and 111-111ce lac eskst a t raraerate=l to spuusirtg ' !or no. charm mat. - Hay tai +ma Dnaatafictfa larn.atV. Vie " ' 1; n 71 .4 1 g gbeta l t; t'hir.Z7 .wyeatilldndoindbilitari v atedtbernt4•oll., Zarial Miwititr.7..lrsttt=trtifixtt;. rug°Z3V7...""' iter' 6°4 Ease and COMfort.—Tho Confornmtor, lately Imperted from Perla. emertly nate the hot to the roouUo dupe of the Head,. a now hat le an easy ma the head as an old one A neat tit and s good Hat may Le had at 77 Wend et. are.tr W. DOUGLAS. - O'CONITE.II., BROTHER & CO., • RANKERS AND INSURANCE DEAL. MU, No. 115. Wood street, one door from Vint exec!, Pitt. buenb.—Dny and sell Van and Current Funds, Sight nod Than Enr.lnnße, Coln, Stool., Eastern and Western Time Dills, and Promlsiory Noteg allow 0 per not on Titan Do makes of Pon and Current Money; and Insure Fire and Marino Potholes for tho MINA LW:Mtn% COXIVINT, Capital, S 170,000,) and !torsi 'meat:ca. Coar,cr. (Capita 10.000,000) Out t. A. [MIL.. A. IL Copartnership lilotice.—Ln unlimited partuershlphas thi. d ay been formed between E. A. Kn- VII. end A. B. KEEIII o for the tarpon, of wholesale Bud retail dealing sod enantacturlng of lints. Caps nod Furs under the - hame and styleof ALF. KEEVILA CO. All the debts of E. A. Keesll and A. 11. Knoll will be settled by the 'above firm, nod all pOrPOIIII indebted to either of .tho abovopartiss wilt uuthe payment to Mt &reit A Co. P Pitahorgh. May 10L11.1951—my12AL. KESVII. It W. -3tre itizen's insurance Compy of yntsburgi. H. D. KINO, Protrideni... )3....MUEL L. MAILSMILL. • OPFICt. 11l 1 r.V114,11/71 2 MARSET.AND DM. INSURES HULL AND 0.4:rt.G0 -nisxs ON Tin nio AND MISSISSIPPI AND THIBUTADDE dT tdaDres 000iort Loss or thrown by Psrr. ALSO adabut theperdz lie, SEA artd NLANU NAVIQATI OIP anV TRA.II SAAR TA T lON. ,fiva,D. . miK i .4 , 150 , 7. _ . . _ DIP"'MU Wm. H. M. Alder;, Jr., &mud Res, Itoltert Dunlap, Jr, Rt1;111=1, s.n.ri.u,b,- r.h.52,0,.. • Dame M. Permnek, J. SchnoSnmakerr, Walter Bryant, I Wm. 11.1laye, _________ John Ablyttm. INSIJRANtre OMPANY, NEW YORK. CASH - CAI'ITAI ? sa e. 20100 A! WOC4St/Vet.4 . 1110/I.lrA. DIELCIUM. t. .-....Cat0 of the Ilatt.6.oxL no F o i n n tot r OPT ----Finn of lkon ' o, l KlL .......Firm of Clain, Melliu of tlecn,o }film ei • ''MP"..9....;!!!Lh0.. L ..... Richar our d ff-iniana Ohm. 1.1114.1" - - Unary 6 144114 awl. 1444 2107,U - J1 !•1M e1.11.110w0 & t Co. Mina= 0. LusAArg .- ----Finn of A.& A. Lawrence A Co. 7P"l"&trilulltk. ~,,,,,,,,,-C e: W V." A grilgrar. 2 E L Leri .... Firm of J. 3 3 . Wel^ Morgan A Co. Amu T. of Trowbridg. Dwight A . Jain C. Nes•Alo Firm Of Nelson k CO. (7.arl” 1741.1knin ... -Firm of Ilnldwln, Starr Co. Gwrpt C. MIA. l -Firm of :therm.. A Collin.. (korpe / in of E. D. lorgmt &Ca. UMW. ..-.... —Finn of Coulon, [album Co. Thomas dlusetmen .... ..... Sinn of 1. 4E, Illescenmer - Lktritf !Hem ofJohnson Saufuni. C3pla 11 Abram— --Farm of Norton, Butler A Hoyt. Shades ..... S'es.liert Amt. ..... Ilod ,o 11: . ..1(1m1 .'L lAtenrs-.... Anat. A.l v,M.' ilia. of Fhvxo , Balmer A Dwight. haat 11. Folharsplurcr. Firm of Prothltutham. Newell & Co. 11 . WC. ....... of thrift, Hurlbut & Co. Finn of Condit &Noble. Irinf MAE: .. . .. . . -Simi of Work A Drake Itidhan 11 Stleavell...-....Firm of - Olbtmn, Stockwell & Ca. Janus illonp3roy.- —Firm of Harney, Humphrey A Butler. r ....... Omtittental honk. In. ,a: ltrre;;; Firm of Wells. Fargo & Itmer Marx. (Avow ..... ..._.Firm of GoOrlfro & CHAS. J. 31/HATIN. Se SIMEON b. 1.001115, Prexklent.cretors aum Flom.) kt-IrdAlrEi PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital St o tk , % Ati n TZMPLY l icestero a, $l,OOO 000. INCORPORAI'EII 1n25. Policies of Insuranoe issued at all times on the most favorable terms, aping. : 1.1..0-SS . OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, Oft TUE PERILS OF NAVIGATION. Dr (IF.OthiE E. ARNOLD, Agent ;:thif=s:l3T3lB Per Plttsburnhalld Alloghoor MUTUAL - FIRE AND STA MARI TE NE INSIMANCE CO. OP PENNTEYLVANIA. nRANCII OFFlCE—Comer,Fourth and smithncla Atroots. Cittxburr,h. CAPITAL. 313n.006, Inumrottr--John tt huttolrfunt. hour bin Co.; P. C. Amino - irk, Irorrhimmo Samuel Joao, Phuaartri , lB: A. wiiUmc Ilantor.'Prttehorniu.A.,A. Carr or. Pit A. J. Gillett. Ittniyhorr: E. T. Jon. , Iforri.dntrlo t trri .K.lotti Carlo. thttrJohn 11 Ituthorliml. Dauphin Co. JOIN - P. 11 1 414gtDi PreChnot. A. A. emuti ER, Aernol l i. • rho above Company will ;Lralndt 1,118 of Pea and bland nailottion and transportatioto ninn, bnildinno end to B rchandtp. in nr monitor. at lured rotor. eon. tither with atretr. Volta. holoOd on throning • home. either totroottrallr. or tor a torn. of morn I nos:torli...il • PITTSBURGH Life, Fire & Marine Insurance Company; OFFICR 5; Firm STREF:T. MASONIC•TIALL, PITYSIIIIRIIIf, PA. I JAES X 1100-I'.. Presit (7tn term A: Co4tog,' M Pgerotary. This COmpany makes every Insurance ap prolating toor i‘noteets-d with LIVE MARS. Also. airsitirt I nil and Cargo Risks... the Ohio and Mississippi river" and tributarim, and 31arine Chits gen erally, And at Loss or Damage by Fire, And unioat the Perlle of the Sea and'lfiland Navigation Poll and 175111.grortatton. r • *I Lb* Ned tore. Bib st• kr JAIL IVARDILOP. Wlgtr.l4-4 ' 'wit eia1i ,1 4 7 , 1-'l %AVigitra& • • • ..,\ • \„. 14141 . fret nottactx Fauoy,:French Lave, Snake sEmb'd P . ancy 00.1samei‘,St Glace. P‘olal .4 Rutland .esson, r,. slug t to 'Um Wtotent trade, for• puivhstiag., sA UCTION P . D s , AucUoneer. Cbrlenotrial .ticre* Emma. owner Woof and FiRA 'ere* IFIFTEI ST, PR PEWIT AT AUCTION.`...,-. At the Merchants' lExchantre. Pittsburgh, on Thera y evening. May krithAat o'clock, will hesold that value. Ode lot 0ra1...m.1,1c. hat Rth between Bmlthfield end • Urent sta., haring afront oral ft., and extending beck 110 feet to an alley-20 wide. on which he erected • two story brick Term% onehalf residue in one and two years, With Interest, I.:treble- anmmily.- Title indlitynttible.- Sale pesitire , a s the own r has - made arrangementato re. move from thawity' yIS P. M.DAYISAuct, VALUABLE REAL - ESTATE 'Al' : TAUC TION-{Sill be sold On the. reeds. on Tlielar. June let, 1553.012 o'clock. Chet verTdedreble arty being handromely situ. 1, oljolniug the residenen Of Alex, Dreekenridge, Ear, E. D. Jones, Ilso, John Are • demon and others, Yermerly the property Gree:amine Cher. I h ne,Vel ‘tsifurrif'ut on , - there s Dwelling Mouse. It is e very de.ienido location either fro', country residence or f. irerrlool. Inutwees. and ollits many Inducements for e profitable Investment • For particular% inquire of Alex. Ilreckentidge. Eat.: acne the pro l o sopr of Mr. 1101,1. Wetann,lin. TA/ Liberty It., Agent re i property- Terms \ sale, ...third cash hi band. the halance two annual ristalmenta. with inten-st. secured, by bond end meditate. rny24, P. 31. ItAVIS.Anet. XECUTOR'S SA LE OF BRIDGE-STOCK -On Thursday evening, June Oth, o'clock, at e Merchants' Exchange. •Pittsburgh, wi 11e add. by decd. Davison. Executer of Arzbell Staterifield, deed. eight,. shares Onion:laugh It bigot:OM vs. or Stock. my2l P. M. DAVI • Auct. • tiittlr onto Apalschien copy and mod Lill to Ohre.] I),ItiURNED ASSIGNEE'S SAL 1 - '-Zon . Thursday evening. 25th Ind- at it o'clock; at the • erchanta'Exclusage. ith at., will be wild. mum.. ly to hvorder of Wrii. M. Genet), amilaween(Jes. blocaghan, all the right of the said Monaghan, to tie cer tain lota ore-Pound In the city of Alicabeny, hewing a front Of2o feet an Pelee. rt. end extending hack 110 ft. - to Pork st,being the site or the let. Washington Cott Mitt Terms cash. my2l -• P M. DAVIS, And. QTOOfiS - AT: AUCTION—Ott .Tnuisdny \tJ el - ening-15th Inst.. at tt o'clock:et the Merchants' Ex. Ipantre, 4th at, wlll be told Ike aCcount whom it may COD. 03" \ 40 shares Ohio mid PenotJt. toad Stock; ' d d o o .t i l t l i enta i Ll em 'al it .y ath do k - d dw in AO do Assneleted }lron/epic Ins Co. ktork, . With other desirable Stocks veld* will announeset at time Ifwal% .0721 P. M. DAVIE, And. rrIIUSTEE'S SALE OF' LU ABLE REAL E.SI'ATE-41n Satunlay ate. Miry 27th. ; at 2 0' 'cock. \ the prernie, will le sold without reserve. by or. , der of holt \ mars, lint., Trustee for trmlitora of Daudet l langhey, the following property, agrlbly with the plan'. etaurtion Nrm oals: rirce two - dory brick lions. rind lot% situate on the • south shiner Liberty st, between Water Frontats. -\ An.. Om, lotbfgrountr teljoirAng too algae, heeler: front - of Mrfeetl;end attending beck no average depth of CS feet. A 1 se.one lot h\ aving a tread on Water et. 4d extending back Omer. feet:to a 5 (net alley, with - the privilam/ d'art alley G whla \ • Aim, one lot havfog a front of Dlt feet on liatciaL and extending back en triers. depth of AS - ft: 7- Indies, with the privilege of the lutmentioned Terms, onothird rash, residue in one end telt Years, with interest, payeblepanually P.M. DAVIS, And. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS AT• 0 - 4 • T It) N- Will he addat the etinamerelal calm roams, comer Wood - and sth eta., on Saturday erening,Mer 271 h, com e iriag at o'clock. a very groat ...idiot mi. 4. len Irs, new and second hand. whiett wilituterelit Ilel is of readers In she solo la a putt. of emirate library, which embraces • large nutriberof the Derrasendle. healers, and 'Foreign American Questerilee end L ainsiourt: d ee., 31. y of theater:A/ardent... okra. mon.ii Moog super-14y, bound mph. gram Fetidly Bible, c br' ll,l French monevrego.statioarry,kc. P. Si, DAV/ P.Auct. ceLEECE DALE )'ARM AT AUCTION-- 1i Title tektulifubblite baring beim divided by the eub. her, Intojoin. canning from meta tee ante., will be cb Ye at public nde. o n . the premLece, pn tbaurdaY.Joan tll o'clock. Thiam noir inert elated In ley ofehartiers , about mil., born the city.' ' Th e land 'L exerVely fral ll e and Well watered, and admirably alined ,rd tardenlo p but a short Metalline from, 110 d Stenbeneine .11 , bo. iwalnbwkstr n troodz roads. tend can be reaehco lth nem at all Minlol3ll. ef tba yank , Tberel la nte a one of the lemon excellent bonen barn and alba, out . i blli/214.nrdp , !ekite br.lbler of [talk trepe r kt gird 17 ' tmelLektececreill toir;readincee The -Coessek Market Its to nmony.thidera biting Itue, where telt. \ all. , refreshment. will be providcd. aux had .by calling on tbe euberxiber. Terme literrat." • • • • .m.YTer-ed .• 10c-- r. 6:,1 num.'s Y. . • • nivivErtm. - --Tha,PlLbilaii g lilinat Colo ur par hvre thisdrelaral ft.dlrldend et Fara per ut. on Its &re mat u ttlAsir wilts of th? last six , JO/IN D. RarliA.Y.'&toler: Hew . carpets! New Carpets!, ~ • ti( Mice E hare just recd plot of Ciussly's Pat ,' , ent Aubusson Carpets, conslstle st afel ideoeS rt hlen we w I dispose orat the extremely low oYlSe.per i p Altos full supPlf or Jußruir ly new edam. duvet from will be .1 lover than wa r Valuabbk. , ,Bnilding \ gottntry Reside= of the CiV..of .Pittsbargh. .. . ... • 9111113 subs*ribers offer for sale 28 ifezi)Ablo nt * ,l =kg ,, l=siruat i, ; i .'4'ti m eNl2l• l 4,A r t•tict i a'- town. I ;baler tokoohlp, -Allenbehr ...aft. Pe. Th 1:: • , Lets ere turbos six -tuna G rit limp ikd b r mr.t. s. i s it ef them fratif 1 to, lea, tutioltdult each °titre.. And • , Illtewlse *terol sznaLlWarms. from 21 to 70 saes nth. lin : oiled ou woods roods. adjo g /ands of Phillip Al ilk, and \ - • i otbers, near \ the Plank Road, about t `,miles Otto Pitts- \ . ' b •ltereeni &shone 1340,/ng th em will do well to call \ • n 0... Thomas 11"110ou ElhsW.eu flue Creek., who beetlestle of this:no .to the lots laid not. Terms iteir--enedhlrd In bend nod the Warn. tnTour to flee equal mutual Per mane, with I tertst.. \ Ito Now IN th e All t l=l:4ltlit tillor t ip:, &f e l:impel : Pr A ig i efill be made knorial . :% , • 1 ' n no ' .Ohy.f. BUM /MAL: IltD.11 : ol Mete Agent. ; I r e prbehtan. Do nn e r . I t .als T 14t L 18311,—.dad _ - ' •- • 'Lots for . . ale or:Lease. . , ANUMBER. 0 \ BUILDTNG ' LOTS, 'on - 1114dock.VoramerieWnil nr•ur,•ts., and on Penns. : reek... Thew, to ere eUrdblysltuided Ur Dwelling , il' I. limlopeidicitme, d will Le acid Um On ens,. terms or will le leased for ten Y lid law. a. tnor spit thane ~,,i •••.. .Tit \ thew. . for Pattie: It enquire OC; 1 '. rd it lIALLs3I. \ to r l7-f oio — fii LBS. U TILIMAIIINEiris-tore and '', .k r,,r,,, ...,1• liir pie lir in rIS - i . .1 , 11:311NC - 7R4S. ii.,Zioill.faiii ' .' ' /...) linli.bilStbir 'a .....1 - 5,: 7190 t i P! e t - I4 t altn • l ' re • ... ar l 4 .-. '' • N J. J. tlltA!..:l•4o‘Y,P,v3l\•, 1 r DOZ. I , INK. LINING SKINS ree'd and J f..d sole br . myth'{ J. dItANT"../101YRY. • I ■ l ‘.ritlD--, 150 ah..Loalville Liiin ' in store'';.;\ ; \ ijr f or nate Lt, d! Vd . J. ks W...2 l _RA.7AlViitine eit. \\, \ I aikkrs—\lol.lo bus. ins ato for salti,Ly ',.:\ 3_, r•v_o\ .s.* it. RNA, if truer tri. litig . .F.Looll.--.40 \Willi. in : I noreljiEinin bi : , _,,t mrliN__ . \ \ J.B.ll'A. 74, Witter it- . . D "Y liAtiji- I'l -1(* eaCkß Drk'AP k i e es; • \ \ \ ''' 300 aka Orr slawYZI•lO-- • \"—. . ie--. , d, ‘, _ ' ), Li ouPs - —ll6 0 - 0 F \ A .I. rayl7 ‘• Alt U-25 6 , fils 4 from etesiner Alto 113!tA0T/VAli - %3 V' a- tref til'"l4'ixt74 FlX'''''''' rair;VITI. ~ i \ \ ', itnref Dlngin.ATl',4l;tittl:&th"t --'' .: \'\ . \ ,Inrl3 \.. .•• AY it " 0 xr0,44. ••••,. \ lU 4 lBli r -.2.5 bbls. sujferloank e 7 out; '' \ 1 '' \ .11.\ \ \ : t ~,,. do din . , - \ 41; Ids. No: 3 swil/fyi e l A t 4P l 9 -\ • ~, \ \ 24 ) 4 • N `V41 ; ...X.1 ; 11 i. i • ..,;, , fl . \\'•l \'•• \ tale by \ T. farms *;3 Arend s t.. •\ • ' irt LAS,S-•.-.150 b38....551.6 '1 1 (:7.1 - 41I; : \ \• ' , 2 ~ ‘A• \ 50 do . 10:12 ‘N,a... , \ - , . .. " \ - Vf. TO , igilt V , ‘P. . \ , .10 by t[7l'S ~ , T. LITTLE 1.. lid BOOK :4 iiFloiiB---tiiivitzzi L .tt‘r , \_ , , t ,, •• eage tt ry bah; ' Arn r it hut , t l l:l7,:r n et s fiter •ad other 2l 2 l 2lr ,- \ Dream Land h t , Day tight. For sato h rOral • •.-_. ~•___ . gAlr A ( ~ G. \ L.' UNDRIES, , ,L\:( . #6,. Biteon. ' assot t 60 1 e..k ma.i.r. ' \ •_ Is sikl , . Fgtl , r.S .11 mibl!'dolid.C°lrrio. no.r s ..4tel " fr ' Zi .1 .• 1 :-•-•\1,14. - h, -. _. tor .a. by , Uly3) • ISA I All rll 6714 Y Ol \-• _ \ "--, - - OW 18 TiiE 11.11 4 1T oReciU;iliti\i;: -. e:et r. t rtlan ford entiAry rel4denee tlear the tity, \ r... arvrllll4 etre for &an. time. JizatalltelM It 1.4 m il es temullee elty=z- 4th el., ....4, 4,,,,,\K., S.. -•,.. &Mal WFarlanore. re wt.... 4 yku kimm km • }o , t Lawny . and Ills aplentlid Tfl4.r .....h. ..: \\:\ ig.W.Nl , oPrZue'itrgli. \ in - itrit r : ,, ~ ~., 4..„.. In .. ,0 r tti1h.,,,,,.. 41, i3.. . k.am e ib., \ , . , s . .... 4 kv, it nn be diAd.d ?into ....,,49.4'.."1,n .hamt W , th W. . ether h. Canter of loeatloti. -o,4ltthetyr are several tac t \ : WhairldfC:4l.llZ4tr.refs4l7,Y46l:rtt4jr..M.-- N, Whoever ‘44ta rich, cati ongulx: N ~; i:. , ' • 217 1 ± 1 ,_•,: • • . , ..Tit 5y1)(4).3”:114 _.., ~ LI I . i ii - DlakS- 7— = --111M-TftC.l4:l l ; --- 77', -:.:‘,„ • _ .5 ttts.a,i...:' ildo ' 114iIN bff..-• 'Eg a.Z? 4nini: ,__ .,VauVAxi•,.,.:.., \ I. niixed - lited at•ths', iWketore of H. SADLER; A Ilestterty;s3,oo.ll, f1;74 • neio ParV43- JrW PAllAS%Ltiltio.y oil,.4d p ig?,!* i24.1141,"44111.''i1. "rtAntiAle,,i., mr22 HA S, SLLKS--A. e - • I'l4.ldand Stripe) i„,,,414,4" .tyle. In. 443-4 r..yers rarer Iik4INERAL Corigivso, iT.II, C. d d. l / 2 and Elan ;Usk ILDJEdtts.mmitEAlactirLl Afti:Ao,A, 0,7 dm gultable 'fortunes or tentlnen. Thou +.l tl 0.4 in Julia. 11 r this kind would thi;ql to ettll' nod o.\: y i e Ulm* be*, Duzebasing dn.. . 6 466' 1117‘...1 t r . : ,kr . . his very . eozoilat• Sobs Tipciu MEIMI ' -c. -\\ \ ' 1 -'' - :','.',gl:4