The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 01, 1854, Image 1

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. . . ,
W E.& V 0 . •
=t r .
PV= ow Maw SW" Doel 00 TUT POST OM=
. . -'.- TERMS:
AID L Y-Sin 6inaza Per itatnoto., payable halt Id*
WILSK LT-Two sun oto In ads et en. t
will be supplied on We owing
Stove sopkr We Ss 05a...-....-.... 2 ,..—.3 6 00 •
tax ropier . m d . . ---.7 =- .. A 2
' Tien% eopiee tM
6o ...................--. --... 20 00
The beau+ kw emelt ab tol:sAdremed to Tom*
Sod to to paid inuriata In adranoe. wo club to
D. end after the rear aljdrea n a t. the maaer te pen J.
• Musa .
chm..qoaro, (1011=f lionleuell Ag "...i 0
Do each addltkmal inesttlem..-- . 7
Do three ''
.Ds we
De two monhs-. ''''' - .... 700
lb three Months--
Do .It mobthe ........ 11 00
. Do theirs nunatia .. . . 13 00
Standing Dade. (6 *tat ar ithipee andum) 000
One dotter Re oath anditkonal line.
0,,,,e 1 maL thanthable at'lpleseure, (Der an-
N.:LT . 2=44:M ' . P" in;;;Teal;er one MO 4 n S Z thd
mat addltlenel *Daft lunette& under the yearly rens&
hall Path
Ativerthementa thesedlig &square, and not over Olken
liner, to be charged la a aqua:sand • half,
xi:blithers 0009 accountable for legal adeertiannets "
i.=:l U. amount cheated o.r their publication.
=thing cindidstai for °Mee to be charged the same
ise other sehertimatante.
6=ertheasenta not marked on the emir for a theothed
of ltherdons, Mlll be continued till forbid, and
DaT O 090
of tialVi i ;ertise . ale staidly limited to
their men Immedis:trbuninesa, and ell st asthma:mote for
• the benefit of other preons, 0011 .11.4 "" ' t.
not ImmedLately connetted with their own business, and
_ - all dame of athrertimment In length or elit'tr". 4 9 ..
' thud the limits engaged, vr be chinned at Om usual rate&
Yoe all that transient advertising, be erlarstel
rendered, and prompt
payment Is deeire.E'
All adenthements fiSr charitable ituditutkrns. fire roar
lanim. ward. townsldni and other public meetings, end all
Political meetings and satins& tote charged ballof7Der•
able strictly in advance.
Marriage notion w it t
ed charged 50 cents.
Death bonne l oltho.l charge, onkel secompa.
sled by ftheml Invitations or obituary notices. and when
so scoompanled,to be paid for.
Regular sd math& end MI others lending tommunior
Mona or requiring maker dedgmed to m.ll attention to
WI% Potreo; Concert& or any publie entertalmthote,
when amain are made be admittance-all notice. of pa.
f • rate asseciatiane-svery notice dthigned to call attention
tt , Peleuth entearthem, valculated or Intended to promote
Individual Interest, ant only inverted with tha under.
etandlng that the mot, le to be pedal for. if Intended to
Isol_neerted Io the load column, th e earth (111 be charged
at the rata of 10 amt. Per Una
DlshoD ot sir thaws to be ebusa4 trlDle yth.•
Tenth Llama Petltions each.
Real Estate Agents . lend Audio:meat advertisements not
to be dialect under yearlY rates. buraLlowed a &mount of
thhipthree and one-third per cent from the amount of
bus at 4•IIZEIT 17 DULY 1.17131.11.
tare dquars, 50
Do. . that midltional lasertion. 37
Strezerternsars ne :run 1.11211.
Oth liquero,.(lo litho) one Ithation- t ---50 nente.
Do. rah additional Insertion -25 tenth
All transient adverting:rents lobe paid In advance.
couier AAlrr Iltra ruv
N. ll m
No. 57 Market 4. Auhrein TA'
Bank of Plitsttrit..:l. t
Itrobsaire Bank 6,1......1Ar
Mar. and Manor • of do—Dor
Bank of Oootrorrht...—...par
Book of North Amedea—par
Bank of North'n Llterthatohr
Bank of • Bank of Peoullvania.l.
Cloomerelal Book of •
Tarisiers . Idocloardor Ilk-par
Xsasla Muuof ston BUM.. ....!•"M
&athwart Bank.--I.—.par
Western Bank_ Por
Hank of Cbasabersbaralt
- Rank °Modes Countr—Par
Bankßank of DandnDeL e.
Bank at Gannantown..l—rar
• Bank a Ilettrebtowl...
Bank or ewistown..
firO k tg a at i 7 (NMI
&oak orNortlonnberiaa4. •
Ooloarbia Ilk a frildsiCa-par
• Doylestown Dank—...L—.pas
fastrare Ilk of Burks Co—par
Warmers' Bk of laneaster—rez
Pkrokere Donk of Readinirrar
Pam. Ilk ofnewhord.lll:Ca
• E "BWI=.'I
Lebanon Dank—,
Idiom' Hank of Cotton&
Pronon_ppekela Bank-
West Branch • Itant.:..l. Ir
W rondos
Oblo mate Bant—..
=I at. Akr0a......
atarbens---- do
• : =l% 13=t7.: da
at T0ir50.....t.. do
• • = ao
Twire . =:.: do
&snob at ambec..4. do
• linnet at Aehtabale...— do
arsaebealant..• —do
. • Branotist IhrerSeld — ..—...• do
- Diandt at do
is Erma& itt CtenientatL.- - do
at Irsaldnitan
at do
linnet at M. &mow,
'=et at tlpdsignel at 1..--.
&rinat Mk
m d e at Zanarrilla.....
at Norwalk-I—,
at Piqua —•
Bran at Portentrog.h--
Dolioll i !totes r4 7. ... 1 .....-
Mien &Oa
Da coo.
Pfttotronch tiny
• Do. oop.
V"' 80,
rs dam.
Chime Deposit Hook--
Stosoossimls I
St. Mir St- aridva:---.. 1
Nort nand taers St. Brides
Pltielbli Life lonrosusop—
Western InastraoorOs_
Plreaunes Co—
WC WAN sucimpi,
r1 c 1443a0 Worlia..l
31 Is &seawater.
Y r Blootaralor
Pomo. land lialleara—
Oldoat- Anna. Railroad,
Mt. a Otdo R.l d_..._
iplovilasol & WARM* R. R.
Karla* Rallooar,Pry Dock
rayotra 311111111LU0.:.1.........• (Rua Donde (01d).....
Da && Orr ) I .j.
Tartlo Oroot - floa
Pak R 4
• fimasbwr,Tarnidiks
Martian .ftat Co-.'....-...1
North .Wentins..-...
Pittsburgh • 1.. 34723-*
Doosissi Houhirton.
°hie Tc•P itact.... :
Mattßaas 71011.3m7
' , No •
FADION mid' Domestic F
ILato• anal Liod W•27211th
este. imostee.m_th.
llngdomm t.zr ewe
Steaks t and sold an Commtsd
X••• 7 volt au &psit, sad into'
f or•• foectSod Lew
BANK.FRI - WIRSI2 4 ZI . CIIANOE • 00I • atm ie,
• a. 4teurUl atm; epportl4 Mak '
noz ybrlT l .l ,o4l 7!! . int most Übe:rain
- . .
rdto hi thoroughly built,
ono to ...tic uon• - moo athilirM C;mr. inp,ROL,
i tb=4= 1" .=7417.1, j a i =
2 . War Pa.. *we, . 0
word tote * t om
ru in. or let& Ito ma
=Tr rit Tar I I
J art ' tit ..P . l=t 'n'r
p s trAnlram=...
th"' T.L77.7 °" l " ,
I t! te=e, ept
"SW 9•91... L Soot Patent, and la stead:led to the
Thrash and mm Mr:4MP U,. aram arid chaff
tram Os can satlaraotionabeam..
• mr22l,T
SCOTT,lDentist, Fourth street,
sk,.fita doors ewe of Ilutot-911a.
All wait irarrsatea.. tag
~~~ ~-~
..:it=il 44 ===6
SHED 1N 1786
A CARD.—llaring been appointed the ex.-
; atItIM. Arr:Z=l.7 l l'ZinVttl? t i`g
T S. ➢iORRISON , Attorney and . Connsel- ' .C.otertd ht l b
- JEWELL & EON. orDartford. o .." '
. for •t L•w. DIM moored to No. 44 (Ina atteet, Me r" 1" ' "
mattabetwed. at the nfaetnrer'• Ptiee& D &Aid&
•mortment of an 'Oat..
mar Fottetta, Pitiehmah, De.
I tingupetior to my Le
• ather Deltio
stork r ever before ap a rt
W. HALL, Attorney at Law, "Bake- na t bnwt a itte tr i ra •t the
. mire Buildings," Grant aired, between Fourth •ad • "Machine Belting Depot," No. LIB Market 'Meet
• end wr,n3 .1. M. MILLIE'S
ROBERT E. PITILT‘IPS, Attorney arLaw, j 4_IISTIN LOOMIS, Rent ' , Estate Agent,
St. LOtliS. ; Stock, Merchandise .4 11111 Broker, Owe No. 02
(meth stmt. store Wood. Busineu invent4W attended
I to.
JjOBERT POLLOCK, Attorney at Law—
Gamer of 1111.11 sad Graut streets, opp3dte UtsComrt
s Stns. Pittsburgh. 5..T24.1.53
TAMS J. 1(131N, Attorney at Law, office M. GORDON, Secretary Western Insu
lt" Fourth dnet. near Grant. l'ittabargh. jals-41T • rarta. Co., 92 Water street
FRANCIS C. FLANEGIN, Attorney at Law,
Na 110 Fourth genet, Pittsburah.
dASPER E. BRADY, Attorney at Law,
!Co. so xtreet, Pittstmrstb.
XERNAN & CO., Bankers and Exchange
Brokers. No. 9.5 Wood street. corner of Dhunond Alley,
limb, Pa.
Wiluy and sell Bank Notes and Colti,_ Discount Mon
Exchange...d Prornisiory Not. make Cbllections in MI
the principal cities of the Enloni.geeebre Deilosits on call
and on interest, and glee their proroixt attention loan oth
er matters appertaining to a Broker's business.
13Easiern Exchange constantly for sale.
att. itanx nOlaxcr. Mita
IcRAMER & RA_HM, Bankera• and Ex
change BrolterL BUT and all Gold and MTN' and
tt Notes, nifirotlete loans on Ram] Estate or Stook Sem
o&purchase Promissory Notes, and Tim Bills on Fast
.d.% est. Boy and sell Stooks on Commission. Collec
tions mado on ell points in the Union. Wilco corner of
Third and Wood streets. directly opposite the St. Charles
lloteL myl-IT.
D. KING, Coin, Stock and Bkohingo
a Broker. Fourth street—B.4*mM mils' Stocks on
rundesion; Brehm:lan on Eardern elites suppl i ed M en,
rate, .O made on the West at lon slew; We,
tern Bank Notes Bought and sold. jr2S
Li:ALMA It, HANNA & Co., Successors to
Rueter. Hanna Co., Bankers,Exchange Arokersand
r. In Tongan and Domestic Eschantre, Ceilfleates of
Depose., Dank Non., and Spode—N. W corner of Woul and
Third streets. Current !loner received on Deposit. Sight
Cheeks for sale, and conatlons made on nearly all princi
_point. of the United States.
.I.ha highest. premium paid for Foreign and . American
Advances made on ernishrtimente of Prodoke, shipped
east, on liberal tams.
IVI. /1. WILLIAMS & — do., - litinkers and
zebange Embers. math East cornet or, Wood and
Thlrd Areeta, Pittsburgh.
All trammetkma made on liberal terms, and coneetiona
Promptly attended to jan-ly
WILKINS & CO., Exchange Brokers,
5 1,h 75 I. `"tx.c.=Vll 'cra d irni b :.t i r yrr
f..LARLMER, Jr., Banker and Bro
ker. tth street. No. te, edjolnfolog the Bank of
rrryssunau MUM; UT
. .
SONS, Brokers.
• and Fourth .U. Pitfrbfrroh•
Itraneh at Ydungrton- do
City Bank t Cincinnati:. do
Commercial Ilk.Cfneinl- do
Franklin Bank -.- do
Lalafe / Wo Bank do
Ohio wo Ins-a Truster,- do
Western Reserve flank_ do
Bank of )Israillon ........ ,
Small 80b,.e .. 1
/ NEW WA: ...........
poal I\T HOLMES & SON, Dealers in Foreign
. and Domestic DUD of Dzehange„Cestlikates ape-
Dank Notes an Specie, No. 09 Market street, tts
nosnhte, .
Dif - 00'keton d e
made on all the principal ci Pi ties
throushotatthe United States.
WM. H. surroN.
Who:teak Grocer, Importer and Dealer in-
VOREIGN WINES, Brandies and Old MG-
Kent 'fork City--.—par
Baltimore •Tor
RW. POINDEXT.KR, General Merchan
• dire Thrace and Couttniseinn Sleruhant. 187 Mont
streetsad HS Sessiudgthist, Pittsburgh. irtetaukd
IVM. A. MeDLURG, Dealer in Fine Teas,
V V Choirs Family Orocerie• Wooden and W/now Ws...
corner of Wood and Sixth Street.. la now reseiring • an*
assortment of Fresh Goals. in eddltiort to his already er,
Louth. stock. ;Forehand limn first bands in the Eastern
markets. which will be mid at the lowest tovkat. prices.
161 - Hach, Steamboat.. and Fmnille• buying by the
quantity. supplied at wholesale rates.
Wlicssis delivered in the city free of charge. Kula
Rank of the VaNor.— y
Beek of Ts-Rlehmond
Rs. Dank . Va.. Norfolk . "
Yemen' Bk of Vireo!. "
Blerehented Meth:Dank "
North Western Dank.— "
ki;MI Mlt
Bank of Caw Fear_ 2
Bank of Bt.. of S. unrows 2
Cam. 8a1k. , 11 - 11Entsigtom. kivehaa 2
: B Bank of
Bask of Cbarkstos....,..,
Planterek Merbsn'e Bk 2
A 1r; A. M'BANE, Commission and. For
. *lading Merchant.. dealers In Wool and Produce
genendb: also, Pittsburgh Manufactures. No. 114. &mod
street. Pittsburgh. - ap6-1 r 7.3
S. LEECH, MuALPIN & CO., Whole
tuttusglo.7-11,..ttud Donlan In Protbdono, Metals and
sunalletures, P.Ox 212 and 244 Liberty stmt.
i tmidf.ll 3
Bk ;rotund* Aairi. '2
Allnolvent 8ank5..:......3
Bk Bk of Keatuckt,LoolsVe
ofLoolree, Taunton
Northern BkorKeittacky
C. men. non.. I. n ololo] .
ROBISON & holesale Grocers,
■ Plodues Dada; and CO., Onuanbaloca Merchant& No.
berty. arse; 1.10
tssors to S. Itarbanah,l CommLoslon an Forrardlon
erelasatr, Intalors In Wool and Preoloro georradly,
145 Find and 116 Fenond strocts./Ittobnrnb. Ps.
T. I 11E4, Flour Factors, Commission
Fmrsrdlog en ar e trVeAnt . ol , realers Prodx
Sreltdotto. Non 74 Water Mao Front rt.. Ilitsbursh,
Penns. apl-IT.
Bk ofiltate of 51.4.1
of Itrumbes
Bank of ... 75
• WISCONErrii.
ataeaa a au. a
&lER ic JONES,Forwarding and 'Commis
sion Ibtrtimusta, Dealers tri Produce and Pittsburgh
futurist articles. essul Basin. no. gessuth
..... -
Imm=es Compaar....— 3
State. .........
Ilk of N. Amid u 4 Toronto 6
Bk of the People, 7bmnto 6
dankof Monntenl---- 6
IBIt of it-Canad. Toronto 6
On kwzrarz.=::=
ARDY, JONES do succes",.r,;*
Ccoranimfon sad orefisado.
Mtwara, Dea Rittsbarsb Mane
11•1thaora .......
ItHEY, BUTHEWS & CO., Wholesale Gro
cers, Conanalridng and Tortratdi sod
gents for Brighton Cotton Tarn, 57 Water "."itVairrti.
dort. Louls-..„. _ _
do Doubloons, Spanish.. .1.6.00
do do eseot...:Las,so
EaaL, ` 4 l ;=:::=7.ra
do S_ 1,14
ERCER & ANTELO, Genend.Commi
al Mon Merchants. Philadelphia. Liberal adrancee
e on conelgomente of Pendia. generally. jal7:y
................. 'MA,
o f N Viltf
t.. CO., Wholesale . Grocers,
mad Dudes in Preinee and
Pittaburgh .11anufsetures, No. •NA Liberty et, Pittsburgh.
B. CANFIELD, late of Warren, Ohio,
COMM6II4OIII and Forwarding Merchant, mod Mulle
in Western Been. C 1,,..,. Butte, Pot and
Pearl Ath. and Western Produces generally. Water street,
between Seittdield and Wood. Pittstrurgh.
.. 14,0
en aullaiii_:«_ 596
Urns. IL
arm Rollo. Little & Co.)
• LITTLE & CO.: Wholesale Grocers,
Prodnee and Commleettna 3torett sate. sod Dealers In
Pittobarsh natanfletureit, No. lig Vetoed ettxt. Pitto
urgh. )1 1 &T.L.3
°OWNS, Forward Unit andanuroission Merchanten4
s Dealer In Queen, Dotter, Inks Wish and Prodnee generally',
Weal street. above Water, Pittsburgh snyal
e Omer. .d Commission Merchant.. and Dealer,
In P/Wadmrigtt Elantditetnrea, No.r.: Water street, Pitt,-
burgh. Pa.
• t.lan.kJuly
Inta•b• A wt.
Int-Feb.4 Aug
Int lisy•Nov
Int eu.
MY kNo ,
JACOB FORSYTH, Jr., Forwarding and
.14012 Mezehant. No. 68 Water deed, Pittgborall.
rg W
OMAS PALMER: Importer andl Dealer
ha French and American AD Paper Na 65 Market
between Third and Fourth street, Pittsburgh.
in 63
DIT.Nov. ellet
do 5
do 4
MeCLINTOCK, Importer v and Whole
a.,ta a lart i md r = Cn n Cs err Wrriloir ri gad O n i
Steam Boat Trimming:a N 0.112 Market etreet-
Dir.3z41 . ..
Dtv..lan II
D4r. . • 0
Div. " Pr.•
ORRIS & PATTON, Wholesale and
the ERe
tail Grocers, on the astern side ofDymond,
b t t l bmirtk, Pa.
r*.. -2o v
Div:Nor. 1,23 i
Div. W-314 et-
1 d''
Div Jut. 4 TI
Now Stork.
I Ex. Div
Ts. Div.
N 11,54.,
110U82 OP
Ibirrth *we.
xchnngo, Coin,
bonabt and scdd.
a nmcon.....
ARD, DENTIST, Penn street,
used. Mee Ware ham 00. tr. to 5
me sue will be melleed er attended to
e sprout eicobtoleat=Leire
• -
'IFIRA.NK VAN GORDErt, Dealer in Trim-
Ingo, finder, and Glorag,"Lare Goods. Embroldrrldb;
Gout'. Furnfahing Goods and Pansy artkleir. a full ail
mortrnent or which cati shears ha had at ti o. gti, corner
Market attest and tha Diantiold, Pittsburgh. Pa. .e ll-ly
~ .ei IMO& & erretracuou...c. t. A2MI O ST &co el. r017.a.
AA. MASON CO., k Wholesale and Retail
Dealers la Faawer and Staple Dry Goleta, 25 51115
and Retail Dry Goode Merchants. earner Yourthand
mutat street. littaburuh.
PGgtitrt.olnbcneri Roe
. Ofylog d Di n f i lli i :r d paler
Llll:f r Ziir SU Liberty street. On band a eery Wee
stork orangeries old Monongahela Whiskey, which mill be
G., GRAFF & CO., Grocers and Corn
jle Au ltra n , y a tv r a mi tc u s ti t,...l Its ,. x w i.: f Lt .l . n d ds . o t
Rau NA., Pllttalmarah, Pa. frl4.ly_
BLACKBURN & CO., Wholesale
Vats, Oro-
Pad Yu:Wilber/5 and Deakin Prodno, and
t arlirturAgifir'ATteralnAVlTtattal.
IMAM DMZ" 160/112?
SAIAII DICKEY & CO., Wholesale Oro.
A. Oates. VAt, 107 Fit t n =.lttst ugh.
tone —turn 0. Wont.. WALT= C. am
M'OILLS & ROE, Wholesale Grocers and
cals swoon usrehsate, No. 104 Liberty etroat Pitts.
'IMF M. BAGALEY & CO., Wholesale Gre
y NoR.IB and Wad ntreet.
WILLIAM A. M'CLUEO, Grocar and
T. Dealer eons. or Wood w e strartAll
" RarATO i Vggrai t irti. i fC=.7ralwi.
=ler. mappzioaoo tin {owe.
110IIERT DA.L7,ELL A CO., Wholesalo
Groerri,C4mmLoollon Matkants,WWll to Prbduns
PituthuPittance.tnizgh Mum&duns. No. 2.4.l.Llterty ,treat, .
min( n. anon.._. .... ... . urchniuss.
WICK ActcCAKDLESS, - successors to
L.. d J. D. Wick. Wholesale GrOdlll,Pnrwardlng and
Aocondasion )4erctunts, MuMena I iiridi& M... hob
Yarn.. and Pittsburgh Manufactures genendif woo.' of
.IScpd and Water Mucha. fittainirch. •
AgeCULBERTSON, Wholesale grocer and'
Obtnuals4aa Moreharat,Tha.ler In Product, anti Pitt.
Itimulictund Artlelai, is* Maly AMA, Pitt.
row non. woman tiara
i li. .t.. R. FLOYD. Wholesale Grocers, Corn
• • minion Itiesekanata. and Dealer, In Pr0d...0- 11 mnd
and mail." fronting on Liberty. Food, and Sloth
Amu, littabarah.. . . • - .
p. coomurs,
Ind. a. iroorantur.....g r i p i• a •
ea. Owen. No. WI Intel 'street, Altiladoblzta
LEE, successor to MintellY LEE,
Wool Dada.god Comolmokom Merchant for lb@
. 42,100 . Woe , GOOdi N. IST Libort. gm&
sen's Insivaim Company, 94 Water steed.
GARDINERCOFFIN, Agentfor Franklin
fir ,Fin humnisee Company. north-not ern= of Wood
end Third arrears.
PA. MADEIRA, Agent for Delaware Mn
. teal Insurance Company. 42 Water. Area.
GEO, lI.,TAYLOR & HUSTON, (successors
to Taylor a Idlornal °anent Consenbudon and Vol ,
warding Merchant...l Agents for Eastern Transports-
Don Lines. Igholcee Dealers In Staple Groceries, Sheet
ing,. Cotton. Cotton Yarns, Batting. Twine, Manilla, 311.
sourinnd Kentucky Hemp. Tobacco, Soda Ash. Window
Giese, Pig. Dar and White Lead, Naval Stores, and Cincin
nati and Plttoldonh Manufactured .Goods poen!! T.—
Agents for the ••Pend Mill" and "Danner DWI Stwettrigs,
Pittsburgh. No. 48 Front street. ((opposite LooLsillq
Pittsburgh d St. Una. Packet Earl
:13. A. EITIVITIBON . suusorosig.
A. HUTCHISON Sc. CO,, Commission
• gerebasits arid Agents fir thei/fAbols Sugar Dalin
rp, Dealers In &Jim . , Molasses, Pig sail Bar Luisi. Hem
°stem. Mae, Met, Le, de.
JL. READ, Bookseller and Stationer, No
. 78 Fourth rtmt, Apollo Dulldlturst
AR. w.gLDIN, Wholesale and Retail
• Dealer In Blank and &hoed Books, Paper and Sta.
wry,rghNo. . In Wood genet. (betveen Third and Fourth)
Plttstai tused3
(JUN S. DAVISON, Bookseller. and Sta
timer, auecemr to Darbon d Arne... Na: f i Market
s t. near Fourth, Plttentegh. Pa.
ItENRY S. BOSWORTII, Bookseller and
Dealer In Stationerr, ie.. No. S 2 Duket Arcot, near
>mond. INttaborgh.
FAY & CO., BoOksellers and Stationers,
No. as Wood !street, next door to the corner of Third.
argh, Pa, &Iwo) and Dar boob. conetently on hand.
• MUSIC, &C. .
TOIIN H. MELLOR, Dealer in Piano Fcrics,
.11.1 e and linslcal Instruments. School Donk& and
Stationery. Sale agent for Chlekering's Plazio Forte, for
Western l'eunsyltania—\o. St Wood street.
IIENRY RIEDER, DeAler in Music, Mu
clitel instrnetents, and Importer of Italian Strings,
ag.nit for Nunn. & Clark's grand and mimes PL...
with Coleman's lEoluan Attachment. Also for Dunham's
II - § - C1113414ER & CO., Music , Stor ~ 4th
4 4.. Ptrt•rt : het
.4 n 3 =t l rd Wood ui. .is o rr
TORN HAFT. Jr., (successor to Jan. M'Otif
-11 tcy Dyestuffs,d Detail Dtmagist and Dealer In
Paints, 011., de...141 Wood street , 3 doom below
Ltr . to
) = 6 14 . I c tsburgh. NZ - Regular Agent tr h. Dr.
1... r4.:[_n ... ,7... . 7 :! : , .......... ....anasen rungs°
WILCOX ICC - 6., fir . Mggiato and Aped,
IL • emelt, ....wit, Market &tread and the Dlamond.keer
emmteintly on band a d oomplete asontment uf
Drutfo.3lodleines,;"erfnmery e andartiriespertalultmtotbeir
busimwr. ,
PlMokians 9revoire lotions earefullyeempwanded. myl9
211-C7iiN P. SCOTT, Wholesale Dealer in
Muir, Painto4l Oils; Yarnhhea and Dye Studs, No. 2:91
Derby tmt., Piktalmrgb.
All orders .111 receive prempt attention. 4
air Agent for Condon A Coe valuable family medicines
mar 21-Iy.
A. FAHNESTOCK li: CO.. Wholesale
• nDruarclete. and manufacturer. or Wadi. Lead. n.d
od IlfbArAc, corner Wood and Front street, Pi
bursts i
IRE. SELLEI#S, Wholesale Dealer in
.. Ar Dnaga ood it ratt fi gg.t . les.) , l. l .r ianiplw a. ke ii . d fr...
nyeratax 1111.7. C.J.6 tIVER.
BRAUN & REITER, Who & Retail
Druggists, w ref Libertr and CLClair stmts.
JSCTIOON.MAKER .1 CO., Whnleamle
• ilimggieta, 2.1. 'Moat eirset. Pittsburgh.
TOSEPII FLEMING, Succe•gor to L. Wilcox
k Co., nerner Market
and a
Mantly on hand • l'oll and nomplete f
Medicine. Medicine Mesta. Perfumery'. and all a ' rian;
pertaining to his scripti on (lupine..
Phyticiaue pres carefully notutrunnded at oil
hours. iandr
R. JAMES KING: Office and ReKidence.
111 flab 4reet. opposite the Cstheelsol.
CHESTER. Merchant Tailor and Cie
thler. 74 Wood ttmet. Psrticular attentloc
d to Dots' and Youths' (710thlits. nolt:y
W ILIAM DlGRY,Merchant•Tnilor.tlra
grrty Dealer to 11..11 M.A. Clothing. 1.91 Lb
rWATTS & CO.. Merchant Tailors, 181
t , „„ are. TICA. trtn; ant
in' and
ufVo..d. for I:ratletnen's Wexr—fm Cwt.
Mauves reetloas at thesnneest atylsa and Svastquedity.
Our Mende and Kmner..fll please Ore vs a mil. Onta
ftW, WOOL/WELL, Wholesale and Retail
% .lanrctotor and Deal, Io Cabinet Wato, No. Na
JOAN WETIIERELL Manufacturer of
PATIENT RAE TICES. a superior artful*. SOLID RON
mad lIRAZRD DOE VICES, earner of Aude.] and Rob.
han streets, mae pus. team the Ilatid !street Midge. Al
legheoy City.
T°L WORKS, corner of Finn and Liberty
12rtLeta Pittsburgh. Ps„—Mschhillte Tools of emu . ,
• sty, mob as IRON PLANE/I.R. Slide and Hand TI;
rso LATHES, DRILLINLI MACHINES. Se.. Se., rosnutst
turitti to order. ifel2l DM. P. HAMILTON A Co.
1 4 ,
1 1111 W
TILLAS—Matt...Wm marked for,Rmbrobltry mot Ay-
Turk by MRS. L. K. SW
jealf No. f.Slif Penn street, lOW. 'Mod.
Bolivar Fire Brick and Crucible Clay Man
- uracturing Compan s y.
their aillmity,for manuteettuing, ars nog perpared
te meet the Increased demand kr theirtertek, era-Masud
Building Clay. Orders rrnmptly •tt..d.d to by
KIER k JONES, Canal Ruin
Pittsburgh, September 21, IBS&
Pittsburgh, Pa.
sts_Thelr stook embraces every quality . andityleof Hate
and Cane. Mona Crain and War Bonnt.
• 1. tauiLTB"l 41- a -
ozr u i t A , :io nf o no s g e ze tfully ; all th in e w atZ , n e t .. ion
o Carriages.
ranging in prim. from $lOO to $l6OO. Them
arriage• built from the beet material and workman-
Maly. and undm hie own mapervieLon; he can, with *on&
dent, warrant Ms work to to inferior to none mama..
tared in the Union. The suonero of LIP
and Um
Er r n t 4 " trall ' l d.7,. - V,11(0°.b. 6 •7;:r ;Ca tr.rtinVtro.
entahlielanent. Persona wanting good honost work will
pie.* esti and ekunine hie Mock before going Fast. Ail
work warranted.
Nem Coach Facto Allegheny.
M. H. WHITE & CO., would re
apeettolly the public that they have
c op on Lamek, between Federal and enodnakey
striate. They are now makinitend are preyaredto Writ'.
nrdere for every description of - vehicles, tkachea, Chariote.
Baronehm, Bugg Ploetone, t.e., Re., which, from their
long exporlenfl, in th e mumfacture of the above work. and
the facilities they have, they feel confident they am enabl
ed to do work oe the moot reasonable tenon with them
wanting article. In their line.
Paying particular attention to the collection of materials,
and having noon but competent workmen. they have no
Limitation In warranting their , work. •We theocfvre oak
the attention of thepublic to thle matter.
N. B.—Repairing done in the bmt manner, and on the
moot remonable terms. joattf
Coach and Carriage Factory.
TOHNSTON, BROTHER, & CO., corner of
op Delmont and Rebecca streets. Allegheny City. would
respectfully inform their friends, and the nubile genetally,
that they are manufacturing C.M.ges, Reread.. fleck-
Sways, Similes, Sleighs and Chariots, In all Emir various
Eileen( finish and proportion.
All . orders will be executed with strict regard to dura
bility and beauty of ilniah. Repairs will abo he attemird
to on the most reasonable terms. firing In all their en , rk
the hest Eastern Shafts, Poler and Wheel Molt they feel
confident that all who favor them with thelr patronage
wiggerftvtly sett
isors hre led:ln
to give them •nil bet. _
chasing elsewhere. nee
Fifth Street Stocking Factory.
pr *
_ood* Mblldran'e OW. Men's Sock. Un
i lett, and 'Mixers, sold at martalketurerli prima, at the
Fifth ' , treat stocking rartorr, all mole from /art paarr's woof.
Btrektag Radom Gth street. between Wend and Market
to gger W. P. oormain.
ings lkin & Co.
TRACK and Depot Railroad Scales, Hay,
Cattla and Grain do.; Platform sod Counter do.: DOOO
Locks of all Atm Spring, Dro and Thumb Latebea, Coif en
Mills of variant kindra Paint p
approved patterng
Delta and Fastoninma Malleable Iron Casting. of ovary v.
riety In form and finish. dtf
319, =1 and Mt Litwrty xtreet. oppuiLe 3adtkifeld send
MONS MENTS, • Tombs, Grave Stones,
Furniture To Mantels. Imposing Stones, An. al.
ware en hand, and Made to order by machinery, at the
lowest price*. Three hundred ohnal and /Warted der
elan. for Monuments. Ar4on.hand. Block and Blab Mar•
hie furnished to the Trade et the lowest prime. All orders
tiled Nth despatch at 319 Liberty &Wet
nazi W. if. WALLACE.
Blacksmith Bellows Manufactory. •
miters would reapsethdly [name these friends and
palate generally, that they hare entered into fartner
shin rommencing on the 10th of April. under theflmo R.
WII,LIAMS .1. CO.. Ite the manufacture of BLAMSMIIII
BELLOWS of entry description, which they are &terrain.
ad to make of the emy best materials and ouperior work
manthip. They Intend to have always on hand an smart
=ant elan slam from RB to 40 Inches, at their manufactory,
earner of nobleman and Sandusky streets. .
FEATHERS -19 bga. ler binding from
steamer Amerkus for re& by I. DICKEY & CO.
City. My 2d
From VISSCHER d SCHELL'S Genial' Advertising
Mum, No. 80 Emma Street, Neer York
Reliable Arms in the City of Nag Fork
. .
TILE GUIDE would respectfully call the attention of
erchanta, Wirl=42. and Meehan realdln tof the
the clag id o the moderate termsfer o yearly so talon of
the 0 betng to mall autecrlbers only Mrs Pre
I'M" me Mr It nodomaremblY the cheapest EemllY
'Nenepaper published to the United States.
The Minoan, of the Guide will ondslu the usual variety
OfOrhduat, SPItT Artie.= mitten not ouly to pima but
Local an Instru d ct
Gement Noe, - and mill be s
off e Ars replete wi .
th eynopebi of all the
In regard to politics, the Guide mill maintain an huh"
Dersdenr tone. and, from thee tO Interests advocate mch
measure. dui best conduce to am of tho greateet
POS'T'MASTERS and other. are mimectfally 'regraded
to at as Agents for this paper, to whom will be flawarded
specimen copies, time when desired to does,. ,
PREMIUMS.—As an loduosmentlhr tenons Xo Interest
themaelves to obtain subemibers for the NellUle Mae,
we o ff er the:olio...log premiums, and upon t e receipt of
the names and pay fst advance, we will forum them, per
eoeniexprese. or otherwise, if ordered, to the addras of thane
t tled to thorn.
For three hriadred eubscribers. cash .V. 5 00
For twohrindred and fifty subscribers, we will glee
one ple rth sndid One Gold Watch, (warranted for
thee.) wo 30 00
For two hundred, ono elegant One Gold Locket, (4
glessera) orth- 16 00
Forma hundred and - fifty, one elegant Bracelet, (One
gak OO
Fcr onehundred,r ore Gold Vest Chain, worth.... 800
For seanty•Ove enbecriben, one Geld Pen and Gold
Molder, handsomel d r engraved, worth 10 00
Forfifty, 01. do do - 800
rgr tb glity ` 7s . l.. .t" a.
do do OOD
dp 6 00
Ver twenty, twmmerciar do in ether do
extension holder, worth
d i , 300
Forfifteen, one medium do 2 00
For twelve. one Ladyle do d 1 1 60
nide Gold Pen and Gold Holder, ie the Ladles' else. and
Is &beautiful article.
All theabove goods eballbo procured frail&Now York
Gold Pon Marinbetaring Company, the acwledged test
Gold Pro end Pencil Cam Manufacturer@ in thhi oontluent.
. . . . . . . . .
CLUBS can be advantageously Ibrined In every village
and city Int be Unlit', and a large number of enbeeribere
obtained In ibis way. Knit as would Interest thenteelrew
fig the (Aide, tan be well regarded, as ourllet of 'geminate
above will show
• •
FARMERS who would desire en excellent Family News•
paper, sh-uld at once avail themteletv"of the RIM., the
price belna much Mow .7 . other newspaper publlsholL
AGEXTS wonted for every city In the faded 3ata wad
aleadu. Iteemnslble parties. who will set as agents for
the Reticle, will pima furnish us with their names for pub
lication. •
TO THE LADIES wo would particularly appeal, %WM'
Ing the efficiency of tiucir Realms wilco aergetically
117 their cooperation our eulgeription licit would
noon out number any beta published on this contioenk
and to gain this we Atoll at odi times atria to embody in
the columns of the Guide something to not only please but
Instruct our female patrons. Our euloceription price being
low. there will be 1111% little difficulty In their procuring
ionsimenoug soltwribers to obtain any of the Each Proof
above described. and what lady .would not claire •
hands:act/old Watch, Locket, Bracelet, Pen and Pencil!
(thinwant to
month.. edition of Arty Thoueund ()Ties
w three MB accotallished,we Shall enlarge
the Goide to double Itsp ma reseut else.
Sfnak.Nalworintionsy be remitted in PoetOfftoctitacr.
grAll communications Mould be addressal,tat- d,
to it . andßublisher °Rho Note 'ark
Nam. , g• Guide, N 0.183 Greenwich Meek
GrAelespaper.throaphout tine Vwfon, by publishing the
e,, appropriately disslayed , incioding lotto, for
Nuntis. and cafliog attention editorially to the woe,
and goading wr the par.'. VIII he entitled to an exchange.
and Mel'. • GOLD PEN AND GOLD lIOLDER, worth
Twit.. Dollar,. Dell r papers will be entitled to two. which
will be forwarded to them KR they mar direct. 88-This
Pen and Bolder will be of the manufacture et the ..11no
lab oda 1471 Martkriefuering CorrEauu.
lon Greenwich
et- thcomaet extenalve and mllable Gold prodocers on
tills continent. if not la the world. apifeLSav
Staten Island Fancy Dying. Establishment.
CIRDEIIS received II v EKpresa, or otberwiqe,
for dying or cleansing Ladles Dramas. Mantillas and
Eliairla of every deocription. Damask nod Noreen Oar-
Ulna beautifully dyed. 'Lam Contains metered. Canton
Calm. Shaul. dyed the. moot triiinent, or the move gram
eiders. All Mod. °bilk. warden laud fancy Role, din the
renent) treated moat aummaaful Wanner.
`' .l ` I, Mad l o ng
elation " Ah ' l7ltln Stateni 27Z72 he a
a u r re 71
that their success ha the art of eying la unrivalled.
mtein-ims 11A RRETT. NEPIILI:100 k CM.
VirOLYNEAUX BELL, Mantilla and Cloak
/Yl. Manufsiettirer and Importer, MlB Canal at.
( I EO. BCLPIN, Paris Mantilla Emporium,
t xpniters also of Fancy Feint 301 Itmadasy.
II F. lIIIIIDARD & SON, Will Cherry
.11,11.•Blttara Cireassis Balm. Pula, False, ac., 03 John i.
•T. lIURLBURT, American Ilonmeo
'. IlLartnary, Medicine, Vial, Care, tc., fey
43. Simms st.
t TAN DU ESEN'S Improved Wahpenc. It
V restoresmay II•Ir tn it. ori g inal mho, and creates •
IDUpot. I.p Chamber. st.
tILOCT. GILBERT, from Memphis, is cur
ing hundreds of Cancer, Tumors, riser, and Wane
ut the knife, at ht. epaelou• 4.0.7 /Madera',
4 I.FITEE WOODllAMl l 3lanufaclurer and
IV Importer of Gun, tilt.., Piefole, Le,.707 Colton et.
Q IT. WARNIeK, MAMufacturer of Enna
gilled l'otta a e a: Wilily et.
I011:7 4 I DAVIS. Commission Merchant and
Importer of nyandire, Wine. and Claws, B. Waato
VIwt(4OODWIN & BRO., 31auufac Wrest , of
• Fine Cut Tot... Mara, mad Pnadr. 11 - .T.aa
I m l
O E . L
v or i
. r e t t
nrn and
Ksehinesk. oar+ 26'5 BrnsiVray.
,TM. SIMMONS. Millinery, 563 Broad
way, rte. Eletropnlltan Hotel.
(1001'ER HOUSE. A. J.•Peare 1: Bro., Pro-
T yrintors. xtt Etmulvray.
lORMAN CUTTER, rneeessor to /..oe,
( 0 46. 1 1 7 4 7::; .. A . ( 1 1 . , . Irrsporter an 4 Jobber It Vora Dry
ICHAFFER, late W. Newmau,-Maiktftte- .
, e d Itle+levale , Deatar In Lattles'Claltanantaaa.
Itenuttray. talul.lats
Qi n A3ILTEL L. CAVERLY. \rimless Dea I-
L:7er In Demme. Pa.lnt.! Palle and Tan. Wand sok all
lovr Warts Baskets, Vats. Cordage. Tanta, ITlnklant Witch
... Ile_ a)4 Greenteleb at, .+e. Vast at 53Jr
A DES, Gilt Contic*, T,1610
nil [both. Xr...10104 TKlllll.3;ll,ltaßeicLu&sn4
W . hol"ka). Degakv. Nu. l 0 Cathszio• st.apa
Fnusre. New
If the ralo and purchase of -1441 did.. Collvelion of
Rent,. New,tl44./n4 wan. on 110ndo 51ortnannn. 4, Nn.
140 Third pc. Intlebwvb. A. T. an 3.44.
( in monk . )
Jurth odr,has o,u* cm hand a foil immanent, :3
d, l'ittaburada sOlytl
JGRANT 3101VRY, Dealer in Leather,
. , q 1 and Rene Findlno, No.::: Marty odmet.
oppootte the brad ,dla'ca , d. tah3i
CoFFEE, rstabrlrhe4 rrerhred four prernlime.
2 Saver Mrduir soul 2 Diu!Naar—Manufactory, AGO
Finn rtmet, Igttsburich. Ps.
11121—lleurare of trumemur enunterfoltz
. Idea with Early geed. foe the Stalktt og
ntenta thr the Orchard's OnruSbellers and Sus.
Cutters, and every thing of interest to the , Yarmer. Gerd.
ver.or)imateur. Order. from Dealers and BleivisantaAWed
p o tIT on lll.r~l c rw.
lATALTER P. MARSHALL, Importer and
Dealer to Plain. Floor d Saner
ih a n ct i lroctiort;:r :1= =dawn% idffavt.n.
court. A Co- of Paris. mn3.
The Parts Fashion, for JUNIL dirge:Ryer Ammer
rt... rale en the lot proximo hy
hilts. L. S. WILSON.
' - No. MI; Perm, obeys Hand etreet.
VIILIAIWS - 10 - BLE. Upholsterer, and
Dealer In ilpholAtery. Wholmale and Retail . Third
deed. nearly oppwite the Peet Othce.
P - 40 Dt44000 . 4 0 0 0 . 0 404, W 4441 440404 .
E. 11. BRIELOW. PRmnetor.
A. BROWN would most respectfully
form the publlc ' that he keep. on hand, at Ms stand
on the weak ride of the Diamond, Allegheny_ City. a com
tplete amortment of Yenttlan Au.,, Venal. Shat
en aro made Warder, In the teat etyk, warranted equal
' to any to the United States. Me Blind. eart he removed
Rtoek. toole. and woad of the
Ramey A. 3lcClelland, tam prepared to furnish their old
customers se well ail the publle at lrge. with everrdng
In their line. Agency, No. ft Wood dreel,Pitteborg .
mch26 J. A. IMO red.
ORENZ & WIGHTMAN, Manufacturers
A of all kinds of VIALS, DOMES, and WINDOW
APS, Water .d fd Front strosts, Pittskonk.
N. D.—Particular &Motion kold ft odd Mass of Window
Glass and nrivsto moulds for Bottlis nod Viols. septfl
ISAAC /01112...- ............. aoda.
JONES ,&: - (iiildd,.ifanaricturers of Sprang
and Mater Stool, Plough Slab Ptorl, Stott Plough
ugs, Owl and Idlptln Sprincr, Arm, Nut Tapers, Half
Patent Screw Mall and Hammered Iron Aber.—Corner of
'Egg and Past areas, Plttgburgh.
mai & iamno
citß. ROGERS & CO., Manufacturers o
, !te a rg a rstsitt u tsnArl s ozgle . el Culthatm.—Croze
PAWSON, MOHAN & CO., Manufacturers
of Sliorols. Spades. &0., Warehouse NT. o. Wood at,
.0111 VIM and 8o and atreeta. Pittaborgb,
Penn Cotton Mills, Pittsburgh.
,ENNEDY, CHILDS & CO., Manufac
tureni of—
Penn A No. 1 boliy 44 Sheeting=
= iih . gu et of all colors and aftdar,
Bed Onrdt
Plough Linn and Pub Omni;
Rope oral Asa and deserlidlong.
& Zing t h . Vfirtler::=l4l"2.s4'
Arnold .oik,
nEgisr VE
au NT11,20119i WARF,
Il dn - z ig=tlTulAn n g i irl fitTi forStesar, n a l ag Ir=
t 3. We have solo ow roman% rallorna le.. to Mean.
ArthOLD A WILLI/al& whom we ..11417,,X.MMet/
to the poirort&go of tho Due.. W
KROESEN keel. 000 .b.tir Woad
relent of Wash and Bath Tube, limn, iltestaboat, Oak V, ell,
Kitchen or Draw Buckets; Wooden nowt., Chnens,
Mearturca. Zino anti Slien7 WWI Boatte, and all other
kinds alertly In hie Om
Alen-6D nests Tube, and 100 dozen Bucket&
Masonic , Mil street Pittebargb, pa.
an 24:
KLEBER has jusOrec'd a
~a hash , trul
k r ~ Amn ffhltrli. New York " . atm. leatraT r i l lt"
mrets new:pods' under !the Immeillata =partition of the
orialoal layoutor,lile. What., and are enusidered
'giallo ads country owl to Xmas. They are yrovidal
with the oasts straw. and antra. Important Improvements,
tang all late loveatiorts of Me. Carlota. The above lot
171 4 yrottive n il " n t = 1 , rand matey, atilt tahlata
and double—Plano alyte.
4 Flre octave 1110odormi, moll legs. doullawall, ate. '
4 POW halfway* Melodeons, atoll lam double
matt , • • ICLENEft.
Me Agent Ike Clrhait & 0k4.011.1 .
fas Or Western 101 04
s .
pltactl hi these ..resolutions. 4le illisted tiff
N`,..would be, pnin n
eed without tieing '
hut, b?;tssed fir
MAY 1, 1854. \any 'other Matter. Mr. Price mnna amend.n
' ' Went to strike out section 7of article of the
Cinivtitution, and insert a section kuriding for
. , . tbn\ elecion of 'and Representative k s by
Correspondence of the Daily Pittalumsh Gamut. \ single distrietm, \• - . `.., ‘
. HAILILIBBITEG, \ April 2.6'1, \ - Id,\Bucka
t leii phoned the amendme,M. lie
\ f \ was opposed o ant. change '4 , t: , the •• Connatutien
In the &MATZ to-day the principOt.subject o sot generally ream ,tiy the people. T s prol\ 1
interest was the. Lake Shore Railroad;quostion,\ ~ L.... roied Chad ',' forc which thepeopla are
which 'was finally disposed of for the , present so Y”
far as regards this branch. knot prepared, and w loll' would`oznite., a fierce
The bill to transfer the Frankltn tao.l..othe ' and bitter itscupsion throughout the Stiiie. The
1 original proi4itionShallelieved, Met' with tKe
woo called up by Mr. Grubb, the
Cleveland, Paine:Mlle and Ashtal3la company I pretty gener4assent of the people. pro
third reading. It was understoo that another i
being' an osition for single, dlstricte\ tip though , ti the people
arrangement had been made between the friends
1 geneielly did notdenire,anditoughs to be orokincl.
of the Ashtabula.and Sunbury and Erie comps- Heat opposed the Ptosition,Spe \ inly on the ground
th it 'would give : is ty 'of Philadelphia. an
nice, which was satisfactory to the Erio people.
I-undue repreoentatiott in the Senate , and enable\
The bill being before the Senate, Mr. Crab . `. undue 1 them ' t„, w i e ld . undue jam-noo k by eonoentrn
moved to go Again into Committee of the.Wholisi ling eel questions of•*,etio.i. i'eerest. lind97
for the purpose of inserting LI iew ,
as a substitute ; being substantially e ili ti e m bil*
h te il d i' l the Constitution is it ritAr , stands, * city can be
down yesterday requiring the Ashtabula camps- i entitled to more than Raw Senator* under the
amendment, theCoMolidetPd city would probe
ny. to subscribe $500,600 to the stock of,theSun-\ ~,„„„ „ eight si i * toi .,, , , un d ti me w i e ld
bury and Erie road. \ \ ...7/ have
Mr. Buckalew moved to amend the emend\ lan undue influened in this y. . ' ,`,
Mr. Price 'replied at'somOength in an able
meat, striking out all that relates to the, sub- i
scription, to Ste Sunbury and Erie road, and, re - \-\
speech'ln support of his amendment . -. Tlicargu
'Merits of, the Senator (rein \ Cohnebia, (Mr. tuck'.
quiring the payment of a bonus of $250,000 \ to idew woro o f n sectional charactr, and%he
the State, being substantially the proposition, be
thkiat,tiiiworth4 of a gentlernim of his high
submittedyesterday, and which was then ad op- ,
l `m, e - 7. intelecfnal and nokM:kwledgedithility.The amend,
. The amendthents were discussed at \ so \ in e \ m o. en ou tAwne biised upon the bread principles, that,
n terliiint. thhfoundetion of all free goiern.,
length by Messrs. Buckalew , Crabb, ICcuiltet t „ i i ient _L#4 th e \ heople'Aould be reprimentetin '
Price and others; when Mr. Buokalew's was reg, , .
te 6\ 2 o'fittlation4hat taxation ) and reh
atived, as follows: yeas 14, nays 17.
Mr. Kunkel then submitted an amendment tort \\P , ‘ "P°" 14 s P 3u111; be cd \ •Prdinate. \ Ile apoke at
•onnsiderable legth,:and with, great ah , thty Unthis
Mr. Crahli's amendment, which was adopted., . . , _ .„ , !. .t. ‘ , ..,:.. \\ ,
imposing a tax of 25 ctn. on passengers and 25 Y''"
Mr. Evansqind Iltincalewa:nrther oPposekire
eta: per ton on freight pausing over the road.
The amendment as amended was then agreed amendment, and Mr. Opbb supported it; When
the vats was taken) anti,lit wal:st ; yam, \l9l
to, and the reportof the committee Wei adopted
.. y . li. \ \ A ~ , 1 , ,
by the following vain—yeas 16, nays 14.
The bill then passed finally—yeas IS, naysl4, The ' rasolutione4liOn .paased a and reading ‘ , .
ordered to be traMorthed,ndlaid,over for lii ii sl
so follows:
passage. ~... ''', ''. .\ A''
Yeas—Messrs. Crabb, Cromwell, Darlington,
In the. \riening the thllowieg'bills tpro coast -
Evans, Ferguson, Foulkrod, Fry, Goodwin, Hal
ered and paAsed : _ s.- \ `..` ';-, \ \
demon, Munition, B. D. Hamlin, Hendricks,
Hoge, Kinzer, Kunkel, Mellinger, Quiggle, Skin- Bill to autlicriilfthe Surveicii\of Maker coun
ty, to transfertitiit atomic. ',.•-.
Nays--Messrs. Barnes, Buckalew, Bernie, Bill to authorise the,eriell tioels Bridge over
Frick, E. W. Hamlin, Mester, Jamison, 51'- the Allegheny riier,itt B.h)typ tirgti., Allegheny
Clintoek, Wrarland, Platt, Sager, Slifer, Wher- County.
ry, ld'Caslin, Speaker.-14. Bill to-divorce Charles Selhattor an\l Caro
So this bill, so far as the Senate is concerned his wife, of Allegheny county:,', \:, \ `‘....,
for the present, is finally disposed of. It has ,_ Bll o l h to cii reti mo upe the ''..0 .,
\ ll on Cdat t in tine North,.
been one continued "turn about and wheel about .".
and jump Jim Crow," on the subject for the last Bill to incorporate the' Franklik`Mod Redford'"
two weeks . No man could divine one day what Railroad Com ny.
the next would bring forth. If they have as Supplement to the charter -,,
of the\NOrth West
happy a time on it in the House, they will either I ern Instirance Company of pennsylvanie,,
A bill relative to the election distriets In 'L.:iv
have to rescind the resolution to acqourn on the
enure county.—Adjourned. '‘'c,
2d - of May, or deposit the bill amongst the items
The Finance Committee expect to report 'Ma
of "unfinished business.' .
As passed the bill regulates the running ar- General Appropriation Bill tollporrew.-\ \2,
The jury in the caseof Cortland Johnson, tried
rangemente so as to protect the interests of Phil- I
adelphia and Erie, and make the subscription to 1 in the Dauphin Quarter Sessions this week, for \
the Sunbury and Erie inalienable, the murder of Nathantid P. Coyle, returned a
verdict this evening, "of iuurder rn thefiret clegiye,
Mr. Kunkel called up the adjournment rune- I base heardlt intimated that on account 1, Of
lotion from the House, proprosing to adjourn"
nine die on Tuesday next. After a brief comer-some informality, the prisoner will probably nevi,
er be sentenced. N \
cation it was postponed till Friday. \
The bill to prevent the deplisit of Cbti dust in
and on the margin of streams so as to be washed
into canals, was taken up, discussed briefly by
Messrs. Price, Backelew, Hendricks and Kunkel
and then again postponed.
Amendments by the house to the bill to con
st;.lidate the Baltimore and York, York and Cum
berland, and Susquehanna railroads into one
corporation, to be culled the North Central Rail
road; to the bill relative to the Broad Top Rill
road; and to the bill to divorce Jas. M. Pentland
and wife; and to the supplement to the act con
cerning divorcei, were considered and passed
with some exceptions to the last mentioned bill.
Reporter—Resolutions relative to certain
amendments to the Constitution: to incorporate
the Franklin and Bedford Railroad company; to
incorporate the Duncannon,.....Landi.burg and
Broad Top railroad company; end against the
bill relative to Land office papers.
The Committee on Public Buildings made a
report recommending .an appropriation of $250
for the repair and furnishing anew the Supreme
Court room.
Mr. Kunkel read abill in place, which was im
mediately taken up and passed after o brief dis
cussion, exempting from the collatgral inheri
tance tax a certain legacy of $lO,OOO, left by
Daniel Rioter, late of CO., to the Theologi
cal Seminary of the German Reformed Church.
Mr. Darsie read a bill in place relative to the
Franklin Canal company. (The bill provides
for the appointment of three commissioners to
ascertain (be cost of said company's railroad and
settle the Occounta behrees the company and the
Commonwealth; and authorizes the Governor to
pay over to the company the surplus trelpts of
the road whilst in the possession of the State.—
The Commissioners named are Messrs. Ranks,
Auditor General; For Commissioner,
and W. It. Foster. Mr. Sager read a Kill to in
crease the pay of the Commissioners of Rucks
Dlr. Evans, one to incorporato the Black Dia
mond railroad company.
A message was read from the Go*rnor sta
ting that the bills to divorce Thos. P. Moore, E.
IL Ranch, and Thos. I'. Ross, and their respec
tive wives; and the bill to authorise the Commis
sioners of Washington county to subscribe to the
'capital stock of the Pittshurgh and Eteubenville
Railroad company, bad become laws without bin
signature, by the lapse of time.
The Senate adjourned till to-morrow -to giro
tbe Finance Committee an opportunity of sitting
this afternoon and evening to consider the Gen
eral Appropriation 13111. This bill will probably
be reported to-morrow morning.
In the Novas in the morning session, a num
ber of bills were introduced; among them the
following :
Bill to increase the wages of laboring men on
the Philadelphia and Columbus railroad to $1,25
per day.
Bill to regulate the tolls on pig iron on the
Penna. canal.
The bill supplementary to the charter of the
Pittsburgh and Erie railroad company was ta
ken up.
The bill was debated at length by the Alleghe
ny members and others, and amendeded so that
it shall not interfere in any way with the Cleve
land and Pittsburgh road as surveyed and loca
ted from Rochester, Beaver co. to Pittsburgh.
The bill passed, finally, as amended.
Thu supplement to the act incorporating the
Dauphin and Snsquehanna railroad and Coal
company, passed finally.
The School bill was .pushed through finally,
under the pressure of the previous gentian. On
the final passage the yeas were 52, nays. 36.
The principal new feature of the bill is the
election of County Superintendents, by the school..
directors of the several counties. The bill pass.'
ed the House without amendment, and goes to
the Governor.
In the afternoon the following bills passed
finally :
Supplement to the Coal Hill and Upper St.
Clair turnpike or plank road Co.
Bill relative to suits brought by Sheriffs, Pea
thonotaries, and other officers of Westmoreland,
Washington and Lycomingcounties.
Supplement to the Company to erect a bridge
over the Allegheny river at Sharpsburg.
11111 relative to the Courts in the 10th Judicial
Bill to incorporate the Mount Pleasant Ceme
tery in Westmoreland co.
Supplement to the act to alter and.nmend the
Fee 'bill, so far as relates: to Allegheny, 'Erie,
Washington and several other counties.
Relative to elections in Somerset, Lancaster.
and Clinton counties
lisnamennace, April 27, 1851.''
Lv SIBNATIL -Mr. IWClintock presented a pe
tition from T. Fox Alden, tor an appropriation to
firs work—roporta of cases adjudicated by the
Supreme Court of the United States.
The bill, relatire to the appointment of road
viewers in Westmoreland co., was reported from
committee, taken up and passed finally.
Amendments by tbo House to the school bill
were considered. An amendment striking out
the limit of taxation for school purposes, was
non-concurred in. So the bill goes back again
to the House.
AmendmMits to the bill,relarive to transferring
the Pittsburgh and Erie railroad to the Penna.
and Ohio' railroad company, were considered
briefly. and postponed for the present
The bill, relative to the deposit of coal dirt in
canals. was taken up.
Mr.,Hendriek °premed it, and on his motion,
it nie indefinitely postponed: - Yeas 20, nayo 8.
Amendment/ to the Conatitution.—On motion of
hlr. Mester; the Senate took up the Teselution
proposing certain amendments to the Constitg
tion. The vote on proceeding to their considera
tion was 19 to 7.
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These resolutions provide, that hereafter there
shall be no further increase of the Slate _Debt
over the sum of $500,000 in any way one year,
unless in the event of war. That n permanent
Sinking - Fund ellall,bo estab/ished for a gradual
and certain extinguishment of the public debt t
. And that municipal subscriptions., to railroad
aud other 'corporations shall be hereafter pro
These resolutions being before the Senate, Mr.
Evans made a short speech against. them. He
doubted the expediency of the measures, and
,deprecated an tinkering with the'constitution.
4 , Mr. /nester replied in support. of the resebt
tiona , He thought the people desired Just inch
amendment, to the Constitation a, were content:,
\ \ T
, '', ItY i i.llt ARABIA.
Onespondeace al N.Y`, Coahparcial Advertise:.
trams. Aram 18, 1854.
To-morrow being gcled Fridaylle business in
telligence hy dila steelier is only , two days later
than that of the N aslivilie. lt. is upon the whole,
of a favorable eharacte'r z The pelitical news
likewise, althouglknot insolving anything of a
momentous nature,is gerietullY satisfactory.
No full details hate yet - been receNed of the
actual results of'the Conflicts `by Which . the Rus
sians recently forced their wayfrinn the\Princi
palities into Turkey' proper. The latest i'eporte.
seem to show that it haamot osßy been ern ter
rible cost, but that the mkrements regarded by
their opponents with anything but dismay. Some
soirow was felt et announcements d'ilich reached
London am? Paris of the fall. f Miniova, a fort
ress where it was eipectmf. the Turks would
make n stung . According to ‘particullgs, how
receivedthis morning, it appears that they
expressly avoided contesting the passage to the
place, and tbakbaving thus lured, a divbsjon of
the Russian army to advance thej surrounded
and defeated it with signal 1055.,. '' - I
The allied fleets are now at Kavarkin bay,2 l / 4 an
anchorage to the ficirth of Varna, on "lpe Black
Sea ; and consequhnE• a point
action can be takenNt check the further s Julvanco,
of the Muslim! tows Constantinople. ,At the.
latter city* detachtninit. of French, troops. have
already arrived, and irilu\ short time\ a sufficient
farce, Breach and Enlist, will he collected tbere
to remove all appreliensikwis of the Ciar being
able to accomplish his long \hoped for bject pf
striking a fatal blow on Tbrkey before foreign
succor could be eren. '... \
From the Veldts the news it that Adel' 1 Na-
pier has sailed fromTentnark\inward the Swed
ish island of Gothland, where lb will be within
easy sail of Riga, Revel, or any Zither of the Bias.;
scan porta in the neighborhood oftb,e Gulf of Fin
land, which he may deeM it desirahle to attack\
At the same time it has been rumen - a ced by telo-\
graph that a Russian'squadron is sulosed to be
off Faime, a small island althe North ma extrem
ity of Gothland. la that case there I`l pros
pect of their being caught, although the robabil
ity is that they willpersue the, same c eas
in the Black Sea, andaroid a collision if poasible.
No official intimation has yet been recebred of
the recall of the Chevalier Bunsen:\ the Tins
:lrian Minister in Londotil but the tact of its ties ,
ing been resolved upon iiy•Eing Frederick Wil
liam is not doubted. The interpretation of the
act is that it is intended as a conceisioa \ to the'
animosity of the Bmperor Nicholas, as thq Chet
Taller Bunsen has always bed a high apprecia-`
tion of the conduct bf England, and the King of
Prussia will thus be enabled to write to his taro=
ther-in-law, that, although he has signed a joint
protocol with England,„ Franco s and Austria, tie
has by way of a set-off recalled the Chevalier, to..
show in which direction ill the synipathies of the
Prussian governieent really tend.
- Consols at the lest date Were quoted 87f. They
waffled yesterday to 88}, and have clOSed this ev
ening at 87i. The public continuo to show great
Confidence in the resources of, the country, and
considerable 'intonate, are therefore daily taken
off the markeA' statement made the eight be
fore last by the colter of the Exchequer, had:
the effect of In r
easing the fa'eorahle feeling by
showing that theposition'ef the Government,ac
counts was one of,perfect, ease and regularity,'
notwithstanding the fact of the failure of the
convention echama of last year having rendered
it necessary to pay of eight millions sterling of,
the national debt. '. \
At the same,' however it. was intimated that,
owing to the dasirableneea of keeping a large bal
ance in hand available for all contingencies, du
ring .a period liks the present, measures will be
taken in the course of a few months to raise. a
sufficient sum in the enable the Gov=
ernment to have' a heavier deposit than natal in
the Bank of England-
The India has arrived to-dai;with iniellb
„reed t
of the, discovery'of gold in the British inland of
Ceylon: It was found in a locality about, forty
miles from Colontbo, theprincipal Tort, but t h e
question as to its existence, in 'a remunerative
form, has not.. yet 'been settled. The forM. in
which it appears, is that emoll flakes; as thin
as paper, so that it is\ amilogOus to that which is
alleged to have been lately folind In the island Of
Celebes in the.-Indian erchipaigo. Should the.,
Ceylotigold prove abundant, , ,, there will be no
difficulty in obtaining it as there„is a good, rtifid
to the spot all the way from Colombo. .
The trade of the Manufsotming
. towns of, the
United Kingdom during the pest lreek loss been
satisfactory,' and in the iron districts especially,
the prosperity which bits so long prevailed, con-'tinues unchecked, 'Engines of 0000 horses pow
er are now being manufactuxed'at Birmingham, ,
for a new paddle and screw iron stehmir. of 23,-
000 tons, in course of conatruetion 14, the East
ern Steam Navigation Company, which expect
ed to be capable of performing the ptosigelo In.
dla in thirty dap:
The report gL,the Liverpool cotton market ,tor
the week ahoirsteadineas.
The grain market has remained quiet, at the
reaction reported b,j , the last packet. ,
The next steadier from this aide Will be the'
Pacifle, on the 10th ot.April. SPECS/MA: \
We learn that Giorge Law, 'Esq., has told out
all his interest in the Atlantic OceanMallet/rim:
er linibetween New York grid Aspinwall, and his •
stock in the Aspinwall and Panama railread, it is
said, for about a million and a half of liollars;
having realised his friends in'. Washington inti
mate, some WO' Millions in, all. ,Moses .Teylor
and Marehlllo. Roberts, witbvarieue Wnlliriteet
capitalists, p art , the punt:ha : sem of hiiinterese in
the steamships aid railroad lines. Wash. MM..
. •
POPULASIOIt,O7 311.11 . AWC1A,--1 e
C - Is. ea.4llll,Cl\
by if comparison of the number of names in ;the .
new Directory, with the number 'contained the
lankthst the ripilatioriof MilWankie now. leech-.
es thirty.five,,thoiniand. ' ' ,
, Crri or Gmuitiow:—..The N. Y. Vommrcial Act
or:liar of last evening, expresses its; belief that
the 'Vessel lately seep near castle Island, and sap=
poseil, to:be the City, of, Glaegow, was .I , British , '
surreylng steamer, - which left Rermudii• a short
time ago on aerobes, Msd to inPerintend the erec
tion of 'Some fortificatiOns dpori and in the neigh..
borhood Turk's_ Wend: This, however, is
purely corretural. We - *MAI mit encourage:too
confident anticipations which.may be disappoint:.
_ ed, but we. St4l, entertain strong that,the
vessel in iiiieGiosi will prove to,be,the long mie.
• • 1"
i s \ voLumE 4---NUMBER 220.
\,, ----- '77 --- ,,7 -- ',.
1 , I Fam\ tb. C.nialitatl Ooromarrial: _ \' \
i Rift Vi(EIaVII.t4LAkiIFaarSqaEWAKKI -,..,
r '.
j Muriiifilf a F.Viia Ofwer in Clone and Kitalm
'o:r,tlia Marcarsll '''& '.
ElThu city of Colonbtas was ti,t4;wa\fito a good
at \of , excitementzearly.yesteitlay morning, by
th rtpoifthat 0ne4,1%. her mosi..effeCtivo pace
\ effi ': \ hid been shill, down in tbeiact ofattempt
nag La arrest of a burg* The feels as we',
ed \ theMYrorn passengers* Last niklit'a a oM
, modati `train, are substatially thite. i s \ ,
\ °ellen :p,night, ‘aesteridnr of bold bprg ;
a`ud very ceessful dries, iserp committed in t 1
teen of Ne ' rk, in a manner that convinced th k l
. site ens that theyhad. been viett4l fly acconaplish-`,
N ed hausehreaketa, from' \Basttlrteities. X. few
V i g r i .. atabefore, Seyeral houses badmen robbed*
' °milk, end rarobably' by the snipe gang. la
Ne ark; , tho s teeidS4hof Mr. Buck4agham, end ,
of the'.Rev. Alexander Dunn, steiong Miami
, vvereentefed. \So Elaborate *ere the aliens,.
that a'silver s frad, basket\ and a' silver 'urn were
broke bathe house to aseirMin whether they were
efpure Metal and worth\ entrying off. Altpgeth- '
er three trunks fulllif: ,, sillrer \ srareMul otlatt val= , ..
ambles were secured, nd'ddrlog the, night ion; '
Toyed to, the village of \tinted; 'a station on 'the
Zanesville ItailrEind, ma \ miles \ this side , of Nev.-
. „.„
On Tuesday morning Officers left Nearark in.
search of the burglars; ai s tiniera \Statioa, two
suspicious individuals were observed petting
three heavy, trunks ott,board,lbey, were unfairly
watched and aeon identified. " Af r the train
bad got under headway 'the effieers ' sled One
,of the suspected parties, go the bther alledlip
\ his accomplice Mr., Jorterrew 'a rot ver and,
threatening te\ehoot down the first Man thni‘ob
stracted him, wal‘permitfed\ s te.past bit ' friy , ,or
fifty tik tha platform „where ho Sprang
off While the ears \were makinOventy-five`voiles
an hettr. The follow- lost bli‘,.revolver and ti
good pert of his left aria by the leap, but before
the trabpeould bentecped he made goodescaPo.
When night came sirired a boy tie take him na
1%. to Columbus. The'effacers broke open the trunk*
put'l7alOn Statin4 . and in theiti„fotutd-,101 .
`tbe PrePero 'stolen U 1.6 : 1 46 1 4 before it! Newark.
Oa Weds edgy another af the accomplices was
taken, and either from Id6r from tit& fellow
\ arrested in the:Ors, it was, rlained that : ranee
1 *ould.stop at the Sciotoßoils ,hi \ Columbus,. and
1 that the barkeeper was prOba ly 'a friend tts,th
I gang. ' „.
`Batty' yesterday„ morning t a effacers
Newark, who had arrived in Co bus the ntg
before, secured the assistance of, osaoh Beebe\
an excellent police, officer of Oita. , eitP, and itt
\ company with several citizens, prosdadto the.
'Beioto House, near the 'National Bridge; \ where
' \ they expected to find Jones in bed. \ , , \ \ l, \ -
When questioned on lion subject, t 'c erk. de
nted\ all knewledge of any inch person as Jones;
he iras forced to show the \party into evory, , room
in the \houseAand just as the', were going\ into
one that had 'been concealed 'from seareh, , „ the
'burglar :lopes stepped into 04411, in his ',Steck
ilag feet;',Vagain presented a ieirolter, and threat
\ eded to 'pit kbalLthrough the heart of any Mara
that laid \h Lads oithim. So aityit4, he made a
ran'for the,ll stairs, backing 6, t r , .4 in Ms way;
except officer eebeo theresolutely Sprang for
mare 'and can t„the 'acoundrel by the. skirts of
bas Coati Jones \withotit turning ren fared his
, ravolverlpver his, shoulder at hiS purer, and
ant hip3;. ‘ the bolt catering' the side be tlls3 head
ahl.lodiring neaybe \appobita car. \ \ \.-..
Ifeebefell, as timid, end lonea, Untie' shot at
six Nines, and probably ikwoueded, got ont,yfthe
house , Luadzained a - Two:nap before he cdtalVbe
overtaken. \ .-. \ ',
The news Mkt Beeke . lind Been shot bj, the
burglar spreakcker tors producing great e.eniee
merit luau hod.r more thee o • kundrediuvited
men had surrounded the swamp, rerolved to take
Jones dead or alive,. Up, to the -time the cars , left the 'Pursuit watt unsalccetedul, runt it PAS"
oven thought the akin had sucecededin escap
ing from the swamp. \ \
Beebe was still lingerl p g, but , it \was \thought
he could survive only a few hours.\ NV\ was a
I \ good officer, an excellent \citizeu and leaves a.
Wife and children. \
Inn ICOEMI-WESTSIIN 14,11LILOAD.-15 . 0 learn
thl li itr City Councils last night subscribed $7.
50, to the stock of the North-western, Rail
road 'ompany. The subsiriptin of that \sum,
with the $200,000 recently subscribed by private
individuals in- this city, and the *mount prwei
ously set:urea from other ariurceit \ ditrposea orull
the stock of this company, rind tIT places be
yond doubt, the early completion of, the road;
- Philadelphia hat -been thoroughly =hued from
7- 4er former lethargy, and her future adritncement
sZith unparalelled'utphlity is one, of tilt) fixed
fiats of the tiraes,LrPennsy/conirm,
THs Tarat. , —The testimony case
has Ilea Published, and we think no unpreju 'eed
mind tan digest it \witlintt coming to the conClu
sion thiA Ward is goilty , Of deliberate inurder. , ,,,
Take thetmost favorable view the defence isk, - and
admit thal i ßutler struck Ward before Weil flrital;
there is no getting Oscar from the convietioh;
thatlthe killing was deliberate and - premeditated:-..
The \coolne4 and previ . ,oll3 Prepamtioes bA, • :"
Ward-= one bearing tite; pistols, the other
bowie knife—b)te defenceless situation of Butler
ngaged in hishool exereises \the nearness Of
Ward to Ids vicem when Ite,fit:ed--en near that
the persciu of IltiVer was bared lay the powdei
the elscumstsrmes go tcs‘shoir, 'willful, pre
meditated teurier.l a
We \ do nothelierelßutler etrikoc Wird wo be
lieve that ttie miming of Butlec'e, aria was not
until ho sow Warcrs-anotion, far \ the %pistol.—
Cleveland herald: \ , \
SHOT -50 kegs ass'eflot ree'd \per 4team
k-ler Granite plate as site AT A
'Aide innaukis k CO.
M=t .
en rec Ter et r
Rem Bait oepuewr J.4,11i.rn:8190N ,
t CO.
REASE LARD--, bbfe. rec'd 'this day
,on constrained Mr ee l s bi 7. A.TIDTCIIIBON CO.
ftperror Chimp Smear . Walnnel Heeling ‘`'
\.l? . I• M oma i ra - d a f
no Tea. ft`u of =AC
• do
Rel itr i g` q- " r '
rigod , . re.47=ti. •
Ye owe, Ccad Blackwell, udatt. 'and Underwood.
asettofor male by ap23, . ,NY. A. ekpLuße...
BLUE 110 K W , ATER-3 kblm,_*:d #rfict,
••23 fromth° 'k, d ' 2. `rorner Dlsmoeria l Arkeati.'
Wu] article, rtilt.ableVor country imktktoners, rec'ei
y, JOSEPH PI,E3IING, me. Diamond,4 alarYet at.
VITRATE OF Igad, , ,asiA,—A , I L, lf's, fi --- W., a
l i altale ' pa=t (ttlerr s- Whyan.44, "4 .
ay?..51 . ~eertek Mamoru} am:Mai:kat itt.
11 ICE FLQUR—IOQ 1b;, , . very \ supbrittr a,r
-', tlelq of 11 . .1ee Flour ree7.51 . 13y \ JO& \ PILAF:a.' \ ^
ACON AND LADO-14 casluk Hl9;
,!'" 3 ld.g \ !?? ehoddcrc
• • ,
do 11161 - tiolir; do ma& 41d414 '
•• 9 do lUD Badge& . lla \
2 do nom. sod - dtc -4 lUD No: I , ,Lara,' , lrt,
Weari%l l Bll.: co:
GGS-30 bbla. , ,nntl 7 \' laridi l 4
Clads Garden Styr lola by I. VICKEY4 CO. x.
QIIMAC-107 skit. ilow I dingkfrom
ri or Castle Carden for sale bi 18 irDioese *co.
\MVPls" ' 6°. " bni4 srti " ° " / ' 4g °rm./4 ' lll°d
wan, India Diniltr; White- Maim. •Andela
Mannela and meeral other stiles of Mods Itekname net.
and corded and embroidered 1131tirts, !wirer' trim., or it
yoft MinerillVitter \Appevatits,
• Lathe latiert haprorimenie as
,goodote new. him
gnAtilite=ti gt o t i aberigizt . a
A 1 , 14 .150- an OlUble ti lllTZ
they willbe • o ecll to call
YLE4. 3 00. \ •
ap2s \ earner Maitland and 5 at ;
R ooKs STATIONERY—Stock en
it i =r gl i
orzi. B ab k,ll / l a ft •=4 2 ° %T
raeg,T " "
ap s,,
VILEAP WALL PAPER, , A. very .-extep
‘..l ohm owrto ll t oi i w
rot otool=UT
wo otbel Irmoll za_n "111031•2 AL U..
V_REEN PAPE tt, glazod laid • vinglasod,
lug wi.dowcurionsmarda., far Palatlhati.V l 4
tra• P•pw,Meditien sTI P.m %imp seam, Tranoli
ant Window Shadell,,Butr 11011.4 c M la* % an ;
Sll-200 :bb Lake,'frout;
100 half bbsa Late/lout; \ OO b b l . VIM moo
100 do do Waits PIA; 100 do N 0../ !fatten% !,
' 25 do do Nall Mar-lonak \ _
100 bUo. Yeeklod 11 . errInv 100 damn Iferrlae
do •O. " de. J
Ln Moro and for .
.44 , 4 , \ OHN 8.CA.M15.'
ROME BOOKBI-I,lfo of WlMunn - '
na.ruo.of &want akkrndyg • • • -
\ i k t i Lea , 3"1 . 27,2= .
tut !"pale NSsiternOttaraZi
° """ e l L l'C u4 : 'D Vd" n r&g.; 66
4444 AY Rwa rt.
vss PORIU-40 bble.Vor Bah) bjELD
ONIONS- 20 '.us. just r
.24.1 rs l attail;:iro. wood st;
,\ ... o: , .
tiLIFITE tiuby: • • 2
I 21'
Al spARAGUS ROOTS-10,000ixtra stro n g
„.M. 3 , r iarol(l rags kw mar by JAS. WARDB3P.
lIIIACON- 10 , 000 tbs.-Shoulders;
' '81441., 11 " w ',....inApri :
etei, by,
Hew 1304slinCy*icns for
, Clothing ftlijormg of 1851,
FiWAIT" OR:,,leg leave respectfully
stc usouatoue customers. I. u the pub
olk= l' a4trinforip " a4c=r a te: = h a=
ir t ga. ..lirera—heut that *patron rear to revolve
dag Pandalik .ki " IMrcall it r• kwaa l"P r b .e. =elute.
taert•hlthdloOntle theft humble to plea" illmb
Was OM is U•ehNketav4aus to the Saxe Illevepott. Walk
trots Lit.e.7ll =r ce.b irr. o ZtoH .gt i t e iet h 4 r r
. bensev 111.
, .
A EAt,TH,\ Ma voiquated 4.3'zou, to-moi
-41 raw shut* &malt taw lom fivaa.rxt Be Ara
altar/wear hytortmi• or. wad tows. e wise 110.
d" ' -go i* = "1"1. 4 7 14 3 .t. in .ad
7Trhs" 7:
.„, ett,,, .._%. N 9 =r
. ,
• 1
, ligaiarat4Tir ax, ODFC 2 MOrni;
fIFFICE No. 110 Water : kk; 'offers Ifki Sande
Orortb,.. poems. aid mbar iml Pro
tium d the traumata 0 'itli bashimitA
Metertit/. T. Wigan *CP; !king. Iftl a °dm
L. r5,:tv.i.n 0 w ... .. q . ,
.... yi. h Cr".
" Wl dtMe M M i l , cr A litehatiolt, •
' _ James h. learrt4; m erah'r EmliVos• Mash. ..,
John iitft .t. Presidrat hat46l — ratrlr ta
dem Mir tretutraly. 11 7
s '• hi•VC" - : •
ViT Saleeme4 welt ,
nteekr• that
3 0 . 3.1 bitit s =d4l with vet;
r a Toz, at•well n Ltlon i g= &Om 1 / 1 1 49 ,1 7. Tnrim . v
1,,, , , v 4, ? ...i. 7 171.0 4 \ k .,,,, Va. \ . j d uN w a rm \ _
IQ OAP-100 bk.& Cincinntiti Palnfacep
`L.7 rta,d and ikrr silo 7 \ B. ILLRILUIOLL • OEL
DRY HIVES -2,3 jutlt ree'd '' and fcir sale NI
, • , s. nes*ron A 00.
SUNDRIES - 1 4, 0 his. ReflneclVdonkr,Cut
bss. Stax
\ rbrale. 1 'll` . odill•rd
11624 \ If s trlTON,No•,l l %:, Wand 4.'• • •
AS=lroarigiryoon. eotty bill. of 1 . 41 '
lba. oich;(or VI. W. W: d 17.12
AISINS;2O ' a fo't es&
by. . W. ItBUTION, Mx 121; dor. Wood t Pratt Ida
& Notions Ihr litayboi nor* evAtrnzu.
ITALLIEN'S MUSTC--Priga Donna Waltz;
;,... F o u r band buett, armifF4l IN , :)c,immwhi ! 03. 'Alfred \
%me t Galen. /Wifely. \ Illeldit P \Um, .Irditete \
aalttbn's Itageal Tour In`Ameriel4,
• Valae , TAmour. Koenfin n 4 5.1... , s •
The Nem of Day. Ilwle Junil Prima Donna
lealtgaa mem by bribe Anna . ,
Tbe Priem Donna Song, 2d a from ;mei Prima
Done. Wane, Th. Raker: .. `
The ibt.'ffes ere RIMPInr, as swig by Anna Zin•
_ Ate ibr*lima. or the Prima Mina flow,
from Jullkni. Wart reo'd par Reareut and he ea=
3i.d,,, gto. ero 1 amißy RLEBRft• ek l‘d et.
&an .- l: , . . &gaol tbil
. _arp.
• CRllmadeb and Peat • l
‘Q,UDAR7-54,,filitie. N. O. Sugneon oomugn.
1„7 ment fir ..1.10?..v. /01121 - FLOR & CD.
LSI:I-100 We. \and half do, White 1
ipd Trout so satc, trn , :.: JOHN PLOYO CO.
ATINE(34AR--sObbk Cidet eta .
V mu by igat, JOHN FIAM 4.00. A\
bon. I. couldbets.‘
r atipeged, end beatable nopts..ball„penter. Z.1+0 , -
±ttiln front. Tbe Lot Is 11'I V front on ton et. br 81 •
deep Ite Bodibetret. Peke 111,00 d." Termitssoo lag:lAL
Weft. In I and 9, years. ecTIIIIENT *BON,
4011 All
toga ways t
1:1 7 ;-100 kegs
Rt, APPLES-30 linct.re6'. ;for sale
y • 'runny meta •
r aTi tnitir a t ir a 'g l and
s o . r
QIINDR h 1418:,
4 25
34' do .d k cg and . lo Ir. /odll
. 26 Do Whea id bars ,
aa do aluaotan n do Woo 4
da Ikathanc .14 Amt. Pri_tot r a r a and
di or" a • • ISAIAH PIC &W. '
1 M ~~j~,
SE - DS OF' FAM.FLIES 'aro ilarkteikto
AUL a.d.. 121111MTHAIS•ztaek aeimps,_of 11l
and material. 73300 edothes at W.MTZti,
eritti:puaro. ammo Satleactioallum byanr o •
thole° mode. No tor abenriag Doada•
.i•Wotdat. - • !.
'CI 31 Ali & SIiAWLS;- "
114 Mantilla. and pm fa' ka_na at
th..u., a. • • • - 311011PHT 11UUCHTIV,LZ,
syll ticatb Ead , oorulet4th awl Markat SIAL
OAL BOATS -1%4e 89 t or by 13 feet tittd
feet dam 1 Flat Boat 10 21 Z.V ma•
eas! . . • ATT • \
RILING PAPER, Ir. ,0. Paper,
Debtorstiva Borders, le., far sito b
'4.148 • • 8. OATIL Alleabenr.
VICIIIIN-10 big. 1:1447w04'!1 pta. To-
. . i4t.h.i
\n Dm. Undeanood'a On Tomato
, 111 do - -. do • • - Lemon Byroni, nts. ben
\, 10 ,r. l - 1 11riillrini.edst. \‘ ' --• .
\ 3 '
do ,do do. mbelln jure ertl4l Boston
arid for nirbotesale neld rend; at Inn
spin : . , . Fasolly, Oman% bortx it.
osprra. SHEETING2OO y 4. mikip)
Iridla Rubber Sheeting nee& sad, for de at N 0.1116
et et. spit 11..PUILISPIL
kIL SILK-6 pciL yellow oil,l3ilk, of diffe
ailata';P u• • sDle °9.lhar.
CAMP BLANKETS---3.doz. India-Rubber
Camp BLtatati Ibises at the India Rtter , Morot
apl6 • J. U. PHILLIPS, N 0.116 kettt.
LIVEOIL -15 cisor,Hr, Tory superior Sr
It" ' fir sae br ' 5U1T011,110.12.%
apl4 . , - for W:U am Wax wad Irani. stii:
CRANBERRY PLANTS-10,000 'plants
far 4 • l ° E l •
LEW BOOKS—French Vrotestant Rai
ar ? "'" e°47 "" ,u r 4l l : 2o l .ii. b ie,lth at\
an. o
Yls Mv BarMlr FL COLLIN&
LEIC 112 stare and Air PG by 7LENDIt. WS.
scree Qf super;. Land .
Oa lower mad of :Una 111. LLnd, th:A u timbn •
le.h 'filled! an. aluant the amount that ba •
me the land.' It Is a batnlu. linguini of
apli . Tg0116.13 WOODS, 76. 4th mt.
redid a'try large maxi*, aniong than
o redid
atYka. ' inidwigran -any thing of the
.itaht to thin city. ,B. LAII/FEIL id Wood mt..
Roolkl9-25 - dol.,juittree'd and for
TIVY APPLES-3 I ,sks. just xeced.and f.
JUlrsak to' 1 apls .ECENRT IL commis.
WORM ,SILICS—We have now red
over F1." 5 21=718., f 11 1 . Alt
k.7.l4o , iikpe=' that 'tung.,*-bAin Wortuumtme
\ A. A. MASON 101.2.4 th a,'
.;t ;•i 'ot 3113 t -• .1
-slllMill bit . • • .111 • • NAY 11—COLLIBIL
•Ou *Ca br "•• SEW:v.I 4h.0.a,/5-1
S RO OE=A•lar'assortrg of *ll d. Isiii"mmlllconeilarcrp
Wf dos very 71su 'or and Ai
\DRAM :114NRY=An \ old n
atidlikaa •• • Jugirm uM br, \ W. IG
fi..OR Lfilaof irertins desciiptioni, in
ixat oketirtitisiptiSkila by 3PIII. IL ILVTION
\ ••, z , . : 70; Nfoo4. sad Firt •
rgriMoßrOk - STEEIe
mtiplyl4lllo ktlng, • i;•.• •
02,1140 double i 01.00,001z0 Pm .pol
••• • • aft •• 0
'S ED in store:and'
2/::) B t LS. LI
Mif9L, wand 78
mEa i, m
I — D7 7— PASTE etcivor
Tr,r - ;Ong, C
to 1.0 bond at tEa
\ ODIUM ea
stab •
141 LOUR !be. Flour
.Pualpitt. lbr ale by - LAMY • InTrON.
-•- .
i oe s egair )r gFrA.„,„ tl en :r7ti
nNe*Aide Imported far sal.. whaesals
j. • 1412 • LASTLY a P"TOlf Mut**.
. .
LIVE 01.10'estaaa, a vayll4 . . -
*,rd.• - TR' •
B ABLEV-20saoke for=
BROOMar-3Q \ dos. Broome fotisale
• -4,11 : n s.
FOR q'!' 14 .7 1334 4 'F °ll2 l
•S. ; 1 2 s do
OL - 4M6S--200 tug.
row & I ATS-200011
1,../ Us. Oata to snit. feit sae lir
IM& Jail:tit P.
*a ago 14 , "WA
Q - 110:150 Wide. N.
1..."7 snit* lb by , - 1 17 21
„ ,