Z=a H GAZETTE Leitor of M..8.110t to the OirtitoUe Dialog of paw rir amuses torn sonameor tas irsti took mt cs r • • • Dims, ra.iti;aBl4. beyerdthe tranpestuous ere, ApttliT crtl. . l moment I mend ion arr /Aar ' , Tokenise you I feet roadderally betted Sly life, es you know, nee mowed to agent And^L Pond I Might- tall to the land Of thel '•ltet by Stat T's Meted eld outwitted boo, 7 l r in • Mg t i rtt ' areel ' rO th agi. k." llke Ilt r yTipon . on* "tbe g "U 'it ioo. " " estsdno ' t. stotinoe memo from their bkron; . Al begs .Yen dim une in the depth of his si lt.. Winked agent. uneaten Holy Ithurett Am t . Heti elm will Moorish the erm,vattey .With which Catholic beads my mums.° did greet.. rtnetaa mre isnatea szul ntovea?was dlairOrd. ria4ment it liiVerig-y glAt re "j d ,“, 1. • • Twit au envoy from limns should be tr:e " ted hed. 4 That the lettere I tore from" LIP " head MuldgnatrearZie* . arlare r tal Moo' the laud. Xnboarated and help'd by the neeepatert tereiN. tia/ThA=Veigni 01 J tremb Ay le to Mean on the tenrible arts Add ten Co. hr as hC. myeottalnw. with cage; A. I think of the war which on me they diet mach - Don't lonardue, MIMI to refute whet Oly let 4 5712 i lrem L ' tea m Telb7trtraVt c aad'c A r " UaCh% r rn' The mentiong erip .i ntl e tedietn m t:neny o tad rpoenng 'CO - deny tea Zak Ws. &eight tarnish my fern ,-.• Apt wriUng to T.O. my Zpisentlii.brpttp.. lI , not oar scorn stcola trat i rtet=t 'Aportgrj;=n, biriOnenstak"rightt Wl2l goateed acjog you tr ' leerel i cfPl erent77 t• • ' And„ still ferther • to show h yrrer onlienernee and you LtineM ' ao d L d' arsra lL e S ; that errtgat ' Ll r 'e t t, o . w4gt of which nook* eseptkat et urel'. opptorlogorall 1 taut done, ' eau& of ley Oho were very near run, . • -• at Lady's . gnat pram thooaands wu , seen te pose, and to glance mond the menet itnerir Previous arrakinunithboidoem &clued. hat the Virgin but wink - NI at the deeds which 1 deed; knew sholtzoesatin my mum to app...., ' And. Inn, . bar vereent by miracle deed_ TberVricktion may thereto,' mono as andentiele gpatmyeo L aet wee ZAntr cire • Yda; Sara 6L for long years the Episcopal skald BOOKS,111JSIC„&C. NEW 1 7 01?,K 4 . Its Upper Teti . and Lower Millitonl , 111 aid:net . Weablzrtormusdhin Generals.' NM:armee: "Pailamienhelm,.."Jeens and the Pcorr r I .I.lonel,"„*The Quaker City,. ae. 1 This 'la the best work ever written by Llppartone con %Um:denim of exelletemit hem the commencement to the .MeV • These who have read Dames' corm tde )Tonto Chtir 10, or The Waidettait Jew, 'we ire under the lagirojlidov, virM he meallrpleased with this. •Novel Makes will mu" this the moot Interimstlng week- that hes lamed from the lime for mme time.—Esquirer. ' • ' • G.erx. Llefeird'a Great Work—New Torki Its ItDPwrvit and Lower BUM. Novel readers's - 11l perfettly.lellat ' eid with this wort. The Ineklente delineated in this dark are of the Meet exciting diameter. We Albania not be myriad if thi demand Serf t !Mould mooed that of Un cle Tom's Cabin.— Timer. • Prom the lenetreflle Cornier. hire Tort= lb Upper Tea and Lauer JAlliart—Goortga 4lppaurs last and beet work. Tbli novel reoulree only to . be read to bo li. aPpreelated. • A. m eticbanuu It la tinsorpused, •We better. It .111 be impondble • eny tenon who wort,tobareltoQun -1. bare It ettl be has turned over Its tut • iltstrari born the 11l Plalndealreq • I New Port- Kr Geyer • Ton and Larixr .11.11:620.—.4. new by that gifted eon of reale; George Llyanaet We • 'pureed It. It Is •norel of mad ttailllng Interest—eueb our aebarluotoen eartweneed, you within. up .n .na d L. !Web. It le a book we would like every body to read. , Pliro. handeonaely bona]. $1,00; In paper covers, lb cht.. For ode by all Bookman thloughout the United Stator. A Raab supply this day reed by KAY it OM, l'ltteburgh. lattiVendltw, S - . • . & NEW BOOKS just received from Carter NEW Direourres atom Inn] leans Miriet..lllost . rated , ill:i setk• of exporltionaDi.Dr. John Drovrn. This valuable nark Is now only 44. 0 0. • Emblems. Divine and IddraL br FraneisQuedea , mina"- illnleatrated. ..Quarks mar be atrial the,D.Mt ‘ as Ile, last vas the nesent.Dieine Jbe of the' Ensues. nation,- IblifT term l i r . rdr Th ar a T T er ea 'fillc it ' g r r i .tilit i at _i uartr.b.t The Balaton in the North, a short set otßuirtlipalty ID 11 =11 1 fee i r . . b oll=tt?Itble LiN,7b Orm.. In trtd.red by Dr.J. W. Almander. .This stalmer work boo miskenal deep intermit In Great Intalm and In hinittued to kin the same hens. 30 tents. rot role br ann. J. B. DATISON, to Xarket at, near 4th. Te'tV AND OLD BOOKS rood today at Dar Book Stoma Market et.: - sr nooliol ova Itatar of_tha Fneeh ow. blpotslo our Fouts of Obaritr, Yokes of the Day. Takes of the NLabti by Dr.CtuomlaEog linstaa's cosopleta wort* ors WarthlNG Donor oo Levitiosa. All books for ask at Fastorn prima Discounts to Clergymen and Moderato. • • • Chiekerings' Pianos. J UST reed a large and very el- 1 191 1 3, ,, Allt?,:f=t2 i 4tirttarcklndr-, a BONS, Beslon, consisting of all the Varian! styles now nist and i=ne h ilt i. ?..Aliest t Rawuxnd o . v ' ritiso ll ut sokildllion for trassn ' ortation l oarist i id es - 74' rpa , ,zrip-ratNsnivmmgr,t73l4°7: .1;271a to POO. Drtoo from • Abu. on bond and foe sale, several good senind4nitul Pianos. nearly new. JOLIN SIRLLOIL, ; No.Bl Wood street, • • • Agent for Chlekerinst Jr Pons' Pinnoe, • • an 7 • fin Plttsincesth and Western Penns. '.lr l W/IC H) XS . BY EXPRESS-;Tho Com -4Ol:Pt.„":tl:;—:',..kr,r4Plr4, and Early Chore/4 • *men Ana Mem.] Dar Aldeep Mil. val. In Jams, pew edition. In Lana JTior onlere ;Hee . 4il er i Ll6 Infidelity. bcPearoln= ,..4L' Me Oomnertary, new • The t amt e ory of the t*neb Frotestan t iledngeor. K m a t73 . ll ' e 'r e Z ia DIM It ] en? Chilbe History of E:. hod; • • V oet'aPaetoraf Tbeolnay.andi limalietlek I • 010. by N.R. (kolby 3.5 q. Flower of the Family, by mall Kenny',L do • Afreala Ripply of Dr.Cumnilog's 'mak • . Now nmelrlnk lame addltloon to Myst/Da.. la 11. diffen at departnienta, Theological. S. debonl and Illeeellatoons. fin Itata,litattotwxy of all kind,. monk. hooka Leiden Journals, Le., at low prim% by J. R.' DiLVLSON, • e•• , CS Market at., near elb.. KLE- Melodeon. BER.has just, ree'd . a • Et; fresh. m. of CA stook of. superior Bie/odeous from the celebrated swuILIIA 11T11 1 91 1 11 firlY4ll. New York. These lustro s.. versed* unties Me horardishisrupstvhdcsi of the invendor. Mr. Gerhart.. sad ere roruldersd nod. 'Zed In this counts" . sad la Europe. The,' ere Vrosided with the Oortsttrorszt sudother Important Improveasenis, being all late lureutiow of sir. C.srhurt. The sbovaiot '9 Einettre itdoorTs; rout;friazer, ;Raids tablets and double *et ofreols-.1.15u0 style: - • Firs octave Sielndmius—seroll legs. doubl e deep. eta • 4 Poor sad imitates' Ifeksleons, scroll lop. Alolible IL.AIt3IP4 I Solo - Agent far CiorbUlkNrolhx - a — ealeiLiWo; b2S• kg West. Nuns.. No. /01314. ATEW.BPDKS rec'd by S. SADLER, Alle `l6o. sturlthhaps ors 'Zola tu Europe, br ona, Oreirt , lowa. • siwk Aolobi lh otalb e z at or an , •etzwe, or Meal, rears - on the kip; Old BrarryodUa • peep4•l:ll.,,lnorxr LLANO BITTERS • 1101.7 419 D Errrimi. • • • M. LOUIS A. D'ISRAEL'S, Chemist Pm! Merman= Amsterdam, the onlr Mariam de prinolplaa altar them Rodand Profemor limertmee. i s of mond ammo lameat of the Marone M, its intromt. Into the . United UL M, weal Intended more eepedAlly for three of our hither Laud mattered here and there orer the faros of this hem. l u rtowlotf . = ‘tte A:relZt g p r ltttle, knowing. &at Its troll weriderful nsedieinal virtue rand Le erknowiedgret • IT Id A SU Rd ItiLIIEDY YOJI .. 110or iot. Stp ' traMtt 8u -r, t tante I lb: moo • after eating oorUremse, names, Ter. • Pti en r tm lur=l:l4,'=h. app., . WOOL Impahal timed and teemorh pain and mum d i d ' • • _ db. . : i • • _ . . • It LISSA Ott BTOMACII. ly recommended to Momr .4onetltattons may .Its,re Men tnalred =asa tlromos • use Of ardent rrlts, or other forms of cUratraUon.• Ilan - malty Inatantaneom In effect, It finds Its way directly to - the asat. of We: thrilling and aalckenlng may na - celrals. In; up the . froothLlt Maitt. then .... * and. rat, l'ordrldff lsdth and In all dim of Martha, Dysentem - Choffe. Cholera Harbor, and the many waleeasat elfWa attending u• chair of (httf.deall B. O.iffxrlr, ;et, t hurler re Oa AAA. soft syy.gai k i Man Tam, Jr.—Ltar Ara morlkt aiy that have Weft... Sided with a Mama of the ladjdta. • Ma of kb. beat, and nervous headache frViZT argent yeah, and ham spat moo hundredsof dollars In otder to effect • MM. Mit W no IMMOsa. .• After havlng used three calm of:your " klectroVbemleal or, Ifollaad at _ %tatty mett e miwa : i i i i , I can eat and- ez. ttweaceatmoactoad rt to all them ir=rill n r fo. ftl • aij. p . m _PrI7IIIIDIOII, Atte. 24 lreSa. See My Mamma thanks are dae to tha farad recommendlng ..ymer.thdlmot /Uttar.— . mating suffered for sane time ulth headache, ammo( atm. • • tltta mental d=mloo. and In fact tomer& disorder of • • 'ff fld=r o W th, after Malt bur. ons bottle, ooasekrtur of rat • (Mined) • • itooLois acnosizi. • • • -Dad. Jr Zaf--ffeccr Sar I have heal allayed of -the most n E.fftn Drnwprbk. WV...sea Morr- . hare's If d of you) after affixing fatztar i s t ar m t i , i.forra. alinnatal deblllt: roam,respotthily, • r Oll 7ltU ERYINIA , • Ne " . 'llllLDlTmttannairsis “ Holland Itlttors . oad' tido albs:. Ilbookt It font In tarp lootordq to ass so mod sad nom thou tb• samtloornoat fOr 144.4 roomy bo rotundad. • • . Pdcutk,... Oar. d sad dadtldlorla ol t2m o Sir m. Alio. lir B.A. Fohnootook Oo eireamkti. ar,"*. ,Kmon 40A,Pu4 „Tetr v i, men, Ottettnidden -•-• • P arlotiltoroTOo.. 114ber ''i4 , 3'6" ; F erti s r l awr• APPLES--295 socks ti ow lapding Juy frota steam Atotorterts for oaltl 0 try_ • • .1 . • .ISMIM DICKEY 1 00. MON k.LARD- 7 -1 hhcl.llams 340u1. . 2 lade.flair Satan' pro hhd- Sh b arm Idnuldana trii I H AT.! _ ti&" Eta. ihnunar.Aonniens nanny 1. Datra 00. AjEDIOINE CRESTS of all discriptions aid !eke! always on hand fir JOS. MINIS% IrE-I.loaaoks now landing .from 'steamer Maoism Or tab by • ISAIAH MORITA Oa: , 00VER9-4 doz. India Gibbet Gun Cloverejust Nerd an for eel. at the India Rubber De , a. IRS ilerket at. • I. &U. PHILIPS t ~ ~` ' ~ pit ~ 1 s . . • AGIUCbMVThLiL. ikCJ I ItTEGIURGIIAGRI tILTITRAL WARE -tIOIIIIICANDUM STORS-746. 121 Wood te6 • .D. r tl igooLler 3 al liAll or A" Doolsoin Ci". rssex Anadnotte, - DE A IV TR E E S.--1,000 extra lino tr t E Trim, dwarf and atandanigf now and dupe ,tor Miteille,jllllt seectiad and oda at the Oak- mutoome - - New Seed Store. TAS. WARDROP offers for sale CANRAY fe, BIRDS of the m 4 encored breeds. hod ~y bard/ r„2fir.:P=_B.,- m y llk4B ,t u u b mB=o.„.... lk " al °flies dont FLOW..., vie audtzez &grope.. to. Evwrgrromil •au ootsk ter hese the Seed sad ltsatitaltatil EMS, jfe— 49 llfth Pittaiburg_h and OaklandNinmaties.• : WEEPINU-WILLOWS and English „, Ash, erlns Ismer- , Alissithsul ser 10 Ireq. Dwarf Pa.R. fraortAl So ASO per MA Pm:fr! and ShroMery, a large. stost; MeAlros • en Atrtsrberry the goatlty, trill lam el U, !louse Mats. te.oa r sele,AT • • mhliktkerlkrA JOlll7 311=001. Ja. aARDEN TOOLS-- .101 6 dr Traossplanting 3 dO U* do &tr. faee 2 - do do 82-.1."g. do Move' Spodoe ' 3 do ?outdoes Dlgeloit Fattg 12 do Tuttleo Coot Steel 6 do 363.31.8"4 'WV". VIMILLAND, rol2 • Na ' 122 Wood .3.43223but1th Ea y Wood Flowers. . . IRRANGESIENTS feria bee n =OS the propiiedors of Bar Wood Floral crude= fin a eau =l44 of =IOW sod old. lowers4oring_WlEder :ert i r&l " ro 07 or thelto g . " = " gtrfo b im " =to T Su Yohifeirslre, Bicofore ldxg e. acadte z.dk4 Fleur, pm kr chervos. • = • • Orden Ibr dooldingants In pota; also rmdved .1;31 2: R. SH_ pt ANKLANWS Send Wandlomo. 12) Wood stmt. .t I . The enbecelber offes f)e erdo, a choke wont meat ef strong.ll,7nrons Ma RUMS, both dwarfs and etandarde, some of ►beariVlS ater.liee Jersey Peaches. Plucaen,Cherrleediptionia Gtoombereleg, Curran Ilaapbersice and other Frultr, Everantens, Ilyaintha To nto, and them Root; In• blooming In winter and eprln latykunente for the Yarn? and Genies of mod ay • • GGS FOR HATCHING—The subscriber ,I Rill r l e t i he:I I ,MT S 86an¢pa~ Cochin Mins, Auk Smyt h ... Mynah roam Chlt praW'gt-vinArly p l um y u it t rhtW 'Virg mant l Wateboase, 666 street. MO J A WAHDROP. New Restaurant. • • - riIHE undersigned has opened.'" RESTAIT- A. rant at No.Bo, Fourth street.% readout% from Market, nearly opposite the blerthants' Bank, which be has hand amely fitted up, and is ncre 'prepared to . accommodate hepobile, at all hoar; en any thing they may went he Diener on the table, dally,frem 12 to d okbelbP. dt., and averLattentionlll . l e e given to ropily th e taUs with all . He and relreshineots ' itirnisbed to order, at all hoary, on the shortiet notice. • With the facilities poems- ed by the subaorflies to give ea tiefaction. hs to to be able to merit • general and er. tensiva pat:imam and Invites a tall num ail 'rho h t. any tie meal. eat got nib bud @erred t ."/AO P rell a tale :ea. misoN No. .rt .t. • PletA m b. ii,53 • • CI i LOVER DAIRY. --71o• Subscriber is pro w rsmish to. &taffies, PTLESII /MK - and CYRA.V .—. and .111 6a theaktul L. the patronsaa or bin friends Auld the. labile. lit. COWS Intl be LA on good whobtionie food, and every are will be taken to 7 his enetomert Onto n addremed to Ni - Ukins Pont Mee, Ong tho No,of Oa redden= and. eOoet, trill be pullet Ir tended to. Ine...Oatf 1 /L,PAILH.Y. • • Bread and .Crackers KR CITY PILOT DREAD and Cluck- KR ROCKET. 1P0.117 Marti street, opposite the head Daring purchased o4of B. Nerria's Cracker and Pilot Bread rearbluaa, am prat - axed to BD all cedars for Mack rs or of Broad, at the shortest rustle. • Bossrior Penally Bread, Rya, and Dyspepsia 'BriOd. Dna -" Arasdat l Vrte *h hard and sofa evert mualac. Broad. at all times . ' l4 "PPII ,04 - Cakra andOrnifectlotary. on hand and au& toordar. asp{ • WARD'S FLUID AND' POWDERED iernancs. Idsaudirtorest arstadd Wholesale sod by • WM •d-WARA Dna*. • solSeds4 ' limn 5t..3 doors a.. H.& IP'IIA_RA GLASS STORE removed to No. 47 Market et., corner of Third. De eden are r I netted WWI and examine the aampke af VihsrtiZt rare 'which I haveou hetet Alanelleta—ty entrkerof Smith atreet and Allegheny. River: rk7.am] J. OMARA DENNY. Came4ngs Oil Cloths-and Mattinga MBEN-SoN & CO.. No. 471iftli tract, near Wood—ilave on band a laran and choke, easortatent o PETINGB, entre latest sad montbeautlialpattensa, ' rit tl arTf itet Came* - ni*4211.211, ala'l';ll'="trdaspotg .„ • tt.x . Carl:* Tivun t.t a r al Anna Ynnotta e'ret4 T - V. b ar b A T ZT= P L k°' rAir Allet4de. T.W. M e t; Piano sad nt gg i ra Wl d dow ° Shadm Al lene l titt 1311nds, Buff sad Green I.loaaad, Stair Marrows—Canton aututur. 2-and Choek 44 . 54 and 64 wide; Coo. idattin_a from to 44; .11 ofoldeb rill to Oared at Uwe 14...Wri.n. CAM RILICSEL - 2o 'Capitalists, ifangatturers and lie- chanics. THE 'Bearer Manufacturing COtapany,'&lli under . Charter from the Legislature Of Penn...blia. a Cabitalof •500,0del i ceme to estabileh, to the Til lage ofßrighton, Bearer ( mother of FURNACES and en extensive ROLLLNU ILL. with the useemarr .^4 Iron, do, awl no boon prantkarin, a Towanie the scoomplistiment of this object the are w in4sarnied. the appropriate aila and for the se together with the riemessaty amount of water power, the 'Memo edgetting reel, hoe ore. the clay. bonding Wow, timber, I.e, an of which they have In great abun dances al., dwelling& sambaed., shops and ascent lota, S.w the °mummer of operatives and otheng-to eremite &large and comenalion • race or canal sixty - feet wide, tbr the more convenient and aterelant empty of water endear the tw ang* afloat, to and firma the work& and isms' suitable nuildingeln which to awry on the contemplated manufse. B i c tugope grounds , wratkom ater pureer,ereetions, Impiovements and serprile: s % they pattema to put In as a 0 .tputa what ag . ed lb I. ho that other pertim, with some capital..pqmtical kneel _en and amp ly found wady. end Wilting ta imply the machinery. the msnufsetming labor. end a portion of the working rash melted. Thecae, puny is wittiest° contribute any revonable , proportkea. from one-fnerehto three...Murtha cribs whole molted ne mitred. for each particelar Menthol' butinemm Is their deter:ohmage to afford wow tuadhle Oct • Menai to thew who identity themeelves with this enterprisec and they accordingly otter equally liberal indoonneets for the istabliehment of many other branch.. of Americus mane /roam& not above enumerated, eepecially three which tend In the more extensive development of. the mineral - stores by which their position IA serromeded. and their own gram so Mehl , anti extenslrely pervaded. (See multi pliratkin and extensigm orison numunteturee below.) Compel:kr eire cow...repairing their Co ttoh Factory redo laguing :JUL and are willing to rent to practleal and responsible parties either or loth for a turn of- ream; and apnea liberal dame-that their osmattention mar be mare patioularly diurnal to the heats promeation of other branches. sameof which enuosecutet and to which they would add the building of loonnotiru, ,roumiburefiri carifieletwtbtnettakirbonf.r:otttm upon thell. o owit grou k rfa. :id grea&rfr4lon ' and shun- demon .•Thellogrlng.3llll is minable ofratk i ltl.:MO terrele , l of nom erea beigge&or 31.1 bide °Mkt corn total, upon theor y oet approred plan, Fir either of et oh guile Is abundant, being brought bycanale, railroads and river& to the door of the edit . . Peet t pg . ktters. adds-mad to the Agent, - maim • Usnasscra-Pererms the wisidat to know more of Ude matter. and of the parties onomming the Company, . • U. II Ifileonjitrant Walbridge,' and Oiretat Bedell, of Plug chief NewYerk. '• John T Newlicky ,mai lko John ThomPeni%,.. " hanker. Wakefield, ahnd• IL Bald. sh.T. T. Da and Jag. L. Voorhees, gam, eitr of Syracuse. N. Y. • • • .2 . • Or to Wheeler. Tensedell,llat,Agentof thOCenwanr‘st the Oahe of the United States Branch Sang. - New -Bright on, Bearer Co., Pa. Ma IWeedell is prepared to 040. the 'property in an its detai4 with maps sada descriPthou. ,terma, conditions and futon of the Conspaity, al. en, to mak* esnatnicts, lease& tte. Western mdmancee to property and title themte— !, N. P. Fetterman and Ildenerd Mamoru Esql..Pittehma rho& thmthva,... m g ., /IMMO°. BS. , /11. L. Baker. Legi., geoncen&a, .. do. • • lir. Chas. T, Whims.. New Bearer On, N. Arehltuid .Itebertem. lieni._brifeeererfkg., .11fLIENLKItTIXUELL, Agent,. •- • ' " "DatTfr..!""64l',StAL-." „ Multiplication Rod irsternelen of Irene, Simmenee • We have within the Let few montbsonen freelnent airs. Mine to • new Plintetry - which ' mineral, Oral. and Iron ore no. converted et ones into ormight inns, without' pawing tbronghthe mem tedious and emeriti. stem Into and from the=neted state. saner deucedly practiced In the United Thistew Mete. MMus to ado (nu Liar rapidly in' TatiOas parts drone country. It was ant heard of at hew: ark, New Jersey, then at andatuntl, then: Claratand. at In Wleconeln; rum In our immollate Iltte. bu II • hare men e pewees and witnessed the remits. We haw awn the mineral oral and the crude muerte. being cruebed - orygniverieer and glad in imitable proportion& ~pit t o ig , nter h .lke=f t frale at a ...de b ” MM. thalgattal hot tnba, or cliabe d Z? t6n , ' ome 4 Seirh io K much meal or flour Into • puddling arm at the hot ot thine tubes or chambers, *sweater like math red hot hu e, nsad without having been melted from to to e n. we h men this Iron med. by.the mere mitred= and aof ,mitation of its particle& and thermontaneons welding of twee sartinka under the mardlealatterisof preetkal die& mow Into a compact mass, and! ike a rollingeorrertiall, Inmate with every turn to the else of the largeet pulp. king r We raw ewe this iron ownpilsyor tail of red hot met. al brought Immediately under a form hemmer: and In Mee than lint minutes it wee converted into. heutthel bloom: We hareems the mane bloom poet through the tont and mem forth entailer Iron, m sheet hoot her tune, nail rode, eke., and It wee oil eery food. An appropriate failure and puddling oven Su this pur pose an Isterected lbr bee than SlOOO, and any man timing Ansonia cod land. with geed Iron ore In Its tidally, sad • thousand dotter. In tile pocket an, Intim time than ft would require to erect a saw mill or mist MIL hem for atm tanning elppn bit conVpsenders, at /hedge of hierren coal bank. which shell tern out daily twolms of ant rate . biome lit • eat of t ? the ton, t i tgugh .worth %Ills own, Perprts o l2ll%.4 . 7 T im "Barer Mat P tiVerili;r Corola r riP are reedy to fundsh tbegroundi the veal. the Mu Ms ..- .tat power and patent right whiles& or so . mach capital under their charter, with others who here acme capital, - -Let a Ind rutty. " , • throe who wish to know tormof Mb matter. Inouye of undersigned. who knows all &hoot 1. • • Rorbuter.lteater 00, ra.; Jai:6 10; 15,51. fiex•4r Chandeliers- and Gas Fixtures. - • reabseribere are no: b aring at their une Wareroom No.loo7lret betweernWoodt and Weld, the larwest auorttnen of CHANDELIERS, !Maga NM DA.NTI, end all articles connected eilth =la Tea% DT/ftleh h=ieentrgi=z exatterfne=nr.isaralm=tlrviarite the ate teens soloed to al as low arlurf . Wta to lb. West XI teens .W kalti'"l rthe rei °6°! Yr a r ,dvam " u ! aw" we ...wee* ea -awes= t.at try bufdlvp or eeeq dasetiallou for au. water and steam. • • Brag Osstlnaa of all !chide made to orderroma. UNPOWDER" AND SANETYTUES--- ; • GV ) I ". 4 l,lll'd' l M aoo- ;s' t C i rs ea daq " The &tan Pomiaqa the Vaal ltastatketary !Os Ruud Pails: Os. ot tg J. atel, noaklik r Nos. 100 an 4 Ileetad Ivfovect Went 'Prom; forSD.O; '.CAtNn EaWnd NswYiPEra Lm4' risirho awe d oeiulrl4..y il= mom aw.tai.VA t stm Umber if id In TIM =My the /M.A.. , It.t.Thotnt Mt, sud Ur Mizsda er , L'ilartuttd Cm mem% stsi , ma main. tr. tHastrbt te. 5 , ~ Author mentalms, si , MMLPII 1 . 1.4. tandastm- j• 117 114114111511. 11 • 12 ttsimich,l4A's. MEDICAL TO TICE MUM. MOST DEPOilf.Al4l' ANNOUNCEMENT; nkrussunrror PHOP. JAMES IteCLMOCE. If. 11 : .Pross the PAllaeKokia Nestled College. NEW MIA TAN 7 Erisroxr OP JIRDICLI2I ROggar Medicine for the Erik time sanctioned WM. ' MICHIUM.AIMMOIMTX 13 SIIE Pll.olrnagtog: • rrILE undersigned- havothe pleasure of in .& framing th e PriUb that they ham roads arrange ments ittlithe imineut Prof.... JAMES Mead:MOCK M.D.cdPhiladelphis, laming for more than a cwt.'s of • mlitin7 Tait so moor thettnetettPreetltiencreendTeach. moot Medleine aid Surgery. this *main or in Emmen. Ibr the purchane af•• his recipe., and the premustion of merles of FAMILY MEDICINES therefrom.- Mach will be put op In. thaw and popular torsi. adapted tar emend ape,. and suited to the =OA prevalent Mariam Them remedies imbrue mine of the mod valuable dlecoverke and eomniaatbnseesa known ke the cum of &Beam. They see the fruit. of the =et prokruld lemetigatica, the wid est reenrch, and the am,ost unequaled experience of Orient the Ind physicians of Waage. Each remedy le eopecialir. - sdarded to semeparrlcaterdtna qf diocese, in accardence Nth the Athhalprlecipla Veinier. inecticel edema -Each of these remedial, have teen ow, hsysnsin, red Scully nerfleted. to UN o=lo Or loom "active and Medi mum emedhl lenction no. nulf In Philadell,l4,but throughout - moor distant sections et the annetrr to which his greet reputation has called him. Their nature end effect are banns end mirrored of by hundreds of regular phnklesue who ham Mori his stisesati. and seen their Imutholal re sotto In Dr. Idefilintoek's own Mende. while they nem rue under we Urinal:4ln the College. of Philadelphia, Castle' too, Pittsfield, and eleinthere, MAD 01 .1130 COSMOLTC ' This 4 tO certify 0 thatFO L 1 I have_planedln the bands o Meant A. Coalmen a Co.. New York,•tbe recipes of M. 'Tensity ileelleinee with my. full authority to prepare no offer them for powder me. They am such no I have.begi In the habit of recosameentlng and preeribing Per many years, and their comment= to well known to htmdueds of regular physldene, who have been my steamiest, and who are enemy of them now practising with distingulthed sob oese In all parts of the country. lely riducements My this Moo are my one of the most nt 4, thet the de , ' mond for my rereedka bee to through .pril vote repeat ornate. =come as to. me e t Ira= paration =titans , M l." LlTlZTegratreole, l' i l ih l tre ltlier that the gener:l Introduction ofrey remedies weilki be In many respects a public benefit; and finally, to seepring the co opunt.len of /dr. Alexamdre Cushman. who Is ii t horoughly educated Chemist andfractice/Apotbeemy of many years experience,. whereby i age 'enabled to assure the public that they will la- prepered. to the WY, MICR &Mt most perfect form, roman/leas ore:pens.. , .. JAMI:3 IIIeCLINTOCK, M. D. late Protester of Anatomy and Surgery In the Philadelphia College of, Med . lei= and Acting Protnsorof Id idwiferyt- ono of the Con sulting Physicians of the Philadelphia .11mpited. Mock. ley; late member of the 'lFationed - Medical Amaciation ssor member of the Plilladolphse Hodiell Seciety; member of .142erF ,,,,,,, w „,.. (?11ir......= hilsolekhla: forrly tleterre t ' tied ' ical College, Yermon ais • A ' A l io, ilfe r rtefenter ou t A io n n a .Pmtytand M h yeswtol.oey z l ac ß . e d r e k . s hire Medkal insi , We rad warmly remind the Intelligent peddle of the "rod necessity which mists en the Introductlon of • clam of peed and reliable zapular medicines whlch may be cone dent/7 adopted Soto family use and depended on, el ell inter to the absence eta phyalelan, as befog the legitimate Prodaellorml of &toner,. Studyand firpericerr. Noargument is needed to prove the Mimeos, superiority of much &clam °trundles over the dangerous cOmpounds that are daily Puffed into notice by Ignorant and reckless men, solely Per the purpose of enriching themselves at theespense of the Ives and health of their fellow being.. We trued coos deafly in the good earnieof the innumsbity to support no 111 tbis egort to extirpate the gnat public evil of Quackery. by ginger stearin:el pommel to the following list, which am: lance the Brut twelve remedies of the series, and width °moorhen Dome of the moot valuable mecif66 ever discover eel fn thersevaral complaints enumerated. !Imo or any of yottehlands are sullencre, ma no time in procuring the , aid of ther.first awdicat authority of Me day. by .btanlnf sel4l,4•lng atrial to moll of them malleincs as as adapt ed - tet the mse. 'We call especial attention to the first o the list ae being most generally. demanded, at this sown namely, the '1 • 2, I.....PECTORAL SYRUP. Tates Invaluable Syrup„ohich le entirely Vagethbis In lis emmodtlon. bee ' been employed with wooder IROCedi for =Ur TM" to the cure of diemsee of the Am Pastime; aim Lome. The most eoromon dbeeemee of these organs aree, /reaction end • butconention ,V the' Mucous Slembnum wh lines the airtulased thathmatorlndpiPe and Itiega Par 7of these theme of dimes:, wlather ebo'ner thou:l -nv a* theme. ridding q/ G< Threat, Scam Mightless is e Throat, &aims , of Masi. ()Orally Rnmetang, L i or Loss eat tau , and Itectic Firer, i s use vrUl be ' attended with the happhet remits. .It 4 recommended m °nab! the beet and im.- t medicines Pr all terms of Brow- Odds ond thesweeption. • ' • - ~.Ye Leastaters or prepenteliona k. Oirlaseifee any deem in 1 thesffyro. •PRlClian Pint ' jl. : 1 ' .. f1........00 ANDouutin MILE. Fdr cement 'moll. and .trritatkut of the threat m huea It is - jr,valisabl.lbr dlildteln no lewdly, la oar . tumgethie tibeate,shoold - be without -.this efficient remin which,. if tali= eft: the Pet - ...ronsweit of fatal , would prevent mi.,. an attack of Bronthated a fatal 'lse to Wmeoeptioo. .- -, if1=4 , ..... , of°aim., o.*iirsi gape, Ca ru....... -AWLIDIA -A , W 114.10 N COMM • 11ENIEDy. Thane terribly dlstmseing &messes are relieved to an on. mred b Ltd as•Let i tty k t . b=matt i lde i, toe t tl a elel co e 6 whit many years' oteerration. Trial is all [het is needed to pone its efficacy to thole Who have never employed it. PRICE, per Bottle. 50 mete, • • IY......DIARRUiIii CORDIAL AND CIZOLIMA PREY Mir TIYB A exeunt can Ale Diarrheas; and. (f. used Le the Oen Mara& Marboa and Asiallot2kolere. This lion ass Aar= MUD to cure Dlarehne% ad In Dysentery 'Lt Is at unllyeareenelnl. In lb. natty sten. of Mist', ...11elea It will Le n tuand Invaluable. kor Cale of Infints and Cholera Infantsun It Is • userelgn remedy. Full Q. reetkete Axe use Aneornyany nnakettin NUM Per Putt* ttS and 30 mats. ALTERATIVE SYRUP. For the inn% 1. Of Cutaneous or &lin • Diat si= Totten Scorer:Salt Rheum, Reis. Ilingmortn, I oms. ttbisnfskoss Damps . :.11eanfula Ring. Eli' Whito Smelling, U/ IM or Swelled Seek, Tomer& Slow liken, &o. & ft/osmotic piscine. Chronic Ithesmatism. Gant, Lr Ye-resent:or tVe aaje , 11= t e r . ""l llVaria ". llloVi r tli;:nrtra= regal:mama alteration of the Scoretkom and a geteral ott- Tinton= of tits Hood. For this the TU t NIC Aunts ma Snore, *Weil ennbinmif he nes of certain .mitstae ressallee smilmd to the dfiesecil stata of the Apitefin. an L in found ircoulerfoUr othoflen Falftft. !MA I , oftimil 61. 11...*DtgrETTIO - IMIXItt. . . . rtralnit ' e s t Artries. ed dilr.liyrn to ra:..=l 411 . =74.. --- low *Plebe du ng ln of vlelorherlth motes or nada twiny tbs. er, Itch of 1b:44 E . rilk &Mons of hearing and- Tin te la the atm di ble testa to lb* ramnig or weight shoot the est.; m a ser difficlty of breathing; ewe of suffocation In It t. _g down Or anding stan , palnitatkozornneseybeilue about the heart- Irregular or deaden% appetite sem of Analog 'at the stomerig aeldityl heartburn; peon or !aloe.. of the abdomen. and rodiremst. Some of the symptom:Le all ..1 - • ante.' In hrtnetellt Mid enontbnes th a same patient hu many _of theta at the seam tine. or at dltteroot limas. Yorseeeldag theeeProteere symptoms to their scat and source, vie deranged sondltlon or the dig.Wiee funetlone. the Drina= Rumarotabinee all the valitable Ingredient. which the Vegetable Kingdom sifted. Taken In mono, Wet with the Vegetable PrusaUve Plita in 00em wham there b moth costiveness, or with the Anti-Mll, , lnte 1411 e, where the fanctloos of the liver are Irregularly It will be limnd a most. effetaal PRIC/rtEig. bottlaq tn. ISTVIIB. A purely vegetale gem tamales for tne ems of Rheum. Liam, Gant, and .11 Neuralgle and Ilbentaatie tdaeasaa= This remedy la offered with the sheet ronfiderow. It bit ban seed moat attentively and to -N. near enema for ItheastaUe Dimmest the world hat seer 'Seen, PHIGH. per bottle, 50 mut. . • • i labauzwri • An tu4lllhte outleard application dm thenlief Drell imP . matte or necoulgle pains sprains eseillega, }tiff _neck. Minna of the mints, psi. Its it. Lek 9, limb.; • It alllysim Immediate relief tram collo. end join, to the stomach and shifroten. . Ass a counter IrrltanSlt invehs ebbs In ell age where en extents& 'stimulant Is intedod.- - PATCH, per Bottle? 6 0, Sent. • • • - mbelf , MIXTITISM • flt ronmedent' and valuable remedy, to he need both Internally and externally; eo the pellet of TAINS, warn= scree on 03.31; e. In Pleurisy. Pal= hi the Cturehatltch ose In the SW, Pales In-the l'ActNettylksA o , Pettis staves er Arend. Pales In the Stnlllaeb, Doweb,..idrer or Kidney. in euddan snarls' of Cells Itlllone Celle and PIG of Roos or .oravoWll glee !mutilate retie PRICE. Dm Dot , X.-.-20NI0:lfIXTCItE.OR FETED 1::(1)A APB• A eure and isfesigetable remedy for Feint end Ague, or Intermittent Prem. In snr slits ibrom. and Ibr all Onuses recurring periodically. Thigretoody has been hied to the rfulbset extent, and bee been *mend a NIIAMI7IIO LS LOY' medicine cm be entltinito that name.. In: entrtalearenee Rum gents dlseaess there Lemke ere noulrect,: and In all Mee. of broindlon of strength and rant of - nevous pog o,. le b. gestatelumilarty ethcadons. PRICE. per Da; • FinteiTtile fittima For the realer of Ceseereersotr, a ell- ite manful...mite 'much es Headache. Miners Meg Roma* Felne, ended the ermine= enumerated under lb.... Dyspeptic or In all caste ufsersrpmWtost la needs!. them PHI. ereeirr-• WI a. a oak and mid, beteratient attlemle. , leo lertalld, or timelier ehmid be without Shim' , Platelfalor Dru _ SEI4,..:ANTI-BILIODS PILLI3,I Tor Um Complaints, ma twin Or alai., *thing Alms MUNI lippr, with irymgosur such ss =ln t ros mei gthe. Distioninmechn with ring- Ing In the *W. nelloW, 'Mired tongue. pale in the light shoulder, germ ixf railcar rennin In the might din dhor demi etemechay bowels. 'deficient acUon of kidneys, elarvinkned etoolh net. • Them Pills; if taken In the ent stage' of Dillow and ltyllow. or other Dmere, will Imo amity ward MT thnettack. grer_&m,_ Cents. Tb....aird...644 ancepting the imin3etombip of Dr. .James Mcelintocks Tamlb idndiolnes, ',QOM reepeethilly Seta to the :ii. 14 14- that hildi:FrObalati'sff'Disrmitins Obembt,for,smesrly Yam gash dorlog ;which time he has bum actively connected with the Ind otarmacoU • estabilebm!nits tide annntry, he bac hid constant' oceasion proper the 'Protettlltklln Of. the mod nminent ',brachium, among whom he would name Dr. Mott Dr. Parker,. Dr: Prsiioix,. Lif.rebeemoan, Dr. Reese, Dr Whittaker Dr. :Scluiddi..Dr. ttOodri -- Dr, Vous, Dm. Prat and Whittaker Dr. Deal; Dr. Oren. SO.! MOP ahem ....The aspetienie: thug Yoh., Mmtieg bins to .410.1m} mate with conildrem between teggisitda enediefec‘immotn. ed Watt: Molly, id' ma to wives harmonious chemical so- tbut ha union 'with their Maned *l:impel:Meal oft4ets. in - the ineeeurate mixtures of ottrekaryand hrustrinagerhar* In. Pc kraut &proper klundedire , enenhining them, the beet ingredients rimy neutralise and &atm eiseh ather.or result In • aubettreas highly tgiorlais, and contrary to its Iptopdad. dews. It Is with 'pleasues, tberotere, tbat hd trainee that the Prestrintione of !India/ea liteCitintoek an sot only malpomeel of the rood veinablo med/esi agents known to, and hatatually employed by, our • lost pad*. gloms In the treatment . of 'the semi! diseases My athlete they ear Intondedj.i i they WO combined In inch genius** proportions, Sabato* to their, &mini and medicinal affects, se to mute th* attainment or the udtgat incramas of their Denser indeed/am , conclusion, coslr arid he himself. 'he an ' refer wiltinicillatitla Viitt C.. 24 1 ,114 as Ma guarantee to the purge that thamigtoing militia to his handl, rill tui ragivog ringiung in Met acconlanes with the rnicatriP: limas Ottbelr distAngnialool ortainator. anuudim4***olrute . . P. cigkg.ar"mairs.. • The iboro Werllditor may rtourod; 'ortorholcialo or retail. of • • ..d. CUSIIMAN led, • • . , Sots Prowirtar.,Wo. HY-Fulton o t , Now York. : .-. o A. ar the priodpri Drottedo dty. Also or,'; H. 11.1 t. ELDIUTT, Art. Jar P010ta..... totaar L ottith sod "Port : DL J.AMEEtIOLINTOOII, . Am of PLXIIIXO rutoursh... : 'AM 080. *dardttp; ititoskt,',oor: of Wood rt. and And or J. P. FLEXING, dllabotty . . EEMEIIMS3SMI NAPPETAt,OLIk. Lumen_ nortrizwuranitus AND Clis .111TER& 4111:11012LL1'ITIL6I.01.11Carla %Mb:LW IRMO. /SLIM MANUFACIURE all kitida of later, , Lu a gurii Hogan &Wily irithtlatr. I.HOWARTIC&BROTHER, MARBLE- MASONS, 2E4 trim/7Yr Brwar_ 1Y61& RH EL. ESPEOTIVIILY inform their= and the pablieVteillf. =Ar k." ! bet a tira_. !OW 77-714 ar« Ea ugastyleic aumennol24s,:so 'Mad Etonall. Fmultam oc 4 c 4 in roltdo In 1110,4, Blobiottotiimol to orlon Comdex lot. swa, watt Wen stutrrocart Stow. APU r , • ••• • _ .A dni b utrator , s s ot i ce. .:_ .i - - gitVING taken lettercerAdministratio on thelidete ot Itlebani atne:leidorPlUMMOb teenttr. &UL' 'all beam, indebted to est , edli a bleenwateke bantedbibnaltlient ten" ebfa • • MEgBl ) O.lilK-8 bbl`. roc'd on consign Ari.meet sad Ibr No br=-11.CNRY IL COLLINS. HOUSES. FARB'S, &C. • - Fe? Sale or Sent i td iftg FARM, situated in Sewickley within hroodbartha of a mile of the Depot. and Demerit' or- Mand b i 111.1,31:Aallarlar"IPtd oltilttflotgettirl cannot Moat, Otabllng, Oarriaan Enww. nun. 4 and a Fur. freestone 'rotor. and - enoddlrflo For farther InltemattoN amply to et J. Oink of Pi , ofah, utb.WAlint or IL PERBLM. treorndeir I aloe. Or on the Plantar. R SALE.-Two Monaca and Lath on w,u. street, near IYasidnaton• o llooxe and Lots ottkennatiretde Avenue. One lot on Towneend mud. Aleo—Twenty ethers to different Incl. of the city. as of which villae sold low on far terms—They are by on my printed Raeder. which you can hare gratis by tall og et 13 narth meet. ilyou won't buy. and if you hare reopertyforade....by . calling on coo you eon hare It before Dn inliOttlioV.Mmeraeirigaer. .4 14 , 71 /earth area. ItND FOR SALE.-443 acres of Land. 1d miles nut - of 11/411sport, on which It a Read ch =lonse ar.-..lrx i /1 5 Isen..4l=t, t;oft,z tlxne for a bernaj 60 acres Oland, near ), MOolock's gaol., with a good frame home on it; it la mean. • $0 scree. 3 miles went of New Brien, as it san good Inemnierents; It will be sold Tar ' 3 Yarma of C o ed, on .the Monorucahela River , and a area variety of other fame sat small lota of lend in the vicinity. which I hare awaited on my printed real. pker °Tisza mr,56 Yourtll slicer rtIRIRD STREET PROPERTY FOR SALE —1 SW authorised, te.well, on' re... 101. tem.; tWOI4I. Or ground, floating on Third etreet. helot, Chan cery Lana, each lot being twenty fret In front and attend lag tuck halfway to Fourth Weed, with the privilege of Lras alla throe . fe•it .wido iTlLlV b = lo ole l a y id lot i t b ' y 4111..'15* throe to fe1,134:1; IQuir.APF w xa 167 Forirth at IMPROVVYEEAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCIIANOR.—Two boners and lot son /intent-at., earner of Cherry a11e7.. The lota have &Mr feet ha hoot on Front street, and asten4 back arm heutdred fact to a twolre fret allay. The houses ars of briar, three stories high, with basements, and rent for moo per annum. They will be yield cox reasonable terms. Apply to febl34f ; , . JOhN AIRMAN, Grant street. - - rLET -LA- well finished- and well lighted ' Maanment Store, °Mend Market ate. An ex erkt etaud Syr a Covary or Clothing Store. TrO E. D. C AM, Market at., bet. 3d & 4th. . frio LET—A Two Mory Brick Dwelling 1 House, situated on oth xtrert, talc. Groat. Yos-Moi the i t: 2 / 8 6;01%r.. Water - - FEDERAL . STREET PROPERTY.—The anderalgruid offer, at private late the property °O f I t ffire:lll2 c ' " b uTt of .14) feet, and running book 10:6aet to an .Hoy 10 feet *Mo..— So large n body of ground,. In a poeitlon so eligible . , teem% thinly now nut to In wet with In Allostbeny City. Theft lota are offered at the low poke of MOO. each; onesfourth sash In hand, the babies* at 1,2, and II years. Permits who reay Incline to POZEb.II.O. the term SLIP elated, .Win ;DOT In- N. 1LU1.M1.71 a 0410. WIT , Rankin' and Brokers;67,llarket et. YVALUABLE - PROPERTY ON LIBERTY order — to settle up an estate...eV be sold at Dtints anA V e ilr= l .lnni r TaV ' oPLl " ltit t y t UILDIN g rudhari' "truk,...l --- rwril , are =lA barium localltr. They now yield an manna tent of $87:1. The lota Data a front on Liberty street of 45 hand extend tack towards Arian street 120 ftet. Aonlr to oel4-tf 11. BRADY WLLKINB.I6I.4tII It. VALUABLE COUNTRY:-RESIDENCE BALR.—The . aritectlbew having laid out ten mores luta TWRNTTI LOTS, will sell one lot or the whble ten wren This land is In Rearm townshlp.sittuiled o. tween naw..lllll and Yoentlfs Runs, adjoining land e( OA. Wm. Robinson on the nbeast,rand C. Johaing on the south. It hod commanding views of Aliewboor and Pitts nwgy,andlsadmlrWlfsituatedforrenldemes. Thlalaod lo In the highent state of cultivation; It Is well supplied with Grape Vines, Apple. Peach and Cheor Trees, Gooseberries, Camants.Shretbbery. knfrom 10 to 12. Tears old. Each lot will have sq. of Fruit Trees on it. Terms vwr en tArililbjertti,tu Intrie n re . the i tlntl/ler 1•11.0MC0 on ja3dtf • . CILIUM/I-ROWAN. VOR S.. ,ALE.,-The 'attention of capitalists I. ladled to that VALUABLE PROPERTY IsiAlleght , raj City, oneamenelog at the corner of L•exh street, aod extending 800 Amt Corot rodent stet.* towards Robins. street, by 100 feet In depth to a tea feet alley.. This prom,- . tymlllhe sold altogetheror be divided Into lota of 5.1 feet front, to suit purchasers. It Is bandeossely tdtnated ea the mato thoroughfare between the twoidtlem, wet to the be mediate vicinity at the Depot of the °bloat Penally treats Railroad Cowpony. it _would be a moot desirable tangible for a Hotel, a Palle HAIL or for business harem with Med value.s itate atteehed i ahan Uddsomee Property axsoredly will minute to ad pay INITC.I• on he troproversents which might be wad. It la worthy of at t tenUon. Persons who wish - to perdu" are reohnted to Inquire of -- W. B. PESKY or folo-tf N. noiates 4. sort LARGE 'CITY LOT TO LEASE.—.The Clothl `t=t, rs b 41' n us leased fir. term arrears Oren Appit let, next. Apply tm.t, mil to • JOHN B. IRWIN, Na 82 Market street, M - tt • ROBERT ROBS. Fearth street. WELLING FOR RENt—The verylEt deldrablet cad modern tirdltterostoeplkiek H u. 20 Wylie etreet, Is cdfered to rent. The house le nearly reins and In complete order, onntatninu eight now end Han. with hot and old water In Itathronn. Wash-Henn and Kitchen• ; the throushent the hortni—Chandellers, le. The location marentent to business. •^ Tor further Inemeatlen Inentre of Jet BOLL a Latium 09 and TO Water a. A SMALL FARM FOR SALE, containing '0 seam of cultivated Land, in Allegheny count/. Versailles Township, one mile from hiliewor‘ and nears mile from Pittsburgh and Connelsville "cosd. The Farm andel... Frame llostme. Stable, Wagon Shod and out buildings, and is well adapted_for • tlarikner. • Dairy or counti7 residenc, being Dandy to masted; an abun. dance of Apelm. Pmches. Pears. Mercies. Plates and other freite APhIY to MoLAIN,II , Fifth ettoet. VALUARLE SMALL FARM FOR SALE V oontalniugabent sixty two acres, and situated to North Iluntlnidon township, trestinoretand county, hot Inks small 'Frame Dwelling House and Bank Darn them. ante twentptir• anti eleand. orchard }Wu reatr i cleaera bad , bout the Junction of Turtle Creek end 'Bush 'Creek,latul about Oho same distanes front Stewards Station. Title IndttputalL, Price PP/per arm • ApPly to . oda . , 21 Illtberest. rR SALE.—A Groand Rent on vnlaibli • ' luspronel vroeeres en VII% siscot, Plttabonth. Ere ri re at the Casette Wk. , dal r Imp LET.—The large and eonitiodibut xa-ur gmmo t r occupied PL W. k►. Wiiiien.! 14ecsalon leur:24 " l:telj. MITAti VOA 5L1,131 OH TO LET.--I will sell or Lee 7it myroPerti 111 h faneheeter,eorretIno of ehort ' lntaltdoorAT the other 4 norm Steldhte ° C • tiage, wood ant Coal Ho . and a ntwaerortolent of fruit. Thiseenkerty le very ' l.l=antly attested near the Ohh, River. • The battling. are shaded by Wee. and near the Omnibus statkm. I will roll a/I, Ir.& portion of my 1 1 / 4 rnj tare, and would prefer retainisg. posse/Won wan let of May.. Apply to . L. LEE, 139 Liberty Arse*. L'OR - RENT—A coinfortabla Dwellinkin ri lah4° C l ail lW retne n ka g l C : i ninit t 4n._ i 8t .:1 2 11 1. f were, of rich Land, all blsated with Fruit and_Snack. Terra .14 ne.flY aPObai Mehra tr.: Lan extedlent Arbor, everted with urapo era Alma Flower Garden, da,altnated in flit Township, Ihi mike horn the Cowl now. Rent mcaterste,ln thaw who would take good ore of the propartr. &Ram of • JOHN WATT, - _ Mertz street. you .SALE—Thm• acres of Ground situ .tea In PM Intaship. adloini 01 ng the Pcolaoti o El Wright. which Ihr beauty. of location 4111100 t be nm to about the suburb,. of the car: agtsge bola Hoax erected thareon. containingmoans, nhed •In et.tilealso, • yeangth •chanl o f t out 200 trees °fall kind* 04 1 4 to kit B. 31cLAIN. No. 21. 4th a. SALK—A late Brick Hotel; lathe • Inge of WilkinAbwrgil. with Swans aground Mingled ind ail the norm:err bulklinge fur• Eretehue Hotel, front ing on the Ureensburith Tornvilte and PA. Iralirosd. For terme,Ae. limonite diaLAIN. 21, 6th et, or • Will • IT. W. lIORBACitona the premier.. TOLET, On 2d et., -No. 145' 51 door above. Wier, • weD :flahltert story • DWELLTNO a roans. hewing • good Diatom.= and e }Meilen Swith =Own range) on the MOO Boor with the MlM.%hg dor:. twle. air thmeeradint taissits,on tha l t OfAprlL Terms •Mdi etym. fSMt Dr..l; P. MUCK. 330 lhom TO . LET—The Dwelling House on 3d street, Smlthlold. now clop:Wed by Dr. Myers, (who D 'titer rwmersing Wee.) It Is rworD.l w with CIL hht end *Ad .trdos yard to o to.: Ra. of mhtl4.f • DKN J . DA RTANOTON * ,4th ot. wear AV,od. FOREENT Oft SALE—A Lot on. Liberty arid. taw.. ("tuts 'sna Irskint eta.oth IFer T 100 net, van a Frame Haase sad Tara e saaa_4so LID ertin.tarig littmt=gaitglpigtV,r,..Tarbnig...l,lf, ,Smi,frr to Its kx.Tvin G. n' solae-lmd troll and DlA:ketch copy.] i!PCI LET—A; 2 story Brick house, on Penn Am*, between Pitt st. sad Emig: ct alley, .W.0 per aoima. enquire of lIENRI VOisT--, zahlb-tf at L. WlLmarth &Co.. Yloaring 3110.• IrES FOIL SALE.--thio largo Lot, on a gOod Dwellhag and Ptable , with coal and • om• •nd • luta lot - of too fruit. ft is in the' tlourinhing vlllagef freedom, on the Ohlo, on the Ohio I OW Railroad. — Wil lbe mid forth. low prima! MO. Mar. woodfariok home of Waves good room& and lot on 01. Clair at, for 11000 than W. worth. aa the own er la leaving the6lty. 21 good l'/= In u re s ' t L irronnding no I g ' ilitTrla 0n1 . 07r, eeriptlon of whkh eon be land on my Ilogieter. Call and • •.. Alan—it tartar ol'etty lots and country rat. Coll, it ProPort7. THO WOODB, nthl7 goo d 76 Fourth at. FRESH OYBTERB FROM BALTIMORE, JUST IIiSUSIVED AT • A. TIRLIPS,DEPOT, Corner it Wood and Fifth Ste., mix PATRIC= S num. • ' . • ~ D AVID . 311TIFIC .L::IIEAL•ATATE • & CONTRACTING AGENT, • • - N0.3, IRWIN ST, PITT3BITRIIII„ VIM FOR HALE us di italowir 180 acres of land In Cedar moat Town .16 rain from Mosta. t on the main road to Slaritm. and Smiles frorallpton. I , miles from two italltnzed depots, 00 aeres is inner cold. ration. a good Frame Maui, Frame -burr and Oranatier, Peoplate I ,l l . l=ap t l i e l ? , 7ll , ard. . 1 1' . bel h arte is y Ae r ll . n j a k te;red.. rrr piml . hamia an he bed ;Nis num peom Orr. tin noire as aborruor of Mr. John Mann. Md.. en the mallow Also, 8 arms °Mod, arleh a loop., Steam Saw h HI, now to suoresdul. operation; 3 framd dwellinfia t i h :, black. smith shop and tools.** daffolnroric de.. situate on the loud. of the Ali re , s Eddy, Armstrong nounty. Pa. VA L e as ' egre, or a Mr. L. Munn, on the Inhn want to 0 to 800,000 feet, 11. II » of g ood White Oak Plank, 3 ineldethick, BorPi It • loop, 7 IC Ithebft wide, part tabs dellveredlci Oct. next and parkin itp A rdillig.. Enquired ainz .• • • tb. Mind Othril l ariabla t er...Tr d onTett. n r itt . 6 , l) 4 lllg . a h very 1 rge d b .Tertt i ltr d e ran , of the don itnnalind. - : =it% abo;e". Said Lhie of Packet - Shim sait Irenix.OBJBNIST2. Mani& of CO, • ma taaalJrew zi.-pa, Go and 21 .! o.frrrnat.V. 814EZITMMIV . ; --- 7: - . . H .4XWINtLOV...:=CIr. vt~UUPJ.N OP TILE . .•. , Anis 7la4att . ilarTea et. ' ; .. 4 llttß - - afrciAvat zoosanzray Auerrsate nagrwax -/SUP Hubbard. 0 7.• rtazVLamy ..» - 53RArauvRatThrit - V---- fr y ,rjaa Hurlbut. hallaradr4bartddiPiSdlOd fitHl4 Heistitaneeeteßmilatot. trallabilkOttrad Halm _ ao_rd tem aud urorarda vbtrb ~ii :IV a a tabloa l Vtlra oreharaa at ' anw r ib U iDat4 ttilei n A i "nalludtidhauk 48c%rkaliTrudI of ' r rki lknl ng Grinuall rurtml. 4 , ms t".. Ileht " lb the tornmhadadeo . um of ...wilily moo n' to th eir Moab or anaastow• Idamoutl,..o No • IrrneettUnKlbeeasonnt In letterset.9.4 addreard to JOHN THOMSON. 410MbetY the 'Agent Plitantrat. itlttli tatOtteNi. s'TeceOlt trar !pyt,,,uiikual" I=NiNiZrElerilt.. 4 . ls rlL i p . u.1iriet0:171.11;7461. ~r.~. ... .. ~eVGY4V ~:`4~~u^ INSITIEWir • - Western Farmers Inimmeace Company, NEW LISBON, 0410. CAPITAL $150,000 R DI ' C A SS. EY, Agent, St. Charles . Damns., No.los Third street, Pittsburgh. GIT/CEitg. JAMES HELL JAMES BlitriCE L President. LEVI MAETLV, Secretary. mid, Treasurer. • RitrgliESCla. A. &A. 3113a1n. Pittab , g, Wilkiruou & llngstott,Pittsb Th. Umbetastte . s. Gilbert Ji. irrerieriek. , . .Dr. Jan Mum Esq.. Glerelarid. J r. - Garretion & Stat ir teu. Ja2S-ly Delaware Mutual Safe t y Insurance Co. OFFICE in the North . Room of the HEE- L, ECCIIANOE. Tided street, Philadelphia. MARLYS, LNLAND A . FIRE /NSURANCE. • bLiniss ports in the wort ent-On Female, Cargn and Freight, to KU d. Iscaso lirsottexces-On Goode by Blear, Caned and Lake& and by LanCarriage to all parts of the Union, Inch, dlaq a t by Fire until arriraL Fins lassasscos-On Merchandise gvneraily, On Stares, Dwelling Ilona.. ac. ASSETS OF TME 003IPAN1'. Normans. 1 18 , .53. Bonds and ......... .15,00 CO ' United States, State of Pennsylvania, Philo- • delphla City. Camden andlAntboy Vallros4 sod other Loans... .1!8.26800 Stool In 11•010‘. -%/IsiZlS.Zii-ins.o;aa 10.187 70 120,183 62 Cash cm hand.. • 21,706 00 Premium on Mari ne l i alelei . ;;;;Ziliazz.. 87.137 27 $513,168 13 Dmixems: William Martin, • amea C. Dead. D r. R. 51..1 net.. „ropeph 11. Seal, Thooph . Paulding, Wm.Eyre.Lgo Edmund A. Sonar. tame R.. Doris, Jwihitit L. John C. Darla, lingh - =en Tennant. Robert. Buxton, Spencer Me lralo, Juaeph 8. Rutuatt, John It. Penmen, elbarba Kelly, ee.ll. irfarlagli. I tieri;f l C. Lepolt agt.L :. Samuel ß E. riblica. Wm. C. Lairtei. , . U. .11:034. e Lionel J. 0. Johns , ton TUDYAiI:C. Tice L Pr Wl esl dell" doot. \ i ragas W. Cat..X. t. - co of the Company, No. 95 Water street, 111 D burgh. ellitfl P. A. MADEIR.A. Agent. Western Insurance Comp'y of Pittsburgh. ' / CAPITAL, 300,000.—R. )51ILLER, President, pint tiordon. Secretary. . "•. 'III tenure agall kin& bf dike. Fins and Marine, AU baur."7lll he liberally adjusted and promptly paid. A tuome 4 nelitution—managed by directors who,are known to the community, and-whoan, delteniqjno.l by womptnes and liberality to maintain C ho ...tweeter which they base rammed. alp otaning the bast muteccion to those who desire to ha Imaged. Iliascroaa—Reuben Miller, Jr., J. W. Duller, Wm. 0. Ili j ir=2,.T. Nona, tiZt i gek i) C. W.Lt . tr i e ,. ten l 7,4 hmal 1.1.;1...14 AWL,. Llp7l ' noott. Ana trnotith. iNto., No. WMer sts , rt, (warehouse pf Spann k uP +Lelia) Pittsburgh. Pa. Franklin Fire Insurance Co., Rlhilairn.% IPItECTORS: Charles W. neker, Cleo ; W. Richards. Thee. (tart, Mordend Lew i s, \Tobias er, Adolphe Bodo, Samuel Urant, -hold S. Brown, , . Jacet. R. Smitholierris Patterson. • CIIA It LF.3 N. DANDKPR. enAtt.l3lo:llsitCßlM., Sernet.r7, Title Oompany continuea to make Inaurac „ ces. permanent p.IIMIted, on every description of Pitmen. in town:nd cor e re n tratesigsjow r ai , n conshrut selt.le.autMa whleh, witett r alr (4,1t51 anr Fteml&ac'Wrlnveete4 afford ample protection to the ammo& me ...to or the Company, on January 1.3,18.51,. \rub. W~edwroemsly to the Act of Atm:ally, wan se follows, I T l L, , TErrary_ Loa! . ..... e itm ....... ''' 04.34641 i. Rimy tbalr ineorymation, aperbel Yl4l2rirs.7V4 paid upwards of the ! 11 Wen Four Ilainlrest housal r d h". leraLomes by Flee, thereby affording . evidence of the Lk& vantages of Insurance, es well asibeir and diliptet Ma to meet with promptness AU liabilities. J. UMIXONIkIit 00VPIN, Auent. aplti Mee 8. It. corner of Wood and 3d eta Western Inntraiice Com pany \ OF PITTSBURGH. - mu, ma , PUS?. r. Y. amtpcm, \ Will Insure a all of Fire and arino Risks. R.. mina. Jr,. Thos. geott, 3leßnier, J. W. Butler, A. Wm. Lyon, twi, • (lee. 11 Ikusmen. (L W. Jaglison J.Lll,l44emin, Wm. Smith. • • •, • tar A home Institution lL managed by Dlreeionv well • own in thin community. and who will liberally. adjuat • d promptly pay all 111•0111 at the Oman, No. OBlgater • treat, (Spann Co. Warehouse.) up Maim, rittelienrith. • }sib° Marine, Fire and Inland Transportation Insnnamo. , Tilglnsurance Company of North Airouticily ladelphla—Chartered 181 . lY r ienl freV,Onn.—. Mad. Jatittary 13..1851, 51,D01.2.55 IA Will make ram. on buildings and their rontenta, In Ulla city and alao on property of every doreripthon, ahipped per etesinboata and other resaelet