HOME DL&TTERS. irrt_Attirn.'Piatri&The hags of water t -' was 11 fraikeart 'ow Wand:, Weather clear and - quite per, - - • , Therottleatis aoillhared tO out steadily • all daY. Vie: itombei being Inner: than fird / 1 4 1 /dPigeli r ••• wm . at • The,,rbirf was erawded with heatayeeteniay,- the arrivals thee Stmday having been large.— The' ,arrivals initerday were , the Penis, from 'New ctrienne, tichange end 'Latrobe from the Wabash, hlasusiteld from tiaehnlle, Advance from and prand Valhi.' from Saint Lords. The Seltan:leitlaint Louie; and the Sam Snow. denilor Lonisvise, went out loaded to the growth Witlarolght:. The - Sultan bad alsoluite o nrun 7 • The regul rCiaoimati packet for tod a y is the Thiladelphia,.Capt. - .linea r a new Mad splendid beat:. flour of:4leierturit, 10 o'clock, A. M. . At 134 Lords, en thelEth, thettier was falling, With 9 feetintairci. The !pier rivers Were all • falling, the .111blois having but 4* feet In isOtt , for Plttsbinsli;:Oninite SteM,', Caledonia, hey- keno Dna Y. 3. ldall• = The /as: Lyon,,Vienne,.Amerieue. reekt°"". .eline Franklin and Quaker City *era advertised leavegincionati for Pittsburgh on Tncsdni. Tho Amhaiitulor, Fuel and U . 8. Aid left on Moudsy • • , Comm or Qll4wirini ticasmss.—lkforo:Judge . . , Corn. vs...joseph - hirriley;Antlictraenriastiult and, battery. upon Oath of Mary Flotaln... Not guilty and count: pay the eostn. c ow . n . Wm. Kellneil•ladiettnetat,. larceny: . upon oath of John Mithtznan.' r:Aeciatittett.'; Georg° Morley, plead guilty to keeping a tip- . pg ii t booze, and was Emed $2O and coats. A ',Oki prornai was eigerod upon an • Indict meat entereii,agnitast the same for keeping a dis 'orderly bonne: Elijah Addlsoii welt acquitted ofia chary, of 'malicious mischiiif. . - Com.. Ts. ' &minium Kelly, Madeline Itonnett, Amelia A. Harr* indictment keeping a tippling Lome, upon oath of it man named Thompson.— Wound guilty al each BOTII9OOOII to three months Daniel - Armalnimg, of the. oth Ward. plead ' guilty to an amendt and. battery committed in ' cowhiding a man named Alixander. Sl'Creery.- - Armstrong made statement to the Court, upon which the Court fined him Only $25 and coats.- Dtaiatur CO .ar.—Judge ,Itampton on the' William Evans 44431. Dorm Fulton; Debella: Muckleeind, T: Driging. No. 2201i0v. . term 1841; . _; " . • Aidion of ejectment; Dunlop and Courtney for plaintiff; Unpins:fleas and • Stewart for defend- Sarafill, Robb Vs- 'WM= Ncormick; No. 888 November term 1853.- Bbaler and Stanton for plaintiff; McCandless and Stewart for defence. .Action of breach' of pronzise of marriage. " Tho defenthiakia on. elderly man, and a wealthy for mer of "Robismktbstraship: The lady lives in oh' trisi.- . , . Illit DlNWltrilt PliA2ll.—The County Commis . - saomeri Whin) t 9 Pay the Duquesne Grays for the services on the '24th of March, they htinng been tallbi intomiquisiticin by the Sheriff: A suit will blostitated to mover the =mat clamed, • . luiCowarriatrr.--Baturdity has teen selected ,ins the day . upBn - whiCh the Court will hear the utotkiu forawow trill, and in . arrest or judgment , tho Wauspiraci cases. • v• .Btunro.-:-We Anderstialtke coul-bostmen ear ! ployed for the,. New Orleans- trip 'have struck for ;higher Imre—end that' the proprietors Liu, been UOicipelled weed° to the demand: . . 1,. . HOAR, DROWSkiIi...-'4.horsinitae.hed to coal . . .vragon wan drowned in the 'Ailegbeny river, yea secretly.; ls Thaoince , wee driven in the' river to • :ireach a coat boat, bat accidentally got into deep - r.4 . o:ll;4lcics Dafii.A man named Win. Belie Ili g• lined SIG , aid mob! by Idayar Adams, yea tidolay.'roi keeping a tbrdoiona dog, upon, oath. , of A, Woodlnnaii - of the Fleet - Ward, Aliegheoy, itlio aeon bitten beTerily by the, animal. Boleti • taken' an : —.- • • liiiikresbytet7 of Allegbeny : Pity; of • the 'Treaty - Wan Church; in now in 'echelon in Dr. ',23wift.'s Chards; Allegheny. • ' • PoUonxiinr.—L'Dwrid Mum.. the presee Wier in 'Um" Gutbsieperiury: case. vas committed to jail; reirtdity, - Itt default of costs accruing in the atilt witikb, be,. with 'mtated by the 'renlict of the jury- • • • ' 4 :-.---131711KOLIVE OIL-6 baskatp of the finest oftv. (pi need by • • oomph mama, c t rua i ent jans of gl a d . eir iriPtum. "."7." .mLn2l.rut tai'- I AY,RUM dozi,vety superior and gen I alai Sty Ittnined by - JOS, nramicu - N` i " t l'4l' A . 4 • .0 Mziket " A ' • reen,_ aro • Omuta lor oak. 'WALTER P. MARSHALL. ~, Ann lIANGINGS—New Spring Stock g th4 ;,...soortloont - Ot Parlor sad IfoU P.P.'. from Ma. . --. -'-a.- ond l"er fa earl . log lkom 4" /f A eL lea l'ork b"*. an . r Nfoir.TeT or :r \ ' .- lloionfooioefoio. onwral moo tins raper Ifsairlogo. ifordar..... \ S. Yorsitilloia an 4,19.03, wlth• snit variety of than nal 03, CEILIN.(I . PAPER i, II4II Paper, Oalr. Paper aim , . • 8. MAE. Alkibenr. MESTER PAPER—PIain and Gilt, Centres In Geld. Velvet sad Flewerlat Re sale lrr 40 71 . j 8. BADLBB. Alkalasey. IN7i;(3AR4-1( . ,10 bbls.- fur sa2b a L s Ro. -.-V - ALEABLII4 BOOKS--TbeoClicy; by Bled "'NW l ' k 2 val., f' Pt 56.10.1 Loettuvg, 1 vol., 6.% • m.,1,,1nie• permomy3 Wve.'s Au /via holy 131bIC Writings of Americium. 3 eel." at% • De Quinoent Writlnso compktn koloßT . Rertmkelollt/ , Jr, • ""••• _ gRODI3OB73UNDIiikg-- 10-tudi.l4lhtto Door. boo bas:Zar. Com- , 000 bowsbell Car.. - LAO oats ir for IMIG by O LD IC YE WHISKEY-40 superior Old Ilart.lOrmx Rs b. amp!" dtallted, la itemsad Su ply by Will n. 131.11T0:41, No. LT, enr. wood I Front sta. 'WILD CIEFARY BRANDY-3 bble) Ola W 51,1.1 7 1 ,11 , itraa SPRINGI MANTILLAS-IOG now:i-and beaatlfalatylaaal mama. exhit4t4on at - • *MO:, A. A. MASON t 00.1 t• =, sth IA • 008 —2B bxs. now landing_from steamer .Americui Sae ale sr IBAIAU DICKEY cx). NTILLA3 • 811 AWLS--Sty and war • style ml 4 fllot Smut at • MUILPIEY A UUBI , IIRLD, • North corner 4thaad Martel eta. SPRING 114 Mon the mon of MURPHY &BURCHFIELD have a full vmmirtroct% of imooshim nom. I. 14 rotor .14 dolt t solid lkoomilt rkh Irtylc Plaid Mllkg o f do it{ rich multi* -do 'do, mad Mart 13111im of mll mirs6mm sod tlaths. • spit ANILLA. BEA ri —A' Tay enperiorarti d. reel by JOS. FUXIN°. ear. Vied Marie. H ---- HYSICIANS' POCKET CASES—A beau-Wel lauds reed br . JOS. ' • MIIRPLLY &ASURCIIIIELD have reo'd *.;• tavienzrNdlarevivels.lo4l49lZehbas kteeN Reweelilke. 11 1 . enenweV p rr.fi Mike, new style talk W t lo l ) , M : 4i% QAILLINE9-1 case , ."Oilliouir" Sardines 10 for 411/ apn LATKLY / PA/Soti. AWNI .V.ERMICELLA*The + l"4 /07. • •= lWitraltgart,beigoi.."l' t • M., , V.- Ark MYR 0147-10 eases, a very superior arti -7i...- turd.", ple by alga LAITLT a PAXTON. rOLEY'S GOLD PENS ,—Anotbor lot of the above oal field Pew tble del reed from . , .. 7 : • Mauateeturere. C.lllaad teT %boa. S. N. LA(VVZR, , ..-, K .... HOURS, by Miss 6oper; o few ' ' .tiophs of the above ebbe der reed lo• 'c'e'. '' • .. . , . 8. R. LAUFFXR. et weed id. _ ,NEW PLAID SILKS—A. A. Amon & Co. bVeumum O In W bar s iatEg. .ofPlat4 ZS • as UST *exed over 500 pcp. net ...awns,: very Ase stylea. A. MASON A OO . 24 riltbst. • i ED roTATozs--200 boo. for Salo,br tt gribilb • - • " TO 113NNIIORST d..llUlt Hy ATEST SlC —Dear Mary , Smile, by A. A LearAokettlat habit . - . ' Cocos Most. bta o - i " i I =ham beam of estite,:_,.._. I - • - Ktod= r"it.. 2 "'"7`"`'' ' "• ' Meta WWI , . ode ' . ad • hr : • - - ' R.". 11 0o 011 tis Corks Ds A!ber ... ~' . dlt . Tb• wood q 1114 k Illbeasig• .11• Anni• lb: -w“hbaatoo mare 's mosig: With besatlfol rulatknin" .. lieouipt sartstioss on Msretsek's celebrated -,-- .. , . • lood* W oi aal* In LOU daChsetomats;. ' Yirglrli d Zoo. eartslioo ' . I. 1: )'? ' Tha M,ers jest reed, toge ther *lib • Large *lady= of ..pyrb arrobjed . k f it_it_os 2skoo.br.. _ __ , . ;, , .t.2=•.. sou . —IL 0u1mA0,..0..)!....101.• 4thd... I% , I)ROAN'S 000011 SYRUP. oonsiantly . " b.a and to a ~h y..l Barr. Jr. Vssobetor, . - , - - ... . mg- ACRES 'lN you mac at L arear w. u. LL L i ol+ wri ter a - Dorot :amd art wela. propoty . awl UMW PAR3I of 23 1-3 acres (12 of which - is • wa rl oboist Moore* Ito cattiest:km, Datums cltoct tlao. • ottallframe linutt,Orth _sod. (ludo:4 ie., t-bPl4 • 2l° ' - " - rAtittel/.l7ll.lllrinißiritli". ' fr7.l 4 E I " - (ETWETTE BRANDY, dark and pale, eadt.Jextreesl and tar rots . r- .17MUN. No. )2, tor. Wood and lhont eta , - "_BASTILLION & 00.3 BRANDY elbow pure itopmtekibr b r sptornrurf, , Nall. cor. {laud sod Prost& of , BY TEILEGRAPIIe-, • • r • ,- .• - •l l fteicenefoitTrrr, Aprellfi. Hotriite l ..Thel3enate - bilkfor;the benefit of Judie:eV lapin intheiottesi,:fitaletkerea taken eep and sAgarai long debige pitied, yews' B'4:nays 63. The bill *seta tea.WM= of nem to be apportioneil iicconunk igeographiesfaiuirep- Smutsm—The Elenatir, aloe unimportant bald ness, took up UM . Homestead bill, • Mr. th 6 a 1 Psaa, at DWI' ) a strong aPtlech atainat the elotraaterizlng It. as a premium to foreign paupers, antthose too lasy to work. NEw YOR,K, April-19.—The ship _ ; Pow supposed to ,be of New York, was wrecked on Sunday, mai Little Egg •:-Allon=board perished, cou siding of probably.'2ooennittnnts. Seventy-be bodies were washed ashore::.:: . The schooner 1114ikatiou, 'Of 1140*. juo it , „ WAS also" wracked, and there' Tea oplY 00'1 New lima,. Apr1,..19:.-1/ottcia, alitegtfiged;* moderate business • sales .1600 ,bales. .Coffee, saes 1100 bigella ; Logi:Lye's 11i. Monk pioel'easiar, $7,37®8.26; sales 1700 bbls Souffferu a' trifle - lower, $808,75. qrain, sales:18,000 bus Wheat, taore sellers than buyare,Oefiesee V;2s:l3outhernarldte V 2.. Corn, utarketilrui, wiles 41;000 bits At 800885; au up. Wird 4eadeakey: EW' - wlth upward tendency, $15014,62. Beef -sales _BOO bbla - at $14,50..: . Lard dull, sales 250 bbla at 10i. Whiskey, prison 7.7}. fluor; Orleans:44; name 5107; Aissiondo4}. Tobacco, qv:lea Cut ideate, firm at 6GB.- Money easier. Stocks Pnttitustrnrit, April 19.—Flonr quiet; bntilit .lle inquiry, either for export-or city-consuitp ton ; sales 800 bbls stand and good brands, at 88,50, inclinling same" select brands at 28,75, and 150 bide scraped at 88,25. Ityeoonestesidy, it $5,50. torn Meer, $8,75, 110 sales rePorted.. But little Wheat offering, small sale§ slat $l,- 85® 2 ; and white at 22,05. 'The market is bare of Byt,'which is',Wunted'at 96. Corn steady at 82 for yellow, and 80 for white: Oats, scarce and wanted for 55056. Provisions, but little doing;. prices• remain.without -change. —Whiskey, small sales at 27, itvbbis, and 260261 in hhds. 1 - -' - Loulamas.. AprA 19.—The trial of trm broth. , era Ward, charged witL ,the murder of l'relbasor Butler commenced yesterday, in the Hardin co. criminal Court. They will be tried aeparately; Matthew will be tried . • CISCIXNATT, April 19.—Flour in good demand at $7 60 for:eity. trade, nothing for , expert.,- Whiskey steady at 20f. Closerseed,, sales 55 bids at .$4 86, any doll:- lard,- more doing; sales 110 Q Wits at 90.^ Pork firm; sales 550 bbLs mess at $l2. Linseedoll, sales 60 bbla at V2O 92}; and smisß late at 98®96, buoyant,'' Gro ceries, no change in Coffee; and dull; The river half 'risen floe feet within tho past 24 hears; weather warm; .like rain. HR TEETH concerning Sellers' f Vermi- Tm, A. ra single rl.l productiag weeders. Anal the owing: _ Par JeffasettOo.,..lett. 27,1;352. • Mr. R. E. Belle-ele I bought or J. It. Here we tattle of your Vereallege'sed Rare It to a child 'able. end 'lt expelled ti Wire worecuourd quite • usnebtrefeetall one. AL PALMER. • Otitis. TV.. Jefferson Feb. 7.1 1 142. Mr. II- Itliellers—tlaying tried rope •Yerotlfute le 1/11r fiLMilt2l,...o.7lLbot. s. not .to emote.' by my Vemarege In the world Ibr s expeilltut worm. Wartunr.lY.../offammt Mo., Pb. 17. 186i' Mr. R. 16 PelW►-1 Ammon. bottle ern.. Vets:dram to my child, and It expelled:s laymmorm. , I.thlutt It the Lent In imet Yam% rerreetrolly. PKTER DEKM KR. Pnimmd sad roM try RAL sauxits CO4 Mord tt, and lurmir.by Drmattrtio scetwalls. apil TRAW WI.APPLIWPAPER,-500 rms sSt ok!nr: an 3 J. SCHOONNAECNfIaw. 'OLASSF,B-;7 0 A0 bbla ariinoli, 0., oak ..kmkaga. kw Mk CO. 1311--IClet bble. Wkitp and, ,Trout for *ale - utblo JOIENI noon & CO. 10(i2bzss• QUlNlNgfortiale.b;,:, 10 '-SUO bus. ear '.rn to arrive and fur BELL& LIOGETr. INGIRON-300 tons Springfield Futuna C Car Wheel kw ale br HOWL e LARD -30 kgs. family Lard for ado & ronslomment by by 7 inury & op, figURERIOR"CLUB HOUSE " Gplaor d., thorsall t.ua koown Mulg,f 8L CII ILin iE tsd A3l % LigDert r..., Stone of iot . 7 " T iiMnDt'ndq' A'll- f,v4JEVleurm..l. et No. / man Wood sod ILITILERS-19 nins-janding from deism? America illbr L . 21101.1"rt 00. BOOMS-804 - oz. Corn Broonne for nak by " - ammo. rANSPARENT.WINDOW SHADES, of apt and beautiful &edit's, It's WS t tts• 011 1:!lctb amasses, N 0.116 Marbet - J. & IL PHILLIP& - '&I.II,ENCrMUSTARIf differeist, 114-. von. fevered and Wade It W.A. 11513WR0. LILDRIDGE'S BALM OVICOMMBIA, miebratat visa, Ibr,rramollqic tbA II • •••• irreed by - mob au& r S--s reed to-day and for' rink by rim= 4r-warmer. vita rrt. CORN. - -L-2,000/11mistii shelled; 'hi pping order. received and for ink &pi • •BlcW. lt ucarer. wam et ARD AND BUTTER-10 kd&i leaf lard, L 13Arkins choice Bniteer:lecetred aellor br BELL t LIUURTT. Watv at S , UNDR.EI . Isbds .Lurd. dam, wearied: 3 Ws. bnLLeak . =5 WWI Dry Appleg • 110 •• Ryq old Copper MR* .7,llmsee Remo law Peahe!, to arrive on Kw Americus, Regale by IS MAIL➢DICKST A 16 , UNDRIES Ft R SALE—One lot Drj ► Goods, suitable tor a mall Ow Grocery old Prodooe 13t=10s best Etarot Veep . ITydraollo 011Preeem Ith the DloDa ' One Steam Maim of thlrtiborso poser. en Boller. Three engine Lathes and t ree hand Lathes. lf you want barsalne to these Wogs enquire ream of THOS. WOODS, Goratnerelal Broker, _ 78 Fourth Wert. VfIGARS--Itegalia, La Union, Kossuth, -Plantation, Figaro. Steamboat. Col., and Halfdpan ur late by W.W. IL SUWON, slat PM. 12, cot. Wood and Front ea. QUAKERS' HERBS of every description ea band sad for sale tr Jos. FLIC3IINO. mhZ4 sower to L. Wilcox i 0o A M'S P NA EA-6 dos. of this Tan AL/. malidna roelby 71,231tEKU. GLOVER SEED-60 bus. for sale'bi mms 8H arc ER. Dnworm* co. fIARDEN. SEEDS--Briggs & Bro.'s Gar- LA dm 13...14 the twig In marker.; -• Image namALreed JOS. mb2s LINSEED OIL-30 bblr. pure - and old for sae by J. SCROONMAKRIL J. MS-fflO dos. iit'store for kir, by .D 1 I R. lomorm& IkIOROCCOS--AD Ribortnient just ree' . d -IV. and for leak by ukb2l , - , BARD! On Wow/. OYLELEATiIgit---300 sides superior quid t.7 ter reed by 0b27 BARD CDR LAND& A IRON *SAFE,, price A ir, fo t r x, Lr z l i e w by tp3 aCtIOONII LA A YE-50 bags now landing from steamer mamnma fat ads by 'mug DICKEY* CO. W .._ lai INES Blneknfe• lteserte Madeira, • eery am sad choke aft • . • :- .014t.loem'a Pere Witte; - - • . • Pare 1830 . do do; llutinandy- .i. gbe Tenet-We When - .. Liebon do • rieeset Mang* Wine. and intim. other branch end queillleLoa Mad Lad For mile by W. IL SUTTiJIC. - . aplo • . No.W. ear. Weed sad throat el.e.: FIGURED SILKS—A. A. Ma.son & O. tors Just reaiv talk. new Wortawrotlrf over pen figured Mika of..vory quality. , spa VIGUEED TISSUES do BARAGES-L-100 " v " 4 . 4k tt la A'7. rs m onit Sat iIiROCHE SHAW IS—A. A. Mason Co. x===wc i rrwse. been pG e= E .na h eilt e Lbe.,yo in a t f o o r iLlnz o s, a v A lry i t i rg i : Loo" of ervg7 enkr and QuAntlty. 'A. A. MASON* Co.. -K 1D GLOVES—Marphy and Ildrchfieri have mind Light Kid Glares, s lilas ibr 112 A A 9 . , 13 , 112 ;i 111 . tt . ff) , LOTS, situnce o . f t i t ir. th . Arziow and term* accommodating. aplIS ; B. CUTILBSIIS itSO:C.I4O. Id at. LARD- I 43 bbli. and 3 half 'do now lnnol nc from steamer lI.T. Yentraig fig nakhg I - - lncligit DIC KEY • Co. feiNSPAItENT &OWEN OIL CLOTII , 1000 yds. at dlllirant widths, lb* Itandatanot sad twat eve., bwrare offend la tale Markat, loaf teed rata ate Oil (lota Waterman, t1a.116 ltarkat J.* U. PHILLIPS. be CLOTIt OItASH. FOR STAIRS--600 yam of dleeneat style. ot light and da rt cokes far loik. at be UtrOOth lodl* Wareromos. No. 110 Market IC . 11. PHI Ll.llll. a' PHY *BURCHFIELD hascrrec'd B ratia . bflogilah Straw Bonne* also, Oolaiwel and tEn-200 bz p i l ;. good e allied PAPERT—A ggneml anointment of eased aultulpiazed. Jut reed kola the most eel. •bra mannfutory in Balt*omior mi• br mb6 '• 21106 rALsizit. db Harketelreet. - FOR BALE-1000•Boe.Corn; • om .i.aud omn.‘ =ha(• L. U. 011.111 , IV. and far 01.17 EANB —SO . b 15.. small whpg:o;zotvco. GAR--30hhds. N.O. Sugnz reed. by U. p r adratribr NJ* 6r -KN.IIAGIALIVII 00: ------- bbls, choice 7 lton ' Butter anlfil do Egorried b•-• P:RP *rad, 2.7 PM* IitI.IIAtiALEY .t TAMED APPLEZ-150 boa prime, in isks, 1 .8. 1 .br mhis DALZZLL A 00. MACOARONI AND VERMICELLI= - sew 144 1144 ! Venato4 recei sus:LU d anSOd kw .414 A. . SALAD OIL— one ftegh OPT° Oil;;;_ - triketi OthsLlM,Li= YAM the 6.4 w mak br • VP lIY &lIiIRCEIFIELD havo receiv ed • soorsing y w r Dow saIutoOKINII and • Itirdlemorlurfaoitic k ironpap /iXlawm LM, J anottlwl Was IMcCa ' coaimmiA=aftu:.,,, °°3lloErriM 974441PAV0L0C at .APIIVLMN , 2.1111111rX,1. Nuacc.ll..lrßriaruiamt.T.s.l)wiroant: - rimstraq4 'MEJEETB Madman TO actin la oW taputtoatat.' Malta) : tam 661 0 6 1.1 41 46401.1041;4taitha loam atthe•Netthanta notra—c.iiiso 444 a. tam OMtett : Mu Int , a, r"- terdar, and ant at 22,25 ta extra: from store saki arta %a; at 104 ; 1 / 4 1 do. extra at 27X; and 60 bbt ..orta. to dray lowls, at 23.00 t tato!' 200 bbliaArapaftta - 611 .tho 1111Ant-paa to an ; aka 14100 boa. in the eat .on the abort, at 62, ad 400 do. la an feat atom mo Lm. abetted - al 68- - °Mato goodAtausd; salts of 322 Las. 'OO orbs:tot 42 .fia =tat. 1.4^:•.. • 0LL0C4116.14-mosing that , . 06 U.' ttborf of 60 Abdo: Saar at ; .10 do: 4266. 0. t oot tota; 40. 1 0 , atol 6 at. good latr, at 12; ad Ida. prtmeat634. MoLuai; alto 0r 66 IA& Mo.= Dakar* on the wharf at =1,40: ou private tonsil lam atcacylit dtt trade; 13.6 6 d 26 btds. do. at,2434.... Golden t7rop ; aaln of 10 Lida. at mi. -Wll:o3l4,l4Vislan of 00 mg 76 bbis. iocittled at 26. and - 1141:10N-4n atnedy,4l4+4 nand ;idea 6F - 16.000 Mr and IC folks £4lundderaat6Xt Seaga Plant st lag; 4000 tee. Hanle at 1%; 3.00114::Pboolder, .;;;a :mita; 6.% ;;;;;1 6 tee.ansaenened. nun. it,IOXO4IE - GAUD-4a meet maker of 100 keg* at PSI aub. , 2o do at 6 n:allabble. at 834,payable Pleb deletion ant at 70 1401 : LAID 011 r-e. male tnbe an 76, tor lto.l,and bead . DRIED viturr-‘4l tqutit4 ,ar.130: 140, and 'Sri ban Dried l'eselni et 61$1,nedn100 do. it $1,60. and 4 0 dd. Inin6x at.sl,6o:ThieetApptni,'itage'oll6o bun at artrrs-• Wr *Mid bni Pei FatO, k,-;aritc., at and $lO do. from atom; atsl,ls. ' . 4 .. _ • A1911:-Iphili 61' 44 do. • 1 SALy-a rrrator demand at previous t ats ; sales at ea inset.; 7$ 1, it $2,)30- - : - 1 ' , • FEREEMENEI _ ~ P OTATOI3BI-88 88isdrirKies4 viler of GO .1431. Median. it 83. • . ". YPPLB. -isur;abbot:Gci bus. !mot. to 'ord..: Ot I.A.niT 2 -,• ludo Otrio bt 31384 . ial Palntst , $BO too. NIONtrAILY :AND :qoauktEnma.. • ~ • LiVIIIPOOL. 4th M0...1.1;11454," gime Yriday the Upwind tendeney of prime In all the loading articke of trade ham continued, PertirMwinAt:othe advance eetabilabed bees and In London belegin mu! re sponded to throughout the United Kingdom. -The demanq has been. lame both for cousumption and , "emulation ; Wheat and Flour rosy be written fully zwell o lb, and 1. Gd,V barrel dearer Airco our tut report. • • • Minim' Wu she attractol ettentioo, sod some quantity chanced hands at ...lee , . &PIP load in andehon... halm. Corm - on the eentrery. withallbual euptand limited demand, it fully le Itgnarter chesperotter gam" ter, baring been. accepted • for mote white and yet ex ,/ . • Livaitebou itbi uo. 4th. Inc Welted a I=atterdlanteatthlemons nee market, but the adman, store checked the demand; the amount *rhea... transacted In either Wheat or Floor wee mod , erste, and Ow courumpUon 0011.- We quote the advance from the rat. of friday ld glll7O U.. cm Wheat, and. -Indian Contend rather viorvinquined em, ma the thew of samples Wog mach hoe than vou everted from the unouronfarrivala so ad rune of fully 2nGliV , it dueller 6SSIMM3=;ZiIM; _ lista la fairteTzt.• a* Id to•Z1 43 . be.. advanee. . Wea cluoa ther extremely_•• 'The elflelo¢ quotations are it—Amerkse *Ale sdiali d. red and mixed Ilekttle 64,13nadlark mix ed .44 rralle 11•41.1.91 ‘k 76 . Indien.am,Amee+ , ran. white 40(0.71e, 7elknr 4004 le. mis.ed 49.64440 e 64 1 /1. - 440 floar—Amerienn. Wielens punt -WOO*, Mal. i t9gt Cd ud ' thati ed. C• mme 4 =ll . an 11 4. 0.1 96e 044 amt , 41. e. :bar Healed sa4 *one 140..1ag 1p Corn 11 ev4lW9rd,Xaoldte LWOW.- %I LW. Seede=Ciover red • . .• - . lutilmwsopricus. a ILA LIVXRPOOL martian:is, e:4lr jitilee.Wllenry Rats that Itimatiarrirmi thely. and to make xogrem a d