=M==ffl= PITTSBURGH GAZETT4 ..PUBLpUED BY *urn a ' PITTSBVIRGII: THURSDAY 'MORN*, APRIL 20, I8L4• . 4 ter' WIflU (STATE TICKET. • aofißsos, : JAMES .POLLOCE.; OP. FOILITILICLIZILLAND COUNTY. FOIL. CANAL CO:AIMISSIONR., GEORGE DA•RMIE; OP ALLLOIIIII7 commr, ,FOR JUDGE OP StIPTIEMit COUNT, DANIEL Dl.l SMISER; ow Iscwrroolawr covsrr. . •ailt-Ptttallttalt weekly Gasette.-Tha eztonsivo almalatloo of our ICeel4 CaZoete." to, our balm:o*n. a most destrablei MOM= of we ther bmantai known Ourthealatloo labetveenfour aid aro tbintaamt,ivactdme 1110.1•_•t • Illafttsitai ' • " • • 6K44"Perin 13. To A dvertherw—tirelLber tan Llltmial Room. opr Prinfingtutsblldnneninf thy Daily anent; ze opened on Sunday. -.llynnernuswbodenrothstr nptinento sinner the mope* en Yeas) . meeihutortll *us hi.4tbalsOn Wore 6 dark. on Batardsi. - , ' irtrOorke dear DAILY PATER eau he obtained or Mr. TcltAltD, OR Smithfield thrset. mat the Poet Mee. ; Vie 'are' ifidebted to! ROL. T. 11;Tiowo - for a copy of tha fult Cimun!li!Report. TOCCATtIOLIO CORTI6I9IILIT Prtszanzzemrs. —The .7oarital and Use Chronicle, by their assaults , upon the . da:ette, in reference to this case, balls given much int:MOst aid import:Mao to it in this !regien. , The: eastern Misers of Monday bring us some liddltional infoiniation. A letter in the Baltimore Afterieencentains the following: "Font hundred Germans assembled on Friday. last, In Third sweet, near Callowbill, for the pur ,pose of making a dembastratlon in favor - of the 'Trustees of the Trinity Catholic Church, impris 'ened in the. debtor's apartmeht, for a contempt of Enurt... They formed in procession, headed by -Dilater's brass band and with American flags 'Eying, marched to the Moyamensing prison. On their arrival there, the Trustees came forth, And weareceived with everYmark of delight by their 'friends, and the liberated Trustees were escort ' ed to their resideneek in triumph." It des not appear tone this on what ground the Imprisoned Trustees were liberated. The Phila . delphia 'Register, of ; Monday, has the folloWing ftirther account of the proceedings of the Case: "Tice Lthei Tet Crtuncrt Teottnues.--.Thii troubles of this c hurch are hot' yet settled, or wort net on filaturdag: -1 In nonsequenee of the defendants refusin g'to obey the: order of the. Court .in' - this ouch, v exed case , :it' will be reMembered ;that they, wire committed to prison for, contempt. • On Saturday, the coon ' ,sel for the plaintiffs brought the tact to the atten- - tion of thn Court of Nisi - Priuis that the:property, In &Spate was still kept out of theirkessession. The Court ordered the requisite authority to be - ideas to the Sheriff of the county M . put the Trustees of the German Religious Society of Ito ., pan Catholics of the, Rely Trihity Cher& ar' pointed by the - Court, in possession of the church building attho corner of Spruce and Sixth streets, together - withthe house of the priests, the school house adjacent, - anti the burial lot sittronneing the charch This is a virtual surrender td . talus! is known as the Bishop's Party, until anew election for Trustee takes place: ' This accent, whic h is in substance repeated in , • - ejl theptipera,fiallystistainsour infamies that the - Trustees of the RolyiTrboity Cathelie church, Wen), Imprisoned for 'insistence - AO the - demmds of the., Bishops. The Register. states that. US; Order of the Court putting the property into the hands of an opposing set of . Trustees; "is a virtue/ ne& ' , der knot:ales the Bishop'sparty 1" en the Bishoett Trustes are fully in possession they will Make . Ores the fproperty to the Bishop, and theca the cantroverayirili end, by the triumph of the Bishop, sad Unacomplete overthrow of the plants Thii is what we expected ard•feared, and it bears its ontlih all We mid in the premises. The Jousiud cehridered it a;matter,for rejoicing, 1 that the opponents 'of the ilishop•were overthrown • and imprisoned- 'We looked epee it - with pain 1 and indignation,` *lna° we saw they were Off- -I firing in defence - of a principle sa cred to lover of civil and religious liberty._ , It seems wo are. not the only ono who lues a ' similar view Of die question. From the follow ing. article, which! we ;find in the Philideiphia Register, of MotubY,lt appears - that Dr. Dmbin has been writing on the subject.. We regret we did not see the article of that distinguished and manly clergyman, ,Whose pen is Always, enlisted . in a good cause; bitt as farther evidence that wo hawi not misunderstood the question is Contra . vcisy, we copy thei article from the Register Tits Cullom Coorrnoreasr. li A Catholic Lnyman",publit in Saturday ' s "Argun an an swer to Dr. Dar A priest would harp writ ten abetter ono._ The "Layman" says: shwa to the ir:r that the Illskore wield bt=l In cemeteries. ke. P 'l%; Van. I=4 air t* . min be othera=. been are. the flil , :ests of ..u, 14 for as,V=l l , the peset g ortl ' ens od'e mTnlsUal . spl fatn Atnal sof temporal. as you would ham us to ff.14. 08 : * It would be a sharp logician who should tell ns what is the - difference between Oiritunt aud' reaspoent power. - . If getting all the church pro- • petty into their hinds, tyrannizing over the pa. , ' • - pal States, influencing political action wherever. ' they can, getting the control of schools and sem inaries, and having things pretty much their own way wherever they can gets foothold, is , not tem ' peril power, we slionldlthe to bear what is.. -As to, the phrase; "God's mthisters," it is a cant one which Covers a sailhism. - Every MO who does a right act is a minister of God so far forth. But - that should not give him a right to . Seize on all the property he get his bands upon Raw the, la ymanfurtheri • So rlth the Chareh of Oat la the matement of her% - temples! eflalra. thoutch Ills unbarred Maori or 11,. ". k 111.16 perfect rlght.,,ln every onenter.to bold lulled • name (bat the ytenVerdZirr= d ele t ; oblleatknuhoth iplrunal and temp:nut, that may de " IIIITO CO 1t1041.1P the roarsoot their wart ronastrr.”. • The Divine right of the Bishops to hold all the temporalities of the 'uh I b oldly church claimed' by. the: "Catholio Layman" above quoted, show ing'clearly that we could not he mistaken in our - view-0f the Philadelphia controversy.' We may here lescin the subject with our readers, beseech ing thereto give it a careful consideration. They will discover that in sorry matter connected with his religion, and of course tits eternal aslvation— a matter paramount to all other considerations with all good men. - -the American Catholic is -as completely under li - despotism as the followers of the Pope - in Spain,. or in Reim Itself. • Ile hash • nothing to do with temporalities - 6r spiritualities. Ilia only duty is rihtaintign. Ills great lesson is 4 41 = 4 ,Ita must pay, Lis money, but further be may not inquire. , Ile billds churches, isy lams, monasteries," hospitals, and purchases and oloins Cemeteries, but he owni - hothing, controls nothing, ears`. enquire into nothing ' 'The Pope , threngh his sworn agent the Bishop, controls every thing, owes every thing, and .disposes of every thing at - his sovereign pleatiern---ecen eternal 'salvation is dispensed by him , and to tits - obey him is to forfeit heaven. Such power, -ex ., • trawl by a foreign despot, over some three millions of the inhabitants of this land, is fearful to-'contemplate' ' but still more terrible is it to ceisidifithe awful desliotism In which the minds, • the hearts, the ands of his followers araiselff. It may not be generally, known how much property is thus accumulited In thebands of the ' Bishops, A correspondent has promised to give tai the amount held in the of Pitts-. Meet, and this is small part of what is held in , . Western Permsylvazia, in the entire - and sn , . ra ~m p control, of one man. Wo.will.doubtless - - hear from our correspondent sOOO.. _ - • Ltalsta.— ! .Vire have flint time to time noticed , the movement of the colored people 'in :the neighborhood. of Johnstown and Saltsburg, in . . this State, to ;emignito to Liberia. ; The .moie• meat originated from a gentleman 'sending boodle of Colonization lieraldelo an intelligent •.'"colbred man rimed David Kelley, who lent them 11502 C among bis friends and aegiudritances, and no great an Interest was excited that an associa ' .tion was fanned, tan delegate' meat to Liberia on •an Caploiing expedition. The delegeo.s, a Ma Willialnal . .on his return, made eo flattering a report that an emigration company was formed. '• ' consisting of thirty pericois, who sailed hut fall, and arrived is Deeexaber, taking with On? goody for ialaige ateTe and steaiisaW mill: We hay° had the piens:we of reading lztters. from „kW. David Nolly,'Jr., dated at Monrovia on the 24th ,',:....-.‘anfl3lSt of Deeciaberlast, speaking in the 7 .est , forma , of. the country and people, and, pressing.thestrtragest eatiefaction with the step !'• of emigratieirwhieh had been taken. The health of gailisn !ran good, the store hOd been Opened and ;"witi doing' well. The writer had made ajommei into the Interior; to aramine the `limber had ivisited 'some of , the native towns :' aud , the algae plantatioqa or:the volonista, with :which'. be wig much pleased. it hi the in. ten ion of the Johnstown emigrants to tame In itgr:lFttl"Fitn he S 7l4 l": , L tel . 14 aid pip proiptikbeforo UUNKIFA3 ‘I. ‘itZ 114 tiring. Atc mutant pecollizly tors, and all others - we bare seen from that guar -ter—that of—the cleration . of oral Imparted by the cense of perfect freedom arul equality =joy . , .4.3 by the colored man on the soil of Liberia.— .Per-the i first-time.they. feel the tram dig f pity of humanity In the enjoyment of real free dom and social equaTity, coupled 'with the serious pad elevating responsibility which such a condi tion. imparts. The elevation is seen and felt ea ery whore; in the street, in the church, in busi ness, La the social:circle, and in political affairs, mad to: . mijoy it Is worth far more than the esoi- fiCes emigration to Liberia imposes- The - • • Colony is now at peace and prosperous, and we understand Others in ,the s neighbOrhrd of Jomstown prepose soon` to follow the ex am o of . their friends, whose letters give such tying accounts. - • Borne years ago much was said on the subject of establishing a line of. steamers to Liberia by Congress. .If such an not of wisdom, prudence and juitice could be accomplished, coupled with the recognition of the independence of the Re public of Liberia, it would rapidly hasten the success of the most promising scheme ever yet devised for the civilization and ctrdstianization of Africa. Thousands of, our best and most in .tel'igcnt colored population would thus be in duced voluntarily to emigrate to a land where, only; they can expeet to be trulrfree, both:po litically and socially. We hope we may sea a Congress which will render this justice to Africa and to ourselves. • We are glad to observe, however, in theab- Bence of any action by Congress, an effort is to be made to accomplish by private enterprise what ought to be done by public authority, as the following article from the Baltimore Ameri can will show: REGULAR CORXURICATION WITH. LIBERIA. Mr. R. IL Gurley, on behalf of the American Colonisation Society, invites _co-operation in an effort to raise one hundred thousand dollars or more, during the present year, over the ordinary annual contributions to the society, to enable it to purchase or build one or more steamers.or other shipi to run four times a year between the United States and Liberia. •The Importance of ,regular communisation is acknowledged, though there is sonte difference whether it can best be effected by steamers or swift sailing vessels.— This question . will be decided by an able commit tee to whom it has been entrusted, and it is pro posed to:secure a fund for carrying their decis ion, whether for stettmers or other vessels, into effect. It is not. intended by this proposal to withdraw funds from, other agencies, but with the : public favor, to secure a special fund for a special object, second, to none connected with the interests of the society.. Subscriptions to this fund will bo received either as a loan to trustees for ten years, without interest, then to be repaid, should the enterprise la found self sustaining, or as absolute donations to the cause. All subscriptions to this fund will go to the credit not only of the individual subscribers, but of the States or Territories in which they reside, and a donation of one thousand dollars or more will entitle the donor to become a life director of the ,society, or to appoint some other person to this honorable office. • Jiman Pou.oce.—As waslo have been expect ted, the, locofoeco piens chnekleslmmeimely over the Air:tart ill-liaised suggestion that ..Jcilgo Pollock ebotill decline the Whig nomination.— The folloaing - pemgrephs TO take from the Post end 'Non of Yesterday : . Prru. Icons POLLOCK Panne I—rho above caption'we take froM the Journal of,yesterdity. The 'editor of that paper says ho received private lettera which intimate that Judge Pollock will decree the nomination for Governor he has once &Manny accepted. The Judge has doubtless surveyed the field before him, and_ ugs nothing but self-immolation in the race,and now desires to escape; and as it is supposed hat no other sin- table whig will accept the honor of a certain and citerwhclming defeat., en effort is to be 'made to induce some free soil denim:Mit to make "a Judy" of htroself, and betray his party,. by tie- CePtitig whig suppert, and, a,whig nom 'Atkin. Dacia Ill‘mat's antecedents 'afford some encour optima to our vsliig friends that ho can be bought.—Post: . We infer from the Animal of yesterday that there is a probability. otdudgo Pollock declining yet to ran as a candidate for. Governor, in via- . titian to Gov. Bigler. Even some of the most sanguine Whigs seems to have come' tothe con clusionihat there is no use in.'attempting to re suscitate their party, and that their proper plan is to.get some renegade Democrat to run as an Independent ; and then atl. the isms of Whigs, Natives, Abolltionists, .Knov-I'fothings, can rally upon him in opposition .to the' candi date of the people. Fix it up, gentlemen, just as you please; it makes no sort of ditTerence Umon. • . • We do not question the right of our opponente to makeas much capital as they can over such—s. godsend; 'but we beg leave to entei our protest against holding the Whig party responsible for the suggestions of, the JournaL .It has no au thority to speak for the Whig party, in this mat ter, and doe Woe speak the views of any ono Whig of whom we have heard. The Whig party of Western Pennsylvania, and of the State, are con tent to abide the chances of war under Judge Pollock. rllllA.—ThoWashington Union threatens hure ly, at Cuba, for some strictures on. President Pierce in the official journal at Havana. The organ of the. Captain General does not think Preaiderit Pierce equal to WASUINOTON, and this liregarled as insulting to the incumbent of the White House. Our Consul at Havana, when the article. appeared, there, asked the Captain Gen. , oral to disavow it, and receiving no answer, an American vessel in the harbor, at Ms suggestion, refused the customary salute to the Spanish flag. The Washington 'Union, of course, regards this as another instance of, Spanish perfidy, and an additions] cause for war. . . Now, all this. is supremely ridiculous. The press in this country claims.and has conceded to it, the largest liberty in commenting on public men and measures; and the Washington Union, itself, almost daily, indulges in coarse mil un dignified attacks, not only upon the autho rities' of Cuba, but alio upon the Queen and Govern- Ment of Spain, and not unfrequently uses irrita ting, not to say insulting, language towards the heads of other European nations in amity with the . United States. It is not,' therefore, for Americans to be so thin-sklrned is to complain when similar liberties are taken with us by the , press in other nations. If the comments of gov ernment organs are to be takenne causes of war, the Washington Union furnishes abundant provo cation for embroilment with both England and Spain; but, fortunately, the representatives of those governments, (unlike our own) have sense enough to let such things go for—just whatthey are worth—nothing. *73:Bp Srows..--41:C Southern papers are just now Making morri, °Mar a couple of resolutions lately adopted by some colored then in Massa chusetts in reference to Mrs. Stowe, as follows: Received,. That when Dino. Stowe promised the ciilored people of this country a large donation from, the funds collected from her friends and ours, in Ecrope;for the ostablishmeet of .a 'school adopted to our wants, we rejoiced in the hopo of great and Inelhat goal to our mice from that noble enterprise. , . • _ .11ooked,• That her late refusa l to. make that contribution in aid of our elevation, his filled us with' Unfeigned reFet and mortification, and compelled no to believe that she luta been acted upon by other intluence:s than the dichdes of her own . good heart The colored men who passed these resolutions were giiiity of the swim folly as theie pro-slave ry papers ore . which loan them as opportune to their purpose. Both parties proceed without a .due knowledge of tho facts. It turns out that Mrs' Stowe never did promise is largo donation" of 'the kind mentioned above, and tenco aunnat ho. reproached with breaking, her word. She received monoy,, When in England, 'which sto promised to, apply to the Took:, of elevating the colored race, and is honestly determined to TO* deem herpromise; bat she claims to be the best judgiiid the objects' to yidelitlie money should he ePidlid. :The, colored Poophitiaciaselves are divided opinion as to the practicability. and Value of the iissahool" alluded to ha the first. resi lutieer ove,aud M. stdire tots very - wildly fridielAfroli aiding a MoVianieat that had not the general ien*lnce of tim# 4 1 4 014 4410 bellel fitted. by She' lum however, iiven , $lOO6 aid Of a &doted school established under favorable atisrldcias, and will'iiiibtleSifaiihtd4 ;ilium . ° whatever:funds OM limo been entrusted within.them', , which shill he commend td her judgment. i"! • Ills MAILL—IaLet eight, AbilUt it o'.eledic, we recebildaps IRK backinsill, two4ettara frau- Jnei4l4,:. and :a •L'ltstaithttrg lettei.",-,neatiir of w Ye sztpwt.de to set in this merning:. The' train wm 87 hoomoniticro between this city end Th4delphis. Viz Coicciti.--Illasenin }tail Sine crowded last night, to hear the famous troupe of Ju.r.tisr.. Owing to the heavy snows east, the train on *hies they st.tted frOm rbibidelphia,"did not :each here until late in the evening, but the per formere, fatigued as they were, made there ap pearance as soon as possible thereafter, add an- quitted themselves admirably. We neves saw a more delighted audience, and we are sure that not ono of that large crowd went away disappointed, Tonight, AL JUllien will give his second and last Concert, and his troupe, after a day's rest • from the toils ofa severe travel, will be able to appear to holler advantage. The programme is an attractive one, and no one should lose this last opportunity Of hearing . the most complete orchestra that has ever visited us, as yet. rho Philadelphia Register, in my articl e Ma. the conspiracy cue, tried in this city last week, says: "Ibis affords a fair illustration of the bid ten dency of laws encouraging informers. Hero are certain men deliberately planning to make msney by inducing a xiolation of the law by unsuspect ing persons—an act which consigns them to the contempt of right thinking persons- Yet the law rewards them with apart of the penalty, and it is extremely doubtful whether the judiciary will hold that a : combination tiohtain the penalties I imposed by a law is a punishable conspiracy." Ins Gtisoow.—rWe learn With pleasure that &subscription is on foot to charter the steamer : Granite State," and send her is search of the City of Glasgow. The movement is every way commendable, and it is indeed quite time that something should be 400 e. Tho Granite State is a fine saa-gqing boat, and is admirably adapted to tho object Surely, an adequate, sum might readily be raised. The Glasgow has, no* been absent forty-Seven days, andall who have friends on board feel the deepest anziotp. I Jail. Exam. • . . THE DAUGHTER OF DANIEL O . CONNELL.-'--WO leant from the Broillean correepondence of the N. York. Post, that Mrs. Wines the wife of the Brit ish Consul at Pars, and Daughter of Daniel o'- Connell, the great Irish agitator, is about to connect heiselc with. tho Church of England, of which her huisband is member. CLERK OF TER COVETS • ALEXA2fILOIIILANI4 I will lei a candidate lar the a flee of Clerk of the 0011108, ,abject to the oteehlon of the Anti:4lll . olde skid Whig CeSsention. . asl2-Isrd• BEGISTREt WILLIAM FORiCTRE elndldate for tbe office of Rev .tar befdie the Whiz Itoerrtutiori. ' aplS-Le WM. PERKINS la • esuhltdate for the ottett of Ito& beGtre thetChlg Couteutton.enth , te . . .• LPN. K. FAN KIRK, of tßilabellk• Ilaruagb. in • asndl data for Rodger. o.t the coming Whig sPI.4-.d"rt,s J;ISMON tv• andhlats for the Oleo of Reglater twe.th• Wills ColaVerttlan. apl24e nuiYß•oone b eimaidlanta Cu the minimal= IM tam, ViblgOntamition. ' sta [l:reala4 Pals. i.PTA ItECORDKR. BARU= YARRESTOCK le • erodidate Ihr the cam or Recorder bola+ the Wilke thatecrotioia. • Cal IziuDAtimieciiwtsiwi4 Dr: Eraggte's Liver PHlL—This groat medicine has supplanted an ethers for the cum et disown of the Lirer, , Its effects am no mints:7 and apeedy. and at the simetine petiectly saf that It Is not surprising Is ehordd superstle all othera. • Invented by • rea7 &din. gulidted physician of Vnia, aim practiced In • reg i on orcounta7 In illicit Meath, or Liver Coreldelnt. liarly Ameoldabie and coonnon. sad who had spent years . dlscorming the Ingrettlenta tad proportioning their gnaw. Utter. them 1.111. are pecullarly adapted to retry turm of the OM., and nerer fill to alleviate the mast obstinate calmer that terrible complaint. They harethstly become coliterateh and the imearches of Di. •M`buse bath placed' hts name among the tenelbelors of manklod. NO one hat tug symptoms - of this formidable erarthiebt. amnia' be without these insaithtd• Pill.. Ilare you a Data In • the `righted.* luth.rthe edge of the ribs, tearoom with Presame—unaMe hello with. cam on the len tide—with oc assimud, sometimes Madera, ludo under the shoulder blade, freunently extending to the top of the shoulder! Rely upon It, that althorigh the letter palm seeing:nettle liken Ibr rheumatic. they all arias them .11w of the 14. andlfyon would have rend. go Instantly and burn boo of Dr. li'Lannis Lisa pu... le careful to ask the 3PLANKB CPLEBRATED LTfßit PILLS. and tale none elm. There are other PIN 4 lerrierthin te be Ltrer rut., no. before' the nubile., also, him Celebrated Vermlfsige, me aerobe 1.41 at all rearectable Drag Stems In the thsited. Staten elm, per male by the mole proprbstms. &DU:dale:B 8i1CM111.11! 00J. Kidd A Co.. GO Wood at. To Printers.—For sale, a lot of second Land Cninicinll4., itthWrtlslng inks. and Daub]. Ct. U.R.. at low /mien. Elli:dr* at thla of lalit It. C. LOOMIS. Of tbo late firm of Weardv & Loomis, - IVIIOLESALE'DEAI:EIi IN BOOTS AND SHOES, 69 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. iimstexl . Dr. .Xorne'a. Invigorating Elixir or COnDLS.L.—If It is hundred bow this greet restontive is acemeplishlng each extranelleary curve. we can only Mar that In the Arabian herb that femme Its raffles] Ingredient • have been bisupted by the Oninlyetent Physician. • lannW emonat and greater varieties of- carat]e properties than led heertofore been marmot Waist m abandred different activate of the pharmacopeia. A erbcde neeLlehte cheat of remedlee, Po to wreak, mans to have been combing In thin herb; and In the EL7ZIa ea CORDUL we have their ease ceetratel emenee. It i. the effect, however, not the muse with whirh we barn to deal le the partial appileallon of the modleida The vktims of dreprisda are repel, tb• nervous me reline. 4 thabilfparalysed reseals their male. 10. th. refiners from headache on. tormented no more the Irma lemma Idioms, the tint of i•endim leered the mamplegion of the tiLions. the &Mated in ePirite become Intruant, the stek In almost In every oorelition of dipam &tire Immediate latent from the we of Dr. &Imes Orr 'Worsting nth 01, Cordial. nolo feels, impported by irrefrasible proof, ire presented to the attention of trim. lade, who din verify theta by • Angle bottle of the milt elns.,The Curdle! he Put up highly concentrated, In pinned Um. Dries three dollars peibottle. two *SF Bre cln/lare, oil for twelve dollar.. ' 0. IL Proprietor. 172 Breedway. N. V. Bold by Druggists throughout the United Elates. Cans don end West Indlr.• General A gents In rlttsburgh—missing Dn., corner Wood and Yourth, streetn and Ueo.i IL. here.r.,,_ smarm Wood Oxen and Ir irghe Abe, 'by 'J. P. riming, . Allegheny City.. . .1•1!alw • • Thousands of Mises *4 Column . ption have be.. Mad by the we BUNTON, CLARKS it 01Y8 tiENCILNE MEDICAL MD 0t . .. it secret preparation, or Quack liedicine, but he pure Olrof the Froth Cod Fish Liver, Prepared with utmost ere a ato preserve Ito valved* Propertta thebighestatate of rwrfeetkm sod to rpocuroeuded by the Wawa Cmmasr—Tb• great rodwriorllT and lodetwltY of nor Oil bee Ward many Iseitatione, and parchowers will please • Pollee that the 0.1111i130 Article UUSIITO:t, (LAME t tn.. over the perk of Pooh hnttle.-;- Fold by Drugghte go:wally throughout the Vatted Photos. iiat-3e.teead New Turk, Jae. 'A. V". COCHRAN & RUSSELL, ISULVIddOnS TO THOMAS A LIATIONP. A W.. 1 GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS • zi..32Narth Morro end l North •Witer street, . . full) 570.1713 ABOVE AE CH STREET. PIII LADELPII FA, HAVES CONSTANTLY ON HAND IFPEIIMACETLFOR DRUGGIBTB' USE " ret,l Alone'etln line Patent ,Sperm — Ltelteed4hudlemtalteandionet l Renders Chetahs!. Olive tad Western (Seine Peomr, Sperm,.Whale, Lard, Sea-Elephant, • AND TANNERS' OIL, . . . _ , .'' ni beat.' it:l4ldd, Being large t impeder. of 011 s, we are mellowed to furnish hem none the most Woad.. torsos. Tar, Pitch, Rosin and Spirits of Turpentine, Varnish, Canaphone or Pine Oil. Du mg Fluid, Alcohol, Strong & Deodorise . . .• , Bice; Cotton Andlods Ash : r \ T ARR ALSO, ACURITS FOR' T 1111 "HAZARD PO DIM OMIPAN Tr enders mostsolly euptdlod ulna the then kind: or tide retp , rtor Storting and Minting Ounpmeder, erhlrh shop era orilsorleolhy the modem to wanzuhusud to any la this country or Stmt. • • __ _ }'OR&ILE TO VIE TRADE 021..ACCONAVODATING . • • • TERRA, the Wald kinds Inn! . . Orr a Renturly Md. ht .e. MI end th M. Reset. 17 ; a Sea Shoot " lng . . Duck 0;30t . loth,: c. , , ,, L 4,4 " " " 1 ' • Anortran Sportitig, In cemitere dancer...b. Ind. late.. . • ' ' Kenturhy.fin . ..' .. . Also, Shipping end Muting Powder. In nom and Cuditora. . nah74meod 'ORRIVra DELWORTH & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND C9SMISSION NERCIIIANTS. i N 01.130 and 132 Second street; between Wood , 00d I r glW i lit4tb , arAbax i d rth ArAZaso u t good Bows sad Orme tvo baud, te wake ye love. attontioo of the di/ ULM, - J•ll.lmdle. TAENIIY A 'ILCOLLINS , NWANDINIJ AND C 9 MMg N • bglgll' A Niwn!TAl:ui MRESEi.BUTE SEEDS, - Aed produce OraereNT - Nd.. 26, Wood amt. Pistabur6. undorsigned, *Wool& 'xi:yogi. of the oftoroosinaklisKt Co. And Theo. . .at. of the lato ft; of Mows, Lloyd ibis (lay flowed OnmoAlnoothtp,Aqicter 1..#4 Mae Itild lON or LORENZ, W All!! it W. OM .4 4 -Ppnge. or mozfrivol.oangait.mert wadarghtacm other. tbo.t.hmro ea WO an asaqtua ;17. of sOOO azikt—Cia bon azoi!cal. in a diAtti r o= l l . tp=e. • metuc In z. 'Warehousei 01:0:.-vapinv.;—tho'premiste now in tba oanamori otJaano . Ifteathr: Peup-ii., 11 4 *clog tlieVard of thir Mud Rota. lical the at }mil ensuing. Andy at 4,1 i, offieto, - - !WS tf • D' • • IsiproTedlionalylo*re COmphgewiLszep pirChaied 4,1, 1 - ..; vighafie Ural:4 , 6-IAM' . in the • 7. - ;.• • mamas ar....xuanma„ncv .tr.estitvoToN. FAT— NM and tialtn - reive srspsa pared to farelett lamps or .. Right. kr a reetweable yet.— Thew lathed are 110 biastrecteit ea to retekeighivica atuf the page may net satisfied - OW they may b used with Wive Whey. They also giveaway brilliant Ilea and the wetteiiili Wed helaitcheaecv than the 'Long • Ti4lolr,Ve . ells of any aka, they_yetst tome inta Sawa , use. Vie alsa havYLA iii tgg3l3 Clitig on the =mg pletive teiteztgle. • • • Thla certifies that wa have men. examined and tried, De aninon'a Improved LloseExploding Can:phew Lamp, pat , anted /rm. nth,and are folly natisilealtbattt laa vary valuable Improvement, and wed be found far any otberlanap Mom. We believe farsafsty Is 1y rellabia,and tbereforedeeta It richly deeming ti lde t M ent od ion of all mob as have occasion 'to sue Lampe of any E. C . lUddle. Batavia, R. T; B. A.Wilmon,l3atarla, N.Y; A. V. ama n ; dm J.O. Wilson. do; P. Anglo, • do: T. C. Artiennen, 0. P. PUSEMS• do. R. J. Diann. dcr. Alva Staltb,' do; W.D . Lwerle,RßllamHA.li F. A. Marsh. de; Elias Foote, do; J. SpfanlloXL 4 • A. D. Tr y o n . • R. A. Woodward. d.n Id. A. Pat do; tirCaraphone, Me 011 andYlnid. always for sale stills I owioes. gybe attention of Steamboaten and Railroads Is respectfully Invited to the new Latent lantern and 1...7Ln. The Limpet:nay be seen In operation at Dr. KETSKU . B Drag iitors,l4o Wood M.. where they are kept far gale. folo,llwB Du Pont Powder.—Every variety Rifle leiteg and Muting Powder. in ;II K. Mang.. 5 1 ..7 on band nod br sole tram Maitatine, In lota to suit put amnion Womble terms. Also Sakti Puss. " ' • D. W. C. DIDWRLII., Manufacturers' Ala.. 007.4114 . 14b Front stmt. littsburgh We have frequently heard the celebrated DERMA:7 lIITTP.RI3, Itda by Dr. C. M. deelremt. l2l Arch grind Philadelphia. epokee or In terms Or the highest tommendatlon, and we broadly behove that It la one of therbeit medicines advertiord fur the complaints for which It le recommended. Mei are PleermAta the MM.. cod ran be taken tinder coy eircnitetances by tho meet dell. irate domed.. The press far and wide, have milted to commending this Inrahnible remedy tor dymemrie. &Ml ' Yr, dr.; and tech are the healing 4 . Piro „ Tigi; BROTIiBBS.MOBLZ.NR.A.II 7 lija.stuA . •• •. \ • Lceibnilr,l;f2 T weitirclM . f.ija•WE Nß. TiclietA. $i UO: Seats \ Socitria;:stic:::Eitrft. Tickets to ve had end Paste wired - at% maim^. Num Steve. Mane iDisiresm of rho halt can he ; 400 re, open at 1 cAlkik;.to commence . " . , ‘., ItesoNlC IiAEL.. , ), . ' ' ONC . R.TS; FA 12TIIIREE ‘... ', POSITI LI ~ • \ \ GERMANIA MESICAL:IIRGI ~,, \ IDATHRER OR•4* 9 : \ .i , Td 7 v0.,,„.„,..,...ta1—,,5,s . FT,NIVO, - APra 'Mk. % s MNPNESD.4I X - da, , a ,..,,,..., 1 1 P " * " r livroinc: \ , ..,., : - Ass \ , ' \ . Wile , C • aroline, ,I,elliaanir, \ i'c \ :4-' , llid; Celebrated ' , Vocalist. ~ We at. the s Zli.k Ticker. l'in i Ceaja -11" lb . C ' '' ,/ st the itonil on Store .4 Ild. le bees TM./ . 1 , 1 ,*," th. eTruings 0fi r .......C... 1,0 -......' bi,,,,,a me. ~ "-C""" opPlikt 7 --, -- rt to mosmace at 8 o'cloela. r t 14-D'er ibe Ihn II asiesl Soelety Unailer the ir Amami Ora lu toille madail Inhadtants of Iltfatntr up lb _and; irP \ ci.lty RT theilibmst rat= t ..... n . r . w .. fra ca ."4 h etle . 44 :4 lGotheine Preve.hifr...._, nt'sdt". o \ It '..1 .47:, 4.„,"0,44„„...e emx,i,-• 1 \ ikrl B 4td• \ , \ " AJMVORANA. \ nf tkol , Wirs for tibertil in Tali and Ilantann. will int exldttited. So can* A ma ',die ATRIGNASUII. etattanninsi on SATURDAY. Awn 1 Thin and an a the DlS=tattar i tt i rteZe . C it=alV . L .. itb• Inlnal_byitna Art ie , v...R.reA sad intalltot.. RP". .t., annal,D.lidten'hallprlta Doom arm at 1. tannmenalna at 7% Vain*. Atlantan Extdbitlst aon Wadandarantl tatialnYld t 3 edatelt • TAG itr 4 " " f. , tdtf- - • \ .-: \ \ :,-,,, \' a, , Vi!i. f 4 .ii . , . , _ , , • . .A. V I 'Auctoneer& ctalirLlu Rams. cops& • • 'end, ' struts • 111HOOKS\ 'AT AtICTION-Oit 54t1444.ve- A 1 ljp Wog.. Aprlt :L.I. , kV/ * o'clock. 4 41. OrdirnZ ' 1 nmenvournerticeod an* Ltb et5...141t. be 111410111 131 1 , .• lanOos Meet Orb.. emerroond baud, tookk me g •_. It. pea. old pablkattons cittomoeb Lettaceet nor +=tot mic.l; ''...t. ', jom ati.4 excalleig I.lltlons=hll. elemootert 'ecOrke. • , 1 to the ke.rloos brooches of A . .. Mali% IlleacT e.Utlotte of. ~ the stettekril settbon lo I are • and' Wm*. ..1.6\, ' cobles of 1,60W1111Y btble..lo r Moping% ieloolWd. C. 111 dart bound set:of the. . m smyellals.. Neg....C. i RIR V ' I Looks for the younktcbelco lot 'of. ao. ~ ; V, .... _ _ .. . A SSIGIN.EE SALE Or,COPPEIt.STOCK - :,'.\ Ix AT TIIIMIRCHANTd . . PACIfiNOE—Ch \ r, Thuita '.. lll AP T 4 : 4 lttig./;Wil b' Atrg. th i 7 _; ''', : t -a.; of .t... fa Iro, l nttkiuloo 10 g 011.11 folp, boadzad aod . Mau sham Mad! Mawr 001APSPI ,do which aa :wawa- • doe, 'eld. DAV Ita'Alaat. XALUAITCEAMAIL:ESTATE, IN TllE,7th WARD iI , T AUeno cax—.Tbinadak avootag;' , Iddit A . at .1 &clack, at the Ilandianur Madam fourth 4 ""4 m"1" k "4 ITh'4"...*""'" td "" "‘"14 • \ lot of g ro und, /11a1S9, Ittba 144.. of kaa at by leohlt • Caartt, tits*/ Op CI flat, • war the madame of If n. 'Totten, baying* Pant dt *et aQd extandlag bask 111% trot to Cook It..3:otataatidlog • rokaulld .1.0 or tan twin dila., three *Mau d: rarroundlag enuntgo,Tlatas - VSKINEE SALE OFDIif4XiODB, 4:-e. . 1 .1 therbumbir iikrv.ing t •jrzt.&ityciLetit,! , ..,t; r . r n A umeralal ales espii . a er it c,,0,Ap1f . ..Fg..1.-1,..„..,.. ,• , ,b=catzt ren i t i l mer . 4 , 7 014=r,;.,...7. 4 ir ""ro n r j t-roo - `l:: ,mr 'Llutn;M i t i=1.34,,u 4 u 1 t5. - ia•..\4:‘ , 7-Itl-unva _' ll l 4 .r.' ' bw...r.i.t....w...T.u0ck,. . .1t..--.......a.?4, \ MlLlL L el t 3*.7ll:g P stlfZra 6 1.4..“4:41r , At I *Woes, • groneriet ticiirarbimm i rA., k and ~ 'mond% baud tousehol auxt a ,c .7!4. tag \ lltn At 7 Stk. arlAndiS. - 4: q' , l4l',..iiinia. pi& \. \ eels. tine cm_ _ _ ,ilawbra th es : . ...V . \ fiLFV!.*P. IP..d, .• • \ 07 , ru1':!.........; f It• •DATS, Atui • \ • ToVinm• en' and Walt/m. I:U Yetale:, \ottarP,ltita• OR SAt. one O6tlo NOW\ To k gtvie • Flll4l,a oat`lto , l4.ooltame, ,- t—nun t b a ThlrocelitotAi with , o i o . n r m a4 ,tl tuna! „aI tt u r i totok . or Doom VW *ilk pow?. M \ olj et oLlayoof ow lowo *Dou "DK,. pirm. as .4 ZIL ' n Etratrit h atit, ria 1 :kt ada rttikeitipto.=44. .11111. 9 . 78 118 ' t k (44l ' 'ItaIrRT t ' usERFANDs#4 C"/ ". Orner UTM : " Ond at/ and 1110 BroWnrciile. Water•Ctl iew Eitab4 l l l " ' \ meat Port the cureof ebroni 44 Di , by, vo , to iacL+to+me \\\ nnen aaan .pg. t „„„y„ at lo rim at oAe the x privt , n;, ; , ) ,,gs=po,, tta \\ WUris home ha RI C %Log two Do out noel on maxi .Docr D A . esAE z, l ' aitku tsr " ft " • lirogoc , lllo.'Peiloo. C - krf i ettirce M i tly ri Z it. 1 ,10 r tea' front Um street .ml roo lo twr i m : tl a ret. 1,, oloo• 0, gs t i kopp..h7o. - Coon liNtoo ar. 7 [ 11"; : r1 : 10 . 7.S : ';IN,11:---73 : 17:10111,::Aek t rit41118arau"Ctirl)Bil*T \ \ \ , PPERAS iri ttore and foe eel° . 0015 namnataritos. \ AMUSEMFATS. I,cnoks,,lLm, ; r ,