• Yuter - WiZwithtlelto3lntidepth was leant 6 feet _Thelogiaa r s mall and rather dim _ In* eold yistordayt.4; Ziranurreau, ror $4 700, ishto go to - . Rer - arrived on Tuesday night Cincinnati, - with a lien inad d Ty , haring:A 0 and back in less than six dap, do '°.diletAng the time laid Crer.on account of, fog. `"''!he - Splendid steamer Pennsylinnia,,Captain .1 -*resse, is' the -regular einelsmail packet-los to day, leaving-at-10 o'clock.. •,I- - - , , 2 The irtihole yesterday and Tuesday. night - irere, the Sultana, from St. Louise Philadelphia, utornthl4 l ' 4 ,43lara - Fieltd• and Logan . from C' • . • and A:lonm from Poriemontli. .. e e :. THE CONSPILIACY CARM The CcittFLiseemblod at the usual Roue :fad proceeded - witti the trial of lbaren, Morris et charged midi...aro:piracy. • Boberothlway—.Esaminalien.l2ewmowl.--glie • witness, was about preeeetling,,when Dar objected, -end- inquired under which count the tnettmony rote offered. - -Mr. Mane& thought We pflanat a" 13 " 1 : lad never before hunt a 'later one : the eel :dunce might apply to ions, to part, or ko all of the:'eovata,-the prosecution were net obliged to eonfne A) aridenee to one or to any part of the Mr. Darragh maintained the, propriety of his inquiry, 019 testimony might be given under a de.-. redly° count, producing h esanviction under a sh e 0 2 . 3 4. said Ilmt it had already decided :the counts all good, and the:testimony was ad missible AB general - under all the counts. Such an objection had never before been made. Mr. DerrYgis then again • objected to the evi ;denieson the following grouuds: ;Ist. Because the acts 'proisised to he proved ~ , Y rere:dene after'an alleged conspiracy to procure Usti issuing ot said notes was consummated and W.' Because the County', at the time said acts VW& done; had not acquired . a right to any per of the penalty for issuing said notes, and therefore she could not be defrauded. - - ikh• Because It was not extortion' or au attempt itikertlon to ,otrer or. propose to receive lets than thewhole penalty by, way of a compromise. '.4th.;-The evidence does not ! tend to prove a conspiracy for au unlawful purpose, or a con .spitattyto accomplish a lawful object )iy'untawr- Mr. Darmgh made a lengthy argument upon the ,points resented by him. Mr. Planegin replied to Mr. Darragh, protest . Dig stdissithe Course of the defence. After a whole terra of consideration a motion is made to rphisds,inindeirtlist every remark Maybe thrown into the jury box: After - along argument, the Courk overruled the motion on Tuesday-. Again and. ngnirs have tire defence argued te same tiolars—the validity of the cOunts--for the pur pose of throwinkladditional argument into (ileitis, box . - L appealed to the Court to put ir stop to the ink: ble question Mr.'Roberts replied briefly to the arguments of Mr ' Darrag~bh . Mr: G. amiltoo, for the defence, reviewed the.various grounds taken by the defence during the trial, and replied to Mr. Roberts. The ob *trona to the testimorsy. on Tuesday' were on different grounds from that takep now: He ex pounded upon the points taken by -Alr. Darragh a few Minutes previously.' He denied that the denstiof - AllegliesnyliaritMy right to one-halt of the penalty; it had no right .to be defrauded, of; lisd no. property .to ' be cheated of; because the suits had not been brought, and it would have no interestuntil the suit wastlecided. ,'The right to sue is in any county of the State, and the in tenint : belongs to that county in w hich the suit is brought,if brought in Philadelphia, Alleghe nVentdd have no interest. If. then the county - bad no Interest ; it was •an act of benevolence in the defendanta to offer to take halt the - is:malty, and was - not extorticn. - It ,was' not extortion, but a compromise; which pentiumsea a !surren der on both •• - • The COM decided that tiM arguments made by defence arose from UK-that no distinction -was =de in the mode of :trial - between a consm racy nnexcented and oneexecuted;- that was the whole reason why the arguments uprung np.— The assimption Ust i the monspiraey, irbe one, ends where the notes worn; improperly passed, is assuming' what the indictetont does not vex -rant. That -is ft link, and not the comunosation. Mr. Ilamilton .observed Ituitlhat was where the Court was in error; i(ioras not set down as a , • maw, brass the conromeurtim. . —Before comMencing reading the paper which 'llazen had 'proziosideaccuting,and swearing too himself. he took from the- breast pocket of his coat a package and bid it on the table; he stated that that package contained die notes of a small er denconmation: than; $5; that Darla bad--(ol, jected. to.) The notes: that had been drawri from the Fsrmere Deposit* Bank were - of a zooktler denotain . ation than - $5; - dint contained notes drawn by waib-lefilferent . Pe . reinfoneteen alibi& had been drawnhy DIM.% IDefentaaprotestedagabist the nifikesaltigging in the names et natal. - The Coirt insisted upon the! witness not men tioning iny 1i1211163 of other persons.] ' Said it contained notes drawn by different Persons Lwe insisted on laowing who, bht_ he weeidn't• Mention 'any ..name but One.—This - package contained notes, end accompenying cements from parties drawing those notes from the beak.- They were affidavits ;of those - Men, and peweia of attorney:. Befetwurobjected to the admission of testitne mY tothe contents of any effidavit, but Ras- , .sen'orewn, to which Mr. Steles objected: Ager IMO cliseassim' I, ilansilton reduced the objection of defence to writing, as followin Defendantsobject to asking witness whet was said in: regard to any person but himself: - Tbet the question is doing indirectly 'what the :.reatpf Is . * and the Court have said cannot be donedireetlythat is, to offer in evidence decla rations of one defendant to. affect others before She catuqdracy is proven. • . Mr. fitolosertmd„ their offcr,:as ...Tide am to now to prove' the.' qdnuaiion of. margin ;spinet himself, and to' Mow . his connec tion wliii otheje.persons• and-rwhat was said by Abate - yennms, connec ted with'the conspiracy, without-airing names, to carry home to him guil ty iniewledge, to„be followed up by proof of. the partleir whose names are withheld." =Se contended it was competent and rely the Court:—What ill to beCome of all this wri ting? . Is It for the court or the prim? . Ili,;.ll,amiltin placed the motion -in writing, ' that , the Cilia* t litarreotly reported. It mightlit;the v enb of orbit:boa hereafter. ' The court e objection.`, - • _Robert. Oilwey—l eat en to snits -that, in' . the oven!, nf,l4;eiren him arming to a con elusion. making an a gement for the settle ment of thli Matter,' he package of notes vrould be destroyed. The surn - 4,0f thirty-five hundred dollira was the amount mentioned es he (Omen) would take to settle the' claims that all therpar- ties had spiral us. Magian was the, party ne gothlting with him and he was the man witness underintss: ~ was to pay the money. Mageffin was the ciebliiieof; diii Faraiers'Deposit Dank. That he (*slit) Wnic-lisitheshild is settle the-matter. 1 7": 4 tirthilt itileredod, - for that amount, but_ he by_, "testae it, in littabargh. lte asked the reason; ' -- IM7said , in ;in Wren! of 's4tling it in rittsbutgb;thii etsuity'might hold him subject of eommiting a-iniiilemismoir, far compromising her Interest. Ile refused to give names of parties (with the exception of one) interested. IVituess asked-1f he wouldn't suppose- it. a hard matter for M. give him sB',soo,nad subject himself to: - JIM'S unknown persons bffinging ,enlis af termite - He then said that he would bled himself by- his affidavit that if July_ inch . Wilts had been brought; he would voluntarily let Ma ga/ arthe other party ?corm their 'ashes bail beeniteitistied. - Witaeas remarked he thought that very poor security to rest.on—and witness. - , ii a friend of kligellia, wouldn't rest satisfied.. lOW AM part. Hosea said he couldn't close •eattlement there for PAO,' biit would insure, if we inlaid go with him .to Wellsville, it would be settled Orr that amount of money; he was going thertritent day; Itagothis objected, couldn't well leave home.andrather insisted Itshould be made here; ::-, liana - thm replied, ....I cannot settle it . here. :Al a meeting-of the grand council rill: a utha l lna • t° notiloii, but not here." Ile that - referred todhektildavit drawn np, to he truide b 7 Wm, joy whichhaisuld bind himself the parties •h a wOuldn't name: Would not one. Ne i OITA the * propriety of gettlok the names is a protection for themosay weirould have to pay for the settle . meat:.; 'Said he wouldia 'give them under 'any, cons) iiii,gi—they were men - of high standing,- who wouldn't hare - their names mentioned in the saatter.itodeas. they couldn't help it 'or 'mold It; then rya this airolarit.--that in' tbe: event of a se au a amek all the notes and dominants . should b a doueysil and burned—and that the .suit about - Jo' he entered would lie discontinued, e. f a r nifttilaMao, be had mentioned WAS i n terested, and's& others cohetraid in it., illagoffin said he . was alieriiyoung Man, the amountam hard on ' „him, and he would like time to consider before he I would` go into such tin arrangement. , Hazen up .. .- silent ; for. settlement; was - ,' going . to Ohio, sexrdaTiliThi if Ylgir,OiThl would • giiwitil him ;Mold name hint . the natter - cola be settled there. Magotfin tusked if it was real . .ly neriters he should go? No, he said, he might send 1 istriend;°r ((witness Wake) might aced an stinrligri , ' braglan said ha would consider till next morning, .beforit.the :Wellsville boat . would I . nt ad r* in jet him know .• - - : Xln IMO of burning the: package, Lorimer or t - witness — said it Was a pity to.' burn-theriotes:-- He retlK:thi, Gilead -need not hoolarnied— that hisseesiliihet,be disturbed. , Th is - mai about the amosnil.er,Whist pasted. The pitied of -pa part ot.lbe .ffiaimmil s .9;gtffi4nlAn veke..of t , 'oomprffiidatlaet , thatiataslaW4Ne'nff°4llo. .... • - • . , , , , . • ~ „,• , , Oricatiltf.4 , .. •- • • • • - was $3,506; malagteivexilltotienuid dollars. lie said be had deb:Seagoing several others 7 —don't recollecthementioned them: 'Thiditin progress, bringing action avast other institutions; for Is indng small settee under fire dollars, This yes the one particularly under discoed= . Nest morning, MagotEn called on witness. -John Scott Inn! wi'ness went to Wellsville, Ohio; with . Hazen. • - At Wellsville; Ibsen left the hotel, in be said, to bring the other parties, without whom-lie would not effect a settlement., In.two or three hours ho said holed semi them. glison got a candle and went to a room up . stairs. Scott and witc*.* remained - until Daps came. Be was introduced to witness; his band shook,. and , he appeared scored. 7 Scott, Davis and witness wait to. the room where -141}, writing. He continued writing (apparently 4pying setae thing,) for some ten minutes, daring 4r hi c h t i me we were silent. Wheri'hfr got thr oughivitness asked Davis if ho was the Davis whaled opened an account in-the Farmers' De obit llank some time ago. Re replied he Wasthel identical roan. Asked him if he had refined to to those small notes when offered him. - Think witness enquir ed if ho bad asked Ibe-them, and he said he Ilia not. Asked - if ho knew our - businefot, and tha amount of money naked of us for settling the dit flettlty between him and others and the banlL. Said 'Wen had told him.. Witness said he tbo't its largenmount. Davis said he thought it lit tle enough, and if Magoffin get off for that, he thought he was doing well. Hazen then read an affidavit prepared for Davis, that he had drawn those- fourteen small notes from the Bank, which ho had lett with Hazen, with full power to manage and control them by suing or settling or in any way be pleased. Think a power of nttonni was on the back. Nothing more in that affidavit,- of substance. 'Hazen again produced the package of notes, containing those drawn by Davis, as well as by others. Re tore the corner off, to . show the. -quantity of notes; saw the corner of one three dollar - note. C. Lie then read on affidavit (by him self) that it conbiinp all the notes drawn by Davis and others front the Bank; that, ou a set tlement he would give the affidavit to us. The amount for which we were to reeeive this. was not given. We objected to this . . He 'said blanks were left for that and the magistrate's name-- Rave staiid nf , contents of that affidavit—!but that all proceedings, akeut notes paid out by the Bank to DavLs and others Ili; was interested for should stop. Witness objected that their names were not mentioned, and Hares asked him to suggest some other mode. Witness refused to Fay $3,500. Davis refused to take less. Wit-` nose told himthat was no "compromise," as it was all he could recover by suit; "if you say $3,000, I'll give you an answer: nails said he would not take it. • Witness told him he thought I their trip was an unnecessary one—we would not I come to any conclusion. Hazen then retired a few minutes with Davis,. On their return, Hazen remarked that Davis bad consented to divide the file hundred dollars, and take $3,250. Told him witness would not give . 11.: if Magotsn chose to he might, but witness would not—bet if he would say s3,oooarould let him see how soon our con. forma closed. Said he would not. . . Then asked Haien to read his affidavit again, which .he Aid. Remarked to him there Was nothing "saying all the notes in that , package was drawn from.the Farmer's Deposit Bank."— Ile said there was nut, but that he would add that, which ho dhL and again read it. The affi tiasit referred to small notes given him by other parties, who heal received them from the bank. Ile stated them to witness at forty and sixty, at different times, and that Magoffin's band To the blink, in s2o,oo9,'weuld soon be exhausted, if fliey were 'all.,sueden. Witness did, U - 6t- feel 'at liberty to mike any negotiation with -them. Oa the way to Wells ville, in reply to question-by witness, Hazen said he had not been 'present when the small notes were paid out by the bank. Subsequently told Hazen he had been paid a cheek of Davis', and asked if he got small notes. ' Said, he did not. That was all that took place that night, Next Morning, (had no confidence in Hazen,) Hazen said he would see if Davis would come to some better terms., When : he returned we- were at breakfast; ho took a seat and told &Ott he had seen Davis. Scott asked what he said? he re plied "he told the to take ttio $3,000 and go ahead;" that Davis would:be there in a few min utes. The cars were about starting, and witness said homes going away—had done all there he would do Scott and witness came home. Didn't pay the $.3;000. On the boat, going, therewas a good deal of talk. Had stated all he could recollect. Has had no interview with - any pf these parties einee ho left 'Wellsville, O. Am not dhoptor in that bank. Cross examined—Was and am yet a stock-hold er in'thelank. • Went to Wellsville as a friend and at the suggestion of •filegoffin, to ascertain how it could be settled at the least price. Took $3,500 with him for the purpose; got it from :Vs goffin, at the bank; don't know where he got it, it was in large notes; took it to compromise with, if it could bedonejudieionsly; had noinstruetions. Hazen had mentioned that amount, but from what witness was informed--(objected to.) Ilad never seen Dal i 3 before: garen's affidavit said the notes were all that Hazen, Scott, Magnain and witness were at the bank, when we Maned to Wellsville, 0., in pursuance of the negotiations with Ilium,. Think Hazen was present when witness got the $3,500. Told him at Wellsville witness had money in his pocket to apply to the negotiation. Did not tell Davis or any one the bank had sent witness there as an agent; did not tell Darin on whose behalf witness acted.- Think witness sag ,gested-he Would like to have company of Scott, when Magoffin wanted witness to, go to Wells villo—not as a liituem, nor from fear of any per : smfal violence, but merely as society; Got ins fermation suits Vier° to be brought, from public rumor: Never conversed with Magian on the subject, previous to evening of the meeting at *Rosen's. bragoffia called on witness to go to .Wellinlle, on the morning he went. Had had . no conversation with &otitis to what was to be accomplished by a movement of thaind. Wit ness was called fk on. after he came home, by Mr.- Stokes, who asked if he bad been to Wellsville, and wanted him as a witness in this case: at his instance' made the information. Stokes is not counsel of the bankrnever bud seen him be fore, to his knowledge_ . • —.lcie the court toek a recess.- AFTERNOON SESSION. Galway, crowezonsioed.—Think it WaS No *ember. Vsl went to WelLvville; came home on Thanksgiving day:" was at, Ifazen's office baare hg left; knew of no' suits haring been brought against the Banktdl be raw it In "the morning paper; - nothing said of it night bOfOre; slid not know who; brought thorn_ didn't knovr they were tirostest for:violating the riot& note law but pre sumed that ho took that view of it. ~.not :knoWanything but what the Opera aited,..and doietrecollect what that Was. Mica resumed.—lialen, in going- dans, ap ., , • to lien the suite alluded to as not inter feringwithltis arrangements at John itlagoffin dinned.—ls Cashier of the Farmers' Deposit ltank of-Pittsburgh, alld resides in this city. An account was opened in said bank by David F. Davis, on Sept. 8; 1853' by the, deposit of sixty dollars, in current funds. Sept.lB a check was drawn for fourteen dollars, currency, to tearer, on which the money was paid to Davis, curre ney , witness thinks. Sect. 16th a second , chec k ler twentraine - dollars to "self or bearer ' " 'was pair-Dal:a. Oct. 6th a third check, to self or-bearer' ': seventeen dol lars, paid . to, Dada: Theta 'chicks dosed the amount to hie credit at the time, and were paid in current funds. . . Nov. 2,1853, he made another deposit, of fifty dollars currency. Nor. to, a Check, self or hoot er, fourteen dollars-Nor. 14; check- for eight dollars, self ,or bearer, paid Doris. Nos. 15, check to D. R. Ilaten or bearer, fourteen dollars —paid by brother of - witness ' while hi/ Was out of the bank. Nov. 18, check for fourteen dol lars, to self pr bearer—closing the account of D. Dont remember what money ho : pail on these, hut it was "current funds," which includes al -most anything but Pittsburgh money, and the notes of a few Eastern banks; which are at par. MOTTifl.was imient whoa Wt. check was paid.. 3 Have no distinct recollection - whethe - if be paid hiin foreign bank notes of a less denomination than Eva dollars. Tim had Iwviral interviews with Hague'. A Utter-mm.ldt at the office of the banit;—[produees and - reada as follows:] Pan) utntinT, Not 17, 1858 DearSii:—Tmi:lrtsl do ma the faior to, call a my office ab your - earliest favorable opportunity intentiew being desired with, .touching a matter interesting the Instittition where of you . - are President. Very. truly yours. D. IL ILtzta, - 129 Fourth at. ..Pres't Farmers Deposit Hank, Pittsburgh, Pa. [The Court. decided the cheeks and letter. were Wilma AMID first mane - into the' bank he put his name in our signature book, Ise in customary, kind saidle*ithed to make depositem.that he was a caipmatem. sent the letter immediately to Marshall;:-.the :President; and a - I lea ti me after he came tome; bed various conversations with Mr. Hazen; Inn' Mr. Haien on the Steps of bilk office, liis door wad locked; the.boy halL gone off with the key; hiefterwirds got into his - office; he told me he had Li email-notes which I bad Paid out; .kilioweP me: the- notes, they wore ones, two and thrtbis of foreign banks; (witness described the notiOr' each -- of these stotei. Was marked ea the he c k w ith the ilatnon which they are said to base been paid tkikOrill - - thelettera A. M.., which ha said be intended for the name of Absalom - Morris, and the name of D. o.. Davis in full; ohm a memorandum that they.were., l'! -- teived at the Farmers' Deposite - Bank; .14 im pression 'that ..the :last name was On the notes, though I can't_ say. positively. ' After I ezamine4 the mites; I think, he - mid - thenuntni could be nompromisekb; he took Mayen midstMl.4, the and-eaid Wet uppoon my pay- .. - that enna. =min . of 1.3 500 , t, all proceedings'agnimft‘lnly L .thetikelt - Welfftlbe'nbiliped; wff received the note on the 18th. The above he tokrmei at eithcathe int Ur iseeend eonferirme; j:think"the.firs - 4 - told him that it.was per anal matter with me, and that if I had to ply area $5OO it:would go very hard with. tee; - ho said he eenliltetoeftle it for less;. he said tluitlriailtl be the portios Ofthe flee anning to'thei on es who world bring the fotkeen suite, the--penalty beihg $5OO in each case, one half of which went to the informer; bad several conversations with him during the course of the week, all haring thosame bearing; he said Ab salom - ISlorris' was to make the information against. the bank and David F. Davis was to be thewitnese; he threatened me with a criminal prosecution in case I did not pay the $3lOO, he said nobody could take the notes away from him, for he was always armed. After several days, he proposed that I should send or. bring a friend or attorney and bare a confereno with him; which I did on the same day; Mr. Robert Gal way, Gen. Larimer and myself went to Ilazen's office; think we went together; there Mr. Rosen repeated his effer.to compromise for $3500, awl said that in case the compromise was concluded, it would be necessary, in making tho compro mise, fo leaim the State, giving as R reason that: the county of Allegheny might deem hint guilty •ef misdemeanor if he should not do so, as oue half the 'tensity, in case the suit was brought, would go to the county of Allegheny; risked. him if it was necessary that I should go; he said I Might send an_ attorney or friend. After porno further conversation the conference broke up; I told hint that I would let him know in the morn ing. Before leaving the office he said to Gen. Larimor that no suits were to be brought against Lim; at the some conference he produced two allidarits or papers, which he read to us he sta ted that he had forty-four other notes that had been paid out at the Farmers' Deposita Bank; Ito produced appkage from his pocket, which fie said contained .bank notes and other papers.; the affidavit s, as read, were dated at Wellsville, Ohio, to be executed before some magistrate at that place; ho said that if the $3500 dollars were paid, he would destroy all papers and bank notes that he had against our Bank; before leaving the house he called me to the door and said he would use his influence to have the sum reduced to $5OOO, - during that con ference, he said that at the Grand Celine% he had been authorized to t EU° the whole matter; the nest morning Mr. Galway, Mr. Scott and Mr. Hazen came to the Bank; told the latter that these gentlemen would go with him to Wells ville; Gar9,„Mr. Galway sUCffi, and after a while the gentlemen all went away; don't remember any thing else being said. Cross e.ramaned.—Made no information against these parties before Alderman Buckmaster, bat was examined; was subromnaed; don't remember who called upon me, it is my impression some one called upon me to testify:* don't kris's , at whose instance thl, suit was instituted, but I heard who; don't think I heard of the suit before 1 • was summoned as a witness; it is almost fire years sines 1 entered the Sank; we received on deposit gold, silver and paper, with par cur rency and State scrip; we kept currency in the Bank; we received notes of s.penie paying foreign banks from $1• upward. riln deposit; we had no notes of $5 and larger, ar took mensviris to have those under ss_ sent home, and deposited them in llohnes S. Son's end Larimer's offices while in our posuession. Witnegt refused to answer 'whether he deposit ed all notes under $5 they received at those pla ces, bet:tato if he said no di.l not but bad paid them, he would subject himself to a prosecu• tin.`lie at length said he did notdeposit them all at those places.] Hamilton—What did you do with the small notes you did not depe:dt or X.ul home? Objected to by Mr. FLanigin boceusc.the an swer might subject to a criminal prosecution. Mr. Hamilton argued that this had been elicit ed in chief, and was proper subject for a cross examination. Mr. Flanigin contended the defence had no right to examine the witness .relativa tq small notes beyond those paid -in the check. The Court saw no objection to the question. Some small notes' we sold and soma wo re turned to persons from whom we received them, come we sent to Ohio; by selling, I mean giving them at a premium for par tomb; persons who ; deposited, sometimes _received them on their Olk checks; the notes left by depositors I Jo not re ' member to hate been paid as often to others, as to depositors; my impression is that it did occur as often; deposites often embraced large and small notes together; we checked upon Larimer and Ifolmes roe the small notes he deposited there; these checks were currency checks: Min times for uneven coma; did not necessarily know, in uneven sums, that the broker would be obliged to pay small notes; In my drawer I kept State scrip; itwns my rule to pay odd rams in State scrip; don't Mum that Larimer and llolrricainOil currency instead of scrip, when the latter be came pot; I sometimes received scrip as -both par and eu)ency; can't ;my that I uniformly paid odd sum in gold, silver or State scrip; can't remember . Ingle instance that t violated the rule; it may be the case; don't mean to say that I never paid illegal notes out for odd sums; don't consider selling currency as Iwysay them out‘ whe iligTgrintril - not put them in cirmila- tion; don't know whether l would havosold thein to any persons else than brokers , r not; l don't know that brokers pay small, notes out; I sold large and smali'untes to the brokers; the small notes were not large in amount, c.mpareil with• the whole deposits; at the time the notes were paid In fir. Pods, I don't -remember whether there *as any State scrip in the drawer; I don't know that! ever told any person that 1 paid out small notes eery tpight have paid over to clistothers, by particular request, steal! notes occasionally; I have sometimes givenamall notes to those who gave them to me, bat I don't remember that I ever paid them out otherwitto; sometimes 1 bundle up notes paid en deposites, I and then on demanil pay theta back to thesm:no 1 , firms; the $3.500 'that I sent With Galway to Wellsville, 1 borrowed from the Farmers' Depos it Dank—from myself• (some of the testimony oC witness taken before Aldenuan Buekmastcr, was rend to witneas, to which he re-testified.) During toy negotiations with Mr. flaxen, did not know that suit was brought; I had knowl edge from the Sheriff, but can't tell the date; thinkit Was before I saw it in the toper; I took down a description of the notes; at an early pa nod of my negotiations with Bolen showed the mam. to our President; I received the letter the day after I took the mem ; showed the mem. to T. M. Marshall, „Esq.: saw In the papers that Marshall brought the suits against the Bank; don't recollect if I knew.it from other sources; think I gave Marshall the mem. before Galway went to Wellsville ; gave him the mem. that he might see what suits would be brought against' hill 7", don't think the mem. was placed in Ms hands to bring milts against the Bank; Marshall took .a copy of the mem.. .can't any that the mem: was given to Marshall in order that he should bring suits against the Bank:.Mr. Mar shall, I think, did not advise any sults should be brought Mr. Marshall was my lawyer. Mr. Flanigin objected to these, questions as not pertinent. MC. Bamilton contended. that theseauiti wore brought by the attorney of the 'Bank, at the same time Galway had gone to Wellsville with ilazen, ostensibly for a compromise in order to prevent the other sults. Mr. Flanigin contendedthat it was not prop er matter for croon exnmination, nothing of the kind baling Leen elicited in the chief. examina- Jacob Stowait mulled—Lawson said' that he had been in Pittsburgh, some time after the mid= dle of October, Mad that that matter woo working finely, and ,he had furnished more fonds; ho spoke of one Aimlom Morris being concerned in the-matter;-and they could neither buy nor scare hint"; don't recollect anything else at that time; since that time have often talked with Lawson, but , be. never afterwards admitted that be had s o y person in connection With him; Lawson lives Daiid F. Davie also lives there; I don't knew any thing of Lawson's circumstances 1 pecuniarily. - , Cross-lEx.—ln the second conversation he mentioned the name of Morris; the first took place about the lfith; between the two cenversa , lions- rroeeedings of conspiracy htukAlltitt fated ; heard that persons hal; -to take measures - to compre- Mit{C; „it was alma that time I had the second conversation; don't remember tiny preliminary - converssdion on the second, when the remark about Morriewas spade. Mr. Lbunpton and some one else were down after me; don't know that the other way Samuel M'Clurkan. Lritison : hes been engaged kirgely . In the grocery and pro; 'duce business. Robert Cooper, of Fasten, BeavetCo., siaoria, —Lawson told mo that ho - bad a big speculation: on lounl. A gentleman at the St Charles Hotel told Lawson that if he would . furnish $3OOO 1w would put him on a way of making a big , spoon. laden. Ile raised the - money next day. 'Di didn't say what the speculation was. ..About month nfterwarls I met Link CO n steamboat,out *u he said it wall Working finely; he remarked it dliln't take as - much Money as be aupPosed it would; at that time it was. as easy to make $lOO,OOO as $50,000. - lhnt was about the amount et thc caniereation:' When' be put the mill:to grinding he clidt Care who knew it; ho said' after. this (Me wifa.devidoped, iobody also, could get speculation of the time nature. Ile said come: man living at , tho - St" Charles RO- W was connected with it. • . - • _Croas-EL—Larraon 'talked about coal matters some, but clithetnaile:was :engaged 3u tbc boot- Inne npoke of making this tuoney off .of..rich corporations that icouht- Lark noboOly, , . ' At thiapaint . the Court adjourned. . . ._. ... . ... For Sale or :Rent. • ' ,-; •' -, % ur, • kenm, - situated id seiviiciiiyoci win . - tbruit2l . lfli svuo or tbe Depot, ..I %eme!iy . ..- of (f l' ,l 3" goodrrr.l7 l atir o i lltrrike. Irl t tbnarr Whin PIP Uomm, DWAlog. Qatar Ilbtuo l t,ll.o4.tr4 pat Is t roLer- rialthi:prlig bLer*/}postona star; an d s re . P Y -6 ...- 4 nti. , ilkOrArAeligt i rtklg7Bl: P rlt .'?: - - 'tahll.4ll6 or LIE IPTICBLEP, a* Y. spoonmar . oa.. - Ur oaths Pralines. ' ~, r- anccatissxo*n. - - .w t, . April. IL HOUgE.—COICUIIba till:master, a delegate ffom Washington Territory, appeared and • took' an oath to support the .Conatibatiell. The bill empewering the Post Master General to contract for carrying the mails between New Orleans and San Francisco according to time occupied was taken up. Aft;r -' :debate, on motion of Mr. Kerr, the bill was - tabled—yeaa 89, nays 59. The House then went:, into Committee ortthe bill redt Inca Inca public lands according.to the time they have been in Market. After a debate under the five minute rule; the Committee rose and the Rouse adjourned. SENATV.—A letter was presented of Trumsn Smith, of Connecticut, resigning his seat in the Senate, to take effect on the 24th of May. The resolution of Mr. Fisk calling for the cor- respondence by Mr. Barnard, while U. S. Minis ter at Berlin, was adopted. Mr. Bunter reported hack- the Indian Appro priation Bill with amendments. - Mr. Rusk introduced a bill providing for the transportation of the U. B. mails on Railroads.— The bill provides that &inroad companies, or in dividuals owning Railroads, who shall - contract with the Foyernment to carry the mails, troops and munitions of war free of, charge, and allow ing the Post Master General to regulate the man ner of transportation of said mails, shall be al lowed to import free of duty all iron required for. the uao and repair of such roads, and also granting to all companies who shall construct o substantial double track road six sectione of public land for each mild of such double track rum. Tho bill was referred. After executive session of three hours, the Senate adjourned. Itautwonn, April 12.—NeW Orleans papers of Thursday evening are received. The National Intelligencer publishes a letter from Col. Fremont to Mr. -Benton. Ile makes mention of the loss of but one ,man, and says that ho has had reasonable samosa in.tho object of his expedition and that it • has . decided the great question o 6; the practicability of the Cen tral There us nothing later from Charleston than Monday morning. Three hundred delegates ar rived on Saturday evening and 200 more aro known to be on their way. Among the Delegates were Gov. Dawson, oY 6e., Idents. Maury and !tendon, and about 100 hundred editors from - all parts of the South. • CISCISFA.TI, April 12.--Tho.river 13 stationary. Weather fine. Flour in goon demand from tho trade; prices better; sales 1000 bbl at $(1.806 6,50. Whiskey in. &Ilea: . 800 pieces bulk shoulders at 4. Lard active, but holders not offering; BioBt, offered for prime bbld Pork.— Bcon i'ult..tneranua, April 12.--4 Flour firm but not much inquired after furshinment; sales 1,000 bids straight brands at $7 76. Rye Flour and Corn Meal, nothing doing. 'The receipts of Wheat are small; in demand at ati rutvance of 3o on yesterday's quotations; sales'ooo bus pritue Pa. rod last evening at $1 78; and 1000 bus white, afloat, at $1 85; 2000 bus of ; the latter sold to day on private terms. Rye in demand, sales 3000 bas et 93. Corn in fair request, farther rules 4000 bus yellow at:73, afloat, and. 1000 in store at 70. Whiskey, demand limited; small sales at 25 in hhds and bids. • Nxw Toes, April 12,--Cotton has declined riA, market unsettled Cofee, sales 750 bap Mont 111, quiet; Domingo; 91. Flour, .sales 9000 ibis at clef', prices easier, but not quot ably lower. ' Sales 1000 bblei Southern at $7,62 G 7,87. Genesee, at $2,12 but little export demand. Sales 27,000 bus : Com at74(i12,76, • prices stiffer, but not quotably higher. Sugar, sales 1700 MAN Orleans 41. 31uscovo 44. active. Molasses. sales 1000 bbls Orleans at 2.1e23. Rice, 50 tierces at 31e-I}. Whiskey, sales WO bbls prison at 261. Provisions, sales 1000 bbls Pork at $12,37014,48, market unsettled. Beef, +Tkrm, with an upward telideney, quitv.l - 314; prime mess $20€424. Cut meats,. sales SZ.O . bbls at tii . o7l, heavy. Lard, an active spectdatire dement! et 96101. Iron. 'unchanged. Linseed - Oil, bnoxant, sales 17,000 galls at an advance of 90E1192. Money easier. stocks lower. COMMERCIAL. C031111.77T.R OF ARBITRATION of the Bawl otTrado RR .1011:—Wa. IL Rants, V. P.: W. 0. Atio.na, W. R 'Slaws, 11. L MAE/ImA and J. R. Paysarrs. PITTSBURGH MARKETS On PrITIMSLOVI (4671 . C, Tharldir .M.V.1.4. AWU L. I MAJ . The at andance of .11engiants tam) "Maim, 7. 0 " 4 .1. Wax ley e4orragirtlir.. an 4 tb. etnnal•r of transaetkme re eonhal quite lame. We aide them I.ooar. There Is a very active hasinea• O. ••Ing on. a0.4 . 41)er441e a- • • tutu: anon bisond on nnart sn4 but bat 11414) !run wager). Sales of A) bbt, t arrive at S'4•s. sad 30 hhho lists frau stay at •1.12. OATI , -enpy47 law: hat dassn4 sell.. aka Lvav Ent hwels of 120010 ,at 40.175 4a. at 41 au4 100 do 10.4132. APPL.T.O--ofneas an4l.odred for ; • male of .10 Lbls, Re maoltfsOtit. - ' INMVAIR-i-in fair &wand : Way of 60 0 bata.*t 38 rO." ant and 3)(43i Nashaaorka sal :100.1*. Rad .t 5. tIItOC.SIIICS—a ipud tallarordatut I. small tray : salra to lily 0170884. Foam. at ; alolaam. 6 0 MAP aaa. mar 0.031 .inlla d.i.eyarema at 24: enffra. CO Win) a 512% al a loos, and 10 eln, rim at 12:4. ILWA)N—aalra relortrd of fl Wk. any ntry eat arat carat at lad a; 8000 las tflutudetry din at SU, AM 6000 snit 700 tollama at 6!y'; Sua-a,^ared llama, tale at 10 Ira at .10!..;. 11131.0 31E0T—Ilialaa0f11,000 to. 1.1110 Sboatitersat sad 6,0101. Manta 6.74, a:Aor me*, lateral. added. ft 1911 K.—a ul. to 4ty trod. of 60 bbd., $l3 ash. LARD—tha *aka olobrara 1110 tem. mod 1O Ltd& Nal at O. tour mat Intoned addoct, 111 d tot do. to:droner. 71 I.ldo. No. 2 at ft, ataal in euh, aild 3 bbls and 1& kg+ wilt" at Fli,%Lhlrty 111.M—nalet of 10 UM Clnetunall 1 'an 664 6 do,st 73 ; Uswowl Oil. males of 15 sad 33 kliki at 10. , The lotelll ream nselwal frotithw East alter thew tali, of Unwed awn alsaaws Owe, hd amass! effect, aud halm now ask Maker 71rwroa DrstED BEEF— a ale ofd kaakle. 74111147t.14—reetIfied. to the trade, Si held at 1.5 ;man of •07 and4o litda at that. Oran. ItAGS-4alm of 00 tales .121te 46, and MOO lba. mixed on the abut at 334. • LEAD.-.. sale of 400 plza.at drub. 1711713,4 a moderate request: min of 7 able. cm anima. at 0:.;. 7717.—a sale of 40 boatmla at 7b. 13LOOSIS-1, WA of eo toss Tennewea like= at SN2 club. _ TALLOW—there tea steady' Isar hT, sad ealesof Mitdds. at I.IW. rash. ;SODA AlSA—stiles lotief 15 mks dameatie at 3tl.foor _ _ DRILD muss—.yea on Tuesday, of 3:00 bogiabi Dried Apples of St U, sad 2)3 bushels Dried Pesetas., halve,, at Sl5O, 'cur,.ox—e. sale on - Tues2il of 27 Wei atei—clu2ll4r. OCELAP 111.0:V-o sae of toot st, SLR CO 3IONSTARY AND COMMERCIAL. The downward tendency la taney itocks In the WO= titartreta tenalnota. . The Pldlada a. phla and lies York p . pare !Waal of • mart alma* baciallng. which arias • 1 Ma the mod inhalant handmade... - • -The maple of the Paneyleataaßallanal far the month *Mardi ere unprteaderitcdir large. being near hair pat• lbu of delta" and %boning an Woman, over the came, ,yriboir month nat year 'of taper oent.• Annesaaro the cunicenatre dames for thenotati and for the yea {hymnal Roceiptethe the month of Merl; 480.184 OS flame month lad Tear ..... :ADAM 132. - 498 26. Receipts from January to Mareh'37, i551„.....P.0rmii2 84 Same portal loot year,—o .... --- MOW Ca UMW , reeelpts ot the Clorcland and Ilttstmigh Ball toad fin 11arc7;16511, were • ...$87,100i Eeecipts kr Muth 1533 81437 ca • This Non Vain:TA - line min unney.millot con tinues as lnlbto noticed, nun* duly one all. but Unta be nottations son dlltlosat, " nor- Innis from &if to &MU.. *uprly of ninner inn) , conalfhand abundant. '• atrial/ pm, elnanpaper to In ratlwir better demardit lo g It pat rent The Bank of Scotland' atatenteat; to thelStli or March, ehoue atop of =ammo ift - _gott to the apittitutit. The drain continues. trot the Adak Virsetore *feinted ou the Zld, without adtabeing. the rats; ottotareet. • - The hoodoo Bankers are leightehlt 44? imi.va dermas ?be biota ere wed supplied at this tutu "XErtattturatthat Continent Unix is au bertaialthuoaud torespital at much .highs rates thaa prteloolly quoted. . Franco. Austria: /Weds. goads and Turkel'. we all eotiurelled ,to "sin hunter, sad look to Jr.lighaid foriald: - - . . . Oeiru. , -The =dart Is brisk tadir, and Mee' an pee. ar • well eststained. We note males er1,00.) Nam new crop the ¢¢yo of the ~.t riz tzlt i rrrket, a t itteladae Sto l l :gnat The entire steak at to cut In thla mutat. fa Wont 18,000 beta Alm firm red hoMitra ant hallooed tailed oxcart at tab prl ThruLtatal. Mrral. Mutts:.—We lima no &anis tonal. 'ln the state of the market 2¢ manuatetured boa. the dee ...nand for which maha r ani *strait:l4r arttr,,, Is pip, . Scotch Pin a deelleo of Is to lb l t i .t n ==lthan daring tha Week. and the market Ls •heasylbr warrants. Nal'Ainerlean brands eontlone le re. :to and command full rata•' Tie Plato, are den of 'tale, and rather pular of amebas.. _Lead and Copper are '.wlttontt theme. 'LOXDOrr Meru Itiacrit,—ln the market for there le od Stalll, lei 24. f Ta h h tra ,padi it 17001710 cell Vow buyers of Tin Means, .d • dadre Is• stead so roll L C. thkl at 275. LX. M t 33 ° 64 ' L (3. Cbar's"i "eta.Z I A nrietsatit u rt t.,,:-Ilt a ir m u f s'i s ita Web the spot. and budell'aery. .ittittsfintest Zinnia rekult at S3l locbsr— The Lead Arad. eontlntlea mill Usti rig Is now =was end .W145.126(ipiel hant purchases are of Utile con. rornertro.V.lthor err the or Roolgo mat* itwt.d. cau he Maimed at Tie rol(47lseforemd, and mixed numbers, end We at 90,46954 Ihr C. IL 'rude has been guild for .other saris of bog there are seam of balls and tzmmon ' Welch bare at La'a atl_ta It at o t o the,43 2 ttonlidalte fil i ngtlbeirail i tnT Ball Rods AO I I • `.'"4 Cotierneala Lhal for Ihitbh. We - and k DTA llt t. Swedish steel lean kh In nattiest •an it herur. and theta,- a t a, as. Lta iltdeionlver b trt good requost tale Idids2s 2ef b. .• . • • - -: ; MOATS BY. ILAILItiAI) • . • • ~ . . . . - o,ltrO ANT.P.222n.USIA 321111207.2. Arne 11-11 Ildo ago, Igo. better, It bby firgsr,Knat; MU 17, 9690, J. Ll?lrsl6 11 tam 4111km1 it ocr L l pa butti f i gnrom.. Iv _we 4723 MA* em s Each 79bir nogg _ tu ri t an i ri 9 ken buttart .. lW . larde m ltot 42 IC lk il rentnnix b t 60741.6, 4" gbli. n; 2 WM HEM * nu t dowkil.bps, Wyr,l ow stursg Nits, T 0 Thorn*4 46 • w 46 16 4.lmn ti 7' 4, 1 1, arra ji wire.;l elm* tter. - Burma. 190 . an_ _ _ vritehlatr, 6.1,b15,1 sirs Wog? a 2. 7 4.2= 7 1, b 1 .1302r. Rao a 7 7. 7 .. g 6 r. 19 rri now, R Linchan I.1)141, printing Paw J Lag% 1 41,1 nig; J M•als; 2 UR. 1 bum% 1 hi& &PM, ABlaaaraaw2 e4n ampiou f l at B.Den R. 92 dm beamm,.l Lesetrit wait bbla flatm-21 Larer; at Boar, D Blehadwar.43 Ws flour W /Blom; bloLs batter, 1 doa brooms, 45 Mame' taant, - . 13 ski dry applea 9 tsr=ltr i A ,..... lot Aer. I thi =2l4llM4 - : 25 . 04 . 51.1111 / 1 .40 ,9 . 1 1 2 7. , • _o l 6.6l . 3llTremitiaMa Earthman. AWE/2-41 mka cam 93 'dui Date, Ilamay a llayr, 46 bush oats. It 144w:57 am' Madam 8 &ammo: 30 eles cum Boma d lilrkparriek; 1 . "1 1eigab I bli z lIo b t tU ., B lW ?ra a elEaVElk l J ap 3 dabsitter, 11 k:a do, I 6o:l= l 7ra meal, Bed Br ggPflaks_os ti l Lara. 45 • 2.brandea, A 4 ba, / 51 Clarkin. 23 12 mem &Wm. 1111 b dr applal, , Jen Imo eat / bamf, 10 449. VP. Vril= 4.l l ?Liklit?,SirmitilraP7, 4 71 1 4 Save; 26 dosierls4l .. )alseil a cca 25 3.1., 1U du loa i f bush, Wit% 51 25 dm palla,lo do, Mull tube, r MIT= A . Dilworth: 91 beionkees, 1 n: batter, • MB dour, J - 1442.1 b; 2 bake tem Tam, o.3.lltobatr, 3 do,_2lßeekbara:T/bdbaire, It Town •l.l2 d 0 9 72 akerwbmt. HEW AWaltar;s6 aka eorn.l3hrirar. 1611a:web A ere, 20 bat dom. 60 do, oats, 17 do, onions. HAGen WA eggs, Jt W Rea; 4 bbl. eggs. 2 do.. butter J Young; Maks oat&J Mau= Abbls batter, .1 =Mt I 10 bbls ems. Emß 4 pale Linseed all, 11 butter leg 10 bbla del, 11 l° r 1 651 53 glut dry &palm, 11 liCalllor, 6 ere BM /Ebbs eggs, tier I.3rk, 3UM ego. IAL gget# 6 bblarkill, 2 BE, bat, Brown &Kirkpatrick. • • Catziaza Prrvonataa r Raitaoaa-3 gris r 4,ll . zer,. 2 1111realt, 18 1‘4 4 . * Pulas, 8 bbI 25 Tgattar..l II Carr fa Len tel;6 aka paaabos, 6 jugs lard, 3 bbla batter 6 .2. pots,- E445411 1 11 1 i,74._ ..`""""l"o_lo gja kbi".' D Root; tau Walla, 2 bbla aUey 6 rx: l 2 board; Ido butter, tad Ultla bra patabw , owner oa 2 pry seed, 4 do rags. Kay 6. aa 248 issoBa 004; Dbaaldaoa. IMPORTS By RIVER . - BROWNSVILLE, by Jettessoto-10T bd oats, (I IT gaits. 411 . 4 1/ ThhaoT, Jm Urout SO lots matins, owncss oa Isard;l7o bus lava, Joon a 0011 bides, kreutte t Toms: 107 bosh oats, oases. IVIIBELLNG, by Forest Clty-41 bag praises, C Reed; 1 461 MCP. neullii pkgs, rchsnhla and risks md, Maim, Dlhrorth ij =l Muthkg W A 11111 A ere 144 Oa wheat, Bryan. Kmanedy A og 1 lot hides. ShaSer A Ando , - morn 'Ants PAU.% J Ilerbarg 1 cask ware, Waterman A 803 ' 3 0331 egg., 1 trz better, J Warriek; 99 pm taut, Jaa CINCINNATI., by Oakland-12 dos waabboards, .1 Lock har_g •219 aka pe, - 31 11 Brown: IC bag feathers, 11 Lamb A 000 whiskey, J Parker, I bbla mrsa, '0 lek cot 3 dO,, and 3 b urg h points, 1) T Morgan: 50 Idols tobacco, J A flute/dam A etc IN do, Clark A Thaw; 12 bgsbarley,.B Pat ton; 12Z s ki barley, Tracy Wilting 12 dos wash . wards, NV /mart. CINCINNATI, Cliginnatl--2 area and ° via Oslo kil ler, Fleming tema 1 bids and 0 bllbblalohaooo,l4 11 Hat ton: 12 bbl. lardj Dalsell: 10 boo tobago, J Gardine 37 mks bacon. Bingham to: 10 bills lard on, Wick t ' 2l'. Candlosg 4'J hales cotton, King Pennock tem 50 lea dried toot grandam= 10 bids J ones *ls & Denny; I ark ware, ): bid d 0,4 11' Wooded!: h m bda algae, Wick it 31Cand hag 1 to ham, 0 Beech 1 la charm • Whltenbarg; 19 bldg o Dell* Liggett 9 bales ',hemp, J Ilerwlm 27 do, Ir. win a wane 2 bales fors, :ado, alas, Rudy, Solara& - MEADVILLE . by Eaoo-60d - dos idnind bandies, 'Linn. std"VicatcWl l o: taVol: bl 265 Gni aalarates, bur:none', earner b ob 1200 on run ate blda, Soilth ,k on 30 do, G Wb. IittOiriSTILLF. by Luserne-4 oko 'oat; 0 i 9 Swind lor: I rd. torsyth'2 1 RUM, a okd Pe;Pe;C..owner boa on BROWITTILLE. bp Jefferson-1 .kit raga, thri bbl. 616)1.6, cum: 413 ban Iron Jones, La 'h. V — — bg B votat...llM ds,W ..11.1.1n; 'bels tiottr, u, k As u la. -11 26 Tao rals b reo P 4Vis i l d b"th ""W". bbik .1101113AN1OWN. hr• Monongahela Belle-21 1.44.0b1a k0r, cwter on board. • 1311 COLLINS 1,1:9[E-:51 ompty bbla,ll 1r Smith: 1(0) phorol haxidlu. LippLneott cm 10 Oa MN sou; Ea) atta, A k A .1111•0 N tm bbls calm. l'OltTBltOU2ll.l.7llambarg.-1036ge lard. 100 boo magi bbli lard x 11.112 bre Lama •Cl.k Them 6b. a.s, 'iopinorttoce 1 bx books. Adam 1,44 Ws affts, . 11 4 , Llggel4 60 tow ylg metal, 11016 Spat. • CINCiegATI, be Clara Fiber-30 We eggs. Maros & or 214 bilbark% 111% lren a .c kYwW 61 d, t " 'k. it" a b*g. e_ir,6oiiiithis . Tery„ Knox or bble 510= 400 bd. WI.. 0 Smith, 68 bbl. moluses. Bhrlere4 ca 40bble d beer. Belle. a ocr.B sleohol, IV 11 , 1(olgtd: 12 060 hewn, bbbi wheat:lo do flaxseed, 6do ego, Mork, lisCanopass. . C1111:11k1ATI by bor.-675 kgo heeler. 0 W Smith: 117 .lo vbrat, 301.1.1 n malt. BAWD t Rteksaidelq 6 blade tobaceo, 11 Weiss.; 17 do. lone OWe erge, 29 to beef, Jooos k Noun 24 tads sittekey, [embark h do. (.6arrA or. 62 do, Pukes t or, 76 do. .61 &Moho user, 80 Dcasolk 4do Jim Orier. sdo 31 . 1101.1 e: 48 Ns UM or; .to •• .rs " Zd ' m t ~ noir ctsPiiii .47alu a TirMot Doss* "I' Plaid east& all 00l ililarpets,sowet Dam List mod tsar •do Snel l tisSaT• . I. 6tri iw ri ti. conx....uu kt.t.d e, =fran n.r iZ o tlati ckits, riu sT r iru ars ...inminm Vlore 011 Goths, from the tosa pelttelA to 24 *et wiele,at ors From &roll iti l ut h = Noss ol. oiratati. 44. 44, 134. 74 anit 114. With Monte Rap rota the eslebtatisi seAradostori 44. t Amintter Sad Tatted Use, Trete tO ith samortment of lilndejr S S:tmn hahs sal Csitela 'BatitntrT:lettli`tfivarl* . r.i. - tez /kW' A. we lose unusual thrilitior Air poretissb= a r wader whe rim ishails bor rzhie to It esiesibair d ' n E h* I ' d r". l ` °r likwholossleirtlyeiVolorelatis fowl stesmkti acid o we will sell. on st ilecasblslems csis tss oßme• ' A literal .n4o 14i,4e..‘fteelto . jelkisc • lub 9 • • WA:KW/T/ 11 M, 3.4sekst :Clarte_9 l l_. * .0/41 U 1 - 16 / 1111341 4 11 .,, J . w - AIt . 9MIXAV ,RE .2401 V: RECEIV DIRECTfrom tne . . . .. 11 ',..et.beir'clzoice &al largi guwer.tiimutr IV v "- TuiTetilaMil'ar 8r4.8 waft; ..d ittPutcov 1 '' •- - -1 -, . /MV a O SuPer 3 k i tO I , olfth*' ~,..'.: • :'.7I'VW: gird PZ;iiiifil!' . ' - f - : ' .I,, l) . j...belkan!*: :...-Trarr t eAra„th. , 7 - 2 . rtm4 . 4 *ukat au. iktrvir.itt.;—*,vdui: -and- tottalxitzso n t a a r z t . w....a i r= tma ir i. 1 ..- itArnaai- sad tilieAC tan ton mattlatM t b s t itle,Vll w o l i i :bleb. rbittri4114841,49.7**27**., SPRING STOCK OR OIL CLOTIIS. & H. PHILLIPS . . . . _ _. .. . LNVITE.the attention or W )tolesale and Re -7t,,n Baying to then , tarsi and indl ;ameba . nt,odt. of .in on hand,consistlacin ZVI at the 2314nrino • . tae syydl. numb am.. and Hat abed. now ioe.. liOnn ydad,d4 w. dd n t o t a l it t *boat NIT Otl9opt a 1. 43 4 00 . do - . . fir Z l At"; de mi :ta i '' igoackh. - ited 6 : 4 i , roolk, "so a Umuta• P.m* ' ' dC! 'dPqp . 0.• - ', .. 100.60-.oditittifttnatkitn . Ittaint, • - , " .-. ,---.` 400.d0, ea Gasman ttattot durnituteollCdottio . , - soon' dti- 4, Lk Cod Potent ...Enamelled and dtatttuirt,P, l i tVa . dt a intaltfited,id.9 o dit..tdffilk pal= of *opt tinatda,...,;;m i ii;.," ..":.:.„: _- 43 pwdall.'l44l4 Wotan dataTnit—tafds art" 1"!: 1 wt. &fidittidiini:lttitits dkn; - 13it . `..•.,Tiarg,t ha Wortammt of Wintkt• nada, Trinunnkna.'do. ' 'Wlthar ire are daily . 11161611211 ROM. nor own. and ltattarn Itanalnottunts, we axe matted, at an to ar dor the dot and dumped - idea of Uonda Wait of tbs Nona- Una. ', Cidl sad aintskontxdbro tarelnkatncolanghore. - . . J - .. shit . Oa adth Wittialannt l 4,l4ll *UM at. -: 4 ~.\\ ~ ~'~~l,z_~'. —OW NrOBX , AM LISs: rittrOcarm.:ll ars • wnmow Awls. 1. ,J; BAKER "2 . ldy lageorlini at Iry cumocr,,r"'." 14"°. TgaLLON.. k. brut Coach andlcht4- riIOPKINS & Alttimatintro GEORGE'. &Mall rn, Nay. \ !avail a.... ge=tittentio, lan /tot tylw Suck /VD ,luras. . _ -- ...,pritiritWweppic—, .... . - - ..- \Au ta g ..Pmeetd,...PlP. ,- . , \.. Saw II - - ,.. ..'--"t 1 - 4 '!"-'';' i ' •', , ZINC PAINTS:: '' '' '' -"" ' , t - - 1 ' i rii..2 N c 1 .,4 1W - IrIiSEY ZINC OOM PH -- ..- 1,,,,i,...t. ceders tor thatradrellia , -; =l:.naliddil' it tairtertna , Ai ll'im at al'Ut l itenr : ..ftp e. ' and mrll mar a m mo.* _maraca Ulm Ined. . alma VW.. aag ir tg ew tt neworaeratil . A \ A mowed of " aloosilli wren 44!Onirlit . 1 1 which ens • snow , ItssrasAlhAt 'nifty so k to thst. sad sett la the kegs swY nowww.w , 'O w- '1 . 1n tbartattalir radata wi/I,l* . maitre tortas odor , b, the -Turk ridat,irfikb I I iloii p= ',,, ..; no. imllAnolra Lt Its. Dratecil ~ rittreia lank ,to flat Olive 1.11...._,........... " ..... : 7\ .., \ ibe n ds 7 =fcr.ll3l .. 47ilPl=colar..7 .... itfate7 . awt , depow outonsainint, - beiftwa, de- A' • ' 1- - Their Patina:whirl,• an:laid dm orirratall inA ,tar • warranted Irm a. andynt WP I. kOIiM 4L r ;W. kik , ! 0 0 - ...t be. tribe ward wed raw Ilke'Wblte For We CT the plinclßal dealer* of th e Oratgol kantlik by .._. _ _ 111.NDitl a &VISA 4401.ZU. , t•..1 , a 111411,11 ~.-"- ----, - - ' ` li. Wy Aim. act lam. • \ • The HeiIICLITATZItS, 333 atimtoureir NEWYORK VRE6VAI4IS MOST IMPAOVEDLM• \ OB & MELODEONS. T. Gl:Mgt cgrig : Wgro , Premium Timm aril:had tho u!, rel rdth Urn Swag sad circular gales The MVO , of tb... \ lagrarcerdig go krenrd to nerd tartltaersdiart dr, • Con. 011barTa Beraker Madman elessat logrameat. •• fate ll a mm' ihneiCumr..' agthee \ • dna ofilallet ICo. W. erg wag sa. She above "PtgorrA — cad rear thgc,_l_S.ggrr_. \ A hogs, Zang Waters . Magary • • M. him ' hath t • =Broadway lamest &Tot Sar nail* - •• \ In this country . . afferdhrit_ an t 7 to bo bad elagrbero. saaad- Tram& it prow • \ Rohm Prices ham 166 to 11176: :Jags . toatgareht• • 1. • YpNt 4eddriati •idtiddadn'cltdart ikkeirdru.Sdrre: haaksaf keg.* gnat assdpa reigning:et:l Meg farm Tf_d PM. H. D. it W. IT...Bratth's agibrargkalaiorr • darns.marces dpidralled,Oalara.ltrown's Ilarrer • ge.'`flollas, Brag Instruments. to.. &a. - Dyad. ligissalak. • irlth Pismo and blekairsms at !Sec:axle:ow: cud latt - • • VEl t alTtcorli•Prigaddi‘r romlu 6.4.10. a both rig American and .ffirs)rerea oW•ftrof and lareadrins mustarit Creatlon of the elude* sad POP "l g i br'an ztcertifilW....: era In Made. sad Teachers of C r hoT rad* Poteshad:artial*Onalra.ll6lbe —* PlllPek, Craned of Hr. Watts% dam lagen. Will-ltratriado• their Interest to cal or Ugh. mgrs. - *lade rept: \ • to any part of °Mg or , free, x . • NOTICE,: &C . PO-PARTNERSHIP tOTIOkri4.., .11-Pdbritgited Imre 012_421 .Ibiinec a toe treasaetlow ot.the Whals... te sad' " 2 &aslar under the En& at 4lttl&N & 8. .— Market end 8 Onkel streete. - .. ,: . , - , ....*el '.: '1 3 1 . 1 4 :..:',..:-.. , , •-.-. t:::DANIIL:A.III, rITELE S tockholders of. the "New ~Tcwr- --t id2o.k, ji . th;a h tle.' 'V " "°7 4ti l ittfs c .r=re=:' Ittatla sallAberty Atn.on SATURDAY. tbRISSDIRROW. "' dela:l[l.oMA.. thessayar a orpalUng _um Talp.. 'Dims ttoc a m u g g A/ to mamba us , at ' ear MIR of Sikhism ssityousimav .load . A,. 8arni;:t. .,..,. b c ... ' - - ''' • - • • • /,: ' '.• .• -• ' - ' Itl ij .i b ucw " ' ws ' Union -Canal Letting. rOPOSALS.Nrillixil6ebic a eir lba undo , at Warm, 'Pawn, Ir . = 10ZMI E rdidayarepril t 7pext, a "krthesidami. . log ailbrtylprrera =Des bf thdrUtiontanskon'etattrti* s t g=trj amlios ' bum the b y . s t ya r =ario%,; . , tleabwittyM an irry .NOTICZTO \ad Prowdalslbekissr.ol4.larats tb* IIZV4 emee Itenatio ebn Rh AT'W. Feltet, y in 7!.--0. ItiBBElP . Pirmidottf4 r ed Eriatereitt aillemaidirolvdr. - piallerpa thelly... r "' .9 red br ilErikterest of Itijamir s igagi: limit: ..,...; *0 , 4 ax v,. ifed ° 4 u" l i tl 'ut4:a u cr. tViallimi t silii :, ..i:': ,: ' , .: • it . i , ''- Natio! le harebrOrm 01 r . roidp twocallbe member: of the f...._ , PAP. 1 .-ig5. 61 1. -4 - Vou theist ofJartiazi Leirt .. .,Mt •• 4 ~.Lie. ..- loMmiffin .(J. (LIDS.. , the bathos will ,Sir: . inder twee 4 \-• BENericriltlLlCDA i9Ch • Vittabsugh. biS s et - elaamd- • " ASSESSMENT.NQTIc Th ; kbolderik t ; - ofthe Pltt7l, MblAng Comipan7Var74 ere 7 notified. 044 an ar..11 lelled art each ohm aro* so 747.3 able= the Ist.ds7 lOW next.i__ imam. : Hasailati Dlreacm splam tIFA)..X.-4X1.41 J. I. sown-- font . : BOONE - . HELB,BLIIIIE & BOONS, • ENERALCOMMISSIOYMERMAXTIV, ILif Nal,' In Wool; Flour. Prodnal 'andProdidooo, NO bu horn' Water Meet. PandtAls ; - . - HABBAVGH & 20 NU, s- E 0 RW A R D 1 - N.O COMMISSIONIM cnis - rs,Dealen eta) littitUr . Net. labeTlT nttsbaellboP4. , 10.23-IydA ' • M) TO itaiirmiZontractotr;l:.-:•. . QCUM() PROPOSALS. win brreelyWit , ,,.. theist:os ettot Rnstooe.eontot ofOraat sitoot uukt , DymondPittolotroh. wall doloA....oriltotottc., dal% 20th dal onto to lb. Iloreosh IVattOz . ,Itoti.lottol:)=4or4 voratil sysk..,,,,Arar to • • ttul LOUD*. toot at. Ep., -11Wert to bad on aoltott la tt . tow. - anacAD. mh7: tcruhnision jA A ) Xpapeat.4s " .' • . Aos:w gru arrE w sc`"crk-PriPso' c tltVia 'l4 Patead Process for Taniog • -1" J. FULTON!S Patent,CbAntiaH-Paftitpru e • eolith GenethhtelSb.r. bY At i r s anagi eolith l l easePF 9.41_41 ibEiA .... ~. iliv Academ ttra . rm . :. \ CLASSICAIT AIM - CO) Att 1,. 1 . SCH=BOr th _ taa u vaiii. a. Vedtr e... . itt=illitie ,1 ,• •, . . L • • .• ' The ticoa6.lototesnue. Da 3110k1.11T; VAT' -'. • ' 1, 1651. ••raueu•-ma,,Te4uok-liirmidas. 40/.lr Arirolivi Tx eircahus , 43s , l 01/140 u jittler , lan telandr• .itt '' 7 John Trna a Baas. No. 87 atm at.. or I'.lL Reda Gen, N0..161 Liberty Amt. P11.14,13:113. 14564112.. . ,_; A 1366 mi-hand gUans • 18 ,4 9 . FtELLIDZR 4 ALs ,2, -,l,V omor ti4 -- ,11 : c0 ,,,t n. _VALU E = ..3f - Jen end ts ca a ir. , 4 aekr - k 1. Dow dtivtng Lb* Ovum W? otket•totakoitetur ..• 0.6 a, iis % ..,- 46 . „ .. 6iii ; .. 41•1.12Ct1i.. O ' en. - Nucat ms aria mit. PLINT-tatdrertkorAna _ .....,. 4 . ... • : : : liei!iillfanSaiii::B*olol7,4:ati .: • - 3.... ii sr. czazzi stater. ~,,., . ,12r. .iikitx subsciibez - ritipeittfutli - ' 0 i rs E trimds sad amtam~B~p t lmiv►~ ,ia d Vrikll4¢ste - larliL with :.gl. fm.l. ... lelsaiktion twirl imOvi:-rt • - souttatot!t mit telr?7, !rumfie. . out : l ir • ril REFl=,4lVogaattible - 1) - 1414 4 4. 4 i i . 11 0,.... aniftif • In rood caw Btar. • 10.7. wiSAlNtrisal,r.b ' tag watu "'L !vet '''. me v -4 tl 4...c4 t rry at as Ar0im...==41:=;,... • A A L....11..u4 t. u=soxr.siz a t o ts • Onirt um.. Jil.s io tibia Ida. . • - JONI est• of Lb. ~. Id , • ~ kiam ro4 R SALE— ' l'ini • F • l a r once, . . . of vhielk le • ..um"! tiro ttorart„ Tiarirm s . • l , - - tictair_ , EMOVAL -=.l / 3 4 ma, ::or t. t ; Stiftrisiieta -so .. , I=44ttrWAt !SAW.. t Ill t . ,: •• 1 ; , - 1 t. 4 mama - SOW SALICA lbw - , •01**1 -. . ; .. • ..- Oaditraattabla Os , * man ,..".. 4 1. , OOP Occeary tad Prato* Stars, Jim _ %ea rwa „ Ily&mlla OD tr'•daiillldUCClO Nii&siar>...l3.o ttat areal Magma at Saraoragtemo Lath. apd sitrae t 7.4 ' ' • - Neff ..4. , It pm 'ruts !INV ta tires lap inXIDIS, I, ,:.; To Lunifeentunra =lNN:hag& g a t kAigiSH to nits/lamb on my farm VP . • - .4r,: " , mmarmlye2,..i...4 Pr titabapa. The tresifsmioiossOr• Is .sso ail Idar-ralaaa. ros aMs Autai t , M ead tO. nat ma.o slue anergraCtratz: bo T aLltiaig : _ . be made to .0 Ma variad rarpta.llo4=o2a, c• TT - 71,4... .... I La..* baaralMl lit.. tt.a. ._,.... . ••• , ~..d. . Tba ets...s.kne Lso&s.ur muissoesk toss--li•ssaf inx,oo.ad lb* 11.19.04 d Ralirdo 11U she rtl37 artmeir 4'ol . olo.ate.°Mgr s isba al 'IT art.. raw Sloaaerabatitlti, 'arida:S:7V wean tosuni lit, ' r 227 Tr 3 1 - 3 . 3 "" . • • - lAA . I Mount Vernon Pumice for Bile nr:BeilLlX..; i TIIIS PRoPERTY lies within 5 slllmiles - of; 3 1 - ;1 . ' lan= stsm sm thn =ss k° crsoct lhames4VM : , '• ' d. Tba,ttrabgrr ta alliWir trmltty nor llama • • ala i Thom are .11m1d4 a i r& of nu-r nab maand • .0,.... t.. 4.114., a a fire ;up ai Vlak of tt= i t Ito Trani:: Irttmer dr ratio i t03 .,... .... ,. v0:=1 . , V entaf t t i. = .4 a tio c =c .. .,, , " . LalF eso tin F t ij s a ttit . artat i t .3. • :., I ' ltlir ll r rZtot.l- iiltankillr.' '4 " 41: EMOVLL-J. NV: Bet' Iwire Adltc..l4:whia• • 90 1r5x1999.19 t i g,l,loT-4.5 km PM RIM reed ammo I • Atri.le 1131. oar br J. A.utlVU5O3 PI UN UOVERI3--3 din. India lint iO in at 4 a , it .tar, tw.