The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 18, 1854, Image 2

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    r.:... -__Pa - .W..n.b te i.M. id -- _ W.... ,: z
. ! PITTSIIII.IItGIi GAZETTE. •mrP-.° 10 " 44 1t°' 40 I t l f r P .Pri °! .-- ,t . -*m i... . i
nefee stf; the ct*cils of anegbeny,iapreanted. .
'; tessaniMiSrith dditresitlentalid Difeetohildti*
Oltio and Pennsylvania Railroad Company, on 1
the subittetof Cheekily:riots ofaltektal..t.Nothing
is i reermeuded but to wait for propositions i
frutelnlM'the Railroad Company. The report
.ia ehariststistalfith..usd.slsreeS,.4 6 .7-
position to look at - the subject. dispassionately,
and to do what ti right and Zits'.'
Deere was one subject, however, which woos
ptietell would hive been noticed , in the report,
which was omitted . ': ' It will he recollected that
muchoenturti :tins east, upon the' Company for
attempting to procure Legislation heft : ire:apply-.
inglo Cotincils. - We understand that the Chief
Engineer of the_Company S. W. Roamers; Esq.,
'reade a sky liacidUita. oitisifiaoriitat'orgot o . of_
Pip'iells* 'Adel governed the Cotepany. t . ti!e
Committee, and we think it due to the Compinf
that it . shot& be known: -Mr. Roberta:stated,
that in a kilt hniught against the Company 1 . 4
the COtintioners, it had - boon ::hided by judge
4PaUsou,ihat the CkUkils'ot.dllegheny.Rad no
autboriii. to greet tile tiglit.lst way. over ibe
Commons, end that authOri ty toapproptiate them
kid be derikkfrom the Legislature'' They
mast 1.01,k0, up and sffisPristed tlte came as'
"otße; . property. ' There was, Rktio necessity or
fitness itithe Company applyingto the Councils,
until It wasaseekalned whether the Legislature
would 'grant powers which were -necessary :to
-.make tinygrunt. of the'Councils affeUtive. When
diSse powersiferS;s4,44,.l4l. wan the intention
of the Company to the Councils for rho
atinetion - .of the Preposed 'rents -, . Thie'ebacida
tiOUiknevesli fined tient if itilegiiVgrox,itiA of
coniplaini - agebtst toeCoMpaUY, and we expected
it amnia hare been noticed in the repoit: . ~ . '..t
Upon. the whole we. feel encouraged. to hope
that When torineils Rave considered die -.littera
'tiro air . tiefoie - ' them in:die' rePirt d . . - kitiqiii:
.iittee,ii,ey consen t ti,e' f iti.*sioh:oiAie
road on enoluterute as will - iiesudik•aatory to.-611
Von GovErrsoft;
.: , J46-MES P GK;
. • _
or itorraorers covorr.
,thtsette. — Tba. 011.4 1 / 1 1(11
iituntation of our Melly aLKotOff.h , to onr bOO/ o,ol nln
moat nootratio iocclioni of mating tticlr icOnaeas k6O l / 1 1.
circulation la tiotarcon four and avo thowand. roarldig
Ain* Mr7lstairltant, inaratfacturo: and tailay! -kriget
Pasoullur4.. and r.irtem Ohio: '
Adtertlotru — Siltber . tn. Edltorba Room.
oat IPristinsitstablidosset.tof the Daly Gantt< um elated
iortsassaurbodhare tbeis,tlticesto IMP*:
~...per,ol., ./403.41cy plsmadb.,ll.l.llol In
:Adore 6 0'4014. - on Biturday,
Moodisto Matter Oa .411.41 moo* of thLt,poioelr
, A .4 Ic,EXPLAPITION.--0 Ur pipet made its . appasrl
saes; yesterday monnygwithont itinsnlttansouni
.icedint uifier. The - caused' it
inn fidx jetat e! the fortOS were being sent to
ini:ss,:the ;third . page, cordial:di*: the tele-
..graph;Cpmm6reial intelligence,
_anil beige. trint-.
.tsti!i'irvis accidentally thrown into pl, and contra=
tjaEEtty`lreiwere compelled to go to pieta witbA
aut., So disagreeable and vexations gin accident
144.7 - sat oaa'iiiii4.befora . sinee: we hay° . been con=
lieated with the paper. Some of our advertisers .
•wM &alio indulge WM for &SY or two, when We
right again. • - .
VinCEIATS CON NTS:HON.-9dr 11 arrisburg ter- :
'rriiiotin'aiitt to‘-day a full account ot the
sroO.,etingft of thii:Whig State CliCyntion.,
, ;attar abould *re reaChed In time:forieefer
. •
.ilartkaper. bat Fa 3, utaninnately. not matilel
',_: s l'hilsintiotr. We refer opr readers ta - It far full par
-- - -
!!he gcutletnen eeticfrom this city to at
fermi the . Contention bare laid tbo:pr,ess under
6 46 ObliFatbbne srhatoterfor attentions-reteire,l. '
.Firdllrt!iterreontelnink intelligence ' of the pre
-needingSweril sent; nitltough they lcfie:if the ani
-=.juliPTeraghlg hereto know the ree itr nod when
.ibtrietaznahino.thoyleft. us ninttetly in the
dark as before. 'Until wo reeeliel the Phila4el
- marnlnii . si4idnetknon ,
itinitierethe nominees for Canal emninhisiOne'r
apt Supremo Judge, nor of the vote ' given to the
:seieratearaiditea . for.Gorernor: The Phil:lllcl
phis press seetes to have been' more fortunate in
the attentions of its friends:
' : lllolbanistingutnionOitnclimi . ri,frOm )) lit
Mi. Atwell, makes Ins air )
pesepoce befortithe public nguip.ita the'Enter
r.iVo bore- bnt feW ,words' to spoil:) to
Idtn.''; last'notic via left Mm en
tat& 111300 wriggling there yet. Bentiwah!
-ot compassion will not' . permit 113 to go 'much
fitther:-!Feeling the misery of his position, he
''elltle6Oore noir - to obtain 'relief by 'saying Mitt
. -
la e ti
kis formr article ho erred charging: -
. .
revmentation on tlio reporter. intqcsilof the ed-
-itot. :Tonhow that this is an after-thnoght and
'a -Subterfuge, it is only necesicary to refers to his
non ltaignage,ishich was :
. . .
Tito Gs:aft:took the liberty: of , falsifying
Ate,ution of Councils, by publishing the restdit
.tion trident theanuvidlnent.' 1-
, Awake edrtor, !ItS did not :quote
11ek . rinuileitior;heit simply referred to the report
'errarant the proc ceding* the .it is
tfird . hir..Ateell could trekkere nsed:lire
laaliintige.quoted above of theeditor, as it would
not tie 'applicnirle; el. Make any sense. liesides,
the statement Itself is 'ebony false, bathe arrutte
`.did publish the inierniment ini*eliesthniesolu
._The.remarks of the idinf
founded kfpoolle report of the peockaedinga, as,i
given by , our Own reporter, which Mr. Atwell
now acknowledges to he correct. When we
Onitnormilents nothing.
,nas, further from
our I.4ougilts• tomisrepresent or to" elle
offence.... We considered UM previous-notion of
the Couneila hasty and unwise, and we think -so
• Atli, lad thls.ophilon, we verily believe; , wilf be
asiertiimPly .members -of tiounsolvei,
before nil is - over:-. Whaii"vrenewir from :thee re
rela—af the preteedhlgit;thstporuiclis had agreed feipoint-a - t)ortorditee ,tn; discern k , questions
wileirther had alrendy prejudged, .we naturally
inferred that the remarks of-Gen. Ilobinson" had
ens& an impression, and '' . , - aid t 111.9
seem', from Mr: Arsell'a present "acknauledger: 1
mew, eras . the gravamen, of our,offeece; whilch
has berm rfonsidered 'worthy , raf consideration in
We never before heard tat in editor
erialeat*ted to the ntterenee idiforfal
ePhii6n . 3 of, the fa'Pf-ePOinia of a public_ !ia‘TY,"
'.--kirtlnd be Was. censurable for . Oder:his Tieln,
of the' impression-merle by a specch, - er 'of its
probable effecti 4 Erlitota are' in.the ifablt daily
'of commenting the Congress' and
tee- Legislatures the, cenntry, and a
Lig 'results, and.we never heard.bcfore that 20 . 6
'ar course was worthy of rebake.• -It remained
'lOr the tenacity of Allegheny, under the leader
:`.ship, of that. panfoiand and" nagacions member
!from the First, Ward, a5.. 4 4 ,146 / 1 a censorship,`
, and to arraign the press Car the . uttermice'of
opinion ' Me: •Atwell, in Iris pitiful attempt to
. '.Vrelggieput 'af the charge fastened up:in - hint of.
nilfalialsrepresentation,, has onlY placed
kkelf in &atilt- . worse. predicament—that ,-of. ink
panelling the right of opinion and, free discus
idort in 'regard to the rolig Ofthe 'Allegheny.
~.Counells, fur ,thiri his complaint . amounts ; to, as
• narrowed down , and Rathiag are•!'. •
, :On* irord More.: - . Mr., Atwell..infthe following
'insetente; - Limy to drag in the 4:30 . 1111Cil5 , of Ate
!, gimpy to relier4iM' nnenViabbi post
,-- . , ri`frer.inelignanacliesrge of I,4eniefie, - that , the
. +s:kaiser of Ati;gboviY.tire.'eco3P°44/ ,
intend . ixParaPt Faaa,"PiaaaPvtlif ar-aPtiai 3 a" •
iTheVarcite Anntle o. lkuidiehargis,:i It is _an
invention of Mr. Atwell. What we did nay who
the following ;: i;
431 en. Relrinsoref argument RAB intended for
thinking, impartial, and intelligent.inen, and on
each it did awl will here weight..., We believe
there are . ranch irk .theSermeils, but Mr. Atwell
erM.please understand that we do not include him
,t4etrataf .iaTf.Pr
. -
Solar.limm Maligning comas, it le Mt. At;
wsl{ Rho diros noisy placing thetn in a category
buthimself The fist
b(t.#or4d;limilkialo.AOMl istety in thiii)Shnli .
ism* . dd.; hasZ v yfolenoo.:4S47l44P4 4{ 9, - of
Mr. JiteelL. lltst theyrneverwould have
„; placed themselves ist . ths predicament or passing
`resolnUarit inflecting 'igion ! ttie'finietre;'which
that; . ..Sias wiping to justify; and
gra, {mission *t r ibe -rights Arai:Lo a ves&
: stews do not !sail the Councils Sus responniblo;
They Isere; deceived into a belief: that their-ins
neadinge . tad teen misrepresented; mild they cad
Leil nothing but. con emp or o men.w o has
thy betsayedthens into tech
MIL DASSIIL—The nomination of Mr. 'Dorris,
. ' for t:lstssl
Commisrilinir,.gi , ver 'general 'satirise
' lion!'" Ile.;,liaisie Li. knowdldt'orni the State; ei
sshiiied, onisigetic,"faithiot ond.- henc4 Public
offidsr." . We rsoodisnch Asis Person , in the: Canal:
• ,'' Bosidiit Ills tithe( 04hts Ctfonte' kid , yesterday
'_ aultb - oliso r toike him!' thefollowing Cotoplinliist; '
• -', ~..: - -- ri NA" . ,l u'irrn7 n°4 l e- .... ,': ~
Although the Whip this colzuty. , :46st ,their
iSfilwrotito foe Sosentor s they should batielighteil
....".itith.the nomination:of Otono a Deuce . for the
• .-. diet oi.Canal Commissioner% „Thera jr a sit.
: ; walar.,fitness in .this selection desareingomsre
. , ~,than ordinary attention. , 31r. Dories :long, tix
, . , '. iwrienee in public' alisirsis by no nustpshir Judi
.! :,qualification. the great sagacity. round. judg
,mmats and unswerving integrity, combine to ft
' "-..,fconatoinad him to en Aix,' which of all,others in
.this State, more particularly, recoil: . S:- them :
1 The . tmpi° ot -this,t3tato,,- sued:Muss° teL
„. . s t r i ogl; of tly blown, huckstering, sliihossert pct
. - . -...liticiatm in the Board of Canal Quismizsionera.
There never ohcerld hara:bcon n canal. B oax a
. „ , esta posea, of mere politicians,: hnionant of all
•.• :knowledge of:their duties, ,who , couldn't. tell the
; " .7: agape* between; a: tow Rotund a. tow path...,"
1 r 'Ttm .petklict workekconla..hare been; profitably'
t . - s.. manage 4 by eee mittz, au , eaPariullaud engineers
ti..,;;;;',',":7with;a! eampensadtg usalary,: , whoso ..posidOri
k - _ ,- . ~.,, a ionidb. pen.u.t, frps.., merit,- anti-not lin
4eDlllll . views on politita...,Butalutte public
momenta thtenselrea aroleduch tudro likely;
• '
..,. ~
to changed than the spasm by.which they 'are
, . .;..7
.cantiolltod.we have but to look fon .ths, hest man
.. 3 ;:l.ta perform, the mark es nepresent!greznocl.:---
.:, 7 Tbeisfoss lIP-144 , 7013Corgc.Denitib7, 141 !+ 341,1 s;
s:, • : the hest mau.natned.bys eitherefort.r.-fon many
• - years, for this poet.
llnstime c'camisa.—Steppins' i into tho Wall
papas .Wniehouse t , 'of Ifr , Tho s niai: . Mittont:;,,On.
1 4eketiteet 4: few 43 4 46 0 ,1te weeelnib , eg ,
prised at.tho, hinting of :the '..ceiling,..sthith• has
lady boon rePapited. :For the 'beauty and n
'riefref the paper used, It excels
the kind** have ever seen; . od the wbolo effect
iiiritiTtinilyi and, pleasing. noilMis
can be sery.hoantifnUy tLINI cheaPipormuncatod,
atia'richly and chaStelP adorned with paper, jtfoil
the 'price' is suchas M.biingit within the "range
of all so fortunaM, tit house own a. ciintl. Pinions
'tioSircpis"Of ernamenting,thsireolling should cell
and ace the cifoOt-prodneed -Mr.. Palmer'i
4otrie of the pareis aro mandirig n btogrsphi
. .
eel sketch or Stephen A.. Douglass, the. Senator
from. '..The middle" •in his .name
stands" for' eOeins-:-Stephen Ar;rigi
Donglaes Iri the present temper of the Anteri
enti 'people, be could easily obtain their consent
to @beige the fitephen.toPinedict._ •
. -
Thee peoplo of Hot: . ket4tio coon . ty, Irentiol7,
hase-hilda Ittigo meetilidbitopiidlitto!i to liking
V,!rtt , siolkilecce a im.nmrsrittsiturgh
. Abdo Siete Coovention.
• . HAIMISIteate, 111 arch is,'lBs l l.
The Whig State convention assembled thin
morning at 10 o'clock,` in the Hall of the Annie
of, Itepresentatires, and Ras temporarily organ.
ized by'eallitigllEXEN D. MAXWELL, Eau., of'
Northampton County:fo the Chair and appoint
ing Dairto 1). Ea,mm of Alfegheny. tind,/su. S.
Jactrioi, of Philadelphia, Secretaries.
'. The list of Delegates was theeread over, the
Delegates respondieg,at their damei were called.
The Contention eras alanisCentirely full, every
County,. except;;Erie, " being rep . mentid; and
being .as fine • body Of Men as '1
have ever, seen assembled here . ..on any
do motion of H. Jones Brooke, of Delaware, a
committee of nine was appointed on, contested
seats - :their being of thin kind in Hun : .
tingdOti,' Union noel
.1. - nosed for a Mit;thilteei . of
One from each Sinatarial distric(.. for the purpose
ofreportipg:piSeers for the pei°mmont ,, organi
ration of the cQnie3ition: ,
„thi niottop,,.the consptioi prpt*cia./Yo z:0;
_cahaidatea„for'the several offices," •
Tbe;Cpnientioirthen : ndjoerned'Ull'24*e l o l t.
this afternoon V " ' •
21 st .:•-Covtention, met. _
..10r.feigere, front the - nstensittio on Peibia•
bent etficers.Madi.the :following' report, which
war ttdopted . unanitornisly:, .
Presidediey:l4lt. JbIINSTON.;,,; :
• "11es do
ran:- EPhreini :Conrad, " fleney, - Bitlei; Jacob
Ktiabb,"Albert•PhllipS, JWO:".O.,Thiller;Stephen
u.Nlieeler.- Thu. Barr. Wm- Mealil
hurt, Wm. B. , ,itoland,, 11. ; DonaLlaoty 6e0...110chenarr,..4.,
chenarr,..4., M. White, f-F; -Steward; Wm. ; J.
llwoPe, .F; :D. Xulucir, John C.
Nlci unkin, • Ja.e. Verner, Jas. 11.
ilVoilsiJaa.'Rf,E.ll6, Wm.- M. ht. Stowart„j.;,l).
Alarlsl4, Jno",. Say Clement • t
&ern/aria—Thos. Marshall, McClure,
-amine! lfunSicke•r,-•MV1101-YnrdbiY,..FAMI Cur
• The President was condo ted to the Chair by
Me..Plarmigaa.arol Artlale, and addresultlio
C,onventien In a speech of Some lengtb„replete
,vith pattiotio , sentiments. and-, iood advice;
Which was received with marked satisfaction, and
repeated bursts of applause.: , •
. Ate, BrOoks.,,,from the committee on contented
seat's, rrepertedto admit bath contestants in each
case, with power, however, to , emit but:bne Vote
for, each:district.. „Adopted- .
ldr.. Hot/mita of Serie, ,imared that, a cons
inittei of thirte en, on resolutions; be
Ttus,piltaident appointed the following
meato c o mpose the committee : _
lacob Iloffinen,llerki,. Chairminf. Cornelius
Darragh, AllogbenyiCaleb. Tayler,Bncits, 01.11,
Coffee, Jeffersom Chni:lliorepsois Jones, Phila.;
delphia; Wts r . Sargent,' do,; Wm. C. ?demur;
SwiL Illanclard,•Ccntre; David Tng
gart; Noithtuaberlanklt. Lyle White, CrairfOrth
John Corrode, Westmoreland; .lOhn Fenian, Cana
brie; G. Phell;thester. • ,
F . 1:1,11'111°6014 the tonverrtfort . then proemidedlO
'.vote !ire rocs for fora candidate for Governor.
Three votes:were had. Oaths third-rote lion.
James Polleek,,of Northumberland, recrired 82
votes, and was. declanld. duly nominated: The
AnnoUncelnent. was reeeived .withts burst of ap
plause, and, on motion, was confirmed: towel
-, The several Votes tithed . as followse - •
• , Firstballot, Second . Third..
W m. larisner,... 28 • 32 . 87
11. NI. Fuller, .... ..,....10 25 • • „..
Jas. Pollock, . . . 41 . , 82
.a. 0. Curtin,: 12; • , • , 11
Jrio. H.faring,. 4 r, ...•
:Wary 8: Enna, , • , 14
...Wer. Johnston,. 1
:After, the first tote,,thti names ,of 70b11,:Ty , "
,son, 0 en.,W,. -14 Kelm, Goi-Jahistoirsere, watt
drawn, And on . Ili third rote all ,Siers withdrawn
_but Istrimeri . l'ollock. and Curtin.,
- , ‘, • CANAL" 63.1111411101g.11.. ,
The Conirention,thenlirei?eeded to rote for a
, candidate for Canal Cclninissionere, with the fol-•
lowing result:.
.11, : : Al., Fuller - • 23
Jas. h 1 ;• f1e11er5„,4.... • 10
Archibald Robertbou,.„.... .... . . ........ 10
,David • • . .!•t. 17
- Cyrus ...... ' 4
:1'61318: Preston - 8
JAIM.. ... . .. ... 3
Afterlbe - firat .iiits; no Candidate haring n
hrity,•on motibn, boo.Darnic, of ;Allegheny; won
.-.4 1 R41 1 .14 0,11 4;1umfdi0h. •. ,;
• , • - Witraissi,arrac..,
• licat:Ditalel M., Sriller,of.ldotiigoiziei,i; was
;IQmingled:on itifipt.ballot; as ;folio* •
Dante) M;Glnf,sler, .. . ••. • •
Ed. Cowan . - . • . ••-•
Watts, - • ' •
Ametion that the President,. Opens' t." 4 Fiats,
Cornaallyvevisimaide -, eaitheobee the
YOnjen.40i 1 ,1141611141 " 01111 7k o dock tide reran,-
Congentiorisimi . 4 o'cltick egreenVytO ad,
jOurnment. , sd
• Al - to:hag of eseelient nailotionOSaidnOtied
by the eimatitteo, %it
,gerolutions doellinieg of.
the ,Wlll.O, ernbraeliag One u 4 figoTartheegle of
and tit° vondennnaloiy.of • ;bp '
rqic.l64v, the
hilgoontiVoinfrnsinine,i •i • •
iegOintiOraZtiogT;itgia'sd OPK trieiting tha
'resident to "f‘Teii.t ikstati son'
TCon4ntiott . .tyinLiadjOta4lo
he -
three cheers forthig POLIAIP3e3.
Mier the adjourtrukf444lll intaddigettingthid
thwarting into a mine wetting. Col. .1. It.tdie;
Brimel4%Wa 3 Chair, nadee ; '4 -ii
•'e Pr _ a4rSect*arles.
14 4 .4.4 4 -ti f ilie Mr/ Coffee, ;
- - calhiie attontintOif
During the session', the following dispatch was ay .u. s i ve St oc k or
received frout.thra. Istrinsers- -, HARDWARE ' AHD
PITTSDVIIGII, March 15. 1 orrourirbu , our a thp.oo7o9*Le irortneup is the
flay to My. friends Hurrah for Pollock.' 1 : •enimtrr,
will do all I can for him. I leave to-night for s ILFZEIVED Bc RECKVT.PACKETS non EUROPE,
- Baltimore; Philadelphia and Near York. . - 1 ens whiest tner oder ea the - mod renestav asncirrleer
_, [Signed,' : Msv. Lscrasti, Jr ; ''ehsets ,sopig r.-14
Mt. Denedlet, of Ilimtingdon, Made a short ttu tk0n,"?.,1,...
i . speeelit' atel Mr. Casey, of thfion, is now "speak- F."" .4 _ 4 'WI" street:
-Mg as 1 lock this letter in order_tohe in time 1 r ,trrFST- .R.9 ,1 - 4 . 4 . 1 ww 1 - I ' l ""w r '
for the mail. _
The following is the NebraslM resolution :
ReiPired; That the Provision in the iStSM and
NebrinkSbili, now before Congress,Whicliiiffectr
and repeals the- Missouri Compromise.'is a de
libirsto.broseh of plighted faith and public caulpae„t; a high-handed attempt to force slaveryinio
a vast territory now free from it by law, a reek
lese renewing of a quieted agitation,,pid there
-fore meets the stern, indignant, and unanimous
disapproval of Abe Yi'hig party of the CO/anion
wealtlk ketmsylvania.
From the rtaladelphla North Amelia*:
TRE,Wrtio Cones:mos.—This body assembled
vire:dal at Harrisburg. And, as:Will be seen by
our tSlegraphic — dtapatches, nominated for.Oor- '
maPri.4antan l'eLtaew,.of...Nctrthumberland; for
Coreinissioner, Gizmos Dams, of, 411e
foe supreme Judge, PANIELM. Stip.
scar, jot Montgomery. Aro altexcellent
nominations, . Pollock:4 a . gentleman of
high" obstacle! and ability. During the-.period
of MS service in. Congress, he .was distinguished
for his, .practiesl sense, bis,_soued views on all
questions,„ and his constant and,diligent
attention to his, fluties.,,lie is Acsarredly,yeg
popular in PnriA'nr. the. State. i\!r.,Darole Is
the present. able Senator, from Aliegheny., fie
hAstipiinent;qxii!ities for_ the post.. for which Le
has been I kamed- : -Thoroughly familiar with our
whole system orPOlie imPeeeellAellte,prOtethi
watelifel, over the,publie treasury, with the
disciplined mind et.a. Atatesman, asul habits of
close scrutiny and . uncefeitting applimition
election to the Canal BeeSTreeld be a great,lath
lie lilessiag. Judge &user ion lolly - cent supe
tier atptanents. been preyed:, highly
.acceptp,l4shice his eleration to the Bench, and
who will commend the'respeot anti ponfidence of
the entire commonwealth. ; ,
~'ll'e,Convetition also IlthtSetl te3OlutiOna tinani
mously tlepeuncing Penske& Bill; thus
/milling the equivocal ; policy or the Democratic
Conrentien, which .shirked % this question.. The
Cimeentien, moreover did itself hotter in select
:lug Gov: ..lohnetgi to.:picipe s out:4U deliberit-
Shaw, and, the applause inch followed the men
tion of that gentleman's name in connection, ith
the office of Gosernor, was a type of the feeling
,entertained for him by all, true Whigs--we may
go ferthee, and say bY.alkliqttiaa!saJ,PsuasYl
Mekico..-Santa MUM igmitO he getting' lum
self into trouble:again: TIM revolt at. Aeopulep
ibises' it - itiz,.:tipfortnnito 'Ported for him, for
Tfalkir's . fillibustcring invasion is . still unstiii
pressed, and Tries . , the Governor of Chihizaltud,
bps also issued et:pronunclamonto, in.ihiCli he
decisive his determination - to' anticipate Santa
Anne's sale‘o(the Northern provinces to raise
money, by getting them to
,propOse annexation
on theis'eent. account.. The troops 'id* State
of, - Malmo are elm isaid-to. manifest svmpteas of
revolt inicnnieqWenee of the failure of them usual.
payrients, 'Will& correipondenin of Bonet-Booths
set Bonham's, proposing . the separation of Sono
're, Sinaloa, and Derange from the Moslem' Un
ion, has been interceptA . .' Its publication 'has
caused a profoind sensation in Mexiic. ' The
evil which seems' to be at the bottom of . all ;'the
dissatisfaction of the Mexicans, is the eiceaisive
expenditures ',4 the germ:men!, and thu Coale
trent hetiiPtaxitien. They are very desirous
of havingell the pomp and imposing ceremonial
or a - Strong government, lint' are ; unwilling to
pay for it. „The position of Walker and his men
is described as unenviable,ted 'twist be evident
that they have little - or nothing to fear Anti the,
Mexicans. 'Still there can be no`doistit that the
invader is fast approaching the end or tether
from othereauses- Ile was &Pending upon the
barque.Arista to carry him'and Lis men from
Ensenada' to Seaters, bUt She Las been'sold for ,
o er purposes in California. Besides, the Bei
rated States eloop-of-war Portsmouth Is truisiag
too - near for any vessel to risk such a hazardous
:lob ;.and as a part of his;force has already de
serted, and his reinforeements biro ,been cut ZIT
by thejtnited Statoi autkoriUes, les well as'by
the decliuOof the 11111bn:der fever ia Callifurain,
and his provisions are dreadfully short, he can
not choose but go Lack to San 8ieg0.:—.1 7 4,11.
- _ .
Honeuntt TezhianS t SITASTAANIMCIT.--Zso
White nun and Thirteen' Chinamen •hfsidered 6y the
Adkins—We 'find the following neconnt‘ of a
horrible tragedy committed by the Indians, in
the Sacramento - Journal : Two - white- men, one
- earned Guild„the other Ingalls,- while on a pros
pecting, tour, hi ! Campany, with nineteen China
men. were Murdered on McClond's titer, twenty
miles;east of Pittsburgh, 'Shasta : county, by the
Salina 'They were eampc4. , andlfefteesr.-andh.
'an mine' into the camp. . . The white men's guns
were stacked neer thew: - The tridiana-appear•
ed friendlitit first. bet at n went frotaltzePt4ttet
they seized thegtmeand run - with their', -bnialls
Seized a club'and struck the hindmost. 'lndian,
and 'ktiOelicil bini down:" The - Indians hunted'.
stay conceenica tiring en Guild and Ingalls., and
also at the. Chinamen. A patty startedout Ito.
medintely, and tonna the 'body of ; 'one
cut off 'lathe eltioir, and his' head smashed
pp horribly' with' stones. • Tbet rase - found the
bodies • of thirteen Chin:tines: I.- three bad their
arms cot elf; Pad all their, eads had been szeudr
id in atones,' The bcsly Guila - cOultl 7 not
he 'found. They- saw' tracks which they linp-
Oesed to be his, leading aawn to the' river, rase
blood trailipg °rang. They ilbni! saw 'tnarka , of
an axe; which' they supposed he fought- wkh,
and - they supposed be jumped ante the rirer, - . 1 .-
Prom appearances, 'POMO' of the Chinamen
taught like tigers; the ground around'them he
completely trodden down.' •
• . . . „
~Tbe beard Movement in England is one of the
Most rapid ortreiord,"ciren fist times.
WhOletewns:and classes go into it nt once, The
Maly rira strongly. recoil:tine:ids the clergy to
abandon smooth shaving, and return to the man
ly- Mul Majestic bear:dna 'retail the glorious
•Reformers of the 16th century: lt says nothing
would, be, a surer , preveativo of, clergymen's
sore,thrmit than for nature's coveting to stager
cede 'Cravats. The- Rev. Peter Barlow, incum-
bentof Cockfleld, luus acted'on the ruivict: Some
of his people :were so highly offended at this re
mittance to Crammer : and Latimer,..thgt they
left the Church. The great body or the congre
gation, however, were somible enough to rerriain.
. .
-- . • •
WWI SITIV.VO.IISassIVINTS./tcorreirpoitent
of Ahn.Charleston . Courirr ,givcs folio king
views reol*tipiS the proper men for .trisidents,
Such ideas ancount for the Um:Ohtani of Pierce ;
grmit man cannot he. Prciidont.'• Party
waste a puppet, not a leader; That:lmpiet Must
hare strength at, home-and whoever, has not
strength in his section, (if his be prutot;) will bo bid
highest for hy either party. ". • ' ' • '
Tue Flan or 41111 , 1kor.:—At a recent Whig
Commotion In-Now Ilavan county,. Conn. r the fol-•
lowing resolution wan adopted .
. • Revolved,. That if • the Bondi- scvks. agitation,
the South shall have it—and that freedom shall
go Solutth before slavery shill come North.' • • .
SPECIAL iiot' dZS.
- -- ,
WoniniA, Wouttel-- . Varione . ,._thinirieii Itav ,
heed !tatted relativerto the othilh ofintesiunal wtorukand
tot ehq 46.1300 V.tlll a Vaseamllp laliMil Midi* jautbor.
Itlist Of onefsit, hoereper ill aid Ififurinid,andirt whichall
sgree:,the fatal nature of the hillatate they hareoethrldren
At this of tho . mr, tbr 'Mai of nines lire least
irixinent is well se nett datuturteis , . Ma tate mil alms:-
lite In directing the stteattori eir Pellet. hii the VMPAtag.
of Dr.Niaapa. ~ 11 lama of the meet et trherlillur um"'
dna eeerlietrodociid tp theiell4iN And 1 .4 A5l -41 A 1 " .f
amain when
S' l 3=rarthser: re will le etireial to 'SAC lia , int: iI'iASE'S
6EIdffIUATED vtatnuruar.,ito - take' sene else. - qi All
. 01.fierIroirin Mg.. Ili iompartarn, are wortblees.. : Ix: IV
WWI Vermattagr, Also hlt,iielebratel L 1.., Mlle. tin PO.
tut had at all reepettatile 11003
titers la thp Unite! Mates
.*P"P°A II , II3IIIALI stirrnitits, -
tahlell ''
linceessel to - .1.• Kidd X Oa., WOod..stzeet._
• :, : , , , 77:. -
DE ODmON'S , r .. ..., i
..... ~ •
rinpirred Fon-2 41611 re Carnpliene Lainp
.- • Having- purcluised .. the:,.r>
right's the abate LAMP to the . ii ~.. ~
conatleant dll,l.llollEgli, DEA- • • ; ,• . 1 •
'TED.: W.131115 - OTON. , rAti - ~ - ' 1 '.. y
ETTE and bßßEtair• are Pen;. i'. . :
~ I, •
ntibtilfht a euutiegillYttrite.-- '-.. - ''' ,•-• - ,• ; -.- . ..
• Thew Lamle an an rpeetruted se tereaderittplegkie Im.
• passible. and the PAU° it.p restesthilted that tber may
be ligettiXll vollresexty.4 ;They 00 sil!C I morovbFilUsak
Ilstiand thalnatarlibi used Wag ebeapar !banana 'Lund
Tani*: oirdiadiuri kind, they. moat 0,14 , 0 lit* 0
. 'O.O.
41.1110, We At., beta LANTERNS and CADS r od US A' [lawn'
, ~..,
_, , _ .- gIaritiCMINCSDATIONM-01
" This mitten Puttee Ansa PeOP; dzmulned ail Mit& De
Oulson'ailumuyal fload:ltilufr =a: 41=N rd •
val"Udualirlo.'".trumunruiSs2"44‘auTniltramannsd_ far I:p.=l v. a " t 7 a
*Vamp haul.. ,
Pori Ztrittrarradtgrilsg
jest; of arir l = !mini 5011016 a ACTON , 4WD. Of, lary .
I t r :littt . ' ll ", 1Z4 1...14 ' . . I I ; ix.' wit= , dra • ' ' .
Pr .` ' .-:, t ' '''' ':
l i i - .2 l 4 K nt i r t"
~ 8 . 201 4 - "- .41% . - SV..ibiterw,Wl4lll:mteg , t l
~.1/. it.illanith: -, ' dis -. . ; • J. E. 00iiardelii . hi . - - ,:i
&se Foote, ; _ do, , • r - J:lieinaltilis, , d , t . • ',.•
' d:10. - Tiltiti:' ' dig --- --• . IL Brown.: -'- - dot
LA: Moodlomii XI -, - i ll • A. IVAMA°7 l, r d ifia it the
-- Xiirthratibeue r to 0 sad Flout, alwets ,
1 ettinitkie at Stessehoetiniin And annAAA/ .11
rhilly Welted tette WV Went Lantern nod esor,
/Aapil War ". be 'sea. Is. 'opriltiall' at 'D , Ifine.SIIR'S
et/rte.-1W W004.4.X1MV lbAr !..r....*OSl b n -8 0.'" ',`
a......ofttbalste firm onhVeardv Looms,
800 1 1 S-A r N D , S , l/0E
69 W4oa stre.e,litttbUigh:
• Fantilieswill be eunolied with our rurious
gria. - .ttasswomicroV . l.ociu. 4t Vittgr: l l . l
,r o l d o i th. mi,2,111,1
uad ll b , o u g at
be,t, apd SL
Clots' eta.. rat[ AL P. Itaroatti, or J. T. Sample,
Visor w Ili h, dekrerid to famines to either otlhd eito.
tte. ToC
to l kx. icvnaisoc t. co.
inmmrlnN!riigr- - '° -
_ .
(soccaraas To J. lUD a
Proprietors of Dr. NVLane's Colotraled .Vemiolftre Urn.
- Na,.56 Wood street,: Pittaburgb,
errurra TIMID ADD Twain.
" My Stook , ennoista - of upwards of 250 Gases,
.ftdrsoilarevary roster,. and itylicof BOOTS, PI1088; and
BONETri, nand:wed direct from New No gland manufac
turers, adstitad eXprowtr fur SALL and INTER BALM
and will be wild at • eatiefartorf firima—rowitiming Corot , .
ably antuttuoworehuomoblonnn NeW - Torti• ristenimma
wilt please - rad sod . lllSOntle bernri. blAying: NEW
Dr. onto vvirratang . 111.uar or
CORDIAL.-11 It In (Egotist how this. great restorative is
.11plomv1Wrig soeb extesordloari,sniev,*e can only reply,
that In thellroldan herb thit Wins outlined Inceediont
blended by . the Omehtotent Myth:lan:l larger
amount and &cater xarkilim of 4:motive. proporthe then
had hen:tot:en been ennireed to este; In *hundred different
marl.. of the bliarmactictlet tetiole medicine cbeet. et(
ecotype*, so to *nib - moots to halm been combined In WI
text ; stet In the MAXI It or, 0)111),IAL re have their ?On.
Wu - hated annm.' • It to the Area, hmeiter. not the non
With ortilch we hair to thal li r the martinet eknidleatlon
dhontedlebitt ,Tbe victims of dyspemdA envoi:rod. the
narrow ere relieved, the hitt paralysed remite their activ.
UT, the 'ituffereni ficendieuelnetta are tormented' no mitt
the weak hemmerlgneous. Uwe tint of lowa's leaves the
eomplesloo of the maw, the deDeemod in setae hear=
bnoyant, the Sick In almost henvory cOndlttao of 1111.44,0
derive Immetliate- handl% hem theensilof Dr; alonwei fo
elsoraUnd Elixir or Oordld. . Them frets, Int Mated .br
Irrefnagable proof. are preeehted to the attontiou Of Inn
ilde,'nho nn verify (Jinni/4 Shinto 'Lottlo of tbo Medi
doe.. The Cordial Is not up hishlyoonnentrated, la plotbot
ties • Prim three dollars per bottle, two for lire dollars, all
foe twelve dal*. Q 11. RA,Z i eoprikar,
• lioht by DraggStts throsabout the United States. Cana
Oeoaal dam and Wait halm
Agents in. Plttetnardb—Plemlag Dros...' earner
'Wood and fourth street*.' and tie. 11. Keyser. corner
• Wood area awl Vireo eller. • . =.jalZls •
1400 1 'Eattudron.—For presorting, ro
dning, elon•lng . and Dolutilylv7 the 'Mfr. dlevluing
orm= iltad-ache.andostringornallve dimwit of the akin
tb. navigation. naexteittivo ,orlth tho - doldtation of the'
stote. : triltra'all ovverlaono.allotagstakatlonlin—
ollge;" and Argo its 'discovery his rood no Ontetltiate to
itotapote Its hotontoOted, ite Incontestable ausvoloottf. Mk.
•lolans and latioralite-hentaroble train all wean,
'ohms of Illit,-;the boding Journals of Europe and - dmegoa•
ladles who banned it upon thole droadinotaldes; and,
alothors In their fact Its, million ; pstotoix
food Oohed,. to kbigatioutionare It not, most
Vituuslaz and effective artklc either ma 11.dkina
preparation erooDroductot. Do net fall to giro It a total
prim but 25 calk ' • •
•D. D. BA Itiglitklvottiletor; l2l ihvadvar,'N.
Vold In Ilttobvtgh by R. E. &Dm C. V liont
000doo, .Page,
r.Fleming Boos.. and thann .k goiter. thalduk •
The . undo . isigned, Frederic[•
Lonms; of thehrm of toren. Sterling a Oe..and•Thos.
tewart, of the title Crm .of Stewart. Lloyd ik eq., he re
this day Ihnned Lops_ rtnerahlp. - under tug name and
style of WltEls7., • BTXWAUT a PL. for the' purpoee of
manufacturing iron and •and bare Wen the 'MY
house N 0.61 Water stront,tetucen Ferry asorthert street..
Lem they hart on hand an assortment of the 'media of
trou.telliall. which they olbera , riale on accognmodeUnS
term. They respectfully solicit the patronage of the
ftei;dlf " • . •
Indigegtion sad Liver Complaint. Cured
DY Itiztrs PET ittllXll:d.-.Read the toilywing letter /Kim
Dm 0, Dictersal, s XjwJuouP to prouon: ;:
Ola Knut--13ear wltehiving in..
greattr Immetitted by the fi b ,reed Pudostut I wish to
have you Dna roe • Let owo or oeso nettles. I
am the t'oodomational +Minister In Oats Phase. and several
army. pelle am aareted with Indigos?. and an traction
ofthe4Tit,othisigerierwtfirwl.f.aftre taktin
=Lion, th4es;,,se, t area r 4.111.• half ago. sod
we have never moos ro troUti health fur year n as we have
einee that tame. I had not token a Mush. bottle. haus
that fullness of thd anunselt w Wit so distresses the, di - *-
P.P.'. Was relieved. also I havetelt nothinu of It sloe" that
time. - als ism also relieved from a airman direaSe of
the liver,hleh had been otasvoral sears standluu, by - the
nee of your Petroleum. , . .
sod• or s.;l'aual Basis. CIFIV. IC
111 Wood and l/ritaulmts and D1...W1. Dealers serer
where. !Parrs alto:thing Petnatittu copy.' ' orb
Breast kamps--th but apparatus for
drattlini Ow/mast ever loteistSd in Dt. Needluun's emit
Puma; It meta without pain, la mltaild falls soustrartlon
oral must give 'satisfaction la overt' ewe. Feld, vhdesals
end retail. at REYSZII7S, 140 Wood mt. • - fh.n
- Counimption and Spitting . Blood.—Se'e
the eertteleate OW. 7nted.ll. Dentley.llur saw rears
Treprteter or the l'azateri. llot. , fridierhAtilatnr. Ye., and
late or the ettrAttel. Dichniond., Ys. .: •
' Dr..7htiVlngi. - ef the city nkhainuttbninb • rest.
*der phydetin. mid of emrse nmeteed to libel he <ldled
nenthatedidnek *hi iibtlged 14 ear Dud Ile it.o4 eiteets
nt the oda id W. theseeerorer..anderfed I odor& < • ~
•Ha hedharia gives np anent th) eldeeen had •
won Ott Yank tne4ttlite.!. inutined,ol the MP ad*.
pair ,- •• the irate ; nbreie hetet.% cater , . NADIA
Manic It'r retie the rat.lle - to hta Nit Cad lengthy cer.
1164U1 MaUUa theltotUe - , - stattiiit hie cure ;
Bee thlrertherterid..
.1:11AX:114 1110S118
No. 31NaLih TVlniter..aud 511Zorth Water MIN..t.
4111011: ..11Zell
141 VE ,ousSratiTl."( ON lIANO
14peroottecti. ' lAdetomotlie: Pritest; %perm
So& eskUalsedl..lmllem, lxh,,te suid upiorsd4
Chiudal, 011 ye and West*o!OLOie 8.4.4
Sperm, Whale, Lard, Sea.!Elephant,
unin: And uts.. : •
'Mow' large honotteri or Wit .1 lalt E41..i to runtish
theta upon lbw Gat tour Gus. .
Tar, Pack:Mein and. 'Spirits of -Tairre?tine,
Varnish, tuilpherie or PiturOil. Burning
• Fluid, Alcohol, Strong:,L,Dedadorised. j.,,; -
'Ride, Cottot and:Elcidi Ash;
COMPANY," -and's, nnsttantirsanpiled with the tartan.
MO of Oh; sup. tfor snorting and Ilanttow Gunpowder,
whit)/ thtrare anthiwiwnl brine , mater. to warrant equal
to. ear In Wu *pantry. or Kama.
.POR•SALE TO 1714: rimpr:,ON_ACIVM.I(O/47LVO
TERN the Itrincipat Gabs an
ry G Kentutk7 Gine. Its' ¶o. I'Lti and 'an tint.
T. Shooting ' - w •
thwk i N. M
Amatican tOrthiit; Cattistcri or' ni csat.. '
fi - Al.q_~~ p b lpylog and inanlitx Parclßr, In Vats altd
• .
NEW , SPRING G00D5.,. - .
• :,. A. Ai . MASON, C 0.,,
.. - ...Luoi T o'fcceived.awd' are ntivi.ovening:Xwo
Thani.rid titeltannr. is Foreign and Krnerkin.
tioodk of mart 4ererlotlonirougrlalnti kart: • t
itoo"piects Aty NI or. ruific tripes,. oren►de
n.,okod. Channraaln Magna Sol. YouLtrq Ma* son •
01.0 k
1,M)0 niers. Park; Pento4 Barks., thru " nlinei; Tlantek
Orgstlls. trri - l'sralaus, - Jac,
no, CamU , W.l, slat, cannot /inns dm la putao dn.
• mo
•: :100 Colinas. rung, Maar*. Broth° thartly, AlsntonCrillto,
Bilk, Thin., Outliner. Woo and tabor shawls; .strry'
vanity or ylantlllakTaltnal, Yjattes, to. of then corn aW
• '4 7 • .110.V.41 N. 6 M i L mnaafactma , .. LISTRI" coons. ' •
.144 cases or- Ittravt. anti Laoo -Money; gro,"-.1.1.
roost fashionable rtyles of taws nod 011 k Ikautets of Pun!,
Now York
their own, stuuturactore; Gond, o
.mrrr Este r
. 160 cartons of Collars, insert., Chentlsolts, Laos,
;11106t., 1..104 'grit. Utast airier of Mom
irinara,llll4Toot, , . .
• • •!' .iioSikaY AND inOVESt - Lost_
',700,10r or linelory atitlOloror a . ..1T nudity: ths
"make of Kid Ilfam 511,50' os skin, a fall , atoek or.
e4' Y lT i ti !' sl{ . 7 k ltro e,ti; /46'1;
r •
I ,
Lions atookt lnonallort Damask-TO:4o Corarnlnat,
=I, nhorttrots, Napkins.. T0n.1161 1 4ellYS,
I'lloo tapas and Leman!- Calk.... Illoachod. and Mown
Moak., /Isnot!. Choelts;yon , da; Stunner Stunk,.
Costlintr.Clotha L tkosintoros not Halloo - 4n .11!:ittloW . 'flint
;4 =lll3 4 ftin a illirieniner : exteasint end' (n It INeot.O
.ww.3, thorrastarrr nonstry, to vitannittay KIWI the Int
'lWe tirgoit tloodiorl t ltritonitinttly 'lbinnati ,
fosaun.. Only ono Into. ; atattri Lo, -
. etrent._,
- - - -
• -othanom.:lThre
s.A.N.O. No./moms wtaTrisb:
V.,- 14 obtain an aecurato, artistic ago/ lgoilka likening at
4...,"hr,vatx.'lzatuva . ...=bta , =ra2
id guarantied. •or no thug" made. ilanntg Low Mb.
Moat and beat mango,' 0140 and Skit int& 'OM Wil•
.igtruded 'lnt
"1 theln " up. l / 4 .lth Z
= AMS.Ut g Vta r . r i t
jpl ,11otgtgdirgr1terig•otPtil ;
and Now Yarn: kir. Y. gittarablinfielf luau able to
' Sgerat t glr Arr Al t a oelsteit * tra l" rei Th tiaXaTaWd.
nos and ontratlug in all gat.. front floksona
& BARNES' SAFES. , --acie it
lbo kld4 of lath:way ad Ur the Yam of odASAVES, tdadi
latish wd can roarktdatly ridiathe ittlottatkdi pt. outwork
- 14•• tun. alroildr ltoblAbrd rd, eeit lo .4'l4 ,Pv l4lo
that Sato made. our rdzildr, add ordlnur fiat, arid,
sold abroad, Davi, twit eultiatcd DADA SE ViSAEST TESTS
Dolt. ttda/ly frtoilthai dautatra. , Tbd'AlldYttult 4adolitlV
zwairoftha aim. budattodltddeludartar ,;,
•3lann. ark* ft Dm to,Dear in— 011? I.r. t u t e alraa
wan duly tetrad. I wan shwa- at the Undo. ; ['won '
IVtwitted to your aft 1 - et...Noire It lowdarW.. FINE
P I hoard the ono 1 hodubt. of Tua kat M. do um,
Iti bi. auf=6lre4 ittltrai-r_r=batisilt talus{
tarp story butiAlng. •Fag a wss at the &urn:
are: and' DIA , tbc vben... th eref t! , 4 4 .
lundostuf 0i1.% wea• VW, br , 1.1111% , ' • , ,„• •
Do. wt.& god I.k aceouutd Inst NU*
awn:toted In about Trallumacud Wham which was say-
Tloardwas dot add ruttbar.
would tulrho atky rnco who le cisrloodstra=
'II* Mae; r . boto to Dom theta mad% .it.
rat dadthit ld /Pod, Dur.,"*lVlV,,ulr4 8!1. ”a16 6 ".,,, • „ -Y11!",
1111 1 0111tock's - ; - Puntir redittoet4-IVO,
hellisouye dart to tb.jar.
nitla .ton its tolatklip! ut thimetallish. atty,.
144#0 , 44 •
. 1 ' 4 5 — f.'"
To.tidirPaticy Fmk
' 7,I C CORD & — VCulil
wo most re_tpectfulLS
lotto thnitteration 0r1,4t .to their urse aomDlaks
dna of IldtCY 11711.8.-aan opening. nnuiniling in nut
Fable, Stone dtuttn, Fitch. Lynx. Carmine. ditidan Sdnir-
Itir.k Martin, Genett, Coo and Bruin Down Muds ;
Nietorina, - Wismar Zak' t 0... tn. menu liVomd mid
TO ph}, ,"=For sale, a' lot 'of-,seiond
Land gotaxan Maio;Ailsre*lng and thiabla Cr o•
MitelS. at too . preks. Eactxdre at this &Bop. isi
I:kll , tL . Syi . ,*.t)M=e.iAMM
Noono and 132 Second htreet, between Wood.
and Smithfield. titielmrglh -'asd Ammts Syr Lei t.
patriek, Sugar Mn.eflu Pithead phis—e. tall ematiatent of
Ilddleed Sagan and Syrups on hand, to 'which eel !mite
Jam alleation etthe eltr trule.,
C O 51 51:1 1 g
, S vi l lo siL EROHAN ,
And Pedigo.. Oakerally.
No. 25 Wood street, Pittaburgh.
.1 if,
- .
Ess, Na II. S Wood roiai4isar from Mat 'treat, Pair
harsh.—Bar aad WI Par am Conant YaMi, Melt Yd
vtiwitxd...iim. cop. Babia:Esstirn
Buls, and Prtaatamorr Neter. allow O per eaten Thai De
maitre of Par and enerrna Money; and, limn Me WA
brains Alicia far the Sers,a Imams CoMPaaT.
Capital. 5170,004 J pal floral. Ilicatecx Queasy, (Caal&
10,000.000.) , atalG, ,
Dr. Bguming:gt Lace or Body Brace
.• The. Brzeo of
t . Lannbes Is tenortret up lII*
mut* Improrwl.toree. and Ss
womb,. bundsetts of woes
i I tor tbe cure anil Dm.. l . l wr
o$ %.11, Pulmensn. IPffier,
peptle, Nervous. PM=
• • reale. Uterint i lLd
• •
.WRAKNIOP4S such ear.:
; ' h
eh r.. •11 • e e. blar,
• . 11 . 1 D" ..Slit i als. " 11 t rik l ett .
sod Claims...l Velum.' •
This Mgrs a has the Aanctim ofs.ea the meal* disithr
imbibed metlkal men In dm country. moot Iflanesic
lba.)lstt. Whiting, Tibetans, Wynn. sad Inas, of Nev.
YwiG ]ha lutongtu, Itirhardaon, Itabeesbant.,ltoenell
nod Cuttnlnnbtts. et Resew:l.l4 beskles others. as Ellie he
Peen reference to the clays, iota!, I have he free . db.
tebution... . •
she keep Penis Fitch% Charles, Jackie:Vs,
Ike. Bette, ?lash's. North's Pod 00,1711 i oth
er. Sapporters.
balkier tba usual rapport bar •the stlabolotlon of tb•
ronle current thmagb the ports ilfortral. alb
; P P 111 •
; ; Pr ;-
IICRNIA OR RUMMY. nett new UN:mends of persons
who an afflicted with a Rim/tilos of 14. Dowels. • Ro . DAY
utu. attention to O. amass until lbw towels Lamm
stAingnlsted. sibyls In WI probstillty . It ebsT to ik.0.141.--
Ilces important It la, then, fur all those istfering hen
any form of Rupture of tha Minds." to .at once
upon Dr. KETEIRTa at hle Whottsale and Dotal& Drug
Store, earner •of lVpod stitlat and Main alloy, sod
sal= &TEM to atelln the protruillos ;Inaba or the
amnia. Dr. OSTLER has an nabe back of the Dntilgtone
obese Traeses are applied, sot irarssoted WOem satiatr
tam. Ti. ahro tun resty satiety of Trliasee that yon'ean
Dana, and at any prise, to malt the weans of cm/ one in
wed of theAtikla. I also teem awry kind or E../Torket.
11.1 y linsect, gusseaswy Itradajn, Elastic Sackings, to
onlartal eelna, and' all kinds of meobsulcal appliances
tad to the rare of dipsalia ' •
I .0 , 31.1 re.psctthlly hITI6II tho itteotJaa of the public to
an excellent muss iWz cumvicEN•whkkleeseletaT
delete ram In a very short tine.
Itad the ealoiluz core furntahol Si •by • Thracian to
• .. •
so adjoining count r:
• • • • • • ••fb • T n• to rens emit tam canal the •
ma. whlch . t ttrenAtit Ton yould to ann.. Pat
waled Interested are Quite . •
N 0.144 erne* of Wo-xl ktvect and Them alto .50
the (laden Lamar.
—Any rem* eau here a 'hoot vent to soy Det't of
etry by enclosing LS by mall," eating the 4.te of.
sod vending the towhee szougul the body, , hzethe;
over the raptor. Address ' •
110 Wood et. ttebeath. Y.
'S. B.
tho cow
rotted. •
W 2Ltainilair
• + - SPRING•IBS4. • -
• •• et ustusrr &TREAT.
. • . Philadelphia,
OFFER TO wnsTERN miincirANTs;
A Rich 'and Handsome •
.:-AmtritTlit..vr of
• DItY GOODS'', •-• .
At lowest , market fates to Cash sued Prompt.
DOYEILR. • • •
Medicine Chests.—Vr..KEYSER, Whole.
osi.Motirldol. or 140 Wool oreoLlet co bawl . illiAtala
alrowbooot of MEDICINE CIINSTS Me booth. au& Ala
1,...10. at fart*. pekoe T 1146 mamma or ?south* se Ms
It led froal4 Ao alkit to .l» seri "osn,.• Jouldlloi \
• •
UR Mid . . • . .
NEW YORK. , ' •
CASH CAPITAL 1500000! ••
.... H. c. b001n...1.4..t.
. ss.. We Wood stmt. aut., ph.
..• •
Saone E., famfas. au of lb* /Eton, 11artMol.
Jo.pgr CArloooo..---...—... --- Form of OorrOog A Co.
Thorson Ak.Vorre ---....-Wlna of Doyen & McNamar.
Ma a. Aqildi 1 d
.....A e ia on f 4
a ss . i. , o
l i o m o i a s • kilo.
Palo M. .-.............4-......a1na of Uronto DD. 4 Lb.
• Arm AL Efte.....--...............Yina of lieo, llabanor .
C o.
tA4r, E. IIL LaLL:„....-........--......Y1rm of ir Otani A. Wod.
L..... P. n.*, -,-.....-.-. Taw of item. A Starr.
4.. a. ti Ef0............- Hoe of Elf. Clapp & Loom.
L.A. -. .........-...............Weras of JaTas.l".. a 'a.
0 It_. MDf.A.:.....W—.............41Waral Cll. /Rich A Co.
Joao JR lled:Jiadow ... . ..10na If J.U. A Howe AV..
ITolDrof 0 La shni..-..-......161.10,.. a A. 14..• 'tn..* • Cu.
Marla ftaaitor.......-.......--....Wlraa of Ra dler & LW
lAgrii A0r1rar......-ilna of tontla Atterharf Jr. A Cp.
Leo. P pro w -...FILL• LA A. 111..111.L., Mama a
Are t. Dan'aM-.-.......i1a5a 011TOOrbriden ItaleDoAl
J.A. U. /fermi .............. «......ora Alm or Mow A' *.0.,
I o.arto P. liaLbeis...-....-.. o of N.M. 10, :start & UN
&Wow C. fUts....-...,............ -Vim a ahntgat a 43.1111 an,
On." , P. lhepi..-..:.«.-•;........1rtfm of E. D. Morass • Co..
Loom 1.c_tb0u0................V1ret of Coma. Lallaxip A Oa.'
Thomas Jewrowere,-.......!.....- , Ina of T. A IL AlereAfir.t...
Arne Doll; 4....—...........,.../Irta of &amino A !Wart.
1.1.&. li. frotius.......rltsu of Notion. Muller & MIL
.4.lsTrut And.. . ........ ~...• .-iirau of , l=l
... 1%71i:
issoso,4_ll{ll;i:S.El.......Sinii of iitakrU4L. k & OWL
Apoll IR Enics....'..-4«........... - -Yhto of A. tellaruro A CU.
Om be1kin0af..............4.--_Ylou of It. larkwood A Am.
Lorm llvApis,..—, ....:-..-31no of llookho‘Allaa A (M.
Joon A. Inea4r4E.:-..-..-Ilme inrtdro.lla.hoor A b.nali:
hook- IL Proleirroiam, Moo of IrDablorhato. Novoll A 016
.A . 414 IL Soill--.---... -ll= of swift. lloribot A 04
Vortk Nt& .. .. ..... .....................rlren .f Condit A N
Men! A. IT.rt.. - v . ... .. .... , . .. Finn 14(1\ ak a Prato
.V. 040. N. Ataitedi..-.. - ...I.lrtn.l . ltilLnan. Madmen li r Pu..
i t . r.5. " rfir , 41:7.... -7'7 ...................................
har.f.rd N. Huron, ..
Mu of Walla Tomo AV*.
a.ope 11eac_.......„.. .
,ii . ii ..arre . rif h = Wo uk k , ,
Vial% J, MARTIN. Sorlotarf
. • . % •
Citisen ' s Insurance Campy of Pittabirgt;
. •
n. D. MNO. I'm:and. ' ..
OftRA 00 Mum. HAT TiTAV mAvaarr AND.
WOOD ..TT/a.ETS. ,`\ ”.
ODD) AND Al 16515511.1.1 El TIDO. AND TItIGUTARITM_''
l ir Mato& sooto.f. ion or /ammo. by ALS O
. a
:: ;Ile!: lagr i gri l ae! aerie N . A.AWL .NAIIIIATIOR
' ' M.D. WS. oIM.La KI,r
rtspr.Jff, • . ..,
• • S t oomol l • . • • if forq:losaloso.'• . .
: \
lia,an . . atililisrm,
tioaai, - 3
..-. J. Ed.romaket, •
'' - - r: .:" /an, so .t
: AZ 11. - HOLMES & 1.1R0.,
. 4.LMTCSIIIII'd 8 , '
toun nox viens. _SW:IMES. P;CKS,
Timber Screw, l3Hilgo Bolts, Car Bolts,
mssursts, mins, TOIIAMO. AND lIESIP SCREWS,
Orinki..l.S WOOD it, lingua rim faro Simsp. \
__ AU Mods of Elactosolte Mail. 16r Erld&or. An, demo at
peaborttat notko.and at tbo lowest prim.
DIA.AII arAk worront6.l moo] to tor ....du Lima: '
-- . . .
Oirsid..Fire.' and; Marine), InsuranceVo'
, • • OF.PUILADUIVIIIA.• . . ....v
l'irricE OF ' TITTSBURCIII itstricy,*
r oases' Yourtb 43/ 6ai1it,11.14 stmts. cAPrna,
. licurniA—Wis. 51. Flwain...7. P. Stploer.ll. A. Ekatiil(
11n1 A tibtirialr. ):. AL DaTla...l. U. I.laali.u, Tbnataa et.‘
41 Reanuel..keso. U. • U. 1A21aryt!.._1"1!9.0A.Cm , ....,
W.. , I. U. :tsrs..rE.. Irmo, A. slam IT iiilp r, kinyekt, .
" VihinT* VIZI. '""":"
""I' Z I.
A. V.. 4 ni.strrr. r.. •
Will mart 1140.31Vceme i 140.11. VOW]. Cargoes,
aenBl=s;reha sadpovevrgsp,rl 1 . .
_ $1,500 REWARD.
()N Friday ni fi tt. ilia 141iiiaat li a .i !ti o f t il w. t. 7.
! , _l,,eilSt ` wt", hi o gl,Qeu% ". e:=Vitig,“. fi,.. r p. : f
.0« , molar.. 3. AltoSkoritri h .l.l , !V5 . : , 1 011, 4 . t he. .
''' °l ' 4 ‘ V " ' ll i 411 ' 1* YD' I ..t.. ) ' AO I,lll*. two Pa
\ 1 , 4, 11""4 5 . s a 4 o "g'2 o ) telrgt:itl:r L eburt e .d m....i.,,,,, ,
ws r. of rtt " tageh. Tbr,nkber*,..llrmudo outorad tbo
th4t . on nous, sod took from tho vault two titiosof GOLD,
ear c ksoulsluist PP* chloPris !Mr , , \
lire Hundred Dolton, lit
11 boierby othml for t4o arroikaltdoouvlotkat4l,49 It.-
Lem, 9.4 our of them, arol . y \ .‘,, •
\ . pen Theninuid Haller= •
_l. _
A .141ItIonol fur tho movrrrof theruone), or IF iT.OrOi...
SION AT 6,1110‘ MID for' wbstoS6o,Mostst ..,,ix ,‘ itege.
n4l of t4eason4t . otoirts ' , ,4011 N TA IZ. ~
.o.t.borgi, It 11, 10U:31,464f Ihrut) Autttqfw.
‘.. PrOolamatidtt, \. ~,,, s
j.) y virwo o r 11. - procept tituloc the halal* of
,I%m. BA ate ri...1.1..t.. 4 Ile opoiq or coov.Ai. *, PAttageld• Moss., - \
' .s. In stud cor tbo Jutlillal aintiet br 1, mull r,ut liiiiNti I,AIiIES" `,IN.VITLITF. ,
24 Jnottive of t4Stkurrt.of Ores. soil TonsfiSer a. srse
„ I ,
. li a . thf.7 l 'A d fi*kl "Wid ' '''''"l").rn so n = V ' , ' "'" n7 "" ".' .. ' , \
"dßi tr ' I"l"i th ''. euu " "strtir i ttstir ik:g l ilitolthe /44 AM.I. W. if TYLIIII. 1, .14 , 0 .I.ll.kati riaNtm. D 9).
:L " .f . 4 0 1: 04 wr *th,...y.i. .4. .ii• igi' mi. ib..ziwt ' ~. P, ,, i , , ..d - Phq. ,,,, . S. ,'' .„ \
Slat ladr=ut i gltz Suir,,uol to mu ajr.o.ti , j. , aald-,;,1111111 , 1 twenty-Alai Sonti-Anttial ESP-1440G of
,ku,lC.,,,,Orergi7 o r .4 1 . 1r u li gr,P1.11vitx o t ,1 - 1.,i, the !...titae..nt,0,,,,,1b0 4th of Stir ibult ~.!
4lll n Sfoodsr of Morels. %ft 10 ertook t. 01. ". , i e g i tirl:ril7rittrurtOwt rourlots of MAU talks Arid ten
Ce l l i t o ' ul g g 411 tn 7 11;4 ga 1 Tl - Vg; met 1;;;iftV"6n),4l4,,,:itt
.all in.=
they' be taux, und thrn,..l4 Char vroMr Wren& 1, Wait AA .41,...,,... i . ~„,,,,.....„,,,. ~ , , \ „ , .
e, b ; . u... 1. 1.0n0ni5. 0.
4 .l.l l o .o niali t, l 7o..:, : r b edn. wt o t. . h ,..4 9,1 4 ,,,, ,. 1" . .. 7 ,0 Tr41.14the r % 1 8 74
•, Itutops -.. 1, of4..nttsolto: 6 to'Ll ll ol o Al
mrs, In tholl bolutlgsplwob C olt
ot. .3ouo-sod. A im the
.0 ore
o tat , r boo ,! 4 : , _
pro toot rt.. , 11 *.. 0t,.. 1 4.,, .”." . - *boa. t0w..., of shotoplinuht t.zrbor* loaf 1 .4 ,4 0 1,14 .
t i lVel li le , r 4" Zr ' ...TYl:°( ell ° ols,! * b°‘ r t ". " . `' sultoitiiitultmoos our gradut,trs 45 ...souidat VP l 4 l, '
thoro to P luto &valor Gp . .* .-4 1 . 1 ..„•.,,,,,,,M . tlo o , . _ ~,_ , . - • •.. ~ .,41 .
• Wren witdor , tor hand lu t rtutturp.,=,7 b ,l „„ To roublulie* without d I,er Cerium. them T. .0
V.b"""..1. loth
"4" of
u tsOth t '' ,llttaL l, s- Ittule, ell {Other with otrtrr VrsoebliolcAualt4A,
dr ,,, i 4. G11J 4 . 0 r..d orP. M ari% oily. nowt , the teunto manta ell tho eulantureeret un 44.. 4 1
s/ 41 \ 'Pi* A A --,-.% Ituehul .4 , * , ./*,entedreuudn•tbelnllowing rentual. A.
t' TilL Railroad tractors \ i' -r c= Zillgr ,trzlf,riei..4.l:pilu:ns.4t 4.4
4EALED PROPOSALS ' 'tiiII De tetived at T.ory or tt, , tri . i li . .
_... ~ ..0 ma. .., ..- \ -
t Hecate* ettbe Mutineer. eornecttGluat tUnt,•"a.' '.', l i.,..„ A " As 'ili4Z . '' . ''n,Lti u r s l,r,a3jrai„,,, \
Inskuoud Whir. Pittstutrith, natit b towyk. S. W., rlrl,2Mro . , lir. tt - tibohar.o. hrf SF
e, (4y Piano. ,-, ..., F,.... ,
etril=6 . ltV:eTril.. ' ; ` ,TlNl24=, ,=, I \ a l r .. or. ....
nb ,.
to the &moult of I'.4lostoth b ein g a. ''''',----,,."" ' w td.h.l SegottfuSist Dlrortor ofNrr. TA* 1.1 I t",
~ ..nIP M il " . Pla M ra- - 4 , ° T i t "vl,7u4t - i: ni ink , FreZts. '-, '', h.,,i:'4.t.tir to at
work will to ax 4114 s tbt oft. on
rWS,6 pra,,,,,,.. (3) tv,ii kuswn Tegar Jo Contort, t
~ 7
wthobraitt...togiparuivh.trOwill,„,-,nik.cmg,r, 4„ . iit'r rokt - tir t eh o i r tp ,,,, tto . l t,:n 0 eg .,., ha . erd, ,, , , t „ .. . , u ,„ I v , •: ,
‘,"'. us \ rd."ln. ,Int: txtoullEAD:liestant. , 41 lutar rtntertnebt. E b ;: , et....„ 0 . 4 ,,,x4h..
„. sultl7 ti rhadhgt d i \ . 0 .6. p , moto "lA ,
.... \ , 50roitstos of MooM . .., „
Di‘' l(l* I: ' bitiT4 STATF*9: II VZ II4BIIII 4PQE;
, Plttete =l , .ll, o dl , I ' ' L i A ..:DlBr bo3lk4triN. . '
reur. Preiraden t and VU'lleterß of t li tltitl , i AN k ti r e ~ , ' b rivin.e. ~ ~ ,1 -..
/ 1 " 1 " lb t,t, , _ l , t t d ' 14 " .1 !t a ti r illft"ilrrlif'ter °. tha t . ,- ' ~ , ,,,, , iii, 20. ltw-carali l'extnitt
cluc"htit'll'l s La Id
r rlsc h olo so suk. " l.3 to. 44..,,,11-CIIAILTHIEI ,
A'pITAL-4WO 000 •
n o s h t o tt," " ,.... 4 " t or '"'" rtslits 7144er the auur i i k yodet - - 43- --- t . sr
- 'm ok i n. ' \ ALA. Jii:•t • , wit 4 y ....oqgasl owl Mtrott stras,l%ilorkipitto,
./ . "' d 4 P r o the 4 " 'k , to
i ~,,n , '"n r t & ur tJultiotte woo AT ritirAligtPiLal
iiaill-- , - ' ‘ ~.. ~, •.. -,------ ' - \ ",
Wlt RENT-tA 11: 0 , story Pu= o l ,Ltin: Atrpt 1 1 :4gii1kIL - =gat* " _ 4 \_ ,
aniabtr,=Tolroott4 tu ' lVol " Cis r li k it ch, nr i ntr l A k ar: ~ •, IV. th , 14 , 1t ;- 'Ow Iteuhdo,ot ': , 1
nut */..; othtla u. j ol,, , l' l M 'eVrakwrtrkZo ,- Tv Writ. irit4.4 . , - tvituip , AtTee.;' , , 4
\ .,„td4t \ , -. tntAbieesiegmui! . 1 , ,, , 1=1= 1 11. ,,. . , t,. ~, ,\ - ,
7 --- Pittlit - nfilL and Oakland liftraaries. ~ 4 2ii.r F...z i r-iria7p.g. , # uh , , A m .., 0 ,
virgEkIIi(PWILWAYS and Ea1, 4 , 18 1 , * '• ' . 4 , \ '"l'''Y T . I 01401L l ak. ARTilt'Alssg‘ -1
itabZ..4,llrol,,,,fortri t tglitighor k r 100 il .pu -2- ,... \, .. , 5., ,71 n ortt .,, thoo o lit ,l m . t. t ...:
W ar dovise. tOPtent --:- The pretalbt4 , Zin tVg.nru x . tuarZoay.trrit'_ „t ft bit.-,,, 411,4131 t. 80tif-- A is r ery , iine.attitiVrof Paltu
- .ncem , tt<eultretet-Pttut-,41-, ea - iitiatab USsontr...ll,4 04 0 4gc 6, • . .1. , - "N " ' ..- ~.i.," Sat,!thrat 41 -' , . -' JOS !TAMING, ^,-
‘"l"l"r6Pan"lt ,Aoarri:. l . - /lot.l. r ^ " 4 .1 6 °1.t 4f U A W" ''''a 14 " 0 . ir Sabi MMIDOcIS4I I .: 1,.. Fla' '',' ''" \'' ' in° s'#Pl t°l " *Ellt.° '
\ \ \ t \'' "..".` ?. '. \:\ ', • ',‘, \ ' • '-'' ',-;,
' ' -'\ \ c s, I \ ‘'. \ \
..... 1 ,,,,\L'....\-...............1`.-z,....k.,L;;+.:,-,r ~,,,W NZ.:;4- - =''''...-i. ,, '' ''-
' \\\ \\ \ \ * 'A ', I " , ,
- \ \ \
gRANg :
li OFFWE--Corner
Ott‘e.ts, Pittsburgh. CAPITAL, 11.11SIVOli,
1 11 V . P.
Atm. nue sum
iL,llllZ7ithi..A.i.:ll,tif=nrl I
im,u, Lie Ce.; Jet. tr. Itutheykrrt, Dauphin
. • ,• It4/TTIIERF t Olllr,.Presttlent,
• •
_,' A. A. CA Trtgark.• ••
The gins Cbastaug tuna. against perils sod
- Wand pliehrestso an/ tesawartalloN eJsb is hsthils/Is
•ud s.sssb.sbis s Its 4.l9l,o§Strg, se lesert Wei. eon,'
elstent WAY. 'TOWNS wow aut duelling homer
OW'S perseessite. as Mr is...sege of ems. Iseitusrll 4 .4
• 4 / 1 !." 4: :PROTIOT
or it AnTeuriti,virng, - - • •
0w:L.1;2,40r and %Postern •
I 1 OtH:000.
Policieinflnsurance issued at.o times on An
most favorable terror,'agninst
, . •
v13142.4,4Va1t.t"n itt,. .
• Thil nitunVabn
hara b.„,curidlir the eisedlallltlTON;CLAStaltiCO3
oracunniaroicAL (VD •LITE/1 OIL "Ilia leo went
pmpazatkies, a Cilark litedieinsi but the pia: 041 of
Av .& tt,ayta, tinr, serp*r.*3 vilb lb* Eittoort..fora
set. mean, its vat oath. protntlles to die hiptetti data
*.telhettou and la nr ommended hr the moat eminent Phi:'
diciseii:-Itie groat natotiority .m.c.utriti oS • - eiir
has Wang ..Of Whiting., and gnrchames erlll guire
Multi* that the :Omni. Article b.. the signature off .
111.1311TON,CIAlt‘ CO., aver the malt of ..all bottlit..,
•844: gootrallg throughout the UolloA
I)yopephio. nhtr. Liyot
oiniglaint rook as Lod 111.61eult la cure; W. see ;ileum)
le tom It to our reuse to point opt a limed y tibia has
I 14.1 . 01 effort old le moor ' , um; pod can nfeiT
tversamenCas * ocrtilo And I.fidittl..turt It has tierothe,
mesas of fiTrOl lb...liana" glum an untimely crank—
We moan the Iloolisind's Clerreen tutor.: rr.m...tby Do'
C. v. at Moo Cali:Lao Medicine et cete:l23 Arehnt;
41.14 Ia tilttatioreb. by.YLEletbill .13R03.....De0n
. ... . . .
A ,vrord fo Faxmers—hirar toliave il en . , ' • 4:104 1 ; • .'.,%:.---.. :-.- .. • .
Butte* and mom of it, midi:ol'lft 44
• • • • 4: st,..
..AL - d4 - 111 . . .
,•. .: . WHOLES • • •'.l OTZ.AND - SHOE ..WAIIEHO SE:
• •z• :'• ' New. Discovenow .- •:, .. • :.. ;•• •L L - '
. Vt.,( - 4"EI"ABLE CATTLE PplVDEk—TiLeSo : ' . ..." litrillWan& - 133ABDS ISS WOOD STREET, \
r e admits pot up in one . pound meta and am really.-. ~ 1 • i., • :i.e. i••.;.• • ~..... , PLITSIIIIIIOII,...P.MLL.,‘ -.....- ,•-sinie .. - • • '
. ~..,1 u tleie, ant only for the dbicaria Incident' to Amu °. . ...
anes; setc sad otter atilmola; but they are likewise an
trieelleut astieke to Iturrio Wit. condition of the Inland. p[Ave. just reveivnl their cstonaire Spring : tot . V., Offatisiinglat;Aplngsta of thilykS*l
Pir _Wei Una. airy not only inivrore the *condition tit .1... , . gotru.suors.trAw. CA Itl. AND DON.' ETti all illalestitylirmitt alVatlilhablimo:Minme•hich it
mileb Coma baiiiir•Y imcirmo the nomititY mt nedi•o iiii- .T. a di tio & itttb oeo • -•, • I - ales* Itenwk , .. 1- - tOdhlkolimie•Rietwwwe •-• .- . loultee DOWIA
• k nave , Lb. arrefile or .111 , and both , The n.mi.t." , •3 - Bronze lioesuthe, I Calf & Kip Boots, Palm Leo( Uat,e, . natty Preach Lac,
1 tfut ft Iriermami tho nii.intitr bt bnib , r.i. "" tuned . li a ipl e ' li a ; r 6,ljr,, •• i I Cord, Csn,grcti Coots. Caatutt &Tow pats, c . ,tipst.• - sktartsw
ta • pound a week to eseh . ow, white thew, joil,Aks INIIO ~.,, , rippe . a . Giitrit.
hid clout Button do, Ligluinl . .t."Eitiliw d o;. - ". ...ZoilP4l Fancy 'Belga
b a re Oka it ray • yorsild &ad a half to two youtele pe r L"..
„ lit it . ...., Lyra., .., f..., u g
~ , bit,...
0 r ~,,,, • Soukup, & pirelu t k, . i - Ceutyrp & Fine Booted, F ur . nod noel , ' . der . i . • i , ooingter &Waco,
tta " ~,, ..,.,,,,,,t a l a . 01 a k a w .i t , aa , a s ill a re it & Yaw , Alboni S:. Paris Tien, 1; Oxford .&. Union Tics, tilaicd S-. Plwih'c ips o -I Pcslat&riLtottood,.
iliniaand rare money by tbo ofiembhin ... ii. It h. imr",. '. I T .,,,,0,,.i a i ra ..„ t i m . kt i4f aa ryri . r;diti. yatileutarte milted in the • hint.... rdwaiditit on'itt.
We ekPekrautw or tlou , el;wu• Prim'. 2: ' d ' : • t" . "'" . " P c * n-Mit , 'eUity for ru a at lo rot arablirinrailritli }sea aim In Ow selortka nitro adored to We Wester. Imo%
peast , r St. . GM ji. iliZYS.Ell...tio. IQ, . 1 am...bled tonoupon. so;oe . sitellyidtb Ord Mow MOONS kart or West
j &Pk • corner y ei.. l . l. .. 4 k i m b, . 1 1. 7 . ; • 63-Sloneluunts itiOUsir Or/wltystillkdlll . t to lltrprideuskr, foeulltuul ouosaiwo leet o p; y L1 . .4444124 . _ nk*l'
V. bolentle end Itetall-Asouß •_. _:..._ _ , • _
.: 1 ...AL :4 ..,,,it_...s_____•_____ .
Du Pont -Po w der.— Every :virietf:Ritler
Mining mud Insetting roder, In all Owpsetsgoo alltaTa
an band sa.l !or dtals from XD41...1. , In 04 . to " D u '
ebtoors, Co faromtaz teriw. Ala estai IN..
D. W. C. lIIDIV ELL. Maaufwtorere..Aat.. .
.1.6.5 boat tnA t.. ptsl.o2.
F ti XECUTOR'g NOTIOE+IIto - lice
that LaWkranradsalettdisikm have bias kaal.
o the actaerlber on the Estate of Watatlii atom U. Hog.
man. lab. of North Payette tool:able,. Allauben y county.
&c . d. All persona knowing theneeelver Indebted to ab.t
vitae aro niquested to male Immediate Mlnaect.. and all
Um harlot: elalacs to preterit thele,,prrly authesitbl
eated,for aettletatot. DANIT.L t oie hief - HA 1.1. ••• •
elbliatiran - • • Eaentor •
Trails Of 11115 11 . 1,7110:4:11 a Banos Iltama to.l • ,
• ' . _• . .. • • Ilttaburatt March 17:11.0. f
.. _
NWOTIC&—The• revlar Annual"MetAing .
of the Stoekbahlera of Ma tlttahunth and Bator.
ig Vuomatty, far theasateettou of ahinera, ha the c.o.
ligg yeal, WM ha hold at the cake of the Secretary and
Treaadrar: allbe Kicittada llama. an MONDAY, the =lb
tort. at: lido*. T. it. SfIOMAS M. I lOW VI.
mhla , Ad • , . Secretary and Ttvaud7r..
. .
NO at M. TICE.Thefo hd Electi.s
. 4 I l el4 .
013ftot tboOtheneihrlesli 13 . 3 . on MO.
ill. betweeo lb* boon of le A. N. 614 3 r.
far ear 114.86116035ed.5t: Illeallanyllarrevekr the noels:
yrar. lintlb-dtdl . PU.
JS. & U. LEE,. -.Merchant Itiiv •
. tb•lr heirepiLlahhtaatte. NO. AS Mataet •
sLreet. t boor to the =net of TWO tt. oOd have Joist.
receive.' a Ism dot& of Cloths. Caglastelea. YeathtM. Aa
ae— bleb they Writs Addy friembaa4 the plablie teoe.l
- to rail Laa examine. atttl4l,4
AI K STOCK:7I'OIL .S.A.LE—Tho widoi—
taa. Admlnlstratora of Matelots of tbelato 31.411.
a U. Piketon. ottor La mat. tba folloirlau DANK bTOCKS:.:'
to shaavallank of l'lttsLurah;
do'll liachanaltileatu .• : • •
N. • .lo Merriam t and Manufacturers rant.
..Applf to Rua C. nem',at the vi,part. omm, or
Itcass.u. Itaarrr, a the tlasattep
ItOSSELLEItIIIfrf. Adm . ra.
Art . UTTEIt WANTHD—A good Cutter, one
‘./ that to omnipotent to the Sutton% win Cod a toff
dIVIUM4 b 7 arOlottoz at . 11:orlarn.
nets7l Wool stoat
jpoit SALE OR !LENT-A finished 2.
• atetyMetek tasted to the village of IV litho.
bunch on Ma nut.. with a flue flaretru atul lan.l filled ulth
elatateynde, and every thlug coque leut Awe tertretefau.
un IB• corn Mina Kane. %Kahle Mr a fltUlicur
orlhves Maker. Price VAXXL 'MO( eue4 i& •
F OIL SALE--A largo Brick. lloteJ, in 240 Til
-1 "Wilki'llU rt .'"U l 2— lr fintetthaTel
:la ant• measure L dens or a re e ,
Ime en tbe UreenaLairx . tiTomplka and hi. Yu:.
WON. Sc. step:U . 9o( 11. IleLAlli i .2l,sth mt.. url/cO.
=WS . 11i. W. IllUttl.6. all tbepnou
Velvet, Vapostiy. Nas h .4 .3.9. Isigrula
urns, anif Kam. Lit of M. 44.1. j. open.
ca . whill MaCLP.TOCti. 112 31... t.
.111: U. SpIrTON Wholemtlo Grocerlw
porteVana Dodo, 11:Forolgn Moe. 11/Nmdfor;. owl
OldmpagabohdlyoWbloly, N 0.1 2, ttou th -klout wraor
of Weed a0d1f0001..1411. Yilltburgla. Poona.. aslaS
• sAwmg,i.4l*.u.4.o•ll 4lT ritmomm
dsri. hr
XTO.I. ROSIN SOAP-5P big. No.l Pitts
0616 .. • •Ma 1:. sot' knot
;117FkiirTg- 7 4iei.;41;1pirt;aii;;4;!sting.
c o r . , • W. It. terrrox,-=
mWs . . fonettilad sal haat MIL 1 ,
• fIANDLES;.i.'S.IO.s. Sperm putdlca;
..*•;\ 21 ' * la.
Vblest."."4.%it'sAra.dP.i9.. 1112ilarsia.
kink RE EEO. VC.11.17611N
. flack pouiA Ulit Womb I VA. Stare,"
• berlAaaiters Pre Ts la tle• Tbay
la~ to rot Taw lava , thaa:albsta A' WAWA an
lanscaalafie us ban& larstqL. arri.o.g• th.N
fiatial - Wl7litaiiiiiiiarthe
Oak , * , ":41.CIA%loaltikatbaN;
DC iat
A tlaS-44noreed; ma.
sanyka. A. A. MASMi '
, • "qt: MASON a CO. b
t zi t ika!!iiiudoe't of
11A)VER. SEED —lO but
rlibj thobtO - "Or ItVNI%
ItANOEIttiIES-:-,iii . lll - 17. v.._
. ARD-30 hr MUM-lag
-libL;.f. fide
Ai by. sittur.•. tjoutyEeptLttrrt•u . .
TTED.--tikk • •
\ • ;iiinuA.• 4°,
for canur,o..
pew • • SIIRIVY.B Dil &Co
. . . .
g.lLOyElt SEED 110 bus. (ornate by.. •
atm. sanscea.maxgaV 4.0.
114 UN . LI .
ALIC:. 4 --6110 hug. prime:: liiv•. Pt , iiiii,; 1
an lade-man Klbltelteslue . '. • II
. ‘ : lia tihda. tale lt, dritme K. 0.210;
aiM Idde. N. M. titlaMmot ' •-
!:1•11.111 ' • • %. tUlltlVltit. otployrnlspii.....\
DUStl i Kt Iit'ti3OU.ICTFOIe..PIES -6Alriti4
-I. "Pl d r h ig k edt9 :•'' . : . % .-1 1 .1. 1 l r e gi iL ..;. ,
-. 7 i 7,,7- 61 titlirti . 633AL.E. :!'•• ;•..:' •
Aid giving UK 4' of •valuablii. Building Lots•;
s %
~ , uhvk,, and Aevea, in:l:oche:der 1 ' . vet.. .
•', • . Count \-,' Pcsinsylisnin..— . •-•• •
T. 111: giving 'may 'will continuo till th 2.14 •
trot. sad the moat' /141 k MI. upon thr pselKherhl
v Iromumooe the =A al LU o'obsek.
N,11.-The israterrisnr.l le &stn.' of giving arsy. *- .A Kr
PIiIiKRIAIR Wiped 0i taros.; or more ChurrAmssist tor
• 1.1-modk lattifttc. to the Durough of Ildrho ierr. Alto. live
aeon 0 • ,so Aut.. marl.. .- •fr. 00 • .... 0 1 701 , d
nen. or•sleoklas, tins 11.grgh • And thenrighboring yib.
b.. al,l wain...lied an on I Waves plod v tru of the Oohs%
elver, 7..
o 1 1..1 11 . .011.1. :The eeaditione an, 1.1 thn
property . ',dull he lamonliately e.t.a]. and th at •Ithiu •
=eulde time It ntis.o la tient up., to an ashranit • net
M. theovereat netissmtrd value of the gr... and
That they shall to gin/looted In the oteerts and. Metre.
speeltlod. nit proprolK. Nut be m u st M •-
I the :•th Inst. '
N. tt-firfare thromanveneeroebt of the Pothe Solo. ea •
other la roost ledldisor Lots *lll he ortened I , osoest+.
and lOU for 410.. b. . the hr.Ot of werh.trs mot 01,
...... ton cenrietwoure.asoroodido, or a 'roma gi 00, though
downing • egret wading/a elpietr, plat Se 14 IlCtl L. WWI
• north hundreds or thousand, • 'Than who *ere no mown
: rO e s 7""r t i t ' ac ir t i .lrd' " " nit
. 1 . sr k...
- WI; I :lPta
ea.:emelt. ot lithos laid for. Th e title thtbniejirro•ndar
Ignoftert. Imo. hkh reinsure Is mode to ThOlllLlteranuloir
hatm Kat. Keliver.lnl•l K. P•Tettemm , reg.:of Pittsbunch. rely stead areoulit or tal. 'will Mon gnired In Oda
nrlghltdbund, not oule by the imbersiher and thr. .ham
tio reterventa, bat by {be Unser dl.nractraing Conan..
bythoUtdo and. Iht. Kayoed tgeopany, and Id . the 11e...
count d Kenton bon Ornedelny, who etrect to eras twenty
ftn•• . • in and
to tt the Dam, villages. ths present sea
ms., \ 'With retard thin proms of mokre9 isern. rotgeom
Ls reiperefillb . nosda to Mow. Kr•mer It Kelm, .1. K. limn
. rrc.e.z.2'ft.rg:,'.'tnfrg."; tvhfllil. — ., nod I.Trt.IT,I
~..,. .....
. „i w to 11:4 , grading, etestraKng, glum ing. mining.
rita. work, Whir wort, ra irprtry an
n d other mrehanLent
I ‘ .l lit ' attin t"" nre=rols i ar r 1.1 f;Ti'ti'l.....'ll:s \
, sheep;•.esch rontaintrog LOUD numb:frt. test
. ..Lie thn
glmottLf loricanmon
city let. of . -5 by TIM- The prier.
\RIAU , /Mts only: n olo:4 tfleit,..sez dollatZglil th. tt
.f.v 6 ••14 ..Ilneern on J. 10 oraTs;rlMr= ctit dn.:.
a cf.,. a share: oe.tts blaMing cif Ms tucts. It ho 1,111 rod
.6 reef nkete. A met. taim•T
About MI lots Imre Leen gold the' last \ throe eili... nod
miser room are heige..trn, and ntll be built on .4 Neu olod .
the Pmeent sum', *....., • . „ .
' Th....P. el•sh stilt deposit It mlth Ken. Boers. ,
Esq. of Rortiesigr,nr vilth liners Krasner 0 Patna ca
Ilits•Lese•h. The deeds 0111 to m e
not. nokamtodc'ed.
and dar.l•ltad In tits sport:ands, la he dvilegrol on lining
• '
the snowy. ! • r*., L. • •
K. !Pe of. At's bonvorsh of Rgthester Ir Mt. found at various
1:‘,..k Ton. stud. innistlOF pystra of the tell It 111 to fietly
' :fl: to alit:
. f ,s the stare of The.. Wood,
Km.. N 0.73 Kourth . strertarittetairch, on ' 6i... 7 * and Utti sturl.latttußutn .1
xo ft A. tt. to 3 ft )1- to
\watt ou tti,u Vat utob , 6, v 66 4. - Ali b itrearrill u ' L
‘..s4o6l6ol44'ikelikatiA.' • • tottl743t
. . .. . .
. . . . ~
•• , ' • • .., . ' , IE, 111 TA Be R OW. '\•\ ', ..
MANEFACtIMERSOF WIll ' IE LEAD, RED LEAD ANiLlrillilitiii*RT.. \ .\\ i •
''' •: : '' ..
: ..: . : EltS AND DEALERS IN - -\,. : :;:! \VI :
mula % 4 . - • . 11 . 101it t s 1 on.; . .It 1 611011,%. Irigra l l 3. 1 . .:. N!
vleil n i t :, .. ~ sets \is aseV•erhiT 4 'Oldish( WARN., • nocrusretor ' •
. . \
raYo . o
. ""I'a l.,' 'af •si 1.1.111:Viel IAIVII , . • 111/tti IDS. Newts. •• .• • • "
)IJlLATlllG.iesZez!plrle Timi l lt , i . i .. tko r. F.BB r. grn .ru e ,r it n izt) u. ta i o . sarttLioortal
. VOSterar : i . 1 .
0.4141... r whit. L...a.0 gu..r.,1... to be 'lrbil,. nom aeolfa ;riche. and gala • ilit ill/ i;::;4;ifilirta I •
.. i
.. .. • -
. - B. A. FA_I-IN.EkTOOR. ' SVERNII:FtraF;•::.• • •;.;% 4 ;- % • '
Faro!. hell with sllreenons In Vnelissh limed , nemeses Insl Onnedsa , - -
. , .
• •
• :••• • RE:'
Yong Noit'sjAtAari , SAssociaton.' . A .
EoEu E. AV.: 4..New Teak du\
thnrW^lii.rijir"Nim ac 1111x1 tuß~n
ALABONIc lIAI.L, ob east lIIU RDAS riming, tlir
• YVenet.—G , 4 , 2 1;61 tillilo Xootriz /tanicn.
to thotarlassuNlkantAtif nj the rolebrAted nmu
phor ropers: , ani , Clkr Akiat. APP.o+ , 4 h.
l'utnsen'P nn,l OLiter4 odsomrh - prelow. '
Doors opoo sL U A:4.2; to,Aurettrocionee AL
TlA.rts of .1Zad0100.2"....tee11.,, ksOst
knd lxeliEtAirtcl4l4l , tatjl4.o9l., Led.w••• a_• amittvr,oplat;
4.34 r. , . .
.: 11WRY
— iNI I .9I; D• Ar Nkl k
• • • • E. • . •
, .
- • - union 'Canal , Letting: •
:11:1110POSALSL..will icceived , - at'Aho
• .of the nittlevelgned. at Lebtmooti, reenta.,WiSt AT A.
1 wryer., Eon. Yeenelrelatobtant,lleamlthz ,
ntIinATUADAY,the mth day of &aril Fat, tor Ihavistem•
lee of valise pf ttte hnioa feat.' of YetittmTWec
attetutinm front the Water Works In Lebanon must(
to Regatta, lacluding the taking \down and rebnikkinit
soriosty•tbree Lock. •
Plans and Mneeineatioom mar ise'meo at iiso ettltinre."
WOW Linton eavral, at Evading atld Lelunen, as and
- Lebanon, Hare!, 11. ISi.t.--toblColaVdtd • • . . •
rko.uo. tot - Div Noe Iloardgeritle have Le o n maerett
an riled tor over.l2.toontbs. arrive lu Mao. Oak
and Wine Timber. about :LOAM" Gottrounino measure, to
nrn e from Warren county, for male e t 319 !Sleety et. _
tobltrlUhltanli• , • . • W.
PRING Wood . xt.
onnid anuonnop to Lim frl.dgazattre piddle that he
has reed him Sprang gtoot of Oaths, earelmroV, TeetiOue
flatllhhint goods. the great vartetruf Ma Week ea-
Mee Wm to otter tempting. induneotents to tiloan desiring
their elothing made to order previong roryttlation of
Lim establimbutent therms/opt:or. modem/A. is pricrx and
OYU nromesments. dogtrot smataineL
Gus onion goods.. Stewatul /Wye autsericeittudM-mone
Itt great variety. • • •
‘. l l
nr ,
retail. IV: 14CelANTOCIC. 11.2 !helot et.
6.llcsller has jusi. .opeurd w large seeurtshuit. of
IR edaptra to SuniaT.Sclun.l Lihratioe. s.t. too wlth
fare Clout various hubliehttur; •L.filch we the 1..1,11T
ligtml , tiu. !hue. S. S. Society. tha A merles° S. 3..11p.1018
awl 1.4, NM het nfthe Yruhut.a.ns. Ituletuopel S. S. Upkte.—
t s ra
• ,\ roar 1111.
TAY'S Female kriptuiitk
Chiadnicibe kat ODA; lky &odor ikod.
Mon lax Ituvues. • • . •
b.b•Lbath awn, ••ilktalN: 1:144
” • .• • • " •
esecrer`i Is.C.ainson Sohnuis. ARA. rarkfa
hot {Mk% h.r.t.for.. se .. • ••..
• nhll7: . • ' V 121.1 X.
(11110 . 5:1K WritoNo. vnitssi
~ • J4lllZi" W AMMO'.
-Ikr OTIAIE,,-.-We-tui*o . this - 44; Feb.•lA ale
..4te.1.1411. we. WILLIAM VIAIVIL
sale Ulmer, sagl esosollariotit.usliseva 1114 Imams will
li eimotini•e.l la Ohs elki stand. valet tb4l , llral
FLOVIDAOIL • • .1.111:4
1114,wFaL.2).1354. 101:11AFAI FLYTD.
101 IN FlOt Wholefttle. Grocers
erly street. eiUsborglk. • (431.tfcar:Alp
A Ito P Fre.brvl.
". wiles he km Ylitst.ourlg. ow th e Ohlo river. Teo UM.
i n
thereon vresteglaro A. 2 story brirk• Man, 60 by Z) ft..
will. Clog
rlcar floor of WM. by 404 a . 4 Mori trero•Narehoillo..
ft.. abd OA b/e. There Is an aislAr a* sl.e
Co I.d
nalleient 7UO SPAChItINIT
ebop Wax rusauftsciate steam suAlnes. mit has mi e
ivrist for elm. time Mr mating trigemir awl \Wm ,
Itedthernisairtri. IbleK h. " 06
IFor•tdill.4.l.arikulart. tallow • IL ATIMAINV2II,IIbOI4
rir ALI.OW--22 bbla in atoro ang - Ikblititt9
2 eatelie. f, eil. by . • ' ' ...:
Rao/ . J. S. inell. ifehL/114./40. .
Xllelil ',iron's and Drem orate Anny. .4 OM
United Stater, ItetrolationefartbeUollovitt sod Ikea
o t Army or the Al. In.. mar. the °glob.** Ott MA 4 / 1 11.-
lona Is tbe.Weit Ilepseloteolt 1 Woe!patio voll...roOtalo.
Ina la rolonll Palk& :Alm ...
ar....t . c„,,, t r
•N avii, YileirAtit.liNCiti AT tts \ooll\ooll
~ S P
T.-IVal r . Marehall law entuthe \vt.l wrt
. 64141 A ..4144k0f I•sper.lltmtiumlll.a.l• Eht.-
allosas.LAkot\ey 2<reestS 54.,.t0, vt k i.IL lea would
ope•tAtllylovlte attoutton..
.t.g7 . 1 . 1\ Wt. Loon tr lb. veil heel . hhhle ' •
lIEW Ni11 , 115.61r AtAiiig: :-. A taig4;74 .
Oottomett at :WlLoteealeOr Setall.l4 • . \ ..t...
10 • % \ wAurtacrmausrt#Ls: ..
ICU ItglisiG fIOODS---MuriThy . & 'lntel':
, . INA bovelved a: NI 'pry of 11603;10a G0c4,1.r.
laZgllr 6Fik Ill ' ae ' k tf.n " a g littbn !
.." flonibminec s " NI de Lalneg .
Stourilnc .uncle add .i.e.r.., to mobil: {Wallah =yet,
bolleitalreblark lure I.ollr. ehroodlotttlannele. Vprelal at
.lentarht dert.ted t pi wo u g up this bran* al ear book
O n Ott NCI 7 1:141) ii Si Efirgargfitiiittt
' '-/V., A. MAYON A. OIL' S i will. on •Moittlinthfr*gb i 4
:thatch, elate the ern aleplay of their epleenflA awl verGet
and LACY NIA NT I LEAS . . • zahlo •
--_,.--,—...—...., -,-
.: COrpetings, 01140,15 and Mattings..
\ • \ ROI3INSON &'CO.. - •
\ ''. NO. a P11 , 71f .7 T R SEA EARRD, •
thavArtamvowr elli4ro and lar7re alat.trnent of
.ctlncaskad 011 Oahe for Spring win, and In out ran •
elst au or .`.' . ' .
. Sorel Sno/lah Velvet Corpott
lltaseola and Toreetry deo - • , • .
Aubusson& a new artil., ' . .
` ltogertal and Super , Pay. ,..44 ‘ "
nl r & and
•.VW „- lair .94 : ;'\
\' \ IlesLand I.on
VeattlatUh \ •
T..gether with Wool. Dotal, Ileum, Cotten, putt elm
, deo•rtptlo c l othe prlee4 gond,
; • Flow 00 free t 2 h.V4 fret old.. t'r.•emaoa Rants
, pattern,. of all qualifies and Prima Alt. mode. elotallle
s , k nod toned rota nod Dube piano sod tablo meant- window
shad., eeoltlan blbubo•buff tin \ gvecu oil clatur..,bolf holt.
Utah etalr rode. tn. Ae. '‘ . . o.
itial i =d - er, W ar . AteletV ' ttr aj APlV, l 7-t 1: 4 1.Z ti
att, nt arvataT ., :nu t.,/,rt•n:i of the lon* IXIIAPIdat...
• .
' I am Trap:wok to d y . Ul'
. • ....- -,. largyVviitt tliantidk.;.**. ss;Assi. .
Hi. it. ZzSELLEßSk4l4l(qtaicsideil in
'tittehOPAh..l.oaaeOrtal•f.oll a.l, , gla.a..Cons- .
whieb i tur s d open et ayarce y
?Wood Av e l mai amittpalm
gull T ' 4 ,,,, .
00111111tmo. alloy aullerlitc. I had the Mete. rt•
seal oliyallebow %bele treatment fined to. areenno/thhi a
cora. A blend ttecounaudn4 the towed: your Liver MIN
and After Index too hoses of lb OM i fonld tniltilfentirely'
eured... 'Odin AUfft'llog Prato Liv l'ounlaltat. 1 lima ale} o
.m .d vim the pllet, •h:ett 1 nit er
er.folt atteretarde.'. At
my oak nod claret on are nor 'try much• atll kraal vitt, a'
4teraihked date of the am Ivry ...Woe to bare y al ytener for tlea rho of )our Wee Mlle'`al this
Alter ate cote or. r Oart‘dheaterl Enprepared. to re
commend your pills, and very many peones le thla aort
youldheely try tlwin If they had a than*, ."
• Y.U.,..r.ira l Irs • • ANDREW SAM
. Norsea.-Toe orl , itlal, only trgaeatof voontn n.
e Wet va
are prepared and tr n. P.. SELIXItft A MIST W. 41,1 .
stmt. -AR Woes esesaterfid, or Low badotions. made.
urALL I'APEIt just ree'd and Cur. t alc. at
v v 14 Markel ttrielt The larret tt. tictlypent . t.% Ph
pee Ittottings bnAlght'iTrtt ofthz AZ\ gbehy 3.lmaotitiot,
...Arriving cm". variety from the law mired; ebteLmtmt
dared* article et 1'...4 eta. It, oleos to the tletlado..l, Was.
ad, Katlti. Ihkl, Trivet, mad Velvet snd•/lu) .3 a phvv...
toi ll m
rether vith a varied etmk ofrotenton and rich Volt et and
(l ett orAr. meek..? from the Itatt • Maartfartnrere .5
rattle:who ITlWk4tlpttla; hew 'Vat and Iltotoo. In addl.
lion to the. diced Initartatletie hem Iron-.. h. , 2 , lark. 1 he s
Wootton ot\hooreltaepre awl allele Is relpeetfolly ye
. owebal. •s , - -. ...mho , • . snonaa vautunt
. . .
ar , ~ let. DA V IS:. etuetliiiiiier.. , ' —l
ton cirates — lteewes. terner.lika sed. - nov efte' e
M c/m . l
IIME!Lf$P11;)F1.).FILIIANITU1111. 01)4 PAINT:. 1 •
• 'Nos. &e.. A? Aretllls.-:-Cha 'Tomtit 4- , .
Z. 010 ti4st ti0..130 Pro. .L, 41 10, • • - i
quAntlty of.oPaSo* 10 " 1 . 44 Vun " ar " . "r "•=, \
am handsome Or i fs 6 O=OT *edam : •,• !
ie l l=tritiet47, ° l , Z,ge Ler woe bee=g;oret \ • ;.....
.le. eleitemees toot4gur, dime plush 44.4 t in abocruio. i. ratk ,
Ina NAITO. mahogany cardlabl , ..4f4O!OOtthliDWOr ' t/
tie eloel{R:_raflOTlOn. l ..toOf on Slnib...orladerrltalli . 'a ,,
' nonjzor =Tata sag i fsgr:M a r. 4 Z: i . >
k' ' croulfskidde. !:' \ tobld .7 \'. P. Igl. Dliffi. Ate S . -: '
. -- TALuABLE isooKs la AU CTION-Will i 4 ' \ •
1. , , 1,4, ► 41. by estAd
I.oiva6; at dm tOtrunott44ll lieji Obeli. . ! ,
'molter 110.1,4 n/ 6tia rks,.on SAM:WaaI <molar. math 1.11. ;
roceolotarlngst 7 o'cloc4 choir* col cotton of Soot_ loan - !
lwaridg olzuda.c4 sod , limas la htoty.boll4 mutts, •
41...40/ST and zuedleloc. a estalc4foo It unconailly mar I .1 ..
preben.d.a mad itelast; Wedaal of only tbe left editions of i I.
. : :
‘s.tto belt suitors, - Immo.] been the &gal& and A trorksik I" ' • :
Vo s r=r4l 74 IeAVAII: g..llTar. s: Ppf =lt i
ma Clngraplslor I)..nlnz's Arrbltectura too OlIII.Inalme• I '
Vi 14=etzt V/Zigillra! i g ..t . 1 L rl ' l n told bless,
:=taP41,4'.41, 11 17 o . ""ogil l AM` . l 4A ll. F.' ... •
I L I A.. Ana.o.lT nr...5e . ' .4gd.;ir,i'4 ,4, ... , N...:11 . .... 1 ... . •
ILIA.. 4 rx , l.sTracto for Otto Stop* a tc . MA's ISM glare ..?.. • •
111o4frath , m`litsarrIona 'ileillnl Joaratid, 4 Colt taro An- I . ', . i 1..
.tr=l,l l MT?gattr,golliso=l4 3 4:lf. I ' • -%. • • ..• ,
4 ... id. Al.'. pv r artaty of Venal& Aurglesllyndmotols.• I 's, I -
•;Tlaliirao will by Fauna oflicoclalSotand in sU Div!, bar.....: • . ~. •-• .
eV} CalidOgsni .ft.D ~o bond t . thei , pdeft lums. - - • • , . . I`.
"1116 '.. . \ . •
~ ' ' :1... XI:DAVEV.II.Okt!! % i•
- - 1/IfiClii 'ler& . :. ' l •' . • '
VACTOT:Y•• , ~ . PT—J.N. • Brit- ,• - -, -, , ...
1 \\
ate . i:Relgicalrer "il eirelialtirerer l e At 1 • . s-
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ib!we k (by Iltla OA largo Vntria_ 4 , &dory pat elber.i.. ~ : • .1.., -
1 k.g. t r , .•!„, 0...1‘ , .... A"4i.P. M. DAllft. Ada... ,:. .. .. .
emu...ref 14 orwl and !1t bats t ..... V ' ..M
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TaLifie!" 4s 4C*, . 1 T.,. , P .. 4
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TilitgrAL mi.m i slicsoico.- ~, - • • :•vz , '..., k; \ :
:. • •
.11f0.3 n.''..atAX% Phil, 1, ... 7 *. L ....:, 1 v ' N
ii:. brae , • 'lamina. Vane; ,:IA \ F .
. 11 ""I Tuna . ' " A- U 'IL L ,... ''.
' ' t
• I 1. 1 .
• t , ,t1,7 wmdbri,:tp. \ , 3,6 /.. 4 • .. 7 .; .' 1 •• '.
.. • .I. F.... It Cbtmli, \ . •Valinfl i ttl4,: .; ..7:)
..\... , ..1
.., rtTIZILTIPI\ ' ..": „,,..ry...,,,,,,,. -,.... •.... • . \.
!Jolla L. tinor . eil, ' \ '..., '' ....ti p. r.---. ; . .. ~., ' \ l\ .. ,
I . IU.
A. Tara% ;i 4 , ,, i . -. 4 „rialr .. .
...11faso . i•
' crePolklrs... 71 7...1",- 4 , 1L 1 o f , r,..tumaiji, ANIA li ,
r,• • i t %
woe , - I'7 ' '.. \ , 4 • ' • 17 route gu•;.t. [weae.% ; .
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1.1 ,___l/ .. - ' • • ' t, ___.,_—......-..—....4....-..--.---..,..... •
,00, ---- )768.. 7 AIirIYt•SIVERLALST_PiI i ti .,. I . 1
m i.. vigity t tuge s ilor Jr L . E2iIKCI . IIIA •t .. .
* " * it*Tx, ott-40;q)bik7cnott7stinlai . , ,•.,...
i t v
.. ~...lifyi ~,,.!jah3‘ 't % - 11:7310 . 10 1111 ii .' 1
Epso*SALT - 9* ---- ; :.lak . .- i: •
k - itri . ito.76iail'ille . 4.lo - r - Al - 0'4 7- .-.
,in/y..IN „.., -2-. .
...-,A \ N •/t/mui.l4 Riog: 1,, ; 1
g - 5 - 1-jo mic - s - KLERTsTi. ster4ma ~
..- ..4. In—
_Val. Vilil!iliu 'unil." "
KOO iiII&LIQUOICkqk AL4lllRiA_ilwA r \
e a nlO sae Ow itlWlnt. • STISWInn/ limn: ; ' l. •
g • iiiitz:fitifilifppmip \ ifWifit - itkvi TI .. '•• '',N,
IIP elnetenel asknale b/ ; j, oxeat Vismiso eitavt ..7- •.•,.
dnifiliairkE3ll o StiEjunis.imicr% I
- ,( , =DM s• \ saThiga ifistut
irimaitE sblp—Akriippip 41‘t.iiivnti-i..3....
ty I. c...tikofeii mariea et 71m. ntnako , klf
, „,..., ?. . 1 , , k „.. . -ammo. to, 4. iviaftervuo f ,
IatITNAM'S _MONTHLY ' r. Marciihipst l„ s
s •
E - „ e 4 1 ,, , ~.bc, 11. S lICISIP4SIALI9O4 ,
111rAL1}, P.OEb='--, A Oink° ti.siortiaccit:e , •
V V chiedNinaimao. \ P.D.' , u um f \
new awl Owinal• *item. lbr sale by .. •• - I
! abG :,.... * Laud ; !'t'a•?-'.4!-ti -, TA i '
t+4 1 .40.1 \43. 4
1 LAD -4 pi :' • kil\
41-_ .
I li ." \ 4° ' . Prrtrr i cilgin I+', •
VEW PLAID /t. AIM+ S . 1 . 1 \
setteSeen 3lll"..2"4" ielllwgirafte i7imr. --- ...... " 4 ,Aut \ , ,, \ .
IVA OI6ASSESL&C ii . /1) V. \NX4I - , oak cinZ -,. ~ ‘
. .4..ra.tailase ii)•ur 'e. !unman' "tr\
H OPS.-1:1P - s trik u Lr=gta cm k [i "-
____. isk:a.,..!4__. --
Linp .9.11;_,30
..Te ro nall4 ; ,.\\
• e,. I molion , : . . ;. \
Dia 11.1.0N-31* glnft. MI4 lin*iikes '
-L • mll• tram tb•Allosbair wherlLY • - ~.' , I - •
ishll4- • \
• IC; mil, 4 *.
Prio Li
kli~fit'sratti."^ 4
14, mw
i tigno-i6i4ooa ,
14 1 14 *. d c
lOU /7 , 1 ' %• 7 : S "" 1 4, 1 ! •
Juliette • - •
11Eld — P 1 —S1' , mps ' : •-•
..eigumeimaibrmuts.:4.A: •••
E 4 1605-12 boio. to unicon - ox.'stiricr --- Rd'o - -.
1/4 uo asnusto soittr-: . • -iscitim a
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.11A1.10)1-7, hhdt.!kilt roinkvi •••
4 ' 44
et ikiiinteisi tied. ur - • • moiau omE h r. Koff. •
CW501.1 bus. ctr, Cora to-strict Ito
J Welke tar lIIILta =MUT.
VINEGAIV-20 bbloqwrionliln old= do/foci;
istiqgv to,foie evensitnment, by N J.; WWI?. '
rirlirGßlNNELLExitinTrox, in Zrirch
, R 44, nt;; T aN v Oi n it un ' s A P F.'"" w ke me i.r" . ". 7.1 I n 4
ado er . 1331.11).• . KAY a tX . _.......101F5.dit 1 4.
'IUST PUBLISHED, 111” /larva:a IrriTi.,z
Tara 11%.,Crluolliartkillitt tr . dill. Sr '
cep_ treie=ifrlTi
4.I 4 OLE — LEATILERA—M•-;dars klaitin:o3,
02( . ) 1.0 oft a:° "Mr ""
111 . 13TER.7 bbla. solid for %go v •r•
te.11.14 ",*.T0115 IWITAA
IVA.. A BOARDS - 50 .doz. Zinc. Wtlsti,
• • • pooraider .4. bp . lon m FLOYD A or. , \ •
S.PCldtpu3„zs27 "peg tag Lititlinx frit Jog \
pimainot.Poserksi Am pale In . . . 1,..1110 , 41.1k, W. \ ; \
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titiktitVo=7 gliCiiittirrteriii . \
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• ARI k - 1.151AgA832 - 1;b1o. Larii,iiil Si 's . ..
Piuma.,,e bdidqkflus • etPapp . himpdts. r .
Pi , • IWO ts'.. qatIATATI mast a • • • • \
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ilir - PER - t i IIWUMFASS PLABTICk. -
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