r. 1 . 0111,1 :1A 1 -1 1 4'4 , 113 , 11kI7i14 Cif To.calllW.lll TITTEIBITEGH: -WEDNEIDATM&Niga,thiItIR,I6:I-851:. vs.nrisstriamtreekti anztra..—nie aftn/ation of OM% froptis_Ougas °Om tomsr basinolonsoo moot doOmblo moth= of otikloz gulf hushomi thr diatlUtlas fa 10t... P....3d Dv. ttkoUsatid, reaching almmt 4")"....,hync; Inionfaaturet sot sholkooper Kato= Annsoylrooln, and Eiotortx Ohio. • es.,To ADVZILTI,tERS.—XeItber the - Editarba Max. wr maths ratablisluaerntof the Ihsay:an..a. asa °penal on Iloaasy. Ainzananiahodealre char ootlasio smear la the tarn' n Mealy' ID billing'. will A..aos hood tb.m to Wore 5 o'clock. on Sattaaar. • 13.11,ZA01157 .31.477.111:. WILT, DE. FOLW.D.O.V Z4OII,P4OSIIP VIM PAPER. .• Tun. Evassiox or TM ODIO AND Pasicsrx , ra:af.s . .Razzanse ro ;nits CIITIVO publish in another column the action of the Councils of Al legheny;id regard to efertainle&islation to.enable the Directors of the Ohi o,and PenusylCania Railroad Company to carry out the mob:aloe of the stockholders,: to extend their , road, to this city at the earliest possible moment.-. The oppo.- sition of the Counclials not expressed to the ex-, tensioiiOf tie road th'this'tiitle of the but •••_ to the rente which has theapProbatien of the , ,Chief Engineer, and. we presume, also, of the President and Directors, which takes it along the Bide of the South Commons and the Bank of the Canal to the Aqueduct, arid airiess the the river below or above that structure.. This route hai else met with the approbation Of the . late meeting of the etockholdere in Philadelphia.. The setion of the .Counells wee nearly imanie coons, and wo learn • that memorials to the Leg, lalatnra remonstrating against the pending bill, have Veen very, exteneively signed:. • . sell= the Directors of the: road may : take, in'Tielf of this violent oppo siti on ; ' r a re • not informed of: We suppose,' of coarse, that . . they ;rill not for one moment hesitate to carry out the resolution of the stockholders, In regard to waiting the extension of the road at the ear ' liest possible diy but it'is possible they maybe, induced :to modify their plans In relation to the route, if that is tit all feasible, so as to acconuno date themselves to the wishes of the citizens of Allegheny, whose views deserve a candid and careful and patient consideration. We hope .all concerned will - approach the trenbleionte question in a, spirit of conciliation and ibrbearence, and, not by any rash movement innreaeli diffieulties sufficiently great in them. selves. All reasonable persons must admit that the connection between the eastern . and: western route Ought to'be made, end that it ought to be - made with the least annoyance and inconveni lt cues to - the public. , Railroads have rights, and cities hare rights, and where these rights Clash, there should be a just compromise. Bow this • compromise should be brought about, and how the presini. centlict can. be amicably settled to the satisfaction of all, IS a subject of too ranch impOrtance to be considered to-day. nc-no , - Mite Esciusna.—The preliminary meeting test night was largely attended, and gave evidence of great interest in the project trt the pert our merchants.. -the committee ap pointed to arrange the details of the ~ proposed argailiation to composed ;of acgve; energetic men, and as the meeting . stands adjourned to meet* their feel assured dist - there will „ . , be sufficient promptness on their part LI prevent any flagging in the interest now felt. flaw Dtcsic :- hir. Sieber hai kindly 'supplied ub with tut:advance-copy of anew song,. entitled Ellen parte," the poetry' and, range' by 'our talented . townie:rum, Stephen. C. Foster, Tho air is aliemitiful one,. characterized by ease and simplicity :a movement, pond must nrove a great frTorite With the musical public, For sale by IL KleberiSe...l.ol; Third street. • . Ct.-taxon- Cociry.—the of. elation County, flair° learn from - theelation 11agieter, have electod Alax,Biceormell i Esq., Bnintorini delegate to the State ConvAntion; and Patton Lyon Reprcaentatise delegate,--yrith . .instructioni to etipportiGen.:.-41inter for Governor- All b on r to the Whigs Henan nail Nettassir.—Y,'e direct the atton ,. lion' of readers 'of monal ptunuita and tastettiArt tho advertisement, of oar triads; Messte,*:Wili , Jamea:*;slobli„.:Therare `the Masai:n=l 4 s 7 ful grovvesof: t estrogreemt is the Western ,aoun tr7, and offer - a -et:chef tine triesstrturpiased In thisregion.. Call and see their splendid plan: tatiai H of evergreens. ' =oat ifLuzuzsituua Cornipofilmee of the n.ilf Plttsbursh.Gazette. Ltsaannotto, Pcb - inary • • Senate metal. o'clock P. - . • The Speaker laid :before 'that body their's.: endings . of the meeting held inWas :Immo& County, titterer of Normal Schools: . --• ' ; Mr. IdeClintockprecented aTertionstrancefroni the Select, said "Common Councils of Allegheny • city, againit g certain' privileges:to the Ohio - and Penna'llailroadCompany., Abutospeti. don- from members of the . bar and other citizens of Pittsliiirgh in favor of the Butchers' Market Asseciatlon. • Also, a remonstrance from =em balm of the Pittsburgh bar against coosordating .-the Supreme Court at Marrisburg, .- -' Mr. Perste, remonstrance from the Bargeas and Town Council of Lawrenceville, againsta division of said borough into two wards. , Also: a petition from citizens of Pennsylvania for a nets county out of. parts, otAllegheny,.Weatmoirolani, Butler and Armstrong, to be called "Filibuster, or Toteng America," which ;slur :reit& is a Inriceque on the presiding-. new: - county.fever, and is a tery ludicnnut 'document • 'Another queef document was *Stinted by Mr, Hamilton,' from s clergyman in Lehigh 'county, criticising very severely the active interference of clergymen with the Prohibitory Liquor gen tian. • He thiok< this a matter with *Mob they . have no business . to intermeddley and advises them to attend more faithfully to the legitimate duties of their sacred calling. Several other petitions. were presented and a few bills read in place, but none of them of inter est to your. section•of the • State, when the Pro " hibitory Liquor Bill was taken up in 'order on second reedit's; pending the Bth section. „Mr. Miester was entitled to the thsti'r, and con. eluded. his remarks in opposition to the section.' lie regarded the proposed warrant et aearch as a ellear. regarded_ violation of the constita- The aeation was then amended in several par.. l !iodate by its friends; when • Mr. Bucluelew moved en amendment in refer. 'nettle the bath of persons complaining of the sale of liquor, to strike out the words that th 4 hafe retMen to.helieve, and do believe," &c., so as to make the oath a positive one. ' - The motion was opposed by Mr. Kunkel and Mr: Dania, and was supported by the mover,- and was agreed. to, as follows: . , Ypen- Messrs. Buckalew, Cresswell, Darling; ton, Foulluvd. Fry, Goodwin, Haldeman, Byron - D. Hamlin, 'Mester. Kinzer, Welintock, H'Far land, Matt, Price, Gaiggle. Sager,- Wherry- 7 17:. Kays: Messrs. Barnes, Ciabb; Dirsie, Kranz, Ferguson, Frick, Hamilton, Eplantim W. Hamlin, Hoge; 3angeon, Kunkel, Skinner, - Slifer, 3L'Cai lin. Speaker--14, . • kir.luckalcw then proposed to strike out the clause authorizing a search of private - dye - Shags, Mr. Kunkel and Mr. Dank opposed this also,: declaring that it would entirely.destroy the see- Mr. Buckslett supiorted it; and it VW log, as follows:. Teas: 3lesare. Bnekalew, Crabb, Cromwell, DiriingtOn, FoitlIxo& Fry, Goodwin, Haldeman, Hiester,, M'Clintoet, Price, Qniggle, Sager, )Yberiy, 3rCaslin, Speaker--15. 'Napo: Mestre. Barnes, Derek, Erna!, Finn ion, Fria, Ilamilton, Byron D.'llatulini Ephraim W. Hamlin ' logo, Januaon, Kinzer; Kimke Kunkel; irEsirland,Fatt, Skinner, Slifer-16. On Motion. the Senate then adjourn's& The Bth section still' ending. - ' Ix smr. Horse, being petition day, a large flambee on a variety of subjects were presented. Mr-Ingham, a remonstrance from Lawrence ville relative to a .division of Wards. Porter, throe againstvacating part of Ca. i in "Pittsburgh: One from Sewickly town : ship election board against increasing the pay of r the County Commiv" ssonovs In Allegheny *county. t The Spetiker presented the annual report of 1 the Western Having Fund Soeinty. , - -Db.:710,311am reported the bill to increase the pay of the Couimissioners of Allegheny county. reed.in-placea supplement to the Moshe ay. and Idinehtster planictroad company. A*, one relatiye to the side of bonds of Railroad companies Day ,Johnson, a rupplentent to the Sinking' quail , The supplement to the Stare Lunatic ilospiiar passed loudly— Also, . I ielative 'to the State road , Co., to West 3Liddleteit, 'Meshing.; • totiCouzdy. : • ' r • Bill relative to sale of intoxicating Benet' y r ,r.:freishingt.tdk other " local )3eTeral, bllis pa -red, when Ltb;l 1' cruse adjouxtuodi - I , . . i..,-,....=`., J7-:!..,..R.i4:-..?:`.3.:-.--,..--- ~-.- -,-i.-.4'''',"---'-,-`,:"..f.,:i;43,0,,,,c; Ivws.iL,i-;; , , , -4;•14.1 , - --, • - • i. . . • • ...... ........... ,- --^-7 - : ~...- ..,-...- ~..- ~'. ~ t...? -.'. --•.?i-' Z,..-.Y..,. yk- , :,, ,- -"-- - • . 4i4.4.2.5V4,04''!;.24,;40011.W*-' '. ..:7,4.r.,,,,,,.'34.4.40,-....,4'41.-.1,2Ar 31(pior. . We 014,-6010e tafOttte Coula:the' r.ng tuynlq of geOrean to D s colibtitet.4 ,AAuestion janovr.pending irk Congress to re peal the Missouri Compromise act of 1820, which rOktricti aleierp is what is called the Louisiana reiritery, acquired from France -by treaty of 'lBOB, north of latitude 86 deg. 80 min. No move has been made, in or out of Congress, to repeal this act, since its passage ,- . thirty-four years ago,: instil the present session of Congress. If repealed, it will permit slavery to exist in a. country now free, equal in extent to ten States ss large as Indiana, the greater part of itbeing susceptible, as I am told, of high cultivation 'and improvement. The movement, in my opinion, is a violation 9f plighted faith, and-an enormous outrage upon the rights of the people of the non-elaveholding States., If slavery is introduced into thin Terri tory,: itazehades my constituents from it, at least Vaneof lituited,meatts, for no poor man desires to lire in,i slave State, and socially and politi , mdly occupy no higher position thatk a slave. I have way conclusive reasons why I will oppose with my vote; all the influence 1 have, the repeal of the lilissouri Compromise set, all of which will he Made knOwn as soon as opportunity offers in the House. • This momentous question did not enter into the contest for Congress what you elected me.— It is pew both to you and me. 'I have felt it due to you and myself to indicate my fixed purposes. If they aceotd . with your wishes, nothing .will gifeine moro pleasure ; if not, ad 'vim me, and I ;will resign, and thereby enable you, to elect one who will vote for a xepeal ofthe Compromitie re ferred to; I will never do it.. DANIEL MACE. WARRINGTON, Feb. =,.1854, There is en evidence of manhood in the noose *hied' is quite refieshing;in this age of degen , he Tocliiiii4olis Journal says of the above let- Me rejoice that Indigos has et least 'one Deinomstio member in Congress who'hes the honesty to oppose a violation of plighted faith, and the independebee to declare his sentiments like freeman." . , So do we rejoice at it, and we hope Mr. Mace does not stand nine in his delegation. Will the pensioned presses of Ohio and Indiana dare at taclC:3li. Mace, and denounce him as "an aboli tionist 4" We, shall see. d' FAIR Orratt.—The editor of the rid/add- Alpitit Daily Register proposes to send his paper freer for one year, to the three hundred and fifty Hotels and Reading Rooms'in the West that shall first apply for it; end to six hundred and fifty., others at the rate or $2 a year, payable in advance. The only condition is 'that the sub .sciiptiows shell be sent on immediately, and that 'six it.f the latest numbers shall be kept on The Regiater is an excellent paper, well worth its full subscription price; and Hotels and Read ing Rooins in the West should lose no time in sending on their names. Published by. William Dirney, corner of Third and .Chestnut Streets; Philadelphia. For the Dans Innsbarsh Gazette; Freedom for Nebraska. At a Mass Convention of iColumhiana county and vicinity, in which all political parties were jelly represented, held at Salem, 0., on Friday and Saturday, the 10th and 11th inst., for the purpose of protesting against, the project now pending in the United States Senate. for the re peal of that part of the Missouri Compromise which forever prohibited slavery in the territory for which it provided north of 36. 30 , , the fol lowing named persons were appointed as officers for: he meeting: President—Mr. James Brown.. • Vice Presidents--Robert Tollertdn, Robert Campbell, Emerson S. Weaver, Hill Tollerton, John Flitcraft. ' = Secretaries—James &molly, Jacob Ambler, Esq., Cho's. IL Cromwell, Esq. , Business Committee -= .ll. If, Robinson, Beei- Iltutley,.l6l., Eugene Pardee.Eaq., Benj. Brown, J.l). Cattell,lienry Ambler,:Esq., Jacob Heaton, Gee. Vi.- Wilson, Peter Boswell, Dr. Benjamin Stanton. The Business Committee reported the following; resOlutions, which during the two days of the meeting, were ably and fully discussed. The following are among the speakers who defended the, resolutions:—Lutac Pierce, of Stark CO.; _Eugene Pardee, Esq., of . Wayne; L S. !line, Cincinnati; Henry. Ambler, Esq., and Messrs. Robinson, :Reston, Meyers, Stiffing and others, of Columbiana county. .--, The meolutionn,,werts adopted almost m te ud etedrq4.l..-.. ' - *Stentait, iihir '• of the United States, by the passage...lllSM 8 Section of the act of Congress of lECO,ltimin -- t)sti Missami Com promise promtse Act, did fact,'lnffinlish and forever prohibit Sinvery hi that pert of the Louisiana puratist, lying North :of 36 deg: and 30, min-, (tieleullng the State sit Miesonit,) and '. Whereas,. - Congress• has no. constitutional or moral tight to repudiate its solemn contract—to make a slave, or to establish Slavery on territory now free,—therefOre - Rmolord, That we bold the Slave Power to the spirit end letter of.the Compromise of 1820: and If by the Compromise of 1860, she has, or • by the bill noar , pending, she shall repudiate the bargain. .and refuse to pay the consideration ' , stipulated, then we claim that this territory re verts to its original position before the Compro- miss was made; and we call upon • the North to unite in the demssid for the abolition of Slavery inAUssoini. - .. . Randeed, That the act of Congress-by which Missouri was admitted to they Union, and Slavery 'forever prohibited in the territory of Louisiana, lsdrth of 38 deg. 30 min., was understood at the tine, an.dbas -ever since been understood, as a positive agreement between the Slave-bolding and lion-Slavololding portions ,of the union,- - by which the former, fora consideration then and there obtained did eede and quitclaim this terri tory, forever to freedom. ;Resolied, That this meeting coincides with Mr. Niles, in regard to the binding character of this compact, whenhe declared, at the time of its adoption, that "the circumstances of this case give to -this law a moral- forte equal to Linty a pdsilive itrorision of tie CoaslitutioA. ' IRisoPed,. That though we deny the moral right _of any man or any body of men to consent to the eibitence or chattel slavery, when it to in his or their poWer to prevent it;--nevertheless. we look upon this attempt of the South to repudiate her bond„ after having received, and for the third of a century enjoyed the consideration, as an arbltsary exercise of power, an unjust and unworthy titstation of good faith, and an indignity to the free States of the Union ; and as utterly subversive of all confidence of the North in any compacts or guarantees of the South. Resolved, That the assertion that the Missouri Compromise was repetled or "made inoperative" by the Compromise acts of 1850, in plain contra diction of tim most notorious and abundant his. torical faCtslis simply a gigantic and impudent falsehood Rooked, That this Convention concur in the Proposition to hold a Slate Convention to remon strate against this medure that the Secreta ries of this meeting be a committee to co-operate with the committees already appointed in Cleve land and other places for this purpose. Rewdsof, That this meeting recommend that the Convention be held at the earliest practical • Bemired, That a standing committee of five persons be appointed to draft ant put in circula tion petitions to Congress against the repeal or the Missouri Compromise.. :Resolved, That the thanks of thin meeting be 'presented to Hon. Salmon I'. Chase, and lion. Benjamin P. Wade, Senators from - Ohio, for their prompt, bold and faithful resistance, to the in troduction of Slavery into the free territory of the West ; and that the officers of this meeting transmit - to them acopy of these resolutions. ! Resolved, !That a copy of the. proceedings of Wm meeting beforwartled tO each of the Senators and• Itepretiontatises in (',4tigreiss from Ohio, ac companied 'with the - earnest request, that they ;will tote all pomible means to resist the introduc tion of Slavery into Nebraska, - or any other Ter- . , . I , - Resoleed,-That the Senators and Represents tiros in the Ohio Legislature, from Columbiana and Maiming counties,be preninted with a copy of these resolutions -; and that they be requested ilto do their utmost to wore the passage of, reso". 1 intitms by the Ohio Legislature ; against the pro liect of extending Slaveu over Nebraska, or any ,other Territory now. frek The following Preamble & itesOlutions offered by Jacob Ambler, Esq. of Salem, and Ably de fended by himself, and:others, were also adopted ;unanimously:'' lilwreus, the South are United almost to amen in - favor ef the nefarious meas swot, of violating, the Missouri Compromise, by the passage of the present Bill for organizing tiff ; Territory of Nebraska, and WAereas, to accomplish anything in opposition to that measure, unanimity must be had on the part of the North, and Whereat, we deem it of primary importance, that this wrong 'should -not be permitted to the North and to humanity, therefore. Besotted That we will abow no quarter to backwardness or besitation, on the part of our own people; but GO politically we will hang, draw and quarter the Xordern traitor,-dema gogue, or dew/At/ace, who will skulk or dodge now'. Rowed, That we will recognize as our true friends, and true friends of humanity, all who w ill "shoulder, to shouldered strive with us, to prevent the further encroachments of Shively, on our free Territories', of whatever party, sect or creed; they be called. • . - . Resolved, Vat if the measure be an Adminis tration Measure, see condemn. Mt Administration, and that any min,' wile...stands back. now, shall be considered' by tm, as pOitically oweighed in the babutes,and lona wanting. ._ . - .. --Mu cointitlotC:tu:l4.two setsiow.og _,VO54s. 1 ~ .. 'and tale As . siororlon Satiithis;*iop ni ta - a t late liair. on :4 ip atatioy evezg. i':'. ~, l The attieutlauciii-as large:, otat.The Cenrculioill ilOCElaed to inter fiilly.thth , the spirit of the reso.l lotions. , issue Brows, Chi CHARLES If. CORNWELL, "t" JACOB AILRLER, iSeelOtaries, JAMES BARNAIIT, Thu following preamble nud resolutions were adopted by, the Allegheny Common Conneilv, on last Friday evening . : To the Honorable, the &La anal Common Councils of ..illeyheny City: W111:11MAS, By an Act of the General Assem bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, pas sed 13th of April, 1840, it was, among other , • things, enacted, (sec page 29, section , 20th, in book of ordinances,) That the right of this. Comnionwealth to an the lands within the limits of the city of of, mentioned in the fourth section of the Act fit Assembly, of the eleventh of Septeniber, oim thousand seven, hundred and eighty-seven, ex cepting such - parts thereof, as have, heretofore, been appropriated ,bygrtust'and authority of law, is hereby grtuited,and vested in the said:city of Allegheny, for such public uses as arerecited in said act, and such other public uses us the Select 'and Common Councils may, from time to time di rect and ordain. Provided,however,thatoo part of said land,allotted by the said fourth section of the act of one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven, for a Common, Anil be applied to nof oth er purpose,without releases first being bad and obtaiOed rom such persons as are entitled to a right of.Cominon in said laud, or from as many, such persons 00 may by law grant a right to the whole or any - part of this Common; and whereas the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad Company, a private corporation, Muter pretence of obtain ing authority to extend their road into the city of Pittsburgh are applying to the General Avosem hip of this Commonwealth, for the power among Other things, to occupy any portion of the Com mon ground which may be necessary, by paying damages to any property:-holders interested; and whereas such appropriation of the Common to the use of said 00eneentiOn would violate the vested rights.of such persons as are entitled to a right of Common in said land, and for whom the city is a trustee, would be hostile to the in terest of the city of Allegheny, and an unwise, unnecessary and injurious extension of the poi-- ers of said private corporation. Resolved, That the duty and interest of the city of. Allegheny require, that the effort new being made by the Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail road company to obtain an extension of 'their powers and the sanction of Legislative authority to appropriate to their own use any portion of the common ground in the city of Allegheny; should be strongly opposed and resisted by all lawful means, and we do hereby remonstrate against the grautof any such authority. Resolved, That the Senators and Representa tires of Allegheny county he urged and request ed to resist and oppose any grant of authority or extension of powers to said Company, to ap propriate or use any portion of the common grounds, of Allegheny City-. l'entielsi, That n committee of five be appoint ed from the Select and 'Common Councils, with • authority to take any and all such measures as they may deem expedient to resist am! prevent, by lawful means, the apropriating or use of nay of said common ground by the said Ghio and Pennsylvania Railroad Company. - Resoled, That, as representatives of the citi rens of Allegheny, we Most solemnly protest against any grant or privilege being given to the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad Company, whereby they can carry their road across or along our principal streets, thereby endangering the lives of ourselves and families. and greatly detrimental to the pecuniary interests of our citizens. • .Resolrnl, That a copy of . these resolutions and remonstrance be immediately transmitted to the Senators and Representatives of Allegheny county. The following, resolution was adopted in Select Readral, That the citizens of Allegheny be requested, in their private capacity, te petition the Legislature against the passage of any law giving. the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad Co. the right to take any part of the commons streets without the consent of the city anther ities. Concurred in by C. C. SPECIAL NOTICES • • PEARL STEAM MILL, CANAL BASIN, ALLEGIIENY, NEAR TIM RAILROAD STATION. Fuluilies will be !supplied with our vstrious 1/1E.911 GROUND FLOUR, by haring their or. den 0 the 51111, or in ens hoses at L.'s's.. %M ~ t Da't Wand street. or Bruns a Reiter, nors at lalarty and U. CUD Ilttalmrsh: ii. 1.. Sehss;ts, or J. T. Sample, Drggglsta Allegheny. Flans will b. dellseresl to families in tither of the calm Terms, CASH on delisery. leg-tr ARYAN. KENNEDY t M. HENRY._ -II COLLINS PuRIVARIIING AND COMMISSION NEE Reit AND Wit fl, DEALER 1N CHEESti% BUTTER: SEEDS, FISH, And - Prothws itheuwatin No. 25 Wood edreot, Pittaburgh.• iris Dr. Hoofland's : German Bitters,- prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, are justly rrekened amongst our most valuable ciedleines. In asses of dyspepsia, It set Ike strengthening the Vies of thrjetentart. Ethane taring the dllrealia tenses , and Sloth; 171dr health tn tha cheek and brightnese to the eye. There ars tbressatsis of this uniumnalty lass ran testify to their virtues, stl4 thousands will hereafter' add that" Wtloooy. Odd in PitUb.Y. g b * b y YLEMISO DYnagtete, CO 17..1 at. It. C. LOOMIS, Of the late firm of M'Gurdy S Lonti!* . WHOLESALE HEALER IN BOOTS AND SHOES, 59 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. fel3,lleS3 INSURANemompANY, NEW YORK. CASH CAPITAL, $500,000! B.C. LOOMS, Arginiti' Moll PiiigiornO. . gamin - ow the Nina: Ilartfture• Firm of CORIIIIIK t (30. of oi Bayou 310".00. ----Elm of Union, King Firm Of Chaffin. Melllo Cti. ------ t.= iiinn'on Sligo Co. of Stout it noir. Arm ..,,of Clapp llorcn. 7-1117: oof a6:47oaXt Swum,. L To.7mir. Jdrprs- Panda. eSaw...-. lratignt .11,11 m . ...... Rrani G Lim .141 , ..; Loan , John IL Thaddotom }lna a J. C. Worol. Co. Watiout G. ...... Clew of A. a A. Isoro. co it Co. Charlet A. Boat? Firm of lluctley A IV , alltrhOra }lnn of Lools Atterto. rt Co /Awl Ilorrea: nem of J . M. Doe,6e. t./.77s j u'a Co . Alma T. Dwight ...... --Orm td Trooloidge. Doubt tit', John 0./neon Firm of Nelont Co. (Tories. . ...... of Baldwin. etarr Co. (A.Tp, e ......... of Shortonts t Collifa; &tor, D. trOryttll Firm Of E. P. Burman C Lumen ........ Flom .of foto, Lothrop C o. M. Thomas JAusnmer....— }lrm of T. a 11. 3lommturro Dural .tionfonl VlrucofJokomon Fonforol. Ctpluat H. ....... ........Virtu of Norton. Butler A lloyt. l'horka . .=7:/ot t- 71'. .... 318441,t. Alfred ..Bornes..------ ilrhu of N. S. Bur.. Co. Hole Loarsocul Pim of IL Lockwood For. Lanus fltaktos ..... .... lionklum. Allen t Cr. LYsnn Jor.s .1. Ihright i . ins, of ........ Itaimn Ihrralti.. Jaen Fowthimploie, Firm of Frolillugnmu, Nowell Co. John if. Swift Firm of Swift.. Hurlbut A Co. . ...... Vivo _of Mouths Noble. • Moe( :f. .. . ....'of IVoi:k. Desk. A/40ne . frirat.of (Moon. Illost veil A t J.lll. Ilomphrey......Finu of Heaney. 11 ornplirey flattlsr. Win: lisoßer.- ....... ...... Continental 11. so. IMnfont liara , ll flew of Wells. Fargo A Co.L Amer Aforpos Calm! 'tam. Finn of flooriss Co. . L.1.00 ) 11.4., Yro. /dont. Cif AFL J. 3tA /MIN% PeraTtary. STATE ItUTITAL FIRE AND MARINE 'INSURANCE , CO UV PENNSYLVANIA., _ - _ • 13RAtiC1I OFFlCE—Cortier Fotifth and Ninitidirld streets, llttsburgli. 'CAPITAL 94 , r ,, ,,C*0. 114:CTOM—John •• P. R ni utherford; Dauphin P. C. fisdirailciC. Harrisburg:- riausi Jones. Philadlphia: A. Bankig. Eittsliurgb: A. A. Carrisr, • P itidgirgin A. J. iiillett,llarrir burin t. T. '.lanes, Harrisburg: Robert Whits, Carlain Coon D. Ii Dauphin bri. JOHN P Preident- A:J. OILLI:T. liecirtary. A. A. C A, Art Thiabrivo Company will l URl nsurEe R agalarivarTt pe rils sea and inland navigation and transportation: rd., On handings and merchandise In city or country, at lowest rates. cnn tiistent with saisty.• Pond. issued on dwelling bows, tither perpetually. or for a tom orrsars. (notginyll-44 Ladies Fang Fara M'CORD TicVo; iotia.ix;;;Crespectfully Invite the attention or Ladle. to their large and complete stock of FANOY Math, note opening. comprlting in pert Sable, Stone )laitlni, Iritth, Lynx..earmine, tilberinu Squir rel, (took liertln,Cenett., Coney amt Soon'. Donn; .31uIt's Tletorinea, Folsasale Cat,' Boas, Sr., center lt'ood and Fifth street,. Citizen's Insurance, Compl of Pittsburgh 31 D. KIND, Prezietntt. SAMUEL L.ALUSILELL, NO, OFFICE, 9i TEfra.ilvngg MARKAT hlil 1111.111111111 . ES 'll,lll.L' AND °Aim* RISKS ON ME 01110 AND 311SNIBARRI NIVICZE, AND TIIIBUTARIEN /11r /Astra agatiut Leu .or Dataape by Far, A LSO t opurad thaperas 411 he NE.A. and INLAND X.lll/7.1T102L and 73AlioUrRTATION. • Wm:Lorimer, Jr. .• R. M. Kier • mrm. nitighun John R. Dllwurih, • rem3cie &Um. •J:Sehoonalnfor, " - VI us. en, %mama es. .Itobest Dusklip,Jr, Wale Di. Penoaok , Walter Ittpult, ' • HARDWARE. LOGAIN, WILSON A: .CO., Beg ,to eall the attention of Buyers to their . ertawfrealock of • kIat.DWA34 AND.SADDiZat • • ,ciotoroisfoic ow of the molt. ootoplefo amortn,..o Is 1... the' 11.Y.01211ED fir iIf . VENT CACK.Vie El;ilOP4 sod 1. bleb lhor ilea gin Mei Mod tworable 'llfir , a.m. going Eut firvi' their Intoreit . t.raßQiid by Riotnirtbilr TIARDITARX at: No. 371.W00d Moot, Plitabninth, • l& boon flan too§r.Cluvownyin 1 (0-1.74405 `ir" -- 54)EiWnrow . , Ic)iiirovedlirimglctilpvrt l e , countlee of ALLIMIIEIiV, BEd. , ~., • VEIL, WASHINGTON, FAN Ern.: sad u RY.ENE.v. aro pm 1 / 4 i'" pami to forsdell LUMPS 0t sell : Rights il,r a reasonable ' • Timm Lampe are so:eoustructed all to render possible, and the public may mt uthdlnd thektliet 'nay Le wed with entlroutraty.- Ther.l,tha.mora brilliant, Mad and tluirnatathda nakd tehnintasper thaithe 'Toad Tallow; or oils of any kind, they want MOW latO Cenenl nar. Ire also haseLANIXIOIIS and CANIS MI the lloM4ii. ; Nab,' principle. ifia"lranointsaip.tranaLAlS Thlarertilles that we hani seen; wandited and tried, TM uinowee imarwal lion.E.sploding thunphene lAUPrat anted Jan. 0th,18.52, madam fully aatllniod dud it la • 'sari raluatde Improvsment; and will he found foe.)Tsf"...bk to t y ni:a i tkv , lttn. in we. -We behove foreafety it Is perfect nfore deem It richly deserving the at tention of aillZas have oentfort to use Lumps of mIT kind. IL e. mdate, S.A. Wilson, Bota.fis; S. Tp ' 1. Anetle, l`,l . Alva Se lth, 1 de; IS.l=l,t, — Willl= les LI A. 31arsh, Mr • Dwardw, de: Elias Foote, do: _ J. Spinainge, Oki ..d, D. Tryon. - do: • rt. Drown; do; N. A. Woodward, do: J. A. Patters... dos trareamphene. PlooDil and Fluid. always forst% at tho lowest prices. y,-1 heattention of Steamboat.. alai romui. respectfully invited to the now patent Losti.em and Can.= The Loma. , me i be corn In oparatlnn at gir..•"KEYSIIIL'S Drug store, 140 W 4.1 at., whem they are kept for sale. tbludavni • , • First Premium for best Silk Rat— WILSON di SUN, limbbauble Hatters, li. Wuedatirt are uow DriparM tifurnisli their customer. and WA rublie. au :assortment of liala and Caw which lew beauty of nul.h,..d prier, cannot iro rurpapard by any horn In the rikr. Portico]ar tittention le lortted to our Own manufacture. of $3,00, 1340 iind 51.00. . I oel24nidkurf3 PROTECTIOI! INSURANCE COMPANY, FIAIMOuD. CONN., CROW' Stock, Ahnual Premium., and; rentern rand, IN ..O & pLRPOB,VrOOOLocio. ED .1,8i5. • nilicieof Insurance issued at glltimes on the most favorable terms, against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, PERILS OF NAVIGATION. • By OEORGE•E. ARNOLD. Agent s ,m1116 , 5P TON Pits Pittsburgh and Allegheny Du. Indigestion and Liver Complaint Ctifed BY KIER'S PETROLEUM.—Read tbefolhoring letter from Int. 0. Dickerson, a Missionary In Oregon: • ML B. Pl.' Ern—Dram din—Myself avid wifebavlng been havebenefitted by the tweet' your Petroleum, 1 have yen send me la nix of two or three down buttka am the Congregational Minister.in this plan. cud several your PITRsI 1 1$711: 4 k t' se n 7e hl tal ll h: t ll . [lea—two or tbreetacis—slamit a year and .1 halt Itito,,J.d we thatr nip. ed au good health for SAW. an we nave Once time. I had Clot taken is mingle bottle before that fullness of the stonmeh which so dLtrwasea the dyw rt:ldle wets relined, and I hate felt noth ebo n i t e since that —. My wit. wee also relieved from•• dtsease t o Hoer, which had beau am/vend years standing., by the eve of year Petroleum. Sold be S. M. BIER, L'anal Realm BD). 11. KRYBER. 100 Wood slovind Doted.. sod Medklm beaten avert where `Pape _,mtvertielng Petroleum nisi. O'CONITERB, Co. BANKERS...AND INSURANCE DEAL ERS, No. 113. Wald street, one door !Min Pint street, l'tthr burgli.—Duy and soll Par sod Current Poole, Sight and yhno Enhance. Coln, Sueloi. Ramona sod ll'estern Time Dille, and Premium, Notem allow 0 per cent no Time De. poeilee of Par and Current )Toney; and Insure Eire an Marine Polkies for the .Taco Demotavee Courant. ( . Capital. $170,00L) and IWut ICaritancr, COMPUti, (Ca 0010 JAMES P. TANNER, WIWI:RSA Lk DEALER IN BOOTS, SHOES, BONNETS, LEATIfEIt, No. (Ai Woo. street, rittlibUrgb, 211.11“. rHino AND 1.7(111. My Stock colutists of upwards of 2500 elutes, embracing every motets and style of. tiOilYS, HWY-tend BUN.Y.Cfs. purchased direct from New Eitelsnd /111.11 f. turns, adapted narrowly far FALL and It . INTER SALE-a, and will he sold at whiles:tory prlees—ennoaritr ably villa those of ridladelphba and New York. Purchase , will please call and examine Usk. buying. Alm, NEW YORR SOLE LEATURIL ir.j Dr. Morse's Invigorating Pliv r or CORDIAL—If It la Inquired how this erect restorative 1. secomplichlan ouch estraordleary curve, we cut only reply that In the Mattan herb that fir its cardinal lograllent have teen blended by the thutdpotetit Physician. a larger amount and greater varieties of curatire propertire than had laerehrdwe been supposed torrid In a hundreddifferent articles 41 the pharniscoperis. A whole mastigine chest of remedloe, so to *Peek. endue to have loon comblnnt In this both; and in the ELIXIR ea- CORDIAL we have their om.. eentrated essence.. It is the effect, loonier, net thenoise withwhich we have in . deal in the prank-xi application of the metileide. The Tkiillll of dyspeptia are cored. the nervous are relieved, the half paralysed resume their activ• Ity. the sufferers fown hesdethe an tormented no more' the week Lomae algraous, the tint of isicadlos leaves the complesion'ef the balk., the &pooped in spirits, Isetime buoyaut. the rick in alcuat in cony vonditlen of sUcene derive humesilete Murk[ from the use of Dr, Horse's In 'fronting Bible or eenital. These tart, eurforted by, InefragaLle proof, en presented to the attention of Inv, lide, who can verify therm by a single bottle of the trwell eine, The Coedial Is {move hieblymoreutrated,ln Wattleq ties. Price than dollars per bottle, two Re Ova dollare, six Mt twelve. dollars. C. 11. RING, Profckdos, IW2 Broadway, N. T. Sold by Droydrlata throughout the United States, Cana, das wad Wert Indira general Simn Ls Irk. Ilti.nburati —Chu. 11. VlrYl* and, flosalag 117:1*, eornArr and Fourth rtrrstl. • NELSON'S FIRST PRENTII3I .DA - 011ER ItEOTYP ES YOST111111.1)13:0, THIRD FrnEET. CITIZENS AND STRANGERS who wieh to obtain au areurate,arthttle nd Iffedike to at a' et 7 moderate mt.. find it t their Interest to mii at tins w‘.ll known astatine/amen& irhere entire s•tiefartam tne rsrwtad n bthet o r r D n O t :ad & ia. 10 a .D m at t, hi / s 1 Light. n ee e o r f nhe itno*to,d the parho., with inetruntents with, tenet _wo vernal smd.arkit caring whir.ted ED. ay stet:. rf ()wt. rreo. dios. tut now rrarthed by the releinated Korea iff hia and Sew York. Mr. lc fiancee himeell ba *hie to offe to the dwtrons or the width him loot haffnerrent spec either aitudr-or in Antrum width him never 'wen slummed. Roxne oft a and °pennies In ail wee iliers e Mom • o'clock a. M. to 6 osiook, e. te. meffwliorff A Great Cure Dr. Keyser't Pectoral the In It Towu.htp Allegheny Ccuuty,— I had a cc...annul and apludna. which coon:weaved shout the ith of Fclanarr hat. and continued for ataht whole mouths. I atop: wed the haat .IdO etch.. to the aonoTT. suet tar cough cuuttuued unabated. until rash In (rtclon, At that thus lnaa adahad to try Tour PIX.TORIAL ()WOO anal', ...Men I din and afta4 f had take, brAttr, I .n. antindr too from coughing and apittlau.. - I had daapsired of *car aultind wall, aud 1 think It chould known that thh valuakhrehadr da for roller+. 'what h. dew In tor acuat JOHN C. LIVER, Vrehha Tp. Wituete —ll. lt. Kerr. rittAurub. Doc. 31.11153 Jal3dt;T• - - Lyon's ICathairon.—fikr pra.ssnrving, re &coring; donning and isantiffinK the flair, idlevisring nervous I leaciwzba.and raring etupt lye diseases .J the skin . Its iwautation, er.estensive with the mill/anon 1t th• aloha, Makes km yralse imperittuuta exasavration cilia; and zizliv its dienotery has land no mil... Mute to wzmpets it. litcontssted. Its hartttestalde - sutaaluity. Phy eicians and Chemists —honorable eitir.os from all made* alone or life,—the leadths Journals of twat , . and America Ladles who have used It urea their &emit/KUM, and Afothere in their Nurreties.—in fast its million patrons svatTailenv, hum 14.1-lam to U.N., antelounne it the most pkwidnit and agonize article either ma a - Medicinal m Toilet nrcparaikni.ever prodneed. Do not rmitb glee it a trial Pries tut 25 cants P. 21AJ121 - 211,Opelotar, 121 Ilroubrar. N. T. 242 In l'itetkirgh Iv IL It eollAra. Ii Tanner. IlAnj.l.aim .n . .:2lfinbut Brom llnun Theltrt. Y ' 7 Death from Ruptu.re.--Tbere afy thim4- ..1. of inwennf who are sainted *Rh • Iloptur• the tkoselv. oho per little attention to the disease note the tenons heemoe etrourodated, when In all pr . elmbility It may IM to Icto. Ito, lorpoitont It la. then, 6.i all thole eneerinn from any form of — Rupture of the liovreht," to mill xi Cum upon Dr. RgISES. sthielfholepale . mol Drug Store. es:ruer of Wmel stool and Virgin allcT, - and pro...urea. TjtIISIV. to retain the protruding. Portion •of Um bowels. Dr. Kklailift lux an oiler hark °I 11. Drug/Store when; Trusses ere sPplied, cod kted to. 111 , . leah' 4 . Don. Ile also has every variety •.,r 'rename that-you ma nave. and et any prim, to suit the 1011.1.11 of ivory do. to novel of the suttee. I also keep elect, kind of IVeppoSirre Ipdyr Drdrn. S'orpntrorto itondoine. Et.nfr Markings, for enlarged trine, and all kind* of snonhuMel oPldiamfti owl in the cure Of dlomee. I woold renprethally Invite the attention of the publierto an "reliant 711171.0 FOR elfil.PßE.%; which WI:04114i sheets turn In a very short thatr,, Dn. A7I:IWEIP.I DRUG NTORE A:VD TRPV DEPOT rose of wo° 4- .u.ot sod VINO O 5110 7, N 0.140; eign o the &Mitten Wrier. all . Medicine Chests.—Dr: KEYSER, Wriele• sole Orogen, of 140 Wood otraet, h.s on hand • 00.414 amniment of 3IXTICINE CIIENTS Owlllet end steam boat", at onion, prim.. Those In mint argot Wet of thls 01011 would do well to giro him • mil. jal.9.4kw lux rt.twuto witPor. 0.0 eoeW , ta Mama FIRMING BROTIEEBA, (outzatasoaa TO T. MD • CO.) WIIOLESALE DRUGGISTS, • NO. O WOOD STILNY.T. PA. Proprietor. of Pi. Celebrated Vert:Wray-a. Llmr Pula re TO Printers.—For sale, a lot of mocoad. hand Cultaton Rola& Admilalon Rules, and Douido . Croa lAdea ht loyt . pr . lern, , Ennulro ttd_l2ll . ll.y r. __L M'jint call the attention of heads of faudlloi,and other*, to Mead• vortlonnuont on the fourth .page of Abase vahostio •Floolly AMOS LELAND & CO., 171 PEARL STREET, • • .3IANUPACTIIII:E I I4 " ..I'ND DEALERS • Iti - ererr /Incrlptlm of - STRAW.GO•ODS, - C 011314701 In , of PA77AIIA, LFA3Flp A ßtl if fittr i 3, FAlrrox, English; Italian, Swies . and Silk Duman, STRAW Artirgtit CIMIX:2! ' tbottarrltlog one of the laiset Storks lo U t IV. to which the ittentlou Tltlacaod 11.1!Ifeet.- • . . i.a . tNY.ll.—mtrrErs are, iiit.kawr suytue to ..it' Mirlll2ll our StooJc, Irltlcti,hp gigged cup:only to 'Melo Told, ombuFloit on ttrliati , and.fishlopabla *los of _ _ syphilis, Sc.tofula,. and Dilwasqd:Blood. —For awe territbratoeu.s, eunrs's gemniu Man= is . . . The prom - lotion lona to their missonAlorr *Ter Imre bin deed oertificates of the - moot extraordltiari mires effected w. refer. to the oolifleata of hlebard Adam.. late IllAh . .Shirlif of It/oho/nod, Sal 'Edwin Barton. Cognurfaanor of .the nerconnn Relmoon4; Gm. W•kh. &the Mammoth Cirtua; Dr.. ifonilly. of Nirsahlakton raj', Mr.- Wm. A. 11a tittiori. anA C. IL Lock, rag., of IttelisnOnd, Ta 4 Afr. C. coydrn, raeltanga Ty; an 4 a hod of otha* who -pato laoneaina of tbs*arst thoctiption cared-6r Cariar'S Spantal .1 4.7 01 C!IYISti 010 Fallen 'Aar Iheon4ri . - halm' . '-'71897 ' . ries.: , .. ::"•- 1 IkreekTAßLE CATTLE WDER " nose t rueein eft put whit one pound;; an realtylik • P.Ood &Akio, not.littly Sat tb• s.hatldent to hoots. .! I 1,11 . • mine and other animals, but they an likewise an ace:client article to litprote the condition of the animal. I - „Pee Mach Chita they not onlY'hortore the condition of. tri ,.. nilielt meta bat they Yorteue the quantity as well setae- i Ohm* enevi.itti or milk amt nett.z. Iha prope. t . say- 1 that It increases the quantity of butter from bait • pound to a pound a week to each cow, while Abase moons who have total It say a round and a half to two rounds Per ; ;week, 'with the earno kind of &editor as Leihre. Or one thing. we are certain, all who cow it once will use it all the ' 1 th,,,,,,t ~see money by the operation as well sa tumors tge •Prearance of tbelr stock. , Price, = eta a super, t r. tens for Pt. ORO. Yl. KEYEUSR. N 0.140, jatO - corner Wood st. and lirsdn alley, I" Wholesale and he tail Agent. A. H. HOLMES . & BRO., CITAW OV SOLID BOX freis, SLEDGES, 'PICKS, .lATTOCKS. CROWBARS, &C , Timber - St.-62m, Bridge Bolts, Car Bohm, WASHERS, COTTON. TOBAOCO AND HEMP SCREWS. PITT,IBURG 11. Orme, 25 Wenn ara maraca, Faro .151, Sscoaa. Al! kind,. of Blacksmith Work rot Declare. Ike., done at the shortesanottee. and at the lowest price.. work warraated equal to any manuD.cturiel. —l3ll-Yari—Ec- BLUES' SAFt3.—Here ie the !dud of testiniony u to the value of our SAPES, ape% width we earl eentdontly rest the reputation of our 'meth We have already published. euvial tertilleate/Y . pserrlng that Safes niade for our regular and Ordinary salea, and sold abroad, Lave been aubjerted to the SEVEREST TESTS ACTCAL CONFLAGUATIONS, and _preserved their con toils totally free from damage. The following is ateither proof of the sante invoutestiblo character:- 110,00 U WORTH OP BOOKS AND:PAPERS SAVED WITII A $4O SAFE! ALMON, Pam Cb ps„y November 1, 81.2.1 Messre. Burke a Ilarnes—pear Pira—Totir two letters were duly rec.:Ptah I was absent at the time. I wortld 1110gartlto your axle, l'eorisider It perk... Ely FIRE % r re I tested the one Iho obi of • you hut fall, oh the barns.' to of the lOth of Juun I L -ref nom bulldlag being barns to aahm. It was built of wood and Irrlek—a large three story building. 3ly an* was In It at the lime of the fire, end tell Into the eallar, here there wan large amount atoll. It was • very but fire. notesand hook amount.. that were In the Pate animated to shout Ten Thousand Malan, which wee rev- There wae not a single other Insured; and further, noould advlse any perran ilia Is doing. business, to lose time. but buy e Pato to keel, their papers, In net one that In good. I can safely recommend your Rake to any one. Tours, Truly, fer t itf * 3fl redieines which' never failtogiie eut- ISFACTIO. and um mad by anal/ i 4o4jonr in thrir J: g. RUM 1. au Honorary :dauber of the Philadelphia Medical Society, and graduated, in 1420, from the University of Penneylvards. under the luidaurn of the truly eminent Prolearare Plandok.Chapman (Shinn, Cose, Janie. and !tare.—names celebrated for ma :cal Moon.,_ nod burins bad daily Intern/urea and consultation with il^"..dbitimPilidUxi Physicians, respecting a.m..... of KU Made. and the proper remedial thoash,r; MA being eolteit ed by thousands of his patients toput np hi. Preparations, he.maroifers to the public, an the molts of Ids cysterica., for the paid 30 ycans the (allowing thiluablePandly lledb dna. earlims to s spathe 1/121,401-.: . . • . Dlt. J. .S. - ROSE'S A:7.re., . Ulla Inefeeraling fln-dio/.- The arratest Discovery lo 3lrdlad Seiennal-Vor all lierr. rots Cemdltlona of the Systand-heart Dhnue and Defeo. CorupLaluta Tho astooodlng sal happy rifort of 1/r. Ikon's Nervous Cordial, for Diseases of the Heart, Palpilatlnn, Numbness, Noun/luta, Nervous Tremnr nf tha 3ltulles. 11 Ileaythunh Vlatulenm. Dalt/ In the Faro, Wakefulneta, estbasnens, or fm the Mi dor Daly/ warn ,Lavin by rare, hor, or study, has ludneed many physlslana to use It i n eh. uractlre. Our a weak eonstltutlon. 'lt D a grand re ton, It completely non/.. from the syetent all /terror. nitatiops, and Is almost mltanulone In Its ropid and hap py egerallilly weak .4a the nervous are to Duque/3,11y re sred Millillk4 health one biottln ' Tien 50 ,rote. tiohl, Wholesale and Retail. at DR. KIWSER'S Drugstore, No. 110, corner Wood it Tina. Ailey. jalOhlitnel mr r • altart Ea r . DELWORTIEt & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AN1: 141 ;OMMIS - ;ION ME 2 Cll,l N TS. - • N0v.30 and 132 Second 'Ono, between Wood mid Smithfield. Pith.hurgh, mid Agent* for Lex k Kirk mtelek. Slums Ileßriers, Phlltulelphla—h full sesurtmeut of Refined Sugars mid Syrups ma Laud. to uhleti two ittritr the httentiou of the elt r trmi. tatAmure, VICE.—The untlermigned, Fretiericz Lorenz. or the lartn °rhos...Stepan aL. Co., and 'Ana wart; of the late firm or Steuart, mord & Co., hoar thin day funned a Colartnership, under the name and 1.C.1t .tilde of NN7., rIT ;WART 00_ for the puelueo or manufacturing Iran and Nettle, and have taken the ware houae No. 01 •Nkator etneehtetween Vern - and Short edr.a•te. uhoe they hate on band an aunrteneut of the . ..Hies or Imo and Nadia. •toteh they offer for kale on aocumnuelatlng tenet The) . respertfully solicit the , putronaue of the polite. • FittIIKILICK lautPlL, :Walt( H. trfEWILT. Du Pont Powder.—Every variety Bale, 311rtlug slat lllutleg Murat, lu all rlze parkager alaray• Da hang and to W. tram !larval.. ill lota to Ault par clown. Da tavoraLle terms. Alan Safety Fare. D. W. C. DIDWILL, )I•rtatarturenr Art., no7-4I AIAS frvat otrrat. Intsburgh.. Thousands - . of Cases of Cousubsytion here been cooed IT the omeofht - SIITON, CLARE:he CoYII )IDICAL COD LIVER OIL It I, on oNeret preparstl.u. of Quack Weldor. hat the torn OIL of the Fruit C.•l flat. Urer, teutar•al with the utnlnot ears fp as to, preSeive Its eahuthie ' , report lei In the hlo here note of Perfection and 1, teenteseleoded by the met =lnept rhy. !odium. • CAL - rem—The area rurorieuity and celebrity of our 4 , 11 luue hawed MAP, Imitations. and purchasers will 'Nesse nutlet that the lino:due Artkle bud' the aluniture of CLARRIC t CO. ever the cork of oath hotel..— .1.4 d by Artkuctete, icuerally throughollt the trilled, Site*. . Jam :fork, fie.-.J. lteit. F:Brovra's Faience of Jamaica Ginger. —Tht kireivae la a to:avant/an of national earellenen In ordinary dlirtann Incikkot cholera. in 'hart. In all rasp a OD:Woad:north. digestive factions, it is of laeltiatbla anion During the prevaleave of the eyidovn in cholera and name, nanyialnts of thildreo. it is noonliarly edlasivrana no gunny or Itaividual should ti without It. - Cm:MOO—Be !an to get the gcnulnu Emma, Irbleh t. by F. BRoWN. t hls Drug aztChamire. Stott. North-East tanner or liftb and fAvventat streets, rid ladvlohla. and t gala by all the resrortatgeapatbararive to the Ataleg and, la - PDArburch. LT Benj. Ong., Jr.. B. A fabfv.doek A Co.. Dr. f. lath. Lemuel lAlloax A Co-. SclAorastakeT d lb. . In Allegheny City by it. I'. firlocatta ..4 Lee A- Beek ' hat** cO. anti-OG= Valuable Invention.—The public, when Intirtnot with:lntel' to Jo Justice to the lid MI, Sheri:rive shot I Loire to set forth Is tido. that coital persons hare hewn OpPeaging by Latins ZINC IVASI n IANDS. the light to which tetnnee to puthe I. Ciu ath as set Lith InILZTTERS PATENT. Thembye, any cm. misting Ibis artirto similar in the Llntinciati brand. .111 MA their iiitnnoi beet «erred. by turning tbely suantlon to tabor siaitteis, thus sawing themselves fsosithi and cost J. B. WILLY.- , Na. il, "ail at, frl.l ad _tot. Pisan:a_re A lircad__way. Cincinnati, O. —__ Girara Fire and Marine Insurance• Co. OP PIIILADELPIIIA. 9FPICE •OF PITTSIAIRGII AGENCY, noisier Fourth and rioltharld lityli. CAPITAL. PlM:tette —itch St Swain, J. P. Stehle:al. A. ghat:kel t rd, Pool Thiaricro, K. IL DI4Ti.. J. It. Flarifion. Thomas ii. Mitchell. Samuel Jones. A It Comons, Thomas C 0... ,, Wu. It. gaiters, P. D. rhorun, A. Hart. ITIIIIT I'. holler. Wu. P. Harker, Ate,. Ilerign,Ar., Furman lihrTimol. .JOEL JUN LS. Pron. A. es GILSErrt SWF. 11111 icon. CattannyiNnollon Eactorlea, Soisils. Caron% hirlldlngs, store, Sicilian:olive and property anneralls.t. the most favorable Solna noTrlmst. do • NEW ADVERTISEMEN'I'S. .eritoposALA FOR I.IITI 7 3IINOUS COALS. —Sealed yrotnasly eniond Prop,2l, ,o rn g o .nlno (o m.*.. wlll In reallsod to the mhomiton mo ld the :Toth rotroary Mot, go IdOtu 'TONS OF COIL In the, mannfastoto of Gas, oonbalf Piston. nod the other bag TlNfula. or Mbar coal moal In quality fur gas Too. Thecoal mast he froM. Oran, and toy. and to be asonood by the grolabortf the 11 oohs. The yrotsomb toot *tab partkular solely arra) It la Intoodnt tok`foraloh. t o If of • kind not Ogre ood at the Works,oamplet. ll,r Übnl. sal be required proolous 10 hr lb.. Woof pelprin, aM Innis, The ms. snotht of,IllIntl•solools • Who nuoidood tgo . wallit Intruded In tto Into, nolo. •thesslm otee pro/inset moot Innlude all expolue isf casting. April ge. To In dollsood at the, %Tort. Introno the lot of April and tbo lot of Lkostoloer, ae the En•lnoer trolY . dtrot. rgymobt xlll In made at II Mr months fnuo the atorom of dolltury. LEW lel DITTINC, L . : Ludt-moo of too Commlttel, fehlYsehlt , Ytoz llatkot stmt. Notice to Lumbermen. - - 5 FEET, BOARD 141EAS •110() ERE. BRIDGE TOlBlitt,--Realed ProWwil reed red at the office of the Engineer of the Plttsburnh and Rteuhrovilla Railroad flunpentr, in trreMs b eg i ;rtr dtile n e4Or Vltl Y Aßl t at t iI L do at. aq need s h ut pine bridge nudge.. In bille instill th e amend beams nu the Run or the said road. (whirl, will les built" , ne the Rowe trues plan In spans of SO to 1::11 hot), Tn. timber must be wined heart white pine, of full 4.4 and [ nee front large knoteorind theft. or ether hoperreethese, [ APII delivenwl ou or belire the tint del of 1011 . 0([01. In' sigh genntitheiard at MI% times and plar:ea ea lazy be dir gh t Verrli strte t nl - 5 1 .6ne . rhee Der 1 _ Pet, (b. us.) and what per mange of the whole amount will 61 received In the Mock .411.0 Connell, Anr ether Innewsetlon rettuired In re. glil'Ti.rELl l .. :7 l. "l l 4 .ht,Pr4i,T ° `VitPlM.`" Jr., 1 " ROB tsYIT %DODS, Piosident ftelf..3or Pittsburgh mini gfautenvillo It. ((Co.. rpo the Ifettruble the Judges of' the Court IL of Gomm/ ti atter Ressionsof th ermos, lo stad Roth, minty of A Reghe r. The petition , of RODERT 11124131 Er., of Ellesbeth 'Awn ship, In the county %remold, humbly abegeth, that yonr petitioner beth provided litidself with ineterals ihr h... j the saernmolati unf travelers/ and others at MS dwelling hour., In the tow Ship afomahl, and pray. thstrourlion ors will he p to glint Min a lid.. to keep • Plant Kongo of .te manta and lour petitioner we in dettr Isonnd,•1111 Imp. RthßlfillT HIMMEL. Ige,the enbecriben, caissons ef Elitabeth tounsWp, do nirtify that the abort. petitioner Lent gond repute Mr hon. oat e nod temperac . and blunt onsvidodwith houseroom aid then:ions:tie ler the ementundatien and Wining ofittratigen and t velem and that said totem Is mono ranklin Ifennern.CleorgeEba, David I', Allen, William Reeds, John Allyn, Jonathan Padre. Danlgl Plerm Jas. Wods, John Torrence!. thi. Wm. 'dimmer% John Radler, 'Km. Kerr, I. A. Wilson, A. A. Apploggte,,Thel Kew., .foln4tw IN . ESPOISATE—A7I7I Fnu lloavge, reed by JOSEPH FLEMING, - ittineasor to L. ITIInn 41. Cll,eur. .Inrltet et. d DI. NTEEDTIAIg'S BREAST Ptilß:-'llO boa .amt most artlele orm In we. Those , altnt t i tar ur t= , y titga t o wild elan d these JOrallin.l.ll6. ONEY SOAP—A largesupplvree'd ME • JOSOIIFLIMISO. TikARINA COLOGNEuIpi JL dna Yuba Oolosiza rced hr JCKI PI V I ORN STARCII—A supply of tho zona fee o.llr/tots= IFrb. madral br JOSRPII YLEMINIt' yUMW& EXTRACTS - I. —A .supply..of Lu 7i!thesimuuwartracuoveettionsipit n 5 '~UT•ISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD OHER- 4,1, „Rj 0 ° , ".77m 4 415 , . .fi mcor & co, uur markot i..d Dimond. MEN'S CLOTIIIN.G, Do. _IV Clgthing, Yur r 7 id.idu.cxd4orroparior quality of matairl4.44ll. sad workmanship. and at. ox!.relarg r ardrk,. t , . , 74 Wood at; , bostooiene ardoro proaiatli QECO.NI3O- lIAND, PIANO - PORTE, AT AUCTION .—On Pridai aitartaXe...reti. 17. at 3 o'rieek, at the Coestneeelal Sales Seoul,' earner ar Wood Fifth Waste, sill he aelth Ana Otted taabeemeg emu sta oe• two, Pismo Porte. .I,—ea• rum mud, - • - • ten • - P. 11: DAVI% Amt. ;Loca:ro' Jr. LB II LBS. CYANURET POTASSIIIkt_ for 1," We by- ' fat %%MVO BROS. CHT.P4OFORN -'net read 'end &f u t. . tows; OrIN kENIJEDY, foirjdle gh.nr COnntiO‘e. onen.rlda edge In the s ;,Conit Pit here be lo pestered ho t=t,- ali helononcto btrollies; All ' tux to gamine the boob. Meeti.' oripenrceph AA, in h le= " l.th i g "' b 7"" " WILL NEVER BE WITIB)RT THEM I . Saler/ea, Yertaillivel Co.. 111- May 2;1e50. &Zo•n—llacitin used Tour. Liver Pills, Couch Syrup, and Yervalfuwe, in .my family :80. more lima those 1 yars llers I am the ust/Med saying tothe tlvat thee aro ho decidedlylost fam ln 11l ructlichtel now ie oar. I will emcee be without them. nalmathey esiamd at ane oest. In this section of thetry they hare sareichundreds of d o llars. in doctors* b counill% I would re-. commend the Meer Pills In preGarenewto anything else So.' anenlargement of the Spleen. Tan ee respeetfalle illstract from a letter.) JAMES Atquitikir. r"'sdred and tilsznsa C- ST Wood stresd., ALI 3 and Druggists generally. --------- 141ICII MOSAIC PICTURES from the eel , aboard English Man —mhetairof Granby Sono, ex eon mr In briehtness and depth of eolotinit the finest Oil Paintings. Call and see them. at the Cake= aeons of tels W. MecI.INToCK, 112. Market et. 1)1RY AND MLYED PAINTS of all kinds. Also. Turpentine, boiled sad ran OIL ITlndleireata. tr. and Paint Bruebea ter sale at the Paint Store , No. Ile Mutat street. • k 15.1. &U. PIUIJAPS. 1: DIA RUBBER WEBBIND, of I• the a- Hone onalltles and ordure, foe sale at the India Rubber I. \0.116 Market Mort. • .1. &U. PUILLIPS. COVERS-Metallic Rubber, conk monitaber, .41 oil cloth hon. coven, walk and nr out bonds, • tko. 116 Markeest.reet. '4 f• 76 J. It H. PHILLIPS. irTONS Ohio Fire-Proof Mineral Paint on hand and foisde J. 11.1 . 11ILLIPN. lola tick Ila Market at. 9MO BOXES 11 ~..I.E.S WINDOW GLASS, m ''r Pizei Mr vale by fels . . tkt JACtill VOUBYTII, Tr., 58 Water st. ,—..__. PIRMINGIIA3I LOTS t OR SALE.—TIvo valmible bitildleg lots, situated In Birmingham. one which has a front on Sarabi street of i.ul feet, auk ex tends through to •lii foot street BM feet; the other has a front of 27 feet, and extends hack 01 feet. Tho lots are pleasantly located, end Ina imrt of tbe town rapidly im- Proring. 'Will he sold at a Imegtin, to the owner le elo. 4 T, C l i f; ''''''"ln th "tr. A VIICZAIN, No. II Fifth et. NEW BOORS--Ilandril * Text BOA or Human Anatomy—A tex Gm*. of atoy, and guide in[lbsseetloug for then. of Student. of 11edi rill. and Dents! Surgery; bylVashington It. Ilently.M. D., with 264 Illustration& inn published. For mile by fel SPAWL IL LA 11 PTEIt. 67 Wood ez.....t. NEW IGAZETTEKR OF THE LINI'r‘O , STATES.—A 'tow end orimplete Gazetteer of the Ci L feO States, glob a Bill and oomprebenelve view of Ito present condition, industry, and romurees of the Aniericsn tiontederaem also, the results and the tennis of 1850, and population, Id statistics In mum was to 1853: by Mos. Baldwin and I-Thotnaa. N. D.: containing a large man Of the United 8 tea. A fog mgt. of the above for We by fel. 14. IL LAIIPPEIt, 87 Wood street. - Ti RY HIDES-14 Dry "'fides just rea d Mid I_, for mle by folk 8. II ARBAVOIt & CO. , • =T= New Supply of Chiokering & Sons Pianos. t'LUST recd and - now ready for examination end male, TWO 7 OL`TAVEO I .I .-- iil os. carved. and finiehed In the most chaste stud in the richest style of art. These two Piano Fortes are I:Weltering k Sons First Clialt notruntenta, and are nnev:Wied In'tholr exquisite glltl.h . a . nt t =za i. o b f , ;!;tlN l l;x u , r li b ac i r r e! auk equaiity of TescherN Amateurs and others interestial in Piano Fortes are revpertfully Maned-to exandon the above. fill OCTA OE PIANOS. vaithEouble round corners, carved mouldings. eliding music desk and Shish u 0 and front. TWO 614 OCTAVE PIANOS, double roundcornera, \ nlain, linivhad beck and front. , OIEVEN 6 OCTAVE ?LINOS, Roseirood and WXinuLeve ye, with Chlekerlng a Patent Iron Frame and :MMus Desk. All the above Piano Fortes are fmm tho Factory. A SONS. Mogan, They are all provided with Chlekering'a Patent Iron.Fmtne, and ere fully war. muted. the ab Pnrehavera thear ae reartert nma pecfully Invited to mill and examine ove at of \ JOHN IL MELLORVII Wood stnet. • fell Agent fur Chlrlcering A Sons, FiUriffirgleand Wes tern Penna. §IIAKSPEARE'S, COMPLETE WORKS, Illuatrated, Easton -Library edition: 45 Nan. forming s 1 bound it roral Fora Library Work& Standard Poetical Work. Library and fink editions, sale by felt S. SAD NIL Federal at. lalegberny. 1131 ASTEL PAPER, do Crayons asWd, French Crayon and Tracingyaper. Tinted Itristalltlraduated en Monochromatic Board. Oslerue NowinaWF Water Colors, Drawing and Mathematical Inntruments, \Drawing Paper, Pencils, Ar m for side by S. SALLEE, WRAPPING PAPER-400 bells. s uPerior Crown and Medium Rag Wrapper. MlA's sla} or double Crown and Madinat do dee P.M tails. Straw Wes open extra heavy2Xl42„ :Mani Cloth Paper; fine white and brown Tax and Drucktet Wrapper: Paste Boarde Bind. orx' do. In store and foreate by r. SADLER, Ailey. \ 7)111E1) VENUES -10 bus. extra quality lust reed and ask by (elf J. J. BOONE. 11 I BY PEACIIES-2.5 bus. in store and . I j , for rate by fidl J. J. BOONE. LeVEll. SEED-4;0 but, prime for Ball hy xi 4.11 E. 11. RIIABELAI., D. N0.12P Ford at. rIPDIOTIIY SEED-50 bun, No. 1 Seed for each by E. R. Sll.l NELAND. No. 12n Wood St. Tl7- ' 40,000 of 1.114 FI. It, naI:KT-Alin. I is kegs NU. 1 Lard Air ;ale by ..2_4 roc J. k FLOYD. jt EANS-30 bbls. Small White for stile by xl tvlt - J. k 1G FLOOD,' V lIIITE OAK LUMBEROtslers wanted, I for 160,000 feet. average 16 feet. suitable fie Steam .' 00 or Faxon Make. work ISAIAII DICKEY & CO. • SITN DRI ES PRODUCI. a, lurks prime halm, Peschex 9 t 47. er lir- • I do eirret Dried Cora; • d do White Beenr, 2 do . Trmph Ham for elle by L. 026nAirif . CO. ... G ROCERIES -6 bss. Cies. id. s ene Ca adios; 10614.6. Ifklolaao . • 60 boo 6ntlo Glsak . ' ' ' • . 50 tacks /tyrocuse ..3.orOte, rte. • . 014 : L. O. ORAa7 A CO.. am. 14 and , Noen sta. itADZES' CLOTH CLOAKS—A. '..t. Ma- . t :c r a i l ti 7 , 3 ,-, . 0 .T. 6th . 11 In pest r a o tt t et r g i al . at t t It priced. _,_ __, __,. ._ \ • _ 14 Ca ILtit . - Yet on hand a contplete b t4ia • 1.77 of ....cry . dories. of tone fi1..1..14i4, ...I 1.11 al , one thinllnu than .13a1 Wire, . A. A. 11ACON ft CO, iILIVIESS PLAIIIs-- A. A. Mason 4 co., A . 25, 6th It, are our. closing out their lits • • ids at greatly reduced prier. - --.......,. • 11114 .- rtiiiiSILKSZWe have a good s tock of 1 ?We Nnbc.s l l ceilltif i at.tarimmtaFuos res. Uual pone. fiel4 A. A. A. 30). dt. CO_ Malik, 6th et ` , .I.l7Sicilt7)-112'6 f i tf i r c Mj i i . r .r illlo in N. st . ero B u tuid ,r lor riNOBACCO-75 Ins. Js and Si, best .brand; 1., In Aare and Oar tole by JORIVAITA CO. .• GLOVER SEED--75 Wile. \prime to arriv s e and for We by 014 JOHN W.trT A CO. • . 1 1 HIED PEACIIES--100 Pagiig for sale by jur fet4 ' JOUR WATT k fl). 4.,2 UNDRIES-200 bbl :, . N. C. Tar; 6. ' Mal do Nogg pokers' &Arc :`) do Cutated Drr Tobannz an ha it fiX10..11012 sod 14012 Glass, fi.r use by JOHN WATT .?... , *.t.4 Wert) at. i 140 . AILS-500 kegs assNl stios on hind and _LI for nahtby fell JOHN, WATT k CO. . -...., -..., 111tIED PEACHES-00 bus,Vhio halves JLJf reed and for tale by A. &XII., bIeBANK. 1 - 11 RIED APPLES-50 sacks reo' ‘ d and for 1.11p0i4 by , kit A. t. A.4IeIIANN.` A. , .---- frEIiIING--50 bbl s.- No. 1 Herring rec'tl' UAL and Or este by A. f. A. 3IeIIANN. 414TIs.itt , ' ---- TAR -100 blilY. in store, and for saleA '. .. 644 lUyAll DICKEY k CI 0 TO-DAY at Cargo's Now Gallery. jr linurtb et_ you end procura an t\ clan nictunta, In \ variants etricialu any t he and tray moderate Prim Hy means of bordered light, and s nous facilities the. stout festidloita cannot Mitotic gratltied. eprdotens inky be men frost 0 4. et tole r. tt. Ol4 Mums St Clarke's' Pianea i FRESH and complete stock of VIANOS .ta from tli'e cclebratettlheturTof NUNNS a ChATtlab hi morticing ast.see 0.0 and, trill .shortly be nth tlall by I the oulacrlber. Nunn. A Clarke'. rpm@ arr. no nomad. need se annoy*. without it Aral In \ this country. Their tone, touch and capacity for 'tending In tune ant nap toncohables and hence the prefernitee glean Lytham yall , Oman Inhabiting the Worn conmrles. The tot 'ant i n t lnlitie4 l :Atyleg f a t t i vrAt v f:r . mT2akto SSW. Due \ r. , • Plimhspe. r. ' lstlng .to phtliti • firabelfos l'hUno. fu , i warranted. and et factorthriona aro respiettlully knit to await tho arriralorthbieptendtd stock. \ '," JUNKY KLEBNR.. Oslo Agent for Nutike - `& Clark'. Plano. fordltteburgh, - No.lol ThOttstreet. yALENTINES—The largest and .eat \ ' bort° tof Yelength. &vete bought to Ms ..eltd•,' the flfirt . 'hoYeaele otlteWLet A ; { food R. 14116 I! •by \ " HENRY IL (X)1.1.1.\7(,. ISAAC filtplG: - \ TIT ' - - urILL ertale‘the ntrediaeti otelN vln YEN - no:vs h. thelilnirdom troltrat luau= itri DOZ. LOIVE'S BROWN WINDSOft ~afrelsiset_,Arttr=elLsotst' SOAP for We by fell FLESHY:II ; -u o ' ,47,r,47,74l4lNrkfintAN'i. 4 ,„-,,,,„--, ; , 17 F UNNEL'S WEDGEWtXID-1. gee .5 . ,\;;; ; , 1 J r 1 ,17.4 1. 1.7.11 e yAbIIpII.WVNTIONS. ran 11;r: sires In store end for [4lO by FLAMM) BRIM.. mutnnni7atitt% toteUlt.b.ntxbMi%,,lrtilasag 50 'a TANNlNjestriVdaell for today t1.165k,V,V7.-!%=lNTMgair=:' FLE ` a " B "'" . Ai:l=n n'ig u r7E. l ° ` , lc 3 o 7 .ti v erTA " 11 R1E1) FRUIT-300 bus - .\klry Peaches; 1 5 .1 a Pll. AIIEY a sirrrianraMt c4V.rrlt „Mgt 1. \ ;l ey 111 . 7%Pilinip., iinn. 1506 8 111(l and e ltitVer ilk!‘. l "k Et6. 14.1Taill, ll IS4I All DOZ. OLE - AVEIKS 'Y SOAP sds l = °"rgem t 't trafßea reed ror.stser ri.mutt Brtes. err -- It do solid fer sal fol 3 • J. r a , VITOOL--4000.ths. Fleece Wool; • W guaulted do, oor \ jiTo_t_Laal, ay4 and claal,Lca: oio VAILN--5061b5. white eagle' we;- reo'd on caaplanment and for ,e'br BUTTER—IO boxes primo reed bi:\ Jur 6,13 KERRY n. ootursTF.-.. IV - RA IV - RAPPING PAPER-75 rintmsmodiunt PPING V straw: dX ermin for rale bf faI3IIENRY•II, gAillEr" - -ItIA MON COISIPANY—\At n meet- 1- '51,,, ..4l:f.artl 4 ?lr4d=7'iVLl,lliicagg"', r'd: 1 --= ' ll 45vt i ta,eriwr.., wer v o,ctod, dh.0.4 , f s ij r t Diehard D. Hood, :-• '1 , . ' I ,T._ IQII9I , no.nto Trotter. . ' - ~ _LA We by, i nt illt . '' l" Ze ir t 7t r Iti r illat t"R * Pai ' , \ \ I ! -- .' At - atrefforattlie t =i A r t; 21711 - nit.,, 31 tttpec Newkirk au tualmernely elected ' President. , nod 'if ...y , ' M. Vittts. Tnuororerand beaet.T. .• ,`, Sel.l.lt -' GOOl/ }VITUS AND LOTS *anted 'in ex: !I &anvil:TAX Aeon of Good Lad. Ponta., RAU-. road, about 1.41 ce from the nitr, Enetalre filo4f IIIOMAI3WWDS, 74. 4thst. 100 bliga 'hailing by IL 11, - .for • JOHN WAIT &S.:O, UN Übert7' st. Atre.lsg,tt-2° 113 , -,Evngt. Tot: 1 m \TZEN Dae 'c ir - .-„ 6,..r tpOLL BUTTER-7 hbls. pri*; in cloths, . A LPA CAS—A, AABsson & Co., No. 25 A iblsst reed br Rel. far sale kr JOHN WATT h CO. , a 5....„111t1i,,, ere cloelnic est Cher huge stock of I& he ht. hew thew USW rek... is 4 V GGS--2 bbill. fresh trio ,just reed for I,llF—__L • J/ We br Sill :MN WAIT a as, I IRO, AND BLOOMS)-- 49 alobt far WANT.RD--.2. large COAL PLATS, front 1 sal=s i t.es l4 ::=A i llgAr rirclui G lM a i. 86 86 80 8 , 8 6886. 8 8 , 88 8 , 8, iw . . 61 , 8 f i l r . lrofelkich le offe /W. sale at coarackswee, end on lib • in cash will tei eiwcl A Ina T i. , B. IfcLAIN. 1. Ltjavd.l.L. M. 6 , 6. th. , Pilr iro. Is 1 8 7V^,j 1 w,Ineklnig, ~6 6, 6 68 it 1 , 88‘. . L . 8 8. \ cuahM, (Chlwicemetcq, 'dead Herald, IChkcrL r m. \ enutersed Plt wk u Um, copy mit to` klukamocmt of Sh cub sad charge n. (Lewitt.] F LANNELB-3 . CllllO9 34 bro. not plaid _•1 do - 4.4 -do• - do dw .r add frobbth* blabgiotwars wad lbr mho law to blows by ;Atli . • . 11. LULL; 130 Elbert! at. . IDRODUCE--500 bus: Drlei) Peachetw • - -rim Ifro' j,d Lmt P . ' ro l lC l At i li d itei -' 1 tau day and kir by 7 . • I.l.ViZrti: ift• LliD OIL—LU bblif: , pure'No. - 11.aid Oitr. Li.ia, - .Ncy ts 4.R To.fd..adal fd Pats teed ttai dar sad Erna* by T. LITTLE /VOL , sale br .A ET J.J. 110oNx .1 mAIiNERs , AND fRurtRIF,R2I:.ToOLSitx , . girl BBLS..E.XTft4 W Wit "ti. , store nod I • JI: Mae and las WO! --- BABE E. IlUiL'arEt...l-N : L i -AIN.E Ea. sale by : .. . ..,62 N , \ .. . • , . -:,'STAT ' ENT 0 .F. - - - airE7RIF.NA INSUItANGR CO: ' . V -..-p.. oit Rel T R o ID •vo RN., ';I - ;3 4 ,-• ...',', -..--, - ' - •.... - 'i \ • ..... -; 4.4251L1A1rt11834. . As required by the ZventY-Third Swathe - Act to provide. for the Ineorp o i a ti on o f ~, - Eire Insurance Compalues, ' _ • ' , • c&iPiis ni To\ OffiCrOF TM! 01:131MOLIZIM OVlTlEstuntor-swrrolk. -----,.!.,-- ,-_2: \rel .------- ..—.. .• .? ,:. 1. ..,.% A rl , - -'t The Ca~inntat mi...- smws iiirirteci - tb:;;Wo c oc , •.1 -:` i The namo itte . =off=.trx42 , 74llllL . , . Death ott hand. due Pram individuals aldestimsbNl babolers In the hands ot Agents. In the mane Of trsit) '" ........-.--..... .... , tft, 111, ....--- -, , , .....:.1-,..1:.5 . :.... 4il Itondl iizeeont. Internd,),u,sunnidb " Ortgads of the Ihtstford.,sorhisnie • .- .. 000 ( 7 PdTeants) Mustauts Sondiroittie /I;l 7 aktd and - New Hansa Railroad Cod. .10 , 111 MO Carmen' and,Meettazdde Bank Stook, - ;Tiliord..,,-- " - -...',...1. 'MI ins Rattans.' 50 . fil .te 27 " ilasik a BamfordLb nt " 1 " ''. . ‘ .....: . .-2)-- . .:;-..--,,, ... ' - 1 0 a 30. . k i :rni d at,Z .'k ..... -...... ........ " Pros dl, It 1:- 400 ' Meehanka sank ' ^ y. 100 - " Munk of:instil Anted, ' ' '' ."--";..... :.1.--- - -. • • - 100 Dm * Nen York Lilo and Trust Co. o o _,,,,,51,...1 ..... --:- ' 4.0 voo. - -hank of America - \-". {- 00 ago o Brautway Bank . .. 100 . The I"sopla's Bank lill " Bank of the Republic, 2 ' --: "...'--"74.- t. - .1., 1.06 .... ...- .... ..... . lop 4. Hanover Rank 50 ' Bank of thoCommonssedth o COrrneedent ser Co. . , ....-.. 600 Hartford ant Ness Ilarettltallsoad •Ca. St a '".". " t - 100 • I,il " Boston and Woseestes • • .. . ... " Near Albany_ . .. 2.10 . Connecticut River . • ~ . 315 " Hartford, Cr:widen.: and Flshklll ••.. .. ..... . . .......- - Bills Iteotrabla, secured by Mort/sass, ; ........... .....ed . l . -,.,_ .1 ... -.. ... ... . . . • , . . ,il, other semuitles.: . . No Bank debtsor other !cane duo from . ths Company.. • , \ • Losses adjust., and dun-none. - . . . 1.011.1 unssilustsd and not Jun...., ........... . ......... ....:._. ........... .....„ ..,..*: Issas,. In swpcn. far further lIMX.C.- , , .-. .. - , ....--inw-.'- ......... „ No other claims against the Company, except small ' vapsnssi; .. . TLIO ;A S C K .. STATE OF (A)SlNbrTlOUT.ltaall'eat. Coremst.' ••• • ' Pereenally appeared. Thomas K. Knee (Fresh:W[llj and Tbasuly A:Alexander Cetn 'au. and madenath that the teregelna itatednent, by theta subscrthatk Ls tenta v, and ballet tfol.l-Zded) ' (Slatted) .- • lIE po EH,, WTNA IIs.iSURANCE COMPANY, Mart -11.4 Mid. Conn. Chartered 1919. • ..; ~ \ CAPITAL STOCK $34009. • . K. BRACZ President. ' \ "Ift tl s. A. ALKXAND/ill, Secretary. ..... . `'.. • Merceekii, . . Thomas K.. Brace, I Eliorser Flower. Samuel 'ruder. K . Ilulkeley. Ward Wocsihridge, Roland 3lather. j a= 4 elc e t b Me, 1 kle:,?. l \ltr. Robert Buell, • 1 Henry Z. Pratt: _ • John L. Boasted:: 1 Austin Dunhatu.. Mlles A. Turtle, • . I ' , RA., S. Morsosos - I Onstaros F. Durk. ..rV'Policies on Fire and Intuit! Risks lesued on ifavorls Ede ten., by uxußam S. ARNOLD. Antods ._. ` jal.Ply lip. 17 Fourth street, Plttabdrgh. ____ . - • ••=i- Hemp HoseldannfactOrY. \ • • 1. 1 STONE; Quarry 'street, above Second, 'Philadolplda. Cheap and superior HOSE. for the toe of reglloinpaniee, Ste.aloboats; Ships:Mann factorre-it, Dwellings. to It is IMMO Without sear. to ninth lighter and far Iwo .expensive than Loather. Home. Ale% LAMP MICR oral] klnde. Land Warrants, Real Estate Agency for . "%the State of Illinois. r[IIIE undersigned, late of Pittsburgh; had opened an'offico In the city ofSprineeld, 111111°1a. air t tegtrimei t f B ll4yin , 4 Flew and t. Lortring Land Prat. tied. and Taxes tetlionttalsof st:n.ielreat ted on '-!7?P IM ed fturey472,fig",'ll.** Patriika a. Friend. A. Co., W. B. Pust,y. W' f • Ohio and Indiana Railroad> \ 1 1 :11RAINS leave Oresfline daily, Sutubivs \ excepted. at &SO A. lc, on the 'arrival of tlist‘niAt trait from Pittsburgh, and by way tithe Mad -Alter Rai I Hoed.arrivost Layton at lelti attlusinuatl at &ter. a.TI Indianapolis at 10.L0 Lat. • \ II lathe only line directly at Crestlino wit the 13.1ght train from Pittsburgh- F throagh tickets teeny of the store points, apply at \ O. the O. PP. It. Odle°, Sionongaheds Young, Pittaburgh, orat the Stathmt House, Allegheny City. - • - J. K. I,ITItAtiOIIAN, .F.ngineer and Superintendent. :s;CINNJ TI SOAP-75 lixe. CM. Palm. / and 011ve'SanOtot reed and Ihr Web,. . 111Alindtddll CO. ZOURLFII.I 11A1A-25 k r ) fur sale S. • _______ •1 ALE It AftlS - - - IT) - corks Adidas' for. solo VI. A. FAIINESTI)CK dc CO.. bags just reed and s. TIAIifIALOII t CO. iNiiROME GRETNL-1,5 cooks for eale IL :A. ?MEN EnOCK &ep v 0 L PE'S AROMATIC' SCHIEDAM V V SCIINAVPS—A In net! by (c 7 JOSEPH FLEMLNOI,soe'r to L. Wileto. 4_ co. ' ;_' ROWN'S Essence of.Jsonnica Ginger, large onxi,ply Teed ' JOS. FLE3IING. i i7 YEIt'S CHERRY PEi3ToRALLA sup . ply ottldseelebrated Cough Ilealleine reed by . JOS-FLEMING. DIME OLIVE fresh lot ofgnuine. 011:iee'd by fe7 ims. BETTS'BDOMINAL' SUPPORT ERS—A supply reed toy JO. FIJOILNCE , CI LIININE-T:ik ounces i.eceived. by .' , - .70.52P11 FLEMING .1114fri .Suennarrr to L. Wilcox 4 M. . -- -- . . SUPPLY OF PEPSIN ree'd:by• UNIiRIESI2S I 0 half bbl. No.l Lard; , 1 bbl Gram - 4-blds.llemay; 100 sacks ounia4 . Ilesacks3V44 4= 'do D Pmba. aei't Dry Appxthlt Ft=,gtisoMr Clip tu &DlCtElraw_. pG IRON-100 pas laurellfillFarnace; \ 100 do Bock MIL kk• ill) do "th46 2 1 ,(77118 k flta ukr ILMINGTON TAR f fible. in \ store • • abd for sale* fsS ?STMTS . & ROD.' / ALEtCATUS- \ --,l6:liTlii. pure in store for sale by 2 frfi )ICOILLB A EOT.. Lakeice-t7t. TORN BROOMS -1 1013 COX;IW EAD--450-pigs o • \\ ICOO 16gibar do, rihand and forties-A T . J. A. 171.7TC/IlliON A CO. _ .. __ _ _ _ - ILi nT-12 krgs. ass'd onliand and TOr,Sale 0 b . A4' 7. R. IICPCII7- 4 0N a , O. ITILIIE4R TRAVELING BAGR, ass'd Fires; Sur at Sas Rubbed. pepot Np.i.ayarketst_ r ._ . d . _ J. alf r e .._.. I- -,------,, AD" Ladies' , • copies ottbi - I*s —•,-- • I.sloll[).rowdai--• HISTORICAL LTBRARY - -The .torieal Library, In CO rola. ltracarlalb. A -bore warlcinst nrid aral lbarals by !CAVA Cil,ss.lNbail rt. - ~,,—. • Crashed: clarifio. and ...awn aura.: on Lead and Gk ialajT. : ..r. s J . A. 1113TCHISON 4 CO. Kirt - FOri : TCHINTrie endiseWber • , • wlUlle eiortintly piklled with Freak Eggs, ngthe j 4 choke breed= gang White Hhanghal., (Whin China, Zilch Spanish. Potts. and Imperial Chit. Rolm. Thar are all ham 111 D MAIL Wft with great 4r. =0 . garfkgig pare, A ly at the Peed and Irtiple., to/at Warrhop,,a. Sthatreet. alo JAI.IIII WARDEOP.:: lARGAINiiii Fll LISA 14t,.1YT5.--L; glarithy* Enrchiakt are aow gelling Ina Englbat ntact 123 i cents per yard.-Paraki {mite, 16 rant. ] -__: _ -IttURPIIY & , BURC: ' , I are ofrOing .17. stiong Imbuement, to porehaaere to the to. rolees at a eb they are , now ~aelllec DIM* Lawn; Ornandlaa llaranee, "Timms. Embroideries, Jte \ . 1010 i'irliE MODERN ATEXS--Akileton's Mod. _ ern -Atlas orthe Eartliorlth anial hahettral Index or A i te Latitude, and Longitudes r @Loon P .,. • containing . \.,eaLl'irtea=i=letill l o!t 'M 'd it ind It a' 74lV l r I :. n!I.I_ _ \ - . E. B. LAulrar, No. BF Wont et.... 7 .. 14 ......-..:-.-. .. .. ~......4. - b. 41 GRAFF k.' 41. GroCeill\culd Cppi t.mlairon N'ereharitr. also. Omani In MI kladk of ur,rp Martufectszned \ et, comet, or k4coad and go.. Ms., Ittsburgb..N. \ : ', . \ kl4.lft rI NDERTAK ING:3 II SI7K4III,4ANii In t ir j ej l ggrAiNVngr KIRK n t next ttntr to Virgin ." COITINA, LI E,11.8E CARR? , raty 6.u. funtzil pima" 4, at 1 fin BRCS. TAUIRI ttarid and for isle 11 CI BBL8:8tean; AS ity band strut for BBLS. S. IC ar , format, by 31E - 1.111,0ix IkUlll.B-400 lbs. in .14c1 y v - . P. E. 8117,LEUS *AM.% - TIVT VQ__l2lAn ne.i3ta for Eate ibte, 41, n. E. enures k CO. ERMUDA - w Raat, Pure, in 1 qr. at t !' br ublirP4 ' 4 - e "\'' .IT S PL YI ' r E. NE:ril l itn . P . o l -__ in CoA and Ch kate, prepaied by Tay or R tmt 1 . V hay. and for br.. , "IL E. anIERS ak EO. ou,BuTtEll.H- prime"AA reed tand Itwr ink by -12e.Bou,sr. I)AdiCED BUTTE BEAKS. -1 0• blee zaate tn. cmant .11611.' :) th ,C,usanrerittee t tr vi. nviag• _mlStl o( • 102E2 .-_,... .............. ............= _..=-.----_-:.- ... . - • Important , on Ezra'. - • - WV: J B.- 11.1NLAX L. L. D.. ditoi ' WV: ..TI. Tll2l, Freeman's Journal and Prot e s Poniard." of Now York, trill delllrer a towed of ITE ' - Lorton...l, In the dream, PREIMITTMI4II. rtfthat_. between Weed and Market sir, own qg reaIVEDW.. • DAY EVIP..iIXO, 15th Inst., at 7 o'r k. 11/swum vkli . torture I. The neligiol2 . of PI. A•trtek, and lb* \ and Present Condit'. of Ireland. • • . ' • , ' Lector. 11 . The ROI CUM Or St. COiltriltilk the c01a... and the Trials and Tritunnha of lbw (2turldl of deotland, \ • Lecture 111. The Ancient Britons and ther.andlo-daarop. , , . '. - and their hinuence upon England. • ...,`, \ Lecture IY. The Ancient Uidilo Marsh, the Albtaeaces: , \ , nod John [Ylrl Lector* V. The Germans and north' Luther. ' • - \\\ • \ \ Ills Jed. Is to dam...stmt. that Emma.. In , .t . i.D.r. nOvelty In those ktundonnyontl that Chrletlanlty In , trodured Into them br i titudonarlestre. Ada 11Inor. The =1 ...1 W t= b l , ;l= d l ir ro od to shol'!: ' Pastor. Admission 25 es!nts. ' • _lehl34ol \ • • Days-More! -.- TbANORANIA ee OF IVIA3LMOTII CAVE, FALLS OF; NIAGARA AND - CRYSTAL PALACE. combined with the aItAND CONCHRT.• by . .the Antra Ave:nate., Tremendeuerveld ...1171Illant earnest' Stormer of A polanvel Pittsburgh taken br attriniawl The elltirina , of the }lbw. Avondale la yerfectly enchanting.: Two ea- hittitiona a day—at 8 and ,!O o'clock ton open one hour A o..Advalesion etc. "No. half prtreoArterent \ small children, aceo . lapan led hy their parents. r.Liberal ary • \ rutleenotAin also Ihr Habbeth sehrolg meet 'AUCTION 4 AIICTIOTSONCE Important Special'Peremptory Bale of • 120,000 DQZENS comprietngEntireLinea.of Bent Makes 3 Thread %Naha mat German Cotton ittrierT, rocs awe French amt English sai wort, suno.citamote or led, on awl Lial,Thre Gloms, embroidered and plain, of s nel l known Short and long French nd Enallth bandmada and eilk 311tta, d-, ae. - MESSRS. lIELLISS ASEW win MUT thrOilgh na the ntrove• mentioned hererta;m: 7,1 1 :1 v; ,,,,, :=1t i g „.. 07 , : i5t UT:wt.:key yawl. . YRIDAY .51oRNT1q. VEMLITARY 17th, 311.1 , - s. At Six:Months Credit, . , AI our Auction Storrs, Nos. 68 ,k.7o'.3farker . DEL •`--, - me partleidai attenthm oral dealers Is requested to the above ale. The assortment In each llne will he tratenette and templet. awl the entire lot will to sold ptretploteelly sal without ' ~e we will be C011.11,....••.......Q. 4t-to sold. by order of blew& James Deane and ... Nt'll-• oat. Jr. executors of the Leto John Ebb]. deed- !be largs..';`, and meltable lot of around. slut Qt on North Qtrudit-..;.,.... near L'btateut-st... basing a from of ...0 feet and .Ltqllsig ~..„.: hack 1.1.1 feet to Liberty strost. l :i:hlsle budded alien itelsbed modern style too stor k dwelling house,nit....... ;bath Gas pl roe are es ended along the ;oat in fmni. Of \ . . .VEREMPTORY SALE, FOR,CASH;Or 94 ' DIIILDING IPM Malt STU IVAnD AT AtieTlON.,_.' Thu:wear, Feb. kith. at g o'clock , r. kg,... seta be saki. .. am theme:aft& these 01 vabeable bulldlzet, Lot" situate ~ ... Mel . on Lena = Arenas — Foam-21241n stod.Braddook eta. as laid out by Wlll Tnattn,n r Inn oryld , h.wor . bo ...2 at the Auction ti Garner of Weed sap eth sts...*: • - „ , hARGE STOCK 0 ' , _RY GOODS, Cl.ol', If- ING. &C.; :A•T A1:1 :.—On Thursdaymorniers, WI, -W , d:nif & ch it VIM m "V l b—T°'lo*4...::: L'7llr=°;.l . 7 l Mtrtabrach ut umtm n'Xly , all - ti11:',.4, ' : ••••11.rkr0 In anertevalreriletallbrr:Goods i.e. ti. Al,. • lens sariet7 Maw ta•Dlonebte,Clothluje, .glzOk, \ ; At 2 k eret, r. R, • quatititr of nevr IILIIII ..kind-Lana =\ ' hinu.ll2drangtara Ar. fa.. .1.1 g........... I...kits st... - , At 7 o'clnek.. P. vi.. rad ami silver ' a - .... 1 .••_.1•1netrri.--- \ imrdtrsre. rtaery, al.d.c..br•ahm bD.1a.,1, f " .l. "h.- - Drrkatery.books.mp unt latterpaper, vsaistupsila, ta.• • - •., --oaf , •-• , -- --- -----7 —•••••--- -,•••••,-- •li., M. DAt D 3, AUCt. ” Pittsburgh . Hedge Tiziri. Hu.rsery; - . ; ''. .QITITATED• tin . • Wilkhts - .4.Tenne,.. , -,,- • il k g, .1.3* - nut 0,1 ,1 130 3 1 km% tlio second. , rnariVNtliion.off rowan .1r...t....burp ;, .. . ': iri beg kayo to all tuutention a• t if Imo of alma,: „ . 1 . . lanifs 8, aad 1r riig"l trade ,bnuAVV'..l all i tt.g ih kt i a i lambi. Duitaino ° iu , and or. It a "itarOstbr Of ni .n =g .., ' cultiaatfsaa to thin section of ocis3a :Pinata ow Xs pon,, , ouml of moor tlifoal goal , larnolO gischumedlaao Mkt. Prices unnierato no usual -Yroutstissurran cash: art \ satin story_ reams. Intkof city of IThasl aFail 3 .1 , 1Y04. oa 7. orders adareasinf t 0 tut tianuisti waldialiiot flintr„ l Pittsburgh, - .1"a„ 'tilt fiud Inunedbito stash:kat: _ . , . - VAIIIT TREES . : ND SHRUI3 URA - F rb. entimilterolferilbrale Jaiebnieei amort - Ment of ntrong.viguronsPEAßTNNF.d, both dyer& .. , lend Mandarda some of.• bearing elm New Jena/ ' • ; Intoota.Gotweberrioa versant.. . . 11 mPlemrt So l t kaZ 4 =G4ivergreene. lipacinthe.TW. Ppm and Croons Roots, Am blooming in winter sod emiallit - Implements forthe Farm - and Garden. of moat approved I constrntion. from Ine. Need . an , . Itn [dement .1 Vernon" • , 49 rifth ettmd.• . 10014 .- \ JANNG . WANGIWP.. irEAR ,TR E E 5.44,000 extra fine ii i L., • \ .T z . e ..d 7 , = ,,,t, tr= r,„, .:,,,%„ 4 ,3p._, 1 • :'....' ,con:is.arirriDOat n . - -.....- . 4.:,,•,..- ) 1 .1 TRIMTEME"'SALE.; • • 5000 andacrealu4b)propkovedvaluable • . FAlims, , and;nnaeated traeta, of , . • . • land, for. al.ituated the .•• • • , • , Counties . of ••Alleg beny ßlitlor and , 'lndiana,, State of Penn , • SOSMITBER I)Uf.r.:,; authorised: will let In rendloas to _make nal* of the , • wing &merited proyertr, at the St. Charles /keel. In gh. Oa • • TVE,SDAY,tiil4l4' . 4aj:ot February, 185 „final pigom lT a.; P.litiandeon honey , tet:la% t. ge A Zt i lhe ' .fwetiro r lt!P L J K o, Sit leth at: ttltZ2.. " .r.' -• An tikose varknis FAILIM Weida a body Ultw:1:411 the waters of Pine perk. In Shear and Lallans wwnahlps: 'SP'•*•- """- • The Lands •10' adjacent •to 0f... P. sue= others, ow the South. and on the North by • : Shaw and others. distanced on the oridt. ft tahmleb,- :Plank Road•OPlti Sve tp ctslit toll,, *ego i • „ This body of , toed Is 'eh locate& for fa g and blar4 • drolro=rit he. Poe,. So. 1 ra tyr o tons - Iva on some of the farm} and ors occupied\ brthaltd-• lowing named tenantry: pp m: Brows; Sarturefilmisisd Samuel hood, Fart' 91.4 Ileorge Rock sad Joke Miller. All persona d tone Ilferk ollll ioll{oP - iIIPOPU Arida of landeonld do wall to tall upon the troontrr. Pdff., ahow the extent of the trPosvonsent&. .AS that truly lieL. contairung • acres. altuated in Frank, township. A/InhanY ion divided Into moral valuabla Forma of fints...o.l_,:b nar ~ acres and upwards.- located at or- now ,- esnoe Rubin.. and others • at the wathern : portion. and on t northern portion til ttaDn.4o.4 , ll.PaP a 'Uhl . * n" , ". and others at the Fittaburgh and Zellenopla Plant Rood. • che aster.' Farms ate . 43l.lpiOd by lend Illch4,3lnt la /to. regici7rie!ZartiZu iretrol.%t 5 t%'* =.72 . ..' 1 "... • could show the Lena to -sagi odesdrons of ng /from,.. There hTuotrg e tTru =rms. TA: . hound ne.. of there Landa. .\ • ..• • •• • • ALSO, ell those - two la tracts ottand. contabning t4 s o‘„annts. to Oldo - ,.t0 Alloghant wont. massif ea n one the Ohio and Pen sylvanlw Railroad. distanced between eight MS ulna roll. _from /titaburgh. adfolnhrg lauds of ifoode hairs, and others, on t vestern portten., on which Is %good luiprovaraent, well I tat for tartnlng.l rirM S 4i r s !' t.'gtt! l ail=s=f7liett e rrs=ti se tr well ho 0104 Cc f rat ogi unnamed (nun the' Ohio roonsylrartio Ralllatt two and a halt A1...50, all - that bOtif Pf 1101% In syftt, .faeetwul sad •ffloae.r crook wwwk,i p p, Thaw moor; divided Into good bed, llanua nue hundred on which there ore manta' and . nevoid.' IL . thx-FAllodpgumbd,U 9 ...t ry , igh:2lo4knAfilltP•ft itifUitilti N Atto '4l l 1 11j& iit ": moot., AC, if called Unno.„ A POCUOU of this body L • dlitatteed four harmony two wales, on gb. r0 .41, 41 . 4t :, .to l'ottorssille some six -Zaill44 . ll.llti others from ektdttto. • Santeen mile& • All ./otatOd Oa pod rnadt arid Tsr r , ALSO. af.armu 'ben other treete of iatiul, - ecetatulnit tUtlitei.. • le=l,72..aatut t heothrtaturrored eat ._ .--tituated la ma At the ones tine an.fo=. AAlPtk'othar yulttallk .leatfrovelr kat*" oo4Toko:to, of 1 y \ sOOO:Acr;FFs, - • • . . Situated la the counties. of Humor Maim, ....4.lartiff 41;1'1'4 "4it .ous ytherattau colgenlit" b!" • ator i n o oo9.l.,ouhkg u ti rog• the ati"=;:te."-orrie' thenidUtd u tlbtroVndlfe ba lotatl i ir&LlNl.4 .a epsnlty. !nth, to the Lad* are tuditen — tiM -- -Mt • • Itiotrache stivelstune t.e Stet OrAptir PUP. f 0 PMPOS Iair:DZIPCIPSPO. ltr..Vj nom sameroso, • . ndiiton.yeb; a. • • • ITTAS.-ISiew 'Ere* xil sal* br f. 6 I ants in' atom and for ff.taTrzt hop.. ALcouQL_... 76 . 92 per cent; . PIELLTAS QUAKERS' HERB wasaonbandandtb► • e • • J• ' • ' OMUM -60 bales eahrun - on hand kid foz , . hr , ka.ifirrerusaa ern . BBLS fresh unerinat reed and fee; ~ „1 „ RollT koo:„7„. Dt- L tei O#ANZERI43 'ItO e. F:H •lAti .:\ 4 W . SACKS pi7_4l4lES-IWO:mt, gm. ,4prip uk..tl. 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