ZMM ...Iwo", wee ktblopeart Me 1047, lej r4lll:hrenl"tit'Atiliatittl,:c) „ To Mary .1:2 losten:bo/lod, Kith hatWeuoa I , los 12 ‘92. - tho Obt% • • LtE1.1.2 Vain. by C. Yoder; • LOT., Tooth and rolly.Yolkoy by Strikoi,ll. tAgother Tith behoiaelot'nf new owl 'r2.2blonAble umge r •Plauo and Gult+ar, for oodebr IL KLEREIL No. 101 Ud street. ,—VALUABLB BOOKS tor bale by S. Sadler, - ir P it "l nototis t• A i l lko, ". mo r4 olliffoth - d2 ohn r . I.lolt i t 3 r o Dr. Wayland ' , 2 Talc „Wgrld crovntrdonce of potVralt: tam and .hterary moo 0r 4,4 .a an. tr had. 2 rolc • • r • . Lonisisos—itß colonial !try and Manioc.", by Chu. .octurei Oho nr biopbon; and tho hyP. Do Waal; tre Idetionary of Arta. Manufactures antitincto Taylor's llannol of Illotory; •.' 'litstory of the f ornotion . it Chinn—the -and SW tan, with a auutb:"Of into publications. ja31.1 - - - • .RoUBLICATIONS of American S. S. Union E. Outer k. Urce., raid other Eastern Pahl:Alen, -l o soteortactit or Theological Werke; lan Pocket lake, American awl European Nlltloca, for rail by, E. BAI/I.4ll..Yealoral et. Allerrlo•ny Mr. j'AIERICAN CRIMINAL LAWS, new eili tlon, a treatise on the 'Criminal Laws of the United tater. eunirriang inmt a . the penal etatotol of the. "general _gov.rrumint, and of 31avtarlitoette, New York, l'ennaylvatila and. with the dovish:me on case" siren there '-. on Pant email.. CtnduusU ther . sith , a fast )::hies. Columbus andgActlia. . at oloi c. via EXPRESS TRALS Imre, Pittsburgh at SAO P. .t after the arrival tattle Emorms from Philadelphia. and ',aches 31ansileld at 5.-L1 seam' Cr t.' at ezo connect ing with the morning train for Columbus and Uncle C. Both trains connect with the itellefontaine lino for rndi i!stee' amt towns in le'VnAlnee nodMa fie d h Cleveland. Mourerviile, Andes:sr. Tele 'Mtn% 1 Mg" Passengers Ss Columbus go via Cnortline. and those far ' Mt. Ternun,Newargand Zanesville. via Xiatunield. Fare from Pithlburgla to Cleveland 51 4 (Xx to Colmar. SS, :5k to Zanesville 50.25; to Dayton 5.075... to Cincinnati 57.00, PP , =OPPI PLW $3,00: to Indianapolis S 8.111; to Monroe• silk and Sandusky 54,50 to Detroit or Teleis, Intoso. to Chicago 012.00 to Louisville visCincindati 50,75. vie. In diananollslllo.7s; to St. Louis $10.75. RETURNING': • TILE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Crestllne at 1.20 P. 0., Mansfield at 1750 DAL, and Alliance at 5.10 ix s..and reach es Pittsburgh at 0.15 Ponnectlika with the Express Train roe Philadphia and Baltimor, whirls leaves Pitts burgh at 11.,:0 '.O. Time felon Cincinnati to' Pittsburgh 144 hours—Fare $7.00. From Cincinnati to PhiladelPhla esitaltinicro.slsoE. MAIL TRAIN barns (Instil. at 7.00 at Al. Mance. and arrives at Pittsburgh at 4.45 P. 0. 10111111 TON ACCOSIMCDATION New /ces - es Pittsburgh. at 10 A. Y. and 4710 s. a_ and New Brighton at 7.31 A. n. and Ir. at. Excursion Tickets 51.00. MnarilTlT tlekets at'losi rater. PREIMIT TRAIN leareli Pittsburgh at 00100. IL. and arrives at 0.17 D. a. trains do not run WI Sunday, un Setunizy evenings the Express Train will have Pittsburgh at Sllo e. a, reach Alliance at 11.45 e. a. and will remain mall Us 0. 0. MI 1101114P1.) Poe Tickets or further intbrmatien. anal)- to 0110. PARKIN. Ticket. Agent. Federal street Statien, Or— JAS. KERR. Je.„ Mno a n n gahe Mouse. ' s:cuter la Agent. -3017 N XELLE o , P Pittsburgh. Nor. 14. 1853. 1854. WINTER ARILA.NGENIIn'S. 1851. 70_ - PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. :KIIF FAST MAIL TRAIN Rill Itntvci the Passenger Station ou Liberty street_ emry morning INK O'CLOCK nopidng at all the regular stations on then., arriving h . Philadelphia nest Morning at 7 e dock, connecting with the Trains direct to New York. connecting at Ifarrlsburgb with the train for and arc's/Mx lu Baltimore at 7 O'ClUek A. M. TILE IIXPRESS TRAIN—Lean. the station every even ing at 9.lloo'clork Mopping at all the regular stations, and connecting with Trains fur Baltimore. and arriving In Philadelphia or Baltimore at 9 o'dook P. V. ntv. PhiladelPhis Watt Station the blifai Baggage checked to any nn the Pennsi Innis ltallnami and to PhlisidelphLaand Baltingwe. _ .T he Accaz , l o mogiation Train ile/tee every afte ruzi..a 4 t , .. k . to l itief. all re g ul a r Mations , and rnl Returning Trains anise in Pittsburgh at 5.10 and 8 A. is.. and 7.28 0. Y. Paswengns purebaslng- Tleketa In can, will he charged TEN CRAPS, In addition to the Station rates. /inept from Mations when the Company have no agent. No NOTES of len denomination than hrs. Douala will he nenleed in PILYIPIPP4 for tickets, esniit awn issued by the Banks of ficencit—in ram of loss. the Comiany will hold theta /mires responsible for personal baggage only and for an amount not exceeding one hundred dellant li—TN Knell/tar Omnibus Line has bren emplltinl to unsay pusenceilk and baggage to and from the DPP. at a charge not to agreed 11 1 , rents for each 124 ends for each trunk. for Tickets, apply to At the P. B. 1 4 7. .12 1 411 1 21.16/;ri 4 y7ttit. Pittsburgh, D0e.18,1t15.1.de11/ TIDENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD—Winter Tariff between Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Balti more. Fun Cidsa.—Egg,, Feather, 5 7erch.dise,Furvi,00c4.11 '7OO ms. einun ans.—Ai/plea .Deer Situp; dried.) Timothy' heed. Buffalo. Bear and Deer ser and Timothy' heed. Glassware, Giasew. Rags, Sheep Pelts. 75 eta 100 DP. Tut. CLARA—Apples (Green.) lira,' and Ship Staff. Ba ena .4 Pork, (lone.) Butter, tildes. Maga' Hair, llempand Flax, Leather (Eastward.) Gin 11 101) P.m Ctirs.—Abithol. Bacon (In casks nr imam) Bar ley and Malt. Holland Nark tpkkied or salted. packed, Candles. Cheese. (In In _on ba IA) Lard and Lard Oil. Lead On rig••• or sheets kr, Tallow, Whiskey, Loaf Tobass co. 50 ets. T 4 JO) r. Peli Rant —Cotton 60e 10U Ina liner 90e 'f d ISLOIICIE C. FitANCIeCUR . • CLEVELAND AND PITTSBUROTI RAILROAD. =MB VJP1.129 tv I .r• .- 146 1~1 ... 63,146 F 1 CHANGE OF TI3IE. ON an4IftIIM?NDAZN:IIth,Rr3 ,m,T..„n rttn i.t;;4.;..,,1rt,4; as tiAlolea: a • totoAnn Tß al l l NlnteeanreerCla r t r o e Stat io ns . . ar l r l. vo n r A W ll e lan r t ll l a e t A. n.. and Wellsville at 2,3/ r. TRAIN leaves I.llereland a t:I.W r. • f Alll- •tnpplgt: at llttdron, Whilla .4 Ravenna only—u . rirra at AIII2INT at 5.01 P. M. ArItAIN kW,* elereLsnd t.r Ravel, na tool lotormodiate BT:4u. at 7.llmuti arrive., at Ravenna bt 9.2.1 r. a. Tau through Train, front Cir. elno4 to Pitt, urgh . P.E'PL7(NIN(I : EXPREI4II Tit IIX leave. Alliarun for Choulant at 11:0 !. P. ono pplay at Livia ita.enun 11.1 )•-arrfraat Cleveland at ILO r. v. The 31.,1 Tralts old° and Penna. 11,41 Road kart.,; Pitt.htargh connect. rith this train at Anima... at 11.4.2 t. v. MAIL TRAIN loaves Walls...llu nw I at 21, r a:, Mopping a 444 way statiuus- amino at AMA..., at atui at ;al r.y..— At'tO2I4)IODAT7IIN TRAIN few,* Ravenna 11. r Ile...Lula and lateen , edlate ntallsno 7.11. 11.-rarri•., cle.olaad at on., A. a. Only on, through train roan PitOburgli daily PON ECTiONR- Mall Train from Ckrrlaud era/mu-La at Alltanan M • it llll,t onanlT..nat 4 Trait, of Ohl.. and Pent"... 17. tor arati de, ~ Lanyti. attiring; at Pittabornia a1 .45 f0r r. ialetu and PRO- Et pre*, Train (rum tiotultuuL and Mail Train fron, , Wella. .111”. 1.41, E.4,n,t at 11111auer at 5.011 r. n. with tin. Itnpron, Train ofO.l P. IL 14 . Piltabhrgh-arrt. 1., at Pitl.burgh at 44.1.1 1, It. 11.urv..iTralt, from Allison, ronnorta • ith the 0.00 A. Y. Train of O. a.P. R It. fn. PitteburalL Paoravra having Plitalnargh on tits 810 Train ar. rig.. at Cirvelstat at 2.4.) r. Lt- and eouniert • lth the follow ing. train. Raft Wetlt and Rooth: 1 1.1.111../.1/71 /01[11Tourno.- leartnn at 2..10 r. Y. for Sandati.Y. Toledn. Chita, and the .torlb IVent.arrivillg at Tde.b. at r. Y, and fldearonett morning a.., t .10- Thal. 1 . , 3:413 - 3 Pittaimrgh to lodun le. than 24 h0ur, 133. rtavr.L.O.L. Cot .ra tra Ctvols,or, -Trait.. I..3tuinu et 2.50 r and R. St. for tiolutuloo. tineitunti, Coln, ha) ton. trulianaroll. and all elation... I inllufontalue and Indls..a ilaittoad. rL. vu Aso Pao, Trait,. hat Ing at 4.15 r.l n. and , LOO r. v. f.r Exit, thaulork. linfialod Nu.. 1 ark. The Traloo,nourt both way. rill, the C . Z. it. It.. at nod. .4 1 11 " 1:14 rah, Akron and Clint... at 0, oni with the Railroad for Carrr.lltun. stud 99,0. Tiekt.t. thnot.th_to Toludiu Introit. Chkaitu. La. 1.11 ., nod FroeLort eau lo obtained 01 thla 1111 , 1 v. h. procure their 'duke.. at the of Company 1 , lite, JOH 1. A. 11.1 U. :110% . 1.17 Monov.gibela /low, Water at.. Pit tahorgh. J. Mr 1.. Owld, N alb 1 lvbnc... J. 11 3 Incott. SE 4 N - ASON ARRAAi EMEN T. 141 E !filen-WAN RAILIIOA_D LINE. cI,ETELAND AND DETROIT. In connettuni with the Cleveland and Cincin nati R. R., t'leseland and Erie R. R., Cleveland and PittAhuegh R. It., and Mich igan Central IL 11. PSENCERS WILL I3E TICKETED thntarb nom any t lAke Mlghlge f l air Cleve fend. Cintentmtl. Pittstathrh. Phllalelphla and eore. and front tither of those plate. to Itoi• Point on Loa , . 17/" l A.t.,!W Capt. It. ENMIS. Capt. .1. 11. MAT. A lent rill leave Cle”tand fur Detroit. and Detroit fu. Cleveland. every irenlng at tin, del xlt . }miring In each city In tinm P. connect with the monde,: truths East, Weft, or Routh. and with the Lake" Suladlor and Saginaw Loato, The line boats will leave Clereland In the Mltowlea order: NAY QUEEN, Tatum. — 6 . I.IIVELAND, Ti. lr 7llAi — Ci.l.`t . LAND, .1f Oro., • - r.taLtp•mt Prmsr THr route, from Clerelld Chinon, Is much the prof. ' , Olt` one. The Passenger enroys a mewl night's reel. on a first elan steamboat: and, taking the latter. The (Ingeter has unthoubtedis provided emumilett. tor all diseases wlleh his midects tee bolt. to. but he Mu sant told them or specified what those remedies are for apeoilledDesses,bence the loge. null) ofman bag been devised. and elp.riments and lona practice base enabled, Income almost mas ters of certain &Kneen but ltaidoem has tuftlest the akin 1 ef the ' , sanity. and exhausted the entire Valeria Medics Behold at last the "Balm of 011emi ' has been found In a ample wash derived from Natant's awe vegetable kingdoti, I and Is the unpretending hot all yowitful medium throng]; i which all afflicted with balances can base their tale ne stored tothem, If they have faith tu tg. It area will [strum -10e0gt...0.P,%‘.1.7...,.t..., er.-..,=. ;it rilitA, ob,t: , martens] grow out oflittls that base Teen b old fur) tgars. 1 One tootle may be sethelent batiste tlie bolt, and It may take n ti or were 6 bottles fa some extreme these , but they do say and base confidence to believe nom the evidence they have men. that If Moroni:l6ly persevered itt AT Shea pace mtt oft to 6 nienttm. (if tieteasery.l to Statement:of 10 it. will be ba lmily ul and give perfect tattsfaction. One bot tle will ba Ihsten bale Wroth/air en an to resent its falling off. and In mono macs will Cl ono start )be hale to fisomind The propnetere w6uld Pimply ask t at a fair rm tn, ,th,e the Rtateratbe, end not condemn it any the um atone or two bottle. they alsould not &tette brnent from It. A Dns sendlyniat rind and per mie by .10M. }Unit:W. jolt ___ Sums . ..tor tel. II thus & Va. GRATIS! .1001 Ptelds.thell— Distuteett 10, Aftdazooth FEW WORDS on the 114ttional Trent_ t, without egileine. of ,Spermatorrhea, or lowa] Aknesto al Nervous nobility, fur :spied s, taaritudioiVeak • a rm ti t the Units and the hack. lodlatmaithm and Imams. tit) fur hinds and Labor, Dullness of apprehenslOn. U. of memory, Aversion to bucittd. Love of nalitude. Timidity. Vallruit'S{Mi gr.l2:%lk3lll'.l.4:ToTTroldpkeronnige7". Sexual and other Infirmities Ica Man. A'ntss lir Frenel, if De DDe Lexpey- • The imortant tart that these alarming temstfiatin . IS trod math: he ra morel srdhont .11 , elsclue, i t . in this small tract, clearly demortatrated, sod the entirely new ambillghly enc. ersaffil treatment, as adopted by the author. fully explain. ml, by means of which every our is mudded fa ewer Memel perfettly, and tit the ?mit potable Pal, aved.Ung thereby all' . 1 the advertised nmtrums of the day. Ott . . too any address. unttt, 004 post free Ina waled en- t Tl:lirltblNGAVilgrsiedtetere.T."dWuriAtr i __—_—___________ It LPTER 00.1a.LAINT, ' ' . DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE. CIIROVIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASE. OE , UM -KIDNEYS. A ND ALL 'DISEASES arising fromn,Disor-' Liver torOW.4 such at`gnetleaton, nd [ e. Yunude Of goTai r inlet* Head. Aridity of the tho . us I twit Naungt • liewit urn., 10/lind W . ined...l4olnent ; , Weight In the Stomach. Podr /Medea:me-Pinking ... iii 1 i.,, illg",t,l l .l'tt,Pultglithk=rlTattr i g, , , ,, .?,Z4 Choking or culforatingSeuratlon When in al) ing th e 11l po n y:[ DO nese ..1 I, he or Wee Whew the daor i . i l:4 Dull NOW the IWO P. f,riettry of n ai na ....L„ . Yra 1 h " tudlrti= Mt IP rn''" 'pr i g" Courtant ' lroaltetwo of evtlandt:restatAo n Peoi-• i DU. 11011PLAND*C CELMIDATED likdillAll Brrnitg. ' . 1 . Dlt . C al. I AVE , SuIT,if h 0.1.20 dim smut ,417"gi power 7 Te o r tlft e ier " rare' I. "t t l '°*l4.4. ° a ria l gum arloat, I, ' II i.d Si • . ~.._ i h : d .i. many (aft. aleitr,.l4oa 01, 1 1= OU_SSELLS IiANDOLINE—A superior Thine Dinars we. Worth tho attention et louilfa ii : ~,name. iiir m ra s tbe flair , j est reed end Yet ode r i r t F.: 4 ==pi The reetisestro 91 diaftere 91,9 _________i. , rneeeseee 1. L. /I - I'''. g M cr. In weoknou and affeaVd ln tte, l l rna°.4°4l4' . 1 rir AIL WED WANT P.AIDIS—Iha-Ve , '"'''.. wit-W...l;