ITTS URGH GAZETTE. papPPi.tint4tl.l•Dalgao4llklW PITTSBITIIGH e• : FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 3, IS 1:9-IFEA DIVa MATTER JVILL BR - FOUND 0:f rACII, PAM: OP 71115 PAPER. PITSdBCS:OII wt.En.IX °An:MT.—The extetdro, ektrulation of our Pthly roisalle Wens toner bilitinsmit nuit - thetiesblo medium 'of. 61,10citix theft bsurtneti known - Oar elmillatlon la botwocnfour and live tbonsoonl. marking slakoot oral' niArchnot. mannhetaneand ibopkaeYe~ fn Pennsylvania, and Eastari Pbla ~ 4340 ADVELLITSEEM—NeIthei the Eelltertel Soots tier PeinthigEstebtlihmenter t be peat. Casler.are op e n* on Sitiulay; Atereatteraserhodeilre their aoteese to•PPtir tit tite raper on Monday 5n0ra1ng,t , 636. 666 . 1 than ht . Were 6 Vete*, on Saturday.• • Ohio & Pennsylvania Railroad. ''Xideripla in .Tantuiry, 1854 $62,514; 25. 1853 28,150 24• loireme $36,155.01' . Thivis a very gratifying exhibit pecembei awl January are the leant traveled months in The yeir. Se, they look far a steady increase frc;m :tlabi time onward to the Ist bflievember. .Tna fillasousti Cournextax..—The adoption of this Cons Promise; in 1820; was accoMplished un der elrcumstancee.which give to it all the sacred 'nein of a constitutional provision. Up to the present time it has been so regarded by the en tire South, As lite at 1853, Mr: Atchison, of Mo., while'deprecating the principle of the Com . promise, acimowlidged its binding force, and the hopelessness .of attempting its repeal. The Rinehhiter yirgininn, and other Southern demo : cretin papers, acknowledge that it has been al -,_ owed equal force with - the. Constitution, by the • Southern people. Southern man;. therefore, his had the hardihood to move its repeal; 'ant durty.tiskwaa left to a Northern man. The South is 'Willing to profit by the infamy, and to puileipate in its cousin:metier; but the humili ' Won of initiating the Work. of. violating 1 . - . 310 at Solemn compact, was &sniped to ilia only one ispnble of such an ontrage—tr Northern dongfi .: lice. But, although shrinking from taking the initiative, the South cannot thus escape from the responsibility of the act itself. Let Douglass en . dure the disgrace he hits sought; but those for ' , .whose benefit he acts, and'who grasp eagerly at ,thosid ho tendere;most be held to ./.striet no count:Mit: for acts which they. aid to comma- :Whet was the;Missouri Compromise t Missouil Antwided admission into the 'Union all a Blare State. The North resisted the demand, and far a considerable time Congress refused to accede to her admission, except u a free State. The pee- . ple of .the North, and their several State Legis: .latirei. were almost unanimous in opposing the ... : .*draission of any more Slave States the gnlon " Thu cdusequenco of the long-continued • Aisetnision Was an intense exciteatent4 which per -faded the entire community; and at last, far the ...puspose of allaying an agitation supposed to be dangerous, and - settling an aggravating question, CompromUcr irail decided upon by which the !oath agreed that if the North would consent to the admission of Missouri as a Slave State,the -South would anite with them in prohibiting SU , very in all the .1.011151110.11 territory, north of 86* degrees. This was a regular contract Both parties were to have a consideration. The Smith ,Itll3 to have Missouri ne Slave territory, and the - North was to have all north of a fixed line tte freo territory. • The South had her considenition pid to hei in hand; but the North had to wale until lite territory sit apart to freedom could be set- That time has now come; and no sooner '4la.we hare our part of the contract fut ..filled than we arereet with •aside tkcillvrtetactu. iskich jeettt4,if ;Its Scant %I:CS lg.: t.t., , st it; ;eta di, - - - rr..vnt itr c pr.4htet! fort air.: 21.1 , erd the ,4,,_::(••lruk,t••act! T 01,:!•:07.7 tbs. fsitldesimesa so. ol?linabarfee . nk - uentof obligations, vo _ d .- Warily utsumed, so disgracefuL The very ha da of L ilts Missouri Compromise, noW !night to 'be/spoiled, was Southern in its origin, and was adopted:by.rt. majority, of Southern votes. It 'was the only' thing that saved the South, then; , %from the most serious blow ever aimed at Sla seery~; sad In securingitaadoption she secured and , . act of favor which ought 'to 'make her glad to. observe its conditions honorably. The man who would tarn round and slay the friend who had :itTed bim from, death, would bean-ingrate; the . .South is no better, in time attempting to strike. down the arm which was interposed, in her de- A bargain is a bargain. So commercial men, and SO all,honorable men reason. • There are two. Eau to a bargain; also ; to .where one sida is Althittlly carried out, common honesty demands 'that the other should be. .14Olie but the most thendoned shrink from performing their con- Aracterend none but the most 'heartless refuse 7'. Au pertain conditions to which they owe their The Missouri Compromise was iscoutract, Ind a contract to which Slavery omits very 'taistenie this day; The North has fulfilled her share of the contract; and abe demands nothing ;bulbar right theu abe asks the South to fulfil Gus obligations of her own • .• Southern men claim. to be the Very embodi ' lOWA of honor. They will risk death at the pie, tailors Ma's mouth, to vindicate their .4tonor." Tit .Th thitni look to it, now. The honor of the lauds South is in danger. If she wants to make stench in the nostrils of the North, and iTtle'wholo r . civilised world, let her repudiate lac own solemn by repealing the *teiouriCOmprcmgoe.' She ought to know. the :sales • 'of compacts: They are her only sails. '-igiLet here set this one, at naught, therefore, The :Northwill never keep faith with , Jior If .one compromise with the &Rath be broken, by her , own oat, .she releases to from observing a ll ,the rest. -We owe her no 'lath *Mob ohs doei ailt herself observe. The repeal of the Missouri Compromise will be a vir 7 .4tilrepeal of the rugitivaSlavo Laic, tad of all - .atagationtr to which the South is a parti, The liXollematter It' ii, her own hands; and -.a few pas*, enwrience will teach 'her, if, she ehopses liossta the risk of learning, that no quartes':. leer shown to a faithless enemy. Nswitssiut XEITtSOII.—The citiserui of law - visa* Lswrenee county, art,lii hold a meeting Opp sition Nebraska bill, on tie -• • - =liar meeting is called to meet at Warren, Trinnboll county, Ohio, on,tho.l.dthlnet... Ths Sark tad nnnteranply Signed: .- • The Citileni of Youngstown held spirited Willa 'meeting at that place on the 21st nit.. tetspreae their disapprobatian of Smear Doug ! ;self billotna'prOtest against the repeal ofthe Idissouri - compromise: Speeches were made by several gentlemen . present, end a aeries of appro- resolutions passed. - • .41i me peoplo are beginning to nwoko. -If they ; 4. biistnit time to become fuUy !wowed, DoUglats', tau kis* yet be delented . .- - _ _ . • • Wtia DESMIATIO ELECTED.—The • Whig man of Bearer county, has elected a, delegate to the Etta*, Conrention; instructed for Gen. Lir - hoer. „ In Greene county , Gen: J. H. WelLs nod Joseph Cooke.wero elected delegates, without in . l ama= - Washington . county ; elects ,C. hf• Reed end W. J,_`Alexander;. instructed for Ken: 3. R. bang for Governor.' , • tili—We learn from the Cleseland park;tra of yesterday that Governor Bigler arrived:; in DU. onPniedei - night, end was received by a large,ooncourse of - people. • 'On Wednesday . he *killed the Frildtlin Canal Company that their charter bed been forfeited, and that an . agent bid been appointed on 'the part: of the State to • I.*W'rtssession or the song. On the same deT bilver to.:isit Barba:. Creek. - • • ' 'stir The Philadflphia Felemyluanian boo come : out ht furor of the infonaut treason of t Senater ' Dtiglue; and of the Admiribstratiod: So go .the _ Lipstein of. i'ennsylranta Dennierici ! Will the people go with them' We hope. for the honor . t!',l,4l.'Petiograey and of human nature, that. . I hrie-Nirir.YOnz Idosimr.—This is the cog 1. • annum or a new Monthly 310 rine, *ni ' ........ „ ..m. 100 ,.... p , __..e.0r n - ren ding P matter c , ln d ti ov i oro ng d 4 I.:' , "._ kY. , :;‘' . " ." 1 ",. • ke.. Edustiored with 0 0 4 grznors• Sineh plesoont readin• g eon b• foOd in it. GUrill 0.114.. r ornsworth, edito"6 • C:neinlie, tosbllehor. - • For Webs /01:. %. :: 1 1R 14 : 1 In" 9beittor to Loy, fop - - Suduol It , • •- • • , el:Wood et ' 7 ..,. ' .._ - - '::.::: ' - . -'-. •11:j.:::'..,1::, -.: '. - ."':..**. - • *, viz Wessn+c=o%• lireinsurtumeCorapany of the city of littsbn4l. _ - - --- . 3lr. Parke; one to incoraorate the rafetel teerasteuesars .f , ,, 1. il t6l —tr .75?..: 1. 1..: 11 .'—r i r' .r,ontpaw, - 61Xittablargh. ' d , F.' ie , .3 ,' tf.r4V Kiii'aiin..iirro4 l 4an.t a gg.t. : t.l. Mi. 7.,ortetiliane to.authoefee . thsrpair t ir4 l p• ~,... .% e i k - 4,.....: tha f,,,iii - "'',. • •4. • iCompeut to borrow iiiiiitety7l •- , ::t.: r;.: Tkite ts soM ~T.P.I ..., ~.,,, 't, , . ~!. ° 5 lt ^ r. ---- Mr. th(ria 'tshe to incomitt7b; gie. littiul viiiti self ijAanger riiin . lin IA pi C 14:.#1 a firtny .. ,6thei , : - .t 4 e di es 'j'fl e h'4' o l.. dined - Oil the water about it by a voluminous die- A bill to repeal. the Prohibitory ' iIirILWT LIM , Charge 0!!19, ya ,, B.Vl:ll7.,liqUid, Ana hub's . th a w .i-of-Washington - tburttrirns ' rend by a member from that county. blinded an d confused its enemy escapes in the 'confusion created by the esuberance of its own . hi A fi,c a t. rg . n w urn e ber r o e f , p t etitions trout operatire4 uncleanness. The trick of e p n ed, pampa fora change the.. ktharmt,,,-played, fistAlte' taw reTi r tlvetii hours of working in man- • of 'hi the Flciditiri`O:, - Liay by the senior Senator ! ufactories.. , from Illinois, to the intense entertainment of ill I Theresoiutiens of instructinu is our members beholders. This was the day tippointe4 . f 6 r (1 .1 of Cougrms, to oppose any reduction of the , duty commencement of the discussion on the Nehru.. on foreign Salt, were di.eassed at some length. I Still pending. ka bill. Now; to 'defend the Nebraska frond on 1 The bill to empower the Governor to commute the score of principle, and by an examination of ' the sentence of death iu certain case',, was 1 -its merits none knew better than its anther to be t Nri'fly considered and then postponed. Ad totally impossible.. Be therefore, with great , jonrned. judgMefit evaded any discussion on the main i question, but immediately commenced discharg- ! ing torrents of vlllifieation upon the heads of Senators Chase and Sumner, who signed the ad dress warning the North of the schemes of the Slavery propekandists." By universal admission it was the most undignified display of passion and hate ever heard in the Senate. In the language of the play bile, it has seldom been equaled and never surpassed for all that la objectienable, both in matter and manner." The . style of defence adopted by'the lion. Senator was entirely wor thy of the scandalous scheme to the support of which he hairprostituted his talents and his re putation. In the nature of things there could be no fitting reply.' in the Senate tonna' a tirade. The responses Of Mr. Sumner and Mr. Chase were snoli as became their station and character, mid therefore quite out of place in answer to the abuse of Judge I). .The Debate will be interrupted by the ueces sit.# of deciding Judge Phelp's cue, which comes, up to-morrow. There littlo doubt that the Judge wilibelnistod. and nonelit'alttbit he ought to be. ' 1 The President will probably take. the respon sibility of completely , remodeling the Mexican treaty, and will then transmit it to the Senate. If confirmed by that body, he will send it back to Santa Anna for ratification, in the belief that his necessities will coMpel him to consent to any ere the procumirtoney., The proposed changes are the ineorporation of_the peninsula or Lower Califarriia with the United States, and the yes. lib; by Mexico to us,; of a good port on the Sart side of the Gulf 'cif, California. These objecta are worthy of attention, and they will merely anticipate intended annexations by a few yearn. JCNTrit. FUOM ,}IAERISBUTLia Ccermooodore of the . Danr Pittsliurgis 9asotte. liAnaisncsa, January 31" Ia Sasara.--Mr. Backelew presented a large 'number of s petitions, signed by `upwards of 700. citizens of Luzern county, in favor of the erection of the new county of Lackawartna, out of part of Luzernc, and sereral remonstrances against; and Mr. Foulkrod six petitions in favor of said new county. A memorial against- a 'prohibitory liquor law was presented from Philadelphia. lir. ,M'Clintoolt reported from the Committee on Corporations the bill to incorporate the Pine Spring Water Company of 'Lehigh county. • Mr. Goodwin read a bill to incorporate the Board of Fire Directors •of the city and county of Philadelphia. I Mr. Fouikrod one to authorize the District of SpringGardeif, Philadelphia county, to subscribe to the stock of the. Ilempfield Railroad Company. Also, thirty-four petitions for a change of the . ten hour law. The amendmetookby the - House to the bill to consolidate the city and county of Philadelphia were read and considered: and finally; after ., somo debate on two points—relatire to. the election of Prison Inspectors by the people, and to an amendment authorising the city of Phila delphia to subscribe to the stook of any railroad cowpony, now authorized by law—were all con- The hill now only.needs the signature of the -doritrnor to become slaw. , . It is understockl that-the bill will be sentto the Governor,jit Erie, by erpreee, to-night The Horst passed the bill to extend the act graduating lands on. which money is duo to the Commonwealth, to the lot April,lll4s. Mr. Chamberlain reported the bill relative to the salaries of Associate. Judges. A number of 'oral bills were also reported, none of them of interest to your section. • 31. r. Cook, of. Westmorland, (Dem.) Intro, &Med a bill for the sale of Public, Works. The private, calendar - was taken up, mai amongst a number of -bills passed finally: merit• A supplement to the Pittsborgitlife Insurance Bill to incorpratis the Pittsburgh Female Bill to incorporate the Mercer Co. Insurance A 'supplement to the Metter and New Castle Railroad Company, passed March 8; 1852. 11miatteric, Feb. 1,1854 In Senste--2 o'clock, P. M. ' - , The Speaker laid 'before the Senate a , memo-: rial from citizens of Washington ciiiinty, in re lation to appropriations to Conn, Agricultural '. Mr. M'Clintock presentee', petition from Se. ; wickley Borough, Allegheny Co., , in favor of a prohibitory liquor law. - Mr. Faulkrod a remonstrance against such a law, from Philadelphia County. Mr. Deride onts from Allegheny and Beaver counties, a*nst any interference with a certain State ro ad in said- counties_ Mr. WClintock, from the Committee on Ce Mr porations;reported'the bill to incorporate the Society of Bedemptionfste. in Allegheny county. Dansie, from Committee on Claims, the hill to authorise the Canal Commissioners to ex 'amine • the claims of Geo. L. Hazlett, of Alle gheny county, which was eubsequently taken up u se nmti motion of fMr. M'Clintock, ' and passed lea rexi, Mr. Ifamlin, of Wayne, reported a bill, a stipplernent to the Sinking Fund, with amend. The bill to incorporate the Mount Pleasant Cemetery in Westmoreland county was reported. Mr. M'Clintock read a bill in place concerning a certain trial for murder in Allegheny county. Mr..lfise ew, tine to proride for the Motive Power expenses on the Allegheny Portage tail *. rMester, one to, authorise.' the State Re porter to pnblish opiekens of the Supreme Court in certain cases; ' The bill to *stead and:continue in force the Act to graduate lands on which puvichase Money is due the. State, was -taken up and puled its several readings: - The bill to authorize the Cana Commissioners to ermine the claim for damagei of the Pennsyl vania and Ohio Transportation Company, was taken up, discussed some time; and finally post poned for the present. - 3!r. .Kunkel read a bill; on leaf., relative' to Deeds of Trost. Also. one relative to the Juriss diction and powers of Courts; passed January 16, 4886. . Adjourned. Hors: or RIPILMIZataTIVas — The House met at, 10 A. M. • _ • The Speaker presented a communication from the Canal Commissioners relative to the-rumor ed frauds in wood, on the Allegheny and Portage Itailmatl,ln reply to the resolution of the House on the subject, -of-some days since. They state that they have not yet elicited intlff: cleat information to make a full report, but that when, they do: elicit it, all the facts will be cora- Municated_ • A rather summary prassa of dis posing a- "mad question." • - "" On motion of Mr. Cltamberland; the Prohibi tory Liquor bill, was made the speCial order for Wednesday next, February B.' EP send you' copy of, the bill as reported front committee.] Mr. Miller,. of - Philadelphia, offered a resolu tion directing the committee on Ways and Means to inquire into the propriety of erecting a man sten for the residence of the trovernor; which at. ter brief discussion il;a1 „. defeated--yess 26, nays tiB. Mr. Hart submitted a resolution calling on the commissionerieof the Sinking Fund for a state ment of the condition of the feint. Adopted. -A resolution 'was -also adopted. offered" . by a member from- Washington county, directing the ra comitteetat Ways and Means to imquire into the propriety of- making provision for the pay ment of certain debt. on the Cumberland road. .The totnaki the seldom of the Supreme ! Court permanent at ilarrieburg,lras reported from committee as committed, - Mr. Atherton reported the bill to change the place of holding elections in Ohio township, Al legheny County,- • • The supplement to the Connellsrilliand Pitta burgh Railroad Company tree pepotted. A-numbgr of bills were read in place: Among them the following: Idn,. Bighorn, a supplement' to the . Rouse of Iteragli of: Weitern Pentisylraidar a supplement to the Pittsburgh and Kittanning Railroad Corn- ,paay; a supplem e nt to Railroad'Co.; a 1411 to int orporaterle4ifirtnal Some Insurance .Coreptuty. of :Allegheny county; and a bill to, close thse*aalletwfaa:Liberty street end'the ..14.r. : Bamitto:44 bill to'aittbarfattha Lawrence . ii4 / 3 )5'841d1C612P r 7? borrow. money: . •• • • .• Mr Mw » one . . llorsruotn Womes.—The. monthly number, STATE MUTUAL i , of this splendid periodical, for February, is most, EIRE AND • MARINE INSURANCE CO. i OF PENNSYLVANIA. • w,ekomr to our'- table. :cone of the monthlies - ! ) RANCH OFFICE—Conter Fourth and. receive from vs so hearty : a reception. A'. : Smithfield streets. Pituthorgh. CAPITAL. 5u50.000. I . , ~, :' • SuciTTlrliantingi - , i ram th aut '' Plie r's. l,7llllgici r.- t 1 PORTE-UT OF TOE "WEE GIANY.”—The T o le-, , Willow.. cimikm, Pitteoue -a: A.A tarsier , lua b .' ha . 4 . '1" n . II ' ''..u" ' do Blade draws the following portrait of the ! i t I t s .u, t I;'•l4"riS, tr,Th. - R,ith,.4}:d.DViil'aF,'• l"S i ~ JOHN P. KG a IlEltrOlth. lacsaideot. base betrayer Of freedom ; ' 1 A. J. GILLET. SooretarY. "Among all the harlequins in the Presidential' .• . The aboriCompA . J A AVIPICITW , : - ..11 f sf . s : oleos, Douglass excels. No characteristic 'but , Island navigation and transpoitatioat a am, ' on ' ionfocitT l e impudence recommends this, man. But ids im- i , t v al a tr a t .., , T. tia g , ; .-_ , , , E ga i : , t r i : , , ,,,,e. a rt r ,.- i pudence is subtilise. No speech, no effort, no I either porpetually;or for a team ofroara. l ' aoa r : ' n ' tylY - -Tr . 1 stroke of policy marks this man as anything I SKRIVEriiiLWOETEE• & -CO above mediocrity. lie is every way an nilventu- 11% lIOLLD .. ALE GROCERS, 1. AND ,; rer. RD pretends to be aeitilen of Chi:l6,M -linois, yCt he is rarely seen there. Ile has n A.IERCHA.Y7'S. o domicil there. lie has a tenement on the Lake Nos. 130 and 132 Second 'street, bet Ween Wood , shore, where he keeps a tenant. IlisPlantation, mad Smithfield. Plttshurch. and A Mate for leak, Kirk ' Calla his nogroea are in Nlississippi. Ills over- iii•ii rk „e k ,i kro . rn i n ° 7l%o h ,ei l gtait. — tVair r vr. ing ' Beer ga V, a bar . *Tle to his nogroes which was Ihe atteutiou of tho oly t i rade. al:N . 6ldr. trumpeted over the country awhile -ago. We Medicine Chests,—Dr.,}MYTEß, Whole helped to blow that trumpet, , and gave him the male Driamiet. of lin Wood street, has on band a eoloudld benefit of our columns to bring hint the fame of assortment of MEDICINE CIIESTD for Demllite cod staam which he is so c.vetous. If any of his friends wits, at various prima Thom in want of ortirioe of this want us ie alTe; him a lift towards the Preeiden- kind would do well to glee him a call. 3al4.ddtw Ey, ' we tilt publish that barbecue story again, free, gratis, for nothing. Judging from some recent deroonstrations, we should judge his-home and Ids 'heart were where his plantation and his "Diggers " are." Tin floo TRADE.—Tho receipts. e. daring the woolg, hate bccoos follows: By River ' By Railroad. and Canals. Throngh Toll Gates Slaughtered in', Plainville Total for the week... Prerioxisly - Reported. Grand Total The late advance in price seems to have given a new irapetus to the hog trade ' and 'we are therefor unable to make our fiscal report this week; and it is now probable that packing oper ations will be prolonged beyond the ensuing week.—Cu,. friar Current, let Erie Matters—Public Adinstment That immortal trio, Bigler, Lowry and Xing passed through this city on their way to the headquarters of the mob at Erie. We render= ; stand that they had a hasty. conference with some of our citizens, and expressed n confident opinion that the difficulty would be amicably adjustecl, for the present at least. We hope their anticipations may prove true, end that they are sincerein their expressions. It must be con fessiid Slat the occurrences of yesterday are not sec, Battering premardtors towards a speedy Battlement of the controversy. Let those who can comnumdlaith, hope, and patience. exercise these attributes.. Our stock on hand which was ample eight weeks ago we confess is about ex. haustad, ,and needs replenishing.—elereland Deraetrat.' Eat, of tOot Ifitim, lllirtfort! ,Simeon I, Loomis Jam", Corning Fink of Corning A Co,,V0nre._ -Firm of Mogen A McNamee- Rickard Biswfolo Elm of Buono, King A Co. William IL 1411 ch.,....- ....... . -Tim of Gann. Month A Co. Georg< /Big— .......... -..--.....:T10rn of Bronco Itllui A Co. Aisincl- , kao Vino of Eno, 3lationoy A Co. Orion- It, MAI Flom of Willard I. Wood. /For P. Mmir1.......... ~ ........... ----Firm of Biono A Starr. 'Panty 0 131, Fin e of air, Clapp A Bonen. Jaw, Low. ~ . ~-.l irm of Jamoljd.a. t Co. ' Merril It. ilateA-... ....... ...-- ..... Six= of C. ii Bitch L. 12... John /L IfilleAin.wol Flrmof J. C. More A Co. 11ELiaroi O. Loonbrrf-. Alm of A. A A. lassoes & Co. , Marra A. Marry Alm of BucAlef e On. 1 Lo.* Altriiiiire i rr----Firm of Loots Attooborf Jr. /4 Cr. Lori P. Morton-- --.../lrul of J. if. Borba. /lonian h Cr. I Amer T. Pirivid Firm of Trou lAl.liO. Dwpitit A. 6.., Joh* G.'31./... I , lrni of Nelson it 43... , Charles P. 80tdwi0..........-..iirox of Baldwin. Starr e Co. , Crony C. (I.l.lrni Alms of Skim's. A Collier. , , . t amps D. itrimmis.--...... . i ......... Atm of T.. P. 'Atom. a Co. I - . . • I 1.1,W1C U. rtrton- .... .........Firro. or Corim, Lotbrop A4O. ' Tat book . called 110 z, Coax, written by Solon t , Vsst;t . r, •Akiniiirr ••• .• kir. Nom l,Ti o lf 1 ,, , ::) , ._• , ?!._ 11 , 2 . ,.. ' 'Robinson, is one of the most ,lisgapting and im- I r,Z, Ati . 5e1,'„L„..,.....'____31,4s e l,'„L„..,.....'____31,4 „, 5 „;,„,z1,,7„,,,.Tvcit moral books ever blitheil. Its name in useliNsehocitt Els-- ; ittmiteit illid .' • Firir4 .......... ri:a , to palm off Open thevirtnons a b r ook filled with 1i,...,t,„„f ,r, Li .n . ..._ ' pi n . a, .41.,i,.. p ii ii, details of the:lowest possible debauchery and Il . fr;t:l_ , 4gt , ............. : •:-- .• •• • •;ylF , lTi f t•ki , - , M2,4M . 77,.h1" , .• lewdness, This very notice probably will increase 2„,,17,ti, r 0„,,,,...„.._ . - ; 'i n : er u„01;`,J, ; ":1;„,:,,`"0,'' . the eale of this disgmeeful production, but it is Boom tis•kt.. • s.• t t the , •. ' _., of .4 Achill! Fine of o men; nsil • Wi . iiiinii;i: n omy we owe omens poruou community 1 47,;jr, r n isi,,,,t, nn i a of prorliiiiidi..i i .Nardi , c o . to inform • v • of dm real character of the work. i j'An. It i .A.Art. ... ... ..... ........./Inn oftwlll, Iloricoa A Co, tr.cor _Nati,: . -Firm o(Condlt /, l. 01•1 4 ,. —Clereland herald, . , . 1 . oni .1. 11.rk ...: . Tim of Wook A hooka' A. ' ''reLiurrill Starlrmil.. -Firm of 41114 ,, 0u'510ck.w4414 Co. ___-.. • • : SPECIAL.. Nancrs. To Printers.—For , sale, n lot of second :4•2121.Alllooma Rolm, Adiettlathz Rialto; Pull Doubt. Crop Rolm at . loa•:ytNr , . Eoantnat tbikolbc.: ' ' jals .:..--.,R08T. T. KENT:CDT laktEGO JOHN T. YILLLIP WILSOI • REMOVAL LOGAN, 'WILSON •St IMpttlrd and Wholesale Dealers in POREKIN AND DOMPATIC HARM; k Utt.CCTL e, ERV. tr. Mut removed to thole two and ertran Moro. 52 Wood Amu. four door, aboo• the St:Charts, drs n N otsi. ober. heir cootoodoen, sad =orchid°. dedoraltr. Par invited to an usaatinattou Ma swot conito apartment era offer. tlinithisuitY• GAO, IS'OTICE.: 7 —TnU undersigned, Frederick ' .Corms. of the firm of Lorene. Sterling now tenni, of tha late 11.1 et Steeiart. Lloyd Co., hare this de{ funned • Grp...m.114 ander the pea. and st3de ef LORCtiZ.' OD. fur the Ipurtewe of stannfactrui. Iron .d Nall. end hare taken the weer hence Nol6l Water street:between Ferry and Shod street*, where thejr hare on hand . assortment of the varieties of Iron and Naila which they oder for Me on arenownodatina . tom.. They . reapectfullj *Zeit the Wrens= of the yn ritruziucK LORNZ. Se7:4tl . 7110 S. if: BTYAVRT. - . - '' -- There are few 'thinge --- Whlaiiiford us mgt.. 5.... ea. /kitting down to write a Hotly. of the celebrator Uoofland German Bitters. lemma we are filar an eon:imbue a ptl4l benefit, and our heart talle to that brour notices. mans hare hem Indured betake these Bitten. and Len remnerr from death by Grenuetwia Uver Complaint, to.. fur the cure of which It b rertaln. It I. prepared aid kid - only by Dr. C. NI Joanna, at the Get- Man Ifedkine Stem, lio.lUl Arch stMet,, Philadelphia, and and br PLUMING 111109.. OR Wood tt., Pilbborth. —,-- Ladies Fancy Fars, M'COltp : &, CO, would moot Iv /Tactfully jostle the 11tteatiere of iodiee to their latge .nd mall:date; dick of FANCY FCRI , , Haw Gpenirex, eotnattaag W part Fable. Atone 'Martin, Vita, Llms. CA1T1216., s.lberian &mit tel..ltoek Mettle. elehett, Colter and Swag's flown; Millie, tletotioas, Polaaaair Coifs, Boa& Le_ turner wood ;ind Fifths reata. A. H. HOLMES & 'BRO.. IDANOracrtitlN4 or SOLID BOX VICES, SLEDGES; PICKS, MATTOCKS. CROWBARS, &C., Timber Screw, Bridge Bolts, Car Bo!M. WASDKRS, COTTON.:7OI3AOM, AND ItZIIP scnrws. PITTSBURGH . . °MCI. .WOOO BT., sonny TIM YI AND WON,. All Mode of Meekstelth Work for Bridget, ie., doile4t the shortest notice, acid at the lowest prim. 'MAU work warranted ague] Loam reanufeetozed. , '“ orb). ' • Girard Fire and Marine Instmaina OP PHILADELPHIA. -. I)FFICE OF PFFTSBIGIGII :AGENCY. A : rag Youith sad Olatilltfteld atriata.• cArrrat... Dursemt- . ..Wm. x V•sha.J. P. Stainer. IT. A. Sharkel. ' fad, Paul -Thtretala. Z. If. Davis; J. It. ilaalgeo. Thomas r. 311114bajt. Samuel J0a5a..13,.. IL Cornea.. Tb... D. 1417naa, A. n.t. - rbiuip 1 P.llaeter. Alert. unrcn. j.. Furman Phept.s4L JOLLA/NE-I. ?real. A. S. 011.1661 T. Boe . y. WM hum* CottanorWoollea Fartorles. Canica-a-1. .Italldinga. Storm, Marctutadho aod!vraVartY tha moat *matt*, lama- . ' I na,”zta3,. Thousands •of Cases of Consumption : harp been cured by doe timer RUSHTON. CLARKE d C Ol 5 r GENUINE MEDIC/140D LTV= OIL It is to tierit.4 Prsperition. or Quuk Msdiclus,. but the pure Oil Trash OA Pup. User, Nimrod with tbs. utmost rue Id M to Diellerie Its raluaLle propertlu Loth. hisheststate perfection sod Is ret,mmonded by' the mut eminent. pby Catalog—V. groat aurarlority and odotritf of o.Pr Olt boa laduad =any Imitations, and pnrebtacr. .111' tdoasa gotta that the• 001.1ni011 Article bag Vto a/gelato. of RCSItTON, MAME t CO.. over tbaratrk of each bottlo.—. MW by rnuraut. goitondly tboougbout tkur Volta( e!t==M Lyon's Kathairon.-,-For preserTlDic storing; el:inning !ind identifying the lied!, aUevijutus n vous Ilesdnebe, editirodoli6roPtivineer of tile eklu lu ntputatker. noeitandre ♦lib the : civilisation of ihr.! . &id. mike* Win:raise superfnurna.nil imentration Icr(poi. extel Once ite discovery Wu found substitute to eon/We its licrodeeted, lu ineontestable superiority; Piry debuts and Chemist/v.:dm:nable citizen" (rota ell profes , Acne of 11fe s .=1101 leading 3corriusle of Europe and doled& /*lbw vibo Wive died It oPori tbeir dressing-4b1., cod Dothan to their Nureeriely—ln feet Its million 'Attune everywherintroto *Wane to Janie. pronounce It the mud. Ploulnit and effective wild. either an • Medicinal or TOW Preparation ever icroducti.L . Do not fail to give It a Wit , 'like butt cent.. D. B.IIARNE.9, Proprietor, 121 inned•ny. N. Y.' gold to Pitteburph by IL E. &Dem C. tenor, Derd.Pacie, naming Deo.. o• d Drone •Reiter. do2l•lni Medicines which never fail to give :sat- ISPACIION, •isel . nip used by many Pisan:duns injfhdr Preetto.--Dlt. J: IL ROSE Lan Renate* 41..4b. , , q the Phlladslphl• Sfedlcil Sostety. and grades tatillillblbEnTio the University of Penneylvanli, - undri 11•1 gblitannat the truly eminent Probseeora Phyldek.Chilpmen.OlS an, Cole; Junes and liare i -reaseereekhrsted fee medlval eConee,- end bailog hsid ftellr-letereoutin add iiinsultellon with. theme distlegulehed Physkiacia reopmtlog ..dhessete of all Medi, end Use peeler . retnelheihreetnr; helngenUelti edify theta/ma. of hi. rennet. to pet op Lb Preberatleos, '-e no. effete le the publle.'as the teeilts of his esper:enes fur.tho pest tsS years; the following valuable Yenilly Stedt• eines, Weil ODK 0) • etsalSo'dlsvaest'` ; • • •• ROSE'27.siregris ae4 farivi.rf MA7d.- The Greatest UP.offery lo Sled kid kiesonsl-Ear all Neiii one Condition. of the flystand-Ileart Diseases and Net... Cotnplelnts. The isioundlng led happy iffest efDr,, Epees Nervous CoPileb . for... Memos et theultesrl,, Palpitation. Numbness:. Neurelgls,'Nervone 'Tremor of the Slnelve; Ileartburo, Flatubmeni Pain in 'the 'Fem . ifeltibilostee,. Ileetlseeneog. or Ihr the IBM or BO'. 11•211' denn'bp sere.. Weir. or .turfy, has Induced many .phyakdane to ear It le' their Senate,' .:Yor • Smelt constltution, It le it prend - re. stone It Pienidnali rrniorea from the system ill servous and le almost mbscoloita In Its rapld.and her ethet.' Ste weak end tbsi 'are .frenueetly, re. .rtared tn'perlbet bialth blithe& oshatroto ovoid Prise SO cent.. Sold. Wbolesalo. and. .141411; 'at:' DR. KEYSER'S Prigehie., Nn. 140, emter Wood it. and Virgin PEARL STEAM , MILL; OAEAL, BASIN, - ALLFORENT, ISJI ftivato.tri*tio. kill be itipplind with_ ` various Imola Ofrit GROTTD nova, by 1411,ifig Abel, , or d ot tbs3llll, or Incur basso 11 t Loan; Wilson /I 03. c, t% °NI otrootior 111111111 liottor, cornor Wormy sod At." Cassinstc. Tatessburias; U. P. Pcirworts. or J. T. ISoriplo.. riilVll:l4 ,gib slew Mk/. s on^ AB Olt loUtort.- - • MA; 1414151, 1I • , t y 97, 4 •• ; ; 4 : . 1,-- ~..41.R.N01#19- &.:Wil. LIAM SA - /4' .i 1' ••=:,:. /WienEE* 1 ;„.„..._,,. ..,... I°-,.., -II .:„.; 1- - , * - 1 .:4 - 1 , .‘ :-',, ff.s:4 `qTryinSG . 4.:o l3 .i.ll!tvr... trAßEErdra, 7 ,i , _.t . .... .. , n *- totsxt.....___L *en v ir T rNytogs - firthe Kingdom of ORLI.? RITAIN'. • d'• *FA tr - N '; ' ,2t :1- G'l.- T, linging. f r o m Ruptere.Tbere.atuthouio . 'i "!•''' ' IF. 4 " 1 "'""a" " . 4ii 7.... tx . I ., iikii i i th - . I , rt . - -.l.Chlison - Etu'usees. Wrakis Iron Tubb.s.g. ~..., gs - 0 .• - IllAtlore and WitjandeAtkeilte. intiiidnetion of Ili- It. DALZY.I.I. A CU. . n . ,prnevue e Are ''' I .. , - 1 41 k-r'' °I exurrrno , rou PT AAA OR WaTßlt tailloweliq, whi miy !Rile ettantlori to }he disease untie ....s. .1-. id. y . k .. - , --- -- -- - ---., i .... a-a t .toes , ttebunrh. Xi) tUTTER in lads. and • sad 41 a...outdo. so th.!sawir taw. sr ttesfinorelin.cameatarigrdeadaheit In all mobibillty ft': . ' fl R. DALRELL A OIL FRANCK. HoLIasse,_BALAW4L, 4.17 0 . • `I...ZAILTREL-. . may I. vv. late . It Important It is. then, 0,1.411 thaw A ge ,0 • 21,..117,113 x u quark ae. Pat I ern e kr_ to Hesse . - -. ___ _ _.....-__ '' RINIA - APALVount - RM"LA: - sulfaing from au, form of .` Rupture of Ahc ilcoreler_te ~, to cho.rai.,,,kao ~,rt i l,- -A irli '' ° ''''" .. " ll.l4. 'l.°. ',F,j)_....12 I,bl, i n 5t,,,, nn Having been eurceesfnily engaged La a period of twenty eall et once Rpm Dr:VllTSEß.siblvlrholetiale and Retail , oei 51....G.1YE. ATEASON * OREL'''. f.. 3 onthain the Wel he has Iliad raluabWinkinna: Dr!..„,...1.4"r*. mgrs. of ' W."' rtPrrt r'r4.:llrghr 431r7;." ' HENRY.. 'H,. COLLINS i.O . moi....A.ssEs for hale 1,. which Meow only a VALID PATN.NT ens be gamed. P a TRESS. -, retain 1110 protruding "I.rtlon of the .` now possendng_ TALCAIDLLANNIGITIONSecau Re. Tion In regard to t he existing laws of those 'countries, by bowels. Dr. KEVSmt Laz an tam Ind. of the DrugEMni Iollll' Anoint/ AND t _ _ ~ t. CULBERT:W. N,105 Libertr st- used prarbsson Models, and: when possible, Samples and , . _ - - . _ 5n KOS. G .TWIST Ti)RACVO for sale by the first ...„4m ow . . ‘.. 4. ..„,1:,,,..„.„„&„d ~,,i 0,,,, an COMMISSION "MERCIIANT, uss. nr sows has ere variety cd Trusses that yon an AND IVIIi/LESA Llf DEALNII IN ce fe3 runaninitious to roe at Pittsburgh. In.. 11, 4 tg ......... , A. ci. - LUERTS• in. 31LIAu' il n ,,,T t 1 . 17 ° l .k.° th =rpitt i,,,,,1t 7:0,71.7... ....... 1 w ~,, , j . ,.. to se , ti , mi.„ or ~sere c ,,,,,, , CHEESE, ' BUTTER. SEEDS, FISH, ' 300 KG S. NAILS, aid SiXes, for sale by And Prod,., Generally. Siellenry, Pal, No. it Temple PRon, Liverpool, enn ead of thWertbie. I also keep evAT rol or $ .PP. 1,,, ' 44 - A. CULREIITS4.N.. Itr . A.A. Mclecory & rt, :I Walnut street. rauadrish4s sr p‘d,, Brucq. Sun...4n, Bundagis, E ctitir Rlockines, for . • No. 2.ri Wood street, Pittsburgh. ________ _ . . _ mil DNS. WINDOW OLASs, [void, for 3 ' Neville It. Craig. Reci- o rlßlate rrr" itilliirs. nig,. non. 11, enlarged vela, and all kinds' of mechankal appliarore j/ 15 ' - I gill ale by 6.3 A. CULDRIITSON. !lepton,. John D. Do r ic. e.„... 0 , 21. Beton NeCandifkk. . —_ wed in the curs of dDesse. , ' AMOS LELAND & CO., . - 4 -------- ----------''-- el ..oul ti. Black.. Plitskw , kh- I would respeetfully invite the attention of the public to . In. P - 1.1 AliL ST BERT. IIDLS. Chatubersburg Straw ctooq,.. moth... E.,,, coats.,w, Ky. AG 3.) . 1 1_1.RfiNT ATCRAT. P/MAPEL/1/7.1. an excellent muss FOR CHILDRRY. ohfch Ireverbibly Now Tots. 1 i11:99 Basle. for book - Finding and other tearoom. ''''''..G.kree Meileocy A Ca.. IlenlCbaa Glbbons. rho- Areal, cam In a ves7 short time. I SIANCTFACTUREICS AND (DEALERS ''". l ' r r fra ~.-------:-.--. 1 cuLn-KRT ! )I', "J"Lith,,u")truesry, r.,.., t.t.orrost, - Esaisnd. ivr-na DR. KErsEtr.s oßro STORE AND TRUSS DEPOT ; TR oro, patriotic. 0 Cmulstlng In part of WALLPAPER - 2 0,000 pieces of now and - _ ~. -- . .._ _ sumer of Wood street and .Virgin alley. No. 140, sign o . STRANV GO()DS . Bur . lapvc Shea - Inge Tale., Liana Nanking. Dock ROBRRTS & CONRAD the Golden Mortar. . .107 PANADIA. LEcitolt.N. SEWED, BRAM, CANTON: AND Ir r tei uid br illc ur pc ifra r p) drA ecer L . farad " e tb a r ttli r l r i re o ps w r nan Prk l[roWee l4, .. ..... tow', Must street, between nn.,:tiff,!..,... • I t 31PORTERS and Wholesale • Dealers in 43 _i__ TI t PALM LEAP It Jere. _,____. . —. . Linen (Janda, bare In eta., Wool.Beggi g • hear y and English, !Italian. Swiss and silk Bonnets, , R in d . PARLOR I'APER--Of Gold and r.: ra hear Itaarinmo. twilla and Oahu ancoakDock / ARTIPICIAL FLOWER:I,, Velnd, Velvet od Vignral, a d Plain Gold. a Tory STRAW TRIMIINGS,- 7. - .... plea. jel7-Im • ' ' ' 11.3 No. 55 Market st. 1 110BMITS & CONDAD, Air the Caw. I &,, c & c ex nave emorranent ' for ludally ' THOS. PALIIIM ' Dr !.. U !.`_ & ` - b ''.. th° " 6 ' 6.4 Ikk • ke 1 3II'ORTERS and Wholesale Dealers, ousmorigsg oue of the lamest Stocks In the City, to ' CEILING I'APER—A variety of Varnish- i so. 35 MARKET STREET. PITILADELPULI, which tha'attention of Tlme and Cesh Doyen is respect. ' /ed Wall Paper, with artistie designs, for sale at the ' Inner Bernina Warhol... No. 55Market streeaketween fully sollelted. Ild and itle. br fe3 THOMAS PALMER. ■ hare In ob. sod olher on ferorable terra, the folio.. N. IL-HATTERS are particubaly Invited to call and - --- ----- - log' CHINA GOODS. by the packege or less quanUty: - ' mososniau.A m0w..., 1 Crape Shawls, plain end embroidered; Whlte. Canary, examine our Stock, which Is mated eklAnself t. U•kl." Pittsbursh. re& IL i'• s4 - C Black end assorted LenchownSati a, Sareneta Lerantines. Trade, rWOr."l" all the oar ' "4 f ' "h".'" mrk" it t i N ELECTION of President Manac , ers and • craze cloths, ar. - _.._ oen-na , . , Goods. • 0012 , 4r0d ' . • i do, &Tr Mo:odsrabele, opr la Pltteburgh, In the enure Glaziers' Diamonds. . R. C. LOOMIS, ,ty of Allegheny, will ha held * setae To Rouse, ois NION- . f the Company for• erecting a Bridge Dyer Of the late firm of M'Curdy & Loomis, t D lL 3 t l . ll l h 7th ' 1041 ' " 3 * .ainillw T _lLre .._ TWIN DICKINSON, .Ir., Importer of DIA ' r"r- -r— - 0 3IOND SPARKS, ind Ilanulkettirer of Chillers' Pat. 'WHOLESALE DEALER IN F ISH- 150 bbls. White ish; I'M half bids. do ' cot Sh eet, Knife and Melo Glass Diamonds. No. leo Ches nut greet, opposite Masonic tun, Philadelphia (rormrty BOOTS AND SHOES,' , BO bbls. Trout; of SO Nessen et.. N. T./ • man: ftrOld Diamonds reset ate siarratited toast. ja2l-lne . 59 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. 140 half bbls. dm __ Sel je13.411f 03 . W old.. Pickerel; _. _ , 47 half bids. do, 03 01,1. lake Herring: .03 half barrels do 24 leirrela Shah ' ~ 37 half berrela dn, on hand and for see by HENRY 11..00LLINS. lIMUME=MZEMI WmilLeirios Orr,. May 'Stit t ISSff.—Dr. J. S. ROSE'S Medina .4finTina I, itraniti , nd in M.lth, add on j,o ISs2—Thie pnbikstlon le from the pen of an eminent 140'11a:in of Philadelphia, a regular altitude from the Modlral Collage, and an honorary mem ber alba Philadelphia 31alkal Society. it nuntaine much good adrka to invalids, as wall as p0..T11.111 in health. It now detwribeg, hi sormprehemtva manner, the diseases of our variable etiolate, and the mode of treatment. No We ll should be without s ropy of this book.' It can be bed, without any charge. at the various drug stores In tho where Dr. Rose's valuable Family liledielmot are for ado. Pa J. S. feler :Perrone and /oridoraling (Italia, the greatest , diseevery in atedierd Weun. This utoniehing preparation for raising up a wait. constitution, debilitated by rare, labor. study or &erase, letailkeacharm. Ittivee strength sad appetite. and pasta.. groat inalsolutiog properties. For heart dbease. all nervous affections. Sat. beartehurtn restietompes, numbreab netualirla, rale. lug the eplate. and ghtna power to the whole rietetn, It le almost inhaeulott• its effects. Ilfti rents a bottle. • Dr. R 4. Ckld:dated Fortify ollnlftittes,aart his Medford Atirrrti.," to /krona in .sf•kness and fa =l.m recolpt of a fresth suartonetst of Ow 'anoro arid a lot of Ids salstablo looks for Illstributlou, of whleb ttto public aro Invited to call and anscps mil. is 14-4,11 , 0. 11. KEYSEII, 111/ 11 ood strreL iNSURANa m &MPANY, NEW TORE. CASH CAPITAL, $500,000! • R.C. L(K)1116. Agent. No. 69 Wood nirret. Pittsbrovh Jnu H. , ..4 4, ;2/.- —Firm at Ilarnov.iitienpbrey. & ............. tiotatiwni..l Hank. Panforyi Barivy . . . Virtu c.r Wwll.- Fur. , Co. floorve /tome flrto *7l - ' korxe 1.44 an, co. SrrtarlllE/ y. VA L LOONIIe, CILkS. :11. Sec Citizen's Insurance Compy of Pittsburgh u.l Presidnot. • SAMI:1•:1. 31Ausnecu.,stey. 0 Prier. 93 - Ek:x iiAxier .tM WOOD •11711:1!:TS, Ikg6INMT.6.>" AV. DCA itoo KIS.K.S" 1111: MHO AND AND TILIKT.AII,UT,It terawts apoloot IM, .5.1.1er FIB.. i tAe ptrile,f tior .Y.FI A and LVL.I.Vh .1:1110.4771,N .M 77.1.A.NNPOgrA 7144 V. Ktn,r, - larisur. 7;l " rft. 7 11? . 1 sr r ilaal HoMc Ihrolap, Jr, ' Jahn myrortb. • franria Lawf Setui.omakyr;. ICalttr Urysot., ; Wu... B. '. John F/Oton. . Dti Pont Powder.-LEviTy variety !ttlnink and Warring row der. In al otto — porkonnt *lnn)* tin band anti for taloloom M aine.ia Io to salt Nu chasern, on tovorglie termr. Al., Fakir Foot. • ' D.-Ir. C. lIIDTRI.L. 3lnnufarturrne Ant, is t'nnt rtr.nt, Plttsbunth. • - Z. Brown's Estelle° of Jamaica Ginger. taaenen tavyanitiuu of I:inns - nal vsnalivia. in ankh-unit dtrifluan. incipient elantin. alult, M." cr prottnitlon of the Juanita!, fatal loon it It of ineatinuble vadat, During the pravalannt of the aiddan.iv, chalets and auinuain aranidainta orrhildzen. it le porullatir rVicuinfiv notarially or individual alv.ubt In withunt It. mini to wet tl.. gaintine Earritiv, Shl i. paymena only nr.owN..t ht. Dung Chtunirn *iirilviinrl unmet or 411th and Cluinuat attach, ladalinla. and tv snla by an tin taapettalihraivitherattra In the Stan, and. In Illitstatali, by Iboni. Prue, Jr. B. A Palineatnak ken. Dr laniniel Wilcox A CA_ Ecboontnakar k Co. la ,Uteghnly City by H. /'. E;it9TY.Plunt.„, j*e. g - Muse andko t=., I.l ' l .lll— ln lawn porWC - SUNDRIES—S bbh• saint ma 8 , I) a 3.clatk.% PRI - ft :A a r:l. l ;4w ri irwAt,a4l27it A WE, RES M ÜBLI3 m lED in 'stet* - ai 60"" as4lbr