The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, January 27, 1854, Image 1

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    .: . :'3 . : .•Tr: ff. tr,:''i'.,T,l44l:L,E!';.-
.XT: g 4' t ' SS ' .l .;‘ . .;C:'. 1.,. ' . .i, 7. -' .. 4::' . 1 •
'; ~, iuJ
911111.1911111D - 11ALLY - AND WEEKLY 111'
& - 00..
-t . itIAMUEL HAW 117 . .
Oar , 7911111. , 11REAT.. "ITU 15002 TO TO.. Tan OFTKE.
""'~' ~ a b".
~}!!L~Y~C Rfc sol{rr a
a~yer tinOiltO
rimiulo In M1T . .., 0.999
b... 13 99/19.199411. Plk,*lng coodAleus: •
•14. toplet • do ......... 9 99 ,
tL 13 091
••; packapi fur taris'elob to to addressed to Ma mo,
• • otAolottoraziottly in adrane.. - •Sa dub papers will
MOM 011er the ptoToltatroft , littlt. thot itiOtter sectfor
Ott Nun., 00 than of Nonpareil or Agotao)
7 ' in a Invert). $ 0 50
addltlonal 0 --
110 mm caret -
thme weeks .. .. 1 00
o two Moutbot. T DO
10, three months - -
..... 10
Ito . twat. months . 10 On
• "Atandoot Canis, VI ilea or
Poo dollar for each ad litional liar.. , •
Owe MOOD., eittingreable at pleantire. (nes nn
) nmcilisinn . ......
Z 4 wZni;
Ibrioaoti tolaitinnal ammo Inserted undar the start) roteS,
arertirognania 'eltpoeding. arouse, mid not over fifteen
tO ab so
artred its a nare and o halt
• laborer tost oneountaide for lexil a , irertisernents
thong:aunt ehartted for their rubliontlon.
• - AnhOuttoing- tandidates Ltr Mee to)s charged the same
• • Adeortleentents not mocked on the copy fors rtaxibed.
ritual* of innortions, will to , rontittued till forbid, and
Payment orarted tonsrdlntlif.
, P ri v ilege or annual Dynasts I. rtrletly limited to '',
their, own Immediate loudness, nod all
honest nf other tyrant's, as well la all adrerthoments
. not immodisteir monad . .
,' with their own hos. and
a/Islas:No of adrertireinents. In length or or De.
land ilea leggr . r .4, w , lll at
. v , 141 , z,.... , ?.
prom. sayment la .lealred." il l
All advertisements for charitable , InetitittiorD, i;
• Danko, ward, township, and other nubile
and oh
Serino and notices, to he 011.,414 Wilding, tar
.able situ Diva^
, /Dsreloapa - notioes to La charged 60,entw.
t" Death brt4r„ ie.elwltp:n I. charge, mil.. twoompaa
Suomi in vi t at io ns 1
itmrl outlaw; and when
In aemmpank,i.c tonahl for.
Demon.' nll otbers'oendinir =anionic.
ilone, or requiring . not/cos designed to call attentl. to
~__,Ealto,, F oiree.y.t.Smcorts. or . ,any public entertainments;
Mum'. etialeitdo Os made tnr adtaittanco-.11 noon. of wt.
associatlorne-ererfnutlee designrd to roll attention
- tOp.riratar entertirimg elctdotod or lotanded to promote
• - ludiridaol interest, am only be inserted with the under
,. Pandine that the same la to b• paid Mr. If Intended to
rret - Inaertett in the anal roltinto the Dane will latehtilied
High. or DV" notion to be charged islr.ln price.
Trallsonso Petitions $2 each, .
to taints /Wants' and et netkoiners' adrertia=cots not
elusinflusdar Tearlr rat.. lint aimed a dismtnit of
:thirty.three timi ono-third per relftzfruat the amount of
Wreittr pa Ini•lniliSlT TAILS , Pont..
• c Ona Hgnara , throe! insertion
Do. " mach additions! 37
000m,01lo0. "trill Pont.
° Lingrannare, (10 linei„) one Insertion 60 erne..
~, Dr, each additional Insertiou.. canto.
ail transient mlyertisoments tn toad i.u.odtmie,
'' • •
• ~..
•-„: 6 4111XTV4 MILT COB VII ITTIVILIMI u.crre, UT
. `L . :: •.:
N. L IFIOLSLES • A: SON, Brzikero.
---, •"!'41 . 9, la-M,Eigvt,st d.t.grn Tlard and Pol.-114 es. Pitesfoerg!..
, !'• 7 1.: ' ..,...... - P.IM OF y r N.M.C.'' ,- ' - illisilitli of Xeri11 . ...::..:.. d.>
ii .,,
• .or Pittsburgh- —.....r0x Brunel at Youtot•totru.: do
. 7l• • kiersaturu bank ot,do. wirilltrAtatik.,(lnemnati.. do
BCD• Ileg . . and titottillattf4o......par entonter44 Bk.llizallei- do
• ,
Bank of. Nth .r4t lArdyetto 'tank._ .:-..., do'
. . . . Um* e Norte Lt
d bottiontutz , Szto Li:Wt. A.Trcunea, do'
: . bank OrPtautrlin,rda.,,,.par lreetern•RWlTOßEdt,.• do
-.. Hank of Pews tor...fdp:-par Maar of Maltaillon-......-. , do
-.-^-..- llaltedStatm• , 12 koall Nat.—. % . -.- .do
:1 KEW IN icaili:.
. ~
. - -. 4 r Ilk.:par MI tolveut Clakil • ''' t'
- '--4_,ldtt •••• SEW YunK. ;-. n.•
SW.. York . City, •-. tur
'IL - Vt.d:iii.
L. ,: -•.__ , _ • •- - ~ - f f -Ai* B 0:4 1 -,
. . :
. • ,uri ziir.t. .-:
- - - - • -
.. . . .... . . ..... '
44' 11 ' 1 '
icT a Cu - kjiKir 1 101..
17....u4 SUMP LC•oar Bicathlto No 71 F:lcril. atria,
MrtEiGN - • Domestic Exeluutge, Coin,
Itank Notes and Land Warrauts bought and mid.
• • (Idsettnne'mata throve/one the 1, 'dun,
-Pedants Datum distntad nod louts nagoddrd.
bottalit grid nn
nn Commission,
boner r}vsil dos ta, and Inlorest allowed n . vb./IJan
s • Co.
Illr.Atyla(7 fiX( . 11.041.E. RINK NrsTlZ. ac.;
2 1 111.74 rokrlk stn.!. oppome
All Transactions at most Lthrrej
TaLinitANTED to i.e thoroughly built,
and to wort Via 11311 , 16 411111 told tot (rIV.CAILKor . ,
bnrtOpmelte )IbpDtAgirgvealtblllig f. , 73 Venn stret, Illtts•
xb r , Thssehling Idor.Dl boaallf 114 1110111 , 1. and
rennaact, are easily reamed Irons plane to mar
he awl with- • oat a,}n}totitn . tar In tarn or 111.1 d. I/11.1.-
;.h_luoramsi . tgbtCr. threshes faster, or waken Netter work.
dott than to,tlial of thaw are now in ran In the }Vattern
ratesa ,... lnd amuunrltAst of the 3lott=t i 14 17 , t ,, ren . ,
thllush I. 4 4., P rzarrhe l, en reeranntended by those who
dn. ddr4 10 si edd n ' t Ix * in
ths Nor - •
~,,Tho,..h i ntothor Itool's Patent, an , l blattaehtsi to the'
thn straw and chaff
trrtlM " t 4c' tl e gtoti ' ullre saUsfartion }the rr
d. g. ‘ t e" ut , . "0
XiiiiiNiSTRATORS .NOTIVE.—,Notico ia
borsht- given that latlare OVAtdmlntetiathen-hato
giVto thq submileme on the gelato of Agnes ,
=oi ifoothlV ttei 1 , 1 alleghen eount 4.
' A n . 1 .** 0 . 11 ; snht.t To'
utd'ertatti are- requested to make hankedtaterpaYwen_4:
and an bartn i =te. to tssesottbniment
agou.wr. ~ ,• . sons ).$Ol4 zon.ii r y •
~0 011.1.1BRII.r..about 70 . 2 'ic - iier6f7::44ll:iutt•
jrwrid Lui4.1,14' tows tios."6: eity. 'and =WA/.
di Mist 11
, 144 rem!, and will Is offered at
ys gem Xaohlt • • TIIONABITOODB, •
4i Ilatiai Writ- •
~~-,c am" r:r "' ~~'N.-.c~~. ' , • ~_: '~,-'.,~:.
• myl-ly
X.l D. - KING; Coin, Stock awl Exchange
is Broker, Fourth street—nays and sells Recta on
rent I.:ethane° on fitudern,citins eupplied at cap
rent ratan Cailections made on theiVest at low mites; We,
Book ?Cotes flought and aild.• • • ff2b
Iyallatlba PALMER JONRCI 1.:134 — ` VII. K. 11.11.1%.
& Co., Succangors to
Ifaures k Co, IlaukeraEseltanne linckentand
eslers In ioreign *ad fkauratic Exchange, Fertlllcates of
licienit. Hank Ac . .tea. and Specie— .00rerr idood end
- Thirdetreets,. curvet lbacey meshed m, ber.sit. Fight
Cheeks (4 . sale. and' reilectlens niade on ready. all princi
pal points of Mc tidied States.
The iddhcat premium mad ler Furchrn mid American
e•Advancra nun'. on ennshmments of Produce', shipped
eaat,.on liberal terms.
larM.ll. WILLIAMS & Co., Bankers and
v V Exchange Brokers. North East corsuir of Wood art &
Thir,l frtrevu. eithenneh.
MI tranaactiona mole ou 11Lrrai terms. mud collections
lovniotly, attended to. •ja4.1!.-
111.1.K.1NS & CO., Exchange BrOkern,
\o.';, Fourth. street. opicalte hank of 1%19-
(draft. .111' transaction' , at most liberal rah, 1)14
WM. LARDIEIt, Jr., lianktir and
1/ Va. 4th street, so. adjolnlntal: the Dank r
,1101.31 ES & SON, Donlan+ in Forrign
. Ana nin..r Etc - Lana, Ctrtlrcitas of Do- ,
taadte Dank Not at and Sprat, No. ca .llnrk et tharoti Pitts
`. •
attaktit.. .a-a--Collertion. wade on all the prinalletl ratite
throat:bout the Cultad
, IV3r. 31 cCLURG','Dealer Fine Teite,
• • aim(Eanalir Orrearies. Wlsslen 'and ifillost Ware,
corners Mood and alstb Lareeta To 11W...ce11 - lon A large
assortment of Vera Codal. addltlon to Ids already ox.
tanalso stock.inirchaasol from first hatas In the Eastern
Markets., via sold at Ito lovest market prices.
/Gs - Motels Steamboats, and nosines s busing by the
quatitar. my:Vied at wholesale rates.
SlZstsoods slivered In the city f.-re of charge.anl9
4, A. NI'BANE. t'ontrnission turd For
„A.. warding Merchants. dears In Wool and Produce
general, saw, Pittsburgh Illantaketures. No. 111. Second
groat. Pittsburgh.
:WELLS Caralalrociitill Alerchaitt,
rd Arkodesals flakes IN Haan, Fish. Flom'. Dried
-cqnntry 'Producel.,,merally. Na :12.5 1.12,rtv
5..1.!,1 kW, Pittsburgh_ a1514.y.53
` . :,Deniers to Prorbioll A Metals and
:142 amt 244 Llbear
0 7 61emin Groeur,
IN•aler Ptod Mildly tat Ifs.
tt., tu r~, ■ - 4 kind. oriForeltrn sr] Irkaytic nempd
. rl2l or K a 7'14 : irnb I whkl, wl/1
Ir) it_I4ACKAURN lE. CO.. Wholemtle Gro-1
• rit"4l7l.:l4tr=
• ..)u sbcdr WltTelmumi, 141 Water stroct, Pittsburg:,
' 7 ll 7
aIS ;4 34
7.: '271 1 . -21.
0111411 met rr 1:5011MT 111dX.T.
ISA /All • DiCKEr & CO: IVltoleßalb Gra ,
. , .
10/LIA .
8C ' 0. ROE, Wholemile Groortrß and' Merrimac N 0.104 Libertr krret Pitts
,r 4
1 .2
VI. JtAoll..ti 20110 X. CO...AV;
. 111 . 11 1111144.40.
WTituAltt.: A. M'CLURG, • Grocer and
Ten eanor - Wood And' Sixth dreg*. Ism
slnnve On hand...nage assortmtnt Of eboketirnmee n and
Tens—lnneloirrnits and Nuts, IThnlonde snd
ibalets Iniplgled - on the Loran
OBEitr •DALZELI - et' CO., IVholoside
• ilmnern. COrinnlivlcm - SferChantn, Dealer. In Prodnen
1 rittnlnve. Manufacture. N0..214 ~Liberty annt.
- Malawi/h. ' - •
. • ------..-----
hint/ b. utrs
4. 4 .1, D. Wick, 1112.1441, li uces.Pontartling soul
colunttsaign ethantob 'Dealers Its Irt.u, Nslbb (Jlass,'Cu
. pssus, Ault Pittsburgh MastOteSUrell generallrt oath's, .1
Wo. - st irrd Water stint s. littalumh. - - . ..'" ..
i 7 'CULISEUM)N; Wholesale Grocer and
4,1. i• .tmtl'=ez,hw-Ha.v.;kzv47,'' fillt
.bur;lt. ' - . -.. :. - I -- ,I • . . -
. . _............. -
)1111,T /1.4.44
sniinlnn Ilerritantx,no Denim, In Trn , loceltonad
Itterlt Puiltums.,
street f , •.. • 77!,
.... . ........ . ..... Coenityre,
.. . ... StaLl43 .Ltckitr t .
amn-atrrrll AO ALEY, WOODWARD. Co..lthole
.l9aThcrn. xtriXl,lll,ll.lolobi..
• • ,
r 7 gßOTT7Dentiat; 'Fourth 7 , -
OF • trodonol Omni*nr,
frua 1 ,0 ta
flf tr:III
-__ •
~ , ----------- .
WIC A:WARD, DENTIST, Penn greet, • ..-• ' r.: , DRY GOODS. .
4 11"""46" 11 ' 4 ' ' tg .- = ...... 9 ''' 9. I''' 6 :,,,7 - 1 -- ,,,,, rrryinnon...e. t. A:RIMY av C1'.P , .79111.
liter. 0 1rettamIsis no our it 'l e red or &Umbra 42. .. i4. :.: A _. xisoN ,I. co.; whoiek'aqfp(ißei4il
ro i AtTir..W°. 4 !'= l* " °l49 ""ll= ll , ' n'ed In FO.F iind . Strper,etry, Vim. 2 :0 1 # 6 :i
Amirttivics,'lumaket w ;4 sod sol 4 Wki•lerelo IV
and tet.7l br. rill .I.lr4fit4ottit,
=Sand • - p, im re, $ dome liaml. srl,
'T'llE:-,;'-,_-,:'',_i_.::A.JiL..Y.--:-:::::'.l...T.:ry''s-.TIW.R:O-11' GAZETTE :
i ■ f Si 311- ATCLSON,' .A.ll4ile,and CounAel
eV. for et Litt. °Moo on4ote.l to No. 11:grent otrOot,
trox -Routh, WWl:numb,
Lw. tau., Attorney at Letw. —Bake
. well's buildings," Graut sink' Lefireett Fourth sad
loBERT, POLLOCK, Attorney at Law -L-
Corner of fifth and Grant street r,ohirislts the Court
hoes steps, Plttshurish. • mr.!.11..;41
17 1 )
CRAIG, Attorney at. Law, New Castle.
• •:wronoe Comity. Perinsylennls.
tete, to ma. falter crag. err. Crwek: J. 1.. . 1 "1 0- '1-
liampton k Smith: Kemper a. Kitbag If. Childs k tki.; Lo
gan, Wilson k co., 11. Lee. si,:i.slly
JAMES J. KUHN, A tternet. at. Law, offiee 1
Fourth street, nem. Groat, PittsCursh; • jal:;
Ic4P. SPALDING, -Attorney and Couns-el. , i
- 't heat
t i at W .
rciatttin.,e,4l2,,:i Stanton.
' Vr . " . '
VRAYCIS C. FLA NEGIN A ttorn...v at Lair.
vo re Fourth arm:. 111.tatur24.
TASPER E. BRADY, Attorney at Law,
No. 69 Fifth, Arra, rittxborgh.
X.RA3caussa zowarts at nx.. ..... rincit - sta scan.
LER & RAILM, tiankers and Ex
char'gei Broken.. Buy and roll Gold and Silver and
:Votes. t , ..,e„ltite, loans on neat }state or Stock Seel,
titles, tourchasoiontlarary Notes, and Th. Billion East
and West. Buy and sell Stocks on Commission, Coll,-
time 'utatle . all points lu the Union. Mike comer or
Third and Wood streets, directly opposite the at. Charles
‘11 ,, 4a . t1 ennunladon
r.5.171; ' ,.
Ad Denldr
xer and Wholc—
rearpeninr, Floor (03
Window fouter,
JAtte! street.
ft, Denier in llidex,
rime,, (kin .I'o6 Col-
V 2I St l =1 . • t alt
eV-I'lO4lllP. TCOLF •'
r.rt 7 FATTC6, -- Vihtilellle Mind }io-
metes, on.tho Eastern (Ade of the 'Diamond.
t n W. WOODIVELLIVImIeqftIe ittol ltcinil
•• - snufieturer and Desk, In Cabinet Ware. No. SO
T IN street..
I ENNETT& I . ll to..:Sittraufacturorsofiliiiii
and Fancy Yellow. Rockingham and Chasm Coburg
Mtn at the
0.. corner of It's,hlngton
1 , and ' Yra U nklin streets, Birmionhain. opposite 111 Soot.
OIN, : 11 ETIIERE1,L: Alnnlifocturer of
PATENT BOX VICES, a superior article. SOLID lIOX
and DEAZED lIOX VICES, corne.rof Anderson and Rol,
Jason streets, one square front thu nand str eet Dridge. Al
lei:deny 111. f. - nethenell
IcidOL WiiiitE.S.; - a-TIT.r of .171rstliTitdli6oity
reets,' ritokt.nryh. Pa.—Daehlubts' Toots of esery
ISO oar sty, such as IRON PLANERS, eddy mud Ilautl
LAT/Itln, Inill.l.lhll MACHINES, Ae., Ar., nunsufse
tursd order. tielg) Jul. Y. lIAIIILTON A CO.
)111(N F. (10104,
ONES & QUllit:, 3lnnufneturerd of Spring
and BlisterPlough Malt ; Steel. Steel Plottgb
It hunt Conch nod Entitle Springs: Itrais Nut 'ravers, Ilslf
Patent stereo Mail and IhountSred Iron Asies.—Curner of
10.1 and first streets, Pittsburgh.
.testa it Qrl.l
1 B. • BOCIERS & Thoolluottirery
) •
It Patont Improved St,ll Culthntor.--Corner
or tor and First Ideecti, rtd2.
ANSON, :1101IAN & CO., Manufiteturorn
or ,bovsdlplyndes. WarchOtov No. 22 Wood ..
10:trrtl. First aid Strom' Pittahurgh,Ps.
Penn Cotton dills , Pittsburgh
ENNEDY, CIIILDS & CO., Nt;tntitro .
torero of—
Ca en p n e tA C hNo.nof w a c o lo r s l a l n d i rbd
Cotton 'fugue;
idnuch Lin. and :Nub (ard
IL ;
Ripe or all char and derwriotinnr
linfora I cft• nt Ihe Ilanlyrare Store of Lagar. Irilam
1Irilam:11 Vocal strrat, will hare attention. .
n. . _
t Itlrn ? I k A I f and
ennainotiuto n.
Stea ENdte. Pl b ersum, At. Alm, Cott..
Baiting manufactuiurr.
VOtNIAT. Itchcem atrtat, p l 11 - Aacioaa.7:a.l.... 'Market
, uy city. ctreci w near fltat,Pittaburch
IC. ~.
!:earn tad Pn taken In aschantre far work.
rash Raid.
•Ctr i etajetl St Oro Foundry ar Oman, ail! tatattz?. , !ci, ) l ✓
......_.... ____-_-
Arnold-it Williams • ,
I. IInIISV-T-7‘lanUfhrturrs of hlyon's Vurnerrn.
mught Iron Tubing, slut Iltrlng F•r Stirem y Via or Water.
:N. 24 Market otreet, llttrbur.h.
hAv, mad nur e Fu7pa&o. Pat , tern i s, to;.l , l;;;Ar r 7.
tol e rd too It d
Ei ROESEN keep. euutnnotty on Land a mod mt•ort.
t of Womb and Patti Tut.. Ilion, Steamboat. Oak Moll.
}Mohan or Into.. Burkett:, Waealen Bowl, alumna. Dry
Monaural. norand Cherry 'Marti Iloarda, and all other
Linda of ufkrt , to bias Moe.
3lestl Tato. nod ma d o , r , n t ,ek e t,
Wareatout, Mast to It.O, ilfth .trout, littentrult, Pa.
Blacksmith 11e ows Manufactory.
aerllwr• wad' Itili.rtn their frleta.lo att.,
tho publics g.,•urrnllt . that tlw3 halo eta tt-n..1 Into pnrtncry
shltte, 1111 l ;t1 the of April. Mr. Mtn ..f it.
W 11.1.1 t , IS .t c
thr the mannfi.-tere or I:LACK: 4 S/ITH
11E1J,Ws dexerloll 1111 l whirl% 1.1.0 r are dorm/111-
,1 to Aunko of lb, 'rm. I rat materials supolior tre.rl..
Ittanohlk. They harm) It. hare. linn.l
Mont or on ‘i,,A &Wit itP at their utanr.hi.tory.
.. , .rnor of 1101.11:o.m and
I:Milli:1i IVIII.I.C.iIIi,
J A 3: liiil nil LyitlS.
A. BROWN. would Inn et respectfully in--
09 • horn Ito puhlhi that ho home on hotel. sit tae ;land
tot. nest side of the Diamond. Alleahoor City. a root
passostotent of Vonitisn Rambo Also. Venitian ehtit
tees ere meta to order. 111 the toFt it, I, sramanted Imola
to any In the United States, Ills Minds ran to mutinied
sililomt th e. e , ado( • emigre drlses. Davin,. ourobased the
stork, tools, asul nom, of the Cabinet firtatlishment co
lianiseo & islellelland. I am limner.' to foriiiiiit ilisir .44
customers as wr•il KA the litililio at largo. eireomblo,
In their line.
roo Agency, 10 . 5 Wood street. Pit talsofyi
J. A. Dlicii N.
. ... . •• ... 2.10. WF - I,FFI.V•f.
PENS' ItiaS '.IVORKg; :
I J ORENZ L. WIIifiTIAN, Majillfact rer, 1
.1 ail kinds of 01.11..1. ItIiTTLCY. and 101 Ihini
i.,,i., im Ifni., .n.t 14 , front street:: Plitalmrot.
. N. It. -Parthitilso etteation paid te odd elms of NI locloo
Dim...and 1•010,:30 0.,01.1 . for rottles and Vials. sop= 1
• ..
)13 , 1e.,
wuotx,is LE AND D.Ll'.lll. FA:4III)NAIILE
eN)/iN111: op 111 , 0 D .ix VLF - LW STRZETA .
Pittsburgh, Pa.
az.nLrace• ever, iutitUtv artirstyleofl4,
izil, Cam Mag. Ike., Cuffs sndrur lkinets.
i t'_ l u of 3 2:l;i t ,:rt r
Marinfactitterc cling Lewd, d Icaden Bier...ft.
.Thithir.ltaler Octets. Ae.. kr.
who hwy. war( rw. de In rur lien will it. , well lee
all. we flay twat cell' Baring Ow`, w'sriCet`,"l."4
practical nEI se tie mail heel
1. 1
kitic soil thee/ lead. twerau c e e e e t e .
at soy other establichnieht either ritiee
Pt.'''. fro. iiht ewitatrYi whotielsii purelowe plia ftr
mint . ..3lns' tinter front cipringra will Cud it to their when
hint he give .14 a call.teS ire iwirchnciag frair. wevoil hand..
an we are Ilwi.only twathifiwiteriWe Lead 11, arm
lewd in the city. finlere hewn thli.notriftry ter Irbil
thew! Lewd an.l Paretic, will rieecircip.witniit •tteutien.
I uka.kt.
Self Ifeatisig Smoothing Irons.
vtli P. It EATEsT DomE xr
sTre 1 .
fretratwei of the are. La4tew dud them a moat tire
la.ner, tin. ova 'newer. Nterebente
lurd paPnll,rd
tii wirer% Iltral.nrg
For 1.10. •14, at the iwtneipal isanbvpn. it,torrwin
lLe ell), 14.11. Graff f t Co., and Mr. ,lehtt
Alan. Tolle. Irma, .as thv maw, t.rtorirle.
Bolivar Fire Brick and Crucible Clay an-, I
nfacturing Compan
.11_ their rwearity for net , lnft,rturing. ore new pee. cared
ti1. , 1441t0 inwroarel rlrmolei fir the ir - Priek. VreciLle And
a'"din4 • v7. '" 7
liitaturytt. Septa:utter it. 3 , :: 7.
A rind
_ .
lAin w'd Alt • , k 1 c
I:. 31 frj ( iIL , INII'II.OI.IrIr Ditt o
AATOULD respectfully call the nttention of
&oilmen sod 11 - extern Ilerrhants to I& tine •toek
Felences. :sooting inke room Situ to wan. Them
sguo are Lunt from t he fort materiel and workman
end tookr hie own supervision: he ran. with e'lh
(worrant LIP work to lufrorlor to none onanorso
in the Colon. Tioonneeto• Isle Lupine. sod the
anerestoe deadand foe thto Plass of ond.k. Las Ind.,/
vt. , to hulki two . common 'or low voiced week hio
iAnnent. remote wanting good 'unmet work l
stol esnmlne his stook Loges going Kast. AlAl
• _
'New Coach Factory—Allegtheny.
N. H. WHITE & CO., icaul,i
gpectfull) Inform tinu he itd nibile that tted hey hove
int : La w eirk, between }edenit anti henduskey
li * fir 'n ere ' ry
e re. Lotvher. Charints.
.0-bee. bug•gleri. Onetime, de- whieh Irons U. I
experience in the weenier:tub. or the eby;sl
,ne facilities they hele. they feel ontricient lb •11
tril to do work on th e meet nowentatie ter .r)
I or
tins artielew in their lie,. nn'
" th
.. I , inkl o t:g , arLieti:a i r all... Mien la the eitieetien et materials,
Itreitallun In n " tireo n n tr ifirr n ritlT; t te " t rknn.n. lb"
n". no
thr attention h"r"'" nut
h the tt eto tide nuttier.
N. lb—Repairing .iabe in the beet manner, ant on the
most reeeenable terve.
Cokch and Carriage Factory.
011111$TON, corner of
gut liniment end Wawa ritrata;Alleatent City, would
reaper:trolly Inforalltair bleed,. ati,l the taildle annerally.
that the are ntannifarf tiring artisans .Ilan nlchea. Ihck
atlo;l4 Ihtaffira, Flohrita and Charluta, In all their radon,
atilt. of hidah and ' , rap/Tann.
All orders will he executed with afrlrt tvgiCho, dnrao
1 , 11Itj• sod boalitr - 11rpalro ailrn he attended
to on the wet TelYwaUtTA, tonna. raffia in all tholr•rroth
the best bettor,, Plinna.,.Poloa and Whorl ?toff. they o+l
antthat all who , far, thorn with their 14trutunn
ant be perfectly eat Inftoklipn trial nflLrir work.
l'urrharcra nee rcquerti , d alto then, a tall heften
Own,: elaewhare.- n.
Fifth Street Stocking Factory.
A BiLim ENEM:Y. ANI.) 1ie031031Y.--,
-% 'rho heat ands hi Chlldnneelhso. Mon, Socha. Un-
Iltraltirts; and Itrawres, add at faanutartnfer'• Pricer. at the
fifth street at.eallut Fluinty, all mails from hsor w o o.'
NO ADVANCE IN •141.1(7. W3l, it.tlx.
• Mocking ractorr, Slb atn. t. loiscuelt Wood and Market.
xicaoLso44 & P - A - t - liE - , — '
tx)olirst; ETOVII3. ORATES, FIitINTS, VENDEIiS. Alto
Libertg .51nrrf, , PITASite Irood.
direct. RNESTLY. attention to a new
4 1 andball.D.ol IMitell of PA DLitt: sTovr.o c.o.
„.,;„1 at ~
'; =91;;.110
t I
Tile.. Stoves In nvitnoss Of Dols)) egonnoty of supply. and
5...10.400t010f innings) surpass anything of Ilto kind )et
offer..4l to tint public. In addition to thiottlelesalludeol to
aLore. their general Flak .411 , 1i,44 • ,,, r3 thing to tnol ,
penal. Hu, v• ith th, toot apgroted fn. p.1 . 01,1111Y II IS 1 0 •I,w
or n•al utility. glatfornt snot Counter , CALEI)Iiark Milk
Wagon 1:00114. DOD= Wir... Ittn..l and Dog Iron.. Sugar nod
Tea. Kettles, So.. In every possil,lo variety of st)•le and tin
lob. •An ingorett.n) Is /toilette.) •
--.. _... ___-..
ILIVENOFT•N AMY, .. J. I. Y0011.1.1t.i0.
Livizeston, Roggell & CO.
7ACK' and Dppot Smieg; Env,
Calk and firaln dn.; PlatPom and Cnantoriln.; OAr
Inrks of all altns. Poring.. Wl+ and Thom lt Isstrtira, Coffee
Mills of kinds: Paint 31tIla aPpsosrd patterns;
Bolts and Vastrnlop: 31allostin of v., no
1101.1 In form and Nark .
)17 and 11.3 rittZurv4.
asn rrosso, anrn. Oe.lllTre. LT.O. bunt,', .4l.l.lllLTr.
Afa A NUFACTURE_nII kinds of 'Water, Gas
al and Steam kitting, Ilethout titled up witbllas and
fer on abort notlee. my4-If ,
sn'exEr. NEAR StIVA":I774
ESPE(rili LLY inform their friends mid
• the public generally, that they hareopened their
er to Warts at the :Loth Oland, when, they keep On hand
a largo ruppli beautiful - 31A Ant) )IANTIth.nI Gna,
elan and ()Whit Wing )fononnonta Total*, BeadStolye
turnltuto Ar„,w6lels • !ley offer at eatraubgt u w
P Marble In.BleelnYhtleoyall fumed to uWer, -
w. w.
977 and 323 Lacrry, Wye!. o, pnnYe &,,ahlfett
lt i r 0 N U NTS II : 3" T i o i c
rri R 1 ( 1 1 8 1 : . : G ve. S to ,
/Furniture Tops. 31antulirlturoelnic oteuel„dr.. al
als OU NM; 1111140 t 9 order. be 1.41101.17,M the
lowest rein.. Three hundred wrigleul nod eoleetet/ de
slime far , Stomuneula. e.j.n.b.d. •I Black nod Flab
(urrilehed t, thu Trade at the lowest vrlree. All °ram
filial with alespatelt 01 310 Literty Wen • -
I^ N WATTS 'CU.,Tlltjegint
, ,
VA • Inalalaway attact—ts now rrealtang ten, (decant
ntw 41 1 4 nf donda to gentternin'a wear. no . tralatind . of
..anpar CLOT! tt Ilaarr Fan., and Velvtd CASlttlEttl,
'Finah. Goland. And 11l to mast varlatr.
kYradna In want of /mom+. (lathin at. twatawfailt .
Tara to roll and examine nor Mark irLrn baying, as au
will ~data to wake it id their Int...natio vard...or.i.
nela - IVVIT9 co 183 Liberty' 'trent.
and &tall Dry Opals Mirdiaati (alit Toorthand
street. Pltisburtb.
iMount made &siring the -Pow y:a u r cl , ril i ti ttistry ! h recessa- b4" ,i bridg ßa e t s ib itu -p art* a t erie si ti e wa te jW at ieb„ : 4iiii t triminiti t-alw:.
r s o c r t: kr i tely3 n
ed egl t ec o
pt oj t r;I ::
. . , . . ....
AGENCIES. ' ' PITTSBUIttIi GAZETTE I Board his Butner/1A.3.0ns Hundred
1t,1 1 .. 1.3 i ii .., Hann--e ,, n 't*ett, ti f ` itt el ,; . ------------------- --------"----------------- = - Fllllf. *. hIORNII , I, JANITITMTI '''' lal -- . 'l ' Person, t4 ruid th P a it s tl ack eurgli f 4 th an e F s oa v d r ! ngfiel c . ompa ck ny . ., and ry work ought to lie pto
uabedateadily forward. twill compel • 1 • - -
voted Cemented and Stretched I,:th'er'lleiting. mate , _ a • - - ." • . •
niaotured by'''. JEWELL a SON, of Ilartforkronnectlont, : "----- ~ I a like &menet to•tbe Ohio and Indent* Railroad In some cases where land owners h... aa'al .' • -
W e now offer for sale a Dirge usortment of all width.. i
~, 'ANNUAL MElgnlro { Company.' Of the first - named enhicritdinn.Rixtyl tor land, dams e and f ' Lave ---- r - .:xi a : tint engineer, of more - thauetwadzr '
1 / 1 21:111felt0 red. at the mannhirtureee
yes his article ;
t 'it or THE 1 two Thousand Dollars have teen paid; in to tibial rase to fenee'h g eit a land .be auyerior to any Leather Boltin ever heron, ot7MTa „,
hiltilatinnatet. AIM , a la rg e alts omit w id t h. or Inca asTOCEXOLDERS OF THE 0. AND P. It R. CO . i thne• and of the last nameciFirty Thousand Dols i the fences, strive to encroach as much
1,, ,, ,,,d
proc , eadi es ,,,o P7 ,s l- 1 'I; loca ted ,
. r.c,,,,, Po 6 llS;Me co t a it en illl t I n te T OT it k a ltag mli l_•
.. r . .•-
" 1.24 - -.--- --- ----- - .
;theOhio and Penney ra, tors. Portions of both this roads are already. ih ble uponthe_Compliy.
to- h e^ Tinaedr this l delay in the tonstroction of the named'
1 411!.7,uri1!rd.,mr49 , .,:. , ,A..a.;.kp:trtft.....--- , Agreeable to public notice, the annual meet- .
a lph fe lo w a d n a d y Ll s :li e ra taro mid .:
a l ,
e p ia robahly h a ve to berm , rted
.d" ual litrtma lose 'lli ef e i -Ui a .h is ImtithrioTerCeirlit • VW",
J. .t 11. PHILLIPS: i of eye of 1
from Crestline to the Mad River road near Pat- I,
I GSTIN LOOMIS, Real Estate Agent, Ima Bo oad Company, was held at the
ii. stork, Moreland!. sad Mil Broker , eau .Y. 0.• 02 ' the Cathpany, in the city of I r ttsbur o a ffi b ee o ° :f . ... . . ,
The busines s of the road - Las increased lei - dustman
remarkable el Will. be, eeen by the rePrebbirel than sufficient to build a neer 80
hut, Thursday the skth o. oanuary, 1 and wan north street, above Wind. Dwane. 1 „u , ; , t+ seconded : so • •, s - 1 84, - ' s -- I terson
orgludSed by appointing -Sam'! Roseburg, Esq., I The Board aro so well satisfied that the most= 1 •
" .. 1:- ' t ' lle Th f t er is et a er . 3- viti T tr ea! of the inchine t ' , - ,
i,; -, A - MIJEL L MARSH L ELL, Secretary Citi.. , of the city
of Pittsburgh, Cheirman, and Robert ! profitable application that the Company can , --"lng'cw2Parativestatement: •
Dalselk of city o f Alle g h eny. Se cT r a th ay , makeof its means and credit, is in perfecting • Pee : L e :lry e . e ,i lfee o rt s e
i rr i les s . et : j ssos rene z.,.. ,.: , commend imell l - to the- serious erinait
B. mu's Insaranee Company: at water street. -
ilr P. JONES, .Kant of the Insurance : Tlie , Presidont, Oen. Wm. Robinson, Jr., Mtbe- 1 and equipping its own road; that it a s only in ! ,e 1 3. ,, '''.
et. ---52 7 7 . ., 6 , 2 ---7 4 : 9.1 " Stoss '
si l: mo tt ----t in
ors l4 the Stock of the Company.
s i v oo.oftcortit Ant..icr Front Wm..
Tn Y ee Pe nc r"x ludin an g d7ery cor3)6 : '' !.. ll 4h on ' U
, hallo(' the Board of Directors presents, d and ! very peculiar cases that a departure from such
i '
i t:
• iii m. GORDON. Sec elary Western Dow , ; i „d t h e e th e 1 t . r i 8 ta, . a ou e be ' efied.
. r ,,,,,,,, (~_,,,., ~,_,b . ._„_.u , o . t .___,____
ronow nn w u t ; report slom..-i.,
M. Roberts,
! e rs can jus i
this report •wi lc
the Chief Engineer awl Superintendent, who read They think, however, that a subscription' of --
h , red th il dollarsought be
one nn onsan to made ! • The increase oser_the crew . ding year has been'. satisfaction with the manner ill : w hie]
y GA EDLNERt:OFFIN, Agent for Franklin I f
VI a n y i Zeasztznee Company. riartboast (01710 . Or W.l
- his-anbualreport ttothe Board of Directors, after to the stock of the Fort Wayne' and Chicago i •- ' and agents einployed xt tit
in t h e passengers ca,rriell :fifty-two per cent.; in
_,,_,er.... e line
----- ---
p A. MA DElltA, st pint for Delaware IMO- 1 , • . . .
--n- - f urn i s h- ' i and Aix per cent .; in the freight receipts ' eughtenta see especially due to Hr.'.
teal statement of the affairs of the Com p a ny up completed, a very direct line, of a -uni- , b
_IL • east Montana Coco:ant. .12 Water stroot.
1 red and twenty-eighi per • ; nay, the 3.laSier of Traliiportatioti- I
tent., and n t he i ,„, . . . ._,.. ,_
,_:___, _ ________ __..._________ i ~ to the Present time, when • • form gauge, 463 miles long, from Pittsburgh to r ima •
9u tuotien of Robert efekid It, E Chicago. Thu will be of the • total receipts one hundred and twelve per cont. I "'troll eneenea in WeNb' ee "'elle)
BOQKSELLERSI-d:C. g , ~q. , t h e Ad_ bil one most impor- j. total •
Theforegoing statement of receipt s shows the I th e running - of the trains untlerdifile
; lowing resolutions were unanimously adopted: tont extensions that the Ohio and Pennsylvania .' . 1
Esseleed, That the Report of the Board of Di- 1 Railroad can possibly have, and the Board he- actual income el : the road fr.:m.l qm P e eing trams stances: • \ '• -
ID 0. sTocKTON:late.lolinstuu St Stoek- j
1 porttition, after deducting - ell semi received fee Tabular , atatementiares \ submitted
.1.41.,,, t.i• tiledller Statione'r. Printer snit Disider. am- ' cetera be accepted and approved, and that It be lisps that it will Poe' Well.
nor ol Mark Third streate, Pittsluirgln pr4d.fer the uso of tho Stockholders. The exency ot constructing a branch rill- I other Companies. , - The ght :of the, paying Port, exbinning-the equipment or the
iL. READ, Bookseller and Stationer, Ni.. t &Salved, That the Stockholders have been road up t he m valley of the Big Beaver from Brigh-- freiget, carried in the freight trains, was 74.740 the results of the operationntittbe rclatis
ON • S Fourth street. Almilo buildings. i mucl4 gratified with the h encouraging re- ton to New Castle a diatanee of twenty-two tons. The weight ofhe gravel s timber, atone, Tari etY of d"ellatlteaPreeeldlYsublidi
If It. WELDI.N. Wholesale anditetad : stilt of the operations of th e y t year, and that miles, has been frequently urged upon the Board i and other - materials trans Ported for the Company . \' -Bs Et / 1 . 01 :1; s etT
sp, • Denier in Mimic and 'School nook. Paper and Sta. 1 tbov autMinso and request the Board to procure
by citixeus of Beaver and Lawrence counties ! was much greater. The total recripti. for pas- - s Chi* c'Engincei and &Penn'
tionerv, No. at Wood street, (between Thlul aud Fourth) '•' • • . - Such line '*' - e t sensors, freight,' andthe Mies were `61 . 113 004 • Pier eeeeeni\JanulkrY'24tbV /Bet .:
Pittsburgh. ' m ....., I such Additional equipment, and to lay such por-a would connect with the proposed 140 and th to I ' ' '
,1 011 N - N.4AVISOe." onokselier and Sta. , tioneot double track as they mist think beat fur Pittsburgh and Erie, and Cleveland and :elation- ! ,. eta -expenseS charged to tee pay
leg lion.. successor to nu t tem d . miew, No. C. 5 Market the into of the company. • .ing Railroads, and would bring the north-west- ; nig transportation' were $801,689 86. , being
!toss. tisstssolir9s Pitt...burgh. Pa.' ! The following .r.: solutions were presented, _, ern counties-of Pennsylvania into close cootie°. i about forty-five per : cent. of the receipts, aud
itriNTITTi. BUSIVOR.III, Bookseller and; faced by some e • lanato
spry renmrks, and, after
Y ee ' don with. Pittsburgh. It is proposed that ant t making the net !Tempts
,for the year, $3013.385.
• leader In Stationery. Be., No. Ed Market area, neer • '- ' stockholders should pass a resolutien, autliori. 1 -13 •' '
In cemarn these felultssvrali.tee cost er
I. e hurioniL Pittsburgh. Pa. : colle!derstdo discussion and interchange of PIOUS' ring the Board ot Directors to take such order I the : road, it should
: be remeniberedt that the first
- _- :
7- Ar &. co., Booksellers and Statacuiers tby tee Stockholders were adopted. _ in the matter, an they may think, after due de-1 tram rim to Creatline on this lith of April, and
i ks r . ...,s . s : i . i . - 0..! streyt.. ,, nos t door to the -,rust ii(Third: ;By I, I.,, l ; keek: FLyq.. - liberation, will be best calculated to promote the i the fleet Ex P eee e train mettle Nth of ' 312 .T• 1 ' • .
' l -- Lae j----n'!l‘2l-1111-7- l 'T!'n l4 '2 d !--I"T' d • / . flisoired, That- the Stockholders instruct th e Permanent interests of the Company - . . i . The great Increase of ,buisines.s Upon the' line
~. Ti. ENGLISH .i. CO., ilooisellers, le t- O. . li. t s , • • •
It Is expected that the inc l i n ed and , particularly.the f • b '
planes on the • . upon eastern o it, 111,
!rem hi to proceed with the work of extending
a No. ''''' Wood alive. between Fourth and Diranend 1
Alf.,s, Pittortirch. Po, the nailroad across the Allegheny river as soon Portage IL It. will be avoided in about ten .days I rendered the commeneenient of a second trace
-.-7=--_ , as tee necessary prelitiduary arrangements can , by the openipg of the Tunnel through the Able- necessary. From Pittsbuh to Sevrickley, twelve
IVITTS/C &C. 'i lo made , ' - - gbeny mountain by the Penna. It. R. Co.Swhish miles, the second - trucks nearly atiald. \lt is
Piano Arles. By s en. i ituu Robinson, jr
1011 N If. 3 IELT-011;Dealer in -1 : I CI made .
. • wil lgreatly benefit our route, and shorten the used at present forthe transportation of inateri
ap mi L o, ass 31..d„,,i 1„i r „,,,, i , ~,,•b,4 o,„,:io,„ kit; rot
! Rosoistd, That tae StockhZdera hereby au- time between Pittsburgh and Philadelphi s . . ids for, the p rote c ti o n; of the . road from :the Ohio
Stationer.. Ibr Chtekerin t es Mai n Forte, for I tilO.llZO Bile &lard of Directorsto trib t 0 The general result of the working of our road river, at the moat exposed points along *be nai
ii est.,. teitosylvartis-No.KriVuod s tereo.
iiiENfrielitErigii.----beni;r in mume, 31 - u . : . 11:ri i drecl Thousand Dollen, on the part of this ~.• d urin g
B : a qs
a y n ee i r is ha,: : br l n vers :t zt le usfactory
te Re 1 Tile road bed is ded'fore . ' doubie r trick to
..k g , ,,indi r trmileilts, i tudll r aporter of lUD. ht toga : _ . ? .. pe e ny i, .. t owards
e. the et:ltruction
_of th e Fort `" `
Chief Engineer and Supl ig y N e T Fe ll t .oherts Es t ; I New Brighton, twentr-eight - miles froin 'Pitts
• colge r itei`Vl:st 21;tr.r.,V LI L'r u iroa:n ~' Ih n ey ! L in d k; h t},iS nßeacU,:,,,d4 on
s p u r e a h t ec e T t l i , b e
r ii . 1 whose services to the Company " S.
' horn the cum -1 burgh, and the second track should be extended
_ _ I [me Is of title Company. '' to
ruencement of the undertaking have been of the to that place &ring the coming season. - 'The
SCHIDEDER ..t CO., 'Music Store , 4tii• '
; most valuable character. , widening of the read bed foranother track from
ii. I • street. betas..., Market and Wm.,. N e w Mende imu. i Resolved, That the Stockholders hereby au- I
The persons employed upon the lino have '
B e , ,Alliance to Massillon, will cost about two thou:
neutiv renen,,iii ' , nutria inetrument:of al kinds. tilt the Board of Directora to take such tie-
D.ItUGG ISTS. lion ns they may think lick with regard to the orally performed their ditties ill a praiseworthy I sand dollars per mile; and at Mast tvrerve miles
manner, and the Board endeavor to employ none of tho distance, extending from Alliance to Louis-'
' - construction of a Branch road from Brighton to
but trustworthyreliable' 'llsho uld be : • •'
and men. upon whose i vi e,
..completed speedily, BO at ho pro-1,
By It. McKnight, Esq. : , . , faithfulness and care so much depends. i vhle a passing place for tee trains near the mid
The immediate auperiutendence of the run- I dle of thoroad. For th ese purposes, and &emend.;
Resolred, That the Beind of Directors be and
Ring of the traina is in diorite of Mr. D. N. 1 ditional Hide tracks, 'shout three thensandtena
thee are hereby authorized to subwribe
' ' ' or °°°. 'Courtney as Master of T tt' b ie l of railroad irou will - be ni ed and th -'
, aanspor a ion, w o cri r ,e coot of
tribute to the conetruction of the link of mad initiring in his exerti ons in that important de-' the work will depend very much open the price
between Creetline nud Oallion, to connect. this 1 porn:emit. Ilesisectfully submitted. i paid for iron.
road with the Dellefuntaine and Indiana R. R.,
on such terms and conditions no they may deem I ,By order of the Board of Direcors. 1 In the last ,year the number of Locomotive
beSt for the interests of this • Comny.
IS.u. Bowsaws Jo, Pt ssideat, 1 &mines upon the road haa been increased from
_ twenty to thirty ,- one. The ` incomeof: ee road"
Resolved, That the thanks of this Company he ' I
IMPORT or rite m it
mute exass AND arrmus- - .1 has increased much fester then We number of
presented to the President, Board of Directors:
TENDENT. ,engines upon it.. Ton new engines bare\,been
nerl'Enginaer, for the able and satisfactory man-
Gas.Ws. Rourasos, JR., President of the Ohio i contracted for, cosset"! Of which shcald'hato . ,
ner In which they hero conducted the 'affairs of ' tea Pennelefrante R'iircad Company: ' been delivered some •, timo ago, and the whole!
Company Cempan s Door Sir: - The following report on the state number of engines ought to be a least fi he
sfferolred, That the proceedi n gs of this meet- of the work, and the operations of the tranepor- ! fore the close of 1851.' The Com ' y own2Bft
leg he published in the city papers,
in tation department for the year 1858: is respect- i passenger and freight ekes, and 1 I.l4rairel Canis\
pamphlet form for the use of the ',Stockholders. fully submitted. Oindriog en aggregate of 'O9 canr. • Inventoiy:
' On motion adjourned. . Ever since the surveys for the rend were coin- ;of the, present
. equipmerik accompanies Were-
menced by me in 1848, it has been rat practice ;s , ,, , . \ ---
ROOT. Miura, Re'y. - to inform the President and Directors. front day I ' / Ye s
_ere° teenatnT to ProTede, an a mPheellniPs
to day, of whatever came to my knowledge affect- ! me n' tia t e. eir "ginee and ears. The policy of
ing the interests of tho Company, so that the an-; refusing freight offered for transportation, we;
nual reports required of me consisted Imre mo re ! havesbeen compelled to do in twiny cases,'ne Mg
of condensed statements than elaborate detail* ! but elites necessity can justify ;Nand a confirm-
The same course will be pursued on this occa.::\ ADM) Or . such a policy is out of :the questiois. I
sloe. \ . 1 provides a railroad company psidea the meank
At the time of the last annual report:the Ohio rid j to t do ollthe businest offered to' it,' rit fair and .
Pennsylvania Itailroad was open for 'public en I rommiersiting rates. it exasperates its customers
'froin Pittsburgh to Wooster, a distanc of 1. 41 anS l \ lo lilsts,u.P viral linen . Tito 'lien:94 giv
miles, of which 75 miles were ballast ,h wit lugs %preference ,to poriabaldes_ pro ,hus
ern groat groat delay in the transportation
On the eighth day of April, the firat trsi l ran °titer , 1 . tiel& ' The ' Company has been ' ltreelll
from :Mansfield to Pittsburgh, and on, liohday, l n Shippers that it would' not receiveX7re
April 11th, 1853, the road was opened from Pitts- I t an* chime-' could transport .
burgh to Crestline, in Crawford county, Ohio, ' i 0 bull s up a large, reliable, and:Profitable le- I
point of connection with the Cleveland and -\! cal relight s usittess upon the Kee ien moat int-
lumbus, and.Ohlownd Indiana Railreads. Thin ISpor nt mat s is, audit may nt isily, ' he
. erpinplish ,
point is on the summit level of the l .high table \ i rd: A . / 74 1 el of the - Dirliilgtoll cannel COill
land betwee Lake Hae and the Ohio river; owl rsgom its * nearly cotripleted; l lf the Olieoi
a considerabl village has already been erected ; an 4 e' Vl T 'eu lintinnd ou always hel4llid
there. • • ' . upon for uric • * ty.anddespatch,the numerous I
The halefon lito and Indiana Railnaid Com- ' lin e s \eide er° 4 4 l twill ho converted into feeders. I
pony have not y t exten ed their road b . > this ' Azer when \wo 14 •tietolieithat the, great .exteu
comtnon point of inter:ace 'on, four oilier from siami‘of the line` to \Fort, ',Wayne s t, Chicago, Si. 1
the present terrain s ; tot att they are losing it .: Louissosed Other iileea; are now in`progress, but
great deal by not • acing done so, and as the : a" Ye t: \ e et e e le tedt - le
it essyto see that it le the
work will rest byt lit le, there'd... 4 good reason to ; duty and the highest fid.orest of the Company le
believe that it willapetsdily be are. Every res.: I prepare its road 'for the at future which in so
sortable aid should lie \geven 1.11 on to facilitate I rapidly °Petting .I Cefore it'
and expedite It s ~ Asia my opinion % the - earnings of 1851 May b.;
The distance from - Pit tabnrisli o Cre s tline, i s I safely estimat I. at' nine- hitisdred thousand -dol
-207 miles , aid lhartraek is lard eite'risils. weigh- /Ina. \,.
_.,.. ;
ing sixty ponnati`inir yard: Mabee- nicht span t. ET direelion of ' the B oard, surveVrhaTe
chairs at the Joints. In 1852 , seven ty IWO mires , befti . 'llutdefik - th 'eaTeindan Ltseho.- road across
of the track were groveled ; in less\ tory.ftio 1 the - Allegbeny-river, intetheatA , or 13141Wiik:
miles more; and the work is in progre on the and Reconnection with :. the Peensylvitnii- Rails
remaining thirty miles. The unavoidablaneees- I mad. - Tire lines bake beets rm.\ tee upitt% i nte
sit-' of running at high speeds nn an !unfinished ; one being for a new bridgq et Allegheny str 4.-
road. hit induced mo to press forwurtl the Work 1 1 opposite the outeidepot of the.Petitealtailmails
of ballasting the truck:et:even when the to:testes This line ' disappointed \ expectation, \ requiring
could ill be spared for' he purpose. That I - t very expensive work, and ebjectietutbly 'high
portant work is noie in a fair way to be n Swedes, to reach the level \of the ,streets, in the
finished. 1 , ; eastern part of Allegheny nity, 'lt wou ld [ to'
, a..... 1 ----. sso osoters nen-week. / ,..7,_. . - 2 -,;\
Much as has heen dime, however , in the past, ' not accommodate the Pitts arsh l citibusiness,
year, the Matinees of the road ham increased . ttnewouhl COUTIOCY witb the entiesivaniatidi
:much more rapidly than our means of necominoss il shout a mile east of', its - 1 miger station,
dating it; anikalthough the earnings of the road . d consequently put that CoinittanY to gresitin
have, been mere -than double those of the year . co venience.. It would also mdd,a bMr bridge,
bt4ore, they would have beep greatly augmented an -nev i theefore an additional obititectio . to' too
iz p,...
if it had limn possible fur% to carry all the freeittation of the All°o l , o n,Y rj\CP7\ i," ' \ 2. !
freight offered for transportati . The delay of •• A thcr line was ran aersta the liver,\ *tow;
local height is especially to be regretted, 'and the : the St Clair street bridge, and eppo cis
meet energetic measures ought to be taken to : let of he Canal. This' line did no sni the
prevent ,it in future . . ! street grades on the Pittsburgh side, hies ribs'
In the beginning of the year the probable , struttin g the river and interfering wi th bar=
earnings were estimated by me at nix, hundred , hor. The harbor of the two cities is wine toe ;
thousand dollars • which was deemed an extrara. 1 largo for the accommodation of their preaentand :
gent estimate . It 1,.... t,,,werer, been exceeded I prospeethro hide; and in my opinion, no liridge \
by sixty-eight tl u ~001 dollars, notwithstanding i ought Permitted te- be built aerate' either
difficulties of the ino.t. harrassing description ari. ~ the Allegheny or Monongeliela rivers; beloirehe
sing from deficient equipment. The aggregate ;present bridges, unless- in compliance with
earnings of 1853 were $668,004 40, of -which I principles laid dawn-by the , highest judicial, LA
511.192 57 were earned in the. tarot six menthes I. bunt in the countryyfor the protec t ion of thiis
and $426,811 92 In thetas& sixmontlis. Theaverst free navigation sr, the Ohio river; end suc h:a
age monthly earnings of the first. half of the' bridge could not, supply the kind of connection
year were about forty thousand dollars; and ofi that Is seeded. . , . ••... s .. . ...
the last half, more than seventy thousand dollars I The other three lines were run over the crim
per month. In netiabOr the earnings ware sgs,_ eat" bridge' ; tov.irit: the 81. Clainstreet nridger
• 039 03. This was done with an equipment tide- 1 the Band street bridge And the Aetiedua, They
quate to earn, in regular working, about -sixty,, - are all practicable. .By Mirchtiang either Of the'
thousand dollars per Month. • • , 1 present road bridges; and re-w super
,lt is not always when' nompany is the most I structure, as was in the case of the Market
prosperoui that its officers, aro the:most coin- I street bridge at Philadelphia,. it might be roseate
forint:du. . The r e is a limit too, -, the power of ins.-. 1 to serve both for rilliondityposes and. common
chinery as well as to bumrus, endurance, . It is travel.' Stich apliin • iefild „p , hiswevers" . iniOlVe the
when the work is - heaviest, that break, -and fail- I laying of s. track along Om§ Streets; ionfurniiiig
urea moat frequently occurand then they are l totheirandulatinggrades„w ildi-are at Present I
most vexatious. In the ear ly part of the-year I very , objectionable... Propert !Visor ePon-those
the trains were run, and the numerous : col/nee- i streets, where.they intersect lie. Pennsylvania
dons made, with very great regelarity; . and ins railnitl, is highly itaprosed d;rery valuable.
the latter part we hays atziven to do the best we The - rants by the ' Aqueduct 'frinsy opinion;
could. . :- ;,\ muctithe best; ~ I .V followring-the amine of the
A good and substantial telegraph litto has been Canal, theitreets es ar e nvoidettid a line
erected along the road by two enterprising and, of good grades and urvattireas can tr obtained
highly respectable gentlemen, to the expense of I without any vary wore. ,A g colutee
which the Company contributed. It is not, how- ~ tion with the Denrosyls nia Railroad/4h be made
ever t owned by the Railroad Company, noratethe 1- at its paneengelt e ation and t lte ' future'votipeti
operators appointed 0r., - controlled - by ita. The. - ton of the ateu wine'. Chortler/4'144y, and'!
telegraph has been foun very , .useful, although I Homp fi eldsraliroal \ afer the Cincinnati tralel can
not so much so as it was hoped that It would be. ibe successfully in t, It '
vrill also afford &ill con..
or as it 'may hereafter lecome.•, In :the ibegin- I *clients with the Allegheny leilley,and Volts
ning soinetof the operators at the way stations nellsvilleiatlroids. - \ It la ikt 'Melia lad Minter!
were deficient in experience, and in a due ; fore with : the freenaetitiolsAquedust; or to In
sense of responsibility. it, was not found tole I jure it in any way; .bbt; olx . _ e contrary to -ad d
safe to run trains by telegraphic information l to itajetability by lengthawn its piers; by td , .
and the practice was immediately discontinued: i di
Of substantial . ato nrilsnithone"
An accident which occurred , in the early part of l any interference whateve rW th the t r ePeTetrees
October, when the road was 'overloaded with Isture ofithisAqueducts -- 1 .
work s :arose from an incorrect, .tnessage.Leamixtu- 1 . The -location of • railroa d in. ,- •ty is usually'
Masted. by a Conductor • to the Superintendent, attended . 'milk- great- difrl : Snide , ' whatever
respecting tho detention of an approaching train. I p liiiiii- P r O 9se ‘ eanie ". ° P 44l ' 1 1'! v be- "ix*
. For the miscellaneous business of the .Canipany,l petted; but after giving to the auto t a eareful
the telegraph is in daily use, and is ' constantly itiveetigathint I have came to \ the tell cotton to
becoming 4110r0 valuable. . . , .':--, .1 recommend, in Miong -terms, t 41541 •' ; the* .
Three hundred and fißy-eight thousanksovat rLs the routs by tinbatlnadttet;'-whieh\i aVollr
handred and' thirty-eight passengers have been t , best in my opinion for both theraiiro* • . mpart
carried on the road in the year 1853, without Rai ice, but, lso beit for- thepermanent ! • • tof
accident to the trains by , which a - single' life hints both the cities interel - Ited. lt Will 'do , e te • era
beini lost It is with a grateful sense of Provi- I lively litthe'reid Injury to prinites'propeilty, and
dentist goodness that the fact is recorded. This; the wholi\Work, exoludins,-eons Raid for -
is equal to an-average of eleven lundre•l auil , estate, ought not to cost more than tWo hand
forty-six passengers per working day, asae train thousand dollars„ The Company ought otter. o
Is run on the road on Sunday; • It is believed : rest Untilit bytecoinftibilial. : :D
Then Ate, cola - 9
that. no other rood in Ohio hes carried sa M ''
Large a ' both thi ratir&A NO4 OOl OO CO eTa!ri• 48 - 41.. k....
passengers of paengers in the'past year. ''' .. then), river.''shot s: tranehiPniente mitt Pike:V46e
The anxiety of itidlrmid officers Is very much , on either side of IL ' Albeit the eate are brouglil
- by the determitfed dispOsition aliown ! side by aide on Nuallef tracks,: the ebstrif brans=
by many passengers to dlinegardthe ruleXeateb- i (erring freislitts.t.sinall mater; his:east cases,
Ittihad hot their own protection. - They' will not ! as has been caul:01;00 proved upon our line
take their Seats before the ears start, and they ... by erten] experience oda - largescale s - • :,-,.
will leave : them- belbre - therstop.' - They will "f Wheirthe-Permayhaidalisliroid ti, connected
'tendon the platforms,' pass through-the-strains i with the serious Etusallif its • kmns - gauget.ribieh
when in inotion;.33.l get info the littigage- cars. : are qoing
~.0 11-. .A0.ip0451. iorke,., SWIM of _money
The most positive warnings and creldbitiotiawtti ranged , in r nnau elPhlat in Vogt ~..Wenntre on, the
p o sted up in rain; and' the most pesitireorders; strength' orthitirgupiOti, thet Carilownell by the:
givsn to the train hands are diaregitivied.bY pat.', Ycmayliaiia` Ralleciid!,,COMpatiy,' and'eosting
sengers who-ought'to bases -better.. The fact ~ five hundred &Bari apiece:aro tobarin through- .
that,. a gentleman is 'a etreiholder, Of - an ed:l 4 init the States; ef- Ohio, 'lndisha, Illinois' and
iter or a prominent politician, or au officer of • Zlie b igar, and to - be broked,, or ; to be brought
some other company or. or even' that hobs* frt.' ? -.:lntek, nobody can ton .ylcaljt., appears to nie
quent traveller on the - road, ' justifies him in t that theory and practice will be rolled to:4oer,
;Lin ourt ., Spinlon,:in doing:wrong himself *LC materially, as is erten the ems& . Our Hoe . Voing.
setting a 'bad ex:ample to otbera -- ''ln We West ;" of the Ohio gauge ;' With' that gauge 'eontihnett
this evil is. , much stliersdifflehlt , tit overcome; to Cinenuiati, ghicagosineffstither „distant painters
than in the Eriati . ':,! it - werioiiitho to get jti,,j will ittfte-nnnirlreldstltantlXitssPiranshiliment
riesta deride' thavic .partois,-conhr fitioiorilvandjio,tininfgotastbeco re . o t,t4 o ,
' liii iiioiti i e:tiornpnia'iniiiiiiiiie , deli.tni 3 Ornold.liiiiill‘littiitililareid4tOmpitnfie t wil e "t en i e d' i
have . escaped if he bid been complying with the ] when they bring freiglkta &WILMA - nor 'WM
rules of the road at -the time, it would b 1,1•0 I the valuable *rolling ittokit:iigAivOtimpeny be
most salutary e ff ect in inducing passengers to ' . xermovedmit of - the ; reaelt`o7lll‘ , prOtection of
do as they a u ght for their own tatety. ~ the laws of Pentutvlvaniit -. •:.:- --.- .
L. 11141. i. JE - - ' .---- ----
oTt.rirtiliii 1
I IVILCIPX. S. CO., Etruggiate and Apoth-
II .I• marled, nurser Market etreet and thn THatnuna;ktoe l
evurtaully ...II baud a full and 4e...inlets, easurtnient of .
Usure..llellielnes.rerf usneryousdartieleapertaluinuto Owls 4
huldu. PIE.
l'hysirland peed-rlpt un
lona rarefullenpuunded. 113)19
8 .._
I oli IC I'. SCOTT, Wholesale Dealer in
0 ilrusot. l'afutn. lnia, Varnished and Dye Sils.Tr. No. llui
I. heel r street. Piltabsuwla.
I .
All orders still reeelseprual.rl atrunilun. ' I
dser A,...ent for Loudon /l Cu • A salnahle (easily usedirlued.
suer U. 41 •
ilt-X2D;il jfe.S.•Z;
/I • Drnenciere. and tn•nurartnrers of Willey IRAti. Red
Ald. Clod Llt tierce, corner Wood and Front street*. Fitter
IVlinlestqc Dealer 111
renccxc nt y i. etesee ITLP,
ItAl/N d; REITER, Wholemnl. & Retail
tarn corner or I.ll.rty end Et. Clair streets,
SCIMONMAKER .1: CO., Wh. , le.nle
. !ie. 21. Wood street. rittsturt,h.
Stieio;ssur to L. Aillernt
of & Cu.. eviller Market and Triatunnd—geerr coo
/tartly au ham) A fun Aral esecrtmest of Drugs.
tfortictreua tirenclae (lest.. Perfumer!. and all article.
',err 1 1111 /112 hit I 11411‘,.
Plirrictarte, prc,ripttuus carefully e.lupounderl at an
1 i HAFT. rr., tAtterost,or to Jatt.
tty, ar% Inonatltto,7l.l 'ad Nod, In
hat, 011.. lolot MU. n
58 - Izegltlar for Dr. Font. Nlntlnino,
. _
._ .
eILESTER, lkloreliant Tailor and Clo.
.. tiller. Nu. 74 Wrriil greet. Particular attention
Pad to illy' .1 Vuuthir (lathing. nutiriy
I ITI 1.L1.131 1,1(111 y. 3ferobant Tailor, Dra-
TY ; or .....1 V.. 1..: h , 17....a.1y Ali,lo C 4 -Uilr.g. , S 1 Lib .
....... Orr..
- I
W AT'I'S ,t CO .lilerel , aiit Talors, i Isl
l• SI. lII.i h........iri 4 i ; our
Jler ~ rty g ••
int stork ef Orc il Mr Ilentirrnen's Wear—ulbe. ( . 34
aimeree and limtle iniii a r
t he thereat at ilea and Marginality.
Oar ni. nil. and ti0t..11...... Wll3 laleams ~1a.,, na a rill nub'
R. JAZill::4 KING: Olilee and ReNntruue.i
No. n 7 rum ttt. cuebe4rab rut.
jalrly 5
117 - Eittrrmor f:iint r rafftClNK
' itit..tat',' l,-Ir lt
:‘,O. 1.. r net
ISM( *Alt ITS_
inriot.. )
AI & sriou STORE.
rnarlh hee . tereee on head full eseortrueo.l;..ridllf.
je s e r talNurgh. I.
vtrALTEit P. MARSIIALL. Importer nnd
v peeler In hleJn, Figured nod tillollrittiTil Parer
Ilangi No. h.: %rend etreet.
I , ole A nee
rent elf the eelel.rate4 nesnufseturtee. Mow - N.1141-
court 4. C. of l'urie. zuh3-14,
VOR PRINTERS.—Ii'o will Nell Ei" good
j IjON 11E9n.rnioerlel elee ore, low for molt.
:It IfAtll'itlV EN t ItAtEll.3.leteoL
1:14.—Th,. P.A., natant. f‘rJrNE. direct ime steamer
iII he on tale on the let proximo he
jaTtf'MPS. L. H. WILSON,
2Slti 1 . ..n0-alene Mend street.
Imo. II A
~tILLAS-Mnterlal• =Aril fn tar.t.miderr and Ate
ere by Mita. I. H. wit-w)N.
J•Ctlf ;la. 23.1 N Aron strert,lehoro Mond.
, t , lflolterer , Ii
oi.. :dizf 7 b 4,, t. toWir tPn the (Art;
M litoonant oGer Wood tlirrt•
B. M. lIMELOW; 'Proprietor.
SCHL . I6II oI _3IAN'S Lithograph r
11111 0
Hera* Marne lionstrandole,Arrliftectenal and Mechlin
lintiogn, Inulheer and Viritino Card. Be_ rome r o o r
Drawn on `tube.
sod :whited in eukne Hold, fironee. or
Bleck. in the ount nOprorril rt)lo, end at tit., wort m00n..-
.mem/00, • isol_ •
MlEFlikl....oabliehell 1841. moire.' CoOr
is 2. Sliver 31edel• end 2 InplomeeMenufectorr, 4OG ,
Poon atroet. lityrhorith.
079-11ewoneor ItUltIPllllll COUTlttSfritit.
The receipts of the tirst half of the year were
about forty thousand dollars per - month, and of
the last half more tlutn seventy thousand dollars;
which groat,incremiejeatifies the belief that the'
earnings 1854 will be much larger than these:,
of last year.
The patronage of the publie thus liberally
bestowed upon the road, calls for corresponding
exertions ott the part of the Company, to merit
its continuance and increase. A double track]
lion been begun, and twelve miles of it are now ;
nearly completed, extendipg from Pittsburgh to!
Sewickley. The second track should be extend.
ed to New Brighton, twenty-eight miles from
Pittsburgh, as Soon as i t can conveniently be done.
The bond bed is.already graded fur: t Surveys
have tech made for widening the road bed be.
tn*een Alliance and Shutsillon, which will not bo
an expensive work; auk.tho double track from
Alliance westward 'ought' to be begun at tut early
In the beginning of the year there wore twenty
Locomotive Engines upon the road._ The Mun
ter now is thirty-one, and ten more have been
I contracted fur, several of which are ready, for
delivery. Unexpected delays in the receipt of
I machinery have been productive of much mama
venience and disappointment
It is the intention of the Board, with the ap;.
probationer the Stockholders, to make each ad- '
ditions to the equipment of the road as may be j
necessary to do all the transportation that may !
offer, without detention or delay a and also to
provide such portions of double track, and each
machinery and conveniences an may be .
cessary to maintain for the road the highest
I feputation' for safety, promptness, and rano. I
Three hundred and fifty-eight thousand seven
hundred and thirty-eight passengere have been
I carried open • the line, in the past year, without
i an accident to the trains by which a mingle life
has beets lost.
- The preparations for agreedy increased bust. I
1 nese will of course reqUire an additional outlay I
of capital;; but,with bonelusive
. - prOora of :the profitable Character of the investment, the Board
hope to he able to obtain the required amount!
withoidiujurions,.financial sacrifices. -
I If necessary, the Board proposes to assist'tho
Rellefontaine and :Indium Railroad. Company,
in extendingitstend from Galion toCrestline, a
distance of ebOuVroUrmilis.
The Board Lan given mitchcolusideration tethe
1 question die extension of the lino !WON the
I Allegheny river at Pittsburgh.- , The su b et wee i
referred to a' special Committee, and. surveys'
I were directed to be made by. the Chief Engineer:l
The Tioetkor that officer are presented 'in his
port, herewith. submitted, and they will be found
, worthy of, the attention.of the. Stookholders.:—.
1 The 'City.; itr PittabliTgli . kvi already granted thd
! right Of way from the Allegheny river to Liberty' ,
I striet either hy.St. - Claie street; Hand atreet, or
the. Aqueduct... The adaption or either of these,
routes will require some leglalation,• and the t
• work ought to be begun mete* as this can be
' obtained, and other preliminary: Obitaeles can be I
removed, The consent of theißtaelthuldere
the - Pennsylvania . Railroad Xompany. must also
IllnoTTtaxsß,l-Alirlt,gisrzol'AtieroltlenEUVUo:lllAlLrlVA.LtEz b e ;
.17. roreanlobker .l ..*ISIng.thsblith it t i i
.Stisitund4a geit:EpPcipslosedtebt3T.tothtlet7vir...izinfer,warmdasdspflli,thi.,l
moriknikm.ntapk,,, s b io z all kisds, ITbalsaissnalk- • ' " s ff o
tall; Field, pardon sodllower Foods. itve pm% sad A 4 m 4 on account Air
MIMI! 'nem b a sso, Peat:NUN' itkciadSll tunas' ft;r direct c rup ti' n with their. stationAPPefi:l
o -c o
'paw' outlaw connected with Astleulturc •
1.141.'f1i BRICK-2 onion .ou hand and, for in ' l "" d an" '1" "1°617b,*. the i
jj/ pals by Jar JOIN 11/Yl', Btoekholders it their Met annual meeting, the
• ', Bread and Craoners.
ED DAKEKY. No. 31T Liberty street, opposite the hr.!'
icolthrliilit.' .
Harlon I , l.'oin/4%1110 0 of W. R. Neritin Crasher snit Illot
limed niceldsies. 'I cm orepared In till ell orders for Creel,
ors or Pilot 'Demi, nt the shortest nntlee. i
litliirriiir FeCtil, lima Itye •oil Dyspeptic previa, Dirge I
end siosll Neale.fresh every sourulno.
Pteicohnets. lintels, Or., supplied with hard soil soft
Onmil: At idlrinier.
Piii - Cskes suileonfectitionry on hand snit mote loonier. at
J.l b7n '.711.7.i117(°.°at;;4.1i2k6117g'.(Aker3.1.
Edmund Watts it Co.
.A RE ia receipt Of their Pall Styles; alga a
t t' t a r G la 'a.- In t Por F;2_.111
/lldgr romrent, Minder and rdos tAtdos:to "varloks 't". (ll4m-is
and'onallthro Clotho. et the best makes, and etn.t lhalr
tenable Caws me Dress and rrook Coals. Webs Mark
eassimeres and Doethina, Plain nett Fancy Meted easel- ,
UMW, l'or Oat 11 , 4 r ,Y11 , 1g71/1.
resillig4—.l on( reelriTe/t. of the newest styies, and in
=rat •marletr. Altosother an unequaled assortment to 1
wldelh we call the attention of our etodenters and the Inds-
He. and hag Irate to assure , thazn, that na «lochs made by
,i,0h.111,R1; letior 1431, •11.3 at marl cute Win,
Ndw lestanraut
THE undeniigna hhas opined'a .
.t. at No. OM. Vomits atraet.a fegdoors frorullarket,
nearly opts:eke the lilsrobante Bank. Irtikh he has hand.
antoric fittedup. and it- 'IOW prepared to accommodate
th he
oldie, at a/1 haunt. wi t h any thing they niaynearit In
Dinner on the tall,. dally.fnun 12 to 3 o'clock. 1'.11., and
otery attention will he M., T to.* I the hale . I,l i
the delleselos of the season..
41tall and refrealtinonts furnished to order, at all hours.
on the shortest unties..
With the Wilkies recounted liy the roborrilo., to Ara La
thifactlon. he tenetsto he able to merit a general and ex
tensive patronage, and incite. a call from all litho
eurnfOrtsble meal, well get up. nod nerved in
uneseeptionable style.
'rerun. reasonable. ' 348. WILSON. No. ed Fourth at.
Illtslorrgb 7. 1453 •
LOVER. DA IRY.---Tho subscritei ip pre
(,l to fondrit nonilles, 311LX and
C 11t..131. and. •ta. thankfol tor the netronnge of hi.
Mend* and tho COWS nlll to fed on stood
anoleaoloo rood. and every rare trill be taknu to satisfy lilt
enotoners. V 01.., rtddreastd to Wilkins Post 011 ire, giving
the No:of 00, rtni.Lor. , and *tenet. will by ppnetnally at
landed to. toettnitf 1 If. PAAOY
.. .
■jxOl I:1 . Ita t treetsnear
■ ifigtliSnol7.°Annt.,ll•;:,:trAvzlagirattlt~fN,.
l C
Tai' Vlato-Pla and lintlienlilnAii.r2.4X
Twilled and Only Venatlan
Toirethei with 'otery description of low tirinatestpet
Ott. Cuirros—Venm throw to 'twenty-ont feet wide. al
outlines and priest. Jlints. Uinta. Mats: and Tata.
Cuter', 'Window 311Loda. Onltand Ore.
btair ittak; ke.
3Ltatetna- , Cattlon Niattnint inito and . cheek J-4
.04. *Mtn Dann ftoin 24 to 44;
win to otarend at the colt:ExT t.'33 It 211 1022. ' 1.0213
el . Pieta eills kart! Beetle tbr the j(otheltn Penning In•
te morme Me the korebenin earn hheilere, Stalk and lime'Cutter.: end elerrthing nt Inkling to the ramser, Gann.
nee or. Ameten, • Orders Dore theters and )teettante Shed'
JANUARY 27, 1854
- • -
To rue Brock.notrikus. OP TIM Onto AND Pixe
1 ' Oeltlempn :—Tlio President and Directors of
the Ohio end Pennsylvania Railroad Company
;• take pleasure in presenting to the Stockholders,
their sixth annual report since the , commence
ment of the undertaking, and the first since the
0 e
h 1 w ro tti was opened for use; and in coltgrat-
I ttlating them upon! the eminent success which
i 'his crowned the enperprite..'•
i' The very small meant. with - which the work
I was begun, and the active hostility of opposing
interests with which it was met, admonished the
officers of the Company, at an early day, of the '
inecesyity of great exertions to press tbo,read
forwent to completion, In the confideid — belief
i•that when the work was tlone, it would fulfil the
expectations of Ito friends; both itTiti,protitable
ness to the s.tockholdersantLitiusefurneas to - the i
public. 'ho rea - ult his_fully equalled our hopes !
In beth of tlicen iuwortant particulars.
• On tao llth-of - April last, the rood was opened I
from Pittsburgh to Creetline, 187 miles; and as I
soon after as the requisite arrangements could
-be made, au Express train was put upon it; the
time of running which has been seven
hours: so that patesengerswre broughtfrom Cie
einnoti :,„to.,eitceburgh in - fourteen holm, and a
to:atla; isk the low nun nt-et-oterdon... for a .
first class, passenger, and five &flans Tor one tak
ing a second clays ticket. ' At these rates a suc- '
cessful competition with_tho steamboats on the
Ohio river lies been maintained.
Passengers are also ticketed to and from Lclu
isville, Indianapolis, St. Louis, Chicago; Detroit, i
Toledo, Cleveland, and other important points.
The extraordinary development of the local l'
business of the line, and of the trade end travel !
between the numerous towns upon it, is one of!
the most gratifying results of the business of the i
past year. It has taxed the equipmentof the 1
road to its utmost rapacity, and has demonstrated .'
the necessity of immediately increasing , the
number of engines and cars to au extent ade- .',
quote to its accommodation.
It will be seen from the Report of the Chief
Engineer and Superintendent. that the general
result of the working of the road for the year, has
been as follows :
Receipts in .1858
Expenses e•
Net receipts $366,365 13
Which hos enabled tho Board to declare two
semi-annual dividends to the Stockholders, tho
first of three and a half, and the second of four
per cent. The not revenue. of the road for the
year, after 'pitying expenses . and interest, has
been about nine per cent on the amount of the .
-_ —_ _ Ra~.lSS.Y'3.~M':fgJ~AY~3f:6:Y.,~3~a?::tTL'l3tti.~-¢^i.';~yf~.,.y}~
$6118,004 49
391,639 80
I..~a."!aGYltlAßXior ~. d:lTj'+~`L' -- J-:+~°iSiv7'.
74;: rry,1 1 :.c..,,4 ...;F: . : 1.:','..;)-.!ii.
ettoitUran.' 2, -*. / antes
it San 'FJancistio in elni4e: f ; the
mail, which ' lie, itetiontuuspd' IS - e.
fifteen, Succeeded • in' bringing ' u,,,._
T,10107.9a1t Lake, San ...Ilernardin "..and
.gel.E.s route . .Ir...Einettid started her
on the 11th Navel:Ober, .- At .. the thus
parture, Inch Were the . hbatillileiz4
Ito' that them wiM no( one" Ito Willing td
the trensportation of e . reall.. \'' _
nattily succoded iu his ng.andt
11er" 1 4 , .
• ,
Further Particulars inl l fiyation to h
Lieut. Gunnisos's Party The ins:A
i gives additional particulars In Mat
massacre of tient Gunnison and - hist
It states that thePtinven Indians - int
quti'llieoies party, „to revenge their . 24
at Cedar Springs by
,the4 l ildrellf
Which eleven " Indian . were; lulled„-
31r.-Rildretit'a account of his. di
the Pauvans, who are Vtahs living
van Valley, is as follows :..
' "The, party, , nranharod about; "many of them with'fiunilies.". ' One
. after encamping, sonie•twentY-five ".t.
into the camp to trade, and prop:wed'
hir Liildreth was absent at the tint
. man \ of the party proposed to dmenn,
that' they\tnight commit no o utrn s ,
'night. \ t !' i ßls movement the "It\itinet ..
in the a eXlmattAmerienn in dried ,
his side:\ The Indians thin left - the ,
li 3
terwards.,7hi ems:rapid ia. CrA
niglit, '::; , t , hof '.the moon rose, ; ey teeny, -
taelleby 11.lfi 'Wear them r adi an , 4hte late
1 ter sustaitting,a - bhd defeat, with thblesa OCclir . '1
en killed antleevengwOtinded. 'Me Tadifusidli- ' A
played considamble k sagacity in their,.. WRY 4if, -.
attack.- Some fifty ott,sixty were plitied \lir ha- \ .”
bitelt, while another behily, advanced to n ektite '',",
I\ a.
camp eipeeting thui tlk create onfielo ..al4 .\\ '
sight, and the fugitives might be cwt 4'4 ain=„ - ^:
bush. But their expectations were d efog ,
rota man stirred frtern ‘ theatas. and there t v.
was its we kumestpted." \ , '‘, ' ... " . : -5, ::•,, b. \:
:41i:.,T..W. Ross, oflowkuitkoamo over#ool
pf \
panntin'n route and re:Lobed the Main : mptp,
1 the . exPetUtititrewo days Itfteiytlie 'oeettrimies
1 gives.thelelle ing partloulara
_. .......'",
When he arrived arthe:etunp, I. party -WIM4
bad been sent sot with one oflthif aprVisureasna
aide, hod jtisteaine in and rimagi. u*, ----
were unable to Wry the, dead '.ll - oin pi= ..ot, it
Indians. • Capt. cr
Miiieiidin• ineeeedeir "itc 114
~ '..
command after. the)deall efffinmition,Andirliatie
party numberetFabout sixty raten,:thatiOsantAt.
despatelita Filhnore Vity,,six,milestlietaerAse
assiatiMpe. ' Aptitty of seven Norma:M.:Y.4Fr+.
guide andweat to the scene Of 'rnitsiecre, - ,aboUt 4
twenty-four Miles fro theirmiti eamil, andWitil- - -',. •
out. molestation, recovered tilt the 'inittalsrinliis
ione that hnd been kitted,.tuse s cher TIM( U,selliis4
Anstruments and *flutes ege4rvey of . tlie party , ,
All that remained of the nandermi men we,rn \ ,
'itt` disjointed bones, picked cleat' by the *aria: \- - :
Vit. only parts that could be identitieeweiti7i \
Gig Atone.believed .to be thateflorr flitiMemsl, V
and. he skull-of .. Vetter. unnison'tiz Mormon
gliiire. The remains were carefully 014404 :,
anti bnrjed,, aid the party I, turnedendforni, -",
0 theltreperty of the expedition toes tap: ',The. • '
co4duci oTtptsitt Morris iti'serrely VoraMiotted
u p,. for hAving the bodies if . hitiriaisileg tit
be eaten up by the wolves;, it is
to' TibliFfoia ,- - -
dttl ei
wee'ltultetenhave whipped 441 tP ill ... t.„
ille Valliti. - '- : '
• . mi-Rooslet allied - eighteen. detain' 'AA- re r
gion.tualhed frognenehtterviews with the'` , „
nt the: . Vauvans, \Jeaus.:-. The' whole ;title; he. ...
thinks, does not nitnabox forty-men.., ;110`.. •
..., .
often expipTind gie 4.. tregre t at-the death otui-
Alison; the. artecle wa. made without : his - lin WI-, ... ~.
edge; hi MS people , hn•lind becoine: tram ' "at:• .. ',.f...
the indignitie*proatie upon - them. by - ' ...
ot,emigrente." , -Ye hepOo:be elite to'sive , re
full. particialgr Uszt'week• ' ' - 2,- ' - .
' • . Taw. DEDISIS Dmilsr.:.;.e iiiiiate tit the 8.1i35. a
ate ea the'ralicd. Nuncio; ..will no 'dOulit edifies'
general attention„. less, perlisps,. from - what tsar
actually said than from some latent eignlitntrltsto\
'that may be attributed to it: What the real
meaning was. we eiinfeis'6,Wielies unable to con. \
...i ee t,,,„; . Tbat : grave ' Senators 'should thlut it, .., - comment; and itideedito go a iliv
\ tie asidefor the purpOsticit-mmMenthig, 04 .161
eidentalpopular ilistnrhances, (di : course highly -
datereditatile„) sadtalk. of extentiMg.tho sh.lohlo
°tam nation drerati ecelesitiatk whoiihot re!,
cognised in any public' . capacity; 11 . only ttilif 5
, accountedliii by some adequate reinimi of Stile' '
,necessity, ~ 31r. Case it tharattievotquir3dini*v;::
'ter at the. Court of Roane; but, this ill; seereetV -. ...;
,twits . = Sigligh, ttl*Ss 'lre attriPiliCrto - i?ifD s 1 4 bill' : '''.
'advanced 'years, a' stritining.iiiftei his \ gmtaelllll7 -• '.;
1 "ti.Mdliiaturesque nth - tildes. The Chairnianofthe" ' ._ -,
CottMdtlec of Forelin-Affaire followed - Nte. Caen;""'
‘,Multplinisucceeded, an es-Satte, tary till3tatis
1 gel:nothing, surely must beniennti.spd, tiliting- ? ,
46'in \\ conrieilon with . thoformatantiune liti Via':
onc. -...
ahi two since of, th e Norieio - attenilin
Poit Master Generalli levee arrayed Maiden ' -'-'.- •
andsof *ntie ollittlal, apparel,' we presuntethts , -t
debate iithisherald of some important revelittit
tiorisay'aulliority, of the actual funetienswhich 1 ' ~.....
31. Ihidlst9 holds in referencito OM. pveruttislat lVt
and w;,lnity soon looie 'th - Seethei.graiqAues c '.,., \
don iloiSed, - ,ivhethei , hp - his conic, out of raers.,
compliment - 0o give'"in eqtriWalent of '-'clereirion ,I c \
for..yoirug, 31r. -Caps ' mission; or to, negiatititdC - .. A. -,
the settlement of the only .practical ~ questiortrd',. - I
.llpeis betwekn its :and lionie, viz : whether .our, , , -
[ coniitrymen'of'eertititi- tunas of faith:shalll;47, .:-.
l 'aihnitteit to; blsiiiii.. , ' PcirUll this With an ins` tett - ".'
' . proportioned to the solexanity , '. of the tinnearitt4:.. - Z
mem, we are ciintent. toCaisit...-... , :::;:i .C' , .:,;:!---.
That the actual or conte:42PlSted,...4l4lo 0. 1 1 1 -; '''
Bedinl, (and we are" nappy to DouoTe.opimokrAh:4:,
'were von whisparad here) nie vlligmeels4o*-.. - -
worthy ~.. .3e age and-the nation,''ell willtutbs&P'
pilth. as nitish SO; lel tteaay. to ottrpiocAliottir,..
brethren. oiCinellinattand New Yorkrwrilsit4",," ..
.been so-much shocked : at the troubleSArhiP•ov... 11-1
.as any other tints. liof,,L surelYthoitt.lho; i fistr(4.
in the ' Senile end tut c rir -Lave bee*,
..`tt n thittilit- , •.s.
ling by their speech,* ancitheir Aigh - -" , trniUsi* - .411 7- .''''
not only republican sympathies,' Mit ..raltiat jzi ti;
,antipathicit,to the oppressora of Eu.ropeii ~...•,..
,aiders and abetom—whoss,whothini' ;Ire wyel! .--'
when Barclay', brewers beat and chased -.7 ..
.Ilaynait-,who hate for yeitireit'SJiiett-1W - -.
beatfenatinjohe Miming " bratitis'iittliakletE2i.---''
'Mattel' into the magas:toe of foreign mailittslalmi-''''''
Abecially german entlinsinamlltent Wasithba f;
aurriera-41,w1y tlwno.public 'ma .-eawrwat..
it a iow for a rOaloa
. ocit. only why ; -tS Astiia:Li:..`
fired, d here' tad there S' Waif tagpilaa;7l66l:" .
.why . d•irithinable"materia' 1.• is'iiivt'ryntdilV• r
erirain 'g in ita- victiMe.."--;lfortit -...11\wer4
Mr. rmiuglasmada Ma apraktat!es:ritteritar,,":.
in tLe Sentue.Triding:two loraea IthreVit t -
goes now Ar spirt Of liebreake, And \ fi,lr.,lllee:l .'
makiniof- titre territoriet wimp' : theme iirs..po4,i z
.2 ,
; half people °ugh to , form ork.-• Jtmlrubaj,An...d . _ -.
propop es to weganot.learn. Dalt, 4ntlgtr...,i
he is after keer ing up the eimilibrium.prpoirt.,,; 4 ,.
by making a alaround a free State_ngt: of 'ills
I \ se
nu proposed to ' to nes a _ free' 5.4 Kea' -.. 4 7 .4k
is. - Tim Little hint - li 'tolling - Lith‘lf ili GI. ' \ r
d fano early . '.ir will be se- berni.4berbfri , ':
81: that he wi ll nil cheone of, being tdotWv . '.
14 . anybody.' flopeeer, let hint nallon. Ws , +,
ton,nntent.ifhr in : - 7. 7.--,Y, Tr :in. - , , ~-: -- '... -.A.
r. r u r ndzr
niigujustreciee‘igr,4 4 ' , O'M
..... tdte I w
t t11e, 1 v4f.4:,.-1T,,,% i, „
i., ,
s,,#lAlLillheioualiv.sri - itE fr,, Aitttr. n oi` t4
edith. /WOW ; but kwhttliqtra, thctudaital,.- . 1 -
' sad with hid vrrIEI lutya n 11 tba tut. be Satin. -,”, ~•
Almrrifiu 34., , toifor• agnr3l- ILI :mil .
all VW694
,Z =ear :'lt• 7.. ~..Al ' .v4 ~ * ......
jui.: E sPeA m Mvo.dlrm,,l l )l7thtitiA n.t& miAttith
t'„,ii iiiwic 4, wi n ; i . .•.-i
r3L , .thek.i4tifteli.*. At 'li
81” tc.ZV'T: - ;1
••:, T.
...11.,„ ber
kr o r,gre t uidi ktr
......--Isuurrwrojs lb, 17417 . ian Alg i:•r '' " '•
Lortart Islonnattut as ~ ,Tr'. 81.01Wie .kr thit . lW , dim* 'sa,
u-2; • .- -
nrelrfra ißml 1.1•10. \, : pawl. ,„ ":J /.. 5... ./M5, ~...ti, , ..
•RIKE NMW‘' I:IIENCii:. Ati0.1::';:'... ,- '..1
i Miti pid IX, at A 4 \ ,WOIMIZI a' TA /11, ::•,,-1:- .:; :i
\,:, , , ,,, , ,ta. , ,Z,Z„:„•, , a4,0 , 1...
- 1 1 i
47 . \ \
~~ .