The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, January 19, 1854, Image 4

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.rite'l 5:..... ,_i r , ~','„ 'l.,iiiVihi r r."Velitia Inner.
s Titie - POweslaiivastoaxs.r.--lin. ,, Banin : , the
= I Z4 - 1100_,_44,1 13 .__,i i :AifY;j 5 ei,1!$444iii;.!aSie is
- •sv 4estessastits y. ,, ca1100 seerus.-to , .extite , a: rveiy
Initi.4.l4 l 6llthrOrAthatittakittatitetbliPi4mitsult
~...... ,
n misses-Whereverha.gnem'- De- is regarded 'and
4 (o l 44(Liatt4C4.463rg..tiWOi - ztreo44[l,.:elTil
..--- 7A - ...arPreltglomsr and-is is net 'strange that, among
.fi,nitiitioPlts With ,-Tirilaui, ilicer4" .ils . .a.Pa.siMi; Ind
1-,- ..Prin?tip
fitas,iim letigion,hat• a shirk r9poi"p7.
•,-,-' iikotilinianlint:Sholl eiMMiutErlitter.person,.
.•:4 4 ,3 4 11 e* - ,'1,4 4 t0w1Y Ms Pl'el,f,rt`..kl9' beau-the
leauseofsaittrainsobt,, Maxi,
2 . TAtied; L idulletith ; • Mitl, While Ws, will,'gq',4,far Pa
_' . - a -- .san' Y'oniv in,telerritan - g - ellstete; va . a its . pro .. tooting
--- T"''. l. ., 144cpct'Settallightaof the viies ref . 's:ma - wp,can
- --. %0f ha thiat 'that scCabimiitas an iddividail, n a
' "." thld'entisssiy-from theTtitiMin;Pt*Prqfs,a little
t....tar ; upon, the forbearance or.oui tyraimy -
~!`.liift.ind peoPle; if he' expects to receive anyth ing, , .
00 , brit. sees and execiritieria froni theii,lips. Pair%
"":„Aidein' 'reaing.' toward!" - thls''.arch•Jeithiti is '
444 tnnevrt, aklus to tI erep uguance . r..•
• - """*YI 4; parkins', )rewers again It ';i3triertilk , !ply,'
;yinau.; It an Oita
• •': . 4-gia. l l' et t n .gP fth J 4 O n trd . ,*o l ?* l4 .q:k.itificalii;
for its lairs 1 it may overpower the pollee; ,¢r,
1, - ;14:? , 14 AaaaliP4. 7, biah it JAiniatAr 9f i l l e flPtiti!th ,
' • ~..-..,eam, betterouiderland,,-(44.poiice. may fratinsize
" .".”1141.1 'Mt 'icltr; •:14,:ini(1 ir . , roteetbag: Ide
•- 14,itili.littnarkee,l' erlia:,"Datitextraolineal,:',
•••.- !",,r 4 .(lA'.,tiefet WOW', IrtfiCh , title kis viliertnies): they
• . - ! " the ithieittigriatikliaritoi
.-IL ' WM° "hugnittionlneoting,'Awho'will bbld - litho
. responsible ; not only:ter crimes charged.against,
" -- "'„Wit;l:ltitly but for the bloodshed occasione&hr
' man evidentlY . corima toes ask ipy - from
intl us ijoltilie of,Jesultmi :Helms Maris 4istit:/ocr
by the. , Seo•of ltdirle;lltriseh Whit he can seo;
• anykte pounteract'the thendors of Xather . Gavai , '
it. fie "dOirs. not reritai-a take the itiimp, lor
. ' itiettub thd pelpit, in - rreply to.thistelognatiVAati= . :
;:, , ,f / ~.R.OUUMIIt. ; but goes slyly. about; dike: a i genuine
• : .." &snit; Wire-,pullingapeng the Priests awl 'Birk
41; taking the oenaua of Catholic •Seti4le;:cpu t ,
• ~ ..z.l,, . ..ysttits;„tiMl churcher,arldrulionallrvouishs4ng
- , - a blesiing - to'Sdne avie4trtic - k; prostrate ialsirrev i
- .6!..1.1. Sittul AC".3'ir ', rOrl,,iiii.!.niidere6ll the
, .!!'ifticip" waattoponli regarded as aiiaintby the •
- ,
.• '
Roman 'clergy and ,laity,. last, thii;itiOet;:distiri=
' "Intshed )tciliGctil demagogues of 'the' city Were
"'',--' sliiiheretilliiVretes - SeterettlielliVt,:lbr tliti.'
Bake ore)* votte:abit)llit'ggs,• i election, would . .
• , 5 .. ... -undoubtedly hiesi 111 . grea t too most devoutly.
i,i,ptttN a ayor' clerk ar , l arelokl, was particular n ly
t..., .00:41e4. t-4 , ;.t10 4 04istPliltuabO straager,7 it d .
,y,, , ;showed him all the-'Lions“ about the Caty” all,
. '-'''' poll 4her . .:, public' institatidns; anti, ,:for
~ ere'
:marked atteutfor,:thenewepais inform us bat
j , - ,;,,,Wa l .I,7suncio" peitowed vim' f j aforeer c erk
. 7./.:* tiPleactiil- tliaa*slrriag LtIVP g; 'Ss 'Nue*
^rztinntitrig" sort of persons have linaglied ere was
E. , .;loisine.taYsteriolts mniatetionhetWeen this "za)g.iS
i,.....: rine: aria tharairett of poor- Parsons,' the.; Pro-.
' "" '' qestaitt - streeri‘preachei. - lilt -,its',lit . tys pleak
:Sleaze Joe says, we "don't:lid:to-a uothia. about
• • t.."-
;.„,,, „lbw. American Protest-44ga M .Tat l ba be aa.
~ .f. , Mradly , struggle with Roman- i Jesuitic , * Ore do!,
_ "' know ; and the soon'ertliehe eternal antagonistifs '
. •.' I hiMiert tliermiebies;tri:ortr thiAst the . betterg 'The;,
; propgandists - ' Of - the ~ 3tother,' Cherek' I are.
;‘'.....-'..,. abroad AbitnighiMl the - I;.A Mil breadth, of the
lii' - ' ,. .Mittla4- 4 ;7l l ".liiil , !*sea 6°4-104 to. ' c ! k °
i Ono proselYtel 'endwhen. thOy hire gained Iva,
;;;;. I .i.d•itijithei - :tlinealtipte'th'ielvild of hell thsu 0re
`.,"0,-rthtsystteal hit - is-our houses in all. 'serti .Of tE 1-4
ilikza:;',44d ,through the' blinallahaliata- - Pf - uoc '
~,.- : 1- , ..t.M. ilkieTs,,AD,4 the soft nursing of cop:quite, toil'
• .":" -!ay' r obr - claughtire Wan the,yei.i,kiltarieof cir
. nfithere'' tfoll. - ...i Tilisimititan'prese,,cinatioll by,
.''•,:;,,aSlitaitagll*ls',lifrAid'pi:' sPeak against tit Jtt . '
' - Fi r- ,vidAous encrtachinents pf 46manuma; fo rdouse
' 'ii in'tig4tiel are always fishing fOr tlie4iJittliolio
- .4.1:-..v0te.P: 4 114. Protestant' , Pulpit is ,afratd .td de
9, gotrinti Eximl2llli* because the elik..4 4, -, 0 10,-,
.. ._ fiat', attsin 4 lircortildered onoot the erewaang glorles
' ''".•'' ottSUltristiiin cortiouitity!-- And ini forbearance
9s , exercised until it becomes a weakness'; and
s' . ..'_: - Iliocltadel;ot Republiettnismris un,Jeimined while
.:-,- • the watchmen trre asleep on the inn - apart& -,=;•
'i. ' l ' 4t. iiiOdirt tini6:b>l)l4o 4lie Trumpet 7.10 M
~ . .
J .„ . - and let 'tkie peOple know - that thelluliitineti are
rf) Ansi therm •i A, priesthood Ahat. -6 / 4 ?- 3 , , T, °?' At!'
_ aygl es With '.•!pinking virgins end. 'we p ang
R . ? titaikatikriand. ?',holyc6a4r- coMmands net
-.thee rtivereace nor; respect from a ;tree:in . on
o,. , -4 1 0 t FP4 l' e q4 4 ..
a4d t!l'i 4 i 'lli, i i tin tfl '4ll '
x..., . .1104 ,- MPI*4.I . h 'L 4M I4I IO be ,tire a the
, zowls --- andhats of theMartsigeta ~.Alr'lret ' will
• "'" • '!"-tlad.Tdania1Moig;atliteteitt among' tlie' l 'ruili4 et,
~,,t -i 'tie Viber than the bAkiks 4f4the. WE° ot. the ,
- ' ...
-./(roach::i ''.; '',' - ''' ' -
0. 1. - - •
. . CarnageS for Sale
w3deroigked has jus.truceived....,;:,
• rroia t4zsAt.,-stw. coltuog wen?:
u donated new , the Two MUq Ron, totneZroTlAito.
4 Lavraneffill., A nplenALM nosartokent r Vthleled
• , granny demintion and will continue to Ineith , e , rl
=1 im l ob. '.- t e :vinii l %474s.l, / 7,:re=7oe' thi the 'lesc r *".
Witt kb well l!noiro 'the Pont, no b ratteso
t .
1 - ""M ntieello ' 7=4 0 4 , nal, 0
- , ollllzamilorforthetmlsoc, • ~
~ 1
7-113111RUHE :.‘"EW ''FRENCH.:CURHAI. TS,
`1 1114 ?.
SALE or - errheiee thr-liendavadiar: Tett Tiding
140 ha the tunic! Tereperaneesille. ramehance limes
rX r tznriersnt ai p =dair to . 4 , ,
3 t-stui 734r a M the
rAlmousE.....EpiN.. DRY- GOODStrit-,
&Inc trnwttllFlELDlnvite famlaleiund DUX
theltonsekeeping, to their Mt assortetent
.litpet. i .v ie§m;
.'''' , Tab7e Diapers and Table Clothe.' f ' ..
sad Tawelfalf.Xl' -' • I
, 0 , e4 - ' -•
Striped - Dimities* Pairnitstre'Prints, foriled 5411,40'4
. White andspolored Connterpanes, lilanketa,
da tbey &sot* spedal attention hr this brand: Of their
Imsbness, Myers *ILI 'Wimp. end -their- assastmeet Oer7
''Tt,,,,S , :fdditdeWeedlldeetrint , jaic,
hrri . . ounce
t, , vi TGOS.,IC. , BRACEi
- • TUG& A,
"" • Dna
Et 6 *i; ;
atit w Ar teg a ,„„ . ,
I ell ~ ,o e.oh Church,
. : ; :i':5.:Q .2lM B I= L ell.
Yilles A.( Turtle. i
• "....A
- . , asr - PolislAss in, Thu
Ids tetras. by • . • OkA ' ..
rita- itUderiligliud would rOvectfully in
their 'O3. U
45:aid m, jutheui, that sbout,elostog out their largo sad' welt selected
rit e tte r sod elegant
etirc . heyted
from the nuiriotectgrets .04 tulttrterlk u l t =
eate ,
L ' ITEL4I ." &V • slZATlttispludld
su• die Befall Trade, ►and at burr :
tSr" .am id
.ExTraVa tb ot W r ilrirPt Y 611 E-.
rota ttie 4'l.ttirsitSnirslrt4T''t'S""eygreP: •
akuo. Stals,,esu.4: 'Wool and Gulch
"1`"-- / C trfr R - 4,l=lnt b Tatra:d trar m lo Co t ieg r ag i &
k 'TM e!iur• ttoek:ietu poir4threly . Get th e Vet e
- j e htakitroore for other goods:. •
C B. }MADLY Third street
la:P.T44Fililif, for Fantiy'a Little frieride
Ivw etple, or tp.ateyaitzt A lye l a c i o na . li $. 4 1.1
vd • br 1- .
Co.) 1 w at.: ,
j ,
t 66 ; .", :ij rat'incelliti.wtat•rtt a co. '
kap 'No., 1 Let d. for sale bp.:iate . sittrylat,nittivolivi a
OPS -'Vaaelte /rim e' Hart foe safe by
.‘ ecutivtal. Dll.ll'OElll eco.
• -
Iw•laN4ll7-. titlehtitle
f. Whitt
It F'l•
, ,r
lang.l) -- By mato aged *lan, who
don aaa mld.latbls aty. a of Maggio asi3ooK.
:; , .'4CEEPZ7I.O,-Aoolstont.hook.leolpor. Clot l a OmPoioo , .
_ '..&ealcurtaaG and good 4.ousoan. The b 4 61 amptry per,
e' Ait'rt:77a :4 1 ! . •tb ) . 1 ,1 l et'br4.4" IT2el
•• ..tta • J*LtaNt
^ , n; 4 qjr BAGSQ.II.IOtiOViIt SEED in store
and Tot' YalabT .1.14 J, J. tBOON E.
..LsbiErßEk;}„•irratose., and farlsale
Itr 3,711 ESTEENYUNDS bought atid , Raid at
t, ;..loteraer, Culleetteniii kande o t n o Wi t it. - P. ebongo en
14 1 1 1 5 e" el" Ir1) 1" Sts l iarall r rx: ;744.
AMPORTE.V. 9O if y ":" •
4.-5.7...:-1>)-,y - -oore4 . do. do .
301. ttrAZINO.; wooontrir sitoo. a co.
larrktil • CY,
KR--12 - koge Nu. 1 udeked Butter
10 : 44614 t';WY. RAGALEY k CO.
(1;, i+Wp.„ l l/ . 1m7, t cemtvior. Tem:ow
irl.; f2r -- I.4 . lVbelalaii . - , iii st 7 tbelgll l w it' vill 4. trr
WittwOontt No: no biaritet streit. k rtikurs../
, 'ii.;4 1 .4. .T - 4.i4
„ TABLE COVERS-100 dos Table Stand
-. .trtat...4 4- - , 4 ‘ond enresu Ootires of el bites. :We knit/. 6,411(.1-
- 1 . e - .., . r . • 0 iftolawas. land Iteud• Purchlows to' our , Stga.
'I" . 'ffMIELV" -- ' 116 i, i , ~.
1 , ... ? . 1 , ~,-,. ~
~ .6. • •0. , sr c •
7 1 : - I' d r' ::•-• ' •• : -..-/ Illni BUS: MOVER - BEn j anti reed by ,
it udit . 7 1 ~ -.,piliAl R.44 11 ...t.4dArnd5. b.- 4 , J. 41.nooati,
;.!.. -1 ; •"^” IeIRO/L)I3C.E • ' 4 '
—an44 :, .4, - ~,, 4 i „. i j, 14 , 0 wintplgung
on 41t,.. , ,,, -.1.- '-' , lci b. - Z.' -- 'ApplosE .... ~. •. I ..r • ,
t 404 .,_ ‘ _,Weittri M C '
Pll.' f Itf ii I: .1 b '111.,,,,„.--d,,- ~...1 , . 4
)1,1....._ 'I '1 1 ,0W9 b944o° 4 l "ret l ietlgiat•ront o r trre ,
4,41.-1•4'14.", ---..
, d ~... rgyo3o 0;1: New, ; lard in trtoro and for
ia . :l,-; ad . w ll tdo by -. 1 , •, J. iT. 1301);\ E.
" -..z...••• ......- , Mi
rt11V.4.,,..1.. 1 ,4 ocrmii, , trEmp CARPETS'of new e
'''''' .t.'l,44"ri litiarVitAttoded, ILL" k l•fir 4 ; * Lt. Q ' ig
_ , '. ...14.1,-,lrmsfinspo..ho. 112 u•ket. , t„,, at
iv, m ow 1 !gat , ,
./± ... ,..... 1 5 . __
r•l'kti lAtiAtt.WHilix,N i•.. 5 x 41da,
1 --.
-1 4-eliaittelll,Bo4AL4. o oliggy,
,i4t .:,;) .40tissmtro.T.a... , :4.13 , ... T. f.-
em.. , Vv.+. '' eitAll -
.., ,1. 7 ,4,,1; atusiii orsiVsn' Miik..“.iiitat 0 , ~,,n rtb•- ) '
1. -4. v, sm uu u o= 2:40L Latvian.
&: , f)t-:' , . 4....Thi0 tns4l4lngikan'l rooms ou 04.1 gar end basement
:!...116.11.110. (Lo_24 &lac ...L Mno. and kitetten: on. of it.
T , -1 la ~., ; .fimow awl. 4.4.131ng morn ou LI pOOC,(Aer• Is 13 Noma.
''''' ' ) )." , .... i = e4,ldsoL erbe cmmis” thcropsWy Illolabnlth
... ) 1Y4.6),... , widow; Waladi tact - umit..........acqa1f , _.:
•-, . 4.. .,...4 by W."...
.41'eat - j,
. .. ...
• -
i. • " '
7 Ittfi'MCAMitTSIC
~,indifeit'of the' LOVA' Pennlyivanis nose the y
I±22ai?Ltie,dsthhistin,4shtix viltt xext,,.&
ittMs Died dgrne4V±thil
new, and exhaustive Ludes, hyjraillextixt Elatta
it.portettii. 'itid dtiterd6i9;3l,itho*-
, 071/118 Of COCLIMOTI , w.•mth tables of tho me. mad
prindoll matt , ra. rdlted y trod. George Sharovnod. 11,1-.
171 ift t It,l =laZrac=tt.EsaTrhel cl,
...a*. IMULY. il. .
de: - Bonteeller sad litatimir.: ' .
EW,, MUSIC : Midniories and ;T. ttlr.
I\gg~eNAa new, rood= ..:• .1. S. I
ep ido,i_ lr. •
Vlr o tid er er id. K . irj/llst'skt.
157411. rl~r ,
I,try lt i r
sthaso pi, 114
q h..
Ju e.xngtutQ7:4lo ."
do; II •
coenuftaf. just. *ed . and t
*- rde.l47 H; tICITRORDRIVit CU. , Came. ItaliAta
We l ti t P.W . l4A4 S ."W t tYl t ?94 l 4 4 d.
• ' 7 gluimlleunrii 440, e in‘lkirs;
Fp, •
.• wuk... il:Empiorlng Kenedn re.rele,.derce
; :Caliper's Works, 12 vole, lthao, Lib
. r:
do do chitin , , •
mho utaoi iliguaseda Lifirarr9 TwAxhim , ..
, Tfaa,akekbbut44, , by Weetilnilion /Minitel ' l l2 l 4roreeT,
i tir JKnickerbocker - . do . , ,
L oa4i 4 4 .4 44..11 1 ,4.
The above, tern.ber with
Z li fgrq U oe, kl i gi ti r. d e l m b i g idAnttrO ' Cco.
'lnleld.' Inc molly ' etre , • '
att umc: , , , . , . ,
Monallicht Quiet -
Stair. deethatid to Mem ftattiaZ. whit%
=l.6 l fiddit ,o . -
Klee Schottische genii;
PAW Shell Waltz; Blum to); Kli r
tWQCOUIVISoy my . Hot Cewrg '
Itivaliwhott whe. Drown;
• glla l l)=311., 16:' 14 .c. ,
- Wit/10cm Jaek4 •
Lulu Lour darling
_pride, reinford. •
Lilly Dale eons, SchOitierin Widtte .01
I.' R P Te g riPlat = l ;4s:l=4C;ariiitebireth.
er who if
ge selection o i•opular and standard Pairs
for solo by JO/1\ NIELLoiI.
:I MOR ~ . 1 %Tod
,i 1 ,11.13811 OYSTERS' , a F .
7, VW)* BALTlitCiftp,
• '• • A ..'ti c V 0,1":
Color of t Wofnl
Erna, flan,.
general goaseart hftlutothsuniry-
Zrpalxwtttrsaftl. ••.. dq4if.
lITAT.a; PAPER'•:: rA." latgp attrtipent o
T a tm tlettlel rus atitlha r
11111LED,APPLESt-04 ibus iin store and
worm'. „ IninAßlnivAvae,„
- ,rfrbo boot, In Abo:9 , Outro ..of Binalotbarti. Oho; •
000 b bixsbooss, ono for sole cboop. 4roloiritor,
, .11103f.A.S WOOR3,..M.Morkeer. rOmt
AGS doz heavy Tow Bala: 'count
.11.11akdeattetz.edilz iidn7br I .R.:IIOIMON.I.A.'O.
111P:Af4'- , ilozim'lxert'q Tow Bags:cauntry
'L : made, insi. Twelved and for sale . be
tuS. tirfs(lrriesc 1 2-1 y
.5,T s. smell ' Niter. to arrive O.IL R. Sx
- -
WILPANDALY— Stocking 3lantyfactory s
24; Fifth etnnt, Inert door eo the Iron' tltr
Hotel.) Here .fn Le found the Largest Flock of
,pI 4 ....taLYW .111,dirmr tbpt lke Mrs:
nMertThr 141.41 . ) ' rtert4 tir iN tgt.nze 'M f , i'
Hosiery hes been carried oo
rodoindhlly fire the reurt.ineen
QMONS--W) butt superior
ore onatimerinit .d for sale ' • ' ••' •
l 2 . R. W. POLNDEXTEL • •
t, O K,2:t - tthir, he -tie
genet /1111111 xL J 1 3 ...114
fl_ened•thnl 113 the me
• whelmllintelllgerne that CWl'..YrEls, .4 Wend nre:et. l.
Realm c gen and Ude( At 7/nßeta, at' Dolt: ry i Nl . ei t ee Flothlene, Leer
char fl.lO,
3 BBLS.,EctGSAit.'d by Railroad, aid'
J. a.
&;a7h.:kiirii,:raiii;;, On74l;acentamourti
Eruptions. Phanlea or Partake on the face, Blotched. Done.,
Claim& Sore Eyri.ltinc-Werm or Tetter. Scald limit, En
area .l.l " Bidmarsartdng Dom tiVI , or 3 / I =4 4 i .
Imjendocure In Life, or Initiority of the Blood.
This ralual,k medicine, which Las lemon. 4:detested for
the milinglr motraordivary cons effected through it.
.mlncy, etwicid thapienxictota , at the tuirin regent,
of theirtriends,r.o ofer It to thomitallawhkti t 4:10 with
:the utmost congdence in Its iletwesand wendinfu curative
rronertiee. The following mate, selected (min Llano
=Waren my. hove cis: Writhe; thhiniohy time themes
xord ones a b llntletnen tel . known
oft . tf
hem ree7lliTgin the 'tiny lehtficlininiM,I eht ficlininiM,
P. BOYDEN. Em., of the Itschange lictel. Richmond..
known evia7saived,.inye be has tidienithe Medicine called
Carer:it lirsinka admilter 3n evevabandred,
ease. in nearly' all the diseases fo r whieh it ie ineorcitionnb.
od, with the moot utentetihamicativiralta. lie says It Is,
the tenet extraordinary medicine that he has ever emus.
AGUE AND TP.VERGICV.AT ellita.-1 hereby certify
that for three yeaml h od b Anne and Peter tint moat
tent -description:had savant physicians.: took lame
quentitlesof Quieted , ileintirl. wield believed:3 the ?mike
advertised. but all. without any perviument relkt At last
I tried Cartel. ffedintsh Mature, twobottke of whielreffide
tnally cured tee, and I am happy to ray. I have had neither
(.0111.rry Fenn. shim, ,0t11.1.4e, lit the bees Tonle in 11..
*mid, and the onlY medicine tha t eset iftehrtaz .
fleeter Dem. near Richmond.
C. B. Leek, Ern- Mums in {NI oily of liktinsond, end for
rainy years fritherlan Ilas such oinfiderice tbe
satonishing efficaey, chrtpee tipinnah. Nislpee that be
ihasUeglit upWardmolibObottlenwhMhe bass - leen sway
to thdroted. , Mr.lrtick ...ay. that he bait Mires known
intrisrlitnYttn"reild"',..;.;- of
, "*".. ! ip . nne"l.3d
which were Moe. atuTet ' shitc. 'we my. IR '
. of off.74*. dei a ndant on the Liar, lb mud I
a g e
were w to
areld. of the nu of Drinker k Morrie; Rich . '
Mtliitte=gfittetifgig '
f.,RIREAT CUED OP BintOPULA' adlighlof
mind Reptiblicen hed.a earvant amplOyed , in their Arent
room, awed of "Want Scrofula, comUned witiciroce
Darn, which erittraliAmbk4 himinher VOA, ,T Minim
tifiCertarli Spanitt Mb..ftft Mode/a:pert.. dire
and the edithrs, In : =tan tichkei,thy, t%tigrcheorfallY
reSOMmeactare aMicited - lyith any Minuet of,l
the blcaL't
wt COMPANY,Hart.
Ytt ISl9;'' ' !
atiD3l, , thmtur. • i
Etsi , ici;3ar.Yl kley;
A. , f.
E3 l 4l " l?. i tti h Ty,
Ssmael l 3. IN Kra,
. M,
, • ,
313 Y 141.114
iit:io Risks
L3l..Asstat.. Wind ori femora
. Y.
Fourth street. PittAltursch.
olusbie boy. ofSsofals by lheteest SpoolehYlrrterc
entos!ier It a trodl ealtuttle trldlefoe. JAMES M.. ILAY-.
WE. ASIII ' C u tig nt P : P . ?A Ai! .v . - Af.tiDUlV**Fit6J. ,
Mrijohrt ThompeOrt feetdPoit falba city o(1111ohloondeme
eond by three ditties of Uartof.tipsoish Mlrtaro.of Solt,
leb9um, rblehtko had nokarlf .10footr
omitfßlth all
the phyedetof of the cif y took!' eat eare. Mr. ThOmpeon
t s tatte t =l . = Abe.?!.yof JOMottotd, Va.,' and
s ,W i tA r llghowigf ffietiood. h;.4 ‘ an - Font i lradA
Ileisys%:oltee:gll7 44 741 " Prk r ea.W . oireintleri t irgiti
JittrAlualiejohilsbasi i ! •
s l lC l ttYallal . e2flod bm ZfrtiVao r agotg r ,t .
tbrosibottlat Of Clistoffi 80/54112
}Alma DortOn.. COMSIII9IIOII2EZ of the Revenuftrisyche
I,l4ZlPMAit=f•set=oo 4 ,llV" . • `l,`
. MS horrid ,
_. of itki.3.4a. , aorstol Oil Sot. and
Incera. bob dlaabled blot from welting. Took • 144 , to t.
41•• of OUWlllpacdskuMixtuta.tod Imatabied to 'k,
wi gre l ittrtia t'b ta• I.VViat ß =Co.,". 4 l,_T i lit . a4 ir
La. Nom York: T. ' . yott and Sons; r.".S. tas Nareat
#l44l.,Philaolab:!rAt!atkT..3;r3. l : 24 st 4. .. , ,,,t
Pit Arg i. salo b_y It. 3.-Natukaatock 41,01 4 _444paph Irkuntee. ,
-14. P. tithimtal Wiaatteb_s'l3o3 and by thus
:slats an drakes Inzoiallabaca avdrywhenr. o aolilydk4rd
s UNDRIES —153 bbla NT.TITird; , ... ......
... ~,; i: ii i 1-(,: iif s btri.lottiol: ',F... • ' -
--'-' '!. . -" 11 t 'al?"' k *V.%.,..J . . ii '
!a do Applaap
__. ~ , r 43 Jacky Foaling to and re &yolk 1 by 1
ai ' ' • ISAIAH DICKE Y it W.
• -..,......-----,,,, _..
OlitiL • .VALL: r 29000
Wert of nor and leantlfzildetlitnsel tot a
_Tall ..,d
",_&4. ll l l ititib l itlfr q4 " 44 " o af ° ft% ' l :Tett=
Works 'nf Mr. C. DIM., In -the Irotinghani.
Xagt9toof , r • P. M. DAVIS; An.. ....
de.( • - corner of Wt.! and Fifth
t- 6..i.V. - .I4.NA.ZIE i anion gate
br • dug.- - ~• :if: A. VAIMOTOCK IeCO.
,QP:F I e, .
4 1 4 1 AX i ilitriP - r 10 9 11 ) )be for griltr
~ A.1 , 41.11D15, TOCKkIXLL
Q,STNAIL: r , AO•Iihds for sale love r taelose;
"ros nonmoturr,±inTnT..„,
— 16155111 1 a!,- 17 5 T alit' e ptiAd Auttql,
• ".•;- .".•. , : 1 1" t: ' ,0 E.Valt•tiVtte'd d ita
yotyß t OM; SOB Liberty strest,,i,
IStra_so le N sitiVr Salmon.
70 ball Kin do doC
20 Orono OA Hatton bond ond,ror xdo by
ja7 _ JOHN WATT' * M., MR Mort) . nhvot._
IV ---
~ Tynj lsl.l6F.--- --- "The 7 rarruerir ti and d !feel . anien..
"Lil'4%"'" ff ' kiliner•tht
k i,,io 7 or January'
at itou?a,
; EAl;if3 in
.1110 INEBI L LWAtERS—i Ore.
{ad :Eciukt Pp*" Oppll6o of iho,
AM!? rr . ln 't n l ir ' i get '
4 9 14X 4 4 P RPL Pri n g ':
JuS.PII'VLESLING; act - Marra rt. arid Illaniond;
tbil4n l eon= typr4LFl4lilrtig
144 1 t , irrir Cki tftlifAlfS Le etV&illjaniilll-ft
thforee 1101? mid Mhn Alertaxwerl .tll.o4natia, for
tot Ms 4"c;r7+4liarBtullhMld erW,VP.;
jaP s— --t:
~LBA•,PRINc 11,J13 ,1 , 100,4
in store
se& mists . ,r. : . stE.
„ ID?
cArr.r lil vio-L "ILE ' ACreltElf.
7 W. reOpettf in en dm
oar la Abe Umitml htates, hAtIT ww.., A' Le
det Law
erhilne&tb imhbld hiettbek. leitbeemomed mat/KM.
horixorkmanshity, gottnamutt ...tesissew soh: from the ra
31:11 tiVite"ttmfhitrilintragth:lseVee'i
. .
11il hen Monied the 'who:Solder IdenUftlog thr
itf:tr i llhg.ottlyt t qualitl i ant.lotke. d eg ui l loor
n(Vdrolture, bow the elteeiposiVd pkihra Y jo tbetZ
docent.ead natty, that a. Mule, ar soy ' NW, Of 01OR cosy
f =cit./el /MP hip Imo* olanateetored -v.ocesely to
on ,
for oCC
00. fo motor j airy of
00000 -
V:letea-tete dot.r.
-50 2 , ...4a.t Plush and 11aa.rC/o e.
sndosen Ifehhgedy Chaim ' •
Italtusnaly .Iroddlur . Charm . . ,
dont do do
Matvan tdvanc
:A do on Bureau;
• 30 - 'do WaabstendC.
dot o .
1 r " l etir i pa4 lilm i 4
. .
VdiriAß P rttll b ei llt"dL
' -10 Walnut • "do • • •
10 Plain Butemor.
. I = g er s rl d to I :l7do ki r. •
?!; t i ttnlLTltneVa g .4 C na
. 12 LadlettWntloct.edm '" • ' ' •
•' ' 'flatand T , Y7eltdandri:
~Ithet-YotK ,',' • ."
r Fo tl ll .'l" ermllo ' n Chdrc " '"
' ' Entehethen'' dO.. " -11 9 4 . 4 ,Pgr .. d do
""Palnlattt tbm gi c c c ' nttentloallhdad .
' • 4 6oThit did 11Addric •°"`•°"' ;'
' Cablert =kris 840010 'with ditelei 10,tbeir #
' ' titesrateotte had' !to tes londsbod'st Ito shorted notice.
Orlon DtonlrtlY ostamttorp: • OPI,iSB
poctiksiat stctaKr.Nfos—i.D.) doz. irten'Ei
. erttra vi T eott r , Foot!: 76 do!. do. do. un
-9..3f-Vire,FIPTh';I4IICPIET gtorkln Ntinufactory.
. 100 dm. Boyata that- mixed Cottoo Socknaibbed at topi
dot. do. do. white. do. do.Ata, at the
• , • , „ , 11FT.110144.7 Stooktna•Maaafsetetry.
. .
eIIRIiSt - STOCKINGS-37 doz. Girls' and
VA- 2.llNoey white Cottod•Othekin Kol,' lud' ehm•dc tom 29
d o . 6...up0r ?flon-worted do. do. do.,
• • . • /LLIAII DALY. •
WO doe. Or ITedinit,' Lambe Wool: .11 Pilk Eddekln d s
• •"111j44111322Weirlilittl.r'
`ILK UNDERSHIRTS-4 doz. Ladies'i
Gewtletnexes and Childrete. Skill Calderehlrtw 13 dos.
-(l.. 31wido sad Adastme.Wool do.. at the .
11THtrro.ora Rocking 31saufactory.
"trithl ' 11 - ILlt 11 DALY.
hILK AND THREAD 'OLOVES- , -200 doz.
Wks' sad Chlktrete, llodety Gloves, ite Silk dud
ThottkeL. of ailv r , i lfi i nak r a t d , / ,,j ualltpal t .b . , , t ,
atsl WlB5/111 D. 10 .).
• '
ANIBS' WOOL FEET-20- dos. soper
Cotton SOdth lambs' wool waria 10 dos. fanc, stripes.
4Y dolt- linen thread Sockl at that . •
FIFTH STESEf litocktng_3l,aufactory.
'AT MAT CONCETM,Agrerable Id an Art Of Aniembay
e State of Pennsylvania. and In coidormlty altb
"millwrity granted h 1 told Art, the Bcard of Tnlstav of lbm
YlratßethrAlat Prntratant Church ofthe Clt y of Pit taboret.'
Pa.; hare pnrciumed a Burying Orounn Alm
of Anthony
Fcrez?:.:..forwto,&=6,==74, 0g,,1,Tbz.„,:. o
mid Church, thereto, (treated hear the Canal and hvnting
Oil Liberty Meet. In the do; of Pittaborgh.)
Netlte herehr Oren to all aBo 'Paroled prlrllegra or
ore otherwise Interested la mid Burying Ground, that tho
Board of Thlytere lima now - prepared to attend to lb.
moral of the dead 'to thelAlleabonY CometarY.
Ills desirable that Immediato attention bo emu to tido
not/max It MutamPlated tb harm tam make reumrala
mode Aw lb. Maud Blot. ,
All the neeemary - Information may bit had Dr
or &daimon/tit Chas. ' o coatg blortmod Alloy, Pita*
burgh Pa. By ceder of Board f Truft , oe.
.10111 S. SAN
W. R. F_Stl[dytL
Tbs Sw 9 . nomposing tldelluenrethe
ATLANTISI_' Capt. Wed.,. ASCII , . Cat. Lure.
PAC IC. Cant- Cammack.• • D I RIAnC,Capt. -
THESE Shijos havelneu built. by Coittract,
ennond) . for Clasernment Service, owT boa leen
'taken in their conetrtall.. eta in the Engince, to mum.
etrensth and awed:act their scenromobetneos fur Nano
gem unentaded for elegance and cumfort:
Price Passade m. Neer 'tort to Liverpool In
Can, El f
.nexcluiTe fro
use of extra plan/ State lissena fast t
in Salmi C.L.L.n STIn. ru La
nt terl9.l to New York. f. 31
• Iti t e7l pendenced FUrgennalidnhOnearh. FWD.
• Nu Berth can In mourns! Until fsr.
rand Nan 59a, 133,L.R • a0g I.ltpsoot.
MduiSays Jansen.. • lAroductilAy ~uarf 11'
Satuntare - - I W Wedmeadrof. Z.
aynesdaf. FahruM7 3 ,
SaJu Saturd rday.... •, February . ed
I* • WedoesdaY, "
• Saturday. lowa..l.,Weducedar. /Worst, I
Saturday, - IA Wedueslar. ...-
„.eaturday, Atal I. ' Wedcw,day, *mil 5.
Saturday. - 15. Wednesday. • 19.
-Saturday. - • 24. Wedneelay, May 3.
Saturday. May 13. Wednesday • 11.
liatorday, z • 27. Wednesday. • 31_
Satenhandune 10. Wednesday. Jane 14.
Saturday. - - itedroesday.
Saturdar. July ST
ledemday. July IZ,
+stoma, .:e Wedneedas, • Lll.
Slaturday, August 5. • • - Wednesday.Angnat 9.
Saturday,. , IL • Wednesday. 'Z.
itatatday.lleptember 1. !Wednesday, Septamiser
Pate:May. • 111 - Watrunday, • 11
rotunda. - • al. • Wochowlay, October*
liatnelhey.Oetober -..lltedneadory, .• •• 11.
+stoma..., • • • 15i. iViwelneedsty. Nortmesiocr 1.
Saturday. Kcesetber :- ectnesday. • 1*
Saturday, • • 13. rwcaaawar, " uv.
gataraar.Daamb= v. a Wotendretwatcr 1.1.
SaMIPOSIY. • .• • 'Wade.'
Foe Feedirht. re nessale. arty : to EPA *RD E. COLLINS
a/. - In stmet,"See Treks IMOWN, KIIIPLEA a
Livertsci, E. G. itOIIERTS * Fit_ 13 Eines Anna.
Louden: Js)HU IlltiNlloll t (11., 29 Rue Notre Dame den
ykuire.. Paris, nnvor. 11. LEAPT:R. Mass,
.Yhe owner. of three Shim Mil not le amount/
0.11 rfiteer..lltellion. Freels. Jeweby..Ptetione, Stone fw nes or
31.1.14,unt , 5e BM' of Unitas - are abused thf relict. and the
saint MIMS caldlened;
New York and liyerpool Swallow—Tail
Line of
xniF i g e n, l ii7 4 :l4kl:tN,i Noii
1.4 . 0ty
of Msarbester and rtty Olsorn.e
monthly. JOFIN 7111)MPIVIN.
to the only 1 / 4 14*Pt fn. ritiatuto. he hos. always sou
bosomy ncksto and Its - itht frau II to any strount
ots Um National Bauts,_cus . all Its tancles to Eastlan.
4s:eland. deotsland attic Wahl. paid tryst of discount. Also.
toinm 1.14111019 from New Took or Philadelphia, on mil.
mad, to littaisurtch, and soy astound of ash paid times to
lb.railroad *Scott , othaldrelhdAusT
. New Leather Store.
. .
I G. :MOWRY, late or die firm of R. Bard.,
No. 2= Ulan Nit. ..ccwite tho bead of Wood
aimed. wholesale en/retail dealer. Lit,Allll.lll. 111 DPS.
end OIL, ha. Just returned _from tb. bese. nod le now re
cordon a large meortment of Leather, consisting of—lied
Poio Dahlman Leather, Philadelphia and French Calf.
'Antic 310141,1. and Hid. of all deeeriptlon. Dimling and
Linton lilJno mid • inmend aimirtment of riodlogo hart
log purchusd ory coils Mork foe rash. • 1 am prepared to
11) for earl. I would Loehr o. Dimas to cattalo'
ex .nilo ow e my stock loAris parcitasing idsiorbine.
robin J. D. MOWRY,
• 04.1 'the Taentleth Pe et of tLhae
" r e''' P I ' l4l nla,• be e
foot tram en vs to e, oat In tho
United Mahe. •
- .Your lhnt Preirdnot p leer Medal. here beim awarded for
it by the Frankcc tc.titctc, Pranayiesnll.,: by the
Amerleau-Imititut.. in. York. by the Maryland loatltote,
and hy.ttm Memanimente Ilerhania Affentarkin. s
. The certificate. of many of therm:et no limut Pim Wien.
Phaediilphishasid other. .phieen nmoinraintil It as being
'Woad to idiemennine Weary's Ifsgrianda, • •
• tt, limn. until...L .l n Wan and three tiros. ttii
Kremlin of W casturcal
e cod Magued. . •
:. ..11.noLmtureitand tby hy,lbonase J. Husband: Wen
Chamlc." Kock., PhlUdalptals,.../OF sale by Ogden &
itentlttsborgh.j. A. IncinahAllimbenr, sad Pruning.
seaman, in citubunfb. nourttu.c.fic
• TIOLIMiIt. withiniernisien frame. win be' received by
• Di Company, at Its ono. until Ist•Pebruvy. Tba
Asa /folder to le of rho folltorhis dbatotaione. 'lt
impor or Intl, part laa Pot 'lO Loeb . in diameter by Ad
- deep irt tha Ohm, and the' lower or out*, part ItO fowl to
be kd deep. • , '
Old* u g /f. I oclude erection of ths the Conc.
Pan; nd., st Pt. L0u15,,..d. Putt i lite of Mtn moo.
plete murk nit order '
Oiptee ortlmaserifnittoes maw L. 3 had hy appilesitioM to
the iSsoretarr.. rdersithy the Board.
nielhdl craft:awhile MI/WALD MTAGO, berry. .
Lafayette Itullathea, Wood street...of Wanton Peon.
1 1" :elfie b. r w° 7 f ro t i ' lln "" rool Vati
the Ore, .;ler . ' L tliarinftioti of renterylerols lying Weaf cr.
and tenni:ll.g the creintiesof Ifultothliontlandrtn; Centre,
Clitrz6ol. WK rind McKean. an PAW, prep.re4 lo eell
ufnt.e of Mock to mid cointenY, Mirh than or *too , om -
Iltilrin UM holder to - share In Wm profite thoCotopemy,
anit rialit' tomb on* foment tinder .eatd patent. She
Cloonan twill atm sell to um am Improvement to
the above mined territory, by iittorlofpnince beruirit.
,TOO fiat Mid the' Penton primes. Iran ore ' am be tom'
•mieted Into blown. at.' shoot the, met moulted to convert
ore tato plit Metal, svoleteustrecommendatkin of Its
. .
Mr • 'ma If. trims' tics - 6,:cf, -- Iffiriotnted tont &elite
sAle of tights to nee furnace. under said platilint, to *horn
application may. he .reade; or to the rode
ndined Directors
With. comPaOY” ••
LlAillf.B. IL cn.trit, Pittaburgh.
.:14241& tIT
• CONTRACTING 'Ailf:TeT.-41wo auhierther bia Loup'
mal .an amoafrt live, purport
yetirp * .re_un D'n th r ob b _tgane ri" : nd r
Jorge W etelm ' : .4:1711In . .114 heat Yardmen the Ailegnan ' y
river, together with many ether ftwilitiee from other water
• mad Stearn flow- Attila, he antlers itheself.,that he non fur,
any IdLis of lumber. and deliver the at env point on
the Allegheny, Mounnothelk Ohio. or Mitelaelppl ittraral
duetto build Mrew hargehhtere hoots, Coal ,Flate, Boot
ia; Bridge , Thriber..Rallreast , Timbers—Freight. /ran.
Llai. Alt a i 701 , 47 ,n,,,.. T0 ,a Vt.! n d To sa am g
ininaing, freighting 1.6 toot bUilding, tg, IC; :hy_ri.p,
give mufti' sallefaction. All ie.reons ore rennerteel
l on tract, noon, especially thaw z i ontin t i e
• 11.V:taitgelt "." 61141Td b 14= ture ' r. ' -go' wib
ahmottend to muttony nod :MN of any oreentatirty that '
In rel l er d alidn4rmil 31unh, lenaLtetateorld nine
r u az t ait, g at i ett. "l lieolZ 9 lllT4 14,1,1'11,ertiqu'. M.
Ailegheny , iteeme.. - : , . DAFIv At R`IJI,
. CoL Junes B. Morgan. Lauthemtema, Itl loogb., .
IMr. Job. Morrie:re,
Mr. Rd. It Brown, •, • ighrgbonr Ulm
.Me.A7m.Assostrnimg. " tAIIIOO "
C. J. item a co..
lAMB E 7 3I.E = r6.OII.ANTS will soil . 1 1
I_ my Lel.. orrour imws of Ltitalr Yard. itthr i t t or
rt w rel i gga n co " Mt r h " AAntliVlTOntrit 2 t; b on ttroloweak
of IN Alleithenr with 'hitt of 'beitetibilow wittoy .
=rig' fl ed tat. botthif Ili , ye , I, 4t , M .d 2r igluM n i n
Vlll:44gt t s=re n :Attt to rmm two .n=
mink . ;
of feet of !mace " Ti,._ lelllng Mow In lame wid'eco.
.7,,,rtablel fine ittitleirr teiech 4 .l.ll4wtiillFlwlrhint‘
l itZ7,l, "* " I,r. terir4 o ti7Abna r .foot rhr Olty
fiw the po p rea sale otihhber, either roe fity un fat
,Thie fall will make. in 7 twentieth Jr: Sheet,'
to :Aga Orleans with 'nether.' 1 telE'reall airs the hue.
A:o4r WWI. of Introdnetton my.eusteimrs In Mine Of:
fop e'in" ay irm'49l**trtt2Ar
aol .
.Stg:fltig '9 6itt Or n itho FrOttet t p4 Ulf Alwit
To oar gen ma ityp >lug , h
*thy badness. diowltig at etuttr • Itfit, App
yir,revOre Prigi
- ay
,TTI'PER LEVAVI.R, ancl,T,Tem )sim and
14iSsusik., It na!! G O
.Mial_Z I , t
A•L. B • !.B. _
ILISNT.—A., lot.4oVguscXsy. "",
liar hors and 114 terraf.f4 1.0 dect , <
to anew: • ' " " •
• ,• , .fro I.lfor Apsl tho property' On curricr ot I.lhert.
eradlllt Areas now occupied ler
Ml fcct to? nbortystreot: orlilhfoot.sch.Pitt Street. We Irlll ,.
Ettitt= ==..111=7114=1.t.
wrist! to suit purchsams.:Ertquios
I.l)oMlR.utlice < ith
dotidtt , orJOILNI 1V1A.17,1r, Se wiek.tcyville.:
Alski, risit. Cargo bwzilplilltiOtidE kr Sewickley,
ftbs - stiort Me , ituitroomUshut
roPPlisd . iitthrnselt excellectlhhiugsretcr. This how
'eau milt Cherr4 tOCcoOrorhociate.ts,u, L holUes •,!4.
I ..AkrVr I kiMMI4/1711 .1.WF?(0
tinders - toned olteri prorate axle the peormrts Qo
blunt' , mbh hlssitsgst heat ore Psklenn , street of 110
t. and running hook 100 Agee to an alley 10 feet wider
lots are h atted et the low prim of S-.boss each; ems-fourth,
Mob In and,the Wanes atdream. s ' L.
'Proems who
to to.purchme on the tonnage
stinted; will apply te 5b.1110L31)18.t SON.
.M 27 ,• s ...114slaker,stAnd,Lirknrs. 7 , muvt..
y Oder to Pottle opp . aacst.te,will Mit'
,at Privet...hi, On Very reasonable ' terms , - 1.1 WILDS'S sb
nod I,l.lTO'un the uOrtherly side of Liberty' sdreets ,
htsildinips are of Mick, substantially, hullt,'d eteseloOhlabs
(with mono front to the sld Mary,) and are=ses to a
good bashmes lOnsllty. They now yield an .rest sd
0111. The lots bare a front on LltortyirtreetsYflalhat asul
extend hook totted, Penn etroM feet.. 'Arasto
sell-tf 11. BRADY' WILKYN'BIIS7, 4th st.
' volt SA.I.E.--T iM
he'beeriber 'Using liM 6¢ 4.”
Irma into TWENTY SATS, will mil olus dut .or thew
ten urn:" This Ladd Ls to Emery* toernahip, situated
tween Saw 11111 And Yoratly's hone, adielnlog lersdofri.
tYm....ltotilussin on • the tertlsonst, 111 d uti he
tenth. It hie commanding Mewls of Allegheny and Pi te
horglband la adndrahlysltuaten nonsaidanres, Thlslar, 4.
the highest 'tato of .eallisattom It ISerell sego/lad Os
tirspollues. Aptda. Peres anst.ekowxy Moos,
csurraut a , Shrubbery. de.. from 13 to 12. years old.,
will herosspottion of Prolt,Tmeis on it. Terms reel
teepartaSuLre, Inquire at. the Lumber :DOI Olhoe on.
Sixth street near Grant, Pittsbargh. ,
16.14Itf .
F . ORSALE Olt: TO. LET, - -,-Tho i
, 1 1.15 IEOS Cltitll lll .4".*lt f oge,M;P:olktsp a r
=S r a ' ,4o ‘ .4111. '" Vir1 1 1111.14111Leor,- large , .
onsityasehouog 114Zselling houses. With lothitatibin lki
" m 'r l 'iXrr ul gttrt"Vg" 4 ',l 4s Or t e
?=. F A ort;h:,..i.hak= bat i t.t'f 49 .1.1 .
)'b o ns , d Junes Black, Pittsburgh...lld .the,mshaerloer
prehun pi, replier) ~• I . LAISLIERTON. •
4,i10R SALE.—Thei atteatiiiil of 'capitalisa
1' Is eased trettist VAIISII•tiILE PFLOPEUTY Lt Alb.
Artt el n ti en o soT . Vnz o ss i s , eorzst 1... .
eset g . .t. L .4. ;
m u . si
Wert, IsyloolSetin depthlale ten fest alle)• Mom
ty will belled anosether diskied Into lot, of :as icet
front, to Ma parrehers. l is handsomely slivatedon
malts thoroughfare between the twotid al,
tides, and, .the
medleta rleinitY of 110 De p ot of the Ohio a l'enuerls daft
Railroad eornpllon, it would to a. meet desirable loestion
tea lintel, a Public nail, or for business hollow slob . web
ling. attaehnt, m this Property msuredly will adrarsi In
value, mul,pay a handsome revenue on the imProres non
which might S. loseles St IS wotthy - ofettentien. is me
who will" to purchase r ae noloosted to bssinire of
• • .s - ' IF. P IES 'Y, or , -
!viol: • t . 31.111)LN Slll4s
:;.111NE17.- I .The ahhootiber, dwrouthoychpnw.
tog hit bushot, °W NW Tot tole at i hatgitnAld new wad
coottuotllout TANNTllli,t4tcurtedln Terre Houto; Indian.
Thw bulldloutt CUIIJIT4nI W dem 'MAW,' Iltnrito high.
Oh by fldteet; Mill and Bark tlnast.„lllde Hollow, and dtabloa.
all new. ' Attached to. the renowru It y, dteath %nettle, to
oundleto Muth% ordclVhwod PoW , lo¢. grindh4 4e.
The above rut lor oterr eattctOtollee_thc twttidit, oclwd
built Atm the nwdt ipprrrrod plum, regary.o e tjtyo.
sod hob% the only:yell In the city. prornts %Tare c woo
for so untontlittwg WWI to enter Into a i rah> and totowhlw
bnalnowt. ' • , •
can bought et from dtj to 4itAnwiyol2lollj sEd
bark at $3 dor cowl. VTI.. $4,Q00, one fourth down. the
balonew in one. two, 004 thcco yaw, mewed ho. mortywww,
c0...M.-hadAtcT • • ' • • . JOHN TIERNAN,
F OR RENT---Protn , ti
I.mqa story BRICK DWELLING. on Pend de
etreetot. nyt Twit Deplre. W diglusgnom, large bed
ro-Ms. ba Wagon. brilhomott In the Weber.
TWIT gNIALL DWELLING& on Pitt street. each' eon.
tatnlog two parlors:oM bairroonutrkittbett,twtrotor tc
WARAIItiCSE on Chancery Latta. suitable Br strring
goods. or. Mr yntilubteturing puriettet. Enquire at lb.
Ogiot ore: ib 'LOOMIS.- 0/ Fourth; atrcet.•Plttointrub.op
JOHN tE.tT tr-Mowiricloyelilo E, ft &matt
i The anberriltere offer ton sale 1.1.1 g seem nftirenrloit
tutted east OrMinerirtillo. fronting cm the botenth street
Plant Rota, and extending Tea within • few yards t flho
Pennsylvania Railroad: Ebtaproperty Is eligibly tettiolni.
num Af worm, and well worthy the wtten
U tion pitmen*
dashing w connothort errantry ideation. na sold entire,
it could madily to dirt:kid into smaller stud kg.
YOLiNG k ZO.. •
mET • : Monti
1.1 Lot of Ground, at rresent oreuploi by John Wake ,
ttty, Clothier, on Liberty street. between birth street, nib
be leaped for • term or yrare from April Is!: holt. Mug,
IitTIN It IRWIN. din. Of Itarbm'ainTri.
42911 ob ROBERT ROBB. Fourth street. • :
11.4•613 KENT.—The Store 'Rooms. with
a ovrtltiugs lt.cht4l. on Market olive,. betoom
and Third atforf, .loottro of •
J. tiltAiti .
No. GI Third et.tret.
nivELuso FOR RENT: —Tint Seri tr-2.
ajirtiestrabin and maittni builttstnatorr Mirk Goa ~ t Et
In 1 Wylie street, is offiret to trot. Tbs Waite to nese.
no. and to complete onler. contsinlng eijibt roma ant
lisal.with hot and cold rata in risb-rooot. IT/ash-Mo.
-and Xlittom; Gas Wont:bout tamilts—Clundslbas. se.
Tbe location Is viola Meat to leanness.
For. battier lutortuation to tdM at•
ja6 HELL A LOPISTT. iG ant 141 Wan. rt.
I?A.CTORY FOR. SALE:—The Larg. and
mme4Sool lAA , . and Etalltinal, nOsi • 10.21 1.4
and is Was the sornor.of • WTI. sot Pogo streets.
le !nquire of TllO6. AN Int. ittairtlryt.
I.YsT t lbti 11ViirilIou. , t) No. , lh, W(.711
strain. nO. °matted by Tinian Itriebeitt,
. ressssalim./it of April nest. Ent tertos,noly to
ti It. ILWALET t eq.. 15 nun 'AI Wont rt...!
► LET.—Tho Dry, Gm .- :d. gore, .NO.
Market garnet. between Thlnt and Tnert h . we ente
r bp 21.11•11anNet. .r.rogr.of
_ Touttle; Meat
ffiß rontainin'g
IV 70 wane nt eatirshal land. In nephew! nountr.
Vereallle• T./enable...nen mu. than IWlinewera_anedueara
anls. Peet Plttatewth and Cennelreill} Itatleved. Th.
Farm ...hare nee lira.. H,ISO. itabbe e Walton eh.' 004
one bulials.oll. an 4 la tdl adapted for a-Gardaer, • lath/
or neandry reedenean. betne 1,11.11 enarieti an lane,.
daunt of Jeplae. Paseba,..t.A.,ctrtir, taller
traits Apply . R. 310 IN, RI, /Walt ~net.
SALE-36 RCM of Land Retiwthittp
the lastegh at Rene. Lesettlfell2 landed tor a reel
nr.0,1113 Ir . " 11013•14 a In Rarely!. Urt•ltikel
Inlet and Ilate 34 star, neadang It a denies/de 14ealk.e. r
W•lar Catty Lataltrlttuent. It hely WOW au he fen 1., Le
admired. Ronal. , nt
500 • T11031.4.3131.11)1a4,T3 ?WAIL elnet..
iTALliiiteres.. MALL F. l'()R SA LE
V .atlhining ataat .itt, ten :web and Wallah , / In
,raw Huntleurtna tteanakin. Weatteenlaad dente: hal
too. mall Pratna Ihralting/lainn and Hank Ram there
•teett tecutp.fiver acne <leered, 11.rIvIad nreledi
`tame. shale claai solar comp This eenteirt , lb.
*Rada bea than a tele of tb• Central Railroad, n en" tie
junction. et Turtla Creek and Iluih Crtel,.. and oboe tha
wane &ewe tram lateneettlls 71tlaraltaLla.
Mice 140 tent.. April/Al 11. 31.1,4 N,
Irt. RENT -A comfortable. thlnllitia/tp
Mow. eentshelna a Rowe*. In and reit, Ste.-137i.
embus* Ilona.. Coed :Inter sod /net tr. . 4 nab
wren tirade land. .11 planted arith remelt and Shad* Tree,
out snooty Newhlß •ntele... peaches. Ae lan eneellent•
omelet •11131inwe tined. Al.. • Planter harden,
Ae..Wattatart In Pitt Tneen•blp.l l . enitera from the mutt
Clothe. Rant eneleratn. td Ova. oho send take. anew
ame , tbeternperty l:nsntrnof Jtlll3 WATT.
LUerte rtreot,
jPOW SALE.--A Ground Rent on valuable
lawn" , t erv.rte rum stroldi.plifstsirsh. la
kuirit! the iiisseftt Otto, _ defra ..„
Irr) LET.—'rhe large and eornnoelion.
Delta Wiweisereise. ram oireurie4 hl W Y F, Arne..,.
So. 117 Trent street, running through to Seronit stood.-
Dial! F hottENz.
irXteXtrA7P LE
The underglittseil.ildi tO /pd.
rant their property
town of Limns,. Jutfe rriurar Ohio. or.
ItslN Wolistetrif et/nein/nu' of the fllosilitif-
O.) E l•Frgan 3r11.1., co 11 'lO fort. srith liar., run of burn.
and tivegythtilit lu rotnidrle rUsinhur miler. ..nil 01.. M. of
doing • 'gond Merchant serif. in one of lost ghost.
Kirgizia tif • tiiis et.t.. Cool oinverileut snit,f
• -
710.-7 sores of ground„ good miler 'shish has nu 17
the following Improvements.
ono good luta I:IITTAUX
One glad frame'
On 6 Witrebouse, cat lank of tbr w
renl:l frout +rat!, eITI skol : ut Iroada
, 4)no—• loenikOrttsr.,l a/ tholes 'fruit U•sx • r•••
•••••t %rata" wid emol.•L • ,
wo sea slitoirther.or sapantal r. to ' rult
/47 Ner.-01,vc
pnaeoS. . J. 1..1). WASS 17. '
, FOR ,
he undeirta6«t wlrti to, dhifedo ihelr *PrVedit.
Monter Ha the town of Logownile.:dollergen/ ()linty:oMo,
orpc•lto Went/meg. Irlrlglole., n/nsletios of thf tellOwion—
/Joe Atom d114..04 teet,.!lth three rod of hone.
.4‘ 1 • ,4 r , Lninn to eon/ Wet* rutodon order, .4 ramble or
doing good Atoerobent work, In mit a the Net wheat
errowliti nettlons of the Sint, Coed rm.tolent,'eod ofaoad
L•4.-/-7. (7011 grelv4 In 4441 .wrier, *bleb hag ea. It
the 9/11/4elog ItoprOvetuontle.
Onn good thick (Wane 11/mew:
.. . ..
Ono invd Pram. do.;
On. do. —. Warehnnisi on hank tithe Obi's , dl F..
-' , 411 . nd .4-alevt daimpenvlktto vntot,, and *bout , INki yard.
~ .
... .
, Ail...—lL , ill_ YOKllONTblird'llf. choke !rah. trees. • •• , ...i
other eohrenteuer . . , , . _ ...
We will sell •// toitethrr. or •err•tolT, . k ..v iv r k ..„
awn: For rattlftlare engulfs • Stmoire. Kir
_r• .
' Ilerrous, %LI. liberty. str e et, or 11.11 k. 1 , ..1c!r,1, , W•tes et..
or nft . u.d. ,l ,Pn 1' .04 !" . * . 1 . , ik 1.101/
T N 's OR it EN T.—Seven Acres of tiou nd within
flee udnutew walk qf tho Itedwrllle itatlen thw Obi.
!tanned, ow *bleb .rmted of.w. re
dwelling (beautifully eltuatedi 30 by 20, eunlalne t o ur .
Vq1 , 1P.:3 enema, all Gutted: ant nu. Ildlpg, lee..
tlful warden muted, bluing • full wt tub Menial&
ruilluuld. Ina wltb tb,,. Pflell•ge.:,l'iwirludoet them
. 11unfewateay.. Apply An • •
. 1.32 .., • , 1411cLA1N.24/. , ?.3121111, etynot,
Ini . ..1/ MT. or rich Lend, n erhte front on the
ittl ' AtVel,T.Z. l . ‘ ,l%ll ' llf 41;teiVg:t % Art gie j tt
ttn etre Lola. To pptlemen oteelr rig kbenuilteljecatinn
IDOL Country nett, .16 mintage, thle rneT thettltyr tho.
ahoratrplrg ""wrii.arNente"..l=lll'
;11 . )110POSAIS FOR BlTllmixousc_p . .xi
ea irTarke,n, r 7. ounerl, bir
pert of the %bolo Thirty Thoueaud Tolle of Bituminous
Coale, ennoble 11. , , the nisnufaot lire of Ilea: to le' (Whirred
In the COM At the tine WITIor, may wootenth . otthe
whole contract In each of the month* of Mareli.....pell.Ahty,
June /71111{ AUPM
lho ,C.tiltitllar,MoPel . , ere the remanilarr
or . 4itti
to he approved LT the tioulneer. , The propenla moat *tate
_the particular variety of,Cral it la intedded furnish:
and If era kind nut heltmemeed at theta worhe, sample. the
trial required peering!, ti the_ tiltle..l araninq
Zar l ipLaTttnr , dco tr a lie W rii r"' ?r i kl. l 4l,Tt i gr i ee
exprevelY Mated:. and •If It t r et prefer're u d toi hr.
:bee wIU la
Vtituittg h ,,L T ;,L" t g,"Thot x ___, l l.2rdZbke:t7:7l7l:4
lathe eontrattors any' 1)r, reolen t own
- The payment. will leie In two olttialnatalmoota; at
totes 3LL Mx months afthe etealtied ottlellvert;
the 1 . 51110 l with Mouth or to *alp a mann:. of th e
monthly delivery. or, .at the trpt Trona.,
.nlehts 1111 . be- made In cealli th Jbe Interest de:
aortal. • -
Should the chiltrartont prefer to deliver the Nil einlier
tbani reoNdred, lb will hrealrli lintrpapnente .bo
' lll. el ti tr= :r augry. t oll . lr Vi t i k lllimiet- a' ch .
"Ydn to required. JOIIN PPany,‘Enutneee.
Aliltatlelphla 26th Jiat,l
~syn lortn-i . „911,q . :.: 0111 .
A - 05 90"
Ai ,1 , ,:r yvi.p.tiff r ; iviv VI. , - 4
rWELL,I leLETCIIEW/ At CliAlii,.lllKi
At.tur.ormahaipsmire i r, .an 2.4-
OnpF Ldodnled cr .....,
_r al aya on. bandnt
C:nanar.V and Fran
.notta.l, alppyrul. wan.. ~ ...
the li t U ut" am ar r i nib m. " '"
" Prqwv" rft !' M
ars. ;,- ~. a .17,1)"
a MA.. ClateL.,...,
Wd•ar;- ,
"%what In etas. tataAIIII..Wa*IALIMACO.i.
.... 1 1014 AMPINVE -1 . im .
-- • '
PiNgrrr Alt`D bilrsT:dOXP,Aleri . ARITANGEM ENT:
~..), ~. t..u..V.1ar54r 0 4.V.W.4 '., . -. Conunk.)abing Novemberi4th, 1853.
OttAR T , A ILILD Art14,124y1550.--Cludersa PrAPIXIML 1 .' • '''' • . ' ' .
ritl i t .. burg :
a .
t . : .• i . l' w_
641 , 1Tat-i4tso;000• __' . ' ..„wairtitzwiti a
. ura,of rum ~k c.v....term., pkwurphip. i 1/2a . TRAT3 r re .
•'" • - '' .i. lock s._,____- ,, , dlnesat Sillenee , takes tea at etestlina:
6 ,,,, h ,,, it ur ,,,,,,,,i,
~ pi t i a, j , xid ,, rd , ~ i 1••11 maims a 4..... eetlieztion tharo ail& a ihst fturebs
Bery. 11 , lick&r. illeerie SPllenry, ‘. 1 Tra......h1.g.,e1. 4 °"!,' t.. . t 1 11 . 04 F 4, at DiSht..h.
Ambrowe 'W. ,h rot . .. Leorrence Johntitort, . Unlearn. and . e
4 tailliXtid TRAYS Lidera Plttsbiltnti. at SOO Roc— mittt
liieol• 1.. novelle, . , 1,, • /awes Delver.
llilliinu 31. Gild% In. • ' " I ID /Diem ll'Kee
, ,i, s . = 1,4 athe Eapress Irvin Philadelphia, and mitten.
Mahal:hid at 5.45 al X., and Creatillne at S.,W I si eon .ei.o
f-,...."'"''''/Welts . g"ntVlndieft.thnseini. ) ;lo' ia ''' dn'i ...'l .-.-1 '-' . I fa- g. selLll the enlist train ldr ilkolnaibui, and dash:am
;tab.-al Exuma or r--Iltlihly,34 tk.e. 11. 11 iii,,,,,, D. 114 . , 11,4 h trehifoolnieet with the Branfolatnine line for haat,
. , dileithenT City' n• li, Mone t , IC p , . .thirir.ii. &via Crag In LIM.. ' .
tigtalik, E Ali Nola 4 m ..i, I Conumtirtun are,inadeiat Alliance And Maiastiedd Ith
Inhil . ,1.;,, , , 74 ilinietts street. Pittiburob Clefeland, Monroeville, Sandneky, Voiecif?, Detroit an d 'ill-
WleielirVirtit6i ladttakteetklitaany.l "1: .. .......1=.11.1* . okttnama so. ot 04 . ..1..vre .•
ll R, Pi A tt l l C, ..: .l l :7l, l 4 l.4 ltqlui'l 'a N ton : ;4l9 °ll2 J utl i c : .F L dr irma. th -11...616-=t' ,R .b. `Pg::'2 d 1 : 11141":"--$3-h'4.71rk ss. 0,45 Ci!; 44,1 4 114 ? i n t :P^ 41 ` sd ' I ni t'l l if f;N t* A' V: ns g''' -tti
i.e. Levi 5141 # 4, Fveretars. h. 51Vasass,ri gent- villa ati ` atelleisky s4,sCtlit,Do4tott ni4161,,da el d i to
7, , iglir„,Taf :A lOqiiilr:t',, '"ArM,T , 22„IF,,litlil , t,i11.11, 1 ,11„'It k cle-u'''''''v- \'''.
RETURNING: 4 " \ A . .
THE IeXPRFSS TRAIN .leavas t7relitllne Id L. 70 t. 4'
Mallet/chi itt L 5 e lf , ..9d 4 1 / 4 / 1 14.0 ,
..{ 1,...t , -
ex Pittabursla at `l. i r. u.. eturnect .4; pi
Train for Phtlailelphfif sad Mit •anials.l a asna ,
lvfgottroLei,.rgrnrel I.4l , llolartif,r .
oelialtiniore 515,00. ,\ , ..3 -, . -i- t
Ira Alia T 1 4515, Cradling a Ladd, a, ant din A I:
I k ea,
m and skives at llttiltalreh at 15 D s ii.". ''' '
~ LW .131411111T0D1 ,A.OOO3LWOAINNTISALYIeavee
Pittsburgh Idle t.,41. and 4.50,P. it- a t4, yr e ltrtghton et
3e v. sr. andll P.'S. Ilteuxtl6l3 Tieke SI . \ Quarterly
tiSV:lit/VTW4r,tit lei ,Pll.4nrAilat '13`.,3e4 ; ii.,' and
aluireeut 4.1 b f ~• • ~ , ,'‘ ,
0 1 -4 -Th. t.h44 o Pft Tn.+ piy‘r. 4,, . \ , ,
Li a taturday even nne he .F. rev, islif ,wlll leave
linttlefent at 4130 ,P:arl riaeh dil Anna al totro,e. 14. had
'VeltrettretiPfilittrinttg="4,ply e 4 ' \ '
, . ~ , GEo. , ftya?„T . i t met Aro.;
1.• .1 .. fiVit: .71..
'Clifsburo, N0v.14 , fa hi." V. P'4'"4" \''SCI6 . •
1 8 54 - „Grill -I ; 6 M ' s 4Bl ssi
• Delaware Mutual , Bafetylesareace Ca
of Alici MEE-.
gur • OHANT:f 'EXCHANGE, Thirsts Area& Philadelphia.
'Mannar •INUOVAaccs—Aln To, Cargo and Insight, to tat
• porta In the world.
b.-ant thArbAlteltn"Onlloodebby loaroo,
and by Land Caren,. to ell' oats or "thrtichm, luau
ding %hurl. by Me antll ;missal.
Ilstnt stns.—nn. lllerehaildlao •• tfuncrallt,,m Stores,
iiOUBCE. &tr.
. • . '
• ' ~, ' A68 . 1.113'0? TILE COMPANY. • . ,
BUM'S niot PlortrAites • • .4. 4...5 7 . ". r.
• Urritod titatol, otato orl'etinsylvonix, Iggise • ;
.I.4jAtim City. Camden nod Amboy Itailt'uod. ~i ~,,,
•Athrlt'in , Batiks; Italltande and Itourntsce Coe— 1 iaw .
MN Iteonlvtftlile ... ~....:1 1 : - :1',1.11 G.
4...%th0rr hand_ ,
Premiums au )Inrino Policies cm:aptly; issued._ "7.137 21
thetworiution, otr. . . , VlL ) tri
- s;,l9,leri la
winturk martin, ilouus C. . U. M.Altuton'
Joseph Thenph. Pauldig. n DM. Yu ir..
laimund - Al Sunder, lama ill Devic . Jowls. L-Pricc.
.Jahn Path. Ifitbott-thubf, sums nano
itolort. Dorton,' "Omar/kale:an/ losephZilteroLt.,
Attbst Peorme.
C.iLelper, Samuel lb Slam. Wm. U. Ludwig.
idted - Dirlington. !Items Steen. . JJlLltobosue Pia'Are
11. Jnoce "bloke, . JA111441 Trait mar. D...T....ltoresu,'do.
J. G. Johnston.. .It - 1W1.1.31 NIAIITI N. Prepident..
Tnowss,C. Ihtms, fire President.
4 - e-ormest or the Company, .o. "s , 'Weter P thc'
butith. ' fjellArl . P. „
Westero.lnauranoe Comp 'y. of Pittsburgh.
• ( . 1t ,1,12,1.TAL r.,.
Prexidolt T.d. tiorann. Sa,,..te,r- •
11110,,,u.sgaluat MI Itinde of tithe, Flrinnd Marine.
411 Morse Ilb.rany and pronbtotly Peld.
A ho Insfitutionmanaged by director" who are "Al
ItutUf It , tits molnumltY, MO who emdetermined hs
prompt: was rota Ilberelltr to maintain the Attract, which
they 149. • ^fferlutt the best, protection to.
thoca;sho'dere to be Dented. .D7l,ol-Isuben M iller. jr.
... IV. baior, Wm. Lyon. C. tholes'.
T. Scott, A. tiimich. C. IV: itichetson. unarm
CcrrAr Nat haniel
-thiice, No. Ut: titer ett et, lwareboum of , 41214 , 1 g it C 0..,
hP MM..) Pittsburgh.
Franklin Fire Insurance Co., of Philad'a.
J)I ECToES : Bancker, Goo.
W. ftichunls,Thm. liar!, Mottles"' D. Louie. Tobin"
Lon. Adolphe K. Dodo, Samuel Drant, !meld S. ilrown:'
Jasmh It. tStnitb.3lorgle m
_ll.llll.Ett D.ANCF, tilt, Preslchm I.
- I''n/errs lb. Itsesse".
Cotoety continue" to mato
P roper pernument
or 'united. 01 germ: descriptlou of Property In town and
Maltt IT o w n Ta. roneistent wlth recurity.
be e:tatty hece re,wrse.l term. ' , saint:cot foto'.
salitf:Orit4 thei
t r capital ,otod I:remits-on. eefel4 ferreted.
7J7 rd
b,o coPIS `protection bcthe tuottrred, • •
$ 1 442.70a 44
Mary thrtr incaroarati,rs. a pFrldal of 24 }rare. Ita9 have
741fa'1+1 , tratate of Que Ilillion Your flood: Thoutaro
.ror. iment Lr ilte, tlarptby FftrtftLitut , el4ottornf 41iF 4.
41galag.a. of Intarance; tat eta tbfir ditito44 ,
OM to an't trttb tataaptnae• ail 11a4411tbra. •
•, ' •J. 4)AfLONEtlfatiTl24,Aorant.
ata Callao F. ff,antnaraf Wand acalad 44n.
Western Insurance COngi_any
Will Insurii
.cigaimt nil kinds o r Fire . and
• . ".‘larinc Risky.
kllftkr. Jr.. Mr. Peutl. J. Meiult).
3. R. Hotter. A. N 'mirk. Geo. Dande.
Wml.7lm, • C. W. itirketatan. -.N.lth'l Holm.,
C. Ittnasem. p .. ._131.....116kmnr , r. J. Lipplundt.
Ler k hnwa tPtlituthirt au o
tm , / by Dirorters Teel!
I. this tuntetunity, and whe e .11herslis ndjamt
atid prow pat tal items et the !teen:.l% ' tee
.sttevt. (4hh); A .s, stairs. Pittehurth
V ()TIC E.—ItAILROA I> coN - rltAcTotts..
ill ‘ttclusici. ANO OTIIRRD =The Franklin In.' 7'
lute ancri.l • Brat premium is iltur trihlll, In 1411 tool
1 , ;,,, for a ta loath ' , Pao, Llnlatlny sinl Pompon Engin.
TUT aro male arlth loth double. nod *lngle engine.. mod
used L..• WWI.: and diarharglod mama, Pik driring.
do, toy op hatters. lo.iniFigl.lll.nglNl G., driving Portable
builtm Tim outdo , . hol
moat frhaA lmisthot tour. Ao.. torn
h. a friar. and 'way he ~ Para in place,
with a roar. ,:n
any 01,11 , 01.2 T • moot Made • only 7 7 (ho
Pooch T. .4. 1.. Aliell AMBAI; LT; - -. •
No. ld Drinker.' Alloy. near round and Bare erreeto..
,m11,•,m4 1 . 1111.1,1 phi.. Perm.
• .1./f/IVI 7i0,, X.% 0 PA. lt. A. On.,
Pitipborutu, An. 11. 11$PC.
10 - ITrirE.---Tlit• annual , niertutg ,of the
4.1 fm,blpidrra and eloct/n6' or Dlrrotorgef (he Ohio ,
and Po nr1.111 , 1 All !A R. Ilevoil Company. ku the rogolog'crar.
- ill le held at tip carp ottho (Un'uny, to Pittetatrott. on
Thltriday:the ' :MIN • , to. of Jartuszy, I'7 L, betatron the.
Lune of b. 0,, Uof 3 - a. Pf. (meeting at 10•)
lto onto" of tho Board of Dlrertere.
dr.:47,171 • .1.1108it:744f, harret.T.
......_ —...—___. ._
t1)rffi11[11:(ill .%N1) FrEusENIILLE
17111310.11 , .-Tltraularribira to the PiPtil itork o f
e PittelmFatrand reoloortilr N. IL CO. are 1... by notl
tient in pay mlo Ito Tpaeop, Al,, forth Motel:MOM *fere
olaktos ler sitar , . oat .-a• benne tle, lot Illooemher proximo.
MO fon dnllan , pe alum on td• P.a. the Prat den of earlt
mordli.thorruftor, µsail the a hole amount of afoot DP,'
trolled Ito he, laelb twit!
1 , , ordor IX oho Bawd of ' , Borten.
W1L1.1.1.17.... 1111.1,.. Treitstisur,
___. Tr.g.A...11,,ci,,,, v 4 ir...t strut.
Noooml.'r a. 1-62. apPett• •
'4 s - 11 . 171('E.--.111 coll -" oe,lllenee of having &Ad!
, ',it Formai. ho tho , toeholds Iron coppany, tile.
pa por,hlt, indolotomoalothuf undor the OM of tbartnEN
mon; 011 k hi- at Dill Crook Forme. ono alfo the
norsl,l7 eairth, a tool., lb. trot or KIM: 0 811 ,, EN8E:7
oal, at Cambria Furor,. Ore lath illandrod. Th. loNi
-1,44 011 to ~.ot 0/41 op 1., the Mao... at - to, Ynroams,
and (i",'" P. '',,,A, „ho am'oOlitoriad to nn., LIM taam.
of ti. roantettro (thus in *Altana op It. bnalosus_.
.. 4: tAnuir, I'. KIM).
ltateh T. 1(20. ft:0.5:111 P. tIiiENBEITIT rd. RIt. ' -
klit-P-titT.NERSIIIP.—Traci . unde%iginZr
2 ,, hate this day entonet Into tloPartoorthlp, tEt..lci tlo•
tom. ao.l style .:I' NIL VA'. k I::ti.V VD V A ttl-fdr SIM hoopoe
•of tranoo.oblog • geoural Millinp j lailtero t t.BAßACtly et AI
l'itt(7IIIIIT T. KF-NN - Fing. il .S.' lIRTAti, ' e .
• ,1. - 1.1 Pi 4 1 4 11, 4 1L "1 ' . ' gt; t :lf 17 L 1'. 51, C5.,. 1T A BTT .
rogrld•todlf) ' Canal Runt, Aolleghorn• C 1 .77. ozmi•L'44.
' -
1)1:560.1.UT10N.--7Tlll7l'artatirstiip lieFfl , l .
ode ealatinsilutnono Alm umiriehroad. In the. FOll.
1 111 , 14:11. COtitIISSION. tittOCKIIT AND I•II7DCCI7
Rostov., Is thla day distolood by moto.l'entamt. Tie
• bortnas. .r (h. lotto arm vill be aottket by either of ilto
?Arlo,. on. lot authorial tn to,, the nom. of the' lota
aro, 111 lottllng. tho uton. sod J. J. all trill enothme
the IntetmeaLaa usual at the ~ all .ten d;No. Zit Liberty
atrat. . Ji T.. Fa aoN IL -
.. Pittsburgh. July lat. 1113. J. J. futoNll.
T J. 110filiE,t . SUcetxu , or to .1, ' l ' ..i. J. J.
er In 11.4 and prphooo of all Kinds, ilttahorgh. I.: •
• . l 1 ~ seittiumni .! I ,d ,
ir. n (Weevil. esoltior Verniers mak. Patrol. Ohba.
IT, W. A 01, Wilkins, no.3,sty.tinairerkh A SMItIt. l'hiled'a.
J. i d ,' lb lium A lto. ' ItlTarlam7 Els
ooa•A co.. -
E.' us end A' Co.. Deafen: • I.lanou. boot 1 Santo. "
D. II). tioThemblaCo.,lt olle,Smith, tlorpbcp A Coo m
Title. ohbo :D. Poull A tat._
•' d '
' a..7Putltig. P.m:: l'itralaitl.tripingsr liArbounh.ll(l.l.ll.
I Haulm. qm7.1.......4 Cu. .. , Palmor, lotto.* (At..
Dither& It woo. 17, itt. troth , . lion, Pronook k. Co., ••
Fonnor. 11 411.µ A Co.. N. T. 11.41, J.l7.Shooolergora Ca.'"
( 1 1 . 1 4, V1•laNW, tC„ CIO Wt k.
7. nr.t...'im. , . '- : iri.:n.aitinCe...4 - o , ..tnnun:'
{Feat.*. Taylor A L Cob) Phil.) True. ... y , 1.f.:
I . iS SOL
mIII uTtuIONrI lle ,
• ,
p n ai !ther V a a ) n ii herhee
t tot.extxtinEn.dhoilll4
744 A-o
Sim.havlngpobanaltholntema ll o o mF o N o go,
I hd lusloost .111 ba 'motioned as mond, under the it yin Of
Howson, 37 hall & Co.. who
_ant outtnuirdAl 73 we the out.
td •• Nagler:. {blab •Co.asit.llmr. ,}}nn the Old hotline.: - -
• J . X /1110151%
Eitt.shiugh.)lot, 2. Oa,
-• • •
11,1Villg• aiepcu , f of my iuteruut in the bite
Ph r «
SA 116.41faMP I haw.. th, !tenr to reauatrn devil eftitteo4..
tjarjr , 111171, Ttlit74l‘,4,tpylV,Aaatinzaile.
W. IfERSTINE & CO.. Ceininitieinn
It. Tit Ana Pfinvordinx )intshants,
tuEL O W/1m oer
er, llttAttrxh. ClActunatt, an 4 other Oxman.
twos, 4 f . ..3.403.41495. Front atreet.47ttanottit,.
atile o 1 O. Ir. ytrraT A IN tr
): a rt... ,"
1.13 , 1431 , 111 , 4101thAn11 connottutoo. PorwarAttur, - ;
m ig 0 111IttZktig.W . nin';
hrodumliTol P orletoln4OP.' toff to the '
reuiP44 or It hustpouitbo war Ir. rutnEttoll to 411,0 re,
t4A 1.--(1,41o, 1 Thavril Elam ler Co.:R..
Weolly F .
E.lter• 'A Oars R tllaft: Cooper
! Ilittt4rAtf Iter4o4;ll:g=; . .
4 10 PARTZIERS1111 ) .. , :-:11.. julnes, Bev
T.4dlnxx.l4 CO. will ott.rry , witho,",Antarlean trfai Workr"
t.. 01„ . twAka 14, .44otth Mother. PI 0.4 lor..
Y. ,
••~1, t: AN t uON
n ant h(
, * 'Hanofketur+ro royorlor 1:1O17T - O5T1'
t4t;l :l it4o7, ? iti f loVelt tger n
.ri;: antra ,LL
, 1
..... .
°TICE: . ,Temiph' •Flerning - haring nese.
I:me (Act *to o& ex.rutz in Etalthoogo Obd ' tot!, tl
',trout& • .
• tlortcoror.lntlooratiti of .Comotoll
January bt,b, If.Sl
'I)IVIONNO=j•The- 'Prijeteete pf. the ii?itte
I wry!, of. oiteree btroolbo ilAy , Rdellmet o
of Mid t 7 t , mM P ny . pMlrahlo thtt<VVlrA"''cvltriZ ,
the oPAnnoonY. ,
lolffionw .
' „
dittpe. i‘io A radon th .J tePt... pollicaltim4
4.46o "frilliseriliertinvii4diipeied'efilis entire
tetilvet.telbolO t o 1111 K., hie ,batior r i Mr. Jnoopb
Flothlorb'ortfullt chobrfully rocommen tt • him t ht. Men ds.
it44t al
, 1.1 1 .., ?TM It tii=bf.itZi .). um. I
• . ti0.0 , ..1
A GENERAL MEETIN G uf; ft.Stuglek Itl",
41Srei o (4 ° 01iiiVriiTI Vk lo ai gel Zl 4 t - grititi • lilt
nb '7% X.,Ai , the ,th day of .41 , 1111 , 17 . _ , 41 1 ; ' Of 1 6. •
gro I , ffrtl i Plgoti l eVO l =l:4 =To 4 , 1 ;p 14 A: f ,r41
~,....,,,..;...,,,.•..nithil President in! linen ' wilt ,
I'”rlYeditTrAP:Fig:-.. - - • *--`"!
1. " .,, ,if0iY114 ,, if......
S r
qr Gm nrranOtyle4,o.l ~461 q,
: dr ift*,lll4lll,lLtu?d_ rallii , t,i, •b V I dbuznlazivri-,
~.. 7721:j-TA!Is.D tc.'4;1:741,F17.241.0'"t4f',.
17 , ;APPAtikTOB-Veir Public and Prlvanti „. . .
pfteed . nn Ur nnillt,todern plan, ni m - mtg e., ~.! 9 1..
' g Stolen ' Y.
, ..t roL d or
a z , Aciii - riber, at S. . Efaiittit
,y nbisnneds7 evening. Nialiffn, ft
~ ,,,-2 .. .20016 n
ta '
' nela r ntl in teran "l' arig. ' ,' a nt
.„1 0. A k titv t.r Anr. panclunlz
, P.E NIC YLVA SSA. .4-t,r RO, AD- , ,
TLIE EAST MAIL T1 1,4 \LN:1 1 v4.1161 - q t
Paheohr Mahon on Liberty ittrett, oUry moroft•
V. k. O'CLOCK, hopping' lit 11l tfteTigniaantationt on
the rood, arriving la Philadelphia nha Moval'ing at 7 o'-
clock, connection with the Traltyp dlnht to Nehlork, atop
erronteting at Ilarrintorglrerlth the 1/1-10 Mrarg p.ffittlik
In Baltimore at 7 o'clock n. a
ti t . ''
lilt Y"..piLess wn.A,IN--6.!:,.. .Aption 1,2.- el-en
ing at 9.10 nelorlentOppine at aler retrolar ntaitlegin and
connecting with Tenth for liol won, 00.,arriTtPg I.
Philadelphia or Baltimore at 1~ Y. II -
Pare to Philadelphia $4 5.; VIM VI Italliti VOO ..
1, - , IMM 4 , 4.4 to .a) Stet./.4 -, ) ,
15,11 road alai to Phlladelphli and V
The'arannonedation•Train mill a e
1 I
It. turning crab. smve In 17tt 1a d
nod 7 71, n.
Phonon." porelotalog 'finked Co n
TEN tIit.VEP In Addition to t-tad a
Mations whor e , tbe Coutp.As IN V
No stria or. Ica detour Bat b to %
be received In payment Or tt-0 lett
Om Banks of Peutth Icahn 4,
North —ln cane of flout, the
NAVIN, reap/mail& for !nonfatal 1
'" k t 11 t2 7 2 1 t ; r lTcUr o ligtlll ' gr '
to cosson yahoo gent and longtht
at a charge oot to errand 12 , , on
12 to Ihr tacit tronk
ter Tlrtat, apply to
• At the P. IL
1. Tait! betweim Elttaburgh
Nutt Cues.—Eggs; Felltbers,
11q Ds
wont, CitskiePP ea. and Pi
'kW.. Huffed% lkur end:Prter tll
Pined, Maserrierip, (Pineenu,,ltage,
POO tbk
Tunt. Parer.) 7
eon end Pork.. (Pe mee,) Ala ter,.lll.
Flee. Leatherliiionpreril,) fbc V,
'Frotrletkiiek— , Alirlaoll Pun.:
Perfrip,l ,PorkZ
()Ind. ammo.. ( 1, ,n (In tan
Pin.telo or "hoofer I
rts. VllOO N.
Srixtpt Herr, -Cotton 60c "6 P
(1.14 PPP)
fkN and after 3IOXDAY, NOV. 14th, 1E43
I_ll . N..e.;figer 710. riff .run aallp IldtEllgye errept.eil
,•• . • .
• 11. kt, TRAIN learnt Clarre...l at RN: ,
at.,for {tepee! l 4
atotuthag at. all Intrtutodlata Utal:m..7'hr at Anim , . at
11.15 and Wellsville at - RJR It_ r.., .1 •
EXPILUS TRAIN, leaves.Cleleland at lOU r. fur Atilt
tor , rtbST i ltur at Iludnunt tarhille trert Barmen nub -utr-.
ACLIAINIODATION TRAIN Ittrdaut ad - re:land for Karen-.
andinterturdtate'dtatfonlgat7.4.'rand arrittra at Ravenna
at P. V. Two through Train., (too. Clerrlaud to Pitt/t
-humb daily. • •
P[PitY.S. Tit Al \ Imre" Alliance thr Cleveland al 12.40
r a- idol Ping It Clain. Mamma. karleilki cud /indium
tnilt ve at Cleveland at r...a1, The Mali Train" of
touv ntni Penna. Rail Real laming T'Dtatitrgh at 1100 a u.
nuinacta whh title train at Alliance at t t 43 A DA
NIAMALLAII leave* Weaning, Snr Cann/mid at 4.(M 4 tn_
atotiohnt at all wa' atatlntlie-antrire et Alliance 1.1,5.00 and
I inciand at I:rs V. w.
AttkIMMODATION TRAIN) ame. Ravenna,thr Cleveland
and tntenataMataltatims at 7AL, a. t-attirr at Cerveland
at NJ..., a, Only Oae throach WO, frau
„Rithibtuak to
rim eland &tilt
OA it El 110\ e —Mail Traln (non Clevelandlonn«la al,
Alliance with ate Mail nal di Uhl% and Malta it. It kor
t aut..,t Matulkin and II , abio, Tot :Warr. and Pitts.
anth,arriving at Pittabari, M 4,45 a a _ _
Tartan Train hornet...ream and Mail-Train tfullt well►
silk, beth connect al Alliance s,oo.Rattelth tha Lugar*
Trainpf 0. I r. R. ktrirtitab —attiring at ritOrbut all
Tamar Triiif fr." Alliance. le unit theale 1. X
Train of 0, I r. UAL tenon PIAUI) i
L Ll , T l'4" ,s4:PrilianC ot_, 4 ll l l 4l l" TPL K ; W r i tn2 . atratt . ( l4hrifogo - t
1 • ariawa
TaanT—tramt ha ati3.oo P. a. Str
Tdrtlo n lltii i r i t t C LITIrcaF 4 .rat. t t ‘ r ‘ rlVtrr i l P V
Thor through trent Phial:man Ludt being LS than
2-50 et tt,ltt.4 8.104 4 11 Ow Columbus. Cl Inol i. ttailita.
I. , Nt i t i =lux a and all nations on Belielnitalsor
4.l.4Taktan tat. knot - , Truintrving at f,f , ..*3. and
I , ..) r. a kir F.ths. Dunkirk, II fdo ad 'he Tort. TI-
Traine comeet loth war. with the C. 2.& It .F.. at flud
PM An. i'mahona Walla, Akron and (Ratan at x and whit
tier Ilaihnad Sr cartatiltna4lincrta and 14 at in.ll
Ti-Leta thINAAZIA to Toledo, Detroit, Mingo, Lanolin and
I re.q. rt can be obtained atla 0141 tr.
ra.....wtt arr requested to their tint, at the
ira Delman: Pin. At.C.W111.4.1. An it.
un ZAT /10.00 0 0.4.14. M an; at, Tlttain •
1.11 t....
IiE,A,:iON AliftaitirliliEN'T
fft.W*. i,
-•• • txtrernittoo. AND; DhiltOlT. • . AI
In connection with the clevelalui and Cinciii ,
' mai It. R.. Cleveland. and \.`tic .. R. It,
Cleveland anti Pittsbnegh R." R.. ttnd MeV:
iglu/ Central - R. \II. , - \''
i. ttmcmh Priim any . NITA on-lake Mich nto r o ,
land. Clorinnati. littthurgh. • Philattetphlo est 'ltaltitnote.'•
and bum either of .than Ilartt to tow , fodOt on . .late
MAY WE _5t.......-., . . ... ..,-.-.i: .1 . .Col% C. It. l'. , Er oats.
. CLEVa, tlt a -.... .. ....Z..._...Capt, .1 . , U. \nom ..
A. boat will. kayo 4..10t01tal ak Detroit' .Ittol Adroit tut
Cloreland. ovary evening of
CI, 4 . e.toett,,irtn4; to roar
titT Itttinto to Wound with thr itoothtto no Loat,t Worst.
•oo Footoi ned , rith tho Dike Itutterkor a t nd Wulf bast',
Thr Itnettotato will low/ Cletrolood to the th bitt Oder t
: , nig m ,,, KEN ,' '. ' ' Y
iiii , i.'
- , (FixTE.i.Tiii,t .--- :
' Tomo:tat t , . qUInt.T.
, ...“............hinhata ,
Maahat......... : . -. :Wt0.411 . :_.... " ' ...... .4tOttiX
nit ruatl.;:n;slt C6;lE:a tphteigrt,lirtn . oeh tli ; 'pref•
QMone.% tit. , triostegroOtta4: • gond olgittCY tr on 0,
lint 4sat stootobnatt in,d..inxin -tn. riot art...tole o Or
Whing. 411.41m001f 11l Cht after a Ifille holle. ti 4, ..
• .....,„ - .11 1 . - tt-,.. P ;1_0 , 447, ap ' [oar that hatt a...4,a
r erttv,; : xigrucol.q. ,- 4 - 41 ,,,, 31 . =
to &lota, it.
Ill t 11 .4 ttorrti i rr ATrirflC " rtf e nit.* ,C ."'" Vd . ..?
I , office, roma of Itttet and Nt. Colt atrata t : t ualt i t t at e r h-a
chatty.) or to' , . c.. .. i .101ei A,,CACCIIrr: '
tom . Avant. C. end lOLA. c4,3lvangnatud.ll....•
ti ff i f iCE - T ) S 7 ISAIIIIKTATCTOII. - 154 . 1VW
leis? on BARING powoza. tb.,''
.5wa1i,..ty:d.....u . a. " 4t/4 9 1: 1 141= W• fa. n ia r g
'This ..
a, us. bend Caked, oato,tilread; de, over
jArautod.. ,, 'Thai
Mtutl. the tratzoarcatel t ul,.7=glital . %thy iti: ,
allin es, ap.::, wall At Wheat; re, lialn or,
Itnekshrat non. leis ill Ind Pentable article In thin,'
thaart,dch=reOr 'veva/W.l4dd aertablistunont.and"
-thee., o
at ter
00 b 'altYnt lot? arli7Z7,;;bll;lnha!
, ermines lli \Tyr 'puma,
' Theta who have Arad IL, hate Annul that' the advent,.
ment dn. not eaunc..l4 bra* ton , IllarblY.-Talliddiamee
II halal n and Journal Pah. 11.`laUt. •- , '
--71 birlkeederstrhirtravertewled angina/04ot this Powder:
774TritF i firtflA r pi - ,, t rf...:1 , 44.-, ,
y..l•atw u v a bali ,. rtnie ea ay advocate
'4 1 1: 1 1 1 :r;; A a P 4AP444I 6Wltif , 10 roup kind, ~ r I
cookery, that when In \virtue, become npiperly "mown. no ,
hewed:cep, that ekitalceoonfert and economy. will wining
lr do without it.-NeW V rh Pl., 315 7 21,48&1 -,..:
NO (140 need hOdtate nee Nelms.", ail I inrortant ant.
a. to houackeepen li 130.2- ,fter. Ilan.
end I
U hid. Yak,
W(. 1 4 P. 4 . 11. to Iliad id, av"Ft bread, bread that
vou can eat with a' 1;nod to eh. del' t fornet to Womb
Inman , * Iniklappor der, en venal Loot fail to havegood,
broad. cake. an.-Proy Daily Inns:. of 24,182. •
We ban, tiled this article a d nm recomrtntod 1yw,P41,,
Perfact conactence-!4(, 0.4;014 18,1 ,\.. b r
anll ' ; ` „ ln ttla, '"" ,',"°''' "1"m ". 1 41h: t 4411°7:
ng.t. 4,..,t9 Jabs .
uoky.krisam. 00.. w0.,54.., , ~%,.. ,
rigl' i l're"''''4"w' b u' raent i l - it. ,.. 4,'
41.1.-4'.N. st,thi? ,r° rl` 1 ° •
Pnrheee Baking I. w a. le aWdiailitcd& the be! , nillaa
"air MIN turowthm - brut tpt 'born dirvered,-,-New li i iAl ti
hulchnt ,an Feb. Id. MI.
hlttnvireemisma....... id' the P. -,
cot and nen,lt neirectable Whatnot]. Itc/eni in thle'av,
n,..lylovntir innmettyht nib Castilian it . ;,"eldi to allifit It
lir 'he .rlbin I. warralded to give la 1.01 , tfrit9T.
~ ...peage, d ,xlth cob will t. 1414 , 1111 k
ka rt. - 8 titi a
cke an hamar.
NVliplende • Dealer In ~aid, 4. , . cram of asul ,
046:Pods; Vial n a Ettrktec V Ix- ala ISt. Ater.
, ,r,Ff.l3 5.3 . Re? ?%,1/0< 1*.% *rant , . . . ~ . •
VAVING , tioniiiid -tii4 k G ? stwic.'
. Id Goode, I. will he' pleilie+ . I titer.. ?lap
i ge l laeF k P 4 5 17 e l ii IC r ill t t otfa To kii.E.,, p,..
tA,M,urvir s t .'ait',: i llVACAT: ....7: l
and Aterrlcan Haman, wed ,Qullte..ol4ldoca kir nalli - i
117 =4 111d /itwa%rtigle4 7 l4%.llo,AluaTr,'
NV° ''....u.'itA4•.!!, klndy , M 407,
—,...-,,,,.----------' .-LTrz, 1 ------
4.44W461NwR 8
o o e 4 r s' r t
o o i r e
.. , •
e , , 7
gTi9 l i A
nutpooott..., appmva brtdg ban l
hard, ,
and fine elnwerinditird deeds-Canary, Itentrvi. lab, RF.
andAllred haetr..,J.lntwarta trill be forabitV alin
ed he Adam, nowtns, vu.: llidlai , a
' trnMOantriralcill ' Zugl ' galm. fr4t u rnt
, L l 7` ' '," ' „... , "'w*' _„, i '
_- '
........' - .4et .. „,
1!•,-.4, buttanowiwakiigu.,woo - ay.', y i
!l"l4F±qbactiharf are . l4•l • 72Natti ' tirttieli
-0• n..,wgni0....i".Na..100 rfna .. olPoodlndi
11itlidd,''thd-lardeld'aitentleneW3eriEDDZlAltdad 1
auKryd, ENA,:iTti,snidall , livOcleileti acted with 1
. Lia . l Ell=vafgrA4tAlii crtif tet.lla4c=rai.
new vatternaiod vVetling they wi r e,*
t. i mb. 0, iduednditya Id their ' selection. lifw.seeldefarr
mdateldneell .! low . lia any,honin la the Wen. and beind
Lintai,kad Gi1t4,,, ,,, r.1=1: p.. , .04.3.5dreht: w .a.w.1a
wr" la - iraohiltli it il l t 4
~, „„,„ ~,, . ; d f ...r....„,
1 30,4zrat . -a-7,760" .
t. 1d - 451.- 'ft•OVlritrit4
f:. . 4. 4*111 . 027410111.4 1 ': ' ' '.
'' - ' a ''
4ifittin . beint•ilerito . 4L•d tae,
'fa, ,a ta l ~., ..'V• 11 4.,,a-' • .. i : - '
aisit• 9s,, -, n 14 .1..f , ..i.,.,...,,iga. • ~ - 7"" - .`"" ia .
•dstd.kna 110114 - .. ~ s le“ :,,,
, VAN rEir„ • . an ' ';1
m . 2mlzzmcirezmw? CUR
1 41 1 = 4 5A
Made wad Aoll do.;
. ltm lesrVarwtorP
ARI) Sam
.I=vkal tu Fl n l di
Ales rd -1
Sesj P e.
, Candles.
Nl' Pm, thr
4, 24
7-'—' l(o Ft: a:
N ea t ed.
es, am ,
iißide, tx,.. _ad 1 ... _ . __ 1
. i;AriPATRIOICi; 61.. eb.soid. ~ p ard,
Air 4 ,, , ,„ 2
..... r .,
~t x. ..; .„ F . 4,4
,4 1 ,4z i pAr e a=1 , get :
IVlPorttieski , vingiblm . , Mr • Olobtokte4
gietgekiV A gtatY" . .'.4 r'aleithLtlTßAT
or talon 1 incluntgo for 1•11. es:, •
'Ogi r ' 4 ‘ f •Me r FNV * .' , lt n A, ! i?utc , n. n , ',
'Efir%oN;N‘ (1;111 "' 3d 't s ''
BODY Ihti;,"l,3nitedo ten
demi' n.4, ‘
~a . , , ..... t m-5.....,, .. , fill ordelie
ma AI filled. 3 ~ • 134 ....;
11•11,,,, A,L.:llk - - - IWN .. n,IIK,
.....0..., ...
onuo, OAtir..., .. : ,- :: 3 7... - .rw - ,\TOFiii "TAU ,
211 /.. , YORKIWIII3Ib . i i O x IMWN4.4..CTORY.
' ''''4,'" gfilthrl l .l . lnt t lW47tir " .74l77
tie l ' llL2l3e 'Eticil got t . 13 its ,'";
Ei v
if•bkl3 a !Tend ,to 41 is on moot ,11, 141inno,
so:lt ouromtsti.. I,,t_ totAabc L.004 - N 'ltomi,
wean' Yenem at Will Purqb,•,, , ,, , / ..), , ,
, , , ,BAiA tri ll 4 I ' — f -----
'..niUktiv rt 6e+.
,:, G ic • ?, ,
(AN fln AL O . ?DILSW, . ICA Pra Ns,
2.4 \ P I L 14 IrgA i w • ft' L Pi : , \" , —..
: i:Zia;joile-Ott k g am i rr ..A .Av i4, l ,
11 . 11!;..141n l*pr. Eal e,nld Priti t liCd Wefth i ett
Alt L:4lev. 771 1 ,3 ei'Airmeni ' .i n ft•Mt 4' Bali ,
ifod 444 P. 2C—(l) ran A 111. ,Ai kent. , 1,02 ff
.\ ---- eLfige NPrlifrt. \''' ' ''' k
1 1 1VVOD"ENOAt 'O 'ciecOiNicitliPes.
i ggi
i T Vata IN AZWITS' OiCTIMIiINe . 7 --"' it:.
t the Iblyesbnilli l leMl lo l 3 . el c atf, - ri," , -l ii , ‘...
. C-0401- Fou'rtiagitjt - It ' AVAlntiOna'
H ' . 1 17[ 1"4'-ti tt ''",' llt, " '. 31‘41!a:r;f"*."_4kfir"
y .31erzh' 320,f, •
rll4. ;.
744 r;
Titn 7-7777.'
t ilitititE 7 ll6ljsß. '
mica winfinut.L.: :4.OIBELp
Mk • " SAliftito[W , , \
A 11 , 11 A : ON-8, • ,`•..
, i zi4tr i EN .V.- 11 4 1 -vs7:l4wP qA.-$411170,\
\c: ,C . 118ER1415 D... .
• \ • 13T: N;EOEfOLASV3TEL: ~, ~.'
TO THE XII , A y F, I f f,.'",,1 . .#11,1.1fn0.,„ .
\frita.undersi g tietl Mpqeff4, l V, jr,i'y p \ noitice
•/ ‘fi.t. l y e T. Meflpidi.S , lloT6ii is7dirag open, eir,Tb ,
an'olointidation' of 1.14 mibliei•linviriglooin reliant\ oirfne
old.ititaNnaerly. omlololli by .titn, 17nitlrefi. itinttibit
of }Wilmer° and Ammo Warts, 1,11. Ago& pd ..
tigLuilanorri finiiro n rAtartn , "".." "I ri g..r''
i n n ' w-n , N.3llViii ' Ttli:l lalr i ' Ve t lf l i!'ini l i k aii ;On: : : :' F ,
.d . "sitl= i ts4 . .....Te!!!
: It if i aama r ig etc„... . , ,
\• :
s BIIOWNS ILLE:.,. 1 , !... ,
. :t----:
„ , \ MIN T. ItOGG .
frI7C.P. \ OXI:Je•er STEP:ET: 7/tro iksvmE. ' ' ..A.i) ,
) and Donlirr in toreign nod rktkestbs izakanga,ktev,
.g . tv z o n r.p.o l ec,,k i v , db . : ,,.. k .d w g,....,„,C .n o r r i ar a n i t 4 ,
Aftilllll2 ;l i r wints Ado4lied Sant , ;•l , •
Adramvii inn fum y niqsaturnta of °Produce. tdppri4,
oast, on Blond Terri F. . . ‘..
~, i'll'd " '
,' Minn,
O' , VI end Mini. lil4laiii•.7lek: liwoluti ilatdiabd;
Sour and Vold •tornaeh,llifenvire Itreith.llalletuntio \
unzl= tart* In !it: 1 oz? aller•watt;g ,, ,tw „
, . n i rl . e . tz s it.. Vf w i ,7 l. nal; ?gain
" rtli Mi h'.4 l.eitte Or iniliTiet in ' .
the n't, wad lap dame. { . '
~ .
rrlteteVa=l ' " .
',..,Z4ltotrirl'implUZTVe r rrtd3,444/bry tVeeTiat
Itwar mann. °tsar form of awapation. Opr ,
lan. up eh* muandua •Ohtta.
hv 'A 44/.6°1 fF...t?
,b. '"k ;t ' 4n4 .47r , PAII7AM IttiM ' ~,
•In oilman. of tUarrt•ea.Dysentetry.Chollaclrelotra
and the Men, nlinienitent ent•••ta attentunga change o
a.-kw& qf .ih , il:0 11 19.1 , 7iate Jaztice of iht itdcle, , Bak
blr 1ema.71114 Nizesi,ltii--.44mr Ar.' I .314\ may that I
hare et, Wrted with • 'lipase of the donna., pai r
ilon of the heart: and , uarrOuldheadVal=r , i , }4l d. tra
Y SlV io lll . lls=4 h.o4 lltni'' ling% l o r thre•
w a !Watt tom,_. .......4. , ,1.2
g„,..,,0.4 . rawn i o,
... t.u,
tE tt '-- -At2 . Aa'
acre . Page t Jr.-Dear 5.,: 1,T ,6 11 . ' mast thanks are
dna•to Feud • aveddrthettlintr itelhand.ltitterawr
'Hawing erect for Wine time wi t Aie i Veti o - ti, ',17 •
li!. ie rn . iWn ' tr rei ' tel " :ll4;tvr-A 1 u.,(01....f.
AMI 9, rh..; • - sicotki \
....,, . Jr:. Taq..:PAnglio, .3 *shalt tallered of
Maroon A t Ito Awn Of noon/ Peer.
hare. itollankhittan“purrhurd Of Poo) • r redieritna
tb' 3 r " ."
h"""it,arr'tatr""t XIMM,
I"ei-Z,F,,,t1M14, ' \ . Milriszyrfiturgian 1• ,
, ~. ; . ,'"l \ ,: ) sovAl w,qui ft ; 7 , t!. h I
Wl„ltur iltAllt „t'PN'S . 11oliand lititteirt'and take Pa
'L'ir, Sb t A tl i g Wers , We O i rtl ' a T alng=7l7, '" ,74 , Vit u 4
w t/ 1 /*TeNn'ittd":l- \\ , I V. lA ß ALhaciWiAr u 4.‘
I ' • '' ,
' ' . t. , ,, , :serial4 Suiltbliat4 and /Am .iWylla
C0..11 " Mag,Thr file,g ,. .
14 1 :1 11 g4 I tkItirro . I=tird J . Tait% A& P
VeFl;ll l _,lith . ,:lii . j4iinahain. ,, ,1 1_ ''",
James T. watnple. ti, P. brhwarta, Joint P. "'"s od , Pie
loe4 al thviku4l4 co.Alketolx• p! !i A , V 4 ' '
:El MIMSON'S AM ra7C4l , l ;7 l.fAllT:ii i :
1.0 wroitesiork.-4404cEAttxi. ''''; ''.'
ha. am teen intrtod forn
.t • „pq bit bad
met sith a lleriartallui .t. re*Wl A Alm*. !hoc Jr.-
domtiv.. , is • new le rFttim.p.,nu,,,d and ly
.winalna noplolont of.. 0 , .4, w,t. it. 'lt h.
min to he thoronaltla ttwt i t LWOW!. 11,, irli . M1*
Patantlitn•bne. asanetta apt u TY
alled-botrldta oh w a the tretneT.WllP.
reining nti And Which Atli ela n ) oiS haro.Me S'lth
out doubt, bettatuvan artitta tor Inet
•1 *nen
i rz=pcn . .l4f t aaamleala r .r.Latalvo t
b e: glutluo - ua
' astir. wenaceed of. 4474.64,711atter:' 1 ,\ ' Cril l irr‘l:l l
nadonddadir pnrr ided remedial tor all ' diaaaan ' a width his
outlines ara heir to,
he boa not WM them or,aseelPed,„
\ what theaartenediea al.. for mtfil. lieone Me Nis.
I n= f rat 4" . I . 6 174 . 41 rt e tt n 6 :4 a TZ t !iTiro lu nii L-f,
,air...e.0. - 0...,...c.4,0 Nit„..A r artmalh. ay.
iSsomity. arta erbanated t. Int . tarts Madies
04 at tut the "Bairn of OUear has • 'bond In a
1 : trlg i gt/MlT l M,==blot k hard, • tn.
w ' alledlktel witg• Dahl.. ran hatiltiiVitt l a u rr re
'terAfrAikg tgellig'irt=ic rt?lVlKErari.
4 that in eterVAlLlis' eetetbniti. ern ''
:,.,e the. ~..
0jte r , 4 424 1 X:y4 VlaUtttii.....kini TO been bald he'd ram
- takes or Seam Wattles In warniiiignlP, italardt
no and have elmtklenee to hailers from • ark4r. , the'
have ateenthat II tbOroriatdT ,Istenr)trA hl for .. 'VT
St :4111 1 :4TTeigilltFteg!! 4 . 1 . 4 ',
arlll wool r ' ' hatr freattudir " t^ lo .7 " t r if
P ll 4 h gVigrarra . 01417 , 31 1 that` fa h ,
Ha/ be *leen t retniallea IBA orn.t anon IL 1 4 ht
•she nee nf ilruantbru.bhttiew. they idauddant oartja any,
torrent from It. A lancerupplyjnet reed and ferrate by
-,.. . r.lfOtAVNttoi
i , ki .
' •" , 1 ..• ,,
•.. k .h.e. i p., Non..Diwaerry isl.lfedwiall 0 .,
A,E,NT ., 79 l lDP' 2 "wfir2 g ilittiPnat 'Ttetit
11.,,,,, , t 5.4.6... or r:oral
: t. v .v,r, .4:412 =l..Yrita
art* f . . .3 . o r,
dsr ix di** . " er, ''' '" 1„, trby b allolref i ly it= rt cr •
rt,.., , W? ' ' ea,da • l ' aolottary utoehomar;
wy 4 1 / 2j , ok.m 4 Y. t ri..• of .o,Pl#pies aft the
ka , :ws - . • b. 'r a ZWIriZ,
tea[ ~.,11 . , • ' . 4 c ir4,..T .t ; 4 . d I a
_,,r,..,,,......,? ' very nite enab incurs ot Uri
',;;,(,,f.4, end
f. P.'
a g UV
liinntieertllnd fliiiittiiiiA ha,. `,.,i
4„xtzititmgrAMl .,.. pop in a "NA
1 4 ;,
/4.ll4offiliti OMNI/date...T . .- daalydaWS•
—_-- - —_
lop ELVER' Cati4.2.oip;ffigiiitolt,'",Clta
• • VA L .' wror"'
`7747:4,7rii'"liM, .- %
, ~.. „..4,. ma l ty, ,d •
, . . , 9, 6
' [N I,llth ' }lfo IT3 dirdll'tlitl reStbtatiWpr •
ente, 0 . the root are molierldriaterk tnotkeir•odor t
i t rMrargrf:Mtailit i rk "A TT rili t . lArign7
gr• ' orr o ' ' ' o:
'ZItIYtTOVV= " Vortaillolietio r agtWor; / .
ol \
• lyr A t t=ratuttruittutrkkr o krlcc•e• im,4•• e ' .. " u i
111. It mit tk till Mort. w Mum
`l.l4•ll4 :pr. tkor .1.1, su4., AUO Ibrot i V•Ork; , r',.
..,, , - , x1 4 . r all the atilt; Mitre tn . ~ p .
lurtrunarntatitr gnus : 4 4 4 r , Lortratirtitil 1 • 41 ••• t ,
10111wild a lwall
. L. A.nWeatroirt frtor,l.L. kt t . ch sod i r.,
Igorropol trl "‘
o ' BIZ ' o' ro --•-, It ir \
; \lrtkomitor tire, maproZrolt irt
reMilthintrl nds. oftwir • p 100
4 ,wyrrtrl d itartel=44. Il l gt I
wti se should-take MI othorturt I A
...,.t r .„, from tiro hoe Vat 0r...,• Nr
• t
MI "1111=1741,1ekatWoiler411 ,
4 i '''' \ ttlr' AA; ' IltabiiiA •
51es., •
~11. k 1). atlrtg (rootlet. ••. ' i
iedthe heoitktel eltheolraso the the '
'Ltj,lit 'h i l4 ti e ig : X P Eo g katt • e 7 ut
a'i t
'twee settled l' llla Mit "loud 11.% olirl IV P.-,.....
Itr=k T rnirMinnttOttrll I . CdP far,.: •
No ti*. PidstetAttlit ' e l elfignm "* Xiht. It . • ,
des ;dam foetid bitty tar glikroikok otliLlawrrlirtttl.w. • t •
unt=e i trg i t.l„ . ,rgrliz a tile , moil ormitlitx . i
Et i rAt i ltkArtzgr F=ari: ...t g r at i . 1,,,,T.0. 4. ..,.. ,• \
°lnu.. - :,74114, 4 4Abgt•1nvi1i*,,,r..,-em H
thkowl tr. tel Pier 8 . 1 • 1 •• 411 1 4 .,•1°Th 11 0,14 3 h g li k
ir ' g WroVonlia " Vot il =tioa T iorolo;rgrarOl urtwf \•
•,, f,
R'.7ltA TM ,'•! . .i t i.', - 57Y1 4 i ,! ' lll.7•Vtni r ir ..
‘ k
\ i \
luny ' gr b" retrtCtotZ ' o i rar= r isti s ime e fts \ \• I '„.
f3V1 . 14N. ":1, \ ttsT4nir s44 '‘, \ \ \ \
,liOr r rnsli, To d tiort .' Cturi, 4 t i oliVoit i liti,U,i ) ; . r, \ \ •
'or Vi - inuni; New - yorle,•fttett=lats“ othetey4 ' A
M I ,. ene t tlall i tePU Ifby 11.`104;r44/IN , • t * •
VitAYt t -r4;ll' Ma l t:1:00 RW r getiel 4 4 \,. , \ .‘
' , N - ''''t L '''' l ' " ''''o l,6, - 11,, 4:Y 1a. \ \ \ ,
\ \ liAlaßinSPll2"4ll \ " - .
\AND GUILL-0424 ED Ft:l4En PI L L S! ,nv k - \ \
LA. 4kity.Apraipan t rrA pv, isiod:
1 La .311.1.140.15, lit? titi' :MAI' N.teti sold 1, \ \ \ '. it: n e ,, ft ., teduz .,,,,,,„,",. PILE
\ \ Testim alit oftlit, moot uucaTtliAtirirA u er or I• , \ \ \
: =ll4u r - pour i luf b =jaihr i y
11,4 1 :0 4% irar e \. \ \ ~
f Erio rig shod 1 ' iitimbril.of ' cured es me ' 'V, \
tl betels etidethis-ksticierdshi hdit n'e r : z;' ,
sttegh Ultntit4icifiVtrl
' -•
dWil eieitiiwitil ' - t. -a •
oginwsg:oo...• • • ...•.7,..:-.,..zi::::i::;7,,,,••r , --• •
../ ri‘c
Armrest 1r0bu1tr.:!...,......,-.:,-..,...t0+,11 -11-•-•
Irigti t iTre it .. ' ••!,f. , . iZrr::::alkl:‘ • - kt. \ , \
..1 '
,trW r lttSWttie:: : -..''.a . . 1 .:: 1 :1! * "...e . ...=.:.17:.•at:1i. - ..11! \ • • * . 11 ;
VolatenitheAddultt.P',Od O t,, Wi b etwArir,thir''''Ar I \ 't., 1 1
elm! , „, ~ Tr ............... ................... ).
, ..
. Q t r argVietratilaitriiaf al .......... _:
l outeetthee hellitZto Keith known, to the pedgeOet
jp ." 1 TOVI It i 4 r al =tr.: . . I =l_ Viligat 11 \ , \
' tegtehd l itreetotsd , todidudithdtulitthuti_ !,i,i6idtti rm.'',
Agfrl4l6 l. li h ==ggeri'=liMrrib e Nri; ' t • \
Undo. 1:1140 of Intruirityrore pi t
it utir:d . a , mt&rriartuctiorked 1. , ;
1, i tem- \ ~, t ' \
, M t1fkk ,,,,,,..f r1M ,,.„.1 , 1„.„,. 4 .. .117.44.014 ....w. 1 t0t - je m ntai x .
tri;Aatt l :A r t.=l:= 44 4l-= . . \ '''
.=vlt . i.r......e..2.v il trzfmrka r ti . != 1 s, \ ~'. \
j.alattiki.llagiirel trlt.Thr r bliffri ;lo,7, Z ' ili7l7 , ek ...... 1 \ .
ig an lLllrp ercar": l 2Y4 P /lILO U 4 \ '', \
ood .a. '‘ T
ru e
&: OW diral.d4/ ...-ms i S '
' \
thiroditie:& - accii,thillthiMtria.
boor tr. mu or I m . rummer u wow
- 161111 et •,,
Tri‘ neartiv 'fourteen ears raaerhlrel now Tr , \ ,
Y " ca l lirtf g rt g rel2',. 011.•=2 1 1P -- I .
1-: - .Y c;'..v.Auly. i , silionoz.N.
i*•..144•, , ,f.', , ,,:i14-A;W,.fr!:vnflta,,.th ; J • • •
.f.0,....,.: • 4,1, 4 itho.46,ediroomitt.rittiikort of
-,. 1 1 .1 - 4. 4-Rti ii '.(7,1"141N0e. t;it . ...l.,` P thit.'" , th, is53A
Dale* muchiliett-;-host 4.10.31 liskawboke of tlitt , •• •
I . Pahr./osettirethst herwtintas pr. okrioruktotaly pm., ,
.al.fweL ` - btreTrotitiliuml7 it. .. ....; form/ wry two \ i
• am* loltog wady. rligul• lir:Mbar/WIT •rtli ; - \
he, -h, slo th eodeger cf. tt!=t,ttieg: t t l =4 I .
heiltdo takdr 6111eit a
..1.8 :r t.
.ti -exPd ll "S ui. lr Cu . r... rf tlrei Us oz. 1- .o.
t:iek.agio.' n resr ° 4- 3 :21: wb.r aU , Priv;i:j6kur mr I\\
t ab
I \ wheat eitterchlaiat vat 7 OS/meted 4ortotathl i tt til : , t
1 4'" m aral t e r et e b M , l'all;l6lV P:Anri. I \ .
, L o q on-
L . , k t . 4 , arm*
.4.4 Vat tti-y-p i tat ta riktknow the I
~i.•rr...Etilt: li-vi; , , 6.. ••• , ...b...;«,..... N.Y. 1 • . •
_,,__...._mix„.nz-aa_ r or . ,„,'„r;:e.
Itkeittaccettew-wwww ill, c4liodsr Wm, or soy
. l' tr iath.l4T VP:MlDorVrl= ll ::rt • • '
Amu r . with radio. , i
„ i 4l , p
tro •tg.AFk-dr&k•-,,fkA'e_tA tho dire° , •
woo; .Tiltbetasici , , , i,. t ~,1 ~- it .4. 2 1 . ,. \ \ •
txr .Vrv. rrAliglainfitllTr'74'l • \ . L •
wila n.
ettlfeal LT,',, ° \`',fo4ll74,exth,.. -74V.VIT,
.eindo to h ash httotaim frointhowno- - ; \ -
. la.n
• ._. , \ t„ .
l a r oirarkrt " tileU l tMirdW a dr 4 e, tad
; ta
te, ibue...talstuu..epa..ibriy, It :
\l 4 -QT r ly I m ile ii‘ht '' , C `t ire tiltr ... .i,rmir i •\\
-watiwettet ihoweinet '.. lot meth"- Forced \ i
4 0.,,.., /A.) uku„ 4 0 .: or ;At }.I V /44 . 1.P . S
.., z ,.. 4 ., \
To .. r ti mt ri
1 "gulle tho 1.1; •VoieVI : X \ the l : - OothittiVitio end
Ithrwillmfottecito co _Vett le-hettettid lied
p eftgr e ,.
ti al= it o, "kiw i =i7=t the meant\ \ ,
4,1 t ZATt.",,Wthati)M-6%8,1i.. the Tarr \..,
cld lirktbatur sin 1 47 - griti Ot 'llitet , W.' , . diets* li \ t . ,•
I t r er il treeitet ' "I.
l'or ii i rn . 0
P. o i th l erTst t ` ,7001, 1= . •op ji :Vk ii sit4o: \\\
~p_' '''''''''A tTatt r it flat 0 t tar i t ' ,ll.ot ,
;..,,,A.,r,„„.1 3 -.. , ,,,rib0 /w e e, e. t eiq,. e d edit l e ...4 . , \ \
gnOttl=itAlM=la . .. I V'nif ' \ \ '
gilt V**llt mildlelees;lmnc•alV tie \thmide,ti".t. taws \ n • ' -I',
. libelee...rte.-di relddisit All WW.411,461.4711 ... .. , .
. =hi MA ' : = .AMl.l=- \ M.: 00 . 11 .. 0, k ',
41 =1Writt P .111, 9 m1414 '.• Ph .... Aar 6 • 111, I. , \ , \ ,
- A LA/ems-tee fan.; Marro your . ' :Mari ;lee- i
,rttli Z rtliwitc,4,- i V e oitedtt e lito t 'rin f \ \ L \
4 ,,
heeetehilbetiltA e, iii i i Wet , wileido mow tatters Ide 1 A
them 41 othor th i r-V, 'en; ,t e t i t 4 io 4 2 \ I \ \
thelowebranot . ith ' rest'' h; ,
e, "11?10dV " VI F II 6.W . , ir, ie \ ‘ ' 4omnerd,\ ' \ -\•
To I &MD '. St , &kn.* IMI dui r '' ' which \ , :\ V
'Mt tetliew ottutithellyriehloutemit with Yo t ee t e , _! ~..:, . .„ ,
;;:=ltillggigtt ' h;7lfir== , . ‘‘.
, \
'OlitiVirerts .% . V..V.Wt=h9,tit hotgli ,
' \box. - enteral Detilit, - 161 , Dtlartii irtrt., rontoletli, Inorm, -
:ATleta l ieete l Wei 1;t611'% - GitiltOWlL . it \ *4r \ ita \ \
'comer tiffs WOW ktreekluk rtreri wllark Ilittrtkuot. ow ‘ '
lirrirtit Ir., , \ \
",....r!„... f i5..0-. . \.. dawdecT ,
- .
3 watt etnat, fer
1, magi
1 'T) i l Brat D a l I grA7E 4: lg TI7 RON VS,
'ANTI:,L PISEA:ES ?all ;pug fTopl a Dion
4.1..1 ttiWoi"stan.l ..ut acon.tipotc..h...4
r !Altman(' Blend toad the Head ; atidleeof the Stone \
iltheATAt;girarerpgitrutsettliblsVPllTeli 7: \
Aiming at tbo tit tir.tbe UnaMkplirliatigsta Lae ;d, 1
I,kt:grgt=lo3',Put diVkl"Minth* K t
orso - I
Mane. otthaos Dote oaneha buten a:sla never awn u
Dull Pala to, the an o n . nYellow- ,
wan of the EMI str l Ws; '•
Pig Vt f ie e 3d*,,, ch.,. ✓ ''',,
+lllkentt-Stiddeo 4(11.54 "in tk re Y ge h i \
L. 1 61Vm=1,4trtgn., j. ii lLOPtrn 0 -1 , te.
~ \
'''...l) le ' aNirTs." . .eirs'd ii v z,
• . v;: , ,,,:m, A.,..,,,,,u4.4t. . .
~ Tudi posenoren tbe• about wumaesee,ln swot eualuni. If
ratlersi tel:igettr4r4rtigerVfAVTATStrt
s hadaallat, nt , 1.. 1., ,!. .11..41 , ;11. ID 3.1: 41 1 ., '.\ ,
Thews Littera ar , ozc i nneutzte,g . * A 1t....4 % .,. ;
11,171, , ,g w , 41.r.Z
. .",X. l 4lial?4%rum - 4.01.,..T.,. , -,,,
,A,., m ~ /I.lwttA el AD POI V.49 , ,,,k1 j
.T r i e d ...roam
regttalt=littaisMAL J . w' l'4l'
i nk.
s. '- rtse l ltery b OUT h 1842- .
Dinars . are what thee` ernmlnlersted tea", T or mo , ‘ ..
^ ~t h.4P rj,, ,„MtV7 Tai t:o_ uliteutreTlhdltt.
'517114 SetsleadeePtD_,..ew I twftgank a lentedl, and now..
1 ervedttes4l/,=,5,1 ' lrrt=ve. 3 . 11
. if,l„v,,, mditm . 1 tow an a vb., n Who underdone!
:,1,,,-- , Itd/p,..:Ltd._ voirtlntr4llEai "t 7 %.V.
• ~,,,,.= ....,,,Zll..lll.,ollthandi be much ousted;
ntrOVgli' liatiacu,'Veign=:;t7e
.Pther 01 1 1 e bilittp• sdeb Ity. au amen. foe
hrg ri rdVeiVt 6 V i ngro k'd g.=4l,... ° ,„ & "'"...,
,enuntsonalatt Torirstb;relp mit OutUatrheualn* . Enna
to your eastut.llr. A- Turrel, at. 31nuttneu, land procured
'tele nuttple, wan anew/chant • the
.. 4,kew. istem4 , ,Detra I,lnd alted uts \ tala1141) bottle I
folirdetitittt h r a t e=trZ i a z uWetitstrur t tunl.
• and rtittlaw L haelio rest, lb* lzdtlef I , :vrec, b..
, 47 1 ,,mgirgizi 44 ,4 4 ,1 =7. 1. /C P . I o Ile b 2t . l
Antrldan,On,lothe,l and. 1 wa4 bronghl.l:3-4,44.4 I.` N '''
t a.,_4747tfacz.4 . 4„,„?.. — N. 7 7t;:rh•Pd.t,
257 4 a nazzit l34 Iluitok'nfliiii , ln ebb a.
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tn. 11.1loen them... ht:Lds • ttr rthle'r;rtoet!Ao Iralese \
1 h - t r v.a ,t x. h°° 74,llYM*lll - t: .17." ~tr. pm:Kgr... '
1 i, r4.„,ti1 bA ' u* 7 4 2 :4 7.114.1?, 4 '.'3i cV4. '" 45 .,=g0,5,E72 .. &' ‘,
-'the',.,f4P,l=Nt D,i7. M' ' ',!=,i 7,:' 1 2!)... \\ •
pain and damn... whigito ~,- , S - ~,,
d r = illi on liVeltg 4 thrtt%
: lir : L. l l :7 '''‘:
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. taggrtsigrOlir . : erg c ,' • e n.,_.. -:-. --.... , tV \
' n g udi ao drmtatertmnee yoetwair+ lll atik*e ,Thtlt,4.o ca s , i
/AN \ • \
i a th..) I f leVE‘tikiatilt BALSAM, ~'.
f,‘,,mmeatain a thgeLA latest weep ~
throat. hlltd
_,..- WWI iceempam linker th tha' ,
ttra4 n V'
' - ', - ;• - k r'' , . 4 4 . • '‘,
tattliditcraig '
In; t l. Rir '- • .4,, , , • • • • •
Jllo '.o,ll'nhti etir Du t • t . yift ' M I " ' . : 1
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