ROME MATTERS. llt VIE Ntws,—The river was nearly clear of ate ysetenday. The I.lnge 'of water in the evening Inte, 9 feet, full, not having receded any during . A steady rain was falling all day, and. may therefore look for a further rise. The coal boats coinmenced parsing out on Sun_ . day night ; and were going out nearly all thiy . yes tlay. In tL q morning the river was dotted all Over with dram. ' Some of those that went out on Sunday night.did riot 'fare very well; six boats are iiticking at MerriHan, two at Dates, two at Lowry, feurat Beaver Shoals, and perhaps others, Dispatcheffrom below alimegnee the river clay . tea with iti:at, near Wellsville, on - the oluendel t. inide.' On the other Bide the ice passal otr,, , leavingit clear, and the-boats that left here went down on that aido of ..the -in safety; therein a dam at the head of the island, on the Open 'side, it may be somewhat rieky for them to get over; but the report is that titere is enough water to carry them over. Navigation on the Monongahela was resumed ieeterday, the Jefferson coming down, and the Lnatirms going up in the evening.. On the Alle gheny-the Charilisher was advertised to leave • "yesterday; and the Cornplanter to-day. The . shia which has pastedinto the k iin dirocci pt Berm Snowden,,s, we hear, to go' into the gt e .h en ygle trade, running on the same days as Dian The . was heard from at Steuben. ieiderday mon;ing, having got past the gorge safely. . - . .The Pittsburgh did not leave, yesterday, owing to' the non-arrival of the other packets from be .. low, one of which is to go to-day. She will leave without fail; and passengers will find themselves at honie,' on board of h'er'. The Gard was Also unable to get out. She is now at the wharf, taking on freight, and will leave this afternoon for Louisville: The' Gurelis a new boat, with fine accommodations, handsome ly fitted up, and well officered. The Wincheiter, a capital boat, is the regular Wheeling'packet for to-day. She leaves at 10 o'clock this morning. The tiro coal barges sunk at ShousetoWn, to which we made allusion yesterday, belonged to the Seines Guthrie, and not the James Nelson. ..A.ECHISEE DIBLETER--ACCIDINT TO THE STEAM = IiUSHAILLAX.—We learn that the Hungarian, Captain Collier, with a cargo of sugar alad mo lasses,from New Orleans for Cincinnati, encoun tared a onag or some other impediment in the Miasineippi river r on the Ist Anat., near Point Chicot. She knocked a bole in the hull, on the starboard knuckle, near the forward hatch, which tensed her .to make si feet water in the hold. The leak was stoppod„ and the beat had reached Sniithland, where . she will bo docked. The ex tent of the damage-lo . boat and cargo, we did nut ""We learn from pa.ssengor who came through from Alton by land, that the snag broke of in the The Hungarian was full of German emigrants, among whom the ship fever raged to a terrible extent, and we learn that there, were fifteen deaths on the boat between Memphis and Cairo. THE MURDER CASE The trial of Charles S. Hixenbongh and John Blom indicted 'for the murder of William Henry Carson, on the 15th of December, 1853, was taken up yesterday morning in the Court of Oyer and Terminer, Judge McClure on the bench. District Attorney Roberta and M. I. Stewart, Esq., appeared for the Commonwealth, and Col. Black, E. P. Jones and J. B. Sweitzer, Esqs., for the defence: It appearing that one of the jtuymen, James Ward,..wan not a citizen of the Bolted States, Col. Black moved that the array be quashed on that ground. The District Attonmy contended that the juror had been challenged for that cause. .The motion was orentiled by the Court. Abnut four o'clock in the afternoon the coun sel succeeded in having a jury sworn in. The -prisoners plead not gni* , to the indict ment. ' Mr. Stewart opened for the prokeution in a neat speieoh, in which he laid down the law, rela tive to;,uncl the various grades of the crime of Murder. At the conclusion of Mr. Stewart's addre.s. the prosecution pr,seeeded• to call witnesses. After the emnxiination of one witness, District Attor ney Roberti , requested the reporters not to pub lish the testimony until the came was completed. The Court concurred with the request of Mr. • Roberts and - consequently we are obliged to de lay the report of the trial untS to-morrow or the next day. , Hatran STATES .Conar.--Judge Irwin on the Hon. Alfred King, Mayor of Erie. and M. B. lowry,ofthe same place,appearedinCourt yester day morning,to show cause why they should notte emnraitted for contempt of Court, in resisting the Marshal , CoL Black; CoL M'Crusdless and Judge Hep burn appeared for the respondents, and Hon. E. Stanton and Hon. A. W. Loomis for the Uni ted States. Mr. Stanton*Ul to the Court, the particular charges preferred against the defendants, which - were as- follows : That they had - resisted the Deputy Marshal In arresting the four prisoners now in jail That they had procured their es ' .+cape; and that they had resisted the mandate of the Court. .Mr. Stanton proceeded to read the notice ser . wad bY the Deputy Maralmlupon the two gentle , rdenTamed above and George J. Morton, who vas not present, for thealleged reason, that the notice was hot served - upon him personally. • The notice informed. he respondents that the Court would be moped on 'Monday the 16th inst., that they stand committed forcontempt of said ..Court, upon certain charges then and there to be alleged against them, as follows : On the 6th day of.Jattuary.list, they resisted, aided and assisted in resisting the Deputy Mar , altal of said district in the execution of his duty Vets Marshal, whilst executing the process of said Court against Kilpatrick and others. Mr. Stanton stated that the notice had been nerved upon King and Lowry personally, and the notice for. Morton left in his _mother's house, on the 11 th .inst. The counsel announced thetn ,,aelviis ready to proceed with the argument upon the motion. . " Col. JleCandless asked the Court for. a con tine:ince for one day, as the respondents'arrived , in the city on Saturday night and Sundatinter tvening, they had not had time to prepare them selves' pyroperly. Col Black asked for the affidavit - upon which this amtice to show cause was fotmded. OU being informed that therehad been none filed, ho re quested the Court to'enter hie protest. " Judge' Hepburn; thought as the • case:. was draught with many and important issues at law; '• longer time should be granted: Trials for eon _tempt .were very rare. There were many points ' , of law to bo consideredi and studied in carrying on the GM. He thought a week would not be too keg a delay, and accordingly asked the Court v' for a continuance' until next Monday. • Stanton objected. He would yield to a - . reasonable delay, bat a week was too long. , Judge-Irwin Mated that if so long a delay was granted, the respondents must file affidarinf that there was important testimony which could not -pro Cared in legs , time. He felt disposed to ' , accommodate counsel on every occasiond but in this case no'ulauscessary 'delay could - be admit• . led; as it was a matter affecting peremalliberty, any necessity could be shown by respOndents, - would grant the week's continuance. Mr.:llleCandlessi thin proposed Thursday, to which Judge Irwin consented, and the Court was ad,jonrned until 10 o'clock - that day, when the hid will be proceoded with. tiOrtster Civnar.—B¢fore Ron. Moses Ramp ino,:president Judge. , - • Auguit Seibert vs, Pennsylvania RailroadCom laity; No. 042, April term, 1853.. limltstootter for plaintiff, and Stokes for defence. This 'was an Setion brought' to recover :a trunk alleged to have been lost by the Railroad-Compa7 ay while transporting it. 11;:j0re; :; ,,, , :;5 14 `r eel, the Court entered judgiv. in ttic Imo of s4oo;provideeZ of thirty days the lost trunoi George L. Heim and dot— :.:d e k r , vs. J o hn 8. Negley; No. 646, April te.4l. Uinbstaet ier nod Shaler fur plaintiffs,res,l Mellon and Nog, Jey for defence. - This was. an action brought to recover dama ged for, 11. bieich of covenant. The defendant l onen d ti* plasntiffs his vineyard; he afterwards purchased the lease from them, for the. SUM of $200: This 'action was brought to recover the rnones, which Negley refased to pay alleging that the plaintiffs bed damaged his property to a great ex amount than the sum he agreed , to pay. On . L , . mtmisr.—Ofdeer Fox arrested a min named 'John Redmond; yesterday. ,for.tho larceny or feather bed mud a quantity •of clothing from a man named Thomas Welch, of the Sixth Ward. The larceny was committed enema weeks s ego. itedniond was taken_before Alderman Major, committed him to jail. • - • We may, ,hire state , that 3lessem Fox and f- Dougherty barcestablished en independent po lice at Aldertnanliajoi and Loids' offices. . Crment "or Isot:sr.—Two of Mayor Valea yolk° :arreatOd • man named John Keanan, on Satan - lay night,. on - 14. ettargo of ateallng s set of : Unitas front — Spumes. Half-Moon Toren:4 on Giant street: . ,The Inkiness tlelongaci to,a WO iirpintitd Ilagti,R4hardstip,..- . Kerinan Oralcosn7' lOW unt111040; !Qin farthei hooting: ' ! I .liffi.entra ; l36 ! cin young man named, John Crawford, (aged 24,) a. resident of Alto ! gimpy city, committed suicide yesterday morning ! by shdoting himself' through the chest, while la i boring under mental derangement. The pistol with which the fatal deed was committed bad been concealed from him for some time, but he suc ceeded in finding it on Sunday evening. Tho deceased lived but a short time after the discharge of the pistol. Coroner Lowry held an . inquest upon the body yesterday morning and a verdict founded on the facts was returned by the— ! jury. ; Wnixams.—This gentleniau was still too unwell, yesterday, (though improsing,) to resume his onerous labors in the District Court. It is expected, however , ' ' that he will take up his trial list for last week to-day. BOLD Roanotv.—On Saturday evening, about dusk, three or four young scamps went into a dry goods store on Market street, while but one clerk wan in attendance, and while two of them engaged the clerk's attention, the other went back to We desk and took therefroni a small box containing ten or twelve dollars In change. CoL' OP QUAIITEIt SZserOss.—Before his Honor, Judge M'Clure, and Associates Boggs and Adam& :Com.* Sarah Coleman and Amandk.lloore, indictment assault and battery. Theyirere ac quitted; no prosecutor appearing. ASSAULT AND Berraar.—Alderman Patterson of Birmingham, committed Martin Spell and Catharine Mott to jail, yesterday, for another bearing, on a charge of assault and battery, and for surety of the peace, preferred against them by John Mott. iIITLLITOCICS FAXILI MEDICLIMIL—There is no country in the world where such large fortunes have been made in vending medicines as in our . own. The superficial extent of its territory, and its scattered population render the services of a physician unattainable in many localities, and consequently the sick have to depend upon those popular recipes, which experience has shciwn to be efficacious in the treatment of diseases. It is - remarkable that but few of these medicines have been compounded by professional gentlemen, and this is the reason why remedies, excellent per haps for specific cases, have been invested with pfunicean qualities by their proprietors, nod quackery made to usurp the place of science. As a necessary consequence, there ore but avery few of these medicines which bare retained - Hie public confidence, and the really good ones having made fortunes for their owners, are not so extensively pushed into the market—wealth having created carelessness in business. Family . Medicines of undoubted 'utility are indispensable in our coun try: those who live remote from settlements, and •in sections which will not support a regular phy sicians, must-depend upon their family chest of remedies. To such and indeed to all whose cir cumstances will not allow them to retain skillful practitioners, the retirement of Professor Joss M'Cusroett, .M. D., from active practice, and the arrangements which he has completed for a preparation of Family Medicines from his re cipes, will prove a mostimportant announcement. There is no Physician in the country who has had greater experience in his profession, or been a more devoted student; or has had greater suc cess both in practice and as a teacher, He has filled the chairs of Anatomy, Surgery and Ob stetrics, in various Medical Colleges, and what is of equal importance, bas,- as a pharmaeopolist, devoted much attention to the preparation of medicines. Eminently successful in his private practice, extensively known for his medical ern dition;skilled in the peculiar faeulty of impart ing his knowledge to others through lectures, and the instruction of more medical students than perhaps any other man in the Union, Dr. Mc- Clintock is just the person, whose experience, science, research and reputation will beget that complete confidence in the public mind which will relieve his medicines from , all suspicion of empiricism, and carry them into every house as a blessing. McClintock's Family Medicines are remedies adapted - to particular diseases, put up in cheap form, and suited to general distribution: The Doctor's principal object in adopting this phial of extending their usefulness, has been the many urgent calls for his well-known prescriptions, which he could not find time to answer. Those who have tried them know their vitrues, and there are hundreds upon hundreds in our com munity who will bear willing testimony to their value and their remedial effects upon them selves. We cannot but regard the determination of Dr. Met:Eutectic to popularize his family med ical recipes, as an important bygeinn era in the -healing art, and we look with confidence-to the most happy results from their extensive intro duction. The advertisement in our columns will show what particular medicines have already been prepared, also explain their specific uses. 'They . are placed at cheap rates, which is chiracteris tic of Dr. McC., who would rather prescribe gra tuitously for a dozen poor persons, than attempt to extort a fee friim those Who could not afford it, Their certain e ffi cacy then, so far as they are endorsed by Dr. McClintock, and - the tiles at which they . 'are placed, bringing them within the means of all, seem to us assurance that Me .Clintock's Family Medicines will soon attain a . popularity and extent of sale, unequalled by any popular compounds Which have heretofore beon presented to the public. The services of 31. Al exander Cushman, a chemist of great experience in New York, have been engaged for the prepar ation of - these medicines, and his knowledge of drugs and the apothecary's science, will ensure the use of best and most genuine articles in all the compounds. Indeed every care his been taken to bring the medicines before the public in the most' perfect manner, and these admirable' precautions will enhance their value and suc cess.—PAtimfdpAia, Sun. BY TELEGRAPH. CONGRESSIONAL. • WASHINCISON CITY, JAN. 16 Scasra.—Mr. Price offered a resolution di recting the committee on naval affairs to enquire into pio expediency of making some suitable 1=- 14 Imo ledgement'by the United States to the offi cers d crews of the British ship Three Bells, and erican 11.9.011 Kelby and Antarctic. lie spoke eloquently upon the noble conduct exhibit- Red on the occasion. Resolution passed. Housx.—Mr. Bissell introduced a bill which was referred to the Committee on Military Af fairs, for the relief of the sureivers of the officers and privates of the army who were on board the attnErtuicisco. lifi.Chandler offered a resolution, prefaced by a preamble, proposing that the Joint Committee of both Houses take action to express, suitable thanks to the,rescuers 'of th e passengers of the SanFnm - CiSCO, .which was adopted. Air:McDougal submitted a bill providing for the Construction of a Rail Road and Telegraph line between the :Mississippi Valley and. San Francisco, and asked the appointment of a select . Committee of thirteen to whoa — this important subject might be referred_ A motion prevailed which was decided by vote. THREE DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE ARRIVAL ON THE EUROPA. NEW YORK, JDO. 16 The steamer Europa arrived to-day, with Liv erpool dates to the 31st. The Europa passed the steamer ICiaKara 34 miles off cape Clear. LIVEISPOOL MABUTS.—Breadstuff Market greatly excited and prices advancing. Flour 40s; White Wheat .116 6d. Red Wheat Ile; Cora 475. Cotton—The sales for the week were 46,000 bales; Orleans fair 6i; middling 61301; upland fair ft middling 6; demand good; prices stiffer: fine' qualities have improved most; Sales on Fri diLy 8,060 bales for export, and 3,000 for spec ulation. Trade in themannfacturing districts ha's slight ly improved since our butt. Plour—Demand good, prices advanced 18 per, barrel; Western Canal 8883 d; Ohio 40s. Corn— Demand good, and prices advanced Is per quar tet; white 478; advance . on the week. Wheat.— lls 3d. Richanlson St Brothers quote, , to-day, fine white United States Wheat 118 341®118 6d; middling 108 Sdeollst no red 10310dOlOs Ild: Ohio Flour 38s Gdo,39s; Baltimore and Philadel phia 338 Gd . Or 3950408. Choice Indian. Corn, white and. yellow 46s ed. Others quote moderate, and millet; and dealers are obliged to purchase freely. Wheat moved freely at an ad vance of 4d6;`,6d on the week. Flour fully Is per barrel dearer. • Provisions—Nothing doing in Beef; no males American Pork. .Bacon, new selling at about 455. Lard lower. • • '-Iron—'loo.tons remaining jti the speculator's hands. ch aea e...._Little offering, firm. Cloverseed nom inal, without demand.' Tallow advanced to GOs; no transactions in other articles.• At Sfanchester we have no new feature to no tice ; business healthy at former prices, Moser MAILICICT.—Ameritan Stocks; 6 per cent bonds, 1868, 1101€01I1 ; do. U. S. Stocks 11062,1101; Penxi'n. Fives SS.' - The demand condones good at £8 10sOgSlEs. . Common bars £8 7s 6d€4,8 16a.: 'Rails higher, higher_ prices anticipated. Scotch Pig steady .. ... . . , . . , Loanos Moir ] Masts . —Money continuos in demand, but there is no inconventent'acarcity, and tbe itank rata of-. discount:ls inehingaci: . . Con.4ols closed ' at 94g94,"ex-diridend. . Emil, .bee. 80—Erening.—Fresich. Tlirtnat closes at 74Q70 franca';' Four and a lialf Per t3ents 10f. 2&. - . . . . Cotton—flollingaliead 'SE Tetley report a fair demand, during the ~week; from the Arade to apcculataii and .baportera., Market , qidta firm for:. ull descriptions, - hut particularly. American ! current - qualities at Nell: 11-11}..; Which are rather dearer. The sake - or the week were - 45,-. AO hales, including 85,290'. Anterican, of which 7 980 were on aneculstwit and 8.646 for export; et 08" t 'bio:48;000 iretv Am er- lean. - -..Wright-Si Gandy's quotations am, New Orleans fair Cid; Middling 6d€.6ld, fair Mobile 60, Middling 6, fair Uplands q. middling 6. or dinary 30.6 it closing steadily. 'M. Viscount de Has died suddenly at Paris. At Constantinople the Porte is acting in most friendly accord with the 'Representatives of the Powers. 'lB5 __— 4." Pittsburgh,. Cincinnati, Louisville, and St. Loins, THE PITInILIURGII ANDCINCUtNATI STEAD PACKET LINE. FOR TTIF. corn-ErAxiw 03 , • - PASS/ NGERS' AIM FREIGHT, EALST PITTSBURGH. CIN CINN ATI, LOUISVILLE, AND IT. LOUIS. kpitkoatiTlLlN LINT is composedit uneven Emen, powerful steam • , tendon, =tett' sod co..." ' ZM rt rtertltronly thit i g o it ' dally line of Steam Pee on the Ohio river. It connects with the United State. Mall Line of Steam,. from Cincinnati to Imulmßle and St. Louie. hy 1 which - mumengers and freights are tasted and tved,Mal j throtsgh daily. Two new steamer. have been wided to the Line, which noir mould. of the Mllovrtng kept • Boats. Captator Days Y . reporter, RUCHE - TESTATE e. w. arastu MESSENGER No. oitra front Pi l...Sundayttsburgh. DAVIS MoIXISO. ALLEGHENY um X'LIIS Torwlay. CRYSTAL PALACE...wW. J. IntXll........AV A dus A d s PHILADELPHIA .1. 0. ....... ThUr.d.T errr sßuxon CAXPIICLI- ........... Friday. PENNSYLVANIA --rim. kuirmarna...—Saturdar. . LASTS dolly at 10 o'clock, A. X- mecinety. • No Freight received after o'clock, on the monthm of departure. Far partients , ap p l y n Mord, or to. • JOHN. B. LIVLNGSTON, JOHN FLACK. Agent. Moraingabela Home linikling. Pirreetmou, January. R CINC I ISINA Tl—The new and eplendid prowenger Steamer City PALACE, W. J. Ewen., Commander, w rave tor the &lame and intermediate porta, on WEDNKIDAY, Jan. 15th. at ID o'clock e. 0. Far freight o_pawage..apPly on board. or to r FLACK or LIVINGSTON. • Ata , ( The United fleet was still in the Bosphorus on I F the 19tB. - It is. reported that Dr. 13owning will succeed Sir Geo. Bownbeim, as Superintendent of British trade in China. The decree of NaPoleon removes restrictions from the import of Cotton into France. It is rumored at .Paris that Minister Sonle has fought a third duet with titC'Duke of Alba, but the rumor voids anfirmation. Sweden mid Denmark are forming an armed league against Russia. The Shth of Persia has dismissed all the French. English, German and Italian officers from his army. The British Parliament is appointed to meet for 1/11.1ilICSS on the 31st January. At Preston the strikes are still unsettled. The Birmingham Iron Masters report trade as healthy, withotit further advance. tOSSTANTINOPLE, Dec. 19.—Halib Pasha, the Sultan's. brother-in-law, is named Minister of the Interior. Roan Pacha is the new Cap:idan Pasha. Abdi Posit has been 'repulsed in Asia. 25,000 Turks have been ordered to retire from Rusdan Armenia. The Daily News says that Sir Fitzroy Kelly is now named as the member of Parliament en trusted with the arrangement of details. -The Wallachia militia seized their newly ap pointed Russian officers and beat them; they then deserted to Kalafat. • The Trieste Gazette states that the British di plomatic agent at Seperan has renewed relations with Persia. • The. Chronicle states that the Turks have raised the sieges of Akiiika and Adrianople; 20,- 000 Turks, irregulars, were repulsed. Abdi Pacha has resigned, and Abbued Pacha replaces hint. The four powers havp presented a note de manding an armistice. Balch Pacha's entrance into the ministry is regarded favorable to peace. Vtssxs, Friday The Turkish Bulletin's ac knowledge the evaltation of the Russian Terri tory in Asia. The English Consul at Teheran meditates peace between Persia and the Porte. At St. Peteroburgh considerable business has taken place, the imports for next year: with re gard to politics the only thing remarkable is, that preparations are going on in all quarters, and they are such as denote that they are made with n view to more serious contingencies than that of a war merely with Turkey. THE STEAMER SAN FRANCISCO. Nsw Your:. January 15. The steam tug Titan arrived up from the ship Lucy Thompson, which remains below. She brings nearly all the passengers rescued from the San Francisco by the bark Kilby. She spoke the Kilby at 9 o'clock yesterday morning, sixty miles southeast of Sandy Hook, and took off all the passengers rescued from the San Francisco. with the exception of Mr. Falcon, the Brazilian Consul, Madame Besse, and Mr. and Mrs. Alrio. Also, ten soldiers, who decided to remain. They suffered much on the Kilby for want of provisions and miter, and had it not been for a part of the cargo consisting of corn, and an abundant fall of rain, they must have perished. Thu Kay has doubtless been blown out so sea again. The Bark Kilby when fallen in with woo crip pled, leaking, and shoitsof provision. Some of the sailors and thirteen soldiers volunteered to remain and assist her into port; but it is feared she was driven into the Gulf Stream, and 4 stea mer has been dispatched after her. The passen gers'from the Kilby state that after parting from the steamer on the night of the 28th they cruis ed round for two days in search of her, and then being badly crippled herself, they were obliged to desist. The total number of San Francisco passengers en Kilby were 10S. The passengers ft"rought in by the Lucy Thump- Eon were received here at `lO o'clock last evening in a pitablo condition, being wet, cold, hungry and almost naked, the greater part of them were taken to the Astor House, where every thing pos sible for their comfort was done by the proprie tor. The wife of Major Wise remains on hoard the Selby, being too much exhausted to venture into their boats. A meeting of merchants was held in Exchange yesterday and resolutions were priss•d expressing the deep sense of the meeting at the generous and heroic rondll,,t of the captains of ships, Three Bolls, Antsretie, ant Kitty. and providing that a piece of plate be presented to each as a testimonial of their magnanimous conduct. It was elm, resolved that a petition he presented to Congress requesting that the losses incurred by the commanders and owners of those vessels be indemnified by the UovemmeuL PIIILADELPIU.A. Jan. 18.—Cotton quiet; prices steady. Foreign advices have Unsettled the mar ket in breadstuffs. Flour held at $7,70; no =ales for export Rye Flour and Corn Meal no sales. Wheat advancing; sales 2000 bush prime Fenn's' red and white at prices to be fixed; holders ask ing an advance of 106,15 cents on Saturday's prices. Cern advanced; sales 1000 bush new yellow at 78; also, sales of 2000 hush old on Sat urday at 80. Whiskey bas an upward tendency; sales in bbls at 29, hhds at 28. .Ciscissirt, Jan. 16—River risen 7. feet and swelling rapidly. The Kanawha, Big Sandy and all the tributaries are rising rapidly. There is plenty of water now. It has been raining all day and still poaring down. Flour has advanced 40 cents, closing at $6. Whiskey 19019 i. Hogs in active demand at.s4 50, killed at $4 75, Mesa Pork sales 200 .$ll 50, now held at $l2. Sales 200 bbls No. 1 Lard at Sc, now held at 81, keg do. at 9. Dry salted meat held at 4}€,n6k for shoulders and sides. Clover Seed in good demand at $5 4005. CI - scut:cart, Jan.•l6.—A large number of per sons were unable to gain admittance to Madame Sontag's concert - on Saturday evening. She will return to this 'city from Louisville and give three more concerts; one on Friday evening, ono on Saturday morning. and one on Saturday eve ning. Canton Mtcts, N. J., Jan. 16.—The Express train from New York on the flarlem road ran off the track at Willock station, killing James Baird, the engineer. The fireman and several passengers were badly Injured. Saw YORE, Jan. 16..,-Cotton—salea 20,000 bla at 91 for middling upland, fair upland at 11, mid dling Orleans at 101, fair Orleans it 121. Salsa for the week 12,000 bales, market claming steady. Coffee—Saleo 200 bags Rio at 111; St. Domingti at 10/, drooping. Sugar—sales 100 hbda at sc, Havana at 51. Molasses—salsa 200 bbls Orleans at 29, firm. Flour—oaten 10,600 bids Ohio at $8 12e8 25; State same price. Wheat—sales 31100 bushels at $1 95, better. Corn--salsa 45,000 bas mired at 93, yellow at 95; advanced 7c. Pork—sales 2750 .blis prime at $l2 87, mess at $l4 18. Mesa Beef—sales at $l3 50. Hogs sat Cl; Hams 9, Shoulders 6}. Lard—sales 800 bble at 10. Whiskey—sales 400 blds Ohio at 291, Prison 30, better. Iron COMMERCIAL. PITTSBURGH MARKET nrrlcs Prmoneu ClAirrm. Tuesday Morning. January IT, /554. I Business was not brisk yesterday. the heavy rain pre venting outdoor transaction. Omaiderabhs fiduardina' Irma going. onbut there were no wends of Produce. Some are looked for to-day. • FLOUR—than wore no models from 'runt,. A lot of SOObblot to arrive, was offered lel taken it 110,75.. Um) 11141311128—tales of 13 eke. tlotomrtle Wit Ask. at 3!f. itri4 tow Yowls M CllftESß—ln rather better demand; sales 1:5 has. meet ly at 9S. OlLS—we ante a We 0140 bb.. Unreal Oil at 15. LARD—the Wes are &lady onnfload to country Lard, of which we note sales of 30 kgs. at 9. SALT—the dethand Is not active; sales of 100 41.. NO.l sod extra at 1;0041112 A PPLICA—a oda of 20 MAL at *LW. IlAY—ellea at males of 0 Wade at 1104113 phr ton. IMPORTS DT RAILROAD 0. k P. R. 11...1au. 10.-6 Ms butter Shriver, Dilworth& co; 4 blseg. seed 13 sacks D. and. Brown Kfrkpatiels: bus 1 k Shrives. Dilworth 2 co; 62 skis oat. M. 2J. 1 141 e s peltir °worm 24 bhds,butter 2 lals do 3 bls do & 3 do slag 11 Lis apples 3 kga do - butter; 3 aka fruit Kash I ha crass ware Curling Robertson& en. 10 his soak 1 bug Ltd 8 legs buttes: Brown 2 Kirkpatrick 70 sks of onto A. A. Mellaue 111 s e seek J & W. Ilea 21g. 1.0.1 bbl but ter 16 sks brawl K . kpatsick 2 lierron 93 bbl a seed East; io ma tam miffs 2 crc TO bbls dodo DV leas lard J. k W. • Rea flake feather:lP. R. Sellers Disks feathers 3 bbis aluseug J. 2,W. Butler 4 tierces * 2 bbls beef .louts k Donny 1 car load' taws owners on cars 14 bbl. k 7 boo eggs E tsuot,3 h. r nitro East; 13 rolls leather 2 bbla d apple. it boa ea d hogs 1 hal keg butter W. Itec -I=l9 Iftla e lp iv ols t, :(J..JOrdan 03 sks seed Ido nuts A...1.1u1. berison 10 bias e seed Fast; 4 bbls apples kinsball k nr, 30, Issas c seed !Wawa& Kirkpatrick 24 bags f seek Kam 2 Painter 261 busts mro P. Peterfout lot machinery Knapp Rule 554 bX .600.2 But; 4 bbl. •butter kU. (*Antal/ 2 bz Trait J. A. Cal:tubs:7 Flan head lining Bryan k me 11 614 s 1 keg lard Kok 3 al. butter & 2 ego A.k A. )f - Banc; 7 bx b 11(.11.11 FAA; 10 hogs droned 11. Marsh: b bbls butter 9kette lark R. U. Colli; 121 bx cheese/hurt: 21661. apples k 3 hotter R. Karroo% 6 .asks butter Kant:3l4ft butter J. J. Boma Vear calla, J. Myerr, 16 11re boo 21 Shen. P Rltebp 40 bas oats It. Dawn ae4 243 taltxxi 8. fishers. 21 bib paper . J. L. 6600 3 aka k 3.110 wire Re liVEkTKTICLIGtNCR. - It* AV illg l ol3 t_tU 4:44 ARETVED. J•llsmos. Maori, Rrownsllll4. Innebeeter, Moore. Wtmlltc. - Crydal Palace, }Counts, ancinasti DV/AIMED. ' , T idy% city, joutuoti. EL auls, H. T. Yastsan. Musks% Nada Vs. Diarnst. Ebrerd, Wheat f. T llrltereleNo. 2, alt Vsltu.llfi, _Moberg, Nem Orleans. Ilartftd, thaler, !A:clarifies losemay AMINO, Bnasollhe. .t dusk ten iTanhat ,t.haro. wore 0 *et of water la the STEAMBOATS. o'. CIN C INNA Tl—The fine j : .L.ll%ap fees P =s 4 ." °, :tilit•sl lT Ur s t u h u s i gl fa a i l- AM .. C liMil a i n i tm is ports, on-TUESDAY, 17th ' inst.., at DI 5...0. For freight or pare apply on board. , i . r_ to__ , . LACK or LIVINGSTON Antic 7 7 ° . • _..._ Regular Wheeling Packet. THE fine passenger Steamer DI URNAL, A. S. Shepherd, linster,will run regularly as • packet, between Pittsburgh anat, leaving Pittsburgh every Monday, Wednesday and day, et 10 o deck. A. C. and Wheeling every Tunday, Thu y and Saturday. et 7 o'clock, s. 0. The Diurnal Conned.. at Wellsville with the Cleveland end Pittsburgh Railroad, and at Wheeling. with the Bair . theme and Ohio Riad. • .., , The Mune ls ahew. luau and sulstantial hut, having splendid accemusodatlone for paseengera For freight or passage, apply on board, or to J.P. COLLINGWOOD, Agent, nag . NG 165 Front street. Regular Wheeling:.!Packet. . I'HE splendid passenger Steamer WINCIIESTIIIL tleo. D. Moore. Muter, z1L,.....,v,v,1.,.44..aftatevb.en,1a;..,43Agt1ir and Saturday, at 10 o'clock. A. v., anq w heeling over: Monday,' Wednesday and Friday, at 7 °clock. A. 0, eon nectg at Wheeling with the Baltimore and Ohio Ralireed. and we Ifelluillo with the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Roll rcad. __ The Winchester lea new boat, with excellent 1UM24191111. dation], for passenger.. Fur freight or pumage, apply on brunt or to COLLINGWOOD, Agent, nol No. 155, Front etroet. Regulir Afternoon Packet for Wheeling. T, noir and excellent Steanier . .„ EXCHANGE, Capt. 3100a/lum, will eon regmlarty ne an afternoon packet between l 7 1141 Wheeling, leaving l'itt.beegh every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 3 o'clock, P. w., and Wheeling every Toe► day.„Thureday and Saturday. The Exe.hange le • now and enbatantlal boat, with every acenamodatlon for paesengers. For freight or PeaCIUM, apply on bard, or to J. D. COLL1NOW001). Agent.. nol No. 155. Front street. TOR ZANESVILLE.—The sub- stantial new Warner CHESOIT, /MPS nranox, Master, will leave roe the. above : .i..- dials ports CU the opening of navigation. For freight . pfmago, apply nit Ward. .1•12 FOR NEW ORLEANS—The SO). _..._ Mantled new Warner ARISTLE, Chart. eole, ti.ter, will leave for the aborr and nidird p.m& on the opening or navigation. CO. freight .mly appfy, to pan] .. JAMES A. HUTCHINSON It W. roil. LOU i S V 1.0.. E —The new , j at ia ll.t at and splendid ...neer steamer HAZEL. u n. 7 .1 6 1.. itnort. sill eltv h o e tvr lcuisge ;IC' rill=.l7, apply ' on i atilt!or t ' o ' ryal4l . J.. D. (.41I.LIA1W7.TOrritr. MM I TA =I .• • - the Unita! State; Mall gtesuners, between the trilted Elates and Europe. for 18.41. l.laturday belt, the day depaure fro= the Uited Slater, Wednelday from England rt and Franc, and n Friday fro= Bremen. 1.;3* 211 111 @EI si: '7 `E.lBaLt Jan. 7 ha,ll 25 ,./.. IS 21 ! Fie). I f IFeb. Ai Feb I:, Marc!) I March I . sfateh lU " Anril — I 'April r, 1 21 19 April 1 flew ni lflay Iv+ • 13: 31 Juue 111 June -Inue 1.11 1 17: :Jult: 2 11 ,July z r lul, I - 1 : rl . ll u Aug. 51. tug: Di Ag 11i " 16 : Sept_ Se:A 6 9: -1154 pt. 13 161 " 33. .• . re. 4 Oct. 9/ o 7 Om 111 14 •• IS 7, F , 2 ,4 1 N° r• ' Nor. Nov % .1 2.i i _ I Doe. '2 llt —66 IDec. 27 17141 t. 31 SAILLNG OF TUE CUNARD AND PIMA' STEAMERS. _ LIMY. for. NU . ..-....1ier Y0rk....-.Lirerpool January . 11 Liverpool Jana! 19 ......-Nevr York.. ...Liverpool. Jawar! 29 nom rewire. . .-Pb 11•4elph ... Jaramry 4 .-Bagon .Jattwu7 7. I - _Llterpodi 101 IN CARTWRIGHT, 3IANUFACTUR eI IND CUTLER. Surgind =4 Dental Instruments.. and Ilunere Shears, Rasors, Maas, tai &ula Pistols and Revolvers. Partkubm attention given to the mann/nature and applkation of Tramiel, Abdo/alas' Sole neaten., at, Se Wood street Pittsburgh. A lIULD MEDAL was awarded In John Cartnraght., for b h u te ahem manufactures, at the State Fair. he 14-3mdlinld in for . rgh, Sent..l, 1463. or LA PIERRE ROUSE, • Broad, corner of Chertnut street, Phlladdphia. rKI L EIS new and elegant 110 TEL is now orett Air co It has been hnlit and fitted with all Modern conveniences and:lsoprovementa, and is fig. nished in the meet magnificent and wetly manner. Its Mow proximity to the different Hanoi:ads divergitig hom the city, renders It as deldratile Air the Merelhant en the Traveler. for rime:ire. The Table Is bountifully supplied with all the hinnies and delimeles of the omen. Our /servants ...polite and attentive. It shall be our aim to nuke our Home • home to all who may [mourn with nr, end to preeerce the some milre,dyttained. The model, Lt Posses liOrM. J. TABER A !ON, iai3 lm • LCad. Zinc, Iron'Paint, Oil and Colors, MANUFACTURED BY FRANCIS S. LIM& t 00„ to by Lewis, James & Co.. tooth Front street, Philadelphia. Orders thankfully rerelved—punetually attended to guaranteed to give satisfaction, and offered gar sale on the nowt liberal Lerma For aatopW and particulars. pleas . * addrees as above. Jal43tn. A3II bRTED CIGARS, 01301) & CHEAP— . it, Mamma a do gars. 10 Mr a dlmo Regalia 10 Mg . Aoullla's do 'AI 2.55, at MORRIS A. PATTON'S. In the TALENTINES--Nalentine Head Quarters 4, 04 Wend street, Pltteburth. Tun Seed and now -2.711Vh.117.1.4V 1117.10.::::°%:ZrtipTre. market. Alm. a new ;allele of Gold Valentine Cud* Eta- Lewd ex a m to toll sleek Scales. are hotted ta tall and examine the aesortuund. All order. by . atoll or otherwise .01 In putt , I.:with the utatnet caromed deeoatch j.17-Pt.T .1. P. KAUFFMAN. 01 Wood R. GOAL LAND FOR SALE-- - The s u b CilitOr offers fur ale about 4 semi of Coal Laud, with an ex tensive roll and mineral privilege, situated nn the Alle th.UUlWlele'Vltbarrt within g irt/tr. 'l lk i tr o tt t n h ih g tt At?:. nem web for mat purposes. On the elm 'n fa • yrao 3o Doom containing 4 well finished moms a. Draw Lime Kiln. Railway from Kiln to Quarry, utnd Coal It him ono of tba finest Myer Landings. .Price 111,600. or to tialite'lwd<vrT) •JOllle T. SHRIOCK, Di, 6h st.s, PEAS NOT PATTONll,Althottsh Ito well known to all Grocer. t t Tote have advaneed at least lot pert lb, Morrill& Pat tort in-tree Dhunond, continue to all Teasel the mum - quality and (ammo prism they did etz Months ago. Thep- are enabled to do this hy having porehaaed o large IRMO' Their Tea. with what .700 =We b ga l =it e"n tr • OM MUM; Ilocxl tutted Slack or Oreen Teu, 400 per lb.; • (leonine Old Country Consrou or limn aitim' ri • Supeor SOuchang Direct° from Liverpool," 71 . 0 • Fin. oolong and tti ongyong. 60es Outppoowdu i.'t,ire„r4t4 gt,r. The above Tuts are wort. the abovetprkee-hat the but as we eon wa too determined we wiyl maintain gamete. I utatlon of Retailing the best ard cheapest Teas Otte. Lt 1001 on Please coy.] . ' mid iOD LIVER OIL-2 gross Rushton; Clark a Co.'s pore Medielnal Liver OlLjnst rued and ro r sale by JOSKPII jsl I Successor to L Abb. j_ll OUSSELL'S BANDOLINE--A..auperior artkle. for dressitig the Hair. just reed soil or sale • JO. FLE3IINSI suceespor w_L.I T Herm * Co. -.,,---- 111LOWLANTYS.51ACASKAR OIL; genuine, drt beautifylng pnltiotlcia the growth of the lir, just reed and for intle by JOSEPH ['LIMING. n — TirEGAPlibl.E PACKED ji jr jute reed and foe sale by J. J. DOONK. fijANTED--Sheop' Pelts; 'for .NritiGh the _highest price in melt will be 'paid. by IL LEK._. in jAi/init - -TheWicet price,caah . nidfor tbs dlrroniutsnaeo of WaoI b, I. LEE.. 3 000 LBS PULLED 'WOOL on band and fur sub bf • .3.114 FL "F- - - - - PoliFT" -- .411-75 casks superior: Coash •V) more ibr & br Iste • Wm. BAGALEY &al lb: ALER \TOS -150 boxeappure Soloratua • 'don/ for tuts by jal4 WM. BADALEY t CD. H. 510LASSES--75 bble "Crescent' . Henan,' Ihm br ' WM. DAOALEY 13OS-4 bble Grime fresh Egg,i_ just reel .4 bY It. IL ind for W. by J. 14 J. J. BOONE. lITTER---1 bbl and 3 boxes prime fresh Dal Butter Just need sad for son br J. J. seen.. . lib's just ieceised by, VA E. IL loril ka• eau br JAI{ J. BOONE, LT3S , Cill;t,t7i3RED in store and for ado br FLEIrmo BROS. LBS CARAWAY SEED in atom and aale by ,bk 9 BRO& CASES LIQUORICE, - PASTE SICILY, OP In store and 4e ale br Manal In at3ESINDIGO, SPANISH MAT, in AI *Mud Air Ws by IINIMO BROIL 111=EN NEW Toßirr;Janurrisranarrs. _ yr— Wm.H. , 3 . 60),...w....0r5ru1bur r 102 It UG ILES, DePLT.Y. importers and Wholinale Hader" in FRENCH FANCY .GOODS Dare removed from lid Wllltantet„ Lothar. W.t REHOUSE, 37 Maiden Lane ' N. Y., up stairs, wi,..r.tbey us prepared to offer to Ma 'Ando • complete S well selected assortment of • FANS, BUTTONS. CUMIN, 1111.USIIM. PERCUSSION ^CAPS, ACCORDEONS AND FLUTINAS oP THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE, GARTERS,WATCH • GUARDS VEST AND Flit CHAINS, IMITATION JEWELRY, numerals. VIOLIN STRINGS, de, An PARIS ANC . Y GOODS, • Adopted to tho• Spring Foyle, lIF-SFECTFULLY 2 alrNr/1 7 1 . 0k10N OF BUYERS. Sir (Won cur ailtlesuriPG , u , of G.A. Salo . n as usual. A filled as heretofore; by their raiding partner In Paris, air. A. MEILINGI,a dells-how . XOLLA.N AND OTHER PIANOS.—T. S. PERRY, 297 Broadway, ~lew, Tort, publisher of 10.10 and dealer, wholesalewnd retail', In Pianos. Melale omr, and Niusie; Agents for the oelebrated didisn, Grand, and other Nance. suede by !faller, Oasis Co, lioetnn, whose Pianos are ounelderod superior to all other.. Great bargains lu Now Turk Pianos, and meeond-hand Pianos and 31eled4ns. Musicsupplied. wholeeale or retail, at the tes. lowest ra T. S. Berry. 297 Uroodway, New York. Pl - to let. r. . , D. Malan Nelms havd.the. Peered voicing., ned,ly fIOLD AND • SILVER SPECTACLES, vl and }:YD GLASAES of eseei description.manure. , tens,' by D. OULL3IUIt, 6 Liberty flan[ , between n La klaidene and Wert). street. Now York. O. D. guarantees all articles. made by him to be of supe rior qualitY. elders respectfully solicited. ml3-6m , - 11011 N PHYFE, DEALER IN IVORY, aislnesserit of Ivory Goods, So. 3 3 lu o Wt- New York. d I,IRMAGE LININGS, CURTAIN GOODS zn John it., V. Y. AWRENCE'S WORLD'S FAIR PRE ,RUM DAGUERREAN GALLERY. 381 Broullway. come. 4 Mr Whits street, Now York. 0e.10,,0s NEW YORN AND CALIFORNIA ETEAMELCIIP LINE, (Vba Niwww4rnal rni ACCLISMY MUM? 00117.01,7 01: membrinm. lIROIJOU IN ADVANCE OF TUE MAIL. The only Line giving TIIROUOIITICKETS. Including t n lather. mooing. The NORTHERN LIMIT, STAR OE THE WEST, or eIt(HIETHEUS, all lint eh. double. engine steamship., will 1t.... New York on the 6th add 9th of each month, (except that when thew( days Ihll on San day. Satunlay preview, will be galling day.) ornueetlng by the Nicaragua Tmualt Route, having but twelve mlles of land carriage, with the sterunahlp• SIERRA NEVADA: WRIER, !MOTHER JONATHAN t PACIFIC, oneof whleh will leave Ran Juan del Mud. the Parllle terminus of Tranalt Ite7=o•47 l : f ra . wise? on the arrival of the pamengere. m." " ai r rai r L i A MORGAN, Agent, 6 Dowling Omen, N. Y. 1 1853. 853. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. W. R. KNOEPFEL,• 55 and 101 William street, New York, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS IN French, German. English, and Doman* (koala, For Tailors and Clothier, LIE RAS JUST RECEIVED, BY LATE SI! and ViWi l i * EtiViir i o;ti or"E . R" n ea, lea. Heavy Coating, mixed and elorided Whitney, etersham, of all the various tutors: Ingle, Devonshire Kersey.; Pilots; timer and black Camimeres; Paletot Coating, Nesting* In elvet ; Grenadines. Cashmen, Satin and other fabric, of new miles and amorted qualities, to gether with an extensive nolltrrtnieut of TRIMiII NOS, and other plods. suitable for the Clothing Trade, on the most favorable term.. Short time and Cash berms mu,Parlieli lady Invited to examine coy 'dock before purchasing else where. LARUE AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK OF DRY GOODS. L. C. WILSON & COMPANY, Immtters and Jobbers "r DRY GOODS, 12 01.1CITCANIYr 1. - rimer. Opposite the National arid Weldon/ Hotels and sok II tcl2 par gram, NEW YORE. INVITE THE ATTENTION OF WHOLE SALE BUYERS to their Tory largo assortment of coda. which Is kept ontnplete all own. of they.... by the addition of all the newstyleeand fabrbosthatare constantly arriving by the Steamer. and Ilse Packets. We bare large Departments decoted exclusively to the sale of Cloths, Q. :11imnr1:". rlll'Vem"g;rolbnist2' Bids, Ho. goot are 414layed Way II am of Brio ts.lnel. ding ) and and COdie.4 Bingham.. lawn.. lkonces, Black and oilier Staple Palk.. Marion, Bonsbasluea am, and numerals. other luttales appertaining the DBY O,IODS TRADE Al.. Agents So the sale of "Mule'. floral Ntent lioamotnero Sew g Cotton." %Ye bolt. the attentinsi of the closest buyers far mob, or credit. mhl7-ly's3 11E, 0 LOCKWOOD dc CO.—BOOKSEL -1.4:1114, PITHLII4II4IIS, nod IMINAITY.IIB of Preorb. pa 01413 and Itsßau 144aks. 411 Broadway liew York. Prit.,41C4111.01•4 funtl4lml oppliestlon. un2 4 -3171 IRON BEDSTEADS. (lOMSTOCK, BROMLEY & CO., AIASL- Fil,r Ftllt . Intim Room. No. nd Leonard 'tree!. Nen York, ~door Wort of lintadany. Common and Foldlntr,. Plain and Ornamental It If D- S T.Y. ft US , of MI Mutt. Hotel. Hornital, Priam. family. ••Servants' nod IlOhlrene nedattada, alney• on Minds Bair nederal amortmeut of Iron Fprolture, Satintr Bodo', and other Mattnama. VI. These fiedatesda are importer In all ahem hi point f efaantinewa neatneen and mations) .. . They are always free rten Terrain and are vet... Jingly durable. portable and etventent. Or U. iv extent may be. 3414relont. (11 Le .- filcK, BROMLEY t CO.. . • No. PS Leonard Monet. N.. T. • Aw..tnd mr the of lb* above. [Unitary sent .lierevor n.12-Ma - • KI.: M ICEILTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND E—BALM A CU.. Fulton otreet. Now York, _, SE le acid Retail. tesxf jp.AN.MA TRANSIT TICKETS.—A. M. IRIN KLF.T, lato brwarder f Adam. A Co.'. Ca/lignla Ayres., 1. note prepared in.furnish Transit Tickets front termwall to Panama. Piiie.n ger Tielieta for aide In New York. Apply to JOHN W. ItIRRINOTON. rare: 1.3 m Admit. & Poo No. 59 Broadway, N. T. ircwyg - NrE•s CENTRIFUGAL PUMP.— .1. Jr Currtalled In the world: It liewprriar to Um attention of all Intnewered. l ira" elmmera, sfmnifertre tint Tarimagee. Brigraries, D1.1111.'11.. Railroad.' Water rtatinns. Canals. Water Works, drainage or Irrhratbm, ibr the following propertlea: ' Kemey, derrthaity. simplicity, freedom fn. linhaity Intl eat of orrice, cog row molts fres Me polar uppli , d. For mining punvo. It must gam eppemede esery other Pomp. It has In e'en . lnetant. where exhibited, token the highest awartle—Mold and Silver Bed*. anti Diplomas. arm of 25 to to callous per minute e4paelty. Manallertunta by the Ernie, Power Oompany of the Bol ted titates. Hirmlway. New York. dediina C.;. , ODA WATER APPARATUS.—,F 0 R Manitiertutiog. Drawing and Butnnz of the latest sod moat *prin.-0 roman:elk,. manufactured and lb, sale with explidtprioted direetions thr Its we, by ABIAN MAT THEWS, mr.Flnit Avenue andlitith gtreet,o to Barents, New York. The only estabileturient exclusively to the manufacture of Soda Water nerr, te a In the 'United States, and when may he found a large rtanent of en•ry article connected with Melamine:Oa, Melo Imitate tmisle. le 19etablished twenty year.. 0.07-3 m. FIONEEIL'iIvF OF MONTBLE r i Agr i fS t ill , it w AVVLlA. £ ALBERT ANKCI.N; LONG znandor. to ad/ on FIRST FEBRUARY pUnett; ah4oVt i ord:PAMlo 3 /Trig . 1111TVIVIrcib " t h e Thy priced of paawgo aro as Sewers: In Saloon.. ........... Find CoIX; - srs Socondeatda...— 8140 Eantbioly 1. provided for the Poo:anger. except Wine. and Liquan,Toiroloand.oap. The length of varloo faun 80 lext day. Fifteen culdefeetor not=ng 2AO pounds, Is alloual to rub sdnit. No Berths will to romsid. end so moored till at least ono-thlrd the amount of pa. roue has hum paid ao await. An export:owed Surgood arrowpanko woh yowl, and oven Attention red for the aunthrt of paopenwers provided-fee. of charge. A Arst-olus vowel oncoood the ALBERT FRAN/ILLS and WI. tho first of March. It , W. CAMERON. 11•UNSIDI, UKTROPOLITAN SILK STOCK. REMOVAL. EDWARD LAMBERT JE CO Importers and Jobbers of SILK AND FANCY GOODS, Ifirebtazto . notZ i t i o A r r a ur ..;TVl ß T E 4R4.://,OCf.VE, paLl,Litttidt< tigtrit."'42,l2t.i.4 SPRING TM TAT. so of RICH MKS, • DRESS GOOD& SHAWLS, RIBBONS. =MO AC. ERCES.iMBROID Merchants throughout the Vatted Stabs are mediated tie:amine oar aswatmelhieh In NOVELTY, RICHN E SS AND VARIETY, Is believed to lw unsurrwssed In this Inetinsolb, and adapt ed to the wants of thereery best Trade in this countsT , all of which will be offered to Cash and first- claw el: too. buyers on the *wet favorable term. jaffirsi CARGILL'S PATENT PORTABLE SELF-ADJUSTING MOSQUITO BAR, COMBINLNIG Clieapiices, Simplicity and Pellet /Security. Cattle put up or takenstown .4 peeked in • Trunk in two mtl i t i t l itaa l ooL7 , r o pying less than one Zo " r ", tead.'"h foot "."0. 3011. SI P Wron Lt ° A gent. . h" )1.124..r• No. I rum street, New Yl EW YORK WIRE. RAILING WO RKS. The moot extensive Ornamental Iron Establishment • Pi„ United States. • The Proprietor has s recelied during thin yes. upwards or 3.040 anima Worn 'miens mats of the worirl, among uhtch are all the Railing enelming the Grounds and the generic. of the renowned CRYSTAL PALACE. Forsythe Place, a Public Perk to Persanah,containing ten acres: encloandwith • beautiful natters, of Wire Hailing. Atkin - Square and Flynn'. Church., property of the otty of Tharieshm, C., bare in. been surrounded with wncy, RAILING of a rteh end Itructul deal.. • Dealliors, Public Grounds, Itanke, bunny,. .olthme. Ileepitale. Asylums, Theaters and Mils. In er part r h , g . the country, are among the list of the submit.. r o ux RAMIRO, embrating every varle!s., made of Wrought. mut C.t Iron, and the celebrated 'WIRE Blair MO. IRON' .1111DST.EADF every Gm and unique design, of the meet ch.. and 'mot patterns. • IRON • PURNITUR consisting of Tables, Chairs, Bot tom Ilat Rae., Weal, Steads, 7.045150de, Mantel.; Ac. HORSE POSTS, of a new and beautind dodge. , • Wicarseasn's Patented, celebrated NOIRE FEN for Prairies, Forme, Lawns, Gardena, Ae.7 a 1 12 per rod. Wire Fence of the above description cannot burn r Salt. For countries subject to 'tiros and inundetons thls Fence le invaluble. The srand edition of 'New These of in Ir. MIMI, banns; which_ims been greatly enlarged. containing labee de explanations, and prints of .the above articles, will gwarded by addreasing theauteerilser, • n Gold. Silver and Drente- Medan, and Diploinas have ...Med kr 'mime; institutione. - Proptietor eta 31.uhuturer. JOAN D. WICKERSILANI. Warebousa No. 302 Roadway-Werke, Nol. 63, 66, 11. 60 end oll,.Lowls street, Now York. WM. STENTON & SON, t jARDWARE COMMISSION AGENTS, r T 11. al Cliff street; Neg. York. -Agents fivtk i n Au i rer. it . t l A k irtr fr:kf r ikti7; Join.* Tani., Sawn ke. J. t liner Carr'. Steel. e. sad }li of it de.criptiona. ta• Orders 'elicited from the Trade Lr Direetturt.. .. • 7------717ATICITA—irirg, a " . PLATFORM SO4.ES. .1 , Loiis known—So:morely tented— • Allrsr•right , -.4be acknaort.. edged StandArd. - Agent.. 'Se. Y a k * - ' FAIRBANKS k CO.; ' '. 4 "! ' '.....' ' N 894 t we t. ..._: ..: , - oalatn . 0 . • Net WERKTO.LIE, and call myself a Pro c•-uor of • Doctor, I 'risk.* yonwoula Olen bollossano . stain of Injure the Alit; .ont u em sloipl t s ir t o f Mt. .ss l - . nix, you linagino t ha t toy unguent Is not . rdon't blanie you. Its manse. Dumont 111 por bolt o , sent to nap. put of the annoy. D. GRA Ann . k CUTUDEILT..I4O.34 it.. Patalinigh.. TO WHOLESALE MERCHANTS. • JOHN C HENDER it SON SMITH No: 62 Rue Du - Faubourg Poillsonuier. hula N r 0a,174 and 174 Pearl at, after let or vehnury. ;40. 3;43 B New York, offer for maim an .:tent.. aaarrtment of Yr= and AnialiMal Artial norm& _Ortzich and Fano. now ors, Dresnal,Clrnantinits, Ribbons, Triguitinga 10.— .110=d Linings, Frailest_ and +Aineriffn Straw, and 1313 k Donnele, an. togetaar with a. Mil cl an of Batten and Cap ]tai , Trimmingr.' The'alan . a, chirps of our own saanakstere as wall as list Vaunt a i.. C t rt e e'VVl7 °C 4„ L ik l : warp, seen at nue if arermlaiS b New t. 4.- lalranut RO It., mut Le uM OT NOTICES, :&C. (O - 1' ,t tlai-in' 'g • ttasocinted •D ••11'. MOONEY with sae in the !UDE. LEATHER mat I OSINIM. the bud,= will be earrk4 on than Ma Ante at the old stand, under lb< style of WALTER DRY ... •:..w.eitia 1WW131". . ' W. YOMIZW. • - - iyE e fER BRYANT & CO., Wholemle and WWI Doak. Ilidno, Lauber, and Oil. No.•ir . 4 ILDBITENY,..AND . BUTLER: PLVSK. /100.. , DIVIDm - B.: NOTICB.—The President mei at the Aileglien* awl - Butler -Plank itcad Ccao. y ve Shill do dedsred a Kook Dlridend of Four Per troy out of the profits oP the -ftra&-tbs the , el: cumths ending January_ Ist,'X' TI„; lag. ad inch share of the .o .CAL WI I , tork of sidd Corn sble-..the It'll =mutt e MIS.. or bekee the 17th of•Jolp ISSN , to Jet eredtte4 on the Brx.k a of the Company . •• Brordet of thir= r .. Orel?. '53- is:4dd. :- '-• JS.firl BREDIfir, , . . kJ E. S. Ward with me la the DMht bm.nees; the , nese will Le rani.' au from this data. mast. the idy uS R. E. SELLERS k CO. • . • January 155.1. • R. • carttaits it wadi. _ R. SELLERS & CO.. Whetesale and Retail Deal,. in Drug., Paints, Oil, I'mulahrit, ite, No. hi Wood street. I j e t EgI i4 SYL A NIA RAILROAD COMPA NY.— prenanie of the Aet of Aseembir of Penn melt, e n t i tle d ti e fortploter4ufhp.Nu4e,flt. aranla ginentl. ad Company." appro= r lse !Ad dot of .11:rel, Notice hereby KiVen, that - it is the Intention of the Pertneylvania Railroad Company. (ahould the mom be Ap proved ther Mockholdent at the gmnual meeting, to lbe held one first 31onday of Vehrnmy next.) to guarantee, the hovel. of the Steubenville and Indiana Banned Com. pag il t the nn ! amount :12 h g s , drede r e g t . IjOTICE,-31r. JOLT N C. SCILkAII having ScN received then ppointment of Librarian of the Yocum etes Mercantile Libras,. nd Mechanic*. Institute. to an. thorited to collect all bil ls for 11W,on _prmentation of • Treneurer'e receipt.. U5t.7..1..) WM. M. HERSH, 'hewn rIaISSOLUTION—Tho partnership of R. Robbon, C. Kingsland and Simnel &Mallen. trad ng end carrying on the Enterprise Foundry and Machine Mervin Allegheny City, guider the arm !style of ROB !SON, KINIJ.LAND & CO, L. thin day dissolved anliclosed by mutual cement. The hooks. bills and accesunts of said firm will be collected and mottled by R. Itobbon k Co., of Pittsburgh. It. ROBISON. Jan. 1, IBM. Intl BAWL GBS LOIN ON. pIWIDEND—Notice is hereby given that aZ'oft.4." ,=r b itt. ° Pgirit trirgi te. lan per ahem on the Capital Stack of mid Company, out of the earnbute of mldCompany. for the lbll, 3, onehalf of which was ordered to be lead to the S tockholder. on the HAL day of July lamb the balance of said dividend being two dollars per Mare, will be payable to the Morkholders 'otheir lesmi reprewoutatives. at the office °fib. Truuturer f add Company, Novelty Works,Grant street, Pittsburgh on and after the Pith day ofJannary next. J. K. MOORHEAD, Etter. 0. H. n AIM." 0. 91CVS . wet. VIEL cyIGN OF THE GOLDEN HORSE HEAD, corner of Wood street and Dia:bond Ailey. PARTNERSHIP NOTICE--I liave this ,AL day flan. 24, 1.4 amixiated with 'me to Moines. my, un d er HELPS, and my former Fore man, WIL WItEF., the name and alien( IL IL BARTLEY it CO. 1J.131 It. IL BARTLEY: ftH. HARTLEY AY CO. will continuo to . Manufacture naddle., flarrleas, Trunks, BMW Zee and 31sebine Bands, together with ail ether article. in their line. With lnceaewl faellitio for doing bazinea. and a determination to mannfacture good verb, we flatter ouraelv. that It will be to the advantage of them wishing ertistes in coo line to Omer us with their motom. IL 11. likiiTLlfY t CO. N. D. prime for >URDU k CO., Nen York Luc Leath r. prime In aides nr put up In lurnehes ready for . se. k Dispatch and Americus copy.j jalllm 'TOP ' ...t" ARTNE Bs H P—M'Kelvy &BLoir ✓ have seeveietml with them T 110311.8 S. BLAIR. The Mull:tea will be continued wades. the lima of !UREMIA' & bLALBS. ilasikwttS JOIIN mrrelIELL. Wholesale and .Retail Druggist. Druggist. No. 12S Wood drown , newt door to Childs Slum House, Pittsburgh. Pa jahhimwT ILEEESE--30 boxes' W. R.Cheeso in store kJ..A . l'er Nate by RILEY. MATTHEWS t W. (COFFEE - OFFEE-150 . bageßio Coffee for sale by lain_ ItllEti. MATTDEWS O. CO. VAMILY FLOUR-20 barrels extra family _iv 'Flour (Lowell Mills) In store and for (We bY• ado EY.•MAITILEWS CH SUITS BOY'S CLOTHING at CHESTED'S, 74 Wool street. Prim, from tn ) . . ( )Cork warranted. eloarge for showing (Dodo We study to pleat. do _ 1S IWANTED—A Hardware Salesman; one acquainted with Western Penna. and Ohio trade prefcrred. kfalr eompenntlon Moen, Address by letter to Die'Dklmtj 231117.LDS )111..LEJE Phlladelilltla (Li ) AItPETS AND OIL CLOTHS— W M'- CLINTOCK triog &n. d. to cloy out !Stria Stock o 'arpetiout and Cloths. at a very small advance from oat. to make room for the Spring oupply, booths Mom wishing to purcluise to call and examine hloatoefi, com prising In lioort r of Mit. following, Til: Tolvel /Me Carpetx ::botch Wool Carnets, Topeotry Drumels lot Datnaok Venitlan d,c firumolo do Twilled do dc, Extra Supoillue to Phan Tenltlan do Sursrfine do do tinting dm Tapestry Ingrain do; lieMP dR perfine do ifiag PMe Cotton With a lame somnolentd o ' of Oil. CLODS. of MI *halo.— Remember the pima N 0.112 Market street. • ULK PORK; LARD, &c ;ono llr. OWk Pork: 1;1 bMs...No. 1 Lett 1 bbl. Poll Butter. to /Arrive. Mr Min by .101 WM. I{.ll4ALla 4 Co. • S UND!trES—r: !tip N Al'il , it i e Deainn afore,or ..lo by ,uni B; M. BAGALFBC t CU. m d 1 LOVER SEED-250 bus\ prime Ohio now, V) arriving and In rnmpleto shirring order, for sale by._ .ds,l BELL A .L.8..F.7, Water street._ I tr ALL PAPER--20000 nie.....fnes- and • • h c i 4 4 ., in " 4 `a.'an;Vra it:eqtia•r7 r • git . iii r 4a i r . ... ° ' 1 1.iaWNIA... - ed market 'Mew- Letyreem Y &trend on_l3llla, by _IAB ~, TIMMA.I PALMER. dr 1 01) LIVER 01L--100 gallons White, war tl 414L "kg P"'.. S r "1' t'y ll. A. vAtimmoia I3RUSSIAN4BLUE-20 _capes for u. A. VAIINRSTC4 k CO. (BLUE-4UI3RUSSIAN cases foil Co. by A. dal° - i B. A. TAIINESTOCK ilmtisiAN BLUE-10 0 1lbs best b7ds I R. sale by it A. YAW:MOCK 2 . TALL WHITE ANS in st e 5 k 11 2 3 16.1:.! 3 e by 11F .. 3.'1. X ' GO lves) BUS DRY PEACHES ' (halves) in 9to °.\ anty and 9e We by. deal • J. J. macs. SVIEEP SKINS-50 'dorMi , English Sp it Ear We by deg 11. A. PArLNP.SE k at. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR-200. sacks just reed for sale by R. ROBISON k co. \ AUTTER-2.5 bbloo , fresh Roll Bitter: 48 kegs packed •do jetsi.m , o for isle, y de: ICILOBISON. k CO. ..__, EACF.S-1000 bus • Dried Peahe_a just, 13 H. reed and for Pak by ENGLISII it lIENXETT ' el 3 O. 122 Second street and 151 Pint VO advance in the price of Teas, at ''.:. '' , 1.1 Jai 510151118 k. PATTON'S In the Diamond. SUNDRIES -4 bbls prime Maple &Teri a* reams bine Batting Paper; • a) Items prime Rlce; . \ \\ • 135 Ws. X. C. Tat • , bids. pure Fish 011: al bbla rut and dry TobannU • ' \ 150 boxes exlo Mug - ' Prboxes 8012 and 10,12,4rx, ' 4 3) We. White Ikana just' reed and 30117 WATT A 00.. 294 Llberty,ss. SKIRTING AND BRIDLING LEATHER 4. 4 store arid for set DT E I TPPER LEATIIER, KIPS AND CALF gklns—A Logo dock in stoic. and male . DASD LANG& NiAV hblni No:lleaf I.lrd; by R. YAMS. &deo.. S A MOLASSES-sAbble Steam Refund . . B =l" 4 "V i PrairieLi la Ter 'PLES—L . SO bble Romanites in store and for a 1• try do= R. DALZKLL t co. EGGS -6 bzs Eggs just reo'd and for sae 43 , '&26 R. DALZEI.I. h CO. '4 A 17 tons' 'ear fur We by det A. ROBISON ♦ CO. A. MASON & CO., Importers am! Job bare In DRY GOODS. NO. VA Fifth *trot, onroelle e n City hotel. Pittolmogh, Ca. EMI•ANNUAL `SALE—A. A. MASON ) SRS A CO. will °stamecommencetheir next Send-.knnoil Asle. on T UDAT, January btb, 18b1. Their assortment wilite *rand the mat extensive and complete they havenrer fesseh comprising In part, 300 element Vehst, Cth .d Merino all colors, athejatest land meet faeldons- Ide style, whlthinsill be anted nit at • large reduction from usual peg also, Velret, Satin sant Silk BONNETS, new est etyles, at exceeding low rat. WOO Broths, Woolen. .Thlbot, Cloth and other "SHAWLS. at • logo discount.— All of their stock of SILKS, MERINOS, CASIIMERY PLAIDS, DR • LAMES., • and other Drees Goode, sclll be O. Rend at the greatest inducement Itromelowom. Their stark of EMBROIDERIES, TRIMMINGS, Ilo= , 51ER1.411,0155, GENTS PGRISISHING GOODS, tn., will he offered at a great easing tO buyenn‘A. • All of their oots, Gingham, Ilanneh, Blankets, Lin ens, blesellos, Cheeks. Tweeds. polite, Caselmeres, togeth er with every other desmiptlonof DRY GOODS, will all be marked down In order that' they` whale stock 07101 and Wlnter, 00,14, can, fro ImmediatelK i \ closed ont- A. A. MAW. & CO., 3.Fllth street. LlMY;4o\bb ls. For sale by jut 5•12 ". VON DONNIIQRST & ',MURPHY. 11 ICH PAPER HANGINGS, of; Velvet, an '" lbr ,) l% 4 Llg±l lBl ll l VlNl 4 lll4l 4 rallrlat 4 . N&,86 Wood Wee jjIF • g ORATIONS. IN WALL PAPER4,-Ax. tGlie designs In Imitation of Wood, atone, Stereo sand. Italian Frescoes, Am tale by lal2- \WALTARAI P. , AIIBIIALL` QHRIVER, DILWORTH & CO.,\NoR. 100 L - 7 Ind 137 Iteermd street, AOnts for the Marolhoturere, hare on hand (and will be regularly supplial) the fidlow log; and trad e, ich they rattleainlir !elicit the attention u( the ely trad Woe buying elsewhere: \ • 150 b s. No. 1. Crus'd BugattllCO bbls,:. A. ijott anal:led doi ;150 hbls. No.ll ' do; 100 bq •do \ dct 100 bilis. coarse traL de; 150 b Stem 'Bylaw flown Ret bids. doe 'des Sy= elielmartiehr \ Pittebnrgh, - Dee. Ithi 18.3. \ pi ERRING-104 ' bbla Nri ' nerrifig; b .6 I" mr. "c \ '' d rtacIVBRVg: It d' . f`'" Vs b ilsos. BUTTER -40 - . kegs 7 and 4bb s'for sale by` ads ,\ • . . RES'ItY.II:COLLINA. • - i On BUS:TI3 QTIIY SEED iiretlare and for Apia , ~ \\ . den • • . ..• .1, S. BOONE:', - QP.ER5.1 7 6.11,i:.- - .717(10 gallons vaiii s quail- A 1 CNA ix tide br \ 'E. A. YAILVE.. 4 CO. 41 G - N DR . IEO bbls. Whiteeans; )0' '. . • .u.cio as. prime'-Peat/ern ''.', • , - 1 bale go Sting DOG iardo 44 ioo ilff l l: tm . ' b RILEY A AITITWAA o ..''' IVIGLASSES.-1501 - 7triels - N. 7 0.-Molass • Oak Ibb...'fbr solo by ILU_L__BY.'SIATTUNWEI A CO:: t'gRENCI.i PARLOR- PAPER - r xt An een T , , rlrs asortment of Gold And Velvot,, Toliet and ride wed. aloe isle by \-- '. . \ TOO& PALMERt. COFFEB- 200 bags Primo 4 10 Coree; WINE RAILWAY-* fewthan; fo, azobaiiigo tor d . Maid Posizurylypida - 7 l 7l fourth and: 50 LBSCITILIO-AclD,'in..l lb bottles ; . Java &moors to J. Rkl4 * 004 No. 00 Wool MOLASSES 100 bbla =primequality, Ontriu±area, ••• 31101M+14,6 ROIL QStOsittil store Wu I, j ibz liiMN BUSINESS DIRIEMORY,' S It. FI 7 STINOT:LT. k Ctt'S AnKV(7. ono,. nts. rms. . lu Sate Alote, /halm; AMU Inn the, non ununntlnl and Intsnst M u g e "B . : Paper loth ln tloNnitid `stater NEW YORK . :ti :4: S 4' - 1:4; z.., • - the 0 . The Mowing Bet of Fin. are =MIK" ed mid rellehle hi the city of New York. OWEN • ¢,-.• tIeNAMEE, Iniporters of American and Foreign Silk and Feuer 'Donde; 112 end • nrondl..3". ! E ._ 1111.1, BROTHERS, Importers of Etniu;if d e ri, whit.. 4,4* .;-e.. No. so ILlterty street. - 0 4 borrE2s; ET &CO.,- lxuriorters of French ,1 * . ..' . sad other European Goods. N 12. 1 ,40 Broad moat. • - FORGE RETARCE & CO., Importers of Ex- L__ - .Lacithoda, Embroideries, te, 58 Broadway, corner of . LPE I STIN & HONIG, No. 153 .13roadwiii, firs , doors Pram'llbert7 street, Importers of Loa, 0134kn0 L.J. WYEIIIi brolderlat, White and Lea d, . _...0: 23 Bror.t R. TAMES OIVENO 15 Brijad etree4 Iriiporter or ors. TrimmlninkeiMal find kiltiger;Sak 011 , T04 Mitts awl 81Ik Ow& frodetally..- r- : • HENNEQUIN & CO; Importers 'Or FIIENCR GOODS, BROCIIE 811A151.1,; Slll Nxtk BAR.EG *O.. CO finms Benet Ulu , XiF i T m OHEL , I; e ExchantiVace, lol~L , Wens, Dresgaoou !iptipAt r lNAWW4l4 .l l . 9 lam Q.ALOMON KOHNSTAMM, Importer or 01100, Rawls, Imam, and Embroklexica and TsDaring Gond; 02 ihmdlrmy. NDREAE & CO., Importers of French , German sad nail. dllk Goods, Cloths, de, 40 Brand- i:RRY d'IVERNOIS & CO., Importers 0 of l o reatheed Swiss Goods, Silks, Muslim. die., No: . sem pETEIt.D. MULLEN, Importer of French, Clermsi - in Swiss Dry Good., Mks. Sistins.,Yaieets. rims, SkawlsiWooletts, *a., No. ao &cad street, N. Y, sepl.l4y t.t/ri: . :BILSAAT BROS , 48John street; BER LIN WpOL, GIMPS, 7:UMW, BIITTONSSTAILS,' kz• • EEKEE & MAIDHOFFi. Manufacturer. of Fashioned. Dress mad Clank Tdmenlns, 'zinged,' ezpd, Tadre/s. Batton,. No. Der Meet. inlttlyd HATCH YALE, Lo_porters find Jobbers, of SILK and FANCY DST GOODS, gooorally-INo. 75, • • don't. TAMES. McCREERY &. CO, 72 William stmß Importers and Joyteas of Fancy and Staple DrT HATCH & CO., 97 William street, sl-la'aLt°4°l`jig&sr.s's7,'LF'md'hb'z(l''°`b' aoa J • • ONN 3f. DAVIES; JONES Sc. CO.; Im— porter. of Gentlemen'. Yuraldling Cleo& and 3111111 Mb tuner of Stocks, Shirts, nee, te.,10& Amt. • VILLIAM REDMWD, 30 Pine street, v polo Alma In New York for the sale oftbe Linens of James and Robert Yanur, • •.. Ireland. gW l T i ia i g QCHUCHARDT, FROIACH & HOLT- IiettSXN, boa 92 and AIL ,tree Importers of French. :Max and German 81Ikm, blew, Velvts, Vest loge, Saabs, Seri" to. Woolens of very deseriptiell. sep,l3-ly iffe.firTßAND FRERES L HENRY, Imilor ter, of Linen Cambia. tad Linen em brie lisnaker- Linen Lawns, Embroideries, Se., toles mantolseturni 27 William street. ACCORDEONS, STILMOS, fill ARLES BRITNO, Importer at, NTrtr‘PgYsTeg`rim' P o7, ° .eNtlt n .r )a1.7-lJr . - " • .• VLABK & WEST, 158 Broadway, Import . and German Gmds, for er• no i2po K, ks .O ., 56 John street, era ana, , re -stings. cuynnip.s. HANFORD &BROT — DER,Wholesale Cloth ing, Shirt. Drawer and Ennalabing Gonda, 01Ird AAor Inn and Rnnevi:Dods. 20 Part now, opradta th e A(' Dram. hFRED MUNROE & CO.. Extensive 11 [Wail ClOthhur Fartabllattnarnt.,44l netadwar; (no vlatinn from market prima— do DAOUtitRIXOTYPIA. • GURNEY, No. 349 Broadway, the oldest d toilet erteoefee ietebUldateent le the Thllted spl3-17 D4U041/.19. I.I.ARSIT NORTHQV„ISO Greewcileb .; Aree.L,lmpaiteta nal Whot eMle Denims In. ltrapa4 011.4 nrn//theol, kn. `. ENGRAVERS. `, • IVEITNEY, JOCELYN Ar f lists and Mincs:vie on Wood. Nos. 58 an& 54 ton street '.Meet and best, work executed bore. T 'ORR, Deaiirrer - and Engraver on nd t..Z=l,tigd 7 ;fArc s mea . s= 4 .th" th r" CLUBREDE, Card Engraver and Printer, oleo dealer In Fine Stationery. Forney Goods, Seen torry.l4., 8 Metropolitan Dotal 0: :.Itenaderar. • • - Ncw - Artcs , sANFoßD_ \.!, co., Pomo . Expre. No. 38 Rroadmr. 6,1• and\reekijeee • 1 Ad ad to and ht. r.t a of the • • Agrants 18 Pitts m.. eta TANGY GOODS. ADD. DICKSON & CO. 'formeily Eai Ward! Co., lerriserters and lilsnlesaWDeslers. GOODS, Combs, Brushes, Fans, eneWS, Br. 1 Malden Lane. • ' ialaGmr ROENTHAL BROTHER:\ ipiortere t E . Aglish And Goiman FANCY \ DA. r p io. r it BULKLE 83 Cedar s litreet, ItaxortA _ 4ixtUobben—Englith. Preach and 0 =ilZ2e.Button.. Threads, r CARROLL & HUTCHINSON, Imp° . and Deslara I. • och. GI •er, ,, nnstlpallsh Jan • Panel I:ionds m 5.1,9 • tbaret, 547 MidllFer. • \ ARDWA.I7X. An ! \ B. dc „ CORNELL, 1 . 3.5 wail 1 contr. amt. • • and 451,1 (..5nantal W.A. • AARD 41i LASE It vim, ee. . , . . . • • cl_ • . • AM & J.* 167 Water street, l, Importers, Manofart and Ininhiala Dialers I lIRM Taimmlim. da. . . CIIIVER,(titor and Patentee)' 4:,011. tract, man and dealer. wholesale. rrt.l l : Ftrietee. Regtste Ventilators, .trt. VO:WINS • CO., No. lgrand area, rofooUot Tonmoft. Wiliam., yentas. + \ \ RUBBER 151071 , - • \ • tOGERS WYKOFF, Coureandi U. m:b. "°': ter aria, " WNRY DAN'EkPORT, 86 .T2..n street; Itounfocturor opi . t Alex fa marl rptio_u of .4 Ton. \ Ru Main, Fono7 uou!r.iieir M. QUIMBY S N,;Dealers uirn r Improreclaod. •—• N0.1112Y4427 wt. . ILACiLLYT.RY HUE TOOLS. HI EONARD'S gAC Y DEPOT,Zsto. N.H.:id 60 Waiver • • It eSlate. fathe tountrs. _ Tbo.. fro* (ZOLIENOK'S . MAC TIM CourtlAnd •treat. • Ylsehlnery MUSIOAL INT= VARGiLL d CO, 47 _Midden Brui' ROHE 85 LEAVITT, 31 Maide ne, ..ILsnudettrrets. and Vrhol ers in eallegrtnents. Strings. gr.. \ - WELF cuvwa ,NEE,DLER, FIEIII I.IOOKF,.AND'id C. ' . ' rrIIODIAB 4IL BATE, late Try. T.. . %ate, t2(llls,Min Laao—Needko. 'Fish li, an L kg Mc le, 2. : N . , pßOTHr esi.. RS . , \ ams• , BROBERT V. PATRICK ' passes Ss wyd.• B.,CYES, (Claykr's Patazt,) -Depot. ARLRORN. CO., 54 Maijeui Luie; t.t 4 it r oiVar 221 ,"" 17 itftvtimpt '" c'eT°Y, WINDOM! MAPS, PAINTS, Ac. & BROTISIEIL .142 : Water ndlo. Chni -1.4 ;;; , ints,Vrsiso Etta f AIM= Windom Anus,. 11. OmizoN& CO.,'lmportirs of .IWri • • . IV I Mai lid Ooith street 4 \ PAPER 7AireVOE FIELD k . CU 11 Cliff nEtgt4 G*patens ind WbolessliDealerstrameriesn,litestels, Oerman and English PAPERS. =dim:7 deacripl•Ar. VNOAN, LEWIS BAR — TO . W tioAed. Minim idreat, , -.&. ant Vantty ep.tewit Osr Wok 'po 'Manama Pandas, Bookaanag,..Maanhavaim. -• -PT 'OIFORTE 3tANTIPACTILIMItS.: • ROW \ CHRISTOPHER, f.Pitilo Portit. "miter 9,r Twit DRY GOODS. 'o. 187 Broadway, • Lace RioLC , . Sm a llinn, 14111-Ir. _ _ 47 Broad street, ...i.e. and German DRY 29 Broad street, via (h.); SILKS, 0. No. f)9 Broadway, nem Good,. Eplbrp,l d WhoIe ,MUSICAL =IC= quAkuAi e, Guitars, azuLEtrillm ..... . . .... . • .. ITRiumpg' : ;7oß-, It TWORLD'.4I3IFE' - COltPilff. , -.The Ihrknrieut letter vies received fte. , ' ll 7 rulti D. cowc pr0p6.4., ot the r. 4.4 Ilatelltoo • no explithatko-11 speak& fee Itsel... . • Year thsett . Seet. rt. Ism. We'ld's SO/. aseeiong..lllll/leset - .x. riJ , tiorriaotes...-Your spent on to e &Uz i, the I result or a salle(1411lie s Pate t) which - 'l bamtag or the MS lklartintoo Home. / ant too urn. so- _ . 2 owed at maw « (next (next dcar ihe - 4nni t 11 =:,11 . nv .*. %Vi=n,, 4 ar._ :Olotee Moe onnoxed sad; otOssonans 'illearpotnupponi. 'yoootoo THE Ur , MOM idiom- tin; entanionm of n o w a ripu boom esnitid ate:•urr . tar Ws puriallftsen QitsTIONS=2OO busAiiiiVor,9ldlina, aussigsamat and fixt . I . • ' • • T PO7, t ALK about ibis ben' '• • lla pp ; • is s Tik t '• • 3 t ItßL.stx,GGB,3tuk-roV(itb*'sll J ~ T iwµ~~~" ~.~ ar . eatkozo& tolmaa \ 1 I 1 ~Lj