ititLISILED BY Winn: k CO. FITTt3BITIGH ' 4 III}33I)AVISIORNING; - IANUARI "17; IEM Yoram XAGII PAGE OP 7177.5 PAYEE VII. prrratuvari WEEKLY AZETTE.—TtIe eiteualve otnattatiou of ono Wieldy Groodlo offers to our trustnerouten tt moot digitate Motto= of making their bout riesa lowan. Ottialroulatin L beta - mit:tow and fire thowitl, reselling stoat *very al:flags automats to Western Peinsyloaula, eta Lidera Otrka . r: . , ' ADVERTISERS.—NoIther the Edltotial Booms irnOr PtintintYstablishteen tor the Daly Citiette, are opened oa Stueity. AorLlMEZZArrhodeetre theli notices to apiSeiur n the paper on Monday moreloin. 4 4ll tame, - hend them In. drloek.•on Sataniay. • . 3LEETLNG:—ThiIniis and An: •.rat of tha • several Warde, aortninhs- and Town • ebizn in the Ownty. will tante et !bele places of Wdlied slactioow, on eATIIII)AI, - _the Mh day of J..' :tarn , }tut.: between the hours of 2 and 6 o'clock. P. V., and ,_ninne two • &leant. in • eseh district to attend a Gouty .oourantlon. on WYJMESDAY, the let day of„February, -16 , 31; at in for the rarpose of electing dee , tra l i tb iAMls c !i. "It= artibira; :TUE RUM OP ..Tl7. CHARTER 0V . 1712 FRANK • ...7.r . a.Cat4l. Coicrawr.,—Below we insert the copy of a till, read in place in the Senate by 11r..Das, lut Saturday; for the purpose of repealing charter of the Franklin Canal Company. .:Quir r adricee ere that th'e Bill wit pus both Bon withlforY hide delay.. The, preamble to the 'Bill is an irrefragable argument in defence of the *diem° measure wh)ch the Act contemplate& Whatever may be , said of the midi:Let of the pec;- !Ile of, Erie; or of the policy of .Pennsylvattia in regard, to gninting the right of way to foreign .road!, 120 honestman can deny that the Railroad bat by the Franhibl - Canal Company is a gross frauckypon therighii, immunities and sovereign 'of this, Commonwealth, and-thatthepunish ment:propoeed to he inflicted by the Legislature, As eminently just, and absolutely necessary to assert the politer and dignity' Of. the State. We have nadouht,y this outrageous fraud had . . . not tmen attempted, that the right of way, on fair texas, wonidhave been grantedby the'Stnto long sgo, - and whatever sympathy the people of the 'Statiratirhave extended to tho people of Erie, troubles has growo oat of this shameful attempt to ride over the sovereignity of •the State rough shod. The people know" that :thOStato htia -been lawlessly 'invaded, and they unable to diseriinialte, among the conflicting ~ ,iriatementig,lictw far 'Cie people of Erie ore .right forirrong. z• We hope the Letiistature win pass the repeal bill without delay, and atter•haring thus vindi ..... jilted the hoticor . .if_the State, that it !ill then pass _ . t. Sailrcutd Law, giving to the Railroads .40fall.tire marrow:sling, States the: power. to pass through our territory on terms justand reasons for the largest liberty in this res :„pbolt::, far as. trade, travel, oral commerce are ,corajgrued, there should be no State bounds, but the-utmost. liberty. .shtmld be granted for unre ' atticted'commerceand intercourse. The following is the Act referred to: Art to. Anna! the Charier.of the Franklin . . Cana! company: WnEszAs, it is provided by the net entitled An . .. ....Act regolating.milroad companies, passed on the :-.nineteenth day of February, Annoy Domini one ......thouttand eight hundred and forty-nine, that if :.: any company incorporated by special act of As sembly thereafter to-be passed, shall at any time •misuse or Mintier the privileges granted by tho •,-;!, said act, orby its own special act of incorporation, _---.-the Legislature may revoke all and singular the -., rights and privileges so granted to- such compa -.' r: 'And whereas, It hath been judicially ascertained -:' . that the Franklin Canal company, ' a body empty ' . rate the laws of this Comm onwealth, fertile pirpoie 'of 're-constructing, or repairing, ' f - .the Tianklui Divimion of the Pennsylvania canal, 1 -- ' 'With - the priVilege of constructing a railroad, and =` "acing the graded line or towing-path of the said ' canal as the bed thereof, and of extending from ' - the nerth - end thereof to Lake Erie, and from -.. : ;the south' end thereof to Pittsburgh, and - made '' - by its charter expressly subject to allay , : pro ' f. 1 / 3 10119 and restrictions of the said first ithove re ..,, ', lsited net; bath, under color of the authority and ' , privileges thus conferred, and without re-con -1 , . strwcting or repairingthe said Franklin Division, . or constructing rt 'railroad thereon or along the -' ;mime, and on the pretence:of 'an eitension of a 1 - Wolk : not either completed 'or commented, laid - ticiwii and COnstructed.'another and independent ,road, - along and nearly parallel_With the lake ' • ilfore,from the dePot of the - Erie and North-East railroad to the western.bounclary of this State, at ` - 'the *eastern terminus of a certain railroad within ''. - the territary;ef Ohio, and which' was to form a ''r _mutinous linewith the, - said last mentioned road, , ....- and 44 'eoitsol.44e; as declared' and' represented , , by themselves. a part 'or section of another and .-•' - distinct read, designated by them as the Erie and. ."':Cleveland Cleveland railroad, 'tho same being a rood not ' z.-';`'lmintrn - *o'er sanctioned by the 'lasts of this Cons ' 'kusiotvrtedth, and - being Intendeichodvely to 7 tnerchan ,- =ate the transit of paiieng nd " • and from th e Cities of Cleve nd and New e b, ... - Fork.':nror 'and through the tory of this '''' ,: Stritt . r,': '.-- - - - - ' - 'did 'whims. It hath• also been satisfactorily C-: aseertatned that in'the*rstilf and consummation ..'•-• - "of the said illegal object and•purpose, the means . onatitoting the 'alleged capital go& of the said '''''.. lx*POy bate been almost exclusivelyfurnished : ''-'• " -- 'lry the saidOhia company, upon a contract which .- qiniited the . spplicatiOn thereof to the said illegal purpose,. snit whereby the said Franklin' canal company fath abdicated and.transferred a laree . 7' .. . 'pie o its . eorporate powers and duties to the said' Qhio company; and bath moreover, placed 1 -P - , Itseleundefa voluntary disability, for an -indefl , :,, gio . peried, to carry oat the' great ends and pur -:.' 'phase of Ste creation: . • ..dasitshereas. It bath heen further ascertained, . '''!.. that hi the construction of the said * nu adhorized ' ,• iiid . ntegalioad, the said Franklin canal company !'7 :bith s iu addition to"-the disability aforesaid, ex ' "- -' haindeditit whole alleged and authorized capital ' '' • itocitindiesources„ and incurred a considerable ,:- - "-:debt over antlieyend the amount thereof, with --'' .".amt baiting Performed any of the obligations im posed upon it by- law ' " and bath thereby also • - strippeditself of all its legitimate and available • meanefor the acComplishment of the great pri "`: •mazy Ind anbstantial object of its Incorporation And. imbereal v Also, tbe said canal bath ' confessed its delitiqueney in the prettilenr; : by 'eeeldng shelter from the consequen --:',2 at thereof under tb4; authority of the federal government, and in derogation of the sovereignty - this State,'and, to the obvious disturbance of .'italuirminatons relations with said government, occasion for, and insetting corifxo therewith: upon a utiestion of territorial ':, -- jerisdletion OTC?' her ownaoil, ' and supervisory 110110 over bin own corPorilions ; dad idikels,': It- is the aolemn judgment 'of Ibitilsgisht.tare; that the said Franklin Canal Ctimgasy by the said aereral :iota and omissions ,DOrlila,befare dint ;recited and described,' bath proceeded in bail faith; and in fraud of the law andynttpeisei Of creation', and bath beedguilty and premeditated perversiou, abuse, • and misisa; of the rights, authorities; and, priv , lieges conferred upon it, so gross and palpable sa - to: call itiperatlialy for the exercise of the summarypower of revocation reserved, as : afore- . Ital 4 in the erigibil incorporation t hereof, , . . Now,,,therefort, consideraGond the premise s, thumint I. Be It muted by the Senate and /reuse , „ - of, Esprambstires of Cm: Commonwealth of Penn . - i v ran ia, in Gannet Assembly met, and it hei:eLy tnuied,by. the atithomity of the same: That all and idngular, the rights and privileges heretofore i*repted tha Frauklip . Canal Company, by the : act of a lleissixibly authorizing the Governor to in ,: •• . tho same, passed on the twenty-seventh "day et April, Anne. POMilli ono thousand , 'eight hundred and forty-four, and by the net amenda . ,tort' thereof, passed on the ninth_ day . of Apnl, , Annq Deptini one thousand eight :hundred and .. .... ,' larty : .nine, or by any other act or acts of ,Assem. 1 3 :taY Pupplegt entary thereto, be t and theta:Line ere, - hereby rescinded, ,revoked, utterly and forever Sterns 2.,Tbat the I3oTernor or this Carman _,, 61 take ethoiize-, •to • ' - • athl,lii is hereby L e a necessary for :.'.li°lloPettties Z.13.1'2113' be deemed the pro. aacliPe". 4 ind"cturyknitfeetion,- 1,-,:_;•Alle #.C'rilutliti,., foregoing, uen ' och no maY.kgott together te , : . _ .r, ''.. :T iAknti ° '' 'dints or consequences 'said;sud,t° P ,T the ''''' . art chh t,i, °, - i.e. =Elora aforeta ,uperintett attach to ' 4 !? , - -T Ono" untft the same 041 '.. -, 0- t a bb ? petlon-.V road, • , ` . 4.40 - ' t the , soul -‘ ding tO. /A,'' •'' opem- Vane 9.. 6,ii,j'asecor • be ;tattier du3P 14: OinirS SAiloreble COlO .:".7;4117-4!ee—ii.'innoun r oe d ita doeunonin the ,Ocenibus ,- enuiWe taken 'Op from this. city, and we find the rAiihriloneL of the inijorley: and minority' of the C.,catrt Iditho' r of Saturday , ji,o;;':7l o ly'oeeltpi#lTeneidaely printed columns . _ ,-..Jzidge-Woonte.anndelivered the opinion of the et*" =W " o 7 the tOuti,'-ntlirmlng .the Opinion ,of alderman .Whittaters; which. mtg.-asap/It the Company, and Yokes Mach and Lewis,. tlrd:dhseenting itirnember ,it'when . ire 'mentioned, some tine. since, 1:1.04.t4e.v03:1rt was ' 11 . 31 4 4 Oi'oe to two, in 'to -1;vor of tanning . the deeinion. and that Judge. Black and Lewis Were the, - ..two dissenting Sinigia,.l oar statement die. not pair tlheeiitmeli, but de.., niedli7elle . ier. '64 :It now 'Oinltivied * by the Court -:The following' paragraph . contains the irub.- fix. i , , ,- .:, : '.... , :i' - ',:,i; , . --. ; ,- ,' ,- ::„i•'; -, ', ,, `;' - : 2 .t . ,;f - Z1Vi'ic',, - .: ; , :' . :::ii':-..:, —, „.,....,. 'ry'..,'~:~:~;~, .. i'' atal;e oPiiiii4,litir7aelfivi - red' by the iritijiiiitrith the proje . its oi''etteh gentry on certain ex , Ad' the Court: • •es • pen,litures of the Senate. which, stripped of all .. , Omnibusa are great conveniences inlarge- .. disguises, would' appear in fthe simple form of , totem and populous districts, and the driving of ; ''robbers of The treasury. Peter G. will not pass them may, in many circumstances which it were these things. .It is desirable to get him out. To billasintrodeced, "SY'te imagine, helmth a necessity and a ' chac. ' hat d this Senate h' • bee, i • itk, and as ouch perfectly lawful on Sunday; but t ca d 11,41 tire not now dealing with special cases, or ex- and because these things were pretty well under -1 traerdinary occasions, but with an ordinary eve- stood, the House has put the hill to sleep by 1 ry-dak employment The defendant's 4th plea' shoot thirty majority. The motion to except • contains no suggestiop of circumstances which , Warlington from its operation was carried by' 'might hare rendered his act necessary. The. . 1 justifying fact alleged is, that be was bi es d by o nly about twenty _major) ty—' 2 which - indicated the month; and was fulfilling his contract. But ' about the prepondenincy`of the "Soft" Democra- if the work• Was tudaerful, his contract, was "aid iCk.over the Whigs and Bards. combined.' The r re far es regarded the Sunday labor; fer it is 1 final motion to lay the bill on the table I, well•sittled by, he authorities, that' if any! . was car'. l ' i tied b v 107 to 70 i act is forbidden ! trader a penalty, a contract to ! ' Belonging to the same order of Sena I•do it 'is void, [Kepner vs. 'Kiefer; 6 W., ,233, ! torial pre -1 mei the 'cases there cited,] - ,' In general, a con- : tensions was the bill for making Secretary Dick tmet of hiring by ; the month does Met bind the 1 ens , the - irresponsible dispenser:of the contingent laborer to 'work th ork en Sunday; yet, as e statute ; and all other funds belonging to the Senate.—' does not forbid every species of labor, but ex pressly licenses such as are mentioned in the 1 This bill as it came to the House would have proviso, it is obvious that a person hired by the ! - given a - committee of the Senate full control in month to perform any of Chore labors may be re e , ! connection with Mr. Dickens, of nearly half a gained to !miler& them on Sunday. Tile du-1 million of dollars a year. The House amended fetelant, however, is not within that category. "!. the bill so as to' keep the fund so under the super ' Ile was , not hind to execute an employment that • 'is - exempted from the penaltiesofthe statute,l vision of the treasury officers, that the accounts or which, per - re is a work of charity and mecca- I would be settled under the ordinary rules of the oily: Not a circumstance is ouggested on the 1 treasury department, devised to' assure a just re cord to distinguish his work on Sunday from responsibility for the use of the public money.— whet It was on any other day of the week. As , Th e accounts of the House funds are kept in the it is not pretended to have been a Work of chan j• m - ty or necessity on other - days it could not have ! same way, and no complaint has ever been made been on Sunday. • Running oMnibusses is a mere ; that the mode pursued occasions any inconve a ender employment, established aud maintained I thence or trouble. The Senate will of course fore private gain, ministering, and intended to i rejectthe amendment, and-it it plain that a con minister, not to the nhcolute wants of our com- , test has begun, between the Houses, that will mon natttre,'but to the convenience of the public i not soon terminate. I fear, however, the sups /or a price, No reason can be assigned in fatter of such an employment on Sunday whicli•might riot- firmness. of the Senate will prevail.. not he urged in behalf of every other 'arm of The authentic details of the neafight at Sinope preductiveindastry. If, on a day set apart by more than confirm the They worst accounts here divine command and human legislation, as a day for received. The report of the commander of rest, proprietors and drivers of omnibuses may prosecute their business, why may not far- of the British frigate sent to investigate this mers and mechanics pursue their equally useful, dreadful affair, can of course be relied upon. It though less lucrative callings! These employ- shows the battle to have been unmitigated and merits, like most other occupations, contribute, almost irreparably disastrous to the Turks, and more or less directly, to the public convenience, • proves a degree of recklessness and imbecility on and ere followed on the same motive precisely, which establishes and maintains onmibusses.— their part, which would - be altogether incredible If we construe the statute so as to license the if not so Well attested. This calamity proves to one employment, we ffinst, for consistency's my tided that in any even handed contest with sake, pronounce that it does not forbid the sib- the Russians they would be annihilated as a m ars, And throw open the tavern, the store, the workshop and the market , house, o n Su n d a y.— tion in a single regular campaign. It seems that If we decide that -wearily and Charily mean con- the Turks had the most abundant warning of the rearaer,(end this is the essettee - of the demand,) intention of the Russia . ns to attack them, but we emasculate the statute, and Sweep away the with an apathy which we should call insanity, lay • guards which the Legislature threw around,: not at their anchorage in a nearly open road until only the morals of society, but the physical health and well being of both men mid beasts.— the enemy came down at their leisure and des- If Sunday be thus surrendered to the fierce ri- troyed them. So dreadful was the slaughter Take: of efforts for promoting the convenience of that but three or four hundred escaped of more the public, it might as well be blotted from the than five thousand men, and but one small steam calendar of days. But we have no right 'to give up this institution. It has come down to us et- of a fleet of fifteen vessels and 484 guns. Nor with tide most solemn sanctions both of God and. was the preponderancy of the Ttuagails in ships man, and if we do not appreciate it as we ought, and metal so very great as m havelrecluded all we Sr.,, at the least, bound to preserve it. We possibility of a more favorable result for the hays no power to repeal the act 'of '94, nor to Arks. The Russians had hut 600 gnus. Amer utak o its exemption of works of charity and ne cessity include works of mere convenience. Our lean and English sailors have gained victories duty requires us to construe the statute as to accomplish its purpose, which was o enforce an obierranee of Sunday, instead of obliterating it.— We therefore hold that driving arimmnibus as an ordinary public conveyance, is a work, neither of necessity or charity within the meaning of the statute and consequently, that the defendent was property convicted. Tho Opinion of Judge Black, dissenting, is not very respectful towards the majority of the Court, nor very powerfur in its reasoning. lie is opposed to all legislative enactments for pro moting the observance or the Sabbath, and clearly thinks the Act of 1794 a humbug. The Opinion abounds in the sophistry which charac terizes the general reasoning of the Judge. Judge Lewis' opinion welare not had the pa tience to read It is donhtless a very fine aPeti linen •of writingin the - opinion of its author; but it is not destined, we apprehend, to a long- lived remembrance .1)C. SHOENBEILI3II?--We are pained to bear that this gentleman is lying very - ill at Philadel phia, and that his phyeicians have abandoned all hopes of his recovery. zs.2i.The fatuous New York circular announc ing the resolution of the signers, not to ship through Penneylrania, but by way of Baltimore, on account of the Erie trouble, has been publish ed. cod the number of names amounts to thirty fire, alldold. A small affair, in more ways than FROM . WASHINGTON Corrarpontleneu of the Pittabrirgb Gault. WAMITSGTOS. JAIL 18, 1854 Mr. Clayton will continue his excoriation of Gen: CASs oa Monday. The great Ilemosratic leader...broke 'down .after floundering. upon the sea ofiiiplomaey for half an hour r yesterday, and claytort"severil times kindly recalled him to the strae of the question before the Senate. But no practical good will be accomplished by this debate. .Thel s treaty has never been and never 'will be enforied. The present administration - is disposed to leave the whole matter to the deci .sion of events, and in the present situation of af fairs in Europe I think that is the wisest course. ' The statesmen of England. Will hardly be dri vine plans for the acquisition, by force or fraud, of petty colonies in' Central America, when at their wits ends for the means of defending their maguifice . ntindian empire from the hands of in vaders. -With Mexico we are, on the contrary likely to have another war, brought on by pre cisely the !lame meant and for the same object as the last One; originating in the Texas insur rcctiOrt and eliding with the conquest of Califor nia. Almonte will be ordered home by his own and his reentry's master, unless President Pierce Intervenes for the prOtection of their northwest provinces from the attacks of the Pillibusters.— Gadsden will virtually leave the Mexican capital soon after. - lle is said not to be a very able or adroit man, and go . far, has not shown himself equal to the necessities of his position. - But if the administration has little reason to eon militate itself upon the success of its diplomacy I abroad; it certainty"may bike some comfort from thei4ine of its efforts to crush all indepeedence of sentiment, within its party at home. In the House, to-day,,the bill from the Senate for bring hag Peter G. Washington, Assistant SeeretaTy of the Treasury, before that botiy, in order that he inky be Made an example of, was pretty well rid dled, and finally laid on the table. Readers of this correspondence need not be 'told that I have I no sympathy with nor respect for the Gant- Shells either as regards tbeir :natives, proceed logs; or Objects. I understand that they have fallen.ont with Pierce and his cabinet, as they pretend, because he has not pro.scribed the Prec Soil wing of the party, and because he her:Mown himself net so servile - an instruenent oe slavery as they think be ought to be.. Now I know this' is mainly a pretence, because. most of theseAd- I imantine factionists care no more - fore slavery than the 'FreeStitiers themselves/- lint so far es it has any foundatlort at all it io a passport to the contempt of everycitizen of is free State; for if 'there ever. was. an atlinhristration• more dent . fed to slavery than.this I could not point it out: Lint infect the- motives which' influence these Hard Shell rebels is far baser than a ftenatical adhesion to any principle, hotteyer 'un_sound; - could he. They lurre.raised thc;:ettinaltird of re volt because they did not get all the offices, and . i because they cannot induce -Pierce to throw over board 3larey' felefidain favor'of son and hiehand of .patriots. 'There iSaISO an other class of motives operating upon the con 71 duct of these peays:. A:great many.of them; have direct pecuniary interests dependent upon thenction 'of the governmerit, alltithey have been unable to . 4110 10 . 14 0ntitration to 'onmplifinee with their schemes. George Law, the greatimi, lies, rail reed, , stettmallip, - and . contract' specu, later is the heed and' of , thein.• Hre patri otic rage fa `" excited tOn red heat in centempla.• I lion of the Cann! inflicted .upon the South by the t appointment. pes,,.iohnscin, to the post office of •Yiratdotown near the ,Canada frontier. An individual less interested in and : devoted to ihe'preseitation 'of the Union than bin:self:night I not pensive the enormity of titbit . outrage upon -I the constitution, lint his strong, practicaljudk meat:aided by the acuteness of, Ned Crosswell, ehoWs him at'onee the, extent of the danger,' and ! lie loses TM - time in cpming out for the. Union and the Conetitationend . egainst the Pierce . adminia: tration, too, with Coping and his partners . in Abe Liverpool htesuqthips, who have eight!, hundred and littiMight thOusand.reasoni per i 'annum for toying the constitution;, so with Now- I land `P ;spirtnall; so, with .thncastii!, Gardeil 1 flifety Committee. • :Petet-A*tildttear is not a,favrorite With thesergentlenten., - 14 standlians:t Omen theifiiia the money liegea-aleeely allied over greater odds. There is no confirmation of the statement that the Russians. suffered any ccnsiderable loss. The fact that after this terrible calamity the western powers are still cringing at the skirts_ of Russian diplomacy,:appears to me almost con clusive of the 'event of this war. Constantinople in Europe may be suffered to stand a few years longer the “shadow of a name, - hut .tsia Minor must become like Wallachia and Moldavia, a Rus sian province, and ti high road will he opened from St. Petersburgh to Calcutta. Jesus. ilmrav A. MCIIILENBERG,—BeIow we copy the 'remarks of Mr. Dairsow, of this State, in the House of Representatives at Washington, on the occasion of the death of the lamented Henry A. Maildenberg. The remarks arc brief, eloquent. and. direct to the purpose: Hr. Speaker: it is, sir, with feelings of no or dinary emotiou that 1 rise to notice the raglan choly event which has just been announced. An association with the deceased in the representa tion on this floor of the people of Pennsylvania, and standing to him in the relation of personal and intimate: fricudahip, I feel that I nut but dis charging the . last painful duty. Maar A. Muutcaucuo, as has been well re marked, could boast eh ancestry of eminent dis tinction. The brother of his grandfather. Fred erick Augustus 11uldenberg. was the first speak er chosen to preside over the House of ltepresen- Wives of the United States under the present Constitution. Joseph Meister, his.. maternal grand-father was among the early Governors of Pennsylvania. llis fattier, Henry .t. Meihllm berg, long a distinguished member of this body, was afterwards chosen by General Jackson the representative of hie GaTero.lllllllt to the court of Vienha: and after discharging with high credit to life reputation the duties of that responsible po sition, be was, shortly after his return to Penn sylvania, nominated to the highest Once known to her conblitution- , It will be fresh, air, in the memory of. many who now hear me; kow - ; with. Llte' prospect of being carried triumphantly to the chief magistri ey of that honored Commonwealth, the father was stricken dawn by the hand of the same invis ado enemy which now. on the threshold of a pub lic career, and in the bright morning of life, has prostrated the son. . The deceased, sir, was a man of high charac ter, of inflexible integrity, of polished education and manners, and with a mind richly stored with solid and practical information. It was conceded by all who know hint that he would have been .a most invaluable member of this body. True, be had represented his native eoontY—the ancient county of Berke--[n the Senate of Pennsylvania; and bad shown an ability which promised much for the future. Although comparatively n stran ger in this body his death will cast a gloom over every portion of his native Commonwealth. As a husband and a father his happiness was .complete, and it is with feelings ofsympathy, the most Learfelt, that we recur to the Images of the devoted wife. and little boy—an only child— watching anxiously, awl hopefully, by the bed of the stricken sufferer, soothing by their presence his dying moments: and rendering the last sad tribute of elfeetion. Sir, It is a solemn thing to die. When we close our eyes, for the last time, 'upon the objects of our affections, and the bright light of the morning— to feel, to know that when the portals of the tomb closenpou all that pertains to this perishing mor tality, the spirit has' taken its flight to ...that un discovered cocustri from whose bourn no traveler -returns:" The column which will mark hiagraed =ay serve to .perpetuate by: its inscription the memory of his virtues, hut the- deselation.of hex own home nothing can supply. When we contemplate, Mr. Speaker, the do nestic woe, as well as the public loss, Which. an event on sudden and overwhelming occasions, wo cannot but feel, with a painful sense of its reality, the uncertain tenure of our mortal exis tence. But yesterday, awl I saw hint within thesemarblecolumus, full of life and spirits, participating in the organization of . this Douse, wearing modttly the honors of his trist; and to day, numbered with the dead It is in the providence of tied to create and to destroy. Tho honored and the lowly crumblu alike before his Firer. In short years, end the - national representation now seated around me will follow in the path of our departed friend, and the grave become a common receptacle. The attention of our readers is directed to the advertisement of Mes'sers.Ctishman fr. Co:, in an other column,' referring to the celebrated pro fessor',liiritS AfeCtintocic; of. Philadelphia, who hen recentky,issigne4 his post among the faculty of the Philadelphia College of Medicine, for the purpose of bringing out, ilia popular form, some of his great dismiverlei in the healing art now series of 'family Medicines,' designed to substi tute good remedies, scientifically prepared. ,for the common nostrums- valid' have heretofore flooded the country. It is a great movement forth; good of the people, and should be trus; - . TUE Ilfmanst STIIIICIL—We are informed that the reviler strike among the war ng miners in m the Cumberland ai - regions will anse the ens.' 1) . 614101115r ill shipments of coal th de for some time to come. ,The rate has been 36 cents until lately; when the Cumberland Coal Company re fui.cti to give o'er 28 cents. The workingmen In consequence; tomiiined, and insist upon 40 cents. it ie stated that at 28 cents they earn two dollars per day, 'and that 40 tents would give them three dollars. •. The additional charge of 50 . cents:per ton for coal transportation, made by . the Baltimore' and 'Ohio Itailread CoMpany, and thopresent rates of freight isy sea from Bald more,•which is now four depart per ton, it is Abu, stated, precludea the poseibility of the cotti pany'a giving way imptice: The Men, however; a r s stated by a correapendent . front the. Mining region, in the Sun, a few da,y's Since, were con tent at the 35cents until the attempted reduction to 28 cents was made.--Ealt: Sun.' . - -', EXPORTS AND . iIIPORTS.-1110 total 1131110 of foreign exports for the week • ending on Thus-. day, Was-$411,228." The • export • of breadstuff"' for the week, comprise: 29,614 barrel" of - flour; 1;170 barrels of corn meal, 29,616 , bushels of corn, and-11,691 bushels of wheat. - Of tobacco" 1,396 hogsheads, and of coal 616 tone went to fo - reign , ports. This presents a gratifying open ing opening of the year's btuduess, and wain.. dulgothe hope that no auspicions,n commence. tient , may rbe Indicative of a permanent • el-- paelion •• of the foreign trade & t our: part;American. - . • Rases OE Tit Sae FaoLICISCO.:4—Thp wreck of the steamerani'. : Francisco,..the accotint cf which reached us yesterday, presentsone of the most re-: maikable cases ofdisasthr at sea'that we return- her to have ever -recorded. The melancholy de tails of the shipwreck will be found in another . column. The striking fact in this case is this: Here woo a ship of the. best norettruOini,",extriaL onii rarity well fitted and provided for along and tempestuous.. voyagep„on-the.,second day out, withiri one hOur from the commencement of the 6int4alO-She encouidtgred;inififfictilty;tind with- in hr., houis disabled and lying helpless iu the trcugh of a heavy sea. According to the account which is furnished by- an-officer of the lost Ship, the wind at 6 o'clbokon the evening of the disaster had died away.' At 9P. Milt sprang np, and at ID P. M . .. the ship broached to—that is, • fell into the trough of the sea. By the aid of sails and additional steam she was relieved from this peril i i to •and got before the wind; but in loss ' than en hour more, at 11 P. M., she broached again, and an efforts to regain control of the essel and extricate.her from her dangerous pos tion were unavailing. The seas rolled in upon her on the one hand and on the other. opening her beams, starting her planks and sweeping her decks, till at the end of two hours more she was in a sink ing condition; and notwithstanding Steam anti pumps were in full operation, and the -Ts were organized into bailing gangs, I , nor continued steadily to gain upon there night. The, great loss of life ,- following morning at about .9 heavy sea struck the 'steamer at the decks . and washed overboard persons. It is perfectly flppar which wrecked tie San krannisct this lamentable loss oflire was thou every sloop that goes aro often called to encounter, and -a every day West Indinman that weathered it in safety would have her business, What is to be explained, therefore, in the eime of the San Francisco is this broaching to, which' was the primary and sole cause of the disaster. It is plain that it arose from one of two causes. Either the ship was badly modeled or bad ly trimmed. She would not steer in a gale of wind:. This is the great fact to whi oh this calamity is to be attributed. Who is to blame for this, or whether any one is especially culpable,. we have now no melins of knowing, for we are in posses sion of no facts or intimations beyond those dis closed in the record. But it is a most remarka ble circumstance, if no suspicions were excited, and no predictions of disaster hazarded, based upon the construction or trim of this ship when she , procetsled to sea. If there were none, it will very much lessen our respect for the, opinion of mariners and nautical men in regard to the con ditions requisite to insure the safety of a ship at sea. We wait for further explanation and de veloperuent, confidently anticipating that there is a story yet to be told in regard to this ill-fated steamer to which, no yet, we have no clue. We regard with admiration the gallant conduct of Capt. Watkins, of the lost vessel, who stood faithfully at his post on board the sinking ship forthirteen weary days and nights, availing him self of the assistance that chanced to come in his way, endeavoring to get the vast number of persons under his charge on .board one vessel and another, under every embarrassment and at every hazard, amid freezing, piercing gales, and cruel waves, hourly threatening to engulf him, himself remaining on board the ship whatever the alarms or the threatenings of the hour and being the very last man to leave.- It may be said that he did no more than his duty. But it was a most severe-duty, nobly, manfully end heroic ally done. . .. Neither can too much praise be awai l lled to t'apt. Creighton, ofelhrela Bells, who landed ti 2.311 of the sufferers at this port yesterday. For six ,lays he lay by the crippled and water logged vessel, with words of hope and cheer upon hit lips, aad faithful to, the impulses of a manly heart, reinnined steadfast in his purpose of mercy, till all were succored. Some emphatic testimonial is due to auch a brave, true and gal= lent mariner.—N. Y. Tnhatic. . FIT. the Welletehwh (Vs) Herald TIM reeMllettalt Anti STEeDENVTIXE Rton. infsg.—During the latter part of loot week we indulged in a ride along the line of the handle Railroad. The amount of work that has been done on it is enormous. and considering the short space of time nitro it Seat dually corn rneneed can hardly he'sppreciateti. The•face of the landj•cape is entirely altered, and he who has not been along the romantic valley of Ilarmon'o Creek. for the last Fix months, can scarcely ro edits, the localitieo. The road starts at the wa ter's edge, and by an easy gentle reaches the clean firm of high water mark, awl thence turning neither to the right nor left, continues on It demi level no far no can be seen aver embankments twenty feet high and of intiofinable length. and through auto, one of which at least rivals in depth and difficulty. if not in length, those on the far famed route of the Raltineve and Ohio road, over the Aliegbrnieo. 14 it short dis tance below Ryland's Mill. and in the contmet Of Meson. Patterson it Doe. It is tits largest job on the road. The railroad fleet appratiehe j , the county mail nt., the point where the counti bridge.crosses 'the' creek. It doe• not actually crowithe road then, but it carried lengthwise, over it for a short distance, on tressed work eimetly high to acc otr imodato the travel under-I neath—the rails being shoat on a level with that Caere of the bridge. This is the only point where', it Materially Interfere% and owlnthe contitt uratitin ' ground,' tritifi at,o rfeeettier'tOilld• - •• -' well have beer( avoided.' To thlelphititAhetiforle. 4 : Jeotine 14Igingtou.'' was actually kw* niag at the time we were there, and wit enjoyed' hi company with cur- 4 friends,. ride . feithe first. time over the Panhandle Win*. The calla were heti% rufildlyllaid' further up die tine, and we were informed! by the contractore.thet the entire work will be finished within two Week's of. good weather. Offence% ride was algrinlized by. an accident, the front wheels of the lcittolllntivel having left the track . and. ran bumping %lour over the lieu fur a short distance, fortunately nething 'was broken, and nobody dangerously frightened. The run off was occasioned by the sinking of the tics in the soft earth or a'filt, and wilt rather ,nuticipated than otherwise. The en- . 1 gine was quickly on the track again, and con tinned her tripe backward andqerward during the dAy. COnductor, Mr. Livingoton, of the I. Railroad. The point of divergence for the Wellsburg ex tension is at Use tressel work, the main roadcom mencing there to ascend the hill ISO itA to gain the altitude ll(4,es.sry for the contemplated bridgk t . at the point nearly opposite the : Paper mill :..Z.f' Messrs. Banns in Steubenville. The isseendiq mik lino not yet been commenced. The,lia rt RIM is thitalsed belongs to the Wellsburg branch, and to to he used for the main road until legion. ; lion con be bail for the bridge and during its con otruetian. At the high water point on this per ri l lion, next the river, working men are engaged in 'grading the road al ng the bank: 'This' is the bona fide 'lVollsbu extension," Therein ith intense feeling existing among the people in that vicinity and II deterininationto use every means not, unlawful to exercise their rights; but we heard, no opinion expressed even by the moat ungttarded, in fever of anytling that was not striilly lawful. This feeling is unitni motto throughout the two counties of Brooke and Hancock, and particularly intense among the farmers. If any one at a &saline° imagines, that this in a project in which but a few concern ed individuals take an interest lie in mightily mistaken. The . yeomnitry of the land are heart and soul for it, and though, they would violate no law, yet If emergency required it, we verily be lieve they woithl fight shoulder to shoulder, not so much for :the railroad itself, "as in - defence of the principle invislyed. With the Virginia Bill of Rights in their hands, they would make their ap peal to the citizens of the commonwealth, end if that failed, to those of the Union; and there would then come up fr6m the hosoni of the people from Maine to Florida; from Ocean to Oeetut one. mighty murmur against the mother: or StatesV that would-Cause the cheeks of her chivalry to burn with 81111M13. There is indeed a deep prim' ciple involved in this :question; and though the Panhandle is iiMiterically weak, there is a mighti nese in a just cause.' Our 'Legislators ...should Consider, that no community, is entirely secure, however well backed by ' uunibers, but that bad precedents, unjust acts, like avengers, maytconars again to !Slope them and their households. 1- $10,1:00 WORTH OP BOORS A Nlb PAREBB NAY OD WITH , A ISO BAIR 1 • Auirod, Elm Co., Ps.,} • • - November Id, UHL •., Messrs. Burke A; Itarnes—Peer dirs--Your. two. letters were duly rewired. I _WU absent at the time I would SO t. In ere to.your safe, T consider. It perfectly PlllO PHOOT. toted the one I beg ht of you lest Pal. on the rule morning °re lUthof Jn. last—my store building helm: burned to ashes. • It was built of wood • and !Rick—alarm., three - story betiding. .11/ safe was In Rat the time of the fire end .rell Into the odlar, where there was e large are:inut. ann..' It wee • eery hot firs. Hy- notes sad book accounts that were In the. Eisike 'amounted to about Ten Thousand liollenb which was ed.. , Thorn was got paper Wand; and/nether, .Leieuld Weise nay person who Is doing bushier, , to le. noiline. but boy 813313 to keep their Paters, Itei, In—end grit ens that Is good. , 1 ma pleereoommend your balk ..toter one. , Times, Te4r. • . 7701124 T. ROBT. ti II :RENAME' WIIARM •••••' • • EDWARD WRIEKI LOGAN, - .WILSON linrorteig find Wholegabilkaleikin, INIIILION AND DOMESTIC DADDITARD; CDTGDY, lime removed In their new andlaatenalve Store, No. 1:41 Wood stret, low - dime above thop&Dlee Hote l . where etudr enstomme. and tnerehants I.lfrd an examination of the most nom O t t iomfommt aver offer, STATE MUTUAL . FIRE AND .M.A.UENE INSURANCE -Co: IRANOR OFFICE-orner Fourth and smithaod .troott, Pftinhunh. -CAPITAL, /150.1X10. mow—John P. Untherlbrd, Dou.phin Co.; E . 0, L4"l E rkk bo li kTMTot B.'lu'l Jour. I.4l4d°l V hi a; - A. I''J Irthott, l lionishorr, " 7+2 b ' i..... " ll=4.r tbbun dli o • o .ki, Winn Co.; John B. • Ituthorlnnl Ds Ihi Co -..., r : . -.: JOHN Orißragr ig: . 4"l44 '_ ': A. A. OAILIIIJiII, Actusli' . - S''' , '' '- : kt;;notlany mill WWI, vim o.... Ai nt - ':` - ;1' Wand ma/mike sad . 'map op mune, and ....b r w.# 0 ,...... =1 ,,,...,, .=4„.„,,,,,,„.........iiii,-.....,,-fiazitrs Anbrola) & wiLLIAms, 174.117.XCi ,LVD VEN71L.117312 WAR WOLTZ ..X.o[7.l[TlXt.r 4 - OF - Chill= Furnaces ; Wrought Iron Tubing, - AND ITTT/NG - VOT: STPJI3I, - GAS '011:-WATE11, :n Market meet. Yittsh'argh. • - /Se:Krause .old oar Pursizekr.. Patternx. te- to lessee. Alo..OLD SI • WILLIAMS, whom Ire crd/Ally reememend ItrAtteDethrone et: the path, • ATKIsoN HENRY. 1:11 COLLINS 11)WitAleurNG AND _ - COMMISSION MERCHANT, ANL WHOLE7ALE MAUI: 13: - CHEESE, BUTTER, SEEDS, FISH, And PonWee Generally, NO. 2,3V00d street. Pittsburgh. AMOS .LELAND & CO., 111 YEAR L STREET, Nay: You, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS STRAW GO Doertptins to Coydatin s In part of DS, PANAMA. maim.. SEDER. RRAII . CANTON, AND PALM LEAF HAT.'. English, Italian, Swiss Lind :ilk BORMAN, ARTIPICIAL MODE] STRAW TRIMMINGS &c., ersgel toduprieing nue of the lerurrt Stork to the City. to which the attention of Time and Cash users Is .•respret fully solicited. N. 11.-11ATTERS are particularly Welted to call and emus-fine our Stock, which in Igultod eSnreinily to their Ttinle. en:aiming- all the new and fashionable stile. °I oct24mil R. C. LOOMIS, • (lf the late firm of M'Curcly & Loomis. - :WHOLESALE DEALER IN BOOT'S AM) SHOES, Ira Street, Pittsburgh. je 1;1410, PROTECTION INSU 5.7 I , ANCE COMPANY . , OF HAI:T OR 0,N1N., Rapltal , AlmostlFfi C l• andWtoterri Food, $1,000,_000, IscoilpoiATED 182 g, Polk ies of Insurance issued at all times on the moat fm‘orable terms, against LOSS )R DAMAGE BY FIRE, OR THE. PERILS OF NAVIGATION. Hy LIEORGE IL ARNOLD, Agent. • mt 0. 6 ,53 ?p,IO Fur DRUborgh and Allegheny ('n. LOIA rogAung t WILCOX. JO. 71.01100. FLEMING BROTRERS, (SUCCESSOBS TO J. clop A co.) ESALE DRUGGISTS, )O. ID WOOD STREET. PLTTALWRGH. PA. Proortetorr I' Dr. 51'Leacs Colobrated ''ermlfurle, Liver PM, Indigestion anti Liver Complaint Cured Iry 11.11711'3 P ITROLEUM.—Read the following letter from Rev. it, Dirks ln. a .311,ssionart- In Oregon: esa l rtl r S tr s t i aa.f. ' j.l T. ;Ire '2r. • - :1`;:fg TUr,",i l o r ,`:." 7) o :irt:', i have dun 'lend me n'ints of two , three dorm . nottlem. I art t h e tloncrearationat .11Ialater In this plaotrand troves! °flay twople ore affected with Incligestlon and an hovtion bin...liver; the same of tn 3 self and wife, Islam taking your PCTIZOLECTI, (lIL LOCK OIL.. We took several I.t -ties—l wo kV three melt—about a year and a bat( ago.nd aa bare never enjoyed so good health far dears as we have nine , that time. I had not taken a Ana l , bott le bofore that fullness if the stomach W bleb to d a the dye. it was reiterant, and I bars felt nothing o it duce that time. 11y - Wife was aim MI. al from a Chronic disease or the licor, which had tees uf several years standing, by the ma. ofy(4{.• Petroleum. SLI by . tl. KER, Canal Basle GrA. IL KEYSER, 140,3„t tot at.. and Kite and Monikine Dealers every whmr. ;Papers advertising Petroleum camf.l or- 26 Five - Hundred Worms.Expelled.—Read the Allowing statement from respectable Druggists of the sort airing egocts of IL A. rahneetork's unequaled Ter' mutt,... OODC[Nrxibrat. N. Y., Jan. 13, 1A53. Megan- •li. Fahnratool, A flo.—llenlietnen-sLatthew elarb, a loan of Illl.luubt.l Trrarity, of the town of Linbon, SA Lawrence Ceoutty, Now York. rays that ho has a little LAteear" old. to whom he gate three doves o(11. A. Vithaostool l x Yeentlfliste4it three siurowdre honer, In the aftemoon of the rause day alto padlled at ...we time SEYWA• TEM.:int! at anther, NISE7S.II:I Worm,. Its,ut two o.elboh, the following night, alto tweed the ineerdll.l.l num ber 41'11 II II lINIMILI) ANI/ Ylt bIiTY& ISE., snaking In all, In lost than tvelyehottral ileraid they were porleetly en irht,i at- such a mass of worm', Boro n eland orb, act, and that he counted then,AnPurlitelY• & KANDALI. 1/tvggists. Presseed rod add hr B. A. EAIISgSTIICK & corner Wood and flretwtreete. - Pittrburgh. nn2l 11) - AquERItk0fyrE8 Ar PPP NATIONAL OALLERT. IeKSON'S Nationol Dogoerrean Goners, 11,11 .tr. 1 7r 11 the Itiatnond "ard flaring. rtrert. teprnolte /1 in store, Vlttehurgh. Le. 114 and Oentimatell r4hisß to ,Main Iltedlke lore., at moderate tema will pleate call at the establtalument. 111 l lveidm up with very oupetide nide and A,- u o ios, orroopo mach eitorat, tate the unmade Ilte 1. of thellthattlec huma pe n form Curt with ail t Oa az neeselon er enimated life In Alt USIIIIIPP. pn~n Jolt. l'aluttuus. accurately and du tiOcen of original Unmans. Mr•tdel tmt required to take picture- M il ne , • perfect_ maeuthiatum. Lilmne.wes tukon t.f klt and tereaeml lemma la any Met of the titY and ILerne elm, and rde.rating from 8 A. a.. 1 6 P.. Entrance In the Diamond. delledretlytT ~..;r„. l Tzilzlt O'CONIER, BROTHER & CO., le,h Tb 0108 , ,.. 1 .1 BANKERS AND INSURANCE DEAL- ii.i:Vti,:7Twwt tw . wn t rit , ‘ N. 111 Wool street. one Mos-from First etre, t. Pitt,-Sum, anti f non Its ttlys statt burl , -Boy and wit Par mud Current Von& el cht and 1 n ' ,...”,t ° ,.1..v d, ,,,t,„1„; . , 1 ,; k 1 foot I xct,an., , , 010. Steak. Raw-rn and It reerni Imo I In ,•ol lir. It ILL Mph, and Csombersrl - rider, allow 6 per mot ou Time Ile-' ''''' - raaltew of Par an .I Current YoklUer, and lushes Fire and 1 - •np , e Moen., Poles, 4 r thr 1-.. a Iso It ... a toureve trash l, 40. m . detlllB . 2 LiverPths.—When the pro cwwa,d. 417...5ki nod lint Issue., s Coarva. 01.,,1t0 no , ~ ,of th - 1 , Itmal o al. l, remedy PomMun`d l4 of q.t.' 4 , 10,0 , 10 OM ) no m S or, r.there was no medicine whole deserved the name. o — akland Property far Sal . 'I for the rumof liverand BilionsComplaints,nutwithsteend slllA I S top -' los the crest perwdence or tbia disease In Um Limed 0,07 to ,tllllO,Ol ..1 , .,t 0 , 0 hill mile ron, the elly Hoe, i 0x..,,. In tha South nod N%rett oartkolarls. when the fru+ Liu; t a Ponnsamola trroto Is cororal with patient Is framently unable to °Main the wersiwo of a i rad Teem of Des ris dada birds, ma e of them Su full I re, ~,er pllyrietan. 10 , m0 rem,, , i) we, er.vated, at once , safe haul:.;;_ .theno abundance. of temp, I 'wherry. Currant. , nod offertnal, and the otanettoe of whirl, rood to te,M-lae Ossweemrt• to.. £4, 'llene Is atoe4 um Frame Limp, I prow hrmudicial to the constitution. This medicine in to M Ctrs with weurealrot nut tau 00 It For rue of our ;Aril by Dr. 3l'Lane's Girl MK &A hal 11 w _ 0 4 , 90 ,,,, . and t Irsaustnese Of Matfett th 1 - 71/pft.y osnnot es ert•itudnitce dellindtiehoptad At tliaL,e •141. ourrtwat. It natititatwo-litl4 .141A414 " In 11441 '" " 4 414; 140. " 'b x . 0 . 0. ...5nat1i v Ithattbprago , ... top4lrer. orrtrrtie let° lot. perrlnaing *Cm:altar* Imo!. tittnlntUktl64oretitlart aut.m...t.nd t news& J. GUJI , NJ:g4 --Ino di.a.guaaal.byfsea., it hror nothing In ropy:are , .53 dtt ".. N, 110 Tow., gr...r. I with lb. moat rostra= Maimed upon the tat by Ladies Fano,' PIM , / . or Droved. ballad a deaden that Dr. Inane, Pill ii the ' NI etli6r) 4 , C0. rrowdd moot respectfully ~..., 0- m..drt.. , l" Ire the I•Pre er.P4i.t. I lasitr the attention at Lam., b„, lad, 1.., ..., mu ,,,,, 1 . 4 . 1 Parcbsems will be mraful aria *0 DIL VLAINET , ~..,,.,,, vt „..,,, ~,,,,... p0w,,,ra.., .„..„,,,,..,L...{ C 1.1.1 isIiATED LlVrall PILLs, and takone Wee. Th om I .-.,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,.. , th .,, ,,, 4 o n :.; - .7"...„,..;;, ~ ,4 : 7 . ,,., nr,f, peer I ills. puns elites to To Liver Lila, also, Ids Cola , m . ~,,,, Th.,,,...,...., ~,,,,,,,, 0 . 4 $ ..." 0 ,... 5 ,,,,, 'mord Vern:Mos, am now be bid at ail respectable Drug • c vid a dp,,,,,, p,a,,,,,.,0 OA, .8.... de. 0r ,....". „v.., ~ 1 btares to the Lotted -tenteW eisej,2,fOr wale by the wile peer Nall 0..4 , tuitin, FLEMIAGS DROVIERS, Iml MUMMY Soermems too Kidd i Oa, 60 'Mad et. 'A - . H H 01 , 711, ES & B 1 II H. RO•• 1 QCOTC'EI RILL MARKII.—The Butchers , cr.rnlmy. w. SO ID IRA 1 , S DOLS, PICKS, 11„Y,,, h 4Ze1",„,„„,,,,„. d 111 , ;In on . 31 V4 Ile t rj, • ."' d '1 'Le - ' ACES 'LE ' mArrocKs, CROWBARS, ,tc., I their costumers with donne meal on * llle MAT trait - TIMIPIS SOrOW, Bridge Bo Car Bola, d 'iqw l "l":;m7PnitZi gi li c i p ier ik° 4 ,l lartr we. win IV 49111.06. arm., TOBAren Alit 111. - XP.WCULdIi 8, find It to their airlus, to Wend. !We hope the citiseme vlTTsuu R 0 0 .. . , will favor Us with their undiridal ne pell 1 weld Buten - 4=mm', 1 Qrsirr, ?:, Mom sr., itirrtcL -, rtlaT .431, Pieta% I of illackernith Mork Tr. %likens, kr., done at L... - theAlettell ifotias, owl at tha t pd.. ILA. 411 work mama:meet equal teeny otaunfartnewl Ira atts HOlll E INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK. CASH CAPITAL, $500,000! 11. C. Lfl:l3ll , d, Ivo!, No.• 511 Wood street J'itistouipA unscmaF . . Sousa L Loo laic.— .......... -Lat. of the ateas..ilarifircd. Jail", Verrone lino of Corning a IV Ther.fere .If,,Vancer • lama of Bowen a lichsunes, Ittenonf iffiakse Vim of Come, Kiqg it Co. Williiit4 !I. *Um.— - - ...,.......L.Virm off/WU. Menlo k Co,. GF. 4 .4 . 1'" ' *lnn of Doerge Illiat a Co. Age' K. ~.. Erin of Soin,_ Alalsontf it tb. Ike • 111.01......11 ...... .-. .. , ...... lino of Dillard* Wood. fort 1V1‘Lar,..,.... ....... .•:. ...... ~..-.llrm of Shane * Starr. fkarSl4 Eill . nrua at Fay. I.Mtpp A Bowun. la ears i r ... elm of Jame. Low a C.o. Marks IL 11Dr.h.... ............ ..—..111. of C. D. 11 . aklt a Co. JO., it /fut./anon, , Firm Of J. C. noire it Co. MO Me' 4 Lair , Serf • Finn of A. IC A. latirreuce A Co. Mark.. 4. &alai, • Firm of iliicklsy a Cu. LeurfeaSerbory.jr...—,.. Firm of Lewis Atterbury I.* 1>.,, /ere. it .1,01.,,, Finn of J. 51. Uncle, Morgan a 1.1 , . Aar T. toeigkf,.._ ...... .111ros of TrowleidirW. *height* Co. :foto O. IV•ls•rn • Flmoof Nelson:l 03. Cirarafe.r.C. feclhe in Firm of Ilakbel arr a Co. fad*C. C. 0 4 / 6 0, Viral of tilterrisn N a Ctilln. facer fA Janata Firm of E. D. lorgan'a C 4. Laos. D th 5,.......... .. .... Firm of Cowan. lathror A Co. Thottou 11 , .. 10 , 1•• • Finn of 'Y.'S 1.. *fintietlgear . „4,l4 ( Z ipL ia r . rnkf f , /1 1 .. 4 i: Tulle , : a n.........- ..... .IFlnn il oThl o orto r .1 1 1 4 ' 11cfr t* a l iw k'r rt . L'Im.IDI 10. 4-* Paul. R o Loy . . 5 g.11`..1,--- Winn of Haskell, 1 orrleit . a, Dull. Pim of A. D. Barnes:* Co, .R. Loci sat Firm of . IL book wood 4 Soo. In n ygrtw t - Pct,..... ..... ----Firm of Hopkins Altorea Co. Jascer .*:4lsergia ' *inn 0f.111.01111, b 1 , p1 . .. a Delight. !foil i l l. rf 1!. g .. ?""*. l' o n ' of , W. h ,nf,ill, litlrbl: ( a:: 'faereis•Arda. lino of Condit a Noble. .04,4 .1. isoh.,, . . .. . . .... .... , . ... ... -Finn of Work a flrako :,runs llAM , acklarlf flrnioilllbeal. Stockwell* 01.- 4,1.0 191 7 =ty....i.11r1r1 of Darner, Ilunithrork Butler. Cashier Contlnrotal Innik. Firm of We ll s,-* - / 2.:,,,,y • .. .rmi " ' " Firm of Ceara,' Pascoe?* Co. ~.. .. -111317.0 N 1.. 1.001118, Presidfut.• l ' • CHAS. T.IAIITIN,Mccretuy.. . Mazes e Insurance Comp 7 of Pittstiivh. . i . i k , II. D. KING, Perrfacnt. ..... . , ; ~ . _ • - y ': SAMUEL L. 31ADVIIELL, Seely. . . ~, opritp, DI.AVATER, BETWEEN' MARKET al a cM .• • . • ' HOOD STREETS. . . 11,.45 , ,IK8(1111:8, ,ng. r, AND CAIIOII 111811"8 ON , THE O,I4IDAND 3 8818,111`8I 11111iltil, AND T ITICTAII I IFFIC. ffielotacriirrofientst INS Or AMR,. I, .... ...cO, a arena MP pliiis all' Ow OF/14 end INLAND a A yIGATIOA sual.ra.ognoicr.4 VOX -.- I --.- . . lanitinvom Ili D. RI . • • . . • Win. fad er, Jr., Wro. illi or,' ' • it at. iii,, , • .v- Samuel • Wm Ding tun, Honer; DO an, Jr, „John N. DI rib, Itarbant a l Francis lie era. ' Item B. I' 1100 C, J. Sehoon ker. '.., ' , Walter Dritint, • Wm. 11. 111 'II, -, ~, - , - . i.• John Shloton. ' . • I , 'finonP---tI , it° wder.-41 very —. ~ --- -., var ety Ville,. . Sif t , iiiii eiva Blitiding - Polider, in - ; all shie packages cilwars ; on bird . ..Pa Lk sole f.` 1,8 34 8 .8 4.4 In' lots to malt pur phaseri,Vin'favoialde term*. Also Salhti - Fuse. ` ' - • ''` -- , - .M ,NY. 0., 1111)*VELL, Manufacturers` Ant., ~.6tAti„ ~ , - , . Ilif. Front stiroet, 811tslough. Icifiown's gisience ..of ,Tailiiica - 010;er. ...iirht,..p.,,066,i, pieparaticin of unionial oaorllente, 4n ,- ,,,,iothiii.diirtiec4 Ithipica flinletik, in shore, In all awew of ei printratlonlif 114 ciliDatlFO.runcliolla. It. le of inistirnable wihief.. -Marina thv prevalence of the boldeialc..•cholera no.l "...,,i, Ofchiltren; it is peteallarli efficacious, run bulgy or Indl..dcial shoilldlie with Ont it. , - ~ • • ..,.10,,,,,, , ,,,,,, get the genuine Essence,. "chichi. ''peperred only *lsl. 13110111*, it: his "Diveu and ci,,,,,,,k,a- Stare, NorihrEasf.Uortatrt of Fifth nod Chesnut Streets; l'h* . Wel obi., and flailfalibpallthe nepectolile apothecaries In .tho Stater. and. 10 llttsburgh. bY. Benj. Page, Je.. D. A illihnestnek a Co..',Df.' S.' Smith, Laiiis.! Wilcox 4 co., T. •Iti Allegheny pi; by [L . P. SehwaitY and .1,0 A. Meek. Iid JAIIICES TANNER, _ ilOOTS:81 1 1 " art314 3 11#A 1 4, LEATHER, aq w 9.1 itreet,Pittibtrigli i , - , nidunts =an Ann ?ORM • hfy fkliek:COlVTt!nf: t tpnrds of 2110 0 cases, Mth/%7 11 =244it t Na.. 4 .1711 1 1, frl La.,:lub. l4 :l4sti n g , .414%7 13* PT" ilth Z:binidnlzads sad ItTeWr i n D P= %WO and dzaWne iniddybuding, 41.4 Inw. ~~~. Mid Preniflim for best Silk .114.--\ NEWADVERITSE • 11 - ILSON two.. rakdonable Hatt er s. 91 ti A boopst. I ` •, . nre t ow prepared to furniallthelr customer. andtha ht , 'TO TlitPl33llo. - rulik ''''''" t " : "' t ' 111 ' 4. ' 1414 ' sthA V" \ MOST YMPORTA-VVANNOUNCEMENT; b e e tty of finish, and price. cannot he surpassed by aty , am , e m thrx .,.. ~. 0. , hon.. it the city. • ' o R1.1111.11.1E.Wr of veer . m r " k u uo '''"` l "' ' '''''''''' to ' O, ......earuto:. .`,/hen fir PAiladdikyo Aledirrri Co/trste. ofand $4.00. foor' 224 mltvn... ~ .]qtr Ey..../ ix THE lirs7Oßl" OF 31E1,1=41, _ .ri,gn and Fever of threi'f ears Standing to t,,,,0a 1 • .laliclno for the that time ranctloned by the, o e de w livi - t Beaver fi t . liffiffs.ur AillIORl7. IN Tll3 ruortsioN! , c,,,:.....D. . John Long no no ne, . o'er o T. •.. .•A. e. liaerver County. Virginia, near Richmond. had gene &c .c.., 4 irtitinitlersi g ned Int* the pleas - Inv or in - For,., for reo scars, moot V the time he had ehille av ■ Thrtethe the rehne th . t. th en h ns .,„ ,.tha n e, a do, tato rarely loss thin ones; ho was raLrciaal with forcer o ,„ ts ~mi, f b, 0 .„1,,,, t pr,,01y004 jdfirllsl3lrCLlNTOCire. f t toe 1. .... U. chili /an' him; "a .f h aa M .M. 144 . 4 "../1,. .I. 0., of rhaadelphla. know'n for snore than. filoO 4 Lod °l'. Q , ..111, .106 t of tho Tonics golrartirad• .. 4 ''''''. lll . l .. \ , of past ouoof the orl.tr4t P.ditiwier"Ludi'''h. rro tr.ended to hint. was stout to Rice up In &seal, N.,.. o f mevenn eve i n thne..trr or IrtErtrom whoa ee Spanish 311zture was Witco of; ho sot . 4 °l tv ii t he rorvoltaste of Ide Ica, and thd IttoParithm of .. bottles. lo t before he had used tli.i e than oodoliia lma• h° a ... of PAIIILY MEDICCLES thmfrom, width Ell war. s erf cl 3 cured, and has not had a shill or fever since. 1 pat tn . th.e.. ..„ ., , , .td r4., 1.,,,..., .upu.4 i.a. our. , me, boetogen no only one out of thousand. Who hove ha" I ur4 and suited al the meet mo ot attune. Thom hem toad by this great Told, alterative and Woad tar retnfi t ties embrace Some of the valuable dlioavetiell rffier. ands rlontions rem known fur the cure o f Stream. They. F.O adv. rtlacment with his certificate. jallhlmS Id% es's Worm Specific--The i follow- Lri..th7hAt'a°l:mlibtbeenatnort"4:nequ'unl4 ledr.ilexpe.rlWdiercet:ron to. from customer, above the demand wid th this grett w thll ur flm. „ lh. tQ .. 44 ,, ; .., 0c wa th0 ttav r .4. Jae o lortzd . r w iszo= meth. Me created vrherever It Woe Weil inandamd- with the M i nded ni . ... ken ... h . e . a. ....... , eel . I ilLallUtlill. Timm Co, lb-. March 30/ / 8 •/°- • , of tnem re dies here been tried, Improved and Cony' oftlVl 9 o ' rn. "— S l' pecilc, "" ln u t e ho u' . placco rth ot " urvlsin '"' lty. um watro Pado , -Lado ill he mono a 6 . 1 .. g• route ..1 lhighlY ...- Gal, ir oxbauxted our stock. We rhotdd feel obliged by ‘ ..,,,,,,nd mull, not only in Philadelphia- hut throughout mar for...lingo Oa Coding\ NOW r0ah.... 4 . dorm '. nutny distant .cs the country tovsidch his .great rith ,nor bill , VII receipt of which. we will remit Tau the , reputation has csdlod him. Their nature sad affect-, • • From thedeouderfhl effects of sald Speeille, to this neigh borhood. there could !Jo sold annually a large quantity. if to to had. (wlmlesale and retail) from some local agent.— If p would compensate a person for trouble and expense of v enstbig. Ythink I amid make It to your advantage to dos,:. Yowls. respectfully. W.M. MALLORY, Meows. Kidd & Co. Per W. E. Porter. R R.Purebasers to careful to ask for DC. isVL_LN ES CELEMIATED VERMIYUGE, and take none el. AU other Yennifuges. In comparison. .e worthless. Dr. NIL /113e , 1Yermifuge. also Lis celebrated Liver PWs. nu now be but at all nopectable Drug Stores in the 'Crated State., and from the sole kropriotore, FLEMISO 11KOTIIERS, ja- S Sueconors to J. Kidd d Co.. Wool street. B A Fahnestock's Veuniftige —Her. is colder., that must satisfy every mind that B. A. Palmas yermilhge is the ssuly.artide that can be adminia terra with the certainty of expelling-worms. HaLtrox, N. S., Jars. I.D, 1551 I hereby certifis that a child of mine, aged it year, bsd ton, very 111 fur a mouth with pain in the chest, general and loss of appetite. was advised nary B. A. pomesteek'e Verrulfuste, d accordingly bought a bottle from Al. Naylor , Druggist an , Granville street Having ad. ministered a portion of it, lit within 24 hours. Two 1 !wand mut /bitten.'o /rowel to 12 inches in temp.'s. The child, immediately after this, bad its appe tite restored, and wonenjo yed perfect health. Another R M, 7 years old, wbu had een momnr less sick from his birth, took the remainder of bottle. which caused him to pnes slue Hundred and Sixty-two Worms. From that time to thep tit his health losa isein rfectly good, mad be hasdhrived so' well so aro child mold. e ELIEAKETIT BISHOP—a' &hi whol.ale and retail by ail the veiwipal Druggists hod etoutriry MerchauU throughout the United States. Dr. Morse's Invigorating RliTir or CORDIAL—If It Is Inquired how this great restonaive Is accomplishing such extraordinary cone, we can only reply that in the Arabian herb that forms its cardinal ingredient it hate bee blended by the Omnipotent Physician, a larger ...not d gnater varieties of curative properties than had here ,fore been supposed to exist in ahundreddiffinent ankles o the phartuacopuick A whole meditine dust of. remedies, so to siwek. teems to have been combined In this bell : and in the ELIXIR or CORDIAL we have the* eon oeutrated essence. It la the effect, however, out thecaeee_ with o hint, We bare to deal in the practical application of the metillidn The victims of dyspepsia are cured, the nowt.. me relieved. the half paralyzed resume their mile ity, the shfferces from bola/arta are tormented no mon; the weak become vigormaa . the tint ofjaundice:ktaves the complexion of the bilious, the depressed in spirits become buoyant, the sick in almost In every condition of disease &are immediate benefit from the ass of Dr. 31cosa91 In. 'locating Elixir or .Cordial These facts, supported by 'trete-enable prat( ' are presented to the attention of Inv. ii . ds. who can verify theta Lye single bottle of the med.h eller. TIM Cordial ipytit up highly concentrated, in pint bot tles. Price three &liars per bottle, two air five dollars, nix for twelve dollars. C. 11, ILLNO, Proprietor, 192 Ilwadway, N. T. Mid by Druggists throughout the United Stet., Cana des and West Indies . Goner - al Agents In Pittsburgh—Oro. IL Kepler, porno. Wfd , i stroot and Virgin alley; and Fleming Bro., roman. and Fourth street. jal2.lw .SELLING OFF TO REMOVE:—James 1O Market tact. Pittsburgh. will offer his nott larks stock of liards, :Thos.. d Rubbers, at very t. odors, mall the 10th of Yebrnary. an 1851. when be hopes b. rootore to his new store, So. earket street. which he intends filling up with an entirely new stock. The palate are restaalfully 10,1 tad to and prware hls present prune stock, at unusually great hargalua set:abbess of cost.; WW-Resnember stmts.sen No. 103,11arket street. bet wean VII th and Liberty hstramd Marine, Fire and Inland Transportation Insurance. • Pr . lll-:lnsuranciiCompanv of North America, — Philadelphla—Chartered - "Cardttl. 115n0.001. Asseis Januar, 14, • ISIL SO. Will make (nen ranee.. an Indldlng• sent their contents. In this - eft, and eicinWe; also,, peoperty a every description, shirred per 'Wan:lends 11.1 other vessel., "Ither br Wand transpar tntl,n or on the senn. HRLIII,A9 : Arthiii A. QMIn. l`rer't. lTholuis I'. Cup., ann.. 'il" , ilatitai I "John It. I t. Edw. , 'Smith. f Mallard Wmal, J , •lin / liniwn, Faim. V. Smltti, 'William Webb. Fronde Ilneklna, mania. limota, et Atualn Anibal., lirtrh, Tallar, Wm. I. Ilaartb „ . „ F 1;i:' AI bi• t, r. VIM= .10.11ZPV - 1.1.■01T1L.-4011111. DIVCOITIS te LIIRIVER DILWQRTH CO.; Wholcarile Ilroftra and Cotatalaslo• Sfrrehanta,snd 2gruta for Nattruidc, Sugar Relluars,TnSa4clphla—a full as inrt,otut n 11•11ard Sugars and Syrup. on hf nd. to which 00tu t a attentkal nf sae city trade- 130 L 122 &no.' Mask, bstavan Wood and tnalthSeld, Pittsburgh. NELSON'S FIRST PfIKUUM • • DAGUERREOTYPE S POST OMCS )11:11DiNO; ffSREZT. CITIZENS AND STRANGERS who *l6h to obtOrs an sontratt, afttstie and 116,11t0 like elm at , 047 . 1 . 1n4traff . r1 6 . lll=e , lzam , tirrwst to a•U toi • game& of Sur mode, 11 7 1:um• of 14 =1 616 tb• int e amt =t• of tbl n tnosi r e ..rf•alo.l.ount n ...,,, e nl c= eto. novvo u.. - Sat "4"io.yr. off f to • to v a gfee to the gra.% •or lb. MI, • at • la of Dainsomotypos, elthrt Musty w I. groups, Ithltb hos beret 6.2 611[7.1.4. Uss.lllll , crosot pad operatM g Lo all weathers, Pram 6 o'clock . ron9-danT N.tOTIOE.—The • undersigned, Frederick Leta...Leta...or the arm ellaninaeStatilog a On-and Thos. , eleart, of the tato deta or Streeet. Lloyd a Co., have . 11tialened a I.Nryaetnerebtp. ander the name and style LOILICNL. itTlItY ART k. Cl)...lhe.the Tanana or wine Iton and Tall., and'have taken the warm Itoteeo Saar Water eteeet,tottreen Parry and Short .ha., they hien on hand an ameorteasnt alba ettle ' re l'e o Inn' and !WIN. which they oder them& on setonemodatlng tend, ' Tees nepeetrally . solidi • the rustmnits• or the psd.W. ' VILICDERICK Witt:NZ, . .Pe 31 11 A b l e I. IL bTXWAT. ' . 91331103 . & 8A.113138',8AFE8.-Ileke is of testimony as to the value of mar tiATIA'aPoe t bleb we can confidently teat lb* 'reputation of octimork we t ate already published amend ocnibeatea, tittering nut saJts made The our regular and culluary mini, and, odd Owed, hare been mattlectal to the SETFiIiSST TESTS .IN ACTUAL CONFLAGRATIONS. andsinteirred their eon 'tents totally fret from damage. • The ledloalug Ls mmtlatr sma/f of tlae suns lacontestilde • \ There are few things which afford us. iiristar shaman, than 'Mink .1...11 to anitek tattle., of the .aphbridad lfoodand flannaa Dlttata, toestuaktra are folly. :Miriam we are coniktelsif &Albite bak.Ble sad kw ibaaft MY ha that by ow pathos many bats beta ladsced Yka Yuma liltlari, and bpi., Amid frandsath Dye • Um* to bakt. Lit Via elm , of Which It 4 cattsiffrft , prepaced and sold udj bi Dr. 0. It. Jackson. at the Cler km *ands* hid* pato Arch attest. Phlladalphta. Lyon)" Ka . . If.—Tor preserving, ee- Outing, clesaelnit anebeatitilling the lUD, allele:1f ammo. ileadaelio,itzulearitutetuptive diseases of the skin ID repetition, co.extenstrolitith the civilization of tho , 4101......i t ee an Dudes spew o oo,all esaiaavatioa DaPos : Ohle and dale its discos hait fotingt no eobstitoto to dapple It. Inetntested, Its oisstiblonspetioeity. Phr 'damns mai Chembris—honeraille enlzees (run all pt oltip.. duns of it fe.--tinv leadtnit Journalibf kurolfa and'Aittetim .Ladies who have used It upon *heti dresainetabie• add . Al bete to their NueliTica. —ln ffet Its million patmne eviwyeiscra, ftout_plebelans to blaini.t.n;nouttre It the most Phasing mod eltectire . artlde sitter sa • Nelltelnal or Toilet Prn.rstion OM produced. Do sot fun to KIT. 'lt • binl. Petee but 23 cents. D. P.'IIAnNCS, hopriefor, 121.11zwithriy, 844 111 Pittsburgh by R. P. genets, C..Ptszer. DenJ.Pago;. Jr.. Ilnmlup Droe., add lizttana Reiter. de7l-lm — 'I3II2IITER wiloqes,ux, 'OIIOCEIIB AND COSINIISSION '• ' mEßcll.42v.n. \ k • , . . . Ni 4.130 132 SeeOild.fitreet,' between Woiid awl TreithlieW Paha/pub. and &onto tor lA r A re= R Z, 1"*" .4.07 "U t 4, ,n IYand.lOthite the attention of t he usa, .10.24.17. and'Guard Fae -Marine. lzuntrsuide' Co • OT PIIILAORLIIIIA. •-• Chi . F . .lOE , • OF. • WETSBURGLI AGENCY, o r.n . ?. - 0 111 " g #‘!! l4 s t m t ..comm.; M. Orate. Witter, 11. A. tchaekei- Sad Pant Statlar, LIL Dart; Mani a. Shama& IL Alltchril, *mutt Jam. h..6' mem*, trat: IL:towers, P. D. On" A. Ilan_ Pbloly 'Wm. It; Mete mit r r,jr, • OISLJONEN, .; tt. Oltee_VlV-7,01; tor=4: rit ° timoarkivonad. tams. ixam . t rir It ATENT PEG IFLOATS-‘A. new irtiolo, . woe's isoll Ihr : BARD s D LAMM . •• • IM=l= , _....,.. ete,.. ere . kUO' , 6 and approyedof by hundreds of resume 0,p.k.i.,,,, I who lime been blestudents and men their beneficial re , ' I suite In Dr. 3leClln*les own hands, while theewers Wl' I under his tuition, in the Cottenes of l'hiladalphla, Castle ton, Pittsfield. and elsewhere. . ", • lUD en s fot.Uffrfita ggliltiggec , 1 ' This is to certify that I -haveplaced in the- hands of 1 Messr, A. Coshman & CA, New lork: the' rectum of my -Family 31edicitia,'"Utl- fell authority to prepare and oder them fur popular use. They are masl ob have lawn In the habit of recornmen nis nrelpremori. ldng for many year. and their eompoeitiotais well 'known to hundreds of regular physicians, who her been toy dmienta. and who me many of them now meet! g with. distinguished me , IVAN in ell tenets of the eouutry. 3ly indoontiente fur thia step are MlSrlfraUlC fine of th e nevi Is, that the dr._ matid for my remedies has been e so ,_• through prb tooreport of their success, as to make t gi r , preparation too meat s draft upon my time: wther the mudded solicitetions of my friends end pa Me, In t e belief:that. the general Introductioo of my rem dies would be ID many reflects a public benefit: nod fluallY, In seceding the co operation of 3lr. Alexander Cusliman.',who is n'thoretighir edueated Chemist and tweaks' Apottiecary of many year* experience. whereby I am enabled to suture the public that they will ho - prepared in the Burr, evweee abd mod perfect form, rerdiene ere expense. JAUES McCIANTOCK, 3L D., Late Profs.:we of Anatomy and Surgery ll the Philadelnhia College of Med icine end Acting Protimudef 311,1wIferr one uf the Con-. suiting Physicians of the Philadelplabl Marital, Meek ler late, member of the National ...Medical Assuciation: smocks of the Phliadelpa 31edital Seeker member of the iledlcoChhitrgleal Wiese of Philadelplihn formerly. Prmideut nod Profemor of Anatomy and Surgery In CM. tieton Medical College, Vermont: and also, Into Professor of Anatomy nod Physiology lee Berlohlret Medical lull. tidies. Pittsfield, Mass., &c., he., try • We peed scarcely remind tire Intelligent public of the meat eemstify which colds for the Introduction of a clans of w..! end reliable popular medicines which may ba cond. dentli adopted into family axe and' cfeyeide' II au at ail Ciotti In the absence of a physician, or belligthe legitimate productions of &feller ~CludyatalErperieuee. lioftritument Is needed to pm, the immense utherkaitp of sad! a dui of remedies over the dangerous compounds that are daily Paled loth make by ignorant and reckleva men, nolely . for the purpose of enriching themselves at the expeuse of the lives and health of their fellow beluga We trust' toafi_ dently In the good scale of the etemnunity to oopiiort no in this effort to extirpate the great public mil of Quedery, . by giving n • mend perusal to the following. list, which em. broth the first twelve remedies Of 'the l edit% and which _ comprisew lame of the meet valuable specifies arm u,,,,wwrer ed fie lb., emend complaints enumeratmL lf.yoix or any of year friends are mifferers, lose no-time In Proettriog the eM of thcjirst malkal authority 0,1 the day, by Obtaining and giving a trial to such of them Medkinse as ere' Wept eel tee the rase: We call especial attend. to. the first o the list as being most generally demanded, at tide damn namely, the Tine Insulating Syrpp, which I. entimly Vegetable 30 Da compordtion, has been employminlth wonderful stmomsfor many yars In the ennitif Waimea of the Allt. NEMO Lewis.. The molt mum.= diseases of the primate are, freffoitonand Initanitaation tf the Mumma blendirane icbleb Dam the aletehrsof thethrbeLnindpive and. lungs. For any allege torment' disease. whether atoning them; ael tie ve Chlngh S, ' if e tIS Ticklin M Threat Moe all Tightness Ife T m hr oat, 11.1raenefls or Lau ni 1012, and Jlectic Fem., it. cianwlllho attended with the !morbid remits. It Is recommended as of the lent and rarest medicines for all forma of BK.. LIM(' 01410(12 , 1:PCOOli. Xo Lein/annul or prep/in:dive qt . Op a,. is any shape, in Die Syrup. PIIICE (In Met Bottles fl. •li COLD ANDCOVIDI ISIXTUIVE. ' For recent coughs. ruldn and Irritation of the throat or boom It Is especially relmible for children: no family, in our eh:mumble climate. should he without-this efficient remedy, which'. If taken ou dui first srtuptorui of odd. would present moor no attack-of Bret:ChM/4unit a fetid lame in Consumhtion. .So.Lantleeton et. pretrorotion of °Pan*. On , ldetPr, fn this .11iStere. PRICE, ter bottle, 25 cent, 111 ksrnmA AND WHOOPING COL7IIII ILLIINDT. didtreeeini: dlseues are relieved to snun paralleled degree br this piwely vegetable medkinieprblch has been brought. BF perfection lowly to the course of any Yealli obourrattan. Trial be all that Is needed to prole it•Mbelier la those who bare nerer eruploted it. PRICY- per Bottle, 60 mots. • • • • •• I V DLI BILIDEA CORDIAI, AND CIIOLEIIA pulvDN- A cot, do cure for Dlarthontt and. ft thr,Zw entery. Cholera Morn. and Mastic Indors. Tido pr p- Dun nom. WAILED locum Diarrhoea; and In Dysentery It im enually storeeaftd. :In :the earl, rt.:roof Asiatic Cholera it will be found Intalnable. Von Voile of Infants rnd Cholera Infanta:on it bra sovereign. remedy. Full di ections kw tun accompany each bottle., PRICY.. Per tie, $3 and ho cent. - V—TOXIC ALPER/CITE For the ewe, 1. Of. C Aar.row or :Okla liana s, tei' Der. Scurvy. Salt Rheum. litho ltinprorm. deto - tifo Wont Disr,we : Panfuls Or King's 1.111. - Ithlta tioltro Dwotted Neel: Turves. Plow Ulcers, Ar. 3. Magmatic iva.e.: chronic Itheqoations. Goat, do - ii.Meresoiat or Si.Poddie frocosorof all elassmiahloastroSocindary,orTer thir, an diseases an We front • faint in the stigma Vint e nf:Ari t litt n g. th ttr ee n l'Atge"l'Pongl7l resin Otto rave. which ivonhines the virtual of eertaln vegeta ble totawlies suited to the diseased state of the system. will to found wooderfully,efferthre. riticE, o f Bottles] IL. I.7=ll7.ltlret i k U. D. Sberrent. Se:leetary. ane Company In the tint 04100. lona eryetieneo. ample I'7 an man. natantooe chap nftetitrg simple socatity to lAll P. AMIS. Agent. 1 , 4) and 1 Water atm!. • • 11, AMU, or dlsordrivd digestion, marl tbe National Inersen of An:noir. Ito llMPkals ll l4W2f64 giddiness serrnosocsr, 10. spirits Moms, of • notes or smelts nine the en em Itching of the en dullness of Marini and rineinie the ears. di 1 taste In the matte constriction at veleta stout Mertes/ 4 . dldlr si lty of l.reatidue; mss of voltam km IVLIaly Soma or Pr amendin4 staler. palpitation.or uneasy thsr Waft travois,. ordendma appetite, sererireillTha IL lhn stosneeh; seldlts hawthorn; Dein orf and,sostinsnees,„. Nem et Ursa Arms sit .Dye tads: and sometimes themes Wand emu *![item at the same time. or at different tines. ]'M attar these Protean symptoms In 'their mat and imam etc oundition of Übe IlLitIllt• functions I.lrtieceree lffimmonntrines all the vsloabio Intredients .hi Vreetst&.Klmolosi. affords Tatou W mane. LIM .11) , ale Varelabi• Pills la nese when there,b;much enthrones,. or rith• the Antlaillons Pills, ,rturre t oe fluirtions of the timers Irregularly dlerbsr^„,d. It unite lbws,' • nost, etraotdal remedy. Pan& Ltti riat bs.atsq p. • ' • . . • -. .. ' TEI--.IIIIECIIATIC ir . rx-runt. •-: • • A pmelr mgetehle nnobinailen\ Mr toe or of Rittman , limn. Goat, ad all , Neuralgic and Rheumatic Diseanea— ' Shiaremedy I. armed with the admen coololemor. It haw hems liAnd lamt eztanarnlr and l•\ •• nem* • S.""C„.. tr Rheumatic Diteased at the e arid lut erer teen-VlPlllum, per Untie, SO mfg. , . .„ , . • • . : Vlll,..—auzum.tne LrataLvr. '- -, • -•. : An•tabilliale maltrard atcliratton %r be relief f u ttbene mote or cenralck Pan; atosinb itldratof the joints. polo In the thockl "" aMe r k or I= It alkyds Immediate ndlef from mile. and pains to the elenuach and abdomen. As a counter Irri tent, It la intake 'hie In all meta when an external Wendel \ls needed I PRICE, Per Bottle ..60 mote.... 1X......A.N0DTNil MILITUIIR.. • A lent committed. and•iratutale nernedr, to he wed b ot h' internaLly and externaly, Re the relief of allwe, wham= ACCT. of tintexr, an in newish Pains In the Chat:SODA re 111 the ?lie, Paint In the Fink lienrairle Patna wham , er Cond. Pains In theStoma'. emits, Lirer or Radnor; In madden attacke of Wit, lillions Collesuat Pits of 91on* er tirase l / 4 11 will dire Iniuseditte teller. .PILIC6, per. Bo ttle, Fifty Lea.. • , -, X.—..SONIC ..III.X":1111E. OR *EVER ANDAUt, • \ • SPECIFIC. • •-' . i. , . . A m \ me and tab sebetahle retards for Frees , and a • • e. .111tortuittent Parer In nny_. of Its *lima aodlbr ell 'I . Imeurrion periodically. Thla remedy dm been wale ! Meet nxten4 and hat hew bond a tracmc to , . londirineeen be entitled to that name. In cement •.• . Dom arnim Menses, where took. era required, and Wail name of prostretion of tUtength and want or 'wren.. paw er, Li, gill b \bond tin gular.y edieerions. PlLlCia,,mtr Mb- tie, \ NT_ .VD3ermkr. pceoArtre ricut, . •• -- *. PPT'iblkeslikeOr COV.orropy.nd all Its painful itself; mach se lialdabho. Ditairserb - Pirk P0.....b, Paine, and se \Um trangennes enumerated ander Um `Dyspe_plle Miele.. I In MI moo whets porration In needed. Demerit's smear- Mas a tanned ebt,f„ hat efit,-43,4 *Wen the. No Inmild, oo tribal,* " aid Ile without them.' PRICS, per 800. \ -. E11......1,N51.13 11009 prus. . • For hirer Chomp and all Itesitti of dimme Midas from . dwen entr , tiTu , a tr,=-I , lz er p ttgrm=l . eti , r i . ..,,... low In the ems, mikre, \ furred berme. twin In the KA ' ehtwlder, setae of (ail or loin in the right tide. dim dated rte or boo These triton of the latnere, elareohred stela let. These Mr, If taken ha the laelpi ent ste,les of Bilious nod Fellow or other Forma will wen- F .iir Wog the &UAW... , pltOt, petliot, '24 r,.u. • ; The utidendgued; in , acieptigg the proprietorship of lir. Jamey 3leCtliderk's Family )(tdicinee, would reepecifully i state to the pi:wk. tha In lila profession - an Diegansing atentitt, far urikrif rearw)ost. darlog - which dime he hiabeon ' , direly mu with the Dent iharotigolt nal eatahltalunenhe In this , o4oatrr, he hu. had conitant oemeireatolse and \creme t „prerfptlona of i i . teediet ete/mmt ell deltas. 'among whom he would name ,Illott, Dr. Parker. Dr, rtahrla Dr,..tbeesentau, Dr. De:. 4. Whltutker,ylti. , Scrunldt, 'Dr. • mut.. Dr. )lean.: Deb Pratt end Yemen, Dr.' Beal., De, o.iond Amer Miele In ibteity of Dee Irodt: \ • . \ - . .` ' 1. - .. ) ,. . 1 It Vse Mielidde QM .semimi u. him to A • note with ambience Wines,' kei wda-0., ctiehit' ' rd sciraggrally, so at to strive • twinned., Chandra em ' Roo In oaten with their highest theraProtiad,eBlllll, eld the (nail:crate ollainret of tuncitelT itt‘d., .igtmeennie .. RUN. c, fo r .sot oriio* tflotoods, .1. , Ilegt•iDi tend Ingredients my rteettallse'sod dotter . eseliedier i ee remit la • solistelM ti,,,,..atotiebei oltreeetsiMto Its i.i,masa d.auit. It kri pleimun, therefore, teat be .ibisithei of lers , lanme*Ellett.S.Aar• ''eat_ tamacial, - .4,40', Mid tidtillte —belied skims kmett !ti had MaililionSdiiniktist b.r..tiot h.* 'when. tlonere\n•the treatinent of the nerere./ theme* kr trek!' they et* kitentlet t tat-teef stis .on to sorb lifetime litosottkeil. - to relettiso to tells dotted nod - milkiest effect., ss fo Mute the ettalowlentof the tittnott In- • • of their r and cilitic4FT. ' .- , • 1 0 enrol ' will Dell add ‘ fortioatelf, that he- • range eilb . .to eh test meet es bit • • •• • \to the Wile .. stud( temditt In Ws tome will VW . ... Mid estertimee elle the pMess . iddiSle . . ...• • ;el- , N.. iii .' . ‘/LXIL.'CUSIIMAN, , .., noddle . Ate /V. : Ctilte,i of PAareiey, , .She .em.. : .. lif Mieubst \at it boluelsoi tetalbof ' '.. . .'.. , Al, CVaIINAN ili aI'I: ~ ' \ &A* o. Llfi Adton et, New l'•- ..i, I Anders)! tree sii rdiktista la this city,- • Alm bf \ ' • .Ei. t. ,usila{...i.t. twkims;.- . ar ;l‘ti, , meet of tith . Silted Philadelphhb•f a: ,And of, \ - DB. ttri "Itietr., i * e'• , . - - . '.. .__• sts. w7.o Arid of. rersaqo sicr..i. Agfa\ flttotnandt• \ ,And Mai 1,.. oitistaf this tutit i• Attalt.ouf.. l ? l, 4 l o4 re th.tittrystortapO t ut 'At • teptt t... li. An -.— - - • Young If en's 1„\ - . “ • 9 11 ... I,IIOF. KINGSLEY. ht Aflegheny College, • ',minion on neacTITUT Icr anso. the licth WA. at LAWAYLTrR /lALL, cod nteet. hoc &too the repstattoo of os satkauent lecturer, the o.l•Vbied. such se r a. sl an • tttkln the muse er Ids depart:meat, as. pfraa Thirnis of adsoleskes. 'L. ante. to to . at the Usein ' NJ Doeieto7. West/ Room, . t , rsositec awl at Doan opal at 6)C erksk.' Lenore 4rnmetiee at 7N. •' .; - , ittiNTkr • , •:. ;.... a. .. .n.:....,....,..- -------- , • (NOPA HTNE tiStUR•NOTIOE--T \ hav n ne !dud:2 Its".rtritioneiVrarsot=ll'.,t-44%. rII4,,;KRY OLOYrd k ;l itb rAttNec, A..., nu 4 " ' 0 - 6 . moths i b. old stand, \o. 24 et, sad condoned Dodo the Ons Of WI All DALY A I 400„ -hA T ,,,,, bin.. c10d... 1 Anion toe will please PIV•1111, Ib4ll IbT ttilMOGUit. owns, and those who ate Indebted scill plesee antis Useirl tette sith as DUN deify sezang e , .. Nut door to. the Inc CDT letesee7 13. 1044 I T L ftOLL Burrs 1t. , - a mas ilium - , fifth Iltit-; pi. Al4 O *Oiled by 11. 1[:, tr kfrclßT 140;ILLLIt , 1 ‘, • , , • . . !Ira/ARBY'S =ll2l A: yap - THE B ST TEA" IN PITTSBURGH, E WITDO4 ONE EXCEJTION—Ikavit &Paltail bars on hand and tbr e (l, LL retail sotlya 47 to of 24 lbs. etch.or the boat 4.1. froredrs sths- Da over offsned In Pittsamratt. Othe to till on doubt =Ala at th is !cool nasortinti. bu • I Is tt roaltlvot net. no...thetas thole opinion to the son y ..okyo.tkkwal:a. , Slkkgel any , 71.&grufg o .te . 1 ~ i t i ze nc l i s . _ll ,o l / 4 tth Uls gud is . ~.., . .f tti purchase a ant I quantity-Im o soy other store :f , ttictirWi i A l t " ' " r ith l euri \ . 11 N . 7 0 " ml "' . .ort. be. Sur S,S, t Me silt not vtholeado ant' of lt. . 4 "IUS 4 :4:* Ten Ina et . i ,... _.. P` .. ' 4 :'.. 0 ",:= Din!. Dlttabovula. --."-L-- i Improved Patent Pfacess foe Tazuting. 'B.-NEIC3IYEIe . ioliewily iktiliiinrized iir.:C; .' ft7;;W: ' , lo i rkkr= r ik '4‘-l itti:, `" lg a i Alt t h :: - 3 , ,r ,:cl . l? 4 ,ni l 2rt . ` r `"l° ". t inglLlttk j ;tf i lli oiled' kinds._ This is drobledtBV2forstrat Improves:neat ever made to the Tantdr Precetet Leath.. la ntannlbetnerd .. ii i r l .T.Wi l le C rrr .. trLoa r rbr itt=1 " ;!01; g oit:r od u= i i: .-. For further rartfrulara, %dd.., tottnuid,.._. . J. Y. NEW - Mt - ER. No. tIB Markeltst, jal thl/y .I • _ ..... FittninuiFit. Tom` if 0 itc,:A. fix. stol: 3 --hride,,,,i, : dii; g ,,,,. .. Horne. situated on eth Street. below Monist. 1 1 / 4 4-.Ma. haven tbn let of Arril.s Enqube of ~ J - . porno .l7 O. BLACKBURN * tXt. Water street. 1 40 t, H . N w I h r t, f . LT? .. r d .., ( i F t.n •eis Dni o re ja r tck S sii iki d, lii cy.k. , G ,r u l f... - I MA: 011 s, Dyestuffs. to.. Ith➢Wbod 'trod; below tun, 18t-taburtrb- Alriteirular Acrt the Dr. Ford's 3drdleths. AYER'S CUE Hi( pit,Wcitt AL-4x g r.. for sale by JOILN 'LOT, Jr.. No.llo Woak at.. .1 7 ono door bolos; PIRA. r Ir I OWNSENWS - SA SAPAtlti.A.—lialf 11 gmaP on hand and mitt solo by: IND. HAFT. Jr.. ill 11 3D ' UVE it: tiff., -2, 4 .7— ri on Bunton,' Claii . c 0 . ,. genuine Cod Liner MI ree'd and for male by , tali ' - JOHN lIAFT../r. \ /oiltt:;sektz , cßolivN L. l , l _ f,tiu _ i r uit (TFI , EL _ JoilTiurr, Jr. ini - BRICK--2 eases on band and for wi. ICI street • LI.III IIinrITTLE FERNS, for Fanny's Littleen i . spbe of the aboreJost reelCO SSW br KAT CO, SSW h. UTTE _ . RII LARD.:: 100 kegrklio. 1 I=4 for lale - by '`‘ • .rao .•. • ''STIRITER,MLITORTU i 91L . \ cIICIPPS : . 5. Isla" prime-Hopei for eels by • /14,1•110 - • ... • ratarrxr, Dirwoarn aw. . . Illerg Bemis . 'for B adoiNbr. : III! I.I?..ZINVEL. DI LW4:I =II a CO. • . . 1 4 ..\l, ... N 'r.ER tias,t H`14.0 ' .. a fi ed -utt' a: 1.„71't EERY ar.Ssa Ot lstant Booktempa . IL I. A eampsteot Agonontaet god good Thibmt9l emotrg roar M c AleMoler, It. Clair Si* EmAk t &lNUthilt. at. Cbsdr llntal ~..., o r . • A !las ...IL • . 1.16 t 6 ,7. . : 7 7 7 07i !bit TIE , undersignedimus putree6;ved - vevettv FAA. at his CARMAOR ITI,REIRIE KR; Wasted near the Two Mn. Rua. between bomb I , Lavrlabev-Vlao a t i id Arßultkti ador , tgi : pt t lof Nabletl il .""d"" = ' V ' l t itrd:gt t ZriM • OYA, O te., wbkh be sill sell ma lb. very wrest tams Me eath. ' 'laving bad. bodge ygote gogotkg in US. badooo4 and with his well konso 11thUlt4s La tb• Rut. be Utters himself la •pattlaA &ma alt , ompeelthth: - .k - ~ . Thu. 'taping to porthage. are 11111111Wthillf In \7 . .. 1 to tall sad stamina Mr themselves. Ifspeelal and prompt attoottou pidd ta_rvalrl.gfcar- claim, Seu ImytlMAserSl •• • JtMLPII.V. =lt pItIME NEW :XRENCII, _CULtikk• IWe per Id. sr WOMB & PATION% eed7l .Ie the Diasomad. , i EMPERANCEVILLE• FiCopraTtro . BALE or enhance fur - Merchantlla 'brsi fts Wa . .141. i Lb. tornm We. Assn eillaimAin"— . • 4)114o: mu 1t .11 4 g a i um gebt, mut wr OUSittiIPING DRY GOODS--SIUR.. ePIIY & BCItCIWIELD 4neltermallia ireutllng DRY PDS fmllottakeeplns, to their roll asenetetent a p a r and Cotton Stut A th m tm ums, ~..,, Taol,7Diarellliand nmyan d Cana ''' • \ \ Towels and T i osrellng . Dlspas ,tr,Dlimklt?LkliiMittre !Tim -_ 11144. fa Banyan A h team! ool,;re . d Counterpanes, nouns.. kr. -,-- \ A. tllby Emote spool, I atomics, to Ms branch of their ' , mnes,. borenralli w..r. Iltat Mar' arrthant rery \ !mullets atm prices 10w..., , • .. /Ma Mereutile, Jobliinling, JJOHNT; SIIRYOCK, Book and JobTiint- \ \ er No. 29 TM drat, Immediately over the Peaky. ‘„ ~,,r i ,,,, h oo k a... A Mot 11et° order Bantam Cann,. Mal. \ lan, Feuer Patera Hand 111 a Bills or ta4fmr, BM /leads, ' Weis. Blank and. Broker's Cheeks, Blank• (mks. Iftar • Receipts, Tickets and *veer deeerlettal of Lotter l'eae Printla. Blank Deeds. 800 da . -Bortinkrat, knomnstenti r \ Pants:ay attentit . l%l4 to ;Book tat Parophht Print- MOO of Book Illndltor praupt, t iT ild i l i seet yl aerate& , „ - 7 qtsse Making to pg . sash, MB And Ito tlteli , Interest. tarStroohninit ammith.en v ... .3lnejezrints,l l n hand_t_on_laßilotelyte2 vrIi.:AGENTS I Yams Men ere 111%11144 t o ti ont 1, trlth ir soist, 1 1 1 =Fu l l ' i nt r'l •Ts literal amonlaelon rut he Wit!,, ''. Pll l ,l Zgra . r a ''''t AP V V''' , Ai...• ............,,........,_ c -- K, -f• ,JusT PUBLI 81, 5, 2% Yllth street, hasj e le holenle analilletail, -the t 11014 tens u ls= '* 7h " 1: ni P b... nill ' laer &MA...tititts.Ot r=tio: ItTit.; :arkrtur.,. iiieof Warhr t 1 Po ' llor " , " 4=Phd ear MT.= °A. 1 a4-A........t. t...ti ib......- ....1.,,...),... , .. . - -..- oulcq , lo.lS,'S - .LIBRARY ASSuu._ traVe. A b= ind bm ...ltt."2,:lit b ..4,lV VLF, 1rag . 1501 . ..h r ;Lath herr. a4 pan zal: it etl i i . : ,:a and b 4loreesuitter=b• annorlasals,r the rear 3,14 LAU ,, • IV IL IDNUAlltonesrotarr. _ .. . ‘IIF4 NA 11481:TRANCE COMPANY, Bait. 1. 1 / 4titot, ' - +jam. It Imack . p.daent. os. A. 41-* -. NM , . Be a , Threat ... ,.. ....E.Ntrare. \ '• 1 pram „ ie . T . , ~ te msl w c W" i g a : Boland DIM Y. , \ 1 .4.2 0 ,\ - , blaill .. , 111 , ou r,\. , .i .4 ." 1 t: I I IMMt t ils 11=. ' 1 2= 2. 6. 1 Z 1 1%: -‘ A. I • Junius B. Ma• ‘s, s , Ortarla 7,, Umla. ..,,. 1 , , 7 , 3 kl-- - , \ \ ~'- .., \ , , , , \ \ \ .. , : 4 _,.. , , ~,