The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, January 16, 1854, Image 4

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    ._ iouvr.e.trx Sfax.
_—,A deal. which has -left
an empty laritle(bi,lber. idgher,saiSlalsit Vole-
Dais ; occuired lately.. : Nto!ic,lC.---„, commonly
known as Le L Colomef fraviehe,' de
pairted "this
life to,thngreat tiorow of ' hie. 'friends,' *barn lie
wirsjjoud,efentertaining in the. most felikateh'
ion,andthe,greatjoyxf the heire,legitees and
sucoessorw.of "the ancient famitrisrearrini del
je4)-giattmo; wiiii were bound to- allow him' an
- annual stipettd ? equal 'toile revenue of a pall;
soVi.ieig.o. in order to bey him-off - his .plate at,
• their diver, 'gaming' tables: Tho..luek of this
• mart Wei en extraordinary, that in ono night;s be
fore the. gipg, of-Prussia 'a ' the Emperor Alex,
ander,he laid n bet that h would win the whole
of the money ; jewels nod V !nobles then present
in the'-iesain. ' -Thero Were more than fifty per-
eellek_ered_di ~there '-allrich foreiglerx. keg
~e rmana, .11mnd/um, for it was during dim
stay.of the allied' tanereigns in Parise ,4 -and;tbe.
re'quAgte at Frasca , ,fe were considered the echool
` . .. 4, if'Of fashionable manners and high civilization: '
' - Itiessidi.hatev,eiy coin passed front the p0ck
,,,,,,.....etr erthe strangers into that of 'Le. Colonel Cra
reshe,;tind"the King of Prussia Uveu.puwaedildB
eignestingppods last venture against hint. 'Per
- _ many jean the Colonel has lived a. gay - life in a
. •
chateau ' stifle' entrance of the - Bois *de Bou
logne; spin - ante gaily and:without remorse the
,sao efaiere Matto bite' by the Chalibre, then by
Bonisitult, 4 and privately by Benages, who each
_ in trmsdeolarod,..thit their place was not . worth
a dump. jf Le Colonel were allowed t..
frequent their tables: ' ' lie kept his vow most re
ligicpsly,''while the privilege endured, and'would
often laugh at the, bivirfiriP of hisdestiny, which
had aeepred tnhiM 4. princely income, when the
rery.priviloge of the jenx hod been destroyed.
. Kediba 'demon *bleb forbade thi existence of
: gaming-honves gene forth while he - was .•• in fail
vein'of,iiits, he must Love starved, for he had
~ to, oth er resource hat gaming, and professed to
baser - di . the famous martingale which
- WC Ulfilllrti alrilic lucky chances of. his adverse
. .riesfAiree.-:Paris .Cor. of London Ada:.
. .
Tua:eniattsi r Cotirr:—The Chinese - when,
brought into Conti as witnesses in California,
are sworn in the manner Ocrtliar to their coun
try. An 'euitli;; - Written in Chinese .aharacters
.upon .7tissue.-prper, is subscribed with 'their
names, -and binned to uses. The purport of
the oath is, that if the witness does not tell the
truth, he hopes his soul may he burned and
destroyed 8111.6 the papor'which he holds - in. his
hands:: Notwithstanding the seeerityof this oath,
the evidence of the Chinese taken in Court isnot
generally 'Vt. a *cry reliable., eharnoter, and. the
Recorder Pe often oblige,' to discharge prisoners
against ishMathern i*,fiething,..but Chinese
denee, on account of the Contradictions and die
crepanclei whieh see aaways diecdiored is, their
A Mit•ionolootem, Doo.—ln u letter Written
from 'Stile York the Commercial — Advertiser
Wilmington, N.C., the following accoantis given
of Mr; MerietWand- his meteorological dog:—
'4lr.:Meriam, who Jives in Brooklyn, Lc, without
deulst;.the most indefatigable meteorologist
TlOdiighhisinstrumentality, hourly n. , cords
Of the temperature ere now kept on the Shores of
Lake:Ontaiin, ' the Southwest - 31ountains in Vir
glide it:Melbourne in AuStralia, on Brooklyn
Heights, and in. the : Polar 'regions by Dr. Kane.
Mr. 'lderiith is 'assisted during tire day, and until
11 o'clock at night, by, some member of his ram
ily, in noting the height of the .tuetenry, At 11
he retires. to: rent, but rises regularly,on each site
reading. hone at 12,1, 2, 3.- and 4 o'clock.. At
4 o'clock however; he - remains uP, and 11oes- not
go to bed again until the succeeding night, and
he is tieverluewn ty sleep during the day: -He
. has kept upthis practice for eight years and is
one of the mast healthy and active men ;hat can
be found anyihere.. And in rising, as he .does,
at the ecibmencement bf each hour, he not only
gets up,-Init is required to step outside into the
coltLopenWir, where his thermometers are rigged
. .
There:have been'many example's recorded of
the services- nod sagacity of dogs. , Squally en- '
'dowedWith intelligence and fidelity, the dog is
the - faithful ' - and devoted attendant upon man,.
from to the pole. In the wildentesa
And in - the city; . by-land and by sea, Lein the con
stant companion of man; attends him in his ex
cursions of pleasire, or: watches by him in his
tail, and Weyer the trusty defender of his person
Mr. Miriam;would be unable to acconinlish his
lirpose -without the assistinoe of his dog, which
he has t .. rstin,ed - up"tci'be serviceable to the cause
On his retiring to sloop, the dog takes Lis eta
-don at the door, and, whenever the clock strikes
the hour, the dog rises and scratches at the
of tho room, and always makes noise enough to
make himself heard: He perscreres,lndeed, un
til his master is awakened, and he comes out.
They both;tleSces . thesteirs together and par
take of the fresh air - find when the rteck . rd.ii math;
they 'both retire sgain to s. breif repose, which
the oloning hour to sure to interrupt.
.Itionlit be curious to know what the' doei
speculations upon„the subject art, and what all
this getting up and clOwn stairs every night is de
signed fon:and whethec any doubts. ever entered
into hlahead as to the profit or necessity of - the
business.. , 'newer& 'Mims' has shown no dispc,
sitionlo . belt from his duty, and surrender the
post to tome` If he has reasoned up
on.the matter at 4111,'he ban loiig 'since come to
the cottchmion,- like, It *ice 'dog: to obey :orders.
even ir he breaks owners'.
. • • - -
• gr - 1112,111 , FS • LIQUID iThilt • DYE—This
.I.l4deCnietiot be toe' strongly rvumm uulntto nub-
Itcattantitin. It poracuto. et Ina pantiles, destwo Cho nroperty
ofolfeetpally changing , cbile, rod or .gray to a beautiful
block or 24 . 01•21, in tro minutes, without .y Injury what
ever to the balr,.bq on tba: contrary. air. It allecly and
InaltbY anvestanot. Ladles and gentlemen wbo bare-be-
W.* premure-Is
atA-ray. tan, In afew Wooten, Kasai lei.
m a bead o(bale of raven blackners, Nu - ranted per
manent. • Gentlemen. who wear whisker. or paortaoltdur of
a any or trdltde into can In a fee- moon& lutre them per
tatoently black: • gleartratl.bYZ-D. Giboau, Chemist, of
a1t 1 .10.7-Not /WC •
•-• Nonared aad ran
. , .
OIALBUTT:tit 4 bbls fro* Roll:Batter,
cr reed perV, t P.ltailruad, for rale br
VIVA dozenlor sale.
firl 40. A..FMINESTOCK t. CO.' •
,ABITX7"URR-100016s for sale by
0 SUGAR: T :IO hbds for sale low:to close
. t-koxitomionier a-Irrmrs; -
WINTIItitS-----5-111;ls prime Atoll Butter:
_ ; hms. a Ebb 'Wk.! d(c
X) k_ fear lard. (rut teed mid tor
•Lle L.l ' JOHN XX ATT A co.. zps Lin..rtr rtftet.
, 11,30 b))1F1 Ao 1 Lake:Sup'r Salmon;
VI4 • . . '
...2, 1 .. - - t'll'.l6lalf las. ' d__ ~.c, . -: ;do• • , ' : do;
by .
....:.,?).'d.rtrala lded Ind,. 'on hand and In, We
dal ' ,TOILN 117ATT k 00. 208 Liberty ortseet.
A rCITI9.FIThe' largieWi.tuadTlifeCliatiice
Trangtut Cotn t any ttlll hold an electkm gm
: - Ulna, , and ift Manure, et the .haro Com- •
-wan , af b r , 44 .1.4 ~... on' the, :d Monday of January (10 14 t he Tail ikelba, Soho Bride, , ...•
4 1Z 1,1 41 c', , ' •- - . , i :.W.111., EICIIIIA UM, Pmetdent. • • ,
';‘KNERAL'.WATERS—LI haw on—hand
sad constantly
. .rodeitinalrediiorMlliant the
*Orr. in pips and quart tottiage Empire Spring.
j ra s tlar
jr(Wlntrrerol,yater, ago&hre.te..!talrt4tr.o.,
and corner FrmuLth and Smithfield
yAIRA IYE&-1111i.h elor' ;Liquid IfitirDye
- 4.1/111ff i ant--color of the flair toe
pwa P nod ' l4 9 trtrt E r * roVrt ' tlt o tlr l4'
• wle
try , Jagliert . -akr,i.lEso..rerner 3larket sAreet and the
sod eunweweerte and Stalthdeldt streets.
and French Ripe, and
eldf q 44 I'lol'7
thee iniatore and for sale tkr itn
e 331.3
CHESTS—LA 'new lot - or va7
rinusahres and styles: gilled to order. ho ado hr.' •
JOS. FWd.l;4o, , eor...Markat at. and DlantomL
Ina cur. Fourth end hmithdeld sty.
•. . .
, r it SAVE ,-,Anti
name and , tot e ldtolted on Ann otreet, between Corp
' 66,1,..r ..b.l4,,,,dlli,Alklitiwn. LiitXtrVi?rfd'?l7.
o r d.. pet, WA. Terms „ esTy Apeir to JtL ,
. ,
T 15 3
418. Ureug.:. • -
• .11*41..prr l'sraete4 •
• •• •
J. 4 -"Ad milcs F 'B o albAL M erat to arrive. kw sale
b r : • • . • 00. .
—.Peal will be rreeind at the Philadelphia
Wyeesoth el of Jammer. 16.'4. for ear
Iv th e At' Mtn"' Thodastel Tabs of Bittnninoos
suitable Re the ov er nstreture of Gs& to be delivered
• ' o.lBtont at. the Bo Worts, tar one-tenth of thy.
hob root.. la met of the mouths of Merril, Audi, Ma",
Auestat. Beptember.Ortober. and the remaining
tartlet the math of November ne,t,
Coale met ha fneth, them and drf. and of a scat' .
~• go twe'. by the Enable.. The propose/It untatirtata
gt. {ruler variety of Coal It le Intended to furnish:
and lf of tt laud not bears weed at thaw, wort. , maples for
• trial trill be owypidesd previas to the time of spenlar the
aer"=The arose toe of 240 Pseuds will he coseldered
ght Intended In copral. enleeedott..l.
the etniclt bushel of Zig= it,b,". l Tirl
wed. In nem( tailors V, &nem Ohs mai amordlog to
attreensent. the TmaYee of the flu Warta eemem
right te purchase wherever thsf net dem beet end e 1.,.
• to Ow oautreetery .or hwy or damage erimmnient no yeih
•• • •
The pers.= will be Made In Ora .103 t larthlmente. at
/bur sod At mouths slier, the welded period. of Olive.,
the 16th anal math... 1* they, se the eventsge of the
monthly deliver". or, at the °Won of the Trusty.. par ,
...Air will be taatt• to cub, with the legal Interest de.
Should the attotroodayi pr.*, to deliver the foal milai
than required:A reueleed. but payments will he
dO4 rZgrr t irgrilYllierst of the to . ntrati
trtli be .• • - .1010 C. CIIEPSON, Enitlnwer. - •
Oda ClieTrurke,Dre-Silth Jeg.ed
/ .W i .i etZr'ti. VeZi .th. iTan:rteMat o n le:
li .' u.i 'Am. , • ' . ' l ' : *
... /out tlntylemlum Pll vet. Ifedate hare le.n mottled lir
ill he . the l'Llln 7oetltrte. PennsyleanJe. he the
aserkahleelltate. New Ter*. bi,the3leeileed Ille'lltht. ,
tind IT She Itemedmotte /thelutaie Aesotiatlon.
t..7,1i the aloal4 elnltlitit b iu rtti t
$ °S usi to the oreeolom !tenet'. Slagneettt, . -
*II, ~n.,.. gw e eeeleeke•at taetn. ae<l I . Creel [be
th entroon Caletnel Nag:rale.
4. ellO V =t h a lt - hA " lted the eel. hJ Themes J. Mabee& Oleo
.:.1 ca..eelearlenelte. rfilladelphle. retest. Ly OrAnrk Know
. '''' - aiii; pliw— r h. f— A-I.o— . Aik,..b..T. end Druesclets
prthendlf In nthantrlth. • aple.42aelelta
• CHEAP 'WAIL . .l'APEß‘—.l l .fot• "20:tot — XI
q.v../ and beautiful dellicna." iota small and
o *aided aimeartountoit 111r...ran ging In. 61: en 1
as!e.b.r. ICALVEK / 3f AIIbII.!UJ, •
•• Btaltn.f. -Lott of <hound. distal.' near'
on Wubluoaa drat, 42nmail• Ow Clint Oliumr .
Mr. V.. pummel, la,tlas menastea
ilairiassa,', rriady rays to Sacks money..
11 OFFER FOR SALE upttords of 30 differ
ent ftecelptit many etublch hare bran sold the past
glr ti t e r : 3 44, 41 71r 1%7 la af:Vattil aunt %. M;
salon , I have known. Young Men the Past. year to
.04 v. f 7 t0.1.0 dollars per day, and ha the manuf
and acture
an Into of sus o f
ran w. of the articles, iskrOuluir emcee,
the whole mauler of :mlO6lOll is forward.' 0 7 roam—
Sollettar taken from the adios unless prepaid.. idrodu,s.T
WANTED-5000 bush. Barley, for - :which•
V the highest 3.larluet Dyke .LtL peat to cub, by
D. W. 112.1DrYlliE, & CO,
• Yip.. 9S & 1,15 Fran:stmt. Pittsburgh-
- .' I VOTICE to Geo. D. Foreman, Jacob Shull
' l ll
iilland ail whom tTy lioneer i p, that th:_iehreffe.
epar"ii2Verl2l7l4,7 0r.'4,41;,?1. 8 igr=b l 24,l,Vl l ,T,
.i,r_tharNes e s euriog. keeping. tr., at the [mien a
ehlilteelhbergee. In the borinigh of Tarentnin, en Moo -',
day, nOtlent Jan. 1854., unless otherwise eeileepel.
W. [TAMER, No. .North
Second street, two door. Melee the llount 'Vernon
Ii otel.Chiladelphia.ltanUfacturer of l'lne Oil nr Camph_pe r
kluld. Idea sod Oil Lampe. Chandeliers and Candelaielni.
hir Churches. Stores. te. The subeesiler would ineetfallY
'write the attention of storekeetx•ra, end the pub' gener
ally. to Wattage stock of li OOPS. consisting of the stove
named utkies, which will he disPaed r et the Wallet
outeutieturer's price/. Wholesale and Re t ail...
N. R.—Also, t 6 test quality of Ttuirdt,g
Muhl. Pi OR,
er Oamphene Globes, Shadee, Wkke, ke. Newel ' . paten (
'.l4f4ty. Latupa. • new article, for ash/. delSkewrT
CONTRACTIMI At/EST.—The antseriber has been
indeeed to opennu office for the purpose of bitlinn nod
Isuleg, on rocumlealnu, and , hating -the agency of
large team Sew MUM and Boat Bardeen the Allegheny
ricer; together with many other facilities from other :water
elStmun now Bllls, he flatters hlmaelf that he can Str
h. any bills oflumber, and deliver them at any - y.IIA on
the I.llegheny,
_Monongahela, OhM. or, Mlsalseippl
raotrart build large Wince, Storeßoata, Coal Plata. Boni
n Uncle, Bridge Timber, Ream& Ilmbeni—Frehatt, Iron.
7 1 1. dei, ,,, t r amkcfrpt trot, era attend to the . sale
italbering frelghtln ng , he =17.12
nuell.elh — err;ilatracts mon; sporhdli"*y ILwo"wanril=etti
or I n 011tsof towhee d Umber almuld contract Pe.
them In the fall, for the elute and limner urw ,
oleo ttrod p to the purclpse and We o anyrommedlty that
rana!be desired;
-Letters addreeeed to David Moon , q and Con
tracting Anent
2 atlttsburgh to . , Box No:ItX). pose paid, be
punetually attended Ills °Bled , Is onlry_ ln street. ho.
, Allegheny House. _AMU/ MUNN,
CoL Jame B. M arrow:rem
armot!. Lumberman. Mimi/with.
/Ir. John dltnidron, Lap, ••••• . ." .
Ih. Vg! . .,==,lL . . _ gr u -r lil l"'
)Ir. Ulm. Sweeney. " ••
... "
, d J. Hahn d Co.,
de ..I.lyddarT
lIOLDEIL wlthprospenslon Prairie , will be zwelved by
11 mpany. at Its elboe, until lot February; 1r54. The
tlae /older to he- of the Yellowing dlmenalond tie: The
I or Inner part ill fret 111 Mehl. In diameter by 'ti
leAto at the shim. end the lower or outer port Intel. In
dl /ad.. most Include the erMeirm of the whole on the Com
p. yre mound.. at St.. Loofa, and - the putting of it In sour,
, . °Dipoles of the oparilkotiono MAT be had by Ispplkai..4on to
the Nem•etary. Ordered by the Board. .
,_ Aurti-.lllrofalowt.liß EDWARD STAGE. See'''.
POW SALE... A farm of. Forty-Eight acres
and SS perches. in ElisaLeth tcornahlp, AlleghanT
County, larl , y . the empnrtr of John iTatt. deed, situate
21 ' . atZao I.7liZiettAVTIT
Ire,. 1144 Itauroad, now making. Ina land /a good. aod
aloarthlutal.a3l4naZitid.t.bas t
tt chr:
lotne.! A
_good. Lon Rain , and a Lo ere L a
blows and Kitchen:
ten Prod Springs and nraintr.youse, and OrelsaVl . ..all von'
An i y y Aatr eriathtp
none, t ,
b all the
DayMO r n b arpiaoe, g hmendon b'eglye on the let of
.1 will treelenraneetftdly sealed propose.* port
.neld. , en3d transmit any InSnmatlon requited that I ran,
Ofncly~the Direct to
THOMAS per, •
iratle.T Staler Tak, Allegbemyßa, Pa.
California Bread.
T,LE h S o nits criber manufacturifig and hao
Id Le Pm ClitrargllieVlV.e.l'Lrrgrtn'ratlll7l4: n.
tod ItIU stand any climate. Any quantity can be n=
Ott ithortnotioe. J. nIIEPIIARD,
n.r4 . No. 217 .Liberty stieet.
Wood street, of Weston Nue
v..). TILE
having become tbe promietora of the Renton A
Patents air making. Wrought hen direct from
the on.. go% that. potion of Penesyleaulalying Wed-of.
and login:Wm the oaratine of Fulton, Huntingdon, centre,
Clearfield. Mk arni.ilalialoo. are nog prepared to sell cer
tleentewof etoeit to sold itotapany muds dime of Moot en
titling the balder to share In the profits eflhe Cumpany.
and the right toque onlifurnare under itaid,Pt.ds The
Company gill atm sell the right to use tbe Improvement to
the siere named territory, by Hugh!, furnace or 6U:tender..
The feet that by.the Heaton prom., Iran ore eau be eon
• versed; Into Hoots. at aboutthe met required to cuevert
o me n larits: te pig metal,. iv a inflitiont reommendatien of in.
• H.
Mr. Ames 11. Crane has. been appgraied meet Per the
role ofirights VS use foramen under eal4 genet, to whom
oppilratkot mat be made, or to the undentgGed Director.
of the Company, J. h. MOORHEAD. Pittsburgh.
• JAS.. W: MAILMAN. do,
. ; . • DA M PSEM WOOD, Illiee•part.
• deLlalAwta U. CRANE. Pittsigtrich. .
RENT.--Seren Acres of Gound within
flee 'Uinta/wiltilia the Rayeellle station on the Ohio
• Pa-Rallroad on which Is et,ted a new cottage built
dwellhm (beantlfolly eltuated) by. 21, youtaluoi MIL
rooms. attic mests., all fenced A:strata Wing. Neer utlfnl garden ground, haring full Time of the and
railroad: One year with the . , Proaesehut nhuo
InnedlatelT." Apply to
• .1•17 ; IIfeLAIN, fifth street.
PIPES -200 ft., 4.
3 bbl.
I bt,LN u u ttim '
".14.wd At
Catpelangs" Oil Cloths and Mattings.
itiOBINSON . .4, CO., No 47 Fifth.treet, near
, tfe. , 4— From on bona a large .4 choke a...remora
o LARCETINGS, of the latest audanore beautiful patterns.
omariotipg of—
Rojo] Pellet rAtriete . • -
. . ; Tapeatry an ItrumeliMele
' Three Ply. .nd So perdue Cupearr .
• .
''.. l' r r lled am?rialo Venetia
, Together with eery cresoriptkor uf low pried arp Vr Tr . ie
(M. CIATIIII-110.214hre• to tw.ty-four foot ratio, all
rilti . e n agge si f id.. .4la42l . M. l i a i
j 1 , 1 4.. 61a , n u ;lot ;N.
Holland, Stair Rod,. Ac. . -
Mernsuo—amton Matting: White ad - Check 44. 64
0.34 64 wide; Coma , Matting from 2-4 to 4;.1 nil of which
will be offend. the LOWY..ST I'ASII PRIC - W. : • myl3
.iffers and Gas Fistaias. — ' -7- .
rpliE subscribers are now opening at their
■ poi Warman No, Id) That street, between - Wood and
Smithfield; the- lamed.' assortment of CIIANDKLIERS„
BRACKET'S. Pin BANTA and all articles competed 'with
(lu Fitting, era offered In this market. daring arrange
ments m r ade by which they will be constantly In receipt of
neer patterns and varietim they.oardidently Invite the at.
tendon 'o purchasers all y heir selerthm. We an deter
mined to sell mime as home In the WM, ant being
practical Cu Inttemean odor peculiar advantages to time
deshingartides in thin line.
We continue to heretollord.ln fit up buildings of ever; I
dime intim Mr me, water and steam , •
Brae Outi n g. of all kinds made to orderrmiptlr.
- • • LOBO MILLkiR A CO.,
NO. BO Mat etreeL
Now Leather Store.
CYG: MOWRY, late of the. firm of It. Bard,
• No. = 3 Lihrver.treet. WPM , * the brad or Wood
street, wholesale-sold retell dealer In I.E.VITIER. HIDES,
and OIL, has pot returned from the Past, nod is now
relying large mortment of Leather , consisting of—ti ed
Sule, .Balthemrs Lather, libiLwielpids an 4 Stench tkila
skim Maroc. and Okla, of all descrintionW Binding mid
Lining Wino; and a. geinWal assortment id Fludinga
to purchamd mallentire stork for mak.,...1 am prepared to
sell low. for mah. cold mitre tny Mends Mead and
'crauukte my stock bet on purchasing Mew Dere.
rahla 0. minty.
Edmund Watts ' •
RKin,roe!Ft of:their. Fall,Styles: also a
,a rAb;.w nA r st-P.l4r.g,
Uago Benrem, Itima L lar and Y'llat eloth i a, L of ra;k;na erdom
and qttallthar, Cloth. or .the 614 =siva:and meet Ilkot..
!Doable Wore for Dna. nod Crook. Costa Delaln Maek
Caasavt%a t rld
I lkattkinn m Plain nod Fumy colored CAM.
31111:11 j1;f1 . '
IVA?" h 'in otthe , n eat' )....andAlky to
• great -anxiety. Altoautrar atnat e u w aled wont:am& •ta.
stdrit aremn the atlanting 9Cone madeePbb.
lie. and bra heard trrnamrd them, that all clothe. by
. 41 . 1 1 to or abDeeke atga, and at madam,* Wren.
Hew Be taurant,
grin lindersifned has opentsta B.EBTAII
. rant at Co. 40. myth etreet,a fewdoors from Market,
nculpp odiOte.thl A 3l 4 cr i c A ba:te , Itgiiri be has Len
ed to to t'
randhe puDreJa4l l' iimicre; witir a r nj:tgrg thepniarvant
Dinner on the table, daily, fnon 12 to a n'eloch b . P. id, and
trast ic ttoom i ll . l gl A r . ers to imply the ta rm . _ all
..Ateahland refreehmente furnished to order, at an hours.
Whe abortext notke. •
ith tho facilities pomimied by the' enieeriber to al
tisfactioy beitrmits• to be able to
a t t7i " xma Pr merit:smcrat and e
unexceptionable etrle. • Vct. well LP a nd. co ed . • • ' In
Terms resannalde. "JAS. WitEON. ;Co. 10 'Fourth et.
Plttelmruh. /day 7, 1843..• •
: sussullOglilliWOßSßLE EIIPV ) Y3I72. She
eu berd.destems of havinz as Agent in each eourit
Mud town town Of the Union. ' A capitaln
$5 of Teem to $lO on
will he nntilroiL and anythlne etileknt„ et le
man, eau make from 113 to Pager dap; Indeed some of, the
genteficdr•rwlozad ate reallitin Ire that - sun. • Yr
err. hammed erytbesivisn h lomat.. add
' • Dox 001. Philadelphia Poet
. lIOUSG -AND PFXD frtOltire—No...l2ll nod. rait
Waugh. Pa.-1:. It. tiIIANISLAND,• (We
VGA OM C 0.,) Ifanfanurar and Dealer in Agricultural and
lortleniturai Implements. of aLigtods. Who/amain end /1.-
talk Meld. Carden and lawn haads . _, k•sero fruit and
bade Tree; Unarm. Poodratte, l.beniad• Why and all
otber *Skin onnneetad with Agriculture. •
..• • •
The undersigned wish-to diapae of then. tnenortf.
situate In the town of Lagrange, Jae/snow Coonty s Oh* .
°PCkgr.V,U Nllf;%Vz " : ', l ` ll°44 lb ;. " rit, " `
nod arm thing In •osnutete +analog ant.. ant capable of
doing a wood merehant wort. to one of tin tarn veinal
growl of was,. °rum stast. cksicou ssd good
Abo-7 nen Of. oo°nod to good order. whkh has on it
Ch. aglow ing improsrussota: •
ona good Brisk Cottage HOU.: •
One gond Yearns do.;
On. do. Warshonae.
as bank of sho
ot hi, wall so
sw.d agai n, darnaln from water. and sho WO yards
from the saurood.
A l so—s line Tonna Orchard of nano* fruit bank • good
vei tr•ter. and U" anIVIONDOMIL •
itW. will ?ail a r l t i k =aa•• eog , : j a; . .4...rfrir, to not oar
ris7 L iss.^s. Us% a sal Liito g rAVAt
or of nonalses. on nom
DEPOIUTES la thellank of Pittsbneeb s ef the amount
en Dollers and exemedlesiz that etins. oh kb, within she
of odralelnilbals'ed.ntiirit.
name of tbe eepotill. the date whim tort emn. otivl
tnati or taiaoftwaereurd, u.l lb. 'mown thereof- • •
No., littAknce. - latte. • olowneaf
And. Ii AuebeLao ...1040-Pept. 30-$lOO IXI
Otiverewilliu .............
...111.50-Now 10... 0000 00
Ytantia Pally ..... ..,.., ' • _1,46-du. ....n... 00 00
11U. Lootire tlesiMer. .-1.333-Joir In- ' 1110
17 . 7 Ugl u t. 6 .......... Baldwin tp...1)11,0-,dvnt. 7. 334 00
Mery gore • - -11150-Rtavel 4- IR 00
- ....114343-316. 103..10U0 CO
John Ri.he
•.•1860--Jolt 1... 113 00
Darwin Ilsolsw
...14!,0-Owt. 33...
M 33
44411.1 111,0 .. ..... _ .
• .... 11,0 0-)teh...... TT
.Idehard :1,4.11 r
....119.10-.1.e. 7... •lAOO .
.BUIt011.: Which within the last 1b... fa n Um. troy
: '...ovidiewn, with tb• names of tha 0.0411 !den to wham
. 1114.4TArlioi. of li'rattnarolawl coital, dividend of
inter 11, 1&A), 00.1 Nomniber 5, 1,31;,,e - eire - 4, ‘ .Th; e -
Mira a. Therr. .d 71 . 07 vir ...IT. di , idend a' Ma* I'
111:4 and Nov. 4.1831, on deo otture. CZ.
James Pampla, dowwwod. dividend of liar 7,1860, on
three rizaars.l/1. •
I. etwillr that tha twinning etviveer,fo I. Wow,. end
dividend, do. the Demons meow& and having ~ m aned 10
Lank for throe rinses. _ ._ 201124 iih ORK. Outlier.
Sworn to an(vidwallarllwion tna, this twentkth der of
'knead.,. A. lklBn.' ' •
"."2/..7..-.1t3. ' THOMAS BIM. Alderman, '
. tSTO - CFI i i nrou — Tirieilbecri4r on Tuesday.
night, ICUs Inst.; it Hwy Hawn, lb mho old. tilailt
, n Aso . wzn i i huh lb= rub, ref 1 ort b al i b , •=af his .
tti..l.ewwws,l7gy Winn 1.141 d (41..nk h yr
P'.. l 7intwas so, Mbar bum ➢ et aid • •
lei iKikcotu
• — V:
ode. 97
.the 99 Men Sups; Mestanang.
W. W. retipectf t ally inform his friend
Yirtiril4d rattomert
offered for plain Mb city, which will be sold at prima as
low as uy In the limited ( ) Latta 11A....T Olt WIEM to A deernabed to uphold hiss tock, wlthseasonsoltuater
tent workmanship, and newest design= and from thetent of his ordetwandibethtrin manufsettning. he low.-
.Wed to annum warranted FURNITURE at the st
pricea. •
Ile has adopted the pthiciple of 'death) Ink the custom.
er • interest with his own, In guilty and price, and keeps
always on hand the greatest variety of erery deseription
of Furniture, from the cheapest and plainest, to the most
elegant and costly. that • homy or any tuft of one. may
be fmnished from Ms stock. or manufactunol expreany to
tinier. The followlng anthem coushrt In part of his assort
eldch. for richness of style and 'Mash. cannot team ,
Fusel In any of the Futern elopes
Louis Mt' tete-anent Sofwk
0(1 Enke In Phil& 0101 D a Cloth;
Ol dozen ..Mahogany al do Walnu Ch
t do ne
)41 Mahogany Boding Chain;
Walnut do do
50 Mahosmny Blue;
Ol Walnut ,
50 Marble Top Centro Tables;
50 do Deeming Moreau;
30 ' b Washstand,
40 Inclosed do
100 Common do
53 Plain Inessing Bureaus:
10 Ilahogany Bedsteadw
0 0 Walnut do
WO Cherry and Poplar Bellstcatik
O) Mahogany Wardrobe.)
10 Walnut do•
10 Cherry do
10 Plain Borcang.
70 Cluing and Breakfast Tebbe
12 Ilecreta.7 and Book cum
)9) began Can B aski n g haim
24 Cane Sent °balm
12. Ladles' Writing Desks;
Hat and Towel Omaha Whet-Notw
&lamina. Papier Maybe Tablet
Courersatlon Chairs Pembroke do
ti ethen di Ilan and Pier In
lb:naon d Ladles' Me
Pearl Inlaid d ot c, Fatal:wine Inning redden
Arm do: °Omani=
Gothic and Hall Chain;
Abo,la large suortmentof Common Furniture and Wind
ir Choirs.
Cable t makers supplied with articles In their Blue.
Steamboata and lintels furnished at the shortest notice.
All orders promptly attudeS apl•y33
STOCKINGS—I2O doz. mono
extra heavy Mel Cotton &eke; ;Am
d. do, do. ua.
mashed, three threade, .t the
Fl ETU STREET Stocking Manufactx.7.
100 dm. lk.ya' stout mixed Dolton Socktari Elrod at MN
x. do. do. labile dn. do. the
TIFTIL entEET Stocking thumfaciney.
R I;S' groc KI IS-L-37 doz. Girls' u
VA MD.. white Cotion Stockinr.t. ono elastic , tom .11)
dot. dd. do. muiwr opoodrurked do. 110. do.. at th..
FIFTH :STREET Storking Ahumfactwy .
-10) dos. of Merino. Lambe' Wool, Stowpo,
Suct/4 -
Ylllll STREET Stocking ilahMketory.
IiNDERSIIIIITS-6 doz. Lndiegc
1:7 Uoutlemeo's and Children's Silk Undershirts LI doz.
Game Merino and Lambe' Wool dn., at the
FIFTH eTILEVY Sto-king Manofartory.
k 7 Ladles' and Children', Hosiery Moves. le Silk sad
thle Thmod, ofsrerJJ and r
mai W 1 111 0
LAMBS' WOOL MEET—_'O doz. zmper
(kat. Socks, legible wool wrier 10 dot. Desey stems.
2 dux. been thread Socks, at the
aD pima STIUIET Stockinikatantifsetnry.
IT MAY ek i NCEßN.—Axenteable to so Act of AmemblY
a e State of Pennsylvania, and in conformity 'with the
authority granted by said Alt, rho Beard of Trustees of the
First Methodist Protestant Month of thellty of Pittsburgh,
hare purchased a Burying Dround du the Ails boor
dead,'Cemeery for the purpose of ant i transfe the remains of
the now ratting In the Dullin und tedouging
said Mardi. thereto, (located near the Calm' and routing
on Liberty - street, In the city or Pittsburgh.)
Notice Is hereby then to all who lime lot - prhahm. ni
are otherwise intenwied In mid llorying Dmond, that the
Board of Tru are now preiwtred to attend to the re
moval of the dm4to the Allegheny Cemetery.
It is desirable that immediate attention he.wivendo thle
oath", as It le motel:collated to !MTV the entire Innovate '
made during the present Winter.
All the umessarj Information, may be hod bi - applying
to, or add Lhaa. Craig, Len. be
Alley, Pitts
burgh B tu . order of Board of Trustee,
The Shin alumni. thle Line are - the
ATLANTIC. Capt. West. ARITR.:Capt. Lam ,
. PACIFIC ; ('a p t. Noe. BALTIC. Capt. Crtnamton.
ADRIATIC,i . ant. - •
rIIIIESt.: Ships hate Leonbuilt by enntr
1 1 / 4 ,'411,tir r oeror'=“7.4 l 67.117.;Mre,....71.-: b.. .
strength and 14.4 ed. and Dna annnuenedat <ma I. 1 . .11021. ,
g , - , 1 TM1.1•11104 for elatoenve and rasurort,
Gin F L U B
nne (ono
York Cs Liverpool In Vint ,
n xclusive use of extra •14.41 Sate lbsons..S.t
h. Senna $70.. Own Liverprod to Nos Ynrk. OD
mei Lae.
Au experimented Buono.. altarDeA' to nob Ship.
ND Berth nu be staterrd until pald Am.
rebur NE. Yens, 1454. V.. Lernernix, 1 5 f4.
Saturday, January 7. I Wednesday. Jammer,- ll'
t'aturday, - 2. Wedunday. -• 2.5,
Satunley. February 1. Wedpeeday, February S.
Satunlay, - lA. kednen., - A•A,
Batuntay. Marne 4. Wednoesday. Ranh . ySrda - I ' l Wednenlay.
7 A l77, l4Y;Nyril I. Deednesda, April 5.
Saturday. 15. Wednesday. - IV
Saturday. ••• 25 Wednesday, May 7.
Satemblai, Bay 13 !Wednesday - 17.
Satunlay. - 7 1 Wed...dam. - 31 .
Saturdsi, Jen,. In Wednesday. Jun. 14
Saturday. - 24. Wedneoday, - 24.
Saturday, July S. • redunday. July 111
Saturday. - ZS Wednealay, - 24.4
Saturday. Anuet 1. Wedunday. August V.
S.turday. .. PA Wedundxy, '. ID.
Sainrd 4 s7.oe9lernber2. IWedneolay, Repteemher
Saturday. - lA. Weed...lay , - :33.
Saturday, '' .DA WednesdaY. 0rtn 14, 7 7 . •
Naturday.October 14. Wednesday, - IS.
SatardaY . . - . 25. ' Teduestai, No..mbe., 1.
Saturday. November 11. Weduesday, ••• 15.
Saturday. . 2.5. Wednesday. • - ?I.
Saturday. December 9. Wedunday, December 12. 1 4. 27.
4 n e .. r gill i all r 4 r; A ' nen g !, q.l'VT,,.rr: 71 : 174 ) 1! ) F s uTiki'i'
Lo u Li rennet; E. U. .104.14R - oi elt 0k.13 El l arm Anus,
udon; JOHN' AIUNROE 4 tat. DI are Notre Daum an
Yinolrea, Paris ofmnicrt. DRAPER. Din,
The owners of then Ships svIII not be ar e.
ChM. Silver,
Si l l, Bullon. Specie. 'Jewelry. Precious Stones or
Metals. unless lof Fading are siEned therefor, and the
value value Mantel exiirentsl • . irlt.
-- ---- ----
New York and Liverpool Swallow—Tail
Line of
i -3ACKET SHIPS I weekly, and PHILA.
111.s (City of k/aneheraermad Cite of Glasgow) rail
iralatttly. JOHN THOMPSON.
410 Llbarty Amt.
Is the not agent for PRlalorauto he but alaraya on hand
'Pasoan. Ticksta and Sight Deaf ta. trona it foray amount
the National Bank. and ail Its branches In Newland,
Irciand. Scotland rod Dram paid fret of draionnt.. Alan,
Icings uwengere from New, lock or Philadelphia. on Wi
rral. to Plttabargb, and any 'amount of adi Pkid them In
the ralirradollicera inbahlr'634ArT
Union Laboratory. •
76 8 095. 99
•.. nr Tlf
turers Alenhol: Euro ERlrlta Cohgrno and Innn•
C , 711 2 C171 stfitilltimtWar "I=Ctil7tll.7 " 44.7 me11 ordeafro Pittatllth rili be promptly k, x,
irrIB.Emf!NDE.SInISME-Akli, (flteWg"ll3=
Iltevenann k Ck 4) Manufacturer awl Dealer in Agrkoltnra/
and Horticultural implement., of all kinds, wholerateland
Antall. Field, harden, and /loner Seethe Evergreen, Emit,
'and Shad,: treeng (Nano. Pondntte. Chemical *Alta, and all
other artlele• connect.' Irlth Awrscultur, da7:iyaws
CLOVER DAIRY.- , -Tho tyubsC.ribei - iN pre
. AMdto.firit...btlonguit,..47tEsil. MILK
hiemds 'end tins pnblin... Lila COWS ArtTallookiro'd
who/wane 1'64 and every ears will he taken to satisfy his
wallopers.. rmrs addressed to Wilkins/kat Orate, Riving
'hurledhekot the resl4enee and street, will be luonetualiv at.
to: [0e...1.11.11
WATTS& CO:, Merchant
1& l At'ertr stmt— la no w
Perna, want or superior Llut i lahug are ntepocfn4y
rik,lho wall end *sand. our stock before buying,
as In
will endoelvor make It to their interest to paebue of 11/1.
Oda • It WATTS t C0....1../15 arse-
PROPOSALS 'for a Telescopic On Holder,
with i g:ts =lot:
.Fxr, The tin ValerVo ho of. the . f t oilrr i lot dlomendon;. 11. The o
LlZ:ll.lrottllVgswer j'oul'APnpa4l.4obior
0 .. 3.V.d05p.
ILidnigrt IFV.7llllrAlrid o i r rutlittrot rtt
working (*der.. .
may .
ih t e l Z m U b .. 'ALd bAL4I4I, • . D Dliratbn
StAOO. SeeY.' •
. Ti." to an order of the °Rama' Court of the County of
.134.4er: 1011 I. expron4l to We by public vend. or oaten.
at Met/nun Ilan" In lb. Wain_ ghof Pea
.on the MAT
SATUIIDAI: jab day) 4 1 . Momarr Mat ver ato folloulug de.
valhal Heal Mate of Andel. Purdy, lateof sold aunty.
dammed, vim: Your town lots to the Norouah of Hoshester.
bets Noe it, 4, 11 and 14. etnlmated 111/11n one tueloanna oa.
whieh ern Salmi orations. fob Noe. 4 and 13 are /I/lusted
as It or amid, and upon wbleb are arteled one
Largo Warne Tavern House. nailed the Pavillon. re. Pa
.ollion Hotel It i s . ltuated %U t z Ohlo i rlver, a Omit
( fi l e t, :
.._ l l M R:n b aTivanlitliroad• 111 Vl 3 Ntorgio dm
u50e5....... a Ilidatad. Tble vrtif t• • &Arable last/mi. pm
goal aa any In Wastern Pennsylvania. Alta Lot
. K. Ist said Bornngb, on *bleb 14 mated one sta
Am. lot No. 12, with • 41m.t mated thereon. Also, than
town tots. In tits Borough of Ream, satiated on Fourth •
ghat. and lumbered 1 87 1.111 and /MI. with n mall mil
add off. Alan, the undivided half of a certaipart milers
'of lot. No. lb. homided on the North by ilouodary alma. In
the villains of Bridgewater, oontalning about one arra. Im
gormation given on appilattion to Benjamin Adams, Ad.
nolelatrator of aid deeeso4d.
T. 011114-- Ose - ihint In hand. and the %teem In tioot eel
.....0 pa N. 141t.b 143, from sontirmation of Bata
OT order of the P ort ,. deffilfftl•SWil. K. ROBBN. Cleric
FRAUD. -- All Persons who want. AXES
of the maJ.COLLONS CO. make. should be partici.
Mr to notice the Mania. ea_ Om UV ••110911 enaeteribita
and Itoltalkom cramped (14/Ina. and lahele4 mach like ours, which are fraudulently mold In mew parte of the
United State. as nee manufacture. They are mad. I Mt
knot pane of the tenantry by cart). amernakere..and
l in e n emdly of very inf.*, uality.
.Yhe onnice,
na which have anydrnt curb an extenriee reptile—
lion, are stamped . 00L1.1hd & CaLl... HARTFORD and
each me hoe a yrtinted label with my aignatute. It ."
ma now
ore then TWENTV.YIIiki YRAHH More we n meneed
the baelnen with the damp of ^Collins & Co,„ gaited..
and I do cot know of any other ameniaker br then ame of
1kA !.9.a0
11.1lnt,he ('011.4 Matta. •• ' •
• &AMITE& or. COLLna.
dps'ittt:StliSirehr ' istres_ a rbell i tr or a n:LITLT,
TowniniP. atlention ' y County. deed " . all . pencel indebted
to itald estate. are hereby required Mutate immediate Oar
a44 Mr...b.f.& claim* or dem.nde aindost
mid estate. are mounted to present theta. duly errthentb
rated, to the euWelber ne•Mlng Viltaleth Tounahip,
withouedelay JAMEE , krOONNKLI N
• Administrator.
. .
nAitk - Ciak - CY -7 1b — CAP178*
t v iola t: . Ag..-.L.r . .... t Ar n.p o r
,g ,i i
rrir d t....xiltv, r—ttron W. tank% the am-
TV. 4k. on. of lb. tonVi t ap r ' I"
:s "frm % ran° . ' l ir,
nit wt. And In perfect 1111.11,11nff ordel—ertrable or tusking
seventy Of. ton. per week of
al and :calla The wort.
me sitnate,d within onesald • hall Wits of the celebrated
Mier UM Coal Sleds. wad A. raltrned fyne. the Muse to the
sakiL d The gpallgy of lb. COW Is considered the beat in the '
: == i t i ll g trit i r*, ILA ay. It Li le an ted ' . l =4
' four b l est Stu-aeons In 'onntrstown. Rd others in tne i
, neigblorhotod: It hes In addltkot ea./ sues. to Lake Myr.
riot Iron: and in Wait of facilities be the ale orison It Ls
not tUrryllo•ll6its4ne the: amiss of •ryth deb andwh:done
sierkrultagml 1 , and awnetendieer ol po e [Ake
.:ilMroe thither intartnamon, appir ,to Judge lday.
1,, of Nowntatown, or*, • . . - , '
... , . ... rottr It 0/I.llad2D,
: • fal'ite . • oCillojOuhr .41T. PPtidonsilla rawe..
- PROPERTY FOR SALE ~, g ,,er•
toUR ItENT.-A lot on Annexe. Way. bstweenial
rand Hay street. 50 ft. fond. IT /ID It. deep
n alley
Also after April Ist, the proterty-ori rather l rather
of Liberty
0.0 Pitt acorns now Occulted Y Kingad. bang
to het on Liberty street. try SO Get on Li77tt aster We wilt
either tell these hates. lose them fur a term of yearn,m let
them on perpeteal and in Mb Of sale, will make
tern. to salt purehnsers. Zug nire
,ktdtt O. LOOMIS' oellnril4.4th et., Plitabtugh.
or JOHN IVAY, Jr- Sawickleryvilie.
Alm, 12 arm, between Sewickley and Seuainary Statio nv the ns
dim is
andwrciztria :Itnated for building
tbo roil is sidi:l r d good. ponvrty?1:1111 ehaerdar'va"
tages of the liaitheuL that being In the lower part of the
neightedhaal, Is freed [ran the annoyauern of the villag.
Alen, hot, Lege DWELLING 11002 IE in Sewickley.
withha • ghat dam. of the Railr and h is supplied with mast excellent wing - water. This house
urn mile be arranged to accommodate two families. and
will be tented quits low to • mood tenant Enquiry, o
tter2.ldtf P. A. WAY,or.2lso. WAY Jr ickla I' .o .
undersigned offers at private sale th property on
ederal street, moth side, tabor Robby,. , adorning ef
EIGHT LOTS, each baring Dort on We
etnot of ..N•
feet. and running beck 100 feet to an alley 10 feet wide -
So large a body of und, in a position so °lambi. la cer
tainly now not to be e met with in Ailed. y Thom
totes.. offered at the low price of 835>0 h; one fourth
maw in hand, the balance at 1, 2. and 3 y ,
Promo who may incline to purchase et the tonna alp
-oloted, will apply to N . lIOL MEN A SON,
0027 Bankers and Ureters. CT, Market al.
V STRiarf.-111 order to rattle ttp an ea te, will besot.]
at Titivate wale, on very reasonable tonna, 3 BUILD/341S
an.l LOTS on the northerly eldeof LlbaVty areth Th e
bulklinga are of brick, eubstantially built, 3 stories high,
(with stone front to the 24 amt.) and aro situated. In •
gad boldness locality They now yield an, annual rent of
$875. The iota hart a front an Liberty street of 45 loot and.
extend Loth kmarah Penn atreet feet Apply to,
telbtf IL BRADY ILKINS.IS7. ith at.
FOIL SALE.-The subecribee harp lad out ten
mares Into TWENTY LOTS, will tell one t or the whole
ten acres. This land is in lleserve town Ip. situated be
tween Saw NIRI and Foegtly • Runs, adjoining land of Col.
I% m. Robinson on the nurthwast. and C. Johann on the
mouth It Imo commanding views of Allegheny and Pitt.
Immth,and is admirably situated for residences. Thislrnd
in the highest state of Cultivation. it Is well impaled with
Grape lines, Apple, Porn and Cherry Trees, (loottebenies,
Currants, Shrubbery, de.. from 10 to 12 foto old. Each
lot will have a portion of }roll Trees On it. Terms rem ea.
war ja r art , jr:late ear h igalwr i t .b the Lumber Yard Office on
E: LIN IRON WORKS,” situate. at Franklin, in the
rnunty of N'enango. end State of Penney Irani. which cow
prism a Holing 31111,a llrist 31111, Nail Factory, large-Sham
and II arehmme,ll dwelline houses, with other out-build.
NUM with a, convenient cheap Andffaluable Water !truer
as the State an afford fur the above purpose. Coal with
in tom mile of the 31111 of n good quality and in suabient
quantity. Also but a short distance Rom perhaps 20 bleat
Menthe. Yoe terms nod information inquire of J. A IL
Ploy land James Black. Pittsburgh, dud tha euhaesiber at
Franklin. Pa. lap(I-tfj LAMIGILIToN._
IZOR SALE.-The attention of capitalists
is called to that VALI/ LBLE PROPERTY in Allot:he.
.n i yat ‘f r i , n 7str r y ‘ atelz , , g t 11:4 oorige r,, :q 1 ; trek st i r i ea n eon
ether lo IttO feet , th deptho te otnl n
feet Riley. This proper
ty wilt by hold altogetiwr o r b .' dividtvt into lot. of fret
front, to cult purchaser% It is handsomyle situated nn the
rosin thoroughfare between the two cities, and in the im•
mediate vicinity of the Depot of the Ohio A. Penney trauma
Railroad Conipan, it would le a most dextrally location
for Motel. • Publie Hell, or for business houses with dart
linos ethyl:tot as thin Property IlJalfadif lan 1141 , 1 then in
value. and pay ta handy..., revenue on the improvements
which tnigirt Lo made. It la worthy of attention. Pomona
Who slsh purchase. WV requoteit.b.iithAuZi..f.
felartf not.oiEs ;ON
ACILES of well impn,ved Pannier Land in nearer
(s.untv The onlvaxiher offers itr nolo one Farm of
110 N liftED AND )
VI /TY ACRES, abutted In New Sewielly
Towttehil4 10 miles from New Relern
a, with a line Or
chard. • god Frame Ilona., end Bar. and other
. .}in acres of which is Orem! and under gond fonts,
Also- 1 line Farm within one mile of New
Coining TWO HUNDRED ACRES, which can le dividol
into ten UT. lOU, If deared location is an eligible
one, for gardening Orion'..y
Also-Various other Small Farm, from 60 Artett and my
ward. situated In New Sewicklex Township. distant from :1
tol mile* from the Railroad lbw particulars, enquire of
the surneriler. a his Rent Estate Offre, In New Itrlghtnn,
!tenser Ooonty. Ps
v . MAKE MUNI:I.-The enberriler, &shuns of thong
lug hie !unlearn, otTers fur sale at • !astraln, his new soy I
comotallous TANN - EU. situated in Tent Haute, Indiane.
The building. ronatat of a Beam House s two eteries Math.
Oe alfoyt,Milland Bark Horne. Hide Ileac and Stehle.
all new. Attached to the concern is • lligui Engine, in
nranplete running order, well for pumping, grinding, a.
The &Imre yard has *very convenience AT banning, thing
built root the moat approved plan. n , starstera °rename.
and bang the only Yard in the city, prmenla • rare chance
for en enterprising man to enter into • safe and !moulte
NblUdre an bought at from 3S, W 4cts per pound, and
bark at Viper nord Price. &LUX, one fourth down • the
barn,* Inone. two, and thrre years, toured to mortgrne
toarn.thudaw-T JOHN TIERNAN.
FOR RENT-From Ist April, 1854, a
large two story BRICK DWELLING, on Pon P.a.
street, .:cloth ing two parlors. a dining room. Ltho bot
non., bationwon, kitchen. Le., with water In the kitchen.
TUE) Oil tl.l. DWELLINGS. on Pitt street, each not
tatting two parlors as bedrooms, kitchen, sweets, An
1 0% 111LHOUSE on Manors" 1n,,, suitable for analog
moods, or Ow manutartutine onion. Enquire at the
Ones of C 0 LOOMIA. 04 Fourth other ilttsbrugh or
JUAN WAY. ar, Senriekleyville P 0 de, dtf
, The subrtrilters,llre for sale 111.
Seventh it
! cut of Mirnreville, fronting on the E stee et
Plank hood, and extending tarn within • Ito yarns of the
Pennsylvania Railroad. Thin perty eltuatot,
eao soma end well worth t hen tntion of persons
hamar; a convenbut mulatto Itio If Iv add entire.
It could readily !a divided int...alter shod lota
W.ll lOUNO et)
nah7 tin Liberty etrae , t
Lotof on,ens, st present occupied by John rilo.•
Ley, Clothier, on Liberty street, between Sixth street. will
be hooted for • tenn of pore from April Ist, next Apply
t 5 JOHN S. IRWIN. ho 1.4 Warta other
632. tf ROBERT MOM, Fourth street.
RCM RENT.-Three Store Rooms, with
Dwelling, attached. on 3larket areet, between Poona
sod Thlri others Inquire of
Matt( N. 61 Third sheet
WELLIN( FOR RENT.--The very filVa
,evue &eatable and modern belittwowthrs
No .31 VI yik if Offered rent. The I.l)We in 311.1111 e
new and in complete order.outtaining eight - mate and
MIL with hot and rind water in Rath-roam Wastollothe
h'h Kitehent Gas thmugbout the boure--Clundellees. lt.
e Wallets la contrenlent to Warne*
for further Inihrmatinn impairs rf
MEW. LIOOSTT, (ka and TO Water at
Pastore; It b dram,) MitTeerat igyver roe nta . -
nom It Golfered an ea to make It • prolltatee noreoneut.
and Is lornted the owner of Monis and Penn Keret,
• Enquire. of THOS Wrgilirt, No. Ti ForOth-st,
ToLET: The Warehouse No. I. Woool
street, uar ..vaplo4 by Mean Oiltert a Foaclohk,
Pornomon Ist of April next TM apply LI,
del; WM. BAOALRY A Stl_ Stlli Wee.l st.
1 0 LEThn Ory Goods Store, Ni,. Crl
3/arket street, betweeeThlrd and Vomit,. now cou
p ire N. Oaths:her. Enquire ofD
yalu.lot Fourth street._
31,1L1. FARM FOR SALE, containing
1 1 %.0sali r le. TO. to r lgitaatbent
3, lA c AU7gbegai joy t
wile /inns Piburgh tol annelsalle ItallroarL ' The
Farm contains one trainer Honey, Stable. W agon Inked and
out buildings. and Is well adopted d fue • Gardener. • Dair y
;f t T e eVf r iprdrt. 4 = in gn:Cchl:g.. ' l44,2 ". .T.,othe - r
elts. APO , ' to ncLAIN, 21. FIFO street.
SALE-36 items of Land adjoining
the Dortmeh of Heaver, tematifally beard tor owl.
and very valuable liar farming. On It sobering. of
Port and Hard W•ter. snaking It a dyarable Ineatlon Aar •
Wahr Care Esethiishotent, It otadr wants to kw 11.1.1 to in
Enquire of
.Ith THOMAS WOODS. T 5 Fourth ether
V ormteinieg throat arty two acres. and situated in
North Huntitorton Unread. Westmoreland county, har•
Ins a mall Frame Dwelling Gomm allaek Darn thorn.
erected: about twty-Ave ech e/
e earwa thriving orchard
of fruit trees, en and a goadgur moth This property lies
within Pen than • mile of the Centnl Rallroed, near the
Junction of Turtle Creek and Moth Creek, and abont the
mme distanee from rhorar , fehtotlon. Title ledisputable
Pries. SW per neve. Apply to . :R. !La kl
relB _
31 Fifth street.
OR RENT -.1 comfortable Dwelling
F fe
8 ltoerna. In mot order, rts.l42a
ug. carriage Horne, Coal House and out tie,rn with 2
oohs ~f rich Land. al Planto4 with Fruit end Sim& Trees•
sod nearly all heath,. elude. peaches, Aar an excellent
Arbor, rnvenyl with Grape linot Al
e. • Plower. alarden.
de. pituate4 in I ' M fem. the. Court
Mona Rent 111,401.11,M. it who would take good
doll erne of the po,porty. Enquire of JOOll WATT.
Liberty other
FOR SALE.-A Ground pent on valuable
Improved property cot Fifth attest, Pittsburgh. En
quire et the
(Meath OR
it We. the
In ¢yd .adcr endendrated. °weeny( the above FOI:NI/Ia.
aro slant le dlergdre partnetahip, and quit business um
thertenre Offer Aar tale the whole well contrived work., all
and which has tKn :=7„, g.`a 0 r 1 ,7,:11.V.71=:
with me erg situate on the Cower of North and Ohio sts,
Fourth Ward, in the upper end of Allegheny city. Terms
eflude Wren to rultnurviumers. Appllenticm eon Iva made
Wt the !armature, at say time.
in - LET.- - The large rind commodieue
hiek Warthouw., mor °coupled by W. A Y. Wilson.
h 0.117 Front etrart , running threegb to Remand street --
P0100111.1011,2d1V11 Liall l -11,1A)RENE,
I' Sell Or rent, et *great bargain to the pUrchaser or
renter. ii
n. Vern:tee, situate en the Turnpike rend
leading from Johnstown to Somerset,. nod *that twelve
mike howl Johnetmen, Wood and the abundant:thin, a 6
het vela of excellent Coe. For Further yartirnlars. ad.
dress flhll.3ttetTi RIMS FORWARD. tomsrent, Pa.
84-1011 Earn, 10 411w i llich 3 ate Under , eultiralltm , situ
gg:f=lWM 14:171`,17:11'1. irr ZZIP:11
the Erie and Pittsburgh itaffivad. There is em seddo not of
O beam (oily fort egnant, With Stabling Undernenth, built
in ENVY • two dory lOg house, and • new bolus now being
eftti , d, tlentylner by sixteen feet. and fOurteen fenthigb.
The Farm abounds In grad Opting Water. and hut Iron ore
and yerhapaeoral on It. Lrnewleo n young orchard of one
•pple tree. and reventywnepesetbapricot, darner,
bloom. end quince horn, all grafted fruit- KW Yana Will
sold, either the whole or • half, cheap, Ilar armchair cash
end the Warne on time Apply to
• °rang...lll.olde.
IROR SALE OR TO RENT.—A plea/wit-0
s - lr oitualod and well Robbed Beta llmukteattablellUll
fora small family, IP the village of Sewleklayaille.scros.
'dent to the Deset of the Ohio and Penn...y . italhmt.
Apply do User. 11. Ylatr. Esq., near the prionisee, or to
David yEMlde , Pnottuater. Sowickloy &Atom, Allegheor
IN CHARTIRRO VALLEY.—The ondendened. thee
aid. of the Estate,/ EDMUND C. Milli, &mead. oden
ra , sale the eery ralimMe Pam of the demdent. situate In I
Chortle,, mask. withlu miles of
ashlooton, Pa„ The tract ennui. armor IDdlimres.and
adjoin, the lands of Hon. John E•Ino. Alaneser
lain. Jam. Althorn and oilers. Atmit thlity.llee acme
of It le wood laud. and Waty anva autxrrfar bottom land.
All th• HMI well, and la stumptllde or the hl pteot de
.. or wolUntlort. Thera I. Omit PAO , fww7
add. The Improtookote ale • towel nri/Nu Ai., and
• good k.TA dr- Them meteor ORM A RDB OP PRI/IT
unr.2...ct_gra.141'414." 1114 ;1 n t'01t.._717. -- 1.1 11 i th 3 t „
abono. older dm whole Farm . , amt.( he Dank open the
p/am le the naarestmell to U. Wasidnolcm . onatet. The
I=4 eadtriVatorodig‘gat C)Wrodk•VniteY.
donements that am ondcr D ranaled. ;aro. made iZoi:n
a.noll toe Pa. .It,:f t :rlV t iro& sit Mare 4 4 01al r ert
erth be Ow rent Art. R00N14.,z
. Wales 107 serer. and allowanaref • lierebes At
reit% and the other N 111; ;am situated In North Beuver
•TowelekliO. Lawnnee twenty, ft., b miles West of New Cuo
Hy; both of which ars lonouviel, and if not mold halt. the
thelat±d4l.hrLiel_heAßwed far root. Pan:mote to suit,
r ...7 • P ut. • fl''''' arPl VA t ira b niiiii. • .
'. Ilt.Jadtoos.Jaa.nth .ss. jallldtwoll
The uentandlorad wish to Meows of their property gl
oat* (titshe town
ounce, Jellinton rowdy. Ohio. ole :
Atolls lloborg. ddles of the SAlowlos—
ONN STM.A 31 MILL CO by tdtbe.withttatterno of !num
sod arerythlua la complekr running order, and mr•b i. of
defog • wood enerrbant work. la one of the beet wheat.
ov.ipg Mak., of. tba State. Otal anteenleot and of
gnat qua lity. th At.,7 was of nose e d. In good order irtddlhae on It
e o.4lowlng Imreymenta.
One gad brick COTTAGE NOUS!:
owe irOOd frame; •• do. • . .
One do Wareham.
wattk of the Ohio...ran goo
00,54 ...Nat damages fta. and atuat MO yards
Iran the Itallroad: ._ .. .
Aleu—a toe towns Orehanl of . einlat fralt trews a gad
well of water and other eenree .
We I=l
,toli+ett2T :tomtit parehasera
cr.., . i earn:itviztryk 4, Ilerrota.
.elite, ea the para La.. -, • J. •D. WAIL •
.. , ~ v .:i~+Tw:=inK~i+l+4:t` = rr 9 .;i;a'~;s:B
.:.~Jw. ~ w' - ~ . .`? '' o::.+
• •
0111T/TSITI'ri -
tAst r t, oHIO 61: PEINNEITI.. ;Aral gimp,
1 8. 5 0.—Catarra TaarafrAL • ! • Commenchig7loyentber 14th,
Ira ,
T, •
comer of Tai Chesnut dhefs, ooo.
Ftr u hen R. Crawford, 'Paul IL Goddard,
Von,. W. Thurl.r. Oruro/ It'llenr),
Amtakeo W. Thorns... it -arrow. Johrodou.
Jacob Florence. J 61330. Derortum.
Pr. - sAlent—t , tephett It. Crawford.
/7 Prvcidod- , Ambrose W. Thmiwon.
f...uoiPlttab • rah, Jauwa 11. Wlllaon, M. D.:
irlr.iLl.L. I2OIItL AlttOLD A.
L 74 -Fourth atre.L !lAorb.
Fames' insurance Company.
pos emo. .
IIItANCII OFFICE, NO. 129 Fourth mtreet,
.I . lttelourgh. Capital, 1 1 100.000. Jam Karr. 11,.
aeot. Len 31 Wit.. Seeretnry. K. M'eutztr. Agent.
Will insure Bantling, Storm Ilerehandire andjprokert)
eeernally.. the met farnenfie terms. nu=dtan
Delaware Mutual Safety IneuraUce Co.
kITICE in the North Room of the MER
„Au,„E Vessels, Cars. and Wwoldbl, to all
Nuts in the world.
iNLINO I:terns:refs—On floods by River, Canal and Lakes,
and by Land Carrlade to all parbi of ttle Union, luelue
ding the risk by Fire imlll arrival.
Finn lascaixers--nn Merchandise generediT, on Rom..
Dwelling Hoopes, Aa
11,,nde and M li,Mrxeca. 1, IRIS.
ortgages $ 25,000 00
United States, State of Penns, isanla, Phila
delphia City, Camden and Amboy Itaileuad,
WO other Loans 145,055 IA
Stock In Hanks, Railroads and Ihsuranee C 0.... 10.707 70
Mils ilsceivrabls
120188 52
Cash on hand
21,705 64
l'lmmittna on 5180100 l'olleies recently issued— 67,137 . 7
Subscription Notes.. 100.000 110
.- - -
%V lIIIwm Martin, James C. Eland. • Dry IL M. Roston
40110 ph It. Seal, Theonh. Pouldinff, Wm. Eyre. p . ..
Edmund A. tkooler. loose It: Doris, Joshua L. Prise.
lis ho C. Davis. • illugh
neyCraig, issues Tennant. '
lohcrt Burton,! •Ststr Bullsalts. JoaepitS. Burnett,
John It. Pennon. 'C Sa hocks Belly. Jas.J. H. 31'Farland,
°meg. C. Leiner, muel t Stokes. Wsn. C. Ludwig,
Kiwi! Darlington. henry Moon, J. T. Logan. Pitt'it.
D. Jones Brooke, Jason, Traqualy, IL T. Morgan, do.
J. 11. Johnston, WILLIAM Malt IN. President,
Tuoata C. IiAND, Sim l'realdent.
Morro W. COWAN, Secretary
ad - Bruce of the Company, No. tff, Wotan street, Pills.
borsch. it [jellstf] P. A. MADEIItA. Agent,
Western Insurance Comp'y of Pittsburgh.
It A I'IT AL, 301),000.-- - It. MILLER, "Jr.,
Prealdeut, P.M. (torsion. Serystary.
'lll in agoinat all kinds of risks. Tire and Morisse,
All loosen will he liberally estimated and promptly Mid.
k A
e ho ts
tvonno— n n i va g n b w dlain
ne w te h roan w bpoobtsess stud Morality tbmalutalo the lyl
character which
they hove sasonned, as offering the hest protection to
those ss ho desire to be insured.
lartzeturts.—ltenhen Miller. jr.. J. W. Butler, Wm. Lynn.
C. ihtusnu. T. Seutt, A. 'gothic, C. W. Itieketwou. George
W. Jnekstos, Joules .11'Auley, Ilsorge Doran, Nathaniel
Ilohnos, Junes Lippineott. and W. Pb. Smith.
sone, No. trl 11 ater on et, (warehouse of ?tang A Co..
op stains,' Pittsburgh.
luDdly ,
Franklin Fire Insurance Co., of Philad'a.
Jisoni I ItECTOILS: Chart, IV. 11:wicker,.Gth.,
y W. Itielsords. Thos. Bort. Mordecai D. Lewis, TobLos
r, Adolphe ... L Borie Samuel Brant, David S. Brows , . i
Jowlsl. Sntitis.lolWi. Patterson.
eit.l,ll4l}. SOCITUrT.
nig Co
d, pany c tant
ontinues to make insnews, permanent
limite m Oß every de:Myth,. of Property In town And
cuntry, at rates am low ea are emashatent with seeuritj.
The Company hare reserved a !arm, ematlnnent fund,
w Melt with their Capitald Premiums, safely Invested.
Adoral ample protecti an
on to the Amured.
The nowt, Of the Company, aan January Ist, 1851, IN pub.
lishaelneereeably to the Art of Amenably, were as follows,
Tenkporury Loaum.
•ta , koi -
Slime their Innen/oration. a pooled or 21 ream they have
old upwards of One 111111 on Fun r Hundred Thotutand Lad ,
are I.esees lo Fire. thereby afroplinn evidence or the ad.
ion to
antitaes fsuntner, as well as their ability and distsoah
inert with promptness ell
apt!) J. GARDNER tliiFrlS; Arent.
inn.. S. E. manor of Wood and lid eta
Western Insurance Comp - any •
InI.N Matt", OIL, ra4r ......... ........ ... .r. Y. orisordriact 't -
Will Insure against all kinds of Fire nod
It Miller. Jr
.) I% Butler.
{1'0,.1.,, u.
C. Ilmmett
Td.. tent!, Jas. McAuley,
A. Nimielt. th‘n. D ,
Mo and.
C. W. Rh:ketone, Nathintx,
IL W. Jacket... J. Lippincott.
m. H. Smith.
Sir A horn. Inttitutlun umnage.l fare.clur•
anus.. In thie c.nuntuult,. and alto will atonally aijnet, Pay nll luta., at the ttretra. 02 Mater
litre.t..tltung tr lVarelloneco nate. Pittatmeatt.
tute au )11X1IRuled aANIFFII.I ANT, OTlFE(silltlk In.
—The Franklin premium medal) sni
1V,3. Mr a portakie eteatn !hoisting ver
end Pumpinhag Enlksldo..t
They are made with both dtmble atol mingle engine% and
ume,l ter hadlng on.! diseharging earmeu. &Fano.
, Itiviro 11,V waehter, Are; also arrat,red fur driving Ponahle
new The engine.. to gear. to. are
Guilt to e true*. and may he ...mei Iran. Place to
with A teatn. on ,enyt ordinary n.l. !lade only by the
iorenter. A. L AII(7IIANIBAULT, •
ho Ll thinkers'. Alter, near S,enod and Hare etreete,
uoLtduol l'hiladetphla, Femme.
°fror 0100 eon P — l A. h.b Ch. 1
• Pittsburgh. Ur, 'llTlt'.F;~=Tie Meeting of the
Slockhohlerenod election of Direehma of thetthlo
and reoney le anis Railroad Company, for the peening year.
will le. held at !LOME. c 4 the I:mummy, In Pitteburah, o n
Thunolay. d6thday of January. eS4. 1et..,., the
Ileum .41ti t. C.. and 3 Y. Y. I wie.tiUg et Id.,
ertier of the Board of Director,
ded . ..ultd ' J. ROBINFON. tkenvtary.
- -
- -- - - - , - • • -• •
EAll.llotil.-ne ertieeritere to the capital 114. rt ..f
1. • Plitiburub and Senticiallie It /bro. are hereby not>.
fled to toy into the Troisurt. thefourth habiliment a gee
derao,),..r ihare ,di or lefeve the - let Drivintler minim°.
mud Pre donor,. ter .14arg... or hilore the first do> of earl.
Remit, thereafter, mall the whole amount of !dock Fele
write) for t 0,.. lee-0 add_
Ili order "rib. Board of litreetona.
W MLitt' A. HILL 7' urer,
Treseurres Odle, Cl It al street.
Noieutter d. IS.II ap . ..lktf .
MOTICE.—in elinserpienee of it ling 40 . hi
1. i our Porn... to the Cambria lum tI ninny. , the
Mlucithlt• heretnerre exittlou under Merino ,f P.ODIEN-
IiEIOIEItSIM Creek Vonore. and • tbe Fart.
nenthip exit - Dud tinder the firm of KING k : Ik/kNItEI:•
0 KK, at Cambria Curare, aro both dituodr , The Wei
sneir trill le pdthel up by Lb. 1011141141-11. at the Foresees.
rol Gedue a, Kinu. who're autborired Co Oct the num..
or the T` CV Orme In ...Dhoti or ihe bitehyua
tilkiittlE F. KIND.
'Starch I. Wel. Ini/ilbtf I P. SIIODNIIEDOKIL
g - , 0- l'A [ITN EIISEI IP.— The undersigne4
- x ,
elsve t Ida day entered 11110 CP-Partnership under the
and idyl,. of DICTA N. K ENNEDVAttijir the pumwee
of trammeling a lumen] tinting Imminent in the - City or Al.
IPITIaIitT T. KENNEDY, .1 , ,' .1' ! 4 II'IIIIAAN 3 LAN .
seo7 , 3ulektr I Canal Main, Aelleitheoy City, June 12:54.
J)ISSOLUTION. l'artnership hereto
fore ..rirtisg_beteeeu tlin tiudereipue; to the YON
thiaineea, le Mbm day diannlved by mutual rumen> The
toirincee of the late firm will be tattled by either of the
r.1xvPr2,1g," — '"d., 1 317.1%,-7:.4 theeitt
the Pushier, se venal at the old stand, No. IDA Liberty
•. J. T. BOONE.,
PIMA/drub. July let. ISLI. . J. J. BOON&
IJ. BOONE,( Succeisor to J. T. , 4J. J . .
sy • Itione,)(bintulaelon and PorwardlngMerehAnt.Deal.
or in WWI and produce of all frinds, Pittabtirgh. Pa.
C. II Cornwell, Casht•r Pi;sti ) e ; Tili Dunk, Salem, Ohio.
O. IV. 5 0. llorklna. Dult • re.llunizerieh A Smith, Philara.
J. C. IVllium ACo . IM'Farland Diane A Co:. ..
E. Ilat . niond A t a xi Melon. /MPS. Kent .t Santee. a
D./t u g , 111/ . eintiJ Ca. Weibel Vulh il M i taber A Lb. .:
S. Jenninira Earl- ClerelandiStudnger liarbanub.rittab'h.
Ilanna lia/Yotkm ACa a paintr, Mauna A Co., .
lilibert Kuppp_. Jr. llti !club, fit,
remind( A Co-
rarn .r A M PlT l :l7i . e.r_ 43'.
'`'l'. l'Utlnitie.liklWA,.V.lttlf'l.,
ST: uo t nih.MorrmACo.lein. J. P. itarard. uoulkelbe. fry.
T. Reston, Eed., -. Doewelb Mil A - Os..lialretbsn.
Weaver. Tkylor k Co.. Phila.> Texas. US= ,
"ril.,§...4OLUTiON.—The partnership here-
AVltn exlkting under the Idyl," of :rater, 31ohan A
I. teen mutually dhuulred. Il illiam Dawson. of the
ho me havlngptirrimaid theinterept orJameie S. Negley.
the hominess will be motioned SA MUM. Mid. , the Ark' OF
Daaaou, Mohan A Co.. wild are
up t. elt , the Rune
Mohan .11 Ca. liettling up the ohl btu - Intim
J_. St NEOLEY. '
P. 310 RAN.
rlttsburgh, Jnu. 2,'51.
Having disposed of my interest in the late
firm of limier. 3lohan a Co.. to ety former r•rlreit Mr.
batmen. who with 31r. 3lohatt. will continue the bushman-
AM heretofore!. hare tbo honor tOreeninmenti and rooting
fur them liberal in i tnt4ir j e of my Slitzl i t sant/wrens.
i&end Con-ulna:ix;
dur...Pittxborgb,'Cincimat and other an Sao.
tom, le, Isoe. Prout ttreet. Pitt/hot-O.
Tit 0 ttlldkrei g n6 tlllatillgrorrileilaeo-par to' er
ehlp, under the etyle of W. lIERNTINN CO, toe the
tranesztkat ors fietetral • /Rotel: Cotootheeloo. Fot , et'dlok
sod Prodtwlruelnese,
O at Noe. a 7 and DS. Front Arad, are. pre•
pemt s attentten .to leg °Pa..O
and kn to erlve
werdleg pecial
produeet nett merebandloo. nod to the u
ecutinn otall liturineee tltet tne.V . er,; , l . attlaUt r ilt r tiete cue.
• ,
Rm. eo—Clerko k Thaw William Iteealer •II tos W.
Weellr t Co: F. Servers t eb.: Ileye d Illerk: Kromer I
Rehm- neon. Oral?. 1-:144 Hiehloun U. R. Johdiron,
r. 14 t Pakeerell, KR; George twilit., Esq.: Solomon Ntoner,
• itadtt
10 PARTNE4SHIP,-13. IF— Jones, Der .
Lauth. A. U. Xler end J. F. Lauth haring IMO.
le themeeires together. _under the emu of JONES
,AUTII k rarry on the American hoe Works."
month' erected I) 11. tetuth it Broth., in East Bir
T. JONd 0 LACTIC. 7.0. (Ito. J. T. LAITY. III ERIC AN IR:QN IVOliFCS.—Jenem.
Ifinufhetorers of irorretine Par, liorall
iroo. of ell derniptiona Waretroues. No. 99
water street, tartest. Market awl Weed asset. tilts.
mi. g — sr -
Jogiaph • Fleming hav rye
inw‘ fterif,
tilted irlth hlto Jacob Atel. the huejneeo . ..ft e e
Nbot conduct. d wider the style ofJ(0911 AM% at
the 014 eland, eoroer of 80 01110eid and Yourth
Omni ur Prrnratitan COV_.
Jmntaa7 9th. .1954. f
IVIDEND--The Trustees of the Pitts
P Mu Company hare tble day
_deohnod diet
ed irAteLah=r=itabalit ilib;t(4:=
al't tab
their hae3 relmtemtlVAAiediithpilpt.4Bif.the l:nmpan,nr•
/a 10.129.
APPARATcre—Ft. Palle and Private D011d1919.
erteted an the moat cando:rhplgmhr .. _
Strayed or Stolen, - - -
EROM the subscri r, .at S.. Llare . :44 s
1r .o.3l%nrsgsr.. . • . 71b.•
", , „A , : t.i..a—ppo
forehead - . aluall buret in the left 11. k. Any t iZarge
leaving Information at P. Meld.* in the Planneeterill
receive Mlle.! rum& • [pole) smug' Fo lt z
L. Wean • Ow. Ihsurgtata and r •Mluvarier, wee
leen. the 24.1 Init.
The subscriber baying disposed of his satire
taleThlit 10 U. late , era. to hie late partner. Ur. Joevph
liming. would cheerfully VOGOOMMICI tarn to Me tHeene,
an/ ask . continuance of the rano.. Intretehre ~ Ilb.
'rally heetoned neon than. llan] L. wi lvx. AL . i
ERECTERECTIONS for the mrrtingemumt dation.
warming dodo Wei balkiair will to hay
1221.bajalMiLlitret AfutilVt.g.
, . . .
.•• . - :,-• 1 • finnetivitynnrb!aft U l la. 1 .
, . .
4. O .ENrsa.AL MEETING of the Steethold
'ilra'af4a Atlelpely Ver t Etthir
off .
oDom n TVZILS * a r . ti . i t. ft 3 41:74 If sgn 1 r IWO I ,
41.1 A. for the puma. of ozazololgut the affair. of add Oig
* Vii Anunil Reprais of tbit irairkit and d /kiln ' in
be tutautud to tkl. resettur • • . - *.r*
sm. .-STc"'"ith•.'n.aziacix um.,
- - - --- - -- - ----=-:-.7.-- - --.-.. . I
vi AIL TRAIN leaven Pittsburgh at a, 0 %
4.* A. N.. dines at Alliance. takes teiat ajar. '
' and makas a close ,manectirm there with a tut Rohm.
, 'frail, reaehing Cluclintati about,. 12 o'clock at night
columbux and Xenia., Ylis. \
i he i , - ...i XPII , ES a Sala:L.4p% I n. fkv'm fr, o r m it * t i r :l4ll .. .M.L. ,,,, - a ''', A .
Mansfield at 5.45 s. wand *walla! at 0,30 4. si- , onn .
in t with the mmalng
w i th for Columbus and Madness .'
Ilc th trains mamma with tile Belleilmtaine line the boil
anapolLs and town. In Indiana. ,' \
Connections are made at, Allianee and Mansfield with
Cleveland. Monroeville, Sandmkr, T7dadMlall' o l4 . 0 Chi
me P ara.
mengen for Columbus tn, via Cresillne, add th for
alt. Vernon, Newark and Zanerrillo. vls.Slanstleld.
Faye from Pittsburgh to Cleveland 5,,C.k to Columbils
45,2 e; to Zanesville $5.2.k to Dartam re to Cincianail
67.00. mbere class .15.0 M to indlanspel $.9.754 to Mornay
j.t "" ca:e 'd sl 'I d ock
foi n ll . ll /e t l'AVVetu o na r tr i i/ 4 4 . 5nr , I n k l \
dia l napells . slo.7r to St. louts 816.75. - 1
TIIE ExPnEs.s TRAIN InavrlCCreatline at 1.20 P. sr,
Mansfield at 140 r. a, sod Alliance at 5.10 P. it- and mach
os Pittsburgh at /LIG P. la, connecting with the It:prem
Train for Philadelphia. and Baltimore, which loaves Pith
burgh at t 1.35 P. Time (o,m Cinfinnati to Pittsburgh
14',.from—Pani7,00. Prom Chminnati to Philadelphia
orilslthoure 615,00.
alAil. TRAIN leave. Crestline at 7.00 0. it, &Ma at M
ilken, and arrivea et Pittaburgh at 4.45 P. a.
Pittsburgh at 10 A. la and CYO p. la, and New Brighton at
7.30 Ax. and IP. Pt. NEacurnion Tickets SIM. Quarterly
tickets at low rates. .
FititltillT TRAIN loaves Pittsburgh at 0.301. it, and
arrives at - 4.11,1P. a.
WS.The trains do oatn on Sunda'''.
fon Saturday ....min the &prom Train will tear,.
Pittaburgh• at 5.30 P. 1f.., h Alliance at 11.43 P. 0. and,
will remain until too A. at Illondar.l
For Tickets or further in rmation. &R ids' to
I/ . PARKIN, Ticket Agent,
Federal Arcot 'tattoo,
Or. JAS. KERR, Ja..
. Alonnagabela Moan:
.1111 IN KELLY, Passenger Agent.
Pittsburgh, Nov. 14. 1,153. -
THE FAST MAIL TRAIN will leave the
Paesetourtienon Lltertrythetreet, ercrjamgrlerg
the rota, 4111,111K11: MiTletpht l • tie7tt r l orrf r ting I ' 7 ...
clock, ronnectlog with the Trains direct New York, also
rennacting at liarrlsburgil with the train ' Dr
Rd. and &Miring
In Baltimore at 7 o'clock A. e.
TIIII EXPRESS TILAIN—Iran the ststiot every were.
Ina at 7 31.1 ricked: nipping at all the regal atatiens.l6lltl
connecting with Thll3l/ Wl' Baltimore, ard\ \ arriving. In•
Philadelphia or Baltimore at R o'rbyck r. O. Fare to Philadelphia 1111.51 k Faretllltaltingoixi9.oo.
Baggage checked to any Ntatlou on the Pelyneylvanta
llallneull and to Philadelphia and Ala/Ignore.
The Areemmodatlon Train will leave every aftertgan. at
5.25 o'elovek, stepping at All regular atationa, and r ‘ unnlng
only si far as Latent.,
Returning Trainaarrive in Pittsburgh At 6.10 uoLB A. m..
and r. kt.
Passengers pnrcheilng Tickets in cora will be chimed:
TEN CENTi, In additlen to the 'elation rates, except froLd
stenons where the (kinpany have no agent, •
No NUTLA of a lemilemeninetion than !Mt DOLLAIII Will
Le received in pet mint for ticket& exonpt those 'titled Z
rho Danko of Penney) fa.
Nonco—in case bf losa the Company will hold the
144 , ..11 rveivmsible fur arsenal baggll4o only and Foe en amonnt Oct exceeding olle hundred duller,. ,
N. lt.—The Excelxior Chnnibus Line hie hi en employed
to convey Passengers and kaggage m and frorg the Depot
xt a char,ornet to exceed I:Dec.ODV. kmervett PesleerigerOgrd l '
VP{ is for each trunk.
For Ticketa apply to
Pi t tennegh:l4!l i k e tt l ikn i l L I)"Pnt.
1114;4' "."4.
P • •
Tariff hetween Pittsburgh, 1111141e1phla and Balt'-
!'late Crag. — Eggs Feathers , klerebandlze,Pnra.oo eta
lOU La
Semen Ghat—Applesand Practice ((Lied.) Beeseral,
MIMI., Buffalo, Bear and Deer liklna Closer and Ilmotbe
Seed. libuotware, lilneenk. link( 5 5 5 51 , Pel!., 76
100 11W. M.
Tnuto CusB.—ki(plea ((been,) Bran and Ship Stuff. Ha.
eon and Port. (lone,) Butter, Ilklea, II:me Hale. lletopand
.r Vl4.l: th er,wo"!tVrol r ig ) ((In %k
is or bkkiw,) Bar.
ley ktol Malt, York (13 7wl kkii."lLl,J'a.s.7l
Candles w eheene. Grala (In Gaga) Lard and Lard 1 , 11. Lea(
tin ti , ge 6. idieeta,) Cake. Tallow. Whlakey, Leal Tab. ,
ltieel—Cotton Me it 100 Ibe. Flour 00. - A h 5l .
dIN and after MONDAY, Nov. 14th, 1853,
.I. /
tat Par...ger Trains will run dailr (Sunday. escepted)
BAIL TRAIN Dawes Cleveland at 9.05 0.0., for Welimille,
Upping at alt intermediate Station., arrive at Alliance at
11 EN t R aS anTRAV eNlis clelalveeC l ev e land
at 3.fiti P. Y. fir AID.
sac, ...Ana at Hudson, EarlaUle and Ravenna only—ar•
vie, at Alliance at 5.01
ACII/M3ItIDATION Tltalli lamas Cleveland for Raven
na and intamiediatr Station/F.7.45am! arrive , . at Ravenna.
Larchr.r. Two theuunk Train, Gum t_leseleind to Pitt r
burgh daily.
ItETritNl NO:
EXPRESS Ti(.UN lama Alliance for Cleveland at 12.31)
11,.5r.:1...,:i..,,..,,1ii0.1..1144717.4.1!..1.r4vr Anad.&,,act.:l
1,, sod Prium. , ltnilltval laving
P : The
at allo abr.: ,
rutioects with thL n train at AID.. at I 1.4 b A. r,
MA 11. TRAIN Ica.. Welliville for Cleveland at AA/P.N.,
topping .t all xiy atstirms—arch,, at Alliance at bial and
:Dar:and at 7. al P. X. •
• AcitiDDIIDATIOTRAIN leaves RlM:Maks. Cleveland
and intermediate Station. at 7.10 A at.--arrivea at filevelaud
at 6 , A. I. d ol l hily one through train Dom Pittsburgh to
(ingrd.vrA.... Train out Clevaland coned. at
Alliance with Cho blailTralo of tilt. and Denim It. R. Art
Cantroa blamlion and It poster: al., for 11 01.40 and Pitts,
burgh, arriving at firtsbunt hat 4.43 la
Esteem Train Ikon/ elnlelad. and M all Train from Well.
villa butlilm eat at Alllaucc at b.OO r. at with the Emma.
Train at/. A P H. for Pittalategh—srelring at Pittaburgh
at 4,15 r. a.
Eames. I fn. Alliauce connect. with Lbw 8.00 A. fl'
Train of O. A I . R. R. from Pittsburgh,
l'ameorars leasing Pittsburgh on the 800 a at. Train ar
ive at Cleveland M. or. m.„, slid envinect with the bilk/.
I or Baba, East, West and Booth:
etar.van /NV Tttoo.—Tral. leariart at 3.00 P. fr. for
Sandualk). Toirtdi t Chicano and the North Bst, arriving at
Toirdu at 7.14, it. and Chicagosnot morning at T.UO—
thmugh from littalnuTh t o Chlrfgr. being We than
''rlit:' at.
•.lta i r . L ' .' ‘ l;:ritt C it . .lr;. ' ic " . a ' 2=l.!.—Trains
thp ton. Indianapolis and all atatkma no the Bellefoutalue
au3 Indiana Itailmsd.
Cu... sao lam—Trains laming M. - 4.45 mid
anti r. r. for Frtie. Dunkirk. Buffalo and New York. The
Trait. connect both wars with the C. Z. A C. R. 11 ., at Dad
aniPir Curabora WaTht, Akron and Clinton at Bayard with
the Railroad Art Carrollton. banana and Warnaelmr.
Metals Toledo. Detroit, Chlmint laPalle arid
Prmport eau be obtainedlat this user:
, rasteug:mare reauente.lbarleuna their tlrkets at th e
t" ntrt n) lailvfn r la II N \ leAgnl4l4itsiMti_
.462 gEgj
In connection with the Cleteland and Cincin
nati R. R., Cleveland and Erie It. R.,
Cleveland and Pittsburgh IL It., and Mich
igan_ Central R. R.
. through Dom say point on Lake Michigan to Chrver.
Cliacinnatl. Pittsburgh. Philadelphia alllnicae.
.4 fro= either of the ft el to any poi n tan Lako
mV_Alli Er,
- it. P.
owe .V
.1. n
A teed rlll leave Cleveland the Detro Ca it. .4 IL
Detroit for
Cleveland, every evening at t o'clocit•liarrillilit
Jo h
city In time to evinneet with the morning teethe had, West,
4C heVa t c h t:rte l wiil b leit ~ te,!' Iganniertrtedtolgtivilt: ionitr.;
MAY ' .4.tIEEN,
Taw. I
.. ,4 7148 Inoto, r fran Cleveland to 911:4,,R .. i5 - rnuet,.the pret.
;Int elLreteerntorYng.rtVlZ the i` 7:" " ll4=7l - ° ;l s ul
tnnieuhshougbgilirs,....nde hinisve4,lo,,Ch.izroaft„rerlab.nlohoestr
ratimad In the Weed. fly ear other route he must endur arranitr e
the Wk. of night riding upon the oara , end the .forma
. .r I .Pner lake,.
make contr
l. acts
oru, and A ; l t. 11*
therm,/ or to 'JODY A . CAI:DUEY.
apt{ Agvnt C. sod P. 1111. Monoogancia Moan.
YY.AST OR BARINtI POWDER, the obeateted.heeith
nt useful and sconosokel article Ow raising Dread.
Ciriddle end Johnny Oakes, fl 3, Pud
dings, Sweet Coo . Bread. ge... over Innen mt.
le the l
oot usoful. onivenlent end ty euni
poind a , ,lsteneep. Ihr ratan Bread; Stiredt. Cana Pep
ITirw i reirt Curddlithan=theaVe.=,llondit::
I,l4.l47bdenMurn.nts,..ofileveri noolietlold Mani lanlet,nrid
re I Mallon Ono will be
withint It after Laving fairly trisAt. Odd br the prin
cipal Groom and Druggists,
commas or Till ram.
Those Who hap, tried It. hare found that the advertlee
,,,catadLeLndol=lraritl,vlotao highly.—Tallabassew
It eerlarwee everything to the taupe op ' filing w i n ov Ao
pot saw
our. In the Lektualpf taken—Rahway Advocate
ond Register. April 15, 1853.
Title is, an artki• of such utility in various kind. a
kes7. test whe;, ,, l . ts virtue* begonia properly known. to..
I ly do It 7 aru i t h lt!'—No d wq7it VA! ""*"""
10 one need heeltate to use Durkee's nit ion.ortint. 0.01. 11? t 0
hob Ban. and Nashville Wh g, /eh.
‘radd you he" light tuval.sweet bread; breed that
iiitilr . ceVra/r 4 lba g rer d T °l l do
.k"" "°".
lewatt. Cakes, r.-. Troy deli y ig*"l4;,'"f"m.P.^.o-1
We have tried tide article and Zen nweentot7l it with
perfee4 onifldente—Cjltebee 01 5 , J . .1/ 185 •
D iwnest i ffraisni Powder, We have via , Lt uw. Lorna%
and our " ter half" was astonished eat
the raalt—N. Y.
Dap Mak. 11et..1.Z,
_ll rod izneenives_ will rayoloo In and glorify the nattlo
8 .:/ t ira gray., Baking Powder a Sir
tDurkee's Ilariing Iter4 Is iitulouttsdlitto bed article
.a• yet been discoverod.—New 'fork
The hignaat eouttn.dations, fawn hundreds of the Imp
cet and oast reopectahle Wholesale Houses in this aral
nearly "err lugs city In this Chmtliteu4 swat he given If
epees alk,wed
Brno ankle 4 warrantWl to era aitlirfaetton, Orders
accompanied with nosh Will be prosoptty filled.
Sole Prupristor and Mao utsetueer.
Wholelale Dealer In Pal Pods. Cream of Tanar,__ll.P.
Verb Pcda, Conking Ettnals, Wag !Mthes, te.,1,72 Water
newt. New Taft. •
622.1y53 BAXTER t 31eKEP, Agents. littanrita. •
'OHM 'WATT & . CO., IVllulesaldi Grocers
op nod Coatattaglos I terebaots—Dulere In Flsh.Preduee
and Plttaberatt Ifiaolketer.. No.= VAT I tme4 bery
on heed 41111 IV/belting' Ik. &Hollins' Ijt •hith , e`e °",
at the loest market rates:—
Z. 50 halo vritae 11.1oOeirem I 3.oiaee Lletteelea
76 lanes be .64 Be swam; 50 Lu, Btritis i 4l
11 Ittri!Till...l 277) ".T:h143•14?"' • .
1;.0 §Lla. N. O.
.. 4cc ,
.. 16 Tanoeni t ai ~ ..
r., ta r r 2 1..,... i ft M. V a laueed OW • '
3161 leltraie:tted Nallc . . ragas iVs;a l h= b44
1.•:7 Naos .I=l , tpr l?pre; 31 1 4 bbla. seepell.serellasht:.
6 W hi elhetal.l.l;.3 l .ll., and Illte . k its& . .
60 h N.O. Sagan
10 mats Owls:
110 boxes ID:12 aad 72314 Window 11
.• .
I dos= Berke* 1,000 It.. harem ,
A ard.
received my SPRING STOOK
kil4l,ltB:' :470itru 2.""xIVA
sallprtn=zl=l3rn.vitatt,_ of Natio
And Monona Illadingsand Friges. Inecsand
ur splendid style. and Lain
Mande of all kl ndc Seamen
sad American Spreads and Wits. C4froaces of new Ist
od,r4Or• Vtko, K 1,73 ' Flao - r..
finnan i'snUsel Wads . of all minds. Ordess iE rem ilr
Wed. Imnno.l WM.
• -New Seed Store,
TAS. WARDROP offers for sale OANRAY
tflJ TOADS*/ the sma •Prro , n4 bilmduneWt vviry bznir
A r tri li Frest FLOVZB Came R.: 11b4') 1nd.,. " %": ".
RoHamm. . 3 sad (1. Pots 41,rtguta
the 8. aarunaltur• •/).
trwt. near. Mood
LA B T & FUT. hive
II was i nt ba4.l.ll=i of UV ; r(Yr
im iss et - toos, cram ISSitrir
4 E. VA X METEit: •Main ufacturer d
ju... o4t i mpr HANGINGS. AND MDR MI.
AT P- 11 Y A ‘, iMaimints
..1.1.3i5S . ULM .......... .... -:-.....:,.. \ ......Cluizal I. SUM.
c14131311.V10N WARCILANTS4ta. 6 a te Wheeee-at.
ram nut. and Itia - gAtale Deana at I asabprieer._
nod,. , Hatte: "s„ Ma. Alar , N.Y-PAL 6O . A: '
Vade . and Dall do.. Cranaerreea
j" % . 3 Lar, E'ldn te tjVc '
tic f r ea m i , eet . a ..reek AUF, \
Pt . AP ' l4/ °'"' l ' , ..I• l' r 's. •' . g ' iN e Ttsr j - , V
7N,.. * :.=„L k , I:, 1 -7*--.l:\
e.e , Vaararon sad
rrael ar r l i f . lettLe 7, Hpettees' k'alia4tAwra---.--,:-‘
EtTtitigrq 14 .; rti ZIZN:IerdI T AM .° I " te l t:.
43.11,7 4 11 Mt a arlea :;. 1
M %W.L11,7 „e a \e, A,,,,4,. psi . v
114„ A A",",ja .ands'.. ' FeWt'rese, I anil Statth,
Date :W t and Da Miele, ~tar ff_r .°Ctitt'r"tr
Ge a Sem", ', ICIII r
ret. Sauce, 3h.t.rd. & . 0 Teta. Taykte4v.
; \ \ ADAIta A AhTT.6'
V2l-- -,--:_.-- Y.! L4 . ;. Y_ -
1 10113 .L 021 0TIVElv0=6 i
. 441.34., ~ ,si.v. dr.t. t...c PhilmidAyc.:
V 4 N ' GED fur ' any \years ekplusivelv 1*
.. the ..anufactare a Low tormrskt.., ....,Tai r
iraTe— ..I;SWirgfaIIIMO
a r:v e.. .. I:=11 = l l 4, daty It, Aar ~,i,,i,o t
Hid. Oil and Litathe'; ,, Store4
KIRKI'ATRICK, No. 2 Southk„Thirir
tZttlilt; C ll" :W:l7l 4 4:Lit
Nton 0,114 'and tar
TURIN. the toweott and Upo the
.41,Todtz4,!A ?..? Pifer I.NC/11T
or taken In exchsn4TMe"
Leisther stor,4l 'crap
and on •1 5
N 1 YO—Rlct
WILLI LW PAIN \ V. V. eirpecntlaiv.
It A3l ASP 11- 11041.11 \ SWALLIL, le y y r • of
S URG I CA L AND ‘ploir4i. IN.YTUUNIL.r.
Elastic Thistes,\ Bantlazes,\ SuPparta,
which on, offered to dealet.olt most
N 0.12 lioto /MUM N. MAID LANs, '\. Ytki\.
Atdam Fart , at `IVINIAtto lamb. • \ • \ \
- ----....-- 1 ,
— zunteLes R. alorr r n t --, - - 7- ...." -- n..oxivrrif7li: - \
R. B. GRIFFITH. SON J A . , '• •
' 24 srllttrs 3171.1R.P, li c gt.l.7l O*.E. \
Bekstnn—Stlphen Mon &Qv \ L
.. '
Neu. Tior&—Ellphs Riggs. E.l, / 4444 4&•514
, & 11 444 4 4- '
Philoblphitc—lVhfle. Stephen t CoA •
n at'..rA -- 4.h. rte MON. r&u.. Prella...t , 31cre.b4te
Bank; Chlumex:y MT... En39.7tshicut matter: . 1W04.:
eigalglVig:=7"! j.‘
Irish in 01 , 0,‘,1). C. —GI' rem. & illcm its&kem ‘.11.2tf.' '
lit obti tr‘iilitATlNO exegute(Wde*.
v mkt IN ALE Erg BILANt ii..R. in:the atyle,
a the lowed lionaltin CASH MICE. l'i,.-.
1; &SEYMOUR. Art (!nionlilitifahiga.n..
\ N. n.— Come huli t Fourth and Stratums sta CineinnattObi
muu- and
paid in iii.M /...nttlii,lr
[WWI, Steam that and, BCPINI.C.MIVI.."
WM. 11. ILISKILL; General Colllll3lfi s aion
aria. IM
Merchant and Aactioncer. N 0.3 Water stree4 Pe-
Especial attentinn to Conlinlasion bushing. \
ORVILLE 8. pRLE. qtenucs
• : I : : T 8
'9 undersigned Tespeetfully gives notice
the BT. NICROLAS HOTEL Is now open roc the
'en or the bating been rebuilt on the
rig <mop by, the
_United States. on the
Imam end serge streets. Condeliand. Ed
tinOrosermmts Lase been Intasloned. and
t new and elegant\etyk. The proprietor Iselietel keeper. hones t° be able to Ri•• every
el *Oki ts a share orpnblie petronage..
\ J. 0. ItTellMOND.Preprietor.
11 A\ liV{ AND EXCHANG.I%B.!f!KER.,
received on Deleavit. Near\ Cheeks ror rale, and collodion.
made rin all thialirlncipai pointe of the inliailVtates.
Advannte maiio ou oolislanments of ProduViloped
east on Ilterel .
•• and Pharinsertditta Anat.:um. Ilmordy,Manollier
I rA pee.l Tel C(cr.
th erm 1 1 / 6 7erb..1. litizama of Me gnat mamet
In mast o llollne f
the hairope. Stehle. Re Lotrodoet.. lobo the,
United ptates wee hateedid more einterlelly far Mower oar
Pather 1.4101 i matter/I here and there agar the lam of thle
flftUritil . t i t, a7l""P!k"""_ '"Zl.rtit
wboderrjmedleinal virtue mem be acknowledged.
iris A BURRAYJ4EDY Mt • • ;
1 .:4m liilpM . L i tt
13 14
arlemant taste la the mowth after mutts ar_..
Indigeetlon. costirenom nstors..uto,
UM...theme languor and erhartetten. 7
lama appetite. despond..., dnalt.4- •
nem ImpetrQ alight and ernory
• sod terms of folnem to
the bend. and all disc.
• TO Lic k OR ErIANACII...
It it partkedarir:noantende4 to those Aeneas tihtter
estemltntßins Ray =TO bI•11 handriel by the metiattana
ore of ardent whilst or ether forme of dlmigation. Ileu
ms* In effect, ft Onda Its war directly
the mat of life. thrißlef and Quirteulow wnst7 h. , . MI..
ari t libe drooping Bite and. In fact. irdnitiall
od A ' ffiEl.rl4EPAllll MEDIC= •
l' at j gx
olf lir. B. a fitor A , km Justine of the Alan., East
Mr. Ite , aj main Neat Jr.,-.lrenr . .S.ll would I , IIY
bare beerkafllleted with Mae., id the stomach, leinitte•
lion of theibeart and nercuut headache far notrif fifteen
end hare *est hale hnothetit of dolls» ha tdder to
effect •ratit hot to no burnoile.'; After haring toed three
hotline of yob/. idatniencleal Aram% et lfolhold Ra
t rm." I feel let ently restand..ier eat .4 sleep
antEntrebil le my bodneee with am and would •
therefore recommend it to all thane w are
mew. • • '• • • ..U. B. WiIUDA
Prnmicson. Aug. 24.184.1
Ilr. Deaf. ParrelJr.—Dear Sir: My miaow. thanks as
Is, to the frilled ationnesendlnir flolleutis ltera-"
11•012 X I.6fferttl rerit/11. time Intbi noaoaratt of sm.
lit., mental &moo., and In fart Amen) disorder of the
erstem.l,rmir letit idler ado, bat me bruit, merlon. of
returning health. . • .
(Signed)', 1.10011:1118C110e31111...
Part ~Jir Feet—Dear Mr: I hare been relieved of
U..' liblthwErla fdrotof Ureisinela, Irtther meta Boer
hare Ihdiand Bitters. tortrehesed of you) after ardfert.
UB heeder.Be. oaneee. and tt.rmorar
( sZe d o ! iitur igiligntio.n. I new fglzirf ß oN6nim.
Yearn. twelectfullf.
No.oo Willie st. Plttaborgi.
BORRIPS .1101/.4 Sugar and talE;.
oilier. Shout! It In any Wt.., to elect la mo.h
and ram..than (Bee mUsementeialmaller It, year
tali b. refoodhd. • • BENJAMIN PAoVr moos, .. • .
A• nod SiAltlgfoid L.:La I .4IIVAI=u. •
lwat ,1.4.14=1 X. Sinrs.Dr.
[eye. oast ! J. Boammek..4l:la t 11110.
b Ylr ib i. Gbh U. &Dd:Clung. ••• •
Jam. , pips& P. BlehtntrtiCatihhe railletAiii•
Alleulteny. • d OrdlidlydfirT
• • • •GRATIIII • • - : .-- •
.7.4 Pnilisltkel Nets Inner/4.4 AttlieheW..
AZT WORDS on the lii,tional Trent:
meat, without Xedhtlue,of b •,..k zt nnang.twa. or Feral
Nervous Debility, low 9 lawdiude,. treat,
nes of the lettollo and the Batt, lea and letup.
city it Study and Inbar, Do/loom of amendeetwion, We of
IMONDIT: Marston to MOAT, Lowe or tiolitodo...._
AeltDitnywet.lnatineee, Ilead - Ashwlevoluntary tneent
Palos le ltse9l46.Affeetkat of the ErKftwOr• o .lb. kW".
basal antl other Intlrminew Itrllan.
Trust thd Frewen of Ik. 6.• De
Tha Irrivorttmt tart that three . alumina ustatlalote,
molly be remand woLiwut Nedinne, la la this =ton Oast,
omdt. druntwtrated. and Meet:direly new awed WSW...
anew Orsitorot, as adopted try the author, fully • t plalis.
lid, by of of wideh evert eoe It nattall to pre.dlit. 4wd .t the lean ~..126 ...1, smokily g thetaty " V
:retrats of rho
der. ' '
Swat to Y ...WM. male cod. p re Ave to • Mated as
rbatl ZefrV:ne . nti t.ldttgerbreitl2' -"
gm "3 LIQUID lIAM DYE.— Th is
V t re.illtattOt be till:=Zix.mtikutle o l) , lta I.
argtmirelaanging white, senor gear haft 10 • brarrtg
flid thick brown, to • few totrottes , without eat' latorY
whatever to the hair, but Lo the sontrarr Ono It • lively
and natural amanita. the
and getillemou who have
nm... 1 - gm' me. In
• few minutest, if th ey
=, gave a newt or Ink of rano Lluiroww. warranted
Per. " 4 ." 0.. "..ka whlekere or mowtartdcw
ot • gray or widish hoe, can I n •• toe minute:ghat.. them
Pertwanantly blest. .Pretervel by Z. IX titituoin, Chemiete
of pate2 . l.-IVabinewl tentlitawww, ' '' • '
• - W . 7 ". IL'Il. gi;LLERS I CO- ttr hood rthmt..
nli, J. R. , SPEER; it) ittlatition to the
Wadi* of tatinoual Noted's,e of hi, nrofeeOto, de.
!... alleollilattaatlio to iltatuuttts OF TUX Zll r,,arid
.. Wilato a c then sena •'.
.. e •
Ite la amott.t•mott /A ....4 en.0..11
Meta= he
sln ima• Jess of il,•todu
• Mt. trl, .
_ag 1 WNW 1.44.taw.... • • '‘'• •-• r- '
r . .. r omit Plttaborgh.•
-"Y4- ,, e.e.,,_.,..,•
. ... _ . .
S E S.: : ....7 ?. ... , ;t1 . • 1 ,,
.. , .
Liner ALL DISEASES arising from (Mum,;
dotedyer er Uneaten : ss
such eolnelpetien.bnerd
I inlineve °ib:lnd to Co the Heed. netdityof the Block
sett, newt. Ideartbose, Dit s gnikt
„of Yeckf enema Of
Inn livrpilre....=".-7,.==E+.34PAINIMI:
II and tdifltAlt to ititteetZet tho Users, '
awaking oeffeffeestiogfferntetwasehem In letting host=
Diatom of, blots bola den etc betbse the sight. hoer ,.
Dan re. I. thedleedi,riede••• - 1 . 1 P erettet2nekt relkoe
nese of :the bldp .4 Awe, Pain in the 8 cam,
Lb g s g , i.., sna.nia Finslos arllcat, Dumb/din the ' niesh.
~,,,..„.., 1..0 wens or evil endOreet Isensreekot .1 10trits,
in. 1100F4AND'S CELEBRATED elEglgglg 111711:118.
DR. C.-Rt.'dACK-SON,:-;
a 0.133 Aug antis, PiensentrlOS: ' ' -
Mt:C:power occelortni* nitesels Is ,nos wwes` k s. ty
711=e:el veg
.had filled . ,- .r.= -l a4tiZigi t gy B nritt - -
Tn.. 'newt.. wofthr ti , :ot#nn.,- imilidi: iti,... -'-
sooting went sletuee In the rectitication It - Mateo, °tribe '
Liv er And Weer esa glendsttueretsieg then:cat 1011•11•11122!:
cis JU weskn and affection of ins digestive wane. ~.,
The tbilowlng secount alto :o ° 6 t;tthe - s " .111 , Pati;
mg is extracted frau the atehlthin attottlene . '',
D,. to.3lonteggy advtioAhsnas in_ ht., Tete fill; tee. -,-,* l't
inia g Yt 3/ ' '""•••• v•it tattli healers yew Alicetus i -- ,1
than aneTeenzlettirbienuetstelamoln ...IC w gll=--
lotion* Se‘Tetrellablbs orthe thot.e . l4l, 4 %stltte= , 1 , - -
c _ J .( lan Ye teletex t when i toce
Leneereted ilyit„. Ily Wow* sZtlarstregonari l ielessor -
— ° T b ut r e 4 •••••• d.. 41 4. Mowed M anua: s -Is --•:...
tkst nandititei, 1 oinK. .'phplau, asaarrasa -,- -
muse sad etteekedibe sad in r reessetto mimed
*. n . to t us honed& But am TAY A. sort:
my tongue tinned to ro much - eentedi
-- 1 the ethic By eiteeitedberect the digeetthee ere,
FOR TIIE RADICAL I MO OF HERNIA ., OR' '''''',: i 1Y , '"*n. 14 %. i t "% a " . 11 " :41 ° 11 ' 4 1'. t
' I - RUPTURE. - • th•cbristarcArkkrr", .044.11.41"=-..-
, Bitters' wive an d. ' , Teri/ Dimon abilb, ' ki, y..
THE TRUSS OF Dr. flubliaid is admirably M "' ...410 4/ /..' I t • •• t • Irgt • ' 11 " *• mi.. - r reitt' , ,t
...4.0.1,..: .iiewthsrdiaorbu...rationz.; arr-r'Ad - .4.T=.-...n-irnrrg' - -. 4 '-.1
he tar weir tedlyed. rs I t DM he Perfectly final to ting g ma.. - -"'%. Bs i had need nit 'nest 'bottle 1 '''-i -'• %tit ,
... t in dih r ., ...
att ,,T i e i t t a iulatz zsinte m ri nrb le t eLtitnicrlsed te tim hett ar o l u tur eti k
ton etand ow thst sa the th r b.
.51,ints i lL t it erter .tboa ttLronn re . , O
glen by /,..,,Thia, flan '
that I end ye . I hove
or stettose i g .i. - ‘ ttsl7.2.
Ik b :ReflNV ' lr t" . kish a. 11.• 1•• • .... .-
, nom 2=Y WSW. / 9 . rftaba\ to 4i* 2, ci , ..7
cit f ,1,1,1 ". --- t - rs. ~ ,esst ba Irina Intl& r sib being Petreetir r.t.c., • Vi• Oen*. ties'
„ ,iirr....b.... t to wiimtot thereountsy_ ilt w"M"S hist " tifz
. r ielt.3 ni l tietit tq ,g, tbA1. t.. q ‘ ..r .„,,,, ' " 1 " - ''''' t'
Z= enclosing ild. the aide act e d,
_nd ..- ettest of gime O. JUL Anus, - mt a • Iter,--..„—at. ~,- i'3o
ril3=l:4Lcettd et, /muscats attegiehter am att -, • - -
~ _t=,,,,17-1,- , tt --n, nloy .
..:.Dorn ffi, , Yen In l b. 's
tinegrog g s eg nriA„ .. y, ri n g. yty, ent some that huiltrer,_,Agtegag i kgki„,...; t - :,7, -
r , -
~- -
,-,,,,,,„ _, , t 010.11. nliffit: IMen . ..rnythlng stoat Ineksucterin ,1 tr - . d id at t„...t.
min jrest,,_aipie_r or Vlrada ley - alt LT i i . Lber....T• .... btut i thill "den • alight•• i .
an ‘0 -lODINE I t.EIRIBLIB - LED ItTntirrer, •_,.- 064 - It77 — agn - - ar
IMP lasi Am sahilr ~- , •sLataixo /110M68.5. .''' Ltd br IL -.1 . at...611;114 , 0, 1; a " gee' - ". . U4- ' .
5 1,1- -- ----w- -4.. A ,,,,_,_....., AR
____ thi.,n•asaca=„iip, •
. .._obi sa b ir „ ..„. iman.....m.
„.. I . -t' Ir's4l4 -
't -- \ -.71- ! Iltr '' t.., "' Z '' . 4 tliff,
_ -
. .
r punfring- the Blood, and for the CRe
IV bbrofilfa - 7thesterthre, Stahliont 17etrs, ntr.. ,
A , Ana. Sg:11. /dire.. Pm , ' Ayr". AVDeloa
Afercurrol /Amara f Am.
\ _Pmplis......Ties.
4. 0 ,,, npi,, ,,,, 2 ,„,..., ,
• dis;se. Clesserephoro hunk
. , Plaints, e2Alitr nkettte. GrA• • ' -.
end eccetfify. me. dr...
\ IL ' ` this preparation all the restorative prop-
miles of the root are concentrated In their utmost
streturth sod Manlier but while Parealwillis Root comes+.
Importent part of its combination. It beat the same Mama
re ' d l arl i cT i tL i . th ' la Ini ai4' ''"lrrsdidegfigir P°ls4srs!
of In preparation. Mat Ita m remartoblesuccase in the awe
of Mena doom!. It acte alosultenermarr upon the etete . •
arts, the circulation of the tes,rei a,,,,1 ei,,,,,aahme
,fter, which rue ordinaril the bee t of three differen blade ._
~.• on at the wee time. through the
fostrereebtality of nos owe remedial agent which Alma
ispes while it dlsinfecte and expels hem the Mansell Ma ,
dowels WI that Is Initating. and at ties same thee restmea
their vigor And tone. Men other preparation. Imitate It
In Martha the name of ' Da, ..... In that their re.
setefilatice ends, being often prepared from worthless end
inert`roots al of orz. i toeserzie d g no tr . llN, or curative
wiell shot, i., , :g0.n0 other beet est ono flel l'h t! ' st
fr,v1.,,„,.. fron'Alainsejti=rs.itt t aLfiXt ..., ed h. e . i: ,
boeg g istn=ut r t who amnia bearing daily testimony lts w oth
1 _ Etrtaters. N Y. Sept :OM 8.1.
Imam SAIL .1 , D. limns: Gentlemen-Having where.
ed `the meet fpneeciarvijecte from the me of your Sarum- ,
14. it slaps pleasure to end you the follow lug state. ,
. art/ In re to my me. In the Spring of 184 e, he tan ,
a • rare co d. , aell 0n,,. *weeks of /revere mitering the die. \
u tttled Ire titt , s left leg stud Mot, hob rt . and= \
ts dlirTilrg l ed ' ‘%rpiivn4,t2ty: t 4 et note ' : mu; \
clay rens formiel on thel Ire and ,, tot at one time. We \
had re luaidebtat 0000 miler him much; and the
Ind t found en emartatal le nd low that be wan
anat.!, to re hi I, solferins the, oust exenciating
pain. g tide rem Mil Tone had income an much eV
forted t t Was aft. ph. mane aut. Of which be bar now
mor. tb tnenty.firel.reserred ICI a bottle. ye n, leg from
isnohalf mie and e balf loch. In length. Ai a had given
tri ll
PMI hon. or his recOery. but at thle time' we were In- ,
sized to e
t 'P
Sareaparilla arid with Ito ime his health ,
and elnxiti , T , Immediately to harm., an dso npid
was the eh .11 list lese'than a down bottles efferted a .
prefect rum VI li Grotltre. / reGtililegfilMito.
Ire. the on onigned. ;ellen or,ilr. Haller* chem. "
fully , subecrite o the bete I/ al du meinatmatint. ,
tna.kil ' a t ir . \O. l'a n rs= 4l 7 ' %,
, Proem.' end /I, erholessie \and ser,M . hr A.` . .
gi(a..alr,r?. , , 4. ‘ I,o\,coriN'r x _
......trt,__. 7:4. ; .
th,..u..,,...t0.thi.i0te... 4 ...anagLe. rein it per, , v ,
Cobeta ''''
r &
\ Pril r eg l' ll:9l . . 1 1... V 641. artA u t . \
, L. Wakes, Jr.. '''''''4
leitheni ., Clty. and br i !Erasta 2k , Dealers 11 \
', , .
_.,,, , t4Y_ 4 rdhu
. HdIfOrtiIOBIBZ,WINE, ' \ -
\ AND GUM' COA ED, - I , OIIST pills! ' '
\ . rum., y,, Mt Meld/ , %, \
i) NE MILLION ' tties and' Boxes \ sold \ •
- eheaorowdihonesaas atm.* Nerd horn a PRP... . '
Tom on.A. r... by t he ' dr , \, • \ '
Tertimontele of the mut run losable
f elr a reetes t ans
=radVirget.t'Neturanil 7 1:1 Y eirac;of thgelec
The following show the number of cams area, M el, ,
tilled to by lettere and other tatirsoldela neared Dom \
amts the tin.° and British Min he . from the toil A ,
January, .52, 1. January, Ist, teat!, elusive'
c,,i,... \ \
InenPandarul habitual Oistivenem.L...... ...1 7 ... .. I\ \
lienoue Disorder, \
Genend 0r1i5ir.,.... .. ........ ... .... .. ....7X:::::::: ''''
(104 -, ,
th r - limm.hzeby . color of the ek1it...,...1.....-...i..... i 1ia \
scrofula and Memerial liamplainta....... \ • \.... 41/1 \
LIT!! Conyi.iiint
gait Rheum... .... . .... -... .... . -.:7.2: - .....„..... \.........q 0,
0 . 1 %. 4 u 4 T , Liii;;• - . - ii.;;;ihz -- ,aia::::=.::::!:::x:::::::::11/
Aneurnatiam ........ .. ..- ... . ......... -..-----...... .-....110
But a duet time beg erapend 'Mose them great '
medicine& have tpCGLI made known to the public, yet•
sands have greedy experienced their mad effect Inuit& • J.
gine ever by their phylicians. as formable, Mao thluid
I , llof and been restored to mond and•simaxembadth hum
their use. The grad amount anted the medhisies have .
done, haa Induced thousand/1 to metenteerst them to their ..,,,,
friends. Men of Integrity, and d physic/ass hare Isectim,,,,d 4 t
~, \ '
their me. and reaurunend them to the nuld3e. .
New Yost. Doe:ember &MAIM.. c„, -
Dr. G. W. Ilalsey Dear ifir-1 deem It Majestic..term., :,
se the Inventor of a great tuelletne, to mod you A sheet
Main. of my own are. 1 ern twenty-errren yams ease.
At thbrteen I was athmked ants gemdula whin se.
set ea rxx-,....Laot,rrir"Zre•.
left ear. • About six Moos Iscatarenord wend ear ~-•
Foneklllne and nu. i 1 .. i. ., ... 1 ....) .
In Mae weeks ruled me. be imam though DOW 111011/111,
bear testimony of the atlful manner In eh/eh / war' •
afilleted. After nearly km n yeensulfering, I now rte't
i o k. t...y, mu t t t oy heel le fully teetered by your rem- -.
ectlea all others having mu ed mina ineffeetnei.A .1 '..
Yours, A ery u. ir ~ saatust. Inca. •
The falntrang rest: mouse, mr. at Ay Mr...10.h0u A - Cbordsl, ...
ic .....,,,,,,,, 1 . tii Amesvle cern/ordinal? ',Ada fe' Ung,-- ..k .
\ Owe:a, N. .I', Fkle. N. 1861 -.,
Dr. G. W. Hebei-Dear glr-Ily wife bad metroks ante s
Palen weever. that her hole eyeless 11111.1. consulate! tat
alyeed. She continued to grow waner. be y two.,
\ 7.....e. t r:. , h2e v ivi era/drill um andjurnsibility of her
~ y and , ,
or xi, IrtfOißTY. 'AI le nth.
ire began to lake yoZ Ledlcitsat Their rat idf we* : ~'
I= ,trrairridlirlifew si enthe g nme g Ved ul lnue4 " Y r ik ^ :4 ° - '''
treardiaser effeit of yam Who, and
.to te clekrury
wife of a complaint are never caPertal tg A,,,, sife
loduase ars. awa dutr I tict to Touttelisted to. '- •
used you this certificate. JOTHAN P. bl \ ,
, I am rr nualated with ...T. P. Condit, and 'reeve-Abe
whore &ate tole true. 11. P. IIERDIIAN, .---
\ 52 Chtusberet,A:.r: ."-
' ' `RHADRIZ-lf Yeti 'detains& y n„. odi . mmiltutlou Wand
by that Mow tatting 1,1! , ~, or other whin{ itlil- ."
Panora. touch not as mutate Mem, br pat
uncertain modkine yr tever. Int remora thole excebent,
et.i temiif rgrairdeaerpartaktiamekere steettelse she •
If you have the Dy.modn or ere troubled altlf imaGye. ''t '
neat, Mae this II Imam! the Mlle. according totter Mime
hoes, and yell will then yret welt ~
___ fi t'-'
If you a. newton. or weakly. or have ,m•CSSINI RP.
Unlace. or mama thbilitY. th is Wine end the Pitts, will
nature you to heath and mem.. ‘,
if you have unhealthy ooleeQ• skirt Or Kemal., or pule \
Wee, or blotches, these medicines will purifY the bleed , - ,
and eradicate MI such hereon Inut the stun. •
If you have a weakly constitutiamMad !bellowed,
to Mr your Years, fake thew ...MOS naiuse• and .
.in 1...4..... your ...retake aid shrurr it mr,
Mower lido.
1./ roe are Dillow. (which met. le histent by nth mai,
goon as Drowsier..., low of Appetite, Dianna Furred
Tongue, Sr-) take • good &we of lies , Voreat Pille, and they
wW purge fume the stomach and Image all morbid nod
bui...,..m...,....,1 thus pi . ..cut a at Of eicheress mid Wm.
Yon , Goiter'. KU el m. , r . SA \--' ' \
If yon hawybe. Li metaled, the Forest Tam and ,
Pills will acre It Them rtildniss exert • peoraftd sad'
palatal snide on the Liver. and bare hom thesuesue.,
0 1
i i% a ........ I. git t s_ggr i rr tilers
re,... ", .
meteorsre of
Imo"ya eldidree, or seem=ofyour \ -
da not .lee of esdaehe or Dhesinem...or Sickness at . ,
Stone* or hare furred tongue, or eome table unfavorable 1
WlTipthrlsl4 Th em erg
ot the asrebodiumetAlsorder and Melt. '
nem, of Nome tint_ or r, mum inlierwr, tor arch eymp.
tours shoat& Mow that bile
or Morbid mattes exists to the \
stoach and bowels, or that the system Le otherwlee Meer. ,
40.14. Timely nee of Mr Forest li We and kills urn In MI
.the blood dn. ' il t tei,id no, itt= air " Tirtti. "`"""zi r f -
The Forest medicinal kept sauna at kankto he-takell
whenever mach symptoms are exmotted. t SIM 3. 0 r
family almost enurely from sickens, es Well eus yew doe
tort bill. wideb hrqueutly amounts to mere Mihow.k
thus trunident of them medicines to
)our Wattle:
LADIES-the oral:Who, is ) our teedirim- le Pkiv-
met, Macable. yet effeethe medicine. eSectif In "
delicate mesh anions. If yea are weak)" or nervooe, or In
A lama ill health , this Winos will du more to mama Me
than all .thee sordid/ ma ta all mem where Mk MUM M . ' '
the bowels conatif:t.i. the Forret Pills elaeuld shar-be
taken, nab, t o lie d_inetioes. , \
MARIN 'AN s RAI Rtr.F.R.-.lf yen with id iniald ‘ ,...-
rottnelf Malted alekriem and dangerous.
loWYJMPernbse per Ilia Mort& ion:nett 4srtire Foment
sine and rinii omen &either eat on kat' that
Tmy moll.. thv i on tand when recited. % . , \
filaWlee kW ern.=%" °'"llleares*"*lral..
box. General Diplit,lGl Duane arum, Z o e * of C
earner re
Sold wholesale and ratan br N (MORO IL tr t
X 11.• '
Wood street and Ylrgin Wier, Pithils arti
by JAM/C8 T. gA.MPLF.,uortbereet comer of Fate %Mee
sod tbo Diamond, Allegheny, - . eoLdAssairer
111. ms article lA pre.;
seated itscpatile
fa: external Y. ovoid'
141 131Tten din TIT
dustlon. or 411 t
sad of e-mrsstl, tit
ua .sato of atßeaar.
oario. r
A4. 0... =0:1=7
by femfoknotwortsfo
*ler dobilllztoftbopftf
mor t Lero=ts,
and wiskuestof visicatit
• -
DR:a. prrnrs UXIVERSAL eicriciat'satsent:
A rofO. safe and arrtalo cum Wr the asiolit stet coati
awl"); t rill eon
tbrost, black totom and all eons of mown pouter tbc
Lu..? 0113, Orost. sad itomach. • •
R. SELLERS, 57 , W00d wen. rasa yaw
, • j. ifkraftliti nestbmteent-'• • •
io'Skr63' 1.. . *Wm/0 sad taflAolds. •