The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, January 16, 1854, Image 2

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BY WITYTE kC0_.._......_._
• - a-• *iiiii4i ---- :4rezrzn,wizz. -IMP-POUND ON
alted►tGm of our Weeny Mane offers to our bsokottotro
• moil dillblibloutodtrou of tosktog thotr bustottopOilt
* Our droulaticro bEtwoon four and tire thomarot, meting
•Lout.ey age mot county to 'Amt.= Ponatitoult,
AVEMI6TIffeBB.--Nelthee the Edited.' g0... 1 _
Dar PelOnsEetabitehoment of the Deliv Gme*,....reeeo
C 4154 z4k) , e.Arternaccawhodealre their notices to appear.
tbe baly* Smby mo.dpg, wID pleeee band them In
Wart d delta, on Entneley. - '
COUNTY. MEETlNG—The'Whiga itiidAn
.ttlicsa or the w ent 'Made, lloionghs and Town.'
shirp' Is the Conntr, will meet a their: reepective place(
Of boldlas elections, on tt.tTIIRDAT, the 25th dar of Jan-,
RUT lag. Wet= the hours of I and 6 o'clock. wit.. and
elect% &Listen o each Markt to atend County
=fr e izg'lLDZEill . A , L ; the let d , sial i threv e
setae to Mate Cantentloo at riarriebargla. on tgallith ,
day of"Jlerth, 1814.1. By order of the Connate. of Cor.,
N 1190140. , T1f09.1. BIGILLM, C'hin'a.
&max or„ rue Iliasouht COMPROMIBE.—.It
has heninTaterite-etriplaynent with the South,
• to chichiiii igelziat . .tho want of faith .=
the part
of the 2Portli , in ,reference ' tothe-virious corn,
prminaliy . on the !Stormy:question, which :the
majority of the people of the North never agreed
to, but WM& 'they coniciatimisly aPposed and
' the North• required that 'the
" ailed), he, applied to the new
terri e ttliz:imotified:.fit3ll. Mexico, th e Southpro
,noir:cud it,:to violation 4 the." MiSsoiri Compro
boasted their adherence to Stile*
engagements. But what do we ' find nowt
kerioutipriliCeitialt •entertained; to - repeal - . the
- .. ../lOsauttriHOMpromise, for the 'purpose of admit-.
Hag IlkiTtrcrlato, the territory of Nebraska—a
territory„ iiing West.of. Missouri; and within
the bormdaof tliavery .. ,eiclusion. The most as
tanieldng bdwever, that such - Isftho
pielfmrditief the' to . ibeerviency SinverY, at the
present time , that it is believed, by men who tot
' derataai ,Ora.character of this Congress, that
the In - alai - A will-carry, and that we
.shall heie
another-Shive State on our Western bonier
.• Who cliuld)utio believed . this a few years agof
It islitible to tall howbursh apeople will
• bear . - 49tett',in 1841, vte, with others„ warned
the peopin of- thin country-against the danger' of
'the annexation of Texas, we were taunted with
. being en, alarmist • Tho thing was impossible.
p 44e would never:agree, to it. When the
old Sage of•Brahrtree; ie his .epeech to his con--'
:utitnente foreteldthe coining- storni, hewas pro- .
nounied'f4iticaland in iiiidottige.- For publiah,
ins that'aPeceb,. his. 'Aceideney,Joust Tnall, of
diagracknlmemory, ordered all the dovernment
advertiseinentir out of the - Gault; • and trate:
rerieilliimlci the ..LoCofeeo Poet, This Was In_
the fleof 'Ye:F . 47I IO oicutancs; anti
Jost after he Watt been elevated to - offlee•bY Whig
anipport.;" Still, nobody would believe that Texas
wonid,bk annexed.- The idea was too monstrous.
Time went the danger of annexation
more imminent, the people were, arouised, and .
alanoed,; public meetings were held tm.protest
• against 'the net,' and solemn resolutions Wens,
passed by Slate Legislaturee, pronouncing the
- • project ustooratitutionahand declaring it stretch
. of de tail:awl compact, and asserting they would
not ainsint'til it. By degrees the pnblic . mind
*aim with it, the' Democratic
PutYfilll4ye-. l 94rerrierit to ...Slavery. dictation,
\etteeninbaLeimiim the list night of John Tyler's
dispacetintz'rresidenej, the act was' accom
,.. :41litruisithe events Mnie.h.succeeded.- - , James
eras elected Prealderit.! the mesiesit war
followed; net territories were aiquired; the doe;
• nines of •the Wilmot. proviso" were for a while
fearlesel4utteral'arsi . Sepia its* and then the
North waiagain.4efeated .the. series of acts
lithe Compromise nominee, by which the knewn
' ' yoke was put On the necks of the North; end her
help citizens: r ine, prevented, on pain of fine and
'imprisonmint; from discharging duties enjoined'
'by humanity, liberty and, the law of God. Shwa
, that wretched porinit, the craven spirit of rub
to: the behests of Slavery has been in
' treasing; -, ,0n0 "after ancr4ber of 'our ..public
presses, ti4d ; : pnblie men have suecturdied, and
now, Irh!Cci.San4l 'coin* forward
. .and
mauls stilidnither concessions, even the breech
• .; . cf contracfa contractsand solemn env:gement:Si. it seemly .
moves the Peibliel heart. Emboldened_ by success,.
the prowl and arrogant.:Tsenth 160(ra:it - deign to,
: do her orii:.deireithig work; but puts . forward
Douglass,'' of Minois, and, Cass, ,of
both aspuantn for, the Hresideney, and who ere
• - willing to pay any price for it, ."LETCTI. BENTON, it
Is laid,
..not•oppose. l This . we will not 'be
lieve until we cannot helY it
But evoTliebraelei. will not satisfy the:Soulh,
She - must, have ineire alive territory still. • Hence
rhofillibueteriogexpedition'of Walker; and his
eaMpaniof desti;radoeS and pirates . "] fore - than
one thottsMidffie*itii saidnreefigagedlisthisMa l
- 7 1sirprise; and there is not much doubt it,will sue
oeed. Lower ealifornii and Sonora will roan
'trop into our handiq'tiiviolent invasion,
tion and prim:hese, and thus two mord dare sietes
will be added to the &Orions American' Union,
_ .
"to .., , * ' W.Q!...) 5, 04 and the luau of.the brine."
Well, we admire their spunk and indomitable
-"energy of-the South. three shire Stites in one
year is &Ink* pretty good. business. It the
,North is ton craven spirited to defend her own
rights, and is too — keen on the seent'of wealth,and
spoils wad.. officeto attend to honor, right and
freedom, she deserves to be trodden under. foot
and deipised., Nebraska will come in` polluted
with slavery; if the South ean induce thirehold
• ire to go thud; Which is sernewhat doubtful, and
- Sonora andlatier -California : will .come in to
reell.the Southern power, in the Senate and the
.electoral ot!ig'e'' ispd thei north will.',humbly se-
inhume, and pat besself out of breath
to, catch -rani sway. negroee for: her , southern
, • :stuusters . , in testimony of: her fidelity to the
Compromises of the Constitution'
Niatiettea.--. , °beerier," tie Washington co t ,
terpondeet of the PhiLadel phinLedger,, and also
.. 00rresponderif. pr 1 01 e Baltimore Sun - attain. the
tr i g n a '4",_-`.' I I.".tOIMJ , Ots to thosepapers as.
Waanniatan, Jan. 12.-1 am, glad to - inform
on that Ger...Casswill sge to it that the llebrus-.
ka•Territorial'Xill sbill.jake 'that slurPe - which,
nfilleare it td the, people /lithe Territory to estah
..lislt or prohibit inrolontitY servitude, without
'Waiting till they areireadj to: come ate. 'State_
into the Talon. That part of thO 31Mrouri com
promise arta& might apply to_-Nebraska most be
repealed. - Hen: Carr is determined to siparate
'the sheep from the gotta, - finsturga. •
Pram thC7t4l2r7ofthla dispatch it would seem.
that Cien. *cunt min put the , Senate in his pocket
as easily ai , :titen. .Jackson ',once'. pocketed the
State of Dulairaie.'! - The - Senale to no and
-Can. Cass - ffirrything.., '‘.43en.. Chas will see tu
lt".--" Gen: Otis io 'determined," &e.. Hera it
an omnipotent General, for you; one man among.
tdity two. ;end greater ;than t4em ! *Li, this
1a better than_ being ries:Went.' The occupant of
the White Hcamods scimething, in this way, but
. Hen. Casslitherarbecliment of what was once
tanned tlitciTtctst, ampust assemblage
`in the woil I'
Re matter ; tiliaillangers . maybe apprehend from
the antion,-,o6helienate; Sew Case will see to
it" that all liright, Cass is determined to
:hare his own way," and .who shall resist: him?
lispppis the witiou that Nesesses a Cass t Hap
py are thai,rople, too, - f-who -enjoy ebronielers to
poat them up, betimes., about the determinations
Ind waLehralneris of. the:. mighty General from
;We Peelent "w Übe menal-vetetement of the
064" the Penimfixonie Henreid for the
month of December and far the yeer...; The , re
oelptifei, the month exceed the eitinutteruhlith,
.• on theg4,44,.59,972, And mai!othe `groan
. rvoeipta fc:itheriesrs2,Bs6,932.o6, - ageinst $l,-
• 67.2 A in the ymtr"lBs2if Increftee $9 . 66;810.42,
• or sbprtt4s.tyle!!nt. - .
Riceipte fgr.the MOnih . endincpec.,, , -
1 .11; 1868 W 9,872 t3O
&me menth•leet year ... .... 18
‘inc"" $8126064
Itsdptsfrom .7an. 1,1858, to Dela:' St,' , •
; 10; 1868 - . $.1,865;982 96
gems period last 1;980,672 64
,42, -,ItXIPOST OT 13PiCri- , 4 110 - large - qtinntiti of
.1 thirty-four tons of Aped* Aims zuoretoYed .11 P et ,
# thur.thlo 'morning tuultioakll: tbo AinunbOirtJohn.
~ 1
- ..i1 , ..• May. It wattshifelted.frcattheleuth-3ti tidir•
, r oltrihnd Is to be taken to that ofrPhiludolphht , :r
- ;Ir. O. ,Piesyrno - : .0., - AI , .1,4.. , :...5z , 5 ,
• WI:.! ..7.1•1 1....., '-.1 J.r LA J .
- , .
WESTER!? RESERVE BAIM.--01186t111411y MGM- . I
ing we fp14.41.0 44 g h tt ' 111 "` t "t1
b y t h e „ w ,ltie; our ativerba*tentl3lli, hat- I
ing been deptjaitea there by the talnigraphie agent I
thcnrOgag*fore, shin. our oken had elose,ll:2,
• WAEREN, 011ie, Jan. 12,1.854.
Editers,<l.RatOurnh Garatc:-,Western 80-an-re-Bank
- an-re - Bank stopped redeeming their notes this
morning at 19 o'clock. J. IL MABEE.
dreaming that thin was an imposition, and
supposing-it tit:natter - of importance, - we
posted the dispatch at our office'door... A gen
tleman, formerly,* Warren, having seen itthere,
at once dispatched a 'message to Warren, andre
ceired the following answer: '
Wannes, Jan. 14, 1854.
The Western. Iteserre Bank is as sound :and
solvent an any bank in the Trnion, and . hare
not been called upon to 'redeem *WOO of .our
notes, re.r the last sixty days, tuel'we have
than :3160,000'0t available funds on hand. The
report Of Kihbee is es fehe as false can be.
Ozonon TAXlol4.Pashier.
Thif last dispatch will be satisfackwy to'our
be : inesS community. The Western Reserve Bank
has long enjoyed the reputation of being one of
the most .prudently and caution* , numaged
h mks of Ohio, and-We hare no donbt'Ot r iti
°ugh soirency., The attempt to nse the pres for
tlse purpoSe . of "discrediting it, Is, under Jim ejr•
cUm , LanCQN• WOrtilY of the .severest condemmt-
cirhir retelling the eighatures of all our prin
cipal mercantile firms, pledging the signers to
deliver freight .upon - any point of the Ohio 'and
lifir--sisaippi Rivers. as cheaply and as expedi
tiously as was done before the outrages at Erie
Cornmenced, or as can be done by Philadelphia
by any route or in• any mode. Arraageinents'
hate been'taade with a line of steamers to Balti
more, which will leave hero daily; and 'with the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, whereby this will
be accomplished. It is a most excellent move-
moat and cannot' fail of proving effectual. We
shill publish the with the signatures to
morrow.—New York Courier.
If we are not 'mistaken the New Yorkers did
the same thing _ last year, beforo the Erie troubles
connnenced. It is only another mode of giving
expression to jealousy. of Philadelphia. If Penn
sylvania is to be tabooed by New York and Ohio
in tide way, what sueecis Will those of our citi
zens who are earnest is favor" of giving the free
fight of - way through the State to all railroads
meet with? We are opposed to all sectional and
narrow policy in this respect, but no Pennsyiva
than can look upon the efforts of New York and
certain towns In Ohio, to injure her character and
'interests without
,the deepest indignation.
Itepubticaner" is
the name of a new German paper just started in
this city. It
.purports to be - published: for the
'benefit of the CathOlin Orphan Asylum on Troy
Ain, but its main object is to break down the
other German papers of the city, which speak
too freely against-the Pope and Catholiciim, and
their encroachments upon popular righti. The
name is a Misnomer. There is no affinity lre
tween Catholieient, its political derelopemelds,
nndrrue republicanism;
Kircsannoessa, for lannax7, rich, racy, and
able:. Mai just been received - at Callon's.
Tho mtmorsrespecting 'the' prospect of peace,
areconfasedand contradictoty. 'while some per.
eginv maintain thaVtlie EMPeror of Russia ba n e
consented to send'aplenipotentiary to the Con
gress at Vienna; letters from St. Petersburg
state positively that the Czar insists that the re
ligious quM4lon shall be arranged between him
self and the Sultan without the intervention of
the:9thei Powers.* 'lt is added that the Emperor
has no objection to send a representative to
the Conference, but that he reserves to him Self
the right to treat' directly:with the Porte on all
that relates to the - Proteetorate Of the Greek sub
jectS. The - latest statement; if it can be relied
res, is, :falterer, rather more - Satisfactory: It
comes by telegraph frontlrieima; 22d; and states
that a despatch had been reteivedthern - from , ll,
de. Bruck, dila - Constantinople, 20th, and was
immediately communicated' to the ministers , of
Britilit, Prance and - ,Prussia, to - the effect that
the Porte will Send** Plenipotentiary to the con
lerenec, provided - the Russians will evacuate the
Prineimilities. The Ambassadors of the Three
.Powers had been , instructed tO urge en the Sul
tan not toinsist Ort , this condition, but to assure
him that•the integrity'of the Turkish empire will
be maintained; and the Principalitimi shall be re-
Stored as soon as the dispute with Russia 'shall
have been settled. • -
A. Constantinople' despatch of date 16th; men
tions- that the:Vie:dna note teethed Constantine
ple'cru the-15th; - whenited_vehid Paeha hail an in
teniew with -the Foreign -NI - misters/ He groin
iced to dabs' utmost for the furtherance of peace
at the'Grand - Titan; which - war to' meet 'on - thei
20th, but thought that the part taken by Perlibt
Russia:' woul(F render an arrangement
very "diffirmit. : • totli the. Tnrkiih . Minister in
Persia; 'andtho.Persiateafitdstei at Conetunti
nople," have quitted their pests 'contrary to the
advice of thelrench and 'English Ministers: The
Tacks are preparing for an expedition- against
From the army in Asia there are no later re-
Ports.. The-details to hand. of past events do
not bear , out the victories deleted by-lbe Ens.
It was generully reported in the Principalities
that an armistice during the winter months
WOO,' be • agreed on. But this would en
able Itaitia to take. the geld in the spring, with
not much short of 181:1,1X10 men. -
It appears that the Molder° W.ells , .bian
rocenltylncorporated with • the Rassian for
ce, cannot be trusted in the field against. the
Purim, ,That'. are, :therefore. to be [ employed
to do garrison duty in the Principalities. •
Russia has, appointed IL de Fenton as Imp
rint Commissioner in Servin, and has given an
erosive answer to tho. Seriian complaint respect.
'the. dangerous proximity of the ex-Prince
losch to the Serriau frortier .
Iturrsm.—The split in the Cabinet hes been
patched up, and Lord Palmerston- continues in
hip office. Says the Times, as, if semi-officially,
..we were enabled to_state on Friday, December .
IGth, that, Viscount Palmerston Mid tendered his
resignation of,the office of Secretary of the Home
Department, and bad therefore ceased to forma
Part of the Queen's government, if his retigna-
Hon was accepted by the crown.. The announce.
silent was strictly,scurata, and accordingly Visi
ceent ralmeston has not attended the.rneetings
-of theXabinet, which have peen- held since he
'e rested his intention to resign. It is, however,
well known, that the important'office of _Home
Secretary has not been- filled. up or accepted by
any other member, of the government, and we
hare now the satisfaction to learn .that the resin
nationof Lord Palmerston hai not been definitely
accepted, but is. withdrawn, tutskthat the Secre
tary for the Home Departmbnt wilt retain,—we
can hardly say resume his former position_ In the
present administration: 'Explanations, honorable
alike to all the parties concerned in this Arum
action; have, been -uschanged, and aathe diffi-'
Milties which had arisen between Lord Paltnere ,
ton and his colleagues Atte limited, as we , have
already stated on a former occasion, to the Imes-.
tion of parliamentary reform all dealt with by Lord
Johnituuell,' it has been found possible,,without
any ' saerifiee of principle, to .plue the govern
men t. again r ou.' a unite& ~and we.hopea _perma
nent 'basis. To':beh.candis.L.; there has been too
mneli precipitation on - all sides in this 'nutter.-
-Lord Palmerston expressed his intention to resign
as if memo vital. principle of the Conatitntion
were in dispute middle provisions orthenew Ito-.
form .Bill were 'irrevocably settled, meither of
Which suppositions Isere correct..
- ',The difference of th opinion was thought., be
more serious, and more, fatal to the Union of the
,Cabinet than it has since proved Wise by. those
menthers or the Government,' who alone were in
full Possession of the cue.. But no Councils were
sitting at the time,. and the step, appears to have
been taken without is distinct communication [on
a restion of such extreme importance to all. the
ministers of the Crown, several of whom were
not in London. Upon a . fuller cemsideration- of
the whole subject, and an explatuthion-of the con
dition in which the projected measure of. Reform
now swede, it was found that no finperioes dic
tates of consmienceand .of duty, by which alone
sucl t a step could be justified,: did, in this instance,
require so groat a sacrifice... The zealous, media- I
don of the Duke. of Newcastle, the sagacious and
patridlic advice of- the ..blarquiS of Lansdowne,
and, we must add, the excellent temper and pnh
lle spirit shown by,the Ministers molt nearly en
gaged In this disctuodon,' have lid to this satin-, •
factoirreindt: end it ..would have, been utterly
Unworthy of • the -high: position awl' motivei of.
these 'statesmen, if they hsd liesitstesl fora ma- I
mad, to retrace a step taken under somexiseon-
ception of the to which it was alone attrib
The London limes has atieditoriel on thoproir'!
peat of war with -Beagle. • Referring to the trete.
tics of 1784,-1766 and 1708 betvieen Britain and
Ruggin, (which"eotnier to have been renewed '
. Apr. the treity-of tirebro, 18120 a year's grace'
is .allogfed to -the-subjects of either.einintry to r e.
turn beme in the event of war between thetwo
'powers. l';o sueli provision appears in-the eel:a
-m/mill treaty of 1840, hut -marbe pretanned to,
still in force. The_largofirember of British
`engineers srud-nitisans employed in. Russia mikes
I.lils an important Matter:to .be clearly under---,
-,- ,- ,;l4iguert-41i the 22d i thwfreneltfinreinmeur
secelied official intelligence' that, tbalaultbiguitV
:Cots Lad: entered:the Bliteirleig.,-
probisida - thaV the , Rnestax:,/itahl
,thir would dantiaillidflbsi4all,4o4
•-•••• •
_ •
manded,:an explanation with reference to the
entry or s the fleet and admen* it is meant"an.k:
h4ktle 4iinnust:F4tion on thC7:. part of Friiik
against Eassia.. The a:nswe,r enoo t o 4 , to .b e
that thwpolicy - of the French government lm. tiii
40rVutmc chstTe r - thai 'Pow; is still the objeer
it desires, and that no effort consistent with the
,national honor, and.the integrity and• honor of
the Sultan, the ally of France, will be spared in
its attainment, and that the presence of the fleets
is less a hostile denionstration than for the par
poseof preventing the recurrence of such a ca
lamity as that which has recently taken place.
It is Mated, however, that oil the resignation of
Lard Palmerston, the Emperor Napoleon caused
a note Id be written' in. +very plain terms to the
Earl of Aberdeen, _asking far a definite answer
whether Englund intended to stand by Tarkeyor
to desert her in her hour' or need. -
AND CnMa.---Details of the news by the
overland Indian spa Chins mail are to hand.—
Bombay dateS are tuNovember 213th. The news
from India is of little interest to oui readers..
:There was stuircity in' tbi Northern districts of
:the Madras presidency, owing to want of rain.
Cholera iwßombay . was 'decreasing. Trade. was
not very brisk; money mike( quiet.
Dates from Shanglite,•China, are to the 2d of
November. was no new feature to report
in the war. Constant fighting was going on,
with little result on either sidi). The Impe
rialists numbered about 14,00(1, and the foreign
vessels hitherto employed at Chin-kiang-feo had
been brought'round to assist them. Tho fleet of
junks was also coming, and unless the insurgents
receive re-inforceinenis, it is doubtful if they will
be able to hold the city. The Ex-Taoutio Bamqua
is short of funds, and he had some difficulty
with the British Consul, in consequence Of pre
senting himself with armed followers on the neu
tral ground.' '
A correspondent of the London Times says:
"The proceedings of the American Commissioner
and the American Vice Consul ar, u
'-lregards ne
trality, are considered somewhat , equivocal, and
,the Insurgent Chief has addressed atetter on the
The payment of duties during the capturs of
Sharighare, and the present collection of them,
are being agitated by the foreign authorities and
the Imperial Governinenteud were causing much
excitement.. The British Consul has intimated
that no more' duties will be . paid by British tra
eers till'the city is again under Tartar sway. On
the other hand, Mr. Marshal ...insists on payment
in aver, agninstwhich the Aniericau merchants
have vehemently protestett
Of the progress of the Lasurreiition in the
North, we have no reliable accounts. Ningpo
wes quiet.. Amoy, Nov, sth, was expected to be
speedily, retaken by.the Imperialists.
At Canton there was nothing new. The city
remained quiet. Trade in imports was again
languid, and the late improvement in yarns and
shirtings was not maintained. Exchange had
fallen to Se id per dollar. The price of tea was
maintained, anti the finer qualities wore scarce.
At Shanghne shipments of tea were active. In
imports little doing. Exchange ou England Gs
It woe generally understood that Sir George
Bonham's resignation was accepted. Nu suc
cessor appointed.
Mr. Marshal was at Macao ewritiog the arrival
of his successor,
OKIIXANT.—The Rdigioae TrostUr, in Baden.—
A letter from Frieburs, linden, of the 18th, states
that the Jesuit missionaries have been ordered
by the authorities to leave the place within
week. A similar enter was limited about a month
precious, but was withdrawn by the Regent, in the
hope that they would profit by the indulgence.
The Chambers are convoked to meet January , 9th:
The Austrian mediation is spoken of in the Je
suit quarrel,
of the New York CotetarMet AGnrtlrer.
L0N1.331, Dec. 27, 1853.
The Ministerial Crisis consequent upon the re
cent resignation of Lord Palmerston. has been
terminated in the.way most satisfactory to all
parties, except the direct opponenbi of the goc
ernmmit. namely, by the return of that noble.
man to office.
With regard to the immediate cause of the
mimmderstanding that led-to this temporary sep
aration from his -colleagues, pothing further has
tuinspired. In the quarters where it was origi
nally asserted to have . arisen solely from a dif
ference of opinion on some provisions of Lord
John Russell's proposed reform bill, that state
ment is still maintained. The explanation there
fore is, that each party had in sumo degree mis
apprehended the other's views, andttutt'tipon the
matter being fully discussed by all the Ministers,
several of whom had lieen previously wholly un
aware of the existing grounds of difference, it
was found to involve no point of n character so
vital as to put mutual _concessions out of the
question. At the setae time there is reason to
believe in the correctness of the supposition men
, -Lionel in the last advims, to the elect that. Lord
Palmerston's objection to the contemplated hill
was founded not SO much on any inherent
liberal Measure. in. that direction, -as
upon s sense that thisis vat the time at which
the cenntry should be agitated by any question
likely to require much attention or to awaken
opposition or excitement ..Let us," he may be
' supposed to have said, " bring forward a plan of
reform that shall meet all the, proved and isalls
putable atones that require corrections, and
which even the taxies will he unableepenly to
defend, but avoid organic changes
duce them to, fight with party rancor at a mo
ment when all the energies of every class should
be engaged in the cause of European order."
It may consequently be concluded that the ar-'
=gement which has now been effected, has
probably been based in a great measure on the
conversion of the cabinet to his-view. LOH
Palmerston, it may be assumed, has conceded
some of his objections to the extensive nature
of Lord Jelin Russell's reform plan, and in re
turn.the Cabinet have perhaps been brought to
acknowledge that that measure- must neverthe
less be regarded as a subordinate, and in con
tenet with the great struggle which is apparently
to be entered upon in Europe, even an impor
tant one. Already it has been acknowledged by
those who speak the sentiments of the gorern
ascot, that in comparison with the considerations
now involved in our foreign policy, "the undefi
ned, provident of this or that measure-of legisla
tive reform for the next session of Parliament
assume a secondary importrince," and that "the
path of, duty lies for the present along a higher
.and more rugged track." '
Respecting the progress'of the war there hoe
been a surprising absence, during the past three
days, of nay new details. There is a general be
lief that the Russians are making great prepar
tionalor an advance from Bucharest, to attack
the entrenched- camp of Omar Pasha at Kalafat,
the result of a deter Mined conflict at that
point, which is the only spot in the Principalities
I now occupied by the Turks, will have a monies
toes effect in stimulating or dispiriting the Sul
tan for further resistance. Meanwhile, the di
plomatists continue at work to bring about the
proposed conference et Vienna between Turkey
and Russia, by means - of plenipotentiary from
each power. The Sultan, it is amid, expresses
his readiness - to"-open such a negotiation, but
stipulatca that the Principalities 'shall first be
evacuated. The diplomatists are trying to argrie
him out of this demand , and to induce him to be
content with aseuraneesthat the evacuation shall
be ultof of the conference, and" hat he may
therefore dispense insisting upon' it ns a
preliminary. ' It appears' unlikely, however; that
these proceedings can, be etirried' on 'with the
slightest hope by any Of the Owen( except Aus
-tria,, whose anxiety about the position in which
she isplacermakes her willing to inipe 'anything
he.possible rather t . hati . :a prolonged war . ' and
the humiliation - Of her protector.' . the of
England and Prance there seem at length if/ be a
feeling that the time. for negotiation is over, al
though.; England and - France Will of course .be
ready to promote the Vista's anongementit If all
the other perties 'ire desirous or entertaining
In tire nVience of any fresh intelligence the'
stockmarket continue' to Indicate that inherent'
strength which has been remarkable during, the
poet two months ,' At the lest date conaols were,l
quoted at ,3 1 and they have closed 10-day at
We have another account of , the Sinope
gagement, Profeasedly "foulideil upon
Ilona made therO by the captain 'and officers of r,
the English war steamer Iletribotion.": It is as'
. .
On the 18th of 'November a Turkish flotilla,
Consisting of MIMI' frigates, (one of .60 guns,)
three corvettes, and two . , steamers, anchored in
the' bay of Frutope. °tith 21st a lituisian squad
ron: of three tro-deckers, a frigate and *tt brig,
Mood in §inope, and after rocoenoitering the
!Turkish position, cruised off the hsibor, stain,
Mining the blocked° in spite of yery hazy wo mf,,
Cr.• it was suggested to Osman recite, the Tut
kish'econmander-m-chief, that as an action would
be unavoidable, the beat course would be to forma ;
the blockade; and Make a refuting fight of it
• but,
nid contemPlating reinforcement of the
'stool; -lteNunfoitunately rejected the . advice' of , ,
his subordinates, upon the consideration, of soma ;
of lifs vessels having been damaged in a recent,
gale, and on the . probability of a• sucoeisful
cult if the actionwere fought at anchor. I
• On the forenoon of , the 00th . a large Itessiaril
sanadron, composed of. [three three : deckers, and
'three tiro-deckers; poster go conitnatel.Of; Vir 4
'Admiral Nachimoff : having also the flag of &rear,
'lmbniral. stood in for. the bey under run milts-.
fore the wind, mud, took up a position close along
side of the.Turkieh ships, the latter: not firing
open 010/4 doing so. Two frigates :
three steamers remeined. outside to cot' .off the
retreat of aerTarkisli vessels Attempting to es.
cape. Osman Podia forthwith sigruded his fleet
:to fight bravoly,tO the. last in defence of their
country. and at. noon a:desperate 'action corn,
moneed. For up faratte .tit hoer end a half the
Turkish frigates resisted theSe fearful odds with''-:
tout flizichitig. The first, et.their:hisees waii,the
Yevick frigate, whose.pt4n, Bey, being
Managed with -beardinif,We: huge three-decker.
afiddieSing abandoned.ll hope of euccessful re
ilstasee,with ilie,flperSlP?7 , o9 We* Alp hie
At the endof the aboveperied the destruction I WITLLA-31S.
Terlemb fortsVietlrighitul end coMpletk :rm.! Fp - G , AND 4 7.1774477.75 W WAR1,710r44,
Sonic of thealtips :1!",f1*-._Iiharued by ott s, rr lV iron
red hot., slietf others'. MO and,the. Othe.ce, FIT/DiG FOR STEM
iirlinsesides were' literallyteaten inky the;nneri zrs. 25 - 31srketetrst, titteenoto.
in4tin weight of the Busalaii" metal, Blipped their
cables, and, with the exception of two. Vriftedoa
shore. `•The:Etteehns now huttuied their.yetde,
rind cheered in honor of theii victory. Thitylim
roriliately re-Commenced firing njimillibtelpleaS
wrecks. from which a.feebie was
still maintained With 'xiiimpuilled fortitude, and
(lid not ceasepatii.thoy had'eputpleted-the work
of destruction and ibutclierY. • ' '
They then thole possession of the two vessels
which had not gone on shore, but from their bat
tered. condition, abandoned and destroyed them
the following day: Ona of the Turkish sterinets.
tti ,Taif, alone escaped., She had slipped her
cable shortly after the commencement of the
battle, and after forcing her way at some risk
through the force cruising outside, brought the
firs; intimation of this fatal event to Constantino
ple. Before the action commenced, the Turkish
crews numbered 4,408 mem of them 538 have
survived, the others having been slain,to a man
at their posts. Most of the survivors are wound
ed; among them are 120 prisoners, who were ta-,
ken by the llns.sians On board the frigates aban
doned by them, and who have been curried into'
Coerent misses of tbe N.Y.. Tribune.
• LONDON, Tuesday, .11ec...• 24, 1853.
The Ministers,-zinable to finds Secretary for
the Home Departthent, Imre made their peaed
With Lord Palmerston, and ho has once more raj
turned to his office. It has not oozed out
upon what conditions the contending partied
were 'reconciled, but the whole transaction, the
sudden bolting of Lord Palmerston on a clues;
tins of the sham' Reform bill, the Invectives a,
guinst him in the official - organ of the Ministry;
his sudden return to-office, and the praises now
lavished upon him by the same Time., which last
week abused hint so bitterly, do not in any way
do credit either to Lord Aberdeen or to Lord Pal
tnerSton. The astute diplomatist is hated by the
Court, and distrusted by the Ministry, yet they
cannot do -without him. In the Cabinet lie is
troubleieme; out of it dangerous. Such is the
conviction of the Ministers; and the impossibili
ty of meeting him successfully in Parliament, was
the cause of the submission of Lord Aberdeen,
since it is certain that the Ministry has yielded to
Lard Palmerston- But it is superfluous to re
mark, that even the return of the Home Secreta
ry to the Cabinet councils, will not in any way
give more 'energy to they, English policy in SA
East. Tim fleet has entered the Black Sea, the
Exchange trembled at the idea that' Admiral
Dundas might sail to Sebastopol and destroy the
Russian fleet, but when the Russian Embassatior
asked for an explanation of this Move, he got
for answer that it who with no hostile intention
that the English and Trench fleets went into the
Euxine, but only to prevent a similar disaster
to that of Sinopo. The Courts of St. James
and of the Tuilleries remain on the same
footing of friendship with the Czar as
before, and his fleet is safe, but something was
of course to tsk done in order to appease the in
diguathin of tho,Sultan, and of the civilized
world; and while he English and French Gov
ernments are courting' the Czar and betraying
the Sultan, the Emperor of Russia is preparing
for a general war. A?
-It is unavoidable, and while the English Cab
inet ix blundering and wavering; and negotiating,
RusSian emissaries and Russian armies are rens
bag the nations of inner Asia, the Persians. the
Afighans, and all the enemies-of England. Thus
they are preparing a descent of barbarians on
.the British possessions in India. It is said that
the Russian expedition against Khiva is only at
five leagues distance from Crgendi, the capital of
the Kitanat, and should they succeed in taking
It, the prestige of the Russian arms, which has
already. induced the Shah of Persia to declare
war against Turkey, and, it it is reported
even against England, will overnrce all the Tartar
and Turkoman States, from the Chinese wall to
the frenti&d• of Hiudostan.
In the mean time nothing is left untried to sow
the seeds of discord between England and France:
rupture between Napoleon and Victoria might
insure the envy triumph of Russia. not only over
Turley but over • England. An article in the
Times—which charges the French Ambassador,
Bnrnguy with having opposed the im
mediate sailing of the Scot after the defeat of
Sinope, iu order to intercept the Russian fleet—
made a very deep impression in Paris, where there
is no secret about the coolness of Prince Albert
toward Louis Napoleon, and about the prod wished
of the Queen for the Orleans family. Besides,
the instructions of the English Government and
the explanation given to the Rassitin Ambm
motor, show clearly that the English had no little
intention to do harm M.-the fleet of the Czar as
the French; but Lots iLedeliff forth° second time,
over-reached the French Andmssador in Con
stuntinople, and put the responsibility of rerusing
the aid formerly' clained by the Sultan upon
the shoulders of the Frenchman.
. The attacks against Prince Albert daily mow
stronger. nit Morning Adrcrtiser, The MV110.4.9.
Herald. , The' sun, The Ladd Stirs, The -leaf
and The Patriai. censure hi wicrinstitutionalln
linence in the most severe tennis. The Coburg
policy is openly denounced, and even the loyalty
of the English people does not !thicld him against
public - indignation. Yet in. Parliament you will
not hear any expression of that feeling which
pervades all cltitsteS of the people. with the - ex=
ception of the persons connected with the Pax
ahange and with the Peace Society. Parilanient
represents the wealth, not the people of Great
The well-fought duel of Nlr. pule with the
?reneh Emhassador, Mr. Turgot. hi Madrid, has
eititesi great attention in the nristomatle circles.
ills probably the tirstinstance in the annals of
diplomacy, of two Embs.stoolors fighting a duel
at a foreign Court, and doing it for the criticism
on a lady's dress. Vet nobody blames Mr. Boule;,
he behaved like a gentleman. while the ' , tench
Embassador was in the wrong.
Inet ruche, tho'Commander of the important
fortress of Belgrade, has suddenly died, not with
out enspicien of poison. The affairs of Servia
daily grow more and more complicated. The
Prince is faithful to' the Sultan, but the great
Russian party is; daily increasing. The Prince,
alarmed by the pre‘ence of hie rienl, the preten
der Milesh, in the Russian camp, asked for an
explanation from Prince Onrchikoti, and gut an
elusive answer, while the Milosh party in Berrie
are cattrasiing the people for Russia and trying
to rouse them against the Porte. The sudden
death of !stet Paella is eery ominous under th.e
C. C. k C. R. IL Orvicras.—Yesteidey et the
annual meeting of stockholders or the Cleveland,
Columbus and Cincinnati Railroad - Company, the
following gentlemen were elected officers for the
ensuing year.
l'residentH. B. Payne.
Secretary—M. J.Marmon.
Treasurer—T. P. Gandy. •
Direrlori—H. U. Payne,- J. Gillett, Leonard
Gam, *Riche' HiMaid, A. Stone, je., 8 1Gizaaa.
Witt, Cleveland; J. M. Wooinlay, New Prim;
. 11.M.41: Delaware .Alfred Kelley, Co-
Iltrabuit; John Miller, Colmbue; rrosmer,
Albany.--Cter. Herald. , • _
!The election of President and Directors of the
Venango ltnikoad, Inas held on )(outlay hot.—
The woo officer* who—*erred 'tast year,
electeil.=Fraakfin Sptetater.
ItlßnePß 8111PflIIS /OM KlT.—Thein two di.
former of tho Methodist Episcopal, tha
I latter of Protestant Episcopal Church: who nailed
for California on board the George LOW, on the
1 20th alt.. *ore within a day's sail of Aspinwall;
on the - 29th, both In' good health; after a plea
! mint voyage. They both conducted religious
services. on the Sunday frrerious.
Tcisx,i6;'ilat,ul.--Dlll3sulty occagioned by the re
verbOration of so u nd in the new capitol of Nash
_has been remedied by ., eptusding,a. thick.
Ayer Ofeathi dust on the near, , with a
heavy-ctirpot:awfvurtaining ihe windowa with
heavy curtain's.: Tne Ohio Conetitutional Con
:mutton remedied e. Midler detect in College Hall,
Cincinnati, hi covering, the-walls with canvass.'
Nos, 130 imull3llSecoad. street, between Wo6d,
littsburnh, and Aunts ill Us A Kirk
patrick, Rum , Refiners; Fhlindel phis—a full aesortment of,
„Refined Sugars and. Hyrum on band, to which WO lovito
the attention of the city trots. e,l:-Inidfb.,
A 1140 SAYR I
• 4 . • A . L 7rdy " lo6 EM bOT S W A :hr i
Mown. bloke, AllsgesneeDear Kre--idour two letters
were duly reesebend. I wan sheent et the throb I would
fay, tn regard to you tare 1 consider It perfectly 1511111 ?NOY., 1 tested tin one I bought of you len fa, on the
Jumble of the 10111 of June loot--my store building being
burned to agent. SO %gilt of -wood and tudek.walarge
three story building. .31y afu wee In It at the limo of the
Me,. mut fell Into the on er, where there was • -large
atecolnt of oil, It no, is yen - hot gm. -• • ..
- My notoo qui hook amounts tbst were In the Pale'
amounted to ihout Ten 'thousand Dollars, which wu ear-
There was not • single paper 'Aloud: and further,
I would advise any person who is doing business, to lose
'4O time; hot buy a Safe to keep their paponkAu,
get one that Is goal. -can safely ncorniund your Saks
""'!!' Truly
MU (JP 11W30;1 • • r .
. _ WE hi O'V AL. • •, • •
--qtnportiirs. and Whnleeinle Derain% in
have removed to their new.'and extensive klue,leo, 615.
;Wtiqrstrict, four doors above the Bt. Charles Motel, where i
abet: enstotnerlditlld seutchante-guitwally' ant hutted 1.
MOB . compje4 . areert raset wrilli.„„r.
Girard Fire and. Nuke Insurance Co
114 t corner fourth and ;20:dilleld dread. , 11.,P1T41;,
Dnuttlou—Wm. nald,J. liklacls
o.d. Paid Therlow; ma...Env . ..M . o i
Vragt!yrhei.,o4 , plm. rex:
w„,l p: Maar, Aidat i. urOc
Ight l lnTottonoriVoollen Vadoriea, Tadials. Caved.
m=adaftwlias fad TropedtLesiorar t nn
I iz!:
XT Waimea Mid ow Furnace& Pattern& de. to Memo&
ARNOLD t WILLIAMS, show we rarditilly reroannend
tna i atom ige of tha put ll&
eel • Seal FE, ATEISON 8 OKELY.
c M3l I VI I T;r 1-\. AV D R
e Tr A N T
Ao Pnelarn Generally.
No. 2:5 Wood street, Pittsburgh.
Nair You'.
In even- Detetlon of - - -
Cooarting in Tart of
En; Italian. Swims and Silk Bonne ,
!prfInCIAL now Ens.
ewmprising one of the largest stocks N th o ci t. , to
wbbh the attention of Theo and Cash Buyers Is reseed•
fully solicited.
N. 8.-11.411 MS aro particularly halted to call and
exwmlng our Stock. whleb Is suited ooproosly to their
Trak', embracing all the new and fashionable styles of
Good.. ocl2-trud
of the htte firm of ISl'Curdy & Loomis
59 Wood Street, Pittsburgh
je13,11 y's3
Cooitni Stock, AnntOLIPIVIU i1;111, rtl [ld
• $1,000,1)00. -
Policies of Insurance issued at all times on the
most faierahle terms, against
By . GEORGE AgNin,n, Agent,
For Pittsburgh end Allegheny Co.
.100 S rtturrn L. ICTLOOT., ................ ?CM,
ISOCOLV3OIIO TO 2. con a to.)
I'mprletorsof Dr. ll'Lmwia Crloluntol Verualfuge, LI
Indigestion and Liver Complaint Cored
BY PETROLECNI.—Itesd the following letter hum
ltei O. Dickerson, a Mlsslonary In Oregon: •
110. S. M. Km-shear Sir.—MYeelf and ISifehavlng Iwea
great') lot:edited by the nee or your Petrol... I wish to
hate •ou send ute a box of two or three dozen trdtiee. I
0411 the Cond - regotkwal Minister in this Woes. and eeveral
nr. ypeoide ore affected with indigeetio... , loastkol
of the liver, the stone of myeelf and wife, before taking
your rernin.Erm. Ott ittx% OIL We took immoral
thd or three each—about ajaar nolo half ago. Ood
t oniotod m Sod health Le years am we
alum that thus, bad nut taken • single bottle before
that fulloeve of the etomach which so distr.." the dye
pertle war rellesed, and I bare felt twthing of it sinew that
time. Ale wife was also relieved from a ehronle db..o of
the lin.r,4bleh had been of ...del years Flooding, by the
o.x of your Petroleum.
void Le S. Canal Il ln. GEO. 11. KEYSER-.
140 1t . .m4 et. met Druzglete and. 11 olletue heelers every
where. rPapent eAvertlsiem Petroleum enpy.l WA/
Five Hundred Worms Expelled.—lfead
the Vlow etntement frau reepe,tehlu Druggist* of the
eurtrlelue elfeete of It. A. Fahoestoeles untrutteled.Ver
mlfuee. BS
amansuurren. N. Y.. Jan. la. Ifv`.l
Mama. It A. lahneetnek t On—tient.lemon-AlattLew
Clark. a roan of undoubted Tenuity. of the town of Urban.
t. Laurent , . County. New York. tar. that, he bur a little
sin tour ;earn old. to slim he gave three donee of it. A.
Feltrestoen'e Vamlflarre. to threw eon:entre
t ho t, 77 . In the
Vll . l37ant 'i s ' t h a ' n " ntut . r. 4' l!. h lrlT P LlVlt t ,r7.. Aix.nt too
all. in lone than twrlrohmtn•time. Herald-they were
Patently ortonlelseri at such', won of worms from a chili
of hor cot ton that he amulet them trattratelT. Very
reetwetfollr_ A RANDALL. Pre.nchte.
I•rei~tsen nod ndd 11, A. VA ITN V- , Tralti S ea_ owner
IVoot and Fleet meat, Itannor,lt. me 21
• -
• I) .1 E It 0 T l' F. S
AT 111 r.
IttACK SON'S National Daguerrean Gallery,
rner <t ttw [Unwind 'and Market street. (ntqwwite
irwt• Drug ettww.) l'ittehund.
Ladies awl Gentlemen wishing to obtain life-like Ilk
twwww, wweletwte prkes, plesow at the
estatil•halent. ellte..l nit witheery eldr and likY
Light, are - awed with eneh eltillthattheoperehW wen hike
the 4nowt acturst• LAc similes of the. human fono with all
the expetwelon animAttel Ufa Wm.!. wt Ono.,
. -
Enttrarlott. Palntlnt-s, at, smorstely 1;d
'phonies tnten original likenews.
Por.olt not minima - 4" n took.. s Mffek't
I..senrmer tattoo( via and dammed porn:mann any part
of the rity and virdnitr.
OPO Operation from A. K., to OP. M. •
/Mtraum 13 lb. 11M13311d. ja2fraltyl yff
EI;K. Nu 1I:., Wood amt. oirdnarrenui First Nitwit. Atte
hit/ult.—Boy and tell Par and Current Funds. Sight and
Time Crtlininte, Oda Shuts. Cartern and ttnetern Time
and Prunimurr :totter: altar a meant nit Time Dee
ttolie• of Car and Current Muter statue:tin Are and
Marine I , lleirs pe the ..ETIA 11 , 01[11.1.1r1 Cmerser, inaah
Cheital. 111:dt CO., and lintat 1 tenuteir Cum, ter. (Capital
jir,miutitel ' Ruin
._, _ _
Oakland Property for Sale.—ThiA Prop
en, la situated airnat ono hair wile from the city line.
treating im Prearetrtavala Avenue. It I, entered with
Yruit Att. 'ehnietut icindit. many .d them in tall
baring ;Alai an alautannenribare, llaayirerri - . Curran t.
Cunaeleerr,...,..... ht. There la a. two-atery Prams Drum.
teuatiner dtth con.strut nut-loam:, an it: Pon earl of
anniew, and plearantneto of heuttinti. thb rrobirty earned
surhaerud. It mntabilt a Mx saw.
.011 tl. tqt4h<7. it ditkle It to rub Purr-harem •
111.031.t5 .1. CSUP.II)LI...
No. 11h Water etreeL •
Ladies Fancy Fuss.
141TORD .t CO, would wtost• retpectfuilyi
lex tit thin tttriatims td 14dIrt 14 their taro /11.1 euri9dati
ottcit of I'ANCT YUlttk, tethattitig 131 part
totaitt, Swim. Marlin, kited, Lytts.Camlttt...`tttorlan &Tait'
rot. "Martilt. r and tittlat'm itsatit Thatto.
VlA:minty. Polaitimar Wax 11, soar Wm.! ittv
Fifth atm.*. • • •
Screw, Bridge Bohm, Cm. Boltz,
wAsitinc.4. currox. TOBACC-. - 1, A.ND ItEMP SCREWS
°nut. Wors pm, scrauct nor
All la.d. wa..att, Work to itrltige., at.. done .t
the Agniest notlp., fad at U. k..eet Wee..
V. 6.1.11 smrk ItAxraatatt mual Azirsoanufactorat'Ve.
CASH CAPITAL, 8500,000!
it a WOW'S. A%cat.
No. OD Wood Amt. Mad.tuvA.
Ikm .11,14 en.
Adm,K. .. ..
(frit - Or :P.muf
—WC. of the X.Cro, Mulford.
Finn of Oto
of fkomi SleNamoe.
. ..... Vino of bootie, li-hg Co.
Viral of Clallth,.Ntellin at.
of tillhird Wood.
. of Stone * titan
!limy ~,,,, iar.. Clapp A House.
Awe. Vote. . . Of Jam. Low A Co.
eaarlea It. Liork.l ' _........Firm oft:. 11.11steb A Co.
,f.Ato limn of J. C. llosre
Hllliost ..... Finn of A. A A. Lawrence& Co.
Cher/ A. ..... .. .. of Huntley A Co.
I. ...... —Firm Lewis Alterinlyyjr. C.o.
Lnei of J. M. Hoe* Moreno 4Om
f, ......Anna of Troulnidgo, Dulght A Co.
John a Netkva .... . .... ....... of NAO. Co.
Cheeks P. .. .. . ....... of llsidolu, Starr A Co.
flelopo ........ Hherman A Collins.
anaapa I'. ;Wawa Finn of K. L. Morgan It Co.
Lon. D. ....... Vino of Cousin. tooltarop & Co.
floorots ............. of T.:* IL Homer
'Dorid Netrortf Firm ofJohosm eon nl.
... of Bad. I art.
,Toro fly Ponpten lA.?
Lo tow! It
Part latex; 1.-
Firm of 11..0..11, Xenia i
Firm of A. rt. Barnes& Co.
--Vim of IL Loelm.d & Vim.
Mu, of 11%.41un. Alien A Co.
—Elm of Brown, Ulmer* DltighL
I , ,,thipuhous; firm of Yrutlibmham Newell W.
.1,010 11. ............. of Emir!, Ifulbut RC
c . f.! ffff ....... ........ /firm of Nol.l,
Y.ll;trk ... ... of Work t Drat.
n. 81 , 41.vdt .. uf Mixon, tit.Ockvell A ( . 4.
tdolig Ilmlnigre,t.....llni of Itantoy, Ilumphrei
Inn. T. Ih.k drier Coatincotal Muk.
NnAni . . :4147. or WWI., Fargo* Co,
... ...
MIA& J. MARTlV,Sectetars.
ortiiervilniiiraniitiComp - 1 of Pittsburgh.
IL D. K !NIL Prtrident. •
°pricy:, 01 wou i f ib tmisf s EA.lLAßVEr AND
. 01110 AND 311ITRIs1Th1 1ur0.144, AND TRIDUTAVII
trier.n.q . I rre r" rXtl i % . z,i.PAT.A.w.Afric.erzisc?ec
. .
IL D. ~,,,,,,
.. . _
Wm. Winter, Jr.
wuk..ll.‘ZZY. - S. M. KI.
= I ll . ! T0 r ..... Yoßti 3 4.'"Dril l tn: 'b.
$. it „,. l ,„„z: . . . Fratehl Sellers, •
Inset, M. Petinork, . J. Selmnm.key,
tiViater llryeut, . Wm.ll.JlsYs. .
, . • John 41pt0n.... ,-
, .
Du: Pont - Powder,--,ilvory, varip!3 - ARIL!,
tiluii7*Pow . der, In all sloe piikagos always
on hand ind toy Rile from MOntolno, In, lot. to oult.our
thoooro, on fOooonltTo term', golkts Fuse.
W, .In:pwEi.l,, 31111611fINIUtenrAitto
155 YrlatOtreet,
F. Jiro' weevEssenoi4af Jan:kaki — Ginget.
r.ente • proparatiellbf nonnal expellee - co. Ja
ordinary dlorlatiii larlArlifebilWilly in .hurt, in ail Pastai of
proptrition of tba . dlanettrolisactkono, 1t la of Inastiniabla
mine. Duringtbopteralenaaofthe aiddirn lc, abolara and
runnier complaint. dandy... It li peculiarly, ofacylow,
hilly or thd11441,4110104 - be. iittbmit tt: •
• DAtlioll—iio uluo to. got 60.1 the Essaixe; widdiu
praparod anti by Y.- DROWN, %Chi. Drug le d a me k a i
Rota Nortirtast 'owner of VDU inehesnot etiactiai l bL
ledelphlni and for ludo by attthempeetabloapotheiaiiee le
the litat4 and, in PittalUrgfi• 1 4 - P.Pt.iro lit a.
Wahnestock t Co„ belillial,Wlicoa (43.4.
ilphOonninkar Co. •' •
Allogbeny City by 11:1'. Setorirts and Iwo 11: Deelc.
LATENT DEG lIDATS—..A. new Article,
ni..4 sad fur'ole br - DAIWA IlErg„ '
. .
JAMES. P. TAILIPLP.R... , Top, AND BAND SAT i n i t ,
IN .B P O N T o B. 6 B 6 ll w ° o / B, , B a N t !"; E it i t.'l,',!: l , A ; T A EB I ji 'm ----- °.o.Wiili. AiDAIiON. A/tD B A R R Y' S
WAOLESALY. ARA Ln+ , ' !Xi and 6,k b- y . .la m) i k. , e
~' •-.- ' „,,,,,„,,.. ~,,,„0 „ 0,,,i,w , .. _ Apo'? nt s fS3 rumni tolll4—A u n ez .. .lo muu t Rat 4 . nr .d hed e nd AT
14 7 Stook emulate of upwards of 2500 easee,l .1a , . awl mr. Voonh and tunit4tiW—
t oulnvni_Nr Atoll ?Addy itid style it - WS,' gitOES, And M 011ifeltALL, ---- fTirii••••• ....1-
IJONNATtn. nenAtion4 Wad lam Nor newt mann s i n• f ir 9v....vv.,.........rnt-1
, Ibr I.L and NUR SA • eat lbe nestueinArtit Aninese nallt didielle
tint IWlBl,77,:gave.i rd,r-cr r e=?: tig ra ve m tzt ~ ,..r y4,...„„,...5,,,,,,,,,,D
li rativ . ., , ..%=,„ra , 4 g i l t., Au, su g
„At, I• s %. eariro gn i =r; sten* Aviv Xi . -
ESTATE 1111:1197AL
FIRE wcm.ARLN.E. IicSuRANoE co
RANCH' Foarth and
IJP Smithfield Strects;Pittsburgh. CAPITAL, rimMtAslo.
inr.icroay.--John P.. RutherfbrtL Dauphin Po.; P. C.
k uiet. lianisbuunnel Juno . Phlimlelphlac
Banter. Pi tc h: A. A. 'Carrier. Pittsbungtr.
A. J. Gillett, Harrisburg:. T. Jones, Ilarrhamem Robert
Klotz, Carbon Co.; John IL Rutherford, Dauphin-Cu
JOHN P. RUTHEitFORD. Prmittent.
A.J. GILLET. tierretary.
A. A. ?URETER, Actuary.
7 '. The atom Company soill insure, againstperila o f ma and
j,,,,nd navigation and transportation: also. cm buildings
end merchandise In city or country. at lowest rates. coo
be.ent with safety. Policies:homed Oct dwelling bosupg,
eft bey is/rPetually. or tbr term cfsaan. funtianyllUS
First Premium for bed Silk Hat.—
WI !SON k SON. Fashionable nation, Si Wood-et- 4
am DOW prepared to furnish their rtutoutera and the
Public. an assortment or Hata and Care. sildeb for
beouty or flash. and price, cannot be surpassed by any
home in the city.
Particular attention Is Melted to our own manufacture
or yt,uo 5.3,50 and H.M. oe.24usdklrS:
of three
Ague and Fever ears Standing
CURE:D.-31r. John lionirden, now tiring at Dearer Dam,
Hanover County, Virginia. near Richmond, bad Ague and
reser fur thretuy ears, moot of the time be had chills twine
a day, and rarely lots than mine he weep arched with Avers
as aon as the chill left him; and after trying phyolciamb
Quiolue, moat of the Tonics advertised, .and everything
rer , mtneuded to him, was stout to glee up in despair,
-wltentarter's Spanish Mixture was spoken of; he got two
tottles.hut before he had need more than a single one; he
was perfectly cured, add Wu not had a chill or fever
Mr. Lnngdeu Is only one out of thousands who hard been
lebefited by this great Tonle, altrrative and blood nu-
..So advertisement with his certifleste. .
rinalipefi Worm Elpeciflc.—Tho follow•
cap. from a customer, shows the demand which this greal
medicine him created wherever It has been intnalueml.
Duane., Tloge Co., Pa.. March 30, 1844.
Gentlemen—ln conamuence of the great consumption
of sour Worm gmelSw in lids plsce and vicinity. we have '
enilrely exhansW our Kock. We should fSel ang e l/
' at!: ; '- o 'r ;l ' S ' hl i l l l7iiii " i t grel in jtiZ s .6 . 7we York wlll t re n git ' you [h e
Pram the wouderftil effects amid Specific, In neigh:
hisrinfael. there efunld be - sold annually a large o g e ts. if
to Isf had, (wholesale sod retail) from some I agnt
If you would compeusati , • pens= for trouble and spouse
of vending, I. think I amid make It to your advan ge to
dorsi. Yours, respectfully, ' W11.31.31A - LLORY,
Messrs. Kidd a Co. Per W. K. r.
tia..Purchasen will be careful to affic for DR. brLe..E.s
CELKHILATED V1111.11.11410K, and takc'none else. 'sll
other Vermlfuses, In comparison, are scorOlOss. Dr. 311:-
rA, ,, Y. Versa - fuse, also his celebrated Liver Ville. can no n
be bad at all respectable Drag Stores to the baited States,
and from the solo proprietors, \. .
tittoonsoro to J. Eidd & Co., W revel.
B A. Fahnestock's
evidenre that must satisfy every mind that 11. A. Palma
ugh., gormlfage le the only article that eau be adielnis.
ter,' :rith the oestalnty of expelling worm.. •
41sursa, N. S., Jan.?, 1852\
I hereby Certify, that a child of mina aged a years, 141
byre very 11l for a mouth with pale In the chest, general,
wracness. and loam of apPetite. I was adtlaed to try- 11.
laltuestork•s Verrolfnge. and sceordinglY fought a. battle
from 31. Naylor. Ilrutudst. tiranvllle street flaying ad
ministered portion of It, he poeood, within 24 home, TIM Hundred and Fort yt Ira germ, from Gto 12 inch. In
. The child, inimedlately after thla, had Its appe
the neitored. and soon_ ogioyed perfect health. Another
b 1,11.1, 7 yea. dd. who b ad bore more or tee eta from blot
irth, yea the remainder of bottle, srldch caused him to
gases/3e Hundred and disty.two Worms. From that time
to the preeent, his health childn perletly good, and he
haa thrived se well as any mild: . . .
imienurn 1118110 P.
Sold whoistalo and retail by ell the 'prideipal Druggists
and country Merehanta throughout the tin tad States.
--\ -- -
Dr. Morse's Invigorating tilir or
COIIDI AL.—if it le Inquired how this great restorative ii
accomplishing curb extraordinsry cures, we eau nnly reply
that In the Arabian herb that forties Its cardinal Ingredient
broeboen Mended by the Omnipotent Physician, \ra larger
.14 1 nut and greater rarieties. of curative propertit rt tot
hod lieretofoW been auppoeed to exist in abut:deed di t
article, of the pharmaeopoele. A whole `medicine eh of
evoitollee. no to ' , peak, seems to bare been combined in II i
her , : and In the ELIXIR or CORDIAL webare their -
erotrated eiwoonee. it Is the effect, however, not there •
with wickh we have to d.M to the practical application ol\
to, ormaleide. The 1 irtims of dyeicepela area red, the
m moue are relieved, the half rand Trod resume their aettv_
Ito. the mutterere from beadrothe are tormented, no more
tUe weak become vim - roue. the ttnt orrautnliee loaves Use
reenpietton of the billow, the deccreseevi In 'Metter/mom,
loon ant, the glee. In altuoat to every condition Of diseacce
demo Immediate bemedt from the We of Dr. Morse s In.
vii -rating Malt. or Cordial. Thence facts, enypeetot by
irrrfrexable proof. one toNeekted to the attention of Inve ,
MP. who eon verify them by n single bottle of the melt
rill. the Cordial is put op highly concentrated, in pintbotc
ties Price three dollars per bottle, two Or five dollar, stir,
Ihr g welve dollar. O. It. JUNO, Proprietor.
1102 inmadveay. N. T.
Sold by Dem:gists throughout the United States. Cans
des and West ladle.
(letters! Agents In Pittrbarsh-rieo. It. .K.A)rar. corms.
Wei - -1 Menet and Virgin .fey; and FleminkDiu!, emu.
Word .4 Fourth Arse.. • '11.12-Is
lint , : No. WO Market street, ilttsbufgla vfl Xer hit
',neut. large wink e - -
Ina prima until the
4. renturein his unefl
a.osanctfully inattal
Pima stock. at umunv
- -•
arrltemember the pl
FUG, fad Liberty Mmes
iar — u'4, -- Fires=
a Philadelphia—CM
day P anuary_l3, VW,
ra,jprll on Putlatlnga and
y; slat on property
rtemultnatti arel other
Arthur A. Celts. Pea'.
, nmuel VV. Jones,
'l:ts ant :nulth. A. 1t n.
emu.' V. Swab,
esenoel Wont,
flattest aller.
A nsbrcoe Whits. .
Jesse!" u. Thomas,
?lamb trntn,
This Ie VIA °Most hours
ewe.. end honk lu AI
mans, and Avoiding 'dins
neter, war to einsl •
the nubli,
Dr. N'Lane's Live
prloon of Cal* in...UMW.
..or, Moro was no wed!
tw.the cure of Liver and BrllotteDuattddeta.notwlthirtad
V 4
Is. the ~ prevalence of this amnia In the Celts
J. lb. Earth and Weft berthviarly. when the
ratlout le frantically tumble to attain .ore rercke• ore
rear.lar iduelehut. Pomo remedy wan twatdried. at orn ed.
and effected . wad the titivation of which o U le oirelee
IF.e. • rev, odhial to Use ethatlletkort. Thlo edlcine •le
...Pilled by Do. lELettee Urge Pillivaa has teen ‘ provact In
balance la whl.Ei It has h.J Atrial. Always bead,
total. net a abuts !edam* ham over In schich Ha'
effocte have been foie - does. The Lovett era. edged.'
aird dirtinigalahed phrelden. It ben nothing la mpmm .
with Use quack maitre:as harmed arm{ the public by'
ahaliew redeaders to the medical art. I...dwriaticehaa
IOOVO!. beyeaJ a doubt. that Dr. 3l'Lithe'a till la te
hot nneedr ever piejoccwil Rev the Liver Ouarlalat. '
Tinchame will he ward In ark for DR4La '.E r
CELEBRATED LITEII PILL.I. sod take Done nen \
aro ether anuaortlea to be Liver Mb. hi. Cde
lealwt now be had at LI napectatde Drag
Pt.,.. I. Who Willed Stelae ithet. to edit by theeta. rm.
jalkal4wltt Fuivedars lo .1. ICIld I en.. tr , Nrceid at.
A_ 1
inousir here abaudiaXal the lltarawnd 'Market d
!km nunartl agreed, with one eacep r, == .
trwir madmen liith elude° matte on the
de sand eventriwean x d . Panta
three h 7i n gUi . Market Il
prod ireir,r
ate ale
1101 it 10 their eitrautaize to attend. IVAiorie the attune
will favor us with their undivided
ralird walk AIr..SOIIIATION.
ic r. xrtartaa......roaxmc 1/11.wintrit.--.}011V1.141.1132.1.
13 Orwell awl Commleakm Merchants. aftd 'Aponte' for
rx e Kirkpateek. Auaa.r Haarlem Yhiladolphla—a
tment of hewed Nazar. and Syllepa m. L. anh
ww Surlte the attention of the city trade. :Noe. ,130 1 111
Sr nna! .tact, between Wood and Smithfield. Pittabarah.
-- __—
i) A G U ER REOTYP E S ,ll
to obtain ..nrate, artietle end Steaks Ilkonewat
4` , ,:int..1.7111:h N. t i ot i .tr t . th eltAtr i th"g'\
la kddr.o nod or no
uarlag one of the
.t .1, beet arranged title and Sky Llj a i 4r its ever con-
Er l.r a trd Poe the pane., with Inland. of the nowt
pee, fulkind,arni heringedonted them.= A...
In;hr . :r.ll7,,,l'VrimtytthttarttittstAW.Pttlit,"
oder to the patron' of the Att. a style of Inguetrootnee,
oilier singly or In group.,
In a hae never been snrpareed.
ikon, o
and operetta In all weathers, ham o'clock
L. V to 645 r.
NOTICE,—The undersigned, k'rederiek
_LI Lrenz, of Olefin. of Lorena Stertlngg Co.,and Thew.
IL l•towart.of the ban Arm of Stewart, Lloyd Oa., have
Ode day Ibrnsod • Oxpertntrhlp, under the name and
en lc of LORES 7., T CO.. for the nonevent
manufacturing Iron'and NSW. and hare taten the wart
hem, ho. el Water etreet.tetevengerryand Shen Woe*.
where the y have on head an arrentment ef the gartettee or
hop and Fah, which they oiler for sale oh etwommodatlng
term. They reepectintly eRY.DERIC heit the
EL pet U rema S? of the
teq.dtt TRW. ii. STAMM.
BtMICE dr BABE S ' SAITII.-41ere iA
the iandl.r4etieleer at f 6 the value td. air EtAia,' tiien
Ithlch wee. rettlldeotly telt the repotitlnsCof ;nit Irosli
- We hare already putliahed earere,l cetillkatots4 immtett:
that Wet made "Ter ow' , " 041410 !Leif onljeary eslea. .and
aid - akn hilte been ialiketed in 'Me tAMI:II.E.II` Tf2STA
IN 'At:I%A t, .I.,VNllital RATIONS, ned nrcsirrod their 67k',
tents totalll free than damage. The following la wthe F
v prnof or the some inconteetlbleel!arseter 7 -
--•- •
greater pleiarkra thin Mttinir dotrn to write niile•otthe
There arelaw , Wiwi which afford la
,00ttmed licogand German Dittimileomme ors:Yee fully
ameelous aro aro conferring • publicetenett. amt our heart
toile na that by torrootleee many boon boenfarn*lotal,"
the. More. Gad been rear* train death br Tl3ocrolla,
Liter °MOLD* ta, for rho aura ororltioh ia eeitaln. It
lir.pated and void only by Dr. C. fl.,Jaehron, at 4h der.
man Medicine gtore, Do. DP? *VD Wont 1. 1440 1 Db46 .
Er • Kai
.4yon'ii 11.— or preson ingy re
xtortng. Mesnalnit and .thantifylng the Mir. 631,6 . 6 4 1
sier,ons lion,thebS, andentingeruntive diseases nt the akin ;
Its - mputstlio. arm:intensive' ritlilthe'..cleilltstion thi
ilkiFei =km all imdnisupertaims,ali emagetstion
and since Its: diger:mar ban found oo sabaUttits to
compete its IncontestetX Ita Incinitestablissunetimitp'Phl,
Nelins and rpm 'proteb:
Wens or lik—the tending ,I,Mtfitsill
'Lndiogno; Imo Ind It +anon their 'dtessing.taLW and
Zithers' In , . their •Iltirsertint,—in fact' Iti "million patrons.
am, where; hem plobsians to klnginmenounee It the moll
Messing snit effective article either as it 'l.lntgeinni
*Walton: 'own pndno4. T. no; Ung t•irgise It a MMI
ILIL nen.Yi a. rvpiletor. i*bri , 4l.4lt,
;ma to Ilttatariat by IL IL Fells* C. France; Itsig:Finkk
'it'. Fleming Dm, and Braun k Reiter. - didig m
Mercantile joblran',
- 1 - OHN T SIIRTOCK, Book. Dia Jiro Print
CT cr. dt" Fifth street, immediate/ yom the Preeby
terlan Dena ROOM!. ptints to order BuOrien Card, Clem
hos. Neter, /lead ELIlv at Ladlng.lllll-11eads,
Labels. Blank and 'Broker's Chock,, , -illank Order, May
livreilds, Tickets and every deerd*lort of Letter Pons
Printing. Blank Deel, Bands. Mortgage, to., 2 3aataraly'
Parileular attention read to 7knk and Pamphlet Print
ing. Blank Bookn and all kin& et hook . Binding prompt
ly and oratlvaxecuted.
elealneto par ear. will find It to their lutenist
to entre:llle thin est'sbliehracat ,
a93lneic printed Intemadeamestyl,
v i ol:ff. AGENT AVANTEDA, number
or Youn Men aro wanted to rasa 'the' towns in
. eldnlty o f f Pittab Western. reansyharda: and-
Ohlos with some In g and popplat Boas. A _Teri
.llberal connedsolcm will allowed. maw „having a maII
- pita! can succeed best, Anrir to
...- _ .JOIIN T. suprocz. 2n. nth oh
Shryoek, ZllFlfth Verret, has jog pubilitied. and has
or mile What:tale andLttetall.. the =older Hooke
Mb and Adventuret;of Que. Ball, a Meet num, mho WI(
40 )aera a gave. Thlavolorae Is one of Outline filtered.
Sacral nonfat.. of Observation.. Meanies! and Pear-
Healea the Streams, 'Lake* and 'Fountains of the 1 1017
Lant. varkaui aisles ofbhadia. ' .•
The Bin sad Serums of the Ms Ray, Savoual
Porter., ovot Of the
atilt In Modem Pen:a
tr ge't lr ‘ o ua
Z l.
oepopakrrki. 4461.4111
GO.ll LIND FOR SALR—The subscriber
offers filrsiVout 4 arm or Coal Land, with ~ ex
Leandro and end neral privilege, afforded oath. Alie.
gheny Diver. one utile aboveitheyreert Aqueduct, within
40 ro l e of A. V. It. It. This tract t oposseneedof a. lane
quantity of limentono ot the lint quality; Imilding'stone,
1.13.1 coal. Theme Islhomatt to be auperior to 110.
hell, coal,. for moat- =pram. -On the Lot la erected a
Frame liotne euntal orr , -4 well thsishad 'rooms; a Draw
Lime Kiln, ihtlivraY ho'M Kiln to Quarry,
_And and PK.—
it has one of the finest It tor Landlpea - Price SIAM. Ay,.
Pit v.i. Liatd-lwde.ltwT) , DIM T , 2IIILTOCK,7ZhIth 1n..-
......_ __ .. .._____.
. . PATlON'lt—Although well known too Grocers
than Taus bate advanced atlre Lynx' IN-Horri4ltollit
ton. In the Diamond; eontin to sell Teaa of the same
quality and at same prices they ti lip numtbs eta', They
are emahlod to do Oda by hatingA ar rustuteed a thrgs selpply
pnr.lous to the rim. Compare t Teaa with what, yon
purchase elsewhere it mono prices',' . •.- . -i;
Lined emend Duet or Orem Tres: • lb.: . •-, .- ,
tianiinc 1)14 Cotititn:DTAPlA of Y i,j rp ".AP, .)&
Superior Lambent, vat .
~, -11rtb Oolong and Norigtonitioo ' \ -,.- .‘..
Ounpowder Tea. "eqind to any In Pit ebottio., at;
T. lir... tam finest imported In the U. 5.." 11,00. .
The alms Teas are worth the above perms by the dun!,
lad as we can wear* determined we aftmaintain our rep
utation of Detailing the boot and thanes* , T , caa In Pitts.:
lugh. (Union Please copy.] , Jain :
\ •
ay.... eigers.'lo for a dbmq . - • - ,
negalla do 10 'dm
Aquilla's do '
_gil, at
__, Moltititi & PATTON'S, In the zn.. •
-"T le per lb, at, MORRIS & PATTON'S,
rain (Union copy.] to the Diamon
r Will, Or eschangetbr Merchandise. Ton banding
Loh: In \ the town°, Ten:nevem:rattle. A rare chance lama
offered to nny pennon Mahlon to obtainwty In the,
above planie. For par Urinate, °minim of X. wo aIcIAIN.
jal a \ : . \ • No. 24 lilfth•st ,'
PUY 1\1301107 MM Invite ferolliie wanting : DRY
u S forildpieekeeplng, to their full aaaartaremt of ..
\,.. Limn andlletton i•neetlngin,
i Pillow (tee \ Linens and Ilualins; ' 1
• A Table Diaper" and Table Rioting
' , Towels
and Tqweling Idapere \ . . - . • ''l
"It .. r . i M :V . Oll n getit & A;ryllt ri4,ito. r!nedilpre44
it , tute and colored Counterpanes. siga:rets, ac.
Ae t ,. .. devote enema attention to Ws branch of their
Wahl buyers win \always And tht4r • amortment very
complete mad prima lole..
_ ..i—
beautiful deplane, ri ) le'rlel/P' pair-'
I all Paper 1 \arehonee, \ as
and 4th. bk . . jolt'
pEcoß,Vrib: P.
, .
• pannelln Rai la, Sr,
by milt
T flog
la price from
Um attention of tise I ter
_LA A w copies of the .A an OA
.1.!: , . a c 0.,. AN
• .1. - TER:-- • 2.0 1)1,11, __ Mutter:
. itl) hews Peeked do.
Ait.9 - 100 kep did, 1 Lard for oa aby •
ield snr..Txn, DILWORTH CO.
r \--.-^
OPS 5 sack., p rime \Hops for sale sale '..
on .
S ' .—
.. , h ,
75 bbl. B E I.bbl. W \ tier Beans or
I t 72,....1'.g11--By a,middle 'aged map; *ha
dam not reside 1n this city, a grunter, as WOW'
KEEPER,orIik n Assietent llook-teater t
Ile to a outonete e nt
rmuntent good 1 , 0019141. The be. of muntry refer
am Oven. . Ilee'adAreenal to Mr. Meltlnlay, St. Clair
newt. or Mr. Wm. S., Campbell. 4131 . the St, Charles Hotel
will meet with Attention. , '• `.:— ial6Atd"
vantages for Sale. , -• • ,
TIE under.4kgnedhat: justreceived
. P. * m the East, hie. CARRIAGE CARRIAGE WAR 7,
I 'OR, situated own the Two Mite Run, between Pitts.
burgh A t.
burgh a splendid eseortment 0f,.1 elidee
of every description, ehd will confiner.-to receive . renalar-
Iv. new and escoud-hand CARRIMII,II., SULKIES. ZUG.
O l ES, de., Which hew tell on the Tarr lowest tenet On
rash. Harlow hect e years' practice In the buskins.
end with his yell know feeilltlee In the East, he flatters
himself In potting down ail competitkm. -•- •
Ilene wishtes totannins tri t notfollY 'lnvited :to
call end cram Mr Clemenwee. . . - -, . -
~:zw-d- v ittzru. -I , J . %WAITE. -
STAR adrereleementa OrCOneeree or Pula.e.Rxhibltona
'ern cg re an In Adraor. - ' •
Q ELECT COTILLION PitiTY,' to come — off
,rekrauys HALL, igs FRIDAY EVENCIDOinMerr
enencae—A. Torrence, \W. (Yelghtou W Llaton. C.
Fuzee M.... 0 IDS—A. Torrence, W. ensile:dray Alex: A.
\ ,
No Kentieman admitted mine ■SCOCIPInIed by a lady. `, .
. ,
YON'S next Pert.. aill takaulace on FILMAY. the
..Init but. Those Ladive lateimr bat eesion's tickets
‘arvinetted and trill he whetted with the lame- I..&'a
Deeond waxier niX also eanneantie tin theatres. data '
addition to the rodhneataeriand all those dinaea.
nOw. in .etque, he win ten* the iblidatienattille fothntne
era nen dance, but as inttudnordltere be , A.. It.'. , ten
ago.' For 414mila:emelt. tkkett. WIT U. A. B. et hie
A or. neldram No,. :hi &wad Amt., •N. enbendbere
a t ..
ed. en. the salon- No tintitt.lioill al* the liner, 'No
rbitdren .amitted .iteaut udgets: -• \ jams
or iitr
Trrr kIEIRO- IV kii11.11Alt&IONIC IaCi.ET Y.•, 1
11, - tb ni,',t'et_veti - diTAIY Elrilteniai
cents to be Ikea to the •lioung Ladles' Rene; bed Itr:F Q- Itn
G\ tritnal l.'l4"rter 4 th ArrirrY ocal
e i n t ag b 4ith'it tAlPrdnehnt. ' and . 41 "..7 P " *
Tickets :e oeVe, &reale at the )fork Stone' and'at the
ltuora IT tortltare ill melee theft tk.kete 11'06\ the
t.t..oary, A. A. Cart. 4, corner .. t Smithaeld and FooAtit
stg. - - ' \
Condert will renipe , \= . at Lt. oe Loth. .FrOgratantes ta
Ea obtained at the X Stoma ' 'Jett
'.fir,: AUCTION' SALES.'
`, 1' H . - IS, Auctioneer.
ctmodery , aa •, k \ ova F(01:11 stmits
F .
TICM—WiII t add a A • Comampftial Bak. Rams.
ontoar %%nal and air th • • huadaf earning, J.
a l I.l .4. lZ4ntrilciatia l ? "4
1 4 Ov ". ra7te t a k 4 k a
ety ' astylati niaiet%l- an il } o4 tit and
tn. Custr. 'attcy 8111 c and lank tin Vedanta Fhirto,
linen booms nd a. UP/M A Y% 'On= Wnde
en and Bank Giovaa iitti Mit a oda* gm*
mama and Tr1aand41 14 .... „ ,b8 \ lu...
At 2 o'citelt, Urnerine,
ear Pat:
Inc, tie*. and aconodband 11,7nialad and Kiteben inrad•
tun, slattrasms. ‘,l"eathar liada, l 4*m •and Walilng.
Nona vdtb • =oat •yof in up artlelea
140 '. \ ,
.. P. al. D rui. Anetkatear.
, . ..
I —WWI» Solt, a the Otetemerehd ' Maisano
‘ 'eel en4llllDh to. umplatinday . taaeeny
14 . .e...d e at 43.5( cirlott.• ealnehle K
xt . Wolin awl Illaatteted lime. salonik me,
800 of Home brawn art gm:Unite Me_ Dew
D rekadohlgee 041. . Pattor Been Den u tegrert:
.11isce mous Kamm Meet to:l3'sta f Mete.
=ink trota= r ll t ll= l, A n liari
1ty1r07.14. Covenank Aiken sintPriort's Drlttsh p0et..7.1
volt; We:, a' 'lf.
bite Itlatt. trst' provnte
to ,
tbe Peept Pm:Dane Cortmenlow Y on,
o.: tr. Waterers tan be Waggled the Aneglott Elmo.
. 412 t , " - N. \ P. N. DAY! An& .
youx r - . SIEN'S - ITIMARY,'ASSOC M
! I. 110 N.-A special Nnetla oille.....Meada.ns td this lei,
tote .11 ta. had In 'bet; AlpeiteLoa next MO B 4
DAY 1:11:1INell,the 1010 had-. aa , r MO V o r
.Lea tha rum. or 'b. pm.. appendulo.. tb d npidt
..1 Nta. W log Vocdsolue..!l lea ...rad Fa th e re.
‘ 11.944.. _ 1.1814 J
Va _ 11 . 11./i INCA! D, .9.retarl. _
.../..ric.:l iiNS.kCE - 6 - 031 Milk Hirt
x4 tod. (ma. Charter. 1818.
CAPITiL :MOOR 1.300,001.1.. • ,-
\\ ' Tlloli. S. IifIACA, Praddnet. • . '..' !
\ MOS, A. ALll.VANDER;,,mpaganv
\ . edaWroaa. • kl: :T •1' ,s \• .
Tama. K. draft. ''N I . Eb.Pi j'aapp . ~.. ~..
Puoad Tudor.
jt".="4l.4iV.'d'ATZ.' ,d l We nf r lC LB' .ll"h " . itat i% .'l .
\ \
llobart Dual .. .
J., '.. 1 1=1; -, ib A;
, 111. A. 'Punk% ... 1 Janina elfara.. ..
• . •: \ • Oast.. P. Duta. •\, , ~ ~
'e/Grraikiea OFI re att Isdaad Atoka taasinioirll
1 ,.. : ntt i els . a i
i s,
,u s tto . t.lngtr,.. i t m t,„ i. : \
'Lead, Zino - \, IrouPaln 47 r t.. 011 and Colors, .
i t .gvat Ca. reitmtra : Laata. Jun. '2' Ca;
~.,,,...„1,n...... _ V.l) . 1../....t0
dcearaolead to Fire aadaddloa, ma. Farah t
an the
an. Ift Jena. r•••• -- laa d Panic data. - •
-0Y EA
I - 1 : 4 -
tha ekiria - . f1imi..,,,,,-, •-.."ama of ii , ja. .....,
tba areal ox, ttt (bait Ilew~en,
.Se . 1 : " . •
~.0..0r tom tc drat(. i, ik .;i . j 4
iI et a Lunt t r u tan m ;spit 1 t , 0
sa t .
atila, The tall.: t="irill pokigf . 1 4.10t1 W e mom
mu., to make mom kir nib* Btlam.matlalla
kW March laL eD. 11Mhb °CI . '' ~ad' i fta ti
i• N. RI -Stull Doty tak‘n attar. 7 ~, ••• • "..,......_.
ltiO/CE SPLECTIQN '..-(--jritt:::Not
, ,441tbstaadine tba rehMt mat . 0 ....._,. *l*. LIZ
.. the rabem3har Is Fe , sl,:v.i. wi th a , , , .... , , •
11 . t t-g:gva „, - z „„ za , 40 440114: • ,
•'. • ' 614.414444. .i. • ''
f ' d dd k .`
' ... d
. .'
~ , *0 147 11 4111.t ..0 . ' d1(11. 11 • 1 ,f,; ‘ . \" ' N
I I 7nop,
•'. r 41414 7 -1111 '4ll '. 1 . 00 \,.; , , • \
nyi tT " o , 1,00 ' ',. ' •
.A , ND/T*6.%111161k , n"1". t.. (I."'P :Pii'V'l*t;.‘
chmr. ke - -
all' Gaul It to 14eir 10t...( ~„,..*,.. •,.‘
Ws= Oa Miss tnt33 W. A. P . ~,,., ac t?: ~
-.....,.... ."-----.. p" . . ''''.
jiIitANO S O:IARS—,6O bb)
• ea lada.l,D,, nutiitata wet; ia'btac. (c)'
11, ..a1wr from !Imam Kew fort awl ibt Nat kr
r.. 1.16411--2 4:l.44Wpearlect f ludo
do2ll \ 11. A. PAI 1:0.1*
. plot. with Mut l i ifeedifte tholiptboda
.tonooner tho Oro ComlloPers.Mftwor
cottony artA onort...4lnA Jattrog, loth!
z= , ez a tz ...
()REEKS- 4 4 A boxes daledgQheteee
_ - ,
littsburgh, Cincinnati,
s. manilla, and ~ • -'''
\ St Lonn
• -
cars THE MN rETANCh" OP H. ..
TIIIS LINE, is compos '.-.
gtVq. SOT ipeolorleador,nMyead t.'l.
1n " .So:. loot lb. of Stearn ll`` cad
idver. It connects xith. the trotted • StatsditallLltte of •'•
Steamers from Cincinnati' to Issarrinc, and •1 11 . 4 0 4. 1
*Web fasscogers, sod' freights Ote.sloteSad Wei
fdrooo4 doay. -Two new stammers have been *dad to lb* ',
Line, awry now consists of the IhUoislor Imam • - -\ Boofa
Chi' , . , . l , k , - AM...f% t hrsc to rtans '
1110CKEYX STATE. -...x. w..natrlnno4a J l -Eilmdar '. .
YESSENO ER No. 2 .-7.5-mvu..-...x..4....1(tmdaY. -,••• s ' •-' -,• - -
_,-.. ._ --aro. rekux..........`...Tnesdar. J. - ,•,, s - •.r
LItTSTAL PAL.S.a...wx. J. MST; ' AWfdllndin;,..
- 1111LADELPIIIA -.,..a. J. oascra.`,.--.lbarodar:,,,
PITTSOUROII.-_--....u. 05itrant.........-..Prklaf-.. -'• t \ . .
TENNSYLVANIA...--rso. umumMa........SatomMT. •
Loire dans at 10 o'clock, A. K. Dr.1,07._ .' , - . - ' •
•' No Freight tweed after 0 . o'clock. on the r.,, of ..
, JOllOl e: lavvaiirrox,', - • -
•101111 FLACK. Agents, -•- \
Molosaxabels. hoopHolklinze.
r 1 C I N C I N IiA T IT--The tine 444
ansom iteeket w oe at ' von Osamu, will /care for tlie about arm
Pmts. on MONDAY, lath last., at 10 A. X. rue !rola* •
Dwa`e 0501 r on hard, or e,
• /a 1 . FLACK . or LITD.OSI'9N. -,.. -
' Ilegular Wheeling . Packet.
PEE fine pisseager Stestmgr - DI-1 1 0 2 2 .. • -
1711NAL. L. o:llherlserd,Martsr.wlllll,&
regularly as a packet, between I , lttal s or g h a -...- Ne. t0r...,
leaving Pittsburgh - er r. londay. Atednexlay and MEW. - • , '
at.lo o'clock, A. • - a.oks4 .nftgas *cots Tuesdar..llorollli, - • A
and Satunlay at • crewel, A. x. : • •-•
. The plorral connects at Wegnille illit'ittS Cleveland . . -;. • \
and Ilttabnegh Railroad , and at ACWellnx, wills_ tiss .gal. . - - ,
Unlace and Onto/Ma& • ' 1'.....„..i
The Dtutnal ls a new. large sad matigt.f*b c .i s b.„l4 ,; ,_..
15Regidilmodations . trjancnirem_ Yoc -,
Regularßem Wheeling Pao
E .c .ege s t r igd: n tes i zna . S . t xt ett r _er LyL .
ply regularly as a ' P" betwelet
Wheeling. leaving Pit P" every Tueeday , Tbarklay
and Saturlity, at .10 , , .t. u., and Wbeelhur vat
Mensday, Wednesday and day, at 7 cielock,A.
netting at Wheeling with the Baltimmv andoWo Itellroad,
and at WeUsville with the lleveland wad Pittsburgh
Tb..winthwt. V s.tiow \ bot, with. tdovahusf
‘ dvian freig i for
eiTte '"'"L anl‘ yon keen] Or In o : •
' CO2.I,INGWOOD, Agent, --
Regalar-Afternoon -- P*lrilior Wheeling.
TUE new ind exAllent Steamer
nausea. ent.3l um.'wlll rue,
molerly *sin Afternoon t between itt
Wheeling. leaving Pittsburgh. 3innday,ttedoeeday
Friday, at 3 o:4oeic, r. x., tag teary !um.
2 L ia rh Erhtigraliti ft w atthebLtiel kat. teal; siert
Poe freight, o PONSO4Ir board.n ;7 \
Et ZANy.SVILLE.—Tho ik
etezt(el nay. Atteenter CFIKVOIT. Jottx
ram )astef will lope s for the, above serose•
dish porta on the opening of ritteitralloo.' rm. ffell as fot
_ ...,.._,IA 3 - - - T1 10' 13 1 ,11) • _ ..
. t:-
\WM steamer ARGYLE.
r , wm 11,7,..v.....ini-____4o.4-.. ~..,,,,, • '
g . O .743 .1.11Z6Wi.90?i k C 0..., ... 1
Ibl°R --"---7 - SVILTML..-- - - .
.17i t i'Trii,W , r .,
d e Ind! iivET staisiuw GAUL. -
a . p
pt. J. L. an rill kart kr 14ntlasilla on
.. L
thn lathing.. at 4 clock. , r0gi.•,.,10r (Slight 1,4•Ivoloa, .
apply on boom!, or , I ja74l J. E. CALLINOWGM, Agt._
.ooles. M
v ia ott the o
-L7 . - CINTSMH T D XNCP etLNG CUTLER. and Dental Inrt l
n l e l n l t t a;
Tinriene Stieara, liannes. Sehiscirs. Le.. Guns.
Pistols .d Revolver. Particular attention RIVOII to lb*
manntiietarealtztileattp l io t t . lniers . , Abilornlnalß.•
Ix r MLI - O .B SLAL was streirded .., Nrtsti:giit tee
the above inarantaetores, at the Slate Fair, held In' •-•
burgh, Sept. I. 1.53. • .
tied and Sueerosfol mode of Treating Chrwt.. - ‘ -
. io Diremdt . '-,
KING respectfully informs the citizens
of Pittsburgh and sielnity. that he haa taken No.
.t.i building oompled by .1. MODEL, Drought. No. ID • • ,
.ithriebt newt, tine 4th, where he will remain:era sheet ,
time, for the porton Praising the afilkded en oPPoeturder of
Dr. K. as e. Plowed den DIMS in 'Paw lanes.
atonally through Kenturity, Tennessee, Viculnia, Alabama,
boo \
Indiana Ohio, Minna and Pennsrinuda:, during
Ire"' b° t and
yo en
thart and t o
obl ' airrd.
Dora thee , ' reneni mast eminently nicerefel Is earths
Chronic Dbeasee, and diseases of a mars prints
and has been aporiated with a nulnher a =ent MA-
rink, embracing, the rirtinnl Prete., of mniria. a from •
tri,h he hex been enabled to •ive mash useful and.
our .ha J-, ~.
portant htiontati
u o r n In s regard to the treatment. and e • \
En Mao, Dyspepsia, Sick. or Nerson Ileadaelat„ •• lA,
Pains att eekons in the Bark o,lb:iota Toothache. weak- ~..
gr. ' af L get i tgr . P erc.l2 l i Meenes '"l" , " V•Llg i tni ff ignf= ••. ..'
naps. Orsini, Constltarion, tarenle Dlaninel:th in=set, -,
Vitale Dane, and many other dbeases net herein =eerier
ed. of a morn priest* eaten. WITIIOLT TIIE USE or • , .
MERCURY hs . , ANY CASE. lle respectfully meters to thit,, , • •-',`7, garter
i sitic. i.. D
K .L. Sept. Igi,g. ''' l,
In T tli t / 1 :11r111 .4 1•44 almost beau the oterocts get
titer before ded a istranemr. but I deem It a dee ,
ty to the egUried, here are three partienlarly within. ~-
zy=ssist tinCanalmort MN weal Se ever, which Inn, \
hopeless ind beyond 'ran. One was a ddld or * \ '
Mr. Driah Mate,wlet had Scrofols, the ankle tome rasp • ,
nog Nom the n o blen hone was drawn partly tanArd tea ,^ \
M end to n fo ernoknt. the wholo eyetnn se ea sant. , s
,ed Mr. Matr, who hid Isla many remedies to saw his
only child, doubly Maletid, haling Wen his wlle, and now. .„
Lattt t eV h a k beird " ont 6 kr ' itid e el et as2=lt . -' .i 4•
nem by some of the kledlntA gr arenton,. they now moan. -.. ,
that *might week le done. 'The uttspiet ear
haa throws. hy his crutches atiL rm uurillCon now tame "..• _,,.,...
Iris natural limb, which... Dr. Eines rem& ‘••, - ", , e•
dy, kir. Matson LI M. Mennen orthlap Joseehilaes. • - ..i.te•
damn is mho a merchant, and*. the Iligh gheriff orate. At.
anl_ ,ntr but had to settee frees isnblie Mx his !baba sass. s .t . te,
amens end barna .all Wade, te.g enand, Degeb.bdalast , y•A"..
p i ZlVM" d p.=. 44 ""bas 4.,'"r4;f:Ve=7.,.,',,.
hadthyannurnuont only le •! . roalu tha.i,ner.t. ri . •••
kiln guide, ma aMleble, aatellnt yeintraady, vim Prup •r u.....
DA Peering M 1 . ,. Deseesteall ,riinlia. ' - *
victim Ds arkeetal grave. tut she* Ow tanned ba.nee.,
feet healthe hexing only been ender Dr . . gimes trashimem „ 1
the the Men of three or four 'nen, . , , ••, , ,. t. ,
AU. eel* Gas„Box. , ~. ~.
- I oorrehmde with Mr. Cosamie etaingent computing- •,...• ,
my boy.
.1 could say much lase banned to the intim.' - ...1.,.-.-t
l t4.llol ' hTig =I'M I::: l l7.l%4'pitta e ~ , 1;."..
sap raid be must hare his lest taken W,, wich_ t ~..• ....• ..
me more limn 111 had tat hint. S took him to Dr. ,: =
gratt= " Ae r rAfTIIL IVO Vell "a4
e picMi '''''''''• 2.
in dinettes me to one that lum been ha als ga g oill-pp. ..,t:',....,
on son. The other cans mentions( • Mr., -1,
Omer are the imrslme of my eagterintanns, en .- ~....,
true. I hope that Dr. =age lam
a matter of nab& notoriety, godlier will hoe - s
the nreedlee otPah g oe S .-- I'chsstfalikNe A 4 o heP•brew'" eatmnta
For further particulars to Petard to the &URI eillee.4.t , ,1
1114 Of DiV i e t t 3 A . ,. Orley, Ittes!zut. ; :rizft i lzie ur v it 7
t d -- .A.DIES' WO 3-The subscrib has Tig: .' : •• •
arkis.T.wrictavut. rause Itikut . .... sta
...tom No.loo Market A. [WM T 1 -7211.1110111!1. -
WAFTED — SpunishUndMaiican Dollars; -. .
_ Pp:
and Pablot Doablem.r. (d Anlaitanllall • •
D Re vbieb I will rar. UK Miami seLszkat min. ha
vir * td. . U. D. KiLt4, pa tt „ta a a a a a . ifiiia - ,.. , ..
.T .,
. 114 LS. EGOS, fresh, just - red for sole
3 BBL& TALLOW just ree'd try Radio d,. ; ..
*into br . - • 'a. 3:lloCent. ., ', . , :
NEw MUSIC- , .1 OM . 73femoiiei mid • Little•':..,,:: ' , 4 . : 1
R. EAlire u reTz . Fl4 ... by B.C. l'Aixtv . . -:.,.;::.
mili"l . 47iliTithr. D. ' ~ . • , 1
11.• Other gide ofJoNsany, b11fr. : .r.7.14,.. : ....,•1 ..,. '..,.; .
; t
t 4.
s 1 1.14te,b,: Lanboob
Pi .`, 1 . - ,." 1= - .._ \ : ~;.-;-• , : \.1..... :
The uit4 4 ,,,v r .: a n p.m; .i \ . :,. ;.,. . , . ,
• ' p;V:=A - ,5,., , ,, i7..1,—_" t a m tta i ',.'` •-• ',';`.... " ••
trr Wu) U. mown a tv.. j rinriugoL.:. rr' - • 1 --
._. • _ _,..___ ___
Iss —idooi , ii..Ni..3x - Tak e p * ..... 7 7_ , .- .-...... in bbl. st .
______Ml i
tan ? BAGS. CM:Me:SALTPETRE for-..- -.• ,
: Ty ink 17..; ; :si.a; surtair w uzima
.u. , , 7 .2 ,:!..'
. lIRODITC . Et4 Ida frea ata
hßoll•ltuden . . - 1 ,- , o e -1 ' * " : . ! •
. 0- ',
6 i' ' !.. i,* • 1 ,214: :•.':.'•":.',...'•::, 1 1 . .,.. ' '' 'l.' • •.-.
• ':- • • " tas bus. iiiisriglzi.u.;„ ...: .• •-•i , ..i . 1: , " , '" 1 : '•-
\ ' - siguioultatsuest *lost ~..:^ "" . --,- 7 1 ' - :, , e r •
. , ,
i .
-•\ L, , it ~,,,„„ M b . 0 -.. .. .::..v. , ....}..-
- N , , , 300 it. a.... .j . t r.e41t'4%.Z...t'l
d,,,21 , a AosusoN & co...uss muftis, , '.."..,- ...
11tfitilLISHED-PtiltDONB DlOEtit,.f.k - '4'; ~ ~- \
roo,'•Vh*lZ I llit ° L I R . = i l dr i l a or. I rnte l d vi Mi i ' \ .
tVtlesl f"ar, 1%1 4 * ""laol h :ol" i thathE 44 "..... • . \:
w:, A A. .4exhailrive.4l4l,..3:itin C. w ' 7 , 3'.
; I 111113 .. La vruss st. isituss• stretem r lisurik. •,:
ithx,%,==°7:72,r4,. sad "="172' *.Ens: .
VV r iti i ,4 - 11,r•
y u ma t d b ig:lntm,T i grino •
Va r kei nottkm. 1e.53, r a0 4 pazief Eic i lunek,lll:2, 1.1. ' . \
r .
XifiV, oituLtita - FLika:-Tf g o on • .- . ;-:
, \.. Otkvoa omffiattlir on tuna *sr rel. st - NA.II ':• ' : N
oircet. Idea) - A. littallia & CO. , • ,
Ilyitii AY'S POEMS-I% ice from the Itroun ... - '
. b sad em lb. Crtrotd. o r gn..n....3 4 a..,, i T.', .• :.
, n .. sor ow, or
__ __ KA f a qi,....z." !*:: • ~. ;
El iidaittEs .
... ~..„...,;
I.' l ' ilt raiWtri.7..
0 .4 ... . ''''.. ....
\ , ~..., „,,_
, \ II Er. n.. 0 un.k
Lett , r.,•. ; .,, •
~ : ...: ,
, 4 4 2311.4 . _ L . l: LW- - , 1 1 4 4 ,1 11hiA , i 3 :It. 4 .
HALL. A g oo lio ni•Th". "ti ..
' r ' ''
. 1
1 giT, bla a" . /f i ait
,ta,P' --- seto - 71)1 ---,-: 4 / . •:--- 2 ,\ -
.... - ----------- - - -...1,s - t. - ; :-..-
•• . ....T . . : . ,- „ ac 4sorted Pint for iteEky ~; ,:;...,,,,,; ~
rtou, , .. .. ~ A isman•inex it co.-- -• • . . ..,
i me ..,,tair It--10 \ bbla: iiit • l42.s_*_ifkt?.i t 5 ',..W..
igNio.7 . .,_ eaUbl: , I.l o.2okraMfta ... olll}PF: .
.4.1_ . ~.,
r. s e .. :bbal aitteceivectrni li • ine•ZiN " ,. l, ..;:,_,..» , • •
r ti:4 Jog. •• -, xes.scanKtuar*lstnirprei•-I , ' • g,,, , ,! , •• •
ItEsTiiri .— ft-'43IOLDEN SYRIT 194.1.',' .:7 , Z -. • •
% \
1/11111PATION% to the rtiatti•vi s - ' , ' ;,, ... •
\I I BLS,AGOt sit
uss iddlyikiiirolid f ili • _ ~',' ;Ll' •-,;.,
\ *wads Ity • . den• :., • - •.'i% , • 44 .81:in& ' ' ; s '.
' an BUS. LOVEttlfiFtEPjust nest ky ~••••-, ,,, ii ..,,:i'
.. An! a lt.: me or Auk At - • - J,Limattw7 4 ;.;i:os '..,:
RODUCE. "'\,...':-- -- ' ' - "" 1, 1' :'-;
p7yd A :s,i • i • -. .1'1.111W1 .tikti L -.- ..".
\. • „ bariorrOse
... ....k....i„i
t i..44 : 1:.....1, - ,:: . 11.4 f 4•• . .
I.Y' i=o• iiiisti, a '' • ";! . , 44) =7,;'• ari;•l:' - '
b k il` ' • "'"wr.,484.11217440:41i5ke‘',,,..' s="'
KT:OSo: . l:,.Negs:j4,l.d jr,7 --- unratier, ` s ~ : ',:•,':
ifax ..
• bt\ '', 'rum •. , j. ,. .. '7 .1 = 4. •:7 ‘ i;
_ _
CIO A/4 RR U.; . 4 Ehib t ",;='
x j )....iiii a iti&. • la ' 44 '
Ixt - rr 1 ! . 11 1" . ..r . , .. 01, ' ,1 1!• ,at
t-; , ~.,.. •
. -.. \ '. :
.. :. ?. \ . . .'' :: \ .:' .. , •NX 7 ' ..., ii.;:::: . : 'A ' '•
' 1
.., .\
..:.• : •:,:',„ ' ..: . ' .. '. i ‘I . : :-.:,:.i i i:ltAli: t.
' '• • ' '.' ..
, ' -,:, .....,;
..„..y :V: . .';'.l . -^z;:; 74;
;••••,.• •
• 4,,....;:m.•,••••
L . ! ; ;M