EsTAuus P 11. - TS11131(;11 4AZE.T I'l P?p1.11111p . DAILY fitk'D WIZIELY BY '.WHIT/1 IL 1 . r ‘ 11:1110 JAMES. BIMEO;R=1 • - OG 16Y—Severidollira per Lauri payable half Your• tratppar Ifpald in advance. • iCI.Y. , Yrre dellariiper akaum,lnadvarria. Y ! ' , MOUS do the follopiog pruritic= I • i'brer ropier per 11211113....:to CA • • Perentr ire cloi • 00 ' lip, Parket - club tgi7e—ad—Wwd cone Pero°. co p variably in a•lvaare. Bo olnb yawn 14 aeat ♦ e year expires. Pair.. ••.° moue? 'ie .• int . a ...M• • • k , • 13 31 , BOW*. (10' 1 lime or timleanil.) • .• one insertled..--...--.6 0 110 : • De. ; , 'llachadltiosid insertiori. 025 1 76 • Do. - threeoo . • Do. - two 101 Do mar menth.--...--........ 10 00 ' Do. WOO Da twelve months.. 12 00 Mends' 0.1 ,1 4 (6 In.. or lase _per i m am 000 Oce Dollar for esch .dditlonal donam..eheggeable at pleasure. (per • • . annum) esquelle Of the 15 - 00 For each:Mello= square, 11.1•11.11.1 SITU one SAAlltb; 001 for each adalUOnal ignore inserted under the yearly Ade t exceeding • minas% and not over &Men une•to be charged ea b square and • halt Publishers not accountable for legal advertisement. •yomi the ainolint charged for their polllcatioc. candidate. for Defoe. to be charged the in:., as other advertisement..- ddveritsements not marked ea ahem py for ed .00.000 of Insertions. will be ocaitinuei till for bad .Dement exacted aceordlngly. rhe privilege or,. annual advertiser. le strictly Mgt.! , ..a Omar mrwintinediata business; and all advertisements. ihf that...F=lw person., as welgss all advertises =eras not Ply connected with their own WM. and 1 Classes of adat t li rd iement4 in length cloth.. aryls", beyond the limits will be charged at the clonal rates. . for =leach ent advertising. bills till separataly rendered. and precept imminent IS &Sired. . 4 " 43 "1F ,. .ta fct.thardtabl titutions. Ore cosi. parts ward, tow - mail:, and other =matrix. and cue+ D . M. etlarged belt price; payable strictly to . • :baring. notices to be attuned 50 cents. Death notices Ireerted withouteherge. onlyes aeoompa nied by funeral invitatlormoe obltokry notices, and when ataovmnaroad, to be. paid for. , • advertfars, end all att....sending communl utlOolior ieduirlici retiree designed to call attentloo to n. kilras, Conearts, or any yubllo entertainment., . -where charge. are made Ibr a4mlttenos—all notices of private mutoolatlona—every aotloe deafened to call Otter-. Moo to yrlvate enterprise.. calculated or Intended to prtr -Mote Individual Interest. out only be Inserted with the coderstaindlne that the etme Is to boleti for, If Intend ed to be naerted In the local column. the - mama will be. .barged at the rate of not lee. than 10 cent. Per floo• HlehoD or VI. notices to it. Charged triple ;trio. Tevern License Petition. $2 each. Ideal Betate'Agente end Auctioneers' edrortisamente ~ O rtt tote timed tinder yearly • rotas, but to be allowed a ....deconot Of thirty three and one third ter .mot. from We WUV.T 01 711-TIISKLY is DAILY rants. , One &mare. three 10. • each additional 37 ADTAMITIORIATII WIZT4I PAM. • One hours (10 lines) one Insertion cents ...Do. - each additional Insertion-2A cents All trandentadrartJaementa to be paid In ndrence. - RATES .OP. - . oosaccim idzes ••• DISCOUNT 111111111:114MI GLUM. IT 80N8, Bankers - 4 and ltroratts. Pe.,..tbscrph- L Bitneh at Massillon- ..... . X Branch at Wooetor---..d0 11= , :t X0n15........_.d0 ta . hanL Y NlMr.7l.t .. l: Ortnmereial Irk.Oineinin.Tido lin. Alla Rank.......-. do . Lot:sotto 8aah.....d0 . Ida Life Ins • k Trust o_do I Waders Rearms Bank—dO Bank Of Aterslllon— 1 B . I NWEo . . - 17121 r. -42 *Rosanna 8ai , ......... - M Now Yorkeltr °".- Cknu bilitifiZiiiii. - - x 14.1.41.--.... p.: sais t aiarvil All oolvont 15anke........... IR .trl um t y 21 4. ,lc ink of Vlrgram. warms ' no - 1 . f.z.BAlN . r off , olk.-. " Merchants' a Moeh i fr " .'"' North Western Rant - "k " Branebe. .. , NORTH criiiiirfir • V0 k a f t. ° 0721. 1 1%117.7 ..7 1 'lotaraerelal Illy.*lhnlarn 2 erobants , Bank, Newborn 2 SOUTH OAROLINA. . Bk of the Bt. of B. Carolina 1 . Bank o o Mth Carolina... 2 2 r Rant f Char a leaton........ r Planters'a blechantas• 111 2 C GEOROLS. r Annum Irma Banking Co MBank of Anourta.-......- 2 Bk of Brunswick, Augarts 9 TRINNYBAC. 411 solvent hank.._._.._._ II . fiRNTIICRY. ~. 1 1 94.gli . C:n=It h ubrirOle .s . ilNatthern Ilk of Rentook; ;oaths= Bk of Rentuokr MIBBOORL 5 of grata*: bllwond....X ILLINOIL ;Mute Bank and branabia...3o lilank of 111b0010......../.....-7a wuconourr.l iturin. Mite Ins.oo oaks I Banked Suchabb Pb k of.dt•-• 1 A. AIM .it BankinT to--.4ar Cooinuores.-..psr Batik of Borth AM281106.9.12 . Dank atNort.h'n Libotties oar 1 butkot Ptak Of Bank of a *bat, 1 Gonancrtnal sawn of Po....par Panarreichiseharaco'BkPar.l Otrard ettorlugtoußauk....4 -Dar Kimura.* Minh Bank.".par anonloo . Bank.”-- -Bar kw.= Southwark • Trodsautante ir f . Iranian Bans. o Obbabarsbusztt • b Bank or Oboe. Cloorty-parr Bqook Bark gitre i tot . iihe . es - r:rill Barb el Geratantown-p% Sauk oßank olfo=u4h__-7.: Bank of Middletown louxiagionory CO. B•11k-,--P•X Bank ot Nortlaturherlablwar Catrhat X Emig* H t .. Bridge Outul oilastown ="g "Irar,s7,z-cc,- e oflancentar•Par Sannoreßankorliondlog par /arm Ilk ofßehurikiSCuPar isz.n Drov.Wayaraburg • X • rwkttoilk.Watblngtoa Par uopo Lonose odalo ranY-....-... Lama r Omar Dank-par Lettauou ' moue Book .IPo/brittle X mooromattala Bankt.---DaV West Branch Sauk Wyotatrog BUMS* Ours York r , part Nobs...-. -.1..-- Cab Stok•Busk------.7tt Branch at Brooch at sa t u t oh at DAdmant.-....1 . Stanch it /Mach at Clonaland.---..n0 =l , l at To B B anat at Clobta at bos..-...d0 Brandt Brandt at Baliat---.-do Me at at at littdor Branch at BinchinatL-.....A. /ranch ateolumbus---lo Branch stWashlitaton.-... o Branch at Ovals-- Branch at Lanourter-.-do Brooch atlitonbnvillo...-do Eamon at Mt. Vernon-. iruqat Nomork----...i0 at girls a at Be.nah at Tfy t r •••••••• Snot= 14 ,: ttio o o ftruglt Nr.e. Brooch onth.--ato Hsieh -at Bronco at itinionna..-.....d0 Bronco at Otaillootron../.....41 Branch st OnrahOg•-•-no Broach et Tdatioa. 11101ELLUN. Parmare Mechanics' Hank II filanguoptit Stank Ilas.k--8 ANALDI: - Bk ofß.D.Arsarles.V.nota Bank oftimPacrols. Trreonto Bank of llnntreal.. Bank of 11.0ansda:Toreata ZABTERNISZCIIADOS. On Ns, Yosic----ptr On Philadolphis---...- .On Baltimore- WEBTZAN leallaifili • oOLO AND APZOIe YALU" Doubloona.rana..-.-1300 tto _ut,ao Teo 11.1.1 PRICES OF STOCKS WITOUTIAI .lOs Tilt, PWlliioll4ll,oALlims,io A- WILKINS & Co. STOOK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, 1110.11; (1006TH STREIT PI? IK VII H. J• 11112.17 18311 Dlstk.d meta Vs-- 1.. • k's: -...-..! Veststsilvanta V 5......--.... i Do.. rk Vs ---......... 0 1 atilieuy (I. Ve- .-...... i 1..0., . scup. ri.... - / 1 • • Iw. • scup. V5....._ , rit it . . '" l:l l ; 7 .S Y s, ‘ 74 - .17- - Elisf tismy elw e 5........-... • 1' ,. . esu.Vi;PILU.4j %ant lirelia. , . ,i 15AId iditeydrir ar -.- Id ere. Inge lk wlisal XxcLang• A 111101.07 gedsfil 24, 4 Addeo , erdegg Idonengehele St. Obur - St. bridge-4. .. . . mane Bt. bridge----- biertbera William - pert -7, eirembegag... It' 45 40 , lb '10• 18 18 SeitURVE Lino . Insuranoe.e Western Insurance COUsess• . 11e..;.. liasealstsnl At k. M,Al_ Ur r3V ll r l T ll ;. yiorrve'eS I I; I 1 :11 • LID .111.4fU1t1114 1! 0•11;'&0. WOU uorgh Gas IV woo l e n._ Dlononaahela Ogee lonablos hen/ Ille.kvrete .Peona. ima! Roll C. Ohio a Penn's. Rail Baal. Dalt. Otdoell Dell Road... wineeland a W gene D. IL W. Dv!. L9ok 3 ettl ":l : . IrCßondsaf:.l Do. do. nowt-- Tattle Creek PI Hoed. Altos: t Pererievtllop_k_Rdi Onenebs, Teo-alike 50.... C01rd1r.,.C.1"4 VarthU‘burs& &&&14&&.-- riorth • !forte Eureka . Bo --=""Mk - a=.l Tlatlong twat. FMNN OZOHOZ Z. AZIOLD Co., BANKERS. oakum Is 0011, WIZ sans, &a. -- /Hr{ ^iite el 4 nestle Bea •et PlastepriX.• dotes awl Drafts eelleeted as all Dant of the Italose— !Melte aecutat oat meal ea saausdrana. 0.1 L.' 141M11113 ;1'00.; - TaNICCES AND EXOUANOE BROILERS •'} ,• Bro. it BOLOBBH - 11111YET, Optaotto as' BoAh of Pittollergh. • T . nuweelons . 413 , iiket Itbiat ItateLing Bean's - Patent Coupling and Fonldate, : lOW N 411.4.14111 AND' IIUS=.II.OI4It, . : CAN NOW; SEEN IN OPERATION Jona. oar; nr.ra a On.'a Mar Itatib. or MI r Mama Wotka.",Serorr eon . Tb. • aosataips of MT Improveaant azo—that It o atea tba e eoaae lt b. so, tb. it art a ar n r t l it tg e ta u w i... rou r g us* or any ttirne also. MO ronanaers to alto aaastracta2 p aim& and trattlaiit• that it it t. osasa az dtrattead ta bat! it learalaiailtboat rematipa a Itatator. bolt. or Ent— Its; tboadi mat least adrailatif ta Palwrimsat that 11= air= Amu Waimea llisittatatta t r l 1= '4 4 ".%-tat ti ll X! ITIO GPI I C manors' De.01 , 11401!It •taysolot. 3 1 . 1,0 4 11 , "9CM M3lll2=== ie=Wsi===. THE: BUSINESS CARDS J S. MORRISON, Attorau and Connisel • .1. at Lay,. Met. roamed VI • ,, I4 44.6 sot atr.-4 • - ii7:llA.Ll:,'Attomay at Law —-- :{ a k e .., w ar. undir..” Gnat *treat, between Pointh wrest eta Diamond 11 1 •7. . an3ow37T pp OBERT POLLOCK, Attornoy at Law-, Vanier of Viftb and Grant areal. Opporito ;Oki Court Holm atty.. Plttiburgh. :•• -- T20'63 TUBES MICKEL,' Attoiliey touor at lour,..Mlioesport, Allo.thooy County. S. B. liDocial and otomo ottontino glom to Oollooting; and iltotoiotteltatt carefully attatoted to: . dellAt I) CRAIG; Attorney at Law, New Casa", .I.r County, Pennsilranis. t for to Lion Nialter Craig, tlross Creek; J. Dann y . ilfrztotan 2 amltlt.Krasser* Hada, a 00., L.- 44. n , Wilson 200., - - - - r g MMES J..K.LIHN, Attorney at Law, office, am. Phaith street. bear Grant, Pittsburgh. Jslauilr SPALDING, Attorney and !Donn „ m a, ed= A. tLll. —OLEVELVID,tabIo. [ebb:Sly-A. 19..Loongs,1311aler a Stanton. ..1 - A -31E8 F. KERR, Attorney at Lavr—Offiee as on Irow - 113 botweem Smithfield and Grant, Pitt. 41trith. 108. WEAVER, Attorney at Law, Fourth street, near the Mayor's Osee,, Col eettnne att.uleal to promptly. myttb.tkr P.A G. L. B. FETTERMAN, Attor . 'nays at lair end Mal Pate Aunts, N. 107 '4 tb , • „Ittebritgb. • total) RA NOIB 0. FLAISTEGIII. : Attorney at Liw, flo. Vomit, street, Pitharn LASPER E. BRADY, Attarnay. at, Law, IP No. RI3 Rh street, Pittsburgh. BLEB:ERB AND BBOKEB • CHIMER, BRODHEMI &CLAPP. - - 29 sTATIII STILLET, BOSTON, 'BANE.ERS, &DEAL:FIRS:IN EXCHANGE, Checks, Drafts, Certificates of Deposite, ND Uneurrent Money bought at lowest Collections made on an parte of the Orion. • - ZETZ.B.LBONS : EASTON—Prattklito /larva Cp., W„. IL Poster. Eao., Csabler Bank of Commeroe,M esere.J. E. Therm ha m &Bra, C o M. Bebe, Mogan a Co.. E. D. 11Vg- NEW YORE—Mestrea. G. B. Bobbins a Bonet Curtis. Beale Pearl., Carpenter a Vermilyo, Moen: , • dr . Aldrich a Spencer. POILADELPIIIA—BIeeara. W. it. Newbold & Son. ()rant & Stone. Ileum Corcoran & Maga, Waahinaton. D. 0. norLS:dle tits& .8.11....-....120•X5Ci SAL/ • • KEJLICEB & !WM Bankers and. Exchange Brokers. BY and sell Gold; Silver and Bank Notes; neltotlato Immo on Real Estate or Stook Smartt/es, parches Promissory Notes, and Time Dills on Bast and Weat.• Ba a. sell Stooks on Comm is sio n . Collections made on al l points in the Union. Who, corner Ell Third and Wood streets, directly opmdte the St. Charlaa Hotel. H. D. King, VOIN, STOOK AND EXCDANCIE BM:I- A.)l[er Fourth street—B*7s and sells dtooks on.Clgto• mission ;Exchange on Enstern tales intentled at currant rate.; Oullsetions ensdeon the West at low rates: Weiner. Bank Notes bought and sold. itZ 11/1351 . 1UN 1.1.. t. f ALMER, HANNA & CO., Suo6casoro to Hussey, Rums Co.. Dumps, kasuasol ILkozni. AO Baal In Yorrigsz and Domestic Exchusure. Corthlcatoo hOo ) :l l ll2 l xlrl. 'te t. '' c l . '"d ri N on orth ... ""o ger.. " D o i posit alight Chocks for sale, end oollocl e ka made an pear , 17411Zri:Ipalgriuta s ol i thgr i d „ =3 . t.ttg a 'loll. S.immess rude= coralms.msats of Pralass.stilmssi sin. o liberal terms. ItAIRD •& IRVIN, Real Estate, Stook and BM `Betters; No. sedrins et Apb itT M. A. LULL it. CO., Bankers and Bre '', kers, 6.1 Wood st. Vtlll. H. WILLIAMS ' ,7.§. CO., Bankare and lksobsans Brokers, liven Sodom: on of Wood sod SIM streets, 2ittabax,46. • All cromntltom:sake= sl to. I,leds on liberal terms. anl sall2:l7eetess y attended %Mr LAILIK&R, JB., Banker and Broker; itbstreft, Na. al, adjoining the Bala or lituburP b JHOLMES 8e SON, 'Dealers in Foreign I 11 ts•esoi Domestic Arnie Exchane. Gertthester sf Tu. 13 . 0,1 ( Not.. cod Nreole. No. 62 'Market street. hr urglutbout t b. 1131.0oDhe Unita! States. ections made on 11 the prhodpe ei Per o BOOloravußitsi AND STATIONRIIS, 11 C. STOCKTON, late Johnston & Stook iv. ton, Bookeller,Statkasz,Ptincer. •,n3 Btnd er. on, nei of Market WO Third Ernes. I'M/thumb. 1 L. READ, Bookseller and Stationer, No 711 Fourth street, Apollo Buildings. W•HOLESALE and Retail Dealer in hiark and School Ealtan P•por aad EllAtkinerr. No.E3Wood street, (hotwess Third and mart l rase)] _ A~ILCOX &CO Druggiata and Apoth, • .aria. 'corm. Mar ket dm% and the Diamond. Ni=taut.l . 7 on hand • full sad oomplet• asaurtmout Po.fullue27, und arUelso pertalulux to their Dualnos, Fij . ..*l4Dimcd , ptioaa latetalli.mpostuded IVHOLESALE Dealer in Drug!, Paints,' pi llit u alaniatee and . Dye Stuff., No. 2S43,l.lbarty Aet TI witi h receive prompt attention. . I f=tl for Louden h Co'. 'enable family molteinea. .A. FAHNF4TOCK A. CO., Wholoud° Dr‘!ftf WS. sad mazsofseturera of %%Ito Load. Ited Litt l .firoccoftneWool and:Prone otreets. Pitts rneh7 3ELLE..3§, .. Wholesale Dealer in ntal2y.ninft., oua. Vsrula es. fie.. de, nnahnrEe. Clowi• vrarlsatri R leaala and Retail 610 11 .; foon. REi r Wh y la Bt. C 1 P4luP • SCROONMAILER &CO., Wholeasie Drz!g• ?to. 24 Weed st- Pittsbunth. COBIffil3:1 ON AND FORWARDING 4 WILLIAM A. IicOLITEG, !EWE 1211, CHOICE: IiMILIr iILOCKRI WOODEN AND WILLOW WISE. CORN= OP WOOD AND BIZTH EMITS. Is•now receiving a large iiiacitreolit of Fresh Good,. io *Ultima to his allied r'exterurlye stock, ydr• eheawl from ant hen& In the Ude= market*, whkh will be sold at the lowest market IN. Hotels, Steamboats, and faunlies. baying by the ellarktitn tanned st ',bohemia atAke. 1111:R.Goods delletred In the city Ives of charge. [.119 ALM. 111/13/11, : , .10.47t117 plgtAn laLlrebtAm mtMw&Nar MM=2l Ini.JAJoI7 do Eno. 'sr &N. , do ttabargh. OMMISSION and FORWARDING MR: CHANT& tleslerslp'Wool snd Prodtwo gen...4,11V littebutith Mannniatares.l44. /14 Clecoad W4l.t. Pic eve4r4a C. WELLS-4 CO, Dfo Novf•*at do 40 amousum AND M . :LOW/11X =UM VS RADON. RUH, FLOUR, DRIED lEUItB, Lyn COUNTRY, PRODUCE GENERALLY. No. MI Liberty street—Commerelal Rear. PITTSBURGH.' Div. Mari prat ;Dt►. isa.l9 Set Dly. • ZOOD I Dl►. • Y{ Dr a. J. 11. Luzon, MoALPIN & CO.. WHOLESALE ortocnts, Div. 201 k D. Div. Noy. SW PROVIBLONS. MMUS Ok PriTSWISI MANUFACTURKB. Res. 1142 amid 264 Liberty:trate, Atiidriaqh. . rlFlTrt"TrMmnlMP•intmig'-mmz.Sl 1 tiv•er c i: pr ct. Div-4 yr e I rib • - . • Gilbert . & Frederick, 3HOLESALE GROCEII.B, Produce Deal- VOf, foriruding and Commbialon Marohanta. No. oat otroot. Pittsburgh. - • • 113...Mb0nal cash whonoos on oonaignments. imam( If ' • • • cots MN•e yr • I Now Stmt. 8. Robison Co. .11 JULIO LESA.L.E Groaere;Produce Dealers, and Gosumbsion Merolla+ .i O. 266 ldber4r CG Pittsbur624 . • • Dfir.rove oat . . FORWARDING and Commission Idea. - awn. awl. SzosetalOotudenee for the Petuterivaole' Road Claapeny. Na- by Water st. and 63 Pront Mt "' (tali Raul Depot ea tie elont Wqrjr l ge emmosenta to be fervatded by railroad trUl be received et the landing tad delivered on the platform to the Comteny'sMand, there to Me loaded lc toile cam Rtesmboat obeying odd. Bills *flatting tem:omitted. and att leatructiona of *lmam or comissen faittifuils arrlad oat. 190 110 10 16 9 : 1 '3)4 ESS2iI nat re aonelgeseanta will be reorient on the plata:oh from the pure; height and charges pad, eod the Roar ternanSed imaidlatelr by itsizabset, railroad. or ethos, . Persona wUhint Moir • good.' rod. will r!-§lttoltn i d s tosoly. moles, to that ofroot. • '4.'4" . " andriori tor Pittaborth =no Genre. taot Irberof • • 143 Sprin(ier Rarbangh.. - 10110131e11101 TO 6. et W. 111111•111111.) PO.OMMISSION & FORWARDING Mar otteent. floater in Plow, Wool sod Produce geosohll7. 146 lint J11,1'114116 llooxid et, flttaburgb. lOU KENDRICK; Forwarding and Corn y y minion mardant; also. Agent lbr lianufactur. ys:shows. Nu. 22 Wood street, Pittsburgh. • Pa:Staniar attention laid to forwarding idersbassible, and oosudgntments for sale. Noconnostion, or loaf:lmmo@ ger Baste of any deserhntlon..• Mesa bream tly attended to. Instrnetions eflll In all sessile bounder obeyed - Your business Is respeottollysolloltad; and I pledge sap self to messes:? exertion In your babalf. • ic h l : ES, .4- JONES, Foiio . ardinvand COM isdaymNerchante, Deans la Produce aI:O,M tb. our jdanarsainettarticles. Cengil Bads. ate ! . Stranth , ttroetanttabureb• t I ARMY; Alfa& CO., Bnooesoors A t o A S. - Jam* OnmalM= and Iforrardhur Mar. VIAL Plttxbutirb illeoutsatend 0.64 Ple* • • . r W er..!2 i ilt D o EX 2f ß oze i n in ec ia. ei° an n e an e.ti .7161 r. Western Prodacm. Drop. NA. ttlar, god the snaoatin4 Articles at Pittsburgh Vicieralkii.. With eel 61.1froat 'tryst, Pittibprah. Pa. . • .sold •MARINE RAII, WAY—A fow shares for *mi. , '" ezaange nide Sod. PRODS7/71111l• Inuit Stack. WILKINS A 00.. %a a..tis..iinine, NA. fl. ue.t CHASSE-400 bxa. choice oohing Cheese, Just ro - wed sad for pia by T. LITTLICA son Mild stmt. M - 0 04 5E .1 3 .7 100 WE will open In • few dere our entire Weer otheilgiatrirredMlM ATTOBSRYS R. Weldin DSZTUOISTS. John P. Scott pAII,.....rtIrTS#v ILGH .- -GAZ V.A.IITRA L. E. L1 11 . 1097 0.1f..........e.AL10N M 0018.11.1! t. 00PtLAND. LIVINGSTON hOGG.E.N. & CO. NOVELTY WORKS, YITISBON OH," PA. rigRAOIC and Dopot Railroad Scaler, Ray, Cattle and 001.111 do. Platform rod Genitor dr; Door Locks of all iirre. erring. Dropand Thumb Lamb.. Orffoo !Mai of variOrif kinds- Paint-81UL. sorrow,' rat. Denim Bolin and !11/Kerala= Lhaleable („yelpc. of emy.lluiety in form du:dui:dr/I. dti ~:ree~~~~~r;r~~l~br~ ~r+►•Jl . . . MCDONOUGH & STEWART, ANIIkACTURERS of every descriptionl Yll of Cookiaa. Heating and ey StOVES, and floc Irons, Wane. Bore , . Vista ' and fanny Bedaand Pretax, Tea Kettles.. and every denerription of POUN DS? OaSTINGS. Cane and Warehouee No 2.43 Liberty &Meet. Plttabarith. tyL-'63 N.AFFETT & OLD. BRAES FOUNDERS. PLUMBERS aim OAS FITTERS. is and 129 PAW Strut, riasbersvh, Ala annul. MU , . CM: an amnoanoranon, AUCCIITINT. MANUFACTURE all kinds of Water, Gas and teem Pittinne. Unman fitted up with Oan an ann , on ahnet notice. mitt! J. HOWARTH 'ft BROTHER MARBLE MASONS, neit- Liberty t, near Seventh, RESPECTFULLY inform their' friends, t W it the 418 WE exa t tlAt t h . A v t they a l . ta , z opened y keep on hand hags and of 171antIfol MARULE MANTELP. of Grecian and Gothic sty tem; MONUMENTA. TOMBS, HEAD STONES, FURNITURE BLABS. Sc.. which they offer at extremely low prim. &WWII= Week. Blob.. an 4 attAl to order. Cemetery lots enclosed. with e Bed. and Freeport Slone. Aol4' NICHOLSON Se PAYN Er Mannfaoturors of COONING STOVES, ORATES, FRONTS, NENDS.B.S. ko Liberty street, opposite Wood. ARNESTLY direct attention to a new and handsome pattern or PARLOR STOVE, just completed: also, to their .10 patterns of coal Ciallt LNG STOVES, known no the "Keystone elate^ and the "West ern Star." There Storea In neatness of Amish, economy of soPtr and mini:lda...o material. earn.. Writing of the Ind, et offered to the alibi's. In addition to the articles alluded to above. their-general stock comprises TV:V l Sb' r etr .. o ti r IttfTrlno sounter Li nts ntLESillark Ivaco. Boars, Elollon Ware, .11 ea lant trout, duo. end Tea Kettle., de., it erf pose hie variety of etyle end finish. An Inspection le sodeltol, imnslky'rdi TOOL WORKS, CORNER OF FIRD - T AND LIBERTY srams, PITTSBURGH, PA. ItFAC h IIINISTS' TOOLS of eyery variety, r i s v u l lar a I n 121,11No,thrin41 TURN IN - to moor. ter/ 'JOSEPH V. HAMILTON & CO. • ••• • Jones & CLnigg. Conon sad Maio Spring.. Brass tut tsp., 11.1 t nom" Hall and linntraers.l Iron Aslos—Corner of Ross and First eta., Pittsburgh. D. B. Rogers & Co. ANUFACTURE RS of Roger's Putout ivi Improves Steel Cultivator Tsettl—Corass of Urns and Irst streets. NMl:suet,. fel./ Coach and Carriage Factor* , ;JOHNSTON, BTOTIIEIt & CO • • CenORNER of Belmont and Rebecca streatd, ,Allestby cit ff ,. would respectfully t-lbcm tluelr dete eri publib gesiskrallr , that the, man o fee turban o, Berousbioi,Rookuwslo,UPVidcudiollkis and Clansiote. all Uttar enriouo styles of Multi and pro portion. • All orders will he executed with strict realm: to dors- WIRT sod beauty of lab& Repair, will also be &needed to on the meet reesonable terms. Using in nit tbtir work the best EaAtern !Stuff., Peleeand Wheel fitati, they feel confident nut ell who favor them with their patrooege will be perfectly sat Lard on trial of their wort. . PurchasPre are remelted to give them all before tour clueing elsewhere. ice Penn Cotton DElls, Pittsburgh. M ENNEDY, CHILDS & CO. Ment: fo tants of • .0.0 A. No.l Lowey 4-4 dlat.tloire. .let Maio of all cobra and atuslaa; Cotton Twins: Bed Cerde Lloaa .n 1 ba.L Lord: rit o gh l Battiolf: litethidere leit at ttie [Lni.° Stern wiu m . a 004131 Wood etreet. have attention. Ija2Z,l) Herron & Criswell. BELL; AND BRASS FOUNDERS, MANUFACTURERS of all kinds of Erase Wark, Liseemotire. Bteans Rasine , Lao INstton liattinrllantifacturere. FoCernar, Between newer.. 1W.1111.0f11. NO. 12, Market Allegheny city. et.. near Viol, Plueburph, N. 8.--Old Brass and (kipper taken In 'unease f•:, work, or cosh paid. Orders loft at the "'swath,. or Ofticw will be siesoile.l New Coach Factory—Allegheny. CO. would re, spoali• intro= the nubile that Ow have 0M17.4711:. p on e Leonel between If ederal and handuskt Exerts. They are now naking and are Impend to receive ordete for every description of nhiclas, Cherlota narouthea. harem, Photons, en la, which. ft= their loon ...Dalin*. In the manfrodire of the above work. andthe fecilitiee tear have,' they feel madden& they are enabled to do work cm the mud remould, torte-, with thee. wantins oo ee to their line. Panel l ise:touter attention to the ealection of materials. and none but competent workmen, they have no hesitation warranting their wink. We thereinto ask the etterdloot of the public to this matter. IL B. Beraising done to the beet insane:. sod on the mad reasonable terms Welt Lots .4 Braun. , LRESCO, ...House; Sign and Ornamental Potsdam and Japan... Nato llariurtstrees.betemen d ant Third etc, bltiaburtak, All klnde of.P.lntines for Church., Komi, ie.,10 nu• ter and oil colors, done In the most modern a t yle: Dtacts-• pannt W1.d0,, Iniltstlon of wow. sinrel. end Bram. Ilanaraetc rare of Patent Metal Utter, Dodors iu mined PabeteUPuttr, Limo mid Plena. • m 7 JA. BROWN would most reopootfully in *" • the public that he keep, on hand, at hisstand pn the *wet side of the blamed. All. hen city. a com lete assortment of (salt.,. Binods; elm 'realties Shot tem are made to order. to he host st)le, Zurranted venal toasty in the United Bates. His Blinds caw be removed Rot. the sodtagere+ Crlver. [laving streamed Um wood•or the Cabinet. Establishment of listauT • MoClelland. I aro respond to turned, their old oustomers. as well as the publle at largo. with everyttrior In their Hue Lanus/. N. IS Wood 'meet, Pittsburgh. • moh26 . I. A. BROWN. aW: WOODWELL, WholesaWand Retail r ,,tl . .tenturer and Dpletfn CtsbLte:4.-..,.ti0.5a, 1, ENNETT & BRO., Manufacturers of Pkfm and Taney Tallow, itoekiarthAm ao4 Chan mod Ware. • 015 c• attb• tri.asetory. owner of W. lugton d Prinatlkti Seats, PAL. burgh. • - mtlearxlly OHN WETHERELL Manufactuier of • PATENT WASHER 'MIL& ant.trior ankle, BOLID X and BRAZED BOX ',IOU, corn, of Andarrnon and Robinson strakta. one Kam from tto //Mid Street firidao. Alleghoor Olt,. ocOar T. unm, 611. . Tuas..lhaantaN. Penn. Glass Works. LORENZ 71. MANUFACTURERS of • all kinds of 'VI A L9,'DOITI,LB, and WINDOW OWN, 6 5 W.. , y_ Lb lhont strootn. Pittibmwh. -11,:—Partiont. dointion NM to odd M4H or Win dow Moss and prliallusumlds for &tan sad Nish. • Fifth Street Stooling Factory. AbLUtyiliraiergy, and Fgeonomy rilreE beat goods ia. Children's • .BOcks..Under oh!rt... st manutac tarot • pd.... a too nth otrvct. ing Pncl,ry. ell made front/oat you's gooL NO AdVANCE IN PIIICC. WM. DALY. Stocking 1 , 441.dg. Mt street. igdween Wood 11 Igarket. W. W. WALLACE,. -- STEAM MARBLE WORKS, 319. 321 add 123 Literty err., opporde Baia<l stmt. • • PI CIBBUROII. • iIONIIMENTS, Tombs, Grave Stones, Furniture Topa.' klardels. , Idtpoalng 11ton., Be. 1.1. 0 1 on hand and made to order, by.machliarry, at tha lam*: Moen. Three hundred orldlnal and "elected de algae for Monuments. ita:.toc band. Block and Blab Mar. ble hardahed to the, Trade' at Om !carrot All ord.. ewes with dlakatch at 319 hlllart7 great .23 W. W. wat.cacx. DRY GOODS A. A. MAWS • CO. /IMAM S.. .0. AISTIRONT 00, N. TOSS A A. MASONA CO ..Wholeeale and Retail . Dealers In SNOT .0 Staple in/ Goods , Minh Wein. Pittaburah. .11:111PIIY BURCI.IFIELD, Wholesale 1, sad Retail Du Goods Iltenhanta. coma of 'North sal ulna etreetc PltUborgh. IffEDIOINE. Dr. James King, OFFICE and Residence, Nc. 112 Fifth stmt. oppoidee the. esthedni. 814buraII. abl DENTISTS, JSCOTT, Lowrie?, Fourth street, Aro doors von of tdatk4t. hour. figS freM9A.X.tosl,llr. All .Ort .Arrnotod. AGENCIES A CARD ILIiAVING bcon• Uppointed tho exclusive Agents for Pittsburgh, for the sale of PelentUlveted ntost ars. Btretehed !rather 841Ung, Insanhoutrod br P. JNWIILL t 80N. of Hart:B)rd; Oono.—We now offer for sae a Ism* assorlsoent of sU the widths, tosnufabtur. ed e at, the insanfettureee prism hie ardde being sup. riot tawny Leath*. 0.1 0` ever before offered in market. Also a luxe stook of ►U width; of Indls !tubber Belting oonstanUT on band: and for saw at the "Martine Beittrst Duch!' No. 116 Market Area. sold '• • - 71 It PIIILLI PB. ' Lewis' Intelligence Nice. Aro. 2 &. Mir Sired. • 1/DIERE Hotels, Stem . Baste and Private v noun, rill be fandsbeti with good Servants. wad Soma* vish Amin Loomis, . . . MEAL NT, xo B . t r o2LMor itoroWrtL et, ood. WlL.Busineed promptly attended to, Jeldilr LJ ABSUEL . L. MARSHELL, SoarebiTy Oiti vet's Insuranai Co., 94 Water %treat. T. JONES, Agent of the bururanogoilo TV i of North Antotios. 'l4l /vat It. F. b! : GORDON,I , 13:frotary Western Lneu "ILI A. MADEIRA, Atont for Delaware Mr IMal Illaktribianisee Oasoatir. 42 MUT dert. - I GAM 1111113, OOFFIN, Agent:for itsaklbi 11r.,M= 6 ! coutwis. wee. so* *nos of Woof 2000 A . : 8. soUd • • • • DITITWA so •sr ' 41. sou SBURGH, SATURDAY GROMR,EI T1101L19•L1T71.74 sr. 1 . 1106. LITTlat Jr. '. (fAiteoffirra Ralltort.LlttleiCK) 'F. LITTLE & CO., WHOLESALE GROCHE.S...r. PRODUCE &COMMISSION MEROILANTT PITT8R1:010H DrAAUFACTIIREI3, is .i419:r1/3 112 5 . 4°"" 6172+88.1TR0U. lATILLIANI M. A. it'CLURG Grocer and y Tea Dealer, conaer of Wood and 812. th 13treet4 hare aleraye on band a largo auortotent of choice (how. I. cod gee Teas—Votolga Proitend Not., Wl:x.l,Na d. W a fin Recall. Dent... onPalled on th e Itmest terms. .1. , Cheese Warehouse. gENRY. 11. COLLINS, Torwardin: and Comralseion Bletr-bant,andllealer In Wm., ;Wei, e" flab and l'endnee generally, gd Wood etreet,labora Water • Pittsburgh naldi M. SWUM-- ... ..... n. crotquww. . . ... ...... -mu/ wiaust. iona wrwm. IaTM..BAGALEY & CO., Wholesale Gro: y V oers, No .18 and 20 Wood Meet. littdsosia• OUT=. IL JON.. tßL4ClißtatNdc CO., Wholesale Oro. • .e 1,4 , 4 _Boat Furnishers , and dealers In Produce. And httsbardh Manufacture,: Oils, Ptteh and Oakum ahrayr on hand at-thair Witrktllwasn, 141 Watoratreat, Yittsburi sefilDy is . . 062165.5m E INGRAIAd, Wholesale,' • Omen .1 Commbeton blerebante, Na 116 Wet, e 661, wad 1501104 otreet, Pit/do:ugh. Ti uzy, MATTLIEW & CO., Wholovale, r•T.t2for ANL'Uoti,l'O"ROlantgerll,Pittatirx-'4. GUN WATT 817.00., Wholerato Grocers ; Ooramla.don I.feuts,arid Dealers In Produce an ; burg turrrhjklormfactUres, MI Li . beM elver, Pitt.. • V. B. CANFIELD, late, of Warren, Ohio ge . 1):2 `4l, d it= n iggiTtil aera t ite t /er, d k= Pearl Aith.'end Western Produce generali . Water Meet, between Smithfield andiffeed. Pittsburgh. ' • , 1811111 MCKlM —.4lolsitir bitty. SAIAII DICKEY & CO.: - Wholosale pro- Ken, Commlasicat Merchants. and Deskrai in Prolud— Wster. and 107 rtallt street. Pittsburgh. AMR •COILL......WAISTI O. act & ROE, Wbolesedo Grocers sad Clonnolimbo ideroboato. No. 194 Liberty Wert. Att u? h. I.IOBERT _MOORE, Wholerale Grocer, lIL &milts - tug Distiller, dollar In Pratitles, Pittsburgh Suchicturesouid In of Forslan and Dotusstle Wine. and I,l4auor No. aggl. r t 7 •tret u ol iv gg • ZgLin'ZirsOideionTima. • 7. DOUR'S% DALZELL Wholesali a, Granny Clotualsrlon Mere-bazar, Mean In Praluot mI PAttobtriat Manniwtoredr. 26a Liberty 01.4 elnaburgb- - wltni WittrtioClANDlMS,.inoooZ) re to v L. A. J.D. Wick, Wholesale Gram, Pomading sod Ootanisskos Morehats, deans In hon. Nails, aims, Cotton Yams. and Pittalmrgh Maufseures generair, saner of Wood and 'Water street*, Pittsburgh. t CULBERTSON, Wholocale Grocer and at i v ... Merchant, Ihmler Prtidee. and Pitt. utsetared Artlel.. 196 Liberty attaat, burgh. JD. WILLIAMS & CO., Wholesale and • Entail family Grocers, gonna:hag and Ootosnission robuots. and Dealers in Country Progisos gad Pittsburgh 'ago asign% corner of Wood sod Plltti sts, Pittslott--=h. 4 &R. FLOYD, WnolesjodrooeTe, era' . =Union 7dorchantm, and Dogma Prodgoo—Bound web finildlngo, fronting on Liberty, Wood, and Sixth Ptitoburnb. • aIHE subscriber would respectfully inform his triende, wad the public test be has opened the hoc. betel) occupied by Ileum fiercer e noble... coy- Ear of Weer Alley sad Yedenl It. Allegheny. forth. Pun.. of dolug a rectal. randy Eirooery sod T. Mud se" where he hope. by rime sttantiou sad Par deeding to merit ashore of patrottaire, °all - WILLIAM FRANCA. MUSIC INsTßlrlatTs .11OUN 11. MILLOR, Deatz! , r t r ia Piart . gr i t!: te . g i rcluonor7. bolo moot, for . 9 . lto_kertiteo Plano Forts for Woomoro FrOloB7l 1-.10.n-woods. IENRY KERBER, k. Dealer in Musky Mu: - j stool loarromeato. sad importer of Itaibm Memo. Vtik . a=4ll= 11:1.1rD• 190tOrti twl tIRA M :Ole i:i.t i.:(e, 'l l B. CALVERT CO., Dye-Sinkers, 1 4 1 +4 ) 1rr r otZ VA Matt "agt.ll'" llinaLet " VITLLILA3II SOLIUOILMAN'S Lithograph : , is Matabliabrunt. Third stri.M. appetite tha post 015., PM. bum., Maya,Landscape, Portraits, }Maw 011171eadt.Pratte. AtmL Label..architectural and itaattlua Drawings. Rosin.. and Visiting Gala, da. eup+.4 ar on.. on Stone.. and printed 1a oaken, Ooii, pramsa . Or tL. mod army... Kr[., and la tb. mut reams. WCioL - Nl=Mm Ft LEE, ( Sueoreihr to Murphyk Len, 1111.SCHLLABE0118 CARDS. oto, (ateum..) y ADIS'S' 4r, CHILDREN'S SHOE STORE. I has al.rayoreo band • full woltmont, No. . iit?orth stnot,Pittattunak.T.L. saoard BREAD AND CRACKERS. r RON CITY PILOT BREAD and CRACK ' rat HAMMY. No. 317 Liberty street. opposite the bred of ihnithlkl4. Haying purchased oneof W.R.Nwrin'eCrealrarend Bread rnachllush I entrap...l torn all orders tn. Brack ere or Pilot broad at the shortest hafts... SuparlorFaud/y Bread. nye and Disparate Bread.larre and small Rolls. fresh erar7 rharulnir. Stoambosts. Dote's. do.. inspriled with hard and soft Breath et all Woos, *Sr Cahei sod Coufactihnaty on head aad reeds Is roam I sellll `- J. SHEPILAILD. - slimes WOODS, 00 MMER'OIAL• BROKER, - No. WIS gingkalb string, SDU HAVING established ,myself P 1 as TT -above, I s i siviVa Vane.:''' '.: =ll,`l,llfP"' sold. lo this market, and far ti.tale of "'Mob gassy 'sex , tlou will be owed. All orders fbr Pittsburgh Manufactures villa. prompt. 17 attended to. Particular attention willbe B ran tc the lale . and Col. button of Not.. Drafts, Slits of Exchange, and the Pus chum sod Sale Of Stocks. Si industry and moons) attention. to all 'business in trusted trial or, I bops to merit arid receive parsonage . . TLIOMAI WOODS Pittsburgh. A MI 22. Ina BARD 44 DR LANGE, DEALERS IN HIDES, LEATHER, AND OIL. , . Lliberty street,' (11101:OY 281001.D11311/01111.) They will keep on hands, at all times, a Rf t .7.a ‘ L... , ertne t =thili i ee d r i :hoe l v te7 and dad. arde !BAB' it Idf' New Leather Eitire. G. ISOWAY, late of the firm of It. Bard, 1 eir me Elbert/ cropo.lta th• head inlet street. wholesale and retail dealer in LEATIIEII. ! apt 01L. hae just returned from the East. and is now lee:riving a large assortment of Luther, construing of— Rod Bela. Baltimore Loather: PhiledelPhle end Fs. vh Caltsking Morocco and Kids. of all derieriptionc Binding end Lining BO.; and • general auortment of Findings. /levied porohrieedsos entire stook for oath. 1 am prepered to roil low, for east,. 1 would Invite my friends to tall and examine tar Oak Debra purolaaing rdrawhere. mhl4 J. a. taOWAIt. FtAPING 'received ray SPRING STOCK nr.0.d..-1 will be pleased to altolr them to ley friends and those wanting anything In mg lino. gamagn&wzgrvw:gmtz.gmeg Damaskaansit of nindings and Prtrigeg lap and moti Curtaias. of splendid styles. and Curtain floods of all kinds; lrenehand American Spreads and Quilts; Cbr niees of new patt erns; Rands and Knobs; buff. glom and stonreolored Liolland, all widths; On Cloths awl anodes for Window Aiilllll4 Verdi'. Blinds of all kinds. ')rders promptly .filled. Wit. NOBLD. NEW SEED STORE. Wardrop, () 1 21 R8 f g . l ai bl,Pd A t i l A4l( BIRDS °Me b.rdr ends,. u t LO WE ILIVilt 0%1 helatint leitarnArAggie4 PA; d trttliciTtlerti t A &Virg I.bliniegtorititr th e V4"4. kele" • CARD. State Officiallaterpieter. • • ifry ROSE In u torpritlr of li forggn evrartla, to . =4:A ITty.'of.Plttahurgh. altar oi .12,117h:Q="a"graet,:f hoe 161. L. Nurile: Fourth incest Boole, Deets. hlortgagea;kowers - Or it, Corner. and all Co other writ/ogre otOtteonTrr.' Wed front Cr Into the Gorman. Treneh. Italian- ann Rea. Leh Larionaree, erlth neatuie and dlopatolt. • OUNTY LANDEI—Oapt. Malec p Attorney at Law. Do.14:1 Thlnt et, oarnerorChino7 Alley. taring made annitiftl.olB' for the purpose, .1 ,1 Procure Bounty Lands nor • officers and eoldiers„ their idows atotehildren, end - "HI Ittand to any other bust s:ten, conneetsd otlth the government twiny of Its Depart. meat/. the ketdon. Moe, a the oourte at the City at Wublagton. • NeX tent OrrESTER Merchant Tailor and .010 - thin. Numb er 74 Wad itrost. Paridenlar attn. now pub! to Bore , and Youths' Olothing. tmUt7 . . Wti. DIOBY, Moralism Tailor, Draver, nd realer la • Roo Malang. 1111 lan - li* • fiv WATTS & 00. Merchant Tailors 181 o f/lA r i c fmtr f dtc r od. urs ur . r . =3 . g . curl:lring ir.u....nitawZata s sea caw wartr. s eer Wend. sral matntnitr. IIIiOMPAVIVII OR 4. IEOIO AVM. NOBLE, Upholatarai and Dealer In onnenrkr. Inualesaln and Il•tan. 77b/M Melt rttebtrygh Coach Factory. VO, 46. Diamond Alley, near Wfta M. BIGELOW. Prff V",OTICE.-RAILROAD CONTRACTORS, 11i . raardaMINERS n N a D loatgnts.—nda l Y ) rs lk36illl > nMrrOa. f•t , a rot table/hunt Marlins and Pumping Unbar —7 . 1111, an odadanitb.both doable, and single softie/as. and man for loallnx and dlarharatall tit... 1F416 softy &fling are wombat", 434 alma Brian tar ruins able meta malt.. Tba engines: bona. roatlnn am, do, nazi& l ige b ilitra4=O;2 4 elyTtik b :` mpT" t s v oZ tri Ms IIIT•ntor A. NO. ii Masts' guar w e a:l%m ' iNSURANOR. - TIIFI Wand) etTA - ItS LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITY AND TRUST COMPANY, • PALLADELPHIA. CHARTERED APRIL 26, 1650. CUAWrpa ilacrgre AL CAPITAL---$250,000. Odle* 11. IC. corder of Third sad Cheenat streets. Philadelphia. 01/1011IIIi 07 TUX ROMS !MAID AT PLULADLLPIIIA, lageeole: Stephen B. Oraulbrd, D Paul B. Goddard. Ambrose M. Thonanena, Lawrence Johanna, Benjamin W. Tingley, aeons !Alletu7. Jseob I...Flantnee. • Jame. Davatuux, Willi= M. Godwin,. WBWm 111`11.m. President—Stmpbea it.Orav bed. . Vice Pringini—AiabromeW.Thanneen. Rohm! Exuatincra —Pittsburgh. Jame, H. Willson. M.D.; Allegheny Oily, X. B. Mower. M. D. !+&0808X. ARNOLD. Agent. mhl7 74 Fourth stmt. Pituburth. Western Farmers , Insurance Company, 1211BW IJ3BO/11; OHIO. ISHMIOH 011101, No. 129 4TH OT., PITTBBII/011 • CAPITAL, $lOO,OOO. • • HaILY. President. Lett Mums. BeeretarY, . B. MoOsamu'. Agent. will insure Buildings, Btores:/derehandise and proper. tv generally.. the most favorable term.. nand., . Delaware Mutual SafelalasuraneeComp'y OOFFICE in the North Room of the CHANTS EXCIIANOLIItiIrd ntrut, Philadelphia. liAltiNE, INLAND. AND FINN INUUILAnut. Kearns lasosonne—On Vessel; Cargo and lreight, to all S ID rreic Porta I n theworig. . sannea—On Goode by Elver, Canal and Waled and by Lapel Oarriage to all parte ot the Union. inept ding tbe riak by Fire until Wired. - Inu aces--On Manhandle. generally. on Ono Dwelling Lionam ABBliPB .0P TEM OOMPANP: - Ronda and 6foN@ Norman :1. 186 tloßod Sista!, Yormayiranla. • yids Or uatodan and Amboy Railroad. and °tiler loans .... . ... 10,963 00 Ricca In Ruins. Rallioa.da,"and insu rance C os., Mast 70 Bills 120.163 62 Ouh on hand-- ... . 61 Premiums on ata . ;l' n17 .- POrierea noaTillYi;ii;:a... 07.147 2. DIIIICTO.3I WIIIIMISarti a, •James O. Mend, D. R. M. Murton, I I Jusepn IL neat , Pheor.h. Paulding , W. Eyre, Jr.. Edmund A.Souder tuna IL keels, Joehus.L. Price, ~ John U. 0.14 , Gush •Cralg, Jemei Tennant, .1 Robert Buxton, Spencer ktalrain. Joeepb 8. Burnett, John R . Penrose, Charles Rene. Jos B. 3Pirarland. George C. Leiret, Seinuid K. Stokes. Win.O. Luderie. Abed Darlington, Henry Moen. • J T Logan, Patel!, B. Jon. Brooke, James Traustair: D. T. MerS•ll. no. J. G. Johnston, WILLIAM MA Tilt. President. ?noises 0. Limo. Vice rreement. JOU/RI W. 00WAZ. Becret ere. C0MP.0.7• N 0.96 Wirer s treet. Batte• 1 1-. A. MADEIRA. Agent. air °rm. of • lunch. [jell Karim, Fire, ana Inland Transportation Insurance. pPai Insurance Company of North Amerioa, hllndelphia—Cdtutsred - 170f. Canitall6oo,ooo. Aspett rr 13 .6 1 1 5 60. Will snake tanrance on building.. and their contents, In n thls edgy and litinly,• " c I TUT;7: 7 01 .1 .:261.:Ve 1° • hi m . " b" t.mmTortatlan or las ma. . Unbar G. USU. Pr W. Mama P. Om. Samml W. Jonas, John R. NMI, ' Edward Smith. ' Richard D. Wood. ' . John A. Drown • William Welch, : • Samuel I. luith. ' /ramie Reeky. • m:Stiell mums. _ ' B. A tuft Alliborm. A12 31 1 1 g4 Tgra. Wm. Z. Bowes. • Demme : . Jacob AL Tholtu. • Jame. N. Dickson, 8. Morris Wain, U. D. Mscrund, fica.r. This L. Um Mad 'ammo. Oumpazty m the. (tufted States Ma from its WO IMUMUM loos (monism. amide tome, ami avoiding all riots of au extra • hazardous clime:ter. I/ ass be oonAdered as offerattit o p enagQre nblie tei. . 00 and HI Water %Isaac item Insanuir - Western _ —lee Company ofPittsburgh (APITAL 11300,000. IcIILLER, P.M. O.rdon , Beco,uirT,_ litmus amboot at kinds of MM., TM% and Morino. All issues *lll be liberally *dinged and prom Ply Data. A: hum Inetltution—managed by Director* who are well known In the community. and who aro determined _by prompt:tom and llberallir to maintain the ohmmeter which Shay bare assuated. me ontirc, the best protection to three • who &mire to be Insured. , romexem—ltenben Miller, Jr .. J. W. Untlm. W. Ly . 3140. Ihnown. T. Seat; A. Nimick. C.W. Rieke mon. 0.6. %W Jackson. James .11 , Aoler. amorlte Dmrole. Nathaniel Holmes. Jame* Llimlnaott, and W., cam, Zio. 92 Water stmt. (warebou 41 - Dr , 11 Maim) Pitteburch.' IrfATI zurtru. FIRE INBURANCIE COMM k HARszsarrao. • 'DESIGNED only fOr the safer elseeee of Property, by an ample cspllal. ano atterds meal. or snowing. la robot of oneapooso, oalot7 and acenntrao. dation. to My and country rnenhants. and owners of ?Swellings, and isolated or counperty. A. A. OStry Apro Actnai7. oo2T Branch alias ! ! ji .64 graltbleld et... Pittsburgh Co: of Philad'a ~-pIRECTORS: Charles W. Baneker, Gee. W. B.trAtards, Thos....liart. Mordecai D. Lewis. Tobias ogner. Adolphe IL Rorie, goat tog Grant . &mid 8. &men. 'Jacob 11.1intith. Morris Patterron. OILAHLES F. BANCSIIIL. Praddant. enema O. Selma. Deorstor? TAU °MACY 0012thlUel =11k• litnenonne.siennaneat Yrcltadted. on every &saint:ion of /menu in sewn erg Aceturri s .: rates 1 ..., 5b511.1 arezonistent with sectuttr i. irVeT, wlllt tar 414Larisal.Prtnituna, safely In t ranet onterl ample protection to lA* unwed. The &meta of the Oosopany.ea donsiArylat.llllll.=.tb. agrosabiy to the net of Assembly. smug 11911%a ae Ic.crary $3,9441 IT • . 21 . 82 2 64,346 81 51,112.708 44 • Bier. their InsorPonttai l • Ported of 1 r.n. the neve paid onwards of One lin, Poor Hundred Dollars Lowe by Fire. thereby al:finding evidence of the dm:doge. of Inettrance. as well se their aldllty and dl► parittart to gloat prosoptusee all • J. CIAADNAD. COFFI. Agent. Sala OfilooB. Learner of Wood' and &I eta ONUS:. a. iuntra ~_........._...—_..„_.a. JR B. B. GRIFFITH & SON, GENERA& COMIIS/SIIIOI4 MESCHA3' 8 r 24 SNUB'S WliAtllf. BALTIMORE.. U./SUMILI iiteia-9tephase Tines &Coo fo a rr-a.t1441./n.E . , 141 ; Bentu, LS Walser et, Baltnners—Johno Unpkinl. Lei., ro4ohlont March ante hhhin ch,unnoy limas. Esq.. Preold.ont Western Haat; John lope). han . Cashier turners* Illerehanteßanlr. OF.n.iyt Co.. Rasher.. iihshieetes.D.C.—Corsoran t Atm. Bantam sal2tf Straw Bonnet and Hat . Warehonsa. No. 105 Malmo Sormar, 13 U. PALMER offers for sale,at vary Eli♦low DAS* i roll sesimoserat or firm sad 1 101 . 1 V 6 attiers1jre end Arrierloss_plars arra • me', Perm. OLCIPMILLOU.L•OI 4 Halr.Pee. yes. HA rj-..rres , s, YorrUte. ard Hoye' Leghorn. sad Mao Braid. Straw. P 1111.128. Staxino, ered ?elm Itr• tante bestws, Braid:litra..4324, Wroth. Us?. sod Mb. Risers' three,. Amur r o th er forme. la creates& 'Terfritr ALT= it.amf.phCa taaaaa rat. Ate. all vld th e lard eoljrz . rerun Germ and_ plj ' QM. 14C23—Plals sad-feared white ends:sorer $U said parse .1124 . S TR/JULLA W — Ourds.T.saralsakattaaa. BMW Pral•threso, to. .11 . 0 Ma—heath T a O nd AS . RCI2 gr ls flikblaabO sad 11 M/PSZLZB ° 424AT/R2l—G a lee de rile else. Gm. di "Imam era o th er ate's& aillo2tBd oulltles and adore. • - &MlSR—Snorted qualities aid Oattoti. 440 .-RiCh A lil . l4 lOW orlSelParseols thd Crolmelles. Haw A,. A Mehl!, Claret , Dairy. rrilE eabeeriberie prepared to for- •-• II nleh to families, 'RUH .111 - LR end C &Rd M. Pest; sad 1.111 be thankful far dhe_ petroosse of hie .4 ". friend! end the nubile. nu WlPPwill he fed oa • • wholesome food , mad sway tare sin he taken to sway his enetonters. Orders eddrmeed to -Whiles Port Ofieh aletarr the No. of the tweldearw and knot. will be rout. natty, attended to: I orladtfl U.: PARRY. _ . W. W. BURR, O. 99, North. 2d et:, 2 doors above the Ble. V.mora Love, Phlh , deleble. Nanntanter. ef ne 0 ter Ilamobhre. Molt Lard .4 OH LAMPS:Mae dellart. and candelabras, for oaurtheu. deer. Parlor'. le The inbeertZ revealtally halite th e attaolled of aterekreyere lid the public generally Jolla large cloak I t ti e gAr. 4 4:llrniar i a_the abore named articles atederale and Mar foloWmnamadunnoapriers. dim hest guelllf or behave' Yield. Fine Oil or Oard , W.. Globes, Bb.dee, N, 11.Newell'a mr ,Patent Malaty Lamp, a ••• • 111,1 •• neldad • ' MU/ ..... CINNAMON. tiz. KERR, GENICAILALL conitassaort MECILLANTHe Fwarlt BMW. atoms =ln Lao imam, 1 110101NNATI, 01110. s3...partioda t attention givki an d lladou °Mem Asants kr the 'ale ot N an o Mono tared at. Wiera or nary drasrlptlon. Also, Lard Oil, La c. 11: 1 1 Tallow, Stearin% tta,,to. • . • JOHN" T..'HOOKL (0/7108. MARKET BTRIMer, DROWNIIVILLR. ELS BANZERAND .BZIZEUNGE BROKER, A ND Dealer in Foreign and DomeatiO Ex- Certificate. of Deposit. Rank Notes and Bp. therrsec ?poor reeved nn Deposit. Mont Cheeks for sale and .ilectionA mad* on II the principal points of the United tltate.. Advances Mode on conslatinento of Prodaeo. attipped ratd:ott tonne. ociii-ird BT. NIOIIOIAB HOTEL.. . • THEVIL•VIEL NO . 'PII II CIO. THE undersigned respeetfully gives notice that tbo WS. Nu:mocks la now open brill. soomnoolotlon of the oubllc booing boon 'obi:Mt on 010 Old iIP.II. formorly ooeuplod by the united State; on lbo. corns of Hallman. loon nuns aleew. Olusberlana. M 4: All (h. modern Igionoretoolta hay* been Introdueed. aid fuourbod In a Oo.oot elesont OYU. ._Their.roplistor tc. Ina • Nor th ern Motel know. hoses to DO •DI• to she iv. ay TatbdUtico. 100 to slaws of mane pationsay. nallklo4 J. O . RIOOSIONII. Proorlorno.. PITTBBUBGR L I VISIICOACH.FoIOTORY No.. 46 Diansied Ai* me. Wood Strati - L M. iliest.ew. raepapre64. - WOULD reapeetfelly call the etteutioaof Pouthern awl= Warn" Merchants to his due atct o=rianes sa o;attmilltin lAtzlealria4:llo=6oo.l workmanship. and under Ida own anpmetalon: ha eon, with confidAmen, warrant tits wink to Da throtior to a... manufactured In the Onion. Th. anceen or hi. o f and tbe meat Mayan In danand for ale elan of work. luta Induced him not to brOld an/ tommoa or low, t tided work In ht. •o,4l4llOzonat Paaoo.waatltood houst Tort WI Wes. call'and magus hli stookWore-Vane tut AU wort warranted. • n 022 A. WAR 1, DENTIST. Penn street, 3 Doors alleys Hand.; iOnFFIOE hours from 9 A. to 5 X. On Patordays Pe mobil or ottoodod to ban . eta 81. IC: Itobw IT 11,1 , 1,1 llPltotittailtat or la as et extreme rottrtittg. • Itollklaid VITARD'S FLUID AND POWDERED .1 4 1. 1 t 7 t 7..* 1 49t. siiFitrzed I rd sold WholegOrn gut - it now tow a = l l2i t m Abe sale liva, oleos issalensist. • " • • • ' ' /*Aux sigma go. E!IMMI 11:18ULX,U)30178 I V McCUNTOCK, Importer and Wbole olLN:go4=l=47fsVgio:rfil Mout Boat Tnomanag. itc. No 11l aoraot roost. •". JOU, b. s. *con IVII3ORD• CO., WEIO LESALEicRETAILFASHIONABLB HAT AND CAP MANUFACTURERS. - .ND DIALLILS IN ALL 17 - 117D0 07 POD& COUNIR. OF WOOD AND F/IfTlt 871 L. Pittsburgh, Pa. /71 - 7beir stook embraces away Quality and style of MG and Capt. Altrs, Boas.OWIA and Fur Bonnet. iwoakital=l, JACOB FORSYTH, - FORWARDING AND comiuswaxeßanairt, raeciv, lll:49 WATER STRUT, PITTFIBUIIOU. BARE t 4 XOSER, RCHITEUTS--officoo: Philo Hall, No. 76 Third amt. Pittibneth: ad not side of the .antend. Allegheny. 171111 m CA2111211103, OIL CLOTHS, AND NATIMON ROBINSON & CO., . 80. 47 Firth street. near 1/10*.e.. LIAVE band a large and choice wort mein of CARPBTISO2; of the latest and most Mind patterns. eonelsting af— Ro7al Velvet Carpetn Tapestry and Brussel]. Cunene Threa.Ply and Superfine CarlatiN ' T" VglA t tl=l7 s Vlrtatiakt TOOthllt with Oven description of low imbed flaitie= t OIL (MOHS From three to t treaty four feet wide, all gnalltleri and pekes. Also. Rage, Hata. Planp and Table vows, land. dow Shades. Walden Blinds. nab' mol Orem Holland. Stair Hods, ale. HATTIN - • • Cmtton Mains; Whit, and Ch eek 44. 5.4, led et w , idm Cocoa Matting_ from 2-1 to 444_41 of which will be Offered at the I.OWEST CASH my,lll • JOHN WAIT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS and Commis-, v v 'slon iderobante—Dealers in Mb, Produce, and Pittsburgh Ilaautaetures, No. 508 Liberty street, have of band and renewing the following itowle, whibh we offer at •• the !owe.; market rater— - 360 twee prime 1110 Coffee: 3 draw 15 boor. 6a and es Tobeocm 60 arose Blaelttoga 16 tress Va. twist Pobacum 20 boxes whits Pip's; 33 bbl,. S. U. Wollner.; 217 begs Table 6814 160 bbis.N.O. do.; 16 bble. Tanners' 011; 60 boxes around Molder... 10 bbls.Ylaxased 011; =O 4l b k :L....a . g. ,..4 1 £1 aro b, .1 6 1. ; =7 reams Woepping Paper; 300 bele.aowmakere Eosin 310 &wish . 16 bble.galeratuel ' 6016.ttems G. P.,.Y. „ 11. and Marl 60 estty-boxes ••• t 60 ht.d... &mar, lair to prime: 60 do Mats Ousts: 110 boxes 10013 and 12014 Window 01ang 62 dos. Barbet.: I,ooobn. Bacon Hater. h2B =MEI • 133 W CLOTHING HOUGH. - • Edmund Watts. & Co., WE ROHANT TAILOBB,. No. 186, Liberty Street RE in receipt of their Fall Styles; also, a complete sesortment of nine and etaple Good.. for. end Winter near. ench as Cremating., Plain Fur, and Ridge Bearers, inmate) and Pilot Cloths, of ruin., colors cad tonalitiesi Moths of the bast make., and most taiddenable norms, for Dims and ProckOnals. lain black Coalmen.. and Doeskin.. 'plain and fanny calmed Quad. y nee designs. • 7V:O ' ilger= received, of the nearest styles. and In great varlet.. altogether an oneonalled sasortment to which are call the aUention of our enstomere end the pub lie, and be leave to enure them. that all Clothe made by us shall be of truperior style, and at moderate nap TEI NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL UNITED STATES 'RAIL STEAMERS The lib Ipsentopeetua thle Line am the ATLANTIC, Capt. Wes,- IA RCM. Cult Luce. kACIPIC. [BALM. Casa Comstock ADRIATIC, Capt. THESE SHIPS • have been ie c if i t I_ built by onntrued emprasa/y La Wt. , ernmeet Service, every ear* has Dern t k en Ili onnetrurtion.aain the Ermined to ensure strength sad 0444k1, and their anconina Mr Pusangers are unequalled tor atemmua az& anntort. Pelee of tusage from hew Sort to Llrarnool In First Pablo. gm nebulas use of extra sited Stine Sums; 00; In Second Cable. x7O; from ltiversool to tie. Yprit. £lO and 220. An arlorlaneed Sunman attached to each Ship. No berth ran to snared until wad fttr. PROPOSED DATES 01 SAILING. Fur Now You. 1331-1/ loan L1T15P901...1351113 Pararday. Yribrltary 5. tr, , ,iniver, bbruarr Saturthq. I. 17 WadninStre " 33 . Saturday. Weduaday. Match 9. Saturdsr - Wolneday. 13. . Saturday.. April 2. w . wbodettrY. April S Saturday. ." 16. Wedneaday. 24. Saturday. 50. War:ay, May 14. W W V :""d 416.411 . . 111.' words:. Wattaeoday. Jana 1. ettuday. taro 11 . Wedneelay. " 15. tuniar. 25. • Wedneeday. Jail 5. ad 1 . . Joly la. drdar.." 73 " 27. .urday.. Junto d Wednesday. Angara 10. starday, "Wadusselay. Jll4l2Td•Ye IMPI 4 2Ib. 1 4 . 411111•4111. 8041111bor .. 41 • 1 1 1 1d 4, 7. " /7. ettnoday. _ , al., Saturday. Ootztom 1. • edam:lan oatess a, Saints,. ; IS. edneolay. . / 9 . Saturday. . 241. sdneeday. Navortber :2: Saturday. NormeiberWedardar. listarday. Wadoes4ay. • 19, Saturday. Detentber 10. Wadnesday.Demnbar 14. Saturday. " 24. Wanaday. , 21. Sur hatight er Pumice. apply to /DWARF , K. COL. 11171 1 (10?,/t: rpeo ' .11 1 5 Z.t, Antra Lond_on; +Oll/. 11111 n RON A 00.. 2R OO 26 - Rua Na n Demo dee ViMalros. Paris , 0130/011 H. DIAPER. Hurd_ ad h R e The manor of rheas dilae arill not to aornmitabl• for God. Gold. Silrg. SultrZeta iii tneelry. Potsdam Moos ar tlie Yalu% thereof the " atre 4.411414. 4lra.d U:14141;19 Pat=la Baturda &turd.: Berndt: ftturds: Faunla. W. W. WALLACE. FRENCH BURR MILL STONES AND MILL PUREIRIJ ESTABLIEEMInv 1119. 831 eat 823 Zamer ers str i PI 11 es, op Bol easar &drVida serest . INIRENCH BURR MILL STONES; OLD eadnew stock. of m• own maenfaettim, ounneird wail quality; Laurel fill Mill Stones:all dam; Hellion - Clothaold and n o w; Anchor Stemma best quality. .t re duced privet- NIIIII p puadies , Mill trona Plekm Pozen. lithe; Busban cart Nye-pleama for : the Runner—always on ` om Dana. Mill Gearing made to order. Ako—Latre petmat French Burr Smut - Finis, mod ha the " Pearl !Ulla" Alleabeny and In six hundred of the beet 11111 s la the country. They are cheap.. dean Where run lighter, and camera durable Mae their= machismo. A named is a outlaw* how the earners of the Pittsburgh "CltyltilLa." tribe barest flowing roil. In the Tim cal (Sr particulars refer to handbilla. t. W. W. WeNeor—Marllir: ?are hem nip joinistlit:O-rir mill two of your Barr Ptout blashhaut Th.y erotic to our entire patl.faction. and they are durable. sat Babb to get out of order , and we consider there the hostataohipoo bow Is two. , Walla= Nona All orders promptly otfiroded atal W. W. WALLACIE. 4 / 9 Liberty street ,___,______,_ 91 1 1119. a rticle te pre- 1 0 E71. ---Jg vented Ao the public a. ,1 _-, ~, /p, the mgernot remedy. Ittoldl.g ie. ''- r. •-, . the pain' and danger Which ,s,- ~ •.• --L.:•-. Se necessarilr attends th• Intro. ee '..,.. - dootion of eidetic minerals . and ere.esktee, with annr• ; ' ; ' anoe ot It 4 *teem, as a no. ' ' _, tree of the escriene mugs • 7, r,"ll\,Fri% 'l4 tie Aye. of acute or throe .‘.., intletrunation, Whether hada* _ , -.- •-; . ...7 ed h• enrolulone •eigin Or, t ic to tiehUlitr of thy or. . owe granulation of t 4 Ilde. We:intim of the lach.7 • • - teal stande e sett *sallow of • from ear caw ' . DILL J. P 173 UNIVERSAL 0 BALSAM, \ A sure. eafe and attain owe fort Mo4l.l=nnTabigi rum 0f../AaN:rnbrulgba."-rothej"M•hitts aain. A tosuda, tinkering:Tot t t h 'i lt., t" VA rto "l att "" "*"=" R. II: Illa.LleftB, 67 WocletreetteePittsburgh: J. P. ►LRHL \ O, Alleabear 01 . ieZtes3 Wholesale and Re 1 Agents. aLtagemTs =taws Ccrpartnership Notice. .. • MEE subearitidn wouldiewpcotfulli inform I their friends and the nubile neurally, that they hoes enteral Into p rtnersh is ootatnenelng au the 11th undeittbei Prat of IC WILL! AIM & 00.. for the murosufeeture o rat thef BLAOSSMITII .Bni.LOW 8 of Pm . / deription *by dete make very best material. sterials and super are ior worrmined to hi T of the hey In raid to hare Cray. au /anti an assort= tof all sine rata 28 to 40 inches, at r thalr rantifatitary._eortra of nob. Won end asadty st lats. JRZlEsTwWdiaktl3.:.. 11 . 11estueny Olty. May my 4r..1.17 • • Bolivir Fire Briok aid OrdolNe Cliy Itad• - edam:ow:Company. r rlClELOomx:Lhavirig enlarged their ei tta, te=d r /eniaal lbw thViStiergurll= l .r= Orden prolaphi attirudid to D 7 REIM • .1 4 RINCrastt lute •0r01tD16.111,11111,,Y1' • E. 'WATTS' MEROHAN7TAILORE4,. • NO. 155 LIFINAVY 111 . 11111116T5, 18 NOW receiving veriilegent new etylee, i t get, mfalg==l:: %W . °t o= a Tus : m .„, suer end WilverOASHMllll2, 'Plash, Cossimere awl VA Yeelows la smut variety. sem ain wont of superior de is are respsitralli Invited to call and anima* our stork MS= we srUl maw= to mike it to their isitorast to • 0 r.,. sae X WATTS • 00.. Is 6 Lib it. IRANSPARENTPAINT•E 0, 1: varboantlfttlde,lgna,m ar pu t% . , GEDTTLIMNS DEUCt3k First Cass Chxdsliewert 3;WA r ~....~,.z,..~eura,.: ,~,.._.,. " \ \ , \ ' \ \\ \ \ • , . • . \ , . 1 . • _ „ „' . „ , , . \ . • . ::: -.4 t i i '--:' \- `..7. - ' '- . " • -'''-'''. --•- ' \ - '' r 101 :ii,RG GAZETTE. - I SATURDAY MO ;SG JABD. :maul --=--.______,_,. Too Accury Boor sno Mrs Fa • • sti —Clad at ord.:, .o.tatig !last,\nratild.thop ar**l emit a letter to the Soalety df•Froseten, Which we'tinb. Hob below in necolin wide, the 141517of:tito Freemen: • 1 \ , I' tie Society of ..Freesien e. \ 4l, ' Max, Bartmwraw f—Whin t 111 am p of relieving 'these whocoffer 'aid. are , poo i. s il l gol; difference of faith and opinion eh old be f orgo t 7 k ten. I doomed" eympallite with hose of eir, Duont.Y. Si Welk uof the'P ce, w o ijere Lt.! on Bunday.niraid. Please ' pt . anal ' note of too - do ll ars toward th id efor which, I learn ream the Morning papßut \ hone; eo \ !lofted from your fellow aids -\ • 1 , ~ Amhbleh Cincinnati. Deo op, ism. °/\ \ , To John Z. "fireellt;ehhiShip ' • ''' Sra —We have reeelied your note at, le 81st day of December, enclosing a ten dollar kill, which you, as a fellow oilmen, bate one, ! iho honor to lend no . die, the blood of a brother, barbarously murdered, stn de between you ton! ne. Our honor and our conchae* forbid nh'sn , sompt of it: our honer and our condones ":S. bid as to acmratt a gift from *hand whlch,`erbile it pretends to shakes thi k t orlds brother onktork the garb of humanity, sea token „of Ihdendetilp, meets with theltither to annihilate him, making the noble feeling of horminitysolounrrient t:i oot t i l- Tate clews.. And as persuaded wir Cr., by Ili ng train of bistorieck facto, astllly the late, 'el \ ream, that a Jeuit ander tho, guidance; of !the delpotio /Dig of Soms.tian never, mean raiod, nor deal With sinoirity i o ns * a n men; known to cherish npledioan 'opinions *andi , settilmanta of Justioe,nud ifrotherly k aireotlon for macklact is we do we beg .to return the too \ dolli bil to you, which yen will dn herein enclosed . • - We hire the honer to otai*,gir, ‘ Y, i nil Praesiour ot mason fiectoMy. \ Ohlolotiotle'Dtu , 81 , : ' c \\ I ii,l\ ~ ~ . \, 81X/12•0111 EVIIIITS Ain • Finmerw __Vk. ,+ --dimes Evan= um Votimm.4he 'Ea. donal Era and other papersu'erted e e l Mr. Mr. Everett bad mold Ms i n nonce in the Whig IZ saunas to keep Mr. Sumner tof the oomeolt; tees lathe Senate, theitostor er, aftertln= qtdry; gives the following owthlt c tivie versii• of ' Mr. Everetei a0t514 ,the tut sr-- t, \ '", The motion of &wird wie ito s r-, Mr. Soinner,'bn thl otioesiinc is Whig" . person's:squinted. vil M r Same re political course could *Quieten agree to sn amoffos. Mr. Everett stated h is persona relations with Ms eolleigue w ere endly , and e wished them to continue it ; 'thehe - bad no now coto Pre vent Ms having any pi en the 0 epee e l lk which the Senate might th tik fit to seal him,' bat that he 000ld'not eonsen g . to reooui him u o Whig." Every other flotilla, wh o liar iiolpated In the diem:Woo, t k the lame ad and Mr. Steward withdraw 'his\ motion: it se ; c thee proposed that the coarse formerly adopted' ebould be penned tide year, namely : . Obi of the pieces en the cumunitume left by the majority to be disused of by the Whigs, to leave • place or places - twilled by Whirr; that Mr. &usher might be usigned to them irate majority thoeght Be. This coarse was adehttd by general 'commie. The amangement of individual Whig Senators upon the different committee', as well 1 115 the iiii ter:ignitions of what places shonid remelt: ivi es:it for Mr. Stunner, yea left to a sob oomMit \ tee. Mr. Everett did not belong to the tub Gott- - tee, and had no omemnaleation, direot or I di rect, with Any one of Eta members, or any kamel• edge it to whet plue wu &Reigned to bluiscif or to any other Senator ' till he heard , the list rim; \ from the sarretary'e table. \'' ' i Moss a: Pasectourr (I) Weis= liraitteat alkar, the leader of th e band 'of on we Who recently invaded Lower California ith shot ,a ‘ half dozen Mexicans, guilty of no offenVeve protecting their property from pillage, hu eed , an addrese to the "People of the United 8t 4,s This reniarkablyocament Is intended , se a s titration of the }ou trages he and his party ciolk witted, mod th e ustlithation is worthy the morals of a robber, burglar, footpad, or any otithritju ' throat ruffian. Relays ;: "When the People of a territory fall almost entirely , to \develop the resources that nature has placed attheir,orm maqd, the interd of eioilastioit regal*thiri aS go ii am:limas tae land " And th e interests f hnetstlitP, snd the demands of law and lug A caught,l.l, both civil and international. require th stothe such faecal' are they shall 'burr tb fate that civilised society awards to frauthoo of every destription. It Is only neifeesarydor gentry of this -description to ' covet samebally!i' property and to resolve that In the owner's hands Its resources are not developed, to warrant thew is taking poieeealoaatii; and to secure It„ cam, mitring pillage, arson. =oder, and-other revolt ing crimes, denlunoed and Rtmished In every civilised land. .Theo and similar rtiffuths elionld be taaght that thereass such things as the lilts of nations and treaties .betweenlistionu r a eielei; ilea of which Is not to be permitted with Istial al ty by governments *boss trestles are contempt uously trampled apoo,'or whose ter:lol3th are invaded by such. lawless depredators—PM • Spasuteav Acatzawrs to 1858 -the number of etoamboat accidents during the pastlear has been few oom_pared with preceding years, whieh" . Is no doubt mainly attributable: to the 'working of the now stsatebeet law: It hut thus far.exar. olsed a •wholesome \ ineuenee oa \ the Western rims. th e following In • tabhoet \ ateambOat aaeldente, lied, wounded, Ito, in 1868: \ Number of Aeoldiote. Killed. '7naded. January, • • 4 26 -\ \ 88' . *\, February\ " .1. 120 \ March, \ 8,, - 80 \1 • . APO, \ 8 ' • 58- 21 i May,' Juar, \ 4 'l9 17 . ... July, ' \ 1 \ 7 ' 2 • August, - 2 \ September, \ 8 8 14 . • October, ' \( 18 23 Noltvaibvt, ' "' 8 ' 18\ Io,' :. December, . 8\ ' 18 ~ 16 \ - In \.819 \l6B _ . Femme lxxtoasszoi ix 1858 :- The ?lisht of foreign Immigrants at the port of New,York during the tut year, as cam:spared with prevlinut years, Is a. follows:- Isso 1851 `1852 _ lima January 18,154 14,709 11;592, 4. I XII__ February, 8,206 8,176 0,342 , 1 4 8 53 March, 5.689 ,10,055 ' 21,728 9,685 April, 14,627 27,779 28,19 '2 2 .288 May, 42.816 88,847 88,872 \ 80,212 Jour, ...11,762 - 81.402 40,225' \46,578 July, \, 84,446 27;612 29,403 22 898 August, 18,092 80,251 84,518 .' 88,632 September, 21,054 33,586 , 86,777 4 3 0 ‘ 28 8 October,', 28.260 . 21,497 ' 17.766 28,201 November, .17,947 29,585 16,678' 81,485 December, \., -6,888 12,117. 16,611, 17,824 •., , ',.. -- --. _-_. ,-,--.„ '212,796 289,255 300,992 .284915 . ~ . . tin the following table, the emigrants mitred caring the year, are olasslfted according 'to as! , Wit,: ‘s., ' It h, •• 118,164 Gamma,. Ea ish, '27,126 Bauch: We , 1,182 ' French,. Sp b, 'hi t ,659 Swiss, Dutobk 1 . 0 85 Norwegians, Ihredee k 1,680 bastes, - Itallans, a \ s 558 Portageee, .West la, ' 84 !Mothers, - Total "‘____" , . ' Chinn Bey Th ettdo II"' " t in °I yesterday e Pinker preach a sermon C oon thor/h -int of crime inlidessaehneetts. lie proved that. I. this city, o *Withstanding the nonage. of. the erdition, and 'ken admixture of the for e ign _ element in It,there had, according. to the o w e or the erinthallomarts. been a constalt in itial densest of otiWO. - This improred'itate of thioge vthattribrueflo part to the effortimade bj benevolent sceletleleand individials to arse. Iterate the condition of.the needy.. and those In an exposed ;condition. ‘ It:was not disguised that than was still a great deal of crime arid . in= lc/apemen in the oomosnidt3; bat it two tame, - nevertheless, that - Boston 'bid not retrogodedr and that, in contrast** other cities, ate so enired, a high . petition-In .thiesaslo of menlity , and sobriety. Mr. Parker tented largely fro* the pnblin reiords, S id pre le/obtained front private /tonnes. The - eermen ill hare a tiov deorghto connterset the bad ern lof 111 coned. eyed statements, whlch.fUlt often Tested by : certain pence for the purpose of letting on o\ u sure oe public fanoUonarlre la timee f political excitement —Borten Courier, IPth . , _/ Pus Tates Dswoutasto.-By smite Though unexpected Consequence. whilst the ': r glens dogma of the Koran tootle to delete; that I. ae 517. to the eery negation of dogma, -fties with regard to morals and polities, 'to dean/ ' the moat liberal and propeseln. .}ltrer3r prilthi= pie of our, modern - dentonacles it therein ti : toned, not only in germ, but expressed in - the. 'meet formal saner, A 'Pork haring hod ax .l , plaited to him the * caning of the wo rd. Larritr,‘ , Ejalite; :Frefawftr.. stamped upon - ow of our soles. 4/leArktrisi, tOott. Is .great(", cried . he: “Tiwit which , the inddele write 'upon gold