The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 22, 1853, Image 2

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'rcm.tenKD BY WRITH t CO.
1119.erriennian Wrickr. 0 zszers,—The extensive elm
lation et our Weskit Gazette °den to Oat badness sorb
■ moot d•dsable medium:tot making their business known
Our eiroulation Is between tour and Eve tbousands nwab•
ns almost every village and county In Western Pennell•
lois And Western Ohio.
16WfO ADiitiltTlßEftB-..Neltber the Editorial Rooms
' nor Printing Satebliehment of the DAM flurrn. are
opined cm ihmanit ADitingligitfl who desire their
matinee' to appear in the Paper on Monday morning.
Will please hand them in benne 6 detect. on Ratargat
OAT/OLIO 111TOLNIAMOIL —The intolerant and
tyrimuleal disaster of Itomantem is seen on to,
ry °cession where its principles and alms are
called in qaestlon. All the ROMsalit excite
metals and riots which arise proceed from the
effort of Cathollce to pnt don freedom of dia.
mission with' the 'strong arm. The difference
between the followers of the Pope and the disol
pies .of Christ, in this respect, are ea wide as are
. their creeds. The moderation, forbearance' sod I
regard for religious Ilterty of tke Protestaat
population of this country, have lately been pat
to a severe test, and have come off triumphant.
Just'after a systematic, extensive, and violent
insault had been mode upon the Common flohoq
system of the country, by Roman Catholic Bish.
op and newspapers, and while the public, mind
was still agitated with the efforts of.that 'centre.
4e4y, a Nuncio of the Pope visited our shores,
in the person of Mona. Bantu, a person whose
character was execrated for his eondoet during
the Boman ribeldon, and for his cruelty to the
unfortunate, Warned and noble-minded Bassi,
who fell s'iletim to 'Papal 'tyranny for his love
~ of liberty.. This detested individual wee
ed.upon our shores by the Catholic population
.with the most extravagant demonstration" of joy,
and he has gone through the land in • I sort of
triumphal march, outraging the sensibilities and
religious and republican feelings of the whole
Proteetent population, and yet not s single sot .
of Interfere:doe by any Protestant American edit
ion has been exhibited. In respecting their
Uwe and institutions, Protestant' reapeot them
aelvoix No sooner, however, does an unknown
sad humble Proteetant preacher attempt to de
claim against the deniers of Popery, than a great
city le thrown Into an excitement threatening
the pablie peace,lind a Romlsh Archbishop takes
the occasion to Invite his people' to arm them
eolvarto resist aggression.
' Thine facts chow that Romani= to an armat
' ral exotic, and that it cannot be natanlired up
. on'the 'moll of freedom. It will exist and pow
alone us, but It Is not of as. It is diametrical
ly opposite to the:spirit, *aims and tendencies of
American republicanism, as 'originated and
brought to 14 preseltt glorious developement by
,the beneficent influence of a Protestant Chrieti-
salty. , Its antagonistic powers will exhibit
themselves more and more es tho poinit of Ite
>Arianism increase', snd it portends, in its ulti
mate restuta, a fearful collialov, unless a consid
erable part of tifemies of Catholics immigration
. eAtteited into, the American ideal, of reit
_liberty, and *converted tto Ohs 'Protestant
faith. There Is mitob to - hope for from this
cause,' but none from any amelioration le the in
. tettie higotry and intolerance of the Papal
Wlteiramo Bamta—The oonduot of Pitts
burgh towards the Wheeling bridge was as base
• as that of Erie towards the Railroad. It will
be remembered that Congress saved the bridge
from her olcitohes by declaring it part of • mail
ronte. ' The State of Pennsylvania made a mo:'
lion in the Bupreme Court. of the United States,
to enforce Abe decree of the Court ordering the
bridge to be removed, or raised. This would
bring up the questionvhether a subsequent act
of. Coignes could change the right dtpartied
under a decree of the 11. 8, Court. This is a se
lilies question, and was directly made by the
action to enforce the decree. - But when the
• motion mime on to he•heard, Pennsylvania was
not present by eouneel, and the ease iris dia.
dismissed for ward of prosecutors. The Wheel
ing Midge will therefore swing In triumph.
Okeskrad - .Democrat '
To declare a bridge or road a poet route, has
!menus • favorite mode of avoid* legal respon
,siblilty. It is a power ine dangerous, and eo lia
ble to abuse, that Allgood citizens are interested
in the early , settlement of the nature of snub
pawn's. We understand that -.during -the late
v isit before the United States Cistriot Court, for
sa bjunotiou to reatralu the people of Erie from
remorlig the Railroads from their streets, the
'Mussel for the Railroads laid great stress upon
the argiment that Congress had legalised their
wenstructibn by makingthem post routes.—
bum overruled the objection, Oronoun
eing it of no force or . effect. The Postmaster .
General could ban hts resort to the Railroad
Company, which had °entreated to'Carry the
tulle, - but the act of Congress Would not mend •
defeat in a road built without a charter, or, •
violation of its provisions. This is the first de.;
01110 D, we learn, ott the snbject, and we be
line it will be sustained by the highest tribe
sal lu,the country, It could not have been for "
that realm that the. proseoatiart against the
Wltieling . bridge was discontinued la snob an In
gle:lons - manner. We again, therefore, mill up
on Mr, Stanton, and the other fatter:ate in the
use. to ennwer.the natural. inquiry of the pub
lie—why was the prosecuti9n against the Wheel
Bridge disecntlnUedt- . •
Nixon' or hissoa , Bonewr Bonno, of the 'Fie
ldale Regiment, with note( and en 'appendix by
•:our tOwneman Neville B. Craig.; Eeq. t will be
lonied and for see by John Davison,' No.
Market street, and the other book sellers of thin
City; on flaturday.
- - We toppose that it is acutely necessary to
immure - to the public. , that Ma la the ropubli.
Siation of s work homed in London. nineti.yenrs
I tkid, or to wily that Major llitobo was a fellow eel-
diet ef Washington at 'Fort Necessity, wai`even
Aqt is a hostage at that placie,'irae long confined
Fore'paqueene, and. was snbeequentli sent
to Quebec, from which plaee he made his es•
"osie, and 'arrived at ilitlifax after a eerie, of
'remarkable adventures.
Givescrt.--A report of the lut lecture of this
tegOODt spostle of Italia n freedom, will pe
'end on' pi, first pass. .
.Yze Nsw Your Yinmaxatri.—Tbe Telegraph
``:bat 'greedy sotionnoed that the excitement at
New York growths oat of the ..street preaching
4itteation," pateedlid on Burnley without the
stout results that were apprehended. The bib
otlifondaj rciorniug gives the following as,
*aunt of the licidenta albedo:
Iva-stria PiearAkil ram:lay—no Disturblints.
Bey: ; Mr. Perilous, the . preather about
wham arrest there hoe been eo touch excitement,
delivered a dieonoren )eeterlay afternoon at 2
'.; •• : o'clock, In the spar yard at , the foot of Third at
East - Elver,. according to the appointment he
• .pvenut at the meeting In the Park. ;
: i'i' ' Tubas tamers/and preAltions bed been rife
• . for a day or two that there would be a diaturb-
I. , 'apeson,ttdo ocoselon,,autilhis, together with a
; deit y existing among the people to see and
'year the itee 'Photo - oiroutestateei liadrandeed
• -_,sti consplouoter, attracted an immense_ crowd to
'the ape:. The comber of persons ?eaten must
•, .; ;hate beia ten: thousand- The crowd began to
• ' -,•!...0e11eat at an early hone, and previous to the seri
' „ valet Mr.' PRIIOOII, they were addreased by Mr
" Wtet• ''MrzErowtrdelivered a shot discourse on
i • wltemanlver.". and' Mr, treat read the Catholic
• - .' ; 0011601013•1, after whiqh he offend a few 're
'..• ' :aterkelliereepon. •
i • - ' Mr:Persons arrlicd about 2 o'clock, and upon
• elog the platform Wu received with•te.
• 2 ,11, satin cheers. a took hie text from the
;•• ,
]6th' chttpter of Matthew, 16th Terre, end his re
istitilia were chiefly confined. la 41/0 flajeOt of
' Cathelkdina. , He briefly alluded to Ms arrest
~ ' En d the Ftsent excited state ofthapublio mind:
. - -Ife exhorted his audience to pretence the peace
• ''
satittairesort to seta of violence. At the eon
' ' rlasioa of his discourse he pronouniell' the Hen
. • -: ediedoet;:and the crowd quietly dispelled, seem.
: .',.1 1 0,73,11110 - * to, gat out of the cold air,, which
t 4 Aras very keen, the shining of the sea.' to the
•• t
''', oatrary notwithstanding " - . -
j • _,' '''faking lute confideration the crowd convened
• F 2 ,• tra.thls caution, the meeting was a very quiet
1 gad orderly one, there being little confuelort. ex- ,
! • . 4 kriot that canoed by boys, who wereaumer. 1
..'"t go lf rePirsented.
• ,:.4.:,„•!,, A-large pace force wee on thoground y ester
...adikpte.pretect Arr. Runes and apprehend any
.„,,onn• who shonid attempt. to disturb him. It
~.,4 1. , ;air :mond abont• tawa that ordershad beets
i htz• e o tbo-thiventh and Eleventh Regiments of
1: , / , '„•,vr a y, York fitata Militia tb•hold themselves la
,o•L ialuess pease of riot, bat Mayor Westervalt
I .4 AL: . •••;'. '
I - 4
~ 4.... t -
- s:~c,k:.:~r4:.—
'a;^ 'N`
- Z -h ~
enured old Reporter that no word of any kind
bad been given to the military.
We may isdd that therewere. between 1100
and 1200 p'r'os, (Americans) present at the
meeting,- from Philadelphia, who came on ease
Thursday last, for the purpose of attending. We
ate also informed that on Sunday night and on
Monday last, some 1400 Americas' came from
Philadelphia to this City after receiving I:ina
nimate of the disturbance in the Eleventh Ward.
The Herald relate' the following Incident:
The crowd began slowly to diapers. in the at
moat quiet and good order, when It was prope
lled by one of the crowd that the assemblage
should form a Lite and much put the Mayor's
keine in Gut Broadway, by way of giving him a
practical illustration-of the state of public
login regard to the recent emote. The propos!,
Cori was adopted by universal acclamation, and
al ansuouitsfol attempts wore made to form
a regular line. The crowd finally proceeded,
according to their owe fanny, and to their own
way, to Mayor Westervelt's residence, and in a
eLort time the street was blocked up by a mass
of human bein4e, who pruerred a wonderful de•
greo of order and decorum, considering the oir
cumstaecee. Not a shout was heard, no groans
were given, no berth words were uttered, en far
oe we observed—the object of the demonstration
seemed eimply to evince, by the mere exhibi
tion of such a vast multitude, the state of public
feeling upon the subject.
For nearly half an hour Nut Broadway was
crowded with people; but as it began to grow
daik, and tho gas was lighted along the street,
tie assemblage begin to grow "smell by degrees
and beautifully leas," and quiet once more rest
'ad upon the city.
The New York Courier out Enquirer gives the
following soootutt of the orowd which wee pres
The spar7yard wee Ailed sad 11111 over into
the surrounding streets and yards. The as
eombly consisted chiefly of American adults;
calm, resolute, and earnest men, who sought tio
i rladlcate and not to violate the law; and who
seemed to feel that the day and the oceasion
osiled for the QIIIITIIII3 of prudence and forbear
auto. A few urchins were mattered about as
usual upon the roofs of the sheds, and wherever
else they could perch, bet even they behaved
with more than usual decorum.
Mr. Parsons began hie discourse in presence
of at leut 20,000 men. Not the slightest gimp
t 'to of disturbance was manifested, and eery lit
tle confaslow or note& Andstant Alderman
Denton we. present, with a permit for the
preacher, to he media ease of necessity.
The IMMO paper gives the following deacrrip
ton of Mr. Parsons' dleoonree:
The diseourse waa of apparently sincere and
pious intent, and sober, and certainly for the
most part, unexceptionable, morally and theo
logically. He announced that It was not him
purposcon this 000aslon to denounce the Roman
Catholics, but to preach a sermon of amore prao-
Goal sort. He seemed, however, to recur bout
unitarily to the polemical topic, at frequent In
tervals, and digressed with severity, but with
out violence or bitterness, upon the mischiefs of
Some, especially in respect to religious liberty.
It wee abundantly manifest that the power of
the preacher or of Ms doctrines was not suah u
to produce much effect upon his hearers, apart
from the exciting topic of anti-popery, and for
eign political influenea The discourse lasted
about three quarters of an hour,
and after an
pouncing that with the leave of Divine Prod
dente, unless the weather should be unfavorable,
he would preach In the same place next Sunday.
Mr. Parsons pronounced •benedietion, and wait-
ed for the crowd to-disperse.
7 ro c ei x tbiAlealk i rka ff erriiii.
In the Edinburgh Quarterly Review, for We
ber, is an interesting article on "Cl:nub Par
ties," written manifestly, however, by one who
is himself a partizan in church do ctrine and dim
cipline. The church to which the article refers
is, of course, the Established Church of Enz.
loud. Some of the reviewer's statements most
.orobably should be taken with some grains of al.
lacunae, and with some of his sentiments we
have no eympathy; but the article contains so
„much information on the internal workings of
the Established Church, and in eo evidently the
production of a gentleman who has personal
knowledge of much that be states, that we think
that a synopels will be replete with interest to
The reviewer divides that church into three
parties—the Low Church, the High Church and
the Broad Church; and there he subsequently
tins dassilles, as - represented by the eighteen
thousand clergy oft °hunch.
An Roan, -
High Church, .[ T - . 1, 8, 000 690
gh and Dry," - 2,000
{ Evangelical, - • 8,800
Low Church, Recordlte, - - 2,600
'Low and Slow,' —7OO
f Theological, - - 1,000
Broad Church Anti-Theologital, - 2.600
and then about,ooo peasant clergy in the
mountains, who meet be classed apart. The re
viewer explains that be arrived at Moue results
by. going through the clergy liet, marking the
names of all those whose ophthcns he knew, and
classifying the rest In thalami proportions. The
twentVeight Bthhops and Archbishops of Eng
land are divided in a .difereat ratio, thirteen be
longing to the Tll2lOlll shades of the High Chuck
ten to the goad Church, and flatto—tEelEvan
gelical partly's. the reasons for the names pie.
en to thenthcor dirleocur of these three great
perdu will appear in the sequeL
The origin or development of the Low, or Bran.
gelical; party in the Church of England, the re
viewer line at the "eloseet the het and the be
ginning of the present century," when "niche
-1 eying bishops and a slothful clergy had sue.
teeded in driving from the Church the faith sad
'coal 'ot Methodism which Wesley had organized
within her pelt. The spirit we. ,expelled, bat
the dregs remained." The seed of evangelism,
however, bed bead sown The "faith and zest"
Tut led been "driven out of the Church,!'
sPieturiteelf around and reacted upon the "an
believing bishops and slothful clergy" remain
ing within the and "in leas than twenty
years" the doctrines of tbe creeds, which before
had beea Almost =Livens:lly repudiated in the
pulpit, of the Church of England, were LI cull
venally preached, and "the faith of the church
was restored to the level of her formularies."
The Evangelical party bad Its representatives lit
Parliament—Wllberforge, Stephen, Thornton,
Barton and their oomijutors—who auccessfally
ltd the van of philahthroplo progress, and raised
the tone of the public) °ancients. The late Mr.
Binceon of Cambridge, the presint Archbishop
-Canterbury, Dr. Sumner, and Dr. Perry, now
Bishop of Melbourne, have bees among the
clerical types et the party, which his been actin
In the promotion or religious and benevolent
enterprises, and has especially labored far the
extension of the Church by personal samillou
'and labors.
. Upon 'the "Itemordite" branch of the Low of
Eelmoical party, the'reviewer Is very severe.—
Its name Is derived from its newspaper organ
"The Report," a semi-weekly journal of great
lofinenjle. The distinctive doctrine' of this
branch: the, reviewer says, are derived' from those
of thefEmengelloal school, "by pushing each of
there' %to extrivegant csonsequeners!! We shall
not enter, into this branch or the subject, beyond
giving the following illustration of the reviewer's
measlier --thus from justification by faith, the
itelordite infers,the worthicasneu of morality;
conversion by pais, he builds a system of
predestination'famlielm from the 2010 eanrems
ay of Boriptuee, he derive/ the dogma of verbal
inspiration." tor a bog time we exohanged
with the fleoord newspaper, and have frequently
read in 'that and other English periodical dioo
courses by the leadiag clergymen whose view. it
represents, and are disposed to deny very strong.
ly, thejastiee, of the reviewer's representation.,
both in the above and, other particulars. His
assault Upon 'their greater ewe for the
Sabbath &jig y unworthy of the character of
the Edinbiergh Review. as ft, is discreditable to
the individnal gentlenian who penned it, eine
(tally if, at wo anspeac he la a clergyman. The
Repordite party, are with, him "the modern
'Puritans," and "moreover, their view of the
ministerial_ officio makes preachincila only . es.
sandal fanation"--a remark that, however just
or unjoat of any particular denomination,
or emo
tion of a denomination, Is undoubtedly true as
ipplied to the eandenay of the present age.. in
support of this charge the reviewer quotes the
following "our of many" advertisements found
constantly Ire the Record:
...A clergyman, AL A., of evangelical view,
deans a sole charge In some town sphere of
usefulness. Advertiser sets forth zealously, and
faithfully the whole *outset of God, and pr/mh
os unwritten sermons. Hls qualifications bog
of rather a high order, a suitable stipend requi
red. Also, he is:a bachelor; the advantage of
good society deilrable. Address, L. L. B , at
the eine* of the Record.
The advertiser having been found, under:God,.
very Dueoessfal in preaching tbo dootrinee sf
glue, would he glad in mestlog another metro
politan sphere. Ile has • powerful *aloe, Ai
earnest delivery, and o style of preqohlug best
suited to an educated and enlightened andltnee•
The reviewer to simply abusive In speaking of
the religion' and other publiit meetings fostered
by this branch of the Evangelical .party,•but Is
"kw In Ids exposure end condemnation of that
large class of persons who slung to a popalai
Church party and are bent upon "turning godll
sere to gain." "Govertueeies and tutors," he
*aye, "next to clerical adventurers, fninieh the
largest proportion of this mercenary elms," and
he again quotes sdrerthiements from the Record
in illustration.
The “Lew and Blow" piety is ug u p on gh o
SUDO footheg as die .911111 r and Dry ' to be sow.
red to hereafter. •
The true High Math theology, the reviewer .
1111}P, represents the dins:drum oboe! of the
Queen Cardiac epoch. 'The Ann= t tweed,
though. Li may be pushed into the Itemanistfo,
le ROI identical therewith,'.' fievertheleee, it le
adesitted Alum -"wording to tite mho of strict ;
lohie," the promo thin 011 t want is Ise,
. \
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Hale. The reviewer's sympathies manifestly
Us in the direction of the Anglican party. His
.nsures of their excesses are always qualified;
some counterbalancing truth Is contrasted with
their every error, either of doctrine or prnatioe;
and their parochial labors are abundantly ex
tolled. Upon the tractarian party,lc wever, our
author is almost as severe as upon the Record-
"Their peculiarities have been made familiar to
all, by the pen and the pencil of innumerable
sentient Who doe' not recognise, when ho meets
them in the railway or the street, the clipped
shirt collar, the stiff and Colette neckcloth, the N.
B. coat endemism* waistcoat, the cropped hair
and unwhiskered cheek ? Who does not know that
the wearer of thin costume will talk of 'the Holy
Altar,' and 'the Blessed Virgin,' of 'Saint Igna
tius Loyolo'. and 'Saint Alphoneo de Liguori ?'
And that he will date hie letters on 'the eve of
St. Chad,' or 'the Morrow of St. Martin?' - Who
has not seen the youthful Presbyter bowing to
the altar, and turning his beck on the people?
Who has not heard him intoning the prayers,'
and preaching in his surplice on the 'holy obe
atone' due from
_laity to priesthood? Who Is
ignorant that he reads the offertory after hie
sermon, and sends round little begent the end
of long poles, which are thrust Into the faces of
the worshippers to extort their tiontributiona?—
Who has not noticed the gaudy furniture of his
Mittralt, the tippeted altar, the candles bluing
at noon day, the wreathe of flowers changing
their oolor with feast or fast, the medieval em
blems embroidered on the altar cloth? After
all, these are but harmless fopperies, only mis
chievous if they stir up the wrath of the people.
Bat the Traetesian mode of celebrating the Com
munion deserves graver censure. In the firm
place, continual bowing. and genuflexione are
introducted,without the authority either of Rubric
or eastern. Secondly, the elements aro placed,
before coneecration, upon a peculiar piece of
furniture, w aide board, called a prothesis or ore
deuce table, although the use of this has been
adjudged by the highest eaclesiuticsi Court to
be positively illegal. Thirdly, in the reception
of the consecrated bread, a novel usage le adopt
ed, which has exalted scandal, and even earthed
disturbance, In the administration of the molter.
The ctuttom alladed to ow:sista in reoeiving
the sacramental bread In the palm of the hand.
Oar author, who eeeme to have no eyes for ad
vertisements in the Anglican party's papers,
finds, as in the case of the Reoorditee, some sin
gular announcements by Tractarians in this
branch of newspaper reading. We quote:—
UK BUT TIM PEAT= Boor.. This work will be
brought out at every Ascension Day,
(heathenishly milled Thursday,) and will be In
the bands of the London and Oxford booksellers
every Passion Day, dedicated idolatrously by all
Protestants to the heathen goddess Prima."
8000 Illustrations are also given of the man
ner in which the Tractarians, who profess rigid
adheranoe to the rubrics, evade one which in
volves considerable labor and inconvenience,
via: that which requires morning and evening
services to be performed daily in every church.
Thus, ono clergyman of this elan appeals to the
public for aid to raise '•a fund to maintain the
services of-a agitate to perform daily service,"
and the following advertisement, the reviewer
odds, "exhibit, a similar mode of dealing with
such embarrassmente:"—
"The incumbent and.deaoon of a poor district
011 the S. W. 00118 t, who are endesvorteg to bear
witness to the truth of principles, amid opposi
tion from those by whom they are surrounded,
venture to hope that some Catholic priest, bless
ed with independeat means, will come and help
them for a few years, in the attempt to bet the
church folly and fairly before the people. Mo
ney is urgently needed for the expense of the
choir, fen"
The Low and Blow, and the High and Dry,
sections of the clergy of the Eng Halt established
church are easily dismissed. According to the
revieirer they ire the formalists, almost the
drones, of each section, and exert but little in.
!Dunce, even in their own individual epitome.
There ytit remains the Broad Church party.—
They appear to, be "exempt from the vices of
partisanship;' men of moderate sentiments, of
practical but unostentatious piety and seal, and
are eepecielly careful to promote the spiritual
Intermits and the moral eleratios of the working
olaases. Their great Idea le that of the true
Christian brotherhood of the members of the
Church, irrespective of condition In life. In
London their efforts are directed to the reclama
tion of the manta of artisans from the infidelity
into which they have fallen, and the eatiablieh
meat of large educational associations and hoed
tattoo's among the younger people of large man
ufacturing establishments, (and 'among adults
aleo,lunder the active guidance and supervision
of Clergymen. Bo also among the work people
of the nulls of Yorkshire and Lancashire, their
success has been great. In faot, the Broad
Church seems to be to the middle of the nine
teenth century what the Evangelical was to its
commencement. They refine to join in the ex.
olualve spirit of either High or Low, end are
tolerant, of other churches. We apprehend that
the writer before us has given, though without
some bias, an litelllgible analysis of parties
within the pate of the Charter of Englead,
by law established."
The Bast,Awt tirulehes the followinc Copper
Copper stock has been quite active of late.—
"Copper Fells" has advanced with small sales
to 61. This Company has two mines, each of
which Is already developed upon a larger scale
than any mine heretofore opened in Amerita
Both are proved to be excieedingly fertile in met
al, aulthe extent of groundready for "swains,"
that Ii for taking out the copper, is so large that
the Superintendent protease the shipment of 600
teas during next summer. The quantity shipped
this season (70 tons) is that which was incident
ally procured In slaking the abets and driving
the levels. The "stamp machines" are now in
operation for the winter. From all account the
Copper Frills mines are not only opened upon a
scale that will Insure very large dividends at no
distant period, but with a scientific skill that
readers them the model mines of Lake Superior.
"Toltee" has been Arm 'at 11 to 11*. At the
Once of the "Winthrop" and "Algoma" Campa
nia/ no doubt is entertained that the former
has the "Stir and the latter the "Algoma" vein.
If so, the expenditure of a few dollars northers
will make them very valuable. Tee Winthrop
has $B,OOO and the Algoma $20,000 in band for
farther developements. It Is less then two years
since the Clapper
. Falla stook was offered In this
market at *6 to $lO per share; Toltec at $6,
late Royal al $6, National at slo'to $l4, and so
on. It should be considered, also, that the pres
ent prices of all these are the prices of a very
stringent money market.
From the Isle Royal we learn that 1,000 tons
of the rich stamp work of that vein (yielding-1
from 10 to 20 per cent. of pure metal,) are airway
on tits itrurface, and that the vein at the bottom of
the shaft is looking better than ever, with the
display of large quantities of the 'silver vein
stone.' The hon. Truman Smith is now thor
oughly testing this vein-stone in large quantities
at Pittsburgh. A furnace has been erected at
considerable expense, with all the proper means
and appliances. From many of the mines, but.
particularly the Copper Falls and Isle Royale,
vein Stone has been - taken that yielded tarpaper
eentagee of native silver. The question now is,
whether or net the precious metal Is diffused
through_the rook generally, and in Such proper
-lions as to pay for extracting—thus far, the evi
dence goes to show that it does; but the present
extensive experiments will finally settle themat
ter. The atone In which the silver is said to ex-
Win minute partlolee has heretofore been 'heave
away an entirely worthless. Nearly all the lake
mines have produced occasional "bits" of pure
silver, bat It le only recently that the Idea-has
been started- that sneer was diffused In particles
through the vein stone. One small piece of this
sock taken from the Copper Falls yielded 26 per
slut of allow. In it, however, tini specks of
metal were dearly visible before crushing
The news from the 'Webster,' 'Ripley,' 'Sum
mit' and Talton' is good.
JETT LIND —The Charleston Courier of the
18th publishes a letter from a lady, formerly of
Charleston, bat now &resident of Dresden, - under
date of September 22, from which we make the
following extract:—
- Jenny. Lind, whom I believe I have already
mentioned as living opposite to ne,.bas a little
son—she nurses him herself.. Oa the dootoes
remonstrating with her, and by way of parson
lion mewing her that her setae would suffer—
nay, that she ran the risk of losing It if she ter
aimed In fulfilling this maternal duty, she said—
.. Pent n'importe, Je remplirai les designs dune
mere a mon enff'—really a sublime sacrifice on
her part Bite lives perfsotly moluded—she
sees no oneher husband she has converted, or
to use her owti 'fords, •!he is baptised by the
grans of God.'.' Abe say' that the ides of her
Amiss, been upon the stage will be a cause of
remorse for life; for whioh she can never forgive
herself. The good Germans think, on the sub
jeot of religion, she is more than an enthusiast
Abe made so noble a us. of -her powers while •
public singer, that I am sure sits should View it
in a different light Ism told she has not much
of a fortune; as she would prefer living in Eng
land, but on mmotutt of the expense has chosen
Dresden as a praoe of residence. .
81100131J1 F.401"..431.1 Edward Parry, the cel
ebrated ninths navigator, recently said, speaking
if the Polar sear:
•You ounce (Biagio* iho ohatigeu that take
pleoe In the its there. I but bean : myselfsometimes beast rot two or three days together
by the too In inch • way that from the mset•beai
1 could not me sufficient water to float a bottle'
and In twenty four home them's' .nova bit
of bee to be wea—nobody could tell why—l oan
not tell whip—and you might but soled about
as you antis your own elver, me far, ere to. if
No Sannavn —le • "Prize Essay on the Sab
bath," written by • journeyman plater iu Scot
kad—wLich for singular power of language and
b esuty of OntreSSloll has never been eurpaseed—
t,ere (mom the folloviing peonage. Bead it, and
then reflect for awhile what
. a dreary and dm-
Ime page would this life preunt If the Sabbath
r ore blotted out of our os.lonlatIono:
Yokefellowl think how the abstraotione of
the Sabbath would hopelessly mime the work.
i:.g elastics, with whom we are identified. Think
of labor thus going on in one monotonous end
onktinuous and eternal op:de—limbs forever on
the rack, the fingers , forever playing, the spi
t, tlls forever straining, the brow forever sweat
log, the feet forever plodding, the brain forever
throbbing, the shoulders forever drooping, the
llineforever aching, and the restless mind for
e -er scheming.
• Think of the beauty it would efface, of the
merry heartedneas It would extinguish; of the
giant strength it would lame; of the resoureee
of nature that it would enhance; of the aspire
ti inn it would crush; of the sicknese it would
breed; of the projects it would wreck; of the
groans it would extort; of the lives It would im
molate; and of the cheerless graves that it would
prematurely digl Bee them, toiling and moiling,
sweating and fretting, grinding and hewing,
weaving and &pining, strewing and gathering,
mowing end reaping, razing and building, dig
log azdnlanting, unlonding and etoring, striving
and struggling-10 the garden and in the field,
in the granary and in the barn, in the (eatery.
and in the mill, in the ware house and in the
shop, on the mountain and in the ditch, on the
TAW-side, and in the wood; in the city and in the
country, on the sea and on the chore, on the
e.Leth, in the dive of brightness and of gloom
What a sad picture would the world present It
no had no Sabbath."
A PALPLOLII illT.—Oat Walt, a stump orator,
letting to deaoribe hie opponent as a soulless
man., esid:
"I have heard somo persons bold to the opin•
Inn that just at the precise moment-one human
being dies, another le born, and that the soul
enters and animates the newborn-baba. Now,
I have made particular and extensive inquires
cvnceiming my opponent there, and I and that
for some time previous to hla nativity nobody
died. Fellow•citieene, you may draw the Infer
The Government of Baden, in Germany, has
decided not to proceed harshly molest the
plies te who circulated the encyclical litter of the
alai/bishop of Frieborg. They are to be fined
10 aeries each, and be warned to respect the
geverement in fame. This lenity will tend to
allay the great eooitemeut that exists in the
Ti)e St. Paul Democrat has been favored with
the perusal of a letter from Selkirk settlement
on the Red river, dated RI inst., by which It
learns that a terrible end destrnotive ere swept
Ozer that settlement on the 20th end Slet
devouring everything in Its course, end epreed•
log terror end oemiternetion through the com
munity. Several citizens bad been severely or
fatally burned, several thousand tone of hey dee
troyed, sedan immenee number of bargee killed.
At Oak Hammock 27 hoteee.were destroyed in
one bend.
Miss Rosa Doorman, daughter andassistant
of Mrs. amens who was tried and found guil
ty a few weeks since by the Supreme Court, at
Norfolk, for instructing colored pardons to read
and write, having returned from N. York, way
brought up before the mayor on Tuesday end
held to bail in the sum of $6OO, for her appear
ance at the next term of the Supreme Court.
1111WWW8 71:1111T PRIGISON
NITIZENS kind strangers_who "High to ot,-
N. .1 [aim an ..cama s artistic .ad Ills !Ike U1m..., 41
thin I.6.43"aitZellaZt.:ll%.*leLliernlell7.'iclit
'smarm:tics-S. or Co charwa made. Basing tn:. of tbo
iscawa .ad Co.! arranizal fild. sisal Bityllahte cyst can
aractsd ths surpass, with tantrum. o ilia. mo.
pno , runi kmt, and ha slut 2 4 4 14 , l11wirousis cf Dsswon
r,trritit. es now cractlasil Cy the 0010bn...1 Bar., of
railadolatao sod Now :( orb. 111, N. flails. Mc.. to be
abis to cifer to the satrcas :L. A., • Orin of laueurn
roaroon...M. , :caln ernes.. hasp os”r twaw
n‘s.r. ac , was , +cr. ITO., II
1. 111_ to, s r.t
ACE SON'S National Da_guorrean t, Gallery,
r w 6-1-4,1. g ut v,,T rAn d ri ,.ari.: etc. t .c !to
Ladies sod Oloottaccele viehing VI obtain 10.1 W 111‘....
..tarota price, will plow call .t th• above .I.a/b.
Meat, f.tlod no with Tory rap...or 81..1 Sky Ltat.,
armogecl with/Itch skill that t.r. operator co. 4. th•
swot aimtles of the /Sown cow th •11 th•
aroreralon of aoheistol I.e. au. vrowtoos.
t0...15w. Panting., k,. Istmarr-talr cord.. and Alto
t•ten origin a/
va.1 . e.0. not raptiteal te tete • ... zee, cutler. • per.
fact rescocablaw
. ...
IL.P..rlkonet.aos [sled or tier , dad perrodd la
day pert al thdrit74dtd didfoltys
rdrUncrid• dr., and crdriktidd frdrz 'I .. rt, untll d
U. 11.n!sar.“.• In N. latammd‘L idZkalddirlyrr
stint would for any ono to
have the temerity noergags Is emote= ;Um negating**.
Dr. linclisagretgleraisn-Ditters. which swaggered t t Dt g
C. K. Jackson. -fertile of draperdie g lisse igesspisise shit
dessaseseettt otthe dig 1 1 1.1••01 . 8... their UMW oiling
bevy long don besentsde sisistlr stramst. MAT Wire
trots the system the aragbid hector, stitch totted the sat
arel reactions. end bring robes.., to Wage* sad rue
1.1 lag to the bro.. Thar banish thong ,legs *" hull'
mem serif restore the system to blob bait delider
awe toritAze• 00.. Plttabwrigh. Dna. lab %I
THE President and Directors of thiC
My bar* thin day dartorwl • 41.41.040 t tiro Es•
rat!: trg holn i trie Ani e s [VI tr•
forthwith and Two Dollars credited to tit* stok.
de114014 15•11VEL L. lIARBHALLy...6•er.
Ornics emus. isszvacs
AT an election hold t
Pony,. Mid,day, Ma 11
od persons Irmo olootad Enron
11. D. King:.
Wm. Bossier,
Nomad Ken.
ItoborrDuntsp, Jr.,
B. liarbsuah,
Imo kl. Pennock,
Wolter BryanU
John lot
et the cffioe of tha Com-
Itoth Im., the folowtim mgt.
eetiya f.r Us eturctlastssar
I • Wm. Larlm •r. Jt..
/Ismael M. 1(4414'.
• William 8105b . 14
Job's 8 Why
~ pt Wallart
i b IIL ° L
1141}18IIE1.L. B•V.r.
irLyon's Kathairon—Foi mese g,
. .
restorisur.clessuing aril beautifyloathe lialt. al/ nit
ruinous head-mobs, and outing eruptive diseases o t he
Skin. Its reputation. co-srt-raive .111. the elv at globe , mates all probe superduous, all llllNnivratics
Isupostible; and glare Its Marceau hes fount no subit.6
tutedocozpeteltelocontatediDa IncontestableauPerintltY.
Physiolans and (.15erolits.—bonceabLe olthene from all
Protesrions 01 114,—the loading Joornals of Marone and
Anterica—Ledies who bass turd It upon their dniating.
tables!. and Mothers In tkelr Nuratniea—ln that, Ito nill.
Don patron, aroma... 4 from plebeians to Mugs, PM
no. nog It the moot pleasing and atteettre tirthle either se
a Medicinal or Tollat preparation ever prodnced. Do not
tall to give It a trial. Pvio• but 26 sta.
D. B. DA ILICE.I, pioprlstor. 101 Dryoilmen N. Y.
Bold In Pittsburgh by It. IL Zellers. O. /neer. Neu).
Pare Jr.. flaming Bros-, and Breen • Heller. de2l43b
ViirWattlty of Comdderatiom—Scitnoo
has been groping for Mall after something that would glee
new force and vigor loam argent, without the penalty of
subsequent relegation. Thedesidenitom Is euPPlied. lai
Moue's 51111 r or Cordial we bare • preparation that Ea.,
tha3mpetusof vigorous health to the Impaired thyalad
organisation, and at the same time elevates the stdrite.—•
Nay, mere, It keeps both the body and Mlad' at. the true
pitch of b lath, end there I. no depresedon. con eegnen s
on Its astion. In this reaped It differs from every other
Mitunbuot known . , beginning with eplum and ending em•
monis. Cootradlation of theme Gaeta to challenged col de
bed, it.; that the Ells ir or Coeditl will cure etch hoed
ache, corr.n b.wiwoho, ameasta, lownos of spirits,
sexual incapacity. Irregularity of Insane.* of the hiss•
Cons peculiar to females, nervous affection, general debit.
I ty. sheet...tem. want ofappatne, /savor, want of rtithi
In any Depth!, sickness of stomach. ['dnae of the head.
ounfoslon of Ides., hatuleoce, and narrow mamma Prordy
of the uniform &loofa. In the those mouth:med. and Maur
other complaints. ere to poesy ton of Via agents.
This Cordial Is put up, highly ooncentrated. In plot hot •
tiee. Pelee 53,00 per bottle, two fOr $6,00, ale (or SIR.
0. 11...R1NG, Proprietor."
19 2-Blueldwiy, New York.
gold by j)rn,ggista throughout the 'United 810 t.., Geo.
ads and the West Indies.
cionend Aguas lo Pittsburgh-41.. IL Rosser. cos.:
Wood greet imd Virgin Mitzi:4aq Bros, eq..
Wood .4 sth sts. :del4tii3 . .
43MON9g, BUTTIAR, NERDS, 1/11114 AND
No. ad Wood insult, Pllttsba.roh.
R. C. LOOMIS, • .
tho tato firm of M'Oarny & Lootniej
59 Wood street, Pittatrargh.
2011 N E. --..dOST. T. EINNEME
HARDWARE,. cpwraersr, {tai
Have removed to their. new atfd extensive
ga01..N0.62 Wood street. Shur doors demi the lit.Ohatios
Mo. - .lmre their OUlkllDeti,imd merchants Neuraily.
inrind to an WraaitastlOSl or the swat tionditsteensixt•
meat srer offered la Dila env.- Mkt
- -
MitTive Hundred. Worms Roell4
llama Ms following itatmaint from tiesmatablo Dtyjiliy
of thi introlstft •ffootrof B. A. laboartocri uz*salyd
• Ontratramin. N. T. Jan. DL
Nara. 8.1. Muses Sack d . Ox: •
liantlaman—Matmov - ninth man of andonbtod
'manly, of the town of Ltabon, nt.. Lawrencean,
NM that be has ailttlegitl, I mom old, to IthDat lot gat.
3 dome of IL Fame toch' Varadingo, in smoindm
heart: theattatnoott of the ma* al/ piggi.d at
Vljald i r Ifo V ari t a S oro N ai s tt rllol:V m 'ob i _r• tfui7: llll
ad Ma tai'crodltdonntabm of rang twzog.Z . 4..ri l a:
TIC-ONN. making la all, 607. tan than 12 hound' Maw
us . 14. a, Tam perfeatly iambi/kt at snobs Ems of
i t om a Mall
has AP. alul Cleat t. • ama than
geourstoly. Tay fungfu.lrh - -• -• .
J Alig iNClangr w.
abd b attik
. ,
CASH CAPITAL $500,000!
IL C. LOOMIS, Agent,
No. b 9 Wood Street, Pitignirrat.
&won L. L0mi5.......--__ ..... Late of the JEW.. Hartlblds
Janie,. Cbrrstos/... Pi= of Oarni• a & CO.
dserdore Mchostate.- firm of Bowen & McNamee.
J: o 0 Hied . ..... --- .... ~-Vinct of D - atte, King & Co.
11Kiians IL Nellelz---.----Firm of Obtain. Mellen & 00.
Gaspe Bliss, Pam of Gem, Bliss & Co.
Amos 11..E.N0. ........... ------ Tina of ZAN Maisons & CO.
I. I/ it.' E. Wood firm of Willard A Wood.
Levi P 20714.... —Firm of Stone & Starr.
27.nry C. Aly..-- ..... - ----Sir= of Bly. Clapp & Bowen.
Jones L0w5,...- _ —. Finn of Jam.. Low & Co.
CarlolL Hata. --Firm of 0. B. Hatch it Co.
Alen B. Hcachinson.----..,---)lna of J. 0. !lowa A Co.
KUL= G. Lanaberk...---Firra of A & A. LOWTVtIO6. i Co.
Charles A.lfwAley....-... .... ..
_......P1rra of llockley t Co.
.y.,..ens Aftatacry,o.,-.Firm of - Lewis Attarbury Jr, A CO.
4.,,f is. moron, ..... —Jinx, of J.M. Beebe, Illorgan A Go.
An. T. lhatplit----....Firm of Trowbridge. Dwight it Co.
f!.. l ta. l‘ Pachoitt.....----Pirod of Ir tZ_ ,Iti 'l' O i t r fil ISt
(hove C Cbdin5,......--,- ..... -Firm of Oberman 8 whirls.
Georpe D. Horgan. Firm of E D. Morgan I CO.
Lawn D. Clmuln, Minot Coten, Lotbrop & 00.
Thmsaas set -- -.Pim of T. & 11. Metnengs ,
Putrid Sanford. Vim ofJohnson A Sanford.
Glob= O. Prorkm,...-.......Tirm of Norton. Butler & Hoyt.
C7 , arks .8114........-
St..phen P eat}, _ - Vino of Boyd & Pool.
Berlinnd W. fintl, —.... Elrodf Haskell, Herrick A Roll.
Alfred 3. Marna ..filrm of A. B. Barnes & Co.
Roe kockustod.....-..-.....--..girat of IL Lockwood • Bon.
llama H
Chopkincoke, ...... ---..) Ina of Hoskins, Allen & 00.
J, A. Danght,...--.Flrm of Btown,tlicer A Dwight
/sum IL Preainplutss, Firm of Prothlng Newell * Co.
JohnH Aulli, ............... -.....firm or Swift, larlbut &Co.
(MID N ) oli t.. ... Firm of Condit & Noble.
Bard A. rk
of Work A Drake.
NclAclt H. oelnoel4 --Firm of (Ilbsoo, Stockwell • Co.
lama HUT drey,-Virat of Barney. Humphrey & Butler.
II as T. • --Cashier Cortlnantal Bank.
Denfilrd X18arnetb........-......Firm of Walla. Fargo A Co.
Amur Morgan,- .... -..---- ------
Gtorge Poarce, ... -.--- . ..-Flren of . fleorga Pearl's 0 Co.
011 AS. J. MARTIN. Beerstarr.
No. 56 Wood t, Plttabuurigh,
=TRU. 11.11. MID HOMO.
kvps My stook consists of upwards of 2500
CABER,embraing ggggg variety and style of BOOM
13110E4 sod BONN ETC Durobooed ninon. nom New Eng
land mama:Worm% adapted isa - prously for PALL and
WINTER BALES, and wtR be mid at satisfactory price,—
comparing favorably with the. Do l l hiladelphia and Now
lora_ Pm:shapers will plow 1 •11,1 onsinion Wore
Wie mazer the attention of our rend
es, to tit" whortioement of "MOBBWO INVIGORATING
U: :II DIAL" N ho froind nano tho fonrin toss.
Ocoee 31 Wood wit, lbeetweses 1.1 Hord And.
All Mods of blacksmith work for Bridgea, Ac., dons M
the shortest notice and at the lowest Odors
Al All work warranted equal to any rimoufmtured."lll
the !clod of testimony as to th• Taloa of our liAntd.
noon which we can coutdently rest the reputation of our
work. We have already publlehid several oertlficataa,
Droving that Baton made for our regular and ontinary
gob% and wad abroad, have been sublected to the
and ondereed their contents totally tree from damage.
The following Is another proof of the tame Incontestable
ALBION, BM 00Mrry, Pal
November 12, !MU.
llamas. Boa. 11sarfas--Ddr Bin, Your two let
dwere duly received. I was absent at the time. l would
ay, lo regard 43ur gate, I oonsidsr it pert . ..oy VMS
ritOOF. f mated th e owe I bought of you last fall. on the
Uorniug of the 101.1, of June bot—piy More building
being burned to ashes. It was built of wool and brick—
!. :sego three story bonding, Sly bate wee in it at the
of sn• fire, and tall into the cellar. where there was
a Oyer amount of nil - It wee a very hot 800.
My notes sad bookracenunte thatn in the Bare ,
ammo:del to about Ten Thousand Dol lar*. wßich as
would T el e v e lL o tt ' y'1r,•"4,i2"0g le roper 4'l'; '.1f:,?..f further,
t., buy a gala lo keep their papers. am,
pt Vtnt autel I tan rarely 1.1011:11.124 ions oOn
Years, truly.
.101100 MAAR?:
M'CORD & C 0...
Would most respectfully invite the attention
e;s,alss emit:Lynx and eaanplotottook of PANCII FURS
ow. opening, orrapriAng in ..patS Sable, linme:Maxtin
Ilten, Lynx, Wining, Siberia Squirrel. Bock ILSZtiSt.
°coon (buoy anst• Swan'. Down; Mode, Vlotorinox. Pol
!WIN , Oafs, Boa, le. minor Wood .oath street
tRANCH OFFICE oor. 4th & Smithfield
At...eittotentt,Pad. 320,CK0
se,..—John P. author/ord. Ilanphle so.; P. C.
ilarriaberr: easel Ph 14,..; A. Wilelas
Ilanktr, tittaaurah; A. A. Carries. Pittsburgh: Jobe B.
Realise. nail, Dauphin re.; A. J. Uillott. I6rrieberg,l3. T.
llarrieberr, Robert Rots. Carbon manly,
A. J. JILLItT, aeceetat7..
A A slAliltlXlt, Aatuarr
Tee else.* Comeau, will Saxon against peril. of ow•
1.0111 inland suererattoe text traaaportatiose ears on build.
logo eseapaoheisalse to ally or coesitry. at lowest rate.
cessalstaWN Polls.los Waal ma dwalllne hawed
eltaar perpetually or tor • term 01 years note. asyl.6l
Girard Fire & Karim Insurance Co.,
corner 41th and Bnltthfield Ca. Clepant, .100.000 Doi
Drawroaw— Asa. AL Await. J. P. Stelzer. IL A. AhAtk•
at fend. Paul Tboritnr. A. 31. PAO., J. R. nudges, num.
n. IlltrAgl.BAnn•lJon.a. IA Canlitax. Thos. Crirrea.
W.I. IL Po.w.s. P. p. eberm.. , A. Hart. PhAtp Y. bay
, . P. HaaloY, A/sx. Herat. Jr.. Varman Azeppera.
1011'. JOll4i l„ l.;tett
w. A. 8. GI LLILTT. IN L
1it..,.,Wi1l r
m`"?. plopert ij i 1003-
erAlly.. do arm tAw•tabla tetro.
- Aellltm7l-6E A. A. CLAMPS. Acted.
• •p• ; • . •
One deer Cress First street, Pittsburgh.
: We— Buy and sell Par and Current Pun de
Bight Tier Egetting• Ooln . 8t.., Eastern .4
Westgra Time Bala, Prothlgoorr Notas: all. 0 T.
ant. oh Tim. Dilinategtl Par ant Cp.rreat Motor; lard.
-Irv.. Firs au/ R.I. Policies far the, Miss hirttrunai
a..,.,0 (cub Capital *170.000) Banat Marone., a
irapital slo.iitO.Doh). • golf
siolrOakland Proper y for Balo-- Thin
Property is situated about one half mile from the city
Ifoti , froatiog on Pereinsrl rant Avenue. It i• covered
with /milt 1r... of Lb. choicest kinds, sow of them is
full bearing. Also au abundance .of Aram BAsyberry,
Currant. Oameberry. go., go. There la stem story Trams
U..... together with couvrnieut out houses on it. For
este of amen mid pleasmitorm of lamellas, this property
soMulased. It COladl2l IL little over 6 wee- I
Ell,•11 the whole together, or divide It to salt purchasers.
T1108..1. CAMPBELL,
Oct e, 196$eitf No. 119 Wow street.
Ern Tom.
emulating La part of
English, Italian, Swiss and Silk Bonnets;
By the Oats.
CowinWog one the lareeet Stake In the City. to
.bleb the.atteotion of Comb ant Time Borers le respect
oily paella&
N. D...ILiTTNItiI are partlettlatle toeltod to oell end
tontine our Stook, width le suited exereeely to their
de, ettbrieleg all the neer and feehlonahle .etyLee of
. 0072-4¢14
sir' First Preibitim for best Silk Rat—
wiLsorus SON. re.bionable Wetter.. 91. Wood
greet, u. now pretend to faralah their otudomers4
sod the public, an aseartment of. Net. and Cope,
which for beauty of • inlet.. and otleas. cannot be sue.
paned by any boa. In the city.
Partlentunttention L. Invited to our owe mannfeetan.
of Va. $1.60 end lt.oo Hate. .424 elditerti
ON-Liver Disease. Castor's Spanish
ea •remedy for liver ditemse, end the number of
formidable evils connected - with - . dieorgenised state of
that Ortmaile unelvallef. •
Hundred* Of tertlereqe. from'the hiaheat MUlVite. of
Donee , now Urine le the city of. Richmond, Va., mlethr
bigine of cane effected br CaTtelea'Arsulah
kke h i ve only room to refer to the 'extraordinary Cure of.
Damuel M. Drinker, RR., of the firm of Drinker I Morris
Bookaellers..alabmocil, Va.. who nee cured Of Ilbottlea
of Oorler'eßnanich Ili:tare, alter 3 years auderieir teem
mewled liver• lie ears Pt action on the blood I. wonder
fel, better than all the mediate* he had ever taken. and
oheerfolly recommended It to all..
*Rate adiertl.mnit In santher tolptuo dA9•tmß
Brown's gismo . of .7anialca Gin-
Is e gregaratlon.oX unnr.rareallanos.
in ordinary (Wilma. Incipient eholgra, In abort. in all
area of proatratlon' of tba Ldbreatlea 11:motions. It Is of
Ineatienable'vaina During the isravalence of lbs epldemlo
abolera and mama complaints of eblidruhlt Is parullarly
enksolone; no family or Individual should be without It.
,0071031.—8 e Sinn to get the mule. E p l onea. which
/Mand only by Y. DROWN, at Ids Drug and Obantloal
, 5t , 004 „ o „:„ t , corner of Fifth awl Obasunt streots,Pbll.
motel gba,and Ibr'sals by all the respeobabla anotbanarlaa In
the States; andi In Dittsbnisb. by Mai. Pagn - Jr.. B. A.
Fahnestook. • Clo.: Dr. p. 804th. Lemuel Willem as Co..
4Behoonmaterett. • '
• In mi,,,h,,zy City by H. P. - Schwartz and Ise A. nook
tam iOo malaria
tisen'sLostrartuo uompany of Pittsburgh
• dicatuxi, L. MMISII CLL. SW r.
wooli - emman
.. ,
• _. ~. _
' 4 , /,'"INIK11116 "NULL ANA G' Nei: d NlE.ii GN TUN
oftio•Ativ '
minquisipmpv).l.a. AND TRINUTA.
WV& 1 .
'Sr ions ootriatt Lou or Janos Or PIRA „Us..
*Wag auperas of The &Slaw{ INLAND ofi
LtD Luti •:. t W
Latimer. Jr-
W= s . h. : I . kg: l i fl " t
%laud TIP 111:1.
Robert on sp. 79.. •T .911 9 1 . 111 1 1 9 .0ttb.
B. Ilarbaagh. 3 ,1 % 3 1 f..
luau K. l'4llllook. . ' 7 . tk , „ 4 ,,,,,,,,,,
91altor Urfant,
. 1 sta ll! . 1 . 1 Lan,
lairDn • Pont ..Powder. —Every variety
Bide. globe and ;Dieting Boarder. In all ilai. nicker.
.nine on band amide We tom Masten', In lota to • t
arobarm on tatorabl• tense. Mao. Barely gnu.
D a W n a C t Bl r DW ae
frootallnet. 'Moosup,
Fr o ZILIKG /1.13
_Agozawas To 3. zro• • 0_54
. wa.aumass meows, .
60.;Wee4 *timid; rattillnulik• •
forpft IndeilVaddraiii Vesitrap
tiErlndigestion and Liver Complaint I
CURED RP KIER'S PETROL/AM—Read the lollerwletir
letter from Rev. 0. Dickinson, • flbattenary is Oregon:
Mg J. M. Rue—Drar :anv—klyeelf and telfe baling Ern
gr,•AU, baceattell by the ems of your Petroleum. 1
tau t hue you send Minh*: of two Oi thee* dozen bat
-0,, h
am the Congreeat onal Waist...ln thin W.% and
0/my people are street.] with ludfseenno eta an
lueotln of the liver, the same of myself and wife. before
b.kleon your PETROLEUM, OR ROCK OIL: We took
wren:] bottles—two or three each— about• year and • halt
sac. sod we bare never enjoyed ere good health far years I
a. vs have minor that tins. I had not taken • 'lngle bon
tk. before that Winer. of the otomsat which.. distresses
U e dyspeptic WWI relieved. and I bare hit 'nothing of it ,
since tbet tima My tete 'Fuel.° relieved from • editor& e
Metes., of the liver. whack had been of several yeers Man&
r by the nee orynor Petroleum.
I eat by b.. 41. B IER. Ousel Dudek
1 0 Wood Meet, end Druggist. end kledielem Deelere eve
r, where. octlte
ITaper.Mvartfelog Petroleum .111 arrpy
T44,TOTIOE—Tha undersigned, Frederick I°-
4 renz, of the Atm of 1. Ave. Sealing & Co. and
1 liomae H. Stewart, of the late firm of htswart. Lloid
0I hive this day formed a ee partnerehlD.UMlr th.UM.
end style of !A MEN'S, STEWART & On., for the purpoee
of nearkareolurlog Iron and Nal% and Ames tats, the
Wersbotue. No. 63 Water ,tint, helve= *my utd Short
st o
;11 ' 4 . 9 " / 171 n h e * :: fall?, Ire h ° they Ts her f t
I :Val=
e. comagehetten term. They reepeotfully meant the pat
rune. of the public. FREDERICKLORENZ.
de7-otf THOS. 11. ST.
)- .net hy giwd Myles and go straightway to OAI4
0 , 28 NRW UALLENY, No. 711, Fourth atrast. and "sae
',areal:smothers ass Ton." Styli and price to malt all.—
tractor. and citizen, are invited 1) call and assamina
sped= to. 0023
A Great Meeting to the Afflicted.—
• mbar and formidable entracter of disessee of the
are long challenged the attention of me goal men
. thee., alseetiera classed under the general h•nin of
• Ptioo• have been min:Peed incurable and the ant
• tient allowed to die. without medical science to
' • h.q. of , vviover7. liappity thie can no I .ncer
. sae. A remedy has been found which will eon.
•• plaints. of 'M.P.,r character, seising from de
• net of the Liver. The Pills discovered by Dr. hip
.1 Virginia. act directly on the Liven and by ear
. 4
Its operation and purifying t front dints.. onto
extirpates the oompiainta w oh have their oriels
. Palmas of Minorcan. gem es hitherto proposed
• complaints. have failed ta othrate upon the rent
use; but Dr. IPLane's Pills mete themselves
.n the action of the Liver. and - by cleat:wing the
0, dry up the Impure Meanie of dimes which
. • seise their existence..
archasers will be careful tout for DR. !CLAIM'S
BATg9 LI VEIL PILLS. and take none else. There
sr Pllle. purporting to be Liver Pills. nos before
.163. Dr. ICLaha's /deer Pill.. also his Celebrated
age, can mw be had at all reehectable Drug Stores
United States, and of the sole Propnetera
Bummers to J. gild A 00.. 60 Wood atreet.
are ot •
the Do •
V rml •
In the
Interments in the City of Pittsburgh.
raor moots
U. to sumo* 113,
Diteaaes. Adults. Madan
Pulmonary Consumption.-- ......
Calarra rover-- .........
W hoophon.Cough...—
........... _ .....
Under 1 fear. .
76 to 20 —I
" 40 to SO— . .
" 60 70.. l
ay order oft
he CZ! of I.l.pltb, --... '" — '' .--.1 1
Phraleloo to Boana of lloalth.
4 3 F r
,r , ) s E rr p . o to s k T . S ß.N .l . D , R t A m L . A ,. inig u pl`. D .. .E 0 -
of un.LoLlats and exoseding that ea b nt, NOlOO. within the
ore. ear e nest preceding th e date of th is etatement,
1 are t either
wh o !caressed or diminlehsd, with the
tte. to of th• de ore. the date when rash dwells were
W. male r batacest atterned. and the amount the
Residence. Doff.. gesonnt
Attire W. Buchanan. 1160-Be9t. 20.-1100 00
tomer Oolllve----- do Nov. )9- 60 oo
1 . . Dolly 1848-June 29._ 98 00
OoL. a Amin tient., 1820-Joly 16... 11 00
ll•rve 010111.—.... -.l3aldelo tied° Sept 7... 3.11 00
Ludy Mond-- ..... - do March 4... 18 00
do do 78._100000
Julio 'oho. ..... ..—.. 01 July 1.- ILS CO
'aryl Pbelps....-.
Dsole 0100 ' d. Ott_ SO-. 148 ES
do 91 areb29... 7' 00
lit d Ercall cei .7au'y 7-. 25 00
HT satruili. which within the lad th ree rears have
bo drawn. wO5 the name. of the stockholder. to
we th e y are duet
Hie sal Shiley, or W•stannetand. ea, dividend of Nov.
0. 1 . , and N0v..6. 1011, on dv• Plumes. 120.
Fil:s 8. floury. of Beaver eo., dividend of May 7, 1850
and Nov. 5, 1851, ou lave thane. 1420.
James Sample, deetweid, 41,14.010 of May 7, 1860, on
threw •bar... SP
.. . .
. . . .
I ssr‘HT chit the r...E.IHE appear to be balsams and
dividends due the persons named, rmd harlot resseln
ID Bank r ea yes... JOHN !MIMES. Corder.7 4 \
Sworn to ood suberlbed berme me, spa. =Lb nn, of
Per:. A. D. IS*3. d01.N.41.5i THOS. HTISHr., Aid.
tr , atalaing lb sere., and within 10 minutes walk of
the ltalltoted Station, .t Meet Liberty. TOla place Is alial
tly eltuated. and Itrous it aotextentdre view east to 1 • of
the village. aed surtouadlnu country. Person. from
the tit,tre •bles to before themselves mud
healthy epot for • country mat at stay low prioe enfLOW
-sty terms, eon be su red by cellos at the Real fiend,
Otate of B. /11IeL&IN e No 21, fith et,
Barebbe4 have reed slurphy
ihroremed• triennete, Orbit*, Orenn and berred;)
nun*, m
tionnine w {Liy Xrd
eeney . kude
hite Mu ne
Pauline /lenses. ined in , black and finer - 8010M
of ell ohm
He./ 'Denton Planneic
ah Winter Glees,. ikeiery.Oantterts.thilfrOnrirreiriek
iiUTTER -3 bbla fresh roll Butter this day
Vd. br d. 22 =MY U. HOLLINS. \
A LES-100 Ws. • RainbosTh.nn Pippins,
4:h. I.'7 l "" Lu g i g * ""' a t*traitarlin
E --100 ds , this day reed by
g iIIEESE-400 bro. prime mating for sale
kJ by. d 42 RE MY U. Mi.
bbl. and half bblei White Fish
Tray 'mon Pie . ink
ram. ie., f r by
Head Quarters,
LNOlt Ohriotmaa Fixing of all kinds, corner
ju of Wood awl . Sat , atreeta. Pittsburgh: corner of
rwlaral and Rahloson ace. Allegheny. where ell the dal.
tla.•throgelale to the mason on ballad. of the beacons'.
ano at law non. • W. A. AIoOLUBD.
LIIISKS-43 t sake Haab reo'd per 0. do P,
M. It. &ad Are sale by U. DAEZNEL s CO.
I HEESE-300 bre prime Cream Cheese
7.) Ia More u 4 for Ws by R. DALZILL a CO. .
li UTTElt—Fresh Leaf Lard in bble and
Oor la •by 4822 R. DALZZLI, COO.
IMM'e l7 • l7nr W 4 M - frM
FOE SALE, • the materials of a Printing
nee., eteel •. consisting of 12031 b.. Plea (I oT-
Ir 1.40 IODO lbs. Paull Plog 5001 b, Bourget,* TOO lb..
lrorlon 300 lb.. nonporie_L• 30 fount's of Job and Panay
Type: la largo and mall IThamic 13 brass bottomaallayln
* Proof Glallors. 2 Ism doubt. onpor.royal amporbafr
.to and Fromm 13 dosblo and angle Stand,. with
•ong• lot of Composing .31tIclog do Iron .81do and loot
lets: • larva ••rortmout of Loado.oll Rol. of various
stooge Load Cotton. Ink Tablr. Bolles mock and Irmo*.
Alio. • Doubt.. Medium Standing_ Prom • II isn, .Winch
woo. and • loon. quantity of Glued -Pajoor, bound In
peta h f l rq4co or; ono f 11oe'o ,Papor Cutting I.UoAluen..loo
o. entlroly non .
All the abovoortlclea b. arid ob•slt Thr eull. In lota
to mut pnrohuora. /Marra. ,- Clourier dos StataLhair
OM*, 73 Prank.ln ft. Now York.. 4.241014
Breton Onto Sal Pa B. H. Ou.
Pittaburah, D 00.21,63.
NOTIOE The annual meeting of the
ittorlholders sad election of Directors of the Ohio
and Poona ileilved Compeer for the.eulog year. trill
be held at the Onto of the Cometuty. in Pittsburgh. on
Thursday, the 70th day cf January. 1864, bettroin the
hours of 10 a. 0. sod 3r. ■ (meeting at /O.)
By order of the Board of Directors.
de23dtd .1. ROBINSON. Soey.
Soda Ash
(O DA ASH, of our own Manufacture, 111-
L - 3 ware on hand and for vale Inquantillea to molt pew.
chimera BittitiriTr. BRIM a OD.
erootet.. below &Whet
We nee the homiletic Boils &eh. Manufactured by Den
o. tt.itmer a co, and have no hesitation he recommend.
lei it to the trade ea • nod article.
ULM! 1 1 1 1, 1tVPICIIIIIII.,
Wm. McCully t Co. 18. M. Mag.* • 004
C. lumunm,
U.. • Welshiumuu.
A. • D. U. Onssuben. W. Calmlnaba= • Co.,
54:4? 141111371.0,111113.1.
IR. C. J.. IL 8
Wilwa Gorman. • 101
°bickering's Pianos.
11 USN no'd nod now open &roi l!!
new Plan V
etua o
loaOt i taa, rhon and o
rata. lb. &Hawing
• One RcoanoW. riehtr canal Grand
Piano Porte, T octane.. 00
Oa. aneerrblr carved Itceenood innars &&&&&&&
to dm style *Chors YtYttr. 7 Ootavra------ 60030
On. Re
d wood tarred, 7 do 450 00
n do do 64 do 428 00
One plata. 64 do -------. 660 OS
Owe do do 614 do ....- 360 00
One do do
Ono do an 0 d 0... ,-. 290 00
All toe above ar• Irmo the r debratad . Maaaraolol7 01
013.1013211120 1 2023, Boloon. 01w.
Alm. reed Mon the None Factory. a beautiful lot of Pl
son Nicola. aimed sad plain lloarerwd, with Lair .10th.
Orono Dloeb.aad Broratllla east*.
On hand • lama Stook orPtsno• Irani other Beaton sod
Nen York Midas 004 for sue Factory rota.
JOHN 11.11111,L01L It Woo .06.
Agent for Otorkertna.• VI noa.
de2l for Pittebnran * Western Penna.
- . -
••• • •
VOR SALE ORRENT-7-The largo Factory
Works of Mr. 0. Joust= Is %to:Aarhus. X Ira of
4.21 c orn er Woodard sth
X.EWS TELEGRAPR—Ws' have just
real. by t•lavat.7s. th.. fact that Glhatul'o biota.
Us. fouAieTtittoicig!iallWaholtln2 VltOtt:t7sTAVati:
Vrhottothdtfrip=llorianllataltt:P.: XIILLXXX.
67. Wood awe..
I.IOLIDITH—The Pathway, and abiding plasm otour
Lord edited rd. edited by J. P. %lowish; D..D.:,
amm In the Una ot the Amities. edited - br• it•
stashes Weld:
g ?
3. rip . lll WrilitlC. T d TI iill
, 3‘1 1. 1 7115
The Wise' QM , do do
'Tr alto'l'uture..l. do do .• - -
1 114 oar Ids. do ' do .
'4l: A lit bl y Clizt
. 4v1 .. f . 14,,1 . it1i tltostratier
. The Q Loin s 7 , 7-4 dot
The Omn !Minna, • do;
The Ultt. el wand for all amisons. -. do:
Obetenosii Blossoms and New limes Weesth, dot
lir gent. re i tre sio r torso sensooe. - f i tz,
Ceetsgura Robes. iiglit tor mpg .opts. - A rc
The Juno:LIM /dteetwake. d ol l
: 11 4 4 ii l l t i 1 i fi . t ) . d%
The above. Plinths? with a lame assortment ofitamtly
and Foetal Pales, Omar n Pcsyste. to.. bound. I. the
molt superb et, le suitable for Cluistetu and Now Tears
lements. now on hand and Meade cheep, by • . • .
dell . HAT 4 CO.. A 511,66414.
A. .FIBLD'S 011 POT;.
Comer of Wood odd' "WM iltrooTis
won /MT= • Mu) - 21
BBLS prime Freneh entreaty ou band
Pro IMQ‘-
Ar i 1:*O°
.• Ott 1111NT—A Lot on bagm an. war-, between
Alarbnx and liayoUnets. ft.frout by ITO It drama
Also. alter April Ist, the by en wimp al Liberty
an I Pittatreetd.llol/ coculded by Phhip IL Mugkl,s, be.
i n
c 0 feet on Liberty stria, by 90 feat on Pitt M. We
will either all three-IWe.. Mow (Or trbwm . I '.l
or let them cn • per*tual lease, and lo case of gals.
ma the alms to 11111 t 0111/%211111M.' aiiintro at •
&WU' 0, tr.
914th et,PUtsbunth,
or JOON WAY, Jr., Sewleklayyllle.
Also. 13 acre. bewail Sewickley and Bsetinat7 She
none on in. railroad and river. adamantly altuated for
Inelldlon and iiralo•lt(.. or would do Call for a Market
Olitdan. a• too sal I. rich sod ;good. This ProWt7
all lb. advantagie of the Rwlrewd. and being In the low
g.,AlltguadobborliooL Is fond from the annoranoe•
Alen. for rent, a Large DWSLLINO 1101781 In . Sewlok•
C. ell bin •ahort distance of the rallroad.and abundant-
If cuonllett with most excellent epringnater. TtOo boot*
*2:.12: 17. 417 17.‘l000tt v , accommodate tiro Wallas. and
21dtf P. r. kir. g.Tgitile.'gr. A=l. o.
I mlode/ Nat , It', as unusually hose Monk on
hand, embra , lon a very barge assortment. from the
Lame to the Highest Gradee.
*Mel we offer at .11 Unme at the jeered cothpriles
K. ROBiNdON a (XL.
da2l-tf Flrthat .00pedts the Theatre.
PIGS LEAI redd per mier Si.
owy arid tor eale by
ALSRANDB2I GORDON, No-3819roabai
bbls White Beane;
101,r4 small
10 do No-1 Lard, reed and tot rale by
811 . 3.19/111., DILWORTEI C/6.
4621 No 120 and 189, 24 at.
PUTTER -5 bbla. prime Roll Batter for
rztHe WASH soAsHs-50 dos. Zino
Wash mw. m: 141.41 by
ir 1 lIEE SE! OLLE E BE-30 bxs Cheese for sale
it I b., dal VON DONNUOIIBI t 1111111PHY.
111 OGLE'S HYPERION The following
■ V Comfiest,' Ls from J. L. Priest. Veg. 14 Central
Baena. Jan. 15.16{1.
I haye need Bogites Hyperion fluid. and god It to be
the twat article for the hair 1 have ever fried: It beam:me
my hair much good. and lean cheerfully recommend It.
For ode by L. Wilcox g Co.. Drained' and ♦ppoothxa
rim. earner of glarkat at and the lhamoni. Pittebriegh.
!RYSTAL PALACE ontrivalled with •
•oottirliW i e I grort:ltgf eatlgritt i liitt
Lorgh. de20401
JAMES KoSSINNA, Auctioneer.
The 3d and butt Sale of the Season
Atoll. gale at 3)0 packnees of the Enact Holland
slat °utile and single hyacinths, tulips, utornm e
erd/wow ti 11.., crown imperial.. A.. Khan's for totem.
In a in g oh, gins...rut planting to the •bordere for .P
hewer.. To be mid on WlttlegliDAY the gist Ingt...iff
o clock P. 11. 4.1. McKenna 's Auction Hen., Oatalognot
are now reedy. 1.41.2041t1 JAklitii Malgliglit. Annie
NEW MUSlG—Mculical Leaves, a colleo
tion of favorite and popular aim for the quo. put
up in an elegant etyle. Intended for Uhrtstmu Gifts;
Grace Bobottluh i dedicated to Mu HarrletiLllulton.
concaved for NMI,. by G. Anton:
Ladies' Album. cum Dances. (or Plana:
I have Loved Thee Long;
Slater Clarllngt
Rad Thouently /
Icavely Na n cy, Best
a. acing by Ma Beauty Willitung
Dr. Watts' Moral sod !Selma Bongs:
Those le • 8/8h in the Ificarl;
Mune la so very particulan
. Beautiful Woe Violet;
Keep the Heart Light as
_you can:
Bee Patlneurn Watts. by Jellien;
ou+alo Waltaall;
Coughing medona:
Adll PoAa and =aurora dec
Le Pierre Polka;
Pontiac Babottlach.
A large asaortment of the Leese Foreign Pablleatione
to the Plano..just reed and for Ws by
C0.,.'. Hall. 83 Fourth street
CHESTNIITS--25 bus. of the beet qua li ty
s l j aAl and for Bald by L160211411/ArgttyC?x
FIRE ORACKER&—Beet quality 50. par
peat, or 80 erecters: Ike 60. .02 pub; $1.60 for 40
:woke. at MORRIS k PATTON'S, in the Diamond.
. YEAKII—Premh Currant
al s. Pk
. Gond wmnd Wdeck 8a 4110.
fireene epla.. flo P am
Cook Wins t Brandx. Mc ft qt:
New Orlmne .pp r. 6. and Oak 81 I
Good itle Coffee,l2ll. 81
Excellent Tows. 60411. lb. at
deM ' MORRIS a PATTON'S, in Ma Diamond.
11/012 , T11 1, 1141 . 5A5, new, 20c , per lb.
NOM Nuts. Ilk ear Guar - Le •
MO) MORRIS • eATION'R Oa the Diamond
- -
is a az...tu or an another inlololl of Bhiek Vel
you M. 31( and 44 wide. \ 4.20
1r V Co.. No. 24 6th epee tide di, 10 bol,
White IlePnels of the Iwt teak , * of Welsh. Mullah
a OLAVEWS. , corner a Wo4 and sth sta.:ander
rick.. a friend.' \ Ada
) R
F. JONES; Bernard Lauth, S. M. Kier
U. and J. F. Loath hone amW -L tb..a.lvr. iis
a. cr. ander di* arm "fart; kr, Lama aco ..11l ***
UM tap a "Nurlesa
. .!ron Works." rcoratly erested an
B. Lao moth., in But Illradaahaai.
—, \ ,
a r. Fop.s..—ix: racra--...a. w. vu --,...1 c'qapra.
•' JOINES, LAUTH &., ~,.
ivi'itiLA eTtlit i E ,,, RB ,of superior Bar,
.InZ No. 99 Ile. rtre*.t3:f.:lls d =l l . `" : 4 o4 fiZ,
runts. Fltidharah. -.:, - ',. del.Slllla ~ .
Pasburga t ciacituma% Louisville and
T \ lll.-......171101!„ Ramat eacluer.\
, ,
_.,' \ B r via ll
Ailitt TIIIS \LINE . •
Is ostopoed of\ 17n first slew
e .
°aerial stestner sta. quailed
* Xs , l,O). dal r ri, ir.'o4 o I
oonooots fth Um U. E. Atall...LloA of Steamers from INr t
clonal to Loolaville sod WIWI= which eesserr
re . : ne it th ree
_Ve bees aid to tforMi t e w 1'...
WV 107slete of Ile following boom • . '
&as.. , \ Oxpt.iyi. , afdawNgryfregi'
DOOKETE lITATIL..n. vr. arm \s • Sunday. IoVA.
Mittl/INNONII No 2:4. 0. Divis.--. Monday.
ALLINIHeNY—.._—..eso. srn--.... , relalay.
ORYBTAL PALACIE.W.L. lotrars.—...:,..Wedneeday.
PHILADELPHIA—BJ..I. clscs----"Tharsiay.
PITISIBUROH---.B warms— .. . . ...,. y,
PENNSYLVANIA...IIId. attstrarge . ---P =May.
Ir .r.i.
Leave:dolly at 10 o'clock • 11.preoleoly.',
No frelgtt received after 9 o'clock on the gOl
" firAlealire. apply ois hoard. or to ''
onongeliela House
Pirrestmon. January. In. '
BUTTER.2S keppai*ed Butter,ferimle
by .1 \ R. DALZILL *SR.
NEW LARD-10 bble Nc. 1 Leaf LardA
lb Ito. o do do. loot
reed .od Ibr Sal. by R. Dli/211,1 1 & 00. /*booty st.
(2 WELT OIL-100 beast' best quality fee
"..•. by J. ECHOONA4LIEIk.d &
' -
MOLASSES -200 bble on hand end for
1 ADM? CLOTH CLOAKS— " e have ior
il•••1 , • burg. and abate. vart•ty liidhe °lab
Closks. au • A. L. !dues • oct. s 3.
. _
tWAYS on hand aWO moo ant of
!Merinos arid Paramatto. to which in In toll* gt
tan eof tho Wliolosalo Trade. A. A. wog a 00.
• .11. MOLASSES-200d
40' bble. Stealte
cf s.g.r bb' et... 0, + alb'
cit Y. .
bud for rt. by JNM A. RUTOLLISON U.
TFINED SUGAR-1600 bbln Po Triir
• embed. pmall Leaf suollswitiq InAtritt, And \
Ft. Louis fluirar Raft*:
0. SUGAR-104 hhde, Ite4
twaur \ u . t frit:Wl! M i r a da% :nee,
FAMILY FLOUILJast Ewa An. sala_by ;
. '2. LITLM.Ar CO. ,
500 1xp.8:.111,,,E.18.8, choice quality. in
w , arb t t nit.resltrulls 111 store awl to, isle
TIMED - PBACIIES--, 70 bus Dried Peach ,
Air na'd far eels by \ Et- HABIFOti 100. ,
DRYPRAOHES-7,14 bags Dry Nide*
teems. er 'unifies It. anutsest
. I UST ieo'd 300 more umpire Long Shawls,
extellooVitylem. A. Kamm e_oo.
QTARCI-75•bse. extra \ Starah in atom
\i• Ws by dale WM.\ BAG BUY aOO.
11....RREN APPLES-150 bbbi varlona kinds
IJI fie*. l• by H . DALZELL t 00.
11.\ \ MOLASSES-30 bble fiom the old.
Ranir on hand a z nA r r A r t gar k
I( , b ta t atri g do, rAL.:O3.
Ir. A. meOLuilG.
EOONOMY \ cIDICII,-A eaPerior article
for wl. ' \ d. 19 , W. A Ream%
u ra 4ars or by LtilAllAd. Ibr V r a . o l 7, x ' ,
300LBs. El .
. 1:21); fieg l i a tta i in
UTTX4- 7 5 bbla to Butte* \,'irV 4 4 1 8 " lalt, Eratiti'ahOo!lu
MBROLDRRIRE3—Juid opnied atA.
A. MA2012 A 016, No 26. Ilith Meet, oe• et thy
T o
t z t l:
~ g. 1 , r .ig
ono sad anal 7. ;buts or
\ 140 ow esbleltat
x '
DRIMR LEAF LARD, pi 4 up #exprinaly
tor family ans. In 626aki 0(41 6102 37 171171 e geli.
' b "b 7 br 766 \ \ \ W. A. wea.use.
WRITE GRAPRF3 7 -A tow \legs White
mu lls a " Pw 'r\ 4lll " ll ' li. If soomma.
5 0 BE
I ‘B. 14 . je a . l l 3 . 4 fP n A blh or 411 1 714V e r
LATH:CRS-62 buin now landing front ,
26maer CastleGantai t ArAgs br _
I=s ... D70.616r a
8 \
.a. 76 mks Dried 77schtg \ \
40 Ws mall white Naas; \ \ '
20 bus Obousuir. i . i , \ '
°m 55"
V II I . i ntikl 5 3'54
, \ ' ~. 1
16ffl o PM,. ..11 \ \
1 0 : 6,117 410 % "..
6 Ido 11 , 626.7ei5d t 67 76 1. 2 t2t_
1026 I 4vjlilkfli‘ u Wtill. 11
ALARGE and chola) mortment, of hilv
A gr.-- I Va r A 4_______„ras °lszahimaitain'
161:Ti - 71. _
4,0H010X Stook-ontadWhiptlNAl
idorrehooneats of Concerti or iiil7 , llo rani;
Um, KIM 11.1% PAM ID Adraries.
Pint Ward Public Schools.
HE PUPILS of the lat Ward 'School..
Il a an y
Oalterß, to tau
of the ea noal• Build log, an TIIIIBBD Y evenng.
Dia 21d. communality .t 7 a'atnek. under the direction of
Mr. D. Critchlow.
Ina-Ttakela B i eber te be bed at the mate Ilecnwof 3.
U. Mellor. H. and .t the door eeenlna of
tit. performanoe.
eaIIYOOK hae the honor of lame:4 the chitin's
of Ittehorgh 00,1 eh:O2IMT. thee he wilt sive • Ott•
0 , rtittaßT on TRID a T Y.TENthitt,Dee. tad. le the Hall
of the THIRD WARD PUBLIC 13011001,. Want et. The
Dertoriorto °mist of 9 / 1 00bIldren.toplleofthe School.
Blri i ti r ri
ad will preside at the Plano.
late telethe • Lade fad thrlakMail. ZS Et. to
be ad • 111.1bEIVO. MELLOW*, sad at the door ea the
evening et the Ootmart. ,
1110. Y. tetetitulars, see oto,Tevrome.
Cbmsaxial alat,Rotais. wan* of Mit ad Med arta
AUOTION.-01,,Wodortstag sad Thomism wrests's. 2lft
and 464 o elk. at tto Onmosstoial Salf• Bottom cost
nor Wool and 6th fah will 00 mid. • lame .colloation of
lino Annual. and Illoatrited Bodo. among which ans—
Mutat:sal Gallellkw.ti...l.2o steel faro. 1 volc Scrip
suss° .11fts of sing& 122 do do, 2 volt; Bona of
11, ..*; gar in's Unitary of Art Oahin.t of Mod.
rn ash Eton . , of /Hurts Lions: PrifndillioNt • Offertom
Tsmottn Sacral Taltheaux; raw Etsol2 Snow
Sink.; Irving Ogalinas Illiondithit.'a Alneliten Emig-
Es I .‘ Assotanth, Christmas Bowsaws OM of &Motion and,
tl=rßt'Zir "*"0075
1111tosi. Poo: and 'otsaor s 1
aadarl Po•
lielatebob; Sided Works, 11
zio,riln:V3A6l4.llafof Botha intfrialnlog Koo.'lo/044
g••ke• Voi r = 8 :111XV: V•2=
War Bakst • • Liffil as.., 2
Rollin: Nioh
°hoes tfecthantsa. Se.. ao. 11101.1 and
tamclttf. ,a2l P. X. DAVIS. Aust.
frosting. Deo . 2 2 d. ft f eslosit. at Lb. Conamortdal
Emma, oosnfr Wood and PIN. .14. o , lllbegold gltht
out morn tor each my Innis. •
100 shorn O. &P. R. 0g do
124 do Bids. Yining do
140 do • Adventure do do;
100 do Astro do dt;
23 Class= Insursusof do drs •
do= P. Y. P • aut.
sold .messnlabt this week. at Lake Loomis' Boa
No. Tr Moo t., bp sustlon. the wireless, &AY.
tton of Boole. as ho Is declining business: The atert.
meat onenpriess tbe beet standard ThtolOgleilV Cheeksd.
Hletmfal east Mathes:Latina Works. dayo. thole* &mks
tt El:osraphy . Tn,ol . Prott.T. sod Idiseallestroa Lit....
are. Naos books entteble lbs Honda/ °IDS"o the y getnit
folk.. Bale eoseinencee at 11$ Aden .5L
. P. .DA
• URISEiti liSe &C. •
Fruit Trees and Abiubbery•
I t
!FEE .anbeoriber offer* for \sale,- a
an2l:Alg=grTgga roan m" .g z
rAtegtelgA r gi!VV=agti 0 0
pruk. ~,,jipaynth%
and \ thorns Rana
tor bleomlne to Winter and Surto= Implement@ are the
Pr= and Garden, of moot approved conehmettcmaeom
the ared and Implement Wanthmase, ep, nth et, •
dwarf and Mann. -
ales.last recrl.
Humor, I nn•24/
hea L on TIIIIE!,91
ig:lfiek•ts Ott.
the Executive Com
101 the best ID
eseh buslereee, ar
debug J. Lott'
recta and
I • and 'at nit
• v. dm in at
atoll pi wen on the J =WM , Eninix• O. t p
he .m/Mo.
A. MASON & CO., No, 25 sth M. will
arkir:w u ti n tsZeilrgif 47114
. klallUee. in, ,r -rth. gi th rmas tOD
y, and tha IOW;
11 1 the overthrow f the Frenaht Intel te:,With Dettlen•
ler pelirenoo to et 01 enltiret•ori and fl1~(•er, a dole,
8 74 4' 71at In.
reh.l. by WS. Mill, I ;OS: 56'
Yobasonts Gard r.ll vet. in ir.4.1.00. \ q;,.,
del? \ t • r : • ILL 8013WORTII.:
, . .
— . .Chriztmas is Combat , • ,
orVI , J.L.ItELD,'Agent-78; 4th sti- baa '
, laabsautitursooki, to nunotroni too 'Dentin..
• Will. and antis.... nod oltlklrma. Thaootuat• -;
to Wholemeal. purettama aa ca. semi
Waal. Pr.. Writors et - Arnalei portralts
volt Ithastrationo. by Join' fi. part. Lb. boo. Sartefy— --
morozen - $6. \ _ _
Pamale ~sof aininlea, so roat•ti abeivo.ll6. \ •
Lealints of Memory; 111.1ratad Prreentntlon.Bl.l. alai •
u• Dare and .1 rant ithultralion._llll4 Deo. Tinter ma.
alp es. !yak faunal; o Tba arm. f1ar)666.,54: ,
. 1"'"
Ofiktorr. Seloootoal k ar and datum. green
To4n of Ifii.eadakluoutellining tosetus.anor..
The ‘ Magnolbhtllrnninat d Illstatist.i.inor.lll4ll:
Yowl\ Lollio HOrno,.44lllixtro,lll,lA.
Woomes . Borord. or BOVioa or al , tingoldrid WO- - -
-roach leNt •begitnerlet• till A. D., 1680. irUystroyal.
" Tirleir• B at,bes.o Dray Itlostrated. Pat eno the
obastmea In • D.'S., $2. - \ '
tams Plo . onns.JuDenb.. 1P64, fiery bratty. SUL
auseieninkr door(.. 76 ot. •
OM of aDvey‘a Damn." tor '6e, beautiful. 11.60. ‘,
Alreellorettfirt. We.
The Di•O•ut:qqar The Duldm\ettr,
tA, C 01241 tes
111 extra, j
Tlos Oracle or or roOos . L•dlee 2 41tb igirt
extra. \
Pam& AsorrriLli btt rdsmorth. gain, 76 eta; •ybea
Swiss Family Ha D.'oheitantlY BM: 111.53.•.".
LeoOlOlote D of 1%41..1 Quotation*, by
CIUM, Flu( of ate Revelation. i 9 .•
Olottnuaries of Po•Petai Qnotatless. by Wain. and by
" 4
far •ar o a
sio bisKunge..a ..
A largo raki, ortw. ,
at Tutor's
Eon ad for Wit Mr, BROTIMILISII-
sad tofu& • FLYILING 1360 A.
irk 08083 Cleaver's licirlay• Soaps;
Magnum amino • do \
Mupt Brown Winds= \
HIS.taT Ba' a dt°4 do II,LEMIIVIOr
pal s 026
lIPHORBIHM--35 lbe powdered for ode
br den " 'B A. FAEINBSTOCK
a p \ lip the Ikon elegant stylee.- for reality, Palott or
==huStrdifigt.:l:pitng irg°lll27llt Dr
Weethr ytte.all suitable for Ronda) twrds. as .
darn . - DAVIeON'Sitm, m caret._
Ili 00 ir e t i ;LI Ej It 0
1 1 . . F . :14 . Y e
L I a t Rel . .*
Bo:krnontrittWirlt:',lll:lVl:4. k " 'lll-1
Javentse atnlto her Book, Imitable to the frert9n_ n r
Ti.. worm:lent lorlottee ChUdzen's Books Orr adVertete
and Ourser,Zonlistramat In solondhlCaMnetithtitrc
ra. wen .Legentseditions t Peeks; ramilr and Carat
Bibles; martin Ulustre tnelloh Wore& fled p uw .„
Tatßooks and 1111111614 volvot With Gold and. nylon; thew
la. Ist heater booths oleatinto of pylon .mpt.t
."' YerryTtorrlnt" " "*"'"
tr '
.L....,.........r..b. .
r , ........., ~
' Dizoot of 383 \ws of Woultorfriuda from Um i
ritAlt? IL it," AINVAI =V AI r'winu.k.
•_ A ,I 7. • '. \ KAY a oaf, 6 4 1 4 4 ,...
Nr,OICA.Y'S POPMEL—Voice from- the
\ ,titkanelaa mid frog tilo Crowd. braw w
_T. IA 12mo. for talo 1,3 % KAY * 0 , 3.. 83 Wort.
A PR,L S-64 Barrels Pipat:mocen..
LT oure4 BMA Rol k e .f.... 5.,
, \ .
81. /0 kgs ant -- 14 - 'sj-------*Liaorealel)7.
- u BY it. OO
11 LLINS::
i k , .
ILLE 'lll COUGH syaw--A valuable
ruwdy f0t,,04,-tudt*, Colds, Aolitutius. Aathte",
whinping Cfrogb.=l:mtt:,dl.llltialeglr Imam
h ylirlelttliadoelth almost totheeti etteetell, ;')'.
0.14.*1.1, tavottattluel a. balmy I hi, . rathetl7. '.
the above complelate IIOW In us* At Is * iSOPT-eMil
..tfo n ~f espentoratV2:iaphttnil4. sett ‘tettres mehmt. •
ohtee, eceepaneded upon solar P heesesehutteal At thi , e• - • '
telqeakt prihelekte, .14 he etteb.uhlui bittni .ikhd sell .hp
f lranrabalt g WttoSairob.4 4 . et it;,:t.
he2letceet. earner ot the D nth
___4 ...
riRgrAR ,PrRORS ox TESTER 4 a n d
p.14.e,. eui br g li t P war VtV,..l - ,
tc, , ,,, ,,,,,,,,u,Aut b0. No : 641 in.k.t .4.
HO ]{4g nni t 4 b,
11APER FOR PANNR4ING. of varip
aria . , a i`TR!
d '",'!4" %Ai% Potatio4,-
tylv ANTED—Spatarh Nit s - Ab u j a .—
yry de. PredVd*. itdd Gerdudt Tda tri.' hut,
um \
darznan Croaan davarelana and Gado • N,.." 0„.
Thaw.. amnia!' and Patna 1:1 1:1 iik i .,,,,,.
__ _
Malan" d'4,p , ± l .,Mmat_ l.tamiew
~....t cc; ,
1;14:1_1:4 . Coinagook al4 IQ 11141* Its
tg,A'"ll i.i=itrhtieh. 4, .4r:rm. \\'
to \
..«,,,,,rm.:.....brivitantg.hi, ‘I47IZIA.T
fled ,. •
nirs , !oot mad r0angLat11 , 1% . ......%Kr....nrd fiat,\ ft .
04, ~4 , ,
ra Itra, Mak.*
and damage -- Trizajti ar V
Ilstdta. RUT
i t kik •a 4,... 4: 4 1 i :.
Starta.ln ItTO• Ind% F. Iddrgibt...„ ). _
di d \,.
1130TAELH--10 emu tirst_sorta for sale
Sju, data • • —IL., V4..dlidrOCK *OO
AL st ttotz,
42 1
). ,
, +, < ,c
; 4 z,
V"L '
.._. dew ,•; a. A. s atnotsiv i a L l al \ ,c , ;.
d ada -•• ' a.a.llAECitatiejillik,"
RINE W A P tiI . PLAIMELB—.4, 1 - ..."
- ‘
giats@asaPni4 '3f*ba "an au aattalittl4ll4 \
BaINTRI, fdaraaohinorecaaceso. 1. rut—
..qauff4a.".i. Prim, commuvrma.l.-
A 117111Mti.
80D4-2001ege,112- lbe. each. in
or it. a. init!.trizi.
,1144., fre mnter e.,
\. \ l
—Ruh .
:., a .. ;
,: ~.
t~ i'µ~~„_t:~~ax