The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 21, 1853, Image 2

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' g=DA 210;lir r,D:11::;2,
.titiOn of one . Weekly °motto offers to our business men
'a me.tdMr►bie medico of to aklnetheir Monaco known
'Oar alrealatlon 1. botwoon four and Roo tbovinand. reach.
.'ee aleonatitery aillan* and oonsty In Western Penng4
Onto and 2lsatorte Obto. •
-teLmt! A DYEATLICILS—Nfictior W xattattal Ramis
nor Plinth:le natabllsluarst of the Deux OUNITZ,
, ppennl 00, Bandar. ADVICILTIFInItS who
.dealre their
, settee. to arrest In the, roper, on. Monday 10 0 T11/011.
- oteasehand them In beteril o'eleek.on Bataan.
• PROOLMA2IO2I or "lona," azaninuor ,
of ..Nrw. You-"—This doorunent hie been
*evenly criticised and condemned. It ie a now
idisep in Bornaitlet preteneione and arrogance.
, The _proud ,priest feels Ma power, and boldly
•• :Mate at the sword. That day, the day when
t-• 'Bornardate out et:pp:toe heresy by the s iower of
' the sword, ielooked forward to by the Pope and
MAvassale, with Intense longings. Thank God,
that day is not yet, audit Protestantism is true
to Its ralesion, it will never come.
But is not the faat'lltat Proclamations, are is
% • sued at ill, a singular comment on. the hater. of
• Romanist, and on Abe power of liomieh Whits
' . over their flocks? "'Job's, Archbishop of N. Y,"
le • !worst darter of s tempord.Prime, the Pope
of Rome ; and he idlllloB hie Proclamation to his
eubjeets with all the authority of a tummy of •
deepotio tovereigu, and It is obeyed, too, without
lemunnur. Thus we have en isTerium is amps.
rih'exiettng among us, and the silentforeign rule
kinorepowerfal over the eabjeots of Its govern.
- .. - metxt than the oonetßuted authority of the wan.
try- A devoted Romania will obey the cam
' 'made of hie Bishop before the demands of the
;atunloipal or gel law, when a conflict between
." • them (mum. The Mayor of New York may le
: .true Me Proclamation to all good °Miens to keep
tke puce. This will answer for. Proteetants,
`•_l7, *kale as • dead letter on Catholic ears. Hie
genre turned to the Archiepiscopal Palaoe.
• ' He Waits to hear what Lord John will say., If
he Is commanded to waylay the 'etreeapreacher
; Aee wilt try to do it. 11 he le told to stay away
he will meekly obey. Lord John's will is his
- • 'How astonished would our Protestant fellow
tiaras be were Bishop Wainwright, or Bishop
. ,Potter, or Bishop Simpson, Dr. Herron, or Bev.
Mr; Passavant. or any other Protestant cleriy
• Min to tune his Proclamation directing all Pra tenants,' or all the membere of their partioulas,
Snots, to stay away from hearing Bishop O'Ocut
nor, or Print Garland, or Mons. Bedinil
Proclamation would bo resolved with ehouts of
derision, and they would be all the more certain
togs, for the unwarrantable interference. And
, this, not becocuse Protestants do not. love
and venerate their pastors, and do not receive
their admonitions and warnings, with respect
and reverence, bet because they, will allow of no
Interference with their civil and parsonel rights,
and especially with the right of individual judg_
. meat' and free disonialon. They would consider
tines s public admonition and &elation mean in-:
mulling interference with their right, and with
the duties and reepossiblitles of the sill gov
- want, and as bordering on the arrogant proton
': 'dons . of the Priesthood in former ages. An
American Protestant Minister would feel, if hi
.:. *ere guilty of such an Sot, as if he tutd usurped
the pewers of the civil government, depadedthe
people over whom God had made him an over
seer, and had secularised his ministerial voce
Lion. , •
One estanot but contemplate with alarm„ the
'concentraticto of soak en immense powerin our
midst, swayed by stew minds, and allembjeetto
one foreign head. A Boman Priest has nothing
in common with the Man of the people of the
0001147. Be, has no ituiliidasl property, no wife'
and children, no loans and nationalattaahmeits.
The glory of the Pope, the advancement of the
church, the increased power of the Priesthood,
.the complete moulding of the minds of the pea
plc to an entire and unreasoning obedience to
the commands of the church—these are bin-ob
jbets and skis. He bake for nothing - higher,
nothing more ennobling: Hivingqiitinohed 'oat ,
of his own heart thoee naturaLaad humanizing
sympathies which bind men in the family tele
- `tion, and to soolaillio—libbself an isolated being
with nothing to expect or hope for bat in the
glory soul power of the church, he is a lit instru
ment of hiss Master, the- Pope, and most bo, In
the vary nature of things, a bitter foe to a goy
' ernmeet where the people rule. He toinnet,hc,
• republican. The genius of his church frowns
. upon all independent thought and action. Obe
uncomplaining, unreelstiog, =inquiring,
Dept hit obedience, is the greet taw. of the church.
Disobedience is sieln • which is hardly forgiven,
always severely punished. Vice, 'eternality,
debsachery---theseinay be overlooked, °relight
ly paulstied. Dieobatiosee, never. .
• These priests, thus separate and apart Dom
-the people,- hold their positions solely the
the Pope. Hie breath can make or nn
rniakethein. - Thei are his subjects, his vomit
✓ All their future hopes, as well ae, present poet-
Cop tiepead_ open Lim. !Their interesteare bound
up with that of their Chief Bishop. They are
. the complete and willing Instruments of his will.
' We isy, then, that no good patriot can eon
tensplate' without alarm, the concentration of
sash immense power. in oar midst, In the hands
of a few priest,. 'We see among as that Bo
' monists &requite se submissive to their priests,
as in other countries. The priest is their high
eei authority-rthe ' , thither law" to them. • The
riumbet of these subject:6 of a Niftily pottier is
IDSTOSSIse annually . some three hundred thou
'sand by- emigration. They bare congregated
- abotit:our, cities in smith Clambers as to overawe
. and measurably ciente)t the municipal authori
ties. Nearly *eery one of our large cities has
been 'on the verge - of fearful riots from this cease
*BUT"' .the last jest; and what is an instrective
- apt, the: cf. Citioincutti, Baltimore and
:New 'Volt; in their attomp ta to please the ROMILS
..'idd ;.by ouppreasiug • free discussion, broke the
lime! of the land, and were compelled by an out
raged community to retrace-their steps.
,_lt is ,
Hine seen that we oannottrust our authorities,
hint se they are contianally by the conoentra.
- ted power. of popery. In this straggle the peo
:: ple hue no safety bat in themselree. They mast
see that their rights are not infringed at the de
timid of a haughty Cathollepriest, and to pro
_ pitiate.the voters his nod can control: There is
-nb Wet, but in watchfulness.' '
:, -- The Beaton" Traveler makes the following cote:
mamton the;Proolognalien; Lord .70n, of New
-4 .Jobn's" proolamation though ostensibly de
; signed to promote the react of the city, sod t o
e excitement occieloned by Jut fkluday's
:proceedings, in reference to the anti.Cathalla
street . preuher, itr really adapted to enkindle the tames of (doll discord among UM citizens.—
Tar he 'lntimates hie belief that there le a eon
hpiricy iroovg the Protestants to pull down
Catholic dwellings, churchei, and other insti
tutions, and calls on his dean brethren and chil
dren to be preparedto defend their rights and
dOow, the most rispeotable newspapere to New
York tell no there is not the elighteat ground
foe nth %suspicion as the arehblehop here burin
woes; nobs* thinks of attacking Catholic hou
ses' oharebee or kottitottinni; and if they did,
th e , a i ty i t oth o itu so -would not need Archbishop
mow me n to .4,110 . the= There is power
tnough, and a good, dlipositlin enough, in the
..4lty authorities to prolect Catholic property, if
it fit endangered; at &the whole tendency of nub
.84 appeal as this from, the bead of the Cajhollo
'n,wek I. provoke and produoe the very state
of things w hi ch he cdrowecily fears. e t o ,depre.
Tay Wasimaa BUDS, Casa .
the Milted
Smite Supreme Court, on Tuesday, the c age o f
= the -oomplaineata sgttinot 'the bridge over the
Ohio river at Wheeling waidlateteted—there ap
- pairing no counsel tor the e 3 mplainants; (coml.
!Way t h e State of Pennsylvinia.) This - is un
'derstood to be Se abandonment of the ogle by
iha . rtrtlei ogipesed to the bridre, there beingno
ground fireomplaintleft by them, se the Set of
Coutrelyt, it
t te hist sermon, declaring the bridge
no be Pool lint*, removed all legal objections
to it '--Yet, Istel.
. =
There Is, a mystery about., this t lll !4'r which
the people would like tosio °lasted we
bugged WV hate. - bin 'a:O'er - iv/sleigh •If tlis
. •
counsel etopleied lathe rase have given it tip
lei kJ:tile/the comm unity in a elate of mite
amtfor tho u s three or,four yams. :- There LI
110 doribt that the prevention of this his
done Pittsburgh immense injury._
.It Ilse excited
Bois t her the 11l will end prejudice of thou
sands who would not or could not see the justice
of our cause. Having prosecuted the matter so
far, and received-all the injury we. Could by It,
and having been sustained by the Supreme Court,
why was not the question prosecuted to a final
decision ? Do we admit we were wrong? Are
we ready for this ? The abandonment of the
case IS tantamount to inch an acknowledgment
The National Intelligencer understands the case
la abandoned because Cfonvess has declared the
bridge • post route. This is • poor excuse. This
to, of Itself, a most important question; which
it is of Immense interest to, the country to have
tattled. If Congress'can legalize any and every
bridge or road, however injurious, Illegal or
fraudulent, by deolaring it a postroute, then are
State rights a mere figment of the imagination
—a nullity, • bitter mockery. Congeal:et has de
elated the fraudulent Franklin Canal oourpany's
Railroad a post ratite. Is it therefore • legal'
a:rectum and has Pennsylvania no power to
viedicate her insulted dignity! The Attorneys
of the fraudulent road had :better make this plea
before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, and see
whet answer they will get..
The people of Pittsburgh hue a right to know.
front the Atterueys. employed In the ease, why
the Wheeling Bridge cue wu abandoned, and
we call upon them to satiety this reasonable de
A.Chnuale Passarrmumt Onuses niCsarros.
Nu.-Tan Rama . Elchrrer.—A. San - Prannitmo
o vrespondent of the Jot!nal of Commerce gives
ea interesting mama of the organisation of the
First Presbyterian Chinese Church in California.
The sanitise took place on Sabbath, Nov. Bth.
10 the let Preebyterisu Church In Ban Front:deco.
Four Protestant Christian Chinese were argot&
sof into a Church, and one of them was ordain
'ed as an Elder.., Rev. Mr. Speer, of the Chinese
Mission, preached in Militate, and afterwards
r 3peated the substance of his sermon, in English.
He stated that there were other Protestant Chris
tian Chinese In California. A new Chapel for
the Chinese is In proms!' of ereolion. The m
ini that therChinese had erected two heathen
tompigg in, California is contradicted. There is
nnteVitiongh the project has been talked of.
The 4th annivernry of the Ban Francisco 'Bi
ble Society was held in the let Congressional
Church on the evening of, the same Sabbath.—
Rey. Mr: Bohn, ,
.Illee President, prodded, in
piece of Capt. Ebenezer /Wight, the President,
dimmed. At the close of the exercises a col
lection was taken up of abort one thousand dol.;
TIAIII7OII3=IOI or Paentroz.—The Chroniele,
in Its reply to our article of yeetanday under this
caption, does not venture to deny the general
fact on which our article was based, that the
great mass of flour which has usually nought
this route to an eastern market, le now passing
over the Baltimore - a Ohio road. It alleges, how
ever, that the rates , on the B. a. 0. road are not
cheaper than on the Pennsylvania road, and
that the latter road is eurylng Boar at cheap
er rates than Mated us.
It may be very trite that the Baltimore &Ohio
road is charging $l.OO per bbl. sn flour from
Wheeling to P/sikulelphiq bat as thi floor from
the binekingote valley hi destined for the N. York
and not the Phlladelptda market, the rate from
Wheeling to Philadelphia to II matter of no eon-
sequence. The nonsisuelvate endear from Wheel
ing to Baltimore is 86canto; while the nominal
rate from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia is
At BaDimore, shipper. lay, they can ship to New
Yotk so sully ss from Philadelphia,- and can
reach the New York market,' in that way, cheap
er than by way of Pittsburgh and Philadelphia,
aid dulls ihe great point to be opuelderid.
The Chronicle !aye that the Peansylvania road
is now carrying flour to Philadalphis at 90 ota.
The advertieed rate is $l,OO, and we maize,
therefore, that the (amide means to be ruder
stood as ;aping that special contracts have been
made to carry 'at 90 cis. Special, contracts to
cerry - flour at lees thin advertised. rates szeoom.
mon on all roads, and are as common mitheßal.
timore and Ohio road as any other. , We have
heard of shipments there as low is 70 cents, al
though the advertised rate is 85. If, however,
the Ohrvaide means to be understood as saying
that the permanent winter rate en none has been
reduced to 90 cents, we shall be glad of the op.
liar:unity to spread the Intelligence as far as we
osn. •
The facts of the Cite ate simple and easily
understood. The- edvertieltd rate for flour from
Wheeling to BsMinor* is 85 mate, and from
Pittsburgh to Philadelphia kis 1 15400; and out.
at either of these points, the oost of reaching the
Ben :York market is so nearly egos! as to make
shipment by way of Baltimore the moat desire-.
hie. This lithe whole cue. WC aim to change
Psis' state of things, sad urge upon the Penney:-
Teals Railroad Compeny the necessity of so mod
ifying their rates an to make the route through
Pittsburgh the obeapeat, and therefore the pre
ferret! one. The Chronkk ought to bo with ne
in this endeavor, instead of encoureging• the
statist's/ma of a systeM which is driving slimy
from the city thousands of barrels of
weekly. •
.We dud we were in, error in saying thit the
rate on dour this winter; on the Pennsylvania
road, was higher than last. It is the sane not►
an than; but when the dif f erence in the compe
tition now and then Is considered, $ return to
last yeses rate ts equivalent to an advanoe.
, The fact stated by the Chronicle that - the win
ter rates on the Peassylvanlia road on other ar
ticles than dour are lees than last winter, is one
wide& we have babes bad the pleasure of spread-
Mg before oar readout; all we milt lei correspond
log reduction on flour.
Uorreembeltme of the ilttaborali (Jau-tis
Ifunuarox, Do. 19, 1853.
The holism; of Congress has been commenced
is an exceedingly deoorous and appropriate man
ner: I am very favorably impressed with the
ehiracter of the new House. It comprises jmore
of talent and respectability than any of its pre.
damson for el: or eight yeast . ' pest. The de
bate of Thursday last on the bill to bring the of-
Ace of Assistant Elsoretary of the Treasury within
thejurbsdlotion of the Senate, we. a very credi
table Opening of the disousions of the session.
That bill will ilmost certainly pus In' some
ehape. The case of Pater 11 Wsehhigton was
judiciously chores arthe object of a first assault
In the general attack upon the defines of the
administratron. 'He Ls not personably popular,
and Ls so closelicottneated with his principal,
the,Seeretary of the TftlUlll4, that the fall of
one cannot All greatly to weaken (he positiou
of the other. It is also obviously proper to make
the office In quieten subject to the general rule
requiring the concurrence of elm ,I3enate in all
appointments of that grede. - ; If the amendments
pending, proposing to mak* the provision of sub
miesion to the Bonita applicable only to future
appointhsente to the , plow be adopted, that will
Imre Waehingion, bat not Mr. Guthrie. He can
expeot 'no quarter from the Herds, as he has
ehown them none. The passage of the bill In
any ehispe would be taken ea . a decision against
the whole Cabinet.
Breckenridgo of //y., will Barak Co the
subject to-morrow. Hs promos* reference of
the matter to the luulloing Committee. Sinai de-
bite has oommenotalt Is Osiris the Interest of
the administrntion parg to prolong it,t2 give time
for the fullest 'operation of...Eseoutive illfintlloll,
by means of peraussion, WNW!. aud patronage.
Had the rots been taken NI . Thtnidsy Isal, the
bill would harebtior paned without dotting an
i of crossing a t. . •
. .
Many gentlemettin both Homes are anxious
to acquit% the . honor and, .appropriate the fame
etipposed to await him who atoll Identify- him
self with the paternityins success of 'the /Lome
stead bill.
_Among the competitors thdayoar for
tho mantle if Andrew, Johnson (who was the
fe her of this scheme as long as &member, and
who has latelfinade &Judy of hlmself ae Goi
[ .eitorof Tentientifij is Mr. - John'L. Dawson,
(lir disciple tif . Demooritoy of the Bra
Ihrpubliottn- radloat etripe, from west en ,
I . ,maapleastla - : 1 , dont-suppose he' his - much
ithimort of attaining the object . of his pinta
Alr iiisioniirandonbiediy after
seat 'at present held - Di Mr' r toot
know anything to John's disadvantagn . 'remit
that Ida parsonal, deportment is a little Noplall
dcal,7,and the style of hla Parliamentarydelinekr
may be criticised as bordering en the "high.
lialitUin." But 'forget. L havoanother objection
to Mr. D. which is that two years ago be mode
an extravagantly eulogistic speed on Johnson's
bill embodying this - same schema, and thereby
contributed to the misehievons delusion under
which it pawed the Homo by a considerable
majority. Mr. Dawson haS now introduced a bill
on his own account, which I hate not read, but
which I doubt not goes to the full extent of .
Andy Johoeonient, as illustrated by the didac
tic philosophy of his message to the unfortunate
Legislature of Tennessee- Sow while any such
Summery as this Homeetead affair is new it may
excite interest and be popular. It is net there
fore at all astonishing that it passed the House
last Congress, nor more strange that it was ar
rested in the 13011103: , Bat when prolonged dis
ceemicor brings to the notice of the people the
pernicious principle, their sober second thought
rags,- fails to
,condemn if; and often proscribes
the authors of the measure which their motors
judgement discards. For this reason, I ate un
der no apprehension that Mr. Dolmen's bill will
ever become a law, and I fear that his revival
of the echelon, will not lead to his promotion to a
higher sphere of station.
Mr. Chase, Dr. Gwin, and other Senators bays
ilea Introduced their homestead hills into the
'Senate. Up to this date there have been, I
think, about thirty bills presented proposing do.
notions of public lands for the construction of
rail roads in the new Stater. The average ex
tent of land asked for In each of these bills is a
million et scree. The great Pacific scheme has
sot yet made Its appearance, otherwise .than in
Owin's bill. The-coition named in this bill is
some 60,000 square miles, equal to 88,400,000
sores. This stroke of business will eon close
up the land offices, and with them out off a email
army of worthy gentlemen now engaged in ad.
ministering the system: The Hon. Henry Ben
nett Is oleo engaged In maturing his bill propel
slag the distribution of between sixty and one
hundred millions of acres among the States, se
carding to their representation in Congress.
llnleett our government take efficient measures
for the repression ef snob outrages as that re
ported to have been committed at La Ps:, in So
nora, by • gang of California buocaneers, it is
evident that Mexico will be compelled to resort
to the protection of treaties with European pow
en. Spitz, England, or Prance, no doubt stand
ready to 'Bird •her this protection. It is the
purpose of Santa Anna to 11611111110 the imperial
purple, and after be dull bus done so, his bro
ther absolutists of the old world, will be attract
ed to his side by the ties of a mutual interest
and kindred feeling.
But In the meantime, there are sound indica.
lions, though yet very remote and indetermin
ate, of a general European embroilment which
will indispose any gOvernment of that oontinent
from taking pert In the affairs of thin It ap
pears clear enough to any one whose perceptions
of palsied events are not obscured by the ipeon
lations of enthusiasts, or the refinements of
technical military critics, that all the power of
Turkey, unsupported by foreign aid, could not
prevent the oecupation of Constantinople by •
Russian army in six months from this day. The
"great kettles" on the Danube are trifling of
faini, which la a general tear would be consid
ered unimportant skirmishes. They hevo re
sulted against the Turks, it would appear from
the blame accounts, in all bat one instance, .and
the Turkish army has been unable to advance
beyond thstimmediate bank of the, river. It is
impossiblao divine the policy of. England and
Prance; nor is that of Primate and Austria more
clear. They roe Turkey on both sides of the
Dardanelles 'about to become Russian. They
know the maxims of universal (vaguest 'which
are the traditions et her history and the guide
to her policy. They must known that with a
dominion stretching from the Baltic to the hied-
Iterenean, and from the Black Sea to the Per
sian Gulf, their own independence cannot be
maktained for a generation; India must be loot
to England through the impossibility of reaching
it by a direct route ; sad the pall of Russian fa
asticiam in religion and politic; most oversplead .
the asap of Europe and
Yet they do not move. There is nothing new
in the position of Roasts, she atomic exactly
where she did the day the order was given to weep
the Petah, six months ago but negotiations are
still We hays rumors of threats - a&
dressed by Ragland and Prattee to Russia, bat
they have been made before without producing
the slightest change in her attitude. They threat
ened, in the month oT Jane last, when they mo
ved their combined fleets to Resits Boy, which
threat was answered by the immediate advance
of 80,000 troops Into the provinces. It cannot
be said that the conduct cf the Cott. has enerrar
aged their diplomacy. It bay been throughout
the affair, that of s ruffian confident in his own
strength, and despising the *calmest, of his ene
my. These circumstances render it very diffi
cult to arrive at an opinion. Negotiation would
seem to be exhausted, but the western powers
really haire had no respectable pretext for nego
tiation unto July. The alternative, however, is
perhaps mere clearly presented now than here
tofore, of the annexation of Turkey or *general
War. The autocrat's, conduct shows that he does
not expect to continue Noah a war in the prose.
maim of his deeigns, but that he bt premed for
"Lilt& Fernsder Fanny's Lillis Irse' ndr."--By
the Author- of "Fern Leaves." Who hal not
beard of Fanny Fern t Nobody, surely, who
reads, and iverrybody reads, in this reading age,
and if they don't they ought to. for it Tern aloes
sot to be estimated not to have some to some
of the thousands of good books which are literal
ly, poured out by the press. . Hero is Fanny
Fern's book which his gene to its sixteenth thou.
land, and every. Intelligent little girl and boy la
dying to read it, and it will do them good, too,
sad we would 'Adele. them to ark their parents
for some money, and hie away to Bay di Co.'s
on Wood Street, and buy ono heroes they ars all
0426'8 MarliiMl4, for January le already to
hand. Graham le Indefatigable, sod is never
Loma is a pretty fair naltber .
for Lb. Gantt.
MI. EDITOZ:-Blnoe the election in October
last, it would teem that all activity sad energy
had.forsaken the Tem pereace organi UUCP. The
result of that political contest, though not gaits
so encouraging as could be desired, in regard to
the advsnoemeat of Tempennoe interests, wee,
neverthelees, undistinguished by any peculiarly
disastrous feature. Of the five candidates for
Assembly, in this district, of avowed temperance
principles, few Vero elected by respectsbie,,.
though not very Large majorities. Dr Caro
thers, than whom there is not II more reopeota•
ble or worthy man In the county, WAS Unfortun
ately defeated; and this It the only event co*.
nested with the late campaign that the friends
of temperanoteave cause to regret But be
this as it may, moo of genuine moral °enrage
are never'so disheartened by a:steward event'',
as to be unfitted for renewed vigorous and unit
ed aotion. Indeed, the greater obstacles they
have to surmount, the more resolutely determin
ed they are to overcome them. Only eaoh
men ate fit to engage-In soy great or glorious
enterprise; and they, rarely, If ha the
final and complete acComplishment of their per
poses , The period le rapidly approaching, when
the Legislature of this great old Commouwesith
will be reetrained by the resistless force of an:
lightened public opinion, created by the unremit
ting efforts of temperance men to enact a Prohi
bitory. Liquor Low; in all import:BA partiatilars
like that of Blaine. Godspeed thepropltious pp.
The preceding remarks, show the Importance
and useaseity of holdiug a Temperance County,
or Naas Mating, immediately. Christmas or
New,Year's Eve,lwould probably be as good •
time for that purpose se say other that could be
appointed. Of the various items of business that
should be submitted to the. oonaideration of the
meeting in, question, two or three will be . briefly
ist: A oomniittes ehonid be ippointed to oor
roopond regularly with our flopresentatlres in
the Legistatuie, and others who doneur 'with us
in sentiment aud could put us in Immolation of
guars! information: - • ' '. • • '
2d. Another committee should be appointed,
to hare Petitions to the 'its.islatnre printed, nu
, 'wrongly signed, and transmitted, when it may
be deemed most expedient, to their destitution.
'ld. :.A committee, edit more • ImPortant than
either of the foregoing, should be authorized to
prsaeoate to conviction and the imposition of a
fist, mach ea is sanctioned by law, Winch pervious
in tire =Any, who sell intoxicating Moore with
out haring obtained license for that parptiee,
from tk• 'proper . inthorittes- The drinking hon.
re of this description, vithin the baundaries of .
Allegheny, aresaid:to be some 1500' or 1600 111'
number. .Thrj , are most thookingeoriesnees. and
eSzteaer attested, in abating them, will be just
ly entitled to She lasting gratitude of the oom
is Etity. It may ha reguded as an dopleseant
b miners to become informers,linl no man oat*
b 'esteemed 'as to good'citizen who is not
el to make almost any
_personal Sacrifice for the
general welfare. > Temperance men,it is femur
1) hoped, will take the neacleary steps, to car
ry the views submitted into incessant' operation.
. . ,
Tuna Oux.-011 the 16th:of Dcarnber.s terrible
excitement Occurred st Ls Salle, Illinois.
For some days it would appear that the men
working, on the Illinois Central Rail Road had
1 een very muck netted; on the 15th the out
break began:
About two o'clock, P. M., one of the hands
violently demanded of the Contractor, Mr. Std.:
bin 'rape; they were refined. The man
seized him, drew him from the store to the barn,
viten Story snatched his revolver multitrack hint
LI 3 we. A body of Irishmen now oame. Story ,
wee knocked down, and his brain beaten out;
Lis body was then brought forward and ornshed
tv pieces by large stones. The men Were in the
fury of a drunken revel. They teemed to gloat
c ear the horrible remains before them, all ghaet
ly and bloody as it web:
This took place some two miles south of La
Salle, but the laborers gathered in the town, and
assumed a threatening attitude. But at Ottawa
the authorities armed, and the Shield'. Guards
timed one to protect life and property, and be
fore night, a pretty. thorough organisation waa
perfected. The shquts of the mobitas were ter
rific—no yeller of eavageo obuld be more so; the
Sheriff, however, succeeded on the 16th In oap•
taring some thirty two of them about midnight.
The Uhloego Tribune says:
They found the corpse of Mr. Story in &stabi l e,
shot, and his head and face burned in a most
chocking manner. One other had beenatn.
Story, in hie defence . , bad fired several timea,
wounded one Irishain, but not fatally. They
,fired on the Sheriff'. party when they oama up,
but without effect.
The Oro woe returned by some of Captain'
Fisher's oompaoy, add it wee suppooed thationa.
man wan killed another wounded. Some repot.
sae* was made , by thdividualer when they ware
being dmarnied, and one got his head pretty bad.
ly hurt by a blow from a rifle. It was suppcieed
that the principal loader, have gone south. A
bemmotiva has been sent after them
The Court is now in 'onion, and the cave Will
be laid before a special Grand Jury without de
The lux report from La Salle up to the I,7th,
report all quiet there. When two compentee,
Capt. Fisher's and the Shields Gnards bad reach
ed Story's Home, a large number ache laborers
fled to a groggery our by; then were pursued
and a part captured. - Gear IMO hundred and fif
ty. rioter.' were soured. Onefellow foizght des
perately. The Chicago Tribune 'sayer
A shot In the arm vas not enough to cool
his blood—he fought desperately with the butt
of his gun, but finally he was brought down by
a blow from a similar weapon. Many at find
showed resistance and threatened blood, but the
sight of so many white belts and glistening bay
oneta oaualderably cooled their courage. Many
weapons, chiefly oldshot gang, were found con
cealed. The man that was first shoe by Story is
still living, but is not expected to recover. The
fellow that fired outlee company is recognized as
the leader of a farmer affray of a similar sham
tor. Story was found where he was killed, an
inquest held, and the body taken to La Salle,
I have , jag 'teen it, and a More horrible sight.
cannot be loonceived—his head and face appear
have been hacked to pieces with spades, and
then flattened as with a heavy weight. The
Guards are jut starting far home.
When Story was first attacked he had two re
volvers' He barricaded himself in hie store,
when fortudfrom there, be took refuge in hio
house and berrioaded that, then haunt to Otta
wa for help, taking another revolver from.ono of
Ms foremen. He said however, that if posaible,
he should abed no more blood. The mob then be
gan to cat his hobos down, when he fled to the
barn and wan butchered.
Mr. Story's initials are A. J. lie is a tall,
well-built, and powerful lean, and,. I am told,
noted for the coolness of his manner: Hie fem.
ily were removed by friend e, bat it is sot known
where they were taken to. Several of blikdarks
were threatened, and had to conceal thenuelna
for teverat hours, as the mob aturro*led the
house and awore' their (teeth. They however
managed to escape. It is said that last night,
before the 01//61 , 1/0 reached the Opel, Mt. Story's
house was broken open, and 404,000 'Wien by
the mob.
Itattmoato e ntaisrma.—The „Lewisburg, Ps.,
Gazette announces the transfer lest week of the
Sunbury & Erie Railroad between ,Wittlawmport
and Milton to the Eatawiasi Compaiy, for st
riod of L.4:1 yoars—New York can - Indies fat%lsh•
log the money to complete that link, and te,„have
the use and control of the road for that .pariod,
unless eooner reimbursed for thelr i expeeditu•ee.
This makes that portion of the toad a feeder for
New York, (via Gatowtarit.and,Eastoo,) instead
of Phihadelphia The Grz.tte says that tho ot k
on the Somnettanes Road below Leyte:4Tß It
steadily progreesing, with an Increased force.
The proposillho to appropriate the sum of
$3OOlOO towards a monument to Mr. C.1%1100'11
has been laid on the table in- the South Caroliat
Souse of Itepreleatritleetr by a vote of 60 to 49.
.It was objected that flub a distinction in favor
Mr. Calhoun would be invidious, since Sumpter,
Marion, and other illatiagaiahrt,l Carolinians had
not beau equally honored. •
- -
Tee Doc■ or aura, who got lute trouble
with ;once Mr. Souk, for some diepsraging
remake upon the dem of Mrs. 80010, 013 a ball
In Madrid, dna apologised for the offence. At
trot the Doke refused to consent to give redress
in either *ay, upon the plausible pretext that
die 'Omer, was In reality urging one politi
cal quartet - - Sot the story is now that public
opinion homing desisted itself unaninsouely
against hint, as is not astonishing a country
renowned for tho chivalrous respect which it
hut always pski to beauty, the Doke nettled the
matter by giving the apology dentanded. _
CeirsanOszonettmoan.Tbe Wheeling Intent
genosr metres the following interlacement:—
We aro hapy to learn that it Is the imitation of
the Company to inoresse their force on this
Toad. after the Fret of Janustyand wi trust
that application will be made foe the neenseary
legislation, to permit them to enter the city la
snob ensmier as suits their oonvinienes, as we
premium there will be no opposition to it. We
much rejoice at this fact, end trait that the idle
and noneceseary eollision that bus be 11 thought
to exist between the oily end Ott road will be
no mare heard of. •
CLIIII3II . laeraancs Pittabnigh, Dee.,l6th 'At
THE President and Disasters bf this Corti
%may have this day deelarc.l • 211eidand of flee Mi
lani per shell.% open the capital st"elt 'has: thug, &Mato
peyeh,e to th e Stlohltoldsrs or their ftel,reeresiratativem
forthwith taul Two DolLsirs_gtetilicd the stork:
delI•1041 8 / 1 11UXL 1» MitittillAL44 Bede..
Ormci Carnal lismace 02.. Pi its b lug t . 20,..b1a
AT an election held at tho'offloo of the Oom
-1,27. on dleadn7 the lath laat.. the fe :tort Mt nam
ed Daman Ir.. eteetett rehear:re trl tos eandem l .an
•11. D. Kittle. WM; Inflater. Jr.
Wm. Baester., r thoLttal it.t.
: :elll2:tl i ttD Jetria 8 uilworm
Treads Bellew , --
Jew et. Poonnek, 8-booem.ker..
Walter DiTaatt
Jo6n.Y fat Q1 llbm D. - 114f. -
t1e11•01. RADDII4
Kathairo.nt—For nre'sening,
reitoeind.elmtudag and beentiffingthe ill a~lprllUny
sermon hted•aehe, and nude" menthe dtraare7 or the
Skin, Its rennteUon, or - extenelrairith.lhe elvlpeationot
the globe. Attlee 1,1 Drake sopernnOus, d l exemeratien
imootelble; and elms Ps dieenvery hes found pp eabotk
tutedotampeteltelneostesteddle Inoenteetableentariotity.
Phrodebute and Chair lete,--honokable elthene diem all
Profeeanne or ilfia—dhe ter find oetunte or Ented, unt
dinetlea—Lalles who hoe tu.d . It peon thole Nreantah
'tables. and Mothers In tier Eintaerlea—in 1.4 Its Inn-
Bon patron] eroty where; hone - plobetane klaan;pro
no. nee it the most pleasing and trootdre arttele antler ea
a Medicinal or Toilet reeparatimearrer produead, DO not
rail . 10 . Mrs It a trial, Pole, but :Sate.
D. d. 'MUNRO, Proprietor. 161 ltroedmii, If. V.
Sold la Plurburgh by IL B. Yellen. 0. fruit. Bent.
Pare Jr Blaming Jim., end Uftitin A 8e11.,. di...114m
so4Worthy of Conilderation.—Saiinet
bee been grouter( forages after cometlibutthet would wire
bow bran and rigor to the er.4lyll. without the penalty or
pubeeguent remaerlea. The deridererbana Immolated. In
Monier klitir a:Cordial we Lees s breturation tint Wig
the leopetnsof rigorous Medal to the impaired phydeal
otitillOantloo• nod at the antra lime elevates the /Diener-
Nay, more. it keeps both not body end mind of the true
pitch of 'moth. end there la nedeprerston cormeguent no.
Oft ire lotion. In this resprot It &gnu Iran array ether
Wm:tient kopyro..beginulag with }Plum end entUog at..
amnia, Liootrad retires of three forte to ahalleoged end de
m 4,14" ttiri-the glint/ or thudial CUT, dell head
ache, nervous herdisehe, 41011111.• sPlriin.
must locaPerity. Irregularity or ceeeaorm otthe fune.
thine Peoulier to female& tumour aeration. g I debll.
lineharriemnere, want armlet:lto, /antrum, wait or 'hoar
in say crab. eleknesi of atemach. aiddinen of the heed
waterloo ot Ideas, 6etnlenee end nerrour emu. Prootif
of the uniform aurorae In the store man aimed:and luny
other oomplelorc i are le poeseutte of the anent.
Tbb, Cradle in Dot op, highly erlorontreted, be pint toot
Wier. Price $l.OO per tattle, two for 36.01, eta ('r.612.
' 0. 11. RING, Proprietor.
101 piondwari New York.
Bold by Drugglets throughout the United Elate., Caw
ado and the Wert Indies. ,
'Amend Agnate in , trlttobtirgh—Oco, n. gayety, wruor
Wood civet sod Virgin alley. and /temion Dm. earner
Wore and eth etc. 5de164116
Cil$l4lllll,BUT Tins, swans, .1 , 104 - 41 ND
• llita ~
SF Mood pitroes,, Pittelnu ,
igh. • ,
mnv YORK.
CASH CAPITAL $4500,0001:
IL. C. LOOMIS. Agent.
Aro 7 b 9 Wood street, PittaborgL
&moos L. Lownis------Lato of the letna, flartlhrd.
of Corny • Co.
Virtu of CLOWNI a McNamee.
_—.Wirm of D. one, or Ca
HUM.. IL irm of Clotho. Mellen * Co.
&woe ....... of Gem, Bliss i Co.
........ of Eno , Mahon Co.
Niece of Willard I Wood.
Lei of Stone* Starr.
Jr,* of My. Clapp • Dowel,
Juan Low. -Mak ofJ.l. LOW L. Co.
Ogeof of C.ll. ilatch a Co.
Joh* of 0. 0. Hoye a Co.
Dilhima O. (IA .* A. Lawrence I Co.
Caviar A. Buckle 4.--.-. of Buckley t Co.
Lewis Attertnawar..-.Ftrat ofarele - AttorbutY jr.. I Co.
p. of J.M. Beebe, Nom. I Co.
Aew T. iheigrAL.-........Firat of Trowhqe. Dwight a Co.
.44m G. .... of Kelm. ago.
Mark. P via. Stan irCo.
Comm C ...... Of hhermar, 400111ns.
D,rorpe D. Noman,--....--.11.rm Of B. D. Morgan I Co.
;Apo; ...... -.Firm of Coman . Lotkrop Co.
Thostoect Firm of T. a U. Efeesenger.
Dmiddlrtford...- ....... ofJohnson I Sanford.
Ll plus H. 1f0rf0n,..»......-Erni of Norton. Kotler a Hoyt
,Yr•phra of lley,r4VO
Bad:omi Alerrick toil.l.
Owl of
. 480 I Co.
.toe of I Leekwood ton,
Locinr lam of liophbla. Allen a Go,
4 ..D0W4f.. .347;1 - 071i1;;;72. gti:
h too IC F'rograor__ gm, Wirmor FrotLingb ran, Newell I Co.
J , dul awl/ ...... of Swift. florlbut I 00.
Corti, . Firm of Condit Noble.
Nord A.Whrk,...-. Firm of Work * Drake.
Nathan H. 5t0ck00ff.,.....-.Firra °CC/Hiroo, !Rockwell
lowa Illon . Zroy,...Pirro of homey. Humphroy Butler.
KM H enabler Lor
i n , al Dank.
Hoolfd or' WolFargo Jr. Oa
o,rnir -....,,....5in-ri..76l;;;WPWroa
. .
Mint lur QIIDpOy. Novrlftylt column, m 13.3121
No. 56 Wood , Pittsburgh,
onwror THIRD AID POelltlL
stir My stook cort.visto of upwards of 2500
OASEIi. embrang ovary ty and style of 1100T14.
!WOK.' sod BO NNETS,
_pure:hated Wrest !tom New Nog
land mannfaetitrers, adapted expressly for PALL and
comNllntg S
fAavLoES, s
yo w d
it th b o osd P hilade lphat
York. Porehassre win blmiso foil and , :amine Wore
buying. Alas, NEW YORK SOLE LW:NUM I bib
Mr-We mum the attention of onr road
ars to the ow:keel..4,lmA of “2 , 101t13WE INVIGOILAtING
13.11. r 4 in b. found moon the fourth pee,
Ocoee 911 Weed st, between tat end And.
All kinds of blacksmith work tor Bridged, dine at
the sheeting mike end at the lowest prima
de-Afl work warrantedpeal to b7 en2o
the kiwi of tesUmonias to the value of our &UM
upon a Med. we out eourklently rest the reputation of our
work. We hare alraadr 'Mashed moral certificate.
Poorins that Saha made for our reader and online,/
aeles, and Fold abroad. hare been subject.' to the
and prelierreni their contents totally tree - trait damage.
The fallowing to another proof of the mmelneouteetable
tharaeten— •
PAM WITH A $4O sant
ALLUON. r.ara COMM . . Pal
November 13,1882.
Mame. Brain & Batumi—Dear Mrs: Your two let ra
wore del) reeelved. / absents the bine. I would
raC 7 Y.lYee d ird ri a t: r oa B ftlet ;VIT.% ree r talro l oqg
morning of the 10th of binetesh-by eters balldlui
ketng burned to ease. It was built of wood end brisk—
• large three story building. hie Nab wee In It at the
!hue of the ere, and nil into the biller, where there wee
a brae enansot of oil. It via • very baths..
My not. and book! amounts that were to the Bab.
amounted to shoat Ten Thoomand Dolled% whleh wu
saved. There was owl o boas paveunwed: and farther.
/ mote/ Mb. any parson who Is doing bosh..., to hs+
no time, bat boy • Bab to keep their pews. MML
put cu that Ls toot, , tt ‘ ajLteeoixtuund your Salim
[a r m one.
JOll.l 6WIIR t.
Would most respectfully invite the attention
at ladles tothan luta and complita lama of ►ADtOY RIMS
now again. anainblna b pan SIIMII. [Maw Idartin
Pinta lain; Damn.. Marian ►adrrel. Ban Martin,
anion Cao•y out Pane. Down: Matra. irktarlan, Pal
assn.. Cara Pa..; aa. enc.: Woad &anti 'GAL
IIRANCH OFFICE coy. 4th L Smithfield
l eimbeeee. tatotet, 560,1X0 DOl2ars. •
Prel, t arTer 11=4; ta4ll ° 4l, PEW ; °A
Ban r, Pittaburatt A. A. Carlin. Pitnhurahl Jahn D.
Ruib&ribrd, Daophia a; A. J. Gillett, Llarrlaburg,P. T.
Plarreibemsz. , AUt r eaaam= 4.u.
A. J. etILLICP, Beendarr. •
A A. GA RittElt, Aetna:,
Tha above Compinr neon/ ananut pull, of ide
464 hand navigation and tranepedtation: We. on bolid.
lags and manhandle& In de o esoustry. knowt`raho
nindonnet erlitiaaf•ty. Vahan. hand on derallins henna
althar varentnedir or fora km of yearn marfoinella
— Girard. Fire & Marine Iniurstice CO..
tlr PIOLADYLP/ill.
corner nth and Smithlield :100,0441 Dal
Detacroaa..—U, ni. 11. Mean, J. P. Stalon,ll. A. Shack.
nPrd, Paul Thorne". IL Al. Voris, J. It. Plaalgon, Thew.
P. Alinheil, hednuel Joon. 11.-iIL idonenna, Tbn. Graven.
Wea. ii. noon, r. D. dilermaa. A, Ilan. Phdlp F. rai
der. Wen P. I lanher, ileroo..Jr.Porman
JONI. Jur end. A. B. GILLETT. Sn'r.
Will Diann Oneou or Wou'en mini.. Venn ia.
ans. Jinildlosa. Atone. tletebaridan 004 propane ava•
rallr. an Manna Le made Una,
non reael..l4 A. 4. CAltetlEfl. Anat.
One door Croft Witst streiete ettesbararb,
ma_ Buy and sell Par and Current Funds
slitht aril Mae Dzeisimie Ohio /Wake, Tomeni awl
Western Time Dills, ashi rwealesolT Mehra: allow 6 ter
rent. om Time Dimoritem of Par and Chow Sloasy; lad,
Isom Tiro eiril Warine thilielet Sr the Mem hirimmeor
Chiiiimery (soh MOW $170.000) mid Regal hinamice
!capital 610,004190).' Aellf
earn would hardly do for any one to
bare the hatertity eornahLre W ageetion :the excellence of
. Dr. Lloatiera'aftermea Bittrre, width ere prepered by Dr.
U. IL Jsokeoe. In eau ordrepegaia. Urn dlmplalat east
d•rangmeat of the dig•ative organ., their many 'Wore
have long dam bar •ntede plataly apparent they purge
tram the *Maas the morbid beams which retard tba oat
oral rotations, sad bring calypso to the cheek and aria
feriae to the brew. Ther beeloh rho. clogs giant band'
*fee andl restore the system to high health dth-Tr
MrOakland Prepar4 far flele-- . Thii
Property Le situated about one ball sight from the city
hue. Crentitut au PenallyPranne, Avenue. it Is covered
pith Print Tree* of Ann chotorst kinds , main or mom In
lOU bearing. Liao an abundance, at :Gram RaepterrY.
Currant. thoaeberry. 90,90. There Is a two Apr? Prune
noose. together with Citurrmilent out bonnie on ft. /or
eefe of acmes and ploaaantaree of knation, thin aroparty
cannot be astryeaSe4. It COntaimi c little irear 6 acres. 7
will tan the whole together. oriliviiie It 10 cult prireboaerl.
51106.. T. cuimvseu.
No. 119 Water tenet .
Ott. 8. Id{ dtf
AMOS - LELAND & CO. , Irt 011:Alt2 SPIINEP.
New Poen. • • •
IX /xi'? osicairTiow or
oonalating Irt part of -
English, Itallion, Swiss and Silt Bonnets;
Hy ihe Que.
prgemblng me or Do largest 'Rada In tb. CHI. to
NM& 01:attention ofCuW oul Plata Yams le rennet
tally solicited.
N. 11.-11ATTilltil are particularly Invited to cell and
wane our hock, what Is culled emend; to their
• . do. embracing all the lane and litchkotabbr styled of
polr Met Premium for best Bilk Hat—
WILEOW 130 N. Yiebion‘bLe 'tatters, 91. 'Wood 4
Preparedaro PoPreparedto fern Ish tteir cuodoioeri
and the public, as aseortarent or. note 00l Clata.
wtileh for beauty of. Satoh, std . prices, osantt be atm .
prised by any hOtteo In the elty.
Para:Maar attention, !a Intl geel to oUr own maitutaatot
of al ;Leo uoj it.oo Ilata. • Oe.2lintdar .
stirliver Disease. Carter's Spanish'
izterc:'es a:Co:lady for User direeseceled thelenstlhef
'formidable .rile COnneetsi with •. dleorgentsed state of
that organ. le unrindle4.
floods . ..di Of certlrestea. from the highest reorcas, of
gamma now lielog he the elty of Iticbenond, Va. WOO
be given . of Mum effected by flak tees ' brinteh Mature.—
We hard •onlr room to refer to theleatreordlnary mare of
Amami AL,Drinker, Eat.. of the Armor Drinker A Morrie
Bookeelleri, Richmond, Va- Who Wee *rod by S bottles
of thateiee Spanlobalistars. after7l years emdednit from
dimmed firer. Ide mare ifs action on the blood in wonder
fel, betierf thin ell the Medicine he had Arse talon, and
abet/lolly recommended It to afl, .
*WA, •drertimment in slather column delo.lmb
is.F. Brown's lasence of Jamaica Gin
acr—Thia Faience D a I, 7 o D•ritiGtl - Or mutual extellanew
mataary dlarrium.lnclotaut choltma In *MVOd all
Cloaeei pradration of the dtgestlye functions. It la of
Itmatlmabla mane. Dalian tha provaleace of the apidamin
water, and MMUS? complaints ofthildrmalt la peculiarly
entaamonn no litally or. Individual *Dania ha ',lthaca It.
unumg. r .Br mutt° at lb. ganubmitasence, .hi oh Is
ymparad only by W. lIDOWII. at ht. Draft sod Chemical
Mona nortteest Gantt of nth and Uhtenut atreati.Phlb
adelytta.and tbr sal. by all tha tommutabJa strothasarlei to
the mama; and. In Dlttaburith. by Mr.l. Pogo, Jr.. B. A.
I,,h aei n ao a a 0:„. Dr. 8. Smith. Lemuel Mime 1 Co.,
J. &boom:dila k 00.
Alugh,ny - Oltr , 4711. P, Othi!artir aid Lea Dock.
DA= .
ghtison's Ingaranim uompany or.r)tt4noriiii
D. KING. Pramnonr.
ILLKUPt. Ate,.
~. . .
4174.1.14 kw or dawn ay rnur.
%%kit thoperge q/tip did iMdfiItL.ALVDRAPIOA rpm
. .. ..... ,
.111) M t ag. ir - .- Wa. (*Hutu, Jr..
L'ltu` •-•
L lia bert
He Doiimp.ln, - . •robn Itlithrejib. '
ble. - . . iri
t ai xt ,4,- .
elm: arms,
Jobs - w o
serindigestion: :and liver:-Complaint
iIY lillllPel Pipfurn„errv,....w. d t b. toai r iy4
Tarter Went h.y. 0. r" , nki..... a theefociir In rent=
Mu. J. M. Ellrepore'Sirlireelf and wife hiring
tree email,' becolned br th e us,. of your Petroleum, 1
-Una./. to :,,r:hiroucarg.T:Pebrtt ' 4, ` , Ti'44,,t,b4T. V= r',:i
~...1 of nry people ore effected with luligestlnu and an
ibutSon of the liver. tho I.MI, of ....elf and win. before
terrine your ERTROLRUM, OR ROCK ula. W.. took
1., Tin al Intriee—twOor three nub—stout a yearend abaft
. . L'o, an!fwe MretlfTevArm":4l=sretreaktilhArg.:::
n.. w atore . that failure. of the nome , h-whlelr so dlerreore.
II 0 drueptie. wu rellored, and 1 hare felt bOttt of It
o r e. the time.. Kr if oral also relieved front a ernoule
distant of firer. Went had been of weveral
" QdYhtbe U rLll " lp , Liene ''' Beel m. u,OP.O. Q. RRYdEIt,
1 0 Wrod ettrand Drury/4e enl iledledue. Du 1e .,26 re fee
-1 P/Mill, ItiT•ritld,k Petroleum wii l l rope i
--- -
lI OTIPE—The anderaighed, Frederickck
rens. of the- firm of Lan. Sterling a Co,.
hums Stewart, of the late ern of Stewart. Lieu] a
C have ll:adsy formed a. pattnerebtp, under thenatae
o3ay lei of LORENZ. BTHWA Cu.. for the harp..
manateetnrlnw teen end Nally, and have taken the
Warebonee ho. tI2 Water t ete,t, between a arry. and Short
et t. where they have on heed en awantment of 'the Wt.
no day oft roe and halls, attach they ere - eale on.
eohnixOdatlng term. 'They 3r...trotted'' , aollett the oat
roaage of the Dahlia • FSEDIIRICH LORkhZ.
TLIVS. 11. a rawaur.
4 41 WECI
4 7 aro
I profit -¢tod Woke oml uo otzsightway to CAlt-
O , SB NBW ueLLYBY. No. Fourtks largot.'aud
yourself so others see you." Style and price to atilt on—
tiongeni add olLisuuo are invited 5) cult and 03111113111 e
Sfir.Dtt Pont Powder.—Every variety
Mining and Diaillnic P. 0 . ,. in all else p.okase
al wave on hand and far eatery:ea Mussing.. in lota to 0
parel.asen, on laroratdo term. Also. Earety Finn.
BlNnutaetaiine gent.
Vrontodreet. Pitta6ol7,
• haccusata Tot. ups • 03.)
No. 66 Weed street, Pittsburgh.
*S.Prop . il.toriot Dr. ArLarle'. Odetalgtod tor/Waite
•Fer NUR
stiFive'Hundreo. Worms Expelled—
)l4.l the following statement from ressettable Intigalsts
of the eurprielog effects all. A. Pahnestuek•e cinectuallad
Opeettengagg, N. Y., Jan. 13, 1843.
Manx, B. v4.44thrissfrug, 0, •
dontlemen—Matthew Clark, a man et undoubted
vrracity. of the town of. Llsbon. tit. Lateran.. en., N.
en te that he has a 'Mingle', 4 team old. to whom he gave
"dos-, of 11..Phlon. tock'a Vertalfuge, Ino gaceesalve
hour. In tbsafternson of the same day she Passed at
nao titan aItPANTIZEN, .1 at another, NINNTICAN
trl/Ittlg. A bout 2o•olock the following night, she IPaa.•
a I the incredible number of kWh NUNDRED a TWISN.
TY-ONE. mutton In ail, Ma, in loa f than'll hours' time.
Ito salt they Pero perfeetly astonlatial at such a Mass of
*ends from a childof her age, and that te counted them
accurately. Very respeottnily,
-.JENNER ItaNhALL, Druirglets.
Prepared and sold by B. A. FAIINItSTOCK 01„ cor.
IYood and let sty.. Pittsburgh. nolt
(Of the late firm of hl'eardy & Loomis,)
59 Wood street, Plttitreargh.
16341/%9 •
JuuN LEXiAIf 7'. KRIM=
turur GIME*
woman AXD •Nimbraturz bums I
1/0111.16N AND DOMUTIO •
Ihve removed to their 'new and:ortonaive
far a l el vv etir ` g .t.ft eg. d e=lt i gt . 243
• re I int - act to no evartlostlon of the moot onzrittloto woozy
moat over offered In Ma Ott..
it: IITIZENS and atrangaiawho Whet to, at) ,
Mtn ...orate. ordain .d Of. like Ilkoness,at a
veer matelot e prim', mill 800 lt to their Maser. to eall at
thni woll known .toklishment, ahem antic. Sotinfontion,
is g.rontant, to thorn" made.. \ Hoot,. toe of the '
' , roast s. beet orrome.l Md. and Itt y 'llahle 'over eoln
sructel for C. pert coo, vlth Inst. o is lb. gnat'
p aeorful kind, mot ht.,: utootent the stem Imiroore"
r . otenon. as non 54..0 eNt of th.,cert Rants. nt aria ioth . Alt. hatt e bon:wilt° be
Joh. to offer to the fo..trotin of the Ari e s le of baguet.
rootyirie, either el.-trey or Ili croupoort4Oh nee. , Vont
hoonie urea ..thi oyerst.i..s. I o t.oek-vr , tem,
v. w st
IA CKSON'S National Da Oarrohn Ca ery,
sinner of tb. Diamond MtkeLktiarret:'(ovr .
L. Witwep Drug B tt.,) Pittsburgh. ,
last and fbentistveh wishing. toobtalultitsitko hien '4ll
•t m oderate
erate :micas srlit rhoa rag of the al , te establtho•
runt. Cited PP Pleb •ary supartor Side cat ..- Lighta,
arranged With eoth .Sill that the operator ran eis tb
moat to , nrato Got aitollei
.of the human forth gith sit the
• of animated I 'l,l! lASTUM,
g uaranista. ?slather lc., gothic:sir rooted, and dtp
plirabot , teaks* of 'original ' ilkeneta-a.
p.l", p
hOt rOire tpkp., Lew,.
Mll—L tt
iteesgo tate n of aka cram dsataaso u~Mza la d .
sCyr'. th ritrs.d •
u.*l .t . Z . Z.II**L: =f4'.'"` "`", P...;t3::',;,.'44
It laming to the Afflicted.—
Th. .amber ard knsatlably charachr of dime..w of the
Liver hay. /owe challeased the attention °fine !beeline.
Some re, theft Woes, classed tinder oh. ieneral term e!
C , nvalaVt!ore, hare been envierA leuntable atd the on
baopy patient allowed to die, mahout medical salaam to
offer hien a hop. of reccerery. Rape/ IY thle ono no ' , ager
by the gamy. .A remedy hey been, forted 'AAA. will ease
all comphilate, of whab err character.' ar;einfr from, do
reeeivreaent 1 ihei Liver. , the Pllhidiecovere4Ar Dr. Mo.
.Lalay„ of Virettide, act directly ah the Lim; and by cop
trotted its overall= eillfterity Inn it from Marna., anb
on and rater - pates to ecaispLante which have their origin
in the dimes. of this omen.. Itetoolleehi there° 'tempered
hr liver entaplalao.bsVw.Wlei to everat• upon the vest
of the dieeafr.; bat 1) , ..1111.ands rill. lavabo thyroseiven
fAt nem the salon of ther,Uvrr. and br . eleauelag the
fevatato, dry no than econne armee of difear , shirk
theca derive their existence.`,
Parthasars .111 Os ssirefultoark for DR. EPLAI4III3
tia - LkiiftATlV LIYEII. PILLS, ant Aka none
ara =her Pill.. P.M:aging to be 11,ow
U:11. public. Dr. IPLaraga Liver ribs. atm W. Colebratod
Verroll'aga. ...tit noir be lld at all raspertablo Drag Stores
In the Unitad States, and or Lb. rola Proprietors
d.IT thioneasors to J. Kidd it. Co.. 60 Wild Moot.
111111 W AD V.ERT.III-27116111FT
Soda. Ath
1 0DA ASII, of our \ own Manufacture, al
,1.1L6 w! 16r sate In oaiatltl.. to colt pot
17,"*D t 'l
Itentet; below hlarket..
" We nee the romeetle &de ash, btattaiietami by Dan
nett. Dore &Co not bee+ no heelt - ttbn• rteommateti.
tat, It to the trade at • atod artio c ..
cu.." itAmmaim u m.
wm. McCally & Co. • Id. M. McKee & Ca., ,
O. Ylattott. • It. trees Welebtaaa. •
A. D. 11. Chambers. IW. Dattabtobels &Ce.,
1. Wilx-a a Ca, ' re. O. aJ. a.trFor.
Wileoe & tialatatt. llan
ILI 1111.TOZIL has 014 , 10=0 hifOrml44 the dame
et Plttebereh nod that be wilt ative • GRAND
C.)NCIRT ea 'MI DelneDUlAlo,_Da... 25 , 1.4 to the Wall
of the Till.HD WARD .I. I IILICIICLIOOL, (heat et. The
r i ttr r rri will
. aendat el' 950 Chllarea. evaileofthe
tipretbie at the klarao. . •
Sill•Troketa sdetht ea a Lady altd.Uentleosan.\4 eta . t,
L. bad at ILLEBIL WILLI.OBV., ab at the deer no the ,
eelag of the Comma- '
w.3..Y0r particulate. tee WOW am. 18aZt.3t.
.. .
Agriannual liktice. '. • . \
+ XALBERS of the Allegh dej , County. A
ndM:Mo • Pooled' we tenanted to renew there
eehlt. Dreviooa to the Annual libation to Mere.
which takes place on the Onet WXONltaltAlf of .11.0.i.f.
RN. Oerthleatee of Metes rehlp aka Polled a; the deed
t J... Wardtoo. 6th to.; 1 . 1.-nt \ lOC Nesion-. 41i
1 . ,,, Warehouse of Netter A Mohan. Woad t ; fr , m Win.'
mettici: Pr. o•at Manchester. and Vera At, .Idro . :{ue.rul.
r.t it. OW Of .2dlcQuegran AD M .14111.1tN INT ...T.% .4
W•ine cre. .. , - ' •War. &d. MI; • - net. -
A B.- it'Quawss.llee'T. do lt 2.• ct el . \ ' L•'•
Notice. .
NOTiCE is hereby given that the \, . seigniz
cwt of John Oyler. tea be round at the ofeoleof
oaths. corner of lama) cod Liar eta. to ',W m.\ ell
ltd•ht•d to Estate ofJOhn Otter am trot...tea to
wake Immediate Dement; and, these heelog rtetturt.l
treeeorthem for .-ettlement- IT- B. PUSHY
WILLI& 800111
dell-1.6411Wr. -
.ohickerines Pianos. ,
f USN it o'd and . . now open for
eissolostton and sale. the
newran, Fort.e. etc
-Ono Itossnoal. rtohlr carrel tirend \ Urnrgit
Pleto /ors. 7 octaree. 00 00
One superbly carved R.0./004 Mien Pisa°,
In the style of Mule YlNth. 7 oetavnt /SCOW
On. Rosewood. caned. da *. 450 nu
-• do . dO • • I% do 475 Od
1). • do
_plain. • OK Oet ASO nit
a:: •g . • - - Ig. ‘4l°,o °
'All the shorn- ore :rout the stlebrated " faittildetory of
CIIICKER I / 1 1.1 A BONS. Bodo.. Mem. • ••••
Also. reed horn the ems Itttetrr.S to:Sullied h:d of ri•
ADO Stools, tarred nod yl.l, ltatelead..wlth hair WO,
new •
hagel plush.and Brostillesesti. ' • 1
On hand s stoat-of Planes from other noetort -
New York. Milers sod hor sate a - 7betzrr prink •
JOIIN - 1.1 - 1.17.LL0R. bl Woo Itt..
Assar rte Ohtekerlon's tern
fur rttOtbonsh it Western Penne,.
,11OR SALE OR RENT,--Tho largo Fa(ltllry.
latdldlag..lth 'bar' Late .of amoo..atuate iume
„:Ceents Wanhlti,tott atm.% opiMrs the - Ilint: Wi g .
WoL4 of .111r.O...19rwooktn 41 7. 1, 4 0 1.N.vit 4 .1 411 7 .. el \
.141 • ;.• • ' 403 am. W 00.11 4 24.1.6% .tx '.
NAYS BY TBLEQBA.PII- , —Wo have jasi
bit"iete44l. the (oat that Ulhaahe Itutao•
• atkeed•Liehl lisle Dye ix the Oelf uncle now tue..l
the fikablottablealrehe at **table ateu, all other preDete-
Hone having ttiei ry . " ' •
tor is Whotelette and Rotel IVII, RIME:WM.
4.2 L - , 117. Wood etmet.
HO LIDAYS—Thp Pithwara and abldlng n 1864101 our
I,lrd; alltgd by J. P. Walnwrlght:D. D.
Eirowsba the Livell:3l the Apostles, rdlty.l by Sew. ll.
.9.VartahVlDlnii-hiarinc. ,
. (drain; to Downy, . do • •
Ttn, lagline Manual, do do • -
• The lhawmher M0...a0
.40 • •
Magnolia, by Clara /Imola. with lllnstratlang ,
• The Amaranth. lar -KIDDY Pard ,4 , • do:
• Th. Oat orLoya, •• •• • •d.
PAP&' ■ Argg.l.L., Net Yaii ` s • The Orm.areaant. for all swoop, The forget
Chris/awl Rot.. a tor yrnuin
, • The Jurpnlla aroraaSn. - al
. - • d.
AVlrt r ilgai • •
.altlii,toing P,T,011,,1
aid gre le6tVx
moat aumrb lasultablr. for Ohrlstow and frawYear's
yremnba. DWI on nand 014 Mr W. 0h.. . . by •
deYi; • • NAY .A CO., 66 Wand,Pt:
9 I OO K:UOLDERf3--Tui
PIT,/6111W1 FlSZYnnyliti. lbiuora Coulter,_
hr manual meattmal tttaßtoabL,tdara of do Pittrburatt
MIL! tabg;111: dlia;lltiniC A ) : l476lll tTo'Vltaltit i TA;
Anatomy at tha Iloalotar'a °Moo araaltl Com_rany. am . .?
of Grant alma sod Dkaasood tha Vit. or Pitt.
burgh. for Ma qaa ea of t Preaktorit agda. ttirritor!
!!!4.l,!iffs, P. 7 ! 1"
FRESH:. oystea.s;
inn 8 10111 in at
A. D 11Po • '
_~; a
... , . .
_ \ ..
1/ Olt ItktiT—A Lot on Darters. War. between
Mather, Ind lherstreat• 60M-front b 2.120 ftdelD
Alm. • rr April let. the Poverty • n toner 'at Liberty
Olt ' Mist:mem cocupled kV • PAWS , te- 'Ch.:ldd. be.
ins 00 feet on Marty. street. 4130 hest On Plit, at. Me
will elthe;eell there 104, loam them f • term of years.
1 or let them on a pert..tatl less& and to regi m e
of "let'
m .ke the same to raft onsehmem. Enquire at
d4ite O. u. .I.of ., lll .l lB . a aM i. iti r st, s LlZei4 , •,
Also, U acres between flearlokleT aid Bemblary- Sun
L l ' n,7l7l lZ ' a b. nd l ga7rt i vir l yec i r Tc7a rgr lard Hamel for
tse is the
and:wood. This ploperti lum
i he adrantagat of the !holey& nod being in the low.
1 er2oart af the ad./clam:hood, In freed from the annoramme
of the vil•aor.
• Alb, (Or Lantle DWELLIff 11 HOUSi In Beedalr.
'tr. within .short Mew, of the rellrood.and abundant
-4 morel ird th most siellent aptiallw•ter. Thi• 1, ""
",1` .44 b. .rfaelrett I. accommodate two fentiles. sad
met. , "gni , . low to snood tenant thmulreof •
Y. A. WAY. or JNO WAY. raordollor
Cexpetings. '
mindei 'get ere he , ne to untunaallir, tarts Bthal , "
head. embracing • very large seeortment, from the •
Lmott to rho Highest Grade,.
which we offer at at times at the tenant ./than*. •
ItEINgoN op, •
Pilthat. n O opeelte the Theatre.
LEAD reed " steamer
000 01• Ir • , re enTe by
13RODDOE sumnus—
L 50 bbls small Milt/tam:lc
10. tags prima Batter;
10 able fresh roll ON
i lltint,UWl.ll;T b li
- .1021 No: 120 sad 13 2 1.21 g.
11 1 7 P-5 gittol!sli
VINO %TABU BOARDS-40 clos. Zino
/11 Wash Board. Ibr ails by .
VII EESEI CHEESE-30 big Cheese for sale
6 11 , 1 . 1:Bp . N fp . ll2wi . n g
w tun: '*'""
DOntorr. Jan. LS: 1847.
have riaad Hogla's Hyperion letold.srid . end it ta be
b•fit article for Mohair 1 have OTIIT tried; it has dans
r hair mach good. and 1 oan cheerfully recommend it.
L. 1.
Vav Ingle nv L. Wilcox Jr Oa, Doggie J._
st, a.l
ndlllin Aposhecar.
ea.. miner of Market at and ths-Dhanon.l.Pilnehuritbi
Real Estate and Contracting Agent. •
enbecriber has been induced to open
an ales f.r the porno.. of baring and setae. on
Mcm slop. and having the aseney of large hts . Bair
ille. en d Boat Sart, on the Allegheny neer. Mu
toil many other fasilitlee from - otter valet and Otsego
Be. Mills. Ile Bitten htmeelf - that he can furnish easy
b , ill of lumber and timber of nor kind. greater .
bog or short. and deliver them at any point on the All*.
gbene, Sionongebeln.Ohlo. orldissiselppl dyers. taut:set
Lo b o nd B.ryges, Moro Boob.. Coal riots. Boat ann.
eels. Bridge givensilrottd ..Timbers—gretah /Inn.
eti. so. loaner gaint. and attend to th e sate
leel runts of Tiro l Estate. • Prom bla long ennarlenee ln
omberieg. &fighting and host huildhut..he think be
eat, gm. gral estate:lh v. All persons are requested
to make th eta stb otntinetn soon. eqteeldir thee, wanting
b eta or largo bills o ftcmher and thither; shouldeantrael
foe them in the tall toe the spring and summer use. 11.
.111.1 s. et end to the \ purchase and gala of arty ooranto.
dity that may be desired. -
Lott*, addresed to Darla Mona, Beal Mite and Con
traction. A eat; Pittsburgh. Box. - No.llo,peetneld. will
rte pniutuelly attended to o\ /16 rtlioe lion /resin st
Allegheny House. DAVID .
Col. Jim. 14 MorgwaLusoberamirii Pitteurgh.
3h. jaw orrillo../MQ" .... . Any. SLIM.
Mr. liobt. B. Bro..l Xtl . • (maim .
M. Wm. \ Arroatro.44 \„. . .. ~
._, gr. , C. i=ple dz : \
.. ~ .. _
~. .
dit2ol.ydaw'r \ \
• • Fact ' , Ward\Publid‘fichools.
PUPILS, of , the let \ Ward Schools.
Pitteburgb,.wil here in grind CONCIIfitT, fa the
Leti of the Yahoo!. Banding.nn TUMID a Y weenie&
Dec. WM. cement:ming \ 7 Qnloolt.neder the direction or
]lr. D. Crltcbinr.
opi.rictoo, g oto.. bed it the Menlo Steen. of].
H. Mellor. H. Weber and _at , be door on the evening or
the performance.
iRYSTAL PALAC.p outrivalled with a
21Vg'rrlu o r " d n d r " 7olllsi4roa fee, a W il,Ylt
The 3d and last !Weal lite,,RepOn•
Au Alm Sale of 300yaelmeres artha'llieset Holland
albs. tic Goble alai duals hyacinth., tatty% magus.
1.47 , 15. U. ILI., amen imperials. 4111..ineitabbe far bloom. .
414. fo g t i rsailV P ,lnarlitrDAY,!tim flattsr i t i f
creiralr. r. PiaSnarts • /Lambe. Boa.. seataktitem,
BAs! , raaby IL(1820-ael JAMKS NielPiNNel.: duet.
\,.\lmportan t to Younillren;
Bairnens 80 ready 'tear to asik• Maisky.
OFFAR for sale upwards of 30_ • event
4 "eVet t atlTlV . a h n i gl i rXptUTlsaercti \ ';j
Beat nays M mate money , la theLmla of ono oy imm ,
elts alon4llya known yinann men the Fait aar,to,
mete ?rem Sept. [waive dollars par day, and In I, bo team
ufactara mgdsiln of any ono of Um, ankles, noloung
man of. na•nr and abilltynan ttemaka money,
Addy.. N. BOITM 412. Bonen. Mani . analog nir SI, ear.
the whole ottettl?extrf
th e be forwarded he% I.
No letter taken f ••• theoffleeiletteverTepald. 1d20.11m T
I -ill offer I- .ale by Anetion.on Monier, tbe 2.1‘
Oct of January nest. at.l ceolect t. a.. on the premises. a
, sainable Lot rf (Molt k In 'M. BOrOUX• of tdeßee.port.
on ,blob lea lame tts.Ae 11 , 113/0 (ndtsblel•• • d•rtl•i•••'
sod edon )) velth other I elements. This Lot Anode On
MI .t.• 6 l.t. sod it it t t deep, havitig •70 foot &lei
al otoishle end to the . and Moentenlent to the For
Cos ldka
AU , . Lots of hound • thg.= Shan's Law. Amos
se the Beted
Hank hots tot, are emnrerdent so lb.
•ornoosed Rs.. .
Tense rdsie known oodoy to sal. A. MILLAR.
de 20.3rdAltereT hone of H. Blueish..
IVI .FAV VSIC--Mturi • Leaves, a collet!-
1.1 Idos of urns coca pops sr ra for the • taco. out
us. In an elegalt i :ty Ir. Intruded \ yonebrlehnes Mlltt:
() • treb.dedlcated.tAllarellsrriMll.lllllk.o.
- ...Weed fOr Iwa by t). Attotn‘
ilittlg L A s tb d ittf b rkagslacel,f Poo:
liixt•l. Nilinn
Reot Teen *loony dein
I:fr. r iterte 'P fl,l.V3i,P4,t r g, .° r Wiln4m .. c
There lea High the Hear,: .
[ meats fa so vary rtktdan , -
fleawitut Wu* Ifln otn
Heart Lie tes von cur.
nee PattneorsWans by JoIlho: • .
~ .....Wtlft..v,
1 sloooshlne Redone: ' \
AdII Podia sod Ittstoor . drq \
L• Pierre Polk.: \ , ` '
benzin. SchotWoh. \ i.
A laree assortment of 'the &test Forrlyn Po IlTaloon
t..r the Yieno,.toyL reed sodfin nide by
\O• OtiIiRMMIIR A, .
.L'.2o . (N.1..111101.83 rourtn L '
( ; 3
11ESTNUTS--25 tau. el the hest qu
ed and for slid by `AZ ...IL AIJALPIN A ...-
en)re 2A4 Liberty t'
Fm CEACKERS--Ret\ . qualitT 5e Tilt
Peek. or 60 anat.'s. 6oe for , 12 `lm 6146053 r
pecks. - 3101611161 PArrah!ii,lo psa
the Wanotid. \
. ... ...
I_ YKA ll'a—Preuth Commis' rd lip \
. . (hod I.ltld RalitiOk II; IR; \• o ,
. ~.fir.on.l 8010., No , I 1 two \ L .
Cook Wine kt 11141147.2550 ' \
No* Orl•Bna MajtSP. to in e 6 lb: -
Oood filo &am 1 21111 I
ded.7l MOIO N ,
211 IS. A •nt au, Ms tb at
~ . .
PARRTTON' in Oa dad, •
p iswo, vit lir. • - •
P.m ;iota 10e rot ;matt. at ,
da= MORBItt PATTON'S. la Um Iliamost4.
ACK SiLE. VELVET&-+A:',A:Sfigon
a AI Cto. illtopeo another inyothe of , Bitch 'Bilk Nr44.
•et• X. X supra-4.lde. \
FLA.NIktELS—A. lia - seak
wv c0.„14 9 213 stti_ et., twill ett_ - 1 2dr:des:It 1:41.•
White Yle.tels itf the bat make or Welsh,' Itglith ettf
- Ataerkszt Ilattufttetots.
& 0 1,117 6.11.Widttutt tf Wax! - sad Itth eta,,lnattor '
ke • Friend. • • • • .
. IQ F. JONES, Bernard Lanni, S. M. Kier
, ILI, V:gi tt.itg:,Piammitivltr.grZ
ral'itir;rAlarix.'im Vigra; Cr' . ! "" 217
a. e. iozcs--..e. uves....-4 Y. iiii....../ F. uifi.
JONESe • LAMB & CO., •
ittANEFAOTURERS of superior, Bar.
at suaulma wine Xna: ot al/ d....foilons; w•r
bog.% No. co Watst otrsot. Ostrom Market sai Wood
street.. 17W•borah. , ,- . - dotilddco
\ "1854." ' • . ,
Pitlf ~
Cliteinnitti. Lindavillei and :.
em 011,0118AlliwritictiPionrilfax: uvula PAW=
. • .\ . LINN. \
1 7
\ \ANp_seiNt. Louts, _ -
, A , m, „, TIIIS LINTS, \'
-11-li f in Al r it , ll4.l:::V" l 4 l l il
fr 4 t 11 . 7,..1 % * :i37.4v , 3.711ttr,f4.!1V.T. f*k
.7 : 4,l4l6 : ,T,tr, r eil.
0 r... r . V*? ta eel. !facia; oat recqpiedWernoutrar
:: ';‘,' 4 4 . 11 k• ' lZ:4l ' r b.Vol a ‘ C. t'e
j4 7 ..h "
B. ata \ ' DIV', 421"da.6,.a./..1
l% , JVC/Aulagas •
A MANZ , 9...1g , 1,4 la aorta-3con•kr. , .
ult \
ALmligNr,Liris:.• z itiut::::7 — t i gtt r ; • ,-
' ' "-.W•buid..7
oR wire. 1, t A 1,4 Lux ?.. acci1.:= .7 . 1 ... in. .. .
I:nliptitirliatr:,l Icfris a rrut ..... ...Nr—. s
r t i g / h v iti i&.10 ' ' ' tk i riilf=7 .2 , ""
"7. '
„ lb" fevigt t ro:eired, odor 9 o'clock nn r yas loorolog of
"§OPPlariiicularo. , 1 ‘, .91 on )4 • 1,1 .0f
. , \ \ Jaf f a i f i LA L 6..4 " I I i T O
, 2_l_.. j:________._.. .
_ Ll_t.
9 P111311171M1, Jail at Y . 111 4 1 1'4'1.13'41 ' ""*. "elldh'r
1.1 k ogs ' aukedßatt j
I ' 7 deb' \ DALAnt. LCO .s
EW,LARD--10 bbfi No. 1 I+l3afla
1;a1 ti " r tkilTil,4% egg:
S•VIArT QII,--100.1b=1•oluttalitfor
' bblo' and for
l 4 . 13 :11.4)T.11 OLOAICS. I - We have _Mr
extra WO and cholas virlaty`..olLadire tOoth
Oinks. del3 /LA. gum •ou 6th rt.
ont k . rl T PAYToti 4and larfe lig,aartmeat• of
Merle. Ara Pam:WU* to • leh w.' , ( awns tk• At.
t 6 of lb. WbolaNlA • A. A P1A.024 100.
• R. MOLASSES,-2.00 tbk SWIM Ria;
J ; s l :eirrtattai o o.d .
VEINED SUGAR ;- 1600 Powdered,
Ortwhill.Aawal InAtand tlistlllod la 'tarn 444 far
nag /AIM A. 1101'00180N
4 ", . •
.11sti Pt. Gauls Mager ate 6627.
V . Os' SUGAR-104 bhdo.. prim • pew '* dt P fr rilitr.N °"h" fft
11610t1.113 CV,.
I{( . BBLH , D.- . CITLBERo( - 0T
4).!1LV17.41 . 13RJ0et . reed for uf34 ,
410 Bxs:
._ lllbl7,l4 q Y ~ " ' lll rtWaritto . :
Dried Pesetw
roof semaibr: •0 4 0001E02( 4 0 0 , ,
. 11 1101411
61,11 , 140 111: ;gun cloUpli
B P. M. DAVIS. Alasstassor
Saks Rome, toraer of PVIJI sad Wald
- -
0 ettook.... tlo..tanyot Z., Deem:top, Do 111 D
I. tuld by order of th* Anigur.s.; the !MD* et ' *
ercouka, go, ecooprlidng •
gs I.gds. it. O . him - go Tom. Too & Stra••Papee
4a. A Abb. Porto Rico do. , • 50 do.. nay sod Doug forigN
.. aheotatlmea IDIL.T.g: tads ilagowo3 Dada. , •
DOA.* Claaalatr., k. 0 45 Daft' an,Wod:
15 do gelersto.: . lll4,vadooft. emu% ' • \
20 dot. Wird.. . V bal.. Tobacco:
20 by.. fic...l Boom ~- io do. BM Cboli nallors• X
it togs , • 10001 h. Damp Who.- •
010 poooda gal gods; - • •
dholols. Usiehet., Cablos. Pwldng Yarn. Cotwn
ODT. I DA. O3 .C.rD.Daff. lice. lhouts. DoosateD4 VOID.
Cooke. U Ar“los. Tenet.. 8.10.. Ae. "
Ttallo—Balmi over SW: 01..ty d•... and we.. 0300.
Don moon. toeggo.roved endorsed p ' •
_de 20' •Al. DA Cif. Ant,
BOOKS, 01I0I..00.,`arANym D 11)0DA, AO. AT
AIICTIONIn-WolotaDy .41 Shand.. inotodode:24l
And 2M.11041 0'.11.4 at coo Coono.ralal B.las Doom.. acor• --
nor Wood an , oth Ms: Rltl be sold. • Dm. 01114.(3,.. er
Boa Annual. nod IlluotrAted Rooks. among .plo p
Natlaaallllerzf Nintio.a. l 2).G.l.l.ll4lvo'rg Aorlp.
tuna Ihrat agrarlOgs. 129 do . do., yob; Book or
Home Beauty: ado'. D.Mus . of Art: Cabliset or Mod
en Art: ill ANarr of lliustr.tioor Off.dos;
Chrlstmlo. Trltonta; &mod TatS•aag: Deo Drop; :tome
Mt.: Iroise °gluing: fthodahio'a DIM A merles.
car s Anaszontio Chibomaa Blosoulat, Gift of Ag.olllonol I.l46lDywrlng Rood. Sorso Deaf. 2 to' , o
°D ,, . 0 f BAlkfti . • of Memory; superb. soot.. at
Ilittotr. Pope gad other •tiodarl Yo•
Durum'. •natsogy M M.facohol.“ Dfaie..Work.4 . 11
iITLIZPotr..3;33:IIII: 11,'Nwli'l=13=str°11:3.4g4:!
11; . 4.1..r (1.391=ut5.r.% plapi.eo Nolo-mom
.2isme,9 volgJ , ...nyhco 14.111.1; Nick -
I I T3.71.11..idt3:n.! 34 .410 3' \ \ 4 1 13 - 3 V- I lt.vvreztt .-
NS r &C.. • -
: • Fruit Trask and Blmibberry. •
mllE,enbecriber steers tim ale .s •
muortment of strong, e , l4oroes SktAll
T both dwarfs sod: Mande , sore rr
bewh...imyy.,rjerrey Peather.ponee. 04 :r sk
doehrots. Gooseberry% (..Narrent•_ Seetberlya,
Synleen nverryreenet. lry• death% Tether ;rat Gros. Mote
ter Womble In Winter and Syriac Irepleruenta for the
Pam and Gardena, of meet approved nonstruettore,from
the Seed and Implement Warehouse, 4,9 6th . 0 16 • . J.4SINS
. .
DEAR TREESt.-1:000 extra fine Trees
,dwarf and atandari of sit w and eurerbi , ,v.
miles, jug raerived and for ale at tha 001414
Noreen'. (WI MAIO JOIE , : '1 , 11713DV011. Jai
• New England Society
rictilE'Anniveroary of the landing 0 •tho •n 1
Pilgrims mill bs ft.lebrato.l by_ lb. !Caw Soisttoel 80. . s
Ti11111.94/41Y evening. 117.1- inst., at 14 AIIIIIO
It is tlasitab,.. that MI purposing to lola lo tbb t*i_.•bib• - I
Von. prosonstatir t‘absts previous to Standby. essoZ; . i
the Igth. .- •
SII-Ttsitets o ' htstoisi at L. Loomis' Boo'kators , VY .1
thsasboottre Cot:omit:be.l Y. .. WILMA-BATO E
N T/L . • 1
\ • . . L. /L. Livinalrcip.' - 1
,w. LEtllUen
uorg. meant.:
. ..
... \
the best in the entre of Iltrenhighrin dolog doe
nab bestrew. aod fur We nen, enquire of
L` TWIST TOBACCO 201[6;6 twipt To
Vbawd, J. , ,tordber's brand. to arms tormda
DRY PEAOLIES-500 bus. Dry Pet'Achee
reed •ad ibries BPRISGZA
BIITTEI2 kegpriine Bcaterinst rde'd .
1.1/ ind !errata - 11PRINEHIR Hi11t14174111%*
WINDOW' 44Less-3oo_ bxs. airte4
PiZetbilitorsand far onslitt 7
rill° LET—A Store, ocouped by E. One
" salteni.‘eoroer 6th stoat and AlarY at &Ilan
I talTdr - j".°*\"'
AA A. MASON do 00., No. 25.5 th M . ' i
anteson this =ovular \ suseriar stook o
.. 164. 114
'll4 itsriss sad Roane Blankets 449
hand. 'a osuperior \ variety of itildite
Cloth elcokto,Tohnoo lad /1111booterii. ' - •
tag ' A. A. 11l /11301 CO. 25 Lth
--- - - -
. .
_NJ Johnson's rtiothntarY. hon. t.,,e Outhat'S last
verbatim. SO;
Slitter's Illstory h orient,slo:!
Slehlomee+ theory of the l ath mit err slut the .10th;
till the overthrow of the Prenob =m is; with pstlion
far reference to mental coltlvaton otidhionnenr. Seas.
rust to Reeeerehes. by WY. Inlgh,4 11.y0:1;
Johnson's tiortlaner.l4 Tel+ In 3 13 hin0 •
A. NI) J. L:READ, Agent, - 7gi 4th tan
tt.rildr i tl n gt= l :m aa =s 4 A. 6* D'r.sot t n i nnti
whohlare '' percheseze as lint , etn altrt-d. '
s /Female Prove Wrltere of Amen. os. portraits asot
'Peet Illnatrethme. 1.; Jobn B. Hart, Llv, Deb, Tolley .
morocco'. i 5.
/I , :zarzai r /f r irt i ri n e:. te iy‘.. h a . b . o tnAu re
alto page sod e/ seat I ons. 4 ,lB . s3,ao. l ierher rm.
pats and
emirs silt end mink parucels, - 1864.14,-
beeernir Jere. quarto. mer. jiloMMltir for ell rya.
ease. /eldest messount . eagreyinge, • • ; 7 •
c Lleid i c
l ap:s9l!erlag. mbee vet mor and lelpell
\ Token of Privedehtp, to offerloz for all .canoe
*1,150. \
Th. leivegla, ..4 llto.tnoted. 11210 i
In. Ladles Home. Ipltastrn , ll , Ra . - - -•
Warass.• IlecoM. or SeePtec or all Ws thecitlalml Wo
mem lrom *tee beeplA 1/11 A. D. lag.
beechfutly illeitrated, nod ea lot
eboep. In the U. 8..112.
Mr/Ahem to male, oPe. I P&I. earl pretty.
Moodatt3lza., nano. Tf. eta- N
Gil Satmenir tor 14, $l.lO. t
A &Jolla\ Wit. 5140. '
Th.. add. UM., mall <lout.% mor., sl.7e. p
. \
The Died*. qemmo. elelh. illj .3 - c
Th. oracle nolizzaft: or TOSPIX Im4lele.lllentor,' - '
Parente Aveliteut s , h 7 rairaWOrth s Oath, TS- chi.. attrl
Heim y, Bohleon , elemmtly 011.I1.11). •
Hato &complete uiptlimert et Poet/ Quotatkoas, hk-11.'1, lF
Pimp /tree or itMilmehatleo. $2. •
tHeUccarin of Peolical Qe.tetioes.l:l Walton .43 by
Bielem' packet .41up.*. various bincUi;ga t
ream apema n to sip • \. • - •
&,lerge vex/M t or the Poets, la Timbal 14041111 t SIM '
at sacioue Mom Pot ‘ age i 7. • J. 1.. RV*
4 .
ro.. and tor br FLEMING etiorusas.
el m 0 811?aeo
Cs 3 Cleaver ' s
Ibt aL b ir s i / 14 Bftni dtl 5 " \ dratir
' lIPLIOBBICISI--35paNdet4 fur sale
br deg • B. A. rAnysierouz ea°.
IBLES, ogaxpirt:,-
C4qirl iktrAce!) ,,7 lll4l ^ ,....v.. •
w:"lcalysle,ati eultable fur Balkier P MM..*
Mee 05 ilattet neeq4l,ll '
Ilen . t. ' Zirtnild Invite eit " Zron tara'lg llto stook in Urge ° Ito(
Juvenile aintp.berßooks entratile pie amnia •
.J7,==ll°C.lVZ.9l.=onktVgitjg' t
qh. =O4 eldgarit of Peuret. ramilY and eta.P.
Bibles; eueerbleillluetreteit knalbh wort , an& ?liver .
Donna ani in velvet with Gold maul titter Onur : -
Ztta k 7Ah urst. h ri lb sZgrwrilatiValnaltg
roll. 0..• AVIZOiv. on Market et. mar
• .%
ear 1103tituul. 11 2:131LMVI T " `4441/::,
The aboviiinit Neu and tu• MIS by •
EAT k 30 Won't
M4OHAT'S POPI I 3-- v oide frozee
-410iMfatiSIS and frolmthe by mules
' 72sio. for Ade by's Lira OIL &I llned.ry: •
A P \ lll .EB-44 inar_
bl b 7 if* Vglir!". iuz!titgainAtiar.
int U ER-40 res atUI tbble Air sale_
ILLER/8 COUGH SYIEll?-,A. valuable
-iv mud, Itte
an coldh•
Asratinta.- dittnntio
W hooping Omsk and tha 'annum/Mtt. tpf the Lunn-
Thla vaittable hoop..(immur
cw Tura rut , and with simaat unituut Ammi. In
coandaatlr notewuteilini u Ulan thalmat sestatti tor
the Mau eomphdatitnaw in vaa. It to hull': Mud
" c't "P"b"44l.
%Wal e vtrl4'.
bt u
D l a~
.1 Or .
4. A Ap4"" RLING
Itu" " t4H rC P ro
11/%f ANTED— : Bpania' h \Dl4l.aro,: Blexictait.
• • -da. Privs'an a nd Unman Titalara, hem. all and \
Garman Crowns. SOTOrti.ll4 amd Doty maimmo t and. \
'fbalera. litmoish Ind Parded. oona. -tral, abcr
ie'redi, Dent. niti 'alleluia of denoticaeg Dollars and .Llagr- , -
Dollar*. for all of 'titian 1 will pay en hien...a nrominm. \
in ratr rands. ' Weatant Funds and litattamots ou tn. •
tut am sale." . Ma.
• . 449 . - ' ' C 4.. Elbtati Ns.‘ ker.-DM a . '
I.IIOIADAY GlirrEikurphy rehtle'cl . \ ~,.
I invite Ina &Limit - Too or Oman •lahl to. idle•
trr7;daspktrigttpatdi.=EMll4.l'af dar.:trti=
La ßi' r i nikerWss i F ar:b r oi l = Ittlidaoltra CF I . eattiti :A . . I
madam,. malemot and linnebTiordlo War 12411arn.Stostat. ,'
Dahlia. Midi& and. Cada, - as, Alm: Istliet Fader. f. •
trarGain gnat swims. desk linnets. Me. t. ; . .
DTASII,4O caskst sorts for salC
dolg PA TINIZSTOCIC 4 k 02' ,
.OAL.Is 50i571.--41) casks English los 'CV :
4 if.._ci
13. soixnesnwt ,
BNTIAN ROOT- 7 304 11;wfo rvby
r on.
I UST feeii['Jai. aTictis Trimwia •
'-' A.A. ILLFON & CO. SIT ""
impinior a
M mtfigent ore. Above 011 baSIAI7I4
belated AL Ne.ois- 00.
I UST odWfrtwncalpiiet' Long, ab;twls,
Td-ROll-4.5 tam ext r ii taret
L 7 tar Pl* br
aIS •Ar e In NI
elltl3Bl{ 500 btu Cream Cho me sad -
vi Mkt CUtting Chola. ftxr br '-'
ILIREEN API : 1E8 7 1SO bbls various kinds
IJI far salt by 11. etratta. 04
11 -. ';'77 --- & - I . olitat~ai
lit . 4 oaosllrot
Earz cu? hao4 ta4Pfo.l6 old
.1 . 4 1 }!E 8 FM&-
Cll N ol olDtat--4
A tor ROE ' 409 Sys :lteo4Rtut.
.tßEPAßgl ittait4put
- Mom Karat Di tits mu d fortai. br ju
-• • • • W. 4.,,lianteito.
LEW, AND.TGO, .14paniisti
_________seteeasa ter sae by*. NO - no 4.,
, ,
, -