Elves Inmes.—The tnr; --s ftl rise la the river was realised, ant 'Yesterday treeing there wit 6I Channel depth o(6} feet. The rise, however, was than nearly checked. After the lain on Saturday the weather changed to (sold, which nontianed all daY Sunday; yererday it snowed heavily. ' - The Adeligim changed timeir, Capt. McVay retiring. He will be imemeeded by Capt oe llgher, formerly of the Dan Conyers. We regret to lose the good-natured and good-looking Cart., McVay; but CapL Gallagher Is on excellent sub stitute, cad will keep the Aisne in apple-pie or der., She leaves to-day at her usual hour. The Winchester wHibo here thiamorMog, and will resume her place in the Whieling line. , The steamer St. French' sprung s lest in the Basin at Lasalle, on the•Elinois river, last week, and sunk In seven feet water. She was a email boar, and had little or, no freight on board. The -,Eseei also sunk at Apple creek,. on the same river, in 6 feet water. She had two bargee in tow, laden with grain, but bad no freight henget!: - The Excel.was s small boat, but bee had a-lrain;. irble run of hominess during the season. The St Louis Republican says.that novigatton en the Missouri Is about at a close. The Hon dares Is tbe only boat up the river, and on bar arrival st St. Loule.will lay try. The Beloit:di m also notes the upper Mississippi as very dif ricotta' navigation. The water was olgbt inches biltr at Keokuk then at any time since bast se*: son, and only 80 inohes on Enterprise bar. The -Jutia Dead was aground at the mouth of the4l The Shreveport (La.) paper of Nay. Both ra porta the safe arrival of the Augusta, Ike licit little boat built here last summer, and earl she avaisoeodal in getting over. the falls. Bbo. ie now running to hibadea: - Column's lgotrur.—W. H Carton, the EOM who was stabbed on Thursday night, died en Sunday morning, at his boarding house in Sligo. On the same day, Coroner Lowrie held an inquest upon the body. Mirth' Myers gave a description of the fight, similar, to dip published 14 us, on Saturday, with the mention that Clegg end Sixenbougb both made a out at Carson at the same time From the direction of the blow, the latter could not have intftoted the wound. Clegg made en underhand stroke. On being &ceased, Hixeii. bough denied ;hat he had cot him, but said that If he had,. it was done In self-defense. • - Jositpit Young and William Bean, both testi. Bed that early to- the evening. Clegg told them at the glass Uwe. thighs intended to cut some body that night. On his return to the giros house he seas very mum. He kept hie right - hand In his pocket, when one of the workmen pulled •it out soddenly, and it was found to be bloody, es was his knife. -Ile then said that Ifizenbougit had got -into•a tight with Carson, and that be (Clegg) cut Carson in the stomach bird enough to ant Aim in two, and that HI:taboo& thought that Lt wile himself that gave the blow. . This testimonyamounts - for the bloody knife of Clegg; which was involved iu so mach 'twee my in the examination before tholdayoi. The -jury found a verdict that the deceased come to his death from a wound inflicted with a sharp instrument In the heads of either Clegg or ilizonbough. Mayor Riddle -sent up commitments for the -detention of the prisoners until Saturday, for an other examination. ' COURT TIZWB Qairrn 13TAISII CouaT.—Before 41340 Irwin Tho naturalisation eases were called, but Jo seph Randolph not appearing, hie bail ($1000) was deelared forfeited. United States; ♦e. W. Miller; indictment, opening a letter addreesed to a olthten cf Alle gheny, in the taro of a lodge of Odd Fellows.— The roller was alleged to have bein taken from the Allegheny Post Office, in the early pu t t of July last. Shafer for the United Staten; Col. Block and Stewart for defence. _ The jary returned a verdict of acquittal; through eome error in the indictment - Drumm Counr----Before the lion. Monis Hampton,:President Judge, awl the Hon. W. IL Williams. Aesletant Judge-. ' Mary WC - Stilt*: vs. Thomas Scott No. 619, November tena. Thonigiu Howard • for. plaintiff; Thos. Mellon for defestdent. Action to reoover damages fur trespass. Verdiet for plain tiff for $20.. Dill of exceptions filed. ; • -. • Charles Avery and George Ogden we the Mayor. Aldermen and citizens of Pittsburgh.— N0.,571, Noveiober term. 1852 Williams and /abider for plaintiff; Hepburn and Blppay, and A. Tr. boombi, Esqs., for defendants. Action of ejeitmont for lots on Duquesne Way from Garei , asp', alley. to Wirm street: "Trke jury had Se ' turned no verdict at the time of adjournment. . . . Tan Faszegtox.The jury in the exploilon ettlMS (at Nicholson & Payne's Foundry) met on ,Batarday night at, Alderman Major's office, pus , siatit to adjournment. Coroner Lowry statel that the boiler has not been raised yet, though a number of men had beau employed an the task. After some further testimony had been elicited, ihejunr found the Gliowing verdist: Wm Meshy, the deoeued, came to his death from injuries received at an# from the explosion of the steam boiler, at the foundry of Nicholson Payne, is the Eighth Ward; and the jury have found no evidence whloh wouid justify them in attaiant blame to the engineer." _ TAN Frearum's AZOT.—After the ootieloslon of the firemen's riot on fisturday.might, a Mall nrantd Thome Johnston, of . the Duquesne ' wee attsoked by three or four Allegheny mem bers, and very severely besten. His wounds were &mooed by . Dr. 144.. , WARD Nosturazzows —At the Ward Meetings Eel t on Saturday eyed:lg, the following gentle ; meat were placed in nomination by the Wards in dicated below: • • • ....•Finer Wanz.—Belest Counesi—Allen Cordell. Common CoundL—Adatne Getty, Benj. Sinter -iy, i,bn Graoy, Wm. A. CddwelL ' -Judo of iiketioiti—Edwari P. Darlington.: bapostor,ofEketior* is—David Fitzsimons. GbadaMi—James Sharp. ' Arrestor—Caleb Russell. Se4ool Directors—Jamos T..litnoold, Br., Benj. flinetrly. Aldermaii--Cyras Blink. - 111100 ND WI.RD. • , e.teet conneit—Richard T. Smith. ••• 4.'omoion Couxesl--.1. R. Sweilser, J. F. ladige. Him*. ' • • • • ',dog Eketilms—RObt. hfsekey: • Jasper:or—David C. Berbet. • Se.hcot lireciors—Robert Marshall, James W. , A atOVIT —A. fd'Parlatat. • Coartsb/e—RobL Gagne. CoOpittei of rujilance —The following gen. tlernan,were appointed • Committee of Vigilanco for this Ward:—J. WC.- Crosson, G L B. Fet terman, ,P. Anshutx, W. H. Glenn, John B Donlan , : J L Bhee; )3d. .Arthors, Panel. Fahriesteek, J. Marshall;' Joshaa Rhoda', a.. II Hilderbrand,. Joi. Span weij—Ptitohman,'J Jones, W. J Rowaid, Jr., - John Adams, T. Stade, Francis' B.' Wilson Robt. Wilson. , A LLSCIIIIXT PILVAILT Merassis.—Tho !alien ing gentlemen were elected by the whige of. Al ' l e ghccy,_on Saturday, delegate's no the city„con Tension for tie nomination of a candidate for Meyers • First Ward—A P. Boheraill'aud Hamilton iHtsoart (Independent•) Bsntond Wulf —J. Blair and J. ,Geyer, (for I Gampbell - .Third tram—Jobe Myers and W. Grubbs, (for Park . - Scurtli Ward—Wm. Oath and Geo. Bassett, -'(for Park - Commissionen yeatee day wade ibe following appotottoentse ' Comfy Sandlot—James IL Bewail, Erg Jail Physician--De Roberc.Lindle. Afestangile "'planate—lrina'. Kearns Ens tinuf, at Jail—Andrew Mitchell frau/man-3 ohm A: Scott , Jairilor,Jaaob Gebbart Eamon Comte, ALLII3IIIIIY --Tito only in ftereetiog bushiest before the tieleot Council of Allegheny, et tbe last meeting le the following: Mr.:Oho:4r. presented the following resolution "bids was adopted, and concurred in by C. 0. Raeford, By the Select and Common Cannella elf lino city of Allegheny, that William Roblaeon, ; be end he in hereby appointed the agent •to wepreaent the city at the ensuing meeting of the steekholderc of the Ohlo and Pennsylvania Rail read Company, and the proxy to cast the vote of the Idly at the eteetion of %motors at the piny to to be field Oil Tharsday, the 2ilth day of January, 1E64, with lturintattem to vote for the ant Board. • .Rl7l 01111 X .-L carrier of one of the German pipers, mimed Miller, was run`over by twe heroes and a .wegon, on flaturday.mordieg, on Ohio street, dltegbeny city. He,is very aoelonaly; htinted... • • __ itIiAOLT AID DATTUT 71ut =TUT TO COYMT a BAPS —A - WOAD aimed , Barbara Brae ap Oared before Aldermen Bahoop, of Daquesnet Bortegb, - and Izetiteted spit spinet Bobert sold, for &milt Ina battery with intent to @mai • init.& rept.: A ',strut wee ironed for Aniela's . , 04e0111 di, ttleOtitts of oar readers to • the. isaarinuato advil b ifesars. - 0060004er 1176; la sloths's:loam*. Ammar —Asa wages and three hones be-. leaning to David Jenkins & Co., loadtd with bar lion, were being driven along a street In Pipe• town yeeteiday morning, the heroes became riqthttned and backed evera precipice about 111. y feet in height. Fortunately, however, the drner jumped from the wagon, on seeing the horses approach: the precipice. The animals Were much Warm'. • • FLOG.-A. man Dinned B. C. Maguire appear.. ed before Alderman Parkinson and entered suit against another named Hughes, for fraud. It appear" from the affidavit that be bad diposi ted a ten or twenty dollar bill, for safe keeping. with Hughes. After, some time the latter told him that bis notes were vsluelese, as the banks were broken. He, however, eat .d he could get them off at a discount. To this the complainant °caseated; but when they came to settle, Hughes ohorged him $l6 discount, including charge for time, trouble, ko., ato Maguire objected, and entered Bait Hughes was hold over until to. day for another examination. The large sale of Books and Stationery, the entire stook of Mr. Luke Loomis, No. 87 Wood street, will be commenced this nioniing at 10 o'clock, by P. M. Davie, Auctioneer. The Book .trade and others should attend. Wm. U. Knoepfel, 99 William street, New Ytirit; hats long eines established the principle of upright and honorable dealing in ell ids Jeanne tions with his numerous friends and strangers, -and never has failed of securing for him an tit tentive patronage. Hie advertisement, In another part of cur paper ehould be road by aIL bier. chantaand others purohaving their goods at his stsre cannot fail of good bargains and gentle. manly treatment. Give him a call and eee for youreelyea New Counizaren Peva.—We wore this morn ing emote a counterfeit five dollar note, on the iVebeter Bank of Beaton, Mono , letter B, dated Aug. 16, 1833; a portrait of Daniel Webster, sur- rounded by stare covers the middla of the note; Bunker Bill monument, cn the left hand mar •gih, and' a large figure five on the right hand 'margin. B. Lincoln, Cashier, William Thomas, President It it an imitation of the genuine, and pretty well calculated to deceive. There le said to be a large amount of these Mlle put in oiroulation in this city on Saturday craning and this more iog, and we have no doubt if preper vigilance was used, the portent' engaged in circulating them could be arrested.—Chron. We 'would call the attention of oar readers to an advertisement in another Dolman of Messrs. Murray & Oliver, headed .oireuieon." Pereone wanting any thing in their Hoe would do well to call soon, as they have on bind a tine lot of Venison, Stu ISY t'ELEGRAPH. CONGRESSIONAL s lireenisaron Crrr, Dec. 19 SZNATI —Mr. Clay presented credentials of Mr. Forpatrick, Senator electfrom Alabams, in place of'Mr King. Mr. Norris prOnoneoed an obituary eulogy on the death of hie colleague Senator Atherton and offered the customary resolutions Be woe fol lowed by !desert,. flouter and Williams, after which tLo &CM., adjourned. HOME —Mr. Benton rose to a privileged ques tion and announced that Jose Manuel Gallengas, the tit:depth from New. Mexico, was present to take tho customary oath. Mr. Richaidson called for the reading of the commission. Mr Gollego wee then sworn. Mr. Richardson presented the evidence and the poll book of New Menlo() relating to the eon tested election nese. Mr. Hemiton from the committee on Ways and Means reported s bill =kin appropriations for the civil and diplomatio expel:lies of Oovernment for the year ending Jone 1855; also the Deficien ay Bill, and a bill making appropriationajor the payment of Invalid and other powder's. s Refer. red to a committee of the whole. A resolution 'lra& received front the Senate announcing tke death of Bentor Atherton. After appropriate eulogies by ?desire. Hibbard and Orr, the HMO adjourned. New YORK, Deo. 19.—Yesterday there was no' disturbance hare; the street preaching was re 'pealed, 20,000 parsons being present. There were three or four preachers. The Mayor had three reginiente under arms all day, and a large body of police, bat ail passed off quietly. Judge Mason, Minister to France, sails in the Steamer, from this port, on Saturday. Conioy, one of the gang of rioters, was shot by the, proprietor' of a doggory which ins assailed by them. He died in a ffiw hours Borrow: Deo 19 —The ship Abbey Pratt, from calcuttelor Boston, with a valuable cargo, went ashore on Pride'', on the South aide of Nantuoku Blidale. -CopL Beirut-and the crew arrived safe at Nantucket, and etesmers have hems despatch ed. to the relief of the ehip,.,which km.d.four feet erenst-r tuber hold. Toe ship and cargo were insured in .Boston: Citasimman, Dee. 10 —Fears' are entertained for, the safety of the Revenue Cutter Jaokacm, from Savannah, on the 26th for Norfolk, with Capt. Doy, Lieut. Forest., and six hands. The effort made in the Senate of Georgia to bring on the Senatorial election failed by three votes. B.szrzwolut, Deo. 19.—The New Orleans mall of Monday is received. The Picayune has de tails of Mexican news to the BM init. The on ly important Item is that the-plan of °nada'aqui 'relative ta the prolongation of Santa Anna'. powers has been seconded by the Capitol and other Important cities. A proclamation to that effect has been lamed by the 0 overnor of Mexi co, and was received with great demonstrations of joy by the citizens. _Tee Consul Oenend from Mexico to the United Stated, will hereafter be stationed at New Or leans. 807/610. N Y. Dec. 19 —We have had eight inches orenow; weather clear, thermometer 16 degrees above zero. The propellor Granite Stale went ashore on &Wiley night, near Cleveland. She had a corgi of salt and moralism:lies. Bunzasurat, Vt, Dec. I9.—The Free Soil Democrats are greatly excited against the Old Line Democrats They have held conventions la Orange and Washington Counties, and bitter• Iy denounce all who voted for Bobineon and Kid der for Governor and Lieut. Governor. They' have also established a new patetr at Montpelier Called the "Liberty Standard." Baum, Nave ,•Deo. 19'—Late advice' from Buenos Area state that much discontent pre valle throughout the Provinces. The Federal perry. has a decided majority, being opposed to the Government. A. reeclution is predicted:— Produce ie'ear's sad high. • Gitanwerruno, Dec. 19 —A large Democratic meeting wu held at Youngstown on Saturday. Resolutions recommending the re nominutiou of - 03 r. Bigler, repudiating the Oreeneburgh meet, ing and disapproring ihe course of the Argue and Republinan were passed nnanimausly and with enthusiasm. Dee. 19 —Tb3 river has riven 3 feet 6 lecher; weather very oold. Whiekey— sales at 21. Flour firm at $0,10(i)5,16 liege active; 9000 cold; market closing buoyant at $4,25®4,80. Improved feeling fa provisions. Shouldore—sales ,3000 pieces green, and 4000 pieces" eidee, wad 81:19 pierce hams; alerting at lit for shoulders 41 (or sidee;and $6,80®0,37 for haute. LArd—valee - 800 bble. at 8 es; eaten 200.kege lard at Bh. hien pork—Wee 200 bble. at $11.26. Coffee—Bales at 12.1®13. Sugar at 4(g181. • 7 - .PHILADILPRIA, DeO. 19.—Cotton f Mi. Flour guielt prices firm; sales 1000 standard brands at *6,60®6,02,. now generally held at the latter quotationm sales 1600 bblf Brandywine at $6,- 62; miles 1000 bbl. Wyoming at $6,62, Bye Flour dull; declined to $5. Corn le in fair re queet at steady plate; sales 10,000 bulb good now Southern yellow at 70. -.Wheat held firmly.. Yong,Naw 7l/o, 19.—Cotton—Saledmiddling 1.01.; middling Orleans 101; fair uplands 11it; fair Orleans In; market doll Coif/a—Sales 1760 bags Rio at 12k; Java 12; market arm with an upward tendency. Sugar-L[3sta/ 400' boles Musootrado at 9; firm. !Velure/—Bales 360 bb's. Orleaue at 31; firm. Floor—Bales 20,000 bhls State at $7; Ohio $7®7.12; better; Bales 2260 bbls Southern at $7,12®7,26; buoyant.— Grain—Bales 86.000 bosh Wheat; Southern .at 81,70; Weetern $1,60; Bed Penn's better. Sales 66,000 bush. Corn; mired at 80; yellow 82; mutter. Pr.:Melons-Ba* 260 bble Pork at sll®l2® 18,60; sales 850 bbls Mess Beef at $18,60; arm. Sales 250 bbls Lard at 11* Whilkey—Sales 400 bbis Prison st 281. Linseed—Sales 2000 at 68/; quiet. , F ---- - -- EATIIEES-62 bags now landing from Mesmer Castle °gian t for yes hi , n. 23 .10/111.1t DICIKY t CO. TIRODUCE SUNDRIES -1 26 Anoka Drll4 Ettnotteg 40140 copll "bits bows; 20 boo utant.; 5 Wrgral i cl i e101 7; bbu 4 do do; . 6 lacks Wool; '5 do Hops, rethhata for Pale by A LARGE and choice asedrtznent of Prio 4 AFIOICIE Otciak of Madeira .. Sherry, PO .ad Otissopignm Waal. bY . COLIIIIIITBOIO,I9S I liberty itt. Inaraschhao, Curacao, Apiri- NM& ...I **atm Imam ortimhsim . 7- , COM NTERC PITISDTRGH -MARKET • Onms Pirmscurr Oaxerm. 1 - niftier Morning. December =, 1853 The market yesterday Tea abnoet enoirely bare atm actinic The stormy 'readier WM unfavorable to bend Den. FLOUR.-4be only lots offered were = and lb bblr. en- Deerine wbleh went off at $5.82 A better .utply feexpee ted tbl; moraine. GROCE/t7s:l—falaa of 12 Ends. new Saga at 5851(. 5 do. at 1451,1. and 7 do. onl a 63;; isaall sale of idolatnea to country at 27. 41'103 IRlasoart dry ral•ed at 121 f. BUTTER fal. of butter by the boo a it. for prima roil• and 100 &Ise Esc. at 17. 11./Y—aal.a at Pule. of 7 toads at $lOOOl4 II tat. —WHISKEY-1. irchanin.d: males of 361A15. rretitled at 2f..427. IMPORTS BY RIVER. • L0U18V11.1.6, by L.trobe-6 uks b glass Carling, Rob. neon • es; 2 bail books Laub k so; 9 DIA apples Jones ..sly: 2 bin potato.. I bits mdse. U D' s 2 bas 2 kge you, th • ut 6 pk¢s G • Miltenberger, 3 bbl, eggs J Mask. by Yorktown-86 hhd. /1 8 bre bacon 4 aka tenth 1 sok wool door. k 11 D.otil; 802 km! lord kra[lolll..: 2/ bl• alcohol A 0 Duocao; 100 b bl. whisker 8 ask. charcoal 5101. r Itioketson; 63 We whisksy IL 11.11; 100 do 10 eks lthro Park, A on; 42 sk. *col W barker; 30 deoloseng 8 kiss lard 28 sk. Itbrs LeaLeb r on: 2 WA crass Lentos A A% 19 ale Wm Fobenok; 11 pito anodslek ST. LOOlB, by Editor-138 bales hero.. 4 do ba12.10 robes. Regular Afternoon Packet Tor Wheeling. 1 1 1.1 E new and excellent Steamer a NXOIIaNGE. Capt. kiollalluto, will man regular/3 , as an afternoon packet between Pnteburgh and Mantling. leering I , ttsbnegh every Mow daY. likananing and Friday. at 3 o'clock. P end Wheeling every Tuesday. Thursday and &badly. The Extlionge is a net tad • übetsullal boat. with every tacom aletion for tentmaker. boo freight or rum., array on board or to J. D. cocutrdwOY , . eat. 1 No 146. Front street. WilailiaNll. by Cornplanter-270 bane wheat 330 Nile VORZANESVILLE em.r. ffi.ble apples ,enndry consignees. ST. LOUIS, by Caiedonia-1 b&. robe. Shrives g og eme clears Forsith tr. co: 27 tons iron Livingston • so; 76 bides 3 Harbangh: lls snimhe. I do %PO.. J Jlrmo 7 sgi.. motes • ac; X 551 eranberrim Bingham al eo. ZANEBVILLE,b. sks d &subs& 38 blo &our J k.W It 23 big &ay s6ndry consignees: 6 &km" batter C. 11 24 4 .74 bB 6 464 M 46 dour P.N. Wood; 60 aim & 12) b 1 ethos! %Tan tm. 121.16811120, by Esobsage-130 empty bbt. Beal & Lb/- IP:et 634 aka osneat Bryan & so; 123 do 65 empty Ms Wil mseth & a; 24 an barley W u 0•1214111. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. o. a P. Et. R. Deo. 20.-34 bbla egge 1 bat & 8 bble apples Eaak 1 bx books 2 bla apples Jorusa A Decoy; 13 ble pork 41 bls e 0.4 78 do 17 bets do 4 do d apple. 1 lax butter 235 a awl 30 .k. d pesehem 20 clod apples Brown 8 Kirk patrick; 35 eks it 8 bile peaches 11 ble flour Bell & Llsgett; 349 but oorn T Stewart; 1 ear boa. A 0 Woods; 82 bogs U Watson; I bbl butter Pee c he st 13 dn 23 ble eeed Mane & Dyer;,lo64 & BIT b o o 6401 m. middlings Wllnuerth t are 11 cue hog, owners on earn 6016 IN shorts Potent:in; II bin inmates Gilbert a Vredatiek: 6 bble ego 6 do apples 9 dal bbl & 1 bk batter kbbla lard 1 do beans J Boone; 14 bra apples 8 Dyer,: 3 bh lard I tibl batter Me. Beam 10 ble dour .1 Watt; 61 de brrams W Cooper a am roe hoax 2on thickens r. 9 s grease totoad 20 Pb!, apples Pittman; 1 ear lumber U Nlxou; eurulrias .1 Craig; 8 bls apples J Dakar; 61 eke a 249 bile abeat leer load bbt. linen a co; lot etotairleo Surges, a Scott; el abet husks R Dahallt 25 de pelts librieer & to; 26 do D tuber ao; 3 bbl. dear 11 Gregg: 19 bills paper 3 1. 86..; 21 do D•lper L Loomte; lotenovirui J Baotou 15 borne owners on CAM 632 boa 0.4.1 Ilmff. C. i P. It. 8.-3 bxr candler 60 bre salt L Grel7,l be: 71 .xl•nr• Kielnle'• • Perron 1 bit trees D T florae.: 1 bz old wooer Park • co: 7 els apples 44 ppe butt.. 80 bb Baur Batt; 25 Me apples 1 bo poultry I do veg. I.k 0111100 J Herbert; 67'bdle bandied! Healey t Kuban; 8 eke nub J L nee: 7 pas trntre Young l no; 8 pleas scrap bon' 3 bk. , necenry Everson et twx 1 ex pleb Polndextcr; 134 .11. yht Brre~a i Cr; 7 el* butler 2 bre beton Brown i Kirkpat rick; 4 be• butter Canfield: 24.8. bairn. T Leaeblr. RIVER INTELLIGENCE. SABAN. BOAT ARBAvALD AND DEPADTITBEB • ARRIVICD. Lucerne, Bennett, Brownsville. JoVerson. Meson, Brownsville. 'rho* Elnriver. Bailey, McKeesport 001. Bayard, Peebles. Klintbeth. Adelle, Move,. Zen...grille. bliohlstan.N. '2. Wolf. Beaver. Inmate/der. More. Wheelies,. CaPtlonle. Onßerne. Bt. Louse. ltriltor.3lnron. St. Louts. UNPAKTIW. Jefferson, !Irmo . , Brent:art , Laverne Beiteit. Brownsville. Col. Berard. Poeta., blh rb e. ,i., Thoe. 6 rive . bailey, SloKeewpsrt. Urban ... McCallum Wheeling. Latrobe. 'Debts:leer. Cincinnati. Diurnal. henberd. Wheeling. Tun Tun Bien— .re were 6 fret, 6 ing% water In lb channel and ?Dann. I lARD IA 2 constantly on hand N° " '"'"a1.1".1" 1 1 :A 1 / T AU DICKEY a co. OPS-20 balee.new Rope reo'd and for JUL solo by bPRIXONR.MAL/OIL 1 0DFI5II—Just reed: ..;10 cuts otims Catfish: 6 661 s No. 1 Salmon: SOO lbs Smoked do, bbls 1.116'd Ilsrring; 60 do No Maskerele 160 boo Ibulbsatott waled and No. 1 sm obsd Herring d .r Pale low for cash. b .1d d itt.sossa KULT /1 AWuNTU, s 7 001, o f Diatannf an PEARLASII-2 tone Poartaah reed for a vale br deT R. ILOBIeON iW. BIICKWIIEAT FLOOR-270 sacks just reed for eels by if, 209150 N I (XL B UTTER --15 bbls fresh roll Water; 49 keg. packed do, load need for sale by ' de7 • ft. ROBISON a od. FEACLIES-1000 bus. Dried Peaches just reed and for sale by 5e91.11111 A BKNN Err. dell No. 122 21 lomat ig 141 tot DAPPLES2.OO •bue in otnre and CV for we er 11101111811)11C a INOIIIIANI. .12 116 W•tar etreet. WEET OIL-100 trfiat quality for w. jetst. OLASSES-200 bbla on hand and for ■gala by VON II frr munPfit. ADIES' CLOTH CLOAKS-We have for II • l o an. and choke ot Who' Clinks. dll! L. A. MASON CO, 25, facott.Cloth A e L n WAYS on band a large assortment o Merinos and Persolettaato erhteb Ire invite Or r e ton it of the Wholesale Trade. A. A MAYON A MU. 11. MOLASSES-200 bble. Steam Re- I. 7. toed Sugar Ilona., last - reed_ per rtramer ILlty,as4 forum be I& Z 4 A. auiviiiswa Ii t ZFINED 800A11.-1690 bbIA Powdered g °rushed, Small leaf and Clarified In otereend fi JAME! A. ItUTCLIDON 110.. delB tea Et Louie Sucar N • O. SUGAR-104 hhde. prime new by ...417 m ' li " fr rlnTEr.T.'lNCtur:!: 1%. 1,. ." 40riBBLS. D. CULBERnON'S EXTRA TAMILT FLOUR. Ad reed for de_ ib ' ' T. LITTLE 1 CO. 500 13 .to X re 8 ;.,?1, 1 , 8 .1. SE ' al 4 ° ..Vi e rrt ia . i t i t Y o' in WINDOW 1 0 . L .t :ASS . , ri too . r u ted W. Zbt T. TITTLX 11%0. TITHED PEACHES-70 tn;Dried Peach- Jur but. nted for uklo br E. RODIFON 0). N 0. BUOAR-85 hhda. naw crop. land co: I. " r'nViiitairnceiriTarartirwltiiTt. PPLEB-100 IA& Spitsenburge, Lady [Arg=ill"'"'"=lntrig. on, .F.l . B l.4 ll u — ..i W . h . i . to sh.d hill ( T or r ff on i. k mbit :alm t. dql3 LIPN°S.k. DRY PEACHES-14 bags Dry Poaahes wor UINIIT li. 00GLIN1 lARD-13 kege No. 1 Lard for Bab by ' A dal lIENIIII 11. tY)LLINIJ nRY 'APPLES-33 auk+ for gale by del3 MENDS U. VOLUM!. I ) 11:r 2 L . Etf . t . P .r tA0 c tiES-78 sacks Ap er Georootnirn. for fob , by 12101171ZIWItex, B ACON .L. LARD-9 casks Bacon Sides; 38 bbl. Lard, 110111 laud lb. from gamer Cleorgetoru. tor gala by. Jett PANNERS' OIL-50 bble. for sale by a deg 11 A. VAIINC3TOCH &100. SHEEP SKINS-50 dos. Enolimb Split for sale hr .Ir 3 P A. FAIINESTACh AA. 4,aWAIII'S PANACEA-18 doz. for sale k.l br J. 9. 11 K CC. (aEIDLITZ MIXTURE—POO lbs. rir flab I AT d.. 9 D. A. VAIIHRATOCK A CO. . AP RUDE SALTPETRE-60 bags _in store . And tarsal. A 7 BALM DIUKSY CO." I i REEN APPLES-30 bbls. Green Apples xi le Apr. •Eul for rah, by lIIINT.DtATTFIXISS A 00. FAMILY FLOURIOO bbl. extra 'family Flour (Lowell 1311114) to vtorn and (areal. by d.la RUBY. AIATILIEWS • 01. ILOVER orED-30 bus to arrive for sale bq dela Wbf. OAOALEY !CO. VOUNG MAN, yon aro just On the three ,hold or Ills, y aro stout to Detente an entry on the p werld'a stage, the l ou miewe we make en the minds Of men may be fee a Iltetime, it behoove. lon then to moteno b ie•atetni but studs well your Ille ol ovilon i and as its coldJaet now go to eIIYSTEWS, 71 Wood et_ and rat a vp:=l . ottkinn . .. Selling NY at Cost. No charge 4ardtoe- 6)r. LBS. OtILOROFORBI just roo'd and „Q./ 6x rale br 016 IlbralLlCl I()OPACKS DUTCH METAL for sal° by dela VLIMINU 1160 i. _ . BEANS---25 bbls. & 20 Baas Wbit. Be""L for tif a al ASTI:JEWS 00-. YROPS—Stee , art's celebrated N. York Synop, • our stnAllor artleln 111.713:413r. h 111 1Phi* BT4' . . do Claridod do , „; do Mitra K. 11. Holong. for raie by IdeOLURO NEW I+loB-50 drums rocr'd by deli W. A. MoCLUIIII. VaIIERS-131 sacks now landing from mtes•tet Cleiagett.• for 443 • IDAIAII DICKEY • Co. FiBATHERS-76 snob on gone ignment, cw / " 11°g " ow s "'"fneriltratiii g! dela R 005.18-50 dos. Cord Broom;ldet reo'd and for isle br . 00811811D011 itf : : Z MIODERN:ADVERTISEMENT,§--Singu lar. the modem adopted by adyertlaoill to attract lb* a tendon cattle public, ow Ur. 1t War, enotbkx nye Roods. ow Its Oubs, again Ito Afrionlsatlon. ono bold* forth lo blahfelutla prow. anther to dolorous yam.— Well, It may all to e 1 ht *Dough, bat by an taaoner of meow doo't forget 011113iTICte8 and Joy'/ Clothing W00t.71 Wood at. No chard. for &aortae goods. de AMALGAM PENS—Rhodes .t. Sons new Patent AmalgaMDenble Action P. having the parr action o(tW tordlnarratcal pen with the cows his tlexibtlity of the Quill. Them pew are composed*? • onzponnd medal which pouutas all the netemary push. IT of dad, trite the additional malt of teciatlng the Chemical sellout:I th, teL Red and to ad. by_ I , J. It. WZLDIN, deli Booluallar & thationet.6l Wood et. THE BEST ARTICLE EVER USED, as ; hundreds eau testify la this ei_ti awl Surrounding, ountri. Oilman's Liquid HMI . D. insignias. eousis clumps the Nit to a brilliant jet butt or shim' brown, which is pringansuig doss pot Wain Of In Stiffly ? b ilt aZUla ViVgriaVO TT i t st , re a A i di rtiktilt4lrlt . *au . STAROII-210 bse. Wood's glad Atari Starch jut noe'd an eandrossat and for by • - dad HARDY. JCS= CO. UAY RUM-25e Quart Bottle forma. 41J • 11 44Elan PATTON'S. is tar imps& • Regular Wheeling Packet T • iIE fine passenger. Steamer Dr- • - URNS L, A. S. Shepherd Ifitater. will rah erg at a pr.sksh between tlitsbursh and Weeehnif. Warms thttaburattararl Sloadar.Wadnes. day and Felder. at 10 o'sl• ca , a. and Who..liow evert Tuenia_r. Thursday and Retarder. at 7 o'clock,,, The Dismal connects et WaLlaviSe with the Olereland and rittaborgb Haltroad, and at Wheeling, wan the Hal t/mars and Onto Itml. . . - The Diurnal Le • nes, large and substantial boat, h►r an nplesidl4 secotumoiations for passengers. Sot‘f reight or passage, assay ou board. or to. J. D. ODLLINOWOOD. Agent. not p0.1E5. front Regular Wheeling Packet. • Frin.plendidid passenger Steam- WINOIIESTER. Gra. D. Moos; Maw t e e. w il l Dry rArul•rly as a wieliet between Pittsburgh aod Whorlints Dallas Pittsburgh ewer) Thirrwilcu/ and Esteirday. at 10 &skirls A. N . cud wh.wiirs 1,11077 moriday, Maimsday and Friday. t r e'• cloak. A. as. onionting at Wheelies with the rialtittere end ()hie Railroad. and at Wellssilie with the Dive - slaw' cud Pittsburgh Railroad. .The Winshorizr V o mw hat. with excellent sooommte dotiom for - Vm.erntero. For freight or passage oolr n board. or t , J. K 1). 40011.INGWOOD. Agent. not No. WS. Front etrect. A—The now yu . se w nget_ e s n ter7 _ADILIA. C. t. GAL tr o ,nu t i or D t . day..t .or.oeloiibos to Ide:101 J. D DOLLING 00D. Arrkar HOLLAND BITTER oerhaye's Electro-Chemical Aroma, 17XNDINK ROLLAND HITTERS. EtROM LOUIS A. D'ISRAELS, Chemist end Pliermaceutlet, of Amsterdam, the only liana rirer.—A pureic Vegetahln Cempopnd , P.P../ on strictly scleotinc prioclploa, alter the manner cl the eel chattedehatted4loltn d profeesor, 8.., have. Becauesof Its creel flumes In most of the ICuropean litataa, Its Introduction Into the Unitsd Mateo woe intended more especially foe Lk*. of our Pettier Land &Tattered hers and there over Ilia face of thin mlghtr reentry. Moeting with greet mortar among them. I now o ff er It to the American rus tic. loosing that Its truly. wonderful medlcluel virtues roust be aeknowl.lawd. IT 18 A BUBB REMEDY FOR rover end Arne, Ilytiperisia. 111th 11..1.8eh0, Hour and Foul Ellountoh,Oirdesis• Breath, Blllousaww, unpleasant teary in the mouth titer eating—or . sisndsg. inolgretlan. codtivenent , nausea. velect Pf elnedita. deepondency.drowel neem, impalrad eight and memory, pale end sores of Nines. In the head, sod elI dire., - . " :;rerel etate of Tar LIVER bit 14T031ACIL It Is partieulerir ro - nronesndel to those shone constitutions may have town impair.' br the cOntinnous n 1 ardent elem. or other forme of dlitelpellnn., lion i ne lr linden...roue In elint. It snits vs war Merrily to the st oi ht.. thrilling end quickening every Darer. raining Op the drooping onirina and. In fact. I,ateeiog yea moth and vig, Into ttlezysters A-TBULY VALCABLIS EOICINE a all rams. of Dlerrtroa, llyrouterT, M Chollo. Cholera Mos. bus. tad. the Tear unrlvarant effeetn attending a oilirse of water or arty:lWe of M,. B. ). rods. tale Eau Diroungaans. M. nin.l.on PAO& Ja..l.seer elr—l wouhlsay that have been'aMleted watt • dlaeato cl the vtonsalb, Ralph. Linn or the heart; .0 nervoue headsche tee neatly CRO•C Yews , . and have spent moms hundreds or dollars in order elect • cures but to no ennui.. .After having used threw bottle. el your . Klectreeldhemleal Aroma, or tint land Bitters," I reel my•elf entirely restorrt. I cost 14110 and *leap well. and attend tomy huslttesa with pleasure. and would theretore recommend It to all theme who are etmibnl allhctad. B. D. WOODS. Prnsacnax. Aug, 211853. ate thrss. Jr:DLX/. Sin—My alnerrout thud. an dun to the Mend reconyturtiling your Holland Bitter. Hay++, rufforad &Yr Mane time with lon of al , p 414, men4l denroariru. and in fact gYueral di/order of tea amen. I bow fwd. after uying but on. bottle: eon , . adonsof returning haalth (Slan+l) NICOLOOS BOROSTES. 11•20. PAO.. Jr.. Plal.-../brar arr.-1 bar* bier% Wave' of tb. moat admiring form of - Dyipbpda by lb. Ufa of blorrbare'a liolland Mara. (Durcba,l al you) aft, par lad4g fora yrata Ith head-ea.. num.. arab groom] de bility. attending Indireetica. I now 11.1 parferily raga. at Yours. reapartlitilly. JULIO airrusitroaD. No. id wr;i: We. Day WJEFIJI/LTIPS — llallan4 Bitters." .1 take no abr.. Stoald It fall, In any Inclattew , to eft.c..t. 01 ntuolt an] nor, than tho advert:a/meat el alma lot C. - Your mom ay will be rarunded. 0.11 by lb. proprietor, DEJAWIN PALS. St_ . ' • Drug alid Ohm:deal lona. Mr. Third and thnltheeld and Lox. and Wylie at.. Also, by B.A. Fahhattock 1 Co.. M. 01 hollers, Dr. 0.. 1.1. Help,. Plandng Bros., .ad J. Paboonmeltr a CO. Pau/burg', Pr. John O. liculth, Itlrmluch.t. Jam, T. Satiple, If. P. Fehiratts, John P. Fp /alo t iao 1 4.. A. Ilcekbala a (..., alicadony. oe.ohlyotary SLIRIVER, DILWORTH &, CO., No. 130 an. 3 1.37.5ac00d street. Adanta far thallar.ofaclarert haw, cn.hawl (.4 will b. ratularlt supplied) tbc rd. 1t .4 to which fray.r.spacttally sup plied) the /Luau- Pon of tha elty Trade. Dakar. Dalin; alatar barn 1 11(0 bbl. No. l Croe'd Boast: 100 Wit A. sof: csoat'd .404 160 do No. 2 do dcc 100 do JI. do do W ' I -100 do scat. twahr . d &a 160 46 Pawn 8. 11:117TOT, 100 do dna do do a elpdar artda. Pi ttabursh. Dos. 6th, 1661. . . I I N SEED OIL-20 bbla. Linsoed Oil just II I med fcr Fal• by del R. 1100 f RON • CO. I IAYENNE PEPPER-1 bbl best Amer.; 6 666 Arrivals. fh; Isla by . don J. lidlan lON ' Aa -• Q 14EIDAI'd AROMATIC SCHNAPPS, in ' : 7tS‘' d " 4 P 't t* NtWir i &) b . l No.s4 N.rket ot.l VINE SPONGE Extra Moditarraaean 'l,-;0:"""`" i ."*." °, '"r* Ortikil i s co. ‘ITIIITE 'LEAD, Red Lead, I. f ,,liarg . e„ . moot or i kr.V. 2 , 41'. 10 b.;F"'"1',.'wti1.x.0.1. 1.1 EESWAX—For ealo by P deT lIkNRY IL °ALINE. PORK -20 bbl . Mess Pork for solo by 11 , 91.1 .1. B. OA.NIPIX6D Carpets and Oil Cloths Ur McCLINTOCK beirig. desirous to e e . clew ..ot his Fall Platt ,f Carottleur end Oil Cloths. at a very smolt advarsoe Num oat, to mats on en for the/Awing *apply. tneltau those nistOng to purchase, to tall and eatable his slat. temprietor In part of tha Ibllonlnc via: Velvet Pile allapetoo • voolch Wool Calvet/1 Tapestry Drum'. do: Damask Venlttan do: tfradelsau Twillod do dr, Extra Superfine 3 oly do; Main Tenttlan dot desertion do do; : Ustiat do; . Tape:4o Ineraln do; Matt 7. do: doperdne do do: Hai do; has do di., Cotton Carseln, sill. a largo apentniirot of OIL CLOTHS of all width.. Nosnankber the plate, No. 112 Market atreet. W. MONA NTOCH. L'ITAIR RODS cee'd at the Carpet Wale CI room/. No. tie Hart et-o t., ofall doll ' W. MoOLTNSOCK. ILLEESE 3 BUTTER— a..) 4 bbl. prime Hall Batter le 19 Darr W. K. Oboe.. out sed and Cot gulp by *O4 VON NON 110/915 !lave on hand and are eer . adantlT re rem.. earßialele . r t ."" u' e """ A. .41APON A CO. ItEAMUDA ARROW ROOT-10 oases Lir lINIMiLIf; Tooloca—l bbl b.at Rio Taylo-a; , .' Cnn,. Starch-6 boos, tor oalo b • dal{ J. SCI.IOONSURRR I CO. GROSS EXTRACT LEMON, Ro'se, 411.11, Almond and Vmdll.n. In. Ntlo of 4e14 J. tvaltooxrdAKAKA W. Ik 4 BAGS GROUND GINGER; 10 bags 'tont e; for Ws . d•l4 • J. tell00)1311/181(1t * CO. PICSS-200 mats Cassia; 10 3 bbl. Clomg ..••• • I do Nutmegs: log Moan b bum AllApico and Pron., Rd. b deli .1..3 . 01100351AKi1t II CO. AU. WOOL P L AIDS—A. A. Mason Lt Co. s - al:alto attratloatatbeir tette( ALL WOOL kflAl UN WE will open in a low days our °nth( nook, - conalagaz of over 3000 Woolen Shawl.oi .V. , 1 Acad. sod .tile . A. A. MASON A CO, 23, 6th at BROIDERIES—Jnot reed a now and A very West at/ok of Ktohroliatlar Irrauch Wcrkod Uu IsrMl Slaeves,Chhalaetb; °mane an I Jaakonat A A. AI LAUN * co.s r 6, 61h .beet. 'COFFEE-150 bags prime Rio Coffeo tor Yds by dtol3 ROSY. SIATTLIEWS it 00. _ _ 0. S IJ O AR -30 ithcla for le . sa low to ls VON BONNHOUT a MURVIIY. 26AP 5 0 bxe. Cincinnati Soap forsale. . I.7deli VON al/NH[IOOT t MURPHY' - - FANS—SO Lb's. small whitoreo'd on con- V elanotiaut, for sale br molt a •MoCANDLEBS. DECOLGEOT BOY lb the tletoolut, imirettint to. gingker• iso yer pact ,or 12 packs far 60 eta - • . dela LARD -20 bble. No. 1 for sale by &IA , A.l A—McDANII.III.2I et. pOLL BUTTER-10 bbla fresh roll Butter (or Mir by delb A. t A. 110.11.1a11. WII ITE BEANS-50 bble..emitll white bait!. and 1 T nxbi by DELL & 41041TT u. POOSUITS BOY'S OLOTIIINO at ottEprrEtt , S, 74 Wood stmt. Prim hem st 2. Work toarraxted. No. obargo for 1414trinit prods.Wo itody to piosee, •• ,013 HAOTIES-150 bbls. Dried. Peaches. juali L rimed glad far sale by IUiZY.bILTTIIICWItt 13. L EIV SUGAR-15 Ithdr. prime new Sager 14 rra'd per .Garner Valrrir tern hr 04 4 bt. I 11 WId..lOALli x &CO. nIILK PORK-7000 1h bulk Pork to at tiro for sato by WM. PAGALNY A CO. ARD-4 bbla No. 1 Lard to airiro for • j ols b 7 Mle 1,14. DAOALEY I CO. Tr ig . i a n A r A oa v flr co il , ale c i LD AND NEW STYLE—The 13th ftetemb.r. 1M.T.U.11.11 the completlou of :reeme tor/ More the Introduction of the "Nem Ittrtee tie It le mind la the Wavier. The New Stile differed from the old by muting elem. dere alba. Made =NW / 1 4 or Call. b !, l lv.r.;. h ram on vartivem.r.4 " :4.ll2 4 ;. l vesturk we the Now two, go t. vr dent, sad they mill show It to you; Malt yOn went the old ati le. It Canb• Win et my other elms la toy., 9014 IAOURNING -- flOODSlsfurpky *.Buioke 4 i?tarreo=ful suppli. of Ifo4rsttglt .kn.r i . .. . 11 . , .1 ( 10,4114 . 11 0 =Ished Alpaca;` . '.• . do. Onantai . ' ' -• ';', do illilt . ll:a l tr i apet . • • . ' . • isfuthiale Itiasuld. a! Barul Lit amine If' twf ! l I'S. f if f . 4 ~..'',l '': —, . IWO* f - • - NEW TOBY ADVIZABEIIINTL JrDonslirs Adanitruig Horse, IVO. Rd Malian and ether Pianos T. 8. BERRY. 287 BROADWAY,-.5. Y., • PIIBLLSIIEV. of Slush% and Dealer, Whole- We and Ileta3 In Pianos, nrindeons and Mari, Aaenta Whole to the atlebraled tilso..ac wadther lace, wade by Haller. Davis JI Co., Bravo,Plano. are &oath:teed ruzerior to et others. (Peat bargains In Hes York Mana, and second hand Plav and blaiodeona Paste aapotiad trholarale or retail .Ithe lowest rates T Borrr.t.T7. Broadway, Hon York, to P. P. k Pak Xollan Pianos hoer the latest ha rmed anteing. Gold and Silver Spectacles, AND EYE °LAMES Or EVERY DESCRIPTION L. GIILLIIITR, No. 6 LIBERTY PLACE, Between Malden Lane and Liberty sta. New Yort. ' D 0. guaratiteei all artleleunade by tam to be of =- peeler qualify. Orders rostra:Wally aoilcitel. nel33d, e/ OIIN Dealer in Ivur), hind Man afactunr of Irony (Laid, No. 3, 61wmay et. N. Y. CARRIAGE LININGS, Curtain Goode, Cloths, Pia/Des. jor-20 6m i/L. W. KIebLEY,3,I, Juba:tat, N. Y. 1 AWRENCE'S World's Fair Premium it Daguerrean Gallery. 381 Broadway. OM White et, '61.1 Ynik. OC.10:61u VILT EST POINT SCllool,—Arrangemonte have boos Made with Professore from the U. B. I)lUttary Aradvninfor lastroctlon In their several depart. lomat+ tram the But of November text Evert opportit !caw will be, offered for obtaining a thorough edocclon.— Pronto* attendance it seumsted. .octc3m ; NDIVAIIN V. KINBLEY. A. NI. pIORLES, PRESERVES, &C.,-The unl Machined otters to purchmerssuperior stock of Nettles i i reverves.!ac , warranted tbe best quality; to lime in all climates, at the lowest prints and moommodatiog toms. INARDELL a PRASE, team 262 Proof New Yore. Show I Cases! Show Cases! AL AR7E tWoortmont constantly on hand, or made to °Mei at .bort notice, acee carefully pacnl as 4 a/Appel to our fa.l of th i 7 Ueirilg s , • 124 Graral door. ace of Broadway, N. 'Y. New York California Steamship Line :VIA NICARAGUA. POI IOCCUOPT 21/1912 CoIIPOT OP 1116113.1001, PROPOPItioPa I'CROUOIT in advance of the mail. The only Line siiing Throwoll nada larludino the Int us OPOPIOOp {The NORTHN MOUT. STAR OP THE WINT Or FROMETHEIJS, .11 first clans doublerv gine Steamships will :es's, New 'eo n s on the 6th sod lAth of each month. (ascent that when these days WI On San. n.rA Valioll, will be selling der./ eneetenoa tn br e Nicaragua 'transit Rant,. having but twelve miles t.f land carrisite,with the Ftesmehlpe SIERRA NEVADA, Wit TES. Blicatigit JONATHAN. end PACIVIO. one of which out Ina,. Fan Juan del Fud. the Paoli% terrain. of the 'Transit Route. for Nan Francisco on the arrival of the passengers. for farther Intern:teflon eppi, th CHARLES .51OROAN.Asent,. 1:12==t2120 FALL AND WINTER GOODS W. H. KNOEPFEL, 99 and 101 William . " Street. New York, IMPORTERS AND JORRRS IN . . . French, German,'; Englith Mid Domertie Good., • For ?ad ore and Clothiers. irtE bas fustireceive4 by late arrivals, a ■large ant wall selected Stock of GIKESIAN. 1sa:l Yltlitillli °LOTUS. of all Ors!. and Sty lee. Rear! lloatlnsa Mixed and o. Cleaded Wkatneys, rater hares. V t a r ll fi t n lg Atm wimp; tl i ulfo4e ;. i t . 44: l l7:thre ti. lez g ' st i ngs Vllret: Orenedltle:r Dahmer., Satin sod reser fabrics of LIOW styles and smarted onalitlon, togetb e ILI/ an extol:Wye assortment of Trimmings, and thee Good. capable R r the (Nothing Trade, so Me most favorablo term. Short time and Cash Balers ace per*. alert!. Welted to examine on Stock before jonerlasslns els*. Isar. ' irdbollanadar _ , • ,Tilt LARGEST SILK, RADHON AND TRIMMING ncousE IN NEW YORE. 14, ITOMAS G: STEARNS, Importer and Jobber of BILKS, MILLINERY and [ARCM 003104 firsnub ,nricen—tito• granted by adding interret, ICI ad•VT. hew York. has Dow in Mrs •nd deity re. solvingend offering at the loweet prke, on complete an atortchtut of coals In his Coo, embracing all the •arlone mescaline., and designs. *rodent:lg of black awl fancy alit.. mescaline.. Florence, shawls. trimminge, bonnet ribtoott, taffeta and ratio ribbon. doers, trimmings of all kind.. VY'n'tdi awl FYWINN vraPee. traps Nettie/401k cravats. am tociderlon gloves of all kinds; Wk. lace bastion lases, white goods. , boalery, earabrio hdt f.. So. ta. The .atodersicned invitee merchants tram the North. Booth, Cud. and West. trb.Rt In the city. to favor Wm with a eel, ani examinelile *their beforawnwhaming. TIIO. 0. 'Frildlols, 102 Broadway, iflitkla bet. LI B eitv sheet and Maiden Lane. N.Y. LAME AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK OF DRY GOODS. • L. O. WILSON & O ONPSN • Ictieurters atoll Jobters of DRY GOODS, 19 Cometrelndt (Opposite the National sad Weston Rotehi) and NOB. 11 AND 13 pair erasi.^., NEW TOM INVITE thei attention of Wholeaala Buyero to Melee*, lime americana *Mud& whkh is kept embylete at all eurees of the year, by the *rattier, of ell the new strive and hibeles that are routahtly hrthflos hr s . 'lltratetere . mar t•Ptelreht.. We bare lame department., devoted etch:Wetly to the sale of Clothe, Caseinotree. Vestloy,TelloretDriamiegs. White Goode. Holder. Dm. tiendeaYieserlo, — Yankee NoCe Demutfee, he. ho to Mraffle. are displayva. twee lines of Ninth. beelthlitc errimac* wed Oahe.. Dingbame. Law., Harems, Watt and other Staple liectudere, Al. pi.... and the 61113.1•0121 ottlet article apprtaitat. the DRY 010000 :TRAWL Also, for the rale of lloyleenteral Patent tirtaulturn hewing °Woo." W. jasit• the attention of the eloeut bo rare fop cerft ee reedit bahlrtlys3 FAIRBANKS , !PLATFORDI SCALES, , r Lona knolro—flrretrely I Ust..l— riabt--thelbekasorr -..,....,ti. _ ; ... , .i.s- . ledgea litsrahrd. Ag. Lr... 'Srlr York. CALIUMANK.9 A an.. • i..!.:... .. ,... - _,: t „odgeok: .74, Ito Wain • tram Rot, iocitfooD a SON. OGISSELLERS. Ptr.BLISIIERS and illi 1 41, e P , R w l ay lo . ,Nofw lD t A .ipanlah od Hok. Pried Cateloquis turaw.s avow:awn. • (*ow-30P _ Iron Bedsteads. COSTOCK. BROMLEY & CO.. MANCIPAtTrUltrati. 3rlu Rom No. 95 Ltoff gni 31.,-Pew York, ON K DCiOR WKST OF BROADWAY t .. .. . ... . . .. . . 10,11310 N and Folding, pinittand ornamen t ial BILDSTAAARrf all kinds. flolsf, llorpital. Me oa: Fautitr. *greases awl Chlllres's Ralsts•ls always on amt. AI. • general" &sorra.. cf 'lvo Furniture. hprias 1.11%1W.r railnther Matra.... . iforTherta L.lstesda Salverlr io ILlA:here ilk tdint Of 0,600., ti*lliUrol .0001:01, • •T are Moats tn. from retests and are rs.allazly . bls, portable .1 omstcul•aL prder. to ear ashrojp nay to s4Orsasal to' . I flahlaTut.E., ItICOAILYY-A CO.. I No. claZiAk rut street. Y 4. York. '(r A S.ls ..Old fir tea ral f ths above. Demerit.- hve ritooluerout vbererer IA, nol2a= - i girciititttai Im_plegents "Ad Beeds.L . - 1, MAUI! a. Ct....= rattan st, N. T" Who:saale awl Ratan- octal ' _ Rare Chance fora Competent bigness Man N energetic and reliable agent, is wanted (14. hr the olanuranturing and Nor...Ulf Union of the oily of Now York, to establish Bigatinb of the timpani far the rale of tholetitiesp and Staple goods in the city of Pittsburgh an 4 surrounding Wyse.- Their Cataloguer! crobrans a vire large variety of the best and bla Saleable goods, which most with 4 rapid and •stocaive rale ejection. Introduced. Our ageuts rwllss largo, trocitedists abi at'adY tire than cart too , orele in any rinsliar boobies. . comps taut man with malluoitai. tad undoubted references ren mew. this by lerattadiats application. amn ial. explaining ttie details of the botrinesso be had by origination *1 the oak* of Obis Oonstianr. ran Birf 4road • 7 y,N e w York, orer adway Bank. Boom. No. 6 and . f.PANAMA TRANSIT TICKETS—A:. M. 11171KLItY kite forwanthi for Adorns it Cei.'s Oaliftd fea Ennio. Is now prepared to furnish Transit Tickets rom Aspinwall to Panama. Passanger Tickets tor solo in N,w York., Apply to JOHN W.COItRINOWN. nolNi4xn Adagio 4 Co.'., No. an Broadway, N.Y. Guyana's Centrifugal Pump, TNRIVALLED in theigorld; it is espezial• gu 17 neormmeodeit mW. altenUon elan lottorrateil in Steamers, alaaufseterlee.Tabballer. Itretre , t., ies,Daltroad %Cater Malice/. Oanals , Water Work, Melts- Io .ro jyriastn for . the fieloviortre 'Pelrtlts; Ecetteney. ;durability, simple:Ur, f hides frolottaGairy tabd out qr., Doper, implied Wor altnib* Purpars It toast soon ra parole •Teryother ramp. It has to every Int , tatrst tab,. ethlbitol, takee the Mellott seardn.field and purer Medals sail Diplomas. Ile,. of Le 1004101 sallrtim Der =Mate rapa ci t y .' /deltas-tend by U nion Forret liototeute tI( the Utattal 14 Draa.lsay. New York. dettatort ' Soda Water Apparatus, For Nunufacituriv, Draidny and Bottleing, Y F tho taloa and moot approved conetrue- Con. mseufsokovd. and fog-Aar. nett priot ..,IkOmi4ionlor for Of UM. b. JOON I.IIIVIIIMY, gorner , First Atrucolo sad TlSth lama. York. . The only vtablkhotent devoted enolotleoly to the aan• tsfeetnte bode Veter Itsehlittly ha the United }ates, •ted whete WWI be Nand ••M ae enentment of 1.- innate nonnecied with the hotintse, 'paladins Mate• alai. eft. itstabllehed 20 are. . 1-3cor PROT kOTION INSURANCE COMPANY„ • OF NAILTFOILD CONN. - Cup'l Slack, Annual Premiums and Warlern Fund $1,000,000. INCORPORATED 1825. POttOlan of Insurance iasnetat all times on the moat favorable tcraik, againel • .1.1/SR On ODYAalil BY PORK, . Olt Tlll , PERILS OF NA I III3ATION, • :Er• ORODADI ie. ARNO Antra mh1683-.31 Far Pittsburgh ad I Allternmf .ountr :VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY• FOR k PAWS—Ma orobearlbar