EriI'ABLISFIED IN 1786. Pit I'SBURGII GAZE T VoBLIVIIID DAILY - AND WEEKLY BY 1 . MUTE & CO. ' Y. .... ..)........—.....-....—tuaim aware. _....... 7 -----.4........ 00 , 101 01 MOD 011111. In? . 00 TUN Port 011104 ......-. . • • blLY—Seien dollars per an num. payable 14117 4 . , e). • Iblitela if gad In advance. +NIMBLY—Iwo dollareper augranks In *Lynne. Mem be sapplledon follow/en 000 0 . 10000— 1,0 .0 n/140. per 5 50 Ten evpte. do • conlea do —.. 15 DO Twonty ooplas do . . 14 Qp Itts osekst for eaoh clot, to be . earesseGb o 00 . i -to be paid i asbir In ieleinson ho elob papers ••Ibe Er •114,r the year Ixpirrsi amt.' the 1120P*7 tar • rene.sL • nays or AVOitnslllo One Ilduare.(lo Un.y of .9troPemil.) Do. • one 060 Do. eachadditional insertion.. 0 25 De. .. sone :week 1 75 . Do. two week.. . . 00' • Do. three 00 Do•two 1 00 Do. three 9 99 De. ex month.. 11 00 DOi twelve 00 u s e Oinda. (5 Ones or t o mr annum 800 Doe D o ll ar for each * dditlonal 11w. o n e Ocean, changeable at plessnre• (ter ~„ annum) ezenald of the PePer-, OD for each addltlintal square * leuerreYover one month. • and for each adtUttone sdnuelnsetted under the yowl/ raLe r. half price. Advertisement exceeding it square, and not over Ofteen lines, to be charged as a square and • belt Publlehers not accountable for legal elt.rttLmmotiM Title=wirx4dtrt‘erfor chair Ü b b li e e tWeed the ienex t advertimslent e s d es. the fo r specified eentier Of. hasernotts4be Contitinatillft7rbld.- and oleo/Acted semb . to their o i nT i eet :Lieu lutingrintrial - la , ort"uM 57r the benefit ef othcr per vet es all taverns. menu not (mmedlately with their core dud cots. and all chums of adverthesments. In length or otte ere lee. beyond the Drat& engaged, be charged at the tome rates. for all etch Made at advernslnit• .1 1 1 he seyerater rendered. and prom pt oar neut. le desired. All edietntements for chanted , Moneys: lire cont est earde tout:whip and other public twenties. and ethel Me, to be charged half price, payable strictly is Muoe. , Mundt, netted to be there.' 60mote. Noah notices Insetted sethoutebeige. dole's aott nra ratedd7femme livitatlone at obituarf 120t10.. 00 1 own so eta roamed, to be pied tor. ilegulat advertisers, and all other. minding ...mite s atlont e oc nieDdeing notloss descend to call attention to 'w g4 b.e rs‘ re nitsf ln tra th' an a Tti.t,for " .ad y rt=l rt.ll .si u t m ic 'ett'ot private amodatione—everr notice dmigned to cell attest. non to Privet* eutiMett, calculated or Intended to tiro 'mote individual Demme, cut only ho Inserted ss ith the andarstainding that the came is to be paid for. 1T intend. ad to be nevrMdln"ths lase column, the wee 0111 be abetted at therm of not less than 10 cents per tine. Bishop or 196 notices to be charged triple price , Toren License Petitions 12 each. Deal tam Agents' and AUCtintliere advetieeniente not tube clamed under Tandy rates, but to be allowed* , dlexund of thirty three eta one third Der cent-froM the amount of bills. lIMELT 01 111.1-0111L1T f. DLIT PATU.S. One $OOlO, three 60 10. doh additional lneertion--..: 37' ADV15T132113.711 11 1111.101 MT MOL - One Square e achind one insertion --50 mud Do. e aldltlonal hmertion-.Z mote All tranclenradvertleements to be paid in advance. DISCOITHT RATES OF *iinminmla curs 1, tomactim war, rot Besikers N. HOLMES & Thud No.6lJlarkdtt.liciiimmi Th ird aid /but% tie Pitutetnk. PEDXSYLVAN aa lA. Branch at licillon-.''.- 21 rank of Pittsbargh....---Daz Brandt et W005ter.„........ - de Elettancv Bank of d0...-9az Branch at Xenla----do Met. and Man. of do-..--par Branch at ronstcatesm_._de Dank. of Goatineres.,-,...dtss CttY itank;GineinuatL.....-cto Mt of H l :A h NtiVrri4Z ( fia '': eVil i allit. l.Cinc-lw'ti g Butted Pala jhals---par Lafayette Dank---.__do Yank of Ponds Tornahip-par Ohio Life Ins. a Trost -- - d e Batik of the United Maud 12 Western Reserve Dardt---de Commercial Bank ef Pa-Dar Bank a A1ya11i,............d0 Basaters'A Ileattanics'Elt Oar Small Notes_..... ~. „no Girard Dank....,.......----test • NEW KNOT:AND lms/neon Baur.--....;.par All edvant Danl..- . X %sante°. /2 Mich Bank....pat NEW YOBS. oterlianize 8ant........ -.....9ar Neer York City....--.-..par tdoyamnsitu_-ital OnntiD7... ,_. „x . 1 ithilsdelnida Data....----Dat „,' lIARYLAriD. • authwarl Bank.----Derinatt1i5t0r5..........„.........„, Crademan's Rank.:-........par (bunts., Western Danl. ...--..:-,pati N.JElldieral - GiErW - L12 54 , Gant. of 011amb;rsbranh;jf i f. All seltsnt banka----• AL Dank of Chests: Clonnty- _ VIRGINLL rirs i li gt:r.T - at, - . - 4.7 - 2 42 B riPAIT` I.lra - Y Dank et 0 aratantonn,--Par Ex.han.l,,Va.,NstibLlL.- . :v o lt c o l f 11=1 T u t h... 4- I( li=l.B of Vir gluts :: Bent of Middletown -....... X North Western BlL'oerk.• sent of Co. Dank-ter Branches... ........• - .•.. sent of Northrunberleadmer NORTH OABOLINA. Carlisle Bank---.--.- 2( wok °Mare Year.. - 2 Deltunbta lik. a Midi. 00.parrk oflit. of N. earell - rur-.. 2 Doi l ea ueen Dan2;..-...-.par Oanunarcial 132,1111.3ninen 2 Seaton han2-......-----rer Merchants' Dant. Newt.= 2 Brie Bank...--,.-...-.-.. BC BOUTII OAROLINA. Warniers'lrk of iitielu Cei-par 111. cram St. or 8. Oarolliss 2 • Eartners , ilk of Lancastrenar Bank of Sonth Cssolitu6.:-. 2 itanners'Eankofßeeding P. Dant of Otualestoo _...'a Isrm•BkorrichuylkillOaner Planters' a 3lechenioelik 9 im-A, ono. Wayneetturn . X GEORGIA. Pranktin Bk. INutdsucton Dar Ana tuna Med Banking Do _ I r= u2 eit l aV.t.:.:r . - tr 3 e a f t4s l = - AW;;; i ' be ' lteastar An . TEN;222.112 lancasterOnunty Bauk...par orleent bank............... B • Lebanon 8ea...-....-ar " fLEXTUORY. Kt,' Bane ntrPot6sdlle )1( ilk Ketti d AL l c ,L l adesll:, sr, adonentratela Banlr----2•01122 of Le Thnzstrn • . West Branch Sant: ........ lillorthern f_l2. of _outlier I . Tran i Ml3 . l4l 4 , 1DL1Ci ........,. i ß tionthetu t lag i ll i trucky Seib INe r t i es te. ......--.- - 2ef Btsita i a o lleri -- -1 i 0110 etitslt_ ...ant« -:.-- X , 13 tete Bank and bnattertett-h0 e n .rxestAltiest-....--....doliask of 111b5e1e.,e,.....--ta ' Moth at Ahw--...........d0 WI3CONSIN, 2- Bunch at Bri dgeport---do Karin, A Eira Ilse Co. attic, 6 1 • Ilaranch at Ohilicoths----da - XIOILICIAN. Stanch ittOlaveland. , .......:ele lannera• Mechanic.' Dana. 8r0n0tratT015d0............-do Govenintent Enter Ifesk-...11 si ... e t, at D i rten,--,,.„,d0 P eninsular 1hr.1f............ . . ... 3 Brands at DeLaia..-.....4.d.0 lasuranooompany.-.....- 2 EirlirtOomlartuabsulut.....--......d.d0. Mae DaY„.-....-:-...--. 1 TrU.7:l at 8a1er...-----do Bk 0111.11 ° .Asn "" esics. A. tratonted , \ Branch at Mansfild-....20 Bank of the People. roroutoa Stan& at ilipley..----do Bank of Montrsal..-..... 2 Bracher Otoclnnati-.......d0 Bent of U.Canada Totontell DranchltOeinmbne--,.-do EASTERN 21. ON. Bruner, atrlashington...-do On Nate York ----.......p.r Branch at Oadis-,-.........d0 On Philadelphis-.......-- Stanch at On Dalthnore--,,..,...... Stanch at iitsubentille..-do 17188TERI1 2.2ollAntlit ' URI:Mb at Et. Vernet--do aneinnati.---- ..... -e. Branch at NaWark....--..-42 Lonissille--..........---..... manta at .do Dt. Lente...--:.-....---- • tiniteld....-do GOLD AND 28E011 VALITE Si g ta nu ' sb V,P ar isits.,....t......ddEsnldassts.Ppaniske-... 1.0,00 • Branch at Troy...---' .--do '' de P5tri0t.......12.0 0 1 Branch at DLL PLrasant..-.Ao Esele.ol&-.:,,..... -- -1-.-. 1 . 0 , 00 Drench st Zanesville ........:do Eagle, nen--.-.......e.. 10 . 00 lancet at N0rwa1k ..... fredenieltsd'ore.-. 1 .--t. 7.80 Stanch at Piqua...-. .. -do TenTbalers.--...., , -... 7,80 linnet" at PortentontE.;.--do Grdne.....-..-.....L.-- SAO Steven at Eaton----..-do tiotereldne....----.--. .23 4 Baal. a itaaa........ -do Tax GaU1a5.................. 3,90 branch at Obilitaottia---Go Napoleon! ~..'.....,.._,.... ;Al i',:,11:11= 1 " -- .......:::& , 7" ---7-7 ... _ . - Faults , OF emu : ; ‘. SErOATIID . _ FOIL TLSPITTBB6I.OEI ii4.zrr.rp py ~ ~ A. WILKINS" & e s p-.,::-, urOOK. AND EXCILANGE 8R.121 . k . R, NO. 71. TOURTEI EVIMIIT. gum. too D o , _ _............~1 1 00. ajpp.15160:31 001 , 12:6%--jIttt Vtioto.:l o ,• • r, b. coup. 1. jks,,,e.mir at/ • • - Boot of Plttobareb.., lit•setontek Xlmut 3 1". aalloingo alloghouT 0.0./.10 llsnl - Bridgo--- Maid ft. 19,11110005P01l Bdeug°* ?MA's Life Inform:me-. Veneto Inottfonee oo. Otttom? Los . "'" Ck " - Looodooo4 .riffioaxes Co _ PItCCbW 1 Cortes aus VO4 surivi n u n u ao g Ohio Je ripm a. :u W l u r t Al..rhio7L. Way. DrI.D OOI, I garott• Oassl Bonds. i:14)-4. o .do. saw)... , Tartlet Creak Plad Bead tlAAll7,:iLlre l e Coal Aloedioan tom Oaty 4 karma nttsbarguk Pteretant-;-- - tmigisna • atoz..trni— , -. OW Vim Irldge ...... 1 6 g - 2% - • 36 etzt2== IY lIY'IiIM GEOI43E AILIOLD & (10 , aiii BANKERS. 0011; 1/4311. royal, Ao. I Altura st. agog OAPs "of ' Drifts %Mooted Os . ell van. of tbo U 0100..- 1110010 10eabt fled 11. 1 6 or .00ssoildos: • Al. WILE:INS & CO., . AtiPERES AND EXCHANGE BEAKERS • sp. Ti 701IRTH sTsErr, Opposite A Bask of Fittsbvsgh. sa.lll TrAlLlllaktil at mat liberal Nikt.olll Reese's Patent Coupling and Poreplate, VOIL V aII.PDATiI AND 130.EWhi1i4. 9 .• NOW BE SEEN IN OPERATION Mtn Ballhilrown a gulling 51111. Pith. :tiratiCala t of MT =VIZ% W M = trocatef the . Ceeeedt/ *wing Dug maths or ttizowlzug ths ash 10 Maw aatr aim roll whoa Scouring. as mo top rill la ' t V t ' ix e r Di= Vitt! i n u n a re ra l /YAM .. wonatmsetwl. ao 'n 'mastair ang amulets that it 1, ugametait MOW.. helt millet% without rumoring a d 7 ap it = P r& ° Vtl u j b t :l2 Ira! musiiraiiwor . heittAtgr7 am 11 onor right to ulia Ts: el snub mut Immutur /AOOll 1411111 Wiwi? al ',atom lame tu rrit. : , : . : : :: . PAILYi • PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. BUSINESS CARDS 1 R. MORRISON, Attornq and Countoil er.4,2,:o•ht. pg ; Zz . v . ma . 44.0 sutst,t J•W. lIALL , Attorney at Law, "Bake „ weirs Bullilvg.,” Gnat street, betrefn Fourth dm...Cana Dian:iota allay. ' sußOvirr ED OBERT POLLOCK, Attorney at Law -77 Omotr of Fifth and Grant 'streets. oppoelte the ' Court - Moe. Wye, Pittsburgh. • 05e1.4y113 tEUBEN MICKEL,' Attdmev.und Coun llor at L. Itt'Ree3pnrt. Al INtho,y [panty. . • B and prottipt lat.:Moo gtrott , to Coll.vting and ttouvoyantiog carufully att.sided to. d•l5-17 I,I•tCRAIG, Attorney, at Law, New Cantle, A. Pe ta. • EMI r, PM, VIM . err to lion:Walter Craig. Cres!Creek: J. 0,3111121 p, Ertl llmanton dmith,Krersee Chi,d•Co., irn,Wilson Lb., IL Lee. • 5p213.41y AMES J. KUHN,attarney at Lam, offiec, Yourttistreot. near Graot. Pittethargh. .P i i . f3 r f:A t E 1 : D . 12 .0 12 1m /i4oTe d y wo nnd Itzrassam—A. W. 'Loom is. Sheer i SULIIiOII.;d/315. AMER V.RTERR, Attorney at Lair--Ofiiee ep Yo.rth More.. Smlthdlld and Grant, Phts vorgh. lbS. WEAVER, Attorney at Law, Furth a trtdt, neer the Maror's Mee, - Pittaboigh. ta - prmsntll , • • millh.tie. NP. it O. L. R. FETTERMAN, Attor. rte, 3: Law and Real Estate Agents, N 0.107 11.1 trv , t. Ktdbanh. f. 1310 ORAN aIS C.FLANEGI3I, Attorney at Law, a: No. moron:en irtzvet. Pittabantlx. teza E.Bß ezt: tb-ey at 14W ' th ,t. iiiitiCKEtSAlai ERASERS MITER, BRODHEAD' , & CLAPP. . j 29 BTATIL mum, BOSTON, BA.NREE§, &MAILERS IN EXCHANGE, Checks,Rrafts. Certificates of Deposite;. AND Uncarrent Money bought at lowest mt.. Collude= made on all puts sr the-Unlen. I.P.7LISIINOTeI -Preit4The Breen:. Pon.. W. H. Poster. Esq., ()senior Bank crammer., Bleure.J. E.lher et Bro.. J. IL Bob, Horgan D. Brig ham & Po. NEW YORK—Mem , G. B. Bobbins & Bone: Cattle, Beale Peering, Carpenter 4 Vumllye, ?dee.- - • • dr. Aldrich & Spencer. P6I.II4DELPIIIA--Masem. W. H. Newbold & gen. Greed & titans. Melon Cersoi an & algae, Wae.hingtene„ D. C. ucrelEsdly ALL= KRAMER .801. ARM, • • • Bankers and Exchange Broken. ft cry and sell Gold,' Silver anallaxxls Notes, up negOttafe loans on Real Eat‘t or Stoeh Securities. on i[ooo end Irra=lltutee. aad 1 ne l ra:lf i lrot made on au points la the Union. , corner of Third and Wool greets. directly opreelte he otart rt. Churl. !lota myldly H. D. King, 01N, STOCK AND E.N.%IN9E BRO c4/ ker. Fourth street-B%lSe led Coe m Won; Eat bulge on Eastern sities s Ilea at current rates; Collections made on the West at lon rates; M•etern 13a nit Notes bought and 'oil. Jr= MCIIMANIALXSIL......- 70 e 3111 1110N5 .........1R1C. DALMER, HANNA Sc CO., Sueeeesore to Bader. flume t Co.. BI .111033. g 1010,301 BUMS. ima dealers in Pored= Doroesticlts, Catifuostes t Deposit. Dank Nowa and epecio—Nortb. Wed earner ot hood otni Third otreett. Current Dinner received on ta podt. Sight Meets for sale, odd collodion& nuldsen near ly' all Cho pridipal Todd& ot Vaal:ldled Sadao. The alined premium paid for lerolan ar-d fandlcan ;old. Advaradrarolepoconoisnments of ProduonshiOVetk ,est. .. r0k. .,,:„ .. Dit L RVIN, Real Eatato, Stack and 's No. 46, Fifth .t. _ KO IP BM Dm' viral. A. nru. k CO., Bankers and Bra. T tem el Wood et.. - - M. H. WILLIAMS & Bankut ndW goad En:binge Beakers; Nortbitiost auger a Wad a bird at - riots, Pittsburgh. All transantiOns toads on terms, and collodions irnmytly attended to. .1•71-.1y A WILKINS & 00, Esahangp Broken , 6141111===.1=°Wr M. L e&eRFo.RR. a ,JR, n Bahnkßenk nfd Auh H0L31.13 Sc SON, Dealers in Forei . `ll • lad Domestic Bills - of Exchange, Certificates e fle ante. Bank Notes and awls, No. 69 Market street. Pitts. 113-Collections made on 11 the rrinir•t cities hronalkonstbe United States. FiD):4:):14A:4:4:W.1,3t]f1if.104(91: 4 :6:1 1 ill C. STOCKTON over Johnston & Stec ton. Booksellr.StatPrinter, sod Binder, so osr of Haricot sod Third stmt s. L. READ, Booktielle'r and Stationer, No 79 Fourth street. Apollo Bandlturs. J. R. Weldin. 110LESALR and Retail Dealer in bik and Pe-hnol Book,. Paw 13 wad W40.-rl. N. V i r. Wood otr.t. (bot•re.n Thlxd and fon. .1•M •07th.mar20 , t. ini VinCTX Ceir,lstll — "7lo fa. mantes. comer ahnicat abnila and Ms -Dlanscnd, l o r=o . l3 i n e t a ltzt . t:a gu II . 213L1 t eozra i lt=niz to then bnalnana. • Physicians preacrintlons carefully anniPmndad n 3710 John P. Scott. uiritoLEßALt.Dealer in Drags, Paints, y Pilo, Vorubboi and D 7 e Staffs, in,,74o,Libni7 street. Pltt.b.lich. All onloro,rlll veeedraproropt attoocon. arAiont for Louden k (W. vo2nAble Ptnil7 medlointe• toarIA:11, I'II . ••. W • Is'. ~ e.. 1 ..0 eisi e. • Dra • ' In. and Inantdantarera of White Lead Had E. Vo i Stot4.6ll.l4lT 4 Z e' . ‘l 4 r ., 7 Wood Mass; 11:tobargh. Goods ssmstact. Mon los. • got RAUN o e e an d Draulete,"beneer et Liberty and st. Clear eta" Pftte• • .., SOLIOONMAICEII , & 00., Wholegals Drag *. Olt. NO- 24 Wood rt. Pfttoburdh., •• coamitT4l6l4 - ATSn) — FCIftWABDING WILLIAM A. litcOLTllle, DEALER IN ' TINE TEAS, CHOICE' nue:LT 0110131131 WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE. COMAE OP WOOD AND 81111 r VIDATCII. Te now receiving a largreaseortment of Freak Goods, In addition 'to hie alreadv extol:wive dock. par. eheeed from Met hand' in the Desna= Inarkete.llMon will be sold at the lowest market poker: - 1113.iloteW, atessiboate, awl Families, burins by the rupplied at wholesale late'. Wila.Dooda delivered In theater Woe of abase. *July 6 A Apt on /Linty ob& Avg Nay* Nov 40 Jesuit,: •A. & A. ffi•aeaB, . . cOMBIISSION and FORWARDING MER. o r tgrAv vir:=l43t,sia Mduat,e4nertart! ~Wwburab. 8611•43 DI . Nov 611,t. dl C. WELLS it CO., comiqesioN =lmam AND wzommez.s DLLI.IS Div.ldarlpr et 'Div. Jan. 5 , Div. • 1-00 [M •ZS $ - RADON, 71111.1.7L01714 DRIED ISOLTE, AND 00UNTILY PEODI7OIC OENSRALLY. arfla 8435 Zalbirty Strest".Commerelal now. sy114113) PITIMMOIL ,Div. 977k4 MI. Far. s2li J. It. LICEOII, MoALPIX & WHOLESALE. OROCEII/3,, ildtvAlo•S Pe at. do PITA ..111.• . . PlioV 1.81.0f1 sPartita PIMIWEI-lIANIIPACTUBB Nr4: 212 aW 241 LlbatyStraf://k. It. rams ritrusuct: Gilbert fc, Frederick, y%imitatax GROCERS, Produce Deal ..., For rutting arid Commission Merchants, go. Food West, Pittsburgh:. 1131Aberal nub adrsabos gureuggbirustants. • Ald; to If devised. :u IT'Jg4l! soya ao B. Robison it Co. Laos . WIXTBOVESAIE Otboare,i'rodlioe Doslen, arid Orditoileeleit blyrfba Flo. Mb Liberty at. Pitteborgb. Jiab lettke , Te‘ IFORWAItDING and commizeion Met cheat-fad Appelal Consignee for the Penurlvanio liAed Company, • No. 69 Water Wit 60 Front et, dvric.7=thal:rtf:f M'ar:lllll'4',"inirtZthetindrbin"dthl•rsrshonia'n t. tbaCkaapaaa's Agent, ore to be lorded Into threw. Armintboia Amines paid. Bills of lading trotinigttcd.. sail all to at nellasa of. owners or octudipteite foltLtdlU eo catalogues U will be F old, ein the ;Astro= from the, carer treittlit rind chutes F nod tn. soAdc ...warded in:meanie)? br steamboat, ntillsosd, or other. wise, a. directed.. Pirfoll2 eitebing u thelz good i tinatiad. tint Pleboe Ore "12'1 U 3ct i tI 1 Ortoteee Xter, ard e ord:'n tor Pittard:6h I manufactures Slid on' Ilberil tering. , len Dh. 16W. ~l► cr.. e 2 454 • - Springer Harbaugh. %Avoca-16os TO S.- M•liri ILLXIIAI7OIO. fI:t4OIO.4MISSION.-At. F ORWARDING es chint,Dlis In Moir. Wool dna Protium senarnll7. 4131, per, itaind 116 Boma at„Pittiburnb. • spl_ W KENDRICK; Forwarding Ohm. Intedon Merchant; *lse. Agent for Min err. Warshousegio. 22 Woodstrest,Plttabur b ulmtn. Particuler etteaUou Reid to Forwordlos litirakessobe., Suestrastgoments for pals. No roonstoUout ors/Warsaw far Boots of say dsearlottoo. Orders promptly attended to. lustruattous will le 101 asses be traplleitl r obeyed. ' -• • • , • Your burloeu Is 1111PettrUii1 Weitod it „• and !sledge osY. 1 soli to use everry Ist your betatlf. • SsZtr K h IER & JONES, , Yorword,ing .and Com • mlulon ttarsbatita, vivant,. and PM. aura Masniimitera artlelsa. (Nag Bads. near Saynth anat. fituburab gooemors to At. wool, J 91.1 & O.:IKr&M sad torwarazi i. 4ft1. 0 4 Pitubunt , sarsobensoe Om% lIW. POINDEXTER, cominiesion and . forwarding Boos. laid fur to archer Yd ardo lour {Garters Produce. Iron. Otaat. arA tie Yiatat Articles or fittsbars sottinaly; 62 water @1 Staudt cet. Pitlatiusgb, Pst. nib .NIABINE RAILWAY--ti. few shares for ish;ft irtusxi DIZROTIANTE, 24 SI•EAR•E WHAM BALTIMORE. 11171111MCM /I.tow—Atephira TIM. a Co. :Awe Tett-14110m Rine, Sep D•ntor, be Well street. reCßekluts—Whits, Stephens A Co Bultinere—Johns Dentine, Em., Pre,!dent Hereto ante . Bank: Chauever Brooke. Each. President Western Dank: John toner. Outlier rsroxers a Merehults• Beak: Oreene•ar A Co. Banters. Rhshinaton. D.C.—Comma A Rises. Makin, waiter • Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehouse No. 105 ?desalts Bram, ll' PA! Mt% Offers for sal . at T ory lc; plias, a full samortanent of ate. and MLIlln• lit... qapikall/oralnn and Azuniaan_n kaln *ad • nue, tltyaw BraldAlldlhOlMP.Pdnknn.Laan,Unir.P*. horn la.. Fa. Hdril—klen's, Youths', and Doyle Lanham: fano and ealn IlirsldiStram,Panannl.Mannlo, and Palm Leaf. le , fame Leeman. Wald, Btra, Chip, Gimp. Lane. and Rah% nun.? 013ner, Jaolall A lud, and other torma.ln mat vari, " 31/JlB th t s .).Pa n -liTe Bon net .04 stars *Lai astot 1.4,r, all yid lb.! and *Warn fk 0 o 7 Gauze and Orap•Oapn LAOLT—PIin and figurod shin, and colored Bob and Clattan Naito. • arraAW TRLlLElNG3—Oceda.Tamoli, nnttona.itrakla. At. na. FLO MGR-he:lob and nannlaan Splignbanalsin and e•parale. rich and 110,01 styIe.. BONNET SMILE AND BATIN3-01see, Orn da Na• plen. Oro. do Ulna, Ylonnao, mid other ablN, apperted atralltleo and talon. T/Ns—Aaserrlad nnalltlaa and =lon. ALx , a --Itleb la and lon arlf , dP•raanla and Lianntellaa, Sant , Clover Dairy. THE aubroritior ie prep ared to- far- •—• • nlth to families, YNE9 HIM uul GILBOA 0 -Z 0 and will be thankful for th e_ ratrunaee ^ friends and tee nubile. 1110 COWS wlil be fed on vbehowne•fuod. and every care will he tale, eanety hie enalotners. Orders addrdesed to Hinkle' , Port 011ie.. givlap the No.. the residence and street. will be rettot. uallr attended to.. f lee-2MM 11. PAILItIf... WK. W. HAILER, O.' 99, North 2d et., a doors above the rt H Mt. Vorooouse Phlladelphle. Msunferturer of N.,..1er nem ships. MUM, L•l'd /Oa 011 LAMPS. Chau. dolor,. end Candslahres, lbr Oburches. Korai, Parlors, ie.. The subiorlher would respectfully Invite the *Caution of storekeepers awl the public spheralh to hie ler sestock Whigell I ' M: T i t " p arr es:enaltits td name d. Blg2 . l . 4 whelotale sod retell. . • AtrO, 1.0 41 “1130(41111510 . 1 NI. On or Ca,- ybin h a .-- 1 fAo IV; PitAmt ' lltel.; • Limp, •m. artimln. tar mds " not4md JO= CIVNAMX..„ CINNAMON Ziz BMW, GENERAL 'COMMISSION NECHAINTB, isonraTZEIT, UM= XLII Imam, , • CINCINNATI, OHIO. al-Pintloninr attention given, to pnectiming on min . '''. A a.nts 100 the 00.1. of 01 4.9. MennUennin enrry dowelption. Moo, Lard OH, Lull Oman , &wine. . • -oaxs JOHN T. HOOD, (OVVIOE. )11.81INT BTARET, lIROWNSIVILLV, PL.) BANKER AND AZIZIARGE BROKER. ND Dealer in Foreign_and Domestio Ex ni..h..mneTuemtes of Deposl4 Dank No tes end Spe• cle. hottest Money reoetred on Deroelt. night Meeks for tale, and collections mede on ell the prinelpel. point, of the United State.. • • • Advaseaa made on consist:meats of Producer, rbippest east. on liberal terms. oosl•1)d ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL. TOTIIETILAViELLINO PUBLIC. rr HE underatzned-respeatfully gives notice ft. tbatitio ht. NIOtt4LAS Hersh is non open ler the .examnmodatton or the stabile. having beenerebnllt on the old else. tennecir estrupisti by the United States, en the opener of lielticome Slid Georg. itmeta Oondwicland, AU the maim initonvenienta have bee. 14troditeed e lad futtinhed ins nen ant 41111312 t stria The msootietos toe Inn e Notttienrllotellieerar. hopes to bee 111 to girl eve err tatiefeetion. end colletts ashen, et nubile getconsen. esenactel J. 4 4101111(11.14. iremetiecom PITTSBURGH .....,,„,- araggitC6.4ollF4Orofir,mitimagi No. 46, Damond 4 tuey; Naar Wood Street, M.. isxosum mamma. ICUDIILD reepeettolly call the attention at floothom water Inereinuato to Ma nos .I t or of mtrtuntn, musing to ells from $lOO to 1111$00 /toof Contmma- ass both front the bat mammal and worltMsoMlO. and nutter Ma ono sopentaloot be eon; Vial mundane, warrant lee not k to bo totntor to none mannfaotund In Um Uolon. Th. ontrom of MI Mmlooto Lon Um awn Inatome In dolman for thts alma of not k. boa Unload Mtn not to to Id oar t ammo* or lon srtoon wort In bI. ettablidmont Potoomman ',goof heat • rrOtt villntoom esti 'and ammloo his Utt toftro nolng But Alt wont warranted. nona A. WARD. MINTIBT, Pima stroot. a Doan obeys Rand. M9lOlO hoard from 9g.x.t05 o: ■. On 'll F eaturdAye ego or* win be roorival or abraded to e than 3r: 'Lingo.* by OKLA anointment• or to orozereaso running. • ... laollielind ARD'a FLUID AND P,0W151M141) ..D u rrimicra, Mattntagaled itAolUirida nos4lot bY Ptmgra:dfalotrsidove Mad. Pr 1 : -- bba. pow landing 110D4 Graillds magaiiiioa KIBITh:Ua!UMOI43 IIaCLINTOCK, Importer and Vi hole fl co z , • Bo =attd u lltailgesler 18 litA cm,,,,vcg, vio . r I Slam t Trfaaolniterleiltio lt lfet ;Dan D. e..Drootco MVORD 6.T W IioLE SALE & RETAIL FASHION ABLE HAT AHD OAP • MANUFACTURERS.. . AND DILLIES IN ALL KINDS Or rtr ' COLLIER OF WOOD AND PINTO STN. Pltilblqgh, Pa. h itir . 2 l , at j Pnr :: / .41 of ang20:4304:17 JACOB FORSYTH, Jr., TORWARDIIiG AND COYIIIISKON IDERCHART, fivki,j r a ci, 68 Wag* STREET. 117811F11011. BARB. & MOSER, iROHITHOTS--offioe6: Philo Hall, NQ. 715 Thud eteeet, Eittetmegb; end east Ole of. the, tnni. Allegheny. Wham \ CABiIiTINOB, OIL OLOtillt, AND 11412115105 ROBINSON &. CO, No. 47 Fifth street. 31104.1 . WOOd, lj AVE on hand a largo and choice a4sort iLl went of OLRPETINCIB. of the latest end' most beautiful patterns, consisting of— Floral Velvet Curets: Tapestry and Brnuele Carpets: Three. Ply and guterline lisrPetn Tepestry Ram Cameo; Twilled and Plain Tenithin tiorPetg, Together with every description of !der priced Carpeting OIL ULOTIIII Prom three to twenty•four feet wide all aoalitlea and prime. Alva. Rugs, lists, Piano and Table Lavers. Win dow •lihwies„ Tahitian minds, 800 tad Omit Stair Rods. Ala BIATTIEOII Omiton Elattitich White and Check 44, 8.4, mid 61 vid'c Coma Matting from 2.4 44,• all of which will be offerrl, at the LOWEST CUR PHIOEIi. nt7 13 JOSH WATT & CO.. WIIOLESALE GROCERS and Conumis pion Merohants—Dealese In Nish. Produce sad Plttabarsh Ilanutasbowes,no..aß Liberty street, bovess hand and reposing thefollowing goods, wldth... cSer the lowest mutat rates—' 171131313 . . 860 bade prime Rio COIN*: 8 arcs 1.*101 . 10 , 5 76 boxes 50 and Fs Tobacco; 60 gross Blackiom 15 kegs V. twist Tobaxo: 2./ boxes white Popic 08 bbla 8. IL Molasses; 217 bags Table 9.10 150 bbl.. N.O. do.; l 6 111. Tanners' Oil: 50 boXesground esfeeM 10 bbis. Mussed Oil 49 boxes No. 1 Stareb; O bbl. Spts.lnepeollas; SOO kegs Stsorted Nang ..,50,sles Rama Bi_de9 \ • 227 reams Wrapping Paper: aysis. SosP•msmow AM. 340 lb.. Beata Remelt 16 bbls. &dent.: halfohests 0. P., Y. O . • and Black Teas; 00 eattpboxes •• . • •• " do.; 110 { ex i st it2 B LIMIVIVir,,V ; OI 6° mot' C..& 43 dos. Buckets; 1.0008 N: Baron Hams: nIS NW CLOTH:ENO HOUSE Edmond Watts & Co., MERCHANT TAILORS, -No. 18a, Liberty Street • ' ' ARE in receipt of their Tall Styles; also, a an.aplote easortatont ot new and etsple Ooods..toe d Winter near, moth a fleereo*Linge, Plain !or, and Ridge IllnEstay and Pilot Clothe, of various colors iEnd-gnallfdo%lNothe of the beet mange, and tared taahloneble colors, for Drees and ("rock Coats. lain Mack (htealmeres and Doeskin.. plain and fanny colored Cud. mere, of entirely new &elan?. IN:stings Jao Keened, of the newest, etyles, awl In greet varte. Altogether an vniqualled almortinent to which.. call the attention of our customer,' and thenab Ile. and be leave Et serum theta, that all Clothe med. by us obeli be of earertor etyle, and at moderate prices, nol2 THE NEW YORK ARE! LIVERPOOL UNITED STATES MAIL STEAREES The Shipp au:ppm:pa MIR Lisle sr. the ATLANTIC, Capt. Watt'ARCTIC, Capt Lao. PACIFIC, CPO, Rte. itiALT.I. , . Copt Comstock. ADRIATIC, Capt. - THESE SHIPS have been built by contract. erPr.elT ter 00v rns:tent Pervice.every care h. been tk- -Po en in their eonstruetion. as In the :3000 to corms strength and speed, and their SCCOMULaIItIOII/1 ea • led for eleven. and CO fort. bs i.r P ioe oEfVermeag.": trout York to Liverpool :First 'Cabin. $120; exclusivenee of extra sired Rata gnome. S 00: in literond Cabin. 81 0: from Liverpool to New York. L3O and .L.ZI. An experienced Ettrgeon al No berth can be secured PROPOSID DATI MR. Nes Ycer.. 1553—'511 Saturday. Febrou7 Batantay., " flatEntlar. Muth 5. Satu . gt:;: Alall 2. Saturdal. 16 - Saturday. " RO. gaturday. Mar 11. :Saturday. " 26. Saturday, Jana 11. Saturday. " 26. Saturday. J OLT O. Saturday. 29 Saturday. autuat 6. Saturday. 20 Saturday. Sortnober i. Saturday. Cataber I. IT. Saturday. Saturday. 16. , Saturday. " ' 19. Saturday. Komp . bm 12: Saturday. TS. Saturday. Danaher 10. Saturday. 21_ or Freight or PZEINE4 LISS 0 W ,56 all armor, UM MOO., Llrezpool.Lit. G. Aron, Load.; JOUN 61116 Daum des Third res. Paris. GIS The owners of these KLIMA Gold. Moor. Bullion. firol e. bletala unless Bin. of Win ' tbe value thereof therem aZpi W. W. WALLACE, FRENCH BURR MILL STONES. AND MILL FURNIISHING ESTABLISECIMIT, 319, 311 and .3= Lae p ea v ar mi teee Smakdeld erect. FILENCII BURR MILL STONES, - OLD and new doe% of me own onoullernre, warranted noel Warner; Laurel 10111 )1111 &tram. all alma; Bolan. Cloths, old and new; Anchor Stamm bed quality. at ra.. deiced prima; Mill Spindler. Mill Ire= Mktg Bowen Wire: tioleths. and Tempedus Berm. Corn and Cob Gitudere: am Iron Prornerat lamb. Belting: patant and comnon Haab.. out Bye:pieces lbr the Kunner—alwaya on hand. 11111 Gearing xls& to order. • • Also—Lo 1 patent Wrench Burr Bond Mille, aced In the tt Pearl MM.^ Allegheny. and In .1. hundred of the bed Mille I. the country. They are oh,tr,r, darn fader,. ran light,. and are more durable than the iron machine. "OG n 7 ex 4 d l la. a art r etaht• Weedo o m n ng ouflhl Pthtabwgh 594 par pardonlors maw to hendbllba. Parsecmin./one:3% Ist W. W. WoLleae—Dear Sir: We have now In ore In our mill twoot your Ban Smut Machines Sher work to our entire satlebetton, and they en durable. not Ileble to net lat of otslorAnd we OUldder OM the bestmeebloas cow n ase.• Wruunin t Noma. All orders promptly attended to. anZI W. W. WALLAOR. 319 Liberty stmt. 'VMS article is p to jll.. oented to the public as an tetanal remedy, avoiding the rain and deafer which necessarily attends the In nce dUcUon ofmun rals e mine and eysseshee, with sesta• sum or Its Ohm, se a OM PM of the various diereses of 4osot mote or chronic indammation, whether Indus ed br sorotulone...Min or otherwise; dahlia, of th op orn.. granulation o f the lids ulceration of the lachry mal 'lambi. and sailusetly of talon !rpm say mum DR. J. PETTIT'S - ' .-4 (1111171CHIJAIs CIAMEIIII. BAINSAII. • A non. rate end Certain ours (or the moat waraysted nen of Nursing lirrellouth. Mend Bore Mor.. canker nub. loasdrot brosachitlx and - quinsy. swelled tonsil/. Elnlaid eon throat. husk tonaue, and ell eases of common soker In the ,nooth. throat and etemaoh. Et. K. eltLLEttfl. 67 Wood street. Pittabunth; J. P. IttAILING. Allegheny (Sty. isM7'43 Wholesale and Mill Agent& • Q STONER; No. 80 Wood street, is open -1....•7 • lug • fresh supply of BOYS' SUMMER CLOTHING from New York. They are oretty—aay, they are Med. sonso•—end well worthy the attention of both fathers and mothers. Ills One' Saloon le now linishedt—it oleo ox• titbits some to lo its arrangement— th e brilliant tap Nicht in it will enable gamuts to male their Palest/on without the but fear or doubt of either the color or quid. itr of the article erbited. Me stook of OLOTHS, OASSI. MIRES and VESTING& for men's wear. is quite se com• punctua pieta ay u lit a l, and will be made to order with his general • ASS New' Beetanrant. • 2rHE andeiMgned has. openilits RES- TiIIIIANT et No. ISO, . fourth groa t few doors m Market. nearly opposite the Met nts' Dank ,, which he has handsomely etted up. and IA w prepared to accommodate the pa bllo, at all hours. 00 1 any they may want to his line. Dinner on the rattle, daily, horn to 8 o'clock. P. M. and freers attention witi:beigrento moldy the table with 'all the delicacies of the esesth. tteW end iotisatisoots itissubod to odor. at sU h oigii,":bli b .tmtrts b; the it to it latlellteUott, he trusts to be Able to =nit a general aa •Oitebitte end Wanes a cell boas ell who 1.. Croon- soy time, a eatolortable meal, well got up 4 and weft tmeaceptloaahle etple, Terme teameable. JAR. WILSON. No. PO P.utth et. Pltteburab. May Yth.l6/.11. BLACKSMITH MUMS YLAKUTACTOBT coyartnerobip Notice. THE Nionid reapcntfully inform their friends and the nubile generally. that ttuy h.,. entered lnto p rtnereltio ettunatenelna on the Mb Apt% under the Ann or It. WILI,IAItIti A CO., for the mananteture of BLACIREIMITU BRI.LONB or every duertptlon, which they. are determined to matteor the very best ntaterlsle and inspector workzannably. They In tend to hare always on hand an atoortment of all &ea horn 46 to 40 Uterine, at thetrlnattufsetery„ oorner of Kuh lmann and Ilendtulty stunttu ROBERT "WILLIAM. JAMAS MIAOW, Allenheny City. May IL media • Bolivar Piro Brick and Crucible Clay Wan doctoring Company. HIB Corapan=aving ealined their eip.- r i putty aim Ittlr Ittnonts4 to mist inatuatal &mud tot theft nrid4Onietbls Boll& ta ti%trt um:aptly sttetdect to by KM JON It rt.n.i ottoh.e, n GENTLEMENS DRESS, Piret Man .th:tods--Nevest Stll4„\ AND TABRICA, dT, S. WAITS di CO.. JitSßCOLartm ?Aos, \ \ NEW STY.L S, E. WATTS & CO., • MERCHANT TAILOR ~• No. In Llng& % y " 113 NOW receiving very elegant new styles ti f fa t tratto l eT,' tr. l l 4l4s _ 01,0611.tiosi rawly mull nt 0•81111XXX8, nosh, r ma jor s 3,..._rl'nnmmstfnllr tort* to sill sad *nouns our stock bean bu .r* rot vtll mirror to moo It at ,their tamest to atm $ WATIIOI OU, INS GU rty , IiyarANTZD--Bpataishind Mexican dca-' Ic‘ i lortah opt Wert dortilon —llrri r4a for which pr tr a ns akar , Proojior , . Cow met awl , • • PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. -------- TUESDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 20,185 r ‘ nem thl Lopbuena,. TUE C MKI.SC/MINT OF OPCAATiONS IN. Till BLACK 84.—Ten oommeocernent of naval hoe eddies on the - Black Bea between equadroes of the Turkish and Baselen fleets, will be an event of considerable interest, and novelty, for the na val strength of both countries must be regarded as wattled in Ito present form, end there is hard ly any see on the globe which has witnessed so few naval ,coats to as the, Enxine. Bearoely eighty years have`elepacd eioce the Porte 036- eented to open the Black Bea \to .the mere:met liege of•forelgn nations; vitiate had been jealous ly excluded from lt niece the expulsion cf the Genoese in the 15th century. The creation of the Black Bee Beet of Bnimis map be said to date from the present centuryk and when the bat war between the two empirtook place, had the &sestets of Bavaria& had recently tleprivml the • Turks of all the means of ritlme•warfare. The pauage of the Baseborn s has been atill more Ol\ m, 1 ttiotly guarded by the policy cf the Porte, and ' • • treaty against the naval gags of the other ' • repeats powers; and we belfries that, with the • option of s short crams of tit Blonde frigate, n • •r Copt. Lyon's, abont the yea 1829, no Bog lie b hip has entered the £ wine; ertainly none it eire‘ tuni the r P o n u r tn i d a er Gf srtl r elaver Pa ft; e e ht ,r e a re r d m i sh t for eg nha,'botter known in the Bridsh sere!ne Capt. AdolphAblede, has sailed with niece' warlike t \ intentiabd, although Its destination was act known w i th precision , if it be true that a Rua ban equ ran has come oat of fiebastoPkol, we lue no doubt that Admiral Blade's destination will be wherev er he min fall In with the enemy. This Turkish Auto constant, It seems, ale lin of bottle ships aueffiX fr igates, with a compiem t ! I sidede amere; id \ which the Turks are better pr , an the Thissians, their eogines being nil \ te k work by Englinh Bemoan. Boma f theTiorkielf frigates are very power ful \ 'culla; Capt. Blade's own ship is a doable banked fell ate of 72 guns on two decks, ee large In all \reap ata, ae one of one' old seventy•foura. Theme ships lave bettrat sea during a greater part otthe a mmer, whiih the larger line of bat tle ehipehave not, and they may fairly be able to hold their e n againernia equal Rneelan fora, . The discipline d system \oh board are entirely borrowed flaw e Boglieb May,' by the petal oaring exertion of Capt. Blade, his predecessor, file Beldwin lyetike and Cs f.\ Bohlen., the in etructior in gunnery The crew\ end officers are described an exeeltentTarillleryinen, though sea and meth as seamen; In that respeot, however, they are perhaps not initriorto thefeixtagonists. If the weather 'honk d pkovarough, d the win ter mot in \ with Its accantomed seeirity in that climate, both squadrons `lnlaid probably coffer more by the sea, and \the e7reme el uof cold, than\ by the enemy. :1 \ • The, legendary fears \of antiquity ululated ell !lemon/new of \ the deep between the tend ; tog Sy ciplegadca' and the shores of Colcid , and modern Ye:immeshes not had the \ came oppar4lol.- ties of obiervation \in theta waters which ipps enema in other parts of the gin he. No Ohl the terra.* of this sea hae„been greatly exagger ated, and leis not more tempestno dp other sew; but It \is subject to sadden and dents' fogs, the coal his rude and ill peovided with her., \ hors, and the climate in sclnter is Intensely cold, insomuch that the. thermometer named:nee de- reendn to zero, (pahreithelt,) and `the bays and eitnaties on the north and western estate are, to some extent,l'rosch. An effective' olocidade of theta *oasts doting winter, world, ttisroftirs, be an operation or great`tidEcultyl.'lt eeiptsjitiow- ever, to be agreed for the present by the being eiente that no restrictinno are tebe put upon the trade of\ r.entrale;sind - ffith 'regned to Rosalyn ships, whether of Year or commerce, and wee bare no doubt that the officers directing the opera tions of the 'rakish 'squadron had Tether they would come\ cut than remain in harbor; for once at sea in an lielcoed been, which afforde them no escape, a d few points of refuge, their favi \ /68 01 SAW:JO /sox Lrviapool., 1862—'63 W 8,1888 3.2. Wattraary 9. 1 1888888 day, •• 23. Vredos.lsr. March 9. WedBesda7, •• 23. W•dcaslay..l39ll 6. We.ineB , lB2. - 22 . WedneriM. 18.1 4. Wednesday, .. 18. would be inevitable, unless they succeed in de feating the lark - Irk naval tower: The political and millukry consequences to Rusin of the loestf the security she has here tofore etjoyed in the Black Bea sraiocalculable. She net only canner to be intfulceriblo on hoz whole imuthern frontler;but evet7 point en which she is Weakest Iles op 7 to direct attack; ' should hostilities, assume a mote sertons \ charac ter. The \ trace of the whole of BoutheittEut els and of the 'set basin Watered by the Drdeeter, the Bog, and the Dishspermen can be interriipted. (Mena would be at mercy of ihe enemy. Sepastopel might be blockaded or attacked, and there is reason:to believe that Its seaward Mate. limpets of inferior force, to the weight of metal which might he brought \egain it; While, the\ place is ill fortified In the West The fOriefTle sakcif,the arsenal Of Mee gaff, andthe butting yards of Chiron are said to, apet t frli Pet. eh \ it, ted, the Htuteians' hiving ap area y` Denten ed themselves with defence. enact tto and off the Turks. The whole Crimea is p tell ly open te\ 1 11 attack by sea, and tomes dee toll 'for the defence of that peninsula must e es Cenor • moue steppe' which divide it from se Prop er. The towns on the sea of Asoff d ended only by the diffmnity of navigating t t • lox inlet. Cireassia and Georgia, and all the country from the Toreth to the Grazes are' be! Wait by email forts along the coast, and. by e pplle and reinforeemente 'Nut by sea. An eue dia posing of a competent maritime force, ceps 'ally of steateare;tind-hesing hie base of ?pets one on the Bosphorus, would be able, in a space of tints varying from three to eight days, to at k any point on about 2000 miles of 'toast, and th facilities for carrying on each operations are in the proportion of the diameter to the cireamfer once of the Black Bea. The Russians on the contrary, if they had this circumference to:de fend, and had lost the command of the sea, would find themselves absolutely precluded by distance, by the absence of reside, and , by the wild nature of the country, from effecting any coneentration of force. The policy of Emperor Nicholas has not only roused the Turku to del !ea.& octuddetablo naval. armament, capable, perhaps of meeting the Bunion Bart 'without diesdvantage, but It has brought into the Bee. pherus, for the first time in history, they meet pewerfal squadrons which England and France have for many years, we might, indeed, say ever,. sotto sea, • , ' Wednesday. June 1. Wednesday. 15. WednesdaY. " Wed:newsy, July 19. olnesd ednesdaY. ay. W Basun 10 Wednesday. . Welnpaday. Beptember T. Wedaeaday. 21. Wsdnerday. Weber Wadneeday. /O. Wednesday. No amber 2. WedeeedaY. " 16 Wadarsaay. " IQ WadorglaY. Dantraber 11. ppdneeday. 26. aly In RD W ARD roi l.. Yore; BROWN. Ran , ROBICHTS 8110 King'. 02021 CRa.. 26 Rue Notre BOROZ B. DEARS% Basra will nal Os actountatle fir lamely', Bottom; etertle. or noiseag are alined therelbr, sod d. Jrio . AS. ,!,, T , )). 0 , izt 4 :.1. 0 ..i..__,- .„,\ , 4.; , ,:,.. 7 , ~-,th •-_, •0. ExTIAORDIJIMIT ATTAIN. IN TBI Hore °MCI —We learn with some Surprise, and more plea.- are, that, on the customary application being recently - made to the Noble Lord, the Secretary foe the Home Department, for the canal Queen's Letter, ordering collections to be made, for tee Society for Propagating the Gospel .in Foreign Parte, hie Lordship replied that he had heard eo many complaint° of the working of that Society, and of the High Church bayou which bad got Tato it, that he could not advise lice Majesty to grant any such letter. . Astounded at this rebuff, the officers of the Society laid the matter, before a Right Rey. Pre late, who at curs sought an interview with two 1 leeding members of the Cabinet—a noble' duke, acid the representative of one of thislinlatial ties. - The result was, that then three eminect persons at-once proceeded to call on the Hems Eleeretary for the purpose of expostulating with biro on the decision to which he had come; but they found, to their amazement and mortifi cation, that his lordship-was wholly toe:arable lkg I were politely reminded that the matter lay in department, not in that of ether of ht. to two Reignite in the Cabinet who were . presen; and.that he felt no neocteity for their advice or Interference in soy way in the matter. 1 \ We lea, that hie Lordithip also plainly atated that this was not the only Church Society which would; In Intuit be excluded from the privifme of • tricteeniy Le_tter. We s •eed scarcely eel, that the consternation la High Church qizartore at this unexpected ceourrenoe'exceeds auy thing ever before known. It is even believed tbse,s for the extraordinary circumetatiore which bile *courted, It will be impoesible for the Doke of Newcastle, and Mr. Glade one, aid one or ;two others, to remain in, the Cebinot with Lord Pvt.' mentin. `Assuredly , irractarlanism Dever before received so heavy a brow and great diseourage, enrol, el'. to kt &at emerged Into exiatence, et it hue done the hands et the noble Secretary for the Home • opartnient.—Loadon Ado , . Two "Simian Isom: moo "--A ash stun tater nye:— \ 4.Governor 801ward'gase an elegon entertain ment last evening to a'. larger number f Whir than 4supposed Mere is oilstone since *deo, lion. Among the costa were the entire Whig, dalegationla Oorigeens from New Took, EleostOras Fish, Foote,-Smith; Jones,' Dawson, - Bell, and Beejerelo," the Whledelsgation from•Tenesser; and Whig Representitine from hilsimai, Geor gia and other 13tates." • Frisson Inn Tissaw,lhe iiportation in 1852, was,forty pendant ..ore. Platt], million pounds cfnowrocight metal, andaistun million 'pounds cf bro, 'Meets, An spite \of ibit heavy protective duties antorded \ to - French forgers • Atntrao rr 'Pawnor.— e interior of Ault trolla--a Its eondj, deoett=7lteo hten - foe tid to be,oonehterstay below the tell of the sea- It fo proposed to Opploy'llritloh 'pillion' to out. tlog 'blotter or -' - -nt the --- o to the dee rt, s Cowie- . when At is e expected, tint \ ' '0 6141 ` be BO veal si to let, le the, for , Illation Of en ito eo \ the tardltorost ' ot utlt of a. vast am? hie, ': VOLUME 7 . , LXV I-.-NUMBER; il'o2lloll pats - . .Austrian tagitiamr \ will net ; a •ermittedto servo in Europe, but mt Won. , la oh s . , fon* at Scutari to enrol' the mune. ' \ 44 • who Iv 4 kilo acne in Asla, .4 corps et, 4Curls ••" ea ty bas been formed,, to be un- a t: the r l l mmaad tiEtika,lrhosettliinienl RP- .; v% _forma y deman ed. ' •''' '', = ' , The nof ther \ recall of the PtassiaiZ4m.. • blesador m ljonetaatinopie, was th e sympAhy . ; - bin expresse In prive for th e Tusks spinet e Banns— r impottanoe, is besionting at, % thed to this. asitioathst Feria may sump \ . i t elmloAtictl b thtins o Te m iVoloafpyhi blard crewill"Nt4neakistaltotaa:b.bagli t ti: h th"g6th e iani':""°4lll al i\dil. : Pthal'fir-o , ls:B:;e lt n:7:it t eati th ith:i\P r .isi n :fiatil u 77 s eurtren si det : 67l"tbatb e lit'stia tl ot:tia'rr s 43 :ll ls": ; en""kill: : : : l'.:l'‘: : ::: .t 0/0011 . 10111i00.0f the AuttrianConsul thentatter nonnded that the Fenian\ Government had de- :, id: d arniag d ukh fro ised at el BW th iem e la P tup o: 7l4" e t tl: n t -till th oit e 7w ltua aj7b alati :ll : l3:.:l' tientatha shall - be permitted to retails; ant 12 t his szepatur eball be #anted to him...`:. - -: ,- There is little probability that the Porte will do -A , Menu Arthow ox TEO Amthzum'a,,, - ; 13thamp.--The following is takenifrom a Turk; lib dispatch; and Dhows that ths' Amalgam are careless 'to respect either 'the altabnality 'of' - b Austria, or the freedom -of commercial inter-' ~ i g e ihurscisy tsar, the Per th , d ld inh o e y orrd d p 's issa k r to a e ateff ne : . - . I passing before Olurgevo , flag holatiat; had - suffer from the Basel= battery, although the - ' - - wither was so clear as not to admit of a toed- -, My of error. Our battery between Routabrak ":. , I f na Vat der oo.ll o 2 = llo - r p e r d ot :M tio e n s: t a: tof the packet, which was Injured In twoplaa . d her ()Wan broken by majemilee. H ' der the necessity of ratarningedlie placed he . ere landed. .. At 4 o'clock. P. Id., after the return of the ~ / Matti= steamer, the agent of the oompatty. at, Marge.° sent to apologias, stating :that 'the' ` the *umlauts had fired by mistake, and the ospv' 2 ttiln;attoompanied by the attatrian and Prussian puha agents, presented themselves -before ~. sto isquire whether the steamer might be amt._ 'wed asfe by her present situation. 4 reply , I obsernid that - I could make no formal engage. - ut, and \ that th e Tema neeassmily mast be ' • ; e posed to the same riak with itielf.—:, this the captain resolved tar dep'rt, and at a '...; d Math from this place of shunt \three miles ~ ', e HIISSiIOO \Win fired' on the vl, Which: a defended to the best "of their abby our pat guards. Finally, the captain's forced t approsoh theright bank and throwout kle." obor, and he e mit me, the sesand la co • wad, tti inform most tOO6O events. , 1 V/3 , 0111a. LIGLIIL4VBII —The -Wellsburg er • - •- • . aid gives the following account of the doll, of tits body in relation to Railroads through - .. ; an Randle:". ;The Legislature is fairly in session; sad lb ,• • - diet papeufrpm there after the assecabling con, i• tnined at least, font columns of proocedingei the, of j achy of which related to schemes of-laternal••: ,I. ?rosement. We obverse .that • Ilfr..- &tensed, \ i on the Senate Comeolttee on Roadeend Inter- '• nal Improvements, and Air influence will dfouht-...• ens be coed to throttle the Right of Way applt- .• nation. \ Mr. Golly moved -that she Committee I' • on Courts of Justice be instructed to Inquire Into • d ti•sipedienoy.of forbidding by lawtha workizzg .: • of nfttllroad wilhonta charter, - Tile is Sint. 'l , •1 of the Penitentiary. bill -. of last seseloor aitl ' . . olsigned to campus the same object , the defeat - - the Panhandle ,Rallroad. It ban, however,- t• , the disadvantage of behtg somewhat more &b..- wird than that, in this, that much law would. -.•- - new be an eZ pat facto law, and of wane tot- - ;'1 • • nOnstittitionsi .-The Effect of packing cock ilia,. ' \ Is a clear recognition it. the prercions-sbotene.. • - \ of law in the premises, sad the, consequent is l" \ gillif at the into of Messrs: Edgington Sc. - •Welli,s, \ l'heaffence which Mr. Oally'olaw is designate,- . \ punish, to already &acidly committed if to beati:-• \ offence, and no, subsequent law eon have soy bibring upon it. .The gentleman is., a splendid:at. - -! to so declaimer, espicially on . Temper/in; . but list iman In the world to meddle learnr,pil,„ idea \lt seems to as, chit' any ell ' iof Bineke or Etan7clc, who will aid ' or' abet r oppnnenti ID their high -Landed and *cold :. yrattelasPl ~ . nineedur ails -noVdeserriag of ' • - e of. SO'', • freeman; •• uch Tess of 'is eitlzen o the - old'De.' ' - T ---- ..... , , TIM TILOIIIkI3S AT MUR,- , -EICITIO of the papers sti Cleveland are becoming quite peat on this euVeot, and charge all sensor cities on' Philadelphia and the tPeansyl ' ' -', - - . ...:1 'Central Road. 'rats. oltsrgis - are too absurd „'" • . requireserious rehtationtbut, lest silence shoal '-'''', ' bir \ consttued into siontorcence, we desire to "Si. , that the people of Philadelphia generally kith* ' .. nothing and oars nothing about the quarrelonad -' that those of them whh have had their attention virawn,to it, believe that the Lake Shore 'Rail- • Iliad Company has attempted a moat , trejustills-. tithou ge upon , the rights at the people of Brie;; whisk th totter ireboond, frrielst by all !finial'" tr‘ ZOTADIL e desire to soyi farther, that 'the ''. Pennsylvania Central Railroad Company •has not interfered to the matter in any:forret dlnet• • ly oriedireot i, though, if Ito mansgaii had , been situated y the same spirit which same of: the Ohtheompa lee haviemaaileitai, - themight ~ ~ , have retaliated various - ways to , the in art of he latter.—Phil .N. Amer -',. Alw Rouses elk Rivszna.--Wethear lb* It ~. . . le highly probable that during the coming sink= ' of the Legislature, ,e, law will be, enacted imps. ., -: ' .toga tax per - itapita upon ell bitilviduals ith . •ss through the State if Pennsylvania by • the - ' ; • Lke Shore Railroad. is road intends from B• ; alo Viestwe4 and sates' through Zile" \ T.. , C 0... ty, - Ps: The - travel ..already thtmenie— ' &bon a dthusand a day—mid is rapidly thane -1 ing. - tax\of Shycentspri. ad . on all4seeen- . gore, uld soon enable the Ude to phy off the , potato d Ith e miarement w hid be legitimate, , as the rod all dad to le inter:l4 for thi. him= \ eo b efit sad out dation, \ not of \the eitheite.of \ . Penzusylv \s,, b k.of travellers ieth Rew ..\. Tack and tit greal , West. l -Pirtha baler.; '., . : \ , 41LV` BUTTER. \ \ , Produce 4 salon \ kleroluomiNt. _ , • NO. 6SO If W TWIST:, PK1.1.4.4 \ And Wboleest• at we Lk& Mises. • . I Canon Batton, tnony. NY. Plume. . Glade and roll do. 0 oborrlet. Currantc - - ' Peons. puffed do.' . Nefolu... Qr. onf Das. , , Jamey end Wootarn • Bonet OIL ltfmt.Cboonlatoi Iforneoer a nutty Chose% Broke. 4 Ifkoce, Itsktag Pear. Pins look. do. \ der. , - \ ‘llregrut vionr. d °' \ s tl=iNtlliii.' . Pout sad Hutted Barter. \ Inbar\ tattoo &Corn .- Totted nodes and Puck's. , 8e... Lfe7nrn (lamp . ' Ikons and Mont peen , Ml*. \ s „____ -- C -b a &Cod Coning. aleods. mils% Num.., Mottle - tit whit.. Osedlo boot...hire Orm. fato r N s, Canary nod Nemo PedrlA Illossford . 4 'a Pend , ~ Mould, Adamantioe A Sperm Numb. \ Modles, CMOs Pc rt Com. Stareb. • . Dairy Balt 4 Beth Orlon. Cur...oaf 4. ldnetosil feed. `.. • orromn Marc --Eke Flur. Coffee *strains. . \ Crane do. • beaten Smop. tapioca. ADAMS 4 parker Notif• • Martald • Ito, • ..„ ' 3 lPeelkffe \ **Mao No. 5 tooth Water stroad. Phlla. \ s \ \ . tzoc i am i s ti on ,x • \ , , • _ ny virtue of a preeept unde r ilia hinds o , \\ \ 1., wm. D . McClure. Yreoldmot of Ike Couf Cows s mon Plata. to awl for OW htb Judicial dtrriot oeOrns.. s ' of If ants. sod J urtice of the Court of Oyer assl,Torminer, ; t . , William 'general Jill del Tory In mid for raid s Dlotrieti cod WillMm !Wieland a•Miot *doom, Evno ..alomeasts deades • \ 0 of .nna11a•. , .. 1 ,7'. In and Sor , t4e eqenty,et Alllegke, eT. Mate th e e9lll 0., rf N.:flambee. In the yrs!, of afar Lord Olk• thollllllld elnkt hundred' and Mt, •fttresond to . . \ anddirected. kr boldl • Court Court Or. orvil Ibrird . A and enact Jail D•lly .of tte, I/ 'sow In tb;c b. - \ of Pldnonrick.ou the Oh Imlay of Member. at 1 cleat. a. N. Priblte notice talemby fen to all Juatlem. of ,Yaser. Coroners and eonfla ha Otte. wooly of loifinc, . • . t\ netrerr i o It 'b ro . :C.4l d In til arl. d .ii i sm,g cm* v t p .a etb.,___..f fenuolebeaumf., It. do tom; thibley . 14 . t, \ 1 . , t• .\ - \ .1. 111nel...eels Meet* in them toba l l.. o sOpears to be dtm.4-.r .r : ~ , \ atm those th at will prooemote vtioeusra that near — i, , . *raw be n the all of mad eat:: of Allollbany ts i c .. s :... one sot there Jo orareento OW eager al qhsli AO., .., \ s . • fitmo ander my tend In, POMO rob. deo , I9bn 7' 0 ' \ November. In toe fear 0. 01:kr LOT* 0. 111.1.0,1 handed cad elty.ktra. and tn.). Comoonewitoltb he 1 17 tit \ teeril ‘ \"'elseeit. • ' ''' ', _,_\ Strayed or Stolen. 4 '\ , s ., . ,. \' HOU the enbeoriben at .11area 1:..., t3 l y.xtl4 3 ; Thu/clay avant*. No l'hb, .. ... \ VOWN alt,*bon..7 some out. a elite itee ,• . • • freehe- a mall taut lo *stet m k s Any on . lsarion I Iformatton at P. Bhagat% I tho Dleamnd s I mole. • liberal reward. S. Inotbi -JabaMil YOH= \ ' , t ot re . s - L. , -:•• •, \•_, \ • PRINTERS=Wo oell - a good' m a r soni pussa,rrrozaritkierule“....i.X, g, GROSS, Alre's Cherry faitioral ed.l4 andfin mas • G IF\- -5 (a lINDR bbls ~otlesd primeMspbs Battu; k 3 ' \ 50 ° N.v.i. bl*:• 1 !49" g-oim \ 180 bb , ' $ ‘,. -75.bbbiY.Vlourireted indfot JoudiCATI 00,291 Vberi7 at.; CT411311 r.O drums prtme Codfish to at'c; - 1,1;74 0 4bY \ JON WAIT a CO. \ fiIIEEBC-50 bxe. 'ClateaSA.for fusle by .4 • A \ den \ a A. alelAM.., ARD-24bbls. No. Alto antra for saki by's.. ' de& • , umuniaoKirt kra. ' PAPALLY FLOUR-411:110011it , 4 , ,K"krablal*_ * *4l ""l tia larlllat.l4lVgra \ \