MISCELLANEOUS. RENTON IRON COMPANY of West vi.4.4thiptem,i446.— frf. ihr .71 : o4kotr=ln r sta fr In rif it t r rr ou: f t i t Inn P il l an n rlW4Tel. ore Ihow sivimitott to troll cantlik*le, of (nete In YID cow YAWN' Wit *tun* /5( etcolc'..tllllng • do Isoleltr to chart Is ea. hroata cf th e vompanwol flat to cm one Prua node? r 4: raanr ti. aim. 1 r p griagg .... 7t ..or t .othtz t! ... l; b..., tot t f tg T r Araljd= r , ri f rart or :eta ;4f t . 'l4.loases Clinoio has Zia appoint:l grout for Its alas rights it two forum under sol 4 palottt. N atom 2 , ?!..d.„_may ha mad., t- the underefirnmS DitootorO J. H. 111001CHILAD, fittabornh., ALLEN MUMS& • &a. JAILW . W BAUMAN dn. W. PE W004_,11"KI•11I0TI. • ~.J/1112 11. MIAMI. FULthuriaa• G•i7dlyttT SELLING OFF!, GREAT CHANCES FOE BARGAINS.' TIE undersignoewauld reopciotfully in- Isteis. their Meade and the elt/serm aI.D.TIMY, that t alma obelus vet their large and emu iNge.t.4 • • 7 . RICII ANILICLEGANT • CezadlagOodaiillatiessd fu the But. from thel4 fle ., lestaras and. importers, ',bleb br- Mate. style and eilellt.r. aampeassa s soredahm ,vEr,vsz-PARtsrar AND BRUSSELR haauthl selected exhressty for oar city, Retell Trate; WOO et lowa hrtaal it,114 WIMIII [KW war the ast Extra And SuPer Thrie - Phi OM**, trews the mot endebraled 'Nana tnitorlea In the Ualiea Stem, color" watrailled; Inarallr Quint. of an Mode: 'widths* Bell and Stair Carpet; Wool and getup Defeo carpets 4 together with • large assortment of CU Cloth; klabe. Ram Matting. Table and Piano Covere r da. no The imilt• sleek MU positively be roll the ;To r ea mitamake reaaalarpther gceas. • 0, B. EINADLY CO.. No. gl, Third stmt.. Allegheny Countya.. • - • : - •-1 N' theoOrplians' Court in and for „ iire askl Camay. the matter of the Ammo! of Wllltate 1 ). "'taken.% northing EseentAtLof 4a . te of sir Monoaelt„deo No 19 k.a • • _; And now, to Demo:then 1853. on nag:km of SAL amp boll, the °octet apnotnt A. 11, Wit- IdasAndltor to audit. setae and attl Oat the extant of the =Pmalt= et the m estate id esta erA to make ghttrlbu iro rata ar the fonds In Lk, , hand. of tha • Itteentor amontit i kaLeredttore entitled o . JIBED Ik r e. • AAI •atersona=atad like notice thss 1.10 attend to the donator the ahoy.* app_nlntmmt atinysgs.. Lia 10,11kb riejtt:Ti7:o'4kTriti.d"Elr 133 da of IT, deatlof4 Auditor _ . 'EUROPEAN' AGENCY. . . NSW YORK AwD LIVERPOOL ; . Swallow-Teal)-Line of • A VON.ET SHIPS Ba il Weekly. and P Ammon A. 1511) ZIVEEPOOL LINE or STEW 8 Wil (City billianthester and City I Ad] MCCAW,. , ' . <.. • JOHN TIVEACT, " 410 Litiarty street, " tb ooo, i WWI!. Manor:Li ; Lb free alwaya on bond Pump Turkel. and Right Drafts. from S 1 to any amount on ttai National Nano, and all Its branches in Zodiacal. Iralaird.flootland. and Wale.. raid free of tUmoont. Also Minim L pomanaar. from New York or Pelladalphl a . railroad to Pittabonkh.'and any amount of emit paid thailln the rallsmal ofilaar - 7-• . flatikEklylktddal VerMerlitryling tire:Blood. wa d for . the Ours co, Mow. Diappera. Abill•Mane.. Aver Zeiss, Pimples, Pver.- • ,11(erderfal Disarms. tietansout JPorgiont, Lfeer . ' Chstrightd.Bronching.. Cidanonpop a , Amor e nlegrat.'w4 On which la erected on the Dianornd a large 2 etory Moue Irish • Ulm storr buddlaz oho fronting on COMM' garret a 2 nayDalldipg , used u• Nadi. and rents for NON Tarlartn•l leer 03. gar torah, pd nenlars. aOOl7 8,M04A1N.N0.21. eot A LOT OF GROUND, fruiting oa Bedford street =s‘ rett;ani - eitettditiii teak 128 feet to •'2O µley on welch is erected tiro Brick tenements with 4 rwme itardnt. etc. treated in a rapidly' fawn:mina Parrot tit riAr,is oSered for $1,200; or vin be ezehang• .4 to Lad Warrants. ivory to B. • VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT --A Lot on_Digneane Way. Damson IlarbuLand HaYainiets. 60 IL fronYbyl7o Rd. ep to an Alato,dter 14; teoproperty en owner of Liberty alri Pitt attest.; now teitipled bj Philip N. Riseald, be ing 60 fest on Marry aheetr by 60 fat on Pltt ate We will either aellthom 1011. lea. them for . term of rearm 00 lot them on•Pot9 4 tual Imam and In ease of sal., 'ill make the terms to malt purchaser. llnpuireatt . 4t . %." Cn)." ithr g ye . t ille, era. t Laabl• trtg ge1e1".4.47r.N tt eY In &trickier: lo w ooree RewicklayMile and SentiOltr Mai.l, and quite nee 4 r the latter. .Person. desiring • pi asaant situation for.boldi.oir and improyinm would do well to %Vlt bort A: LW, ' rt i tt i =li k ralt m y ' o r f ‘ thWi l eg t qlm.e.:ll =inn to and from the carrot ninon& "14.41r7Lic‘.17Irt lersthan ordinary tinily . dasement to treatment:nen to eat e In. this nosbloooloo3. Terme to snit purobasers. Also. Mr rent. a Large DIVBLLING WORE InEowielt• within as distance of till ralLroad.and abundant. ly sneylled with moat ezmilent sorinn wafer. Ropnireof dardtf P. A. WAY. or JIM WAY , . r. Bewlakley V' 0. . OH • r. OR' SA LE The sbscriber — offers for' ado • 6)i WS. of •OWNIND, Minded in Pi Pitt Tamirtdr, ut I mil* from Mee...art /Low. on Perms. ATenals, sejointrur Me property of AIM; Miller. For .forthor par• tioolorOomplr to • • . . RALPII lUSID. dol.S.lmd r ' • • Nano. Arena.. ARTH.ST: PROPERTY FOR SALE—A valuable Lit of Grouad..l3 foot front ty 120 fret geltillitletllCtu Fifth reotti,lll'.?°°l l l:: tor i. Lot mak.. it one or the wet desirable hoariest length= In the MM.. Terme, one•tbird ante and the balance la two coon. or oce•third cash sod so Improved farm of bottom laud for gardening nortmes.-Apply mdeg•lm JOHN S. KINNEDY, Watch Maker. stmt. • • IVANTED BY . FIRST OF APRIL, a cora l/ I/ fOttabla Dwelling and Oard.n. with 2 for more acres of land, situated within a shell dietaries of the atty, and easily encetelble, Bent not to exceed $2OO. Addreee, with partlenlara. bag 2.9. P.O. t' .deLl•eawlwd. POB, RENT, from Ist April, 1854, a . ci .., Urge - 2 nary BRICK DWELLING, oil Paso tire ~t. oontolain 2 parlors, i diolrix•room, limo, tad. realm both-room. kitchen, to. with linter In its kitchen TWO SMALL DWELLINGS on Pitt otr.ot. each contolo log 2 mrloro, S bed.ronnis. kitchen. girrots, to. WAREMOUSE oo Obanairr Loweromliablo fordortoft Seo for manufarturiosr po_ pot Ds. Itogoiro of Qv .or r O. O. LOOMIS. 94 ChoL, iltroburith, d•tldtr or JOUR WAY, Jr.. Sowidib.roilio P. 0. BEAVER CO. FARNI FOR SALE, situtt tp tad on hlo Mae:. In Moon Township, 1 mile from Phillijnburen and immldiately oon alto Boom. oontairdnif nenem of WM. 40 of sbiol armed. • sora• of meadow. balance ;rood wood land. with One Orolitrd. The Inmforemonti me • VI &me Dwalltan Howse, Barn unigood out bul with 1 dlngc igrl ...1117-..tz. In eltyoln of Opal. nine and term. mod•rate. Andy to B. Idel•lff. 216th st. ARGE TANNERY FOR SALE, situated In Wealth:Latin Township, Candela county. immadi• stelL on the of Railroad, ith ail dm mod ern system of tanning. and variable of taLing 4000 leldsk itto 'whole concern Is supplied - by a never falling Water Povevr. widaituated In the ml .0 elan inelhanetible bark country; aim •Litock of bark sufficient for 1 years opera tion. There laalso kiwi WereholUe, Deviling and 4 Ten•menta Van of toe above rropertyand.furtbsr macular& inn be badby calling at the anal Estate Oldie at 4.7 • B. tioLdltf. N0.416th VALUABLE SMALL FARM FOR;SA.LE, cn.t.irdz s a cot e 2 acres, stet altrantel In Nor'h atultingtoil Township, 'Wentroervland canary. bavitar • malt grame Dwelling . Route and Beak Bus thereon about 25 acres altered. • thriving orchard of trait Veer end • goo t bagar comp. Thin property lire within lees tban a tie ottive I/antral Railroad, dear the lat.otim of Turtle Urea and Hash Creek. and about the aurae Mamie. trent Sta Wares !Station. Title indispntabaa Crks• 110 per acre.p Ple.LAIn, min No. 21. Wirth attest. /INC) LET—The epaeione and elegant : a Warehouse. lately ...Med by M. Ea.. :^_A Realelt. ttult Dhda.d. /01.4.11i011 012 the erg otJannari next. For terma.monly to _ w24..I3AGA,LzY t 00., ' not le and Hi. Wood st. Federal Street Property. • 'pH undersigned offsrs at private sale the nrotarte Co Yedarel [Mot, math alas, &tore Rob ln.on. consisting of EH)11: LOTS sash having a front rn lederal street of 1:0 feet. and stinana back DO fest to an alloy 10 feet wide. Solaro. a haw Of ground. In a Dui. non so eligible, aortalnly now not to do mot Oita in Allsebony City. Tomo lots aro olEetwil toothe low nil." 0053300 each; one.fourtk sash In hand: balanee at 1, 2 and 3 years. Forma who may Inollne to purchase en the terms stimileted, apt.Lr to N. noaliza a EONS: oat naokers and Brokers.el. Market eL For Sale. jaEAL ESTATE IN TEE FIFTH WARD —Thr executor" if .101.124 01118. deceased. being orlauf b y e the hetes to cf.. up the eettlexuant of taL estate, offer for safe classy. tem+. awl to lots to srrutj.tur. tle Wee, the re lowing 'newt", rammed In the /Mb Ford, Tim-- on Penn street. bee* OM wed WU . nut, 711 1,2: ba teen by 100 test deep to tlprina UPI*, on which are eix blink seuessente, yielding • rent of S7OJ per an num • v . lot corner of Llbayty tot and al . ta w . 62 a ... ryy by 1001ast on Walnut to W tlyn u m, ' " Woo tenements ytoldln, a tent of • Char title. will he glean to the above Oronert7 end the terms made to salt parobesers. For farther of empire of J. W. HERR, Archi tect. corner of Wood sod WM stree.e.24 Atom or of either of the undersigned. . JOSSPEI COLTART, DAY WALIEltit, .1. W. saes. eedtf illseentors of Joao Gros, deed. Valuable Property on Liberty Street. .fIIN order to settle up an estate, will be sold at private tale. on very reasonable terns, BUILD -118 and LuTS on the northerly Ada of Liberty etre.in..— The banding. are of brisk, "substantially built, 3 Hoehn (entb eons trout to the 33 etory.)•s4 are situated in • soul brisi-elealonality. They no. field an annual sent 513876. Tee lota have • trout on Liberty street of 46 test, and extend towards. Penn street l3o feer-- )!PPLI to 10014-u) H. BRADY" WILIIIIIB. 167 4 b at. Valuable Count a 7 lieeidenceo For Salel TT"aubscriberliatirg laid out ten acres Into TWENTT - LOTS, win sell one Lot or the whole tea ems. Thu , La st Is trf Reffellre township. situated between Saw Mill and Tautly's Rona, edtoltung land of OoL Wm. Robinson on the northeest. end C Johalng on the mutt. It hew undo:landing views at /Meshes). sod Pitteb•rele. and le attnizably situated for hesidences. This Lend I. in the highest atate oteultivatloe; it Is well mingled with Grape Vices, Apple. Peach. and Cherry Tree.. tioeseberries. Currants, Shrubbery. o f Pruitt freak /0 to IS stars old. •Eash.Lot will have • portion of .Vrult Trees on It. Term% very easy; for ingliculano. Inatare at the Lumbar Seed Ont. on Sixth street near Want, Pitts. burgh. CHARLES kOWAN. For Sale or To Let. ?TIRE " FRANKLIN. IRON WORKS," . I ...Nosiest In the nosinty of Venting_ ,o uld State of Penneylvaula, which comprise* • Raining MIL a Urist AWL Nall factory: large Store and Warehouse. 11 deviling Mum, with other outdiundinge,eith av eon sruient, cheap and valuable Water Power as the State can afford for the above purposes. Cost within one solla of the Mill of • goal quality and In sufficientquattity. Also but abort dist.= from perhaps 2u Watt furnaces. aft' terms sad Intern:l4oas inquire of .1. is it. Floyd sad Jam= Mash, Pittabough. and the anbacriter at Pr= b lia, 91. laptldfj For Sale l'pEE attention of capitalists is called te that VALUABLE I'ILOPEIITY In Allegheny dity. commencing at the corner of Lao - 00k stre e t. and extend ing WO Pet Along Federal street towards Robinson street, by 100 feet In depth to • 10 feat alloy. This Property will be told altogether or be divided into Lots of 20 feet front. to roil nurenaaers. It le handsomely situated on the main thorodchfare between the two eines. and in the Immediate steal iy of the Depot of the Ohio and Pennoyt eanla Railroad Company: it would be • most desirable lomtion for a Hotel, • Bann. 1411.m:for baldness bonne with dwellings attached. as this Property assuredly will advance in velner.,and Pay • bandeaus revenue on the Improvements which might be made. It le 'earthy of attentkou Yarrow who wish to ptirebees, are recinrsted to Inquire of W. IL Yuggif, or Inquire N. HOLMES A 80N0. For Rent. THR' E Store Room, with Dwellings et u.a-. on Markst stmt. bobroon B ee snol sad Tbiof • ?oho of r O'HARA VENN Y. palm' • . • No. 01. Third Allot. For Sale, or to Let. AIi.WAREHOUSE on Liborty street. En gain at N 0.317. Liberty street. no2l . - - -- , Very D esirable Real Estate. Tne net fd ner I fronting Da t e s t reet I. Awl • estend rot k with. in a fe erd f I. nay anis kailroad. This Pro- Gro : uB b4l :6 : . ri :ht b;ro ttk otre i r :! foL saifi 1 , - , 1 , l b -aer es Pert/ le igiblw ' , nested, emir. of amen. =1 *4l worthy 0., location, riot Femme deetring • eortrettient oonntry sold entire, It could reedit he so blivided Wog. br eiud 10ta.,.._.. WM. YOUNG k 00, raht7 191 Liberty etrest. • • ARM FOR SALE.—RIGHT HUNDRED ACBRN of well Improved lumina Tend in Beaver TWO et:tr.—The rintecriber offers for sale one Yana of HUNDHYD AND FIFTY AMR, eitasted in New Bewickhr Town/alp. 3tg Mlle+ from New Brighton. with • line Ortharl. good Frame Donn and Barn, =Bother hoildings,loo gore. of which. le cleated sad under good fame. : Also--A fine Verse within one mile of New Brighton. oontelsding TWO HUNDREO ADBFB, which ran tie IM. del into ten sore lore. If desired. The location Lan elle. We one ter gardening swearer. Alro—Verlone other smell Farms from 60 Ames and upward. 'hosted in New •Ferwickley Townihip. dl•tant from 3to 6 mile* from the heibrad. lor ftriientem, quire of Die suberrlber, at his Beal Efate Ofilee, In New Brighton. Ihwrer County. Pe entisitt . 11135.71.1TiN R. DHADIF3IID.' 1 4 ARCM CITY LOT TO LEABz.—Tlie k. 7 R.A ugt 0: Ground. at preaenLivenpfsd by John Moak.. Clothier, on Liberty street. betwean Birth. street and Virgin al.ky. wino loured for tern, of yearailoaa April Lt, next. Apply to • • /OHM 9. litt#lN, No. 53 Market L. aZni Or. MOBEEIT BOLD. Attarsor.latt it. Q„ RAIOBEIII{OEI PROPERTY FOR SALE t v l , 7 ,:ogv r ia. of /round: on , trblelf Is est e:ee • welt M tseet. n thelw ß ient . oglth m lrl a gF I , Ir!.. ? tr, f l wishes te more to the v et. offseTtee g erooes at :sr psi,. et $476. Ear lartb4.lnhnseatter. nevi yto ot3o B. IIicLADI. net stirM Dutch Bulbous Soots, &o. riNIE'BUBBORIBER hag 'reieived direct from lisrloess hie cassir or choke flyselatbs, Tu. lip., Crocus. llamas and other loser fools lor fall plant ing and far blooming to rioter is pots sad gloated Orem aesla for lamas aultabl tor WI plea& which make a floe Mee, smooth turf; equal to kola - Pruning laststt. anusi ((anion sad Narmlaa Impkusents. of tie moot ap pros mootruerlon. at Barton prises, from • tlhealeed Horticultural Warehouse of • 74885 WARDROP. 1 - .1;M:U1 Just Pullishea-4 Neu. Diseone l Nediciad Ak FEW WORDS on tho 'Bittional Trent ritgy"tVirtinVartir .`i t frPt. Wesituess Of Its Limbs sail Its Desk, luillesosition solt Inospseirr for Atnely sod Labor. Dullness or. ASProbon. lion. Lose or atemorr, Avershm to Hoeletr, Lore of Mi. ludo. Timbittr. ItelSDlstrult, Direisms. liesd-ilebeN In. os volunteer Di.abarg, Pak o_ lb. Bide. Affeoloo of the Eros. Pleoples on Um Zoo. nernal and other Latinoltless from the Praia' Dr. B. Da . fixer • The im poriAct feet that thine sliming complain le may In removed without Jfetheine, la Ibis smell treat. aloofly demonstreted. add the entirely nen and biddy alledeinfrd Iseatovent. : G innpted by tee Author. nary .0 plaided. by meads et evety o. le eari aldenCYPeeddin. and at the keue 'yetnitie nistde toil. a d y oidtdel thereby. all the pidVertheal mammas of tb• as Bent. to any addroin kraal and part Hee, to • sealed ildVelo. bi eat! ttleur. ( o4 paid) two yentas,. num e. pi .. pBI LANNY, 61 bLpedard at. N. Y. ideal, data : EFINED SUGARS— iv", co bbls Crushed: - 40 do 1.01 Paidonkl;mllng ?vim *O4 Ito ea. et. mnss:A. HUTOUIFON • CO. SIGHT RXOLIANCLE ON N. ORLEANS, tor Ws st No. WO at. )1. WW . 1232, CO. Pow caniaL Us ......hreidia• sal7 eon. NOTICES, &C. NMICE—The public sie hereby informed that the LIITLIO RAW MILL RUN RAILROAD COMPANY ha» got their Norte Into operation. and are nowpared dellyer any amount of Coat at that Wharton the Ohio riveWnn as reasonable terms as eltewhere. The Frugulor quality of the Little Saw mat Run COAL lupins the M g en nay with muddlince Ling they e . willmeet with full ah t patron. get and sopportratui ater. Melte their do.-end all who- Intend to trade in 0.4 to tall immediately at thwOompatise Omen, on the north ;weetconter of al. Diamond and Diamond Alley. or at tha Wharf,. near. the mouth' of Saw MR Ron. and atar J. Wood'e.P.olling MIII. ' °Rensselaer Insuisume Company, Laming burgh, New - York. JACOB YAKE,Preetident...-I.4xna Doraan, • GEIARTIRID IN 01131 a—CAPITAL, $200,000 . rus old and well established Company of prepared to isms Policies. by their Alma, PH all ads all", ILIFILd on the . most favorable tams. The altpsysnant ot : Ile Loves daring Ms savantsen Dant contln.oca. Is a stattaleut guars:de. lo prom ••ishing to effect canton Imamate. CU EMIR. Una- Pittabnrgh and Steubenville ,Railroad. Tag subscribers to the capital stook ofthe Pittsburgh and'liteubenvins MIL 00. era lisreb. ed to p., Into.the %Pbrft7;vbdVetV. ‘ beT. dal of eeM month . yyroitme, end Me down per 'PM geo:gr:r° emonnt of stalk subscribed for bee bees pidd. . Dr cram of the Board of Direesors. • • • WILLIAM A. MILL, Tresourrr. Notember 8, ibra Treasurer's Mts, 64 Wooliplikrter. N CONSEQUENCE of having sold Ow 711191.311t0 the Cambria Iron Company, the partner 1p here tofore existing under the arm of & (h)..at Mill Creek Furnaces, also the partner. JUN ship esistlng under the ft = of O s taIIe_INBERGER. at Cambria Furnace, are both -diesoired. The buslneus will be settled who the mailers at the BilrrlllCOS. and GeOrg. 8. King. are authorised to use the nam e s of the ...nettles Omuta Petting up the business. DISSOLUTION.—The L fa UT nti lO N b.e—tirTeehn e th P a urtnershiedp . l h n e r the nWeltDlNOi 00515118 8 10 N. ODOC ee Y H AND PhD e DIME Buaineac li,thle day dhaolved by mutual rnnaint.. The bueltem of the late arm , wlll be nettbal by either of the Pot Mem. who le authorised to nee the name of the late flrm.tu eettlhatt the name. and J. J Boone .111 con tinue the btonnese. - as until. at tbeold eland. No. 295 Elbert: otreet. J. T. Booti It Plttabursb. July Int, lit& J. J. BOONS. • J. BOONE, (1 1 = 1 18. 11 TOl.l 1. 0101114 Commisainn and Forwarding Merchant, Dealer in firoo/ and Produce of au Zia& PITTSBURGH, PA 0. IL Corn *,IL Cointior Farmers' Bonk, Salon, Olio. t. W. it 11.11opkinkBalEre. lungerich Smith. Pb 111 4 .4.. /, 0, wii.ou co., iii'Pariand, Evans it Co., X. Raymond a 00.. Dorton. Jansen, Kent d Bootee, '• D. 4 D. 3l'Donaki a Co.. Smith., Murphy 00. " Wellorille.oblo. U. Senn it Co , S.Jonningr, gap . Uteveitiod. Springer Llarbsugh, Kenna, Lhuvetvori Palmer, licun• C 0... Gilbert Knopp, jr., St Louie. King. Pennock 00., Fenner, sr.llllle2 • Co, - N.lf. O. a J.ll. Shoeuharger 00. Cowenkl'Nemee. Pennock, Mitchell t Co.. Morrl4oo, CUL P . Mooed. Louisville KV. T. Montan. E.Q.. Dossell.lllll4 Weeve = Taylor 4 Co., Polls. Texas 00-Partnership subscribers have formed a Co-Part nership wad •11l cOntlooo theWeula Grocary Dosinw at the old ethhd. under dens or.II.USWItY 06.1190 X ligliar D. I.IARVIri, JOE'S ()AMOS, SLIIUXLJ.II•KNIGIIT. :{ , ,1t1r,r.. July 14. 1853:—Iyil :I JJ portnenihip heretofore existing be trmeu the tinteringned, adder the style of J. P. t LIAM as Grofrornyind Oomtniosion hternhante. Tu dlimlyed by aintrmi enuegfit, on the 14th of March. he bueinese will be confirmedly .1.7). Wl W xmr, a their farmer otabil, N 0.122 Wood street. who to alui doily au. thorised t settle nlythe bustneas of the Erin. Plttabargb. April 1.1853 • tar in retiringefrom the beelaese, 1 take Pleasure ira.roloommendint.to the Mends and patrol:. of the late firdtlr. Witllama. as • gentleman wet qualified business la to disehar intrusted to h ia. with to este. ptness ea* fidelity. whatever apt 401:IN ILI% dz. Co-Partaerehip rEUE undersigned have this day entered luta ex.Pertneteldp. under the um:wand Angle of B AN, 11.11tiNSDY W., for the purpose or transw.t fn.. gvn.ral Jlllllng bagmen. to the egg Alleghenr. JOUN T. USIA 11, WHEAT T. 11..ANNYDV. S. S. , WSI. AMULET, 11. CIIILDS. A I". 0111LDS - 11A11/1.11 P. SdHIVARTIL. Coal Begin. Allegheny 010 . . June 11th. 13/7. neglairfeltt CO-PAILTNERBRIP I have this day associated with me, in the WHOLESALE GROCERY' AND LIQUOR BUSINESS, my sm. JAMES Q. PARKX.R, ander thlrato of “Jour Pacizi.it Oa^ Ntamary 10, ihil.-1 &I CU CoTartnsratti Alß to. AntFtLm T QY Asi l le j s. sima. av° . taajicinted eactioned under t.l. arm of .wara.vy a nt.itair lu hil: JI.rtIE To the Public. HE NOTICE of tho Dissolution of the Ann ofJo tau Pusan A Co. le tbeziorning papers of radar. to Ireorreot. A diaeolutiva to contemplated. of which the public shall have due notice when consul:ma. tett .0; WM. CAKC., febl9:tf • Of Arm of 'AMIN PABILEJS A. CO. Dissolution of Partnership. MOTICE is hereby given that the partner -11 ship lately Inhabiting b.nweki B. DAITIFKIN Awl the lily. .1011 N K. AGNEW, under tbe Ann of DAVinON A AGNEW; wu dissolved Sept. 3d. lata, br mutual consul. All debts to Ind by the company, tyllf be settled by JOHN d. PANDSON. wbo Vlll emitting the buceese In the mum visor. 64 Martel street. - AMIN b. DAVI/30N. se 11 JOHN K. AGNEW. 111:ARIS FASIIIONS, for Leone' Daunts— The Paria fe.hloat for JUNE, direct per oteetoers, 1;.• on tale on the Ist prott . b E . wr i ,ns , , JeZtf --- • No. 231% Penn. abo B ve !land Meet. ji - IMBROIDERED AND APLICA MAN _A TILL .18—Nateriab, marked or Itabrotlery and Wine Work by MKS. L. 8. WILSON. lad! No. 2L) term street, abort, Lard ARBLE • MANTELS-81atitele of the OIWA a n d beautiful p,tternit med. a the flneet quality t foreign domeette Marble, *irate an haul lad med. to ardor. by machinery. on Loan notieaand sold et Slh to $l6O each. Buildent, sod othere desiring to parolee, will dad it to tbetr Interest to toll sad tiAtItIM our otoek and paws lbentre bayine. elnwhere. - Orders filled with Wasatch at 319 Liberty etreaL a= GENIIINE OLD PEAOII BRANDY, A Rn t.r. . , neia—rorsa..t MORILIS PATTON'S. Diaatnal. at 60 mats an. oast. F FELLX'B GENUINE EXTRACT' OF m:2 . Bl l . (pPly,.. , , , vbalvis lee-4yr) tow protoln Penn at. Pftlabargh, Diploma; .....I..tnTe 460 air- Beware or flume trrae Couut.Tfet4. Labor Saving TEIBBUSTON SAUSAGE . CUTTER *ND WITY PEW; 11.,. Strew and &nit Catterr Chwhe, taheed esrn hhoolere, for haul .d JOT. wren Prin. 17 Chute, Emu, and a lama as.eort .a.at of Itoplemento tab!. toe the Gastleck sad ratzt. che heed and Wa"h'""". 0 11" Jrfrii WARDROFX. 10 BASKETS CHAMPAIGNE WINE Just reerleed and for sale by A. COLUICIMON, oel lba Llte•rty . Oa PIRITUAL BOOK Store and Publiebing DODS& POO Broadway. Be. :Tort, hare recently Wood the following Books. The armored • pr:oee looted* portage: • Britton's Bwriew of geocher'. Be tt 28 cents, Dhscourno from the Spine World. hy graphs. olio, late Preeident of the Wolf Ton Untreentr et Middlstown. teroustrit. _P. Wiloon, tethollet Q Cloriny_uses. 76_ o nto _ Appl=int& l Crisis. t.. ining 14-riow 'Dr. BosiAnell. by A. ikereeteof st , roroet. ectoogrolog the Inner Life sods World BtlWnsh of Spirit.. 44 cents. PtiolunatolOff. Presentments, Vise looa.•pparPlono.4e, 91 coots. Pilgrimage of Thomas Patios, th• Spirit World. through A• 1. O. n.1111:1X4141, 6f. 10rn.86 mots. IleichenbaolV. Dynamics os Munetlsm. Blectriolty. non, Light, Centeno atton,Chemierm, go.. 1440. Colonial Ter•Ph. or ISectera of the Life to Come, mesa ed through nighty Potosptiorie of Oenspatlons and COO. tersationa with Thirty . ..Hi Spirito.lll.lo. Shedd Mel. a opleodid Spiritual Gift Bah, elucidating the nature and relatlons of Mats. mental and spiritual ?entomb:la. oontainin t t Portraits of sees and hmloaot Sphitualiste.ko., Sta, Preys[ Ago. .r loon fe. b A.J. Dario, SI.TL Judge Edmonds on SplritnelOm. 600 paw. 111.60. Britton sod .glehmosol's Diecunkm of Spirltualism. ADO • peg. attar°, ansbodring the great.st number of Facts and Arguments. pro nal MD. on this au hject ever bro. together In one vol. the Spirit.tal .Telessraph. the organ of Modern 891 12= ° kir "IVAliiittArA PEARL STEAM MILL; CANAL BASIN, ALLEGHENY, 1111 All 11411.1.01 D enviros. , or , ./ AIIILIZB will b. sop p 0.4 lilth oar vulou. wade. of M . GOOUND SLOUIt. larolat Muir ordure ot tits MM. or la our bozos at Login, Wllrtiri Co. Wood ;argot, or Ur.uu t iteller„torrier of Llberty and lit. Clair stmts. Pittsburgh; 11 Y. Schwartz, or J.l'. s"' Notk Pl' ilr bo ll o lt e i' d t' ellre i t i e s t ' VaiI:JUN ill ei th er of the I.ltla. 'Perms—Cdrat on deli re.lllootr 'RYAN. KICHNiDY k CO. Important to Travelers Going East. early hour, three o'olook in the morn ing. at which the EXPRESS TRAIN start, for the Fret. from Plttaburgh, bad load. it very Inconvenient for travelers going by that train, compelling them to ha aroused at a mcetunromfortabie time,(say 2 o'cicoka.a.) or aba to remain op all eight. , Thu inconvenience I. now obviated by, a Into arrangement. That 'express Train now break fasts ragularly at LATROBE, instead of ltollidaYaburg—so that tTarodera East Ma IraTa Yitu burgh at b o clock r. x., by the Accommodation, which Mires at Latrobe at TM dolork P.m, hare pleasant tour. tars there tort night at flue large and elegant Dort at Mr. Binfa. btraktut comfortably with the other pm.. gamin the morning, sad.pass oo East by the Replan, baring DAY TRAVEL ALL...raid WAY from yietsborgb to rbliadelphia or no.temor. Every provi•lbb to mode at the Hotel, for. Use acconunodation Of guests and vtalters by thee. Inlay. fella p I EVOYSICEII, DtPOT—Tho . E.nbearibet , reareetfullrletorms the public, that be le rerelvfelt Ail 8 itrlall '" IIIT &VIZI:4= P Z=e2.`&ll "di''' "lbstire."Kritztd.Wdt4Mi Antall. ae2to . _. . - - N. IHklfnaltheelcl it. __ ORAX-2000 lbe refined, for male by oaT n. YAGIDIF.IiTOOK aCO itemovaL HANDY, JON ES CO. have removed • to Its !bur story stone front Worobooss, Nos :1/0 1. Warr stmt. third boom below Market ot. Wm. P. Jones, Unit Insuranco Clomporly or North s Arowks. bss mond Ws 01100 to boa. Osf and fidall Watsr w. •• • .nemovaL VILAALES B.:LOOMIS has :iremovoil- to ‘_/ the canoe lately dettleit! btA. V/Intthe b stro4l nnyeel. " EtE=2= 50iti!•, d rod — ano ALWea 18 Z. 1: 10 .do do AicudArd,joet roo'd sod fur oa:e .7 A. OULLItr—,S. V,OLE LEATIIER--Now York and Bald aj more Bale Leather. arriving mai ter We bf ' " Beat BMW 11' Da LAW/X... ITYDRAIMIO OZ MEN latio Wok . A r j a pways on bang bt BID Libertvtzt. . wA i L l im. - - BONNSTfiI BONNETBI--260 Silk, Satin ` .4 4 o:M k rialo' ifiretstre MEI 23..KING A ImMan P. 8110INBIIIMEN. Disscantaon. J. D. VaLL.I.I3III 301.1:N . 11417. J. pOSIESTIO STOCKINGS-120 dos. men'e extra heavy grey at 10 dox. do. to. ma sa:had. Ctroa threads, at am ap2S FIETU MIL" 8 1t1 ,k 1. 4 thrtATI t"1. lop OYS'''TOCKINGS, NEW PATTERNS IN —lOO dos. Hoye Mont mLud Motto, backs, ribbed at tofu 46 dos. do. do. white do. do. do.. at the /Inn IffaClT Mocking Manufactory. sal WILLIAM D.11,Y. STOCKINGS-37 dos. Girls' and 'ft MD,. - what. Cotton Storkin.. it= olaatio Loper. 39 do. do—do. 90990 open.workpd do. do. do., at We • Flffil aTIiEKT Stacking Mionotacsory. atIS WILLIAM DALY. O!E=WMI INFANTS' . STOCKINGS and SOCKS 1D doz. 01 .11.r1ork, Lamitie Wool. and Silk' etockln g e wad 80ck5...111. lITILZST atkeldrut 11.14ofmtury. •17= WILL WILDLY. SILK. ONDERSIIIRTS-6 doz. Ladled llontionaelVo oad Obildrea'ralk Diololabtrtf; 13 doa Gum llortoo .o 1 Lamb? woo f do., at th o MT It OTSS AMettnj Maanfactm at,l3 WLLLiLI DALY. CI. ILK anti TIIREAD GLOVE/3.44A doz. k Ladie,.. ChD.AnWo lloototyLiL7vo , , Ia WA AAA itroad. of over. , allwoolor, soul r asl.4lg, at lb. - • • MTV SMEKT litooking AlikAufsotory. ap3A W/LLIAII DALY. r AMISS' WOOL . FEET—aI dos. super ■Onttnn Pnet.g. anel alio: dos. laacyMim In do.: 2 Ilona thevad Boas, at the rim: Dial= /.talleg Alaantantom. ri2s WILLIAM DALY. I. kURKEE'S CELEBRATED C.IIEXICAL / I ligitait Olt BAKING PirirDßll, i theebaanect,, health• nab move useful and etwanalcal ankle for paling Brea (41e and Johnny Cana % tinny% Pul• n at Curti lined. , ever innaited.— This le the mint nova eil. creak, ainvectaiet sad healthy maannosadina enictenan for tialalat Brand. Fracult, Cabe; Pasirr.. Pudding., Co.. with either whilst, rye, Indian or buetchni Polar. It 1. as Biallopeas able article-la lb. euhnarJ devicrtecenta of envy houvehohl establidutient. cud the. is no Cook nor Ilonalniever In cicalae who will be wfthnut It atter haling fairly tried It. Add hp the principal tirixecia and Dinnalsta °Tinian gr. lhe Pres. • Three echo Tate tried It. gave found that the • traitheee yaht c net Taunt Its praise tree Itlithly.—Tallahaape• V;oehlime ae..12e1.12/14.1feh 19. istt. -•- . • •. ilentaffeesre lam have tested the acialltv of Ode Pow. der. nronoiavo unenlnfoady In t 4 fivor.—Lookrett Dai ly Courier. It rurry.yey every thing In the ehspe of y.lvq as e'er yet pt. 11,1 in thy tatlow of tales,-Itelmay ?Literate Waller. April La • mls Is ay !snide of Farb utility In Vlatelil Medea cookery. (hot ylvdt lg virttle. &Wont. yr:meat Itneart.no ttensekeessr Met studies comfortmud econrsu. +ILL Vii• 110017 adhout It.—New York lie :flay Ifo one nerd held ate to use Darters al l Important sr rids to housokespors.--Iter, Ban. odd Nashville Whig. Feb. 17.1863. • . • Wonl4 you have tight hread, tweet bread brawl that El*u'ktlo7lll7li_ ltb, do Zrita ft iT, 'fru rry " gat! breed. catee, Thum flay 24. 11C2. * Ike bare 'fled this ankle soul can reunnuteod it with perfect cordidecoe —Queboollaa., July. 1611. Durkee's Baking Powder, we bare tried at our he.., alai our "butter h.tr wee utordahed lathe result.—N. Y. Deli , Thum Vet. 141859. All gord housewlvra wlil rrroiceiu atui . 411 o tr fi 4. l),:_ra m ee . , y ef s e; . the4h t. a4a srl l izu his Baking Murder • lair Dorkeeli Daklog-Eowder, undoubtedly the best article far thieving., Urns n. e yet t0..t0 dikalverrtL—New York Dutchman, Feb. 12. 1.15.1. Machine The highest commendation., trona hos:Fired. of theism eat and most respectable wholesale hombre In thl. and nearly 1,4 err large city In tole Continent, could be Oren If gars showed It. *3l..Ttu article I. warranted to glee tall. odors. Or. accompanied.with Oub will be promotly gtl.d. X. It. DORKEIf, . . m.0.-ad Denbo. Ivay... - 7 Cart.. Sala, Caot Ina Nstraqs ax W Mh". ot.' 4' 8"9. ter otmet. Now Tack. . 14 W.. fe22.1763 BAXTER Mantle, Aga., h: • Ohio Laboratory. • 76. •-- - • 80 I 95.: lit. e 85 ' : 99 - • • Per cent. Strength. OWELL, FLETCHER & CO., Manatee. 111_/ tures, of Alcohol; Pure Beirlte tsr Cologps end issarelleot Capper Distilled Vapor-Whiskey alwaye .00 hand. Gore, of 'lns sod Irunt streets, llecisseri, 9. JurAll ordrre tram Pittsburgh 1011 be proutetly 011 ed et thy lowest motet prices. . • apiltir lizArnra AND MITILATING WAITZHOPSN. Chilton Furnaces, Wrought Iron Tubing AND 10T2/N4 YOB 8201.11. 013 Oa WATAII, No. 25 BlArket divot, Flttabarel. InlD t' t rglrAlo Mra. a= Peg to " gr ""4""he pUAlY ATK INBON OIGNLY. SAMUEL ILOEBEN keeps constantly on hand a usortroent of-Wash and Deli Tutor Horn,. ntosso O.k Well, Kitchen or Draw Backlit"; Woodon howls, Churns. Dry dfoasures, Zlp< and.Dherry Wuh Boards. and all ether lands ofiftr,alk ht. Um Also--0O nests' übs and 100 &sea Bucket!. - Warerown.ltasonicliall,Yitthatreet.Plttsbnrkb.sa ante. ricIROTIL SCOTT. Wholcoalo and Rotail Dealers In BOOTH and 811.0r8, =nor' of Fourth and Am thtlekl ata.. Pittabirgh.• Pa.. have renelved a now and cull aupplr of BOOTS and SUOSS. for Pall and •Wintar IVte, wultttoq of almost I:lniliTtirgfg;"ll:o°.rmttllt; omom. nr the Wen 071. and of the bast quillt_..r Trunks and &vet Hasa Mailman band. ConntlT chanta are Invited Wen ax ire are daternolnad to roll Koala low for run. I.beZialml TIM% tt SCOTT. CALIFORNIA BREAA . subscriber is manufacturing:sad has on hand a roporlor article. nt tide Itolinanaabh.r. 4' Ito for Clalliornia amlgranto.. renalna good tot roam and nil I mad oar enmaata. AnyourtaLoan no fornfoned ,at short corky. J. SH.V .04 , No. all Laterti oink. , ADZES' SHOES—Tho anbioriber his al- Ad j an'aUf iNtLZVY. 4 .'," I " I, l ' o rprrk ... l.% °"tie It IA *tom No. 109. Matt.. 01).57 ll + Attn: . SOU.N • To 'Lumber Merchants - , WILL SELL my . Leago of four ymiso of Lumber Yard. aad five of threillog Mom. from the et orAoril next unexpired. 11 Id situated's; Wm i h Ward, Pittsburon the bane at the Atlash.r , with shalt of b to low water mark; drat rota „bench for w.hing and drawled lootbar, and water deep euenglt to lewd dot boot.at any maw. There to gronidentnigh to pile (rent two to three millions of feet or lumber; Yoe Dwelling llonsole large and romfortabh,; line sullen Of remehm. panne, 000000, aurrenta, rs!plierride. Mid and saparrrane sultielent for family use.• This Ls, 1 proodmo, the meet dmirable place about the oily for the parches, 'l T tag a glrw i lirm b iTet ' yl r ezt f lit r tleg rinu o a r l kn e l I t." 67- , leans with lumber. I to mil, I will Mee me pnrohmer letters of_ tU n rodaction to my °Women In Pb. Wine. ROM. ef w 4 have impaled' for Nineteen -Trent I have !hued it • very pleasant business. only' motto. tor gleinn Wei/ I. Vey adyeared ems. Pmeamion eon be fives of mast ot the /Ambler Yard thio /ell, end et the Beast and mat of thOnround on' the let Of April Orile.— To say jr...ti.m....vpirtaw to 0011 faith, (ottO IDIOMn my bustnessohowltte et oven thnploemm, it strut. At,. 170.1111' il7 or by ktt r ' Ninth Word. Pltuhnegb. IDATENT .IPLOATIP—A iow article 'r odd and for &dots -31•11 D &Da LAN4III. I[ACOI arIiAND -. in inoretuid 4 . 6 , pie try 041 I.4l.llDfts Di LANG*, MISCELLANEOUS JAME9W. WOODWELL, CABLICET - FURNITURE: MANUFACTIMER, Nos. 911 - aiur 99 Third t W. W RESPECTFULDVinformi moods sod anetomem, that. he bas lust orotthieted Ig6spring stock of Punitare, which le decidedly thetas RAsold'l beet ever offered fay ? ale in thie orlq . , Which wit be at prices as low m ln the United States, Run or Wm:. As be is determined to upheld hie einelt. with semitone-1 materiels. best workmanship, snd newest den shrew mad from the exteri nn t b ef d ble orders and facilitY TawNvatt tz, 4.er warsn-ts tic h. adopted the principle of Identlfvfnithe eastern. res Interest with hie own. in gnelity awn:ice. and keen , always on hand the greatest variety of every dellerietle le F urniture, from t b thespeet and plainest, to the C 2.1 gent end ebetly, theta hotofe.or soy Deencl one, mnl b.f....n.4 from his ;steely or manufasturod unread) to order. The following azHaies amidst by part or hit to sorts:Lett. which, for richness of style and mate?, ramp al t :V i lth e igr i tarri el . PP. , lb Setae In Plush and Bair Cloth: 60 dozen Mabogony Choirs: 20 do Walnut do AO Pathogeny Pocking Cite 20 Walnut • do 60 Siallegony Divans; 20 Walnut do 60 Marble top Centre Tables. 0 de Dressing Bummer 30 do Weelnitands; 4 0.1nolosed dO 100 Common do 20 Plain Deeming tureens. 40 Mabegony Bedsteads; AO Walnut do 60 Cottage • do 400 Cherry and Poplar do. 20 Mahogany. Wardrobes: 10 Walnut do 10 CherrY 10 Plain Bureaus: 10 sdning and Breektest Tables. 12 Secretary and Bookcaraw; 00 burn Cane Seat Chairs; 24 Cana Searitooking Chain: 12 Leslie? Writing Desks; Oat nod ToWel etandel Whet'blotei Stint:thee; Paper Kathie Tabiee. Conversation Chaim; Pembroke 'do; Elimbetheen do; Hall and Pler dot tem:Aloe do; - . A do; Pearl Intdd • sio lo; Extension Inning Teblew. rm d dothio and liall C haim: Also, a large assortment of Common monitors and Wanted theirs. Ctee m abinet makers supplied with andel. In their line. boats and Hotels furnished at the shortest notice . All orders promptly attended to. ently'63 Fifteen Dollars Only LIOR A BEAUTIFUL HOMESTEAD, AT • ' the ellage of ROSEVALE, a delightful arid healthy location—HUMPY FARAD., worth over 1113,000, 3,000 OUILDINO LOTS to be distributed amen ff -Us hundred subeeriberson the FIBS? DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1063. A large numbs of these are already engaged- Many of the Lots rider there have been sold for from 200 to bOd per cent advance over the pried for which Dame Lots aronow. . sold, showing tbetthe purchase will be • good Invortment ' ...B.e4;saste , .. r .a ., all gnats . of n Lon t it y lg i ag Is bar tY ' Utli e fi l :; " Sa P yTp,trt l ' is t e r t Tail;:it3l:l74 ao ' re n s •f land at Emit New sot L. 1., for 040.000, and 044,000 has been offered for semen ty-tve acres...and termed by the owner, In thYtowo of Newton, le 1. Terme base recently been sold for.from MO to 61.600 per Ala, accord ing to taadon and capability of ' , reducing all kinds et grain, fruit anal soden vegetablarfor t h e New York mer kat, increase from Ave to ten thnealts present wet. - Each subscriber Is entitled for ilesildlng.Lote 26 by 100 feet. lying together, or a Farm of from to 24) norm The theme are $l6, payable in monthly instalments, of $6 each. If desired werrentee deed will be made out immediatelY after the distribution , and delivered directly after paying the balance, - .•... . Th. Tillage of noontide. where them Lots are Mad. le only a short dlstanen south of the celebrated L obe Roo. bonbons, the heauty- and romantic apPearance of which are praised by all who visit It. tiers may already be woe. the beat 'evidence that can be desinel that Rama* Lake. land. and' liermanillle, will 'shortly broom. Moira plans. on Long lamed. long known as the "Darden Spot" of America. Prom the publlohed stationed acoonnto of t h e. I sts oonnu taken' by the United btatee Ii i. ehowu that 1.0114 island is the moat healthocation within t han bo demthe amording to y Ito population than to a ny other place. The Farms from which 1 sax now selling at from 840 to FM roe acre, ale of the same amend character ea cotl IM them now under 'migration. which cannot benor ehmed for 1100 per acre. and land on toe north and tooth of this with no Muer 101 l naturallr.sello for from-112:0 to $OOO per mre. Apply to 1111ARLES WOOD. No. MR BroMeray. oormr of Fulton street, New York. and G.M.I Plan:low, • CO.. 10 Plats street. baton who will meet,. mentions« at forward receipts there're... by return of mail. Thee will also . guitously fundoh mope and pa:athlete Me proy and cheerftilly nee such other information as ma o.deelred • . . }references ne Hon. Henry Lebo, of lb. Americas fart. mt.; Dr. E. Y. Reck. No.loo State stroet. and Alden J. Spooner. - No. b Front street. Brooklyn; (lanitt 11. Striker. Jr.. No. 78 Broadway. •aenu in Boeton..S. L. PETTINGILI. CIO, 10 Mohr street.TriOblAS bIOYSITY, 1.4 ant, JelS - - corner of Wood ond ?nth street. Poor llortMnsa. . . FIFTH STREET STOCKING . SIANUFACTORY WELLIAX DALY. AItNOLD a WILLIAM, ICAxtriivrviuse o Pine and Cedar Ware. RAIL ROADS 0910 dtPRJINBYLVANLA BALL ROAD . 1111 1 , ANGESIEFIT: C onunencinrNovember 14th, 1853. Nji - Hetni- TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh at .3•o'. VII, cloaca. If clines at AlLiared..takes P. at Crostini.. and masa a coon conneotiont theta land • fact Entorss Train. reselling Cincinnati about. LlO'clock at night, rid. 011omhst• and Xenia. Exeßsss TRAIN Leave, Pittabnrsh kW w.. the nrriesi °Me Exptre• from Philadelphia. and re attar ackyl Iraelle'd at 6 45' a. 51., and Onutits. at in. 'a. N.. now n•cting with the an mug train :or Columba., and Cincin nati. _ • 11. th trans connect with the Belief untaine line for In dianapolis and towns in Indiana Ie C PXI7I U* , Altri n ge ' Ate at eltr. 'ge l d 1 3 1 -I , '" D ' et;o l l i t and et l imbil. go rid Creatline. and those for 510. Vanua. Newark and Emission!. rid. Idatudield. Wan from Pittaburgh Otero land $4.00. to Columbus 115.2.5, to Zanesville $9.25; to Dayton 1141.76: to Cincinnati 8731.•eound ohm, 11 .00. to Indianapolis 88,76: tardornor rills and Buidttsky 14.60: to Detroit or Toledo 88.00; to Chip to Locilrrille eid Cincinnati CUE., eid arersepolla 810.75; to Mt Lens]. 816.76. RETURNING: TICE HTP11(813 TRAIN Isar. CrestUne at I. Dip. st.. Mansfield at 150 P.d All wee at 6. 10 P. N., •cd reach. Pittsburgh a 9 1 6 . , orotiectionvdas 113 " t. PPM Train for o le and • Baltimore, which least' , rPittsburgh at 0.36 P. X Tints ]rem Cincinnati to Pitts- A t p l rl i n h jt . i r r :ll s ll: ( l4*. Prom Cincinnati to refta nfittl, tiRA i LN: leaves Crestline at TOO a. se.. Alines at AI- M& jeI..LITO Nee ;41 !a l3"47 1011111 5 / 1 4 .. fit TRAIN leaves Pittabursh at 100.. at. and 4.50 P.N.', and New itriaton. at 770 X. and-I-P. x. Excursion Tickets CPO. Attar, testy Tickets of low rates, PltTltitlT TRAIN balm Pittsburgh at 8.130 0. it., and arrives at 4.15 P. X. • Xiir - The Trains On not ran Bandar. I un Ev or at °riming. the Allia n ce ps ll; lears Pitteburgh at 30 P. X.. mush 011 1. 09 PY. and will remain unUILLO 0.. Ns ...Bin. - • iplaOr Ticket; or further intorno on. appir to ORO. PARHiv , Ticket &eat. Feceral 'erect Station. .11.8. Htnit. lilononaahca Reale JOHN kcpt,t,y, Pueenger Agent. l'itubnrith, tiny. 14. 1453. • CLEVELAND and PITTSBURGH RAILROAD. 011,&NGE OF TIME IN and after MONDAY, Nov 14th, 1853, IL/ Peasenger Trains will rule deal, (Bandays eimePt ea) MAIL leave. Cleveland at 9.03 4. g, for Wells. .toeing at all-intermediate Station.. arrive oat Aldan°. at LI Ma. U. and Wellevldo at 2.2.1 P. M. Yre useardia TRAIN 'lmre. CI veland at 3.d. tor afonalng at ilodmen..Earlvithi and !invents M at Alliance. at 00 .Y. MAX.iIdnIODATION MAIN loaves Clevaland (or Ito. ♦many and Interscedlate.Stallona at 7.46 and arrive at Itar•naaat9.3 ral Two through Trains from Cleve lamb° l'idaburiab RETURNING: IXPI/X3B TRAIN learn Allians4 for Clevtiand at 12 20 P. R. stepping at Lien, Havanna. Earivilleand Ratan only—arrive at Cleveland at 2.40 P. r. Tis Mail 'Crain of Ohio nod Penna. Rail Road toning PAP , ' band, at 5.00 A. wane.* with thiv train at Alliance at 11.45 • M. NAM TRAIN leaves Wellsville Clevel Alliance 10 P. 0.. stopping at all any orations—arrive at at 500 sod Üblrelatitl at 7T P ACCOMMODATION TRAIN /oases Ravenna for Cleves load and interandfate t tattoos at 7.15 • II --•rrivd at Cleveinnd at 9 CIO A. a: Only on through Train Iron, optat anti to Choctaw! daily. COINROTIOIB.—MaiI Thin from Chive Land connee• at •Iliaan with the - Stall Train of Ohio sad peon, it R. for Canton, Manilas and Wooster: also, fir Solent End Pdieborgh Toming at Pittsburgh at 4.46 c.o. Itrrovior from Cleveland. and Mall Train Prom trth connect at Allison at 5.00 r. Y. with tb. gyp.. Train of 0. & P. It. for Piltsburgh—arriving at Pittsburgh at R. 15 P. Es... Train from Alliann.ounnatavoith the 8.20 a R. To..in of O. * P. R. it, from Pittsburgh. Pr . ..poen leaving Pittsburgh on the 8.10 a sr. Train torn oat Cleveind at 240 r. x., and co..nect with the torturing trans east, West and *oath: Cancun AXD TOL.o.—Trkins leaving at 6.00 P. le kir ligrbaky. Toledo, Chicago and the North West, arriving -Timed at 7 66 P. N. and Chlono to mortlng al lea. through from Pittsburgh to thkarso belog than 21 boon. 03 ho gl.ev . o P n C BOP M3 b( Ovlum n n . i Ta nati. Ca llo n Day U•a. ludiana tr. lit and al. stations on the Bellefontal In SIVI Indiana Railroad CrantraaD Carr true rralos leavhag at 4.46 r. ki. sod 0.04 r. K. (or Rrie.Dorikirk.ilatato aud New York. The Trains none. both ATP attic C. It. It at Hula. for Cnyahoca P.D. Akron and Clinton atalay • act with the Railroad for Cnrolitan, klluerva .testy Wayn.borg. Vegeta throosia to Toledo. Dstroit. Chicago. LaSalle nod Freeport eaa to obtained at this Mee. Pacongen ere requested to Deacon their tkketa at the Com's =ea of JOUR A. CAMILLE:if, Awn( ' aol; Mowing theta Ilutna Water tit.Pitiolco.ra h. 185 a 1&53 WINTER ARRANGEM:ENTS. PENNSYLVANIA. RAILROAD. PAST MAIL TRAIN wißleave the a Pasearigar Station on Litert: myna. emir: morning at NINA O'CLOCK . atopning at all the regular mamma to tl• road. and smiling to Philadelphia neat morning Yt T o'clock. oonteictog with the Trains direct to ork. aleguonnecting at Harrisburg with the Train for awl ard•hag In Dahlman. at 7 o'cloolt A. .1L TOO Bitititgit TatlN—Leare• the station sorer Er fttlilla at 030 o'clock, etopoing at all the regular .rations. and ommeortihg with Tram for Balthnore, sof arriving •Philsdaliga or Baltimore at 8 o'cloca P.M.. pare to Philadelphia 10 ISO; Vara to Baltimore 89 to. Jaggers checked to any Station an the Pennaylvacla luogi.and to Pilladalplua sod Baltimore. Thu amcmodattert Train will leave every afternoon. at 8.7.7 J'eglick.A.PPlng at all regular Halloos:mad running onty et fat a. Latleb4. Pleural. Tenn arrive In Pittsburgh. at 5.10 .41 A. .11, and 7.2.11..11. rnintiunn purebosing Tickets In cam b. churenl TkN 14MT/1. in addition to tho motion rates.will except from nation when' Um npany bare . agent Co Rao ate love donotolustlon Nan Are Dealra rein Lo reranrd in payment for Mends. except thoseLioned by ti o Banat of NonSyleattlu. Itornw—lti to.. of lose, the Company 0111 kr Id them min, Inspootablo fbr peraceol harnraikn only .4 for ap amount ont •nonllng one inandenid N. b.—The Knee Min thard tins Idea tinhorn entyiloyol to ninny pononsem nid,butignite found tram tha at ts nines. not fon.. 12kg nun for anki nuninger. und triat. On nob trunk. For Tickets cen . apply to J. MILYKIKEN. Agent. Pittostrungh.D A V.lll. l. l) l B3 ' . 11-14". "4417 d":"113 SEASON ARILINGENENT. Aid Mi WN& lag chigan A Central ilLaiiroad Line. CLEVELAND AND DETROIT In connection with the Cleveland and Cincinnati . R R., Cleveland and Eris R. R., Cleveland and Paiaburah and Michigan Central R. R. DASSENGERS will be ticketed through II1_• from arts point on Lake Michigan to Cleveleol. Cincinnati, rittst, arch. PhilAleir bin, and Dal Elmore. and frog either of theme ague, to ear paint on Loge NAY QUEEN— ..:Capt. IL P. Braga. CLEVLAND..--...,....—Carit. J. It 110... A boat .111 leave Cleveland for Detroit, and lietroit Cleveland, •TerT erealngat 6)il o'clook, arriving in earn elle in time to COLIZIRCL wit h all the gorging Train,. Ea.. Wear. or South, and AIM the Lake Superior nab dagitia.. Coate. The Line Helga gill leave Cleveland in the re b loving order: ?JAY QUEEN, raroi 14" CLEVELAND, 1=!!!1!1!!!1!. - CLEV•LAILIID. solite:from — Chrselmul to oT Chicago. I. much Prelerable 011.1. The parsenner enjoys & goat night Do DD up • firstolam eteemboatt end. to the ram at Dv troll In the moo Wg. flats !Omni( in Chicago after • mre hours' ride through a pleasant moots,. and over Ohs beet mmagel Railroad In the Wert. By any other route i must molar* the fatigue of night ridoug upon the CA.•, or the storms of the Upper lanes. gfir Formes within to secure pomp% or Mare eon tracts for freight, *III apply to lo Agent, Clevelnal.=oe t corner of Alcor and 01 Clair street., ()ordeal )or to JOILN A. UAllkillitY. Agent .AP. RH Co, llonongahehi flame. au6 tittaburgh. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD--Winter Tarlifbabreen YItLDurRD . PDlled e l P Dl a endPelL'- mon. . Ant Claik—Tow. isatberv..Verrhandlse, tura, IX) eta. lin/ lb., &Coal Clusk—Applas and Pudica (dried.) &eons, Bristlu, Buffalo. (Sear rind Dear Skins, Clover and Timo. tire Bu), (Haulm% ilium& Rags. Blimp Pans. :b eta. 11 100 tbs. Third Ciask—Atoploa (guava Brand Ship Stuff, ea. son and Pork. (loco. an ) Butter, lUdea, Boos' Bair, Kemp and flax, Luther (Outward.) tOo 111 100 las. Aura C/okr.—Alootiol. Bacon (In Cobb. or boxes,) Bar. for and Molt. Brof and Pork (plekled or mired) puked. Curdles; Cbeeee. Crain (In Uga,) Junta Lard Oil. Lest (in oleo et shwa.) Olt Oaks. Whisky. Leaf Tobacco, 110 ets. It 100 Be. .‘boraal Ratak—Cotton It. 100 Be. floor $l ll bbl. dale usoltan C. 101ANUOIOUll. CET • yIIE subscriber offers for tho considern .tims of th e public. the alarm named FURNACE. do. geed to Warming and Ventilating -Building. mobilo Log In - Itself nil the desirable sualiVes re q uired 'in • Der- MO he App a ratus. Insuring perfect comfort, with out any of ilia dimmeeshie mention or ammo ofan. anyone eo com mo aln beating arrungemente. While the occupants ors roomer bonitos megrims al I the comfort oolong from s RUM summer StlilOnbitni e they me, in• hale pore lihnivitur and healthenstaloing air. nor our tace hated by belegderived, from damp, unhealthy pouroes, or its power to ettataln lee befog impaired by coming in caretmt with waver betted eurfaro • These roadie ere produced. is part, by °Mistreating the furnace In such • maroon that the beat le dithoed at e loner fineparatere than lanseal with nay other Forearm Pow Ilona to the publlo. In producing thla rattan as object of erect importance la obtatualoll the onle:of eoonomyt the heat Moor , lee as well is radiating mince is .0 great that the heat le sham% entirely abstracted from the in.., before they are driven off into th• °Mauer. thereby goodly radioing the comutontion of fuel. The fee chamber is ealimid within apnea. and floshriak that the fuel cannot some ha eontact with ths Iron. preventing the croir-hmtlng of the air, and Motivation or Wray to thc Inman. The joints of the Furnace are so constructed matliod room bormaking • tight sand and clay Mut, preventing the mato of noxious and unity gun !Mr thermos so filo nosing to the monad& sad no Inbuloes to the I te eph and fortifier.. The Mr to he warmed le taken directly from On outside of the Millibar to all asus, them Jennings supply of pure, who/emorocalr for breathing. and the other immotent /h e w n .. see,the4 by the human matem—l he 011101111. teed b nor the organic( matter h e atedse r g e.. rbea. feed by combat in lotted with an over es with other funallen and headache. and other dlantriso. hie emotion. see nonmetal by this means—and In con. ammere of the wane air not making too large dessanda epee tt • lenge and I . . t r h tVigr a Milt . of ti pa=cit, shin. pea sgitii,l=T: pilot of this. Wenn= in m=lo the milker,. Of Fret Billlatai, of Tale Of /lege, New Mt, and to those 01 other mlentlas persona VllO hare Am amlued demiblect. or If public sad univreal ono , . the Proprietors of tbleyelmosalrunoce Z. APP.' tO the en ej ? f l ate rn Or Irri s atirg 111 " Prin• Nora ; the World's Fair, and ca. Walnut faiNzArZlziasiteuga l vgiNgkYloallerni i t 1 1 !"4 /11 !"'AP PtuEl !"*I d i b diti.a w . taaAlis... , aole-dgra Agents Wadi= Pima and vs. Q TURPENTINS--40 bbls. in, Rood asaim pr, toy 1,1101100111•1131• •Ng PHILADELPMAa ____ BOBBIE; LOCOMOTIVE WORSE, 'solo/Finn BU Z% &no; atop[ .RW2 Road, f'Soluidphis. l ENGAGED for .m.u_Dy yeara exclusifely In Ole manneitturoof LOOSSIOTI V.RO boon recent y been oonoldersblyl oniony./ by addltiony of lorw i e Ltr aritadtVzth, TILArtVI., of L ',emotion!. =Unocal credit, 0010 NORRIS /I SON Fl 'ancy Furs, Buffalo Babes, &c. ErIRE subscriber would rcspectiully to call the attentioa althorn:Bitty f.n and lb. orally to Ws splendid arsortme ri nt ds 01 LADlES'ablie gap ICCIt FURS. eociprialog Mace. Bum, riot...rine. Cu Fur Clore.. tr. author St o ne. Martin, Fitch. Inman ' ofe. rel, SilyarMnrtin. Mint, Budam Bly and linasian bald. 441., oath a lull 'aerorttnenta Fancy Carriage and Sleigh Babel. Foot Bluffs, 40. dt—Joas yemeey arsortment of BUFFA LO ROBES. for pale by lb. bile or alum n i, robe. oca=l; taigPk;:altk° IdErrf.glPEragitAAW, impart rand Manufacturer, 00.1113 aid No, LS, North 40, 01., rhilad•itatto. HIDE S OIL Airb.LEATIIEFL D. KIRKPATRICK. No. Al South Third street, philladelphin. betwesa Minket and Chesnut dre-ts.J H AVE FOR SALE-- , Spaniab lljdu, Dry PatnalillY; 0114 ten' sod Ourrierero(.l/41, at the lowest pries.. and upon the best terms. all kinds of LE.llllTit. the {Yd. , / [KU. Inr which the highest market price will b, lu (tarn. or taken le exchange fur Elide, leather stored free of charge, and sod on connoted.. Ottlitod C. French & Cc riALCINED and La equalle.Will?nd / our manufac .Will? urtuu a has no rind In quallty—pacl ping order. Caldron, Marl./ I utra Lud Ilvrter; urethra Phalan Ord. do. do.; Dutton! loam= dlauxhlor flair; Glut itanufut . ra fgarter:iPeruelau annul aterentrfol rlaater. lPhosubalo n; Malt. et.a.. All ordarr rendre prompt atl...ntloo. C. PHENOL! CO., of York arc., broom Ltd InwLlll rtreere,Valladelabil iPiinea and /Armors. PIPES, Half Pipes, Vurter.Cask6, si lLAlPP P ao.:l is l A d r ts, Barrels. Pale;: i tottsl d ed Preto Port Moe, Lisbon, L. P.6..ll"errndoY.Tiorrtrlffs,Blr'esti-)21:1 Dry Malaga W Iner.ebarnratoe, ere, of rarieas brawls. freoen Braodies, of se r i ous brands: llolland Uln, males Rum, /riga sod doCrob Wniskey.New Bost/Lorin:ld New Orleans itYll3. to. Part of toe strove lIVO entitled I, debenture. Per 1161Pla lota to salt poreorters, and °illiberal Prime by OILMEN No. 10. Booth Ft rot at., Philadelahfs. \ Straw Gooda—Spring, 1852. , 9 3 111 subeoriber is now propued o exhibit to Merchants and Milliners hiristrual heavy stock 01 Ladies' and Hisses' til'HA AND PILE Bosrsirrs, sritsw TRIMMING., AND • AIIIII , IOIAL FIX/WEBS: Pain Lee.f, Pana7 u , and Wri' varitly t r SaifitCli HATS. for Geniis':Sent Which, for extents rarietri sod beauty of manursature,\ well so culforrials close pates, will ba felled uerleal . T11.011A6 14"11111:. No. 41 South e ed et., fetiktf PHILSDILLP fie. Straw Goods-18Si , A N UNRIV A I.IIND ASSORTX.E.N. 1:11031Ali WIT Tk. 'isle:, 11 south Second st.. Pi sten . Philadelphia Carpet W Q: UPERIOR quality Fut. Witiattl. tend -n 13 p.n. Bo..eun: Also COTTON YARN, in k , ats,\ kr.. Se., for side at the lowest prices h, OANIATON H.li e115 North Third cleat. l'4:Att- Moore Henszey & Co„ \ , )1 2tIPORTERS and Wholeirzle \1(.,b13{3S \'. iIeRpWARII iND CUTLERY, N. lab \Rerliace , , • hade Stook iky,,.- lpha. .1,0 lark , . low. r , \ rri'.) . \\ metal am beral adrahret, ate L illy : \ lall:i v 11 A' Z IAI"' s I,T.'B4:I •II D, I NS Pt! o aryht l r k. \ t E. VAN METER, Manufact ur ofd x 0 . I.p.rs.r of PAPRR 1t...2. - oLvas VD /MN V; CURTAIN PAPAYA' Z. N 0.21 North Third rtr „,t F' r..20:il I' 111 LLUEUPLCA. • ' 4,I.ERCER ANTELO, Tl:sion Merchants, male ooruivuunts of Nada. g.. NEW YORK I.IIILLIAS AUX v. W. ARCM. N. Y. SURGICAL INSTRUMENT KAZUFACTOM RAIN a 1411INEIRERLIOFF, ItAmtnercitgas AND IAIIOII4ALA PtAl-0.1 IS AU. llTpy NI BURACAL AND DYNTAL,iNgraUIti‘NTS, Plastic Trusses, Bandages, Supporters. 11ET.4 LIG' SYRINGES 4 ARE CUTLERY • hlch are offorod to avatars on W a ittvekitooral'torrn, 7, Platt •traet, N•vnAlt Until the Sea Attildlttir ectf. \ 1.19D1A RUBBER F GOoDz_PALL z D. HODGMAN, \ • 27 Malden ./. 5 . 21 . nod oe treety (P.M cornet from line' , t ESPECTFULLY ka, his ol I customers, and mon oniony, dentrally. ble anon ClOubh of bli own nanufaature, • 404. Leggings litrl'o'd Jacket.. 34t,(4., Pats, Ove n ralls, Lon every descriptkm of dubber wgll alao be round ad above. Ey Oasis defy conpatltion or ranted proof Noniron denonipTtio. offoren for ono In Imo or nail beat terms. Orders rinhented a dpr Jr 11.3 m 27 Malden 4.14 and FRENCH'S 114 Cor. Frankfort at. , and C 2 orscanra NEW YORK C am ' . . Woo built and opened by Mean shyer. Stay 1. 191 and relined and forniand August 66j; ha treats tnik for a +Donahoe*. elegandEnOrafirtva d eranonnyilt eat-1 Clot to surpassed In toe world. It • • tali.. .Cird ramie. than any rubor batel on tots oonti t, rave on* only. all of win ne wanned era t• . aro all an ar le top waah 'rand, which mutated lib Croton W ter th rough diner plat c.c. s. There ts hut on Is d loam:on; Mt hada aidnate noels °nay rn door will On lit foil. gas during theni t Tido 110 to cOlidnalld on the European plan of grog Room a. .d meals as th 7 may be ordered in - pilnue an eplendsd liohntory. a d In :los lammed eality a. Ilonantlle lin Ie n o and tin ptlncipal of gonna tent. Idel.ll It 1 Wien. GOTTA PERCIIA van IRDIA t • SER. eairrillNJ rtritallt 911.1 E, N. AMERICAN GOTTA P • CIIA a Company , if N. Y are offerinz at whrlasale a t var iety of CLlRlll24o,Arouada fro smanteee Dana - uswif Outfa ferchn. of new nurse and beautiful Haub. hots goods are water.proof, free from unpleasant smell. • ble and elastic ham India Rattner. not Infused by fats ob. stennstaand 1.111 nutde.alpOse .4 ba1.... sitirky. ey apt eery di ff erent la ithuarter from any ether Goads ete-• Wane made or Gaeta Pemba, either in this country o Europe. and are warranted ta .rand all eh, Am -nett • EZEIEZ=I Ath. caws, remota, reefing Jackets, oreialls. legging , ean'-westerm. C. rucop blankets, horse corers shower mat}, stringer breast pumps. balls. pencil :nil ink servo[ gar begs, sportsmen's drinking cope, eteanx reale v, Moe belt • ins, carriage olotbs, &Age. with • eery cheap , and Olen. ti•• life armorer, mad* earmuf to meet the. new par menxer law of tiongress. All o f• totals trut.gtiaiity superior to any other water-proof Goals now tority• .the public. Tor We at the Warehouse, BO Cedar t New York. Dealer. lo Water• Proof °cols are invited to atitolue thee*, belleVlog they will find them cheaper and tat au- Parlor la lol7tMog they hen seer seen before. ' Orders to any extent executed at short Potter, WILLIA3I Blink Pnot.N.A.,G.P.Co. B. 8.. BilArgas. Treas. arid 80. ilotthsw AMERICAIN ROUSE, lIANOVER STREEt, BC , STONp BY LEWIS BICE. ItEBUILT, Enlarged, and Elegatitiy knr. utshed,howegulog all the anothro I myrorereents woverhanoes, let the aceommodetion of th e %Teraina* Pobhe. a01.7,1T • - • ST. LOUIS • "I,;!,AMIJELWETHERILL & CO. eora. kJ mission and Forwarding Merahaitr, Bee. P0 . 1,,,m,e, ail US Commercial street, BT. LOUIE. XlO. attention paid to tbs.:tare/Are or ae1334 Lead, Bulk Pleat end Bacon. Heter to John S. Thomson: BooseiGt Itermett; Bealek d Co., Banker,. AVID O. TUTTLE, Attoreny at Law, rsd Ocinutmloner to Penuoyi.cf,. dt , Loah. /do. loiimmunlationt , Pro.wir eaowered. , PenalY I 011 N U. RANKIN, Attorney and, Conn aellor at low , _ aria Oomnaluloa.r tor th. Btate o 1'.. 8 •71 , Udi, EL Louts. ata t fPittebw.e.) Iteliineeen—rltaburgit: 80 0. W. orvani. lllTAndlear ElleOlcars, John IL PAO% Biporb, .4c.91...1te00N A Co. \ sr Elf 4- BALTIMORE. \ mw. 0. aux? ...... ......... --saw ozolo. GRANT •44c BROTHER, \ coinfismoN ar. FORWARDING MRRO NTB, No. 61 Exchange, plow,. BALTIMORE. RDERS FOR COFFEE, 'RICE, &a., nd l f ) CO.Mifotonats of Weotorti l'ioduro. row & ly sol cited °, AL—ldesers. Abu. l'entiook Co, and to 1100000. James A. Untchlooo & Co. MAD* ,MING OE. CINCINNATI. ' WOOD ENGRAVING - BSNOUTED with dtimpaecl4 IN ALL ITS intziatr ai du em num atahn mad tho lowest ..„1. B. hiIIONE, Ail Onion Buildhai& cornea. Muth and sramors street,, Olnelonatl, Oh 10. N. B.—Pultauler attantlon Dahl' to largo Barer.. TM Muds, Steam Boat and Btonlaso c4ve. huctarf PEORIA Wm. H. llaskill, fi ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT AND AUCTIONIMI, No. 8 Water stro.t.P.lo/81A. &Poeta attoat.oo m Oonnoleigim booms,. muniB DETROIT BIDDLE HOUSE .7T Corner Joglonian Aire. and Raildolph Su, DETROIT. , ORVILLN B. DIDDLE, • imiqi.ou:sakze L. DLSiL/L SALEM, O. • FARillniAlt ROUSE ST 2DYIIUD PHILLIPS, BAST END OF. MAIN eltuavr, bfv• SALIM Ohio.' on t, fo arm.. bum. wrjwc. 0104111011 M., • , , ..'s Pbiladelplua D PLASTER of urt trength Ilarian iarrenred we offer dealers ringer tln.t ed In prime berrele. In 314- •"junction Cal BOSTON , . Chandepila and GarfUtures.. \ aalosorjbdra 'are now (Toping at their. , new Waromdp, No I pint Went. between Wont iSrul thaithiteid___ L th• h nonit of CHAIND/te Idlilth,BßAOnsrd DANTS. and oil articles now 118CitmE with U . . Yining . ..he of to this *white— Having arransementssuatie by which they will be eon hardy In randor ofarw patterns and !mum., the entiddently Invite the *Moths 'ofiput , chassni to theft gq lll4 d , Z - dttZl=l;Zilairla:l% a lang: peculiar advaritam racusdealrloirarustaiii* tnt t u... We amino. as term to 11l up bulldog* dime; cas. water and OM= IL.os Brass Paddles dots r i de to order 0 t W/LIEWS & COY 14a and aaamup,, bah reiturnd one dime Pest \at m -e• Q7l . l . , ( "Oztions reav 80,0 KS; ..... wkrams P. .110dItkillj,TV IMPORTER mat DEALER IN SWIM Ass dit PAPER lIANCIDI,O9, SNo. " ood Stroot.4.ldtabargst. uhVb3 TEL 'ILLS PALIKEt, 131P0131138 33r6 DE)VIS IN ?Rayon .1012810 AN 4 1 7 IX PAPER; 2V3. 36 Markel abed. Wawa rhirdiosd /633.61 erect Plkesbargh. \ --- -- . AGAZIiiES. I-0, .—H. P. °ALLOW, the f„,,f,Trph' l3 .-ndbu".. oPProdbo the +Tod Vfiloo. b., Marost no or Art for Dexixtber; •, - . , .rtwe. riterrltlerr dm natttalll'il do tarn.hom's do tin:. err. W 3 .: do dq , . . 1,:.1.14111174t d'l . . . r do: \ L.:ltt.'ol Vetij,gratt.'4 ILL.E.L-31,3.1:.itianio'• Journal: \ Tc h on * co T n7__l l V . 5, t_______________,2lLrnrrt F : b ;; ) SIIs 1 11 ~1_ , \. \ R UST PUBLISH ---;"---- ED—PU - R ----- OON'S DI TIE — ST 4 , —.A nigeat or the Laws or Peausdleaula hor, the ," s 1:00 $0 the Ilth of May. 18d3. clultth elltlnu rstinnl %Rh cdsruleal referances; not notes Loth., Judicial No ewoonx. dusld tical cantaas. a bleated \ ItYlaboa ar mak Otis awl a sea. full and talsanstlva seder; ad rcederick C. Itti.chtly.xes4 Pct. 661. Med amt fee mile by • del3 J. IL WELOIIe. 63 Wood street. het 3d audlth. giOOKS FOR THE HOLIDAYS isSili l- EOli'd Bookstore, 56 klaitet knit,. stabAcriNlr hackle:oes °netted hla at EWA, would Invite asteution to Ms It .loxentle aril o.lacr Boo6c suitable to the i The sueortment lucludes Callstrou'e Bond and purees; Xoglists Glandes lid etdeddild atthe- mostaleg.t delitione'et Packet. rand Ri hteot nursed IllustratedoEuells6 Woe) Boatels.) Bib! .In velvet Vtlt Gold - ace. Insets 'Cleat he ay bare ttr;d o l/ 1 .51 , 6;• of ..otte:tepota to frl de ord e edemas". JI __ malls _J. li. SLVJEION. ketarket • L 4 P tl li DON'S CiEBS4NE EDITION- 1 ; i \u, A blarst Int to UM. a 1•01/0 Irett , s from th i , ”ar 1700 ;01553. A le edition. r ein by Yrrderfek (1, Bra b tly. The abo Juni tee'd A r 5.70 by del3 . \\ KA 41 Rj ,4, E 7 PAGLISII COM -. ON LAW PORTs -1 ilVa ,R .7 , t , ltz:Lrur.tr, 4 hdtti,7- 1 in the 2". 1 1, , ig , T411.. matters, ...ob. d by it,,,,, i 0 : A 8 ii.=Lii • Ulla, 1 4 ' i n in t' a i ti r al h a;10;7111 . 53 o ,lii." %art o f "".. term 11123i.1.6 Vltitcri, ice cabs by , i o i, ti. BLAIN. de7 \ __ , all Jstatii,ttgb IVgBv BOOK S— ilVOry of of the Invorteol Tim Case anfthe Yu liar: .A ;taiga in 1842-0, by litre Haig ler and Ninerth. 2d , Direneenna en l'hltosopti) W. ilanillie Barb \ 1t..... T. troprer, a tone lA, \ „ meTtl"..libPrregiVlZA:ile A h' ili ' r n L ,A' l bi :l ' o 's rZoillo e' l l \lit,i e lui.,... i . .k4 , l l l l o4: ol 2 . .u i ttesiii El...lnset Ilealth. a l , Wrn;il-.ltr'ean tislatogr, Itocianee of the forsrin; \ ' i \Lod Ptitilt of Literature .0 WI s v.. c.,.0f Eparkllng Drop,. of= rots 'or Cblldten,Jug from the 'pi roll J L' I . ' \ J. 1 IVEW \TISIG-2'. no lef t lec r .. i lt . 3 . c .. hip , vt. , , , , a Z i th , ./ilissitsl I \ Ilreinligh Qnletclep. digitated t.l il Wbite br I, kiwi*: • , Vol 9ch-At. ob. Buißeo„t,lriantlyll; , • lir:f "1". le . 11 ) 2;7. '" liii:t b tVrPgx e rl ' o p t l nir m ix e iitl t Cony \ \ \\ .._,ii l lthri l i:4:l 7l' , .11i . ,,0,,k \ ‘ ''' ' rpm. Art. w a„rizas +v,1116 Q. 1 1.1 3 ,1 Whisprrs, iselt ... ~ ' \ ftg r ' 1/?l:7437. l . l tifili r citib".' "Cultbtt . ooi Oa Vag gb; \ r TiebtVitir'. .1= (14;4 Emmet, \ ih\ i fp pale Of ;grills t . ..had atandastiMirk.' JOHNP4,, MiLLOR.\ ,VrkWood Igtave‘..\ to! New & CO., Caro Hall. Ist reed 'b e a Ist - publican; .ataaebalk d ot.ar to u. rite mem Illcistratlon,by • ' ,!ka.bqltiant. by Iloilo° ta. \ J Macy, Odla. 'a. Ebrlt . Waltz: \er ma aone od YA•Von= and variatlona. rifulbay \•:,\ nal. \ A ipt \ pol h 8 ale I at naliAne AM: 'XT:=l:enti larE 2 Iscd e 01•1. , Deo ak\ r ;rite I Polk is vh Prbot h Quit 8 cruise . Ply to lovrkr b .satlok 'orelzu ‘ \ \ 'A t ew km. M, R. Ref Haft OR ' CHI\ , Author •Vo ds CF - 1 arid:" tilotnout l l't it to 2 pe. 2 plc Anecdotee of ofiti Yo Itd Ft 22.24 2' , Trot EttiloF. olole..calYir \ , \ .f•ddisott's WO,11:, .1 \ Story of 1:outtl Is b ttiblLK..amlth: Peroyiou And u tltk . RAm kr; \ Cooper'o N•ral ta i,. 182.1. \ , City Ardatteeturst ti , . I.6—es FLY \DwittliiugroUtOL Stores, notelet. *r; ' , t Coultyaratlve Phil o' 27. sr s Vs.. , iIII.F.' 3 ' \ b2 t i col 'FL A. FM *SI (lit '• 1 A • .82 Market 0. • yRANsOwTA:u . 4 1 - Al_T BT. . t.. lA,. .\PIONR,Nit LIN p a' 11 1 1.1 i; entirMv new and °bin \ lipr 'kir fi • Ofiil.Vl.l IMP' will'aidl , om \ h ber s Piry. ELLAL ii lyre. for P. , ILT PIIILLI,W, AfieTi ALIAL\ee pa WIZ iiIIVfiMBEIL L ft:e.tly. dm ttirtelei rhiPatt4l v 4 4: ,h . r . S. t e , z(Nt i l, 8TZ1410 ., le erti, of the neat Calpper mckledlehe or lra! aL,_ Nrc.,1 . 1 . d olaAl 4114.11 _ 1111 wi.l orr rang. oehundnal 'N'tg:,"•L'a7Frlftia%l '` " 1:17 Wettectld d ni o f a entlreir oneg lillpr., It" of 1 tens harden. kecom y Immaked r,ltla. Prop de of t la td. (at liwiddea), Pin oeoNLlre wee the grit:\ nd the °My repair/L . Whit: ed 1 e. _ L \ • Th A LremaglledLiideoes \ high has al ai &Tie at thli lion bOa r usrallb.e. 10 . , 1311,0111 Lb.. 2a11141111111,“ prof- I. errnVever •ll other.. g„ Yr•i[hß or Pomace. IrT rOW 1, to n "k OdsX 'Rk. \ lIII L WII ' I et ,Vl l. eqe , Fo %__L'" , q_ \, ‘FiriAr , \ Great irestern II:, 13 ~ tea Mail Ili:Mo.\ Eae.E.puntrausr, • N. teirDiittlif4 - ~ Rimnos*, - , . INVONNYOTIO*. W#IE TUB 4 : CLEVELAND AND TOLEDO \ %DAM ROA D'. , r IiTE most dhcct and only R; R. route be, o.i Zrit; l :Za e a " aTk'i r ..l 7 4,7 r ier liil k% I r k iter4 1 Awe a, Wankraaowid Sharoyinnia. tri =Alan nits ' U''''T_‘,..lll7W fid"l27nUitrattliZeJ 1., LriaiTitil 1 , 43 hseitzse,..oxwasnd st I 15 e . P -1 . iigr,. "::41'40°,:tref ul :° ":14, r :ttar " a. MA XXP 688—Sane Claelea" A.. M.. alonroari le at it P. BL.Vlrde at 4P. (oft retard et Examen, nolo Iron! .Moningati.) and Toilale A 6 P. M. I with the 6ilgat Itspron Toro, writing_ `dhlraco na4t I mrning ay. 4T evanconownrith th .. • Ina r .. , lrrta fro Chierian 'and Erma NI .- lake \a. tlcriir Pia*. Lest*: Clas4ad T 46 . id.: 0 ledn'a OA. . with 6 1 ersdarAxnrein T , . ring re i In hicalcilit . 4 o P. kt,, :can tin i gth d Maid. con J I , ...1 .11 olti.Mtit i ni isat4,-. 1 for ~,, ma . Ty:m . lz . sir, can . * pro. 0 tonal. Lanni on sarkDatterAall Yost a l Mg. r :at the care l the It A Perkpesitazia tlioarg., la ton and lip Bald, It the Ticket Agenta ; the , i l . 4 ill 'i • Itra ,fi Il u 'ol=jegotir ialt,T= 1 ... , 'eland, aD. C. Bald 14 meat Amt orti4ti. li r two. L. per. A l. at igrannth Llr\ . o ga r taking Ws nen to Chastre Intl ens* i l aTe I T: th .:11 at l i . : r b dlizteh than by, o' id 11' i valir :o a n r i d iffif 4slr4 el 4 4.l :k\'' •Na Josqt. itodexasupt. '3 gt.k7.,4ltr I ' it ' ' k i l : , ‘- - • __ t onTit l T. it. I. (Aerator\ Farsvm therooelv u9r other t rel ovoid Elle et wa 9 cs .‘ 1441\41 . 1 .\ \ 85,-• . , \ \ out ,Y, A , • - - Fwardi ( d er -Co - .. ' . ion hfcirotutt, r.a. Wriamas gino, ...:*.• e ra L. &MCA ' " -' oa. _i_ 'Te.f,von..ll4-4b. ...-0416-7i-mat‘,..?..„-.7 % '\ . MICHIGAN SO TNERN 11, OAD.• ' 1 p a This tXrtparay ori , ttova I/J.ir of nail Uoaorfll plug, 01:IthIm rout. two flrat els; ataardere. lA, of thaw. bosh. will leavomr dock creme sang, linattare azallitad. for Monte. t.... 0, at Band and ToledoV arrhinft at Norma In alma for them jag train of forOblea. go, there cow:matins with tla ladefiga and aRR. Load, Ilse rg=girgintalufr 44".71111114,¢MVr. I.d. . . .'.. 1. ibtl fralala n= ro 4 t aptaraf i lli.3ll . /Xv : ~...,...... le i. . , Bizighains! Tritop) - Ulu I . l #'/... - 7 :I ; * taN 1 P.ll4BBlTlifill & TILEJW3 Mar , jIN ' oportin' g - of the Crin - win t 0.5441, IL/ dr to run. and Ibrward a WIT. ?radii. and\ alambutdra, out and west, Fratatits alum at rwut ratailattrueV7.BlOrtlbla r 4 I ' and Armband]. atlllborrarad ;Id nmaraidad I rat. and ust. wlttnut. any dune tol:Warttnant ant• ."'"AroVatTrirwarda4°: ' ' gait ' stru l tdod to. ioramnr glair to t bl , AI. 1 1 1.NEIU.Lat4 0:)..0 Haan, ", ' °DrlgitlbaZ VOCE:EB7III 4 . tt'b t k" i \ ,‘ tairriormaisiar.o{ftts.44itti! t ;lnb Ji. • .. 1 , '' " Irldirengled2Thre.Srie* ' i E , iAE\ 14 lICIRTAR.z,BOAT A.wgipm.\i,Bsa WE kaat roPlurWir 11100 be ' " ..l... ''cP wll; promptamas sad 9.re, andAtrekarartgixmul.V. CanalllidnlLib ir TlOVetpt"Wk• `4l Mark•tetrmkP 1 J ~ I(ll . l l3 k itd T fi toT i n t i....:4 l. O rt\ iiita:tl • tic 1 lientlinrill*, Ar"tet V. Li " a v3 na l"" rt:letli ''- ,.. f r e tb , : t f . it7 r i n t b itiL ' b t . 4 tt...... headathe,lndotao . ; tnr4ll wr c ep,—irrau. , ,==. • di or th , Item. maul. .17/ 4k ia — atrui m r ne‘Aaeo' P _o ‘ r wit* re • . n ee xuat ' Moompateney: to 1.. • bus. Motleys the aternech. e•- e . male , Modest to mbrostri•qe, Ompl at. Erwrelligitde'ogo t , • • • id . • t soul the aro of mob \ Wham r the organ. \ atelformst on or strict , ININNWAINVIOORATIN LW . ' . n.sarltt, strimath. 'WM.. : :,• i r with unithat and natural' • --.e., rivotZeN...l.:lll:!°%. le7". laW t t,7„„Mtit AIL V........_.--2 ,tlenuan 'rind deal 4. Near In Wod alien. that IM *veil of era diszselholil , Curilld .... t.ln , 1\ \ttri\ 1 7 CVE NEILYOCE Dl ' U... ~• .. ,1. re language uonmy an Web Matto( Om ila m ima and aim t inirieulougabanue 'chit r. wont n odbmse•d. d hsted and shatfervl an ~, oh broken dotrolhy •lerhs • weak by Mamie On, F i t 'ty eleknent, th• nd:rung and rel zed orMudne.. i., t • . mivilled and boat a . Tito „men.. tai • • phyaked gym • telno of „nervous d emdeNto• aethe • oder Ito 101% .. .. Nor Is the effee dun ....: on mho . • grimy'. the 15 . ti. v.... L.. for the . Oro • ~... of the midi: reach the cen/Lit ,ttt . TtM. and • .v. - a,to ill norm OM:anion. Welton ar i l 4.. 1‘ i t aration • ailed to• ... - Wonder of the n . ~ ''''' 9l .'l', uth. • a Vte. "l' m.' to .war \''..- ' ' \ mould • .admitted. tha , It otmedlolne b Dr ove - , • STS Elf liZi •-- • % ' \'' \ \\ A STIM , ANT-THAT L. NNALLEI Ito REACZCIOR.., : ''' \-: \ , pefortele ne r erimad.d. isthe ow with opludi t t, mbolle • . • • ne. and all th ar,ezeitants. Ihe ' r \of them l• •ri ' • and It May • I beedd of him wbo. itc.4la WI. \ . hom..The.last tott or that is • 14 . ororee tit:Whetting . ' N. the KI fa • exhiarant • bout a angle drin. \ . bWreafein Its • • radon, .o. . tun In lot nappy 'WM • ~.. area the net a, the mkt. • the who meant, ... . serlormit will elm move demons. • , entitlement. • teroV taneyX b1id , 64 . .... i.i ;.. duu .4. g r ;tr. , : i r d i rita r \ • - . .. 7rahlif! r od io th . e‘eti. roaleoeho. , onantai debDity.! ' 1 . stet odems,though of oalrdmer• U Ilene of iniond• I tr. LI xotnlaa..d sepia. none rostradon, .tr•, Timbre. nerrmtenesqoabliity to re Amass Mel, L. • dent bcruilm.„ dam, o 1 . 1 promanti hanotiona.sten.._ .. outeeli. lames terrors. MAW of th =.,,,;, I• 7 „ . lrthr i V i rofi .i' llirtle be= a n teistlatoii a 7. ate ' MlTatilble. . . . . ' A 11 l MEDICINE TOE 11r1lAri ' •' 1 ,?5q Thermo Mel no oft ido great restdrati tnielk . I complaints idiot fantsfeA mark a new Met tho en. .. nals Of Saadi M. Thocrande r atimultelo • beer neent Ms of Mai ante corm i' IMF I \ rebut to to needled in the orlon, di 4 da, rentemonte to blab the dello& formation Is ill' raptor ber Ile ' The moult • baron:dorsi ell RV, form. Thom A isuous State h a ttztlimparte i l a a ...nr., . . 0. 1 c,,i1 \ \ \ \ t" l'e v e h re 6tr tr ru'r s v eU go that 'l t=it t. ' l4 lT. P %' *. , ' nl-d ' ll ' ati l eftrZled b rlepre;sion and peon:valor! ‘.., . . atlon Minn, and end has to often tem Warty ott• - . 1 Wyse tim reemerrat e rower of the nermesert truk. ad - \ il , . drintrumtion. soda Illy to demist the unbaNby VW *- Mot In 1110118Walli i ‘ GOIIATINII 'ELIXIR. is, er .. r . e . T .L lLek aiu, phemomensln th maters riddles hi ' \ , aria stlmulaat edam to resethm. \ ....= 1 The . Meth which L.,1 , 11' main taltmdbott. se beard ', . ' admitted try all du a =Wel and oluktun deal ink \ • • mitullono Of itnrooe to In ibis respect sedoolj: _ix..., , Ma .i.„,,,,, u .,,,, loan !unit...sated aufborite in vormi A 1 diact‘Tal the production A . - Anthill...those tass Uois \ a a nao w ted by the wood rall invisormlon 'etreots It, a , Waived! UPOtt the native, ~ b race, the watiattl Writ , ‘ \. • of memo, the •ezbentolloa Throe ashildted `NY thy , 1 , dratt.of hot/treats In their Wert plladmazta.Nl;tilh• . , N., utablo. to the us• or this rittfralmr herb. r " r rr \ \ ' ‘ a An sonekl le male to INNEN Wt•MAN OF WENS vertol , \ \, roe front , weakness. tersocssoet. immolation; Irk, - \ .• ore. palm In the back, or our Da her disorder.. *het - \ list. to her sex , or cemmon lit both rew, talent tte. ' .: I ll i re r lfat .Rirldir/V on cthere \ antil dud this Cerdlld.. ' ' l. ber \\ tboy between...l a bottle ertakp, a SP011).10. . or the ay kw Dr MI diaNNAMo.... io bo Mtlad . . the . • Or Demote of 1 as/th.r o •er pu, who wonict g.t . bitter:to, he Mr this estraordlaarY , parturition...-. , \ Ana, Is equally notent tar the many 1, demote ton which - ` ; ' \ . It ler men Jed.% Thousandior 70.1ty, men team tow \ . \ . i tztety4Matal not la a stnials lostanou ha• it \ ) 4NO, BOONS Off PALE COM?LEXION, r eonetormth* i\ • . • bds itrekrertored bylaw an ota boa. e tee to Mom_„: aad rigun'o, :Lantos t. - aklu from a pale, you', sickly' • ' a .0100, c• a Manterod flood oompleatan. . a . ~, TO TII); MTEGUID . . _ED,- • - ' - \ • i Then ate *moot the esti sad metanoludy amt. via, \,, I. ' ' I:A . 6IE4IZr ' ll Ul triZie " o7 . ; 't ilteL e' s nk • :t . i i . trh the bash' . \ . , mum. pacr•Ak, pdpitattoik or the halt. Orem= ~ . . ous test blillissaxams4 Or the die Ol ive - general MUM. 71.r.0111• ,of , consamotioa• mental , the Itarrul *freed( on the mind • Ikpitatb to bedresd ' LOIN Of memory, eonfuekes of` Melo. 0r... 'Moot ttp ta,aillarortetWinne. amnion of moiety +elf . dleeruet. I eof solitude, timidity, do., up ..,,,, 14 \ th, . \ k ..........•., \IMUTII*. •• •\ \ - \ Dr. Mantel: . _T •s deg Oordla), has 54.2 k oute, t - ed by some nu • •nledipereorm . In Allure a/.1 • wallas Cordltd`vlllhaVe tile premf the k\ o xg o a r t l ol l itr i ir binV . :, i i .,‘...„:, , rt,Pkz . 04, U S” orating I hk .:7 • l 3. Roprir c tor-1 , 41; . • ..: ier&Py M. ;KOEHN, ILII:. and far t - sale by IS • . roLeal Agent, 1 0.1911Bro•droi New I 'S . to Vt.l2 all orders ottmt be eddramed. •- ~ . . . ___,r ' \ O• amildnoole.lnritfaburnh--CleorgelL Keyser. co , per an Wood West sml Virgin alley an 'TlN:alai Ilraa4 ', \ borner.of Wood and rourtitetreets. , _ ~-. \ \ .0„4 , 1 , la pu.tx, hitlidgr i Xtrated, InTint Bottled; \ It . . .. - . , \ And 2910. for $3 P. bOille: 0 lb{ i1 , k1.14 the doses._ _,H. \ \' \ &flexed wording to Ant of Contreewln the you Issr. • , etle Oftlos or t r/oVit i lor J: - ....f.,.,,Ag liri C l i c i t, of t i e dray o the Dtet7let f: Y \, ; i ron, by 10C \A. FAIINESTOOK'S lx;133111761.: . 1%,,,... Aqr • •••ael at tee i l r aert saamant c r4;lth !total .._ .i r bar if mlnaLert:" "nw.....,.N0yai,;,""- (b . .: h 'uundle g It alerted All \EU Wel lelr tea - rallad-but \without avail. • The lane to lAnclead_a_rte pr . 24.2:4=41 =ITTaV a giNITWICIRent171- . . Wan had dodo. re ,ce_wl4, do_aatedna• maw' for ll. Tea keid r ale ti ksi t =eaaalet t hat 1,1 :2 v. k ., ''itio). had ' , be art soma. • Ttar• Nag to my otooo 501. .dkoeurad :art, Atterjadel;ft*earthig . the _drat bottlat ea- .. witedtwo \ niz u naa dle j litrone, lb add vaned a few, coot ballot alathar tettlei , aVa pawed twterefonao mweltkrae annetrral Warlea,adel. •,• ha null MIR 'oolgmasnagd Imprgang. as gra Oga. ' ideigtv reamed terh. . - ~• Ilawast•Baa . ww . rt. -.: - PrAtrat ant ao whalawala add retell b.r. . •• • •--. sal:Tr IL- 41...1fAUNKEITOCIE 4 00, PfttAdirad... . .. ----. _____ 'A IittiIiERNEVIDENGE—From Dr. Wins-. .BoltalsV•vis.atnoo.! th• =mit asei4ila.t. whigholoaa o Stow n at io n Mr. Memo Bt4—fo • Ttut prolotration orowtod you hw lolut be 6 extenslivio used It. sty twat y tot tome them 404 Whim &irate the decided proWrs. OM othoh ootwooolltiono of thohlsol. 11 invigorates , asatwoutiewitho Ugh. Lod okoto th• oititi of • &wort dim, withoutTlME ter oltbaito flohlttkone • coot% ,dikb wentir_Oto‘powlt. moat well lumina rotootod comp* Nowlsor boon thotoowll7 tootwil. ond \ Its setrotatioh tairlywotatalelowt lo- tho e.O stow.: 4olOw tho taw; ma i i. w r surmlbunu....cut OrPtirb i Xint ~ ,,e rze g" r tr t c .7! • erllll isle Dr WIXOM a CO.. gr. Ilion*. swoop mot the osaimos4. , 21. ,TY FEET; OP TAPE WORM'EX.- \ 0,1 1 :713.114 ; id l y 1 1 1 . 4 7C4fahltWAH , hi , Idl'^Ph ir u dtWm atiL l io ß ra .. lll:lllll-111.1as hr • isth„„!,u,,t ad tee l e i . testa ' r a ..P .l4 t or a ill V.lr=ra*lototrehttlf arg i l= '• Fii, alert: .. h atrar the Athol. tot watch, 1s mai. /t tn.. 7 14 west awootioa ototwot the Wont. k ra,,,,,,,_ , tar t ble3tot te4lgnglEktylotms4l,tar-,7,=. on,AiThikrodon ter. fa-lot:asA ..gird'r*P*; r void,6l ku4l / 4 r747 i SSI k l.li z'l • ÷ ll f:4 l Z , 4 1 _ 1,..L clan/ ohaU atter ' \ ..,4471.4 4 4.11.4,thh. .. ~, • • AZE EMP %TEM!? OE ItOVIIWir-, kJ 0111 4 8- * li- 24 oa gak - Lot tat ;tor ta 7 tha" . ' \ \ . 1 *bloom ow Tortatrupt a ra all ra a k , • 1 lut loh a botUo or al, etrtalfunt.rote'irdi =tto mikehltd ttitt Its enrol or wo the allll4 : ad aur a; re i gor t :t w e r e i tt,....,...1 ta l anv4 , lo . atzt ., . \ . 11,,t iff;Ttr=lp,.1."ssoo oe 7 ratLik"intrZc lal t remota whim:lll**We Mall that War 4 L'lCr.d4- 1 " 5"11}13 -- 1 -U.— V "' . 4.- t "o.L‘ •' \ k 't\ 11,1T,L 2 i tthes, \ , \ ult. RAk. sni4: l — . ritZ 2 itit \\,...N Lvi 'tor at. topoOt or 0 to .toot ' ~ ' \ Jo. ta yoo• •t{mllent Fazolly Itetttaia ttim. um& roarruthataw/a/V.lTta dirterll 1 11111114 Oft rrarr t i4; ' \ 1:0 " tat 7 00l a rZtoo .'lf Caseitrobl\rer li ' ,.., 1111 1:1, oe: Luta NW moo thett-eratt t o r ., Zt- t - t --- aatd\ taw haw utweir auttartmkprochuarrn .ir ikt r 4,44 . 0 \ .z . .. - ii...„,„.., lot staraoadyjaa. am abloXatat; that I haw p roofe worth: tot 6.11- artwork, 1... Itinda haw wekka ow twin otth• owl la • . my sr..* Uutt th• sfttattat•Waioesor it' ,". ow ar , vartaltied tabor a Tart_oakormaaolt--"--' P""nd :Tm*V2441414.11:41711. rittabutab. Oat. 11AULAjbleSAR *0490 V-.101{41,111t ~si '~,~ ~; EMI 1 \\, 4 \\, •\'\ \ ‘,.. \ \ ~.. .. \ , \ , 1 , 1 , . , 1 • . \ \\ i \ \ -\ • \ • \ \ A \ \,- -. \ V •\ . 1 \ . \ , \ \ \ \ ... , c, • \ \ \ .. \ \ A . '.V. v.. 1 \ ‘ \ \ \ \ - \ \ . \ \ \ ,\~, \.