. . . . . . •, . • BOWIE MATTERS. toms Posaartetrox.--Some:of the young MAIL of ti do ally dultous of 'hosing their Mint ration at Bishop Simpson, prevented him with a magedtmenttamily ; Bible, splendidly bound in entboasedl'arkeynneratoo. The followleg in the torreepondeneowhioh took place between the do - note and the Bishop t.- Prrtstronag, Deo. 14th, 18b3. htemusw.Bllllsol, D. D., Bishop of the Y. E Church-- Itimanwo turn Dien 131=--The undent rd young men of this city ate s*pos. to pay some tribute to your exalted worth or a Milieu aid animus We have had the Omuta of listen ing to the fore* of your argonornts, the power of your eloquenne; and of witneroing' the seal and - purity of your life; We know of no token that would be more appropriate and seeeptoble than . a espy' f that velum whose troths yon Co ably and: banning,' expound, and whose preeepts you so talthfutty"obeetve Ito beg you, to no Dept this Bible, with the continents of our high est regard, and believing to be Very respeetfully and mit yours,' &rt., - • . Jae S H. Harms, Wit. Vessusx, DAVID E. DATAIID, W. D. remoras, J. W. hionszess, J. P. hicifusts. PrITIBMIGH, Dec. 10th, To Mews. T. B. gnpkias, Bsq Wiliam Van kirk, David R Bayard, W. D. Pattersin, J. V: McFarland and J. F. ifeKe.ie:_ .omrrisnaar—lt ,gireserke great gliploro to moniedge the receipt of s most beantital copy of, the Holy Borigitures, presented to me as • issminto of your affection. I thank . 3 au also for the very kind. though goo tiottering, expres sion of your sentiments of regard for my ;roper foot osnLses. Ile assured, young gentlemeh, that I most ful ly and cordially recdprocate your expressions of affeationate regard. I have noticed with inter est and delight your noble add gentlemanly bear inr, lour:love of the beautiful and tree, end ' your reverence for the name ehti worship ofOod. - I have atso marked with pleasure your tattooers in profeaslonal and Comaterolal pursuits, and I mr delpate for you 's high position, believing as I do, - that you will conform your lives to the Frei:septa of that Melted Volume which you hove so appro. .printoly !ideated. its lemons were taught me in infanoy—to its mandated I bowed in youth, and so year s.in , erhme, I bow, with deeper reverence 'before : the beauty, grandeur and profound phi. liseophy of its inspired teachings. May that vol ume be :your counsellor, and rosy Ha who pre=- aldee ever the destinies of the Univuse ever guide you In lbw paths of . wisdom, give you moues in' your various pursuits, and crown ',you with happiness, temporal and eternal. • Yours truly, M. 813IPION. COXIIOII Covacm.--Tim Common Connell had • special meeting lut night. 'lke petition relative to replaoing cobble stone . pavements with brick, referred to street commit tee in Select Connellewas taken up, and action concurred in. - • Mr. Juan Bmith wan present, and entered Into a description of his emote burner,—givitig refs/trawl se to its Mosey. The bill Offing the rate of wharfage on the Olizeinnati line of packets at $2O per trip was ' 'au chosen to repreeent the oily stook in the 0.1 & P. IL B. The appropriate committee was directed to report an ordleance prohibiting the blowing of steam whistles within the city limits. . On. motia; adjourned. . . • , FATAL Awes:. Mayon Riddle Vas ommpied most of yesterday in examining four persona or. rested on a charge of stabbing (and being no eassory.thereto,) IL H.. Canon, Engineer of the Sligo Inn Works. Their names are John Klegg, a lad named Hirenhougb, David Wright' and Abraham Cowan. Information of the affray was conveyed to ethane Steinberg; who, in company with Hague started in pursuit. They found • Carson in an.inseneible condition, at his board log house in Sligo. There wee a out on the left side of his abdomen, extending three inches, and severing several of, the intestines. Dra. M'Cook, Denny . and Brooke' were in attendsneei.and they proem:iced hit case liopeless. tilisedately after the occurrcnoe, illuoborigh wasinestrel and taken to the watch house by some Workmen at the Mills.. Hague found the anon* their beds, two in Birmiaghsta, and' one la Sligo.:.- - A sling ehot end* 'a knife were found oh the penny ofliixenb . ough. On Cern* a Mate and a • knocider iwersi found, and also a knife and kane.klee le the posseellon of John Klerg.— Klegg's knife was clotted with blood. The pri mere ages range , between sixteen and eighteen -On the examination before the. Meyorrirr'tp peered that Carson, Samuel and - Joseph Bob bbss and Martin Myers were on the Monoags -bele bridge, when the prisoners* passed them . Clemson Ogee a chew of tobacco in Cowan'a face, and then-attempted to get through the railing to duraidewalkortien he was struck on the head. Ils was pulled back by Samuel Bobbins, (who was sober) Carson then charged Ilixentrough ' with .striklng and made a blow at him, which Robbins warded off Carecm followed, but " Bobbins kept between them. After another blow and cursing on the part of Canon, Hixenbough made an underhanded stroke, when Canon 're treated, crying " enough—l am ant." Carson then ran MT; no other , persons were within ten feet. - Joseph Itobbens thee charged Huron bough with cutting Carson, - and made a blow at him, which Samuel also weeded eft Tiny were at length separated. . - After . the blow was struck by Hixenbough, Bobbins tumid round, and sow him pushing the : blade te, on his side, and putting it labia pocket. Bobbins asked for had obtained the knife. But one drop of blood wee found on it. Thia exculpated all but Hixenbough. Klegg vu sworn as to the blood on Ais knife. He sta ted that In blowing glsei the day previously, he out his hand,atid by picking the glass out. with his knit,. got it bloody. He proceeded to state that he and his companions had "been ate : house of 111-fame, on Penusyliania Means, and that while - theta he bad lett ids knife to one of the girls to peel an apple, who did not return it. He knew nothing of thiknifo being in big possession af terwards, until Hague searched - hie pockets. He coos drank at the time. Catharine Anderson was aeon_ atid testified that she had borrowed his knife to peal en ap ple, and had afterwards pat it in her packet, but - ha said to laic it back to Aint, as Is ingat want In use it the bridge.' She took the knife out of her pocket and gave it to him. There was no blood on the,latite 'bee she out the apple.'• Engels knife was very mach stained with bloat, and evidently did not become es; Sy pick les glans out of his hand. • Mayor Biddle told hint to reconsider his testi mony and withdraw it, as there was direct .evi . dance, not only by the lut witness, but by one cd hie companions, that he did receive the knits back knowingly and at his own request. , Riess presiated in adhering to his etatimeet, when biz Honor informed him that he must Men regard him as a criminal and onamit him and Hirenbeugh until the result of the out received by Cusp was known. - Cowan wee discharged on giving _ball for his a ppointee* before the Mayor for disorderly con duet, Mtd.Wright was folly discharged. - The ehly ,thing inexplicable In the case - is •Xlegestiondy knife and his testimony. He Was entirely acquit t ed by Bobbins' testimony, of but ens Gerson, consequently the true story regard ing the knife, could have had. no -effect in the - present nue. Ifixenbough was fully identified by Robbins as the man whom he saw cutting . Carnet, and from whom he got the knife. . , • We have been infotmed that the great Temper a cases, Elohbatun, Committee of ?dadlda lot,vs Warden, Alexander et el , which have beet, occupying the attention of our Court for antral jean peat, have beta decided in the Su prema Court, now sitting In Philadelphia, in fs• tor•ef She defendants, Blitak-thief Justice, and WOCdtrard, dissenting. :Taw Law zi Asseounow.—We hope our reatiere will not fail to be present at the lecture to;bight at Masosio Ball. They, will be amply maid by the plaudits and bistrnetion they wll receive &gilds. Verdi enjoys a high reputation not only as a lecturer but an eldentionist, and Me works sump Min as a matt of the first genies ido. le lionized in New York city. As a seconds 1i katter, lie is said to be very handsome, thingti'ai"...oreuse that will have no effect In in. &slog the'iidies to be present. The Commit tee bare been at :rent expense in securing Mr. Cards:and certainly deeerre a ere wded , andiettoe in appreciation o f their ,Sligenlie and anxiety to add to the pleasure of OUT eidtens, If for both. iog elie. The price of Holub; le 25 cents, and wan be obtained durlog the day Pit the various book store.. - Om Som.—The anxiety of our citizens . to hew Ole BUIS Induced a great many, to eagle Neste as early as yeeterdsy, for bloaday'a - eon cert.; Mons than half the. seats is Masonic Hall were taken yestorday. . Oar readers will see a n programme In another column: It' ooMprises some of the mast and moot being:al , selections of sire.. Souks con. tateleg Raglish and Italian worde,'will be fos ti c , gala &Stk. door: . i • - Seats Sad flake nosy be seiorted . at ilebet's Thlrdetrest The okets are rated at $l,OO to nU.Pottie OA Hansa.: - - ' ' . . . 0010111241 WITI named Mar. agar.ot Catuadt :M aaed la tha - ri Ciantiaatigb, yenertiy , - Corner L'ary held arr it:quest.— 'Twilit, ;haul - that .her -death was' caused by . , 'recut P3 . —A stranier, 'who came en Goa:epees' ants pc3 t IL ItOast night, had W peekatstekeeteitielett the core, et between. ,Stro awl ern Usdreil loilatr, • .=E COUB2 raw& D4ITILICT Cotnti•=-Before the Hon. Blooms Hampton, Prooldent JuJge. • ,Slary J. Townsend, addix. et Bees C. Town e,d,.vslinbert Allen, 16, January terns, 1863. Eralt for plaintiff, and .11arehall foe delenoo. Action on a bond. . Verdict for defendant. David It vin vs Ezekiel Bete er al. Execution Daeltet, No. 210, November teem, 1862. Oa tootien of Wm. B Nilley, Sag, into to show cause why the leVy on real estate and personal, Lunde under the above execution, and all snbee quint -proceedings shunt.), not be net midi at plaintiff's mete, on the ground of inconsistency. U. 5. D/STILICT Couat.—Thri scipmi of the 10w:tenon caeca were liken up yesterday morn- Buffalo & titias Liao Ranched, ta. tae Frbllllllll Canal Company, the city sad citi• actin of Erie. Judge Iran:twat hot deliver hie opinion on thu application!, until all of the awe are signed. Aaatn:nx.—Bat jar Bohnteeler, u lad el: 3 eure cf age, eon of Peter Schnee:ter, a butcher, of Centre Avenue, seocndedi laddir to the hay loft ef.hia father's . utuble, on Thareday afternoon, Ibis/ bo follidown, receiving a fracture. of bla right leg. The injured limb was dreaed by Dr. Walters KELLID.-441311,11 Vanhorn, conductor of a need train on the Central Road, was killed yea terday, by falling off the tcr ward car. Bon lege trete taken cif. fie leaves a wife and fatu ity in this city. HOWL —A man 'engaged in loading the steam boat .Exchange with metal, yesterday, had his fobt ned leg eraahed by the talltng of some met al open him. Medical Issintanoo Wad promoted. /51 Bomar, Deo. 16.—Tbe boiler of Jewell aril Day Cordage faetery oxplodedyeeterday,killiag . tba fireman and badly eealdlog a boy. Raw Font, Deo. 16—Cotton, titles 2250 bales steady. Coffee, sales 1,000 begs Rio at 11k; Java 18; buoyant Molasses, sales 200 bbta Muscovado at 29; NewOrloans 32. Sugar, sales 350 boxes Muscovado at 41; Orleans 41, firm. Flour, gales 21,000'bbLs State at $6,8106.87; Okla $6,87107, firmer; salsa 1250 bbls Sauthern at $7,06137,26, better. Grid_ ,n salts 35,000 bosh Wheat, GELlMente, at $l,BO, WaSttrei 72, Penna. buoyant. Sales 40,000 bush Cora touted at 83, yellow 80; buoyant. Provisions, 'gala, 320 bbis Pork at $ll. Priors $13,25013,- 60. Mese Beef $18.60, firm. Lard, sales 400 bbls 101... buoyant. Whiskey, suite 360 btde prison, at 82k, buoyant. Linseed, Biles 2000 at 64. PHIL&DILPIIIA, Doe. 16.—Cotton quiet. Flair 'depressed, prices hare deoltned from 26 to 60 cent.; sales 600 bbls standard brands at $6,25, .meat holders Tense this rata. Rye Flour, no satin. Corn Meal, sales 600 bb's Penns last evening at $3,25. Wheat, little cffering, sales 2000 bush Penns white at $1,60; the I:tillers otfar $1,35 for red. Bjo unchanged. Corn steady, inks 3,000 bush yellow at 67.®70, the latter rate for prime dry. Whiskey unchanged, in bble 28, and in hthis 26. CIRCZNNATI, Deo. 16.—The river has fallen 4 inches, weather damp and cloudy. Flour de• Mined with sales at $4,9005, but closed - with an improved feeling. Whbkey 24€1244 . Hoge dell; tales 800 at $4,1004,25 4 buyers generally lowered their 'lowa again to $4. Salta 400 bbla Lard, No. 1, including 100 from the landing at it, and 800 city at 8. Belea - 300 bbl Mese Pork -et $11,25; tales 1000 green Hama at 6} Every other article dull. Coffeo firm at 12®12i. , LECTURE. Young Mani Library Asiociation GW. CURT'S, ESQ. of New York. City, ~ anther of "nor Bat borletr." 'The Poripber PA. pers; recently. rubli•hod with enth ismer. tn(1.01 , in rntn.Se. SURSSIDe •illoaradal,” a ndl other of nee ...a rivulet , works.. wilideliver one Lecture (and but one be bre this Institute. on SATURDAY xvit-sula next. 30th lent• at lilAteibilo !TALL. 011th street. WUXI' Or Lsetvas— , The Age rJ Stamm." lecturer and writer. Mr. Curtis le, by the best lit. eret7 ethic% pieced to the on first reek.llUng to their ohneetcarerity. the Is.Reet Balla wherever he bee ate Livens - I. bath In this mutter and !barer.. Tickets of whin...ion, 26 omits. to be badet the differ. eat Mork sad Book Storrs. Library ltooto of the Lecture Lossmittee end at the door. ioora open t 63 o'cioitiT;wl7 o to p r...... at fl JOHN K ~o laraa.. W. 11. littaitilD, . JOILN It. !CHM eATILICK. 0 . 11 Leetarellocanittee. .• lIIROPOSAIS for a Toleocopio Gas Holdp . with ilearenufen Frauti. 1011 to rreelved ler t raven,. at its Oboe. rattll let ie ,, rlVary. 1554. The ea Heider to be of the fellowlng dimerudene. Vin,Tl-. • upper, er Maar part feat 10 lutes diameter. br 35 dup at the Ades, and the barer, or carer yent le) feet diameter, by /5 tat deer, •' • mutt fooled.. the tomtit:at of the nt.nle on the On' • • ••• atbt. Lodz, end the. DOettoz of It In contelet king enter. boy Me 0T the rpeoacatted mai be hal b 7 ahtllcatieh t the heuelary Ordered by the Beard. con.dleraftlaertdbe , EDWARD Boo'r. 11 USBAND'S CALCINED MAGNESIA ...A IA represented In tbe Tertfittktli tlew,tt of the bulk. Initltute, Pentmulesnie, to be the be,t In the Clotted /Stat. Hem Fleet PAttniTelle:ir i 11:dal; „e have i been arards.l fffnietrgaulnet lbe bUte Net Y s erierby .. be ' brilerintnaZtute? sad by the Mamembeceetter Meehan Asandaticm. The Certificate. of =my of the meet emin.nt Yhrsans of Yt ob i . and Doer via., .eammeated it as tog equal to tbe genuine Bennis Ittenterle. la to tad tram unpin...at Mate , and three thane the streog , h of the mantra Calcined liegneta. Manufacture , and for este by Them. Ilembend, Glen Chemical Worter c Philadelphia For ata by Ogden At ended...MUM:ll%6.l.d Beckham. Allegheny. and regatta generally in Yittabenth. noled2driatten Economy is the Road to Wealth VO — EMILLY-Eliotild be without FIZAT LI" DENTIINA !EXTRACT OP COPPICE..s one 101:11:141 or this Loyal uableartlels Amaze far as ben pounds (Eton Coffee. It clears cottos bettor than anything etas. beeidss Guar: It rlellnesla . arid strength. suitable to the mootlasOrtinos. - Dr sit. more whuleottiou than Coffee, tostiated in the nomal lea r.uatt COnfair. trignaliazu the =oat strowtberthetr lusitrorattror te thy slater:l. Bold he J, P. D. XDATIMI. Pittsburgh. who Is the sole Caroostacturer for the United States. and to'whoa all orders. socroopitated with the nosh. will :newt with rumor altsahort. Ail letters actlowart to J. F. fl t MEATY% tonal be T. raid- mhO,rh.sw,4An" 511 DOLLARS PER MONTII—A Exau. 11., Sasso!' Fos 12—A charm to make moo by atpersons to or outof basins.. No capital uoeda, and but little stpeuro Incurred. It Pt.:Ml:vs tor tr•tonott. oo pedAllos, but gives polo Um comforts of • home. with the ch... to mate from $l5O to $2OO par mouth. Thts i. so:Doti:Ow ehtitely now and worthy of all parlous Muth " W.V . :Jr:72 Iro7o t adlt7 l VlT iftt_r L s t to A . p_posou soctodog S 2 post par.l to hatpin's ....Box Ito!tiroroso. n01643r0 WILLIAIK /WM .1.121,11.101 n /041151121411311 IiATILLIAM TATE &, No.lo Fourth 9 • street near Liberty, and Vederal stele:. Al votlacturers of ilhest Lead, LeareiMellioes.Elydriatta listhe.WaterCilosets to" ie. Persons who have work to do to ace tine will abe well to WI., ve they max rely on hart.; Wilt work trammed by preTrbral workmen, and as we mainsfactore one own heel Wife and sheet lambi can effort to work at least se los es way other establis hment in either eities. ifl POMOWI from the omintrk WWI to par:hese ply. ,ellseylorr water from sprints will fled It to their ad. vantage to tare as a tall beftre tearebuing from svoond but to, *a we are the onlyntarnasattirers of Leiwt If. and ar_ev L ad in the city. Pnro..re from mna r mn.rlt f ai s eo,a l d .. P vot, I /l o b bl , l y t le*a*wl ( t d AMLESS BAGS-1000 Seamless Begs jnat seed anAlar Isle Ai 4•12 BURBRIDGE IN'? /MAIL 13)100Bit:3-50 doz. Cora Brooms just ro.2d asdforadebr 1174LBRIDOX INOIMASI. AVIIITE BEANS-20 bhls. and 15 sacks fur mal• by ULIMY. 3IATTIILWB A 00. 1%/10DERN ADKERTISEMENTS--Singu lir. tfie moan , adopted avlrrailsers atlyset the tentlon of the public, one lime Its Wor, ..ttotivmr nye Itasete. low its (lobs, again Its , In one bold. Math In tlightkintln Ws" another In clolornal verso— It may ell to alobt emu , . b, but by all manner of means don't torget CREiTgn'S hien end noy's Clotting Detnt. 74 Woad et. No chugs for thoolog gnods• TIPPER LEATHER; KIPS AND CALF dELIS3-4. mod asionmsot 111m,..,,,,,r,ram., 500 DRY RIDES raced for sale by dal3 BAUD s DE LANOR. 6)irl DIMS. SMALL WHITE rai.: ANS just .Gill reed awl nr sale. del2 T. LITTLE A (XL .8 2t 3F r z . 0 . . Gibbed liffimilLtetg.re Us . ale, DRY APPLY i. ). 1 1; e . c l , t o n . d :69 BBLS 0110 ICE GREEN APPLEd in e .coca aut sale to close conlfomp r t is: a tAN2-2.0 bble, Small Wbito Beane in - More atyl for Ws by J. J. BOONE. L,• 4 ......_.! ',.. - .' - e,7'.1,":„, - ',',.- J . I lALLO W=-2000 jaatrco'd and for sato deb J. J. BOONE. OOL-5000 by. Tub and Reece in more lusd for NJ" by d. 6 J. J. BOO'.E. rrIMOTIIY SEED-100 bus. in stun) and me by dal J.J. BOONE. AIW-6 kegs NO. 1 Lard; .1 Mil do do, for rale br ded J. a D. FLOYD •:. . , , QWELT OIL-125 gab. for Rao by .14 R. 11.11ELLZR3 11IIRPIIYA BI7IIOIIFIELD have an a. eratatornt of Ladles' Oloaklug Clothe; sho . Vsonos." Cloth. /02. Cloaks to 4 Wm's; Stench Merinos. PT abate° oulam W.I Lana tf bawl/. Los Prlced and fine Cobur44 l'ronen l'l.l4si Plaid !dot:lade Leileting YlanoeM Ueou'ase Wale* Viautela t Prlnte TTlYf attlMo. fetChlkliest'o *sat, sod nIDPI7 01Willtar Oood g. 0 . 11 / 7 0 • 4.10 OR TAE gro --- . each, Tri•toctr ii, on. and Kirthalron, fn. HU at eastorn icme. IL. E. ?MLLE S. LAXIMED OIL-71000 alr. t warranted Lie. - • rim tor anIA by is H. SELLICRI4.' HINESE DUPLEX WATCHES . , just re ) °etre& ear, a large lot of doe Itagllgh haeat Lee ear Ilanttrig cased Watcher; Ladles do,ahataseeestr lad tere.atnrt iew Kir.. Neil W. W. WILSON. TEM MALAGA GRAPES, 400 per lb at 110 , 111.1dt PATTON'S, in Ms Dt.s. LIZA B ET li WETLIERELL'S NEW 131106.--31 r. Ruthehttrd's 0 lithlren. br author cf play, tift4o.Wyyld, for lotl• by 8. Ditrith)N, iNnol6 . 66 Market ityrah nesr 4th. OBACCO-20 kegs 6 'twist Tobacco in t gam sad !tents by EPIUNGCB LIARSAUGLI. .f . .1 1 0BA00030 kogeNo:l,.6.twie6in st r ati 14 1 Mr y 41 % br .W3l. BAO Attn. 4.00.1, ' 411LOVAR - BEED-410 bus to arrive for lige it, b r WV. aW. rn_'• oIk:MF.RriAL PITI,BIIMI6H littaLlZT Orrlos Plinamtaw Gasserkt Estrinial morning. December 17. 1853. i Dashers was more active yesterday, than for several daps past. Flour was not ottend traely. and the viewa et often were far ably. those of boyera The SUPPI7 10 0 . light. however. that prices t• kept no fora time, la mite GI the hear 7 decline East. We report bean. MT."'" trawesellor. of Importance In other articles. FLOUR,- only a (ow cult late were hookah' at 66.7065 $6,75, fcr ruterficq whieb was paid by those who were °airmailed to keep op their stocks for retell The decline In England Is equivalent to 53 ciente : a bbl the decline In the Eastern markets will measurably corm- Pond. to the fees of We fan In other minket,. It be Imporelbls to kiep no rate. Moe, as. area Lep:nibs d.- cline noted by the last steamer. prices here were conelder ably ab.ye iibipplog point. GRAIN-the supply of Oars was heavy, bolt the demand was active; sates from first hands of 800 and 160 bus; at 40. and 710 d 0. ., 40042. Corm ode. on the,w of BO bus. at 53, end 100 do. from stdr a at 66. UTp a lot 0(76 boa. was bought at 76, and re-told at 60. COON 316.41.-• pale of 76 bee. from tint hard., at 50; PRUIT-.ales Prom Move of 300 bus. Dried Peactr ce at an average of 6165; and 4d do. do z , troartera and hely.% at Slr a let of 100 reeks Dried Apples reported at 61,00. PIGtIIIIiTAL-me are adileed of the ogle of 500 and 166 toneld.rcer Co , metal. on terms withheld. OBLICERIEr-tabe In late or 13 tilde. new N.O. BOffilt at 54419 i. and 6 do, old, prime, at 6 Molasses was held at firmer rates. owing to the advance reported la-New Or leans. dispatches or the lath quoting at 1601104. Palm Of 25 Dbl.,. at 21. and 10 da at to Charity trade. No trans actions In 0ct.,,. WUINKEY—Ia wltbout auoipc 6 1 ku N. !Th and 10 bbl.. notified at 25,4617. • LINANZU I.llL—a rale repartel of 10 hbla at a. 11000-616 to paclitora at 500 bead lITO. at 116116; the supply. of drusad liras in market waslarge, but that , went Off readily hi the 6161 war. at 6; rosters are offering 46 16 for dressed 1100 or good .1... SALT—bolders have advanced their view. on extra. and we mar quote 12.01612.12 for No. 1 and extra; Wnesot 100 . 406. extra at 6,12. 11 Y.—eal ea or. sralea of 30 loads at swamp to.. mucz—.4l. at Casual of 85.010 Bolivar 6666 at 16 - APPLBl.—sales fromatote o:26bbls• 611 /poles 6 $1,60 CELEE.II-4, rocatirale demand: tale. .I'6o Las. at 014 610. MONETARY AND OOMMEHCLAL The steamer Suropelook out 1571.000 42 he gold. The amount mit out dosing the lest-tero •eeke re about 11.3.- 000,000—equel to our nimble from Caar , ruM. The Clooduuetl paper, report 4he tenure or dentine Co.. Dry Goods dealers. for over VZODutl. The Balt:harm iamb= trees a Arm Careetaarkst, and sales et:2oo bags good Itle at 12 cents, 1100 bags latr do. at 11% mute, and 123 bags oolnincn do. at 11%. The. &ales are all at Mahar islets %lament,' have beau radlsad • few days abler. Private dispatches reetived at Et. Loaf. note New Or ob the lath. notes sales of 1600 hawk CL,ffsre In that rt rock nov.ll-7. few York and v Ntre n tiamehip Line. ms Ao=IIOIIT =Me 001114.11 P OP PICALIOTYL. IZOIPPIPPOOd r IIROUGH in adeanee of the mail. The salt Llee plying Thorraph nada Winding the I mos ernselag. The NOHTEEN.6I I,IOIIT. *rad OP TEE WEeT or PROMETHEUS. all Put clo deal/sea. glee Steewashlta will leave Na. York oa the 6th sad 60th 111 1 /Iwholleatb. (meat that whoa these day. oa flea.. Ya ra,toNleY Previa= will be sallow day.) oontwoUtke• bYthemtearagua Traaelt hoots, h Vas bat twelve mlleo. eland 0117,114 , 0. with the BteatastAw LEIIItA NEVADA. . Man, BEDTIIEIt JONATHAN, sad PLOI/10, orie wtdeb will leave Pea Juan del had. the Relay tersolate of the 'Prawn Roots. for flea Flambee an the arrival of the pawnor& Pot further laforreadoo apply to Clid.lll,lls MOWowllag Agent, - 6 B Green. N.Y. TALL AND WINTER GOODS. W. & KNOEITILL, .99 and 101 William litniet. New York, DIPOETZI3B AND JOBBERS Id Prend4—German, English and pomade Goode, For Tailors and Maier.. killi ur bm just receivoi by late &Vigil/I_s o _ _lt u mlac i alarlahmr . vg..r . .. , Na Missy Owings. Mord Rat Clouded , Whitosys„ Pater. rtumo.pt 1 that salmis rotor s Patrol Dmombirs Rer. 41114 111cia. tutor sal blank Gowdensrow, Pal.tot Coatings. Vesting, to ruirat GromaMono. Osodsers. !Min soil lochs fabrics, of orw strife awl wsiortrol tozeth. lor with saCiteRICITIP •411011Abellt. Trintudage, mot th.? Goat sultaids f r the Clothing Trails, on Um moot hmtsble bums. Short elm.nod Cash Buren no. pants. akar fanlight 10 wasoilus my Monk bdoD purehaMos Won. aZmitiw n. ,i ~ SILLIE.II.IIIIIIO3I ►ND TRAILUINO SIOUAN M3VZ=I FVIIIOII.AB G. STEARNS, Importer and I .lohbot el smirk ISILLINUY and E ACT GO3Dn 4 1 irollersy. ' 2l p ets Yak. by now In b a r al i te la dnile t tt: mlehst en& carting .t the lowesayke. o s complete as eon:moot cal.& Ls hie Hee, srmlnwing all the ...does coins Mt 4oditos.enneisting Week snit fency talks. nsile...4llone., trtmollons. kallet ilhoos, -tetfet• ruin ribons. tlysee tyliesologe of all kinds, Prroch end Ruttish mom, asp* tierstei.ellk =yam. or, lt , ot . sertee. gloves of sfl kinds. rib lsoe mite barer*. in , ... white's...ode. hosiery. linen otosbyto hdltfe. le.es. ondentened Invitee to t he e tar the North, South, Zan. sod tt'r.t. elms tn the cAty. to Lime him •trith • coll.-ml examine his Mot betorekeneheelne• O,ISItBARNE. 102 Broadesr, .tyrielet - het. Ince* street nal Malden Lane. N. T. LARRE AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK OF DRY GOODS. L: 0. WILSON & coigrANy, GOODS • , .1* Crolietlammit asset, (Opposite the Notional and Western Motel.) end MOO: 11 41.N0 18 DIY rrar__•, 1111 W YORK. INVITE the attention of Wholesale Buyers CO their tryst large mewl...oat offiloods. which Ls kept et 411 ltel=tte .t yeez.Z . ll4=4 to WV .7 IWO Etwamereesel " hearts.* We have leir t delewtWeotx devoted exclusively to the eel* at Clot Cleselmetvo, letatenoou, genie, Pluteria.*.lfaatee Notion." Licesteettee. Ile. ea.. to Melditton. ace 4100.7.4 lame Bose of loot,. loslet.lteut Merrimac* sad e_brooe.. illoshame, Lewue. Sleek &ad ether Iltorle Ville. /teethe.. Boutbeeluee, lb pee.. awl she numerous other article* appertaining to 111. 1.1/LY 410011 h TILADO. Also, meets fee the sel• of " llnyLeeltonl Velent Ilmuudotro aortae Ogles." 7We ignite the ettsalloes of the detect bare ime.hrfavly Twee& or L : 0010 .13 PLATFORM SCALES Loci known—Srrereir triad— Ahrtra Tied—Um *Anon. ladflod Standard. Amts. Naar 'Tort, FAIRBANKS 1 CO. _ aralk:4' n Nei. an WV+ a trim ROB, LOCKWOOD & SON. V , B4111E1 , 1 146:d 8 D1- Aa r = biwz gaiam.i.. _ _ Iron BaistevA_ COISTOCIL. BRONLEY & CO.. IILANIMACTURICHS. Salsa Room N. 9& LrosOrd Nee York, ON 2 WM. ASSY Of BROADWAY COMMON and Folding, plain and °manna. tot BIDSTIADS et all Med. Hotel. Ueepttal, Psis. tae. /molly. dierwentl and Chtldren's Bedsteads alwaye on hand. Alp. general emolument of loon Innaltnn. Mertna r ==r Itt . l w.opeotor to W ahem la want o.eallnees. Inatome. and economy. They ate awary tme from Yenaln mai am mending!? dumb* poTtabl• sad soneattlent. Ordere to %ay extent maw b. 3 to 00)11KTINIK. BBOMLBY • 00, N. 00. Leonard Mont. New York. • .Agate wanted for the tale of the sham Daltliik. Ore circulars sent ',brr net. requested. n01261m A gicatural Implement and Beads.— IwWL ALPO CO,tS 23 rattan et, N. Y. Wholesale and nee Bare Ohmmeter &Competent Bneineu Zan AN teergetie and reliable agent is wanted b the Menahletorioe mel MereenUle Union ofJhe fll7 if New Yrrt to WWI& • Bleach of the Oorsomar oe them). of their Cheap and Maple imode to the eitT of Plosborgh and OnTrOantltha tove• Their Oetsloeme umbrae* • aril large misty of sod a [wet end matt dateable Ends. yhteh meet with • raphl •Ilt.ahr• Nan wherever Introduced. Oar ••••t• regale* Immediate amt steady prop',. far more melon.. tie. than eta be trailla In an, alnalhir beelines*. •S tom).. . . . eat man with titian eayttal. and undoubted tehrenoes an wore thli.aenoy by Immediate she Ileatteo. Watt. ais *riga/Meg the detail+ of the boithass,Bll/1 be hal by oolloattott at the OW of the Cottma.T. No. 237 Broad •y. New Yort. over the Ne.aderay Bang, Room. No 5 de9 Item arANAMA,TRANSIT TICKETS—A. M. iHNIELNY lota Yorriorder fat Adams* Co. 's G li b,. Naomi,. Lwow moored to tondsit. Trozudt 'Dakota from Andow.ll to Panama. Pausoor.Ttakata , or me. la Nrw York. And).* JOUN F.OORItINOTON. 0a2369at Musa • 00.... No 1.4 Broadway. N. Y. empiit's Centofagal Pump, NRIVALIED in the world; it is espec a i d al• ly reenonneeduat to the ettrallon of ell Intarreted Bummers. etaardkotortes. Tormenter. ;Ilrewerire„ Manlier. wsiss lleoeffOf at. Wort.. prob.. ono or ',destine Tor thntollowitin ororortl•st Zkonerep, chino:4oy. stleyftmly.frardinnfromitebilav Mort out etf.r. do., nod lama 'mato/rano Monomer oyptfed for 011111.4 puree...ft moat coon roperrelum t trp4 b 111. aa h" ar4 ln rln i ;cli t aVlA:l h it r :dat and Dirassiss. Ulm If tie to 100,000 "%Bona per Wool. enparlty. Manufaatored by Union POWS!' tfompiny of the Battey fatax,44 Broadway .11ew_lfpfl. deflimer Zolbe's hitutienl Gifts for 1854—One Hun. dred Pianos for the People. eubsoribor bating 1100Offd the copy. U. sight of theonly correct/Alt On Of Bi. JUI11•101 0. gtfith..l,A ll ,47l.l.l,',V.A:l,`,`L'utV4 now to pow, OP, U011014:1ThOWOOS wok*, containing alt ./al. limes popular and faohlonahle Masi. to be called • JULLIENE MUMO leidt DOLLAR. MOON ONE The work will be b 100110117 Printed. on Dim ImPorr with en expulsholy illuminated TiUo Page, and rs esummt Portrait of ch. jrest oompoecr and dominator s 01. JUL. LION.' The oh set the oolaerlbor In so massif role. ontho poky 01.. mg-sight Widen f ht. Jullime• .11940,4 to mato divendeo In favor of salluD WI.IBIO assaltmt that wretolsed alma of bad mass with which the monist I. !holed to destrualoo or all ' • that le good and purple the Musical Att. The mulls sow ' talard In thhi Illgatht In single piece., would coot Mt Dollar,. orjost ohs mom the cost ofJuillooM Book ol Muolo for Um Wiliam. • In moor to MIT 000 dal dodge, el rat tont r irusta t er th _ol: l arall=roloim b tbL u gja h ate among them OilE lIUMDISEU MEM mode by Ums best onoulacturnelo the counEy, fatly fouussuued.om cModged miblioror Superb cell o Ilaucs—saMs UN 00 Eirgant ,do . •do do 400 00 • • • • 14 l ifro s aritit de do ,do c ed e' go Esautilul de • dO do" 260 W - ,'• • BO Hue do do do 206 W - • Thermosets ol kindly gifts being at 'hand an opposto wog every wog so dmorsble should be attended to at one. The mulled oubastihni wilt toorlvo the Ant smiled will qe waded m . celpt will be gleaner sent wltheach Woks * The racteorlbr• or rotors with_ plosoure tette - tomb:et • ouncess of ma Jos . LUDO aIOIIWI.I OIFTB 0/1 IM:1 toad ME and the ontlre sallsfachou who onhemited at .that poricsE Is the • surest mumustoe Mud mom samagrmtot will b. ammo.. ly curled out. The Book, aro how open aml .uono will tor receiyedat t the sums Of the subscriber. All Virt n list P r ' s li sdaiM l osißV,!= r ogo 4 if:4 lll4 l.,, BC . • • BAMIAL O. SL • Mg-Twat Mute It Piano Werwrioari s 300 11,01thriF• ELINHISATIL 4 I* SMOOTHING IRONS. PRE greatest domestic imp rovement of ti a l s sss. Lathe fled Man aLostdzsbEas—. Wisp 14%.f1a5, sad Stamm assaksats vodka uilm " , ' - it 4 •1 "" 11112 ' . UM 81114a L ,sNOTICES. &,(3 • Ctrifc7iolo.6 Alma Plarsosnost 1:7.1 - 716 - .16.537 PROPOSALS will be received at t63e office untllB o'clock. P. K. of Wed utodev. the 25th J.eu O.MA ihr the construction of I'. No_ & abo. for the construction of s and Ness Noe 6.4 V. being ropn l. • Me to extend the Look navinstim to the kirelnla Stare km*. Plena and eveciticatlons will be exhibital at tbe alas mte week previous to ths letting: and all tlearattry in'erme tfon given by B. Lathrop, Yr the puaerilfraed. Propcaabs sill be ar t yments b.% ..d. caeb; alas, for raysttnte innd bonds of. the eons 310011111ta . President or Sic. NaV. CO. N4 O,,N Ag G i AHE L .A . ,, cc NAVIGATION ,.. .A 2. 9 N C u I 51 1 : miteiNG of the elt,cltholdere of the Monongahela Nee nah:et Oontraey lon be held. In rurenneoe cfnhe emir. =s m . the °hatter Inoorporation, a• Vatic °Coe on Onnt eteeet. lb* altr of Pittibtirata on MONDAT, 24 day ofJannery.-A . D.lB64,:(being the let Ifondse in the month.) 0.2 oNtkok r. nu. the Election of Ofloara far tnn ensuing year. Wit. BALIL EWNSecre lA, delEtd tary. Executor's froticte BVELEREAS Letters Testamentary on the mum et Bank &avail. lids of Baldwin Teary. ablp,..aUsitheny Pa„, decoaud. hays bun grant ed to Lt. iratualbs, woo. Indalud to the odd Wi mita, are 1.212111 WA to MVO itabasdlate yozy =apt" thou having claims or duoandaagalanths sonata of rid deosdant. 111 make known the um* without dol., to JUBISPLI IIoGIBENNY, don Baldwin Township. ivacator. Muni' Iffetriescs Cd., Pittsburgh. De... 16th '63. ►rRE President and Directors of this Coin /. emir hare thie tier declared • dividend of I Pre len. per share, non the capital et , ek, Ulna. time dollars payable to s a nd Tw o or their Lege reortwentattres forthwith. and Two Dollars credited to the dark. del7.lotd EIABIONL L MARSHALL.. Beni. _, . 0171(01 Oman' lestrimici Co., Water4t., Pittateg. AN Eleotion for 15 Direotire, to 'me for the enini iv_ year ,wlll be bad at the Mee of the lirnaki.V.l2.l W h it. .I t etqllt r. ria3Til h ar Doe 7tb, 1063, deg 44 Sooretary- NOTICE --The Board of Directors of the b . ri.tnm Pinzt ri s t s IA T . tialnliv o Lloct y ftigdelseg Pennsylvania. Am% 143. eve notice that they will now receive•tem additional pupils under 13l f of awe into their inetitution. gaily argelleatioti will be neowary to Ware adadeadon. ea with their omelet smommodatione their number must be Quite limited. Airplloatkne may be made to Hon. Ott/HEIR at OTHOUH,PIIIIt. PHILIP P. JUSTICH. MARL! WALL •• tom Ulm cI Roontloo. Or to the Prlaedpal the Institution. del6 tlawl yr JAB B. EICEWILDa. Germantova. Pa. NOTIOE—An election for President, six !tanagers and one Tenstorar, to serve no the ow going yearotaddasts of the 'Upper Bt.•Clalr and Coal HIU Tantpllus and Plank Mad Oompsny .111 Da Itslo at Ms house of XX& SCOTT. on Lb. Ist Tuesday, (ad dos of lastaaa7. illet. between the bonze of 10 ottloolt a. X.and 31. x aged day. .11e extinct deliMrt4B JOBS OILIMLAX exr.of Waidatuften Berettar OOP? and onsets l'rax of NpureOTICE—CAMPBELL & OEIESS having the haval the entl e.edns stock msela ofnerr. Billin DW gs, Wilson Tack Tarter, G aseoetated with th em in boadiww,...isobat W. Wilma and Thompson nun. Tha bosinua nut beeentAnned at the former stand. No.• 119 W.I. street, under the atria' Of CAAINIIILL. C 111135 & Cu. NAM& ' . - NOTIOE—I have this day disposed of In' y mxtir• Intereet In the firm of CAMPBELL. aIIEBB to my hde mothers. TEIOB, J. OIMPBILL. and DAVID 011088. who will settle the b , slee.s of old firm. and will use the ammairefOempbeil, Chess A Co.. for that Pfir er lem. OLLABLEd MaKNIOLIT. fit. 12.11153. defitim Dissolution of Partnership. T ' Partnership boretofore existing an- Ma t il fi t7l.l72 wA ,sl9 ,Y b p . tu.3nem of the ud. G.. In settled Drib°. D. 8• OTAWAIIT. LLOYD A O. PitUburab. SOL YOth. UM. veto • lIISPOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP— ohricTIitMenoa t rug c/ .. 7...te i rArt'`.:, 1'42'4; mend coasen4 tither oft lda narraters will we the Fume of the Orin Fattllem the bushman Nov. lath. daI.LICHS, at the CO. nar sees alllbe c o at Hued at the old stand, hr D, Bello audit.** Oren; under Mu Mlle of • Hold W. hILLIEIIB Jk. CO. Assignee's Notice. rrtllE miderelgood Assignee of the firm of knife, Attbsima t (*eV. hembi notides penon• Indeineki to raid Ihno to call and make payment, sod ell anon hartne elateas sedum the Dree wall ohms Pm mut them for tetthement BRADLEY. Aviv:tea nealtlen Ist et. between Weed 4t AlarkeL GREAT UMBEL REMEDY TIM MOOT YALU/LELA% . Spring & Bummer Medicine in the World!! DR.- HALSEY'S FOREST .WINE *waited erp 2r0b114 alnel .0.114:01 it.eultyump- Gusd. bad ateeveat 2.!IoN unary =:l== • Mediators mourning Holuxe or Liquorice. like the boasted nitrkpartli. - requirearmor largo betthe to pro duce the ellghlret change io health. The FOREST WINE Is altogether • different erffele. it tantalum/ no errant to glee it ernelstroor. but enquire* Ito eggetient elver, sad powerful medical frees rho vegetable Risen, et It hkh It le reenneeed. 'brat Vim combiner the virtues cl the WILD 011tallYAD D BA L ION. IiIiLLOW DOCK ADdItILLAI M4;S=MMI=I • .Ite high essoratratioa redden It ore of the moot elle. lead toesiteloee tall its oat. lionietitors less that& • dual, tattle motor. te. !Woodall boUrat Imo hest • debility nod Moto., to etrood•ad vigorous health. Crory dome Mame Raised eines on the coontltation. sad improver the slats of lb* Wald, Tbo 'brut U troosuaandod Ute litacnieet Wats. for aU ocataialate Law. Memos. Armes Dunn ElNliom Ajtctioes. Drgley...4petite. , csagtA=4 J . A. sal eitie 1/AvRO /Mar DiAVM Teatimony of lir. of Mathews. a Wetly respects. Mo. nd wealthy einem of Newark. N J. Da O. W. Must —I bellen ymtr Forest Wine as Pills bay* hems Use wens or satin' nay IN. When I onto messed %[a[ them I laid at the point of death. a .. .Lb Dropsy. Mee mull Asthma. lly phrelelens had [lna toe over as past ems. and Pit &ashy bad lost all hopes y poovery. While Is this &earful aituatics. your forest Wins and Ytila were mosured tor me. and before I had tinlithed the gnat bottle or the Win. and bon of YID. I to. Patieumal meat tenet my body and Ilmha, _whish wore greatly molter.. became seambly neltiodd.. UODO. of my mover, gan now to mein. and alter continuing Ma M etyma. be mesiklas lin about a mouth. the Pilot and asthma were ootarely eared. no Dropet.with 'thigh tartith twee eland It lash great duster. was Moo nearly V.. I have sontratust the me of you medicine until the preeent Mom SCA r now eejey se perfect hsaltb tow 1 411 In my - 111M although I am mon than 60 ot ago Tome, merwstrully. N. MATHIWIG grew!. Dos. 1847 (treat Cure of Liver Complaint of •10 years Raiding. NOW YOU. Jan. 9th. 10171. Dm Ileum Doer 3M—Davieg tabu Tom Four Wine and Title to remove a dimes of tha Liven Dom which 1 Bays eaffeted *merely for upward. o•ten y.a= and ham leg adherd elosely to the direetiomhich acmll2l*=7 tho modietnes. 1 bare *novena my heal w th noteithetand. inn &limbo Mau me thought my ease Wearable. Previ ous to taking the Mee 000 Pitts. 1 bad moors* to the bat reediest treatount bet eontiattect to grow worse to an Carden degree. Some of my mats despair. thief of tor ueet, caaedd trite to perm& ma from making We clam menthol termit, qt,, I doubt not, bet what thou are bundled§ who to disculded from taking rear excellent rosellidnee. le *mucosa** 01 the demUlee and inenkdeney 05 many &dratted remedlate nut forth by reVintLlhrt ' thrd e attel i ttfaZl " hy= loch t: the mesas of Meenadlcur many laboring ender dimes* from mailloe rid end being eland by Mu noolloot rutedlen llumenly atuthsg. M.,. have gaud reT 1114 lawhen I ocatmeneed malting useetherm. [wattle • width. d octudition. boo bursa to nieolience thar good effect:eta leas man Wu dale; and lo 0 mete from the tints Igor. about re mediates; to the great anarrlse of all my friends. I wee utirely eared. and bed inerreseed Mem puede Inmight. Metes taken one boo of Um Pills, and the bedtime( the Wire. Weald to Sod that' every mar sleeve would avail blreself of the soya romeiles. Yount. ha le wIWILSON. NERVOUS DISORDERS Are Canute of the mind. well as of the are mull If brought on by troubles and dilation. as mod common to prune of delloete comtitntlons turtle* minds. Low Spirits, =elem./4y. rightful um . and tearful imtleipations of .11 from the Minh umea, generally accompany nervousdi lonian \ They Wins end Maus an eteergally rawly In thee, °mu d ; \ \ litxtraet Of • letter hum ler. J 04.0. Paghtlielf. , 113.t..1t. • Ds. cored Sir —Your inert Whit and Pills have cored my 111151 of le ereatinal Nervous disc ar. with .halt the had been (Memel for luny par. ler body ma Wilma waste t away. She woe trequently L imbed In her sleep by fegAtful drowns. • waknaing tatutostad and covered with vermiratlon. and, •1 11.. Laboring cad the delusion that something dretiqul about to basun to Mr. sr the tun of Pant bletles of th Pine. and • boxal the Pill. the Is now la perfeetheal She pas regalned Seth ind color. and tuJaeleciety s$ Ell Si • Ira. J . 0. PAULDING. Dr. David Youth. a celebrated trreaUtloner of N. Took. &clued publlely. Chet One bottle of Dolan?. Inuit win. cmtalneduore virtue than Oily of the large Meth" 01 Sarearsuigh. Messrs. IL 3. Inman • U. one of the turret and moot reepectathe Den gists Byreoum , ins tether. eityr "loom what they aye hurl and 0.00 Of hales*. Torun Wit., It Is an excellent and gaol medicine , , ud undoubtedly berme the leading "Means of the, " The Pmet Wine is pot spin larguttare bottles with Dr. Rabe** num blown in lb. g ot. Ono dollar per bottle or ski bottles fbr flee clollare.47ooated Forest Pills twenty-eve went par box. for by the I.l.l.onted W. 1.. In 'bohemia and letalL itk Oena depot 101 ➢Doue Wet, one door from Hodson, en Torn. Sold ',behest, and Mall by NO. Y. Wausau., earner of Wood meet and "luta alien Pittsburgh, anti by JAS. T. SAM PL/I. north.mat cornerOreeletal ' street and the Dimmed. Alleatienf. Violater/MT FOR SALE—A RAILE D CH_. __ _ _ MAC. edONILY.—The seheert; &Woos