PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. I . I.7IILISUBD BY WHITE • 00. PITTSBURGH A' 0: NO, DECEMSBEB'I7, 1868 REIIDZNII MATTER SVTLL Jilt FOUND 05 .7: 1 40gEllaii Of THIS PAPER. ,llELRffereasonlirsuzsz Unctrz..—The entornelve circa . 10.10sta oar Weekly Oisekt• offers to oar bushes sow Les niartaseirsble medians of raelcHurthelrbusinese known. 70a1 ettaniSion fa between tour end nye thousand. reach. *lnge every elllngennd county in Western Perssll. Anti Easuro OW: 111111. Ti) ADitlatTlaaltd—Neither the riattorialliootas nor Piinting LetahlMoment of the DULY Guars, are. opera an Sunday. ADVIRTIOZI I B ...Ito de fi es their 403*nm. appear in the parer on Monday inazning, .1 1, 11101 eas e bawl then in bears 5 o'elook.on SataadaT loft NaYOB OF rrrrasußau. ItERDINAND VOLZ. - Firrsanaarc . oarnoraca sun MONHIGION. Btu,—Tlitirropi'e !imago; Mons.- Brum; of : , .unhaniy saeroory, been hero, and has gone. detailed on titirtatern van on Thursday ''an drip tddt-faitiathii; In a 4ery quiet way.— , .14:Willig received by the Catholics of Paten's& . . t. , 1140 1 Ww.traertlinavy expressions of regard sod dwirolinn, and honors were paid to him 7bich tprobtibljr no man of rennin:l, of talents, of learn ..:ll3l,#d or untarnished clitracter, bad he not ' :- 1 1 1 0 rittActto af the Pope, would ban received, blows. 13inixi was welcomed by • aoremittee p ,isbabalf of the Catholic laity of Pittaburgh, lie set iteldress which, considering that it was. dells itedlu In the State of Pennsylvania' =l= mat ertraordiaary producrtiort—uot to Its alaqusuoe, although It is not doiold of that .. quality, tor kilts stAr; which is florid and orer 7 •jwrogkt-brit la Its Wd natimilly look to Cathollos to respect the freipe'tdltentaia their chief Malloy, and hewn ., • . imoh !kg staii3 disapprove of his oondaot in tutu, or many respects, we expect them to do /honor to 'his official character. This address toes farbeyond 'this.. If Mons. Bectini and the Tiff, hid been u perfect tut aogels, and an whit, Ain Milamon—had they never committed one fel ,tra or been sniffy of one . ein—had their oondaot aid :of character received the Immediate apPrevel of Revco. the language of this address not have been stronger. . pm. Bead comes to us with a very donbt ful obstacter. He is the sworn enemy of liber ty to and of soy rational moans for the devalibit of her oppressed and most degraded • and unhappy populatloo; he is charged with some molt horrifying seta. which-link - his name , with that of Hayman end set* ether human' • mestere. -As the itepresentative of the Pope, and Strictly in the official eherseter, Catholies , foight receive him With respect; but as the Mends of llbeety, if snob they be, they oonld go no further. This did not satisfy the Pittsburgh Catholics. They were determined to elbow their Amoriests fellow citizens that their obedieneeto teem _extended mach Luther than official ao knowledgement. They would sustain and Boo t enevery- sat of tyranny, temporal as well as spiritual: would give their spinout of the whole system of Papal oppreseion; would Ishow their plies and complete abnegation of personality .111146001 matters, or any other matters it • pleases tic:4.°p to interfere in, and falling pros trate at the feet of the Nuncio, soknowledge theautelves abject subjects of the Priestly Ruler over the 601/1111111111ed City. That we hare not exaggerated their position, the extracts we shalt , gin from their addrese will show., They corn mono their joyful humiliation as:follows: "With feelings of pleasure the moat heartfelt • and sincere, •of reepect the meet profound, we, the Catholic; laity of the city of Pittsburgh and Its'elolnity, hail to-day your advent amongst no, and extend *cordial and mimeo greeting. Hairston* you: . as the Embeenador and ins• isedlata representative of. His Hoihtees Pius the IX , whom.. with warmth and demotion, we so. knowledge. -lore, venerate and revere, as our. Common Father under God, the illustrious Head of Magma* unltedthitholle Family of the world.* Loges/is Is abotOrezhansted, In there fi rst • Mee paragraphs , to express the rapture they felt aOsing for the &it time allfrincia of ito ram, etaillist equating their devotion to his and their blister. - This, however, might be attributed to ti oisl courtesy , 're It not interpreted by lAsiteilnerM 4,14 weloonse ye too, as the learned and elo . • ZG,llujsetmder Catholic Principles, as the - calumniated d patient sufferer and mar- Arir Di r the ofiChtist, the humble and pi ,. MR servant cif the: Bohm, as the exalted ,and lecentel Minister of the Lord. announcement of your Intended visit to, **New. World, thrilled through every Catholie and-the anticipation of your arrival mused osey CO/olio pain to beet with joy. hearts we, now beheld.ihe • . tleuttllOetlen -of ; Our deans—the day •of oar leneng-7the crown-point of our. wishes." Zed' eXtraordizary transports would create a sill* of :derision acid pity were the feeling not °Alia/led indignation' that American citizens Geoid 'use such extravagant language to one who , . lad entraged Liberty in his own person, and who Is the representetbre of a Despotism which de -4," - Amerimi citizens who' visit Home the' , eurg religious right whlgh gives them. each pro-. adneaoe here. " Had no, humble ,Protestant Of tho opts of Christ paid a visit to Hems, and hare been roared in the meet awe ' lestatkoi 'manner, 6y men of like faith, the "CoMminFathir under Hod" of the Pittsburgh qitioymi iroad tiara decreed them.the sanctuary - of sdusgeou, end Mons. Bedinl would have been thejoyfal instrument of the Papal vengeance. A decant cones of prnpriety, then, might have eng gesti&l the wisdom of calming their transports, • • and of keeping their language within the bounds • of sensible Moderation. It Is to be hoped, how ever, now that they Imre Been the "oommsoma than of their desired"; "the day of their longing!" "the erown-Polntof their wishes I."—being thus supremely., blest—they will 'have some'norripae • 111101/ on as poor Protestants, whose eytopathies have been keenly excited by the cruel oppres- Boni upon the friends of nirifUnd liberty in Rome end . Tuscany end other Pezte et It a ly, net torgelthog the thaw:ands of • . the best men of • the country she now are wear . ipg out their lives In thedetegeona of His Holt ' • lees Pope Plus IS 'is 0 dear son " the king of lfaple fIOM WAIOUNGTON littabirith Gium24:-. Wasarserros Dec. 14,1868, rat UK; phranology of the peony piperi, "the szoltement oontinues." The rejection of Arm strong ler printer to the Senate has been follow ed to.day - by another attack upon the adosinis-' -tration :rope the Seine source. Mr. Bright, of isdiani; trioday laurcelaced a resolution, the clear fiD4 ; ,400110 Purpose cf which wee to tato the had or Deter.a., Washingtoo, Assistant Store'- • tary of the, Treasury,_ off his elsouldore. The trivia el i tists resolution appeared to hare no per 'song bearing. not, aerates the officer . it was :6111610 toreacie. but it was well understood to be landed at Me Boosters , of the Treasnry, through ' Ids reload and "associate, Mr. Washington. ' It Wsi pained after a brief Cocoa - Goo, and sent to ' the Goose.' Will It lam there? and if It does, tenth° liressident sign it . . ; Mr. Wesehrestod Is a eery intimate friend of Mr. Guthrie, and Is Said to have beau his agent In getting through the fatuous Cocimecti eltelm foe $50,080, more Or less, for which Mr. Guth :lle ins counsel., The first and dearcet object of Olt ilardeltells la to get Mr. Guthrie out of the ',Their wrath against him Is even more . bitter then against the Secretary 'of State, be- Woe, in the tire place, ins was the heademan employed in the execution of Bronson, and In the reezt;,' became be holds the keys of the suing boies, fir the insides of which certain of the Hird leaders have .en" jpappiragmble h aa ko r . tag. Ikea' repeated, attacks Indicate that they emend carry their point . Mach will de. pea upon the firmness and pluck : , of the Nog : Ant. U he etands by. his, unpopular inirdeters end Milos their cause bis own, they may out. :ride the items. ' But that 'ts . hardly probable, sad /I beetle to look as If Maley and Guthrie Te;., • woad be thrown over the ship's eide, as o brace B,* ofJona4e'eheeoe:cruse was 'demanded by the safety of theieseel and crew; • 1: - 101110/1741 , 1 - thiVeztatemeat; Dr. Ow e n, of Cal .. k • uanu l / 2 11441111 alternation with geezer th Tlb ItiMs'effita this morning, aboatan iippolnt. Meet for one of the notratiterenterrit - former, ''' l o lll ..* - 0 1 4 10 E 4 n4wriliwr. 040 : #4'ielriil4 4 4 011 441 ,1 Atiee*:**.igok Guthareetelittlet . , . Giet -l 'asta It hid • . r. told by. one otitis clerks of that bateau that 'thereinto a tramittoy. Theffeoretiry, thereupon intimated that he would not permit &miters or others to be roaming through the Departments making. each enqukies of sleeks. This wee fol lowed by • violent Geese. Harsh words were ex- obwged, and at length pr. 9win retired proolp itstely, denials% that ho would hoe no further intercourse with tho Secretary on any - ounaion, ofrothtl or personal. Such Is the Tendon of the affair current at the Department it I:4.1111111sta after It oscura& The Dootor voted for Arm strong yesterday, but he did not Tote for Wash ington to-day. Breakers are ahead, and the craft called Bentooraoy, Pierce, master, Is drift ing right upon - them. The House has bean agitated for two or three days pest, by aprommaimeento of the Virginia D 3macracy against Mr. Martin, of Ohio, appoint ed by the Clerk of the Homo, Forney, to be Li brarien, Ur keeper of the books mid dm:laments, an impoitant and rather delicate pal. Parker, who we . dismissed,. is . a Virginian politician, and of course till hie compatriots make common . come with him. A resolution to make. the sp .. puirament elective by the llouso,.was offered by 13:yley, the very morning after Parter's naosal, the object being to elect him and thui ejlet Martin. It was debated at some length. AMotiori today on the table failed, 94 to 108. Next, the resolution woe lost by the close vote of-98 to 100, w.result of the:oloser electioneer leg of Forney and Martin, and finally, this morn leg the attempt to reconsider that vote of mitt:- Bon wis laid on the table, Ppm 97, noes 94, !MO nettles the matter. - This is a email-,mat t tr, - but the episode bee this significance : For is the epeci4l favorite and pet of the Presi dent. ' For that 1.64110t1 the Bard' like to •glee bin an occesional punch in the ribs. Hi has published a letter, pending these proceedings, viadltatidg htniself from the charges of bribery rod subordination of perjury in the Forrest male, 11/ich hae had rather • favorable effect. - By way of farther taking down the.asaistant 8 .oretary of the , Tressory, and hie principal, Mr. Guthrie, the Senate voted to-day; that Mr. Diakenn, Its Secretary, shanld net be accounts. Me to thuffreasary for the cUslatreement of the contingent fund, bat should audit his own se ocunts. He is to receive a thotasand dollen a year fur that extra trouble. The following liet of the Democratic Senators ~, h 0 renounced the administration and all its works, by noting for Tucker, the Hardsbelrean• didate for printer, is now known to be correct: —Atchison, proaident, , Allea, of H. I , of Is., Evans, of 8 C., Brodhead, Pi-Ma's., Banter and Mason, of Vi, Weller, of Califor nia, Wright, of N. .J.• They had many dif ferent reasons for their 'course, but they all ecnourred in this, namely- r -opposition to the ad ministretion. • The Union of this morning is cross—almost cane, in commenting on the defeat of its pub- Reber, Oen. Armstrong. It demount the cola bination by which It was effected, as a disgrace ful icoslition of Whigs, factions Democrata, and Abolitionlota. - _ The time of the House to-day has been most ly consumed in a struggle over Mr. Wuhbarn's recolntion, asserting the power • and duty of the government to build the Pates Italland. It woe finally laid upon the table by a considerable majority. But the Pardflo Barad is not 'to be built by 'resolations or declarations, and these votes and all this manonevering amount to very , littte as indications of opinion, or of the final action of .Congress on the matter. The best friends of the projeot do not regard this as the proper method of bringing the eubjeot forward. Mr. Speaker Boyd his made some strange mistakes. Ho has pn Mr. F. P. Stentu, of Tennessee, who, though a member of the , has probably never managed au important ease In his life at the head of the Judiciary Commit . tee, and F. P. Cutting, of N._ Y., and. Henry May, of Baltimore, lawyers of great eminence, at its tell. He has placed Profroscr Moultem, of Vt.,. nu the name committee, although law, Is thounly science of whifithe Professor lute not an adequate knowledge. He has put Judge Ed moods, the leader of the bar of Northern New York. upon - the:committee on engraving with Mike Welch. Some such mistakes were perhaps Inevitable, as the - Speaker could Mot have a per sonal knowledge of half the new members. Mr. Belle is on the Military committee, and Mr. Stehle upon - revisal and unfinished baskets.— Ohio has been fortunate in the allotment of hendret, Blaney is 'chairman of the committee on pablio lands; Edgerton of that on claims, Olds of that on put office' Whin, and Green on en rolled bills: TtieSpeskerassigas the chairman 'ship of the committee on mannfoturee to a Fenusylvania member, whose knowledge of that subjeot-clonbtlen Neale' his other accompliah cunt& an &finished legislator. This gentleman ishlr.-MoNair. • To cane him to enough , to sat. Lair the iron and 'coal men of Pennsylvania that theitictuwasta will be well looked after. Anus. WAILD MiIIITINGS.-111 moat, it not all of, the • , Wardle, Whig meetings will be held to-night for the nomination of Cauttell tickets and Ward QM etre. The importance of attending these meet ings cannot be overrated. The nominations for Counoils Ought to be . especially looked to. ~It is due to thirpresent condition of the city that the best men of the Whig party, who aro willing to ern* as Councilmen, should be selected this evening. We urge, therefore, a fall attendatio' • of %lige at the primary Mectings,to.night, and the exercise, on their pars, of the soundest ells oration is the 'nominations they may make. Lecrrtraw—Oar readers alll notforget that to. night is cot apart for the leoture of Mr. Corms, before the Toting Men't AntOciation, in Maeonio Moll. The high literary reputation of Mr. Cat tle ought to assure him a large audience. Taw Inargorrox --Judge Irwin did not deliver hie opinion; yeiterday, in the first Ede injunc tion oats, but went on with the hearing of the second one, which is stilt under argument The following is the draft of a BUI whleh . the Legialetnre le to be aeked to enact into a Law; *hick lase been adopted by botla.braztakes of the City Cannella. The Legislature will hardly's°. luso to assent to a measure whick le" asked for by the people of Pittsburgh. for their - olio gov ernment and convenience, vrhen they hero grant ed a limiter one to other cans: 411, act to reduce the Debt of the Oily ofFiUshierph. Sta. 1. That the Counotla of the Olty ef Pitts burgh be, end they are hereby authorised and empowered, by ordinance, to chute to begraded, paved, or macadamize dany public street,:lane, al• ley, or aide walk, or parts thereof, which are now.or marbe hereafter laid out and opened to the mild city; upon the petition of a majority of the property holders along said street, lane, al. ley, or Bide walk, or pate thereof—and have the same set with cub stones. And the said Oottnella'are hereby authorised and empowered, by ordinance, to provide for, the levy and collo don of the noel and expenses of the came, from the properti hounding and abutting thereon, by an equal assessment on the feet front, bounding or abutting, as aforesaid. Provided. That when there le any grand rent canned upon goy real estate the name shall bo chargeable with the same proportion of-be cost or value of the paring or macadamizing es the principal of the raid ground rent bears to the so sawed valte.of the property. deo. 2. That the said Councils be, and they are hereby authorized and empowered, by ordi nance, to provide for the appointment by ballot, in joint meeting to. be within thirty days aftor the paseago of this Act, of three competent citizens,se !City Appraisal's,' whore duty it shall be, after having been duly /MOM to wales and appraise the paving, macadamising, andaiTrepar ing for paving, of all greets, lance, or ye; iu sold city, the coat cf which has been paid or as: mimed by said city, which said paving or macad• miring dell be veined aceordieg to- theretual condition at the time of mild valcation sod cep praieement, and which preparation for pariug shall in no cue he valued at more than arty cuts par, gape:Mal yard. Andthe Cif/ Appraisers dell, within four menthe after their appointment, ie in the office cf the City Rega -1 later, a properly suthentioated statement of the I valuation of mach paving, and preparation for ;m yth s , diztlogulabing the value of every square on Niel Bettliti, lanai or alleys: The further du ties of mild City Appraiser,, and their eoropen , 8140)4 to:be provided for by- the said Councils, by.ordbainetv appraisentent and value , ung k ainall-Asp , dad, and. without , - appeal. And the said COunedle ale e reby empowered sod di. rooted to provide by ordinance for the assess! ment, , levy and'collection of the total amount of much snodoetallnt from the property enticed es L ealsi prelate, laser, or paw; or,egoore the'.. ofmact obordb4g ebareow, in *.proportioO to. Um drilawrlA 'weld& salt wormeertY:maYruPd abiliold email& Preverf,liiiiiild siosi• _ . ••••;••. meat ship be payable to, font equal &Mina fu= slaUmenti. • Ban. '8 Thet the money:'tieing from; mid c•il' leited under theld Sec. of this Aot, shall he ap- plied to the Sinking Fund heretofore. established by the Aet ofAeeembljof the 6th of April, 1850, entitled, an Act to Umit the indebtedness, Aa, of Bald city, and shall be applied to the same parocee, and held under the same restrictions as'the said eflintingTund' is by ash! Act requir ed to be. Sao. 4. The eiost and expenee of paving. M' &demising or preparing for paving or- M'Ads• miming, shall be a lien upon the Property stmt. Sag or adjoining, and if the owner or owners of acid property, shall for three months after de• mend made upon them, shall refuse or negieat to pay, or if the owneror owners are unknown to the poison or persona authorised- to demand the same, the Solicitor of the City of Pittsburgh, shill hare power to file a ettitement of the lien,. which shall be •IX the nuns of - the Common. we alth for the use of the. City of Pittsburgh, in tbe,oelee °tate Prothonotary of the' Court Common nose of ..lellegheny County, sworn to by the proper, officer.. finch statements shall contain the Wnattnt of lien, and for what in curred; a descalition with rosoonable certainty, of the Troperty subject .to the ilen, and the teseceof the owner or owners,. if known, and the somesame shill be collected by Simi Fader, at say time thereafter, with coats es debts secured by mortgage are 110111 resoTerable. The ECTlieto of &Uri Faddy shall ba upon the owner, or owners of said property .when tho mane are known, and by posting a core of the Seim Faciaa upon the desoriqed propere,y when, the owner or onion! are not known: Sim 6. That so mesh of .the 6th Section of the Act of Assembirof Oth 'April, UM,' tugged "Am AM to limit the indebtoduese, and- ; to pro vide for the gradual and certain extingniehment of the debt of the City of 'Pittsburgh," as an-. thorises an improvement tax to . be levied, and so mach of any other Aot or Acts of Assembly as is hereby altered or supplied, be and the same are hereby repealed'. . Farms Oevazez.—Thie eloquent and brave advocate of Italian. Liberty, has jut coneeded • course of Lectures in Boston. • .A. oorrespow. dent of the New York ranst, gives the following description of his manner and matter: On Saturday evening the godd Father beam , ed about Italy; and.spage very eloquently of the condition of the Italian people, under the priest ly and palladia systems of police and the bayon ets of. a foreign soldiery. His Inglish, though not quite as good as Kosauth's, is very (meal'. gible and very forcible—all the more forolble that be must speak barely and simply, without wordy roundabouts, —prodnalig the effect men tioned by Wordswerth where he ale— 930 have E. not sunnoind In mind, Bean tirda of tampastkrting kind Than bearing up against the wind. Some of his &ram, fer this reason, remind one of Lord Chatham's vernacollerinne; and I be line many of_our orators would be better epeak ars ifthey were under the disadvantages of nth, er Ganazi—if their voisabulaties were less afflu ent. People asy the Eciglin is hard to leant It would aot seem to be so, when we finillunga rim's and Italian; after o year or t vo, addrete lag Amnion audiences, prodnoing the finest entlituilasta of oratory, and proving Its aspsoity as a noble Tante of the feelings an/pinions -- the noblest, perhaps, that ever emoted. A sown = tinses-of language arst gore rise to figures and metaphors; and, perhaps, it is Father Genzei's affinity with s strange tongue that obliges him to gitellnlitte so much. At all events, his Res ting/tare very expressive, and, In moments of strong sentiment, roan up the applause of the audience.. When he geta into his fortitades, hit nerves seem to be energetically alive op to his quivering finger's ends; and when he winds up a peroration of the wrongs of Italy, with his determinstion—their determination—the genet nal determination to fight to the last and bear it no more—his hands all the while flying with a fierce agility rend his head, or .trunk like light ning on his breast, in the midst of en uproar of the whole house—you see something Infinitely beyontg Kean himself—the old man I mean—the man "with the old complaint." Italian nature bunts out beyond the highest histrionio pitch.-- Bach terrioita outstrip our Anglo Saxon ideas o mental ebullition- and people would be inc li ned to ask if such exc itablee natures are eo fit, as our more Northern temperaments, to establish the conditions of peaperous Independence and i Lofty .civilisation. BM, then, we mast remem ber that these impulsive Itali ans; so full of gm ticulation and Are, were the'men who once got op the Twelve Tables, beat bank Hannibal and Barbarous, a n d carried the Eagles of the Em pire from the Berens to the Araus—to gay notb• 1 4 g of_ptiourclo, Bnonongti, Colon and ethers, whoa Mania the strait geigratei, banding fonnwl on his knee, pronounced with a plead ing and bail-whispered confidence In the eau of the audience—the nearest of them, that b--for I balms the majority heard nothing at alio( that splendid roll. . Guami got a great deal of applause. The three greatest expreselons of it were: where be answered the objections of those who say a Priest aught to be a meek,,mederate man, by pointing .to the couregoons old Hebrew prophets who mucked with the Ark, and stood at theory head of the fighting tribe'. The next vu where be drew an Impassioned picture of the sufferings of Italy under her French, Austrians, Neapoli tans, .to., and then acid the%Americaos did not wait for inch provocation,bat rose against the wipe blood, the descendats-era common sues try, and, on a more constitutional question, best them to the earth, my deer, In 'the noble and cherished cane of liberty. Bat the greatest and longest oppiattdimereent of all, wee—and let the Bloomers take notice of the tut l—when he ad. drdeed the ladies; and, having gently blamed the strong-minded females. satd the fair sex should look for their rights and - hsppiness in their household circlet; instead of looking for eaten for themselves, should think how to make their eons Jots right when they were men. And as *proof that Americans are not eo jealous of the satirio opinion of foreigners, as John. Bali eaytj it may be mentioned that GAVII7II was al most as loudly cheered when he spoke of an American hypocritically prating of peace, at Ex eter Hall, while the Hangers were annexing and regulating Texas and New Mexico. Tor the Pittsburgh own.. -"And as I looked across the valley of ,Grin denwald, and law the anow•flelds sad loe.iikeet. plop of all the Houri--never trodden and never to be trodden. by rnattr-shlnlen told in the !noon light, my heart stood still sa I felt dist those aw ful tasks and I were alone In the eolerin soli tude. Then I felt the significance of iltserland, and knew the sublimity of monntalns."- - 0. W. Mx. W. Curtis, Esq., of 'New . York, Mx._ of "Nile Notes,"and those witty and and humorous papers in Putnam. "Our Best So. eeth" and *f Potiphar in Paris," will lecture this (Saturday) evening, at Masotti* Hall on "The Age of Steam." In this nineteenth eenturand in -this city, whose existence and importance are created by the use of steam, we anticipate 'a lifie'sudienoo to bear the learned traveller,. who 6a ;books have delighted en many people, - Locus= Coiiiterza. Tws l'ameto Ranatten.—The House of Repro sentatives yesterday Laid on the table, by the decilitre rote'of 128 to 72, a resolution offered by: Mr. Wswrwoars, of lllinole, declaring the posse and duty of Congrese to build a Railroad to the Pacifie. Of course this Is by no MOMS -the end of the matter : but it is rather a !Oral cant Indleation of the policy likely to be adopted by the Democratic party, which le so largely In the ascendant in both biaElihes of Congrees The Pre:Vent in his Message labored very hard to be sou-oommittal on this subjeoi;—but un &month :Me endeavor his hostility to the pro jeot.was plainly discernible.. This park of the Message- was carefully framed on' the Virginia model,teking the resolutions of '9B se the per fectioa of political wisdom, and holding It to be the great end of Government to come its near u possible to doing nothing, except to distribute the spoils of office. Oongrem, we presnme k wlLl ern long declare its adhesion to the acme pro gramme. The Rouse has already done to I:ab eam:Gaily by he vote on the Pantie Railroad re.' solution. We venture to predict that no Rail road to the Pacifica will tie authorized by Govern meat, while the Democratio party remain in powee—N. Ames.- • The Boston 21raocasr esysi &constable Of that city haring a warrant to servo agoicat a man for slander on Thursday. proceeded to to domicil lalthe vicinity of South street,. and found hlutwith hie family,:llsing in a oellar Into whioh the ter flowed, and`the - floor wee covered with a Posting of foe. They were engaged In eating scanty meal'of eery thin broth. A heavy Ter diat could not probably be collected. Poi X. MISA3OIIXIBI .I —Ask arrengctutht has been finally concluded between the pasta author• Stine of the United Bisictiand Great Britain by which is relaticii.to all correspondence passing between the United States and the United 44111- don of Great Briuthl and inlatul, Se well asa p parte of.the continua which make the totter a channel of transit for their undis,,Phliadelpbbs, to the extent of its own immediate inteicouree, U constituted, eimilarlywith liesrliorlittud 800 , ton, an gibe of ezehauge. Westusoros, Dee.l4.—The Moult, between Masora Guilt and Godes bee beam andosbly adjusted by an apology ftolll the latter. It Is not true that Mr. Gino hut sent a denueoletery note - to Mr. Guthrie.- The Interposition of Me. Curbing prevented It. The otionrrence - bee ore , etidmuch messiness la the Oeblnet. The qua:: fon whether Mr. Redfield wilt be confirmed la much dlscassed. Thetuirdesay he will cartels ly be r eopened. . Them ars> Indlostloas aleo _of e taimblastleniiielast 13elmont.—zroa dusec. . . . ,• TES - 21OtTinf McNair ". • •."7 , 1 - ,"•11 , e w ould "sitiutlon to...the fallowing er.-1 t lats Of a letter from Prof. HINZ! WITITL, pro. fccalonal sod practical Chemist._ Hums- c,....1 haTo fully examined the spoliator' aad pro. c , qf blr. Benton for making Wrought Iron di. - 1 , net frcm the ore, and consider it far superior to any other prooess for msaufsotoring .• “The principal ores of iron are essentially composed of iron and" oxygen,_ and called by es,emieto oxides of . iron. To obtain the iron in o metallic state., it is necessary to .expel the oxygen.or dexoydige the'ore, Which " Is • done by heating the ore after it le mixed with carbon-- the carbon.lionfog,the property schen brought to a recrbest, of combining with the oxygen of "the o.e and forming "a gss called carbonic acid gas, _which peseta off Into the sir, and the iron of the "um le lettc • the ordinary way, the mixture of ore and -c oboe is Planed Inn forge "saleltieg furnace and exposed to an Inteicsfihest by "omens of a pow ful blast of hot sir. Of course there le an int t•ense waste cf fuel and heat, far not only is the stip quantity of carbon ooneumed which It no oetsary to expel the oxygen from the-ore,—(in pure megnotio iron ore this quantity is about 11 per sent. of the ore)—but also the Tory large qmntitynecessary to raise the mass to a white Iheat and retain it at that temperature for some time. •- "Now, Mr. , Renton obtains/rent the antis hat, 1 without any' additional expense, eta:lent heat to separate the oxygen perfectly from the ore,— , tee waste heat from the welding , or puddling furnace being made .to peas through the deoxy dines clamber and around the tubes containing the mixture -of craned carbon." Again: "By means of the intense heat in the oldprocces, the iron, after the 'oxygen has been expelled from it, cembince with a smallpox cent age of carbon and forms out:iron; which email" . melted, melte down and rune out in the fens of pig iron • "But is the new process the heat is not high enough to cause this combination, and no more owbon being in contact with the Iron than is anftelent to expel -the oxygen, this onabbiation cannot take place." Also: "At the high heat need in tout ofd pro cess, the Iron tikes up not only carbon, but eh, er impurities contained in the ore coin the ashes of the fuel, such as phosphorus, Manganese, &a., I blob it is quite impossible to expel afterwards. This impurity is avoided by the new,procees. "Thus we find thei' by the new process, pure wrought iron is obtained direct from the ore. "The itoftnus, coelkability, tenacity, and resistance to coronets of ,iron are a `depen dent upon its purity. "The Russia sheet, Iron; the beet and most wally kind of Iron la at the-game time the purest. "Thus the poi/ of iron is a matter of the highest importance; and I am of opinion that upon the further developmen; of rho principle and process conch greater results will be attained than has yet been accomplished, and by a proper selection and preparation of the ore end carbon, Mr Renton's process may be made to yield iron of very great purity, equal if not superior to the Russian iron, and it the same time cheaper thin by any other pewees whatever t" "It is surely necessary to advert to the ad vantage, which the nexplicify of the new proems bee over the old." "In coaelusinru it Is my opinion that this pro cess is one of the greatest and most important applications of chemistry to the arts that-have been made for many years." Yonne gespeetfully, • Rust 'Wcatt Wessman' Ox mrs.—The telegraphic cor respondents of the Eastern press furnish the fel. lowing items of Washington The resolution passed to day, ranking the po. eiii - on of Assistant Secretary of the Treasury • Presidential appointment, is with the view of giving bir: Guthrie a premonitory slap. It was Meted in the, Herald, several weeks ago, that one of the first ets of the Senate would be the pan -log of snob a rceoludon, and the proceedings to dsy proie-the correctness of the information.— hir. Guthrie has declared if Peter 0. Waddling ton to removed he will resign, and the President ban glean 11.551111110ee that Er. Washington's ap pointment to not agrecablo to to him. It the resolution panes the House. wire think it will, then it is fair to eappose the President will car vi out his previously expressed opinien and de cline 'to nominate Mr. Washington; but if be ehould, it is tertian the nomination would be re jected by the Senste In either case, 51r.,(inth rie says he will resign. If the House pima the resolution anew.Ettoretary mutt be bunted up, and Mr. Breckenridge, of Kentucky, is already mentioned for the position. - The Washington Star furnishes the annexed additional paragraph:— - Phi Sesminv? Pay , astd 4filisiiezWineder:. stand that the Secretary of th e mesa to advance money *in the lump" to therritsideut of tbe Senate to be held by him ins citrbank or elsewhere for dieburtrement, .on soisonnt of the Senate's contingent expeneee.. He Li odd to require the draft of the Secretary in tech eve olds ease 113 it may arise; the: Senate has pasted a hilt making their Secretary a disbars , ' tug officer. In this determination, bolaeeny lug out she understanding to 'Mile be re cently came with the Speaker of the Horse, the House's centiogent expenses being hincaorth ta. be ea paid.. 9fr. Gallatin set - the otannry precedent when Secretary of the.Trentury. Booms! or TIM Beartstezz Ann Oslo Ban, aoan,—The Beard of Directors of the Utitimaro and Ohlo Rsilroad held their regular,quarterly meeting yesterday morning, when'the report of the business of the need for the ninth of No vember was received, showing a Moat gratifying , increase in the receipts, especially from freights on the Main Bunn The- fallowing is - the ewe- Eliot of the revenue for the month: . Main Rom. W6.4b. Draw& Totsjic 313.499 06 -810161 16 ; , 841,646 56 Inlilar..-,---251. 6 74 47 LISS 07 061,00 64 $Y 273 63 • This shows an Increase from freight% as cow' pared with the receipt of the preasdlng, month on the Main Stem alone of $53,475 44 randen increase of the entire receipts for the month of $83,872 59,' there having been 'e conelderable decrease in the receipts from maisonette... ' The general- teceipts of the Mabatfitem and Washington Branch from freight and pass note, as oompered with the receipts of the correspond lag month oflBs2,rompare es folio=. M,ta Waset. - ,11 1 / 1 11ro Ittaaelt. 1 tt1;=.10117.7 8 = " Ala Pe • inoteue in the receipts It wilt be seen is $188,062 87, showing that they were $42,042 98 more Nam &sale of those of the month of November 1862 These results, with an Ufa fished road, and an Insufficiency of rolling pow er to accommodate all the -trade s* atkelog, must satisfy the most doubting of our okirons of the imperial's neassillty of making , immedi ate and ample provision, unencumbered by an cient restrictions, to enable .tbe,ros4.to meet re quirements of trade and travel whegite Western connectities are completed; the fleet of , which, the Central' - Ohio road, will form its junction at Wheeling In six or eight months from the Fon , One limo—Baltimore Americati. • Tna TOTAX. Loss ei rue Boxitomir —The fol lowing despatch from Capt. Johnja. Parker, dated Halifax, 18th December, addressed to EU. wood Walter,, Ba g ; idemetaty of the Dead .of Underwriters, ortingulebes the Malmo' of sae leg the smamehlpilontboldt:—. • The forward part of the. bee When' up.— The !stern holds together yet, but tinder water. The goods aro nearly all in the &Me part of the 'hip, and some are floating nut. : he Gomon mast, sethe meant of Mr. Canaet la sending down •-forme to watoh the shore, end a revenue °num+ f e pieteet the goods seaward.; The nano was I.Bl9.pecipeget; about MO - lauded; the rest will be neaeltattotal loss. - The Haden will not bo ready- to begin loadlngetli the =Crept. • hp. PABZIII. MAYORALTY , Roam W. Pali will be eloldidate . for-reeeleetion to the Illreorslty of elleibelly City. at thevereheg entJeet to the death= . otthe Whlg Couteetton.,. SPZCIAL'NOTIOIIS. Sinlibd Ward Ileeting.:- . -' , - The Whigs mud Aral...Nissans of the Third Ward silt - inset .t Bolling'. Dolliboo on AATUltuer evening. the 17th last. at halt met o'clock. for the vamps* or nonleatlng - candidates for Councils and Ward 0121cerlyLdeleJ MANI VOTXIIB. serdeoond' Ward Whig: ideating, ~to. Ulna 'niter Wiwi °Mem alit be • loan ak a tnatak *mint• log, at I o'clock, at Astbat'a WA Grant :at. The .Wkike alba Ward aro earnestly *equated to &nand.. . " • .dear •• • 1111:11:101i1itT71111. • Card:Oza Buta.'n Omnd and -Osktively mar ooscEnd., on tioniak evening:- • . The. publlota reapeattulty• infmned, that the sala 'ticket* and rikolca ornate tar OLE - BM WS grand now cart, will comentrace oo /hide/. Lnkor-litkiwall: continua until kt**day. at Mr. n. Klebar'a nnuit Ulnae Of litanies On ger—Thio Esonoo.te • "reparation' of animal maw", In 4 iltlbms, WI% Intiplont abolual In Amt. In al woe ,prlxtratlon of the dlzeothe -fpnotlonil. It hi hf Ineethoable During the protalentle of thgeplainalo .holm endetn=eof tomplalhti ore/11141:4%h pantllitrir oPconlouo: no Malty or LogioLitua attoelf be irh.hoat lt 'C•Prtos-11. atm to got. the ODIUM , tune% stdah Is t•Nto..l only by P. lIPJSWIP. at liLl Drip and Chtendria Moro, nott - Anot Omer of Iftlb aid Men= Assets, Ph:11. •palyho.alvl for sale by an tW remeatolh4 . In the State.; end. In Pittoblush. hy Benj. Peke, Tr It A.:, yeltuestock .1, Oa, Dr P. 1193.1 th. Lilltlher•WllonlUk Co.. .T.Pchoopoialpa a Co.: • , L In Allothonf eltyby'll.P,Pciaruto itnl Ll* IL. , . , H. COI4I4NS. PORWMIDING coM2biEfoN ;.MERCHANT, AND Ivionsaiis unapt IH cil4.olo4.llllTriasAl C,MALLY Minit,j4o OZODUM, sawsioiraikinirestirmonaript. ••• .•- -•:.:.-:.,.:•-... ~•:::' :4 , , , •..!i2i: - :;' ,"a.t HOMDIF, INSURANCE COMPANY, ~.NEW YORK. CASE CAPITAL 8500,000! B. O. LOON'S, Amt. - No. 69 Wood dont, Ftetenoroh. Simace.L.Looaff....-...---LaWoft6Ztos.Usitftmd. Jam Clwatep,..---..-•-•....Vir00 of uorni• e a CP. noodorti Melmour..---...11 , 111 of gown A McNamee. li.,th xr d Borlato.---..-.-....-Eirso of Drum Mug A Co. Waists H. Mak00...-..--..-Vizoo of' Olean, Males a Co. &woe 81i5e...-...... ..... ..,.......flum of Came Blies A.Co. Arras H. Eeo.-....-.--..—.. Vino of Zoo, Moberly 2 Co. ~,e. At• Tikod.--......-« Firm of Willard a Wood. Lod P. fit0w,.........-...........-.—n of game Bo ron . Jfingn, G. Ely,-.............-..lfirzn of AV. Clapp a 80. J.., L0w,...-."-......................18m ofJam Low a Co. co,arica /1.-:ifech,.....................Yirm of 0. l o M lis a Co. Jobe B. Mdtkineols.....- .••• —llrro of J. O. *owe & Co. Irdifose G. Lersabert..........Wirin of AL k A. Lawrence a CD. Maria A. Roddey..-..-...-.......-.41n0 of Uok.‘ey t Co. /etas Attorbaik,o,-.lrino of • Lewis Attorborr Jr... & Co. Zoof P. Jf0rfae...........,7iret orJ.M. Beebe. Id ..an a Co. Amos T..Dfacat.-........Firm o 4 Trowbridge. Thdalit a Co. JoNn G.Nc1a%,,...:.-----.03..........71rai of Deleon a Co. lfin CLomics. P. dvolfe...-....... of f 810. Starr &Co. Gawps 0 0.84.70,................-".- irm o Mormon A Collin. &MIS D. it0rvan,.............--. Inn of t . D. Closer & Co. j,,...‘0, D. awauf.......-.......F of Coo, Loth roP ACo. Thaws 11e5tan0r,...........-Ofrii of T.! EL Idocanser, David antford.--...- - ....Ifiria of Johnson & liwoked. D avid H. P10r10r5,............Nfrai of Norton. filltioo & MO. rol a ffisiNtg4=7.l l' incrir n al r ll 3 44l 4 A P ill ffral 8. 8arriak........-....:..-..0f li: B. Baron & co. Roe Leckwood.-...........-......-Tirso of R. Lockwood a don. Anoka H0pk1at.........-.-...lfinn of Ropblas, Allen a Co. Jowl , 4. Imo4l.—..vienTatiroTm . : ifaloisri i;riget. r 11140 IL ProthingAoae, Era* Ifrothicahato. Newell A Ca 'Jam a So4ff..- . or Swift, fittribut a Oa 0440 FoUt,..---..........- .....Virm of Condit a Noble. Mood A. lifork..-.-- ...• .. -Winn of Work A Drake. Nathan H. 5t0ch5c11,......,y1 - of Gibm3n. Stockwell • Co. Jaool ItLaaAckW..-Sfron of men Llomphrey A Butler. in* r. Bader_ . ..... --.....;......0uh1er Oortinental Dank. Dartford N. 80rnew„..................i1nd of Wolfe, Fargo & ON Gamve rearce,....................„Arm of - 0 . 707g; Pearce A • CO. SIMEON L. LOOfdlli, President. oami. J. MARTIN. gametal, . Lyons •Mithairon.—The Kathairon noutrallsorthe abate of Manse, Cliaude• and old age, In Preserving and rationing the human fair taco after a Be/linen of rains leant ebausara the main froth Dainnog awl Its natural Impuritian will ears the Nervous Head. soh. and all %raptly@ libitum of the Bain. and le they =net testrehle article for Ourling and tmpartisur Owl° the hair in the world. : Ithanfolli unites the a et the choicest Pomades to ths test Prenr.h Either , and az heles the Palma of the moat delightful down% No person 'should be without it. Palo. only 21 ota,, In large beaus. "gold by all dealers, narrating.. • D. S. BARNES. Proprietor, 101 Broadway, N. Y. gold to Pittehargh by It. S. dollars, 0. Fraser, Benj. Page jr , Flaming Brea. and Brame & Ratter. poled= gar siug HILTATIA AND LATATITTI GOLD 1 Vlning"Oompany. Norwker wham ,plllam JAMES P. TANNER' i, WHOLISSA It DNALER IN BOOTS, 880 n, BOISETB, AID LILTWIR, MZR;EMM= ser My stook oonsistrof upwards of 2500 CASES, embracing every variety and atria of BOOTS, 8110114 and BONNET/I. otirchasW all . ect from New Rag land manofaciarera, adapted a:meetly fea PALL and MAWR SALIM and will be Goldat malsfactoxy prime— °amps:log favorably with Him of Pbiladelphla and New York. Purchaser. wII yleuell and examine beom baring. Lbw. NW YORK BOLE LEATHER. IHU ierWs tuner the attention of onr read ...totem vivatisement of .I.IORBI - 8 INI7O ORATING 0011DUK.." to Do !bond nine lb* foortb A. H..HOLMES Bz.BRO ILANUFACIittRIIIIII (l) SOLID 808 VICES, SLEDGES, non, DIATTOCUIS, CROWBARS, &c., swami soasw MUDGE BOLTS, OAR BOLTS, wAslizaa. COTTON. WHAM:LIM MEWS. PITTSBURGH. _ Omits SS Wood et., betwasn let and Skjad. All kinds at blacken:alb work for Bridges.ltr..., draw at the shortest natio.' and as the lowest pilaw fair All wort warranted equal to any manuntalm4LllllL eallo & BARNES' BAFEE.—Here I the kind of teatimonr ea to the voice of our NAYS& noon Wilith WO can contideoUr raft the roputatlin ef•our week- Wo have Already robllahed xt.nl cerilf4tee. coroitiss that .b. =tads for our regular and Ordinaty Wee. and• cold abroad, have been mutdroted: to Um fiZYSIIMT TESTS IN ACTUAL CONFLAGRATIONS. and , oreeerved their contents totally from from demur. Thetbiloirinn le another proof of tho tame ineontretabls chiracier.— $lO,OOO WORTH 07 ROOKS AND PAPION Li - VIA Wll3l A 840 SAFE: • ALBION, It lus Corm; P:2 blustember 12,1142. Mamas Dona Duals—Dear Flinn Your too re were duly misdeed. I woe Montt at the Mum I would POr. " rtee d t o te Ilt7rott ß erlLlZllt,l=,_l 7 4%!: of oh. 10th of diene g lmy atom ...Ming Wog burned to ashes. It WY built of In Mien— • lama Musa story Imibilna. My Sate ems In it at the demo of Me bre, and sell Into the cellar, where 10.00 was law moment ol MI. It vas wetT bat Ire. My notes and book' acesoutti that were In the B.G. amounted to shout Tan Thomism! Dollars. whleh was Mee& Tbare was net sena* Pew isnared; sod further. I would blob. an! non wla - o le doing budowes, no bele. but buy . Safe to keen their papers, ta, In—and eta Mr that I. goal. YI oast sanely rocomencod roar Safes to &rms.., Yours. Wily, fe2zutt • • JOHN otatuni. LADIES FANCY PUBS. M ' CORD 4k: CO. Would moat respectfully in its the attention of IsdlSs to. thott Win sad soallp/do Mak of Mat 71;ICII noir opals& oositildss Boarlabk. Mow 3irartla two. Lyon. Cannhns. !fascias' 'Egatrail. Rood Noth4 Gnarl. Coast aa3 £lllllOl Dove: Matra. Vlstorlass, Pol assist Cans, Plods. &a. Gomm Wood saSth acme FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE CO lIELINCII OFFICE Coe. 4th & Smithfield • ista., Pittaborigh. Orpitol,3olo,ooo Dogma.• ia-....J0h0 P. Rotheried. Daotihlo ea,. P. C. IholgrriM. narrlabirrirzfarelJoras, Phila.; A. whet... .Booker. Phtsharr.l; Az - A. Carrl•r, Pit:W.4mhz John IL Itotborront. tomphinsa; A. J. Whitt. narration . . 8, T. Jot eh nantabonv Robert 8 Vota,carbon moan. Jauhr P. RAlTuzulOttlz, Preaktant. A. J. 31LIAT,Socrelarr • A. 0•11.14.11111.• Anson, 'Mr •baTi Oompaay vla 111•6141 KO:W=IU or ma •cui nalrls.tkra *ad Usnliart•tion: ma build ingr sod elacluadis• La city oe amatry. at lowan rem eowd.a.t with pasty. kollemloonl Musa rarportmllr or for • term of yarn. teol6lalll4. dirard lire* lgazioalrunvanco Co., OP PHILADELPHIA.' OFW& OF PITTSBURGH. AGENCY mans 4th and Bmllhaeld its. Ctipaal, 300,000 Do/ 'ars. #'llusornam—Wer. AL Meals, J. P. B4tner.ll. A. Shack . And, Paul Tharlon, B. lt. Purls,]: B, Ilmasen, B. Ailesbell. Samoollones. H. B. Connogrs Thos. lersems. WI. H. Sowers. V. D. Sharman. A. .Bu. F. Any. der. W. P. Harmer. Alas. linos. Jr. FOTIMI. Shosnard. JOEL JONMS, knit. A. B. 01LLETTe Ses Will insure Cotton or Woolen rentories. Vessels. soar. numinss, stem, Mershandlre and .nroPett7 orally. on chem. far ...Oils terms. sherS toryl-1.4 A. A.,04/18111R. 1:23:1111 O'COREOR, BROTHER & CO., NAMES= AND INIIIIIIANCIN DNALNRN, No.lo WOOD 6THENT. Oas door from Ebel streets Pittsburgh Da..Bay and sail Par and Current Funds eight sae - Maw litithsago ewes Steaks, Isibmr and Western Mow Bills, sad PromirsoriNotor: allow 6 pa rash ea Tlm. Dopositos of Pow and Colossi lbw; sad, lawsro tar sal Mains Policies for Bur Alma hosurowar Cbouissit Cush Osteall1170,000) sad Bawd karrairst Cb (capita 6l0,000.000): sale serlt would' hardly do for_ any one to hove the temerity nowedare to oseetton ;the 'excellence of Dr. HookehlbGetnoin Atlas, which in inenated by Pre 0. Id. Jackeon. In our of dreeriena.liter anntelalbt Ind derangement Of thi dht• shwa argue, their 121507 virtue. - hire tong eines beamed* plainly menet. They verge feats the system the morbid henna. which retool the net and (analogs, awl Wok Datums to the cheek and .of blink to the brow. • They banbh those clone non barDP rune amp nu ore the stibnite high basltb , - denkw (ht zen's laimranua uampany of Pittsburgh . - IL D. KING. Pumas:rt. . .d.L.ILUAL L. MA.R.6IIILL, 131Wr. OITICE, 94 PAUL MMUS warn AID Adf- INBOIIIICD NULL ANT t. ' , NAN; MEE ON Till DUID AND +l6/82118DIPPT BIVlp3. AND TIIINUTA. . VOW: loss or .d. 1,4011 6v r/u6 Aloe. Paine thapertb of the du and MLA" D 114tia.a MOD and rzAttraeo;rariam tatw. - W cr. za. • ISamultreal r Robert - On . s.llarbagst4' • ISklwara Liwelton. • Winn Brisnt. Tuan . lOW First Premium for best Bilk Hat— WILBON f EON. Yarblonablo trattoria 91. 3Yood 'treat, are now roamed to forolgt flair economics and the pn,bllo. anatwortniettt of Kati and Clapo.4ll wyjah for boanty of data, and inioon cannot ba 999 ' pasontny any hoes* to the atty. , Pattlantar attention to Ittrltel to our own soanufordnro of ta. $340 and S'.oo U.S., a022-tordawB ViirliVer Disease. -- Carter's - Spanish hilaturs. as .a remedy for liver dhessa, and the number of formidable sails ooaaeat►d with • disorganized slats of that orgim,is unrivalird. •' resonamm litualsoda of oestlecotee, rem the Itigheel looms. of ' roma now living in the city of Itinbmotel. 'Va. oiled benlyou'or env. effected by Costa's 13panish Aliztorn— Ws bay' only room to refer to the exissordinerr min of BomnelM• DritMert Rol. of the Arm of Minima Mords Hooksollerx, Richmond, Va_ who woo core by 2 bottles' osHerterse liposdth UMW*, after 3 yeast sidialag ham dirwed lives. He Sofa action on the bloody wonder fat, bettor than all the stiodielne he had ever Wow. and obeesfully ncommtnded It to all. - 1121.flect advertisement to another column Ainakland,. Proper ' for . Bale—This liconerti le etheetod about one half mile Prom the city !tontine on Pe nntelunte Avenue. It le eAevw4 with real t.Tvece of Atm tiboloist kind/. niece of them In tin toselng. Alio an einusdanoe of Arse... Reinherili Onnant. thtelebmw. An. Lc, -''There le • two lecitrireAno Mom; together With convenient ant bonne on It. For nee of &twine and plecwantneunt loontion.thite lectleeeke ainitot >» surpassed. It =Mine a Utile war 6 scree. I wllisen anon ale together; ortileicitt It to milt parchment. FIIOB.. 1111 Wate CAMPB EInnen LL. - Nor .out. B. 1= dif .AMOS LMIkND & CO., fl7l PIII6III,jOTRENZ lANUFACTIIIIEDI AND DEA-lAMB MIRY MatItiPT.ION OP, STRAW. co O,DS, PANAlitt., LEGHORN, SEWED. BRAID, CARTON AND lUD LEAN lIATIb English, 1td11833. BIM" and S il k Bonnets; AsTukicaAr. vzowinita,. STRAW TRIMMINGS,&e.ko , • By C,u4h, 'Compiling cm of , the loon Monte ta nu City to thatatteatlan tbab asd Pa* Halm r....t N—NATTIIIIB ara D111111;17111:17 , Imitallaeall and luAmin, at* 'Nock INN& ladtdamlsitsb• Vitt ' at* lipbtaitagall tba nal sad - hibiaaable Al* as eeritidigestion - And Liver: Complaint CONED BY Eli PlSTll o 63l33l—Heed the tollieleMS !eta loom Ti.zw, 0. DtekirtenT... s `,;ler.oner, to Oree,r: Ma. J. 31. FUR—Dear wifs haring i been greatly boowtted brae:nen at your Petroleum. t I wish Okays yen send me o lox of two or th rem dorm bat. Ile, lan th.• Oongregat-oest Minister In this time. and strove of my movie ere affected with ind , ,e-etino sod an • iwellen of Me Liver„ lb* saute of ro•self end befrre taking your PST1101.111:131. 011 ROCK OIL. We took several holtles—tiroor threw eseh—about aye. amlabell aro, sea we hare DtTereDß..,e4. Stend beeftli for ream 1 we bossism that time. / had not taken finely, hot- ! W: before that fallimas of the storosat which roo die:roam,. s.dyseepUe relherd. and I here felt uotnin: of it incee that time. My elite was also relieved from a chronic diem. of the User, which hod been of several mreettntl g. by the use of your Petroleum. • Ire P. 31. ELP,It. Canal Bairn, _OBO. 11. 118Y3PR. I'3 Wood strastond Dram/lets and Medicine Defier* oet26 ry where. PareniairertfAetz Petroleum will cone I p 0 , 1:2 oL— eTglite tul rm nrdp.raiga:wdlitrged.cr.c.l...l..ood 'lamas 11. Stewart, a u. late erns of. Stewart. Lloyd a here eh. nay formed • eo rrartuership. under thon.Ma sr etyla of LORENZ, STEWART i CO.. tar g 9 t.,. of ra.olsoterinw Ir. sod Nelle,end bare fgt. , . the Warebeuee. No. 02 teeter 4treet. between 0 0.7 itod abort at, where they hen on • cd act smortorent of the earl. on , Awe of boatel . which they offer 00 ealer en n cononOilatlng tetra. •ey reerketfollY Ihoo , ' rulswe of the public. Wit ISDERICELORMS.4. - .leT4tf TOils. 11 . STEWART. - 41BOURE YOUR SHADOW 1-Be wiEa, 7 profit t ctvd advice and go ottralichtway to CAit• 6:IB.2tXWALALLEILY. lto. ;2. ouch strvot, awl nue yooiwllY othora we Iron." Style and Leo , to sott sli. — trAngero and &Imo= Are irmited to colt ant examine .pithitats. - var.Du Pont Powder. —Every variety Wee. Alining and Bloating Powder, 111111li .iu .p.ekßi. . al oars on band andfor .ale from Mullin& la lots to. t .puronotra, on favorable term, dloo. Beat, tiro. ]O9l 1LfL199..L..._. (orriaSsu to 3. =OD • 00.) WHOLESALE DEIJORSTS, . No. 60,W00d 'West, Pittsburgh. 14.Puretnr• of D. Mood!, Osieblutnd Vsruilbse ‘rnr PD sn. subsequent relaxation. The dealderatum I/impelled. In Morse,' Rude or Cordial we have • preparatlon that gives the impatuaof vigorous health to. the lmpaimi physical orgenintion.and at the same time elevate, the spirits.— Way, more, It keep. both the body and mind at the true pitch of health, and there is notion:mien consequent no. on its eetion. In this respect It differs from every other stloanlant known...beginning with opium and ending am• motile. Contradiction of then fa. ta Is eltellenuad and de EA, vlw, that the Elixir c or Cordial will curs ,ick heal ache, nervous hesdliele, dyspepsia, lowness of spirits, ...roll Incapacity. Irreininrity or weakness of: the tune thus ',eviller to females, liCrYOllll affection. general debt'. ity.eleeplenness, want of appetite. Jana.., want of vigor in'anyorgan, Octants of stomach. itiddinene of the heat. o...afnelon of ideas, flatulesce. and nervous spume. f i nufe of the uniform rimer In the ahove mentioned, and many otiur oompleints, are in nonunion of !therigenta. Tbie Cordial Is pat up. highly concentrated.ln pint trot' Va. Priv, $3,00 per bottle, two for UM, el-r. for SU. C. IL 111NCI. Proprietor. ate wet the Went Indi el. General Agents in Pittsburgh—Geo. L. .ISeyner, corner . Wool street and Virtln idler, and Fleming Bros.. corner Wood end 4th et. 'dela-Pea SerFive. Hundred Worms Expelled— Bead the tallowligetstemeut from respectable Druggists thi sariointos effects of O. A. Pobaestook's uneortallod Vormltose: tiy3 A WOOD OUNESS. 'DIZIOTOIII I • • Wm. Culune, /e -- •14;g411,6ti Joan li-uChrarbi,- J. El:e:coataakilt wat Peensnri I=ZEZTI D W. C. BIDNDLL. 151.uf..turere aunt. cc. Vrontnr.et. Pitteuont »..:...WCOla~ ~Lnmlo FLEMING BROTHERS, siS-Worthy of Consideration.—Soitsco Wen groplig tame, crter sometbitig that trattld otr force and Ttgoi to the ty dam, rtitLout the pc !ult., of BM Broadway. Now Nora. gold by Druggists throughrut tba United Bifidal. Can Ocammtnwa. N. Y. Jan. 13, 135& ilLers. B. A. RiAnerfoele • tlantlemen—alatmew (11a1r, s man of undoubted enmity. of the town of .Idebon,.et. Lawnmea 00., N.Y.. ow. that be bas &little girl, 4 yearrold. to whom he gale :doses of it.Tahno look's Wrrolfutte. hi a .entromeire • hours. stoats:anon of the rams d ay she paned at cot. tints. ISEVIINTS aul at soother. NINET.E6Ii N Ulthie. About 2 a•olnek the following night. she Imes. el the Incredible number of VITO a TWK.N. 10.13116. making In a 11.337.1. less than 12 hoop!' time. lir salt they were _perfectly astonished at mush a mass of from • chlidef her age, and that le counted them Tory reste , etfu , ly, YY XII a - RAND At L, 03. Druggists. W P.P. and Ist klttsburgh. .] and sold by B. A. FAI/N6SrOl,l A cur. ood nol R. C. LOOMS, (Of the late firm of M'Curly & Loominj VIIIOLVALN MULCH. IN AND SHOES, BOOTS 69 Wood stilist. Pittsburgh. j. 84171,11 T. KENNEDY LOGAN, WILSON & CO: . LEPOETERI AHD WHOLEBALE Dwain FOREIGN ..t.ND DOD EKTICI HARbWAILE, CUTLERY, tike Ate. Have removed to their now sand extensive I ne:e 2" t?Lir: "." " a Xit= B ;iatiir. •ri. rd to so sramlostion of the roosts o mss,,t to•nt ofrovd in this tits. felt, ' NELSON'S FIRST PBXXIIMI DAGUERREOTYPES.. PUBT kiEFICII BUILDING, THIRD trnagra. alf ./TiZEINti azd laving.= ieact cTiahjo • ob,. 1....) trio ruk metttrato, orttorts vial 111+ likt 1.11, ti. ~rr., TeIT 111041trae orter. will Mo.: lr to their troterrrt tot! .t Ills ortll ittrotto trtablioltrodoot, vh-te =Or* rottrlt.ttitoo ;rowtrooroutt, tr so