' • -1786. - 77 77 - _TSBORG# ii l l2 rF, PUBLISH/1D Deux eam mins Li BY WHITE ;& CO.' "IX,, 'lglYiL)••—•.*—...........—LUlttitt.,iWslu2. : tAxatut, IIAY —Berea dollars per &nasal. rerab , . . thatiaie /torrid In edreaa.- BXKLY—Tito delaapa amiuk, la advancer. Mote - bit SuPPlirelrea th• rolkwle g 4 , rbtocoavf as pr aunra, 20 00 ..;, „,, ma u.stLato ritth Davey", rig wont mur earl riw, anima ..tue SMOIIB ris .0 1 rot • repose/. EATER OF ADVEIFITSING • tme 130nare.(104inm dt ttonparell.) • Do. one ineertion 0 . Do. migh additional insertion-. 016,. _ • " ' f ' d t o re . . 1 . — 74:7 Val • . Do. . two m0nth5......." . " .7 00 • Do. ',threeoo • • Do !mu ITn a tlu. 10 0 0 • , ' tmarnsemiths—.. 16 00 .. '• • Pending Datde.(6 lines or )eos Der Mititica 600 Doe Della tor each ddltlanal line. • &Mere. changeable st gleam.. (pro • . senUm)elteltistre of the 28 00 Per earn addltlonel square, in over one month, end tot u rthnittlitiomil equare iuvrrted coder the Path pa 01.1..ertiseinsnt, exceeding Nacre, end not over . Moon ii ntl e ogrt ha n r ol ed ". A l etr " ,, ' : d l:g b al if iiirertLinocente lIITCOI3bI , IIII=III3.t. cheiged pubhcation. ' Annonnolog candidates for once. to be cbcrli.'t t h o none es other advertisement. Advettleetnenta not marked cc'the cdpr i tor • epeciiied number of Insertions, Till be matinned thrbn. and vurtti, ttletrnlml inavilms hosinesnani all waver tpmne scr raufanelltsit ottim.pinnona.... melt th an awate not Ingnediete/g comionn.l: with thin. own M. , - 0 .1 0 . and al( classes of atm rttse carat., in'length or otb, marine, b all, the 1112114 t••‘1, WIU be eherg....l.et , thl ones! nava Per &limb tleciit Mug be separately rendered( and prompt oerneot Is desired. sdrerthementx [areh.- -titutlone. Parte., nerd. tommhip end other public menthe.. tam min% like. to be charged halt pliee, Defable striollr to Marriage notices to be charged 60 oentS. Psatb enticed Inserted Ethos taunt...W.o Dla laded by fun al Invitations or obituery`hotacce.An 1 when 00 ecconspantod. to be paid for. 'Regular edveetteers. and all other. lending eel:annul setienaa arrogating notice. designed to sell attention to Celt* Potties. Pane/rte. or any public entertalopenta eters charges are Tined,' Aar adodttAnce—all noaleem 01 celeste sesoclatlons—evan notice . dselgned to all atten tion to Private enterprlses,ealcleredor Intended to interest. can u .only ha Ineerted P ith the saidaretalnding that the esane Is to be geld for, If intend • tAtiso sumetadin. the local eclason, the same will be charged at thaerate'of not less th an 10 content!. 110, ' Ittaboper 11311.. ntices to be charged triple lance. Tarawa License li e latiltatur $3 each. • Seat gatate Agents' and Auctioneers` ads Dot Soho closed ander yearly rates, bat to la Weems: cdthirty Ulm and on...third Der etr adttianD of DMA • • • • • • • WAWA es sie-wsuir m Danz piazza. • On. Beaus. three ituertlone. •a. 0. t • each Mgt:lona! 1n5erti0n..,...... 37 - • • 111 , 11131MMISIII Im 11 , 11113. T RUM, One 'Hints (10 Ulnas) one basertlon..-50 cents e , T= Do. • each aidltional Insertion—PA cents AU trivalent advertisemente to be pal* In advance. IUnO3 OF D/OCCIVNT op o iceirp Prtutunsaa cuFrin; VT HOLMES' & 80NE3,-Ban&ert. . . . . . ~ . .... _ , . .226;27 Norketstaciuntilltrilda Inutl.l2l2a . rataao-pa. runtrrioans... Branch at itaarliton...— X Bank. of Pittahatstdpu Branch at W00etw.........-.20 Earßank of d0.......par Branch at Xenia.-- do Ear. and Man. of .do—...par Branch antiontenen . —do Li n k of Co City Bank; CinWanatj„.....do Bank of North droertea....per fbranurrafal Ilk,Clnrhanauds BatdtathortlahoLlbertionpar Yrs- aUn8ank.......-- do Pant 31 1' 4=3=1 Par °Vara I B tatiWt dit H Bank Wk. I.ld of 12 Western Enaerwe Boer - do Coatautetalßa SI Pa.....par Hank a' Id rordllon- - 6..... -do papmeW &Meehan's/en par 6n2slllfotni...—. - ...0 Girard. Fank, .• • --..POr 22.11 W ENGLAND. _ Etrandogton fank..—.......par Alleolvont Bankr,..-- X . Itannfasoaktoeh Bank....par NSW YORK. abanantor Bank.. ....par Haw York Cdtp.--.-.......nar r=,,--bmt-... ..--.= --. , - 1:i161-1..:67---- x 1 Southwark 8ank.... 1 .-..parrahlontro..---......,..-nar Transmutes hank —..par nontqw,„....---..... X WWl= hank.-- ........par N.36'12.61Y &DELAWARE. Bank of Chasoberabirgb.. X r2l rolloat td,0u.,._........ ~, Bank of Muter Oonntor-par . .'' • 911141 MA. Bank of Pan5fUe.........-..par Souk MTh* Valtry.....-.. Bank rdhel.oo., Metter-pa in of Virginia, Utcluewad " bank of Oartaantown......lll4.ltank,_9•46forfollo_, .: ra , ; y rtza .T._...„ ... ... r =2 , 1 , 0 ,.. m 1 , Bank of IttldEettnen........ X North Western 8udr......... " itnli a ragh Ce nal k attrd - .ri i • B I r rOVA . C - 1V8:f71716 - M - -.' thaltile 8ank....".....-- ,2(ll2ank of Cape Bear.---. .2 uottunbia Bit & Bridge On et 13t. of N.Adaroltna.- Doplarbrwn hank.......... , .:.D0n Oolaraeretal Bk, k wUmion'a 1 hasten hank..-.....-.,...par klerottante Dan , Newborn 2 Erie •Daak-..-.-....-- . .. X EUUTE UABOLINA. yr....226.0f Books 00-par Bk of the Bt. of 6. Corollas 2 Sawmill' It o k f L r e g =ar Bank. of South Corollas-. 2 =Bk . 0f5e1121k1110.4 Plan Bank arCa a l ie.r.N.r . il l ParADov.Warrestrork . X -• • • •- G oa. " o &mann Ilk. Weal:ink= o r Andfurta In.& Banenn Co . Uarxislntruhank..-...... Xlhank of Auguarai.f.-......., 2 Lt= r a 1 ta nk rt,....... :: ,.... kfirk of 11grasiibit . pfur . ta 2 tatenater962 1 2617 122 .6h-4w 2 AU &Avant bank............,..- 6 • Lobanon 010ak,........4.4. , -Per - • - ~ 1 1.11 TUCKY. Macao' Danknf reatorlhe X Bk 01 Benta47. 1 nnialh 1 42 knorlanaskals tant»..........parthlt of boutimun Thtuszva • Watt Branch Bank .!......- ..rotthern Bk of lientoekr WytentakupnWlllt Shun ratbern Ilk of Kentnek7 Yorir. ' Belief N0we..............6.. X Bk of Seats of Xtasoort..- - .3i MS. ‘tataltank---.-.Xl6tite Bulk and tuanabee.....22 Branek at Akron— —...d0, Bank of thlooLn...-...,,,-e5 'Branch at•Attionk... - ..do WEIOONSTN.' 1 - -9h lAD jidfrownt-.......d0 Marine it Firai Int Ca. ob kr 2, ranch at MU100tb5.............d0 211011IGAN. - B=stllleveland.---do Partnere Iteebtrdes. Bata 3 stToloda..—..-do government &auk 1ta5k......2 \ 1 3 3g2:1=;..... twolnoolardZir- . .. 7. = . - . .... t 4 Brattoh at 001nn0b5a.....-Ao Bton,Walt..-.-- - -2 Anna at Liktnnut..:......do CANADA. 5 4 ... k at 5ei0a0........_;-_,d,, Uk ofß.N.Snoetieo,Turanto6 gran& at Inanellieli-.. . : ... do Bank of the People . Toronto 6 i Brun& at 1ttp1e7............-do Bank of atemtna1........:-...6 Maack staltwinnatt...........d Bank of U. Canada, Toronto 6 Branch atOokunbus....- - ...d0 rasTiLaN exOLIANO/1.. . It ft pd, ptwashlnnton..-do OD New York .-.........-Par i ' Branch at 0ad10......—.....4.0 In Eldladelphia... - ..........:.. • Laugh at Lanasater....-..„d0 On Baltleurre-,..,., .....,.., • ' Branch at htenbenville..-.20 WI:I3T/EttiIINUILANCIB... H Bramb at Kt. Term—ft U.-........--. 4.... Branch at Newark.-.......A0 LordsrUle......-................. Branch MA at C.L 11:::- .7.11 g To 3 n i tiotrsl., ' „,,. if_ itz Btansh stTrow.. - ' '.--do do EatrieL....:.....16.52 ' Womb ethlt. ...Elw2 Eaarle.old::....-.—...-17, 6 0 le.14'71=!:::::::1: Atgai;;;;;.7.-77.-.:'M I Branch:a pfun........ do,'heAlLhalera...,..-.:,..... 7, 3 11 Branch.g Qa""i'th'*. -41: Euro4 -- .... .----.- ens Smelt at 1 11,=.. - .7....-do uGura::::::::: " .::: 3,96 \ .r. Branch at (12.11Utothe-.....d0 Napolacma --...--- 6.20. Branch al 0u= ... pa.,.....-do B GAL ........-..........-.... 2.16 . . - ; .P31,10E8 OF 6'f0011.8.. VOle Tll3l rErnsur.ou , GAZWITRI A. 'WILKINS Bi. Co - . Broca AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, NU. 1. 1101311.111 BTREII2:` ?rm.. Kan. neeensber .13. tuts I nun. N 0 ...-... .....--. Illattal Stater Va...--. . int '7, - , 61 .1.0 & Aar ha. 6h........-... 100 ..,. 1-- Oat- Feb a Anil r.r.,-V711,8231.. Ur... --- 606 „, - Int-Jan &Jul: , Do. d...- 106 ~, » `et. /:ht Ant altvany Co. V 5.......-..- 100 ... -. natal:7t No. Do. 0001. 6 40 6, 1 100 . - - A.. ri e,„ b iti g n city tr•&.....,.. 10 0 ..... ... lat...t.=&.filiy D". 0721rj e P' 11 ' X.. IC°' ..." .7. 121C.04 " /V 11 "'4' ...t - .1474 - . i it -:: ... z" Awn nom, Souk of Plttabargh-...- 66 66 66 016 N 0.513 et. afernhante • Mute Ban" 66 6 7 66 do latest/le alleman),hanae Bi e l l _166 60 00 66 x 10 All SIMMS &IMO. - • llL SM lLr g let l i= . 7 .. Z 25 M 2 " EI:If. air °t` u-tc'd Bt. 1itidgy......7.,.... ,„ 2b l 5 6 ,, A l ', Diu - . • in:4 Noreb•en Bibmtve.-- -- 1 -, , D , i , 5 - 5 1/17. •33)5 t. - ,37111Lend1p0t38 192 10.---- 6CIo CI: 7,6 16 ... ttluab'g LA Mantanta- 6 10 6 ut 4 , mkt, Wealvern Marasco Co- „.. 12 16 m i217.110v. 329 l Ulthene 'Jimmie. Co- ,_ 16 16 ametiated Ilrezianl C .„ 7 g, • 3111'gh to Phlra--- ..... 60 a 0 1 11 v.t1x.6 pr st. fitultrsle. a Lavievale g. O l 41 zia, do j A kt Zrbt....................- j.o‘ 1 ,0 ..., Dlr.. nv 6 6166 puny' 5 000. 01.161110.131. &AN se. ritt,7o . l usa Work...-. „ , ta 01...Pait etc: Mono la Bla;f= t o 44 42 New Stott. Penny. er& Ball hoo d t,O 16 17 ) sx. mv. ~\ 02164 Pensea. Bait S.M. z 46 % do Halt. Onto Ball Road- „ Cleveland a Wella'lls 5. 1 . 66 ••• 4 4 6 ,1 6 4 21.7. Dry Dcnk 1556 3 6 * , a „ DI v.tilor oyr et re rate Manor. Co----4 in „ 00 lln• Canal llorl- - slOO ... DO. d 03 .,_. 11 ••1100 10 Bartle Cre e k ' v...." 96 10 •••, 611. t. a Permirville Pt Ad 60 „ 1.: Bra:obit. Teiror BA- to 10 1 Cleuvitlas Coal .....-•••^. 30 17 ... , lalvantota.-- -.-..-. --- -MS 136 „ 4. 4606 91 i eittobsrgh *Bates -- .- ,4 " 10 60 low stonsi. -. • 5l sn* - -.'.•••-••-.- ....—. - .:•.-:: 62 vI i m g i .---...--^ B as itailatllvW/WM"• 4tl ' Abbe-............-.. 45 agAAdmataL. 1 1eLIlo l% . 55 tr S-. aT=ri 1 oming-...............-.... 4t 11 law Illalf.-.................-..... ... 2lf u GEOILC#E E. ATINOL7I W., BANKERS. viaass azotwilas, (mix; wort sosza, /co. MT* AarOIL, 1141 it 4) ThIS cr..netaiirsA. setaisea Drafts aglestsdea sett/ of the, yaws,— litssln bawd , * sod isM eossidostm..: „ea L, W/LM3B & CO., BAMEIB AND' EXOILiNGE BROKERS: 110.71 rouvsn ISTRZET, Bia Bank of Pittoburgh. 12ffl o pfi . i . aott00i stmint Abend Ratavini ReeISO Patent Cdtip /romplate, .0111rePIATB AIMIS/IEIST-SOL U4TIONM nAN: - NOW BR SEEN IN OPZ %Li .6 rh. ltrown litsho 11111. Pitts I, arias. ec thee "%hues Noah" kteecee county. k. The hdtantadie of ely herpromaent are•—that It chvietes the retteellYertaVr g oVl= l =7,LlV lr terr= ° salad diseamated them Isaiah% tellhoat nese. eehtlet. thi she. .The YOBIIPL r ' TeetSa i shol whist* that II le t taeedor .. E . ;/u!d IttI3O6IIIMOLCMUIS a 121extrirlhalizile7Lre bte e= teent tat, que lati t t am the tMp = mthlect raz te.at iight,tl.. ) "*.v 4 ma ~ tkas yKlgf. THEi.: - - .DAILY :i:. - :-.rtr_ttSurßon:-T r GAZ BUSINESS. CARDS ATTORNEYS 8. MORRISON, Attorney and Oono_set. . kr at Law. (Met rttoort4 Attorney 18, CI sot kt.r.t W.:IIALL; Attorney nt Low, "Bake di-. Bat Great etreet, beteeen fourth surer end Dlamrmd alley. .u3OWIyT jp OBERT POLLOCK, 3.ttomoy at Laxi-- - Corrinr or Fifth bud Grant stripe.. OPOtio tbs Court Rouse 'asps. Pittsburgh.- sir rbiS EUBEN MICKEL, Attorney4nil Coun aellar. u Low, 11.!Kootoort. Allmtbouy C000tY• • 8, ?•PeOitl nod prompt ittention given co Colloaita Convaranclna coorallr attended. to. dolS•IY CHAIG,, Attorney at taw, Now elude, jlk.fet, Pennalltwd.. Kip aluzlotan a Sm =traTit e .C'iliLl'ifo' ° .: %%b. k 00..11. Ler: maktlly ..A.M.E ) S. J. kUIIN, Atturnay at Law, office, 117 'fourth street. most Pittnburgh. Ja15417 tt P..SPALDING, Attorney and Conn. a aellor int "Law . —(ILEITRLAC.II). Ohio. Itrucarsan—A. W.'Lmtale. Shafer *Stant.. 1424:d1r3. AMVS F. KERR, Attonny at Law—Office it" I.P.twatu emltl4r4d and Omar, rittt OS. WEAVER, Attornay at Law, Yount , 4.1 Montt. prat the Mayor's Offirss,Pittsburob., Co; iaCors a.:Sendlal to promytly. coy Itb.ras V . P. G. L. B, YETTERMAi, Attar t;:i.s.i.efttrggh.s..w sal Real Es:Lide _Monte, , No. titt. ovors C. FLANZGIN, Attorney at Law, 0 Youth street, Pitlabaregh. • "ASPER. Et: BRADY, .A.t.t.orn6y.- at Law, to Ito. Wllfth Amt.. Plttsburch. BLOTXUS AHD MUM CUTTER, BRODHEAD • & CLAPP. 29 MIX SMUT; 863T0N, BANKEItS, &DEALERS IN EXONANGE, Cheeks, Drafts. Certificates of Deposito, ND Unaurrent Money bought at lowest lV rata. tiollectionemble oa zU part. alb* Italom ILLWARENCIIII • HOWSON—Nrasklin Eleven, Fed W. 21. Foster. Etel., Madder Boot of Commerce, Meeong.J.ibuyor - A 800. J. M. Bobo, Horgan A 00..8. D. Edo hem ioo, NLW YOLK—Moser, 0. 8. abbino A Bong Cartio, ele A Ewl. r r, Carpenter k Vermtly. , dy. Ald & Span., 4111LADELP111A—Meeere. W. IL NewboldA seu,Grent & Moon.. • . Mean. Gorman A Weohloirloo.. D. 0. • barls:ll7 . KnitBEER, & RAMC • Bankers and Exchange Broken. II llY,and sou Gold, Silver and Bank Notei;, a nugaistalusue on BeaV.Ebtate cr Stock Securities. ourth.ne Promissory Note!. utd Time Bills on Bast and West.' Bur end Stocks On cumuli...do:A Collections nude= al l volute Italie Buien. ;Ant,corner of 21.i1r4 .ad Wood streetkidlrcotty - olleceße :Le eit-llt r e4ca LioteL orticesneatt. • • allowed a td.om H. D. King, • cIOIN, STOCK AND' EXCIIANGE fourth street—Boys and eslls Stooks on Ot.• itelon:.Exch•nigo on gastern eittes supptled currant rates; Gallentione Inside on the Wog et /an rates; Western Bank Notes bought and soLl. irSS IL NIT. u k)AlltEß; HANNA Si CO., Sucoeseore c., Hamer, Hanna ed.. , l3axams. Karam. Bum.% a dealers in Foreign and Domeattußuldau pa, earldtc , =lll;==s 4. an , l Pp:Mr: West zu . e.r tw ol petit. Blpht (Meeks far eals; and aollarUona mad. on war. IT all tba prluelpal palate or ago United Stater. Te Water% premium -014 for rOndlira aud dma rioan : • ddvar.umtmadamiwinalirrmemta of Produra...lll.l ,, d raft. !Moral term.. AIRD dc " IRVIN, Real Estate, Steak and us BIN Broken; No. 45, Vilth et. or a iiliTareAeuT!'dinC CO., Bankers and" Bre orif. trvay M. 11.. WILLIAMS . & Banker and•Rraltaa_aoktiolgozo.figib.rudritoolnot ttiood and Third Amts., and adll ' • ' • • Otanasotionaroado on lit.actl Wm.*, and Aodactiona acsootly attendol to. . io;•17- WILKINS a. CO, - Exchange Bre.hcr,, iv * No. TS fourth Stireet, orvolte the pink of ritie Ourgll. - -Alltrallattie-118 3.21. titroral.rstßa. 1r IsL IV M. LABIMER, JE., Banker and Brokr.r V !'Street, N 0.68, stab:dog tto Donk of 11,0-11, nL HOLNES Sr. SON, Dealeis in Forti“, 'R • s.nd Mmes. -10 MIA or Mvetung.., Ovregostv. Loilaite, Bank Nptee amtSpooki N0..69 :Nsricet. I gboutt 1131.0olleat sates. ioro rubde tht Att. , heonlso lardtal 1;f7!):4:T:4 morA i 06301 ;10 0. STOCKTOY, -- late Johrstou & Stool. t• hon. Brcanali,,Ftatiangr.Ptiuter7andl Binder, az, oar of Market sad Third =eats. FlOntoarrh. - L. READ; Barge'et and Stationer, No Fourth gloat. Apollo ItollAino. 77- 110 L I'S ALE' add ftatail Dealer in blink vad Ea:boal BrAok., Paper and No. 63117:- . ...d ctreAt.. Cbatwen Third alld ?trim) Pitta., hur raarlo fdrilICC , l5T5. tllbUtta W LCOX CO., Druggists and Apoth • eontdre. corner ilnrket greet And the Diamond. troop constantly _on hand foil, And complete smeortment of Drage. diedidurs. PerfnmetT, And ertielee pertaining to their buelnene. •,Phyriciann preeeziptione oaten:ay oompottroled mylti John P. Scott. IWH o f/LE v SAa i s n K g , v streeL Pithu..gh. • All order, alit recn3lre prompt attention. 49' Agent for Landau A Co'erainablt Lanai; median. mar/Arlin. n A. FAIINESTOCK & CO. Wholesale bonggiatx.ftud lassafacturers of lihivk Leal lied Littlarre corner Wood and_Yr , Tit at..ts, ritt•- pqrgh. ""b7 E. '!TELLERS, Wheleaalg Dealer it - Priced ;ov. 11IXMLICT ELMS-..... . ..... RJUIII6 RAIIN.JE REITER, Wholesaleand Retail - thr-teciste.i,reer MLibarty And Ht. Mgr eta.. Pitts 80.1.100NMAKER & 00., Wholttsale Dray whits. Nn.24 Wood Pittpkvarch. COMMISSION AND FOILWARTILIM WILLIAM A. NcOLUSG, DEALICH. IN FIRS TEAS, mows MEW *mod= a, WOODEN AND WILLOW mum. morn. ov Wool!, AND 811XTU kanErra Is 'now .iseelvlng a large assortment of Fresh Goods, in addition to his ahead* entendre stook, 'Du, ehasekfrom drat handain. the liastarn markets. which will be eold et the lowest market prices lis.uotede, eteemboatei and 'mines, burins by tee quantity, supplied at wholesale tat w. itik-Goods &livered lathe sit/ rM of charm, 1.p14 run. • A. & d 11'.11 AZLE, • • . C OMMESION and FORWARDING MER -011.11411.11e410ts in Wool and Produce grenorsllll so, Pictsbargli idanuttatares. No. 114 Booond erect; Pittabargh, • . • avSly'63 C. WELLS & CO, COIOIISSION MERCHANTS ARO WHOLESALE DILLIAS BA.00:1, .1 , 18E4 FLOUB, bRIED FRU I r 3 . 0. (10 MITA! PHODIIOII GENFJUILLY. N. 395 Liberty ■treat—Commercial Row 5p16714.1 rlrrssuziaii. J. S. LEECH. ItteALPIH& WHOLESALE OIIOCEBS; • ASO DIAL'S!) IN PILOVI9IONIS.IIBTAL9f FITTAWO I¢ViIIPAOTtIBB9 • Not. 712 awl 244 Liberty street, ritlaburgA. 1(011011 7S3DXILICI - Frederick, VyIiOLESALE GROCERS, Produce Deal ers. for arli rog and Cos:l=l4om Merchants, bro. 13 ood otroot, l'ittoboonn. 113.141b0ral °soh admnom on eonalgunnonto. insured If desired. • :L • sat/ ICRobison & Co.. 14,010LESALE Grocers, Produco Dealers Picteba v rei. Cceradasion Ilarotts • • No. 16h Liberty St! • im.lo L. • " Luke. Tat 'f ' ORWARDING and C6mmission Mar. chant, as 4 Bpeelal Combines for the Pennsylvania Loll lima Censpar, No. 69 Water et., and 65 Yeast at., '9Vlteern'Totodenisest lo.4 ildelte:7erwm the 7111 ". 4 rail road still be received at t h e landing sod delivered ols the platform to the Compass' Attest. them to be loaded tote lb. tare. BU boat charge. ;odd. Bale ofladiolf tvmsyssitted. and all Inetrartlons of assess or amalgams hatifsillT . marled not.. fr b . the n m countsl Kat o a ll c hge e iv pa ed id, n and t p h a e h oods kowardddmsedlalv by steamboat, raUmed, or other. Perseus witting thelt adOda will please sirs g i icio wits =I timely notice to that effect. na.. and purebsoss mule, itudardent for Pittsburgh manaisetures CANA on liberal terms. dada .• Springer Harbaugh. (01700188011 TO 40, % w. VOMMISSION & FORWARDING Mer l.) aunt, Dada fa YloOr, Wool looTroodomin.srallY. yo, la, lint et...sod AlO &mod of— l'itt•Ottrab. `K r Forwarding and Com .fflr.T4 u nt abn ,Vtr :1 6 :_t6ZALI,Nr f— Mrtleolar attention pekrto •orwardlng Id:raileuedoo, and constrtnateuto for lode: -Naomi:mottos, or preforms for Boatel of toe drocrirtio.• Orders trtersptly attended to. lurtructions ir di In all cute bo Landloitly obeyed. , • Your beeloore le norbretfully gAinitol; snd I pioOe =IV roll to tue ever/ exertion in your to.ban. . thIER. Lk JONES, Forwarding and Com. alselon Slorettaata, Dedthrs la PrAloe sad Pltta Masufsetared artlelss. Oemith-Deuis, xlll4 aeraatb tract, Pltiabargle. OARDY,Rairreb., irnoonsiore , to At tawor4, Jams oa.;Oommt•A,ol Torinelair Mar ,d+slilo In Fatalrinth acinfiatus:64 Boot.. rim , . sr bob . L . i: W. POINDEXTER, Codardsaion and a Toncerdleg House. sad for the eurcheee and sale o .Iser. Watteau Prothro.. Doe. Nails. alas% sod the electoral grticice of Pittsberithstenenellgi 62 Water a, ill GA Preerstrear, Pittsburgh. Pra: , sin , soneam. , V ar. • A ; ew shares fo ails, or will alobilair• for Obloroad Poonarlyants F."" o 111711.1a 1 ; 1 U . 4 6 1 t 1311 lIEESE=SOO bre: choice cutting Cheese; . J iota nut tor br T. LATTLICA ,ILAIOLABBII3-1.00 la ai awititiM 1 " 40 + 4444 41144 VAINVFACMMU L. R —amere ADUC i.. LIVINGSTON, ItOGGY,N & CO. NOVELTY WORKS, PIITSBGEGH. PA. TRACK and Depot Railroad Soaks, 14y, Cattle and Grain do. Platform and Canute, Mc . Door Locks of all slam, Mprln g , Drop and Thumb Latches. 'Coffee /Wan( aerione kinds; Paint MUD. appror.d tat kerns: Bolts and outerdnan Malleable Iron Duane. of mem' Tarlety In form and finish. dtt • • ALLEGHENY FOUNDRY. Jon rixornaa......: McIDONOI7OII & STEWAILT, 4 1 ANUFACITIMERS of - every donription or OookLagi Hearing and Parlor &POPS& Bad and Dog mos. Wagon Now, Plain and hms,r Gmte. Fronts. Tea Kettles: and ever) , dererlotion of FOUNDRY CIABTINOB; • Mee arid Warehouse No N 3 Liberty otrisit. Pittsburgh. -U4:14 NAFFETT ,4 OLD, BRANS BOUNDER& PLOMD26B AND NAB WINTED.3. . . . 127 Wad 172 Sired, ratabem774 UCH:DWI ITCUIZT. OrPoSI2B 11.1110AMMON. ALLIIII3T, Nt ANUFACTEFRE all kinds of Water, O. and Fitts Fitting. Houma fitted up with ihy and ater nu short notice. nt74:l( NOWARTH & BROTHER MARBLE MASONS, . 294 Liberty 'etyma, *oar .6eventh, ' tz S gep o N t l ll i Z L tatelt ra tt l e gs 's ir j o e p..2 a . t air Ma.ItULE WORKS at th e aboriatandyrtirer Lae,: VIT,gIINNIUMm73IIKIA.VennNumr.NIT, .451 ' OiliiA, • YU itti Itl3-itiiit. BLUM. do., wb leh ther ear . azttimily for prim. Marble in Block. Slam, and wired to order. Comottry lotaanolootd.isitli Zadan and /import apt 4 8 . ..0H0L13011 A PAYNE, dlanixfactsurors of COOKING STOVES, GRATHS, FRONTS, FENDERS. k Liberty street, Opposita Wood. • EARNESTLY throat attention to a new i z:tranca l . h vt:ra of u t c 'elkilln STOVE k i t , MILS, wn; as rho lairlo irtrt2a VI the .141 ' - KM Star." Th.* Stovet. lu noatneal of finish, oeo poly 01 of itlViegt rffrertrtre allelep alluded to abov• their peueralatoot comuria.4 erarrrhlng in thole peetdar nue, with the moat appro ed impra”criettu 'WM Of real utility. Ilattarro *and Count:sr OCALILSOIark Mills. Wag= Boxes. now War.. dad nod Lve, Imps, dug.. and Tea Mettles. Or., to crew pops tie lu,- of stylrid; tiolab. An lospeeUun aodeitett. • ne i. a . 10ah26.7.13 TOOL WO XS, CORNER OF FIRST AND LIBERTY STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PA. , • ATIIES. DUILLLNG 31A0/1120313. £O. a.. Natured to ohler. 1.12 JOSISPII Y. lIASIIIIrON t oU. Jones d lannirg. t.A.NUFAOTITEERS of Spring and Bii2- Ltar Steel, Plough Slab Btesi. Steel Plough Wing, •oo dud Elltdde Springs: Brost Nut Taper, IlaltPuteut, Sorel, Heil sod llommerld Iron ..I..xlso—Corner of HO. end Sir& ;its., Pittsburgh. mess a gyms— --- 1. 100 D. B. Rtigers - & — Uo. 4.I.IVITFACTURERS of 'Roger's Paten iV I Improved Btsal Cultlnter tntl--Csrsn and Int A.M.. Pittsbursb. 1.12 Coach and Carriage Factory JOUNSTON, 13TOTIIER & CO CORNER of - Belmont and Relxioca streate. All.heel eity, troald rarieethelly tribe= their Ertends,and the patine generally. that they .1.121111 taring Carriage., llaronehee,ltoekawaya.Beggiee.hirighe and Chariots. in all their ratio...o , les of finish ead Pre . All ardent will of ,with strict regard te do re. hillty and beauty of Betel, 114palre gill also he atteaded to on lb* most re term. • Veins le all their noel the beet ! ha tErn Shafts. Pelee. and Wheel Stat. they (4..1 etaititient t all , vho hteor them with theirpitLyocoye win he perfectly Masted OA trfiki of thetf watt. • Purehasere are ;slanged to girt them a call be bre pox. - Penn Cotton Kills, Pittsburgh. frENNEDY, CJIILDS & CO. rilanufn. , t arm of /a an A. :Jo. 1 burr 4.4 Shoetlogv; U " darpat Main of all =loft and abodes. tth' • " Plough Limo and Sub Cord; " of all al.. acd deacrlutiour. . . Settlow. elqror.tees telt et tbe Ilevisrere Sior t)f Lozen, it ON 131 Wood street. will hero attention. I.telktr Herron & Criswell, BELL AND BRASS . FOUNDERS, N I A:r i §.IIIFACTUR.ER§pf all kinds of Bra Plociriberr. a, W. Cotton VOUT.T. Nwbectoi lappet, W•o0U. No. I. Market Allaahror city at, near Virot. rittaborgt. .N. . 0 l Copper taken lo ekrhitogo for work, or awl; p.id Ord.. l.lt K tbs Voundry or Mos, will he attandod to rourioally. taltkly New Coach Pactory—Allegkezy , - - glagM. A. WHITE & R CO. %cold re alpeotfulle lace= the lihdlo that they have pony...nook, bebireep tadtrarlad Sandusky etreeta. They are non to and an verehed to melee order. for every detenithdost of vehicles, Ouches, tyhartote, Bs:ouches. Baiclea. Phstons, Le, which. fro. their too ezperience to the manalleuen of the above work., and the facilities tory have, they foil confident they are enabled to do wort on See r =t rein:amble teat. with those 'ranting =tat:it:l thei It - • end l' l l' arlo P'rtth p tUtrui?"reteln t he "6“j etl ' . ' t ' it 'f ay m tilft Iltatten sarrantina their wor,k. Wet herefore ask the attention of the public to Ws aa..r. N. B. Beptirinit &Ise to the beet manner, nod on the took 'wettable Wino Italktf Lots OS Braun I, 4 I RESCO, House, Sign and Ornamental Painter. Japaners, N 0.40 titaint neat, hearse. ...econd and Third fittaborgh, All kind, of Palntlone for Chntohen, Lonna, t0..1n Wit ter and oil colors, done In the moot aodern ctrl!: Tr... .n.rent Window Bands, Unitatim? Of Wood, Durbin nut Pram. Idnattaar rots of NUM PAO Lotton. bealers in mixed Psipt4, Patty, Lice nal Plater. ay!' I A. BROWN would most respectfully in to . form the public that he keeps onband, et his s an tbo west side o- the Diamond. Allegheny env. • r aw- Viete assortment of Vedttan Bands; also, Weed flack am , terrace made to order. In the best ety le, warranted «rat I to stubs tap United Batten: Ills Blimls can be rel22o,las without the eat of • screw driver. Ilevine purehasol ibe stook. Isola and woodof the Cabinet Establishment tf liamsar 0 Mr4lell.d. I am prepared to furnah their old esstocorre„ ea well as the pnblleat larva, with eperythln, In theft line. Ammer. N o.b Wood etreat i lYttstror§o. mob= . W. WOODWIILL, Wholesale:and Retail ihlid Umatilla:um and Deets la Cabinet Wars, No. 82 ')F, I ENNETT ¢BRO., Nana:totAirors of • Pula mad Franey Yellow, Itockingbam , And Onion wad Wm*. Onica at the klarinfactory.cornar nrWaon ington and Franklin great. Hin2112A11.1.42. , 11.Mte , rirt , burith, 01a0-417 1 OHN WETHERELL Manufacturer of BOX PATMCT WAMIBK MRS,. ouperler article. SOLLD atul BRAZZB BOX VIOMN: corner or Anderpme nutt &AMAMI ntroatly one square from the Head Bina Bridge, Athochenv City. 0a307—0011 IP. lOWA 5/4 VIOL IfMMUS. Penn. Glass Works, LORENZ It WIGITIMAN, of isparzieTE , R , Eas vi oji xy v a L tiad:l 3. ter awl PP Prone streete, 4 l.ltiebarati. N. lie—Partiadiat Mimetic& paid to odd else. of Win. • ow Crien and private winkle for,Nottlee and TIM". • Fifth Street Stoekhur - Faotory. Ability, Energy, and litoontinty rplIE bot Roods in Childr6n's Ilogo, Men's a. Socks. UrstlorohirN and Drimorsoe'sid at manta.. lanes prl , eo. at too rift rtree! ttnoldopr Pactrry .11 nate fro= but year's wwL Ar.VANON. PRICE. WM..DALY, Stooklog Futon 6th*tete!, betweort Wood Maxl&t. . W.. W. WALLACE, .• STEAM MARBLE WQRKS, 3t9, p. 21 and 3 Idhorly Street, rovesite andCh field arse; PI trawyntiLL 10NC/11-ENT.% :Tombs Graire , Stnnee i 7 I /mature . Tope, Mantels. Imposing Siena. ea, a! nape on hand and made to order, by maellicary, et an, lend: yawl. Three hundred or anal and selected de ague for Mon gamma, ie., on land. Bask and Slab Mar big banished to. the Trade at the lowest- pawn. ordm filled with dispatch at ind idbertie,trret- BA . GOODS A. A. so MI • oatrersalnum......o.l.'axtuoirr CO; N. TONI AA. hlAbuN &CO.. Wholesale and Retail . p i tt . tf r lFlLll•7 sad Staple Ds, (foods, WS /Mb lURPHY BURCHFIELD, Whalenlo j mat Retail Dry Goole aterabanto =raw off th hal aekatsteeeta. Plltebarab. *" NEDIOM Dr. James Xing ilerICE And Residenee, No. 113 Fifth J st,sst ol . nPPedte the Cathearal. Pittatrunth. DENTISTS IFSCOTT, Dawrisi, Fourth stroot, aP e «O:kdr" stet J.is ..... AGENCIES A. OARD. • AVINO been appointed the azolcenve Agents for Pittsburgh. foi the tale of Patent Riveted mented am , Stretched Leat rt her Method. manufactured r. jEwsLL t RON, of lettf.ord.O no offer for male a large 'assortment of-au the widtra ong—We beamactur• ad. at. the maMtfactut gee pima. his article betas mtge. doy b , b , yy . Leather Betrueg ever before olferel in this ,saner. Also a lama Wet of all erld the of /WU Rubber wth , se „„,, e ,, r ,u, baud. and for sale at the "hleoldne 'MUMS DePote , 150.110 Market street • • eateta J tlt 'PHILLIPS. Lewis' Intelligence Office. No, 2 S. Clair Stria. WHERE Hotel", Steam Boats and Private ilau.a.lll be ha:ailed ir . lthsoc4 Zsrvanta. mad Austin Loomis, .% tIEAL ESTATE AGENT, Sthok, Mer ehliadlse and MU Urekor. Moo No. 'multi st.. ljaminom Promptly ottroplod to.. imaly _ againia4MAJWlLELL,SoOrekialrOd mesuumm.o.ommiumermt 1,11 - P. JONES, Agent of the Irinaraane Co . . ot North Manioa,l4lYroit Irt. • • VEI - 74.GIORD6N7Secretiry Wosteru Iniu mak 92 Wetter et.' 101 A., MADEIIiA, Agent for Delaware 'lda. kaal Safglnsaana•Ocmeans./9 Wass died. GARDINIR COMN, Agent for tranklin Luanne* llossesty. aorta wz, war u. , Wog 2000 LBS. oollt - pfeked Irrxgso r:1 lit 1. J. *AEI PITTSBURGH. SATURDAY nORNING. DECEMBER 17, 1853. EIMIAs Lir!Ue, U. Tiloa.'LlTrAll, Jr. Mated arm Robison, Mil. & Co.) LITTLE & WHOLESALE SHOOS.HBLi PRODUCE &COMMISSION raxismile.wr i s AND DEALERS' PITTSBURGH 'MAR MMUS, - No. 112 Amara Jal4r:63 - P117314g120 11 7 % y ILLI AM A. M'CLIIRG-Orixer Tea' Dealer. corner of WookeLnd Sixth &neat% bay always on head a large assortment of oholea000 0 nt• lee and. B. Teen—Poselern rrolte and Naha Wholesale and newt. Dealers supolled on the lowest bends. Emit= . . Cheese Warehottit. beEENRY U. COLLINS, Foninxiin atu g "and CoratuWien Ilarehaat..dDealilla Cbierseltar. st Fish stet Prattle* generally, M Wood groat, shoes Water Pittsburgh - m 7131 11LOALIT —....r0t0. e. oxlda.tr; • .• BAGALEY & CO., Wholeasla Uro v 8818,1188. 18 aid 2/3 'Wood kreet:Vitteburan. OLIM , .. JOSZI3. - ■( BLACKBURN. 'CO., Wholesale' Oro elcuiregrde t ratr i Ateh and• l igiunretnt% an band at their If arliOnsta Watetstraat,llttabrah r•pl:lty__ 1f..011.9.1111.1t. URBRIDG &- INGRAII WI:40841e AL/ Grocers awl OontasLoden Iderehauta, 401. 110 et< meet, sal 150 rust street, Pittaruittt BM,: MATTHEWS.:WhoIesaIe me giton ocora 7°T Rear )3 ettat 01IN • ATT. & 00., .Wholeeali: Grocers, Colanalwitallernhantiomut Dioalenria Predate =A Aubuzith Aiumacturso. 266 Llbutr Stmt. Plitt .-rub. _ _ ZTh7CA.NTETLDTIate of VT=ll6, - 014 , 9, ."I:4• C aler W Land rn f it re . e Il l ißu t tlit Pot a l Pearl Ash, and - Weste Produce ne go W strott. barmen B=lthtleld and Wood. Pittsburgh. • , 3.A1A11 DICKEY op.,..whoiesaie Oro telster, sxut 21'hout ta. t. Pitteb Pm - '34'7 mem.- • • n trefts..4..;* aft. I'GILLS a. .E 0 WriolesZe t roo g m atLA e it z,o. Ilmauurts. Na Ist Wert/ 4tr.AW r e yliilltr' MOORS; s.'lnicilezalo . . .Iteetlhlng INifillor, dealer In Produce...lllra . inufootoreeould: all Mods of Foreign and .1"4" Lnd 1.14 n No. inh 1 1 411111=011%:/% 1 .7 0 ref . k Sold low 7: T 4 6 4. h. . . 11 , : it t:II I . . "ho es, 0 (I=o . lzol=lerohants,a.aabers Prams Elttentratt.. • N. In Libatr rms.. , lOB➢ O f1Q[....... vineft & iiIoOANISLESS, anooessore 'to . v J. Wholesale Wooers. /ofarardina and Ooldminkion Identhants. &alma fiats, as, Ootton "I'srna, and flttalnavD Man ulsonuin grenstalif. earner of Wood and WO. Afoot*. Pittaborgh. OULEKIitr, Wiresale Grocer ~:ca Iy.. ...ategloa Merchant. Doak? In Produe• and Pit* urgtx rdputg.n•ured Articled. Ilia Idberti Strait, ...1.14a. ...JOBS 7. QOl.. tjD. WlT.r.i*MB & CO., Wholesale and . • Set4ll Omen, Irarwardlos and 3-schnnts. and D.olors In Country. Prodnound=i Ilanurnetnzna; scarnar of Wood nts.. Pittatntrnti. '''' Sc R. FLO , es Grocers, Conk er • minion Mernhants, and Dealers In Produne—Donad Chutth. gulklinge, fronting on Liberty. Wood, and /4WD stn ear, Dlnsbargla Tsubscriber would reepeetfully inform hislriedia. Media. sad the rattle. that he how opened the Sntw hgteir beerebl•l by New. Me ten A. PAW.. for of Water Alley lead lettered et.. AllethettY; for the Darpnw of 4etng • reabtay really Grocery end SOS where Nebel:. by *law attention and tilt dweller to merit • where of teetreen,,, nett WILLIAM ISANCIt. IdIISICAI INSTRUIERNTB - Form I,L MELLOR, Dealer in Piano Forge, .5.1 . 134 e. 34e.uad Masieal &tool Book's. ae3 e Sole trent for ettfekerinsei Piano he.. fthr Western Ivasda—No.al wood I. • fjENRY KLEBER, 'Dealer in Masi°, M: Inetmaenta. sad linortor of 141)an Strls agent fbr Minns et Garth grand atiOquare Pfau+. .rttb -.lentaa's Attokahaint• 4. 1 +5.,*. Danha, t. ENGRAVING An uncocawiroma • • 't 19:'11 . 1g — rns, •P="l4 4 olltriAmt.ti t • i lops Mwszkot \ WILLIAM SeiSUCITMAR'S Lithograph le Vatablithump i pla t :et. opticians , the 1 . 1 , 0 , Qffl PltUburttb.l4l% nes. hirlidta.Show MIL( • Billhatls.Dr.fla. B. be/i, Wotan' and Notlata• .Dtswinga,Bognagras4 Wailing Cords. ae... ertaromni Ct An on Stowe; sad print.] la solors. (144. assecaL.ar Mark.ln the one okplarorel s:treoaall:lft tbm twat ,v9q. ~vooi ~c~e~a Su gor Li LR ( wog • to - . : . Dulr4 at 4 by% IEtB(TELLAIIOITO. CARDS. Ito T 7 O7WARRINGT - o*, (DIPLOMA.} ITAMES' tt CHILDftEWS MOE STORM. a a. Nu..urs oo hand a full soaortasant.. No. 2.5. 'Fourth 'treat. Mallon.% I. ae3(nlyd BREAD AND .CRACKERS. RON CITY PILOT BRRADandORAOIt i , ■ .. ALBAN d Ify d: Ho. HT Liberty street. oppoalt. Haring our...hoard one ilesCraekeriuld Pdot Dread amahlll•l4 .111 nreparad than aR orders fOr Creak. eh or Pilot Broad at tneshOrtast mottos. kluperfor Family Broad. Bye and Diapapaia Broad,lanti and =all Bally fteatt ovary morning' • • 401.. rundiad ' , alb bard and nett ;sive, t all a &de Wu= on !and andd math - 4 erdar. I art4l J. THOMAS WOODS, COMMERCIAL BROKER, No. •5 Market Meat; P ITT'S DU KOLL itIIAVING established myself as above, I em mw prepared to TOCILRO CIONBIONMINTB. or A. OLDS ON GOODS of evert desoriptinn. which ma be sold In WI inat Maenad Int the sl* Al which ever/Saar. tion - .111 bo amt. All orders for Pittsburgh Mannteotatostspqm prompt : Partmlar attention will be elven to the Balk and Ool lastion of Notec Drafts. Bills of ittehanma and the far. chase and Sale off4tooke. BT indo3try an Perm nal attention tosir b troed eri,h I. Lope to merit mad rt.. re raleo lth mts . . i . 4 tt WOO 8. ; Met bnrrth, April 22. Ina e• TilamAS . - fit DL pZI • BARD & DE LANCE, DE4LEIIB-IN HIDES, LEATEDIIt, ADD OIL.. AID tellbssity streste (slop or rum GOLDIN Hoare.) yes. They will keep on binds, sOt all limes, .11 ge.rol atone:tent of Leather, tot Bhoemakm sn Sad dlers' nee; aims Shortoelere Shear" Tools to aplB • BARD * DI LANGS. New Leather Store • 4mG. MOWRY, lato of the firm of R. Bard, •U. 211 a Liberty st r eet, opposite the bead or Wood et. wholeade and retail dealer In LBATllltkl. HMIS, and OH, bee Just rettuneel from Um Enstomd is now readying W. amortment of Leather,eraletlng of— Wet Bole. Balti m more Leather; ehlladelpht* n and French Galfekink Morocco and hid., of all deemiptione: Binding e m nd bluing Sklar ands neneral unortment of Findings. Ham porehemal my entire stock for Web. !unprepared to sell low, for cub. I would Invite my Mende to call sad my stock before purchasing elsewhere. mita J. G. ktOWRY. IjAVING received my SPRING! STOOK aof Gond& I will be pleased to Moor Won to lir Mends and those wanting aurtidng •in I. kir stook thin Morin 1. VOIT Ism and complete, condftins of Betio Velednesi_pireeeleta s worsted and cotton Detainee, Damask. and M..reenr, Sladinam and Mager, led and mull Curtain...of rolondid styles. and Cu min floods of all Iliadic French and American Bproade and Quiltr.Oor• close of new patternr, Banda and Marion buff, Kress and Enures:ll°M liolland, all wid th s; Oil Moths and Shndes for Window blbsihn 'Venal= Blinds of all kinds. - '')rderf promptly hu e d, WM. NOUS. mlgn. . NEW SEED STORE. Ames Wardrop, AfIFFERS for sato 0/LEARY BIRDS of the Airnanat &panned breed, Wan very hardy and Ana anmora. Bird Eload•—Oarly :r Hemp, BIM, Rope and tS i n% d dirW lg. Va t . 0 . 1 i ti e I I laa n =trralt d 4 r :2:,:grimr.VarairrigibianrmireTot Sttte Officlia"lnterpreter. N. J. ROSE, Intorprotor of it oreign Iry Lanituagas in and for th•Commonvisalthof Panto lirAyda, to rondo in the alty of fhtteburgh, County of lagtroney. mar be found errs day from 9 A. 14., 4=14 p.n.. he duo Quarter Bandana Court Room, or at No. MO Fourth /treat. Bondß, Deed., efinterages Power. of At torney. and eilieetall or other wralossenbAttnowol4tratue m Label from or into the Gom Nrenahatallan and Span. lah Language.. with :undone and dlatateh. sed • nOUNTY LANDSL-*Cipt.: OhexlcEiNkylor,' Attorney et No:UKI Third it, earner of Merry 'Alloy. basins mole smatassicats. for the Ithreeeeorlu smote riustr ',ads !or ?Agri, no d *Wow dkf ' -- - - U nd. DI BY,. Merchant. Tatlor, Drspor, T T cal els Ruktrlihde Olothlsz, Ili Libertr d El WA": I CO . gorotuint Sitil' ors - 181 i Ello=rMit Yk tltAil il u-4T i acV" " " lng 0. t .,...", nVidrt.rd—ggrztrit:Zgatr:Ar'i.Al 11Itk. Dealor in tkoholMetex, Wholeixolo and W-Vadl.l7lr4 Cl 2 . 1 , ettebargh Coach Factory. C 0.40. ,diamond Alley,:lioar Wood ttryst. no'M MOCLOW. V --- OnCE.-RAILROAD'.CONPACTORS; hurmas'AND'Otill-The . tinktlo Insti:Ai 1 7tT i fi t ic . 1 A T I? A nsi To= ic e r w m u I d Walt i i ind . nolu Ma 't —, n., art mutt with both dosbre.oll . ze en 5u....4 2VI ri 0 1 : 3 . 1 It tt i=glig e i g ra l ra rt I able saw milli. The enitlwit. bal.. .oil IM. A o are built to • Oath. itud .Id b., mot A l po to taro with. taass.oa any • • sky' th•lntowtot._ 44 Po. utpdakin . a ' - OROCEBS. Mace 51. E. Conker of Third and Chesnut. iteseta, Phil ddptua. °mons 01 TEI DO= 110/117, At rumuiassura: dtsphan U. Ormitbed, Paul D. Goddard. no:throat W. Tbompson. Lowrance Johnson. lisnismln W. Tingle,. George Jacob L. Moreno°, Jams. Devonian. t William M. Godwin. . WlWrm MlLes. tophen K. Craw ord. F PrtndoG—Ambtoss W. Thompson. itedkal./WoUners—Pittstrargli. Jam.. Q. Willson. • r CDT,B,Mowtz. M. D. DURGIN A. ARNOLD, Anent. mbl7 74 fourth street. Pillsbungh. FrlminmrlTrffrirtM , Fß,WW! Delatcrare'NutualliafetyliUmitunteGiaaVY OFFICIE in the North Room of :the CHANTS lIX_CIMINGN,Tbird itrest, MA, RINK, INLAND, 41. /In INDUNANCus. Hum huntsaicis—On Varela, Cargo And D . ralsht, Data dm world. . NOTIOCIII 1. UM nOOOll4lOO 20.00 00 1111 SitT I VIII 3 treLrrzvt ia• =fi • other loam ..... 146,216 00 tuck he Boat; Unica; awl Insuranoe ' Cohe 1 0.707 00 120,183 02 Cash on hend....., .. . 21. 7 00 04 21111111h1.041 on Mario* Polealeii;Oes ' Ttly 117.187 Yoko:MAIM 100.000 00 . 01224:014: WU' Itam Martin. .I•Meli CL /land. Dr. IL M. ll.toa. Joseph H. Seal. Tbeoph. Paulding, W. Err* Jr. Alumna n.aoadit Iwo R. nay* . neabaa L. Price. John O. Denla. Hugh. Draix,„ James Tumult: Rbert o Barton. apanear Mel led.. Joaepli S. Barnett, John X Parana., Charles Rally ,• • au B. M . Parland. tieorge U. Writ, Samuel IL dthem. Wm.O. Ludwig, Rdg'd Dar li ngton, Henry Sloan , I T Logan. PIM% j , IL Jones , 111 . 001U1. • James Truman.. D. T. Morgan; de. J. U. JOILII.IOO. 4 ICILLIAIII TIN. President. TAW/US O. LUND . . Tie* rrer matt. . Orfnci of th hurob. (Jell _Marine, Fire, anlnstuana Inland Transportation ce. • Mll=2l Mlrusureinoeooza ofNotib Amorios, Medal Oultal Iib:GAM *seat GT 111.001.166 W. neske hall/Ingo and their tontines. in SM. city and = 3" ' am " to Wele/S7 or seeri dweldldislAohlegel ger stem lasts sod other reseela. elMer by Inland treassaGALlon et on DA MM. • irlhnr O. oats. rire. s lt.n. B. Com Samuel W. Jones. John G. zcor, Illdward Smith. • • • Pchard W. 1 .& • John A. grown • winless Wh. Guam, B. SID* ' lemnAle Haektos. 6 1=1$ 4:7g B. Zm /Ambrose I$Wl., George .tr i zsg : Jacob M.Thon • w.J. .s • B. MordeWsln. IL D. Bbwrerd, Seer. ibises the/aldose Innerehoe Ihnnesnyin the United States from . Il a a V ' rlsk *W ell 4 aia .. " ? " =7 ' .,p4V.11 war be ornsemereo op offerinAwmple eecurlty tel • subtle WMALLUI P. JCIBM... Agent, - and al Water Meet. Wedeln hunuanceCompazy ofPittabnrgb cAPITAL $BOO,OOO. R. DULLER, JR., preszmt. T. M. Gordon. flecwetal7. Munro against all Mode of Maks, Ate awl Mann. AD limiew bS liberally adlliatad and Jorconwly paid. -A home lnetltation—woonagod by Directors who *retell] known In the ocatiasalty mod - lobo. aro detemnbtod by orompliwow and litwrrallty to maintain the ohmmeter mid* Choy hair* amnirtiod e so oftwing the beet protootke to those who dodge to be lammed. . .• - • • Ihniotois—ileaboo Millar, Jr., J. W. Butler, Wm. LT 00, C. Maul. T. Scott, A. Mal*. O. W. Itlototsoo. Oro. D',.lookmOk imam al'Aalon .loorrgo Donn. Notbordol kfofoomJaVam Upplooott, and W. II .raltb. Omni. No. 92 Wskr Moot. Coramboo of Npang i 00. op Atka.) Pitutomutt. Ja4lly STATE =TULL 10111$ INSURANCE OOMPAN/ PI. irIESIONED only for the safer °lasses of itz=retit,n4tiary ufetr and nips* dstloa. -to °UT and certain portiOas of the landtbut not tho Rotate!' of a pen wee given to Mr. 801 l to eiraw it. - Cowan, some ten months after he had reacts ea the mosey, wee reinotantly, induced to give \ deed for about tea thousand acres, out of which \ e inertly erarapted all the tract that. Induced Mr Ralf to make ttiepurobasi. This deception was not dieoceeind until after I was retained as hie trammel, sod went personally to - the brads to examine the validity of the titles, An, when I as , tertained that Bailey and Cowan did not, and never Mid, owned a foot of this tratittrall et which belonged to• Mr. Merge Btewardsott, of Pitiladel phis, of whiim they had mode several ineffectual - attempts to purahase it.. Under title deception; Mr...8u1l bad expended tram Ills condprlVate puree, $20,000 in putting op baildinp and est. islybat the demands of settlers, who complained to him= that Claws& did net pay them for their haw. lacunas. 1882-13 Walaraday. Fishman' D. Weclotedar. .23. Wa.larshas March 9. war /mil 6. WZGaCi..llisly t. W•dsundsy. 1/L 9 4toerday, June L E.1.1".1.!. 99 3: jr4r.. Catemnej.; - WOomeder. aslant 111. - weaned.. neammaa T. W•diseede7g 2L We.. Oanam 1. Wedn .esday " 12. Waimea.. November 2. Wattmeter. Wedan4 sr, " 28. Weineedar. Deal.. 14. WedemaSay._ _ • 24. Vic i e r T t getTritol:N g ..4ll ,- .. ROBERTS a co, 13 King's WRAC e• 00 "WI Roe Notre 60301 11.0 Name. will not be anannteale for Jamie?, _Pregame atones or tag are aimed Mender, end named . .1112 Balla held on to the $26,000,- and still 'Bctif Ball bad corer been able to get , a deed, or the slightest equivalent; cud when he wrote to hers, the money - returned, or else'a died, received as his only satisfaction the answer, 'that be was a foreigner. and could not hold lands" Mr. Bat t Ivy, I know, hoe the reputation of a shrewd ar ) Cater In gold and the base metals; but the fact, that he did not discover that Ole Bull,.the Nor- 1 'realm; was not a native born Tanke, fill after he had got his money, does not speak , much for his histormal learning. - \ •A, •. - \- In July hit I was employed \as Mr. Bali's. ennui, and Ending matters in this curious state, I advised him to abandon the whelti•concern, and. demand a return of Ms money. spout ' ' After nearly three month ' . in eel- . looting evidence in Potter county and elsewhere, bi g\ and in frequent meetings efthe cottage or the respective parties, a compromiscoras toted, by which Mr. Bull returnedthe deed to wan, and :waived back his 6110,000 in the shape of a tir bond, payable In air, twelve, eighteen and n ty-four months, and he retired from the 111,111 • tion with a loss, as be and can nhow ; burly $40,000. \ - By that settlement, Ole Ball was to pay a eery tarn schedule of the debts of the esseciatlon,,er ery denim of which has been paid - se fast as the parties mild bo communicated with; Balleq, Cowan,, ito , assumed to psyche balance of - the debts, and have not done so; and it is the non-\ payment'nf these debts gene that has caused all -. the maiming at the colony, and subjected Mr. Buil to the 'abeam of some of his °sionista • The base attempt to throw the blame of the mismanagement of the :colony upon Ole Bull is in keeping with the rest of the scheme. Cowan Via the superintendent,. and Bailey, at hie own urgent solicitation, was treasurer of the anoole- Alou that founded the Goleta; and on their heads one will fall the odium ~and ta i them alone can titin . ltly 'attributed Ma l com' repute or. adman. a 6 eatmf•the Galant.' - • • \ ' ' • ..Ad' being wholly imaequeinted with the prioiof e Lend, was induced by these parties, to tak\it t $1; sad $l6O per acre, when it was we k awn In Philadelphia 'that - foi \ Isere the omit: s, letter' lands lathe Immediate ol- Cleity he b valued them at from twentyrftve to seventy i ‘Cents. \ \ , This kniglit ‘ :4l,,the piliber..aseetts In his letter L t he knowr \ th' i Me. Bull lost \no , money 14 `biseonnection ni As colony; that ho resold \ the land for double the amount be 'paid for it, and thr l t , nothing n \a, friendly, transaction "took 04 \ plane tween lair. I 'and - the to d owners . Now ;every word is he kin, to be\faise , or vlio ' be, pledged h ord to ' what e \knew nothidg clout. '0 • \ . . . - .. , ri tt Ae te , t0"41.600 remp . a his eon lit Biome M B4lleopsiaerat amount well' r ed, and.others agree with - h \to lia' Waking, ntio are better asit i ble of Jo is then :those *tb t • bytheir base tteschery ea 4 him not rally lci this espense,\ butnearly 64 besidei, *spook., dad in •on ontoopate In - whildt liounititt Altera*, bra foal would `vita's adolio 'him to engage.' !That Mr. Bull ii'net libusinheeMen is under* l mo l'rbe; but an amertlen that he in i etlhilinthra t oand benevolent; no \ fkipittonbtbt ak, sets, and names 41th an ill, 'froir a 11 l s , :thi l et h m s e u r t 'tila h eVt i or li , hi t am o il to tae Ti; ol Bores of land. \ I, . L ' . \C '' - - t ' - -L, N. LOULKILVO - : \%couosel of Ole Bull, „ 49 Wati_itt: -- • ~,N V! ,Loss hr vita Curran . Vanua= \ .. , ,he chaiesto Vapere-briog the pi - Tricolors o che melsnohol `see of the revenue otter Hindlton. In trying to go to lee on Wildnetday etternUn she got ashor `on the breakers neuthe bar; brat was dully got' off - after auk.° coleus to the 4 oulty ot getting under ray neetthe oboes; Itwee deemed Or dent to anchor mull morning. piThursday DU lug It commenced blowing a le om the no east, vrbloh reoderid It Im. peenki le to get the 'Wel under way in the-poo l` tilla e then lay. 4n her =ion and were t Into oe, but, the gale eoliths.. in tir \ crease, she dried one theln it* an; other, ind was driven ore on Polly breakers on Tkuildny night. Tkrk mute soon going' by the board and , the roust iesklog badly, It tias thought best to abandon kir, es the only Aimee deft to sue the Hoes at 'hies on board. Capri Itudolph, the \ queetermastttlr i o boys and roue teen took to die lifeboat, i soon oast get Obit among OA breakers weireernett 0,17 and every soul In bat ? drowned bat Ur; Jas. fliiigss saddle was only 'eared by ben/ lashed to the best\ In the ogler Ilh-boatwere Lint I Csall. lac Saunders, nett., B. C. 111* sad the re• melndir of thee*, Ot their fitriat !stall,- Itenee lea been *deed. - Amon* thew on I board, In OM= to 'Shore already mendened, ' Ce. Thomas atone. 'quartumuter; \John M. t\ ti2 amtlY. bentsnaln, Odorger Carter , Carpenter J es B,an,, toaster Mime, sad Jolaylden . so „George • Brown; Tiatothy Burley, Aurl jo• sip %Wig, .the titter ealata - Ont. Thomas S tIDIP I 4 . OIL 001111min 3, mr of Ow\ neatißtik was eot the ofibtine In the rstesnAir• vier. Itit, him resided to CkarleateMorr inao_ ous. i ibe n k smi A le U 4 Or oilhi a i lq,t .., \ , ',.e'.5:l.AW v9LETIII2 L X7-Nll3ll3Elt 10 Haan. *WIDOW ZWIIMI, Mining; V.1.,r. \ \ . Alex. Garden. of Wheeling Vsnag Wittig" it- murdered en fkaadayilask while l ' lnooldolf from PT , \ \' , . wooddia4 whir be mat an Saturday r to_ni, Li , \ \ hie taxer , and near thine he Owned a flu $e \ \ . twee riclivridttiftTiao)l6f*taritmOz• bers,•sportion of khan' proceeded 'abed "at; ~ hrlek pace, learing;Garden in c0e31447 with Iv I,q • _ ' . '. - man named Geary Craig and another man, who - . traa much - intoxicated Garden remarked 'Oar ' • • . he would loon ilium When the to= -.- ... \ Pa 'duo*: tfoOlitd..tti sitrer...tboi w,lted tor k. . acma:liatelland filru - 'nkt &Mins 4.607 ro• ey, - - • . turned akitlehildlltirlylor USI-orthe di 'q. weltering babloodi' , with htentelfh ' ; beat- ,I, en and mangled by 'c a blow Item s stioseP lb , 4 amine matteeed fez mural-rode 'arena* prof bii knocked est, ss4 Ms b4sl7-swfullY WW I " __, .. ~... if ' ea ' g *as kyleg on tad bed/.. 141 1- i.P . 1.4 - other mialsh* name we did net 'secerteln,,C .. - \ ' • • the ground nearly', with' tni bridle et dot OT '..,,` • . karate an hie arm., The Wheeling \lntelligeener A \ \ MA 0: . - - - - f , .... , • - : 4 . No awes is assigned far this .le W. d ' Craig pretended to be `ei - tkat,,ko 6 ' ' e i ,,j .ed of now 'last he Vas - dnini. ,Tralls - of g .-. Mattempted to after blood leers treoettfor i attie after: Self Oir. 4 \ . . hae he VII dale struck.. AppIWrISOW.W. in thO rOSINIatit /1/4/98" m .iyi \ • ',s - - \ ur_akcisit . 311voirted of ill his clothing exoqpi • - ' __ . 1 1 1 : 5- ati, \ "TM*: however, le linen sunnist..se , • •'. _ then no evideitee of it attained'st the exam- crio g is s. disk lima. - and had been in 00mm * apple, \of J tuto to NlL!"udge Elihn liorrin. ,as am. . 1 , • •.., i ' • 777 lrma uke sass sue .--- fr - , Gasawnie.or ;ewesCnommentmoo-- 1 —moottlea attending, Ms Mamma li . . " , ".• 1-. ` , dm wen 'he pelpwased 41 R., . •,‘ ..40, in thel4ptsmr f..t . - • eb> - ` 4 " S ' .4. • •• :. : \ • . ~ Finirae4nsigraie.os Au* OloomoutteoS-- . .',•l The religion: co re roottlea attending the, flanistal 'll of the ' late likk% Dialllkeztag- wen P e lf °ll.l 41 '1 • Trialti church ; yesterday noon,, In th t • - of whine :multitude f;;T it peopro;—the ' -,„ , r . log crowded with thee desirour of PaYlag as 's j , -. lut.t.tibalf of respret td,Jhe deceased. , TOWSIII- . -,Si. *US Were fpled slith y lidles,-Dul body, at AV -:. I halllli' having' bittenrved, for thits, falaily \ 'immediate friends o ffs th6Saeltd;lind his w alk - .• \ • nien and the 'rations seseciallas will' withal le •• . \• ; was congested. , The Seelstisti\prsoutt;‘,We tilli \ \ fileribanice Charitable -Aitsociaion. iltitt \ and Haydn flooletY, thi hil/sitellupeestls ; Be' \ , ales, the Alisonbo 'Orand Lodge; ;Ail. sts \ • • , Lodge, and Chapter,' the De Moly.) zoqui , Sai. 4.• Suffolk Lodge of Odd Fellows,\ an:l , St o i m p • .' Dote, Library ;Association. 11. t , `4tit \ . • teem lf.• churned ateetAt Si 4 0 Prilill Pest - \ A . , 'Lawrence , Ir ail l• C; ii r 7 1 P; \ - A , t Clioaie,'lton: J.' 01, Jr.,•o*U. ~ S. rui,\ i \ , Mayor Seam and. a large numbs Of ale rol. \ \ - The long trace *on attending the body' the (kwearesi ;wive at th e , abut* st4ias ' else \ , , oclook, and v received. by Dishcip ad the Rev.-11r nab; Nrho read, the. Z l : it • 1. sk rut burial sorolee the 'Episcopal eirtiroli•l - \ • . Impressive manner. Every thing ewer in\ktest 1 \ , log with the solersolt ;of the oriasaion;:atid \Ski I• \ . \ , 7 pournfullnuairr of th choir blerided: with., and I ` , deepened the „fealing tbat paraded tbe,firria r ; \:\ • • . \ 'tide. The body wee "wooded by ; lien 4, 0., Hooper; George Darrel:mit; Stephan Saliba:* \ -_ ex , prtsidentiof the blichaVes' Charitiblelisir. I v, \ ' • ', eistion 2. A. hay mood , 11-11awanatt sad . \ ~ .. ~ .- . I John isyner, At ,thei.lFaighta TemPillite_„swer Pe . \ ‘-', •• - biarrrii. The ooz e ,. corsred silk/LITT!. wa. ,\ , N •\ ' ' • . [ placid before the altar: Ai thu gotta - of .the ‘, , . • Barriers, where the body Waist , ' ' • 1 . , ,_. . . . from.the church , menyfriende i \\ \ \ last ,Llob at the fug -of one the: , , , tanned. '4 , sael largo train of;' ed thalod`,7 !o gaunt Auburn \ , -\ • . • • During the seivlooe,'the !tens /, r tolled. . The - Simians plan& Miff - • .. . . , to the city werir s alosed, the rim log the.funeral,: \ • . \ . _ , • . \ , . • . \ . • , . , • \ . s ' .- • • \. • \ ' ••, \ V \••• • ' , l ; '"•\ • THELiiiiLIKULD EDDOILINIXENT. by reference to the proceedinh..... Branch of \ the City Council, that.. klayortfolilna yesterday returned, with bin signature:But ordle \ name providing for the endersollonnfifire.Bends of the Baltinicre end, Ohio Ballrood CoropesiM liN on the r_esoptlon of which a eupplementary, \ mince was intreduesd , by. Itle•Webster; rid- \ ingthe olartzort4thil to •• dlgriitelsatio ' s ad -. \ chaltlDlS the PitaviliOnlor the establish t at afilaking food by, extending the time for fek , =alga:. .Tb4re was abet th - titwohte- erl' e ast • ' signed. bylasny„ of the leading bust:mast= aul• \`; properly eiders ot WO ottjr,4ltavar of 410:pol- ideation of the fetinZa of tho.MidofOeMent 41 00 k . 1 \\ bodied fa the eripplemetit'preseeted bikfr. Web-,:• ono•' - Amass' the: olgiers Orli:tete petitions' were a number of merchants who had signed g \ previous memorial -AO. the Cannot/ on the subtl jeet of 0 discrizolnetioo,". but who, On te : lnkt, - \ coneldraation of the subject, now authorizaltho, withdrawal of their names,and deStiVrithiPt reotory of the Board':to,be unfettered" 'regard • to the measures that they mby:fiad it necialaryld' Adopt to compete' with rival eampanies for, trade and travel: -Although tbera wee no '' vote , taktla' • *-, ou the eupplementory ordinance; there•vini , ovS'' cs, Indication that it will:meet the deeldid'aipPie -' vat of the &mond Branch.' In the first 141104110 notion was taken on the imbjeot; except in e r vecelee ing thesolutleundopted by the Baud of Trade'? They however eh iain' ded the resolution to adjourn \ , find die, 'este , and adopting ' tor II ii- \ - nal adjournm oi Mildszt, itc tole! to af;'‘, l',. ford, ample time for full .c lderation' and' act: 4 \ lion on . the proposed. in Li on of the trdi- 1 11110i4.—Baltaiare tbporicaii.r . \. . : . .2,.= . _,.. • Tan Dorn ow Wooa.—bir: Peter A.',Bitiipti. the distinguished and learned ativooete of Cheep growing in this comitry has addressed a a tostinn: , - - nice.tion to Senator Cooper, of Pennsylvankt,-ra., 3 thenstralng against the proposal to take, off ,thir., duty entirely, slow existing upon wool worth lthe 1 -- ' titan ten cents a poonci; Properly speaking, hie_ there is tth wool imported Into the United', : that is worth !ear then ten cents • potind'. , • I .resume that th e, recommendation -refers .ral! . ee • MOMS of the ebeep, whist!, In England. 3 are - iled elontwoel," brit ,wbiob 'relict wee} ~ *rail, but hair, that is fropOited..lrom itebledi; ~) 'thrron . , • and fienthlinserion. ,To take off the ' duty ett bis artlele,\ lie wipes, Would prove high." ,, lylejurio , to many parsons in Virginia ' North. .'.''t • 4 ,5, and \ Booth meting s end Georgia; come of ;when; ,f,„ ' • ' WO 'setae eogage4 'in raisin the ePerbe or, . ' sheep\that'p °duces \tllo hale, and Otherial4C 'maittekprepa &tient' *inter into tile valashle branch of sgriapitors. \ = , -\* • , - - Ewers\ or gullas.,-Tlifterfolk papers elite, that no lees than beven sloven *rasped froth tiusrV,, vicinity on Sanditlest. They art supposed 'to r \ '• s - bate gouoffin thketimnit\ Iftar.of.t.b6.Weirt, which pot,in there oil left agairtor -New York.; on that dap. X x ~ ..• • ~,..--; Ann a. • 2 .• Pr e na •". • ADARB &s l „ 1 casualisitps mart; te e NO. 6 BOOTH WATS] 1%%.,, PAIL- \ ,a ar . h d tb , Handl. Y: Fall . • ` • ,PerlX;aeredZa... • ===.. Iliney end Weetern Lard, Ehnen 00„ 'Ha Otteememe,” \ Herkimer peaty Cibtme, Orem, • (Mem. Dek#4l3 \ row. Ere Apple do, Jer, Thick ' West ltonr: " t "afeeTtftAll , „Yecarie b eti V Tow linked Darter, Hooker. faritte•Oop. Aim_ Drip Apple. and ' .reeMma .12 •" /ler" - a • • Besaiand nellt Peak. \ Pak. Ai .j.t • , ike r ma t iZlLd c t o mle i t oi h p ul . noc t le,,I1: 1 11 8 Nuhineltat %WI =re iT4. lr lta g d mV .I . a 9.4 s' !' g n awe r , .I:km44 Deal • oaitaltersh.• t\ . • Salta Beth tea: V I III.. • Nuetpd heed, • • 1p.0223na. No. el l a i tt il laite kl y et 1 M. 4 14,11a... , \ rroclamatlon.' - • virtue of precept nightthe handsof ' Ibmideek of _the Court of Oa son men Pipe, In an t for tin ith JUdlettl die of Pb... , L1 1 1 414 6r no a r_r fa lo Ck V tfrgr,:i'd Beep aad e lleonel adetite. IWO *0 the MOW Panty, In and thr tee In an dated abenth dey et Narateber. In Lord one tbermand.ejerh Imo rat and I' me direated.far bents/ • 0 mrk ue and Genera Jail Ddhary,.• * Opt & phieermallon Meath = V Way Of l ON • rutplin nett IJ hereby 'pima j Pepe. Oorma mid Constable,. of the by,thet they Wham and th ere. in the rub their rene. u reeoade. impishlone. other rekoembtantee to.do theta thin= reopeatire Mama. In their babel( supers atm thepthat wilt A promente the ptho/1111 or may be \ n tkl• DIU ot old "m"7 of i thou ant there to pituseate jtgainst them Mean under hay hand in rlctiburgh„ Doermber.lti the learnt oar loard. ono 1 , bundled arid'littythree, and the • \ tee2Bl WM- \'c L . : , -\ Btruiii or Stolen. .ROM tbd dubeakibdr, at a, / ' Yu, .1 a urdwr *ming, NOT. 1 WN Wiltß • i tbo4n 7 7.1a141 0 , 1. lia 71V,11 NO, for•h•4l, a small turst,ls ths NM C. •Jsaying Ithramllon at I`,,,t3hoPhel, .111...,,,-,.,.....--- will toady* a !Roust rk.gard. ~ 1. 42 1 .......`..• r-• VOA PRINTERS—VA...wiIt eel. =L.: : J 1 ' IRON PRIM 113;0714a ..I•Nirpylim ta. shah. ~ ; h,. m03;7 - BAC/ O FM' A AAA= Al S . - - . Anti ‘ c ounty " ; \.•; - .. .. .\• 1 Orphlale Contln andeer,V l ,_ 1 \.), 4et=iii, 04 A...lneor'fiiistai . ': sibid.. undvir t :igauwork r , \.- '---..;' ,_ 14. 111 . 71_; 1 ' it •Die.‘si.itata aoaii ''••••.„ ypolat. LT: n. wilkbu - a.;. j ittr let.vo usi tleA, t , , ,,,,,. \\ k , • , . l idt :11.2:garAt.d:h 1 42.21qT Ihtel will stoma tii ,, ... NtidUtial t E ig h :4l : :::=Vlt s :ll= * l- 1 4, t:, . \\, :ear' t" eloatA. Et4l,3lotdi H. tOwitatas.,auafter s. ~.,.., Aretakisity CODAtI Ilk .. .. ~., .• ' A., 7 : 1- . . prom Oipikine..Courtia*Ot-i..-= ;1 • •''t \ ..ta Aa tbasitt , tarefWasisedl4o.:.,Zeti.'.iil. ' . .:v:,... ' . ' - ialieGir 3 %Tir t DonALNipa lib i* •' ' - 'of J.J...assiL.Attortas of Win. u-7 _ . 90 ,lili 11 111.11. W ll tjnivaseltar, ..., . •,-, -- iii G;; 'thii...r.. elattko• milk* nand addax IsrailoisliktatM toltbs Wirdsic - 1141irsilh UK mike di.' :•-:, • ',:....., V rtionagiZeof= st lisif alabis , 5a.F•.70;7., - .f . . !.,.. ': - Ajgrillal7l4 . ,..4aLi,r . In putt 7E717701C 71110 thsil'lrrtt . --, ~ Aguas axon impolutratittmitiiii I, -_. ,4•: 9 114 , .7 .:•, ,'I . , rila ihr .,:4. , 7 — "-.0....? 1 , . , . .., • . . . =ME