The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 29, 1853, Image 3

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mum weimurr or DAVID WELL.
Sheriff ktitllLL rtcei►ed the death Warrant of
DAVID Jsrntn from_. iderriaborgh, yeatetday
maralav The daylized is Friday, the 10th of
February next; the hair, between 10, A. M
sad E P. IL
About half.poutt Hine .o'clock, Sheriff Meow.,
anobeopsnled by 00 or six gentlemen, entered
- the cell of the unfortunate prisoner, and commu
nicated kbe contents of the - inerrant to him, In a
very solemn and impressive manner: Tho read;
leg was uninterrupted.
The prisoner use vary pale, and eppetred
much affsotbd, though Without gitiog vent to hie
feelings in teari He requested the Bberiff to
remain with him at eh - 30°110101ton of the read
ing of the death. Wasiant. • •
Arms Nnwe:—The prospect of rain bas fail
ed,' aid the river is receding more rapidly.-
- Tin stage of water last night wee four lett
. The Ben Bolt arrived yeeterday from 8 t._Lonir,
With a ffne Leal, and will reload fol. the same
point. 'The 11. 8. Mail also arrived from New
Orhtansand.the Nwriptor itol3l Louisville.
The Kubano having been detained by the
fog, was not able to learn yesterday. She will
lento for Wheeling to-day at 1 o'clock.
Inman Ormm.—There neisr was a more
beililasit triumph than that achieved on Satur
day night by the principal characters caet in
DonlSetti's beautiful opera of "Ltscrezia Borgia,"
and principally in the arduous .tie by hl'me. Da
UM. The houlle ought to have. beets crowded
io eires7 part, wore it not for unaccountable pre
jadloes against the Unmet Victor Ugo, es well
as „spinet the day, (being. a Saturday?) Tho
pest ptimis dolma was received with prolonged
applause, and the very Srm,tono of boo voice in
the opening recitative, bewildered the audience
Der !We're beiloindis =web" was given in
bait etyleund drew a thunder of plaudits. To
this wasidded allegro movement, always
Matttediferetofore in this country, in which Sig
. Sera De Vries displayed astonishing execution
lista the meet handful qualities of her opleudid
welee,.. and it most he acknowledged, after the
Grit miens, she stood confessedly the greatest
Drateathr Canis:rim ever neon upon any Anicri.
Can stage. • It would be =clean to recapitulate
Iron 111100611111/0 tine scenes in this opera, we nay
mall, that it was altogether a most perfect per.
foradines; 'varying from the most terrific bum of
tragic piltiOn to the most delicate exhibition of
tender and affeetionste feelings. In ail, Rosa De
Vititi wax great, majestic, beautiful. She was
rapturously applauded, and called out after eve
ry aat, by an enthesiaatio, discriminating public,
minim to reward **vocalist as well as the so
tto.. High as were the expeotations of all who
!ward her on Saturday night, they were more
thaufultilled. - '
' routines Ounaro wee throughout, a deli
cious personation. - His Lorghetta "Di Pesos.
tore Ignoble," forming the duett with Signora
De'Vries, was beautifully rendered. Signor Pos.
zolnl.isnot only an accurate, finished, sweet
!diger but he ie also a faultless actor. Hie voice
ittsoft, pure and fall of patties and thrilling ef•
feet. It would require too much time to give
to our readers a complete criticism of this
zully gaud Opera. We would only say that
Signora R. De Vries, and Signori Personal and
Oolettt is the Tersett of the eitoond act bare been
all thi most Liatidions oxide could expect them
Co be, first•rate singer'. :"Odal sett efugge no
=B." lky Signor Ooletti," "Oh re tastiest a qua-
Is," by II De Vries, and "Hoot benigni tonic,"
by Pouollnl, was in itself a moster•plece of one
cation. The last some of the third 'fajta, an
other triumph for M'me. Vries and Pottonal.
These great actors and Bingen enchained the
feelings of their auditory, the first in depicting
tharnsternal love, and the latter the agony of
the bated Borgia. The andleue were carried
away frith enthulastn, and paid to them the moat
liatterinttestimonicla of their appreciation. Sig
nora'. De Vries and Signor Ptuelini will long
litre in the hearts and kind remembrances 'of the
wanalisal admirers of our city.
No small share of praise is 'due to Signora
Biedenburg, who bee contributed much to the
&noun 'of the performance. Her Orsini Is, in
our opinion, her best-character, and her sweet,
line vein rang out in the drinking song in meg
nilleent style, and was deservedly encored.
The opera for this evening is "Ls Favorite,"
by DONIZITTA• This plea was to popular in
Paris; that it had a view of four hundred nigbte.
The incidents on which It is founded am of a
highly romantics' ebaracter, cud several of the
situations are eminently dramatic. Few, if any
'of the numerous works of Doulsetta ive at
tained so high. ti popularity as this. Tbe sub
joined description, cad the plot .msy Internet
some of our readers.
Leonora, who has btu taken captive in tae
ware, and bas become involuntarily "The Favor
itenf - the Sing, hM,ber de
votions IR the Chapel of the monastery, by For-
Alashd,..i young. novice 'of the order. Despite
his TOWS mid earnest endeavors to drive her image
from his salad, her .beauty has taken hie heart
captive, and kis mermorpetrays from the altar to
Iris heatiee idol Deaf:aught between love and
be congdes his secret to Balthasar, the
head pleat, who, In his religious seal, denoun
ces him and drieee him from the Idonsetery.—
Leinitia, who in aware of his lova, and who se
cretly loves Lim in return, dreading the rage of
the Xing; should be discover this passion, and
• fearing also tile disgrace a discovery by Ferdi
nand .of ler true position in the palace would
bring upon her, obtains for him a .0001021SSIOW to
join the vacs, imploring him to make honor the
goal of his ambition end desire; and to leave
'Altar brief absence, Ferdinand returns crowned
with isarehe and glory; he hastens omen more to
declare his 'unabated affection fir Leonora, white
heart is torn by ICTO for Ferdinand, and grief at
bar position no the King's favorite.
Exaspersted by - the conduct et the King in die- -
carding ids wife, Balthasar, as the delegate of
the Pope, threatens him with the impreestions of
the, Church, unless he discards Lookers; and re
stores the.Q404,11 to her Median. Forced-to yield
to the supreme power of the Church; the King
is 'Ovine to send Lemma away when he encoun
ter, Ferditiand In the Pew; remembering how
snuisli he ales to the Warrior's valor, this King
expresses his gratitude, and proffers any gift or
honor be can bestow: Ferdinand asks but one
bows, the hand of a fair lady of the Court. "Tie
thine,". cries the King, "name her," Eerdinand,
still nnitoneeious of rho lithos, names L 4101101 9-
The King Is Amazed and enraged—but, recalling
to mind the necessity of their separation, con'
nests his anger, and bids Leonora and Ferdinand
to fly to some diatant land. Ferdinand Is enrap
tured, tut Leonora sinks with thorns at the
thatighkor deceiving hint. She resolves to In.
forte him of all, sad direst. her attendant, Ines,
to.reveal to him the secret. While hurrying to
Ferdinand to fulfill this commission, Inez le seized
by the gaud . The ;telltale era prepared and
performed, Leonora believing that Ferdinand
knew all through Inez and taut, in his devoted
lose, resolved to overlook the undeserved igen
' miny of her position. The Nobles, condemning
Ferdinand for disgracing them, their order , and
hbiseff by Snob an alliance, meet hint, as be re
cants stated with happiness from the ceremony,
and insult him. Ferdinand is enraged:—en ex•
planation ecenes; he Is astounded Ile upbraids
she Kleig—ellettains his gifts of rank and station;
discods Leonora, and enraged, almost to mad
ness, tithes from the Palace. .
The fourth Ant, bring. Ferdinand before as
again; he is about to abjure the world and'enter.
• lifonastery.. The rites are proceeding when
LlllOllOll4 Mbited as navies, arrives. She bears
the voice of Ferdinand in the Chapel,. and, over-,
some-'6y grief, einka *Ube foot of a cross. Fer
dinand, heating the Italie of one in dietress rais
es Itio•-theyr recognise each other, and even now
levels again iwakeied in Ferdinand'i heart—he
traildfly with her; but Leonora, more 'steadfast
Mean her lover, Flays only to be assured of his
lays and then die; her prayer as beard. Ferg
ana, seamen her of his unalterable affection;
and:death releases the lost LISCII/Ori.
limawer Bousser.—The citizens -of fiablee
team sad the surrounding country, are at pees•
eatirettbled with several daring robbers, whose
exploits hnvFbeen quite numerous lately.
A few weeks ago o contractor on the Studien.
villa Railroad, named Ewlog, was attacked by
two of them, addle no the road to Nobleetown, at
radlaienoe of about six miles from this oily, cru
elly beaten sad robbed of 11400, the amount of
his "estimate" foe the month.
Oi last Thursday, a oliisen of Noblestown was
hawked down about three mile, on this side of
Noblestowa, and robbed of SI6.A horseman,
preelog few moments after the occurrence, was
asked to give his suiatnnne is pursuing the rob
ber. : Instead of complying, he turned around
and galloped:off as feat er pomade. , The rob
ber, who overheard the , request came beak to his
liaise; and preeenting a pistol to tainted, in.
formed b tn that for very little he would blow
hie brains .out for telling: After) admosishing.
Alm= from attempting to pone him again, be
TM exploits of the reseals are not confined .to
the load. Oo the week before last the drygoods
aloe. of Pant - Black, adjoining Noblestown, was
enteted,s lid neatly the entire stook, emulating to
aunt ,sBoo,stobm. The,unfortunite man il-nearlY.raitaid by_the burglary. A number of houses
was etterneeti by the coustablee, but no trace of
Out 'Apieiti,..dleeevored.. Information bits been
laid vatirthe pity constables, who will Probably
be:loit to aet morn effieleutly in the matter.
- Buspielon bee fallen on some of the laborers'
the , rail:oat stalking positive is known," how
seer. The eltisens are keeping a sharp look out
tai" - every tutpletous altimeter. It will be hard
ly ieislble for lite robbers to escape detection
.long, es the whole llailthborheod is roused.
. .
Singsl77oT Thlame • • , -Bassuel S. Planing
vbp .49p rolttcd to jell yesterday, by Alderman
Dal; fig Surety. of the Pears, on oath of Marro.
del Pletalfs ids tifd.
: i ',.:'' .. ;..S'l,
Durrnati Conar.--Refore the Hon. Judge
Robinson & Martin ♦a James O'Connor, lm
pie..ied with ii. E, &thine, No. 888, July term,
1861, Penny & Sterrett for plaintiff; Umbeteet.
ter & Bbeler for defendent.
The plaintiffs shipped o lot of oil by the the
defendants, which was destroyed by en accident
on the Portage Road. This action is instituted
to recover the value. Verdict for plaintiff for
Lorenz,'Sterling & Co. es Cyrus Townsend, and
William McGina's, impleaded with A. J. Hay
den, No. 621, April term, 1851. Williams for
plaintiffe; 0 P. Hamilton for defendants.
Action to recoser for iron to the amount of $6OO.
Townsend pleads that he was not a member of
tho firin, at the time. •McOinnou made no de
fence. On trial •
Coves? or Common Pz.smi.—Before Judge M'
Clare Provident.
Clty of Pitteburgh To Craft Action to recov.
et It 2 license on a boggy. Defendant resists
payment on the ground that he Lo taxed in
the township in which ho 111015, and that he is
not obliged to pay two taxes. No decision.
Coy - Noma —A meeting of Councils was held
last evening.
in the Select, a repots Crive to the better
oolleotion of the rents of le In the Market,
nod also an ordinance securing the same was
accepted and ordinance passed. In C. C. action
cartooned is
A rtsolation to inguircinto the coet of proper
ty adjoining the sth Wird Market house was
adopted, and committee appointed. Action con
caned in by O. C.
Tao resolution relative to the redaction of
wherfdise on the Cincinnati line of boots wee read
twice sad laid over In B. C:
Mr Murdoch of the 6th Ward was proposed
and elected in 8. C. to audit the city accounts.
He woo oleo unanimously elected a Trustee of
Sae Gas Works vice Dr. Black, resigned.
A resolution warpassed authorizing the chair
man of. the Finance Committee to represent the
stock of the city in the Connelissillo Railroad,
at an election for Dirootoro, on the 6th pros.
In C. C tinctured in to include Mr. BiseeL
In 8. C. action adhered to and committee of
conference appointed.
A roeolation relative to.the viatica of James
hlockerel for the appointment of valuators to
1091:188 the damagee which Me property has sus
isined by the widening of Robert street, was re-
Nrred to a epecial oommittee. Action concurred
in by C. C.
An ordinance to compel owners of private al
ley' to pave them with flag stones,, was referred
to committee on etreete. .Aotiou concurred in.
S. committee Was appointed to enquire into tho
authority of the Mayor to entail expense for
printing in one of the a =MI papers. notion
osnottered In.
A resolution authorizing the appropriation o
12000 towards erecting public lamps in various
carte of the city wan read three times and panted.
a S. C. Ibid over
' The Dirooters of the Farmer'a Deposit° B ank
were permitted to extend the btee of their new
bedlam on Fourth street nix inches over the city
lino. Aotion concurred iu.
A resolution authorising tho appointment of
three engine-cis to examine into the soundnese
and strength of the new City Rail, and to report
fully upon tha same, sae adopted and action con
curred in.
The Councils will meet on Friday night to hear
the report of the committee on the Itasca of
quidating the city . debt.
A resclntion probibitieg the mini:tractors of
friction lllNtaLea in the city wee purled, and ac
tion concurred tu.
The Rum of $l6O was on motion added to the
salary of the City Assessor.
The corn of $2OO was added to the Allegheny
wharf appropriation.
TRIAL List =The following is the Trial List,
brfore Judge Shannon, in the District Court, for
the present week:.
LIT/. No Tint rear. Ptrunip.Defendants
'O9 605 - Jai... 1841 Rubinson et n O'lloanor et al
49 2 2 . 26' AnNI, KTILIN.Up vs Moon
60 3 Nov. 1852 DlngerfeLl v. Andrews' Adm.
111. 22 •• •• Andreed et al re Dangutreld
'6O 334•• •• „Honk et nX TB Ilehe.oll2 et ui
82 R5O •• CbCds ACo re bight .
DS 307 •• Hildebrand n Illldebrand
92 316 - Long n Long
94 318 •• Friend ra Jana. .1
101 386 " ••• Rowland vs Loring
113 073 Tem. re °Nam
114 386•• " Allen vs Eltapson et al
11712 074 •• •• Smiths. Yoong - -
'125 " " Eansbarry Cos
186 849 •• dame vs dame
137 650 Prime v. Pante
1.38 851 0 . Lon. re Wt•gbt
146 17 Jam 1853 Kllnknern Kllakner et us
147 ad ••• El• Nair et el vs Parber's Belo
lii 15534 130 •• •• Lambert et al TS dimms
157 •• •• Delane vs Burns
16 2 • A 27 18 9
•• •• Knapp y
vs Earns t Co
106 V-11 •• •• Chtde vs /sage •
170 335 •• • •• Blaine es LO=le, Est
175 363 •• •• Kane vs Invites Adm
126 . 105 r Dlttaidge et al vs Lindsn
o.r Hague arrested a man named John Griffith,
on Saturday, evening as a flights's from joetice
in Ohio, where he to of bring a mur
derer. We understand, about a month ago a
robbery and murder were committed in Colum
bus, and Griffith was arrested on the charges.
.By some means or other, he was acquitted of the
robbery charge. Since his releacc, particulars
hare vitae to light, by which his connection with
both crimes, Is rendered almost certsin.
ThYpriaccer was taken before Mayor Riddle,
who committed him farther bearing until to
morrow._ His connection with the affair was as
°ermined by ti telegraphic dispatch to Hague.
&SAULT AID BLITI37.—A warrant was 1.50-
ed yesterday for the arrest of a man named An
drew Davis ' by Mayor Park, charged on oath of
John C. Shuff with assault and battery, in the
4th Ward, Allegheny, on hut Saturday. Before
the warrant was served, the case was compro
mised, the defendant paying the coats.
A warrant is out for the arrest cf DAVIS for
Surety of the Peactron oath of Mary Ann John-
DICTAIILTING Tuscan —At Hasson call yester
day morales to the District Court, only twenty
out of forty-eight jorore answered to their names.
It is tho expressed intention of the Court to lento
attachments for erery defaulting juror, from to
day onward.:
Ftar..--A. fire broke out in Birmingham, about
five o'clock yesterday morning, in some half
liniehed buildings belonging to Captain Woody:
Some live were totally destroyod. It is suppo.
sed to bo the work of an incendiery. We did
not semer)ain whether tho buildings were ineu-
Jed orwot.
ASSAULT /OM BLlTlZT.—Alderman Major
oommitted John Kemp to jail, yesterday for as
sault and battery, qp oath of Mary Atkins.
A commitment ire judged against him by the
some nuigistrate for assault and battery and
gently of the peace on oath of B. Johnston.
Hingham, a +Darter, wto smiled, on complaint of
• anmber citizens, en Saturday, for cruelly
beating his horse. Mayor Biddle, before whom
he woo arraigned, imposed a fine of $2, which,
with the coots, be paid, and was discharged.
We call attention Le the atleortieement signed
"Ilungarione" In another colutau.
STEAM BOAT Alinsvaa AND DEPA21173045
'Luzern% Bennett. Brownsville.
Jeffery.. Munn. Brownsville.
?nos Eihri we. Dailey. ideliewoort
Col. Bayard, Peebles, ltliaabetb.
Oltenia. eo. 2. Well. Bearer.
Venture. Watkine. Brownsville.
Winchester. etoore. Wheylion.
Naylow or, Reno, EN neinneti.
Ben MIL •
U. B. Mall. Melt., it. Louie,
Jefferson. Moan. Bromlnlire
Loam. Bennett, Brew moll le.
Bayard. Peebles. Xlitabeth.
Thos. Ottriver, Daileyr atorteesplet
Diurnal. Shepherd. Wheeling. . •
A4eile. McVey, Zenwville.
Michigan No. V. Wolr. Bower.
Venture Watkins, Welleellis.
Adm.ral. OLoakdale. Bt. Louis.
Latrobe. MR:hooter. Cincinnati.
Ten Itmu—Thkrs wet. 1 feet 3 Inches seater in the
channel and tailing.
L turf prevalent, an al no ERYBlPi:LAß—ceneed b
the con voyage and mode of living—ant the eon and
wind mate the akin dark - , lamina Week, red and noires.
Now the "JONES' MALIAN CLIESICCILI. 00APv entirely
preventv this: and, even if the elle le ever no diecolored,
It make , " It wleitv, smooth, clear end soft; 'and those who
returre l droni thhforrtia will end lbilr eomplealOn beinith
fuL ,"greet.t for "Jon& Soap." /Sold only at No. 240
Literty head of Wad.
riILEAII,YOUR ISKIN—Mako it eoft;white
sad mooth—by ohm! Atte of the true JONES'
ALLAN 01.11:3110 1 . ktOA L ib ertysots St+ a..., Bay
II only ot B. OFILUSLE. 240 rtroat.
filo MAKE Tff E IbU i , GROW, stop its
e:s f s'ltiiiinett a thangirvi.: 46Bo = 7 : l"2 :
.I%AulifAclolliAtvaiif Natkil74l."4l24.opitTall
Lib.yrir attest..
X j 3 I REIIIOI4. SUNBURN, Tan, Pimples,
de., wash Ulth the true JONES'
I OAL, BULL; It mates dark, yellow sunburnt stln
Wear, white, and /Ism_ Buy It only at 210 Marty strut.
Q LILT .WILIT.I3. for the alda I. sold only at 2110 Liu'
rEARLY TEETH for two shillings—LA
. FOUST% WIEST IN bI A SOAP ' OOT makes tin
TWO. the Swath per.. and the MAUS% and 20n g
!v. , . • 2l 4 Anto Boot Junked • !liana Ilk., soap. VOId r I
, stobvlkul , X. Oltf SOWS. 240 Lfbarty stmt.
au/ for sale b 7 HAND *IA LAWIII4,
01811-50 bblo. Jorge No. 3 gookerol;
' 6 . 0 0 I/4 null So. a ,
ti4 =6: . : a o cs , anitarge
Muniments, Nov. 28.—New Orleans papers
of Monday are received.
They eantain Oalvestsn dates to the 17th,
which announce the - orgsnizstiou of the Legialit
tare, end the delivery of he mesons of GOT.
BO; it is, largely devoted to the subject of the
Pacifio Relished. The Governor recommends the
El Paso route; the system of-military defence
on the frontier is complained of as Inadequate,
sod the action of the legielatnre Invoked.
The yellow fever still continue to linger at
Golvescon and Hendon.
A latter teem El Paso dated the 27th says that
the Indiana had attacked a-company of Ameri
cana and stole 600 bead of horses and males, and
also the blankets and clothes of alb parry. Do
rdogne of the Indians are daily ocieurring;
they even venture within 600 yards of the fort
occupied by U. B. troops.
Damon, Nov 26 —The propeller Indepen
dence left the head of Portage river, on the even
ing of the 21et, with heavy freight, for Hanni
gan and Laporrieto, with a large number of pas
etagere. When stunt a mile oat, her boiler
bunt, tearing the boat to atoms, killing !carper
eons, tho tint engineer, Geo. 13anions, one
paseenger, and two firemen; whose names are
unknown, and badly scalding and injuring the
second engineer and several paseengen Her
cargo is a total lon. The boat was owned by
MUCnight, of Gantt.
BeNriness, Nov. 28.—The Washington Union
has a long artiola damning the third poly.—
Tee leader semi( the political renegades an
traitors were to be judged by their professing
they would all be stinted as models of patrioi, ,
ism. It cautious Democrats to he 'osiutioue to
listening to appeals which propose to break up
the establiehed organisation.
Monvuonany, Ala, No• 26.—8 Fitspatriolt
has been sleeted by the State Legielaturs to fin
the seat in the 11. S. Senate left want by the
resignation cf the late Vice President, W. B.
King. Mr. Fitzpatrick had previously been ap
pointed by . the Governor.
The Legislature boo also elected C. C. Clay at
the other representative in the U. 8. Senate for
tho term expiring in 1859.
' Now ORLIM4d, Nov. H.—Cotton, sales 1000
bales unchanged; the receipts from all the South
ern ports are 360,000 bale!, being short (or the
some time last year; atria middling o}. Rio Cof
fee, ►ales 3000 bags at 11ig1
New Yoga, Nov. 28.—The packet ship New
Woeld,from Liverpool, lost daring her voyage 76
out of 764 passengers, mostly Germans; neatly
all by cholera.
Nzw YORK, Nov. 28 —The pocket ship George
I urbet arrived from HOMO with 616 passengers;
6 desthe had.oooarred daring hor rojage.
Now Tons, Nov. 27.—A private oorreopondeot
writing from London on the 11th, states that
Nessetrode him officially notified the EogNett
government of the reasons of the resolution of
Russia to fight it out with Turkey.
Cummarrou, S. C , Nov. 27 —Judge Dough,
arty, of Georgia, died suddenly at Athena, on
Saturday eeenlniz.
New Yeas., Noe. 28.—Thoro is no appearance
of California or Liverpool steamers yet. The
weather is thick Indicating rain.
Bannon, Ma., Nov. 28 —The navigation of the
Penobecot is closed; from 60 to BO vesaels with
full cargoes, arid three etellDelta are enclosed
in.iect within five miles of the city. The shipping
agents have made s •onttowt to oat cot the res
eals at $l,OO per ton. •
BUFFALO, Nov. '2S.—The weatherle warm and
the provieete are in favor of a late olosiog of
navigation. Veeeele on the Lake are actively
employed. ;
New Yoke. Nov. 28 —Cotton, moderately Ba
tley; sales 987 bales; the week's sales for export
were 3910 bales; home 3854; for speculation
2385, in transit 1627, closing firm; fair upland
Hit...fair Mobile 12; Orloam 124; middling up
land 106; middlieg Mobile 101; middling Or
leans lot. Flour better; sales 26,000 bbis at
$6,87015,06; Ouio $7®57,06; Southern firm
er; Isles 1100 bble. at $7,12®57,25. Grain—
Wheat better; tales 114,000 bus ; Gennessee at
$1,70®51,80; white Southern $1,65®81,66;
Ohio $1,66®51,417 Corn better; dale* 66,000
bus. mixed at 82®83;. white 82.1®88; yellow
83®84 Provisione—Pork eteady; sake 460
bble. Beef firm • Lard firm; eales , 230 bbl* at
10®101 Whiskey, eabis 660 bble. Ohio and
Prison at 28i. Coffee buoyant; sales 800 bop
Rio at 11i. new held higher; sales 400 bogs of
Java at mon. Sugar quiet. Malassee no,
changed. Stooks Atilt *ad lower; money easier,
9 to 12sterling, better; 109 , 1®110; It 8 eLvea,
1868, 123/. Iron firmer at $370587,50 for
Scotch pls.
Poinanenvitta, Nov. 28.—Busittese is general.
ly dull Cotton in fair request, and pikes fully
maintained Floor firmer; most holders rerun
$6,761:r standard and good brands; a sale of
700 nitre. family at $7,50; a fair demand for
city consumption at $6,3765;6,75 for common
and fancy brands. Nothing doing in aye Hour.
Corn meal dull at 12 cents lower; sales 300 bbts.
at $3,60. Grain—Wheat, the anpplles come In
slowly; prices steady; males 9000 bus. at $1,50
for prime red, and $1,60 for prime white, all
afloat, 'No Nye here. Coro in better demand;
sales 1600 bus. old yellOw at 78, net .d°. 64@65.
Whiskey, demand limited; small sales in bbts.
at 27027 i; hide. 260214.
Cisoinnert, Nov. 28.—The river is rising
-slowly; weather mild. Flour steady at $6,20®
$5,25; Whisky 213; Chesto in good demand at
9; Hogs doll et $4, with Sales 700 head, slaugh
tering suspended owing to the germ weather,
very few arriving, the pens being full; sides 800
bbls prime Lard at 81; esies green lame from
slop hogs at si; Sugar doll end deolining; new
ranges from 41- to 5; Molasses doll at 20®22;
Coffee at 12(3121}; dried Apples $1,10; Batter
('t) ii iSS ER (' lA I. '
Orritz Prrreorroou tiosorrii
Tu,.adar Mortdog. Noyember Z. 180. f
llu•lnnt ass 'nava doll. yeatardayaind but am trans-
WILMS errs rrp,r,al of any nata./ Flour dealers ware
hotdltut telt amnittne the Toralgo paws.
,11.01;11 ita • amount tiering Aim r 0111: Ibe only sales
retorted from Gott handawate 71 and 39 obi, ottomans 01
116.160 from dom. 9 Gbh.. at 10.06®99.12, and 49 dn. at
fißafft—salt. at 'l4pot of 400 boa Oats at AO. and SIDOdo.
oti wharf, at 41.
'MANS-011ns 04 20 Ltda. prima mall whit , . at 111.12
bee.. cub.
PIO 'META L —mrerol war., el. but theovlT
Oa. revrtail WIT 2)1 two Usary's at 141 t.
11/11—om.11..has of Pleklad Herr . .. .t $6.4). ,
BUTTER—sales of roll, by the b 1.1.. .t 11; liniatry bar.
0114—sa!es of 10 Gbh /. Lltussed 00 .1 75.
. BUCKWHEAT 1 1 1.0 1 / 1 1.-4. l es from .lot. a4l .at.. at
CHEESE--ilmat.4 001 aMITE we 4001 e 11.1441/0. a.
WIIIRREY--salesoft6 Lb's. city rsctlllel at 224027.
11AP—sates at scalea of 10 load. at alt 08115 91 MI.
APPLES—the supply la waster than Ma demand, and.
lots arriving are gsnerallr atonal: salsa from stot• of 20
and 40 bbis. at 111.7001/1.67,
01100/IRlNS—sales 0132 busta Cages at 1130012, and LI
MIDI. Mamma to country. at 274079.
ASI/SS--ovks of 10 casks Pots at 4g. sot lo do. Pods
Aah, imported. at Old.
SALT--tha danand iv a tlsol sales of 100 lohla. No, l at
SLIM. 000 do. at 11.1100111;115, sal tit) extra at 81.87.
019.11 DRlOR—salas 01 10,000 RollvarCoMmoa at 124;
LARD—we hear 01102101 salts of new Lard at 10, on ar
rival, Lost no large lot would com Land that figura.
0. A P. 11.11. Noe 26 —2 bbl. Bootee 12 do o seed ado
spoke 2 do &X its d lowdoe 4 6614 /rod 1 keg butter
46 661.342 Ike Deaths* 8 5514 &Wei 1 do bolt. 3 ke4s
lard 10 eke posob. 2 Ude a Mid 1 bi rodsw East; 111: non
sbosp 1 ink hope Austun 6 Ws A 33 boa o •••d L Otatr; 41
Wu olds 5 do corn .7 Oar. 14 bbls onloaa Smith L Sumba;
6 earn hone 08oldwoe; 2 do tioresell.wkler; 130 6.44 ogle
J 11.0 our 15 Lg.. swit J BConlIsld: 4 Id& butler 22 do
*poles Oolline; 114 else oat. Illsokroor• A MoVill lot Ono
dr/r 4 .1 Jordon; 742 bus wheat 690 do Doran W oo; 117 bail
seed Joon* Denny; lot inehorr .1 .1 Drone; 66 61. apples
2 do buten, K 8•10011; 1 do do Lambert f Shlptto; 80 bbll
flons J Verrnoon; 10 do o ;anal 88 McClurg. 4 bolls paper
J L shee; 12 do L lAwmllB 2 rolls op• Kno3l* 06/d; 880
dour bbls J C Harnslrow; 31.21. 1,18 bd • Dunlop •CJ
• ;25
pito mktng owners; 2 cars stone J Osman; 52.51, whir
key It Moors.
C. • , It,-.11A: Able apply. J D Canfield• Y bre mad
leme DArel: A dr, 2do doUreog erg LA do Ow 122eub
rA Von !Angora ev. 28 bre (1 Elawi.ri /AO lib wh.a
Bryon I or; A raeldloone J Alellor.
NUW 011LE4110. by U. S. bbla donr.l leattP
er D T Storm.: loci Val a 422 aka w best Bryan 4 ea; m sk•
feathers 70 dad coaches ahoy, Matthew" co; 02 do Isoth
erm 19 do peaches 1 do wool hltu - phy a oo; 82 1,61. pork 023
do flour 18 pkSl{ .100011 it loony; 190 sits leather/ 1 doll.
brUtia• looeh d-oo; 16 6 66111310W/8J J Boyd: 28 do
avolee L 'Caste; 4 do howlni Banta 1 Dyer; 0 calm ooMetu
Carling 4 IloWtfon: 11l empty Mt, 0901:100.
• LO/116YILLD, by Naybraror-206 , Ims nmatJonss a Den
y; 6 bids bouolny W Dormly: 25 do arlsksy Kann it
DaMtn; /00 do MoVeritt a bro; 90 do Lambert a_Dtdrrom
sobs. ulna amebas; an 60 .k. bsrlay Ak A Wood: 71
mak. p sib AtD tl Obamban, 7bm alms Manna co:
67 abla molasses 2981 MS parlor Drown a ICirkbatetik; 66
tons Ma Metal /1 0 UMW; 4 bbis tsbacoo Walllneord
on. , .
. .
WIIELLII9I7, by VurnaU....299 bbls *heat Whosarth •
tom 91 ells wool Waltham a eco d do rags 2 dogtbseng Ma
rt SleCandleat; 69 bola swot*. 22 six barging °wham 29
bbLe spying Rhey, Matthews & co: ail rk. whrat Sayan &
CO: 23 bill pan r roster & Meraor;.lbe dodo Smith & Ma
obdat 7doJ 11 MAIO. 99 bra oho. Jot se Wahl: 42 ohs
Coro J Harbert; 21 bbg dour 07atk k Thaw:
BHOWNSVILLIk br Laserae-6/ salts Thud 70 amply
bbli Bryan a . ar; 53 Orr oats de 26 bbl I flOgll . +huller:
60 cke on* owner; 160 bra eau J 1111074
BROSONBVILLIC.bI J0:N1...m-8B sL *.t. ort,r; 87 80
woll 218 bbl. tlaseßlrstoust t 83;18 bxs gibs* J 1184 k; 40
bbts Coal Wlbasstb * 82.
W1111131, 1 210: 6 / litoOango-133 lids wisest DflS • iscs
201 Obis t 160 Os do Wdosartti opt 190 Ulm boor 11 •
mos; 36 bigtior WoOl • Dos 16 Obis aryls' Rimy,
Matthews Itto: 06do door 13:01111/ t Hisissateict.
sT. Lottli, l baSt o tt= h its , lti Hermit 611.4 ,1 '
isorti t i= l ? invg!on . tam:stook oso d tl a per 641: 4 ; .
t At t iltit l lfrok ti 2h 6 dTa b =VIM:AT I ft .
• eir 263 tidos 22) obis floor Jones al Dion
m i. sa,A Edo marble d.+ J Boma; 14 too idiot lot
x.u.d. 23 No Wigs wood t os; 14 Dos tossiitai.
Yo 6•11 • 40,
• ,•'•
Regular Wheeling Packet.
TUE find
pnesenger Steamer DI- 't
pg.SAL„.A. B. Shepherd Master,' will ran
retrolarle es A packet, b•Zoreen PiPaburgh
And Wheeling, leaving Pittsburgh...eery niondne,Weninee.
der ad Fridvy. at 10 c', A. m e and Wbe. ling ever,
'node v. Thorsday and Patentee, at 7 o'elnek, l. e
The Diurnal connects At Wellsville with the Cleveland
and Pittsburgh Rearm], and at Wteeling , wi th th e Bel
time* and uhlo Read.
The Diurnal le • norr. large and eubstautlal boat, ha,
lug eplendtiacennulsodaUoue fOteaesengere.
Fer.treight or yan,,ze, appl u bond. or to.
Pam:Direr obearorr AD ELIA, Capt. JOS.
flLleave for Z.Lonnill« thin day. itt4lat
o'clock W. rr. For freight or parrago &poly onboard. or
t o Non] J. 1.) MILLINUKOOD. AWL
Regular Wheeling Packet.
rirllEsplendidia passenger Steam•
I,or WINCEIPSTEit.Gro. D. Moog., Mae,
will Ply regularly ess rattail between
Pittsburgh null Wheeling. leaving Pittsburgh every
Mury, Thureeksy awl Sri urday. et 10 o' st
Wh " l " 4 WoinssdaY and Friday, at 7 o'.
elesik, L. X- ontonting at Wheoliag With the nalthnors
and Ohio Itallecul, cad at Wellsville with the Cleveland
sod Plcsborgh
ThsWiachester is a now beat, with excellent accominc
datlenalor usasingers,
Fci. .
lrol at or plumage apply on board. or t
l No. lab, Front great.
Regular Afternoon Packet for Wheeling.
THE new and excellent Steamer
RYON ANON. Capt. McCallum, will run
reatilarlr u an afternoon mike/ . between
Pittsburgh and Inesling. leaving Patebar. t h ever / day. 1/14nrsday and Friday, ist 3 o'clock r. 11., and
Whest Zneeday, Thursday and Setrur . dag.
The Bsehospe. is a new and substantial boat. with over/
aeram iodation (organic:agent
r°"°°°. 3. ° V. Y gaTillqo i l. , . Ugh
n'l No 156. grout street
H. CHILDS 8i Co.,
133 & 135 WOOD STREET,
WEWOULD call the attention of Mer
chant. vistitiorr this city. to our Inummee Mock of
BOOTS .A.A7) 3170E5.
Igtatreeino an eMllesa Yariety tar Men. lAulles. Misses.
Boy& Yonsh usd Children. forming 31L8 Of the largest
atocko w!ut of tho Allegheny Monotaine. Alps, a !splen
did essortment of
• -.. •
of verione eettsw and Intact [seldom. fresh from' the Elan•
ofelerries ton•thsr with over.sooo Bides /Vilna Nero Fork
. .
/4 Our stook having been Lalrthined principally tor
emelt. and selected with great ear.. Itt to quality and shies
whined to the Western tide, we flatter onreelves that
we can mak. It to your Interest to glen us the preference
seer New York. Philniolphla and Baltimore Jobbing
Hinman jinn:had/kw/ EL CHILDS/00.
For Sale,
911.1.1 E whole or two-thirds interest
In the Snit dam. powerful Steam Boat
0, 8. WATKINS, built at New Albany, at
the rate of 111,600 for the Sort and Furniture; well Ilmer•
ed fur the mama. She le well firelehed and foredated.
ha • eery strong Hull, and to complete order a a pm.
/tenger, freight and towing_ boat, 8 • hoe two powerful
Boothe.,sod Cylinder. X 3 lnebee In diameter. 1p tut
stroke, which works atm and firm an heavy (b l inder
an excellent Doctor, working S Bag., Lime and
Fire PUMNI with all neemeary •PPnratuei. to tithed order,
for many years servlcetor to. the Inapectorareport) worth
more than thew:meant abed, to break up anC rebuild or
Sell eeparetely.
. .
he q wbe m • Towboet.capacity for Freighting and
rapid running. bum Icon fully tasted. which places her
common resort) among the First 131•01 ,
Blots alms , or Milner the Foils. drawillit 314 11. 204 .
kh'. nr 4)0 ft. with aM t. line Pair freighne ban towed from
w Orion,. to Cincinnati 2 large. hulls 1380
fmleht ou board. Inc tultrig her own. In 14 day., the
lergett freight of lent Assn, and beet time. •
She hari towed Ire= Closlrioa7l to Pittsburgh, 8 Mtge
Igmt flames. d Slat Post., rooli 130 ft. long, and 1 Steens
boat Hull ISO ft long. with 430 Inns fraigbt to them and
freight on the but. •plei ni tO or II bergsmpty Osal
heroes. b• Inmost num 11 ever take, to Pit e tsbgh at
I trip. stin is rap.a..l.. of 10.108 down. rafely, 10 ur in 14
Cott Bargee. Mobil wilts 13-0,010, oral, for which we
hold ati °mot policy of Ingurstice. and fOO Wog freight on
beard. She e.rirs 700 Linn, or 3000 bales cotton. 1.124 is
well known In Most Izmir,
Abe will he nnld as eboen On esey terms of Firmest.
sod tithe:sod Immediately In good order fat running.
Apply cu board Cl to D. C. HI 110,
on Walnut et. N. E. oar.. @paw.,
Or to JOILM SWASEF a 00..
nolo Cincinnati"
V The uodereirrnod .1,l to dlebooe of their properly,
situate to the town of Lagrange, Jedfereeo Counts, Okla,
orpalte Wellebarg. conslathte of the folio eine—
Om STEAM-HILL OP by 00 teen -with' throe run of
burrs, and erm [Moen complete mooing order, sod ca.
noble of icing good merrhard.orork. (Coolerne, he toot
wheat growing reollons of tbe Efate. enisitt,
sod of gocd nualltr.
Also-7 morn+ of noviinil in nerd 001.0, io hint toss on it
ho follotrins imorotouiont.
Owl nrnil Brion wrreoe LOUIS.
tn. good Frame do.
O. Jo. Warwhoubm, eo bank of tit. Ohio, .all Ow
coma against damage Ira= star, and about NU yards
rabbi tha I4lin l;
twarnurvir fiethard ol choice trait trec . /toad
.41 i.
or water awl ether e0n...0030.
WO will Fell all taitether, or aererritely, (fault parched ,
For particular, ersirairo et Melono. Eirkpalriek
revs.., iltti Labelle atreet or Boil Ligwet i . Water at..
cf ourrelvew, on the •reottrea .1 wAtiau.
.P.r.1.41,111 t an. I. S. 9115.1111.• lOUrn 1411.11
16 IFo.,Silofturtb
. 4.,4..u ;
Sr, Manufaotnrers ofB
2.. .C•*.104.t00 Flmealydrsat•
Wator(i7Ao 1.
[`tr.,. who ham. work to ac in o lim will do won to
It. rA nor may rat, s . to baring then work by
as tmal arrk,awl as Ire towanft,ttmw r own
anl the. t eal we tea alb. to work at :Pict ar .ow
. .. - . . . ..... . . . ..
eel toy other retttliehrnent in *prier oitiro.
1,170411 n. trio Orrin try rho rich •to rurtho , o rip.
tie -chrerinee 'otter from orrinro trill find it to their .1-
vrar.anot to Lire zee a enli hear. Wreohetein 4 ernertri , t.d
loom le, or V* are the near many thrum , . of Lend iro emd
*hell ..e*.l in the city.
O. t•er teeth the. eelentri for Lest Cir., eq...... 0..... ~j
P •.-t , • will rew.eir. re.,..nt tare... o I entleielderethe
Spring dr. Smiler Medicine in the World!:
ittrottibt4 b Ow Nobility and Yd. , / .Phoutty Ahyz
and osietwil the stoat ihiroordietoey Ned
iant ill /be World.
MedWhyte contolnlng bintnetei Liquorice.. Ilk. the
bowled Ear bpartlls, requite own lorn bottles tit pro
d ono tho oll o tbteot oban .2o In lontlth. YOH XS'S WI tltt
It ltoeetL•ts different side.. It etnitiLlos p rtult ,
to glen it cutstuoncy. but ..quires lts ...Dont 6.. f.
.....1.,..11.-.lbroPerUoo l the eoyitsblo planto
of which It I. ocuutoottl. Tbo Fteresi Wino, bmallne• the
virtnoa tt the
. . •
with other valuable plauta vhcee properties amstal more
Its high concentration renderpli ore of the caret ell,
teat mei:Mince now to use./Sooontlinnte: tete then a
Angle bottle mama. /no Unairlou pawn , . Irian neat
niml, debility aui tb strong and viscrou , health.
Ferry dam o.olln. Koodeetleoto au T h emiftal. and
Improves the 211.1 r. 01 the health. /bred' /fine
mewomitindirl La the atm:oval Wale, for ail nomplainte
of the
afirtlfole TM. iersissa. N01,0%.1 Intenders. BUM.
nchont. Lass sisgsride.
Junadieni thetAmagy. &rondo and
all,ofYinetraers a no frost DAD
OLOOD.S=rs &dal
/ qf LAN
Testimony of MrNathan Mathew.. • hlghle reineetee
El hod weettly hof Newark, J
pit" I). W. —I
of yaw. Forest W hi md
Pills have been ths mvans of ravine my I
sohhtenovd melee them I laid at the point of death. whh
4/ropry.k.he. and Aethx.s. Outlets. had glees me
ever annul core, and my family bet Iht all bop. at IDT
Wcovery. While in this dreattni situstkn. year Forest
ine and tills wen 'meant.] tor me.d before I had
holrhed the fret bottle of the Wine and b oy of Mlle. I to.
prrionesd greet relief my body mod Ilmb. hich were.
great,' swollen. became eentably natured. Ho w oey of my .
meovery began now to revive, and. alley send:hind the
nee of your medialoa for shoata month, lb* Me+ and
Asthma we oomeletaly cured. Th• DfOOTI. With wbleb
my lits wu plasm In .nth tint d . was also marls
gone. I have continued the nato of your medivinst until
tbe "meant time. and I now entey no Itarlert M.Nb ss
ever I did In my life. altboaab t am more than 60 years
ai *de
ark. N, DPas. oo
19 r, . TM1647. ...Mullet N. If !MUM&
New •
Great Cure of Liier Complaint of 10 years
Nan Took, Jan. Oil. Mg.
Do. Hauut. Dear 80,—Ileylog tokeujour gcrord Wine
and Pill. to remove a diem. Of -the L r, hoot Min
hots ruined ..early for onwards Oren yr..; and he,
lag m ed icin e, any to the dietetical whkh an...1*0/
the I ham. TwOmerod my health notwithotand•
hug all who knew me Moonlit my on.. Inerfrabl,, Meld.
m to taking the Wine and Film. 1 hod reroutes to the
best modirsi treatment. tot oonUnned to gum worm to
an *lumina drove, goo. of rof 'Howie enoka despair
logly ot my uird to townede me from mita
f Lay on, rn
rtived reedier; and, I doubt not. t
.het there are handled, who are Cllfonlanal from toning .
icor .ncellent nusllclees,lo ifontegoonat ot ho t owlio
and inefficiency ot of any wlrertteed nemedie filth by
`unyrineipled Men In haying advertisements. lint, whot
oily ft It, that thedemytkm usot by om
h, enordi it
the Menne of ollaroallne men) !aborting under Illmetre
from Mating 16,1 and being cured by your earallent
reomdfee. liomonly .p eaking, they' have raced Inr ilf
vim, I commensal toaktno ...them, wee let a wretch.
.1,...,1,u., but began to...mimeos their good effects in
lees than three dale; and In 0 week, from the time I yaw
the medicine, ty the orrat Burnet. of all my
friend, l was entirely anted. and hod- inerseeed Whom
..di in weiaht, haying taken one boo of the Nils, end
tan hottlee of the Wine. World to ti . fl shot every poor
entlaret would avail blmeelrof the co • temwthe.
Unman. WILP,ON.
Are diaoe , we of the mind aa welt ex of the body. are newel
lr brought no hi troublop nod ' elgiotloto. arid are moat
co.pom to meow, of &Haste eoualltutlowe and realities
minds. Low spirit..x.l6.l:min Dightful drum., and
teutol egktleftwalows of evil from the ellightemi,wat.,
generally woOmOliews nervousdPorden. The/at.e rt
and pule eee ow ettergetle remedy In theca ootoptainta.
ifatract of stetter from Mi. Jos. O. Paulding. dated
OTULAOIII2IIIA, BepL ft/14184ft
Da. 0. W. liategi—Dear Bic—Your genet Wine mid
Pills hate eared m wife at a dreadful Nervous dim:oder.
with wroth the ho d been affected !be moor Itor
body was about
away. Ohs was frequently dlr.
turbed in her alma by frightful dreams, seakerour uit.
sod covered with persplra. lon, end a ti mes
laboring under the daluoich that eomething drawl u not
ab.o h*ppon to bar. nr the nee of four e
A lo wsnd a 601[01 the Ville. she Is now 10. perfecheath.
Bk. ho. regained her Beehand Odor. ah.l enjoys moiety
W walla , ever.
Dr. David Marvin, a celebrated pmelitfoner of N. York,
4..elawed publicly. ludo.. LOWS of Ilefeey's Vosollt
wastrel more strum thou Bay of the large bottles of
B.a.••oatillek. himrs. 14. 11. lamputan f 1.10, one of the
Wiest and LLIC.I respectable Druggists M
M " Prom Tams, to a
'otter. t*: - Pm what they hare hem and seen of
flalsey'n Ponta Wine. gglin excellent and g od
end will undoubtedly ma the !stall medicine of the
clay." . •
The PoP•at Wins II put up in large et are bottlea with
Dr. Ilalsey'S name blown In the gig Ons per
bottle or six bottles for are dollars.Gum-Crested 10011114
Pill, twenty-fire pants per hos. zoo sale by the appointed
agents, et what...ale and retail. General depot 141 Donne
street, owe door from lltelmon. New York.'
Bold wholesale end retell by OK4I. IL Ii
of Wood etreet and Virgin alley. Pittaburgh, and kr Jt i LL
'L i PAZ.
.I.l fu r a ogVest twiner of Yellers! street sod
T " mat . demostio improvement .et
t h e ag Lnllei Sal thorn • doalralde
g Lob ar.Sayla Tr r m . e, and Along r. Iderehents and sealers
f.PD!iel !II lib* I t om. Address, (slzzliti on.
124 Wood otreot;
for We. also, et. the grinolral Hardware atom In
the alto by .61. OraN Ho. and Mr. Jelin Oar trlshlS
Moo. Tellers' Irons en the samwarltsolals.
• Carriages Far. Sale ,
HE unlaraignod his just 1 rip:Zit-AM .
,4, from LL. ht OARILIAGg
INlWlJall.situateh Dvertho Two villa Ilan. ohtwe.h
Eithiburgh.. and Lawrenohrille, sflandld sorhatmrilit of
Neaten of afro' derairtion,and will continwo to mein
.03 1 NZ11,747 ridiotr,:trArl a ggn9M ßU oit L lM
for huh, 'Wing bed hwy. 'road Dynreeeae. tn the Mut
rww. he with DU well known rkelllith. ,
,hiirbl.6) to Dorehese ere reepx fD Duttina down ell
sada*, forth* teL
11. 3 =r 4 megistAgifin Iggravai,"
d ti
mum ipd &alas in PRODUO ii11444p1,Y !
orireinlinlarittiTh.Z l
ianv towc,ungsznalrinarrs.
Flew TRW. H. ./PDassicrx lAtizretriai Haus. N 0.103
- Molina and other Planes.
1313BLISILER orAlueid, and Daaler, Whole
& stle goad Datall in Plane,. abdadenua and Mnabn
Aortae tn. tno eslabrldod dian.G rand an...nber Pianrn
mode by Ballot, Doyik Coy &AND. •hOllO ME. U.
TtTaZi ' n " ln=rll= - Pt a TUT'litrd Veal?!
blunt, anpno-d arholooato or retail at tbolnnyst rata. T
B. DPrra.297. Broadway. N.., York- Ban. told.
P. d —Ft. D. et Ca's..l:lllan Pianos have the Isnot isn-
Prated yoking. a02.-.17
Gold and Silver Spectacles,
notneen Mold. Lane and Liberty etc. Nen Yd: k.
To. D r
lo G r r ' e r a t iT.lVl 'd y t °,,.. b l°3°lls"
OIIN PLIYIE, Dealer inlvory, and Man
e,atketorer of Irory 43<nalf, N 0.3, MorraY at. N. If.
itnothy. Ploahea, r outings, Ac.:
oc2U.Gto A. W. litlnLEY,'Adi John et.. N. Y.
AWRENOE'S" World's Fair, Premium
Daausman Gallery,
Broadwar. co,. White mt..
No York.. oollMa
E i !T SCHOOL--Aimngemtnt:
Wintery Aelleac bee n Ter l o nVa h etl P oVin thelr eors f rom
meats tram the fret of November nat. IfverT oPPortn.
alto will be offered for obtaining s thorOttith education.—
Prompt attendance letequested. '
dentigoe4 offers to rumbaseresuperlor stock of
tickles. Preeerres do, warranted the be a
:tonality: to hem ,
In all climates, at the Invest pel WAßDELts. and
L, ercommAla
cos;3m 233 Weet st. New Yore..
gnettltnral Implements and Seeds.-
-v. RALPH 6 Co.. 23 Tultor..t. N. Y.. Who:osala
Batail. • o.6tt
Show Cues! Show Cases,
LAME aamortmentcocustantly on hand, made to order at abort tett.. Casa. earafoll7
Ward aad abialaad to am Dart of lb., Union by
1 n sny.s,
3A Grand at, an
3 doom at (Broad 's/ t .
N. Y.
The Nay Methodist Singing Book!
UTE OF ZION—By I. B. Woodbury,
'waisted bv the Her. It. Mattison. Pastor at the
John str eet Methodist Church. It courdises pearly tine
Tousand ismo of the c Must, inctalest
aver, old t u ne of gar merithoicest
over pribllated; luding
mouse two hundred of the finest comp:seen the world ever
se, and contain. every varietY of met , now in nrei with
eP Zo ne to every' part. The LUTE is then:on
hal with Sc nth to be au Mimosa exhilaustiesse mine of the
richect /Gored Iluelaal Trawl:treeever unsound to the
Dublin. Glowing with .imatlen and burning seal of the
cammunion for which It la deplaned, the tunes ere never•
thrice. equally sdepted to the Upnu Books of ell denom
inations of Christi., Of Mr. Woodbury's lest Boot,
have been issued yince its appear.
sun three yews ego, end still the demand In on the
Is say further evklenoe of the admiration in
which be le Dogtrot an • counever to be desired?
grow tionntbuilissm with which the Lute has already
bean greeted, • receoiton for arl.dist to that meted Sc
the Dulcimer Is eoulisautir vaunted. •
any prof...tonal musician dashing • earl of either the
Lute or Dulcimer ibr examination. can have Knot to him
' tree of poetaire h remitcht GO cent. to the
mule P . J. HUNTINGTON.= Park How. N. Y.
New York and California Steamship Line.
111.3.CCESMIOILT 711X510 CaMPANT OP N 1110116131, 111OPILUTold.
lIROIIOII in advance of the mail. The
only Line giving Tkroopla Tictats. including.. the
Ist mu. crowds.. The NORTLIENN LIGHT. MTAII 01'
TAN WAsT rr PROW lan ILUS, all &at elass &rattle-nu-
Itivo 111 , donahlt. will 14y. New York oo the 6th and =lll4
fI each =, (exwbt that Irina these days 411 on Rum
sr• Previous. will a salllun dar.) oonnantlnit
by the Hinasaku• dratielt Route, haying but twelve mile.
•hi lard carrlace,WltJa tisk Atearnoblpa EMU NEVADA,
0011 r blbeillklt JONATHAN, and 11101F0C, One Ot
101 ell will le.. ran Joel. del bud, the Pacific termlnas
of the Transit Route, for Sun, Vrautiono on the arrival of
the passennote. Co. further lufortnation abut, to
6 Howling taresh, N• Y.
99 and 101 William Street. New York,
Frau* German, Evisdisii am! Domestic Goods,
For Tailors and Clothiers.
AI E has just receivedby late arrivals, a
large rell sale:net U 11
rea of 0101AIT,Mt
. and d'RENCII CLOTHS. of an Oradea and Stria*.
Haar; (loaner._ 1111.1 and Cl.ded Wllltaers. VOW ,
00.110/4 of all the •Ineou eolorr; truffele Davonshlnt Aar
.err, Miura, harry sod black Carallaertr; Palatal Canting..
~abut. In Velvet; lireuadtaer. C.llmers, Sarin and
atter fabrics, of yea infirm and mete , ' anallden. Wirth
an est , wire 1100021.[0.01 t.f Trileaudarlfa, and
e ther fltsdt callable f r are Clotting Trade. co th e moat
favorable terns Snort time au I rave 1311701, are yard,
alarlytar. Invited to OM.llllll¢O e 1,01: War. partnering jytdafartagar
Piano Fortes, Melodeons and Mane.
11°RACE WATERS, 303 BROAD weir, New
York. extenelre publisher el •Mncic eel Musk
1.101.1•7 10 MCILIZ4I. ifntapflaT. f ot kln4L Rt.
I . tuott or Agent far vela of T. Gilbert lee. celebrafcci
t' set. with aesi without the Neiden, and for Limit Up•
rata Grand MOM" Piano.. The. Plano. aro to
coma to nowt ormiumniatlms; prime mom a+ at the mar
afactOry, whoimale or mall. Every Man:meat warrant.
ot to pry sattitectlou. to the mousy mfumicit. Second
bun{ ommi e t gnat ',,real',.—nriece from $lO to {lts).
Cole Aces& Irt• SMITH'S PUNK . 11/It. lIALODEf)NIi
Thom lielwleons are tuned the equal temporstmai like
"Yalta', Pianos... 4 Or.caris. and are nowt - ins to, any In
) the hammy Ming muslly goad In alt the
E oorrient tally lemmata...
N. U. T. Witco: A Us...the r. • no no of ato l'w
tau., will gulp., Lb. public et beer mime than any oth
er imam,
trAW POPULAR MIMIC. 0 the on celebrator] et,
Mors, 7
Dealers Trac h ea. and getaltieries
supplied at the ;twirl prime. rolOcittn.
ITI/10MAS 0. STEARNS, Importer and
a .1:44C W BILYII,IIIGLINIRY and nECT 110315t1.
ar awl'aub_ yelette--thatu gestated by slating inteuet, tat
IIeOWIWSTI N..Or Tut. haS now in ate. sand I+ Belly tw.
twtelag end offering at the lOMPIt grins;.. enable".
uranent of gxads la his Nue, @arta - tett. a!I the •alteete
til)thee. tand stoatistleg.of ttuk tel fanny silks.
entweettnee. bleeettee, shawle„ telnantleths, bonnet ethione,
taffeta sat esttat tltthons, du. telstualegs et CI .inch,
Prow-.h .at English resew,. Sturtt ttatunaWlN tin.titt.t •."
butte int stoles of oil Slate. silk Isar rata harthee.
teem, white goods, battery, .111011 cavabela LdhU. Ae./1,(
Theundersigned thence Inerelunts 'u tha I.ll•.Nortb.
Polk. Nut. eat Wed.. when In the city. to fever him
with • all, sal us titne hls et-ek one. par huirr.
TII d. li. B [EARNS, IC Betesthar,
n=asm bet. Liberty steeet sal Ilsalcu Gana. Bt. T.
JoblArs of
". 12 Costramadt street,.
(Oppgnite the National sad Western Betels) sad
sus. ,11 MID 18 DIP cries;
INVITE the attention of Wholesale Buyers
t.tbeit Tors luxe assortment of Cloods.nhish is host
enmolete at ail issueoa of the yesr. by the eil‘ttilon of al
the new *trios end fah dell that are nonstarttly ladling by
6tsamere end enacts." W. blos large departments
d- ,bend exclusively the sale or Cloth,' Careimsren
resting*, Tellers' Tringalogs, Vitrito Goats. Uoshary. Drees
tibawls..Partins. Sotto's." Donsitiods, at. as In
aidition. are glen:eyed largo lions of Prints, tacittling
Iderrimare and InNene..o., Gingham. Lams, Baresen
giant and nth., Staple Silks, Merinos% flomossirs, Ai
pne,e, eel the numerous other articles appertaining to
the DILV 40004 Tilktig. Also. assets for the ale of
" Patent evransdown dewing Cotton..
We invite the ettection orate rimiest buyers for sash or
Lam; known—Severoly tuted—
Lhrays right—the sclulow•
ledged Btondatd.
• Uvula, Ner Yuri.
reOlkno N. PO Wet* wan,
r 1 1118 work Inu been very much enlarged,
eiribeillebed with new Illastrat one throughout de.
signed espreosly for it. oritirally corroded and thoroughly
vowel. as M to doormat to am of en. United
gteten„ for ate—to tam. of Groat Britain 11011 Ire/acid,
Nora,. Islj. and to the fated that could be obtained of
other manna..
Tba nsiolritita of territory to the tinged States. the
,g,meery of the minaret wealth of Confronts and dogtrot
/N and the wetetillerimoot of .1.. m communication he ,
Luta , remote parts of the earth. bare groatly harsumat
• The information (him obtained has barn onetiallo 004
InSeti soul ireartod in Ible edition It but been Mg 000,
....e•bp6ry to milli. the m•re o f former niltior, but to
add 13. niers of the on,
of aillromtla aria Teem. of
lb* torritorwe of Oregon, Washington, Web. Nebruks•
awe the mantes. Idestoo and"Oentrid Amodio , . which
has twos done from the leted and boot mithorldea.
it t rat; , ar f tbdua neog l antra is mao sedod. to add
by e mob= cl=letrisi ..7 Alfb orlations. oondeting
of Stern Crooner, Book% riteembosta , go, complaint:MY
errenioal on all tom mapibreMerientingtt egrend &Cairn!
of Use Globe—the Uolvroanalt. itellsion. -State of rocietY.
I.ooules ion. eittratlon. de- itielUGT•butortant corm
,frteii, Dionne anceirent at the drat gluts. add by thno
/Wing Into domltimeousomrelee the power. of the mind
and age. imprembrue aod male more abblingthen by so,
other 10011114 , whalyvnt. -
Besides ail thicehe work to rendered more valueble and
'l l l 4 l 6fg O ef 0 0 Ell iapiry."°°l" of
which will be finind intereaUng mud itudructive as tbe
mon unmated Mediae on thle eubloot.
The 0.11. NA pot poly Leant horongly molars:l. tor
from And Internet u staid' above. but also contains a
Irv* number of now arid Interesting detiatied tables: .
from r magus of the United litotes and other ecolliwar-
It be put In dlif itover ottlY.
A re of question.. for general revision. la 01/Pended to
the work, whsob will be found of Meet convection.* to the
Tmoher. and old to lb. filmier; 15 brluglog definitely
amt distinolly to his rsl in item lentiOd foros
biota roe of the itult*t b bAt gone over.
Thom Imatorements end Additions will y el:thaws
the vane of the tvorg, mod II the view. arid method of the
author are serried out. much
tho le limo of the pupil
will !travail. end great labor on tho tort of 10. teacher
. •
bmitlin eerie. of Oecetraphynoneletot—
flatitlea Primary tholiMpby Am healawn, . $ 40.
hoolth's quarto oeoyrapht. 76.
And the Ueoarophy •nd AUfamettloned above. 1 o.
For Italy by llookedierelienerilllY tit:bushel:alb. United
. co ...mittees. Torbert, and other* .n 4000416 the came
eduoation„ will be eupplindwith iftlet Tor examination.
Published by DAMN'. ZUILOLSB Oa,.
sepl7:are No. nu Jobe etreet New Vert,
A,DIES ouStu. oLoAls—A. A. MA
adtiuolo retigiort i b
CP . ALL Iho vile" of wieked'mon to, do.
N.., advt. the toundlag, to gull th. Igoandlt. and
Ore ern at th, nrno ba mu pluatlaud 44 to 1-
rotaandatlul In HIVIT Mode Clothing, an articlopum t
*hat Mown, warn:undo got °afar otlo. and not for near,
boy room nom but ea: Tenable men. 1311I8TX11. at
(Walk, 11111.74 Wool stmt bat alma the bail stook" of
non and Weis .Itoadr)lada Oh/thing In the Wool. .Ilin
phatom for stoning goal. We MO' to alum,. note .
le/ Vs TOWnllllt 700 $2-1. chasm to mato metier
parson& ha oroutor buainfecu No capital Pass lad, aji
but little aapew• Istourmd, - It requires Do trayelhus
hakilisut, but mires TOo the Ocoillksztal of a home, with the
Owe to make lr'm to rsoa pee mouth. This is
The - Flght sad zuossiedat vat be loot to ins passe
Errati:g,i?Pei, !It /Ac t ZhIPT ” ° . l' ! ;° ' 89!116•,,gbim1.
'Ridge road and , Ooott- 9au4 l'Aila;34lphia.
ItROURRT and Out-Iron Railing, and
.11 link. Ormaioncal and Arobitootnul Inn
Iron Ralltura fop lu.d.Pero l Rr4 144 ,
V " dm Matson vtitur. Tablou4n, •
l'ortionlar 10411140 a
_plitit.ta fl .lo Ankedi t9!is)!li .
drigicia Designs andlasi
otaus nut to unions wishing to tubs solution,
11400HWHICAT MUR-150 sacks Just
. wi lbr owl w k. scum* a co.'
NOTICE—The partnership between the
avdertimed, at Pittsbarah •ad Wheeling. irthLt
.Resolved by. mutual c.msenr. Joseph Richards bar
transferred his interest to (3 , org• W. grotth, who Ls •Lna
authorized to rattle the borluets of the late ?km.
0 EOEGE W. *31117.
pittatssfrgh, Anon 35.1959. JOYEI. , I RICEIARDB.
CARD.—The BRIWING, Gams, Bievr," and
Gov trade will be carried enar heretofore, by th e tub
reriber at Pittrborgh and Wheeling.
walTgawlirtiT GEORGE W. SMITH.
rnfttonnoi the entire rock of Billie Re, %slim,. I Ili.
ttheTack notary and meohleerr, hers semelatsd
with them in bestows, Hobert W. Wil.on and Thompson
Rai. The busineee oil be continued et the farmer stand,
E inw in ater.nmet. under the style of CAMPBELL
Cif BB A CO. Pae
have this day disposed of ray
we Intermit In m. arm of CAMPIIELL. MUMS
tir my Mtnnystnem, TIIOB. J. OIMPIIINLL end
DAVID 01165 5 . whn wIl I Pattie th• b 'sinew of said firm.
ant Intl use the !lame 64 Campbell. Maw a Co.. for that
F 80.12,180. naftm
NOTICE.—The partnerahxp Irrevionay ex-
Wino . beterren the undeerirned, late proprietor. - rd
anning Iron Workr, terminated by Dr own Hesitation
on the 12th of Joly last, past,
Weems. BROWN, FLOYD & 00,, to whom we sold the
Work.. Moored ua in the manufaetnre and a t e of Iron,
Naar, Outings, he. ree29] BROWN. PIiiLLIPB kOO
Dissolution of Partnership
THE Partnership heretofore existing un
der the firm of STEWART. FLOYD a was this
4ay dlosolaad by mutual cooaeut- The btudnom of the
late arm wIO be o.trini b 7 STEW 8
Pittsburgh, Seub. 80th. 1858. cob)
notice that the almost meeting a the Stook
ladders of the Pi ttsbuvgh and Connelsville Rail Road. Cla,
OI be held at the orate 4 the COroptriy. In the ct ty
Pittebnzab, on the 100 MONDAY (61h .lat)ol DECEMBER.
next, 0010 o'clk. A. E. at e Lich • Imo an election for 12 Di
rectors. to serve for the ensuingvia, will take place.
nen (Oily pspers eopy) President P. A 0 R. R. Co.
Mammies ADD 11•1(1111C1OWS 1t1211.1
Prrraevaan. Oet.. 20, 186.% I
ttr N ELECTION for 13 Directors of this
ißank will I. held at the Banking How*, on MON.
. the 2tet day of Nor ember neat
oall•Imd W Y. MINNS. Cash'y
Bevla or Musician.. Oat, 2D, UM._
AN ELECTION for 13 Directors of this
Hank, for tee enrorng roar. will babeld at the Bank
tee Room en 11ONDAY. the 2let dayof Nov. root.
JOHN SNYDER. Oa filer.
NOTICE is hereby given, that tho Fourth
hut&'talent e.f tO per .at. on the tutwerbtlana t.
the UOlOl. orllefuga, far Watts& Penneylvada, woe Ode
day parable et the ogee of the N Tresenver, on the
240 h inetant. Alto. the Fifth Installmtnt 0(51 per eellt
Parable nu the 6th day of Ditember nest ft
Dr order of it.. Hoard of Manager.
Novemter tilt,, 16 , 8 nol6 J0311U41 HANNA. Treas.'
INOTlCE—Members of the Young Men'e
kleroanti.e Libra, end Mechanics Inehtuts, hav•
ne n their poseescion /300K8 over the flee mugged in.
the Ity.Lftws , are refit:cued to return tit m before the 12c
prom. fn016.1,21 Fite.NCle S. Merle line*, Librarle.n.
N The partnership heretofore .dating under the Otto
of fiCLI,lllto, NIO , LS it CO..est!. day dieseived
mutual consent; either of the lair partnere will uee th
Mt. of the Bros In Settling the buolnere.
Nov. 16th, 1863. 8E1,L6118, NIOOLS S CO.
an -The ernes., will be continued at the el.l stand, br
Y. Sell.. and Nemo Ose., under Lb. dile of
note Y. bEIA,P.III3 t CO.
Assignee's Notice
rfillE undersigned Astignee of thelirsis . of
tloalfeiAttleeon okel. hereb, reelitlee persone
twebted told Ann t,o call *AI mike paement. and all
tenons bayingelalina melon the nem nluae pre •
cent the for petClearat A. BILADLICS. Asalgoen,
noWelom ' let , betneen Wood d Alasket.
All ?MAR. Rumor for Femfula. Nrll. Shrtunt•
tt.r, °MUMMA C 14.1111.0.1111 kruottorm. Simplon or Pat
totro on the Yoe, Illotthm, Dons. (Swoon, Sere Vies.
altto Worm or Tenor. Sca!tt hood, .31olargement orte
Pan of tlat Conia mol Joint., Stubborn Ulan. MAW.
Dimmerdrro, Lumbouo. Splual Cm:Ml.lot. out' oil
AMAMI, from an trutoliOnno los of Slmonwy
TTl= o uTillo th rtl L A.ffo t .l ,P LlTlT; tttrexlLbrated
for the number ofortroordinary corm effected through
its men... ban Induced the procrieters. et the urgent re.
4.001 of their friend.. to Miter it to the pooh., which the,
do with the to tartlet recede°ee in at, virtu. end.coder-
PO caster properties. The following rect.fic.tem eelect
ed from • lame number, are. ho..ver, .rtron ger P.... M
ona than the more .one Cl the prom:atom: enders entreat
geotiemen well ktiorm to their irealithe. and of ambler
set respeetability. many of them redding In the city of
1 - Wit.... Erg , of the rup.ox. 1104. Richmond.
known erevywhere. re. be hag man the Medicine called
Cairn's Slams. Nom. saitiduleteted . in over a, bum
deed cum In deerlr et the diseases Porwhlch it k ne?.
mmoded. with the meet astoulabingle Medremit. , Ii•
elm It is the moat askeonillary modiolne he harem
Au CR AND PkVtiII.—GIUSIT 01.7di8.—lhereby certify
Mg for three ream 1 bed Aldo wed fever Of the =net .
. violent hamirtfam. I hal tarsal chrolciaM t Mot ims•
oestltiesof(lubaltte.Mereurgand I the Tortice .
advertised, out CI without any remanent relief. Al
•lest I tried CideraWs•erthuttf efamas, two tanks of
whicheffmtually cured ette, sod i am hams to my I
have Mid betttlerehtats or fence slum., T.conefder It
the best Tonle tp the-world, and the only nadielne that
ever reached mg nee JOHN LONCI DON.
h-divey Dam- Oyar Richmthd.aVa.
0 - B. book Req. II now to the thy of Richmond. sod
In. many yeArs b. \the Pont raw. hu such confadma In
thetaAtmtlehhn el:fleecy of CA ellit'S Stamm Karma that
he has bought upwards of 64 bottle,. at... 4th he boo given
stray 1 , the meek 4 Mr. Ince mays!. bee Wirer known
it tv te 1 when taken emard ing to dlrectloner. . .
Pr. MINI It, a pramielog Phyirisn, and haitherly of
the City Thaw, in the eke of Riehmord, eara ha ho.
witheme..l lea number ~a f fort tame the etfactia 'of Caa.
M . * ettliall blommul Which wane most truly enriwkier
Lk ear In a am of constomption.depetheat on thither.
the good effects won wrooderftil Indeed. ,
I. eIItTIL M. DitINICSPU o r the farm of DrinkM OM.
6. ltichanond. wee eared Of taker Complaint or k pare
Mgedlog, by th e use of two. boat., of Ceekr's Spankh
nallaT OVIIII Or SCIPWiIIThe Elkon of the
Ricturani aupubleth had a aervent employed In their
M 1 m. room oared of violent 'Scrofula, combined with,
Rheumetion. which entirely dl able! him nom wort.—
Too bon!. of Om see seenish 'With n made e perfect.
our, of him, mod the editors. in sahib nothe , my they
l'lch.rfolly recrommetel It to all ho are afflicted with
any disarm of th e blood.. ' ..
valuable toy cured of Scrofula be ag . d . pau j intAT
tun, I consider It th ole. a valuable
TAIL Deter on the R. if. A P. R.
, Co . Richmond
aurvia OPE PEARS STAN.Ddlifl CURE D , —
Jong metreorr, miding ho the city of Richmond, era\
thread by throe . bottles of Carter's 13711. Mixture.
of Salt Rheum 'which he bet mealy_ 20 yeas. eod
which sly Ito
of the city maid ot cur.. kir.
Vhcraceon is swell known nett
re m! in thy city of Rl.°
m th, Va.. end We care Is meet remearkahl.
We. A Hatorws. of Richmond, bed a soreent o f of the worn form. by Carter' s Smtniffai Mixture
e aye be chlierhillyrecommende It. and confiders it au
Invaluable roadleine.
ILICTAILA R. Wool, of Ricbtcood, was cured of \ Scrofula
and whet Phface o.lled confirm. Ooneumgtion, by
threebottle. of Carttec doanieh Hato.. • \ .
, Ithartls 8111103 eentmlagonny of the revenue, iota K.
ittla peen the Atha effect. of tiet hem etmileh %stomata
• illitobee of iybilitle ea.* , and bye it is • 'ski. clue
Ibr that horriale Jima.. - , . ' •
WI. G. ilattemo, of h i m
fee . cored of 01.1 PORI. od
trims, width' disabled hlm Rom welkin.. Tooke w
tat/1m of Catatere Somalth hilatura, mid woe enabled \to,
walk. Withal \ • crotch. In a' abort time permanentic
'Tisch.' Denote at 81. Wawa Com. g Ou ,No.lta, Mud
m lens. New Tiara t T W. Drare A Rane e
, h. Nortlo
Si Skeet Chlladslyttiat I traMer if RM. No. Lid, Mato
Wawa RlthmOny
god lier min by A. Paha. aacclr. k Co., and If Wilms
Jr.,at Co ,Tltteho h; U. P. Mea.warte. Allegheny City,
and by .I , ..sbd. bbidts'ere. in manikin. everywhere,
act tklidew, a, 0
5 .,,,,,,,,,, JAIINDICR, 011)101110 OR NtIRVOIRSI
. ' ' , DEBILITY, -
.aded all Insearce soloing from • Disorder.' Liver or
. .
Binh no Conetinathan. Inward Plies, Y01k... of Blood to Acidity cat the Stamen, kerma. Heartburn.
for tool. polka. or Weight in the Stoni.h.
tour grocatia..dilnklug or Vignettes et the Pit of
the Ithlaleeti. tottathillee of the Iliad. Hurried Mel dif-
Scott Brathirg, thatalgaimit at the Lime, (Rom log or
gookaceming eowatioos when In a lying poet..., Dum
nom of. Vision. Ilse or Webs before the at ght. Peveyan I
Doll pan In the Utah Dalltdruse of Perspiration. Ved-
100 n,.. of Ltei Skin .01 Ryes. Fain In the Side, Beek,
Cheat, Liothe. le. Sodden flashes of Host. Donau; in :
the Vieth. Conetent Imarjohoge of. ea: I sad (hest Do.
premien of Spirits, • ,_
on el gremcfnativ Math BY
.. 'Ostrava:Olio ,
DR. C. AI.
No. P.M Ara. Skeet. Philaalelphial
Their Ville! one. the above disouos is not .moolles.l. if
oquollod. by any other praTon 1p the Uoltoel Iltatot.
ILo the ourea etteal: in natty escoeflet 'skillful physicians
lad failed. \ . • ,
Them Ritteremte worthy tit al fentith of imailde. PM
ameingtreat virtues MIMI reedlikatien of Menace id the
Goes ..a lumen gists's, exeredston the. most , smirching
moon Itt wmanoss owl aft atlmai or tho Lila, lib, ord.. •
they an, irlltuil.p/f , ,'Olortolgi - 04Olwoo. , . .
. .. ....
Road and I. •
Th. ion”.:12; amount of tbe atre of REV, J. W
PAILI/Elt is eatrarded front tba Christian Ulnas/Mt
ommoras, sratquellanna 00.: Pa. Pat" Ith,
Dr.p 11, /Rama. Dair toSilera. your *ll•Mnan
Rictus' ire what they've roprritenteCtob.,
than one year 1 bar. been troubled /Amon.* Dias ,
rues, pbrbapig IMMO. itt i ttlie Of tha time until about tb.
12:110dIebt lava bebtberoollezi become eaterbled, and
'Maly Prostrated I; 1t All stomerb. cod, the mucous
membrante of ml bewaic become dreadfully ditto/wit and
inseam In that condition, I milled snows why - Onion
who understood my ewe ond. ebeeked the Meow. sad In .
'a measure. motored salmi to oar bowels. 'lint \ still nif
stoomett and towele w.r cOPright, my worn. o a tt,,.. a a
to be moth costal: t h e relax frequently
bat "orally pereorming Weir
regulor fnastion" toother with agues,. nervous
ty. Being an agent ler the Chrtstian/lbrookdo, pour, d
thotlandb atrium libtene \advertised. and peers'
a wn:boob onuased, mot:amending your Bltters In eases
similar to "Maw I mut to yonr.isgsnt, Turret, at
Moutrom, and procurod two bot.tte. and concacoad
cordlott to dltWetitotr:OttletrY•
he ti: I had neat nit this
first Dot le I fated thAt tho mating as t being Mao , -
eel from .11 tongue. ..4 a.. ht d ate nd stomach broom.
tag "atom nod relyabbb, I hoe* uswil6 Donlon int l nerrea
hare been materially helped. and I have mason .Im,leo I
that lam below portectly restored; wbcrow. t he l swim
bad bean working so long an& I was Otwaoht Ot. low. that
to November tut to yreettirttlan was dwmalrad of. ai woo
stabli In lettor of Fader O. M. Sprott. oncl published M.
tb tigif i r F:Fol t" ": 43° : -f letl ' Iititow. at 11,,t In this
d i d:
Uon knew anythout about yeur Maar" l4tt they did:
for 1. rattcre there an huudwttleio thin who me
be sung by the um of Mesa Blues" low!
• Bold by It A. YaLtubtbek A Vlesolog. Brothers, in
Pittsburaln 11. P. :ennuis, Allegheny taty, and bellig:
, gists ►ono Dealers is Itelleime recrrwhere.
, ,
' economy is thiito• ,to Wealth.
N o vANyt.y. should be 'without XICAT:
LNG'S GENUINE srritAcTliit COME. La one
Dowel of this, tasuleshie want. tem .4 fir ,u, t.. „ j a i ,
or ewe Cate. to eiears coffee WV.? than seithing eke,
Wild" 1 =1.. 4" Ins u re% tiirier th lap= "ul ta l. ItSi t:
Mat fas
prepaed in tbe .sent eraYiettd 044 i4 i Meektif
M t . b 4N PV ' T..tri q Mar l 114%611 thi 40 '
States a • to art= all
=lr. M ui rg i alritiSal l etiV i i.P. i i rla i nat
mit be S i Str l o.l_, „ _ -,
.: i'i i, - , - • :- ALY-18S-.
BOATS--4 ()oar Boats, 133, 131,
oviz i vr -fttlliark,n«,°..tal 14;177,'"
ROLL BUTTER--2 bbla. fri
BA aw. Ude 47 awl tiy UU
A \\
& u. 0 1:171112 . 11 . .L . L?0:8 A,IDIFICII TRW MINOk I.OIINOL
) And :To. 10 Rate .11404 30000.
1. . 4 Oh/ore hireola (bribe moet end * Urged
circulation Commercial
an-1 the Camden. Payers both In the United States
- -
The talioming,llst ottitteihtese Pin:mare aroma' tkabmt
and Mo o t reliable In the city et New Yott.
Wholesale Stationery Warerooms,
WE. A. ,Nnumutza &
19 L. le Park Row,
THE Subscribers have now in store, just
received from Eurone, a meet extensive andearetur
ly selected Moak to Staple and Panay Statinnery. emapri•
aing every variety of einglish, French and Carman Owl.
May ban also cm hand the most eenplete manna:a
theof Am
mid States. erican Cap, Letter and Plat Parr to be found is
They are mole Prorrieters of Whitriers Patent Air
Tight Ulnae:rd. •and Agoura ior the sale of Fiedler
field% Writing livid. which is warranted superior to
Arnold's field, and furnished at a south ear rates
Buyers eho °mutat their ono . interest. I not pur
chase before gssmlntruz their goods.
.plextbmazo wit. A. whir. a t 00.
Dry Goods.
11OWEN MoNAMEE, linpoars of
' tr..
Await. aid Forel,. Bak 6314 tutor 04,64 e, 112
no 114 Broadvar. 4442
ILL, BROII3ERS, Importers of Em ,
dories, Whit. Goat,. to. No. 139 Liberty stmt.
F.COTTEIJET CO., Imparters of Frerri*
..a.• • mui other European Goods, No. in Etront wan&
fiLeda EORGE PEARCE & CO., Important of,
' Owls. Embroldertef, de., 69 Broadway, earner'
eharwre Plea.
' 74 PSTELNHONIG, No. 153 Broadway,
_ _
a abla fewte dam-
J. WYETH k 00., Importers of Em
broldaria. White and Lae Goods. No. Brad
TARES OWEN, 15 Broad, otroot,'lmport-
U er of Trtstunt • N. Olmps mad Yentas. Silt On.
ILENNEQUIN & CO. bianufacturera
ena wir ten of 17.40 b ,
LI ROBINSON & CO., No. 187 Broad
w.ft., ie. .181
ISELIN It CO., No. -47 Broad street,
&Importer. of Fsencb, Soria. and Denman DRY
SOITER k RIISCH, No. 29 Dread street,-
su largr. of itc.2!Ok mad Srlim• Good., NUM
AIsITCHELL KITT 45 Exchange Place,
hopoiters of Beitlab nrT Goods, Scotch and 1042
Draw Good., de. \
Important of O•rman Balglan BROAD CLOTS&
a, Roatotira, MOO Rug Pima.
ALOMON KOIINST\BIM, 'lmparter .of
61164aw16.1.2660026E62 toldules 10.11 . 61102161 r
good.. 62 12 fili 2.sEhrar;
NDREAE CO., Impooers of tereAoll,
Garmanwar. and Italian BILK (109014. 01.01 .1 / 1 3,
iroad \
d'IVERNOIS & CO., Importe
. - Fi qf French and Blass Goods.}llllo. Magma, *o., No.
.2 . _rowar.
PET 11. MULLEN, Impdrte of French,
Gar n sod Rlrlo DTI Goals. Silks, Bntln.s.Vehats.
Iterlnos.: awls. Woolens. in, No. NI Selma , tree n t.4 7. Y.
FIHOMAS . MONROE, No. :14 Pin ' Woe',
cooio , tton Goods, 811talas, Cambria , ye.t-P.l
d.ungs. WI Nankeens. ke.
ATM YALE, Imforten Obbors
and J
7, 11 . . r alidt. d FANCY DE GOODS. kanonallk. No.
AMES *TERI` .& CO., 72 Williw
'el - street. Impala and Jobbat* or Panay and Stanla
- \ •
U.) :
dri B. HAT S
,/ ~ Importers of
Nanufseturer of Shirt,
I 6ii ii M. DA'
& CO., 97 William Bisect;
• lemons' Purnlshing Gooch. sad
, :tacks. to.
IVMLIANI REDWIND, 30 Pine street,
nolo Agent In New t adi:for themes of the LINX•4
ofJanm •d dobart Yuan lymens.
11 `A. kO. 11. WITTEAUS 51 Exahar
te ,,,
hiL li aaMV=Saask Mi lkb . l .7lw ° Obral i i.
42 STB4LIIIIISI & p 59 Broadway,
2 1., ImOor i trot Lao% 111111n7 Ok l oods. Embroideries
S C IIVIE¢ I VP;2 I'. . F°Ll 'T
Preneb. Sevilo . elir to .'
n ..
lop. Satins. tomes.
CD to. of Ltant
kerchief.. Linea Lai
tdc nre,l2'`
IL/ not Froich. E
abant Tailors and Clo
i a l r at e gs 4
°LOTUS:W.B6Ist: Drover aid Iti , rulstklusr 000a1;
Clotting and Rubbor Goals , Y 9 P k Stow, opposite'
the Astor Ito..
Sn raven.
v Erietreverr on Wood. No. 65 awl 60 Pu\
too street. Meet and best work executed hue.
I W. ORB, Degigner and
Ools Engitime_
,g t & d icer ti Naraagreet. Mlle the taws.
lug_Ticenza, stio deal*r fine Stt• • .
AWATT CORNELL, General Egtgravere
*ea rriebee, No. 1190 Excedwar, esitranee
meet. `Orden by nyn'tr meetrebb prompt et
yiDW.ODS, SANFORD, & 00, Foreigi
Kin rw* No. BO Broodwa.i.. 2 ' Goals sad MINI.
I. 7 b tod . I. , &ll , lVint c rets or„ , tho world.
s aud Dealen`,ll2 Freon& German, and lain& JEW
!PUY. Fumy UNA., and Stillonexr.l.47 BrolOway.
W ItENRYp o T r O t3lrsk il 00. yenta ox Wey Elob sas,
0 0 0 dolnm B9dMtST.aortingWom orNT
Gold Idloin Comosuky.,
_., ~
jEL.' . TL& & iikrAYraTE GOLD W-
I 2 r Ar o y , 0031PANYAB o n_watrocelial l Ow . :
ruandus 113 \ De b tireVACC Atli octillstoird la (ail ono.
rayon, trawl:a ali debt. and • aurpius noir en band. •
few ',hated • d fare= particulars maw be obtained br
e4d , eeeinlit 0 REIM ADVS. Aran; ICR . Walton stmt.
Near Wort_ \ . • SPl3:am
`Hardware, &c. 4, \
18. 8. WW. CORNELL, 136 ara 143
wr • Centro at. Rest azul Ormumatal IRAN WORRO.
Rats, Elms, ste,
itirRAIIAM tr.lAwBS, 1.61-Water street,
Aenta r reseustez . n. see Wholosils.Dealari
licit kr Ptirsuu*, do.
II AVID 9:4VERren and attntoo)
aartttaiL In Foram*. It to, Ventllatrnr, is
COWLES k. CO., 177. 'Grand \ amok Ira= proved Hot Alr Flitruceo. rsastiore. Itipletorp:VeatP,
India Rubber Woods.
I I CRIERS do WYKOFF; ‘.4 Courtin:ldt et:
I.dis Rubber Coats. Piano . *FlL owns. shoe+.
Promerver si s. Coogre Boots, We blew. lie,. 6). •
EARN DAVEN POREB6 Jcihn st.,llan
ufutum .0 Lb . alnr .j r
ln , t9n•rd9,4iptloil otooo4 ,
la4htailiE Rods.' \
M. QUIMBY & SON, De era in
aru lltitra t ?wow yito?, k , 0 Na
— *nobbling and 11(41thi l i Took'
100 row. wu 63, Bitayezattests. 111110131INNSTIS
u 1.13 !rap tb• bort Makers tu th" opaNtrt,
ostttussit stmt. 31sohtst.r7 InCaaWne
Mable Wad
. —. • .
PREISkiD ICO Itlanifaiatureitot •
Ov Morale. Willman No. 61546 atesdaysT:
Irma of dean sod Ihsoklld . street. 6th ~tooi room.
\ Musical Instruments. ,
RUNG & CARGILL, a Malden Leatc,,'
Outtars. Yiotln,. Aoxideons, Brum Instroxeme
14 - Fairrll,3l Maid= Line, Ira
vartira, m,nouttartn. 1.1 wbano. Dwain la
klat , manila, Shines: ae.
ILeegekh Tlsh Exam, and Tula% * I L
TIMM 11. BATE % (Lie • T. -.k 2. H.
• Bos,) lisitadika LIU —Nadia , . 11116 Mak% sad,
NEw isati
rigamw: BABBOUR, gzahuge Rue,
143`411 . =bra=hir s igre .2731,4 k
;n~:A'e:Y:t~~ ~S::im,'atr
i ' Pal:Logi..
SPOT for. MUNROE'S 'celebrated my
on.vabb uul Mx= Carpeutare Dmitaitsic
gt itg a lrr znolls far Belmools. 'll/30.V1A1l more
i . . . .
'Paper Warehouse. l
ri YAW W; FIELD & CO., Clii street,
ej [mortars 'and Who&vain la Annalam,
Womb, lawman and Knallah PAPER& slam docasin.
that od Papa Manuakotama mat. . . -
pUNOAN • LEWIS & BAR W, No. 161
Willlnia' 'awl. n groatorarle PAP= Ibi
t .41 all," &anima* PriaWn. Book Yamaha
and Tredauxuannmaindlr:
Piano Poo. Maniac ra' , :.• - -
rows Idanutantankre, exonanz all Id /arse mityl
I lama - ' - \
ROBT- PATRICK. Pedartoo Sale ian'
a.l, des BATES. (Ga ) loes Pi(ent..) Dnat. Ni. 199 .99:1'
Stationery WarerooiLs—Wludaude.
IV1)1. 4 pk1 ...
1,, LER Na. 13
FLIT ITZIITIA,..."'"rf Mdo
dwlenpUmm \- • * An,
Toys and Taw Ilds ,
LEMUR AIILBORN; N ob. 59 'and 61
Madan tans. Imoortere of TOY! and MACY
VV of Gera • Ittestott and kluillikh To • sod 1 1407
Tiles for Floors and Chimney Tops.
ILL) R, MUTES & YOUR.Enas No. 919
Peal seet, ustlo Taw. Garalsk. (71
vvr.nsh Window Glam. NR. 61 Dud ar dc
WindoW Wass, Paints,
wa - ur -
J, BAKER .t monnm
Iftoah.Winio* OWL
es+, Yal "tm szcs. L i - l a rir&mata of Amark*AW . Wow 0 , 401.
01.4 , Wan. .
ind& 00., Im_porters of
• kre•ch W WU. Cosa Glass: IRLlttatitalli.
AlTenoti' , English . and Amelia= MI linery
are ,raipeothilly hatted to pielt the mixt@olatt
if tor T l he on=st a t
Mrhjll6;llV.l l . r.e.x= P hmtimm uaudar,,, , ta.
celebrated mllitoe lo rom tl• "=il le*a
stmt. London: to ther Pith bet mitt ettgoi
re or Gente, enable. Ipm to prtoeut to bar mune .M 1
bleeds LIM the pOPlio' in Itenetai. .1 this stipero,
molt extensive =I attractive diephtp of FALL GOODS ,
Imo lino of badness Over 'armed for We In 11116?unti
Mr& S. bas to actoomledme the tooalpt Au/ .030
lamentorp Mum Rom the Trade throughout tte/RMM.,
relative to the Way 'of the traoslt of
Ewe, end of the complete 1112000,11 0131MIIV
1901.13.1 all the (bola mat. oot. and oho Ita00: 00 1.7
same m. PittaVill.ta .6111.KON& '
suaLlMu \ 1104.1..•
•,India 'Lubber OD:mei,' Mittens,
COUNTRY M KR.O}3, \ ANTS in 'milking their'
Parch sea should not neglect Wee . dealrabte sad . s.
ti. anklet!. Thelr =unfunny.. ban been math ha.
proved roantly. and they sr...made very durable. 'Per-
Molar &Mention requested to the LID= •
GLOVEd AND MITTENS. They are lndlostuabletheekt
sod wet weather. Liditil wilt And these Glare nal ha
any work that soli. toe hand.. at the same Um , thew
.will cure the worst Balt Utmost or Chemed Hands louse,
dlately. .They med.. all lengths to proteit the arose
and waists. For sale by J.''A aittaburibt.'
Goodyear. 68 Chesnut et Dower. McNamee; N.
York. end by .11
Bobber Dealeri,
3. Wor sale at metal! by Gountry hletahantalltrockhotit
the Go tat litateescd Canaden.,.. ltgttittatd,
. ,
\ . • ValeAtlneis for /854,' ,
, . , . ~
ji. \ Y.Theurse frees. +WNW= street.'Airent, ate arree, ; .
prepared Co execute all
B,e VALERTINYB 5..1 , .
ALKNTINE atArlON tali, tor. aurapaeoeVtl 1 . , ..... 1 .1 ,- ...•••:'
Dealers are requested Co wrte- Mmeeately ra. xneBa , ,.
'utra . .tila contalithig all particuus. • • • ~• .' • , I , .. '
T. Vnre elm solicits arias Cro Wool Engratiug,sad , ' , L, ,
ell other:Muds of Rultravltur and Artistic Worl , it% '4,•
o o 8
ral; Adirese, TllO2. IMMIX, 81 Nassau rt..'lik Y. ...,,,,!•,. .71
JO • 0.,
Elrnisblzig Opp& Nod Manzi.
les. k. 1O William street
fr. HOLT-r
or me,gy. geeTnentinit. Stubborn Mars. Datant.
Sat -.lthrsaa Amer Som e Brystpdoe. Fistula, _
Mercurial IXtuuts, thdoseeer Eruptiorth Liam ;
theetdoit. Dreechitir, thatuespiton. thank
Cbetpleinte,, Loa of Appada Geared Dec '
\I N this preparation all thevietaistive prop-*
atip., the root are concentrated In their utmost
neat and ardcaoy; bat while garmumilla Hoot forme
an portant part of the aorublaation.dt la:at the erneerne .
thole, compounded with other vegetablaeamdie. of data '.
rowdr. end lila In the peentlar conthinelian aadecientif.. •
In'theT.Tair,ll74=lthetton,ads. tb.t lr air el an l in s tatirteely 2
upon the ptemech, the cironlatton of the tonal, end them
thmenceemi.ela which ere ordlnettly the result et three
dirrerrad glade or medicine. ere canine onat the same
thoo, thrash the inetruncr/twatty or air era reszeilial
ggrot 'rt. gently scintilla*. while It &defect. end ex
pel. from e
timed bench ali that la
an d
and at the lam. reetorea their vigor and tom—
Many other trermaatate Inthets It be Weans the name
of SarrMand In that their resemblaum ends. being
-often front northlese and Inert Toots.
eon.. o healing curative: urepa sad •
Malaita la maki * pg choke ofintech they_ will nee l ‘rtel ' .
' take no other;ut that one e titled to , their wand
from the long
aura a hat effected on thing" 1 1 00 '
Awl.. oboes teettinentabi gui redden= hay. been bete
Wad. and who antra totingdaily teeter-toPe
' . \ '
Adige 111.ING 00* , • . .
. ' Pir.:fl. Y. Sept 20th. 1111.; \
rs IL. IVA D. am: Clandentem—Thaituunrlt. A
\ rented .the toast bee I drools from the use of you
Bareepaills. It gives ambelearure tetrad son the fellev• , ‘
11 4 , `lr.rggralVAll:n..z,t i rx l rf= 4 : - \
eettlal In his left les and . foot. which eacol I,
'4141 ' td . Itm. h ... gea h 7
~4,...1net e p lig r t re etnA I .mr ancer/ th b o y t h o ls . •,, . \
Crake Cerra Worn form on the I.; and foot at otta \ \
news te ed tea did rent violate, hilt none tenth. \
ad Monti At; and the last
to found hint en emaciated - .. `
and LoeV n ize creausable to lithe his bed. enifialegthe '.,
meet ex Initial*. Dering..this time the base had ~
teammate= oh rat ed th at plan altar piers mu oat.: \
alt which h. bee 100 more than \ tirentylthe uraterned In , \
• bottle. iota_ M,m on. half to line ant • half ismbee . \
length: i s tad 'then opal[. Innme of his reasthry..:
bat at Olds e wer were Indeed le IVY Your Sampatiller
end with 113 Ids health end ennetne begin bawds•
end? la ten land so mtl.l ins the change that lam .
than a doses beaks alle aperrect cora
.. , Withgraltade, I remain tkaly_Totai. • -..-
.• _ - \ ‘ . . • Dahl naLL•llll;.' .-.
W. the undersigned, • neishbors of Mr.Dalant.. thew- .f` ' '.
rally nabenthe InblilletSot the than. ethanctent.•.
IL it RAI. 01AIT. • e.ll. , Pertumunai,
~. -
Prepared and mid' wholande 'and retell A. R. n 11l ~.
PAllDS.Draggists thentlatit, 100 Talton . turner of: -
William. New Perk. gold aim by Oro , n-rtilT ..
throughout the Lin ; &Jam . and Othedes, it per :,
triiii* igo toottarg no 0, likor sale by h.thv
*On: L. Wlkoz.Jr...itWa m b
r shrthatti IL P. tweets. •
An a iNme thty rued by eta and Dealers , birdie
awn sernyerhers. - 042. • , ,
II -
me a ts 7.1 rzai.s - e , " 4=1.,"7 44,7:7;411
meats In most of the Earopent cram. Ito throe* :‘
Into the (land Rau was introdel more eapectolli:t
than of onr Father Wald tattered haw and there nor
the tau at this mighty country. •Meaing with - Inc
memo among them. I now offer It
.L tota Amalran tr ez.
lic e hawing that Ito truly ',mutant! sonnelnetu \
mat a acknowlelimd.
- IT 18 - A' BURS REMEDY 11)11',
hoer ad Ague. Dyspepsia. Riel. Ilanlealte,-...ftfireffahoe'tv
, your ad F. Bbonialullffondoeltnetn e nii
unelesamt tact. In •tho mouth r ater attar or
magenta. Isalgoation. =CY Mewe =MAW. - •
•• , tartlect rt aesta ti me trantor, d affoff th... .inado.4 \•,• • -6 , •
.12016 6 11 1 : 4 171144 ..- .1ffht - SISI - 11r1;01 -- 04. --• ‘ t;
mat end ot Weals in "•:-•
the heel. and all thaw ••
THE LIVER UE =mem • r • •
tile particularly Inrommonffel to thai t iOnetne mane.-
'COnatitutlOultnay bare beta impand by
.0 ornallsnoeu,
too of antra Writhe, e the r grim of annallont • Oa", L -
orally Ithitantareass In effect; itDna its nay directly it...
the *oat 15 , lit., thrilling and tip tekneue
_ov• nano
ritiol ogHealth za Um Omega& 4 , :pletinesaffilntinfo L lta.t LL _
Alray_vatAßLi \
e al! ever of Dim - duns! /Tauter!' Choke. Chalet. Mere
\ - bus t sod the man uneltomal ...fool& 0, 4001, 4 \
chines of or _ '
of Mr. B. 0. Mod; Ista Air4o. 4ir as .Boacs: '
laTs. It lirnrit Pia; Ja.—liesr Otr—l ninthd ax tilit d -
hard town *filleted with a dianue of tbo rtontarro,pittidt* '. .
Ma of tiorbtorti and intio.. b.. 11,4 1
reta ,7,ll7grpLonr
yap.. an. h a u" . Attar hating nag .'
Qr.* bottloo ot roar "Fileat=ricat Amu', or new:.
UM Illeteta.l.l. feel nu.* f entire?. frigate& iSati rat
4" nod " Mit t.-4.44 4'4"
t4 ;tl It"trag t w a t 1 ,..» p i ous. ,, .. r. . -
A \- - ~,,,.......,..:2411133. ' '
\ `MC Dl w Rua. Jr.. 11017 34,—X1 amoral. Manta
Sr. duo to oho friend 1000112310314Likig roar Holland Bittrra.
Haring nattered dig porno Unto vita ntad,ohoi low of aro
1 twits, .anal drortindru. and in trot gonadal disorder of.:
I tballystowllion tool. attar wing but One itettlfc ma.;
rano of rotunda, boallat , -
, ' \-• - ` , \ (dilkinal). tagOIBII11;80110erox ...,,
, illltkrlala47l==.o ' gr i r y 4
. h .„ 11 . 1:
b Ut.44 , ,, ‘ ie
CIA` C II I U 01124 iI‘POT CtIVOLI 01 Toil; att.: , a
,„.. loail \ rars glti .. •Sebf, 111.1/fts, mg ib....1,...,_
:1 1 . 1 " . '1 - 0 7s. stp.aaaa, . JAI- fiti l itinfar: b ?! . '', -
, •\ .• . •2.. 2, ,tgo wYdest4 eituboxiii;;; ; ; \
. .
SW. BOY VII artiVrB . ttatillid Bigailk . ant i,. "' '
- otboo, apeakd It WI, Inanylastaneuto ethos. ."
v r iii nt=ta sd lid ratirroaotiridainuitorilirOar LOW •
lic k.
ittlidlir t.b* , - SEJ.olllll7,lloitir ,:yi.;
t anoint - 11 - -. i5,;414 .1 k4 16 i 1
Alio,-bi sad puitk, ,
Ge. a. aeon; batting am:, 1.1 ‘ .1 11" 3411=1.
. Jobs°. Siallk:trialitilbsic: - `' - • . --, --,
1. 4
j airg . ...parpt. P i =.6311.. in.whd
Wit , 11:,71-4011 1 / 1 4 8 1.4 eta. per