:'tS t nitIL4SHED IN 1786 =UEEMIIE ei;ivziparx 'NH= dt- Wildfer. aims Dm TWO &Hie?. OMIT EA* TO HU YOU orrie. - teams • , o,4ll,l 9evendollareperanium. payable half yoriY• Alva ace. In flow Der annm, inadrance. (huts be supplied on the follow/in ro,o 4lo °t's 7:s s op rhos EIVIOS per motto— ..... 0 , 3 "Yen ouples • do 11 ; TWOUtY miles do • -- „, srses paalrot for dish slab to be addHE•o• be-Psid laseziebly,ln•advesn.t. a ph pine •• I ba nor after theyoat exPirro,;.°l"' the , •of fIY •renersel. 1 St: ., .8A7291 Or A.DVIATIS4O. - ... • liquors, (10 line at Notstirell.l2leT , &KA. inmstosi ... •' • • • eseheddltio . rt Insertlen.. o[6 , Do. three ...... 4 00 De. . two 700 '. Do. . throe I WI Do. . Ala months,. 11 00 • ' Do. • twelve ..... 16 00 OeVte, (5 Inn or less per eau= 600 ooe Dollar for each - additiona Oa* legnirew thin/reale- at 'pleasure, (Per lonner) entwine ciao '• 0 ••• Pox - earth .idelttlonniworare, inserted over one noollti,l. engin eac h sdditkoni square hunted under the 7...7 . adVRIUMMIIIIt 82.404thig • I.2l:lAta; and not over ifteei •Ilose, to be °barged a /quire awl • hilt „ Publisher, not soonntable for I. adverUsemente • , - Prond thwomonnt charged for their publioatioui .a ' t i o • .1 , .. t o n ...= .4 ll=l4: : : n b t e t y Mee, 40 be . cher Adirortioniote not wil l on the copy for madded lumber of inwertlons, will be ovation:l forbid, and " =Ydri at al t e ge t.4 veril la etrictly Molted to thou own . mnlllate binning and all wivertnementa -19,4 160 bandit stoner mons. as well as all a inentii 001 Immediately , connected with then own burn ,sessenued all einem of advertisements. to length or oth. •er erne, beyond the limits e•ed, will he °tura.' et tht Donal Mee. , For all enoteM•ne=ent advertising. bills will be oparaballyrendered, and prompt ravannt le dewed. .: All advanants, for oberitibl ,tirotioes. Ineoorn. kt u vrard t _toratbirp sad other public mostirir. out s.', , to as distend half price, payable strictly . jinftriage, notion to be charged 60 won. Denis onion Sorted withoesehuge, notes 000.4015* And by fano el insintione or obituary notion. att . ! a6tll 'KO •Mtaisvaltt•C to be yard far. •, Reinlaradverthers, and ell others sending corronol'• **deny el rewsteing 1011... 'designed to call attention to • "OIL nolnee. Osisents, or any pablio entertainments, where ahargu Die, onde for admittance—all notnn poiKW sonotatlons—nery notice, donned to call ottem- Sloe a prfestwlenterprime, taleuland or Intended to pro. ... ti MO6ll hiliingir dv intenet ra eare v..tr or or, ly eb be ir v . r i.;l ltb rv ile ; nbeirgegat the rite of not lees than 10 ante Do'r Moon or IS. nein,e to be charged triple polo.. • trirw e r license Petition 51 nth. 7 Ulan Agents' end Anotiorners . advotleaments aft te cloned under yearly Ones. but to be allowed • ineennt &thirty three end one third per cent. from the iunonot of bllle. • • • • WEISIX OI DMA PLTISS. thzN f tech sdillicemal 87 AIMIAntItiLLITK DI iranzl4 PAPAL ono aitarlrartrua7_ls;l6Mition=6o saute De. an"h aedetlenad Wertlon-.26 mete All tnaudint adventannanta Cobs ',kaki]] advance. EATER OF DISCOUNT Iroasserts 'sans, son tax srrnsurma GAZETTE, IT tii noiadza a 80N8, Bankers •00- 1 0 Hinksts4b••••••• Third did Jbartbsin rifitintna. --- TBROTLYANIA. Branch at Nassillon-......* w a,.s yittsbnalb........-Bst Branch at Woonet----do Bask et d0..«.3.par Branch at Xenta...---.:.d0 L„ 1:1 ? 1 '',:afm.....f.4,........zer Brawn at Y0w0rt0 .... ., d t: lif f orttretion-pat S i gnuonsbil e tkAbonstmodo a [ /N W blbontimbsat Vtat •11X - B•sk.. - -,.......-...d0 VI 3=l=ltiest Witt:feta Batkle-.4...-..-o , pat Ohlo LIU Inc . • Trut 00-do Ispilltbattfsatad Snow 12 Hotta% Itastentliank -do. Oomakesebilltask et Ps.-.Tar Bank of ltsmelon—..-do .Barmaii-tbkonbssHeßkpar Saudi Notan..... - -do ofm4 nni .-............5ta NEW RINILAND_ . • Eton Ifank-:.,.. -sax A ll ',Aunt Hatou---.-3( Om.* Macao Bnsk.-paz HRH' YORK. eo otwar " ...- Dar New York City- -,--,..pa r rb • 5at.,....-par - • ... -- Taiiii. rnottiir... pouthwar Siatc;.-....-parralUmoss...--.---sar Tradesman's BoOn--......pan Boaster-, _ ___ x Vinoters blank• - . '..:-.....tat N.JARMY •DRIAWERB. Bank of f =MTh. 33 Isolystit bask- kg :t.D.11-..* Y ...par Ditaltidake -vai: - ILI 3 °"°•• g b e.±.... m. ihi.k, uks e',Nl:f l if .a : 8..k.rwrgh.,.... 3, . tuncatViitztai .. Bask of 5tg.,;•••••...... N ate' a Meet, Bask . Bank 01 1tting5...,......• Waite:lt Bank-- " flostitoVlT.oo• Bask--Par . Brastion..--..... •• • Bank ornott•stobintstxtrar • -NORTH OkROLLir arg i gttr ittilatt - Trata . B t ottli c .M.. 2 olttib - oz: 1 Doylestivratt.:-.....par Nannistoial lik..W Ilminten 2 Rotas ...............w.par Nintits.. ate ank,Ntsbers 2 Ida Os , ...........33 SMITH OIROLINA. ry...resit prvaris Oe-pas Bk of !ha Bt. of 15. OsroLts • 3 Inrsoine.BYLOfLantastaryst Bank of 80ntb.0•044,- I IhnsterOltstOs ci , •034.1053 par Hank of(thath- 3 j ...., tot otßunititulOo.pat Pinnt•r••••.tdeobas3W Bk 2 - ./10tor,,Ynkyarbst3.-. AC • . • OBOROLL._. .... rraskalsßit.Wankington i.U . Uflt4llns.• HatOolneoo Baniongnasak..-......-- .$5 kna. 0ntartu1ta,........-„. 2 • 5k..4................3.48k of trocinarlbotk----pu .. 24-': TRlray Ar s ' 2 tanomibuffoanty Al!Bask.,..par sates% bank..---- .. 2 Ba•o• • par OCKY. • i nese Bask ntHottulthr X kW' no:anat.. bonist 'Box onongsbele Bast ............3•11Bk of LoW3O/16. 'Thurston • not Stanek Bank ....... ` Northern Ilk of Rentsoky . Tat%Bk,Wl3l3 slam tenuthern Ilk of Kentackt - - ............... I, • 11/BBOURI, . R•lbotNetsa.i.....___ 11k of Rat. of Ifirtel--.3( oklo Stsbollank-..1......:.-3( Stateßask and branehan-63 Im* at Akron ----.....d0 Hoak of Ininol•--,... . ....Ti - Besse% st Atha 'tni............:.da - WIBOONEIN. Branch litlt c = w port.-.... : .10 fdtzint_ k•Lr i te l :p , /,%.. asesata ut=4F4..,...iii yam... -- -- - 1;:g • a t iaton=:::::4' . mama at war•—..do Eat Oottosbus.---do at at Salem Asbtabsts-..0 -o Branch at 1et5a5fie1d..........10 Bunn lia 11)= TE. ---1 , 0 , Miti l ex i hlnitr.. in -- Ed a : Basch at 00.10.:.---..do Bissell at Leseastsr..---do amok aßnotbetrrills..-..d0 anosob at ISt. Venton--do Braseb stNewnrk—.....do -Ao Baia& at ILITils-:- .....ilo =2 itt= s -- .- 44:-. 1: =2:111170.7.71 Rntotk thatasettifi•—do Bash Lath at Mks. •••••• -.•-•-•-d. inm.li it Paruceurattt-do • ilesmeh M. 7Laton-......:..:-do Solve at Italrouna..---do &each st Ohlllleatt,--de fl =t i t t 1 . 1 1 7. - , - . Gorarnmoat Stock Ilsak—..s iPattosular 5 15555r55.0555.5551-- CIATAINI. -7- " --- Bk etD.N.AraedcA,Totantot Bank zoftbe People., Taranto 1 Bank of 'dont:ma-- Do.mk of% canAdA,Torconto 3 DAMIAN NXORANOL. g:17.2:7;tr ---9 : l' On Bantam,- WIEBTKIIN iiiiiii3 Gi. Louisville.... -.-........... . 7 DOLD AND skidifitirs ITDattrae=:4.......A . MO Eagle, mnr. ' ....MOO lredenttekstrom.--...-... "t. 60 ei/=::::::::= 3,96 Dursta.....-----.. 1.14 nips OF. STOICS. ISPONTID FOS Till PTIRSEIII4III airicrrx et A. WILKINS 8,7.• Co. STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, NO Tl. YOIIKTII MIT. =====l : 6 ; IL, 10 100 •••• 100 ••• 100 ..... 11001 100 -* ,100 1001 Shaba Indio CwMIY Do. . Do. Alleni, Co. ritubiub dt7 Do. coop. 14. - Au la u " figaZiliT MUM ITOCIL rant ritubo nh.-- Dterebeatea Mann:Hasa Alladatent 15.1ving 1 0 ,44 k U r n 11"SL HaSt. Br Hand St. Ilarthers flaw' yfi Warta= esuzzace Otiose' lanuanair Aim= 104 rireauses =MIL r u M Lous;171; asn. sou.. - elatawaTiz ; ?mut 10 ways-- u to mob° Buzstex PTough Wm,' mieL ma Poll Rout Mao isTotta'd. Roll Rout Ron. l .ohio _Ron Root Cllov*lsod t Watells IL It Morino R. 49:1. Drf D e . Ro ds. WO., To/U• Oniot Ilso s t Rodd Awe. a Porrlgrlß. lA/ I 'll Atiotalitog4hufaylk o °butlers Oau •••• . - r, useuritM , P. • Nasun 7.: arm Ptlout* GEORGE Z. AR1101.1) lk BANKERS. . . — loutina mataxas, 001$, nix& provisoto. . '/AOl4 ilacrolli,ecatta Ban af Pittataaga. lasaakad,Drafta edhataloa all pus. atilt, %balm— VirWEINS & CO4 EANKEEB AND EXCHANGE BROKERS No, 11 Iroussu trrazrr, 0 0°d t ! 048 Bmrl qf"Wih. c w i a.stuisstlons it met Iomrsl Bstaislll . and -Po l a te Bend ' Pat e nt " EoePlireZ reP ffaIIAPIATE AND aIIItET•ROLL.S. 41 . AIf.NOW BE. SEEN IN OPERATION a Ott's Ballot INN. Mt*- / ft" of Zorn Bat rtown rut- "sbtat"..DpraWrigint sre—thet it oVasue tn.' • - Med/bt hff the nab !bat, ma the toy roll to ,_ ' e g . tn th ' e d rotip t t r zA eanplete thee It te 8, without 'ar i l= ksA bis l=lr • .'g." aumver beta the Agile to we the I ... .. . .DAILY I ',. 1 BURGH .._ . \ V .\ , . BUSINESS CARDS ,Attos.IITAFR-IT-36N, Conned rneyardsi . lot et L em Man nurve4 t. r04.1•1b. Plttajztrih. Ps. n""t *THAL, Attorney at Law, "Bake d w e Boneless," Oreutsitreet - hitherns - lbmtp eueot amt Diamond halite/1T °BERT PlALOCii,AtrOiney Law— `L Corner. of Mtn sod Gnat streets. opposite the Oast House steps, Pittsburgh. stisttett ItEUBEN EL: Attorney and irk kriC "" 4) "..w,,,, t • A 11 6 10 1../ Comt: to Ann- LettUaniroTam.nit cara W MlT ' 4d tended atiov." ,11 • ,AIG, Afton:Lay at Law, New Castle, & tiMirtAloo efklarrf. _ iCAllfer te 110144 Waltikr Craig, Crosser."). J. DMEL:Op, r.rg Lliatiptou & Hatith.lirmer & Baba. a. Mild. I Co, Lo on, & 00..11. Ler. 101:114110 T A MES J.-KIIHN, Attorney at Law, office, O Pburtt 4seet. nsar Grunt, Pittsburgh talo.dl kte P. ! P M DI I2I77r d c o o n, r .lla,sr—;Vt.tto Altintars—A. W..Loomln. Sbaler a Stant.. fetbs:4l.r.3. JMES F. KERR, Attorney at Law—Offioo a !melt rt., belle.. Smithfield and Grant, Pitts 3urgb 08. WEAVER, Attorney at Law, Fourth .treat. near the Mayor's 02ics, - Pittsburgh, • Vol oe.tions sttataed to prosarti . tayllbh.tku Nj P. &G. L. B.—FETTERISL&N, Attor • hey. at Leas and Real Estate Assist,. Ne. 107 4th treat ("Mahwah. fable tiIRANcIS ORLANEGIN,AtturyIoy at Law, tic. , 170 Hearth stmt. PlUat.trirt• BASPER E; BRADY, Attorney at lam, le No. 59 Yin &est AtUbarich. . BANEXEUI AND lIROMEMB CUTTER, BRODHEAD As CLAPP. 29 sum &AXES, BOSTON, BANKERS, ,E'DYALERRIN EXCHANGE, Checks, Drafts, Certificate's of Deposits, ND Uneurrent Money bought at lowest 11. rates. Collectleamade on mil parU of the Unto. BOBTON —Vranklin Ravn, re 3.. W. R. /e.a. Km., Cashier Bank of Commerce, Mein...). E. 'Mir. Bro.. J.-14(. Bebe. Morgan 2 Co.. K. D. Brig. bun 2 Cn NEW YORK..-2.lessm O. S. Robbins 2 SonS; Cutts. Utah' Fearing, Carpenter Qr. Aldrich 2 Spencer. I/ LLADELPLIIA—MeStone. - ssnr. W. IL :Newbold 1 Sen. Omni .1 Messrs. ClowSnui 2 Riggs. Weshinnton. D. C. ' noslEndly ===V==l KRAMER & RAKES, Bankers. and Exchange Broken. JIIIY and Bell Gold, Silver end Batik Notes, neirottete loons on Real %state or Stock Securities, ;sntobue rromitoory Notes. and Time bills on Rest and West. Bu and se ll iitoeks on.oonsiniasien. Collections appoints in the Union. Woe, Darn. of Third ~ .Sl r nod etreete. directly. oproalte ..ke 3t. Marley ilotel. =flatly • • H. D.. Sing .: ..cioIN, STOCK AND EXOLLANGE BRO ./ ker. Fourth street—Buts sod .11s Stocks on 0 .1. Woo; Kul:tido) on Eastern cities muniulsd-st ...wt. rat.; Collections cowls oaths West at low rates; Wwstsso Bank Now bought and sold. . ISIS • , VaLa..l3 PAIXI34...ILIMPRIA,- US:, r.13.11114 - ILAIINA ac. C 0..; Suocsoasors to Absacoey, Wins k' BAradm. Wean 'a liaonom. a deaden in rt. 1.11.11 and Donienic rank am. Ontideatee f • //Omit, Ala* t ats . raand 2 orth West corner of 'Wood mi n d ird,stre CarreWmser received on De. irnit. Bight Cheeks for aale, and collections made en near. all MI, principal pcdnts of sha United Staten The blamed preminm Mal .1* - Foreign and A =altar, laid. Advanced an* on confinement. of rrm.,...birr.4 4 ..rt• liberal ternra. AIRD & IRVIN, Real Estate, Stock and LIP Bill-Brokers, N0..1.6,1111th .t. •v 6 AM. A. HILL k QO., Bankers and Bro y V kers.ls4 Wood Ft. o.IWM. IL WILLIAMS 4. CO., Bankers. sod Es ab.snp Brokers, Nor th Kan coma Wood nkarl streetk ntlatmENOL. All traneactlonstude on Metal t,rint, and :olleeSons ,roloptly attended to. rarely WILKINS & CO, Eichange Broker. , Ne. TS Yourth Street, osposit• the - Barik cf Pitt, burgs. All iraeraetlobs at watt liberal rat.wti ir la. %ITM. LAMEIIII, AilL, Banker . and Broker, V V 4thertmet. aijoialmit tbP B.ra of ttx 110LME§ & SON, De 4 slern in Foreign 'I • _awl Dczastie Mlle of I:xthange, CertlCVatre id Le nedf...9ank Nat.! and Uponle, No. en Difirket Am.:. Pitts. argb. 13.021netiorot mule on II the principal eitlw hronfichont. the Maned Main. ROOKEIRT.T.R II 4 AND STATIOBIEBS it(i i. ,. BTo lMgt pipoN, 121 ,0. Stook sr of ltAlst atid .l l l ll street:: Pi ttsbu . V. 8124- L. READ, Bookseller and Stationer, No J 78 Fourth atm; Apollo BaUd!neg. 3. K Weldin.. •IL 0LE13.1 Lle and Retail Dealer 1 0 K - wnkiLna Sebool hockm. Ps.par and Statiopery. do eth.t.(b•tvfen Third •al 7cattlO VIIIRIOIETO. • .1 WiLCiai ./E• CO. Druggists and Apotb- Ledmies. corner Market ,beet and tha Drainoud. ke.poonstatitly on band n full and complete aigo 'talent of Drugs, bleditints, Perhontry, and agtlolei pertaining to their buelneas. PhY , d•d•ti" Preetriptions "artfully eotapeunted. • tuylll WHOLESALE Dealer in Drugs, Paints, Oil', Yarnhhea and. Dy• Utah , . Nu• 7 D O LL I b. I 7 stmt. Pittsburgh. All orders will metre prompt attention. Aiir..Agont for Louden A Co's veloublo Loudly mettlelner. AA. FAUNESTOCK k CO., Wholcaale' • DroggLeti, wad zaanufactarers of White Lead, Red Labarge, =tier Wood iratt:TetatetteOhk Pitt. PILE. SELLERS, Wholesale Dealer Druos. Potato. Rye Stuffs. 014; Varasboa. /to. 67 Wood otroet, Yittotarob. Good!. warranted. Primo !ow. .... RAUN k. REITER, Wholeeale'and Retail Draggrizts,edrner at Liberty and Bt. Clia sta. Pitt. gb. SCHOONALDIEB, do CO., Wholesale Drag aeo... No. 24 Ngood , 0011INISSION AND FORWARDING. WILLIAM A. MoOLURG, DNA= IN VINE TELE, CHOICE FAKILT CROCE= 8, tl (~~R. D ~_. WOODEN AND WILLOW Watt CORNELL OF won 63iD RUTH jiltriffd. Ls now receiving ► !ergs sesortW, of Ptah Goods in addition to bin alreedv eiteneire Mock , put , abated from first hand. in the Battens market& which will be sold at the lowest market prices. 111.. fleets. latesitiboaze, sod Yeloilles. burins by the 0 1 / I CIOII.I. Impelled nterholeule ryas. AIL. trade delivered in the city hew of *lure., feria ut.J.: k JulT List. T•to Al Ant lI:IC.3in &Jul: Int. rob& Alas Lnt..llsy .t Nov d. Lux; .... A. & A. ICBANB, E(ibINISSION and FORWARDINGMER ~ 011 ANTS. &sten In Wool end Produce arnorallt put. "l24turelo dlannactures. No. 114 fleco.liticitat W. Nay 6iat. i It' v•illarlyr et J 5 COMMISSION 9A01:1N. 71511, FLOUR,DZUth ►RUITN, tso (X)UNTBI tiM=b • EILODOOK CISSZBALLY. 51•.'8516 Liberty street-.4excustertial now aplfry . o.ll ' YITTSBURGE. ,Lf WPM NOV. Dlt. Noy. 12% Dif d Pt at. do • DIVA on 0.15 J. M. LEECH, MeA.LPIN & co., SVHOLESALE GROCERS, AN. OLUZLII Ir PROVI6IOSB. MYTALSh PITTAWG .31LNUFACTUREEI. Not. SO and 244. Liberty rind. Pitiebssrph. 0. SOSSON ITSDUICK • • Gilbert 4 Frederick, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Produce Deal err. Far rudlog .u 4 Cloatmlulan Merchants. N la v 'ecerl attest, Plttebursh. In..l4berat cosh advances me eansismnants. All g 0.14 Insured If a son , 4 ,tottOte. 25.14 atreetiatill matlettlbiaamatallier 4960 Velma Mllt and Bean Bonitos of the latest 5 014 ood most theltamalge oelotik , , - Qylirpwo Clink. l Theillidest carpet ' , 7.3 B. -.int imalgmyougam... whlM•hite bar-4144 . -.. " *K n .10 M agW8141. 7...r..1,rtz i 1 t.p24. 1 211 , 1pm.p ... t ei tr.,46fis illb . . 711.8 Fi r t 111- --, .:. ' - l . :::ic,.. - 1 4 ::,.. " , 4