The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 18, 1853, Image 3

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    11'51. 4 . 33k5,
.W=9. Marron --The river was slowly going
lastetdaY, but the heavy rains of Wedate
day night and yesterday morning will doubtless
brieg It up age:o-•
Ttte'reoelPts of _produce =Saxe large. We
refer to oar Ilst of Jetports for pirticolsre.
The 'exports am:Alone heavy. Immenee
at:wants of Pittsburgh maaufaeturee aro now pc
leg forward daily.
The Dianna Is the Wheeliog packet for tc
The Haren,Vapt. M'Millan will oleo leave to
day for Cincinnati. She Is a doe boat, with cw
melba' Captain.: •
. We learn front the Olottlelnitt Colombian that
the steamboat Inventors, In the tutee of John
Carrot.(plied of *ellen Clunten,) °charged with
etWedrkg Into and sinking We steamer United
States Mail, at the month, of ileargrass Creek,
blithe warning of time I * 2l/1 September," hare de=
elided , that Me licence - be suspended :for 1614.
d Ts- - ,. 11.0 . 11 01 nte is tba care ois which the de
dolma inbseed,.,ne we leant; nee:. Fink that the
tkoirseb. Wee net in the email- plum that
boats should be. When coming too at the Louis
sills 'wharf, the proof Is that she was at close in
macro es not to be seen by boat backlog 'cut
from the.Unien line wharf boat. It the seoond
place, she approached the wharf 'with" 'lure
headway upon her than prudence would war
' rant. The.cueis therefore set down; although
. wo lives Ism lost by the collition, it one that
did pixie lite Ist peril to a very great degrer,
and folly warranting the shore suspension.
The steelier Prairie State hie bees sold to the
reakek era St. Louie Pseket,Cosepsur, for $B,-
000 or $9,000, '
Stie;etbest, Towboat, sod Cott Barge men are
.referred to the shrlieemant of the notod Tow•
broit,O.E Wdthiesofdratieedfor saute to:day'e
._paper, se Use mat pOiterfut wad rapid Boit on
the lowai Myers.' . • '
Tax Oratte--Ae theArcielspproachee for 'the
Gni perfoce of the Clears one offln
ie are
,betionilig r nits arithcalleetto on the 'object.
Id few sots are left nneetertred for ta-nieht.
Vie Opera of Diets de Lammermoor amiable a
gteat deal of eery excellent music, end aa a play,
the plot le exalting and anemias the attention to
.the butt The sone to ield la Etootland.
B . lB ll o l la /104 M de Vidal takes tho oharaotai of
Lula and Signor Possellni that of Sir Edgardu
Raviniwoad. Voila!! pattlealars ae to out au
programme in another column:
The, Company arrived last eTellilltr. from De
trait, eo that no farther delay need be antioipa-
Blimp Poznan!, the agent, Informs us that the
seams prepared for this opera arc the Same as are
used in Europe and other eastern cities. Every
COO has been taken. to prepare the Athenaeum
ter, the occasion,. many, el the seats have been
situated se to afford a more commanding view
,of the stage, and the wholo interior renovated
Performances will commence at half past seven
ceolook"preeisely., Doors open at hall-past eh
' _Unman Smile Crum Comm ,--Jedges Grier
-nall Irvin OM the Iteniob. . .
"`lt the ewe of Geddes et aL re. the Fayette
Mantafaatnrlng Company, the various counsel ad
dremed tbe Jury. They (Peopled the entire day.
' 'Xicartior Count --Jtidge Shannen on the
IA the cue of Arnold re. Sheriff reported yea
terday, the Jan , teemed' for defendant.
Sarah Conine ye: A. dilleland'alfeers, No. 117,
April term 1860. hi'Candleoe for plaintiff; Mar.
shill for defendant.
Action on bond given for the purehate of
lend.. Defendant alleged that the title to part of
r thpland failed, and. therefore resisted payment
pro tank: and also allege en setae' payment of
part of the &Mount claimed.
!Piney Creeks re. finir.uel• Meaner. action on
breach of promise of marriage. M'Candisaa and
"A, W. Lecmia for plaintiff; Sheer, Stanton end
:Hampton & Sea for defense.
The . parties reside in Mifflin tovinehip, and are
la geed- eircametancon. Meaner is appatently
;about sixty yearo of ago.
hi.Candleoe opened the aloe for the plaintiff.
He elated thit Meitner Was a widower who want- .
•ed to get warded; that in 1850 he became as
• •&d With the platitia, ad lifter aomeliix or
Menthe eanxtehip, foruially propeeed end
'was Accepted.. He obtained thd eanotion of the
.plaintitra mother, and between them fixed the
day of marriage &bent..three or four weeks from .
that time, whieltwould the let day- of July.
•1861. Mks Crooks acme to town end pnrchseed
.liar wedding gsrmenta. While she was in foam,
Ideatuir went - to' her, metiter and told her that hie
- spin Iretiew Sweetened to leave his hOuse, if he
married Mira Crooke, and ae he did not like to
lose his aerricea dories harreet, he asked her to
postpone 'the wedding until after that—leseon.
Thiel arra:lmam:4 vie Recanted to. •
Shortly aftermath, Mite Creole took up her
residence with a Solt lady friend, with whom she
remained mail a few days before the periedemen
:tioned a the wedding day.., During her absence
• widow named WAdama Who was worth more
prOperty, came to the neighborhood, and through
, her attractions,_ receivedectopeeel from Sne
er, which she . accepted.. • They were married
abintt•the time named for the wedding with Mita .
Crooke, and jest as she reached home from the .
visit to her eickfriend. The counsel asked for
heavy damages front - thejary,,es this was . = ag.
ringed asae, a great outrage upon the feelings
. ..of the plaintiff, who thus became the talk of the
meighborhood„ The counsel bad almost forgot
ten to state to he jury, that Meaner, on the co
wicket u nouveraation with agsntleman on the
.subjent,- admitted his promise to marry the plain
,tiff, but ha altdred his mind, as hie present wife
Weers6oobetter elf. He ootelidend be had made
MO by the transaction.
A number of Srieueasea were then called for the
prosecution. 'r
were amble to ascertain the grounds of
.defenots, but will glee them to-morrow. _
Isrositinott Warm) --In the Pratt. Chron.
ide an .Bngllsh paper, we find the following,
which may be of ireportasas to some person in
thisyegion : "
Brortema Biwa:pus, Joiner and Bailder, who
serried hb apprentimehip . with the late Mr.
Itiohard Brown, of Lune etreet, Preston, Lanca
shire, England, and IMO afterwards emigrated
,to Pittsburgh, in the linited Beaten d America,
end who is soppoesd to be still in that neighbor
hood, will hear of something to his advantage,
`by applying to Mr.' Dozen, Chronicle 'Moe,
Teuton. Any person who knows Mr. Dewbarst's
preient address, is requested to sommuthosto se
The Junta, of yesterday, rmpubllebed the ar
tists that appeared in the Chronicle, of the day
previotudy,in which the editor narrates a very be.
nevelent sedan on the part of an iron merchant
in this MI. It appears that the wife of a school
master had undertaken to solicit the amount of
. $260 frooMbenevalent eitisem, a sum saffloient
to - liquidate • - few outstanding debts, nod to re.
MAIM the filially. to the West,..where au eligible
intention Was offered the - husband. They were
In destitute circumstances, the small Balmy re
- *rived for teaching not being suMalent to meet
expenses, though they lived in the most monom
Mal muter. The lady made her diet applica
tion to II wealthy iron merchant of this city; her
• appearance and, manner satisfied him that her
story was genuine, and without farther conversa
tion be drew &cheat for the whole &Mount, $260.
The Journal concludes its article by a reverse
*tare wideh is extract entire:
Tim Ricniss.—We regret that on the same,
dey, we are milled upon to exhibit the 20•10613
11101111:41 , 0 pleating incident.
On Tuesday the steamboat Huron attired at .
OW port; labs (hale child named'Holden, the
sole survivor of so family of five persons, who
kid come on 'boud Cincinnati It appears.
that the family consisted of the father, moth
-42., and three children, mod were found by Capt
'McMillen of-the Huron ' lying at the wharf in
Vineinuati, exposed to the inclemency of the.
seethe,. , The story lictolen was an 'sp.
pseuds ailople one; he bad, it was etatei, °rig-
Melly resided in Allegheny city, whence ho had
- remand to lows, when Mot:less overtook him,
'and be 'wen , endeavoring to get book again --
fie nod hit ' from, want sill suffering,
mete reduced to the last extremity, being very
mat& caneciated, and all ill.
dloces of the 'Wiens of Cincinnati designed
r. stdmoribing for their relief, but from same rea
son their benevolent intention was not circled
into exemtlan, and - Capt. McMillan kindly agreed
'- convey them to' Pittsburgh, Mr. Holden awn-
Meg him that he bad, but tour dollars in the
level. Oa thetray uptbe paeleagars contribu
tad fifteen dollars to this supposed destitute fam
.llb-bat its aid came apparently too late, since
1- .thrt father, mother and two of the children died,
and were buried
- Oh the shore of the Ohio. When
the boat reached Pittsburgh, may one child, (a
, Lttle boy) lite weekended over to tre Gasediaus
• of the POO, ?figura be was taken to the City
/NM, eemelned.
• fie far this is once( the moat horrible tales of
lb.elfecte of -destitution with which we have
I the =We of any country; but the sequel
Testeisa to bo told.
.01 exemining the effeete of the deceased, the
. OM of over/ our hundred dollars, in geld, direr,
end now; hula, thus proving that the suf. ,
fartsgs , of the seemingly destitute family had
heas voluntary, and that so far el we can judge,
marten,' and not penury, bad cursed them.
. -
the Money which woo Left from tb• funeral. am'
. pease, of ..ths deceased, le mit ha the put:melon
Alf Muton."
111710 VOICED MAIL= , AIT , Bairn:.—Two
youngtoen„ Robert and Albert Smith, eons of a
tareen keeper on Liberty street, noshed cut of
their father ' s establishment yesterday afternoon,
end commenced an entirely unprovoked and en.
expected smolt and battery upon a pedestrian,
namettFrancis - Sprasger. Sp:ringer entered suit
spinet the& before aldermsn Parkineon. They
were arrested and held to bail to answer the
abuse at Court
Dasottnzarr CONDUCT.—A. German named
Philip . Lewey, of the ad .Ward, Allegheny, was
arrested and taken before Meyer Park for disor
derly conduct, jic was in the, habit of burning
shavinga in hill b 01330 to the great danger of the
airrrounding buildinge. He wee also .charged
with throwing offal on the 'CAW - ) street, ranch to
the annoyance of the neighbors. On consenting
to leave the neighborhood, the nit was dropped
by the prosecutor, Andrew Snyder.
MILD we Dam --James Dennison, 'a teacher
in the Second Ward Public School, Allegheny,
was bound over to appear at Court on a charge
of assault andlattery preferred against him by
the mother eta little girl named Lavine Smith.
It meats that tbe'ell became confused In work
,log a etun, when Dennison etruok her repeated•
ly over the shoulders and back with a pine etiok.
Alderman Hays is the magietrate before whom
the salt was brought.
Faun Parrnicis AND Parry Lasoluvr.-:---Al
derman Reinhart had before him yraterdaya a
man named Robert Tatoher, charged on oath of
Philip Wiseman with obtaining a snit of clothes
from him ender false repreeentatione, and for
petty larinny. .The alleged larceny consisted in
taking a hat and some omnibus tickets valued, at
$l,OO. In preferince to having the case go to
Court the defendant • paid the money doe on tho
olothes, and the costs. The alderman dischar
ged the latter suit, as no evidence of felonious
intent was presented.
Accrormr—A young man named JohnClonst.,
wbo was engaged in the Anahor 'Cotton Works,
Allegheny, had two of hhk.„ fingers taken-nit on
tirednesdayibpds hand coming in contact , with
the inaohinery.
togAIMS ASID-B at.---A man from Shouee
town appeited be fore Iderman Bridaster yester
day and instituted' It against James 111'Namee,
a fellow workman, or an agravated assault end
battery. A wars t was issued,
Tai JAIL —There were only three commit
mente to the coenty jail yesterday, for denotes'.
neat and vagrancy.
HELD To Ban —George Dietrieoh, a< butch
er of Itileghony, was held to bail by Alder -
dermsu Parkinson yesterday for beating John
Rosser with a club.
Tai 13COST GUARDS, who here not been in set
vice tor some time past, will reorganizo on next
Wednesday. They will meet at Alderman Ma
jor's effuse.
Treemmor, ifismunr Motd.urtzz, Eaq , has com
pleted the signing of the coupon bonds of the
city in favor of this reed, amounting to $500,000.
KEEPOIO A TIPPLING Hous•.—John Pyle, •
constable of Allegheny, .appeared before Alder
man frays, in the Second Ward of that city, and
made oath against Jacob Pack; a tavern-keeper,
on Chestnut street, 4th Ward, for selling liquor
without a license. • Pack was arrested and taken
before the magistrate yeeterday, where he gave
ball in.s2oo to appear at Court and answer the
Dacassa.—Dr. Holmes, a prominent citizen tf
Pittsburgh, died at his residents, on Wednesday
last In consequenoa of a requeet made by Dr.
Holmes some time before his .death, Dr: Speer
yesterday had en examination of the body, whoa
it was diseovered that the prbsolpal arteries were
ma* °Weal and the head and !nage consider*.
bly diseased. This is about the state of dieor
der with whloh the Doctor believed himself af.
Mracanwrtn racturtrze.—A liet 01 . Mirehante
who hire paid their annual Waimea tax will be
published in the Gazette during the coming week
by the oity treasurer. Those who wish their
mules to appear on the list are reqoested to call
end settle this week.
Niw Yowl. Nor. 17.—The steamer Arabia ar.
rived this morniog with Liverpool dates to the
Bucharest and other deco art plsood in estate
of &lege. Any one in corteepondenco ebsil be
. The Turkish Sect weighed anchor In at - Bes•
pherns en the 25th ult.
A. emference of. Powers was held at London
on the subject of future preeporta ' -
It is said that Anatris bee effected the propo
eed-ican by the guarantee of the Imperial Batik
ii.t Bt. Petersburg.
. It is also said that Austria resumes her media
tion, as she sees that bar efforts te favor a psctt.
'its termination will not be fraitlese.
Other rumors arc of a like pule: tondenoy.
From reliable information it is true that the
Tarkieroreed the Danube in etroeg force and
occupied Kalsfet. It is rnmaredthst the Ran
clans attacked and defeated them at ifalsfst.
In -Ciroseela, however,' the Deghaietan moan
taineers detested the Root:Zane and captured
come torts
It IS stated positively that the Austrian envoy
has premed the Sultan To accept a new note,
which the Misr approves, conditionally, on Its be.
ing accepted, pure and simple, by the Sultan.—
The efforts of diplomacy are now directed to
procuring the joint assent of the Czar and Sul
tan to that note. ' • ..
There is a talk of opening the Turkish lot* in
the United States.'
All the allied fleets collected in the Sea of
more, have been dispersed by a torn.
There has been a great la adstion in the
South . of Ireland, and much maga" has been
Much alarm has been felt by the natives for
fear of Preneh invasion, now that diplomatic re
lations are at a stand-still between - the two coun
tries. •
LITSEPO - OL MAILKMII —Cotton,* sales of the
week were 88,000 bales, of which' 6,000 time on
speculation and 4,000 for ezport.;, , The quota tiottsare fair Orleans st, middling 5-1, fete up
land el, middling 51. '
I . .
Breadstuff—plum Western Canal 86s , Ohio
87e.; Corn, yellow 845., white 85s,'
Meiu Maawar.---Consels 95.- i•
Ootton dull; prices irregular, particularly in
feeler grades, but without positive reduction.
Breadstuff& more 'limited demand; wheat de
clined Bdtgli4d per 70 lbs , - and Flour logle lid
per bbl. Indian cora quiet and. inaoheaged.—
White wheat lOs 61@lOs I 01; Vad..,14, 4d.—
Western Canal Flour, 86stg2.7e el; Phila. Balt.
and Ohio 273(3.875 SI.
Provislono— Little doing; Beef, Pori
. and Be
. . .
con sells freely at previous rates; ahouldere in
fair inquiry; miss 80s; lard qoisi at 595; 'tallow
dill at • further decline of D. tea of all descrip
tions have all advanced 1 ®lld.
Manchester trade flat and prloee very &teat%
Havre Mavkat.—Cotton—the sales of the week
ending Oct- 81, were 4000 bales; stook 64,000,
quiet. Wheat well supported. Flour slightly
American Btook.—Daringqnoteei the market aa
generally neglected; prices are almoet nominal.”
Thenew bane of Penn's. Contra Railroad bonds
'offered at 90 with interest from nett January let,
for buyers; sales were made at that price. 11.
O. bond Maui, 1868, 1,10301,11,1. Maryland
sterling 98097; Peon's. fine; stock, 82401184;
ditto bonds 88®89; Virginia slum bonds 95®
96; Kentucky sixes bonds 98®99.
There is dullness of colonial and foreign pro
ducts generally; Coffee is sboutat previous rates
for ourrenoi. At improved demand for Ries at
' 108 for Carolina, bat at &notion 256 ®266 for
middling to fair. Sugar dull but improving to
wards the close.
Highly Important from the Danube by sub. ,
marine telegraph —The fighting le going on
' Wieldy in Wallachia; 2000 Turks appeared at
Onergos and fired upon the towd This brought
• on an engsgement with the Russian force which
was dispatched to the oseistanoo of the pleas.
' Considerable elsughter enened.
Another encounter occurred between 4000
• Turks and a like number of the Russian cavalry .
between Kalafsta and Salida, when the Russian'
were forced to fall baok.
NSW YOWL, Nov. 17.—Cotion, macs 1250 bales
middling nplaod at 91 and 101 for middling Or.
leans. Fair uplands 111; fair Orleans 121
Flour, soles 12000 bble.Brote at $6,76 ®$8,81;
Ohio at $6,98®7.06; eißamer's news depressed
market 1; sales 2750 bbla. Bombers' at $6,12@
5,18; -declined 18 to 25. Wheat, soles 26,000
Mth. western at $1,70®1,74; newe depressed
market 2to 8 ots. Corn, sales 8000 bush. !BIZ•
ed at 81 . for:yelloer; 82@82}; firmer.
PutcanlLPAta —Breadstoife dull under .cpe
ration of steamer. Flour declined folly 12 oents.
Nothing doing, in rye flour. Corn meal very
doll. Wheat sales 1000 bush. prime Fenn's
white to ureter at $1,66; and 8000 bush. red at
$162/01,65 but since steamer's news no tran
sactions reported to farther sale& 'Rye and
earn doll; smell sales yellow at 78®80. Whiff
key deMand limited; small sales at 27®28.
TIHE greatest domestic improvement' CU
doh ago. Ladles nal timing a moat dogma* artto)}7.:
wise Labor, _Time, aad Montt. ta lad 311010111 ,
nOOlllll 011 Tarsi UMW. AAaroo..(rlrm,,,,.
•• . • • 1111 Wood. • L arose, rtlaangli. u ,
` imrh' itrit. la riti4 . ? revrtg . =.: ,, ......
• . •
(7 . ( MITAIERC t A i
- timer Prrroorodu flealreal
PsWar kieenfejr. November le, 1363.1
The weather yesterday, wee unfavorable for out door
trocoactions. and ,r.ohsro but taw multi to make: we rm
tier, however, =miles trade gomgLu ht tha Jsbblog way:
3i.ol36—Ate market Is denreesal and tensile= wo note
o of 600 bbio. oualglit brood. of 500 176 du. at
god*. Superfine w.o Pltr. at 3.1.0452.12; cad 27 at 55.29
GRAIN—we bare no than. to raDort: dead] . =1... ,
Oatil on arrlf!al. at .10(4,2. arts Cirn at U.
lot+ ate under rmrotiallori. but no traneattluu■ are report
312 ass'offtred for Eoo,tons Martha (Grow,. and .113
sited. n
111100118—tales on arrir.l.'nf 100 dczon at $2,01106.2%
Do. Iva demand.
Cillt3TNUTS—fales ripotted el 80 bum. from tint hands
Wl/18RILY—the market .upWed. hut vim re.-
, du firm: man of 150 MOE et $29.
O,, OCE I IIE , f -0 • 02 = 01 .t 0 0 4 .1; Wes of 15 bias. &ma.
11r fair. a. ax. and 10 bbla. 1101031001. oak D misess. at
0- a Y.• 11.. it. Nur. 17.-09 bbls flour 2do di 8 do Jl6
kito butter It
Eaul 10 has batter al bids ego lido tut
t do a mxtl. : 'lOB bus wheat lirrou 11. et a.: ZS
do L' Viilmorth a co; 1 bbl butt, Vattleldl d 0 bit. onto 3.
Wald; lu bbls p ash Neste t lifollee; 4 do s 1 chat cheese
Zobiltai 6 bbie beans 9 do flour 4 tete wool 3 641. ea So
J J bootie, 800 brie corn 71'bIs oopteo 1 do barter. 2 do bite
owner; 66 bids &lour rotate.; •;_ 141 do do McConnell co;
20 40462 00 apples 2 In, do 2 bps a seed lot sad re nu,
Snow 0 061 1461 cla,r 10 do ALDO.. L K 001054 1 . 601100
a 0404 BKIWO 0 liirevatricl.; 1 061 .1 bx butter 10097.00•
rick a Ll•rnur; GO applow .1 Maki/old; 7 sks 0600 J
rilure; W bbt 60910610 t sundries J Orobri_24 rkido, K
Densest /7 into 0 w flour 1 60; 07. Boor W Torior7 s O4 ".
booouse A ..11.3411; 4 slur fiss Brown o altkpotilos; 9 (t., a
eves u•utr; 1 cur hogs 0 shoran; 17 WI, laslor 4 I , 00 .;
46 aka b w flour Peterson; 15 Liss feed J ltbrist; 1 Da I• c 6
osclioi; 37 heats citrus; ownero on carr. 104 true clx.nJ
U. tP. U. IL-1 la. coop.' Minsky too: 2de
swam,: 213113 I,otdidvd U ols.ler; IS du 1131 H U COL/314
CA bud talent •1 Undutd a C. 4 /0 eks d 3 3 II°
ter 31. apples ldoch t or. LI/ do do 3 do pour.**ssOui
141.003 JllerberU 1k Obis .341.4 Brow. 41, k 9 . 4 . 133 •
CIS., by ilartfonl-10 bgs festhers Leech t to; 30 bole
spy/tarn do dried do 165 ekt d peiebee Jorda .1411 b):
bel 11 sepia. 6 Llerbause; 1 box books J t W AS,; 95 bst
50000 W afeerlart; 3 dorlresa If el belsere. 60 bet wissexty
Kees.* eL; 30 do du IL cher • ea; .6 do Lambert A Swilled;
ado 40 dodr bailey t 1100411111111: /CY do oxustetria./
ere 10 do apples Irlogbatn; G 9 bins A • A Weed; Yko do
radian:. Starter t co; 1.6 do Deur eV • 1 , Wilson: 3.10 do
WLIEELIENU. by Wineluster-6 bbl. ale U W smite; l 6
nka acaaps tabeestoa• • co: 31 atiwool Leech d ea; 31 au
rJwa a K.,capatalek; 11) bW. flour Bella /8888114 80 .10
181tord 91116., U Womlra*: ado Ulibett a lfsaeack..- 240
do To .as wheat Bryan ecw; 21 bbls Apolee Brown 6 filrg.
1811.18881 6 balls llampton a co; 7 obi. knobs Harris s v.r.
do ao Living•ton • etc ta kg. Ltd J U.S.; 2/ ba Tracy
Willsios; •• carturs B,E &dem
W E ICL1N(I b 1 Exchougo-71 WO dour Bella Ligg.t4
63 do Wt.. Lemon It co; ASIS do do Bryon co;. Go bolo
Wilmor4h; 13 do opplto dt Brody; SG re /CAW.' JUL.
De../: cld poddoco r nold =do J 11crtiocc..
CLL. br Wong llosa-15W bbl. float Letob k or.; 2815
ideit.y carter k CO; 47 loge bade? AA A IV uAI; 11 Lb*
'limbed Oil White d of; 11x; do 1.00 l ell ➢urrllh; 125 du •
1503 . 01 a whoa, Whrouth k m.
IST.LOUId. by Boman—SOO pigs lead A thullon; 16 blots
lord 10 bgif gumbo's mooeay s 0). 2 plods tottotu U 1111.0.0
18 do du U Woo luau; lb 05.. Mr 41111107 MoN tolls; 14 do uo
15 Bob; 2 bib Irmo korlber a cog 82 togs leotacro 140 0511
flour Lecob a co; 10 bbl. 10/dll , J 4.4411: 80 bps .1.1/
Ucbribol 10011 c. boot lliugLism; .00 bus uir/os Stay
Willuct; 14 obis *peat WtlmaoW a ou; 011 tuocauossloo,
ClN4l4l:4oluob —l4lO bbli flour 240 do molars*.
BROWN LiV/LLE. by L.ierne-230 sks why Bit IVllmartly
co; 128 bbla War J 11 attd. co; a ao o 22:4 J Morrow; 42
ao flour Y 118081112.104 1418 rarer J L time.
'MOWN/ WILL!: by 4sflcnon-35 inks assal 16 bbls
flour ' , aye a Black; 33 Das caste o niczarsla: 1641 do *beat
Bryan t Cu; empty bets as 31 uls nour lu bus c uuke
Irwin DUworttk u slab enla D Davi/eon; 24 Dbl. Boar
26 du do 4 Lzs ago;. leintAlsn 4 no leatraer LI Darius.; 21
page means, b.. 0 bas glass .1 lflar •
.5111LNI.liBUKG1.1. oY ftsf.-80 ban o•ta 2:03 do corn lin
ble dour owner:
• BEN .E :A, by , 1114—.36 Ells wheat be..bbla fa. 0/ bti
((lace it Panama.
kttlX, by Callas' Iloo—LO ski a 24 bit b R lb. Illovrti
a Kirkpatrick; WO do plosin.llo Chag s ov• 3 Ws& 2 b4lll
llaz Vl'kk k bloUsadlos; lot Iran J oats rsir /
do.lyaro own.: 10 bbla iv:4*J Cinlyroyuk.
Par Waal Baatiadfral Amb-,100 1,14.1 nottr.l B
9LENIPIIIS.:br erarrs-IC9 bbls Isult Ball & I.lmrstil
100 do do Jonas & Now; 345 do floor brobb & co; lb au&
5 hide alebbol Fib 004 bsos; 2as kathsrs 01 00 L2dlase;
89 do sr oat u 221Lacisgas.
. LODIBVILIX. breloci Dran-400 IVo door Leech a
oo; 300 44 1.111 do do ologloam a 4. - cs 3 bbd. loeaao /WW2;
150 Nis la./ 1 Ole 41 . 7.1.1,1 1 bi tobeto J.. S Denny;
34 tibdt ao Wo7104.0; 4 do 21 11,70.; 3 do J
do J Coodrici; 1 dLa hanky A co; 2 kg. wsubsso 020 •r
0441.; 511 Ibis Illtoakey It Boll; ea du do It 31. , m 100 do
21.111 era Elokotsoo; S 3 do p efn CUrliog a 4.; 00 boo ..p
b do cand.o.4 10 do 414t00 bailey a R 0201411, 23 do loop
Obl sod 01l 0,04a.1ey a c-2 201 eta 042147 C W ozoitls.
ARA flied).
. Lucerne, Bennett. Drumm,Lie.
Jefferson, Mayen. Brownsville.
rhos Raiser, Battey,
Col. Bayard. Peebite, Ellsataoth.
Venture. Watkins. itrownsolle.
• gornansto. klettallsn.Wheellog.
Ma-bloats On 1, Wolf. Bearer.
Heaver. tionlort. Beater. •
Diernal, Shepherd. Wheolites.
rViett R/Mke. Mantra. Wheel%
Verona Otte. Mordreh., Welimil
ilArtfOrd, AODO. alatillDat I.
Wt./teeter. Moore. Wheel - 1.1
Hsturn. ECM,. Lonlmlilt ,
• Clara De., Dees. Emthritie.
Jens Franklin.
JeCereon. M. on. lirmourrhi.
Lamm. &emelt Ilrenronlite.
CoL Berard. Etb.b.n.• •
TitopPhrieur. Halle.kleff met.,
Venture Wattle.. W HMO} ,
Wichigart No. %Melt. Latter..
Sneer. Cmdent Heaver.
Winettester.littotre., Wheeling.
Dan Owner,. 111hgar. haneevllle.
Quaker Mr. Strunk. Louisville. •
Navigator. hewn. Chaeinnati. •
Rashness. IleCeitoto Wheeling. •-
hluntal. liturpherd, Wheeling
Pant .Andarson. Oleo. et. Lona.
Arrtie. Dash.,.). Pt. LOW..
Altoona. Ores. Chteimari.
Wasblerten City. Ethert.9t. Lmls.
forest City.
Elephant. Orem`en. Nen Orleans. •
Fug Enka—There see ty• feet 'Oahu In the emote'
and on • steal.
PARTICULAR. attention given to the men
at...ta-eesti aprliestkna et 'Crewe. Altdo=laal
BUTMit.S. h . 66 Wood rtreo..Pittotergh..
A GOLD MgDAL was awarded b John Cartwright tnr
the above Mastoteeturer, at the ittate fah, held in Pitta
burgh. Seht.l,s3. oda are4Aw.
Iron /kdotenos,
I t
SIIU ROOM No. 96'. Leonard St., Ng York,
.(1091. 1 40N and Folding, plainand rnamen
a) taIBEDWYEADBof all khula Rote.Reepital‘Pris
onsAlarolly. Rereant's and Ohlldren's Bann.. always
on hand. Alas a assets/ assortment el Iron Furniture.
131145 ru beds. Bak.l other Mann.
en bedsteads are superior to all others In slat
Of el... Onus. neatness and economy. They an always
free frordVennin and are nundlnsly durable. Torn..
and convenient. Orders to any extent mar be addrenad
• No. 9S. LIIDAIRd street. New Tort.
`Aganta wanted for the rale of the abase.. Dentin.
tire ciraulannent who've, vaunted. . nol2 Om
Iron Manufacturers.
__ L _
WeateriPrnnsrleania, erith 2641141 of $140.000 00.
having bean o the owners awl prop:l4ton of the Banton
and Olehrreett peones, in Western Pennsylvania foratak•
Ina /mom - di:tot frnin the Ore. are :cow prepared to cell
i:Lahti. la nee their leaproreeenta, Intent...o in the ter
ienry afaesaki.
Shw siiirinwiedged. so nerlotitr of the Renton
Iron' Ore set be eanvoried wranght I".=
abut t the nowt of pawl:vine Ore hop Pig Metal. renders it
wonee , seary to reeeoltolm• lta adventerre here
Totters abire•mt to W. rowree Mode. Wee.. at Ile.
lieesport. Allegheny county, Pa, when a Tutus. with
the Renton Improvement Le new In reeneeeteloperation.
will meet 'with immediate attention. nerWitertrr
- Copper Rolling Mill for Sale.
Baltimore and Cuba Bmeltinx2l„
Minlna Co. offer for e. their new ROLLING
at Whetstone Point. Plaitimon, with all its
apportenema which bee been wed call' atm^t elithtewn
month.. The maahicery all ....sad toed, by A. A; W.
Denatervi A Bon. with • .*TE .11 ENGINE of 00
pa hamar
7gi t p t oilluitlLL°Ulti;lgTitt t ie t of koLg""1,0
Tolle, all of approved quint.* aim a pelt milt molt chill
ed width hays never bre:n need*A NAIL. MAOULNK
complete seating fanteres for copper and yellow mend.
smithy.sad the mammary workinslmplemante complete;
Jost aa the 81111 gimped work. All In weabstantial Gate
roofed brick mill Louse 10 by 120 feet. with boiler boom
Theme-binary will be sold mperately from tbe proper
ty if destred. Applies Urn may Mimed.. to
nol.2awler MOLDS, rivet.
'B. C. /3. l'ist on.. Baltimore.
Assignees' Baleof Bewlokleyville Property
rraz undersigned, Assignees of Jae. Bor
e orr. Jr.. will sell. at Pubic le. all the rlghtjitio
ondinterird 01.1. Benny. Je. to mod to that eerie= Trost
of Land, oboist bolt • mlis from the :tillage of Sewickley,.
containing Yilir_derro, moreor len, on which no. no..
Two story Dwelling Douse. berms Run. Spring • WWI.
sod other outhouses; slut a thriving young Orchard.—
ha bison is sumsl.lod with minx. -The gale .11
take place on tiATUnDAY, lOth Deamniwt out. at 170'•
.1.14 M., on the premlies. The Bloat and Warmth g van
Ale will be sold at IT time and els.. Terme st pale.
Virld. WILSON, Jo.,
noll.dOtew3t3 - - AP111(6.11.
rghwanorr, PA.
WE WOULD 'pall the attention of • bier
dints elV o taide !Ay, to oar immenee .tool of
Malawian an. miler yaed7 Hen.
Youth and Children. forming one of the Unrest
stocks wept of the AllegiaTY noontalae. di" • enlate.
dw emortroent of
• HATS A . BiD OArs,;. •
of rarioas atrial. and lama feeblest/1, fresh from the Nu
1111.114,40.1. together with over 2000 Sidaa Nos Perk
Yawned MX LIAATHInt. • •
air Our stook having bun trttreased principay for
may add Wien/ within .. .At MIN at Le 43;1011y-sad NISH
adapted tothe Western vale, we flatter oorselvev that
we an mak. It to your Interest to MT. 0. tna IMUIVISCO
over Mar York. Philadelpbta and Baltimore Johblan
Boma. feedWraddlei 0111 LDS a Ott
nil undersigned bating greittly,roduced
r r
the mime of Mile new, lugs end moil selects! stag
c &RUTS. Oil Clothe. Dross.% felting. Roger Mate.
Slatting. Stair Rods. to , nos otterigrent bargains to par.
obese.* 01 Otos! articles. The satire stook. containing
nver 28.005 lards of CarPeOnStii. =nog .whith wilt
band the Isnot and WO etyler. km been teamed ham 10
to TA pet cent. Persons. abet (=eel se Hotels. Steam •
posts or talents rimideneto.' are inyitati to' WI and *saw
Ice for themseiree, an the w hole irM Ix.I I BOIT 00 . 011 the
present season"? maks room to other good. ,
not 6 No. 82; Telrd etreeL
Carriages For Sale.
/VIE aniersigued has net rosoiv-ORIX
akartio f efaa=rAge4tvi:it i := ,
Plthaar aa4 Lawnweerale. • mplendld warteasat.
Vehicles of oreerdwalptiea,aad waloa¢tlnw=zi
rmularly, new sad ewod-hend CAHRIAGES.
maga& fa which he will eall on the elle) . loweet term
kw awl. Haying hod twelve reale melee lu the bast.
new, sad wlelk las volt known WIWI. la !be amt. h
Teeters blown la Wang dawn all eellIfelilloll•
- Twee wtsblalta/Mwall. are lwepeettaila Wald 141
TO whit. lea etrg.ennart, •
'PHIS wok bee been very ninon enlarged,
embellished with new filagree mas thranittmot
eldoed nePreettly-Por critintlly earrented earl thoronehlY
melted, so to *Worm to the mums ct the - United
Rate., dm 1850—to that of Greet Britain sad Ireland.
51 -h. Mi, and to the latest that mold be obtabed of
other conntr'e, •
The acquisition*: territm. to the toilet State., the
discovery It the mineral teth of Cialifornia and Austra
lis, and the eatablistunent oteteant communleatiort be
tween remote parts of the earth. Woe greatly ineft
geographical knowledss
The information lbw Weiland • hod bens euvitiur Col
lected and Inserted In Oda edition, It has been not coif
neeessary to comet the mere of' Farmer edit - lay but to
thenew mare of the State of Callfoinie end of
territories of Omeron, Wmhimmon, Uta h ,. Nehmen.'
and the countries of Mexico and Oeutral dowries, ,wtdcb
has been dole from the latest and best it athorldee. •
A hilt.) map of the Boman Empire added. et aid
In the study of igtment Georraphy.
By a metenoof Emblems is Abbievlatkroe, anailrtiog
or Stare Cronies, Books, Steamboats, so. 6 .311 0 ^ 4, .. , /
arranged on all the map repnmotltfgtte 'grand
f the Giobe—the Goteroment. Reliston. Stele of shirty. Popolvion. riarlestleo, de. Lf the more lattortAnt 01-
aim, become apranatt at the dint glade: and by throe
&Wig Into "Maul tenni. exercise the pmrers of th mind
and eye, imtrtrusiorui and made more abiding than Teo/
other =WM. whatever.
Besides all this, the work Is rendered more vault le nod
comp'ets by the addlUon of a compl to compendia= of
-ANOIENT (161.0311AP11Y.
which wUI be found as interesting sad instrurfire as the
more extended treaties on thia gabled. • , • •
The Attu bas not only been thorougly rev Lard, tor
rented end erlarged. a. gabal agora, but aim contains •
barge number or now and Interesting statittUmWeble4
from the census of the totted States and other noUnee..-
It will be put la Miff rover only. ; • •
A mt of envenom, for general mitten, ht sPredidid to
the work, which will be found of great Convenience to the
Teacher. and ald CO the @ocular, la bringing dafliitely
and distinctly , to hie mind. in a mar armed form. the male
features of the subject h lukewarm over.
11.ese illlfSovementa and additions will mealy enh sore
the value of the work, and it the Clews' and method of the
author are curled ma, =eh vilusble time of the pupil
will be sewed, and gnat Wanton the part of the teactnr
• •• • .
Smith's Raiff ofOeo¢nphr eonsletoi
Senith'e Primary . Osograrhy for Seginners, S 40•
llml dridia =pt t fi r ekr= in* 13 tiottia •14 . rt lied' 1
For sale by Booksolletsprosrsily thmmghont the United
. .. .
. .
Co heatlees. Tewhere, aul others ennui:4W the cause
of eduesetah will be a optima watt oriole. foreesbanstlos...
Publiehrd by DANtIiL IiCIEGX3B a CkL. • ..
seDlTam No. 611 John street New V .rlf.
Locust Grove seminary
snow School for "Young Ladies, will
open rat Boarding's.' MY litnla. on WEDNBEDAY
morning. Oct. 18th.
on Oninibue will the aloe, rlfth otrert. near
Slorket. for the Grove, at 834 o'clock, a. lc.
/or atimiorion. or Mentors sontainlog terms, ke.i
plieation mar ae mode to the Itsetor. • •
oelld.kw2w . Bee. vraf. 11. UAW',
Regular Wheeling Packet.
TRE fine pasienger Steamer
URNAL, A. B. Elbofierd UMW. olllrun
regolarl• as • tarket,_botlreten Pittabargh
araWn••11.01• tsarina rtttAburghaysty Aloodar.Waduar
anJi fralar• at 10 o al• et. A. u. • and ilqualla .tart'
Tueday. Thoradar and Bats rdar, at 7 o ,
°lock. a
The Diurnal connect. •t with • I.llevaland
sod littsbursh ltainroad, and at Wkaaling., saw 10 BaL•
tisnora and Uhf o Hos&
the DlCtirkai:l..kninr. lariat and mbotantlst !mt. hi.Y.
*al • z‘0..1116, /rola street.
JrOR CINCINNATI— The fine, .
fast eteatner HURON, Cgpt.
, leave for the abore Ma all Intermediate
Yoe h e i
the lath
at JO o'clock, A.R.
Woe freight or ?ware anDir on hoard. or he
Regular Wheeling Packet.
THE eplendidid passenger Steam
tae, ~Ui;pii V.5W. , 11 haotat Imptvesu
Pittsburgh and Whositust. lotting Pittsburgh *es./
lisesday, Thunder and uturday. at 10 dolma, a. X
Igh.lhogt ovary Afogy. Mrdxsxkly itud rgsg. MT 0 .
cloak, s. at- onuototlug Whsegug. arab the galtimors
kog Ohio itallroag, sad at W•lbrrille with the Maryland
and giusbuTgh
The Dirchater Is • am brxt, with arnelleut sor.uuo•
Wiens tot gas.ngars.
Por . inkiztt or
Agro t
mo;ise. - riodo.n..t.
Regular Afternoon Packet for Wheeling.
INHE new and excelletit Sleamer
EXCEL &SOL cant. Inolanum,itin tun
unrultrU. as an aft•rnaen nicktu none.
Pitt•huroh and Wht•litur. leaving P Inanonth *vet/ Mow
day. Hirtionnioy and "dap. ou J o•oken. • u. nal
mrart Tuntday. Montan soil Satunkv•
Th• Enzhonort ne • um andlnOttantial end. nab ••trl
gonna. odsnon for is. 001..9, F0r ft eight or 7 &TWIN .PPIr ea na•rd, ot'to
J. D. CU No
Afitt. •"
n.l hio 165. Opal Ntrett.
1 , 1.1./1111 Tit). S. G. 30111713 SLIM
1471 . 1/11 t A n. 1.1 ..
. Ic d sia,Zo. 1 7 0
1. F
A ttV2 , l .
a T. alo.s. rkurattorots of fl boo t Load. Loadoo Pires,llrlrenti
11413 Water.Ctorets
. . .
Pomona who novo wank to do la out Ilboortil In 4.11%
cs3l. n that moor rely on hotbox theft work. et Footed by
. 9nor.tical nortanon t and WI VP I:l7lo2Unietlirt.i.ol•ll
pip ond ontot 1..1 tro ax afford to work at Seat 11.•
ootshortanb in
aton.. Or.
for ' , untying trattt hunt rprinco will Slott It to thtlr,re.t.
'ware to girt oo o atti beton. purctwnt from otntod
tona2t t at wean. lb. only moon rooters:lt nt Lem 4 arJ
Ent , tAtIA in Medi.), . ,
0- - front lb. coontrr tot Lost i''in.a.ttntttlot. twt
rat o .lo. atrntot ontctlon Irtlilfolkortni
Spring & Simmer Midicine in the '
•DR. - 41ALSEY''S
br Xatruily and /NOW "%ft
. atom*. mad . Dstreortiskirm Oa.
Welfare chetah:dna Molars* ch Ideirdr. lite
Ip - the
breed eardeparUhL where sneer Imre bottle, te
dire the olLobret Wehrle hsetithl! The FORNST
It •Itogether Alfterect Wick. It retains zo SYMP..
t. Ai , . Itemsltt aa7 but whelnactte weelhont err.
Cno arrerhatorllces menthe fresh the vretsble rear
Ct-ortdch It le cowherd. The Aver Me Awaited the
Ertree crib.
D LUISA P/11.4
.. •
Da Wet coooentretloa model+ it one of the most eft.
o hoergosoetfotee:
tm them
Attlee bottle re
the , Ilattadal . Pelleet a ...k
-nees debility and platten. to moment:ld vigorous brehb.
'Every dove allow. Its ot4 *Mere on the vooetitatiart. sad
imptoep Ih...tate or the health. The twat Mee le
recoonserede la the strestgott term. the. oemoelatv
of the
Siificmwek A be% Kidney(. Zrervouil Thsordni. 800 Us
"t ! th f
anndier mid
an loiv fres AD " ---
Tortlatoar of Mr. Nathan htetb".44 WAIT moods
sod acoltity eft:4.ot Nonni*. N J.
Da O. W. Rasatm—l Whoa your /moot Wino and
Pilto hay. born oho ottani of 'arum coy lifo. WWI I
commoneog taking them 1141 at tbs pothtle
Danny. ram ant /Anton My physielurn Cron ma
0 0 0 0 owe, and my famboA loot all hon. of mt .
maorory. While in %la drum oftaatlnt. our gonna
Wino and nom oroooral tor too. mut . Wilma I hog
lialshod tbo ant bottlo of lbm Wino and box of Mo. I oz.
porietoul groat raliat bait sal lintba_which non
greatly orange. booms mialbly ~knead, Boom Dt WT
rocoom began non to mot,. and Mt. continuing Mu
tue ofroar toolleina for *tont a month. the Moo mg
Asthma on. otontiotolr <amt. Tho DrOPIM ni tb Whiel
MT 11f, woo planed In Soda groat demist, am also moult
goas. I haro,oototionoo Ito we of loaf moCcino until
Mot prommt time. awl 1 non ottlei porfoct twain ma
*oar 1411 la MT alt Mash I am mom Omni%
of aNgo
ar N., Doe. Toon. n.roonthally. N. If ATEUIWB.
ew 19,
Great Cure of Liver Complalikof 10 years
. Standing.:
Nov TOSII. Jon. Oth, 1000.
Do. Iforanr. Derr Sin,•ll.aviaz taken your Pervert Wine
and Dille to remove a dhows of the Livrr.• from IMO I
haym forffned wimtely fee ISSIOLVOII omen year. and hav
ing adhered olowly to the Meotkroo orb aorompui
the modiehow: I have rwervered en health twlthotait
legal' who knew me thought lay OM, leea9Yble. Pre
ono to taking the Wino and YIP.. 1 had recomnie to the•
beet medics, trastasent. but coottrocel to grow Irene to
so Warn:dog degree.. dome of my Wenn, fleck..
triply of my mire. and tried to primurde me from =ear . r
rye of any ILST6ESOOS remedloo; and. I doubt not. but
what thew are boodle/a who ore disreaded from wiring
your eneellent medicine& la SOONSIIO6O6 the dirmtloo
"arid ineeldimor of many advertnied romedleo Pot for th by
unprincipled men to tiaming admntiromenta. - ' Dot. mbar
tpity it L. that thedweeption um/ try other& iboold to
hentoaa•of_dimitioditue nmorliaodernader OfiollOO
from motive g Mid and being eared by your mellow%
rmawilloo. Humanly conking. tter have oared my Min
when ONOooo4l4l2laLiog uee•ttrna. ',ruin a wretch..
Tcofidition. bet beam. t. Mar good elleirrio ,
ess ikon three day ft sod In 0 weeks from tbe thaa
phased thif nmilotufw. to the great nwpriee of ell m 7
friends. I woe entirely eared. and had .Inereaoed llama
woods to weight, having taken obi boo of the Ms. mad
two bottle/ of the Whet. Would to Ord that orrery poor
!sufferer moral oval Ullmann' of the unto Promer • den 11l WILSON.
Are dig...sof the =ludas well ea of the body, are noel
ty brought em by trout* . and • ailllction. and an meet
common to punt of &Mete coomitutions sod mositive
minds. Low Writs, trulanctioly.• ft ghtful drowses, tied
tearful acticipattoos of ord from the elightat muses,
e.oerJly moompany nerrousdborden. TDDaa latest Wipe
Lend Pills are an ettergeUl ready In these immplatuti.:.
Nxtract of slothsr froth far. Joe. 0. Paulding. dated
Piutimatrati, Sept. Ith. 11148..
Da. D. W. Iftigar—Dear 131r—Your arrest Wl:maid
pig. bays Bond my with of a dreadful Perrone disorder.
bith 'slush she bid been =theta& for many • year, mar
edy was almost wastel away. h be 1111 OUT d ie *
totted in hotel.= bY frightful dream. auskaning dui=
ntwisted and
with parplisibie. and at tiMeg
laboring und*r the doluirPon that poritething drgodfd we.
Wbout to hapeen m bor. Ily the use of four Wars of the
ises. end • box of the PPla oba le now In plead hmlth.
moo has rogateed her flesh and color, and adoyesnolety
as well as ever. • • J. U. PAULDINU.
Dr. Dull *Nieto, eelebratod irreatitidrier of K. York,
declared publicly. that one Mango( Italeare Forget Wile
contained swim virtue than fifty of the tug. bow,. od
Sarsaparilla.. Memos. 8. S. UMW= Co ono of the
immwt sedum= respectable Dnwridatii n Syracuse. Ina
bitter. eayss -From what they hays heard and iron of
Delay's, Y malt Mac Wis. steeliest and good medicine.
go l d will undoubtedly beam. the :leading =edictal* of the
The "Forst Wins to rug up In large glove bottles with
Dr. Dairef* name blown In the salmi One dollar per
bottle or six bottles for firs dollars. • Outo-Coated Forest
Pills twontphre cents per box. ger pale by the imprinted
agents, at Whacsalo and retail. Clanaral depot 161Ditane
.tenet, o . i r s t a= . frx i 1 It re : 6a l d al l ut y N o lz ) !io i rk sitag .
of Wood =reel and Virgin alley, Pittsburgh. array JOil.
I. SA ltelll.,_ north.wset comer Of ledorid street and the
Dimond. Allegheny. ; , voldteramT -•
*err prevalent, am *Leo XIMSIPNLAS—esseed by
the ewe voyage and mode 01 the sun and
wind mate the Ale dark, ahem Mack, red and mini..
blow the "JONES' I'SdLIAN haIIOAL SOAI entirely
prevent. thiE and, wren if the aln is ever en =ore&
It melts It whl, smooth, elm& and Polk awl who
return/raw MtVoristes will Sad their entoplexion twatith
tut, mini. esk eir "Jones' Soap." Boil only at No, Ste
Liberty street. heed priVood.
i,EAR YOUR SKlN— 'Melee It soft , white
and citing a uskr of The truo JONKS'
I LIAN 011E5110/AX 20A F. It sets Ilk. s charm. Bur
It only of N. URIBBLX. 240 Libotty street.
. —. • . .
rro MAKE THE HAIR OROW, stop its
- moss, and drew It floolT, a.• a'2s mot bottle o
I . NW 001tAL NADI 11ZIrrORATIVN. Bold only at 24
Lawny 'trot:. _
VOLITAZ 1105/2/18. I: Voirosg•tl
betty street
mon,b,,nr, :soh with the trim, JONES ,
SOAP; tt Mk , * Ma% rak*.t tkuburat shin
War. wttito, .a ens Buy, it 0.17 4 I%W tawarts amt..
.• -•
LILT me the skfa. uwW t only at 110 U.
_ 2 .••••• or. wen"
s a g
riarrage tmst, Dv a
a l ges"
1 - Nvo w&ti r i 0 til mangioat 'Ataiitati)
•\ \
CARLY TUTU for two ohmA i te—rd
tossura wan lists4.soartati;,,
. ,
_ _
, , - ; - JECEOIIIas asia, Other Miami.
T. S. BERNT; . 297 . BROADWAY, N. Y.,
DUMMER °pimai, s — andlhaler; Wholq
.ssu and Itatell la Pianos; Melodeons and. Maul,
AVlats tat the celebrated Zallen.Gtand awl other Plants
made by Genet. Oasis a tke,lteston. whoa, Ylame ate
.ecniLlerel Generics to all otheis. Great torkelos In Net ,
'York Flame, and awed hand Pistol and Melodeons
Mare sopoll4 wholesale or Mall at the lowest rates T
B. Bahr 4/r. Breadwer. New York. Plums to let.
' P. le-14. D. a Oo'a. /Galan Planes bate the 'steel ha ,
Wessel voicing. or :1Y
Gold and Silver Spectacles,
AND BYE °Lean au immix Descaurrion
Between kW= Law and Llbotty stk. New York.
0. Rukrantore all..rtleleaa7aada by blut to be of lei.
reel. quality. Orden, r aftully soAdtot. oollt but
JOHN PRYRE, Dollar in Ivory, and Nan
ulketam of Ivory tioods, N 0.3, !Imlay IL. N. Y.
eimiltiAcE, LININGS,. Curtain Goods , ,
v.) Cloths, Noshes. %%toting&
or2o Ike Hl C, 34 John K., N. V:.
FAWRENOE'S World's Fair Premium
us DuTasman OaHorn 3111 Broadway. ea:. White et..
New TOLL ael0;11m
have been mad* with Profeseors,frons the U.S.
Military Academy tor Instruction in their went &Tart.
ments iroto the first of November next Year oopostd
nits wilt be offered for obtaining a thorough Poem
Vnamptatilstelance is spurn WAß s).
ocsff off hDD ff,KINEILEY, A. 11..
rkIOICIES, PRESERVES, •&.o..—The un
dendgmt .offers to rurehmere a Perna . stock of
lea. Proem. pa' warranted the tweittineliiri Use
in all climates, at the lowest , ices and apemen:elating
terms. WAUDSLL a 511118 E,
131 - Weet st., New Yrrll.
A B i t icultaral Implements and Beek— .
ALPS 23 Fulton i t, N. Y.. Wholssale ssa
• 'Show . Cues! Show Oases! •
AALAR9E assortment constantly on hand,
maa to ardor at aloft pollee. Caw oarofolly
WI" and 'hi Pl. l bf , lids 7 Mt ore. trolop,fij
oollglok • R. IL Pr..coLES, •
124 amid doois oast of Broodlrow. N. Y.
• The New. Nethodiet Singing Book I
I. UTE :OF , ZiOlo —By I. IV Woodbury,
w eingelited b ther.Tte, Elatthen; Psistor • of the
John street blealedlstlllthreh. It es aortas Burl one
Thomend Keen of the choicest Mona. theludint men
.every old tune - of soy malt ever pnbilslied; twortmeeta
man two hundred of the fawn composers the world ever
• taw. and contains every variety Oman now to inn nth
apiece ludezeg toev
'ery Dar t. The LUTS le thereon*
hell with tenth Mtn an almost automating mine of the
eleheat Sacred Id • eimil Tracers over palmated to the
Olewing th animation std bombes nest otitis
communion for w hit ts deataned, the tunes are never
theless vanity ad %a to the /Limn Book, of ell
loatienaof e • e. Of Met Woodbury's lest Bong,
THOUSAND WP Behave boon bison slam lb appear.
coin three year so, and still the demand Is on the In.
sewn le any riper Wince of the admiration I
which he Is eon • • ag tionannet to be &olive
Frees the *nth • Isom with which the Luta has Already
been Venn, * prim tor It Ocillar to that mean to
the Dulcimer to • rattly extracted.
•ny proteng • musician dething a cony neither the
Late or,Datelmer examination, can have It not to him
Imo of Donne@ b maitre f m mono he the publinher.
mild F. HUNTANUTON, 13 Put Awe, N. Y.
Piano Nalodem am
Ltniitoz wrgas, 303 BROAI
•Perk.'ex elm nubllsher of Macl
Dialer In Mcsatt lestarints of
elsuilya Anent fur toe eels of T. ulibizt
Plasm, with ind without the Rod. and i
eight Orend Domicile Plasm. Thee. Plead
Snowy to need comatenlationtrilees tame
utsotory. wholesale - or retell. Beery Metros
to re re eatistattlim. or Ito monde Won
hand Maw at great tangelos—prime fror
Pole At m Pas DMI2IIII DUPE - 'llllt lit
Theo* afelodeonn are tuned the equal tun
AoLlast Pianos and Owens, and are rtmerl
use. the hutment be i ngs elnally to tood In s
ig' 491. 1' 4 . 111,,..d1t t E r , the owners o f the Bolton Pa •
teat , eerldr the public at lower priOes than any
er home.
DEW POPUL/111:n by the more a d so
thins. published dally. Dealers Sesehers and Demloarim
signalled at the linnet Price , splOnam.
• 1853.
99 and 101 William Street. New York,
hencA, Utiisan, English • axd Demastie Goods,
For Tailors and Clot/dirs.
kt l io!o w on i o us a t o ti t'. a 4 N g •
8 , awl YttIISCH CL021:18. of ail Orslas
livery Cowin., laved and Clouded Whitney", Petne.
shams. of .It the various G. 10.; Duffels, Devonshire Ker.
selo: Pnol4l. tenor nal Wank thtesituerveg Pel.tot Onstings.
Vethioss in Velvet; tirensdlnei..C.Nethmere, Win and
other abate, of news:Tin and worled qualities. logetb•
er. Ph 09 eft.134011 assorunera of ,Triawkags, sod
otho? Goo& sidthble f r the Clothing. Toed., on the most
.Isvoralrle torsos. Short UIZIA sod Cloth Buret...are pull°.
Walt Invited to erarothe fltheit 1.1017,1m.b.m.g
0e.16 ysellicaltn
Caniago Linings, Curtain Goods, Eng*
Bunting, dco.
Importers and Jobbers of -
Breen,brows4l. As; s4rstat Mato& snd
pts tns Cimino tasters sad runaltsr• Wart; aniseed
Doman., 34 and a 1, to all atm and quallttos; colored
and Mark thismited el , tb.ef every descried - a; Buglish
kustless. 914,12 sod 19 lest.a vide, to ell solar,
l'elorsd Newel-; Cettslism, lietticatts, 'Setts?
V.l .%Ss
.00itos ',shit,- Flit Striper. Bellassis, Wend Bilks, .
sot arid Brussel. Oerpsh. Lbws Rbsetlers.O.Tien Derents,
Mailers Mt to 40 laths., Scams. WebbleS.
Itsodlag/Ilassi. tr-aa.; /11111srd ljetto,_ sod low
el:sighs - Issile:l4.l JO BB STAMM. N. Y.
Poi).af 01414
. . ,
rill/TOM/03 G. STE/ERNS, -Importer and
I ..lobber a NLRB, KILLISIRT arot natter 003Da.
at oat mak prism—thin. emoted by Mdlar latereet..l62
i t
Umeeleray. Neer York. ham. In stare rel le deity re •
esivies etet create" at the imam peke. ramlete n.
leerlarent of seeds In hie line. anbrastea II the mama
arta and dastiree.eoraistleg at Week el fan? Wks.
merrettoce, Flores Wanly, teirmtion. tat ribbons,
. telAta me rash rib a dam tamale of al ands,
'ranch and Earth & ere crepe Mame It cram% ea,
beetidertee, gloves of Mods , silk oda bereave.
ham obit* atode , beam. lima earn hale. M...
The nodashrood Watt* merchants an the North.
Moth. LW. and Wed: ghat In tba of . to favor him
with a all, art eximine his stair balm Autos.
TEM G. &ULM& t ad ',MT.
.17M5rst bet Marto street am Malden Lam N. r.
New York and v floa c tattl?tu:i!LotO Lin&
scaumar miss: cam= or szeouava. rumuirrona.
PrITROII9II ii advance or - the mail. The
jamOV T .4.lati g '.l,,h . „ Pimaidraolumk?);
TUC WitaT rr PflattaTuZUß,all first OM Q
glue Pleamships will learn New t ork on the 6th wol loth
awls Month. (snow Mot whoa three days fad on Pan
nor batants7 Previous will be sailing day.) onnneoUng
by the Nicaragua Transit Moto. bwrina hat Melva mile.
of laud curl with the litastarbipa PUMA NICD.A.
001trItS, ItTHISR JONATHAN. and •PACIVIC otos of
Vlach will tears Na Juan dal Pal. the Paella to ow •
of the inmate Boats. for 8&11 iranairon Oa the arrival of
the paarallittrg htriber information their to
CH A 114.13 MORGAN. Agent.
stalks h Bowilnitri roan* N.Y.
Imocasars sad 'MM..'" of .
. DRY G00.D.0, -
- 111 Courtlaud". stmt.
(Opposite the Netional end Western Hotels) end
nos. 11 Sian 18 DIY nem, •
INVITE the 'mention of Wholesale Buyers
je. to their vets large amortment oilloodsorbieh to keyt
complete at all Dwane of the yroer, by the addition of
the new styles sod Write thet_are eonstantly arriving hy
fitantsre" and Peoltete! We her Clothe denertments
devoted minstrels to um sal. of , Cliate.M.l
V•4l2la..T.llcrreTliinadess. Whiteooods.llosiery.Dreas
Goode. glurels,.Yeakee Notloak" tiontssUa, ea a.. In
Whin% are displayed large Mos of Prints. litelviding
Minimum end tioeheooa. Qinghai.. Levee. Ninon +.
Meek and other Staple tillee tl alerinoee. Beentealnee,
thelitrY d aTtiDl "‘ gra . ...... ..tiv... Ligit t.l
Patent gaznalown gaming votton."
We invite the attention of the eleseit tlinye team:ir re
ibr mob or
Richard Walker's Parasol=
FULL • supply of these superior CAPS,
for . BMX, BRIM was F 4 ardd4l at the
DON EXHIBITION, comotasHy on h Bad lb. fele
to th . T'Ll'i Witatal caeca, fIT .Iroot. N.Y.
Aiwa lbelmaYlTJaelloon'a ooloßestod aswa,xl,l3
eala to Itto Ted Of the glatlumfo. • *UM=
Long knowi—Bentaly tatoi—
' • Always ristrk—ths aslakow•
.; - '-r . .e:: ,- Woad BtantlAT2l.
AMU. New ic.l4
,7 - os2Ce2so . No. SO Wata r MYra
The ntalsrCioiid irlab to ditpoole of their roar.
.thists to the town of Lierving• siffirro• rm. 0 10,
P eat; 461tril 7. 60 6 fral r . ° Al b ; thlirrTin of
barn, and ova} thinglatsuiplets running ordsr, and as
mbl. of doling • good mareluntaierit, in one of the twat
whist growirustions of the tante. Coal con•iningth
and of goad a
ss Orgrorind In good order, gbh* has on It
ths Itoorsramirote
Ow toot Brion OOTTAOII WWI.
.0•• gad lams do. •
Ono do. Warehouse, on bank of the Oh* tall to-
sand mend damag• hum water. sod .boat NO yards
front ths anikaith • • .
Alio—A fin* young Orchard of bolo fruit trot .
• cord
will of
vistas and ether converilsoces.
Wept solglllo n siapidi g Or ttig Antr a ;
. 117,60 j; Lrbortist i At "or Bill a art. rids* it:.
or of ninssliwolt the priaolter. J, D. WA151411.
ohodolate. Cocoa. and . Broms.
BAKER & COM Arnazioun and Va•
Hausa. ITridot Arnt, Intivl3l4lVban, and
been nn4d by
tae oblof Institut*. and Ur, of lb. Union, int* r
tag th: t r i rnalpal Oman bribe United State. and by
Unasey.ll Murray. Nei York; Gnat t Swelbs, - Pblb.
delph oi tc.par
o r do Dninfteila t tbra i rine. o lDb4.•
" Put Oa& Istby'634ll Donbentar.
Economy ii the Road tit. Wealth.
0 .FAMILY should. be without HEAT:
- 111 YXTILAO'I , 0r OOVPbI.. as on
Pound of thlt Lundahl. atlas gnaw. he ^e.t.a Imolai
aton Can. It clan Odra honor hut anythluu
111.11 or It Lianas ss4 stsswith. Banal* to thy
tont fasthi4L It lo Mao Loomnamome tttev CONN
ittoOkrod luau Inv, La colons bandana Oa
. U. l l6:llV,Alifllab th , OA, VV,T .
Matoottataropjtot Voltam litan i and to whom au
today, sooom with the esitt, ant lIIIILPLoap,I
aluntlou. .A !attars adavonoll to
_Ol. T. ARAM.**
mat a Postpaid., Itill9gerW6lo.
BwoUovr.Tail.Lbio of ...
FOKET 8111P8 sail .
Weekly, and larr
1441k/11011 i MA AND Lt t u sr& LUIZ OP -P
" • J ' OELN htll42r l) .
410 Litarti dry",
au , =IT lime los Elturaetaba 4114414 co ma d
alca4ll tad IWO Mak SA mama
iai - lixrdaticasl slat. asid 114 bowman .
144444 lieottand and Mao. PV4
is.4I4W- fro. 71 IlUlVAft i t ip r i VA
*oath Sao nOltxl4 Moo
. .
(ado StateWok' Banks:
-Xsie now taking the notaa of the •boy'
ingasab et toes
NOTICE—The tartnerellip behrtenAlin
of Ytatbutith sod IMMlttit. la this
tatobrod by tootttot onottnt. • Joon& Knows tat
tronalimotl big Mond to Gomm W . bomb, who Yaks*
ontbarlood to meths U. Itttalrtotot t.!to !K. gal.
. .
°Ronan w. Fiera.
Pittsburgh, 4ugnrt 26.1843- .1096 PR RICHARD S.
CAB.D.—The Bitawnro, GRAMM, . Mat,: and
Ito? trade will be marled oa hemtoftme. b 7 tke tub
roriber at Plttaborah and Wbeettirt,
sa-Itdawatter . - 01:1011.811 W. slam
portb.to4 the maitre .rock of Bill C rik. Wilma .It Co.
•Aotbe Tacit Irqtory and Istsnhittery, hen ittax.latel
with tb•htltt boAdoestitotort W. Wilton and Mamma
Roll. The totuinsiowill Documtbsuod at the ftrnogr yawl.
Nn.99 Water Mu
t. tlt. , :ar the •t:tet of naminsai.a.
NOTICE- . -I have this day disposed of my
satire Intmit In tblinnn ed UAIME U. MOM
efi . I::tgg9tr P ll i iDavoffor.=:;i: ;s3aoal eV,
and will oaf th. num at Oampholl, Mesa • Cla...tor eh.
pa Eipt.l ixes 2.ll . lbt odd= 011•SLIS hieENIGHT.
:fOTIOE.—The partnership previonelyez•
Wine betwrnn the nadoentrowL fat. propeSstate of
anning Ann Warkp,tsroolnated bP Hi own lladtatlon
oath* lab of Jody
Meow. SHOWN, /LOYD a 004 to whom we folk the
Work. snowed up In thn sonautseture nod *aloof Iton.
N.A.. &sunup, au Nero BROWN. PHILLIPS a Co.
• Dissolution of i Partnership.
MIDI Partnership h staler° °rioting tur
der the Om of FTRWA T. FLOYD A CO. ins 0.1.
day dissolusl by mutual eutreet. The basins's of. the
Weans will be settled by Thou D. 8 overt
Pittsburgh; geut. 80th. 1853...1°
.=-Taka notloothat the 1111110.1 Doootlos of tba Stock
,ted4ort of tha Plttabanth and tkausahnitla Roll Road. Co,.
twill bbokl at ha *tare et Vie Company. la Cot city of
Vittobargeon the lot MONDAY 11th Aar) ot DECEMBER
aVIO o'olk. .bleb •Ima ao oisotita f.r 10 Dl-
Dorton. to gm for the foundosirekt..ll l l take pine
Doll (olt) pogo copy) • Presida4 P. &O. R. R. tlo-
*natures LlDll4ll77looMnall 'taxa
PITTS*VIM. Ga. 20.1863. j
AN ELECTION fot 13 Direotors of this
Bank .111 be held at the Banking now.. on MON
. the 214 day of november next
W. 9 DENNY. O►h'n
ROI of PITIIIIOI4If. Oct.: 20. 1853._
• _
A: ELECTION for 18 Directors of tide
Bank, far thaa IO
osotaa yeas. Übe bald at tha Bank.
UM owe! on MONDAY. ma 21st day of Now. Hart.
0a91.413a .70kIN ON} thabler.
• •
4:SIGNEES'VOTIOE.--Tbe undersigned
Lee Urn of John Grim. hereby notify .11 Porpri!
n o ted tees thin toast! and mat . ,
t pay p tput. .!:: 1 . 1 rj
room bee t % ehtima anima hlnk. u ma. 9 .
7h. Kars( onti, ub.„„t,..„ . Übe kept agon
Ibr n abort thn . to all out
stock of oodjon bend.
where W. llseq. one Mho Antigua .0s found.
to whom ell =tuts must Ye
. mudo. W. B. J'IjIIIM
5. DLL 18115 Aighynees.
S-OTIO is hereby given, that the fourth
Inst Refuse,f) per eget. no the nabeeriptlone .0
Efonee offor Weetern Penn./Winne. en. ate
4, T=Mt i. rr!'!" . t th• Doles of the T o..onKr, oo the
. 110th Ialal)m of 70 Der teat
• Deeenater next.
of Manager..
t WAY, Now
and Made
f ❑ Coda Xs.
Y. atdabrated
ad r Metz . the
a ant too wad
a. at Shama. ,
tro ant warract;
ad. Second
• 010 to 1160.
a lament Itke
rto way lo
I the keys.—
.0.. was tbli day dinolyed by
InTeart=s!ti t tiegi r s ts" 'lll
N. 15th. 185& EILLER/3. NICOL& & CO.
Mr The boeloom will be cootltioni, at the obl stand. by
Y. Sellers and Ease Orem, under the idyls of
bold Y. BEL {ABS k CO.
Vet Paritytug the:Bleed. end oar the Cure ..
Of &Wills, liltecasztax l / 2 ~.Stubborts Mem Dootcpria. ,±,.
oray i ghtssps, Arcr anes da l ..... lessiplen. Piessin i Zes: .
Mt throotrAtth, thernseg= ‘"" fireans --
CDs Lon of' Aggeke, Donna De. . -
bully. dr." d
"IrN this reparation all the restorative prop
. WM root ere roomotratal In their ohnest
streneth en eillcurnlnn while Ramparilla Root toms
an hoportan tent of Ite rembination. It Is. at - th e same
ti.... ooze ruled with other vegetable remedies of nett
Ewer, and it 10 In the peenhar ombinitlon and of entLe
manner aft teporparetton. "net It. reututable theme
the rare of them Anemia /t sets elthallanethelt
erne the etomeett.the d ooms oTthe howebnand thus
Om. grooram wh , oh am ordinanly iil.l sesultef three
dittereat bindle mullet.. the carried on at the tam ,
Mtn through th e Initrementalite ei, tkit the notrodtel .„..-
agent which gently et/athletes while It Able feets thd ex ...
Dele from the otomeoh and bowels all that la Irritating.
and at the sem dm restores their vigor and tom—
Many other prepthakm Imitthe it in tearing the name
of Semaparills. and I t t that
their month/thee enda. below S 7
often emend from eurteden and lost moss it : h ol or
enthemeno Mahon r curettes wiper . aml
alu tt rarArt, Llgaligf..l,l« 't,, - L.72,"::..,:g.".
horn the toot Ilst of some It has effeVed on' lining wit,-
UMW" whose teltimenian and mittens. have been pub-
Rend. t. and wl.O are En' 'waxing daily teeth:oozy to its
Ponumo. N. Y. Sept 20th. 101.
Merin A. )3. & D. Saw Oeutlemeni—Wring telt
riwad the moat b•neoeltl effect. terom th. os• 00 your
Earajorilis. It it... me Mowers to mod lon the thliew•
les etetement me a n
regard to my sm. In a n ong ef
be tan • mem, mo ld. arid otter S weeksmanna
the Manse settled In Ids lett let; and foot. which man
swelled to the unmet. TM. swelling wee lancet, by hn
rjsieleu. ane discharged earn prufamin atter that no
nen Mena nken formed on the les iszed tea at one
thee. We bad 8.. different Physicians, but none Mim
ed him muelb; and the lest winter round him eo entanlated
and low that ho nu usable to leave
Ohiohis bed, mffering the
moat extruclatinspaln, Darius time the bone had
become ea meth affected that Mee. after Mete num rot.
of which ha Ism now mom than twentylve ' provarved to
• bottle. •Itelivx form one half to one 140 t a tall name
In length. We had given rip ell hopes of Ms moven.
but st
ad wl rt.utvg.',•=d appetite
Maly to im•tove. and m meal was tbes,ehanite Matisse
than a dram bottles eff.ded • perfect ewe.
With gratitaile. Inman truly_ yours.
We the endes:g DARIUS BALARD.
of Mr. Sallard. cheer- on
fully subeneibe to the nee oltda above statement.
H. &R. R. Um, `, A. W. Annexes&
On. T. Den.\ O. Surgeon.
Pregame! and'aeld, w holm& \ and retell by A. B. • D.
PANDlLDrugglete and Chemed", 100 lulton st, comer of
William. New TooL
_Sold elm
o r \ Drnaglete semerallt
throughout the U Stater ae. Canad Prima per t
bettlm en bottles '°rlo. for elle by B. A Pahneeton
• 00., L. Wilms, Jr & Pittsburgh; IL P. Schwarta„. •
Allegheny City and by Druggists and Dealers in Midi
rime egarywhem. 0012.1.daw
Elt _ ..
and PI L OU utreeseentist, of Antetsedatai, thtigpi ill
ticer..-a par Vegetable Comoontd. on
er l i . etal sektntilito sinciplurtas the manner e the eel>
. lien ., „....... ba ,.. \ 8 ....,,,,,,„
w"titi:fiklirbla of e `.
trill% le ' t t rio& elregfir ITI.
those of awe nth. r nd elcattend hem and there ours
t u f .,. ‘ , a of tot. .1 t r .....7. Weans \ wi th mat
moms moms them. wow otter it to Um Antietam Dub
lIA knowing that Its 7 trolldsltr,3 DrD s lidtt!l ciao.. k
r kcal
must bet acknowledged. , '
IT IS A Opp! MINDY klit, ' \ In .
Dever and Arne. IgittAa. Dick Iteadwebe. liesivolte i '
Pone sot Foul 8 I:Telte Brolly Blllamtwes,
°14. 1 311:.= b vtibt.=,,:lr. t`i t ::„.," i
~,visa len nor and exhaotion, j
~ Ma _d rape. testimiesty. drowet-, \ i,,,
\ ' ° lna trem m il d ent! ot\ fuln and 7:s u rs '' \ '
\, \ the heed. and ~r ,
, es sold4 . 3lfrost, dha
It le Dattlentlaely weetunendel to \ tballe, Warn. Wbut.
constitutions mar twit heettimmtlred,,by the continua.
t w ot ardent Wets. of other forme summinellons Ore:
malls inetantaxwous to ettir n tetra. way dleeetle W
' h. rit_t °' 221,14 " ;j u lpIrits. Mt . .... I.4 . triar . ;r: ,
......L.:.•17,41x vatairi,.... i.
. acmes . af t l i tare . hosa. Dyer= Cl . b a te t l ot . er di Aka;
.house of watn or
iierturcate of Yr. a . ,12.0,,,,..0..i,......
bg....\Xiru.."..=rdtr"=.llll7 l4- ;LlMltaitr\ 1 :Illgslb:
tleoUm head, sad nervous beedeche tor mar 77
'card t a i r i britT :i , to. e .whou'lr'dalttrtiA l l i ni.
and ir "ll! oar.'
:4,71 tont' Tz, —t 1%c: 1 :Ira::
.4.. tUefttolu ivetat.mel7 . ll, to all lbw who. ere
\ \ , rcotiattemt, Aug. 24 ..
... t\i
....... .... Je.—.Dar Birs-117 el rut thanks
are due to lk Maul moommens bur ltollsnd Bitten.
Haring OW acme time with , ead-mbe. tom or mt.
r .„ wind tytocrn, and to non itemeral disorder of
w i z
It: us bottle, can. 1
1 a 2 = 411 . 1111 ; lb ) la Wri ng
US ° SOU '11:
...,3 \ Jr ta. 01 7 111t,-1. ite,4 boo atoms'
o f - t i,,,• 4 6,6trate . a of DieDeNCA by the on of
eel tielland It (pnrebasett ol 3out taw maf
fr, g ton s,TlluVrt.. be r. umUlel u k.. i g4 metre etw
bpi.. anal: mg ... , • /dig r r. 0 ,4 1,....
, ToT 0 \ .7, DEW D,
etch \
sl i . ah n D \ D RD A .. mut It/en,. sal take no
ow , r ., reeLfell - le dv =testaace. to Mot as mach
and more r Vr eirturs ler (,Tout moo.
Bo a l bOW IWrilrislort D,U111151 PAGIL, n .T. .
Cor• Thri.filmitterrwr ...,
~ ,, , 4,,
i ,. % ,, ,.. - k ,#, A,
j. i i =r lr Dr a ,
c° Bl.s.ohu D. it ' udtliDlscoltthiukt. ',.. *
7ssass T. Danwles P. Seltwastla Mint. IlenslnD and
Icw A. lisclatem A Qta. Allowhaw. \ \ *:, MD:arta-WS
B Snag .
It frrlittatlLL g 00011 ADYSYSIIMNIi AGithrelti
Aug o.aoistiseonsti•ibike•
- • • • ..
P. & On: *re itimita tor the mesa
circulating Occusengal Pavan both In Ili* thaUtu
ant the Ova.
SW ddlmoristlisi Grandams 1111 . 13 6 / 1 1* moss Ws Lest
sad pod rasbis;" Ow sits at Kw Yost.
Wholesale. t "tic tte r y Waiwooms.
Wl'. A. WHIEKLES & £O.,
& Is Psi* Hew.
(outißmar Orroirrs :us *nos : nocU.)
\ ;
, PRE Elnbearibars haveno in
' store,. just
I. ',mind tram Mateo% ama , rusdv sat eszatni
ly ideets4 mak of Sn... hair Otataary. emarl•
11/141:rgazv t. I Ifrosell lug Orman Goods.
of Amanitas Chm. Uttar the d Iltrtlfre. 6.e"
11 21". , ra'idirti''stat Wblt rialt/
satt l A ntag liald. A rbletr ta r tratizatad sagootaX to
*malt' Maki, and faralithad at a math awn at.. -
BMW* tams atattalt tbals avtga taattaitoral aot pat
abateon azaattalag their "
sallallarats - -• -11111./...WHitnlilt 100.
• DITOOO6 , • ;
DOWBN- • MoNAKEZ; Importers.: of
Amminn sad Yonirn Blik .24 Yaw/ Goads• \
114 Beauhras.
illbL, BROTHERS, Loaportere of Embn*
La.. ;Wm, White ikols. to. No. MI Liberty stmt. \
- - -
WLAAGE TEAMS & CO.,Ootors` of
•e•Skoli. Eageo ta, 5,8 Nees. cop*
KS I TEINLEIOIIIO,II.i. 153 Rroattarty,
s unr dams am .I.lberar stmt. Imparter. of Lela%
at eras. orslallato
LJ, WYE= & CO, Importers or
iz tatiabrims . Whit* sad ime•Clooda. No. 21 fra.4
11 Mtn 0W104,15 Broad 'area; Import
ap no: pm. Trlaual Ohne OM Irtnips. MON,
II ROBINSON & CO., No. 187 Rived.
b i tit'ouW,'lg=l4lVl3=l"llia G rillad Ub i
AISELIN 4 CO., No. 47 Broad Wed s
fr o. imporlan of Asakab. Swim, ad thrum DR
SOITER & RIISOWNci..I9 BroactistTitel:,
laminar. irna ` h I " mi "I " °Pa"' 815H8.
&ITOHELL & POTT, 45 Exchange Plus,
m g. :torso, arab . Dry
. 614xVI!otedy l ad Irb,
mpartail of Gana = sad &dem BIOADOLOM.
Lloslarlaa aa., Na 60 !datum gs Mar. •
sarksioLooytemoodrethrommoo one Tonertee
Oooda. 62 liroadwar.
is of tho Young Men's
sod-Meehan'. Institute. her
OKEI over the time rpeetfled Iv
I to return an. beer. the let
S. BU N itello , A, Libreriso.'
ANDREAE & 00 Importers : or Frei's*
tlerann and Itallut 110008. CLOVIS. *et..
CofRILY d'IVERNOIB k CO.; Importers
frtoth aa Bwl Eloodi.l3lllol, Muil i. to. No.
PETER D. MULLIN, Impoitar of French,
Gorman sad Avis; Dry Goods. ilksaiktblu4 Viarst..
kuminor, Woolens. Ao.. N 0.13 Avoid Meet. N. Y.
I At • toe street,
Colored Ootton Goods, Illtation, Canabliton Vent• Pad
no. WienNontoonn
'KWH & YALE, Importere nod Jobber.:
of Pllal and FANO! DRY GOODS. generally. No,
7 r groat.
AMES ItioOKERRY & CO., 72 Willisai
Y~OOODranartersiad Jobbus plisaerand Maple
B. HATOLt & 00., 97 William 'treat;
Lj. Ira:attars at Oinatletootta' lamtablalt Dada. alia!
lawatacturar or Shirts. Stock.. de. •
WILLIAM REDMOND;.3O Pina ;treat;
ate Agent ta-New York forthe god* of theIaNESII
•f Wad 3111.711:109.114 /MUM.
A. it G. IL WITTHAUS-51. likoheuma
t• Phis. Importar• 'of item Pau Kilns Goods. TO,
nal Ladles Timunzat MIAMI! BILE and WOOSTRIL
STRARLIIEDIjk CO, 69 Broadway;
*dr.:q.v.:2 or lowa u+m's o =l.. InAbroldwit..
1111.1131tit,Nos. 92 sad INt maw amtjmperten et
Prottab, Slaw sod Garman 101104 Votobto. Von.
Inv, Satins. forgot. ale. Witgos of ovary death ttOtt.
UP two of Linen Cimbrkii iialdneck Cambrle Mud ,
korottolo. Win Liras. labocilderlos. •e. (own mono;
f oo 0m)27 Wltlioo Stow.
Cloth Goods.,
Vaal( & WEST, 158 Broadivay, L]sporti ,
tla=b i g=and Gana= Gli k ol.. 1 7 Mu-U t i i
HOOK SKINNER & CO., 56 John street,
Mi v irMr s. aa-4 iot .CLOTED3, 1:16.1T MUMS
lANFORD if, BROTHER, '.Whoieiale
otoranta, shirt, 'am ing.i.tiot
po r taing andßetbbar Odxlll Part Roe. orpoaii•
1 GURNEY', No. 349 'Bro4soky,
Or • eldest and mat *Masi. establishment ln the
Used States. sally
e Dm/gust&
MARSH' & NORTHROP, 1 1 53 . ree\ sairich
m,strwortita=esci wholiral• Dir4lB.
tots sat Nognirots an Wood. Nos. osod ,iho.
T W. ORR, Designer end Engrave on
vey sw err i 73 .6 =7 4. N u ra uta r s t w. Thie A. -
luN PROM. also &aloe in dm 13
HTATT 4 (70RNELL, General Yaw. were
'Lad Printars. No. ISO L•oad3rm tonnage is WY:
- 7 often by kill
,WooliNi seaway at
\ •
N. 34 Itrastarar. Gads and WAWA
to Pittstarta. AD AMS ‘,13 3341
ftan alljarta o f the ,ve333. Aj t ent.
"s \ Paw Goods: '
1011EREGOA 3 Cedar street,
lestettas and.lebbm=inglUti a Troia. and Gm
mart rue= ClamVations, ftusbes. Tbru s.
OaWrr. B THOMAS & , ,RDWAR,D„ GILL, Importers
lessr ocese M. 4417. Glom. Local. and I:aa
bro ales. AsnitoltSntad tbeir , 1 " 1,34 " Mega" ,
N 0.14 Ely stmt. New York. \ •• •
sad uvular b Iltssdli. Gams ind dsh MM.
never TOMES Jk CO.. solute Ilar Irfftlyino
dou.lm_porloor of G 7. aosiod Sposum moms of 4m07
zol thooatot
Gold Xining 'Oompay.
NINO 006IPANY. man smosetal Is
'atoned: ' On 4 :l=2 2 :l7. lll ltlrejjege q =alzr
me hoe all debt; wad • snow now on how& A
hF sham ofti s tawbor vortiotaarm inky
,0* obtaLood by
ADII . I. Anne. .11t rattan *riot.
\ -Thirdware, &a. \‘;
& W. W. CORNELL, 136 ind 143
40 , • Oitar. et.: Plata and Ornsamital IRON, WORXB.
Ha* Furs.: o&c.
qRAItAId &4ACOBS, 167 Watei`otreet,
ianct i. 47k 4 ,.. .uldistl i ry, sad rialoule t,alerts
Zurnacep;Ago. \
C .. WL.KB & 00.; 1.11 Grand .erreat, ink
' ved Hot Air reinseseeViandvv. neldleen, butt-
I de. \ , \ • '
* India RibbertGoodi. --- -
, ~- -- ._..,
,045%tS & - :WYEEtaI7 23- COmetlandt at.
ledhi übbrir'Ooats. Pfatio ' fkvevi. cloths. glm.
Life Prveestoes,Oensdrvit 800te4,webInnt, ire., fa
•'' ' , - 6' •• 6 .
*Worn mid railer Ist ...ref &wt. *lon of Good.
adtbkrr SOON; fatal Robelm•V 3 4., 4
• \ nith tainz Bads.
A M. - QIIIMMY SoN, Dealers in
• /7 nntnnrs_ xisenovo
t he on. no. 131
in *met .41 *moo attest.
• -
• i••••-••••••••: , :•-••
11w TOll
COTTENET 00, Im • rters ofTrenoli
HENNEQUIN 00., Ilaanfacturais
• sad lamettersof Irmeitpdoda.M•dard.lhawl.,
Ite .50 Broad stmt.
LIMED MVNBOE & ' lgr„ Extensitv
Ratan Clothlair Nataboe6=eot.„4lil Broaden..
• • from laawkd PriaM4
~~ Y~v..w. ~ ~:.
A.VlD.ol:ll,VBltanitentor and Patelatee)
W QIIR Pineriinnannatore and &du., niadanda,
nand. tix • annelidan. Tostliskan. *a. •
Il ,
iatanny aiui *wobble Tools.
lag Pont and at &Ague DLOMINIIIIIII
Won the bac \liskers Ms muntry.
Onlitlandt \MaohlEk•ry Toga
Kailidded Iron and Wood.
.1 . !!
v e , O, fifsaufaoturers of Lippe
14*.amt °man in u r a r . o"r*OOk
gRIINO & CARGILL, \47 kittdani Lan 'e.
Guitars. Violin!.Asentdeoli, Brose.lnittrinonti,
Buinzik sit
UH tk. LEAVITIVUIdhidea Lane, ha'
k414:11-smatiotarink, Gad linmbeilepealen
Imutaltmaesa.lltehum .104. • \ - •
Needles, Pigs:Hooke, and Tack
11110 BUS BATS (Lite T. T. 11.
. Vl'aki= laya—Noall, nab Meet, mul
164 tf
S I ."V' T • / 7 4 4 " 41-44 , 433 "7-• , •
Mitres& -
- --qt lambi
/wars w. /um & ca. IlLora stmt. ' s
&Zit= ,raigs9r.relp=al:T=
WOW= street. Arist .111 t fbe. fi
tanieso=traus irsat,
Piano Porti7Manuinaturers.- -
wtow & CHRISTOPILI/420
TOETS ManuAtetaren; 4174 r of U . kraus mit -
nowt xr. tiliunait-
ILL dar 1111.13,01aykes Pato t.) Drpot.Ns,ls2 hart
WM. A. wurxialt & CO,Mosa4 & 16
r v v., Fie Tart MO, settizialltapleaticl
L oistleares. Datlas AMuLI Men •C eller :9
Toys SRN, Goods.'
A LTHOF & Nos. 59 and 61
a m mo!. Lam /mortars at
TOT sea
Li se mas Irma sad uallsh - • r
GaAs. sad 0/41.11, fissisosks, 41. names so.
. , ,
Tiles for. t fkiess and Chizeitey Tees.
AR.LKR, COATES & 7011131, No.
ikrl atrsolt. tosaaseie TlSsi; Geraldek
- HOPKINS & BROTHERS,,, ft Bud iky
, ..
\ Window Obiss„ Paints, &a. - ' „ill
.416\.1: :4 11AmitItarBROTuttit, 142 Water
stmt. ham ten at hen& Wields. {Haag. Maio-
am; also. Airman at Massless Wlrdlof 04". 11
Glass War.. la.. I
H. POI uLON & CO., - pi
Ili time-le : 7 Delay colt Opp*. Olur. • 0 .1 11 4 /Web,
and Amerinsul.
Tim Leff= or vas UNITED - 134TM :34
s Lare raTimo u til=wit . that
Bq. zera s entered into foe a sitnal.k ..
eelebrafiti . ga in Y alearmta aboammei . sd
igget London. together with her own same .
tale% enable, ha to prommt , ariurr Innis tem . .
=I Mt Dahlia In It atm tool t" .
nat * ?et - teggire and elkhelat. 0 . 10 le• G°° a""
h. Um of buslewee ever offend for gale this •
• hay to acknowledge tha reoelot otanamm own"
DllMRatial Leto. from lb. Trade thronStaitheUnkut• •
Wang. to U. Wig/ Cr the trenlif.4:he Mak: ,
dur. and Cr the goowilete of
of the Mei and . • =
ankh of Al the °gods sent out, and! ealf
that the. wfIOIX3A.I4I 1/IPAHTlllitir istut4 !Os • ,
Mane ntsnatemeot. MU. WILIAM!
• iudlldha • - • eaa Breed Wa r. Nee ftlk
India Rabble Gloves,
4OIINTR'I' - hi - EROHANTSi . n - taakinktheir '
,_ - Inareb +s stpanki • airline. *Bin
alma" artieliii; Ude insauttitain has been • lin•
M e g =4;tl u V• tn "ul4ltir - tt ' ',l7. 7
..47, 1 2 4 tiiM'
GLOM'S AND 111 Ta. ?brain indiessimilisin eat 2
'and not inathet. iritir elates 'Mali • i
,tar work that rills tn. batili,nt , num Mao Way •
sill eves tbs worst Salt Rammer Dyed thuds ham-
They ars, made alt's gito to pretsii tit• arm.
and midi. For -ails .Pitimburgki
diedyear. 68 Chinni et ,PlMin. MoMet2 .l2 5°1 11212 ." •
YorM,4ind br Rabbis Deidas. •
1 1 01-tat tams at mdmil by tionatritioribiats ihsongdmiat
tta td Maims sad claaidas. • ottani&
. _
• • ....,..
-.. , 'i paint:Woo for /854 . = ...: '1.. ,- - \ 4 \
. .
T.. nato. Itnee:Bl Nassau etrret,ndent,ars new
o_reartd to axonde ell order. lbe VALMITI4IIII end '•, .1 ,z- ‘,
neLdrOITILNIOCATIOBIII/I.Y.for tb• • oeoblfzeedeo.O.
Dealers ere requested to mate. Itme. Tide . . ~
i. l
niredlor contetsdnn 811 nentoutenr.. ... ..- ._ .-'-' \ A
T. nom Woo solicits orders for Wood ' Amine, um . \ -.,, ..
ell oth
r. er kind' of . Mogreirine end Artlitlo Wondt 1. 1 / 4 /PO' , 11 -
ereL Address. Tnoo. 111113.8, 81,81noss nt.. z. \ N.Y... -
iIiELfCAa .''
.01fici Luise ...-,
' 1
- ... ens. li nearli coo ...Utmost for which - N
wiendad. with Um most octoulchinulr opt,. ma .. lts. thi \
. i,
aro lilt the most uutouwillscr7 =. O- • Ib. ?15.0, e. 1! \', \
mud „ •
.•V UM iIfDPIV3B,4IttCI3.ItE.,-ll . littog i .- \ g\ \
... T=ram / I to&
...,..:M t ge4 t ,a . , ,- . \
orautithooof tr . o , lCtout7l•belie". l 'l st .. ' \
r u ltylogl i „ t all ..
. r ... Vor= tr .t. .....1114 . \
. br '' h -ti r' r " llT i°° lii ad l'u° b‘PIP.' to
'' li \
him hod **Rho Chilli Dy en Wiwi. apachtur _l_ : :
OA btatT o 4 o ilt . 4 , worid . an ta• 80--itgrOs ibsi
Barer , . • '• _ \
o.B.Lo c k, ,Mg wow io, the bib] 0 RlClblbbed:lllbl • •
tar may Toon io th't P. 4 ,. c
. ti .f. h.s. y.
b °°.rrkblie tiot• \ \
thcactrorlshhuroWirf r ams flutitwouXrcrus; • •
ho boo bouctu oto of 14 to ttlos.wooteicho bablltTOb . \'' • ''''' .
MY to tho 111111atect. r. Luctlwisberct . lortro '., \lf .
k t rri t t l i l fl whent orp "' . 14 4th ipr t°
\ IT ' 4 .;only at, \'s \
the ;au Rote% <b: Ojai 447, itslb h. hes \ '`• ‘,•' i•
witioword In • orna teirortaucc Attoo,„_,l•Te.i=o \‘, •,•
raw Mom Mtru2cl 1 . 11, 4 1. .1 1 W n 7.,:, ly, • , ' \
fha H. grav i tear Ob .4.1.V 4.. / x . \ ,'. \\ l ' •• \
SAINTEL IL 171..424:0f Lb . = tinker * Moro ~
.` .' ', \
els. iticlunoord&wor am i d of . I tofW.: ••
WORT ClUlti OF iltatOlitaolr-Th• Yid of :
Ow, I rum mod oflatltt....' forthicro,. b .. fr . coal t L...., 5 ,, v , \
Ntr,..t:rfVG,MLW7ofj;turo auctoku porfocce , , 1 \ \ •
roc of him, anS•tho wiLltarCUoi Lou-Otte siotirs.ou QM \ \ ,•,
"tG II I *la
. - - \ '
sa a Pi r roctiogrAkcod."
, 11 ..i .a.t : ::‘,. . -• • ' • N '
STILE ( ABOTLIE•CoUjiI.9I raw. -1. Watt \
_tor curod'of B•aanls btf.
tura. 'I. diblubillee It truly • Ulu** obstlto if . ii — • \ - . \
-Vh at filfSl3ll 01110 . 1(Elltil I.llo'efn \ , A .
Jour Twourker.•rult fw . I 0-.7r veik
=rot b there aof Clamor',
.sepuolch, it - \ -
~ -\ \
of Halt which. Icc. hot hotly. VC 1••40. \ • •
tor - o \
which an the ottha oltc . Would hot cout• Mr. s , - .
Mammon to • will known ciercluirit id tho'city tlcuctil - \ t• -, ' \ ,
orcrod.Vs:44 Mb l' ° "l°°g"” °°°"l4..\ I °4 f - 1 ..
W. • Iforuct of }Lehman& !mot • oorrazot to , .
Motu. E. Wort. of,Etabuioc4 wit oiortWflor 4 , , 1
awl 01.. t Phydoltrui valet ooulrated Cosuralitto ,
... •. , ,
Ohio° brl°. or U•rt".lsr"irb reixt". .c 4 ooro ' s—
\ll ' - \ '' -•
- Eons 'Bop orcarottriourr of tho - —O,' to glut, •:' ~ ,
has wows the acct.* `of Outorli \manta Mistrilifbo \, , . 4
• niuzawr yohilitlo mhos. lad car It 1171:1!k •\\- -•
Ww.O. Hissorzoct Bkutiond; Oatod el 01 \,\ •-•
Mom, which dUalui d hlaNtrOm wolldrot. • .
bottles of Carteret Spanis. illottwo.
OW \ , ~
walk without 110o:rota,: iar a, abort. UAW '
totrwarcol DitoW st BI- Wa....1.C 1 1.1* 414 41
r k .: U t io. \ ' ,
•••Low Scrw Mkt S. C. uturk NM . ..
id 8.,..r. crilladoolittiei 10 1",' Im 't . • • ! ° O lk • -,".. \-- .-. ''..
i rfindlMS tiatroze=oc A ou.: .N .
I?rotrl7trr- iimatt
4••'114 ‘• n' •
"".. N. T n - N. .
01/11.11Ptla. .74t9ium taaroxo cas Hsir
\DISEASE OP THIC =mars. .:\ \• ,„
Ara all Mawr 'tidos from a Distedidad Wet '
. \ Btail3lol4 \ \ \ \ \
BUJ* t• C 05544.114 Iratoma Mts. Panama 441,305
to. Hand. ty aft spa- t e attla. a mtmes IlaattanatS ,\
Irimut ix towl. i name* Or •Wrditt . 1 . r . .... 5 41 k. \ \ '
Darr Itramattosa Medd= at 71 attear al-11, 4 ,2, , \
,t4'.l3=7 l l2lll%.'i'llrth..o.twit. , \\`
sallbeattz. l. l 'l4tris whoa in a Wag salvo* our t \
awe of ad Wet. beam the swat. Selitaal \ \
D.O psis ca ladetenust f . .maftellas,l4
\ tetra.gntt W a yit . r . ll4 . 7l: .4.1 1 %, ,,,
\ °mutant drittlatsta al .... all 4 0 Da* ,
' DR. ', HOOILANEYS imusseaFav ,, " ~ ;
• , GrameNfsrrrem \\ '\
_., \
~ 7YH3*la
- ' M...l' CKSO V s: '''
. . DR. C. - A N -
No . up Arch strerti. 4 ttUlda4alat„ ,. _; , \
1 Vieth' P" ...r Vut t : AparatictT n att l w a traltia '
a... 1. aurae Masa ta may amt.+ Manna Ottds2, \
',rods taa alto of Mande :-..,
Tres. Mari Oa 1 a
slitHlDg rat views In um tactil. of awas
lava and Mew statala Istresro=kaces_, \ ~,
sewer. In antra awaits= that . I.A r. 4 , :
4.1.7 at , r .."..."•.
cline can et ASV; Y 4 lif ''' \
parftely t lreff=rten Om adateagigentets- .
“lifitarmaml• dattlaoh"... . 0. • Welt* . _TONI lid 2. s , 1 \
ila. OH. Juana% Dear Bta-1 'or tames., s ,
Mawr am wait: that am i f rAltrtz, a. ir,.. \ \ ,
rata ono tar I .44:„Vryps pl lb. Um. satirlAttit Ur ' ' . i cimpwartoshona trams ...railed. sat \ A \
easily . aroatralad by it. lis t Wom- and tbit mamma \: 's
tramtamrsa of my bawds sectrreadfally a
itwo,v4 ~,, s t .
MOW. la 0.1110=61.1111A o a t Ir .. . \
. h***l. ' "*" .stmqWe , to ary bawds. Mr . m t. \ \
a rataamts
wet aal rho roe me Psat.. MI7 teases ol d "-4, \ ,
11ra 72-wifiosa Mantas letetWatar Metelnd m/ • . .. \ \
days sew dip= arotta
eesaiß tagia r:4,4lll . l7 , lr 1
.„ \
4;i. ..t. u. ,, Lt . v rsgzmzv=—id. j a t, =4 • .5-• I \ A, \
a satonod. v...munavitisit S aa r Mem to sexes •
i n .:M 2e- r- 14. T c1,a ," t.r ..1.'r0n0t• _ . 4% -
i',..Mtas to a 'trigtlemaantrattly: manta I had it s4 =p t tatt -44 ~.., , \ .a t ttw a,
e smaa,.....a ...i ss fas ....u t bead=
. I._: , •:„,
i, :rmid ..4 ...atm_ ilmar meat, Ittalle•tatY arm S 44
nti twat 0. 1 . 14 " , h•V ed • * 4 "gra to IMP. ' . -i ......, . \ \
lam Was perfectly tarred; r .14,04r0m5 .. . , \ 1
•hod boa .":".."." 10 . "" I " Mb g, ~. km. Wit '. -.Y/ \
Ps lawman . hat tay rastart... vas mdted of.= was --,, , t- \\ .
rd Me letbre otWder 0 IL apirsta,•.2 ,-_-,,, ,
Ms taalstlattadastoll el' Am* &S. - i •, 111 k 4114 , I ,
tsoltefrat summit" teat Sat few. at lead, Id 'Morita '..._. \
aw Mosta ithbg ant "e h= th lattda toft lUb ala ertm ltd *-114" rt iN '
3 . 0 Wl* r" ° I 11°.1 11 V 4.2L Tv , I T 'TAW, J. f -- - ,
sisa a. airetira_._ ,.. ilt - ffi
[ ir Wa r merit 4414.7 .". IA s
ST-gilk . Bagalt B / 01003 / 1 1213'
'4_ 44 - 4r6414444014:434r.5taa - VAn t ltte 1,1 g
, atm and muck, imiivi , Dim. n - \
„, ^,
. bi
I N . ALLI.OIII h. , ,
• .. .
i \ \ ,
\\,.\ \\\ ;
\\ ; \
\ . ~,,,
.\\ j
~'y \ .