The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 18, 1853, Image 2

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BY WETS, s CO.',
Further Views ef Via Nay York Biedics—its .gf
- leaves IA• Cabisug—John Vast -Buren
I daiption of Stock—barirs• Ship Canai:-In
wrlyrtulliva,m 4 trzutz .wird,o. FOUND. i na ii e j y am
OPP Hien PAGE oprzaa •
Ourni.--The ortonsloo circa
• t•
otlon of war Wooklo Chuff* Abr . , to our twiner moo
iffojdOorfroblizoodltun ofmoklos that
• celfelieulodonla befirmi lour and floii tbousood, roach.
• r-' 1 1211•Ifoir villsgro and comfy 14 Winos! Ponasfl-
6- -.1191LT0 ADVlE2llll;llB—Nathsi the samrtaßoom.
of rtis - Dint 01111142.
vo m po t po..lneawy, . ADIMMITISS36 wbii. dented their ,
nutter to appose to the Dam on Monday nuinting.
oral DUNIe hand then to ieder* b o'clock. on hainider
tro teeming presses of the New York pub
..,,,x'llMittnnnie iodine forth books of every variety
• inad , shamtetar,- and beauty of internments, in
c44lme for the lorig winter evenings, ihett around
Sieside the fsmily gathers for mu
lastrugion ead.oonverse.: •
Se et-. Carter & Ilrothere, of New York, have
- laid on our table two•very doe books. One Is
ing,' entitled "Bestows Bards,"--and 'fa it gem
Its prtuldng - end binding: - Of its
nanists it. Is 'unmmissintry for ea to speak, as
. :Minna not . made the acquaintance of Scotia's
t•.:Bantieln '"days fang nee," and who do= net
Asen-to• return to`them frequently,
_for: the put
' pose of gate= ingpiratign at inch fountain of
ingtants and parity. An state= tantempererj
this book; has naught • the Poetic in
,-splistion in looking over pages, and exPresses
. - Ainsielf follow
If eyes of Ohs sone end daughters of "the
Is.d e'rtates" - do not glisten when they see this
depot book, we shill begin to think that Cale.
. foiled= beanie* not. what they one were. It
`l4*p:lk& ;ro o t all over. The Tartan W/01111
flits pinnacle of the lotrodtiotary page, the Stn
rls steads guard over the gates of the preface,
'4O/1.01 Bagpipe plays an adieu at the finis. it
~:is inlaid with the mast brilliant andeoetly po.
froth the mines of that land-.which hue
; been as fruitful in minstrels as in metaphysiesi
'Agrees and Martyrs. Some. seittexiled eon of
''Bootie, who dies not choose to give his name, and
• Vitae hint still lingers among her lochs, friths,
, 'traded orage.ilme. honored sanctuaries, end gen.,
4 iron Are-sides, has here made an offerinrcif if.
faction to his native country, and to Ma
gentrymen, whit; like himaelf, have become rot
r wanly exiles A sprig of heather from the old
• - homer might hive sufficed tO bring back the by
!igon. earns of year. departni' but ... titleeditor
Ass Gulled not only a sprig of heather and a this
tle, but rooks, lilacs, lilies, carnations and ayprue
.leaves, and waren them' all into a beautiful
qust,:as a sacred memorial 'of the land where
they,grgw. . Sod= people, turd those in whore
. veins rung Soot= blood, of come; boy
!this book, and go will many others beside. Wo
shall expect to see it in many a drawing-zoom.
The ' ideation are not mere excerpts, but coin
_ Plots poems; whilst the typogrsphy,- phper.and
engradage are of the Brat order.-
affILDILIS, sutler of a gnat
numb= of religious. works. , Pr&m the prat of
'Rotted Cosier. &Brothers. Thris a most ex.
„nellent book, which we would gladly ere in the
hands enemy young person in the country. It
• .chas dready passed thing!' argeseren editions' In
• Landan,which shows how highly it is eppreola l
treibithe Christi= public in that - country: . ;
- The above w orks are for rile by, Beds;
see, Market street, who has also "Ellen Mont-,
gasser?, --tookesse,"' "Mrs. Rutherford's Chll
def!," "by the anther of _the "Wide, Wide
pubibthed by Geo.! P. Putnam, A Co ,'
an excellent work which.we have previously no-
Paws or . Ms. Assairow.—The Prealdest
aide° be mnott distressed at the death a hie
•perional friend, Me. Athertoo, tide or the - 17. 8
&Instant front New Hampshire. ldr. Atherton.
.Irwell known thrOnr,hont the nation sa the IlAt ,
'tlio‘r of the celebrated "Atherton Gag" rolobt 2
tint which intorentedte reoopeou of Abolition_
:1 1 1101 . ie. buds House. — On the expliation of
;.111r. Hata term in the 17. 8. Senate. bun Mardi,'
' . llr.:Pbente need hle bellnenao in New Hampahhe to
- Mauro the return of Mn Atherton, and sutiocad
. lid; but into doing he mortally offended Edumcd
^A•rAlgtink !rho enut a isadliiite foe the time place.
limit., in roving' s % commenced crusade
"VIM the Adminittnition, •nd hat 'contributed
no little towards fomenting the democratic teen
- tin In Neer York end litessachntette: The
tf . . President thus not only tees hie party distracted
In consequenot of lileefferets to Prorate the "
tern 'of 'Atherton to the' Senate, bat loses, at a
vim , important period at kis ridailnietration, the
-mem* triad - DM idiom he atried so much.
kir. /Autos was not brilliant or powerful
Man, intalleetoally, bet him penerud
:ilia this Primidenequalibed Mm, above Duerr,
for landing in Welke Of the Admlairtirittlen in
the Sonata. Thai !mid will noir, probably, 'till
to the lot of Buster alm. •
Tim Imumvxma KUOlDS.—Theireia through
out the ,comitry Is 'almost unaniarone In beetow
leg Indignant comments upon the isto murder of
a whoa tosoilmr, In Lmimille by the tn° Wavle.
Boats of the-Kentucky papers, however, enaegv
or to palliate the strooloas ethnic, and to psie
the way foi'an fait:ll6A of the rich criminals.—
• Ropkinertile paper Made the chief isurderer
in thiswise: -
- .4 .11151 Woad Is so amiable; gentle, and generous
mairkindeat, nue btrueive and kind to every one,
-and we cannot conceive the madness which di
nsittni ills hand at Bailees life Doubtleso, he
was !shoeing ender some gross delusion about it
—which the testimony will -bring to :light, and
width will relieve his aoudad. from Ito hersher
stiltede.'" ,
.. I.Att table, gentle sad geserou Maul"
These are pretty epithets, truly, to aptly to a
man Who could shoot down so unarmed man tor
an set whloMna senstMe' man" eouldiegard se
preowalyr offensive to him. .A men'e.eharaeter
iskidta.tad by Me deeds; wad the wanton mut
der. of poor Butler could Dever have prooseded
from shunt who cherished Su his heart either
anitahle or Odle, maohlessgrnerone, thoughts.
•Tste Seciumnra or tyri.Xrso —We find the en
sued paragraph Soatleg about as an item of
newelsint asoluuoges. It Is signifloint enough,
Itietruntuh art-1V indlostes another phase of the
• . Ansgiltrigaittet Common Schools lately initiated
tor ad. Clatholie Ilis4ope ot the United States.
Arrotran'tturzat Exorrixier.—There was
Arnie tellable at Ellsworth, Ma, on Titteday, In
• rielltregeence of the »Italica by the town author.
Ides of an appllcatitm from the Irish or - Oaths.
• liee,'that the cohort money be divided, and they
sterelve.-thalr, proportion, for the purpose of es ?
tahliebleig e school, cot of which the Protestant
161ble alogld be *apt ;Considerable. er.altentent
- • irrentallict. anthat.nlght, - aecording to ' cones.
pendent of the • State ;of Maine; two Catholic
-bop broke into one of the school houses, end
- destroyed, alt the bibles found therm On Mon
daj they, rue arrested, end one of them nest to
jw The Catholics are to establish a school im
Poum Paurrea.—The Cincinnati Prig. Current
not .010 very emu ng ow of t-0
Current Pork srealatlofts in that city. It sue:
. • Park puking is progressing, but the trade" to
; &gold. of antivity or , vigor. Early contracts
promise to prove unprofitable. Little or no, de
mand inurbeen experienced for - prodders; arid the
• bulk ef the sales so far hue been et a loss to
paokeri..'.'Thifopsning sod present rates, were
se follow: • - ' '
Hots, per 1001151, net, $5@5:25
Mess Pork, - 18:50
erecix simiP;
. Bei; Lard; s 4 8 6 /
Packers -exhibit :that want ot conlidence
widalt - we hare heretofore referred, and' Eastort
wiortallatia ore decidedly in the back - gictrod
&iswould be taken prate, (ratty at'/IC or, per
kk190,114:25, but these prices are below, the 'love
. of sellers. ,The• oureteir- canoed co foe . II net
mirk short - of 10,000, of . which adopt . 85,009
binLln Wen.
. , .
Tan CATITAat" PAZA.OII 'Exmarnor — , -Of 'the
mlttemthefieel'idepartment of the exhibition, • the
Meer Tore Journal of -Commereosayt:
110, assepshire Ie t he only' Mate , that for
ebbe, .:Oobat ores 'and . blemoth are exhibit
: 44 fionef,kaneetiont, and cobalt from Maryland;
s wim Penneylvania and liferylmid, and
niv'setineral called eMersid flicks' front Lan.
- meter" re. , The extensive nee of Nickel; in the
manitneetere of Guinan elver, ghee lateteet to
ism diettexmy of it. All v etoes of , the , lleloi
Amish Aron,: liat, , Toinneylvania erode in the
taabe~ app nriety of epeolmene= - North Ciro
. liate,fornithce Imodaomeepeolonroe of phosphate,
lentbiltatti : antt *Osumi of • lead: , There are ell
*Ateitieen tsooth America/ 4 Mexicet:. and
tioptilest bone front r the.rfAiod Biam4: 4l o•Pi .
.101 Ceiiro ll4ll /04.0: 0 0
• antis Ot axe of 4telckailtir
WME14"491; :S1
1:319r:‘ 4
h 11:1410.
A month os mere hge, I said that both the
pentanatio ,
Toth were so ninly
abreast Inthe nice CL.44nrity;that the people
would Sid it impossible to award the palm of la
thery to either,:but would probably treat them
with equal contempt. This has turned out er
ectly true.:z...Th6 Whip get a majority of the
popular vote, and*the factions are nearly tied in
the division of what is left The Ant reports
dthcHardahelle exterminated. It is
evident that fate has befallen their 'opponents.
A week before the 'elootion the adminhstration
would not have commuted for less dun & Soft
majority of thne to one ornate Herds. ‘ A bare
plurality is equal to total defeat I bare here•
tofore shown that the Adamantine deserved no
eynipathy from any , one oppoeed to a renewal ot
the slivery oontroirenY, or in fairer of an honest
and pare nthithistration of the Gating Govern
meet. Pot, on the other hand, al the Barnbruu
en or Soft shell Lotion, had 'repudiated every
prleaiple they . before profeeled,' and nia behome
the mere Simile adulators of power, it was time
thatiheijrare extinguished and "crashed out"
fronthe field, of political contest. Their career
was new. Haslet become thoroughly corrupt
and emasculated, there was no farther nee for
them. They'are finished. They were ripe and
rotten. Their end wee not premature: • Nobody
bewails their fate.
But they were tke chief support of the 'Cabi
net, aid the queslioci. now comes
,up,.pan the
Cabinei stand, after.the loss of the only support
On which It could depend; Opinion le divlded.on
this Ithportant point.' It is argued that the chan
ging. of Cabinets on slight occasions hue been a
role with our President! for terenty-four years.
Mrs.'Eaton; Duff Gillen, end Mr. Calhoun broke
up,Gen. Jackson's! grit Cabinet: The 'removal of
the deposit...stroke up- the 'second.- Something
occurred within a year of Yan'Bersea beaupits
ion to a stempede among the conetltutiOn•
al eccompllcee of hia nefarious acts. Tyler's Cab
inet dispersed upon the full development of the
innate turpitude of hie nature,: and his meditated
treachery to principle. The'Clalphin would pro.
bably have broken up Gee. Teylor's If hie death
had not, end Mr. Polk made several 'changes of
Secretary of the Navy sad Attorney General-
People argue upon these precedent'', that the oc
currence of such a terrible reverse Oa the success
of the Wards in New YEA; must ',Mainly , -force
out of the Cabinet all that,* whet counselled the
dismissal of Bronson, and the interference is N.
York politics. Marcy, Guthrie and Cushing
seemed to be marked for the fate which they
have Inflicted upon Bronson and would hays im
posed upon O'Connel,' bad they dared. - .
John Van Bared and Collector Redfield have
been here to advise with the governmint what to
do in such a fearful oriels. John urges that a
-fork.= hope of Soft Shells, who fought the bat
'le of the administration in contempt of princi
ple and coulataisey, are waiting for the reward,
and Ought to have it. Probably some few . - bun.
dred Bunker's and bold-over Whip will follow
the unfortunate Bronson into retirement, and
that tkeir places will be supplied by Botta. '
The disbursements of the Treasury for the re
demption of stook last week were over half a
million of defiant, and the total reduction of debt I
since the first day of August Is about An millions
of dollaralocluded in which is the $700,000
of the - Holland Inn. There TIIMSIIIII of the $7,- I
000,001ladvertised for in July, to be taken. up
prioito . the lot of Decembee, 83.000.000.
Dr. Blank, agent of the British Company for
the coo/traction Of the Darien Ship Canal, con
tinues his exertions to procure the patronage of
Able government for the scheme. An officer has
been detached to aid In the surveys, bet I very
muoh . doubt whether any practical molt will
come of it. As to the surrey, the Spanlarde
made the beet reoconnoissums and explonitioks
of the entire region South of the Gulf of Maxie°
and Nor& of Caitliagens, for the discovery of a
pootitiable route for a anal between the two
oceans; whiokbpe wyerpen mado,.and
,l_ be
lieve they came to:the conolozion that no snob
puts existed., The Secretary of the- Navy, to
wkom Dr. Bisokk representations hare been re-:
ferred,oesme disimolhted to aid the desigi IV--
Mar than by the appointment of DX
,Shang* to.
iso:OPTiO.C.'withthe British engineers la Pim-.
inlng the route: The length of the proposed ca
nal Is forty miles, sad the ec0t . R76,000,000; It
Is opposed that it may be finished in five years,
and that Dill! yield a dividend of liven per
pobbin will recommend an inezessa of the
nailyby the building of mere sailing ships and
steamers. Ido not see how this can be 'recon
ciled with what is said to bit,Ms leading testae
Leeks Prerident's whiohls alleged to be
atrlot economy and • mduotica of expenditure in
41 departments. This la exeunt doctrine, as
I haze before remarked, but Mwdef s practioal
apYlioatlon, in the particular cue'of the navy,
it seems to Me that the great reform , needed Is
the.Pronipedisillssal of incapable . and corrupt
°Semi, ihe condemnation and sale of Ineffielent
mauls, and the building of perhaps half a dozen
steamers under sash a. wyetem ef respensibility
as shall secure their usefulness to.the service, or
their return tithe'yersoni MILO may be engaged
to 'apply theta) - Joints.
TIIs Exsourtotridur Maxico.--The report that
Gen. foriel had been shot by order of Banta An•
na le incorrect. Gen. Robles weaChe person
tended:to be referred to, and it appears he made
his avospecut learning that he wascibout to be
tried as a. cOngpirstor. A -hitter from Major
°beiges:l, dated Ringgold.tirracke, Timm Oat.
15,,states that Robles,..wim was Seem
tary of War, had been banished. by Santa Anna,
frosi the city of Mexico to Monolova Soon After
his arrival at the latter plans he-affected hla m.
pipe to Roam, on this side of the Rio.Grandu lie
rays "that forti•niss other mem of standing and
infinence were bar:label about the same ilia%
that be was baniehed Wane* be wee a Federal.
let; that'll& shall prooeee to New Orleans, and
remain until he is recalled by his Government,
which he believes win be soon. He, of coarse,
does not expect to be readied while Santa Anna
is in power. Two days after he bad croestd the
Rio Grande an order was received at Mier 'far
hie immediate trial as • •conspirator.". Major
Chapman makes no mention of any executions..
The Woshingion Star bag a letter from' Fort
Browo, which gays , it was rumored that. Reiss
-was shot. The writer adds: -
qiot a solitary Biezioso soldier hsw oroased
the Blair* hlidre la this dictation this year:. A
geuttenuiri, an saquauttonos of mks, arrived lids
morning front. Alonterey, and says that Atopudis,
who is is that city, hsa not a. single bayonet. at
Ida command, and that Banta Asna'a_ mead Ar
my, is just where it vat oix months sgo, nit: on
gathsoCMATlOSit VLSOLIIIA.---Two natured
men—brothers—recently". made' applicat ion to
one of the courts at Itlelamond, Virginia, assert•
Lag that they had so fth . removed from their
original blood as tom:dills them to the , benefit of
so act of aseembly,'which declares that Persons
with lee' than ono-fourth 'negro blood shall be
considered - while person,' and ander this plea
they claimed the privilege of golog abroad with
out registers. The court, after hearing argil•
meats on .both sides, refaced the application.—;
The Richmond Enquirer endorsee this decision*,
t• The law and alrountitsnoes under 'which thls
spplloation. was made, would free about one
fourth or the iIITNI of the 'Oommonweilllt, and
lead to intertainable difficulties cn: the - subject:
Owl:oath negro•blood'tiould be little 'cough to
place a negro upon the'tootlng of i•white per.
This is a' pretty admissien;tredy. Ooslotorth
of the Slaves of the -.014 Dorninicm"less rhea
quarter blood negro( How comes it so? Vir.
gbgarts are death on smalgatristion'i eartimental
iy; how they regard it practically, ,Ilts brief - cit.
treat abort, from *beef their own gapers, tells.
Thad &areas speech in Congress gave them
but a well merited oastlgatlou,;--floiklaysbgrih
Comae A/swami/mos —The telegraph re
ports that hfr. Crampton, the Brittah &Baste►,
bee formally dented the allegations that hie:Gov
arnmeat contemplated 'kayoed proteedloga with
r card to Cuba*: have been attributed to' It.
TheAeolat mgt.:sally nanscamary. No eenelble
maa.balteved the statemant; , - - 4f. 2 7. 'Commerrha
She - Whabitigten•awien, whielt'-irse the first
jeurahl, we toilette, fhit.ltive **minor to the
0 . 1 00, and blip intimate relstion'to theAdmia•
hostion imphrtal couchhen:o to it, bullring:
ly eheatineed Wa'rmret that itie . 'Mien
Dot impressed with' I better /4,pm:dation (410
hionoind. the *eight which thatlosition glen
to ihriteteteehli
THlPAomoitiii:vuu.—Taz Gexarlterflflpl
Staireolaattn"ha rineficvsnx start —Beer/ a* .
eee:Unchour, Faye tkle; aohingt..n. Star, .9416:15;
to strengthen del' apprehension that the...N.;;X.
conapiracy ie draw
ing within its meshes a body of epeculatore, who,
for tit:ration, talents," energy, perseverance rand
Influence, are destined to prove far more fermi
deblep the-integrity of the Government :A the
United States, than any eimilar organisation, et
fur eguaYlult to errata 'cir Congress. - Strange
to tell, too, the majority of those already known
to be oeneerned In it are men of straw, so far as
their means are concerned—not one in ten being
perilous of available means to be used in the con-.
9tbuolloll of the work. Indeed. It is well index
stxrd that-their plan le to induce Congress to
furnish the means either is leads or money tc
be donated to them, on condition that they build
the road nominally for the Government, but
really for thtmeelves or their asseignees.
The suottees. orthe tend donation system, as
applied in the case of the railroads constructed,
or order construction, In the Went, will, probe
biy, have the effect of putting them upon this
tack; more especially as it does not require tht
appropriation of hard -cash from the Treasury.
Their aim will, doubtless, be to bribe members
of Coogrese by donations of stock, if the scheme
eneeeeds: To do this, they are buying up, after
the same fashion, persons in. nearly every Con.
gressional District in the United States who may
be supposed to be able to influence a members'
vote. They have selected the, Texas route sal
theirs, in the hope et than securing the vette
of Southern and. Southwestern member, whose'
hostility' to the conetrpetion of the proposed
road at the coot of the Government, they-believe
would be otherwise unconquerable. They oil
oulate etrongly 'on the weight of the, politioal
consideretlon involved 012 the partimiler nation
al legislators.
To that end, journals in the south in their
interest,are already urging the importance to the
peculiar institution of the South, of having the
Texas recite eeleoted. _Seine twenty Senators,
and Representatives have even so early , made
demonstrations of hearty - es-operation in their
schemes: among thine being more or lees gentle
men famed here for always favoring huge spoon
lotions; on the Treasury of the United States.—
We trust that the publics will keep their eyes
Axed on their movement, closely scanning the
antecedents of these gentlemen, as strikers for
this grand ewinnle. •
AU the tactics of the Toby of the New York
Legielature will be put- in operation, the wire
workers being, however, ten times more :sumer
'ens, and having ten times more available means
at commend; the stake for whioh they play be
ing, at-the same time, greater than that gam
bled for in the New York fraudulent canal let
ting—s9o,ooo,ooo, rather than $9.000,000. In
deed, the chief operators in this eel:Lemont plun
der aro the very same -persons whose names ap
peared meet con/plutons as participants in the
New York fraud in question; according to the
testimony printed in the report of the joint legis
lative committee who examined into the matter.
Mten CUMSGIRAX —Shia lady, imprisoned by
the Duke of Tuscany for the tract circulating,
now set free, in consequent)e of the eanspe of her
slater and Mr. Gordon, who alone could hare wit
nessed againet her,gives the following account of
her own liberation, in a spirit worthy of her an
cestor, Knox—
'l hare not accepted the Duke' grana. Oa
the contrary, I raid at once, that w at be owed
me injustice did not wish to receive in grace,
and until I consulted my advocate I would not go
oat of the prison However, is the course of a
'few hoary, I got another message to ray that they
hod orders to send me out, and they begged due,
as a favour, that I would go, as otherwise they
would be obliged to turn me out. Then' .aid I,
.gire me a paper stamped and signed, to say that
I am turned oat, and not gone voluntarily, which
accordingly they did. lam told that one hour
later 1 should hare received a decree from the .
Second Court In my favour, which would hare
declared that !hid done nothing worthy of bonds,
and that therefore the ease could go no furlher.
It le currently reported that the cause of the par
don is, that despatehes same from Lord Claren
don to say that if I was not let at liberty at
once, the British arms would be taken down from
the British embassy, and this's what the !Wiwi
bellere." Mies Cunningham adds, "It IA elotesid
coed here the greatest triumph, since the Grand
Duke has treed me becadme England has demand.
ed it, and it le universally known that .I was de
-1 (dared innocent legally."
A LIQ1:101 Law Dxotstos.—ln a suit at Iswbo.
fore Judge Dsy, of the Court of Common Plemt,
In Tnunball °minty; a liquor bill wee offered by
way of set off to the elaim of the plaintiff. It
was argued in opposition to the sot aff, that it
oould,not be allowed; because the liquor had been
sold contrary to the law in existence before the
new Constitution went into effect. Co the ether wu maintained that the Liquor had been
sold slice the adoption. of the new Constitution,
and that It was ectionger necessary to have a li•
emu is WI liumr in: mail quantities.
Jtilse Cap-helokthlf the Contititatloa did not,
olitestf, repeal Mel fer.o it prohibited
the sale.of Dilutr , ticitentestancts,'
bat that itleseilkSoll4,LMatikzrePtelta 11 the
,Ittn , HaLlM4iffse..rtf the opinion that
It Low gnaw to lb* Prexedt. - WU clearly, within
'the power of the Legislature, nada the datum
of the Constitution ..empowering it in proiride
BUMS the writs malting from Ma traffic in in
ttaleating (lax
" The noble, conduct"- (eaya Preys). "of
the Ottoecan population has not perhaps been
safiklently held up to oar
L admirstioli Turkey
to at this es
moent traversing the moat emitted
tidal Masa State can experience, and -yet , eines
last March—for the Met six montbs-:-there has
not been asymptem of disordee„ not a single cot
break, not an insult evilest the freedom of Chita
-thin woiship. Apopulation ardent, intent., big
eted,lek said. In its faith, attasked at, it Is
in its ringlet' and its patriotism, halt conforuitd
with an.admirahle ananimity, if we may believe,
the confessions of 'even semi-antral dostrian
ionic:Ws, to the ricommendstions of generous
toleration whhik have emanated from the Sultan
Theresult isat once' an honor to the.nation sold
the government. Whit more or what better
could havebeern done by any strong government,
any jut. government, yawed at the heal of ,
:lithollet. Protestant or Greek Chrlatlan popul
Lion !,•Losedate Leader. '
Asii4osizainestetratuso —No man knows bet
ter the evilest mentions than Mr. Cashing, ter
It was 'a amiltlon - between the Democnsta Mid
FreikHottire of the State Council that placed him
on the Bench of the Supreme Court of Haassahu
setle.,--witich. mid Bench he used as a etepping
etane tsget into his present position.' ' Cushlng's
presennoonneation with the Demeoritto party is
one of the most shameless coalitions: every body
remembers the eulogies he delivered boforo the
American Institute on Henry , Cisfa':Attlerilian
Register. _
Ten ausTRAL ROAD —The Penney!wads Rail
road Company aro making most etrinuoto
forts'to get their
. trock across the. Allegheny
mountain ready for ate by the Aret•ofJanuery.
We hare heard it stated that they aro paying Ai
bonus of $lO,OOO to the contractors at the Tun
nel! to Befell ther job by that time; , Tbn . .Cire
can iIOW ran up to the Tonal! on the neat aide,
and on the line on this elide chord will-be no de.
A FAX/111•illitallOTION occurred recently at
the city of Ningpo, in Coins, as we learn from e"
letter published in ono of the religions journale
from the Rev. Dr. Metgawan, a ileptist mioeion
sty. •Large numbers .of woman and 'children
went, to the houses 'of tits . ..wealthy, demanding
food and money, and, when refused, they_ beano
open doers, and forted a passage through house
welt The Authorities were only able to quell
tbe first riot by a daily dietribution of alms;
which the 'wealthy, were obliged to provide at
various templet Subsequently, a terrible scene
occurred, In couseqeenoe delves distrlbutione.
Through some mismausgement on the pert of
the officers or distributors theorowd at ono tem
ple .beesme so great that not has than forty
persons were trampled ender foot, of whom title. were either dead or dying when relief ar
rived - At another 'temple a iticalleit twine took
place at the 'mime Met
.but, fortunately, no lives
were lost'.• Hisao disasters, a mob
of exalted -met-stoked the residenoe. of One
the officers, and* destroyed coati
. thiag It con-
Urromr-Awiniuont --When the treason er-
MteMent was at its height donng the Benstock of
the. Legielatare of 1848, one of the members
changed bin - boarding-plaae.„ Being aeked by
one Ohio fellow - boarders the resort of changing,
he repll4 "Ob, 1 have got tired of this eternal
talk about slivery r the Bog; b, oiggers,and Bo on;
the Delavan - hause is full of free:Wore, and I
heardpothing hot higher-law; dissolution of the
Union; the poor shies-1 could'atetand It any
longer, and no I left." '71101," sold
boarder, "I don't see as you have gained any
Cling, as hero at Congress Hall are 'quits as
rasyky:fraeßeilers, of_the name. stripe, and much
stronger Men; here ire Dr. Beektottn, John Van
Buten, Lieutenant-Governor Gardiner, and
dozen others, who tzlk soli slavery quite IR
sanely - ea' these whom" you have ,left " ."Oh,
yea," said - the uneasy-member; "kit gliose
fa-16h felloiorjlaton to the'Dtlavais il.".
' A -The Boston fierild oafs lhat ro ,
'wily is examining the Rows ofifeenthen
bats, Eeq, of.Liabon' who illodietely, aged isbopt
so yea., the appriisere, tonne neer $13,1?00.1n
: his trunk, moot of whloh had been there for flOV
anal year*. With the /eat wee $2OO in bills' "ef
the Lai/outer Bank, dated 20 years ago, stir! ea
fresh se when Bret
PtCdOliklk Btettifir Baja 11h0 .dl4ll- nOt,
mueb otthe beoety of 510.912 Alt ez.
ammo seyeitiet the Aiseriden,itonsen orioeo do .
sot thitar Moab of itioloootT of Mloe tiomer,_
It wenid &Matt to Itheeoe , how owetwly;
uir.;:tarir Fari4larze
aQf #..- - LettarQ , by rho Overland iedla *ill don,
ittelligettee et, the lanaatitable4reek of
Britieli":ohlp,lituppUrod 'to hi•thirloadr.krelyn,
and ii fearful eaorifloa of life.
- -
She was a firm moa t recently-N[ll4 748 tons
'harshen, ooromended by - Captain APLellati, and
was the proportyut,Meaers, Herrings, or LW*,
poet; Ott her -list virago' -fronilleglind, ebe
was bound to' Port Philip, and on her arrival
there, oho 'Weir taken up 'for ran to Ciacifito .
and China.
She was then chartered for the conveyance of
250 Chinese emigrants to Ban Frattetseo, and do.
ported in every appsrent sif,ty with her living
The catastrophe is repoited,to have °marred
on the night 'of the 20th Alp, an one of the Mu
ter of islands known as Typingson, In the east
ern or Chine Bps, situate some 19 miles west of
Loo phoo. ."
Idhe.nnickly went to pieces, 'and we regret to
odd that, out of 260 .acmla who were on board,
Including the crew, only. 6 European !idiom and
30 Chinamen were eared. The advicee for
nlsh no further intelligence. The ettip.wal in-
. Lsociste, Canal General of Franco for New
York, died on Monday night, at the age of 56
years. The deceased was forinerly an aid bf
1 0
Marshal Gerard—was in the little of Ligny and
Waterloo. In 1815 he wasp moted to the rank
of Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. Upon rho
dowcfoll of the Empire he came to the United
States, and spent isome time at Bordentown with
Joseph Bonaparte, Count of EfinVillien. Sabre
quentiy ho fixed his milldam in New York, and
at one time was animated with the editorship
and proprietorship of the Carrier des Stein
Unto, which paper =Was a handsome tribute
to his memory. Ileyras appointed to the pert
of Comsat General in 1850.
Tao PATTI. AT New 011.11A318.—The New Or
leant Courier of the ad hat, states the following,
relative to the recent epidemic in that city:
membei of the Howard Association, who
has lived hero for wore than forty years, whiffle
boob:tees has made him acquainted with nearly
all of our Cillieril—informed ne that of the eight
thousand permie wha died this rummer, ho was
personally acquainted with bat eight. With but
a very few exceptione, the *thin were not na
tives of Louisiana, or even of the S outhern States,
but nearly all of them, more than nineteen twee•
tiethe, were either young . men from the more
Northern Buttes or from foreign . countries
Corr or Examen Rats lOADO.—Tho three hue
Bred and-twenty two miles of the Eastern Coon.
ties Company's EYBroad Gest £13,115,919 The
two handeed and el miles of the Gipat
Northern, £10,262,988. The three hundred and
four miles of the York, Nevemetle and Berwick,
£10,858,789. The ono buodred end forty-nine
of the North Britioh, £4,487,259. The reoeipts
of these roads lu 1852, averaged forty pounds
sterling per mile pee week.
AliVowsti„Autaatowso roa Boaaa:Brismuto
The Guyandotte (Vs.) Herald soya that Mn,s
Burns was arraigned before the County Court of
Oe.bell, week before last, upon the eharga of
k nee stealing,- Act' that the Court sot her ou
for trial at the Circuit Court. It is added, fur
ther, that the Court very ungallantly refused to
admit the woman to bail, because it had no-law
to do so.
/; 4 tStl):il 01 *4
waw+ /Oka, 'esl , l be a caudidate for htsfor 'at
Pistecurgh, subject to LIM declaim:tor qtly sad Aati•
lbenetle Cimv+iation. • • noZdle
acir•Dr. Norsea Invigorating Elixir or
COADIAL—SmoogSII herbs applied to medical proctirs,
that which forms this main togredientio this preparation
stasis supreme. It is NatoreW ratholimo. Mid the
travel. of Dr. !dorm which ban addeir so moth to &Wore
is Pa various brurchesYmulted In the dimorery of U.
barb atone, ho would sal base been the great brasfseSr
of the sm. Mineral nowsikw an utterly superseded bY
this purely sees:able sp.ollis Are Tar weak, dr/replier
sorrows. szadest to sodden Clotho, costiotemi with mo
rales or Naitarma. irrassiar in soyphysiosi fourtioor
enemstol organ. Soblmt to epermodie parr of any
kind: 'tarot. your ratersly yotirmlod:YostmemorTe
clouds!: Coen your toad fell Too is bosisms, ore yon de•
issued to spirits, &NUM/at worn oat, sod utterly "sot
of bruit" • Lima is roar resorafar.. Um We stiorulast
mors . rilsOrim tbrO nlcoholt permanent to its ersW. sod
barmier* to Wm minx as Ahmed water. 'Think of tbiS!‘
Woes. Ms .sad sod test our
words by sepertment.
tkrataLls pat up; blithlp Pocoporrstad, In plat not
tips. Vriretl,oo per butt!, two 1W *SM. alp 'WEL
O. ItLVO. Proprietor.
*OO k.. 7 Drugahrts 0w1:4,1,15ml the UMW INltxtitt. Opp
6. Is luld the.Wmt Indies-
ilendesi As-enn Is Pitts/swab-4.0. 11.
Wood IkfMrt.d Vints 'Hoy. and rttakad Boa, enro,
Wax' oPd 4da
M'CORD & j CO.
Wuoll molt rempectfutly invjte th,o attention,
nor ootunr. anartanse in pat POW bunt
Area: Cetennae, &biretta Etanbeenl. /loci 'brintrar
Cow and Sauey Dern: Mat, Ytetralisto, rrr
aaln_ltuu. Ctalb t amass. INal syd Sib ttraea.
rear Ste fiILVt.TIA AND .I.4.T.A.YETTS (101,0'
- , ,
11$ filar. Co. NN 11
psny. N , ezeol nom • • •
Third Animal Statement •
NA KUM INBOI131191:comp4NY, rt ILlurliO , a4l.
11666m05a, Vat .1„ 1(1.14.
Aerate of th•annoanr. Moo 1,101.111106.016 61
Prominno.'no.'d to mar 1. 126.260 66 •
etotlooory fool OMNI - LOO3 Ott'
Prerdiuma 11.119 24 • '
terminated. . ten 81
ou.. ia onatiu .
irtiungims. Primal Premium.. •
BMtleerrr. Prtu Mag. *0 77.141- ILI
tlteek. paidist and /011.040 C.O
Utibla bat 1i5k—;......--,2262,219 70
• ;•
PryPberpr...z - ...,.c.44,.. • ...smaxl.2 to; - 7
Bonds and .mie.syces,Mtailyt. utd • •
tabor scestmes... 132686 29 '
- Oath nat in 6006 1'W...ft .
swum, by 11.290 bt
Wks Ifuribbstssariffeatleosrt..,.. 3.X0) -
Amount of ostal Stalest, tbs
Nabs Dot yet itias....—...
N)liti P. RITINIKILSWID. Daaphia rimier
P. 0. fiNDOWiCK, llarrisbarr.
0A141.110. JUNKS.
.' -
A. WILKINk Baaksr. Pittsburgh: .
A. A. OAKUM/Is • .- . •
JOIIN e. MITIIitagOKIL Dattablaraso 4 / 1 •
A. J. OILLKT, lissrisbarsa
A T. JoNlta. .
ItOBZRT KLOTZ. Cation musty;
• A. ;. 4ILLKT. gscretsr7, -
Wlll:nti e nasgalrt Aar . aa4 Intar.4 atratlara.
ao 'Ll tgar - at Alasarst.. ,3914 =ttiras hrs.! ,
wither gananaatly Or tar tma stplars.
• li•aa.biotges. anrnar of Ibunh and 0110144 Warts
ale; "•-• A 4:"Unrtgia. Actsarr.
T 1 PO AUL 9TUYCST , " •
zar 31Vital/ Ancurpiroir or • -
• 000gstInglzt larfpf ",• . -
CANTON AND PAM.* mint. Milt
mai nod Silk Aloluisti;
87 tW Cass: '
cAmpridox scoot the anted htlietirin n• ottr,,
whi:h the;attap tic= of Ovh oat Thai home 'te totted
Italy solteited.. • -
N. 8.—,-11Arrtttaitte sittlooloth. !IMO'S to call sad
411411121 , ourEtook, whith-le eattott ezootiolt to dude
Gide. eit h rtibut all lbe . litortot teaht,youttae tatytei
. ,
YOR1(;!, •
098*.:(LiPil i At 0600,0001-,
• -.„ R. V. LOOMLL' Attest,
Wood 1404.,IlltitateigtO
• , DIRFAITORS: I, ' .•
jlitamn L: . .
,Irupes of Carat. a Oa.
Theodore ..... of Serwets.• tictlimee.
Beggeed 8i0ct0w.......' • Pink of Drawl. k
Ititttaes rfOlattio. 71allea •
Gomm at therm, UN
Area .... of Eno. Mhos r 4 Co.
Weer S. Sl= of W 111144 •
len! P Stone Starr.
Remy G. E1v..8 • o Caw: Oleop Bowan.
Soma Law,. of /*silk low • O.
marks tins of O. /Web 400.
Marks .4. Duakfcv.... .... of Bookies k
oot. Alicrtormiry.Wlrm
_owls AM:bursts.. • y
L.ot P. Mori" At. Beebe, Stouost A to . .
1.7: ` °
Chaskal . " is . " F l O ° `
8' 1 °°'
C. ...firm of Shest e llin ••Wan..
atoms D. Now" .....
.U p =: ' ;' ... :::::::±l. 4 3ll= 0 f .1; IL Steenoto.
!Maki J obcook► ranked.
CiTim orlvott.b, patio I not 4
fheekla ... . ... . .....................
+ ....±litt".4tradicaearodo: By%
Aim( vs Lockwood a e. Ca.
Roe of 0..
Lstoita. .....:.:.:::.::.realm of Hooking. All.* vo.
-,jl grgS b N4AZZ3O, -** * P llToflgglTittk w
. 121 . 41 .2 DF
7"); Virm " V i do 64 ,l
item of WOrk I laa ko:
Nam* 401twou. Stockwell O.
JaiNt/ lignaNirev,.nr. of Barmy, If alaohrtly Dram.
lika T./looker . Oottl4satel Hawk.
Font* a 00.
otOlorg• bans a 00.
• • • • SUMO L. LOMB. Swain'.
=is,' - ;
.. _
iiiiii•Neitialgia. 7 —This tprmidti. a .diegtep,'
ittiteli so.nim to Willi !hi - AM or: ,iliajoiY4 'opi t i, bk.
miiii°t° rIA ' RX ,_ 11 " #P..4N 1 4, 11 mamas"; ,
Mr. Y. Boum. 1010.[IT-111 ibiattor llousilie, York.
and We pm. rkeyr of Om t" l "rtita tipt'akr4OPAAn9 T..
la one .f ilia hundrolo *ha 14.*. bten coral of 4,,,,,
Hauges nr.Cater'a Boa,* 1111(toze.• - ' , 7. ,„.. ,
~ .
-. !Shit* his oFip, hi. hi. IstantoOtotioktm," linibfrii er
i m.
tgirri whO*l&ll,ltelegibli it Vrlth ii#igy:rmr. 0 d ii .
emOtAthlt*lliostliaoistalkalwits... , ~: . ...,
..Homo it totbolliOct.ectiootinttorf "X=bf.t.
1 ., ..ti-tiiio itdl4. pot - ., - .',.., 0.
101104:444 *inat , iii-NOthiefilii..l lejo4as' ,
, -
unEleisigned AE-
*zit., Inww IlLtivr,-,r, here's . tatty ali posiort.
*labial to oolil arootaton, to Oak awl =PIO 001t0.. ,
, mod *now havinCitobas 4otriet tittootin Vent ,
pre-eat then for sottlonotot
The More will lie kept owen to tell tut the f Wood ,
wei bumf, shout COdswe from. this date. whwfw.W. 11, RI.•
aid, ores of the Asa Antes will be found.
littstraish: 0et:13.1863 - : 4,! -
OfAvg SW Wood pt 4 between Ist and And.
All kinds of blacksmith work for Bridges, An, done of
the shortest =tire and at the lowest prices.
.q- All work warrants,' equal to any mannfactarekl.-io
"sorMits. S. E. Cenao, fanhionable Dret6 ,
Mater slid AI Illper, No. 7t ninth stmt. mwond
All work entrusted 1.11/ to auroutad with latatheas and
dlapateh. spl.l
U the kind of testimony ma Nth. value of our
upon which we can coondoutly test the roputatleo of our
wart. We have already puhllehrd several cortilleat,
provinir that Bailie made for our regular mid Ordiu"Y
and cold abroad, bare been subJactri to the
and - Diie.rred their emoteote totally free from dunese.
The followlog Is another proof of the swop Inenntnstable
Novemiter 12, ISO 2. • I
UW& Mums Dame re—Dear Mrs; Your teo lettere
were duly reoelvsel, 1 wax absent at the tune. I would
wa. le retard to your Bate,' tottsidnr ronrfie.t:r Ytnit
PROOF. I tatted theowattantehtot you 'mitten. on the
morning of Cho -10th• of June last—my More building
being burned to ashes. It Was built of wpoJ and brick—
• largo three story bonding. My Sale wee in It at the
time of the Ore, and roll into Ma seller, where there Irar
a large amount of oil. It wali a very hot are.
y oaten and book:epsomite that were In the Bang
amounted to about Ten Thousand Dollars. which wee
saved. There war not a SiJi . Nilsrat ; and farther,
would wltlee ear Venom who to doing business, to lose
tame, but beret ita. to keep their. papers. Am, In—and
get one that le goal. I ran safely recommend your Bafra
loom, truly.
wr:ll:,l°°' llOllll DIADEM.
Oakland, Property for Bale—Tole
Pruotql..Atellnakdaltdut ontn,half mile 'trona the eltr
line fronting on Penner Avenue. It le ooeenol
lath Ihmit free. of the eholerat kinds. many of thtto to
1,111 Leaeing. .Also an abuttilanoe of .Grape. ItsegberrY.
Carmel. Googeberrg. 60.. go. Thane le • twoatory Frame
flora, tAgettwe with (*MIAMI Out houses on li. Fur
rasa rf mom ongrt Wrontantra of loeitlOn. Ole property
eauttot be angfongseg. It contains • little over a acre,.. 4
gill, ell the ten.le together, or divide It tomtit pti reit/onto.
T/108. °AMADEU,.
Oct. 8. ISA% AG No. 119 Water etre,.t.
.IM ' N - RY H. COLLIN - S.
No. pb Wood street, Pittsburgh.
Oue door from First Most, Pittsburgh,
end Hell Par and Current inn di
Blau :awl . Tlme ll:chasms bola, Stacks, Eust•rn and
W.W.I Time ao4 Promlmory Note.; allow 6 per
cat.t. 00 Maar I:emit. Of Par and Current Money; sad.
100 , t. Mr 004 natl. Pollen for t. 11.1 ,r.tota /arum."
Cta4any (caph Capital Il170.000) and Ropoi Inn:mace C.
(eaa,!ta11110.600.604). 0010
Notes, Bands, Morgages &c., Negotiated.
/RAP Me* orere IL Jones S CM e:onterlcod
/11.1,14. leID
- -
• R.:C. LOOMIg,
tOf the lade trm of Irdanty ffi Loomis,)
69 Wood'street, Plit6bargh.
j• 3.11,331.•
. .
Isuransnue uointmny .httsbnrgb
a. D. L.
e.lLitt.`... L. MALA/I es.,l
• • WOOD
t'tttUittib MAIL. ANT. t. •
.1 /ham, "." maxs
" 111.1.1triA..
olt2" MOW*. Aityszt,l
ii , nelhererai ZZA amt 4..vti N.41'26 .1
1 . 4 nfr.I.M.XPOErA rzp.n.
It 0 Tie - i.1111.2/4,
• .ttallto afar.
Tt rs = p
folm S. pf
-.,, lotort
r rusla, I mnt cons..
I .1. Ychooconst occ,
Mateoftosost. Wm D. Hai
Ica., 1. reoaset. .test
RI) ' I:1 k hili
• /COP" AND sloe trrro , •
HAILDWAILVI, oulriarat.v, ; d l
Ihre renuwed to their new and
it tfo.d2 Worst stuter...fourtlaSe alms lb. St.Ctortts
Flofol, utters Moir customer. and morehants senora),
111, far t to an osalletalsa o 1 las most comotots smor.
nom , o` or offsoull to this sits. foltto
P 5113
- (socatuoaa me a on.)
• . WHOLESALE .1181:103ISS8,
11*. 60 Wood !treat. Pittsburgh. -
4 11 1 4.1Arroa of. Dr. 31.1.andA o.l,brstAtt . ratifets
Bra lit Wood street, Pittsburgh, •
• merges Imp 11. AD •OULTIL.
Voi"- My etocteonliatwiif 'upwards of 2500
CASHEL em se every variety and etyle- of 1100T8
blllOB. awl reralmeett direct from N Inkt:
labil maeufsbetrms, ettabrad expreeelr for' PAL .4
War= &IL= will be gold settrfeetory
Tort. eoMbarteb. falorably irlai thee* of Platedelohls before
Porrhevare wilt l m , examine
buying, - Aire. NIEW -TOME WAN LEATHER. 11r29
il f/7,664 46
Pir. When death the door, the rem
which would DIMS hew) Ilk. U adultletered W time.
costes too WA. Do not Rifle with dime. Rely lawn It
',Wattle Uoinieh will not dhtut 'bad—when fahateteat
and leseltad• pinata the spetats,-when the glory I,
turbid. the anpeUte beat. the toted lethargic. the nem,
unenturally muddy% end the lord tionthred—rely nub
It, that whatithcie outguns ounr, the rowers otettall•
is w Miter. end that, inlus.the .talerldef le uotoptlp
checked, We With. elowletted. as well ictudered solutes:
hi.. !iollllWit know from • MUS OlLe•thabOy, greeter than
mum, Oahu atountatted In fever of one reatedr. the t
=ORLAND'S CI CRYAN RITTZIIB, prepared bp . Dr. O. Pl.
Jothotto.PhlieStdithla: wilt letmedistely oh te, and. In
)head, entirety remove ell of there duets tut sure),
as • tuthetutleal pro:us will Ulu • rpob eta. Who,
then. will endure - the &MY. Ina the risk o life. with
health mkt elefetTbdthln rush. . =Stan
. .
YON? OrriON DO/LD/Ntl. THIRD wragrr.
1000 PZI
. .
pITIZIGNa and ttruwgerws who wieh ob
-ialn w aaminto. artiatto .4114 Ilke likerts. at •
tar! Moderato prier. will Ova St to their tutor...A t• ottl at.
Cattaeett known artsta , thmact, when entire ratietrattion
tag - tarantella. et no charge made. 'retina anent the
Isrg,t NFL artarari Bide and Elk7ltahts ever ono-
wrwlad rvr the rttrporer with inetromentv of the/ marl
klul, and br.ring atorted ce le b r ated i= orrhtairer.
rartarina. minor kraetteed ha the Jtoott,
Phil...telltale and Weir York, Mr. M. Beteg hiraralf lOU
eel. t..." °err to the patron, et the Art, o atria cf Int"tar.
rcotrpec. silk= ;twa t Cr In rrounr;lrbtab hal mmir brim .
mar, .n 1 oft efTel
.111.4.• ir,rl • • enecccirrY.
ItOKBON'S Malaita . ' Dagaerroi.ii Gallory,
0 eC7I.! 0r..., Dlasnond and brarkit Arad, foootalts
L iZaTeiSZl=Skralii.„lifoLii.,...
0-...,,,,E. r 6..., En D rah- at tba ab0rt...4.4
mi.. &tad sh with ..rsill
that Side and Flo' lightlli
arnaged relth on. *Alt that tho oporator esp tat. no
met asloYaia f. shall. or the banuin form with eft tbo
* l r olltilign p ilitiVrfigtettirnt r l "rj. led slid de,
lodoatol I.krri Ar anginal Ilkenoilou ' r "'
, '
1111,40orwal toit rmulerd is tali • el, rbrints, unliais tor!
- 10041.1ksao taken of Mob soil d•raural cane,. In
ray put of Ur aritrard aigirarg,
• ta - lto+nal , oron a. operating par, Ys.ll.. 'AIM I r
. , irot-iono in .1:1.'0 btarrvat. : isuoatairlier
igialT. Brown's &mum of Jamaican/in
on-Thin Zama. to * Oraatratlon or lumina( 101oldlolloo.
In arrow dlstabloa. Ino)olent cholera, ln short, In all
6sor pt'grootratlon of theillgeallva functions. It la of
lbaellinabla Yalu*, Dining the erwalooot *Ms otddomto
oboist* and summer cosoybants - of oblldrou i ltla pootillarly•
elliasolcmi; no pmll7 or indlrldclal ohm:11 to irltbinit It.
Cittrion—Ba nu* to gat tho gondol. Esionloe,mbh. I.
rlaparod only by F. 110GWri, at dits Drug so Olismlcal
Blom, nortd-east Orroor of Fifth.. Chesnut o taPbtl •
aAaltlaa.aadibt ails broil its roinaatablo aeo las In
tbo Rots's eirl. In Vittabwich, by 0.1. Pag Jr:. B. A.
NallshortOok I 004 D. Smith, /mud Wll • A co..
4; Behisliaiker k CO! - - ti.
- .
In Alleetheni OUT by IL P./idler/Las ind Leo A. Beek
bein't Qe
i.:pArlndierestioit and Liver Complaint
01/ILED BP EIEBY Pprzacitaug:—R.,4 the. bAb w i ng
lean. tram O.W. 0. litoblawas.• Edissamsyy in Orsasoi
J. SE' Ilnia—zaws , :ao,—mysalt and WM, having
been sysaaly lawaatbal by the use of your Pstraleam,
whit to haws Ton send me • box of two or three dozen - hot
tb. peogryeat anal Ono leter in title mace. and
regal grin y pools ere a ff ray/ site Indigestion and an
Inaction of the liver. th• Name of nr. eel/ and telfir..b.r,
toting -yOns , Ple7ll.obltUdl, Oft YAM olt., We t-0011.
na bottlei..Oro or tines sea—,,bout grad bealth' tbr
ao. we bete dace that time. / had not taken a Angle boo
tb. before/tilt fullness of tbo etoomah which ao 4basawas
the drepentla TOL yellnedi and l' hare felt nothing of. it
Mace thetlhn - Jay wife was also believed from a ehrorde
db....a the Um, irpiek bid boon of several =kneel:and.
l et A th ;42 , 2 c.f ait y ( we rai.
nno. A. nionunt
,iius7a4ltrest . and PruglOst• and kediataw Deakins!
vi v a . bemirrak . ior be — st Hat—
WILSON irtlON.Vaihionsb:o Iftttora, 01, Wood
Affol Women*. ttotamt to faint& ttoli oust:l.mila
aiettlso yobllo,'at sasortmout of Usti' tod Caph
. tit,ust, Wt. bootstrot-Atilab. and Iffbm, otnnot b&tiar ,
Wtmoolt.,7 ant fisna. fi tbif elty.
—patiezdarsgetilbstklelirMill th
r oat own miumfite.ske•
'01`81.118.10 awl IttqltaW ' l4lS4endkirB
Mr mitsbithwattandon of ourtvad- -
00/4141W" MM00,11110 , 4 1 0 MOXSII.6/.-
Bvp. .- 4E,
~, .. , \-- -- 7 7 %;• 7 7
A Clittl—Sinci-. the: , Prop,Fi:ela s' iriacoiit OLEVE *Itp:;ant:PIIIII
Laboreirdli enlareamlcriel-analloveddain ~ soadli Mal `.. R Ail. ROAD • -,..' '
nomennul ardert Mr 1 07 ie. K "... 1 ..!; h.4 1 . 0 /...ik : ~,, • , , _ , ~,, ~ \
dO.I MON. , . .:bbecail adinitlee tr re adds old: to -
1 1
fat tlreAwmt/7 N.. „..01Wi1E °RAJIV., --,,,- .
the blab character of this imeo,nuly top !nr :rue : . 6, ,
Cortina. Beautifying. pm:err/on and lt 'no 'uW. 1.1.. tr. . \
Who carer mkt before, \ ' , it a N,and after ISPV.IDAY,IIOv. 14th, 1{353,
And those who always med \. \ • Panama. Tra1e,....'01 run dean (ilmedaye except.
. \ . \
Now On the more . \-, tu fk tiki‘l teary Ci .k teland t 915 aii bar Wells-
The min is gill ZS eta„ in lama 40°66a. sod may ate,. , ,„. K„ ~,,u ' a l o b rij oy• ` t ,, gt 4 ii.....,, l aehaat..
Lad at air - Store in the L llnited 'Seiner 'D. 8: erne Milan Wirtr. itiandltellrellhe at dalo P. w.
proprietor, 181 Rroadwar.liewlierk.. ottd-lm- \ git X • k. .., .4,41,110, ItTree? '"”" tarlvtl ° t • a p' 0 141 . 10/1
\ 1/44..mi
D. 8. 8dR:121.9.• Proprietor. dtri 13roaderan Nits , :. only—eritnat Allier.e. et.• 0006 r. N.
Sold in rithebternb hi It\ N. Sellers, C. Traier. .rd. •
~,A CPI.IIIIIIIIhATION Th..ll6lltorwe °lantana for Fla
pur,.. J r ,. yi., e ,th z & yft. 0 ... 4 " Lu ..,,ju1 t ,... \ . t ot • i$ • , aux arta toionnedlate at --v , rat 745 and arrive at
..,.. I itevpnea at vd.5,10. • Two throetAh Train/ AINSI 0/070-
sfarlin . Pont Polder. —EVerY. iViett\l ''''
I ,‘ to
, I•tabnigh daily.
‘, ItZ TI7R NI .0: \_. \_
' ... ‘
a m w tn i :t.,"l s lu r m ti r fi r r ,' A ikT L ' i tiZ i r .,. / 4 ,1 ° ,1", 1 ,\ 21; if 32 lti au
i. PN . inii_ t7o lltAl u iL t re utt % 41.11 tt it .t. oeL for
tur lllarve t,t land it,
w:ti at
porebasen. an favorable ion.. . leo. detect ruse. \ *demi only—arrive; at Cleveland` at. 248 v. 6.. The
\D. iv, C. inDyinu. \ ll Train ofOhlo end,ranna. gall iLaila leaving Eno.
\tunir,....-torue agent, ' ., ......aTPeta edithltaateteln at Alliance,
156;groutatnet.Pittennrgb•\ 1 !" ) 1.4 . 74, 1 : 11 .... • * , , ~,,,,. 6A,..,,i m „e,
r. AL,I , j t :tftnrrlloo,-..,i, 1 41 Allianne at
:'-r. l j oiX6l - 510DATION TWAlN aL inven Ilaver4 160)Cano.
lend and hateemedhae t tatione et 7.15 a. la ,anin at
Cleveluid at 900 a. r at. Only \ one thrush, Te..d. ft,,,,
pirtahurp to Cleveland daily . , . ,V - t
CoNN.:(lllCNL—WlLTraingrom Cleveland V119.10 E 11 .
` .0. alitancedrith the Mall Trainor °hie and Paha.
B ibe,Canton.liagelloitand Wcoatern aLeb, rim Balior and
Pitteburgh. arriving at Pittebargh atg.46,7.8. " ,
lispreu Train from Cleveland. tat Sail ?ulu from
Wollerrille.lrtte Twat at Alliance at 6.00 6. 8. `OM
the Earns. , Trainor Co it P. &for P
\\ bebnrit h.711/11Ii.rld
at Plttableroh at 8.107...n. , \ '• ', *torergyra groirtdroe eie oo_usugla with . 5.00 '11,..
nr r a n e=l;tlnLi P ill i i, 60
0. .. .. ma
ante eat Cles.dared at , a,60 0. at. sae, unmet ialth Ma
fol :owing Ulan. aaet;Weetand Oath:, , \
Ctavrtago aaova=rtua leaving at ZOO kni./cr
de eeloahr. Toledo. ' Land tha North Went; arriving
at Toledo at 7 65 P. N. and Chicagoans tooreton *IVO
—Time thremgh from Pittihnrati to, , Chimer 'being al
\ th eati=rtlotelesve um Claicouravie-Traina inviang
9.10 0. N. and 8.00 6.6 for Delemboa, Cinclunall. gall.
Z v i t i llgtiz i t . leolle, t and all 11143 D. on the Be !engine`
000 llttlfr a lrlf thteVrlTlP&ffd i ti t etr " lrtiP RI
Train. o om , ct boil; wale with the6o. Z.B C. It, 11. it
I.looon for Cuyahoga 1611% Akrotrand Mints* 61 Bag ,
era \with the lialltnd \for Oared; , o, Minerva \ and
Warmaborg. . \ ,
Tietete [Omagh K.Toluto, Detroit. atdoww... ismiaard
mascot[ rag be o t t: ti ltr u rthia OM?
ek t u
.1 i bt.
Company's peke. of \ al/DTI \ P A.. 0 atV, dont, \ .
• 2.17 '‘. idooongtheta House. Watorilt,Pittebnrithl„
floanbh &Nara, 10 to +1 dime: A
rzleserfiarana. 25 forl3l\ cent.;
do lte,ga lae, dod
, it.
7 ' ,\ •
, at
011.4188 PATik/Wl3.
• s. • ‘,- in therDiatoond•
ItitirlrLane's Verinifnet.rNo re medy
ever Invented has been eo sueoemfol vaat rto
medicine of Dr. Mean.. all velin tin* used It bee*
been eon. 117 astonished end, dellftlited Its wonderful
energy and eltmey. To ; publish all , the „iestimontals In
its fern, would 1111 Tolorger, Ice r, turn.timittbre content
ounellves With a brief aberrant fa ler of tbint.
Japhet O. Allen, of Amboy. to a child 4.
year*old, and It brought away bknorms. 11. moon after
gave ...thee don to the ran, chili whic h , bro DEJA SW.,
50 more, meting 133 worm Ii shod:tit boars.
Andrew Donning. of Cranberry tonnshlo. icenaMto
gave bin child ttealrpormful, and the \ ?sued 111 *arm.
Nest morning, on repetition of the dose. she riaq4d‘ , ll
Jonathan llottigtosart. of meet' !Atka \ Park co, is.
'retail that be le unable to aitpplf thiAatoar.s. aa thi
peopto Is bli rttletborbood, sar.after 4 total Or the otheri.\
that ame to moat to Dr. licl.anda lrermlfoka.
tlesers I. a J. W. 001t0r..,, or Wincheatar: \ Ind.. bop
penal tut ear th s . to get eoiiit \ g this Vermihige. after
sailing a fax bottles, the demand beiame, so giant fur Ic
I,}e \ i
th .0 their atter WM soon orbit tell. Tbei, itsa, Ma It
has produced th e best eltt!ct ishS ier used: \ n.
m \
andli ye
wpm...norm thr '
ale\ \
as..Ptinhaesra .111 be maid ttil;fOr DR.IkPI./eti . .r.'2 ,
CELEIIRATED VERMEPUNI. and to Done 'oleic ?..11
other ooropirkoo. aricsrorthlesa. \ Dr. kir '
Lane's Vara:Muse, alio hle'.belebrsteC t krar Plll4. eels
acv he bad at all respectable 'l3rog Bear fa the tmlted \
Elates. and from the role orotirl4ote. \ \
,ItttiitENO ItttOTIIERS.•
not 113 Poems/ore In . t °nag Wont et,
NOTE • •e)
HIS is the title of a faro( •M
-e:Lards] and Financial rehab whiatttb su • • b ra
Rattly Issue. rt. dealgoadnogletta f • I and - •
rate Marc of Oho Pittsburgh markbtlatallit - • • ares.hrt.
*ldea • faithful exhibit of rho markekraternry • • taluipt
basloasi point in the Utilted ittatesATint Otte loam ali.
tratorts of L 1.6 New York Market wilt. tql 4. •• . I/ not
by a correspondent Of that city; who hkragardod t once'
flu most soine'oun and ntperltutd Lohinlvtdol
lo"thm Untry
e m co o u ney thisociel donartruat will irflorgee •u •
ours. Lac of all wheat Haute, and,. oukfutdoicri • on
(rod freeritently an Illostratlbni , of the Is t
cranr,rfelta. bosld. • great •otiecy ormisoklluitoor, .7
nut Pailrl.6lll. ptittallaiog , Bsako sad hionotety
nitre Ia ehort,the Wean. Pe* c Current and • Mel ,
Bunk .N.fe , fle i~cn 'vlll4.ll4ltotels reflex of the gonna,
ciai nod Financial fortates of the cauntry.
TUNA 11/,VA a year. Air To subierlben to otioldanth.
ly•Buk ho. hooter and facalaillerDounnerfat PeLeatot ,
it all be fundalted at the low 'nue 'of It. or only SI sa
allay o f t MAD e .kesplilmsellthoionlia
lelatormol about the rallied tb Baal., new ostratu•
felts • and general commerehlaow. •,
*frier= stactly to se ace - try,
Addrett. " KEANE A nauntau.
nonfatenea \ 1:0. 88, Third stmt. '
For S \ c : : • •
VINILE whole or two-thirdeV est •
fu Om first dug , . powerful
C. k. WATKINS. boat at New AI ny. •at , ,
teerate of $7.400 for Oho limit and innianr,
f,r the warm: epee Is • oral/ Palatial sal throated.
hoe • nary ancof Roll, and in completa• ord. N I S pu.
Fuger. freight and towing boat 13 e loos t*o 'tuna
tharlde.. aod Cyllatorn 10 ich. dierneure. Lad
orate. •bich works true and firm so littavy Citinder
Timbers; an excellent Doot"r, working 3 NO. and
yore rumps oath
apporstu. ittatul Uter.
for you. sereico.or iss the .1111Peelarl. w th
cure than the groom. askol, to b,reelt
reboil or
*all sepuatelt.
he unmet as • Towboat. cropscay for Prep ling no
Mal ...loth tiara been fully tescoyL which her
Halosper (by crommort row.) Hen= the ' rat 0.64.
Eate aboe• or belew th. Falls. droving 334 ft Oster
;or 4.r4 fc. fair freight are has tow ,ram
Nea Orlonns Closinoel I large brio. w:tb I lone
hen ht on lout. Inerod•ng bee •I. 14 dais‘ the
large. freight of Ivet lotrlng and bast ans.
She bat awn! from Illooluardi to Pia•borgh, 14ge
0.1 Bargee. 4 flat Boats. nub 130 ft. bah and 1 Stout
boat flail DO ft tuna, wtth 00 tonally/VD In then" and
freocht on the bast. alma it larga , „ eta sty Coat
Dupes. the largo, num ator.taken rqtaburgh at.
1 troy the is raproler of towing down, eree.r. - 10 up 14
Cool Santee. Cooley with 110,0A1 but coal. loi-whkb we
h as as town policy of /11.1111.4. nod FOO toastfeight on
hard. $
hesarri. tau or 8000 balecoottoc. and is
sett kfourn la that trate. ,
Oho will he laid Ise m.o. no ea. term* of gio..t Meat
and tailored Immediately it good older forrunollie-
A pply on boarder to
on Wel out et N. B • tor. no Mans,
f r to JOHNWAREN k
To Church d Mosul Societies of ritss-
.• .
OFFER for rale the ORGA N of Trinity' ,
Charr.b. Tei. le a ludo an] *Mont 1 ostromoor,
....its , too tanks oil...twenty..wo otoparad rectal
ripe, by ono of the boat tauten l will re great It thus.
ought y repaired and reveled vita an the modern, let
Prtruneare. arid it will imam moody double ILO miens!
vottnce and tower. I c Pe garrotted a tatitallustru
at sod a great bugs..
will ale" atonal to any :talons. to-oalhurch Ornate
Cumanonetloas may ho loft with IT. P. , Mantua. 30
Wool street, where parasolsra eta beobtained...
Organ Dottier, New 'fork.
Nee occupied in truant the new Organ in
•Cborch. 50.18.00.
.i. 10 bblo. Woo 100 , Inti m 't
o 1
15 keen
do do dm
10 bblo 31rort VatotoM
23 do moll uhlto Demi ...'.., . . _
5 "1"'
.. 1- ni=f r.104i b(ballo. 30,
to3B IZO
1338 31 ot.
iorA tiblA. prime =A Volm
-0,2 moo fernalom iiiital ot mambos: 11 . ,...t.:50f0t0n0
• . . • 4 11NOL18111 Jr Bammrrr.
aola ' - 100 2,1 Moot. oad ... laudotrl.
WEr. ' A szair. ARA nsisi nal\ \
Penn strei423Moors. above Mork
OFFICE hoursO m it
9A. .tos r. it . :, On
3,5 .attirdo/O so ot i 'WI to received or M ,Len , . , , a
liar Ulm 3 t., it . ualm by molal oppclutamt 2 dr
cm. c/o/Aram oared...a. aol3 t - d
DENTIVIIIINC, bluititsctund Id Wboltsa
; mud ftetaii by "
• nolB4md Pametre. t, 8 dem sbo. lted.
3DOZ. INDIA RUBBER and, 011 Cloth
Eloro. Oomsoirlth 4..1 without bond,. [cm eaii.atthe
ludla Eulober and 011 Muth Depot, 116 >f lake, ste• et.,
a. leca of all klnds..4l of the bect
it D•pot, Zio.llB Market
.18 J. • a. PIRLGiP➢
WINDOW BLIND OIL DLO:B. from 1111 to 46
11. hes vide, Wholcal. awl Retail at tt a Chillpollla Oil
Olga,, Yo 119 Idartiot emert
Do% . . 1. •IL PIIILLIFB.
.p.t. 'reed at North East toMor tth_ at li txti i raricat pp.
non I • MURPHY a [MI7MLo .
la •tirther MIA,. et holtotket Collars and Ebtar , c
ea, Ctd.solzetta sod Neel,. to matot.. tali
ANEW JUVENILE, by .Elistibetti Woth-
Ilion:10. gather ten dh Children. by thy author of
“Wide, With! Wetld s " , •nhaerehy." lia r l val.. lYsto ,
cloth. A bopleitortbe • bnt.o.just read by
boll KAY & CO. 55. Wead ,treat.
CHSEBE--10 boxes Pino Apple, Cheese,
40 o.jost to
oiTiell by W. A. Il• CI.I.IAQ. oar. Woolar d(Ph
ot•this Oupt-
Her eliter.intd teed kr W. A. MoCtURO..-
lavallemuut of Btonulllers I:torah:ler t de RIM
Rnein. trance, er ho worked for the lett gnu ln aerie.
natl. u Cotalutloner. mar heart:taws of gnat Imyartatne
kr calling at this Moe. nolB 8:
LET,—"Th 3 story WszehunafOritnated
-. on th some, of .Water street and Mannar Um..
on , oit O S , N SOrnde. Imit.ble for itilten Warehouse.
.and atarssoni 000130404 Dt Mans Brown. /lord • 00,
rossetrinUalren on Um ha ofDrihtakt Eo ales 0'
1018 Tat No. 81, Wester
AIIIIIMICAND 01131111:—Tbe Franklin 'What,
anslded • Ent
"premium (direr metal) in 1851 ara UM.
tor • .1 ot table proms notating and — Pumping benne
-flay are mse• oritig.bottlgoabla sal ...ogle oonines. and
nn.. rbalo•ainn llinbortlon &mombile•driring e
driving ore woolen, 41.81 alto arrangld tbr driving poll •
able row milli. Thornlike% boiler, hozeting gear, go
are built to • truck. •ffiltuir be moved from Soo* to
tlm with& tem. on mty .rdtoart rood. nada only by
he inventor. . A. L ARCIIAKBAULT,
ito,lBllrlnkeng alter, near 8.1 and nag •taf
ISSOLUTION+The, liastnership
1411 tors lex Now batwoon lb* onbocniberi In tho Raw
benaatoo, tit by
darLdisoollnali - Dr satunal - mnaoat.
an-I /raw Craig, br Wham the boalam bonoortor to
carried on. arlit anima to tag oottlioneat of all ancounta at
tho. Waco csk • Urala atteol, AltrAhanycatt .
• . Nayium - n: CRAIG,
- • - nolB4t - .Dhpatob. Gnaw. • ' •
GELLING OUT.—The oldest xpet eatab-
Ilibment neat at the aloantalba. which hat been sek
Myr ad for the last aixtmen rm. W. arr arta:lag
oar elnek al Cliritlaas. lama .011 Ciatal, da. at the
lowestprieu, sod bolting tnenutlau• adsipa out *l .0
Ume to aolna th sra Welt:see attlitlastekt all perm= srlf
1 1 tgraa la atlas male :aTirla c ifm Morella,
non 112 Itlatkatet—
1853—banctal or Scientific Wearer, or veer
,••a - ort'alts la Belmar zed Artfor /3511,rdlud by DIM
IL A bt. cop* 0 tb• far kale by
411 • - ' 11..4•T• CO. Woal et
WM& bble:-hinple• tiugo
ut readied enostowooot ssio kr-te?
e . W. A 11001.Usti, ow. Wool LW nix
ITLASSES-400 •N. 0: in prime
p•ok,.,te. ter B.'B. Ilarthrd cad
r e'br• ' • tHILLYILE. DILwOB/13 CO.
Ijlj' 8 0 LOT HlNiioy; (nothing, ..der
I. y rotgarjabg Make mid Malatial ---
J Ws aucarzwo.l44c;(4 it
TARTARIC ACID42OOO - lba.. for isle by
nolo • • •••• • ;,owoor Wood oad /at ,
TIM& .1)1F, SIENNA-700 Itia< tor • ash
. .
Tribiliklß--300 lbs. Tnrkcy for 803 by •
non :. l li IAUMEBTOCIE I Ou.
.!;. tarinur . unlit , in
/TA Oak vackairu: , •., . ~.
ARD-5 kegs Ao. I.Lantfor aide by
i lIEESZ-1(H) but:# . o* , R. Cheese,
IL/ • UN- do' , Orem de,
rcc'd utd for sale /IKai.B.l . p.stzut kW.
s • V..: 'Mort, amt. .
PPLES26 bla.l etiit per,Q., 4
10131 rout. asd farbte N.A. *jzt
Idsliddd.. s 00P.
Ifi lant 6 •gfiVallked {litter o lor rde
I UREELY. & ultettfuLD hare-reco
and ideud al• l 6.4lBl(Plumse. What Gloves,
Dew aritslotalso SairKaad Mean*. Glom, •
: ue, t.Vll,l4l?°'\'`,"ll
fu lISLIN DM 'BAG " , , 111 1 1 b,,L tilt 1
Vri‘ .4 7 \
gra,noWtroiows - 3 r i 44",„ „,..I .
4,0,1 : • - \ 1,... --,- ••• ^ Z.,. •^...., •.. •- • rs-• \
%,. \ _
---:',7:::•3:r .-.4.'_1,:.:;;,-, :_4,..t-,:,:4, , :,..„. ::-.,,,,',4,,t,,-k
i br 7 7 \ +lamna - a real aiz.
vo ar'
FEATIIERS-200 lbsst
rime Boil reathere
11NRY 11. tottl,LlN:.
:or sal. bi. von \
iIt7SE- 2 000 boxes W\ Cheese; \
\ zoo do €c*Pripi 4, 4 \
TOO do Eng.l)Orr. do:
gq do nue .1, *\\ dc 4,0 r 1 . 10 1.Y.
Klitlorlf. COLUMBA •
6.15. in floc'Qrdet,
t~ IL if. OO O Nd.
` n .
• - WX.rit,_ _ -- - -.-_...--20 \bait,
114 11421 Whi; - WL4at•Ploccii. - radd sad Said. he
na.l2 :\ • ' :\ A. Alt , A.•ldeliAllii, IA 21 at.
Pit, ?:. t .
t vz . i.4z . u2 l - 1 1 , 0 1 0 .,
. 1441:t t %!: . illed
• A.AA.IIIe,•'9IL
A PPI,E 33, TER=.S bble. \ for sale . b •
DI no Lk ' \
A. Ideledtiß. 123 2.1 a •
r lI I AIr- ', 10 s 1:110 . N.. Tar i. stars fors. 0
&by \ ,• \ .0 •
' Id , LA & ROI. \
LISIL-4 bbls: , and half bbls. o. I La t.
Trout. nit.peoted. \ ' • hreGIL 9 a ROE.
TOBACCO--10' 'egs If*. 6 ''cvis •
. • la ToXes Grocit's SE
% , 6 . Ods\ Ross:ell& AO • • air,
.2.9 . do sasortad Arsa4..
volt • ~
5 t , 21.(3114.9 a :OR.
“ Retail.
for'cosaika.iCedi. de. fs,l 1 Wk i . oride
and Retail. by. • • R.RATmo a
cola \ \ \ \IRS lira . dtbdtld ac
M&WB---30 hble.....priisie \ Navy . Basirt
reledsui for as;e b7?: \ 14
R&I.1091111: i 4.
boll \ \ )10.i. lid sad TO tea s
FlZal - 20 0 bbte>,' S. \rk-144''ift,/
4t i o li ce allik for lisle by. \ di1t . A.41,,,, .t. .
H DOKETS -SO dos. ion BLIOkO !or
REELi 'APPLES-16, Ltda. Vecodtr,
l o ok P this tar e!!nd bi
-74;,_ • re
mo tr_ at OOLL
\ S.
IG WlAfield , Furante.
tale byt, /1. R. PtpYD. Liberty •
SzballBfeam Bugh,le•
11011?.?! " (1 k 8 "DititatjOitritYlitZaß.
COATS\from $5 to $3O ht. °H&c.
Noc_f4. at% 74 Weodlotreet. No charge to , r showing
'7 bbls . now whit e for
RIITT P II-4 nble . r 11 and 20 . 11cege 'pack
.l. NNW& by nog -Z. D. o+o7 ELL
'llARl9iikeire fur ale by
u.9_, A 3. 13 oavrtnn,
LCitiii— 001) bbls., Eit
. ca Fanili :Flo,*
4 1gd mu s% do Foo d titt:46.
7 r21
• &C.:
zoo box. v.a ea Randam ‘ • \
C L ° :. 0,4! 1:; ' \
\ ~
do r 14.
1 1 4 , 1,
e. M . 3 ... \.
00 tairs I.larabon
i tio.: :
4 hOrrirairrgic.
SO d German dg
i \
1 10 pox Gran ed h- man and Citron P . •
o 9
or the a re can be boilicaumrieiralfilve.esh.
no9L ' ' - , In dm Disamird. •
t to. now ;01:ling &ono Ceinal,,
N \
... - ibr nide law 4 elan tonslvddidtd. -•.- ' • 'A '
003 •4o -, , - aiIikII.DICKNYAeGi,
QIINDRIES— .; bags Faattivre;
Dbl. Lard:
• elthrra tfet Vv."
[....*tsimilotsuij TOPS—Various at
NOB& tt Q. • G 101.4 •
- Rap Re4i4l:wed:-Coots: z td, Aileutaphia.
• • issots - Iftsmoos ien g, • Ammo -
WROUGHT and • cast Ton: Ran and
• v all tlalt ot,Orossetattat and 'Avabltsatu rat' Isson
Works: Inn pupils slut taints - aroUttLti.
Verszdat, Mattson Mars. Tables. AA. • ,
Puttoolar atteratieni 3111 . 1 d to the - entgafilta of lintsfst
More'l' 0611Se0ies lkioVor. Didos sad
of Moss soot to persons Iststantf to make • wfttiott.
• sto3llo • --• • • •
Cae/..steek, elosudixTernewee.amel Truism AO
Policies c ig Cppoedaoe Lietiell et '.ll ileum s e
c4able iestas, 4.1114
LOAN OR. D ti..A..stia . R
by OVOttEIS It Mt:a.% ,Air:ett
teby6B.lllol. ter Plttabateh eat AlleithettS Ottittmj
atlage::=,4:%7 2 l,lu k ttp=w th o
anus. . L",!93,51,
Some rest Preteltraiollyti - bleu wearied
ibr it by the . Fratik tie tettituto,•.Pert_ hey heel'. by tb*
A6lol46ll[lindlltl.Nt.f.York:. by, the Man lend Inauture,.
not by_tbe htneteebeyette mftbe.d.
a nt 1:41,11, ze a rgenin s t.the meet. ire la) Ptkyyteerat
her equel , tolho geteenti rurroti . .=` d.
turr .
M.nvG e Pelt ' ir[flie; 4 7 4 ttirel p."l .x.h ?'"ett • b u IL"
a etteenttn. Pittetterh t jeee A. a:ether Allagbitty, l and
hrtrebt. Merely t o plttiburgh. ' holtdlxellte
BUOIEWBB AT F.LOUR--100 smoke in eta°
not for tele by' , -
,_l J. J. .11043 M
7:ADIE9 clout OIXIAKS—A:, A.
Eon int Aare on hand • 41andld unortatent of
Ladif.s . C.W.ll.4.)u) and ire constantly noolvixt4 • tin
• •
1 'ONG - ER(1011E suawLs—A. LAA:-
1411:, ) ,:t?&AZ irrIVZ 44: 4P
ALL the wiles of litaked reewto
It, calve ths pEnaldlog.t* salt nick Ignorant. find ttlq
the Irivrattb. alisolt. nano ton morn prauhood al erd*.
r.ore...tati o n, I n &may htadoClotblngoum artleissoDthr
what It Wu* garment,' sot uPPt ma., find not en Irnm.
grbriltri . vi but i "" tur at
nen .241.0Ni-4=-37A clottlinsielvtt. k. :7l
charge fo . i slhowhat good., -Ws/anal t 0 34 . 8, 1 4. , note
VOITOON IMO 117—A thence In otehe melte/ hr
41.1 'WOOS OUCOf biLOCIAD.O." Ne capital toodod. end
but hoop esheetie IheinTed.... It motive no treselhicoto
t„idatoc. trot lives you the eosethrte of it teroho...lth the
.h. on . to make trim SIZO to $2OO DOC tataktli-This It
eumethlear train= sod VOMIT Of at Pen, b e d r .,
low • hihteneut am obit:nut
The night sad Looirledhe eall to meet tti ems
$2 Wit Pad &41, 841 plum k co, Bog M. clp
iCOT111."8 ARDB—uThe - .Throne nd.
S. 'Mont:* et in • 4 will stemb.l. into dtat Meth
, W ... • Ir a eml WirlaUsator Abbn
RM. fa rube •• • r dasalain an thoserflimae asuf
bn..lrring bang at b Pang will wan •to Men
to the heans inan."-ItUarr "t • • -
r010n414 flock. for . •
--- - -
&Id Z B 11 113.1:11,11114.14% NSW
BOL-441.4.- fin OWftoa br &laborer
64 arbto World. easTaily 1 / 4 L-ZWIIIIOI4.
kM M
In Libek IT
.tsc street Below H HA irai stmt.
\ - 'oPENING - Nrarr -
Tlii 7 `o4 .. eateit: oP ' entO4 Musical
" \ IT .-- IT. Cid ."' --'-----
\ \ Belue,, V ?ti
- \rwIDA \ NM - 28th, 11182.
GorpostApra!tes, /tot- a** jo i .
\ \ if.. 61 , 1 11p it fcr, \ ....
Iluißreat won . \
~ ,..1 fur th. poi* •e( 4.14 be redbeekperforemeteeto.
MIMI 711 fo7 , :flUrf.
1.;;ell its brlllleat. , -, \ \ ,
T HIS arandland \ welt . '!! , 12 00re'co ln .
si.•ke"digVrAl . . ° Zot"rnel'lr n ""A°& ft
rtioomPreer. MONO R 1 ..\ AnOrti. .4i . . tVe, bettor to
mambo* to ibesecodebtler eocirdoolty Of fl
'l.`",!eittal.-qttrUrltlft I' leee
tb..y ■ trod.. leles.tife lorm.a \ora t h i r Li ..„ i t s
LearXellte‘l MU sClit/o. AOSOD/ vAllßy aVealtiLer \
the Iloilo ;Alms or , Ire • York. euid mob emor...,
trYSltr.4l 4 .;ge " l=te r .1. , •A - e"u"-P : StkA: 'Mgt '
SOMltien optak. as Et4FlDT ' illalla 1* 44111114.4\
Ito lorrfee flerl , oreceodt soviet lotwas imtoN,_ ‘
£471401t 4. elElnENßOWpgar.ely ad bldqe Albpori Ope
r *HONOR rikOMOLDI,I deaeireed Tete* of the do
tor PI of ripen /roam T Nut cx.n.rv, Vie mit
N. Pre Atbeneeum via ode • kMP , .. 4 r•
zd i 111 be dried by Is Itne eleseut awl rst le
... l \ no:4ov eledleirk. ,
Geronafir.ft DA., Cl/tie Awe queue,rikeerveleeste .....:.41.40 ,
.....,.-- X.OO
II pgr .nlo o
, l.
do , ito b o re 0.0u tetr....... : .:5 z. 1 5: ..-.. : .. -...,.... a IC
11.1:olearrof,the_tlerrt!ere tereeqep;rted....;ridemori,
=eerie rrelX,Fkr•iiellive sreeiteete,ltraPlOlN,
\ _.1 1 : 0 1. 58 4 1 Z:= it i r 6ktderree or ,lbe \
yAll - ==rottlaZirteeralittle tillo:;risee ' ' \
. .
--- --
" i SNIONEE'S \ 55T.0.0r , :..W1C9t4P;4,,LE
, 9 6017118,7 t 132 . 015P—DiVomfda i. af0ra9ag..15•11.1151
- f
at 0 deloak. at the atohei rut-. JallAQattral4ols)4 nb. ..
111 IN mold illthou -_..
.of the
.. la l tigoes Loatlee .4c05 o• "k nasty, "*" ..4“84515
\ .
Clay. an . uteri which it. .'. \ '.- , , ...• ,-- a
49 Ldo Bazar llonaeN. Al \. . r • 9. , • 5 2a do
44 34 ottaftel a -,, 11_, aid-1 Eli Vaud 5 .
112 eattlea la ' Yoga; llysosi 'SW\ . ',l
I: b gr g - t1,,Var4 1 ` 44 b_ . ~Irg- . ; • ... ~;- 1 ' • • -
25 bbls Anrehe•ll Saito . ad ..,_ :. •\ . . I .
• 20 do °Tauber, do; .. .. ,
.4 boaea Vatiadit ad sufl'Oomaufa)VlM , ..,.' 9 1 /
\ " 5 °1555 5.'2%51"W" "I ` Pi" ti"
se %-' '. \ ''
• 100 bardfo. Tea sod Htreor Wror+Pei
\\o M. Ralf floonithawl GoOttakon_ ie. 1. , ~' ~ ~,,
1 01 ,fe•ba 1.33 130 tAlt,e4 crini=!)47; ‘ ,. \••\• , \ A, \
kink Yarn. Bed'
On As.
• .r *ad Bod4reas. 4:199•1 \ +.,
V 4 ..,..„nnar5. 011. - Itleo,,irostud, Beal, IlittitAmsti., ~ ..
Reit 4.14r1 tin' Paper. Pasteboard,. ft. :, ,
_, •- - ',
• .3.l*..jsrgo 'Per.. Prim! We. Platform .afat, 0 0watav L....\ - .
Scale*, o.llBoet Cooks . oil&
Itteaft•la,llatarsi e , \
As. Tem, at eale. LnolS) , 1".,*„.\ 410.4..11nat.
1,0- 8063542 AIIOTION—Qo .Isofned.asemd m nib \
instut s., dolook. at tbo COMIXIIIIiia 14 lea B 0 ma, - . 1
t ea s o r t "hi/
I f! i nd . :l6 . tarzt!tiir la kol92l , l.Aor w rLeollop• \ •
111199 plea oN:thf.oreo aza Roggil7 m , 3 \ , 01 ,!T c l o l
ra ryl mt .pf t . 8 DOlSlff 2 tl 6 l llool.l3zaban* Coy.
.11A ar..7m.i.,ALl t.,;J: iv'° 11, or . i'..wIV2ZMIT ci
= I guVafiloeg°7;4i .4 1t`41,:ra.1",r,a'.
Ig h t. i iract 4t t . mtLuva,..v.ut-L.A• • •
.... v s, v s A' Jfersay's laitollanonoslops7.% SOood: .
orate* Alperin= Iniflcars•
Zne2elopedl. 0 GI:
oeraphn vols. otatt*Xesbog toenoi on the ooo
310.39113 W, of - 13e0tb;`4304113v and Mexico. pla
1770, or,the War of th,',seyedutl.a.'do; Joaephav Mem
son'. Ilaahaula Donaeahloo. 40 I • l4o ete•EA2 9 . l = th fOra •
Farrativiz Annual or Motoottflo Dixon:lry
ilbtory 104 Lbw' Huguenot.% \ Betio:sir r Ettialte94.
Qaotauotee . aollln'i
f an! , 0 To A A
. ..N
oktitlminolese. noir 33 , 43: - .. ... , P 31. - DA • 13.- nest ~ ..
NI . ,,THS,EteIO t S; &c:i:;. \-,,,\,
. .. ~Trees . and Shrubbery._
1 1 11 E subeexkbex . 9ffer:A iikr ' Nile; •• i
dick* nsserlannt Of 5tr . ..1 1 .171.1n Pitt
E£?. b, th ',ll”rd.a: ....d.d * man of a
nrinc slanNveJermy re.nlnnal?pklkwrlnn
rgtrivaerVetri. fin C rtfUll:•eCtnns• =\*.
InVCondsur In Winter v.I nrsloanAnnlenionts cant Lb*
P and tinrd., of inbst, nprovnr cannavannk. from .
the d and Inunieumn,W • ban% 11%1. . ..,. ~-
' 10049 - e.ViatiritT**
d sad dardarlotOr doPe4d,,d,
netted. • reedred vad for t tbe
itdrom. Andl2l ,JOIINAUdtD=I3.,7d.
jitE Tau:Lair . o_oll Or ,
_COLO _ern
of eh, pnbUd. the above namil4l%lllX/= .
awed ter Merming ow Tentilatiom }Melding",
Mir lerlfall elin tearable onalitua rimitired has nem.:',
Yea Itxting 4pmenitus. looming pertie•mentant.
'Out any N nnekilimireaabie ma melons era34oo. of ,
.O 9 o> 1.110410 g arrangements. ,
Oomiraina t. 4 VION or bait:time erperienoe ail Use comihel .
mining from &Warm atinwenbere. they aleo-in
hale mnr• liinglilew and - lisalthnneitalalan air s . tot ...on.
taoiliated by beteg derieel bon damp, unbeaten/
or Ita Dower hi Sl:ttkili Lao
JoD =paired by mintriet
eminent with an oneate‘ted
resoles atm yrodueoli
the furnace in such • =IMAM mud the tis &Snout ,
-lbw., temperature than is atrial with soy other Yarrows
now. nown to the yintalc. In aroluoing this lonia •
other obleet et men enumetance la °beanie', on the aror aCef
'economy: th. heat slimy WI well se millidlum rhos,
im mime thee thalami is alumnae entirely abetruned einett ;
the game before they aro driven od into the - Ollmnng ti ,
tbeteby greaily - redueing the consumption of lhel. The
fuel chamber is alined with suystone and nrinbtiekthat
.tbetnetessinot comarin mama wit:tithe ininampareweinr-
tbo Vrertettiqg °fets air, and destrnetion or Minty to '
. .
- The }Mots of the Prune. an fro nentstntotod sr to &Mad
room ibrotaktos %Mgt. tow! Ltd olsr Joint, proroutlas
. the cocoas of oorloas outt OrOtr it rrort tot, thereon. so on.
mina to tho orropents. tad w thiuTlono IZethti ate4th :
. •
The Muth %swarmed to takendireetly tams tbenallida
bf the Marina In all mama tharinserinaa supply Of lisirsb
rrbolesome di* br bruMninas and the other Immutuir...
fanutiens manual by the bean ryttern—this mien la •
mot affected, nor tbourmsbe matter It The air emben.
Ind by manias in contact with aseursibsated arraisa as
Mbar foruseia, and besiimbes and other diesareimi
;hie .stations art provaltal br this meansi—ania in ma. -
nmetense of Vas Warm air roe marina. bis• lame &mud'
!awn tee lungs and evact t il i gg Barbee cif .abeaktib ti
` A
gsVPrir . : tats, 4111. 3 1.1 . ,71'
eertitabe a Pref. Silliams, of Ode (Intim% NSW
00.1.1 et. 01011 e ocher folentifil meow-aim rum Fa: , •
sibilassi ebb imb'eet. •• • • . - • • , . •
• f public sod 11111, let *pp - royal -is Any test or, milk 1.-
ble mortise, e uf ebb rsinabieltuniebrean napes/ burbob;
tei-sseerny of tbeirearif ato eha atuaa,md ti r. C• . •
lb • bibitirosinalinarbrof tbi werb, it having ird : •
This Pilaf Yelai, et et, Merle's. Fair: awl tne h
;Premiums aFairs ea Neu Pew Trek. wt.*
Silver Medal se. tbr Slaw Aarieu
t. ltural - Feb br Puns/
ne1641.2 . re ; AArents for Western Plow sot a,
• •
NNW - 41008.8, Vaiison's_Book
66 liainc•l stmt. • rVe rja to Omen by Cbsinvit"
• ity; Seed Run Christian Ifatber• Vet". a i r a r
trar 'lk brarArtliTtar, tra,MAZlnonnin
.Lif• fq tn. mime., rtar. l O4ht - 00111kit 41014 .
odd's Danalster 80091; gsztas,..l.d. eig.-4 Looms:
at Shady MN J. it pAlfl6o • t
6016 ' 16 Martat stnt•taimill 41. h .
151ege packed Butter; ' '
be .do • reexile
P r i l! Gr i. A a 1 L W 2 134. °N ;an iT rt F . lll"4l .
lirtir of Esothutor ••U As .A t i E i k t lZ t. " Ot h. ~..
s. litiii TEV.:I2 - 1 . 1 - 4 .. " V . l
\ - s 31R0i.xa04,,_,,,VA \
• • `,“, . ei . ...ooriffitaisfs4 by
solis • . ‘. . s . ,_!LAlall rimmir
Ili ft, EEN A Is(gLES-4013tat,T4onme o_ sto_
'JR Iteastmk fpbseeea 44*, alit • . \
=.1.1 _ N I W. A. cOLUA ,
V A : I S:VIA ttiP.S \ 4111.
T . : \
l c 4 c
\ v. - A , AcouLUIIIA...',' - . '
% c ' . '4 V \
A. 1,
*-2 E --''
iN: \
' \ .
VlN4 l 4Ntea.
11) l k,
Isom br.
I t.
VINOINNATI iAP-25, gpits._9!*, war
l a " , 13: 'T'irl. 4 Vi1MatV.44`46,•...
L'lRATllit*2 eicic, now'l4ndlimis ._4( - 7 1 i!, ,
t. v." (1.1,w at r i,., hr \\ - . -,‘,.. -
\ . 01 6 , \-, -- 1 itotAnclayr &c o v, \ ,
fifle •PIGCLEA 0 , 4 per - 1 4 412 . 3 „ ~, ,
'fal: , ,lPT , !' d '!"" , ' tilt P r Tfrw - \ '\, \
poit,..ALF CHSAP—T; \Lots ov a ilurr; \ ,
. di. nAr, Itatrout Iktr.mber t 1,,, ~,,,i
:T a troiturat
, fej..ll :, t l b4 \ 4,4% ,.. .. o r 11 7 \• , .
g ‘ ! ., ..t„4 , 7lg t ev ,, !re fle4 i 4, z.! t .ct rcaysclr.
lam • , \,
MUT PE,AIMES=7-k, ch . oinxt ok--19 tYI * ' \‘.
177. c rev 4 o l l P ° '!"M.W. Pt'' , 0104#44. 1 I
n: s
:30,AfPLIM-I.ool,..bbleasT. tea bk\
8 .. ~ OTT = ll}kiQ Q Hg pnmo fore/ TA j,
no3 ER _:: L:9.Ti~YpIP. dtt; ter: ~3:~Altcb.t,
CROPA arx /3-414itett j — ijtj
tole Id the eoroarWcOd Ood eta Ft.:
40 do do do do % IV, jkor.cuitro.
J .Great Boots--....Lad=Vidow7..
.410sturworkr, . •
A.* m .9ld•!owpthA alet4 .et Wr
tutda 'riVirkiaart;
Lg. of Urn Illantaall 14 . 1 auldi • •, •
pU :".„,
lop Ztali PAIE Or 1011.E16N
at MOilitla ATTOrkla 061:11iiiioilda-'2.
gboktor gatuir XL *o r •ei 11,* agar patint-,:„-,..7.
\ , == t viphy . st, l 4. 9 9 4, . k:
T=1"42.37:ru1t41:4P-0 VO*N
restreed .44 Irin Pini
tkoomarilllpa sattT
.rf. ,,. .rtivo:ft mt.?
a: •