The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 08, 1853, Image 4

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TIRIDIYALPPLDS4/400 bus. Dried Apples,
ALF le More and leo b 7 • fie7l J. B. CASIMD.
, a l ma, BTONESL- - -100 Berea Grind &ones
JI s nix artiel• In this market. end an Teeatonior
n 7 VON BONN HORST it InUnnr.
Bittelikr-;-2000 English, tor sale
Jur er cat . . " B. A. PARNESTOCH ti).
1..311GA1t--175 .hhde. prithe and -oboieo 'N.
0. arum In dm and for solo by R. DA =Lt. Jlit`O.
aa Coa
• i; , ;
net ts,
. rutkiag •e
sad tot soda at tb I 011CMatu sod hullo, Rub
blr ~/W1 Pa. U 6 Market A. J. A.' S. RRILLIEI...
11 — AILD—In barrels and tags in store and
_l4 ibr na l , tyy a m :, . .., _ 1...7.110031. rim
pen) SlLKS—jsais,lLOPelnt3d.
.41 , 1 .1: LA,. , i ll..
imfio n t.dWilliii. ou,be•fd boVatihd wiorlL . :: fs,rir
ble. prime article, in store I
V INEGAR-4 t b conneneist.
s 6 for nolo low c J.
4011542,0 bblirTaulie!Er'4ll;
Itoc oclfD;! ' I ' 1' 11146 8 D.ILLZELia 00. Mort, It.
/11DBR BARRELS-40 Cider Barrels for
nvINTAL:--2 , 5' tone °lnroad Metal for sale
rot ealeN,
s'loo . EN UGREEK-475 lbs. for 8010 by
oa B. 4.-v4ttoxsToolc s co
lIGAZ-25 Mids. prime N. 0.;
ID • . -4°*111:11.11.1117. 122 Wood it.
10 1: 1 1 7 - 71!, 1 1PEt!!! itio;
- , TMEAS--80 bah 'cheats prime Green & Blk;
160 caddies do do as
I UTTER-10 bbls. fresh, in roll;
. as twit send paebed, TWA and' for
"•^ ' 'nab B. DALZILL oD.
'fIHEESE-300 lme. Cream and good Cu
). ens W. R. Chet., lbe pis to .
.1.:;...1:1011 D. DALZILL At CO.
;IL lleai Andersoree„Woodeffill Tsleg
Tides from celebrated harms.k authors. t traneLted.
,ibs Ozetabsd
Crimes Pordeefeles end Ileusehold Stone'.
/airy Calf:
tre fid 4e P lM blytholetil
'llhesborerettb • Ilos stock of Mir Backe for &Odra.,
'101led• I,' EL B. 808WOATH & CO..
38 market eL
IMEWHEAT-50 sacks (50 lbs. each)
Air/MOW Dackebest Maur, tor eels br
otkl VON BONN Bean a mulietty.
ILANKET&—ldurphy tr. Burchfield have
recedes& a large met of all Wool Blankets; cal=
e grime
1:18a 'lt Burchfield
here reed their ea aolg of the above , geode. direct
sundartarer, sae marterkeed. gyre rem.. Peewee
In need of anew will de well Catcall at N. E. carver ath
1010LASSIS-200 s bbla in_etore and 'for
. ITII. ale by oelti 3. B. 0/INBILIi.
0 bbls. Linseed (pure);
1 1[Y 1 -: .-4 6 Machin* OU, frrtobiniztv
pEARLASH--30 auks for
j ea ß l . st o bAT4_,ELD
ALEBATIIB-40 bble. ad 50 biz. fur
.503 . J. B. 410111ILD.
1:POBAMO--40 bza. 6a, Be and 10a plait.,
• 1
1 1;) z gamr .. 4 I t t o;
i. d
nIIIED APPLES-100 bus. on consign
AJI/ metp ter se. br J. D. WILLIAMS.
AirA. MASON & will exhibit on
ifooday. Ost. 211 st, vary CO., xtends* stockW Ells.
is. Masks. Teams. Bonnets. Dross Go o de. MlL Ilaslatz m ancl Tom; Lawn .7.1
• oat
to anive .y ana or .. a
VOITICE-1:43 bike now arriving.
_for sale
sr',;not - DICK= I OD. 0
- -RABB= FLANNELS—Marphy & Burch
-1504 lum reed fob aimortmate Barred I isnass •
IMPS! , kBUROBITELD have reed
• tartbfa s mtlT of Hannon Oollars ard Blamer;
Otteera' lame tor the froele.4
311 FootKl4u7. t e 2 e :
!br rola 57 11 5 g11 1 Wiltthg t. H. BollWarli 00
ASATieller in Foreign and . Domestio Ex
tek.:41,6.10, Certitester et Rood t. Dent Eaton and ihne
i dn ingek ap t a a=
Advaseedmnis on ern:dims:math of Piedde
o e.' SMITM
amt. vas Maui
CKZBNIITS-1 O bus. pri A
W me jure reo'd
utt Ibr by 4413 VT k 00.
$ l l/ ALL - PAPER from 61.9.ta. to $5 par
V • 'Phm.eopprising ail Tartetiaa al Ittalut and
"4Si forrrL Dr - "
NI . elmiht
ad.NIC. OIL-730 bble .Bank .011 arrivill
. .air and for sale br ' JOHN WATT t 00-•
2c6 Rbs Libest7
- 10THIO HALL, 64 Wood street,--Men
..Dd Bo p Clotteag. do for - shuidl
ustr art4
Uadiß-150 de, prime N. 0. Sugar, in
107 .t Wx. BAGLIZY a CO.
CILABSES‘.. 300 bbla.' Plantatioi Molae
ug 160 da Maps Howe do. I so» and me
loon) WM. BASALLY a 00.
T9 BACCOS-45 but. 0171116 , 0 5 and 86;
- Pg:Viv= 6,.
2,1 Z itlant r,48„
60 do Myro's Ystra
.2 1 6 10 ken Soilmats. =yap:m..6.6.ld
Inwastantio,Travelers Gotha East:
r 1.7 0 early hoar, three o'clock in . the morn
- anehleh the REMUS TRAIN darts for the
from ruttterse. lad nude it vary insonvenieut far
travelers going by that train eatoleaning_ tbs.. to
aroaad at a most unagnfortable time. (say a eolook i.e.)
or eta to•nnsin up all night. inearanienre
nom obviated by a late arraugerant That-5. W...
Train now breakfasts regularly at IATROBB. instead of
Rollidaributg—ao that travelers Zest can logy.
burgh at 6 eclat r. L. by thie Aeocconodation, which
11171111 at Latrobe at 7if o'clock P. IL. hare pleasant qua.
tare there oar night a the large and elegant HMI. or
ler.likaa. breakfast annfortably with the ir oal . ier pawn.
• M i l_ g gra° wit.P 4.'0., AA=
to rousallekla or Baltimore. Every provision it tali,
at the Rotel. for the emoommodation of goats And' We.
rsubscriber is ugibufacrtiriugluullias
u l ."'catteggtiet i V i li b li= n4 scxd l :;
liti r ab e goi i llOn d arg. .I.lllll=r b o.
No. 311 labosty sure-
N EW BOOKS—Theory of Polities by BE.
- S h innof IthatentS, by Wbestslyi neer nildan.
• Antbon'e Otaet la t rttana
Wrlben. t rey T tbi aster ot Mari Barton. lintts; and
Antablowsphy ot R.T. J. H. Maley, or flower Late in
OA Wien A boot at thrilling Incidents. •
t=. ne.AddLeen. ne. 44., 1 tot. a To. .
able Ho , Us and Msdleines.
MA' .7. L. RZAD. 73, fen at.
ryROTH ikk SCOTT, Wholesale, and :Retail
-- Dealers In BOOTS and SHOE& ann. r ofloarth and
thfleih2 it.. Pittsburgh. Pa.. bar. eleatred •WV and
hell renply of BOOTS and SHUNS. for
/all an
n Me n%se
eedeoomdstlng of almost army lamerod stela o f
• Woman, Illinees. Mom and condemn near. also, Mambo
Robber aloes, of tha latent .t/la and of the beat Omaha—.
Trunks and ljeenat Baas always on band. Conntry.Mor.
Chanty see Invited en eve us a eldkaa no are deuerolead
Itnoelt Made loVer dada [manna' Th 1011,5 BOUTT.
4 , 94/E . : f.l.LlOES—Thyoostabseti..
IAI 11ITE I;ible. Late Superior,
• _ artteiltir end for islet JOHN wan - A CO.
• ee2o act. 2rB, Liberty et,
. Lip .00., Mo. 214 thich atreat., win coati thin maraii3s. a
limas amitasat. of Ma .latet; quality at mEtzumg
81341WLM.,1 , mg sod glum . oral. •
SUREItIOR 13ALMON-150,bbla
Ur i b:"""II"3IIIII4Ic7I2MILVIV,Ztr.t.
W holes ale Groc . ers' &
iNos. up di 132 st bet •
WO. tmsa-Ato Oak*
. - ,xwileiwtrs do: •
do 0:p! do
660 Pole. old tion• Job do
110 btolo. 8,0. dorir;
'• 100 bbli. Oafs* do:
•39 do - Crasbod
'5O 4o l'olrda•d do;
11181 1111 01.10, •!oiot 108 20.
pan •
s . Y II Tod
Fa. do.
.100: diror:
P. 14. 11-9 1 .!leef:
.70.d0 - 00.0 n, 0.14
wdo rct i thissican . 1; -
- 1 . to do N. O. To= ' •
.120:bak is No. 1028.01 am
; roma wrs3ol3-31MP.r !
3 mxMadder,
&bore a:licks wo otter
.Wolk, withatt artio la ens
" Pine and'.Obdar Ware.
1 •
'.. t:..i . .:: . 'Man ILBOESEN keeps cukurtalaiLosi
• -...- • ..-' l l' error bat
140ak Wall!i l as D[ Bs
V kalalt
. , ' .•-• wawa Pawl* OM. Dry Samara. Usie 11 Oltam
..., • :•.- - .., /kart% awl all other elude of ware kw AL 160 k. •
, -abort° 00101 Tubs and 100 &sea Buatala.
''. • . -, •, Wasoroola. Ifazonla 1.N./1, Flak atrlal.Ylt.tabiarda , Pa. - ..
Teas! Tess! Tess!
KIN T CIL STORE. 811,11tb . L-..t. Plitsbargb.
by half chat, or bobUy potted in metal° psokopo. to
~ t.,
50 BSS. Ortind
Al. ppq; .
1 -
I " wa doAl " 1 "' tor'd tin , me
40 ,41 do
... ilta.ra .Luoutiisai
OLE LtATIISK—New York , and Bald
- -17 r t. Luther, iplrtut
.11 ID.RAU Lit) - lirge took
bawl It ale
. P WALiunl•
- ±r
oat sa rams, sad &wad Nanh
ss. .* * " tath r t "n - aii. Vissaass•lssel cosuNty , hislaa a
1. 0 :1r1.7.;. - D 6 isas: rue
. ati . . t W iu tarn 4 t ,Ta t i rrtesa
trap trlls sss assos“ s Brawny lisis
an &mils Central Ro llsesd, usar ths
Omsk and Bash Crea. asal about the
tr i =s from litswarts 13tIstniklapatable.
saa:lSS° Baisti BAfirlits.
cep_ ..Ncr. .2 31 rift est
IMMO eon Salw.--The•abeve Dotal it eltnated 7
N from talisansur OUT, la the villatie at Demerit lc,
oa the Parry "vale Plank Bond.' The Home la-10 f.t
musty. ocutalnina Slone room and • kitchen. .1u coo
ruction with the abrrsare from 20 to 20 acne of cultivat
ed land. Akio: extenalve stabllur, thane. s • hydraulic
water works ranninst into the kitchen, and all tawono
wrl iniareltelacM. , This •platew will readily rent for
2102Jer 3,ar, and Ls offarel •ery cheap. Shyly to
H. hicLAIN. Sai l Met.
• rider -- a atient•Parpezty,L
„JAE tiriderligned dire at private wile the
proprrti err !Wend street, south thol, abort. note
Tort h r
sra " r•V 1/1 alt ars
111=M b aeTt i fleforg.. on
slier 10 foot .14e. Bo luge • bay Or ground. in a poet.
Weballailds, eertatolynot te be rut Oita In,
any ottr. Ttet • lots are offered at the low raid
of $2OOO toot: one4ourtknath In hand, too Inhume at I,
2•0111 Team
• PUllinl• oho may Inellne to purchase on the tams
.104.100.4 d, rein noir N. 1101.0115 BONS.
0...rr - banters and Brokers. 07. Market it.
Valuable PrOperty for Bale.
I CoI. THOSE TWO LOTS, Nos. 151 and 152, in
Wood'iPlen Ptttsburgh. mob CO not on Ws,
tot street son exult Manila feet through to Front street.
stow( Detionbt Alter. Isseeenlstelp below John Irwin it
Sons' end opposite the Unenst Esihve4 Depot. The resole
~ l I be Tiered together till the Ist of NOlllolbli. atter
nbleh. Mart solo) It will be sublleided Leto lots to mot
oraroboont. Poe terms (whist .111 be Dints ees_p se to
" ""'t4lP Vlet t* te2 2ftif 3 b4l, m ir t irt t antrgr Pc.
Journal sad Poet ploooo ..000
Northmuriclu..,i_rbilipaorpy tome mount or
eo ono curse .0400tsoo. oell
• .
• For Sale.
--Thi rs oreanto of JOHN GOD. deemed. bed %
au by the Dein to else up the settlement of tale
estate, offer for sale on seep Leone, and in lots so Fait Jur.
Ward, , Wm asm lb lowing protlartn Yitnated ath
the M
me lot on Penn 'Week Demean O'Hara and Walnut,
DI feet front by 100 feet streets
IfPflog alter, on .01 0 0
an sin brio& tenements, fielding a rent of $lOl per an.
Aleo,_ono loon earner of Liberty alreet and Walnut,
Doing PO feet on Liberty by 100 Plot on Walnut to t
oo th
W I, on which are three tenements yielding • tent of
Olesr titles tai be glean to dbi alxne property and the
tonne made to wait horodumara.
Yon farther parttoulan *squire of J.W. KERB; Lidi..
tad. tOrwr o
ufnder Woodsi gned and PM- stress. 2,1 eb story.
either of the or o
• Valuable Property on Liberty Street.
TN order to settle up an estate, will be eold
atand priest* este. on vary trasonable tennis. 3 BUILD.
8 LC/T8 on br iar hy nide of Libuty street.—
The buildings sr. a, entatantiany !MILLI .121.1.
nigh, (with stone wont to the 2d stoty.) and ars situated
In socd brininess knality. They now yield ea .nust
rent 011875. Tee lots have a front on Liberty .beet cf
45 feet. and extend beak toward. Penn Meet 120 fear.—
Apply to foatt-tt) It. BRADY W 1615188.151 '4 h st.
FC i tRE.N . T.— . Th t e .. t , rfaZrick Dwell
occtullso by Ool,J, Roes Ithondon. (rem:m.46 PA
adeloAls.) Ms tornlebod vitt, goa—both loom, hot And
cold water: water oloosta. nood Ynnt c001n,.14 - .
Alen theme' Hack Dortllna. on 4th, above
limlthdald; illotuo. tlttingToom, ond 4 bed, roona—nUl
be ready on or boleti, Nov, lot Indult. of
.119,018 N. DARLINGTON, •
ocitotf_ No. 71, 4th At, or 92 Water Ist,
Valuable Ooluitry Residences Pori Sale.
THE subscriber haw g laid out ten urea
Into TWENTY i LOTS will sell one Lot or the whole
tea Isom. This In d to n Reserve towsitdp. situated
between haw-MU and VosgtJee Nuns. edtolning land of
001. Wm. Robinson on the northwest, and 0 Jotting on
the eolith. It has contmandlng views of Allegheny no/
Patsbergh, end is Malleably situated for liesldencsa
This land is 1 h G ape V i nes .
of moltivatioin it 111 well
supplied with Grape Nines, Apple, Pugh. end Cherry
Trees. Gooseberries. Cerra,. ts. Shrabery. go . from 10 to
IP years old. Saab Lot will have a portion oe Print Trees
on It. Terms wry one, tor particulars. Inquire at the
Lumber Yard Moe on &loth street gearGran_ Pitt.
Mulch. Lle3dtfl CHARM BOWAN.
MBE undersigned offers for sales
kontable,oontatoing sOTIRTYJIN ACM& adjoining the
lade of Tomer ano Chadwick. This Tract of head
contiguous to the fourth Meet Bad and le haradleety
on the Bee of the ( I
hty District- It . wzoment to the
ailiand would.
ng' • Diamat;=T resigia The land any
deafly pupated with water and 1-th • lard mem OM
LING HO Artion
leriwl tram of sabl i vo i lr l e m o i k 285 üb.rtr dust.
For Rent. -
LiIHILO HALL.—Thia we'l Hall,
situated over the Pod Ms, having a yids. well
ted and easy stairway, has been refitted, an l by the
arrangement for light. AA. la now in all meee. TOO ,
suitable for exhibitions of Panoramas and works of Art
Tonally. 11 la oleo well adatit.d for A.11.1.1..7 and
otter palls meetings of Societies. or for OorPorattno
tleetlons. ateekboblers meettngs, an, and being of medi
um can ba rabid int the following moderate tans.,
rlc S 5 per day. or alb per week, laeludlng gas, fuel and
tarried of a Janina.
Os—the 'tall would be ranted fora term of ready
Tara laths rated' lour linotlled dollars pee .
Apply to 1 . DOT NA
TtdrdetorgOdd Phro
at to IL D. GAZZAst.
Desirable.itesidimce For Bale.
late residence of Jonathan Ilidd,2
doomed, b otreiekt for isle. Wasted In • plea
eeaL p u t of w spuy oity—tbe repent 'extetudon
of the Inter and au oboe ringers It 4111 more deldreble.
The house is well balk two etOry double hone*. The
lot fronting 60 bet on North Desna street. rune back 1.74
Peet to Liberty inmost. and b imsnored. Pelee lon.
06 tonne soonntoaleting. Apply to
1181041 Y.
For. Sabi or To Let.
I situate et Yreatlinita the ceantY el VenenV end
Inaba Yenableards. van* complete a Robles VI. a
u rib M9l. Nall Seem. large Store and Warehease.ll
- lorete, letth other onabnildinin with
vantent, chap and valuable Water Paver as the State
eau alba br the abbe ' , arbor. Cbel within one ton*
or the Mill or good QUallty MA fn 151016.111=. 1 1 ,
Moo but *hoot distanertront liaillrg , lo - blast
kb term. cad tenement= intne* of J tB. Floyd sad
James Sleek. rtnetrargh. and she enbariber et Yeadann.
Leenttl -
Desirable Property forßale,
Aram. of Tory valuable Building
Lou, ',Anhui the ,Mter Depot of the Ohio and
Mule in Allegheny city. nmtini on the
r e ad*
Inn Um. Rldweil...Trudata a - Mete.
affil eg avenue. ,
l—A valuable mhapreeed Lot, on the sonierof Lib
erty and notary streets. Fifth Ward,opoosito the Ger
man pothole Chnreh. 80 feetfronton Liberty, by 100 feet
a".a—th""eUglisreetorillVWlV'iloE:liMon Liberty
20feet front bY
100 get t inja fhp. • h:ose ri large sal l oonreadent. Inallt In
=darn style, and eantalne eleven muss.
Ism of 214 sesoas In Lowtenee county. Sandler
from New turas.
Ahn-1 sr= to Beaver so of vulons slue And
Priors. Dom 600 um down.
For sal* low and on sorommulableg terms.- - Magnin , of
N. P. t@. L. D. YETTIo
attorneys ea Lima end heel Zetate Agents,
otalatf 110. 107 Fourth strut. littsbantta.
For Sale.
THE attention of oap#aliate le called to.
that YALUSBIS PROPERTY in AMEtwer Ott/).
commencing at the sorter of Laccack Mom and eztwoor
tog 000 feet along Federal street towards Robinson street.
by 100 feet in - depth to . a 10 Mt alley. 'rah rrop.rtr
will be sold altogether cc Re divided into Lou of 2u feet
float. to Mt ourchaaeri. It is handsoteeliaincated on
this main thoroughfare between the two nitlea. and lathe
immediate richsity of the Depot Of the Okiwecul=
Tanis Reined Comionsy. It woad be a. most
locetioo Ow Rotel. • Pa 1411._0r for basinass bonen
with owellines &Imbed; toUM ProPertf wietwedir
advance In value, and par a handsome revenue on th
Morovemnis wlikdi might to node. It Is worth?
emotion. Parton, who wish toperdu., are requested
to Inquire of W. B. POSCE. or
felo3f N. BOWIES s PONS.
For Heat.
PERES Store Rooms, with Dwellings &t
-11 on linrkot otroot,botwoon Second and Third
street& Inontrnof J Vann* DIZINY,
innat Nan Mint otzoot.
For Eltia, or to Lot.
WAREHOUSE on Liberty street. En
anti* et No. ZIT. Liberty stmt. n was
Very Desirable Real Estate.
3e7. subscribers offer for, sale 111-4 acres
of Oround:Mlnated • sat of Mizurrrellie. !tonna ion
Comte ntrestßisnk Itandonxi estencitog bark with
in feer - yarde of the Penney/v=la Hatireed TM* Pro.
trert7 is elikiblr situated. easy of ea*. and melt worthr
tire attention - of persons dedring • eoneenient country
Imatten. If not mold entire. it aould rennily be to4dlrided
into smaller Mind lots. • WM. YOG 00.
mh7l 191. U
L N iberty greet.
• . For Sale.
riVSVO LOTS-20 FEET Front on Rebecca
ib.. " ll4° ;:ii4.9lVat i 3OWEetralle "'l""
_ Bank Loos All..tvoyeit7.
or of BOU)liON LIOLICTIEB. jr,
cLo4k/tf • Gasetta
ACRES. of well improved Yarmlng Land In Beaver
out The dubeorloor offers en male oar, Perm a
TWO lILINDRED AND PUTT AO/3.10. &mint in New
florriokloy Townahip. 2 miles from New Brighton, with
Irer . Denied. reed gram* Nome and Barn, mid other
lenildingriToo woo of Which
,hioloared and under good
Dom -
Aloce—A doe Vl4,9l•llithin one mil. of New Brlabion.
emetalibag TWO 11UNDD The
which ono bo
do/ Into too gore lota, ( dam ned. The location Ls an elle.
Ale ono lot gardening - burnoose.
Aloo—Vorlom other antall , Farm, from 60 Arne g od
lallarad 111 .NOW leering ley Townehip. Meant
rem to 5 mile, from tho Reined. 'or eatioulan. en.
entre .1 the enhaceler, at hi. Deal Teats Mee, in Nes
tirielton. Bearer County, Pa. •
wpiTB.l nip. XILIfOIIII.
WOO.T.Ei )1. CO.
Commis. Mirchanta
• • rillitAiteld, /Ittgagh.
A' led to glisabath tOwnablp, two mils. below ilia tor
mins The faun =tabu 106 gong of gmallant Liam-
Mono 1.04.176 urea clamed and tinder cultivatian. Vim
lolDroggpmenta-gra a r fnmna and log dwallina. late.
frame ban.. orthatd,',l*. • Alm, about ILO acres of.Logl.
tag Mar
0 f:rt ... .11= right
wortS any lan; On n ao w rivir. what.. wiling Mkt
Lavabo.% or the anal slow. • • •
~,tzrz.trt.mmturzEthirr.., wit,we,
2112. bo Eivrretn valor roar
AO; do. turtli t ( 4'2_
100 do &alb • dtt.
'SSO do 610,\1035. 15-04
• • !
00 do Pearl • &nob;
;Ed do Straub ultra dal.
50 do. Nstraot Logwot , dt....
56 do Starr Cusalec.;
1c 6 3
52 ad Sztraat
-rb Turroas Mon. ,••
Lot of Oround, at present 000ntrild ttr darn ileCriot"
e)'. Clothier, on Liberty drat. between bit Wetreet sod
I r ma suety ,will be leveed for e term of yearektot April
et, neat. ~entopo ) „,
. B. lILWIN..o t 9 Market t".
is29tf - -ROM= 9,0113. Auarmr,4tla et.
• . .
ZOO kn. Wkitikil.di.
$0 • s"orted Nadr.
100 S.U. Whit* rims.
3to 10 ,Etane
NS AND OUTS--Al the smoke of bottle
alears arot .rembt hm. and; - then • disagaitt.d
w the
loam rani
Zh . .? : a re Instr
Irate Omani WI, kindly to sientedg Is in • Zit
OlirJrnat'S 1.021.111111. Work worront.d.. Stook
‘ 1 ". Id: „,.. 7 „ 7..
do OW,
3 Comm
6 Coes hlstdila ca
EDIOIN.E . CRESTS-oot up in the
- ANS. hs.ii=ti•tt Alb. see emt with &vivaria. Mall.
anew. wising Avis to suit wurehodaw,ta IllitAL -
L. wiLuoz Go.
. . corset Mialtat et. sad DiampoiL
tierces on store, for salelow, by
iiAR-125 bblis.itet reced:and for rale by*
- ea/ 317RBIEIDGis i INOIIII.A.M.
Na -lib Water N. t 116 trout it.
11101-10 tierces jbetyLe_d end for eel by
avialwel a mausa.
IOSSIDNISMINV-50.11011-.dO)3llttei; ;
ane fora M. DM_ OO
50 NEEIB 8 Twilit Tobaocto;
20 ff bis Itsekas 106 do, but romitvd wad for
Oal 00W151130.1%.
. .
A 'Dam' stars
%Ai OHO OUP.• a DX &AUL" •
At ad es' Mis tit ; • • ;
n . ~ _
oncr:,--Thepnblio are hereby informed
0031PA.NY havairot their Works' into onemtiod , od err
,mvared 'redline. any annennt tea at Chef Wharf on
the Ohio river, on as reaaonsbleas alseirhere.
The tnpetior quality of Me Little Iser Mill Run COAL
rip b ir . rae Chrenatnyip.ol.b.eonfldenee that . tlgi 1110 et
Invite theirtriendse z' :ua rw a rl d tult l" kno nude th ere fo re
immediately at the Cloonan rallidloe, on the nee b.
erred earner of the Dismord sod Diamond Alley. or at the
Wharf: near :the mouth of Saar Mill RUD• and near J.
Wood's }tolling MilL
Rensselaer Insuranoe Company, Lamm&
burgh, New York.
'JACOB TAII.ff, itambient. —Janes DOISORZT. PeeretafT.
" • CIIABTItitID-111 1836--carmai, $200,000:
ryms old - and well established Company
Unprepared to Issue Po li cies, by their Age ell
ode orrice Risks on the meet favorable term.. The
prompt WILMA of, its Lowe during the seventeen Team
of its cootinuanoe. Ls • eufflcient guarantee to person'
v Wr d ing to effect oorreet Cancrsnoe.
ede .1 C CIIRTI 4 . Agent._
Pittsburgh and Steubenville Railroad.
rsi.. subscribers to the capital steel( of ine
.Plitteburgh and Btaubentille RA. Co. are hereby
ne . 1 m Ler into the Truman", the fourth Instalment
of five dollars per oho* on or heave the Ist Deoember.
protium, and live dollars per share on or Deters the 5 et
day f r d . eaet, month. Centel., . me until the who. amount of
By order of tg r e Listed of been VILOTII.
WILLIA6I A. LULL. Treasurer.
_ , Treasurer's Ofice. 64 Wood area.
14overober11, lsoff.", •P261.f
- Notice.
N CONSEQUENCE of having sold our
iIIMADU to the Cambria Imo Comp► the Path. -
berstaf...oiefals under the arm of . StlOsN DEN
Glib a 00 at Mill Creek Y
Ohio existing under the thatArtfra l a n trleitiMerit ,
et tlambrle /0111606, ere both dissolved. The budgees
will be matted up by the mermen at the rummage. sad
George S. Hang, who ere euthorised to tow the names of
the respective arms In retains not e bolnss.
nIESOLUTION.—The Partnership here-
Mtw i rar n iilVA ttireTN ,thsitsram.l e ag
DUCE Eosin... is this day dissolved by mutual coconut.
The hostile. of the late dna trill be settled by either of
the vertu...who to authorised to 0.0 the name of the
late Eno, In settling the same. .td J. J Boone will con
tinue the Undoes.. as must at the old stand, ho. 296
Liberty street - • BOUND.
Pittsburgh. July let 11163. J. J. BOONE.
Zsocrutors 'of Jour Otock doced.
Land Nor Bale.
, . .
^ , ,
. .
, . ' •
~•'- . • , .
- ',,-- '",..4-1-....?.0A-A;A::-..wz-0.4.,,,,,;_.,::,,,„t...„,,, „ .
..+,. , __ ,, ... „ .... 4. ,,, ,,,, 1 ,, ,,,,,,,,,,. . , . , =: ,,, .. , > - ‘ . 2-141:ZWK:-..00 . Aaf..,1V11 - X'
. - \
WILLIAM ESPY. President-
blank. I.;m.
come.s-100 , ... • •010.1
Commission and Forwarding Merchant,
Dealer in Woo! and Produce of all Kinds.
C. H. Cornwell, Cashier Barmen' Bank, Salem, Ohio.
a. W. a G. Hopkins, 8a1 . !...rn lungerlet, it Smith. Pallaars.
J.O. Wilaon a Co.. kiTartand, Rama a 00.,
K. Raymond & Co.. Boston. James. Kent it - Banta..
D.l °..rD°CidatinC4tdo. f,Tr„blr.etb.T ' Co. :
#4 .....,,,...„. Clarelare. Springer klarbaugb, Plttp.
'Hamm. Garretson A 00.. Palmer, Hanna k Co., •
Catboat Knapp.jr..Bk Loots. King. Pennock A 00..
Tenney. aillfflan a Co, 2.1 Y. G. a J. H. Bboenhargar A Co.
Bowen a Wigan:ma . Paeomok. Mitchell A Co. "
Ed'ualloogn_,MoreisAGn.Cln. J. P. Unless& Lonlavlile KY.
T. Heaton. Bal . tkanall.lllll4oo.,oalveston
WadrrorTayloiA Co.. Phila. Tow
rim subeariben have formed Co-Part
nership and win °outlaw the Wholeselle firmer ,
ode.. woe m terse. order the firm of HAHN' AY
8.621101LJ. H . 164111 lIT..
6.lDeloTe. Jule lat. 1852:—.1,41
IKEpartnerahip heretofore existing be
tween t o underefrord, node? .tile of J. D.
LIAM Z Co.. aa Orooor7 so 6 Comastalon alarehauts.
ores dlaaolyad by mutual consent. on the Ilth of Nutt,.
The bus iness brzlornued by J.D. Wllltasoa. at their
the t="l,l thd :. 7 nu-
J. D. YilltleStb.
Ptusbusza. Apra 1.186 a. take
. ser In retiring from the buelneee. I
plasm* la recommullag to the Mende snamtroet:l
tba late 3000 Mx. William , . as • ma ea well ciaella
10 111.4C1111 . i0. With ,TOMpbatlld md fulailt7. whatever
budnase le tntratbd to 01. 0.0.•
JOHN mum J.
Br. undersigned have this day entered
Into On.Pertavreblp, labthlt Menem' , eel aryl* of
KB,Sti ND Y A (AL, for the rue.e at transact
toe irestorAi bostr o slc4 . VW; of Aliodhoor.
1808.V.8T T. SLIMY.
B. 8. BRNAB,___
"A P. 01111...m,'
1 [Waal sus.. ennt.ay Oltr. .1••• Llth. ISM
I have this day associated with me, in the
mf iron, JAM F 9 PLUSSR. under the firm a -JO ON
Fact= oa." lOLIN
February 16. 1.1342.-Ifeleat
, KELVY & BLAIR have associAtod
trlth these TiIOIIIAS EL BLUR. Th naves* PAttntied under the Am of WHILLTY a BLAME.
/tenth •
To the Public.
LII& NOTICE of the Dissolution of the
firm of Jo es Pau= &Co. In thorforning tonwoo of
I. I. looorreet. A diaoolntion II contontplW,A of
girlish the vo bile shall have flnffnotlee p e
e n eownsuno
AblOrtt Of Am of JOHN PABAZA
3 ,
issolutton of Partnenbio.
NOTICK ie hereby given that the partner
ship lately subediting between ,JOIIN B. DAVISON
eas4the KEY. +OEN N. AONW, under the Pm of
DAVISONwas diseolved Sept 31,1653. by
mutual eminent
AU debts to and by the
c o
ti will be eettled by
JOUN B. DAVIWZ/N who ell' continua the bes.ser
the male 65 DOA gavot
Olbc• of tb• Cl•voland n attd
Dept. Pitts ZS. •61.1.bunria 11-
' . L .•••
TOCILTI are heseby Wiled That
to the weed InstaOLDERS
lso L ot t r l . lll2 d er htlt it oo t tho
r i a t moltr . . fortiteoeonetF.4.., theßoarlfaterr•
Moo, le repaired to be paid to the Tre•III3VIR at We ram
la Olevelead on cr before the Out der of November neat.
and that the raberoomtt itatalmeabi of tea pero t.
each. bald to amd freseareh orror bee. the dfg de/
of each eamessive mouth the:ult.. until the who:e .Fall
be NMI.
Uttered will be tamed film the time of payment natil
the 00041. oompisted coo the running& resole. trains Of
oar. By oer of lb. Board of Direr
LJ or*
ootamdrd FUAktBI, Brro'y
tl° AKIS FASUIONS, for Limns' Dumon-
The Perim hohkrov for JOWL direct pre steamer
he We on the let Torara. Irt B.
watr Zio. POllll. Lb.* llend lIITIOOt.
enn t w ILI A LI3— by $--Mete''l marked for Reobvoi . : i n :
ABBLE MANTELS--Montele of the
mot bastard sr" tterna, made of the finest quality
o isouseltitoneetio Marbles always on band end nude
to wales by ineerdnery, op chart ostler. and sold Pt lit
to floe assn. Babel; and otters desiring to porch...
.111 net it to their totems to call and wogs. our Mask
and Dyttlees bears buying eleernere. Orders tilled with
dispatch at 519 Liberty Meet.
• es 93
'IIJI Tarr stilalrforsal• at 110101.18 PATTON'S,
• Mamma& at 10 ...DU tor Quart.
,arreittellsly o uzi ; nuggrg.. 466
R. gitibwich. YF
Labor. Saving Machine.
I. MINIM" Valor and And V. ()attar Chum.
Improved Dans uis lbw band and Aosaajeuen Prula
r mi ttr_ksrdirsingr tfllng"tbi'slind Wd
llartalturallirassbanas,39 littA.firms.
iv Jut Halved sad for 6619 by A. guts
196 4bertl St.
• •
QPIRITUAL BOOS Store end' Publishing
IIODBX,D3O Broodney. N. Voila have revently
Issued the lbilaning Book.. The annual paou bonnie
4 ”.ihn's ew of Fr's Report. 74 cents.
Dir. Gorses frotAbe Spirit b Stephen Oho. lee
tb"rodrattle,_EPPillra:V.7lVh=ll4L.Linao Mj4 .n. ' l6=
Appro. Inn being Review or Dr. naennell. by A.
J. Davis, 63 cents.
beerprof .Proveet, eonoerolni the Inner Life and a World
of hpirita 44 welts.
Pnernnatology. 1111litre...a Peosentnnelote. Vie
' tone. Asper/it tu. de $1 refs.
PllOOl age of Thcmu ~aloo. to the 001110 World,
, 66 unlit
he , olterklntoles
ol%cara d.
mel o 4 Magnetism, Diedrich!, Heat,
mlm. an, IS
Being ' 4 ' o/ enroll. or &TAU of the We to Coma reveal•
fel=gehertgb4Klftgtl liztentVrtt". "4
Bbeklnah. a splendid SPiritusi OM Bock. el %W.W.I; It.
nature and relations of Ilan. Vitsl, mental and epirltuel
Pneumonia eontairt*Portraks of Beal end Zminent
Spiritnelleta an,
Present Age, es Inner fa by A, .1. Darla 111.23.
Judge kdmaropdiszepirtrib=6oo plot. Ift' Oasee tl" riLet'avo,ermhZing the greatest*ratber of int;le
end Arintnenta pro and eon, on this suideotakver tiro'
Ua?tliellWttleaaPh. the organ of Modern
4PidetegraTie W." 17
FAIIILIEB will be eupplledL with our various
Wort"B:lttlitril azuziletuaig.irval
lk to.. Wood greet, or Braun b. lteiterr, comer or Liberty
sod ILl:heir street Pittsburgh; 11. P. Sehersrts. or J. T.
8 1100 818 ; 8 11Treirte 7 8 = 8 17einilleii In .Mhos of the cities.
' TorroZAIASII OU'e ljayhyL, HINNW.DY a CO.
IC - EW OYSTER DEPOT—The subscribe'
V2 t /guss”., -. ` ualli ! ' lat ip_" aa .ip= l :sti d lgTa rjrh . k
. 1 1 n1
aTamo "" as 3161.104 .r 00
" a (*lt all iorriffsirea Ti,:alV3 Entail.
t 029 N O./61 8m1tb17.11.1.
Seller's Family Medicines.
Gauutes annul. 01+10. 11 h7 2 1, •• 1 1 145 .
•MI R. R. E. SELLERS:—I think it right
th.bnolitaf others, to Otte some hats la re
lation to your exedleht raptly Yonalelnra. 1 her. lUdd
70.1 r acuminate briedr la WIT awn Wenn ea. ' , lel Ire.
1:0.1110011""W:IFIT4 21:3;W:11,7,`.»S
your Idles Pills I •di
071457 In my family. end
thay hare 10 arm thattorlh redhead the effect dedred
" eat ehtated merehaadtelag, 1 sal able be nate
th" 5. 0 yet ta Bear the first Wane where Tear medi
cines have banreswl. he =7 owalen or the Omar,. 1 0
00.11M= LlTlOSeltillr7 of th e
<1.7 mat ate 0.0 tad tart relLezt .
1 10 . 10,tratt . dtr.
Vous weed:air, W
kreldrat wad by Ile N. dellera. 07 . Weed drub
Pittetnenth. head% 1651-17 • ?
ORAX-2000 - lbs refined, for sale by
ixerl . „IL A. FA UNMOOR a CO
LiABDY, - JON&B 111 . 1T0 remuved
ter four Eton' don* front Wardroom. Nor 60
1. W e stmt. third bonne Wow Nation It. • _
.•Jassr. - *oat Imamate ClamplaT of
Mutton NM forotrot often to • Nor. no and as orm
• . Removal.
d *LIARLEII 3.ooMlSlhe6. rozotivoki to
",), sti i,,,t e) •imaeranZit-u la. •
~.litosie .97. axed:99 Third>street,
. frieuds and cardamon, that he hanjust. completed
ges " ll; 4 tfire ? re o r f o V V;raTe2 l 2 1111= 41 k
be rola at prices as low as any in the Unitas ats.. ilsc
or-Wmr. As he Is determined to uphold his stook, with
smarmed materials, best worinuanetilp, and newest die
rung cod from the extent of his order/ and facility le
manufacturiog, be Is enabled to produce warranted
y 91017911.9 at the lowan prises.
Lie has adopted the principle of Identifying the =dom.
see interest with his own, In totality and prloe, &sidecars
always co hood the greatest variety . of every de...Honor
a Furniture. from the cheepeet and plainest. to tho most
elegant and costly, that a hoorah or any part of one,
be furnished tram his stock, or numufactored expresell
to orderA Tie following articles caordst hapart or his se
.ortment, which , for richness of stele non noith• re ooo
be sorpomed to any of the eastern dna.
Lou 4 XlVteto • tete dome;
60 Bolas to Plush and Hair Ototb:
50 dozen Hahogour Chars;
20 do Walnut do
BO Mahogony Hocking Oh;
6 02. Walnut do
0 Mahogony Divan.;
70 Walnut do
60 Marble top Centre Tables:
60 do Dreading hwcoccc • •
30 do Wo.shatande;
Inaloped. do
100 Common do
20 Plain Draning Bureaus:
10 idnhogony Bedstead.;
40 Walnut do
60 Cottage do,
800 (Merry and Poplir de;
23 Mahogany Wardrobe..
10 Walnut do
10 Chain erry
Bureau= do;
10 pining and BrealleatTablea,
12 Secretary and Bookman;
20 Donn Cane Beat Chain;
2A Cane Beat Booking Chaim;
12 Ladles' Writing.Belks;
11at and Towel Mani* What-rlota;
Ittlgulres; Pager MaehieTablee
Conremation Chaim Pembroke da;
gasabathaen do: Halt and Pier do;
Etneeptlon do; 141411ig . do;
Pearl inlaid do; gannet. Clang Tobin;
Arm tot Ottomanr.
0 othlo and Hall Ohara:
Also,. large maortment , of Common furniture and
Windeor attain,
Osbinet maien supplied with artistes In their lina.
Itteataboata and lintels furnished at the shortest motto
&Orders promptly attended to. aotly'63
Fifteen Dollars. Only
the ell age of ROBRYALB, • delightful and hailthy
tion—F.IGHTY FARM.. worth over .118,000, 2 010
BUILDING 1.014 to Le distributed among ere hundred
enbscribem,on the r DAY OF BISFTBMBRR,IBSS. A
large monster of these are already engaged. Man of the
Lots nest there hare been sold for from DM to 500 per
ant. adv.. oyez the price for which these Lots are now
sold, ehoeinr that the pm...11d8 be a gooll Inveetment
Real .tate on all parte of Loo t ! Island Is rapidly ad.
ranting In price, and is epos= y being nurchaneci for
forming and gerderdn it purposes. and. permanent ilea.; '1
WltMr, a few days pest,. Mr. LOU Wyckoff sold 44
.res f land at Beet Now 'Lott. L. 1., Ibr,110,0(D. end
500.000 has been offered for o f
Newton. arm, end temsed
by the owe.. In the town of, IL I.' Farms bare
room.] y been sold tor from IMO to 111,500 per acre, leeprd.
log to IoaMIWA and capability of predumns all Mods of
R 0
.1, fromr vegetabl,s for the New York mar.
lot. Incr..B ee to ten times its pre.. coot.
Hach subscriber is anti. lot for Bundles Lots 25 by Rai
feet. lying together, or a Form of from Stop.... Its
h.ees re s lb. nes able In monthly tortalmente of $5 each.
If desired a warrantee deed will be made out Imairellatolr
after the distribution. and delivered directly after paying
dr. balance.
The 'Rime of Boesvale. whore those Lotion locand. le
only a abort distance south of the celebrate d Lake Ron.
the beauty and remold. •PPWarillea or width
amnestied by all who visit It lie. may already be seen
the best evidence that ns desired that Itosevale, Lab.
land, and HennesoviLle, will shortly boo,a choke
n Long Island , long known as the ”Gartien Spot' of
America. From the publie:o stallstlce
1 l mounts of the
g 0 .1111.11 1. itebymtCog thog
dere—fewer deaths accordltui to Its population than lo
an other place.
The Farm. from width I am now aelllntrat from 190 to
$3O per acre, aa of the eame generral ohmmeter .. to soil
with those now and. which sanoot be por
n. $lOO per sere, and land on toe north and math
a l flg with• no better soil naturally. for from $2lO
to S5OO per acre.
Apply to OIIAILLF.2 WOOD. No. 208 Broadway. corner
of Fulton street. New York. and B. B . PBTfINGILL a
CO, 10 litato street, Boston. who Will receive remittal..
, end forward receipts ll:tarok., by return of mail. Ttey
will also geatultously furnish maps and pamphlets of rte
property, and cheerfully give moth other inlinsoation no
mom be desired.
Referenees to Bon. Beery Beige, of the Arnerieandasti.
Spooner. B. V. Peck. No. Miti Btate street, and Alden J.
No. 2 Front erten. Brooklyn; Garvin IL Striker,
Jr., No. 78 Broadway.
Ammo. In Boston. B. M. PITTINGILL yen 10 Mats
348 corner of Wood and Fifth etre.. Feet BuILLMs•
iitOAIESTIO STOOBINGS-12 0 doz. men's
eArligrtraLirrey..extr Bockm Ito dot. do , do. uo•
' DALY. 'T.
Bp —lOO dos. Boy? aufat =dyed Optima Boas, elbbat at
top; 4,0 dot. do. do. wane do. do do.. at the
/VIVI EITDDIT dtooathd
• •
/3 F IRLS' STOCKINGS-37 doz. GirW end
nhlto Cotton Atookinits. Awn alma , tool;
doe. do. do. mirat..4 do. do.Ldo..4lAt t e. u.
0.02 A BYtltiMl
" 100 dos. of Iletion. Lambe Wool. and 8111 Stoctlnto.
and STILEET 1310011111( klanotactoti.
17 UVlTr."lCtl4=lkYrjrhir U 1".
ro Lnr ...a a ntIIIT STASET
w as tr.
ig ILK and THREAD GLOVES-200 doz.
Wele u st.:l‘ .l l3ii . i . r a t aL cod .
AMBS' WOOL FZET--20 dal. super
d o. n.t d oll t wal wc «gig 01. Limy AVOW
7.114 ' 1 ISTINW ttedani A•69ftatAt '
• WiLLI4.SI %um
fI.IIINDSTONES—AII thee and vatious
W. W. W
st ML m A gritk • lam dock ...twar. on hand at ALLA%) S. SID Llbertl
P°thll"l.:ls,t) — ,_'ssiolan.i.
lour. Wootoro da
Prodooo. loos. 344114. GLYPI. and Oa
43annfootof odArtioloo of rittotmrsh gionetally; 03 Water
wag 64 hoot Moot. PittobOoo4. Po. 010
New Stock of Chickering's Pianos.
ITO. 11...MELLOR, No, 81 Wood st.,is now
-rooliric tbe Iblkomist r now [Moo romo. from am
so:sal:Mod ammeactofr of J 014•11 ClitalUttllNOOMMom
One (all men Octave GRAND PIANO voters, carved
Itomermt. with Patent Iron frame, and Patent Pepeatiner
tenon. atd moldered one of the very beet fin•ICO 1 . 1.00
Mr. Wokerina ever inannfrotared. Prim SlOOO.
One seven Octave mud Itosewood dom. Louis X.lnth.
Mina the .am. pattern act quality as the one that rwete •
.d the lloui Mn et. at the went .Stete Pair." Prim liboo.
One wren Octave Norwood Mann Porte. with carved
inouldinee. an entirely new pattern sod very bmitilaL—
Pelee 5450.
One men Octave limennol rhino Porte. double round
mrnem, MAMA back and front. WO:
One el: and thre• gunner Oelnee ILOMM.I Photo /Me.
doe mind esteem. WA •
o^e nntbnam Plesoitorte.lMltin Hemmed. sTro,
All the Ow We Penn Torte. are provided with the Debora
Iron Frame. and all other valuable Improvements made
by Mr
' The (annuli:at Pia=
l Eartes front other , makers on bend
and Mr sale ay ham eh ,
A t i k:arr . 1 17g. "Y":"n"
O d e Rosewood. round corner 7 OetCme.
" edi •
KOITIOCd. Turd [vans, 7 6 0ett:••
IIALLUTT. DAVIN t Co., Bontov. ,
02sElloipicoNetf octev.„
lJe oitiN
B10)WN • ALUM, Balton.
0.100 1100 and rtund ooypu% a x 0.0.0470.
N. A J. BANNS.Nsw Terri
uas Noossrood. oorred.ll Octave.
Turtbirrynsoollso of Moo Folios firm Hr. Maiming
111 bo roo•Prid tro..kly. JOHN U. MILLON. '
Agent lbr Cbielorbors Plasm
for Plttsbusgb,_Weet ern.
tl Woo P dst.
• •
PLAaTER PARIS for Land ant. itucoo
4*am nan d at SID Ir . ratal.
burgh. Vt.
NAST Olt BAILING FOWDMit,ethetheapest. health•
Imeet woeful and economical article fur tabling Breed.
glo.u.i.tgriedtet =dle Job . n a ct tier ,
la the moat cooaom 0000
cal. corgulial7krui healthy
compound in akirtenoe. for raising BreadAtheenit. Oakes.
Furry, Pudding.. no.. with either wheat, rte. Indiaa or
bunkwhest flour. It I s Be Indispensehle article In • the
Conn?? departments of every household eetabliehment.
and there la no Gook nce 1101114kaPplq In elution who
will be without It after haring fairly Wed 11. Bold by
the principal Grocers and Druggists.
f)rtletiorm Mc Prue.
Three who have tried It. have found Diet the a 1... Wu.
runt dots not vaunt Ms prates too highly..,Tallakaree
Floridian and Journal Nb. 11), ISt&
Hourekeepers who have tatted the quality of this Pow
der, pronoun noardmeuely in its fecor.—Lockrott BA
ly Gamier.
It rurpareee every thing in the dupe of tiring we eau
yet raw need In the 141110P0 of cakes..—ltahwar Advocate
wrel Mulder. AVM 11.1111.1,.
TM. is an rartiole of nrch . ritlilty let v arier " Ile-deo(
cookery. that when its virtues barmen:manly known. no
herundureper that studies comfort sod IDOIMDMif will ell.
" V 44 ::
1 1 VIVIV;11172117 41 =n 1T106ganela.
tlelem houselreepere.—Bey. Ban. and Nuhville Whig,
Would you Lave light rread. meet breed,- bread that
rgrxrag: .0 . g :dir, " 23 14 ;1 1
3; 111 1 11 ( W'
geed bread. cakes ''' . ae.—wroy Deily nom. Mee 24. lee%
We true tried Ude artiebe and can ueommend It with
perfect confidence —Quebeethra. J01Y.186 2 .
Durkee'. Baking Powdr, we bare tried at our haw.
and our .better bolr.l. astonished .oth. result.—N. Y.
Deity Time,, Oct 53.101 3 . - -
AU good Imamate.. will roloke to and glorify tite IMMO
of Durkee, after th.. 4 kre glum hie Belting Powder a fair
P P ow.l, tru2ci Derku'e halting onbtedly - Che but uncle
t r this mirpre that has yet boon tilmovered.—New Tarr
oTttri,,,abc..lt2onlons. from hundred. of the Urg
ent and most reemenable -wholesale hatters In this sell
curly • try large city In this Ometipent. could be given
If rum allowed U. •
Ilet.The e in warran to- give eatbri betien.
ders sosompan arts
led with Cute will be promptly-filled. On.
Sole Yruprietere and Manufseurer.
Wholessid Dealer in Sal Bob.. dream of Tartar. Bop.
• Uarb.teeda,Gooking Rarsele, Wan Matehes, tr.,1119 Wa
ter stree. row York. •
feZtlye3 . BAXTBR i Molig.g, Ants. Pittsburgh.
76 ;lc*, 9% 1
li t 80 II ► 95.
85 :h 99
. _
• •-• Per oer:l3trength.
°WELL., EtETCHER: et' CO., Mani:Sac.
g A twin of Alcohol; •Paso eget. fro Cobg end
Brandies: Cooper Vistillod Yawn %Ratko/ always 00
baud. Clonsor of Wino AW, 'MO rata. Caranukri i M
st li gotg::= " ": 47
Oldbon Furnaces, Wroiight Iron Tubilig.
AND 71211110 1011. M ► MO.ll5 OIL MATES.
N 0.26 Mtakolt stmt., l'lttibtingb•
lea,tiro balm 'old our Itomoioasttorpl, so.. to lino*
iItHOLD WILLIAMS. whom 1 11 0,10 1•toottfootott .
to tboyattrosoro *Mt nt .
'Alm =solidi °Oil'.
rpoBAOOO-150 boxed 5e and Be, d lb.
Nam of various braolson 00
'FRE EAST MAIL TRAIN will lekive the
PamengerFtation on Liberty street, scary naornioa
at NINE OkILOCH. storming at all the Minh. Rations
on Rte road; and arriving In Philadelphia next =orbit;
7 Walesa. connecting with the Trains direct to New
York, also conttectir •t , I.lld 7 riVrri int the Train ior
rag Ateate l ri/IVAVI.Lc:var the every Ev
ening at 936 o'clock, stopping at all the regular stations.
and conr.ecting with Trains for Baltimore, at 8 o'clool P.
Ban to Philadelphia 19 60; Fare to Baltimore 19 00.
Baggage checked' to any /Ration on the Pennsylvania
ilailroadoind to Priladalphis and Baltimore.
The AsoostiodationTrain will leave every afternoon; at
Lts &mock. donning at all regular stations...and running
only as far as Lavobe
AL.Returnin P. g Train arrive In Pithiburgh. at 8.30 and 8 A.
and 7.1 f. Al.
Paseengers purchasing Tickets In ears, will he charred
TEN BENTS. In addition to the station rates. except term
staling whets thotio npany hats no armee.
Noinca—ln ease of loos, the Company will Id them
mires responsible fOr personal haggises only .rid for ao
=Mint ant a:needing one hundred d tiara
NOTloB—!lsere. M. 1 J Briedenthal.Oronlbue Prt,
very ton, have beenecotiloyed to convey -pasaengers itald
It.g . r.a. , to and rm.. the Daiwa. at a charge not town:mad
Us omits for ch parsenger. and 1234 cents for each
1853 mimosas? 1863
O N &nd after WEDNESDAY, August 19,
1363, Pmeenor Train* till rsin Win Cluodays ex
"Mitglll7l.7N leaven Cleveland for WalleyUN and
a. /COOVI3IIIIIArA L T I tiAIN 1.111011 Cleveland for Alli
ance and var./halloos, at 7.90 P.S.
P1T.P111631 TRAIN hales Wellsville for Cleveland and
Mations 9110.13 0.11.
ACCOMIIODATIUN TtLitlN Ingres Alliance for Cleve
land and way Stations at 9.00 0.9.
COVNEOTIUNN—the 9.00 a.. Praha' from Alliance
cono.te with the Enron Train of 0.9 P. haliroadrlvar
Vis."l " ht u a h 6 1 9 nithlr:fo r TeiFeig I 7 n i w eeVe t t
e with the 1.30 Mall Vain from Pltuburgo, and
reaching Cleveland at 3.800.8 a also, with the Itled Train
f If. U a P. Ballroed from th e Wed, arrivlost to PRO.
burgh at 3.00 P.X. The Penn. Tram from Cleveland
connects me Albans. .017 Mall Train for Pittsburgh, Si
lens. Canna's, Massillon. Wooster. and Stations, on o.a I'.
Railroad •
only on* Train Bail] f aro Cleveland to Pittsburgh.
owing to the refusal of the Obtomast Pennsylvania Rail.
root Company to Oman eveniog connection M homed.,
in itraftani the Ea st st and W ert.
The 10.00 an. Train from Cleveland and the 10.16 I.X.
Train from Weil...Mlle connect at Bayard with rallroed to
Cormilton, and hack. for Dover. New Philadelphia. and.
Cosh cton.
Troia. each way connect at Llmnion Oak the 0.2. and
o...itrogil. for Cuyahoga Palle and altrati.
Pearenger* leaving_Pittgborsti In the 880 aos. Trete
regib Cleveland at 3.80 0. X. and minnert with the Light
ning Traits of Lake Shore liallroal. leaving at 3 43 p.a.
r On., tounifirk. Buffalo and.Nismira Palls.
Passengers by all the•Traltu can finesard, east, anat.
or south, by the following evening om Cleveland:
0101603 OX Loge gar.—Th•new and magnitinent
Losepo w (hwes qf the War and •• &motor Col.'
leave at 7.10 0. t. for. if uffalo.
Lase .311iiis Ittitio.n brave. at 3,46 and 8.168. et. for
itzfe, Lien Kith. Buffalo, Niagara FALL,. N. York and WNW..
OSMAN°. CP11:1•11011 MID CINCllll.l.llailtOLD—At 8.16 .
P. s., for Cohn:ob. end Cinctrolath ante 'train oinnee.te
t ;shoo with Bellefootaine and Indiana R.B.for Dayton.
iotaospcile. Terre Banta and Jeffereont lila, Indiana.
Totatoo, Noair AUID Chavitann Batutoao—At 11.16 P.
31. Or Toledo Chicago, Idilwankie Lenalle.Ganaund
8t Leult TAO P.M. by ateel le
nere on Lite Rote to and Detroit, thence 07 railroad to Ohicaltc4Latnlia ,
and tD.lona. •.-
Toronalt Vegeta to Toledo or Detroit 16: Chicago 811.
Laealle 111: Osten. $lB 761/3t Goole $2l
• Tat one, Tickets to Nee,l,,rk. and Bost
on via Bulligoo.o
De obtained at DA* afloat,
raa-eoge or are levitated to procure their
ticlietr at the
..Coropen3 Wilco, of JOHN A. CALIGILBY, Agent,
aul3 3101100 g theta Muse, Water fit, Pitt...burgh
• •
XPRESS• TRAIN leave° Pittaburgh at
6 o'clock a. a ; stops 0011 la lb. prinaipal Bradt..
dines at Crestnnw Lto r.m.,arrivinw at Cincinnati
In tba •rsning - Columbus and Istria, Vary frtm
Eittalfursh to 4:Michaud $7 75; to Columbus 25.
MAIL TRAIN leas.. Pittsburgh at 600 0.1.4 dinso at
Aliburcd; and nachos Crestlina at 6.40 nos. connemluir
Night Train
andinmb. wrd Cincinnati, and
with the Rellefontains ndiana Railroad for Dayton.
!antigun:elm Terns Minute, sod towns in Indiana. Con
nes Mona are made Alliance by yailmai watt Ravenna
RRadom and Mr/Aland. Pare from Pittsburgh to Cleve
land. 66 yp !
C 01124.11012/ am made at Mansfield by railroad with Ran!
dp.lny City, Manstiald, Illoaut Vernon, Newark.and
I Tfliticerille. Fare to SandasitY eity6l to.ifirrwark, $6 Nr;
to Unwiring IA 110. •
C runectluns are nuale wilhDetrol t and Chicago both DY
Clereissid sad Sandusky City.
Pontoon who brave fhttabstrah In the Mail Train et
Zu A.M. 00 direct by Mansfield wed eaodussy City to
Detroit. without detention . Pare to Detrcdt $6 00; to Cili
um' 111 00.
• TUB YXPR6dB TRAIN leave. Crsetßoa at 100 P X ;
3111If0eld u 1.40 P.m, and Alliance at 6 r. Y.. and mach,.
Piitrbursh et 11.16 P. &annealing with the Exert.
Train to Philadelphia and Baltimore wid th lures
burgh at 10.10 P . n. Time Dom Cincinnati to Pittabareh
I&'4 tionre—Paregl TO. Prom eintonnati to Philadalikide
or Baltimore 1110 00. - • -
tt AIL TRAlti 'leaves thonnline sr 7.00 a. Y.o dine. at
tonneau with gancesa Train honk Clercland.
d only. Pidtaborgh at If. IL
. %151 , 1 B&1011TON•400011140DATION TRAIN learez
PI trboult at 10 as and LAY T. z. and Nes Brighton
at 7 1.114 me I LN. EsmaraTtalup 1 II 00. Cnartatir
'Wettest rodeo Id Wets
FOAM= • TagiN lest ttabn7gh at 6.70
and actives at 4 LO 7.10
Paeeentress ant eanceted to geom. Tickets at the Com •
p any'a pine, at th* /Waal Street Station, of
.aOBSIC PABICIN. Tkket Ageitt.
4.-The Trains do not ran on ganday.
4.- farther inlortostion 9161 tninht doed of •
JOEIN ILBILLT, Pasmoint Agent
Pittsburgh. Anita. 0, HU. -
jag griggim
Michigan Central Railroad Line:
COMILCUOII witk . LA. CißieigAd and Cincinnati
E. R., Ciestkusd and Eris R. E., Cksetand and
Pittsburgh E .R., and Uk Aigan Central B. H.
J3.BSSENGERB will be ticketed , through
final any paint on LW Michigan to glenelant,
ociniaati. gittabiargh. Philadelphia. and Igalthnoe. and
ft o ...ithee att.. to any peiat on Late
ts east not two Detroit. and Vahan. too
Cleentand. every eenaltig at at cectost.scrtr_tait es...h
itLi . fthilDl l teDll.t With 01 the amigos Trains not.
of eolith; and with the Lake En parlor cud Saginaw
. The Una goats will lenge Clavaland the
lowing °eclat!
Ohio Labaratoll
ro6. rrrly
BIZSEIRKK. event Y. Ka. 00.
—.NresersouT. . .. .
IttiJ eitiesitO. ;lob the.
Dreretable one.. .11m reltAeuger enjoy's rood ni gh el reef
Op n A Brabelase steamboat; and. tatting the care et D«
tenet le the now stng.fiters himself to Obloeho Idled It 'woe
hotin . ride throllin a tleseeott oonntrr• and over the bnt
manned Rellrool'in the Wert. By Aar other rents he
Molt endnre the Whole of night twin[ al.s. the 0 tr.
or the Conn, a the Upper Lokell•
Atie•Pereoron iflehlog to Peetiretorah% or make ern
thole for !Mehl, apply to G. A. PIIIIWH, Meat.
Cleveland. (Detre corner of River sad 11. their etre..te.
Central I.:change.) or to JOUrt A. OAUOIIIIIY.
Agent 0. it P. RR Kortongshela 1100.
•er 404:Trot,
PANY. , -Tho sainossirttew balms. Pittsburgh. 11.1.
aud fislittoors are as follows:
VlrstiNass—Veathrrt. Tursaud Potty. Buffalo, Sear so , ll
Moose Skink Mdso-71 oasts aar 100Ibs.
Nrood .onswn. Claserssed.
Skins. Dried Fruit, Gassman, Catty, Ilwrdwars, Legthsr.
Esse. Wool,oo mots as. 100 Its.
Third Chos—Bottar, Candles. Obsess. Earthen Ward,
Loot Tobsisur-60 cants Dart 10010..
Fourth Claw—Bacon. Pork and Beef salted. Lard •ntl
Lord OIL Whttlfar:Oettow—lLO routs par 100 It.
6027 Proight Assent
Dutch Bulbous Roots, Ike.
SUBSCRIBER received . direct
L froom Mahan hie supply . of organ niusdnahi.
Clowns. rename and other +sr ro felt atel-
Ina and an blmaclng In lots In. yo bl%lo .we .
orase score far lalir t ingtaltol t r o =osi er A4arrx t ,t.
Igt,:21"1:1 OTrtld (:}931% Implennnty, of the aunt 01
° proved construction. at R.. to pticen.frons the Rand
liodlcultnral Warehouse et
"r _
To Lumber Merchants.
A WILL SELL my Lease of four years of
Lumber Yard. and' fee Of "Dwelling Muer. front Ur
l{rani. A VillaVr ' gr,%; P t i hi l iau Vo l t ' Ntte"ll_ to the
Ftt lt
with right of to law water mark; firm rate beech
nor I.AP:in mid drawing lumber. and water deep enough
to Pwd fiat boats at any mason. Store hi ground enough
to pile fromiwo to three milliose of teat of lumber. •T
Derag UMW, large 1 / I n4 corafintablei fine garden of
.p . l i cr e t t Aim b eLizorta. ras4nlegi. aud
Ihr moat deetrable Plug alma the oft/ for LlMP.rro:o
or role of lumber. either for eity um or for =Dying.—
Tole fall will make my twentieth annual trip to New Or.
lease with lumber. 11 1 pelt, 1 will gm, the putehmer
latter of Introduarion tome_ outman* In New Orleauri
eon. of whom 1 have tunniled for Mott... 1 "N
lava found It • very pigment liminess. my only motive
for giving It up to my L adranced age. Pommaion o, rir
imr.ogr,4l.r.ett, of April
In h good . faith. hy . rilli t 4to . pl , 4o
my hoe
ply paniortg b or 141ette at Tt: "P J.ll3.ll 'l .ldOltil&N:
eplOoltf Muth Ward. PltteburalL •
BROOMS -10d dos , in store and for sale b •
elf. — .! J. D. QaI7IIIIILD
ITCU AND ROSIN-800bblA for solo by
ia7o J. B. LEECH. IIoALPIN At 00.
()LL --100 bbls." d'lnd Linneeed Oil fix
by " fieBOI J. B. LEMCIL MIALPIN 00..
NUBS-20dos. Tuba in ,otore and for solo
tr. . 1 , lIK/Sr • _ 'J. J. 800N5...,
%if CT L E - !st?:!;'en;1 . fjo.rsW
RICE -25 tierces for sale by
wi3o J. 8. LIMB: ISIALPII4 • 00.
clit:!SE-525 bozos for sitio; i ll im D
SUGAR--90 Idids prime in store and
N. tor We DT O. macutavaN I Oct.
• •,••oun4not Maim:au of the Spaniel, and let-
Ile Laorthee.PofigOoleell tin Spd& Diettoparies
Ect th• li • Aeuesel , mamas and Beta ushtu the
of atrof If
000 ~.r . . Nd Hatttloritt , t Itm.
,"e r m e th:frismoratier...:Wlltag. t .SE
-.,,,, ~,c ,c i d *eV_ Elpsa.b. Auto° .elas , .r , " — ... , --. 1,41%). °V-wor.tgr...
4 sr jr , feed9l • . asxax U. COLLIN& .
tINIi• M 01118063
0 90 bbl 4 Bt.' Jaime keter House do:
. ZS do 94 Be Mid as do Ace
bbdsr N. Iglitit l -
.94 bone - N Zo. 1
00 bolo o. 1
la) bated Inetlki .1 , 14 dto Dendlese
0 Dna atest Mad
"1 1 10,buddleiehr,
: , booed and ItTedint i l
tEr' l l ( trirXlT i elte 01Z1 9
10 Tiseratme 111 a.
. . 40 bales
WMhb and r t a Zattlehr
100 r
ett x u.antiisive
113 - 61WW8 Phitioorme; ima f igui medium
raujoi mittot sett *HOOT 7.llltatisai
_ , • •
:sehoyllnil Meth erect, oboes Roil Rood, PMlalerphio.
L' NGAOED for many yoars eXcluxivOly
J to the Manufartn.e of 1,000.31011 V Ea have rrser.t
-:7 bum ccrielderably enlarged braddldon• of !area
and numerous natures and tool., iehlob edit enable
Proreleters to tarnish Ith deal:pawn WU de : script:kin
oLxlmotiree, °illiberal credit,
roll) • tucctAßD NORRIS & SON
Fancy Flag, Buffalo Robes ao'
'ME subscriber would respectfully call the
ethotlorl of his country friends and lb• public q:in
erally ro 'Ms eplesdid assutment et LADIES' ANCY
SUMS. eorishrising Mulls. Boss, Vlsterine. Cuffs, fur
Obsess. it. such .1 Stoma 31arths. Etch; Siberian Sq
rel. Sliver Mersin, Mink, Undo= Bry and Itnieian rabls
Chinchillas. Co., with a hill alnortmentst fancy Carriage
a Sleigh Bete., Foot Hods, Se.
N. B —Jost resolved rhoerkr assortment of BUFFA•
1.1.1 1t013511. fr sale by the lisle or singlenobe.
air The - highest price staid for A:doping rum n eddies
constantly on band. 0110.0 E P,MOIfItA.BII.
littuorter and Manufscrarer .
No, 13. North 4th st.„ Phllsdelphia.
No. 21 !loath Third street, PhUadeiphls.
between Market and Chesnut strentsd
111 AVE FOR SALE—Spanish Aides, Dry
1,111 and Gree&Salied; ParnnICIPP; Tanners' OIL; To LI -
Intheia' sus PonisrerooLs, at th. lowest Drier , . and linen
best terms.
All kind. of LEATELISIL in the reveal, WANTED. for
which the highest market prim volt be sir., to tAILL
or taken to exchanio for Uhino.
Leather stored free of charge, and sold ,on commission
C. French dr. Co.'s Philadelphia
fiALOINED and 1:2011) PLASTKR of un
) equalled quality . and etrength flaring immased
our masuleeturing faelltirr;ve offer dealers Plaster that
Metro rival le Quality—Perked in Mime barrel.. le ahiy
ping older. •
Caletried Plated Eztra Laud Plaster:
Casting Pl.ater. Ord. do. • do:
[umbrae' Plaster; Slaughter Hair;
talus fdanufaeVrs Piaster Permian Guano;
Stereotype Plader: 'Phosphate of Lime.
IS.: Alt orders restive p
prompt attantion .
O. t
I of York ave.. Brown and
doerhill strems, Philadelphia
atimactk e 2 l
Wines and Lidnors
500 PIPES, Half Pipes, Quit , ur Caske,
and ILarraLs. Pats, 00Id acid Drown
8 errler. L. P, Madeira, Ituruandy and London Donk
Part Wine, LlSbOrl. L. P. and Cargo Tamen, Swot and
Dry Malaga Minea, Lauxurm, Ar.., of ',Wow brand.
Piaci grandee,' of ammo; hranche Rolland Din. a .
mai. Rum:lrish and Seaton Whiskay,Naw Ent/nod*"
New Oakum Rana. &o. Part of the above are entitled to
For g. l "ln 44 ' to rot; vuroheerre sad on Moral tarrop
1,1 No. 10+. South •Pront Philadol. hio.
Straw Goods—Spring, 18N. iii
rirG.E - subscriber- is now preporecrto \ \
I exhibitto NerchastsanAßlUßst ra..8 . 11. ton*
tomry.stook at 1.11428. ant ' ''
ingriaV of WILMER RAPT
eatent. variety...Lod besui
uolformly ease prileit, wall
tack Lame a‘
ERGFIR Genoral Gemini&
slon lalrrehaits, l'hflotiolpftto. 1.11,nr03 ailvarox.'
mut! on confinflusan4 of Prodinoe brenorslif . . '
WOOJNVAII,D `ft Co:„Wiaca
Onfeni tk
s. fio.rirrnai,taor r ,.ru.a.4.l4.
1 E. VANTMITtiI, Merinfaosure aria
74etrIIPT.ttslit2:24; n igftelk., -" f. D ., :" : 11 :"
nat., \ ,
L\ NEW Y ► IKa \„
„ cI3I
3. .sint dALuirrau s warguStAcron
lI,IOIICTUD/18 .:NID ITOOLIIIIII, DI 111 ill. Pm* or
8N11.3113 AND DENT/A. 'Kyr pirlitil,,,
Elastic Tr es, Bandaies, : .pportars.
MET,ILV BY IfGES 4 , PNV e Ul'l,4Y,
14.1 eh at. offend 4 ilea on rh o 1.11. 4 Wort.
1 ISE Puttok , troot, NI w To k.
IA 81:1=1
A 7 Bliddefi‘ Li
Ma old •auto
)7,0f h)o 010
1 . 3 - .
sac Js `, ciluti4
Panto. •'
An 4
ab av oryDID desunipi
q foind
Sly Goods del.
nua.l Trod(' w
are ollm4ol for sale
best tonag. Orc.
E. EN ~' CH'S HOT _ .
Cor. '. • . tilt st:Aind City Hall •Bqaare.
• • Till artl4. a flat Einnulk. \
, r , :\SZW , TOIII , OIrt •- •- % •,.
Was-bull and oponod by the 'antra-Thor, blayd,t , l . l4;
and refitted ad funalohed smolt 1815 t he Wale t eat
for e Imenletoe. alsosaes. cornfat sod , atr
net na Ontl.arVln trio ororjd. , , It contains more
than y rob hotel on Ws eanthoont. leave ml truly.
all of orn r aro warmed era Is.k Tin 'y are all fitoi qt.
nit, ar le torkwarb armada. nhlerk are supplied ..)th
Croton W ter ttaionah elver plated torte. Thlrle la apt,
on bed In arena :h i lb. , haqsand orator einem_ qn !rear ,
!boor will to} ilt rr, 4 ass durlas , the night. Tat Ilan ,
re conducted on theslitroixam plan of Lode., : • •• '
ard mato aoth.y vastrho ordered In the net:tone Sr..
Vi..dli it.notorY.. \ a i. la lb. 'tau:mast.* Tio.lll 0
11.11.0t511 Ihrlo tuna tho prltdpal Plop of Aran.-
anent. ' It FltnliOlL \
GIITTA PIaRCHA V.. 1211DL& 1111811113311.
1 -'llN.'.
C 0... pul ofN. warring at trholtMale a great r.
INGLAn.mada fromildnicerroderdFidownord
(.tuna/eyots,Of new \ .tilt andlwalltifill doloh. Tnno
Mood are w.ter.proof. fra c. from unDlearant mall. pliable
and •Imain 111 LO Indlaltunter. not ituutsd Witt) tub.
OtatkceeLand WU rnot denompo...ealit tweatnaltinty. They
. as wiry digerintln *nervier hooinny *that anode Ore.
, tape, made o,( Mutts Pomba. either, is this country' or In
' /lama and aniworranted Cu stand all ellatarail,' AMOVM
Lb, 'misty may bn found, coats. Gluts. eat•a.Vonnbc...
reefing }what', • all.. lerialtor. ,nod,wroterr• roam.
camp blaniehy rpo 'toms. above, mate: edrinneo.
brunt --Dumpoa.. b , Denell: and Ini armors. gat toe..
atortonsaa'a.drin It •
U.N. .team tertian. =aim% bon
low,nantaaw niotha..Anno.. with • very •raD and taco-
time lift nrametver, Made novena! to mold the new Diost
team law of Constero. All of a finish and nastily
eutoriar to any ober. tratar-proof Wale now Datora term publln- , Par oda at ;ha \ ?, - v
Warehosu., 130.:Cleditr street, New York,
Dealers In Water-Proofionls w lnvited to Imaxmln•
the, belity'no Theyth4 will Ild theta etoaper atul.ner e.
pe,for Us .althing j . ha • ever Mel hems- ~.
Orders toany extont era:pied at Aunt Dotter, .-
\WILLIAM mimic. Pratt. N.A.G.P.Go.
LB. litupnin. Tung., and doe. aulfhttm
, •
D ESUILT, tnlaxged, and Elogancl3 Fur
MULTAted,poseonst . all thmtoodern leireveateute .nJ
boaverSensee, toe the ecoomenodatiott ot the tisviallog
Publla • ' . \ no.Z.le
I. 3. toODJIM...
1 AMUEL J. ViEf• • RILL & 00.; f/OIM.
60 m136166'664 torrardlniq , Marettint6. Mos.= inv.
•66 66 Carrmerthil street,
t1T.01.118, MO.
ilarPullcular attention pa 1.11,6 the 6660640 t Ramp.
Bulk Moat and Duca.
Refer to Jobnik. Thommoo; 16660611 A ` Betukott; 16 , 6 6,
Itenick a 06.. Bantam • . ,166.7
, AVID 0. , TUTTLE, Attorney at Lemi,
Pamer.zilos,4ll. Louis, M
commuzloselons promptly arunrore4. ottelalt
OLIN U. &WHIN,' Attorney end Coun.
'op sell t Law, sod Oolosafreloner for ths Instep
molly tdo, (lute of littigsoritls.)
Itsferspee•—PitistrumbrHols: 11." Forward, lissartoo A
ArCsodlens Jab¢ Pasts. MAO? A
*swigs, Plc e Clo: • ,
EDT. I. , ' Gin?
COMMUNION 11'1/011MARDIIIO M1U1011.1.11111,
No. 61 Swishing. Plains.
t tRDERB FOR, COFFEE i'ditoE,Ad., and
1 Oomdiskinnts of iiroitorn Pf.luoo. siiPeaftall
84/411 Lateurs. king' ?eniuxdt bo. aza Mow,.
Juno A. Ilaphkon A Oa . jr\keria•
XICOU - TED with dospitah IN ALL IT4
BRANOtiIiB. in. the end At the
J. B. 611101:111, Art Union ButtAlor,.
Cotner /4mA iota Nyootooto atodoottalmatynao.
N. B. t o. ittootion poll to lattot P,stots, INN
Hoods. Mom Wet and Ihnottoos Cum . jrAttf
mirp ,ItlarlONll2lleio.l l lratst
Oostsibillas Ainfswe. await
oo o rle*fox sakd itand!rlph
OULU& I. DIEB-R, 014144.318
I 1 6.71 • ,
Bees!. END OE 111..8 VE_Tt.
pry KEGS, 6. twist TUB 41R1W
kw saps stow swasisb
PAPER HANGINGS,mo. 85 Wood Street, Pittalbazgh.
mka.'63 •
tti . OILTER itn MIAS DI rumen aan AMERMAN
No. St. Markd and, berm, Thud and Youritt t
New ~Snuc ! Hew Mneio!
IT ATY'S CRY, Come buy my Rot ecru.
Ix, OTer 4000 of Mb b•sutiful Poen has been sold In 1
sf.d Dog Trar. rutin;
1 ..Tal /dab O.adrUle. Junior.
Amerkna do do.
!donut Wine Polka. ' do:
Prima Donn. Wallace. ..;
Tbov Plom'e bY Jullbn. have been poriersued with the
In the East.
go,..alost oueevoe at ..I ianserta
Bleat debottimh. B hrown;s C
' I
C, etal. Byorly
Vormt Glade Plka. Dave:balk:
Water krona Co, do;
I.llly Dale:
Wilde, on the Dark Blue f.s, by the nithor at 1.111
Como Take • !fail.... nen Ittitypian hood;
Arnold.= Doh.' for the btsiodme. Deraiddy,s,lased
Rood organ, by T. 11...1311rt.f. Olio. Si.
Til• ablvejoot renimd Dr .dame 4 Co'. Ic7p roe.. f.r ,
..1• of 1.181 JNO. 11. nvmsm, al. Word at.
i , [Poet, Ch.:Mid. aml Unlon..enT.l •
Latest Mask.
.. . .
II ICLEBER has just received:
a a . Souvenir de Paris atio.ttisb.oggiplwedstutdedlea
t •ci to Mr Jo hue Lee, by /I. Mabee, Thie piece is eta.
belliebed w ith an elegautle‘ wit:T4l tUnette of the
City of Paris. showier elm , 2kPa;l.tritkihe Merwritti R. 4
ideate. of the i Plumb Naaperem the ChttaMit of Petro
Dam, eta., being a reliable rod =sect ASP Of the
trench Capital. ae taken by lln Lee, ove• Warhead Visit
there, and la of itealtworth Ws IT tH ''
Muble: - \ \ , % •
Ti , Troubadour Polka, eeni end d ted ~ to
Mina hontelne Lemoyne.. of ingtOn•\ra.' 1
. ~ . ,
Rishe. , ,
Forel Ilearta at Home; beautiful •it R . Bal4 . ae het,
b• Buckley's P4renedelvt . \ ` \ \ .
lluat I Permits Thee'. aerin. set oct with \ lfttatlit \
sett Berman mord.; - .., !,, \ •
Little hem for Little Children-enei - \,, .. ', \
• - lieeviirWeetifire-Dap—neart -- ' \ - . .
Thinkirigsof lbee—oaw . hallsot
Whit abaft' tall Theee-ueatihtett,
.. I \ \
Policia -Zig•sas, City of. Glasgow, Lo , ZiehMeon:
Hattie. Children's Delight, Cup • • ming, ett!a eta., and
a general, amietokon p . f the tnosafen - tenable =Ala of the
day, Na:,101,41 atreet. . . V. .
lic`F.W . BOOKS ea DV .t.s Booz.ii4 °Rs,
)..I...ter. Eft\ w:
' TV, Out end talt.; \ ' \ \
lag of Inetterectlon of Chtn s'.
\ h i Y
ona4of the Neer World, P. 13\e art
\ Homie,rei Nailhbari. raw od , de ..,
Wad hr, the..6lolttaryl ~
m e . Mper:la the clooda,or Coren4tt • o the r?
' Ma i nalsalooarl: m ' \'‘
The bettor 800 . her \ ' , a 11 .; \ ,:. • ‘,.
Mem Iten'ollieontaions otrPhll and ad a UT.:
\ Men Thoughts tor Trung.Men: , \ \ ' •
\ story Mt. Woo, Brater,\ .. s '
Lilo o ntehwebster: \s , , \ \\ \
Atrru',l.lgttalial.kadr.iggren: \
~ \ \
40....,,the Pbll.ll . 7,D.T.Tit , , \
. ,
tiFilit:rlsilllrlntedUi"dU\;s•M ,',\ \ •,
No from idforld. Taylo: \ ~. V \,, \ \
P . y'e Pt efott uld Cbrlettrate, 1ti,50,... E.1,111: 1 , t‘
\ "I tiArt i c s ePVa 4 eA d y ligr=eliicom,li'to r
\ellow'', wor r kr,other L elentler Presentation 800... . \
~ Mele.' Nun, new ltdrs.Btoerr: \ \\
\, ,i k • \
lolloaoca,br ea or or Trap to Oatoh, , nebula;
Tittle briimor; '
\, Tr i fir i b i od h Tit susuri,...dtb;
‘ 6 ,..13
' T . 61.1 inf the, lbl.,Werk
t \ 5 „ . ...,, -- p ip
c 2, br " \ r--,r Nos, ' I. a treviptss_
, 1?5, , , •,,, ~ \ late Davi** 5,,,..u••
b. the
M\ R\A itlltetlero",,wti°44
utt,Thtt Itl\rriveri. a" \
Decd tekpf Wk.
k. tit
emitb:' \\,
\ L W° , "t
..b/Nutrink.; "`'
s 3.
Van'tegu"l"677ol,Bb3. . l u n g 116 1?.!';
ritOspoirt* . ,ON‘l,
' ;' , {0N111114, lAN
TIRE entirely,`aew and motile l'Ai ,per'iii L p
. • ooraw, front, hof tatia Plaaa.
kl ; Meer for‘4•011:p \ PUILLIP.L.ADIT/411tra.. on lb..
1 - e: S ,°T r IINELMANZ 4 Ira: ot thirtit reireelPol4%fil
;ow. the by norrirranitat acounarklittlina tok it nn _
eeer.bel elaea pam.lerttha w ar=r w ar patry , onitln "ad \
1 ' ttir l igal°4 mrs t l'ArTg fa. amajaila ify. •n . _
" * ei rega b t l e P r :fi 4E7 on ' or 5.00...) r l a
ter the
oe as th e greL s tlke only regularly , -
The anAgnalled threreeir.whith has &leap inttenAed.l.
.ele • Ararantre to neathaere that mutt thiolln •rz
nee ~ft alarm PO. freliber w i: P4 MVAI Y . 1. n
- . \ ,''', . I ' l9 Wan at . New ark. '...
f .-- ;iit il tern tr. Ott;fllgail Route.
„,..,, Trmiw . , --,.• ,
ci:o, §0 s,, MOILS
\ • . ' :7/ 1 1 4 0 \ ..
- \IN COStMUZION arLTta 14E.' _ _ _
mo\ , . LID T 04,104.. 1 . 1 0 A 1 . 3 • .
tkoor. ftif o d tof iz tto d o c' oo n itim i VlA c ■ al
° ""f l v3 l Vl L V lu tolforlio.b3 • :mil= .itt ,
u a
g."‘"tilhol of fi L .4.. •
We /Mtn n . .
" ....a I'llagg DAILY P SENGEN T IhPI . _ .
I LIII HEX %II NX.PFLUSC,Intavea 0 land ft . 11
A. id .. Monroevi ll e at 9AL OK& at 10 20. la k tli Twang at
1 P. M.. cretins at Manage 49,9 00 thumb ere:Wl....
\ 1 MAIL Ng.PllsBl., at 10 ., A. al . .
klnurcerthAarf i : P,..9l,thrAfr e tt_Ll ..A.4 4. jt L ; . 11 .31 1 ;
B. train on% thigaua r V„..V.....l7 '''' '
*4l the Night .....'-'•°` trVgoral,°. 0;
kv a l i ng 4 pL i t ftmenalaiLl . i
f, LaLk
• . ll ialriii.voce. , 5-•l:iti.acuArla.d. r g i r 1ik_..) , _ 1 4
'Tol (kat IK. 11:,. tb Morni.g 1tz5e.r. 1 6 th. ...S.MAZ
"" V:n 4 .\ M..
::r far tlYwit gall=tor ,
4' , , deli T.l.t.‘ nUm Illinois kilo, \ ,
\ Jigr EittuUollllollpird, by ttus &Mt.. 70 . .11, L i
0 6". m 4 lir ti lll i r a ' Tirjt raViiie 0 4, , ,
tira t h, at, l . itia Sda ot timillhio it rinanirilgiinia Rail /loan: ,
in 'Mast 4WD!. at.tka
tta14:411M611411.14: of
)p.. 0 .1u.. x a \
IV Wiw i = ff) : Viavir.itirv.!r i e t, i
T. m ,a. a 0. fr.l.. athr, ~ k g f r. , Musk
Ul FasiTiat ' 1;x taking thtilkitite tcl,liileago di' ananteX,
tbeinaalwr molt conifint eitiii star illaraZAist by
asy l etlVit4 . , .1 41 .6 tge
. 421 A
I. 2Wailbleh el: k a . ; .
ril l ailn unit . / ,ur roitk via B.
We, 4110 s. • B .g 1 .
,I. L,K ft , -. ‘ ~,
Adri.n:lSPL . • .. 23 ' ' \ "--
a %
• lc Oa
k Ir.
iiiiirsik 1.:52 k . -...—--".-
• L-4111
A 4. WU It it Y
. . \
i •,-. , .
Forest and ColamisldoikT . ( t,
',u m . Ilkrolottiqoiret lef A ' • • -
ordiarltXt: . ll:l...,
Ar . t . r a t=t eht r t. ItansodUr e mo d
... ,
!&10111430 BO Ulm. 3041.1,6,AD. :\
ivicompsur ex the e of WIWI.. *Al*
on MIA cont.'. o hest stapihrs, one if them
grill kannly dock evert welulsis? lhosdatheleeptedaet
Monroe, toueldoS ittlhoetolPtY olta,T.l.dth 0 14 W 14 ' 4 4
at Ideskro• lo tuna fot th• to n of oars fortlldeati
go, there connect!nit with the • and dt k Loalg\llat
of canal anil steamboalok.. P ttgerf,bir thls Una Doff,*
le Chief.. the folleettg oop ItrAor I."
eldt r t."! "" F=L'el pplY ' 741
. 485%
L.. Minn I ram
girreappiti TUB 'BAST
CV 'Opening. of die eanCr \t i
Ijr dr to make s0:1 faroraal men Nil
pa in
kbachandlso, wad and lima. •
Freights &Waal at lowart tstai b nagatallg•
4*40000/11 i iit
Iz i tc frw m
.0 4 1 1 z grt.t it TfOtrird l / 4 =.1
U+ f4adta t oll,lool oo ra of l oo4l Ali ditt". l l, l , th hd lr
° 7 4 lllll la alat ir trbak t ril, '
betw arts An 4 c E., Pltll24.l,ai s
• • ' , JAMB WILEION.Atatt. \,
Na. IW4 Nft th , Howse. stmatt,llolUmws
JA NS BINOHANI. N 0: 10 Wart rt.
R E L EA N C E. N E.\
v tract tite atid molar tairbt.oo be o:awsr Irra *llh
promptram mat, tan. spd at
M airttlatatt -
\Canal . it A arhinat a strt i g
tiatatec h.
• ATllll,4t
\ t4,ol l 4 ) rtat no
Hamad rt..„Thirtaters. .
111.11 Amok stnot N. V. •
- Chandeliers \ aud Gas 'Matures.
2111 E subscribers are uouropeuink ut their
nes Wesercoos,Nol 71 r etinotera,..l v ,g
e . ttit4 00 .
'bleated wall Oaa YttUnit, fon4a:al in tabs roar et.—
ILevinirartangenienta mad* b widen thee bib
oft mtioe. r W. qa determined to lin as tow as SOT Douro'
to ttar d t. nun belniiarne ale Z i r=A t t,t
Wbeinn v it=rreteiben to At bnildinen Of airet7
description tbr
I !ate tnittingi of*l i=n o m r p r 0.L. , : a
waw 14)
ric. lOD Plint‘ et twit
\-• •BamovaL
Ivrwaris co.;, Bank... anii Ex
anwesu re tt nra acce
Ho. strimit. LOVALleir ma4
13.1 r • , Lbw 'hood 't• w th ot
th•te • 00 yeaata was•rallr ,
I[lAOO2l--00,000 1)8 Bacon / 1 41° 4
4 400Glb. doZh d usug.
. , 6 3 l i r e 'EV = • d Hass,
AV dor. largo itOwdr,' Opos Brs t ro4
\ 4 do • •
in *re and 14 . 1.8100.b1' \ Pt. RORIBOaI .90.4
.onn LBS. SUBORN YELLOW in iitTri,
01-rUP POI 'pima 11110THIPIN.
INS CENT Stralilkla.r,m4o eit Mortiii &
, ; -
it)PPIAR LlO.Talffle-60.d05. in skis sad
4se vs , “, 41E4 • too ese *Ana
i \
I \
- \
irarll• ie . :it diao l'i" ei b' el t tlin ' ilz , .. ~ i -- - .... ... ..` .s \
areas allies oz4Zuropa,:r
_tht\tulit bp . _ O, ..ail l t 1 \
for the
_ \ \
e a or brAttroqr rar.rasi. \ 4. : \
hp manage eat eotive%l Ige‘ of th• iggil tato and 1
Sham tairtailant change obi. ti,A ootworo ,thoibl• 4 1
thorn debalta o tr . ll , ad snot ratter.
i lysteg s ,s h. sohe ,„ .: ~ ,
the brat
el br sioltor; 11 C it. 4.71 = .1 . i . 7 .1 " 1 I. .1 / 4 1' .
•t ors ratirstag. re-violate., Bpd . t Stu cal s,
rite P e l gittit I s rltultee! ' 'Ple=l. am , l'cr. ts :1 \
... et depramion tialllitr Womb* not mut lie , 4 i
Maude erect. he m We with a
W 2 ./ //SW Wir,..thle./t , . \
` T it pwiTiut.4 /aw IA gi.WwW. ti \ ww .5. , ..., , / , M, \ \ I
thy, armee lonstele kao ant, so lee,
f e r gl ' Mi r = Wet `rpfircf;ratli\tegeteo bd.. \. \ I
the, etonWary. the reliefrnent.thr k. D.- . t,
orate n 1 the scuidloine h the conottta Wes . and t, 4 ,
restore It to It. normal Itiett WC. maPA• P ere .3, • ,
lion becalm' the 4 , \ \ - 1,‘ ,70.,
r i \ 0
. XIDICUS WtOIXXX 1 \ ', , \ '3 .,
of th• rilneteenth Cantertiu, as the -fittt t ,
Mat S. \ Me old wink/ base a Med. tto,t, miraebr of , \ \
Pine tteittpOwil •oPirbssd to " r I .A 1, ' ',
, a ISTllfillisp7 THAI . I...t ‘ ttrl X ,skii-.440X.. \ . 4. 1
wie \
oistlrwre=one4r "V:ll'orb4elfifaulia,. )1.7,11, ~,,
theist to brief. 'rid it may welt ,t obi e amt who /qt. ‘, I t ,
t.tiototht , NA eta* or tbat man
the Prete;
1 1 , 1. tin Mists hi ask waillerant42/101/.AL rgaw r i r \IN ,
k,resh , In tt.operetion. gape uwa aptly ti ...
Inc.' agog the porn, thetijmiuk=thetirproof ozazi,rl7.. i,,,..
\ 11% Po ' c ' tiondrlisit dr:4n. intne4forhatinse% int; 1 1, ..,.
dVa ll aiolt.. " "s d b lsesou vr ''' itrtrkto .r atlrett i g \ \ I 'L. 1 '
i t \ srtne pr s craie rri fa
hystale. na a. t
onstail \
re'j&isl..7,nitlit*j, 6, t IT le h ttnt IgA t ttirel I T; ' = 1 \
hen Itle. If there IC.* totoloo too. oOub an 1,
wittiwsb‘l'oe'brikutellittef,nlivaTelly yet dison:r for n
lough tan andToinl:2taustr, It is the steatA why.
h is . tit ,_eo , l4 , rel po ,,.. , , bldbel ,t fo d usu b., LlllA to r, tura . 1
‘ll.:''''Wftdiatatiarin.atlti,.•ry liniar=i4ll2l.l l
tn:e s . w ro awistoulablba, obrAl a llenwt of +and
it ono otoo4mo d.07.1.101.Z.A=.= I/7 to s ,
= h i for t =„l or itforaseit pi memary, ulifu l at
i ldheeet. h el . :eghti=dir l l i t i k l l d h, y = ta g a Za t t
\ 11 radon. hia7a s iw'titrd/T..}AW; t it P ,
_../r/_.! 6/111
. t:_w, ,
rtoreAhe spieltilslstru . S .... . .t fr 7lr . swi rl '''l‘
hi t a •
xis of those obehave du? ltb n 0c4 .1., n it . us ~,
ehtattanWit WW ,l•Q a an Z t o r Z4 P aicuV l iwtrtit hiAto ire \
tkerseno. of paw wan
twauired. by too um of • ootooor tp. 0? vkotzotivotor. ‘
e t liLrlaslg i e
e tu ,,,, fgu o t d ,S , t u ilt i IP,Zre„ . mar ' , ll to a
ler, Inn =WIT aist +et iota td, Os thisetais. , A
thin n
lalos—Rmit_i_r A tl eftel th fratt 110 - 1. 1 2 X 4 \!\
owl* gas ds i - t h i ;:e t rrtTt * f tak felne..-51441;rt 4: \
ft. 0f1f...m., idaW
mem, tft".osl:tr. isktillsisholp pli. .44
eons Amnesia. beets and , I Xlabil. of WOK'S.= t ."
slights. rotation a desire the! eadderue. sums , N.!,
rod: tbentountah' la Pot °stag mast: a tk_te . I?. ~, •
\ 1
mom eaptinotut a train of leuttil or_ - Ta t ‘ ~..
arch as aleunerser. coastiPuron. 6'O. t r . 7l 0,
vacate, beelines', and torpor saes' IT Istld Mb.
' famed longue. a..
\ tits oirrort szrttrattori V.
If throe who bele wed tLts indent ICs "1 had 1. . \
your Cordial Mthly woken a t but Inks o res into . \ ,
,t i Toro l A i dle oi:ogorlitioc s i t : tio z rki • \ . \
trpeio ' f d irefAVA b l u b Sc, b _ille 4 an d b ad
pus& = r9 ao:al \ \
.1 your Corillsl.l bad to Pith whatever fl u ,bfiates
me; but it tuu—l We
l drown of Its not ttlit \
sputa 1,, am satisa4 the half down roc II Drill , 1 ,1 I\ •
C6 rpri ' s; .1 belt conflated wveral aletitittilshed ' 1
.. sz .\
pbotelans, Wane mad.; could not let ennal-ientters ...
satiga tan War and OWL but I found no PIPS ....
l o wA ht ssi wets or your %Tina. I Malt lay it ectlittilly \ \
Anther /sit; •'I no ` amend at the elf t us
Oredialted. Why did I nob rs.ra It . Wnt 1 wo ol s
have sated m• pun, *tattoo. beside years of penlal \ , 1,
and bodily.. NW/raise. \ \ ~, \
i „, XattiLlXD V11,1 13 1 0,11 s - - +. ‘, • \ \' • \
r ahem Coansions of Wahl= from whatever Pulse \ ''
•', \
11 end thilt COMO. after they use a PAU* or twoaA
°""b n tr e""* .t. rreArat. °"h it ITnutrat . "4 ". \ \ \
.... . notel". as the maladies rellowed hy the 0:011.1 Gra
a pd . uliEhtg i s z L e n. tler %tau .t of cortillattasl \ ~_
r! ' sitlt :f themor condom , teatitnear. to obey 1%1l b* 1 4
ga t Tr , r, : a . :grg r az trovw , 1t i,... el ~ \
nesolon. virtues. In ell directione w ic
~t f.P 4 n n fott rt e io ald not bilti. 1,
4 1 1' 54:g0 t ttii: f or
Ill f
' d 'ntgije e ' rrl t r
I S A li ar
'"-°. 1
cow wt. Thousands Myosins inenturre lova
hystuang It,
ca not to, Cute butane* ri It el , 1 ,
filth ti
b . • 'cautions 'or Tax rallA ..,,
. , Boston Journal. ,
A Satteels .111teudy.—Dr. liforstes lny*aratttO L 1 4, \ .
W . I tilt; 2 ea
t a
.1 t . =1; go ri h n l i s n e m i ore!: Wen .:
t 11 1 2 k 1 T.
' 'li t!. ',
tinanished Outlaw= se ths beet ready everdligt
for the needy cure el diseasenef Cul 50u1714, 4
UK. wham tram 'a row habitat youth. dies, .
dent ore often rapid - in their prOgrett. w g s :
artialtuthwa. soon adlolts tie sitgagirlinto afa pros \ • 1
Pollan or constimPtiOnt maws 1.1••4 11 T .47
. 71041 : jhs.
si swi t st e me more tragerent than Um oommunity Ire,
any Xis efoind proluatty• of the mat feerful to
\ ii, gimes inviaoratha Cordial will at ouns nowt them
bompleints. and We t We/a d/Ma ihw /taiga.(Lys
wort Itialstut \ \
\Fe advise the young end inccmaiderata, Oho are Pew
bled with these eementaint.. so destroolle. to ths Witd ea \ '
wall se bodr.detrerino all wro t•of toturehappthele,
to " 7 D . W " "T s Fe l.rgdWL W. "" b "A \ \
vitulea to a 1.17 of Its Peal melts,* thepereoes ,
,ir ow iim.intSad6ll,lllbO. ill 11103102111•2101. Of the
s hhst is h i nv. - pus that gowns mates aortal and phys• \
101 l Neon won exudate% on the pule of a hopeless
ellornity. and who were Dodd teemed by s thruly,olle of, \
Do s Xonues ColdiaL (Bes edvertisemultd , \
\ \ SIM latoicAL rouraw,r,
\ tuselesot In a rbutlehnitueds that ho bon aarthentioated '
onto their sasultion bee, ny other Pleiarlitita dolt thw '
„4, 0 0,=nt... It he. MAILT aatut d desperate
radical ...Mailer yeditotte !XI bees show '
ra. lad their condition pronounced Moho, 67 mad/.
practitioners of tdab profeseiorul character.
• VD". "' la b b . " lb ..b " ' b. " th is D." 1111 bs. \
!IL:Atol l :Ms rlgtagratiolutat and
W I WWw the ug ow L" 1 \
inereasta dentand. and that without a one. wreath& , \
moot. reit 'far I have awn a ales of Imbue., '
which had 4 ell trestmeat for over five yailli. both
ion this olemand pupa-sa d in ,,.. Ph= .i rpereon a Ph _
e .:;41 w d stsir a . ZW, V' t igers? rat I ._
dit ,.. 31,,,. 5.. ti. A. 1.1. ,,, 5, ki. ' IL
ovi alba Virtuoso' your IstelaurallitaMrs i t„.. "2 l=
awe la give it. I Imo, bad It in ay wa-oie silo
~.; nts the laat i tzr ntontr et ter mot gift tt ins.
WO ill bis* \
4 s t s
• Wwfrl A W titas to ,la seolloinalThZt and yr ,
sob" 11,.. at 'l , Sou ssil it• /12 cases of
.. \ . •
domes the Ofiest of =We . ar Istinamtlate As
nattaailijonth. tot the exotesto Inelahrunie ef • ea. ,
cow sie•ng Lateral physisal prsecralien lijeta '
Canto "ow., temp t s semiotic 121..4r lb/ Roil.
net. dbr ikateraostiety, ha s 1 son son A w ith i ts \
, effects, town= with ootigdenai ream= .It to the \
petw i tgelNthe l pro=l , 7 o % a valualtt• alt for
1 b b JINNI trreeloP‘slciable inedledue •
\ rosilyn. 11.\X. A„: f10y.9„ r , . bsßyutg
by 11,1101111111,t:P s eatd lot vale biol/ 68
is, ll,rl,:fieneral Atm ..M.llreadosy tiev York .
to wham all order( roust be downed. . '
Wet'' Air•Otaalfaittablilfgh..-0.0,.. U. Ks or , ,
an a owl/ street. aM-Vbretitalley asi,,a, 4 • '0 0 ,„ •. \
owner o : .. 14 entirthetteete. \
WS It s P CUP hi ty roneenuit.d., to Sint bottles.
uritu Cm blown the elan. , itt. , \
i k tul r l j t_to .L. qa, t o r at t e if for Re, SSW • de,4o \
- r i el.' ta 1 11 Sf t ieV i:
tli .
. wlthothrosiol , V
i•eocirsT.ll... No. .
--It --- IV ; 1 = i ' llU7Rin I/Or It. ‘ ',
toilet boa without r Tbay \ goat to laaicra Ow \
Dr. 1.., who tame of to oar olalmaawilaPlalah aaatln.- \
oUrlo of era.* BIM rullorallthal *mat
ohm had d 0... rat oowl,DOo noralog .pwar t recrfa Dbo,
child was oh= up. A s . l=l. walll,..llOarlDarw_wrold Ea,
no rich la Pawn" sell-masutar ,
than bad loV i rot maw. :Mar Mot to Ur 'tort sot V
\ moors& . ,Utor alhalnlstarl t sr Orrt bottle, Oa. \ '
oaritos to the ofiatad dlrlatlows. obtSd passkra row
worms. Mr, Mao Ezra In about _ , or boll e .
.pan n berm.= boo Ord and A 3 0~111011.4•1141 %
ha Jr attar ccaumiceg hatnorlaut.lwol was cow ..
g o a l,
rratrrwi tokfrath. . .
gyp V - Orlarlal!Daalhs7 . \ ,
and .4t - •hoi...t.i,Agibi \ • -, \\
• . - ‘ B - I.: IFAHBUrt)OII,4 01)..-Pittcbdreb:,
I4OTHER EIi'PENC*-4r9m,* iiiii: , ' \ 1
k ,. ~,,,,o , ,„„„ .„ 1 . Lt...., . ~.5.4 it,iat ph iir mia m 0 e ~\
;au\ iur . lb Heft:l. ' . turd Wn
t t.
4 k fw' mn otelit: jft a t ?t • lgg i :i . gilt ' In prim. \ \
= . ,...un.0.b.....u....4 clears Ms •
In of alb=
des. ilttobet wood.' see., ulttmste ~,,,
\ \ I
w bbe L \ ie. ee reenentie the reTlt of malty wAlllnia.• ,
yew • • etiopbusels. Melo+ beer theretlll[W .....
.d t• reyetetton felelFtehllehed se the Den
=•• the topsuot .It to be itiDellhaf.S. sill /,'
bit the ogrilart tat, to ho to of lb.
at eobtr badblainrThats - • t Illrataseir 116
gr., by ,'' . ' Lb ViLaki, * 111
. .. 1 A • . . ' "".
iliWka ~.q.
\ l i l a i :/31;112r... 'l,ll‘ 1.
1 1.sitite
004Llt Z
mms.r ii: T
.m.r. Y .:4,1,./ FIET ..
tu 11 ,73 1
ta...t.„46sizia X ii. - Ir.,
T by • , 3 1 0 Ctli eth. 11.1r/ . .
Itol• e •,, man well lillg fiectrab4 kr
Newt If. A. lisseetoek—Geot
. 0 iehe r • e ittri
ITS Ibsen. • 'thaw a 24417.Z . 1 1 ,M=_\
t r a l i 6 . I s bo s tcht, wirgil vEß. 7 11.
. 111.L : 4 1:7011 ;0 bum - ~
, mama 1 14 -epateiat;,:. n.lcie. rube \
Dili eon 4•, mu er - 4 eb m , c o, yi , y en ., ,
Fly sad 'lb beme w lft,b , iby eteztl , thtrlT hot or T. '•
mill Dodd 00 - ewe tiro .boU_1.1!:(a, eblht box \ '
n= ticiuld4r44l ist r atittt a nbe ir tb. 37 "
ehlid bl v , gl.; • As p roa u UATlgatioporurl iljej - o,,fei ti -
trl.7 o, :ft.ei: . lt. W.
Prenred *a .014 b • --- : Si t. • .-,,---- 1 .
etmes. .1
••Lie: e n mr. b reart e etx: . t r ll.4thers. al
th m i1.V.72i1. 1 " rez—n* - ,,, ..- 4 , _ •
°floats. and IgtionOlthish 4 .14411.3.0wer ettp kill
r tootklatk—
raw. i