.HOME MATTERS'. 00IIIT UWL Dremture • ooume.—.Judge Williams on thi Leech& Bons vs..W. DelL Action on prom •istory not. for $3OO. Defendant claimed that the consideration for the had faUed in part. Knox appeared for plaintiffs and Watson for de. !andante. The jury found a verdict fur plaintiff for $66,80. A: B ; Norris and others vs. Ear. J. Knox and others.: Ejectment for, property on Coal 001 . worth about one hundred thousand dollars.— Elhaler k' Hmbstantter for plaintiffs; Loomis Hepburn for defendants. Plaintiffs elsim as hal:eat (swot Samuel belts hoover; showed title in him, and proved that they were the heirs of the said Kunnei. Defendants claim SS devisees of Jacob Belts• hoover, dammed, and show eevend judgments and emotion against Samuel Beltihoover, and Sheriff's sale, • April 19, 1819, and deed to - Jsoob Beltstmover for the Mod to disputa for $3OOO. Plaintiff then attempted to show that Jacob Beltshoover had purchased and agreed to hold the land in trust for Samuel, and, to prove.thie, called a pest many of the old °Miens of that , past of the county to prove the deolaretion of Jacob at the time of the purchase Among oth• ere that he had about the time of the sate_gone to some of Bamuere creditors and requested them not to bid upon the property, but to perthit him to purchase for theastnetit of .Samuel and his family. Jacob agreeing to pay the Maims and af. ; t 3 ” . . nimbi:Ming himself the property to be held for the benefit of BinraeL, • . -. Defendants denied that there ever was, is point of fact, any such agreement to hold In most, and contended es a , matter of law that also had there been such agreement, defendant , • having been In 'actual adverse uninterrupted pox-_ 118761.011 for more than 21 years, the plantiffs claim is barred by the statue of limitation, that • the alleged trust being, if it existed• at all, parol and Beast, would not as in the came of a . direct trust, take "tbe ease" out of the statute. Comm or QUA/ISE& Basuon—Before the Hon. Judge McOlum, , Pree'nt; and Associates Adams, aid Bogy. William McAdams plead guilty, ind'wes lined $2O, for keeping • tippling house. Ia default of ball he wee committed. . Frederick ilia was found not guilty Of keeping s tippling house, the prosecutor not ap pealing. Louisa Gran Was arranged for larceny, but no person appearieg to prosecute the case, she was found not guilty and discharged. We omitted to mention in our Saturday's re tort, that George Spine *as sued *lOO and nets, for 'lnsult sad battery. The Court has nearly concluded the trial list for this term and will most probably adjourn during the week. Conxox Coonom, Anzneterime—The follow ing Walnut; *wan transacted by the Common Octane% Allegtiony,.st ini late session: The Committee on Water were authorised to contract for the building of fifteen new fire plugs. Hr. Craig, Chairman, presented a report from the Committee on Streets, whioh wee reed, ao *opted, and the following resolutions were 'dept. ed: Rotokad, That the City Regulator be anthori. zed to report a plan at the next meeting of Coon hilt, for the opening of Stephens' alley, in the Pint Ward.. Concurred in by 8. C. Resolved, That the Committee on Streets be authorised to contract for the building of a via. dent overly-cook street as soon as praotioable. .Noweenenrred In by 8. C It WU resolved that the Committee on Engines be itntruoted to take charge of the externem ap paratus. • Mr. Stockton offered the following resolution,; whioh was adopted,: but non-concurred In by 8. C. - - 11.114Ntd, That the Committee on Gas be and they are hereby instmoted to have gas introdu ced into the Town Henn previous ito the next meeting of Councils. . : ' -. • . Mr. Stockton presented the tenoning remain. don which was 'adopted, and concurred In by 8. C. Raeleal, — That the Committee on Gas be ani `are hereby inetrnoted to report why It is that there Is no lamp poets pat up In 'the' tower part of the First Ward, and that part of the city light ed with gas. c . Tay Canon Hoosa.—This beautlfal building Is at length nearly complited. On the let of Daoember Cot Anderson will take possession of the portion of the building deidgced for the Poet Ogee. widok embraoee the rooms from the cen tre of the building. on Smithfield street, along the whole front on Plfth street • The remainder of the building will be omit ' plated on the let of January. The whole task imoild have been finished ere this, had the De. vestment at Washington signified their approval of the heating apparatus, a plan of which was submitted for Inspection. The building has been Gonstreoted so se to be heated by, steam pipes, or by A furnace to the cellar. Flues have also -been constructed, so-that stoves can be put up in every room, provided the Department disap ilro,4ll' the !mace plan. The low water has - also been a great cause of detentiolf,"as the stone for the building bad to be conveyed to the city by the elver._ -Cu is now being introduced Into the building, and a handsome fag atone pavement Is also be ing Intd:''•The doors of the fret and ;mooed eta-- N.,...nries are of dressed stone; the third etory•is of a 'sculls , kind of cement. The cost of the whole 'building is 366,000• Twa Linn Cam ease of the Common wealth, re. /antes P. Barr, editor and proprietor ' , of the Stealing Chronicle, indicted for an alleged • libel upon Police officer Justice, wee called up far trial yesterday, but owing to the absence of the ammo& fe defends, Mr. Stokes, the trisi vas postponed until Thursday morning. aIUILZOID Ts.avna —4211 r. thouund three hun dred and forty persons passed over the Ohio & Poussylvapla Itailr.oad during the first ISTO days of the present month. . Tax New Idrraczter Cmonon, LIDIIIII House or Ramos —Mr. J. W. Kw, the architect of these balldbip, Informs ns that the neir Metho dist Church now being erected on Penn street, mill be roofed in shoat three weeks, the timber for the roof being already raised. The edifies mill, however, not be completed before the mid dle of nest slimmer. The sides of the main window will be decora ted by basis of Jour and Cruises Wiener, u aorbles, from models by a gentleman named Mergatiroth. - The but buildlnp of the Hones of Refer, (aimed two miles from the ally on the Ohio riv orjars ander roof, and the main bending hi now being roofed. It Is opened the whole belldbe mill be under corer by tie drat of December. ',They will be ready for occupancy early next fell: • • N . ViST/2.11 PI6II2XTUST.—The new Board of laspgatam of the Western Pealtentlary, org , sed en Sittnrday, 6,7 the election of Wilson Mo. ..Candless ail President; J. E. Moorhead, Treasm. ran and David Campbell, Boaster,. The eleo • Boa for officers of the Institution takes place on rhtelat ofJassetaryinext. tiMr.Mste Pain Basnar.—John 0. Berry - veer serrated and lined 04 Ind outs by Mayor Saddle,. yesterday, for selling trait on Sunday, in violation of the Sabbath law. V 101.131110 a CITY:A3YDILLIIOI —Bennett of dm EL Clair hotel, end cblaoksmith named br aes, Ptah street wet* fined the usual amount resterdey by Msyor Riddle, for losirlog vehicles llts the street, infiont of their estabilehments-. are broke out in the dwellin:. Edward Matas,, Pennsylvania g avenue, house .13111 . . ca sh L igtay morning, about el; o'clock, which re sulted is mach InJury to , the building and fang. lure. The family having been 'bent for some time, Mr. Dithridge built on a ere, to hat the Ione; on . Baur:lay night, expeetation of their sad. it le supposed that a five coal fell from the gat* andcaused the ere We did not WILLS Iliad& the Rai insured or not. Simi* •' &eW etOrte l tr...-rYe d te a ay A e .itnder °app teellieg liqaor on Boaday, by Alderson ,He Imps &tavern ton the eclat of Water had • . J. 11 W. Warn •uairyrrls u Clerk of tit Matta! Stat.' Diatrlot Court yootarday. .11woes Bprorm Bonsars, Etq , was wirers in yeeterdsy, moording to the law, by Prothonotary Campbell, to hall faithfully the atteohed to the office of District Attar. Eng, the retiring officer, in few nest remarks, returned his thanks to the c o a t ', and the member, of ' the Bar, for the insulfestad by them to him during his tins 0 f: 0 6,,..444 by, which ids labors were materi .elly Judge McClurg reePoeded , testifying to the *May, honest lateeitY , and faithful u notion 10 of M r With Mr. Roberts till bad keen sovalicted for many pew, mad he nengratalated the members of the Bar upon ha,. tog so prompt sad energetio'aireaLtieman to one. cod Mr, Flsnigid Mr, Roberta rill (Amanitas the satire dulls, of hie die* at the December term. News mi /tritons —By order of the Court, De jurymen summoned to serve In the Criminal (Merl from the third lionday Of this month, men wed that their services rill not be re. 'gaited thle.tum of Coart. . Nit itUSONT Pcoirroos.—Owlog to thegrest amtintif balms. tesassotal at the depot 'on _ =As woof, ilw(ltootpat* Ulm boot oittopili, 3 boil/ es dildosal Ostrom. ~.:~.~ BmAntsarow(tratWton ow mew Err —A:man 'named Da/11111 WHIMS, of New Castle, vbsited this eity several days ego; and Galled ow Dr. %Dere to hare • piece of peroseeion Gap re. moved, which nod passed into his eye, 'while gunning, during through the craft of the eye, and lodging In the anterior ehamber. An kale was made by the Doctor, through which in struments were protruded, and the obstacle re moved-The patient was immediately relieved of the meet intense pain, under which he had suffered etnee the occident TIM SABBATH ASSOCIATION.-A meeting of this amoolation will be held this evenfog, at the mural hour, in the lecture room of the First Presbyterian church, on Sixth street. 'The pub- Ile are respectfally invited to attend. Qatran STATE/ D1117.1110T Colll.7.—Thelied States District Court will meet next Monday for the transaction of the regular Dulness. Enotigh oases hate been already enterl. to oceopy the attention of the Court for hree weeke, whtolt will make its eesalon rather ager than it generally L. ATTEXPI AT BURGILLIT.—On Sudsy morning, about two o'clock, two men tried to effect an en trance Into the etore of Morris At Patton, Federal street, Allegheny. The efforts aroused a young man who wee sleeping in the store, who gave the alarm. The thieves immediately fled, leaving behind them a chisel. Mons Coax. Boar CURL—Alderman Steele yesterday imposed a fine of $lOO and costs upon James O'Neil for keeping • five coal boats abreast abovo the looks in violation of the law. Michael Keho vru Hued $l6O and aorta, for a similar violation of the law, He however had viz baste anchored. Judgment for defendant was given by the Al derman in the suit against Crawford Gibson. BY 1 ELE.GRAPH FROM ORLIFORRU New Onaute, Nor..—. The Daniel Webster reached the city during the night. The Wes of flour at San Francisco daring the fortnight, were 11,000 bbis. Selig* and Haz• ails brands are: quoted at slB®sl6; salsa. nem pork at $26, and clear at $2B Ham 160 Lord dulLit sells in kegs at 14 cents. Cheese sold at 17. Whiskey quoted at 66• A public dinner has been tendered to John Mitchell, to take place before his departure for New York, which has been accepted. The Supreme Court of California has made a most important decision, declaim valid, all grants made in accordance with Mexican law.— The effect of this decision will be to oust hun dreds from iota held by them for years, and re• store their possession to the original grantees. This is considered a deathblow to squatters ; and senses property worth millions to obtuse ham* by mere observation of law. Murder, and outrage. araooonring to an alarm• lug extent throughout the country. ' The old city government hare retired from their posts, after contesting the election, and a new government has been organised. Improvements in and about the city of Ban Francisco are progreseing at a wonderful rate Gov Bigler's majority throughout the state is 1,800. The papers contain Important Intelligence from the Sandwich Bland.° Dr Judi boa been removed from his office as Minister of France, and Baba R. Allen, late II 8. Consul, has been appointed in hie place. A decided step has been taken by Government towards the annexation of the Islands to the Unitedltates. The French and British Console have protested-to the King against such an act, and the American Commissioners have replied in a firm and dignified manner. This movement has caused much excitement throughout the Isl ands. A Magnetic Telegraph line has been put up tween Ban Jose and Ban Francisco, and com menced operation,. , Weinman" Cm", Nov. 7.-Gov. Seymour, Minister to Ramie, wee here to.day In attend ance, at the State Department. He wee swim ponied by Mr. Irving, Secretary of Legation.— He will sail In the Pacitlo en the 19th. Advice' from Oregoa,dated oamp Myrtle,Ump qua Valley, Sept 11th; says the Btar, report that for a month previous to that date, that re gion had been the mat of a formidable Indian war. With the eatistance of Gm. Lane, Major Atwood, In command orate regular forces there, raised a company of Umpqua volunteers. Gen. Line, after leaving the main body, was elected to command it, and on the 24th of August they met the Indians, some 800 warriors, whipped them and made them sue for pardon. By our prising them b." marching, and otherwise acting with vigor and rapidity, be overtook them in their stronghold in the mountain, where the bat tle took place. He was badlpwraunded but kept in the field. Appoinement.—Jas. W. Breen of Alex Andria, Consul to . UM. Vice Judge tlagth of Califor nia, it is reported has declined. - Pirmanixamta, Nev. 7.—Flour very quiet, de mand for export fallen oft; only sales reported good brands at $7,12 and more sellers than buy en; sales 8000 bble fatally extra at $7.87, steady demand, for the supply Retailers and Brokers at $9.99a58,12, for common and fanoy. Rye Flour and Corn Meal unchanged. The market Is poorly supplied with Wheat, stook being on. preoedentedly small for the season; good de mand; sales 4000 bus. prime red at $1,843@1,61 Minh Corn, sales at 90, more inquiry. dales 10,000 bus yellow ghat; and some white at 74 076. Oats unchanged. Cloverseed in demand but-there Is none cowling in; more Inquiry for It. Timothy seed, sales at $3,00058.25 for good and fine. Flaxseed, sales at $1,60®1,56 bat market is bare. No change in groceries, .Pro els' lons and Whiskey. Now Omsk's, Nov. 7.—The maU steamer from California via Panama arrived to-day. The steamers El Dorado and Geo: Law sidled on the 81st for New Yerk, with one million in spade. The loss by fire at Sonora, wee $BOO,OOO. •Nww Your, Nov. 7.—Cotton, sales 850 bales firm and steady; Omarles, coffee, sales 600 bags 810 at 11i, Java ill, Arta; Sugar, sales 860 box es blusoovado at q; Molasses. sales 160 bbl. New Orleans at 29; Whiskey, sales 500 bbls. Ohin at 29, easter; Provisions, Mess Pork, sales 600 bbis. at 16 prime, 18 steady; Beef, sales 400 bbls. Mess at 12} . demand easier; Beet HAMS et 16, steady; Lard, males 860 bbls 11®111, demand eider; Batter selling at 12®15; iron, aides 160 tons at 82@88, firm; Flour, sales State at $6,- 87€46,95, Ohio at $8,93@57,06, market firm, with upward tendency, southern, sales 25.000 bbla: at $7.26,' =AU firmed 114 M imProred 'and closed gutters; Wheat, sales.7,ooo bask. Gen messes at $1,77@51,80, sales western at $1,75; Corn, mixed, at 81, yellow 82, market better, large export demand CIIIOIIINATI, Nov 7.—A rumor Wlll in circula tion to day of the failure of the Patchln Bank of Buffalo. Flour dull, with more sellers than buyer..— .Whiskey, sales at 221®22t. Cheese to good demand at 9 Gene& liege, sale i6OO at s.eur. New mess pork, sales 400 4ibls. it $18,60.— , Lard, sales 400 hble. No lat q. No change in other articles. New York sight andantes premium; money more stringent. The river has risen 10 Inches; weather 'goody. JOHN 'CARTWRIGHT, MANUILOSURLDO MUM, SURGICAL &DENTAL /NSTRURRHTS TAILORS 4 nmateraErms, RAZORS.I SCISSORS. do. GUNS,.PISTOLS REVOLVERS. rARTIOULAR attention gi %tven to the man- ulisature mitissollestion of tiara, Abdominal ractors. &a .86 Wood arro-t. Pittsburgh. A GOLD SlXDALamerdod' to John Oorturlght for Dumb. lis Um atom td. 100 blanufact 3. urob ot the UMW Pak, hold In Pit h s .IWDICIINAL LIQUORS—We have on 1 hug! a full 'apply of truporior Wine s Brandy. Oln. r medightal suromm. L. WIWOX . mill • corner Margot and Diamond. Thu Out. Okurie g and floookiag Tobacco Manu• . fattener, No Ed. 90 A 92. PEARL BY., OINCiNNATI.. ' B—WILLIAMEP Imperial Honey Dew C 7. atm ChM Ohm& g_Tobeeeo. hes rte.lmd tte Pint Premium:A at glderent /Mrs dada* the mist year. the Erg. tear rf In Inlttle•aktrit. Among Other. at the lair albs A eanteen Imitate, in N. Y. for ISAR. Ornrrereeelmd. and tannin exhibited hr ntAlm (loam.' eon) WICK ft iteOANDLYZN. CHEESZ-2 000 lba. Premium Cheese calved tr 7 Baked. And tor /AU by J. J. 8002(11. FE.6l2llRB.in store and for sale b ;. t.nom. DRIED PEAO nob J . J ICES to sznee and 809NR.for sal w BY the Hooey Syrup, selling at Morris del At Pa ielo lms, a' Le It* Irismond, at 123 ler nowt— Tns. .... . .. rorE !dourly Market is said to indulge every une wan.. in rains NAG boob to sontbnuk. en 'peculators Whore to ISO Maim L mar Loa— What ar• we doming tot Whati Why all • • ar• orb. to; op inner stmt. If Ogg it. sot in above Ht. Clair, Sr. taming to S. ammo * CO.'S Znobritua of el. •g•st and dump Clothing. Loot is. Thai It • Inarlug for soar motor that ignAlght. • • nolo 'GROSS Perri Davis' Bun Killer; just "" "We= IMINALV Wood . • RIAD PRA. OFIES-3 bbla. for eale *CA - H. H. OOLLINS. ----- - 1118 T roo'dl.ooo , yosde of 83, 36, 40 and r i utotn a g u Traestr i llbt - Oren Oil to dloth. k u d; W , 1 , :d . 0z boom; oersted tathSo 4 . - - r-lt .....NA,........ from an i took vludgmr, sod liable to risk Wawa.... . old hoWal• sad Matt st 011 Glatt. Watormoto. No. /IC ldarltst st. - , , , ~,,, . J. * a , rand", nIITTEEt We In bb le: adios", just received me see J. J. BOOM. A. MASON & CO.. No. 25 sth street VA= tarlia i t "4" C 0;11 ER('IAL 14 1 erg.).V0T0:, 1 1 .3 4.7@ Onto Prrnaman Gamma Tuaiday zooming. November 5. 7132.1 Beimear Warder, was rather dall.there belegbd, few transactions of any note. 11.0011—war rather firmer. resterda7; • rides on the wharf of 66 bbl.. antra at 5.1.13: 70 and 30 bbl.. sapertne and extra at $0.73015,951, 60 bide. roperfine at $5.15, and 66 do. mpullne, from stun. rt $6.16. ASHICB--nalee of 100 mete Imr Med Soda dab, on pri vate term.; 7 Isms domestic do. at 35f; end 1 toes Pearls at 5%. BACON—U. outs eab .a could bear of vas of 256 pr lo lota. as foricur pulsations., WHISK atea47 dallsad, and at better :stag .01.0 of 61 bob le 29. ' • r BUTTER—Ste data.d la mtasted: ”laa of• 14 kat. packed at 12E. BUCKWHEAT PLNlR—salea of 44 owls hem abs... at use. EooB—la active dasaakad: Was of 2 bbla au &Mag. at 12%. BRlCK—saes cf 3000 Common Bo ivar at 125. 1311121.28—dontamt study; maim 01100 am., at 1%010 GERMAN CULT-641a. of 20 rata at 127. on time. ItONlN—calm of yT Dila.. at 14.37. CLlE9TNl323—aales of 20 boa. at 11 11.0012 LAlLl3—aalas of a bbl. at 5. 13416T-6u again advanced; malts of 125 ably. common. t {IA& atd 25 do. extra at 111.11. 1011211117 MID CONICEBOLIA Mr. Weary Dwight. Jr. has. wee r•grat b learn. been ob VAm susPood Pore:lent an emit brought about to some extent by ale ladle:rut publication hammed to Wm. mad. mese days eine. by an *Vetting paper. Dwight basso hatemsee &ascent of eseete. but N UStarl lbsirslf la retire' mallets et the West, hoe been unable I= prseent dale at the money make; m on. She house of Leggett a ow., No. NI, Pearl Street paver ver.houte. also Hopped nas merit today. Tilde Itebilltlee ar• over 111400,000. The new of the suspension of tble house le arrant. to Pawn Wenuteetentre lt le supposed tOt :ter VetZl4:l o Vf Volp . gle h est i t To- Dam. •• • . Xmases. Mamma Co.. Sugar Heaton, of Briehl. It. 1.. hare Wiled eith Melt et..lltore by * payment of6o peen. Ethic 30 days snot the reepeatleentatutity of thetenotes, end bf • transhr to Tenet.. of their ItePnerr. Thte Oct tle fttlL— ment Is considered to be 402111.1 00 76 • Mot. Mann. Methane. Milted &Pox expect to be abbot. vas N. pro. • xt weal, atateuteut 'olthe Beaks will doubtlare •Ikt further deereeee of Lome end Dlreounte. awl or Deposlu;. Th; amount of IpeeieerUl probably be 1. r. .. the !lab Troasorf dtebureement• bare been . Whim. and of the gold by lb. Northern Light lutd Ohio probably . mdllon and . half will have been readied from the Hint. meting two and . half minima ageism/ one million s6ay. bed by tile del. and Ithatomer amount may go by Ice gat.. unlay eteuner. lido& lignehauge continues to decline. cannot be large.—N. P. fret, IMPORTS BY RAILROAD 0- • P. IL /1. Nov. 7-72 bls pearls 0 Ihmtea: 7 boxes Wilwoo. Logan aw, 36 Dia apple. tut. 1 cur horsed oat>. at; 25 Ms opplearßlackmos• - • McVay: 90 do do (flack Thaw: 106 do do Eirkpottick &Barroom 120 do do Rho& 190 do do Kimball a ooe. 19 do alder K Brum 966 bus .ht Belau. K 2 co. 999 do do Wllmarth t am 310 dodo do do: aka o seed J 1144111uskao: 4 !le elder Kimball 261 Dim wheat Baran • co; ST kip a hie butter 7 4...ir0 1111 Ws floor Leech k o, 2 Wars L Pallor:2 Dos ammo Milerßlokatsoo: 1 Ohl oratshoriges 'Wally: 47 Da op. plea T Gannon; 16 do do 9 do dtpplas 'East: 11 W rags L Mhos: .arriages 11 DI. flour J J Lupo; 150 do do Black Thaer:.69 do do Bell • Idsproth 76 do do Leach ex 80 .but Wilmarth4 as 3 DI. o rOW J / Bootie: 10 Dbl. eggs Adams' Exmoor: 10 do trout 9 coops 661ckeas dtaolt. houaw bls 2 kap WA IDO Dotter Wick A ldo(land lug 22 at. O. dour 1 0318410 1 kg 21 ha hotter A lion tar t co; 37 aka wheat 11111maTth • co: 139 do dot 1 kg but ter A Mama; 16 Ddls papa J L Mae: 1 Dal* t.tu. Bob,. gimes 2 co: 1 truok - 3 Bandy: 91 blekt. aundrha 60 30.3 corn 37 do potatoes ownan oo curs; 2 donator.. J Swank o.t P. ft a —GO la• cheese 1111 Wilma 2 bI. flour .1 Um; 6 asks °salsas arro• a az 8 bls dour ta tort a Vrodsricks: 10 do scrap trot. lawn. t ea; 37 Oa. to do groxim t cog 9 Willow a Mom; 22 ras Mau o Ea 4 do do .1 11 Nevin; 11 bss 148 cats. Ear; 2 Dl. chestnuts 26 do.nits W ammo, • asks tars scraps flacon 900 boo wheat Brian. I arc 800 bas low East; 6Wm tress Nor doch; 68 Ws flour Cdark Taman Bla sags 3 bI. aniseed. 1 do 6. . t. 11 8181:8011a8h: 49 DU spy w A naunota 6 bales beam Jaws a Mawr; 8 bas awls 2 kg. batter Y. * 26ls yowls stoats Nsaloy it X am 2 OW apply lost: 80 bats flan Clark a Thaw: 80 do do 9 pltw barter tut; 21 Was potatoes 1 d• batter W t a 8100asoa. ISEPORTS BY RIVER Unfurl lAny.l2i Braver-21121. b or dour 0 Slade; 6 rim gather J M Cooke; 166 Ms chum J B Oauflold: 11 euk. Menton 14 Dal sell it m• 96 0:2 otiaroo L saber tt 8 Iptou: 0 121.1Lurrod ntl T u Nor o; 9 Imo bailor J 11 Co Our, r gout W hi Lord*. WHEILINO. bY Klabsots—APl bls Abase ALS aim Abase Brig.. K • oo; 3 kgi Aosta Oral A or. SOO Win straw boards. W tl Arran; PA) do do lbsados a Bro; SOL on wheat Wilourta a o). by Latrobe-81 aka wool W Flarkar; 11 bid oor 44aka faathata 60 bla whlalbar Jon. NMI]; 10 do pop corn D Jobe t o o ; 12 do obialmy .1 Haponh; 00 do out dry tobacco Wick • bilreaudlrso 60 do Whim! MoDaritt Dm; 24 do do J Nurtland: 18 do larah.rt. 81uptou: 30 to Morris 8 Patton: Id do Healer • co; 16 rla hatorr 005 bla dour 12 do atruang Leach co; 6 aka wool Jt W bath 10 bla apples Mot a McCoodiam 44 aka iaathars Make, cot 12do do Ball.; 810.1.6 co. WIIII4LIBO, by Diurnal-1h bla flour 8 Liodasy; 7 .6. wool Graff me 9dodo 1 ark aka Von /I , ollorat eo; 161 apple. Phu; baLa bawd Malbar; do do roster Flamm 2 pkgs pare Dewkr„ 18 Wm dour Hunan Ityar DIN., by Alltaboa-1 hi book. Boum a Parrs; 100 666. • whiskey Martha a 11cLauchilo; IEO do do io de charcoal Carr a co: 62 aka *Mbar, Gook a ro; 62 tdla oohs. Pbolpa Bea 100 kis whiskey Millar 6 11101ratrou aka wool 2do raga Buster co; 1 661 barbs J /myth Jr. RIVER INTELLIGENCE !1#7.1 • • AItILIVED. Luseircutaruareett. Brownsville. Jefferson. Masan. Brownedlle. !Doe Shrivel. Balley;•)lelearport 00.1. Berard. Noble., Elisabeth. Venture. Watkins, Br.. .seine. Lambe. Beltebeover. Cluoinuan• Allianoe. Touts. OnoWWI. Born Planterjlemids, CiDOWIIII. Eirhattsa. MWaLtn.Wheeltust. __Beaver-Ocedon.Bearer. - Michigan lea; Wolf. Beaver. DEPARTED. Jefferson Mason. Bruerturvllle. tetsernelhreskett la. literensville. Col. Bayard. Pee Elisabeth. Thos. Stirlen. hailer, Iteleassuort. Diurnal, Vhepherd. Vesture Watitine. Wetieutant. • %me. Gordon. Braver. Exchange, McCallum Wheeling. • laiehlcan No. E.Well. Beaver. • Latrobe. Beltahoover Cluolusati. - - Tau Etna—There ten ff feat S inches maw ID Lb obaskuel and on a natal. WI. W. 1W11331, N 0 99. North 2d et., 2 doors eb , ve the Mt. Vermin Hon" Philadelphia. Igannracturer of O'l or Oamphine. Mull, Lard and 00 LAMPS. Mt. Mier/. and Candelabras, for Onurcher. Mores. Parlor!. so. Ae The subscriber would nwpectrully invite the attention of storekeeper, arkd the public generally to his large erect VindA n oo t n=i d a a pa:t g L . ll4=rated art y 00 . whobreale aed reudL Also, best quality of burning Mold. Pine 011 or Coltk• phis*. Globes. ilh.dee. Mae. in N. B.—NewelPs Patent Safety Lamp.. new artl2le. for sale. minted WRENCH. KIPS and Gall Skins in store & Ir for Ws 07 cal BARD tDI LAMM. WINDOW GLASS-350 bra. Bzlo, 10x12 11 V aid 1O 141 n Awl iblppinn rd... " 31 ktcOILLB k ROl. pIRON-.200 tong Springfield and Lan k re ma larnacer. far We by MeGILLEI t P.OO WRAITING PAPER-300 bdla. Straw Wrap Nag PararJar lola by aIcOILLS a BAS. .1' : .1.. : an , •:traita on. • MeGILLB ROB. frIMOTHY E4lOll-5 bbli on hand; 1_ White Bosco-45 do do do. dal MIX:MU t BOA. QALERATIIS-10 bbls. pure Saleratns in Ror• otid for ul• stenti.us a awn CORN.BROOMS-100 dos. assorted sisea sad analltles. IIiaOILLS a ROIL ATTING--100 bales No 1, 2 and 3in store and for nl. MeGILf 8 & HOE. itYRITWEI LOG MIMI& S—Prsofies], short sir and direct meth,' of eatentlethag the Loaarltbate of any even tsumb•r; and the naeaboy of ear meallng to any even Layttrithm &merely'. by Oliver Byrne: 1.01.. 12tno. /yr sale ; by . KAY•• OM. No. U. Wood Pt- OWENW AROHITEOTURE--Hinte An Polak, Arotiltooforoooonsfoining smog otbor testfoom. ohms sad plans of Ito 11121111113014111 lonttatfon. tototbor with au Amodio raisers to bat Wolf n. 4014.18. I totrllsreoool, atom. V:zoo11.b• . U r.tcgi aCt.4. SELLERS' COUGH SYRUP — Thn Sudden abatis@ln tea writhes yin aim than, Maly midden • pleoUftil =tapir of mutt. and add.. nblab, if emirate znay souls ou .the lungs and tarmtnat• in rournsen , non. Tba 0001111 SYRUP amend by 11, IL Whoa. N. 67 Wood at., has bon antenaad tbla aft, am lad 17 yaw, and btu obtained inly • w mutation for for meta 'Mon bu , bun mob If mr,t4ibilad. Sion to It. annitlia browns. it haa tb• mininarndatkm of 5.105 Vary pbantant to ttio Mtg. Teo.. in ;mat of • cu r e Syr • anigh. idiot& sly. Mb popular mud a tri ode PRo7o: tz jai rz treo'd and for sale— , 31 34 MI Batten 4 Did d bbls Icy: 1 , 0 Adds. Rambo nod BsGsr sal • L. G, GRAIN, Agant., ear 9d sad Roo AS INDIA RUBBER WHIPS-30 doz. Boort • .41 ilum. dm tory but *Melo of the Mod. at Sodom w oalo .1. .6 H. PHILLIoo. 0t61 , 1 No. 316 Haricot street. • 100 ; T ro tt No. 2 lenthrr e o l ig aljoorsclary. UST reel 6 dos. Plain and Twilled India ORubber Meta Ws hay. male arrant sal. pith en Eastern Hampaor SOLI itlt• always Fnalitt. WI eon offer • Snares aulaUtr at Prim iiebtu tharaub of *lvry man. • SAS at Whelan% sad Ratan at Ma ' , Dal. Subtler Depot. No. 116. Huta it. J. d H. PHILLIPS. TRANSPARENT WINDOW CURTAINS —A lame assortment of new and handsome Allah reamtle nwW9d, and tor sibs at the Wall Paert Wet hones. No. 65 Market Meet, between and 4th sts" by • will ROM AB PALMS& " - 'DARER. WINDOW BLINDS of new and IL desirable styles ad .umior Utah. for mile 1)1 1:031 THOS. PALM IN, Iblisrlret it. VAIISII3.III4D WALLPAPER—In J. &!'..1:.`;,1t !WI of WNW .1111ro, basotttul KV. of Moons Ma with d. ohm Oat bonging. IteSolo or 08. PA ooffr lf*. IR Mar t it t ert. FIOTAI3II-2 0 oinks pure Potash; 20 bbla Balgratus. Ramie by 0027 J. I /LOYD. Pr? bit--1 euyadrogWr TA'lOO bbla. to arrics, for sale by 11M113R1D01 INGliaam„ No. 110 Wear N. awl 160 110066 at (.1 ALEILATUS-50 bxe and 10 bible Poorlash 1...7 Basts/just nosing sad dd S . • ,5 1 ,',.F,A,111(Z,"B°NAt T ' ,000 lbs. Garrett's, for SOOTOILSNUFr:-1 ate by [ na] D. A. If AHNBITTOOK •OCO. 3MGROSS RUIN'S PERFUMERY, ea eyorted. hut real No r , Bacrruns. j)krANTED-4. Gas Fitter arid a" Braes V .l Tama: • goal workman may beer of • pains '"" calt•Otil Ei ra i rtil VON PllllL.Llndanstt. SALERATIIB-10 bbla. and 20 half bble • for sale er .L 10!100XILLICEIL it OD. DUOIEWBBAT —Ho auks Buckwheat nowfor:Ally nealved Inifrla 1 oelk"'1" A. 116 540114 it itUTTER 7 -to ke g s Butter just, tig u i ma Ja. xi ma ay m MOM 11. . . . 2... . EDUCATIONAL. REVISED AND NICELY ILLUSTEATED EDITION • or SMITH'S GEOGRAPHY AND ATLAS, To warm 1.. aim MID. &NOLEN!? asoossplor. Tims work has been very much enlarged, eamoodu.d with my Illustrations throughout. de. shrewd expressly for ft. eribie ills cornet.] and thorosigitiT revised, m no to man= to the mane of the United States, Mr liio—to that of Gnat Britain and Ireland, BUM. MI, mid to the latent that could be ebtuned of other countr'ee. The acenbitina of territory to . this Unite/ Etats& toe discovery of the mineral wealth of Cheifortne end Austrs. Ile. and the establishment of gem muununleation be tween moot* parts of the earth. have mealy tricreneel geographic knowledge. Tbn inform al ation thin obtained haaheen carefully ml. . !acted nod inserted In this edition. /t hvi been not only mammy to comet. the map of Miner plitione, but to odd new snap of the /gates of CM/torahs mid Tem, of the tees/tortes of Ore_ gen. Washington. Utah. Nebraska. and the countries of Mexico and Central *merles. which Me been one from the latest and beet authorities. A Urge map of the Homan Empire le also added. to aid to the study LI Ancient aeograPhY. Bye men. of Embletris end Abbrertatiosis, coriefetlng of glare, 01.901, Book, gumboots, An, comptcainulY arranged on all the maps. toorooantios the MM./ di.. ions of the Globe—the Government. Es hem State of go. MM. Population, Navigation, go, of the more Importers bers....PPmerst at the tint gloom and r 7 thus oelllng Into alcoultemoise mercies the P.mn or the mind and eye. impressions are made more abiding b.n by any ether ream whatever. Besides all Me, the work le rendered still more vile.- hie and complete by the addition of complete compen dia= of ANCIENT GEOWLAPIIT.. which will be fonml en intereeting and instructl” as the more extended treaties on this nitiect. The Allen boa not only bean thorougly relying!, eor ected and oriented. eag n/1 tated above, but also contain/1 a a large number of turn and Interesting tatlaUnl table. trorettoreesome of the United States and other sources.— It anti be put in Miff cover only. A set of questions. for trauma' revisit.. le appended to the work, which will be found of great convenienee to the Teuton., and aid to the selolar , in bringing definitely and distinctly to his mind, In nun termed form, the main features of the snbjeet h btugone onr.. TPeso improvement. and additiona willgreatly enhance the ranee the wort, and U the 'WI. -nod method of the author are carried mil , much valuable time of the pupil will be need, and great labor on the part of the Mather avoided. got Wee lieHea of Geography eimudet of groith'e Primary Gaograplty for Beginners. I 40. Prolttee Quarto Geography. 7o. And the if *Wraith/ and /Wu met Gomel above. I W. tale by Bookeelleregenerally throughout the Gaited Bleu Co -dation. 'Yowlers, and others engaged In the mum of ednesUon, will be supplied with co ok. for examination. Nil:althea by UANINL 11 .OEB$ t On. am)l7:3m • No. 121 John street New York. Loam Grove Seminary. Tlll.B new Sehool for Y onng Ladies, will open for Harding nod DM' TANIs.onWEDNit3DAY morning. Dot. 261 h. an Otanilins will leave the edges, in eittb stmt. near Market, for the Grove at 834 o'clooli.• Yor &diatomic', er eirenkril eentaledng terse. nfo' tolinctinnnorele Made to the Iteenir, ongidger2w Bev. W3l. IL CLARKS. STEAM BOATS, OR ZANRSVILLE.—The new ma splendid Steamer /MELIA. Cant. OR VIII leave tar lanwille on Tue. day) more lag, al 10 o'clock., and will run regularly dor• log the ealSOn as . weekly picket between Pittsburgh and Lemmata. for holobt or passage, apply on board. nal Regular Wheeling Packet Till& fine passenger Steamer DI LIRNAL, A. a. Shepherd Mart.r .m mo rosolarl. a. • packet.- between PlOsburgh and Wasellogootring PittAbOrth ~,,, I , losdor:Weahr. day and friday, at 10 o'cl•ek. A. ie., arid Whetting ever, Tosuls_... Thursday sad Sat erd.. at 7 tealock..A. TO. Manua emulate .1 . ulth tb. elmoland Msse4gMaMigil •••• • • • • •-• The Diurnal hi • rim.. large and substanUal hut. bar tug splendid accommodations Mr mamma. rorltnight or passim, •PPII on board. er J. D. OOLLINOWOOD. AVMs sot > o. 168, hoar suet. Regular Wheeling Paeket. THE splendid id passenger Steam , WITICLIZSTER, Ow. I). 1110,as. Mar tar..llt ply easolarly as • pullet batvaralliarld Pittrbargh arid Whaellog. leasing PltrlolllTo 'OOOl Ilazday. 27pararayand Bararday. at to rfalnek, a. 11..0 W. 10.11•11 ~,,, Maarry , libbaralkw and Pricks , . at work a. 111... alaretl gat Wheeling with the Heltittlere 11 6•.oad. sad at Wellrrille with Claraland and It+rhargh Ste Wirchrskria • oar beat, with uaallent araommo• dation@ far paarattgars. For irolght or NUM* ~d.O r I , - J. u. uvoI.LINGIWoOD, Avot. tot N 0.114, ',root WireoL Regular Afternoon Packet for Wheeling. THE new and excellent Steamei I.XOIIANGE. Capt. Notfallum, •PI run reenderly se an afternoon parker betvme KW/arab and WEeeltne, !ravine Patebnreh *very km dar. franaday and Priddy, at 3 o'cla•. • . end Whnelf^lf evert Flanday. Therrtddy and Banndea. The Examae ai a nit and a aperantial boat, with eve rl sae= odataon for pea engem For !Weldor fa , sege, apply on beard, or to J. D. No CONFIWO ) 4 , Aat.. No 1611, Plant starer. V ALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. Y She undo:Crud Irish to dim. of thole prometl. oltuato to the toga of Lac:sago Jaffee*. Montt. Ohio. ol ClT W lta b l r b 114: 11° thgre;tl of bormand •111.17 LUISA{ 1/IWIMPht. patio of doing • good toorehoot.trork - ono of the toot wholit growhog froldooo of tho Stat.. to Ooal eorroodont. nod *lsl.' dooltf •Iso-1 mar. Of mood to good mime, votddh hos oo It followlos troorovc -00. snot Brisk CO TMO J HOUSIL mu good groom do. . • . da Marebonno. on bank of the Ohio, walla. • t damage teas water, and about 200 Torda A eas 'onus Orchard of abolems fruit U. goal star and rttur enstrialsnom - Ira will roll all tosothar. or arporataly, tonsil Dunbar. us. Par particulars, regal. Po ll aces. Sirtritriek Harm. Llbrrty street or • Listitot. wet* , at.. or dourssivas. mtbo proud . J.l D. WAUGH. aura/korai , Chocolate, Cocoa. and Rroma. LAT RULER I CO.'S American and Va ma gtr bse l=am m anoo0 tau b LAT . la qrj ast il tha chid bath:oW a /thrs pith, ()aka., at* fur male DP .11 tha t raipal Gemara la Cu Ilalbed Eltataa. awl by Itturay • ■ .. New Yark Glyait r ittrattat Mho &Whist ,nua Mama V ltraakst Ba B lthaorr AL' Easkost. !Dad. lab BDorstaaataTblaaa. HOOl3 WANTED—The highest cash NOS far Ll9llllOOB dollrerall dmins th•pt- Mt gi b . niatrit,Ml7,l , etj lion al our Waeham , . No 00 Water 9trest. ocklmsd• WM 0. WILMER IMO STEAM BOILERS FOR ENOLNES made to order on short .tior. Jn, eTIAM a UIN Pt tor Beyond 'now MI6, alit.. on baud .4 awl. t-s oel44ifir. on short ootior. . W. WALLAO . 319 MW W arty a Pittrburigh, M . LLLE R'S' IRON FRAME I qm PLIMOS—Tbee. celebrated leutme innate. in •iditlo n to that, former anknent • ledpainit.. beta tegently tocemcd lbe mo ssnattering commendations ttene Madetne Illamm andßeebe.. erne td U 1•111 I. UN at the it eon. net to IL L tits, T pnblie la Invited to eall and •t -amine tbe nenntnernt on t ti heed and for tee at lb. ton aVOrgn l t t l B. llTtill 81.1 4 tetT. PHIL i DIMPLIIA. Economy is the Road to Wealth. MO FAMILY should be without KEA.Y. ING . B ORNOINI immure OF OOFFae, u one pound Ott& invaluable artiole goes. far ILP ten pounds b(store Coffee. It clears reghse better than anything she esides giving It richness and stmagth. sniMble to the moist feettlionn It Is also more wholegouse then Coffee. Mime' in the usual wan and contains logredients the' most strengthening anA inelewattna to the system. Bold by .1, F. D. Hii,iTINO, Pittsburgh. oho to the mi. mmanSaWrer for the Bt""' .h rd to ron all 'n ette i l L titris .mom ters eiew=ito rii c . u witrilil e a . mast be Doetteld. f isth94 lca-41118 SELF4I:IIATINIt SMOOTHING IRONS. T ' greatest domeetio improvement of tba age. LaAlw and them a molt desirable whole— saling Latwt.Tirtre. and Money. Iderchants and pedlar, enpolled on liberal terms.. Latinate, (sosjniii4 m lit Wood Meet, Pittsburgh. thrktl77 rat. silo,at O."Wrla u . .11,Zro 2= P.. Al t arA= .ll l7i on the Fame prine4l. Ohio State Stook -Banks. ass now taking the notes of the abose ums NY.,aeae_fttsda rea eseasees An OuvelAr. em Imthitat i t ir t:t o th . orc salairrtisH St Third stmt. IrWall 11.1,1. J. a SAMMIZION Joann Wall 10 F A turt b h Oarnts;=73=Tretieoen.Lits4en Pipsstklytgara Parsons who hays on to . do In our lips will do t e l to cellos they rcur My on having their work executel by practical workmen, and as we manufacture our own lean pipe end sheet 1.4 we tan saord to work el lean •• low ea any other establishment la rather cities. PanliTha hcm tlia country who wish to Dominos pipe for oonveying water from springs will Ilad - It to their ad. hurvantage to give us • osll before purcheeing from mooed l m wean the may manufecturre of Led lise Yd ghost Dud in thoety. Orders from Um montry for bad Mere. ilhe..t lawn end will moles *Mast atingle.. froblllthfreettg Card/Wee Yor Bate FJCILI w , from E owlenigned has just receiv m thet Mist. at WS OkaIUAGI eituated mouths Two mile Itufflemt Pitteburgb. and Lawnrowerille, s splendid assortment of . Vehlehmt .0.17 lingiraliatt i ltr e talr 118211147 j. rhich'n". on N. very I . won ten.; for cads. Haelcithad Swale 71001' i nn In the bast. uses. and with well known toollitiee in lb. Yst, he Winn itimestr n puttLuit down oil competition. Thom wk to purchase are respactfolif inpited to. catil and form themselves. ispecial and prompt &Mooting' pall tontMlring ip Carrier. as. ' Isayttkilts7lll JOBIPIS MILTS. TILE UNITED STATES 117"71Mt.WV.TTnWl AHD TRUST COMPANY, PHILADZLPHIAt CHARTERED APRIL 26, 1850 CAPITAL =32.50,000. pales Y. Z. corner of Third aad Chantal. , Philadelphia. 017101111 01 TUI HONE BOARD AT •RILADILTBIA7 . DIISCROIJ: 1 . Ot•phan 11. Crawford. Paul 21. Goddard. Ambrose W. Thompson . Lawrence daimon. ssalamisi W. TIO NI.T. th.ortlf ink.nr/. Jacob L. /loran. lams Domnina, William IL Godwin. • William Allan . Preedad—Gtstban U. Craw EL Wm Prstident—Ambross W. dlinmPson- Mwdioni Admiinsrs—Pittobargh. Jamas IL Willson. M. D 4 Allegheny ORS. D. D. Mows?. ICJ), IiEOIIMII R. ARNOLD. Asstd. mhil • • 74 fourth send. Pitmlwash. Clover Dairy. • THE subscriber is prepared to - for. and fiedlleo, USIA MILK me MAN, .11 b . thankful Ow th e tem& see the veleta Ann uuwe you . ba , f ad o onra .holiippum bet, and own =wat r u t: . post s4g bto eastotem. 9rdete Niles the No. or thetteeitheete end stmt. will "be rehab =Ur situated to. Loolltettl - PARRY. WSW siciallv BELL WLIGGETT . ONWAROING COMMISSION MEIL OEUXTB. asullllNders In PRoppositeODUOl CIENXBALLY. ef the Pstiu re. Wend 10. Wabrs _dumb, the night Cosign sylrettle gigitarl wmpaur. Pittsburgh. - SW Liberal advaas. mid. 0111 001.1a11.041. pal CINNAMON - 8x KERR,: OMINIARILL ooaaußoa BLICOHAXTP, 15 noir 171 W. 0071 f=ur♦ J D waurr,l crisounuti.puto. ; 1511-Pattlealse Ofantlon siv•up pufabialos 'pr4,,,1 •asote for the eel*il mof WM. NW. and anulugroad at. nary dsrelption. LI" i.ard 9n. Lout ilreas• Tallow. Storks*. 510,0 55 . . eas 61FLETLAND ISLAND 'BooNB— , Anbtber “ D ir of Mow ta• 9ot i areal :Nab (baud in Um the jkstliwi toe mit melon raol7 * a " s tam kallreg lISW YORK AIMIRESERKITII. Prom Mims Et. EP/EntskEs Istmftrissi _Hasse; 1fe. 107 Nem= MAW. R I:rt. T. B. BERRY. 297 BROADWAY, N. Y., DUBLISIIER orb:lnge, and Dealer, Whole sale and Iletall In Plana, Melodeons and Moak; 'Agents for the Web:stela dL n.ll rand sod Other MP.• mule by Ilallet, Davis & to, Beaton. elbow Piano. are final superior to tit au.. Great Imitates In New York Plano.,and amid baud Pianos and Melodeons Muds supplied wholesale or retail at the lowest rates T B. Berrr.297. Broadway. New York. Pianos to let. P. P —U. D. 'A 01a Zollan Plum hare Moistest Leo. craved Yoking. , no2Par Gold and Silver Spectacles, ND I GLAEBES Or EVERY bESORIPTION. II ■u,vuataa.a IT 1). GMAT& No. 6 LIBERTY PLACE, Bateman Malden Lane and Liberty eta. Nov D G. guarantors all artleleggaado by him to be of sit Peeler quality. Orders reeputrally oal3 PIIYFE, Dealer in Ivory. and Man. eur ofixtutor or Ivory (Mod. * No. 3, non.y st... N. Y. co2O•ly VARRIAGE LININGS, Curtain Hoods, v.) Cloth., Plashes, DantWV. 10. “20 dm A. W. KNIAZY.36. Johnst.., N. Y. AWITENOE'S World'! Fair Premium 41 Dll4llllllllllll Gallery. &SI Broadway. at. White et. New York. oolkem WEST POINT SOllooL—Arrangements have been made with Problem" from the lillitary Academy for lostrnetlen lo their several depart • menem the gret of Novembe next Nasty *oxen oitv wile l b offend far obtaining • ttioromatalocadon.— Prompt attendance le regoisted. ac6:3m S.DWAND V. KINSLEY. A. )1. PrIOKLES, PRESERVES, &O..—The Ilendened offers to miniboom, • superior stock of im. Preserves. in 'warranted the beet qualiin to belie In all climates. at the lowest [Tie...sod .ontniondating terms. WARDIILL MAHE. cslcam 231 West it. New WPM, HehVll yu.,ll°.°l". ;,7d 006 a • Show Cues! Show Cues! A LAME asacrtinent constantly on hand, ..tmult to order at abort =Hoe. Oases carefully passed sod shipload to any Dart of tbe Vision, by B. B. PXY.BLED. leaUcla 121 Grand at... 3 doors east tY Broadway. N. Y. V't'Mai:o l l4 The New Methodist Singing_Book I 1 UTE OF ZION — By I. B. 'Woodbury, 'who'd by the Nev. U. Mattison. Pastor of the John Street Methodist Church. It co uprises smarty tnte Thouserd 7140811 Of Um choioest Mosta including Olt aft • eee old tune ashy merit ever published; II reptestots roma two hundred of the Oust *lmposees the world ever saw. sod cordalos every rail of Motor ono In ON. With et. VOOII 10.1.1011 to . The LUTE is there:ors hen wi th truthAr be an a most orhautissa Wu of the tidiest Mond Musical Treseuresseer presented to the publle. Glowing with animation and horning seal of he communion for which It is r , edirned, ths tunes or. never theless equally adapted to the Hymn Boot. of all devour. Insiders of Christians. Of Mr. Woodbury's last Boot, the Dulohner, oVICH. 0571 lIONDIiND AND PillTY THOWAND WM4 haver bun MOW Moos Its appear. sue three Jere ego. wad still tits demand Is on the In. muse. Is shy further evidence of the admiration In which ho aom.red as p Composer to be desire:ll From the enthu. hum with width the Lute has already been gusted, • roception for It similar to that metal to the Dulcimer Is cone tently eop.ot d. e sY Prafsedonal =mid. desiring • noel of either the Lots or Mulihner lb: summation. can have Mean whim free or ream. by retolltin • 60 *onto to the publisher. 0010 F. J. lIUNTENtiToN. 23 Park how. N . T. Plano Fortes, Melodeons and idruno. RBRACE WATERS, 303 BROADWAY, Now York. exteosire publisher of. Mast* and hillAn . Dealer In Mown larriumalre of oil glade. de. rind,' dont for toe fate of T. Gilbert k Otte. celebrated with and without the Roden. and for their Up r:aht Grand Boudoir P 1.0041. - %hese Puns are tab well known to need commendation: Mime fame w at theme.' ntactory, wholemie or retail. lenry instrouunst warrant ed to Mee sallehotlon. or the money refuruhaL Second hand Moog at great bargaino—prices teem IRO to $l6O. role keen; for 13111T11 . 8 SUP*. 0006 kINIGDEONG These Melodeons are tuned the .anal temperament hke deollen harm sod Gf. one. and are =Who' nee. Me harmer.) being &dually good In all the ley.— In •kvery . Instrument lolly warranted. N. U. T. Gilbert a 01" the owes,. of the ..Scllan Pa tent, will supply the imbibe at lower prima than any oth er boom*. • • :111W YOKILAR MUSIC, by th. aunt reb-brarsd au thor.., putllshed clan,. Dealers towbars watt Ihrugnarla. rupalhal at the lowest. Pd.... splo--dbm. 1853. FALL AND WINTER GOODS W. H. KNOEPFEL, 99 and 101 William Street. New York, INPOSTERti AND . JODDIftS IN French, Goma*, English and Domestic Goods lbr Tailors and Clothiers. • Li E t. bas just i receivel by late arrivals,. a gzi...tr too G . gata l Stelae ile•T7 Camino. lased Ckoided Whltneya, Peter shams, ot all the moms nolo.; Untfela. Devon:Wolter e-gt.-7-br,r. 0.110 en fifnftor, of now 1dy1...1ml loworvvd doßth than colons!. adoorttnegit of Triaostlass, and other flood. ealtabla f r the Clothing 'Trod., on the mat favorable term. Short time and Cab Boron at. panto. Warty 10,1151 to grandma my Btoek before pi:Mb/IM' jyltrlink2w Canisge Linings. Curtain Goods, English Muttin, 11CO. Asa A. W. HELLS AHDBROTHER, Importers wad Jobborm et ARRIAOE CLOTHS IN DRABS, BLUE, onn, brown,let le ; areal Moho., tanrod and 91 n. for tlartlua Linings and Inndtor• Work; nolarad Pamuks.3 and 6.4.. la all colon and dualities; colored and black Rnatewled Clntha of ovary daacrl.4l.n; Itntllab battings. 03i. 11 and 19 to wide_ In all nolo, —ALLK/ Miami Mora... Canalize& ttattlnett,, Saticoy Reda. (.Isttne Valves: 31. k Sniper. lgoaanne. &blond Mao. Val. lot and altalaael.Carawa, Lla.. nktadinga.llnana nuranla. rarlaDs 21 to 10 1001:00.. nooltranna, tilanpa, Woblidna. Median, Tbrea.l. de an.; 81111..r1 C nth.. 1n Ins and low lanlet3nal 31 JOtIN BTBIIII3. N. Y. BILK. ILINNON ♦ND TRIEKING HOUND • It NEW lOUS. 'PUOMAS G. STEARNS,' Importer and a Johber et MILES, MILLINERY fiance , 003116. rrottise, 1 seSe i rl .". ' est hes aor hr to 6.4l a% i• r 1 1 . 4 3 .3 . rrilelas lima cantos at the Lowest pea. sse complete as• eortment of wads In ble Ilers etehrecingtal the various etyles and daslerraolosteletleg of black eat frotpllke, rnersallnert Florence, sheets trlmmlnste: helmet 'one, !MUM sod oaths ribbon& dna trtmselege of al Sleds, Wresseh and &neigh anima. en t.limmiAtik mecetts ems beolderlest shame of all kinds...silk Moe selts Ursa., Iv. while 11.0. hdeer. Green ca bdltTe. A. ae. The anderahrned Invitee merchants tram the North, with, S a m eß,nd West. when_ lo the city. to Woe him with • cal, et elemlne hla Kook Deters Dor. Malan. • 'Tlltat O. STEARNS, It 2 Broecteray. Jr27.4¢1 bet Liberty street mad Malden Lane, N.Y. New York and California Eiteainehip Line. VIA NICARAGUA. I= *CCM= 11/1311? 0:41711T 01 ICICALUICA, 11107111Tttn. IBROUGLI imativanoe of the mail. The only LI. giving Throne* LlGHTndlner the nns errealne The NORTIIItHN "UR Of THE FLIT err P . III.IIITHIUII,_aII hr. elass 40101 - nine Stentrishlpa will leave New York on the Sib and (11 : 11 of each mcnth. Inapt that when these days fall on Ilan• 7• hainnlay previous Monte . day./ twelve bo the Ninarnima Transi basing but twelve miles of land carrion, with tit. gisantships BURMA NIVADA, 001103.6, i1it...1111611. JONATHAN, and PACIFIC , one of of will lasso gen Juan dal guL the Ponta tontines of the transit Route, for Sao Francisco on the antral of tho passengers. for farther intbrtnation aPPir to OUAILLEN MONCIAN. *gent. 6 Boning ann. N.Y. LARNE AND ATTBAOITVE STOCK OF DRY GOODS. L. 0. WILSON & COMPANY Imcorters and Joblves of DRY GOODS, 1$ Courtlarstt street, (Opposite the National end Western Hotels) and 3101.11 AIM 18 MIT 0121111". • ITEW TIME. - INVITE the num:aloud Wholesale Buyers to their were large assortment ofillonle. which I. kept ...mkt , . at all Demons or the year. by the addition f all the new steles . end fabrics that are nnialustly arriving by “Stessiers. and" Facketaf„.• We bars large departments devoted exclusively ba• the late of Clothe, Cassimeres, Vesting& Tailors' Trimming., White floods. tindery, Deer Goods, Shawls.. - lfengee Notions" Domeetice, an Ca. to Waddition, are displayed large nee of prints. to_chiling ent:oars and Ow-betas, (Unshorn.. Lawn.. neregm. Black and other Staple Flits, lierinnee. 80rn5..., Al. peosis'and the ~.sops other. articles appertaining to the DRY GOODS TOAD& Also. IMICUILII for the sale of lioyleeltoyal Patent Swansdown Sewing Cotton.. We Invite the attention of the closest bums for cash or crediL • [mhl7ilrall Richard Wilker's Percussion Caps FULL supply of these superior APS, O supply 111tDeL was aoudad .t the for .b tln r Vi a eb 1 ITION, ooastaatly o. halal end for We to the '&61.1 ILI 32 Oullf eireet, N. Y. Dea n A )aelreou'a eolehratrt u itl y raapp i auet Ag riD i a llb s " l.l3. ' BIRMINGHAM r od to the Tnde by the pease". au Ifhlok FAIRBANKS , --'-' PLATFORM SCALES, I Long Nnown—lilavonly testod— Always rtgbt—th• Wm ow li•IN•4 Standard. -•-:---%,_-.: f - .; . ~...... _,... , Appitts, N•w Tort, F - on2lLl'm M" , " Ho. II:Wat; r Wes SOLIS, BROTHERS. arousal AHD VLIMACTVSSIS 01, WYEIT mUKmarnom GO LADIES' FURS, 1118 Archstreet, below Third. And M US Water greet. N reek. AS our Goods have all been selected in Yampa by one at thcfirm, and maanflotozed by wir.:1••• in Um met elegant and-fashionable manner, we can offer them at • prim (t lane tbstrtatartor quality Into conedarationt that wilt ocommtltlon. arrt..B4leerr.,ll.l•ll4.d.awa.trdadiuroryttuttioe=tlan. Tin SCURVY. AT SAN FRANCISCO ih yeti prooolest, ao also ERYSIPILIAS—taturod wthrraj " th a Ng ga ° ,ll. l g i e n bt - riv Pio? :Ogg: Nos the " . .1011ES'1TALIAn OLISIIIOAL SOAP" Wind; trzt: log ' Oa d =" 4 o ' rob/mhos Wll,4%ortiellod the ecooploolon boolo b tl. fol. Mal. ask for "loose Soap." Sold only at N 0.2411 Lib Sty otroot. hood of Wood. (ILE w AR YOUR SHlN—Make it sort, white klit.ein g ratt i n. • tr. only 01 ZIO Libsrty stmt.' ►'o I . MAKE I Tal 11A . IR GR O W, atop its Lit , re; izei. int 1151116 14 0 1 1.01111. Ilo a rd only UOW DELICIOUSLY IT DRESSES TUE WI RA ?Alit illairTrialontg72,ll Witte street. • yrREMOVE SUNBURN, Tam, Pimplee, heckles. 2lorphotr, an, trash isltb th e true JONES 111041 SOAP; le tookoslork, yollow4lnnllnanit skin atom whits. and Ilso. Boy It ably at 244 Adbenly street. , - I ADI ES 1 :TONES' TRUE SPANISII Li mu W 1112214 la the sklo. Is sold only al 451 - . .13EARLY TEETII, for two thilliogo— L/ moors WIT IMOLA SOAP HOOT mak. on th whit", Cho Hniath Toora and the Routh nod T o .g u , than. TOW Ono Root modem a I other Ma ann. Hold at OtdollliwT.. ~ R. dißdid*lll. RIO lAbotty atraat. ... zukonsir AGENCY. et :151„N II W YORK AM/ L LYS RP 001; swalimpporaiuLia.. of CrILVI SHIPS j Weekly;_ and P r r ADRLLIIIA.. AND LIVERPOOL Lunt OP STEAM PIL (Olty. of llanalmier and Oitia 3 ilmr) WI Mim°lll. " ' ' 1°1114 410 Landis germt, . - Is tlie gnOw ta ut fiel i rburth; In bagi a stays Da= c. 1"8" tgo 111 1. 4.1. Bum .41M. m.o. ri.... I iibotd. Boothia, sad W01 4 4.10a4 irr.• Dirrnt . Also bria m Peer 17 1a= 0.1 11115 WWII& WM. • NOTICES, &o . . . _ &OTlCt—The partnership 'between the tudderrlgited . .t Pittsburgh sad Wheeling. le Mb trod by sautes' aroma. /morph itlatinti has transferred his interett to Oro .. W. lamb, who is elms authorised to settle the bustneos et the late firm . . GEORGE W. PMITIL rlttsburgb, August 26.1843. JOSEPH gICIBARDB. C&RD.—"Tbe BRLWIJO , Gists, Maim, and UOl , trait will he tarried ooa+ heretofore. by tbs sub gather at Plltteborgh and Whetting. ao27dgerBgiT GICOROZ W. 8311 Tit BASK or Prrrostntort Nor. lot, IItSS: TRE Preeident,nd Directors of this Benk, bare ads der deciored dteklend olf apu ..t. the repltal Stock. for the bat Ito month,, potable to Btoethold•re, or their legal reproos. 00 nr siler [he lath lost Looldt4ll JOIN BNYDRIL'Oesht: • KICIWRIS Bart Prrnonsiatt, Boy. let. Uthg. rp cent. BANK has declared a dividend of 4 p er on the caoltat Stork. one of the moan o • lut Mt months. p•jabh. en or eller the 11th Wet. no9lkir2v JANIS B. MUISIULY. Cleah'r. XOTICE—CAMPBELLA CRESS having porebasel the tail. eock of /Nikko. a nt Co. so the Tack frt..: .d mathlterr. hate antedated gelth them In badness, Robert W. Wean and Thompson Hull. The boalom will be eopthaned at the Omer stand, N. 119 Water stmt.antler th e et) le of OAIIII.BILL. 01/121118 CO. cetato OTIOEs—I have this day disposed of m a y lq entire Intent le the Arm of CAMPBELL. eIIBFB 0/).. to my late earthen, TIIOB. 1. CAMPBELL and DAVID oases. vbs .111 settle the h,elness of um Am. seri use the Dame of Campbell, Chose & 0.. foe that (MARLYS MeI(BIGHT. Poet. 12,1851. orbeth NOTICIE.—The partnership pree.ionslyex- Wine between the uudeethrbel, late orop.iehm et ehhiog lece Worke,teensdastdd by Its own Hadtatioo oaths 11th of July Wt. Peet. neon BKOWN /LOYD a 00, to whom Ise fold the Worts, succeed tts'in the nutieufaetore lus4 isle of troo. puttoss, as real] BROWN. PIIILLIPB* CD. Dissolution of Partnership THE Partnership heretofore ezieting un dee the firm of I , TEWART. FLOYD I CO.. was OH. day Martial by mutual oonmot. The business of th 'steam will be settled•by Thos. U. 8 STEWART. LLOYD t 0. Satsburgh. Sept. 80th. DOA eel° gmcsolos Boom 01 Prom:mai. Oat. 21. 'Oa. AN ELECTION for 13 Directors of this Book. to serve for the ensuing year, will be held at • =Me House, Go NUM DAY. the 111tof November. melt. A penal meeting of Stockholders re bald.. Toe §:sr Nor. lat. JIB. B. MURRAY. or2late Cashier. kiIBCIIIIIIIII /JD Ilicatmaci yaw Bur.) Prrnsucoa, OcL 93, MIL .1 AN ELECTION for 13 Directors of this Bank will be held .a the Banking Hoare. on MON . the 21st day et November neYt. nettlamd W. U DINNY, Cs.h . r. __, . . . Be= or P117131M011. ISO._ A N ELECTION for 13 Directors of this 'ill Bank. for theansuloa year. be bold at the Back. las flame. on MONDAY, the Vet day of Nov. seat. JOHN BNIMBB, Osehler. IdIiSSIGNEES NOTICIE.—The undersigned Amiens. of John Osier. hereby notlfy all pers.:me bted Mudd Chiles to eel! and make payment, and .11 persona having claims again.[ him, will plea. resent them fn oettbment, Thedem (N 0.2%, Liberty e treat.) w 11 bs kept open for a short time, to sell not the stock of goods on hand, when W. El FONT. one of the Assignees will be found, to whom all melments mast le made. W. D. Pussy WILLIS pools. MT2M!=!r!M:MI HOLLAND BITTERS GIENVINE TIOLIAND 13.17177t8; ROM LOUIS A. D'ISRAELS, Cliemiet lard Pharmaceutist. or Amateniam * the only Mann. torn.—A purely Veystribla Corneal:lrd. prepared on Strictly . mintage principle*, after the manner ex the cel• abratad Iloiland professor. Boarbave. Became °rite groat mama in most of the Europa. Stators , int ro duction Into the United Mass tau intended more especially for thoat of one Father Land - mattered her* and there OTei the taw of tbla mighty cannily. dt.tinit with meat fumes. among them. I now afar it to the American pule Lia, knotting that its truly woriderlui ashler mud acknowlialgul. IT D 3 A PURE REMEDY FOR Fever end Acne, Dysoopels. Melt Itekkoelo. HemPoehe. Bow and fool Momaeb, Offensive Breath. BRloneasm. nnotrseant Mete in the month alter eating or Weeping. In4lifeetlon. coMfroo.q manses. vertnio. extreme languor end eXßXetion. •priotlta, deepondoSoy. &meet- . noehimpalreelefghtand memory. W. Ana fear of felon. in MN head. and all eelorlo tram • die. red Mats of THE LITER UR STOMACIL It Is particularly rvenantandad to they wharf conatitatioas may bare barn Impatetal b . continuous nay at ardent apirlts. or calm fumy at Won. Gan. orally Lost:annum.. In abut, It nada Delray dlractly le Um seat ol lit, thtilllog and quickening emery nary., raising up dm drooping Writs. and. In fact , lauds., nvs boaltb tiM •i[o.l tato the ayabray • TRULL VALII•ULE MEDICINE all same of Diarams, Dysentery, Mello, Cholera Diorbus, and the mmv ancleanun areas attending a change et vater or climate. (Sattiterds sr Yr. R. O. Mods, fals lattice of Use Rea, Mut Bineratases W. BILIMEIII Pre& Ja--Dear 151r-1. would ea,. that I have ham dilated with Laws. of the etcsamh, ;alpha ticer of the b.rt, nod nervous headache for newly Chen year% and hay* sprat un i on Alter lars Lt. order to east • sore, bat to hieing aped three bottle. ofyour Wankel Simms, or Hal land Bitters," I Del asysfelf entirely rrstorad. I can oil and eleep well. sod attend to my badness with pleasure , sad would therefore recommend It to all those who arr efiltcts& B. D. WOODS. /fres:gnaw. guu S 4 LW. . Yc Um. Peon. Jr.—Dror tharthe ore due to the Maul reemomeur Mg roar Holland Bittern tLwr , og augers , ' for Mine time with head-aohe. laid en. otite, mental dionnetro. mid to fart general Mender of Me mkt* of ret of urning I now f hea ee l.lth after tidos but OM bottle. ado- (filmed) NIOOLOUIS OCIHOSTZE. Hum Peas. Jr.. Sp.—Drat 6r.-1 have bres.rolieved of 11. moat distreestag %rat of DYsTernia be M. ure ot Nathan's Holland Ittere,(ourrhaami of no au. se. fettle lot II year. with b.ftehe, man. and. cor ral de bility. Mauling 'alienation. I non feelerfe y rata. rd. Torun tetherMily, JOHN ROTIIIIR /11), No. 90 Wide et. Pittsl with. in. 800 110(118 &VIPS • Holland Illitas." an I ta ke to other. Brionid It fell. In any butane.. to 'effect moth . and mon than the advertisement althasfor H. Mmitmt. ' fry •111 be tehanded. • , Bold by the Proprietor. NEJ/L/dIN P./.OE,Jr.. Drug and Ch•0110t1.• Oar. Third and Ihnithlald and Logan:4 Wylie a t i Alan by B.A. Wahneatook a Co. H. IL /Milan. Ota H. Kenn. Fleming ans.. utd J. ntakst . ON Plttehatab. , . , Or. John 0. Rada, Birminzbetz. Juan T. Sample, IS P. Nohnarts. John P. Piesolt and foLe A. Beckham a • Alleghpay. oelfql imi Per Purifying the:Bloode auditor the Our W . &Wats. Ricwnsfirn, Shama Okeirr. Dy mama.. Aver Soch Arinftedor.. Phalcfea... Noweerial Dinars, mmiest Jirtugice' es, [mar • • Chemitoint. 9roa Uir. Cannemccona Yawn antifidair. /we/ ppals, GmeraJ de.' fa N this preparation all the restoTative prop, erthis the root are couoritrshid to their utmost s oath and idlers; bat while Baresparilla Root foram tin Important put Of Its combinetion. it Is. at the rasa me, entopoundeel with other vcgotable mnedise of asset power. and It is In the pectillar combination ant Wendt , to meaner of its properstion. that its rounutable rococo. - la the cure of disarm depends. It sole eimultaneoullv mum the stomaah.the circulation of the boyar, and tam three prooeres. which are ordinarily the monitor three dissect kind of medicine. ere carried. on at the some time. through the iturcrtunetnality a Me owe remedhil y e pt which gently stimulates while It disieforts and ea pole from the itornaah and borsht all that is irritating. and at the same time restores their rive gad tone.— r a p r ettzsimtitioce imitate It to Miring the name of darrmaril tad in that their resemblance ends. %slog Men p from worthless guiltiest roots, sod of mare pessesau no hullo& or curative rulsertin, and patient It matins choice of which her will am sivuld tare aa other. but that one entitiel, to their ontaidenee, Romoho long Het of curse lt has easeed 'on living wit.' cartes. whoa testimonials and reeldeom hate been pub. Hebei, sad who an atn• %eating deity tertimour to its • • ASTON UINU OUR& P4711/5031. N. Y. Soot 2N.h, )851 Mimi A. B. A D. BMW Oentl.mem—Usslair . . ~ . .. . . Deemed N. most beneficial effects from the nee et "lour illemparills. It Mem am plenum to wind toe tb• follow. Mg statemont in renard.to my son ~ In the 011E4 of 1848 he took a NUM , 0•10 and Mier 8 weeks °fearing suffering the dismal oettliod i n bin lett to and foot which neon swelled to the utmost. TM. moiling woo. onenl by Isle phyrielan. ans dlooluirged meet `urniusely; after that no Inc than Meson ulcers formed onc ter and foot at ono time. We bad fin eifferenc b has inn.: lust none rolarr• eel him tonthtmad the loot winter nd him lio onmoisted and law that In was unable to lemitile bed, sofforlog rho most excruciating pain. Daring thf Mao the tame hid become la womb ated that Disco a r Pim* ran , i*.i.is et which be Mn now mom than two n .11ne . hreamV in if ,3 ineit a is aV thr n od r f e : gl a r e ° n* Il w il l :o 1: 6 " . 11 Pr.: 4 '4 4l i ..._ and with its use /do health and atiliantalimiaii jr. t Ili Moly to Improve. ond PO timid 1./..4 Ms e gnaw than a down Poetic. .foetal • ;ovate rans v . . With lust:Undo. t !TAM, ;tri m Wit the nodeiralgood. neighbor, of Mr. floilord, char , fully aubsarioo to the tam or the Moot siatostient_ _ . c u 4 :4111. 11 . art. .., S&L.. . nr onne Willm; and it,4"b4.ead.1.4 • 6'%'Williobittocißritirielii Williams ' Noir li• rk. 8%1.4 br Dminatts ganorall , throughout the United litislornsid con e itteitric tmtUrt Ms bottles tor 8 8 rot So* .7 ..4- it co, t wikos.7,o. Doi..rifitharffbi IL P. 1• 12 \MU. AReittif UT (My sal or Limagglata mid , Dwain ist Iladb alma eau, who ~-.9.484. Till. .. . , . , -_ NEW STYLES. .\ E. WATTS•Ii, 'COA MICROKANT TAILORS, . NO. 1101 LINNATIV. ITOZNITi i Er NOW , reeeivinei n :erzologsnt new Agegt f irkyl?s , h; Oronnistinril et.* r....EbrZad Ou t limey y and Vslyes rhiab, Outman and 1111 k syllayill% 004 TalletioTh` n* • nintof onnoript *Ma _any Istll t s. at l yar a lo s =l: traidt tmk innorminto iiW2' of as. add ,Z WAITd 00, lie MAI= ATILVILI OARPET&—Rated NI .tbia'sliy, it "i t t A n t 's w irMilAV;r i tTgri a r, ' we .I:Um of W. Me2l. L. BITSINBBII-DIREOTORT. B. SI. nirrai9l.l.L J ' oo.ll 46vsiciaitmt.ealscr P •AMU for the art laaarnad sad larked oimalaiaa lbeamea.lal Papas bola to tag tralted alum t th. Oanadaa , . NEW YOU AD n. Irc&minii . llet of Mohr& &two am =MI tba b elt and met nalsb Lu the dt7 of Nov Tort. Wholesale Stationery Warerooms, WM. A. WHEELIE& & 13 & 18 Park Rew. (DilicnT OPPORITI via know. awn.) NEW YORK DITY. PALL IMPORTATIONS, FRRSEI GOODS!! THE Subscribers have now in store, just nand from Dime% • won easeaalve and oasetal. adectsd stank at Stoo l. and /fano, Dealltassay z. eatort 'aurra„=:vhait h .. lath Boaa of A sostican Cap lAtter and /lot Paget psi is. foutd to the United Mats.. they ass sole Propriet, rs of Whltney's Patent Alf Tight Inkstand. and Agents the be sato of Hadley field's Writing Mold. ankh varrantsd sonatas to Arnold's !laid. and furnished es /mush loner rats. Buyers •ho oonsult their own Interstt, nlll not pur chase before szatoinhod their gtols. sollbllanens WIL WHZULZR i OD. • Dry Goods. OWEN It IdoNANEE, Importers .of Amnia= and ford= 811 k • • Taxer Goods, 112 j 13114 Ilsoadsor. sole • - -_ _ ILL, BROTHERS, Importer. of Embroi der's.. White Goods, ita. NO. 89 Llbertr newt. COTTENET & CO., Importers of French and Obit Earmoin Geed; No. l 0 Broil street SORGE PEARCE k CO., Importers of RUBIN k HONIG, No. 153 Broadway, • km doors from Llba•ty stmt, lawman of tacc% 'Works. ellb,.as sate= J. WYETII t 00., Importers of Em. strut. a/. braids:du. Whit. sad Lau Goods. Ns. 22 tbaut 1 AMES OWEN, 15 Broad atreot, Import u of Dress Ttimnl • Gimps sad Moen, 811 k HENNZQUIN & CO., Manufacnirers ILI • .d Importers of howl Goods. Merinos. Shales. Isersoom. 00.80 Brand street. ROBINSON & CO., No. 187 Brad e Jobbers of lion Gogode. Rib. Waras,la ri Hominy. G1e7.6.8131•101pal quzas t CO., No. 47 B r"Ci atr A t r a lmp.raus of Preach, Swish and firratiwclieti EISCHER & BUSCH, No. Broad street, Isoportan a French and Swiss Goods, BILKS. LIBB, do. VI ITCHELL & POTT, 45 Exchange Place, i t tUmporters of Elvish Dry flax% lkotetk and Izifh UORN, SOHLIEPER & HAARHAUS, hoportara °ragman isad &lean BROAD OLOTIIB. Elostarlas, ia, Na SO Yzahacia Place. SALOMON BOIINEITAMM, Importer of, NDREAZ k CO., Importers or French, Wyman and Italian BILE GOODB. OrA)BEIB. Ala" roadway. OURILY & CO., Importers of French and Elwin Goods, auto, limbos 1e..; No. i A : mporter o 'rano. Gorman and Ihrtrs Dry Gm Is. fit Ikr, Bath. Velvets, tlharrlA. Wooleur. 1 , 4 Yo. 83 ihy.d amt. N. Y. 5p13:17 1:110MAS MONROE, No. 34 Phie street., Colored Cotton Goode Snide; Cambria. Veet-Ped ". Winne. Nankeens le. 1 . 1201.1 & YALE, iniporters and Jobbers 7 11 of SILK sod /ANDY DRY GOODS, gostorally. No. otrsot 11.1 ' '4 '• • tYGOOtrest. Importers omd Jobbers of tams sad Duple DS. IV B. BAWL' & CO., 97 William street, 10 • Importer. of Geselemene Purnuddnd Goods. and Manufacturer of nide, Stooks. de. I 01IN M. DAVIES, JONES &DO., Im -1? porta. of Gosttlemene Ifortdatifog Goods and Zano 7 toenrof Stook; Shirt., Tim, &a. 101 William area. V‘ r !i l e ial i i i. l 2. D YTctr b tLl 3 : s 4. l P oPtl e s gi r l% .1 /amp romd Pobart Yount. Bailsman., Ireland. n A. &G. U. WITTHAITS, 51 Exchange Li,. Importer of ENO Yerol.tanst 900118. Tod. STRAELILEIM & CO., 69•Broadwa , SOIIOOIIARDT, FROLICII IS 1108NN.Nos. 43.494 N Liberty .troot, Jostsartsrs of freash. Fiala, and Germ. ellts, Naha •s. ero* Nest •s. Woolen or or descri.tloo.. ERTRAND FRERES k HENRY, Impi9r- Mrs of Linos Cambrian and LimCambric Mad. komblefa. Linan Lamm, Embroldnim. L o. (own mann laa 0m,121 William litrest. Cloth Goo 4. CLARK & WEST, 158 Broik dway, Import m of French. Xvgthh and Gamin Good& for cHer tent Tailors sad Ulothiers. \ MK SKINNER & CO., 56 John street, Importers awl Jobbers of CLOTIIICIASHIMERYS Olothien. 11 ANFORD •A. BROTIIER, CLOTHING. Wart, Drawn. and YornhibtOg Good., Clothing and Rubber Goals, SY Pink Now oppcodte U. Astor Hons. • USED MUNROE & CO., Extepaive Retail Llothiaa lrat.doltrtuand, 441'Broadvaa, dos from marked Takao.) Dagneritotypes. if GURNEY. No. 349 Broadway, 0:41 gal ° rot and =it extesidve agtabltthimeildtpi, Dra~gu _ ARSE & NORTHROP, 150 Greenwich : n ne , \La paterse wbalsiati deans MVO& • WITNEY, JOCELYN ANNIN, Art lad &waves on Wood. Nai. 68 awl 80 Fu l t. newt sod beet work minutia hero. W. ORR,' Designer and •er on mo z vatz w urrusargsz,t. -- 7,4 r. krgell MBREDE, CURD lINGRAVER and PeINTIM, deo dealer In non Mtlnman .o:num . . Pertfunna, tn. 0 01.0tronolltan natal. 010 =MIQ AIEITATT.,Ib CORNELL, General Enieavere J.J. awl Pritermo, No. 299 Broodway. introneola toodol orroot. mars er Moil or Tologroph lgraOll47 OWARDS, \ SANFORD & CO, Foreign, ' No. AS Broodwar. • Good/ and ktotool Mosto Pit b. ts tl *L o &Ulu= outs world. Aodoto,, turo 00: \ the Du - lanSty Goods:, ERiGO BUT:FCLRY, 83 \Ceder street, P importers mkt JobteM—linglish. french. and Gar. m. .Fame 7 Goods. Opmbp, , Buttons. &a.m. Tbroads. Cutlery, Romtrri.C7o6. aa. rimiGMAS EDWARD GILL, Importers Vsney Goods. IfeelerY,Gloves. Lases. sad Ent brolderiew Annan wanted Zoe thtle Loseneet Nowd N 0.14 Dey Asset, New Tort. ICARROLL k KUTOIIINGSON Importare and Dalai tnlsoneh.fiell4zo.l ~,t lllll JEW. Y. Amor Good Btatiorm7. ••T B Inky. VTINS and SPORTING APPARAT I Rim %Asa 00.. meats Blebarda; fi=gt../.123=14911 . 15and, apoi,r Ware" of orrary \ (010ffinittg COMMIT frltrETIA 4 LAFAYETTE \ GOLD MI NINO OOMPANY. he rald autaipatal ro o m Divideada wil Ilkaitalr... mane:lna In °etch.. nett. It t actaugsta azatia tau op.. raVon. tree from all debt. and • sondes noir at bank A Mr therm and favour 'putt:waters la. be obtalned by addreedos DARYA. AD ,11114 Agent, 101 Felten 'beet, Nen York. rillk3ln • • Hardware, dFo. • I B. d W. W. CORNELL, 135 and-143 f • Omtsist.. Phan sad Ornsaurntsl DION WOMB. Hato, - Furs, *c JACOBS, 167 Water areal, Imparters Manufacturers, sad Whliloule D..ln. Is aft, If nimmtnas. he. \ hot Air Eunuch •Act.\ AVID OULITBR (Inyentor and Patentee) ellff 'trait. mesa rater sat 4ftler. :du:Urals aU lit reta , tarmac, Mictstlors. Ventils6 ne. COWLES & CO., 177 Grand stioet4 Im previa\ ILA Ur Yuma.. Aoki" Redden, IceratlF haw; ta India4hinese and Persian Goods. \ P. FQGNTAIN 3 S, No. 653 Breathitt , itTia r tWall..V. th the ebery India Rubber • Goods. -• • • • triltitat,3et‘WYK"t =3 Aourtlnndt et. .px•Nevers, Boots. ha splII:11 , s • ENRY DAVRNPOKT,B6 John et., A1an ,0•441., 4.4 in w.ery deserlpilon of Good. Fa P►kne Rabbet. /Olio. Fanny Rubber Goods sad 5v14.1, Light a Rods. A 31,_QUIMBY SON, Dealers in at u l/11411,1rAoovi irto zoos. coso. Ye. iss AlsoltinOry and r ‘iftio Tools. VONARD'A MAO RrDEPOT,No. 100 Poul iao 00 Bonne to, maourassrs 1.8 trona tn. Ws-110km tb, 00=117. QOUENOK'S\MLAOHINSMT DEPOT, 62 00.1rUandt 21,404 111sabbrry VidDllealda• Tll.llO Marble3se4 \lra and aod. FLIRRUND & 004nutsoture of *us W U4 U .70do• 170.71. mr -1141" '24 r ll4 ' 1 '," ; . 4t/ ..407, /tuba , .ents:%:\ . •i ItuNO &:,0A.131:11.t 47 \glad Lan% 1 (ham. • • Ins. • • -• lbw Izotimbakt. • =• • t • • Nil& nom La&vrrr, bi- WitAt lnn .i nnn t...ol=4e rid'!" lll;ll'oW • Paper CYRUS W. FINLD & boort= anti Mistrals. th Aamisiesis usraisu and Sluttish P:would sun hem Ut. Sous et Psrstir Xsaishisturich • • - MI I NOAN LEWIS fr. BARTOW, N 0.161 stelmt A great ohLANIR srA Ihstkatm= k 111aUfse• q Piano Forte Manufacturers. OW a OHRISTOPHER--PIA NO 1 et grist IFI Manatiatarsat. mint al 8d Mama gad - 111 OBT. M. PATRICK, Delano. Balaman: MAL dor (13•710zh Pato%) boot. No.l l / 4 Paul Station • rm. A. WszaroOall—Whitkisle. W parkt,,WRIELYLIt CO Not. !rang Uriiiiittar 13 Is vavarre= am, Toys mad Panay Goods: 1, • 416..1J:110F AHLBORA Noe. 59 and 61 -Mistan La", Lamb= of TOTS sod WO! CHARLES W. LI : NDAHL, 0.1:.wi%M6../T:w=ktiM=r!"7 Tiles for Floors and Clammy Tops. ALLEN, COATES & TOO L * , No. 27,9 Pearl street. llsesustle Tlbre. Garai* Caner lumbers, Matts% Metals. be. Threads. • 'MMUS L oa RytheaM OMao°, Window OWN. Unto, ate, J, BASER & BRODER% 142 Watit, Import:gn of hawk Wiadow Ypainok so: ablo. Anntsot An 131.111 ikledlls' Ulan Ware. ie. -' • • H r OPKINS BRO e./46.1,1ran01t Wlsidagrial•d rie t! r IL ,, POI uLO N k CO? Im Brandies, aid Ha vai i — C PETERS OHAMBLR4 4 No.3OO : aaPorten 0f4121a 1?111/1 Vcn ri Ar Franck Engnth and American irilinerY TIE LAMB 01 an lINITEDI3TATnB , art respectfully invited Vi fiat the suignieceat Rooms of the enbscriber. The arrangeotent flt.ii" recently entered into for a sapplz of the Ithennty 01 10101100 IMILLI2IIIIIf. from Madame ,Lenalisur the oelebrated.nallthar in Prris. and OIL leautertlas= Even. London. toestbre frith 'her own ao euperlor tans, enable. her to pruent to her i lka ffutsfoof hinds and the Dahlia in gmeral. at this the. \ ino.testeneive and attractive display of PALL 3 in \ \ . her line of trannese ever offered nn sal . In this tf7. ''' * il zi. Dim il. ham to acknowledge thirreesipt of Bun OM' \ Pihnentuy . Mors from the Trade throughout the otos. . relative to the sant, of the transit of th e 8 Pot - ! 1 chasm. and of the complete approval - of the efl finish of an the Goods sent out angeturie happy to that ths waotaamil DIIPAISTMOSP leant ands oasts management. NU. WILLIASI 31111 DION& staiddin lift greederanNew Tort. . India Rubber- Gkives, Kittens, axt OUNTRY MERCHANTS in m d el s r: l 2 their eallagle art1:11. AIL ' Whet baibeettati l l I ra! Mead recently. OtA they ere nude vary durable. Par ticular attbantlon I. otanectett b tbs WOOL I.VIDD ti DATA AND bIITTI4B. - mot are indisheneable la call end wet weather. Ladles wilt end 0N... Glen" beast In any wort that EAU tn. bands. at the nom time they will ewe the went Salt Manta or Ohappat Maeda hem. dlately. They ate made all lengtb• b protatt the arms and wrists. Yoruba by J. P d. PbUllpe. lEittahureb; Gloullyrar. 68 Chesnut at._ Phila.., Seven geNenees. N. nth. and by all Rubber Deena _ • _ eat* at retail by Uanatry Wereheate threnhant the Un taititatee sod Canadas. °Nana , • • MEDICAL. NOT A PARTICLE OF MERCURY IT. I Al Isirsmata Rim=far Forofulti; Hite'. Iv% Itlienutir hem, Obstinate Ourannons Branham, Phriplmi or Pus. \ Manes Blotches 11011.. Chroolo &ow \ Ryes Blow Worm 'or Tettar. 6.Wd Rad.. Eviergammt , ,Pain of the Bone. mil /ants Stubborn Mow. "JOB- Dismay midair Spina Ommislasomit al I •• Dismay midair from au licludrom it_to MMus t r t In m 11=J . sardi i oh he. x .0 ., 11.:%, • for UM numb*, of extraordinary eons effinitadl Omagh im olithor , has inducal the prourietens o 1 sue mime. rt out al thirir friends, to offw It to the I:l36 4 rhich May • • with the utmost maidens.. its virtu imam. • • - tut curative protierties. Tbs following terilost. 1.1131 hrs. number, ars hommr. MANS. tiaa' sty than the min word a the propriators: mous trout •-• mo 1 tlemm kaowndu their mato! •ths high. - re•Pectability. many of Ram rodeos ln the edgy of - Raitunciod. P. Bong.;rod of M the Rgellahri 1/06.30PtheN0.13. known every. as here. myt rv hs hs. ise n the I.oo Madame milta drwl Wass'... In mostly ail the dles Mmvtb sme Re which It le m Ice over a eow . \ • mended. with tba ino.l astoolgtingly mod remlin. • lit my. ins the most mtraordimry bs has era. Ali 01 IND PITZR-011.1111T r 1/I.ll.lhereby heftily that for three year. I had Ago. mid Mien of the mad violent dincription. bad worms' ohyrielabs, took lane • , 'idnedtWeer liardmiiilaturl..nd I batsman Om Tonics advertised, out all without any mrinsamt reliet• At \ • Wt I taiga CROW. Branum It two bottles of width effectually curd me, and I am y In my I. tidy* tad neither Chills ,or Norms Madder It shouts' Tonto in the vivid, and the only mollehie th it ' • ITeti red dh . d Rif daa loa x id o24ll D° 3 . • ' Suva D•lll,l3oirt Ittchusmal. • - •0. B. Luck. is tmw In thscity for inROT rens 50 lb. he.irach i s:ieritt a t • tits astlabing ahem of Cautran Ewan he has bombe upwards of ad bon/ea witch De lives away to the Misted. Mr. Luck iamb. has navdeknolm it to ta 1 whim Mims. sosordinpudlysistions. _ Da Mlenail. a promising P dm. and 1/ the ffity Hots.. in tit. city Ititionned, \ways lw hat trammed Ina number a instances the •Bate Con. tuns Prism Marta which wen mad troll. U. nye to a tom a oonsulatition.dinwndela tirtGi= W e Rood .Raub were wain:Leda td..!. IihRUP.I. M. DRINKER of the Arm of BROMawa Mr- Binhasoud. Vas oared of Lira Complaint eit II my. *Modiste. by. Um rise of two bottle. of tlatindulMaxildi , • Wilda con ow POROPULR—Th. Maori \ 'hit 'Richmond Baymblican hod • savant msplOpel Oar .Mme room 00.0.1 of violent Scrofula. musldned swith .dedsialimi. whirl thfirelY disabled hLwi ham woMr.— * s, Two Dora.. of Oarees aputish Mixture, nude a Waist cure of Jahn. and the editors. is • pubM nO i Zta tAIL "oluierinity moomumnd it tit al who- ism • gar dimme of me " nut.oukz ov scBolgt4—i b4aA vOir valuable boy mired of Scrofola br Outays Bpin Ult . \ \Ta I madder it Muir a vsluati. measiono _nharcs ationt.Cooduclar on the N. IP. R. Co.. Richmond \ Tr/ 01 510 yEAIs surfpuil4ll*.p.—me Muut Tacoma, scolding in the .1M ol usehm. as/ j . f ir w tOi t t.= which ali th. physician. of the Pity marl not tare. • Mr: Thoth:won is • wall known merehmt In the city dif Mar mnadl ga.. and his core 1. mat smarts/M. WIG A Manse's. of Illthigond. bad a ...mut rued of ey m ot It as • trivaloside inedicene. _ Inciusa E. West, of Mehmond. sae oared of Wants taro . Wha t, Vtiratelsaa imagyanid Mass=jmon. •. thro bottler of untie. do Mtsturs, RD efflomlssfooar of the revenoh My. hit . has men this rffaoti of Oat tees •Ilipanish Minx. • a number of yptill mom; and mys Mt. a psetect own tior that borsht. Mae. , _ • Ws.O.Rszeteas a Riehmond. cured id Old PQM ant Moors which disabial him from walkinw.• •Took firer bottles of Oarthee Spanish Mitturs. and wsa embled to walk without. s• 'match. •In • a short ti aersamittir Primly./ Depots at. MAYsan. Com ioo N4BJ,MIM- - . en Laaßtitrw Yak. T. W. Droll & 8r... Ku US, North pd &m.l. Philadelthia; I. maneaßea...No.lM Yalu 1 , 14 A nkfr: _Patio•nock Co . 'Nom Jr ~& Oci Pittitburght,ll. lituararta. • aikehanl Qtr. ' hod by. drowsier. and Mielereln stidlanal evarrhers. • • ectiOtlyd.w.B • A LIVER COMPLAINT - DIfBPDPSIAL JAI:I2IDICIfI,\OQiO 1O OIL "among* \ 016111.1•ITY, •.• 'DZSIIIfifE OF 7 f/C Pf/1=1" , \ • Ant all .Dlrstios arlalas ham ploorarrod UOOO o, Boob Cloorflualoo. Inward PD... rallaier otlioad w\ • fa. mod. AeUtt y clam Mumma. Nooroo, lboarbara, \ Mama fry tool. Walloon or. goisht In W. fliosasok.. boor DroctoUona Slaking or Blotto:arm Was Plt of the tltealfolheWimming of lb* Ma& llorrlat oar ald- • tiouttßreathlng. !hitt...rine at tta lime. UMW lajg sr - Ilallbestautinforlont whoa la • lyloit ',Kora. vas. - • non of Po Don co- Wear before ths. twat. row off 4; Dull Polo o Hord. D.Osietar of Porogaradow le moo of the Skim d ad Dros s Polo la the Ma. Do*, Most. 11=14 go. dada= of IlLoot: amralafja . tta Flab. Un,t.nt haarloafar 01 rr• l sod \ lf fief V.' frelltiOn of Patna. culf la amain= rum • DR: 1100FLAND'S OELSBRA 00000..9 IT DR. C. M. JACKSON; . • No. 120 Arahltreet, Mirk101a...... .- • molr power afar the above diseases la not mall. II „,,,,..,md. by. exe othor promotion in th• Wilted Mato. . • eo the eoroo lined. in many owes altar aldllfulphysledand ' .- -. had Gliel. , Thaw Bitters re worththe lineation if:lnvade. Ille• . . - awned greet ',lrma In 1 10 reociandlon of Mawr of Ida ' . Low .n 4 i., ei yo ii.nds. asoroidow the most. female'. ~,7a anialuate and olf oil no of,tbe dluatlrearlyalak '-', Wt t ., withal. Naha portals - and pleamht . , ... ?he follow: 5s somata of the care of IBS RSV'. J. IN YARllll3llllo...traeled from tbwpar info. Clorwelle • a flatonebanna oca.Pe.., lob. 71b.11152. ' ,-• b,.. 073.7t00, later SIII—I holler*. year moss- RN - awe anywhat May Sr. non Nonni to hi. Par lyor won... - ' taxa' ono yap: I bare beak ~...1.1 with alt. o Max ria... pOlllllO6 1.0•11.411M11 Of _II* LI OR an about the .- . 6 ,,,,, h a t &pox. .when 1 beam" watennwd e £l4 ' , • tm a n .,,,,iyyysted by ft.. hi, 0.....b...t 110. ....4 . • • ~,,,„„b „ ,,,, ,f., licrwlll . troine drxd i folly dlannad OM 1.V.7,a;g5.14. MY SIM sa L ehrolud the i dllisil i r. and la' l .to pewit% witdrat motion to my bowel. .Ent. - ott i til . , t lei nia4,! 4 =traiilr.:gritaia m try I t ,che mu red my pow. °. darn the otiellreawiPwo hat partially parftnaixxiy,,my •rowolor mnstiatir. lordher with extreme nowornaabllt. Tr. lagol%trle=tlb3lttirol f ' t=il. ".* W • r i . 6 '., n a . ` entifisatie miasmal:\ raxassolindlait your Wittennit 0401 . -. 1 =lltomtits , . I sent to your admit. air. A. Tintol. it I .r erxi., and swinforwil two tottlao. and wisainenned afx wyrdlng to Olrietkoleillziltly. • Worn I bad weed hp tki 1 that lice lo I Round tliatthe orattad was faot be'nf armor- ' xl from nir Joanna. an& tit* 001. lei e and Itonuith . binseix ' ing""=l4 lefT gaz \ I b. 7e uSW 6 °0410.tm lo n""-- ' hay* b.., 0 twined. and 1 boos Mini hops . ' that lam below worgailly \ rani:weft whams Oa Mediae . l had Men IroWng an losat.lisat twaibrotight Xs low. that " . • ' is N o . m o t y lan nry mink \ Now was demand et uk via • - ' maid 1.. letter otrlldor 1.1.,11: hprott,and pabliatifd th yho ciarietlanebrotfolaoliDo... - NI: - -• . S - • . N00,!..1r. I Iny.rnilillat bat few. at loye-Cla - .ttda f KW. ' '' be aura by tbe,aseAtbkom blltcarb.-Tersi=ly. 4 &ad g bylL i Makestoe - le 41 % 6. . \ Yltod4 W. b i rstr=iblabbla liv=b.frbirlu444% , kIOLAME3-300 bbls. Pbuitathin, Molarl 9W:r S e& CleePasvi Mg. 111 6 45„... Ls s sib br PALA g.. n0t0 . 841,--;iiiii , Choi I.Ader.l.ll,stosabLallataurtliot w 14h1 11",11,1111u1.11 1 1 , 8, IT wsat gems -A; =~a~x~