PtrrSlftißffil FE% MB WI faux rim.. ifire'lxcla ra tne roar oe nom , &ILY—Saven dollan, per elannen. Web , . h•lir • W l i ritet!gro ( I : l = . pi wU r . itis* (3 "" •". aappUed on the touowlegetroetione time copies per ananse---,—... t ie aoples do •—•••---....^. - e• Tanner aopla dee _ • 24 44 Paekatibr sea elan tente, enoramen to nadd Domertie rehear. Certificates ead r iTtrletreeta. Outent Money received oa ? I:4! Dealt Ken Macke for sale. sad collect:boa made en heel , 17 ell the priadeal paints of the Malted The highest . preet.tuai paid tbr loralg E rat.llaireas Advanoes made ea conslanatenie Ptoduee.ebbreasest In tams. BiIIAIRD & Beal Estate, Stock end ttrolurs, No. 43, Irifth at. aro m. A. HILLA 00.;Baniers ifirkers,o4Wcodst II WILLIAMS & CO, Baikal' • xsalr Braun. No rt h Mast cora. of WSe l d stmts. tUburial. Alt tranisations mods au ulrsal Was. wilactlAre truntly attestled to. ' • WU, . sit, • c. .ge, :rokert, r • 21. 76 I. rte Street, o 0 to the — Baak of Pare arab. An ctszleactioor mortilbaral rate. Jr AN7M.i.Al3mm, Banker and Broker. 4thstivekNo.llo, adjelains Ceallank of Pittibanit• 1101,2109 &BON, Dealers in' Foreign. 111 • and Darkeetts ROL of ....I•eivanke,Oetttkeatea of Pe ooelteatank Notes sad kpeele. No. CD Market street. Pitts ri-oolhftzu on II the otinelpal flea imortaboot they Bear. r:1411):4:4 :4 A A :4 :1:1,3,1 alitI.‘14(1):4:4:4:1 O. STOCKTON, late k Stook Lt• Beasella..Btatiancr, Printer, enQ ithider..r. L. BE • Bookseller and &slipper, No ?earth Ares% Apollo Aut Wats. • WebEn wROL g• Lf" and . Retail Dealer; in blank and School Boota. Pam and 13•W0w..7. No ON Woott dratt. (batvern This* and Vow= Mb. Wu :h. ntarko DRUGGISTS. 1 . 11: • "3- 1ALCOf ‘.t' CO., Druggists and Apoth. ILi• mew. come Market titian sad tts=d a, ir ta „,r+211. 47 . ... 11" , =7, awl mattes pettigning aty re;ariptlons parsiollyoompowadord. 19 John P. Scott. WHOLESALE Dealer in -Drage, Palate, Oibt. Varnishes lead an Moab, No: PK Libatr street. Pittsburgh. All oilers ertaroosive prompt satiation. AirAvost for'Louden A Co's ratuable Wally medicine& marMullr A. SAIENESTOCK b. CO., Wholeselo and manufacturer. of WU% Leadjted naval. Marge. mud Wood audJfrour atreeta,kitta 1 0 1 _E. SELLERS,- Wholesale Dealer in .ILeT t . Mtn Pain, pllttulb..oil.6 Varnis: ac, Priam wow= an.. .. MEWL FIVAIIN & Viiii)leaale and Entail of -Lit.o2 sal at. osusta. Pat. fBOI[OONIdAKERit 00., Wholet g•sloDru OD 24 Weed .t. Pittebsirgh. 6Kt~~:M'.t is}:t (~): I.r: l i) y~}: ~;Y.~:t i} t.Z~ f WILLIAN MiCLUIte, DX.ILEI IN • TIULIS, CHOICE EMMY , GROCKIU 8, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE. 001INZA Of WOOD AND AMU BTRZWIS . . a Is.noir receiving large assortment of Fresh Goo Is addition to hie already extol:Wee stook. Dyof shad from ant hem& In the Zan= marliota .hieh Nu be told et ihe lowest 'sestet prism. MS; Hotels. Steamboats, mid issolllee; Inuluel by Its oveatitr. supplied at wholemle rises. 1114.90rdi dollyandis tho dty free of ehesgo. WAS eta. sews : `,•A &A. WBAIIIE, LOMMISSION and FORWARDING KER ./ =ANTS. dealer, In Wool anol Prodtias Pitiebnftb. 110.abarsti Manual:4=w. No , V/ 4 15. MV6l9ond 4..1. sto C. WELLS & CO., LID WNOLZIALE COIOIIBILION mum= Bi:002.1. Nail, /LOOll, WAD FILINTd, CIO COUNTRY PRODIJOMIMALLY. No. 345 Liberty strut—Ceausierelal Row. -BolleriAJ P.I77IIBURGE. J. Y. LEECH,IeALPIA i Co., WHOLESALE MEM, ' AIM UAW DI Pao& MONS, MIZALB & P 1211893 MLNU,AI TURIIIS - 1101. 212 mad 2U Liberty strut, Ms&lug& ==:= Gilbert & 'Frederick, yriOLICSALE GROOKIIB, Prelim* Ds& - ors, Mardordlos and Domani!.lan Idarcbanta. 0311/ 4 ra t atar= on odastannars!a. - All rad; lnanrad if daatsed. ' ' *O ' sort. R. Robison & Co. WHOLESALE Grown, Produce Dealers, ALL r er h tOatasitesi on Iti•rebp• • No, Ali LIITZ . Luke Tat IitORWARDING and Commiseion ger 11 R dant, and Speed OonotioneePandylvanla ood Cowman No. Water ot., and /edit d. opposite the Rd rod Depot bn the dart Western command to be dorseded by rail dad vtU bo 010tH at Id landing ad dalloarad on gm platform to tho Dompanyle dant, Ulna to be Idled Into tho .etiltlabOat donee dd. Ball of holing tranotalltd. ad all testmotiona of dams or wadded faltleallr earrfd mmud ,Wmo r soiw ggrtmir;l: fordeded lamodataly by Md Zecd, or ob.; dd. am died d.; . Permits dead Nod IMOD Wald. will Made ;give rToatt• and timmy sunk* to pat ant. psr t bamp ..p b = t axa c . rders tbi rittalmsh manddade den 0A J. O. Dilworth & Co. • • cioßibilESlON"and Pfidoie Aletg i rm.F2 .I=l ramagsgl l l4ll o ;..d. streot—Pittaburgh. • • r - Spring.? Milt. Ugh. gelloansoz TO e & cIOMISSION & FORWARDING - Nor- VV amt./Imitate IPloar, Wool and.Posolowlioftwoll7. loo.l6tXtrot 4;sn4llf [Wood 0t...21Mw0M., W ARNDRICK, Forwarding and Cow .allisidaa limo Mott; Woo. Asyut PorMsno2l4tor arobatuto, No. 22 Wood ritroot,Pltlatmult. • - tar ottootlott pad to lonfordlai omt oodiumummu for solo. No oonnooticm, or mmiliimme tor Boots of my doomiptlon. • Orders promptly Wooded to., Jortmadlems will IS aR Ira be implicitly °bawl .51121 1 11•=z= t tl il lgttrisit ad PillSgr- I r_ ' f - - :- i 7 J - 0 — •: 8, o • •I • • aa• • •m -.. , t Widest . • . • Deelakle •• we sad /I- . NITARDX. JCNZEI &CO Smoossiots so A. WagiCA&V.l 1"="14-1. - .. -; - 11; DRUM Agent, -.(simelisoi :to z. . if; fLIFALLIIii , I3o..) oen. sod. A-ir trial. at,equat ktarlllsai= Il t‘'itl 'A : a AAPROSr. saw* iisursia in. i- . Anal,' ,:, . _ t.. 1 Lt1110,T03,-..--onvri 1110.211R1A1/ WI"! 3..corm.trin. LIVINGSTON, ROGGEN & CO. NOVELTY WORKS; PITTEBG iv OH, PA. TRACK and Depot Railroad Stales, Hay, °atria and arala do. Platform sae Couatir dm Looks Oral dam. Spring, timpani Thumb Wales. OA. *ditto( varions kindm Paint 101110 . aottotrd raf tinnm Dolls aDd rupiah.= Malleabis iron ending. of rump' variety in form and &slat dtf ALLEGHENY FOUNDRY JOUR senosona.--------m an a. errwm. EaDONOUGH •IS STEWART, Ali . 1:f FACT li llßE e ß . S 4 o l levag o dene VEa ttiLk WWIS Bones, plant=faitoy Orates and Jots. Tea Kettles. and deseription of FOUNDRY OAFITINGS. Moe and Warehouse No IPPS Liberty knelt, Pittsburgh. jy4:1.3 BRAM NOUttEdlitil. PLllllolillS AHD OAS /ITTitail. 117 and 12ii 11r Stmt. Pittibwron, ANDVIDEULIMIZIMOPPOSITZ SAILMOADMIT3II. ALLIMELST. AtANUFAOTURE all' kinds of Water, Goo and Stem Pitting. Lionsow fitted up with Goa and alAr on short MUM. inytrtf • J. HOWARTHH-4 IROTHER MARBLE MASON% 494 Liberty *treat; Moils beventia, i tiLESPECTFULLY Ariform their friends, 1.1 and the public 14111./1/. that Mei tremda e MAILDLY WOB.KeI at the abOYe sterol. whtre they I ldlgraLd he ZLO C agiregaggai r qrectri i iTitritin E , TOMBS, nano * STONES. WillttirxUr.ll BLABS. Ae. which they offer at extremely low prima. Marble le Blew*. Blabs. andgavel to order. Cemetery lota ...lased. with Bad. cad Yreeportkitooe. sole NICHOLSON PAYNE, Igiumituitiareri et 000KINU STOVES, CIEATIM FRONTS. FENDERS. tn. • liberty street, opposite Wood. EARNE STLY direct aftantion to a bevy and handsome patteni orPARLCS STOVE;:just aunalatod; also. to their neer patterns of eon WOKING 8 COVICS: known u the erelong State" and the `West- ern Star." The= Stoves in neatness of flash. entanor. *rennin' and mundane of materialomeno nothing of the kind Tat offered to thounblic. In aidition to the =titles alluded to nor , . their general stock ..iVrivee thing In their peonllar ilne.wltti the =oar nor° an improvements 'in view of reel utility. Pinforin and Conner SCALER, But Mills. Wagon Boxes. (follow Ware, B tel Lad MA nog I r139/4 Sugar an.Tas Kettles. AC.. I. ivory tilti.. Turn: of style and finish. An i!Lvlesem is T00L,W411,1C13, • CORNER OF. lIRSVANITUBERTY STREETS; PITTSBURGH. PA.' MACHINISTS' TOOLS of evory variety, rash ea IRON PLANIIRS, 6114 . and aand TORN- NeLATHES. DRILLING 11•0111NRS, &a. tn, mum, faatuned to onl.r. - . ..... • •-•- • • • . .Tones & Cluigg. kiAIitrFACTURERS of Spring and Bile,- tor Steel, Plough glob Steel, 8..1 Plough Wings. &TA. one Motto Spring.: Brum Nut Toner. /LW Potent, Screw Hall !Ind Ilanunered Iron holee—Corner of hose so Wird eta., Plttabarg h.. D. B. Borers 7i Co. ANDFACTITRERS of Roger's Patent G l ad im et str proved Steel Ord th. ttrotor Teeth—Corner of Rom reets. Prttebur rel 2 Coach and Carriage Factory JOHNSTON, BTOTHER & CO. fE)ORNER of Boliposit and Rebeeca atreete, •Osobsoy city. would nispilottally Ooir end the petals menerelly, that month. LtrOtariote. allrb.T= .R .r. k All orders will D. mooted with atria regard to (Lem Nifty sad tomer, of finish. llamas will deo be .Melded to Oo the moot reesoneble terms. Meals In all their work the Met Fasts= Oath. Pole. sad Wheel HMIS. that feel oordldeolt that all .who favor them with their petrokeee .IrU p l=feetly se. bead cm trlel of their work. elsewhere. titre requested to glee them • sall be three ur shades see Penn Cotton Kills, Pittsburgh. KENNEDY, CHILDS & CO. Maria.): L. tams of /*an A. NO. 1 heavy 4-11 Shestiogr, Janne. Chain of all oolors and shads,. - •• Bad oorein Plough Lime owl Bub Cord: Roos of all otzoo and dooorlotfono. a3ro=ft at the Mord wort Btoro of Log.. - A ISI Wood stmt. Ell have attootion. 11,44.11't L Herron & Crimean, DELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS, ANUFAOTURERS of all kinaa of Biwa weat,cocomotimw sam Plamb.r..,Ar. EX" Ootton Batting MAnnufactaters. rotnroar. Babson not, Warm:Loon, No. 12, Mutat Allegbarty city. _ at: near First. l'Utsbaran. N. IL—Old Bram and Popper takan •actlanas for work. or cash pakl. Orders len at lb. 1101111417 or Mee will ke attendid to punctually. fart's' Now Coach Factary—Aliaghany. 1 N. A. WM& & CO. would - re fflikrtililly trans tba pOlgla that they k r. a • caramel. between hdaral and Baled br Wade. They ere ,t lo , l end _5a.W ...6. 1&V =I% mrs wi 1ii . .1 ... 0121" . IV tl=. to tktri:lT,= a ° I = l T. It .7' e : oteablod to do , work on U. mod reeionehlo terns *ltb Mom wandoirare...eleo In Wads bon i Partaj lr pettleutar attention to the osleetlao of nutarlals. sod ha rase but ecreopeteot Ind:men, they him no beettatloo le warrantlos OW work. We thereto...ow* the attentions:fib* While to Ihlrroattor. , no N. 4. Itetairt tablenbaner do e ne to the toot manner. eon or the nt reano . , Jabs( .Lots 41k Braun. ERESCO, House, Sign and Ornamental Fithian d MA. and-Japu see, Nii.4o . 7darketsinott. betairen d ant Thir Pittsburgh. All kinds of Paintings her Churches. Rooms,,iin ter and oil colors. done In the mast modern art.: Tom. gamut Winder. Blind,. limitation of 'Wood. II arbienne Brous. Ilianntaeturers of Patent Metal Lettere, Peal •in mixed Paints. Patty. Lime and Plaster, a 7 I A. BROWN would moat reirpeotfullyfin - = oltr. formt %% Vitt teat 1 11 .' 21. r Load, " hi" 4" plots essorttreint a Yankton Blind n V4Vorlitri:llboi: .Uns are abed. to order, la tho ben style, marranted ee eel to Istria tbe Dolts' States the Blinds can be to.. Whbont the aid ot a memo deform. Herbs norther.] t • otock. tools. and wood of the Cabbed. letabilatane of Barlow a Illoctellaad. I ent emend to barna! , cld attend' ea the gonna at tares; with ere tillo• w e In tl "" =rur neancl. No. b Wood strJ BROWN eet, Pittebnistr. • , '• j; W. WOODS, Wholesale A ;andl . .onfact and Dealer Is Oabtset Ware..qcsi Int . rd Kstnot .onw lIENNETT - A, BRO., Manufacturers: . , l' Plain and Panel Yellow, llooldnahm and . etl Ware. Othroatthollananictorr.oorneroliftsh• login. and Franklin streets. Biradnahata. Masi te FM. bare,. inar3Oztly; 111OHN WETHERELL ktannfaaturer ,of PATINT WAffllira TIOBB. • megrim article. POLID X sad BLUM, BOX IneXa. eon.. cg Airfare. pa Floblason streets. ono enemy frog: the llandltreet Allegheny cittr. 040 y—cell . Pezirt.• Glass Works. ,LORENZ 4,WIGHTIVIAN VIANIIMOTUREGS of kin ds of N. B.tieslaralrendo n ; —Par ad Medd dm of Wln. didrlOho and privaininovids for Barbs and Vhdr. ma Fifth Street Stocking Factory. ' Ability, limergy, wad Maenads, FIMIE best goods in Children's Hops, Men's sow. ilndr thlity_aAd Drtwors, told • Hops, 'Admaims lam • int., at its Pith etnelllng Ihttrry all Made from MA years wool. NO Air/ANON IN PRIMA WM. DALY, Stooling fietny. igMf• Wawa Woad 11.14 • W. W. WALLACE, _ ! • STEAM MARBLE WORKS, 319, 321 awr323 3,13a1y slrea, s uraile ZW33,ldd 31 , 24 PriTSllll ONVISIENTS, Tombe,, Grave Stoats, SM l ons i r a tt l art i YAM k prkes. M a wwgrenigrul M •lcad e er'l4=l,lt. V 441 ° aut. 9 , i 4 9 ..r d p= K Z; °rd.. 211 . 1 1, 1 1 3 , mown , at 919 üb.rtyartr.t. 43.13 • . W, W. , WALLACH.. .78011111 •. VIMILIISICI. k. soon a so m meseriax —a. L unseal • ea, it. rime AA. MABON & CO.: Wholesale and Retail street. . Pittabe Dealers Set rgb. NWT Lod Staple Dry Mode, 21 Pirtle :MURPHY & BIIROHFIELD,—WhoIessIa gad Natal Ds , / Goods Ilerobants. aorsaird fourth ao4 • mast Arista. rittsbugn. . Dr. lames Bing, drIFFICIE end Etsidenoe, No. 112 Fifth Iv street. opposite Lb. Cliatmdral, Pittsburgh, ablv JOCITT, Durruri:Fourth street,es on doors west or Id ark t work wursotsd. " . ' . ; A, CARD. . . lIAVIN 9 ,- been :IPointed- ihe , eialunve Amato for Pittsbarg fot tbs taloa Pstant Illysted anted AO fitistolood Lettbsr Belting, mstnnhottited P. jorw, I BON, of liantktrd, Dom.-4Voi now offs: sals s largo sisortnisst of aU the widths, manaflotnis • *LAW inanalkotionit's Winn ids atlas *dug am,. to any. tastbor Bolting inort before offered in this ...lid. Ai o lugs stook of all widths of Indio Bubb./ Bennis oonstanUg on band, And for gab at On "iisonlns Belting Depot,. No. 116 Idarkf stmt. saga . . . 1 &if prulaars.. Lewis' Intelligence Office. No. 2 [flak, Strut. WrOlitE Hotels, Steam Boats sad Private )resealvrai I. farialaW l with rd Sistvaate awl Iknyeata wi th lolmost. -1443 i • Amin LOOmkt, REAL ESTATE AGENT, Stook, Met , tutus, atti Bill brotar. *fa No3l loartti 111341aintat tanatrtir sttaziad Jr&Al, WOKIIEL L. MARSlDlLL;'Searetary lo son's liniumee 00.. 94 Watn strt4t. VP. JONES, Agen t of the Invurawle Oa • 01 North Amain, 141 Yeentst • , GORDON, Secretary Western lean. ruic• On. 1109 Intent - - A', MADEIRA; Agent for Delaware Mo• nos katriarattamoawrearou wife stmt.' - - tiGABDINSROOTITWAgsnkIbarankIi nes 13=4 Oespri. Nem ars son ed n Woet 9 . 11,118.• s o, "! 4 51" . .: IR, nit not as. MR IWO 117 " MAIII/PACTUBIBB ci '4 44 CWO JOSEPH V. HAMILTON 1 CO. I=ELIEE pa - amm NEDIOINS Dt! -- :ITE1 - : AGKHODIES. PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 1853 M ' "77l mous mm 1011.: ' zorrni, Jr. (Woof tl.rm llobtsoia. LittLit/o) T. LITTLE•i CO.,_ WHOLESALE G OOZES, PRODUCE & CQMMISSIoN MERCHANTS AND DILLIES 11l PITTEIIIRGH KABDTACTEOII3, Na. n 2 Amor. 1311.1.. WILLIAM M . brOLORG Groper and Tea Dealer. earner of Wood and Sloth Streets. s ,°4 "" 0 ° •••. 1 • luxe sweetmeat d u c ts,ice Gislia, 2.4 an: Tow—Foreign Trutt. and s Wbole ide .4 Retail. Maim eopelled on. the lo}utterms. _ Cheese Warehouse. 1 kiIENRY R. COLLINS, Forwarding and OomsoWilms Morthaol,aod 1)oaler to Oboe.. ihttio , . itlatt and Prodias gonorally, W. Wood. otroot, .0 0, e Water Pittoburgh Iny3l ____ BACIAIIII. H. a , V‘lm. BAGALE, Wholesale Oro- Y 3 00. eas, Nos. 18 sad 20 Wood stmt. Pittsburgh. OUT= er.lo/31:11.11.. _Aso. J. lams. 0 BLACKBIffiri - 65., Wholewd', Ciro o &alma In Prodieea and Wairar7l6 l ):::a r atuesne h nPitah and Oakum al leap an band at Chair WarahOnaa.l WataratreeLPittaburgh P. _meanie. & INGRAILLM L , Wholesalo Greases sad Goseaslision Iderebarate. No. 110, iY•te e sad 150 PlesS West. littabargh. REMY, MATTHEWS & 00., I , 9l4eghle Omni, Comman= and Pannginn ktarcbantp. mut ts tor MUM= Ootton Yana, 67 Water at. Mtn -aural, OHN WAR` & 00., Wholesale Grocers, Omazolonion llireharth, and Pram In Prothrowl Du mb: o Plttabniztv 14thudlictorrao. No. see lasso orrooti , Pitt& aB. CANFIELD, late of 'Warren, Ohio, • Comml•sloo and /orwattling Mombasa., ILIA tirbolw DPW In Western Reserve Ohases, - Ilutt•r. Pot and Pearl Aid!. cad Western !rola • Watermtra•t. Xrffttrrirreo:;ittolf2. 4 o%. nth • roan r0w.....-mw o. w0u1.....0rum 0. so. 'GILLS k ROE, .Wholealle Grooers and - ChncoNl44loas' Merchant. , No. 104 ldborty Itreat auxh. 4 OBERT MOORE, Wholecale Grocer, • BannWog IMMlllor. dealer In Product, Plttaborob lkolauw..nd all Intodo of rondos sad Donootite MI LIM% No. Llhort7, strut. On lusud • """' MBERT . DA T. 711 lioot M, k. CO., Whaesera 'aiolop,ggpmuwan tmloolooluo Ow arot ttiberob Nsanhotozoo. No. 263 Liborq merest, Pal:Anorak. WICK .& MoOANDLEBB, stuxtessorsoo "IF 03 D.' Wlelk, - Wholaina* Gramm Yon. nanny and Oonumlndon Marnbanta deators In hon. Dolton yarn; and lYttsbungb Manufactures ell. l 7 =mar ar Wood and Watze .Insatn. Pittsburgh,' .111311tERTS0 'Witt)los aQ • • dr f and • Oasaadmeloa Mareltazit, Dealer In Plodaea gannets ~111 seatMaimbetoai Axkuwil6 Litany stmt, D. WILLIAMS & CO Wholesale and • Ratan alnllilirocarra. fonrantlag and C alm atahantat, and peakann In Country Prods.* and Flttatrarnb Pdamilnatarea canner at Wood and nth en; MEN mars .. • .. • 4 R. FLOYD , Wno brooms, Dom 1, mtrch.ot... 112w..1 NM ° 7 414 strea k Pittabunri. CURD. THE subscriber would respoatfully inform bla Mends, and tha goblin that ha bas opened Lb, bone. lately occlude.' by !Wars. litercer Al Robinson ter. nor of Motor emir and Pectoral at, AllesbonT A far tto. moo. of doing • regular Fancily Grocery and Tes Ocutl• arc Inbar. be boe , by • lore attenticnk and ildr .11na t° ° VB :411411 •••••..: Wiii-1•11 PR ANOL IM3IOILL,EFSTRIIIBITH Utk u,41.401LD 04 14 t 4it i . PiukoFortes. Instrtutootto. Sabi beaks. and :" _tam tato Sow avail br Oblakarba's Pill.. Verbs tor Ibid.—No.Bl Wood at. RENRY SIEBER, Dealer in Masi°, Me n 1 Instrnateat.and Ingipmfor of Italia." fitelogi ? ent for Nunn, &mark.. giszt4 awl wpm". rime:with Loisman's lobes Attachment. Lbw. tkv Denham'. Ms. I :4 •lo:Cil*:_iett 11.4 ku(cr):A4:sittel B. CALVERT & CO., Dye-Sinkers, filgurzt•vidfn:rar.-1 20714"6-4°'" MUCK SCIII7OII)LiNT Lithograiph; ißpsnap Vara Boma, appodta tno_Pora Oil l Ylits burgh. _yam Portnala. now OWN Italluada.DWts. Berld. Labels. Arc tal aa4 alaahtaa Drawings, Rodman aad MMus Oanta; ia., ostararaa or imam *a Stara. and prloto4 In maw. tiobt. mwor Black, la Ma snort amoral at7lß. aa4 at tbs mat naaca. Mw al* .1.1 - iman. . _ ( Sumesor to Murphy & Lee.) r ... l a ttsker.44•ll Oomeinkta artlital AHN-1/4. Naell.a Oited", lean Knogrameui CARDS. &e. T. Q: WAHBINGTOL • IDIPLOYA.) biIADIES' a CRILDRIN'S &WE BTORE Ile has alvare on !mod fall aspiitietent.. N. 13 fth Wein, Pluaburit. ••10.11d - - BREAD AND CRACKERS._ RON CITY PILOT BRE.A.Dand GRACE BR BALLET, No. 311 Liberty at mat. impealta Lb. HlL:i f lrg ia =4.l3 *moot lir. fLtiarrin'a Oritaborsid Mot Brood machines, I am impend WWI alt order. Mr Crack. err or Mot Brood at the • aimnotiew. Bnaorior family Brod, Britagid Alajwpata Bread . large andantilli Rollo„hmin eye,' Morning. " .... " . ."t u ri. 43 . ALL. , girPtdiod with had an* .11 Bread, at all H. ST Caber and Oonfaotionary on Band sad mot. La ardor. . . leapt! .• • • -J. 341114113. D. • • It 0 XASThritititi - COMMERCIAL BROKER, 45 garket,atrodit, • • PITTLIBIlx011; • AVINGI ostabliehed impel( as above, I trate risTi; sat to this eserkehouut for the sae of erlfe.h every ogee ''. . . . ViVA= PottlOtdosoltoatlon will G. Non tz Oslo awl Got • tolUan of Notot. Drone, DUI* of 112thangs. and U. Par- Otokoo pod 8010 of Stooks. ~ • 'BrUghtstry alht_potoollblottoution to oil Itrooll !Tooted .1.11 tr... 1 hope to moot. and Ivo-1,0 osuoazo. - Pittaborgh, April 22, ISIS 'SUMAS WOODS BARD A- DE LANGA _ _ _ DEALERS IN HIDES, LEATHER, AND OIL. 216 Llborty atreoit, (non or Tan notion* noise.) le l. They will keep on bands, it ell timer , • naval earontoroot or I...arbor, for ettormakory and fad; re %Lao; also. Ifboomoksrs• /lading!, Tools e. pig BAUD ft DM LANOIL ather Store IG. MOWRY, late of %M 'the Arta of R. Berd, : LlborV qrttpt. UMS the head of rk,,a and Wl ' . loaf nttltn.d hom to. AT u TIP* nodll2. arai 0.16AV1 htosocconarl Kid., of til4Trlption= Bitallog Zing r g arr= asp o and n= stock toe b.= itn i ;rop="l to moll low. tor mob. I arorad Writs sop lamb to roll and examine sot Root Warn patrolman" etrotrboro. otbl4 J. O. MOWRY. iIIAVINO received my SPRING STOCK of Good,.[ will be plessed to hon them to ter end. and Ikon, wanting anything la tor Ilan kir stock this liming le rem lame and coa:e.otmisting of Satin Detainee, Bracelsts_, worsted . aotton Delainsm Dammks and lff n rseng. gad , rtgem lam and mull Oartidne, of missal styllog - and CiorWn Cicada of all Maim Brandt and American Optimal and tlailta:Oor nlees of ram patterns; Band. and Rookie o,.B,gross god yo colored Holland, all width.; Oil Oloths and Shades for Window Bilnem Vanilla,. Blinds of all kind. 'Mere kdramptir NOBLI. WOO, NAM BRED STORE: • - ;RUIN Wardrop, klrfillS for sale CANARY BIRDS of We lur um,: :preyed bnnid, baler ul g harar and Das th u rd'i4L " Zl:=Yre Snot FLOWXBB, viz Classelllau, Boos Buds, thillutropeZ ittd &lira% Vutrilk' i rIIIT I k l e. t rr t " trrecrr th i Wald. • State Oficial Interpreter. yvm. J. ROSE, Interpreter of Fareign Lanawoo in will km th•thianionwoolth Plow IZa w irik. 6' ni r rgiloa ll iai j otn7 " o lleT Fit gri g a a 2 _ . =ll p.m., lath. actor Bodoni Court f ltoom, or at No:160 rowith stmt. 4ninia. Roods, Nottaanni, Power, of At tomer, aid all loyal or onto Wan vonthr a :tathourr, amino bawl Or Into lb* Gornuou Wren , Haan an-and es. Lainirosaw% wi th aim and d ant, 1/ 1 01MTY LAND: Apt. Charles liaA Arway: 4w, ceded Tt s hr ocean of vi reisitytkods lrra rZA ' sers nro=heir widows sad ehildrest. sad KOWA to IMO other built' now, ooasotelod with the goverthasator ear of its Deport. manta. the gioss. Poraion Olhoe. or the *outs • t , the Oft of Washho - •3MM lIEINCEIREIRP Pdeicihsiit 'hifor - sad Olo • L thlaj Nktuttott 74.Woodio:ttoot. Pattloolse ottiot: on raid to mow sEut . !mitts*. mown. - , aott7 ‘l7ll.TlGBVESiroliani Tailor Draper VV, and pima. ilMbitt Mae Olothlag.lll TAMViti • • WATTSA CO; Mbroluint Tailoil tBl ei l d= t rhes t iuulT W Crr— n r i ll= 44ll"6B2 sod sitlato. of sese4l iftliesa6 floset trivia avtarastom the m vIII !Awe 611. us I • WWI WL iNOBLV, _llptolderet 'ma Dwain In Vett stmv. InsIsiol• masa 114tai!;11avi . .488. 8 cutao—ir • :HIONABLE INIMISMAIEWA end MILLINn, . Fe: re ?earth owed dery .411 work =trams 7111 be ezented In • beit *Oh tie with dwoetelk• ee3 Irittstnu*h Coach Factory. v. 443, Diamond. Ailey, near 1 I " ° ` l . ltiest , i Y. Mammy. Pro,liW - Horn's TriMMIDX More. 108. BORN & CO. ;hare now in gjor t airi t ida l litingreeM b zz and nak , asaanialnhWAX tlO r ag) WWI INWSIINITOO i:f is:4 A 1/.1:1 MoOLINTOCK, Importer and Whole . .411.4n4 Retail real, in Carmllllll. Floor ril 31.111. x. Table and Plano One r, Wicklow 21mktes, steam BoalTlisnmlost.&e,.No 112 llarsat street: mur D............. 9. aI'ONLO ICORD 81 , Cal W OLESA W LE RETAIL FASHIONABLE EAT AND OAP MANUFACTURERS.• LAD mum znaks OP pun. oonnit OP WOOD AND Pl3lll 18113- Pittsburgh, Pa. arf,2l.l44tret nebracesd a wl i arati . a.t 4 ity is or , , • o graltudx:l ' JACOB FORSYTH, Jr., FORWARD/NO AND COlOlllllllOll =ROHM N 0.58 WATIIIL STAMM PIITSBORUII. h2edl7-P63. BARR & .XOEIRE. AROHITEUTS-r.Offioes:..:Philo Hell, No. 16 Titled street, Pittsburgh; sad emit .Ida ot the gora, Allegheny. itll:6l,g OAIIPITINGB, OIL OLOTIUL AND rarriNos ROBINSON & CO., • Na. 47 Dinh atanaot, near Wood, AVE on hand a large and choice airport htelipt.tof 06.11PEINfip o of the latest and moo, Herat Yelvette:;r4M • Topeetry sad Dramas ear Pete: • Ti".7ll l=ll 3o ali r' %grenTtlan Oet4r. Together Eth every' daristiony s low prloed Carag. Prom thre• to t trestal , foor feet widee t l cantles and E l itheal Al eZ!V a ertfa=n r drgrand reerM 1 &air Bods, go. mArriNag ' • (=yo u t t a t tthia; White and !Meet %hit. Imd b lltt r dj at the - LO VllBVitati 'NM of myth roux 6 / 1 17 JOHN WATT dc CO.. Ulf HOLESALE GROCERS and C o mmi s - v v , rakdi Merehant.—Daden In Fhb% Protium and Pittash manooaaa... 2 68 Liberty strand. nave on 55 . 01 romlrlng ths Wasting itomla !hick offer at the lo market rata.— = petals Rb tkdler, 3 oases Liquarles: 76 . b0x/I 61 and as Tobamsr. 50 9.7.0100k10at 88 lax Ila k te m let. Tobs . eco: ; 1 7d no T y . 1.11. 11p0r, 160 bb1451.0.. 1,M.W.0., C l 7 V Ta i nt 1 4 till: 60boiss around ardeem 10 6615. Flaxseed 011: 49 Mama No. 1 Stank: 8j bls.3_pta s.; Turpentln 800 kegs assortad Halle 6 e : a . aka on Sider, 027 buss Ws 4 Ms l ollPaPer: 300 bids. soat.makerV Rosin 340 lb.. Scotch &mar 15 bbis. Ilaltrattud halso6sais 0. P., Y. B. and 111.614 S l og 4102-0 , 04. . 40: ao Ishda. q.O. s,g.. Mlr to 1 681 66 80 118818 0.1.11 119 bow 10012 and 10:14 Wlnlow 01.0,1 43 046. Buckets: 1.00014. //won Haar. /YlB dianaNer 4/0118E. • Edmund Watts & Co., MT.-ROCA NT TAILORS, -44 e. 186, Libertißtred • REJa kieeipt al their Fall Stylee; also, a *wahine assortment of nen and male Ooodn for Ridge wint.r weer, Nub Orercoatingg. Plain Far. and Ridge Manna. tar nay net Pilot Cloths , of varion adoriguld quaint,: hint& of the keen maker, not molt htehlonable colors. for Drew and Ifrook Coate. lain black Onegintern and honking. plain and Wan Wort.' Cori' mem, oral:Wryly 12••• denims. Ventage—Jost remind, of the anent styles. and In treat ratta I, 41nd/ether an ontsdnalied guano:int to winch we earth. attention of opr customer.. and the POL =lbac lean to nor. than, that all Cloths made' by us shall ba of euperlor st IN rod .t moderate Drina. nol3 THE NEW TORE AND LIVERPOOL UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS rt. Ship, enzapoalap ta. • ATLANTIC, Capt. Wm.ARCTIC. Oapt Lam. PACIFIC:LOW, Etc IDALTLO, Capt Oamtstoak. ADRIATIC, (Nat. -- . I.IESE SHIPS !we been built by eostraet, extrboaly kr ternatant Sarale every ears has been t an In their subt e, ract:lna, as In the Stained, to sauna strength sad speed. and their moans oak for Samna., sea noronallad kr' catboat nod trllbrt• Ca t A " lgSr grinat h ie t u t s ' alr Y 7011 . 4%11 . /I=4 AZ= II Pt; Is broad Caddo, 1170 ; bo ut artarpool to Nay rook, 1.30 aa4 SW. N o b erth Surgeon al No berth ma ha round MM;I PROPOSID DAt Mar Maw Toga,' 1662—'61' Saturda ay. " y. Folma, 6. Satrud eatusay. ]Sarah 6 . saturdai. " Saturday. Aell 2. heltlda7. 10. Saturday. " TO. rtaturday, 11day IL Saturday. " SS. • Saturday. Jana 11. Saturday. " 26. Saturday. Jztly 0. Saturday. 23. Saturday. Arvat 0. Of RAILING Twat Lreurom, 1962..1.1 Wednesday. Feinnary 9. Wednesday. " Wednesday. klarelk 9. Wednesday. tt W 46 .o 4 dar y. . Artl 6. , Wesneeda 20. Wednesda,. May 4. Wednesday. " 19. Wsdneiday . .16. e 1. Wednesday Jan. Wedn.lll.l. " 29. Wodnege92. JO7 /A 12 .29 , 119992. " Wednerd Atneeday. Angnat 10. 27. Irk7.H. WedneeSay, Ileiptember T. Wednesday. " 21. Wednesday. October 6, Wedneeday. " 19; Wedneeday. Rosen:boy 2. Wednesday. ", 16. Malawi ny. E Wedneeday..Dewit 4. Wedneday. rEDWARD 21. Da alga;OtlOp /MOWN. te sum oc a e a. DRANIA, Hawn ERR ne tut to setenuttable of = Jerslty..l"eselo &Run • • •afilid tipab 17 r,195z09 rEif=E isittnisky 16, Estirrier " IS. I= none bor SatiAlky Docomepor 10. 711 1 er . Ta t.. lON mt . Deass ".4 .oolol.4ne ll =11111ka;111qcs. • • • .W. WELLMIEL_ TREMOR B URR MILL STONES •'D PILL 10Y7It18IIQ EmlLlnxim, 67t D7l And pßzzica BURR. MILL, STONES, 0 0 and new .toot. of ect...rel atanfsatum, ,'.mated rAtt PLO ' 1"174 r" 1 ° 1 4. 4 .81M1_ d edit z Poit4ltro• Plekralo b re oe. t= n4=ll l Zl•ratWersealmi d t mk ol beinest oast Inyoldiononir tfm Kanner-oms on. bred. floarbto to order. Abo—Lm:l: b fabort Prrnett Barr linat i rlin. L osel =Lel LAM theartipanA .2. = . l Zao . run Itibbr.arel aro mato as Itra mohinw. Amused is s orrtinnsia ram Motormen ot the PittAboxia "City lane` o•• atb. latiost Souring mf W 1n the and tbr tortkelaro nimbi boanibilla. Pressman, Jnno 1862. W. W. tßasap—Dmr :Ws limo my In orb in our WIZ two of lotir introarma hill a. iStor work to our estibr ottlatainno Chao dotoble. oat Wale toot: out of order, and no consider foamOa boot machines now In me Wculaava a Num MI protoptlr attoodell tn. augl W. W. WALLAO; ft Maar otrert. THIS artio le is'Dr(e. aabao as 1 . 1 %, • 1. ZoVr i oant li r irttl'eg lliv•4 : =I . :A=CI . I a i 7 gr . aid ay.walasc, With orstrj no. of Ito oArser Imo rorn. A* ,fl or of Aa to ;Ito o dU. r crrt i nfo .— , f illrt' ' forkmiatloo.whotbor Wu. \ .4 Dr rogotolOmo , wriest or - o ff 40,011tt of Lb. 0.- 110 Dervr.rranntlation of tbo Ihfs, olooration of the O ur L . .. oul Etoo4o. omf reilluOur a Nolan from soy roam. I Tr . - 4, 14 ? cC. I ) mkt J..... 44:171.4 0., • Da J. pisrrrns A" vx.zrikiA r itis :4 ASICEIL 12.11.141A11. . A ham. ado mad carbµn cure for !ha matt saaravatad au. of Nora. 8. Andh, Calomel any /MAW. =altar i loAddost . hannehhao altat orator. swells& Waal.; 5.. t ., 1 .110.4 tdaoh tool., MT all au. of maraca a rla the math throat sod atomath. i It. L allfr a hlttl, 67 Wood street, Pittsburgh; J. P.ll, MG. Alttahmay City. .hea:Yd3 • Wholoaa• sad Ratan Agent. pika STONER, No. 80 Wood street; is OPII/1. o Int a fresh supply of BOYS' SUMMIKB cuynn:N . enTotk. They are pretty—nay, they sts bad anis—sind sail wrathy the attatithre beth babas and 'Dothan Ills BOW saloon Is ow Itelsbedt—it sloe a• hibitt rota taste In Its hyratisemenhtbe brilliant sky. light In lit bill sable parents L. nabs their nalation without the last far or dontt of el tha the ogler el 'hunt- Itrd the artisle abated. Ills stock of OLSITII4 ClAttBl. MUM and VESITIII(113, for meres Ina. Is quits as an. Ides as tomalaind will be rade to ordawith WA neural punctuality. . tell - . • New Eistattrant. . L 1 ITS uaderaignod hasr opened s. FI,EB - TAtIIItANT at Ito. eh. Fourth' etreet, • few demo, Mutat,. noml7 Moshe the Metelmote au*, he hae naadeomely !ad oh. end IN now erelmmel to amommodele the public, .1 all boom,. willi NAT thing 111 may went lamellae _ _ 7 . . ase on the table, dally. from - 11 to 3 o'clock, P. U., every ellentlen will be striate manly theloMe Mtn: • delleselee of the mum. . . . --• sad geltestuarets Throbbed le t °Wei. at all hageoghtur i letaotlo . o y by lb. . y .b biyib.y by sly. z u latielretkra. he trusts tO be eels to limit h;hietetal Lod extend. pato:made. and Inyltea a pal tame an the do• sift, at' any time. a montetable meal,. fa got tip. arid period in unimprnable sta ' , : 1 ,, ...Rams ritsmisb - OAS. LOON, Nh: PI eueth et. - glttebureh. lay Yth. UM . . t • = LOWS • AMOS Covartaership Notice. •• • _ . • . • .- • rya a aba oribers would mpetiadally inform ..... their Wadi and the public, senarelly; that Why A7entered lobo p rtnerebt7reenetnn on the lath 1, under the ere of IL sat Inn _lt 00.. ter the nuten,vre of DLACHCBM HELLOS'S of every, ...„.... tmt th r are;te r tverlL. .1 to m meke of In • Mi to /we alwaynee ' gra an aerarnment P tif ate. frees late 401nehee. at their manufactory. earner of onto bon sad Basittsk7 itreets. SIOSSET WELLS/ MS. . . - ... JAMIE WILSON. Allegheny MY. Star tad. • . tnyently .. Nava; Fire Erick and Crucible Clay lan - ittactining Complucy. 91111/1 Comm a having enlarged their oa eagrellStmeae ibb b edATiirlarl u ilmuut 116r:. 1 tn t;mii K/1 • O Ny Olotal Batik 41 MC—, OP -..- - ; ;PITTBBUROR - COLOR FACTORY, . M. BIGELOW, Proprietor,. wodli re • wow I T th• attention ot hls numerou as and the outdid goneraliy, to his largo gook of mop scardhre,olll growth HICKORY LUMBER. and oaralldlr ealected dining Hee lase two awn, fuming nor two hun dred seta only ghost stag/ cn hand, using nothing bailie bert at hammered and mind Juniata's= In. IP astellidment. bads* confidant that he Mt build as f ew gnus gni woof es erly' other estabilibment fps Halm, and Irons the mons ottats work at Um late Pane in 'TIMIS Riau pule, Wing vex Xh• pi ohm an t i: t odY "maim and diploma on mselag . h ut, satbiled he ndahllebsd tha .entatien *Mash Balding In rites , bump tar Isfyond hisntino ex gedsdions,andsli he sags la the onftlaoanee el the. 0h .?.! Peininege extended to Wu daring the Jot tosaStain him its his enterprise. *Thresh In the numb iftisdans with &Wars and dna glitch. Plosion to give g ifalL R.—All work wareantal. matt GENTLEMENB DRESS, Mid Oin Goo4—Newest AND 'Amos. At . S. warrsa co.. ZETOILART rAzos. Ko.'llll, Liberty stisec col !IN wAnis--a tons No. I New Jersey, A 44 arm. bY QM • WA. 1131/4glii4 ~ \ PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 8,4888: LATZR BY TEE , RUSSIA AID T111X82.-111. 0111241108, ' me Greek Pattieroh of Oonetantiple,"died on the 213th alt His funeral teak place without incitement' among thallium'sbun population. The appoint-`•,i meet of his sucoessor,thf whom the choice coital with the- Suiten, will \ have great Important* under existing ottatimstthese. . Paws, Oat. 18.—A pirate telegraphic de spatch from bfareettles, dated 'Saturday, "noun nee the arrival of the =4P:steamer which left Constantinople on the sth inst. \ln Besikeßay she met the Ault fleets preparing to enter the Dardarthileri. . The Constitutionnel says:—"We 'are assured thht orders have been sent. to Tosionto preriari the necessary ships for transporting * corps of • troops, which will be sent to the Dardanelles. Letters front Bucharest to the 2d have been received. The warlike resolve of the Porte was known, and Prince OoMsthakoff had called to ,him the auperloreffitren of theirmy and ennou.n. and that.they nourlitiow be in read*ess to-ad vance southward at any moment. COlllB.llll/101144001...5.—,Part of the Russ ian army will go into winter quarters near Bucha rest. It is said that a command- in the Turkish' army had been offered to Abd-el Bader, but that previous to accepting it the Emir had asked the opinion of the French government on the subject. The following is a.traneladon of the letter from Omar Puha to Prince Gortanhakoff:—..Mois tear' General—lt is by the order of my Government that I have the honor of addressing this letter to your Excellency. Whilst the Sublime Perm hes exhausted ell 180401 of , 00noilistion. to main;nin at once peace sad Ith own independence, the t o i o e v n o t f h lt e m wa s y th o h f a: n n y ot su ca o r s e e d tt Lo ai r e e n is t, e . dle h t ended with the violation of treaties—invading the' two Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia, IL.' tegral Parts of the Ottoman empire. True to its pacillo system, the Porte, Instead of exeroisleg its right to make reprisals coedited itself 14444 then to pepteeting„and di d deviate from the way that might lead to an arraageotent fl,lOlllll, on the amnesty, far from evinolog oe:responding sentiments hasended by rejmning the proposals recommended by the august mediating ooect— propoesis which. were alike necessary to thethon or and to the security of the Porte. There !only remains for the latter the indispenalble ttenesel iy of war. But as the invasion of the Principal ities, and the violation.of trestles which havls at tended it, are the veritable, causes of war, ,the Sublime Porte, as a last expression of its pacific sentiments, proposes to your exeelleney, by my intervention, the evacuation of-the two provieces, and grants for your decision, a term of fifteen days, to date from receipt of this letter. If, nith. in this interval, a negative answer shall reach me from your excellently, the ornitmencommit of bostilitiee will be the neural consequence. While I have the honor to make this Intimation to your excellency, I embrace the opportunity to offer the assuranoes of my \ high esteem." • Oct. 7,—Onter \Plebs has deolered • that he will leave the Dana e free to 'neutral vessels-cent the 25th of this month. In Bessa rabia, Bulgaria and the Principalities, the 'riv ers are ails° low that they maybe crossed, even the Prutb, on foot All, the 11,18111811 caters who have been imparting \ military instrootions to the Turks arc recalled.. \ The military eornon on the northern frontier wilknot benugmented. ;On the 29th ult., the Wallacidan militia were recalled from the Danube and, ooneestlieted at Bucharest. \ .COISTAISINOPLI, Oat O,—TO morrow, the Sultan's manifesto M. to the mad Mill the masques. It was not expected that hostilities w commence before the 15th inst. Theriot' ofolleschid Paths, who left for Shand& on \ the 4th inst., has besides' the summon, \ to Prince Gorreehekeff, deepstahes Lost opting Omer Paolo what steps to take in other the Ensilage return to evacuate the Prinoipalities. Shriller instrno-' dons have bean sent to the commander 'of the army in Asia. 8110111/18, Oa. 5 —Prince Genseliakoff'i In epee ion being terminated, the camps have been broken up, and Maslen troops are moving In 104/408 On the Danube to the number of 86,009 MIL with 251 guns. A rumor is prevalent that\ the Danube will be:crossed on the 9th or 10th. The combat will be !throe, jud ging from the &O mni on both aides. ,The nlepoeltion of the Turk, lab troops on the right tank Issain by tacticians to be meet masterly, and the fortresses which support their positirFig waved lea fothaldable state' of defence. We are nla nied that Mew fdenschikuffis about to assume the government of the Principalities. 4 ,42 41m0i1d , 1Pl - jets that the Sultan has greaten Arran for the construction castanet from Baaseve4n the Danube, where the river bends to the north, to Enstintriji, ea the-Blink WS. By this moil, tho difficult neriptlon of the mouths Of the Dentthe will be spared to 'meals demanding the river to gain the Black Sea.. The oincession I. to an English Cowpony. A privati talepaphlo despatch from Trieste, of the 19di r contalas Canstantinople news of the tOtk inst. The Sultan has made a fonaal de mand for tho entrance of the two Berta Into the Dardanelles, and the ambassadors of France and Great Britain hate prounted that the Beets shall Lereditary Grand Doke Alexar.der, has arrived:U./Litt, the centre - of the armaments a gainst Turkey. The following to an.eztraat from a private let ter dated Oct Bth, from Constantinople: 4 0n theld inst. Lord Stratford received Im portant Intelligence from his Court It did not resah him till afterthe departure of the poor let despatohed to Omer Pasha, conveying to Ma the order to notify to General Gortschakoff the opening of banalities la the event of the evacuation of the Principalities not taking place. In fifteen day.. It Is supposed that hostilities will be accepted, without much commtat, by Gortsehakoff. Tha Porte tae tuned ut address to the troops, whom it collo on to support the honor and the rights of the nation Those whose courage may full than are invited to avow the fact without limitation, and thei will be employed at tvdistsnoe from the scene of combat. A similar note will be addressed to the people, not, however, calling on them to do bat tle, but to remain tranquil and to give their aid to those who go forth to ,the oombat. It Is dIF Moult to give you an Jibs of the enthimium of ' every one here; it would appear as If wu a Ms, and; If the GoSeramant desired to enrol am, Ido not think there - ls one in Stamboul who would rota, to Join, and the city would be abandoned tar the camp.' Otherwise everything Is tranquil. "It is believed that hostilities will commence in Alla, on account of the lateness of the sea son, and the theatre of war - will be, ao .1 have long since told you, in the direction of Saloum. Volunteers aboundlff Constantinople, but only Athenian* are employed. The.* will be formed into • corps of Irregulars. Every one knows the molar of these Coessalit of Rountelle,, and Turkey counts on them te.cippple the Cossacks' of the Don. Two regimentawf regular troops 'have arrived 'this day from Syria'. . 4 .A diputation of Armenians has' offered to the Porte all the cervices In their power, and an other 'deputation of Greeks is ,preparing to do 'the same."' -` &telegraphic despateh from Vienna sage that the following was the reply of Prinow lit:eta:lm hoff to the summits of Omer Pads to - evacuate' the Danubian Ptiselpallitien.L—'"Sly Master it not at was With Turkey,' but I have order, not to leave the Pritielpaillies until the Porte shall have gives to the Emperor the moral sat;Brao lin' he demands. When this point has been obtain ed, I will evacuate the Prinelpalities immediate' , ly, whatever the time or the action. If 1 em attacked by the Turkish- army, I will confine royeelf to the defensive." Funo.a.—A don:denary cisit has been paid, it is said, to the house of 41.. &Made, -Minister of - Foreign Affairs under the Reptsbllo. Copies of a pamphlet of Ledru Rohm for 'blob the pres ent State of political afraid was no doubt mend, ered a favorable *cession, its said to here been Introduoed and distributed; and this in all prob ability gave rite to the , domiciliary visit It is desoribed ammaking on.-appeal to the Republi can party to unite. and the title of the work Is, it appears, "Colon °butte le Tyree! . • 1 At the beginniskof the week there was a ru mot In Pane that from 140 to 200 persona hid I been *treated on • charge of ocasplraoy. It [Autos out however r fhat 140 lettere, not persons, had bees Seised by the police They ware found. in the poseession of U GloOdotiOus, to whom the polies fold o domioilioiteisit at four o'clock In the morning !I Ewirssimutri./3,trUn, Oct. ; 14 —The Federal Govensmeot has resolved to support Ticino lulls resistance to Amnia. It wlllgrant stsbeldien for the employment's( the population throw. oat of work by the Austrian. blockade, ln the atm ' tton of suede. 11•41n4 °Aniseed ever y- sans of concession 'compatible wltVihe . Ratlcns . •on . or, the Federal Government Tans*. non .f. ter to Austria. - . l' Itm DIIIIA I K — At COPailisgetl li strooltditit. j • tweet the Government and the C bar of ID s A uticsseemsittiminent. Upon • ipir pout to tak the new fundamental law is! t .ai seem of Den mark Proper into °onside? • the s tnejorliy of the speakers energelloally sit teed nantost,the abolition of the existing oo tntlen ore !the Ooveratnent,had sialanltiett t 4 eFo blithe draft of the oonstltatlon for aqt , ole n y. Oa the 11th, enema oppiesre pow \ t h i , surlier . promise of Sinister 'llium wh4; *sv si,ver-t!'•44 aiimi alit Pier— •-- , • i(0451t- LiVll-14LIMBER 74 • t. \ ---- \ ----- T - -----"' -. 7 — " • ----r ,-- 'bowed itself siery reserved. After la'alterC, di , ' °nekton, nodal\ the pensideney of M. T'sheitsiellf. Ike aceembly decided, in its enlist of Ike 14th' instant, tp pan ever the Government bill: \ ind to tit'. ..,\ the beSis)pf its deliberations the. Danish funiemesail law MlB49,Atippressiag thosearti cies whlab belong to \ the constitution amino\ to. the eutlresmionara -:\ '' ' l• Earpp,-- \ .Th .r o . ttyA l do. Dsbars sayn—r"Tke .striorm :queeticia relative to hhe prolsibidint of the export of corn atilltoontinhes at Alimindria in the sante eta e\ , The application mada by the consular body to Hie Vioeroy, through Eltehino' Bey, on th• \ 17th nit., to postpone' the mi6ylet' into operation of the deminkto thin affeetl until us. 80th of Novetur, had on bu****Pllo:\i° on the, Bth instant, nor Gould the inter& I form any Idea when an answer would be. glean 1 . titt4 bas Pads Is, at the prisent tlnsirin the Pend,' beyond Mont * Slusi, superintending thel can. I struotion of • readfront\ Montt Sinai to' or, • small port on the Hod 50.,, :where • in nera/ spring,,said (*be of trees Mrtne,, haa Imamlately disoovered. Great enipriae s .isteneralft felt that the Viceroy should be4seit \ from" hie', compyleg himself with nub triffes,hrhei tai glace:such greater imporinam hens, irt hikpree , eau at the coat of toverniment.\ Is the mean: time, the export ig corn,ellll-continues without any obstacle, add vessels are toolditg 'to AlCien dela. The price of wheat is Om, but eats, are made, except for cub." \ \ I - •\ ldnosszattloull:"Weeek of tu ) lmkrestr: Rd, and Dreadful Love of Life.—We h ire rseelhed in teillgenoe at the total loss of the emigrant-ship Delhortale, which sailed from Graveiand on\ the 18th, and :Deal en the 15th,' for Sl i in t eri,, , Titil which sunk off Booby Head on the 1ue5....: Only one man was saved, and se the p "trot\ Urge, tonnage, (754 tone ,) there ;must kite hien a large orew. _ At Plymouth ohs was, to have r e p , calved 85 paseengere, She had been retina tiy overhauled and cohered, and It: is supposed some of the new work gave way. ' She was lilt served to sink by • schooner, widely howbveh, could not render assistance, Although 'several into were seen In the water. The Commercial Dilly List says the underwriters 'estimate their lose as upwards'of ,n 70,000. The Shipping Gas: ette reports that the' vessel lurched heavily; the weather being bask that she tilledmed Went down In deep water- The :captain, fßatterwortii,) his wife \ and two children, are : loot; Stool the crew of upwards *l5O. four panseragers, and nine children. The shin sunk about 16 milii off Deady Dead ' She was built at, Mintmaid, \ lll 1848, and wee registered`A 1 far 12 years. -, Sloan FAIMIQUAXIII /I 0 1 / 1 4011 , .-4 later from Athena of:the 80th Mateo. In the Augatiiirg 01nette, says: '''''He have had a tivendful night. A shook of an earthquake took place at Midnight, and alarmed everyone, and forced as all to leave our beds in greet baste, 101110 of: the Inhabltents being even flung out of them violently. A nutiber of other shooks afterwards took place, until Ave in the morning, some of a severe character lend some of •Allcieprigid,cheakt rate falling noisily all the time. Several buildings have suffered damage. ;At:Thebes also,'AlD the night of ;the. 22.1 of September,- a sharp shock of an al p " as - :quake was felt,: which w afterwards follo ed by several - ,others:- aims population; who have bsenliiing in tenteelirm the treater .pert of :the town was destrigedby: earthquake', some short time also., are abodf to establish themselves , It is reported in diplomatic oirateothat a *to, lent Rene has taken plecobetweett lord Mr. don and Baron Brutiow, the Hamlin Mich er. Lord Clarendon is Bald to b.lllO directly . charged the Ruyelen diplomatist with having - deeeiCed the English Cabinet as to the Intentions of fine. sicwiab respect to the Principalities.' ' t Tas Ceo. or Kossro—Mr. Oilley, the United Ststee' , Consal at Smyrna, refuses to consent to KotttS'a liberation, on the following grounds.: 1. Mr. Wiley Is not . dependent en the Legelion. at Constantinople, and mast reeetre instructihn• from Waidoington. 2 liethlr. Offiey) knows the Americas laws, and cannot consent to the condi tions proposed. Horst' Le either an Atuttrien or an American anhjtot; and, It the former,' be. most be delivered over to the Authorities of t he eituntry to which he belongs; Win Ameriesinsioh j,ecx, be cannot be forted to sail to America. f ' . TT 2 ATT III I 13 MIK AT NATAllllo.—ThoOffitilal Gssette of Savoy state' that in Inhabitant; of Chambery has jest quitted that plaels, to atteur r t, in omen with a company organized for that pttrposOo save come contents of. the vessels which wigs monk at the battle of Naratillo. - ear' thiularly th e admirers ship, a three stuiter,- whiph, It Is'oald; bad on board at the time he wobtdown,a ram of six millions of tratiwil in, gold. ', All tbkneeessory lippastas has been 4.4 - = basked. , a nomber-of divers hate been engaged: anit in addition 'to the ordinary diving bells, !ill 14 fildellt la vo i l itird/#. 6 *PSFPRus, 101 .44 pnfitregniiition,' 1 i, • Tia hfolizeirrie re ' Warne s -The nut of the adherents to bldttnonletis an at present e . Ing greatly Strengthened, espaolally In Car en .... tbeashire, °lemon/ilia:o. Wad Other impo rt t dildrictoin eolith Wale,. Numbers of these reir:.. l guided paoplit here lii qi joined the sect, in eluding to middle - ay persons of hip respectability: alai *station. A wall knowa_Weleh tea l:Robyn, Dha. Whose iallaanwe With `ery gweat, haa lately jotaad he elegant,' seems irrealatilbla-- , have lately lett Boatli Wales zriEz: the people Is rants, end • mminee YYL for the Belt Lake, ena,meny others , era now kreperlng for deputline 41 the Spring. , Yunnan rizrAunou lux Vrea.—The wir like activity Or the Uric' else= to hnie reached its some. Daring th, out 100 cannon of rr ut month they have one ealibre, and the day tannin, with all •thelr ,and the borate to drew tople. where an ar my \a 80,000 men. Att furnlshed by' the This army of re -000 Bunk who before yestertbet th ktoontesserits octimplette,l them, were seat to \ Mei of men* is being rpm the horse/ necessary wet) Pashas of Constantin**. eerie will be am are now in Conalantipoplr, obit small times men; of 8000 volunteers, who have inscribed their names at the Susekersi Shim the last urtl , eight days; and of 25,000, K horsemen, all mounted and equipped at the penes of the Boys of Kurdistan. Those litter, o course, are Irregular horsemen There aro nowt der arms about 800,000 Mussulutans, viz: . 1 ,000 be linen the Dumb. and 4 the Balkan; '15,000 in Bon* 8000 urea near Pristine; an the \Benign frontier; 50,000 men who will be mastered with.. X 7.1, In 20 days_ at Adrianaplm and from 80, to 100,000 men on thokfrontier of Asia. j Tow Min cr Hiss CIISNINGIAMB —The_ a 'rift "correepondent of the London - limes trays. lates the following Intelllgenoer—My letters frckti Florence, pay that when it was notified to Maio Conalogbanze, it 'Limes, oaMondsj Moning\ last, that the Grand Doke tied given an 'order Tor her Menne, she positively refaced to leave the prison on an sot of grace, as she sold she I had been imprisoned • month without being brought to trial; and' her e4vooats had told her that no 'verdict could 'hi obtained , against her, as she had not transgressed the law, and thirs ter. she would not go out until ahe had seen I him. 'ln 'the evening it Was annonued to bar very civilly that go she =nit She still refused, and then she was told Diu If she did pot go freely, ehe would ho carried out by force,. *bleb she replied, "Give me that in writing and I, will go." They did so; aid accordingly out she went. Report says the trials for the dtsui button of Eli,* shit wu Imptledud, were not of • oltkraater to iniplloste her la tiny attempt to proselytize, or even bring the Romeo Catho lie religion two contempt; end moreover, that an eoclealulloal council 'had it:omitted them at Leona, and could find no evidence in them against her. I bear also that her advocate told hez the 000ld make no resistance to the royal will, and most accept her releaser, but that he wait sorry far It, an he felt that he had a good oase. \lt is dilation, now to arrive at the whole tenth, which will most likely be made public whiniSarliamktat meets. Tun etnansizon Wet-Much ignoranon pre T mills throughout Europe witA\regardio the Clir..\ ouslan, or tether Dagheatan krar. \ Seen Ito ) . Oa* is eamtrionly'disregarded, dad Oireaszle, bordering on the Black Sea, be repreeented as the 'theatre of war. , In truth, few or no-outbreaks; or rather inroads, occur , t h, d u d di st e ct \ Bat the monntainous and 41r:elate portions ?cassia ansubdned, end Rinds, for same yeiti put, has virtually contented herself with ooldialaff . thMt . inhabitants within • strlCTcordon. The. Tine , of out Is in Rotplan posseasihn„sa also a \ belt oT territory sepukting it front Turkey, shakos the coast it Is separ•ted from the Utast seat of war, Daghestan, by 'similes of Wilifiloult oonittry, In , absolute oecupatlefa by the Itiskilus, and ort.:re., 11 over,absolutely StMeStibli to 1 power- -Dag- I e Vtd th l s e i n n i t e la u ri e j e f itat i lln bi a \ =::.ntat: p ~ m the Cieplast sea.; Nevertheldsk, Risk I kh; \ e striven earnestly, * bat warmly„Vto eniazol pa itaelf from this step of DolatiA bondage:' De arts have been Wyly directed \ ii the Ake site oullylng poste andlorts, varied 'by etut den ye and inroads tiponC •drikelat ';18os- \ s elan to tory. These foray se e ofteninOtites ful as f as booty is count d,. but Am Ijimr effect o r' Dub the, virtual\mikeession •f , ',-Dieir present pos\tion by lay Runde* although; on the other , hand. they nuesiltalp en human!e fare), distribiztul ever`the whole Ilwir of :Natick, Ito reprise theft .\` With a port du 4 thIS-To ' Ike Rawlins iiMatilly,Wlntok Stantliyi and' Ina akar Drys in 04rifittatmlholds. ativeriebly -WM the same ukarknt ill \ norm lyoted:ed Io by the hupenstrablikPi la mer the coun try, the monktaineers parse • Rasilan krook fp 6 7. StritS4llto dOIitSSW SIS diselpdnl and le rc tine g; aid.* th ey ank.ooPBl44: iv treat-Ail lani , and, tlitio• \- /6 "Pa i rSaa thi Duhutaanasnant ' , ientatini\tke - troops, on en ordinazy tisk!, once In their own dealt% they mart an evident - strporlority.''t Renee Muselaxe b as apparently nothing by those A Mt:WM, though perhaps her end is served by the l\' effulltstamotarfaro by hen, troops:- TuN-iii.i..ocitioes lit the loin- 't` i, lag wintry odder , he fame command , wen op, a , treed by Priem Iforossow, IL sooreatatlan with 1 an Ilaglish Atter who lately Malted -his snip 1 and Tiflis, as lama alai- l n Mg for - Viti skilWielfoi itw to a \ i \rirradtinal'estimalirri• ay e probabl loose y., ettsj sea- esl - tare them to number 250,000.' \ ' 1 - 1 " l biTHE \ld ‘—"--- igfI L T .. \Jias .l .. .. ;: 1 , ' T . 1 \ FDLIOOD --it bar bents smarm that Am ° 'lien \ Amb en aseador has 'soaked to tt iut tarieskt . Governmt that e bculd a corps' d' ' 1 MO to Tttrkey, ha will took upon it &Sian lla , e , deobratitin of war, and will suspend \mistime \IL .rrith that ~1 . . The application for Pram:at gensram, which it Ii elated has been mad, to -the Govereeteet by the aititia ' *ad tlidtt7. *IX it Is beast* be refold, though lean of 'Maw for s'.. , attZd numbecmay wet be dliffoalt to obtain— 7 ::. , m• light Gliarain. editor of Laj'remet, been s repilmanded . for Some artloloirmpeoptsg lit \ . 41,- Charles • De4elitse,' satatondesoriof the Department \ of tie Nord, has been smelted la Paris, c ol met arrived ✓ pito Londom.delap,. tad by Ledrullla sada* control committee,.. , Beverak &Mum to hare bun eslit@ iskltt led to *aril Fleet& It Is 'tote d d that OD thit'eeters of the Emperor be m i i : to !ariato ustil the day of ils intended cortmagen will \ . ~, Pal?nti:7-d foollatt s of ealdatoll IL Idaltd hare between the Sappers of " hue* I n \ _Ennio am r....4'i1e Sanaa has s dsinan= \ tli that not onl shall the *esti of Pinata and \ eangAl IltaleoOnell9,. hitt, In Wag" ' comurre zi shall orgies In thi Inoklios, ln order toprei , Mtt thii.nceslans drawing' thelrproidelini frodt Br. . beedspol.' •It Is statidgiat this dlittiond bribes" Iteoessitated by the redaction of the Turkilitt lima toAbillospborus. maay\of wltioh are employ id bktraes'pottiag,tbit reinforcements as the, army \ of 'U Patba tot 4is. MOOS \from conatantlettile itatee-khlttil US. 1 tract Wen made lir th* partheets- ‘ itt, 6000 \.., \ -f l horses'itt titi\s ko ontk if PersbethaTtadddtar- n i my, wjth the toseott4r of.l.Pirsla. \ -‘1 from Tuna, i des - ~ _Atli fttins-\ ber, says : , , , •Paler Pads liar. n a. kell' \ i meat of Pciatoordere, whose instruction no bra, i • king sstpld Amman day- His has Anil.? i completed ad the\ slaterial pthietr4 a bridge , - , aoross the tier*, bat It to a Comps. ' that he \ t \ will make any stmetelat tuttltatsat sprdig,” \\ ' \ \lt le beUerid Mist Prince Peaddevitohltill cos- \\l \ mind the ltursiak,troope, sho they enter up- \ , oak campaign , , „ I , \ \,, , . ~, 1 BL. \ Gomm,. a illaidiniskifficsr,reports the i s ' lashes terms of theitate it s f thei high, y. ,\ -, Prince Gortsobaketl. ia \ toed') tilt& 'I VA , against by the officers 6 U1..4141'81.4 ; wh, , \ stale that should he. noi•be reoldred 'or, hod, i .‘, tllitkes commence the - amayrrill \ be re -, \ , ' , I ' It boa been stated that ' , gm commis of \ the Itinntion 'corps of ostamatlon ', li mo o Infs. I \ inanely \ managed, and that Vidbrfanties - not - ' a foir tlit there her beenhio \ quit forth g. The 4trect i i ii sontrerYls stated to he the ease . the Turkie compd. ''..,, From 10 , 6040 12,000,1 t - .2 elan ,oldie are constantly in o ttsl , w ith t Otte fever 41 dysentery. ' ' , \ .... ,4 c,..: le saldbas' osdered ', \ \ 6,:n \ &No huts to belsreoted on the 'left , 'Of the Danube, and the \ Wallachien, theernto bap i , pay 80.000 ducats, for theirruconsteucolott. :. 'T OThe Proestau totttruotors to,tba,, esti .7. , ‘, hl, it is aneoneoed be recalled should It Wk. \ title comseenoe,‘ . , '' : .l \ RYE .WANTED -4,00a bite, 11) ' DO •Otksh. , - . , ._ In nlin ' 04 male .nei LIKIROH a L'ALPIIII. _ .11 ' : QT: • W BIIWZRY.BOARDS. --Ct !ono 4 4 = Nadgy , ofieo.ftyd,,miLes 1100FLAND'S GERMAN Brripm3 7 s aj'affl"."'"*"2"4.T.Trithisi I. :FA t I • just re. 4 cqu dinalent. fee' b 7 W fax 4111:1AND san POS. newstylo 41ALIDDE LAI B, o strt, tdaht , 01.7 . .ravr*D:let - 00. a, skin .t., lITTER-10 kegs Butt& u store and for oats by ode a. • A. *HANN. Mk 23 se:. V.HALIi=3 . f \ sake white vale by "as_ M lIRPHY 4L,BUROHFIE have 'oom- MIB tor 'the 1.1111 4 1/11D m i embraollVlTti ga v A i r Au ruda of/haallioodo i o*orlatuollpko. vA.T.Tittra=retlTget irval" 4 trench Wodnor, Panko.g. 8010 Alpsoia vials ao4 Ilauxed Wool Datothou Wool d• Bo Culau m . Ellashautu • SHAWIA.- Exteho, °Woo. Cliapa: Coal= Tblbot. ?mob. Prlnta4, Barlitatal Lapin 40.04 Wool Staub. Luse aud moms:- co2o ' WANTED—Spanish and Math> • • lam Bpanhh and Patriot oml:donut ok one half dol=for. H. . which 1 will par the hicee 7 1' h eel l l ", Vote. • E XTRA FAMILY FLOUR-50 bbl Wluatla Mnabil fis sale by Dal A. • A. YoBAN/1. 11 1D : reoeired and for 11 0 10-- Do MIL Rambo Apple= s 00 do .. Batas_ ..4a ', . . 1 do Pam Roll Bettor: \ 20jalls. Nash Bat te r, a by^ . is: O. OEM/ costar 2.1 and bble..Grelsa ti V i les .a ! „ Ted by ljN TAE MATTER or iho Volum ei s am k rit of JOHN' IL TOWNSIND, Wt.. , a. P ; to Athtitif.! . lLlT ' arr of "" Lai .._ Ally 20.142 \ : lallitllmart . elliommoo Mani a BISTO Wanty,- --.--, WcX, Septi .1562; 'Voluntary AiftgaawatatJaha 11. a•roaad. - \ .7. WIN_ at of tba Adis. aka. stWaing balsam of SLOW\ CI as bond for dlstrloatioa, • . Auftotoft. to alkilapt. 15,1662, the Coaftwdor s a d d 7 not 00th to b. ea of tbo Wag of add wpm= Elawarive, la the ttobtuvb Danyllaloa owja .11 .. .tN r IaTi=L tal tb oa to o l Ito r t s _bftrota i4d. erut Mo . : 74Ait b sz . hr 047414:4 4 wawa ir , tll4ft Iwo Ur= 4.7. - \ Dasiaari , . 70a 'c10i4,41.20. • It OLTkILOTHS of the beet, warm to hl va Ifttlataaticat ta tba . • sad t waft la than tun corned ollawbaro os Rim. Onion r with &aortal, wid_dotbs ca gy mall alms that °Hood. \ ~• W. W. WALLACIP oala4g SW Marty at. Pittak.•—• MINERS. WANTICD-Miners ZOKUART Alltilaa a{ toasty, alt &tater. ApPy to ' fpIIO.IIIIN DL. el2l.llwd 13ea'f 6401 2tutabtalati & Ita Dal/ Thllte war Goa wok. abates Gab rU'SLLE—A \ yaluabletuse and le. tba lit lian4 Otis o r , bra urbane frosting, the r c l4rr a It bl i t=t rat o aflafalrEatoeiaafttlar door theta sr. also Stable and. Coal \ MU" PrO v il i Lt togatber wltl. a &a &nab atlsTair tr . ly cur .altar. rtestog 21/11nArat 0ta14•4 -7 • . 401111 tar' N&THERS & WOO do Wool.nd• lasdln; ftpe;r fa 0.1617 D pIIEAPEST , SUGAII IN pins:sum ai t zral 3 ,4 "P. anapacar oondoeut equal I' \lloltua jrlOßsf. BlEtilNew cdpl, fresh' 1-1 lint naiad In Mae Dr WOW nelf ' . aid Federal .d Aliclrrshßart ItifOCKWILCAT FLOUR-- freel of Woe NW, bulled • Bnallytomt k ' t 84*1 7 , - `',Z4tollit OIL - 7 150 gallons, for k, SWENT 'CU 6 I t iEW—VDO M UMW DALSV4a .34 - 34 "LI24II,IIOrLOGWOOD-15001bs; festal& A' \ m 215 . Z. 111114.11111.67.11rab1kat. t ROMS SHAWLS=E'b. MASO & Sawnco. ss Mar t °3 1. 5 4 5b u r i f b* ' \ (TEESEr-300 but prime W. El Ohissi: 1104 and t by -unity 11..00gyaBs. \R 7 FL O UR-25 bble. reed and for sale b , .05\ A. i 4 maaarkw, ita QIIPESWINE \YLOUR-50 -bbltiOn•toti sal Pr. sae by \ a A- WatIANE. 114.21 /114A.E&•A f :1042 in store Nind for , - Aft Ws by • - J. , \PONGRESS WATZR---Tbis irainablikalfr. . , i ILI orailliger,, fresh them 'be Soria,. 1 1* ..tIVI. •. / ro . ctial• by . , ce13.,,,,,,_ 2.. ; j... ling k ,- --, , 1 yalNaR huraiNos• - -mtuphylkil • *,... .. 7 ..1 034,,,, iluntiant of abort swat .Ini•AK 1 se at r :bcdiffcreskt rri,dig+4 ter - - --1 Tbam, TikabrittAl • mligilrot NOW: Illtior•a,“ thi do Ibtaievellfamoul Wads' . .. .---• ~ _ 1 -- - 4 .-----..-% \ ~ -, 1 \\