on the North side of Etat lane, thence slangs** lane South fourteen deg. Seat, thirty-Ave peach* • and five links to a street to be opened - end 'on tinned from O'Hus street, thesee ale* , seta: street, North seventy-dee and three fourth de pees, &salinity perches and nine . links to Chut not street, thence along said street North four - r :Aeon degrees, Wed, thirty-ronr perehes and tirtn '" V-43131, hake to a hickory stump on the line ding said lot from 8. Bayne and vahern. thou" along said line South seventy-six deg. West forty , • - paretic* and nian.linke to Seat lane the Own of beginning; being the emus pleas of ground which by sundry memo aonveyanowl and assurances in ••• - .Lw became vested In the laid Alex. Hunter, and ' • - Ofetaittlag eight:aores, three roods and eleven perches. Seised endtaken In extoutlen is the property of Alexander duaterst the set of Batt art Galway. . _ Oh the right, title, honest and claim of Rob , en Hamilton end. Ann B. Hamilton, his wife, be. tag tiotandivided one-fourth part of two: certain lota or phone Of groat - Kid, situate in Elisabeth - -township; being parts of a treat of land fcrrgthich a patent was granted unto Thomas Morton" bear ing:date the 28d day of August A. D. 1784; en - railed-ha the Roll's officio for the. State of Penn. eyingle, in Patent Book, No. 8, page .28, and the said Thomas Morton by his last will and tee , terneutrbearing date the 4th day of June, A. D. 1814,--did among other things dense unto Allen Monon, - all his reel - estate for end during his natural life, and et-his death. to the said Allen . Merton's heirs, reference being had to said reoli. duly proven and reciorded in the °Moe for recording deeds(. wills, ha., for the county of Allegheny, will more hilly appear; and in the . jest A. D. 1828 the said Allen. Morton, deceased, and In consequence of hie decease, Rachel- Dig pit, lengthily Rachel Morton, John Morton and -, - Muy Elrod, formerly Mary Morton, Go-heirs of . their grand uncle Thou. Morton, and iihildren of the said Allen Morton, did by their . sigreement, bearing date the 18th day of April, A. D. 1828, ". 'make partition of the real estate of their grand . uncle, Thos. Morton as by' their apeament.-th ~etriting will more fully appear; bee:Laing it the nen, joining No. 1 and running with' the same , Booth sixty and a half degrees, West 89 perches, td a sycamore, North 88 degrees,. West 81 perch) mg to an elm, North 6tty4titty (56)degrees, Watt fifteen perches -to a post, joining lands of Jaen lartter,,ind =lining with the same, North thirty - three degrees, Bast one hundred and forty-four - perches, to • post, joining Tobias Harry, thanes Booth six degree, Haat, twenty-eight and a half (280 perches to a post on the bank of the river, thence up said river to the plate of kiegirmitqtt , containing forty- sores -and seventy parches, iecindlog one of the pieces of No. 2, as Ii stands .. -divided. : . I Also, one-other pine or part of said treat and belonging to said . hairs; beginnbig at a poet, joining lot No. 8 and running with the same . -Booth. twenty degrees, West forty perches and three tenth' of a perch to a poet, joinieg lands of Brands M'Enight and running with the- same , North; arty-eight degrees, West 20 and three . tenth perches to a poet, North 20 degrees But . and threetenth perches to a poet, by Linda of . the heirs of Longland, Routh 58 degrees,Bast and three tenth. perishes .to the place of begin, sing; containing 5 acres strict meanie. Cantata. lag in:both 64 noes and 77 perches, strict mess ore. The said two oertath lots or pieces of ground, the one fourth part of 18 perthes,stoot measure. 'The said two certain lots or pieta of ground, the one fourth part of which is hereby conveyed, or intended to be conveyed, oontaining respectively, I . the one 47 sane and 70 perches, strict mean" end .the other 6 acres, contatnleg in both 62 acres end 76 perches strict measure, being the same which were conveyed by John Shod and Mary kis wile, by deed, dated March Ist, 1886, . to Daniel Grewavalt, an by reference to said deed, recorded in the Recorder's office of- Allegheny . ninny, vol. at 8 page 879 will more fully and at large appear. Daniel • Grewavalt, deo'd leaving as heirs Ann B. Hamilton, wife of Robert, Mar ' the Copeland, Angelina Grewevalt and .Caleb firewavalti Seined and taken in execution as the property of Robert. Hamilton and Anne B. Hamilton, hie wife, at the snit of John Mean- ALSO, _ All the right, title, interest and claim of the defendant, William Johnston, of, in and to all ' that Glutei* lot or piece of groundsituatedin Pine township; Allegheny cointy, Penna., bounded .and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at • _ peat, thence by lands of George Grubbs, south two degrees. east ,[Stay perches, to • post, thaws by Robert H. Patterson's lead, south sixty eight degrees, west. fifty-six and elght.tentlui Perckiw to a pos t, therm north two degrees, west sixty • perches to -• poet,, thence by Rineman'e land north sixtraightdegrem, east fifty ; six and eight loath- portrait:, to. the plebe of begionhig, (being the same let or plena of ground that wea convey ad by Sohn &own and wife to the-said defend ant) npon.which is erected a "small log cabin- Seined and taken in execution as the property of William Johnston, at the suit of John &own, for use: of Pen•y & Storm ALgO r iAlit s right, title, nterest amt' 'l3 l / 1 1111 of 43biries Kent, of. in end, to the: following lot of Seams! : pat of. lots No. i.two,'?....threer and. in John Kaursn's plan of sub division of lots Noe. 1;4. 8,4, 14,16, 16, 84,- 86, 26, 87, . 66;-67, 58,-59, 60 and 61, la William Robinson, . Jr's. plan of out.at. . No. 41, In the Reams Treat, opposite Pittsburgh, hounded and -demi - bed as follows, to wit: Beginning at the distsnoe of twenty-one feet from the corner of a twelve - feet alley and Grantham street, thence slang Grantham street, northwardly, 21 facto theme In a Use parallel with said twelve feet alley. six ._ sr feet, to a few feet alley; thenoe along said al ley, south 21 feet,. and thence by a straight line, sixty feet, to the plass of beginning. Belied and . taken in execution as the property. , of Charles Kent, at the suit of Edward Dithridge and Hen • • ry Reis, for the use, ALSO, All the right, title, interest and 'oleic*, which were of Eismiel Leonard of in- and to. all that certain lot or plate of geared situate in Temper snoevilie; and bounded and deo:Abed as follows, ds :Containing in front on Maine street, one hundred and fifty feetotnd extending back two • .- hundred and thirty feet, bounded by Maine street. • Mill street, Water street, and part of lots Nos. • 86 and 46 in Warden arid Alexander's plan Of Tecoperancerille, ae recorded In plan book, 'VOL /. page 249: . ' ' the right, title, interest and albite, and demand which wore of said : defendant, Bun uel Leonard, of, to and to all that certain lots of . . ground situate In the eighth Ward of the oily of, Pittsburgh, being lota Nos. 18,14 and 15; in Alex ander Blank's plan of lots on Boyd's Hill, con •talningln front on Locust street 72; feet to line of lot No. 12, thence parallel with Cooper street, 100 feet to an alley 20 feet wide. • • Auto, All the right, title, Interest and which were of-defendant Samuel Leonard, of In and to -41.8 those other two certain lots orpMee of pound situate in the eighth Ward, of the city • of Pittsburgh, each Jot frontirmtes Second 1 0144 continued thiry feet, end aziending balk towards the hill 80 feet, more or lesa. MAWR. mean . tins as the property of Samuel Leonard, deo'd., id the hands of his executor. Wink= J. Howard, : , Bsqr, at the suit of John Everson'. Admititstrer • . Ala% -... •s; All the right, title, interest,- and Maim of Jo ', seph Long of, in and to elk that certain tract of lend situated In .Iteeerve Township. now Do. ' queue Borough, bounded and described u fol lows, via: seventy lest, more or lad oo tbi line of Benjamin Ben's heirs, and extending east- - . wardly the same with two hundred feet between the towing path of the- Pennsylvania canal, and Pittsburgh and Butler turnpike road, with the I' appurtenances upon which is muted a frims dwelling house, a tan yard, and work shop,, with ' other outbuildings, being a lease hold property, object to an annual rent'of eirty.dollare, pays :- hie quarterly on the Bret days or January. iprif, ".• July, and October of midi and every year, and subject to all taxes and levies of whatever kind • witbout any deduction for the OSUltrout of the • annual rent, also , the farther sato of one Imo deed and twenty dollars rent, to urea for the - years 1851, and 1862, &tidiest sad mooed qua ' tot rent of 1858. 81eled and , taken la *Mal- . ALSO. ' . Non as the property of Joseph. Long at the nit All the right dile and interest of B. A Bamp .. •of Thorns, H. Strout. -•-• sou ' & Co, of, In and to all thit °attain tract or • , plot of lead eltatte In the township of. Within, that certain frame ow and flour Mill, sit- boitudod and deearibed as • failure: Beginning • tided in the. .of Port Perry, Vereatiles at a hickory, theneaby laud( of Peebles, north township; near look Ito. 2, on the Monongahela two and 'one half degrees, west , one hundred • ' river, void baildiet erected upon iota No. three perehee to a atone, thence north eleven In the plan of lots of said village, laid oat by and one quarter degrees, • east ADO buodred .said William L Miller , for materials tarnished percher to a white • oak, thecae north thirteen. ' and aboot...the creation sod - construction of degrees and twenty-two mlautee, • out twenty , Wild, huildiep; cue against said lot on .which three perches and twelve hundredths of a perch said building is treated; seised and taken In to the Oreitaburgh aad Pittsburgh turnpike rod, • • exeention as the property of William L. Miller, thence along the width of the laid road smith .."" •at the euit of William Dilworth, Jr. silty. eight degrees, east- Arty-nine ptrobee and four-tenths of a perch; thence by lard lormordy plebe right, title, interest and claim of John of Donnie/ MoNsir, south thirty eight and one bi'Dowell; of, in and, to ell that certain lot or half degrees, west twenty-four, And one lAN,' • piece of ground Waite Is the Turd Ward, ally percher to a pun, tbenoe south fifty degrees and -of Pittsburgh, and bounded snit deseribelai fol. ons-half; east tweatreight perches to a stamp, `:low.:: Beginning' at the COMO, of lot now or late thou south thirty-alas erd pue.bilf degrees, '- ; bitioaglag to T.,M'CArty, *tithe outside of High west forty-ons sad one half-iperehes to a white street, between Wylie and Webaterstreete, thenoe oak etumpi , thence eolith two sad one hilt .de by theLlierbt said M'Clarty's let 80 feet, thane* geese, *set ditty four petwhie to o post, and !'•• toward Webster- street, and parallel with High thence south forty one sod one -hell . degrees,' street 20 feetrthenes in a line .parallei with the west ainetthree penal's, to tie place of bogie ' • line of the said - M'Carty's lot 80 feet-to High Ding; lelot.about seventy,two cores sStl street, thenee' by High street toward Wylie street, fifty seven perches and sixtreaven hatuirsdthe 20 feet, to the plop of begioning,• being 20 feet of a pirob: and having a double two storied 'la - width in front, on Nigh street, by 80 feet, in brick.dwellieg hole,' with barn and euadr;,eth• ' depth: bales the sun , lot of gonad which Ths• erect buildiegis thereat' tweeted.. •- - tDas Mellon and Sarah Jano his wife, by deed is Arse, all that o`aftetict other -treat or parcel of • fee simple, - reserving a ground rent of $l3B an. land situate in Wilkins township, atoressid, •-•• 4 nually, and dated Novemberilth, 'A. fD..-1848, Joining tie 10011,And hooded sad desoribedas • etOveyed to William Henderson, and recorded In followe: Beginning at the Pittsburgh and Precut '. .- the Esoorder's petiae, - to Daial Book„ 'lot. 83, burgh Turnpike . Road, about eight porch.' _and •'• ' • 227; and onion the said WilliamAenderson aineAeuthe of a perch eastwardly from We west . • . and Mary hie wit.; by entitle:teed endorsed. de... wotdly. 00ffier of the percel *bore desoilbed, - • led the 21dity of Febratry,.A. D - , 1850, purd, peon along the middle of the sold road north • • ed is tidiNtaborder's Office; aforositd, in. Deed sixty-el: and throe fourth. degrees; . west forty.. ..• 'B oo k, Vol 20, page • 808, conveyed to the add nine ; and .eixty-ninahandredik . perches, „thence " John ld'Dowell, and on which id/ related a •• • • large by code of ;Mr.. RIO, . north. seventy , eight,. de, story' brink dwelling house,' frontict e o pear, east out hundred.twenty,perebee and .Y.'!“ High elite, Mid alai another _three story briek,l cuts tiro liendrodthe et. Pfircb,Ahearasby,leads ' building on the back and of said Lot: tidied of .1":011 Belly lona nftY 4 iikt Madras% *ma _ _.......,,,,.,i,..--... - -- - -,,,-,, - , ,..,....4..._ ~,,,:t,4_,,--._::,;...f7.:::,-;:::..,.'•-.7"..,:;;i;Z',q_1i;;?2,;,-.4i4N,'''', - .'" ',..,.:U.:ix...:1,.,-4--;,,,....5..k:,:h-.F!;,,'4..",-.7q?,.*:..-!!_-'.'"•"i• . . . ..'i'' , •4',. .'' "'• .-,..„, n't,',..2'.4.141'-'. I ''''• •• - ' - f^-1--- ' l,-- ' . k .4 .'" -- - ,, -.:ver:4..4,7'f-_. - - , , ,if.!;•,'', - - - ',:->- -:--- - .. - f iz4atlon to tbd:troperii,orilohn It Devi% at the Wilt of Griff"Undesy*Co: and othent.!; ALSO, Al'. the. right, title, Interest and claim of Ed ethrtildefiarr.of,in and to all-that certain pious or parcel of ground situate to the oily of Pitts burgh, and bounded and described as follows, yin Beginning at the corner of Coal lane and Tannehill streets, running thence by wohlaughee r lot thirty-two feat to the lot of Hugh Brady, thence by said Brady's lot 46 feet 44 inches to Coal.lane and thence by Coal lane 17 feet 81 Inches to the place of beginning. • Arm all that certain other lot situate in the city of Pittsburgh, bounded and described as fol lows, viz: Beginning on Coal lane at the ;Wince of 75 feet 6 inches from Tannehill street at the corner of Hugh Brady's lot, and running thence by said Brady's lot 61 feet 4 luau to lot of .1. Hughes, thew by the same 19 feet to other I ground of said Hughes, themes North by said -Hughes' lot 68feet -14 lathes to Coel lane 21 fled to the place of beginning; being part of lot No. 44 in W. W. Fetterman'. plan of lots hold out on Mount Baldwin, and being the same which (inter alia) Sarah B. Fetterman by her deed dated Aprilllud, 1840, and recorded in Deed Book vol. 61i'page 129, granted. and conveyed-the some to McGarr and Hugh Brady, who, by their deed of partition recorded in sot 58, page 817, dot apart the above described portion of lot No. 46 to the cell McGarr; seised and taken in execution es the property of Edgard-McGarr at the suit of Robert Galway Morose of David Gilleland and Agee," M. Irwin, Administrator of J. B. Irwin, All the right, title, interest awl claim of Low is-Moule, of, in and to all that certain lot of 'firosind auto In the Fourth Ward, of the city of Allegheny, fronting on - Chwitnntstreet twenty fire fret, and extending back one-hundred feet, on which is erected a two story brick house. Ax on, all the right, title, Interest and claim of George Mottle, of, In and to all those two certain lots or pieces of ground allude in the 4th Ward of Allegheny oily, and containing in front on Chestnut street feet, and extending beck nine. ty foot, on which are erected two - two-story brick houses.- Axso, all the right, title, interest and dant of George Mottle, of. In and to alt that certain tract of land, situate in Franklin town ship, containing four hundred scree, on which is emoted a log dwelling hotiee, with the appurta . UllaCtee. Seized and Oaken in execution as the property of George Monis; Er. and George Monte, Jr rand Lewis Moult, partners doing WI/linen as G. Mottle & Soue, at the snit of 'Martin Shatter and others. ALBO, • All that certain lot or pine of ground (or land) In Lower lilt Clair'towaship, between Bir mingham and the Monongahela Bridge, bounded end described as follows, vie: Beginning at the westward line of the Pittsburgh and Birmingham turnpike road, thence westward along said line of road 22} feet, to the eastward line of lot No. 2, thane by line of sold lot northwarily 100 feet to the•southward line of Chestnut street, thence slang said street inetwardly 22} feet to the west wardly line of Third etreet aforesaid, _ ; thence along said line of street southwardly 100 feet, to the One of beginning. Brined sad taken In ex ecution so the property of Jamie Maxwell at the salt of William Ebbs. ALSO, All the right, title. interest and olaim of Wm. L. Miller of, in and to ell that certain traot.of land ellnaled iu Versallees Township, nommen oing at the mouth of Turtle creek and extending up the same to lands of George M. Brinton, and thence by lands of Georitaltrinton, Hawkins sad Milleganind Skew, to the boundary of the town of port Perry, (as Ind out by Col. Miller,) and thence by the same to the' Monongahela. river; thence by maid titer to the place of beginning; being Nee. 1,2, 8,4, 6,6, 7, 8 and 9. inclusive, in a plan of the subdivision of the Bald -tract of land made by Wm. L. Miller, and - recorded in Plan Book Vol. 2, page 7; seized and taken in execution as the property' of Wm. L. Miller at the snit of Philip Ron. • ALSO, All that piece or parcel of grafted lying ands befog in the Bth Ward of the city of Pittsburgh, l bounded and deieribed sa follows, to wit Begin ning at the distance of 202 feet from the Booth 'Slat corner of Mutt It Magee streets, thence Esstwardly along said Maria street to ground formerly owned by Dr. George Stevenson 20 feet sonthwardly sting said ground of Stevenson to lot No. 124, 61 feet 6 inch* thanes westwardly along said lot No 124, 20 feet to the rear of lot No. 112, thence NorthWardly along wild lot No. 112,61 feet 6 modem to sold Maria street the place of beginning—being lot No. 118, in David Oreer's plan of Tote recorded in the office for reoording deeds. Sicced and ticked in Emma. Mon as the property of William Natty at the Solt of fle;theser Weygsuat et al Trustees of the First German Be. Lutheran chttreh of the city of Pittsburgh. All the right, title.; interest; and tdaim of the detendants, - .9llebael and Charles O'Sullivan„ by that guirdialtlohis.Quiron, *iota 4tomililtat certain lot' or Pees of ground situated ou the _northern side of Roes streek'between High and 61h streets, the city of Pittsburg,- on which sold lot; le erected a two 11104 frame dwelling hoses, said lot being twenty la front by 69 fest 4 inches in'depth, to an alley Are. feet wide, and sald.lot Is bounded on the southwest by the devisees of John Moore, and on the northeast by property of the said John Quinn, and said lot is numbered in. Cook's parrot lots. Sedsed an tab an in um:ration an the property of Michael and Charles O'Sullivan, by' their guardian, John Quinn, at the of John O'Sullivan All the right, title, intereet and claim °tarsi!. topher Pack and Henry Velsheller of, in and to all that certain piece of ground situate in the borough of Duquesne, bounded and described as follows, commencing at the corner of Pine street and the towpath of the Pennsylvania' Cs nal; choose along Pine itreet ,one hundred and fifteen feet, Manta at right angles one hundred feet to"Lembcrmen's alley; amnia along said Lumbergien's alley to the tow path of, the Penn. sylvania Canal, thence along said tow-path to Pine street, the place of beginning' on which are erected one large two story brick tannery, with boiler; engine, vats, dec., part of said -building being also Sited up and used as • dwelling house, and one one-story : frame dweidug house and frame stable; sefted tad taken in execution as the property of Christian Pack and Usury Veir. hailer, late partnere; doing business under the name of Christian Pack, at the suit of Jacob f t eyer and Wm. Baxter. ALSO, . Al the tight, title, Interest and oialm of Chria thin • Pick, of, In sad to all those certain lots or pieces of 'groundeltuated In referee treat, Rats township, bounded and desotibed as follow, to wit:" Lot Nos. 680, 681; 682; 588, in the pion of lots had by G. E. Warner, Jacob Painter F. La ren:, contalahig is front, on Pine st reet 116 feet; 7citetWing baok;thf lot 680 rune to a point on tow path sal Lumberman's alley; the bal anon of the' lots, Noe. 581, 682 and 688, rune hack to Lumbennan's alley; on wild lot or pieces of ground are one brick tannery 76 feet by 68, two stories high, steam power attached. • Also one frame house one story 146, ad feet by 80; also an old stable. ' Part of the tannery Is fitted up as a dwelling. gilsel and taken In execu tion as tbeproperly of Chriatlan Pack, at the snit of bilabial O'Neal. All the right, title, hasn't sod alatca of Chas: goes, of, to mid to all that certain lot or pleas of ground ettuste in the borough, et OVlCeeeport; begianlog on Sixth street, It the 'o_ of lot No. 216, tbenoe by sad lot 140 feet to Thorn al ley, thence by said alley 80 feat, thenoe'at right. angles to cold alley, 140 feet to Sixth attest, thenos by said street 80 feet to ttie plate of be. 'ginning; being part of lot No. 216, andto 77777 to Mild Charles by deed, dated ldtb of Apr 111649, and Itetiorded to Allegheny acuity, in deed hoer; col 'B6, page 98; on which le erected a two story brick dwelling boom. Belied and taken in ma cotton se the property of Charles - Ross. at the suit of 'John B Dolcalog for use of Beojsmin Glyde. siventeed andotnety-eigth-bornirlidtheserobes to 'er white oak, thence north eighty-nine degrees. east parchee to a walnut atamp,. and thence south thirty-four and • ball degrees, test one hundred and fifty-three perches, to the plum of begiuning r oontainiog .shont forty-nine bares and two perches, and having a hey house there- On erected. • Axle, all that certain other piee,s of land sit- anted as aforesaid, and bounded and described is follows: Beginning at the= Braddock' field road, thence by lands of Judge Fithian, north eighty-eight and three fourth degrees, west thirty-nine perches end forty-three hundreths .to a white oak, thence north, fifteen and one half degrees west thirteen perches and forty six -hundreths of a perch, thine. Porth, five degrees ,east, eight perches and forty•four-hondredths of a perch, thence by lands of George E. Peeble, Beath, eighty-eight and three fourths deg re es cut, forty-nine perches and seventeen h a dredtha of a perch to the Braddeelee 'field died and thence hy the said road south, fifteen and ono fourth degrees west, sixty perches and see enty.two hnndrethe of a perch, to the place of beginaing, containing six acres i Ulla, all the following described tract or par el of land, situate In the village of Willansborg, unseeing the lots numbered, 41, 42, 48, 44, 46, 46, 47, 48, 49, 60, 61, 62, 68, 64, 66, 56, 67, 68, 9, 60, 61, 62, 68; 64, 65. 66, 67. 68. 69. 70, 71, 72, 158. 154, 155. 156, 157. 158, 169, 160, 161, 162, 168, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170. 171, 172, 178, 174, 176, 176, 177, 178, and 179, in the plea of the said village, Dud bounded and de scribed as follows: beginning at the North West corner of. Hay and South streets, thetioe along South street, North sixty seven deg , West seven hundred and fifty-six feet, thence North twenty three degrees, But to and across Roes Street, North 811,y-seven degrees, West three hundred and thirty feet to the Booth .Went corner of lot No. 66, thence North twenty-three degrees West, nine hundred and two feet to the North. Wast corner of lot No. 164 on North Street, thence along North street, South eixty-seven degrees, East one thousand and eighty-six feet to Hay street, thence along meld street South, twenty , three degrees West, one thousand two hundred and sixteen feet to the place of beginning, sub ject,to the public in all the streets and alleys in the said plan; the said lot No. 41 and 42 having thereon erected a two storied brink dwelling house, with stabling, blacksmith shop, and other out buildings, the said lot No. 47, having an old frame tenement thereon. Tho (told lot Na. 62 having a frame dwelling home, with atalling, Merano, and the lots No. 71 and 72 having several two storied brink dwelling houses with stabling thereon erected. Seised and taken In execution as the property of Benson A. liampeon and John Horbash, trading under the Arm of B A. Sampson & Co , at the atilt of David Hays. ALSO, All the right, title, interest and claim of Chris- Gan Sohnotaker, of, in and to ell that certain piece of land situate in Indiana township, the north half parts of tracts numbered one hun dred and twenty four (124) andeone hundred and twenty flee (125) in Cunningham's district of Dome°intim Lands, bounded and described as follows: "Beginning at a poet, the north east corner of treat No. 125, called "Hope Garden," thence south eighty eight and a half degrees west, two. hundred end sixty perches to a post, the north west earner of tract NO. 124, called .Crab Bottom," thence south one and a half de grans, east hundred and sixty perches to a post, thither' north eighty eight and a half degrees, east'two hundred and sixty perches to a poet, thenoe north one and a half degrees, west one hundred and sixty perches to the plane of begin ning, containing two hundred and forty fire aorta and allowances of six per cent for roads, &c., being the north half parts of tracts Noe 124 sod 126, in. Conitigham's District, No. 4 patented to Edward Bartholomew and eoroled in patent book No. 9, pages 227 and 228. now in possession of Christian ficlinmaker, on which is erected a house and barn and other out buildings; Gaited and to ken, in execution as the property of Christian Behumaker, at the suit of Samuel Miles Green, 1 in trust for his wife Barthel E. Green. ALSO, All the right,. title. interest and claim of R. Johnston and Robert C. Stockton of, in and to all that certain piece of ground situate in the eity of Pittsburgh, being lot No. 272,6 n W.:11)&1;04v, bounded by Second end Third 'troths, and by lots Nos. 271 and 278, and extending In breadth on each of the said - elreste fifty seven feet; nein ed and taken in execution as the property of -B. Johnston and Hobert C. Stockton, at the snit of William Addition, surviving Trustee for use. ALSO, All the right, title, interest and (dales of Her risen Scott of, is and to or out of all that certain lot No. 4, in Bele and Barger's plats of the Bub• division of Part of lot Po. 8, in A. C. Reed', third plan of out lots, situated in the city die. trial near the 7th ward, of the city of Pittsburgh, which plats Is recorded in plan lisok No one, page fifty nine; said lot fronting 20 feet on Som ers street, an d running book, preserving the same width,: one hundred and twenty feet, to it twenty two foot alley; seised end taken In exacta. Atop as . . the property , of Harrison -Scott at the itnit of 8604 Baker cl .Pcs_ ALSO, All the eight title, interest and deka of John Tooker, af, in and to, all that ocotillo PIM of ground situate In the borough of Boot Blaming. ham, and bounded sod d. emitted es fellows, to wit: Beginning on the eouthwardly side of Car son street, at the distance of 48 feet, westerly from Phlllips tante; thenott 'studios, in front • n Carson street westerly 48 Jeet, end in depth ar length southeely-120 feet. same width of 48 feet, to an alley 24 feet - wide, being the same property which Caroline Ormsby, by cited dated April let, 1849, reectsded to Deed Book, Vol. 90, page 97, conveyed to aid John Tneker,ton which to erected alargetwo story-brick dwelling bouts with a kitchen and plans back, and other ant buildings..' Seized and taken in execution as the property of John Tucker at the salt of Beeja min B. Jones. All the right, title, interest, and olaits of John Trilby, of, in, sad to all that certain let of ground situate in the borough of Tarentam, described anfollowm—one half of lot, No 67, in Braokenridge's plan of sold borough hoeing a front 0f . 82 feet, more or less, on the Pennsylva nia eastal, sad extendlog book Moog Roar et , 182 feet, more or lest, to Kennedy street, upon thialtis erected s frame bailee, now or latoly used as a 4Avern house, with other buildings andiaken in execution as the property of John Truby, at the suit of 8. Cunningham for use. All the right, title, interest and olaim of John Tucker of in and to all that oertain lot of ground altorded In Booth 'Pittsburgh and bounded "and : described as fellows, to wit: begioni g at eolith Western .intersection .of Fourth and Bingham streets, thence soothwardly slung 4th street fifty feet, Moos . . westwardly, twenty one feet four inches, parallel with Biugham tweet, thence by • line parallel with 4th sweet fifty feet to Mop ham street; then outer', along }Brigham wrest to the flue of beginning; being the same tot or parcel of ground conveyed by deed by E. Phil. fps and. wife to said Tooker, sod recorded In deed Book sot 90, page 96; on which is erected • one story frame bowie. Aria, all the right, title, Interest and ;deist) of . John Tacker of, In end to all the certain lot or piece of ground situate in the Borough of Brat Birmingham, bounded and described as follower Beginning on the souLtiorly aide of Canon street, it the distance of 48 feet westwardly from Phil Ipaetnet, . thence extending In.front on Gerson street, weeder', 46 Aid, sad in depth or length Southerly 120 feel of same widlia,o4B feet to in alley 24 feet wide; being the prime property *Moir Caroline Ormsby by dead dated April Ist 4849, duly recorded. 000veyed to John Tooker, on ..whioh is erected a lune two story: brick dwelling home, with kitchen and eutlooildlngt Seimd and taken in execution u the property of Joker Tooker, at the mutt of Mark Sterling. ALSO. AU that certain piece of land, elicited in Low er Bt. Clair. township', Wove or easterly of Bit• irlighato, and bounded and described ne follows, to wit: Beginning on the southerly ride of ion sleet, let the distance of forty feet westerly from the corner of Joseph etreet, thanes extend ing iu front on Clifton, westerly" twenty-feet to T. Davidion'a lot and in depth southerly walla with Joseph street, preserving the same width, Only. tut to • twelve feet alley; the said piece 9f land being the same which Oliver IL Ormsby conveyed to the eeldJohn Ward, by a deed bear• iag even dote herewith, and this mortgage being for the unpaid , purchase money. Select and be. iften in execution tie the property.of • John Ward, at theticit.of Oliver 11.. Ormsby. i ' ALB% All the right, title,' interest, and ciliate of F il d e ri c ka Waiili, deceived, and of Mooiu Wallli, her late husband, 03 well as the right, title, and Interest, and estate of 'tbb holm of mild Fredericka Wailli, deotaied, la and to ail that aartila 1,1 or piens of grouad 'sir:iota la the township' of Lauer St Stair (or what le now called East -Birmingham) and bounded and-des. aribed as follows; 'to wit, bogleitig on thamorth... arty line of Careen street, on the Birmi4Seei and Eilsatioth turnplla, ant at this &liana°. of' slaty feet, easterly,. froad,tho earner of Joseph street cad Carson street; theiron'alopg • Carden eastwardly, 'twenty fleet, thence-, at right seats with CATIDO street alltrpaiAllel with JO septi street, northwardlywiehoadred and twin -1,7 feet to an alley twentyfuur feet wide, tlenee `along feet -to alley and Oxalis! with Carson - stree t - weistwirdly twenty feet, .thoneir in a line petal. lei with Joseph • 'street, sonthwardly, .one hart-. deal and twenty feet, to Cirsoi Airs ppm of beginning (heot tirenv' foot front on arson street, and in depth preserving thesamie width perallei with Joseph street one hundred and twenty:feet/ to the 'Bahr twenty feet alley) tieing a part or a larger 'piece of_ ground which. Caro:lab Ormeby by her deed, 'bowleg delta the. 277 - day of Aprll, 1846, and recorded in the oftlee foe'reeordliit Of 'deeds ito !timid for the Omni. , Alleghenbaforeeald ru deed! book 4 a rol. 14 ;04, to, griat , d 'obilveied Oforge Dantilio,' find wig the Nina lot 4if ground.widoh 8 1 G.oige Diticatt and 'Agete/4: hisk ewif by ~ their deed detect ilia fire. orasy,A. 0.1 ‘ O, granted and 0011 , 11 Jed to FrederiCk" Stiller'. refersoce being . hod 'to said last mentiolied oonveyance more folly sod at liege appear, there being erected on the above' deseribed lot o4.ground a two story brick horse, fronting on Careen et , ~ and a.two , story frame house fret:Ong on the 'Bold alloy, with o at buildings. Seized and tak en in exey.ution as the. propetty. qf liinhuhts Wail!' and Christian Wailli, adture. Of Frdeder• Icka Weill!,; deceased, with notice tot Catharine, Nizbolas, end John Michael Scalier end John K Graham, guardian of Minors h ire at the suit of Adam %nigh. Purchasers will be required to pay 0 per oent on the purchase moneyon all sums lose that $lOO, and 10 per cent, on all pare/it:uses above that SUM: . WM. MAGlLL,Sheiiff. Pittsburgh, November 8, 1858. 1 I } II"I'SBURGH GAZE'T'TE. PITT•BEIIIi GB BA DURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 6, 1868 acrh'EADINO MATTER WILL BE FOUND ON RACE PARR OF THIR PAPER. a.t.rittsontou WLZILY Oaurrz.—lbe extensive Myatt lauon of our Weekly Chmette pilfers to oar business men mostdesiraiila medium of making their busineas known. Jur circulation to batsman tour sad dye thousand. reech o, almost every village and manikin Western Pennell •suis and Esaurn Ohio. •%.TO ADVERTl9l<4.4—Neither the lllOrilil ROOM -ant' Printiog .ICitsbliehreenttif the Dem grains. sas tpened . ori klundey. ADVERTIBItitIi who tleeire their oeticee to appear in the paper on Mondey morning, plc...band them In before 5 o'clock. on HatardV The %mars CAsa.—We do not like the aspect the Boma (limed= has seeumedMider the ne gotiations of Mr. Marsh. We admired the high toned American character of Mr. Motors letter, and hoped to see its positions carried out. Toe recent oorreqontlenoe between Mr. Marsii and the Austrian Minister shorn that the American ground promniged at home has not been carried out abroad. It woe agreed by the two Minis ters teat t.Koszta will take passage at Smyrna, under the eurteillinee of our copular authorities re• epeotively, on board a tetteel-of-war of the Uni ted States; or, in default of thatom board one of the American merchant ships which frequently touch at thie.seaeon at the said port, and at the moment when it mails for America directly, with out touching at any intermediate port, exCepria cue of weerioas casualty or any other accident at sea. Xoexta must be piovided with an-Amer loan passport, which shall expresely prevent him from changing his route or quitting the Ado be fore it shall have arrived in America. The lin perial.goveroment, however, revelries to lterlfto take measures against the said individual, in coo • formity with its right, should be ever again be found on the Ottoman territory." The American Minister compliments the Aus -Irian .dirtister upon his conoilatory sentiments, and snares him that the conditions recited in his Excellency's note will be faithfully Obverted by the authorities of the United States." This admission of Mr. Marsh gives up the whole question of tho rights of American citizen shlp, on defined in Mr. Marey's letter, and we shall not he sorry to learn that Kuala Ili 'still In the outtody of the French Consul throughthe tics of Mr. Wiley, the American Consul al Emir na. The question of American rights may yet be 'decided by the - flouts oue, if this eomar is true Tun thestaus CASIG.—.The Chronicle anitounced on Thureday that the proprietors of the Excel pier line had concluded to yield to publio opin ion, and suspend the Sunday trips. We have linos understood that the Supreme Court have de cided the ease against. them.. Woodward, Low rie soli Knox against the Omnibusses, and Black and Lewis dist toting. - If the decision to suspend the lines on Sabbath origioiled fromks knowl edge of the decision of the Court, It detracts front the merit of the sot; butst: soy rate we-re joice that the cause of public virtue & good morals bas signally triumphed. We never could see soy good,reasou why Pittsburgh should be afflie ted with , LBabbatit Omnibue line., wheit Balti more, Philadelphia and New York, were free from Chit evil. - The argument, derived, from the couvenlence of Church-goere; worild bold good of those cities se well se wore; end much more w tight has been given to it than i ' deserve_There is no neceisity for soy curio bra it of the Sabbath, end we heartily rejoice that t h ere is to 3 be au end of it.. We have no doubt that the .lines-wilt toskajnore money . Irt_tht! wl i osid that the. proprietors -trill b11,Vd41,M,11 . 0104 CHI.. gratulits themselves on the multi o f , whntihey may hero deemed perscoutlou, but Wheat we. stimulstel try the best regards for the . publio weal, as well ae respect for the- dtvlrte'uAomsti W'e are glut to learn that come of the previa tore boo, alwejs bean opposed to tha dawn.- lion of the Bobberh, In this way, sod that they will reeist any future attempts to re-eatablish the abated evil. Is.. We usglested to state that John T vleon, Market street, Fueemor to' Davison & Armor, tad for Isle the works we lately noticed from the press of Bxlbeter, .'fleadley't war of 1812,t' “Spades to spend," eta. 01/1011 Outo AID PRIMA P. R Co ' Pittsdirsh, Not - 418, 1858. •} , Receipts in Ostsher 1858 $84,889.03 •' " 1852 44,74 . 011 lacresta, $88,287,82 Renelpto in 1858, to Oot 81st $580.701.89 *. " 1852, " " " 2.10 987,89 'l2t3f 01in, ,. 11288,71870 8. W. 1108E8323, . . 11111 of 13og'r fiBgp't. BOOK somas Vin and think. mil .aw,ttini h rocnie; by Kirwl Ilarporry N. Y, 1820. ' And what did be . eset And bow did he sea it! We are not disposed to forstall you in thifyons leg beet, but we may say, be new things with his own eyee awl lelle the ewe, in bin ora that 14 lila steditit &retard,. Independent:mei, 'nor. The correptione, the tyranny, the deep+ in, the auporstitione, the igaennoe and degre r dation of, Europe aro portrayed by la Hogue ail... Now World; louprPorlaus ar America. Fredericks brellarr 7 Harper,. Ista. To those who whit to know what Idles BV , ener thought of ourcemetry, thi two vols., 12inel 'ell op Itt'S 0.6 lefet etre, ` witl he a treat, Miss Bremer looks with a friendly eye, generally, up• on what she esw While Leaven/1g through our oouotty. Perhaps the cordiality with lehleb ebe was everywhere met hae given here more fa• vorable opinion of no than we deserve, P.:Tilde by J. L Reed, 78 4th street. The nation le convolved! A ,revolution 'lm• ponds I Thepoiltinel sea ewe up mud arid dirt, and.the dory lend gaud. The.grest question is, Have the Pratt Sobers knuokled enough, or have they not T And tr . they have. aright they not to' have some more offices; and if they Writ, Gehl they oroucb law enough to getthinnt Therlderdv are worse then the Choral' in the days of doid Rogers.: She took bakk to her brivom her built: oil obildreu when they solemnly ratautodousd only burned the contomeoloue Not en wieltdbe Herds. They so for roaming every mother's eon who wee ever heretical on Slavery or the Cont..: protalea They.deny. thellgts the - privilege of repent...tune, refuse to,.iletan to their cry for for , emcee, and tiiirit, Cruolf)rentoify the Srobly. heeded meals! Orntkimen Hardtl you ar-V bird. It grieves us to see's° Much utioharitableneei: We prey you, be !tetanal. Reeltairr your Serra resentment We never beheld oath shrieking harshness Have you_no bowels of compassion (or the pitiful humilintions of your politioal broth. tent Whet would you b'avef See these Ortvett &Ss everywhere on their marrow bones, :white,' quivering, their teeth obatterioge theirdutees ebekhig,-repenting • In eacketoth and ashealtu. , rollistiog themselves till' manhood, lastlnotively spares their_ rectannese, and lures elokened, by the disgusting epeotscle. Gentlemen Herds t - we plead in behalf of the Mianett of mortars; oetve and pardon these trembling souls; no,iniamt we should say, fee their souls have long eittoe'de partad.,—A4.3", Trikma , ! • • 'Mr A Valuable . Family Nedtoine.-So 'eslebratal has Dr. Mc:Limed Tertall age haaotoo, that It la ragat.lo4 at Lb poly swains aura for worm 10alLtia should neriihe'wlthout sUPPli's4 • At this d ap whim myna a. ars.. trauldraouss sod '14•• toaolly fatal *Wool clindietr,l4igotv fbouhl b. Irfactiftil,. sad oa ills ant .vve‘niiito of. t csiodlitraidsursysaitasis litdoti mania. otatiole anaance, at oats apply thla lans7 *alai asd Oleacloas tedaadr.Wa: cinqulent,ttiiit It. Du l l malty • tdal. to °mallets - alt.llxat iitblf airlu praWathwi bseirtaalabed upon ind fallltatii, Volume. of saitllloatalaati Pr! producelitioa , :ac Ito igrookt medlaid vittup4 ; ;,‘ lkyl'utobsters 1011 be °luau! tbitekfilr;bll.ll.l4ltltll OXLgbItATRD•VERNIOIOII: eud take itteeek else: All ow'r pmatnaine,licomperbon, ere hie titte'a.yormllsiii. also blt CelaLreted!..l4ver , tilbehatt 'lttiVbe htl it.ll teepeotabt‘ Mar etor.l luthi Ilelie4 Elites, ail (Mu the tole otoprletota, .1 . , 41/1/1111IN0 IlltoTllo4, .41,0611 JldcceYon ro J. glad Ocl4,o7ltWeiC,,, , I jorS.tglllstiarna imtb LAr e t!tritAtosa minium New suk ~ .tiy TELEGRAPH TER RE DAYS 'LATER MI ZUROPE ARRIVAL OF THE AFRICA. New Yeas ,Nov. 4 —The Africa arrived to-del with Livezpeiff dates to the 22d. LITZILPOOR MAlMElR.—Cotton—The setts foe week were 46, 000 bales, Orleans far, 63; mid dlieg 6; upland fair, 6.1; middling, 63, deal fel, end holders firm, mode:retaliate, to thetrad of fair and good fair, which have improved mom . The sales to apeculators were 8000 bales, expo? 6000. Timis at Manchester has improved Rime Ou r lest. i ltreadetoffs.--All qualities of floor had oonl sielerably advanced, Western Canal 861 6J; 01 371. Corn had advacced to 325; yellow 41. ` Provieions.—Lard, demand moderate fegm the erode and for expert. Beef in modePite re genet (lase Cotton Market —More motive. 'Puckish affairs remain unchanged. The Africa. reaehe,d Liverpool on the 22a4 The Ander( started out on Friday. The Wash ington left Southampton on Friday. Resters affairs remain unchanged. Omar's summons to the Russians has bean publiehed. It Is temperate and manly; Gotteehakon reply is sheet and boorish. Hostilities are expected to communes on the 2810 - Both annieo continne to make active preparations. Abdel Bader has - been offered the oommend by the Turks, but awaits permission from the French Government. The Turks are voluntarily pouring in ImmeeM trout:me in the treasury. Fleets are ordered to the - Derdanelles, but ere not to enter the Bleak Sea except on the hostile advance of the Bantling. The Sultan bee granted a firman to an Eul gllA. company, to construct a ship canal frofft Kaeson to the Black Sea, thus superoeding the mouth of the Danube. The import duty on wheat with Sardinia is re duced 60 centimexper haotoletra. Another earthquake °emend in. Greece on Saturday morning. The mail from Liverpool brings nothing addl tienal reapeoting the Turkish difficulty. The French Ambassador at Paris deniers that the Czar threatens the extermination of the Turks; en the contrary it was reported that the Czar would soon Issue a peace manifesto. Hayek Oct. 18.—The week's salee, were 89,- 000 The stook on l i pd, 76,000 balm. Havre Cotton Market—Mobile 70®72 franca; pelted 79090 f. The Cotton market during the w: ek woe eteady, with a fair demand; prime firm for better grades. Liverpool—American Cotton has edvaueed 1.16 since the Palling oldie Arctie and I legi to-day Tee market eloped steadily with salts 6000 balm The stock on hand Is 786,410—fair Orleans tlf; middling 63® Breadsmift autive—Wheat Flour has further advice, d; Wheat 01, Flour 21. G 1; Corn 2e; White Wheat 10e. 3d ®loe 8J; led and mixed, es 101. ®los. 2:1; Western Canal Flour 36e. fid ®37e. 11,1 ; Ohio 365.®875; White Corn 40s.® 42t, Yell° a 401. ®4le. Previsices—ln Beef and Pork a moderate be. slums doing, priors steady; Bacon doll, declined 2e; Cheese, moderate business: at a slight de cline. In Lard very little doing, toffee for spring delivery at 62e. Produce—,,,Clovereeed le. ®25., dearer .and in speculetiverilemand, like at. 62s Tallow; fife ItURitITRO doing at 683. 6.1. Rice in fair dimand, acid prices eteady and unchanged Lineeed mkt: In demand it 6s. At Manchester there was a reducettprodde• that of good. and yarns, which was canted by the olueitig of Preston & Wigan's Mills, whim has given mere entidenee to buyers and streogth teed prices. Moose NURSERS —British Node fluctuated coneitlisrably. Consols closed a: Bt3 By telegraph we learn that French Threes olesed au Friday' the 21st et 72 f 30 motimee; 4:1 per cent 98 franca. American securitiee: the market during the week is reported se more 4C- I five with an tweet/ad inquiry, mud a general 1 improee.l demand chittly for Federal stocks.-- Penne Central Railroad 6 per cent bend,. U oida 1868, 110401 Penns Cem• teal Railroad elms 1880, 953@963 Loateos.—Baring & Brother, report more firmneee In the cora trade daring the week.;— Rim quiet. The sugar trade was healthy, but prices were temporarily down Gd®le; • toed basilic-as doing in lee: tallow steady at (43.6@ 69,4; Melsmee scarce; common 17,6, U 8 tied wheat 60(672; white 73; Western Canal Flour, 8716®88,6 Ohio 89®40. The Africa arrived at eight o'clock. She pasti!ed the City of Gimpy going Into . Liverpool. Latest news by telegraph to Liverpool from Constantinople, Oot. 18 The combined fleet not entered the Dardanelles yet; it was women eerily executed. The fleet in our hither which had gone Into winter quarters, bad been ordered to prepare for eta • Despatehes from let Peter, hay, tame that peeparmieue for war were prceeediug rapid y. The Raperee had returned from Berlin on e 13th. Twenty :Alpe were lying at Dania to d ie; cern. Paris. Friday.—The Benne was mead, et te Deming, hut doled at • decline . Di leading Breadstuff/ the circulars yuy+— • Richardson* quote greet activity; a limited . quantity on sale; , - Baltimore flour sold at 87; loestern canal 36; boo Mies white wheal 101 6 ex Mlle. Com, a limited eupily. PTOI.IIIIOIII —Sales 400 tlemer; Early'. Bati more beef at 96e. Duos has decline.' 2s Bering's circular quote, iron firm and Inac tive, demand for hare and milt; Scotch elf has fierrnrated; good mixed numbers leave off at 66, 6 en elyde; good American brands 76 for Ne. 1. CINCINNATI, Nov 4 —The rlvor has fallen 14 Inaba.: weather due. Flour bee advauced; h Id Belaly tble aftersooe at ss_"(s Whskey 2I; bogs, tales 500 at $5, and 500 deliverable to December it the nu.- priou The market firm er Fire houses are peeking to-day. Nut much doing 10 grocerier; pries. unaltered. /, • - BALTIMORI, Noe. 4 —lt le ganorallyfoorkee ed thee the Democrats have carried the atom Ti t ,et, but the Whip wilt undoubtedly es both branches of nip Legletaturet, th at seetti l g the es Trsurer and' U. B. booster. The Wh p gain tone Mestere and tea De ( igates. T Congtesameu eleoled. are John Frankt a, rDilkils)lsoob Skater (Dem ) Joshua Vets ut Dem.) theory - May (Dem.) W F. Hama em ) Boller (Whig.) In Baltimore ety the whole. blatuorLaw Ticket to cleated. Boerne, Nov 8 —The Fres 801 l and Dece i t.... rustic Converitious met to day at Worcester, when a oosli.loa was formed, with entire Nam liaityoutd great euthanasia was mailfasted. I A resolution passed spurning all dictation frem gazetteer quarter It may come. Na. Yeas:Nov, 4 —Flour. miles 15,000 Wile. State .ut $7®57,06, Ohio $7057,12; pri *v. beveCadviumed under the steamer's uews teem 26 to 81e, the market opened active dace nog., but declined at the Ciller; sales 1600 bblet South ern et $6,25056,87, Arm; sales 4000 bushels Wheat. Western, at $1,76, Oennessee $l,BO, ' Southern Red $1,16, prices advanced under the steamer's news from Bto 10ate, Cotton, eines 650 belse, firmer. Coffee, ealea 850 hogs Me ill hlos il}; unsettled. Sugar, axles 860 hide. et 61, dolt,. Molasses, sales 160 .bbl... Orleans et 29; Muscavado , 24, Arm. Groin; Corn, eid 36080 bush. mixed at 78, yellow 80, demand Reiter. Oblikey, sales 200 bbl,_ Ohio at 80, fir mom. Provisions, sides 600 bbl.. 10648 Pork it ..440. Primo $l3, firm; mete Beef. salea 300 Mil' $13.50, lower. Lerd, ralesel4Xlbbift. at 11 , d to kegal2ol2}. - • Paltanutartna, Nov. 4 —Thartfricw's advl bare unsettled the matkett; ['We're pat up the rapes of 'Moping brands, whioh le now general ly held at $7,25 Pt bbl.; but buyers offer .$7. Nokslei have oome , under notice. Rye Flour and;Corn Meal, no transactions. The market le nearly bare of Wheal, tie prices have advanoOd 904 Genie pet bushel, sales 1600 bushels priMe Southern at 161.45, a small lot of ordinary white at $1,60.. Rye wanted at 90. Corn rather firm- Mr, sides 'yellow at 74076: Groceries and Pr— ,Vieloi!le little doing. Whiskey dull, small eal at 29Vente in both - iliac and bble. 111 E UVERNON GLASS . of all amok kept a, _I, • t atuibt It. DALZELL A CO. I - Wkiii i i i iNiiV.ii i ial-:140 reams to • osn tli and lyettofestured spir .. fty ith...bz .....• ''''' 7 .. y.n - 2 . • y ALE NlSEl—Trout, Whito Mk, Si le , i - ,4 11•Ong. Ac.. hi WU and Si blli. %J. , AO" kr - nett.,, - illtnß: H. COL INS: BUCKWHEAT FLOIIII-IQOO lbs. or e ._ trationallty Inet mid from the New Brighton MD a nd for we at the coiner :of. Wood And Math oda ittenurekand refuel end Atoblneon its, AlDAhenz. • a, - oat? W. A. WOLDR6j . Nandi/ Orloset and Tea Dewar. --.—_ LENOrt AND SCOTCH PLAIDS, in gre ' virleti4nst melted at Murano'. of ~ ow - - . ._ ' - mummy , A BUDDHA:IRWL E DOINGS AND INBERTINGS:—:MU 4 BUSoIiT9 bu s nal ► large sa.o t. Ealgaz i l i laiiirdlo n iaPkVirDrnaVE:g. " T.E N. AED-80 bblo.-Englisb, for sato . A, PA IVY IttaTOCIS 00 . nal nutlet W . Oad rod let CUL • , M(10; 1 - - 10 oeropos 8. F.. for sole by • D. A. PAIINZSTOCK or) FOENUCIREICK-176 lbs. for gale - by -- ao2 B. A. PALINNATOMS CO 8 OOAR,—. , ~; 2)Sv l lllb aiLd is, ,: . . pr ir is tm a. l 3. O.; .1 to do ratlawl,kr mils by • ; J. D..wiLLIARIS.I22 Wooa mt. OPFKE—tilisge prime Rio; 12e' talta i irs. - 4:-D.Twnxtuns MlE,A,E,....gokielrobnet4e pine Green B -00 cfellek . 'Vnyzjuirl SPECIAL NOTICES liotiee.—res undersigned As agne...st EDW.. Eltanivr.N. hereby Hoene .8 'sere... to :elite' to said Ilreselton, to eell and mai* psyna.nt, .! stl Oetxotu having cWml egalust him, •111 please tit ...pa tbemlar rittlement. "1 ha store will he rcpt open to sell , ut tl.e m,..rk of goorls ou bang about 60 doss from Wla date. where W. U. Kin cw 1. one of the isslguees .111 be found. ILEI.II3IIN MILLER, lg.. DEOROE A. PERRY. 1 WK. 11. KINCAID. Pittsburgh. Oct 16.1353. 4.4 Allal¢n.e. _ _ A. H. HOLMES & BRO MANUFACTTJEMEt3 OH SOLID -BOX VICES, SLEDGES, PICKS, "TTCCES , CROWBARS, &c., Titanium SOLLITANY, BRIDGE BOLTS, GAR BOLTS, • W oBIiBRS. CO N. TOBACCO. AND lINSIP'SCHIIWO. PITTSBURGH. Olden 516 odd it., between lit and and. All kinds 1 blaelamath work for Bilden.. te., Ccss at the epodes ,notke and at the lowed price, Ad- AC work warranted equal to any tonmilsetured.lid r. 20 larMss. S E. CARO% fashionable Dress Maier and !dinner, No. 7C. Fourth street, second mon. All work entrusted will be executed with neatness and dl4rateh. etd3 tor- BURKE h HARMER' SAFES—Here r the kind of testimony as to the value of one SAMNA, upon which we can confidently res.he mutative of our work. We have already published several certificate.. proving that Safes made for our ryegalas' and ordinary 'aloe, and fold abroad, have been enbleeted to the kigvgllKST TESTS IN *arum. coFLAOILATIONB. and preeerved. thole contoslti totally ftice from demure. The following is another prOof of the camw locontestable charectei:- 1110.000 WORTH OF ROOKS ANA PAPERS SAVED. WITH A $4O EILFIt; ALIIIOIV. Rau Cemen t P.. November. 10, 1062. Mass.. Bean & ume—heer Elm Your ten letters Ir. en duly received. I wall *burnt &Into time. I would regard to our Barn e t consider it perfeetl ItinJOY. / tested dm one / bouabt of yea Let o the morning of the 10th of June lot—my Atom boll ding bemix !evened to ashes. It 111 WI built of wool and bet it— tit'..l":ti (be 0..:71 tilt& talutt a taro amount 01 oil. It tees • very hollarv. 017 notes stud book' aunts 01.0 wets he the Safe srutuntal to about Ten Thousand \ sem saved. There was not a single Aver injured: aud furtber, 'Tddii tolviet IMT Person Who is doing. husineee, lone on slum, but buy. Begs to keep their DePem. 9.4 tn—eit9 a , one test Its food. sae safely C 000011314,1141 Mum Parse to•up one. loom. truly. 10Y1tt JOllll (11.A1t,H.11. thirOakland Property for Sale—Thad Yo.perty le dinette shoa l one bolt note froin toe 'cltv lin, fronting on renostlymaiss Avenue. It Is eovirel with Fruit Jr...! of the choiesst Muds, Many of th em In toll Merlin. Also an . b un dence of Grope, hevelell7l. Currant. Ooomberry, e. . There to a two lion, frame' IF on. together with convenient ant bons!. on It. lon ,re l acoetivtand plementnese of location. this yr oligtrty wilat besuryamed. It icontalne• little ovit sereaN I l, ell thee/eh-le together. or divide It to sultrurchasei Vito!, J. CA31.013E41.., No:, 119 Water ittemt. HENRY B. COLLINS. VORWANDINO AND COMMISSION MERCHANT AND WHOLKSALE MAUR* CHEESE, WITTER, SEEDS, SINN, AND , PRODUCE °EYEBALL 4 MiWi=Ni= O'OONN.OR, BROTHER & ca, BANKERS AND INSURANCE. DEALERS, No. /6 WOOD wratc.Er, • One door rrosit,Plrst strata, Pittsburgh, Buy and sell Par and Current Panda Plupt and Time Elchango Coin. Stool., liastran end ;Wooden, Time Bala, and Promissory Not.; allow a per rent. on Time Impede. or Par and Current Money; and, Ineorr Fire and Ida... Pelle:ee for the Abut /unman. tiens.ny (taeb Capital 1170,060) and Royal Inn crane< CD (rapital 510.000,000). ante CH,A.RLES f. STOCK AND Bp.l, BROKER. Notes, Bonds, Norgages dr.c., Negotiated. PARTIGUI.Att AA7ENTION 01110 TO TilA ITILOILASS /O" PALS Os FAVOR& diirOClseolr , S. Jon. 6 A Co.. osmor Weed anS Amtrak .tr.oots. ..1415 R. C. LOOMIS, (Of the late firm of lit'ettrtly\FL Leetnie,) i ' VIIOI.r.WALK DF.ALCH. 5).7.4 AND SIJOES BOOTS MZiMMEEM eitizsn's inntranoo uompnny of rittsburgn H. U. ELOI.II, reabaUXL 1.. aLatebilaLL, • . or , FICII, 94 WAWA, BETWEEN HADIC.II7,AWD WOOD BTELNITS. -. P - iNetlll•l9 IJULI. - CAT , CI:o., ItI.E • . +' i'A.A. :Mt AID *11131111.1.1PP1 111 Vll lt. . A NI. Tit f HUTA. ni ' \ ma- ...n.o. ay.sara: JA,si LA: a.,..... by ?IRA. AU4 s ..,:und L ., everez of M. 311.4 and !MLA R 0 ;eft , / , ,,1 rioß ..,4 riz.l It sit) R; Ano AN ', ~ Duisi?rroiAl: • B D King. I ‘, W... I.Artia-r. Jr ll' ra. 11.4/0, - .". I, 11. Kier • ,441.10tt0l Eat. 1 \ Via, 50. b.... ttotvrt !Wahl,. Jr .1 --49bta S. Dlivcrt.t. 14.1•Arburtgh. / !"... i' '''''''' lAlra,d Hos.tr A4.e. I - - - -r, II alt., ilryant. kw bi- .I' , ' 4U JODN T. . .NN ANDY uiLIP WILADN— ..... ORM R.ENOVAL.' LOLiAN, WILSON 8L IMPORTERS AID WHOLESALE DEALERS IN TORSION AND DOAINESIO HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Aso fr... Have removed' Cw their new and extegkeive elArr. Na. 62 Waal street, four Joneasboe. the 86.(N0rl eta natal. rev.. their eurtom•ra. sad Earreh.ts j onvasDr. to en exArdnAltho tb.reoct ematatte *mgt. ,A.stt nefor.l le LAW eltr. FLAIIII.NG BAIA/ZEES. orocm••• •• f. ne• • DD.)' • WHOLDBALX nuo4iria, • No. 60 Wood otroot,'Pittabilorgli. 11M-Pintotioter. of Vr. lit•tmowto 08.1.brot.a 'yowl:Wag* JAMES P. TANNE R 4, WHOLILOA,LII DIALER 18 100 Th, MOAB, DODIMDS, AND LEAT,TADD, N0:56 Wood stingy IPlttiloor6s4 2 - 54. • .Of3RIIr 7at,D4.1c0 retied. • r My pock ootuiooO of upwards of CASE& tiottrsenie hyrry vstloty and onto ßoors 81106. sod - BONN.HTC oul'otioo4 olmot, h.n. 7. 0 Xoit iotit toonntoototerk.idmltoMl • osprotrJr tot FIZZ. bbd WIIV Ad 8ALE3.11.1 VW bimodal oatSafottory. ma:tooting livonblT .Ith time of tort. Portbooor. ylll , Wavle .11 ...melee bolhis boring. Also, SEW XOlll , l Nig Mall Mt. (Jr 99 DAGUERREOT YPES 'NATIONAL OALLIIIIY. ACK SON'S Nitional D;totetrrolut norm of tn. Waiunnd..d trut4 WOOMoogoaa Wirrox's Drug Bton l / 2 )Dittakurgh. , Gutter and tiouttego•ta otoblog to obtain IlfaillaprOrgiont• at ortatrruto priceo.rrt , l plow 111k11 .ttb. aboreorliallat nuat, DOW tag salt v.rjr ourorror Skis and Dky around an kh ruck Allt that Ma operator vark mar fao atuktlar Dto human Pore arotkrUl Lka o prrioratr4 vluna.... gray DalOtlogr. .444;.1:4141 'Ur I pl * $j or , oriel:tar likruro.norr. , • I 43.-Vergoar nat. requlrod talr:• Dictum thutoar,a4,,er r.ce re•mblartes- 1t31.1..D.0rk0m ratan • of utak air! d000w , 4 persona Is Soy part of th.dtr Ica Idolatry. partinf rk.t. until I lu—bo taxwal. .I[l.llOW naul;m D• A - 0 O:LE li 1E 0 — tY . P LE b-, ' POST C/wlOl6 111:11LAtNti„ TIILKD :mount.- VITIZENS and stranger,' who ,wiali to ob ‘) late. Ott accurst., ortirbo uott Ilf. Ms M. 0.., ot. • •ory tno.t.txto per. will fled It to their Intardt to ruff eL VII. o.ll' knows] rueutlitubtoottothortt voile. what... Una of guatalataod. or i.e Charae tdwe. liaalaa - 0.0 at. M. ,it alai' Not article* NH. red Akylight. 't , rer eon. vuLtett far tiro rorpoor, with lArtrotorout or the too.; r o`urtittl land, oral haring ulophr4Lhotry t Nitfir•uug., I;;;;lLVlggxrNt,,Ligri!.'iry.t,t l. alvran.R.V;hoi "..,..,,,„ to, tho pat...rout tr.. • t. start. GI DMlter..l f "IVO , . !XII, naaly crlo \mope.* boa asset tot Moan. etas sal owtr.ctua: to al. wee , !,-r.. hr.. t -la.* a. a.. to. O. a. ' ' ~ \, : VaaNdarr . -.-.... .A= Cale—Sinn the" optic re' tooetit„.l . . . , Lahoratorr.rolzrgettorotO t are . 11 *14.1111a 'a idailly bia ow:Donut (tiara., tor by; n'iltsibi an; be b shat Intro. dared tome new Chad:deal &Moltke width det ir lktb. tbe hlsbahatectew of ititalmanneety **outer I ins rho's. IttantlfylniriPneettlag lodUsing • Hair. - • - -. ..1et thew now nee,: Who never and bairn. ll ' .' ,- . And those Who alwaya Wthl • . Now me the nag. , The hut .1.1112.5 clot., to largo tottlet, hi me he het} At au/ Store In the United %Stela. It. 9. Be Proactetli,' 161 Bioada's I: \ New York. s i t vi 1/..8. BAKNaI 4., Proprietor. }at artx..l..r N Y. tettlil in Pittsburgh by 11,.\ K. Pellero._o. Pr r. Benj. Pal:o,lr. Pleadnir 1 Bra. and know k Reiter. 10.19 liar The Stomach geparea the 'elem ta \ .• _... of th. bud and the blood; and If, It dorm the work feebly and lialloilbitlY, Ileer diesaSe lk 'the serials tsarist •bs moo, therefore. as sity.slfettion bf N th. llverle petreited, we may be isni that the dise•Uvewroans an Onto( order:, The that thins/ to. he done, le to Onlolster h oscine 'shish will not directly neon the etondoth—theatelhebtlll of the antotal otathlnery. Por this ))u`, rpm' we' on no oratosedltOOPLAND'S t11)111AN hi OphllS. prep a red by Dr. 0. ILL ,leekeon. rblisdelrble. Acting seen silteatw . tiro 164 i L b OWN It etrenothens thedleetttelh dosages the *million of tbe blood and tbarebYlitieh nita' h ritylothe LbOierda,, 411P8Weadvirtlerthelid• • , • , \ he. 254 . .. . • isirlndigestioi- itid\livor Cbumlaifit .0 1111 RD 111 . 1£11t1Pd ..PXTI4OI.. itg.-4.4otie \ tow,* letter Irina Rev. 0. - Dlobltioo .1/ tumour lo Orion: \ : Mi. J.M. 1,...... E .,,,,,&.; - m at „,„t„,io. \ 4, 1 .., been greatly bead/lust br•tha .1104 ot,,rotir Petrohnun, I wish (+hare you seed me a box of Visa or Mr., doom' bad. .u... lam the Quareaat anal MI, ter In thlardalr sempa.4 am,. pude en athete 1 with lodlgunu, . , D , hasetlan. of toe neer, th•ume of tel•o4land ..ytte. he ye letigsla o ear I.l•RoUrirlillas. OR a rO K i, \ ° , 1 , i ,.;:j.t 1 .40..ut re blme ram.J.l.4p gem ittk, for i as matinee/au th at time. L had not ta ro,a phut; W!”. a l . rut that fullnelg a tbe . e d tToteh whirls° Mumma 1 ellie*Vlrtt j Und t Parlf.4eis al. ta i li e r i e: fiVat t =l.l .11 0 seaseolthe Illy. oh pe t butt tnlnveru?aus mod. 1 Ltle t 'e.:ll: l lol.4llairLia t. ' fizo 'Ll\ leYitllti 110 Wood 'tract. an 4 Drtuntste and media/6 i.t i lami eve: oonla Waters airectlntan Petroleum et 11l ropy „ , 0 - As a Spring and. 13nannetdunne, OARTER'n• VANISH 111X0711R Manila preeminent bine an cumin.. Its miontdetlk• - enhilelo on :Ihn bleat; Its elvengdanthe viArrrui aiouic to* • antlan on the Meer; Its' teenteneegn• nate ell'lnusore to: the thereh, - elcuning e system. mueeettlhen •td 9 1ta. 04 ewe neeeettenent Its larskliss,. god µ Um ..a. tine sitnundlnityj goon dhoti, MAIM enimber of aunt 'teetlhed inbrictenr, of - lb. matt eol.it.bl° °MN " Of VnAlinelanehiniainat be honelenlenevilinee tbin Morale se hinting shone W.; -•Tne telsl n/ *lnds. bottle tillinettelts44lFP,!..('iE...: • •.4. 1 • ageing 111$ Slalannl4,.. • • ''\ , ;' , l•2-.1: .- 4-,: , ..: 7 i; , .1 , . \- 3 -:;:i.i.. , ,, , w,-", 8 i.:.',.: - - , ;;;73. 0. -.7,r, \ r`e ~~ .3¢i:+~~f-~".~ ' ~'`-e4eu'!s'as}~.':iY.'~zl • se—F. Blown'. Essence of7arnalca Gin- Essence Is a promotion of cinanatl excellence. lo on/1 err dioninea.hniplent cholOn. In Sham. It all I s , es at Prolibition.„Of tddisilimtly• yhoctlons, It is of I it.sstimahle vilae. Duiing the prem•Leat4 of the epid.tais , cisilsra and manner complaints of chldrinx i lt Is peorinatly yVondonat no badly or hadlrlsicull abonl4 bo *Mont It. CACAO.—De sure to gat the rennin. Essence. which I. pier...red only by P. likiil4ol , „ .s his Ding nod Cnoonna Sti•re. sort :cast corner of Fifth and Chmint etreets.l . lll: al-lphs.and for out, by all the racpeotable .totheeari.e to Qr. Prates; and, in rittababsb. by IWO. Pam Jr.. F. ho.totock A Co.. Dr. b. binitb, Mattel Wilcox a Co., J. kha:maker 4 Co. In Allegheny City by El P. eehrarts and Leh A poor. h • aCa •u9 . hem Third Annual Statement )F TUE STATE MUTUAL FIRE AND k AalNa 19E119.6NC/3 COMPANY, ef Llarr4tqw9. /1600.13airso. !lay 4,063. As out 4666 Catopany. ,1 '62-31191.016 61 PT-tnitur.4 reed t 0.106- 1.1669...._ 136.260 66 166,664 reed oo Loin., 010 19 01.E1666r, End Met Forniture..... LOW 00 I..mitrtur csituntied .- . : .... 2 -.46,123 26 799 L 4 Do. tenoinetsd--- 1,162 31 Papernem. Cammignione.a. Iml:trance. Returned Premium., Mationery. Printing. kn.-. Ospitel dlxk. rad la and. emu ALIIMITAL of r.xoaru.• loases...._ ..... 10 Fn.l= 800.10 am! yloran,art;;Z:;;;;ill4o.7.ol2, 00 swarit.es . Canh bastd,or en hands of 1348".29 ..-eurol by bOOOO- , 17,870 . 81 00 , ft Furniture , 0011 . 0tallinety.... 1 • 43 4 8,310 10 , Amount of outiusted oleante asAtnet the anit- P.f not yet.ane ..... .... 6,000 00 ktg/. JO.I N P. lICTIIIiKPORD. Dauphin eounty: P. C. BEDOWICK. llarriabum SA MO k.. JUNKS, Philadelphia: A. Si I &ADIS Banker. l'lttaburnt.: A. A. CAKItIkk• JOHN if. IiIITIIIMPOILD, Dauphin rounti: A. J. GILLET . S T. JONE. 9, * 6 HOBBIIT KLOTZ. Carbon county: • JOHN P. ItUTUBRFORD. Pr... Wont A. J...IILLET, Secretary. will insure aiminit jperDs of sea arid inhual nakinatkin: lao, m menibandiae in city or country. at (await rat. nelkient with safety. Polielre leaned on dwellina borates IV.; perpetually or fora term Or years. li• multi taw, oorlwr of Fourth and Smithfield atreeta ekif -A . A. (JAM{ (MR. Atinarv. 111SURANCE COMPANY,. NEW YORE, C S \\ e,„ H CAPITAL 1111500,160. - IL O. L00.411/L Agent, No. 69 w.a Ar.oc, rtrithwroh. -, - DIRECTORS: &mom L. ti............-.-,..1.4tA of the ,Etna. Hertford. Varpn COrnmg Firm of Coral , It A CO. Tanxtore if ... et:Lace. I Irto 41 how= a MeNtUnee. Firm of 0 are. /Deg * Co. 1nf1icur5.11..41....,...........1 , am of Clatlin, - 61ellen 4,0, G' 4 " ati' e" .- \ - - ''': .... --. .ihTu m og l igir relnl a Co . I . li 1 4 . o, Pharr E. Boot.- & Co. rum of VI Board A. Wood. Ilan of Stone A If mfr., - flenry (7. Ely. Firm of CIT. Clapp *Bow.: , Janus Amt. Firm of Jam.. Low A C. s V.rm of C. H. Hate" • CO. c.:1, v ,-0., 11. (lur ch , --- . V Firm of 1. 13 Bowe a Ck..- j lOgir trafelorrtlVltt tto Of A A A. Lawrence t Ca. kew.. (l"l"A ii W., kn.' of ............................. got Li RA. .r Otn,' "" -. 9.tm ca if M. Bee... Moreari ft Co. po r D ' n, gitgiof Trowbridge. Dwight CO. AAA 0. , 41 - e15054._.... ......... ...4...... ....... Ifirm of Nekton a CO. CUR. 4" .6419 wars ...... ......‘9lrin of Banwln,Ntarc &CO. Cro n , q# • , 4,. ',RV... of Oberon fa Collf.te. '• Ccoro: 4. ./0:1•C•, c . , .. ............... 1•41• of KD. Montan & Co. Lucien D. ails.. - ...... -..V1%. of Caruso. Lotarop A Co. 1 Thom. Mu per,. ... ....... _.- rm ofmao. T. 4 /1. Maasenger. Rand &Wit -...-.. ..... .... .... airaukfJ °boron & Neettnal. 0.4 Lllkar E. N ,-.t. . ...Vic mo' No ton.liatler t'llo7L Starkes. Hail,- ....... ..... ........-.3, FI,IIII of Boyd A Pant - Bu Wand W. ~ a irm of Burton, Merrick & BuIL •Vroi S. Barnes,.. .. .. Virro`off,. B. Beznee A Co. Roo Lockwood, ‘ .........‘,......f0rm nrlt \ Lockwood & Poo. L "' ' ''' 114Ai . 1 - ..: , t .' - . If. of C‘ , 0 1 .... Llama. fb0ki....,„.... ...... • 499 /k. A. Dwalkl a -.... \ . rift\ of Brown, It&teer A DWl•rkt. ha. /rProlnino/utm, Finn f Broth...them, Newell A Co. J'A. If- S.l - .11.--...-. ..-....Firci of Bann. N urlbut & a>. Corti{ .5 , 44,,,.._..........\ ..... ..I,.._Virm of Oon.llt & Noble. Itatal A W.,.k, ..:-....8ir50 of nor. 1 (Ratio. Roth cn 11. Atoeksorll - Firm4fl.llb.ort.Striokwell . CO. AVOCI NOM/AM.-Yam 1 burneLattnt . ..t Mfg : 11.* ..r..n.a.-,,, • . 11 / 4 ..1 . 4 , 94 N l o ians9, ..... ...... ...1%t6 of Wslls,l'ii;t. A Co. peon. nagroc,.._-. , ....----fank Of George P es a Co. stmgot L. 003118. rroilak.t. .‘ ,eli AS.. . I `.3lAlLTlN.'Seerettoos \ ‘ atir liv.i. Mier, the .err to the wivertfre- Olith I a 1..- lobe' LOOMIS, I'drFirst P ewt, are uo• on•) thn public. at _ Iv • I , h for beset' or '\o eml mines. \nlll2 ' e;i. LeMu , Am! by en" hon. In the city. . , - titular attention is Invite! to our oiro , 7llufactUfe or "J. 113./0 maTsl.6o flats. ' "Mimallivil -e—,...........- AMOS' LELAND & CO., • 171 !EU\ STHEICT. \ , . \ \ , Na. Yuen. \ EARIPFACTURERIN , AND DEALERS \ \thr svisi LBSCIIFT/ON or ____'ISTI,AW \ WOODS,. , ‘,..,„„.i.tthi c in par 1... of - 'PANAMA, EcIIIORIV, SBWA,D. BRAID, . 4NTOS A7ID PA/all LEI . A . HAIM . English, " ta 'lliAri, Swish \ and Silk Bonnets; sirspi.i. PLOWKRa, STRAW TR\IMMINGS,,Eo..io., A By \ h! cawa t Comml•lng au, the lilositi the tilt", (a/ Ochirth the attestion f Ca, a I Time eye. Is respee t ,` . fully mllelted. \ \ Y. . 0.-11ATTRIIII s e pa rt au rly Invitad to anti .ad examine' , our ihnek. • lab I tad esonatul" tti , ,lbeir Made, embracing sit th new n Isrhlmislale Miles ot In.o. , ocl24in \ \ .• - f. \ t). Nor If, by Rom. Rob t Poona. Mr. LI•NRY I, KIItKPATIIICR to M1.1.4111AR datß.l\A • AllPLEo.l.2h tsr orThomai Essop's.Fag esll\ol... . coon* P. • \ \ \ l 'lna Thursday ovinltaz thi ad huh, at hip • Meant. 'h. %litho Tonnehln, aftatltt inners nod itretrenndllltnn., T. II1LD;, Bap, In the 45th Taos of 1 , .% y No. \ • osrTheitev. N. N. 0011:NWA4-will 'the Ant or his next. of Beivon , to Yeenair \l Meti. 'Meht•fe. Cho. eh, Asdrewe Choh, °Wei*. Altl3ll, J. ADAII.I 1.111 b4.l orlidst!.. for id t ayor Pittenitvh, lin6ject to tho ilerin of 0;110961g Mvottietkureatlon.' xzw\ avvzoitTtsEletzaris SIMEON B. 1911.1.14E8.. csa.-041Fing and Sninkng -Tobaeco feretwer,' \ No. e 9, 90 i D 4. PEARLR , OINCINN MI. • \B. WILLIAMS' ImperiL4 Eloney Dew 1:7e,11ao Cettliatelre Tobao.o , her renaleyll the First Premise:Le e. 6 dighrent Wales doting the ralcer, the ern; rear. r fi e mannfsetnre Among oth re et the -FOAM the_AnAtlmin Inetltnte, In N. for 16 . °Men received.oalntlm exhibited , hr 11064 tlf \-(Jontnal .0y) WlOll Me01..0141 , 118. . _ 'EVEESE=2OOO Premiam'Vheeikt NJ coiled b Nallrosd. and lot sn'e 67 ARD—I bLle.tuutkegr,Jutrt -real'and ' ctrar reet.S. \ 1 , nos • J. 3. VQINIc. D RIB bT D PE4 T4 I . ES to,arri"Andlob4tibilie HERSk9 \ storotnd for sap? j by \ .•. , • mex . thW llone '''43 ,.. rap, selling at Biorr \ is ' a - a sstes.i,s . , to he. Diamond at 12tg eta ter eu Al t ~..._ ..___. Si II 1 ' b t. ' 'end 11iTEW COD Bla , recd for sale at lA - , oaf \‘, . .... • MORRIS, & PATSON . S. F A z t„.. CENT 81111Adt, for side at Morris & ' tre; I 'eli.P.Dlamand. '' " " . Poo. r . E Money Inaket is said to . niulge eliery stusaans..ts "-tuns tight. mush to the coast mu -1 ar Irrr i treirTfOl t ri; ' ' . 4n l Vlll ( tar: r , --t--- r , tag up • Utatetr 'atreet. ir, are not mach -atirr ' .. PL.. Craig, ad eatatat&Pg.Z.Mt& & VO.ll ittaporluraer . at. • ramaeamtellearpataotit: &Otte. There l ea Warho l .for Year metier that tit : tight , holS . , „ KW, B OOKS - AT DAY/110/1"5'0114111C OT!LlItI, Neeltbillteettlrek% •• • ',,,, • , ; - Thweiiirrialantl•at ,• ~ \ , • \ . \ 11gtwrof InettsreetioUot Chitin • \ _ • tiorkegorthrigestWorld,r Ihreenset , • \ ~ \ ttlAtttsbb. ~ 4,, • : \ , • , ;' • it - ir i * tbe sittititire -' \ \ \ 1 , • ''... Its Lholittdo,ofelivestetMetcy. fa. livaf,' 11ilotsit. TI . :: ;Mr Sol . ...Spin Phil . . '\ ; \ Hamilton a &ot/Woos . Phl tid Adierstortr. \ 11.'s Thoughts tor Young Sleo: ~` gtgry. °Cit.. ills., Smith: \, • litt. n jo p hit ' 4.l74ll " 4l7s itesb! dreo:, • ' ' \ - \ ' litudeeie. lll.usl. tiottseuziow l , . . Pref. Illillmaul.Flidt to Euroget ; \ . . , Commutative Philology. De Peri% , '• ‘'', • • 1 Peruvian Ant/quill.. flawlou,. , v\ . • •—•- Wide World., illustratad; \ - ', Note. from Lira: IL Taylor: \ . • •', • - Porter's Present sod Chtlets.ss ‘lllosoOmt, .gleti:111, Illustrated Juveniles, and lathy others:. \ littlest Porter's superbly itiestret4 editto. et 1... g. 101P41.1tVg'41;:',isIT.1114' Prfe" ":7 5"4K \ Ullit•ooe,br author of,Trau to. Cato USti ahem: \ Title DT CI MIISVIT Tangle Wood Tills.; '. • - .i., Is Ufa Ll4ll E 17.11, r. . kitiffer u lug!sad peapt; lite,_Atisirtit of the Bib], ' KByg .131,1* . .-4aties Gala by ne..\ . „ fiZLLKIM. C OSsA V A ,:111.41113),r 871111111 A RROW \HOOT:t-22 ailne Bermuda, 'fresh , 11 .. !up.0 . !.r fer nap br ISRLLEIV., •-tti D 2 oases for tale br tm , Y, • \ 11.!V. - 1111t.tailt*: - Al AR RE RAIL sr AY—A \ few ihares for nkl, 111 eipb►nee (.4 1 3h11+ P►aeerlelnli . I ,67 l '`""'s u. \ u.or w .ux.ll.►thet AND WARRA.NTS- - WANTKO. dui big Led mgrr price. br , WILICaIS - A 00 - : .: 1114TER ST ON DEPOSITS :dialed on all .... a ewe., Ikt kr a knitted time it the 1170P.ed twig, ligut liklabiMge.llo.7l. /lowa street. - nob \ A WILILINS CO l' 1.1 ACON-400,Ylivilders Bacon;. B3Bidet.," — do..l.u; sea.ad t, , .1. 1.7 ', .' , .‘, - 1 1, 'P - ILZ" 1 . ita)-• .• nob- • \ .\-,- -N . --- - ]'• Libonl , ot. tiitritt-4.1(Eb411k ikellti, Itt roll:- ',, ...,,v; ..... -, ..,,, , 04 I•4* laic, . itdi s trek . Oilot b! 0. ,13. iiiiitii - 300.14+.,1r.. ii — aatuivetd Cat!. , t2j this' Mr „ .M.OhimaiNlif ML ,• • ' , . ~, tOp. irLUCOUY7SXSIOii . 3'4"2.010y beddI.IIIA¢ONIIA ioWiliusioo3l die, f r e s h a. In MK* at tor ++ 7a hr ' ;• ' k.:VD...L ( 1 9q 6 .,, , .: taitAltis , rile titt.'' , ‘ 4 - 4. , AgIIALZIELL i ~ ~,„,,,..,„4 . ,z , •. 4 x•,•tl, - ;.,•, ~I, ~....\I ~,,,,,,,,IwA --‘41.4•11b gl.•;',..Wr' i..ior4'ifi t. • , ~ . , ~ . . , . \,• • .. - , •\. ' A ~. . • , W g k f f,s , ,,klftgfAV*. 4- \ i...,, c05.0."—•..,...--- ~4 , - , -,.........4,..e, 112311111 f 355.• 18 70 . 100.01.0 03 HOME f our rulid uountr.o - a - at -, Wood — L i tamers Caw. MAYORALTY. - \ AMUSEMEN'T'S NRGO'S RALL.—FOURTII STREET, N EAR WOOD. at/posit. L.'.lette Ha ll , can be oh. tu net Int Portia. . r<.plvals, Cats/arta. Puelte Meetinee. A.. Mao, GaItOLINI OINFILIU , and FAZE /108. N XAN ea+A. found In reallaral, at .II tlptea el applying to-W. //RANK Ottall.O. !ha Clay stal FaLseaDagueeltaa Rooms 01 It. .11.Caruo A Co.. Fourth .to \ jyal ATAION SALES. DV P. IL DAVIS' .3 , ;r*: - '4J( MU.' god nal shwa. • - - - 1100 KS BY CATALOG A CATALOGUE, AT uoTios— jui clo Saturday ...Wm:. tab MM.. at IN o'cla. et tba tatromerciallialm Rooms. corner Wood and atl MA.will be aatil • i • rf. cotlellinta ea•nablit mierrolimmous Woks, autone,mh el" use—baa•tat.. Uomprebenaiv. Blbl. 1 'to. Baton's' Rigor, of the Crotch Revolution, 5 veln plat.. gars PoUtint ItartnocascLe.tort•onladlai American Or. awry; Fcrstutou'r Masao its übltet °tams' Lii•torY of tir-cm: &tali. Of NatUrv; Unnlited Ways of Mar,p...... .41cF•oxic. 5 , 00 libeetot.: P. rill and Imtplortag Laredi. itiornt Werttero furrier cud Gardener; freeman.. Occomu to ; 11:1Pa Vtllnett DlMmiturra, yob; DMl'a tildere.. a.: Uluiatiatt Pnamouttomq lirown`r.Urapak Literature; Bottle'. Ancient [(Warr, 5 VOW nue+ franob littoolu• tion. 2 Vtabc..alsor.P. WOOrtn, laymn.4l4ltty, Ccimitiavt. Pore. At, M.' 'DAVIS. net ' ' • .1 Auctiencer. ?.04(),:"A,T.4fac MINIDTO CC. et 7 tecloceolt tbs Ccromerolat toexo orner:of Wood sod bth et• . bs road - by orgies of the Baud . a Directors. (IL, Vpodei., I.ftrotery.) of the,A.seta Ce - tobao. 010 shares 'WA of said . forfeited, for unread seeerstoobto doe boon the setae. I hose lotet eat.ll taltobaior, se the ea. P.. 1117 6. 7.7.- riously re:lame-1 by paymetit of lb. asteansneole. P. M. V 6 1 ,19. Mott . QIXTII WARD REAL ESTATE AT A(JC-, I.the Wedaeattar a/left... _Nov. 9. al. 2 Imlmesthe rrete Wee, anti be eold.l tot of Orooho. b k elo, 0/ 24 Get an the Nast sib. d att eadly+ Avah. ....IPA 0- 100 property/ of liattb Ot Jotlps Porter, 004extotollo oete2 42 feet. A/an 2 Lola al Orouad adjoining the above bar ing ea b a hoot of 24 boat oo Olathe street, nod eataad• fog back 48 Ivaet totraette beat./ Kvettue oast, shirt, hret :frriVhl974' 1 Irk. lrrnet" I IBERTY ST: PROPERTY AT AUCTION 4 ~1:1. Thursday aftantss. 'Nov. 10. at 3 ot4look, On • pgmfroa. -Will be acid:- that goy' t rainable Lot of mind, situated on the North Matto( /Abort. street. hav• 4, 0 0 front or 11 feet.und extrevitua barl,llo foot to Ca. ehaoga allay. on athirit I. ennotrd 04 glom Brig Wag. boom Nn7 333. and a 3 atOry_thicdt Ple.lta R m ... , p .,,.. vat occupied by Means. C. Walls SLUG .- beta, utur ut tho Moot call roost desiratdeattuatiosaw Voistrtros..o.,,,u, In thla city. Tams at We. - P.\ SI, Ditlflkaa,r. ---- _ - Bale of U. S. Propeity at St. Louis anis. nal, llitatotutk;. u rins A following condenindtiONnanco Stores a a, will old at mullion, by riot rcOol. _or I/r i ll , tun. on TI:1123/lAY, 301r/tlllthlt 101.3. ~at la dal %30.300 IM,OOu iron cannlaballs.43 a.• 1• 0 • 03 0 Ib.. Ooran Iron.trfOnatiti 2000 lbow acritp stook • 1.960 overdo and tab,. ' • 266 brava apitro and-otr, .3a; .pper ponds II • . • ,.A lot of twonaolon onto, . Actontraromnit. rope trwAs, stoloaa. iron Er*. oorroolo• stablintab, old hmothor. 12 Rats to.llowo, 3 N. baraeat, 1 'while, 28 'llamado. INY.bannh In dow carer, wagon, ni An . Tonal and.. 0..133.3ad . SAUDIUOVI3 1110.8.30111 Aunt', UnEMil JOUN MUR\ NIIRSERYMA.N, L08,113T, &c, Pittsburgh, posui , a. ' Q Alr. LAN D NURSERY ozi,PENN's G ehrr i s i tii. g l a l y teliss fro., Pit . ibraVlSTA Na r. , itga ' d n iPPl•Mafl74 • Vormens. Of.ll flow• Male. Ilepastl. to.. sr at• this Pitteloorsth V. St. with Mr. DitsSaL. Lthsrir saws. rat either or the litassrial, will b. assatastir *needs.' to. oolthimd,tit .4pnle Trees. \ /rimfayoraE APPLE TR ES, of orero! of tbrt beat yarl•tl all snod. am from taro to throo years grove v., offerol for sale In lot* to eult rportchloate . , by aubleritr.ll Sewickley. Nov. OA' ()BRAT ENGLISH -REMEDY. , TUE M U ST VALUABLE Spring & Summer Medicine in the Wor II DR. RAI.SEY , S _FOREST ..v- - tromised by th 4 Nobddy and Jima.. lan and estmesed the lead Extrucentakery Med- ,1 1011GIAbf COOteliklg Molares or Ltittoriee. like the Bar.aparDle. Vlll , l .atlf lure bottle* topp dace the •Ilithltstrbannetn health. The FOREST WINS • greg b = l l4 irr.lare: l nnirg ereViall i powerful medical prowrtiee front the vegetsble pleeta otehlett It t. annnotted. The Arent tW. neatness the WILD CHERRY: DAFTDMLION; DOCK. I „ AnD MES/LEWLILL4I7 withal-her valuable pleat et to..e propoetlNar.still mere • Im high ernmentretion et; int o the moot eine. lent medicine* now in MM. SoauC leas then a tangle bottle rester., the..thegng petmes gt,... weak. \ neat debility and Mot nils 4 .p alm,and vbtorone health. 4 Every dose Ow x Di 'Ohl *Ewes on the prestige tem. and improves the elate of the health. The -roved Dies I. mcommendial In the strommet terms, for all cornandott dijpe.qoa ma. Limo. Kaelleerg4. Na was DiJordow. Lear ilr =w l 27 D =Ca, Z lCW 43 l ". .._: oli o \ Aitotio IlKilkl. was awatd.i.l to U t ialtiiOirtm e alibt 161 , The above nanatatturea, at •th• di* rift. n-I \/. PUte••• ,b,,,, h4 . 0 . 1.43..1' ..r0148e011151,.. ,- \ \, \ . f•likil RIDICIINAiILIQUORS-W, o NI OD ~ I.flp., b in.tii an 0;44 or auDetior IrlaA a4ua , OW. ' ~... Ise mxlicloal tilWate.. 1.. WILOOX .t, • ' \ oni ' r • :•• "''',: Unbar kliabt../a....arao-- • ii,.. ...... ot,i . I.Bolthid , . \ - \ • , V GBP o`fur Bile TAIL I °° '4) IOW: a 160 Ultßa .ad 160 hist Sang\ 10 1 /DIOEND,CUE4TS--Goe cap. 111, A.V.11../MalSOSEl.tetyle lind , 4111•1, with Mum* rat: \ t47lt,pusittutigrat \ \ • Yqiierskor itiebt alitolaoo t • s KA,SI/-19 , 0 14 1 k , ,oa , \ Aewl. moan 00. It IOE-- - 4011 - eiceir sale lo*. by -vsn +VRMWL~ FOR (CINST°7I6-.5174:—.3111. ttem .VotmO.te, wloptoi 11 . H . 1 g:/=0:7 4 3= Ziltst[ a.p.N , SINTIetIO/1 1411 stove roloah!• Olkt Ttie.d.V7,'- ' Wit'o , 4 14 \ • at, • ejC l Ak t-70 'hhctr — '. - fin --- r , N. - 10. --- 84;ar for ge..by VoW.BONNUIR!Ta MURPHY. . - 4 0 4tPeur Bath!' AM Vial MIS pniertar qusli!T Mr iata 0611 kulf. Dianiola. • inxi.d. \ ' \ ~,, \