The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 27, 1853, Image 4

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    Ceti tilytnesittioan axe', Oita ilia
- sceD•rAireliististbet it his aessi-ataidsect to
Moo tigyfrolibterakaLfrom tha_ilattes star
Castbejlatid to Beltaorit, , it* "Or* ton
ne tit& aow paid to the saittatora sad Oblo
BelheilillOsepaey le Wrong dollar ust tievanty ,
a,. obits; which It yes oostanded from the 1:4-
01124qpibi war/ the oat of traseportalioa.
The Charm atter the, Ist of November ant, will
thoterarla be aro &Wei sad *AV fillf ONO
pet am.
Ton.Boozig Zee d' Rag'
mentlisas report, - that the Pepe s Nuotlo, Mc:t
aloa= 'WWI, Is about to oononsnee two law
salts, one anodes; the editor,- and the
.other .
stalest sesebodyeonewnied smite Pit Opinst I
himself. , "The editor ofthe Ece declares him.:
self No a h ono to in Beard a 'odder rine
than over, tbr alirestoutioni.
Itallanipatriols sad reputations shot itt Bologna,
while Menselgueur was fitment°, of that, city
with almvoint• powers. The names of one hun
dred and thirty three ,steams an even: Most
of them were young teen.. One,>l'foliate, was
reprisithi for s thus, boxing she fell lit a ft, of
oonvaisleint 'the piles of execution. The
Ireentater - Journal's folsome laudation of Men
selips**2•lllll hal Probably. provoked die
steteteeni—ar. r. on,
Boss swain ROIL of awe Owints.„--The
press Couri:of Rhode Aland harp decided an
ttoportidit Pinciple; been on railroads ere et
the rink of the own= • A bear from California
was pat upon the freight Ueda of the Btonington
Railroad. He broke out , of -Ida cep pawed
thrones the and made "his escape, titter hat
ing gristly frightened the passengers end all
bands, and took to the woods, where hewn shot-
Tie owner brought an lotion against the Com•
pony, but the jay, nada the riding °fibs court,
decided that Nears are it the tisk of the own
er.7,-Arse Jour.
811801. MAXI'S bAu Aatim—Thet three Par.
audios Bishops, Meade, Mollesins, and Bea
gam, who wen oompknous In the trial d
op Data, at tjamdan;pnblish a card In the'
Church Jeffroal of Friday', stating that though
they have moped to-submit-to the dadslonor
the Satoh of 13MhoPs, they have not relinquished
Weir origisodopinlona, that the dhunissal of the
presentment wee- repugnant .to their - sense *cif
both to 4!R4.i110n4 fr"Mristr:
- - S PIEUTUAL , BOOK &ore and •Pabliehing
anoefMU. .12 21 BroalibT. sfiub Tart. Ws leibutla
Pot barring Zook& The aoutazad Moat I= l .o
- ... .. .
nrMboea Urea+, or deeobeal ReparL 25 ends,
• Dimounia. from th e Tit Weald. by . Mad)bou 011. n. lab
- •• - Pulliam%
' A PtOtr l oac i h SL o . fO I W o em ra ot U ll n ltsvt
o O n l i tsis at
.arlr -I ..." Dl=gy
Stormof AVM.. ocottulangth•ltularLifo and •Warld
. . -of BOUM tont&
altUbtabk Pondostoloca, Maatrattag . reateaneata Th..
. ... A PPorflona.llo 111 amts.. • . • • ,
Pirimmo atlncesas Otto% bb *is Spizit World. through
ItaLtrabsolk a to Iltassattos• Eloctdofir.Balt.
• Orpaal attloo k Obasim,••,2o.-
.. . 0•••tbh TelaomDb. Or an of Lao LUb to Corm reveal
. , •ad throosb Mae ty.Pottotioro or Prom and Coto
aotistioca vdt•T•Utrotx bohitool . • •
8 I lm artot ..l •4l ' l a trlattiti p orgal. l 4l, 9 Lutil :Poretlal
Pbesafaoss. cotto4Portafta a:Boons:4 t
, BaUltealLAs.••••
Perm* irk at Ulnae Br A l f Dula AIL •
Jods• ?dames ea Sphitisibft,Loo- N00.411,A0.
*it= sod Rlobakcoodl Idoessoloa of MUtiudlash 4%
satbodalni tha grosteat moan. of heti
' • •M " -A=Stit. WO and oast, on tide intdoot wan bee
Imam in 0105 Vol., rill).
Alio. the Spiritual atragt tba matt of. ifabbeta
• liphitolluto • Visibly vapor. ao
• •--,-- ob.-Vaal , ..- - -- - PAlt r agra Barrratt.
... 110 4 1.. z 7i: BOOKS—Theory of Polities by Hil•
. - 1 sae of Ithsteale, bY Muster; new edition. ,
• As s dry& ldbersbus. -
Annyvessat, by Abbott.
• 11narltel, by the matter of Mary Barton. Brais,:and
Antednogrspby of. Re.. J. B. Irlalsy,or. Plonma lAre In
Ow Wert. VOW( Of thrilling inoldents.
WOR . SALII7 - = - * - tir.. 55, (511lostio Hall) .
I " l "" l ' ll rra=trisistg
_ rras walla , . •
Allo—Crinnans"rnassomette Chung the only
mnakt th =maim
A ROTH KM,. Wholesale and Rata
p Dsa/srs la bOOTII sad MOVE. cora , r 1/crostbsed
• ttdiskt gb. Pa- dam sawdYWIL wry sad
= l, llll= t aad litiOld u A tr aLltr d all al i al v Alnear
Wows*. Mem. ways asid r adnas war. %Cis=
bbsr Shaw's/ Cha West styL• aad alba bat YYltb
• sad Oasprt. asp always as bud.. 0,111077 MAR.
• •to ars tarltal to •as a as Ts* aft datarad•wd
mairsoAD maw".
ixTAMES= 'KS be molls! oath ortjyarious
geodes of PRESH GOOusiD SLOSS. by =
orders at tholtlll. in our bozo.
a Cu.„ wad-stmt. or Brom Sr Softer. oorsor Iriborg
sad sr. Oars otobstrabarsts If P. Banners, or J. .
Filar --"72147 MAT ths tithe.
'' thanu iftrait. =BMW a OD.
NEW OTt3TENDEPOT—The subsaribel
, .
~. - .ettillY Woes lb* pubLietkot b. ix re:4Am
Ity,lyt . tramilialtteset• rad Phltri.lithla, es
lISE 0 he In the kLizket.ead Tarrantstillali
--.-- ' eystl try 2 $l,OO oer mt. 50 etc half cut. - . -
2,10‘,". D. /EATEN% Whalen). A tredell.. ", •
ADUif#l, OH. ORS—The emboariber - has.a..
ways so bawl • nry vadat y of lasSaes.
ailiatttatias Palma %Unli t Beata anyisart,_ita . aa. at
Mostar,. Na 109. Sluts t 1.2 11 .17) AMia ROBB-
TAR=4 o .bbla N. C. TAR ariiri'ng and for
o:14 isfp. 2611.14Nertr street
DANK 016-30 14:119 Beak 011 arr►ring
l arkt ffin. 0.1,,a Dr, • JOBS wArr 00.
30 SUM 1:1310 i 1 Pa Ball 11034:
u- do -11stkmal Melo' 00•m330S;
ID 110 13132.3133% do 00;
100 do ' 13.060.3 do do, st• tbe_utiltrd
star Bak Ball4lllo. 80. 1, /mirth mier-
-DLL:CM PARIS, far.lantUsid Stain°
watt. alvvica baktat 319 Lib•rty
bursh.Pa. 4m4.60' W.W.
in store inck
B P /8 ' ALUM in el = a d nartranits.
tor Ala by Deal
• ,Ifellez'a Family Medicines.
011222.120 5241241. Ob!Allay IL 11349.
lay& BELLER9:-1 tbinkii . right
a hi the breath of attars, to state semi heti 42 re
. laden to D roreo.lloret *kohl lhotnotnet. • I bats mat
raw Ifershfier Ishtar In =Lova Omar, ono fr.
, • 2222221, 2224•2211222 for 1220•111m2 Lrie gum:MIMI bar
• 100 to 200).2 warms from tiro 24114,224 1 has aho sued •
aver User MlN;tab 0-112 b Minh' hole/
am • fecal , • and
- they have la avow Mews etodatett tba effeobis to ct d
, 212PIIPTabaad1842; I ata
that t 2x2 bora Tu t
to boa the arat rehire +//bero east tesat•
dans karreboon - wed. V et 7 melon of the otenxtry. In
wfat ug a nt , Ivey reaetba 2tury tbs midletnee Otto.
doT. end are Opetlted Wbevo a varz w estazufte u reastatf.
• . Named eset hellant . ll ' f 1114.'
• a ocd Melt
Save your !nay When In nas: .
XEARLY ell the Grocers now iell..GArce
Ide. Orleatte Radar 7 cod wet um. met ISt to
at SO eat =rut& • Morrie it fatten la the VW
Matt Road. Mn
er Orme Teas_oo meta per totatell •
Stroud Rio cedes It do do de;
Prime titteUtr dd
Solt O. Radar - 6 Alo de -
8 %17 traitigg,l7AMMlVDt66362o.
Y BASYMIIIABI3O POWDER, the &tam. bride
t ambit uid somsmsatml mild* tar blab. Smut.
PAW 01Wle owl Jobany. Oates. Y Pam
Man. tmse i t c Oots. lireadata., Ist Mb
bib* wait .1, uteal, ammahla sad sitbr
°myna. la ezirtaam. for ta4lnt Haad.Hlaealt. Oakm.
Puny. rialalaaNyt a.; mitts althsr Vise. rm. ladtsa or
beezybrst awn At la - an bletbriataabl►t ankle is tb•
'aabaarr amarabhabotamrphalisdialaiatab a akiumt.
sea than to so *at nor Ibiawlaaper la creation mho
.411 b. wltblat it etastal47.lzied it. SO by
ip. prima... Grams but Dneabtm— -
opbikeicr as Prat.
Thaw arbo hay* teed it. hart baud that the advertise ,
mart does bat vadat Its rate* ten highly.—Tallahusee
Nkaidlaa and Jacenal ert.19,18113.
Ilocuartartert who hart tatted the titular of this Pda.
dar esedroasee neazdesepark la Ice farte—Lockpert Dif.
1T Do
rerteeddliert Abut [nibs asps of tided erts
Pee am bad Inaba irtaraof takm—flahwar kleocaa.
each utility hp 'y ashes !tato(
MUM that artraftertstartbeastakprotarty Immo. ne
. • hateetper rturtstadiaa ertaftert and scatertal,Attlt vit.
do wtot IL—Nrte Irak Plc :klar 21. sue
_Mama Port hod ate to hoe Daskiet al' ItcPcstart
nos ta tuasartsepese--Iter, had. add Nachwitte
IP V l tercra bare babe tertd, • moat bread, brad that
CiVat.:l4; r d t • trot Pl`;'. 4 fri I rig:
red trredl. cakes. Ad—rfor male May 04. Irte
Wa bare tried shim 111110 Sod aus racamaseed 1119.15
*Part condemn —Quaboadae. Jule Mb
Darkees Batas re wa, hart trteeld art houia,
mad ear" MrtUr wft astoataia MO. rault.-71$,X,
4lsibt ?Wee urt. 23, lad.
All ofd a lg.efas t ' ia 'a n i
Sae 110.1811. , • .
balteatertaldsrt adder. sedeubtedlr the bort apes
101 this:mar that has Tat bees disortored.—Nor
empoceadsttene from hesdrodate thetas*
god ewe newtable Whabsila bosimala &le sal
neetly•ana dbfba the. Urtthud& mak% be dims
anted, tawdirtuctid Wart* aallefacrtars. Or.
man "am upanied Irish than 111 . W 011 tined.
8010 Prrtrictorand Ifiesrtaatarre
Whateakt Vertex is Hat beAp. Cream of Tartar. Bap.
Onto. hoda l pmetml . tatnete, War klatches, &141111 Wa.
. ' 103 . iiiirtbd IIaILER. date Plbeksisek.
V.OLLEGE TEXT BOOKB,4s.llarket at ,
• liFga twroltio jut reed, Of oahrlmt. by_
pay .• - Market atrmot. new 44h.
R "100000 COPIES SOLD—The
• -
. 14 ,1==r2,11 4 4.i. dk Var g i t 'l lg fa; u nii::
'Now% ibr ug, kr. , J. S. 111.b01:1.
- . - es Dolton Apulia
Matkat Dau4l.ll.'
= TX PlBl#=3o bble. - Lake Superior,
. 44 ' E artirtererete* /we Irr
- Zan or, l UlL
ttitOTION for. 13 Dire/3ton of this
i "ltTatit
.;;-, JOHN SNYLPAII. Cada.:
_ - Stock
-.— :,....mAt30N
: - _;,! : ,,.: .; _ i , : .',i?: : 4.
:J:~ - ... ...:
~~'.k.t.~~ ~-~'.
.'-:',.- '::'.-;'...--*,:.:.?.:.,'..•,:-.1.,..,:=,'„:-7-L...-..-....,....,-;',.-.•..,-;44%,:;;;:5i,,c'"--. •
i.?.::".'•---.: ., i'-':?.?:.-... - .1';t:' ,. .Fs-;--,i. --1 '"--': I .
:' , : - .1E. , , - •
etbl2 Uountry. fieate;; 62sores of
Leal ao tie st. Plan • few rods s aLde
or the etatiOll at laut k
I•ba ßoad. rty: ter l thi
DI make •
etketwolweetwildeosts thatestutotbeetualad ignmmt
th . t, lobs tosetberwatt Day lawn eau eaa
h a ...NUM* win Tals Dew le -wartely.oar at.
tostleit . lto4nLeweL.--- loan -200111 Alt WOODS.
0. 4
, a SALE isfAlleglusny.fajf,y, 5 sena' of
V °renal st a great bargain ._ It la near Um outrr
and will b• sold at a bargain that. la worth baring.
IKaa nor loan , . . Ttlo4lAg WOOD&
I Ei, 4LE-Two voluble building LO TS,
. 41 Seek limb . it hoar on Lcand stevet %
, t/Yof 41 Seek owl oarnfanst beak 97 ilia in au alley
on r sre eAnnei 2 sm. nt b.,* lit Orr. BR CE . DWELL
ING - arra:mod withitan.Abeita* parlors and kitchen no
firn jor.onn tka ‘o . Li=ir .thambere on second limn, en the
UM* ** Ila: Ap*l7 ti":ll,ll.lte=.'l22Mr.
D ]AT. •uh • tank on Pak , Alta' dn" All..
than m 7,442010.4 sad tato book 110 kat to an
ii" 8 ""1111% -
. Mina otaystdan ono alt tni i ile-
Wotan to talk
Alta • Tenant lot attkinind Um abort, taloa MO, oar
battle Land . Apply to B. dlo LAM.
ods • Mo. 2.1.111 b st. •
'of 6 sem, .7th • owavolibsokt COT-
S HODPt and oil out WMlngs. It . mg, s•sur
shot.. Ma from Os
to ggly
also, on l"Ptiotod thaoo for • solo snob
vadat, alarms, HOW.. iryftfoota: =I MY Lod.
that es owl mous sounl:,w2l smorboont, mot that
Mr, octool any'ot them on my
totem Szoluiro of , VIOL W00D6.46. NiorbYt AL •
y nontaining aveat 02 11011111. and aitutdln North
la m it iz =e lt W El=l l 2 u t
Bank n
anank2 about $ll masa deared. a Whint orchard at
trer and •em I tom camp This Drme rt r Ilan
•u lam th an anal* aftba Metre Zailsowl, near the
Am an of Turtle Onset marlin& Creek, and. gent the
same dlistam• *can limfart'a &anon. Title=tabla
Yam HO pm sera. . Aptly - in
anB No. Ti. RIM sheet.
ValnableProperty Fir Sale
T HOSE TWO LOTS, Not: 1:51 and 152, in
Oca. War. plat of IPlttetrarwhoeb 00 Piet cm Ww
featet aba extenatm 111: Piot through to Prom Greet. EltioubtAlla. lermaate_ belar John Irwin
end amodtethe fattal Railroad Depot The whoa
all be (trodtogether the Ist of November. mar
wlarb. (Una iota) It all be tortellvlded foto lots to vat
barthoorm Winter/0 (what will be mole volf ato
" I " )" Vila t° 242 sh'ettiLvMstlirtig;i4) P..
Journal rad Nat Ow! apt. •
NortltAmerkm, mamatuata calpr tottto =mat of
'SWIM abuse um aka
' 1081111.111-111talded hi &bath Phitrain' Ste r nal:de.
county. a ratter harntirreeport. and eittin half
• mile et berth WOMMI Itallroad. lib aeon, cleared
and traced. Aimee of widen are keel meadow; the be
Is areedgend ot inverter quallta. Well Intend by
whim /trotted thereon are a comterte•
11 4 :1 4 =leardedlog Km% Bank Barn. with Oth”
ont-buildleick Attie, at grood Ilya Orchard. • Of bet
'wan of and =lathe entire Wm. PACO MI.. cart.
- II MeLedli. ti Mb It.--
yal SALE.--A•handscrmo Lot. eitnated in
• Bridnwe ter. Bearer Oounty. She lot has a front of
feet on Bridge Om; and ,reardog boot ,160 Blew ma
Margot street v.. • 20 bet alley. on which le erected • two
story gnaw Dwelllosuglons• eontelnhacullse teem. The
fen =Mary venni tartatin n Yrult Treesolhenbbery.
rate non. go. and a good new Crary stable. Also aAy
Have. Than 1 • goal Iraq of water at the dam—
ns trelkUngts erected on • newer lot In the beet bad-
Rees port of the town. Will be vold very low. Inquire of
own. ~- ,• , . B. Blel4lll, No. 21 /Nth streeC .
• Veins/Se Property. ortLiberty Street.
'order to settle upan estate, will be gold
at so/taste a t on vary resamiable tams, 3 BUILD.
n It and Lard e northerly Mk of Liberty stresc—
Its Wilding* are o I Wick, substantially built. 3 stories
nigh, (with etang vont to M. 27 story.) and are Mtn/dad.
in • /cod borings locality. Thal now yield an annual
tent otili7s. The lota bars • . front on Liberty sheet ct
16 feat.and =odd boot towards Penn aims 120 fest.
itdily to- (*Mill IL MAW WIWI:id. )67 1 h st.
VOA BENT.—The lug) Brick Dwelgi
loggaG lphWia DIGML citmeL oboe* RaitbAcld.
occis COL J. Rosclizmolca. (ramoved co P
tat famished wlth zoom. hot oM
cald water tat
elmets,rood lath room. At •
Also• IIIIIAN. Erica Dreill o g.. oa eth street. above
atalthNott IGtobea. clefts mom, sad IL bed come—Ell
be nedycel or Ware Sot7at Leant» of
• e .,uttt, • , No, T 7. eth it, or 92 Water et.
Valuable • Country Residences For Sale.
subscriber havirg laid out ten sores
lain TWENTY LOTS 1 one Lot r the whole
tan anew This Lis d Is in w Eepisrns topudiip. situated
betnes pm n
. San Mill and Vest/Ors Runs. ethoinnut land of
001. W the uorthssit. Jouslng on
the south. /t Le< a
otinunanding triers o 1 Allesbesty and
Tittabsrph, end U admirably stunted On Residences.
This Lona Is in the bleu/Et sista of onitivstion; It is .ell
supplied with Grape -Year, Apple. Pesch. and Cluny
Trees. Geteabertim. Cams ts. tihrubbory. Re from 10 to
IP years old. bah Lot will have a portion/Klima Trocs
cm it. Tsang eery soak to particulars. inquire st the
Lumber Yard Vise on ROLM =net near Grant, Tin.
burgh. Lielkln7 . CIIARLES HOW/L.Y.
midessigneff offers for sale a hand
some and valuable 'FRAM Or LAND hs reeiles
aintelnlng rOUILT/tl2l ACIIIOI, adjoienue the
- ta n tosser =so Iditaderlek. thle Trent of .Isurd Is
urestfuumes to Cho Fourth street &ad, end le hanselisitaly
ins Abe lice or the SWF Monist. It le courentwat to the
Wandi Would be so ezoolleut lomat* for say ow
• phreasen acrantrF reeldteree. The land is ohne
deafly stueplial vlth inter nut S- good state et runt
eallsos. The luarrownnents .r.• tiro4Wry frame DAM,
LING 1101162 sod * frame Stable. Fat: further pardni
her* and turns of es*. Inquituot •
hint • Ftrall ORIIS, 786 Lawry arse,
LHILO HALL. —Tbii we 1 known Hall,
• sltuatad ovar the Peon 0N,., barbs a odds. woO
and aril olAinfay. bad bead natio& dal by the
arrangautant for Ilitio, As., Is roar to all ramparts serf
=Woo hr ostdbloons of Paaatalaaa and worts of Art
ofbartalllD6 7 14
inorfls l"l.° p rij .l 4"" boolodos k ; r or "Di for =l=
ablations. atoekbadada imestlap,ao, and bring of
ion also an bo mad on tbo following stodorata bums:
LT &jar day. or $26 par valk. InaboAlall us. full and
of • =Dor. •- • - • •
'..• 01—tha Dail would be rantod for • tem of one or more
lariat Oa nada /oar Ilnallno dollars Dar annua. _
Apply to . IVAAUh r. -
SAW Marlove r ?bre
, . 427 - - or to Z. D. °ABM..
• Dui/able Resideiieel /or , Bab.
late resldenoe of Jonathan Ridd,a
tlatesatdla oared lbr.l. Plastid lb • plop
twat pat of kiwi:lmq Ittcy-,tba recant guatmitoo
repo paw ,tod gas Opts maws stlU
Th. om la • wall both two dozy doubt. bona.. toirottattrtbla
lot tobotbsp 1.0 Mc oa North Canal stoma, ram bark ra
bpi to Liberty Wawa. and it watt lopmved. P.M lbw,
sad tabu *DPW to
- • 4.4.1V18.
splint L. Wll.ouX..m.
For Salo or. To Let. •
rniku.. is the county of Tenons*, and.
Stat. of Yonuaylwazia, • hia onospristo • H.IUaa XL I.
Mitt AWL yell hllltary. largo Atom. sallKWareberaso. 11
tlnfillalt IMAM , . With other outhulldhru• with as coo
inorient, clasp sod waluable Wafer Perna , aa the Psate
ala earl for **abort paryorw.. - Coal within ono mils
of tb•lll.lll.efai mod quality sad in aulladent quantity.
Also pit s short thatmee Iran pollutes IP bleat nunsatt.
for taw sad informatics tIMIIIITIIrar aB. Plaid coo
- Jahwo husk. Yitraltrittl.and taawbsedb.rat haakltq
Ps.' , tolthlal IAtiIb.r.ELSON.
Detliable Putout" for ttote.
A:utoMß of vary valuable Building
„ setkadnig the Outer Depot el tha t Ohio
oi tdb•
etty and hetory Asset; BILLONerd, emelt* the Ger.
men 110010110 Chuch. 80teetteent on laterty. by 100 Get
an o ttteetary. yunsdnitatek tium
M goterthe l) To ' t, 21 feet trent 14
M e tn a TL b. hasse le loge
tied= . and eontabutelrren roam.. • -
• Alea—A Yuen of 04 s—c fa Laerzenceeonntyi a taller
alst—Yana to Bearer et . sateen due eat'
letoet. tram 000 wee down.
Tot eels low and ea totononedittny tams. Inv:are of
R. P. O. L.
• • •• • • Attorneya et Law. end awl relate Melds.
tet33. - tt . $0.107 Fourth etteet. Mobutu/.
.- ---' i Per Sib. : • . •
Tag attention • of capitalists .is called to
Clot VALI/10LS paorsmirio 'Ansibmir onri
; lax..
or th e whereof acne sad tithe&
li n g hot Wooten/ Knot towards rnom, street,
IGO bet In Co • 13 hot wuy... xts. lomat?'
mv bo While IS 41111.siilLotsof ,114 hot
. Midi wit ourothoom -a to ftealooely htsitod oa•
*be 11=rAtemo beams the two ettteorsod be obi
Wor tto/Dopot of tau Ohio and Prentsy•
huts 7.7
It would be .4 hoot eiharoblor
he • • MS: 1411. el tot bostots boasts
• with d alias. ottosbaLlo this Snooty nioesothr v Ol
• odium* I. Arabia. sad pox.. h. tho
Istotonrmenu whkb =boot olg i l w oe '' . It 4 •vo:1 14, 1 a
ittention. Perrone lobo nub to yorogamb.aternesitots l
to toolobe of - - , • ...N. - b. 1.0111 1. or ,
Mita . ' . ' . N. 110LIdlto o SONS.
For Bent:
WlaurE - Store Boortu, - witla Dwelling,s ta
'i‘en nutlet sbnet,bdvenk Noood uthd Tblrd
attLts pf DENDI Y.
, r li o. 61TIIMI st.rmt.
Tor Bele, og to Lit.
A WAREHOUSE on 'Liberty street. En
tne. Ma. st N 0.317, Mort/ Argot. 002.6
Veii Desirable - Zeal &Cite.
Tut vlbscribenrofftiz %reale 111-4 wires
ir f
0 Ground. sltnatad oast of lElneurdllt. fronting on
r. aura Plank Itaanand arrandlna bszkadda•
ht ala Of. Ow . ranarrlnnta XatiztatL 'rids Pro
party. r bla allnatad. law .Of Room, and 0.11 aorta,
tag. ,...
Of oaranar a.uefae a frotmalaso 0000ts7
lf not sold satin.. It cabal ratallE t e moldivittod
ato Mater ilsadjots._ - -1 , 911 L YOU a Ma.
intOli , -,-'. -. • •." 4 - . - 191 r strati'.
„ ; •• • For,Bals. - • •
rriirp • LOTI3---20 TENT Fronton liebooon
AL stert.ll.llsheteiiTpart •aNklstauint ot
• ' City,
w i ns or or *SOLOMON wag-xi:l77ga..
Aars or Tell Irmarod 112MinljoUnt ir/BaVot
not Or Subsellbwr 'offal for an ono Yarn or
DIED•AND &TY •0111:11, altuatot to Nor
T brutitarToutultip. Viollaa from Neu MOWN +int
a nos twohawt.noal mu* Uounalicl.B•aft, owl oll.tlii;
mallows, 200 aura of tratiatutiVaapcia Ilia; . ii•
Mow i . ,
L . • km Nano within one olio of Now Bilabtoni
' TEO ItUNDUZIPAttlittn. 'widen an tat divi
ded bong tou woo lotnlnlnstrod. WA location It an Alai
40 2214. °1 17pf1u1 5 0 r awar . on fo 50 Atini., ~ .4 ,
upw oncioutl- to .Negr Oonotakloy TowolbrO• wtuu
Troia it o ttLlt t o=tr , tthandl.. l.l ilLroo c = 4 l%si o nA-
V Beier Clocuttp,P. • •
- -
ad pt, i..-- , t _ - blita/AMIN It; iIIt•DIORD.
. or COAL LAND, one hundred of whlnh hoe two,
good =O4; Aoe ., !rai r r o lsz d ena Is . olo t rl o tod
wi l d s!
C S T Imam!' per Newt ha. oos o f tre tlet land.
Woo th e ittet. Sold Mod is 01 nodes oultivotiott,
sad On WWI MITOIIIIIII:prong:A*0 that coetotof tvalys
114=U04T* dollars.. It slave Duo shove Nowoushelit
tee mod 4eolablegrtros the river.
six of city =4 one the river, 5.4 so the.poo.
Defect stout, ot the Blemlogbani .ad Mononahata Nut ,
Dad It Li • valoobte_ONne WOODS , Janke ot
sta4l . T1105L413 45 Darket *moot
in theabeth township, two halm helm .the
oath.. bed
The farm matting lee wee of excellent LIM.
etc= Laud. lie oats elesred and xusder enlUvatime Ted
lerntrie, pate are • frame and Inet . chrilllncb a large
lbente Ws.orchard.. AL Xl.o. &boat 160 ec me et /b.l.
sada a,l ad/G4ianni' the ab to earmonth the Mabee(
may ta• river, being pee of lb. bat boated for coal -
works nay where on the The whole will be odd
tentbLr. the, el i ncine.
iiig h ntriga ri Pittaborigh - . UelWa
4:141E , WT• TO LEAtIE..--The
•Li flrmit of ileama, meant ommard lej , John la
mm,l7othlri an label, grad. Mtwara datimptrese 61:4
1/111010er• Uinta lased for a Lunn at rtm April
! st . u y t t . . 4344 %0 f6it.Vint, No. 113
On AMISS SA)BB, Attmor,ith -
• •
nn4 SAtE=Your
ri glitur r at&OLlch la s t
450111.1 a;
' l. '" ;
811. •
A, MASCiN .00..
~. - -
,a" &e: •
Land For Sale.
For Rent
110:0TICIThe pnbliti nio hereby infOrmed
COMPANY bar* got thsirWorlswlnto operation. and are
prenewni . 0 deliver szy anuntator Coal Wharton
the Ohio river. on an reatornkblirterme as elsewhere.
The rbperiornnallty onltteLlttle dew Mill Run COAL
inspires the Ootonany - with - Orb darns* that they will meet
with,. full share ot and support: and therefore
invite their friends, and all. erne Intend to trade In Coal
to esll Indnedthiely at the o:mrany's Moe, o the noel b.
tent earner of the Mather d and Diamond Alley, or at the
Wharf, nor the mouth of Coo 'BIM AWL and near J.
Wood's helping MM. -
Olthtf . • . WILLIAM RAPT., President.
• •
- _
Ronsselaer Insurance Company, Lansing
burgh, New York.
JACOB YAWL Prealdent---Succe Doman. Beentirl,
CNAIITLitiD IN 1836-germ.., $200,00 6.
lI'S old and well' e3tablished Company
re nrepered to lune Nuetie, by theft Agent... au
de of Vire -Melts on the most favorable tempt. She
prompt payment of, Its; Loewe during the seventeen Pura
of fte conUannone, Is • solSolent guarantee to Per•Oo+
e inning to effect correct Instunte
, Agew-
Pittiburgli and Steubenville Railroad-
PUS aubacribera to the capital stoat of the
uld Steubenville H.R. On. lere toratilv
muffed Co Daylinto the Traeury, the lonelb inetalment
of rive dollararr ohere. on or belbre the let December.
Mbrimo. and , re dollars per sham on or before the , st
dee of each re nth thereafter, until the whomemount of
Mock wtrcrlbod for has been paid. • • .
Ely order of the Board or Direcoors.
I WILLIAM d. I/114 IVelwomr•
Norm:ober Q 1 5153.
Tressuree•Oißoa, 64 Wood M2S:treet.
. . Notice.
CONSEQUENCE of having sold our
hl~Forma the Ceritler rionrrtirT t r:
ir:rlfir gribetf3iag
Fro A k
ours sue .. ., ad s tciat i t=l:
abiCestlethriLunder the Ilms KUDZU
.t Ot.ribria Furnace, are both esolrea. The hissit .o ese
Will be eettleri ushi the usauarinw th. 50 "....
theme 5. Ell Who are authorised le Dee the names oI
.the reetreedre ran iti sett!inir uP w.
• Harsh 1, 1868. trohartf
ISSOIIIITION.- . —tiiiilarinership here
tofore nehttins . betties... the understamea, in the
dWAIIDIf O , CCildhill33ll)2l. ODOOXICT AND PRO
DUCE Butanes.: this day dissolved by mutual consent.
The businesslof the Late trm wilt be settled by either of
the parteters.twho is authorised to use the name of the
late Ens. in 'settling the 1.111215. sod J. J Boone will con
tinue the Madness. ea usual. at the old a nd. Na YOO
Liberk street. J. T. 1100011,
Fittsourgh. July Lt, MI • J. J. 11000 E.
(amuse.* To •r. 1. all
Conimissi . on and Forwarding Merchant,
-.Dealer is Wool and Protium of all Kilda.
C. H. Cornwall. Cutler "amen' Bank, t3alom, Olga
O. W. O . Hopkins, Halt.ra looadakha Smith. Philatl'a
J. Wii,olz a Co.. " M•J'atiand. Everts IA Co..
Imood .4 Co.. Boston. James. Kent a Sam.. .•
D. aD. arDonald a Co., Soalth, '4orOby aCo ••
Wothnille, Ohl. U. Bea ll aCo
8. Jooatoo, Yap , Cleveland. Springer Harbluiti, PIHA.II.
Hanna, Garrot...oa Co.. " Palmer Hanna Go..
1311bort. linapp,jr.; dt l onia Kate. PooooOa A CO, "
Younef. &Oa. N. Y. 0. a J. H. Shoo 01....rg.r a . Co.
Bowen a Bl.Namee. • Panoook. MiteheLl CO.
IrCallougn_ L MotztfatiO,Cin. J. Y. Hovratd • Loutaritlo KY.
T. Heaton. Iraq " Lvov 411.11111 A 00 . ...3a1reat00
'Wearer. Taylor s Co, _ Tezu
k Jr=
sak,scritiers have formed 6-Co-Part
' rddp acd vl.lEnoittlwi the Whohosle atom./
pelnese at ths stud. ntau am tam of ILAR , 7IIY
,:141druots. Jul, Ist. _
partnership heretofore existing he-
Aweea the modendgoeti. under the !style of J. P.
LIAM& & CO. se Ornwrewod Commission Ilerehents.
IRS dissolved by mental eroosent.. the 11th of 'March.
The business will be connoted by J. n. KiULLme, et their
former stand; N 0.121 Wood street, who Is Also duly au
thorised to settle ot. the bustnese of the Arm.
JURN Jll..
Pittsburgh, April LIM&
lir In retiring from the boeine,a, I take
nlssanrs In recommending to the friends and_patrous of
the Int. iinn Mr. Williams, as • gentlemen well Cunlitbui
to &Kt= re. natio prompts/4m tad hdellt7, hide.
bosh:tem ls intrusted to hit axe
spa ' .
• .
rEIIE undersigned have this
em n dewattired
lutz O =so
n.P•rt.tsblp, under th s f 1t71...1
AN, E ENNEDY 00 , far this iFdkodd
t ,Edand EillithE bunneu. the d Allaihear.
: 4 . BRYAN
Cattal /kart 111•Oeni CM. June 1gth. 333.
l'have this day associated with we, in t of he
.on, IL .PASILKIL era a ...Jowl
JOEL% rutr..m.
viih them THOMAS B. BLAIR. Tha arlik
cmtlattial She lirai rt srairt,rx 8LA11743
. tat. Avila
To the 'Public.
TER NOTICE of thc_Dissolution of the',
odor.of JODI Nauss Co-in thll 21X11411.g y.yooo o{
odsy. LiLluT , reseL ♦ • dif 0 tiOLI to contemplated,
vbiull the tub &ban Iw. due oaUse *Nu co ususalua
tad. r • AIL CARA,
roblu:tr .`",E, Ott= of JOHN P.A.,II!Nt. • (XL
Dissolution of Partoststio
• AroncE is hereby given that the pit:Mier=
sbly lately abotatthe Ma...U.3MM le DAVISOM
WM Ow kn.4OIIN AlitiLW.' under tb• inu at
VAVItION - 4 AGNYIP was ellenUre I Pept. 1.1.1883.
mutual ecummt.
Aft debts so sad by theCemputy.' sill to wattled I.t
JOIIN C. PAXIrOYf, who embalm ttie !lawman .tit
the muse ylam,6l Matta etrtet.
WU. of the Chrtskess.l so! Plttsbarsb E. it: 0.
• OlaTetartd. &pt. ZS, U. •
QTOCKII OLUESS are hereby notified that
the mow] t¢atlJmeatit 10 per seat.. the eab
serOtion to the stock art. Crlee•lawS asa nurbaroh At-
Uompear.lar the reestreation et the homer arson*
el, le svordrial to be paid to. the TreMOIMIT Ore oaks
It:Cleveland roper before the fret dot of Norrotors asst.
sal that the robssueent rural:wro I w o. n not soot.
mob: be :aid to saki to oh orthe day
ot wad, saeoeseire ad:OW Ltieusatter, until the rho!. stall
be told..
Laterest will be alirrest fn. the Core of par.:tarot oe
thejlooo Is oomplred for Or rub 10001 [Kuhr tralms
Oar/. kr order of the Boats of Moron ' •
1 oola=sl • UAM%NWAMB7. Beer
For Sala
Ka, —The eviattors of 4012:4 0103. deoeanal, beau
= " 67: b Zi t " 0
Ir 6; l tt e gni LTto t if: " 213112 th _
too fo loolow Fortner, ottuauat 711 Th
the o
Wald. 11.— • •
_ lot on roan lortnnui 01b). and Walnut.
/.0 tut fern 100 foot deep to nixing •11.7, au +blob
aro sin brick proontorUni ylentlon • rent of 11103 per az
otur lot on Oorait of • LitiOrti M sod W•Lont:
hiking 1.0 trot on lAborti bn /00 toot an W to *Plug
*Om on which autthrel benowninf it • rant of
wear Mho mill bo glom* Os about luelorttr Sad the
Greta =ads to mutt porahnont• - •
• For (unhar ipuLeutanotafolorOf J, W. LIRE. Aral.;
toot, roomer of Wood and lrlftls Moons, Id dim. or of
attton , of the andorrtdoad. •
:D /041 ,0 1114,11 AT ili x. ToliT.
matt . ;.• dingrolora .of Joan Was. doo'd.
cormicus, or Moilitals4oouttiratidi for bmwtifli
log; !monolog mi wraatrylog tha Wit i mams ruts
Maims; burns. Wogs, IbmalaMtmo Lid Irritations of
the Milo. A mowaratmoti lbw ado
ens millibu of Maur annually, would imam to mid no
alstatisettest: bat aa the thwaaamis who wurabsaa. as
asul appro. of It haring Drobaltl7 od lb_ • ow ,
mous exisist of i ts trtudoms do= Mme ' warn'. bj
aims barorith • plain stalsowat of th. Mots derir
Irma his looks, and with elthera hsdaibt. sanaMS .o 4
Warty Osaka to OM iatiumeratila pattomr.
• • .Protwur Bury'. amouotsor salsa too the year
rhos that during that yaw about 1114009liotillea at
Tricapaeakd War* distmarg tif, sod that ttie oath ottriltle
Of this Ism:moat sale warn owly 110Usital.
nib shoo, marandabeci tale la &batter ermmirotarl Of)
the 1. of Um ardel. than aerating its Inmotorroald
R V afrsi ions pat pails. to lU
.1 1X= etruid l y t ilir ti ta l- ht
=glow. burp, Mamas& aO.--4t ovoid not. mum,
bobunivermiry to damasid. TM, w•althy portlarro (
yobllo would buy It at Shy price, but Prod:mar harry
Not redtrom tt to a Daum to low that th• poonutordi mad
theromiven of Ha benetits _ •
Bold In largo bottles prim 7S puts,)) at wbolmairi arid
retail, at tha Maoufietary sod Dopoti Ito. Ira Imeloi:
New York. sad by the Waal* .Wrehants and
throughout Um Uoltad Matta and Outada. Maiiiirs7W - m1
LASH. ()mot Britain. flume. to, and by
It. I. - PRGisas,
I.:ARIS FASHIONS, for LADnoe llazew -=
The Paris hellion, for JUNIC dinolt Doi, !Koontent.
ol b. on min on the 14 proznot bo
-nro. Mg rano. 'ko ß ra Iliad nnt.
- TlLL•ls—Materials Marked - for' lioltdvidsty and
as wark by • - Mg&
rtio Ab. I. W/LISON.
reZif 'IIM .hmt. above 11.04
A m ßllLK .tifi ll”.fiTEL-hlontolo of t he t
o ligg f og=l9ll.4
to *mkt. by bitoblotry. ann. notlet. and sold Si Sib
.Lendtett. Balkier." mut taws detlybut to purcbabi.
it to thdr taborets to toll stul osamloo oar btoek
and pliers beam buyloa ttsemberi. Orders titled teltti
dlobtab at 819 Liberty street
•7d W. W. WALWOC• •
LA 'very rare rarkler•for isle at SIORRIA PATTON%
• Dinatfied. at 60 +sista pr
• 001111111,establisbed1212 received►
roar preicieteee,
iv= 81Irer Medals sod.l - Divfoutas: Alsnatectam
POW, at.. Pitt•bOrab. Y. •
revnitc of noccereen Counterfeits. se2SdlY
• labor. Saving Machine.
11- STUYIEIth lip). titre* sad Stalk Ctatetin Otit , tris ,
i mm ea Let te r., for burl and ltorsepersit . irr: for itrif.ll, 1 1,1r=1=
Ilott/tnsltural rratettastso. 4t) Mb street. •
c at- • JAMES IVASIDAOrt.:
eon and aal/Ilie by FLAMING BROS.;
26) OZ:' SULPHATE , MORPHIA in storo
vu,,rd sad for sale by MIMING PROTHEUS.
RWUners Of Natural tristorY. or Wird Seth. end
Illnettra. b 0. W. Weltoer, author or "Uhl Ilia +.
She Grelee," 25..,1 Sim eroth e illustrese4LA S W OP
b. of rbeebere re% esie.bY , '. KAr"U°
atbfro. Y wood•atreet.
klj init ta.lved an 4 fur =l. duLtsi6TSo2l.
' , t1,3-I.llwity IC •
• • • Ohio Labaistory'.
• 76 •
'•,„, • •
ILLsf,BO 95 tti
85 i 4,
Par cant.,
gitrength: . •
- - • -
11[ 4 019.Ef4,WIETC11,ER 00 4-idanufsa
of 4iloobollßius' EDWIN f.l.6llqmi gat
mem avow viAuum v.v." W ii, tv 'amnia
.4 "ar=r m a r 7 -7!`ltiit=tnai
mikonissezror _ . • sof : iy
:ifXl5 , 4 „ • - ,
A'-WO Or if ' till tr ,:4 7 .
ii . s . V , L4igt . •
Nos. 97 and 99 Tided etre? t•
el qt r . I d. r. It r ES.PECTI'III,L-Y informs him
Ind string%rocrol c litrual, n 4.. whin: is de has merdldryintelel
Reit and beetnyer offered for sale In this, city which aril
behold at prices no
as any in the united qtr., NAM
or reerrm.. di be is determined to uphold hls stook, with
mooned materiale, best workme:able, and newest de
alter= and from the extent of his orders and facility in
mthilfactunngi- be le rambled to prod.* warranted
Pt ILMTUK at the lowest prince.
J. L. Adootod the principle of identifying the onStom•
al (r a re
with his own, In quality and prioe, 'taken*
al re Co band the urostast variety of every description
:4 Furniture, from th e eheaterat and plainest. to the most
gaut and nosily. that a hone*, Or any part on!, 0663
furnished from that
dock, or manufactured expresaly
totorder. The= following articles oonsist In part or hie as
',.rtment, which, for lithium of etyle and Smi th , tont 0
'be any of the eastern cities. - !
ILonts XIV tete a teth Sofa.;
CO Bassin Plush and drill Cloth:
60 doom Mahogany Chairs:
120 do Walnut do • i
60 Mehogony Rocking Chr
120 Walnut do
:60 Mahogany Mune: -
i 20 Walnut do
110 Marble top Centre Tables:
. .
-; 60 de Drawing Murmur ,
1 30
40 In cl ose d Welusdotande:
100. Common do q
20 PlainDreseing Ithrearre. •
t41lfl """ar
t , : do
60 Cottage do
1600 Cherry and Poplar do;
C 3 Mahogouy Wardrobe.:
10 Walnut do
10 Cherry do.
10 Plalull re_ us: .
0 2T adaing and ' Bruktut Tables.
2 Secretary and Bookcases:
'X) Dagen Vane Seat chairs;
24 Cane Best Rookiv Chairs:
12 Ladles' Writing nuke:
list and Towel stands: rrom-rioui _
Etlipairest -
Consereation Chairs; Paper Menne Tablae.
Pembroke dot
Elburbethaen do Call and Pier, dot
Reception • 'do Ladies'
Purl Inlaid ; do gator:don Dirring ot reblen
Arm . • do Ottomans: _
Gothic and Can Chairs:
nleo, • large auortment of Common iorniture nod
Windsor club.,
coot mot meter. mooned with .Ale's. In their line.
iltumboate and Motels famished at the shortest:notiu.
All criers promptly attended to. ee1:17'63
Ho! Rheumatics!
ARLET, Saxony, and Lamb's Vdocil
gershlrts, • Rare oresentative sad • amain Care of
Rheumatism. Also the largest stook of Undershirts and
Drawers In the MM. No attars e fOr allowing goods.
audy to please. we MESTER. 74 Wood at.
165 EELS. No. 1 SALT, just Toed and
for Woo by A. CUM/MON.
0 KEGS 6 twist TOEOCCO on hands
7 _
to arrive. for rob. by A. OULBEILTSON.
;Wu*GEM Sixth stied, ohm MO Rood, Phacsie lOW,
ki NGA 0 E D for many year n LOCO . oxgluisively
In the manufacture of OTINlia. Marr4l43oerit
ly en eoneidinstily en larval by additions of Was build
ings and numerous entntes and tools, which will Mails
the proptinOrs to forstiah with dematati any &anvil:4on
of Locomotives, on liberal credit, !
rein Weil/LED NOllltitt it 9021 ,
'Fifteen Dollank, Only
the sit rue of NOSEVALIi a delightful and tand th r
-ation—BIGIITY tallith, worth over 1113.000. 2.080
BUILDING LOTA to la distributed Burma Mx thutdred
subecritiers.on the RENY DAY OF serrnten, lob& A
large number of these am already *named. Many of te•
Lots near there bare barn old for trout DX toi6oo per
..... ed.....eM, th. rico far which MINA Lots are now
mild, tho•ing th at the manna. will be • Waal innirtment
Ural estate on all carte of Long Island 1. rapidly ad
vancing in mice, and Is onstantly Lemur Ourehmed for
larattug and gerdening purpose.. and permanent invest.
menu. Within a few data pest, Mr. Lott Wyckoff sold 44
norm ef land at Nast New - Tort. Is. L. for 040.000, and
060.000 tsta been camel for envesty.two acme. eadtehmeci
by the owner. in the town of Newton, L I. . Yarns have
recently been sold tor from WOO to Sl.OOO per meal accord.
log to bicailoa ma capability of produmng all hinds of
grain. trait 4.1 garden vegatabla for the tom Yea mar.
tat, Increase from deo to ten thou ita present met. • ,
Each autworiber U entitled for Buildieg Lota 20 by lot
feet. lying togetto r, a a Yarn of IMMO:itch/ tare. TS.
therm are $lO, payable in monthly Instalments of $6 each.
If doodad &warrantee deed will be made out Immediately
after the distribution. and delivered dirmtly allay haying
the balume. , _ . . ;
The villageof Rascals , where these Loa ore t o
only • short dletartta.south of the celebrated Like Ron.
tontines., the amity aid Mt...tie tOtearanoe of which
me praised by all who visit IL hoc
may airway be men
the but evidence that be be dottrel thatlimevain Lake-
Lad, awl Germanville. will shortly beams dram Maas
nn Long Island. long known as the "Garden ftptot" of
America Tram the published statistical accounts of the
tat, awes mtan by theAleited Metes, tt Is abtern th at
16.1.4 Island is the meettersittty location within Ise bor
ders—favor deaths emote= to Mb 1/ 0 1.4thlie tlato to
, any other place. 1 i
The Term [rem width I aria now ailing at from SW to
1130 per arm are of the mim general aharagear. is to. soil
with thaw now under =ideat Villa ion. V nano[ be Isue.
shard tor $101) Der sore. an e d land oa the north itb4 south
01 thr• whit no better mil naturally. setts for nom $lO
to 000 per dors.
Apply to UN , WOOD. No. 21/3 Broadwat.s...l'
of Felton street, 11.. Tart, end C. M. PITtiNG.III. a
-C a
Ur Velt; 0 = 1 ;M f
urnish by ty * g i tu r gni . nre .!chart, TV;
will arty , gisly furnish mate and pemoblent of tie
property mid cheartulty give sac
other Inhataation as
soar be 4.41.1.
liaterentes to Hob libtory Velar, of the t .
en d tarsi.
1 tate; Dr. lb. Y. Pack. No. PM Brats mat. end !Aldan J.
8p... No. 3 Front Kral. BMW.; Umlitt. ili,ihriker.
ir.. No. 76 BruadwaY• T
1 . .kaent in Doe_ Ma. il i LLENN u litit r i. l i k i ir Id Mate
jda muter of Wood and TSUI tuan. inn liAdtzuna
p ae OMESTIC STOCKINGS-120 dui. men's
• alum laavr 61610attos doekr. 71 4 as. dal. 3a. au
rhel. the« th. 166.16. at. the
Vpl7ll 821M/6T 15 w to i enVilaiVi . tarr.
. ---- ' I
.8."5.05 TS
1.211.61 15 =
, S .
—lOO do. 16615 . stoat talsadOottos lecrslu6iibbel at
tar. 65 des. 4a. lan .. 114 .... tta. I
i —.
irl IRIS' STOCKINGS:47 dote. aids and
Ili 111ssaf awe . cum itootkon. idolud dual. udru
iudo. d 0.4. o o rLfr o ir i ad r do. doi do-. at tr - ~ .t i.
.. 8T
.. Tra1.15.112 0 46.Y. 7.
'. no dos. or Berl La. k. Waal. sad Stlk Moab s•
'dad Veda at the !MU NUE= Maeda{ Iliannosier.
119.1.1-1.41 d
i n ; ILK UNDERSIAIRTS--6 dos. 1141410 e
:111.4 aid 141 . k . 11.1 itratard 13 d co-
ap2l WILL.Ix OILY.
(1 ILK and 'TIIREAD GLOVES—AX ) dos.
L law: sod Clll4anes poetry Oldie, la flak nod
44. " " t a u la s air li t t ri:sZall
da2., DALY.
a l AM WOOL FEET dot. saner
6 ladad. wadi Wad eLoa.oo4el Wped
104 2 des. lireu th mad Stab!, at tad 1
CIFTII Wratir atoeidaa Xmas tsclary.
I •Z:2 WILLUdd
---- ---
GOTTA !Armonk wt. - INDIA xtilsexa.
sostresaa OM= NOW. •
o dartjAtlr4VVltifix.ri tt.=
Otata Paola, of ow stylata sad beitUtthat deb. Tosco
ticyal. aro wattarupsoof. fro now spina ssat WOO lo
and plastic &abbot. eat Illitowt OT./. 0 7 rob.
Amiss" std Will sot dtwonspoioaa4 bac istasoo7. roar
en ns7 illtharsat fa abahVbif Inn ant nitib inhn ben'
Wawa ma. of Gott" Pemba. *Mow to this own=
l'ocaco.atol Ara watralo.l to stood all climatal , .
the Tortaty way b. moat oast" coolish sofa" Pocoaoh
roofing sadulu" *vegans. loptiosolvicateareatars. nth
c•mr blanket!, bone tont. stoner UMW assist..
(oast •pampa. hell" posell sad Int Moen. int ban.
varlet:ma'. <lnhabit auto, Wan Patting. littlOttue
ihnian elethe. ithaeb.leith MY' unteb and stmt
Lisa Ilk prootarrir. made as:: :41 to meat thia saw Pair
stogy' low of 'Omahas. All • Cobh n o d OltacitY
suptc,or to auf PAW lista Oast* saw bafory the
pUblia tot ins at ths
• Wartalowisstap 60 Cedar strajt.
Dialtarofia INalart•Iloal thicala an WOW assittio•
Ito/lorWat tbaPyilt Sea them etwapar "sal tar so
honor to anythizoi th ey hare coat toes bobs":
Orman to any extant alacatoci ohabort sotto..
161 14.11Ai1l -610611, Pratt. N. Alt). I'X"
E. It. Sousa" Troia. WWI On.
New /mini of
:(11110KIRING'S PIANOS- 4 0m.
.) The avitailiber .111 moire and opt.
for gale. as Theodor the 16th lasteat, t
tollowier heir Plano eerier. fro a tint tele. . .
bridedaiiinuteetorr of Jonas Chtolierlse,llootint-'
No. 11,7117-Olio rieleodld double rvidadviorhered
rosewood. I otter*. l'isee4...-... 6 30,
NO. 13,74 dal d 0...-
No. 13.7= 11 1 111
No. 13.714.-ilsia, do. reorid•froat. 6 olerv.-.. .
No. 11.766-oho do. do. d 0.........
00. 111-Cmo do. eprisre.froaL , d 0.:...... .. 27f6
No. 111.4111-.000 501001. do. '
,No. 111.6111-oor do. rooad•front. d0.i..--- 1..
All the oboe* Moe tortes era Itelthed with the hem
lege sod now intent Von Mime. with Hr. ghlolurlSee
name net on the plate. is. element islitstiose &ad 101Pu/-
tbs. Ytirellso re are teirseetfolir invited to . o itioine the
•sbOre oh 41.1 r arrival of the bloidohterr end sun Wars--
toms of Jour+ IL KILL It.
stab i. Airestibr Obieketiruthi Pleistket lewd street.
fiIIEARIVALL PAPER-20,40 pos. of
p tans lutd exfallowl Qualltr. at ? , bode s tj i lfr o l
. pI2 " AVM . . VitiltrikNo.l7lll._ukat
ggru.oll,,o; Atn'Zmllatt !litarnr?'
E.* Ind ad wr by spt2 41.3164.
OR TUE BREATH—Sugar (bitted Oar,
ame.= Seeds, a . t»9 and delightful Iliene for th•
OR Ifu Lai* wholluale and retalkhi I
aW „ R., al Wood street.
1. CALLOW hu melted theldikulne
A tkeitelaher' , ,
Bunton mkt Memo for this week.
- at to acbeorlhor roopoettullf lama. tank
ing loollto • Mgt ha la propnroll to tent honk Not.
10 oho b ank h 0..... and ho !WWI binge , that,
to L ° : gailmt e r4 3 l o a T Ztre l ory, P rt MIT 1. 41 .11Ven
new bromic to moot, Ws wort thi Tory beet manner.
00 mull rosoonohlo tartar. Wynne* alma.
BENJAMIN ItOGEB8,Otool•Platol'alalor,
..?filmNo.'l North Itlintb ante'. Ma.
gIII.I.NDSTONES—AII sizes and various
.J Lilts. • have mock alms?, on !red .t sle Liberty
Moe,. lauS.ol W. W. WALLAUIL
lOU AR-4gainst old elothei, soiled olothes,
y V mlseheoeu elothee,be4ly made elothin , telseegre.
muted elatneman • word airline& ell in nothiolt tti , t /e Oa'
notated vow' the tnmeer. nolo t b uee. lone our
friends make our noutueluiserwi tore eel their lino.
Nor will pesos ble tteeitired . till w• bit. .nn =in 5.1
bay well dressed and cheerful, thereby luesiottea the
happluesenen preetwrlty of the hunt= hotly. Rod
i r ol o =f it. T u e .. ite . e . r i er zo ost o lt, i git n eter'e. nen, T 4
ee2l nruoiro rAcuur.
W. POINDEXTER, Commisidon end
Itiaorwardlng Ilmese.snd for the sad ad.
of Wagerst Produce. Ins, kg a. U am, $.ll
falUnagelitrad Artialos of rittsburib se
. 11;13 Waist
664 64 Vent argot. Pittobartb. Pa. • , 4014,
QDS AND ENDS—Mares White 1 and
l golorodOtandlog Collay.S_Troo old Collar
otot 611 Y. Ilwino. Loottio Wool NM • I
Uttior !Wino owl Leaven. ooloholf bo
Aid. Vow LIaW, 011 t Moat flank 11; , . 4 4, • .
011 k, tads looapolnao awl boons
Tios. Surto. Ceinoto,P4 • ••
aowoll Liandkorekaleb.
slog Orlowlgooto loom loalx Rabbet .
oaal ti... l fad !WWI thaw. Usobroilos,
••• • •
1 1Alloil al irlw0T= IttiAlir* the
gods. Ws bider e~pp
_ula.. •
ilifilli;l4 Weed trinwt.
AL MALStiN e CO, No. $6 Nth stmt.
1&53. LSS3
. .
P'ERB'BYLVANIA 1111.11,410 AD.
riVE FAST MAIL TRAIN willleitie the
Pasisuvr Station on Liberty stmt. Imam' =Mon
at NINE O't,LOCK. etopolug at all the regular station.
on ri e road, and arriving to ntlathaphin nest morning
g •dook. conneming rth tb. Trains dime% to New
York. oleo connecting at flarriabarg..iith th u Train for
awl arriving to Baltlinore at o'clock daft.
THE TRlON—Leaves the station army Fv•
ening at 9.36 o'clock. stOpt , lnst at all UM reguhmetatiore.
SW contacting with Tr ai ns foulialtlmare. at flo'cluak P.
Pere to Phi:Mt/101A ig Mk Part, to Baltimore SD CO.
ge.gegs .hooked to any Station on the Pezuls7l•SOls
gahneo.and to Fbiladelptua and Baltimore,
The Aroconadahon Train will leave arm afternoon. at
5.16 riermk.stOpping at .0 regular station...and runnlng
only .o far as Latrobe.
beton:dug Troia. sure in Pittsburgh, at 3.90 and I
il.. and 7.16 P. di. • -
TifN"VtirTlT:iclitzo. toth.ltlnuo'rt= l a b iePt. fmt
station. where this tio nparty , halm simt. ,
licrms—lr, ease of loss, the Company will Mad them ,
Wen. responsibl. kor I.srfassal baggage only. and for en
amount not ortmeding one hundred dollar..
NOTlCE—klesera. Id. a J. Briadeirthal , Omnibus Pry
`Prietors.,lrgre been 'employed to courey psamurrars and
basmi . to and from ths DellOt, at a charge nok to grated
tort e k. ents for each passenger, azut 12)i teats for sod.:
trun '
For Tickets, apply to
,53 is
()N and after WEDNESDAY, August 19,
1143, Pawner Tralee will run daily, Renders ex
cepted.). Mow,:
ICCP,Ii6t9 TRAIN leave. Cleveland for Wel 4 ,4E; and
way Staley at 10.00 A.m.
ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leave. Clevelend for,
saes and way.Blatlone, at 7.30 r. N.
. •
EXPILR6B TRAIN Ivarm Wallerilla for Cleveland and
Iray Btatlona at 10.16 a• r.
atSII)II2IODATioN THAllf loam Milano for Cleve•
land and way Stations at 9.00 a.m. •
CONNELIMUNR—f he 9.00 a.m. Praha from Milano*
°anti...lth Um Erma Train of 0.6 P. RaProatl, lase.
Ina Pittahmth at 600 a.g. arriving at Cleveland at 11.87 ,
a. la • The Samna Train from Watheville COMMAS atAill
m.n .with the 8.80 Hall Train from Pittaburgb - and
rmohlng leveland at. am Pm.; also. with the Mail Train
bf rue o *P. Railroad from the Welt. arriving in Pitt.
urgh et 6.00 PAL The laxgrma Train from Cleveland
armed. at An With trail Train for Prttetnirghj
lent. Canton. 10. Ulon. Wooster. and Stations, on 0.2 P.
Only cam Train daily f ma Cleveland to Ettsin rth.
owing_ to the reftieal or the Ohio and Pennrylvanta 1411-
rout Compaq to alto'. as OVeangeolllliMiOn t 1 be made.
vrbkh would amonmecdate mammies resehincalevelitul
to the afternoon Trains from the ltest and Wert.
The 10.00 a.X.ltrain from Cleveland and the 10.16
'Vela frein Wellsville connect at
with railroad to.
carrullion, and hank. fur Dover. New Phdladelphla, nod .
.. . .
Trains oath way connect at Madam with the O. Z. and
D. nal Dead. ror 1301thoga Palls nod Akron.
Paniengers leaving Plttaburgh in the 8.30 TMin
rea-L Cleeeland e 3.90 7.0. and mama with theiLight.
nine Train of Lake shore gallrmal, leaving at 3.46e.n.
Dr ern, Dunkirk Buffalo and Niagara palls. .
Pannone, by all the Troth can no forward. dam" 10,4
or oath, by tho [Wooing evening litter from Obrielthdt
Ovum. ON Lana
thl 1 , , Yu..— . 111• new and COaliolOgoot
floating palaces " Ow n ' N War and . Creme* MP"
mare at 7.00 P.IL ibrgnifido. ~
LOOO 011011.11 RA11.140.D looffltO t 3.06 and 11.11 1..0. fa
1111... Inintirk, Ballade. Niagara ~
all. N. York nnd 'beton.
Ctant.a7D, 00.08808 Aga Onelintatl liangoan—At 3.10
r. r.. for lloinnabim and ClooilutalD one Train contact.
at o anon with Balla4atahm and Indiana 8.11.10 r Dayton.
Injtaurpolia. TIM Dilate and Jrlforoontillo, Indian.
Touno, NOILW4II. /JD 1:11.1116LOD Ranartah—At &la P.
M. l'sr To** Mimeo, Whrautio, Losollo. 0.1... and
dr Inhic idao. at UM P. M. by demerit •ra Lim lir. to
T01 ,, 10 mixt Domil 6 ttionor by railroad to Chicmgo. wan..
and Galen.
. .
Through Tickets to Toleao.or Detroit Sec Chicago I
Leetlle $11: anlabasls 76• It. Louie $2l.
Tot ougA Tickets to.Neer Yr.rk mut Uoincoselartolltoo
be cb:elned at this aloe
+tre. i ow:Meted to vocal.* their tickets at the
Compl , ol • tallee. ut JOHN A. OACIOLIZIN Agent,
sold Monona theta Howie. Water Nt Pittsburgh
BXPRESS TRAIN leaves Pittabargh at
6 &eloot A.l. ; stops =trot lb. utinslpal 6l W cog
Alb* Cratt.itos at LSO P.B , mitt Ing Clatinsati
tb• •yrubli Ha Columbus sad Xstula Taft tram
titt.bursh to CluclatkattlC 78, 16 Columbus as ZS.
MAIL TRAIN bw., PlttsbUrgb at am b.B dia.. at
Allisnes: and nubs. Crostllos, at GA ear tototontutt
with t n. Night Traits to Glumbus as 4 Cfnduostl. sod
Nn at. Itallermtaitts and lodiatka 6.llroad for Dar..
Intlianstoitt. tem Haute, and ttdrni to Imilaus- Om-
Hutlho• an=oh at Salami by rallyral .{tl Hama..
Hula., I.Tarvtluid. Vara trout PROW:mat to Clsso.
1mad..14 00 . •
Coussolisou,srs mad. at Mansfield by raltynad *ill Rau
dusky City, lAsAsevid, Yount Ventou, Isar!. nod
Zoroovilto. &am to Sandusky Vitt a 166; to Noir LYS Al NA
to Ataasstlle SS SO.
•• - • .
C ,boactioba aro made with Detro3 sad Chino both by
Cl.. ~..rd and Patulusky City.
1 . .t,..411:7/ VW IMO. IV:tabu:rib tba Train
VI dlr.! by blabaltat4 M i nh duasi City to
Detroit vitheat datantios. rare t Of.r. to Chi
cle, la W.
TIM ZI.PitCSS TalIN leaves Crestllne at I DO 1 , 04
Diana Sold al L4O T. L and Alllaarbe tit ► r. a. and reach.
PI - reburies at 111 Pat; oonsorotlng with the Express
Treto.D. Phlhalelable and IlaltlmereN which leaves Pitt..
burgh at IVO r, a nom from Cianard to Pit...burgh
1 0 .13Vgara—lfar:$4 21. Prom elseranstl to Phgadelphot
Dr &ALAIN lairds Corlllne at 1.00 a. 4 al es t.
AnIALOW. ergaaatie with glum. Inklo from elev ' elarl . .
and arrives Phrteburgh star. r.
' NSW 81610112‘)N A000141f0D41014 TH.Arlt leave:
bbargh at ID a. ra ant Dig is, and deg Brighton
a tl - t.and 1 P. r. lisurnif. Tirana SI 00. Quaruer
Timone et rodeo-Andes _ •
/raga= TdAIN ham Plttabargh at ..3{l
.at anis. at 4 fir r.
Pusearsra are [scandal to precuts retina at th. Cov.,•
raa I'a trlllea, at th. Padua& guard Magas, of -
0 SWUM 0811.1111. noted Adult
/14P the Vahan& wet ran an anadar.
Orr turner talbrarallea nay be oat ..trtal of
!WIN 115LLY, Puna.. ad tat
Prrtabargh. Allred a. MIL • Ira
MAME. '•
111rainan Central .itailroad eAt .
Is eawirction sign hAJ Cltilltlnd weal Ctiatiamksii
N.: It, Ciewlened.wid Erie R. R., Cievelsed and
Pitubterpli R R., awd Nitaigan Central R. R.
rASSENGERS will be • ticketed through
hers .at taint on Late Matilda. to Meseta. t.
C aclanatl. Pittsburgh. Ildladelpals. .dl Baltimore. .r_l
frets -I taw of those 0144.4 to any polnt as Was Mohican.
DIV( IL P. Ewa.
.............__....__C pt. J. IL 1.101..
A boat sill bare Cleveland fo . rlietroiL sad Detroit r
Cleveland. *tint evening at IN eclat.. atrial." In AU .
o. h
11 ".T411 0
goats The rase IliZa gill lave Laevaland
lands. order
MAY QUlfftif7
tessoss-----la . teractar-----..—JaMost
Ito. amigo . . Freorllieralsist to Chime% la mesh ths
pasisrabla Dos. the paranagn 41. gooe v.v.
as a fesoolsos ataselboat: and. toltse tin awl at D.
trolt la the Ilacq tang. teas bloaelf Is Chimp altar less
haus' rlda_ tbtoaeh a tersaaft wontry . sod orwr Ms boo
amused Bolerle the Watt. kly .of other roes. I,
Mat mew. Ural tga°. of sight tidlot Walls the C l l . '.
or tho 'wow alba Dis Pot Lek...
417/ - Pm.= wishlog “oprik passagc. er make con.
trade toe trsialety will at/ply to Es A. elittON. Moot,
fllarrylane. 1.0150 s corset of Rllci sad 1.0 41•10 stmt.,
°astral Sztoheatis) ot JOIL2I A.
Meat C. • P. all Co. btoeloogabala Moos
PAN Y—Th• somtur In twenz Pltt•barib, 11,1,
I ph.l•llll•agt4 Sal Limon. 11.5.1 iatiollll I
11rst Clus—natlwra, Purl sad P. 91,1,1101105. {WU and
p• 001bs-
M V.rotr ' o l'' ‘•!•p—.ll26ol. " ax, • 111aiirsed. Dewr
—6O ratt, 1••••rsra, Danl./ars, Latb.r.
Weol testa parr 100 00.
Third CI•a•-110114r. 0•04104, Otmese. Itartheo Wpm
Loaf Tobaers-00 esat• Kr 10011..
1100 , 11101.0. 4 / 4 .0, Pat sad Beef Faltpd. Laid *ad
uaa .7.omum—to 1 00 1
OXO. /11Ac100 00.
•INI '••• Ifmked Alainutt
Ditch Iht!bons Roots, &o.
rung SUBSCRIBER hee Teeeired direct
nee tlarlseui Ws supply it stole- Unclothe, To
Oromb Nome awl other do 4•r mote for tell pieta.
lug awl tor bloominclet mister 01 Pols sist i 11...
Gram mile for lawn. suitable for All 50u1... males mete
• MKS elope. smooth tsirt,equel to Soda. Prusbur lustre
manta, (1.01.0 .04 nrmins trapleuteste, of lb. most ar
Eig t
e t o=r i atiU at
inks; trout the 6eed
To Lumberiterohsuits.
WILL SELL my Lease of four yours of
Lomb. Tord, and no. of IN.Ulan Hook, from No.
of April neat an.plurdi It is intustidin the
bed. Pittobontliorn rho Nut of Use Allothonr Moor.
with irk. of ' brpoh to low Inter nub o.tfto. bow ,
for woe., awl drawlol lumbar. .od moo.h
loadolot boob .7 moon. - Than to 0r0fi1...1141
to plus front two to thy.. millions of bog of lamb. Or n.
11.111. Norm lo bun and coulbrtablvf too pardon or
orwobso, plum., grown ourronto, nooluurrimi, A. awl
U suldebut for baniirnio. lo 1 P
tho matt diwirablo plots *bout Oho tlty for thovotioo.
111 . of Imut.. either tor oity use or be
rob olt
TIN. int will onto m 7 twentitth annual triP to oor Qr
los. with Inmbor. !fl orll, I will goo Oh. Peubmor
lotion of : lotrolittotIon to my abbot.. la Now tithwith
.0 *hewn 1 halo supplied for Motu. Truro
hay. (Wont Ir nvoty Own. buil.. 111 NOY modo
for 01.101 tt VP i t e my Mon!. MO. Policia. tin b.
reit °global ba s losmbo Yarn Ohio Fall, 144 of the
u 4 on the lot of April wit.—
To anyz n ttlaro ° 1
mfr. in good faith. 1 will ...loin
my Du thowitur at 0.1 th o pwwooois it offers. Ap
ply porn. y or, by lobar to JA w a d , NO A.N.
oplualtf Ninth Pittaburob.
B ROOM 8-100 dos. in store and Wotan
pITOIIAND ROSIN-800 bbl for ludo by
I. B. Lille% MokLPIN iOO.
OIL -400 bbls. Lard and Linna.ed Oil for
We by UOO J. /1. - ICIOI.I bIiaALP IN a 00.
Tußs_2o dos. Tube In store and for sale
be least J. J. BOONS.
VITOOLEN YARN in ',taro, and for roletki
V T ,1.1100 M.,
25 donee fo
11. r solo by .
I i III V z
E-4525 boxes for ssloxtuiniu
0. SUGAit-90 Kb& prime in store aid N . tar rls br O. BLACKBURN a OR
a hroaehaeleir Diettoeety of the flpeolab, WI Zee
besta4ll44"'*"..rssifejl=m""lit h r"D
ea the rve lsl"l4 lPet t itti rn""elu ni
vellum Groan thee WOO *Mims Warne images ' miler
Vl am to tb. joets i rf :er " lar 4 l=4
sad 7itillatq A M in. Ov i r f r . p. Dr i als , r . m i Zat
tr . II 'Mk !xi La • cols wow see..
■■ ( ryy'oTffio CHIMNEY TOPB-240 reoeived
111 Mit day by WS, • 1111NRY R. 001,11,1N1t.
ES--150 bble Plani
tattoo Motaaaca
„,„1.44t. Jame Ur Ur" do;
as*, O L
N . 0. 000/1.
0 1 , 4.1 s t a r ath
lao• No'ilUaolo 0100,0 ,• ,
e *ma atm .:YOO.UO*
7a .oLodd
*0 100010 ant
....10L Uoleta.. a motor_
• 10 des 000
Ania RlO bit& rued
aat .a.un ociiiii9k
- ....j. .-.
Fancy 1 1 )us, Buffalo Robes, do.
riIHE subscriber would respectfully tall the
p afteritial Of blleountst fri•ods mut public rn
or% hie soloodkl afto.rtment LaDlEce FANCY
Atuffe, Vide - rine. Cada. Fur
atom , .
' Lugroch o r s Moos. htattin. , Mr.h.
flitror ortin.Mlnk. Buono Illy and Iltosioa Sable.
Warta/W. 48... with stun so.Ortmoot of Vann, Oulu,,
rad elohch Robot, foot Ma% ha.
• N. B.Jort revolved. 'novice agoortiasof of eusrs.
t.,0 WOES, for sate bills bolo or stn
"'adding pg..
Liir rh• hhthret plias ink! tor og /uaddioc
o:o.44ohilTork tun & GENdil WONtRABIL
Importer sad htoookotornr,
ool63Nui No. 111, North 4th st,
No. Al South ..T4lied stkeet, Philadelphia.
bottrant Maker and Cheanntakktid
h AVE FOR - 13ALD—Spiriiiih Hideo, Dip
1 . 1 and Orson bilk* PatnaKlPAt Teacart' \ OIL; Tanc ,
ners . and 0 niers' TOOLS. at Um lowan pries. WI : Won
de bed term. • , .
All Wade of LICATHEn.k. the ;roogb. WANZAID, for ablott hlakst mark.; Juke yin by air.. kakABII.
or talon In azohana• for•Llldeo,
Lotberatorod free of charge:And kid on oonualklon.
C. French & Co.'s"Shiladelplua \
it ) oduallad orullty and strangth Haring lnormaed
our snannfaraurtng facllltbfa, WI offeedealers ,
Mostar that,
lots no drat In Quality—booked to prime barrels, la sblO
plug order.
Oaldns4 Mater; . 'Estes LaaPlaatar;
_Piaster: , Ord. do.
_, do.; ..,
DenUOV Huron - • Slanshterliarrl .
Ulu. IllsnuboVrs Plaston,Pernrian 0111U34;
Stereotype Plaster, . Whom/tate of One.
tai: All orders moire moot aft-nation.
Q. Intlebletl *VIZI,
I of Tort ava..Brown and
lloarbill strosta,Phllaclalphls,
Wines and ilanoss.
1500 PIPES Ilalfripes, garter (Wks,
and India Barrels. Pale. told &mincer's
d striae. L . P. Madera, Rummel.: and '
LLondon \ Deet
Port Wine. Ligon. L. P. and edam Tenerife, greet and
Dry grange Winee,Chainrse, ka; of various brands..
IMelet. Brendle.. et railer; brands: liellind Gin.t r.•
males Rlllek. hi& and tis.nth Whiskey. New England a d-
New (Memo; Pint. go. Pa rt.ot the above an entitled .'
debenture. - .
. Yoe tale In lots Co oultnueobasere,. and online:li Wino
lip • - GREEK .4 BEOTIItaI.
Jet NCI. 10. douth'Pront sh.4.Philadelyb to.
Straw Goods--Bpring, 1852.
subscriber is now prepared toop t
eiblblt to Iderchante end Milliners ble usual
ruerff Idea m Ladles' and • Mawr' :STRAW AND
8114 BONNETS_, nusomes. AND
ILBTIVIIMAL FLOWERS: Pain Lou'', Amino, usericaory
*arias. Alatlelli EL T, for agatialsl,ll4 WA100.7
went. rage , sad beauty of manufacture 4.... at se
a:Mon:Lir , prin.', will be fouudrnalrafed: , _
TH. NAB WHITS .PN No 41 Sou th Boma
ILANN, ' •
6.91211 et, PunAz...a
'vuarpat Warp:
. WrionT and no
A . - 1,zz . t . 17,75; .... i ......1017 YARN, LLPB. - WlOtt,
t cos by
116 , 4LT0N K. hi OOHS,
Third street. Pmllda.
400 re Heolgay & Co.,
LIPORTEIIIB aid Wholawdo Jcibbere ill
dcale r N tri
; ii.i ;i;.. low.. - ''' i Y 1
II EROER & TELO, 'Oliiand Compaq
-OA slan Xirreh.‘n Philadavta4. \ Xdbelsl sdnne..4
' , .. 2 . Da .ndltm.l?telpt !rodeo. genstally. ' /477
kIWARD .k., 0., Whole
,kstat.. P 1111.44 04ta. ‘,
n. WOODS/ • .....:111
00mm:fa 41
E. hfanufacticer and
417? WWS
wein.ulet earn.-- 1.--...:—. v. A. avocieezo7
rcsurActeeLes AND va ‘ enuts= Au Kum Or
Elastic liaises, Bandages, animaters.
.ttett an offeriA la Adulate ilev the meet It berlll i ram,
191 Full.* •treme'4lserwr Tor
INDIA alma* aoODs—FaLL TRAM\ 1363.,
D. , iODOYAN, \
ST Illaddillik LAAte ‘ sad 59 \Nassau •triket.
. (fleet corner from Itroe4VAT3
jai ESPECTFULLY invites tko attention lif
NAL Ala OA e1114.9”3. Sit 121.CtIblita th 7013011. MI
oeetetry, wen. , UT. to Ate stook of INDIA aLTBIIAM.,
WOLIN of Ms !Am istaaufvetAAA es:
• Cults, ~ Legidnst 0..6.4.04:Ab5.
Cee*,. ,', OaAA Plano ckreves
fin./es Joekets,awn.. • nut... isu Lbt•• aelti•
Pwats. \\ Um Preverrors. .tesavYeeklog,
Overalls, \ , lika. Mir Dam. to
Nona Rabbn 4301
Y 411,
409 Of COSI
Id, 10ra. ot.•man
. 101 tel laut 90=1
• A Law 0.9109'
•od .V.r7
c l vpianzp ory
taat.l poor as
at. °Hama for sal*
Mat t/nar. Orlit
Cor. 'Frankfort it. ind Oity Hall Square.
moan SO an mai • LIM rottlinza.
w..bati; and Grand by,lha submariner. lin 1. 14 0 ,
and matted and furalabsd Aaantot Ma b . .trula that
for I , avontonen, alatraana. tanatnt and amtionly.lit ran.
ant tia oarpuelon,la tha world, It oatitaloa samaras=
:1 any . calethotel Mild* continent, can atm <lay.
all of aka ante...v=Bd us la. V. 7 azek alt Wad up
nit sr le toprit mad*, which are supplied WI
Croton W ter tti b platxtaxas. re I. Share
au d Juana's: a halls nad vat. Wawa an ofory
Viralll Oa lit aide/cad thar tin alaht, Thu i natal
la.=W on the Natratoma plan of Lodging
and ;awl. aallt ntay be °Moral \ tha mak=
oploodld MaLrotary. a. dla la the, Ilantodlate rinalty Id
liateantlla Ha doas, and the , pticlipal ?Ivor of Anna n.
stout. Idslll
. .
ng \ LEVofiriaz.. , , . • '•
c iIIiBIJILT, :Enlarged, and Elegantly Fur
thid.pcmorthz, all the maim Irk
Itotottettt n?.l
:au tvol.otot, tot the \ aetotonsodatlon of Um travolboi,,
obtl. . tw3l y
I. r. 'rosins= —l.--f. nos oartio. '
CI minion and YorarartUnglfarottants. Non Id how.
and folfionunorrial amid, T. 1,9015, NO.
1/4-Artiontax attention said to the main of flanira . ,
Load. Snit Stoat 1 4=1. ; i j" p ,\ u E.asart r beNer t
War to John S.
Boon* Co.. Bantam dohs
pAVID\CI. TpTTLE, Aktorney at
,:oa tizz . irtetka for =lads.. Bt. Wt.
OHM -ll+ 'RANKIN, Attoniey and Vonn
op ; senora' Wt. sari Ocaeletaletire in the State 0
Petuseylvtale. Lee* 14... (late of Pttlebela
AM Um. W. ltolnellld:
hiller,leCettleb * teealare. John I. Park% ithion....
Amide. eteCent .. ' . acudetle
aTir, a. aaaar.- ow,
tolizsalON tOitlrepplSO-UuntplTs,
1 \ 63 Ezeksisse Platy.
I • •\ • • nalaiktoil. • •
111 1RDEAS FO rt e COME; RICE, tto„ and
I o.4ignnts' ;frAtuda. • ausaatnar
moninat •
. Rom co—napaa.
I C Pa • • s pa; sad to Moors.
Jamas A. liatabAna I . .
4111 W.
Maim That mut Amami Calm
Oraniolosina 41,11m0. • toe&
Conner J•trarsoa Ave. sad Hailelph
VETROIT. .\* \
1110.5.73 • •
SOEM, 0. \
Wtl sALKs,'okte•-,
. ,
lIARDY, JONES a ',I. have . r i me yei
tb.i. tour story stone troarlOseshosse, Nos SO
I. Wats, Keret. thisd boss. bairl i kslSAS t, •
nufflos. l". bst ""l' sumon.T a ttli Seo ki" to " iier t eS dotes
34101ff4 \
VITARLFA3 E. LOOMIS boo lemotefi to
. • -114MOva1.i- •
WILKINS 00, Bankers . 4cl Ex.
• obaoso BrOmer.3 o :d tow doge Vogt of
mulakw, "'" Wy=eluset.=4l4 ' '
alto fittoloo• whale thy/ •111" De 4
apar Meads lato
aid lo•na*Hro•fle. '
t iAOON---54,000 Ibis Aimxin Elhouldens,V,
Sjloo Ls Ilant , emd a.= ro, mis
1T E53(417--;
4[4 , 1e5.14 . t.r kkerllna,..._
to aoLm.tili ae e, , ; •.
. d .
la Reels. ld Rend* B. o,
A 0340
HIMULIO rgit .11164,
away, ea ?Lam sigu) 4V"tiv4V‘
Ato l.b. _ll4ah e tttli;
N • - tiara !root
goo Mnj
. AL
uta k!
:No. 85 15746 d
Tg o / 1 4§i . P 11 : 31 4
imPoirrsu ANi. DEAL* N
,aimla an\ - • .
WATy P & R. s aw. .
Na 56 Market shed, tothdicZttand -t\
Portraits and\ilicoiliars of
124 with Ploerauhicai and Hie oricalillepoinert thei r
and Actions By Zahn LivlngstotArd the If - 16,
Dar, Jo 2 voLL. 11t53-
"The portraits are all engraved:to ~ nerreotyPaO.
in tie Snag attic of the arc, and are *Sou ree l hormet.
We can Vouch ter the remarkable nth ty of likenemee
of then renews with whose to we I II a r . Vita
truly nadoral work is ededitehte to thOabilit end enter
pet.. of 'Mr. / ivtogstan. and Iphocid edopo Pntlik
and private library Jo the country. gl ow ,to `no
creed or clam conaned.! but embracer elm. men. teverefe\
doctor. statesmen. Inatiolare.meruhants, anowodoremt.
an d urpierp-Pro ehort e distinguished living n . P.N... 1 .
tires of every department ofdlomeriran rotor. lakerpte
nate on the value of such a work would belalleergattee.
as 'thrust commend - Itself to wolvantal revarrepratin.
c oymle or , \ DAVISON k AtilltEW.
old \ No. 66 blerket street. 12 Mir . •
. .
f ETTERS TQ 'COUNTRY (rB l r 0.A.1.e
LII 'LOW. oppostteehe Poet Offfoe. ha welte d "•
Lettere to Vouritty 'OW" Dr Att. B Iltrel,editt.
of the "Vtaitoer , - ' , ' , I
/1 3 •Witi
Old Put; - EvellZek 2 .The. Yds:
, \ r ta ire4o:Zhe Pol
. I . ltr's aggi .. . .
.. ..._\ . • '
Jett dele,` or ;L. - tie etileettht:..l .• ',. '
• The Green Viled—.4Plhoet Ism; .. • • ••• .
: blare Iturdlegoae, or 'The Two .Biothe ' by , Idetti
Quentin.euo of . 11011011nd It Ite the Iteht A
Poeta the couple:Wu of May Pelee.. by
O. w. U . IC yoolde. Mut of the most poyalaT
. , nuthom of th . 4.,.. \-..., . ~ ".s. , 7 ~:•
• ' r=1;14:hr.rAti.i,,.....,,,the gee.
7: #..;• \ 's. . , s s : - ',' r. 43--
LAW A LAST AZTVWF.--A ALAI! dodkated, for esle bY AGNIgiO, '"'
• sal No. 05...415zket mArcet. pear Nouttb.'
NEW BOOKS-10114 and N 0 fEmatione.
°runny routd tbe Woild, by Gerstamker, •
Ith and lot vaLocool.tagie..vior s v
.u 6
tioparfor Brno% No,te.L.tter. tad Cap ibtporh• ;
. 0:01. Monty and awe at the 11011401 ebabm 104.40
1.04, tatutry temlutlons wr Cobol". boot 117 e Olin, ex:
10010 d at the Peeerttoent et the Inbutorodib. on wen.
•dix ..t.lolog tbe 0_100)000 or Atterwo. o.l PAV a ' 42 " k
' , Tigard State. with ibertoa!tions,lrutee aka% resalst4
ibloted by different , bethrotariet, • -e' , ll`2o the Kim
ter. Lows. Owayiled.,llll 3 M.A.iip
•. . Wand 'Moulton. Paawellor \at Law; Y wit miler
.16, br .. . . ~ \ J. B .
00 ' 4cioti-tt... hetwestt bird .. • tworth`,...
‘tuentary or Medical a& Ural bl •or Mhxt
t sinytol—ettosldered In rastion to • \Alone.,
and Bel lon, by Wllltent woke; M.D.. M-R.D11... duet
reed a for Bahr by WELDI.N.
Boooknalict end' litationa,`
rob \ 6.3 Wad etswer. between Third and Fourth:.
AND TEM Ooneid
rr] Itoolth.Dlsootoititt &Mild
. Cooke. . y D. DAVISON fr. ASINDW.
Ann , C 5 Market rases, totot,troartli.
.I\T ENV BOgliEL-Poetry of the' Vegetable
Lell World. \
.• liaree tlistor.r,of theldieliselpol
gladf DeOnsigneri—by4dont. • • -
and Die &not ons—by W. Cooke. AL. D,.
'of rte br [ wit U. B. BOIWORTU4 CO,
SPOOKS-8(r tkveidale Prioe.on the Ric
toronqui. ulth Ufa), on the'olloll of Tin.. AS
much othortzootter—otzti Illootroffowl—onto 001. &To.
,00nin Dowain g'f Loon/esp. 414b:olio & Rural droOltootuno
Dorrolneo Fro( t, .at Zotkit 2.r.f00 of •Moj o rt ze r a or tu.,
,Louol 0 . "
XT 111 V and VALUA IA BOOKS—Henry's
Conernantary.l,. edition 11utterinas and Glade.
rbe 51.0.1 ab; Dr. 'Brawn: Dr.lllrono, on Gelatheon. de on
hlsoonrone or o.r Lord, Aa.. to. The Well -11yrios. by
illekern•tb; Abbeokee* on the foraba 11111.1..4 RWATT
Wntredroter dumbly; World , to Close. bya Cheerer.
Leer and Testimony . by outer* of WM. World: Luny and
Lantern.,b; listollktn:l.lartelan frogmen. by James,
oe. Tongue ot Tlme4 bra,'s nom. 1,14.'1n G.rolann, the
2r.talator. &mind; Lr.lM4 Babaylor Boole Way of Phew
Cord:ter. Life of Cnarko Unary War.;
Au 91001 g
[Morgan; Lir.. of the Ilumnoldtr. Thookoraf.
Unsnotisto. JOUN
.020 55 Market ain't.
• Bow and Sacred Badag!
/ME .BHAWMA Library 0f.046r. h MII-
Mr. containing , taro ICOPO oolotoultloVy W.
Breiltury Cleer,• L_ltot,lutite.l by T mos i Hut,
) gig: . —(l . ls;;L:l2OrZ 'A j g; , e 211.4 tint
of Pe: tad Musk, Weasel from the en; pop:lex crenjPoo
or, ..4 Prof. 1. Wrodburp. Prim 70 ets.; per d c v L. 50.,
Mach 51...ezo—uhek neerayereoa of nutatioo. , by A.
B. Hattterk. Prsce 75 4:4 per do. $7.50: . ' \
Camerae Mreseter, by Albeit, tote t f the rooetoecti
bor kg. ever published. Prim:6 cm; r.r as**.
tin, Ora. Petite, 07 /smell 111.0 u., and toe. ;ova
AUC.I.II. Mel. Nome Beek over pail/ten ..r.artA;Wa 6 4+
here been r t. l l l . . ,,w Price 76 eta Der dre. • n
Wax= Urn, or American Boot of Church Haste,
the latest to a by-Lepell Mina end fie. U. Webb.
P. 144 7 6 . 104 . .;
ra;. -- ;;;Rizttr• a6 e o reed
p * 1 4;6
and for ebasLyor br the entcalre by ' '
eet: ~ A Jbo. 11.11X1.4.0/4111.Wbod
frolvicts gdAtir.
'PIO entirely neiNr , niel noblo Cain* . ' Ship',
Eon 4te m- Vci i ni tj Prat; f liferif b er . .xT ila eo_ lha
90th oats er.510101.. poeltively. si•thietestau o e this
hires. Thit"ooElN illitUr coutat
WIN ths tnikanntrpaoTedsecammodatlons far Int and
edectiivi sisseps.seri secw—sott will tally eltrryorteltaadred
sattopliestioa id resoltultehdO. , •-• • •
will betionifted by an eatirlitY
astt tairtlsr .8114. orlooo :oat htitdra. - twaratly letinctied
for the ftoprielpro of this Llnett,st Swatter). The Plo
was the Ira. sad the only regularly establish
ed hat.
• The sitettasliwkseeese which toeitill sajeatteaded• add
Doe le• ~an to . asesswere that swami+ awe..
Isover otheb•C for helshtor opts ca
ly to 14: ItastY, •
easy Wall At . ljew 1:44,1
boy allbonto. and
loporbues, oPeg tb.
aptly att. tutod so by .
11UP.111 1 / 1
'Houma stmt. N.y.
, .
Great Weds= F. States Mallacoute, >l,
MICE. SOUTH:UN 41 1 .6) A. Li
mum. ADS.
IN 00Milegfilpi WITH TILE
diriet Androute'
;we. Cleveland. Tolede ar6 064 .6 0 :.Arelt‘letthlit
Oalennanl D.bnipM. L Ball. aappdd /11.11wantlei Biala%
Kenosha. Vf *Auto and alrboytan. in etharetlon Wi th
C:emant3 on talntrateldpet -^ \ \ •
• • DAILY PAY5ZN0613.16.112161 \
lacilavallo ISZPREPA—LearythrreltAd at /5
A. MAldentamvlllest 941.U1de. - es 26*and Toledo
1 p. f rrPrialt at Clikamat 9 40 Ts:Varna
8. M A IL cimh,s4 at 30`.;8.
gostroestlle at 1 to P. IL, CIKe at 4 P.ll. (cat marina at,
JrApthaa Train from thnolnorA) - and Taiedo at 6.P. M.
Ittlob the Night Wa - prees Trate, arriving. fthioago %next
tiondtat at •4T conneetlag erlth th e Kortinlerrathe en
roads Irate /*Wage and Iltamthain fPr VFW 012 4k.
M S. VIVT EXPItt63.- , Loarem thereland atT 46 P.
Toledo at 6 A. IL MtD menthu Tnap..2 1 . 1 .5 ,
In Chicagoat 4 53 P. nt
cor&lntarlth th Alterman
Opt.. Train or (Waage and Heat Itland talk-lb:ad tor.
Artearba &ad all sedan, an thelllinois 11.trar,, - •
TIIIROUGEI TIMMS, by thts Santa, - Tiank/A 130^.
caret thsainnati attb. Oared the L dicAllattd thal."
b e rlrt l ridl i t i rtbTlitt E lrAValgArirt iz actil
at Da b inth end 616thilletd,„Of the 'Helot , &onto a( gm
Mad wer Arndt at ktooroomille_tad.
014de, at the dew of 8. Mthroland A Toledo Sall Wept
aMLatalsvalaed,,orD. nthttAlient. r. 3 •
S. 3.. .or troth 1... 1411.4; ~.darantott FranUln, Elonts, Ceveend .
~ \ Paseengers by taint thlaithata toe :age il
thernemlTe• more cantort and treater dlseateti, th ou
any attar LI. It lAttra orly 669th by width they
tl.Blyurlr areal the dan
I. gers elat.Laga
*7 411 . . 11, 2 ido'oRs. f6t. •
s A r rl
3 Y 3 . .
B se A
2) :IN„ 3 . A 14
A. 0
1,852.,:w. , „
"Forwarding and Ouninissinn SieralTanE
lAa wiaAossi, Arscrilroccpfid 171. L. 210.414 '
crtaliziera, ono: ,
-- --.281011111AH,, 800THEfiti' RAILROAD. -
'Vas Oorourry ea`lh• credo/ ef aer , '.. 111. 9/ei•
for this routs two hut due augur; ef Lhasa boats
will leave my data every' evantsur, arm etorPtut fez
Yousurtsurobing at Dun:Lusk, and Toledo, and antotrut
etalouro• In thus for the atornina tralutass forChka
irei.thsraeonaeotlug with the Chime a nt. Louis /Us
drama and steamboatLA fusausess es the line.Ardre
la Obtraso *a the collorrhu afternoon after /suing Ohne.
. ta far slrfihyi or pada/arm away it an eilor Sa Ea Weer
street ,' fatar2lo:tf 1A . _ ~ Az 43/11tflY. *Ad.
' Tranarrtilitiaa Mt%
. . • =
opening of the Canal we will Lasoe.
dy to many and forward orotoONT. Brwidr• Phi
Ituchondbiaeut ead west. .. ~ ,
... ,-.-. L. .., —.- ,- .
, Proighto always at lorreot k ratoiahargiatpyraw.::rttelda
, ..,:. '.'. .., 0,., . :1 i iC.,
PMun. sni A uthinatorill parwei t O 641.(3-Lutliht
eut .ad wart, without Aar charge du wn.r,, ! ,k or w4 r ,
'mulct fralght.oomudadoo.orotarago. ,s. ~, ~., ..
\ Bin. of t ee d/ 9 t towarard . ed., and et.f, ._ ,Wr.? , t4fFll7.
&funded to. --. a ct e d ?: cc . c „ ; „ ;i , ii - - : :
Ott. w . Bar a..
BlN i tm ° HVESIVarka tt
tc..... , . .
. \ bawlms fturth alut etia.Posta.-- -.
JAMBS WIPSON.Agent. -- ,?:',. - .
, Na 1111 North &mud atrast. , Baltiraoria,
\ Jams' BINGHAM.No.-10.Waat at ,
hi ,
Itanartswal and
and at lav rata.
4" " ll}" ,it ku lg
Alattil t il h A t i I. t P a
it a lip ...
L i!LO --
\ , DIG :I, 181 Itbaifstsei„V
itatt o t o ilMe i r tier brri. goat o p fliaalauld
=7*(7lothar red: rabbi-11er itylar fiord. adr;iW,
fr i l4Vb a z=
ausliiitaxi to c
iirm=ogiz i oasmatterat.
t. m . .6 i, i . ,7 1 ; jr 7; :.
tae le stork at an
on u rd__,A.Lurgrand
LL & DLL.° spill, sot and fassubbibtared bits rabbit.:
manna.* beard at the lazy lemur briorr.
eau:.. "" "
Ordrii in ship Talladic erreutaLl dm Lire brut
nor ardor thr ithertirst strOpp t , wo g . Armor. (*to
Ir butter fbr *tabor* ammiambatjbroLibi Infbna Lb*
Undo that MAUL ralrairat, for PlLLlthatib. tb...Orn
w an e. -4' and aro. for
Ls enfant 00114 enlattllClll br.barbr retrnd
brans tnt .11*Inarbi. ham
: ettande** 'ft - !Woe*
10:1101101N14 -D
itett ..sta M 'opealue4 iheli, I,Waeatiems..N.M stmt. ti . Weel'
set Ilatithelitia=tuiet....%
lEBBstaleg smelt,*
e it steted with USA Mtn& ens, oft r esset thls esseitst SOF ,s
UssiStisneust y;l atilats wet, blt-lebtai Coy triltlett 'cowl
stimissertiatrimptettpm truietts 4 , ,
t !ps
„="•T„. weie In lha Was, r tiste Wn roatess teinll.ssestrb a ciV
.. *'!.. 9 ( 7 7 I
Mips Castings of all ktadiim
2 .• -
IPASEUEUALDEI4-Ininkiker"posir s iedli n ds ot ,
t• Pia,,
st *OßSEt*--„,
A- 45 \0 4 taneas -
6 i '; '
red t.
7t,t ',
4 5 13 ..,
they .w Ikr ,
*mut re t. .• •
aft a in*,
ralnotthm . t ter*t.
.illeir, -:::".
bee en a ........ ...,.....--. k eel's__ t • ther'2,.., ~...
zrmawicut. t - '
*rear titles o 4' l l, t * t t " -\ - N x. ,
~.: . ...., •• "l ,t \
! ;e th ,_,- - l'llllVOliti•D'lnVillge q' - '
liola d ro tilrl anatek sit di libgaitteln iu va.. , . \
Brad. th-st , d• tr i ter%
. 'it e il t reratte i rt w 4 ne,qa m iss 1,71101 , 0 , ,, ', Whe ,,, ,, ' \
Ulmroams-dawn Y al.oeineunrlir , lo in : D i llf;
'ad 1,1 ... te r.,aggi r ,r4 4 ,211.ft, 1tu0r; ',.. ti \
e a•.7).1.-- a:
00 Tot ;At',' - ' \
Cand DlSTalrut " it ,1=4.,. 'th e e „aid s tre in,,,,,,: . . \
:t r i gZoort end' 2 343 ,„. " ' twWw** . 1 . 1 , VIO '
; sande erect. he moires 11 4••• a Arm itepl/re 24,4! . \ _ ,
vas preranaly luta In gloorn...n en amom dl a , \ I
thy, beam. nitcht. boot ent, - a, and seta , ,•• :
; framed. releaeriseed.anstdWneakuni 0 !,riql s . T‘itarern
k,, :c
weesostamed omoperann, nor Is tbe , euratemrorerk.. 4 „.
Utonotitttryt tta relief le'Dernienenk tbr Ike errellyu 1) , i
mrtialot the medicine mach the conetltoblen lima end .
Weitorelt to 'Mammal rou:ItIon. Well Mar lb a ;ley eke \ ' i
lion be es • '
1. iIIiIIICINIL Wailing,/ -. \ \ ", -._,.:, •
of the Nineteenth Century. it la as the Drat ealentllias \ \
man In the old world bareadmitted.ther min, Ili wad \ \ 3 \
Mine her itabreanDineed to kW.: 5. 3 . 2l ''WP 3° `_ _ - ' '.-
": \ \ i
A IS'illit:LANT ' , TEAT 11111ThILII.:1103 .11.54/15S1011. -\ , \ i
It. farm tieni„e555514.155 .4 , all lathe Cl., Wil,otdusi. al.' •: \ .
eohol preparations. esti all other =situ ta he whoa of
~ ,' ' ,
thwels brief. mad tratuipli be .aid et lam who /plea ••
515,23 "lbw ISA Mine Ot man lawareethan the first" \
lidt 535 e flizte is an. • ilerant ion brae a finals drew: \\ I
: **ll ;Al gßa=griareV . :ite l eg Si:C=4e t . \ 4 .
tin. ' "i=i3lZ` + ']'',,-. R.,."*“titth*.at“'":'.ll. \
llib:b 'IF:Z.I:4 au :",=ard=t trullat'd!.. . .. \
N.? o; '' '' "W l 'il f ir t t 'l6 ; e u; h k eirt d = ; tel=l;'. -- \ • \
\ $ \
war , ti l atal i, ao ;franc whatever canes one,
~ . • d \
!Hilt f.sittber• le tilLrelieneta to b.t . p . bra , on 1n \ uner,.." ,,... i
M i rde . oilly l lt a ltha rerdy 7 ; etdiernrerea - torjusr - , ;., . b\
a d and mliul caplet:lug it Cl Cl,. mental plasm': • }; \
I v ale\ l in e tzba for end never ' ardor* fontal, the Isaias'. ; .. : - i
ereitsnat can qidsolnieter,,to:a mind, ,_ 4 0. 34, 3 34 , -"In, . 4 „,, 3 „ 1 : - :- ;,...... t \
o f ~.,...u.1,,i h e yd ee t,e, ykr54:15•511 au Os 54 . 6_5 . 10.-.5;r 1 4 1 ,1 ', V
het, 4154 5.5154 T 4555554111 Ml= I =,..1 . 44..1ti . .4.4 . ''. I
'. )
prothme *cure la an eStoeia
i t e ,-m e ite D .,,,,,we deDresentn.,elaltacena. it tendency to \ , . \
blush, reekmanasm ehorpleseares, dis li ke ot unbar, Inesh.. \ r • .
D t ray tor May ar Qt. tctmory. co d rto,., ,
' den: loos Lb the headantlienoly,mental hi i, 1
yat.l{... 154445.544164,..5n5405,5 15 d 1 5 ' . hemline of nalade,:, -. ;
et on, 514,r of 150 4 •541 tr, ten 1 cll.l, 53545515 A. 5,5,4 5,,,.. „ ,
~.,, , .
atom , me mmetlie. stew:win. tbcallari, ?Mier .`,
health of th wbo have date*, It. Induce continual 1, i.
cheat:drum a %Wag, q?. v ...r . f t nk t ng i lgt v .: l' ' ' \ ;' . ,
5454 A
Wa Y /T.r.r bl„t ame 451 8. b021154455Tw0:10 bloc= Br/ vligur: ', ‘.
ehernens one
- eke* rum • P xh '• ~./4., ..1 .4 .47 . 1. 4 - • , 9 !,h - J . . , ,
boalateal liond cowrie:lon. \
bleak the ureery that - .ael• tenets ' st r i t h , fa. wan.
non or nature., 105-tuartimi allex- 61 µKiln,. way ~, , I I ,
limier tale delusast., Palpitation of Ihe DMA nu , .
k ee d at hee,sold and eltilyered state of the IVA tint - 1
Ina of, abetrenthrlidler ;to . 0, 4 ,54 . 7 . 2... " .1 • 0 4i. 1111- .'' 'a % c It •
gionslanuomiula bee and fillzbes 0 thkflea_on Me , •-. '
ellsbtari emamica. • he that ealnenee Onald titaile,..' , 'lt , \
„,,, t ,,, 0,,,, etameet, ie rat out of order, thealopeLliati.4 ~,,, •
awned caper/oda a train of routhhal” dleDenlins let ; , \ '
snob es lietnieney: norwripation. - ao i prodne#s. night :,
~,,,,,,4 , be sl leami, and Zorpor alter es ibet..tend Drulitite, i' \ r \
, tarred tnuttn.#'3 , -. ,„ ,-,_•: .:._ :, 1 !'l. i :L.: ..,:' , N. :: ~ ..t•- \ .., \
'Of thOse who here Wad AL!. ~,,,,..e i, ,".„
..,,,,,,,..a of.: b ut was man& • 3• , ,
..„‘ ,
ties so to merlm-havber pita 5 .4 ,:r4, -, t \ i
lelzes'eald Mr these*. tumor, \ (=Went be %,,,,,,,, \ 1
wlthent deriving any bends. I had almostaireu uP , , . '
and ei i.,, m, 1 pa5.4.4.,5541 54,.... • • \
g P• rprati al Alf. . at u.z.m.64" ~‘ A
... 4 5 tit' k4545-. 1 . 54 50., •tm 5 5 55, 1 , 0 oulelgie antes \-; \
wee Ism satielied, the 'halide .. is teittler I troirllll. \ i , ''''": ,
~..6 ~,e. . c, \ ~..-,-,, , ,1 " \ '.l. ,:„ ti es ;..:: '...,,,
.. \
An berseyr../ Mu/ consulted 5 4 1Tta•S 4155/1555545155,515 ~,, ~., \
~b,., .. said Yr:Mid not 1,0 estrie-othera me. • \ \
~,,i thi,, thing and that, but .1 fount/ no' relferanallk ,VI ,
/arse red some of your Orlin/ 1 glint qty tlnolaPnktet , ‘
S P I."I tc,..y,...., •••.44. T,,, - e y.sse e n , ,,,t, 414 iyi,.. e *:,,1, e .e,.„, t ,, \ -
b e am be*. , w hy - dd,l,malseer of it. ben JA-woildel , .-, . \
A. 4
have eased me md.c....
, ext:i. dee, btaidsarearew . taneniaT
mad - r,Tmif etteitik.e• -,' • --: '-;.,
.\ .
:, litillitllD PXI/50./111, '
\ \ .
Cr, 3 ,$,/ters, wansehaa ot inability teen liNaelero,eaura. \ - \
will SW this : Dordtel. ether they use•itamtdo orkireo-10‘"•;\ ,
thorough reseseratleii:ot the Mira, : MOW Vasa ot, ~ . , \ `', \ \ •
' ;' ...""Pelliqu ' le ; WTlLi d ni:=l•lllenZty th &l:= 4 " . , .;`, :
:::=,...7.,,r....... , ....t:5t,....,...a...41,..1avri,„--- ... \ • \
• hence tat 450111011 54 Jr/mann teSetrlie that Li' " t r .. .. 1
Meat Udion kraal* wee not medeatmoy eates ee 4„ ..,
~,, \ ,
b e t le unly tweed 5005.11 Da pagui....ta attently Ml:\ - \ I \
metildnaturi. In-all direr:to.* ars to , Sounakbea, 1,5 , \
, b508)54pai1155495 t 4 5 . 1 0 41 VittbliCias ss 1.00/4. WA 151,45. \ .„,4 . \
talon:. pad it , • . \
ttiiv'mP=Wita==..vir..bidinur., -.,:‘--- \ 1 ' "s
• -055:115130154154. Manmade oilcan* tamibear a reareetarett-,, ~;,,1,,t :,,,
11y - ulthiall•Anda,t,l4ll4, lo ls l,o s._. At 4 0 54.3.0 .. •., ; ,
bratittneen. ' ' 7 -^.--5 .`,..''''....,"`-'A'"D" 1 \ s,
^''' ' 1
, OPINIONS Vg \vs a% FRAss; . ,_, , - -•. :ir \ . \
Boehm Journal , . - 1 - ' .'. '':- • ': .t: ',, I: , ;,'.`, 'a • \
4 na,,,,,,b5, /455.0.-Dr. Dime. I trairretinic Varna I. "-; '' 3 \
,We Semite
t ir:4l eneminu tn. thli 1115. 4M4545.'" 45 ILI% ' '' \
retwaheity it erannlyearomaiended 'by '555.353.- dl... ' ' '' .
twoyh,s4sd phi clam air the beet tamed? ores dlarovined' "' • ;\ 1
Ire the sporty cure ot dialer:a/of theritoultel errata, and - •- ',.
then *ruing ibont a secret habit Of , youlh: 'These diem- •':,
dere are open repidia theirarannes.undellilining th. 1 ,,
,ooustlh#l4ll3. 1001 a sloiltag the • ems hate ' ,pay ~,..„ .
nestio* O r eonauarathm. stolen 'rowdily' ammted. • The'. A . ri s
dieordamero more strunerrossaan Ma rommuntrychare ' ' 7 \ ' \
any 14110 a ofould Drodnetire ~ripe most tearful usertality , ' • ... '2 •••
, Dr. kleree'm Ineljorsting 0/milal vill at once arrest MIS. \ ''' • I ' ; -
nomplein i tt d and sere the patient ponsk.i dangigs tw i t • ., •- - 1 \
\:.......: ,__v ,, .'.-. 'Ealma.. i lleder - \ t...„.' •': ~ ,t,,,' 0 '1; 1 \
D,-._ we warm. the ratans and a erste/who've thew . ; .
.., : . \ ,
yed irltlithememardainteora ties to Sinelnied so ..; .. • 1 "\
:well aa bcdy,destrKall prase_ rapt fortnaepo - ,
to Int Dr. seem& "wrest M , diel- 8 • here D,,,,,,,, 1 \
‘V.=to away of lts nelimal resultaia the pillage *I c ,•..e, 1
of out eminalulancee.wha. in Mrweltlenee of the , ''•
. riobAilla ottbotailawe tl ta itesrn nmire enre_l d air i l4lg: , . '' fa 1
tad onus, ware \ Keen an therversi y
aserml7. aid with 'werritm termed by a tinieiy use of ' ' "
p*.kloreetaoacdi*,, Ulete natiissubm9 '''l ~ : r. , .s • •
-;\ 4 -..1 \MU ',llqsD 3 Calt IlilIkICalni ; '. ; \,,, 0 .'•-.• .
ha e ant/it a rlinglelmitanne that hes blentar" —"-, ' . s
• erre: thellarsamtlen - , ta any Othrtsnerwrathwa - 1V.. --- da.. . ;,-, i •
aberritat..ithea,, ha aanyalehent madetilakt c ‘^-
' li eted radical tures, atter Dalientaked Dear ape*.. •
ea ..., thidy..,Dmon pronotated hovelem kr nada , .
l *mere of haskintdeudonel chamber. -- .. -
y hies's."' been ip a incre,wathieskediel woo , , -
of .
kelit Ihr to for arentilmayeera. end 'my orpostullithte, ; 4 "" 1 -
..a ti af Ire IMMO Monewbet stumerous. the 'may ' ;;
stuand., - and that without a single wrens., , 0 .14
.*,,,„R e er,,,/ kayo seen 115111.5 otweakasene: ; . -
wthits bad rlcirea ell Smits:ma t far over tire Daere: both,. ,
In"Voli dis pdladelbhia. arid the persona Sir '
W . l . facor,4ls.2t44ills,lltta.4sss.l4s4>vit.b.mtclosnibDl-
- 1i•,2 3,-T ainttrrealor.. - endarip ' il ,
o, , ,, , tootase*Wfor,doweas'lleVt Dr alkuwet,'Cor.'i ', :-
114PMN , AilliilIonbi 'time' A ' /u " u, /L 1 ). ''.
. id. 7 . ves. . ?.
ophaka the en *flout Lile tt e llaing.nreal:-/asit '
tam irsere t da t te it \ I hare had/tin rat Menke mad - ' ','"" • ~:
rMent i %rernieth Vat; ' thro=l l =Vr.l....,,ntle ..'. ~.- ' 1
d i
lam edriaantal: * as - Mats medicinal tisizreemarrioo,i ';:.s=-,..
~...,,Die =it win yodaeli it. /names ot norroue - .
;b agg Y ln yoll/h,%; ff tlielrestrttl e u r irn i tn tk 'W e , c°23-, - 4 .- ' ' ;"
ritelardualigatmerelphysleal Drestrnuirmr:*
ward, entbitto.nrittkliowneatiota, istoireol Ir e Mug- - I
mu. le Ike
Ipolety, ane_l - en; Muth' DI wth e i ,„
*Sate, \ and =WWI= annimenre recommend it to ti..,., •
~,,....... AA .t.wt.0.d..,A 1 ,,,..,,a,m,b0.,,,...uh n ~,,, :--.....
=ra11i,V.1L1 P 44c,,,i4=2,1•*....- - ; ' .. '
•, , - • oIcoLIITX Waits, II D
; •:P Wwkliw 7llln; ll° 'i s " s " L -•-•\'''' ' -
to i r Atreslua l : l l ... r ' 'irk& tf. d teLtgAtiati rtiv a lrk m : .
.Efeuaret - kinetribbrik-user,,g m ,/ ~,; S e ' t ,' :::
rum ofliVerA end
;.*l'.'; °1 w 'I" 35 MM ;gl et 1 °1 " '400 ; .. 1 •,' i'-
:itMli: i rtrii:l=VA l . M T,..o °W W t W a t .. P lEt bottl.. -
-_45,!1e01d WO Dar bottle; Star 81'4 5:41.401 ‘ ;
br=r s Tegie la fg ; ll ; Vllrigiot h erWrimn et e , I• ir
05M45 tor th e iklutlimn Diana It the State stAre Y --' ';
~: :1, . t.
01,...:..- , 81 , ..w)...j.v . '4 , i,i:;, : ,.
,~~ ~~j ~_
......4._ . \ -- i....4-
---- B R ;A:nuitEsTook , g,_vmasper.,,,,,,,, ~,,,
• a Decd et:theism; tentoenewilb 'mom I• ' • '' - '
•`• ' Weisnorteenike.Pa`..rWar. •••• •-
• ~..:-.' ' "A.,,,
• A A4i . 4 - 4,;4,ebad w eblld ttod.wig*l4 • :t - - 0
ral th. brb "l tot. wl " bir li a • l ito ".- ran i t V. anonatiti a u' '. "' r
Dr. L . .. 40 - penui int to dna tagrdta&tinatnwe,:, ......'; 4.
4 :
Won of lb* sioaahoeored opal the, . witzni.v -..,, T s ,
elan had dens: cat eon* no no th ing insew tot t. /ow 5... .. • . 4.
GUM wao Won uw, Dr. 1... than aa.fd that. mem t.,
no stet In.titles-Adowaneeft Viwnaobee.o.d thought - • "• • !;•',
they ba4 toilet eat sowa.7"Dity ant ...4sesEtawe.t_ and 4
Pe•=ll 1• MM. AIM IllaWU•0
•1111". the 00“1•,, •••• '
cording to the Jested ettootkwa tea abli k fy.
;inTbel '." ireeo It. labono bet oranotber tiottto •
weaned Wilma Mooed Wealtowdred aftli•:
Immediate! alto, tommeoect , linwtrar, i
Dafu4„, , .
1 .:2r 4 "I l lVAVrielC i r ai lkclu e b '''
, . '•• n-
--..—_,...7z___________ A., , i _
I - 10 . •••1••••• Of th e mat enimmat yhts'Athaitl.o,.•••••,' • ' •
aubtAft. Dtgitinerdre....7=rablas Nai
Ord vr,z 4 .!..,,,. , \ :2 \
~ . .u..,,, , , . 4 *Tele. ft um, ' .. 4bAV I LIT . \' ‘, \? . . \$ \
over ell caw maioocWon. Of the itlAd, a t
anobwaegOoehewato. and ebinis Dwain or i0n 1 e . ,;1 • , , ,,
t 1 . 1 4,1 0. 4, Pr...lib:Lag ...r•e.V.Mata &hearken 0.4 \
.blob' are oto mottentir the rands of a., ..11 A..... ,
.. \
reit:4-4=tietrblMae"To% W reait Ult. r . i .\ I\
lawn Inr Ibocaussa .tezzar be
4Em°". " ll2ll "n f in and y e eta w e .. - ' , iN•
m0,0biakatair..,;..,..,----- , rwstmaluirmaf:, %' \ •
~jaiore.' '”,-•' + . ' L. wrzoox. a Ock.. - --",' - - - r' , . %. \ \
• ,77- J !!*. MFt•Vl.!•ll4°?Pf 64l4 43' c, 1 1 \' • . ' \
yurry — PEET - HOF . TAPk ' WOldt: kV - ' \ f ' 'k
tbluiturie..b.DAMEODDlFYltirruew,-. \.. -..- \
I,l4l4lrePoAt =. (4 - "Ia •r " : ".1 , '"Wat ' l l 4 " 1 / la - i t , , ..,
..'. . , , • 3: 7 , 4 4bRe..1 11 .... . 5m11__ :W. Bwahl u araetkr . l_.- -: - .L.3•‘, t' , ,
i.,..._-B.riiAio. .4714484tL it. ' .- '4
1. " '.11 bought;%renASSEN we. •0. I hd t 4,,.... mia5 et..... ''''. ' :.- ' 2
ais dolma eO4l t ke• Wt.4.4l. blth is cad 11 „__Opela., ' ' .' ' ' •
1 grealexemindenntiOndlearatMe ...loo.oatsw', - ' \ • ''•
latrtrEtreare= r rY"l.l. ' ' t '''. -
nal Das* pinta bottled 4,.. 4 4 Itt, II k: - -
•wearsoll audit nainedatantonehandzed w we -:' `..• •
. ikAt A AL „,y4 3.l.4eneuet •••• Pa, • yugt tim, , , ...
.4 r ItniD •As ow!n, fd trirsiasos opau 1 q.l 0v.. - ; • ~.,,,
s,;.a ~,,4 7 ', * .'" r /. LiY m ilic.. .•, c, ,
004 v,,.. . ,, k .:. Z. , -.
i i;,„
. , eltAroai and VtentetwAea ,' ' •
. _ - —.................____,
.7, -
It '.:V•Za;MUHUGE.'Aferrit-z• 1,
A ....olazia , itriciSgka...lg am . o . s .. 7 „ . „ . .
I at.pta7olll" Y i'llbOis-ALL..,otinsilicAal
Wt 1 eba..a. ! leiraV gave
to mllenkfli irtl ant Its extIFTT.w ,, ...
cemuaosa xavol frrr &ase. r•
ineiniimc. „
dlbottloarmersd , iragte Air
~ e ! , . ..n•N•v, 1
cluNg-Uncwiblivialloratei:Pti. Traii • ''`'"
••• ' Parents viteta ff *Wart , • • b. ii;"
•-.- 1 4 1, ••, • - G - Ci r c. - •• 4
pac t
•- - • A— • /,.:. t•
• 1, ,,,
lir- •\ - - --:• • • • -414414 -•
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• •
:1 : 11 •:••
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