The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 27, 1853, Image 2

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• 113.11rrsansou lemur fleskers.—The extend"e elms
isflon of our Weekly Gantt* offers to Our buidnees teen
s roost desirable medium of malting Quir business known.
Out ' , ,droulation le between tour and Ave thousand. Mob-
Iffeef toast ever frlllage and oounty to Western Penn.ll•
• Tanta and Western Ohio:
1106.20 LOYSETlBllllB—Noltbso Um NOR':mild Room/
nOr. Printholt tibllstonent of tho DULY aitsrrs.
Oliocoot on Soinday. ADVICISTIORRB who dootro their
notices tO SiVoso In the ponot on Monday morning,
will n 1 se bond than to b yre 6 ceoloa, on Hatarday
- •
ros o*EAL 0011X1681.01111,
Ito4BB PCWNALL, Of Lana ter County
fats 113DITOE
ALEX. IL Mot:MUNE, Of Franklin County
.OHHIETIAN ➢fEYEBE; Of _clarion County
701 70D011 07 80111.0111 000IIT.
THOMAS A. BUDD Y of Philadelphia
pt =Os OP:DiaIuCT mato.
MORES fiRoPTON, of.Rileghonr.
Poi. Miro.
Da. .1 10133 OLROTHRRS, of Wilk no.
JOHN U. PORTES. of Torootam.
JOHN J. MOSE, of VonalOss.
THOU /3 PAS SES. IG `of Lower St Char ,
JOHN IL arMonobootor
CHARLES NAYLOR; of Pittaboogti.
POI trite? Aim:isnot%
EDWARD P. JONES. of Pittsburg/I.
EPHRAIM J. DEMI. of Robinson.
/02 AVM.-
JAMES !di:GIBBER Y. Jr ot. Baldwin
roa ootorrr 6131.VATOL
JOHN KENNEDY. ct East Deer.
irrizzocuironne.—Candidates for the Lees.
'item will find In our paper thin morning some
interrogatories sddreesed to them on the Prohl
` Mori Liquor Law question. The people will
have an ansWer,and a direot. answer to iheee
questions, or thej will not trust those who re-
Nee. The Candidate what equivocates, or heal
. ,• bites; ar holde btickYli doomed. Double•deal•
big will notbiltirated, now. /Mow your halide,
4 entlet s ien. Let the people. see Low you stand
_on the only really'Amportant question at imam.
He that's not for us in ageinet no; and the can
didate who reputes to &newer the interrogatories
;will be, Lien to be, and treated as, as enemy o
the Maine Law.
Tam Tax Boon Law.—lt Is impossible for the
Post to be just towards a political opponent.—
Witness its .attack on Dr. 'Carothers, yesterday,
for his MAIMS on the Ten 110111 . Law. We g y re It
snare, to show its Injustice:
"Dr. M'Cllntook la known to be an unwaver
. hit friend of the ten hour law of 1849. Dr.
. Carothers bee proved himself to be its enemy,
what ever professions he may make to the con•
teary. The Gazette, a ehort time since, attempt.
ed a lama apology for -Carothers for having la•
bored hard in the Senate in the session of 1851,
to procure a modification of the ten hour law,
which would hale greatly Impaired its effiozoy.
' The Gazette nays Thomas Moffit, Et.q., carried
on to Harrisburgh the Petitiois for the virtual
repeal of the law. Mr. Moffit is present as we
write, and says it Is utterly untrue. He says he
never carried on any such petitions. Dr. Caro
thers alone presented petitions for the alteration
of the law. Dr. Carothers reported the bill.—
: He made a speech in favor of the alteration.—
.. Ile voted for it in all its stages, and was found
acting all the time with the enemies of the ten
hoar law.. Thomas H. Forsyth, our candidate
for Canal Commleatoner, made a speech against
Dr.' Carothers' bill, and it was defeated.
These, facts cart be proved. The proofs are
ready for publication, and will soon be laid be
fore the public."
Mr. Mat may have learned to quibble by
his aim associations with the Post: "evil Qom_
sesmicstlons corrupt good manners; bat. he cam.
not be Permitted to escape through any eno h
Coop holes* this. It may be that he never car
ried on
,'petitions for a modification of the Ten
Hour lair, but he will not have the hardihood to
deny that be went onto Harrisburg and labored in
; behalf of that modification. Every petition pee
seated by Dr. Carothers for a modifieation of
the Ten Hour Law well seat on by the operatives
• themselves, and Mr. Moffit went to Harrisburg
as their friend to .secure the sucuese of the pe
titions.- He escrotiersted-with Dr. Carothers in
the endeavor to pies the modification asked by
the operatives, and has 'since received from the
democratic patty a sanction of his ocurse, by
;'being supported by them op their legislative
ticket- The .attentt to make capital for Dr•
McClintock cut of thin matter is - one of the
smallest and meanest we know of, and cannot
fail to , react upon-that gentleman.
Dn. McCaurrcox.—This gentleman, when he
gets among Temperance men, represents himself
"61, all right on Temperarae," expecting this
equivocal kind of language to &glary .thern.—
What representations he makes in the doggeries
about town we ere nob informed; but being an
honest man, awarding to the verdict of his
newepsper advocates, ,he of course represents
himself Ave, too, as "all right on Temperance."
-Whether, however; he expects the same mean.:
ing to be taken from his words by both the friends
end enemies of Temperanoe, is somewhat doubt-.
To remove all doubts, the friends of Tem
punters address to him, today, come few inter-
Vegetation, easily understood and easily replied
to. These questions ,are asked for the purpose
of being answered; and a refusal to answer will
be taken es ,tantamount to a reply in the nega
tive. Dr. McClintock cannot, therefore, dodge
-ot committal. He may make es many unspecific;
and unmeaning pledges to Temperance men, pri
vately, se he pleases, but they are not the kind
of birds Hutt are caught with chaff. There are
but two sides to this Maine Law. question. Is
• Dr. Moolintook in favor of a Prohibitory Liquor
Law? Let him say Yes or Not and if he does
not, -the public wilLanderstend that he mesa
what he dare not say.
The Steam Yacht, "North Star," arrived at
New York on ffriffij — morning, from her Bury
pean pleasure trip.• She is last from Mattes,
having made the voyage between that port and
New York in 10 days and 20 hours. She brings
athlete from Madeira to Sept. 12th. The grape
orip is entirely destroyed by n blight whiohhad
appealed over the whole plate, being most die.
Wrens In its' effects. The North Star was in
, iaU four *quarters of the world, Europe, Asia, At.
Mae wadAnierioa, in twenty air-
The Poet is vary anxious to know, where and
hoW the Whig camildetes for the legislature stand
on Mel Lignor question- Fortunately for • all
-,parties they will now_ have no opportunity , "to
° speak for themselves. How is it with the dem
*Witte eandidatcs? They have got to meet the
.• Wm, too.
tamed to !emu
,that oar townsman Neville B.
Chid& sgr., hes anecieeded aftri - a-serydihgent
and perseietiog pursuit, in securing s mann•
script copy from, the British • Museum untie
Apse work, The nairative 'of the adventures
.ef that daring and enterprising Sootahnsekwho
Weed with Washington, in his first 'campaign,
Who wee present and "assisted in the defence of
Port Neccuity, who upon the! surrender of that
plaisivee w given up to the French as floatage,
whentais detained in Fort Duquesne ninetynine
years ego,' who at great - hezird wrote the first
'auxraiant and made the first drawing of that Fort,
who was sabaequantly, taken to Queboo and de-
tithed there as & prisOner for' several years until
• he =sate ble escape, and by ti'etwoeitedou otanost
__ pliant enterpless arrived in safety at Louis
burp, from "rhea= .be ietureed to Qambeo In
..OS= to afford =burble% aid lona counsel to the
' •
erolo Wolfe in. his capture of that piano, must
"1111fily be 111 =oak of great loftiest. The read
ing public *ill, therefore, no doubt be entitled to
' learn tboC Mr pralg has made =reclean= for
tha reinttlieutlei of this old and almost forgot.
tim book;• ilittiettoh totem and additions as =ay
toad to corroborate or explain the nerrative.
. SABBATH Stelelliffee--Altlermaci
Ile-Masters yesterday decided the suits pending
- before him egainet the proprietoreof the Omni
. bWwess. . Tide to au '.eminently wise, just and
. sound decision,* Ye harestot the least doubt
It will beissaffirined by gni Supreme Court
Alderman bi'llitsters diserites the thanks of the
'Ade joremetelty for his firmness in this ease.
We. hope Pittakiugh lull shortly be numbered
lath freer Pori, Philadelphia and Baltim ore ,
irkais the proPiletortrof Ochultinsati do not at
tempt tn/amitrate tie Lord's dny, and :taus It
sto.on , lnetrunent for the worebtprof iftwantem
TUT 01 P0P1T1A17114:,,-.The Port think/ that
Dr. McClintock's popalatitT L. Irreatstable. It
.1%0 votes he has. heretofore race . iced are I
piocf,suffictent that theptople trust him. Wetpre
diet that he will be elected. He has a habit of
winning when he runs a polities! race."
If we remember rightly this same Dr. McClin
tock ran for the democratic nomination for Sher
iff, in 1662, and was beaten by "Charley Kent."
The people, at least the democratic people, didn't
trust him, then; and "his habit of winning" did
not stick to him very closely. We are 0.100 in
clined to believe that he was never, but once,
elected to any office in this county, and that un
der adventltiouti circumstances. His political
experience before the of this county con
sists of being elected once and beaten lines, the
latter legumes affording a better test of his pop
ularity than any other, for it was the only time
when it was really put to the test He possesses
very little popularity in his own party, and Just
se little out of it.
COlOllT.—We direct attention to the adver
tisement in another column, of • Concert to be
given on Thursday night for the benefit of 'the
Allegheny Orphan's Asylum. The object of the
Cooed will at once commend It to public fa
Tim &ATI FAII.—The grounds of the State
Fair are filling up today with the stoat, agricul
tural productions, and manufactured articles
furneebed for exhibition. A large number of
strangers have already arrived, and our •hotele
are fast filling up. Every preparations, howev
er been made to accommodate all who tome.—
The Fair now promisee to be a very splendid
exhibition, and quite creditable to the State.
Ma Boorr.—We hear it reported that Mr.
James K. Boost, who is on the Democratic, legis
lative ticket, is a Maine Law man. LM him
epeak for himself by answering the Interrogator
ies addressed to him, in to•day'e paper. We
shall then know where he stands.
To Messrs. Dr. James Carothers, Dr. Jonm R.
MoClintook, Wm. E. Stevenson and Joseph
Wright, Candidates! for Beata Senate,—end
John M. Porter, John J. Mose, Thos. J. Big
ham, John B. Parke, Charts Elliot, John M.
Kirkpatrlek, John B. Hamilton, Wm. Wem
berger, James K. Scot m t, Wm. Glum, ,
Floyd, Bruce Tracy, W. P. Ferree,
W. Benny, A. H. Baps, Thomas 8.. Appleton,
David T. hlonie, John White, Hugh B. Hutch
imou and D. C. Henderson, Candidates for
• the 171Oetee of Representatives.
Grnttestre:—As candidates for the Legislature
of Pennsylvania, we address you upon a quo*
- tint in which we, in common with a large major
ity of your fellow citizens, feel a deep interest
—a question which we consider as important as
any other upon which the Legislature can be
called to act.
Will you, if elected to the Legislature, me
your vote end Influence to abolish the tralfio in
intoxicating liquors?
Will you use all honorable means to obtain the
passage of a law, similar in its provisions to the
Ideal LIQIIO2. Law?
We desire an answer In writing to these, quell
' Cons, in a reasonable time,—bot later than the
first prOxlmo, for publication, whether satisfac
tory or not. A refusal to answer the same in
writing, will be deemed equivalent to en answer
in the negative.
Respectfully yours, . _
8.. C. Stockton, James R. Reed Ft Co.,
William Barker, H. Miner,
D. E.. Robinson, C. L Magee,
Wm. Armstrong, Wm. Boggs,
John Paull, Joseph Dilworth,
Joseph Meetkirk, J - p. Reno,
John Campbell, Troth & Scott,
8. B. Young, John Morrow,
Thomas Neill, jr., Jacob Gardner,
S. Morrow, James Gibson,
Wm. Henderson, Jacob Hays,
Wm. IL Lemon, Robert Hanna,
J. S. Liggett, Robert D. Thompson,
James Miller, James 8. McCord,
Geo. M. Reed, E, R. Tuttle,
J. L. Bogh, Wm. P. Giles,
Wm. Devalue, J. Waste,
Wm. B. Duff, - H Johnson,
J. W. Devitt, Wm. Stewart,
J. S. Pronely, Joseph Lindsay,
James Rogers, R. Cunningham,
John Alexander, Joeeph Clown,
G. R. White, James S. Riddle,
A. G. Loyd, . James Reeder,
B. M. Thodle, P. A. Frothy,
Wm. Stark, Jahn F. Loy, .
John G. Smith, Wm. Thorn,
W. M. Culldugh, M. F. Irwin,
Robert Steinson, . • John Rippey,
John Milholland, Wm. D Robb,
J. Franke, John Worcester, •
Wm. Lard, A, Butt,
Thomas Steel, A. Petterson,
J. •Hagan. P. 0. Comstock,
B. W. C. Slocum, G. B. McClean, '
John Shawhan, W. Miller,
John P. Beech, . R. IL °dwell, . '
B. W. Wilson, - H, MeEtheny,
Henry Sack, James Harnett.
John F. Hicks. Samuel Perkins,
Joseph A. Doff, ,O H. P. Swearer,
Geo. E. Bingey, Rise Madden,
David 'Murdock, - Levi J. Jeffries,
John Collates, Thee. B. Mosey,
Isaac Banks, Simon Marker,
1 Thos. Slocum. . Wm. M. Brown,
Courtbsod.lienks, Samuel C. (Missals,
Wm. H. House, David Shaffer,
Noah Girveil, Charles 11. Armstrong,
John Hilderbraud, Robert Marshall,
John F. Doff, D. C. Holmes,
James C. Hunt, Daniel Shrynek,
G. Demean, ' Wm. C. Barr,
John Weitbrecht, Samuel MoMaster,
John Smyder, H. M. Cannon,
Wm. Forsyth, ' W. Dawson,
J. C. Bettis, 11. Warwood, ,
Thos. MoKelvy, A. M. Bryan,
J. 0. George; George Hess,
Samuel Irene, H. A. Helsel'',
Alfred Gray*, James Perkins;
Joseph Young, Wm. H. Fairbourn,
G. B. Marshall, Isaac Hull,
'Samuel Warner, Allen Roes,
Wm. Burrows, Jame. D. Calla,
A. G. McCandless, G. H. Lathrop,
T. F. Gamble, John Lupton,
George Stephenson, Jamas L. Gallagh er, '
J. B. Haines, John Scott, - '
John faller, - James Mathews,
James Black, . Alexander McDonald,
James George, John Roth,
John Graham, Gee. McKee, '
Jamee Gaibrath, John 8. Marsh,
John Grannie, W. J.-Henry, -
D. T. Marsh, J. 11. Goodwin,
John Nolan, F. 8 Magee,
Ark% MoCandlese; A. Reed,
M. A. McCandless, Robt. Gilliford,
Thomas Kennedy, Wm. D. Fulton,
D. Zimmetinen, James Dickey,
Josiah Gray, Johnilersphille,
Josish , Gray, j an , Benjamin Harrison,
John WIIIOD Jelse Keane,
Alex. MoKlittmons, Wm. 0. Evans, •
Henry Holt, k Robert MeAyeol,
S. H. McCandlkke, James &Lathe,
Henry Bushyseger, James Humes, jr.,
Hanford Harris, Samuel Black;
J. T. Humes, Albert G. William!,
lames M. Smith, G. M. Morrison,
Miles Baty, • Freddy McDowell,
Archibald Dickey, James MoAyeel,
James Benkhard, H. M. Bryan,
Silas Miller, G. M. Derry,
James Leslie, James 0 Neal,
Jols'B. Reed, • Samuel Y. Kennedy,
L. C. Flemmiog, ' Daniel Cox,
.141..1. Halateas, - John 011lmore,
'James McCall , Hugh White,
Wm. McClure, George Dickey,
E M. McCall, • James Clark,
Alexander Hors, , Alexander Borland,
- Joker*. Hill, John II Baird, '
James Kennedy, • John Henry,
J. M. Snowden, 'John White,
B. N. Burchfield. -P. H. Collier,
John Moor; Daniel Wikart,
Abraham .Otterman, Samuel Irons,
lease Huff, ~. David Bees,
Leonard Wineman, J. G. Frayer,
Wm. Harris, Wee. Burns,
John Pollock, A. Mortoc,
•L M &entree, John Garner,
John A. Emrich, John Alexander,.
J. B. Roberts, James M. Burchfield,
John &briber, Thomas H. bay,
Thos. Gaines, Alexander Bates,
J. T. Newell, .. Wm. M. Reilly,
Z H. Casten, '• - -
On Friday afternoon the 161 b, ss some Mill.
dreg were playing near a pile o! attatings. is
(Harlon, the clothes of a little daughter of the
Hocb.J. B. tdoCemmitc, of that place, took fire,
by some means, and before asalstsnors could be
reettered, the shill was es fearfully burnt that
she lied in a fow hours. Judge Mee/amour was
at the time attending to his duties on the Bench
in Brookville, and did not reach home until al-
ter the child's death.
RAILROAD Denson—We learn that the Cam
den Amboy -Rantoul' have compromised
with the ROY. James Parvianoe, of Mississippi,
(rot tartly of Balt* ,) Who, with his wife end
Mild were it:dared the fearful colliasion of
on their road on th gib of; Angtutt, by. psyisi
him $lO,OOO dam air. l'orManom's footman
slightly hark his . ceder's thigh brotten, aid
his lady badly h to the hips. They are stilt
detained to New Y rk, but have - 44 awl, to-
DXTAILE► or 1701111 , 111 HT TEM ANDIOA
Tie English papers• copy from the American
journals, and publish, with every appearance of
Whereat, Lord-John Brinell and Mr. Crompton's
correspondence respecting the tripartite guaranty
of Cuba. Although it wee known inch a propo
sal had boon made, the documents are quite
new to the British publin, and- indeed seem to
excite considerable astouiehment.
Nothing definite respecting the Eastern quea
tion, but the oircumstanee that the Casr hesi
tates in reference to the modification atipulated
for by the Porte had depressed the British and
French fan& - About tho 18th instant was the
time when a reply from St Potertibuig might
be looked for. There was, however, a rumor
that the Czar refuses . the Turkish terms.
A telegraph despatch received is Loudon un
the 7th list, Mc Berlin, stated that the Etonian
government had coma to no decision on the Turk
ish modifications, the details not having reached'
Bt. Peterihurg, so that it was probable some few
dap more must elapee before the determination
the Csar could be definitely known.
2rom Constantinople, the News says, "a oer
tame degree of lament" prevails, owing to the
modificatioo into • the Vienna note.
A Cabinet co a held, August 25th, to die-
OLIES fur t her measures. far defence. Relying on
the assistance of Emcee and England, and with
the army in the effective condition it now is, liar
would be far from unpopular with the bulk of
the people. -
The following are the latest despatchmutth=
Baited by the London'preer:
"Boomtown, Aug. 28.—The Raseian troops
are practising and:mance auvering every day.'No
fresh troops have marched in for some time poet,
for the Principalities are already overrun with
soldier 4. Field woke and fortifications arc
thrown up and constructed with the greatest
activity, especially on the banks of the Danube
It is believed that the redouble aro being con
etrooted after a plan which hen long sinoe•been
prepared, and that they will remain even after
the departure of the Russian army."—Thnts.
"Onass4 Aug. 26.—Tne settlement of the
Oriental question is not so near at baud ae is
generally believed. The armaments have never
at any ono time been suepended. Our commerce
does not suffer from the state of affair,. We
are, however, in great want of shipping nr the
transport of large qnantities of corn which are
to be foreign countries, and especially to
It was stated that fever had broke out in some
of the British ships at Bosike Bay, and small
pox on board the French fleet. The ea:haute
were thought to be exaggerated, only a few in
valids having been sent to Malta.
The following are the concluding paragraphs
of the explanatory note sent by the Porte, along
with the modified ultimatum, to the Conference
at Vienna.
"If the last draft of the note composed by the
Sublime Porte is accepted, or if that of Vienna
revalue the desired modidoations, the Ottoman
cabinet will be ready to sign either of these two
drafts, and to nand Immediately an ambassador
extraordinary .`upon condition of the evacuation
of the Price'petition. The Government of tho
Sublime Porte, expeote moreover a eubetential
guarintee on tte part of the great powers against
any Want nterterenee, and any occupation from
time to time of the Principalities of Wallachia
and Moldavia; and the object of tho Ottoman
Government in irking itself beforehand with
euoh extensive precautions is to prevent any
occurrence that Might bring ruisanderstanding
betweent the ewe empires after the Sublime Porte
ban renewed its relations with the Court of Rus
sia _ .
"The points of the draft of Vienna relative to
the affairs of the holy places, and the construe•
Lion of a -church and hospital at Jetusalem, have
met with the complete sanction of the Sublime
"A copy of tie Vienna note, containing oleo
some modifications which the Imperial govern
ment has thought fit to make, has been traosmitt
ed to your excellency.,
"The Sublime Porte, wishing to give another
proof of its particular regard for the powers
whose signatures were affixed to the treaty of
1841, is ready—although the draft it composed
lately would naturally be preferred—to swept
the draft of. Vienna, with the modifications it
has made, and hopes that the powers which have
always recognized from the very commencement
of the question the rights of the imperial gov
ernment and made manifestations of their good
feelings will, appreciating these modifications,
sot accordingly.
'His Majesty the Sultan having ordered me
to communicate the above to your excellency, as
well IS to the other representatives, your col.
league', I acquit truedf of this duty, and beg
your excellency tit receive on this occasion, &o.
(Signed) Itraissip."
We give the following important despatches
from a sewed edition of the London Times, with
a recommendation to receive with crouton what
ever is published exalt:steely la that paper, and
immediately preneding the million of a mall
"calmer for America
"Pious -It wes positively stated to day (Thurs
day, at the Russian Embassy at Patio,
that the Emperor of Alma had refused to ac
cept the modicattous. It was added that when
the Emperor was informed that toe Porte had
modified the note of the Vienna conference be
fore accepting it, he observed in a tone of much
moderation, that he would Willingly make con
'stallions for the express purpose of meeting the
wishes of the European Powers; but he would
net humiliate himself In the eyes of the world,
by submitting to propositions , direct from the
It wag also asserted that Napoleon had stated
that he would not go to war at present in the pre
sent scarcity of food among his people.
Gee. Sir Cherles A. Napier. .bad been buried
at Portsmouth with all the honors duo his each
and service. Nearly 3000 private soldiers
sought and-obtained leave to attend his funeral.
Standing by the plain brick grave in which the
remains of his relative were deposited, Sir W.
Napier pronounced a funeral oration which was
almost Oriental in Its style and tenseness. "Sol-
Cent there lice one of the beat men—the best
soldiers—the best Christiana that ever lived.—
Ile served you faithfully, and you served him
faithfilly. God is just!!
A trial of reaping machines had been Made
at Stirling. The first prize was awarded to
Bell'. and the emend to McCormick's against
twenty one competitors
The surveying brig Dolphin WS, at fOuthamp
ton, and had been a subject of some Interest
The brig intended leaving, when weather per
mitted, to take a line of soundiage towards the
eastern edge of the Azores.
The British ship Rebecca, from London, Deo.
2d, for Sidney, had boon wreoked on the woet
coast of Australia. The survivors of the crew
were picked up by au exploring party, after
twenty-three days suffering on an uninhabited
The clipper Ship Soierelgn of the Seas was
dellbied a day and did not sail from Liverpool
nnWafternoon of Wednesday, 7th. A new
Clyde Iron clipper, the Gauntlet, 698 tons sailed
from London Monday, Pith last , Mid intends to
race the Sovereign. The clipper Guiding Star
had been chartered for Australia, for 12,0001,
one of the highest freights ever given from the
port of Liverpool,
The peculiar position or the grain trade yet
occupied the chief share of public' attention.—
On the one hand, It woe asserted that the Inter
ference of government bad canned numerous im
porters td resell their purchases, and to counter
-mend their orders in America; on the other baud,
the bloniteur contradicts that the government is
disposed to make purchases of corn. Far from
opposing the regular course of commerce (says
that journal) the government interferes only to
'mist it by general and equitable measures
which came its liberty, and the security of its
operation'', and which promote the Importation
of grain and Its distribution throughout the
A decree has been, published, ordering that
all French or foreign vessel"' loaded wholly with
bresdetuffe, rice, potatoes, or dried vege
tables, shall pass on all 'the rivers and canals
free from all navigetion dues from this date to
the 81st Dwember . nett Another decree le
published, granting to the Railway Companies
that ebalrloiror their - tariffs for the transport of
grate, breedetuffs and potatoes from this date to
the aist.Deoember, power to raise them after
that date, within the limits of the maximum an.
'beefs'' , by their books of charges, without welt
ing fur the delays stipulated therein.
A rumor had been gaining ground that the
Government was about to negotiate a lean of
600,000,000 francs. This rumor was industri
ously need on the Stook Exchange; but Oto bet
ter informed declare. that there ie no troth lu it
at present. •-
Tie Maine of Lament', learns that Ledr9 ltol.
lin is dying of nostalgia.
A Paris later mentions a rumor of a hew
Transatlantic , Steamship Company, to have fie
headquarters at Dieppe bat, as the harbor of
of Dieppe It little adapted for the pupae,
probably nothing more wit be heard of the pro
•The Conetltationnel contains an article on the
Kona affair; from which we gather that France
is not disposed to permit the .Fresph Consul 'at
Smyrna to play the part of jailor much longer,
but will certainly not oountenance the °Ulm of
Austria to obtain pouession of Koala Neither
does Captain:lngralum'a conduct meet with the
Conetittitionnere approval. The artiole goes on
to state that Austria certainly possesses no
right to eetze her eubjeete within the Ottoman
Writers% else why (lid the sot seise Kossuth
Having, then, no each right, itis crook to be re
. gretted that the Austrian government. should
Melon the illegal attempt to carry off Koss*
by promoting to the rank of Capogn the °blot
- ardor in that 'attetept, neut. Sehviarisi of the
brit; Hnsyu .
oapttda Iligratims'o imaiikot (thowilter says)
was an difAcult to justify as Schwartz's, al,
though the false . position in. vhioh the Austrians
had placed themselves, favored tho .rashnene
of the American commander. It vas. not as sit
?merit= citizen, but nt a revolutionist thot
Hatt% was defended against Austria by the
agents of the - United - States. The Constituticn
eel thinks thie very dangerous indeed, and says
that "none of the Eturolienn governments will
ever Omit as a principle of public law, that the
ammo:tent of the United Slates has a right to
protect revolution in Europe by force of arms:"
Public feeling sided with the American captain,
and took the part of a man wrongfully arrested
on neutral ground. But in order to repress in
abuse of force, Captain Ingraham committed an-
other, and the lees noise the Government at
Washington makes about tho affair, the more
prudence it will display. Au Impartial arbitra
tion would send both parties out of court. As
to ht. Roasts, what Austria had better do, Will
be to give him every fsoility to go to America,
there tO reside RS long RS possible. These are
the Constitutionnel's sentiments.
Letters from Madrid state that M. Calderon
do la Berea was shortly expected there from
Paris. The business of hie department demand
ed hie immediate presence.
The Madrid correspondent of the London
Morning Chronicle writing, of date let instant,
eaye that the question as to the reception or
non-reception of Mr. Soule, as Minister of the
Suited' States, had been much agitated at the
Spanish Chart, and the recent accounts of his
proceedings had been mush commented on. It
wan believed that the Spanish Government would
oppose no objection te his reception as Ameri
can Envoy, bet if any passage in his address on
pectenting-his credentials can be found fault
with, it will be Peizo4 as an opportunity to die
mica him. Mr. Sonle—the writer adds—will at
best find his position • difficult one.
At Ravenna an attempt bad been made to as
fulminate the Legate, but, fortunately, without
encore t. At Forli,;the °entailer° had been threat
cued by the people, and was so much alarmed!
that he had•fied into Tuscany. In other of the I
Rowse territory excitement prevailed. The es
tensible erase of the riots was the high price of
food Part of the Austrian garrison of Florence I
had bean giant into the Romagna.
By a somewhat singular coincidence Commo
dore Vandarbilt arrived in hie yacht, the North
Star, at °Ceiba Vecchia, just when the discovery
of a - supposed Mazzini eonepiracy bad thrown
the Papal Goverament into fits of terror. The
Pollee of Civits Vecchia, staggered by the im
posing size of the steamer, and the number of
persons on boatd, immediately aoneluded that it
wee en American sympathising expedition, and
'dosed permission to land. After two or three
days of melees negotiation, the North Star pro.
ceeded to Naples, where, at least, so the. news
lepers esy, she was also an object of suspicion,
and bad eventually to seek refuge at Malta. Oa
the 23d ult. the yacht arrived at the Bosphorus.
We have (Luther details of the recent earth
quake at Thebes. The town, or rather village,
wee built partly of stones, which were ell new,
and partly of old homer' of wood and bricks
All were more or lees 'Oared, the former basing'
been completely shaken to pieces, bud the latter
having been rendered nolnhabitable. Eleven
persons were killed, and eighteen rescued (mop
the fallen ruins. The survivors were enoamped
in the open air, and were suffering from want tf
water, the earthquake having dried np the wells.
Beveuteen villages in the v thirdly of Thebes, as
far as Plate, hod partiallysuffered, one or tw o
houses fell al Chothist The stake continued for
come days, one to three shooks within the twen
ty four hours.
Twenty-two absent persons had been oun•
demnod to death in rontussariam, fur the part
they took In the revolution of lath May, 1848.
The Austrian Government had jut published •
an otficial report on the result of the harvest
Tho °rope were satisfactory in the .Tyrol and
Upper Attetria, middling in Carniol and Aus ,
trian Slice* good in Moravia and Duckuvins,
and very fair in the Duchy of Cracow. The re
ports from Hungary, Galicia, Transylvania,
Lombardy and other parts of the Empire had
not been received, but there was reason - to bo•
hove that, without being abundant as oould be
wished, the reenit was satistaciorji. ,
The Prussian Basil of Agriculture has pub
Halted • circular, wherein it is et•ted that there
is no foundstion whatever for appreheceiotia of
• dearth of ecru. The official report/I . state that
the ryo h in the provisoes of Prussia, with
the exception of the Llthsenisu district, in Po.
eon, Brandenburg, end the Rhine, is good, sod
In some districts abundant; that In Saxony, Nil
esia, and Nether Porneronts, itis middling; and
that it is only in Westphalia, Lipper Pomerania
and Lithuania, whore ehort quantidessre appre
hended The reports of the wheat harvest are
nearly with this.differstice, that in
Westphalia It Is more, audio the Mine provin
ces less almod.nt than rye.
PALL DltYliliOns
54 Wood Street, Plltletkurgh, Po.
aFFER for tale large And troMPlete eke
orvoyant of Smarm. aud 'memo DRY O.IOIM. •
conodookla portion of the amply. Gases of wrack omy
vorehaord balora th. a.m.. In totem. and will to of
resod io cash or approve I creJlt boyars so Wit SA [toy can
buy o any city oast or wort.
PRI ludloo eompylet. • Pall so
vortnim . ; Dark Vireo., Blum, Oranam,liouroing. tlelid
Color.. Eneish and nova.. 4-0 Chintzy.,
GINO ilASlS—baneastat. Manotosisr. Dontestli, le.;
ayl ton In Myth colors. and Von. Ozer..
riTUFP OCODS—AI 0!.!1.1.1. Coburei, Nyanza/.
tom Molber Lusters, Vanity .4 plain Orb.. Daloihe.
Cashmere, and el newest len of Whiter Dow tloots.
WOOLY:NA—A le. stock if 015 k and fancy colored
Cl:thr, Dorsal.. black sal fanny Clamimams to moo ap•
erotel etylM flostlnc. .0 amot•11.1011tj, Domestic and Im
ported: Poem. In blacks. colon. znizrama and. print..—
also, of oyozern moistfatturs, onr tune fall supply.
Too 11,, Jeani.Osst mere.. and all arts low prieml. sem
ter Demo,
VICSTIM3I-1. roll arortmant In !Oka. Wool. and. Gee
min lance styles. &yam. Sited.. Z.:smart., , iri.h,
llollandx Jeans. Dammam 1,
LIINEYS—PIaid, Mao szt Clizzaslann - sty IM.
DROWN 000D5—Illssehad !bog's. and - Chirinits.
Itianneli ol all lends and colon; ehlrchui on/pm.
flanaborgy. Drillings, let illynkets—Dotroalle and Vcr-
ohm. ,
A cop , te Mach of all torte el Valinty thaodi. obaln.and
cheated Kollin and whit' , geolg Lama Ambrobleroo,
8111 A ItibbonAVlVlnier bbeerle, and everything trAntion
ha the Dry (lonia Ha., the 'took of widen will be kept foil
07 conatent .Mina. throughout the sewn.
They .Quoit an enatantation of their meek by any die
nosed to parchaae. 'Alm] Pittabatah. debt- 21. MK.
B ,
A. H. HOLMES az ,H 0 ,
0111os AS Wood •t, betwoest Ist dad and.
AU Mode ot bleekstolth work tor Wide.. do w et
the &attest notice and et the lowest ,
40/- ill work warranted 01 10 any os.tafeataxed;Tie
tlinloc Canspanyartw Yerk column. eril43m
itiirWOLIDD ! !—There. is no disorito more
oundorn smiled children, ma yet cons which rofratinent"
y b.mee the skill arias Physician, as worms. They cc.
highly detrimental to the constitution. andahour Dreg-
mace should be carefully guarded welted by parents—
On the fleet manifeetation of symptoms, every mows
should be used to expel them promptly end WoronghlY•
kildans'a Termite.* is w tll established sa IVs most air%
Cain. rife sod measly remedy ever Offered hie thin trees.
Id•POnie and dangerous malady; end all who hare the
management of children should kelp •hhr: Invaluable
medicine at hand. In additisa to. its perfeet sallity. It
never falls to rrodues the dealred! effect. •
-Panther/re will be careful to oak * for Dr:.WLANE'S
UglenitAT L ED VEIVAINUON, act take none eyes. All
tither Vermifogeo. In comparieen are worthless. Dr.
/Mame'. [ermine Verealfurri, alO his celebrated Liver
can now be bad at all re/reelable Drug atoms In
the United Rates. and from the sole piouletorr.
elsulxa uscrisns,
selT oucemors to J. KW A Co. 00 Woad street.
IT the kiwi of taeUmony as to the value of our NAM%
upon whlob we can confidently nut the reputation of our
work. We have already published Nrer►l' certificates,
proving that flares made for our regular abd ordinary
sales. and sold &breed. babe been subjected to the
.od preeerval their content* totally free final damage.
The following le another proof of the tame incouteetable
ALBION. lale 0003,1,
• November 19,1869.
MEM.. 110.02 A PARIIIIB . -1)012 elle: Tout two Jetts
wow duly received. 1 Val shunt at the Maur. I would
sty, In reward to your Safe,'" consider It rfestly 0116
PltilOP. 1 tentsti the u. 6 I bought of you last fall. on the
morning of the 10th of June last—my More building
being burned to ashes. it was built of wood and brick—
s large throe storrbuildine. My Safe was In It at the
time of the Ora and fell Into the colter. where there wall
a large amount of oil. ft was a eery hot lire,
My notes and bookl &annem that were In the Safe.
amounted to ahoUt Teri Thousand Dollen, whinb was
sated. There was not
Peronk waver injured; and further,
1 would mitt. en/ who I. doing badness, to low
no thne, but buy a 806 to keep their Papers. As., In—and
g e t ups that Is weal. t can solid; recommend your Nags
to 4 fa t tr.. 7 . Toon, truly.
Oar Fall -Style for Gentlemen's Hata—
j. Wll.BO/4 A tioN, yf *toad, street.. will; Intro.
dues Mir day. to the omen. or Pittetrunths Arida
elm:mere *Ring the sits, Ng& beentital style of
MATH. Particular attention I. Invited to our 112, 8360
and It 11.10. • -• auinlerniewl3
Flowers Will Grow where the
Waters Ilain.-1( the outlet, rr the Onalp fa kept health/.
.d the semi or lb* Eletrllarlgotatel by aghast:am.
trblob *regale et their roots; through the Inner skin or
derngs of the heed, a strong and lagoon. heed of liar
cannot fill to to the result, Th. carnation of LYON%
KONALRON le rationed eatlrely vivo thle moot
able law of the Natural Wort'. .It Unmated of sash
lagredlauta only ea will random thle effect. Ilene, the
most locregolons hare tried and been benilllet by Its
wee—and the secret of lte Lkunense aele. The appearance
%leen to the Idols le truly pentane sal pleasing. bold
by .st g ft lers, ererswheo4, at 15 rents, In large boUkas
D. B. BARNES. Proprietor. 151 Broallay, N. Y.
gaig In yttsehargh s.ittra. 0. *wen Beni.
agya. Jr.. riming k ere. and arson aA•It lean
oniassig, IstrrilsarszEDlOrlig, - AND
-a Ae woos latzsete•Pittallnargh.
~ .i. C.~.:: -,:1
Vfir Ws believe Nature hue provided a
r ,..d r b r disewse• kith fllw.ll Is hely to. filtilPB
PETP.OtAUM. or ROCK OIL. put op all It Sows. from the ',Aomori. contested deep to the bowels of !loth&
Earth. li. without doubt. one of the gre•teet of theme
.malls•. lte•d the following testimony. wen by •
...tetra parent:
Pisan= VALLIrr. Ultirb Pert. it, Itga.
sir. S. H. Klee—dirt t have add alt your Petroleum.
ur dock Oil, acme Iwo months past, and hare heed look.
igg for row agent to µeta farther enaply. I could hare
ccldeonce 410.11 more. We have brood the oil earl
to Thus and y nta ry. Ml daughter, at the
t or your agent.was here, wag lying very lo with tan
tidy. I KIL. her • Unwound, nwl In three tram tine
11..1 retond. and rho too ..PP"• and she rerovernl
j, , povjiately. It IN aka ettraordinary remedy for
•en and attained Pdffer Cute, nod ftleamatlear.
etri for the Pilefe. eon have been cured of loge standing.
truer, With reepcet. Latac Iticadcw.
.ale or nil [tie bructfirte. In Plttel'grgh.
!Paper, advertiving Petroleum plea. ono, 1
• frown's 'Essence of Jamaica Gin-
Emmen.. a preparation of unusual etrallenoe.
ip ',ordinary die:Three. intipiout cholera, to ,hort. to all
of prretration of the digestive tour:done. it Is ot
li..Asiimable value. During the premaledn of the epidemic
thole. and rammer complain. of chlldneu,lt Ia peculiarly
,:J 'our, no family or individual should be without IL
'bonny-13e sure to get the genuine Paseuce. which la
repared only by P. BROWN, et hie Drug aod Chemical
urars, uort .eat corner of Fifth and Cheannt ettvets, PhlI•
asslid...o for sale hr all the respectable apothem!w m
Ilia R a t.; and. In Pdteburith! by Deni. Pace, Jr.. D. A.
Polmerdoca A Co., Dr. U. Smith, Lemuel Weal. A Co..
lichooumalter A Co.
In Allegheny City by . 11. P. Scharff.. land Lee A Dock.
ham a ex au9.lom
gerMRS S E. Claw), fatdlioDlll.llo Druiß
Nlaker wad !MUD,, ho.IC north Alwowl.• moo.' , orv•
All work ontrust.,lw4l 1. witoutod with newtote, and
.I:4ockb:h. ..1 1
W E DIRICT the attention of our
to tho sAlvert 'fitment of MORSE'S INVIOOItnr NO
t). , ula Alt" to bA found two tho fourth tog•.
141 mazket Street. Philadelphia.
WISIIINU to close out their present stock
,i; goods Legere mowing into their new Store, set the at.
t, ntlon or buyers to their lane and splendid assort
c.ent „r
PRESS. FANCY (10049, ILIBPONIS, ac. he.
to be closed nut at eery Itedi.ed Priors I
Ls-order, will receive insist attention. and.shall hare
the bencht of the ',lured prim. spidsldw
Sansone 1.. Lanni. Late of the .T.toa, !fortiori.
fame,. thromo Firm ot 04001 . 11 0 th..
Theodora Archon.. V Irm rt moron a McNamee.
Rickard EiOdou, Eno of d one. King k Co.
William U. Nelern...... .......... Wtrui of Clain], Heiler. a Co.
&WIVE Jiti.. lima of lieorce film A Co.
Amor 10 Eeo Yam of Eno Mobcap • Co.
01: A. Wood.— ..... ......- ........ rl2lll of Willard a Wocd.
Levi il a100n....-.... ...... - ..... -...—Vinn of Inoue a Starr.
Hurry (1. E1y...---.-....V.n. of Mt. /3101 D k Bowel ,
Jaw boo.-- ........ - ...... -._....Firm of James Lou A Or ,
Churl. 10. /Tatch.....—....... Firm cf C. D.:latch A Co.
„f o r., It. Horchinsow,-_.._._ Wino of J.O. flows A Co.
William U. Lanslort....-....t Um of A A A. Laufer.: I CO.
Muir: A. Lind1ey.......... ..-... .... —Firm of curkm.f k C.
Lowe .Atterbury.yr.„-.Firm of Lamle Atterboryjr., A Co.
Lett P. Norf.,. Firm of J. 01. Drir. alorptan 0 Co.
.Anwe T Thoot?d Firm of Trowbridge. Dolobt & Co.
John 0. fildson, - Firm of Dolma, a Co.
Cliurk, Pfasifere, ..... --rim of Baldwin. titan a Co.
George C Gbi:int, itIM of atomism i Collin,
Germ. U Jarrow,- ....... ...._-„Yirm of Y. D. Moro. A Co.
Lunen /hamar, Virgo of Doman, Lathrop • Cu.
nom. Alememerw. tiro of T. A 11. Ileorenwr
David Sietford Term of Johnion 2 e 010.2 7 ,1.
= i t , % ; 70M/ens VI: m of Norco, Dueler • IC-it.
Remark Ifs Firm Firm of Boyd • Paul.
Doollomf W thal Yam of il aekell. kt•rrick 0 hull.
Alfred .0 Likrom Firm of
A. h. Barnes • Co.
Noe L.ck1e00d.,....—....-- ....... Firm of 11 lnekeroal .I, too.
Lucius Dtwkeles,..--.:..-...-11.rm of !kohl.. Allen a Co.
Limon, fleake,..... -..- .
Jul. , A. Duciat. Finn of Brown. Halton . a Dwight.
Isaac H. Prothinghann, Firm of Frotherughom,Newell A Co. :Milt...__Fir
Swift, Hurlbut A Co.
Cured Nr.... .. _........ ...... .... ..... .-Ptrto of Condit A Noble.
Ward A Rink .. . ...... -_.......—Firra EP Work A links.
JralAw, 11 attockeeela. _ ...Worm of Otlcon. P.tock•ell A Co.
Jaw. fiempArey.—Firm of homey Humphrey & Duffer.
Wm T. Maw ..... -....... ....... -Caehler fair Uneotal Dank.
1 , ...1.4 IP Barnes. Tirol ~1 Wolfs. Yazoo A Co.
Doerr Morgan._._
Gamer I.".':''"'"
of Ornme Peare. • 0,
- -
101 the lets firm of M'Cunly & Loomis
59 Wood street s Pittsburgh
Third Annual Statement
fluorso, 6 . 0 r 9 661
&woo of t&. C.orroany, Mar 1.'62-5=9016 61
1h or reed to May 1, 1063...... 133.260 66
larrrst rred oo Loans Irle 19
Otalloorri 6od Of6co furniture.... 1.000 00
-----•-•-6346,100 sa
Prvmsur. , . csacelled—
Luast. P.Apeesco. LY.troat.alona.lll.
rottirnol Pr ......
Priuttog./k ...... 17.9..k1 el
Preniium Notes .
.....61W.011 60
Bonds col Mcrestaso6.ol.oe l l 4 . stol
earo,67Zrnri;:ai;l;c7rYg-4.1.- 13.°"
•ocaro.l by cab& t.
!lox 91
061.. E. city no 611.1 Btatiolzery..—. WM OAP
Amount of adjusted slum. against Itta Cum.
mot not 0. au. ........ ..... (OW .0
JOHN P. RUTlllialtult% Dauphin canary:
P. C. ACM/WICK. llarrishura;
AAMIIi. JUNES. Philadatabia:
A. WILK/N/1,11min.... Pittsburgh:
Ju .3. R. CUTIIIMI/OH.D, Dauphin county;
011.1" Ilarrieburpr
T. .1‘)/iCA.
Itfititita KLOTZ, Carban wont,:
Jiill/1 P. RUSIICI:WIJK/i. Pre
• A.. 1. lIILLET, Pea/Oar's.
Will in.ura agalcut porde or aim add Inlaod navignlion;
cu roarehandlao Jo city or 00U13trr. INA lowest rats.
...Mont with Ridgy. Polities lamed on Meriting bona*.
Wier oodponially or for a tom of Jaara.
Oidelil atraida
li•aanb Ott*. cornar of Yourtli and lind
j FAA( A. A. (UMIAK& Antnarr.
Cituoo Itsnranoo uompany of rittabnrgb
tN,UNICit liUI.I ANT. CM 010 Ill.MGtl Gru Tlit
Wu or ttawygt tir 171[6. 41.0..
Adatouf th.rprrat of Ms MCA asa IN 4A VII 3,4 Fr 10 Ar. 1014
.nd r!: A 'Erato . .. TION-
II U 'King. I Wm. Latimer, Jr..
W n.11.t..m1e, I
k ' im 4 .lo " .3mro,
.vrotl Ilea,
R.Mort Dunlap. Jr.,l Jo:. 8. bilworth,
e. ilarbaurb. rranets lieltem.
i: I • ikm 11...4u.. - I. 5th....." . •
VI Our Bryant, W n U. 111411,
Iva_ hi. Pollinack. de=
JOAN T. LOGAN ...... --....11017. T. KENNEDY
nave removed' to- their new and extensive
store Nd. 62 Wool street, font doors abort the Bt. Marla
Dotal, einem their ensioniers, and merchants assort.
ars Owl Mtn on rsatninatioo of the most nomoists assort.
ruent .r.q°ollsod in this nitr. • • tale:,
No. 50 Wood street, Pittsburgh,
=WITS :mw ADD rams.
ger My stook conviete of upwaTde of 2500
lama niettufactorers, adapted expmedy for FA.L.I. sad
wiNTER BALES aid erlil be will eatlefretory Price's—
mperleit farorablr tellh thorn of Philadelphia and New
York. Puretiseers trill plea** 0.11 an exal.ine Went
buying. Mee. NEW PUNK sum LKATLIER r 29
ACIESON'S National llagaorroan Gallery,
barr er tee Diarneatt and Market street, (oppmite
EllVllienz's Drug Store.) Pittsburgh.
Is Les .hdani tlamen wlahing to obtain lifelike likangoses
at moderate prices. will Oaat call at tea above eitablistu
meta. fitted , 5D with hery vUperint elide ltd Stir Lights.
%mond with such skill that the operator no take, tba
most aetufate fee inutile. of the human form with nll [h.
exprennion of aphliAted Mead AIL WYAVIZZAB.
Xrfyrr.Vinots. Painting., &a., aocuretaly espied. and du.
911 ra h, OAen of ntiAluAl likeueterea.
atk_Pernoon not require.' to take* plaint... aril... • per.
fact ye...miasma.
ow_l.llieneesea Laken Of tack and ieseaxed Wee. In
.07 Part of th aritrand rlclnit
shr items open, and operating fmin a. we ...Ail 0 1
VD,I - 40011 ID ha blarninul. isilthelftwlrd . • •
POST oiro.
d ITIZENS and strangers who wish to ob
-111.1 tale ao accurate, artietio and life like likeness, at
ry mulorste price. will nod It to their interest to call at
111 1 0 woll known tAtabnelacent. where satire satisfaction
Pusrenteal, or 20 Merge ready. (laving one of the
larva cod beet arranged Bide and RUT lights _ever 002 .
..;100,1 fn, the purposewith lostromeato of the 2,061
powerful kind, and has l ug wtoptenthairretela of Delmer•
tvotypiuo, owe practised by the celebrated !toots. el
Philelphis.enhest York. klr. N. natters lamed( to b a
eifer p, paron. of the Art. a style of Dvin.
r . o t i p e e, e ither singly r r annum. which has never We.
ft A ngv. 111,Yri and orwrelles. le 'al. weert , 12. 4 117 1 . 3
e lark A. If.. U.. P.,A
Notes, Bonds, Norgagee Ito., Negotiated.
/woo. or es 8. Joni* A Co. °max Wood and both
ottoots. IAII.
(ouocrososo m I. moo &co.)
Ars. 60 Wood street, PittsburglU
161.ProoddAnori of Dr. Inoue& 06obroto4 Vonamigo
11.1 . PM. . -
SAE mats AHD lIIIIITRANCE yorauacts,
no door from First street, Pittsburgh '
..Buy and sell Par andZarrent Panda
SUM sod Thar EMbsass Coln. Stooks. Yuma .4
Western me Bat sod . Promboorrhotu ; shrar s par
mg, co no. Dgmodtas of Pet sad Causat Maim; sot,
larom PM sat MMus Polloiss Sr the Atli ' ASIIIMOIL
Ckaganr Mutt OMOd IMO) sod And Annum Ct.
taligtillinkooo.o, 6 ). . ' • sole
teirDr. McLane's Liver Pills.—Tis 1 Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society.
, -esti:medicine has ser.Pitetull *lt other. for the cure f r 111312LATION5 FOR 1853. '
L sem, of the Liter, It. <trees ere et salutes, ten i
e seedy, and at the twee time re. ee-tIX aft, that MI '
1 \
L '; ' ,L " :; ' ,, g t i„ l :l:l7 d ,,i r b ,, P ;j d .Z,,,;, 1 ,,,, ° :',..:;.", 7 " ,, 1 ; I LL rho Mein bent of the Society, whose
\ dues are teak' , and all who 0.11 bunco. ...hod
er•cd In a region of cocntry do 'doh 11, pond, or Lt.. I -et... t.,....., tb o Fair, will es forotococ with Wag's}
t omplaint, is peculiarly fcrinidable and ,tp,. and 1 & aids of membedtd. atonic will adm.t the pampa ens
to had gaud fears in dleoorevng the inedi , ote `awl 'o, 4 \ lafiee of hie fanny. a • d children under the out* of
I ropritiOolag their quantities. these pills n e e, y'eculistly • I
..r bteen ye ra to the tiabibltim. et all time s later the
* onto& are thrown Op= during the cont CM.. of th e
r. 'noted to every tcrm tf the disease. end rover pa l to al - V Gr. Bulge. to be had et the 1 nem., n a Mee, on the
not Oa mod °Went. ~. o f that te,rabl e ",,,a., sr , 0,051,1, Go Tuesday morning. Single Benin la cents td
• r • ddnanne person, will be Peale on Thoralay morning.
1 cy Dere( any become crinbrattch Ml\ Lhotherdtehel if a the 7reanner's Offiee at the Pair Kamm • \
i r McLane hare tawny his name among , the hooded.. I Member. will t• allowed to enter the mound , le ear
, makind. No one hiding symPtootilVf It"' . r Agee with their farathes, but coo b e= ll cc o th er public
, ' e adeyanzo v eill be permitted , enter .
ap tint. shoWd be without emote ielendble Polo.— , i .,..„g, ..5 0 ,5,.....1(4, to... d aoonatoultnyonal
I ve you a pa.n iu th . right elle, under th eedge of `the Jurger , alone. wan le ode aficorMejust cialdr(SolDthOthotte
I •& which in c .... ~iti. p „.,,,,. ~..b ~,,, Dew y, 11 et,CIAL AT•IiN (DM le D tcalltED }Rohl &YIELD-
- c ... on the hotel Ifs—,ll tit \ amaakaal, aomettude ealtets The dlr. ealeend for the Pair are Thiaati. WallailD=.
i, a noder tte Maunder-Pt d 1 ow tly exiendirm t ' 7110.10•1 awl Manocr , the lath. With. 22tla Ithil MIL dad'
i \tc.
~____,,, ~, • t September. \
th . t.P of th e ehonided Rely Peon a 'het •1.A. ,, . - --... ° &0.. .sloltritore Ott beam e members of the Society,
I ter paint are romethoes take' for I brwaltlo, they .... ad here their males to 1
10000 al. entered on the Same
,ro from dueue of the Liver. shd if lon woad have re rr: honks, on or for. TI Ervasa. the 2ltle sad
, .. ~,,,,,,,,,,,. Rod'bon . t,,, . 0 Dr .
.m , L.. ..,. ~.,,,,,, a I articles sal acts except be rm e, murt be Mouxht
w dna the enoloeure, es urly se Tolteloday 010012. W =tin
hthr. \ th t they =ST bo oultably amused Par examination, by 1
g a r Porchs... .ill be caref..Atonk foe bit DeLANIPS Ow edger, on Wednesday morning /tome will be re.
o.LELIttATED LI PER PILLS, and tak one. There eel earl on Wedneedey morning, but mutt be entered
Atiaap • a ere r , ..,, ,
.. other poll!, purporting to t. Lire; Pint. now before ih Eis en Commitire do not Intend to antur• anl
, public Dr..VeLme's Lirer imiAsoNo too Ceiebratad exhibi or, wtotrotglecle thrle Odeirementa, that by art.
datfogn, cm now be had at a I raebectable Dreg Stowe el.. ca bepteled upon by th e Judge& While every ri
fe, et I be made to Want =ll. exa m ination ant pother
the Unit-d States, and from the male proprietors, Donee of tot &Vette on exhibition. }nab. to thou who
FLEMING P TIIII:TI1EitS, monyll w ti t her otes Or Mr Senletyi ts reettime met the,
o°c cotter, "" Kl" 4 C.°, W°C4 -' t * 4'l
. ( ''.1. 14 '1".
are tlfre n ld 3 ' l ' 4= t:ibe it;Oretary, at .
- - --- Prostoargh.Treviold to the 20th
their entriee
of what they Intend to exhibit \
An ofttbe will be opened et i , \\
about two_weerke
presto. to tht t lair. for the purpaseo( receiving entrion.
Areclea or a =steredi from the ground benne the
close of the Esbtion, (except by ..rausere of the Presi
dent.) cannot r eire a ptemirmattiOugh, awarded.
Llemterre el the Voniety‘wlll be admitted to Um grottods
on icedeeday. \ \
I:IA.0n Thuredayt.he emend; will heaven tO the Pub a.
an t continue open P. 4 two dip. , Single
cot IS M.
Pt oaten' tiontete St 00 \
• _The P.nnayleania Ste. Aar mental &octet, nukes the
hod if competleon co extentite with the UOil d Statue.
av I rodarlit invitee thecitotoce of other Staid' to won-
I. te e ith 0A It, our r rt..... ,
Animate and addles entered (or exhlbltiou will hare
cards at:ached, with the ottmber esoentered at the Man
n. es oftice;`•nd It is deeireT that eahltitore Mould in all
, 0 002010 their undo of :Maher end Chu& pravioul to
pisong their dock or artinleann the licatsad.
Ali parenna who Intend Le catabit 'Pure, Cattle. Sheep,
or Sans& or who ittond to area- stock for nal& should one
Illy the Se-notary of mob intention, on nr before the 28th
4. ) of beptember. and lea.. with. him t , 11.0 and fall de
synatino of cone, stook , to order th at pre r atrangencente
Way i.e =a.= f m ete, accommodation. ,
~..;!,;;;1N11,..t,'..t. , r:vg.t. :or: mv,r,',.,'..!%„,.mr,trip,T.
....., tor fat can, DOM.*, hatter and Muse, Ac t and
the enotemente t ea red from mhibito, cf throe trmeles,
mud be .104 'nth the SearettrY, beret'. the 04th 01 &M.
-1 PARTtindittl. AA
'rho Judges e rco tad ta report themeeleett to the
Prmident, on fltlle add .at the Dasher Mao. at the
ith•la Ornonle, theyare a lured to meet at the Society's
I tr ,
e..ot, i n the graucele at 4 'clock. P. 10, Oa T 0.141,7, .117th
~,e,e,r, co hen ire races cho will be Piled ; • aud an
w.ancer of ukOraing , at 0 0 tomeact. at the I=oo. they
ot di be turtle...l with the oho' of Nutty, and ;dowel
iculecide tom the merits at t diffotent animal* sad arth
chos enheetred to thuaretcreo e being mule to the num
beneflited to each. \
The Judges on oil aniande will see regard to the gem
metryourty mstnrity • dee, and zonal alities chars.
t• rietto of the tree. catch they j deo. qu Mem will mike
doe cotqwance W age. feeding. th ey
other eirmunstanm,
on the character and edlditlon of tit mlutale.
They Viol Oct el. eaconntgement or neer fed animals:
They will pot award prmintrot for Du & OM , , ere hitifetvo
watch sates: to hare been Mt - mu. r the butcher, the
o octet being, to nave tuperior maim of this lend FM
breeding • •
No pneecn.whabeeer 0111 ice allowed interfere with
the Judges dating their tdledlielon•
The t 'do. will be espeoted, \le all
their :epode, to glee th e reasons ! their Ma
drolly In the one Xf anima s.)oombrseleg the I
dedrable quaint:sof the animals or.rticies( •
gdoms are awarded,
it hen aoything isethibited to tic. \ d'udges. I
Moil deem mattoriont but beyond icor 00.0 ,
premium to, they Mall Menial ano , of the I o A
amine. on DoevretidearY Prdniontit AT their is&
e. and anion
No sternal or artuole cor" take O en thanone pre ins.
Al ' roduotione plealsompetition tor prooniusas,.Ttutt
be too growth of hditod
When Were ere but one exhibitor. itithobigh he Mar
le• 0 0 \ seteral tuitions Ina clans or eebdivitiott of • MS&
only dee premium ill. be twuled; that to th e tint nr
at 1101,4101 on the merit of the annual nr article Mal ,
* 1 :::ITLI - t.",`,.4-kr,"f` d . ;,') :Ntb7;tro:Cein l 74 . C. :1
It leetpected tie. the liut.e.tatandeat. I=ll twee per
trent. Modion of all Artielea in their reopectlee deport
ment& and 'het all 1, .h artic'es am smutted. unes ,
1.0 may- be in numerical order, /or their em othto
r rmle - la
.. 1 \
hod examinee u.
The Pining Meth will tate plass on Fridty. the XOtto.
.1 v eel. 00. A Y. tn a neldtallecent, to the place of Itsbi
a..r....r- 000 ...Douce l o \, , h , clocloc clew,‘..i.oi•e to hare then. Lam , pitched and ready to more
in et appointed len&
'rho ag &Wire. will be delleenerl at I ult.\ it 0 .
• 11. Pr ide Me 00th of September. and inundltatellt alter
the ut 1 the Itcoorto of' the 'Viewing Como:aided& or
Judges • Ilthe teed. and the Proluali alrardea , ..a M r
\ dibutei S.
\\ II .1. ar d Steie will be lterialabect *rat 0. (telt' ... c..\l
Medd he pr lam h nod grain wile.. farads \rel at to "
•let cost eta., he.. who desire to Frchue.
` . thblo MENT OP PREP.') na.
3... prdnounashvrdtel will ba pal 4 by the Tdossarer,
al liOnlee. on Or litvwcals. till rtes laic
of the Tare
" lel &I: 7 i ;g ' n4 .''' w ' iri L ifer . l-I(ei Pal \
m,Ar.,r , .\\ a tel delive7l. if
ello-Poto solo wh o Pa M.D... \ tee tairitri. ere is'
f woods'` ` 'bat note. Ohs, MI for their pseudo.. at rise
Pair, ettivilott an mod Ve, MAOO. by 1.4 a... te , the T ,
I ' e Ire le=r:teV:rlr:tii Ztret.."'HV co rm
ili:TfteVe\oretary will Iddraol the Dthlcatunswerd • ed
las ado tear er at may De dtrected bythe persontaditled
\ ; virtu's TO iveintToss \\ N
1 ,7,„,
1 . tvaNt t.
11. Execlerelo Committee wtil tote Inert 110004.0011 In
, Moir wer toe.the oafs prodereatian cleft... Maud articles
It ex ii i ti, int e r their evilest , end temamment `town,
the f ro who List will net be. reermuillie for sex loda or
ttrocgoo at may lector Trey desim v nitare. to give erten(' to !lode article st the dose\ ef
the, Pete totoottentspo th eir rencela I, p d hen the Pair
to denomectat to. ells-d, on Poi Mx. attar the Addrees,.._.•
Whited nr their agents will be .01.0 to Pike ottults ol
tbeirlodticleolo v tim Saelety cannot. ta oi, Icatluer charge
of Meta • \ • . \ - \ , s \
HIC,CI.k . (lON tirOCK. AND Alt2IC ivi AT urrs-•
g\., l u •. \
\ \''
" ' \ .11 oif
J 4. k c ATt:;no e. ; . „.v. a . ---•"'- o' tP i ''"'
„ .. here th m %rile- f , "..
.4 .
. 001 A• 0 Pfttabo=g4 , a d .ttleglaeny. to d from the
It atonal. five of ex to the &stab r. \
eeple.Vidt2terth \ ' \
''. ^-^ --e-,_4. _
It. C. LOOMIS, Ageot,
No. 50 Wood atiost, Piathurgh
S 7%799 04
7 lei SI
fY'N.7ltl f 0
. 100^0 00
11. D. HIND, Pr...7.3v.
1. - 03P11);W:1145:1:0•4:4 - .1 IV/
Uu Daturdal, 18th that...JANE, wile of Jetta.°DLL
Jut , to the EYA year of he r
The Die.!. of the family nEyrited to &Detail the lair,
`el IrCim the late reel teneq of pecleceamd. at alanaheatert
;ttJIG welvk. Twit Arrnmoo:.
larrlesrn will lens the rettidepta cf Dr. JOHLP.II P. Dow
:AK, Sloth etr..el, at 134 teeloett. M.
AT THOS. MDAY', - .44
One Nice 000 h Store, No. I 10cor Itel Sired.
I' RIII,ANKFUL . for pant fardra the aubsiii-
I b., would faaractiully Inform tha pu blic that he Lisa
i i-t r.cead a largii.and eholm stock of ALL 000 De. tOi
a - hisdi I e would uwiiitett idly invite th..pi r ol a i atwation
..t '
OMR dii
' alliEl. T it stock hat lieempurchwird al.
n„toes .l. rata., and II ITiced at a very Omni' advance,
o the imbsarlber does h them On the one yr oaf , *Po
1. ca. In his stock of, litti .1 litlODi, will Ow, °Mad • gen
...l assortment of hint.. p ain and figured I' bab M.rir,
0.. all wool Da balm., mix d i.. Ds Gems, COntax, Al
pac... Gilt Plaid.. all Woo Plaids. X and 84 tipsiterax,
A:.. an. iShawl.--bonisl ,,, a ‘a la Day Mad., Wataf lop, Ws-
Les lint, £0: Limos, Caahm' u. Ilk, Minot and crape.—
hatinet and Ylattnids of alt r ca a
nd colora. vcryi, low
Xinbro:derial. Oblutiwlts,Alki tare awl liandkemhiak
loch i Incosinf all gull[ tat Tr r cheap. Also. Blink.ta.
Ti 1..4..01e:i5, Aluall,p,...lCottork Lisp. r. ging.
I,..mis. erlula Inateir. vaiiitn I fs.Olowtt, finis[)). WWI
no.. livery article In the Ur 0 di Ilnu, The lowelt
price named at tire.
.....Itlird \ 7g Maple! at, ,i
i) N Sept. 27tb48th,29tit ; 3Qth, a train.
of Care wld • pun Distwael thii se et station on
1,1 - 1 arts sod E.ghtti ntrrlktm , aul the gr =Rural Slats
1,1, tirounds. troth 11 o'cioesk lu aim Pac inic. unal G
oiclo. k In tho evannia. leaving each eta* iJiter hid( hou 0.
Yu,. aam cud, way ilarchaw tioTkat the office.
:,;fwd J. .11 - 149K31.111110. ALlt t N. Depot.
, .. . . , t ,
114 1 0 ii, SALE—Tsto *rat Boyrk, in good
0, 11.1 r and ready I r uns \ Applydi itinarloan
hotel, of it LiA 4
k;. ottru. ,
Th. 7 can bonbon at tlia foot of Gm. St... Allen vitliMtTi i
-- t -
B''(t'iaPf'l%°° 4 A %
rgunrn ''
Th!,!.J. ,, tict• of the Vegeta l . Wino;
J 011.10 0 .. 0•/k -"
- -
Hovey'. lint.. r a tirt
by (..77T 5' .0.1.
Joidwai cop y
.11_ Trap . of
l, l isf4
......Mina and
Iphla •••• In tne'
the \rat
I)4ik t‘ k fed.lP;
UM 51y CY•AIMK \
marl la • !Mk \\ '
:it ti Pl l "d ritad ' a ...1 '. .u.1% . ‘deLninor
idurlin and • ltiff4air Dr.Bnito. .
nt ' tlta ' N • It.n •a li ' gWit R
I. \l
irendik Worked L'ollara. iflatreir. dpe:rors.. , 0t . ..T . 13 .1
eat vadat,. AlmknpekroySit Nk . .ll d r
Aneit. and bottenteriplog ainpdodj
Q I'IRITUAL BOOK stor4, til Pub "ItTog
07 Imuot, 3CO Bradviky, Now: 1\ tiara r 1!7
trsoed the totllnn books, Thli stm pr.or• I eltk.te
prartrea li..eion of Voecher'n Reperl, IyiYILI. \
Ihreours. irom tee tract; World. by li efte tulle. .1
prrinkont of Urn Werio d on `Piii • r r 'ltTl ree,..,
It vomit. rt. P. Wilson. hiethollet and -km
• 51 .7 ,. -T i ln . irjr.ii t , being a Ugrian of Dr. nitia, all. Int .‘
noszakf ,!'corm t, . nekrilitik the Inner Lila alra,s World
of optrldr. 34 ornt \ ' . .
ritilllnies Pornmatal Y. 1119rttstiort If me. ninkin.fl. sir.
1 7 6.
' ion, A PPirmono. dr, 91 mutat.
Pilgrimage 07
'ltem., rsi.,e, to lb... Spirit Woad. th ugh
Ilex. t:. Hainan sin. *Alum, 119 ten,'
11...e9..nhari'r Drum:atop klimoetiktn. 1C1.....t. lel( r, dike,
Liztir,lirysiallration.Gbenihrm. Co ,111.90. \ .
CeiesPal Tains., pti.or ferret' . ' • ' •, .
....1 through tilkb,7 Pere, .0 L.
reran:lona •Ith 'lliirtY• 1
kheldsiall. a eviriklik 11 i. , t i ll it tAI
manta and rolatior. •.
Pt.. .Omens. WIWI/Jell I itinAnt
liplritoklikln. £O.. do.. '
Prearnt A g 4, an Inner 1
d0..10• Polmonds on Sikh
Lirittan and Richman.'
~.rootniro, =both
nod drmartita. Pro' .
•o .ether In on. 101,..
Mr., the ttpiritnal 1
drieit mains. a St witty
JD4Lis. noun.
I zurell
Black .1
OBA . N,
Ina inentutions that
Its .he banking hoi
him to q exporlenni or
In the banatrat bower '
twit 'roos prwsw. Ls eswsube is,.
..0t ressnnable term r Dieu,
BENJAMIN D ,P. 83. blase. toter.
NEW'itn bin' \h Diahrb e . . .. Phila
NEW t. , ' ,5,..1 IV - Elt rot liia k .
, • 'WM. A, LL,
re: \ ‘istr.6l VI .41-
... .
140 EV+ 3 SET t3O hide wimo
1.1 sof , J. .1171LIVORTII ii NI.
rill t 11 Wood sis AL.
11 Oa a...warp, .4' mite br t \
',a J. E. ILM , Tl.l & ' ,\
.1. I.
--,%00 bblk s ' ,
Amer House Mots r, for rale b k \ i \ t,
\ soli . B. DI MCL.I (Lb_ 1
' Splendid Plan Torte at titictien. •
(k N Wednesdny:af moon, 2.B\et,intit, at 3
1. ./ n'elolk,a!No.l29 Wooa street. will bpailed 'lp the
In . ot superb tibias. Olass'lrattoY Otwila 411. rrr& 08-
{..riot &wen °slava Rosew ood are Piano Forte,
meat ' P. M. DADIN, Alien,
Hotel OiVaibite at\ Auction\
(1N Wedneadayteornitk; Sept. 28t41 \
vy ..eimk, .eth• Leau.,.tim".• g.N. Ro om cktl r k
Wool sod sth etc. willbV , ald. ^sArt.t....
, .. 4 ., ,
'feet Omnibus, soltabl try Uote or Meek. , s
seen , s P.. 51. DAVIS, Awe;
A DMINISTRATOA . S\SaIe \of a Privet .
(a. LIIMARY.—WIh be att the Cootmerwel Pr 6
Rooms, toner of Ww7.17-- ....- streets. e ' wedseelsy and ,
There:sr evening.. Sol tZ , eta Library
" oeonhoic st
7 o' order of:
of theist* Walter Pori I enslre eol•
teatime of Books on all I Frenahsrul
Owosso anthem Theol low, Tras
wa. Bi o g ra p h y . 11.14. h) . of the
orts are scene. Muir
. Catalo
WV gues elm be he
°leaver'. Hop.?
..onTayloro• Trananoros.
sdolottls do; do Roney
Inadoor do.; Low'. Brow
nolo Wholooolo sod
Ds 27 \
Iog Componad. ?MIL:We ."
do Buboes do. do: William's I
Ile7nee Ewe Shell Creme; do
Wholesale and natal Y ,
sr U 7 \ ,
ARD-51q1ds. t . d
II di 1 d• 'lad
for rale bT . Die I
p ACON.— 25 \ piecea
Ilam• - for sale hi ,
P. .
12.811Y,gtuntedantlkle. Avenue. about °armlet
er of • toile from the 11, 1 tell-gate, on the harmers' a
Heensnlest plonk Hoeg, (hrteoslottNof 4tla sere. t ) ) add‘ s
h nut three end a quitter natt4s frotts.PUtebura, She insto..
latter O ' f g i srt ° 4gt. l :4 l a.,: . ' gr1.1.1.7...'i ,
mete the follownue new and ‘I velem ',loofas T.,.0,1
T A ItTARICA. Title now.erbor'sltro,p hies to be the fl- ,
neet of the tribs, hoots g a rich oar, to lase and being
extremstr hardy'. U,lltifillT lite ; • beautiful slant foe '
emelt enclosures. Trtelre thou., YILIV TAKES, of Ere
Seoerth and esoellentesuentr, the can be men on the
ground , : a great numberof the le were ( lsculad FM , \
stone to the had win e 0t.1831. as A smalneel‘unbure or.
the fu.sts of Mit sewn \s, This neat, , tit ererstreen. eta.
not be too highly epolte sof,rtod•le Oechirly eluptist for
et...bur Intrpaeru. WI isfimin3 witlenl, we cart
te \
fanT.-.llt d AlTette.lTl .tiolil a. A., "e It a. rtearitiZti,
SALIX PliellitUl,A, \ (new ellue 'eine: .
\i k ItHODOlgai.
Dttolstl In • variety, \ SIVEII F,11,N Ili, k. Y, En•
HOLLY In nriety. ak,r.• \\ , ~ , •
Nets lint et our stand au east days ao4lc . Dtamead
M t...7‘... s la_ fi .'l d .-t i g: s . l 4.4 "" l ' 1 \
de l ied
tr h
t o tli I ti 7 1 ,4 . . .c r . z
ime N. Q.\ Sug\g. for
st — t -
n , E \ -- . 1 :, e. - -,ff aooo
MI 1 . 110,T11,RN: \ \
rrEAS-150 p.s4ag
Tom. for sole by
MACKERF k L--30,
UP: - 11
• • .14
for nal
mit I
B Bass
821 , , , L ,
I: DT;
t r'" t
_ _ .
LEAD PIPI on TO , cond t i n&
nnoz. et lop Olatatterybd Laud fix site
re/7 W 4114/ BR , Prout, t.
SIQ TRANGERS 41.aitil t tliONit,,
- keepers! Pripariestibr sir • Wtairspsk,,
TIVRINVAVVeIere ' t a Ilea
*IV . 111
tatrnoy.ooloap! Vietv3l2f
and. , : A
___..‘l and .... .!:.'. ' ~h A t i ll
JE ? ExriiEßs\,,,
• Vaal., and s ;
tamer 4.111,..5pee; for , a
Mqt. S 'l S or ß ee%;, %t ,
a ar..a....,41
kbbli \
LIuDA Al3l
Mb. 111 voil
CHEESE -47k) boas
Ha r gisitt l aitiarae r,
terms 84 saa 62, l
am bank
ant Notert
Na, ham
.It M,
11 . Dr•
{.l TRA Y 110 V.
1,77 se. V 21.4 11 of • 14, eat
Toimehip. Allootkeny
WtllTt MOW. I,ltea , In
old • pleee ent,out '4.10
owl.. 1,111 plessimov, ropee4,
her sowor • beep 811, i
1 r PROTII a - OTT, Wil , esala and 4411,
a n..i.oa la 00 ' an 4 me)i.0.100.0 of Fourth
amithaa'd atn. Plate.. Nt i :siikreoatv.4 sk :I sad‘
[ int! ounp , y of BOOT r.nd at Tall. , rMI and Winr
W4r::ogl4!nl!'.XlldeM 11g071:64Ve
wooer eh... of tbaritalatilokicitibeit gadtti.
\ runlEs and Carp.tlia ir la of. o 1.101 ,. .. .o:.nnery if*
t l ' ellg,Vlll. t r o ::„ , r 4 #47111 . 1 It (hr. t e rOCk'T 't . .
gI'ANISII BROWN-15 bbb T o sale , by
. , I%Ar r tgl,#krohLa co.
, ...4 s _ cod aid Nut at&
chati to Will(usbarigg i 'hud isnm•ll4lolfs ogpsksits
orh4seu llotal, consisting 0 ,albt of grout 4, having 14
Yrant , pu tbu Pittsburgh sad Ofssa%bzirb Tuvq44 01. 50'
trot sod exrding Walt 254 tear 5,150f00t streeharechesi
titres.. is tux s consfortsbla two y WELT"
WO 110114 NErsuged •ith balP4relkt bsaliaszlorg.`
with ditshlor ul and kiisha
en tha lors pr55t4tr. " 511.11,441ez
51 Itp`4t.t. rands or
flosnitug 11hn54, , . There in .1.0. CO. prbk sithi
t o t , i ‘tisr n . ullagr x o: s i, ,,, b4 , ll4‘llo. PosiseiTigstsirmlia s st
\ 21
, 5 ,40111011, ac \ s s 71.1,1111LN.
, \ . Penn , Mass Work& %, •
• Loltg, , NZ,ZSe\WIGHTIII.4.N,
lANIIPACTi.". of all ii i(o o
ELv.& vl ALB, BOTTLic 15 INDOW aLA ,
.6,\,,, ,
rad 65 Vrout,etteats Itabamh. s
N. B.—Tart:lsW. au Von saal , 0151,1 sta. of If a
do. 61515)ind viti7tothp WA fte k 2k411.1 " d V . \
Irki Wind
ep for
ALU B4E 'AR SALE, eituatq
Ilts FO R
the dty, an one
bal( b 4ryerl c irlatitt Media/ ant/
cleurd„ cod ie' high cite' cultivation; sod 10 tore of
prime bottom nitadom \ good timber. Thia
=Woven:do's are tmail4Rellleß Row, glable. arrlog
AIM orrtnie go • . the plabo,lt eV I ere.ftred. e , orett . ‘
tent•to U rid end 11J11e4' , W111 .0 I tow:arta
withlhe prtvlltgeo rty. This hnd, 111,og me near the
oltY. , leod on good •4, woo bit iL admltie malted tor
§:t d lltrogoTt It • i Truit 64:24=
11,0,, ". 14.11N,'
rept.d • , Reels •t 1 ent,
VE \PA`k44l-11iiilii1J4
L)FZlcts,Tsliortmei t of n . c.i ..,., ti. 1 ,. ; ..,. ! . iti r ri ,
.... I =r,,irmr , rriZt 4 . t :''' ties\ilLEß.
u \
\.. 6 '.,,, \\ , \ , No. as xfow, .t.
\i --
- 4'--
- ---'
4 i ER. Alm \ b * 'ETY-1 1 11,SE - -:- -
~ bdigine,7o6.-doi ''.\\., , •
,H!4 ~.. \ \\,,,„
7mituttierl r. '
t5 : : ' ;1 1 1,11af 13 s • • 'RD • d ,
‘1• 0\ p n :J J. 13:11/Witt i N.
MAt , tmLe. efici oomiNwyt, i V ETS '
—mtimpt it goncianict.D tura lwec.fta k sod
colonel Manta VolystaL . Riltkildamiue Way., bia . ..tad
brown watory•ti iits, fcr . Silhatir sod Div \AL .'in.
ho'br DULI. bis. , iiiikVoll. tuu, ...2- ftrure 7 4ate
m.o. sal Mo. 11 aisailk si Mks. -
N I,
strN, Iloyorm•wdl all,: \ salti \ -. •
EIJNE PAPE Tg 4 t iNc i s_. , t v h ' ti, ~,,,
...- ahnaco 4 , :tpr . • . with el; ittut welv.4 'law, ' 'al
''''' "' bi
7 ft.r1.. 1e X )I ' IIESII/11.
k ... r_ 7 •!. . -
4s- , -Ikeuutirid demig
Ck'Yo, LI Ek
erli3Areal deka /MOO
Thg Latootte,
\70;t111.1 bagel Thur i lg u
e •maly .xn„
'RV iI)*I.LINB .
..4... Z. 15,
Er_ A l...\ ° ;Arai
Pertbradiatr a 1 Llcato....
TE1151141,1/o. V lbrsolbr 5.,.
and doe& Bog 11• . oar* ,
which ody‘i ..1.. .. oo to all t..
l t.
052E11..r , 1.
\ WHIP 1.1 1 Nt•Y 0)
thi. OA , by •I 1, _
10 IROkk-1 0 -.lle p z ptiati
do Le \ •s\l , do No. 1:41 Nit'
U. 6 ..... Ide IL
, 1 W PRIOSp W. L fyil*R
',fed '; i Llia ..Iting.At t,. co
lio ,)e. U"g". 5 .d * . .. 11 /! , ' I R7 \ . 25 1 - V , 10A.,, , A
,- --,\.---- \
ealk ir ...
? , ,Nto
ou p.ret. th •
VLEESIt \ -r,l \ box -
chum. nr,• 0,11
\\‘‘‘‘ \
•d I=
, I E
, - DRIES.
' . 4
0 5 ,
lus \ st:4oj ,
\\ \
ved by
ft. cola,
tor oak 1 .11;
1, , ; Mu,
ICERT, fio the
iborek B Vll•oro b il \ 27 CIRP
gir•fx at MA SIC 110 .4 11
* . F iL u tratt.
tbV.tVath il l:Pior,jr 2 r .Dl
r. ,, r Imo %Indy aturotoi .for
o , plarolo \
ss t to b. et Ih.
8 torei.=triat ! V C:U. Oa \
(10 ANDEE..)S e .INTKIAII,. 1,11 !
X.-A wAsiutErtoit; the 0 II ...,,OP4 ‘.4.'Zj'l
WASiltrilitt)N.\ 40 yr old. a utktive ,
pf the ygyeetett IVY% ...... ..., i
Abo the Fweitui AIL AN u1....i4 , ~‘ ,
400 ponede In tonnbt. and )thinit en:\ a e ,
man kraero, th+l. r+,,KUltt ..F.4tAIPh , ON C 4 the,,..
ret- -
4i , \
e Wei,
. . .
LEVI /. \ SOBTR!fI \ \ '
Grand GomblinaGr EahiblUng Cons 9
TU .11
..',, . CIRCIR3 ANk IttIOtaGERIE, \in
11)1rILli perform in I? , i , t i l r ettitrgla on the of
v v 7rant Cr the :ANEW HOTEL, PENN ,§r.„„i
Ms sven , osto 41 llonday, Tuns a . Weinerdsr. Tnurfday.
Friday-an& &dards'', evenl,4 tkotembst tlitt., 6V.,
:Wt.. Mt. and 51th and, r and t \
i t,
They sill also give • grand I. x 'Mink I,ts • lot um overt
Pak Monad, on.tbe anornOuns ° Tussled. WailorsdaS;
nuts/day. and Yrldsy,\ \
Yor farther partivilara red bills Okna day, and • Illuml
naiad oostArn st the h°tels In Leo clot, \ -
7.... t. ores at 2 and , 7 o'clock: peroifentaneea \ condatsur°
at 136 sad 761, ..'eleck Adrolralon 26 esr.. \ ap6.1611
ar.'IARGO'S lIALL.-- -FOURSti - STtkr
11.` , / , ,672.trt WOOD,' OppOsits tarayetts dal!, oa b• ,
talOsl for Partf,, Fsativals, Conoorts. Pd . 0)14 NI r
ac. \also, 0di.R01..11 Curl Lt') • and SAYE -worm e •
eau be. four.d in r.adinese, at all Unlfil, tr ateplyfr
THANK 1111600, at the Crystal Mace Deguedr'
of It. II \ Cargo a Co., Fourth greet. -
A,.\\AjcriloN s •
In making
valuable aryl
• which ute•
V t ag '
e o the
I)e,ti tree 4seic , g , on
, rber, le orsvil ,
w .0
rwo thus park tarp
T r
eo ' iren igi iVrlAMlt
riNOTHIII4 rod
N. \ op. VAIGAIL, I
No. 1.44 Trout ikesot.
\\a foi
PPINgr-A\ -Tre • tu
.u.r&t:er4 •
J. 14ti
:Mud 4kb,
or at ShipOtPr,
OTatit 11/01
€ a
ork 'ls‘d
' '
P. ' FINS.
- ') . lrl;.allt 7t i flo tt - r\
'. itte, Olt 1.1 w• yt.
et,..'ell : \ ThVia, ' t:c ,
I . t%..iti2olik \
u •
ltt az\
k, ...,_,.. ‘
- -
0 II ,\\, El E
CA1 ) .. 1
omee s.\* ~f
04eris 4:\
bt4theil ILO." ,
Aral/z ipl oom W. 17
Ikrdin W.
Jae4h \L. /ler
N VT.,
Medical £.7.4min
Apeigbadi ,
whl7 \
Oluttvitiroat 1
aroole4 Carr's'
Vflaa . i ltte t et
Miaow'', van
bAL 1, ItOO:
moortment of
loom_rnal, Tbn
floe OlsoettOi
embalm-A CIO
A miao-r.
' ;111.0 . 114
l' 1,1 r ; Ramp' ' l.
• W. Out ,
' . f M g & .do wooliT l . r l 4 . ' atlifil:l;;l7;itt,
to (urniob t•mabwoho. llotelo u
Wu abovq as We Wtr i diool t v . ./t i , b ra
prier they h lli P e ..ceiTtbit citr
Y t h 11. °Atari si CO. DO
+. bi Third n4\
t. ,,,,,g L ,
\ ~...,,,
A BARG AIN to ho got f 2 ,, 000 /101.ik
flf.\'' nod 10 .on Wobater stn.( \ ono Da r ie n • trout et
22 frot,oontal I n
tl 3 roam; the lot
al bank Ila fon
~, \
on Irblot. is , ml •, A goad •t•blo *al *Jur mow.,
baii .11. 2 % &Ilogli4af (Mi. • LIQUOR #ll WC, b•vlng • \ ,
front 0n.,141n .1 t 3.ll•nountilna Illnit ti In 1.11..7 LQO
fest.on let
l*.. eo t4la
. fram e honepite m lning u 0 to
wV: grf v, llar,wklarklon I l 4 n !
r 0
ad \Curet,
\ 1•26
70 \ Bt
\ 'WA/
DDLER na n 1
lo ‘7l. and rar4 Ice. for.
2fr \ 216 Liberty E. sigr. al
rcip 311,NI§TERS an STO Nl'B—Book.
The okb.or v hor lass jdaF wies 1r
sKlltins Id
4111;.T64 Were and•
annetatome /oes am :odes*, tk u me Vl*
K SWIM. 4 t si 4th,6ll4rtst ette .
. 2.3 \ !./.ce7lll4llla.r.
IV *id 1 14.1ati.Blark
'oromaraor.r. ii.w odltloo;
10640; D. tirolra; D.ll J
ea of oar. Lord, .40 , ,ta. 7
tt lie4 .. t A al 't Vialo t tfy; n Wo Ili a if
‘estanoor. oyaatbarlit 61
-..51/0.0 Cattadaa \PI
'NOM ra.s.'n Haw
, z , 11.4 Doha,
a aiboY
a tvd
y in
11 t
Dingl, 1 .
\iso ~...... -aortao9ll:4 '.
75 r103.1.5aar.d Di, k•ro;
15 keg, &Mucky Twist To a.tetr \
, 1.5 bblic at. and t ti 011: i ' -,..
. 10 Skiroto Hum ROD , -. '..
.y.. iO. do. He o tkroc. , , \ ,• \
50'0•00 lid .T. end 115 Uog
10 dos Duo, boa 5: \ .
ItO day. Can otou; ‘ ~
CO biatobeeta .. IL a ...I,D k 'Dm, \ \ \\ i l k
Ou baits WuoloV 0144 t o ,W. s . GILLS HOF '
p., 15
i\eaxasu edOr,
CorpOthigl, 'Oil Clo ais,
\ 4 ltor 0 . :& 1 '
0. 47` . 40k Fifth, fi‘
pea •
0.4 1 Z: 4. 43:a*, itit i : r a 4:3%4
.., I`. 1 Tr...•
Gni i4link
nes . e t .
‘9,r! *.t
.t .
:rate gair °flan *
ht \ itiliab7ll
:eceeNresies A,*
of ' ketia s:
fti Teeeday, Weotilket y, TleirAfty and
r*war asp
114. 4 :1$ - -- a,*
at V
t lO •
1 a _
to :
at IP. . \
lf, ace kat
Ilona Nava ,
simile fir
-9a ran
wagfrair r
*B , O aX4ol,3as, nothi p foriAlerby
n of
el \
ni \ _
64 b
b ridle an ea
XatUalden Hors*,
I(.':Yi. OOLLLiiQ.