The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 22, 1853, Image 4

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1 41.11EUE A_S. in the, 13th Faction'
Y . v - 'cc the acs of Oem
Ca General Asobly of Pronsal
rediTi passed z.i. l A, uz,..,,,, , ,a • t“, Asa nano, m
- the .echo,. of t o is njoined an the
honatitlcif evely•Cointy to ere seller of nab .WMl=l. ID
IA beM, en/ realeleate la authLOtteo vef.ea affirm on to .
tre Sleeted.! - ; lea north.. therof, I. Wll.l..lant USGILL
ht.' lll r . 1 ' lb* ennar or kiwto.or. do therefore make:
know, ead wire tat mobilo notice to the .110100. of .11
soountyof Ailoarbeny, that a aen•rel Itle.iloo will he bel
in the salt sooty, oaths , Etita/NDTUIPIDAT ue OCT°.
BET. NISIT et therreersieletron districts therein.
- Tao electors of the I'llet W‘fd of the City of Pittsburgh
to' nor et the bows of dire.jene fAttio. at the !Mon , Of ,
v ii-nl h utf47l.°ll',l°'''rliA .1 4
.V . itfiCli of Pith. —
bnrglo. ,foe mat st, the Burnt Lthi;Ort gond , °:" ...wr cr 4 "
one and Patina...l4 stsett.. inlaid Went
1 - heetroo.n of the Third. Ward of the city of Pittsburgh.
to meet at the hem, of Andrew Moldeeters. kat. ,- •
, Tte Mentors of tbe Fourth Word - of the CUT at Pitts
hu,,h. to met at tilt Sottook in saki Want ' .. t
The elector,: 01 lb. Fifth Ward of the oby of Pittsburgh. ,
to urea st the renorylrenta 11ouse. °Molded ha o . otlelb
Bel lol,late Atte .11theselt to ,4 dltedd• -•: • :Val .' .'; -.
•rt,..1.1.mr1f the sixth ward orthe etrof 'Pittsburgh,
to meet et the ttbibtoslmtallonse. ids 9111,ward.... ..
Thealeotors of tho.Sesentts Wend of the city of piit,ew
burgh. LII ISM l Ai toe Publietchord• of
thr said ward.
The.electors o f the •.10schth wayg al th ,,,,i t ., , " t ..
burgh,_ to. 'at the Pablic Bchfol Rouse, in Sea
T war he &errors el tbeTllnthWardOt heeibrof•Pittsbutdb,
i.I mood , the Parbiietehoor noo 0, I‘. .ra vu'lt.
, on,,,norors. a' the Sited -kehl_of Ito oily Motile/dm.
eq./ to meet St the hentre - of J. Woodhouse, crt Robin.=
.• • !lechers of tie Second Wert of tioacity of Athilibit•
• ' ny, to meant the locum of Widow-Tboothson, north-west
Mr ner • of OttiorgeontapnbGe square, .L. • •-• • • .
The electors of the t tare Ward of the CRY of Aflnthe - ;
ni, to
thellehlio fielowd Mont, in
ward. .
The electorsof th e Fourth Ward of the oily of Alleghte
• liy. to Meet et the house of Sire Wylie. Past flornman. •
The - Ithdare of Flit thwnetdP •to moth at the hoolieOf
lelte.. Nosey Raman on the asthma& and '• Farmer.'
Turnpike hoed. in amid township; recent thednalitied so..
heertelding hysegions NO. 1.. I' Sind lit, of. the sate We.
1 triet, who small it teat oh general ellittrat Lathe Ninth
• went or the of Pittsborgh. , . .
The Photo. of baubles townehip to Meet at the housed
John Bottler. to V chino of Sem Liberty.
TM oleo:argot Collins t o to meet at the house of
lerfleafe lecCell.jr,. to tan village of gest Liberty. _
. . The eleetors ed • Willithe township to meet at the noise
• ' -of John Sha ff er,ma the Otenteburgh Turnpike part. In
The electors of Plum toenehlP to Meet it the honte'ef
John Suounemille, In eat tarnehila. ~.. -•- ,
The @taroks of PetWatOwnship to Meet st thehouse of
!throbs.= Tadhar. on the Northern Ttannthe. 1, mid
llie • %Torso: Penn towraldp to moot at the theirs of
' Robert honaidekrz; on .
the Lawthborg Road in eat& town
!kalteetectors of Yeree 41mtraft chip to meet et the brick
Poboot Row, :leer the Whim flow.. former/1 ~cupid
byes of
ant now by Wm A. Shaw.
ders of Einabeth torenshipto meet atthettonee
f threat Wriostte. ionnerly haunted by John Walker,
I. hilsobette borough_ .. - • - - • `-.
The eleotore of its borough of BUmbeth to meet at the
!muse of Georm, Webeterelbraletly moulded DT John Wal.
ker, In said b rough
Toe elm • nes of Je ffereOn to wnship to meet at the hob..
IR:thel Both. fatMedy ometyled by Atha King. tn , liald I
' The efeettoes Of Width tow nshli a to most at the bonne of
Fu tol nnel W
bhp. ilton. formerly oetespi by James 11. Neel, ha
• The ebetars of Upper St. Clrilr toettehip to meet at th e
Muse orJes. °afloat in said township. ' •
The ablators
ill Clete townehlp ton:Met it the
hown lately kept byT. Belle, at the .1 nrotion of the Dlr.
liiiTmama Coal 11111 Boade In estoonetdo. -- .
gb lue eleetorerf Chatters telsochlo to meet at the publio
betterment the. Baer 241/1 limo Bridge. on the Menthenrillf
Ittrapike.-r• . • . . .
She elostora of Ralston towneldp,th meat at the house
of Sash ReVarbrod, formerly A tidier licfarlaoo. In sant
Ol:whin, .
The electors of Findley townthip to meet at the house of
licthelland a. Armor. foteadielY omopiel by J. Charles, in
the eGlthe of thistoo. in e. id monthly. , •
The electors of .Itoon town-hip to Mae at tho home of
r :V 4 o := l l4throir h .n::iia.t . r. moot aaioot noi..
''.lll.l" ht ia 're t :irran d tlin thwothip to meet at the thane
• coons ed by Jct. Cabman. to ell township. .
11 e *booms of the
borough ofbleachester to meet lathe
. public School Brute.
• Toe eletoril or ßeserve township to meet at the Eglithil
• " flour Sol. in Sad township.
sbe electors of Pahlwin monthly, to meet .t tho house
. of John Cowan. tn add lowothi P. ''
The electors ot Snowden township to meet In the haulm
of Peter Royer, Sts m td 10.1,1110 ' • . . •,, , .!• .• •
The elettOlS Or eolith' Fayette toWnehin to moot it the
Maas of . 1 1. Bays. 00 the tarns of .0. Y. Coulter. in Wes
township •
• Tte *motors lit North Felon° township to meet at the
house now ocettyded by Broods Ja . mleon, at Roger.' RBI,
• •_ .-.•- • , . • .
• The el ec t re of Rose townehip to mast at the house of
Jacob Colt...ugh. oil the Insulates ltoed,ln said tr shady.
. • The eieotom of Plne•towneh.M to nest at the boom of
Blunt, Crummy, in said townthop...
. Too electors of It'Candlere township to meet at int
looses 01 Daniel Shoop„ln said township. ,
Tim electors of Watt Door township, tai moot at the
house of Nathan Conley, in said towneloth... , •
The electors of Re Deer township to met at the pub
lie &hoot lionise l ath e borough al Terontuto.
Toe electors of the borough of Taranto= to meet at ths
pantie School Conae in wild bareogh. •
. • . form e rly ° c re m a olfbbydi S wn e th im o t o o e d m ow n a h IthPe. None
• The tie-mss of Shafer townahle to inert et John flhotel
.-- ,_. ,- 31.111 Mend towashGt.•• N '' -
The quallthelYsters of than part of Indians thernable.
In Allegheny want. scolding within tbe ft flowing de.
soothed boundaries, towit : beginning at a point on the
, - Aliestiony• risercet the'OPPer_llne of the luta of Jam
Otbbaared running I northerly course between the tams
f mid Cable alei . Jeall 1107 d. to the northeast norm, of
- ' eaeheel *OM; thanes rosining a wetter!, matte 10 the
Skater township Duo in each a manner as to embrace MI
tame - cr tom tithoted• to, thuordnghtun's district, end
knowls as the line leaC i %wittain said tmundartes. then
bereator go'. at gene seMion in the borongh 'at
Sharpthurg. at th e election poll of said tatongh. ..'
The eleetcre of the borough of Birmingham to meet at
the Town lUD, en Wilkins etteet. in min borough. •
The-electors of the borough of Elst IliftediashaM' to
meet at the italland oMots of Oliver IL Ortnaby. DI add
borou che aters
1 - -
Ibe of Ditonestmbemnigh to meet at the mottle
Sobool Mute in ilab.bormagh.,_ • . • .
The elector. of the borough of therrenecedle to.ateot az
the mobilo Wool Booze in mid through. •
The elector ot the Wrench or Shatmsbarg to meet et
the honee of Jamul Sharp in said bom_tigh.
The electors of the boroagh. of It'Keesport to most at
the Town Rail In sold -
This electors of the borough or Booth PittantratliTto
lae.t at the btaliff manly °Coupled by B. Ilednntrioh,
at the end of the Mornongatteis Bridge. Mahe,,
The electors of the borough gol d est Elisabeth co meat
et the public Sthool.licum In borough. .
st which tore thdpisoesthegualined the afore
tall will by ballot rota for— • - - - •
f. tilmr=for Pre:Mont Jageof the District Dort
One yenta fee Conti Cationsissioner. ' . •
One torsos :or - Judae al the Supreme Court of Patti.
sylvan'. • -• • - •
• One person for Treasurer of mid tomoty. • -
Ors. erson for Senator.
gl persons for members cfAseambly of Pocurilaania..
• ' • 00 11 meson for Melly Cmamissitmer.
Onager!. for Anther. - ' • •
Ow porton for Markt Attorney for said C omm. One nerean for Countydluremor fit Nan .01.117.
- . One ammo for Antler Ei.ocrel. .. • .
One person for Sumter: General. . ' • ~..
And-1. ...leo glee .r.otthe th at eterystemon. oneepttng.
^•Yrotteas of the • Pelee who shall hold any ems ce mo
parament of prodt or lee,
nailer the gorrronotnt of the
- United Mete., - oebt the titatea or of any sits or incoroo
, rated diarta. whether a commistioned orleer or Ohm ,
elm, a subordinale dace Or event. who is. or shall be.
eramoyed nease be loglastire, eseculiee. cr ludietur
department of the State or of the United fithhes, or of
any dtr or Me rated deeliat. Mel oleo that even
menthe , of too, and of the State Legieleturr e _and
0.... 470
. 'of th e Select C-moonn Council of any City. or Cnizr
_mirsioner , of art tlaeorprat."l fflz tele., is by Ms Lampe. •
"hie of holding or erenne my at the same • thae,the oMee
or appointment. of Judge. fostnlor, or Clerk of an
.colon of this Commonwealth. and that to impertor.
judge or otb-r offloer of ant . each eleetion. et all be elle
. ble to any elm to be then Toted for. , • , -
Also, in and be the 4th motion of an sot approved the
deth of April. ISO. it id en.--.tad that the 113th erotica of
the act pawed July 23. VW. entitled en act rehdlng to
the elections he this Common wealth. shall tootle , cototen
ed lut to prevent lefty militia ofither or borough 000,00 nom
• serving. es Judge. Lo , p , dor. Of Clerk, at any flethmt-Of
Special Eireann in this Can caoweralth.
- And - the retern Jude. of the reepoctive snot:leis afore.
• eald. are 'centred to meet el the 0 gat the city
rof Pitteburatt, on tho after the W.:ea/2'91. 4 .7 of
October next, then sod there to dlsehargo the d tam to
Gulled bylaw. ' .
Olvtm wader my bend aryl seat at Pltteburr.h. thin Ifoth
• day.el August. A. D.. 1.153. and of the .Indepenclancerof
the United States the serentreightb.,_ •
auggliattertod . WILLIAII MAGILf. Sheriff. •
OTEIERS—Nr B E. &Than—Tot ma say to Ton that
I *steam' Tour Vennifuwa Om all others. In Mirth
lot t obtained a bottle of M' Lee' nersolfaxo tad gore it
to my obild without Ito expelling any woram—tha child
continued =twirl for wine weaka—l than purchased a
bottle of yours. and gars it, win* expelled over one Imo
dred lama Wm.,. limits GRUM
lowan Township. JAW= COuntriP...kar 0. Ma.
Parents ebbing a Wontpdloina. that maybe relied
upon. amain pm thatrore mid old by !
11.. BRUM IS Wood shish
kW, =SM 323 .1.24 , 17/ strestr - re Ikeia
• tridd ntrodr•
. • -` Tl,ll3ltOnGa.
11A - ONUIdgbiTS, Tombs, ~Grsive. Stouts,
Fortititre -Topa Mantels, Intwedne
.liaison hand and suds molder b 7 the
levee: prior . Three hundred crigleal end aelraded de
sista ter Monuments, An, on hand. 'Weekend slab
his 'famished to the Trade at the lowest yearn. All
order. Lied with dispatch et 319 Liberty dere- • •
oak . W. W. W.W.LICIL.
11191[TRAW . BINDERY BOARDS.-6 tons
etisir 1110ery.Bosrds of best einslity. me& on
consignment and Mr ono by ' W. YUIIIDLITRIL •
FISH -50 half bbls. Lake Fish on con
abutment =I Yar ado by • poimacteß. .
TANNER'S OIL-25 bble. warrwced pyre,
teed. and (creak. by rple It. E. RELL=S.
LARDL -10 bble. No. i Winter Strn'd.
d lad foe We by obl9 A. AA. ItoBANE.
VIIEESE-20 'ban Cream Cheesti -ren'd.
and for sal. Ls ,106 A. A.A. Moll/LYE.
UTTER-40 kegs and 5 bblo. for ado by
014 - dl A. EfeBANE-114181.rond strut.
INA)US—,SO titan. Axtra :Yam Ilour
ro.lyoul sad for ule by ozilA A. t A oBANE.
APPLES--Ia atom' and for - gale
A. t A. M.IIA.NE.-
/0/.2'L—J 4o :.l 7 st reo'd on vnii , V A lg i nt it.. 500
spl3 Cornm• B.tond and otrees.
REAP WALL PAPER-20,000 Poo- of
P ,, tornr orrfextellont goolSry. at rho Tory low
Dr oTate. :0 Irol 124 ets. pot yirco,Jo4t remind orti tor
islaror OOl 2 THOV: ?ALUM!, NO. 0.6.110rk0t et:
ji • as•ortolerd of 'Silt sod %%Ave, Oold sad Wetly 001.
ed riotes, of cep Mine aaa elsbota• reKrently,
zrOtvol atd for MI. by .02 TOM. PAlatElt
1 OR RI BREATII--Sagar Coated Car
danion Sed7M a sew =id Elellxbtfal tb4i
• restb: to[ tile shOlentle br
opo - • it a. BELLEAU...6T Wt.Ddlotroet. •
Cslore--11. r I..ULL9W has received the alsgastato
,Art for repfrmhar.
Itarnsm and (airman kr tills week.
pl;l7llU°4Bagggs,./,inel.,N . E.t,
p la al.arning to their sorrir of ,htofo of
seholoo easaufsetem. .
.differ,sit So/shim, ewn.oisw
be had e th• am" of 311711P/Sit .HBUILOII,IIMA. Woe
mow now "means on wan:went of choice plain Mus lin dm
Lams.• .• • . op 10 •
IiERBING-51:1 ,libLs: dry Balt and 40 . do
Pickled. la stare sad for solo
LAKE , FISII-40 falls; Whitefish;
Z) 6bls.Trout 40 4004 14b40: •
Wbitaa4lo Yb bfbble. Trout;
b 0 00. 13hail—la dare and 144 bale by -
WIN?. :PULLED 'WOOL-500 lbs. tn
v►Wed:ta st a tor silt b 7 .1..1j3002in
Btruits and Shore Oil, izi store
gur tor . 1 . br sol 3- ' /SAUD is DeLANGE.
- = ATTING-,Canion 'and' Cocoa Matting . ,
VLOUIt,-67.13D1n. - fifth opitouttd Moor, to
arTiVkAlaSar•o44P7: JOll3 IVATCt 0 1 ).. . •
AND CALF SKlNS—Philadelphia
and French Wye had Oa.fEklastw r.Li bi-
VLE 1500 Bida3 Nay 'York
4 - laashatln state ant*: Inge by .
- 10144 A DALARGE.
'UisNT AND . RAW . "tallialt--Indisn,
zoom,' cut of earhil tot reed and
al& • 6 /L
*enable - Conners' Residences For Sale.
I ARE ealreoribor flotriT g :bud out 'ten:iikeo,
• t z ‘vrivr..urr vng, .111 - .41 one Lila/S.4a What
ten sere. La- lain,
baneaff Pas , NM and 17Sestly's tarns, sal unnaig land of
Wra ilainant o2 nuanneante ant o.l'Joeising nu
rnits. earns ending 'test allezhenr and
uuangh„ and U afinisaldr situated for „Landauer..
ids land fa in 100aest !pato of cultivation; it la well
supplied Om, Men. Apple,' reach. ant Chem
Treat. Ilonsebemas. Carrot tei nbrubbtry. no , from JO to
IS ;ma old. Lash Lot will hate • pill= o.ltraft Trees
in it. Teem, veer nor vertical.", ingloir• at the
amber 'iati Odlen at, &tilt inane near Grant. Pitt,.
urith. °WAN.
Land For Sale.
y, RE ! undersigns e or a a hand-.t -ygawabl. TBAOI' LASD In Pretire
wnshlp,cootatolog lOL'ltThfral ACXXS, adbanheg the
betas of Toiarg one Uhraltrkk. This. Tract of teal ht
aJotlgtunte W tbstourth toe. Hoed; and la hablettiatelg.
00 . flat llaa outter,thty . Dll.6e.t. is'ent•snlent to the
aglt.g, and , tavat.astalent. McAdoo fur soy one •
ing& %demo, oenott7 reside.. She load 10 obell.
tly ouppliedvitbefater and to • good state 01 sum..
*taloa the goproveserate ate a tvogtorr frame WNW,
1.1..htl Janusz: azsl • haws Stoats.' tor larqur.p.ati,-u
-laro, sod home of as e.indatre of . • .
.frOtr • - • Ailtrt. (lama, usa Liberty etteet . •
'For Bent
KIIELO 11.ALL.÷Thie wog . known Hall,
etaated over Ms Poet Otdce..laniag wide. !tell
tad sad eery .Calmat.' her bowl select:AL end by the
syyerytmeat fn., light. M.. is DOW 1, all reepeele very
snitzba fyi exhibition/. of PagsgrUgge sad works of Art
seainlly. It is also well ideated fit ; Antdeandr7 .
giber -yabtle meetings at Yoetettis. or far Ckdad‘at.o.
eleetbnin. atackholdcre akeettar Al to.. 6 and Igag of to. 11.•
b. rented t raok; !jail! " It rat.
vi.:' da or ig i r u tas.l'
r Oar:ha 'rook be rautid for tersibrottear Mr.*
part Kt the. reteof Tow Ilhodred dollen
Aptly itiiist dory I. l4NbColltill
'to B. D. oszzak.,
Desirable 'Desidasee For - Bale. -
rigELF. late residence of slonathan Kiddit
ea.:4 l floffered for sly situated • plea.
ofilin l atef.d ' gri " •"'":"' hi .
The house bra vett Dirt two sar;double hoar TO%
lot funding 60 feet ou.Nurth Geoid street, mos bask 274
lest to fakeers
an/ Is well inuiroved. Pries for.
and terms accautiondstina. hspir
For Sale or To' Let.
I 'Stoats at Franklin, la the amity - of ' , Juanita, and
State of Pennsylvania, which remodels" a Solll i I. a
drirt Sail. klactory. large Blom - and Warettoosa, 11
dwrilitig hours. with other out-bandit:um with a Mateunientorhup atM valuable Water Power u thei
can afford for the above purposes. Ooal within one mite
of the Mill of • good guilty and In sufficient quantity.
Itso but short distance item perhaps to blast nunairei.
Rho taro:mud informs:inn Inquire of J. & N. Floyd sod
Jima* /Lank, Pittehurgh.arel the subscribed at Franklin,
Pa. LAkiiiitELTON.
Desirable Properly tor Safe. -•
NIMBEIi• 'of very valuables Building .
11.,..emaruc the (
b Deaot l the Ohio r u t
W IJALT . S.d;_end
and on Auesiieny usual, .
Also—A valuable unizaprossdon the srot M
arty and IPaand7 streets, filth Ward °prem. the
Amin Catholic Matron. BO beef:runt On idtalT. by 100 1 .50
"!..,a....,2;.trtgaßork—d.i.b4.okke...L... Marti
street. adsolsdna the s. Um lot be SO fnet treat 61
IDD feetdeep. The house la lama and oonsesdant, /minim
modern style. and confab:as alarm rooms.
Aiso—d. Yarns of 254 itaMai in Lawrence oosuaer. 6 100411.
lhan Non Came.
Also—Farms In ,newStr o 0 of minus &es and
inters, from 000 sores down.
'Cr eal.low and on aoconunodatiniatsrat u Mnlrre of .
N. PA; fl. L.IL Mg=
' '
_Attorneys at Layr,and 'tad &tate Alifer&s.,
*MIMI Na. 1177 Fourth etreeLPittsburah;
For Sale.
attoution capitelißto in. called to
• that TAMARIX. PROPIn: Y In 'Allegheny City.
oncimeneing at the corner of Magog 'trait, and eaten
ins not) fat along Feltral streetitowarde Robinson stmt.
h n i i11 1 1 0 :: ern ' ab!°4l°,ll,V,li. t en sd ee f t
anat. to snit mud:near. l
ien ndisiesely althated l on
the roan tboroushare betw t o t wo cities and in th e
e th fir =tin " 'he -
D rre , ciaL S 1 4. be a" 11 4' Iss=
toostgasjibr a hotel, P l ublie Hall. or fat: a busing., heneee
In attethed. as this Pronacts esenredis
*denote Inagua, and nay a bondman memo on Na
improvements which might ho math. 10 IS aorthl of
attention. - Patrons vbs. nigh to ratehaia, ere resuested.
m ( liar o[ PUSHY. or
- • - For Rent. -
E Store }looms, with Dwellings at
Market street, between getend Thlrd
ta airs M CrlLAtta DIiNNY.
• No. et Tatitt street. -
For Bale, or to Let.
AWAREHOUSE on Liberty street, En
Araks safolilT, Mat,. street. ca2s
Very•Thadrable Real Estate. •
rE subsc r i bers offer for Salo 1114 acres
• of aristied.altnated • sat el tronting en
s &Mint , Etrest Plank Lioad.aod extending hack with
in a lairlards of the Pennsylvania Bares& TX& Pro
cry la ellgi . bl o v f dictated, casi n os . aeren . as 1 well worth,
location. If net mkt =dm eguld male h eat
ei icliwitM
Sato smaller stead t01e. ..
I d
To t.
kl abd iß ICS DWELWIG ja,
- blew lapin etWat.. Sixth Wald. with
Towns, and an Attie steel. Ples
Callas =des the whole tone. tnentra eV t
J he suteexillst'.
;e.19 Mart street. or 711 Pons* street.'
" For Sale. •
! I WO LOTS-20 FEET Fronton ' Rebecca
irtreA Aligheay, Term..o bo rude eery. Inquire or
.1110. PENELOPE 11011.0YER.
Book Law. A 14711.127
• or of sacomos SO/LOY El; .11r, •
dor.eiti Gazette OMOo.
ACRES of well imarorcd . Damian Land In Bearer
ty.—The • autierol tun drop 'dr ea le one hasnaf
Eimefekley Toward:dn. 5t6 milett fr.= New Brighton, with
• Com Oraion. stood House and Barn. and other
bedidlturs..2Co aexm of onion Is cleated and =dm good
floe Penn within oat mile of New Brighton.
tontaloing T HUNDRED AMISH widen ma be divi
ded tato tan acre lota, ildestred. The location Is an elle-
Ole one for Rude:dna Wawa -•
Ano—Verione Maar emaß -/arms 130 norm and
opwanl, ennead in Now Bewlenicy Tolerably. di•tant
from 3to 5 calm from the RaUlnad. Tor pardonla mu
tate* of Um eaberritan at Ric Ada Estate 011100, New
Brighton, Beaver Coach: Pa: •
• aundit U1t57.5.311N 8. BRADII3BIII -
OP COAL LAND. one hwadred. of widelx bee two,
good wins of Cold on it: the lover toe la opened end in
good auto, with • anas railway and tanoapatve of ,load ,
tna SODLO bushels per day. It haa one of the bast laneH
toga or, the river. SottkLand le ell under cultivation,
and on width are n e w loircremeats thatoostover teem
toodand &diets It is throe mile. above Monongahela
f lti o .4 l Vonll= 7 o7.ll . LA ID d
sedan/ of the mer and on the pen
'rowham and Miutonwahela
oleos of Land. inquire of
44$ WOODS, 45 Roast Moe,.
FOti, SALE--Situa
eshlp, pro miles teloer the bor.
166 scree of' excellent Lim.
gl end nnlet cultivation. The
leo, lout g deeellbzer. a terse
abo 1.1.0 sem of
ve farm. r te the tightor
of the test lasted for cad
mg. • The whole will be said
V i Al
Vo g u l el47.o
frame hem,
urger tad et.
erey 4:0 than;
aorta guy the
together. 02 .0
I¢a Vim, ousel
shUnir ot • BKI —Ici..LLING moan AND LOT.,
T Lot ltaa • trout o et on Poem Artnet. by 100 olego.
to pa alloy. The hone lain. 1111T011
sal .lame
Blots Nan:, with cella Alder the whole. .
Al., • Tao IsTOILY 111011 WORN/111OP to t h e beat
of the lot. noose ULM,. nag would fora Boardiug
Howe or Igor, eltuated No. ✓929 Vona street Orpoon•
the Outer Dept - Will be 'old for 11 , 00 ; time to eult bur.
chaser. • Apply to Rug= B. "%LAIN. 00.2111 . 11 th at.
EltrtrlT. •t their oak* W.
. Cletrar
FOR -SALE-A LOT on Oh:rry alley in
the city or Pittatnuah h. upon which is erected throo
good two story BUCK DWZGIANGI". with bait bad&
tag. Dash bona. wwwpiee - 16 by 60 foot on too Int and
loth Do oisl4 levitate', as aD sandlot. I also of •
wimun 'Alum
wt anomy at Law. 187 Skratth stmt.
BALM-131hosted In Dammam Borisurb. The Lot bas
root on the Batter Plank Baia of 87 feet, and extend.
Mg bask 260 fret, on which Is emoted • TWO WfilltY
PROM • DWELLING HOUSE, neatly . finished. oontain
top seven rooms. The ground-Is planted whb • Tal•
of grapes and other fruits. Now cents for 1100 per you%
Is offered at • barirsin.
sur7 B. MoLLIN, No. 2I Btb street.
Lot of Osoond. at present coeupled Job's 1.107kg0
key. Clothier. on !Aborts street. betirron &sib street so 4
Virgin oiler ..rlll be bawl Mr • term of yes:shorn April
la, :text. Awl,'
JO to
ILY B. IIiWIN. NO. t 3 td.rket et,
Or. ROB= HOBE. Attorner. et.
LOTSm Ltbertr street. en which are six scaol Wick
LlADifile. renting for MO per rear. Aar ors that
wish*. to make • goad ilretlitipent eta 10 rIO. of
THoMAI4 laat)Dß. AS Mutat etnat.
• • Ohio Labar, t o i rY•
tom. #
‘ ( 9 2
80 lit 95 I ''
, 1 nn
- Per. omit., Stiength.
OWELL, FLETCHER & 00., hlaniifaa
wi toren of Alta* P6l - 66, Spirits Ita , Cologne 'sod
timaol666..Comme LldUad VApar. Wbbltsy *bray. GO
hand. Weser of TMs sad irrAat stro6t6, tlettoNatt, O.'
ardor& from Plitiaargh will D 6 promptly ellod
At the lowest wart .prlool .•
ChandelJertFixtgres. _
lIE enbtoriberi are now opening at theft
ow.r - Weeetooro. No 109, Pint Street, bodies:l Wood
. Smithfield, the, larseet smartened or CIIANDE
LLZBB. BILACIihTS,IeNtiDANTS. and all articles eon •
nested with Om Yining, wen _offered le thie =eget.—
Buena arrangements med. by -which they will be eon-
Meetly In receipt Dr SLOW estrum,' and urban+. they'
confidently invite the attention of purchasers to their
selection- We .eadetermined to sell u low is any boom
In the West. sod being
_practical Gas Yittere. een offer
P" WltfuT i lLl:=4= d tr i t7eVerla i g u a rynesi
- dumb:Sloe fhr IMP. water and atom _
True Cotletrrs of all Mods rude to iirde, Dro mtli.
LONG. Cale'
- orbill;is2 No, 109 Pint street.
EUEi dahlia, violet,
Mitilaarena gitra, Felt,Afi ° , 41.1 b and
idel..and. rano, relat,tash aoarelia,
Vs i tor ' ' lrllt ' fiZgVpif ezid io V =4 2 :ll: Valle rd ' all=
sat thoidtb ~.aoo as all Demote a th enema
11. e: 1111:4. A ND Barr RU
lUDS ULO rlllao sad
Porloblna cat arab, . No balm awn be
mood toaae" daldollalr tbe bad Oldattlf la moo
sad wed•. !No Ostia for sbooloo Goode.
• ' 01118TEB, 74 Wood itreet.
.113.W0 BLOC/ 10 rune. .625,
ViDDS' AND ENPS-4ifott'a ..White 'atid
,cohnrklPtandfAlt Coll , s.D_LsrtaCol/K sad no Collar
ru; 8110.1terloo. Lamb'a Wool and Campo Plasma!
Coin. Marta aa4 Dramas, one halt Sous Busk. Deaver,
'Mkt, Cass WWI, Silk Lined Stills, 'Massy, Can Bala:
lacia l gitt Pe= 3l o " rtiV Mamas, I VISTw . 1.? "'"1 .111{
000,10, Sorpeadori Carkerobtof.... tool bras.
Vy 'g t B:lr :nr 8 ' 4% 1 1 Cras h PA ' l l aa a . t=tio W ll t aV i ro ' /0 . .. 1'1*‘, Sup.' Shirt& Udkl.,, orlopoooora, Osoiaa,"m
Col% SO.. to. • .
• Mad as
IWO Raids Maio Clottlrig.. No darts fin
- showing goof. Ws tenor no Puma • • • -.
Carnlß. Ti Wood knot.
IL: LEBER btisjut tedolied by Adams'
new . _ • the lb gamly Mile of Anti:AAA/
Aar ,
- •
BAs's . bat ri nomatter.
• I Scfrottlieb, br a e. p. Yoder.
Awa= filibildicusideetal by HMV
RIM bun*: tram tts 9 4mirt ftr *no all
Vattrue Twin voßsoce-a6 keipi
tlau by Wel JOllif QUM
-.. ~~ c~,:>..,:.~a ~.,zn~n.:c'-"' +~-,n - w . ..n«. ~ :w-.~~,.:, ~ _
N.£x. ~ --
y ~ d3~ +~s,"~+.sd4"'~~;acsn*,st%~
.. .- .. .. ~~.kG:~ .. : "cF..~...h rwSWq. a~ r rm '- c>3.a...tnrx . ~a-'-~`z rl„~kt . s.L,.z-a : + a~a~= ='{ }~ -
ITCrOTIO.II - --Tae.tlablL3 are liereby informed.'
. that ttai tarrte vaw MILL Tau; RLILROAD -
COMPANY haorejibt their Werhe•lnto °panatela. and are
prepare' .0 deliver anyaihoubt of Coal AG tiled Wharf co
the tibia river. ea se Iteiancable tercets .eelleerbera
Tbe eup.ilor quality of the Llttlo ham 00AL
Wires the Coool#ll7 with colaaletco that tite will meet
lib tall ahem of ration , and cupocrt: ea st thicrr fere
Write their fails:ado...A all .to ta there to Coal
to call liewcilately at the Couir nor'* Cake... the berth.
wept =TAT of CbelDlemord cud Diarnotel Ater. or at the
Inert. nver3be-eaticith or haw .41111 Rost: scut =Sr 4:
Wool . . noltipr Mill. • ' _
10:tf writrin ESPY, rieHdcnt.
ot West EcoUi, New York, •
A. C. Yon Paten,
Ch . W. PlEagblim : raiper . l3.4l,
VIM= P..otor, ula; 11. Toll. Immo Vtlitlar.
boa. P. Sal:dem' Harvey Vector, Hour,. ft 1301.
W. Toll. rkillro lE. D".riok =aw's. 11,60,4*
- - -
John B. Laming.
t ftltlta of the most baszglout nature.
. 21 Fifth sweet.
B. gIorAILI. Agent.
will moor.
Worthen/ Protection Insurance Company,
Camden, N. Y.
• oAPITAL, $200,000.
LYMAN °aims, aosrirsm. &renters.
-W lUs issue Policies against foes cr dam
' ge brlire cn thilldlikaa and theirsont.nte. also
en the HMIs and Cargoes of !Scum and Canal Beats, on
the most...favorable terms.
611 Learnt of this Agency will tie adjusted arid Dnuslit •
ly et this edam .1 0 I:ll3ll.Titi, Agent.
- sorter Wood sail fifth streets,
isr ern Patricks t Ifriends Banana MUM,
- - -
Rensselaer Inairsume 'Company, Lensing
burgh, New York.
JACOB PANIC p`melnient..-...Jains Doman, georetam
MARTZ= IN 1836—cerrzeL, Balo,ooo.
Tnis , , old and wail catablished Company
arketepatel to falai Policies, by their Asset, on en
AMA. of Fire Rieke on the moot favorable term. The
Prompt payment of, It, Lomee during , the mventeen years
of Its continuance, Ls a aufficieut guarantee to' persons
• laninAto effect cermet Um .
NI DOBBS, General Insurance and Real
.11: • Patate Agmat, mat be ommattei at this Mee.
Pittsburgh and Reuben . villa Railroad.
FIZE subscribers to the cafAal stook of the .
m ose i t to sa th d e 13 .r. tenben u pll y.
th. e R.t urt t:et az uu her . . ,
of Dire dollar per ohm, = or before the ittdk.rober.
proximo, majdre dollar s per abort on or before the ft -et
d rof 00010 month thereefter, until the who.o amount of
eirsta eubeeribod for hoe been peld.
Sr order of the Board of turvesors.
Wll. A. HILL, Treaeurer.
Treessirees Ofßoe. Bi Wowd .dreet
• Notice.
1N -CONSEQUENCE of having sold. our
Nurriaota to the CsMinis Iron Cora the Partner
oberetafonstalating under the firm of P.BnO gN BEd-
ONE a CU., at Mill Creek Num.., and also the partner-
ship existing under the firm of KING a 9 GUNS II WIG hlt,
at Cambria Nurnaae. are both dbwolerel. The hada xes
will be settled up by the manager. at the Furnace., and
oetnge tl. Wag, who are owl:must to tiro the nl3lOll of
the respeotive lime la sealing rip the bosittere.
P. 811UNNBERG811..
pISSOLUTION.—The Partnership here
totire existing _between the nniersistmd, In the
AwAswiteu, 00.aMtlalliti, Gll`gight AND PRO
&minces, Is this gay dirolved be mania content
The biatiness of the lasi arm will be eettial hr either of
the names% .bo I. aut&riesi touse the o=l. Of the
late Atm , in settling lb + same. nod .7. „I Boone will can.
Uncle the usual, ei: theold vend. so. 2A5
Wertz , street. J. T. BA 'NB,
Elttabilagb, July Ist, 137.1. J. J. BONE.
(stems;. TO Z. T • 3.3. m•cam..)
Conimicsion and Forwarding Merchant
• Dealer in Wool and Produce of all Kinds.
C. C.T 1 4 , a11. enabler Farman? Bank,. Woo, Cada,
0. W.i. C . Mo . , Dal Ere. lireartela a a adtb. Pld/atl a.
J. . C. Mon a Co., Il tuladd. 1. , ... a Co.,
R. day ad A Co.. Boston. Juno., Rent a Sant.. .
D. a I) 11• Donald a Co., dlolo+,. Ilullby a Co..
19-7 .‘xn""":ci " ... 9 4 16. 4.9 0 izt0t"0r l e lLar " bna , 00, PR& b.
li t ,
Ilan C ai ne al a Co., Palmer, flilltla I Co..
Gabon Iloappor.. Bt. ionic S lag. Vtancek a I.X) . " '
I , nor &I'lllllen at OD. ti T. 0. it .1. 11. Phoen , .rarar aSo
lam Alliameo. ••• Pannak. Ilitchall aCo
IlknO aen. MoriddlCo,CLu J. F Howard Loldroille Kr.
T. n. rag,. " Dolma. RICO Cadialnoton
Weave Taylor a Co.. Phila. Tease
• Go—Partnership.
ropar. subscribers have formed a Co-Part
cambia and continue the W holesale Omer,
wireless* the old gaud. nada the erns otlikEtV/IY
CABBOX d Malriila lIT.
363WEL.J. wk . :I+llom%
Ads 1/41:—.1ve
THE pattnerehip heretofore existing be
twern the ondsraWned. at:der thestyle of-J. D.
LULUS & I... Grows end Oconosisston Merchants.
*es dissolved bi mutest aonoust. on thb 14th of March.
The business M o bs mot mei by et their
homer stand..lsl2 Wred street. litho isel. duly en
thcabset settle up the business of the fine.
JUE.N 11.11 T. Jo.
Pittsburgh. April I. Mi.
--ser, I retiring frOm the business, I. take
plaawre to roemarceadlog te the taiami s sal patzo. ct
tte ham Arm Williama, as a Protimaao *4l awaliaed
to 41.eharps, with prompt.. mut fdelitY. hoWru
baste to thtraMeil to his maw
r OF ander:do:tad hare this day entered
tato o.Pertaerthle, ander the same otol style of
D ElifeiNtat A OD, for tbe ourPOee of tratteott.
tug tea/trot tallint tautirmll . t6is i lisyr
11.01taRT T. ILLNNEDY.
N, _
; . Cone Beek, Alleithear CIV, Jaae
I hale this dityltesooisted with me, in the
ay AM. JA2l£5 11,1.1116.1t14 under the Om of "Jetta
rebrast7 le. 1332.--ffele.-tt
vic aunt ELvy tc BLAIR ,haYo aesoolated
A Lrlth TUOL(S BULLS. The Inmentoe
continual =der the firm a WHELNY • FM-LILY.
• 10: LL,[lB
To the Public
. .. . .
ryas NOTICE of tho Dissolution of the
firm of Joan Pall= a CO. In the morning tnnws of
tlay. Is fneorrect. A dissolution to enatsmitiattn. of
which the Wablic shall bare dee notice when ecruntms
Cul. ' WM. /NAIL.
febliht( Of dm oi JOIIN P 111.15. 1 ,4 k OOP.
For Sale
—Tbs executors of JOAN 011314 dareased..being
eat orised by the heirs to elate ny the eettlecuene of tele
a! estate, offer for eels =easy tame. and in lots tomtit cur
Mire. •tne lesion Property. situated in the Flab
Ward. six,—
Ora ari
Penn s.. °M and Walnu
SO feet ioton
trent by 103 fee
treet between t
deep to dories eller, on shish t.
are six brie& tenements, yielding • rent of 11101 per an-
•Aleo, ma* lot as corner of Llberty.sereet and Walnit,
being SO lest on LitortY by 100 feet on Walnut to blotog
tliß. on erldch Sr. thrte tenements ifelding • tout of.
Wear titles will be siren to the oboe. PrOPerty iod the
Orme mole to snit outthink,.
Yor farther pa:tauten ecooire of J. W. HElR Arabi.
teed. nurser of Wood anti *Mb erne,. 21 &torn or of .
either of the undersigned.
DAY WaLligg,
J. W. BEDS. •
NM. Executors of Jolin Qtrs. deed.
00Pllkit01111. or Medicated Cosapound. beantity.
1.1910 , 181 enl preserving the hair. canon out.
e*, burns. stinks, rhanmathren. and oil irritstsons ot
the skin. a paration. the male of which ansoneds to
one nallion of bottles annually, would stein to need nO
advertisement: but ai the thousands rtbe purchase. nee
and approve rf It Laying probably no ides of the ann.•
cocas event of the budaus done by Professor Berry, he
,cdres herewith a plain etatement of the feats derived
front his books, and wi th them tendon his earnest and
hearty thanks to his Innumerable ',strew.
Prof...or Barry's womb of aide for the7./7 1852,
chow that during- that year &bons 940000 bottles of his •
Trieepheroui we... dins:wen of. and that the cosh product
of this Immense sale was nearly 5100.000.
nig unvamilhed tale is a better ormmentaryira
the v o the grade lb. OM thing lblv rentOrCould
oar. Imes It..* net-peadow In its effect upon the hab—
it it wets not invaluable as • household remedy for cote,
bruiser, burns, skin discaus,*4.—lrwould not, of course,
be so universally iv demand. Ths wealthy pordon of the
public , would buy It at any tees bat krolesur Barry
hu reduced it to • chore eo low th at the purest can stall
tberneelns of its benefits
bold In large bottle. tprice 25 Nate,) _ at wholesale and
retail, at the Mannfaetary and Depot. 127 Broadway,'
Vjg Y
t ext b6t i tapitrptizorta. In i dltrunkirtz
Great ntitgla. Frame. se, and b 7 C°.
tARIS FASHIONS, for Limn' Duras—
Tbe 'Puts fashions for JUNE, direct per oteamers.
be on Ws oh the Lt ptoilatchi . 8. wsoN,
ie2Ttf • • No. 78th abors Iland 'aunt.
TILLAS—Materials marked for Embroidery and.
p Wok. try MILL L. EL WILSON,
No. 2:11M Penn greet, above Hard
SODA Afilf—ilatiog 500 tone of our own
soanahicturo oti hurl WI
tholes we more:Alma
1.0 0011t1114 with mummers for surroir for tho
tog soma at a =lrmo and low mango orke.--o wait:
wstrantedwzrud loony looloortod.
118Nti8TT, DEEM' 1 no,
root street. user Market.
and fbr We by - BRIINLTP, BURRY t OH.
.177 , 80 ' ►root amt. DAAy buyiud
BALE—Oontabl. g TEN ADAIR of eta. LAND,
h la crowded wins FRUIT of best ..leetlon.. Tba
bungling. conshit of . a LAttor. OUTTAOR 600tl]i. wall
arranged for comfort...rid genvecuence,. ntimeron.
out buildings—Well of pure water and ()Meru of soft
Water at the door—also a large Darn end Enabling. This
blithe Do sitnatiod a short distance from the ferry Winding
and near to the Nobleatown Plank Ro.d. and I. offered at
the bra ~;Frio. of EIS,OOO. for terms anpl.• to
- sera - B. ideLAIN, 20 Fifth street.
gORTUNFAN IRON—We will sell you
. te e puiiiimis. with TWELVC 11UNDKIID
1-000 D LARD in Venenwe county. it MIKI9
=rep :best Iron la the menet durtog the bantam.
Of 1.9..4t earths pat la blest la three month., end Or.
WO oin be made me shun time. Here se a charm/. In.
on of taltZlil TDOHAS WOODIL 41, Market etrtet.-
r •
Lied Wil t ootutt. Dealt. Little Kmmtwhi
slaw.- Teo ls well Timbssed sea offered low. le
sok* of (seaol THOMAS WOODS, 45 itarkst +Azar,
DlV4lllll . loN—ladrriasived a larsco lot rt lAln
oror ß . tit 61 'TTltilitrillrAtt,47=Ytektt'lt"
VAPER - lIANGINGS—Nosi arriving di
,Tiret fvnt &rano. awl tba Matted altlat—a taw
ararttetat eratiat sad dtdorattya Parer Hamlin:l,l'lam
mataten td tick .14.31Kne. lon Pale by .
HARPERS' . I %IA4AZIND. Mitomb Tr.
Ai ■ : P. - ClALLOWeltelni itteit.' has fa -Mle the
ammo magazine; is *neat the beet num tarp, eibd Nur
beam up wi th the obit at. a m age. tJzniao atter tt'fa
D anataalr la Pa • y tvierutinc ankle. •
11511—C1.LIOW bee aim teeelreti a AnaPlr at Warren
t Ode. Banertut Writing /DM, manufacture& in
M ARBLE ' MANTELS--Ilanteld of -the I =net anutual, gums. made ot tha gifted odailly
oThaalsa 482 domestic iledblo. al IRS on hand and made: o
i ttr i at V d eteja.“ 4 l. l , o4=rl 4o l4 at $l4;
will dad It ba tEdz intanis la edit and exaginaur stoat
sad thlet. "ins with dls
- • w."*. *A.1.1465,
u i =us i ga r taan PUMP%
Noet:'9 7 t and. 99 Third' sheet,
"tV ;W. .REST.EIGTFULLY mforii.,6 Eis
. friends. and c*evonaare, that he has jost ocgipleted
his am lag mock of Foredo:me. width la dacidedly Lon far
C at and best seer odsred for tote In alt. City, whieb all
he sold at prices no low as an). :a Lb, Del ton dieter, Esser
WCA. .Ellkbo Is determined to uphold his Moog, with
iesroned moterialr, beat acr4menahlp, and neatest de
ilzmc and from the avant of his orders and facility In
Inannfoatormar, ha.. is enabled to protium,: worrente..r
rtlllraT CHI: at the lovett primp.
Ile Imo adopted the Prindpla of idendfying the cust om. ar'a Interest with him own, In oualitY and Otirat tlOtt ken , '
lanyA on imud the tmeatest .vomely of every dearriltion
of Furniture. from thecheallamtoo o Disitt"'n tt . t b t
Idea - oat and oostly,t.hat i house.or any part of one, may
turashed from Ole stock, or manufamstred eaproftly
•to order. The following artielcs.:oosletis .part ol Lis as
torts:lent, which, for Oatmeal of otyla and bot4i.lel nno
be eullxned to any of the eastern altbm.
Lams XIV total *tee _fat;
• .50 boas Is Plush and litstr Cloth:
.• l/0 dotal Mahogany -Choirs; ;
20 -do Walnut do
bionog ut nY'Hoe` , .toCht..
TI Mahogany titan , :
20L Walnut do
II Marbletop Centre Tables
40 do Dressing Botta.
.30 do Washstandr.
40 Imola:en] do
1 30
Common do ' •
Plain Dressing bureau,
40 !lobotomy bedstead.;
40 Walnut do'
60 tlottago • 40
ZOO Cherry's/lid Poplar do;
20 Mahogany Wmdrobem
10 Walnut do
10 Cherry do:
10 Plain Curran=
TOAnion and Breakflot Table,
It decretary and Ikakeaser:
20 Down Cana Teat Chairs;
24Cam Seat Rooldng Chairs;
12 Ladies` Writing Desks;
flat aud Towel elands;. Whal..Boltt •
Etignires; • Pater Warul , 'Tables .
Conemaation Chairs: Pembroke do;
. lillasbethaen and Pier do;
Remotion do; Ladies' do,•
Palul Inlaid do: ' Patonsion Inning Taldea,
Gothic and Hall ChM= OttOroana:
diso, • large snort:atm of Common Vermiturs 0003
Windsor chain,
Cabinet moSsuloonalled with artielee In their lied.
Steamboats and-Hotels furnishedat the alkor.test
&Coolers promptly attended to. • ap1:13,03
To theßeaders of the Pigaborgh 9azetti
.DUBLIO ATTENTION is respcaully
1, cited to the followiag tenth., .et forth In reletien
one of the moat Important remedies of modern tiMeal
011.It0011 1.11.14 it it not morel than 001
year ago 111110 d this' great remedy was brought betbre the
Public, for Morelia and core of dlersee.. itst rem en
to twat. hare. dote then, become folly appreciateg rea d b i the
commtutity and we Oleg, that the longer it 1$ tried the
more oartaln will its great fame spread. it Is not the ...Me
miT of • day, got Op for the solenurrole of ronlung meuoy
but, one.which we conned.. will continue to be heed when
all other noetrums hate been forgotten. The Petroleum it
a Natural Remedy, elaborated to the depths .4 . tbe . ear th
by a power and egeney that laughs to worn :Al hum.
competition. .1t is our duty. when IV* AritO,11•
that we write the truth—that we stly nothing calun
tatod to deceive those who may .r o
ost ens word pr t oont
dente In or statements._ dile del we very apt to ascot. u:
- any thing thymisee relief from disease . A atom.
hardly be too y wrought to answer th e obi.ict or gull.
in or humb ag tome of them. Now, us 41nf not desire
to e d o this, we an anxious only that the troth to relation is
sur c omed y should be told. In order to demo for it • repo.
tattoo far exceeding any stud, article In the malaria med.
lea. Plain unvarnished faels—faetsthst may twewertelo.:
i wn e
tribe ity and ndebborttood. bear ample testimony in la.
o .Petroletun.
With tht4st two mambo, two of our oviti ,
who were to blind, have been restored ;aright. Sen
s:al rise of b damn, In the (hate of Ohio, ihave bow
en rtd deo, the dee of a gentleman in Bearer count,
Th.,. are otherw, buttheee ar4.4.44 near home, wed La,
rnflrr.l to by any onions who have doubts oo.= -
lett. 'flues megi*tre owed aline had beia
ed bt ishysidana es hopeless. the Petroleum. will our:-
when used wording to direatione—Dtarrh.caDyeentet ,
Ghenmettem. (iontairordgia. Bruer.; oh the 8 1. lr
warm, Tetter.
I: l9 ,rtterl,tiaLit Tbir:Z i trarld g 3l,n
A,sto, Chrozio Omaha data., Bronchitis, and e.l
I%B:unwary affections of • ebrouto Ware, Navin= to art.
dura (;00.110121V100.
Barns and Baffle, dleeseee of the Bladder sod Kidneys,
Chtypal Mande, ibtoortated Nigt.tee,
lad sc and Dhaka..
In tact, it le • 01011 . treitmS,ll3. laxgar. has! beentslee,
In most of the Above disown. to
the past year with tht
most perfect gnomon Oertlenstas that well %mai& err to
the hands of the yrowitette, who will take bleuttre
tog theta to The afflicted or their riend., - •
Whatever others easy ray about their Moiloihs , .
Petrolatum lathe greatortitentedy of the ege. .DhYsiciact
of high standing to the" plohnodon aro soda; to or.
In their practios. Those who .1 Ind looked on ;rah doubt
sh , l nneertalaty, are willing to award doe rrais, end
colvideration. Before another year Tolle round, on will he
v•relmatod to ackovhda. that tint Nerds= 14 the wrest
.eqt c.l.l.kino ever dlooovered.
wholceele and re
tall. by libXellit 11cDOWki.L, 140,W00d At. D. Bedlam 61 Wood street ; D. M. Burry. D. A.
Alltott, Jonah Douglas, Allecbany ail, A isa In Moro
;rioter, 8. 11. MAR, Canal ki)1410. Seventh etrret. htts
terth. and it. Watosattoch 00.. Wood tad z front one
Fifteen Dollar! Only.
the ell agr of B.O9EVALE, a delightful all , healthy
oteatIon—EIGIITE worth over 5 13 OW. 2.050
BUILDING LOTS to be dietriburwl moor Old bun lead tbe FIRS r DAY Olt BlOßLElllo2ll.le7it.
large outdoor of these gm sires ty egiled• Bon? ot the
Lots nen. there beer been Bell for gem 200 to p r
cent. strew* over the wire fa which these 1.4t0 are now
wit, shoeing that the perEpae. will be a jpod 41V•sthleot
heal saute on ell Biarta of Long 1111=4 it 330113 0a
••f0,1.3' Pet... 33 owietentlT being nurefie.. l I'f
formiug en) gardening butpowe and- permanent in re,t.
memo. Vilthlo few Jars held, )11:Lott Wyditoff roil It
et land St Eon New. 'York. 1.. L. for 1140.101 , 0 cod
1166.000 hoe been offered lot eeireettsetwoloweß, end etuoe-1
br the 0•2141 e. Ito Mini of Newton. L 1.. Yarlata have
remelt r beep sold tor fodu
t i er f $1.64C. pot aree. aerozd-
Ina to legation and upebtlity of prodowng all itied4
groin. frult on) garden vegetal. • fee the how Sock oleo
ter. th3(ol,:a from See to tea tlarelte.erosout Wish. •
Boat subscriber le cotbled far Beading Leto fg• TV)
foot. hlort togettor, e ra a Form of teen 2to Won.. T.
are Sib , sayable iu monthly lortaJmeo te of Sfretich.
If deeired • et erraulee deed end b. made not hatotedi,ell
after the distribution. gni degroted directly *lbw $57:3 , 0
LI, balance'.
The •rt Iloilo of Rovvole. where those Ws are hwtged.!o
Only s Thort anew. ora.h of the elobroled
itonionia. the beauty told and ' r.mtfLe Argoatur•oof
are 'beamed by 011 who violt it. Wee mar ateleaaT be rex
the boot eridetre 0501 eau to desired %hart:comae, Loba
loot. end Ileraosterille, wltf ebortly hee - noe gook. rho r
on Lace 14enti. long known se the w tiorleo hbot oo •4
Al:series. From the ',Aloha) etatietietl segoanto of the
1,11 , end= tate° by the tfeited otetee. it le obown that
Lon: Wand Ir Ike rivet healthy lohitton within Its bi
deer—few, dettlis atrueglng to Ito Sobuintwot ea. in
env other glare.
doe Vargo from which I ate now clang et faun S2J
1130 per teem. too of the gime general eh 'Liza, eio to roil
with thoeo now under enbtrabon• which eenntt rl,-
ehowel for 1150 pet sore. on) laud on toe odriti o) tooth
Of this wilh ro !gyre sell neintrdly setts toe Oro. 04 u
to 1500 per woe.
Anly to (111-4.IILES 1100 v. reo_ gee nevewliy. e-roer
Fulton street. Neer Yorß. and d. H. PETPOO.IILL 0
P, 10 !Mat. street. Ikvtan, Otto wilt 1000100 Minittano ,
sol formad t-ofipte thrroge. by return of reed. door
will Ors g:ettritottely Inrobb gage end beinobleto of t -
Prot:oar. and ebeeriultr glen swab otheritorcrostaco 0.•
par Le Seised •
TO:ors:fro, ot floury sf-ko. of the Mnorholn hwi-
Mos De. E. 0. Poet , ho kW., /Oust. and AJ.len J.
iioscrono.2.o. 3 Fount ittteeL. CI; Gareth 11 ttorikey,
Jr.. N 0.15 Ilroodway.
As,eoto In newton. 8 H. PEITINGIi L 8 0). 10 State
Street 711010541 1101G/117, dgeot,
Joinnorfor of Woof 414 Ylith street. Beet Buitiluga.
•Et IiCEIVED this day, by W. WOLIN
-131 TOt:K. the 11.11PIST WARIM.OrdE, Poorth
scm.k.c.. another large 1.141L1011 tolls tott.oroho aboOrti:Prat
ot VelTat Pill Carper.
Etrusolat Camas;
Ears sop..- three-ply o..rpetr.
littroatne thr.ply Caner,:
. Bropertite Ingrain CazTete.,
Pipe IngrAtztllcavetr.:
Vcalt.tan Cartetr.
• LEA 014 ass 0 pets:
... . , .
11.120--Dernet. VanMau Dealeabo
Trull, ,
t• tej •
Cato:.; fzemao. leed reultlto Gaye*
6bcallle llogs; .. ldelaLts !lute;
Tot.' 144qM ' Sheep Skto ifito
Broskede Rip; Uhlman.. VA*
Velvet Mute: Tnfeed 31.1.1r_ . „
' Cocoa, Pete. and SlataUs Nets.
• 3 pt
011. CLOVIS, !f. ep. L whittle awl 'en ritbe.
ktowsworel Oil Cloth; , Illu •Itebeet ninon
Melogane till Cl.tb: T..eperent Ifoadeig
litstued Olt Clutb; bt.e.te Itodts
Tebi• LJoete; Onie.h. 6e. le.
Cowie Ia g of the !Meet asd beet 1eem:m.64404 to ee. , cy
style of itetber Nth alLotber artielt 0 ...-
.lir' whin tb. flat baeloeeK to '-wineb we
dolly Lurks those •wiebtauto.foraleh Stela:lbws
etlouw.tb 00 sod eteeedme our Adak.. .
.40, .11/ Mort,. 4 00000
• .
ROIIIESTIO STOCKINGS- 7 .120 cl4s. men's
oath.. hem krpy Caton BOCks: 70 dos. do. do. uo•
ed, thro* 010..014 0.
• YLVTLI bTUEMT SAlisriAtiatti . torl•
A —tooliOs.lkoe stoat mlood C01.1.0b H.C.../.0. ribbed at
top;" 45 do. d0..,16. whit. do. do. do.. at the . •
/I.lWlllitUtllkT Stocking 31,1nufartss7.
STOCKINta-37 dos. Girls' and
t.s Moms . NU* Oottm EtookltuM. gum olusio toPsi
39 dos. do. do. itip•sNwkia•otkint do. do. do., at this
• MUM NTILISIM Mocking raoulnetorT.
. •
]OO des. of bletlnn. Ltotbe Wool, Mad 0111 i etockinlti
utt Sock•, at tbn Fllllll ETI4EXT Stocking tlortufatlntl.
QLLS. UNDERSIIIRTS---6 doz.' ladies'.
UP Cleatlamatea and Oblldretee SIIk U,derablrlr, J 1 40..
Gauze Itartiao and Lambe wool do . at am •
. pz3 YlBTu WrILISST MOOT; Mansibultory.
. ,
and'Tll - READ OLOVES,- 2 00'doz.
k 7 Ladle.' anfl Chlldran'a Hosiery tilote: i 6 tillk and
LW. Thread, agagativiti in oc u ip% ,
sp'29 -
ADIBS'''.WOOL FELT-4.0 doz. super
4 cotton Boole, lambe wool aolem 10 dos. Saner stew,
1.0 o.; 2 dos.llloso thread Socha, at the
• mill WEILLEM +Looking 111ioutotetory.
.028 „ . WALLAH 1/ ILLY.
• eonarnixo variant aver. . • .
oPO 871 1 3: " i V a r r ii t Z l e ' Vli ' lag i ;4ll77:U 'i t . r
Gana iercha, or ma arta win titul el..b.:' i a
(I.e. are wattaroot free Wei
of mei/. II
awl rhatle like Ladle ltubtor. not tillaral lir la i i
*taloa:44nd will not demi:upend ant Ce 0.400 KVA • 2' r
are vtrr differ:at tin ehterret.r tram am other Q s he r•
Won made of Otitis retells. either in Ma conntry or iii
Europe, and an warrantid to stand all elltaatot, /Wong
the *aridity - mar ba Itnwl wait annta L esowl. Ininclow.
.7,2•Ntarit. 7,:;»"0•00111:` .f:'i 0111:1 4 .11.1:Y; . .
Onset Damp'. bells, a
r e . and Ina. - arasere: So. NV,
ehartrinaa'e drlokhui care. Want parkins. pueblos hal
low, aarrlana elottia. Ana., with a vary cheap and oleo.
tire life rraeotver made exprmly to meat tba LOW aaa•
enager law of tkinnrela All: or a 00110 and t he
sae 0100 to say whir Watar-prOof Ueeda nawiberora the
Valle. • Dos self it - the • ,-.
Warehouse, 80 Cedar
Dealer" is-Mistar Proof Goals are Invite:l to etandre
them beller.hq they will taxi them eh.eperhad.'tar In
voice to ateryttani they hew, ever teen before;
(Wen to on, extent eXeented at , hurt
WILLIAM EIDER. Pita: N.A.0.P.0e.
E K Btt=toe. Trees. 4q7 ten. j sul9.:oA
New Arrival of
the etle.
N o; 16787-.43ne .. 41/tl . l , l , ooig i s o =ltrkk:ded
14. 15,7{6-Ono do.. 4 , ._ . do--...:-.'... Mut
No. 13,76"..-line. do,
..,' do d , .....,........ MO
1 27
N0....13.44-4 , 14 du. tou kotd, 6 mtiv..... 1.93,
No. lajns-0.. . do. " ' d o . . • d 0.......... ad:
No. 23.6,6-14.1 do. ' . pairs4cout. d 0.......... Ilk
No. 11,410-tros . walnut, . do. d0'.... DA
No. 18.614-4442 do. • .4undtr0b2,..d0.......... a-.
All the - atom Cline Wader ere delihed with the non
stale And new Went lton Iremegrh Alt. Chwanahales
twat* not of the Oda. In Invent dating e end - tunnel.
teeheet .1 he lied to wenn* the
stnie . irtnttrie r sti ' eel tt the run Stn. and yiene Wen,.
~,,t , of • • . - • JOHN IL. id e1.L011,,
Auld . lavilt Ibrelikkerlinthe Pipits. eLwooa itn4t.
8/10310 1 cRTM—UPPLI3 LEATIwdegg LER
sal imboAi
UAL iloAfw, ,ste
• I
P ;1-'l[3Bll, VA NI A RAILI3OAII , I
1 1 111 , 1 ESk. MALL TitAiti wiihlcavo t e
rytnerintilt. , tfou Litoirrty Ftreah over, mornitin
at trlttlit tistLitE,toipetu i t.• et sit the regnier Cations
e r. st. atoortirinT to Phittuteithis nett morolnit
.7 the Train." direct to tire.
Wort, otro'rentetoot et fterriohoeg with the Train for
so , orrirlog intolitelore at 7 echoic A. 31,
THE' V.X.oltVit TRAIN—Lose. a the atotion every Lo
onier: at 988 e i nek otopeton tit fin the rentelor ttatioo.
nod tont— Tina ter Ileithaylv, 018 otetetB It
'Fore to Plalelyhts 37 U.; Fore to itnitinttre s 9 CO.
. Ilan - novo ehetetl to nor &aim on the reno,yltruht;
.nalltutt. sod Dr; ilAtolph m and n'Alticzera
Ti-. h=ol7l4C.Traln Waite every .ntlerneoo. at
3.14 neurh,st eft t tenant ant/oro t und runningvl • I.!,
hot.; rarest Tate artivor in Pittrburgh, et 330 keel 8 A.
urul i foln i•
Peitlnerezt pailtoninc Tietrvto In ram will he thareel
ToN CANT. toil:lit:on to the attrition rotes except from
where tit Co rear. nave 09 Slirt.'l2
N671:71,—/it non, the ieouty.lylli gall tge.:a
rolvotreur.O.nliOlfor perrecol t..guatto,
srsount. not 'teeth. ere hundred dotisin.
NOT/ClA—elleael. hl. h 4. rOnniltnt
prietora, have two otnoloyeit to ennvey enoventorit and
nonAnito toont rtm.the Ingot, et ittieeto not to o xnto
13% cent. for 54, 1 . 46:4.,er. end 123 i cent. fo moil
trunk.. .
Pot TiekeiLeatly. to
k AIE MIALE.V. Arent P. Pit. Go.
rittobartith let 8. tsi3. ant
853 a a . ww4l , 1853
and tftr WEDNESDAY; Ang,:-.:t 10,
vi V 1853, Viarinor Trains will rUll nitc.larr
, plrd.) falba.?
knC.L.P.Nrd mares Varrland for We11...T.11n and
war .101 as 1880 A. in
ACC4.IISIOIIIIoN TICAIN leaves Cleveland 1111.
anon and waBllsilona. at 7.30 r. W.
EXT It.I.SS 11A1:4 Wellivilfe for Clow:land and
w T Stat' At r.
ACIIttbIttOIATION TRAIN loam Antal - boa for C:01 ,
Intl aad ' , liftable:A at 9.00 A.m.
CONN EOTtlte.—l ho 000 A.K. Train from Athanta
ennnotm atittlhe Faeroe SPAM of 0.0 P. Rai toatt,',.. ,
Mttebuts; at ON A. lel hitibt of OlovA:ftttl at 11.ti7
A.M. The Elrom Train Lco tt o.llollla a.laticte let Sill.
ano m.(11 to .8 lb/ Mall Train from Pittsburgh . and
roAclang 101 l ,a .. at 020 aloo, elth the MAO Train
of t, o U A Pitaltoad ft= the Welsh. areodug la Pit,
hut.that LP. P The exp Train (tom Cleveland
nolote at Alto,' Ith !loll roon
Train tor klataborah,l3..
1.. m. Canton.latoiLott. Woostor, azd Bt►Uear, on U. 4 P.
tioly 4.0 e lain Mall, f om Cleveland to Dittahorlia
owing to tiotrfutal of the Oiilo end Penr.aylvmla Hea
rin t Cliimpans, allyn ivenlng onnenclon tat mode.
mht .5 nook! tiatnaa *date Omengara rine/dun Clarelazd
t. attodtim Traka from the twit tad Watt
10 00 Al Train Dean Cieriland and the 10.15 a. It.
Train from Klievltle 01,0.00 at. 11.roid lib railroad to
ad iso ka Ihr Dover. Now and
C-1: atom
item nee nay cent:eel Iludece rah the C. Z. and
C. it L..' irrinl. o , Cattanee Fell , add Ake.,
itinkera airing Yinebutith in t.e 830 A.U.Trsio
reit cre
to 3.30 r a. and. ennne it with the Ugh , -
flr net-. l Ttelat inkk 110ffel . u oit.tlre rhere
Ul flei d
Nlrleat oad.
ra leeeleg at 843 P a. rerangersh 1 the Maine pan ea Itrwatd. rant, w• et
eneodth, by th fddowing evonene heat ram 1./leveletel:
noin.tlttr.3 art I,slt. MUT —Tt• new awl trigwm
:: ptlette, w Queen N the Wesl" and ° Cr... mairet
wt P.L fur
Ls an StKc's 1.4084.14 hares at 3.45 and 5.15 8.4 a for
. 4811a.1,141agara Valls, N. Yolk. and Ilvalon.
CLETYL.D. 0+ V arpUs aap Cult mutt 11.441.44M , —At 8.15
r. n., for Oahu.** and citollacilloi; eamaaraln Convects
;jog nttb Paneontalna an B .lndlana ICH. far Dartnn.
In lia,apolia. Te;r4 11.suba ant Jelarsonall le, Indiana.
Ncit.R.Lit wm.C . .s.vicurn a. 15
11. I. r Tobtbs Milvantle. Loan., Galena nod
8: 1. tin a: no .1140 Ly etcreers .m Lava Er, t,
1.1.:; ale nd Detrdt, thane* by railroad :0 Chicago . Land!,
asBl 4. ns.
Ybroavil Tia T 0 1 ,16 cr 0.4‘..t0 $ll
sit 1...1e0p6
IS EL Louis $2l.
Thyamah Ttek«t, t. St, Yi rk and tortar.viaDollaiodi
at thin cilia, . tto - ioO;to1 to DrO are rac tes t
rtaS ,OL , II r 1 •6 no • •Ltt•lAtA
. .
XPIIES3 TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh at
a`cbask s..SI straps only at the prin.dinal Si atl , na.
and dines at Odeatbsia •11.10 P. It atrplima at idaainnau
is tl:n uttd.dua Onlunahna a al Yenta from
tat td.ardti $7 75. la l'ulutntaaa $5 25.
MAIL SitAIN Lay.a Pittelburah at 5.30 A.M.: dines at
Allistrai: and mai:lies Creatllue at 0.00 7... annwaithalii
w•:14 taa Night Train to C - Inrdbna and Clnalnnatl. and
sllp tbs Alllotantaln. nest Indiana I.aillos4 a Dyydan.
Iroliansuada. Tarr". Lbw,. nod Warns In In liana. enn•
are made-“ Alllanca by rallada I wills liavevania.
Ilnirifta and Lbercluud Fate Irbaa l'lllabnutt to 01. v.
land. $1 IP.
, •
Coo.wettorts *re made $t Maned•!d by railroad with Sat,
dtt,k, City, Maurbeti, Mount• V•.-.on, N•werk.
.Zanee•itie, Pate to Scodusty City 111 $0; to Newark 517 P,
to 743,4'011m $3 $7. . • . • .
. .
I.l....aorttaela az* tusie 9-1:111btlylt sod Chlamp both by
Clot. aad Net. City.'
o i.r.olbaoty who 14.00 . 1 . sttsauri.11 ha the Mall Tra ot
tbrret by ltababeld d a.11001L , 14 y Ott to
I4nt-e1•. tout datatem. Yam Gbtrolt Cl-JI to CLI
<NO Sid
railusig raArN O•ore, ett,line of I UO
Aso, told at 1.40 ',Z. and Alliance at 5 P.O" and nkoohm
Phr.ouret wt 8 IS 1,1 ;coatvotlatt with the Espriss
Tnom to Phtlodoptds Asltmor., which looves Pitt.
Lorob at /O.; M... f ,, 42lCatcooroll To Pittobotob
re —Foto 5: 14. grow Clod moot! to itiladalplo•
cf. Loc•i=ct , ls tO. •
r.. ALL x BAIN ic.•• Cect . -11. C. 790 a. N.; alato at
2.11,11,.: ennr" . l.4 +KIS Ks.rr.,,, Tirau from illemstmul.
pod ~, , Tel at Iltt•htlith ,t 0 p. 111.
.. . .. - .., •
• . .
N,ll' I.l4thiliTQN .I.4.."CoMM'JDATION TRAIN team
, at 10 A icau4 6.a) r w, sa4 wlrightog
t ^. ANJ P. ■ Ex:cur.:3a 31330:331 00. N Qaattn&
Tirs.:r. tdraw.
t :cares Pitzsburgll nt 6.:0 A. N.,
!1::;:;17 4 ",..: t .14:, - -ti to prontra Zekatd at the Coda
• tthe - Yelerod
ludti.K PA11.111..!.1,.11e.t0t
Ara - The Wall. do ILLICTUn on Sund rcrd
dit-i•Lthrthez im.ewsnamon ensr ho obt.thed of
Jail( 6.ZLLY, Yastenfar Agent
Y4tdiqugh. Sad.: VOSS& 140
iwaal q:".% aw4Fel
Allcbigan central ; EallsaallLlzt.
lie connection with i e Wine land and Cincinnati
Clereland and Erie 1Z R., 'Cleveland cad
Pettiurgh I. R ,- and Michigan Contra! R. R.
iri.ISSENOERS bo ticiteled through
11_ GUT Dotnt on 141111.• MIC6iIOII to CieVCIACW.
PitiAbUrgl3. 11,11.telphis. ana Balitmoru. nail
11 - 3.., • br thaw places to .7 point 0,11.11 k•
C I.LVELA \D ......_..... -....Capt. J. IL Borg.
;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; for
Viet - U.ld. crery *swank at 6);; o'clock. ..Moth; lu each
city lu Etna Sr f1,111:111C1. With all the mac elan TreineyEayt.
Line Rh the Late Eratedlar mid raetuser
Mate. The Coate will leave Cleveland In the fat
latrine olden •
Mkt QinXbr•
K~D5TaD]T»»...»._..»...... innaS
Rah Soot,, from etereletei to Chteago, le ouch the
preL , rsh teens. The jesyeaget enjoys • so ot night.* tee
a Arat.olaos st.r.b.f.; atilt: taking the rare at De
Da... in (Iva tae: Wog. Dods himself 10 Chimes, after • nine
how: :We through e yieirant MUMS]. and over the Ow.
roeues..litattroad In the iboot. tip ear other route
InUft..llure the tatjgne of tight rshow upon the ti•rej
or lb.: Imam% of the Doper Lek.,
SS. Moreau wishing appl y ur* gusset , . or meld con.
tracts :or freleht, welt y to L. Agout ,
Cleeetend. Wake r , ruer of 'Deer and et tint? street..
Contret t.schangi,• or to JOIN A. CAI3OIIIIY,
Agent d. A P. ICU O:L.-Monongahela lbw..
nil etttaborgh.
Idiehigan Southern Railroad lone
TIM shortest and best route from Tolodol
Obteaco, IhrsuklN pert Wl* Wohig..:
Michigan &hen and Northern Inthana Railroad.
Through to Toledo lu 7 howl. without landing.
. .
One of the staunoh and commodious Upper
Cabin ntesto,r 1110P,Capt. J. X. Santoot SUPERIOR.
Cape W. I) Wilkoorot, lo ocooratdon with tae Hichtinne
. i/outhern Railroad, el/Hoare thorsland at • o'clock, P.
31:, or/ the arclest c! the asprets Tanta. Iron Chtteinhati.
l'lttchurgh nod the cant, cononction at Toledo with the
atoorc ltoe t for Chinn :co, paotlein thro/Cto
do ale,COldentvr. 000. n P`ooo. ert•JOC.Pb.....
att, ollotottraan, no.
gatirothoe from Cleveland to Chicago 17 boner. •
• •
Jafho Itbent thauroad No
hew. laid with
heavy T ri l l . undoperfect order. No baths will bo
moored br the
'trout.!f tha.lioata or' Hood. (to mak
thin one of the bo to travel In toe
cp./tongelo* conveyed file of charge, by gl,lOO It to.
the Agent., and checked through from Cleveland to
eel -Through Tickets "en be had at the office of For.
syth4 Vamp. 3a on the Dock. and ft River abrtlet.Ole,v
Fcr further Info:mail= or freight or paxlig*, •OPIT t
S. A 01131./LIKY.
Monortgattolo flounn,•
Michigan Southern and Morthein Indian
Rail Road.
"hN and after February 7th, , 1&53, until fur
.tuft ran batters
}inittoi ifid Tolko at IL
Ohlenso fo t+aowc -
r Tolalo 8)% t a t s
ibr Otticsao ..... .. .. 0
hioraoo foe ..... "
• ger-This Road in conjunction with tktO Toledo
end Norwalk, take Blrtre.Neet York sod Erie. HuEalo A
AlbsoT And lludeon Elver 801 l Norte, fort. the orar
hood oommuturatloo between
• - •
. OPEN Berwcas
Chicago & Columbus. Cincinnati & Pitts
_ burgh, via. Toledo & Norwalk Aoad,
Wbloh Iftterorts the MAD RDTAR AND fLA,II/ZIVIV
]OJEYIi-U. t 1007.11. SW.
11, a N. I, R. R. O .
'Adrleti;Doe. 17.181 M
B P.thiT—The nurniat rahli betwer.h Tquaur i a,
felhbh, and Daltimoro are as•followe: •
• F I ratthhoi—fosthers. //um and PetTahaltalo v nahr and
Nowa hhlus. Al dae-78 cams 'per 1001ths. •
kaPOad Olaaa—dlaohoL seem= Olovhsehad. D ee r
tlklns. Prkd Yrulh Olhnoirmy. liesosh . /isrdiraze, Leather.
Wes,l-00 tents per 100 Me.
Third Chses—llutter, Oandlna. °hems. Earthto
Lela Tqbweo-60 custo•yor 100 11.11.•
Whorth Chko—Bscon. lot* Ind', Latd sod
Lard 011, IVlllll.Y.ootton.-40 c•lttapar 100 lba.
- (LEO. o..rttaNalsous..
-11%1 bixAng A. A. SANSSTOOIi'S
1-Boods ix a treks= woll,noil favorably Lamm. la
• (pm., Mr. Yios.SV „Boslb, Ornas4V-3
A. m o ot - t 4
" ' l .l ll . 4 8 4 1 1. i
n try& ra 11, ;9 kk V rmlAto. • yo%
ioe. I booight. with Oirlsall timber ,Sook or drum , . on,
Ove down, Deal , " tha srboto of oblob is sold., it doss
areio sx.eaut.izo amongst, 0 . 1 . :a05105...,'43. bk. Jai. Vazker
rz,* 4 1VatIgtrtirsgi. r=r it artPl::itt v i o l a.
wanii 11.01.1 044 00r Imo botUos As, a child Ivor
sears old, and It Dossed a,k ono Landed worms nowly
a scot kos, wasty=dlse coos cam away, sod tbs
And is wall; da !loon askisvisalkso opens / shall 0 , 407
I . l!d_reat, • - Doom .
P . 11/4"1 " -7 sad 'L'alinizatocE 00 : .•
- WWI soil Pint 01..1
4 ,
11)110PERTY -IN BUENA. Nl5 Al9l t .
itia " VidelATM" rat fenn o t t s ' gr n4 hs ailtliot
Hp at I
ts. to 4114 r, with.. eosetttable9 name,
Heall oontalslas 4 ramesvith Itocd . 44ll4ri 44a4 mi.
oven. 444 at IFNI #rui.4. 11146 MO.. Ois
12f 44P s . ""
-I . '"jial : t° In eligaf t° A k'
• Ktar2ATEICE, \•• •
No.-511 Soniti Phliadelp
betit. Harkaaid,C*aut ttzects, • , ,
Drs tad Grwat Baltoml4•Pataa KU& Tanners' GI
manor* t,ti eurruine ViOLB; at tha ,rice. •
nom the hoot \, •
@lnd. of LZATIIEII,Iu tba rough. WANTED, ttrr
th.l,h the market rice, trt °MM.
7, tat. lo et for tildes.. • ,
Ithara:onAd Cm of dame. and sold on , 7021/121.1.krA.
.11243¢1 . \
C. French & Co.'s Philadelphia
\c‘nd LAND PLASTED.of an
cqztAlled titilLtt 1.4 otseugth ILltTinfle theraliPed
Our Inanufacturtlx t illt.r, tat 1T dialer& Ylaster tittl&
Do riel cm 'lt 71Ittcats: primelkarrelp, in still.
Ca'rturtl Pkt.t<r. rafts Lattil l't•gtert
owtjittg Maim.; Grd. agr
I).tttletl, Y1.14-r: slatt&rbtor
l; trot Ida.r.utt&t . l-4 +telt, Prrstillt'a OuattrlS,
Ftort , tika toter Nlitrocombatetof LitTh`t
um. ell orders rvetive .rtAttPt tar-tltlio.•
01. SaIiNCLI & •
ai Ittutt.o < [ York ay... Er. 'LEI
cgrollletrtmts. C O .
Cif.E.Bl 4 VILNA. t LABB. &C. %
TYNDALE & Niki \ .'CllE L.
NO. 210•01.1N.MIUT E , T..VI taIiELPILIA. , ,
if hFFER to theOitizeturAf Pittoburgh . 4 d,
ty Is ,ichalii; 04 citqle.• 0 t.t.eibtialfol awl bre
fr ,,.4.,.
atone Oak. in , ,:OrTr., ...,,,,,c ClPalltlta oc
DISIIN4, PLATER, I'Ons.ILS, a4or ch or H{- s
, let (MIN/Lot IItOO/ S .IOE WARE. s ,\ ~
AL,OLAtitl WAlll: 4 otii aid Mouldnc,/si ,---- '
"al.73sralftirts"'..-1- 4: ,, U.... 4 W
tsst ei tie., at vary nhip1.14,..
• . ,
L. 'Wines anot,Liqiiiirs. \ N ''
\ ‘ .
tekrt„PIPES, IralfZpen, Quitv s '4 O .
utny\,yid ladux ktit,telk Pab,, , l i . lollllV . •...
Fact t
iVinit Latt i l lk . . n i tt 'r & L` r . a., BA., .md
va-shasskw ,oh..Z4Fl...x#ivt. Tarte. be • .....,
, • .4 Let, \
Iherieh'littindia of 'allow, L e a n llollend (Ant \
melee Ituni.l; sh . 4 d Bee tell WideksykNes , Itzutleed\eu
Nee °clean!, 11,—.. l' of tne, s abel ,, awe entitled
..-i tr " l ' elciL \ io a . it porch .. re 4liditi ) ietal trate •
~,,, u \ .4 8.113211E1 1 . \
''' 1.1 .10 \ dautt. Yreut`ft..,,PhilAdelehte•
Strawllm ~:-:-Spring, 1842. 1
FINIIE subsai ViTow prep4cii\tv il k I
2_ exhibit to hiorr i ... tan il i MllHTistarly s ial * ,
.7iry taikfLiej, 4.1. Atv 4 4'ittlimuio 8. 4.bit ~ -
ARTIFICIAL V LoN,V,L ...Palvia Lee.); ritvaioarlana tray
ca a t Pf EU.4111131'111. ' , fon Ilentlenveni Vii b. ,
sztait, vriety, arid bra t of manufacture, ert well av
qui:an:city clove prilr, , , , vl • e fogad tuarlvalcd.` a
• ,
Pearl Port • .th:utlee. \ ..
A SPLENDID stook TA I handles, Miriaro
Pii for Dm:ditto arrl ottero—P • I trokk to Orig.
fltl,, on rar.d Mali .411111 e, li fox thatir.ot outi
Orotraror. ` `.
A '''''.
F'4 3Up '' tb " i g
'1 , ,; . ";t1L Ilth,SL,
ong-zoo y . ,' . a. " . ~'"Plllladelottat.
Straw Goods-1M .
I — ‘3
LI cuthliecomi_pt. init.
It \
P,hiladelp Carpet W
.(,., CIPE OP. quali fula., Wznoand no
1..7 Pesr. 8 ADO: Alm. ON YARN, LA*, W 11712.
a,...1c.,fcr ea eat the to esibr ' •A
a"1'1., , 1111NOrtiz, Third at.
Mritc) Henuif.
MPORTER and What
11.AILDWA4 • D OiraMltY.
:Rout !Arc 0 .
• t Po Australia.
ASI prepared t \engage Fr lea cr Pat,
t Lpi l ex i :ll,hp Keam mor pel• galling from
j a l ipoze.
Ti Boa ' Front alaatdelpbtx
or San earn.
.M vrlarc d engli Fr c e i Fght g i y a ttle
en t Stew:hereeat
gi n Now Yeek. let7,rlh.n
o<6 aft*"
71 Araltb Yea t etreta, PLlrlelDkla
%11:1 - B.CER /r, ANfigl.Q, G neral Commie
elm llerchanta, Phaulelptua. 'Liberal aaraacrz
mx,i, on “,a,iv.mate, al Pr • .ure a • MliT • ia.l7:r
u.1.1011RA1LD. Fri ...... ,4
i AGIALEY, Wol3.lsVvt
r.a.16 221...rtn
E. V.eLN . METEN 51 . 'f(
t. 1 opo:tor or 'PA PP22471?:
ITICTAIb PAYERS '. No.:a Nkkrth T
fcl,rlr P` 1
NEW yci •
27 Iluldeu Lane mild 59 Wail .0 treat,
(Fleet earaerfroal Droadiray.
It E l:l 6. a P o E ll e e a F tr n a L er L y Y
a6d i totrats .° th ' !%kii2l l,l v s a n t °' so l. ‘
..i j iYW'ofl:l ' s ' o I t l a S ei4rg:ttrl%i!: l"l.4 l a T
944 , P. • Ler.:1121.,V1 '
.' s CIPLii“• (. Otk . /...
Jar . ilal.,
~ I lug Jazkets, Ulo e
vw A kilttero, the-blae Iterktal'.
' P.o.a. I.l:ik Dreierrira. , s testa Paella • .
Overalls. D -- 'ln2r. B - - 5,. \`.
~,,E. ... °Es. . •
. . .
And every doserloition of /1
4 sbor , GoodY, Isbusafutail
mill aloo to. fons4 as abo,s, ' , ,
My Uoato defy, comports-10 Cr cot:arm-lota—sr° war
rant-1 proof ilfinin4l &coos plan in Any ninnian...nd
IT t for &010 \IO hots or i all quoubecs; oroo.tho
kst torroo, rStro solialtod work •rrosotly attorde4 to by
L. 1101o1M - N.
lylll3m Maass Lana -an :Nassau streat. M. Y.
'\, T ,,
'BY LB \ ''
C . \ \ r•
11 Esunx, Bahr , atitiEle • • \ t,ly Far
a. Co i!be•LowewingprN,
~. q.t.*. bn•N
VoLVepleiwer. tar tea &MOW •tlitt, • I e raTe4llll,.
Public- • "\ \• • \ . A' 2 ' l : , " " .
_...._ _____,_
. \ , \
k t.
latirTii \ i •• • 4 60, 1 4 t 4i'
Ld =tip *4
1 1 1;70804,0 1 tri ... ' '' S". '.:
, kipartlea l l4atina vald,o Out to •'• ma ofs
Lead. Balk ilea a d Burma. \... \ \\ ,
_-_ \ -‘
llotar to John Prmbk 4 . r;.! 4 \ 14 7.H,,
A ee"
lfrr " \ s ' ''
1111 AVID 0: V LE, \ Atteruey
.4 co - .• -• • . dbr B.biaarliard\ 9L
TOIINt3. 1Z A r ‘ noytt
QQI seller at Law. a ' eattsfom b.Ol ,
klaneyleanta. .11.1f4, lata or Pitiably b•Y
Kt& neeta—Pltaa. • otk\\ roritsra.
MAO. starg
MAO. leek oalarp.Vabrt'S.PF \ • lks.‘ • laeol
me:kJ ' \ \
lit,Milv . 'TMati
2DIP. s II ‘
\ • L' T & A PREITZER, \
Cosittastos* r \ OßWALDllicoexacus •
V,l**. 6.3 ExotkaitgeTlee. \ \\ _ \\
Vte s krountA. \ \
UhRDEAB FOR.. 00ETEX It & 43 ., an d
Z .llgptFents orOlitiota pectfuni
plldß4fers to—leapt l‘nook A.Coiald
lautalra Co.- \ LTA!
WOOD 'l - usztattAyitid.
XEOUTO . wi4 des pite.6:lN ALL . IT'
" RA MIDIO.N., ° et '''. "ik.!*;"4 at t110"i
~MI 0 j,%,,,v r tiQuit, mtpatnet Builtt4iri
•er Fourth an kleamcße etreeqeinelazatt N entio.
: • tactical. 'ttentloos,rard V. *Me P.etert . B ol
team Boats a. Iham
, CAUS.I., jj:a ',lf
J - 0 - 1111 CR; • ............. ‘‘......,‘ -. • ... ... ...00nzat itaT,..
1 . '. ..
. • AIVI N , - ,
\ \ is TA Ifflazzr; I stuN\ pir wArr,
\ ,4 .tarioua . craw.
cknoinm •to solicited d prom OttontlO, Oro
to fli too ootors \
tl“.tSgfor k to—Biz. J.. • Oder or ; , 17..d '' n«: . Itto.
'ihilifEßA 00111 SEW*:
:4??1.1 AUCTIONEER:. ttrrt
mma* suatlssis to 61 kno
_. . ,
\ P t IDD T 1 .I k E., a
4..,:t iier Jefil!rsion .ire:',and.
\ \ -‘
031: li. protrat.. ', - 'wit)
\. ~. \ _ \ .;. red 3 ~,
R T,
\ 800
n \
MA SAL,Sit • Obi,\
t i*, out .to atone 4.12$ Wttelttrais, ' Nom SO
Watt stmt. Mint bDIUMI WOW Montt et. k‘\ , ..
ZiA -. 6.1 . 11.r .4. 4.1't!rantr Ca`lara4 11 'Zk b
\ \N
v.geßvics Lau rumored 'P .
Midge* We lk beeml4ol Wukbo
ourtb Argot, rtalbs auk of PI ttNIIMIth • •
BO KS - 011;16 \* ;IA
_ wAvi,ER P. mu umuu , , A
31 .?dicrs- 6 AND LO.Lat IS razstitlyn'Axrareks
13q - artrik It 1 , lALL3tia J7114'011 ANIERICA-•
', • WALL
N.:55 )(drill itret4peNietre mut Thoth st;ett
Pllts h.
• \
, -
• \ Portraits arod X• •• °us of . ‘• .-
NA with Lto:raphlrel end \wisher . 3letoolnoof theft
'levee and A reicre Be John Lhingr • • of the X \ YO , k
'Her. In 2 vols.. 1e63. .. \ -
The port:efts are an enerareet front4agelefr./net.
in the tern e : mat Oxen, end stewed Welly tOrrew,L
tt ,
.We nee
'omen for the enterkantel , . , lellty the Illtretrste
rit thoef pareens t h e ertnee terra CI eto I er r ., Whin.
trielftwe.henal *Oft it orefiteh'e tolhe 0311 .3. we d enter.
5 ,,,„ o r sir, I erieeetou. ant should, de ry rre,.. pufele
and pr eats / fi nery In the a >nutty, ui„ rd I. to er,,,
ortettor ewe roe/beet . hut enehteere 'tertrpare' , lerried4,
learn, states teen, seen !err, toerrharrt.r , pre, r. em ,,,,
ant fermee —+n thug. thettuentehre Iying* r.eruts
,l,. a -very ~.rar Meet or Americsom reet,,,,. „, e ,.,,..
hrie on tee•relne of rtlnte re wort would \o.. 6 ,,- ~,,,„,„, le mast caa=.44 Rear to unlreneel fewer —ave. 44..
, ' DeVIRON et IGN - X \MN
Far mho tr ,
sue.o . , `, 10.65 Market ttrret. two: le . h.
d ATr .E 1: IliCOUli TRY (111018-0 ,
LA 1., .W,opp4lto tliciPoitiNtbei Tam yeeslib4-- '
. Imtkra to 0511AtIll,aitt4 hr bal. 8Ri...- 14 c 4 . , - ' I. •
• o ! ' La "Irldror;"
.., . Old ~ thlt; 14,bleott Wlleva:• - - •l o sk• Robber!. Vlbs;
•. 3.4144a1l a, or The,babilet's loblic \ ~ \ . ,
~b lionle Lawson; \ espt; Elyther;,V '. '
\ Pock Oak, nr Th ... Boadesivs's itriaggia; , \ .
4 / 1 .
The ,11.‘ Rand . abort Yarn, •, \ . - .
\ Ma l
1 2. 2 r 1 . 1 T" '' q r. ' " : 7 1: in 't ill b7)ljl 7
• Mar •/to a g su Ss , us ;
',,Euitalt Qtr•citin • thl.conoluaton 0f.",114ty Pol.: by
• 6. tN. bl. It plop 0. el th , i• Elbst raDuba
\ au th ors of the Or
.V4reily Novels, am,: a;
Lbanwe blagsqn, alb •sete—trot voi. , l.tbet lit,
I. ;
Dr cAILOW, Third ettr•sd, "tomt•ed Ms Tiagialne4
or ;dearer. llsbaa tht. doT • I/ ooplas Of fletdat,and
Graham, both NMI teurqberet—Unt mho, the coneenhion
of thee ImanUfell ertory &I. T. Duabanast Herad,‘"Ther i:
ca, a tbeittflk bernard." • continuation of the 111
stet! fettle's , \ Tbi tibial, and In totorry;" a clank
17est.o entlllkd "Mir trthbestm," frotltho witty John t.
S e, and nm• foetard.hro or .11 otb• 40011rtitir.
) It,,
'odes opens with an, IllOsehatad ar hie on "The new
t r. Jo. /metro Ile. ' t Ile haa al. resets ed—
T Fawn of Um Pak-Tams, • nosed \hr .I. P Bram
Ls "home UN' , / , ' Inftmant" to creattreit, much no
oft tao
bble W. ellattaalne tin A rt,,mnst;
Vobilt ee Nottema f •PF•ltteitnr:
Todollashow lds botee,' satinet . \ ,
e rode No. Ito No II of . rot no Callitet ealr... T are.
to he tog:J.11;110:e.! to slate me nolo Pfl" at 20 ooretStoon:
Voit ' ltiCi l , * afor4Tlll ' ; " •lnariotorte, boon. dads.
VEV7*I.I6.IO, — NEAV aU c to.—x: •
811 .t joet reoeivedper'it e lerpresa—., i -:.: ,
deRINU 18,0 WINO—a oetv .sonz Put, lemted--cfmt
toil eit i ded . ttd to 3ihertadersokti of Me 07, ,
H.ide eci eotr o ,, \Yfah s' *nti Ohre& \ eigmdte. bY O \
kr .c.. A
. R.,. noel! &Mg b/ 11011 C... , -- '"
Cio.g.a.Vll,l:4"\y‘k J,,PPY,Liff.l\tragogetak.typokih.
1 - , lpse add me 6e t thviv7; the \ Neztrollitheee bk...
2 1,3.1:41 stone to Sal ' ^ma aoer NegioNfeloll ,
1 1 1.10Pait'll'.11tw„,"" 1. LN . •
7he li_gds we. kit. ,31....4; by: Snobby. , .\ \ '
tf il E r t, ' "?. l2 , F4o ttia , * 11V .IB.P ;r4 *°,, „fgrtl '. 16°
.1ig,t , % 3 P.,;t1,1,..
~,,...-.ol‘ •us played b :73Gra}o. , ; ' \
Al.eU—An :ensue. are ant \of &mai 1 GlottaM \
together • lth tke most pollute Elar92llll OKI!. day.
esaletto.9. Polkas. Weltgee. ea 'e , e. ',___ \
"i No. 10 \ 1.11 D NTHEST A
J 32,5 ''t hign,of Um Uohlea LeeD.
LOS ALA 'kEECION—A si9ri /16itcd to\tLa
Lax-11 -Maser., LI- D A
an' VAIS itukat ettmt. mar Yam*. \
EW BOOKS Mind end '4ll - Eiotions,'
A b iou V ki! e 'ir r'll . l'll . tig• 9 ix l )N , r br .
th ata iut ° Vol. of Coletillgi4 war
) 17 1. Not,./.le4cr 1123,1 Car) Dl7l .
rw. REA Douai r Laval Lama Of thio Mgt.] Watis.larlnd•
Lou swaultrirexlctiers , of Copma.qcona 1716 to Ufa. U.
eeutel O•Qe Verartateat 01 thekhrteti...ith sztiopen
ecVAinkos nyitlion, of Att4,l:tell Usattakiv tCe
re it'
S Bo:* Nprret, str.a. aW.. roam..
1300h13 , etry .of. the fop , ble
111,1141 tbe ) osirl
Dr. Cittagur-4* .
OOK • Sir U,•v• ice oikthe
• • Inc atigh‘' end
fatter• mr—etzty Ilinatrs s—one ypt.l3
B ❑ EMU , s \
L • wning's Lv . ..%utcr ttexlag kli,nrslAnAlticture.
Botrattl.o t Trees 61' irtent. For tale
OSi PTiG Pox Wikbr -
xxi, WO , \ \ 11681 v ft pi a
1852. •
---- • .
aavtgattan, arill lase
And.relit•Whfrita alas* ateantersi tine at these ot
Artll lease my <I every evening. Butxdara excepted. or
..tlotune.toaohlita tau:deur: and Tolado, and only - I
:at Morava to ame fOt the inorning train of cars Went
so. there connaettnOelth the,ahlosint ard Bt. Loofa 800
' feanmla re 4 s t &am b 1.4, P o
by this line lirlite
id Chienno pa' th e !alto sr atoll:mon aftex loavinn there..
land. ..,,,_ '. ,__,__.-" . —, \ v , ,
1 . Afar fm Appl Tlv mr hide. .. 3. 3. al 111,n
I..treot. - v fmselanttLi A.,. cuAny, *gam.
. . . .
. Binghiiie z . .ortatio.4.:- z. i
atlitERIN I.B,s2lliiiiiiiiiii 1
'kV 'cipanini\pf. ei Cantais.we will beiTes-‘
) 4,J , ity to- Teakwood Mtwara prowlptlyt ,trwituut sxpa
,Ilerottowdito, oost.l4rsatu • ••,,, ---• • ' • 1
Irnklato &twill Itti ittet , gotau‘,4 by rowpwattlots
Produwited Ileaubwal,wo mud tannrid,
f l r
San ,C.lkli • irtflt. wi th out soky o PT siding or St.
`,' ,1 1 .11.1t e1" 0rwitt4 " :,...4r i r .. ° 1 1 % , : i.
it. , i,., tglix•ei/R . Ild , tthiltH '
forit ,
• , t4".4 t ' '' 'X . RING I ',Oitaintwebs, -
\ _." t:ATelkAta i r
, wrote \ Fourth and/ • M41.44 1), '•'- •'' •
• ' • No. 1111Ftb' Ituwart
.1 lIINOII.O 0.1 , S;V_II4II., \', . '-'_ .
, , C(I•AD I :\,,,,,,. TOM: \
111 E Ll* C Vkl
ttiPailiejss4 . . ..
t r2.AILE NOV*OE' , •:' VO IN
• 1 \4.0:g r at,, , V,, M fr ea l alrl___Plk 4-.... Ti
\ \ ‘ o ‘ Cimults"%l K 1" •
\ \ \,.. \\'‘. . i , ..AlVrito .. "17
r q,!,; 3 T FrqiiVei,... • •
L ••
It mb74,\ \ .\. \ N...4l:sonttr4V s ctst!..!)t,, 's
i l EA 7 11 7.. )i-1,
.\ . \ lIDEII COY BOORT' NO .11..\,AL136, .' 1
wont • or et rus jorldeli stool alt ah hastoan
, ..adaf=4•ll-ta nt: o l , ll ,... ag a ta=Blstand d i a , ‘-
k .
.;.,.. 1 .1.1,,,h 0h 3at land matte ranntred kr ico nic
ikiro b''' 4 4 11 "16 gr:: ; VcreiVirail".L. !ART ,
In on Work, nol oor tn. the ustia4rannt of i
Ne m° \ •• ll'‘‘na eljr.,l I: b a t ia'friTt u=.
b j,t . k , b 4„. i mudo4ir dan tram Ara rta Paw,
i k tt . ta, eu;'tlillagentbtiapadtagkre. and
atilt . =
Ins p \that. where \ eon= bola= at
wit‘ok ,
11'e tore shCfbriAmlns er erb ars Mina Mar,
\littirraitplitaannad.t k Drottka Uinta t,Pittabne4 „
*nue ..“7,otatilwall Cato : latlay 0%10014
kondaartl,44 hear tonal, Whieloet. Chwalk 4hoa.
Haw Badfarq. ear Obefelsod. alb)o , , tte n oal a-tartll
th \ kl/ 7 21. zi s rr iti,i,;N A, Jo 2i3 1 513 i.
Kw. tfnAr2ear HI W a haat, ' wed ilke V.rttent
And taat It erceke tumult .
.: r`X, 9 .? u..*.v...35, au 4us 1...4.1, lilt \a 7 th aw
at. lftt fuel. a Nun ditty , ultrtn tate etas In vile,
any lad of tuat e, i ,,, 2 DO zw.r i r t , -!„ ,, , , ,t, , , , :.
Ur sitlatall that las Dittor a
to , ton ,
tatrlttrk .'e g d ol =71 ' 1 ' 1%2 I^fa a, V=l 4 ll4
Dare nitre It with coni./Oan awl Mad that it tatratlret Usti
• '•• • 1" ‘" " •'• •tNirl ••• L I MIZIr •4" • t - : ' V .
\ ' ''
' \ \ \ ll"3'. _!....•."'‘ .Mrt i ltiltni:cinann4 pi..
A.l.6,..arAmi KNoufg; an ~ hand and maolt: toaml,
an Matt notice. All °Wan, 'Out 4Atettx lattutttsd t.
etillttlaFaatcht:,at 319 Liberit Bleat- • 4 : • • • • s.,
1 0r 1 1 1 .1 1 .41T;4:1 1.4.1 etr117.0i.thP
colomt b Jes t
V kva u me ' , onfallitAirri,Dr,, , ,4 • Stee.
Quentes eta* eatt!, 0 aryl of taxaL; .: ..a , T4a,
Anal:tamer Cola. ' •.,
• 1-11 3 42f,:aNY 00 ' 111M Urea hle "b m s fo l t . 'l 4,7 re i
.", 11108 t eurerlOsatr,windisl is Ir. o[ Dow st.ll.4lC! , 'T
I S. Boxlai. ars*,ats. mate., bhlr,s. de \ , , _.,
A o, so band. A tuiasiS i tublotnAhrsttek OS a , fp
MA • qt.orativat mannuotur•d4.-pINE
al . !lath IT\ , titm Turf kw 1 , . 07. r.
Zrc ni lt i riv i lb: . .14 . 1V 4 ,_ : tit !x i ge , :i ti tt ri t 9 , 11,41Z . t .
4. 1 , AT .
cuttorlin the above 4. ' Lllalgunt.) *Vat or t.,,tr ° 44 l ,,'':
ndalhaib* at 0116111Rar lor s aat.b‘V* Awn,.
atirisu .f grim." W etas, fdr,J.ll.
,li , Moan SleaVo Twyrquja po prV , Amor'
p v.,..44•04•61. that ItAAA .w• . jakhAlr
A. FAJINESTOK'S 1 / I . l3ll l . LiCir :
\ umt at *I last =apt *lb, 1 - .l=
\ .Alvan at 4 n.cscatx Pa No*. 1837.. ,
.01, .• • tor Of WO* Aida that nat.+ ierf ppa. an . .l
:ti • . I g , • - 13 1 ,4ragt i iiiirat e' xiV.,ktia l ii l fi;
Pr. •h • 'wan nr i gL d o ov•staa .6 o \ nali o n nt,... 4lLoa v
*U° 'll'ativ"',,,l't . 4. th.thing \ ta:l , 7a,- - ft. ire
oh t r. .. " "1 0 1. thaj...l4 \ tust mete roulo.
no r3s •In er ItantortOdes he rarPft "da°ll.ll
I h r
." \ b* War l aattfait ' V,, , ttsrLiii totft, sr:,
aming, * an tit nted dart, te u r t te o: t pcl.l/4“13.4 far
i.naajjaccattar onsen.nee,.rettohttruiv. so ..4 cat ! .
. 1 " 1 ' " a: te I t:Le* l t ,, d nit l if u ‘ j 241". •
la , it .1 1a PAlllizimlcti a uo., : kit.uniti:
„‘ NpTHEAEvIDENea-Yro --"- Ea pr*ltui.
A , ..for Gentl c At , i, 01 ttii cunt ,roOtanV rtaa, dans it
•i nl ' , \.. \•\ Bunn. 410 r13.1 b,
rra f. tfaitAfttlgteiOWXa=_ ***4 Ng, fl i t
17 (or •!2!.44.6`2t..e.ligtt.:Zdat-nsdigig:".:°\
:C..: =,..e,thY.A . l.itztvi.-finixe.
.... `lttratir.. l 4 * . re. Of trianew I, knertrl
PUl "ir - ” illfatU lartratZt ** 4,
Itarnro,lar •
t rorrthr i n 3
al riOar \
. 11 \ IL
\ — itrX4, tairelk ra. \
\ Mr lB-1 OM w il 'aLikba '
. ,....
t. 5.„.,.
\ ,_ \ , •. \ s.,
tali' mid •
: i mmeziro
l am la t 6
\.; -
\ 1.1•Ea44:-"is:
. --774:--- _,Y F V4,..4,.. ,
vr-- - tfitrt ic
\,,.4.4::. 3i..\--.,1'.111-.- -? lik
i tik '
4iN leo - i , 11l tt_ll
„ :I
....... s _ , .- :-.• •• no \nati...., ..... . 4
region ax . • fautarkabla fer timid .. .male ity,..... ‘;....
1i0.134a1 au\ powir Of luOxittlag ratline, all • ',that • 4 -
they attribute In a yrerafelgrrit , to the nu of thet bor
',taut re'errokto, wbtall, they nuircraelly eh., ...d ' 1`
camel:ham amok,. 'Oeibittsleturer to Surepe.ifter •
. .
residence in the Usti. Pro:ester Noywarounumwedelyi '‘
imentin , with tote- wendectot nattml Draidßoilon,
remit of Its labors I. the tiyhtOtat.elt Intt;ir L .\
" ' '''
\ '
in. tows ender - x*l \by mu uoli .1 ' ‘‘
sost attic.. of Ettroye• to the test prevaration eitant , \
fen Um • \
•\ CURE 01.\LERTOUS\IiI8EA$ES. ' ..,, , il \\ \
I•:olnagataattt can a nti c. ey an Idea
I 'Lt , he hum.dist• and \
&twat miraculous chart wild h. o , ,,utaalots lit the dig, \ \ \
eamel,vdobilitatid mad • tterfid e ana syltem. 'Whs.
the brokeu down bye:row. wmla by., rotate er impair-,
ed lay alitnean, the umtrupg and rel.2ed ormanlsidloo le, \ -
eT ewe brined. reTitrile.4, cad pullanp. - The mental
sad idly col tome Me or Oarinatta Oraral*. vanish to-
/tether node' its Mil n ee • The atroyindOtretebling •I.• \ \ . \
nut of deprosion an anhilitr_ber mat a ntw.taida; 111 , •
stauds erlr l tie roo: .1, willt a Yto r a..t , :y . ili!,,rt i d o . n = • \
rhl.=::,.' .: [ANL t',4::: - ...,..t0,, -...g ...n...f1, • „ .
trolled, segenctst , d, asinsolotismt new eAgr,.to ht.
nezu•tnn.ct occupation>. 'O. - te the elftott•so ram , Oft i . \
the e.nenoy, tloarelief.l• rmanmat, for the sata OW ' '
ot the tne.licins reac.the constitution i It, *di
Taftere It to It h rin.l oots;ir.on. Weil WO th e Zeta ' \ ,
0100 be o►lled lSn li \
\ \i r :
glr.W.:ll,',g,t,.l:',l•*:Y;dall d '. .;o:at il frt t alrc L oNk ',, ' „
lelnehetetofOr* aurta.Olat to have oatotertoe.„. , .. ••• . . \ ‘,:,
. \ • \
~.:t i l f o rif" "m ritn," "f , ret i all'olgetelti:arTliteMl a o l i \ \ • ''t \,
. \
then talrtiel. ' ". it play sow be •of him Vito ' takes \ ..'\• '• \ \
them, -the lest mate of that non Lawton the drat." 1 \ \ \
ue‘z. Elixir la an' osbilemot with° t a single allow.
tack--md• in Ito Otorvlion.tarastual M , „Ia.OPY WM- a ' , . ~
• - town the . neTilf• the antra. moil the tOnorfOotinae \ ' I ~,\
don. au man
. ot i ntomMinmea= r. „ .. l u ;m . rne t og,,, .
~,. 1 .
1 4.111 T r h y, xAtiie ...l oary 4 t g o sloe . liv comilaint,\ \ - \
_alba& and ill ' am d • insure r to. males de, 1, \ a \\ \ ,
t .
ray 45,f tn.-proms sting f ii, hysteria. an DOOMMIS. \
sagontermas. sialdiat t Ooratl • heart. impute :y. her, A
runnel, constipid on, aa, at. from whatever ea m axis. \ \, \
rang It Le, if Meet la any vita tote•plaeed on moan' \ ; . • .
tmalepony, admit:dell lutellible., . • _ ,
ff,.)4 , v . .
\I It is th, only . infillible remedy yet elwavevid new 11
Tana head mad mind ettotilatitan it, la the mental y ale. % - \
Wag enught,for, and never hetwe \fe d ora, t • hl - aatqlif
clout thatcatt.adluis . gr r t...• zutp_s_i= r „ , l 2:+4 , 2:,l \ ;
0 ,,,,,, b'''''' ' ''''' . 4"4, 11.;; * 1.1 , 3 712:1 ' ,WAffocuonn. 111, -•• \ ; -\ .
1 , 1.. =rein * . ssionlahtng abort reined of Unit ' \ . ~
It will step remoTodenomMa.rn , taMa/v . . a. tandazer t. , • N
‘hlushztlasimaa gta.,plaeaD i tat (I . l?e ,i toj aveii=niz ~. a .
A \
• -
yi t t 7 • I t ioar ‘ tnhTl=l:te p e:t•net.ty.ine " dlaldebility . ;
, et= ind.ei•mis. wriatateelp•sa, thoughZil said. '••• . • \
,rt*tion. tea of imanity• An It will Mc and rte. . .
.to the oopettle, strengthen the embelaWde =F. Uld ‘ , •
heal of times who have dm/roved it. iodnee
\ s .
ehee alum• and eauutimlty of artrits•and a p: v oloteo \\ • , ; ,
re pil
sr ," '''' bl• f tr = P t= O r r :Tara ti oo n a rid ' ill t", ". \\ • \ \ \
ha ' aioa . ttin•taklat
• trde, i•U:w..1.117 ain to a ' `..
''' 'utokforsa complexion. \ •- • • .\ . , . • \ .. s 'iv \
7itter.tnelonspry that cover Lila t y Duch& MeV{ .•v' s • \'••, \ \
I.4. o :4l3lZlV4l " . '" gkipil i sVozT:lttt= IW - T 1 i ll '' ''
' . .i• \\,• • \
I,, told axel ahivatrad Oak of thn halm. hart va - \`, 1 . \'' \ •
BMW , •batrmfirn. &alike te‘ satiety. metal:holy. v , \ , I •, •:
onmam - enomwia, heats wed Ilaithee• of the flee' on tee, ' \ ‘, I •
AllatiPMF taloa% a'drstr• that texisreno• should OW4 , ' , \• • -• \
4,,, \
oats; Met :stomach. to Mot ontof order, she &profits
I. \ P , •„, • , , •
come' thprimonsAa train of youthful dy•peyt•i- set 114 \ •.c - . •
suet go Wl•littano conatitratiou: ao..ltemlue-MX. : 1 5 ,, , , ~ ,4 •
..,....,„, ~...., •,, torpor aller eating, fetid DR
' • '• • lIE C• mox xxxxiesstort -..., : . • \ . * A T '''‘,., : .
Of Ito ; •• at nye .. : tbls .. .ttrentd LU . ...l_Anid heir 4, \ , ~ , \ • .
i niTnaigle w t i tt: ' :i • "" 74Ztrif_.1=°444., \ t . ' ''
st...tdirterent earn \ . ,\ ~
41117.tred i ezWing „ 6 U19.7:... ' 'I had almost dim= .:: • ' • ' •\ \
illOgesof dertelnd mil Tattoo / Mirehmed Mme -, \' - - , \ ', ‘
, ollyour • Cordial,' • • cal -• • tarsi: of it. MomAttlnif, .‘„'„ ~t\ v \
me.nay‘nat it haa--I 1-dro • :ollbott&ii 't.te acumen . \ ',, \
..we• Ica eland the • Ima 001,Vaal telakarlit: , • • • \ \.•
• • Aaoa r t,a2 asyn,t`l be .td steers[ diltbaitalatmd \ 1 \ \ 7',
t h grAti &r:an :i ll , I r , Tt. n i • I .l,ll,l 4 lrAtruiTi -. ' \• , • \' \
0,9 , ..Uri4 ~ .6 or•lftt • ".' Si. 4 . !ad . ... 0 90...dr . r, \. • \\ \
....,,,th.r5,.,..: -1 ~..„ s . r . ~• the effort', ,yr,.. \: \
C 0511.1 hod. Wliy. 414.1 - .ar of [tent It would .• ' ' „,..,.: \ -
ham! used mw moon , as •• , - besides 7
_.„.t., . , 1
• others: i lde s ne c looV . fALVlt•l t f ‘ itNetu' ...41'4 4 ,,\ .\ ',,,\ . IA
well nit—T - Iftg.Vrit, 111u7",t of A:-
.:, \ '
1t41,::,,Vr:►01an,,,,;wv,i4 ,h. co W'
~ , \
ustmlieo v ett ant Ica.* Mb Zip! jr.w .. 413 ,
~, 4
,_. ~ ...
corr. a kOT .1/.4, fiOvvv.". a EMI' 7; . T . ' b. rie ...... .-,
.. b „,, „,„ „,,,..,. ~,:„,,e , T o : ,,, , „ 7 , . ~ „ .... • „ - 0
LL:ritylt.V"ta\ Wa`....4 , ...T., , • -, - -.-
..*\,, \
amnions TaMulta . 13 .. eilemtledut , :m. to found, . • I „', •
t happy pa t of be t 7 offseri he Ilona not hay .• '
ii.r,i \, .
, been we. Du . r M 0..: ...meteor salvation. • And I c \ .4
A..... 11.1 Mr th• anr ni
l omni•na•tt. . usrgtetzgr i r b. i .ar a ..4 %., \ -
rt - upititg . ... \ 0
.. . 1 \,.....,.. , ,
. L
.. ,I , Z\ 3 ° \
, se 'IA. 'VIE Mt& -' • '• • '
A iffehaedakegi/A ykr-lio•feld4l InTlito tit fblivilid.. 1 ~ ' •
- . 142 r a t r e lls
i att .11 , 1,1 M midi d Manama ; . C.
17 ”. '
,rai t at=he beetitedy i mar l
' • \
ia, ra.
for •sr core of di. air' of tb a.rd.d • -.. •
tla oar, lif from • coat Wit at swath. diem. , ,
doss ~114 rapt.' in the • orfasZnaderna - a. the,:\ ' \ \ \
...di esermeon making °utterer ate a Weal Inn 5, ',, \
'teatime eotriumMiolv. y. armaled '-Th• A ,
, disordor aneriOragoameyous \mate alk . haw.. a , \
Ce, 'dm' and . Modantiva of t moat %Farad most ty• • \ \ i
g..... !game wets... Cord itilgat anels samet &Mg , \ , \ ... i
complainta, .iii.e_ • pr.... 4,1? Ft the 4.•141121 Ya.t. , ' ~ -
.•MV. \ \N tot ,•• '•'\, ..•,- , •\•• •-• -' . \ ' '''•
k 4,1
t ' ottd.i.. t TtottAt.F. I. .7.4...he0...tr0u ' ''s„ . 1
t, . • -with them and des TO tD•ahlatilad. SC
' . "1 :
D.r JP.01,41 terAy l tloyseall nreo=3 , ..,
It .
, ,
~,,A. to matey I twilreflea result - Mu the oh • ' \;',
Of Oar ion nIAM • whp . In oorOagtteno• Cl. • , .1
Tiola nUt Watt la tent
veroroae• imi al and', rs: , , ,
r. bot,rrhlAt-0. 7 ,- , u,..:: ,, g r g1A14-4 , .... t -,
. ‘ii.f,„
orateCo.dial. 03.4.... lea.) _\; ' S
' . \ ll # lir•D i l'A* 4 °' 7sl 44 \'' - \ - I
hafted' in rinal•lie eft thaithaebau Umbel. a, , , \ i
Rhea *M_ nametiolo to ens °t h in. p r ftartraMn. larvibe s. , \ 1
.m....‘ .b".enz retnttiell t e b uti . . l9. te n gel had7 t " %san d = V. '''
' 1
dolow.ll l l
, " tl , 3 *iendit ou,p i‘ luriont nowt., hy v', , •
ci-' ...14 tfiIWA.ThVA I n rili s illeVhelite 1i 0,. .Ma t i12.1 ' '\
\ ' '. ' I F
item for PSI*
thrm Imq.and•nay I \ "a. '‘
=axing. ogr i lA . V . • , ere n e a th i =o.4 . ma ...... \ v ‘ .l. •
Ut t itl id•" rafeltli C l l .elgirilttvell=s,i f "" \ ".
' WO.,
le sultd i l i c r " lire j Vreii - d --.4 Dolt ' \
WO. , Ile led spa t h eds... itlyelied.• , ...
otOrd • with twenty-Mar if worth Or DiAllioatea re '
„Dif.."lomi.9fr. , doom woo.
opinion of the Tirttiesaf yini,r i pow, i I
ram now M t rgg i . fon goriest fel, ro soalfht ai•lt l rtig. . s' \
midegairmam DKr anythhi {ref
Om el Jaltit •
.. \
I are ted • both ai to • t r imalleinal ass sad
"eatable t in which' 'Vault it , In mom Cf. nerm a
ei r \
debility tram me
-edam of megicir cor ift,i4ortuon • .
mittul 'wreath. or the exemalve iValgcncal: [`the •
Wore, yrodutlinegoner.l.yhreimi yLityati ma., • •
... 1
..... c\\
wsutef =Di oroxtuting musattrua.` pa. to
MM. dis *we ...Wet., la. lam m tpl • um \
effects, • and miglytth araildeuro noattooeud . in tot
*trams:. of .thy I fiction a. • vat I Ty tar
=`rolli.dttliaVesTlfillbbr.,l.l.V7l,. .••., , -, . '‘',
E Ase Era If rit ir ith dlilNM.l L ) 6.l atu l gh . sfei s y Clit:
'(. 4 ,Theittall ,th ite ntuaktit eddrmsed. , ......M :i. '
iihr e cfriretdirrief irtreoaPanli-ti= "r . a 1 .0.4 N a
71111Att l , O 4 , ol . gtrito=a ranted; . i if• Yli i i /lc lije I,' t
.- .' Add mild ilk pa tv bat tho 6 leer Illt, us twOOOL • ...
Entercd ecvling.t • Act a oo.souet, in year I \
.' Meta* Alerow',. to tts. fieglaf•fldta. of um .
CoOrtier tliefioutherie.istricO td th litatiniNawlferte‘ ~
\ \ ' .
DR..- - : sksps .;:-,,., ~,...'-
'''*o : TEO '7"
, • .
Alklll Micrehlalk
Apied by to
bulb. 7,,,:
Itsdiratd Llaii: d ball.k \
lerndAmd and Pittptvgh.. !t
' ItAIL1100.: ' '
' 1
'Abeam* s
th tb. • • \
~,,,,1 . ,
r 4 '
\ --
a \i.. \ 1
ValiviziiiiriatTiviczirtV a ariotio , o me n\, -
,iadoll2li Mm. Midi= theammaTerwitbent• raniffaXim \
Iteretenen nof %be above colimMainte;linil liming ace \
%mud for Oar Iteltsso of th ole leatltintai brew • nOlailt \ \
mended llici stool anamielkielimid, nicer wito
rr yfrm \ ,
iebinnei effeeta, am note Mari ilea their e ~,r, \ \
A ss sislib 7 nostrum ft. kb .th LrtrooPum , a lsZ I , \ \ 1
mu. for whi s i, i s i s i si t s .s ss s. ,jui 40,,,e MI , \ ..-
meetalron lb* ninny of ft , to factlatte ft.n Weed "
be influe lutto
nce of thflioompositloMuMna tbi c %ttj a "l'.
atientMo her the meat tefendlrkinalis 4 ., . -\ -.
~ 1a . 04 ft . orei t flr f :m . ., base nallreall p eZza . 0 4. \ \
1 4,,Igiefi. can mem fiin taloa
anT t'efilf4=44.btfiVt:
tA,a2.11, °:'•*"„,,,,,,t"l"l"ativ.'''3..* \ • . ''', %
'" Vtvli P l=ll7;rrat it' itiv5ed ........... ,i;' in „Lb. la, ef \ • \
fftil \
it la 'Memo f
iflumea. le thane Um -w.•••-i,iiiitrjo \
°=Me aMtecri, Vilti • mmallen lirafa
_. \•\ .. ,c. \ \ \
.---i.t6k-0- . ....1=x-trows
....,.. g c.c a fllleted.m • bkm i it aq r \ - \
'POVindy;il be Inemel fa silliiNTZ ar k -- • , .\,
frillTriglrettaillill i l , euf!4To rap.
\ \ , \
citletters Is ree mat.ur o,'"l' siitiissirt \ , '
'ft. inneeMentia sa metiaint br blip ,
tram all ThlllvtivllVlV " . X tve S 4 \\
y artie'e unfrietelir to Me
'....:-•' . \:\
•' ' i reWif'.
`' \ \ \ .
‘ ,
j•I• : Mime 1.1.
\ \ \
\ I ' D. alriiD.l.*
% ..
: \,..' .4. n 4 V V. i.41 1 4 4 i
\ :\
\L\ \
i\ \ \
%, \\
‘• .1 \ \
1 ~
\ ,
`, \