The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 22, 1853, Image 2

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    P uRcip"GAZEI"I‘E.
Y MORNING, : 22, 11308.
THA! .
Inas Wm= CLisms.—rho extensive dreu
,fltiver Iraildressitto alfas var Outage man
nwetdocirsble medlam of mature their buiansw luxnra.
thit airealatloajg botween Mir and OM *mew, rose.
and count he Weida:, Petdlll+
vaais iuul Eastern Mk
. ,
041) ADVEFITIBILIO—Nntibee Um irelltoxialiteow
'ssorl'etuting Zstablbitumen! et the Dial <Mans. err
:iNw•t;nn throdaly ADVEaTtalag who dear/ tfieir
. 4 -54/Pi-to appear. la. 5b5 paw?, 424. liooday morning,
.1.111 ifexie hod Mem In bet eg 5 dela*. on Saturday
was °Aim coaxitaloxim.
3-41.1.082,8 POWNALL, Of Lameartei County
ALEX. S. MoCLURE, Of Pranktin Onitity
TON ginoraroz
ALEYEBEI, Of Claim, County
Paz atinan or otonunita COURT.
TIIOMAS 'li. BUDD, of .f:'/u7.addphia.
, .
ins nivas erturazar cm?.
, otAllegtkeny.
''• I/aka:item
1 /! , ,,JA21,k St4tallil4l,, of Wlik
1 Bitar PORTICK. et I X•estauni.,
lIN J. 3 et Vessaillee.
: - . 1"1101111 B J 11 U 1015All of Lower Be Illalr.
M g & Y Leg Manedegur , ,
fttte b
• 413911 B. rLltelltill. or AlleitteD).
• • folt
• Nitil of Pittsburgh
, .
inaminiC .I.BEIWILE, of Roblwon.
'761118 Idafillatt r i . , L .fr, of Baldwin
Parser Fememmanows.—lt used to be cue
-4 leausiy,
_and ! probably Is still eo, for priests,
add and 'other religious devotees, In the
Papal - Church, to flagellate themselves with cords
. • lind"whlpet, is a Sort of punishment and atone-
Intent far their nutierous shortoominge. Ro
Idiratit 'most of them richly deeeived all the
'whipping they received in this way, and that
• Ahoy were able to lay up but little merit
• 'ageing their. works of eupererogation, by their
Welf - admininterecifiagellatione. The old proverb
enye,•that 'what is- "mune for the goose, L sauce
for the 'gander." 'Some of the prime! who have
~,sexperieneed so much benefit from self-imposed
• - .paradoxes,. may lie,Se conceived that their peopli
, would be none the worse for an oeossional !round
Itrubbing, and, to - r our part, we belie do they !
• Wire more than half right,' fore more rioteue
aidincorrigibleeet of !Innen than same of Mend,
• wisiOnevaiseen., An dome our renders,
ti:'lnayneverlave heard of this mode of bmparr•
oir grim mid camel, admenition, they will
, Aid with •nitll llttleourloslty, the oitraordinary
colifeselons Made by a Catholic print, in Ireland ;
*kW was, taken to task for whipping a 100/7.101!
.Rh ti Inbele wee furnished torte by our excellent
. mend, the Lev. Dr Rodgers, of Allegheny, who
• has jwt zeturnedfrout a 'kit to England and
Ireland, and whose perseniii observations fee
. nish adatelouil picture of the verbiage of Roman
__ Ista is kaolin* whet:* it has had supremo eon- .
- trill over the mind of the masses of the people,
for Odois,'aiid telt found them, emit leivee them,
thexicitims of Ignerance and barbarone diode. A
betterprimped Is, however, dawning upon Ire.
• hind, and we trost:tbat the day will yot bo peen
When the 'generous end exelteble — lrish people,
retail tronithilthraldoni of Rome, will display
inhirditer ittthCitaisis worthy of all iznitt•
tint: •
Bodge* gar a deeetiption of hill visit,
With - obiervitiona on what be law and learned,
on Ihniedeftif tact week, and will lecture oaths
mite !abject this evening, It his church in Al
14theny." Tim who Irish to Bemire Beate should
Amman:Er Vaulty Lam Rom.—Thls great
• work la being prosecuted with the vigor which .
its :magnitude and importance requires. Wend
vertise, to-day, fora letting of forty Ave m 11.3
More of the road, making, in all, about eighty
Mu inhlee, which then be under contract to
solkiemtractors. The gentlemen who have tin- .
&Mak= the whole work, are among the most
experienced contempt' in the ammtty, ; and
know how to push en work with energy and des
patch. The Company has done well to Semite
their services. Over one thousand men are now
employed on the line, ' between this city and
/lamming, and the contractors expect to have
the cam running to that point, forty one miles,
sometime in July' next. • The value ofthis work
to Pittebatgb, be inanenso, and we - eon
. venial:Me our'cltimmumt-rbe splendid Prospects
speedlaygmaiting tas.
Tim Gram Fata...-This great .aannal
den, to come off next wesk,_prombles to be a
grand affair. - great preparations have been
Stade at ,the gonad for the accommodation of
Walters, and the ooinfort of visitors. An Im
menge Crowd of people will doubtless flow in from
nu" quarter, but preparations are
eqoresiii . them all with comfort. Great numbers
of our manufacturers, mechanics and artisans
are preparing for, the exhibition, arid we have no
doubt l'ittaburgli will present a display that will
astuniali some and gratify all. We hope no class
of tinniness will be unrepresented, and that oar
Airrierti and gardeners will not be' deterred,
through fear of competitioa, from bringing their
steel( and froduotioxs to the Fair. .
pesreto be Some pribabliity that thin work will
tote out a :liked fact," after all. A majority of
the Commissioners of hferoer county have aub
scribed 13160,000 to the stook of the road,..and
paid it 4 in fell in the bonds of the county.—
Ono of the Commissioner; J. G. Cunningham,
Etq., has protested sgaiost the action of his -col
leagues. The . hforeee Whig eaye that a good deal
of dimatiesetion prevails with the action of tie
majtreity - of the'Commissioner; and' especially
withtheprecipiteney of their proceeding&
inetheee bonds 'We - supposarthe Dhastors will
do something at once towards proseciuting the
work to completion.'
goOK , Ncrnots
..,Sitaute MILLODICS."--Thla is the title of
Mao boolnof Simons And Spirituel Songs, ,in
cointion'itsein thektethodiat Church, which has
been before the pnblic for some twenty yearn,
sad but passed through oditionsalmost innumer
able. Many of the best hymns are &mai the pen
of the author of the book, Rev. Wm. Dintez, for.
marl,. Gaiter of the Pittsburgh. Mulatian Adro.
pate..'' The present edition is nitcompauied nitb
NunterallUnsio, a system'of nOtation incanted by,
Rae. Thouom and now Ireryi,poftilar in
Wit oommend the woiti - te Smitten
alcurrif Christians generally. For . aile by 7 Xi;
. .
. .
.140* - vroais *Alums, for September. Tbis
Iffille welcome magazine {bac been received by
Gildeatouny & Co., 4th sheet, and Miner & C 0..;
Smithfield street, . ' -
Aostsaorroxem—We acknowledge the receipt of
the first npmber of the "Journal of the United
States Agetaateed Soddy," which is published
qiiarteityVlippineott,'Grambg &Co The So:
toested'at: Washington, and ie a branch
of the Smithsonian Institute, Communications
should be addressed to Jos:C. G. Kennedy, Esq.
oOrrespondlig Secretary. This quarierly pub
&sem ie a volume 0f,160 pages, and sentar e !!
thp.trinitActiors Ole great cumber, of State So-
cietlee, sewotiasimportant the . enb-
Jeot agriculture:
MacauBLICT/011 —The returns WO tt'ooiVO by
mail of , the election in the Ettste of Mains, do
not Inlay reepeot agree with the accounts daily
. 'received byl,telepapb. The Portland sdvertio
er of Friday gives a table electing. to the Senile
18 Whigs 'and 8 Delvers% leaving no choke la
'to else other 13enetorial dietricte, and coo hot
heard from. This may, however, be altered by
aubeequent - .reteray. Tha same peper has Intel
How* of the aliatela of 161 members of the
House of. Iteßiesentetives, of whom 68 are act
dove as Whip, 64 - as Democrat?, 14 as Irregu•
las or !dentin.Democrate,. - ind 8-Free Bailers;
leallssl'idlatritta to be bean! from, which last
yeseeleoted 6 Whigs and 12 Democrats. : In tide
gst, the Advertiser says that there are undoubt
edly iolutratembere dewed ea Dentoorats who
'ehatddcoore - properly be deeignated as MerrW;
airrregalar.lremcorats, as the ratan:nu in some
eases do not shoi the distinction . , .eap. c i a lt y f u
CailUshere the Irregulars are 'to baelerc-'
ted- la 291 townaoh• vete for .Governor foots
Pilaw—For Croib.Te , Fttlif.. 28,762; for Pille
ltegodur Ditimerat, 29426; for Morrie,
Wise ihictoorat, '9489v Free Bollandsoatter.
x t'ItZA , ^ .
pv is • r
The fonow%l4-4 ," P'6s.Ppr-of as Article
troitthe penist a emetangeit Mist litaciayiti,
uireitiour readers to ase!uch an ezitthit of the'
deb* and FT,A 113 0 328 e t t ;PoPegy:init',!..distriet
crientry Where the Priest has relined sepreme
for centuries, where oath , within alew years he
wielded the whip, the black thami and the skull
, . r rAetti, teesith peaceful effect 'spoil the heada, the
the hacks and the ithoulders 'of his flock. You
may publish either the whole or a part of this
document as you judge best. The History of It
is this. Ref. Mr. Armstrong had established a
school in Balling, County Mayo. A number of
Roman Catholic, children attended the oohed.
The priest endeavored to deter them from this
by the use of the whip, and on one occasion
while he, Mr. Armstrong was passing along the
street, he was in the act of thus chastising& bej,
Mr. A., In the impulse of the memerit rushed lit
between the priest and the boy and received a
severecut of the whip on hie hend r ier witch he
entered • prosecution against his reverence.
Owing to the interpositionef friends, however,
Mr; A dropt the prosecution on condition that
the priest write an apology, and engage to use
none but justifiable means in Otters to prevent
children from attending his 'ohm!. This Mr.
`A. understood as meaning that there should be
no more whipping; so his people understood it,
and being freed front the terror .of his reveren
ces whip their children were sent bask to the
' , shoot. .The sequel however showed that he
meant no curb thing. A woman whose children
were thus sent back was mot by him on the pub=
tic street, after forbidding her and failing to ex.
tort s promise, the whip was drain upon her.and
although be says that his correction was more
than usually mild, yet it is a well known fact In
that place that the woman's life was in danger.
A prosecution was entered bot - itturned out as
the priest etatee. The woman was
awed and eouldnot be induced to give teatimony.
Publieepinion however was against him; he was
charged with a broach of his engagement with Mr.
A. and this letter wen designed to show the con
sistency of his condnotwitit shat engagement,
or in other words proves that whipping children'
and the parents of children, is 'justifiable means
of keeping them from attending protestant schools,
I may state that I saw the priest's letter in his
I own hand writing, and employed a b oy at one of
the sehoola to write me this copy , 'wbioh I now
yon for publication. Let me repueet your
readers to- notice tho sentence marked (a) se the
pleats own deaorlpticua of his people and a Con
naught sabbath. Let them notice the sentences
following (6) as a ample of the nightly employ
ment of a Connaright ffriest. Let me ask their
attention to his admission (e) in which ha act
knowledges that he was acting contrary to the
law, thus putting himself above the laws of the
land: And with all respect I would ask It. C.
Priests and people in this country, is the Con-
naught Priest &treat when he says (d) that the
authority (to use the lash) has , been almost al
ways acknowledged by the people in their legit- ,
haste priesthood. JAMES! RODCW.
To the =tar of the Mind/ Hush!.
Bamaisa, APIIL 7th, 1851.
Bu —I regret to have to inform you that I
have formed the resolve of being no longer a
supporter of the Herald Newspaper. . You anti
cipate, no doubt, the motive that actuates me in
this resolve. As long as you suffer your journal
to become the vehicle of, calumny and vitupera
tion, not signet me personally, but against ret•
Haien still dearer, so Long do you, in my opinion
offend the chief portion of your readers. You
have In connection with, you an individual in
other reepeott of little eigaitiostioy indeed, whose
chief study and interest seemed to be to assail
*bathetic the moat ed, and to impugn motives
the. Moat pure. succeeding number of
your pilot. with the most intemperate
ribaldry and Inietitive, because Indeed there is
found a pastor mho will dauntlessly stand be
tween the ravertiog wolf and the defenseless
young ones of the fold. The most audits mesas
are resorted to by parties to carry their foul in into effect; clothed with hypocrisy they.
more molly deceive. Their baseness seems to
be eonsu mated in the bide abortive attempt to
bring witSln the grasporfaw an sot which the
law would rather commend than punish; an at,-
„tempt whit:bassinet fail to reflect eternaldisgrace
not only upon the thief originator of littplot,
but upon every one Identified with it, of whatso
ever calling they may be.
The most commendable acts of mind are
paraded before the public in the blackest colors
through the medium of your paper.
I van charged with making an undue use of
the whip, and am thereby represented as a tyrant
to a very great extent. I will briefly then illus
trate my conduct in that reaped. I condemn
the use of whips as much as any one living, I have
never had recants, to it, but when driven to irfer
salatory correction, never but when the more lee.
timate meets had failed or were wholly without
avail. By it, rather, by the fear. of it, I have
of quelled riots, and prevented much blood
shot; (a) In a rand pariah which I had served
before my appointment to this town, where an
unusually riotous fair was annua'ly held sad nu
lawful asoemblies on the eabbath, I ellen in
the absence of the pollee had to ride through the
intoxicate; and infuriated combatants, and dis
perse them by the use of the whip. By this
means, I not untrequeolly, perhaps, • prevented
the Loss of life. -By this means also I succeeded
In establishing pesos and concord amongst the
people, upon which the local authorities bestow
ed upon me Instead of censure, much though not
merited praise. Upon one occasion in this town
I met two men warmly engaged In combat, and
bleeding profusely. By the use of the whip, I
effected the separation and the flight of both.
t wee the only argument that could then be of
any (6) Upon several occasions I used
the whip, sod with severity, with same brutal'
libertine/ in this tore, whom I found in aim;
ual intercourse with prostitutes. With confusion
lam forced to enumerate such faits A woman
in the neighbourhood of this town had cohabited
several years with a MD whose wife was still
Thlsitomsti had despised all warning
and adttionitions.of her legitimate pastors. By
the whip I canoed her to abandon her adulterous
accomplice. And she subsequently declared to
me that to my correction she owed the Belief' on
she hoped for. Win all those cases I have nar
rated, tbe law most likely would have found me
guilty, but in all those I consider - myself perfect
lyjustificd, let, balsam in those nacos no other
means was of any avail; and eccondly, hp
muse in them, (the whippings,] I never inflicted
any corporal injury; and besides I never had re
course to this mode of correetiott but where I
prejudged It' would have saluto;y afoot. la
this conduct I have been encouraged by the ex
ample of the Redeemer, who when he found the
temple of God profaned lived the lash with the
offenders: And when I find the temple of the
Holy Ghost outraged' and profaned by the obda
rate sinner I adopt 000asiomdly the means to
that small extent which is not incompatible with
chriothan charity, nay which etuistian charity
often demands. (d)This authority boa been al
most always acknowledged by the people in
their legititunte pastors: This authority I have
frequently . seen exercised by magistrates and
others of acknowledged superiority. Ie there
any thing morn common than to see a magistrate
suddenly coming up'to a 'lotto the public street,
a cockfight or an obstruction in the thorough-,
Ara; and using the eamesummary mode of am
motion nothing more common than Imam parents
sad misters and teachers adept thopeme- pima
dare. The present state of the tovidris a Meth'
fai In: brim of , the nectoesiiy cf - Mel means
Neither periion nor property nor eharaethr Is
safe from the brutal and reckless miscreants
that Infest the streets at'alihours of the night,
and We became for sometime I have been ob
liged to relax my discipline Ito elude the vigil
lame of a milldam and *Maths enemy, who
was ready to magnify . small (things into great Cr
inborn 1101:011 starting' pronelyte to lnetitute
criminal 'prosecution upon an Imaginary GUM.
But with respect to ' the ease
has. elicited
this dismission ; I mast tronfeinat my correct
tion hadic i een more thin usually mlld, I amid
aced the omen a most nathrate ' planer. The
gentlest admonition only served to make her In
solent and OTIOOIIIIO/1, seeming li f orge t t i ng th e
prmence of her pastor. To ..m.the her ignitible
of the enormity of her wickedness -by showing
my-indignation, I gave her', by way of mandate
I a eight dap of I alongshe shoulder. I did
not repeat thEdlicipllne. I found her Incorrigi.
retired threatininghir withithe vengeance
if. Heaven and tbe danger of Anal Impenitence . Tide. • was the *hole gravamen of the evil..
I am, air, your obedient guinea, •
MALONF,' Administrator,
• Valiterr.—The Chrtithm-Itepeeitet7 (Meet.'
pellet;) of the, hoe faltiretaraeof the Leg.
.istattre obtain is Vermont, which 512U1 op euu
Senate —l6 Whip; 18 Dem. and Free Bali;
one tie, (Grind late;) one doobtfal, (In Benning
ton.) Last year, 20 Wbig , 10 Dem. .
Benec-92 Whig, 92 Dem: 29 Free Boit. No
chola. In 27 tains. Led year, Whig 100; Dem
-69; Free BoUlit. - -
do to thorktliaB Law, It Mgoooralkr-0191400d
that the Senate Is In favor of sustaining it, and
the Lfonse 'would like to repeal it. • ?hilltop - 6g:
tory tweets Majority of the Senatorsllo
Whigs,-6 Demoorats,) as &falai Lax men. -The
Tempetantsi:Standard (Woodelook) says: . •
"I b' will hive .at lout twenty Sentare
in Ito favor, with a falrahatmo for two or throe'
a3ore, who hive trer.ootott4t o d themselves
whet " - ' 4 "
I =2=2=M!
The Lomion4imealreoeived by the-steamer
Antic) thus sate forth the Present aspect of af
fairs! between Russia and Turkey:
"dime the Turkish Government has made lit
aeceptance of the note - proposed by the Cont . .-
tenor at Vienna to depend on the adoption of
certain changes in the text of that deettmelot, the
question which has kept Europe in suspense for
so many mouths, and which appeared to be op
'preaching a termination,is snit a matter of
serious doubt and unabatd apprehension.
"The note of the Conference and the altera
tions required by' the Divan are before the - world,
and have been variously dimmed by the organs
of public opinion, as wall as by statesmen and
cabinets, in every:pare of. Europe. Every body
knows *bat those terms are winch have been
transmitted to . St. Petersburgh, and that the
Four Conran strongly urge - the Emperor Nioholse
to finish this tedious and dangerous negotiation
by accepting them. Whether he will accept
them or not is entirely a matter of opinion, and
the reasons on both sides are so nearly balanced
that we do not "appose any politician, be he
minister or journalkst, would undertake to ex
press a - confident expectation on the one Bide or
the ;Abet. Bet on that decision, whatever It be,
rests the whole question, thorn!, of Terkel', and
possibly the pew of Europe. Although, there
for!, we arena* in possession of the material
for this discussion; we most bo content to wait
for the positive result; and in the mean time the
question &middies to mite as much_ anxiety
and 'uncertainty as it ban ‘ ever done since the
mouth of April.
' , Under these oiranmetanoes, the leading mem- '
bars of the British Cabinet, who are concerned
in the direction of our foreign relations, have
not left town for a single day, and there cannot
be a stronger - proof of the entire unanimity pre-
Tailing in the.2dinien7 on these questions than
the feet that, at thiiimportant conjuncture, Lord
.TOllll RUSSILL and Lord PALXISSTOII have re
turned to London to hold closer communication
with Lord CLAIZIWON and Lord AMIRDIII7."
-The Times further says thatit has "reason to
'belleve'that the French Cabinet has already
'signified to the Sultan that the, ulterior eteps
'be may adopt contrary to the advice of the si
tes man be taken at his own peril." it then
goes over the arguments in favor of the Csar's
acceptance of the note and the restoration of
peace. These are, briefly., that the winter is too
near teethe Ensigns to undertake operatione be
yond the Danube; that the troops are dot, and
the supplies exhatuted; and that the Turkish for
ces under Omar Pasba are formidable in front.
The acceptance of the note is, then, the only
way to relieve all parties from their embarrass
- From Constantinople, August 22d, it is men
tioned that the Turkish Government Cad issued
a manifesto to the representatives of the Four
Powers, in whiob it states the reasons of its
modifying the Vienna note. The manifeeto be.
giusby expreesing regret that the noes prepared
by the Porte itself had not been accepted by the
Conference, or, at least, although the note of the
Porte might be said to be the basis of the Vien
na document; pertain superfluous paragraphs in
compatible with the snored rights of the Sultan's
Government had been Introduced. The Porto
professes itself greatly pained to hesitate in the
course of action indicated by the Four POl/421
"But the Government of the Sultan, which had,
in the commenoement of the affair, been alone
declared competent to judge of &question rela
tive to its rights and independents, having an
fortunately not been consulted on the reduction
of the new note, visa consequently placed in a
difficult position." The manifesto then explains
each of the alterations in the text, and winds up
with the avowal that the "Government of the
Sublime Porte sUll swells a 'Mid guarantee on
the put of the Great Powers against all inter
ference in future, and all oterapation, from time
to time, of the Principalities of Moldavia and
It wee probably the knowledge of this mani
festo that gave the tono to the editorial which
we bare above quoted from the London Times,
Hon. Dania:X. I/mamma os ran Uatox.--The
N. York Herald of ybsterday pi:bile:ea a lengthy
letterfrom the Hon. Daniel 8. Dickinson; in reply
to an ertiole in the Washington Union, which,
In substance, charged him with having favored
and ndvooated the Wilmot Proviso in 1847. Mr.
Dickenson in reply to the Union, anis:
I was honored . with a scat in the Senate of N.
York State fouiyears and there introduced res
olutions upon the subject of slavery, and apoki
i voted theepon; was President of the same
body two years, and was seven peen a Sauter
in. Congress—from the annexation of Terse un
til after the passage of the compromise meas.
area _I have, too, for the last twenty-years, of
ten been a member of convintions—aottuty, State
and national; have presented resolutions, made
speeches and proposed addressee; and if, in my
whole political coarse, • speech, vote or resol.: - -
don, can be found favoring free soli ;mad %
I irlllaonsent to occupy a position in s the public
jedgment se degraded as the most malevolent of
that (the free soil) faction or its moat convenient
Mr. D. then proceeds to show that the Uric%
has with "mach more ingenuity than candor,"
clipped out portions of a speech which be deliv
ered in the Senate in 1847, "to suit its present
necessities and convict him of free soil senti
That will do Mr. Dickinson. It is not worth •
while to crawl any lower at the feet of slavery,
you have done enough to merit the contempt of
every high-minded elaveholder, and the wither
ing scoria of livery friend abuse= rights. Mr.
Dix and Mr. Dicklnson—a beautiful pair—both
striving which can degrade themselves the most
for the cake of the loaves and Ashes• Poor hu
m= nature.
and Eentriturse.—A. statement of the thigIDOS
of the Vatted Stites, for the year ending the 30th
hate, 1858, - ahows en increase in the receipts
from customs on the year. ending June 30th '62,
of $11,591,638 90. The receipts from the sales
of public Lends bid declined from $ 2 . 0 43.239 68
to $1,667,084 99 exhibiting a faith; off of $876,
194 67.- The receipts from miscellaneous sour
ces increased $109.188. Total receipts $61,-
837,572, of which $58,981,866 was from customs,
and 81.867,084 from public lands. The balance
in the Treasury at the beginning of the present
year exceeds that of the pieceding by *3;810,-
756 and on the Ist of July, 1868, amounted to
$21,942,892. The total available means for the
year were $75,986,050 87. .
The amount of public stock redeated In the
cease of the year-was $ 8 , 3 9688. on which
7 6,
there wee paid an amount of p min/ equal to
' $889,737. The amount of am lesion paid on
purohatee of stock wet $2,641 6 . . Daring the
preceding year there was extingu ed of. fend
ed and unfunded debt $6,045, , Including
$3,180,000, being the last installment of tie
Mexican Indemnity. The total Payment out of
the Treasury during the last final year, exceed
ed the aggregate of the preoedin t i one by $B,-
086,000 Exclusive of paymen dating both
yearn for the redemption of public debt, and oth
er eipenditures on account of public debt, the
expenditure of the two yearn representing the
ordinary disbursements for the support of Gov
element were se follows:
Year ending June 30,1852,
Increase for 1868, • $7,588,901
It le expeeted that the revenue from customs
for the °moot year will reach $86,050,000, and
the surplus In the. Treasury will amount on the lit
of July, 1854 to 148,000,000, unless kept down
by the redemption of the public, debt before ma•
tartly, or otherwise appropriated by Congress.
Rempii.Grasstaa Cisurtans.—The Chinese
'revolutionists, It is said, stem a divine mission
and preach Christianity, yet a Poufs paper con
tains a long account from the "Apostolic Admin
istvator,". at Nanking, giving a history of the
persecutions which the Catholics In that city bad
suffered at the hands of the insurgents. On the
26th of kismet the Christians were adoring the
Cross, according to the custom, on Good Friday.
The itisargente catered all at once, crying and
reentering; theykiroke the crucifix, overthrew the
altar, and then Wished to hare their prayer recd.
ted—at the minis time presenting the Christiana
with books in . which It Is written. Their de.
meads being refused, they soiled, bound and
beat, and executed numbers of them. Qn the
Whole, out of six hindratlChrietians at Nanking,
Tsag-Tchon and Teen Nang, fifty have been alain
or,,,burund, and several hero been bound and
beaten. An apology for these excesses Is sup
gected by one of the newspapers, that the in-
Burgett!' may have mistaken the worshippers In
, s chapel adorned with arualftles and other ima
ges, for Idolater& .
sai rtour „
lOAND TM F a d s PLAY.— ,
n' the
year '89.1 was travelling with a strolling theat
rical company, and, 'arriving at a email town lu
Kentucky, it was resolved to treat the Inhabitants
to a bit of the legitimate: A suitable place hav
ing been "secured, 11:10t1008 were 'tuck up inform,
kg the public that' on that evening would be
pertained, by ono of the , beat theatrical clomp/m
-ks in the Union, the admired and` - popular dra
mit of ° William Tell, the Heroic Swiss."
Night osme, and the room win crowded by an
anxious audlenee, many et whom he never wit
' nested a theatrical porton:num ..The pima pee
-led off very well, entitling much lmpanel°, and
1 enlisting the sympathise of the audience in be.
half of Tell, as they took several occasions to
I cheer the patriot on. When the shooting scene
came, great excitement warn manifested among
the group of the hardy eons ofßentuaky. They
began to. think that the thing was real. ..
At that moment when Tell remonstrates with
Ostler for hiving pickat out the smallest apple,
and the 'giant says: °Take it se It ha thy uktti
be greater if thou fattest It." To Willa Toll re.
igetf-"bilik t, 132 ,• / did - net thint7ett than
, . ..
Give me some donee to carp my loojil One of
the group I have mentioned, ahardycapfiag who
would mearuire.fult . six feet two incite r s In his
stockings, !Trying Upon the ,stsgs boutronting
Gaoler; and shouted: - "Give him a fair Okanoel-,
Its too (I.:—d mean'to make him shoot Ids soul—
I'll let Wm have a crack at me, provided he puts
a pint cup on my head linseed of that cussed lit
tle apple!"
It is aimoet unclose to add that ' ebie caused a
scene, especially as three or four oflhelientnek
lan's friends jumped upon the stage to batik him
and aide with TelL It took some time to pacify
and aseure them that it was a play. "Well stran
ger, we won't stand anyfoul play in these dig
gins, and se it's only a show,why, we'll step
out," and the valiant Kentuokau es well as his
friends resumed their seate.—N. Y. .I:hdeolows.
Plenaass or TRW Ymmow PIIVIX AT MN Elourti.
—The epidemic which has created snob frightful
mortality at New Orleans and Mobile, : is rapid
ly extending into the interior of LoniMana and
. ,
At Vleksburgh, although a large , portion of
the inhabitants have fled, it is reported /that 250
i f
oases atone in atingle day. At Grand ulf °Be
half of the citizens were taken down i a week.
There was only one physician there, an he near
ly worn out. Several plantations' in ississippi
have been scourged by the pestilenc e At the
village of Fayette, far in the interior 4rom Fort
Gibson, the fever prevails as an epidemic. In
Natchez and In Vidalia, on the opposite bask of
the river, the epidemic In said to be rpg ing with
great violenoe. At Bayou Bars there ave been
some oases, and the plan wa r very healthy.
tu l
Beton Rouge able has Ito share of the :dilation,
equal to - that - of any other 'Wags) of the name
amount of population. The quaran tine la abol
ished st liTioireburg. At Woodville, Mies., the
quarantine has been establiehed.
The Picayune nrgee abeenteee not to return to
Niiw Orleans until after the (root, ee the fever
o:matinees very virulent, and only lacks victims
to show au inoreatied mortality. The total num
ber of deaths in the city, einoe the 22nd of May,
le 10,122, - of which 7,708 were from yellow fever,
Including 1,819 who died in the Chirity Hoe
ABBOTT'S NAPOTION.-Thu New York Tribune
is Berme, but warrantably so, on this production,
now appearing in Harper's! Magazine. Alluding
to a sentence, in which the Rev. Mr. Abbott
speaks of Napoleon as ' , the great advocate of
republiosn equality," the Tribune remarke:—
.Ihach Is the paragraph with which the Rever
end glorifier of Despotism, apologist of Adultery
and varnisher of Assassination, opens his current
chapter of eophistry and fraud in the September
No. of Harper's Magazine. That his , falsehood
is conscious, eystematie, premeditated, there is
no room to doubt." It ebouldhe borne In mind,
that the Rev. Mr. Abbott undertakes to give us
Napoleon's history from the evangelical point of
view; and, In the midst of abundant cant about
a "lost and dotal world," he done what he can
to surround with a halo of false glory the char
enter and career of the great conqueror, and to
inspire "Young America" with a spurious enthu
siasm for a man of blood and Inordinate ambi
tion. In this work. we think the Reverend gen
tleman la doing more to debauch the public mind
than all the purveyor! of yellow-covered finch
novels in the country.—Borton ..franicript.
A Feaster or Nan-Hoos.—A Boston paper
sayer—A few days Melee, ?deems. Once, Leiria
& Co , of Townsend; MOM, keg mannfacturers,
purchased twenty two sores of woodland, in the
town of Moen, N. II , upon which steads one of
the most molestio forests of t'second- g rowth"
pine trees ever eesn. The "woodman's ate" is
to be immediately applied, to !treat:and small,"
and the lumber will be sawed up at the CoMpany's
mill, in Townsend, sad in ices than six months
that proud forest will be transformed into nail.
kegs for the Philadelphia market! The nail
manufacturers of Philadelphia consume two Mil
lion elft•Oe. or eightythoneand per year, mod the
little town of Townsend manufacturee a very
large portion of that number.
Gen. Jams J. McKay, of N. C.l in dead. He
wee an upright, coneelentious and useful, though
not sr-very liberal !statesman. Originally a Fed
enlist, he In 1824 malted in. the popular move
stout against the Crawford Congressional Cenous,
endue became a Jackson man, and was thence
forth called a DemottraL Ho served sixteen
years In Congress, whore he rose to the Chair
manship of the C ommittee of Waye and Means—
• situation mauled in importance by not more
than three others under the Government. lie
never nude • speech over fifteen minutes tong
and hardly ever spoke at all; he never 'agitated
the subject of Slavery; he always exhibited ster
ling good sense: and he had a healthy,psejullee
against stealing. His retiretnetitTiath Congress
wee a nubile loss. He wee a spare. slight, apple
rently dry-wilted man, whom we thought likely
to live till 80, bat he was taken - suddenly, ill of
bilious colic while tiding in the sirs last : Wed
'wader. and died at 8 that eveohth, aged 65.
X. Y. Tri6.
liazma.—Cholara recently made Se appear
anee In some of the towns of the State of Oaxaca
and having extended near the capital, the pop-
aline became very math alarmed. Great rains
have fallen in various parts of Meats°, sad, to,
hoesequenee, a bridge at Jalapa was 'laden:timed
and destroyed by a rise of the river. To sup.
press vagrancy and obtain recruits Santa Amu
had promulgated a decree ordering tbelllmmedl
ate wept of all vagrants. Such of them as are
of the requitals ago and esters are to be en
tidied in the army and navy of the republic, end
the rest are to beatent to henna" of correction,
hospital', die. The Mexican papers make no
mention of the reported prortunelement's at
Chihuahua, Ziesteess,ete. The most melancholy
result of the heavy rains fit that on the 24th of
August the small town of Mixeoea was !needs
led by the overflow of the river on whose banks
It stands, and many houses were swept away,
lives Icon, gardens and plantations destroyed,.
eta. The prefect of Teonbaye had established
a oommitsdon to collect subecriptions for the re
lief of the sufferers.
Nerosantr, Estrinon.—Puncd lets off the fol•
lowing good squib:
Most of the Intimivations In honor of the
Etoperin'afete at Pavia, displayed the glittering
Initials N. 43. This was only, tolling half the
troth. It wanted the addition of A. 0 for the
French nation olesrly to anderratnd ih whose
honor the fete wee given."
MATTOCKS, - 0/10WW18, ;
Tiainzu 801ilETV namap Bozrs,
Osee 25 Wood st.. between tot ind,Slnd.
All kinds of bleekantth work for Bridges, Jte., done at
the abodes! notice and at the latnst
- 11111
Orno All work warranted tenet tdlany mantitonortet.
ao •
kilning ComPent t Now York rebuil. spLlegm.
'Worms Fl—Thorp li t no disease moro
commcn among children. and yet alma whlah so I:entrant.
ly baffles the skill of the l!bulelapj es woe*. They are
highly detrimental to the muutltution, and their pow
nue should be easefully guarded ageing by Puente—
. On the gut manifestation of um toms, every means
should he and to expel them Puce ly nod thoroughly.
Allsarte's' Vent:drags Is well le led ea the moat per safe end .fiseedy remedy ewer °Oared for this Una.
. blamee and- danger:rim malady and all who bare the
management of children should keep .ble Invaluable
modlelne at hand. In additlu to Its perfect eafety. It
never falls to produce the desired ascot. . .
Purcharters will be careful to uk for Dr. kI . LA.NrB
OXLICHRATBD YNKININVOIC, and take none else. All -
Other Vermihrgee, hi eompubon -are 'Unlace. Dr.
Minus's genuine Venoltage, alto his nelebrsted •Llrer
Pills, can now be bad at all respectable Drug Stored to
the.Uulted Staten, and from the pole proprietor& ...
..._YL6IIINO utiorazas;
self eumenters to liChld •A Co., 60 Wood street.
$85,962 099
is the kind of Witham! es to the value of our NAWSS,
upon which we couddentir rest the reputation of oar.
work. We have already pubibthed .veral certificates,
proving that Bathe made for our regular eikrertlinery
Wee, and sold shroud, have been eubjected to the
ar.vsnicer TEMA IN AOTUAL coNrclalt. FoNv.
and .preserved their content. totally free M ot einem
The following le another proof of the eameelneonlitable
ALBION, gam Othirw, P.
November 12;1852._
Mmes. Ithess naluirs—Dear Pim Your tWo mums
were duly received. I was a_beent at the time. I.would
PlaZ.111:1 g 1:4121.r0f
moms of the 10th of June bret—my store buildhrg
being bunted to mime. It' was built of wood sad brick-.
a large three story building. Idy BMW wu in it at the
time of the Bre; bud fell into the cedar. where them wet
a large
endt oil. ' It wee a very hot gr .
notes booktemounte that were I n •the Seib.
amounted to abbot Ten Thousand Dollar., whieb
med. There was not a riegie Doper fnitorat; and further.'
.I , ;would adybut arly B lir
t olc k whoeaing Imeinem i to lore
ttotgal 1 4.2. TM ' recfm " ct .P Tiett)On=cl,
to ant Your., Mule.
Fa/1 Style-for Gentlemen'a M.
J. WILSON a SON, 51 Wood street. will- :
Go day, to the chime of Pittsburgh. .4 4
Slim ith
strangers Ting the NM', their heautlial style of
ChM. Partithlar attraction is Invlll.l to our Ll.= $
-41 $1 na..
.usmimains I
.#11:1WOTS Will 4row . where the;
Waters Run. -11 the catkin of the scalp I. kept healthr
and tbs sienna of the Usk 'aria:mated by irthateards ,
which operate at their roots, thronjgb the Inner alga on
dowthtof the heal,• attune and viieroda heed orltair
fall to to the malt.: The tuation nf LYON't
2ATILdIIteN la founded entirely upon this most riegn•
able law of the Natural Worhl: It is watered of mach:
Lencredieute only as will *edam, this effect. /huge the.
- moot locrealakon, hare triid nad been Linen:id by
woe—and the Ferret of ha The appoarases
Sinn 10 the flair le truly heauliful and plenum: • aold
by all dealers. everywhere at 35 inntain IRAQ bottlee..
11. O. 2421328 , - Prolnlator. 111 'Browilllij. N. T.: ,
/1 Plttalningh b A. 2. Ulm.' 01).- Teaser. Bank
1 1 .1113 21 4 5,103 Stun Aetter. tam;
ger Wa Wine Nature haa prdvided
remedy for every disease which Ewh le heir to ILIKUT
PRZIIOLItinf sr ROCK in -Le Put ail o ittlow; from the
greet lehbriuorn concealed deer, friths bowels of Mother
rart.h. is. without doiabt, one of the wrested ci thew
reveilles; Reed the tollo•Ana neatnncn.r. Oren by •
crateful Went:
Prasatim tisitay,ottio, Sept lb. 19 52.
Me. B. M. Kler—tir: I have sad all we er Petroleum.
or !loch Oil, some two. months Put, and have been /ooh
ing for soar agent to net • further supply. I could have
some dm. more. We have found the Oil very
escollent la Flux and Dysentery. My daughter, at the
time your anent was here, was tying vary low with the
flocs I rare her • teaspoonful, and in three boon gave
the I,ecood. and the dux Clapped, and the recovered .
Ifintivdiately, It le also anextraordinary retool, for
core and Inflamed Ryes . Curs. Drub., and Rheumatism,
col tar the Pileg some have been cured el long standing.
YObed, with recooct, lasso Lthnunw.
• v .e cola by all thiDeringlats Inc Pittsburgh.
fee [Paper. advertb , ing Petroleum cacaos Germ./
seljarown's Essence of Jamaica Gin
ger—Thin Sueriee IS a preparaticntjg =UH ee
L! exlleasee.
In ordinary diarthcea. insistent °lsm In aloft. in all
• hues 01 Metre/Joh of the cilarstire funothms. it le of
locitimabte value. Dosing the ex . .. Lowe of the weldwmio
cholera and summer complaint' Of el:didn't', it le peculiarly
eefteciong no fftelly cr individual should be without ft.
CU/Moo—no i.ore to get the geoid. Essence. which is
nrePssed only IT Y. BROWN. at hie Drug aid Chemind
Stswe. nort::east corner of Fifth and Chemist streetyPhil.
Wel pha.and for eels by all the respectable apothecaries in
the &Ultra; and. In Pittsburgh, by Benj. Pane, jr .. B. A.
Yahnentock & Co.. DT. B. limlth, Leraitil Wilcox t Co..
.1. tkhoonnuther 1 Co.
•la Allegholay City by LI. P. Bchwarts .0, L. A. Be,--k
ham t C
E. Caacto, fashionable D. csie
Slake: and Milner. Ile. 7C Mirth meet. , neoond tory.
Ail work entniettd wtll to nkeented with nestneeil and
dieratzh. I
. •
ter Wit iiitrer the attention of our read
ers to tbo lulTeitt.ement of . AIOROVE) INVIGOELATJ NO
CORD , A.L" rood tmon tO. fount rum.
143 Market Street. Philadelphia.
WISHING to close out their present stook
of goods Wore moving into their new stare. an the at.
lontion of buyers to their large and eviandid aieort.
=cut of . .
to be cloyed out at vot7 Hallooed Prioest
gig-Ordera will receive strict attention, and shall have
thvi benefit of the reduced poke.. epl3:42w
CASH CAPITAL 8600,0001
11. 0. 1.005115. Ageta..
No. b 9 Wood street, Pitisbarph.
Sown L. of the /Rae. Itertford.
J0per...... Etna of Cond , e Co.
notion Yea oars, elm ot Bowen a Meows,.
Jtickord Fira. of D. - ane. Klatt I Co.
Infleast if. of Clattln, Mellen A Uo.
fkone alma of Cicero. UWea Ca
Antos Y.. 1.:eo Of Eno, Mahon, a Co.
Weer Elrod of Willard A Wool.
..... of Btone t Starr.
Henry U. IL= of litlr.thabrt t &mot.
Armes ofJamee Low t Ob.
Marks U. of 0. D. (latch A Co.
Joan 1t........ of J. O. Howe; Co.
Williva or aA. Lawrence 4 Co.
Cooke A. ... of Markley 4 Co. Lewis AGroborbar..—.lBtm of Lewis Atterbury Jr, a 00.
Loci P. Alcrfon otJ.M. Beebe, Moron t Co.
Amer T. thoi.AL.--....nrm of Trowbridge. Dwight A Co.
Jahn Or Nelson I Co.
Maria I' if tchons,...---...1121= of Baldwin, Stars 800.
Goefec C ....... of blow/nen I Collin,
Georbe D. ofX. D. Horton A C 0 .,,
Loom D. Alm of n, Lothrop Uo.
Thomas Ina of T. IL Aleaeenber.
Devil Altajord....* Itrat of Johnson CenfooL
(.41hos IL firm of Norton. Caller•• Iloyt.
Ifooldond I . 8u1f,...-.....81tna Ifaakell. Merrick boll.
Atfred S. ......... of A. S. Bare. 6 Co.
lvaw of IL on.
..--11rna of II °olden, AllahLe,
Ince if. Protanegketat. Plan of froth Ingham, Newell I Co.
John of Swift., Hurlbut A Co.
Verne of Condit Nobl..
Rod j Vim of Work& Dna,
AAA= Steckwea,.........Plrm of Rockwell Co.
E.t.a . I JetenAnnh—Vlnn of learney..flualDhof Wake .
Wee oor tomato' Ilenk
lAnifeed Aartter.--...-.-.Bito of Well. Fargo A Lb.
Osorge Par.
./(Al4. J. ht.tirllti. MartLary.
(Or tholata firm of forflurdy & Loomis,)
11101,1111 ALIC DKALER iN
j .
i Nt Wood street, Plttaburgb.
hird nnual Statement
fiF TU T E
11)/ MARINE 1615 1 / 1 1ANCE COMPANY. ef Ilartistarg.
Anat. of theVollasamanao. Ma/ 4.10.13
tnoanr. '014.1161 0/6
P.amitunt nn'd m MAY 1. 1643 -••-• '1.260 6 6
banns: reed on 916 19
Etattonery and (11606 Plarnitnr.-... 1.000 10
Pmrdums 2. --1346.16.1791/ 76
Las., Expel:am adaalons.
Jaunt:a, Hatarnad Pramlotna.
Stationary, Printing. ar-.. 11.901 81
Oupl [al titmk. Paid Ia =3 mewed
r.f pummel liolgt for T
Premium tiotan-..-. -
Bo le Martgag..Ctoolu,-41.16635
•tb, geoultl
' "11 " 22
oxi lahudaaf arena
ne,l tar w.
015 s untlturgfurrialOWir: - I .
---iatali..77li 71
—teat or ...Maimed atome against the t ,ita
p :AP. RIPFTIrSFORD, Dauphin count,:
i'lltg.i. 7.7Piftlitiehil4llML
JlWigs, Banter. Pitteurght
J Di: 9 ..'IWZDREFOR.D. Dauphin eountr;
gA .i i l . . 2.k Uri:. Ilariliburtu
littrg KUM. Nitta 0 00ntr;
JUilit V. ItUTIIEUFORD. President.
, A. J. UILIAT. ecretry.
William:in tufalnitparile of me .4 inland navigation;
&an.= merchandise 'n city or EOUIIIST. At lover%t.
otandetent with safety. PoSains lamed on dwelling Mums
whiter t. , • .!< , ' . _tiolly or fir a tom al run.
11. Loth mOOO, cantor of Fourth and Smithfield etreeta,
Jaatti A. A. UAD.B.III/1.. AntimagY.
Ulf - -
'a Insurapro tuompany of Pittsburgh
IL D. lirriD. Pimmicrt.
011ICD, 94 warn, myna warn awn
44. 117i.3Rt6 HULL An't ()ARGO!elle us 7.111
01110 AND : 1 1138168/511 ItIVEILS. lath 111LUCTA.
/41v.4 artur.rt :lir or (4, 1784 Alm
utaing Lierml• q/tty LCA ass LYL.AMD lY AVM nap
vrA aropurtov.
it D Mot,. Not. L.ltrltter. Ji-
N. IL t:ler
tat7urter3:rl Wm. BID 46n.
r t t z u A 14 . ,. Jr ,
. e a-1 /fro...ans. J. tlethwamaJar,
11 eta r tlrlaxr, Wm B Ilan.
Lou. AL Pennock. '4142
Have removed to their new s and intensive
Pinny No. 62 Wood etrwt. (Our dam elan. tha Bt.Charleti
.reHotel, .Aorn their curtaman.and moralmunnganorally,
111,1 tn an nzaralnatlon of the moat complete import.
lent offarnt 113 thin Mtr,
No; de Wood stroot, Plldaborgh,
- WITIVILLS tuna Alp roCITIL •
Z MI stook consists of upwards of 2500
2il SR' lag r ? , ;:= rtf
land umnuracinrers. &Janina -expressly . for PALL and
WINTER SALES. and wilt be said at eathdartory pride—
eel:marlin: favorably with Moat o . f , Philadelphia and Nov
buying. ZprfaIrIPORIETILYLVANIVI baton
AT 11:111
TI 0 N L E 11• Y . •
EIIiACIC.SON'S Natiousl Dmaorraan Gallery'
mr got thA o lttam i wl and rarkot otiwot.(oppoolto
• bulido and tiontletnativiotWegtfo g oitnin Wants itkariagael
at moderato prim!, wW Own fall at ID lank, cotabilelw
okont..Bttaki op Intik Tory ooporior 011. liktulliky Llghtik
al *ILL pact, oltlll fix .porator fun lake tba
lanork remit., nimilea of the btutuus for= wlth all the
z ma n t
. 1044 .. ..• Ilk
l a t Me l t: ALL Inuf.unin, j••:r.,
Dlltotoo tnkon of orinatilkko:nlatr ta , ' 44 11 4 ". 4
f t arolna not requirikt ta takes pitaUZO, CUOMO • ma
foo teroknbLutew . .
lea.Likannalas iaken of oink and domed Dutch.. in
any wort of thoftts:atal
B.W..lkkWil. open. ontt oporkang from, 8 A. 6, mail 6 a
Y.ko trauma In as- Dharonad. e28.111w1 ref
• arstecorB 51:837
‘ lITIZENS and strangore who wish to ob..
• ugn at eetnrste. &rattle mod life like liketwoe. et •
Ta r Aritlrvl'lZailallutit'hUr.V.'""°"u'd
1 utbfyetka
:=:trb.4tor.:=74l.4ll' litiMgreleorfot
emoted too the paw., with tnetrameote or the mot;
poronfol hint , and her bs µword Q. ey.t..m or L•gwr.
If Din, es twir method tw.y the osiebtated • /toot& of
and New York. hlrl N. Bettore hltteelf to be
able to °Nor. to tins v.trou'of A11...U11a of
~otype,keitlec singly et to gentip s Ranh hoe rarer
Nomura& .
name open egat Operating. In an*** Para bow I
leek S. to al. T .SI ,Ik V .P. I
CHARLES ,L 00211.15,
Note, Bonds, Morgages &a., Negotiated.
[!'Office over S. Just it Co., coma Wool •M fourth
(eMOSsoas r. pm, • aX)
lila GO Wood ativet t Plttabarigh.
tl6rmriatara of Dr. Wirdi's Odelanted Va 'atlas*
• •
smarzasanal nig =team Dicuairsis,
••• ato.lll-WCKIDMIBXEr.
One • door from Pint st;set,'Plitislargh
fl ,Bay and. Ball Air and Ourrmt Find
Bights and Tina lentuings both; Awls, Ennui •auid
Makin Thu BLIn, and Proannottnobni anon a.,
outt.ap Time Dipodun of Par and Carnet Hnoeii sad.
Ingari /In giuillivilas Pollak* kr thasEbga nunnunp
annoy (nib 0804 i1t0.900 int-JR.oint:Annoufts Cb
- .
V. tnivr U. 7 , ------- - - -,
. . .
.: - N . P m32 ' Sig Work \
it t litn7Aquiliias.,. ia.. idi \gd..-' -of
t.• ..4 e l tegg: l e6 " . eriiggf" . G '' ' 3 W*. '
N. B. — Pint:4a* oillatiell U't '6 Cdd \ .or Wi
dr.v.. elm and Tltnalmilineils kr Be rkrOrri . ' 1
i,'AL LIABLE YARN - FOR SAFE, eksiwtrd
121 ifgr7s e ig 12441Hifishienr faVgi.m..4=
leared. and in a bleb:Wats of milli, af lten als4lo of
v. 4111711 N, S
°'4 l 3 rali t rie
err demon Howes the MP f.O well waed, awl cis •
leut Grist and Ran Mills. Will sill twee trare • -
t t or fortr, Tb is Ittiee So bur • a
oily. and on a witoti sari. would t • admirable /mired •
imitentan suroosis. Prim, 22 1 Per mot. Ta„MV,t,
Wool, balance toms muinal foram tri 'nth
APal.r , B. IInLAIN,"
.-eprr , Real Relate anti tom Assent, 21 Flair et.
New Trimming and runiehiligs Stole\
Feral: SUBSCRIBE& wetad Sepeetfully
fornihle trlentU r V the uhlh!, trenerollr. that h
be • toteleleolo'd the Innen. - at No. 55, Pt. Oafr
en—et. ' , has \he would be e11e3.4 tof . , e ell el hie Old
r,neee, end ellorhorsony LAOS heel With • cell. lie In
I au. Lee In WI line am low sl • in the
trj.";l 4 AVwisbi. g bnarnbassuxhitcpl4. Ow.*
oe IL sad meal toy rock melons puretuoluir.
N. 8.... GM Oblrte =U4S ceder la the ntet-,t
ahl beet =mum \ feeeZii jedess mArringwe.
• 7 17 7(IR,
son ~. ;Unit Ft. ClatY,Toro•Jln. near
It 'bench and ritqmatOn linmptkf if stoat I \ mllos
B olugen ne b7 Mo o g!'
oz in- n Eo 4 7, ; z e t
gl,:bi;?.fv,rlDLTAV i r W,Vga.ulit
Pen l 4, `l, To l
ll Mete d
. hr mammal
r gr . ni
.r.g!ep :bbOgl,Vgi.Cylngn7".74;••l7l:4;
tbs T nere lazy outA
bCbe rura , of the abi4e diennt f.n' Sale. n"
if d .10able out. Pon to ';,./t lk k apptleaC on May be
m .ds to John dorto+ floo r , !Amer. beyeretnt
or f ,
.2/ nltair2ols Wain•notkoot, Penn. no.
VENISON—The first \of , :thci , season.—A
Jerre DUB. wsit ;tom tb•bi , .t i nk ymedyyn
dUlt.lloUnit, No rl. - .Diemondal ley. impf-11.7
UNDRIES.-37 bap Fistheri, ,„‘ •
bbte Omese.
beat ensanuts;
to aniye tot tee tot , ' (Melt ro
DMZ Y:l4 60.
(v ROUND NUTS.-164 bags, now binding
loin retinal . lir:Car, In. rale
reip22 • ISAIAH DlCKEYaisant.
lI LAN-If-NTS & Bugon,
p FIELD have rtl;dy,d Ersara and Dommiede
aNNETB. intand , ne Gm seer Ter, mintier; nlini
Ernionly • lanneit •n •• ailment • <4 die •••••••••
11•.. In of. genaina ' Weleh Tle noels, They have Moo re..
r I soy _riot mslueof Blurshod and Unbleeched flea:\
/eeM If
al A the b t Omer:, t wee en Penn. str et above ;he
F.... will be to'd fah. • ,ralt. sogmal ache. aas this
o wale Info basher:, wilt Lot raven long. If you wont
It till won. 2111 , 1•1. WOODS,
45 Mashed attest,
Allegheny Valley B. It. Letting.
‘,l &LED PROPOSALS 'II be received
1.7/ bPie subsorlberast the ltuelie ere Ofilag he
Armstrong. :may, Fa. 4 notl Nugget of Tuesday..
Orr .ter • I Sth, for doing the grr ling and masonry betwnm I
11 , ...arelng end the mouth of Memoir g—lo milts and
the tor ling.'masonry. end lanteding on a'l the bear,
Ica , beton .10 the mouth of Netter:ins and Brookville -35
toil 1. "Thle dividan ezobtaxe all o ethnnllinrtan lb.
Peer:yule win aim be twalved fm. b: delivery of mom
oath. Use b•tween I , W:burgh ad the month tf milrv. The cmeti , -o to Ofeet Meg. 7by
.notim. et white oak. r
prov-d mbero ch-enut or other an-
Prop may b.: lett at Poi office of OniPubscriber. In
the city of Pitt•bunth, Water motet abovijduket. an:il
almtday; th.lall of Oct Mar.
The wort on the line will Pa reedy for exandnallon on
nod 01, Natarday, Oot dit Bob. at which timed:a plane
nod., •liiinvien• may In newt at tile Mace la AlLtaaninet•
for...ether nahrmatun anzatcatlon may he 'made to
Frank", Wriebi, Pi.nelnal Awns , ant Oaei.,er, KW.-
nine,. W. LallC4 106•IIIIIT. \Uteri.
IL Mathes:on darcelet • 10.,,mc, Pittsburgh. lion. Wm.
T. John so. 1- trAdent. or c 1b...L....1b.',
421/ivri a mild (. 1 114itildlthddlid. Lic SOU A 00. IL U. Journal. TriboM, aud. Nereid, New
Turk: ft , 'n. 10dAer. and NM... in SnnikTUla
Nod 'Amnon; liervid ••sel Plain D•alet Olerenind, train
Ont. id. ...I toad,,l o in t4 , t ant a.
lIEESE.-120 boxes Western &eerie',
Oh v, Juvt r 1 .sd ve t tl iur. a
1111 lino./ atter%
LI UNDEONS.-,60 hhdth. N. 0:' Sugar,
$.ll 310 DV* N. O. bin.- Ram
bb, ! al..' ? l a. a.¢t e l. bit Too,
BO bt.a. Vonlitrli n a Int s ''.
. .
au boa., sum.. acalartb. .
30 • do. Cipoionul Hoak( Cdadite.
lc coat, sod 1...: /Pi . bf
• :pre T.
1 1. 177 ,1 4: ol " tee' t.
I OST—Soraetime on Woidneaday at ternoon
BA • f .dr of l'abt CCM) '1iP)'..40(.1:11. six tr of It
rirl'ad.Taro ' Z 5 P0 r t " t 14.517 .4. 7„ , r 4 . 6;1 i r 0.....1 , ,, T,-,..
ILS eon & t., dn. h a e . et, hare neaten l th eir
a..tlt ntinellt CI el. 4 ID DI LE.R. ovum. ¢cram
fr3 , borta 7•rd •*.de 811kr
m :row
Is plea `.
Imam Is
Jt.”: a Oat aa-u.aaaat cf
0. 1.54
Maui illa Yriaw. Lae (From. k r %',
00 '4 . " 4
Irs 11f4,Illstreat3.
- UPPLEMENT. to the third ldithin of
L:11 Dt. AWN DIM" contaWng aes of sAtably.
Ilith 51C...3111111.1f VAMiliSt elTrd tor s
J. a.
le wkwart..\
Bots,ller Stal'entr. at. brizt t
• ,
1." 02 its im a abindua. br an Fliaaterr. , ii for
opt. at the el',? wait re aiVe 3 ta r u 4
..... 63 W:ol s ,tt
J.B. on 174 sat 44.
fifth Street Stocking item%
Ability, Eitargy, mug , enmity, '1
taIRE beet goods in Ohildren'a ose,Mv \ l's
/ \zi
cuts. Vadat War. sad Drawers, ill Al man fs,
t.os'a. p 0.., .e to. riet•t , :Mt.& !Ran r ail
PSI. Irma SRA sew . ..real. . I () AuVANOMA IN Pi.,ob.
Wi. Lula*. - \
&Lilt/ Pacttn f.'h Jo ,e, tsii-,a Wr..4.6 61 .0.3,,
NO. SUGAR-9U bhdm prtme in acre and'
• Ursa]. by , _ O. iiiriOTEOßli /04:0.
4 4 - 4 oaks Winter Biestotta4 Whalo 01,) , 23
Xay bta, do do L, Cll. ftt •' in Ili.* b
m2l O. EL BEN a C O.
4 0 i
(-)lLB 'l 4 3 , l.°"UrV!'"`"' • ‘ i
26 btols do ' Tattna_'s Off, wa.-ark , I me.
1c" •4 Whyter Sperm (Xt. lo Om *7d I I may
by . X X.SELLtIfLd a La.
tea 67 Wood 77.
main lr our 4 , 6%4 came. santwd;
Kitty mow. a new 11Mlovial seam
lAlly Bala ram sod latheaMehe;
Lb Atilt amme Neu to Idlly Data
Oa Bebo
BUM. War: WalßenaM k& • toaat•fally WM. , It
Mans P.M, Bleboy;
Lae deabotatabc,
ettz Vela; Morealllom
'Ore Quin We 0, • D'Albak •
Mama aldep you stata . tiog by Mad. Tatileo;
Ob. Them Omam..taM;
enx Ate, • ant tole by ge Wodey;
Let kobodY bmw. No rord' •
Lilly Belt;
V 1 .'454411 Oda, Maly MM.Molleldolt soma to
the belailtal ems of Bs./ Dalikm:
C.akad t of etwort mama/ ma *Mak_
The above But etlth a lame and ow cab MI
• - oartment at' • ameba sad Veadart mule Mr . piano,
tlttitar. Mote. a Reda. Tor Mae Mule store et
rtml traiemaeary) Wot I threL
.11 LEAK ROUSEfor .50
few. 'Le t, het i Bleak !loam • ma-
In he Illy matt
To Itantra Lla at Ithat/dro.
'tb? Myytaloao.Pareaametc Me 13ataak, teams,
d a • c
oc. if";
. 13 I t tm z ii, ll; r lmee
Pmetleal DesaaktroauM
14. J . Palm (Ml.ele Shakes sm.
mune.. be the author ot•Adessale Pada',
Salvo:Maya:at Pommy
Ha LIM:Billa
Wbite Bharat! Itatlaid. by Col kaa;
Dlekenk Work% ie.
• aa2l • CLiLLOM.
(a.t.L. SODA-10 asks New °settle in store
1.7 and iby Ws by Ore E. L B.ELLSHIt 4 . 00.
O. SODA.--40 kegs New Cestle in
A J taxa 'and for tale by IL S SNLIIIRI It CO."
ri BBLS Cream Tartar In stare, ail, for
br se2l. fF.14.1911 c
-- - - -- - -- - -- ,
. ~ Dutch &natio B o o b, tko• ,
rrnk.:\SUBSORIBER has received dkrect
..mou J.Carlaeai au ,cvor tr ovg•-• 11 •.vivfhvaa•
lip., °roots, 1 , 110DM! atal ether !beet tt No fn Doll p V.
las and fat bloom/ Oa la wiator la. Dot . an d lama
11sats to . UDR limns wal Coble htf . , , t powiag.vb eh awl!
swat,. "4
lin liar ;31:11., a,gl"'ll`=,...P:PW.V:l"4-
rcrood roisaition, o. swoon Dri , no. (ma .6e St 3 11 -.
llerliorp!taral ryawEap h .
Nil • , ' - , JAMES WAHDROP. .
Lk :.
ObITPIC lIIIIHOTEL and Lad attach
;Vl al broslo- 'obriv Hotel to gloated fovea Mita
min A Ilogason In bo 'lam or ?enoying. of th• Par
I . :grille Dual; mi. The boa. Loa net masa. taßtsta•
tag elabt lugs to J ad a kttaben. la , oantetion with
the atm* alarm VOOmeo or eult:Weel !Rod. Al.
'et watt
-to - lat.
, Dot
Co .. .of , 111 e and
ill REGUI.:4 COURSS of itotures
ell] eotomease we arse Moder In - beember,
KTroatitlela eitteeLt 'Wed; A emlintheuT come atm
be eon doing the month &weber, tu tee °Oleo
and moos Bowe, toe Of ete. ant melees lota
the eonnatocataent ct the eintet tem. A
_ 7110IItat,
A. IL Beint.lL D.. home 4 artmlow,and Ps-..,
ti. of a mg.:. _ .
_,, -
B. Lem; AL D., Promoter I Thom sad Poole.
It. B. Coo s een Poiont of heater.
Melia '" r A!... ti o d yre i =C , ; l , 0 lekrr ant a taajoeay.
jot 'Velem and Bc. . .......
le. A &awake. AL 12,Peathoo at Keene \ and
Montle& \
Lt e ransatelide. IL Polecat or l'ho op Old .B4iNtali. Nun AL IL, Pinto= et /meetly etelleal,
lance Win, U. D-, ?memo or Basket as Patil4lft-
W i .V.ltrOif.
October D.,Xialelatater ot Antigen
fThe Anatomies/ Boatheitfil be otee dollen \ Me Oh
undo the eaTthendolee of tea 7)itra omT
\ 7W.
rite S AM
welneeern il\t O ok- nettethed te \ Oki
Ink. Womb cow of the non tenbo mere Ike
Onkel bottnetko km; eretentel4e the Medial itlid.l2s.
lbw Ammeter other neater ohm a Ott be ad_eatetse,
to Ottateek LOCUMS ID IL Bette* loapttel end moo,
fAdanti, by etnillir of 1.11*(kon ~ 4 0341111w4 eorna et
Weitarll lbw ukd Lenawartb omen, \ ern ti.,,,14.1-
ii itt, ei - semeop tokoontell be lokle7 13 Mirdiar
the tUttraf putenders. Memo hi bd . et. elthetlette•
..... A. BASIC M. D..
8. La kidgat.
.. 818 Idot attest.. 11 41 alt .4k , , \
' '• ' -\\- ''
' \
GS 4MEIt£F.N% \ ,
.. Anuns *. . ~v . ,' s •••:, \
s s,'• *iiiio.t.' t
. , r Vovs...tot - 14.‘
/..." " , -*Ted inA f„,, .0. m thi.olll ' sod lions ADD.'
a!`:•ll" , :gt—N. , , 3rat st: \4.e..-. PHI LLAPS%
LATEORN\ SCA LES,-.1 \ sot platforn.
bi gat=UrYrd'' t 6 ,b."‘ glowo ,
.14.0a.05t dodo. Wlrbsels.qpiol of 4‘.iiitinft 11401 be.
bc , lneemploto sod {or °Oils 111 r lit Wyd la. Co
sq , olf.tiOn to ' ' s W, . Mect.
arreot; ood 1, 3ith at.
\ -
XEW lausra `7RE.:-. , : t o iOihribSrs
t% ri . ni,...nd la NOVI /mutt . a , Athitce .osi
-6... m.t-VU'Vekk= tt ."'"l , :Big
A,....A i . trOteg blll,EolortYrokrort, C q, ~; i t yr es,
4.. Ati :yof tom trodzlponts frosto or* Pre9ord
blonnfanto. alt of Inteh 1r ,, 1 , td, MOM.= .w.t
‘"b"". 1 , .Iholiod* to:Medea UM s ew l lk% en .
I..tht.tiou. ‘ - , 11. MIDIS 09, .. % I
A t. .
\ 11.8r_brwier..12 Ie.,ARIZaI IrTilaMlll.3Mtlt t1";31
aNuf). Volta of/1101Yr, \ \ "INarla. 1
_.l ,
Re*lllnitot Net' \Mudd ',' \
, ,
UST REIAIVED—by Akimiot,Clez—Ex.
'II rese.ot tho &t...mstio .toro ot. i. spetuoitt&& & ,
R".• I :F:4l ' re b. `7.I:Q.ILAT" '''''"-'
• ly
Oldree/7,r; 1
.4 \
Ilt ie e o llt g e 2 . IL -I . k 7, : r4 1 11 , 8 : 45 71 4 10 ,
\ ww, Th.,„r, i c i l i, \ V . L\
iroin Mr e Liser Maye Intileaalla. Pa 4 T''
lea Hell Tvol4atent Illiararks.Ud Onseadoltott \
Lllly etitattivh. \ \ la .
A alr tcg te/ olio= et Illedta Violin and net; ea \ed.\\
• • ,L, irottcl44 . '4; \
- id t \ '
win - E•Ewt“)... election Im a, to o s:
If_ tOst otthe Y. • ghlogeslY N•Alltitli. 0 . 11 r70" tw.
Borough of West , uoton, ow Turostse,thoith yOr
Orr, La th e porpomeof elrellocanWEdOut. four, au- ,
sgersorke Yteesurerlud one Beare r ot the You
c lo—
Nosigalou C 0 24 .11 17. g. l " tb. .., tear.. , s
Reorder. Altus: N . WM. Q. NrYLOM &WY.
0220sItUurSti .. \
. . I * V2ti?era Walit t ' } ~ i. •
ONE male and oile female ' torinher4ir mi-
Issesrlile Publls &NIA, Bohalor-200 .IM:10
per mown} Apply 1.3?:1110 dtltte!7llsliAli I:4 K Kir.
\\‘ 112 WatOt street
\ or,7I;.3II,AIAVAtA.
13ACON-1.50,000 lbs Bacon Shoulders,
40,000 Ibe bolLars. •
20.000 lb. Bidet. .
2 000 lbs
Bu nuked awns, for ple
100 brs W. U. Gnat's f.N.• lunZbaes):.,
' bre Nara and other b de
icr. 2°
Ica 6 Twat do; fur e a
‘4 6 : H.. ODUICAN kOO
'it ROOMS—
Ell do
kg d cm. e. meditra large Cc
S .
. 60 .4 d oir os. ,,e com e m b ;n
\ .Naik
yk 4o ‘''.otto Yarn....
• 230 bale; and 2.
• • ° 60 Woo Oandlvlek.
2000 awl color
for Ital• b . y . 1.401
11 . 0RAX-3 wake refined just reoe\ved ‘4,
E.000.)N22.1110ER iCIA t
N0.21.W00d a
RUSISiONE--5 \bblis roll in store
121,6,1' 41s ty Ta2o 2:OOIIOONMAKX6 & 00.
CAMPIigNg-10 tibia in store; for est
es, ' J. 80400NBLIkKIL oo
I REAM TARTAR-5 bblainat reed and
br \ J. eattoomatcza a co.
reE.AB=6O half bets enp4. 11, ot Black
Te.sicut reed: and torliale - D, • • •
MOLASSt2-15d 12.1113 N. 'Q., 30 hhds-,
.1 , 1 3 6 .. r. in ittpriaaiv , 3 tor by i. tr i nz a 00.
UP, OtRB. BOD 4-30 kegs Nciw Cl4etle,
• .o.t reesived sod far mile by \
10 bx.o ”Pots`' yz
10 bse "ii'blLre• 1ir.17 4 10'
re2o J.
ARIL-10 bbla. tirokhaida ..
tm t'aNo, 1
Iv e fur . 11
. 1 . la \
ndoNidAgiwa 00.
' .Dlsamir ass*.xl numbers. hot 'Med a tot Inds by
,5420 J. tOßOWibl.ill,ll6 t W.
28 socks feithsro
4 do Olusono; to arybro and fit We by
1841 TAU DjOKICY k
VAREER METAL-150 tons E - 11,r h__a rd
a - dd blast Just to ilyrd aid toe rate bT
, 0 20 IBAIALI. DIONX1r(k1.10.
U ONNETS--100 eases - newityle tall bon.
notßitod waived:by .14.41. MA1404 & Cts:k
rtIRIMMINGS-A.. & Co., \I
25 Pu A about, .Itl open tul. morning • 7aritd,l
beautiful aasortmeut of reitoutfusa of all tin moat 2
mob's atyteta. • •
MBROIDERLES—Jast 'opened at ,
A 24 A.NABON CW41 , 14125 filth Attest; ono of tbo)
nonrot sod swan oftakoof Imtfroldorfolefer extriblkel%
lo els city. of !Tory style •!,st.l quality. \ •
Tll.OhLita • trasn, Boitok
ix". Towbar or the Natio rut.. org a n. iberostrb
Bea. sod Vocal Walt. is.aburti rl bate ha titla vier: AD ,
Marlon fur Instrortion ran be 'roads until Mr arrive) to
'.WAI/17flf. P. BIARJEWALL. •
er. War. itreet.
PHU ANNUAL Menlo of the Stook
ethollers or thr a p.nosyl. wthe ri,kn lfaneVarlag
tPr.'"Ue!ick.'itt orc.i,rili,ht
""6 15 1 1AitlE Tll4)llftaiody.
A COTTAGE AMISH, cantaixiing nix
fx roirma with aialog room sa 1 lettehea sod about
wi'.- nr weitatFolralDla UstaUrarlwi
MahutsEtiTEK: the .butkUnsas has. roosatir bow re-'
naiad sad tat lototomoleta ord.., =Rs prow,ty koala
oa the Mots Hoer, sod has •nomber of Smoot tesoi anso
LIL Inquire et „MILK ilalliliON..k , ~., -
,k.19:7. 1 , . ',
.1 1 5% 'McClintock.
d o re lln lg. m arket.amo oh be Lon the
i NCi .. II2IIII I: . :TRE .T ET.
are. agrartantly meiving and cyening
m o t owgrk orn:Le..l-Trzsu, MIL CI) lib
IV ' V& t \ Plls Carpels.
Mell7 Amish' Cr , ..,.
Boar; \Brussels tMtpelS. '
1can.,.....8r0me1s OaMmh ,
PYAITAI 7 ,B air rarnatn., _
Imparam Ingrain mune..
k . \ 1,- Fiz i t zrh, Carpe%
\ Inonast:ZMlrtlari.,,,,goarneneeN
Tetra's,: V Man trarpsts,
R oLlt , se . In , , , .
Twilled Vendtbut tismela7( \
Coco Alattlpt, .4 - Aiicinplita. Moiston„Arlalsile,
rh, sneaky Mass, M i l l Brash, Open Chan, nu lack
Brush end To Mni tr. with names assortment of Chem
I. and Tol:est n Table Linen. urn*, Elootabnek and
.. i i„
Nowt Torrent. noomlron Napkin% Turkey Sol
DOllles t Aram* Tato Linen. Baboons! Mao and Table
Conme,,, Velvet Table`errars, Batkn Embmkterad Plato
Woolat :Floor 8a15e.t6.4„ 10-044. 1.7,4, 84 lad g 4
of all
otbsr iltalr Hods. ntrailnas. to. or/th a fall assortment
STORE , trimmings timidly in sk OdßEer
OI Am hall L CLOTlthor ro Po moom Str Jabms, to slf t mi/M ‘ Ont ha tit
lissinnselertrd curates* V3h cam I Ms 19.1111 , 2fSe=`
towers and lemorters,tra‘moonl Melte all Apose. mlahinst
1., tarnish 1.10110.4 NAMBOATEI or flovilES to give
us a call. es's, ars deft:asked '' sell lower than any
Dememer, the 'O42O.PAIT . BOOM a
Mutat 'street. • s .
V. MeOLIN /I. \ ,
Nevin \ ~,
Adnenistastor's. /Moe. •. ,
1 hen. itstittott to the tioderilgoel'Oett tho eittUe of
T coose PMllloo. deed. Alt moons . hitYtpg •n, e 1.941
.104te Iteett t h ibroTtiVall=tlll, l te e I Istr m•t~ ,
Immediate eslm•at, \
•pt% i 3•wer IT. J. ziowenp t(o. LISP ot.
Cal -skins=
1". 0".""1"1 'b ran DM LINA
21 . 6 Liberty st,dirma.e. G10h361.
OLEnd ad
more bola atom afor ibis by k
Horne'sTrinuni mg Store ;
108 HORN& & haro L ioi , in da
B . 4 L. Fu th i tVIAL I PAN I AT
Wags= .11.° b%"="tret; "fe
•111 Os =l4l st lowe4.zsak .111„Aiv
bar.Z:Sy:o fortal to call baste porobsOos.
t. r C r . o C sZrab".4 . lltt%
ltsilitt stmt. boluses I'd" owl Oth staves b 7
y Ark eravir sal wall mortal nook Of Mr/
WlZSYWititaqilrA & gig ilonre:firrirairli br i.
torts of Baltimore, rkkadelphte. Nee Yorkoo
now matting le by lut C on, 'maker a
septa \, • TIIOMA9 PALMER.
\ . No. F 6 Market emit.
FOR SALE--. I.fff 1 . fff
tlttnr AliMtbef. tdolMled by TnyearaTa. ilia 4
area Pupate Lane etrea it bra n[,
whit It prodorea, sal ternald bring. llama ont teeny r".
ialdr hall price. SUMO, =4 for MU valuable
i10ned74.12 °.p.1 ..4 1 caw. Ma the oaten bal
offlulemr: t f h f :grg . er 2 l ) Olio end . Weboter. a inmate lot
ern. It Is stalest: le lot l lnterstrib. U. rxd mr
ProPerty tenoths market every t o It af. 4 . Lidb
Bala tome anon and lzmulte el . T on
• a Mr.
1 3 11)101IFI . hare now
LYS. oDon an aitiO•lmaat of atm* itoohl. bit& sad a -
.t co/orN tight athil hortroolors hr .drotea mut—
WHITE . 1121 1.1i0,01BUILIELII AND •J2 ‘, l LAI' •-‘ Lk
` f at north.ost Dont.? /hula sod Mazket oh. - . •
Lt ,
Two Teachers - Wanted
\ . \ .
~_ MEETING . of the .Third liVaidB43bool
Aloud. Alhohoor Ottrol•bt bola at a Bolt
use, on HATU/LDAll,ll4th • .141to"oto_oit, to
altos oolattototoo. UNS FS -TomPulDl Ibr Fo•
ottigifigthbooL ••itt,...;
to Ito emunieed imo,— .s
Zallls/I="sti tilinVXM a Astto . rb ' r.
t•t i t
At. , ,1,,,1, \\—, .. ,•,"'.121•41
VitoSolors otll not b. Iwo Dui 1131:0. • •.,;
AI..O.YIt,PSJI A Lit TRACI/ER for thr Us HEalto k Medltun`
Au.theig die:. 0014. 10. 18tp. ' '`,, Istnabilar.
LANDof Load cm the s tcuboomiflo'ltofirems; see t he Na.
tusoorovl4so; 170 , some Cu the, Enos)lmucfs itiltcdol:
a, Immo. 545554.3 millet WI ofeto of fiIaMMIIN V .
soneo am Um - MoDoorkholo TWO \ ,15511 mad, no 4 sho ir
~ ,s,ssu c tfito4 l mcmt for Ommolunrlll. Itothosd, or 17 5
Zeracio . ii=c i lir Itgra l o u gul Mle'V t' 1 tur"; L r,' 11.
L l a c chophto Kinn' 1400 sow Cu Vie focrtarabufifi
• road, Rosana mat of rarimmboloolllol WM march
buY ".. th• P tlc ' th :i lx. 6ff4 "r r •l&ltfo of
. Nfidf . ~ , . \ Tf/0 Aff, wpop a ttemt.
ANS-20 \ bagegietall Wh Ite &Vali
Litaitl t : , -- a --.-- .,;.,1ie
norarof and for cola bp
aKEId & CO. '
' RATUS-20 by
br i
, 1 17: tt igentior i t wish to %tor
r,:athithOlittasuV, of ttro °" :tas b L, ,
bum...dWth.:ll:i t ti m o 4utsta,
~.2"" \
rt :t or athui • t ..... 4 ...k.avm.k. h. otao n t ago bit . t:
1.,, o f i t=4 , : int of - th• StoAo.. 000 l . talons. ‘, \
dft i.m%.
Atm-7 acre, of tioviokt to col "tots. w boa oit tt
=lollgro t lacwas, ~ \ \ A
.4too..too•Wit°4.bukEtimi° l''''\
cured Nolan
__ War, Qui - shoat
j I ;r:MPLIVIILMV:4,,,.. ac 4 """ 4* ...7 \\ \
1. , reqt4il toll MI together. oettto__ 7: to raitlijawili. •\ \
arrtip a u == l lrs ""agt...icirViztok ',
4T or ouisennklut at putaber. elgvAtltk
ratN tli ll - - --, htirr MU - AGATh7 ''''s
~.. Tim Committer would add thadjuat hi__ ____.. :'
B mnsavt - i.'whlob the goateo.,,,"Pß,LOß/#411•
r mi=ipirr i at assz. barn agattsll.!'
i..0.1.1...ft.eirw.-1•4:41ipt7-1:..7t:1:d."i: 6.4:stbeimw::-1"":
airurat: l' """ a "ArßtOblit UPI
cua1 , 54.4.0.,108th, - -• ,
k rt.,
Mats at Me ab . ../ 4 ,Ln• - , :e lit !,'
ttailiaaad: -also &Oat °wilt war.
BukgJibt l ' .• •
• -1.,
11 11.. m.:
\ Fireman's Hop. \
1 4 1. , 14 4 , ,
au. T /Irani. will Liao ao• or Lush , a rIF i
i ti gai t zTeEloirela, oottiTardiz. aainlat t arat.t
1 1.\_ . "gtf0436 =to Taiellaktß‘fasofastlas of las %,
7 .
-, , ritt ,
u ,Coatainal, corn* olt,,`Md
lattl, 011 or, * 22 ltizaatfialf f, saw c 1 I.
4 • 1••• tram 14 evil ark to iii.*• will\ ao ...,...,..hibit
-44 tkArama, oa LaMar -Am; “"7 .17"-S
1 dr-tlag tail auk. o • mauaotal oa Maids:, Soc•Ak•—
war opitt\t aia.eloar, p,..orm.,ta mown alook.
Veldt ta oa be haTat It. afiadial'Ot " 4 "
Um aosr• oof= awa ....\
!Die° ENCINO US MONDAY. main r2i .
_ \ %LBW . Lso
~_ I s \
mid Cloaabinatle* Exitunith.6,l2Cany.
; \
• • ,
WII.I. perform in PitteburgltoA-thekot 1Z! \
PT • t IV ai 'he A.M.llar
rldlV.Ad44attlrdsr"ersulag.P.PtilikoNti: \
~Wh. Mh and 39th mmil Or pber LI •.. \\.
i jr,:ge,p, ,a,::,..z=....m . r0t e f i fizzer tker tbs .
\Tburrtly.aad ' Ulai Li
\ F o r fur th er pull= see billiai ths:this ar4 MOO
ust.l roam &CM* hated• le thircity. \ \\ .
Doors ST !II St 2 qid 7 <Meek mnoommoss remount* \
V. 'l,-- ----..------.,,
t '
- - \
`t!c.N. 00020.7=3117
Rral t arOrtiW i r i lL""
oi*..Nl•Outo & treet,
M. DAV/11, *viaticum
1. EX
0 \
Jtooni. corner eillitth and
T*° 0 FORTEtiO. Ao,..- • " 4 L°:atrd r. 4 4 3.
will be sdad
\ tllrykr Ra.0; 11111 eCtell uank:
\L em I . llabo 03i
1../Nriou i •
. 1 3
b. Jut. iii 3 ok,-... .. _
VI l a ne ~ , n , -,,, ik. *l l b• MAl:able pion %rim
, e havl • • ,foot 111 riot imiu....v.r kg:l az
tr Urtie b t. k )
c. : a *pa (.r bi hi rke ir ltra h'l ta a rtag M blikValt
lag Oa: . with • le bail m and a lugs brick !bumf
ea r llbl i rigszialv=ri t . P l.
eaaa u au, with luta aimed ho. be::
end nn7gr \ , 3 Y. 11 1 DA ........... 4151, , \
, i , ,
_______,.., • . .
• RAT . •RY . ‘• 11&1313, LOT on Fifth 1 ,
virr r t. li•ining . New Clam Ilowee. will De
l• on the, pre, e this •..., tng-st I. - ohlock• Orate '.
.1 . order, f thefiNcoh , ana Cola Le
• en.iind ~ berVitikpert Retil Fddstif it
• - ',
Auvrilex. - \
N MONOA \, t r zavoox, Septeratklr ,
I ) figth,-et - a ceilvelr,' the Philnloerl. rill‘h. n 1,1 •
tle „
.1 owing vary valuable reyi•vic•
That &Arable lot of *celtenti.on the aehth aide GI
• ran street. batman Nellley an 3 Ilay etevaa. hoeing,
1 fronton Pe:p . treat of Meet rd i ll . istanding feel - 112 ,
•ITuZe in ginttlirttitint k ' i b isel ' illri . \ " reit e t * .T. Itr.
eh other Improve:maim , \ ~ . \ '
hetet corner cf, Liberty* twirl li•lii Alley, hiZ
root of twenty feat ter nntwe of Li , 7 atreet. , ;
• tiding back !Whet le a ttin amid 16 e wide T.
•n Which 1.1 era:trek • eiNver , ,le. , s wall keen-story , 1,
•rick dwelling boom 11:412TA \ ' . s • ..
Loftier' but ens t 3 \'oltellpaal. he ic firma, \ ,
•f 20 con LibertY fittest, ant extending b 4 lig foot \ \ i.
• th e Nay arenral4, on which fa also wen"! le elt In- -\ ;
.tirelstary Orkt dre.ling h ft ee, , No. 93, w other •
ranrareinente. The, above propatV may
. te heal on , \
pile:wen to Mr. J. B. hayseed. No, 215 Liberty t. a .
can three reliable balldhre lore \ eitatie on th litt, \e t,
Ida .f Liberty street, toning eseb s‘honbt.l TONI 'lend
Itending beck different dietancre to s ferrfetreet. the tk
of which , Le a•hrivate, Alla/ eiening Initerntlfial at.. .1
planet which may be scen at the =cam s. .• • Ns,
We- PM) . . P.M. , 115 m s.
~ 4,
WE , INSURANCE, ANNltry : .\ -
.OLPARTERED APRIL 26,1'86 ' '''..\\
\ \ aiteniut ptarrruAL, \ . `,- - '',',--,
,pAFTI' 000. ~, -- ''
wills S. E. onnair 92' Tll4ltra 4:ad Cliamaiii
13111019141 tif zea ono SOLID 'T
A ''• • ' Atuctuttes - .. . • \
it.ptiaii 9. 4 .likaTtord, - Paul S. dud, \ \
BPAI= '0.1 " 14 4 tr . E L =t• e ll ' ' *b ani7, l4 --
\ \
\ Jacob L. Plerenar, /After Der us.
walbua S. tic -, WWI= Ax• , ' ' ...', .
._,,.‘ , ''' tat 1141 % ..... ... t ..11i8i0L0. A At. -
ji lValfer l y rit. fti ldVl lClllelc t "IL
• "a ' 1"4 • . \ -
ea'N. CLLR
1 .,
'`'''''' ' \ . 14 "''''''''' S ""'" bw g h * \
' . 0 B \ EII&D.LEY "*. CIV.B ,
', NO. 82 \vim) maim . \
41:5ALES ROOM NO..colktaizas Evil largeat,\
_ll:iodsoosostnad dna
.. sonntinsut. of hoot 00 \
saoSs%l t raLgSttr,:l3,,a‘ cult,thllliTz=, .
MsoTtal , alanat of atildndr. man Window Shades bra \
Non•oo . sane Ant bad 011 sad Putnam", Salf• N .
cu7t , r ,
AdJoatlan Camas Malan. • \
blurb =VV. 2.l*folli koe l with as unrivalled • _ \
assortmeot of Yottst.iviv Taiioster Ihounns.
Imperial. F . , Pate n% twain: and NUM`
OZ. thandingo, fall and flUtt o. a 'kith" sad at
embotiod Olody Tatds and oWn ,----.. .... 4 ......----
Aormlnotor, Chanlß sod Tana&
. BAIA+ ROOM Nif. 3. anitaiaal
Mock of Ingrain Cansts,.froot i
rat* Remo &Uri:min:lgloo= MR 1
Carpets, Cotton and wool Vold •
mint of Runtish Moo Sinn. of n.
C. H. 11. a Co. vaunt_ , o.
razolos 11:111: 1 Vn . fttnno u l ar t ntostst toA .
moo icor Minn 01 :74 8 1avv , ..r.tans
loss than sny other ssubllobtuont to tab
notd CI:B. LUCLD/d1 Z a CP
STATE' PAIR. \.- \ ..‘• ,
13ERSONS wizbinx &talon' or &any ttOk- \ \ - • \
i •
thsexhiletion of the Poona. *Mikity...lmeg We \ \
‘Vma be avoolled Toting oe RCI/7. O. W , boo,* \ ' \
oWaso'r'tei:ll7lfiloftst'stiEDOLLAlL. Thhnolli szo.. \,, \ !
thia the pave to beconot es exhibitre, an . g ib le n tgatat , ,
hha lual els NMI/ at
an r ton during the
Na tevetPllll pont whets sold otototwor Ito too two , 0 ,
duo- -- , \ •WI • •
• _
4 ,- KLEBER asetjast received iine,e,
• helm of Jallen't awl fostsPe !hulls. ),, .
he selebrate4 Irish Qsalitle.
. Tae Drys Felker Idrn.
Rival Behotttesh. by T. Browit.
gpl i r t =ightl:=: • ,
_ , . \ ~‘
- L°dEl'a'lattijrjatrilmesh.'," f
, \
. 2. 44 l" Parts.•ttese Boat. br U. IL•b4,:''' \\ :
Thor Sleep ta the Orate together.
Adieu. Dew Malys Last. Miss) by W. V. W•Ustes
Uri res U bric;llDit, Poott, ' •
Softly. T. ..,13
..1n.•11•1. by V. Walls/so. , \
AWants Pallta.hy Dalwerth.
end other line ykssan ' .
spit' \
k EdWls 00 8 '
— TeOl 0f E 1 0 ..
- - e
•— by Hl
Lem.ste of Shetots, b Wheats!): New edinsu l
Anthou% fn et Litstriar
gi tiebtg=tjthruhsr
ofcldary Barton; Utah.' Nisi , \
the VaVUlto j hri4 ; 4 U t " i.Zatif tis ' a r t "I. , bi ' . \
\ tlysectstor.hy Addhostk, INT, I vol. A ye., - ,
_- _
•\ stostaeopa-hie tio:ks luxl iledisitkes. - "' •t .
./ L\
.... ,RMl__,Si2 Tiiitt! ........._ .4„ .
wilVit BOOKS! NEW BOOKSII,,,Inee re-
A v othrsd et U. P. CALLOW. 14 trsr: /*was Third
4 i,opar.4ite tb• Poet C 00.1,...„ \ . , • cue
s The Harm Trent,. or The Um's sir
Ifstr• cosine g ili Attorney; \ . . ,
. . tor r .,l, t.,••=4 flys, 6; Dint Bselfehilloi
\ a oat' Upward. or Wn • W y llq \
‘, )(Mule tint; or Whoa the Bern \ _ • •
The above hare-hem rtes. *Lis toy Iritb.r., , , .
A maple* .t s Of Mace& sod Lever% 74 \ p.g, . -
Jam , 004 Vines . Ulmer Ittli, '
ft ..P.r. Putnam sni fialeterisnier. ihr uophsatsfe. _
- - ',\ bide. in Biota and for We by' V s •
\ PLEUM ena.6o,Wool street. , •
IQQoiuvE SICILY- --- m itt
b — Lfor A asks
BE,ED-200 lbe. While
%Lim and foe tali y 016 PLRYIBO IRO&
sqo lba. ik store and form!. by \
AG :
al=Pau ocket' Mee 11140 So k* Mr k . " 1 1.1 th e°
thor k. W. " •
\ WILLDIB, awaxert. ga WON
1 weal. DI By 0t4,0 mpeatfall.yla—
' v a ama hi. Mutat sad tap pathha camally. that he • -,
It now rO•Aylna a atm Int at Lama& Gaiabragnot Yastlatat
and etatat's Paranddas Go/dhhad I. Phlntot to'
mak. to ceder any attach; of .satlaatatea vowel* told**,
able attakdairt le eta at =dant& t • NIN \ kilt SalottY Si
•at . . ,
iii AOllllll OID for_ n . l_, .
FLOUR,t va . 1%161, 1 \ / ol,ahscitt
A. c; , rug a - a , y, -
/floor Id dot& sok far mate ay • `. , _
thlt.....l___,crial A U.) $0:112 Ihalthd Ilh
OM for No.
DION= 00.
rj O$ SALE-130 :tonß,
ktatal. 100 toaeliktheaelt•
imista Fonts Meal. es,l6
LaNDIA. 'RUBBER aLovr k s, 0 the
Gnat Madam watt and lat . at Ma balli
er Dote!. No,llo Mai 't atter!. - -
sp 16 J IH. PEULLIP • •
\.~ A.u~
~OpY Mwl~ ~...a0
s 30 ~i~"
EARL c for Bale b
w 7 • J. BAIA
DCITASII---5 rile 0T auks Po b. in A M and
J. D. CAMP .
4. ; i~-z r
~~~ ~ ~~';