PUBLIEMED BY WIIITS a 00., .VITTBBUILGE "FRIDAY. MORNING, SEPTEMBER 16; 1851 r 710,irRA . A.unim mArrER WILL BR POLIIID 0 ON SAGE PAGE OP THIS PAPER. 11.91.11r5seinsti Wrens Osserri.--The estrlirre skew lotion of cosi Weekly Omsk offers to Out brollies Mru roostdiolrab mediums of maling tbelr bushiest kali= Our &Mullikin LI between four and bre thorieend, reach• nk si moat eve j and county In Western Pamngl Tardis . anit Eli r i nOblo. !"-ISELHA—Yelther the ltditerial Itoothe habllshment of the Deur Oassrni,sr• • 7. OvEarieeite wLo tem. their 11011:14) ADV apt Printing =ELM • la tDa paper of Monday morning, them to beans 6 O'clock, on ifekturePY Deana to sr b nzig wean NOKINATIONIL • •Iroi CAVALL 003111158101/11, POWNALL, Of Lf,t!leaskr Comity 10Y AUDITOR OFX/1111/IN, ALIT. 7L MaCLIME, 0:1 "malist County • ,; FOX OUNIVILIOX OXXXXXL, CHBIBTJAN MEYERS, Oj Minim 'Camay rdz JUDO* OE BUPIJIMII COUNT. 111011 AB A. BUDD; of Phileulap Aid. ros.l9oolrof memo, ontoo. kIUBES IiAnkTON. of All**8•12/. .... Da. JAXES 41414LITHERS. of WOk us. roa • al MOLT, JORN kI—PORTEU. nl T•rontam. ' JOON J..1108E. of %remain.. .T/10.11a 8 J.- DIOLEANI. of Lower St.eitir. JOHN E. PARKES. or Idanthestsr, 011ARLE8 *MUNK. of Iflttaburab. 7. , DUDE! iLE;I/1,(1, of Alleiekten3. 110fA11.7. ..DA,Au:P. JONE 071 S, of Pitteborgb. rot . • EPHII.II,II J. DIWOHD, of Boblrueod. JidiffiS Idorirat lr E r lel? ‘ ..Jr.,ct seawin. JousTiffiYigirjr"ETal Dee r.' • • ... Thal Whig Mammittae of Coirtepondence mat at the of. dee ME. P. Juts& on Elaturgiy. 0111 19th Mat— when the l'' • 'Waning 024104 Iretrtlemen nate allad to th.. Committee: I . 4•1110./ /skald:ook, '. • . Ferdinand Volta, , Jame. Puke. ' in,hua Rhodes. ' A. Hobson,_. Robert P. McDowell. .. • Jig.. W. P. Ilaseock. . Wm. G. McCartney. '••• - Robert lt.Oarninan. - Chrlatonher Clair. g ,, .,„ , , ,,:u.tter50n. : ke i will J. 4 7. .00ke. .. 1 Pavia 14tmintmens Edirard lia; m"'"'• .1 • Win M. Marsh. - . ' -'. Jo,. it. deviant., Joseph. bawl. . Wm. Wonla J.ebb ICMiller. . Mathew Egnarde. - • , IttiTe . itifti v o d aLan '. • ' Ire 1.1Y;411 . t k . .. I • Eats Tboaus, Llen4 Chignei I. ,• • Janes Verner. •,. • MGaut . . Jams. Sewell. _ To (1.0.1 • - ' 001. Leopold Bahl. • Jno. Evina. Whi. P. Mushier. . . Wm. Yoraril4. • • The Committee will Dleme matt at the ofscs of R. P. Jonas. No. 125 Pourtn West. on. Eatardal alining- &Pt. 'L.-, 171:6, st TS4 o'otoek. ? J.1(1:40 . , Chairman. I ELYAISIONA few days ago the • Ds,* Union teak us to task for stating that an liumue. on tho temperance question was , fairly taken by the tio _great political parties of this • . comity, the Whig ticket represent's% the prohlb :' • ItorY liquor law principle, and•the Democratic • 'ticket the opposite: the:one opposetito ill sale of intoxicating drinks, the other in favor of the present system of licensing taverns and dogger- LEA. - • In!reply to the Union's stricture!, we gave the reason on which this issue was taken, and • •'- 'pledged' tho Whig Legislative ticket as in favor of a prohibitory law, and called upon, the Union to intone the pubis Of the position, occupied by • the Democratic, ticket on this important question The, answer of the Union to this plain,fair and emphatic proposition, is a profoind allembe. • " . It cannot say that Dr, bl'Clintock and hie eel .; 'leagues; on the Assembly ticket, with the excep . tdon of Mr. Kirkpatriok, are in favor of, Ms prohibitorY principle, and we infer from Its el - Aimee that it dare not toll tho plain truth, that they ore opposedlo it, and in favor or the eon '. Maumee of the present wieked,oxid urijast sys -tern,WMch is destroying the peace, happiness, and prosperity of that:winds of our altirene. The Looofoao polltielson of this county aro playing a deep game this fall,and it le time that our Whig friends were awake to it, and prepared to thwart it. In name manner they have per: ;elided themselves of their ability 0. elect:their ticket this .canspalgtt. Oa what grounds their hopes are founded, and whether delusive or not, ' it Is oortale•they are entertained; and hare add , ed great zeal to their efforts. We suppose that some of the reasons which originated their topes and fired their zee, may be found, first, in the apathy which preraila to so great a degrse in the Whig ranks. They know , that the • Whig: party at a national organization - - L in a diampenizel stato, without accredited lea. dere and without any...harmony and hoilotenity of prinoiplest and they calentite largely on great &bottoms fro& this cause, to our State and local ticket.. &mad, the general opposition made by the Whig mai, and loading Whig men, to the arrogant demand of the Cathallo Bishops for a -- dlrinion of , the School }rind, hoe alienated the wholo Catholio population from the Whig party. ..Te can_ expect no aid from that quarter hereof ter. To add to the certainty of the esthetic vote - going for the.Demooratlo ticket, a Catholic gen ' Somali has bren nominated aa a candidate for onl'or the highest offices on it. The Catholic vote . is heavy, and this has greatly encouraged ,the Locofooo loaders A. airdrome& for enema i - agemont they bees , is the exclusive Support of all the liqrior sellers opposed to the Maine law. There may be some - few men engaged la the 11- . quer traffic who are in favor of prohibition, and who aripport the Whig ticket; but the great molorliy of the keepers of beer saloons, dagger . lea of all kinds, and all whom they can iallnenoe, .; Will go for the Anti-Teraperanoe Democratic, tlo- Ittisuet be confessed there is room for nm e. arrant, and we are not surprised that they are „already elicteldng over an. 'easy viotory. They may. be mistaken, however. They may hare nude too large ealealations en the strength of (litho Iles and liquor sellers, and have estimated `..the apathyie the Whigs tut greater than it Is But we, Said above that they were playing a deep game. It is tilts. While they soy little or .sothing in the papers, and every thing appear . to be entirely quiet; they - are se busy as bees cannoning the county, arousing their own men, sad Imparting to them their cheering hopes and giving them work to do, and at , the same time making personal applloatime to• such Whigs as they think can bo inttuenoe4, frinn . one riot:wider; f. talon sad another, to vote their tioket. . . Their chief eireets are spent on the leading of -- Iletuisooh as Senator, Judge, rte. If they can asenre - these, they look for the others to follow. 'lke friends of Dr. Pa l 'Clintoek, the, Democratic Candidate for Senate, ere extremely busy. • The` Deekre is a .very plausible, pleasant mari, and • - aleatlintere hard himself. Varlets charges are brought against Dr. CASOTILBES, the Whig didati, One that Is urged among the mechanics .. pad eierativee In our dolling , mills esti Factories, •la that Dr. Carothers procu red a moditleatieri of thVten hour law,and le oonsequentli unfriendly to. ' thy . interetts lorktagmen. The roots of the .oasa are these.: The Ten .Hour. Law enacted lame years ago, operated ao much to the injury of eperatirexin Cotton Factories, that a, petition . ' Was originated and elgeted exellmieely by them - *atm, preying the Legislature for a - Malicia-I gest. Title 'petition was rent to. Harrisburg by Thomas Moffitt, an active and lothieuttat Demo eat, who hod been one of the eldef speakere and o truppetters of the operatives during the ten hone riots. Petition' corning.from ouch a source, and -by such a messenger, the DanMeratio Ligtelstore a4ooded to ,the petition of the °penalises. Dr. Carothers was in the Senate nt the time, and of churls agreed to the request of a portion at his ,constituente In a matter which concerned their awn , latertelnami happiness, and interfered with . no t io dy cya. This simple oircumstanee ie tsei zed • bold, of now to prejudice Dr. Carothers in the ' net of workfugmeo, l y diatorting it to his loin try. • Aiming liquor*sellere,' Dr. Cirothere well known opposition to Mir - liquor tritSo is urged by fir. M'Cliatook's friends against hiinl and Horne . young Whitmore approached and invited to op pcess Dr. Carothers beanie is'a quiet, - staid, .: - .gobir o ret;gleos who cannot be Induced ••• say ooselderstion to emery* (rem the path of Mita. and konor. There are few young men : - . among Whig r, /1°0(1111th, who could petientlymiffer themselrea to be appreiched in k view of the 060,0 .fsots; we ask in all OD. blirmei* 14 is not. high time thatthe Mtge were &lag eomethipefor :fair tioket ? SO (or BO we blow therein ,n o f ) / 1 08. el:iota:sly nothing, doing.. Winne:Rion wkotherxha Executive Committee km bid one Meeting, or taken Miy,isition what sus op !tie poople. tkeivirkik to here' ib. liiii4fiesslble mortiliontlon of seeing tkie old IndiArtmiy delivered . over 14 the teudor . MON a of r m it m i. a., lf not, it is time to sot. ,:liSeptirenes min, JIM*. This is ttie: orliife -.4 " _ in the glOileuseattee In which you are !shoring. 'An especial effoA'ls tasking to defeat thereat champion be the Senate, of the Maine Lisit,-Ds. Jaime Sasortutrui. Will you permit ibis ? I Will yoil permit an teem"' of , prohibition to be sent from this county, in the person of. Dr. MtClin 'took? Are you ready to see your petitions fir redress quietly laid on the table, and be coolly told, that the people aro opposed to the Maine L a w, twesnee they suffered tlle prohibition ticket to be detested fl mete are aerious questions and 'we put them' in all earnestness: The an swer midaire to , efficient and active exertion from this hour to the day of the election. Men Anoinone Mtranita.--0a Thursday night Wt. • most cold blooded and itrocions murder was committed near Perryopbfis; on'Jw otb's Creek. The oircometancee are the follow which we received from on highly esteem ed friend, Dr..D Porter of goestraver Tp. ' Mr. William 'Beaune sad his wife, the vio time, lived in Sather a retired situation, alone and in good circumstances. On Thursday two. fellows, one named Ward, and:the other Gibson, (one of them had worked in the neighborhood se a blacksmith, and , had done work for Me. Sea crese,) camel to his 'house to collect the bilL— Mr.B.payed,it, and they- remained in conver sation awhile., until Mrs 8. had prepared sup per, and they were invited to partake. Which they did, and then left.. It is supposed that Mr. 8 , either whin makiog payment, or during con versation, inantiouely revealed the fact, that he had in his bureau same. $2OO in gold, besides a quatitity of paper money. Sometime about midnight Mr. S. heard a rap at the door, and got, up to inquire what was wanted. He wee answered by what ho thought was the voice of an Irishman, that the person wanted in. Mr. B. told him that he could not receive any one at that hone of the night. He initiated that he wanted a "dhriok o' wather."— He was told that the spring was handy, and that there was a cop at it. .He etillinsistad on be; log admitted, when Mr. 8. after takieg a club, which wan In the house, in one hand, antes toned the door with the other... As it opened something heavy was thrown against it which forced hi& back, when ho saw two persons rush in. He struck at them bat mined, and then re ceived a shot in the forehead, which brought him down. They afterwards struck hini.soreral blows about the head and ehoulders with a mat tock. Supposing Mr. 8. to bo dead, they then, in a NW blows, killed Mrs. B. with the maltoolc.— Mr. 8 , conscious, deemed it best not. to move lest ho receive additional blows from the deadly weapon, (then& of opinion that he oould not eurrive,) heard one say, "do you think he is dead!' Pee, ho is dead." They then with the mattock, split opens the bureau, and took from it, the money they found in it, some three hundred dollars or nearly; sot tire to the hone. by igniting the combnotibles in And about the bureau, and thou left. Seeing the louse in flames, end the lifeless body of his wife on the floor about to be consumed, Mr. b. attempted to move, and found he had some strength left. His firstattempt was to endeavor. to drag the body of his wife from the house, but he found he was too weak to actiomplish it, and then managed to get himself away from the burning house, and to the nearest neighbor, half a mile distant, when the alarm was given; bat too late to save anything. After. the house was consumed, the ashes of Are. 8. only in sufficient quaatity to bffiecog nixed as the remains of a human body - -were found along with the mattock, beneath the spot where ebe had been killed. Dr. Porter was sent for to dress the wounds of Mr. S., and found that the pistil had not penetrated the 'knit, it having streak obliquely. His oollsz-bone was broken, and the skull on the back part of - the head was fractured by • eid blow from the mattock, and his right ear nearly out off by a smoke with the edge. The Doctor thinks he may poesibly.recover, bat It is somewhat uncer in. BILIIpIeROD at once fell on the above mentioned fail-owe, who were io bad repute in that neigh, borhood, and they were both arrested at the house of Ward's mother, examined before a magistrate?brotight to- this. placti on Saturday last, and conveyed hand-cuffed, to the Pitts burgh jail that evening. We sincerely hope that justice G m this cue, will be meted out to its fullest extent, against the perpetrators of snob an sweetens and cold blooded murder as this, be they who they may; :and -that we may clover again be called upon to record ono of similar nature.—Grew uturg Dim liddikgencer, , ' his, StrnvavoaLClstrearaa tinsonsy.—The de fence set up by.the friends of this gentleman is so exceedingly clumsy that it will avail bet lit tle before the bar of an enlightened public opin ion. The Philadelphia Pennsylvanian, one of ,the boldest of hie defenders , says, ..that his see kiett, for the leek of some other &causation, sagely assert:that ho is not so warmly attached to the cause of total abstinence as they could wish him to bet" This is evasive. It does not meet the points at leans. Is he honest? Is he not addicted to the habitual and intemperate use of strong drink/ Does he comport himself as one of the high officers of a great State like Penn sylvania should do! Or does he, by the laded genoe of peroleious habits, unfit himself for the duties pertaining to his office, and bring disgrace upon the State, and upon Close who have honor ed him with. Abet pclition. These are palate which directly concern the people; and it becomes' them to ponder, before they conolhde to east their ballots for ono who, unless his neighbors' belle him, is unworthy longer to occupy a post! Tor which ho has rendered himself wholly incom petent. The charge against Mr. Brawley of ex-, cessive Inebriety Is not made exclusively by,the Whigs, if it was, Democrats would affect dis belief, beet it c3mes from a source which entitlei it to the oredenoe of men. of all parties. The Ha eisberg Crystal Fountain, a paper having no -affiattlee with any of tho political parties, but devoted exclusively to the cane of Temperance, speaks thus pointedly—” When we esy that Mr. Brawley is eccesaively intemperate, and that his habits of life ard such as to render him a 'stench , in the nostrils of the comanakity.' we hurt what the petpleaf IbuTisburg keen to be true." -L-Bearer Arpin. • Ina illtILO ai Wlihmumizat.-What shall ire say of Bill, tke hero of Wilkeebarrtt Barrow:d eal/ heavy wdds, seised by stratagem and sud denly—we friend,nohopo of one=a-lifo of elav• ery upon his heart, a nation'slaws and prejudi ces sadist him, be feels the spirit of ten thous= and Fourths of July, sending Its wild tides thro' his beariL-and arises upon his pursuers, grand. Or and nobler than they—a lion among a yelping peck of jackal! He frees htmaelt; bruised, faint with struggling, his l feiblaod tinging the waters of - the- finequehanme, his true emotion is what Democrats feign when they would be great Liberty or Death is to him a - present alternative - and he °houses to dip.. There is no blenching, no compromise in his spirit. IHe may be shot; be will not be taken., Perhaps "the blood of all the Rewards," or the F. F.,Tra flows . in mire ieina. They call him a slave. Bat he was none. Slavery is writ ten on the soul; the martyr's charter is traced on the spirit; and Bill's was unsullied as it owns from the hinds of God. He feared neither the orask. of the whip nor the report of the pletel— He looked level Into the eyes of those who claim ed him and they quailed. Het proved that one unarmed mans:more than a match far tire mar canary red:clans —Phil Rey. How. 'Jams Csacynxis--Itufforded us great pleasuns to obseive that the llonoriblef Janie CAZOILLUM. who has most faitlifailiand accept i ably represented the county of Allegheny la the Senate of Pennsylvania, for eh last throe years, .has been unsolmously notniost d for re election. Dr. Carithere is a man whom; but to know to to respect, and bat fewtentlemen have occupied . o more honorable and Influential position in the ' cOutrolle of the Elate lhan be has done daring bleformer Lerm of Mai As a legislator, ho has ever beCII - prudent air] uprig tit, with a stogie pur- positif advancing the welfare of the State. llis ' -suggestioushave always received-eh° respectful' consideration el his fellow meMbere, atid,no gen tleman, we venture to say, hai exercised a more extensive intiaertee than he in promoting the pub lio_good • Were the Legislature composed of such miri as Dr. Carothers, we ehould hear no com plaints of haproperlegislation, and should rest satisfied that thopubile Interests had been con fided to competent and antarniebed hands. Hie nomination, conferred In the ustnner it has been by-the Whigs of 'Allegheny, was a merited tri bute to his sterling worth, and a just acknowl edgmeoc of Me valuable services. We hope to I see him re elected by a majority of many thou sands —Ruth, Whig. . , .-..• .- -..._ The friends of Temperance and a Prohibitot r y ;Fayette er,unty, held • convention on the 3d init.; end they having received no mikado. tory.anowere la - their quotient; from th e canal. dates on the ticket for. Assembly, proceeded to nominate a new ticket. George W. liertrag and Farrington Oglotee, both pemocrate, highly res tricted and intelligent men, were then Dominated on the part of Fayette County. The friends of thbs came in Fayette, are anxious 'that 117tet moreland county ehould aeleot two more candi. dates, irrespeelve of party polities, who will pledge themselves to carry out their wishes, and run them in connection with thtirs, making a full It, appears by the prows . edioge of the commit• tee which met at New Alexandria, that alley thought It too near th 3 election to get out osadt datos in this county. Bp reference, however, to tha proceedings ors ocnvention held in Rower or, ioroehlp, It will be eoeu that the 'friends of that oanie.thom have nominated Somas! Hill of Wathingtozi.townehin, and Jaeob Maher of West Newton as candldatcein this' cottuly to roPre sent'their views: These are excellent men; hfr. Hill is knowa to all. partleett the. county, hav ing been a inembar.'of both branches of oufiltate !tit i f , siP..o:'7"-K.44-, A Brrfor (least:tau—A . hint was thrown out a few days eines by a correspondent of .the New York Times, wrbingferim Newport; diatom affair likely to employ the gentlemen of the legal pro fession had transpired at that fashionable water In/place, which involved, persons of high etand log in the world of upper tendom. The rumor has now rooelved shape kid appears to be as follows. A "gentleman" of New York, who has .figured somewhat conspiononely in fashionable circles and who is well known as a leading man upon Wall street, had been staying at the Touro Home, its Newport, for some days, when the lunette of the Hotel were suddenly &larded by cries proCeedleg from the apartment, occupied by himself and' wife. Upon reaching the spot, the gentlemen was discovered Indulging in the manly sport of beating his weaker_ partner, and the shrieks proceeded from the recipient of the ,punishment. The "provocation" does not ap pear, and the accounts state that the lady is beautiful: Dad amlable—but ail this is a matter of course. - She ie (mid to be a daughter of Dud ley Belden, Esq ,of New York. When the dis graceful conduct of the "lord of creation' was expesed, Mr. Isaac Hone, a high minded and honorable gentleman mime forward to the relief of the abused wife, and having obtained a writ of habeas thorpue, proceeded with the Sheriff to carry out tho same. The lady was removed with ber servant and three children to the Bellevue. The'. omen was taken before the judgea at the Court House, and will be resumed some time during the ensuing week In the mess:dime, the Judge has appointed a guardian for the lady in the person of BM Mr. lhamorat,ef Newport —a gentleman in.every respect fitted to do credit to the trust imposed upon him. The moue' for the defendant are Henry T Cranston & Son; Messrs. Sheffield, Perry, and Turner being re tattled for the plaintiff. The ease has of course occaileeed: much excitement, at Newport, and the eabject will form the staple article of gossip until something now turns up. The trial of Robert Swan for the ,muniqr of Wm. 0 Sprigg, ie progressing slowly at Hager's town. The selection of the jury was completed on Friday, and on Saturday morning when the counsel for the State announced its readiness to proceed, one of the jurors An too unwell to ap pear in court, and another woe prevented on ac count of kis wife haring been attacked by a se •ern stroke of paralysis. A motion was made by Mr Harbin., for• the State, to strike from the j try list the name of Peter Eichelberger, on the ground that, before he wee sworn in, he had ex pressed en opiniin to the effect that the 'caused was justified in ehooting,the deceased, even if it was tire years after he had spit in his faoe. The counsel for the prisoner resisted the motion, and a long and animated dieonssion ensued, which continued until 1.1 o'clock, when.the wart . took a recess till 4 o'clock. On re-assembling, tho court decided that it would be competent to take" testimony as to what the, juror had said, when the witnesses ware examined, end substan tiated all that the State had asserted; whereupon the' court decided that Mr. Eiettelberger was in competent to sit in the ease, and he was dis charged. The counsel for the defence filed 'ex ceptions to this decision, and said they would carry it to a higher tribunal. The court order ed the Sheriff to summon forty talesman, and then adjourn until Monday morning.—Sale. Pat. R.IIILAIWILIII Pecan TROY Ditern.—We have received a singular narration of a narrow esoape of life at tho Palls of Niagara. Mr. E. V. Wilson of this city, of lightning-rod notoriety, went to the Palls with a party, and among the number was Mrs. N. 1.. Piper (of the firm of H. Piper & Brother.) The lady at the time was Laboring slightly under a species of insanity. It was thought by her husband that travelling and change of air and scenery would do her goodi bat unfortunately such was not the ooze. Im mediately upon her arrival, she was very' demi roue to see the Palls; and while standing on the Canada side, at abdut twenty feet, from the fall tag sheet of water, she slipped her arm from Mr. Wilson and made a rush toward the precipice.— He rushed after her, and jnat as she was going over; he caught hold of her dress, and by it held her dangling in the air. The dress gave way, and she fell upon a ledge of rook, at a illf Lance of twenty feet. As she thus bay, Wilson, our narrative says, "with,great presenee at mind looked for a soft place." sod discovering ihat a quantity of loose earth was lying on the rocks, he immediately jumped down on it. Ile was just in time costive her from going over the main 'precipice. pi. the aid of a pair of long lines be longing to a team close by, they were both drawn up together. Both suffered from some °onto. Sinn% bat neither was seriously hart —Taranto UNDIRRIOUND RAILROAD -02 TOIDDIAy morn ing of lest week, we were called on by an agent of the Underground Railroad, who informed us that there was a subject onhand from Virginia, who wanted a through passage to Canada. De• airing same further Informat.on, we had as In terview and conversation with him. He woe /some 88 years of age; had left his master ten dare preview, had traveled about 2.50 miles, moat of the distance in the night, and hal not slept in a , house from the time he left until be reached Mercer. lfe was much worn down with fatigue; but ouch was his:anxiety-to get to the oft of hia journey, that he could not be por e stied to remain a day to recruit Unwell He received the 'said and comfort" required in ouch cases—the Fegitiso Bill and safety of, the Union to the contrary—and we tenet ere this Is safely landed in Queen Vionlria'a dominion. His master figured pretty largely, some years nitre, in prosecuting a phihmthropie cilia an of Indiana county, in the District Court at Pituburgh; and from the ill gotten gain awarded to him then, .through the pre-slavery Influence ofJudge Grier, he will 'have to deduct $BOO or $l,OOO. ea ac count of the escape of another of his ehattele.— Mercer Freeman. DZCILILA.t co POPULATION Or IBM 5A301,1013 I:Lasing =By the census of the Islands, which woe taken in 1850, tinder the direction of the Minister of Cubits Inetrnetion, simultaneously through the Islands, and by the beat agents that oluld be employed. it appeared that, the total population was 84,165. The deaths during tho previous year Lad been 4,320, and 'the births, 1,422—an excess of deaths neer births, of 2,- 888, or three deaths to one-birth. Tie Polyne sian ear: Since the groat mortality eimonithe natives, occasioned by' tamales and ' whooping cough, in 1841-8, is has been observed that the rationf deaths to births has been gradually di n:addling; end we learn that some of the pole eiounriee, at their late annual meeting, reported ac excees of births over deaths, in some of their parishes.. But this - favorable indication seems destined to be pf temporary duration. A disease (email pox) mare virulent, though we hope lees fatal, has been introduced here from California, whifoh is rapidly spreading through the group, and we fear that thousands will fall Tit:glens to it. The Mesoles and whooping coughdook off, it was belietreJ, 10,000; it can hardly be expected that the small pox will take off lees than half the number, notwithstanding the etrounoue efforts that are making to counteract its Influence by vaccination' and other means. Another seams Is to bo token in December next.. A Chums C/SCULIST/XOl II related, connect ed with the falling els wonderful California tree. It was accomplished- , by first boring holes though the body with large augers, worked by maohinery,' and afterward sawing from one to the other. Of coarse, as rho sawing drew to a close, thit workmea were on the alert to notice the tires sign of toppling, but none come; the tree was so straight and evenly balanced on all sides, that it retained its upright position steer it had been sawed through. Wedges were then forted in, and a breeze happening to oiiriog up, over wept the monster with le crush which was beard for miles atoned. novel CNN WPM dispos ed of by the Reeorder at San Franelsoo on the 16th ult. A Calcine girl Complained that she had been bought In China by:one of her country men forninety dollars, and brought to this coun try, 'niters alto cocooned the doable poet of ear- Taut end mistress., She also alleged that site bad been maltreated by her lord and moster,and had attempted to learo,but ho would not lot her. The Chinaman etated that be bad paid her pantage to this country, and a great malty other expenses, amounting to $l,OOO, and that shelled given her 'nets and',promised to, work it 'out, bat that re. °Rutty oho had been very undutiful, and had fee queenly tried to - esoape. After a patient hearing, the man wee diechirged, and tbo women order ed to be released from servitude. Tux Now fbutmear.—At a meetiog l of the friends of this contemplated Inetitation, held on Thursday evening last, a t/harter was presented, and after ctieonsaion, adopted. It regulates the eleotion of Trustees upon the Joint.stock prinel pte.z.giviog one VDU, to eaelt person who has sub teribedr,-lor shalt subscribe Ten Dollars; those who . higue subscribed Fifty Dollars, entitled to five votes. The Trgetets are to bo elected snow ally,. in October (leach year; and upon them de .rolrei the duty of selecting a Principal The following persons wets chosen for the first year: Rey's. Monroe, Taylor and Murray, It. P. Bob.. erts, licej Adams, H. W. Allieon, D. Minis, H. Blow, Hugh Andersou.—Heaver Argus. I Cameos liaitmar. DZYLLOPMOI7II.—A cones pendent writing an from the Eleuthera part of the Sege, says he has In his possession a very ex traordinary moues, recently caught by hia over seer.' In generak appearance the iltde animal does not differ from othere of its orioles; what renders it extraordinary is its musical gifts. "To hear the little creature warbling the exquisite . Dotes of the canary llird,iteiraitattca of the quell or pastridge, the peculiar yelp of the wild tar. key, with an occasional imitation of theme:drill bird," sage our correspondent, "is truly wonder fol. ' Its ntdes are very sweet, but not very loud, though 'sufficiently so to be ' heard distinctly , In any ordinary site room." The gentleman who 'mites ILI the above &eta Vsa OXtailaile photer in Glynn colter", &Wee eeittatitting el? Imposition apes titelettUe.! .Ressovar..—We understand that Bulls have been loomed by the Pope of Rome transferring Rt. Rev: Bishop O'Connor, been thaeity, to Me, Pa., which bas recently been erected into a dis tinct Diocese. It is said that Rt. Rev. Dr. Yocum, of Lancaster, Ohio, will be transferred to Pithi birgh. This announcement will be received by the entire Catholic community in Western Penn Sylvania, with more deep regret and painfol een mittens to friendly associations, than any other unexpected dispensation cf interruption between friends and neighbors, and the worshippers at the same altar of pure and holy Christianity. For years poet, the RL Rev. Doctor O'Connor has been the soul of progiess and prosperity, in the Catholic Church in this vicinity. Ho has faithfully and efhoiently served his probation se a Meet; and after years of;toil and labor as a Bishop of this diocese, helices to enjoy, not the fruits of his industry, but still be has the pleas ure to look up to the Catholic Church in this Bec ton in prosperity, not surpassed by any diocese iu charge of the hierarchy within this Union. In every locality of this comity. the seal of Bishop O'Connor has been nuccessfully directed, in the erection of temples to the living God.— Holmes of Charity, asylums for orphanage have sprung up among ue, to revere his name and bless his memory through future periods. In our city, the Csthodralis on the point of comple tion, a work of unsurpassed enterprise, in view of the membership of-the Catholic Church In this Meerut We know not how to part with Bishop O'Con nor. His profound learning, his eminently suo easeful labors among no as a Christian teacher, his care of the poor and needy, and his entire devotion to the cause of education, sanctified by the holy inflaenoes of religious devotion, give him claims to our warmest friendships and sin. care Tweets, that no language within our Gout mind can adequately express our own eentiments la relation to hie removal.—Chronies. WI LIARS, from reliable authority, that the Boards of -Directors of the Cincinnati and Mari etta and the Cincinnati and Hillsborough Rail road; have concluded an agreement to amalga mate the two lines; running two tracks as far as Charleston in Jackson county; and from thence east through Marietta but one line is to he run. It will be ere. that, by this arrangement, the connection of the Baltimore and Ohlo Railroad,' via Parkeraburgh, with the Cincinnati and Hills borough Road, is entirely out off; and should a Western outlet for that branch still be Bought, it must be by a conneotion with the Marietta Read, under the charter granted last winter to the In dependent Company, and intersecting the North Western Virginia and Baltimore extension at a point 86 miles East of Parkereburgh. —Wheelie" Intel., FATAL ACMDINT.—We learn that Mr. Alex. Ingram, a farmer of Allegheny county, while returning from the Freedom Mill, on the sth that , with an ox team and wagon, when near the residence of Samuel Hendriekson, In EcOn omy township, encountered a cow in the road; the oxen became unmanageable, and In attempt ing to jump from the wagon, his feet caught. In the lines, throwing him on the ground beadfore moat with such violent)e aa to canoe his death almost Immediately. He leaven a wife' and fire children.—Deaver Argus. CLUITON AEI Lisa 11411110 AD.—The work on this road Is rapidly progressing. already the western section between Hudson and the State line has been located, and a large portion let to contractors, who have commenced work in sev eral plasma with an energy which promisee its epeedy completion. The inhabitanta along the line manifest a spirit hardly equalled in any emo tion of the State. Anticipating the advantages arising fro"m this improvement, the citizens came forward and gave the right of. ray, nearly or quite the whole distance. This road, when completed, will open up a country as rich in agricultural resources as any In the West, and make a valuable addition to our already large amount of internal improvements. Much credit is due to the citizens of Portman, Gimp county, for (bobcat* measures taken by them in securing the gift of the right of way to the Company. This is done by the citizen of each township signing a bond to be taxed after diog to their property, for the payment of the landholders.—Glee. nu Den. PART 07 A MAIM, LAW.—The Supreme Court at Pittsburgh have decided that the sellieg of liquor on Sunday by lintel keepers, whether to boarders or travellers, is contrary to the set of 1794, sir 4 is pneireable. This gives no a Milne Law for one day to the week; and there was no liquor sold last Suadarin oar town. The Wheys had to go over the river to wet their whistles. When the legistatturo of Rhode Island ,passed the Maine to*, a waggish member of that body says the liquor law Is a compromise to which both bides are agreed. "The temperance men kayo got the Maine Law, which is what they want, and every body else has plenty of ram, which it all they want.'l—Harrisbury'rekreVt O'CONNOR, BROTHER it CO., BANKERS AND INSURANCE DEALERS, ti 0.16 WOOD MUMS. One 'door from Ptrat arnne4 Pittdbirgh. Ds,. Buy and sell Far and Current Fund, Eight. aa4 Time' Esdando Coin , noel., torten. and Walk. M. Dills, and Prominoty Doles; alloy 6 pet cent, on Tina Deponte. of Dar and Current Money; and. lunar. fire and Mariner Polletes De the AD. &nuns. Cbtaranv (nab Capital $170,000) and /ionvi Dunn.. Cb (niAnISIO,C.IO.OO6). CAUT/011 TO TILE PUBL/C. tholrilfr. lem o nßons would inform the pub lic. that Inamanth frequeat tie:madams, &Ger leavieg Gum whet. he had acid his celebrated SSIICTACLKS and GLASSES, unsattortaed personae keeplug Jewelry' 'tem.. have advertised and told apes teal., purport en to be those of Air. S. This le to my. that Mr. Polo= MIL alter he shell Litre left Patibtirgb. aili Jeers no eaten: behind him. tot the burnout of sallies; his goals, nor leave ale pair or Speetacle• unsold-2J there are yereono Who would not meople to talampretent the truth after Mr. IL ha etstidan Mr. ~ 0001.1 advise those persona requiting la/assea to apyly• in Philadelphia., and they oil rave their sight well ialtml by Motet optistacts end rerpectable men. M. tiocomoxit:—From infutojf I have been ambled with weak eyes and elorteightednem. and In all my travels I hare mum been able Li gat t patr of GLASSES Met would help ma I have hod ...wend pare that amid muible toe to see sacra diethactly. bat could never keep them oa more than one.half hour from the fact that they camel moth great pain. I t4pveued to ae your advertlannent. by attach I saw you had just Imycoled *tune, and a• It hoe been my con .tard aha to get a pair [bat would belloat Irmo! thought I would try your.. Yon mast act think me sanction when I my they more than answer MT e2rattitlcne. I have act been ablate road by cmlbelloht far more than half an boar at any time before I got them Ulsseet. Slam I act thee., I read One ISuoday all day. and until ten o'clock. sit/welt eat, Ilmolok lb. lent Pala. abich Is a thing I Lire not don. before for ream. • I say this touch cm I think It dasamMt Your aatarmiao. and booing °Ulm may ba buratto:l by it. Too am at Ilboyty to make am of my loam any Woo for reference. I am. alt. trot,' 700014 11E.4ItY LULL, Wharfltastar. Plttobtmah. P. A. I forgot to otantloo that my wife it greatly bane. 6 40 by Oa ralr oha ant, sag awn.ity:ol...l. IWe itia2r-IIORKE k BARNES' SAKES--liero /. the kind or testimony as to the value of our SATES. upon which we can monde ut ly rest the reputation of out work. We have aimed/ published UMW IfOrtiilCENls Mooing that ,Sares made tor our regular and onOnarr Wee. and raid abroad, have been 'irubjected to the SZVERZST TYSTS IN ACTUAL .00NYLACIIIATIONP: and preserved their contente totally free from damage. The following in another proof of the rune Ineontealable chaiketer:— $lO,OOO 'WORTH OF 80088 AND PAPUA BAYED WITH A $4O SAFI: I • euncor, Lux tlourry. 1141 November 1,102. J . Dizoste. Boars 4 Dinar:a—Deer Eire: Your two latter* Were duly receive]. / WWI 4/00e11/ at fle /Mi. I Vrould PE14. " 17 1 . e . te 1 1 morning of e we 1011, a June loot—my store bowling being burned toashee. It was built or wood and brielt— t/torP tt7g.t e jl tilt& ell ggal. wee In It at er. 4' l ll barge amount et cll. It waa a verf hot are.; . Alf notes sod book:amount, that were la the Nor.. amounted to about Tea Thousend Dollers.,whleh wee mewl. There was 4014 sir:espy," initusd; mad further. I would Welae any pawn w 1 la doing buslabes, to lam no lltue,but bola ßute to keep their PeTwee.4.o.-..-eml stet one coat Is good. II aati eafely recommend /OW Mahe 101,1{t01". Tour., truly, .101 IN MARRA:. • stio- Fall Style for Gentlemen's Hate.".• J. 1411.110 N d dOli, 91 Wocd street. lotto. • duce thif day. to tbo eltlastur or littaburgb, and• strange:a flatting the eft,. their beautiful style ..f MATH. ParUculaz attentitu la Invited to our VI, $3 Al) sad it Rats. atabllttal /had War man M ere ro. Solomons, who gives hai si soldght to y who not what it Tt Wore, a moot astatudra lot of rp•otaeleri la this nit) during hla brief stay. It la hard to believe that so loan) persons aro tad with Imperfect vlstor,r, The Pollowiog Le taken froth UM Bole Book or Mr. bolt. lone whlht in , Ittiburgb, during • •bort Period 1034) pairs Blue CO per pair. Son pairs Common 200 per pair. ; 1 153 palm Shear.— ...... 4 40 Oar pair. 100 Delhi ()old. .. . 00 par pall. Derides sundry lianor. • -••&I2,r ' BeirTo.the Eaumon—dir: From a premature failure or wee knew; al the eyes I hare been rompelied to try tome ha!kloseu metre or Mlawav— Porehated at the boot jewelerle In this city—from that use of which my eyes grew worts and eight bonier inateeden7 Impaired. I reeently purchased s. palr of 1/01111 JUN PLY UPJ.6I/ILATKU (MAUL% trona the use of Which I .Itave mph maniere and pleasure. My alight has iniprOresi and my open relieved final paler. I could not - be Induend to I part with them. Yours. trul.e. - - ' • ItOUT. OALLOWAY. tholthield. street. Mu Boaostosa —Attar a trial of a pir of your rriOrlOLari, tar several weskit. IL And themamperior to withal I have ever welt' / eau era with aria may I 'loath of time without hangdog . toyteyea, and I can reed `hype light with ea-Se and oar/fort I abeerfallY moomroand them to those that acs 1 have item bow. with weal and Wearers% eyes. Your, lm Ain Z. 11. IthOittlOYMN e Yana Mama rittehtivlib.;llll' /EU. . • , • . I nava usav Ma. SOLOMCINIT -. GLASSE 9 for 1 bran uartod and And them to b• sands nuerfos St. MY - other, I have wad. and talcs Washy. In satroninta Adthe them to the. having theaston to use Glasses. „iiuba,ah. jai, 25, !ir/1ALL1.t...111,12,11.11.011.!= sir ix: Solomon i=;Dear one of the 11.ret -who putehaa o4.Bl. 4o2dOldtrat yais we lamer and ballas had mete that ter try them, mart Id! is loatke to you that those ot - toad that •am Dow lying are hlte Verdant. bettae that. :at I"der had. goppothatewousta hrllP4SAltitlltr.. Pitialletah. AWN* • , tog . New. Certileates.—Mg. SocomoNm I ailed at yew:cake ou the al duly. and dated the na• tare of MI area; whirl/ was very tad at that time: 7. Tatted rae - with Vivo:ache, that did my errs a great deal cf grolyher were very Lamb hammed at the time, beg that lagaramation bast:owlet. I warmer bear the light of ( the lam or a Lamy.. well ea year. lehall whoa yea art 4 get saother.pvir. la cue I ebould hare any mato. 'race with the: rag I would not be without them ender eel counderation. Yours, Iteepectfally, ELIGEB, corner High and Webeter Amt. Pr:mamma. July 11. 1643. MIL gOLOMONE:—IIeing *unrolled to wear linerimim. halt never been stde to get • roar but what made My ef to aehe.—l have trial a great number of slums, but alwaTa failed, until I obtained spate from you. I can me by day or eandle-ligh4 6r an, length of time, nada the greatest MIMI and oomfbrt. Mn. Waterman la vary mush pleased with her Alamo I rt 6111.111, Yours, Truly, L. E. WATERMAN, 109 Wylie street. Ihrrssulmn„ July , l9, 1843. I Imre hero under the unpretty or using Dinners for antrel roue. but hereunto found a pair to suit my nee. or that I could oSe without fatigue, until I obtained • Nano( Air:Solorantis. By the aid of thine I bought ol him, Imu Ste a. Well ea over 1 could. I can road or writ. with them for hours, without the loan fatigue, both by der end cendlitlleht. I lure trial, in all the stoma In the State of Sennsylvw nie.te obtain a pair of Maass, that would stilt my .yet and fails/ in every Instance. Knowing the difticulty of obtaining those eultable for the sight. I do mast earnestly recommend to those laboring under defective viainn. to apply to Mr. Solomon. of whom Giese& can be olPeined In suit all ow& Sonya,. to. J. MUltltlStt S. AC1.X.01113, QM. July WO, VMS. ve - Liver Complaint.—This dangerous sod often fatal diemee had long baffled the skill the most emlo.nt physloians, when the dhemvery or Or go. Lane's Liver Pills soiled the difficulty. and prelenZ.J to the world the Orent Znecifie for that amtplicated elated,. which has attsis ed mob widely spread celebrity for its certainty of cure Tide 61160.1ai11t remedy wet the remit of moo, jeer. efiettelY. In which the eysoptome w, r• nu ee - roily obrrel.lar.d ere thus described by the Dootor himself"; • ..Symptoese oi/ •DiecasenCLieer.—Pain in the eight side, nod thmetimea the lett, under the edge of the ribe— the patient Wog 'rarely able to lie on the left- pain moms , times under the &boulder Wade, frequently extendlow to the top of the shoulder--oftere mistaken for riazatisto In the arm:' sickness of stomach, and Ices a petite; bowels meetly costive, bet eemetimes alternate with las; dull. ti-avy sensation la the beck peat of the head: t 0... of memory. With unsashmes of hissing negiestedsomethinin Sometimes dry contact weuiness and debility: nervous, lr ritaLlaty: feet cold or horning, and prickly eensation of skin. low epirits, lasthode, with disinclination to exer cise. though wetted.' It would be beneficial. In fact, walnut distrusts every remedy.^. flora you any. or all or. thew symptom! if re, you trill Rod a certain remedy lu Dr. 31'Lensee Purchaser. 111 be careful to ask for DEL II'LANIL'is DELLSILLTED LIVER PILLS. and take none aloe.— There ere other Pills. purporting to be LIT. Pills, now before the public. Dr. &Manes Liver Nib. also Ida eels bretel Venn Dam. .10 now be bad at all respectable Dena Stores In the United States, and from,theeole pro prietore. 'LEMING I.IIIOTUSBIL 010 auresesors to I. Kidd * Co., 60 Wood etreet. i mom Roux TIOTIMONY.—Mr. SO/0- mom: Sir—l think ,t no more than an art of Imbue Co You wi Well aa to the Amerkan Community to state. the SPEOI3CLES I bought of you snit ma wall. I Lind my sight Louth Improved. I can Dee small print with them for soy tallith of time without fatigue to my eye, bison)) my .fight ooutlnue to Improve by the um of them, 1 hare no doubt hat Isbell be able to read without them to a abort time. Yours. truly. .T. MOUNDER. Allegheny Clity..lune 21.1153. tg3l have used Mr. Below. BYE; GLAVILE3 Sbr • Tar Mier period. with decided airantasta,Attui hers no hesitation In stating that • detective ViSitlM of long stand. lost bias been relieved. and the organs seem to be &Noir log rigor &rut tons. I thereforeebeetrully but teeth:poor to thrl r ea.:Deno/and soettraer, no also to Mr. Salmons' skill se • practiced Optician, and the wohderfol forint/ with ' , Fitton he adapts his Dimes to the 7.0100. pecu liarities of slalom. D. B. BUTPON, No. 21 Warm street. Pittsburgh. re28::Ito E=l33= 'Ws believe Nature has . provided a remedy for every threes* which flesh is hell to. MIK% rrritui.sum or Roc% on.. Doc op on it dOws. , ffom the grei.t lat.ontiory.noncenled dreg In the bowels of Mother Garth. Is, nthout doubt. ono of the greatest of these remedies. Read the following testimony. given by • grateful recent: VALLnii 13• St. Mr. 8. N. Minya-81r: I hare sold all your Petroleum. or Ito•k Oil, nOnli. two Months post, nod hare been look ing for your agent to get a further supply d could tome sold lionte damn more. W• hay. found the 1,11 very estadlesot In glut awl Dyseutary. My daughter, at th• thug your aim:Moms bore , was lying very low with 100 Butyl oar. iner Lisipinlatal, and in three hours nay. the 'e.t.d. ant the dug stoptied, ant ohs re cowered Imnuallately. It le also antltraorninaly remrtir for Sore and Inflamed Eyes, Cats. Brulees. and Rheumatism. mud for the Mau Some bane been cured of to standing. boar., eritivreepeet, boot taunow. rnr •blb by oil the DrusEnna In Pittsburgh. fell Waters advertising Petroleum Wens. emyy.l ma..F. Brown's &moo of Jamaica Gin prn—Thii Keret. is a preparation of nuclei:al .eeellenno In. ordinary glarrbora. incipient cholera. In short. In ail coins of prostration of the digastbso functions. It I. Os Inostisiablo value. During the gravid...of the epidemic aholira midsummer complaints of Is pocullarly ogrearious: ne rangy or Individual should be withont CALTION —Be min to get M. gonalno }Wooer, whith Is pnepared only by Y. at his Drug Ltd Chemin.] Moro. nortb.east earner of PI/U. alai Chem at atroata. Phil. •AolPha.ruol fur solo by all the reapectabla apothecarloo in the ALIA.; and. in Pittsburgh. by Boo). Page. Jr.. IL A. Illahemotoile l Co. Dr. kb health. Ltiging Wilcox A Do.. J. rehounteaker t Co. In Alloshollgy City by ll.P.Prhorarta and Leo A. Bork. ha= AC. manta starmas. 8 R. Chao, fashionable Dress Motor. and .141liarr. No. 7C Pourlb great, ...I W., Ali work enliroitrol will t. ...crated slrli twat., wool clisiorra.' rola WO 'S= FlDLrni♦ AND LAPATETTI GOLD New York ecla pan. 011.1. newt the attention of our rou en b the aleertieenteut of .. .1101tdra IN iilt/Ohatlitt CI OOdhlA I.^ to b. fatud oven the fourth raga CARE AT REDUCTION INPRICE el • SELLING OFF TO MOVE !! MORRIS L. HALLOWRLL & CO., 1111108TER8 AND JOBBEEtB-,01 , SILKS AND FANCY GOODS, 143 Market Street. Philadelphia. WISHING . tc, elocie ont their present deck of woods before musing into their new store. tut the et Glutton of buyer. to their lupe awl splendid sesort ased of DILESS. FANCY GOODS, lif.lllloNe. kr. la to ho awed out at very Retlnord Pelmet WO:titre will reatliTf strltt attention. awl shall hare the beneta of the retort I prices. "Of Ahr HOME INSURANCE .COMPANY; - NEW YORK. CASH CAPITAL 8500,000! R. 0. LOOILIB, Area. 'No. 59 Wood street, PULitnaga. Inf4ololt2i: &aeon L. L000d5...-....---...Lato of the Athos. Urethra. Firm of Mud a & Co. Theodore of 6011retl AtloNamee. Mama:Hark* Wrm of D•nne. Wag • Co. liWirtes IL Film of Clallio. Meilen it Co. :Po U 4 81 Vim of Willard • Wood. Loot P. Dam% .... -..—.... .. of Elton* • Dian. llotry of Dir. CIaPP • Boom.. Jaws Jamas Low A 00. Ctltc?ki Hoak- of C. D. klatch • 00. Joke .10. .. . Pim of J.O. novo & 00. . O. lawbort...-..00t11111 of • t A: Lawrence • Oa. Marla A. Ducktry.... .. ... -firm of Buckler Va. Drarir ..Mtentarry.D.......Firni of Ltivria Atterburyjr„ A Co. Levi P. Mortar,— ..... of 1, M. limbs, Morgan • Co. Antos T. Dwrioht...t.......Vinn of TrOwtoridga. Dwight • CO. John O. h' ......... of Felton a On. Cowley P a+olloin.---....-Tirto of Baldwin, Starr a Co. 0 0 ,1 1101.- ....... Irm of Sherman a Cantor. D**Ps D DMA.. -.firm of E. D. Morgan A Co. Loo D Ltwean,-- ..... Doman, Lot , cop Co. J/WE 1 100 . ••••- (tram of Tt A U. Ragworts?. Druid autibnia Vino of Johorim Paatard. Mfau we I la of Norton. Butler At Holt. A ckih t *Eal4 Afroi N. /Arrow L'indorA. Darns. Lka Roe• of kt. Lockwood a fort. ...... Ina of Rollin& Allan a Co. JaayJ A. Lwow* Dtokrid, -Firm of Drown. Dtihoer •Dwight Louie I, ..Problinolton, Ifizon of 1' rothamsbam, Newell AC. John if ...... o no wl, Durlitatt Co. Orrstir Vi of Condit Nobta. iflord A. Warr...—. Firm °Mork Drake. idockriail,...-.m cf thb.on. hiockwell * 00. • •wricTri Di. Pleat of Wall. {ll./g0 Co. linaew Deno. Romer .... . . of ..1 ...... ...... DWIZON L. Wain& Yrealdeut. WAS. L MARTIN. aearatarv. • IL C. LOOMIS; (Of the lite firm of fd'Onnly & loomlej WHOLKAALE DRAM?. IN - BOOTS AND *SHOES, 00 Wood atroet, Pittsburgh. Jaally'S3 Third Annual Statement 1 - 11 0 THEE STATE MUTUAL FIRE AND • 61.4111N14 19 81.1146111.11113011PANY, rr larrifiburg. liAltilaSULO. Oa, 4, 1863. A 4441.6 of the Oompany. May 1, '62.4:8)9 016 61 PIOMILOOS rued to Way I. 136,260 60 1 nt4rust reed' 001,0 an 910 19 aitatlonery nod 0 6144 194911.9.44.... 1,000 00 Ya Prom luau ealmaDaLl„. ***** 7 • ------$3l C ‘"l D. tertultlawu 1 " 62 61 Lamm txponees: Commlitalone.ll. Inaunuce, lielomed thamluma, Wat.Pmerr, Printing. a. 77,901 61. — air -- . $ 67,868 66 Capital Mock. paid In and neemzed.... ..... Amounttunnrens Ilablo for 100mn........7-11348,318 TO Premium I,r 51"' ^ nnl atm peenntlns ... . 132.686 Cann on batnd,or • ogoiVrotit7:4i ................... 17 12 3 x) ;12 • - -count. of adjoak4 Wilms Against .tb• MIT 1.0 yet due--....—.. .. . ... IChIN P. It/ 14 T H h IIPOID Dauphin • oonsty; .I.B ! l n:mgs%7ta A. WII, . bor A. - A. LCAll R N ln hankor, P i tt adin JOHN gg OED, Doophin 'aunty; A. J. OILLIST. Liarrieborin 41'. JON PA; - ' 11° _ air." Iriil.lllllfiviul. A. 4. UILLIST. Ihoretary. Mil looms wan! Duff . of leo aud inlaud narinationi inure Welty or eountry. at loran rafts nonablant with salt ty. Ponalas kilned on dwelling !Immo either parw_nally. or for a tom of posts. . - IP undo =a., Corner of Fourth. and noiths.o4 lAD - A. A.'4.IAILAIXA. Azionorr. Joint T. NNNDY rwriar CHZUG REMOVAL; ".i.A:G.AN, WILSON & worms AID Inarassiz Mumtaz IN •. TORSION - AND DOMESTIC lUD /WARE, CEPTLIARY, Mc dko. live removed to their new &ma extensive atom No. 62 Wpcd :Imet„ 010 v 2 do , or, .bov • a Iheat 1 heat ( Meet 91rds Ws al:3 kO. Mtizens o — m tDs . • '. , , urarivompinyoliobi i g, *49es. e. ..'S t at to n - ei. y' W ' d4ro •t r , oom . s, n. D.JUNO. Poshma : \ ` ' s \\ Wld. WHER a Lco,hMltL L. sttßauttir, sae.. \ \ . \\ \ 1 \ (DI ' T trPf.ITI TOE 4tITTER Mtn) -)TrICE, 94 versa, Surviams 14Itax•T‘ , 14 \ D ‘,., \,. \ - . Ns * y oax DiT.F . , WOOD STIMETS. \ - LL •'1 POLMATIONS. FeE411 , , , 000101 I Er INAtInEkl (RILL Can Ennuis ItittEn tin Tltctil r pm nilo &ND .111$8108IPI's hivrage„. •NL, TaIIAIT . • §ikl t roriiNre, have nolyiii . :ltre i c , ,, , ,, \u . 5 i t: ithn. f J \ ;waived Prom Lov i tta it t art 7 av , .. . . 9 ' 1 ' 14 a '' '''''"ll"' ' ""'"\ I V /717 .. 1. A4 \ 4 1 4,l a Mlfr v a illtl! ot EtiaLlish. Yrll .1 Geimmram P fr, c....t: theprrits of Or floats LNL A.NI N A F - 414 vol., \ Thar \bass a t on b.dl:l. flat Cramplatninwortaint rid riusrapolurAvolV, ttf 'mm t leats thns. litter ed flat Paltor to bitband in, \41 11 .7.V 8 t'4",. \ S. ~ tt af Whitnites 'Patipt Alt D.11.10T0E5: \ r . ib,'th st "l" Apo P st s i ge . n*, for th• • kit of Mailer a W.g ) . 1 I sin:. i. 'l. Wm. Luba**. tr i • $. IL Kier \ •Atlti\ IV tiV . FlVid, whl ' tti\ I . :warranted •oIP.Mf t° sir ld'hlO id , awithrtintod tai • nosh lower Itstel , , Pamnal Ens, . I \ Vim. Illnalta., , Aft... 'l. o Gannet their own, interest, will .not lOU- Robert Ihnnlsp. Jr.. \ r i il i n i tl .i r i r i : , t 4 m. berths* inlow their warns. ~, kl. ihbansh. el mptakon.e ..,-, wit, 4. wusgLis i co:.\. g't.tot- Ilansaiton. I 4. Saloom.. ~ flan.. Int-sta. IC,° ,B * /1.11,- Illicit si) E 39 ' GOODS FOR FALL ANA L , tuaa H. Pownnat. - ' art I it, Wonfl4 1813—flint PUY 4 BURCHIFIEV.) Imve" ''' ., ..- I ,thti , Qutire m ,. .v.‘putebar of Linnets! Drs. IlordiN•nd ...Whip to exhi It . astortmaat of rilsht , i arllt i treal F at .r Dreastlinth , • .. Ll:tiartzte . th iirl ia In \ \ • . Plitid a.. P r ilittlt:nslbi' nook ' • \ : Plain and Plant . owe de ' Lainets; . \ ti i nti . a/t i. , \ \ P FlNt 4 re n tillgir ' \, p \ i t \ ... nominee 11.41•41.naa l ,11P't, . s t t%4Tif 1 ,6,.1,74"..1.:4t1 1 .11%°tt to t ti-; northaast oar.? or Foortn and Slartaltatraet•;7 r ..., JAMES P. T'' - NE . 4 WHOLESALE DES M \ IN BOOTS, SHOES, BONNETS; . ; D LEA • :": No. 56 Wood- t, Plt atourgh, ‘ v mous ain. ean toga r . Mr' My stock consistitof opts rds of 2500 caSEd, embracing every variety sod . a l• or BOOTH. ,, SHOE+ and BONNETi, von:hued direct m Pie. Rola !"ml m‘ o, Oiel^lwae, adapted agprrealy , log PALL and om - rktt SALES, and will bow:war golsfectorT Wince— v,:t.ariA,ltaoraLlyzith Lbws ct Idllaclelphla endjew b.ll log. SIMA r k - 1W Y t OIVEVII:Iit44 , ,M IO. I leg ' A. H. HOLMES 4t:\Bo , ,„... MANUFACTURERS O SOLID BOX VICES, SLEDEFSS PI E :, MATTOCKS, CROWBARS, .• PITTBBDROD. \ \\ Office 55 Wood at., betwaas let 4.10 mha.. 4.r •II work warranted equal to auk 61l1113f•ellIr 60124 DAGUERREOTYPES,. AS NATIONAL GALLIIRY..\ ACKSON'S National Dagnerroitn Oallary, L g t=l7. gac th gt47 .. .iirc d k. " t*et ' ( "" t. Ladles aod Gentlemen liarnag u to r qutaint6lllie liken wits at moderate prier s please at'the abovdegabll4 meat, !Med 13p Etta very anparior 'Meat:any Ugh e . arranged with such skill that the ow:atones:Mae the moat acetqata ha Of tbkhruinalt form art% all the ear t eeelon of .pnated Mean /11, arsavneaS. , , \ pllue: . = gip( elt e tiglilltrir e ir el""ii""A do. lidLl'eraons not reculred to takes pleturg . tittlesa kpar ttet rfterablaner ..• • • ille_Llkaneaaan taken of wilk and d ..r p.m or theritrand vicinity ni w. Iv n. 111 em e nd. fr0".4 . 21 . 1 • 17 : 1F 4 1 \!. NELSON'S MUM PEEMIVM DAGUEIVREO.TYPEB.I PONT onion BUILDING, g ITIZENS and strangora who wi th to otrX, I/ lain an lemma% arfletio and life like likeneseott eery moderate price, will Sol it to their interest to call at Otte well known entabiadstnent, where entire eatistmation in gueranteed, or no charge made. !lasing one of the I ;crest end beet arranged MU and Skylightsever cote eructed for the turbo. with instrumento of the mon , remerfisl kind, and liarfog adopted the entent of Danner rectrring, .0 00W practised lay the celebrated ltootg, 01 Philadelphia and hew York, idr. N. flatten himself to he !Ole to offer to the patrons of ' , the Art, n edit of Deaner., either Mogi y or In croups, which has never been enrraceed. Rocco open and operating. ID kit rigrti,g, fro. 8 • vi. . 4 v. 4, •nag..dilv? HENRY H. co TORWADDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND WIIOLEAALE 'DEALSR IN \ 011EINE, BUTTER, SEEDSOPISH, AND PRODUCE GENER4ILLY, No. 23 Wood eeeee t, PittsburehA 1716 CHARLES E. LOCIMIT, STOCK AND BILL BROKER. \ Notes,'Bonds, Norma 8.e., Negotiated. PARTICULAR ATTENTION N' GIVEN TO TILE PURCHASE AND RAIN OF lE=. 4WPWIoIOOOOr FL Jon. A Co.. °moo Wool and • Arrow la 6 10111.1 'Um:To —....CocEmaa • FLP.MING BROTHERS, \\ WHOM/S&LS DRUGGISTS, No. 60 Wood itrest. Plitasbazgh. leerll p e. S3.Prorietcre or Dr. Wlewe veroiV e Celebrated ega &ft. Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society REGULATIONS ioa . 1453. • ‘ MANG/MENU; FOR THE FATE, ALL tho Members of tho Soaioty, `7ltoso dorm are paid. and all who .`all became nwonbere nevloa• tn. or at the Fair. will be (andel:lel with badge , . sags of usetatwrsblp.vihrets mloatt the pc rsou ‘ and the ladle.. of his fatally. and children under the ade elahteen or. to Um Exhibition. at all thine after the cranial. ore thrown open dating Um coot attain, of tlttr Weir. Bailma to be 1.0.1 at the Treaturtre - on around,, osioaeday window. Pinola tioltote 'Arent. adn, snit - Una cue pentnu. will bemstr, at the Treaeurcr's 0111, •t the Tait groan •, Members will to allowed to enter the pound in ear riesrm with th eir feasibrin but no beets tr ether utillo enur.raica will he 'permitted In enter. 1101,Members0fthr Scatty. and the iThofterflauseateetund 'alp; aloss.leol Gs mistrtlyd the first dosv!l Ids &UMW.. sektatu. ATTENTIuti In DltallttiD 11(4M 83[17- nom". • ego. lttdr TirteDlT, Marmsnai, TDVYDfT h 7 . ?sway, O. 27th, Mb, 29th sad .10t.1 days . .. . . IllieSabibitoro mast • become member, or lb* Eddal. awl have their articles 'at.l miltnals entered on the Secre tory's hnolte. en or barer. SCIADAT Evoatth. the 27th; and all articles net animal'', except br meat he broaoht within the enamor., .c utir as Tawelay Men. In order tha they may be enitably lammed for estsminettrin. by the .1 udAre. ow Welt:mats) otollatng Home tollt be re. elect tool. on Wednesday morning. but .1 ~,t b... ,,,,,,, ' prottrtounly. th• Evocative Ctoromittee do not Intend' to swum any exhibitor. who neaten!. these rermirmnento, that h r sne faks ran be pawed upon by th e Judger. Whlw every cf • fort w.ll be wade II manna the examination nod propene Wax of latish: en exhibition. just** to those who avow, with the rubel of if* Pootrty. mantra Mat the, .bait. hi all mom lira receive attention. - IllteSofions are defined to forward to tibadireratary. at Pittebunth. envied. to the 9 11th September. their entries of what they in:end to eablbit An ..flee will be °rowel at Pittsburgh. abent two weelte rtt••l , tt• tat ttlo Fat-, for the boiDORO of retching elate.. f Artie/tr. or atta.l.. removed from the groin:it before the doer of the P hibition, (except by r snakeskin of the Prod. dent.) cannot riewlve • premium. thotigh awarded ~ Wee:then c thernothrty will be admitted to the ormicido on Wednesday. 1:01.0n Than , clay the rounds will boopen to tb • tm Eh. are/ confirm. pren for Use dayA. Mogi. *Anionic+. u 5 11.tobrnV tie's. it 00., COMPETITION 'WITHOUT THE ETATS. The Paisley!reels Eta. derladlural Seeley metes the iled cf v.mpetdlon co extrusive with the Unit d States, and cordially invites the citizen* of other States to e im pato with halo. one pram Animals atid WWI,. enteral for exhibition will hare cads ettartted, with the number,. entered at the burl. nee eel= sod It la desired that exhibit.. .mold In all tams ant es their cards of Number cot previous to Png mew clock intendlthre on the erotacet. 411 persona who to exkilbit norms, Cattle. Sheep, or Seine, or who lotatol to offer aleek for Nam should or. by the tleeratery of each Intentimm on or before the WWI day of September. smile.. with him • list acrd fall de ecriptien of•soeh abet, In enter that ProPiwarraitheruehts may be made for thew aeoreamodetloct. ..Applicants torpresolome are partloularly requestel to ter attenUon to the diner-ow attschal to the Ust of pit , mimes for fateatte, fatal.. butter and cheese, do .. and the states...inv... from exhibit°. of tbs. art'olts, most be indeed wtth the Secretary. before the 231 h 01 Sep. timber. INSTRI7CTION9 POR TUN JUDGES. AND YOU THE NUPEILINTENDeNTS OP TUN DIPIESENT UN- The Jodi.* are requested to report thenotelve• to the President, on their snivel. at the Undue. Ohio.. at the Elbow Grounds.. they are *.sited to meet at tee nowletyte N en the around. at P. x, Tcaeley, 27U1 P.,_...Pterober. when tie •nanciee. will tie -1111 ed,.• sal on , morels it of 9 dela., at the rime pl., they will be ished with the Baths of Entry and proceed to decklefurn upon the merits et thettlffetentenin.. ale sod arti cles submitted to them. ref.e.s belt. Made to the moo. ber ablest to each. The Judges. all missals will hare regard to the rom st=toaritmatarlti;;Liao,tr (i h ogizseoroo .; due allowance Mr NM, Mediae, and d other eirruetrttmer, on the char ester and condition of the animals, • Thrr .1.1 not Iles aucanngernent far ore -trod anhoale They will not 00.1 premlems Mr/lulls, Cow, or Helfer., which appear to hate been fattened for the botcher; the object being to hare snowier annuals of the kind for breedtag No persn, whatever .. will' be allowed to Interfere with the lodges dotin thlfsdJudica.ion. The I edges will be repotted. In all easem Ih seeking their *Tette, to ere the remna of their &olden, (eel. chilly In the ...fettle. m) embracing the valoabli and desirable qualities of the animals Or article§ for which pre. miens are awarded. Vt him anything le exhiblVd to tba lode. which they abet! deem meritorious. hut beyond their powrr to award premium to, they thell totioteb a note of the • me to the t)ommittes. on lartzetionary Premlmme , Cm their coral le. notion and action No animal or each. can lake mere than one premium.. All prodnetlons placed itteamprtillon for premiums, most - tie the gro•th of dotpetiors. Whm there ne exhibit°, although ho may. allow enteral animals in a clue or subdirhion of a 01124 only orse premium will It...awarded: th at to the Ant or otts.wl.. am the creels of the animal rr atticle mar be eljudeed Anti a premium will mot be awarded, when the animal or article 1. not worthy, though there be no conotedition. 13UP Fit INTENDNNTII. It to expeoted thst the rogolotosolooto will tag par. tientar direction of all ...WI. lo thou notiltehre demirt— men., and Fan that all curl ...Wes are erraosid, ea near al May be i to nume r ical enter, tor their easy approach and exam natio. PLOWILMI Al ATOLL ' The Cloying Natal will tak• plum on Faklay. lb. 30th. at Yo'cicca. A r., Ina told adjacent to the place of Kahl bltion. , 1111-rertooe cotopetiog in the plowboy =etch. Rem; doettel to beta their teems Inched. and teed: I. =re , on at the anoint.' hour. TUE ADDRESS. The anon I aldreen will be delivered at 1 o'eloak P. r, erintit y. ti theth of teetotaler. end immediately otter the •loreee. li•port. of the Viewing Commlite.• or Judges will be teed. and the Premium. awankie.t and di* tribune!. HAY AND STRAW. • Her and Straw will be tornbilted be fur all animals entered for amol , mt; and grain will belorniehed t eat oat price, for thaw who deeirokto enchain, PAYMENT OP. PANNIIU The premiums awarded will be paid by the Trim ler at bin on the grenade. till Die Mom of the deb " E""inr't the "I" All Cash Premiums will be then and delivetedf canal f.r. nal-Paret that mdse.m premiums are •Werile.l; \ are , formed that they call for th eir prrndums at the , lalr,eptiliret'on mutt be made , by letter:to the Tanen ter, George,lL llogmtown.C.rz..4 conny, wit wham the Book of Awards will be le V,, \ • The Secretary will Inward the 010105 .. worded, In men nomeer all soy be directed by the werenn enUtmo to timely* this. NOTICE To EXIIIBITOIIB. \.• The Emotive Committee will telt* every,romeantion their power for the ratcji ssssss atioo of litoeland settees. onagnibltion, after their emirs' sod .arrangentent \upon the eventide; but will a:I be reeponelble tor any lOat or damage that may inemr. They &etre tabibliora to give attremal attention to their amides., sod at the eloweet the Pelt to attend to theirrenure.t.; and when ,the Fart le announeed elated. on Prides. oiler th e /alters. ex.\ b ibl ton or their monk will Ike required to take charge or their ankle., with. Eltelety mino'talte further charge, of them. RK(//12T1ON OP STOOK AND IDLES AT PITTS • Mr. Oliver P. Shiro will Meow. t r ition to all a finales for Exhibitiou, hie cam .04 have , em conveyed froM the cities of Pittsburgh and Alleghen ~ to and from the Pair ground, free of espinuoi to the egn . bitor. sesta:inapt:s • ' \ •ni• b.OOO oo • I_• Now READY:!:,, ~ ,The New ethodist B *; : 'Book ITE OF ZIOh--133 , I. n Vliodbory, j otethled• by the Nev. Mattleou, reetaaat Joh o Street tdettiothat Church.. It comorthoe tharly Otte Thothaud Plow of the thalami. Made including alLoot every old tune oral:mm.lM empublbittedt thereteata game two hundred of the Mean cosuothara the werldtarer the, end eontsitte el eth V../.0 014. ,243114 water l'l77llValt tb.. richest Sacred Mules* Treasures ever brenuted to , tha PUNIC'. Glowing with aulmatlthaud burning sail of eatoutoulou tor whleh it ts leslgood e th e tooth ere never, thelem equally adapted to lb. open Deets of all dettot. thatutheot Itheistlane. Of Mr Weed. b_ura last Book. Os Dot:doter. olilta Obit U.UNDa.r.D . AND. /11TI THOUlithltohave belt lathed anal its appear, ante. three yeas SS% Sad the dematut to outhe 10. m.o. Lamy further. erideme of the admiration la which de baouthed as a tamperer to tit desired? teem the euththithat with whieh the Lute has Meath/ been erMted.'i"r.mny ow for It altollarth thaalau.,l to tha [Wainer le eaglet:illy expiated. ,„ geWhaskmalmorialiathmking copy of#llb.r tha .44. 7 mod. ibru tlo ts.. 2ll l. 4 it. r t tOhlat -122141 IblitrkiMblne IffEkNS-20 no, emial Wititereo'd. thj 4 111) asy* fivltt 7 V '`,IIENRIVI OOLLItia.V VVRITE REArliA 7 4a, ‘g:oa. ilia store, and tar isle by Yptlk \ Main DI.O . KEY a 40. , rrEAS-50 hag.ottesto auji.T. Ifl,!'ink4 .`2,\ l Teu Susi reel ~,: I, r . c t ale by ‘ l ,..v ,irx , ::,,,,, CO:\ , -ii i \ ( r LASSES-150,"bblo, .14 \ ; \ V., ‘,r4, k hdis:', i ga_ll u r. In .tr. and:l4'o,le by , \ ', .. ‘N iSI ' T . ,-7-' )14 , R SALE-130 tows.. Anthra.•to , 8611 tot . 11,\_ . *it .0. 100 ton. Anthracite hanky e . Bbo,_tat unlaVelorge Metal. geld \ ~.. Klltt • , JUNAIS. LNDT.f. \RUBBER aLoyr.s, of . 1 Yhe.dif , (prep la de, raenufactur.d arid . f . pr re. all, elke ludo eber Deity No. ILO Muter strditr... f. r, VI 'V, . - 4U. Kimble. \ riliri - M(.4 OAD CONTRACTORS—Print. \ i ed. Poekill poL f ..ll Time boob, lionize, fO r . keeplriCrlrer by l'A'r° th t `it•lvlLDlN,rl3t..tid..,:i woo:,. lALE-130 tp . nd, AnthiaV ,to WlO rga . ton. Anthracite teceedr7 Ic s • 80 (as Metal. Kin JONAS. M-20 bble , ., \ln store and foreale\by . VPI6 rl i kixo ER9..60 Woo streek 1010100 E, 810 At-I,ooo'llm in store AltiadV rale by IT FLEMING BROS. Ai LT'S ABM SEED I 4OO lbe. White in .1 .t^reva , i bl abßS' ?LEMING BROS. SACIEOO lbs. in etortrand for sale by FLEMING BBIA, 1 - DMUS, BNII.E--2.00 store and for. IL polo ple• /141311M1 12,R05, CO Wocd t. k u l i ff;4l ° 4 l 2 EX.TlLl l 4?)mmiesion an bue and t d . of r, Weste rn rodooo. Nallass. kloooftntatod Artietes of Pittsburgh gotetrally; 02 awl 51 /iron; grist. Pittoborsb. P.. \t, .010 I. S. R. IMIGIO—FASITNABLE DRNES.IIAOIt kne multi; ,B Foorlh a n ge . =4l=a ' 4lthle r r i gatf. "" " " 7 " s 3 ei H. EA# \ *ALE 'X'ER-20,1 1 0 pea.' of it I new pe tern, slid ante ent qoallty. •t t• • trey low igioe of 8, /0 and 12N eta Ito leen. Net noel d ant for sale by . apl2‘. 'mac PA 'AI glt, No. tfr Ni rLot at pREKOII I: PAILQR 'PAPEB,--.A. Ilirge \ . \A-wstment or 11111 and Ve et, Gold and blarbitt ool aged Payer.. et nen,daelars LW • band.. Onhaa, nnntlr, receledd sod for alai, by ' .012 '' T.los. PALNICR W . . \-- • \ \ M. DlOBY,vainld mostrespeetfall inc \ Arm hlilltlends and tha s pnbNe generally. lb h into. zetailvlni • doe lot of Cloths. Coettlaneree, Yeatin a. not Gentihrten a Fornishing Goo de, In Dream.' ' goat eto onto any article of gentierme ll WM' in 1841200 - 11QIer at •le and at roolerate trim. No. ISt Liberty at. \ , sp9.d2w Ird at o 1 •1. 1 / 3 t l ed il s, R s E r A, en T 11;11 S pl?Pa a tful i ll i e te or d ftr e t r d; breadh, lbr sale erhlealle :pl y = i I , 3jr , 5, .., .. r .... Klal (i r a e .4l ll N . E P •/?L P LOt, R ,, T .. E,D4' I b Is.itli'. Art fordeotmbr. Hamadan nod Olanst for this wbek. _ - e - t it LACK BQM BA INES* ELA Et 3-- I D MUitplif A BUdOl (I IMP invite the at iniblon of lathea lo warning to the r gooolyof above rtNlaa of. °bolos naannfeaturo: '• l \ • sVO , t. uPIN,'4 \ atOLIN DM BAqE —NEO \ . 1.7 ...T.rior \ IMAI.;',t , Mfr. " i'l , itur.• .. I. re be tont at tb Gordo( .171iXti 4k lIIMI/IYIELD. wda ota a... , now opaninnotanaeottment o ohok• pjaldMniNtadc Lon .. . . ao d lifiellt i tzV 4 ll . ) d btl r . 411, 7 5a1t "rd,.40 tlf? sit . •,, \ 1 B. CaiNPENLD AKE FISII.-750 , bb11. vr " 4 adtbla. Ttog . • ' , ZS' laf-alals. \ di) do. ~..t trititT(rict HAW 4.3 litrOr Bier!, ouul Fistiso h n16 4",m . %." 1 far 'nni. POlxtmx exit. SPERM 011.-4 (AG ree'd. by E BBLIABS UT INTE VAN NETMO, IL--25 bbLe.S , a reamed r..ed. by 014 'IL H. AL4I.--. ARD 011,--2T \ bble, LWinterttrn'd. 11.4*.ted , ind lbt sal by nit ' kA. SIABANN. . _ I .IIEESII-20 ‘ b are : , . .C. , 'd bib for bl.fe by spit !L. a. A; LUBIN& BUTTER -40 kelo and 5 bblo. for solo by 4.1 a . Mqll4Ngi 114 Ber.ond ntrallt. FLOUR -50 bblis Extra 'Fazoity. Flour reettred batter ...le b 4144. A2A A bIeBANII. _ _ tiRIED APICES= AA by apll OATS—Just isTed- on \ miustiOnuent4 ,500 bushel,. by , \ L ILGIRIVP. AgL. , gra \ - ' corner Bienid sad Rarattrarta. - - . IDA?I SCHNAPPS -,Nolff's Aro. &beldam &hisPos. in er f t&cos , r e t a lttle4 eorarriaerk.t ill:retard \ Dimond. D-45 • ,WANTEO shireem,the Mo- Briley Corsontry. for slqlsh market Prkt ;merlins or • •• , • THO,S. W,C9l: l 4.4ls,Alszket street. Is TOCK =mph will he siren 014. eppp , gi ieed. and for .ala r wU \L. WII;90X 41t CO. O , RAW RMERRer—lildinll c. h.ilS r"\,ll 4 lrlllteariE. LINO-WRIT.E-4000 '.lbs, \;,.New '4etsey Vildta, 5t.0 flna White, ju+t Vale d. and tor ilea by anl4 L. 86141411111. FIUttNT 2.1 Bei: one vialr, ,pl 4 MESH BEITTERL3hOI6e Ei@ah Roll But ter, Vl.oll3lt \ --57 bbls. tritah 'krioirnd Flour, to 11." arrive am! for axle by \JOHN WATT d CO., \ No. SON Liberty. otrost.. Er IPS kIqyALP SKI,NS- I Philadelphia s'"'d " eod cr 111,10.:12VmE. kyOLE I.E-O'4ER-1500 `SidOsliew York, 013 \ Nolo Intow,ber IroNT owl fur it;131; a.D.utiox, IL—Bank, S and Shorn Oil, in sloig for solokbi PP 3, BARD , / DoLOWE. VlATTlNCl,f• 77 thin — ko 34, T. 9 4- A 4 64 I,v_, 101.0U4-15 bble. g*tn, tive •DlO .110N•IION,N1 ft lIRESC,2O bzalust, Tee,'d. and Ibr iLdi; I. J ty splOs YON ..11DNNNOUT *III7KVIY. PAR-10 blli*. OIL hand.and or sale tvl I aplo ~...\ VON 1/ONNUOtB It Miff q_ ItELLEV.ERNON , lILASS., 000 boica \ t ardi l ! '''' '! Cj' a" VON DONNUOI(BI , * ttIORPIIY2. NAILS -100, ke a assorted nit eltfor safe, by. ',...00 \ vo_ uoaxnoas r a ' II c i._ mr.F.TIL-56i&le :\zniata for sea too " VO,N it titillORNIT 4 MOIL . 1 Y. LIRE SLI •\ 0 YATEIgnt. receiricl \it t A. FIELD'S Devil, corner Waal. and tA, u"" P" '"" "MU". PALM OIL\O4P -401t\kba. Genuino \ elm and for man by, V.LCMINO ERGS. algO Baecullsois to]. 1C,14t1•fq Woat4 A LCOIIOI.-20 ble 76 unct‘ 92 per coLt , iti..tom r.•••140 , ‘ hr' rt.j[511.510 GROS., egg, Summar t 0 J: Kidd:* Om. 60 WOO 4 .4._ thiCOPII:1141-10-0 lb&eTta and for I. 010 \ YLVSII G _,_ ~.___...-. ---- . ~..RUNDSTONkFI,—AII s Hrica azid - ratiOrel. AA grlio. • lar.• •t.nt•Advral+ oil! Ilkod 4.019..W . Lagt yr .., i in ., v. l•2J1 •. , . IV' 1.7*-IV"Ala•4". iCAlliviSH ,, - 7 4 : 5 .6,elc i i i g i t y I; L P c tirle for ~ ~. - , -- 49 •72: b 1. 7 1::i. ITS —lO • CRON Pare Siereu tore and for .leny la ' A l k.i ,e 4 for We IF . \Ut.:NSY•If. aftlatak • • PDIO ~ , \ RLNMING .Rvs. ----- 1 Q U --- ..t1.7 . :::ic ...-- h - a ---- ,.• N —. . - o.\g ?g ar, for aikIMY, • : 4,IIRIISSIAN BLtIE- 2001b in etol . and 0_ _ sp . _,N ~ ___2 , __Y , EiN 1 , 1,•-__LCICLLlIlg . . 4. f"'"de b. 'Pl° ''' '' . 1--iieljj ." -Na 1 '14.-- - I il °Tilt 011:11i4 E X • 'ibP&:.27ll ii 4 ed V., ..1 IIIiSARBONATE .911 eco 1 v ..d for a . lo rr i.psi \Artiity U Q ol l; ffig. • \ '`,. .111 sod for sale er • silo '„ PIEAUNL) W , 1 iiijytifik CuehjeCedoev" prim - o - \ ' ~t \ _ artUle.. / bs • . URNR. .11._..',L1.3:48.1:,.. 1.1 . Ut i ikETS.44) . oi, Batek.iner , eo'd ~. 'IL/ 'Nod for ode bl:',l PIM . . U.. iL COLLINS: 1;•s' \ .pai le Plank Sold Birk trast v irg i vA t\ IigESE--26 bx, urt eheci,nieeiVal /fat kat* br A; 5101112111,114 &leek, ,blifiritra. .!!!!0w.::.1511.. A. A. Me t.% ti ' kr i:Nta:Netit an , PC/W/13-400 doion st.orvand.for' sate by`, .109 • , A. A`A. Mau NE:V , rpg a.J.\ soomg. F"l4-440 bbtcs and bill tibia \White hvbaron7;ium)l7l7l.l, for oakb XlB f or ss POSH —sp bbIlL in 'store en 4 uL b x \ ' -11'0127/iRLD°r' DriciA 111 at oto foiials by \Nal J., D.Vally&t.T 4 ROOMS 100 40i, iiutare amt. kir sale by 1 ,3 7 \ • * ‘J. CIAbiIICLD. I EARL iSLE . trusix--5 '4 ,l otak,in,:atOr Bud Akan'. br A \ Leer \ D. CLOY AjlEfuer.2o ostbs.. l . 4 „,,onjela). HAIR % , rl42l.*_tly_ • ,•• • . '4 , ' , #i , 4t4l•4' ) '''' : , ..4l' k:'';'' 'ST, now edition, / 8 0 3 , red end for said he , Otttionor, , 03 Wood gsf & TRACING CLOTH; tonstb,l3o mil 46 'lnches' IL WRIMIN. 08.1900d.5t. n store and for Bale \ A A A. 31ellANN. and dOctia Malting 4 wld.. Shiva% DT ToCK, Vatted st. for sale, low tto ORB? B 1110,1tPIIY. fuF 'sato by I.t A. MOANS , . 'vaskrfor lisle • by.A. \ • •. , .7.%8. OAN VI VID • Itubbe a r,) race , I ;:eitiltare k .n.. .D°",f.lrbbgrtedxxe"thr.,,, .1 . 1:11,60004t. . `itg,.. . - k/k1.•....uari11. ILAFeraleB-;-300' grim tar 4 law b \ N - , \ \ . • , .., ' ,-14- _ ,,, . ),•- • -A:: ';- ,, -i",„.stiAtv...-Z.14:.;Z,... , .-44.\.•,•••::Vp. ; , •.: \% ‘ • . \ 7 . '"'''''''''' ir...4 • MDIMDIMI fi ARG O'S. HALL, -F0 \ Y ?OUR WOOn,. or paglta •7 % ll : 4', VA ' 6 l'6 V ll Pratirlioit ba foand la readlaraa. Mall times , lky appl3k_ . r CAW% &Me thistal Palace tarrrlan et l.f.,Carg> Ca.; Yourthstreet. \ .IX2O OurigN SIDS. 71 411" \P. M. 13.071$ ,Auetliinee F4 . 11 , ,a Rabat, ceiwr !NM; mid Superior Piano one. re- \ \ N PKIDA,Y• AF/INON, Sept. tuxb. b„,,aLO D ' 6 " . • ,7 ; 1 3 4 ,C0.V1k 7 ::A forty• \ Second Hand Piano Forte. NpRIDAY FTERNOON;., September chdock. on* savor. Catlin Mahogany Came Plano /cern. epl4 Fancy Soaps and Mustard. • ~ ON RI YAF TE RN() 0N , 3 a'olocdr, .illbe so for aceonnt rhom le May e.ogo-ro. an •aegortmene.of P ..ter.•Tln and Copper Mould,. to they with a , •tht,r of ..Trinerohnes for Conf-odoneesmar. Al. al la la doe eiler Prom\ 0( Petiole Tod , I Post.. and 33 box..erg io be. , gu Maegani. • ' *Did Boolt Ei le by Catalogue. (IN Saturdbq veniu r.. g, 1 0. 7 1 t 1 h .gi t o n . st. gr , tt . LLo:- .111•V' sk 'tinZMI :2%rorto. among whi."..: — \ \ 113 , 11act'q Diabilatrt Pr .oreti,,:nrto,llm9l.o. 04.: ittlitmblkill Lintel nas. .4 . f to . to I. 2 to , t ~f 22 111V%41). 000 Lintel loktleal al Ell I.orr of t 1•• 1 411.1 eta 2 mala . ; Al m a Tbn yl 44. 1 u4se. loolTa haortia Vantrala ' l , tra alosisq, busks ...I . lrsa: ;1"U Volti!iflnir c P ll'b -,ttai 4= of ray., Reform; Kolbe • LlJatoth a p Tol,pu•Y nw• Wane \Reformation MIT or Anti s4n.s. plater. barwoara y tatalos es tan be. 7rgt.U10.!0,4r, ....... ... Tnitare. timber 19th, at N 0.1113. Second ON hrondaj 10 o'clbak at moot sbor•Slarit -,..a and kitchen turntlare s.‘ass, aedahosr bengal/W ag: lablekt bus bean bat dant tirtie la one, Complitivir aosoular mahogany eau toi notate Piano rosin Mattegerulaastraeattna, Chains sad Hooker.; Was mimes; saaholanilhird and Cant Tr Ilea parlor. chamber It.sla otalr %Wrack des ming aa r at ataln Burnam.; work and womb Stan lit high andlo• pais LBedatoadsv bale and husk klatttamets leather hods and Waling:aiod'sbllodqalodate and eemmon auks; Md., dtaing and breakfast tables; ohhia t glass andAnamsinny, I.\ General araprtment of Women flindture:cooltlag . . „ ' '', ` \ THE UNITED: STATES ' LIFE , ttsISURANCE, , ANNUITY D TRUST COMPANY, ' . ''',' , \ PH I LAD • EL*HIL, .. c'Ii4R"I,ARED APRIL 26 , 1856. \\ . , \,OIIARTIII PilrrThAl4.-. - CAPITALI2SO,OOO. OHre S. E. Okoinei of Third and Chesnut \ • . streets,' Phaselolphla. -, - . Orilifilits or ins •Hoior BOAllit AS PIILLAIALPIII/1: Toi ..% rite 11 . `Mts "d ixi Et ir ' l oni tte: ii ttia!i 11 ' [ D I , solt,pr. Ilogss ' n; Isom. Wilson. 4117 i.., tifc7=l., . \:,, jwilltghilrg', . p I President-114 Thu.. h. Crur rd. Vies President-4Loshrose IV:Thompson. \ . ,Akelienh.Esassinsn—Plissburnh. Jun,. 11. Willsno. 11.1.D4 • silort,eor 0 .1 7 . rt jßa)efira,!`/1R1i0ua....,.L it inhlT ‘ , i '., "74 Voupth sttset. riaToOth. C. E'...HEADLEX. & CO.'S •• \ . NEW CA.IIPE TITO U,SE, \ , ~..,, , • HO. OH THIRD BTiERT, \ , s WIRAIDIALS " AND , RETAIL 'DEALER& i , ' ni• THREE SPACIOUS - . SALES \ ROO3IB. , Q ALES ROOM NO. I, 'oontainsAhe lerge+ik L - 3 handeomest ant„ alitaysit `ssmstinont, of , flaw Oil Cloths. from Ito 2. Pot i t il-; also, Stair, Table and In. amslad Cassiaga Cloth',L•Nnols, Canton and :Brittarada Malting; Matte of all kindi i l t \olotod .11flodon Rhoden, ball lloilando; IMOD ant bull , ClothE and Potenun's Silf. Adjusting Colton: Yintorea, - , , • ~, • EALHO ROOM NO. 2,1 s NI stoekod ol.h an tundvallad annulment of Royal Velvet: Btosailit, Tapestry Brossels. Impartal.Tional!ly, Patent Tapp:try Ingrain, and sonar. floe Care t flow. , liali and Bdor do. of all widllui and armor. =ttr__ C . ' ghtlni T lVita ' Arlg ' ta n i:r.r. •" . " 2;7.l:- . ...,...... BAIR , 110011 Nil,`.l, cootaln•a go and well soled:id vatStook sof Ingralia emir. ri,,,,m to tar t p 7. t ..„ L t v , s, -a.t'... ~,tlNar v.. -,-x„..,,...-6,..,,-.-...., - m•nt of Engl isle :, heti, Elms, of all oolimi nod L sisal, 0, U. 11, aCo would respopolle - ' - -'" " .......1114 111 . 141111 g to fIICIAIIb . • r ...onvr i s n, t irfat:4 l ' etra L ta ' l •nns . p i gtl l ::7 l 4ll " th r e noir to ils strawy° lnfln . r Its growth. o 1t In msturit7..ashleontintur tbe roeseedoe of healthy vr. silky esetnneantl loan riowe redundancy to the Lae t t o e, riot or life. 0.11141 an/ parity intr, it dispel.' all searfand \ Impurities. ane,renders the use tr the fine•r•otti tembpn• \ necessary. Its , ,riorn.luetive s Dowers are nonatantly and ‘ iturprisinair ah‘wa la _eaten of boldmss. from o letkrav i vr = 1,471 I M gNe l L7s3trt:liftlst utTer;l: r for the latent stem iheadive arogreasion of vitality.. that Irotowroiss ewes re all other seeeifies hare. , Bo l .'s Ilypwrins Viol has saveriasdel the orr.aments of art. by Mutating lo‘foll rico Itp , ln of beenty the perma hAtu ,sraose and anoints% of motors. \ Its nourishing and eymaropertlea ate also entimetts'euemsaint I taiTension or envy \ bele. As an an a Clary of lama! Its bs,t stars.` s)? hout . .tha font that It l to do \ski at the toilet eNery lady ne fashion. Bold b L WILCOX *OO . esti elroetk Merkel et and %amend. , . . , New item , - .. \ iii - ', EBER haa jaskreceived it. fine \ col- '. [ - nt i VAiliTetr‘,llV;Yw,), 64 “:' i !`" l ' . •.• "\ \ 1 . m b eirizvativi i .2. - v. - . - ':,,. • .‘. g,... 1 . R.. &tot h. by T. Mot= ), '• Mayor Char lialakato. • , . •,. \ ,PL.laieholta chottlee6. \:\ .. , \ - VlXrl4ol °' Viitraitaah. ' • ' t \ Thrhaa ' rettlt a alta b Att i. ' t n. . . ' ' Vial Ta t iltDr; %,_.„,trZt V. wei.e. Vita &leaky ilaa zat. T ua•l4: B Atkfatro l itit ß tll gli -b".1! . • •ad other dolt plata. \ "t.h. '' 2 . \. . \ SLITS FAIR. I O 4a DERSONS wistast,seeion in; him . ' tick- Ab ::: filtatztabltla Me P.n.. ...4.4u '.lr, , . 1 W. , : ta eds ointititrar ". C. , " la _, I \ IS ", ' ' T '-- u t i :n t lay . r:i.opp , =oN!it LOLL iR. • Thlatonl aa• kla , , and. 131 i 411. lit v ett. vrii..-41-40.4r da t,,, 7 ,.... een I \ la ad aiatathai he lait a \ CO( 4 \ (,;;WAYNE'S 311).101.1.{03 --We alvat sfini (.Dr. . Irainip.s . c•Libraise Family lisdklatat. coast., aft of .. ". B wayas'im'ompoundlil.l7ll. \Via , Cherry:, •• ' N• tlwane Hirai net Flotsam Rod knetet ar Tar Ping \ . sbccs and Drmte , 7: ckdis4 \ cpl 4 • \ \ • \ WALCOX & NEW BOOKS 1 li EW re:T .,,,,5 ‘ .....Taut re nd at, 11. P. t H o l ti t4,oyr, to _ oat. Thant Tq l lt ne l trn th er:Srer. or Mai 'T ior Cli, ' . Otto and *** \\\\ • ~,tatiar • , \. , \ „, . Extra Tarifa . r Thi.,Sit!ornaft ..., to t gi ; .) .t, f i gili b tlirla, b 7 Mn. Elartrabitax. I , 'Mt i le7llri d 4r 14r. ta o tfaYain ik \ ~ "\ . `fhatabota Moo &ea recolvt.l,, together wit, - ..—,, , . \'. tait ra ." : l3l lFlTZTOtirtrEglVl:ln `,Harper, PUMAS" and Ktaitkarbaokor, for argon. or. i I IL OLOTII ;WAREROO3I9,,II2'MtiV A• ' t— Ws hait now an hind ar taw new Ald tetterns .trs heavy 'LOOK 011 ,0L0T11.3. from 1 L., rants At a. togothar!Aritt, a tall ssaransut of Msbassur sad Co Sable .0.1 'Blair oil Cloth.. • Also. afar Lauf. so& Drogsea Cradn'atatr Bats' sad isitsula 8 I. In \ slur. PI: Yisaved sod Damask V•notlser. Optima WWI: • And II•ro fiur Osrtattars. 40.4.1n5t ...Wool ar - • ' 1. , . • . ~. sauls AND 'MATS— last received , extra s \ . dn. But Cocos Brush Mats . Tulls4 BUIL dB last ''l od • Do ot 1 i_ TM__s sA s Is. gifernslostl f Bias I U Ch..' t il 4 l ivafrirti'ta=lrOoso_. A tie',rliiZbaletldnAat tro ;..JoM a U . Likelatas, Ifemossd.BLlNTuOS. sr 112 , a „ ketSat solo W.ilO _n \ ' . C. ' , GRAFF, Agetii: (suctemest. ' il• tiArALLII k .00-) Groait sad Ooiandsslon. Star. i a rt. °Vase rt,B•ocA I amil lima , Walt.: PJAAAALSA,—•\ Alms. Assaf, Oa WI kinds or Vittelmarsh lissußsturad dr- : \ .-att itn — .eit uti.proutittii.tettwett to. - --- - - - - Vt.% EiALE:•=d '3O len Valli, :adjoining arid Otis mthilfritalthe natioao rtaig 4elt= l 44Vlgttgia l l.t. I . , o riuc vav o.,.'spp r,, 17 44671wN.Kin5,.4.e. „ . • it,LEBER hiajaat received:Fame" f i gtTftg ia ';' yr 'l!,itc.muzlil: • , • , Atol st smmlow or ot/lil,loi wWWwa.l aWI ...ordrod' br 'W. 8.30' v 6431 113LASTEROARISFor:Land and Siticoo. riw atsloaleinO, at 319 Llymtiatrod.. • W W. WALLACE. l'lntA II LTC, 0 EMENTA largo stook I 11nraln nn hind at 319 I.lbe:ts gme • u 23. \ $ l , llO ULDE 651 4 ;:3 - 90 - fib - rt= t • 3 " "44 i ‘ ed • ..1,7:134Ceig 1!'~~:; PULLED 'INVU-590 nt- L n owe. aztd tor aalOa 1..1.11°°3•11' - - - - - - - -- 7 - 1 , 45,4, 'l)!Piiut h. I).Alitf . t. SON a, 0 1-, 1 pleaccunw......Apek I , _ NlTftl.., Jolt i , ...±.1.4.... i lia 11.10BiliAZIN '2O *oes , litpikeitleit, A,f7.r'!!r7.1!2116g0i4,-; 210,'10x12 tinill2xl4_, in stare •by ` \ .1..7.11001.110, 'US. DELAINE3---A. A. MA: Fifth itylvety*rl II aim I.l4searebai, keark Mao*. Debility*, Me EGES-400 '*aces new \ aaalDAijap Dom. mu.= IQKO . \ \ amt.' A. A. hiASELN t OM NDIA RUBBER \I.ONG COMB J owl ricolnird andlortatt at \ the Wks Rabbi? `• Marius atmr.: split \ \ J.il4 rumuga, BA9/3 7 , ...... taw, (,%1 .:-:;, ~~~; ~'