... o. t • 1 • Al si •-- M --- ' - :7... i Pih L .• _1 - A `,-- .7. - ... ---- a ........- • i, . - - I;STABLISIIEW IN • 1786. . . - . - - - - .., - PITTSBURGH (MZETTE. BUSINESS CARDS. MA - ITCPACTURERS. H. , 4 PUBLIS= DAILY AND WEEKLY BY .ALLIIGRNY FOUNDRY I - WHITE ec co. -- ATTOItNEYS. 1 --._-_-:-_-.....-=_,-,_-,-- B .---•---- I- . •••s. i, warmi........-.--......-IBLISITEG retrial. F. W. P WHITE, 1 ,N 01143 1 -1 tt , EITI A TTORNEY AT LAW-Office removed 1 ).S.CTUBERS of to 1 rep On nap mate, - trait nit sox 70 ene roar erne. la.. Meals. and Fan FIFER btRELT, directly r pposite tile Cut) II - • ------ •-- - - ----- Cattedrat, tettebunrh. nita.tita Wagon Bores, cola n and Kettle- and 'vv... duerlpt TERIW HALL, Attorney at Law, "Bake- .s. 041/en . usit Warehouse ti 02, DAILY-Beven dollereyer annuta. payable half yearly. Ab• Dottarte If raid In raven.. • ei . N. HOLMES S. SONS, Bankers . made on ell points In the Caen. ,-. . r -ner et ital. rot l O-On .. Wood otreete, direemy oppeer, ee et. ee d emee n e t.: All orders will be ex cuter with atria remird to dune • I .T.. 14 Merkel rt. Ochertin feted one ibeete-fatettabeese myl.dly May and beauty of del. Repel. will Mac. etteaded .A I'ENr.SYLVANIA. i ntact. at Mamd110n......... 99 H. D. Ring, to to. ft. nowt rmvonsble term. gang In allubcfr work the best Ea... nat.. Pelee and w heel Stuff. they feat ennic 0111..utburg1e. 4 ....,-par Br.rb at W00mer.....-...d0 ft% '?2, lSPX. k ord `4 ... -- -:l ll:ll 4. '`, l, ', ti c r il•-•------- a° ..,,,..,,, ,..d . ft , O L IN, STOCK AND EXCHANGE ERO- confident thee all,ho favor them Milk their petronoge will be perfectly Med on trial of their wart. Jure 616111 8., matuted to glee them a mll before puz• ~,,,,, a et e emw ee _....y. t . m y a w e, ei ewee w .... d e .1 e., Froirth edreet -Bays 1 aals Sloe.. Coup• cub • rant at North Appeal.- par Commendel Bk,Ulnetnnando . 1 ....% . N.• hang... Eerie. int ~ A adAnded at current . 2 .64,, . ± . .2' . ."- - eitek et tiorth'n Gibe.. par Fra Min 1t.k...-..---de rot.. Fah ettonemade on the ilea; at low rates; Vratiern Penn Cotton Mills Pittsbnrgh. rank. Pertnetylv.la.-.par Lamyette Dank- . 1 . , Baia Vet. bought .d act& JYIS , 1- l'enk 01 Penn • Zewnstdp-par Ohio Life Ince A T"nuit*ClZrie - il ENNEDY, CIIILDS & CU. 'slant:use- Dant of Ma United State, II Western Rest a 13.1......d0 r'"ss'''' 'S"W"---."=""th" ""` -'th. ° ''''. , i LlearemPled pate. a Pre -Der Bank of -qamiln--.....d0 pAIMER, HANNA '¢ CO., Successors t., -IA- "' I " or De-mers' A Mechanics'/114par Small:fetes -,,..-........d, . cm &C. lteet.ae, ittomemis Dears., 13 Ward 2e n tt •••••••••••••••••^ 3 °. RRW ifilduAND. and de n all7r n Yoro elemestic Exch., Certh.t; K•n•ingtoullank..-- .-...Mer All solrent Benke...-........ki t Deposit. Bank N [ sized Epeclc--ZiOrth Uts . t co , 4 li.tifee. A !tech 8e.... Der NEVI YORK. Fiord nod Third otreeta Current 31.. recurred ' no r lie rer t , t , e 'Z De le k- C e L . " . "7 . -- P e ' r e ' Ay 'ret .eftir••••-•••••••-Pgr p.ilt Bight Checks fbr eale, end collectlor.m.ls eu rear PhasZehgt a bank.. -lea; 'uliaTdray.--... xi , 4"hr,s,vi..dr-1 points of U°ltel Btstea Ps en A. No.l beery 4-4 Slieetvegr. eleelet Chain of 11.li colors and ...dee Colton Twine; NM Conte; •• Plough Mee. and 8.1.1 Cure: " SilPe a all elms std desert:talons Betting; i - Boultnerk Bonk .... ....-MirlDisitntiont ...... - _me Gold , h eet "' r°l°. p ol l (nr-i' ''" 4 " . .."- 1 Ar•erl.s. tße•orares not st toe Bartrtr,oe ster. rr Lao., wtjece fndnema ee, IA woes Mum, will have attendee- - Lic. tr 5v,„ , ,,r5 8555... 55 ,par x. jz es-fieiracivim„ Adiancerir.adeancereignmenttof Predr.....itee-1.31.• Beek of Chambe;Zurgh. le 011.olvent bee.,,, sy n ' Ll '''' ...l t.r... , ' Herron dt Crissvell, Wilk ofehester (kunty-par VeßtunA.r""" -' BAIRD - .3 - IRVIN, Real Estate, Stock and • Dank abanville... .. .-par Bank ofthe Valley. .... 1, 1 Butef Del.oo.,Chieter. e.l/13 sr Virginia, Richmond •• Bill Broker... No . 46,3/111h st. and BELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS, Bank t•t Germantown .....p.'Er- Dank, Ys.., N0rf01k.....•• 1 k G burgh...._A' r 'Da ' IU, 31. A. HILL C 0.,& Bankers and Bra- Aif KNIIFACTURERS of al/kinds of Brass Lankl ; I I arft ...: - tlrrelatie.M.Ll ' 7 ` 2l :: t t ken. B, Wood It. tl/11. Work, Iniemotive, ,teem Engine, Plumbere.Ac. Batik °Middletown ..-- l north Waters 8ade.,..._ ••, ere e wee,...., k sank ales, C 011...R.. 0 M , 'nnere.teter°. • el.tgernery C0.8.k..-par Braaele.-- .. -...- •• -;,..-- 11 , { Y ..„ er ' - Forever. Reber. street; I Wurnoon, N 0.12, Market Beek of Northumberlendemr NORTH I:IA,ROCLI A. i yill. LI- 1 a.ta a . t..u., 'cankers ativshecy city. I st., near First. Pittsburgh Cattlelo Bank- ------. .te Bank crew Fe5x.....-. 3 end Exchange Brekers. North East corecr et Wool N . IL-4 . 41 Breee e arl C*ol'o take" is esehe°•••e fur Ostemble Ilk .Badge Cup. Elk of St of N.Careline.... a and bird streets ri=Alnuelz. - work, or cash, aid. lecyleseawn 8ank....--...raxiCommenial Bk, Wllititieu a All trareacilonimade on Rh•ral le-ge anl ..e. cottons Or lett at tbo Fermi.. OM tie rill bo r.lendett to futon Beek----....-.p. Merchants' BanteNewbe. 2 emecyter we, w e e Co. - • „ale, enuctuallT. felkly • Ede Ilank..-.-.....,....,.... H SOUTH CAROLINA. Tareners'llk of Bucks ce eparißk of the Bt of S. Caroline 2 wiLKINB A CO, Exeter:two Broker- New Coach Faaary-Allegheny rirarms....werelkuoktoLfen...,zateri.g.vp.rar Le.n. k k o o..f c do b= uth b.,, Care .* Lina........ „ -... / ~,,1: 41 1. .„3, , .5 0r..., ,,, ,e. 5 5, ,, a , , , ,, ...., .:: & , e e 1 ,, e , e , , ,, e,'. , ÷ „4„ ma A, _wEEL . T.c . o. wouid ~... Yarn gkordebnylkillea prejel.teree Meebanlm• Bk 2 -=-- -sr-s- " -- - meet' - - . ''' lie-ie - ___- - - spec:fai leferM the public Lhrit they hers .: 1. 14,,e' S j';'" Le e ek W .er e Wte e rs ' eh g u ai ee 4 Ae Rewe ° 1 0 . 2° .4 RG 1A• 5 , 55 . 5 , 5 W.M.JtiIR.T I Yr PIE JR., Banker ar.d B - s .e r eneteila shop no Last be twee Feli ern) °i' 2 snducky ' .T.LO a ls w 3l.E ., p uc it niu. ,9o ,, N , 1 ,.. a. 1/0 ...,, 1ti , ef c.. 5 ,...tit, L.D .„ F t, tr , r . . , 11: . II artieburg 8ank......-- fj Bank of Auguste.... -.-.. 2 _ _ i ' theeet e Ile. 06, t'lleththa the a t h4e." I I ' h ' ''' h Ogre:: tor 1 1•141••=1 -"P' prdne o n , v a ih d lores. P Co ' re P r ' r ... " Clari -- O " tik a . , Dmonehee. frogiderk rhetoric, ke , &o, whkbArom Geste' -11. L'. -n u cetite 'aula 7r d u u T t 'i- 5 k ir . 4 ...-- .. -...... .1e5tr ra:34 At lL l ' iso f l U r T elt uN 51. 1:a r e ilz k t . l e . t ?.. ' r e - 43 2 N• 1 loo d ir th eepar f ance In the m.utektureff (L od e above Tort, ow w. g art . .l. t trek tan P arilttses Hier imee. they fee cool , ept the wee te• anon Bank---.--per RENTLICA y. oeitte Bank Net. sad brecte e be eli mark e t strefit ells - " Mieeneelank efrottetille ie Bk of Reetuck, ecuisychie flush. 9.9..Colleetleit, ma le . it the trim: eel eel. enabled do-we ek t° ,, e. ,,,e °° 'V e. ree ''''''''''' 'ere" with tf,non,,attela Ilenk-,.....car,f3k of Loalesille, Thunflou • limilEkOut/ the Kul:. &Mee. Paying peatioulas trachea ta the seleettna of uatatias, Weal, Brandt/ Ilank ....... Efortbarui Ilk of Kentucky . - _„..- „,........- -.......--....... -___--- -- - - cad tart g one but tompteent workmen, they 0300 no le roransi /1k.9112 en:T. Southern Ilk at Henke.) ..kUtetklerj e leea, AND sTATEDIRR•s. to. , teti:lo. o warrantixte their wort_ Si e therefere ark the • York ilank.-................ I MISSOURI. mfr. , . of the public to this mercer ließefeet - s-.......... , Bk of Slate of ei(atierle-Se . 01110. . ILLINOIS. 1) C. STOCKTON, late Johnstort & Stock tet N 4 ga.'l4,-....svie-i'gt,ret,a'" in u ' t "'''' l '''''''"'". •! - '‘ d V" . '••••' ma) •f osee 'eat. bkank..-....-Siltrate B.k and brarcali.-40 I n,• tom Scoleeltel.btatio.r, Printer. and filmier, car. 14..31 et Aber - ....do Bank ef Ill , noly, .--- ...... -TS eer of Market no Third Mmes. pitt-ourch. Penn Glass Works. . nraurb at Atbena........-do WIECONSEN. -L.__ Branch at Bridgerort . ......do Merin e & Fire Ins. Ca. take t I .L. READ, Bookseller and Stationer, No. r tt , tr-nt Mt- ,u, .tu ............ T." Z../ . .“.. / Breech at Chilieothe-..-do . 51101.11 GAN. e . s el T „,„,„,. th ~,,,,,,,,,,,n o nunc ,,, s . j i , o tr. .ll.E ,, N t Z w & i :w s t o tf . ti ny i t o. Art .) , :g (Lor uf m ..,tu erlz .,s of of th .li c • Ersneb at Cleveland --elo Farmer.' elerhantes• Pani. 3 ... Sirenßrandi etTe1eda............-40 Govenueer.t Kook kank_..l STA - W. - Cid ii. kmis of VIAI,B, .11017 LEN, awl K INDOW (11..1E11. all s& at Dayt0n..............d0 Penlunlar Bank- .......... 3 .., ~... •, „ Water and 66 Front street, Piltabutich. .3 le-Particular attention pad to old Memo( Window .n...,,e, et Defrreare---....d0 leteuratiorCompan'y--..-- 0 l iv 11. 0 L ELS A IsP and 5e , 01411 Dealer in 1 attacßranch at Columbne-......da Etatell.k .- ..- ..,.....-d blank and iFtlO,l Nooks, Paper ape' B ery. Caere and private clOoldn tor nettles .1 Tiala mar IS attach at Aantsbuls-....„0s OAN - ADA... No el Wool street. (between Tetr4 laiti r.urVlltts h at Belem .-..... -de, Ilk ofß.N.Areerl..Tetentee we e k, ' mere) • Lots & Braun. 'Branch at fdawi11e1e..........4e Beek of the r onile.Teronte6 ___lo....„____ orAnsb at stoey. ..... _.__rfo Bulk of 'touts.' - .....-.5 .. ----...--- - i rRESCO, hoar : ,, Si . gn and Ornamental Bunch at Cancinnail.--.-de Bark of U.Ceneare Toronto • ..'ilt.r or•ISTS. Painters .1 Japauere, N 0.40 Markel *tact. between , Lunch. allikeumlror.-... ..do NABT'ERN EXCHAIRIE. beau!, En oth at Washinetotter-doiOn New Y ork 4••••••••-- 90. [..tww - .819, -- 7 -- 1 -.l,___. - -.....-- ....... -.......J0a5pu macros ... rt. 0 a 0 ~s 1., urc er......0 c , wa Men. at 0.1.-..-......dei0e Ph1iede1phi5,........„..... • ter .1 en onleregone ILI use meet melern e•fr.Tnucte ...., Broach at leareatiter-...--dol On Tensor,- • WILCOX r CO., Druggists and Apotle Breath stilt...m:llle del WhTTEIIN Ee_Clie.r,GE. ...dee corner Market Street and the Diamond, parent !...-..t...•,„'!....u..,7:-.',.,..-tti°4-,..415E`i41.'D.7.11,;,`1,1 1.4 ur,. 4., .t Sit. lertiOn..--tioiClnolnuatl--..-............. • keepconsuestfy on Imart • tell and complete eleortment ee.ei P• tits Putty ' Llmennd Master. . ap7 Brush at Nl...rt.- -.-..11.4.40ufirr141...- ..... -....-- - . of Drugs,Maldnee, Perfumery, end artiae. ccrtat t log - • ' • Beach at Elyria---.-..... do St Louie ..... ...... - .... ..• to their buelnese. - New Goode. - ••• Dr.. at dpringdide....-do,UOLD AND SPECIE VA LUE rhysidens prescription/ carseillynatepoust lee 1 fir z ra Itt .: 1 4 .1 "-- .- - .71! '''''' .l l .r ". P= .... ..12,2 '7" , I UST opened at WILLIAM DIGBY'S, 181 sur Llbertr street_ et 61t-Pleseent-ao Itegle.o•d----.........10,e1 John P. Scott. a.) meces et f ranch Cloths. inner seater; Drench at Zeneseilla---de kagbegiew.........._--..10,00 . ren at Normilk....-....d0 Rode kikrare..........- 7,f0 i 41, yIIGLESALE Dealer in Drags Pala, 26 do. Mwe eee ee, e eeeee „, e .., .g, A splendid lot of Vestinge. litertn dtocks, So. se; Enda. it) lena-- .....do Teens ere..-..-..... 7.00 y V oil, v , .. ik.wh.a p,e..."1_,„,..aui.,, ...............,•,... eeee ...,. • emir es and Dye Stuffs, ..e. 23C, Liberty Also , en hand, • large stock of Winter Clothlng; to be B. nett et Easton-. Eia..1..._....-...... im -Ir,L,-......,0. , eold ch.p for mot- Breach at Ravenna -......d01Teu (1 cse-..... ..... .. COO --_l43l3•••swecite amyl eileetien. ear Orders In the Tailoring line executed. In the test 8 ,..„ .. ,b 55 chese w ,e„ .....l e me e w .... e . e . e. ........... eepy ow - . ... .10'r Loculme sCoesvaluablo ftuntly eneiteleee• if.sniler. at the shorteet lIOL. • Mr. O. Aseme haying ace, led the rape ritct-n free , of the Cutting Lieraximens, Dna. at 007.0.......-ao Burate-.... „-....- e .... lei - - .2 _•`-' 3 ---- .1.11 1 ... baCD7 Co moo edema friends. fate • Breech at Telade--...-4o AA A_ ht..IINESTQOK & CO., Wholcsr.lo 1...* • Dregclote. end manor. torero ef li hire L 'MLR. d j A. BROWN would most respeetfully in - sad and Litherge, Wirride W o od and..Frcett-trrots, Pitts. • form the public that Lo keeps. heed, at hi, steal ' PRICES OP STOCKS. b.r.sl. • no on the west aide ol the Diamond. elle:Meer citr. a oen pl. te eseartment of Vonitien BI•nle able, %mitt. nub BELPOIMIII) ZOO TUE prrzszunott - GAz-n72, dY I) E. SELLERS, Wholeards Dealer in tors ars etsa.re c.w.o. the best etylronsunted •tul 13, sr use, r 4 Dra Ptu&. CUs , Verelah l , A, to am In the UCIIMI asses. 111.• BIM te o. be removed •'' A. WILKINS & Co, 0. by w:.. 5 1 . „,, e1 4 4 4 ,,e,..,,,, r5h. - • a o - A ,-,-wi z iii ita without the aid of • screw deer., Having perchaeed the Poi.. low. - stock, tools. mod wood of the Cabinet ksteblistureeet of ‘t ) STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, • maim. inetere ee. ... e . e.. ...,.......___uxen0• Immo. e o.toui,ra. as well as the pubile at large, with everything NO. 71, FOURTH $lll5 1. . - ... L i RATIN; & REITER, Wholeoale and Retail fo the , Sr. Agee...No. 6 }Foods treet Plnsburele. msbNi) J. A. intous.. t i „,.. n, ~,,....„, nc ,,,, nn ..,, um. Drulegiebecorner af Liberty .dilt.Cialr sits.. Pieter DOI W. WOODWELL - ,• w hule.tdo:and Retail ~1 • 1 I SCIIOONMAK ER hCO Wit °let. al a Drug. A • M•IIIIIACLITILL mil Dastxr In CabitAt Ware, No. W. ' 1 ... .s rd street lete I g ' s ° eir la, li .25 Wool st . Pittsburgh. -- -,- _ snits J. Ourrnalt. D 11213 c 11.11531.---- CU. Yawn. ett "I'''''''.'"---- Sc - - ith vat ""' & juir -0-0 1 - aldiii - SIONiAND - iO - 11. - WTA-RD -- ING. pp CITY TACK PACTOItY.---Tho Sub s. amissylvacts 01.----- 100 .... .• InLJan &July , eeriben ratlialacture and keep censtantly on head ell t , 'jeers Co. 6 6 5 .: , a i...,. 7 :::::, , l i a l . 4. , ...- . rate k a b t ka jig 'WILLIAM A. if-coLuao, s' aof Tack., Brede, end Spa:ablest Ylnichlng, Clout and Hob Nallr one blued near berry' .ILathinje doc Cele - do '; DEALICICIIY pre Mile and Tacks; Ileed Nam Copper and Aloe oh* Nall& Patten/ Makers' Pans; tilvets o assorted rips, ae, rittebtanD . 1 1T,„.-A-.i..- 1100 5 .1 : ••• ini•lef i llJull ME TEAR CROICE FUMY GROCERIES k e - 1- e- theMPBEL L• C/1644 a ° As , telt. Warehouse, 69 Waterer.. ittalnergh t AlletSerirelEieri- - .1..... lig , int..ThiitaN,, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE. Do. eon.* t...11111.11(ei ...., -. 1 de 0011NBR OR woo° AND SIXTH LT:BEETS. 1 - . ICHARD J. C. BOECKING, Matinfoetu ' twrstsreens. • I I , Is now reeefifitk a large aasortment of Fresh 1 ji, re p oot r.rtetut Plature and I..king Olen s e e:, a pittAbrirph. -. 601 e7m e5.1)17 Stays el. ~....,.. , 55 , t455 . Ts. . 55 5,5 , knunee-011.11° et any kind done to enter, an hboaratest • Mmelleddei Mneall ' °° ' ts. SI% "ii A° . ca. 77,4 Woes nest troTa ttiqt. ia7. - nt." gr ...°°.• Ss " Ns ' 44 ' 0t "h. street . Elatahargi" 60 " 47 mark.% w ch ocilly 0.2 will be sold et Ito lowest =Lancet oti.s .; Au.0.,3 eXT/Dgi floss I 220 %IL 1 9139.110ta15. Steamboat., end nmiless, built:ire by tte fI I ENNETT & BRO., hiannfacturera of masa mess. , 1 . e . tiuttetltr. supplied at wholettale.... • • Monongabele Ibidee--- es mei mg DiraMarlie e 99- tsoole a.livertal fnthe o cityfreeofcharge, the city free of ch.'s.. [split ~a 55.54 Plein o tee , d Fen. Mt. , . RockingliaM and Cream Stelae St Bridge--- ill) , t , Dir. Jan. eta wit . Cinema the elanufareory.corner le/Wash. A Hand St. Sztdirn...- .. • Er,i ep 144 IDIT. • Olßlre Mkt. reDABIL-.......-........-..........-......--asucsvaas. 4 ,....r•0. "Id rreekth , 4toelo • R artlonhe , n•° 6 "ritin lgotthern Linrrthe.-. .- 0 ...., i i 'DO , • stmt. _ -rso, merleedlY Wathijasl4ltßtidge«...... cal 1, '... I A. &A. Bl'llitsE, , j OLIN WETHERELL Manufacturer of ''' • tomaikes- SS 1 l in 2 ,, :t. (1 . 0313115510 N and FORW ARDING MER- PATENT WA 9LIER MES,• ammeter article. 801,1 D r Melee Life e. - 10 0 t• V "tern Insenwee tie - ...I 77 le ecy, sir flx ‘_,r CHANTS. deal.. In Wool and l•rolotee gerierally: X. and BRAZE, BOX STUBS. owner of Alf termer find also, PI pitnuwet I/U.4,omeg No 114 Boland street Robinson shillete, ono setters fren the Itandeßrest Bridge. E'Lssof / 6,6 '.... C.° --1 2 1. 1 14 g kettebuign, 1- . . apea) '63 . Allegheny Mr. oc3oy-cell .t....d..t. , 11 , ....... Co.- . 4 , eu o . 1 ' 1 ' 43°4 (4,1 O. WELLS & CO.,trirgh to leas- , 41 eg rdv.CD.B pr et , DRY 1:100//5. Illteliugh. & 1 • 60,0,1 - WI 40 as do CONXISSION MERCHANTR ANDIABOLFEALE bia.. nn•-•,--...........- to kr. . 0 . ,Dre.e . ..p7 r 6 re/ ' blorteee Magtietin eie \ PRODUCE GENERALLY. a. a. DAWN a at. rrresernen.,--0. L. La 1033211• 3Z0 3 11,00115 1% • Dealers In Fancy and Maple Dry Geoia, 23 Fifth • . 2 ,,,.. ~.0 . ~c. i .awcra 1 I - .- - BACON. 01811, FLOUR, Diti.tr, FRUITS, Ave COUNT-UT AA. MASON &CO„ Wholesaler and Retail p„,t,,,,Wasiiterks .-I sal os by I /4. -Tew 4 10 , . Ne. 3.1 5 Liberty . Coinitieretal now. streee lettabeirgh. Moue le Blackwateri t 0 4 9 4,5 TOP 8t04414. 55 I la .s. 3 1"1"TSBUlIGH. IIURPIIY & BURCHFIELD, Wholesale secure ray sis= se: to i ... E. fit' - LT and RMell DIA 041419 Merchanta„ corner of Fearth tteet. p nn.,,ys. lIaH el Be i j 6el 50 i 49141 "• JO S. LE ItteILI.PIN 4 CO. bat it tibloei„,itet, l - tel ~. , - I . - WHOLEIALB ()EGGERS, (n••• 1.1.4 A w 13 15;''15,',k 6° ,el ••• 1 ••• 1131 v Note yea ' .1311.11.1.a11A it, . MEDICINE. Kari/3a 1, - W S Y. , 7 lel lob 1102/6 PROVISIONS. MLTAIS & PrfTelfril SIANUVALTURES. Poe telbusur. Le--..- , be ea OO iris Caul Donde, f i e:43.-4ot .6 1 2514.2124ml 214 Letexty strut, rtets•sts. Dr. Fames King, • no. do- .. ) 1/001•3• ... ' e. Juana ottemr. .. T reap Creek Fien .d 21 ' 10 7. ---- •/7 '4"" L ra"r"".. If 11FFICIE and Reaidence, No. 112 Fifth Ajleg. & Perr ....x y.ll .. .... .......... N I ... f l -... ItimoifsilAbLeTztotoxcrzedßesr,ipekroduce Deal. Vulf i t o, tois y t, oeDoeile theCethelral, eittehorgh, be 10 a Mleettertg. T Ike lin. 1 'A EtiotrtletaCkial .... I le ... 000001 • ark Forwardlo sr and Condmis.nna Merenante,l , o. 0 103 / i lit fit col etreet. Pittsburgh. • ,D,ENTISTS. rig 3 / 1 ..a..........."---'- ''' ry Ina 'Nr. 1363 1.1 16 if earn sursetett en consignments. All g.le - -----„--- : pamiegh Bostee.e.... •.1 New gltullr insuswt if dpurwl r sett I - SCOTT, DENTIST. t ourth street„asl,....... Dien Ausertean I „ 1 1 'we k werrented. jL3 ee... et , w ee e................ eee e - ~.. i i.;... i rant. n0ra500........ _ ..,_,... _mem, a. miymp. CY e oe. iloDro ant of Market ereli.„, s : rinth Westemle-••••• .... •••I -1I el ' E. Robison Ili Co. . Al s 1f,T.„a ti ...77:::: - ..:2 --- • :r.l 2h, r.,,, I,l7lioLESALEGrouere,Producellorders, AGENCIES. Pitabilighli isle Ito14;i 4 9 5 i''',4 55 77 and Conazdesi. Merthonto. No. 2.5 Libor: Bt. A1venG.,........„ .. . . --- 1 .1 6 &lei A CARD. ' - .intritt u t " ii;i:iiiiia.= ::: ix, .13 , 61 , tj AVI N G been appointed. the ozolublvo 1 a Agents far ittsburg/I. for then! of Plltellt Riveted Ontoregenee- ..... •••••• -- I . "I ii i ' Z 1 stem °t.l km aretched Leather itelilL, nonnfeetured obey Trap Bonk e-- ... - ."I 7 l' 6 JEWELL e BON, of lhoteed, Curio -We now r tier Cr wt. e'yere...cortment of *Ol the width.. manufactur• 0.1,01 Gm manufectuner'• prices. Ma article below sego- Mar to any Leather Pelting elm befere (demi in t a ttiT. *...-...* ".. a -..R. ,% market Alm • large atcak el all Meths of India Itebber NetiorZa - 1.=......-....„, .. as 31 Belting SOnslantly en Ladd, and for Wq at Ot•''Exchlna Dating Doe... n . S7O Market stree. aterr.--.......-......... ... B - wpm .1 A. ft ;TILL!. re a Xit "i ....:......=:-."1 intORGE B. AB OLD & UV., v s ,,,u i lo =mutat, colm, muix Norzs,dx. • T 4 %grata st, Dula ars er aqtnana. - Molt? nazi Drafts cols.-ad an aR rinr of the Una).— Anent. *met , ' 0,4 "34 c'n A VILICI3B & CO lIANICERS'AND 'EXCHANGE BROWER% • so. yi'rouirra Briton., . opp os its che Rank of .Ftitfsbuigh. 8U Tnatictlano st moat Nkteclil - -• jieset's Patent Coupling and Poreple4o; rpß NaiIsPLATE ANA 61.111EZROLLP,.. • •• ' Now .11E - SEEN -IN OPERATION C roan* Co.'s Rolling Sllli; Pitt. batd A • at lt a l *bag - URI. I he Ron - *Woven • msc. Morals county. Pa. The advantage. of toy liaararroosnt are—that It anwhotso the neeassityl at ntoppiug the engine or throning off the crab. to cam at the top eat when liousine. as - the tap roll Is caammten anddloactionetes to an Meta-no without ran.at ;0 the engine, arab sr &Lothian eboa -The IIIgIiPLATZ to aloe am ea simple and. eamplies that tels plated or displaced to half apolnuts, riotous removing a gutile.Flosr.b , lt. or oat Th e last. anima Out least , L deont allay Imopotemtut Is. that by It yon are amt.' bled to oatoethe Ra s between Matt. thou soaking • Wear t eh and haect•Ltan than ha mar &en so* beerrio t tvgattbar Inforraston: Or a right tO nee Me oirla4lolll. De obtauguKt at the to:motor- '• I Y 111. ot . OLtaloaLie • • , - • • - 7- , I Tifft.: - ' - ' ---- ;:1::'..:AILYTI - PITT'SBERGR - 'G'-''' - • ._Luke Taafe; , • I Llol ARDA . 4 .4 and: Commission 'Mer , ty~ad Scsetsl Could gn se tor the Yenciyit anal ttoiLltool Ea' Water sc., end 58 iiront ncy or , /to too nun Atoad Depot ...st t t *hazy ; • . irostetztoos• nocuous to bo toms:did by rail road will bo receire.dat the landing sod delivered on the platform to thocolnasur's Agony, there to be Loaded li:teeth* cars. nieu.bant eboagea Raid. 8,14 oiled:11g transmitted. and 'an 11181.11381.0115. CI orrunrstr COridign.y. ea out. Nut m consignments 0111 be roitelred nit the platform • from the cars:Ara:oM Wag pa and the guest.; 75.'51'64 leoniadlaelr -by steamboat, rslitnsol, atop*: xis/has dlrectedt •-•• _ • Persons lotting their good:ousted, planks giee requisite and time:, mile, to that effect. • • parabsooe male t and orders for rlttethiren comnfncturr3 falwil on libeuil terror. - • 1122 - (:) • 7.• .Thlworth' & Co.: • • • ticarmiSsi oN.,:orKI • Produce - bierchaute, L.) Agent,' for Alm vale of!lles,rd's and Isallia's "Emith's ellebtstel 0 appointer ml Eafety Vase, 24 wrol mon- Itteburell. ' • • JO • - Springer- Harb4lo.. • . • (eccotasox to 4. & . 14:. IL4ZBACOII.) FOBINISSION & FORWARDING • Mer chant, Disler in }'lour, Wool and Prodatiolione.olly. v 1.46 Not: EL. end no 13epncl of Pittabutgb. KENDRIOR;' Fonrarding and. Com .er VllT,ll:f.`:2 4 2WitiTi' LlfalN./.4°`•?z -rartoulat. attention paid to Forwarding Moronanata.' ard ooo ltiinrarnta for rale. No ou - anoctiou. or pride:v[4a Boatiot dascription. - ' " • , Orilera intent:Ur attended to , lnanteClOna wtn *Fes Iwo ituritottlr obried. Your bualutas rr....vsstfultr SOneti6; and / plaigt my. atlf to lice vrer7 racOzt.in your. behalf. ,T7oNES, Forwarcljng . and Oom. msavSan 1 57.ndiants, ZaCirs .10 Pre3ues. nett PRIG= . y l blatautadarAt sntalee. Caacl Deals, near -Boventh, 11fM.. 7,— ; . esiN - : - .,_l7o7,s7Zazors toqt, iitkerits 00., vammuuroa seul • fallltionagt Illushetatin,' - ~ .• _ 1., THOMAS LITTLE, sr. TECOS. LITTLE, Jr... (r4estfirm Bablam Little dr Co.) ' -: T EL , iIXWAST. - ' ' JOUS 1nJ0i1it;013,......-....7__ - - - r. 141 TTLE 'Sr. CO• II AteIIONOUGH ..h. EITEW a ril rifF . A.NUFACTURERS of t very description . WE CIL ESA L,E GI; 00 ERS, ..,, Vit t or C0A1...... Trestltg sad V. 137 PTOVES. fila.l wad , PRODUCE dc CONIMISSION INIEROLUNTS mog ma; Wilutou /byre. pla,rt sm.d !alley ti rnu,g aaq ' - Fronts. Tei nettle,'. sad Aver, duerlytlon a FO °NARA' AND DEALERS ill CASTINGS. OCienuisi WareLowie Go 283 Liberty stree t. PITTSBURGH MARITPACTURES, Cittiburei. Jr4:141 _ ~., , No.. 112 Semi) S ;Tr. ,Buißart • • .. EL :F. Wedd . : • • ' OAS BROICEA,DeaIer in Notoo, -Bonds, Ittort.ttaxes. Beet &tete. Stock, Iteretmailee, to at N 0.67 Ato.Onle 11614 Fifth stmet, cent door .to the Voralt Boat: • . • • reline Intolligenco No.': 2 Bt. Otaii &red.. TA lIERE llotele, Steam Beats and Private furstslari , Vith scoddafia ate. sad sdady .Atustin Loomis, _ BEAL - ESTATE AGENT, Stook; Nor:. flrutar, otSza C. popish rromrtly lottlopd lA:U.I2EL L. MA.RBI.I.E.LL, Sootetnry Cal rele3 Luottranm 00.93 19,ttr atrase. Y. ONES, 21 gent of the lulu= oo Co s at Borth Alalelialiy 141 Front 44. F. 31 . c. tigrig v N . 7 , - ;l: t urotary Iftustorn Insu. A. MADEIRA, Agent for Deliswarti M. Au.' Herat Inraranas Cormally. 42 Wster street. - 4 - O.ABDINER COrFIN, Agent:foi rranklin bmwkw» ,hv,,t ,. 0 0 Eaucr , . aerth of Wte4 `WOOL mmolmm3. 11 LEE, (Sticootusor. -to Murphy di' Lee atttletegati.gtlMMts,erear"; PITTSBURGH. 'I4.TURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER. 8, '1853 000. o. moo. 117 M. A. WOLIIRO & CO., ()Torero and 7 V Tea Vaolam, corner of Wood and Sixth dLoxts, brt•o alwaye on hand a large .te . :rtnent dud, time. , re and he Teas —Vorelgn Vrtalto and dints, Wl,lestdo and Itatail. euptatted an the lowest tome. valtdte PrEEDIP ..Was P. 6170. X.. Perkins & liaterns4 iIEALERS in Flour, Food, and Prodo.co y gem:rally, No. 28, Starkrt Er...ftrittAborfitb. audr) • Cheese WarehouLa I i Ij . NRY U. COLLINS, Forwarding and l. 6 .Lreb u tt, , tr i l y ba , 2tleVe h od .teatel.utllrj Water Pitt arwlt vi) 31 AMU P. SIIRITEX ~!r. Co., Nitoksf+le Greeen zn.l I.IOMMiPAOR 61141 Dealers In Country Prolu. eurl l'lttsburp.h 3.lanufeeturee, IL-9 rsd 15.1 t Zacerdetreet. between We 7.1.11 emithr.tultl.Pittn. burel. i JCS. 5. ...... ..... OILN - S.. DILWORTII & CO., Who Nada Of. (Ir3tosr. and A.gente 'for 1113. - I.rd'A.Polvder and de:lty 1 ups. 31 13'..,1 .1., Pittsburzb. triTIALD. ... amtnt GI.STRIe ANNA., CARRETSON' Er, CO., WilOit nal o Grocers, Commission and Forwarding Herebante Oti street. (Moreland., Ohio. Partionlor attention given to the pUrcliase sr d tale ct Produce. Situated on the river, thetrlitoilities i,r elite ping and receiving freight S 1 .the Luke are equal to any _in the ple.en .__ • raerliblOr.i • W. G. .... .... mass.:. JO= ArRlll.l.. W.ll. BAGAI.LEY & CO., NTholeenle aro- Y ten. Non. 18 cad 215 14octi streat. Pitt:burgh. IiLACKBira CO. Whole:m.lo Gro Y • iierc. Boat ilicirnicher. and deldarciin Produce Lou tfitsburgh Manurticture. 011. Pitch .I.l.o:await eltr.ix on hand at thoirWacatonad a l4l Witte:caret. Pittalur, r If I • In. 7. Vin 31.14, URBRIDGE & INGRAIIA34 IVholean 11U Gm.. and Cenuala4pn Eartitar.ta, No. 110. W. street, and 160 First street. Pittantrgb, Dlll Y, X.A.TTLI.EWS . 00., ,WbniCinnit Grotrns,Conatittesion and Fume:ding Alerhanti. and . gen titr Might= Cotton Yarns, 47W/tn.:A., titisbnit 1. IV. wan:. .. .............. --Jona sitr-ion. ntolliN WAT Tdc . CO., Wholea& Orocte, Om=lnman Mercbantni, and Dtmliiro In Produce an.: atititith Mannttettires. No. TM Lititirt7 stre.t. Pitt. burfiih, _ _ CA_NELELD; latO of Warren, Ohio, C E dly.Wtl2u.:ll' Pearl Ash, attl TVAnern Prnitate gnintra walor otrLi. between braithfirld and Wuud, Pittsburgh. fr. 2.1.1 AlA at ll ra{ DICKEY "tt mtaC, WboltTiciei.ir... n.cf,T;,cad - 21711CIST NEILISH BENNETT, lace English, A Eiallea her Whol... l eUroeste,tkma.m.tve,iti and orwa.ni ins tidrehmate - , and Dealers Prodtier antl Pitts tasgh 9lssiti ' facturs,. No. Pa Pelona et. szkl 121 Fir,it between Wood 'wad Ntriltblitid, :JD, Want .jai; D. BrDlLD......Wtrall O. Bon. 11 'GILLS & ROE, Wholesale (}roomy and ur Eg . eariLl...-10a hter-tuate. N0../84 Liberty eidwt. °BERT MOORE, Whulecale Orixr:r, Itmdfring Darnley, dealer in Produce. Pittsburgh t linufacturws, and all kind.* of Portia, and Dori...tie Titles and Liquors, No. alb Libert7 street. On Land • whT large sink of superior old 7douonantela WhilLer, ich will be said low for cash. OBER'T DALZELL c CO.; Wholesale Oro lleut.s4h=tt's. 3l "tfl.ePtt.lT, l =7. PittiLargia. .1 DIM "D. ...... ...... IC'CLID.L.F.S. W/CR MobA.NDLESS, successors to L. d. a. D. Wink, WhOiIMaI•GIVOFTS. Port...ding nd Onutmluion alerrhauts, dealers in Iron, Nell.*, Want, Patton ism% and Pittsburgh 31.ufacturas otypood end Water streets, Pittsburg. CULBERTSSN 'Wholesale Grocer and bre rntr.iaaa BlcretazlL Dealer in I'M... ard Pitt. .11‘rolfactmir n ell - Artleice. Llbertr rtseet, Pitt. burgh. J. D. 'mum.. ..../01121 D. WILLIAMS & 00., Wholesale and • I:Air-US-add lyalroary, Tarrantlnn and t3omzuladon tirchonig. and Dealers In Lbuntry Predgn. and Pittsburgh Minnf , ture, carnet M Wood and PIDh sid... Pittsburgh. + - ern morn vv. &R. FLOYD, Wnolesalo Grocers, Coto . ml f ala n Merchants, and Dealers In Produce—Pound 1.3.0 arch buildings, (renting or. Liberty, Wood, and SIM ,:cat.:, Pi itgborgh. . INSTBITE6NTS 01IN U. MELLOR, Dealer in Piano Zozkev, slunic, sled elukeal Inetreurionte. Scheel ane ifertry. Solo serene for CeJelerine's Piero Ver.:. for ',Teete Penne7iracia—;to ; el leaxl et. gE ENRY SIEBER, Dealer in Magi!, Mu. I kal Iturtru..te,and cfltr.lital Bole agent lbr Nun. d ..ark g - tv=t.. ASIA .Ithtk•lec..o3l.lilnar. Attictratrat. .11.4. S-4 Dull:tar-7i IiNGRATING AND LITHOGRAPRthe ' Fb 4 Drawing,. lieviniiits cnii Visiting Card,. engraved es on tone, snit (kid,. Bran:4. rt. •A wa l / 4 , In th, rznil sp,trisfidiiiit l / 4 1, and f stiiiit .. • MESC.P.L.LANEOUi CARDS. & BREAD AND CRACKERS.I •RON CITY PILOT BREAD and CRACK-. ER !JAR RAY. N. - .IT Lib's.. ttruot, ci.lwri to tha ht tot dmlthflohl. I.l.elo.matehaa.lona el W ht.Neytte.Uraake rand Pilot Ctead mar:hitter.. aen pre we. to Mall order+ rot Crack. a... or Pilot Bread at the shortest nonce. huperfor Family' Bread. Urn and inntepala Broad, tans uptlMisii RAElktre/Piler6ry taorning, tt'....h(.... .tei.. ae.., lap:lied with hard cod Autt Lieut. at all ti.me.7. , F4l. Cake. and Condoetintorty on hand ant , ...de t. *tor. • 1.141 . 0 . ILI LP.11.t.:: In • • THOMAS WOODS, ,COIII3IERCIAL BROKER, No. 4.3 Market. tt PITTH, AVING eatablished mysel f sus S abov BURG o, 19/k3fPLEStr, flOODs4ofTveryldrect?Vt4iBort".VrallioaTBr: go; at)1410 tblk marter, and for tha sale of whlch h every wet, bOn 1111 be used.. • . • • .1411 ord., fJr .elttenarsh Marstafantaren wiilb. proz4t. ly atteodol to. PartleolarAttention will be Riven to the Bale ind Col. hrtlot of Note,. Dtatte,Bllls of Exehantta..tk4 the Put, 05.0, and Bede of ttoeks. AI/ kulthetry and verional attention to all btuitees ln tmak*/ wIA mh I hope to =snit and r&el rwrousire, TLIONAS WOODS _X'_ l ttatrrea... ll 22. 19 GI . HARD & DE LAiwz 112ALEas ill I.IIID-ES, LEATEIEN, AND OIL,. 218 Liberty strait, , , (lON OT TEX GOLDSN 1101tN11.) itS. They will keep on hapda, st taltitoek,,a Rine-a l t o Went of !nattier. for Shaentakerr and Sad. dliirie use: film,. num:taker? findloge. Toole, a. aplB . , BARD a Djii LANGS. •., New Leather Store. • G. MOWR7,.late of the firm of R. Bird, $1 TM Liberty etreet, oppo..lte the head orWood .trvet, velinlcraie and retell ifreior in LEATLIEU. and WI, has j ell LOU:n.111 from toe .15ast. and le now receiving a large assortment of lAiether, eencleting:or— Bel &de, ileitimore Lnther; Philadelphia and French Calrekirin Morocco and - Bids. of all daiserlhtione; Binding atit I,ll3Jpg kip,• and • general assortment Lf Findings. Having parr-based roy entire 'took f0e...1141 am prenatad to *ell low, for rash. I would 1,1,11. my friends to call and examine on, stock briore inirchscing elsewhere. rohla •• • J CI. MOWRY. • • • 4 • • . A Card. !• received wiipi m . y .• Swd u.Pß;ht#,Gtb.S.3.l2 friend. and Clues .wanting. .rthing hal ray lin,. •31f Ptock Ude Oprlon Is very large and co can et Bann itelainne. Bracelers worsted and etnten Detainee,' V11611.61/1 and 31 (*ire; Zirld Ina. and Fringe% i3ert and moll Curtains. of oleadid styles. and Curtain .of oil knadet 'ranch and American Inreale 'old Quilts; Cor nice, at new patteron; Bends to Keane; ceo-n and stone-colored flatland . . all width.: Ott C loth, and Undo, far Window.nlinen, Venttlan ➢Grid, of all kind,. lttler. promptly pu.A. WIC VOllll.lll. !until/. - in . • Cambria Iron Company. ' '• 4.;+ ÜBSCRIPTiONS to the Capital Stook kJ of this C. - . 14,41, will be recolv4 at toe Olgoo of P. nboonberser, or tto. undondwoni, - • - attar, olArrur.ws &Co, nor 2 tt 77 and 79 Wator etzteL • NEW .B :BED:STORE. James Wardrop,•: OrFERS for Bala CANARY RIRDS - of the' meet approved breed. being Wry hardy and a. •Flora. Seede — Ceserrylem•Stiliet. Reveal:at iillaPp s zailtrrzg',.;l l =. Tilff.T=g;ll - Erorgroana crs rata) for,Opristsrax Traor.ll,ns- the &rod sad 11,ortler.taxel 6101411. (o. b 4a Minh strees' spar Weal. .• Elfate official Atterpreter. J"ROSElnterpreter : _of Foreign LaactiagliOlu nnd , roctheCommontroalthof Para. ay 'nada, to midi, to the city' at Pittsburgh, 0999 tr of iricbco. raw tai , fotind 6110.1 day frolic 9 a: rictitt?rle t t! a ttar jird ' a, u 3 l ll9a ß a c :47674itli Varney sad all legal (mother mlrridniwahcicocurdmui!.. latal from or Into the Oxan. an Spas. tch - Laagandmi, with madam and dteactobi sp. • .. . • . • . Tly3: - Penitsylvania Claussen_Compa4y; iFI3ctOR tho oalcrofLiaonaos to Use Olatitioiheo Patunt for Ionli!og and . Dleaohlna'llax. gawp. .late. tite. nr4 now ready to ongptiato with partly! tor County L,nmsea to nianufaotzultnicgotul7..Airiat...i, PhiladalphlaC - nly tL 18n3 , . O A U th N . TY LANDS -07t. Chalice Naylor. h7. l .4 7 tvt::;:.giz l a .r nalanitj' s pu r zrorM pe'octara Bounty Lands fog -afters and' soldier*, their widows and children. and will attend to any other bred: - new, connected with the prevenient. any of he Demi: mots. the l'enelon Okra, or' the (kurta at the City of (MESTER, Merchant Tacit' and. Olo: tiller. Number Woed atm*. Partic . ttliz 'Merv. otuaLl to Boy? ito4 Youths' Clothing. uolb:7 hferahan , .I..:Xitilot . • 'WATTS* 00. Merchant TOlore,. 181 it&trtkoMe lbertr Ee 6M tle t iriemin3 Wl "*"" .mw neet n na 'SWOlr nu tege th* e.. , and Varttnas, or the nawrA atrial and Anent qua tr.. Onr fiierids and nastrawarowlll9lAass Cm) I, red,te NOBLEl,terzer Dealer in ' sat ins. matt now • ' • 2:;;;,•••••,. Nlaware llntaal Safety Insurance Comtey I,IPAIGE in the North Room of the MER ANltiiTillikV,°ALTlarat ak4g..91". if Dane Vesaebt, Csrgo and Frebeht, to all I Dane ill the atirld. law., 1 annaniTz—Un t.70D2 by Meer, Canal and Lab.. %.I,b , i 4 l , ..i r t i nal i t i .l: UV l i g 0 . If. all pa ‘ rta of tba Union. it:kaki /ma fßattaangcSlOn Ilergandlaa a gentrall7. on Store., Dwelling Lb:amt.:4s. ABerig OP TULE (I)IIPANY. - ,blotrataut 1. 1867. panda and idortigas. . 2,000 C 0 L' UL I Si t reaX.Vn of 000ig 14606 i 00' B : P. Olttn i ratta - .ll;;lWa . drand 1 - n — strrZ;;. .... 12,757 70 11'12111 . ..... 21, 04 pt gabgra,o.n.esu.,.. leaned— 8.,D7 200,000 00 . D1E1C20.1.1.• William Martin. Jame.; O. Rand, Dr. IL 31. Knifes, .kamoti 11. Beak Theoah. PauMins, Wim Eire. Jr.. ramund ILtiouder Lease R. Dwrig,. loshaut L. Price, John O. Darla. Hugh Craig James Tennant. Robert Burton, Slienee.r_lleilyala. hD. ll'arnett. Jelin D . Prnxsen, uharlce Ooervn O. Kelly. Jae ,muel nuke lA' 0 L F.deit Darlington, henry Sloan. • J T logqaanv.. I Jones Brooke. Jame. Traeuelr. U. T.llorgen, _ WILLIAM Prar.dent.. " T "1" 11. .1=b7. : otrale Company. No.'l:4 °. I.2ii:gh. jelltf I A. hl :arise, Fire, ana Wand Transportation Iruatrance. • FINHE Insurance Company of North America, l'hiladelphls—Chartare.ll79.l. eanltalsso3,ooo. dacett Sauttary 13, 1851. $1,001,255 60. {pill make Icumranee en !landings and their oontents.in tide elty.and vicinip- also oa , prn3K[t7 of :16.==°= 1 =V. bo atsl nregmen. Arthur Wet; Pre't. Thomas P. Out*, Samuel W. Jones,. John it. Neff, Edgard Smith, fticbard D. Wood, John A. grown, Wl:limn Welsh, gunnel I'i hazels liosldns, Fietnciel Smogs, B. Mud. AlMane, Charles Taylor. Win. E. Bowen. Ambrose White, 'iamb M. Th omas,lim'eett!gil=t: B. 2dorris Wel% H. D. Bherrerd,l3ecey. This Is the oldest barman. Comp In the United Etat, and from high I:tending, long experience, ample me. eod avoiding nll tient if an arse hazardous claracter. trotT be considered as offering ample Melltity to the publi P. JONgI3. Agent, tit 60 and 81 Water street. Western Insurance Company orPittsburgli, CAPITAL 8300,000. R. MILLER, Ja., President, F.M. Gordon, Secretary: la 'curare against all kinds of risks. Tire and Marine. All im , loa Will b liberally adjusted sod prompt) Paid. 4 A boas lostitution—managed by. Directors Who are well knoren in the community, and who are determined •by *om77tncar and liberailt to t rga t tit%=teLw th td2 alto nrciso to be lueured: DtascronS—ltenbed Miner, jr. J. W. Butler, Wm. Ly. W. lbsuseo6 T. Boat. A. Nimlok. 0. W. linketson Geo. Jeekson, Jam= 4 .4.1u1ey., :horse Demi*, Nathaniel Holmet.Jerael. Lippincott, and W. ti • , 01.A.ce, No. 02 Water street, (warshoa of apanft Co. a: 4telre,) Fitteborgh. Juastly ATATZ ECIITIILL FIFE INBUIIANCE OOMP4N k 1i4RR14811720. PA. fkIISIG.NED only for the safer classes of Air property has in *sok capital , and adonis eupati. I , odrantagea n pant of emu:teas, safety`d accortuncc WACO, to city anal country, uterchantA. Own e r. of thre l / 1 15WI, an d facdatad, On country property. A. CURRIER, Actuary, Breach CM., No. 11 Sudt.tdield et...Pittaburah. Franklin Fire Ininrance Co. of Philad'a BAIR UTORS% °halloo W. Banker, - Goo. - NV. atcnaN. TCotil,rt . Blordocal 'D. Locale Tobias &Te l t kW* gr p larsorl Grant, D. 1.1 S. lotrn, CLIAR.L.RB P. BANOKEE, Prez!dent Cluirma 0. listiesza, Secretary Thin tiompany continnee to mate humane., permanent err Limited, on every doscripUon of Psrperty in town and country, st rater es tow as ere 4...ousts:eat with seenrit7. The Compeuy have referred • large contingent Pond. which with their Capital and , Premlttme, rarely invested. oford mph, protection to the esinned. The encl. of the Oosonsuben ..I.nary.let,lBBl. es pub. What agreeably t 6 the ..4.0t of Aesembly. were as follows, 1018,1211 63 111, 7 871 8 08,066 11 61,889 00 04,343 81 T([oyacac7 4J 1L....._._ Stock} ._._...... _...,.._... 51.21..7011 44 dloo. theft. let--otparstlon, a perl.l of 11l yearri Th = hate raid upwards of Ono Million Pour Hundred DolUra Locus by. MT!. lboxioy affording ortletoe of the oplvants.gte of /0.n.0. as wall AR th eir ability and dbl. V-11t1ou to =eel w Ith prompt:rm. on IlAbllltles. 4. GARDNER COFFIN, Agkett. .11 OM. B. N. =nor of Wood awl 24.15. THOMAS KALE, STOBACE, SONW MIDI NO & COMMISSION ME ANT Wnreboone, 4. and S. Water in" CHICAGO, - . - - IL INOIB. PORTA/➢QO AGM or .• . . CLEVELAND AND PIVISBURGH RAILNOAD, 1$ COSSZCIVION, WIT H CLIICAGO AND ROCK IbLAND ILAILUOA.D. AndCaoil Boats for Losairs amide's; 4Lool• (loot, ma:km% arid bongigned , to him alit go,' Jamul withdot dear. ' I PLZ.PX4IOCE 4 --Ittems. Clark. k 'Mar. Witliatt Bina^ ham A C0..11A7 k Black; Mr. J. A. ()washer. Clevyland HadirOst 3 1 , 0co.13.Pranctsece.ronnavirstos Halroad. .11ftziza , TM/VAS MAL& fIUXIMI7.II.OILIFFCII....- quirt., a. ' • R. R. GRIFFITH & EION/ GEBEIt,,ILL CO 2I I.I 2 UsSIOS,MEHOILI.NTS, 24 epitaws WIIAaF , BALTIMORE. /belga —litaplten • No. York—. lilintta Riggs, E •nksr, LQ Wall atxaot. Atio,k/olia—lThin• A. Co. B.Rtnnort kreeddent Mach ante ql. 7i:Viler;;=" 14' k! 41.-• C0... , 1411er5. IhRE. 110.002,A , n,..D.C....40,100r . 5n 1 WAR; R=o“.• StraVi "Bonnet and Eat. Warahonio, r7c4 105 s.l.a.assa STltiaT, .a. ' c oferi for oak; at very r P i llow. a fall - aatorbaant of Straw and UMW ' 91371 : 114—Toraida and A2601111...pka1a and, ~ ,zoirp ph. , Prald,Oldp, ltuup,3lll.lort. Lean. natr.Paa .a, Leg. Pam de., &a, itirS—Mees, lecuthe, and - how Leghorn. Emir and stain Braid . Straw.Panaroa,TdaaUlo, and Nan La ftnte Leghoro, Braid, Straw. Oldp, Lamp, In.. and Ralr. fdlostrla Ipeon, Jana/ Lind, and other forma t 's greet pa* • rr of alapo and malarial. RIBBONE—IIIah Bonnet lad Pmrf,plaluSatln and TO tow, ail widths and colors; faor Gum ander-ape Gawp IaCE.-Plata mud ilguxol white and colored Elk aad • - I Ihtton Mott, STEAL IP runtravus-,cvnts.'r welt. Buttom.arals. P.:lnit.*, to., ise. ..PLOITEA.7—Prenth and 4.IXOTIC•a spian.b.macara aa4 0 11 parato, rich and naval styled. -- 4c10N.h.67 BILKS AND RAZINS—GIaoa, Gro. 4 4‘w• liro.-doPMae, Plorsur.o, mad otter otplaa. aatarlad' quatltko load colors. 311711:4-1.narted qualified and w. Aloo , -alet ard low pric - oelParasolA sad IF= bratss SAW as in, • a NEW GOODS. I DIOBY bop to inform hie friondo and epaiomm that G b gr ,171-411enarg o .P1:11 scent hing tist la feettionable,good, sold new g ,forfluarat , men I weer: It being utterly ltapoosible to describe the variety and elegance of the style and patterns of his Case slums Sod Valr h tinga opoa trltol t zeregorztli t ly of hie e. him With an wall call. All ea hood, the largest, beet mannfactured, tn Wh it:usable ;Koch of lIIIADY MAD/11 QUAILING' in th 'all of which will be offered. at the eery lowest Ph for • 'seta Con.gaciois. blarehants, end all whop ise largely, will g stunuch to their *demitasse to 02 115 the litock before pnrckeelng, sa they will meet wi deah alerbargaing ,Crecy article ln the Tailoring line made Words • the mast diabioneble m en at the attortert notice. A rest nsto enle wano4 ituro.diateig. pl 6 Ladies' Fancy Pius. • RESPECTFULLY • INVITE . T • i i attention of the' Laiteflw our new and entittedd seeertseent• eflrute now agent: oontertelne klaffs.lrlotor toes. Boue:Pelleonte, Outfit. Wriettlete, Olentoe. BUM. We.. of the following Wets of ran. atw Otone Martin. • 'Matted Bleak LT. -- n_ i .4!!. l 'l_ -Mink bLtHn. '• App • _Hoek do Jissuett. prose Pot. Belgian ()elen, Kitt • do • Frenoh - do fineries Iludrrel. Donal. da m 'as..ls.. az. 'This le the largest.ind bbt assortment of Yore ever offered to thls market. Thar are ell fresh. wad of the newest stylse, 004 will be sold kt the lowest Emden. pricer. . L . L .11009l1D . 1010,,Ihughloosble flatters, .. • toll . . eorror , Wood snevisttp streets Imuortant to Travelers Going East . _ tElnaoatly:hetir' three - ociaokin the moini ing. at which the ' RXPRIIBB TRAIN starts for the Diet. from Pittsburg]; had mad* It eery inooneenlent for traveler.aim •by Met:train. compelling them • to be aroused a matt uncomfortable tire or, (say 2 o'clock a.m.) or ale. ti ...In anal! night. Tills inVOIIII" __W 'A' 01 t te 1 v 4 ,.. .,i...!.0ii , . -;. stial, Ittioliceg , ',' ,- Z-,--: .. . t ,, i7,..:t f _ F, ::: " ; , :.! ,, , t' ', , ,-', - 1 1 :*_ \ ' ; - :',5.2!. - , , ..,_ '....,1 ., ..=•;; - ; \ , .•'. \ ' >\-.- ' V'. • ! A. :;.. \' ',' \\,,,,. \ . , 1. -; - •:.- „, ' ~ ,:- .4 . .t y 4 , , '''-'S.-k:',,.'i-:,:,., \": , . _ ..-..--...-- ..•••- ' t1 . :4. , . ..7.4. , . t • . ... „ ! .\ \\ '..F. ;. / . _... ~ \ \ - v ', -\ '' . --',...A1` \ 'x \,, .. -5.,-,::-% i ., \\ .\ ' .. - :,7: - ii!- - ; \ \ '‘' .; '' .. ..7: 1 ' -1, \ 1..... k. ..1, .f : -: . : ' ' ~1 7 '.-:"; - ~; ~' ER' 831 r" \ \ \ , .