The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 01, 1853, Image 4

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211 U BOAT: 2011241140, szfrEtasts 1; is6s
' , ••••• , Pstemiotierr:—ii =Min ior suggests the 1 1
eitemiled Itoprovenisitjar Oakum
the,hibit of selvilishrsg their conversation, br
to uso
thic - expreestom - grand i•,•9e (blots
ileases eaPholifeee td& **toi l e , If
:•a tut trend', ,ss aptorfve„ Thiquestiosu mooted
te,*eiii Y . v 4414 not do as well
for. ;that:lilies of phraseologies,' rho
thin thatithouteverylive slactes, they can do
Iritholit" Wei:apace: .!4110 td Yelr y -1 for Me r,
4,...,:.4410tAggittree,v3-14 oii
'o3llard for the tile
of! thole who could not abstain st =me, without
- . "-dangerietheir health. Mmo Send= ether neigh
hWialphati:itiribigs every now
and gataX , "by golly," in the north,
Mkt; totsy %1041b.n . Ind r E#4.lllllolty " in tbo
• fyintb, arp all specious eontrivinoeb for the use
,* • •vf: lender seleolentiet, •IClateslonsliy, 'under 11
• • splurge .of indignation,- these elegant derivations'
:,;' give pliketo'ihe. edging With' woutierfal effect
s at the.tbie s , hut followed by • corresponding s
Monet of compunotioiat visitings, - • ;
- ' • ;
thikeonvention nreembletto — frame our
psteltintatiestittition;ise hire tidier heard that
:;;J:Z!' . ,itierewas Wiry apiteditio on credinothils obargod
✓tasroertata =brigands lot; elaveholdertv and for;
- I,ol' to haintiiern espungs4
• item thititiody.—,Wash: ITaios• - ' •
-50; eidelires: there In 1848, s corn.
mutes ebstegeOosienertain -the names of those
,•7'who, were in 'favor of I proviso against the.. ex
tension of slavery into now territory,, most of
• 17 - Ibirliesssinehttoembersetthestrller - eonsen tlon
beteg friends lad supporters of such e i proviso.
" .
RW -BOORS-At J. L . UAW 6;110. 78
• ' I.saVii4-aallaaarv . 'a fame folio- ••• '
Ealpaatifiratib,"bflir.SimiTs. •
Kamm sad YYBh; "
, Balf . Cls . toWcalfoi.
"legir • •
OLthll . o/Q
gf M•
latiM tmw alill p re}Aill a tr a gr " !
the World.
losPaptatiher. J. .
• •
6(iFtt ' 3,.42.,90.111-11113:'17.0. Sugar:
1:, ' ,114 1 1 222 bap Biro Oceei• • ZOO 331 . 1 0 12 55eg
.•-• -.. 7 era kez , 14014...21:` ''' '''aV aMI4 ( .
- ---, . t .....]b-bast'l4.ppir; 501 •
; - c.'7 , -.: ', • -',- , 1011011 riment% '.; 613
a. Dbl. 2 mr:' ,
''''''.•'-' ''21361*. Coven ' .2 131326 Tannul Oil; • •
'.'' 1 - 13131: Nuttecti; ,,, 133 das twLlidand um, Blum
: .-1 .: , -•-• . i 21322..12adden -: , ' MO mats W13.20.1C'P 8 13 ,313
• • • ~. - ' . 2 *troops 123103, • n tbisego9 ll .*TArt .....
lb Dbla. Aiwa: • ' 83 12,.. No-8 31seurel.
•160 lair Brum and Black Tea;
:100 . = . V0bt33,21. 88 43.43 700 , inaup.... ..,.
' 'iu
61'41" *.l. ',.. r;.' 4/446 ;2.3=1
IaOLE-LEATIIER--'l ooo .sides - jcist
K14141=1 tar was by SAPID • DBI4IOI
,aa2Si sib Llbeitrstesetothm of tti•Volden Horsu.
- -
TREES: r rPhilcid
~ CA.Lastel ea; }loot Ttees,br gala& • •
t eautterstri *134 . 7111:1[10{1113 'cotry Can
• `twenl .IOtILD aDS LASGY.
ti 'll BA.TIIRR iind. SlKlNflif
4 aniess,
• tor aile et - • Daaal BARD t 1 Vg .
AA ssoulauentiAlt cited and Br D MAN
N N. 014-100 bble Linseed Oil, for
n a i sielocK a co. -
so. sio Wan "' /3 * '""
ISPTS.—TURRENTIND-7111:-pyt:rael order,
11.4 1 i anti AT,AI I ! ,I I mos. CO.
~ salSt, kt. A. MUSS
"-IVANNERS'''OIL7-50 bbla.' Tanners' Oil,
• for we b 7. (.42461 A...FAIINEVOCK Oa
QCOIOII . ALE. and PORTEII-10 @sake
'CV Eaktth 'AU MI Porter . _
tor.m.l* bY - - • - 1. 174
ri_LARET WINE-25 dos. choice Claret
'v Wit,, for table use. hut reed al:d e b u t satgi o i ,
ViNEGAR-1.50 Mae Vineg,ar, fa i r s tale
10INARLABli--1 1 . mks No. 1 Pearlash,
bi' . [4. 19 1. • R. Dataxia. a co.
..1;IERBINCIF-1.2b61e. Pickled
iloinirgo.: on Iliad nod ibr rale br
au29 • • : l4 ILMISELL t CO.•
_ .
riILS-7-25 bblk . brownTaiiter's Oil; 5 tali..
IL" Taavre on; 5 bbls. Wo.l Lard Oa; 6 -bblik
bosebad•Whsis OiLfor sE. DALZELL 6 CO. ,
x'p.l 11 a-=lOO bbbs..lxirge No: 3 Mackin:a; 2.5
eu 20• 100.111E00klyel; 101bla.Ink• Tivat 10
, ay klah. toy yale by /O..DALEILI: s CO.
• _ .
frORACCO:—,ISCt !bouts _s3,. pound
1.....pT0bzw0. from best mssiutacturer),far tsubbr
INSESD - OIL-40 ,tible. sc fil . hi
"".,...sE b7i 3 llll. too.. 6olPaod *Mt.
TORPRNZENE-5 bbl. spirit!
' 4 3
!' etARB, , II.4OITES.I-20,0.115. Carbonate
..I: . o4 cAl.:Pms o4 " ai nitG Bacrinns.
-EVIOATZD 11M.8E200 lbs. levigated
_ r
ia ssbrasss .:
_ -
.?7,7nttt8174";,17,g1t." ti Amy 'lag&
e.CIALES—Braiss _Counter
• ..
eine sella6{4USlLWArbta•W full
lassartc B 1018.=n stars
. nodal -fur sal. tfT —7. XLESLNO•
EXPIIKED , -5 0 bLls. limp Seed.
. ised *AO m, sal• ILEVING 11110=8.
1:1E--6er tierces Rice.• on oansignmen
• • r , ln SLR* tad Osrw. I** ll ' B uegyzyt 00.
. •• • Int.
11.=.40 O i J brown bblo.
ta e;Astial La rdoB!l
AINBATUS-150 bozestala. 1, pure Sal
oviON; fa sten sod kr east . ? . •
mar . . 1,11. BAOAL I IIII CO.
EGABS—,ISO, OOO Cklmakon Segare, •ii
N4drti!. . 1. "... r .
v 73 1. .. aIi&LET a co.
- 17,1[NEA
1134,,Aut- far
"" y "" eas l / 4 :2 Ash ft uit 7 " .. i,erir %iscili ti ftr .
ylssonu Amato , !WV a xi a l .
V a - gt Win
BROOM Bt 0 om. of
radars sealreillesmeaueletel. yise_boVE s s zi
PBO finixThe Dew-Bottedliemp
. .tor ego •ICIAI Jouv Gana.
WintrWOVt.olilll3W-%750 boxes;ormia
• , v orpootlini*Ora l i t iostr GIML
iCatC:4l3.-tiregicial...g. Noe, for. sale by.
kagtassortad Nal?, sup,
- . • boo* co Po41 4 4. 101 : 00 , 0 ! 1
Axes - • . • • • . • SIX JO CURL
:VIRG/MLA, i r ate S'OBACCO=6 3 'keg!
';• •T -.A11,4•11r pellet,. " :losifeautt.
. •
11ALTI3OBIL 20.1 MIRRING.-10 0 bu
z Rai br oalvi.
4 . l4l ;fade • il i t4 lP' , ••• maw onus._ _
•• „.:, idL tarlitiPPINGTA PER , . bins az
•••• •- • v •amrs sod dosbl.• wawa ,WriZinnaln
ITAVCCirsucraz-laso beis Bmil t3u_M !
I tealp4t.7 . 41614.1.' • - JOUR' at!,
lx. r l • ""'"
' , ROAD .70 fWEALTII — JacIiV
lU on a
- • . . 1 , ; 1 4=1"=1" eti f fgerirv: 37 =‘
•..7: Tar:trl7a 1f. '" 44. 6 .
A A.. santatint alwats 'ad baid. .'**.. ** •'. •
Fr.eNTY BILIZEBS. Br. Bank Stook
• WANITD--44, good Stoseadat - (Ado-
• ** ll :'''' - '• •• •' -- rr 4.14,a) alma 120 b 6 with about 2/1 int 1
• C 1,5 . -.24llo.oessica iios, our 4 f•tt i . 0 f
20, Itsatorui answrs
• wtlirs! shat
".• '.• .Q.ODL 40210 & Sees Sarin
120.:00204101! lastlll.l‘ JOELII ORM& •
HITOLI- 35 bbla. Pita tor kale bi-.-
. • 5 r.: Jousroain.
0011rEZ-450bit6eitticao 0,
• •• to tntm own*. autto. !o•Yrr'ltrs.olumt.
i pEPPER-2G bage-Pepp ved
MOLAWSS-1350 IbLe.s Zs:. (Y. Molasses,
, 'N.. 7 :zwrgibaptosfultiow. 4 .rV l T - F ll l,l , °ma.'
is 1015-44 tieroso 11.0: Rice, for sale
111. suis , • - Jone; a 4__.
14kw•ali•Iiiti mai our
nrANNERS',OIIe , -4 6 Dot.; Tanner,'
- -ott,rrya ..oa so, weir. Mill 3o . EN.oai
250: 'kegs cimortAs4 . sues "ands? l
• •-•• ' Isivider Imal.forwlebx• • • 30IIN 4WEIL . 1
•• r • 400 balf•chestielroutt -
' •
'7. '.•
-4 ,- 4
saw i ior
• --50 bode. Z • i' Cl ' ; intm J;
' Ntiarer, I
.. I. • - . 0 LAY - Th '171: has 4311113 t 1
rfu matTE
'' • ' -,. • L . I+lH 6 •lant im
bl -- • ~i .i.kwhia4(l44
.e,.. - - -•-, kiol.coft.pCf..---42C
. mi.wr , '''• 1"1" virl•OLl i n
NLelterv is .-1 , -, , • -41 .
OE -f-• 40
~::: I f,' '..-,-':•t,
r t • -'; - : •';' '- .44., fr's) tr TI T.'..,,.- .---'': "''''' --------
i '''. ; •; ? 4 4 .
'' ,
i. '9s'4'
' Zilma
'' -'
....v.,„,e- .
7431 V - 1 . 14•
k-.. ~.....- ' .. •••• 14 . : 1e ,. 1 :
L.1..-ak • u tan All ibr .66141 ant:
. .
_strode Cre ek "Real Estate foteale...
TRE aadeisigaed, - ovirig • ill heitlth;
Maros= sealbis well tamer /OM ettilee
t wenn= Turtle Clack. stout .111T011 maestro= thfe
dt7; - Tbillitt*ltYllitt th e ttaiiiitam or tbe Phut Road
ssetTomils mi.tatuing , !Hrbeteem Plail,, auntie Pear,
sylnata Gat n 1 'antrrota. The lanu or. the Ont.
0=11(7 and well adapted. by its uniform sculaci. fOS sb.
aintlatla Into ecautrr Oasts In • maim ot 4 44414 X
siblen.srey act be suraamet for salubrity Ot hastiest spa
veiny or Imalirape. The farm embraces an area =aro
TWU eltlNtinED, AMOCO- lbe Imewtementewm —
THY. BECELib OE 110Tita.," bran Let year. holes
le front about swresitywlx. let by' tortywiz fat, wati
took building under the ewe root of about slaty test by
forty amt. There are torytirs comfortable more. with
d Woe subsea U. am:mem:dem one hundred retro= ft the
mane data The oot calms sr , on a carreie.
Ta 4 buildimr is etek. three turf= ;
.2Wow setter furniebed by patent pumas •
VMS' are Tam. - open the Made. ame in. 4 w =ad,
Dweillaw MMus; one is • Wire y arena. at the western
aids of the beds. or= the Creek.TlM the Sta Mat t,
score Dint sad dwelling ocaupied by
a =Math rhop and Walton Mater? Fseterya perhaps
no hitter load. could Deform d ler* daattliAAT. Frain
this pent direoecammonlcatian le 'Oar up to army
trupocuint palt: i f the etimU7. 4. 4 w. t si
u) rants Central
guo.dutgit:tbrg •
• The underawam wed tall the 'bolCr ?eri an liberal
term. as CO times at re y ain. an la _9 4 4sibie
sire. . • Baow
- - • of LitoynitcormaVe
.ftwunly cor. ram' Zi Ilittill7lra - tgaNjfGze•
plena& Infiatch.' Vow York 'tribune and f'bittdol
north Anterlean es& tow . to the nutoon t of tan
DMus and Own* fittsburnll nanetnol
- -
'lamblo Oonntry Reslidences - For sale. ;
oubscriber ha'vir g boid oat ien'aorei
Intb 'MINT! LOTS win nil ow Lot or the wade
ten scow. Thu La die in lleaervii Unmade. rammed
between Saw lallund Feeiitirs Runs. inii o tnimit
lOM of
aL Wrii,ll 0 Jo sing o
obinsan on the north -eut, and
the BOUM It has ootoroarding views at Allegheny and
Ci t ie j ta b te rithTstA nk lrati t rouVrtlio= ati
enrolled with Otero hum, Ample.' Punt, end Chen,'
Troia. iaomioberries: Miner% a - rubbery. a., Liam 10 to
Li Teets old. Each Lot will have a pon - o , !mit Trees
boil. Tams .very reed.• tor uarnoniars. Inquire At the
Lidolier Yard Moe ina Bath street near Went, Pitt.
• .11•34tfl - CHARLES ROWAN.
. For Sala
Hill," Pitt township. in the Olty-Distrot. ; Bedford, the
tannsylyaula flosptUd: bounded by Siorstsn,
Prances sod Bidsre sty/tots, is said District. This proper •
tY ism part or land awnsd by the We titsshen Wiley . . de.
e *red. and for coantsy or suburban roalass, le not ass
ttelled by any In tbat section. le commands • dell•htful
'slew of the `YAlligheny Vallsesuad surromadins ann.
U 7. and can now b• bought tither sa • wholoer in lots to
,solt yorebasent. A liberal credit will be 11.11411 on pot of
Tin V l lAON:Attotrus - r 0.0 1 . 17..
asyt:tf--: llb Fourth at. ritasborgb.
Laud For,f3ale.
• ?TUE undersignid offers for e a lo a • tiand
- kola and rithiable isAar 01-LAND in P•ebles
township, mouthing rOURTWEN ACRES, adNestirut th•
Londe of 1 . 01131 T ana Chadwick. Trds - Tract of Lead is
cantliptooa to the fourth Street Road, and Is inunediately
thgbitl a t a be t. Dity DlXiltal=nrenient to the
pleasant country residence. Tht
<Lanus attoptled with treble andlo in • good stets of
lotion. The improvements are • tiro-ears frame DWEL
LING HUSE and "a fame Stable. Tor further partici:-
Iv i gd terms of etrotilvgit.issith.reidri,„,
• • - -; • For Rent. •
THEW Fia.L—This sirel• known Etta
.. "altastal over the Peet Wire, having wids. well ,
ted Red earl rdalreer. nu been netted, end by the
errant.pent for Ileht. ta.. le now in all rmr.ta TRI •
imitable for arldbllrone et Praerareurs and aortae Art
irenerallr. lt Is also yell edapted . for annlverearr and
other ...suldle matinees of Booilltieh or for Corporation
eletticas, Stockholders rooetlnpsato., and being of WOO.
ma else tante rented on the follawina moderate terms,
yin $5 per dy. or $25 per, wash. looludinir 25 5 . PA/
oi—the Call world be rented fora term. of ewer more
'pima the rated Your Harland 'Vert rrrAnnl.• •
lAP*I.7-,~rd story—
• •
Namable Residence For Sale.'
Mato reside - nod of Jonathan Kidd,2
rdostaord. Ss eared 11.1010. sitastad Lo pier
.an part of, legtotur (lity--tho recent Wand=
of the water and siw Woo rev:tort it atilt mar. desirable.
The bons. bro wall Punt two atory dontOs The
lot fronting 601 mi Mirth Goaal greet. raw back
feet to 9 Abert7streot; and 11 improve&
. grla•
awl terms , secostuaodstlag. -ILIPPIT -
x _
.. • BENNE,
4019 if , • - • • .. • _i. WlLoux.
• -
.I'or 'Let; •
P 'e" T rtu a rm e t ° 4itt r a r gtTt
Mist Illstaisattr . large Pare and Werehoun...‘
dwelling banall, with. other oat-adidlegt with oon
ardent. cheep - end 'rideable Pieter Power so the State
can and tor the'sboa nervosa. • Cal within one mile
of the Mil a snood orally and In ininebnit qn•utit - Y.
Ala tut a short 41lleasse km tartans= bass Patens.
'Tor terms and informaticu Inquire aJ. N. Nord and
Ja..o*Zlsolir..Pittsburgh. end toe subeeriber at Prattle,
Pe.• • : , . • It. LASUIP.P.SON,
IhmdrableftVatrior Sal&
of very valuable Buildin
Loccaatotraie U. Outer Deno of the Onto Or
yl's-nib Railroad. In Allehheny city, &anti:4m the
llathccci. n atni r*Pricalin. ibavalU nal Jlillicd• amb,
aodant riral l axil u girovad Lotou the comet df Lib
art,' 1.1 Yaototy ctresa, Fifth Ward, appetite the thcc.
man Church. 30 teeth.= on Liberty, by 100 feet
" f e"'ll76o.Trohyliclolgllnligaoh Liberty
enteet, the abate, flu, RA betas IA feet front bi
320 feat doe y. house is large ands onvenient, boiltin
sas.bnix =tom, dam moms. .
dleo--4. Pam of. 264 iv...a Lowrenoe county. 6 num
mio—nr=.B Berm co of Talons clue and
gitcae..hona NO saes down. '
For sale loer and on ooft==aaanot i m.
61.P.4 1 1.
Alhorntys at and Beal iltate 4.2.:124
0n.2k11 N 0.107 Fourth afteet,Yitudeligh.
• '. . For Sala. •., .. I
_._ .•
TRE.Atteution 'of .cap*Pitis le called to
e.0,...=114-'l3l.llie P nr= r ti u stm Ail. t., e h era l g :
ing rOO Pet along Federal strut toward* Realmoo attest.
by 1 11 d =Let= v:4 a t Jo Js4t i. a d ll i tt o ifiZ , .I „ .rt? t r i se f eZ t
front, to snit ourenattera ICU h 111 4 ,051.17 Waged on
h i
the studs bre hate between the two elits. sod lathe
Inumetliate Vein yof tbe Depot . of the be and Pennsyl
vania ha mrany. - It would be • tooettleeirable
lonatlon br • t at. • Public Valk or fcr business loam
with dwalliti atlaebed. ti this rroyertr Ammar WILL
'advarka le value, and par a handeonco revenue on the
bootrorements widen Welt bit =ow It Is worth? of
attention. Parma Into nto purehaes,are reanu...
IN. B._ Plltati, or ,
U 'fltr °o A ... . .. - N. HOMES a BONS: •
. .
- .
Fos Heat..
MIRE& Stara Rooms': with Diteiliaga at
when, on ta.ra l t samet, lbaharten &nand and Third
burn." of el WHAM DURO.
Jr—tr al Third davit.
I'oiSale, of to Let. r -
WAREHOUSE on Liberty street. En.
aro. IA No. trf. Liberty stmt. • nab
Very Desirable 'Real Estate. •
:TED anbscriboro offer ftrr sale 11 1-4 . aoree
, of Otasuul. Mooted •aa. of Allownrll l4 . trontinsi an
• Strut , Dtriat Plonk lloat.ood estaosllng boat vitt..
la m Tad. of the t.....a1van10 liolLroal- 111. Pet..
w a t7 D fa odeltar olnDaat, away of AMON Sid Vat VOMIT.
the Sitestiatt of persona doming a Gagmadent. =WIT
loesuoo. If not oubl Ran% It maul roollity Do aIt.:U.4IW
lotto...Ha glad 1011.. arm. room° 4. ou,
, .. .;• .., ~, 11l Wait. Knot.
• To Let. • • !.
Mask, bakrs loan . mt. Bath W.A. if WI
Lis rows& sadsWo s tovr. piss tared—
001/sx nffise,tho.• bols lnsous of ao faiwzrfbrz,
lie. 19 Marl wee, or pa w. Wow •
ZAD. •
Poi Sala; •
TWO LOTS-20 FEST Fronton Itebooss
it---zowiwin..cmerrieng d ie d
or of • so D ro k aricrt i agrejt it7 '
daw.ttf . awn. um,
ACE.X. of *All tango:mod 111-6.111 c Lsad In home
y r —The astorlatr Mai for ash ono Tann of
TWO IitINDIOLD 413113 111 Tit aCKT3. litastot In how
Ihncinltio7 Townellp. 2)6 milts Onto New Utiabton. with
dna -Gran within ono oil. of N.. Brlnbttou
autaildne TWO ITIADATO £I3U. which ma t. dl.l
- Into Ms urn HU. If dant& Ma location Wan chid•
Dow lot asitioninis nollown •
• A u t
o— . VU ottua mail /UM* tran 60 .11.61 W and
anward. 000nand in-litw Straltaloy Towntbl6, dl.tant
horn 3to 6 tants hum Ma Railroad. dm inatitultts,..l••
to_..2ll9,l3,:pribeef ••$
Coa Llr. a4;*ni taw , . 9gitt. 1
""aalt BaiDSDAD
rev (1011. WIND. on. bundled :of mtdct. Ita tiro
go-el vein; or Oat on It; W. lova one is maned and vein
soon order, with • go d rolltroy and can cepa. *of lad.
teti =ben !quads per ttley. It boo .no cf the bat lenct•
lon on tbo -tlear. Neeld Lends all nodal' cultivation.
end ott *bleb .anew tnotactento that eat oat trotea
thoissad'4ol.lon. It to Mr. Can &Wove IfiraVortll 6ll6
etel the mat deetrobto leeway on the ever.
Afore—rtailiTY-T9VO ACMES OY COAL LAND orltbla
ea =Ma at We city mama of the aver, And on Mope.
Jaded root. lb. Basntagbant Idonanentrut Pat!.
ani:4l4. "".4thr....rwr0Dd.4111.,..7....e. •
.111: to! la Elisabeth township, two wiles Wow the _bor.
swab. rtts bras contains ISO alms of essellwat Wow
stow i 0 5 ,1,114 sem clans sad solo colliwathas. TAs
losorartasotssty trans +sal low awslllas. a larsa
frame bars . orchard, ao. Al.o,.boat Ito acres tf OW.
tosarsissiololttlxils .ve Wm. slab lb. 'Ulu of
river. to lb* be • caw of I. best kwoowl Am coal
worts SAY *bets oa strive Tts. sabot!'fatss wad
tarstber. or du ma slow. •
ifitiattgo.9.l44:ibloaall,ey!: at ., I,,sit
aiding of *WOOL DW rLLING ItutiND AND
Log kan • mkt of 44 f .too Yalu atroat. DJ 100 &no
tont agy. nri , boretat
e aces n ro
wan h 'ma sod.WO
tao wk. Baum la lam and wont! r • lio:riliag
Hannons Eton.. • Einnagen . Kr. JEN roil
nal onanatta
Ito Onto Dept W kasol4 tor {pt. Um. oulg ,
char,. • • AVOW to, .sotl IL DWAIN. No. 21 ?Mk
gal.g.—lotnotwl In Donnownollwcona.. The Lot boa
• 'wet on Om Dotter Plonk Wool of 17'f at owl octant;
tog ba.k 2:0 far, on whi.n metal TWO !TAT
, 111.41515 DWltt,l,lno lIOU K '
scallg gobbed. contain.
log imago tom.. The grooftel la ;Aosta with soar/.
of grave' owl ntwa kalif. How tone fur $lOO got 7010.
/I WV..
• 013 21 • ft. 1101,A1N.11.2 l fa Moat.
*VAlttit CITX LOT TO •LE t- - */ tie
ortaxtvAntrattti l l b llgir ,
e. laM3PorsWm Of /WI bO/a AIII
is aril, ag 7 17 .1171114 P. =WM so.s3 Maiket
BOD2RT ROM Alums. t lO at.
:'11. : 0111 Arip• HOUSES. YOB SALt-,Foui
0 •tatbisAi stmt. tonialkb at• 1 ,501 b.lf
1.1 ;WNW. foittlaig MO ter roc.' .ftuf fmo that
mutat to maw • zoo lefootfoot DS. ous mouse of
lso, .•A I's • 21191tka WOO 41, !Wks! atm.:.
• ‘IONDRII3B-5 0 bbls; N. 0. ttiolemer
• U'so togs Its ColPc . 210 Oisa LIVISara Co)04
Sari Uoet 90 , AX 110110.1 (Basta . :
' • X tad atila Grata sad Mack Ti . t); • ..
• • 1 • slk Oars PIVieK WK. rasa StareL%
- ' 'a b. la. Vara and nataosa /0 betas 00)a Males
1.4,00na Valium:4 Whoa.% . •
loloatir Yaw oa•dars 10 ootrzatrad Prppar,
bastetaliontesas and Pan 1) • .
.• . I.o_oazat Ulm) oUvs sad *sola Df; • '
. Uiett bora...sax abd 4041/ Alisrbelx
•• 1.0 area sarb..B,4ia 1 bIL esioptati
. ••: two lama oJ Arrow Roati_ 10-.0 80. lig 41(.4; y 1
Mow ( . 0 o=lo ) 1d 11
'gt.r•ttrad=gaciTV . .
-do . Neatatrailt aad Mamma:
.......atta..litrWatrv.: n i rm ;... . •
• WM : La 41s1111. Posetar.. [wad
o=as/a lry . D. WILLI/IX& 123 Wco3 earsas.
• Coffoi. for
• 1,7 a drat Ibt'ailt if late lot et 124 guas a
X 13.2 =Id 1M
:r....t1„ amts. , - tat /s atamat • outlaw!
Iriat it neat insat i pt atit MOP= Will - ma •
It Walla tatipthe
rir cot. la • arta&
igam I mai %
AORMII- 60 : bbla. with In
INj atoms° Ikkialo.7, Gla.l J.E.
ut- , Anothean • 177 -
• - dabaso u"
•,i,:. , :,,,,,,,,
V9TICE- . --Tbe friblia ire here* informed
roeteeot their Works into orsration. sad are
presseed dalr thy uneunt of Coal at the'. WM:inn
the Ohio deer. oo ea reasonable terms es elsewhere.
The mix rior quality of the Lithe Saw Mill Ban COAL
hot thee 111.3 Company with eat then wiltheeet
- with • full stare thiletratl•As end slthonsl tbm"
throe their trends. end all. who. Uttar% to trade to Coal
to WI Immediately at the Conthoty's Ofith. on the north
sr of the Math d and Diamond Alley. or at the
Wh ' er ‘ r near tenmonth of haw 11111 Ban, and near J.
Wood's Bolling ine. -.
irithtf , 'corr. President.
. .
131 L BAN= CIOIIPANIG of West Bootia, 8.11 York. •
. .
A. C. Van Platen. ilna. W. Permian: Tuner Bad '
William Panto?. Charles H. Tell. lease Vedder. "
Mine. P. Benders. Barrer VeAder. - • Beery
iton. A. W. Toth rbtdp , Dernok Nichols" Bolan.
John IL Luting. • • -
Will !mare Against Malta of the most luturclonanatare.
.11. Branch Once, gl Minh dean. • •••
weds= B. MiLATN, Agent..
NOTICE—An .Eleotion -for one President
nod et= Dingo= for crrzciwnsPoorrk BASK
ift urseußoll. to arm till thy roaniornannol
ti Ora 114.367 of Moil 1064. tol Wald tioriLliN ll .
h o
on TIIIIRAPAJWIrro day of frontrarbrs
boars of 10 gin, and 3 p.n. The Boot. our bo porn for
Bubserf3tion to rho Capital Stork tln that
„.„. a -awn ..noOLURILI.b. &crawl%
-POTle r g--,,
_The : ekepertiiiirehit) heretofore
enroffolg oubearibett ander the Arm of
.ILVAD • NoLD&N. thla ear piety"; by =taus!
oonstat, !Mote • Indshted"to the tearminiele... eta*
naTment, and then hartn• chime pment tam for rat.
Dement to Samuel 11. Stainer. DoktOSlD..hee Abe algae.
'l'.l4ll!ratti°*. °Alga %Matt ,
Ater Sunni S. Szerrire int ioutinne the
•horetotota, on hie ova tim=e•• ATVior tb. 47"'
• anl3dLn .• Be t EL. B. etimAt4Lr..oo,,
Northern - Yroteotion I nt Company . ,
Camden. br_._;
CAPITAL, .209,000.
LYMAN =MS, preadult—A Ctaliffel/e Beeretari.
-TAT ILL issue. Polioisuagainst lose or dam
jets tigeftwlt"oggliWeatziristal Yota%
the most favorable tweet
Lc...a sm/ 4 01oz will be nip sad Dreleel•
ALL Iy pal at this aloe. ..41.CORT ARSZL
r over Pariellemi,rlfsbeeds ..Bantolikettes.
-• . • • • •• •
Itenuelaw-Instmee Company,' Luisinr.,
• •targh,•,Nerw•Yort. .
ROININST, Beerits27.
CIIARTYXID tsr 1835,70arre57., $2140,000..
/PHIS old and well established 00 . mpony
...e_pnond toter. Pennon by their Anent, oa
bons °trite ; EMU on tbe moat favorable tenon Ttur
grao:,.,og=f,:l,ote.Lorle=ltr=gr. ge:=
• bop:IA10(0rd cornet Inman ejv c c ___; •
u"" ÜBTI. :AVM.
Pittsburgh and. Stenbeiale Itailroad.
rCZ enbsoribers to th e ample:ll Cook. ot tbo
Pittsburgh • and Steubenville V.. 8. Co. 'ore bomb
to pr auto the Treasury, the fourtl bisbarient
of fire doliUl per ahare. on or before the let December.
bras:boo, end ere dollars der share on or bdbre the butt
day of such month thereafter. until the what* amount of
some subscribed for has teen raid. •
By order of the Board of Dimmers. • •• '
WILLIAM A. LULL. Trearozer.
' . Treasures Moe. OS Wool • duet.
Notanber 0.1.352. ' apPBAf
• .
iN..CaIIirEQUENOE' of having sold. our I
Yuma. , to the Ceinbrie Iron WAIT:- '
li n s i br
c o o tolr i misti a Lurrthe tiTalL o ng , wx .
snip existing under theft= of II a lILLOIINB ra.
at ileanbtia 'lunges. are both dluolved. The b aegg
will be settled viti by the managers at the ritrimess, and
the 8. ging, who es
authorised to gm the names of
the rorpertive lin= in settling up the bosineis. ,
OgOltoB S. XING, -'
' P. 8110alliltitfaX. -
woncEs. &c.
DOBBS, General insurance and Real
Seat* at.2U, De tad at Ws Oak.
AtcroU 1. 11%S.
, . .... ..
CISSOLUTION.—The Partnership here
. Ware existing between the undersigned, In the
nWeEDIIIO, CUbLElgaltig. GEOCaltlf , AND Phil.
D E Dueness. Is tbls day dissolved by muldsal consent.
Thy business of ;sae Lite nrm lint be istttint by Whitt or
the nartnins. nho II antholised to use the name of the
lets uen. In settling the same. and J. J Dodo* will con
tinue the bandsman as eurdsl. at the ed *med. n0.27b
Liberty street. 3. T. BODED.
Mishnah, JFIT ht. 1853. .. J. J. BLOND.
Garawaas so s.! aa. J. Anon.) -
Commission and :Forward= Merchant,
Dealer Wool and Praßea of all Kinds; -
• . • DY.PZIONCISI. . •
. !
it. Bajmond • Co.. *Won. JUDO, Kent Baste*,
D. D. MlDooakt • Ow. Sadt.blaurialiT.*
__ - • WoDsvlllo. Onto. u. BenU im _ - • •
.Cloyel*E*. **Wm Dithough.
Hanna. Gwown * Patulet, Mow a
(Mean .lin, loot* Nuui. Your.* • 00. 1. .. _ .
Now . . Vain= NT. . a J.ll. Shoostlw_
i i t.. "'" lt i M r a t u co 47a.ST.
Tallar " *Co.. POD- • Tow
rS' milmariben halo formed Co-Part
nariblw and. Trill ointhinolhe•Nnualesolo Groom.
=Mem *VAL • otmul. molar the . era of ILLVIVICy'
!Ultimo...M:lT Mt. .
•- : Dkicilutcm. , .
HE partiernbiplieretofore existing be
t-- tired the taidedgasd. wader the style of J.
1,11,P1a a Oft. se arseerasra Owsunisaan Diesehdis.
eras dissolved bs mated maser& on the 14th of March.
The Dosirwes dll De continual er.T.D. if Wham. et their
former sled. ho ligt Woodatrede•who la eld Map so.
therisen to settle up the Dud:tees of the grw.
• • ' ' ' -• 7 JOIIN-LLATT. .1..
Pittsburgh. aPril 1.. 1863.7 7
ipar Is retirieg from the basineffe, I- tike
pleesore In inswanawswilrig to the hinds ad Detnne a
the• Isteirsa ID. Willims. as • gentleteen well endgett
to diadem. with Dsomptnese ad Oddity, widens
bachsese is intraskd to his are.
di •-,•.' - : , 7 • ... 7 JOED4 iLeTT. ja.
~ . .
'ENE undersigned hare this day entered
s stitosuArAmeisii,:itats,t.h. Bt 714 o!,
las . • parrs+ trairMlis t the cI A ; 0 AlUgh.l.
ROBIRT T. 616.61 M T,
* ' 5. 6. 1116YA61,__
I. M. (M I LD &. • -
. • (M
- • • • - • CHILDS
. • alltll.l r. solnrsiaz.
QM.' Hada. ADa‘basy OW; Jusi• 1.2t14.1•614 •
lime this Attimemeisbed with me, in the
Praka J O BLL w itfa . PABILIM
. • narears 14 1621-16160
FEBLITY & BLAIR To "Associated
with (bus MMUS & ELATIL
wastinomd =pin th• arm a MULTI A
les !mite •
To the Public. , ' • .
rjrfNOTICE' of the ..Diesolutiott of the
rn of PALM •Oa lo ttio =Milos Pol, Of
t w o um
troornmet. At dissolution to oontotoplow, of
whirl um robllo shall have du mottoswhoa. boa .
foblikti ' . Of Ono of JOHN PrlllAitta.
Red River Iron Works and Estill Steam
• Furnace for Sale. • • •
. • ..
`PORTION of the propli!gora *Vibe.
t...outed.b.t. Wt. fanren from Of
onth annagese7ll retantV 01 1 .1
cit e to Orela il t ,
, 1411alr to ILI:Men
_ lis •j it 2 .l6l„
Witt )111.1"oa inak7 PIFIThre7II. am*
to the d ft' Ito.
merltsl, al tb Ftromme. sum
imfachat eopply It elit. Dloome-eal MCIWILWF
WATER POWlol,alth nws sad
With the Ro a l LB De inch:god . me the
emend hada tolling
thou gthere
eDlWdllm ter.inallos the
Wart. the omen. At the Works le • Farm of about BIS
lIIINDRIDACIOII, mast of abkb le veil get to gm , '
end to
high Mate of ..110.1100. • large tern= of the,
Farm I. eno•ed 1.110 ceder Delta wod ••• 114 ••• 101
trace. The Teziab streW eet 01cathrivl nl/ L
I gfrg o'"llvilla
afg ilrtVMPlg 110 of
emoentfcombersslaFACh o
tmi.aloottda. A ib. ... l
elrepty miles szoculd, 'then 000.0 mitre .re etot9.• for
meet or•atre. •
Te. IUmOAtO. 1..108101 all the oneold Lod In.
deals of elaht dire dimmer, is situated ea the dividing
Mire between Kantoety and Red Wert Ix over let open , .
V.. driver. br el:lick. fiteam,troirtol. and ot•01.• •
Ono yield ct P•[ Imo of myth enmity Le Le mad* only at
Itut DIA.
ty of Pig Iron refer to Me FcroLttrtee In Lane
,dl7: ir Albsoy met Few Msdlso,o led.; to Hr.
Thornton M. On. Cintionati. Ohio; end to lion. John 0.
Mean. halt. county. Hentoesi,
Stu snore property, ..nte 41 the Bi'OCE. SIAS&
SOOLS, millb, offered st Intent* rale yes tll /Inn
•nd nct mold Ineattly te effendi*
nubile motion. without reerree, on .on• 4.1 thonatete
lethlth natl. at endob ant b. Mesa throash thlimMle
Outinal el communtrailme. • • ' .••• ,
She orinmtry offer. tosman of enterprise and transom'
Oanlienailans &Omuta thralls.. • b.dsome tartans Inia
Tay abort Um*. ss the tar s us Timbre ere •butdlipe.,
pad tee rig mod at One sleare hrtet . trand .
015 to elx deltas pre We more ttun enr other
the owe marteL Bar Ina made tram Ms
bring 4=l to ant per pawed mars than say alme
TlOJllVitiohrtaValcrigg"termit" .n
to Samuel 0. Anktot, Ale., runt Lealcirtho. 11J, , to SW.
namorl Wheeler and Jcelth A.,401.00, IVlnabestor. 014
cr to A. We'll wed illa O. Jarmo on the premises.
We ale hereabou coo lIIINDAILD IIEAD OF OATTLA
ef retro. ties for sae, em. re which are thormatt bred
Dorbanu. • LAWELL. JAVISI.ON t CO.
Wed elm Iron Wok,. IT., Jots SO. saletl
Loolsellle Journal,trodonall Oesettn Pltteleargh °s
atin, and Wheatthe Slsee p.olLhdal/..0.11150 Mein,
mut mad bills to the eta aeed • li•Pitt to illdeettipm.—.
, Lexington Oberreer.l
CDPILFJIt/UE. or biedlcated Oamponsd, for beieutlf7.
log, Unoroving so. proserrlog the heir, Gunn Me. ba.roa. i ecr. rhennantlem. and all Irrltattons el
the silo, a at, toe aa/s of loa th amount. WI
Oat talltion 111./ annually, would rem to need uo
advertteement: but as the tiStoll4oolll •ho purchase. use
and approve of It honing pro bably Sir. of the 'mot.
mows wrest of the tutelar. done hy s tlrplecaor Pant. he
rres betvelth a pub etetament 0 the Lots derived
ota Ws boots, and with them nor. ere his .rout and
tarty thank, to his lnouroerable Damns.
• yroheror !Larry Is locousits of Wee for the year 180.
chow that eltuina that rear abont 940,00 bottles of Ole
Trlonobstoua were dlspoeet of, end thstAtbe card prodnot
of •thld Inun ease rale tru early 11100.000. •
This plitn.woramlablat tads it • better emourotari on
the rats of the ardele than .rthlng its 1111•11t0= — Ikt
ray. war. were not perked In Its tastli S OO
If It not Invalusble am household remedy for not..
I , lwlls o . borne, slip diessees,lo.-1t would not. Cl route.
tw en universally ill deosaud. The wroth, portion the
rllla .0 010 boy It It soy ones. hot 1701.400/ Darr" it to a Mom to low that thawooreet can seat'
tberowelree of lea bonedu
bold Ism bats /on VlOSetts4, at
97bro tad
gdatl i ss tn. atonnta t ol pttaetSat rta , 1.87
tb.;:rci.r.oatigeblinttillcrect 03.1.1.Zrderaliwe'VeN
tonurs.(lernt WIWI:6 Primo. &an LL ma
• •
inentine• Itomrrh•
Now Arrival of
no trotoostbat racelta and noon
tar Thasa.. el. tech I mutant. ma
kalowlent man Flaws /Wen triat Um ob.
bestad stanandory of.htnas sloksting,
No. 111.137—On• Wound double roand-nornaTed
tosroood. 7 mom, WO;
Na.-11,141—Ons do. do. • a 0..—..—.— tas i
IN C 6 . = ' d e o " . ronodlront, d lrgraia.... Man
a 4O. foss d d t — trfr.
do= UM
I7n: 111410- 7 .)n• do. Croat, . IWO.
Alt abova Plano roe. U• nalittai nspar
Mil and Ea • patent Inv Maas. vitt Hr. Clitekartna'a
• t ym..,s on •9 a
pm rut 'mullein as 4
Om. .Parauers are rat7aatfolly Issystad aznato.
ILOOTO *UAW/ Fri,al at th• fet ea'alltats and Piano !ars.
.701111 bIALLOII, •
anti .. .tgast Cbiantos's 171 a" $1 Wow etts.
sUnlnVii y gi galT, : ft V a g ig"
Ala Fuss acresi. sys inasittitibei
UARIS FASHIONS, farlaDize Darans—
The nag Oakes to /92111. erect per stestims.
be ma oleo Lbild PM" .
• KIM S. 17/L5Ol,
Witt • Na. Tritzu .t e n stmt.
Timu—suogrias far Irani r Ana
r To. 2foc i rint Oen: Um!
SODA ABU —llsring-504 tar of our own
A. 7 membectpre es bar 4 aatt'fbr isle. intro yreperyl
t-7 amuse, will% anima:ars liter MO 1403 th.. l . -
Log Mann at 1 .•n• and 1‘• WOO , •nMi - 4PUL , V ,
• • •
Lar•tl4 •ITLII tO 2•7=l*
, 12 2.2 i • 119 , ,
. iii•.' ~ 1 . met itn.41.....t Mur.
7MM w. woonvmL.
. -
CABINET.: mraitractusta.
, . .
Itimi. 97.1iiii 99 'Third street,
A ..--Vir....W.: _RESPECTFULLY mforms his.
' • . !,leadsanieditomors, thithe has Sint onnieted .
stung nook of Nurniisme, whieh le d the r
gest end DMO ern offered for eels In this =Ade ie s il '
b..dd at prices as low as Any in the Vented States. Nan
or Vint. As he le determined to uphold his stook, with
beet 'memo/Indy, and newest de'.
Agar. and from the extent of his owlets and facilityln
manufacturing. he Is enabled to Droduee
w ar
ett the lowest prices. •
Ha has adopt:tithe Drlr.Mple of idonfingl the uultow
see Interest with his Gent in demlity and at, andbeeps
always en hend the greatest mien' of every decoldPCon
of Nurniture, from the cheapest and plainest, to the most
tr4ZOl3 costly t heta house. or any wart of on., 0007
Into hie stook, or marennotured expressly
'to order: The following cies oonedst In part 01 his as
sortment. whine, for richume of style and Illain. canna
•De surnamed In any of the eastern title,
Louis XIV tote a tete toter,
60 Sofas ho Plush and Nair Cloth;
to darannahoSonY OhsleZ
70 do. Walnut. do
60 MebegoloY Boding obi
20 Walnut _ ~.• .do . .
60 Diahogony Cleans: • "
20 Wynn do ..
' 60' Warblat Cif flentre•Tabbit . '
60 , de Drawing Berns
80 ' ddsed Washstands. '
40 Inclo do ' ' • ' t
in =Co WalnutCreasin d g Bureatm:
uy Bedst e ad.;
SOO Ch end Poplar dm
2D em
Mahogany Wardrobem ' ' •• .
.10 Walnut • . • do
II rin.. .. -- iLd% . • • ' •
.10 Mang and Breekfut Tabled; • ' !
gSecretary and bookcases; •
~' dsen Cane Neat Chain: .
Ilbanifleat Itueidig Illmitel =. " • -.L : '
12 Ladlar Wrltlali Desks;
11st and Towel stand= • . What-Notr, ' -
throine; Paper Mande Slides; •
Convonation Chairs; Pembroke do; 1
Elisabethaen dm. - Hall and Aar dot
Iteeaption - • do; ' : .. Exte n t . do: -;
Poor/Inlaid ' do; : • : ' nson Dining 1 'AO
Arm . , ,• . Ottoll2lllr, • V.,'
Cottle sad Hall Chang - ' • ••
_• Also, • large assortment of :Common Furniture sad
Wind.= chain.
- .. .._
iiiatne matureesitiptioct with artiOles In their line. •
W o a s r s idborast a v dl H tl7 o ot iafardn o st . he shortednot6e.
To'the Readers of tho:Pittsbiugh. Owens
_ . . ...., •
IDITBLIO , ATTENTION is reepootfully it
_JIL rind to the following truths, set ffith In relation te
.one of the mat icuartant rezones of modern timed
PSTILOLMUII Oa HOOK 4: , R i t . Loot. more than one
rear ago dna this [t est re was brought ans. the
Earlaf i ll:l44=fg : = - .
iii .lt4ge t : 4 l %meg:
communitp. and we allege that the Ur it li trial the
=ore °manila' it. great fame spread. - . tls not the rem.
all other noetrums have been kriaten. The PetrolalMie
a Naiad ilemedY. elaborated' In the depths of the earth
by s p oon and agency that baths Ri te tn all bum..
ailroo. It is our duty. when we shoat a meth
ono. that 'rewrite the truth—tbat we say %wiling alas.
land to deceive thaw who rosy nut oar word or pot oath)
lane In or statements. The eh* smear eons catch 0
itny thing that promisen relief from theses' A story ett
badly be too highly wrought to answer the object a gull*
Ins or humbugging some of them. How, we do sot dean
toSO thir, we an ansiou only that the truth to relation to
our remed y ahosikl be told. in order to wenn ma it • .17.•
Wen fa asiseedingeng em W ' l. In the ern mei.
iss. Plaq unwanted facts—has tint rosy be aluertaboel
In nu... 91 end' neighborhood, bur ample testimony in fa.
nrefill Purohnon. ,
within:the pat two mond% Iwo of our own citizen , .
who way tobiily blind. bare been' vectored 's, ArP
'curl ono of Minium. in the State of 011ie, hare bees
cured. And, also, the caseofs grotlann in Beaver counts.
Those are akar. bather are wee has. ham. and met
he referred to- by =rude= who have doubts on the an 0 •
ieer- -Thew .wee ame cured afar they bad been gebandev.
ed by Wading a hopeleu. • The Atheist= will our,
whar used anording to dbectione.-Tarrhoss. Dysentery.
Pills. Rheumatic:l2,o o U, Nenragia.ilreon the Rio.
Pimples on the fees, Omni* .andan te . eon. Tatter.
Brad fitea.potne In the bum . eons. Illcere.
Wen, Ague. Meanie Coughs, Asthma, hronehnio, eat ell
Pahnorat7 awn= of a ehnale =UM toning to ou-
Agu somn=abeares of the Bladder eat =r
altePPal litatik.hrehotel 3topla. Darns and Ilnolool,
I:l=ilThitb i rre=l i t i bin i nke s i b e i s tb r earbT,ftgi:
et peat Initoeu. Certificates that astonish are ii
the hada of the praprieter, who will take pleasure la dun
tug them to the aftllortal or then friends. •
Whatever others may sal about their nalktnes, the
reitraililln nth* greatest Remedy of the sire. Phraohne
of high. standing In the proration's:. terainnina to hien
la their radoe. Those orbe at Brat balsa easelth de
Draw ll
ran d li= " on. 'trine.VlZerWrin% s i Ita. all will be
am to acknowledge that •Ise iletrolaao is the great
eat nation+ nor
liz avr asa ceri am.Do lor , ask w eiratir. t. ' re
Aleri- 7 Vt .0 ...11, Igen, PI Waal drat; D. U.
siztet.iAlleithaLCl6„..ty. A t la, CunT' gr b .e y ta t. pa l) Vre.. tut. 4l'
hulls. and B. A. ilebnestoa it !Cu. Wood end board.
. • . _--.
. .
• • .
Plfteen Dollars (Oily
the vitae of NOSNYALY, a delbehtful asti healthy
imetion—NlCUlTY 1111.21 e, worth Deer gi1.003. SAO
te. distributed 'among Az Intuited
ouncrtbers.c lb. slaw DAY Ur BEPTHILBLIt. lAA. A
Nage number of ft
emir enrage& Many otthe
Lots near them bars Mon mid for from NY) to LAO yet
:4 - .1%1= trol.,==.3tllTP. t a b ilrodLig =IT
• Neal estate on all parts or tang Weal le rogilly ad.
sowing In. prim. Lad le mostantly being turas...a - for
forming and_gardonlng ma moots and permanent thyme
mat,. • Wit= • few days pest, Mr. Lott Wyckoff sal II
acme *flood , 4 Zags Yost. le L. for .1.100. awl
$66.000. ha been Mimed New
for eoreaty-twoatres, l4o And zehmed
by Um owner. In the town of NowfonJ. I. Yams non
rnently been mad tor Urfa ICP O I. SLIM° Dtf as nontdt.
thy In location and capability of predating all Mods itf
grain.frult and gorden vegetabl. for the hew York mer
ketonersom Tram Ilva to tea times Its arsraut ewe.
Yreka solbeatibea is entititd for Building Lots 21 by ICA
feel. lying togetber. or a Fenn of from 2 to W 3 le ores. WO
Acme ars PO. payable in tostehlylostalmeuta of !numb.
If dented Altamonte. deed wll be made oat ittonnilmely
sThir+b* allttlibutbon.letcl 'delisted dlractly attar paying
the balance... •
Tbe itilasta o f Bensals. when. these Late are keened, Is
only a short dating south of the mlebmted
How i
teams, tbe twenty sad simando oppearstew of width
are braletti big! who 'Nit it. lime may already be Mee
the ttt esktence that Tahoe deeirel that itosmabs. Lake,
Load. mil inetnuestrill•. will shorn, he
dudes Moo..
o o h Long Wool. long knomm so the BIC/teen Ifporl•af
/Meetr gram the y i n h bitilima etotietimi momenta of the
tat " L ' irceill ` tim r mool. hgltiti=l;:ittrit - x t.
done-fewar deathe asaosalog
Ita posialatlon time lo
tory other plate. .. ---
The Wanes from which 1 am now tolling at from VO to
Alin tor acts. ate of the suns aensail chataaar as to soil
with thorn now unit[ contration, which , cannot be pus.
c a h r i g m n e a d t
vtialno p ba t sm tail
d n o a ttgal t Y malt r N ta .
O M w
0 i11 7 ,1. 9 ... "'" a 5 v , 7 , 1 °D . 1 . 7 % -, V t.';itzliiiitirirl.
ov,lo BUM otie.g. Boston:who well neat. remittances
aretlertfard Moneta therebr, by return Cr restl. Teo,
wilt Aso grotaltosiely tarsi& maps and yombonics of tt•
W.M. ond abomfohY it s sue/400W lailmatatlon ss
ar to &wired.
'jletereuees to lion. than lielig. of thiaatsileaa Instl
tau: DaE.
E. 7. Peck; N 0.200 $ te stroet. and facial J.
sirr.,“..B,o?iiY.: uqot . , 11. &tikes,
• in Madan. S. 11. P&STINGII.I; a co; io State
, • • TUOSIAB )10F/ITT. - Agent, _
.j.lll - Mortiarof Wool and Fifth ,test. Pen haillMmt.
IaiEOEIVRD. this diy, W. !COLIN
/A, TOOL at tha OARS= IrAMMOVIllite at Fourth
arms KIRA; er luse Mddltlan toils extant& asaortour.
of &WM Sill Gaspar._
Twain Brunet& uarmetr., , •
• Bram& Cautotse •
&Ira mar ttniteld7 4l. Ma
• ttaperenitho.ll br •
•• &mentos lova& utm.t•S • •
ILLlsB.—Daistiak Verdi:tan Marleldn, • •
• •••• CotlxnaeAleVnak ernitha CAM"
COMM Brum . Ueda. Id= oh*
- ..471 - it rl=lb. • • ith" &uunua mats.
vow Hin • .• uftg na idL t .
.. goer% &do and MantllseMsta. .
Olt Clie7lllB. of .11 veldt& ind Martha.
1 "°6
4";Moti.'. rutzror=lriudelre
Israir= ito.
ao: Meundstloa of &a latest and boal daatadinedot , to= \ 4
21VIEVIII= paugh lhoPipn Botthent: ltailrota
.77=a t tnar.ifr•it ia giainglEtZKOW
rginy. ahortest best route tioin - Toled0;
it Mosso, •Itibranhise and scream. Lake bliabbealt;•
Vlo. Meads. Southern and Northern Indiana Railroad;
. Through to Toledo In 7 hour., without landbes. ••
UNITIES STATES 31.111/ I.lalSl\
Otte; of the staunch and oototoodioes Upper
Cabin tetwermere• TROT. Cart. J. M. Harem 1311PIEMAtte
Copt IV. D. Wllldusan, to oonuectlan with tho allehlgan
Southern RaStroadooni lam Ulavaland a; 7 eclair: Se;
4. ll j'AfAlrtr
alum, monad tor Chloaso: peeing through &WlO. 11.1110
144:Mar.VerFoe. W11 4 1 ,,Rnel . P t•Joirl.he b outI t t
Such. Tho s tllliareland to Chicago 17 boom• .
•_ niatto Ittobtgau Southern Sallroad la new, 1.11,1111.
' b"r gy t tba rsi ".1
" or tg ° ll 'd ole r s; or head.
one of, the bes•Vroutes to trawl triita• country. ,• \ i
earyliaadeasa non erred free of eta ...yr wthe It Ma
the AMU. and dolma Matadi not ,t807. 4 ..vd
farThroluth Tickets sin tai had at the Dee* of V
art.. Cananel.3 on thee Doak. awl 81 RI atraot,Cleto. ,
For further inlbrmattedi or SY . lllh. o rarity.' aryls to
. . •
Tl° STOOKINGS— 120 dos. men's
extra heavy grey Cotton Boelor. Ti dos. do. do. m•
'bed. tired inroads, at the
flPrlt 6711Ett
ivu ltnatitiolittoory.
—WO dote Boys' ettlot noised Cotton Boolu.ytblaid s 1
SO.dgs• dada white do. do do.. at Um
ItIYTII. STRAILT P i rallas i viv a . t .
STOCKINGS-37 dos. O r
Itise wens cows swoons.; T i na .1•41. tato.
" " " "rn - resTaita lea.%
" • 100 des:of bll ua Lt i rff i
t ler r olit t and i ragr t te t it t l c d t g r o
4242"4" • • ' DALY.
• 1:.: ° • to .1.1
QIIiIfirIINDSRBIIIRTS-6 dos. Ladles'
. • . u nazi= Ptock
WlL earattilwtom
,—.—_ •
ELK and THREAD GLOVES-200 doz.
Ladleo . and Chlldtan's Iterdery Olor.r. In 1311 k and
Th". 4.
" Vb r ifl u arga * BteliF ligg b.
sr=• WIL lAD DALY.
~, A MAIS' WOOL FEET-2 0 dos. super
11 Gottan SW-kil• taut& wool *clam 10 dos. tansy Angel
"4 4".
loarrinto Masa
Comosay as ellering wbeleeele frt z =
0 UMP% irk Man. from Safes gatmt
Geftio rtrtha. of suer rttlre end beentlial Mart,. Toe.*
noose are • stsr.broof, ff. from oupleereot ...a. DIUSW
end flatly Ilta InaV. Bunter. net Infured by fat/ lot.
otthree, tad will not deoornoomi en! became Crony. They
ate ere , , tram ail, Y bat Goode nem
tolorTrig.ffftnitten:"Perebie,reltber us this country or fie
ltame.eoll ere erarrnnuld outott ell amities." count r y
the vefiety may be tobne cats. eloW F.elerf . Irrerhan.
reefing. erirete., (recurs. Re.
. t Arreure..enne,
camp antloo, berm 00011114 allover metre etrlort,
Dnat ° I P A e1: 14. orEenitr " 1 :11711ta5
Inloon. watts. nano.. teltb • very cheap aria elle,
tire life browner, made uprealy. to meet the net
taw law 01 COtiffell. of • Onleb end the
Governor te ant o th er erster•proof coeds now before th e
t'ablit. fat Went the
' Warebttese, 80 Cedar street.
Denrs triter•Pront °odds 'ere Intlred to esentlie
thee% Wren; they 0111 tna them eb!spo end sex eu ,
*rent to wooing L•• 111111. Gael' "MI bea.
zbp_anef nest et r Dome.
iQsa. II;II.I.I , LU /MEL Prost 0./..G.P.00.
IL IL Itilirtol, Treat. and
853 ai ga i mm ilie 1853
fIN and arta , WEDNESDAY,.
p 1.858, Panertger Trsize will run daily'. at?.541.7 1
J r 11.4111..1
ar KV TKAIN Inrree reor w •
p,ztav I •eit et 10
X..1.101AT10 VI
e LAIN hares ClereLerd foe Al l 4
ence and 7.30 x.
EX . PIIEEIB Wallsville.fOr Oenland sa
war Staten& at 10.15 .a. x.
AC(.6.OIIIOD6TION TRAIN leaves Alliance for Cleve
land and way &Wong at 9110
COONECTIUNS. the 9.00 A.ll. Train ham AU'aote
connects with the, grpreas Train of 0. A P. ltd.road. isae
leg Pittatrtugh at 000 a.n. arriving at Cleveland at 11.97
o.x. The Ripen Train from N atingle oonnata at
aik • wah the 890 Hall Train ham Pittsburgh 0d
reanhing Cleveland et 8.10 P.N.: also, with the MIA Train
of its 13 1 P. Railroad from the West. arriving in P lllO
burgh at 6.00 PIC The normal Train from Cleveland
naects at Alliance with 01.11 Train for Pittaburgh. St
tem. Canton. Mauillion. Women. end Statism, on 0- 5 P.
, lowly on. Train daily f Clireland to Pittabiargh;
Owing to the rental of the Obio and Pennellruna
read lionglanor to ellalr an evening connection t t he mu..
whilh v. paid unmet vista passengers teaching (qualm. d
in the afternoon TAW. Tenn the gut and Wert.
The 10.00 an. Train ham Cleveland and the 10.16 6.x.,
Train from WellevUlesounest at Bayard with redread to
Carrollton. and hack. for Hum. New l'hilateinhia. bad
Coehretotu , • •
• • trains each Way edzinictit'Hulact, with the O. Z. and
C. Railroad. lor Coy &hop, Palls and Akron:
- ruannanta Laving Pittsburgh In the WM a.x. Train
Mutt Cleveland at 630 P. z. and conneat with too Light
ning }`rain of Lake Sham Railroad.. leaving at 9 lb P.O.
Dr Dunkirk Retain and Niagara Yells.
• Pamenagan by nil the Thant canpao forward. rut ,
- or math. by the following arming lines from Cleveland:
FT fouls ox iota liis.;.-The new and marniewnt
Booting palaces "Queen of at wat" end *. Crescent Oily'
leave at 760 P.N. for natal. . .
'Lain loom of 3.40 and 8.16 P.N. 101
Env, brankirk.Baffalo; Niagara/WU. &Tank and B o ein.
-Maui :Ann, Cottraana Clactinut B.lllloll.—At 6.16
t. ...• for Columbus andVinelnosth tame Train eatmenta
at ti alien wißlfontalne and Indiana ILIL far Dayton.
lnilanagoll TerseHaute and Jeffereonv the, Indium:
QAT:Lisp Rataaan—Lt
for Toledo, Chicano. Hilwankte..Lanalle, Galena old
St Lenin idea. at 7.00 P. M. by Ammons on Lite lisle to
Tol•-do and Detrolt,thauca by railroad to Chicago. lfautta4
and Galena k
Throneh Trotted' in Toted.; or Detroit Stk"Chicace
Law le 614: Galena 818' 7t,•136,L0n1s SU.
Tbt moan Tleketa to New Ycrk aud.l3olltanTia C
roe obtained at this cane' -
ora regauted to roams their tickets at;the
floconany t Udine. of JOHN A. 060011.EY, Agent.
.uI3 Illonong.hela Home. Water St. Pittsburgh.
XPRESS TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh at
6 o'clock A. 11; daps only at tits prineilial Stations.
line at Omani. at 120 P. X mitring at Cincinnati
ntbe evening to Columtnin and Xenia. ran &on
Vborsh to Cincinnati 17 76; to Colon:lbw Si 25.
u AIL TRAIN leas., Pittsburgh at; dines at
AlllllO.l and teachas - Crestline at 0.60 P.M: connecting
with the Nista Train to (Nimbus and Cluninnatioinil
vial the Ilialefnutaine and Indiana Railroad toe Dalton.
IndlettaDoLL. Terre haute. and towns in lrol latta. • Con.
conic an.mods at Alliance by railroad with Ravenn a. Rodman and Oiliest:mad. Pare Irons Pittabutgla to Clare.
. .
la d, St 00. - .
Connections are triads at Mansneld by railroad with San.
do•ky City. diatistbdd, Mount.. Vernon. Newark. and
Isserrille, Fare to Sandusky Cit 7 di 60: to Y 0771,7 k 1.4
to Zanesville IS 00.
thrilled:ens madowithDetroli oft =Sago both by
Cl,voiand and Sandusky City. - _
”Isreagaw who love Pittsbutgh in the Mali Train Si
• go direct by . Manstield as( Eandussy City I.
Dettrit. without detention. Para to Detroit id 00: to
EXPRDSB 17:11.11i. laaies Orestilimi at 1 00 ass:
litsweekdd 1.40 w., and Alliance at P.., sad reaches
• tebnrgh at alb r. sr; 001111•PLI.j Telth the Express
Phtlad•lphia and Baltimore, which leaves
burgh at 10.10 P..• Dims ClPPll.77lolPnali to Pittsburgh
no ore—Pere SI IS. Prom Cinonnati to Philadelphia
or Outdo:co e 310 th. -
. •
w Att. DILA th lemma (hotline at . 1.00 a. 0r.4 dins at -
All:snag connects with. DaDrees Train feces
• anivet at Plttabarghata r. N. •
Pi ttborgh at 10 a. K. and 520 r tr., sad New (Wight=
17 A. X. and 1 r. W.: neural:a /Yokels St 00. CLelarterlY • • t sodas,' rates.
II:61011T TRAIN. hurls Pittsburgh at 0.90 `1; a.
nai ortino 420r:rt. .
l'ooooolors are two.atod to nro:uto Tlotets Lento Ooraf , ,
noul's Othoo. a: the: ederal Street Station, of
. 0 u(IBGE RAILKIN. Ticket ARV.
ATV. The Trains do no: run on Sandal.
r nano: InfOrsztla roato T o . bplnai of
Age '
Pitt6Orgh; Ann.: 0,1051.
Writruw=Rl or • 4.. Di IN
11'1117. 'FAST MAIL 'TRAIN will leave itoi
kaliannser Bts don on Liberty street, every moraine
at a til3B 0 , LOOM, Mooing at all the regular 'tattoo/
no a e road. and arriving in Philadelphia neat morning
t 7 tram/. oonneenng with the Trains direct to blew
York. also connecting at klikrristnirg with the Train for
art arriving In Baltimore at 7 o'clock A. M. • ,
Tan jexraged TR alN—Learag the atation army ay.
en‘oc at. 8 36 oleloet., etopeing at all the regular atatione.
and airdiseang with Trains foillialtimereoll 8 o'elorg P.
X. also connection with Wages for Bedford thillege. s
Cale to Bedtoid Bering"! $0.130; For. to Philadelphia
$9 a.; Pans to limarnoni ag Col:Pare to New York 111 CO.',
,Peawngars borehaaing through Tickets to New York;
aria I,,loonsaya4 from i• depot to the other. In Phila.
a elrbla from of aflame. verified they go direstir through,
TI- xte a good to moothree days in rwisdelphia. - ,• - N
alas:gags clacked to any ;Ration on the Partheylvaula ,
IleArosol. and to Pi iLadelnlint sad. Baltintore.• ~. -\ i
The lecomodstionTrain will Ines every aftent u =t, 1
.6.18 o'clock, stopping all re
at agular etations:and r
Cale as far a/ Lava*. • g
• - •
:learning Traias arrive In Pittsburgh, at 3.B3iandli•A. I
bi- and 7.16 P.M.
revengers yurcloalug Tiekata In rate, will be abated
T0N.c.1.NT.5. lo addition td the station rates. esoept from •
stations where the Co SHAW' bare tdagellt- .
' nektCll-411 ease of loss. oh. OolullanY will ho ld t hem.
salver rerponalble Orr .personal .beawage only, for au
arronnt not atoesibis one hundred dollara• .• .-
I.Bllol,—tleaste. M. a .i, Ditidenthal, Ovoid Pro.
yridoes, hare been monitored to convey tanwature and
baggage Ward from O. Dena. at a charge not to
15r, Gelds for each Dasaanasr, and 12b - pant for
trunk. .. . _
For Ti ck et., WAY to .
- -•- .1. 61.PAALTHEN. Agent P,1111..t1e.
11abburnh.aray1.74 In& • • • .. .17:6
a—NW 411111111
Michigan Central Railroad Liu.'
In convection kith the Ckeelend awl Cinciesati
R. R., Clereland and Eris E. R., amazed
Ihttsburph R. R.; trod Miekgan Central R.
I)ASSENGERN will be ticketed tbroct
& not. .7 point on Lake Miehiran to Olevelend
Pittladelphla...a Baltimore,
from ritber of tear places to .7 point on Lent !titbits.
MAY QUEZN------Capt. D. P. Hamm -
CLIMSL AND- --. --Cent. J. R. llows.
A boat will leave Covets. for Detroit. and Detroit for
Cleveland. raw evening at AM Ono., anivlng In atri .
city - in time to renew with all the written
ret, or Pout. and with the Late Superior end
Dlfil Lew Boats wID leave Cleveland in the lola •
lowing radar:
Manny...-,-.-..—Wsnm ern LLAND er--
.01.117, • •
11 QUEEN, •
.hie oats, from Cline!awl to thokago,te tenth the
pretenthde qua. The tentethaer inaiois a good alghYe net
op. n a Ire-etas steamboat; and. taking the ears at he,
Walt In the noornlng.trate himself he Lltlaago after a ntne,
home ride thmah anneal eountry. and over the Wel,
=anew] R.II In the West I 3 any other roam 1.7
most ender the lattice et night ~ding upon the 13.1 , 1
or the morme of the hyper Lana.
ilarPeraten intlthog la neon Derenar, or make eon
bye. fat rmiedia, atui apply to L.A. isms. 4.ct,
Clevelerul. (Moe corner of hirer and rt Ulan three%
Central ixr-b=re,) or to JOUN A. CA 0111 . •
Anent (.1, P. 11/1(10.. lionongeheth Boom
apIS rittabizsb..
tllehigark Southern and Northern Indiana
Bail Rota.
. a.a. _
gr and attar February 7th, '&53, tinul (4-
the" awl., ws Ttri will m botwern•
Cr rraro. Toledo and Alourne, Wt./. MPt
Chicato tar Monroe and Totsdo
Ulm , tor Tolodo " r.
2 otod tor I 0 '1
liantor Cor 130100000%---••••• •• • • **TX " I •
- •
IThta 800 is conjunction with . the T010 , 1'6%
nd Norwalk, !at • Shore, New York sod Dad a, A.
Albany awl Ibrdson Ulm Rail. BrAvlo, form the only
Ball Bad ontamoulnatlow Gaudin
• • . ono Brom=
Chicago .& Columbus. Cincinnati & Pitts 4.
burgh, via. Toledo & Norstalic Road. • \
Wbleh Warrants rho' it A D RIVER AND fIAPI
tt , DAYTON ROADS Ar RELLIO7TC,tha itaavan=x
• losukt m a aV r i L e l 7".
" %I
AA dor, Dor- 37.1111 a . NV •
Pal Y—The summer rata. between litteburlin.
I elpta • end Ben.losore are as fellow.:
him iere—resthern reglad Pony. Bank. Deer.
Stk. 11618-1 b ante per 10011 n.
Barona Were—Aloobol. OloveraveLpter
Skins, Wed /MN Cllaerwere. IlelnlhDanwerw.
nw. Want-03 temp per 100 lbs.
Vann OlNlP—Bnuar, Witte". Chew,. Itertben lrenh
Lea Tobacco-80 wins per 100 It. •
Fourth Clea•—llemn, Parkern Beet netted. Lern
Lan On, yibirkay,Opt- 40 nuts eer 100 : \
UOO. 0; slun war 00. \
• .01 " • . irmtibta.
~re gadluli t mp. A. raOI I I2 . II=ITA. ,
AL plus of bottoms.
rom air. Wm. or Barth. Dnutglot.)
i'Mfummux,Stiob.. al 11,12.1.1
Ifusto D. A. Willontook—tioollocus: Iba sto• a
I",lbigatt:".lfirmlll2l Ij
• Votl. '"" 1
ETr doson. ourtr ter If boat of oblch I. ° told. It D .
Coot orocrottoo ILOME , t.O* mum% • Mr. Nei:
gA b inn l ffOnt igntVa t f l =r kt UrM ?f lZ l : 7 & l :.
Woo al !el Wilt info too bail. tit • oftliAltaf
T r.uokt. mad 11 based *rant t
to *or= WI,
a t oo l long. ood muff mull. oaof auto way, out the
da) 11 mon st ttutitUtO• ototts LIMA otter
Bumf r. Tann, as , W.
J 4 a L. 111111111.OCF ;6 45.
usoz. viz,- *ND,...t.A.THEIt. ~ , E,1"0
D. .I;3lgp,agiox„_ \;\ ,
No. 911. Nototh..2%ted. itieet, PhilodOl
.. • . . boom Norllstoa4o4toutkooti,. ~ , r a :11
AVE FOR 11WIS'./._
hooray wed CurtlarrlTlOL.; at ch., i mml . , i ,... - a
~.. the boat opt.
'.,-, .. , ~ \, ~, . , ,
All kinds of LEATHEE..IO, Ito Tonal, WANTED. Err
whirl Cho hlstarrtinall...P. l ..,..ili lt. elven.' In . ltAllli.
or titan In asahange .for
aides. - s .
Lemthor gored Enna &WE.. oli oAk. on Itaintalrait:n. ,
-_beam ,
• ' '
C. Frail* & Ccasl l. Inlaitk,ll,phii=
VALCINED tiiidffiESlT\PLAS ,tllt qun.
u iffy nttrevod
) "1."." .tl c ntklll...! l" n p g i er : dotter , . P too." na.
Vtilt i fiTrtral ifailitr."`P.6/:1 to P 42 ' . ‘ 15.14'
P en u sued Plarter; ;\• Satre Lind .r. 1
'Cotton Plaster • Ord. do. , 40.1 - , ;,. _ \ •,,
Danistat 'Norton', .
‘lobtst /lan; +, .. . :
Oltat HanuratZElaster rtrustan Opanol ‘ O ,,
...notrie .1 , Phosphate .44. 1 . 03 .• , ' \
VI. au reVae prore p tairci. 0 6 , '•,': -
tjunetant of kart are..Hrorrn ,:. • ~.
" o =rd . : :.., \ \ ta.llonttill atroota.pbEsdallobla .
~ CHEAP cH4B - A. eutsl4l. \'.
fIIF ER to ' the - dittsono of TittsbuiVd`
ill . vlolniti. the eboW. .of thelr - boontlfn inv.
torortedock. in Aar quanClV, and' of au. QUA of
DIHNIR, TEA :and _TOILET \ Pete.. .. - .
D181LE.._ . ,1 PLATE 4. rrooulto&tt . .., 0m...a Or Eolt.
Ilab OntriA or nto.orroos w.... 4. 10•4 •
W. d linuldraLln Arosta , .
4t it e trisTiloardlii l 7and'llrlysto , i, ... •
it Alta.'s. 0 1 0017 &Cap DA \V /.74 4 . 1 7 , ,
. ,
.. '',. , ' Wines nini. 1411110 is. , • •' I
.1500 PIPES lialf PiPie; QurtoiCitake,
and India, Barrel.. Pail. Gold and , Zrown
9 errle# 9
,L. .' ELadchnk',ll and London ; Doak
Pert Mnse, Lisbon, .T. an - gn •Tmanrigre. B ...i
.Dry, Malaga Wlueo,Cl74, ae., otnatians brands.
I'm& Brandia., of vas Ma brands; illoßand Gin,ll:
melea Eu411:141 and Sohirtt {Ratan. tre w M 9 5ia11 449,1
Nen Orleans Rum. ae. Pb,“ a f the abaye,aro.2title , t to
4. ll b re t alialeta Co gait pa \ ream
1 by
l a . - Na. / 0 ?• 60.1 th NT.At. it.'.YElrirStaPhil:
:.'. Straw Goodi—:, pri* ~,1862. f ~
rranbsoriberis - row .ropatod*
j_ aznlbitufkuzakaateand ~ • era .taattritt
111.7VAr L' 41 " 1. 147 ' itiitiarViD ''
maaccticUitit, -• r hcaLa5 11, 4 4 2.". 6
variety fir ZUM/LEW RAM, fo 'Clantlareerit which, for ,
Want, variety. and beauty of manufacture. aa -sail VI
. ‘V'Lr' 7 2l7 O, IIZOVAIMITA: *rlitVh1 4
.6a . .e..,,
°unities. .
work =id* ta crier.
soluble for Cote:tee sose
Pearl Port
4SPLENDID ate - Gip I
, for Panties 164 othira
no, on nand Marble lanai
'variety bf rliefifinr&it
41sr Ocabk--113413.
- Philadelphia:Varget l Wax*, ,, \ y ...
ISITPBRIOR,:cmaity,-Eirm WEIGUIT 'and . litt
Pun Hakim Also. OOTTOtt YARN. LAPl3.l9l. l :qti
e.. am., tor se4o at the lolreettoAes by_ \
\ , UAttilrON 11.3100.13.11; ,_
*Mr st, - ' !.‘, .116`North Third street, PWC.I.In.
re gauzer,&
IMPORTtIiz and Wholeitalo Jobbere in
ILAIADWANIt CIITIARY. 24 , .1.72 blatketitreet.
# prepati• ht Ptlip
AM:ler:P . . 3 • tear-41#"Shiw. lraal:gt"''
;;%'l, : .f, 1 ,4 0 1 1
,4. ll M; dsizak ..
. .
e Freight (*gauge
atn i l t ustalin4r
'4 l or $
ek-e, oiea
New Tor trr thall
\\ et& \\ neo
\VAFEROP_. \44.14T1F:
nMIE=IIk 1
1 1 , 1
\IIK DV( A 4 orcarealm: 3'"'"
• pit„ . Mtui , f, . er and
Importer 'of r HANG r AND WIDE'
TAINPAPX*I. No:Cr. tfortab lll t. • .
d. ••
• .
n)% 1 1 , Taip : ur :
1 , ‘. \\ ' \
~.,,,4 .7„ , liti \ e s
\ g- \
/Mk attienitai% r
tt aiirA l hauva s
'-'ilg.,a us c.\
itt...,v I , iv % lu c k
t kirms.
,7, 2
1 10 ES
Yar G • Lured.
Oier.l2 , lM 4 M. W.: 1
itt - ith tiltarligr% " t i
...ti=7.dfroa-k- r
..,:;. awf .64 Nunn itneet,s:
o.un ,
, - .
:FRENCH ......;. HOTEL.
Cor. if rltii ki ori tr g t.. , : '"t , , 7cl - o.lo'll-Bli' '.
I t
. . %..' . .....IiFW l i r) ' .. • • '. ' '
t 'V d l l:lttzukarb , z , n ...•l l l . -4-,, ! tLi k.t . 4,
we 0 10,0010000.401g1 , 00 6 . 00 t& t eaconi... • ,
nukes suspretl , to tbe o :orld. a oontedus mere renew,
it ' ll e ' f:r, , `h..4,hmig.a thin IT' P:::',:nly..lg
ro, or le toy Rid , .Zle ' , Ma' aro' "Riu l * I
**lb. - Vir ter ttlitel4lls l .o o Z ilit,d et& ere teen'
• on. It. din • mum\ che halls awl' Ira r *Meta en even'
Soar *ill be llt er ul4ea QUALM' du,: la:, This: Hotel
Leonukuted oil the lerolkell 0 ' • kIUM '
:sod mauls es th ey . ,he oreerevill , • •Do ,
uPHluthk_Hot'eueon ll- ' , lc Witter Insai l loUs Timully. or
Herevesupollulia esoks4 the suluiluol , • bees of Amuse
, Aleut- •", " • adokik \- \ I'. , ' :, . °••P•HENOLL k, '
Bd 4 MEN
13T.11*.ET, S N,
EZ)3 o,4:Elegant!
=at uwx.e.toutulprovumeera:
reel for e eceonereadatkole. ,the tee! oir
Potato. • \ , 11033.1
.`l.r; :*ixiarix.: •
..QAMUEL J;;WATEIERII , I46,OO., g01:1-
1,7 tillnetro aal t iotwarignir Iltephsl2l3.lloB:,Tamis.
and be Onto areatolVlAllll3, Mee ..-
, z ; . sl.Partiens-lu til i ng. tip tollr,.
; Rater tagrP ? i•LoscZt: v itassalt A li,;kit.4.ol•At.,
j 'AVID - .V.:.T.TrlTlAß44ttaniep \*La';
• meiiiadv: on:
\ wally st a smi , th
tderatiluBs. Louis, pale 14
\mi l l d r , :se Pll4l ,oellktuv, Jo . 4 1 •Plas• ith= a
ltproli,3loop+4 0:•:: v - ugliat.
':::.•,•''' i :,: ; '::..':llAL , ',rlolOftP '_':_::
1. GICANT 4•BRI)TELEI4, '••:, • •
'ichgapetos er. YOBWARDING 2634t911.1171!,
No: el ItTo'hfulakPlaeek ,
' . 11•12114ELE.,. •
spOnolgiunonts of Wootaro, Pro‘nce, ruiteeValir
-Beal to—ifessilk itoff. Ponnolie a Co. sad to'gaisn,
JaMe4 A A Ilvd;chuotk a uo. - irscclie
• xratresp with:deep:deb, At',
rlbst.lifitYrra \ll
" 1 „.
J. 31? OIL, MOOR Jut troop Daditisa. ,eS
Tooth ik1(t117013003e5tnet0. 1310 . 111 .47: ,
N. lk.,—Pardealar,‘tts.tkoa tatie ont
Umd.. I ran Boas .td MUM , Cant • '
CINNA ON ak:'lClatiti:
• 16,w 62414 antasa susa \
01111TN14.44 Oat°. ' •
tilaastrignints solkdtik6istd rmapt attostlna
•• \ x
to-61ry John Oyler or, 3?„1.T01. UsarAlmak
rump:ugh. \. • , ‘,„ A J7s:a3cOv.:
• .
. . X
' "
V ' 0 1 1 : \ •
•"- 'BIDDLE• :
‘ Carsier jelperion Ave.
• D Bklt, % \ s,
ortvuaa 3. lIIBILS.
. j7FiiutiE ITO OW S . TB R,ld IF V4+ E--
,:,, Owl at 111. hat Dian:Ankirlth mAAA6I ,• : . - i ,1 2.
~ , . 1/6"'" MtrilriAii: 'T • •• e l r Al '
h rolghcor of sal** hod • , , 1
inure ..,n.
ao•oittlitAta asl.O.l•A it atletod•al `Ar . Sirl
iiii.., b,,i , ',About 0•14. TbrlEkt to . anoxibunt i 6 r
DA, g,;,. Atm mallard* , cu r r . l Y . Latilto . e . itrA l r . t. , .
: , , g , ext.,Cir :I i ' r gin 0 40 11OtbitO( TIMI,
..blig..atTa"r" D ' l '''lrr" .l '" l Vlttr c ial ...
i, cis wr-og zedosg..*
[boy Itat t i
tter, ell toce,=4 „ r i xttor . sil m e . l .
torecareA loses ; Ofiat Stlttl
000llostto•Ibt 11 , 1004 Ain; Wu. thAgd Autilkr.
A t 'sboriva xamLit7PKIO ,
• ‘b,..iscUtweetANAPA impost SO
• \ - '., ___ „\ ....... ; \ 4 , - ' ''' tr t lri t T rmi an h=" l , h 7 ftwn elialinliVatr:
‘' .. ..T`l N \ s l i \•-• '''Aawm**l.' n ' ''
• ''' ' ' . -.
OA ~." 1640 . 4 t•-eF itail bay \ - \',.* • '',
ICI , -JONES dkYC.Ci: . baii'suaiolti . , n`3 4 " 41
. . 15 ,70 1 . , auxur p- i 4 00. iviii.i....ii...,,
Vs eP.arltitagsell 5
ores *N I a . :a :
~ I ZtrILIENC"'onk jp, - . .vti j o:
wn ' ''' """' 4' ='''`lt tk lrevi 4 &sta • *mut , ' ‘4'...#l9 ° ,nt Phvg,q l .u.9'
Asorkp, mu, higc 6?..,. ' l6 - ,-*Ap . it 1 .
k..1 . y. - 444, ' Aar ,
\ . , \.O —,,......t \ , .-. , . k 1 , M 4, Maims' . ' I TA• AlAtlizaUm csAttl•A by •
- s ' ~
"• • • fk00tt.....t. '', ••• .• ' too AA. tb• HAIL b . 1t••33 extatutteo AAA IR rif f•mAh
( .1 ./t 8 l ' / ' ..A‘33 \ F 2' \ 143 ‘4 1/6 :lag- "M":4141',° grx-c.:,-...=1.'...,,l gmrteag=
1.-J, t r6z-uut , 4.o—ti , -.....w tat- ~.' C o -* • ~: 'iLAA breaciart tbiZ•ti,,A4Al d &OA °tall Mwl-
AA ravort. amok% &A 14 . -rt." - Aga. mi2unt, AroducfArtA.TAlalesat• deSt.gArg.ts•
1 \,\, , , 1 ~. ~
~1..., AM& stale I .4?,..A..ANSO:tAAAIt se
_sp! , a7_
\, , - ; ,-, ,,RATICIVisu .. , - 0tte0tt1 11 0 3 =6,, , 42 . ,....6 .., , ;, r . .; „.,„r
\ , ~... VILE:OIB , ‘# C 01 ::-ItaniOlv *ad \ 1.1 " iir0:1 3 ,74 comas La ... ....r wAte".l.l4 NW 1
. .. - ILOrciakm4 ,Soce.t•Lt.o.t. to of to OLOI, too IbIO•
' • ..- QM . 4111.1ta ll .tiO 10 0 00 IrTcoratiot, tb t=7, t-,
NO.kf , ':' l , o 4 l :=4o
\ ' - •- •
\ .'.
. ' ' .\ ‘ ‘ k ., Vi . • ' -••-•.',' '•
.\... \ '.'!\_•\ ';.:.,.:\ \,.‘,' - \' ', -,\ v, '
.. s - ~Iti, . ,‘. . i, ..''' ''. :':W .,. • :. .• ' '• ' ' '
11 '..'.- Y „ Stl'..V.'
.1 -N \ t,, A
‘.\\ ...‘. •\. . . '..: \\, V ,
• • ' \.&
sAisivi; I z-Val
icitrHAß. 11 . 013,833,
Ili T,ll.
• \ - • sa.T.,scps, otos. .
.9 . 4i0j141:.'i,,' ., '.ii -,
-*-Alirjhaciii-OkitiTtr: ' F ,: ' ;J
I MPOIC:k . . Azzotu we
rs IN rll.4•AaralaAw . -
:a•. s Woofsirekt, Plitsplx-ib: j •
S P4kir4i4
L.F.A,IN 1ia=111,9131.4.1#
'• ].. ALL PAP at. • \ •
• •
• '4,smott ...•
\ Portzaite . d Kemal*, of ,
LI wit:rap/ad ‘• . Nish:Fecal Idelakrithr BKIO ,
1.171/ sod ctlone B$ Joh • I.lelogotorb of e IC.7osh
he to 2ec 1E53 i
tae yoroniltO .r. {IL 01= yea Aar. aIitIIAMOtTIPON
In , tOe hoes% s Kof Om art, • • atel IrdontrtelMorat
.‘‘Ah7:4t.' '
te t iir a tiortt l f '4l:l'.° i2l ;di `ll.
trail. na.4nostl ve s.ll:oreolitebte *the abillil s 4. tatr .
srl , 4 I Mr. 11,1 la o. net ion I,s odors fiery dable
hti__,B hetet 11br T 1 the eymir .UV Oat is toe=
s ;'. 7 '' ' 7 ' ' '''' tt '4l \ :. . b'''
r " egie•l F . g3 ;fr . PruW.
tit,VA.,::17... Ni : • 041 •• •'41 o 1: t 741 :: :' .. 71 *urIc hb ••• •'11 1 ,, ,t , e t - 7 4_ 1' 4 d . v.
~ 4 ...t 0.060 It it to vor —ants. v.
l'Oe mat hy _\ „ D aVISON a lINXW.
vo , LHartsq. Ur. et, near Curt.l..
-1., Ar,oppotibi \Oho It ti:/.llor , hos I raved— ,
otra to Boosnel l ' 2 • t'T • , a't , B. elhb ....qc \ lc..
\ `ht the . VOltof 1 ~,,,.. .. \ Th e g a b ,\b, i .
- \
a t i tto i llb ' Or glOrt . Vo Wide i ti \ .. \ .
' 11,141.11.1 \
Allahla Limm.i, it o timou's It It ' \
.cli Cqe. or T g % Ili _
The ore,h Hind —A 8 ors X• 3. 4.
, x. 8,4 xlr.
Tio n o/7 ' 154 . 1:07• oltrili4l4 m0. ,1 b x
E we 1$ moat, oho tsots ,
or e
rop . ur
' Whom of the dr): , \ \
WAvirir Novels. comPleter b tho mt.
1 trarpleo' idali2110••• ..MDI.Ut .4IO2 , ‘ " L i 6 \..21 ,
scut month. \
. 2, 7 ,..
NI A° \A Z INNS : J.I'9Ik. . EISINER , -
..cintow,Tblia'riris.o.. • 11.104 ASC4in_q
tar ptennun. • 11.1 i. tiasdny full at MO/ 4. 4 ,
OcistuunibethVocd latiAtbers-41 12.* the emit:m.o.k
of the beautiful story:ll7 T. Buchan. 8ic51.."Th... 1 1 1-
irenieot lb. fin Bernstd . ” a -eolith:nu on
_cf 016;111ns:
In4/.llnlfalc..""The Mae .n 4 ,110 rasa 7: cowl-4 4 ~
%tsalcane entitled 'lnk OnSh.un.", hnin US ~.._.,1117..10hr,f O.
nice. and senttnelnis7-I..anstz ether 141 ,,. ...... , c 6 4, 7, -
4 it"egirta i lLy.ll==lt —" L n '"7 - :
1.- 4 %e /awn of. thißale Moe.. hhonal T bn .1 3 - Breccerc
nihos• I'ELsine Übe fp ha rm ":. is c r ating mash er ,
! Cit•luebt in Knitlant.\ . , • .- \ ~ \ ~
• -• aupk.cod'a 31.4.1140 tbr..t Sus 4 : \ . \ • . \ .
. Yati,kr6 hotlons.f.r nefitem . ~
~"..,,, .. ,' _ • •
.. i T.:, ' 0 trgy.-ntv f..g,gr&nia,.... nn
Into . pies& tp c' sintstannasbanianyn cents 1 •
.. Presif use.llis billow clovelet " . " '-` -, - ".-, • • •
lyols.l. Laud 4 otehnison's Mclnnis!. bound. a.s,
yriti.W. usio,,NEw utlaw.:4i.),
' , SRO; u jag recitud;.UT "Adisis* 81Vms.-- -
• lili 1 001ING—s Amnr sosslut Lanai—Km•
limed anddedted.ta...ll.4ellery Anderson, of this dr ,
h y H./lister. " . • \ •
\ Brld.' g °l ".. l4tl C .0
h.entiful nolneed ‘l4lnette.l
, ihegnal.s ter .ne Ilona isyllod.ten.' ,
The Pope Lig•l e• a happy last trangleted hem Um
ee: dro
• ...There' sold me
lin 03.141ver; the Zfegie:fethe?" 4 14
„.EVIL I E L "..rf' l,o ..
.P 114N 7 4 :_,,,_ 0* : m.
• The Yriendi We've let; Inland: hY.P0.....i. ' ....
Agues Mart sneer Billed. '.. - • • -:••,
Holiday iithottiattn
ny a t compoult . ll.• , Cf.r . ,
~ : ,
tedg \
geretoge eehottierin Ili colored tre,ol lin:atoll.
• Means Polka: as PI , • - .
,ALFIO-4.1t extenelve Mauna of, Enna' for (I her;
together nith toe mot,Vroo tar e.nfoelttonn•ef :h. , do?.
V " .lol° . '' , 2 ° l "' WIt NO . .• 1 . . •
.-.•... Jr25;.7.... .... , -,, ~ r ..... vert.ot the tiolden Hal,,
..... .
: .. LAW A Lear smito!ii. , :Atari:, 4odlootod to t!!'
' l'`' T
- ..- • ' NO. o.4terke , ..t, nest Fourth.
N EW .'BOOKS-3.44 , an ,;,the Emotions
A Joarner sonad tbs - W41.147 tidy ck-r;
7t4 and lut Vol.otColesl4ll.. ' •01; \ •
Eupgior 1111164174te, Latex sad • ' • •• •
• mg, .• \ • L. ILEA \
Annx.A.Nr), rav antis SON LAWS;
:mut Itsunir Land Lawal • Anstsri bland,
us sundry! essintlan: orDostre Donal 185%.
ectutal at the Wepartatent DITAISnr.W.,I!4'iT,s; , )! • P: ,
dix sontsininn,tll,,t l D.rt A
. 11 1 TA t" Ty lfrelnt•
f thas.. b naws. - compu.d - by , ftobert, .31arnia. D,, amp \
Ferdinand,Blopop,,c.onnosliorsat Lanl , pert . and, to
\ J. in WEL IN. ,
betnrecaltaid . .d Yonsth.
anent Cominii-
• • islits,
. .
'MAID 'AND Tilt, th-1011014S--A,Ccnk
contaof Metbyal , art 'Mini or bibiA Loa,
in rals t tloala kl,allh. maws ',
.and 9414t00, by ,Wtlbaro. !..,tolv; NLD...„11,..`11C.8 . . .Ilast
'ro'd TOO fay . s4llr ... s s i:- W,, , Vdit,4, r • • •
ma 89 {food. 'Aron: botarlin Thlri .s' ),,,,,.1,.
ANIL TELE .pIOTIONS '--- - - \ :Consii ; '
' .ie 7 a i:: i4iilon to n.ith - . - nt.i.... ii,art.usio . v
f Cool, N. J.=\ - ' DAlf/aONS Et 'AtiALKW. •• ~
7,...a5538, ,, , ,, , , -,,,lia..iirMarlibtErist ,,, orar
the yegeteble lointa' ..
N.;+, i
1..w.,,„P°9i f , 8 ; - - 7 P o 0 !:. iTy , s p T
' ,Bai ' e• Hl;i4;."'f 64 163iiel"i'Y ' . '•
. 1\
• .-IHLlgiitl.tgalsitiflbr . 4Di ll ,'L . ' Cioot. 1.::j5,. •'•
,Roksabisbr • (4. 0 .1 A •B. BLEiVIO .u a CO ,
Iti 00K5,4,5zr .. Livedr Price en the:Pictu
10 ,tvpreqar. 'with Nsuilj , on: the orbit. Or \Test*. lab'
I ranob other larictarixty 2 at4T•2 , 011..-912111 TIM. 8 TO.
, ro.raita.l Ltioseagy thudetins .5 royialdiabitaatare;
w TonstNeit k IVand ha , of America. Far sal.
bY \ .., \ • :.' \ ' - Latin ~ : ~ ',' 4.43., BOSWORTH a PO. , •
. ' 4 .REPLY fro DRPIiES§LY
l asoswona k cgr\
Aw\ !.,„ .; , ,1: 52.Ailiiitail ''''• '
.::. ;v4 •,:.:: ! , \ A.. \ .0 t SRL'. , _
Forzi"!s Ccipiplasion'lli A erchit,:.
.1 7 - 144.0.
Aixtv.t. fo 41.1•Ufsa EoraNiern. Vogul Poo, sad Daly
Limo of sautl Boats botofqoa Crorti andritto_ .•
_llyCiAli_ . , '.B9IJ'IIIEBN \ SAILROAD . : , . -
'~Tile moor ork the oioOkOeizition.;•rillplio.
of , tb to Mt* tw• ftrot elms& c One oleos. tioaC.
US lee, oaf, dobk *valor • ,8344.0 nr•Ff___Oftl,Zr
'M.o., Wang at Osaviroskr ettaXogoo, "rif rfolf
Oil lltoorosi , tfroo for the monflpf _
_4sinal l ey, ?ler? ,
reotersid 10,.'41'i14• =bylkisifff• re%
,rrit., - f4 , llowings.ftator itet.,l,ll.nalcP.i . l7
he ir..
• doirid g ii4 a \' ~ a i m*" ifi,i orrA, Si. Siltty4
' ' ' ' • - I) 14e,
'' ' \ \ ‘ . 4 51,: - - ,\:•',. g;. t.
\ PITi
: ,
.f)ii ' ot , kani. at 0.6044; tia \ vall\tii \ mt.:
47 to ie.:SITS Sr lik74 . ,T). ,
~, 0.. \ PT , 0 4. 4 . 4 \S•7 I 1
Clath'glitlttgla 10W08 \ . ,*1 , 1 , 'ld b7eopozsaPlir,
, Fi.due..60,....h.,....,,,mb. , ved andformated
Ir% l44 h=”vmerait ,p7r lr f'k..
, . rt r 'ea'd,. awl**. paliN
I ‘ tt sn d " t "'' %Ina° :c.i11'13.4k, ' ~.
udia a
:. \,,;r: . :).,itria.._ ...,It: . ‘ , -1
‘ N .7- 11113Viitinl A c mtv.'llF:• . ‘ •.:1
2,..,i, \, \-- _ ... , , •,,,, lunr,fa's.i.',.\
.. . s, , •
- itt, VI .A. \N , , c ..E\ Vi t N E
VV.: .-.P. 9. 93 4rtr-P:147 „-1. - • .
s iiiiii
' • -
, v 7 . t r#6r.itAreoe.l. -
!"."` \ ~. " I n "VT"ard.rt,i„thk _. \ \ t t,, ,
„ „ s•,
, •
\. •
7\-\._.-\. \
'k.:.,',\-, s'f B
ip-u we i rr , ` k =
.i; d‘f 41A.t.orAt rh! ! q3l4o .
IE OE T, P. Z , iA fk OM O4
\attlt -`1
gllfliTi tt,r...7.7 , ,, ~
LOW '\
: , .
B • 011/10_ItZ80;.FOR, ZNGEtirgfh.
\ ' ETOOKuElliblralip . HT rtonoc r 4Lacr •'.
•.-W\. CF.'S itw.3 7, EnliC4PSTfaitt
I tua
, r i a,- k rbeentlo g vibtA rg glnatitlx b u l tra , .
AO* far IttS•ra toWint Time aroma Buller. au a
: ilnett'sr anew d arm, baistraaddra 3 , um/ - Shay °mar: 1
but ra.rtrath of am mac/Sate* a artutrasl tar • norisan• •
'• tae bath: .ad stratum /3 or more per cant hs• rue/ they
rerpalt• no t,.. front. nod,ballersrand sto ftraadpt Ark/ or
nuittartsrartt, and not or, anirthlrd th• usual adnount of
MU tn./ Ti., srtt oylLndrlttol. essornat.-alsal,ty tray
CZ . lll, 4 4ria t ta r o:: , Vol l' claSe " r r rnat th al ltigVis_
Wen than wlth the , twilsto hailer; oral Inntirsnai 1
Vemu take .S. 'Oars thou /alias are caul At sush
a yrrmhser at. what* tbnearontort bullets MK, ud. ,
...Ns so . 3/•1011rw lug Dsrsona, 'sr ho 0.10 UOiOlf tame
/Wars, slat lit .o'B Busher. IWO 1.
'it I , lttsnarg h:'
Orman bar] llbarthr•Grkan t 114 7 'it Callsall, ila•
.Idirstown, Alla is taunt. v• Wheat:A. Marsh A Ce:
War Bedford, war Cleveland. Men tai •Itar• a cartn-
Attatslard• the laiterua;,•l3 , ,. • .1 , , • l .
V , A•• ' - \ \ ttrw /313d93/. e. .J... vi lin- 1 .
i.,1 , 1:1r. WatLieDrs\iltet Wt Maio mir.l tho %Tsrtlrar.
le; you atria fora swilled Mat It wrztko estrannalr .
\ We sue lax .st am . sawdust. •nd la tart wanton/
Id al Itr tort , aid a., rho oil/item,* waft- .t. Ryius
anY/larlrot roes. is abast3bandtr• Ira use Is s aw r el . Det
'ea .mashed that It la stassrar tattle lbsrurist , al ladllsr.
. ' l4 4 •l:;il74 , .. d raliarg " Str.lVlTVllitg
_yrt I Ln aitid b tl: • 7a ra lr ..
bkie ears u...ti rar/natardand Cu? uRt It ..i,i,.., half
....p5. (7 .0 t. keep up Out tie ton oltu day ltap ..,.: • ~
'.','N,. - -VA "tagi 'ngate;ci....4 , co.
.iii'="2. l el.9l i i% tr a,'' .. " l , WV:fai:
n ub 4 1n...b..% sto laterly IkUr t. * ‘ I , , "
Il k
..,,i. rialUVtiiiitr!' , .ree aratf,lV:=.
01.",,,c1e,"4J,T, 4 „. ! ° !.. n r . : !! , :!! W II! Ie..! 1 0 4.!
;AV Ti b etaitts4 In i ut , ,tm. , itipeta . . ,
• A '3laOat sauartor ar u 7 sulara,... ax/ Ist ar... sly:v . 7./1M:-
Intl 443ttrita,Cravne.t. Mkt/4 *WU, it* ._ ,_ I :..
11.!..4. 09 hand. •
Lad Iltsbleo•laW 111,. , ,t. .;
MUM stILOXILLNO. ,, ent pm s t eaPaaJlio up L . 1.: , _
lasunpr Watt's,'" 67 , 1p.1 ;., t , ,p.. ; 71 . 7 ,
.. uraini is thosiiilatdua /3: 3 4',4=Ki14. i••i r k as .
me, : gostur:fr:t lapte&X4: l = a Aviatr,r4.
o i„ , ,i,aithl 11=r. gratrr. ;:om
.„„.,...w, 0,,, , ,i .4..Witontdl)..• ban betund
...I.- ri , -...,..., oHesi....b. •_! i., no”. •
a ~,
Gent, .„....-,-ote f that rala tawaris,o 7,l —.a firet\ ~
Ent the Lash L ean tebilerant watbetulya b nate 100 \ ,
1 neY \ \
b.41 " --Cee au ln i tere.. 4" anZe * en . "'M. o. irt i t i te ettrat fats ort.a \ , s
ono slur. ,-* . . t tn g e degbe,l or mornory , 'k
b t• Thu h i r , l. ‘ ° l :Z e l l :4. „1% MT Sateen. Ilyeeotrip . l , I , , \
rinoridus, and - a pt
dlieseee fr/tarpw
„ Alves
eay of the nrove&ettug. fanottr e b i tX o 4, o tt r y be. s \ ,\
emu+ tuttwy• P .3 P M “ . " ." ' b tweet , riera . sa;ir's \ \ s
nunere.rove l t .U ''' . a l '. fn'
ro t a o Te:a.c .d °r PI ' '' \
laKSCI+.. SL
Vila Cul T i tuuLitio rozumi I •p&t , trulau . a.tvi,
Lou; h.....abutulf...,:iditi
l uori ;,; uti ro tulto ;:;t :is ai. ,.. 4 7 .;.d om: r . s.3 ... u.3 . \ ; ,,;; \, , \
watthe'...P'. ~,,..,,„.,,. eertro, In ha the rehear c 1) , ,,. \
rt sj 4llVala t.Onq't„d°,Pr" ..i '%7flFh' . o l:A,. , I n a \ ‘... \
11./4.71•4:V474-el-Woman'ettonistactou"st eltort ua re "ar rloal ti ot a- tr i et i ''' \\\ \ ' \ \ \
bldeb. retm.r t v r. ,-,,,, 0 , 0 , 0007 , 00 „,„„, \ \\ •
....ity ...I t4t f tb °,l,A4 o netitscholt mental 4.0114 .. \ • \ s \
t% ;74*.tdi ' ' ' ''"4 ''''''h'iuTivrathate= tel
\ , \.,
et notion. fear Of tem. tr . , o
oe the. etersigatr,t • tbe 'eaneeaato, mew I, \,., s.
glallb ' er .1"-- .".* b"'" d" rf lA ' s ' arroleTul t l i g r. \ '
Omer:ulster , and arretalmkte. er , ____t_... um ,. , , ,
~ , \
,aloft Q. II". fl . :', l : g r i !' ' ell ''' . " I n"C r .:r. i; • \ s
'mrerrb.ulftleel'uremunToltle. oilero, '' rolilooZ. }mi.:S u l . or, \ \ \
'' :gt ',,l=rl W ll'." Ve r n t stiV ' flit= ;IW l fk . l s
' o „t f , o "t=hi l g "-- f ir iiparaton rot *ablau& e . ..\ 1 1 4 \
h a ob th ee. cold and ebleenei state of the frame. ft XX-,, , li
Ote ebetrattirn.allette tcria:u r tett% reetet t tgety. 0 . , . t.
10911114 . 7 3 ma sue. beetos sorl Ohio of the. feron
iamb cecadeo a
dr ag th t eatattoree aro
to o t ,
hetet ,etercaeh . Is rut out order, the so
ci the i x„
eotorecatE one. • helix Ofa e obrbtral atMertl = \ I
be \
hub al \ tt11.,." 1 ' ‘1 . 7 0 1.' .. 0 1t t. l .l.ttGer7T,:tlrbrWro - - '
.frr s e!rie ' o ' it ''
t ` C' \ ' V \ ‘
0 . ..7 c0...,.,,E,., -„, , \ , . , -,,
~,, ..„...V, aye , Dad V.. . Bet co., Ir:
bee \ ,
rah Oernieeth. Ally eroben of.lotat %tot one of tbe 10 , tt
PICA. to .gO ,l W ".... 1-IL. ' -t ", i ll Pt l , ET''' . . \ ...
. 19
itie . 4l tOld Ibtlat ..13! , L.T7: ~_. ~____. _ \ \ \ t
nirt!3.774,7t41,111=T;1: : - Ir=trltß \, ,
'hopes of d VrC.:, g 0 ith a batmen. of he oanethl \ \
'" Ytkr ?: t i, 4 1., 1,1e•I etrer par. althea:at lea no th \\ ".
'',g,43.1 aro ;Zt.94s{..ttbn beti 11..." 1 " I t \ \ ' \
f y
4 T.Zi,..„: .1\ od ..,.16.1 nr.d .b.u.gda. \ \ %
ph,44..t... ..u.. 1 1 1 v 0,111214 tra gator-onel \ • .., •
tented toil thing en that but I found no 1 If a s ~
lormarrea - ems 01 TO T en:dial. I toosteay IS/k , mp \ t,
Another toys. "1 ea . e# , ours - Lave It El ~ V \ ~..,
-Cat-diu ts d . au, by did Ina huer, of Almloa, . r t 1 ( A
11,rtnli / erhenT" ''''''f '' v - 7' 7\ \ - \ '..
, .braItRISIX ZaVONBe \ .\ \ • •
. It
.viper* cowmen,. uf he:ability from irbetever a \ ,
,fafill tint , all Miter. afters.they the a bottle or I \ s 1
Aidtam'riutlibi4.l.o%2'''="TVe'rrlleitlteren"brarbillard7: 4 1 \ '.\ \ \ s \
woolly nob as to lime* We Instalterryo of auratflri \ , , , ~,
40 , 0 ogt 0 1,h. ... Ar ,Ot. VlereoPri.ktr C . CLl s fit \ \\ ` ,
0 b g3t of the most rotA6' lol.r. " . .„0... 4 :1 0 .4taity ob . • ' \\
eyes', rerootr on it ...3 :"I l r 0 I 7 0 ;V 00 get d tr ,. \ \ '5
bailsT i l. s
~. ,t n ltZ ~,,,,e O, O OO, .. 0 j,,,, f o r \\ s - i.
Mrtty ;Isents t o.oltru oftodul.stklio wat i l e at . !? \\s , , s‘ \
treiTuatntgt*olst=il".__ „blth i . \ s s \ , -‘).
uou y n uuthg outnageo. Thoareneatt=f l ak t = t e..7e; \ , ,
. s \ \
1.,, , ,nat uAri- \
, \ •‘, ~ •
A raNrabie lierseelyA-laulfor e
ptdSe'ett b 6 in e' ati l _rigreatle. \ \
ljta t ,Zl4. oett a t g ,yr.00,, R , x ) \ \ \
~,d.,,,,,,,,,„„,,,,,,,,,„,,,,b . ,,„,,,,,,,,..,, , \ \
those arising from a seart habit o youth.
~,,V \\s s \ ,
dere are Oft en Iranklltio th e
itnlris ir pLoi. 1... ,5 r ,, 0 , \
\\\ „ \
tr.U°. ' noaalt "
' et ' ' t ''' .• .. " ..-7-Pur r E r,A\ \ \ \ ,
disorder* eke mho unat i etenf g . 1 ,1 1 , 4 , 1„,,,, ,„ \ .,
r-m0n.....-u.-bier.t...tla'riz:l,... \ \ \\,
o , t , lbith. t .• " 4 4 . 1°1 ,:' . \ . 1 \
th ' nb.'him. \ • EalOtaitellAt.-f-\ \ ' \ , \
Wa delve the Tso . Valte . gripel a lrgeanag .
:;,il _
~ , \ \,
rizia.m7igvalzipvg:. \ _. \\\,
witness to rater tr, its atonal tempts in ins pg , . \ •
I.ll.trliOr:rtr torquift=l;;Ltgli:4l,7=lMol:ll,,
\ s ‘
' l eitTnls, S e in . d " farb : t.'l'bili r c ide c n th %Ara U Irbil ' \ \ \
bforee's Oaa Cal. Oa eartleehoor ) , \
hareirt fra a rind. MI o.thil4. B l , o. lll .theiltieS
.fleeted rmiteal eurrAiher yattentfA e beain Or
i at t : i otthetr Nn h t e ltort=a l e: b
et. , y
y'lfee tiering been aZatcra whet? %Ojai
, 1 43= i lif l at ' llTe . 4%1= =4,..."4" E '
i.... 4., d..... 1 uul thellithont a stub. Walla .
~trseratelolls,foe, Itelf:l. here, kerrAleus of vOlarat
vials bait reshrel all treetmen ler overran leaf& lara
10 thee blame sod far,PbXledelptde,. Ind t h e rmion* 0
eand aete for enicide. raditallr caved wit tom ciassilt
the. Ila hed c hutalreel? ualthunt_rallif., and v,
e Zif . 4 y/ 404 7 2 ' 3 ' 0 T "l ia " " n. L n ie , f ir74,...r. 1 1 . 11
lag; So\ ea-} Elorn• thole afteur,Xtro requartai `
opine:mei the entrusted zor . horicereArt tostlarl
I y pretties ' ,
' e74,2=ifl; i tiga fLr gtti. Id rm. io. it \ \
4,44.1 Redeems inky that/Ling of tba kind with V' "s \
11. ulna:3W. both te to Its merituboal *tut. end \
'a:f mtvx . irmo,r,t,-Pdit:...gar if. ,
,z,\irr i
~:lr ),..., lb, .xeessirs Indulgent* f thea -
Mon ravine tag end btrytleal breastnabot.huud
wen ramblttono nUrtaa arareatloes.ln , earadt for
Vi:C . tel s agl 9 = 1 4 . tirrib l erm =lot • a no
..... 4
JratrotOo o t t e tbrynoter i flns i tt • vlltg:g . IA , •
VC : i d tri4 d it: el ' aestd\abiable toadb:One \
13r"Ib t .l k I' l l'V.l 4349. / :: ' V'
_inred .... Nry 14 ttO/1k,7.0:a10a flat___llale bl
ra. ci. croosoLgutu. loaut Uroadwur. Neer X ,
so- iboorall Cede:shoat be leXhiellet: ' \
fleeeral Agebte.aVitt. Tl..expre t ir
her or,Xf nod abaci etl. l •Viral. = 4 .... 4 . 1 4 \
4niti r
eortoorpf Woet.Gat¢ rourths ta. ,
1 In-4th put jap `Nobly
tele In Mat
wi lVlZT,.7 7 =gira i lV tittnedoui: ,
E n thy t — f eoe c et tle4 1 \ . 4:p eoror cons In tba Du nit
1,, m.twa, 51....., , , the OterVe of the Dish
Court f, flue SentbAtt Uhler raf ea Oats of Nes re
(*TAT ON. fo,
• catneikov,
IDn cum
lava o•
it *soy* \ vada
o tra
a at, r .
; \
‘, • IV
• \ ity ct . Tiro X •
/oat.. wane \
• " Li kw i r'S
the -*si , •
rondoll.b. u
tointarinff:ttn now
not only 10-too
to tt-tii-dOdtdeV"".°l •,
4 ,ATa r ra h . l l l 4 4 4 fatro l itatant 1:4, dne..N., • ,
\ , , p
. . .
, ‘..,\ \ \\ \\\\\ • \
% \
\ 9
\ \s"
\\.• • \
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